
Subversion Repositories mb-jpeg

Compare Revisions

  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 11 to Rev 12
    Reverse comparison

Rev 11 → Rev 12

39,6 → 39,25
Executable: decoder/executable.elf
Source: decoder/decoder.c
InitBram: 0
Active: 0
CompilerOptLevel: 2
GlobPtrOpt: 0
DebugSym: 1
ProfileFlag: 0
ProgStart: 0x50
SwProj: Testbench1
Processor: microblaze_0
Executable: Testbench1/executable.elf
Source: testbench1/tb1.c
Header: testbench1/tb1.h
DefaultInit: executable
InitBram: 1
Active: 1
CompilerOptLevel: 2
47,8 → 66,8
ProfileFlag: 0
ProgStart: 0x50
131,21 → 131,21
decoder_program: $(DECODER_OUTPUT)
Testbench1_program: $(TESTBENCH1_OUTPUT)
$(LIBRARIES) __xps/decoder_compiler.opt
$(LIBRARIES) __xps/testbench1_compiler.opt
201,11 → 201,11
@rm -f $(SYSTEM)_bd.bmm
@echo "*********************************************"
@echo "Creating system ace file"
@echo "*********************************************"
xmd -tcl genace.tcl -jprog -hw $(DOWNLOAD_BIT) -elf $(DECODER_OUTPUT) -target mdm -ace $(SYSTEM_ACE)
xmd -tcl genace.tcl -jprog -hw $(DOWNLOAD_BIT) -elf $(TESTBENCH1_OUTPUT) -target mdm -ace $(SYSTEM_ACE)
1062,3 → 1062,4368
Xilinx Platform Studio (XPS)
Xilinx EDK 8.1 Build EDK_I.18.7
Copyright (c) 1995-2006 Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved.
At Local date and time: Sat Jun 24 21:20:11 2006
xbash -q -c "cd /cygdrive/d/mb-jpeg/; /usr/bin/make -f system.make clean; exit;" started...
rm -f implementation/system.ngc
rm -f implementation/system.bmm
rm -f implementation/system.bit
rm -f implementation/system.ncd
rm -f implementation/system_bd.bmm
rm -rf implementation synthesis xst hdl
rm -rf xst.srp system.srp
rm -rf microblaze_0/lib/
rm -f decoder/executable.elf
rm -rf simulation/behavioral
rm -rf virtualplatform
rm -f _impact.cmd
At Local date and time: Sat Jun 24 21:21:11 2006
xbash -q -c "cd /cygdrive/d/mb-jpeg/; /usr/bin/make -f system.make init_bram; exit;" started...
Creating system netlist for hardware specification..
platgen -p xc2vp30ff896-7 -lang vhdl -lp D:/XilinxXUP/lib/ -st xst system.mhs
Release Xilinx EDK 8.1 - platgen EDK_I.18.7
Copyright (c) 1995-2005 Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved.
Command Line: platgen -p xc2vp30ff896-7 -lang vhdl -lp D:/XilinxXUP/lib/ -st xst
Parse system.mhs ...
Read MPD definitions ...
Sourcing tcl file
tcl ...
Sourcing tcl file
Sourcing tcl file
Sourcing tcl file
_cntlr_v2_1_0.tcl ...
Sourcing tcl file
tcl ...
Sourcing tcl file
tcl ...
Overriding IP level properties ...
microblaze (microblaze_0) -
mpd line 63 - tool overriding c_family value virtex2 to virtex2p
microblaze (microblaze_0) -
mpd line 64 - tool overriding c_instance value microblaze to microblaze_0
microblaze (microblaze_0) -
mpd:93 - tcl overriding C_ADDR_TAG_BITS value 17 to 0
microblaze (microblaze_0) -
mpd:100 - tcl overriding C_DCACHE_ADDR_TAG value 17 to 0
opb_mdm (debug_module) -
line 42 - tool overriding c_family value virtex2 to virtex2p
bram_block (lmb_bram) -
mpd line 42 - tool overriding c_family value virtex2 to virtex2p
opb_gpio (leds_4bit) -
line 41 - tool overriding c_family value virtex2 to virtex2p
opb_gpio (dipsws_4bit) -
line 41 - tool overriding c_family value virtex2 to virtex2p
opb_gpio (pushbuttons_5bit) -
line 41 - tool overriding c_family value virtex2 to virtex2p
dcm_module (dcm_0) -
mpd line 60 - tool overriding c_family value virtex2 to virtex2p
bram_block (data_bram_0) -
mpd line 42 - tool overriding c_family value virtex2 to virtex2p
bram_block (data_bram_1) -
mpd line 42 - tool overriding c_family value virtex2 to virtex2p
Performing IP level DRCs on properties...
Running DRC Tcl procedures for OPTION IPLEVEL_DRC_PROC...
Sourcing tcl file
2_1_0.tcl ...
Sourcing tcl file
2_1_0.tcl ...
Sourcing tcl file
2_1_0.tcl ...
Sourcing tcl file
2_1_0.tcl ...
Address Map for Processor microblaze_0
(0x00000000-0x0000ffff) dlmb_cntlr dlmb
(0x00000000-0x0000ffff) ilmb_cntlr ilmb
(0x40000000-0x4000ffff) PushButtons_5Bit mb_opb
(0x40020000-0x4002ffff) LEDs_4Bit mb_opb
(0x40040000-0x4004ffff) DIPSWs_4Bit mb_opb
(0x40600000-0x4060ffff) RS232_Uart_1 mb_opb
(0x41400000-0x4140ffff) debug_module mb_opb
(0x41800000-0x4180ffff) SysACE_CompactFlash mb_opb
(0x70000000-0x7000ffff) data_bram_if_cntlr_0 dlmb
(0x70010000-0x7001ffff) data_bram_if_cntlr_1 dlmb
Check platform configuration ...
opb_v20 (mb_opb) - D:\mb-jpeg\system.mhs line 55 - 2 master(s) : 6 slave(s)
lmb_v10 (ilmb) - D:\mb-jpeg\system.mhs line 81 - 1 master(s) : 1 slave(s)
lmb_v10 (dlmb) - D:\mb-jpeg\system.mhs line 89 - 1 master(s) : 3 slave(s)
Check port drivers...
WARNING:MDT - dcm_0_lock (LOCKED) - D:\mb-jpeg\system.mhs line 208 - floating
Check platform address map ...
Overriding system level properties ...
opb_v20 (mb_opb) -
line 39 - tool overriding c_num_masters value 4 to 2
opb_v20 (mb_opb) -
line 40 - tool overriding c_num_slaves value 4 to 6
lmb_v10 (ilmb) -
line 39 - tool overriding c_lmb_num_slaves value 4 to 1
lmb_v10 (dlmb) -
line 39 - tool overriding c_lmb_num_slaves value 4 to 3
lmb_bram_if_cntlr (dlmb_cntlr) -
_cntlr_v2_1_0.mpd line 45 - tool overriding c_mask value 0x00800000 to
lmb_bram_if_cntlr (ilmb_cntlr) -
_cntlr_v2_1_0.mpd line 45 - tool overriding c_mask value 0x00800000 to
bram_block (lmb_bram) -
mpd line 38 - tool overriding c_memsize value 2048 to 0x10000
bram_block (data_bram_0) - D:\mb-jpeg\system.mhs line 214 - tool overriding
c_memsize value 16384 to 0x10000
lmb_bram_if_cntlr (data_bram_if_cntlr_0) -
_cntlr_v2_1_0.mpd line 45 - tool overriding c_mask value 0x00800000 to
bram_block (data_bram_1) - D:\mb-jpeg\system.mhs line 230 - tool overriding
c_memsize value 16384 to 0x10000
lmb_bram_if_cntlr (data_bram_if_cntlr_1) -
_cntlr_v2_1_0.mpd line 45 - tool overriding c_mask value 0x00800000 to
Running DRC Tcl procedures for OPTION SYSLEVEL_DRC_PROC...
Performing System level DRCs on properties...
Modify defaults ...
Processing licensed instances ...
Completion time: 0.00 seconds
Creating hardware output directories ...
Managing hardware (BBD-specified) netlist files ...
Managing cache ...
Elaborating instances ...
bram_block (lmb_bram) - D:\mb-jpeg\system.mhs:115 - elaborating IP
bram_block (data_bram_0) - D:\mb-jpeg\system.mhs:211 - elaborating IP
bram_block (data_bram_1) - D:\mb-jpeg\system.mhs:227 - elaborating IP
Writing HDL for elaborated instances ...
Inserting wrapper level ...
Completion time: 3.00 seconds
Constructing platform-level signal connectivity ...
Completion time: 3.00 seconds
Writing (top-level) BMM ...
Writing BMM - D:\mb-jpeg\implementation\system.bmm
Writing (top-level and wrappers) HDL ...
Generating synthesis project file ...
Running XST synthesis ...
INFO:MDT - The following instances are synthesized with XST. The MPD option
IMP_NETLIST=TRUE indicates that a NGC file is to be produced using XST
synthesis. IMP_NETLIST=FALSE (default) instances are not synthesized.
microblaze_0_wrapper (microblaze_0) - D:\mb-jpeg\system.mhs:35 - Running XST
mb_opb_wrapper (mb_opb) - D:\mb-jpeg\system.mhs:55 - Running XST synthesis
debug_module_wrapper (debug_module) - D:\mb-jpeg\system.mhs:63 - Running XST
Trying to terminate Process...
Xilinx Platform Studio (XPS)
Xilinx EDK 8.1 Build EDK_I.18.7
Copyright (c) 1995-2006 Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved.
At Local date and time: Thu Jul 06 21:44:34 2006
xbash -q -c "cd /cygdrive/d/mb-jpeg/; /usr/bin/make -f system.make program; exit;" started...
Creating software libraries...
libgen -mhs system.mhs -p xc2vp30ff896-7 -lp D:/XilinxXUP/lib/ system.mss
Xilinx EDK 8.1 Build EDK_I.18.7
Copyright (c) 1995-2006 Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved.
Command Line: libgen -mhs system.mhs -p xc2vp30ff896-7 -lp D:/XilinxXUP/lib/
Output Directory (-od) : D:\mb-jpeg\
Part (-p) : virtex2p
Software Specification file : system.mss
Sourcing tcl file
tcl ...
Sourcing tcl file
Sourcing tcl file
Sourcing tcl file
_cntlr_v2_1_0.tcl ...
Sourcing tcl file
tcl ...
Sourcing tcl file
tcl ...
Overriding IP level properties ...
microblaze (microblaze_0) -
mpd line 63 - tool overriding c_family value virtex2 to virtex2p
microblaze (microblaze_0) -
mpd line 64 - tool overriding c_instance value microblaze to microblaze_0
microblaze (microblaze_0) -
mpd:93 - tcl overriding C_ADDR_TAG_BITS value 17 to 0
microblaze (microblaze_0) -
mpd:100 - tcl overriding C_DCACHE_ADDR_TAG value 17 to 0
opb_mdm (debug_module) -
line 42 - tool overriding c_family value virtex2 to virtex2p
bram_block (lmb_bram) -
mpd line 42 - tool overriding c_family value virtex2 to virtex2p
opb_gpio (leds_4bit) -
line 41 - tool overriding c_family value virtex2 to virtex2p
opb_gpio (dipsws_4bit) -
line 41 - tool overriding c_family value virtex2 to virtex2p
opb_gpio (pushbuttons_5bit) -
line 41 - tool overriding c_family value virtex2 to virtex2p
dcm_module (dcm_0) -
mpd line 60 - tool overriding c_family value virtex2 to virtex2p
bram_block (data_bram_0) -
mpd line 42 - tool overriding c_family value virtex2 to virtex2p
bram_block (data_bram_1) -
mpd line 42 - tool overriding c_family value virtex2 to virtex2p
Performing IP level DRCs on properties...
Running DRC Tcl procedures for OPTION IPLEVEL_DRC_PROC...
Sourcing tcl file
2_1_0.tcl ...
Sourcing tcl file
2_1_0.tcl ...
Sourcing tcl file
2_1_0.tcl ...
Sourcing tcl file
2_1_0.tcl ...
Address Map for Processor microblaze_0
(0x00000000-0x0000ffff) dlmb_cntlr dlmb
(0x00000000-0x0000ffff) ilmb_cntlr ilmb
(0x40000000-0x4000ffff) PushButtons_5Bit mb_opb
(0x40020000-0x4002ffff) LEDs_4Bit mb_opb
(0x40040000-0x4004ffff) DIPSWs_4Bit mb_opb
(0x40600000-0x4060ffff) RS232_Uart_1 mb_opb
(0x41400000-0x4140ffff) debug_module mb_opb
(0x41800000-0x4180ffff) SysACE_CompactFlash mb_opb
(0x70000000-0x7000ffff) data_bram_if_cntlr_0 dlmb
(0x70010000-0x7001ffff) data_bram_if_cntlr_1 dlmb
Check platform configuration ...
opb_v20 (mb_opb) - D:\mb-jpeg\system.mhs line 55 - 2 master(s) : 6 slave(s)
lmb_v10 (ilmb) - D:\mb-jpeg\system.mhs line 81 - 1 master(s) : 1 slave(s)
lmb_v10 (dlmb) - D:\mb-jpeg\system.mhs line 89 - 1 master(s) : 3 slave(s)
Check port drivers...
WARNING:MDT - dcm_0_lock (LOCKED) - D:\mb-jpeg\system.mhs line 208 - floating
Check platform address map ...
Overriding system level properties ...
opb_v20 (mb_opb) -
line 39 - tool overriding c_num_masters value 4 to 2
opb_v20 (mb_opb) -
line 40 - tool overriding c_num_slaves value 4 to 6
lmb_v10 (ilmb) -
line 39 - tool overriding c_lmb_num_slaves value 4 to 1
lmb_v10 (dlmb) -
line 39 - tool overriding c_lmb_num_slaves value 4 to 3
lmb_bram_if_cntlr (dlmb_cntlr) -
_cntlr_v2_1_0.mpd line 45 - tool overriding c_mask value 0x00800000 to
lmb_bram_if_cntlr (ilmb_cntlr) -
_cntlr_v2_1_0.mpd line 45 - tool overriding c_mask value 0x00800000 to
bram_block (lmb_bram) -
mpd line 38 - tool overriding c_memsize value 2048 to 0x10000
bram_block (data_bram_0) - D:\mb-jpeg\system.mhs line 214 - tool overriding
c_memsize value 16384 to 0x10000
lmb_bram_if_cntlr (data_bram_if_cntlr_0) -
_cntlr_v2_1_0.mpd line 45 - tool overriding c_mask value 0x00800000 to
bram_block (data_bram_1) - D:\mb-jpeg\system.mhs line 230 - tool overriding
c_memsize value 16384 to 0x10000
lmb_bram_if_cntlr (data_bram_if_cntlr_1) -
_cntlr_v2_1_0.mpd line 45 - tool overriding c_mask value 0x00800000 to
Running DRC Tcl procedures for OPTION SYSLEVEL_DRC_PROC...
Performing System level DRCs on properties...
INFO:MDT - List of peripherals addressable from processor instance microblaze_0
- dlmb
WARNING:MDT - D:\mb-jpeg\system.mhs line 89 - No Driver Found for instance dlmb.
To avoid seeing this warning, assign the appropriate driver or driver
"generic 1.00.a " to instance dlmb
- dlmb_cntlr
- data_bram_if_cntlr_0
- data_bram_if_cntlr_1
- ilmb
WARNING:MDT - D:\mb-jpeg\system.mhs line 81 - No Driver Found for instance ilmb.
To avoid seeing this warning, assign the appropriate driver or driver
"generic 1.00.a " to instance ilmb
- ilmb_cntlr
- mb_opb
- debug_module
- RS232_Uart_1
- SysACE_CompactFlash
- LEDs_4Bit
- DIPSWs_4Bit
- PushButtons_5Bit
Building Directory Structure for microblaze_0
Generating platform libraries and device drivers ...
Running CopyFiles ...
Copying files for os standalone_v1_00_a from
C:\EDK\sw\lib\bsp\standalone_v1_00_a\src\ to
D:\mb-jpeg\microblaze_0\libsrc\standalone_v1_00_a\ ...
Copying files for driver opbarb_v1_02_a from
C:\EDK\sw\XilinxProcessorIPLib\drivers\opbarb_v1_02_a\src\ to
D:\mb-jpeg\microblaze_0\libsrc\opbarb_v1_02_a\ ...
Copying files for driver uartlite_v1_00_b from
C:\EDK\sw\XilinxProcessorIPLib\drivers\uartlite_v1_00_b\src\ to
D:\mb-jpeg\microblaze_0\libsrc\uartlite_v1_00_b\ ...
Copying files for driver sysace_v1_00_a from
C:\EDK\sw\XilinxProcessorIPLib\drivers\sysace_v1_00_a\src\ to
D:\mb-jpeg\microblaze_0\libsrc\sysace_v1_00_a\ ...
Copying files for driver gpio_v2_00_a from
C:\EDK\sw\XilinxProcessorIPLib\drivers\gpio_v2_00_a\src\ to
D:\mb-jpeg\microblaze_0\libsrc\gpio_v2_00_a\ ...
Copying files for driver cpu_v1_00_a from
C:\EDK\sw\XilinxProcessorIPLib\drivers\cpu_v1_00_a\src\ to
D:\mb-jpeg\microblaze_0\libsrc\cpu_v1_00_a\ ...
Copying files for library xilfatfs_v1_00_a from
C:\EDK\sw\lib\sw_services\xilfatfs_v1_00_a\src\ to
D:\mb-jpeg\microblaze_0\libsrc\xilfatfs_v1_00_a\ ...
Running DRCs for OSes, Drivers and Libraries ...
Running generate for OS'es, Drivers and Libraries ...
Copying Library Files ...
Running post_generate for OS'es, Drivers and Libraries ...
Running make for Drivers and Libraries ...
Configuring make for target include using:
make -s include "COMPILER=mb-gcc" "ARCHIVER=mb-ar"
"COMPILER_FLAGS=-mno-xl-soft-mul -O2 -c" "EXTRA_COMPILER_FLAGS=-g"
Configuring make for target libs using:
make -s libs "COMPILER=mb-gcc" "ARCHIVER=mb-ar"
"COMPILER_FLAGS=-mno-xl-soft-mul -O2 -c" "EXTRA_COMPILER_FLAGS=-g"
Compiling common
Compiling ipif
Compiling microblaze_disable_dcache.s
Compiling microblaze_disable_exceptions.s
Compiling microblaze_disable_icache.s
Compiling microblaze_disable_interrupts.s
Compiling microblaze_enable_dcache.s
Compiling microblaze_enable_exceptions.s
Compiling microblaze_enable_icache.s
Compiling microblaze_enable_interrupts.s
Compiling microblaze_init_dcache_range.s
Compiling microblaze_init_icache_range.s
Compiling microblaze_update_dcache.s
Compiling microblaze_update_icache.s
Compiling _exit.c
Compiling errno.c
Compiling fcntl.c
Compiling inbyte.c
Compiling microblaze_exception_handler.c
Compiling microblaze_exceptions_g.c
Compiling microblaze_interrupt_handler.c
Compiling microblaze_interrupts_g.c
Compiling outbyte.c
Compiling hw_exception_handler.S
Compiling src/xilfatfs_alloc.c
Compiling src/xilfatfs_close.c
Compiling src/xilfatfs_directory.c
Compiling src/xilfatfs_fat.c
Compiling src/xilfatfs_fat16.c
Compiling src/xilfatfs_fat32.c
Compiling src/xilfatfs_filespec.c
Compiling src/xilfatfs_filestatus.c
Compiling src/xilfatfs_open.c
Compiling src/xilfatfs_part.c
Compiling src/xilfatfs_read.c
Compiling src/xilfatfs_wd.c
Compiling src/xilfatfs_stats.c
Compiling src/xilfatfs_bufcache.c
Compiling src/xilfatfs_write.c
Compiling src/xilfatfs_sysace.c
make clean
Compiling opbarb
Compiling uartlite
Compiling sysace
Compiling gpio
Compiling cpu
Libraries generated in D:\mb-jpeg\microblaze_0\lib\ directory
Running execs_generate for OS'es, Drivers and Libraries ...
LibGen Done.
mb-gcc -O2 decoder/decoder.c -o decoder/executable.elf \
-Wl,-defsym -Wl,_TEXT_START_ADDR=0x50 -mno-xl-soft-mul -g -I./microblaze_0/include/ -L./microblaze_0/lib/ \
/cygdrive/c/DOCUME~1/S041945/LOCALS~1/Temp/ccsmDQpU.o: In function `main':
/cygdrive/d/mb-jpeg/decoder/decoder.c:11: undefined reference to `bmpsize'
/cygdrive/d/mb-jpeg/decoder/decoder.c:28: undefined reference to `decode'
/cygdrive/d/mb-jpeg/decoder/decoder.c:37: undefined reference to `bmpsize'
/cygdrive/d/mb-jpeg/decoder/decoder.c:40: undefined reference to `bmpsize'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [decoder/executable.elf] Error 1
At Local date and time: Thu Jul 06 21:45:56 2006
xbash -q -c "cd /cygdrive/d/mb-jpeg/; /usr/bin/make -f system.make program; exit;" started...
mb-gcc -O2 decoder/decoder.c -o decoder/executable.elf \
-Wl,-defsym -Wl,_TEXT_START_ADDR=0x50 -mno-xl-soft-mul -g -I./microblaze_0/include/ -L./microblaze_0/lib/ \
/cygdrive/c/DOCUME~1/S041945/LOCALS~1/Temp/ccgwGBpl.o: In function `main':
/cygdrive/d/mb-jpeg/decoder/decoder.c:11: undefined reference to `bmpsize'
/cygdrive/d/mb-jpeg/decoder/decoder.c:28: undefined reference to `decode'
/cygdrive/d/mb-jpeg/decoder/decoder.c:37: undefined reference to `bmpsize'
/cygdrive/d/mb-jpeg/decoder/decoder.c:40: undefined reference to `bmpsize'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [decoder/executable.elf] Error 1
At Local date and time: Thu Jul 06 21:46:15 2006
xbash -q -c "cd /cygdrive/d/mb-jpeg/; /usr/bin/make -f system.make program; exit;" started...
mb-gcc -O2 testbench1/tb1.c -o Testbench1/executable.elf \
-mno-xl-soft-mul -g -I./microblaze_0/include/ -L./microblaze_0/lib/ \
mb-size Testbench1/executable.elf
text data bss dec hex filename
21580 144 13832 35556 8ae4 Testbench1/executable.elf
At Local date and time: Thu Jul 06 21:46:54 2006
xbash -q -c "cd /cygdrive/d/mb-jpeg/; /usr/bin/make -f system.make init_bram; exit;" started...
Creating system netlist for hardware specification..
platgen -p xc2vp30ff896-7 -lang vhdl -lp D:/XilinxXUP/lib/ -st xst system.mhs
Release Xilinx EDK 8.1 - platgen EDK_I.18.7
Copyright (c) 1995-2005 Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved.
Command Line: platgen -p xc2vp30ff896-7 -lang vhdl -lp D:/XilinxXUP/lib/ -st xst
Parse system.mhs ...
Read MPD definitions ...
Sourcing tcl file
tcl ...
Sourcing tcl file
Sourcing tcl file
Sourcing tcl file
_cntlr_v2_1_0.tcl ...
Sourcing tcl file
tcl ...
Sourcing tcl file
tcl ...
Overriding IP level properties ...
microblaze (microblaze_0) -
mpd line 63 - tool overriding c_family value virtex2 to virtex2p
microblaze (microblaze_0) -
mpd line 64 - tool overriding c_instance value microblaze to microblaze_0
microblaze (microblaze_0) -
mpd:93 - tcl overriding C_ADDR_TAG_BITS value 17 to 0
microblaze (microblaze_0) -
mpd:100 - tcl overriding C_DCACHE_ADDR_TAG value 17 to 0
opb_mdm (debug_module) -
line 42 - tool overriding c_family value virtex2 to virtex2p
bram_block (lmb_bram) -
mpd line 42 - tool overriding c_family value virtex2 to virtex2p
opb_gpio (leds_4bit) -
line 41 - tool overriding c_family value virtex2 to virtex2p
opb_gpio (dipsws_4bit) -
line 41 - tool overriding c_family value virtex2 to virtex2p
opb_gpio (pushbuttons_5bit) -
line 41 - tool overriding c_family value virtex2 to virtex2p
dcm_module (dcm_0) -
mpd line 60 - tool overriding c_family value virtex2 to virtex2p
bram_block (data_bram_0) -
mpd line 42 - tool overriding c_family value virtex2 to virtex2p
bram_block (data_bram_1) -
mpd line 42 - tool overriding c_family value virtex2 to virtex2p
Performing IP level DRCs on properties...
Running DRC Tcl procedures for OPTION IPLEVEL_DRC_PROC...
Sourcing tcl file
2_1_0.tcl ...
Sourcing tcl file
2_1_0.tcl ...
Sourcing tcl file
2_1_0.tcl ...
Sourcing tcl file
2_1_0.tcl ...
Address Map for Processor microblaze_0
(0x00000000-0x0000ffff) dlmb_cntlr dlmb
(0x00000000-0x0000ffff) ilmb_cntlr ilmb
(0x40000000-0x4000ffff) PushButtons_5Bit mb_opb
(0x40020000-0x4002ffff) LEDs_4Bit mb_opb
(0x40040000-0x4004ffff) DIPSWs_4Bit mb_opb
(0x40600000-0x4060ffff) RS232_Uart_1 mb_opb
(0x41400000-0x4140ffff) debug_module mb_opb
(0x41800000-0x4180ffff) SysACE_CompactFlash mb_opb
(0x70000000-0x7000ffff) data_bram_if_cntlr_0 dlmb
(0x70010000-0x7001ffff) data_bram_if_cntlr_1 dlmb
Check platform configuration ...
opb_v20 (mb_opb) - D:\mb-jpeg\system.mhs line 55 - 2 master(s) : 6 slave(s)
lmb_v10 (ilmb) - D:\mb-jpeg\system.mhs line 81 - 1 master(s) : 1 slave(s)
lmb_v10 (dlmb) - D:\mb-jpeg\system.mhs line 89 - 1 master(s) : 3 slave(s)
Check port drivers...
WARNING:MDT - dcm_0_lock (LOCKED) - D:\mb-jpeg\system.mhs line 208 - floating
Check platform address map ...
Overriding system level properties ...
opb_v20 (mb_opb) -
line 39 - tool overriding c_num_masters value 4 to 2
opb_v20 (mb_opb) -
line 40 - tool overriding c_num_slaves value 4 to 6
lmb_v10 (ilmb) -
line 39 - tool overriding c_lmb_num_slaves value 4 to 1
lmb_v10 (dlmb) -
line 39 - tool overriding c_lmb_num_slaves value 4 to 3
lmb_bram_if_cntlr (dlmb_cntlr) -
_cntlr_v2_1_0.mpd line 45 - tool overriding c_mask value 0x00800000 to
lmb_bram_if_cntlr (ilmb_cntlr) -
_cntlr_v2_1_0.mpd line 45 - tool overriding c_mask value 0x00800000 to
bram_block (lmb_bram) -
mpd line 38 - tool overriding c_memsize value 2048 to 0x10000
bram_block (data_bram_0) - D:\mb-jpeg\system.mhs line 214 - tool overriding
c_memsize value 16384 to 0x10000
lmb_bram_if_cntlr (data_bram_if_cntlr_0) -
_cntlr_v2_1_0.mpd line 45 - tool overriding c_mask value 0x00800000 to
bram_block (data_bram_1) - D:\mb-jpeg\system.mhs line 230 - tool overriding
c_memsize value 16384 to 0x10000
lmb_bram_if_cntlr (data_bram_if_cntlr_1) -
_cntlr_v2_1_0.mpd line 45 - tool overriding c_mask value 0x00800000 to
Running DRC Tcl procedures for OPTION SYSLEVEL_DRC_PROC...
Performing System level DRCs on properties...
Modify defaults ...
Processing licensed instances ...
Completion time: 0.00 seconds
Creating hardware output directories ...
Managing hardware (BBD-specified) netlist files ...
Managing cache ...
Elaborating instances ...
bram_block (lmb_bram) - D:\mb-jpeg\system.mhs:115 - elaborating IP
bram_block (data_bram_0) - D:\mb-jpeg\system.mhs:211 - elaborating IP
bram_block (data_bram_1) - D:\mb-jpeg\system.mhs:227 - elaborating IP
Writing HDL for elaborated instances ...
Inserting wrapper level ...
Completion time: 3.00 seconds
Constructing platform-level signal connectivity ...
Completion time: 3.00 seconds
Writing (top-level) BMM ...
Writing BMM - D:\mb-jpeg\implementation\system.bmm
Writing (top-level and wrappers) HDL ...
Generating synthesis project file ...
Running XST synthesis ...
INFO:MDT - The following instances are synthesized with XST. The MPD option
IMP_NETLIST=TRUE indicates that a NGC file is to be produced using XST
synthesis. IMP_NETLIST=FALSE (default) instances are not synthesized.
microblaze_0_wrapper (microblaze_0) - D:\mb-jpeg\system.mhs:35 - Running XST
mb_opb_wrapper (mb_opb) - D:\mb-jpeg\system.mhs:55 - Running XST synthesis
debug_module_wrapper (debug_module) - D:\mb-jpeg\system.mhs:63 - Running XST
ilmb_wrapper (ilmb) - D:\mb-jpeg\system.mhs:81 - Running XST synthesis
dlmb_wrapper (dlmb) - D:\mb-jpeg\system.mhs:89 - Running XST synthesis
dlmb_cntlr_wrapper (dlmb_cntlr) - D:\mb-jpeg\system.mhs:97 - Running XST
ilmb_cntlr_wrapper (ilmb_cntlr) - D:\mb-jpeg\system.mhs:106 - Running XST
lmb_bram_wrapper (lmb_bram) - D:\mb-jpeg\system.mhs:115 - Running XST synthesis
rs232_uart_1_wrapper (rs232_uart_1) - D:\mb-jpeg\system.mhs:122 - Running XST
sysace_compactflash_wrapper (sysace_compactflash) - D:\mb-jpeg\system.mhs:138 -
Running XST synthesis
leds_4bit_wrapper (leds_4bit) - D:\mb-jpeg\system.mhs:155 - Running XST
dipsws_4bit_wrapper (dipsws_4bit) - D:\mb-jpeg\system.mhs:169 - Running XST
pushbuttons_5bit_wrapper (pushbuttons_5bit) - D:\mb-jpeg\system.mhs:183 -
Running XST synthesis
dcm_0_wrapper (dcm_0) - D:\mb-jpeg\system.mhs:197 - Running XST synthesis
data_bram_0_wrapper (data_bram_0) - D:\mb-jpeg\system.mhs:211 - Running XST
data_bram_if_cntlr_0_wrapper (data_bram_if_cntlr_0) - D:\mb-jpeg\system.mhs:218
- Running XST synthesis
data_bram_1_wrapper (data_bram_1) - D:\mb-jpeg\system.mhs:227 - Running XST
data_bram_if_cntlr_1_wrapper (data_bram_if_cntlr_1) - D:\mb-jpeg\system.mhs:234
- Running XST synthesis
Running NGCBUILD ...
Rebuilding cache ...
Total run time: 368.00 seconds
Running synthesis...
bash -c "cd synthesis; ./"
WARNING:Xst:1530 - You are using an evaluation version of Xilinx Software. In 47
days, this program will not operate. For more information about this product,
please refer to the Evaluation Agreement, which was shipped to you along with
the Evaluation CDs.
To purchase an annual license for this software, please contact your local
Field Applications Engineer (FAE) or salesperson. If you have any questions,
or if we can assist in any way, please send an email to:
Thank You!
Release 8.1i - xst I.24
Copyright (c) 1995-2005 Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved.
1) Synthesis Options Summary
2) HDL Compilation
3) HDL Analysis
4) HDL Synthesis
4.1) HDL Synthesis Report
5) Advanced HDL Synthesis
5.1) Advanced HDL Synthesis Report
6) Low Level Synthesis
7) Final Report
7.1) Device utilization summary
* Synthesis Options Summary *
---- Source Parameters
Input Format : MIXED
Input File Name : "system_xst.prj"
---- Target Parameters
Target Device : xc2vp30ff896-7
Output File Name : "../implementation/system.ngc"
---- Source Options
Top Module Name : system
---- Target Options
Add IO Buffers : NO
---- General Options
Optimization Goal : speed
Hierarchy Separator : /
WARNING:Xst:29 - Optimization Effort not specified
The following parameters have been added:
Optimization Effort : 1
* HDL Compilation *
Compiling vhdl file "D:/mb-jpeg/hdl/system.vhd" in Library work.
Entity <system> compiled.
Entity <system> (Architecture <STRUCTURE>) compiled.
* HDL Analysis *
Analyzing Entity <system> (Architecture <STRUCTURE>).
WARNING:Xst:766 - "D:/mb-jpeg/hdl/system.vhd" line 1608: Generating a Black Box for component <IBUF>.
WARNING:Xst:766 - "D:/mb-jpeg/hdl/system.vhd" line 1614: Generating a Black Box for component <OBUF>.
WARNING:Xst:766 - "D:/mb-jpeg/hdl/system.vhd" line 1620: Generating a Black Box for component <IBUF>.
WARNING:Xst:766 - "D:/mb-jpeg/hdl/system.vhd" line 1626: Generating a Black Box for component <OBUF>.
WARNING:Xst:766 - "D:/mb-jpeg/hdl/system.vhd" line 1632: Generating a Black Box for component <OBUF>.
WARNING:Xst:766 - "D:/mb-jpeg/hdl/system.vhd" line 1638: Generating a Black Box for component <OBUF>.
WARNING:Xst:766 - "D:/mb-jpeg/hdl/system.vhd" line 1644: Generating a Black Box for component <OBUF>.
WARNING:Xst:766 - "D:/mb-jpeg/hdl/system.vhd" line 1650: Generating a Black Box for component <OBUF>.
WARNING:Xst:766 - "D:/mb-jpeg/hdl/system.vhd" line 1656: Generating a Black Box for component <OBUF>.
WARNING:Xst:766 - "D:/mb-jpeg/hdl/system.vhd" line 1662: Generating a Black Box for component <OBUF>.
WARNING:Xst:766 - "D:/mb-jpeg/hdl/system.vhd" line 1668: Generating a Black Box for component <IOBUF>.
WARNING:Xst:766 - "D:/mb-jpeg/hdl/system.vhd" line 1676: Generating a Black Box for component <IOBUF>.
WARNING:Xst:766 - "D:/mb-jpeg/hdl/system.vhd" line 1684: Generating a Black Box for component <IOBUF>.
WARNING:Xst:766 - "D:/mb-jpeg/hdl/system.vhd" line 1692: Generating a Black Box for component <IOBUF>.
WARNING:Xst:766 - "D:/mb-jpeg/hdl/system.vhd" line 1700: Generating a Black Box for component <IOBUF>.
WARNING:Xst:766 - "D:/mb-jpeg/hdl/system.vhd" line 1708: Generating a Black Box for component <IOBUF>.
WARNING:Xst:766 - "D:/mb-jpeg/hdl/system.vhd" line 1716: Generating a Black Box for component <IOBUF>.
WARNING:Xst:766 - "D:/mb-jpeg/hdl/system.vhd" line 1724: Generating a Black Box for component <IOBUF>.
WARNING:Xst:766 - "D:/mb-jpeg/hdl/system.vhd" line 1732: Generating a Black Box for component <IOBUF>.
WARNING:Xst:766 - "D:/mb-jpeg/hdl/system.vhd" line 1740: Generating a Black Box for component <IOBUF>.
WARNING:Xst:766 - "D:/mb-jpeg/hdl/system.vhd" line 1748: Generating a Black Box for component <IOBUF>.
WARNING:Xst:766 - "D:/mb-jpeg/hdl/system.vhd" line 1756: Generating a Black Box for component <IOBUF>.
WARNING:Xst:766 - "D:/mb-jpeg/hdl/system.vhd" line 1764: Generating a Black Box for component <IOBUF>.
WARNING:Xst:766 - "D:/mb-jpeg/hdl/system.vhd" line 1772: Generating a Black Box for component <IOBUF>.
WARNING:Xst:766 - "D:/mb-jpeg/hdl/system.vhd" line 1780: Generating a Black Box for component <IOBUF>.
WARNING:Xst:766 - "D:/mb-jpeg/hdl/system.vhd" line 1788: Generating a Black Box for component <IOBUF>.
WARNING:Xst:766 - "D:/mb-jpeg/hdl/system.vhd" line 1796: Generating a Black Box for component <OBUF>.
WARNING:Xst:766 - "D:/mb-jpeg/hdl/system.vhd" line 1802: Generating a Black Box for component <OBUF>.
WARNING:Xst:766 - "D:/mb-jpeg/hdl/system.vhd" line 1808: Generating a Black Box for component <OBUF>.
WARNING:Xst:766 - "D:/mb-jpeg/hdl/system.vhd" line 1814: Generating a Black Box for component <IBUF>.
WARNING:Xst:766 - "D:/mb-jpeg/hdl/system.vhd" line 1820: Generating a Black Box for component <IOBUF>.
WARNING:Xst:766 - "D:/mb-jpeg/hdl/system.vhd" line 1828: Generating a Black Box for component <IOBUF>.
WARNING:Xst:766 - "D:/mb-jpeg/hdl/system.vhd" line 1836: Generating a Black Box for component <IOBUF>.
WARNING:Xst:766 - "D:/mb-jpeg/hdl/system.vhd" line 1844: Generating a Black Box for component <IOBUF>.
WARNING:Xst:766 - "D:/mb-jpeg/hdl/system.vhd" line 1852: Generating a Black Box for component <IOBUF>.
WARNING:Xst:766 - "D:/mb-jpeg/hdl/system.vhd" line 1860: Generating a Black Box for component <IOBUF>.
WARNING:Xst:766 - "D:/mb-jpeg/hdl/system.vhd" line 1868: Generating a Black Box for component <IOBUF>.
WARNING:Xst:766 - "D:/mb-jpeg/hdl/system.vhd" line 1876: Generating a Black Box for component <IOBUF>.
WARNING:Xst:766 - "D:/mb-jpeg/hdl/system.vhd" line 1884: Generating a Black Box for component <IOBUF>.
WARNING:Xst:766 - "D:/mb-jpeg/hdl/system.vhd" line 1892: Generating a Black Box for component <IOBUF>.
WARNING:Xst:766 - "D:/mb-jpeg/hdl/system.vhd" line 1900: Generating a Black Box for component <IOBUF>.
WARNING:Xst:766 - "D:/mb-jpeg/hdl/system.vhd" line 1908: Generating a Black Box for component <IOBUF>.
WARNING:Xst:766 - "D:/mb-jpeg/hdl/system.vhd" line 1916: Generating a Black Box for component <IOBUF>.
WARNING:Xst:766 - "D:/mb-jpeg/hdl/system.vhd" line 1924: Generating a Black Box for component <IBUFG>.
WARNING:Xst:766 - "D:/mb-jpeg/hdl/system.vhd" line 1930: Generating a Black Box for component <IBUF>.
Entity <system> analyzed. Unit <system> generated.
* HDL Synthesis *
Synthesizing Unit <system>.
Related source file is "D:/mb-jpeg/hdl/system.vhd".
Unit <system> synthesized.
HDL Synthesis Report
Found no macro
* Advanced HDL Synthesis *
Advanced HDL Synthesis Report
Found no macro
* Low Level Synthesis *
Loading device for application Rf_Device from file '2vp30.nph' in environment c:\ISE.
Optimizing unit <system> ...
Mapping all equations...
Building and optimizing final netlist ...
* Final Report *
Final Results
Top Level Output File Name : ../implementation/system.ngc
Output Format : ngc
Optimization Goal : speed
Keep Hierarchy : no
Design Statistics
# IOs : 45
Cell Usage :
# BELS : 2
# GND : 1
# VCC : 1
# IO Buffers : 45
# IBUF : 4
# IBUFG : 1
# IOBUF : 29
# OBUF : 11
# Others : 18
# data_bram_0_wrapper : 1
# data_bram_1_wrapper : 1
# data_bram_if_cntlr_0_wrapper: 1
# data_bram_if_cntlr_1_wrapper: 1
# dcm_0_wrapper : 1
# debug_module_wrapper : 1
# dipsws_4bit_wrapper : 1
# dlmb_cntlr_wrapper : 1
# dlmb_wrapper : 1
# ilmb_cntlr_wrapper : 1
# ilmb_wrapper : 1
# leds_4bit_wrapper : 1
# lmb_bram_wrapper : 1
# mb_opb_wrapper : 1
# microblaze_0_wrapper : 1
# pushbuttons_5bit_wrapper : 1
# rs232_uart_1_wrapper : 1
# sysace_compactflash_wrapper : 1
Device utilization summary:
Selected Device : 2vp30ff896-7
Number of bonded IOBs: 45 out of 556 8%
Clock Information:
No clock signals found in this design
Timing Summary:
Speed Grade: -7
Minimum period: No path found
Minimum input arrival time before clock: No path found
Maximum output required time after clock: No path found
Maximum combinational path delay: 2.924ns
Timing Detail:
All values displayed in nanoseconds (ns)
Timing constraint: Default path analysis
Total number of paths / destination ports: 2006 / 1977
Delay: 2.924ns (Levels of Logic = 1)
Source: sysace_compactflash:SysACE_MPD_O<3> (PAD)
Destination: fpga_0_SysACE_CompactFlash_SysACE_MPD_pin<3> (PAD)
Data Path: sysace_compactflash:SysACE_MPD_O<3> to fpga_0_SysACE_CompactFlash_SysACE_MPD_pin<3>
Gate Net
Cell:in->out fanout Delay Delay Logical Name (Net Name)
---------------------------------------- ------------
sysace_compactflash_wrapper:SysACE_MPD_O<3> 1 0.000 0.332 sysace_compactflash (fpga_0_SysACE_CompactFlash_SysACE_MPD_O<3>)
IOBUF:I->IO 2.592 iobuf_22 (fpga_0_SysACE_CompactFlash_SysACE_MPD_pin<3>)
Total 2.924ns (2.592ns logic, 0.332ns route)
(88.7% logic, 11.3% route)
CPU : 10.25 / 10.31 s | Elapsed : 11.00 / 11.00 s
Total memory usage is 169492 kilobytes
Number of errors : 0 ( 0 filtered)
Number of warnings : 47 ( 0 filtered)
Number of infos : 0 ( 0 filtered)
Running Xilinx Implementation tools..
xflow -wd implementation -p xc2vp30ff896-7 -implement xflow.opt system.ngc
Release 8.1i - Xflow I.24
Copyright (c) 1995-2005 Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved.
xflow.exe -wd implementation -p xc2vp30ff896-7 -implement xflow.opt system.ngc
.... Copying flowfile c:/ISE/xilinx/data/fpga.flw into working directory
Using Flow File: D:/mb-jpeg/implementation/fpga.flw
Using Option File(s):
Creating Script File ...
# Starting program ngdbuild
# ngdbuild -p xc2vp30ff896-7 -nt timestamp -bm system.bmm
D:/mb-jpeg/implementation/system.ngc -uc system.ucf system.ngd
Release 8.1i - ngdbuild I.24
Copyright (c) 1995-2005 Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved.
Command Line: ngdbuild -p xc2vp30ff896-7 -nt timestamp -bm system.bmm -uc
system.ucf D:/mb-jpeg/implementation/system.ngc system.ngd
Reading NGO file 'D:/mb-jpeg/implementation/system.ngc' ...
Loading design module "D:/mb-jpeg/implementation/microblaze_0_wrapper.ngc"...
Loading design module "D:/mb-jpeg/implementation/mb_opb_wrapper.ngc"...
Loading design module "D:/mb-jpeg/implementation/debug_module_wrapper.ngc"...
Loading design module "D:/mb-jpeg/implementation/ilmb_wrapper.ngc"...
Loading design module "D:/mb-jpeg/implementation/dlmb_wrapper.ngc"...
Loading design module "D:/mb-jpeg/implementation/dlmb_cntlr_wrapper.ngc"...
Loading design module "D:/mb-jpeg/implementation/ilmb_cntlr_wrapper.ngc"...
Loading design module "D:/mb-jpeg/implementation/lmb_bram_wrapper.ngc"...
Loading design module "D:/mb-jpeg/implementation/rs232_uart_1_wrapper.ngc"...
Loading design module
Loading design module "D:/mb-jpeg/implementation/leds_4bit_wrapper.ngc"...
Loading design module "D:/mb-jpeg/implementation/dipsws_4bit_wrapper.ngc"...
Loading design module
Loading design module "D:/mb-jpeg/implementation/dcm_0_wrapper.ngc"...
Loading design module "D:/mb-jpeg/implementation/data_bram_0_wrapper.ngc"...
Loading design module
Loading design module "D:/mb-jpeg/implementation/data_bram_1_wrapper.ngc"...
Loading design module
Applying constraints in "system.ucf" to the design...
Checking timing specifications ...
INFO:XdmHelpers:851 - TNM "sys_clk_pin", used in period specification
"TS_sys_clk_pin", was traced into DCM instance "dcm_0/dcm_0/DCM_INST". The
following new TNM groups and period specifications were generated at the DCM
CLK0: TS_dcm_0_dcm_0_CLK0_BUF=PERIOD dcm_0_dcm_0_CLK0_BUF
TS_sys_clk_pin*1.000000 HIGH 50.000000%
Processing BMM file ...
Checking expanded design ...
WARNING:NgdBuild:452 - logical net
'microblaze_0/microblaze_0/Data_Flow_I/word_r1_r2_unalignment' has no driver
WARNING:NgdBuild:452 - logical net
'microblaze_0/microblaze_0/Data_Flow_I/word_r1_imm_unalignment' has no driver
WARNING:NgdBuild:452 - logical net
'microblaze_0/microblaze_0/Data_Flow_I/halfword_unalignment' has no driver
WARNING:NgdBuild:478 - clock net debug_module/bscan_drck1 with clock driver
debug_module/debug_module/BUFG_DRCK1 drives no clock pins
NGDBUILD Design Results Summary:
Number of errors: 0
Number of warnings: 4
Writing NGD file "system.ngd" ...
Writing NGDBUILD log file "system.bld"...
# Starting program map
# map -o system_map.ncd -pr b system.ngd system.pcf
Release 8.1i - Map I.24
Copyright (c) 1995-2005 Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved.
Using target part "2vp30ff896-7".
Mapping design into LUTs...
Writing file system_map.ngm...
Running directed packing...
Running delay-based LUT packing...
Running related packing...
Writing design file "system_map.ncd"...
Design Summary:
Number of errors: 0
Number of warnings: 6
Logic Utilization:
Number of Slice Flip Flops: 1,183 out of 27,392 4%
Number of 4 input LUTs: 1,489 out of 27,392 5%
Logic Distribution:
Number of occupied Slices: 1,308 out of 13,696 9%
Number of Slices containing only related logic: 1,308 out of 1,308 100%
Number of Slices containing unrelated logic: 0 out of 1,308 0%
*See NOTES below for an explanation of the effects of unrelated logic
Total Number 4 input LUTs: 1,914 out of 27,392 6%
Number used as logic: 1,489
Number used as a route-thru: 7
Number used for Dual Port RAMs: 256
(Two LUTs used per Dual Port RAM)
Number used as Shift registers: 162
Number of bonded IOBs: 44 out of 556 7%
IOB Flip Flops: 73
Number of PPC405s: 0 out of 2 0%
Number of Block RAMs: 96 out of 136 70%
Number of MULT18X18s: 3 out of 136 2%
Number of GCLKs: 2 out of 16 12%
Number of DCMs: 1 out of 8 12%
Number of BSCANs: 1 out of 1 100%
Number of GTs: 0 out of 8 0%
Number of GT10s: 0 out of 0 0%
Number of RPM macros: 5
Total equivalent gate count for design: 6,374,519
Additional JTAG gate count for IOBs: 2,112
Peak Memory Usage: 225 MB
Related logic is defined as being logic that shares connectivity - e.g. two
LUTs are "related" if they share common inputs. When assembling slices,
Map gives priority to combine logic that is related. Doing so results in
the best timing performance.
Unrelated logic shares no connectivity. Map will only begin packing
unrelated logic into a slice once 99% of the slices are occupied through
related logic packing.
Note that once logic distribution reaches the 99% level through related
logic packing, this does not mean the device is completely utilized.
Unrelated logic packing will then begin, continuing until all usable LUTs
and FFs are occupied. Depending on your timing budget, increased levels of
unrelated logic packing may adversely affect the overall timing performance
of your design.
Mapping completed.
See MAP report file "system_map.mrp" for details.
# Starting program par
# par -w -ol high system_map.ncd system.ncd system.pcf
Release 8.1i - par I.24
Copyright (c) 1995-2005 Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved.
Constraints file: system.pcf.
WARNING:Par:331 - You are using an evaluation version of Xilinx Software. In 47 days, this program will not operate. For
more information about this product, please refer to the Evaluation Agreement, which was shipped to you along with
the Evaluation CDs.
To purchase an annual license for this software, please contact your local Field Applications Engineer (FAE) or
salesperson. If you have any questions, or if we can assist in any way, please send an email to:
Thank You!
Loading device for application Rf_Device from file '2vp30.nph' in environment c:\ISE.
"system" is an NCD, version 3.1, device xc2vp30, package ff896, speed -7
Initializing temperature to 85.000 Celsius. (default - Range: -40.000 to 100.000 Celsius)
Initializing voltage to 1.400 Volts. (default - Range: 1.400 to 1.600 Volts)
Device speed data version: "PRODUCTION 1.92 2005-11-04".
Device Utilization Summary:
Number of BSCANs 1 out of 1 100%
Number of BUFGMUXs 2 out of 16 12%
Number of DCMs 1 out of 8 12%
Number of External IOBs 44 out of 556 7%
Number of LOCed IOBs 44 out of 44 100%
Number of MULT18X18s 3 out of 136 2%
Number of RAMB16s 96 out of 136 70%
Number of SLICEs 1308 out of 13696 9%
Overall effort level (-ol): High
Placer effort level (-pl): High
Placer cost table entry (-t): 1
Router effort level (-rl): High
Starting initial Timing Analysis. REAL time: 8 secs
Finished initial Timing Analysis. REAL time: 9 secs
Starting Placer
Phase 1.1
Phase 1.1 (Checksum:98d36f) REAL time: 12 secs
Phase 2.31
Phase 2.31 (Checksum:1312cfe) REAL time: 12 secs
WARNING:Place:414 - The input design contains local clock signal(s). To get a better result, we recommend users run map
with the "-timing" option set before starting the placement.
Phase 3.2
Phase 3.2 (Checksum:1c9c37d) REAL time: 18 secs
Phase 4.30
Phase 4.30 (Checksum:26259fc) REAL time: 18 secs
Phase 5.3
Phase 5.3 (Checksum:2faf07b) REAL time: 18 secs
Phase 6.5
Phase 6.5 (Checksum:39386fa) REAL time: 18 secs
Phase 7.8
Phase 7.8 (Checksum:12a9340) REAL time: 36 secs
Phase 8.5
Phase 8.5 (Checksum:4c4b3f8) REAL time: 37 secs
Phase 9.18
Phase 9.18 (Checksum:55d4a77) REAL time: 44 secs
Phase 10.5
Phase 10.5 (Checksum:5f5e0f6) REAL time: 44 secs
Phase 11.27
Phase 11.27 (Checksum:68e7775) REAL time: 45 secs
Phase 12.24
Phase 12.24 (Checksum:7270df4) REAL time: 45 secs
Writing design to file system.ncd
Total REAL time to Placer completion: 48 secs
Total CPU time to Placer completion: 44 secs
Starting Router
Phase 1: 14525 unrouted; REAL time: 1 mins
Phase 2: 12823 unrouted; REAL time: 1 mins 1 secs
Phase 3: 2660 unrouted; REAL time: 1 mins 7 secs
Phase 4: 2660 unrouted; (96135) REAL time: 1 mins 8 secs
Phase 5: 2709 unrouted; (0) REAL time: 1 mins 13 secs
Phase 6: 2709 unrouted; (0) REAL time: 1 mins 14 secs
Phase 7: 0 unrouted; (0) REAL time: 1 mins 26 secs
Phase 8: 0 unrouted; (0) REAL time: 1 mins 29 secs
Total REAL time to Router completion: 1 mins 33 secs
Total CPU time to Router completion: 1 mins 28 secs
Generating "PAR" statistics.
Generating Clock Report
| Clock Net | Resource |Locked|Fanout|Net Skew(ns)|Max Delay(ns)|
|data_bram_0_port_BRA | | | | | |
| M_Clk | BUFGMUX7S| No | 948 | 0.281 | 1.258 |
| DBG_CLK_s | BUFGMUX4P| No | 139 | 0.244 | 1.257 |
|fpga_0_SysACE_Compac | | | | | |
| tFlash_SysACE_CLK | Local| | 62 | 0.272 | 2.463 |
|debug_module/bscan_u | | | | | |
| pdate | Local| | 1 | 0.000 | 0.356 |
* Net Skew is the difference between the minimum and maximum routing
only delays for the net. Note this is different from Clock Skew which
is reported in TRCE timing report. Clock Skew is the difference between
the minimum and maximum path delays which includes logic delays.
Timing Score: 0
Number of Timing Constraints that were not applied: 1
Asterisk (*) preceding a constraint indicates it was not met.
This may be due to a setup or hold violation.
Constraint | Requested | Actual | Logic | Absolute |Number of
| | | Levels | Slack |errors
TS_dcm_0_dcm_0_CLK0_BUF = PERIOD TIMEGRP | 10.000ns | 9.773ns | 2 | 0.227ns | 0
"dcm_0_dcm_0_CLK0_BUF" TS_sys_clk_pin | | | | |
HIGH 50% | | | | |
NET "fpga_0_SysACE_CompactFlash_SysACE_CL | 30.000ns | 3.969ns | 2 | 26.031ns | 0
K" PERIOD = 30 ns HIGH 50% | | | | |
TS_sys_clk_pin = PERIOD TIMEGRP "sys_clk_ | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A
pin" 10 ns HIGH 50% | | | | |
All constraints were met.
INFO:Timing:2761 - N/A entries in the Constraints list may indicate that the
constraint does not cover any paths or that it has no requested value.
Generating Pad Report.
All signals are completely routed.
Total REAL time to PAR completion: 1 mins 39 secs
Total CPU time to PAR completion: 1 mins 32 secs
Peak Memory Usage: 310 MB
Placement: Completed - No errors found.
Routing: Completed - No errors found.
Timing: Completed - No errors found.
Number of error messages: 0
Number of warning messages: 2
Number of info messages: 0
Writing design to file system.ncd
PAR done!
# Starting program post_par_trce
# trce -e 3 -xml system.twx system.ncd system.pcf
Release 8.1i - Trace I.24
Copyright (c) 1995-2005 Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved.
Loading device for application Rf_Device from file '2vp30.nph' in environment
"system" is an NCD, version 3.1, device xc2vp30, package ff896, speed -7
Release 8.1i Trace I.24
Copyright (c) 1995-2005 Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved.
trce -e 3 -xml system.twx system.ncd system.pcf
Design file: system.ncd
Physical constraint file: system.pcf
Device,speed: xc2vp30,-7 (PRODUCTION 1.92 2005-11-04)
Report level: error report
INFO:Timing:2752 - To get complete path coverage, use the unconstrained paths
option. All paths that are not constrained will be reported in the
unconstrained paths section(s) of the report.
Timing summary:
Timing errors: 0 Score: 0
Constraints cover 479204 paths, 0 nets, and 12146 connections
Design statistics:
Minimum period: 9.773ns (Maximum frequency: 102.323MHz)
Analysis completed Thu Jul 06 21:55:53 2006
Generating Report ...
Number of warnings: 0
Number of info messages: 1
Total time: 11 secs
xflow done!
Running Bitgen..
cd implementation; bitgen -w -f bitgen.ut system
Release 8.1i - Bitgen I.24
Copyright (c) 1995-2005 Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved.
Loading device for application Rf_Device from file '2vp30.nph' in environment
"system" is an NCD, version 3.1, device xc2vp30, package ff896, speed -7
Opened constraints file system.pcf.
Thu Jul 06 21:56:01 2006
Running DRC.
WARNING:PhysDesignRules:367 - The signal <lmb_bram/lmb_bram/BRAM_Clk_B> is
incomplete. The signal does not drive any load pins in the design.
DRC detected 0 errors and 1 warnings.
Creating bit map...
Saving bit stream in "system.bit".
Creating bit mask...
Saving mask bit stream in "system.msk".
Bitstream generation is complete.
Initializing BRAM contents of the bitstream
bitinit system.mhs -lp D:/XilinxXUP/lib/ -pe microblaze_0 Testbench1/executable.elf \
-bt implementation/system.bit -o implementation/download.bit
bitinit version Xilinx EDK 8.1 Build EDK_I.18.7
Copyright (c) Xilinx Inc. 2002.
Parsing MHS File system.mhs...
Sourcing tcl file
tcl ...
Sourcing tcl file
Sourcing tcl file
Sourcing tcl file
_cntlr_v2_1_0.tcl ...
Sourcing tcl file
tcl ...
Sourcing tcl file
tcl ...
Overriding IP level properties ...
microblaze (microblaze_0) -
mpd line 63 - tool overriding c_family value virtex2 to
microblaze (microblaze_0) -
mpd line 64 - tool overriding c_instance value microblaze to microblaze_0
microblaze (microblaze_0) -
mpd:93 - tcl overriding C_ADDR_TAG_BITS value 17 to 0
microblaze (microblaze_0) -
mpd:100 - tcl overriding C_DCACHE_ADDR_TAG value 17 to 0
opb_mdm (debug_module) -
line 42 - tool overriding c_family value virtex2 to
bram_block (lmb_bram) -
mpd line 42 - tool overriding c_family value virtex2 to
opb_gpio (leds_4bit) -
line 41 - tool overriding c_family value virtex2 to
opb_gpio (dipsws_4bit) -
line 41 - tool overriding c_family value virtex2 to
opb_gpio (pushbuttons_5bit) -
line 41 - tool overriding c_family value virtex2 to
dcm_module (dcm_0) -
mpd line 60 - tool overriding c_family value virtex2 to
bram_block (data_bram_0) -
mpd line 42 - tool overriding c_family value virtex2 to
bram_block (data_bram_1) -
mpd line 42 - tool overriding c_family value virtex2 to
Performing IP level DRCs on properties...
Running DRC Tcl procedures for OPTION IPLEVEL_DRC_PROC...
Sourcing tcl file
2_1_0.tcl ...
Sourcing tcl file
2_1_0.tcl ...
Sourcing tcl file
2_1_0.tcl ...
Sourcing tcl file
2_1_0.tcl ...
Address Map for Processor microblaze_0
(0x00000000-0x0000ffff) dlmb_cntlr dlmb
(0x00000000-0x0000ffff) ilmb_cntlr ilmb
(0x40000000-0x4000ffff) PushButtons_5Bit mb_opb
(0x40020000-0x4002ffff) LEDs_4Bit mb_opb
(0x40040000-0x4004ffff) DIPSWs_4Bit mb_opb
(0x40600000-0x4060ffff) RS232_Uart_1 mb_opb
(0x41400000-0x4140ffff) debug_module mb_opb
(0x41800000-0x4180ffff) SysACE_CompactFlash mb_opb
(0x70000000-0x7000ffff) data_bram_if_cntlr_0 dlmb
(0x70010000-0x7001ffff) data_bram_if_cntlr_1 dlmb
Initializing Memory...
Checking ELFs associated with MICROBLAZE instance microblaze_0 for overlap...
Analyzing file Testbench1/executable.elf...
INFO:MDT - BRAM lmb_bram will be initialized with ELF of processor microblaze_0
Running Data2Mem with the following command:
data2mem -bm implementation/system_bd -bt implementation/system.bit -bd
Testbench1/executable.elf tag data_bram_0 data_bram_1 lmb_bram -o b
Memory Initialization completed successfully.
At Local date and time: Thu Jul 06 21:57:25 2006
xbash -q -c "cd /cygdrive/d/mb-jpeg/; /usr/bin/make -f system.make download; exit;" started...
Downloading Bitstream onto the target board
impact -batch etc/download.cmd
Release 8.1i - iMPACT I.24
Copyright (c) 1995-2005 Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved.
// *** BATCH CMD : setMode -bs
// *** BATCH CMD : setCable -port auto
AutoDetecting cable. Please wait.
Connecting to cable (Parallel Port - LPT1).
Checking cable driver.
Driver windrvr6.sys version =
LPT base address = 0378h.
ECP base address = 0778h.
ECP hardware is detected.
Cable connection established.
Connecting to cable (Parallel Port - LPT1) in ECP mode.
Checking cable driver.
Driver xpc4drvr.sys version = LPT base address = 0378h.
Cable Type = 1, Revision = 3.
Setting cable speed to 5 MHz.
Cable connection established.
// *** BATCH CMD : identify
Identifying chain contents ....Version is 0001
'1': : Manufacturer's ID =Xilinx xc2vp30, Version : 1
PMSPEC -- Overriding Xilinx file <c:/ISE/virtex2p/data/virtex2p.acd> with local
file <c:/ISE/virtex2p/data/virtex2p.acd>
INFO:iMPACT:1777 -
Reading c:/ISE/virtex2p/data/xc2vp30.bsd...
INFO:iMPACT:501 - '1': Added Device xc2vp30 successfully.
Version is 0000
'2': : Manufacturer's ID =Xilinx xccace, Version : 0
INFO:iMPACT:1777 -
Reading c:/ISE/acecf/data/xccace.bsd...
INFO:iMPACT:501 - '1': Added Device xccace successfully.
Version is 1111
'3': : Manufacturer's ID =Xilinx xcf32p, Version : 15
INFO:iMPACT:1777 -
Reading c:/ISE/xcfp/data/xcf32p.bsd...
INFO:iMPACT:501 - '1': Added Device xcf32p successfully.
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Chain TCK freq = 10000000.
Validating chain...
Boundary-scan chain validated successfully.
Elapsed time = 2 sec.
// *** BATCH CMD : identifyMPM
Elapsed time = 0 sec.
// *** BATCH CMD : assignFile -p 3 -file "implementation/download.bit"
'3': Loading file 'implementation/download.bit' ...
INFO:iMPACT:501 - '3': Added Device xc2vp30 successfully.
// *** BATCH CMD : program -p 3
Chain TCK freq = 10000000.
Validating chain...
Boundary-scan chain validated successfully.
'3':Programming device...
'3': Reading status register contents...
CRC error : 0
Decryptor security set : 0
DCM locked : 1
DCI matched : 1
legacy input error : 0
status of GTS_CFG_B : 1
status of GWE : 1
status of GHIGH : 1
value of MODE pin M0 : 1
value of MODE pin M1 : 0
value of MODE pin M2 : 1
value of CFG_RDY (INIT_B) : 1
DONEIN input from DONE pin : 1
IDCODE not validated while trying to write FDRI : 0
write FDRI issued before or after decrypt operation: 0
Decryptor keys not used in proper sequence : 0
INFO:iMPACT:2219 - Status register values:
INFO:iMPACT - 0011 0111 1011 1000 0000 0000 0000 0000
INFO:iMPACT:579 - '3': Completed downloading bit file to device.
INFO:iMPACT:580 - '3':Checking done pin ....done.
'3': Programmed successfully.
Elapsed time = 4 sec.
// *** BATCH CMD : quit
At Local date and time: Thu Jul 06 22:03:12 2006
xbash -q -c "cd /cygdrive/d/mb-jpeg/; /usr/bin/make -f system.make download; exit;" started...
Downloading Bitstream onto the target board
impact -batch etc/download.cmd
Release 8.1i - iMPACT I.24
Copyright (c) 1995-2005 Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved.
// *** BATCH CMD : setMode -bs
// *** BATCH CMD : setCable -port auto
AutoDetecting cable. Please wait.
Connecting to cable (Parallel Port - LPT1).
Checking cable driver.
Driver windrvr6.sys version = LPT base address = 0378h.
ECP base address = 0778h.
ECP hardware is detected.
Cable connection established.
Connecting to cable (Parallel Port - LPT1) in ECP mode.
Checking cable driver.
Driver xpc4drvr.sys version = LPT base address = 0378h.
Cable Type = 1, Revision = 3.
Setting cable speed to 5 MHz.
Cable connection established.
// *** BATCH CMD : identify
Identifying chain contents ....Version is 0001
'1': : Manufacturer's ID =Xilinx xc2vp30, Version : 1
PMSPEC -- Overriding Xilinx file <c:/ISE/virtex2p/data/virtex2p.acd> with local
file <c:/ISE/virtex2p/data/virtex2p.acd>
INFO:iMPACT:1777 -
Reading c:/ISE/virtex2p/data/xc2vp30.bsd...
INFO:iMPACT:501 - '1': Added Device xc2vp30 successfully.
Version is 0000
'2': : Manufacturer's ID =Xilinx xccace, Version : 0
INFO:iMPACT:1777 -
Reading c:/ISE/acecf/data/xccace.bsd...
INFO:iMPACT:501 - '1': Added Device xccace successfully.
Version is 1111
'3': : Manufacturer's ID =Xilinx xcf32p, Version : 15
INFO:iMPACT:1777 -
Reading c:/ISE/xcfp/data/xcf32p.bsd...
INFO:iMPACT:501 - '1': Added Device xcf32p successfully.
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Chain TCK freq = 10000000.
Validating chain...
Boundary-scan chain validated successfully.
Elapsed time = 1 sec.
// *** BATCH CMD : identifyMPM
Elapsed time = 0 sec.
// *** BATCH CMD : assignFile -p 3 -file "implementation/download.bit"
'3': Loading file 'implementation/download.bit' ...
INFO:iMPACT:501 - '3': Added Device xc2vp30 successfully.
// *** BATCH CMD : program -p 3
Chain TCK freq = 10000000.
Validating chain...
Boundary-scan chain validated successfully.
'3':Programming device...
'3': Reading status register contents...
CRC error : 0
Decryptor security set : 0
DCM locked : 1
DCI matched : 1
legacy input error : 0
status of GTS_CFG_B : 1
status of GWE : 1
status of GHIGH : 1
value of MODE pin M0 : 1
value of MODE pin M1 : 0
value of MODE pin M2 : 1
value of CFG_RDY (INIT_B) : 1
DONEIN input from DONE pin : 1
IDCODE not validated while trying to write FDRI : 0
write FDRI issued before or after decrypt operation: 0
Decryptor keys not used in proper sequence : 0
INFO:iMPACT:2219 - Status register values:
INFO:iMPACT - 0011 0111 1011 1000 0000 0000 0000 0000
INFO:iMPACT:579 - '3': Completed downloading bit file to device.
INFO:iMPACT:580 - '3':Checking done pin ....done.
'3': Programmed successfully.
Elapsed time = 3 sec.
// *** BATCH CMD : quit
At Local date and time: Thu Jul 06 22:10:06 2006
xbash -q -c "cd /cygdrive/d/mb-jpeg/; /usr/bin/make -f system.make program; exit;" started...
mb-gcc -O2 testbench1/tb1.c -o Testbench1/executable.elf \
-mno-xl-soft-mul -g -I./microblaze_0/include/ -L./microblaze_0/lib/ \
mb-size Testbench1/executable.elf
text data bss dec hex filename
21596 144 13832 35572 8af4 Testbench1/executable.elf
At Local date and time: Thu Jul 06 22:10:28 2006
xbash -q -c "cd /cygdrive/d/mb-jpeg/; /usr/bin/make -f system.make init_bram; exit;" started...
Initializing BRAM contents of the bitstream
bitinit system.mhs -lp D:/XilinxXUP/lib/ -pe microblaze_0 Testbench1/executable.elf \
-bt implementation/system.bit -o implementation/download.bit
bitinit version Xilinx EDK 8.1 Build EDK_I.18.7
Copyright (c) Xilinx Inc. 2002.
Parsing MHS File system.mhs...
Sourcing tcl file
tcl ...
Sourcing tcl file
Sourcing tcl file
Sourcing tcl file
_cntlr_v2_1_0.tcl ...
Sourcing tcl file
tcl ...
Sourcing tcl file
tcl ...
Overriding IP level properties ...
microblaze (microblaze_0) -
mpd line 63 - tool overriding c_family value virtex2 to
microblaze (microblaze_0) -
mpd line 64 - tool overriding c_instance value microblaze to microblaze_0
microblaze (microblaze_0) -
mpd:93 - tcl overriding C_ADDR_TAG_BITS value 17 to 0
microblaze (microblaze_0) -
mpd:100 - tcl overriding C_DCACHE_ADDR_TAG value 17 to 0
opb_mdm (debug_module) -
line 42 - tool overriding c_family value virtex2 to
bram_block (lmb_bram) -
mpd line 42 - tool overriding c_family value virtex2 to
opb_gpio (leds_4bit) -
line 41 - tool overriding c_family value virtex2 to
opb_gpio (dipsws_4bit) -
line 41 - tool overriding c_family value virtex2 to
opb_gpio (pushbuttons_5bit) -
line 41 - tool overriding c_family value virtex2 to
dcm_module (dcm_0) -
mpd line 60 - tool overriding c_family value virtex2 to
bram_block (data_bram_0) -
mpd line 42 - tool overriding c_family value virtex2 to
bram_block (data_bram_1) -
mpd line 42 - tool overriding c_family value virtex2 to
Performing IP level DRCs on properties...
Running DRC Tcl procedures for OPTION IPLEVEL_DRC_PROC...
Sourcing tcl file
2_1_0.tcl ...
Sourcing tcl file
2_1_0.tcl ...
Sourcing tcl file
2_1_0.tcl ...
Sourcing tcl file
2_1_0.tcl ...
Address Map for Processor microblaze_0
(0x00000000-0x0000ffff) dlmb_cntlr dlmb
(0x00000000-0x0000ffff) ilmb_cntlr ilmb
(0x40000000-0x4000ffff) PushButtons_5Bit mb_opb
(0x40020000-0x4002ffff) LEDs_4Bit mb_opb
(0x40040000-0x4004ffff) DIPSWs_4Bit mb_opb
(0x40600000-0x4060ffff) RS232_Uart_1 mb_opb
(0x41400000-0x4140ffff) debug_module mb_opb
(0x41800000-0x4180ffff) SysACE_CompactFlash mb_opb
(0x70000000-0x7000ffff) data_bram_if_cntlr_0 dlmb
(0x70010000-0x7001ffff) data_bram_if_cntlr_1 dlmb
Initializing Memory...
Checking ELFs associated with MICROBLAZE instance microblaze_0 for overlap...
Analyzing file Testbench1/executable.elf...
INFO:MDT - BRAM lmb_bram will be initialized with ELF of processor microblaze_0
Running Data2Mem with the following command:
data2mem -bm implementation/system_bd -bt implementation/system.bit -bd
Testbench1/executable.elf tag data_bram_0 data_bram_1 lmb_bram -o b
Memory Initialization completed successfully.
At Local date and time: Thu Jul 06 22:10:34 2006
xbash -q -c "cd /cygdrive/d/mb-jpeg/; /usr/bin/make -f system.make download; exit;" started...
Downloading Bitstream onto the target board
impact -batch etc/download.cmd
Release 8.1i - iMPACT I.24
Copyright (c) 1995-2005 Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved.
// *** BATCH CMD : setMode -bs
// *** BATCH CMD : setCable -port auto
AutoDetecting cable. Please wait.
Connecting to cable (Parallel Port - LPT1).
Checking cable driver.
Driver windrvr6.sys version = LPT base address = 0378h.
ECP base address = 0778h.
ECP hardware is detected.
Cable connection established.
Connecting to cable (Parallel Port - LPT1) in ECP mode.
Checking cable driver.
Driver xpc4drvr.sys version = LPT base address = 0378h.
Cable Type = 1, Revision = 3.
Setting cable speed to 5 MHz.
Cable connection established.
// *** BATCH CMD : identify
Identifying chain contents ....Version is 0001
'1': : Manufacturer's ID =Xilinx xc2vp30, Version : 1
PMSPEC -- Overriding Xilinx file <c:/ISE/virtex2p/data/virtex2p.acd> with local
file <c:/ISE/virtex2p/data/virtex2p.acd>
INFO:iMPACT:1777 -
Reading c:/ISE/virtex2p/data/xc2vp30.bsd...
INFO:iMPACT:501 - '1': Added Device xc2vp30 successfully.
Version is 0000
'2': : Manufacturer's ID =Xilinx xccace, Version : 0
INFO:iMPACT:1777 -
Reading c:/ISE/acecf/data/xccace.bsd...
INFO:iMPACT:501 - '1': Added Device xccace successfully.
Version is 1111
'3': : Manufacturer's ID =Xilinx xcf32p, Version : 15
INFO:iMPACT:1777 -
Reading c:/ISE/xcfp/data/xcf32p.bsd...
INFO:iMPACT:501 - '1': Added Device xcf32p successfully.
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Chain TCK freq = 10000000.
Validating chain...
Boundary-scan chain validated successfully.
Elapsed time = 1 sec.
// *** BATCH CMD : identifyMPM
Elapsed time = 0 sec.
// *** BATCH CMD : assignFile -p 3 -file "implementation/download.bit"
'3': Loading file 'implementation/download.bit' ...
INFO:iMPACT:501 - '3': Added Device xc2vp30 successfully.
// *** BATCH CMD : program -p 3
Chain TCK freq = 10000000.
Validating chain...
Boundary-scan chain validated successfully.
'3':Programming device...
'3': Reading status register contents...
CRC error : 0
Decryptor security set : 0
DCM locked : 1
DCI matched : 1
legacy input error : 0
status of GTS_CFG_B : 1
status of GWE : 1
status of GHIGH : 1
value of MODE pin M0 : 1
value of MODE pin M1 : 0
value of MODE pin M2 : 1
value of CFG_RDY (INIT_B) : 1
DONEIN input from DONE pin : 1
IDCODE not validated while trying to write FDRI : 0
write FDRI issued before or after decrypt operation: 0
Decryptor keys not used in proper sequence : 0
INFO:iMPACT:2219 - Status register values:
INFO:iMPACT - 0011 0111 1011 1000 0000 0000 0000 0000
INFO:iMPACT:579 - '3': Completed downloading bit file to device.
INFO:iMPACT:580 - '3':Checking done pin ....done.
'3': Programmed successfully.
Elapsed time = 3 sec.
// *** BATCH CMD : quit
At Local date and time: Thu Jul 06 22:10:53 2006
xbash -q -c "cd /cygdrive/d/mb-jpeg/; /usr/bin/make -f system.make download; exit;" started...
Downloading Bitstream onto the target board
impact -batch etc/download.cmd
Release 8.1i - iMPACT I.24
Copyright (c) 1995-2005 Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved.
// *** BATCH CMD : setMode -bs
// *** BATCH CMD : setCable -port auto
AutoDetecting cable. Please wait.
Connecting to cable (Parallel Port - LPT1).
Checking cable driver.
Driver windrvr6.sys version = LPT base address = 0378h.
ECP base address = 0778h.
ECP hardware is detected.
Cable connection established.
Connecting to cable (Parallel Port - LPT1) in ECP mode.
Checking cable driver.
Driver xpc4drvr.sys version = LPT base address = 0378h.
Cable Type = 1, Revision = 3.
Setting cable speed to 5 MHz.
Cable connection established.
// *** BATCH CMD : identify
Identifying chain contents ....Version is 0001
'1': : Manufacturer's ID =Xilinx xc2vp30, Version : 1
PMSPEC -- Overriding Xilinx file <c:/ISE/virtex2p/data/virtex2p.acd> with local
file <c:/ISE/virtex2p/data/virtex2p.acd>
INFO:iMPACT:1777 -
Reading c:/ISE/virtex2p/data/xc2vp30.bsd...
INFO:iMPACT:501 - '1': Added Device xc2vp30 successfully.
Version is 0000
'2': : Manufacturer's ID =Xilinx xccace, Version : 0
INFO:iMPACT:1777 -
Reading c:/ISE/acecf/data/xccace.bsd...
INFO:iMPACT:501 - '1': Added Device xccace successfully.
Version is 1111
'3': : Manufacturer's ID =Xilinx xcf32p, Version : 15
INFO:iMPACT:1777 -
Reading c:/ISE/xcfp/data/xcf32p.bsd...
INFO:iMPACT:501 - '1': Added Device xcf32p successfully.
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Chain TCK freq = 10000000.
Validating chain...
Boundary-scan chain validated successfully.
Elapsed time = 1 sec.
// *** BATCH CMD : identifyMPM
Elapsed time = 0 sec.
// *** BATCH CMD : assignFile -p 3 -file "implementation/download.bit"
'3': Loading file 'implementation/download.bit' ...
INFO:iMPACT:501 - '3': Added Device xc2vp30 successfully.
// *** BATCH CMD : program -p 3
Chain TCK freq = 10000000.
Validating chain...
Boundary-scan chain validated successfully.
'3':Programming device...
'3': Reading status register contents...
CRC error : 0
Decryptor security set : 0
DCM locked : 1
DCI matched : 1
legacy input error : 0
status of GTS_CFG_B : 1
status of GWE : 1
status of GHIGH : 1
value of MODE pin M0 : 1
value of MODE pin M1 : 0
value of MODE pin M2 : 1
value of CFG_RDY (INIT_B) : 1
DONEIN input from DONE pin : 1
IDCODE not validated while trying to write FDRI : 0
write FDRI issued before or after decrypt operation: 0
Decryptor keys not used in proper sequence : 0
INFO:iMPACT:2219 - Status register values:
INFO:iMPACT - 0011 0111 1011 1000 0000 0000 0000 0000
INFO:iMPACT:579 - '3': Completed downloading bit file to device.
INFO:iMPACT:580 - '3':Checking done pin ....done.
'3': Programmed successfully.
Elapsed time = 3 sec.
// *** BATCH CMD : quit
At Local date and time: Thu Jul 06 22:11:47 2006
xbash -q -c "cd /cygdrive/d/mb-jpeg/; /usr/bin/make -f system.make download; exit;" started...
Downloading Bitstream onto the target board
impact -batch etc/download.cmd
Release 8.1i - iMPACT I.24
Copyright (c) 1995-2005 Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved.
// *** BATCH CMD : setMode -bs
// *** BATCH CMD : setCable -port auto
AutoDetecting cable. Please wait.
Connecting to cable (Parallel Port - LPT1).
Checking cable driver.
Driver windrvr6.sys version = LPT base address = 0378h.
ECP base address = 0778h.
ECP hardware is detected.
Cable connection established.
Connecting to cable (Parallel Port - LPT1) in ECP mode.
Checking cable driver.
Driver xpc4drvr.sys version = LPT base address = 0378h.
DeviceIoControl LPT_WRITE_CMD_BUFFER Failed.
Loopback test failed. Sent character = 00, Received character = 00.
The hardware may be malfunctioning or the BIOS setting for the Parallel port is
not set to ECP mode.
Cable connection failed.
Connecting to cable (Parallel Port - LPT1).
Checking cable driver.
Driver windrvr6.sys version = LPT base address = 0378h.
ECP base address = 0778h.
Cable connection established.
ECP port test failed. Using download cable in compatibility mode.
// *** BATCH CMD : identify
Identifying chain contents ....Version is 0001
'1': : Manufacturer's ID =Xilinx xc2vp30, Version : 1
PMSPEC -- Overriding Xilinx file <c:/ISE/virtex2p/data/virtex2p.acd> with local
file <c:/ISE/virtex2p/data/virtex2p.acd>
INFO:iMPACT:1777 -
Reading c:/ISE/virtex2p/data/xc2vp30.bsd...
INFO:iMPACT:501 - '1': Added Device xc2vp30 successfully.
Version is 0000
'2': : Manufacturer's ID =Xilinx xccace, Version : 0
INFO:iMPACT:1777 -
Reading c:/ISE/acecf/data/xccace.bsd...
INFO:iMPACT:501 - '1': Added Device xccace successfully.
Version is 1111
'3': : Manufacturer's ID =Xilinx xcf32p, Version : 15
INFO:iMPACT:1777 -
Reading c:/ISE/xcfp/data/xcf32p.bsd...
INFO:iMPACT:501 - '1': Added Device xcf32p successfully.
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Chain TCK freq = 0.
Validating chain...
Boundary-scan chain validated successfully.
Elapsed time = 1 sec.
// *** BATCH CMD : identifyMPM
Elapsed time = 0 sec.
// *** BATCH CMD : assignFile -p 3 -file "implementation/download.bit"
'3': Loading file 'implementation/download.bit' ...
INFO:iMPACT:501 - '3': Added Device xc2vp30 successfully.
// *** BATCH CMD : program -p 3
Chain TCK freq = 0.
Validating chain...
Boundary-scan chain validated successfully.
'3':Programming device...
Xilinx Platform Studio (XPS)
Xilinx EDK 8.1 Build EDK_I.18.7
Copyright (c) 1995-2006 Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved.
At Local date and time: Thu Jul 06 22:18:32 2006
xbash -q -c "cd /cygdrive/d/mb-jpeg/; /usr/bin/make -f system.make download; exit;" started...
Downloading Bitstream onto the target board
impact -batch etc/download.cmd
Release 8.1i - iMPACT I.24
Copyright (c) 1995-2005 Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved.
// *** BATCH CMD : setMode -bs
// *** BATCH CMD : setCable -port auto
AutoDetecting cable. Please wait.
Connecting to cable (Parallel Port - LPT1).
Checking cable driver.
Driver windrvr6.sys version = LPT base address = 0378h.
ECP base address = 0778h.
ECP hardware is detected.
Cable connection established.
Connecting to cable (Parallel Port - LPT1) in ECP mode.
Checking cable driver.
Driver xpc4drvr.sys version = LPT base address = 0378h.
Cable Type = 1, Revision = 3.
Setting cable speed to 5 MHz.
Cable connection established.
// *** BATCH CMD : identify
Identifying chain contents ....Version is 0001
'1': : Manufacturer's ID =Xilinx xc2vp30, Version : 1
PMSPEC -- Overriding Xilinx file <c:/ISE/virtex2p/data/virtex2p.acd> with local
file <c:/ISE/virtex2p/data/virtex2p.acd>
INFO:iMPACT:1777 -
Reading c:/ISE/virtex2p/data/xc2vp30.bsd...
INFO:iMPACT:501 - '1': Added Device xc2vp30 successfully.
Version is 0000
'2': : Manufacturer's ID =Xilinx xccace, Version : 0
INFO:iMPACT:1777 -
Reading c:/ISE/acecf/data/xccace.bsd...
INFO:iMPACT:501 - '1': Added Device xccace successfully.
Version is 1111
'3': : Manufacturer's ID =Xilinx xcf32p, Version : 15
INFO:iMPACT:1777 -
Reading c:/ISE/xcfp/data/xcf32p.bsd...
INFO:iMPACT:501 - '1': Added Device xcf32p successfully.
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Chain TCK freq = 10000000.
Validating chain...
Boundary-scan chain validated successfully.
Elapsed time = 1 sec.
// *** BATCH CMD : identifyMPM
Elapsed time = 0 sec.
// *** BATCH CMD : assignFile -p 3 -file "implementation/download.bit"
'3': Loading file 'implementation/download.bit' ...
INFO:iMPACT:501 - '3': Added Device xc2vp30 successfully.
// *** BATCH CMD : program -p 3
Chain TCK freq = 10000000.
Validating chain...
Boundary-scan chain validated successfully.
'3':Programming device...
'3': Reading status register contents...
CRC error : 0
Decryptor security set : 0
DCM locked : 1
DCI matched : 1
legacy input error : 0
status of GTS_CFG_B : 1
status of GWE : 1
status of GHIGH : 1
value of MODE pin M0 : 1
value of MODE pin M1 : 0
value of MODE pin M2 : 1
value of CFG_RDY (INIT_B) : 1
DONEIN input from DONE pin : 1
IDCODE not validated while trying to write FDRI : 0
write FDRI issued before or after decrypt operation: 0
Decryptor keys not used in proper sequence : 0
INFO:iMPACT:2219 - Status register values:
INFO:iMPACT - 0011 0111 1011 1000 0000 0000 0000 0000
INFO:iMPACT:579 - '3': Completed downloading bit file to device.
INFO:iMPACT:580 - '3':Checking done pin ....done.
'3': Programmed successfully.
Elapsed time = 3 sec.
// *** BATCH CMD : quit
At Local date and time: Thu Jul 06 22:21:50 2006
xbash -q -c "cd /cygdrive/d/mb-jpeg/; /usr/bin/make -f system.make program; exit;" started...
mb-gcc -O2 testbench1/tb1.c -o Testbench1/executable.elf \
-mno-xl-soft-mul -g -I./microblaze_0/include/ -Itestbench1/ -L./microblaze_0/lib/ \
mb-size Testbench1/executable.elf
text data bss dec hex filename
21596 144 13832 35572 8af4 Testbench1/executable.elf
At Local date and time: Thu Jul 06 22:22:08 2006
xbash -q -c "cd /cygdrive/d/mb-jpeg/; /usr/bin/make -f system.make download; exit;" started...
Initializing BRAM contents of the bitstream
bitinit system.mhs -lp D:/XilinxXUP/lib/ -pe microblaze_0 Testbench1/executable.elf \
-bt implementation/system.bit -o implementation/download.bit
bitinit version Xilinx EDK 8.1 Build EDK_I.18.7
Copyright (c) Xilinx Inc. 2002.
Parsing MHS File system.mhs...
Sourcing tcl file
tcl ...
Sourcing tcl file
Sourcing tcl file
Sourcing tcl file
_cntlr_v2_1_0.tcl ...
Sourcing tcl file
tcl ...
Sourcing tcl file
tcl ...
Overriding IP level properties ...
microblaze (microblaze_0) -
mpd line 63 - tool overriding c_family value virtex2 to
microblaze (microblaze_0) -
mpd line 64 - tool overriding c_instance value microblaze to microblaze_0
microblaze (microblaze_0) -
mpd:93 - tcl overriding C_ADDR_TAG_BITS value 17 to 0
microblaze (microblaze_0) -
mpd:100 - tcl overriding C_DCACHE_ADDR_TAG value 17 to 0
opb_mdm (debug_module) -
line 42 - tool overriding c_family value virtex2 to
bram_block (lmb_bram) -
mpd line 42 - tool overriding c_family value virtex2 to
opb_gpio (leds_4bit) -
line 41 - tool overriding c_family value virtex2 to
opb_gpio (dipsws_4bit) -
line 41 - tool overriding c_family value virtex2 to
opb_gpio (pushbuttons_5bit) -
line 41 - tool overriding c_family value virtex2 to
dcm_module (dcm_0) -
mpd line 60 - tool overriding c_family value virtex2 to
bram_block (data_bram_0) -
mpd line 42 - tool overriding c_family value virtex2 to
bram_block (data_bram_1) -
mpd line 42 - tool overriding c_family value virtex2 to
Performing IP level DRCs on properties...
Running DRC Tcl procedures for OPTION IPLEVEL_DRC_PROC...
Sourcing tcl file
2_1_0.tcl ...
Sourcing tcl file
2_1_0.tcl ...
Sourcing tcl file
2_1_0.tcl ...
Sourcing tcl file
2_1_0.tcl ...
Address Map for Processor microblaze_0
(0x00000000-0x0000ffff) dlmb_cntlr dlmb
(0x00000000-0x0000ffff) ilmb_cntlr ilmb
(0x40000000-0x4000ffff) PushButtons_5Bit mb_opb
(0x40020000-0x4002ffff) LEDs_4Bit mb_opb
(0x40040000-0x4004ffff) DIPSWs_4Bit mb_opb
(0x40600000-0x4060ffff) RS232_Uart_1 mb_opb
(0x41400000-0x4140ffff) debug_module mb_opb
(0x41800000-0x4180ffff) SysACE_CompactFlash mb_opb
(0x70000000-0x7000ffff) data_bram_if_cntlr_0 dlmb
(0x70010000-0x7001ffff) data_bram_if_cntlr_1 dlmb
Initializing Memory...
Checking ELFs associated with MICROBLAZE instance microblaze_0 for overlap...
Analyzing file Testbench1/executable.elf...
INFO:MDT - BRAM lmb_bram will be initialized with ELF of processor microblaze_0
Running Data2Mem with the following command:
data2mem -bm implementation/system_bd -bt implementation/system.bit -bd
Testbench1/executable.elf tag data_bram_0 data_bram_1 lmb_bram -o b
Memory Initialization completed successfully.
Downloading Bitstream onto the target board
impact -batch etc/download.cmd
Release 8.1i - iMPACT I.24
Copyright (c) 1995-2005 Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved.
// *** BATCH CMD : setMode -bs
// *** BATCH CMD : setCable -port auto
AutoDetecting cable. Please wait.
Connecting to cable (Parallel Port - LPT1).
Checking cable driver.
Driver windrvr6.sys version = LPT base address = 0378h.
ECP base address = 0778h.
ECP hardware is detected.
Cable connection established.
Connecting to cable (Parallel Port - LPT1) in ECP mode.
Checking cable driver.
Driver xpc4drvr.sys version = LPT base address = 0378h.
Cable Type = 1, Revision = 3.
Setting cable speed to 5 MHz.
Cable connection established.
// *** BATCH CMD : identify
Identifying chain contents ....Version is 0001
'1': : Manufacturer's ID =Xilinx xc2vp30, Version : 1
PMSPEC -- Overriding Xilinx file <c:/ISE/virtex2p/data/virtex2p.acd> with local
file <c:/ISE/virtex2p/data/virtex2p.acd>
INFO:iMPACT:1777 -
Reading c:/ISE/virtex2p/data/xc2vp30.bsd...
INFO:iMPACT:501 - '1': Added Device xc2vp30 successfully.
Version is 0000
'2': : Manufacturer's ID =Xilinx xccace, Version : 0
INFO:iMPACT:1777 -
Reading c:/ISE/acecf/data/xccace.bsd...
INFO:iMPACT:501 - '1': Added Device xccace successfully.
Version is 1111
'3': : Manufacturer's ID =Xilinx xcf32p, Version : 15
INFO:iMPACT:1777 -
Reading c:/ISE/xcfp/data/xcf32p.bsd...
INFO:iMPACT:501 - '1': Added Device xcf32p successfully.
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Chain TCK freq = 10000000.
Validating chain...
Boundary-scan chain validated successfully.
Elapsed time = 0 sec.
// *** BATCH CMD : identifyMPM
Elapsed time = 0 sec.
// *** BATCH CMD : assignFile -p 3 -file "implementation/download.bit"
'3': Loading file 'implementation/download.bit' ...
INFO:iMPACT:501 - '3': Added Device xc2vp30 successfully.
// *** BATCH CMD : program -p 3
Chain TCK freq = 10000000.
Validating chain...
Boundary-scan chain validated successfully.
'3':Programming device...
'3': Reading status register contents...
CRC error : 0
Decryptor security set : 0
DCM locked : 1
DCI matched : 1
legacy input error : 0
status of GTS_CFG_B : 1
status of GWE : 1
status of GHIGH : 1
value of MODE pin M0 : 1
value of MODE pin M1 : 0
value of MODE pin M2 : 1
value of CFG_RDY (INIT_B) : 1
DONEIN input from DONE pin : 1
IDCODE not validated while trying to write FDRI : 0
write FDRI issued before or after decrypt operation: 0
Decryptor keys not used in proper sequence : 0
INFO:iMPACT:2219 - Status register values:
INFO:iMPACT - 0011 0111 1011 1000 0000 0000 0000 0000
INFO:iMPACT:579 - '3': Completed downloading bit file to device.
INFO:iMPACT:580 - '3':Checking done pin ....done.
'3': Programmed successfully.
Elapsed time = 3 sec.
// *** BATCH CMD : quit
Linker Script generated successfully.
At Local date and time: Thu Jul 06 22:25:58 2006
xbash -q -c "cd /cygdrive/d/mb-jpeg/; /usr/bin/make -f system.make program; exit;" started...
mb-gcc -O2 testbench1/tb1.c -o Testbench1/executable.elf \
-mno-xl-soft-mul -Wl,-T -Wl,Testbench1_linker_script.ld -g -I./microblaze_0/include/ -Itestbench1/ -L./microblaze_0/lib/ \
mb-size Testbench1/executable.elf
text data bss dec hex filename
20724 1016 21000 42740 a6f4 Testbench1/executable.elf
At Local date and time: Thu Jul 06 22:26:10 2006
xbash -q -c "cd /cygdrive/d/mb-jpeg/; /usr/bin/make -f system.make download; exit;" started...
Initializing BRAM contents of the bitstream
bitinit system.mhs -lp D:/XilinxXUP/lib/ -pe microblaze_0 Testbench1/executable.elf \
-bt implementation/system.bit -o implementation/download.bit
bitinit version Xilinx EDK 8.1 Build EDK_I.18.7
Copyright (c) Xilinx Inc. 2002.
Parsing MHS File system.mhs...
Sourcing tcl file
tcl ...
Sourcing tcl file
Sourcing tcl file
Sourcing tcl file
_cntlr_v2_1_0.tcl ...
Sourcing tcl file
tcl ...
Sourcing tcl file
tcl ...
Overriding IP level properties ...
microblaze (microblaze_0) -
mpd line 63 - tool overriding c_family value virtex2 to
microblaze (microblaze_0) -
mpd line 64 - tool overriding c_instance value microblaze to microblaze_0
microblaze (microblaze_0) -
mpd:93 - tcl overriding C_ADDR_TAG_BITS value 17 to 0
microblaze (microblaze_0) -
mpd:100 - tcl overriding C_DCACHE_ADDR_TAG value 17 to 0
opb_mdm (debug_module) -
line 42 - tool overriding c_family value virtex2 to
bram_block (lmb_bram) -
mpd line 42 - tool overriding c_family value virtex2 to
opb_gpio (leds_4bit) -
line 41 - tool overriding c_family value virtex2 to
opb_gpio (dipsws_4bit) -
line 41 - tool overriding c_family value virtex2 to
opb_gpio (pushbuttons_5bit) -
line 41 - tool overriding c_family value virtex2 to
dcm_module (dcm_0) -
mpd line 60 - tool overriding c_family value virtex2 to
bram_block (data_bram_0) -
mpd line 42 - tool overriding c_family value virtex2 to
bram_block (data_bram_1) -
mpd line 42 - tool overriding c_family value virtex2 to
Performing IP level DRCs on properties...
Running DRC Tcl procedures for OPTION IPLEVEL_DRC_PROC...
Sourcing tcl file
2_1_0.tcl ...
Sourcing tcl file
2_1_0.tcl ...
Sourcing tcl file
2_1_0.tcl ...
Sourcing tcl file
2_1_0.tcl ...
Address Map for Processor microblaze_0
(0x00000000-0x0000ffff) dlmb_cntlr dlmb
(0x00000000-0x0000ffff) ilmb_cntlr ilmb
(0x40000000-0x4000ffff) PushButtons_5Bit mb_opb
(0x40020000-0x4002ffff) LEDs_4Bit mb_opb
(0x40040000-0x4004ffff) DIPSWs_4Bit mb_opb
(0x40600000-0x4060ffff) RS232_Uart_1 mb_opb
(0x41400000-0x4140ffff) debug_module mb_opb
(0x41800000-0x4180ffff) SysACE_CompactFlash mb_opb
(0x70000000-0x7000ffff) data_bram_if_cntlr_0 dlmb
(0x70010000-0x7001ffff) data_bram_if_cntlr_1 dlmb
Initializing Memory...
Checking ELFs associated with MICROBLAZE instance microblaze_0 for overlap...
Analyzing file Testbench1/executable.elf...
INFO:MDT - BRAM lmb_bram will be initialized with ELF of processor microblaze_0
Running Data2Mem with the following command:
data2mem -bm implementation/system_bd -bt implementation/system.bit -bd
Testbench1/executable.elf tag data_bram_0 data_bram_1 lmb_bram -o b
Memory Initialization completed successfully.
Downloading Bitstream onto the target board
impact -batch etc/download.cmd
Release 8.1i - iMPACT I.24
Copyright (c) 1995-2005 Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved.
// *** BATCH CMD : setMode -bs
// *** BATCH CMD : setCable -port auto
AutoDetecting cable. Please wait.
Connecting to cable (Parallel Port - LPT1).
Checking cable driver.
Driver windrvr6.sys version = LPT base address = 0378h.
ECP base address = 0778h.
ECP hardware is detected.
Cable connection established.
Connecting to cable (Parallel Port - LPT1) in ECP mode.
Checking cable driver.
Driver xpc4drvr.sys version = LPT base address = 0378h.
Cable Type = 1, Revision = 3.
Setting cable speed to 5 MHz.
Cable connection established.
// *** BATCH CMD : identify
Identifying chain contents ....Version is 0001
'1': : Manufacturer's ID =Xilinx xc2vp30, Version : 1
PMSPEC -- Overriding Xilinx file <c:/ISE/virtex2p/data/virtex2p.acd> with local
file <c:/ISE/virtex2p/data/virtex2p.acd>
INFO:iMPACT:1777 -
Reading c:/ISE/virtex2p/data/xc2vp30.bsd...
INFO:iMPACT:501 - '1': Added Device xc2vp30 successfully.
Version is 0000
'2': : Manufacturer's ID =Xilinx xccace, Version : 0
INFO:iMPACT:1777 -
Reading c:/ISE/acecf/data/xccace.bsd...
INFO:iMPACT:501 - '1': Added Device xccace successfully.
Version is 1111
'3': : Manufacturer's ID =Xilinx xcf32p, Version : 15
INFO:iMPACT:1777 -
Reading c:/ISE/xcfp/data/xcf32p.bsd...
INFO:iMPACT:501 - '1': Added Device xcf32p successfully.
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Chain TCK freq = 10000000.
Validating chain...
Boundary-scan chain validated successfully.
Elapsed time = 0 sec.
// *** BATCH CMD : identifyMPM
Elapsed time = 0 sec.
// *** BATCH CMD : assignFile -p 3 -file "implementation/download.bit"
'3': Loading file 'implementation/download.bit' ...
INFO:iMPACT:501 - '3': Added Device xc2vp30 successfully.
// *** BATCH CMD : program -p 3
Chain TCK freq = 10000000.
Validating chain...
Boundary-scan chain validated successfully.
'3':Programming device...
'3': Reading status register contents...
CRC error : 0
Decryptor security set : 0
DCM locked : 1
DCI matched : 1
legacy input error : 0
status of GTS_CFG_B : 1
status of GWE : 1
status of GHIGH : 1
value of MODE pin M0 : 1
value of MODE pin M1 : 0
value of MODE pin M2 : 1
value of CFG_RDY (INIT_B) : 1
DONEIN input from DONE pin : 1
IDCODE not validated while trying to write FDRI : 0
write FDRI issued before or after decrypt operation: 0
Decryptor keys not used in proper sequence : 0
INFO:iMPACT:2219 - Status register values:
INFO:iMPACT - 0011 0111 1011 1000 0000 0000 0000 0000
INFO:iMPACT:579 - '3': Completed downloading bit file to device.
INFO:iMPACT:580 - '3':Checking done pin ....done.
'3': Programmed successfully.
Elapsed time = 3 sec.
// *** BATCH CMD : quit
At Local date and time: Thu Jul 06 22:30:10 2006
xbash -q -c "cd /cygdrive/d/mb-jpeg/; /usr/bin/make -f system.make program; exit;" started...
mb-gcc -O2 testbench1/tb1.c -o Testbench1/executable.elf \
-mno-xl-soft-mul -Wl,-T -Wl,Testbench1_linker_script.ld -g -I./microblaze_0/include/ -Itestbench1/ -L./microblaze_0/lib/ \
mb-size Testbench1/executable.elf
text data bss dec hex filename
20720 1016 21004 42740 a6f4 Testbench1/executable.elf
At Local date and time: Thu Jul 06 22:30:14 2006
xbash -q -c "cd /cygdrive/d/mb-jpeg/; /usr/bin/make -f system.make download; exit;" started...
Initializing BRAM contents of the bitstream
bitinit system.mhs -lp D:/XilinxXUP/lib/ -pe microblaze_0 Testbench1/executable.elf \
-bt implementation/system.bit -o implementation/download.bit
bitinit version Xilinx EDK 8.1 Build EDK_I.18.7
Copyright (c) Xilinx Inc. 2002.
Parsing MHS File system.mhs...
Sourcing tcl file
tcl ...
Sourcing tcl file
Sourcing tcl file
Sourcing tcl file
_cntlr_v2_1_0.tcl ...
Sourcing tcl file
tcl ...
Sourcing tcl file
tcl ...
Overriding IP level properties ...
microblaze (microblaze_0) -
mpd line 63 - tool overriding c_family value virtex2 to
microblaze (microblaze_0) -
mpd line 64 - tool overriding c_instance value microblaze to microblaze_0
microblaze (microblaze_0) -
mpd:93 - tcl overriding C_ADDR_TAG_BITS value 17 to 0
microblaze (microblaze_0) -
mpd:100 - tcl overriding C_DCACHE_ADDR_TAG value 17 to 0
opb_mdm (debug_module) -
line 42 - tool overriding c_family value virtex2 to
bram_block (lmb_bram) -
mpd line 42 - tool overriding c_family value virtex2 to
opb_gpio (leds_4bit) -
line 41 - tool overriding c_family value virtex2 to
opb_gpio (dipsws_4bit) -
line 41 - tool overriding c_family value virtex2 to
opb_gpio (pushbuttons_5bit) -
line 41 - tool overriding c_family value virtex2 to
dcm_module (dcm_0) -
mpd line 60 - tool overriding c_family value virtex2 to
bram_block (data_bram_0) -
mpd line 42 - tool overriding c_family value virtex2 to
bram_block (data_bram_1) -
mpd line 42 - tool overriding c_family value virtex2 to
Performing IP level DRCs on properties...
Running DRC Tcl procedures for OPTION IPLEVEL_DRC_PROC...
Sourcing tcl file
2_1_0.tcl ...
Sourcing tcl file
2_1_0.tcl ...
Sourcing tcl file
2_1_0.tcl ...
Sourcing tcl file
2_1_0.tcl ...
Address Map for Processor microblaze_0
(0x00000000-0x0000ffff) dlmb_cntlr dlmb
(0x00000000-0x0000ffff) ilmb_cntlr ilmb
(0x40000000-0x4000ffff) PushButtons_5Bit mb_opb
(0x40020000-0x4002ffff) LEDs_4Bit mb_opb
(0x40040000-0x4004ffff) DIPSWs_4Bit mb_opb
(0x40600000-0x4060ffff) RS232_Uart_1 mb_opb
(0x41400000-0x4140ffff) debug_module mb_opb
(0x41800000-0x4180ffff) SysACE_CompactFlash mb_opb
(0x70000000-0x7000ffff) data_bram_if_cntlr_0 dlmb
(0x70010000-0x7001ffff) data_bram_if_cntlr_1 dlmb
Initializing Memory...
Checking ELFs associated with MICROBLAZE instance microblaze_0 for overlap...
Analyzing file Testbench1/executable.elf...
INFO:MDT - BRAM lmb_bram will be initialized with ELF of processor microblaze_0
Running Data2Mem with the following command:
data2mem -bm implementation/system_bd -bt implementation/system.bit -bd
Testbench1/executable.elf tag data_bram_0 data_bram_1 lmb_bram -o b
Memory Initialization completed successfully.
Downloading Bitstream onto the target board
impact -batch etc/download.cmd
Release 8.1i - iMPACT I.24
Copyright (c) 1995-2005 Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved.
// *** BATCH CMD : setMode -bs
// *** BATCH CMD : setCable -port auto
AutoDetecting cable. Please wait.
Connecting to cable (Parallel Port - LPT1).
Checking cable driver.
Driver windrvr6.sys version = LPT base address = 0378h.
ECP base address = 0778h.
ECP hardware is detected.
Cable connection established.
Connecting to cable (Parallel Port - LPT1) in ECP mode.
Checking cable driver.
Driver xpc4drvr.sys version = LPT base address = 0378h.
Cable Type = 1, Revision = 3.
Setting cable speed to 5 MHz.
Cable connection established.
// *** BATCH CMD : identify
Identifying chain contents ....Version is 0001
'1': : Manufacturer's ID =Xilinx xc2vp30, Version : 1
PMSPEC -- Overriding Xilinx file <c:/ISE/virtex2p/data/virtex2p.acd> with local
file <c:/ISE/virtex2p/data/virtex2p.acd>
INFO:iMPACT:1777 -
Reading c:/ISE/virtex2p/data/xc2vp30.bsd...
INFO:iMPACT:501 - '1': Added Device xc2vp30 successfully.
Version is 0000
'2': : Manufacturer's ID =Xilinx xccace, Version : 0
INFO:iMPACT:1777 -
Reading c:/ISE/acecf/data/xccace.bsd...
INFO:iMPACT:501 - '1': Added Device xccace successfully.
Version is 1111
'3': : Manufacturer's ID =Xilinx xcf32p, Version : 15
INFO:iMPACT:1777 -
Reading c:/ISE/xcfp/data/xcf32p.bsd...
INFO:iMPACT:501 - '1': Added Device xcf32p successfully.
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Chain TCK freq = 10000000.
Validating chain...
Boundary-scan chain validated successfully.
Elapsed time = 0 sec.
// *** BATCH CMD : identifyMPM
Elapsed time = 0 sec.
// *** BATCH CMD : assignFile -p 3 -file "implementation/download.bit"
'3': Loading file 'implementation/download.bit' ...
INFO:iMPACT:501 - '3': Added Device xc2vp30 successfully.
// *** BATCH CMD : program -p 3
Chain TCK freq = 10000000.
Validating chain...
Boundary-scan chain validated successfully.
'3':Programming device...
'3': Reading status register contents...
CRC error : 0
Decryptor security set : 0
DCM locked : 1
DCI matched : 1
legacy input error : 0
status of GTS_CFG_B : 1
status of GWE : 1
status of GHIGH : 1
value of MODE pin M0 : 1
value of MODE pin M1 : 0
value of MODE pin M2 : 1
value of CFG_RDY (INIT_B) : 1
DONEIN input from DONE pin : 1
IDCODE not validated while trying to write FDRI : 0
write FDRI issued before or after decrypt operation: 0
Decryptor keys not used in proper sequence : 0
INFO:iMPACT:2219 - Status register values:
INFO:iMPACT - 0011 0111 1011 1000 0000 0000 0000 0000
INFO:iMPACT:579 - '3': Completed downloading bit file to device.
INFO:iMPACT:580 - '3':Checking done pin ....done.
'3': Programmed successfully.
Elapsed time = 3 sec.
// *** BATCH CMD : quit
At Local date and time: Thu Jul 06 22:33:04 2006
xbash -q -c "cd /cygdrive/d/mb-jpeg/; /usr/bin/make -f system.make program; exit;" started...
mb-gcc -O2 testbench1/tb1.c -o Testbench1/executable.elf \
-mno-xl-soft-mul -Wl,-T -Wl,Testbench1_linker_script.ld -g -I./microblaze_0/include/ -Itestbench1/ -L./microblaze_0/lib/ \
mb-size Testbench1/executable.elf
text data bss dec hex filename
20728 1016 21004 42748 a6fc Testbench1/executable.elf
At Local date and time: Thu Jul 06 22:33:10 2006
xbash -q -c "cd /cygdrive/d/mb-jpeg/; /usr/bin/make -f system.make download; exit;" started...
Initializing BRAM contents of the bitstream
bitinit system.mhs -lp D:/XilinxXUP/lib/ -pe microblaze_0 Testbench1/executable.elf \
-bt implementation/system.bit -o implementation/download.bit
bitinit version Xilinx EDK 8.1 Build EDK_I.18.7
Copyright (c) Xilinx Inc. 2002.
Parsing MHS File system.mhs...
Sourcing tcl file
tcl ...
Sourcing tcl file
Sourcing tcl file
Sourcing tcl file
_cntlr_v2_1_0.tcl ...
Sourcing tcl file
tcl ...
Sourcing tcl file
tcl ...
Overriding IP level properties ...
microblaze (microblaze_0) -
mpd line 63 - tool overriding c_family value virtex2 to
microblaze (microblaze_0) -
mpd line 64 - tool overriding c_instance value microblaze to microblaze_0
microblaze (microblaze_0) -
mpd:93 - tcl overriding C_ADDR_TAG_BITS value 17 to 0
microblaze (microblaze_0) -
mpd:100 - tcl overriding C_DCACHE_ADDR_TAG value 17 to 0
opb_mdm (debug_module) -
line 42 - tool overriding c_family value virtex2 to
bram_block (lmb_bram) -
mpd line 42 - tool overriding c_family value virtex2 to
opb_gpio (leds_4bit) -
line 41 - tool overriding c_family value virtex2 to
opb_gpio (dipsws_4bit) -
line 41 - tool overriding c_family value virtex2 to
opb_gpio (pushbuttons_5bit) -
line 41 - tool overriding c_family value virtex2 to
dcm_module (dcm_0) -
mpd line 60 - tool overriding c_family value virtex2 to
bram_block (data_bram_0) -
mpd line 42 - tool overriding c_family value virtex2 to
bram_block (data_bram_1) -
mpd line 42 - tool overriding c_family value virtex2 to
Performing IP level DRCs on properties...
Running DRC Tcl procedures for OPTION IPLEVEL_DRC_PROC...
Sourcing tcl file
2_1_0.tcl ...
Sourcing tcl file
2_1_0.tcl ...
Sourcing tcl file
2_1_0.tcl ...
Sourcing tcl file
2_1_0.tcl ...
Address Map for Processor microblaze_0
(0x00000000-0x0000ffff) dlmb_cntlr dlmb
(0x00000000-0x0000ffff) ilmb_cntlr ilmb
(0x40000000-0x4000ffff) PushButtons_5Bit mb_opb
(0x40020000-0x4002ffff) LEDs_4Bit mb_opb
(0x40040000-0x4004ffff) DIPSWs_4Bit mb_opb
(0x40600000-0x4060ffff) RS232_Uart_1 mb_opb
(0x41400000-0x4140ffff) debug_module mb_opb
(0x41800000-0x4180ffff) SysACE_CompactFlash mb_opb
(0x70000000-0x7000ffff) data_bram_if_cntlr_0 dlmb
(0x70010000-0x7001ffff) data_bram_if_cntlr_1 dlmb
Initializing Memory...
Checking ELFs associated with MICROBLAZE instance microblaze_0 for overlap...
Analyzing file Testbench1/executable.elf...
INFO:MDT - BRAM lmb_bram will be initialized with ELF of processor microblaze_0
Running Data2Mem with the following command:
data2mem -bm implementation/system_bd -bt implementation/system.bit -bd
Testbench1/executable.elf tag data_bram_0 data_bram_1 lmb_bram -o b
Memory Initialization completed successfully.
Downloading Bitstream onto the target board
impact -batch etc/download.cmd
Release 8.1i - iMPACT I.24
Copyright (c) 1995-2005 Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved.
// *** BATCH CMD : setMode -bs
// *** BATCH CMD : setCable -port auto
AutoDetecting cable. Please wait.
Connecting to cable (Parallel Port - LPT1).
Checking cable driver.
Driver windrvr6.sys version = LPT base address = 0378h.
ECP base address = 0778h.
ECP hardware is detected.
Cable connection established.
Connecting to cable (Parallel Port - LPT1) in ECP mode.
Checking cable driver.
Driver xpc4drvr.sys version = LPT base address = 0378h.
Cable Type = 1, Revision = 3.
Setting cable speed to 5 MHz.
Cable connection established.
// *** BATCH CMD : identify
Identifying chain contents ....Version is 0001
'1': : Manufacturer's ID =Xilinx xc2vp30, Version : 1
PMSPEC -- Overriding Xilinx file <c:/ISE/virtex2p/data/virtex2p.acd> with local
file <c:/ISE/virtex2p/data/virtex2p.acd>
INFO:iMPACT:1777 -
Reading c:/ISE/virtex2p/data/xc2vp30.bsd...
INFO:iMPACT:501 - '1': Added Device xc2vp30 successfully.
Version is 0000
'2': : Manufacturer's ID =Xilinx xccace, Version : 0
INFO:iMPACT:1777 -
Reading c:/ISE/acecf/data/xccace.bsd...
INFO:iMPACT:501 - '1': Added Device xccace successfully.
Version is 1111
'3': : Manufacturer's ID =Xilinx xcf32p, Version : 15
INFO:iMPACT:1777 -
Reading c:/ISE/xcfp/data/xcf32p.bsd...
INFO:iMPACT:501 - '1': Added Device xcf32p successfully.
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Chain TCK freq = 10000000.
Validating chain...
Boundary-scan chain validated successfully.
Elapsed time = 1 sec.
// *** BATCH CMD : identifyMPM
Elapsed time = 0 sec.
// *** BATCH CMD : assignFile -p 3 -file "implementation/download.bit"
'3': Loading file 'implementation/download.bit' ...
INFO:iMPACT:501 - '3': Added Device xc2vp30 successfully.
// *** BATCH CMD : program -p 3
Chain TCK freq = 10000000.
Validating chain...
Boundary-scan chain validated successfully.
'3':Programming device...
'3': Reading status register contents...
CRC error : 0
Decryptor security set : 0
DCM locked : 1
DCI matched : 1
legacy input error : 0
status of GTS_CFG_B : 1
status of GWE : 1
status of GHIGH : 1
value of MODE pin M0 : 1
value of MODE pin M1 : 0
value of MODE pin M2 : 1
value of CFG_RDY (INIT_B) : 1
DONEIN input from DONE pin : 1
IDCODE not validated while trying to write FDRI : 0
write FDRI issued before or after decrypt operation: 0
Decryptor keys not used in proper sequence : 0
INFO:iMPACT:2219 - Status register values:
INFO:iMPACT - 0011 0111 1011 1000 0000 0000 0000 0000
INFO:iMPACT:579 - '3': Completed downloading bit file to device.
INFO:iMPACT:580 - '3':Checking done pin ....done.
'3': Programmed successfully.
Elapsed time = 3 sec.
// *** BATCH CMD : quit
At Local date and time: Thu Jul 06 22:35:26 2006
xbash -q -c "cd /cygdrive/d/mb-jpeg/; /usr/bin/make -f system.make download; exit;" started...
Downloading Bitstream onto the target board
impact -batch etc/download.cmd
Release 8.1i - iMPACT I.24
Copyright (c) 1995-2005 Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved.
// *** BATCH CMD : setMode -bs
// *** BATCH CMD : setCable -port auto
AutoDetecting cable. Please wait.
Connecting to cable (Parallel Port - LPT1).
Checking cable driver.
Driver windrvr6.sys version = LPT base address = 0378h.
ECP base address = 0778h.
ECP hardware is detected.
Cable connection established.
Connecting to cable (Parallel Port - LPT1) in ECP mode.
Checking cable driver.
Driver xpc4drvr.sys version = LPT base address = 0378h.
Cable Type = 1, Revision = 3.
Setting cable speed to 5 MHz.
Cable connection established.
// *** BATCH CMD : identify
Identifying chain contents ....Version is 0001
'1': : Manufacturer's ID =Xilinx xc2vp30, Version : 1
PMSPEC -- Overriding Xilinx file <c:/ISE/virtex2p/data/virtex2p.acd> with local
file <c:/ISE/virtex2p/data/virtex2p.acd>
INFO:iMPACT:1777 -
Reading c:/ISE/virtex2p/data/xc2vp30.bsd...
INFO:iMPACT:501 - '1': Added Device xc2vp30 successfully.
Version is 0000
'2': : Manufacturer's ID =Xilinx xccace, Version : 0
INFO:iMPACT:1777 -
Reading c:/ISE/acecf/data/xccace.bsd...
INFO:iMPACT:501 - '1': Added Device xccace successfully.
Version is 1111
'3': : Manufacturer's ID =Xilinx xcf32p, Version : 15
INFO:iMPACT:1777 -
Reading c:/ISE/xcfp/data/xcf32p.bsd...
INFO:iMPACT:501 - '1': Added Device xcf32p successfully.
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Chain TCK freq = 10000000.
Validating chain...
Boundary-scan chain validated successfully.
Elapsed time = 0 sec.
// *** BATCH CMD : identifyMPM
Elapsed time = 0 sec.
// *** BATCH CMD : assignFile -p 3 -file "implementation/download.bit"
'3': Loading file 'implementation/download.bit' ...
INFO:iMPACT:501 - '3': Added Device xc2vp30 successfully.
// *** BATCH CMD : program -p 3
Chain TCK freq = 10000000.
Validating chain...
Boundary-scan chain validated successfully.
'3':Programming device...
'3': Reading status register contents...
CRC error : 0
Decryptor security set : 0
DCM locked : 1
DCI matched : 1
legacy input error : 0
status of GTS_CFG_B : 1
status of GWE : 1
status of GHIGH : 1
value of MODE pin M0 : 1
value of MODE pin M1 : 0
value of MODE pin M2 : 1
value of CFG_RDY (INIT_B) : 1
DONEIN input from DONE pin : 1
IDCODE not validated while trying to write FDRI : 0
write FDRI issued before or after decrypt operation: 0
Decryptor keys not used in proper sequence : 0
INFO:iMPACT:2219 - Status register values:
INFO:iMPACT - 0011 0111 1011 1000 0000 0000 0000 0000
INFO:iMPACT:579 - '3': Completed downloading bit file to device.
INFO:iMPACT:580 - '3':Checking done pin ....done.
'3': Programmed successfully.
Elapsed time = 3 sec.
// *** BATCH CMD : quit
At Local date and time: Thu Jul 06 22:39:37 2006
xbash -q -c "cd /cygdrive/d/mb-jpeg/; /usr/bin/make -f system.make download; exit;" started...
Downloading Bitstream onto the target board
impact -batch etc/download.cmd
Release 8.1i - iMPACT I.24
Copyright (c) 1995-2005 Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved.
// *** BATCH CMD : setMode -bs
// *** BATCH CMD : setCable -port auto
AutoDetecting cable. Please wait.
Connecting to cable (Parallel Port - LPT1).
Checking cable driver.
Driver windrvr6.sys version = LPT base address = 0378h.
ECP base address = 0778h.
ECP hardware is detected.
Cable connection established.
Connecting to cable (Parallel Port - LPT1) in ECP mode.
Checking cable driver.
Driver xpc4drvr.sys version = LPT base address = 0378h.
Cable Type = 1, Revision = 3.
Setting cable speed to 5 MHz.
Cable connection established.
// *** BATCH CMD : identify
Identifying chain contents ....Version is 0001
'1': : Manufacturer's ID =Xilinx xc2vp30, Version : 1
PMSPEC -- Overriding Xilinx file <c:/ISE/virtex2p/data/virtex2p.acd> with local
file <c:/ISE/virtex2p/data/virtex2p.acd>
INFO:iMPACT:1777 -
Reading c:/ISE/virtex2p/data/xc2vp30.bsd...
INFO:iMPACT:501 - '1': Added Device xc2vp30 successfully.
Version is 0000
'2': : Manufacturer's ID =Xilinx xccace, Version : 0
INFO:iMPACT:1777 -
Reading c:/ISE/acecf/data/xccace.bsd...
INFO:iMPACT:501 - '1': Added Device xccace successfully.
Version is 1111
'3': : Manufacturer's ID =Xilinx xcf32p, Version : 15
INFO:iMPACT:1777 -
Reading c:/ISE/xcfp/data/xcf32p.bsd...
INFO:iMPACT:501 - '1': Added Device xcf32p successfully.
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Chain TCK freq = 10000000.
Validating chain...
Boundary-scan chain validated successfully.
Elapsed time = 0 sec.
// *** BATCH CMD : identifyMPM
Elapsed time = 0 sec.
// *** BATCH CMD : assignFile -p 3 -file "implementation/download.bit"
'3': Loading file 'implementation/download.bit' ...
INFO:iMPACT:501 - '3': Added Device xc2vp30 successfully.
// *** BATCH CMD : program -p 3
Chain TCK freq = 10000000.
Validating chain...
Boundary-scan chain validated successfully.
'3':Programming device...
'3': Reading status register contents...
CRC error : 0
Decryptor security set : 0
DCM locked : 1
DCI matched : 1
legacy input error : 0
status of GTS_CFG_B : 1
status of GWE : 1
status of GHIGH : 1
value of MODE pin M0 : 1
value of MODE pin M1 : 0
value of MODE pin M2 : 1
value of CFG_RDY (INIT_B) : 1
DONEIN input from DONE pin : 1
IDCODE not validated while trying to write FDRI : 0
write FDRI issued before or after decrypt operation: 0
Decryptor keys not used in proper sequence : 0
INFO:iMPACT:2219 - Status register values:
INFO:iMPACT - 0011 0111 1011 1000 0000 0000 0000 0000
INFO:iMPACT:579 - '3': Completed downloading bit file to device.
INFO:iMPACT:580 - '3':Checking done pin ....done.
'3': Programmed successfully.
Elapsed time = 3 sec.
// *** BATCH CMD : quit
At Local date and time: Thu Jul 06 22:40:52 2006
xbash -q -c "cd /cygdrive/d/mb-jpeg/; /usr/bin/make -f system.make clean; exit;" started...
rm -f implementation/system.ngc
rm -f implementation/system.bmm
rm -f implementation/system.bit
rm -f implementation/system.ncd
rm -f implementation/system_bd.bmm
rm -rf implementation synthesis xst hdl
rm -rf xst.srp system.srp
rm -rf microblaze_0/lib/
rm -f Testbench1/executable.elf
rm -rf simulation/behavioral
rm -rf virtualplatform
rm -f _impact.cmd
28,8 → 28,8
MICROBLAZE_BOOTLOOP = $(XILINX_EDK_DIR)/sw/lib/microblaze/mb_bootloop.elf
PPC405_BOOTLOOP = $(XILINX_EDK_DIR)/sw/lib/ppc405/ppc_bootloop.elf
39,10 → 39,10
MICROBLAZE_0_XMDSTUB = microblaze_0/code/xmdstub.elf
SIM_CMD = vsim
66,7 → 66,7
LIBSCLEAN_TARGETS = microblaze_0_libsclean
PROGRAMCLEAN_TARGETS = decoder_programclean
PROGRAMCLEAN_TARGETS = Testbench1_programclean
109,37 → 109,37
DECODER_SOURCES = decoder/decoder.c
TESTBENCH1_SOURCES = testbench1/tb1.c
TESTBENCH1_HEADERS = testbench1/tb1.h
DECODER_CC = mb-gcc
DECODER_LIBPATH = -L./microblaze_0/lib/ # -L
DECODER_INCLUDES = -I./microblaze_0/include/ # -I
DECODER_MODE = executable
DECODER_CC_SOFTMUL_FLAG= -mno-xl-soft-mul
TESTBENCH1_CC = mb-gcc
TESTBENCH1_LIBPATH = -L./microblaze_0/lib/ # -L
TESTBENCH1_INCLUDES = -I./microblaze_0/include/ -Itestbench1/ # -I
TESTBENCH1_LINKER_SCRIPT = Testbench1_linker_script.ld
TESTBENCH1_MODE = executable
TESTBENCH1_CC_SOFTMUL_FLAG= -mno-xl-soft-mul
1,37 → 109,37
-pe microblaze_0 decoder/executable.elf
-pe microblaze_0 Testbench1/executable.elf
1,37 → 109,37
-p virtex2p -lang vhdl -lp D:/XilinxXUP/lib/ -pe microblaze_0 decoder/executable.elf -s mti
-p virtex2p -lang vhdl -lp D:/XilinxXUP/lib/ -pe microblaze_0 Testbench1/executable.elf -s mti
1,4 → 1,4
Release 7.1.02i - platgen EDK_H.12.5.1
Release 8.1i - platgen EDK_I.18.7
Copyright (c) 1995-2005 Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved.
Command Line: platgen -p xc2vp30ff896-7 -lang vhdl -lp D:/XilinxXUP/lib/ -st xst
8,59 → 8,77
Read MPD definitions ...
Sourcing tcl file
tcl ...
Sourcing tcl file
Sourcing tcl file
Sourcing tcl file
_cntlr_v2_1_0.tcl ...
Sourcing tcl file
tcl ...
Sourcing tcl file
tcl ...
Overriding IP level properties ...
microblaze (microblaze_0) -
mpd:60 - tool overriding c_family value virtex2 to virtex2p
mpd line 63 - tool overriding c_family value virtex2 to virtex2p
microblaze (microblaze_0) -
mpd:61 - tool overriding c_instance value microblaze to microblaze_0
mpd line 64 - tool overriding c_instance value microblaze to microblaze_0
microblaze (microblaze_0) -
mpd:90 - tcl overriding C_ADDR_TAG_BITS value 17 to 0
mpd:93 - tcl overriding C_ADDR_TAG_BITS value 17 to 0
microblaze (microblaze_0) -
mpd:97 - tcl overriding C_DCACHE_ADDR_TAG value 17 to 0
mpd:100 - tcl overriding C_DCACHE_ADDR_TAG value 17 to 0
opb_mdm (debug_module) -
- tool overriding c_family value virtex2 to virtex2p
line 42 - tool overriding c_family value virtex2 to virtex2p
bram_block (lmb_bram) -
mpd:39 - tool overriding c_family value virtex2 to virtex2p
mpd line 42 - tool overriding c_family value virtex2 to virtex2p
opb_gpio (leds_4bit) -
38 - tool overriding c_family value virtex2 to virtex2p
line 41 - tool overriding c_family value virtex2 to virtex2p
opb_gpio (dipsws_4bit) -
38 - tool overriding c_family value virtex2 to virtex2p
line 41 - tool overriding c_family value virtex2 to virtex2p
opb_gpio (pushbuttons_5bit) -
38 - tool overriding c_family value virtex2 to virtex2p
line 41 - tool overriding c_family value virtex2 to virtex2p
dcm_module (dcm_0) -
mpd:56 - tool overriding c_family value virtex2 to virtex2p
mpd line 60 - tool overriding c_family value virtex2 to virtex2p
bram_block (data_bram_0) -
mpd:39 - tool overriding c_family value virtex2 to virtex2p
mpd line 42 - tool overriding c_family value virtex2 to virtex2p
bram_block (data_bram_1) -
mpd:39 - tool overriding c_family value virtex2 to virtex2p
mpd line 42 - tool overriding c_family value virtex2 to virtex2p
Performing IP level DRCs on properties...
Running DRC Tcl procedures for OPTION IPLEVEL_DRC_PROC...
Sourcing tcl file
2_1_0.tcl ...
Sourcing tcl file
2_1_0.tcl ...
Sourcing tcl file
2_1_0.tcl ...
Sourcing tcl file
2_1_0.tcl ...
Address Map for Processor microblaze_0
(0x00000000-0x0000ffff) dlmb_cntlr dlmb
(0x00000000-0x0000ffff) ilmb_cntlr ilmb
74,46 → 92,52
(0x70010000-0x7001ffff) data_bram_if_cntlr_1 dlmb
Check platform configuration ...
opb_v20 (mb_opb) - D:\mb-jpeg\system.mhs:55 - 2 master(s) : 6 slave(s)
lmb_v10 (ilmb) - D:\mb-jpeg\system.mhs:81 - 1 master(s) : 1 slave(s)
lmb_v10 (dlmb) - D:\mb-jpeg\system.mhs:89 - 1 master(s) : 3 slave(s)
opb_v20 (mb_opb) - D:\mb-jpeg\system.mhs line 55 - 2 master(s) : 6 slave(s)
lmb_v10 (ilmb) - D:\mb-jpeg\system.mhs line 81 - 1 master(s) : 1 slave(s)
lmb_v10 (dlmb) - D:\mb-jpeg\system.mhs line 89 - 1 master(s) : 3 slave(s)
Check port drivers...
WARNING:MDT - dcm_0_lock (LOCKED) - D:\mb-jpeg\system.mhs line 208 - floating
Check platform address map ...
Overriding system level properties ...
opb_v20 (mb_opb) -
- tool overriding c_num_masters value 4 to 2
line 39 - tool overriding c_num_masters value 4 to 2
opb_v20 (mb_opb) -
- tool overriding c_num_slaves value 4 to 6
line 40 - tool overriding c_num_slaves value 4 to 6
lmb_v10 (ilmb) -
- tool overriding c_lmb_num_slaves value 4 to 1
line 39 - tool overriding c_lmb_num_slaves value 4 to 1
lmb_v10 (dlmb) -
- tool overriding c_lmb_num_slaves value 4 to 3
line 39 - tool overriding c_lmb_num_slaves value 4 to 3
lmb_bram_if_cntlr (dlmb_cntlr) -
_cntlr_v2_1_0.mpd:42 - tool overriding c_mask value 0x00800000 to 0x70c70000
_cntlr_v2_1_0.mpd line 45 - tool overriding c_mask value 0x00800000 to
lmb_bram_if_cntlr (ilmb_cntlr) -
_cntlr_v2_1_0.mpd:42 - tool overriding c_mask value 0x00800000 to 0x70c70000
_cntlr_v2_1_0.mpd line 45 - tool overriding c_mask value 0x00800000 to
bram_block (lmb_bram) -
mpd:35 - tool overriding c_memsize value 2048 to 65536
bram_block (data_bram_0) - D:\mb-jpeg\system.mhs:214 - tool overriding c_memsize
value 16384 to 65536
mpd line 38 - tool overriding c_memsize value 2048 to 0x10000
bram_block (data_bram_0) - D:\mb-jpeg\system.mhs line 214 - tool overriding
c_memsize value 16384 to 0x10000
lmb_bram_if_cntlr (data_bram_if_cntlr_0) -
_cntlr_v2_1_0.mpd:42 - tool overriding c_mask value 0x00800000 to 0x70c70000
bram_block (data_bram_1) - D:\mb-jpeg\system.mhs:230 - tool overriding c_memsize
value 16384 to 65536
_cntlr_v2_1_0.mpd line 45 - tool overriding c_mask value 0x00800000 to
bram_block (data_bram_1) - D:\mb-jpeg\system.mhs line 230 - tool overriding
c_memsize value 16384 to 0x10000
lmb_bram_if_cntlr (data_bram_if_cntlr_1) -
_cntlr_v2_1_0.mpd:42 - tool overriding c_mask value 0x00800000 to 0x70c70000
_cntlr_v2_1_0.mpd line 45 - tool overriding c_mask value 0x00800000 to
Running DRC Tcl procedures for OPTION SYSLEVEL_DRC_PROC...
140,10 → 164,10
Writing HDL for elaborated instances ...
Inserting wrapper level ...
Completion time: 4.00 seconds
Completion time: 3.00 seconds
Constructing platform-level signal connectivity ...
Completion time: 2.00 seconds
Completion time: 3.00 seconds
Writing (top-level) BMM ...
Writing BMM - D:\mb-jpeg\implementation\system.bmm
191,4 → 215,4
Running NGCBUILD ...
Rebuilding cache ...
Total run time: 300.00 seconds
Total run time: 368.00 seconds

powered by: WebSVN 2.1.0

© copyright 1999-2024, equivalent to Oliscience, all rights reserved. OpenCores®, registered trademark.