
Subversion Repositories sdhc-sc-core

Compare Revisions

  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 118 to Rev 119
    Reverse comparison

Rev 118 → Rev 119

15,7 → 15,7
-- data and address types
subtype aData is std_ulogic_vector(31 downto 0);
subtype aAddr is std_ulogic_vector(31 downto 0);
subtype aSdBlockAddr is std_ulogic_vector(31 downto 0);
subtype aWbAddr is std_ulogic_vector(6 downto 4);
27,6 → 27,7
-- addresses for register banks in SdWbSlave
constant cOperationAddr : aWbAddr := "000";
constant cStartAddrAddr : aWbAddr := "001";
constant cEndAddrAddr : aWbAddr := "010";
33,37 → 34,57
constant cReadDataAddr : aWbAddr := "011";
constant cWriteDataAddr : aWbAddr := "100";
-- configuration of the next operation
type aOperationBlock is record
StartAddr : aSdBlockAddr; -- start block address for SD card the next operation
EndAddr : aSdBlockAddr; -- last block address
Operation : aOperation; -- operation to execute (Read, write, etc.)
end record aOperationBlock;
constant cDefaultOperationBlock : aOperationBlock := (
StartAddr => (others => '0'),
EndAddr => (others => '0'),
Operation => (others => '0'));
-- ports
type aSdWbSlaveToSdController is record
StartAddr : aAddr;
EndAddr : aAddr;
Operation : aOperation;
Valid : std_ulogic;
WriteData : aData;
AckOperationToggle : std_ulogic; -- every edge signals that the OperationBlock is valid
OperationBlock : aOperationBlock;
WriteData : aData; -- data to write to the card (32 bit blocks)
end record aSdWbSlaveToSdController;
type aSdControllerToSdWbSlave is record
Done : std_ulogic;
ReadData : aData;
ReqOperationEdge : std_ulogic; -- Request a new OperationBlock
Done : std_ulogic;
ReadData : aData;
end record aSdControllerToSdWbSlave;
type aSdWbSlaveDataOutput is record
Dat : aData;
end record aSdWbSlaveDataOutput;
type aSdWbSlaveDataInput is record
Sel : std_ulogic_vector(0 downto 0);
Adr : aWbAddr;
Dat : aData;
end record aSdWbSlaveDataInput;
-- default port values
constant cDefaultSdWbSlaveToSdController : aSdWbSlaveToSdController := (
StartAddr => (others => '0'),
EndAddr => (others => '0'),
Operation => (others => '0'),
Valid => '0',
WriteData => (others => '0'));
OperationBlock => cDefaultOperationBlock,
WriteData => (others => '0'),
AckOperationToggle => '0');
end package SdWb;
0,0 → 1,5
set pkgs {Global Global
Wishbone Wishbone
Sd SdWb}
set units {Sd SdWbSlave {Rtl}}
0,0 → 1,187
-- Title: SdWbSlave
-- File: SdWbSlave-Rtl-ea.vhdl
-- Author: Copyright 2010: Rainer Kastl
-- Standard: VHDL'93
-- Description: Wishbone interface for the SD-Core
architecture Rtl of SdWbSlave is
type aWbState is (idle, ClassicRead, ClassicWrite);
type aSdIntState is (idle, newOperation);
type aRegs is record
WbState : aWbState; -- state of the wb interface
SdIntState : aSdIntState; -- state of the sd controller interface
OperationBlock : aOperationBlock; -- Operation for the SdController
ReqOperation : std_ulogic; -- Register for catching edges on the SdController ReqOperationEdge line
-- Register outputs
oWbDat : aSdWbSlaveDataOutput;
oWbCtrl : aWbSlaveCtrlOutput;
oController : aSdWbSlaveToSdController;
end record aRegs;
constant cDefaultRegs : aRegs := (
WbState => idle,
SdIntState => idle,
OperationBlock => cDefaultOperationBlock,
ReqOperation => cInactivated,
oWbDat => (Dat => (others => '0')),
oWbCtrl => cDefaultWbSlaveCtrlOutput,
oController => cDefaultSdWbSlaveToSdController);
signal R, NxR : aRegs;
WbStateReg : process (iClk, iRstSync)
if (iClk'event and iClk = cActivated) then
if (iRstSync = cActivated) then -- sync. reset
R <= cDefaultRegs;
R <= NxR;
end if;
end if;
end process WbStateReg ;
WbStateAndOutputs : process (iWbCtrl, iWbDat, iController, R)
-- Default Assignments
NxR <= R;
NxR.oWbDat.Dat <= (others => 'X');
NxR.oWbCtrl <= cDefaultWbSlaveCtrlOutput;
-- Determine next state
case R.WbState is
when idle =>
if iWbCtrl.Cyc = cActivated and iWbCtrl.Stb = cActivated then
case iWbCtrl.Cti is
when cCtiClassicCycle =>
-- switch to ClassicRead or ClassicWrite
case iWbCtrl.We is
when cInactivated =>
NxR.WbState <= ClassicRead;
when cActivated =>
NxR.WbState <= ClassicWrite;
when others =>
report "iWbCtrl.We is invalid" severity warning;
end case;
when others => null;
end case;
end if;
when ClassicRead =>
assert (iWbCtrl.Cyc = cActivated) report
"Cyc deactivated mid cyclus" severity warning;
NxR.oWbCtrl.Ack <= cActivated;
if (iWbDat.Sel = "1") then
case iWbDat.Adr is
when cOperationAddr =>
NxR.oWbDat.Dat <= R.OperationBlock.Operation;
when cStartAddrAddr =>
NxR.oWbDat.Dat <= R.OperationBlock.StartAddr;
when cEndAddrAddr =>
NxR.oWbDat.Dat <= R.OperationBlock.EndAddr;
when cReadDataAddr =>
-- read data from fifo
when others =>
report "Read to an invalid address" severity warning;
NxR.oWbCtrl.Err <= cActivated;
NxR.oWbCtrl.Ack <= cInactivated;
end case;
end if;
NxR.WbState <= idle;
when ClassicWrite =>
assert (iWbCtrl.Cyc = cActivated) report
"Cyc deactivated mid cyclus" severity warning;
-- default state transition and output
NxR.oWbCtrl.Ack <= cActivated;
NxR.WbState <= idle;
if (iWbDat.Sel = "1") then
case iWbDat.Adr is
when cOperationAddr =>
if (R.SdIntState = idle) then
-- save operation and notify the SdController
NxR.OperationBlock.Operation <= iWbDat.Dat;
NxR.SdIntState <= newOperation;
-- insert waitstates until we can notify the SdController again
NxR.oWbCtrl.Ack <= cInactivated;
end if;
when cStartAddrAddr =>
NxR.OperationBlock.StartAddr <= iWbDat.Dat;
when cEndAddrAddr =>
NxR.OperationBlock.EndAddr <= iWbDat.Dat;
when cWriteDataAddr =>
-- put into fifo
when others =>
report "Read to an invalid address" severity warning;
end case;
end if;
when others => null;
end case;
-- send operations to SdController
case R.SdIntState is
when idle =>
-- save edges on the ReqOperationEdge line which would be missed otherwise
if (iController.ReqOperationEdge = cActivated) then
R.ReqOperation <= cActivated;
end if;
when newOperation =>
-- send a new operation, when the controller requested it
if (R.ReqOperation = cActivated or iController.ReqOperationEdge = cActivated) then
NxR.oController.OperationBlock <= R.OperationBlock;
NxR.oController.AckOperationToggle <= not R.oController.AckOperationToggle;
-- go to idle state, the next request will come only after the SdController received this block
NxR.ReqOperation <= cInactivated;
NxR.SdIntState <= idle;
end if;
when others =>
report "Invalid state" severity error;
end case;
end process WbStateAndOutputs;
end architecture Rtl;
0,0 → 1,33
-- Title: SdWbSlave
-- File: SdWbSlave-Rtl-ea.vhdl
-- Author: Copyright 2010: Rainer Kastl
-- Standard: VHDL'93
-- Description: Wishbone interface for the SD-Core
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.math_real.all;
use work.Global.all;
use work.wishbone.all;
use work.SdWb.all;
entity SdWbSlave is
port (
iClk : in std_ulogic; -- Clock, rising clock edge
iRstSync : in std_ulogic; -- Reset, active high, synchronous
-- wishbone
iWbCtrl : in aWbSlaveCtrlInput; -- All control signals for a wishbone slave
oWbCtrl : out aWbSlaveCtrlOutput; -- All output signals for a wishbone slave
iWbDat : in aSdWbSlaveDataInput;
oWbDat : out aSdWbSlaveDataOutput;
-- To sd controller
iController : in aSdControllerToSdWbSlave;
oController : out aSdWbSlaveToSdController
end entity;
0,0 → 1,3
set script SdWbSlave.tcl
do "../../../sim/unattended.tcl"
0,0 → 1,2
source ../Files.tcl
source ../../../sim/sim.tcl
0,0 → 1,7
include ../../../../Makefile.rules
all: SdWbSlave-unattended.sim
rm -rf vsim.wlf work

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