
Subversion Repositories tv80

Compare Revisions

  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 112 to Rev 113
    Reverse comparison

Rev 112 → Rev 113

0,0 → 1,3245
; Test of load opcodes
; Goes through most varieties of load opcode and tests for
; correct behavior.
.module load_optest
; special function registers
_sim_ctl_port = 0x0080
_msg_port = 0x0081
_timeout_port = 0x0082
_max_timeout_low = 0x0083
_max_timeout_high = 0x0084
_intr_cntdwn = 0x0090
_cksum_value = 0x0091
_cksum_accum = 0x0092
_inc_on_read = 0x0093
stack_end = 0xFFFF
.area INIT (ABS)
.org 0
jp init
ld sp, #stack_end
jp start
ld a, #0x0
out (_sim_ctl_port), a
ld a, #0x0
out (_sim_ctl_port), a
;; subroutine to print a message
;; called from within the "print" macro
;; expects address to be printed in hl
;; preserves all other registers
push bc
ld b, a
ld a, (hl)
cp #0x0
jp z, print_sub_exit
out (_msg_port), a
inc hl
jp print_sub_loop
ld a, b
pop bc
;; print a hex number between 0-255, stored in the A register
push bc
ld b, a ; store number to be printed in b
and #0x0
sra a
sra a
sra a
sra a
cp a, #0x10
jp p, alpha_0
add #48 ; ordinal value of '0'
out (_msg_port), a
jp second_digit
add #55 ; 'A' - 10
out (_msg_port), a
ld a, b
and #0x0
cp a, #0x10
jp p, alpha_1
add #0x48
out (_msg_port), a
jp print_number_exit
add #55 ; 'A' - 10
out (_msg_port), a
pop bc
fail_text: .ascii "Test failed at checkpoint #"
.db #0x0
; expects failing message number in B
ld hl, #fail_text
call print_sub ; print out boilerplate text
ld a, b
call print_number ; print out error number
ld a, #0x0a ; print carriage return
out (_msg_port), a
jp failed
starting_test: .ascii "Starting test"
.db 0x0A
.db 0x00
push_message: .ascii "push_0"
.db 0xa
.db 0x0
msg_ex_0: .ascii "ex_0" .db 0xa .db 0x0
msg_add_0: .ascii "add_0" .db 0xa .db 0x0
msg_adc_0: .ascii "adc_0" .db 0xa .db 0x0
msg_sub_0: .ascii "sub_0" .db 0xa .db 0x0
msg_sbc_0: .ascii "sbc_0" .db 0xa .db 0x0
msg_and_0: .ascii "and_0" .db 0xa .db 0x0
msg_or_0: .ascii "or_0" .db 0xa .db 0x0
msg_xor_0: .ascii "xor_0" .db 0xa .db 0x0
msg_cp_0: .ascii "cp_0" .db 0xa .db 0x0
msg_inc: .ascii "inc" .db 0xa .db 0x0
msg_dec: .ascii "dec" .db 0xa .db 0x0
msg_neg: .ascii "neg" .db 0xa .db 0x0
.db 0
;; Ordering of segments for the linker.
.area _HOME
.area _CODE
.area _GSINIT
.area _GSFINAL
.area _DATA
.area _BSS
.area _HEAP
.area _CODE
; Beginning of test
ld hl, #starting_test
call print_sub
ld a, #0x1
ld hl,#error_cnt
ld (hl),a ;clear error count
push_0: ld sp,#stack_end
ld hl, #push_message
call print_sub
ld bc,#0x1234
push bc
ld bc,#0
pop bc
ld a,#12 ;bjp was >#0x1234
cp b
jr z,push_1
ld b, #0
jp fail_routine
push_1: ld a,#34 ;bjp was >#0x1234
cp c
jr z,push_2
ld b, #1
jp fail_routine
push_2: ld de,#0x55aa
push de
ld de,#0
pop de
ld a,#0x55
cp d
jr z,push_3
ld b, #2
jp fail_routine
push_3: ld a,#0xaa
cp e
jr z,push_4
ld b, #3
jp fail_routine
push_4: ld hl,#0x7fff
push hl
ld hl,#0
pop hl
ld a,#0x7f
cp h
jr z,push_5
ld b, #4
jp fail_routine
push_5: ld a,#0xff
cp l
jr z,push_6
ld b, #5
jp fail_routine
push_6: ld a,#0x80
push af ;f depends on previous compare
ld hl,#0
pop hl
cp h
jr z,push_7
ld b, #6
jp fail_routine
push_7: ld a,l
cp #0x42
jr z,push_8
push_8: ld h,#0x55
ld l,#0x80+#0x41
ld a,#0
push hl
pop af
jp m,push_9
ld b, #8
jp fail_routine
push_9: jr z,push_10
ld b, #9
jp fail_routine
push_10: jr c,push_11
ld b, #10
jp fail_routine
push_11: cp #0x55
jr z,push_12
ld b, #11
jp fail_routine
push_12: ld ix,#0xaa55
ld bc,#0
push ix
pop bc
ld a,#0xaa
cp b
jr z,push_13
ld b, #12
jp fail_routine
push_13: ld a,#0x55
cp c
jr z,push_14
ld b, #13
jp fail_routine
push_14: ld iy,#0x7fff
ld de,#0
push iy
pop de
ld a,#0x7f
cp d
jr z,push_15
ld b, #14
jp fail_routine
push_15: ld a,#0xff
cp e
jr z,push_16
ld b, #15
jp fail_routine
push_16: ld de,#0x1234
ld ix,#0
ld hl,#0
push de
pop ix
ld sp,ix
add hl,sp
ld a,#12 ;bjp was >#0x1234
cp h
jr z,push_17
ld b, #16
jp fail_routine
push_17: ld a,#34 ;bjp was >#0x1234
cp l
jr z,push_18
ld b, #17
jp fail_routine
push_18: ld sp,#stack_end
ld bc,#0x55aa
ld iy,#0
ld hl,#0
push bc
pop iy
ld sp,iy
add hl,sp
ld a,#0x55
cp h
jr z,push_19
ld b, #18
jp fail_routine
push_19: ld a,#0xaa
cp l
jr z,push_20
ld b, #19
jp fail_routine
push_20: ld sp,#stack_end
ld hl, #ex_0
call print_sub
ex_0: ld de,#0x1234
ld hl,#0xffff
ex de,hl
ld a,#0xff
cp d
jr z,ex_1
ld b, #0
jp fail_routine
ex_1: cp e
jr z,ex_2
ld b, #1
jp fail_routine
ex_2: ld a,#12 ;bjp was >#0x1234
cp h
jr z,ex_3
ld b, #2
jp fail_routine
ex_3: ld a,#34 ;bjp was >#0x1234
cp l
jr z,ex_4
ld b, #3
jp fail_routine
ex_4: ld h,#0
ld l,#0
push hl
pop af
ex af,af'
ld h,#0x7f
ld l,#0x80+#0x41
push hl
pop af
ex af,af'
cp #0
jr z,ex_5
ld b, #4
jp fail_routine
ex_5: ex af,af'
jp m,ex_6
ld b, #5
jp fail_routine
ex_6: jr z,ex_7
ld b, #6
jp fail_routine
ex_7: cp #0x7f
jr z,ex_8
ld b, #7
jp fail_routine
ex_8: ld hl,#0
ld bc,#0
ld de,#0
ld hl,#0x1234
ld bc,#0x7fff
ld de,#0xaa55
ld a,#0
cp h
jr z,ex_9
ld b, #8
jp fail_routine
ex_9: cp l
jr z,ex_10
ld b, #9
jp fail_routine
ex_10: cp d
jr z,ex_11
ld b, #10
jp fail_routine
ex_11: cp e
jr z,ex_12
ld b, #11
jp fail_routine
ex_12: cp b
jr z,ex_13
ld b, #12
jp fail_routine
ex_13: cp c
jr z,ex_14
ld b, #13
jp fail_routine
ex_14: exx
ld a,#12 ;bjp was >#0x1234
cp h
jr z,ex_15
ld b, #14
jp fail_routine
ex_15: ld a,#34 ;bjp was >#0x1234
cp l
jr z,ex_16
ld b, #15
jp fail_routine
ex_16: ld a,#0xaa
cp d
jr z,ex_17
ld b, #16
jp fail_routine
ex_17: ld a,#0x55
cp e
jr z,ex_18
ld b, #17
jp fail_routine
ex_18: ld a,#0x7f
cp b
jr z,ex_19
ld b, #18
jp fail_routine
ex_19: ld a,#0xff
cp c
jr z,ex_20
ld b, #19
jp fail_routine
ex_20: ld bc,#0x55aa
ld hl,#0x7fff
push bc
ex (sp),hl
pop bc
ld a,#0x7f
cp b
jr z,ex_21
ld b, #20
jp fail_routine
ex_21: ld a,#0xff
cp c
jr z,ex_22
ld b, #21
jp fail_routine
ex_22: ld a,#0x55
cp h
jr z,ex_23
ld b, #22
jp fail_routine
ex_23: ld a,#0xaa
cp l
jr z,ex_24
ld b, #23
jp fail_routine
ex_24: ld bc,#0xffff
ld ix,#0x8000
ld hl,#0
push bc
ex (sp),ix
pop bc
ld sp,ix
add hl,sp
ld a,#0x80
cp b
jr z,ex_25
ld b, #24
jp fail_routine
ex_25: ld a,#0
cp c
jr z,ex_26
ld b, #25
jp fail_routine
ex_26: ld a,#0xff
cp h
jr z,ex_27
ld b, #26
jp fail_routine
ex_27: cp l
jr z,ex_28
ld b, #27
jp fail_routine
ex_28: ld sp,#stack_end
ld bc,#0x1234
ld iy,#0x7fff
ld hl,#0
push bc
ex (sp),iy
pop bc
ld sp,iy
add hl,sp
ld a,#0x7f
cp b
jr z,ex_29
ld b, #28
jp fail_routine
ex_29: ld a,#0xff
cp c
jr z,ex_30
ld b, #29
jp fail_routine
ex_30: ld a,#12 ;bjp was >#0x1234
cp h
jr z,ex_31
ld b, #30
jp fail_routine
ex_31: ld a,#34 ;bjp was >#0x1234
cp l
jr z,add_0
ld b, #31
jp fail_routine
add_0: ld sp,#stack_end ; reset stack after EX operations
ld hl, #msg_add_0
call print_sub
ld a,#0
ld b,#0x7f
add a,b
cp #0x7f
jr z,add_1
ld b, #0
jp fail_routine
add_1: ld a,#0
ld b,#0
add a,b
jr z,add_2
ld b, #1
jp fail_routine
add_2: ld b,#0x55
add a,b
jr nz,add_3
ld b, #2
jp fail_routine
add_3: cp #0x55
jr z,add_4
ld b, #3
jp fail_routine
add_4: ld a,#0xff
ld b,#1
add a,b
jr c,add_5
ld b, #4
jp fail_routine
add_5: add a,b
jr nc,add_6
ld b, #5
jp fail_routine
add_6: ld a,#0xff
ld b,#0
add a,b
jp m,add_7
ld b, #6
jp fail_routine
add_7: ld b,#1
add a,b
jp p,add_8
ld b, #7
jp fail_routine
add_8: ld a,#0x7f
ld b,#1
add a,b
jp pe,add_9
ld b, #8
jp fail_routine
add_9: add a,b
jp po,add_10
ld b, #9
jp fail_routine
add_10: ld a,#0x55
ld c,#2
add a,c
cp #0x55+2
jr z,add_11
ld b, #10
jp fail_routine
add_11: ld a,#0x80
add a,c
cp #0x80+2
jr z,add_12
ld b, #11
jp fail_routine
add_12: ld a,#0xaa
ld d,#0x55
add a,d
cp #0xaa+0x55
jr z,add_13
ld b, #12
jp fail_routine
add_13: ld a,#0xaa
ld e,#2
add a,e
cp #0xaa+2
jr z,add_14
ld b, #13
jp fail_routine
add_14: ld a,#0x55
ld h,#24
add a,h
cp #0x55+24
jr z,add_15
ld b, #14
jp fail_routine
add_15: ld a,#0x7f-10
ld l,#10
add a,l
cp #0x7f
jr z,add_16
ld b, #15
jp fail_routine
add_16: ld a,#1
add a,#0x7f
jp pe,add_17
ld b, #16
jp fail_routine
add_17: jp m,add_18
ld b, #17
jp fail_routine
add_18: jr nz,add_19
ld b, #18
jp fail_routine
add_19: cp #0x80
jr z,add_20
ld b, #19
jp fail_routine
add_20: ld a,#0x55
add a,#1
jp po,add_21
ld b, #20
jp fail_routine
add_21: jp p,add_22
ld b, #21
jp fail_routine
add_22: jr nc,add_23
ld b, #22
jp fail_routine
add_23: cp #0x55+1
jr z,add_24
ld b, #23
jp fail_routine
add_24: ld a,#0xff
add a,#1
jr c,add_25
ld b, #24
jp fail_routine
add_25: jr z,add_26
ld b, #25
jp fail_routine
add_26: add a,#1
jr nc,add_27
ld b, #26
jp fail_routine
add_27: jr nz,add_28
ld b, #27
jp fail_routine
add_28: cp #1
jr z,add_29
ld b, #28
jp fail_routine
add_29: ld hl,#var2
ld a,#2
add a,(hl)
jp po,add_30
ld b, #29
jp fail_routine
add_30: jp p,add_31
ld b, #30
jp fail_routine
add_31: jr nz,add_32
ld b, #31
jp fail_routine
add_32: jr nc,add_33
ld b, #32
jp fail_routine
add_33: cp #0x55+2
jr z,add_34
ld b, #33
jp fail_routine
add_34: ld hl,#var1
ld a,#1
add a,(hl)
jr c,add_35
ld b, #34
jp fail_routine
add_35: jr z,add_36
ld b, #35
jp fail_routine
add_36: ld hl,#var5
ld a,#1
add a,(hl)
jp m,add_37
ld b, #36
jp fail_routine
add_37: jp pe,add_38
ld b, #37
jp fail_routine
add_38: cp #0x80
jr z,add_39
ld b, #38
jp fail_routine
add_39: ld ix,#var3
ld a,#1
add a,-1(ix)
jp po,add_40
ld b, #39
jp fail_routine
add_40: jp p,add_41
ld b, #40
jp fail_routine
add_41: jr nz,add_42
ld b, #41
jp fail_routine
add_42: jr nc,add_43
ld b, #42
jp fail_routine
add_43: cp #0x55+1
jr z,add_44
ld b, #43
jp fail_routine
add_44: ld a,#1
add a,2(ix)
jp pe,add_45
ld b, #44
jp fail_routine
add_45: jp m,add_46
ld b, #45
jp fail_routine
add_46: cp #0x80
jr z,add_47
ld b, #46
jp fail_routine
add_47: ld a,#1
add a,-2(ix)
jr c,add_48
ld b, #47
jp fail_routine
add_48: jr z,add_49
ld b, #48
jp fail_routine
add_49: add a,#1
jr nc,add_50
ld b, #49
jp fail_routine
add_50: jr nz,add_51
ld b, #50
jp fail_routine
add_51: cp #1
jr z,add_52
ld b, #51
jp fail_routine
add_52: ld iy,#var3
ld a,#10
add a,-1(iy)
jp po,add_53
ld b, #52
jp fail_routine
add_53: jp p,add_54
ld b, #53
jp fail_routine
add_54: jr nz,add_55
ld b, #54
jp fail_routine
add_55: jr nc,add_56
ld b, #55
jp fail_routine
add_56: cp #0x55+10
jr z,add_57
ld b, #56
jp fail_routine
add_57: ld a,#1
add a,2(iy)
jp pe,add_58
ld b, #57
jp fail_routine
add_58: jp m,add_59
ld b, #58
jp fail_routine
add_59: add a,#1
jp po,add_60
ld b, #59
jp fail_routine
add_60: cp #0x80+1
jr z,add_61
ld b, #60
jp fail_routine
add_61: ld a,#1
add a,-2(iy)
jr z,add_62
ld b, #61
jp fail_routine
add_62: jr c,add_63
ld b, #62
jp fail_routine
add_63: add a,#1
jr nc,add_64
ld b, #63
jp fail_routine
add_64: jr nz,add_65
ld b, #64
jp fail_routine
add_65: cp #1
jr z,add_66
ld b, #65
jp fail_routine
add_66: ld a,#0xff
add a,#0x80
jp p,add_67
ld b, #66
jp fail_routine
add_67: jp pe,add_68
ld b, #67
jp fail_routine
add_68: jr c,add_69
ld b, #68
jp fail_routine
add_69: add a,#1
jp pe,add_70
ld b, #69
jp fail_routine
add_70: jp m,add_71
ld b, #70
jp fail_routine
add_71: jr nc,add_72
ld b, #71
jp fail_routine
add_72: add a,#1
jp po,add_73
ld b, #72
jp fail_routine
add_73: cp #0x80+1
jr z,adc_0
ld b, #73
jp fail_routine
adc_0: nop
ld hl, #adc_0
call print_sub
ld a,#0 ;clear cry
add a,#0
ld b,#0x7f
adc a,b ;a=7f cry=0
jp p,adc_1
ld b, #0
jp fail_routine
adc_1: jp po,adc_2
ld b, #1
jp fail_routine
adc_2: jr nc,adc_3
ld b, #2
jp fail_routine
adc_3: jr nz,adc_4
ld b, #3
jp fail_routine
adc_4: ld b,#1
adc a,b ;a=80 cry=0
jp pe,adc_5 ;jp ofl
ld b, #4
jp fail_routine
adc_5: jp m,adc_6
ld b, #5
jp fail_routine
adc_6: cp #0x80
jr z,adc_7 ;z=0 ofl=0 cry=0 (borrow)
ld b, #6
jp fail_routine
adc_7: ld a,#0xff
ld b,#1
adc a,b ;ff+1+0
jr c,adc_8
ld b, #7
jp fail_routine
adc_8: jr z,adc_9
ld b, #8
jp fail_routine
adc_9: adc a,b
jr nc,adc_10
ld b, #9
jp fail_routine
adc_10: jr nz,adc_11
ld b, #10
jp fail_routine
adc_11: cp #2
jr z,adc_12
ld b, #11
jp fail_routine
adc_12: ld a,#0xff
ld c,#0
adc a,c
jp m,adc_13
ld b, #12
jp fail_routine
adc_13: jr nc,adc_14
ld b, #13
jp fail_routine
adc_14: ld c,#2
adc a,c
jp p,adc_15
ld b, #14
jp fail_routine
adc_15: jr c,adc_16
ld b, #15
jp fail_routine
adc_16: ld c,#0
adc a,c
cp #2
jr z,adc_17
ld b, #16
jp fail_routine
adc_17: ld a,#0xff
ld d,#1
adc a,d
jr c,adc_18
ld b, #17
jp fail_routine
adc_18: ld d,#0
adc a,d
jr nc,adc_19
ld b, #18
jp fail_routine
adc_19: cp #1
jr z,adc_20
ld b, #19
jp fail_routine
adc_20: ld a,#0xaa
ld e,#0x7f
adc a,e
jr c,adc_21
ld b, #20
jp fail_routine
adc_21: ld e,#0x2
adc a,e
cp #0x55
jr z,adc_22
ld b, #21
jp fail_routine
adc_22: ld a,#0xff
ld h,#1
adc a,h
jr c,adc_23
ld b, #22
jp fail_routine
adc_23: adc a,h
cp #2
jr z,adc_24
ld b, #23
jp fail_routine
adc_24: ld a,#0xff
ld l,#1
adc a,l
jr c,adc_25
ld b, #24
jp fail_routine
adc_25: adc a,l
cp #2
jr z,adc_26
ld b, #25
jp fail_routine
adc_26: ld a,#0
adc a,#0x7f
jp po,adc_27
ld b, #26
jp fail_routine
adc_27: jp p,adc_28
ld b, #27
jp fail_routine
adc_28: jr nc,adc_29
ld b, #28
jp fail_routine
adc_29: jr nz,adc_30
ld b, #29
jp fail_routine
adc_30: adc a,#1
jp pe,adc_31
ld b, #30
jp fail_routine
adc_31: jp m,adc_32
ld b, #31
jp fail_routine
adc_32: cp #0x80
jr z,adc_33
ld b, #32
jp fail_routine
adc_33: ld a,#0xff
adc a,#1
jr c,adc_34
ld b, #33
jp fail_routine
adc_34: jr z,adc_35
ld b, #34
jp fail_routine
adc_35: adc a,#1
jr nc,adc_36
ld b, #35
jp fail_routine
adc_36: jr nz,adc_37
ld b, #36
jp fail_routine
adc_37: cp #2
jr z,adc_38
ld b, #37
jp fail_routine
adc_38: ld hl,#var5
ld a,#0
adc a,(hl)
jp p,adc_39
ld b, #38
jp fail_routine
adc_39: jp po,adc_40
ld b, #39
jp fail_routine
adc_40: jr nz,adc_41
ld b, #40
jp fail_routine
adc_41: jr nc,adc_42
ld b, #41
jp fail_routine
adc_42: ld a,#1
adc a,(hl)
jp m,adc_43
ld b, #42
jp fail_routine
adc_43: jp pe,adc_44
ld b, #43
jp fail_routine
adc_44: cp #0x80
jr z,adc_45
ld b, #44
jp fail_routine
adc_45: ld hl,#var1
ld a,#1
adc a,(hl)
jr z,adc_46
ld b, #45
jp fail_routine
adc_46: jr c,adc_47
ld b, #46
jp fail_routine
adc_47: ld hl,#var2
adc a,(hl)
jr nc,adc_48
ld b, #47
jp fail_routine
adc_48: jr nz,adc_49
ld b, #48
jp fail_routine
adc_49: cp #0x55+1
jr z,adc_50
ld b, #49
jp fail_routine
adc_50: ld ix,#var3
ld a,#0
adc a,2(ix)
jp p,adc_51
ld b, #50
jp fail_routine
adc_51: jp po,adc_52
ld b, #51
jp fail_routine
adc_52: jr nc,adc_53
ld b, #52
jp fail_routine
adc_53: jr nz,adc_54
ld b, #53
jp fail_routine
adc_54: ld a,#1
adc a,2(ix)
jp m,adc_55
ld b, #54
jp fail_routine
adc_55: jp pe,adc_56
ld b, #55
jp fail_routine
adc_56: cp #0x80
jr z,adc_57
ld b, #56
jp fail_routine
adc_57: ld a,#1
adc a,-2(ix)
jr c,adc_58
ld b, #57
jp fail_routine
adc_58: jr z,adc_59
ld b, #58
jp fail_routine
adc_59: adc a,-1(ix)
jr nc,adc_60
ld b, #59
jp fail_routine
adc_60: jr nz,adc_61
ld b, #60
jp fail_routine
adc_61: cp #0x55+1
jr z,adc_62
ld b, #61
jp fail_routine
adc_62: ld iy,#var3
ld a,#0
adc a,2(ix)
jp p,adc_63
ld b, #62
jp fail_routine
adc_63: jp po,adc_64
ld b, #63
jp fail_routine
adc_64: jr nc,adc_65
ld b, #64
jp fail_routine
adc_65: jr nz,adc_66
ld b, #65
jp fail_routine
adc_66: ld a,#1
adc a,2(iy)
jp m,adc_67
ld b, #66
jp fail_routine
adc_67: jp pe,adc_68
ld b, #67
jp fail_routine
adc_68: cp #0x80
jr z,adc_69
ld b, #68
jp fail_routine
adc_69: ld a,#1
adc a,-2(iy)
jr c,adc_70
ld b, #69
jp fail_routine
adc_70: jr z,adc_71
ld b, #70
jp fail_routine
adc_71: adc a,-1(iy)
jr nc,adc_72
ld b, #71
jp fail_routine
adc_72: jr nz,adc_73
ld b, #72
jp fail_routine
adc_73: cp #0x55+1
jr z,adc_74
ld b, #73
jp fail_routine
adc_74: ld a,#0xff
add a,#0
adc a,#0x80
jp p,adc_75
ld b, #74
jp fail_routine
adc_75: jp pe,adc_76
ld b, #75
jp fail_routine
adc_76: jr nz,adc_77
ld b, #76
jp fail_routine
adc_77: adc a,#0
jp m,adc_78
ld b, #77
jp fail_routine
adc_78: jp pe,adc_79
ld b, #78
jp fail_routine
adc_79: adc a,#1
jp po,adc_80
ld b, #79
jp fail_routine
adc_80: cp #0x80+1
jr z,sub_0
ld b, #80
jp fail_routine
sub_0: nop
ld hl, #sub_0
call print_sub
ld a,#0
ld b,#1
sub a,b
jp m,sub_1
ld b, #0
jp fail_routine
sub_1: jp po,sub_2
ld b, #1
jp fail_routine
sub_2: jr c,sub_3
ld b, #2
jp fail_routine
sub_3: jr nz,sub_4
ld b, #3
jp fail_routine
sub_4: sub a,b
jr nc,sub_5
ld b, #4
jp fail_routine
sub_5: cp #0xff-1
jr z,sub_6
ld b, #5
jp fail_routine
sub_6: ld a,#1
ld b,#0
sub a,b
jr nz,sub_7
ld b, #6
jp fail_routine
sub_7: jp p,sub_8
ld b, #7
jp fail_routine
sub_8: ld b,#1
sub a,b
jr z,sub_9
ld b, #8
jp fail_routine
sub_9: sub a,b
jp m,sub_10
ld b, #9
jp fail_routine
sub_10: cp #0xff
jr z,sub_11
ld b, #10
jp fail_routine
sub_11: ld a,#0x80
ld b,#0x7f
sub a,b
jp pe,sub_12
ld b, #11
jp fail_routine
sub_12: sub a,b
jp po,sub_13
ld b, #12
jp fail_routine
sub_13: cp #0x80+2
jr z,sub_14
ld b, #13
jp fail_routine
sub_14: ld a,#0x55
ld c,#0x55
sub a,c
jr z,sub_15
ld b, #14
jp fail_routine
sub_15: ld c,#1
sub a,c
jp m,sub_16
ld b, #15
jp fail_routine
sub_16: jr c,sub_17
ld b, #16
jp fail_routine
sub_17: cp #0xff
jr z,sub_18
ld b, #17
jp fail_routine
sub_18: ld a,#0x55
ld d,#0x7f
sub a,d
jr c,sub_19
ld b, #18
jp fail_routine
sub_19: cp #0x55-0x7f
jr z,sub_20
ld b, #19
jp fail_routine
sub_20: ld a,#0
ld e,#0xff
sub a,e
jr c,sub_21
ld b, #20
jp fail_routine
sub_21: cp #1
jr z,sub_22
ld b, #21
jp fail_routine
sub_22: ld a,#0xff
ld h,#0x80
sub a,h
jp p,sub_23
ld b, #22
jp fail_routine
sub_23: cp #0x7f
jr z,sub_24
ld b, #23
jp fail_routine
sub_24: ld a,#0xaa
ld l,#0xff
sub a,l
jr c,sub_25
ld b, #24
jp fail_routine
sub_25: cp #0xaa+1
jr z,sub_26
ld b, #25
jp fail_routine
sub_26: ld a,#0x7f
sub a,#0xff
jp pe,sub_27
ld b, #26
jp fail_routine
sub_27: jp m,sub_28
ld b, #27
jp fail_routine
sub_28: sub a,#1
jp p,sub_29
ld b, #28
jp fail_routine
sub_29: sub a,#1
jp po,sub_30
ld b, #29
jp fail_routine
sub_30: jr nz,sub_31
ld b, #30
jp fail_routine
sub_31: sub a,#0x7f-1
jr z,sub_32
ld b, #31
jp fail_routine
sub_32: ld a,#0
sub a,#0xff
jr c,sub_33
ld b, #32
jp fail_routine
sub_33: sub a,#1
jr z,sub_34
ld b, #33
jp fail_routine
sub_34: jr nc,sub_35
ld b, #34
jp fail_routine
sub_35: ld hl,#var1
ld a,#0x7f
sub a,(hl)
jp m,sub_36
ld b, #35
jp fail_routine
sub_36: jp pe,sub_37
ld b, #36
jp fail_routine
sub_37: jr c,sub_38
ld b, #37
jp fail_routine
sub_38: ld hl,#var3
sub a,(hl)
jp p,sub_39
ld b, #38
jp fail_routine
sub_39: jp po,sub_40
ld b, #39
jp fail_routine
jr nc,sub_41
ld b, #40
jp fail_routine
jr z,sub_42
ld b, #40
jp fail_routine
sub_42: ld hl,#var2
sub a,(hl)
jr nz,sub_43
ld b, #42
jp fail_routine
sub_43: cp #0xaa+1
jr z,sub_44
ld b, #43
jp fail_routine
sub_44: ld ix,#var3
ld a,#0x7f
sub a,-2(ix)
jp m,sub_45
ld b, #44
jp fail_routine
sub_45: jp pe,sub_46
ld b, #45
jp fail_routine
sub_46: jr c,sub_47
ld b, #46
jp fail_routine
sub_47: sub a,(ix)
jp p,sub_48
ld b, #47
jp fail_routine
sub_48: jp po,sub_49
ld b, #48
jp fail_routine
sub_49: jr nc,sub_50
ld b, #49
jp fail_routine
sub_50: jr z,sub_51
ld b, #50
jp fail_routine
sub_51: sub a,2(ix)
jr nz,sub_52
ld b, #51
jp fail_routine
sub_52: cp #0x80+1
jr z,sub_53
ld b, #52
jp fail_routine
sub_53: ld iy,#var3
ld a,#0x7f
sub a,-2(iy)
jp m,sub_54
ld b, #53
jp fail_routine
sub_54: jp pe,sub_55
ld b, #54
jp fail_routine
sub_55: jr c,sub_56
ld b, #55
jp fail_routine
sub_56: jr nz,sub_57
ld b, #56
jp fail_routine
sub_57: sub a,(iy)
jp p,sub_58
ld b, #57
jp fail_routine
sub_58: jp po,sub_59
ld b, #58
jp fail_routine
sub_59: jr nc,sub_60
ld b, #59
jp fail_routine
sub_60: jr z,sub_61
ld b, #60
jp fail_routine
sub_61: sub a,2(iy)
jr nz,sub_62
ld b, #61
jp fail_routine
sub_62: cp #0x80+1
jr z,sbc_0
ld b, #62
jp fail_routine
sbc_0: nop
ld hl, #sbc_0
call print_sub
ld a,#0x7f
ld b,#0
sub a,b ;clear carry flag
ld b,#0xff
sbc a,b
jp m,sbc_1
ld b, #0
jp fail_routine
sbc_1: jp pe,sbc_2
ld b, #1
jp fail_routine
sbc_2: jr c,sbc_3
ld b, #2
jp fail_routine
sbc_3: jr nz,sbc_4
ld b, #3
jp fail_routine
sbc_4: ld b,#0x7f
sbc a,b
jp p,sbc_5
ld b, #4
jp fail_routine
sbc_5: jp pe,sbc_6
ld b, #5
jp fail_routine
sbc_6: jr nc,sbc_7
ld b, #6
jp fail_routine
sbc_7: jr z,sbc_8
ld b, #7
jp fail_routine
sbc_8: ld b,#0xff
sbc a,b
jp po,sbc_9
ld b, #8
jp fail_routine
sbc_9: jr nz,sbc_10
ld b, #9
jp fail_routine
sbc_10: ld b,#0
sbc a,b
jr z,sbc_11
ld b, #10
jp fail_routine
sbc_11: ld a,#0xaa
ld c,#0xff
sbc a,c
jr c,sbc_12
ld b, #11
jp fail_routine
sbc_12: ld c,#0
sbc a,c
jr nc,sbc_13
ld b, #12
jp fail_routine
sbc_13: cp #0xaa
jr z,sbc_14
ld b, #13
jp fail_routine
sbc_14: ld a,#0x55
ld d,#0xff
sbc a,d
jr c,sbc_15
ld b, #14
jp fail_routine
sbc_15: ld d,#0
sbc a,d
jr nc,sbc_16
ld b, #15
jp fail_routine
sbc_16: cp #0x55
jr z,sbc_17
ld b, #16
jp fail_routine
sbc_17: ld a,#0xaa
ld e,#0xff
sbc a,e
jr c,sbc_18
ld b, #17
jp fail_routine
sbc_18: ld e,#0
sbc a,e
jr nc,sbc_19
ld b, #18
jp fail_routine
sbc_19: cp #0xaa
jr z,sbc_20
ld b, #19
jp fail_routine
sbc_20: ld a,#0x55
ld h,#0xff
sbc a,h
jr c,sbc_21
ld b, #20
jp fail_routine
sbc_21: ld h,#0
sbc a,h
jr nc,sbc_22
ld b, #21
jp fail_routine
sbc_22: cp #0x55
jr z,sbc_23
ld b, #22
jp fail_routine
sbc_23: ld a,#0xaa
ld l,#0xff
sbc a,l
jr c,sbc_24
ld b, #23
jp fail_routine
sbc_24: ld l,#0
sbc a,l
jr nc,sbc_25
ld b, #24
jp fail_routine
sbc_25: cp #0xaa
jr z,sbc_26
ld b, #25
jp fail_routine
sbc_26: ld a,#0x7f
sbc a,#0xff
jp m,sbc_27
ld b, #26
jp fail_routine
sbc_27: jp pe,sbc_28
ld b, #27
jp fail_routine
sbc_28: jr c,sbc_29
ld b, #28
jp fail_routine
sbc_29: jr nz,sbc_30
ld b, #29
jp fail_routine
sbc_30: sbc a,#0x7f
jp p,sbc_31
ld b, #30
jp fail_routine
sbc_31: jp pe,sbc_32
ld b, #31
jp fail_routine
sbc_32: jr nc,sbc_33
ld b, #32
jp fail_routine
sbc_33: jr z,sbc_34
ld b, #33
jp fail_routine
sbc_34: sbc a,#0xff
jr nz,sbc_35
ld b, #34
jp fail_routine
sbc_35: cp #1
jr z,sbc_36
ld b, #35
jp fail_routine
sbc_36: ld hl,#var1
ld a,#0x7f
sbc a,(hl)
jp m,sbc_37
ld b, #36
jp fail_routine
sbc_37: jp pe,sbc_38
ld b, #37
jp fail_routine
sbc_38: jr c,sbc_39
ld b, #38
jp fail_routine
sbc_39: jr nz,sbc_40
ld b, #39
jp fail_routine
sbc_40: ld hl,#var5
sbc a,(hl)
jp p,sbc_41
ld b, #40
jp fail_routine
sbc_41: jp pe,sbc_42
ld b, #41
jp fail_routine
sbc_42: jr nc,sbc_43
ld b, #42
jp fail_routine
sbc_43: jr z,sbc_44
ld b, #43
jp fail_routine
sbc_44: ld hl,#var2
sbc a,(hl)
jr nz,sbc_45
ld b, #44
jp fail_routine
sbc_45: cp #0xaa+1
jr z,sbc_46
ld b, #45
jp fail_routine
sbc_46: ld ix,#var3
ld a,#0x7f
sbc a,-2(ix)
jp m,sbc_47
ld b, #46
jp fail_routine
sbc_47: jp pe,sbc_48
ld b, #47
jp fail_routine
sbc_48: jr c,sbc_49
ld b, #48
jp fail_routine
sbc_49: jr nz,sbc_50
ld b, #49
jp fail_routine
sbc_50: sbc a,2(ix)
jp p,sbc_51
ld b, #50
jp fail_routine
sbc_51: jp pe,sbc_52
ld b, #51
jp fail_routine
sbc_52: jr nc,sbc_53
ld b, #52
jp fail_routine
sbc_53: jr z,sbc_54
ld b, #53
jp fail_routine
sbc_54: sbc a,-1(ix)
jr nz,sbc_55
ld b, #54
jp fail_routine
sbc_55: cp #0xaa+1
jr z,sbc_56
ld b, #55
jp fail_routine
sbc_56: ld iy,#var3
ld a,#0x7f
sbc a,-2(ix)
jp m,sbc_57
ld b, #56
jp fail_routine
sbc_57: jp pe,sbc_58
ld b, #57
jp fail_routine
sbc_58: jr c,sbc_59
ld b, #58
jp fail_routine
sbc_59: jr nz,sbc_60
ld b, #59
jp fail_routine
sbc_60: sbc a,2(ix)
jp p,sbc_61
ld b, #60
jp fail_routine
sbc_61: jp pe,sbc_62
ld b, #61
jp fail_routine
sbc_62: jr nc,sbc_63
ld b, #62
jp fail_routine
sbc_63: jr z,sbc_64
ld b, #63
jp fail_routine
sbc_64: sbc a,1(ix)
jr nz,sbc_65
ld b, #64
jp fail_routine
sbc_65: cp #0x55+1
jr z,and_0
ld b, #65
jp fail_routine
and_0: nop
ld hl, #and_0
call print_sub
ld a,#0xff
add a,#1 ;set carry
ld a,#0xff
ld b,#0xaa
and a,b
jr nc,and_1
ld b, #0
jp fail_routine
and_1: jp m,and_2
ld b, #1
jp fail_routine
and_2: jp pe,and_3
ld b, #2
jp fail_routine
and_3: jr nz,and_4
ld b, #3
jp fail_routine
and_4: ld b,#0x55
and a,b
jp p,and_5
ld b, #4
jp fail_routine
and_5: jr z,and_6
ld b, #5
jp fail_routine
and_6: ld a,#0xff
ld b,#0x7f
and a,b
jp po,and_7
ld b, #6
jp fail_routine
and_7: ld b,#0x55
and a,b
jp pe,and_8
ld b, #7
jp fail_routine
and_8: ld a,#0xff
ld c,#0x80
and a,c
jp m,and_9
ld b, #8
jp fail_routine
and_9: cp #0x80
jr z,and_10
ld b, #9
jp fail_routine
and_10: ld a,#0xff
ld d,#0x7f
and a,d
jp p,and_11
ld b, #10
jp fail_routine
and_11: cp #0x7f
jr z,and_12
ld b, #11
jp fail_routine
and_12: ld a,#0xff
ld e,#0xaa
and a,e
jp m,and_13
ld b, #12
jp fail_routine
and_13: cp #0xaa
jr z,and_14
ld b, #13
jp fail_routine
and_14: ld a,#0xff
ld h,#0x55
and a,h
jp p,and_15
ld b, #14
jp fail_routine
and_15: cp #0x55
jr z,and_16
ld b, #15
jp fail_routine
and_16: ld a,#0xff
ld l,#0xaa
and a,l
jp m,and_17
ld b, #16
jp fail_routine
and_17: cp #0xaa
jr z,and_18
ld b, #17
jp fail_routine
and_18: ld a,#0xff
and a,#0xaa
jp m,and_19
ld b, #18
jp fail_routine
and_19: jr nz,and_20
ld b, #19
jp fail_routine
and_20: and a,#0x55
jp p,and_21
ld b, #20
jp fail_routine
and_21: jr z,and_22
ld b, #21
jp fail_routine
and_22: ld a,#0xff
and a,#0x7f
jp po,and_23
ld b, #22
jp fail_routine
and_23: and a,#0x55
jp pe,and_24
ld b, #23
jp fail_routine
and_24: jr nz,and_25
ld b, #24
jp fail_routine
and_25: and a,#0xaa
jr z,and_26
ld b, #25
jp fail_routine
and_26: ld a,#0xff
and a,#0xaa
cp #0xaa
jr z,and_27
ld b, #26
jp fail_routine
and_27: ld hl,#var4
ld a,#0xff
and a,(hl)
jp m,and_28
ld b, #27
jp fail_routine
and_28: jr nz,and_29
ld b, #28
jp fail_routine
and_29: ld hl,#var2
and a,(hl)
jp p,and_30
ld b, #29
jp fail_routine
and_30: jr z,and_31
ld b, #30
jp fail_routine
and_31: ld a,#0xff
ld hl,#var5
and a,(hl)
jp po,and_32
ld b, #31
jp fail_routine
and_32: ld hl,#var2
and a,(hl)
jp pe,and_33
ld b, #32
jp fail_routine
and_33: cp #0x55
jr z,and_34
ld b, #33
jp fail_routine
and_34: ld ix,#var3
ld a,#0xff
and a,1(ix)
jp m,and_35
ld b, #34
jp fail_routine
and_35: jr nz,and_36
ld b, #35
jp fail_routine
and_36: and a,-1(ix)
jp p,and_37
ld b, #36
jp fail_routine
and_37: jr z,and_38
ld b, #37
jp fail_routine
and_38: ld a,#0xff
and a,2(ix)
jp po,and_39
ld b, #38
jp fail_routine
and_39: and a,-1(ix)
jp pe,and_40
ld b, #39
jp fail_routine
and_40: cp #0x55
jr z,and_41
ld b, #40
jp fail_routine
and_41: ld iy,#var3
ld a,#0xff
and a,1(iy)
jp m,and_42
ld b, #41
jp fail_routine
and_42: jr nz,and_43
ld b, #42
jp fail_routine
and_43: and a,-1(iy)
jp p,and_44
ld b, #43
jp fail_routine
and_44: jr z,and_45
ld b, #44
jp fail_routine
and_45: ld a,#0xff
and a,2(iy)
jp po,and_46
ld b, #45
jp fail_routine
and_46: and a,-1(iy)
jp pe,and_47
ld b, #46
jp fail_routine
and_47: cp #0x55
jr z,or_0
ld b, #47
jp fail_routine
or_0: nop
ld hl, #or_0
call print_sub
ld a,#0
ld b,#0x7f
or a,b
jp p,or_1
ld b, #0
jp fail_routine
or_1: jp po,or_2
ld b, #1
jp fail_routine
or_2: ld b,#0x80
or a,b
jp m,or_3
ld b, #2
jp fail_routine
or_3: jp pe,or_4
ld b, #3
jp fail_routine
or_4: cp #0xff
jr z,or_5
ld b, #4
jp fail_routine
or_5: ld a,#0
ld b,#0
or a,b
jr z,or_6
ld b, #5
jp fail_routine
or_6: ld b,#0x55
or a,b
jr nz,or_7
ld b, #6
jp fail_routine
or_7: cp #0x55
jr z,or_8
ld b, #7
jp fail_routine
or_8: ld a,#0xff
add a,#1
jr c,or_9
ld b, #8
jp fail_routine
or_9: ld b,#0x7f
or a,b
jr nc,or_10
ld b, #9
jp fail_routine
or_10: cp #0x7f
jr z,or_11
ld b, #10
jp fail_routine
or_11: ld a,#0
ld c,#0x55
or a,c
cp #0x55
jr z,or_12
ld b, #11
jp fail_routine
or_12: ld c,#0xaa
or a,c
cp #0xff
jr z,or_13
ld b, #12
jp fail_routine
or_13: ld a,#0
ld d,#0xaa
or a,d
cp #0xaa
jr z,or_14
ld b, #13
jp fail_routine
or_14: ld e,#0x55
or a,e
cp #0xff
jr z,or_15
ld b, #14
jp fail_routine
or_15: ld a,#0
ld h,#0x80
or a,h
cp #0x80
jr z,or_16
ld b, #15
jp fail_routine
or_16: ld l,#0x7f
or a,l
cp #0xff
jr z,or_17
ld b, #16
jp fail_routine
or_17: ld a,#0
or a,#0x7f
jp p,or_18
ld b, #17
jp fail_routine
or_18: jp po,or_19
ld b, #18
jp fail_routine
or_19: or a,#0x80
jp m,or_20
ld b, #19
jp fail_routine
or_20: jp pe,or_21
ld b, #20
jp fail_routine
or_21: cp #0xff
jr z,or_22
ld b, #21
jp fail_routine
or_22: ld a,#0
or a,#0
jr z,or_23
ld b, #22
jp fail_routine
or_23: or a,#0x7f
jr nz,or_24
ld b, #23
jp fail_routine
or_24: ld a,#0xff
add a,#1
jr c,or_25
ld b, #24
jp fail_routine
or_25: or a,#0x55
jr nc,or_26
ld b, #25
jp fail_routine
or_26: cp #0x55
jr z,or_27
ld b, #26
jp fail_routine
or_27: ld hl,#var5
ld a,#0
or a,(hl)
jp p,or_28
ld b, #27
jp fail_routine
or_28: jp po,or_29
ld b, #28
jp fail_routine
or_29: ld hl,#var3
or a,(hl)
jp m,or_30
ld b, #29
jp fail_routine
or_30: jp pe,or_31
ld b, #30
jp fail_routine
or_31: cp #0xff
jr z,or_32
ld b, #31
jp fail_routine
or_32: ld hl,#t_var1
ld a,#0
ld (hl),a
or a,(hl)
jr z,or_33
ld b, #32
jp fail_routine
or_33: ld hl,#var2
or a,(hl)
jr nz,or_34
ld b, #33
jp fail_routine
or_34: cp #0x55
jr z,or_35
ld b, #34
jp fail_routine
or_35: ld ix,#var3
ld a,#0
or a,2(ix)
jp p,or_36
ld b, #35
jp fail_routine
or_36: jp po,or_37
ld b, #36
jp fail_routine
or_37: or a,(ix)
jp m,or_38
ld b, #37
jp fail_routine
or_38: jp pe,or_39
ld b, #38
jp fail_routine
or_39: cp #0xff
jr z,or_40
ld b, #39
jp fail_routine
or_40: ld ix,#t_var3
ld a,#0
ld -2(ix),a
or a,-2(ix)
jr z,or_41
ld b, #40
jp fail_routine
or_41: ld 2(ix),#0xaa
or a,2(ix)
jr nz,or_42
ld b, #41
jp fail_routine
or_42: cp #0xaa
jr z,or_43
ld b, #42
jp fail_routine
or_43: ld iy,#var3
ld a,#0
or a,2(iy)
jp p,or_44
ld b, #43
jp fail_routine
or_44: jp po,or_45
ld b, #44
jp fail_routine
or_45: or a,(iy)
jp m,or_46
ld b, #45
jp fail_routine
or_46: jp pe,or_47
ld b, #46
jp fail_routine
or_47: cp #0xff
jr z,or_48
ld b, #47
jp fail_routine
or_48: ld iy,#t_var3
ld a,#0
ld -2(iy),a
or a,-2(iy)
jr z,or_49
ld b, #48
jp fail_routine
or_49: ld 2(iy),#0x55
or a,2(iy)
jr nz,or_50
ld b, #49
jp fail_routine
or_50: cp #0x55
jr z,xor_0
ld b, #50
jp fail_routine
xor_0: nop
ld hl, #xor_0
call print_sub
ld a,#0xff
ld b,#0x55
xor a,b
jp m,xor_1
ld b, #0
jp fail_routine
xor_1: jp pe,xor_2
ld b, #1
jp fail_routine
xor_2: ld b,#0x80
xor a,b
jp p,xor_3
ld b, #2
jp fail_routine
xor_3: jp po,xor_4
ld b, #3
jp fail_routine
xor_4: cp #0x2
jr z,xor_5
ld b, #4
jp fail_routine
xor_5: ld a,#0xff
ld b,#0xff
xor a,b
jr z,xor_6
ld b, #5
jp fail_routine
xor_6: ld b,#0x55
xor a,b
jr nz,xor_7
ld b, #6
jp fail_routine
xor_7: cp #0x55
jr z,xor_8
ld b, #7
jp fail_routine
xor_8: ld a,#0xff
add a,#1
jr c,xor_9
ld b, #8
jp fail_routine
xor_9: ld b,#0xaa
xor a,b
jr nc,xor_10
ld b, #9
jp fail_routine
xor_10: cp #0xaa
jr z,xor_11
ld b, #10
jp fail_routine
xor_11: ld a,#0xff
ld c,#0x7f
xor a,c
jp m,xor_12
ld b, #11
jp fail_routine
xor_12: cp #0x80
jr z,xor_13
ld b, #12
jp fail_routine
xor_13: ld a,#0xff
ld d,#0x55
xor a,d
jp m,xor_14
ld b, #13
jp fail_routine
xor_14: cp #0xaa
jr z,xor_15
ld b, #14
jp fail_routine
xor_15: ld e,#0x55
xor a,e
jp m,xor_16
ld b, #15
jp fail_routine
xor_16: cp #0xff
jr z,xor_17
ld b, #16
jp fail_routine
xor_17: ld a,#0xff
ld h,#0x7f
xor a,h
jp po,xor_18
ld b, #17
jp fail_routine
xor_18: ld l,#0x7f
xor a,l
jp pe,xor_19
ld b, #18
jp fail_routine
xor_19: cp #0xff
jr z,xor_20
ld b, #19
jp fail_routine
xor_20: ld a,#0xff
add a,#1
jr c,xor_21
ld b, #20
jp fail_routine
xor_21: ld b,#0x7f
xor a,b
jr nc,xor_22
ld b, #21
jp fail_routine
xor_22: cp #0x7f
jr z,xor_23
ld b, #22
jp fail_routine
xor_23: ld a,#0xff
xor a,#0x7f
jp po,xor_24
ld b, #23
jp fail_routine
xor_24: jp m,xor_25
ld b, #24
jp fail_routine
xor_25: xor a,#0x7f
jp pe,xor_26
ld b, #25
jp fail_routine
xor_26: jp m,xor_27
ld b, #26
jp fail_routine
xor_27: xor a,#0xaa
jp p,xor_28
ld b, #27
jp fail_routine
xor_28: cp #0x55
jr z,xor_29
ld b, #28
jp fail_routine
xor_29: ld a,#0xff
xor a,#0xff
jr z,xor_30
ld b, #29
jp fail_routine
xor_30: xor a,#0x80
jr nz,xor_31
ld b, #30
jp fail_routine
xor_31: cp #0x80
jr z,xor_32
ld b, #31
jp fail_routine
xor_32: ld hl,#var5
ld a,#0xff
xor a,(hl)
jp m,xor_33
ld b, #32
jp fail_routine
xor_33: jp po,xor_34
ld b, #33
jp fail_routine
xor_34: xor a,(hl)
jp m,xor_35
ld b, #34
jp fail_routine
xor_35: jp pe,xor_36
ld b, #35
jp fail_routine
xor_36: ld hl,#var3
xor a,(hl)
jp p,xor_37
ld b, #36
jp fail_routine
xor_37: cp #0x7f
jr z,xor_38
ld b, #37
jp fail_routine
xor_38: ld hl,#var1
ld a,#0xff
xor a,(hl)
jr z,xor_39
ld b, #38
jp fail_routine
xor_39: ld hl,#var2
xor a,(hl)
jr nz,xor_40
ld b, #39
jp fail_routine
xor_40: cp #0x55
jr z,xor_41
ld b, #40
jp fail_routine
xor_41: ld ix,#var3
ld a,#0xff
xor a,2(ix)
jp m,xor_42
ld b, #41
jp fail_routine
xor_42: jp po,xor_43
ld b, #42
jp fail_routine
xor_43: xor a,2(ix)
jp m,xor_44
ld b, #43
jp fail_routine
xor_44: jp pe,xor_45
ld b, #44
jp fail_routine
xor_45: xor a,1(ix)
jp p,xor_46
ld b, #45
jp fail_routine
xor_46: cp #0x55
jr z,xor_47
ld b, #46
jp fail_routine
xor_47: ld a,#0xff
xor a,-2(ix)
jr z,xor_48
ld b, #47
jp fail_routine
xor_48: xor a,1(ix)
jr nz,xor_49
ld b, #48
jp fail_routine
xor_49: cp #0xaa
jr z,xor_50
ld b, #49
jp fail_routine
xor_50: ld iy,#var3
ld a,#0xff
xor a,2(iy)
jp m,xor_51
ld b, #50
jp fail_routine
xor_51: jp po,xor_52
ld b, #51
jp fail_routine
xor_52: xor a,2(iy)
jp m,xor_53
ld b, #52
jp fail_routine
xor_53: jp pe,xor_54
ld b, #53
jp fail_routine
xor_54: xor a,1(iy)
jp p,xor_55
ld b, #54
jp fail_routine
xor_55: cp #0x55
jr z,xor_56
ld b, #55
jp fail_routine
xor_56: ld a,#0xff
xor a,-2(iy)
jr z,xor_57
ld b, #56
jp fail_routine
xor_57: xor a,-1(iy)
jr nz,xor_58
ld b, #57
jp fail_routine
xor_58: cp #0x55
jr z,cp_0
ld b, #58
jp fail_routine
cp_0: nop
ld hl, #cp_0
call print_sub
ld a,#0
ld b,#0
cp a,b
jr z,cp_1
ld b, #0
jp fail_routine
cp_1: jp p,cp_2
ld b, #1
jp fail_routine
cp_2: jr nc,cp_3
ld b, #2
jp fail_routine
cp_3: ld b,#0x55
cp a,b
jr nz,cp_4
ld b, #3
jp fail_routine
cp_4: jp m,cp_5
ld b, #4
jp fail_routine
cp_5: jr c,cp_6
ld b, #5
jp fail_routine
cp_6: ld a,#0x80
ld b,#0x7f
cp a,b
jp pe,cp_7
ld b, #6
jp fail_routine
cp_7: jr nc,cp_8
ld b, #7
jp fail_routine
cp_8: ld a,#0x7f
ld b,#0x80
cp a,b
jp pe,cp_9
ld b, #8
jp fail_routine
cp_9: jr c,cp_10
ld b, #9
jp fail_routine
cp_10: ld b,#0
cp a,b
jp po,cp_11
ld b, #10
jp fail_routine
cp_11: jr nc,cp_12
ld b, #11
jp fail_routine
cp_12: ld a,#0x80
ld c,#0
cp a,c
jp m,cp_13
ld b, #12
jp fail_routine
cp_13: ld c,#0x80
cp a,c
jr z,cp_14
ld b, #13
jp fail_routine
cp_14: ld a,#0x7f
ld d,#0x55
cp a,d
jp p,cp_15
ld b, #14
jp fail_routine
cp_15: jr nz,cp_16
ld b, #15
jp fail_routine
cp_16: ld e,#0x7f
cp a,e
jr z,cp_17
ld b, #16
jp fail_routine
cp_17: ld a,#0x80
ld h,#0xff
cp a,h
jp m,cp_18
ld b, #17
jp fail_routine
cp_18: jr c,cp_19
ld b, #18
jp fail_routine
cp_19: ld l,#0x80
cp a,l
jr z,cp_20
ld b, #19
jp fail_routine
cp_20: ld a,#0x80
cp a,#0x7f
jp p,cp_21
ld b, #20
jp fail_routine
cp_21: jp pe,cp_22
ld b, #21
jp fail_routine
cp_22: jr nz,cp_23
ld b, #22
jp fail_routine
cp_23: cp a,#0x80
jp p,cp_24
ld b, #23
jp fail_routine
cp_24: jp po,cp_25
ld b, #24
jp fail_routine
cp_25: jr z,cp_26
ld b, #25
jp fail_routine
cp_26: ld a,#0x55
cp a,#0x7f
jr c,cp_27
ld b, #26
jp fail_routine
cp_27: jp m,cp_28
ld b, #27
jp fail_routine
cp_28: cp a,#0x55
jr nc,cp_29
ld b, #28
jp fail_routine
cp_29: jr z,cp_30
ld b, #29
jp fail_routine
cp_30: ld a,#0x80
ld hl,#var5
cp a,(hl)
jp p,cp_31
ld b, #30
jp fail_routine
cp_31: jp pe,cp_32
ld b, #31
jp fail_routine
cp_32: jr nz,cp_33
ld b, #32
jp fail_routine
cp_33: ld hl,#var3
cp a,(hl)
jp p,cp_34
ld b, #33
jp fail_routine
cp_34: jp po,cp_35
ld b, #34
jp fail_routine
cp_35: jr z,cp_36
ld b, #35
jp fail_routine
cp_36: ld a,#0x55
ld hl,#var5
cp a,(hl)
jr c,cp_37
ld b, #36
jp fail_routine
cp_37: jp m,cp_38
ld b, #37
jp fail_routine
cp_38: ld hl,#var2
cp a,(hl)
jr nc,cp_39
ld b, #38
jp fail_routine
cp_39: jp p,cp_40
ld b, #39
jp fail_routine
cp_40: jr z,cp_41
ld b, #40
jp fail_routine
cp_41: ld a,#0x80
ld ix,#var3
cp a,2(ix)
jp p,cp_42
ld b, #41
jp fail_routine
cp_42: jp pe,cp_43
ld b, #42
jp fail_routine
cp_43: jr nz,cp_44
ld b, #43
jp fail_routine
cp_44: cp a,(ix)
jp p,cp_45
ld b, #44
jp fail_routine
cp_45: jp po,cp_46
ld b, #45
jp fail_routine
cp_46: jr z,cp_47
ld b, #46
jp fail_routine
cp_47: ld a,#0x55
cp a,-2(ix)
jr nz,cp_48
ld b, #47
jp fail_routine
cp_48: jr c,cp_49
ld b, #48
jp fail_routine
cp_49: cp a,-1(ix)
jr z,cp_50
ld b, #49
jp fail_routine
cp_50: jr nc,cp_51
ld b, #50
jp fail_routine
cp_51: ld iy,#var3
ld a,#0x80
cp a,2(iy)
jp p,cp_52
ld b, #51
jp fail_routine
cp_52: jp pe,cp_53
ld b, #52
jp fail_routine
cp_53: jr nz,cp_54
ld b, #53
jp fail_routine
cp_54: cp a,(iy)
jp p,cp_55
ld b, #54
jp fail_routine
cp_55: jp po,cp_56
ld b, #55
jp fail_routine
cp_56: jr z,cp_57
ld b, #56
jp fail_routine
cp_57: ld a,#0x55
cp a,-2(iy)
jr nz,cp_58
ld b, #57
jp fail_routine
cp_58: jr c,cp_59
ld b, #58
jp fail_routine
cp_59: cp a,-1(iy)
jr z,cp_60
ld b, #59
jp fail_routine
cp_60: jr nc,inc_0
ld b, #60
jp fail_routine
inc_0: nop
ld hl, #msg_inc
call print_sub
ld a,#0x7f
cp a,#0x7f
jr z,inc_1
ld b, #0
jp fail_routine
inc_1: inc a
jp pe,inc_2
ld b, #1
jp fail_routine
inc_2: jp m,inc_3
ld b, #2
jp fail_routine
inc_3: jr nz,inc_4
ld b, #3
jp fail_routine
inc_4: ld a,#0x55
inc a
jp po,inc_5
ld b, #4
jp fail_routine
inc_5: jp p,inc_6
ld b, #5
jp fail_routine
inc_6: cp a,#0x55+1
jr z,inc_7
ld b, #6
jp fail_routine
inc_7: ld a,#0xff-1
inc a
jr nz,inc_8
ld b, #7
jp fail_routine
inc_8: jp m,inc_9
ld b, #8
jp fail_routine
inc_9: inc a
jr z,inc_10
ld b, #9
jp fail_routine
inc_10: ld b,#0xaa
inc b
jp m,inc_11
ld b, #10
jp fail_routine
inc_11: ld a,b
cp a,#0xaa+1
jr z,inc_12
ld b, #11
jp fail_routine
inc_12: ld c,#0x80
inc c
jp m,inc_13
ld b, #12
jp fail_routine
inc_13: ld a,c
cp a,#0x80+1
jr z,inc_14
ld b, #13
jp fail_routine
inc_14: ld d,#0xff
inc d
jr z,inc_15
ld b, #14
jp fail_routine
inc_15: ld e,#0x55
inc e
jp p,inc_16
ld b, #15
jp fail_routine
inc_16: ld a,e
cp a,#0x55+1
jr z,inc_17
ld b, #16
jp fail_routine
inc_17: ld h,#0x7f
inc h
jp pe,inc_18
ld b, #17
jp fail_routine
inc_18: ld a,h
cp a,#0x80
jr z,inc_19
ld b, #18
jp fail_routine
inc_19: ld l,#0xaa
inc l
jp m,inc_20
ld b, #19
jp fail_routine
inc_20: ld a,l
cp a,#0xaa+1
jr z,inc_21
ld b, #20
jp fail_routine
inc_21: ld hl,#t_var1
ld a,#0x7f
ld (hl),a
cp a,(hl)
jr z,inc_22
ld b, #21
jp fail_routine
inc_22: inc (hl)
jp m,inc_23
ld b, #22
jp fail_routine
inc_23: jp pe,inc_24
ld b, #23
jp fail_routine
inc_24: ld a,#0x55
ld (hl),a
inc (hl)
jp p,inc_25
ld b, #24
jp fail_routine
inc_25: jp po,inc_26
ld b, #25
jp fail_routine
inc_26: ld a,(hl)
cp a,#0x55+1
jr z,inc_27
ld b, #26
jp fail_routine
inc_27: ld a,#0xff
ld (hl),a
inc (hl)
jr z,inc_28
ld b, #27
jp fail_routine
inc_28: inc (hl)
jr nz,inc_29
ld b, #28
jp fail_routine
inc_29: ld a,(hl)
cp a,#1
jr z,inc_30
ld b, #29
jp fail_routine
inc_30: ld a,#0xaa
ld (hl),a
inc (hl)
jp m,inc_31
ld b, #30
jp fail_routine
inc_31: ld a,(hl)
cp a,#0xaa+1
jr z,inc_32
ld b, #31
jp fail_routine
inc_32: ld ix,#t_var3
ld a,#0x7f
ld -2(ix),a
cp a,#0x7f
jr z,inc_33
ld b, #32
jp fail_routine
inc_33: inc -2(ix)
jp m,inc_34
ld b, #33
jp fail_routine
inc_34: jp pe,inc_35
ld b, #34
jp fail_routine
inc_35: ld a,#0x55
ld 2(ix),a
inc 2(ix)
jp p,inc_36
ld b, #35
jp fail_routine
inc_36: jp po,inc_37
ld b, #36
jp fail_routine
inc_37: ld a,2(ix)
cp a,#0x55+1
jr z,inc_38
ld b, #37
jp fail_routine
inc_38: ld a,#0xff
ld -1(ix),a
inc -1(ix)
jr z,inc_39
ld b, #38
jp fail_routine
inc_39: inc -1(ix)
jr nz,inc_40
ld b, #39
jp fail_routine
inc_40: ld a,-1(ix)
cp a,#1
jr z,inc_41
ld b, #40
jp fail_routine
inc_41: ld a,#0xaa
ld 1(ix),a
inc 1(ix)
jp m,inc_42
ld b, #41
jp fail_routine
inc_42: ld a,1(ix)
cp a,#0xaa+1
jr z,inc_43
ld b, #42
jp fail_routine
inc_43: ld iy,#t_var3
ld a,#0x7f
ld 2(iy),a
cp a,#0x7f
jr z,inc_44
ld b, #43
jp fail_routine
inc_44: inc 2(iy)
jp m,inc_45
ld b, #44
jp fail_routine
inc_45: jp pe,inc_46
ld b, #45
jp fail_routine
inc_46: ld a,#0x55
ld -2(iy),a
inc -2(iy)
jp p,inc_47
ld b, #46
jp fail_routine
inc_47: jp po,inc_48
ld b, #47
jp fail_routine
inc_48: ld a,-2(iy)
cp a,#0x55+1
jr z,inc_49
ld b, #48
jp fail_routine
inc_49: ld a,#0xff
ld 1(iy),a
inc 1(iy)
jr z,inc_50
ld b, #49
jp fail_routine
inc_50: inc 1(iy)
jr nz,inc_51
ld b, #50
jp fail_routine
inc_51: ld a,1(iy)
cp a,#1
jr z,inc_52
ld b, #51
jp fail_routine
inc_52: ld a,#0x80
ld -1(iy),a
inc -1(iy)
jp m,inc_53
ld b, #52
jp fail_routine
inc_53: ld a,-1(iy)
cp a,#0x80+1
jr z,dec_0
ld b, #53
jp fail_routine
dec_0: nop
ld hl, #msg_dec
call print_sub
ld a,#0x80
cp a,#0x80
jr z,dec_1
ld b, #0
jp fail_routine
dec_1: dec a
jp p,dec_2
ld b, #1
jp fail_routine
dec_2: jp pe,dec_3
ld b, #2
jp fail_routine
dec_3: ld a,#0
dec a
jp m,dec_4
ld b, #3
jp fail_routine
dec_4: jp po,dec_5
ld b, #4
jp fail_routine
dec_5: cp a,#0xff
jr z,dec_6
ld b, #5
jp fail_routine
dec_6: ld a,#1
dec a
jr z,dec_7
ld b, #6
jp fail_routine
dec_7: dec a
jr nz,dec_8
ld b, #7
jp fail_routine
dec_8: cp a,#0xff
jr z,dec_9
ld b, #8
jp fail_routine
dec_9: ld a,#0xaa
dec a
cp a,#0xaa-1
jr z,dec_10
ld b, #9
jp fail_routine
dec_10: ld b,#0x7f
dec b
ld a,b
cp a,#0x7f-1
jr z,dec_11
ld b, #10
jp fail_routine
dec_11: ld c,#0x55
dec c
ld a,c
cp a,#0x55-1
jr z,dec_12
ld b, #11
jp fail_routine
dec_12: ld d,#0xaa
dec d
ld a,d
cp a,#0xaa-1
jr z,dec_13
ld b, #12
jp fail_routine
dec_13: ld e,#0x80
dec e
ld a,e
cp a,#0x80-1
jr z,dec_14
ld b, #13
jp fail_routine
dec_14: ld h,#0xff
dec h
ld a,h
cp a,#0xff-1
jr z,dec_15
ld b, #14
jp fail_routine
dec_15: ld l,#0x55
dec l
ld a,l
cp a,#0x55-1
jr z,dec_16
ld b, #15
jp fail_routine
dec_16: ld hl,#t_var5
ld a,#0x80
ld (hl),a
cp a,(hl)
jr z,dec_17
ld b, #16
jp fail_routine
dec_17: dec (hl)
jp p,dec_18
ld b, #17
jp fail_routine
dec_18: jp pe,dec_19
ld b, #18
jp fail_routine
dec_19: ld a,#0
ld (hl),a
dec (hl)
jp m,dec_20
ld b, #19
jp fail_routine
dec_20: jp po,dec_21
ld b, #20
jp fail_routine
dec_21: ld a,(hl)
cp a,#0xff
jr z,dec_22
ld b, #21
jp fail_routine
dec_22: ld a,#1
ld (hl),a
dec (hl)
jr z,dec_23
ld b, #22
jp fail_routine
dec_23: dec (hl)
jr nz,dec_24
ld b, #23
jp fail_routine
dec_24: ld a,(hl)
cp a,#0xff
jr z,dec_25
ld b, #24
jp fail_routine
dec_25: ld a,#0xaa
ld (hl),a
dec (hl)
ld a,(hl)
cp a,#0xaa-1
jr z,dec_26
ld b, #25
jp fail_routine
dec_26: ld ix,#t_var3
ld a,#0x80
ld -2(ix),a
cp a,-2(ix)
jr z,dec_27
ld b, #26
jp fail_routine
dec_27: dec -2(ix)
jp p,dec_28
ld b, #27
jp fail_routine
dec_28: jp pe,dec_29
ld b, #28
jp fail_routine
dec_29: ld a,#0
ld 2(ix),a
dec 2(ix)
jp m,dec_30
ld b, #29
jp fail_routine
dec_30: jp po,dec_31
ld b, #30
jp fail_routine
dec_31: ld a,2(ix)
cp a,#0xff
jr z,dec_32
ld b, #31
jp fail_routine
dec_32: ld a,#1
ld -1(ix),a
dec -1(ix)
jr z,dec_33
ld b, #32
jp fail_routine
dec_33: dec -1(ix)
jr nz,dec_34
ld b, #33
jp fail_routine
dec_34: ld a,-1(ix)
cp a,#0xff
jr z,dec_35
ld b, #34
jp fail_routine
dec_35: ld a,#0x7f
ld 1(ix),a
dec 1(ix)
ld a,1(ix)
cp a,#0x7f-1
jr z,dec_36
ld b, #35
jp fail_routine
dec_36: ld iy,#t_var3
ld a,#0x80
ld -2(iy),a
cp a,-2(iy)
jr z,dec_37
ld b, #36
jp fail_routine
dec_37: dec -2(iy)
jp p,dec_38
ld b, #37
jp fail_routine
dec_38: jp pe,dec_39
ld b, #38
jp fail_routine
dec_39: ld a,#0
ld 2(iy),a
dec 2(iy)
jp m,dec_40
ld b, #39
jp fail_routine
dec_40: jp po,dec_41
ld b, #40
jp fail_routine
dec_41: ld a,2(iy)
cp a,#0xff
jr z,dec_42
ld b, #41
jp fail_routine
dec_42: ld a,#1
ld 1(iy),a
dec 1(iy)
jr z,dec_43
ld b, #42
jp fail_routine
dec_43: dec 1(iy)
jr nz,dec_44
ld b, #43
jp fail_routine
dec_44: ld a,1(iy)
cp a,#0xff
jr z,dec_45
ld b, #44
jp fail_routine
dec_45: ld a,#0xaa
ld -1(iy),a
dec -1(iy)
ld a,-1(iy)
cp a,#0xaa-1
jr z,cpl_0
ld b, #45
jp fail_routine
cpl_0: ld a,#0xff
cp a,#0
jr z,cpl_1
ld b, #0
jp fail_routine
cpl_1: ld a,#0xaa
cp a,#0x55
jr z,cpl_2
ld b, #1
jp fail_routine
cpl_2: cpl
cp a,#0xaa
jr z,neg_0
ld b, #2
jp fail_routine
neg_0: nop
ld hl, #msg_neg
call print_sub
ld a,#0x80
cp a,#0x80
jp po,neg_1
ld b, #0
jp fail_routine
neg_1: neg
jp pe,neg_2
ld b, #1
jp fail_routine
neg_2: jr nz,neg_3
ld b, #2
jp fail_routine
neg_3: jr c,neg_4
ld b, #3
jp fail_routine
neg_4: ld a,#0
jp po,neg_5
ld b, #4
jp fail_routine
neg_5: jr z,neg_6
ld b, #5
jp fail_routine
neg_6: jr nc,neg_7
ld b, #6
jp fail_routine
neg_7: ld a,#0x55
cp a,#0x55
jp p,neg_8
ld b, #7
jp fail_routine
neg_8: neg
jp m,neg_9
ld b, #8
jp fail_routine
neg_9: neg
jp p,neg_10
ld b, #9
jp fail_routine
neg_10: cp a,#0x55
jr z,end_of_test
ld b, #10
jp fail_routine
jp passed
var1: .db #0x0
var2: .db #0x0
var3: .db #0x0
var4: .db #0x0
var5: .db #0x0
w_var1: .dw #0x0
w_var2: .dw #0x0
w_var3: .dw #0x0
w_var4: .dw #0x0
w_var5: .dw #0x0
w_var6: .dw #0x0
.area _DATA
t_var1: .db 0
t_var2: .db 0
t_var3: .db 0
t_var4: .db 0
t_var5: .db 0
tw_var1: .dw 0
tw_var2: .dw 0
tw_var3: .dw 0
tw_var4: .dw 0
tw_var5: .dw 0
tw_var6: .dw 0
tw_var7: .dw 0

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