
Subversion Repositories neorv32

Compare Revisions

  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 13 to Rev 14
    Reverse comparison

Rev 13 → Rev 14

3,12 → 3,16
# Abort if any command returns != 0
set -e
# Toolchain to be used
# Download toolchain
echo "Downloading prebuilt RISC-V GCC toolchain ($TOOLCHAIN_V)..."
# Decompress
mkdir riscv
tar -xzf riscv32-unknown-elf.gcc-9.2.0.rv32i.ilp32.tar.gz -C riscv/
tar -xzf $TOOLCHAIN_V.tar.gz -C riscv/
ls -al
ls -al riscv/
/neorv32/trunk/docs/figures/neorv32_cpu.png Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
/neorv32/trunk/docs/figures/neorv32_processor.png Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
/neorv32/trunk/docs/NEORV32.pdf Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
1,5 → 1,5
-- The NEORV32 Processor by Stephan Nolting,
-- Auto-generated memory init file (for APPLICATION) from source file <cpu_test/main.bin>
-- Auto-generated memory init file (for APPLICATION) from source file <blink_led/main.bin>
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
8,1211 → 8,1009
type application_init_image_t is array (0 to 65535) of std_ulogic_vector(31 downto 0);
constant application_init_image : application_init_image_t := (
00000000 => x"00930001",
00000001 => x"81130000",
00000002 => x"01930000",
00000003 => x"82130001",
00000004 => x"02930001",
00000005 => x"83130002",
00000006 => x"03930002",
00000007 => x"84130003",
00000008 => x"04930003",
00000009 => x"85130004",
00000010 => x"05930004",
00000011 => x"86130005",
00000012 => x"06930005",
00000013 => x"87130006",
00000014 => x"07930006",
00000015 => x"88130007",
00000016 => x"08930007",
00000017 => x"89130008",
00000018 => x"09930008",
00000019 => x"8a130009",
00000020 => x"0a930009",
00000021 => x"8b13000a",
00000022 => x"0b93000a",
00000023 => x"8c13000b",
00000024 => x"0c93000b",
00000025 => x"8d13000c",
00000026 => x"0d93000c",
00000027 => x"8e13000d",
00000028 => x"0e93000d",
00000029 => x"8f13000e",
00000030 => x"0f93000e",
00000031 => x"0001000f",
00000000 => x"00000093",
00000001 => x"00008113",
00000002 => x"00010193",
00000003 => x"00018213",
00000004 => x"00020293",
00000005 => x"00028313",
00000006 => x"00030393",
00000007 => x"00038413",
00000008 => x"00040493",
00000009 => x"00048513",
00000010 => x"00050593",
00000011 => x"00058613",
00000012 => x"00060693",
00000013 => x"00068713",
00000014 => x"00070793",
00000015 => x"00078813",
00000016 => x"00080893",
00000017 => x"00088913",
00000018 => x"00090993",
00000019 => x"00098a13",
00000020 => x"000a0a93",
00000021 => x"000a8b13",
00000022 => x"000b0b93",
00000023 => x"000b8c13",
00000024 => x"000c0c93",
00000025 => x"000c8d13",
00000026 => x"000d0d93",
00000027 => x"000d8e13",
00000028 => x"000e0e93",
00000029 => x"000e8f13",
00000030 => x"000f0f93",
00000031 => x"00000013",
00000032 => x"ff402583",
00000033 => x"ffc02603",
00000034 => x"00c58133",
00000035 => x"04131171",
00000036 => x"01970001",
00000037 => x"81938000",
00000038 => x"05977ee1",
00000039 => x"85930000",
00000040 => x"90730965",
00000041 => x"25833055",
00000042 => x"0617ff40",
00000043 => x"06130000",
00000044 => x"06931506",
00000045 => x"c1900200",
00000046 => x"16fd0591",
00000047 => x"fed01de3",
00000048 => x"f8000593",
00000049 => x"0005a023",
00000050 => x"1de30591",
00000051 => x"0597feb0",
00000052 => x"85938000",
00000053 => x"8613fba5",
00000054 => x"d66382c1",
00000055 => x"802300c5",
00000056 => x"05850005",
00000057 => x"1597bfdd",
00000058 => x"85930000",
00000059 => x"06171e65",
00000060 => x"06138000",
00000061 => x"0697f926",
00000062 => x"86938000",
00000063 => x"5963f926",
00000064 => x"870300d6",
00000065 => x"00230005",
00000066 => x"058500e6",
00000067 => x"bfc50605",
00000068 => x"00000513",
00000069 => x"00000593",
00000070 => x"0ee000ef",
00000071 => x"30047073",
00000072 => x"10500073",
00000073 => x"0013a001",
00000074 => x"00130000",
00000075 => x"00010000",
00000076 => x"f8810113",
00000077 => x"c20ec006",
00000078 => x"c616c412",
00000079 => x"ca1ec81a",
00000080 => x"ce26cc22",
00000081 => x"d22ed02a",
00000082 => x"d636d432",
00000083 => x"da3ed83a",
00000084 => x"de46dc42",
00000085 => x"c2cec0ca",
00000086 => x"c6d6c4d2",
00000087 => x"cadec8da",
00000088 => x"cee6cce2",
00000089 => x"d2eed0ea",
00000090 => x"d6f6d4f2",
00000091 => x"dafed8fa",
00000092 => x"342022f3",
00000093 => x"00f2f313",
00000094 => x"2083030a",
00000095 => x"9306ff40",
00000096 => x"341020f3",
00000097 => x"0002cd63",
00000098 => x"00009283",
00000099 => x"00300393",
00000100 => x"0072f2b3",
00000101 => x"96630089",
00000102 => x"00890072",
00000103 => x"0313a019",
00000104 => x"22830403",
00000105 => x"11710003",
00000106 => x"80e7c006",
00000107 => x"40820002",
00000108 => x"90730111",
00000109 => x"40823410",
00000110 => x"42224192",
00000111 => x"434242b2",
00000112 => x"446243d2",
00000113 => x"550244f2",
00000114 => x"56225592",
00000115 => x"574256b2",
00000116 => x"586257d2",
00000117 => x"490658f2",
00000118 => x"4a264996",
00000119 => x"4b464ab6",
00000120 => x"4c664bd6",
00000121 => x"5d064cf6",
00000122 => x"5e265d96",
00000123 => x"5f465eb6",
00000124 => x"01135fd6",
00000125 => x"00730781",
00000126 => x"80823020",
00000127 => x"00000000",
00000128 => x"00000000",
00000129 => x"71390000",
00000130 => x"dc22de06",
00000131 => x"d84ada26",
00000132 => x"d452d64e",
00000133 => x"00efd256",
00000134 => x"00631230",
00000135 => x"00ef0c05",
00000136 => x"0c632fb0",
00000137 => x"00ef0a05",
00000138 => x"08630410",
00000139 => x"65150a05",
00000140 => x"45814601",
00000141 => x"b0050513",
00000142 => x"10b000ef",
00000143 => x"45814501",
00000144 => x"031000ef",
00000145 => x"557d55fd",
00000146 => x"063000ef",
00000147 => x"05136505",
00000148 => x"00efd9c5",
00000149 => x"00ef16f0",
00000150 => x"00ef0090",
00000151 => x"650560a0",
00000152 => x"db850513",
00000153 => x"00ef4481",
00000154 => x"059315b0",
00000155 => x"450177e0",
00000156 => x"842a232d",
00000157 => x"77e00593",
00000158 => x"23054505",
00000159 => x"0593942a",
00000160 => x"450977e0",
00000161 => x"942a2b19",
00000162 => x"77e00593",
00000163 => x"2331450d",
00000164 => x"0593942a",
00000165 => x"451177e0",
00000166 => x"942a2309",
00000167 => x"77e00593",
00000168 => x"29e54515",
00000169 => x"0593942a",
00000170 => x"451977e0",
00000171 => x"942a21fd",
00000172 => x"77e00593",
00000173 => x"21d5451d",
00000174 => x"0593942a",
00000175 => x"452d77e0",
00000176 => x"942a29e9",
00000177 => x"77e00593",
00000178 => x"29c1455d",
00000179 => x"c005942a",
00000180 => x"05136505",
00000181 => x"00efdd05",
00000182 => x"50f20eb0",
00000183 => x"54d25462",
00000184 => x"59b25942",
00000185 => x"5a925a22",
00000186 => x"61214501",
00000187 => x"05938082",
00000188 => x"450177e0",
00000189 => x"22f000ef",
00000190 => x"c509842a",
00000191 => x"05136505",
00000192 => x"bfd1de45",
00000193 => x"30046073",
00000194 => x"650554fd",
00000195 => x"8291a423",
00000196 => x"dfc50513",
00000197 => x"a4236985",
00000198 => x"00ef8291",
00000199 => x"85130a70",
00000200 => x"00efe0c9",
00000201 => x"650509f0",
00000202 => x"e2050513",
00000203 => x"8291a423",
00000204 => x"091000ef",
00000205 => x"e0c98513",
00000206 => x"089000ef",
00000207 => x"05136505",
00000208 => x"00efe305",
00000209 => x"17b707f0",
00000210 => x"87931bcd",
00000211 => x"90732347",
00000212 => x"47b7b007",
00000213 => x"87930003",
00000214 => x"90734557",
00000215 => x"2773b807",
00000216 => x"76c1b000",
00000217 => x"06b78f75",
00000218 => x"12631bcd",
00000219 => x"277332d7",
00000220 => x"1e63b800",
00000221 => x"650530f7",
00000222 => x"e4050513",
00000223 => x"045000ef",
00000224 => x"65054485",
00000225 => x"e4c50513",
00000226 => x"039000ef",
00000227 => x"112247b7",
00000228 => x"49978793",
00000229 => x"b0279073",
00000230 => x"000907b7",
00000231 => x"907307c5",
00000232 => x"2773b827",
00000233 => x"76c1b020",
00000234 => x"06b78f75",
00000235 => x"18631122",
00000236 => x"27732ed7",
00000237 => x"1463b820",
00000238 => x"65052ef7",
00000239 => x"e4050513",
00000240 => x"001000ef",
00000241 => x"65050485",
00000242 => x"e5c50513",
00000243 => x"7f4000ef",
00000244 => x"c01027f3",
00000245 => x"2af3c83e",
00000246 => x"79c1c810",
00000247 => x"0137fa33",
00000248 => x"00efca56",
00000249 => x"f9b36aa0",
00000250 => x"116300a9",
00000251 => x"9f632d3a",
00000252 => x"65052aba",
00000253 => x"e4050513",
00000254 => x"7c8000ef",
00000255 => x"65050485",
00000256 => x"051359fd",
00000257 => x"a423e6c5",
00000258 => x"00ef8331",
00000259 => x"000f7b60",
00000260 => x"100f0ff0",
00000261 => x"a7830000",
00000262 => x"80638281",
00000263 => x"65052b37",
00000264 => x"e4450513",
00000265 => x"79c000ef",
00000266 => x"65050405",
00000267 => x"051357fd",
00000268 => x"a423e7c5",
00000269 => x"00ef82f1",
00000270 => x"27f378a0",
00000271 => x"8b913010",
00000272 => x"28079b63",
00000273 => x"97824789",
00000274 => x"8281a783",
00000275 => x"26079e63",
00000276 => x"05136505",
00000277 => x"00efe405",
00000278 => x"048576a0",
00000279 => x"65054995",
00000280 => x"051357fd",
00000281 => x"a423eb85",
00000282 => x"00ef82f1",
00000283 => x"07937560",
00000284 => x"9782f000",
00000285 => x"8281a703",
00000286 => x"15634785",
00000287 => x"650526f7",
00000288 => x"e4050513",
00000289 => x"73c000ef",
00000290 => x"65050485",
00000291 => x"051357fd",
00000292 => x"a423ec85",
00000293 => x"00ef82f1",
00000294 => x"07b772a0",
00000295 => x"87938000",
00000296 => x"80e70807",
00000297 => x"a7030007",
00000298 => x"47898281",
00000299 => x"24f71363",
00000300 => x"05136505",
00000301 => x"00efe405",
00000302 => x"048570a0",
00000303 => x"57fd6505",
00000304 => x"ed850513",
00000305 => x"82f1a423",
00000306 => x"6f8000ef",
00000307 => x"a7039002",
00000308 => x"478d8281",
00000309 => x"22f71663",
00000310 => x"05136505",
00000311 => x"00efe405",
00000312 => x"04856e20",
00000313 => x"57fd6505",
00000314 => x"ee850513",
00000315 => x"82f1a423",
00000316 => x"6d0000ef",
00000317 => x"00202003",
00000318 => x"8281a703",
00000319 => x"18634791",
00000320 => x"650520f7",
00000321 => x"e4050513",
00000322 => x"6b8000ef",
00000323 => x"65050485",
00000324 => x"051357fd",
00000325 => x"a423ef85",
00000326 => x"00ef82f1",
00000327 => x"27836a60",
00000328 => x"c63ef000",
00000329 => x"8281a703",
00000330 => x"19634795",
00000331 => x"65051ef7",
00000332 => x"e4050513",
00000333 => x"68c000ef",
00000334 => x"65050485",
00000335 => x"051357fd",
00000336 => x"a423f085",
00000337 => x"00ef82f1",
00000338 => x"212367a0",
00000339 => x"a7030000",
00000340 => x"47998281",
00000341 => x"1cf71b63",
00000342 => x"05136505",
00000343 => x"00efe405",
00000344 => x"04856620",
00000345 => x"57fd6505",
00000346 => x"f1850513",
00000347 => x"82f1a423",
00000348 => x"650000ef",
00000349 => x"f0002023",
00000350 => x"8281a703",
00000351 => x"1d63479d",
00000352 => x"65051af7",
00000353 => x"e4050513",
00000354 => x"638000ef",
00000355 => x"65050485",
00000356 => x"051357fd",
00000357 => x"a423f285",
00000358 => x"00ef82f1",
00000359 => x"00736260",
00000360 => x"a7030000",
00000361 => x"47ad8281",
00000362 => x"18f71f63",
00000363 => x"05136505",
00000364 => x"00efe405",
00000365 => x"048560e0",
00000366 => x"57fd6505",
00000367 => x"f3850513",
00000368 => x"82f1a423",
00000369 => x"5fc000ef",
00000370 => x"45814501",
00000371 => x"4de000ef",
00000372 => x"00010001",
00000373 => x"00010001",
00000374 => x"8281a703",
00000375 => x"800007b7",
00000376 => x"1863079d",
00000377 => x"650516f7",
00000378 => x"e4050513",
00000379 => x"5d4000ef",
00000380 => x"55fd0485",
00000381 => x"00ef557d",
00000382 => x"65054b40",
00000383 => x"051357fd",
00000384 => x"a423f485",
00000385 => x"00ef82f1",
00000386 => x"45015ba0",
00000387 => x"76e000ef",
00000388 => x"00010001",
00000389 => x"00010001",
00000390 => x"8281a703",
00000391 => x"800007b7",
00000392 => x"1e6307ad",
00000393 => x"650512f7",
00000394 => x"e4050513",
00000395 => x"594000ef",
00000396 => x"65050485",
00000397 => x"051357fd",
00000398 => x"a423f585",
00000399 => x"00ef82f1",
00000400 => x"21a95820",
00000401 => x"051387aa",
00000402 => x"37b33e85",
00000403 => x"95be00f5",
00000404 => x"29a109ad",
00000405 => x"10500073",
00000406 => x"8281a703",
00000407 => x"800007b7",
00000408 => x"0463079d",
00000409 => x"650510f7",
00000410 => x"e4450513",
00000411 => x"554000ef",
00000412 => x"65050405",
00000413 => x"862686a2",
00000414 => x"051385ce",
00000415 => x"00eff685",
00000416 => x"1a635420",
00000417 => x"65050e04",
00000418 => x"f8c50513",
00000419 => x"6505b1a9",
00000420 => x"e4450513",
00000421 => x"52c000ef",
00000422 => x"44054481",
00000423 => x"6505b1dd",
00000424 => x"e4450513",
00000425 => x"51c000ef",
00000426 => x"bb310405",
00000427 => x"05136505",
00000428 => x"00efe445",
00000429 => x"040550e0",
00000430 => x"6505b399",
00000431 => x"e4050513",
00000432 => x"500000ef",
00000433 => x"b3950485",
00000434 => x"05136505",
00000435 => x"00efe445",
00000436 => x"04054f20",
00000437 => x"6505b361",
00000438 => x"e8c50513",
00000439 => x"4e4000ef",
00000440 => x"bbb54991",
00000441 => x"05136505",
00000442 => x"00efe445",
00000443 => x"04054d60",
00000444 => x"6505bb69",
00000445 => x"e4450513",
00000446 => x"4c8000ef",
00000447 => x"bb7d0405",
00000448 => x"05136505",
00000449 => x"00efe445",
00000450 => x"04054ba0",
00000451 => x"6505bbe1",
00000452 => x"e4450513",
00000453 => x"4ac000ef",
00000454 => x"bbd50405",
00000455 => x"05136505",
00000456 => x"00efe445",
00000457 => x"040549e0",
00000458 => x"6505bd09",
00000459 => x"e4450513",
00000460 => x"490000ef",
00000461 => x"b53d0405",
00000462 => x"05136505",
00000463 => x"00efe445",
00000464 => x"04054820",
00000465 => x"6505b5a9",
00000466 => x"e4450513",
00000467 => x"04052995",
00000468 => x"6505b5a5",
00000469 => x"e4450513",
00000470 => x"040521a5",
00000471 => x"6505bd59",
00000472 => x"e4450513",
00000473 => x"040529b1",
00000474 => x"6505b5e9",
00000475 => x"e4050513",
00000476 => x"04852981",
00000477 => x"6505bdfd",
00000478 => x"f9850513",
00000479 => x"2773bea9",
00000480 => x"a4233420",
00000481 => x"808282e1",
00000482 => x"6505c509",
00000483 => x"fa850513",
00000484 => x"6505a905",
00000485 => x"fb050513",
00000486 => x"1141bfe5",
00000487 => x"c226c422",
00000488 => x"479dc606",
00000489 => x"84ae842a",
00000490 => x"02a7f363",
00000491 => x"006347ad",
00000492 => x"47cd02f5",
00000493 => x"00f50b63",
00000494 => x"056347dd",
00000495 => x"47ed02f5",
00000496 => x"1c634505",
00000497 => x"452d00f4",
00000498 => x"450da011",
00000499 => x"25032329",
00000500 => x"040aff40",
00000501 => x"c004942a",
00000502 => x"40b24501",
00000503 => x"44924422",
00000504 => x"80820141",
00000505 => x"b7dd451d",
00000506 => x"ce061101",
00000507 => x"ca26cc22",
00000508 => x"c64ec84a",
00000509 => x"c256c452",
00000510 => x"2973c05a",
00000511 => x"4b01f130",
00000512 => x"4a2559e1",
00000513 => x"44914a8d",
00000514 => x"033b0433",
00000515 => x"04614501",
00000516 => x"00895433",
00000517 => x"0ff47413",
00000518 => x"028a6f63",
00000519 => x"0513c511",
00000520 => x"75130305",
00000521 => x"2ea50ff5",
00000522 => x"03040513",
00000523 => x"0ff57513",
00000524 => x"056326bd",
00000525 => x"0513015b",
00000526 => x"269502e0",
00000527 => x"15e30b05",
00000528 => x"40f2fc9b",
00000529 => x"44d24462",
00000530 => x"49b24942",
00000531 => x"4a924a22",
00000532 => x"61054b02",
00000533 => x"14598082",
00000534 => x"74130505",
00000535 => x"75130ff4",
00000536 => x"bf5d0ff5",
00000537 => x"11016505",
00000538 => x"fb850513",
00000539 => x"cc22ce06",
00000540 => x"c84aca26",
00000541 => x"650526b1",
00000542 => x"fec50513",
00000543 => x"25f32691",
00000544 => x"6505f140",
00000545 => x"00c50513",
00000546 => x"25832e25",
00000547 => x"6505fe40",
00000548 => x"02450513",
00000549 => x"65052635",
00000550 => x"03c50513",
00000551 => x"37a92615",
00000552 => x"f13025f3",
00000553 => x"05136505",
00000554 => x"2e190505",
00000555 => x"05136505",
00000556 => x"263905c5",
00000557 => x"301027f3",
00000558 => x"906383f9",
00000559 => x"65051807",
00000560 => x"07050513",
00000561 => x"65052cf5",
00000562 => x"09050513",
00000563 => x"25f32cd5",
00000564 => x"44013010",
00000565 => x"44e94905",
00000566 => x"008917b3",
00000567 => x"cb998fed",
00000568 => x"04140513",
00000569 => x"0ff57513",
00000570 => x"2c55c62e",
00000571 => x"02000513",
00000572 => x"45b2247d",
00000573 => x"11e30405",
00000574 => x"6505fe94",
00000575 => x"0a450513",
00000576 => x"258324c1",
00000577 => x"6505fe00",
00000578 => x"0ac50513",
00000579 => x"65052c55",
00000580 => x"0c850513",
00000581 => x"25832475",
00000582 => x"2603ff80",
00000583 => x"6505ff00",
00000584 => x"0e850513",
00000585 => x"65052c71",
00000586 => x"11050513",
00000587 => x"25032c51",
00000588 => x"8911fe80",
00000589 => x"65053d91",
00000590 => x"12850513",
00000591 => x"25032451",
00000592 => x"8921fe80",
00000593 => x"25833591",
00000594 => x"2603ffc0",
00000595 => x"6505ff40",
00000596 => x"14050513",
00000597 => x"650524b5",
00000598 => x"16850513",
00000599 => x"25032495",
00000600 => x"8941fe80",
00000601 => x"65053515",
00000602 => x"18050513",
00000603 => x"25032c91",
00000604 => x"8905fe80",
00000605 => x"65053d11",
00000606 => x"19850513",
00000607 => x"25032491",
00000608 => x"8909fe80",
00000609 => x"65053511",
00000610 => x"1b050513",
00000611 => x"65052c15",
00000612 => x"fe802403",
00000613 => x"1c450513",
00000614 => x"65412425",
00000615 => x"33ed8d61",
00000616 => x"05136505",
00000617 => x"2c291d05",
00000618 => x"00020537",
00000619 => x"3be98d61",
00000620 => x"05136505",
00000621 => x"24291dc5",
00000622 => x"00040537",
00000623 => x"33e98d61",
00000624 => x"05136505",
00000625 => x"2aed1e85",
00000626 => x"00080537",
00000627 => x"3b6d8d61",
00000628 => x"05136505",
00000629 => x"22ed1f45",
00000630 => x"00100537",
00000631 => x"336d8d61",
00000632 => x"05136505",
00000633 => x"2ae92005",
00000634 => x"00200537",
00000635 => x"3b698d61",
00000636 => x"05136505",
00000637 => x"22e920c5",
00000638 => x"00400537",
00000639 => x"33698d61",
00000640 => x"05136505",
00000641 => x"2a6d2185",
00000642 => x"00800537",
00000643 => x"3bad8d61",
00000644 => x"05136505",
00000645 => x"226d2245",
00000646 => x"01000537",
00000647 => x"33ad8d61",
00000648 => x"05136505",
00000649 => x"2a692305",
00000650 => x"02000537",
00000651 => x"44628d61",
00000652 => x"44d240f2",
00000653 => x"61054942",
00000654 => x"4705bb81",
00000655 => x"00e78963",
00000656 => x"9a634709",
00000657 => x"650500e7",
00000658 => x"08850513",
00000659 => x"6505bda5",
00000660 => x"07850513",
00000661 => x"6505bd85",
00000662 => x"08050513",
00000663 => x"6505b5a5",
00000664 => x"23c50513",
00000665 => x"2503a281",
00000666 => x"8145fe80",
00000667 => x"80828905",
00000668 => x"c02a1141",
00000669 => x"0793c22e",
00000670 => x"a023f900",
00000671 => x"47120007",
00000672 => x"f8e02a23",
00000673 => x"c3984702",
00000674 => x"80820141",
00000675 => x"27831141",
00000676 => x"2703f940",
00000677 => x"2683f900",
00000678 => x"9ae3f940",
00000679 => x"c03afed7",
00000680 => x"4502c23e",
00000681 => x"01414592",
00000682 => x"06938082",
00000683 => x"567df980",
00000684 => x"c288c290",
00000685 => x"8082c2cc",
00000686 => x"68051141",
00000687 => x"00058523",
00000688 => x"00544781",
00000689 => x"2b080813",
00000690 => x"76334729",
00000691 => x"88b302e5",
00000692 => x"078500f6",
00000693 => x"46039642",
00000694 => x"55330006",
00000695 => x"802302e5",
00000696 => x"94e300c8",
00000697 => x"8636fee7",
00000698 => x"05134725",
00000699 => x"48030300",
00000700 => x"87ba0096",
00000701 => x"0742177d",
00000702 => x"17638341",
00000703 => x"04a300a8",
00000704 => x"167d0006",
00000705 => x"4781f76d",
00000706 => x"470197b6",
00000707 => x"0007c603",
00000708 => x"0513ca09",
00000709 => x"972e0017",
00000710 => x"00c70023",
00000711 => x"01051713",
00000712 => x"86138341",
00000713 => x"9763fff7",
00000714 => x"95ba00f6",
00000715 => x"00058023",
00000716 => x"80820141",
00000717 => x"bfd987b2",
00000718 => x"fe802503",
00000719 => x"89058149",
00000720 => x"20238082",
00000721 => x"2683fa00",
00000722 => x"0506fe00",
00000723 => x"f5634701",
00000724 => x"668502a6",
00000725 => x"16f94781",
00000726 => x"02e6e763",
00000727 => x"89858a05",
00000728 => x"067a07e2",
00000729 => x"05f68fd1",
00000730 => x"8fd98fcd",
00000731 => x"10000737",
00000732 => x"20238fd9",
00000733 => x"8082faf0",
00000734 => x"00170793",
00000735 => x"01079713",
00000736 => x"83418e89",
00000737 => x"8513b7e9",
00000738 => x"7513ffe7",
00000739 => x"e5110fd5",
00000740 => x"0785830d",
00000741 => x"0ff7f793",
00000742 => x"8305b7c1",
00000743 => x"2423bfdd",
00000744 => x"8082fca0",
00000745 => x"46b54729",
00000746 => x"00054783",
00000747 => x"e3910505",
00000748 => x"94638082",
00000749 => x"242300e7",
00000750 => x"2423fcd0",
00000751 => x"b7edfcf0",
00000752 => x"d422715d",
00000753 => x"6405c2be",
00000754 => x"d226185c",
00000755 => x"cc52ce4e",
00000756 => x"c85aca56",
00000757 => x"d04ad606",
00000758 => x"dc32da2e",
00000759 => x"c0bade36",
00000760 => x"c6c6c4c2",
00000761 => x"0993c03e",
00000762 => x"4a290250",
00000763 => x"04934ab5",
00000764 => x"0b130730",
00000765 => x"04130750",
00000766 => x"47832bc4",
00000767 => x"c39d0005",
00000768 => x"0d379463",
00000769 => x"00154783",
00000770 => x"00250913",
00000771 => x"06978563",
00000772 => x"02f4e463",
00000773 => x"06300713",
00000774 => x"06e78763",
00000775 => x"06900713",
00000776 => x"06e78c63",
00000777 => x"542250b2",
00000778 => x"59025492",
00000779 => x"4a6249f2",
00000780 => x"4b424ad2",
00000781 => x"80826161",
00000782 => x"09678163",
00000783 => x"07800713",
00000784 => x"fee792e3",
00000785 => x"00544782",
00000786 => x"438c8536",
00000787 => x"00478713",
00000788 => x"0613c03a",
00000789 => x"47010200",
00000790 => x"00e5d7b3",
00000791 => x"97a28bbd",
00000792 => x"0007c783",
00000793 => x"16fd0711",
00000794 => x"00f68423",
00000795 => x"fec716e3",
00000796 => x"00010623",
00000797 => x"4782a031",
00000798 => x"87134388",
00000799 => x"c03a0047",
00000800 => x"854a3715",
00000801 => x"4782bf9d",
00000802 => x"00478713",
00000803 => x"0007c783",
00000804 => x"2423c03a",
00000805 => x"b7f5fcf0",
00000806 => x"43884782",
00000807 => x"00478713",
00000808 => x"5863c03a",
00000809 => x"07930005",
00000810 => x"053302d0",
00000811 => x"242340a0",
00000812 => x"004cfcf0",
00000813 => x"00483511",
00000814 => x"4782b7e1",
00000815 => x"8713004c",
00000816 => x"43880047",
00000817 => x"b7fdc03a",
00000818 => x"01479463",
00000819 => x"fd502423",
00000820 => x"00150913",
00000821 => x"7693bf7d",
00000822 => x"470d0fb5",
00000823 => x"866387aa",
00000824 => x"472d00e6",
00000825 => x"98634505",
00000826 => x"450500e7",
00000827 => x"00f517b3",
00000828 => x"3047a073",
00000829 => x"80824501",
00000830 => x"f8800713",
00000831 => x"e693431c",
00000832 => x"c3140087",
00000833 => x"07378b8d",
00000834 => x"078a8000",
00000835 => x"08870713",
00000836 => x"a30397ba",
00000837 => x"83020007",
00000838 => x"fe802503",
00000839 => x"8905815d",
00000840 => x"479d8082",
00000841 => x"00a7fa63",
00000842 => x"80824505",
00000843 => x"40b24505",
00000844 => x"44924422",
00000845 => x"80820141",
00000846 => x"c2261141",
00000847 => x"658584ae",
00000848 => x"8593c422",
00000849 => x"842acf85",
00000850 => x"c606456d",
00000851 => x"a4fff0ef",
00000852 => x"07b7fd71",
00000853 => x"17138000",
00000854 => x"87930024",
00000855 => x"97ba0887",
00000856 => x"2703c384",
00000857 => x"0421f880",
00000858 => x"97b34785",
00000859 => x"8fd90087",
00000860 => x"0107e793",
00000861 => x"f8f02423",
00000862 => x"479dbf5d",
00000863 => x"00a7ed63",
00000864 => x"f8802783",
00000865 => x"8d5d0542",
00000866 => x"000807b7",
00000867 => x"24238d5d",
00000868 => x"4501f8a0",
00000869 => x"45058082",
00000870 => x"00008082",
00000871 => x"2d2d0a0a",
00000872 => x"2d2d2d2d",
00000873 => x"55504320",
00000874 => x"53455420",
00000875 => x"2d2d2054",
00000876 => x"2d2d2d2d",
00000877 => x"00000a0a",
00000878 => x"74530a0a",
00000879 => x"69747261",
00000880 => x"7420676e",
00000881 => x"73747365",
00000882 => x"0a2e2e2e",
00000883 => x"0000000a",
00000884 => x"20455452",
00000885 => x"74736e69",
00000886 => x"206c6c61",
00000887 => x"6f727265",
00000888 => x"000a2172",
00000889 => x"43494c43",
00000890 => x"736e6920",
00000891 => x"6c6c6174",
00000892 => x"72726520",
00000893 => x"0a21726f",
00000894 => x"00000000",
00000895 => x"4d454d49",
00000896 => x"5345545f",
00000897 => x"20203a54",
00000898 => x"00000020",
00000899 => x"70696b73",
00000900 => x"20646570",
00000901 => x"73696428",
00000902 => x"656c6261",
00000903 => x"000a2964",
00000904 => x"4d454d44",
00000905 => x"5345545f",
00000906 => x"20203a54",
00000907 => x"00000020",
00000908 => x"4359434d",
00000909 => x"485b454c",
00000910 => x"20203a5d",
00000911 => x"00000020",
00000912 => x"000a6b6f",
00000913 => x"6c696166",
00000914 => x"0000000a",
00000915 => x"534e494d",
00000916 => x"54455254",
00000917 => x"3a5d485b",
00000918 => x"00000020",
00000919 => x"454d4954",
00000920 => x"3a5d485b",
00000921 => x"20202020",
00000922 => x"00000020",
00000923 => x"434e4546",
00000924 => x"492e2845",
00000925 => x"20203a29",
00000926 => x"00000020",
00000927 => x"20435845",
00000928 => x"4c415f49",
00000929 => x"3a4e4749",
00000930 => x"00000020",
00000931 => x"70696b73",
00000932 => x"20646570",
00000933 => x"746f6e28",
00000934 => x"736f7020",
00000935 => x"6c626973",
00000936 => x"68772065",
00000937 => x"43206e65",
00000938 => x"5458452d",
00000939 => x"616e6520",
00000940 => x"64656c62",
00000941 => x"00000a29",
00000942 => x"20435845",
00000943 => x"43415f49",
00000944 => x"20203a43",
00000945 => x"00000020",
00000946 => x"20435845",
00000947 => x"4c495f49",
00000948 => x"3a47454c",
00000949 => x"00000020",
00000950 => x"20435845",
00000951 => x"41455242",
00000952 => x"20203a4b",
00000953 => x"00000020",
00000954 => x"20435845",
00000955 => x"4c415f4c",
00000956 => x"3a4e4749",
00000957 => x"00000020",
00000958 => x"20435845",
00000959 => x"43415f4c",
00000960 => x"20203a43",
00000961 => x"00000020",
00000962 => x"20435845",
00000963 => x"4c415f53",
00000964 => x"3a4e4749",
00000965 => x"00000020",
00000966 => x"20435845",
00000967 => x"43415f53",
00000968 => x"20203a43",
00000969 => x"00000020",
00000970 => x"20435845",
00000971 => x"43564e45",
00000972 => x"3a4c4c41",
00000973 => x"00000020",
00000974 => x"20515249",
00000975 => x"3a49544d",
00000976 => x"20202020",
00000977 => x"00000020",
00000978 => x"20515249",
00000979 => x"3a49454d",
00000980 => x"20202020",
00000981 => x"00000020",
00000982 => x"3a494657",
00000983 => x"20202020",
00000984 => x"20202020",
00000985 => x"00000020",
00000986 => x"65540a0a",
00000987 => x"3a737473",
00000988 => x"0a692520",
00000989 => x"203a4b4f",
00000990 => x"25202020",
00000991 => x"41460a69",
00000992 => x"203a4c49",
00000993 => x"0a692520",
00000994 => x"0000000a",
00000995 => x"54534554",
00000996 => x"214b4f20",
00000997 => x"0000000a",
00000998 => x"54534554",
00000999 => x"49414620",
00001000 => x"2144454c",
00001001 => x"0000000a",
00001002 => x"65757254",
00001003 => x"0000000a",
00001004 => x"736c6146",
00001005 => x"00000a65",
00001006 => x"3c3c0a0a",
00001007 => x"4f454e20",
00001008 => x"32335652",
00001009 => x"72614820",
00001010 => x"72617764",
00001011 => x"6f432065",
00001012 => x"6769666e",
00001013 => x"74617275",
00001014 => x"206e6f69",
00001015 => x"7265764f",
00001016 => x"77656976",
00001017 => x"0a3e3e20",
00001018 => x"00000000",
00001019 => x"202d2d0a",
00001020 => x"746e6543",
00001021 => x"206c6172",
00001022 => x"636f7250",
00001023 => x"69737365",
00001024 => x"5520676e",
00001025 => x"2074696e",
00001026 => x"000a2d2d",
00001027 => x"74726148",
00001028 => x"3a444920",
00001029 => x"20202020",
00001030 => x"20202020",
00001031 => x"78302020",
00001032 => x"000a7825",
00001033 => x"72657355",
00001034 => x"646f6320",
00001035 => x"20203a65",
00001036 => x"20202020",
00001037 => x"78302020",
00001038 => x"000a7825",
00001039 => x"64726148",
00001040 => x"65726177",
00001041 => x"72657620",
00001042 => x"6e6f6973",
00001043 => x"0000203a",
00001044 => x"78302820",
00001045 => x"0a297825",
00001046 => x"00000000",
00001047 => x"68637241",
00001048 => x"63657469",
00001049 => x"65727574",
00001050 => x"2020203a",
00001051 => x"00002020",
00001052 => x"6e6b6e75",
00001053 => x"006e776f",
00001054 => x"32335652",
00001055 => x"00000000",
00001056 => x"32315652",
00001057 => x"00000038",
00001058 => x"34365652",
00001059 => x"00000000",
00001060 => x"5550430a",
00001061 => x"74786520",
00001062 => x"69736e65",
00001063 => x"3a736e6f",
00001064 => x"00202020",
00001065 => x"25783028",
00001066 => x"000a2978",
00001067 => x"636f6c43",
00001068 => x"7073206b",
00001069 => x"3a646565",
00001070 => x"20202020",
00001071 => x"75252020",
00001072 => x"0a7a4820",
00001073 => x"00000000",
00001074 => x"202d2d0a",
00001075 => x"6f6d654d",
00001076 => x"43207972",
00001077 => x"69666e6f",
00001078 => x"61727567",
00001079 => x"6e6f6974",
00001080 => x"0a2d2d20",
00001081 => x"00000000",
00001082 => x"74736e49",
00001083 => x"74637572",
00001084 => x"206e6f69",
00001085 => x"6f6d656d",
00001086 => x"203a7972",
00001087 => x"75252020",
00001088 => x"74796220",
00001089 => x"40207365",
00001090 => x"25783020",
00001091 => x"00000a78",
00001092 => x"65746e49",
00001093 => x"6c616e72",
00001094 => x"454d4920",
00001095 => x"20203a4d",
00001096 => x"20202020",
00001097 => x"00002020",
00001098 => x"65746e49",
00001099 => x"6c616e72",
00001100 => x"454d4920",
00001101 => x"7361204d",
00001102 => x"4d4f5220",
00001103 => x"0000203a",
00001104 => x"61746144",
00001105 => x"6d656d20",
00001106 => x"3a79726f",
00001107 => x"20202020",
00001108 => x"20202020",
00001109 => x"75252020",
00001110 => x"74796220",
00001111 => x"40207365",
00001112 => x"25783020",
00001113 => x"00000a78",
00001114 => x"65746e49",
00001115 => x"6c616e72",
00001116 => x"454d4420",
00001117 => x"20203a4d",
00001118 => x"20202020",
00001119 => x"00002020",
00001120 => x"746f6f42",
00001121 => x"64616f6c",
00001122 => x"203a7265",
00001123 => x"20202020",
00001124 => x"20202020",
00001125 => x"00002020",
00001126 => x"65747845",
00001127 => x"6c616e72",
00001128 => x"746e6920",
00001129 => x"61667265",
00001130 => x"203a6563",
00001131 => x"00002020",
00001132 => x"202d2d0a",
00001133 => x"69726550",
00001134 => x"72656870",
00001135 => x"20736c61",
00001136 => x"000a2d2d",
00001137 => x"4f495047",
00001138 => x"2020203a",
00001139 => x"00000020",
00001140 => x"4d49544d",
00001141 => x"20203a45",
00001142 => x"00000020",
00001143 => x"54524155",
00001144 => x"2020203a",
00001145 => x"00000020",
00001146 => x"3a495053",
00001147 => x"20202020",
00001148 => x"00000020",
00001149 => x"3a495754",
00001150 => x"20202020",
00001151 => x"00000020",
00001152 => x"3a4d5750",
00001153 => x"20202020",
00001154 => x"00000020",
00001155 => x"3a544457",
00001156 => x"20202020",
00001157 => x"00000020",
00001158 => x"43494c43",
00001159 => x"2020203a",
00001160 => x"00000020",
00001161 => x"474e5254",
00001162 => x"2020203a",
00001163 => x"00000020",
00001164 => x"4e564544",
00001165 => x"3a4c4c55",
00001166 => x"00000020",
00001167 => x"68540a0a",
00001168 => x"454e2065",
00001169 => x"3356524f",
00001170 => x"72502032",
00001171 => x"7365636f",
00001172 => x"20726f73",
00001173 => x"6a6f7250",
00001174 => x"0a746365",
00001175 => x"53207962",
00001176 => x"68706574",
00001177 => x"4e206e61",
00001178 => x"69746c6f",
00001179 => x"680a676e",
00001180 => x"73707474",
00001181 => x"672f2f3a",
00001182 => x"75687469",
00001183 => x"6f632e62",
00001184 => x"74732f6d",
00001185 => x"746c6f6e",
00001186 => x"2f676e69",
00001187 => x"726f656e",
00001188 => x"0a323376",
00001189 => x"6564616d",
00001190 => x"206e6920",
00001191 => x"6e6e6148",
00001192 => x"7265766f",
00001193 => x"6547202c",
00001194 => x"6e616d72",
00001195 => x"000a0a79",
00001196 => x"33323130",
00001197 => x"37363534",
00001198 => x"00003938",
00001199 => x"33323130",
00001200 => x"37363534",
00001201 => x"62613938",
00001202 => x"66656463",
00001203 => x"dead007f",
00001204 => x"00008067",
00000035 => x"ffc10113",
00000036 => x"00010413",
00000037 => x"80000197",
00000038 => x"76c18193",
00000039 => x"00000597",
00000040 => x"08058593",
00000041 => x"30559073",
00000042 => x"f8000593",
00000043 => x"0005a023",
00000044 => x"00458593",
00000045 => x"feb01ce3",
00000046 => x"80000597",
00000047 => x"f4858593",
00000048 => x"84018613",
00000049 => x"00c5d863",
00000050 => x"00058023",
00000051 => x"00158593",
00000052 => x"ff5ff06f",
00000053 => x"00001597",
00000054 => x"ed858593",
00000055 => x"80000617",
00000056 => x"f2460613",
00000057 => x"80000697",
00000058 => x"f1c68693",
00000059 => x"00d65c63",
00000060 => x"00058703",
00000061 => x"00e60023",
00000062 => x"00158593",
00000063 => x"00160613",
00000064 => x"fedff06f",
00000065 => x"00000513",
00000066 => x"00000593",
00000067 => x"05c000ef",
00000068 => x"30047073",
00000069 => x"10500073",
00000070 => x"0000006f",
00000071 => x"ff810113",
00000072 => x"00812023",
00000073 => x"00912223",
00000074 => x"34202473",
00000075 => x"02044663",
00000076 => x"34102473",
00000077 => x"00041483",
00000078 => x"0034f493",
00000079 => x"00240413",
00000080 => x"34141073",
00000081 => x"00300413",
00000082 => x"00941863",
00000083 => x"34102473",
00000084 => x"00240413",
00000085 => x"34141073",
00000086 => x"00012483",
00000087 => x"00412403",
00000088 => x"00810113",
00000089 => x"30200073",
00000090 => x"ff010113",
00000091 => x"00112623",
00000092 => x"00812423",
00000093 => x"0dd000ef",
00000094 => x"04050663",
00000095 => x"4dc000ef",
00000096 => x"00005537",
00000097 => x"00000613",
00000098 => x"00000593",
00000099 => x"b0050513",
00000100 => x"618000ef",
00000101 => x"00001537",
00000102 => x"bbc50513",
00000103 => x"6a8000ef",
00000104 => x"00000513",
00000105 => x"0bd000ef",
00000106 => x"00000413",
00000107 => x"0ff47513",
00000108 => x"0b1000ef",
00000109 => x"0c800513",
00000110 => x"0ed000ef",
00000111 => x"00140413",
00000112 => x"fedff06f",
00000113 => x"00c12083",
00000114 => x"00812403",
00000115 => x"01010113",
00000116 => x"00008067",
00000117 => x"00000000",
00000118 => x"00000000",
00000119 => x"00000000",
00000120 => x"fc010113",
00000121 => x"02112e23",
00000122 => x"02512c23",
00000123 => x"02612a23",
00000124 => x"02712823",
00000125 => x"02a12623",
00000126 => x"02b12423",
00000127 => x"02c12223",
00000128 => x"02d12023",
00000129 => x"00e12e23",
00000130 => x"00f12c23",
00000131 => x"01012a23",
00000132 => x"01112823",
00000133 => x"01c12623",
00000134 => x"01d12423",
00000135 => x"01e12223",
00000136 => x"01f12023",
00000137 => x"34102773",
00000138 => x"342027f3",
00000139 => x"0807c863",
00000140 => x"00071683",
00000141 => x"00300593",
00000142 => x"0036f693",
00000143 => x"00270613",
00000144 => x"00b69463",
00000145 => x"00470613",
00000146 => x"34161073",
00000147 => x"00b00713",
00000148 => x"04f77a63",
00000149 => x"38000793",
00000150 => x"000780e7",
00000151 => x"03c12083",
00000152 => x"03812283",
00000153 => x"03412303",
00000154 => x"03012383",
00000155 => x"02c12503",
00000156 => x"02812583",
00000157 => x"02412603",
00000158 => x"02012683",
00000159 => x"01c12703",
00000160 => x"01812783",
00000161 => x"01412803",
00000162 => x"01012883",
00000163 => x"00c12e03",
00000164 => x"00812e83",
00000165 => x"00412f03",
00000166 => x"00012f83",
00000167 => x"04010113",
00000168 => x"30200073",
00000169 => x"00001737",
00000170 => x"00279793",
00000171 => x"bd870713",
00000172 => x"00e787b3",
00000173 => x"0007a783",
00000174 => x"00078067",
00000175 => x"80000737",
00000176 => x"ffd74713",
00000177 => x"00e787b3",
00000178 => x"01000713",
00000179 => x"f8f764e3",
00000180 => x"00001737",
00000181 => x"00279793",
00000182 => x"c0870713",
00000183 => x"00e787b3",
00000184 => x"0007a783",
00000185 => x"00078067",
00000186 => x"800007b7",
00000187 => x"0007a783",
00000188 => x"f69ff06f",
00000189 => x"800007b7",
00000190 => x"0047a783",
00000191 => x"f5dff06f",
00000192 => x"800007b7",
00000193 => x"0087a783",
00000194 => x"f51ff06f",
00000195 => x"800007b7",
00000196 => x"00c7a783",
00000197 => x"f45ff06f",
00000198 => x"8101a783",
00000199 => x"f3dff06f",
00000200 => x"8141a783",
00000201 => x"f35ff06f",
00000202 => x"8181a783",
00000203 => x"f2dff06f",
00000204 => x"81c1a783",
00000205 => x"f25ff06f",
00000206 => x"8201a783",
00000207 => x"f1dff06f",
00000208 => x"8241a783",
00000209 => x"f15ff06f",
00000210 => x"8281a783",
00000211 => x"f0dff06f",
00000212 => x"82c1a783",
00000213 => x"f05ff06f",
00000214 => x"8301a783",
00000215 => x"efdff06f",
00000216 => x"8341a783",
00000217 => x"ef5ff06f",
00000218 => x"8381a783",
00000219 => x"eedff06f",
00000220 => x"83c1a783",
00000221 => x"ee5ff06f",
00000222 => x"00000000",
00000223 => x"00000000",
00000224 => x"00001537",
00000225 => x"fe010113",
00000226 => x"c4c50513",
00000227 => x"00112e23",
00000228 => x"00812c23",
00000229 => x"00912a23",
00000230 => x"01212823",
00000231 => x"01312623",
00000232 => x"4fc000ef",
00000233 => x"c81025f3",
00000234 => x"c0102673",
00000235 => x"00001537",
00000236 => x"c7450513",
00000237 => x"4e8000ef",
00000238 => x"342024f3",
00000239 => x"34102473",
00000240 => x"00041983",
00000241 => x"0039f913",
00000242 => x"0404de63",
00000243 => x"00001537",
00000244 => x"c8c50513",
00000245 => x"4c8000ef",
00000246 => x"00001537",
00000247 => x"00040593",
00000248 => x"ca450513",
00000249 => x"4b8000ef",
00000250 => x"00001537",
00000251 => x"cc450513",
00000252 => x"4ac000ef",
00000253 => x"00b00793",
00000254 => x"0697f463",
00000255 => x"800007b7",
00000256 => x"ffd7c793",
00000257 => x"00f487b3",
00000258 => x"01000713",
00000259 => x"02f77e63",
00000260 => x"00001537",
00000261 => x"00048593",
00000262 => x"e6c50513",
00000263 => x"480000ef",
00000264 => x"0640006f",
00000265 => x"00001537",
00000266 => x"c9850513",
00000267 => x"470000ef",
00000268 => x"00300793",
00000269 => x"00f91663",
00000270 => x"ffc40413",
00000271 => x"f9dff06f",
00000272 => x"ffe40413",
00000273 => x"f95ff06f",
00000274 => x"00001737",
00000275 => x"00279793",
00000276 => x"f1c70713",
00000277 => x"00e787b3",
00000278 => x"0007a783",
00000279 => x"00078067",
00000280 => x"00001737",
00000281 => x"00249793",
00000282 => x"f6070713",
00000283 => x"00e787b3",
00000284 => x"0007a783",
00000285 => x"00078067",
00000286 => x"00001537",
00000287 => x"ccc50513",
00000288 => x"41c000ef",
00000289 => x"00001537",
00000290 => x"00098593",
00000291 => x"e7c50513",
00000292 => x"40c000ef",
00000293 => x"00300793",
00000294 => x"00f90863",
00000295 => x"00001537",
00000296 => x"ea850513",
00000297 => x"3f8000ef",
00000298 => x"343025f3",
00000299 => x"00001537",
00000300 => x"ebc50513",
00000301 => x"3e8000ef",
00000302 => x"341025f3",
00000303 => x"00001537",
00000304 => x"ecc50513",
00000305 => x"3d8000ef",
00000306 => x"01812403",
00000307 => x"01c12083",
00000308 => x"01412483",
00000309 => x"01012903",
00000310 => x"00c12983",
00000311 => x"00001537",
00000312 => x"ef450513",
00000313 => x"02010113",
00000314 => x"3b40006f",
00000315 => x"00001537",
00000316 => x"cec50513",
00000317 => x"f8dff06f",
00000318 => x"00001537",
00000319 => x"d0850513",
00000320 => x"f81ff06f",
00000321 => x"00001537",
00000322 => x"d1c50513",
00000323 => x"f75ff06f",
00000324 => x"00001537",
00000325 => x"d3050513",
00000326 => x"f69ff06f",
00000327 => x"00001537",
00000328 => x"d4850513",
00000329 => x"f5dff06f",
00000330 => x"00001537",
00000331 => x"d5c50513",
00000332 => x"f51ff06f",
00000333 => x"00001537",
00000334 => x"d7850513",
00000335 => x"f45ff06f",
00000336 => x"00001537",
00000337 => x"d8c50513",
00000338 => x"f39ff06f",
00000339 => x"00001537",
00000340 => x"dac50513",
00000341 => x"f2dff06f",
00000342 => x"00001537",
00000343 => x"dc850513",
00000344 => x"f21ff06f",
00000345 => x"00001537",
00000346 => x"de050513",
00000347 => x"f15ff06f",
00000348 => x"00001537",
00000349 => x"dfc50513",
00000350 => x"f09ff06f",
00000351 => x"00001537",
00000352 => x"e1850513",
00000353 => x"efdff06f",
00000354 => x"00001537",
00000355 => x"e3450513",
00000356 => x"ef1ff06f",
00000357 => x"00001537",
00000358 => x"e5050513",
00000359 => x"ee5ff06f",
00000360 => x"00f00793",
00000361 => x"0aa7e663",
00000362 => x"ff010113",
00000363 => x"00812423",
00000364 => x"00112623",
00000365 => x"00900793",
00000366 => x"00050413",
00000367 => x"02f51663",
00000368 => x"00300513",
00000369 => x"4a4000ef",
00000370 => x"00c00793",
00000371 => x"02f41663",
00000372 => x"01000513",
00000373 => x"494000ef",
00000374 => x"00f00793",
00000375 => x"02f41663",
00000376 => x"01300513",
00000377 => x"0200006f",
00000378 => x"00a00793",
00000379 => x"04f51463",
00000380 => x"00700513",
00000381 => x"474000ef",
00000382 => x"00d00793",
00000383 => x"01100513",
00000384 => x"04f41063",
00000385 => x"464000ef",
00000386 => x"80000537",
00000387 => x"00050513",
00000388 => x"00241413",
00000389 => x"00850433",
00000390 => x"38000793",
00000391 => x"00c12083",
00000392 => x"00f42023",
00000393 => x"00812403",
00000394 => x"00000513",
00000395 => x"01010113",
00000396 => x"00008067",
00000397 => x"00b00793",
00000398 => x"f8f518e3",
00000399 => x"42c000ef",
00000400 => x"00e00793",
00000401 => x"01200513",
00000402 => x"f8f418e3",
00000403 => x"fb9ff06f",
00000404 => x"00100513",
00000405 => x"00008067",
00000406 => x"ff010113",
00000407 => x"00112623",
00000408 => x"00812423",
00000409 => x"00912223",
00000410 => x"1e000793",
00000411 => x"30579073",
00000412 => x"00000413",
00000413 => x"01000493",
00000414 => x"00040513",
00000415 => x"00140413",
00000416 => x"0ff47413",
00000417 => x"f1dff0ef",
00000418 => x"fe9418e3",
00000419 => x"00c12083",
00000420 => x"00812403",
00000421 => x"00412483",
00000422 => x"01010113",
00000423 => x"00008067",
00000424 => x"fd010113",
00000425 => x"02812423",
00000426 => x"02912223",
00000427 => x"03212023",
00000428 => x"01312e23",
00000429 => x"01412c23",
00000430 => x"02112623",
00000431 => x"01512a23",
00000432 => x"00001a37",
00000433 => x"00050493",
00000434 => x"00058413",
00000435 => x"00058523",
00000436 => x"00000993",
00000437 => x"00410913",
00000438 => x"f90a0a13",
00000439 => x"00a00593",
00000440 => x"00048513",
00000441 => x"474000ef",
00000442 => x"00aa0533",
00000443 => x"00054783",
00000444 => x"01390ab3",
00000445 => x"00048513",
00000446 => x"00fa8023",
00000447 => x"00a00593",
00000448 => x"410000ef",
00000449 => x"00198993",
00000450 => x"00a00793",
00000451 => x"00050493",
00000452 => x"fcf996e3",
00000453 => x"00090693",
00000454 => x"00900713",
00000455 => x"03000613",
00000456 => x"0096c583",
00000457 => x"00070793",
00000458 => x"fff70713",
00000459 => x"01071713",
00000460 => x"01075713",
00000461 => x"00c59a63",
00000462 => x"000684a3",
00000463 => x"fff68693",
00000464 => x"fe0710e3",
00000465 => x"00000793",
00000466 => x"00f907b3",
00000467 => x"00000593",
00000468 => x"0007c703",
00000469 => x"00070c63",
00000470 => x"00158693",
00000471 => x"00b405b3",
00000472 => x"00e58023",
00000473 => x"01069593",
00000474 => x"0105d593",
00000475 => x"fff78713",
00000476 => x"02f91863",
00000477 => x"00b40433",
00000478 => x"00040023",
00000479 => x"02c12083",
00000480 => x"02812403",
00000481 => x"02412483",
00000482 => x"02012903",
00000483 => x"01c12983",
00000484 => x"01812a03",
00000485 => x"01412a83",
00000486 => x"03010113",
00000487 => x"00008067",
00000488 => x"00070793",
00000489 => x"fadff06f",
00000490 => x"fa002023",
00000491 => x"fe002683",
00000492 => x"00151513",
00000493 => x"00000713",
00000494 => x"04a6f263",
00000495 => x"000016b7",
00000496 => x"00000793",
00000497 => x"ffe68693",
00000498 => x"04e6e463",
00000499 => x"00167613",
00000500 => x"0015f593",
00000501 => x"01879793",
00000502 => x"01e61613",
00000503 => x"00c7e7b3",
00000504 => x"01d59593",
00000505 => x"00b7e7b3",
00000506 => x"00e7e7b3",
00000507 => x"10000737",
00000508 => x"00e7e7b3",
00000509 => x"faf02023",
00000510 => x"00008067",
00000511 => x"00170793",
00000512 => x"01079713",
00000513 => x"40a686b3",
00000514 => x"01075713",
00000515 => x"fadff06f",
00000516 => x"ffe78513",
00000517 => x"0fd57513",
00000518 => x"00051a63",
00000519 => x"00375713",
00000520 => x"00178793",
00000521 => x"0ff7f793",
00000522 => x"fa1ff06f",
00000523 => x"00175713",
00000524 => x"ff1ff06f",
00000525 => x"fa002783",
00000526 => x"fe07cee3",
00000527 => x"faa02223",
00000528 => x"00008067",
00000529 => x"ff010113",
00000530 => x"00812423",
00000531 => x"01212023",
00000532 => x"00112623",
00000533 => x"00912223",
00000534 => x"00050413",
00000535 => x"00a00913",
00000536 => x"00044483",
00000537 => x"00140413",
00000538 => x"00049e63",
00000539 => x"00c12083",
00000540 => x"00812403",
00000541 => x"00412483",
00000542 => x"00012903",
00000543 => x"01010113",
00000544 => x"00008067",
00000545 => x"01249663",
00000546 => x"00d00513",
00000547 => x"fa9ff0ef",
00000548 => x"00048513",
00000549 => x"fa1ff0ef",
00000550 => x"fc9ff06f",
00000551 => x"fa010113",
00000552 => x"02912a23",
00000553 => x"04f12a23",
00000554 => x"000014b7",
00000555 => x"04410793",
00000556 => x"02812c23",
00000557 => x"03212823",
00000558 => x"03412423",
00000559 => x"03512223",
00000560 => x"03612023",
00000561 => x"01712e23",
00000562 => x"02112e23",
00000563 => x"03312623",
00000564 => x"01812c23",
00000565 => x"00050413",
00000566 => x"04b12223",
00000567 => x"04c12423",
00000568 => x"04d12623",
00000569 => x"04e12823",
00000570 => x"05012c23",
00000571 => x"05112e23",
00000572 => x"00f12023",
00000573 => x"02500a13",
00000574 => x"00a00a93",
00000575 => x"07300913",
00000576 => x"07500b13",
00000577 => x"07800b93",
00000578 => x"f9c48493",
00000579 => x"00044c03",
00000580 => x"020c0463",
00000581 => x"134c1263",
00000582 => x"00144783",
00000583 => x"00240993",
00000584 => x"09278c63",
00000585 => x"04f96263",
00000586 => x"06300713",
00000587 => x"0ae78463",
00000588 => x"06900713",
00000589 => x"0ae78c63",
00000590 => x"03c12083",
00000591 => x"03812403",
00000592 => x"03412483",
00000593 => x"03012903",
00000594 => x"02c12983",
00000595 => x"02812a03",
00000596 => x"02412a83",
00000597 => x"02012b03",
00000598 => x"01c12b83",
00000599 => x"01812c03",
00000600 => x"06010113",
00000601 => x"00008067",
00000602 => x"0b678c63",
00000603 => x"fd7796e3",
00000604 => x"00012783",
00000605 => x"00410693",
00000606 => x"00068513",
00000607 => x"0007a583",
00000608 => x"00478713",
00000609 => x"00e12023",
00000610 => x"02000613",
00000611 => x"00000713",
00000612 => x"00e5d7b3",
00000613 => x"00f7f793",
00000614 => x"00f487b3",
00000615 => x"0007c783",
00000616 => x"00470713",
00000617 => x"fff68693",
00000618 => x"00f68423",
00000619 => x"fec712e3",
00000620 => x"00010623",
00000621 => x"0140006f",
00000622 => x"00012783",
00000623 => x"0007a503",
00000624 => x"00478713",
00000625 => x"00e12023",
00000626 => x"e7dff0ef",
00000627 => x"00098413",
00000628 => x"f3dff06f",
00000629 => x"00012783",
00000630 => x"0007c503",
00000631 => x"00478713",
00000632 => x"00e12023",
00000633 => x"e51ff0ef",
00000634 => x"fe5ff06f",
00000635 => x"00012783",
00000636 => x"0007a403",
00000637 => x"00478713",
00000638 => x"00e12023",
00000639 => x"00045863",
00000640 => x"02d00513",
00000641 => x"40800433",
00000642 => x"e2dff0ef",
00000643 => x"00410593",
00000644 => x"00040513",
00000645 => x"c8dff0ef",
00000646 => x"00410513",
00000647 => x"fadff06f",
00000648 => x"00012783",
00000649 => x"00410593",
00000650 => x"00478713",
00000651 => x"0007a503",
00000652 => x"00e12023",
00000653 => x"fe1ff06f",
00000654 => x"015c1663",
00000655 => x"00d00513",
00000656 => x"df5ff0ef",
00000657 => x"00140993",
00000658 => x"000c0513",
00000659 => x"f99ff06f",
00000660 => x"fe802503",
00000661 => x"01055513",
00000662 => x"00157513",
00000663 => x"00008067",
00000664 => x"f8a02223",
00000665 => x"00008067",
00000666 => x"01300793",
00000667 => x"00050713",
00000668 => x"02a7e663",
00000669 => x"000f17b7",
00000670 => x"88878793",
00000671 => x"00a7d7b3",
00000672 => x"0017f793",
00000673 => x"00100513",
00000674 => x"00078c63",
00000675 => x"00e51733",
00000676 => x"30473073",
00000677 => x"00000513",
00000678 => x"00008067",
00000679 => x"00100513",
00000680 => x"00008067",
00000681 => x"00050593",
00000682 => x"fe002503",
00000683 => x"ff010113",
00000684 => x"00112623",
00000685 => x"00f55513",
00000686 => x"02c000ef",
00000687 => x"00051863",
00000688 => x"00c12083",
00000689 => x"01010113",
00000690 => x"00008067",
00000691 => x"00000013",
00000692 => x"00000013",
00000693 => x"00000013",
00000694 => x"00000013",
00000695 => x"fff50513",
00000696 => x"fddff06f",
00000697 => x"00050613",
00000698 => x"00000513",
00000699 => x"0015f693",
00000700 => x"00068463",
00000701 => x"00c50533",
00000702 => x"0015d593",
00000703 => x"00161613",
00000704 => x"fe0596e3",
00000705 => x"00008067",
00000706 => x"06054063",
00000707 => x"0605c663",
00000708 => x"00058613",
00000709 => x"00050593",
00000710 => x"fff00513",
00000711 => x"02060c63",
00000712 => x"00100693",
00000713 => x"00b67a63",
00000714 => x"00c05863",
00000715 => x"00161613",
00000716 => x"00169693",
00000717 => x"feb66ae3",
00000718 => x"00000513",
00000719 => x"00c5e663",
00000720 => x"40c585b3",
00000721 => x"00d56533",
00000722 => x"0016d693",
00000723 => x"00165613",
00000724 => x"fe0696e3",
00000725 => x"00008067",
00000726 => x"00008293",
00000727 => x"fb5ff0ef",
00000728 => x"00058513",
00000729 => x"00028067",
00000730 => x"40a00533",
00000731 => x"00b04863",
00000732 => x"40b005b3",
00000733 => x"f9dff06f",
00000734 => x"40b005b3",
00000735 => x"00008293",
00000736 => x"f91ff0ef",
00000737 => x"40a00533",
00000738 => x"00028067",
00000739 => x"00008293",
00000740 => x"0005ca63",
00000741 => x"00054c63",
00000742 => x"f79ff0ef",
00000743 => x"00058513",
00000744 => x"00028067",
00000745 => x"40b005b3",
00000746 => x"fe0558e3",
00000747 => x"40a00533",
00000748 => x"f61ff0ef",
00000749 => x"40b00533",
00000750 => x"00028067",
00000751 => x"6e696c42",
00000752 => x"676e696b",
00000753 => x"44454c20",
00000754 => x"6d656420",
00000755 => x"7270206f",
00000756 => x"6172676f",
00000757 => x"00000a6d",
00000758 => x"000002e8",
00000759 => x"000002f4",
00000760 => x"00000300",
00000761 => x"0000030c",
00000762 => x"00000318",
00000763 => x"00000320",
00000764 => x"00000328",
00000765 => x"00000330",
00000766 => x"00000254",
00000767 => x"00000254",
00000768 => x"00000254",
00000769 => x"00000338",
00000770 => x"00000340",
00000771 => x"00000254",
00000772 => x"00000254",
00000773 => x"00000254",
00000774 => x"00000348",
00000775 => x"00000254",
00000776 => x"00000254",
00000777 => x"00000254",
00000778 => x"00000350",
00000779 => x"00000254",
00000780 => x"00000254",
00000781 => x"00000254",
00000782 => x"00000254",
00000783 => x"00000358",
00000784 => x"00000360",
00000785 => x"00000368",
00000786 => x"00000370",
00000787 => x"3c3c0a0a",
00000788 => x"4f454e20",
00000789 => x"32335652",
00000790 => x"6e755220",
00000791 => x"656d6974",
00000792 => x"766e4520",
00000793 => x"6e6f7269",
00000794 => x"746e656d",
00000795 => x"0a3e3e20",
00000796 => x"00000000",
00000797 => x"74737953",
00000798 => x"74206d65",
00000799 => x"3a656d69",
00000800 => x"25783020",
00000801 => x"78255f78",
00000802 => x"0000000a",
00000803 => x"45544e49",
00000804 => x"50555252",
00000805 => x"00000054",
00000806 => x"45435845",
00000807 => x"4f495450",
00000808 => x"0000004e",
00000809 => x"20746120",
00000810 => x"74736e69",
00000811 => x"74637572",
00000812 => x"206e6f69",
00000813 => x"72646461",
00000814 => x"3a737365",
00000815 => x"25783020",
00000816 => x"00000a78",
00000817 => x"73756143",
00000818 => x"00203a65",
00000819 => x"74736e49",
00000820 => x"74637572",
00000821 => x"206e6f69",
00000822 => x"72646461",
00000823 => x"20737365",
00000824 => x"6173696d",
00000825 => x"6e67696c",
00000826 => x"00006465",
00000827 => x"74736e49",
00000828 => x"74637572",
00000829 => x"206e6f69",
00000830 => x"65636361",
00000831 => x"66207373",
00000832 => x"746c7561",
00000833 => x"00000000",
00000834 => x"656c6c49",
00000835 => x"206c6167",
00000836 => x"74736e69",
00000837 => x"74637572",
00000838 => x"006e6f69",
00000839 => x"61657242",
00000840 => x"696f706b",
00000841 => x"2820746e",
00000842 => x"45524245",
00000843 => x"00294b41",
00000844 => x"64616f4c",
00000845 => x"64646120",
00000846 => x"73736572",
00000847 => x"73696d20",
00000848 => x"67696c61",
00000849 => x"0064656e",
00000850 => x"64616f4c",
00000851 => x"63636120",
00000852 => x"20737365",
00000853 => x"6c756166",
00000854 => x"00000074",
00000855 => x"726f7453",
00000856 => x"64612065",
00000857 => x"73657264",
00000858 => x"696d2073",
00000859 => x"696c6173",
00000860 => x"64656e67",
00000861 => x"00000000",
00000862 => x"726f7453",
00000863 => x"63612065",
00000864 => x"73736563",
00000865 => x"75616620",
00000866 => x"0000746c",
00000867 => x"69766e45",
00000868 => x"6d6e6f72",
00000869 => x"20746e65",
00000870 => x"6c6c6163",
00000871 => x"6f726620",
00000872 => x"2d4d206d",
00000873 => x"65646f6d",
00000874 => x"00000000",
00000875 => x"6863614d",
00000876 => x"20656e69",
00000877 => x"74666f73",
00000878 => x"65726177",
00000879 => x"746e6920",
00000880 => x"75727265",
00000881 => x"00007470",
00000882 => x"6863614d",
00000883 => x"20656e69",
00000884 => x"656d6974",
00000885 => x"6e692072",
00000886 => x"72726574",
00000887 => x"00747075",
00000888 => x"6863614d",
00000889 => x"20656e69",
00000890 => x"65747865",
00000891 => x"6c616e72",
00000892 => x"746e6920",
00000893 => x"75727265",
00000894 => x"00007470",
00000895 => x"74736146",
00000896 => x"746e6920",
00000897 => x"75727265",
00000898 => x"63207470",
00000899 => x"6e6e6168",
00000900 => x"30206c65",
00000901 => x"00000000",
00000902 => x"74736146",
00000903 => x"746e6920",
00000904 => x"75727265",
00000905 => x"63207470",
00000906 => x"6e6e6168",
00000907 => x"31206c65",
00000908 => x"00000000",
00000909 => x"74736146",
00000910 => x"746e6920",
00000911 => x"75727265",
00000912 => x"63207470",
00000913 => x"6e6e6168",
00000914 => x"32206c65",
00000915 => x"00000000",
00000916 => x"74736146",
00000917 => x"746e6920",
00000918 => x"75727265",
00000919 => x"63207470",
00000920 => x"6e6e6168",
00000921 => x"33206c65",
00000922 => x"00000000",
00000923 => x"6e6b6e55",
00000924 => x"206e776f",
00000925 => x"25783028",
00000926 => x"00002978",
00000927 => x"7561460a",
00000928 => x"6e69746c",
00000929 => x"6e692067",
00000930 => x"75727473",
00000931 => x"6f697463",
00000932 => x"6c28206e",
00000933 => x"6820776f",
00000934 => x"20666c61",
00000935 => x"64726f77",
00000936 => x"30203a29",
00000937 => x"00782578",
00000938 => x"65642820",
00000939 => x"706d6f63",
00000940 => x"73736572",
00000941 => x"0a296465",
00000942 => x"00000000",
00000943 => x"56544d0a",
00000944 => x"203a4c41",
00000945 => x"78257830",
00000946 => x"0000000a",
00000947 => x"69797254",
00000948 => x"7420676e",
00000949 => x"6572206f",
00000950 => x"656d7573",
00000951 => x"70706120",
00000952 => x"6163696c",
00000953 => x"6e6f6974",
00000954 => x"30204020",
00000955 => x"2e782578",
00000956 => x"00002e2e",
00000957 => x"2f3c3c0a",
00000958 => x"524f454e",
00000959 => x"20323356",
00000960 => x"746e7552",
00000961 => x"20656d69",
00000962 => x"69766e45",
00000963 => x"6d6e6f72",
00000964 => x"20746e65",
00000965 => x"0a0a3e3e",
00000966 => x"00000000",
00000967 => x"0000054c",
00000968 => x"00000410",
00000969 => x"00000410",
00000970 => x"00000410",
00000971 => x"00000558",
00000972 => x"00000410",
00000973 => x"00000410",
00000974 => x"00000410",
00000975 => x"00000564",
00000976 => x"00000410",
00000977 => x"00000410",
00000978 => x"00000410",
00000979 => x"00000410",
00000980 => x"00000570",
00000981 => x"0000057c",
00000982 => x"00000588",
00000983 => x"00000594",
00000984 => x"00000478",
00000985 => x"000004ec",
00000986 => x"000004f8",
00000987 => x"00000504",
00000988 => x"00000510",
00000989 => x"0000051c",
00000990 => x"00000528",
00000991 => x"00000534",
00000992 => x"00000410",
00000993 => x"00000410",
00000994 => x"00000410",
00000995 => x"00000540",
00000996 => x"33323130",
00000997 => x"37363534",
00000998 => x"00003938",
00000999 => x"33323130",
00001000 => x"37363534",
00001001 => x"62613938",
00001002 => x"66656463",
others => x"00000000"
27,1005 → 27,1010
00000016 => x"00000513",
00000017 => x"00000713",
00000018 => x"00000793",
00000019 => x"030000ef",
00000019 => x"054000ef",
00000020 => x"0000006f",
00000021 => x"ffc10113",
00000021 => x"ff810113",
00000022 => x"00812023",
00000023 => x"34202473",
00000024 => x"00044863",
00000025 => x"34102473",
00000026 => x"00440413",
00000027 => x"34141073",
00000028 => x"00012403",
00000029 => x"00410113",
00000030 => x"30200073",
00000031 => x"fd010113",
00000032 => x"02112623",
00000033 => x"02812423",
00000034 => x"02912223",
00000035 => x"03212023",
00000036 => x"01312e23",
00000037 => x"01412c23",
00000038 => x"01512a23",
00000039 => x"01612823",
00000040 => x"01712623",
00000041 => x"01812423",
00000042 => x"f8002823",
00000043 => x"f8002a23",
00000044 => x"1dd000ef",
00000045 => x"509000ef",
00000046 => x"4dd000ef",
00000047 => x"445000ef",
00000048 => x"295000ef",
00000049 => x"4e5000ef",
00000050 => x"fe002403",
00000051 => x"026267b7",
00000052 => x"9ff78793",
00000053 => x"00000713",
00000054 => x"00000693",
00000055 => x"00000613",
00000056 => x"00000593",
00000057 => x"00200513",
00000058 => x"0087f463",
00000059 => x"00400513",
00000060 => x"3c5000ef",
00000061 => x"00005537",
00000062 => x"00000613",
00000063 => x"00000593",
00000064 => x"b0050513",
00000065 => x"2ad000ef",
00000066 => x"265000ef",
00000067 => x"00245793",
00000068 => x"00a78533",
00000069 => x"00f537b3",
00000070 => x"00b785b3",
00000071 => x"27d000ef",
00000072 => x"ffff07b7",
00000073 => x"42c78793",
00000074 => x"30579073",
00000075 => x"08000793",
00000076 => x"30479073",
00000077 => x"30046073",
00000078 => x"00100513",
00000079 => x"451000ef",
00000080 => x"00000793",
00000081 => x"34079073",
00000082 => x"ffff1537",
00000083 => x"f0050513",
00000084 => x"30d000ef",
00000085 => x"149000ef",
00000086 => x"ffff1537",
00000087 => x"f3850513",
00000088 => x"2fd000ef",
00000089 => x"fe002503",
00000090 => x"254000ef",
00000091 => x"ffff1537",
00000092 => x"f4050513",
00000093 => x"2e9000ef",
00000094 => x"fe402503",
00000095 => x"240000ef",
00000096 => x"ffff1537",
00000097 => x"f4c50513",
00000098 => x"2d5000ef",
00000099 => x"30102573",
00000100 => x"22c000ef",
00000101 => x"ffff1537",
00000102 => x"f5450513",
00000103 => x"2c1000ef",
00000104 => x"fe802503",
00000105 => x"ffff14b7",
00000106 => x"00341413",
00000107 => x"210000ef",
00000108 => x"ffff1537",
00000109 => x"f5c50513",
00000110 => x"2a5000ef",
00000111 => x"ff802503",
00000112 => x"ffff1937",
00000113 => x"1f8000ef",
00000114 => x"f6448513",
00000115 => x"291000ef",
00000116 => x"ff002503",
00000117 => x"1e8000ef",
00000118 => x"ffff1537",
00000119 => x"f7050513",
00000120 => x"27d000ef",
00000121 => x"ffc02503",
00000122 => x"1d4000ef",
00000123 => x"f6448513",
00000124 => x"26d000ef",
00000125 => x"ff402503",
00000126 => x"1c4000ef",
00000127 => x"ffff1537",
00000128 => x"f7850513",
00000129 => x"259000ef",
00000130 => x"165000ef",
00000131 => x"00a404b3",
00000132 => x"0084b433",
00000133 => x"00b40433",
00000134 => x"fa402783",
00000135 => x"0607d263",
00000136 => x"ffff1537",
00000137 => x"fa450513",
00000138 => x"235000ef",
00000139 => x"ffff1937",
00000140 => x"0d4000ef",
00000141 => x"ffff19b7",
00000142 => x"07200a13",
00000143 => x"06800a93",
00000144 => x"07500b13",
00000145 => x"07300b93",
00000146 => x"ffff14b7",
00000147 => x"ffff1c37",
00000148 => x"fb090513",
00000149 => x"209000ef",
00000150 => x"1f5000ef",
00000151 => x"00050413",
00000152 => x"1dd000ef",
00000153 => x"fa098513",
00000154 => x"1f5000ef",
00000155 => x"03441e63",
00000156 => x"30047073",
00000157 => x"ffff02b7",
00000158 => x"00028067",
00000159 => x"0000006f",
00000160 => x"0ed000ef",
00000161 => x"f885eae3",
00000162 => x"00b41463",
00000163 => x"f89566e3",
00000164 => x"00100513",
00000165 => x"43c000ef",
00000166 => x"fa090513",
00000167 => x"1c1000ef",
00000168 => x"070000ef",
00000169 => x"f75ff06f",
00000170 => x"01541663",
00000171 => x"058000ef",
00000172 => x"fa1ff06f",
00000173 => x"00000513",
00000174 => x"01640e63",
00000175 => x"01741663",
00000176 => x"654000ef",
00000177 => x"f8dff06f",
00000178 => x"06c00793",
00000179 => x"00f41863",
00000180 => x"00100513",
00000181 => x"3fc000ef",
00000182 => x"f79ff06f",
00000183 => x"06500793",
00000184 => x"00f41663",
00000185 => x"02c000ef",
00000186 => x"f69ff06f",
00000187 => x"03f00793",
00000188 => x"fb8c0513",
00000189 => x"00f40463",
00000190 => x"fcc48513",
00000191 => x"161000ef",
00000192 => x"f51ff06f",
00000193 => x"ffff1537",
00000194 => x"dd050513",
00000195 => x"1510006f",
00000196 => x"340027f3",
00000197 => x"00079863",
00000198 => x"ffff1537",
00000199 => x"e3450513",
00000200 => x"13d0006f",
00000201 => x"ff010113",
00000202 => x"00112623",
00000203 => x"30047073",
00000204 => x"00000793",
00000205 => x"30479073",
00000023 => x"00912223",
00000024 => x"34202473",
00000025 => x"02044663",
00000026 => x"34102473",
00000027 => x"00041483",
00000028 => x"0034f493",
00000029 => x"00240413",
00000030 => x"34141073",
00000031 => x"00300413",
00000032 => x"00941863",
00000033 => x"34102473",
00000034 => x"00240413",
00000035 => x"34141073",
00000036 => x"00012483",
00000037 => x"00412403",
00000038 => x"00810113",
00000039 => x"30200073",
00000040 => x"fd010113",
00000041 => x"02112623",
00000042 => x"02812423",
00000043 => x"02912223",
00000044 => x"03212023",
00000045 => x"01312e23",
00000046 => x"01412c23",
00000047 => x"01512a23",
00000048 => x"01612823",
00000049 => x"01712623",
00000050 => x"01812423",
00000051 => x"f8002823",
00000052 => x"f8002a23",
00000053 => x"1e1000ef",
00000054 => x"4cd000ef",
00000055 => x"435000ef",
00000056 => x"4ed000ef",
00000057 => x"4d5000ef",
00000058 => x"fe002403",
00000059 => x"026267b7",
00000060 => x"9ff78793",
00000061 => x"00000713",
00000062 => x"00000693",
00000063 => x"00000613",
00000064 => x"00000593",
00000065 => x"00200513",
00000066 => x"0087f463",
00000067 => x"00400513",
00000068 => x"3b5000ef",
00000069 => x"00005537",
00000070 => x"00000613",
00000071 => x"00000593",
00000072 => x"b0050513",
00000073 => x"29d000ef",
00000074 => x"255000ef",
00000075 => x"00245793",
00000076 => x"00a78533",
00000077 => x"00f537b3",
00000078 => x"00b785b3",
00000079 => x"26d000ef",
00000080 => x"ffff07b7",
00000081 => x"44c78793",
00000082 => x"30579073",
00000083 => x"08000793",
00000084 => x"30479073",
00000085 => x"30046073",
00000086 => x"00100513",
00000087 => x"441000ef",
00000088 => x"00000793",
00000089 => x"34079073",
00000090 => x"ffff1537",
00000091 => x"f1450513",
00000092 => x"2fd000ef",
00000093 => x"151000ef",
00000094 => x"ffff1537",
00000095 => x"f4c50513",
00000096 => x"2ed000ef",
00000097 => x"fe002503",
00000098 => x"254000ef",
00000099 => x"ffff1537",
00000100 => x"f5450513",
00000101 => x"2d9000ef",
00000102 => x"fe402503",
00000103 => x"240000ef",
00000104 => x"ffff1537",
00000105 => x"f6050513",
00000106 => x"2c5000ef",
00000107 => x"30102573",
00000108 => x"22c000ef",
00000109 => x"ffff1537",
00000110 => x"f6850513",
00000111 => x"2b1000ef",
00000112 => x"fe802503",
00000113 => x"ffff14b7",
00000114 => x"00341413",
00000115 => x"210000ef",
00000116 => x"ffff1537",
00000117 => x"f7050513",
00000118 => x"295000ef",
00000119 => x"ff802503",
00000120 => x"ffff1937",
00000121 => x"1f8000ef",
00000122 => x"f7848513",
00000123 => x"281000ef",
00000124 => x"ff002503",
00000125 => x"1e8000ef",
00000126 => x"ffff1537",
00000127 => x"f8450513",
00000128 => x"26d000ef",
00000129 => x"ffc02503",
00000130 => x"1d4000ef",
00000131 => x"f7848513",
00000132 => x"25d000ef",
00000133 => x"ff402503",
00000134 => x"1c4000ef",
00000135 => x"ffff1537",
00000136 => x"f8c50513",
00000137 => x"249000ef",
00000138 => x"155000ef",
00000139 => x"00a404b3",
00000140 => x"0084b433",
00000141 => x"00b40433",
00000142 => x"fa402783",
00000143 => x"0607d263",
00000144 => x"ffff1537",
00000145 => x"fb850513",
00000146 => x"225000ef",
00000147 => x"ffff1937",
00000148 => x"0d4000ef",
00000149 => x"ffff19b7",
00000150 => x"07200a13",
00000151 => x"06800a93",
00000152 => x"07500b13",
00000153 => x"07300b93",
00000154 => x"ffff14b7",
00000155 => x"ffff1c37",
00000156 => x"fc490513",
00000157 => x"1f9000ef",
00000158 => x"1e5000ef",
00000159 => x"00050413",
00000160 => x"1cd000ef",
00000161 => x"fb498513",
00000162 => x"1e5000ef",
00000163 => x"03441e63",
00000164 => x"30047073",
00000165 => x"ffff02b7",
00000166 => x"00028067",
00000167 => x"0000006f",
00000168 => x"0dd000ef",
00000169 => x"f885eae3",
00000170 => x"00b41463",
00000171 => x"f89566e3",
00000172 => x"00100513",
00000173 => x"444000ef",
00000174 => x"fb490513",
00000175 => x"1b1000ef",
00000176 => x"070000ef",
00000177 => x"f75ff06f",
00000178 => x"01541663",
00000179 => x"058000ef",
00000180 => x"fa1ff06f",
00000181 => x"00000513",
00000182 => x"01640e63",
00000183 => x"01741663",
00000184 => x"65c000ef",
00000185 => x"f8dff06f",
00000186 => x"06c00793",
00000187 => x"00f41863",
00000188 => x"00100513",
00000189 => x"404000ef",
00000190 => x"f79ff06f",
00000191 => x"06500793",
00000192 => x"00f41663",
00000193 => x"02c000ef",
00000194 => x"f69ff06f",
00000195 => x"03f00793",
00000196 => x"fccc0513",
00000197 => x"00f40463",
00000198 => x"fe048513",
00000199 => x"151000ef",
00000200 => x"f51ff06f",
00000201 => x"ffff1537",
00000202 => x"de450513",
00000203 => x"1410006f",
00000204 => x"340027f3",
00000205 => x"00079863",
00000206 => x"ffff1537",
00000207 => x"e5050513",
00000208 => x"11d000ef",
00000209 => x"fa002783",
00000210 => x"fe07cee3",
00000211 => x"b0001073",
00000212 => x"b8001073",
00000213 => x"b0201073",
00000214 => x"b8201073",
00000215 => x"ff002783",
00000216 => x"00078067",
00000217 => x"ff9ff06f",
00000218 => x"ff010113",
00000219 => x"00812423",
00000220 => x"00050413",
00000221 => x"ffff1537",
00000222 => x"e6050513",
00000223 => x"00112623",
00000224 => x"0dd000ef",
00000225 => x"00500793",
00000226 => x"0287e263",
00000227 => x"03040513",
00000228 => x"0ff57513",
00000229 => x"0a9000ef",
00000230 => x"30047073",
00000231 => x"00100513",
00000232 => x"1ed000ef",
00000233 => x"10500073",
00000234 => x"0000006f",
00000235 => x"ffff1537",
00000236 => x"e6850513",
00000237 => x"0a9000ef",
00000238 => x"fe1ff06f",
00000239 => x"fe010113",
00000240 => x"01212823",
00000241 => x"00050913",
00000242 => x"ffff1537",
00000243 => x"00912a23",
00000244 => x"e7050513",
00000245 => x"ffff14b7",
00000246 => x"00812c23",
00000247 => x"01312623",
00000248 => x"00112e23",
00000249 => x"01c00413",
00000250 => x"075000ef",
00000251 => x"fd848493",
00000252 => x"ffc00993",
00000253 => x"008957b3",
00000254 => x"00f7f793",
00000255 => x"00f487b3",
00000256 => x"0007c503",
00000257 => x"ffc40413",
00000258 => x"035000ef",
00000259 => x"ff3414e3",
00000260 => x"01c12083",
00000261 => x"01812403",
00000262 => x"01412483",
00000263 => x"01012903",
00000264 => x"00c12983",
00000265 => x"02010113",
00000266 => x"00008067",
00000267 => x"fb010113",
00000268 => x"04112623",
00000269 => x"04512423",
00000270 => x"04612223",
00000271 => x"04712023",
00000272 => x"02812e23",
00000273 => x"02a12c23",
00000274 => x"02b12a23",
00000275 => x"02c12823",
00000276 => x"02d12623",
00000277 => x"02e12423",
00000278 => x"02f12223",
00000279 => x"03012023",
00000280 => x"01112e23",
00000281 => x"01c12c23",
00000282 => x"01d12a23",
00000283 => x"01e12823",
00000284 => x"01f12623",
00000285 => x"34202473",
00000286 => x"800007b7",
00000287 => x"00778793",
00000288 => x"02f40a63",
00000289 => x"ffff1537",
00000290 => x"e7450513",
00000291 => x"7d0000ef",
00000292 => x"00040513",
00000293 => x"f29ff0ef",
00000294 => x"ffff1537",
00000295 => x"e8450513",
00000296 => x"7bc000ef",
00000297 => x"34102573",
00000298 => x"f15ff0ef",
00000299 => x"00500513",
00000300 => x"eb9ff0ef",
00000301 => x"00000513",
00000302 => x"0b5000ef",
00000303 => x"6b0000ef",
00000304 => x"fe002783",
00000305 => x"0027d793",
00000306 => x"00a78533",
00000307 => x"00f537b3",
00000308 => x"00b785b3",
00000309 => x"6c4000ef",
00000310 => x"03c12403",
00000311 => x"04c12083",
00000312 => x"04812283",
00000313 => x"04412303",
00000314 => x"04012383",
00000315 => x"03812503",
00000316 => x"03412583",
00000317 => x"03012603",
00000318 => x"02c12683",
00000319 => x"02812703",
00000320 => x"02412783",
00000321 => x"02012803",
00000322 => x"01c12883",
00000323 => x"01812e03",
00000324 => x"01412e83",
00000325 => x"01012f03",
00000326 => x"00c12f83",
00000327 => x"05010113",
00000328 => x"30200073",
00000329 => x"ff010113",
00000330 => x"00000513",
00000331 => x"00112623",
00000332 => x"00812423",
00000333 => x"7e0000ef",
00000334 => x"00500513",
00000335 => x"01d000ef",
00000336 => x"00000513",
00000337 => x"015000ef",
00000338 => x"00050413",
00000339 => x"00000513",
00000340 => x"7e4000ef",
00000341 => x"00c12083",
00000342 => x"0ff47513",
00000343 => x"00812403",
00000344 => x"01010113",
00000345 => x"00008067",
00000346 => x"ff010113",
00000207 => x"e4850513",
00000208 => x"12d0006f",
00000209 => x"ff010113",
00000210 => x"00112623",
00000211 => x"30047073",
00000212 => x"00000793",
00000213 => x"30479073",
00000214 => x"ffff1537",
00000215 => x"e6450513",
00000216 => x"10d000ef",
00000217 => x"fa002783",
00000218 => x"fe07cee3",
00000219 => x"b0001073",
00000220 => x"b8001073",
00000221 => x"b0201073",
00000222 => x"b8201073",
00000223 => x"ff002783",
00000224 => x"00078067",
00000225 => x"0000006f",
00000226 => x"ff010113",
00000227 => x"00812423",
00000228 => x"00050413",
00000229 => x"ffff1537",
00000230 => x"e7450513",
00000231 => x"00112623",
00000232 => x"0cd000ef",
00000233 => x"00500793",
00000234 => x"0287e263",
00000235 => x"03040513",
00000236 => x"0ff57513",
00000237 => x"099000ef",
00000238 => x"30047073",
00000239 => x"00100513",
00000240 => x"1dd000ef",
00000241 => x"10500073",
00000242 => x"0000006f",
00000243 => x"ffff1537",
00000244 => x"e7c50513",
00000245 => x"099000ef",
00000246 => x"fe1ff06f",
00000247 => x"fe010113",
00000248 => x"01212823",
00000249 => x"00050913",
00000250 => x"ffff1537",
00000251 => x"00912a23",
00000252 => x"e8450513",
00000253 => x"ffff14b7",
00000254 => x"00812c23",
00000255 => x"01312623",
00000256 => x"00112e23",
00000257 => x"01c00413",
00000258 => x"065000ef",
00000259 => x"fec48493",
00000260 => x"ffc00993",
00000261 => x"008957b3",
00000262 => x"00f7f793",
00000263 => x"00f487b3",
00000264 => x"0007c503",
00000265 => x"ffc40413",
00000266 => x"025000ef",
00000267 => x"ff3414e3",
00000268 => x"01c12083",
00000269 => x"01812403",
00000270 => x"01412483",
00000271 => x"01012903",
00000272 => x"00c12983",
00000273 => x"02010113",
00000274 => x"00008067",
00000275 => x"fb010113",
00000276 => x"04112623",
00000277 => x"04512423",
00000278 => x"04612223",
00000279 => x"04712023",
00000280 => x"02812e23",
00000281 => x"02a12c23",
00000282 => x"02b12a23",
00000283 => x"02c12823",
00000284 => x"02d12623",
00000285 => x"02e12423",
00000286 => x"02f12223",
00000287 => x"03012023",
00000288 => x"01112e23",
00000289 => x"01c12c23",
00000290 => x"01d12a23",
00000291 => x"01e12823",
00000292 => x"01f12623",
00000293 => x"34202473",
00000294 => x"800007b7",
00000295 => x"00778793",
00000296 => x"02f40a63",
00000297 => x"ffff1537",
00000298 => x"e8850513",
00000299 => x"7c0000ef",
00000300 => x"00040513",
00000301 => x"f29ff0ef",
00000302 => x"ffff1537",
00000303 => x"e9850513",
00000304 => x"7ac000ef",
00000305 => x"34102573",
00000306 => x"f15ff0ef",
00000307 => x"00500513",
00000308 => x"eb9ff0ef",
00000309 => x"00000513",
00000310 => x"0a5000ef",
00000311 => x"6a0000ef",
00000312 => x"fe002783",
00000313 => x"0027d793",
00000314 => x"00a78533",
00000315 => x"00f537b3",
00000316 => x"00b785b3",
00000317 => x"6b4000ef",
00000318 => x"03c12403",
00000319 => x"04c12083",
00000320 => x"04812283",
00000321 => x"04412303",
00000322 => x"04012383",
00000323 => x"03812503",
00000324 => x"03412583",
00000325 => x"03012603",
00000326 => x"02c12683",
00000327 => x"02812703",
00000328 => x"02412783",
00000329 => x"02012803",
00000330 => x"01c12883",
00000331 => x"01812e03",
00000332 => x"01412e83",
00000333 => x"01012f03",
00000334 => x"00c12f83",
00000335 => x"05010113",
00000336 => x"30200073",
00000337 => x"ff010113",
00000338 => x"00000513",
00000339 => x"00112623",
00000340 => x"00812423",
00000341 => x"7d0000ef",
00000342 => x"00500513",
00000343 => x"00d000ef",
00000344 => x"00000513",
00000345 => x"005000ef",
00000346 => x"00050413",
00000347 => x"00000513",
00000348 => x"00112623",
00000349 => x"00812423",
00000350 => x"79c000ef",
00000351 => x"09e00513",
00000352 => x"7d8000ef",
00000353 => x"00000513",
00000354 => x"7d0000ef",
00000355 => x"00050413",
00000356 => x"00000513",
00000357 => x"7a0000ef",
00000358 => x"00c12083",
00000359 => x"0ff47513",
00000360 => x"00812403",
00000361 => x"01010113",
00000362 => x"00008067",
00000363 => x"ff010113",
00000348 => x"7d4000ef",
00000349 => x"00c12083",
00000350 => x"0ff47513",
00000351 => x"00812403",
00000352 => x"01010113",
00000353 => x"00008067",
00000354 => x"ff010113",
00000355 => x"00000513",
00000356 => x"00112623",
00000357 => x"00812423",
00000358 => x"78c000ef",
00000359 => x"09e00513",
00000360 => x"7c8000ef",
00000361 => x"00000513",
00000362 => x"7c0000ef",
00000363 => x"00050413",
00000364 => x"00000513",
00000365 => x"00112623",
00000366 => x"75c000ef",
00000367 => x"00600513",
00000368 => x"798000ef",
00000369 => x"00c12083",
00000370 => x"00000513",
00000371 => x"01010113",
00000372 => x"7640006f",
00000373 => x"ff010113",
00000374 => x"00812423",
00000375 => x"00050413",
00000376 => x"01055513",
00000377 => x"0ff57513",
00000378 => x"00112623",
00000379 => x"76c000ef",
00000380 => x"00845513",
00000381 => x"0ff57513",
00000382 => x"760000ef",
00000383 => x"0ff47513",
00000384 => x"00812403",
00000385 => x"00c12083",
00000386 => x"01010113",
00000387 => x"74c0006f",
00000388 => x"ff010113",
00000389 => x"00812423",
00000390 => x"00050413",
00000391 => x"00000513",
00000392 => x"00112623",
00000393 => x"6f0000ef",
00000394 => x"00300513",
00000395 => x"72c000ef",
00000396 => x"00040513",
00000397 => x"fa1ff0ef",
00000398 => x"00000513",
00000399 => x"71c000ef",
00000400 => x"00050413",
00000401 => x"00000513",
00000402 => x"6ec000ef",
00000403 => x"00c12083",
00000404 => x"0ff47513",
00000405 => x"00812403",
00000406 => x"01010113",
00000407 => x"00008067",
00000408 => x"fd010113",
00000409 => x"02812423",
00000410 => x"02912223",
00000411 => x"03212023",
00000412 => x"01312e23",
00000413 => x"02112623",
00000414 => x"00050493",
00000415 => x"00300413",
00000416 => x"00358913",
00000417 => x"fff00993",
00000418 => x"02049e63",
00000419 => x"5c0000ef",
00000420 => x"00c10793",
00000421 => x"008787b3",
00000422 => x"00a78023",
00000423 => x"fff40413",
00000424 => x"ff3414e3",
00000425 => x"02c12083",
00000426 => x"02812403",
00000427 => x"00c12503",
00000428 => x"02412483",
00000429 => x"02012903",
00000430 => x"01c12983",
00000431 => x"03010113",
00000432 => x"00008067",
00000433 => x"40890533",
00000434 => x"f49ff0ef",
00000435 => x"fc5ff06f",
00000436 => x"fd010113",
00000437 => x"02812423",
00000438 => x"fe802403",
00000439 => x"02112623",
00000440 => x"02912223",
00000441 => x"03212023",
00000442 => x"01312e23",
00000443 => x"01412c23",
00000444 => x"01512a23",
00000445 => x"01612823",
00000446 => x"01712623",
00000447 => x"00847413",
00000448 => x"00040663",
00000449 => x"00400513",
00000450 => x"c61ff0ef",
00000451 => x"00050493",
00000452 => x"02051863",
00000453 => x"ffff1537",
00000454 => x"e8c50513",
00000455 => x"540000ef",
00000456 => x"008005b7",
00000457 => x"00048513",
00000458 => x"f39ff0ef",
00000459 => x"4788d7b7",
00000460 => x"afe78793",
00000461 => x"02f50463",
00000462 => x"00000513",
00000463 => x"fcdff06f",
00000464 => x"ffff1537",
00000465 => x"eac50513",
00000466 => x"514000ef",
00000467 => x"e1dff0ef",
00000468 => x"fc0518e3",
00000469 => x"00300513",
00000470 => x"fb1ff06f",
00000471 => x"00800a37",
00000472 => x"004a0593",
00000473 => x"00048513",
00000474 => x"ef9ff0ef",
00000475 => x"00050913",
00000476 => x"008a0593",
00000477 => x"00048513",
00000478 => x"ee9ff0ef",
00000479 => x"ff802783",
00000480 => x"00050a93",
00000481 => x"00100513",
00000482 => x"f927e0e3",
00000483 => x"ff002b83",
00000484 => x"ffc97b13",
00000485 => x"00000993",
00000486 => x"00ca0a13",
00000487 => x"014985b3",
00000488 => x"053b1663",
00000489 => x"01540433",
00000490 => x"00200513",
00000491 => x"f4041ee3",
00000492 => x"ffff1537",
00000493 => x"eb850513",
00000494 => x"4a4000ef",
00000495 => x"34091073",
00000496 => x"02c12083",
00000497 => x"02812403",
00000498 => x"02412483",
00000499 => x"02012903",
00000500 => x"01c12983",
00000501 => x"01812a03",
00000502 => x"01412a83",
00000503 => x"01012b03",
00000504 => x"00c12b83",
00000505 => x"03010113",
00000506 => x"00008067",
00000507 => x"00048513",
00000508 => x"e71ff0ef",
00000509 => x"013b87b3",
00000510 => x"00a40433",
00000511 => x"00a7a023",
00000512 => x"00498993",
00000513 => x"f99ff06f",
00000514 => x"ff010113",
00000515 => x"00112623",
00000516 => x"00812423",
00000517 => x"00912223",
00000518 => x"00058413",
00000519 => x"00050493",
00000520 => x"d8dff0ef",
00000521 => x"00000513",
00000522 => x"4ec000ef",
00000523 => x"00200513",
00000524 => x"528000ef",
00000525 => x"00048513",
00000526 => x"d9dff0ef",
00000527 => x"00040513",
00000528 => x"518000ef",
00000529 => x"00000513",
00000530 => x"4ec000ef",
00000531 => x"cd9ff0ef",
00000532 => x"00157513",
00000533 => x"fe051ce3",
00000534 => x"00c12083",
00000535 => x"00812403",
00000536 => x"00412483",
00000537 => x"01010113",
00000538 => x"00008067",
00000539 => x"fe010113",
00000540 => x"00812c23",
00000541 => x"00912a23",
00000542 => x"01212823",
00000543 => x"00112e23",
00000544 => x"00b12623",
00000545 => x"00300413",
00000546 => x"00350493",
00000547 => x"fff00913",
00000548 => x"00c10793",
00000549 => x"008787b3",
00000550 => x"0007c583",
00000551 => x"40848533",
00000552 => x"fff40413",
00000553 => x"f65ff0ef",
00000554 => x"ff2414e3",
00000555 => x"01c12083",
00000556 => x"01812403",
00000557 => x"01412483",
00000558 => x"01012903",
00000559 => x"02010113",
00000560 => x"00008067",
00000561 => x"ff010113",
00000562 => x"00112623",
00000563 => x"00812423",
00000564 => x"00050413",
00000565 => x"cd9ff0ef",
00000566 => x"00000513",
00000567 => x"438000ef",
00000568 => x"0d800513",
00000569 => x"474000ef",
00000570 => x"00040513",
00000571 => x"ce9ff0ef",
00000572 => x"00000513",
00000573 => x"440000ef",
00000574 => x"c2dff0ef",
00000575 => x"00157513",
00000576 => x"fe051ce3",
00000577 => x"00c12083",
00000578 => x"00812403",
00000579 => x"01010113",
00000580 => x"00008067",
00000581 => x"fe010113",
00000582 => x"00112e23",
00000583 => x"00812c23",
00000584 => x"00912a23",
00000585 => x"01212823",
00000586 => x"01312623",
00000587 => x"01412423",
00000588 => x"01512223",
00000589 => x"34002473",
00000590 => x"02041863",
00000591 => x"ffff1537",
00000592 => x"e3450513",
00000593 => x"01812403",
00000594 => x"01c12083",
00000595 => x"01412483",
00000596 => x"01012903",
00000597 => x"00c12983",
00000598 => x"00812a03",
00000599 => x"00412a83",
00000600 => x"02010113",
00000601 => x"2f80006f",
00000602 => x"ffff1537",
00000603 => x"ebc50513",
00000604 => x"2ec000ef",
00000605 => x"00040513",
00000606 => x"a45ff0ef",
00000607 => x"ffff1537",
00000608 => x"ec850513",
00000609 => x"2d8000ef",
00000610 => x"00800537",
00000611 => x"a31ff0ef",
00000365 => x"790000ef",
00000366 => x"00c12083",
00000367 => x"0ff47513",
00000368 => x"00812403",
00000369 => x"01010113",
00000370 => x"00008067",
00000371 => x"ff010113",
00000372 => x"00000513",
00000373 => x"00112623",
00000374 => x"74c000ef",
00000375 => x"00600513",
00000376 => x"788000ef",
00000377 => x"00c12083",
00000378 => x"00000513",
00000379 => x"01010113",
00000380 => x"7540006f",
00000381 => x"ff010113",
00000382 => x"00812423",
00000383 => x"00050413",
00000384 => x"01055513",
00000385 => x"0ff57513",
00000386 => x"00112623",
00000387 => x"75c000ef",
00000388 => x"00845513",
00000389 => x"0ff57513",
00000390 => x"750000ef",
00000391 => x"0ff47513",
00000392 => x"00812403",
00000393 => x"00c12083",
00000394 => x"01010113",
00000395 => x"73c0006f",
00000396 => x"ff010113",
00000397 => x"00812423",
00000398 => x"00050413",
00000399 => x"00000513",
00000400 => x"00112623",
00000401 => x"6e0000ef",
00000402 => x"00300513",
00000403 => x"71c000ef",
00000404 => x"00040513",
00000405 => x"fa1ff0ef",
00000406 => x"00000513",
00000407 => x"70c000ef",
00000408 => x"00050413",
00000409 => x"00000513",
00000410 => x"6dc000ef",
00000411 => x"00c12083",
00000412 => x"0ff47513",
00000413 => x"00812403",
00000414 => x"01010113",
00000415 => x"00008067",
00000416 => x"fd010113",
00000417 => x"02812423",
00000418 => x"02912223",
00000419 => x"03212023",
00000420 => x"01312e23",
00000421 => x"01412c23",
00000422 => x"02112623",
00000423 => x"00050913",
00000424 => x"00058993",
00000425 => x"00c10493",
00000426 => x"00000413",
00000427 => x"00400a13",
00000428 => x"02091e63",
00000429 => x"5a8000ef",
00000430 => x"00a481a3",
00000431 => x"00140413",
00000432 => x"fff48493",
00000433 => x"ff4416e3",
00000434 => x"02c12083",
00000435 => x"02812403",
00000436 => x"00c12503",
00000437 => x"02412483",
00000438 => x"02012903",
00000439 => x"01c12983",
00000440 => x"01812a03",
00000441 => x"03010113",
00000442 => x"00008067",
00000443 => x"00898533",
00000444 => x"f41ff0ef",
00000445 => x"fc5ff06f",
00000446 => x"fd010113",
00000447 => x"02812423",
00000448 => x"fe802403",
00000449 => x"02112623",
00000450 => x"02912223",
00000451 => x"03212023",
00000452 => x"01312e23",
00000453 => x"01412c23",
00000454 => x"01512a23",
00000455 => x"01612823",
00000456 => x"01712623",
00000457 => x"00847413",
00000458 => x"00040663",
00000459 => x"00400513",
00000460 => x"c59ff0ef",
00000461 => x"00050493",
00000462 => x"02051863",
00000463 => x"ffff1537",
00000464 => x"ea050513",
00000465 => x"528000ef",
00000466 => x"008005b7",
00000467 => x"00048513",
00000468 => x"f31ff0ef",
00000469 => x"4788d7b7",
00000470 => x"afe78793",
00000471 => x"02f50463",
00000472 => x"00000513",
00000473 => x"fcdff06f",
00000474 => x"ffff1537",
00000475 => x"ec050513",
00000476 => x"4fc000ef",
00000477 => x"e15ff0ef",
00000478 => x"fc0518e3",
00000479 => x"00300513",
00000480 => x"fb1ff06f",
00000481 => x"00800a37",
00000482 => x"004a0593",
00000483 => x"00048513",
00000484 => x"ef1ff0ef",
00000485 => x"00050913",
00000486 => x"008a0593",
00000487 => x"00048513",
00000488 => x"ee1ff0ef",
00000489 => x"ff802783",
00000490 => x"00050a93",
00000491 => x"00100513",
00000492 => x"f927e0e3",
00000493 => x"ff002b83",
00000494 => x"ffc97b13",
00000495 => x"00000993",
00000496 => x"00ca0a13",
00000497 => x"014985b3",
00000498 => x"053b1663",
00000499 => x"01540433",
00000500 => x"00200513",
00000501 => x"f4041ee3",
00000502 => x"ffff1537",
00000503 => x"ecc50513",
00000504 => x"48c000ef",
00000505 => x"34091073",
00000506 => x"02c12083",
00000507 => x"02812403",
00000508 => x"02412483",
00000509 => x"02012903",
00000510 => x"01c12983",
00000511 => x"01812a03",
00000512 => x"01412a83",
00000513 => x"01012b03",
00000514 => x"00c12b83",
00000515 => x"03010113",
00000516 => x"00008067",
00000517 => x"00048513",
00000518 => x"e69ff0ef",
00000519 => x"013b87b3",
00000520 => x"00a40433",
00000521 => x"00a7a023",
00000522 => x"00498993",
00000523 => x"f99ff06f",
00000524 => x"ff010113",
00000525 => x"00112623",
00000526 => x"00812423",
00000527 => x"00912223",
00000528 => x"00058413",
00000529 => x"00050493",
00000530 => x"d85ff0ef",
00000531 => x"00000513",
00000532 => x"4d4000ef",
00000533 => x"00200513",
00000534 => x"510000ef",
00000535 => x"00048513",
00000536 => x"d95ff0ef",
00000537 => x"00040513",
00000538 => x"500000ef",
00000539 => x"00000513",
00000540 => x"4d4000ef",
00000541 => x"cd1ff0ef",
00000542 => x"00157513",
00000543 => x"fe051ce3",
00000544 => x"00c12083",
00000545 => x"00812403",
00000546 => x"00412483",
00000547 => x"01010113",
00000548 => x"00008067",
00000549 => x"fe010113",
00000550 => x"00812c23",
00000551 => x"00912a23",
00000552 => x"01212823",
00000553 => x"00112e23",
00000554 => x"00b12623",
00000555 => x"00300413",
00000556 => x"00350493",
00000557 => x"fff00913",
00000558 => x"00c10793",
00000559 => x"008787b3",
00000560 => x"0007c583",
00000561 => x"40848533",
00000562 => x"fff40413",
00000563 => x"f65ff0ef",
00000564 => x"ff2414e3",
00000565 => x"01c12083",
00000566 => x"01812403",
00000567 => x"01412483",
00000568 => x"01012903",
00000569 => x"02010113",
00000570 => x"00008067",
00000571 => x"ff010113",
00000572 => x"00112623",
00000573 => x"00812423",
00000574 => x"00050413",
00000575 => x"cd1ff0ef",
00000576 => x"00000513",
00000577 => x"420000ef",
00000578 => x"0d800513",
00000579 => x"45c000ef",
00000580 => x"00040513",
00000581 => x"ce1ff0ef",
00000582 => x"00000513",
00000583 => x"428000ef",
00000584 => x"c25ff0ef",
00000585 => x"00157513",
00000586 => x"fe051ce3",
00000587 => x"00c12083",
00000588 => x"00812403",
00000589 => x"01010113",
00000590 => x"00008067",
00000591 => x"fe010113",
00000592 => x"00112e23",
00000593 => x"00812c23",
00000594 => x"00912a23",
00000595 => x"01212823",
00000596 => x"01312623",
00000597 => x"01412423",
00000598 => x"01512223",
00000599 => x"34002473",
00000600 => x"02041863",
00000601 => x"ffff1537",
00000602 => x"e4850513",
00000603 => x"01812403",
00000604 => x"01c12083",
00000605 => x"01412483",
00000606 => x"01012903",
00000607 => x"00c12983",
00000608 => x"00812a03",
00000609 => x"00412a83",
00000610 => x"02010113",
00000611 => x"2e00006f",
00000612 => x"ffff1537",
00000613 => x"ee450513",
00000614 => x"2c4000ef",
00000615 => x"2b0000ef",
00000616 => x"00050493",
00000617 => x"298000ef",
00000618 => x"07900793",
00000619 => x"0af49e63",
00000620 => x"bb9ff0ef",
00000621 => x"00051663",
00000622 => x"00300513",
00000623 => x"9adff0ef",
00000624 => x"ffff1537",
00000625 => x"ef050513",
00000626 => x"01045493",
00000627 => x"290000ef",
00000628 => x"00148493",
00000629 => x"00800937",
00000630 => x"fff00993",
00000631 => x"00010a37",
00000632 => x"fff48493",
00000633 => x"07349063",
00000634 => x"4788d5b7",
00000635 => x"afe58593",
00000636 => x"00800537",
00000637 => x"e79ff0ef",
00000638 => x"00800537",
00000639 => x"00040593",
00000640 => x"00450513",
00000641 => x"e69ff0ef",
00000642 => x"ff002a03",
00000643 => x"008009b7",
00000644 => x"ffc47413",
00000645 => x"00000493",
00000646 => x"00000913",
00000647 => x"00c98a93",
00000648 => x"01548533",
00000649 => x"009a07b3",
00000650 => x"02849663",
00000651 => x"00898513",
00000652 => x"412005b3",
00000653 => x"e39ff0ef",
00000654 => x"ffff1537",
00000655 => x"eb850513",
00000656 => x"f05ff06f",
00000657 => x"00090513",
00000658 => x"e7dff0ef",
00000659 => x"01490933",
00000660 => x"f91ff06f",
00000661 => x"0007a583",
00000662 => x"00448493",
00000663 => x"00b90933",
00000664 => x"e0dff0ef",
00000665 => x"fbdff06f",
00000666 => x"01c12083",
00000667 => x"01812403",
00000668 => x"01412483",
00000669 => x"01012903",
00000670 => x"00c12983",
00000671 => x"00812a03",
00000672 => x"00412a83",
00000673 => x"02010113",
00000674 => x"00008067",
00000675 => x"000047b7",
00000676 => x"70078793",
00000677 => x"f8f02623",
00000678 => x"00008067",
00000679 => x"fe010113",
00000680 => x"00112e23",
00000681 => x"00812c23",
00000682 => x"00912a23",
00000683 => x"01212823",
00000684 => x"01312623",
00000685 => x"01412423",
00000686 => x"01512223",
00000687 => x"f1302973",
00000688 => x"00000a93",
00000689 => x"00900993",
00000690 => x"00300a13",
00000691 => x"00400493",
00000692 => x"41500433",
00000693 => x"00341413",
00000694 => x"01840413",
00000695 => x"00895433",
00000696 => x"0ff47413",
00000697 => x"00000513",
00000698 => x"0489ec63",
00000699 => x"00050863",
00000700 => x"03050513",
00000701 => x"0ff57513",
00000702 => x"144000ef",
00000703 => x"03040513",
00000704 => x"0ff57513",
00000705 => x"138000ef",
00000706 => x"014a8663",
00000707 => x"02e00513",
00000708 => x"12c000ef",
00000709 => x"001a8a93",
00000710 => x"fa9a9ce3",
00000711 => x"01c12083",
00000712 => x"01812403",
00000713 => x"01412483",
00000714 => x"01012903",
00000715 => x"00c12983",
00000716 => x"00812a03",
00000717 => x"00412a83",
00000718 => x"02010113",
00000719 => x"00008067",
00000720 => x"ff640413",
00000721 => x"00150513",
00000722 => x"0ff47413",
00000723 => x"0ff57513",
00000724 => x"f99ff06f",
00000725 => x"fc000713",
00000726 => x"00072783",
00000727 => x"00179793",
00000728 => x"0017d793",
00000729 => x"00f72023",
00000730 => x"00008067",
00000731 => x"ff010113",
00000732 => x"f9402783",
00000733 => x"f9002703",
00000734 => x"f9402683",
00000735 => x"fed79ae3",
00000736 => x"00e12023",
00000737 => x"00f12223",
00000738 => x"00012503",
00000739 => x"00412583",
00000740 => x"01010113",
00000741 => x"00008067",
00000742 => x"f9800693",
00000743 => x"fff00613",
00000744 => x"00c6a023",
00000745 => x"00a6a023",
00000746 => x"00b6a223",
00000747 => x"00008067",
00000748 => x"fa002023",
00000749 => x"fe002683",
00000750 => x"00151513",
00000751 => x"00000713",
00000752 => x"04a6f263",
00000753 => x"000016b7",
00000754 => x"00000793",
00000755 => x"ffe68693",
00000756 => x"04e6e463",
00000757 => x"00167613",
00000758 => x"0015f593",
00000759 => x"01879793",
00000760 => x"01e61613",
00000761 => x"00c7e7b3",
00000762 => x"01d59593",
00000763 => x"00b7e7b3",
00000764 => x"00e7e7b3",
00000765 => x"10000737",
00000766 => x"00e7e7b3",
00000767 => x"faf02023",
00000768 => x"00008067",
00000769 => x"00170793",
00000770 => x"01079713",
00000771 => x"40a686b3",
00000772 => x"01075713",
00000773 => x"fadff06f",
00000774 => x"ffe78513",
00000775 => x"0fd57513",
00000776 => x"00051a63",
00000777 => x"00375713",
00000778 => x"00178793",
00000779 => x"0ff7f793",
00000780 => x"fa1ff06f",
00000781 => x"00175713",
00000782 => x"ff1ff06f",
00000783 => x"fa002783",
00000784 => x"fe07cee3",
00000785 => x"faa02223",
00000786 => x"00008067",
00000787 => x"fa402503",
00000788 => x"fe055ee3",
00000789 => x"0ff57513",
00000613 => x"ed050513",
00000614 => x"2d4000ef",
00000615 => x"00040513",
00000616 => x"a3dff0ef",
00000617 => x"ffff1537",
00000618 => x"edc50513",
00000619 => x"2c0000ef",
00000620 => x"00800537",
00000621 => x"a29ff0ef",
00000622 => x"ffff1537",
00000623 => x"ef850513",
00000624 => x"2ac000ef",
00000625 => x"298000ef",
00000626 => x"00050493",
00000627 => x"280000ef",
00000628 => x"07900793",
00000629 => x"0af49e63",
00000630 => x"bb1ff0ef",
00000631 => x"00051663",
00000632 => x"00300513",
00000633 => x"9a5ff0ef",
00000634 => x"ffff1537",
00000635 => x"f0450513",
00000636 => x"01045493",
00000637 => x"278000ef",
00000638 => x"00148493",
00000639 => x"00800937",
00000640 => x"fff00993",
00000641 => x"00010a37",
00000642 => x"fff48493",
00000643 => x"07349063",
00000644 => x"4788d5b7",
00000645 => x"afe58593",
00000646 => x"00800537",
00000647 => x"e79ff0ef",
00000648 => x"00800537",
00000649 => x"00040593",
00000650 => x"00450513",
00000651 => x"e69ff0ef",
00000652 => x"ff002a03",
00000653 => x"008009b7",
00000654 => x"ffc47413",
00000655 => x"00000493",
00000656 => x"00000913",
00000657 => x"00c98a93",
00000658 => x"01548533",
00000659 => x"009a07b3",
00000660 => x"02849663",
00000661 => x"00898513",
00000662 => x"412005b3",
00000663 => x"e39ff0ef",
00000664 => x"ffff1537",
00000665 => x"ecc50513",
00000666 => x"f05ff06f",
00000667 => x"00090513",
00000668 => x"e7dff0ef",
00000669 => x"01490933",
00000670 => x"f91ff06f",
00000671 => x"0007a583",
00000672 => x"00448493",
00000673 => x"00b90933",
00000674 => x"e0dff0ef",
00000675 => x"fbdff06f",
00000676 => x"01c12083",
00000677 => x"01812403",
00000678 => x"01412483",
00000679 => x"01012903",
00000680 => x"00c12983",
00000681 => x"00812a03",
00000682 => x"00412a83",
00000683 => x"02010113",
00000684 => x"00008067",
00000685 => x"000047b7",
00000686 => x"70078793",
00000687 => x"f8f02623",
00000688 => x"00008067",
00000689 => x"fe010113",
00000690 => x"00112e23",
00000691 => x"00812c23",
00000692 => x"00912a23",
00000693 => x"01212823",
00000694 => x"01312623",
00000695 => x"01412423",
00000696 => x"01512223",
00000697 => x"f1302973",
00000698 => x"00000a93",
00000699 => x"00900993",
00000700 => x"00300a13",
00000701 => x"00400493",
00000702 => x"41500433",
00000703 => x"00341413",
00000704 => x"01840413",
00000705 => x"00895433",
00000706 => x"0ff47413",
00000707 => x"00000513",
00000708 => x"0489ec63",
00000709 => x"00050863",
00000710 => x"03050513",
00000711 => x"0ff57513",
00000712 => x"12c000ef",
00000713 => x"03040513",
00000714 => x"0ff57513",
00000715 => x"120000ef",
00000716 => x"014a8663",
00000717 => x"02e00513",
00000718 => x"114000ef",
00000719 => x"001a8a93",
00000720 => x"fa9a9ce3",
00000721 => x"01c12083",
00000722 => x"01812403",
00000723 => x"01412483",
00000724 => x"01012903",
00000725 => x"00c12983",
00000726 => x"00812a03",
00000727 => x"00412a83",
00000728 => x"02010113",
00000729 => x"00008067",
00000730 => x"ff640413",
00000731 => x"00150513",
00000732 => x"0ff47413",
00000733 => x"0ff57513",
00000734 => x"f99ff06f",
00000735 => x"ff010113",
00000736 => x"f9402783",
00000737 => x"f9002703",
00000738 => x"f9402683",
00000739 => x"fed79ae3",
00000740 => x"00e12023",
00000741 => x"00f12223",
00000742 => x"00012503",
00000743 => x"00412583",
00000744 => x"01010113",
00000745 => x"00008067",
00000746 => x"f9800693",
00000747 => x"fff00613",
00000748 => x"00c6a023",
00000749 => x"00a6a023",
00000750 => x"00b6a223",
00000751 => x"00008067",
00000752 => x"fa002023",
00000753 => x"fe002683",
00000754 => x"00151513",
00000755 => x"00000713",
00000756 => x"04a6f263",
00000757 => x"000016b7",
00000758 => x"00000793",
00000759 => x"ffe68693",
00000760 => x"04e6e463",
00000761 => x"00167613",
00000762 => x"0015f593",
00000763 => x"01879793",
00000764 => x"01e61613",
00000765 => x"00c7e7b3",
00000766 => x"01d59593",
00000767 => x"00b7e7b3",
00000768 => x"00e7e7b3",
00000769 => x"10000737",
00000770 => x"00e7e7b3",
00000771 => x"faf02023",
00000772 => x"00008067",
00000773 => x"00170793",
00000774 => x"01079713",
00000775 => x"40a686b3",
00000776 => x"01075713",
00000777 => x"fadff06f",
00000778 => x"ffe78513",
00000779 => x"0fd57513",
00000780 => x"00051a63",
00000781 => x"00375713",
00000782 => x"00178793",
00000783 => x"0ff7f793",
00000784 => x"fa1ff06f",
00000785 => x"00175713",
00000786 => x"ff1ff06f",
00000787 => x"fa002783",
00000788 => x"fe07cee3",
00000789 => x"faa02223",
00000790 => x"00008067",
00000791 => x"ff010113",
00000792 => x"00812423",
00000793 => x"01212023",
00000794 => x"00112623",
00000795 => x"00912223",
00000796 => x"00050413",
00000797 => x"00a00913",
00000798 => x"00044483",
00000799 => x"00140413",
00000800 => x"00049e63",
00000801 => x"00c12083",
00000802 => x"00812403",
00000803 => x"00412483",
00000804 => x"00012903",
00000805 => x"01010113",
00000806 => x"00008067",
00000807 => x"01249663",
00000808 => x"00d00513",
00000809 => x"f99ff0ef",
00000810 => x"00048513",
00000811 => x"f91ff0ef",
00000812 => x"fc9ff06f",
00000813 => x"00757513",
00000814 => x"00177793",
00000815 => x"01079793",
00000816 => x"0036f693",
00000817 => x"00a51513",
00000818 => x"00f56533",
00000819 => x"00167613",
00000820 => x"00e69793",
00000821 => x"0015f593",
00000822 => x"00f567b3",
00000823 => x"00d61613",
00000824 => x"00c7e7b3",
00000825 => x"00959593",
00000826 => x"fa800813",
00000827 => x"00b7e7b3",
00000828 => x"00082023",
00000829 => x"1007e793",
00000830 => x"00f82023",
00000831 => x"00008067",
00000832 => x"fa800713",
00000833 => x"00072783",
00000834 => x"eff7f793",
00000835 => x"00f72023",
00000836 => x"00008067",
00000837 => x"fa800713",
00000838 => x"00072683",
00000839 => x"00757793",
00000840 => x"00100513",
00000841 => x"00f51533",
00000842 => x"00d56533",
00000843 => x"00a72023",
00000844 => x"00008067",
00000845 => x"fa800713",
00000846 => x"00072683",
00000847 => x"00757513",
00000848 => x"00100793",
00000849 => x"00a797b3",
00000850 => x"fff7c793",
00000851 => x"00d7f7b3",
00000852 => x"00f72023",
00000853 => x"00008067",
00000854 => x"faa02623",
00000855 => x"fa802783",
00000856 => x"fe07cee3",
00000857 => x"fac02503",
00000858 => x"00008067",
00000859 => x"f8400713",
00000860 => x"00072683",
00000861 => x"00f57793",
00000862 => x"00100513",
00000863 => x"00f51533",
00000864 => x"00d54533",
00000865 => x"00a72023",
00000866 => x"00008067",
00000867 => x"f8a02223",
00000868 => x"00008067",
00000869 => x"fb800713",
00000870 => x"00072783",
00000871 => x"ffe7f793",
00000872 => x"00f72023",
00000873 => x"00008067",
00000874 => x"fb000713",
00000875 => x"00072783",
00000876 => x"ff77f793",
00000877 => x"00f72023",
00000878 => x"00008067",
00000879 => x"f8800713",
00000880 => x"00072783",
00000881 => x"fef7f793",
00000882 => x"00f72023",
00000883 => x"00008067",
00000884 => x"69617641",
00000885 => x"6c62616c",
00000886 => x"4d432065",
00000887 => x"0a3a7344",
00000888 => x"203a6820",
00000889 => x"706c6548",
00000890 => x"3a72200a",
00000891 => x"73655220",
00000892 => x"74726174",
00000893 => x"3a75200a",
00000894 => x"6c705520",
00000895 => x"0a64616f",
00000896 => x"203a7320",
00000897 => x"726f7453",
00000898 => x"6f742065",
00000899 => x"616c6620",
00000900 => x"200a6873",
00000901 => x"4c203a6c",
00000902 => x"2064616f",
00000903 => x"6d6f7266",
00000791 => x"fa402503",
00000792 => x"fe055ee3",
00000793 => x"0ff57513",
00000794 => x"00008067",
00000795 => x"ff010113",
00000796 => x"00812423",
00000797 => x"01212023",
00000798 => x"00112623",
00000799 => x"00912223",
00000800 => x"00050413",
00000801 => x"00a00913",
00000802 => x"00044483",
00000803 => x"00140413",
00000804 => x"00049e63",
00000805 => x"00c12083",
00000806 => x"00812403",
00000807 => x"00412483",
00000808 => x"00012903",
00000809 => x"01010113",
00000810 => x"00008067",
00000811 => x"01249663",
00000812 => x"00d00513",
00000813 => x"f99ff0ef",
00000814 => x"00048513",
00000815 => x"f91ff0ef",
00000816 => x"fc9ff06f",
00000817 => x"00757513",
00000818 => x"00177793",
00000819 => x"01079793",
00000820 => x"0036f693",
00000821 => x"00a51513",
00000822 => x"00f56533",
00000823 => x"00167613",
00000824 => x"00e69793",
00000825 => x"0015f593",
00000826 => x"00f567b3",
00000827 => x"00d61613",
00000828 => x"00c7e7b3",
00000829 => x"00959593",
00000830 => x"fa800813",
00000831 => x"00b7e7b3",
00000832 => x"00082023",
00000833 => x"1007e793",
00000834 => x"00f82023",
00000835 => x"00008067",
00000836 => x"fa800713",
00000837 => x"00072783",
00000838 => x"eff7f793",
00000839 => x"00f72023",
00000840 => x"00008067",
00000841 => x"fa800713",
00000842 => x"00072683",
00000843 => x"00757793",
00000844 => x"00100513",
00000845 => x"00f51533",
00000846 => x"00d56533",
00000847 => x"00a72023",
00000848 => x"00008067",
00000849 => x"fa800713",
00000850 => x"00072683",
00000851 => x"00757513",
00000852 => x"00100793",
00000853 => x"00a797b3",
00000854 => x"fff7c793",
00000855 => x"00d7f7b3",
00000856 => x"00f72023",
00000857 => x"00008067",
00000858 => x"faa02623",
00000859 => x"fa802783",
00000860 => x"fe07cee3",
00000861 => x"fac02503",
00000862 => x"00008067",
00000863 => x"f8400713",
00000864 => x"00072683",
00000865 => x"00f57793",
00000866 => x"00100513",
00000867 => x"00f51533",
00000868 => x"00d54533",
00000869 => x"00a72023",
00000870 => x"00008067",
00000871 => x"f8a02223",
00000872 => x"00008067",
00000873 => x"fb800713",
00000874 => x"00072783",
00000875 => x"ffe7f793",
00000876 => x"00f72023",
00000877 => x"00008067",
00000878 => x"fb000713",
00000879 => x"00072783",
00000880 => x"ff77f793",
00000881 => x"00f72023",
00000882 => x"00008067",
00000883 => x"fc000713",
00000884 => x"00072783",
00000885 => x"00179793",
00000886 => x"0017d793",
00000887 => x"00f72023",
00000888 => x"00008067",
00000889 => x"69617641",
00000890 => x"6c62616c",
00000891 => x"4d432065",
00000892 => x"0a3a7344",
00000893 => x"203a6820",
00000894 => x"706c6548",
00000895 => x"3a72200a",
00000896 => x"73655220",
00000897 => x"74726174",
00000898 => x"3a75200a",
00000899 => x"6c705520",
00000900 => x"0a64616f",
00000901 => x"203a7320",
00000902 => x"726f7453",
00000903 => x"6f742065",
00000904 => x"616c6620",
00000905 => x"200a6873",
00000906 => x"45203a65",
00000907 => x"75636578",
00000908 => x"00006574",
00000909 => x"65206f4e",
00000910 => x"75636578",
00000911 => x"6c626174",
00000912 => x"76612065",
00000913 => x"616c6961",
00000914 => x"2e656c62",
00000915 => x"00000000",
00000916 => x"746f6f42",
00000917 => x"2e676e69",
00000918 => x"0a0a2e2e",
00000919 => x"00000000",
00000920 => x"52450a07",
00000921 => x"00005f52",
00000922 => x"6e6b6e75",
00000923 => x"006e776f",
00000924 => x"00007830",
00000925 => x"58450a0a",
00000926 => x"54504543",
00000927 => x"3a4e4f49",
00000928 => x"00000020",
00000929 => x"30204020",
00000930 => x"00000078",
00000931 => x"69617741",
00000932 => x"676e6974",
00000933 => x"6f656e20",
00000934 => x"32337672",
00000935 => x"6578655f",
00000936 => x"6e69622e",
00000937 => x"202e2e2e",
00000938 => x"00000000",
00000939 => x"64616f4c",
00000940 => x"2e676e69",
00000941 => x"00202e2e",
00000942 => x"00004b4f",
00000943 => x"74697257",
00000944 => x"78302065",
00000945 => x"00000000",
00000946 => x"74796220",
00000947 => x"74207365",
00000948 => x"5053206f",
00000949 => x"6c662049",
00000950 => x"20687361",
00000951 => x"78302040",
00000952 => x"00000000",
00000953 => x"7928203f",
00000954 => x"20296e2f",
00000955 => x"00000000",
00000956 => x"616c460a",
00000957 => x"6e696873",
00000958 => x"2e2e2e67",
00000959 => x"00000020",
00000960 => x"0a0a0a0a",
00000961 => x"4e203c3c",
00000962 => x"56524f45",
00000963 => x"42203233",
00000964 => x"6c746f6f",
00000965 => x"6564616f",
00000966 => x"3e3e2072",
00000967 => x"4c420a0a",
00000968 => x"203a5644",
00000969 => x"206c754a",
00000970 => x"32203132",
00000971 => x"0a303230",
00000972 => x"3a565748",
00000973 => x"00002020",
00000974 => x"4b4c430a",
00000975 => x"0020203a",
00000976 => x"0a7a4820",
00000977 => x"52455355",
00000978 => x"0000203a",
00000979 => x"53494d0a",
00000980 => x"00203a41",
00000981 => x"4e4f430a",
00000982 => x"00203a46",
00000983 => x"454d490a",
00000984 => x"00203a4d",
00000985 => x"74796220",
00000986 => x"40207365",
00000987 => x"00000020",
00000988 => x"454d440a",
00000906 => x"4c203a6c",
00000907 => x"2064616f",
00000908 => x"6d6f7266",
00000909 => x"616c6620",
00000910 => x"200a6873",
00000911 => x"45203a65",
00000912 => x"75636578",
00000913 => x"00006574",
00000914 => x"65206f4e",
00000915 => x"75636578",
00000916 => x"6c626174",
00000917 => x"76612065",
00000918 => x"616c6961",
00000919 => x"2e656c62",
00000920 => x"00000000",
00000921 => x"746f6f42",
00000922 => x"2e676e69",
00000923 => x"0a0a2e2e",
00000924 => x"00000000",
00000925 => x"52450a07",
00000926 => x"00005f52",
00000927 => x"6e6b6e75",
00000928 => x"006e776f",
00000929 => x"00007830",
00000930 => x"58450a0a",
00000931 => x"54504543",
00000932 => x"3a4e4f49",
00000933 => x"00000020",
00000934 => x"30204020",
00000935 => x"00000078",
00000936 => x"69617741",
00000937 => x"676e6974",
00000938 => x"6f656e20",
00000939 => x"32337672",
00000940 => x"6578655f",
00000941 => x"6e69622e",
00000942 => x"202e2e2e",
00000943 => x"00000000",
00000944 => x"64616f4c",
00000945 => x"2e676e69",
00000946 => x"00202e2e",
00000947 => x"00004b4f",
00000948 => x"74697257",
00000949 => x"78302065",
00000950 => x"00000000",
00000951 => x"74796220",
00000952 => x"74207365",
00000953 => x"5053206f",
00000954 => x"6c662049",
00000955 => x"20687361",
00000956 => x"78302040",
00000957 => x"00000000",
00000958 => x"7928203f",
00000959 => x"20296e2f",
00000960 => x"00000000",
00000961 => x"616c460a",
00000962 => x"6e696873",
00000963 => x"2e2e2e67",
00000964 => x"00000020",
00000965 => x"0a0a0a0a",
00000966 => x"4e203c3c",
00000967 => x"56524f45",
00000968 => x"42203233",
00000969 => x"6c746f6f",
00000970 => x"6564616f",
00000971 => x"3e3e2072",
00000972 => x"4c420a0a",
00000973 => x"203a5644",
00000974 => x"206c754a",
00000975 => x"32203532",
00000976 => x"0a303230",
00000977 => x"3a565748",
00000978 => x"00002020",
00000979 => x"4b4c430a",
00000980 => x"0020203a",
00000981 => x"0a7a4820",
00000982 => x"52455355",
00000983 => x"0000203a",
00000984 => x"53494d0a",
00000985 => x"00203a41",
00000986 => x"4e4f430a",
00000987 => x"00203a46",
00000988 => x"454d490a",
00000989 => x"00203a4d",
00000990 => x"75410a0a",
00000991 => x"6f626f74",
00000992 => x"6920746f",
00000993 => x"7338206e",
00000994 => x"7250202e",
00000995 => x"20737365",
00000996 => x"2079656b",
00000997 => x"61206f74",
00000998 => x"74726f62",
00000999 => x"00000a2e",
00001000 => x"0000000a",
00001001 => x"726f6241",
00001002 => x"2e646574",
00001003 => x"00000a0a",
00001004 => x"444d430a",
00001005 => x"00203e3a",
00001006 => x"53207962",
00001007 => x"68706574",
00001008 => x"4e206e61",
00001009 => x"69746c6f",
00001010 => x"0000676e",
00001011 => x"61766e49",
00001012 => x"2064696c",
00001013 => x"00444d43",
00001014 => x"33323130",
00001015 => x"37363534",
00001016 => x"42413938",
00001017 => x"46454443",
00000990 => x"74796220",
00000991 => x"40207365",
00000992 => x"00000020",
00000993 => x"454d440a",
00000994 => x"00203a4d",
00000995 => x"75410a0a",
00000996 => x"6f626f74",
00000997 => x"6920746f",
00000998 => x"7338206e",
00000999 => x"7250202e",
00001000 => x"20737365",
00001001 => x"2079656b",
00001002 => x"61206f74",
00001003 => x"74726f62",
00001004 => x"00000a2e",
00001005 => x"0000000a",
00001006 => x"726f6241",
00001007 => x"2e646574",
00001008 => x"00000a0a",
00001009 => x"444d430a",
00001010 => x"00203e3a",
00001011 => x"53207962",
00001012 => x"68706574",
00001013 => x"4e206e61",
00001014 => x"69746c6f",
00001015 => x"0000676e",
00001016 => x"61766e49",
00001017 => x"2064696c",
00001018 => x"00444d43",
00001019 => x"33323130",
00001020 => x"37363534",
00001021 => x"42413938",
00001022 => x"46454443",
others => x"00000000"
52,8 → 52,8
generic (
-- General --
CSR_COUNTERS_USE : boolean := true; -- implement RISC-V perf. counters ([m]instret[h], [m]cycle[h], time[h])?
HW_THREAD_ID : std_ulogic_vector(31 downto 0):= x"00000000"; -- hardware thread id
CPU_BOOT_ADDR : std_ulogic_vector(31 downto 0):= x"00000000"; -- cpu boot address
HW_THREAD_ID : std_ulogic_vector(31 downto 0):= (others => '0'); -- hardware thread id
CPU_BOOT_ADDR : std_ulogic_vector(31 downto 0):= (others => '0'); -- cpu boot address
-- RISC-V CPU Extensions --
CPU_EXTENSION_RISCV_C : boolean := false; -- implement compressed extension?
CPU_EXTENSION_RISCV_E : boolean := false; -- implement embedded RF extension?
60,41 → 60,43
CPU_EXTENSION_RISCV_M : boolean := false; -- implement muld/div extension?
CPU_EXTENSION_RISCV_Zicsr : boolean := true; -- implement CSR system?
CPU_EXTENSION_RISCV_Zifencei : boolean := true; -- implement instruction stream sync.?
-- Memory configuration: External memory interface --
MEM_EXT_TIMEOUT : natural := 15 -- cycles after which a valid bus access will timeout
-- Bus Interface --
BUS_TIMEOUT : natural := 15 -- cycles after which a valid bus access will timeout
port (
-- global control --
clk_i : in std_ulogic; -- global clock, rising edge
rstn_i : in std_ulogic; -- global reset, low-active, async
clk_i : in std_ulogic := '0'; -- global clock, rising edge
rstn_i : in std_ulogic := '0'; -- global reset, low-active, async
-- instruction bus interface --
i_bus_addr_o : out std_ulogic_vector(data_width_c-1 downto 0); -- bus access address
i_bus_rdata_i : in std_ulogic_vector(data_width_c-1 downto 0); -- bus read data
i_bus_rdata_i : in std_ulogic_vector(data_width_c-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); -- bus read data
i_bus_wdata_o : out std_ulogic_vector(data_width_c-1 downto 0); -- bus write data
i_bus_ben_o : out std_ulogic_vector(03 downto 0); -- byte enable
i_bus_we_o : out std_ulogic; -- write enable
i_bus_re_o : out std_ulogic; -- read enable
i_bus_cancel_o : out std_ulogic; -- cancel current bus transaction
i_bus_ack_i : in std_ulogic; -- bus transfer acknowledge
i_bus_err_i : in std_ulogic; -- bus transfer error
i_bus_ack_i : in std_ulogic := '0'; -- bus transfer acknowledge
i_bus_err_i : in std_ulogic := '0'; -- bus transfer error
i_bus_fence_o : out std_ulogic; -- executed FENCEI operation
-- data bus interface --
d_bus_addr_o : out std_ulogic_vector(data_width_c-1 downto 0); -- bus access address
d_bus_rdata_i : in std_ulogic_vector(data_width_c-1 downto 0); -- bus read data
d_bus_rdata_i : in std_ulogic_vector(data_width_c-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); -- bus read data
d_bus_wdata_o : out std_ulogic_vector(data_width_c-1 downto 0); -- bus write data
d_bus_ben_o : out std_ulogic_vector(03 downto 0); -- byte enable
d_bus_we_o : out std_ulogic; -- write enable
d_bus_re_o : out std_ulogic; -- read enable
d_bus_cancel_o : out std_ulogic; -- cancel current bus transaction
d_bus_ack_i : in std_ulogic; -- bus transfer acknowledge
d_bus_err_i : in std_ulogic; -- bus transfer error
d_bus_ack_i : in std_ulogic := '0'; -- bus transfer acknowledge
d_bus_err_i : in std_ulogic := '0'; -- bus transfer error
d_bus_fence_o : out std_ulogic; -- executed FENCE operation
-- system time input from MTIME --
time_i : in std_ulogic_vector(63 downto 0); -- current system time
-- external interrupts --
msw_irq_i : in std_ulogic; -- software interrupt
clic_irq_i : in std_ulogic; -- CLIC interrupt request
mtime_irq_i : in std_ulogic -- machine timer interrupt
time_i : in std_ulogic_vector(63 downto 0) := (others => '0'); -- current system time
-- interrupts (risc-v compliant) --
msw_irq_i : in std_ulogic := '0'; -- machine software interrupt
mext_irq_i : in std_ulogic := '0'; -- machine external interrupt
mtime_irq_i : in std_ulogic := '0'; -- machine timer interrupt
-- fast interrupts (custom) --
firq_i : in std_ulogic_vector(3 downto 0) := (others => '0')
end neorv32_cpu;
166,10 → 168,12
-- csr interface --
csr_wdata_i => alu_res, -- CSR write data
csr_rdata_o => csr_rdata, -- CSR read data
-- external interrupt --
msw_irq_i => msw_irq_i, -- software interrupt
clic_irq_i => clic_irq_i, -- CLIC interrupt request
-- interrupts (risc-v compliant) --
msw_irq_i => msw_irq_i, -- machine software interrupt
mext_irq_i => mext_irq_i, -- machine external interrupt
mtime_irq_i => mtime_irq_i, -- machine timer interrupt
-- fast interrupts (custom) --
firq_i => firq_i,
-- system time input from MTIME --
time_i => time_i, -- current system time
-- bus access exceptions --
272,7 → 276,7
neorv32_cpu_bus_inst: neorv32_cpu_bus
generic map (
CPU_EXTENSION_RISCV_C => CPU_EXTENSION_RISCV_C, -- implement compressed extension?
MEM_EXT_TIMEOUT => MEM_EXT_TIMEOUT -- cycles after which a valid bus access will timeout
BUS_TIMEOUT => BUS_TIMEOUT -- cycles after which a valid bus access will timeout
port map (
-- global control --
44,7 → 44,7
entity neorv32_cpu_bus is
generic (
CPU_EXTENSION_RISCV_C : boolean := true; -- implement compressed extension?
MEM_EXT_TIMEOUT : natural := 15 -- cycles after which a valid bus access will timeout
BUS_TIMEOUT : natural := 15 -- cycles after which a valid bus access will timeout
port (
-- global control --
113,7 → 113,7
wr_req : std_ulogic; -- write access in progress
err_align : std_ulogic; -- alignment error
err_bus : std_ulogic; -- bus access error
timeout : std_ulogic_vector(index_size_f(MEM_EXT_TIMEOUT)-1 downto 0);
timeout : std_ulogic_vector(index_size_f(BUS_TIMEOUT)-1 downto 0);
end record;
signal i_arbiter, d_arbiter : bus_arbiter_t;
271,7 → 271,7
i_arbiter.rd_req <= ctrl_i(ctrl_bus_if_c);
i_arbiter.err_align <= i_misaligned;
i_arbiter.err_bus <= '0';
i_arbiter.timeout <= std_ulogic_vector(to_unsigned(MEM_EXT_TIMEOUT, index_size_f(MEM_EXT_TIMEOUT)));
i_arbiter.timeout <= std_ulogic_vector(to_unsigned(BUS_TIMEOUT, index_size_f(BUS_TIMEOUT)));
else -- in progress
i_arbiter.timeout <= std_ulogic_vector(unsigned(i_arbiter.timeout) - 1);
i_arbiter.err_align <= (i_arbiter.err_align or i_misaligned) and (not ctrl_i(ctrl_bus_ierr_ack_c));
326,7 → 326,7
d_arbiter.rd_req <= ctrl_i(ctrl_bus_rd_c);
d_arbiter.err_align <= d_misaligned;
d_arbiter.err_bus <= '0';
d_arbiter.timeout <= std_ulogic_vector(to_unsigned(MEM_EXT_TIMEOUT, index_size_f(MEM_EXT_TIMEOUT)));
d_arbiter.timeout <= std_ulogic_vector(to_unsigned(BUS_TIMEOUT, index_size_f(BUS_TIMEOUT)));
else -- in progress
d_arbiter.timeout <= std_ulogic_vector(unsigned(d_arbiter.timeout) - 1);
d_arbiter.err_align <= (d_arbiter.err_align or d_misaligned) and (not ctrl_i(ctrl_bus_derr_ack_c));
77,10 → 77,12
-- csr data interface --
csr_wdata_i : in std_ulogic_vector(data_width_c-1 downto 0); -- CSR write data
csr_rdata_o : out std_ulogic_vector(data_width_c-1 downto 0); -- CSR read data
-- external interrupt --
msw_irq_i : in std_ulogic; -- software interrupt
clic_irq_i : in std_ulogic; -- CLIC interrupt request
-- interrupts (risc-v compliant) --
msw_irq_i : in std_ulogic; -- machine software interrupt
mext_irq_i : in std_ulogic; -- machine external interrupt
mtime_irq_i : in std_ulogic; -- machine timer interrupt
-- fast interrupts (custom) --
firq_i : in std_ulogic_vector(3 downto 0);
-- system time input from MTIME --
time_i : in std_ulogic_vector(63 downto 0); -- current system time
-- bus access exceptions --
168,8 → 170,8
exc_ack : std_ulogic; -- acknowledge all exceptions
irq_ack : std_ulogic_vector(interrupt_width_c-1 downto 0); -- acknowledge specific interrupt
irq_ack_nxt : std_ulogic_vector(interrupt_width_c-1 downto 0);
cause : std_ulogic_vector(4 downto 0); -- trap ID (for "mcause"), only for hw
cause_nxt : std_ulogic_vector(4 downto 0);
cause : std_ulogic_vector(5 downto 0); -- trap ID (for "mcause"), only for hw
cause_nxt : std_ulogic_vector(5 downto 0);
env_start : std_ulogic; -- start trap handler env
env_start_ack : std_ulogic; -- start of trap handler acknowledged
199,9 → 201,10
mstatus_mpie : std_ulogic; -- mstatus.MPIE: previous global IRQ enable (R/-)
mie_msie : std_ulogic; -- mie.MSIE: machine software interrupt enable (R/W)
mie_meie : std_ulogic; -- mie.MEIE: machine external interrupt enable (R/W)
mie_mtie : std_ulogic; -- mie.MEIE: machine timer interrupt enable (R/W)
mie_mtie : std_ulogic; -- mie.MEIE: machine timer interrupt enable (R/W
mie_firqe : std_ulogic_vector(3 downto 0); -- mie.firq*e: fast interrupt enabled (R/W)
mepc : std_ulogic_vector(data_width_c-1 downto 0); -- mepc: machine exception pc (R/W)
mcause : std_ulogic_vector(data_width_c-1 downto 0); -- mcause: machine trap cause (R/W)
mcause : std_ulogic_vector(data_width_c-1 downto 0); -- mcause: machine trap cause (R/-)
mtvec : std_ulogic_vector(data_width_c-1 downto 0); -- mtvec: machine trap-handler base address (R/W), bit 1:0 == 00
mtval : std_ulogic_vector(data_width_c-1 downto 0); -- mtval: machine bad address or isntruction (R/W)
mscratch : std_ulogic_vector(data_width_c-1 downto 0); -- mscratch: scratch register (R/W)
633,17 → 636,14
trap_ctrl.instr_ma <= ipb.rdata(33); -- misaligned instruction fetch address
trap_ctrl.instr_be <= ipb.rdata(34); -- bus access fault druing instrucion fetch
illegal_compressed <= ipb.rdata(35); -- invalid decompressed instruction
if (trap_ctrl.env_start = '1') or ((ipb.rdata(33) or ipb.rdata(34) or ipb.rdata(35)) = '1') then -- exception/interrupt?
execute_engine.is_ci_nxt <= ipb.rdata(32); -- flag to indicate this is a compressed instruction beeing executed
execute_engine.i_reg_nxt <= ipb.rdata(31 downto 0);
execute_engine.pc_nxt <= ipb.raddr; -- the PC according to the current instruction
-- ipb.rdata(35) is not immediately checked here!
if (execute_engine.sleep = '1') or (trap_ctrl.env_start = '1') or ((ipb.rdata(33) or ipb.rdata(34)) = '1') then
execute_engine.state_nxt <= TRAP;
execute_engine.is_ci_nxt <= ipb.rdata(32); -- flag to indicate this is a compressed instruction beeing executed
execute_engine.i_reg_nxt <= ipb.rdata(31 downto 0);
execute_engine.pc_nxt <= ipb.raddr; -- the PC according to the current instruction
if (execute_engine.sleep = '1') then
execute_engine.state_nxt <= TRAP;
execute_engine.state_nxt <= EXECUTE;
end if;
execute_engine.state_nxt <= EXECUTE;
end if;
end if;
1074,10 → 1074,15
trap_ctrl.exc_buf(exception_m_envcall_c) <= (trap_ctrl.exc_buf(exception_m_envcall_c) or trap_ctrl.env_call) and (not trap_ctrl.exc_ack);
trap_ctrl.exc_buf(exception_break_c) <= (trap_ctrl.exc_buf(exception_break_c) or trap_ctrl.break_point) and (not trap_ctrl.exc_ack);
trap_ctrl.exc_buf(exception_iillegal_c) <= (trap_ctrl.exc_buf(exception_iillegal_c) or trap_ctrl.instr_il) and (not trap_ctrl.exc_ack);
-- interrupt buffer: machine software/external/timer interrupt
trap_ctrl.irq_buf(interrupt_msw_irq_c) <= csr.mie_msie and (trap_ctrl.irq_buf(interrupt_msw_irq_c) or msw_irq_i) and (not trap_ctrl.irq_ack(interrupt_msw_irq_c));
trap_ctrl.irq_buf(interrupt_mext_irq_c) <= csr.mie_meie and (trap_ctrl.irq_buf(interrupt_mext_irq_c) or clic_irq_i) and (not trap_ctrl.irq_ack(interrupt_mext_irq_c));
trap_ctrl.irq_buf(interrupt_mtime_irq_c) <= csr.mie_mtie and (trap_ctrl.irq_buf(interrupt_mtime_irq_c) or mtime_irq_i) and (not trap_ctrl.irq_ack(interrupt_mtime_irq_c));
-- interrupt buffer (RISC-V compliant): machine software/external/timer interrupt
trap_ctrl.irq_buf(interrupt_msw_irq_c) <= csr.mie_msie and (trap_ctrl.irq_buf(interrupt_msw_irq_c) or msw_irq_i) and (not trap_ctrl.irq_ack(interrupt_msw_irq_c));
trap_ctrl.irq_buf(interrupt_mext_irq_c) <= csr.mie_meie and (trap_ctrl.irq_buf(interrupt_mext_irq_c) or mext_irq_i) and (not trap_ctrl.irq_ack(interrupt_mext_irq_c));
trap_ctrl.irq_buf(interrupt_mtime_irq_c) <= csr.mie_mtie and (trap_ctrl.irq_buf(interrupt_mtime_irq_c) or mtime_irq_i) and (not trap_ctrl.irq_ack(interrupt_mtime_irq_c));
-- interrupt buffer (custom): fast interrupts
trap_ctrl.irq_buf(interrupt_firq_0_c) <= csr.mie_firqe(0) and (trap_ctrl.irq_buf(interrupt_firq_0_c) or firq_i(0)) and (not trap_ctrl.irq_ack(interrupt_firq_0_c));
trap_ctrl.irq_buf(interrupt_firq_1_c) <= csr.mie_firqe(1) and (trap_ctrl.irq_buf(interrupt_firq_1_c) or firq_i(1)) and (not trap_ctrl.irq_ack(interrupt_firq_1_c));
trap_ctrl.irq_buf(interrupt_firq_2_c) <= csr.mie_firqe(2) and (trap_ctrl.irq_buf(interrupt_firq_2_c) or firq_i(2)) and (not trap_ctrl.irq_ack(interrupt_firq_2_c));
trap_ctrl.irq_buf(interrupt_firq_3_c) <= csr.mie_firqe(3) and (trap_ctrl.irq_buf(interrupt_firq_3_c) or firq_i(3)) and (not trap_ctrl.irq_ack(interrupt_firq_3_c));
-- trap control --
if (trap_ctrl.env_start = '0') then -- no started trap handler
1131,6 → 1136,27
trap_ctrl.irq_ack_nxt(interrupt_msw_irq_c) <= '1';
-- interrupt: 1.16 fast interrupt channel 0 --
elsif (trap_ctrl.irq_buf(interrupt_firq_0_c) = '1') then
trap_ctrl.cause_nxt <= trap_firq0_c;
trap_ctrl.irq_ack_nxt(interrupt_firq_0_c) <= '1';
-- interrupt: 1.17 fast interrupt channel 1 --
elsif (trap_ctrl.irq_buf(interrupt_firq_1_c) = '1') then
trap_ctrl.cause_nxt <= trap_firq1_c;
trap_ctrl.irq_ack_nxt(interrupt_firq_1_c) <= '1';
-- interrupt: 1.18 fast interrupt channel 2 --
elsif (trap_ctrl.irq_buf(interrupt_firq_2_c) = '1') then
trap_ctrl.cause_nxt <= trap_firq2_c;
trap_ctrl.irq_ack_nxt(interrupt_firq_2_c) <= '1';
-- interrupt: 1.19 fast interrupt channel 3 --
elsif (trap_ctrl.irq_buf(interrupt_firq_3_c) = '1') then
trap_ctrl.cause_nxt <= trap_firq3_c;
trap_ctrl.irq_ack_nxt(interrupt_firq_3_c) <= '1';
-- the following traps are caused by synchronous exceptions
-- here we do not need a specific acknowledge mask since only one exception (the one
-- with highest priority) can trigger at once
1150,7 → 1176,7
-- trap/fault: 0.11 environment call from M-mode --
elsif (trap_ctrl.exc_buf(exception_m_envcall_c) = '1') then
trap_ctrl.cause_nxt <= trap_env_c;
trap_ctrl.cause_nxt <= trap_menv_c;
-- trap/fault: 0.3 breakpoint --
elsif (trap_ctrl.exc_buf(exception_break_c) = '1') then
1198,6 → 1224,7
csr.mie_msie <= '0';
csr.mie_meie <= '0';
csr.mie_mtie <= '0';
csr.mie_firqe <= (others => '0');
csr.mtvec <= (others => '0');
csr.mscratch <= (others => '0');
csr.mepc <= (others => '0');
1221,9 → 1248,14
csr.mstatus_mie <= csr_wdata_i(03);
csr.mstatus_mpie <= csr_wdata_i(07);
when x"4" => -- R/W: mie - machine interrupt-enable register
csr.mie_msie <= csr_wdata_i(03); -- SW IRQ enable
csr.mie_mtie <= csr_wdata_i(07); -- TIMER IRQ enable
csr.mie_meie <= csr_wdata_i(11); -- EXT IRQ enable
csr.mie_msie <= csr_wdata_i(03); -- machine SW IRQ enable
csr.mie_mtie <= csr_wdata_i(07); -- machine TIMER IRQ enable
csr.mie_meie <= csr_wdata_i(11); -- machine EXT IRQ enable
csr.mie_firqe(0) <= csr_wdata_i(16); -- fast interrupt channel 0
csr.mie_firqe(1) <= csr_wdata_i(17); -- fast interrupt channel 1
csr.mie_firqe(2) <= csr_wdata_i(18); -- fast interrupt channel 2
csr.mie_firqe(3) <= csr_wdata_i(19); -- fast interrupt channel 3
when x"5" => -- R/W: mtvec - machine trap-handler base address (for ALL exceptions)
csr.mtvec <= csr_wdata_i(data_width_c-1 downto 2) & "00"; -- mtvec.MODE=0
when others =>
1237,8 → 1269,6
csr.mscratch <= csr_wdata_i;
when x"1" => -- R/W: mepc - machine exception program counter
csr.mepc <= csr_wdata_i(data_width_c-1 downto 1) & '0';
when x"2" => -- R/W: mcause - machine trap cause
csr.mcause <= csr_wdata_i;
when x"3" => -- R/W: mtval - machine bad address or instruction
csr.mtval <= csr_wdata_i;
when others =>
1250,20 → 1280,20
-- automatic update by hardware --
-- machine exception PC & trap value register --
-- machine exception PC & machine trap value register --
if (trap_ctrl.env_start_ack = '1') then -- trap handler starting?
csr.mcause <= trap_ctrl.cause(4) & "000" & x"000000" & trap_ctrl.cause(3 downto 0);
if (trap_ctrl.cause(4) = '1') then -- for INTERRUPTS only (is mcause(31))
csr.mcause <= trap_ctrl.cause(trap_ctrl.cause'left) & "000" & x"00000" & "000" & trap_ctrl.cause(4 downto 0);
if (trap_ctrl.cause(trap_ctrl.cause'left) = '1') then -- for INTERRUPTS only (is mcause(31))
csr.mepc <= execute_engine.pc(data_width_c-1 downto 1) & '0'; -- this is the CURRENT pc = interrupted instruction
csr.mtval <= (others => '0'); -- mtval is zero for interrupts
else -- for EXCEPTIONS (according to their priority)
csr.mepc <= execute_engine.last_pc(data_width_c-1 downto 1) & '0'; -- this is the LAST pc = last executed instruction
if (trap_ctrl.cause(3 downto 0) = trap_iba_c(3 downto 0)) or -- instr access error OR
(trap_ctrl.cause(3 downto 0) = trap_ima_c(3 downto 0)) or -- misaligned instruction OR
(trap_ctrl.cause(3 downto 0) = trap_brk_c(3 downto 0)) or -- breakpoint OR
(trap_ctrl.cause(3 downto 0) = trap_env_c(3 downto 0)) then -- env call OR
if (trap_ctrl.cause(4 downto 0) = trap_iba_c(4 downto 0)) or -- instr access error OR
(trap_ctrl.cause(4 downto 0) = trap_ima_c(4 downto 0)) or -- misaligned instruction OR
(trap_ctrl.cause(4 downto 0) = trap_brk_c(4 downto 0)) or -- breakpoint OR
(trap_ctrl.cause(4 downto 0) = trap_menv_c(4 downto 0)) then -- env call OR
csr.mtval <= execute_engine.pc(data_width_c-1 downto 1) & '0'; -- address of faulting instruction
elsif (trap_ctrl.cause(3 downto 0) = trap_iil_c(3 downto 0)) then -- illegal instruction
elsif (trap_ctrl.cause(4 downto 0) = trap_iil_c(4 downto 0)) then -- illegal instruction
csr.mtval <= execute_engine.i_reg; -- faulting instruction itself
else -- load/store misalignments/access errors
csr.mtval <= mar_i; -- faulting data access address
1307,13 → 1337,19
csr_rdata_o(04) <= bool_to_ulogic_f(CPU_EXTENSION_RISCV_E); -- E CPU extension
csr_rdata_o(08) <= not bool_to_ulogic_f(CPU_EXTENSION_RISCV_E); -- I CPU extension (if not E)
csr_rdata_o(12) <= bool_to_ulogic_f(CPU_EXTENSION_RISCV_M); -- M CPU extension
csr_rdata_o(23) <= '1'; -- X CPU extension (non-std extensions)
csr_rdata_o(25) <= bool_to_ulogic_f(CPU_EXTENSION_RISCV_Zicsr) and bool_to_ulogic_f(CPU_EXTENSION_RISCV_Zifencei); -- Z CPU extension
csr_rdata_o(30) <= '1'; -- 32-bit architecture (MXL lo)
csr_rdata_o(31) <= '0'; -- 32-bit architecture (MXL hi)
when x"304" => -- R/W: mie - machine interrupt-enable register
csr_rdata_o(03) <= csr.mie_msie; -- software IRQ enable
csr_rdata_o(07) <= csr.mie_mtie; -- timer IRQ enable
csr_rdata_o(11) <= csr.mie_meie; -- external IRQ enable
csr_rdata_o(03) <= csr.mie_msie; -- machine software IRQ enable
csr_rdata_o(07) <= csr.mie_mtie; -- machine timer IRQ enable
csr_rdata_o(11) <= csr.mie_meie; -- machine external IRQ enable
csr_rdata_o(16) <= csr.mie_firqe(0); -- fast interrupt channel 0
csr_rdata_o(17) <= csr.mie_firqe(1); -- fast interrupt channel 1
csr_rdata_o(18) <= csr.mie_firqe(2); -- fast interrupt channel 2
csr_rdata_o(19) <= csr.mie_firqe(3); -- fast interrupt channel 3
when x"305" => -- R/W: mtvec - machine trap-handler base address (for ALL exceptions)
csr_rdata_o <= csr.mtvec(data_width_c-1 downto 2) & "00"; -- mtvec.MODE=0
1322,7 → 1358,7
csr_rdata_o <= csr.mscratch;
when x"341" => -- R/W: mepc - machine exception program counter
csr_rdata_o <= csr.mepc(data_width_c-1 downto 1) & '0';
when x"342" => -- R/W: mcause - machine trap cause
when x"342" => -- R/-: mcause - machine trap cause
csr_rdata_o <= csr.mcause;
when x"343" => -- R/W: mtval - machine bad address or instruction
csr_rdata_o <= csr.mtval;
1330,6 → 1366,11
csr_rdata_o(03) <= trap_ctrl.irq_buf(interrupt_msw_irq_c);
csr_rdata_o(07) <= trap_ctrl.irq_buf(interrupt_mtime_irq_c);
csr_rdata_o(11) <= trap_ctrl.irq_buf(interrupt_mext_irq_c);
csr_rdata_o(16) <= trap_ctrl.irq_buf(interrupt_firq_0_c);
csr_rdata_o(17) <= trap_ctrl.irq_buf(interrupt_firq_1_c);
csr_rdata_o(18) <= trap_ctrl.irq_buf(interrupt_firq_2_c);
csr_rdata_o(19) <= trap_ctrl.irq_buf(interrupt_firq_3_c);
-- counter and timers --
when x"c00" | x"b00" => -- R/(W): cycle/mcycle: Cycle counter LOW
41,7 → 41,7
-- Architecture Constants -----------------------------------------------------------------
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
constant data_width_c : natural := 32; -- data width - FIXED!
constant hw_version_c : std_ulogic_vector(31 downto 0) := x"01020006"; -- no touchy!
constant hw_version_c : std_ulogic_vector(31 downto 0) := x"01030000"; -- no touchy!
-- Helper Functions -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
76,10 → 76,9
constant gpio_in_addr_c : std_ulogic_vector(31 downto 0) := std_ulogic_vector(unsigned(gpio_base_c) + x"00000000");
constant gpio_out_addr_c : std_ulogic_vector(31 downto 0) := std_ulogic_vector(unsigned(gpio_base_c) + x"00000004");
-- Core-Local Interrupt Controller (CLIC) --
constant clic_base_c : std_ulogic_vector(data_width_c-1 downto 0) := x"FFFFFF88"; -- base address, fixed!
constant clic_size_c : natural := 1*4; -- bytes, fixed!
constant clic_ctrl_addr_c : std_ulogic_vector(31 downto 0) := std_ulogic_vector(unsigned(clic_base_c) + x"00000000");
--constant ???_base_c : std_ulogic_vector(data_width_c-1 downto 0) := x"FFFFFF88"; -- base address, fixed!
--constant ???_size_c : natural := 1*4; -- bytes, fixed!
-- Watch Dog Timer (WDT) --
constant wdt_base_c : std_ulogic_vector(data_width_c-1 downto 0) := x"FFFFFF8C"; -- base address, fixed!
317,18 → 316,25
-- Trap ID Codes --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
constant trap_ima_c : std_ulogic_vector(4 downto 0) := "00000"; -- 0.0: instruction misaligned
constant trap_iba_c : std_ulogic_vector(4 downto 0) := "00001"; -- 0.1: instruction access fault
constant trap_iil_c : std_ulogic_vector(4 downto 0) := "00010"; -- 0.2: illegal instruction
constant trap_brk_c : std_ulogic_vector(4 downto 0) := "00011"; -- 0.3: breakpoint
constant trap_lma_c : std_ulogic_vector(4 downto 0) := "00100"; -- 0.4: load address misaligned
constant trap_lbe_c : std_ulogic_vector(4 downto 0) := "00101"; -- 0.5: load access fault
constant trap_sma_c : std_ulogic_vector(4 downto 0) := "00110"; -- 0.6: store address misaligned
constant trap_sbe_c : std_ulogic_vector(4 downto 0) := "00111"; -- 0.7: store access fault
constant trap_env_c : std_ulogic_vector(4 downto 0) := "01011"; -- 0.11: environment call from m-mode
constant trap_msi_c : std_ulogic_vector(4 downto 0) := "10011"; -- 1.3: machine software interrupt
constant trap_mti_c : std_ulogic_vector(4 downto 0) := "10111"; -- 1.7: machine timer interrupt
constant trap_mei_c : std_ulogic_vector(4 downto 0) := "11011"; -- 1.11: machine external interrupt
-- risc-v compliant --
constant trap_ima_c : std_ulogic_vector(5 downto 0) := "000000"; -- 0.0: instruction misaligned
constant trap_iba_c : std_ulogic_vector(5 downto 0) := "000001"; -- 0.1: instruction access fault
constant trap_iil_c : std_ulogic_vector(5 downto 0) := "000010"; -- 0.2: illegal instruction
constant trap_brk_c : std_ulogic_vector(5 downto 0) := "000011"; -- 0.3: breakpoint
constant trap_lma_c : std_ulogic_vector(5 downto 0) := "000100"; -- 0.4: load address misaligned
constant trap_lbe_c : std_ulogic_vector(5 downto 0) := "000101"; -- 0.5: load access fault
constant trap_sma_c : std_ulogic_vector(5 downto 0) := "000110"; -- 0.6: store address misaligned
constant trap_sbe_c : std_ulogic_vector(5 downto 0) := "000111"; -- 0.7: store access fault
constant trap_menv_c : std_ulogic_vector(5 downto 0) := "001011"; -- 0.11: environment call from m-mode
constant trap_msi_c : std_ulogic_vector(5 downto 0) := "100011"; -- 1.3: machine software interrupt
constant trap_mti_c : std_ulogic_vector(5 downto 0) := "100111"; -- 1.7: machine timer interrupt
constant trap_mei_c : std_ulogic_vector(5 downto 0) := "101011"; -- 1.11: machine external interrupt
-- custom --
constant trap_firq0_c : std_ulogic_vector(5 downto 0) := "110000"; -- 1.16: fast interrupt 0
constant trap_firq1_c : std_ulogic_vector(5 downto 0) := "110001"; -- 1.17: fast interrupt 1
constant trap_firq2_c : std_ulogic_vector(5 downto 0) := "110010"; -- 1.18: fast interrupt 2
constant trap_firq3_c : std_ulogic_vector(5 downto 0) := "110011"; -- 1.19: fast interrupt 3
-- CPU Control Exception System -----------------------------------------------------------
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
342,12 → 348,18
constant exception_lalign_c : natural := 6; -- load address misaligned
constant exception_saccess_c : natural := 7; -- store access fault
constant exception_laccess_c : natural := 8; -- load access fault
constant exception_width_c : natural := 9; -- length of this list in bits
-- interrupt source bits --
constant interrupt_msw_irq_c : natural := 0; -- machine software interrupt
constant interrupt_mtime_irq_c : natural := 1; -- machine timer interrupt
constant interrupt_mext_irq_c : natural := 2; -- machine external interrupt
constant interrupt_width_c : natural := 3; -- length of this list in bits
constant interrupt_firq_0_c : natural := 3; -- fast interrupt channel 0
constant interrupt_firq_1_c : natural := 4; -- fast interrupt channel 1
constant interrupt_firq_2_c : natural := 5; -- fast interrupt channel 2
constant interrupt_firq_3_c : natural := 6; -- fast interrupt channel 3
constant interrupt_width_c : natural := 7; -- length of this list in bits
-- Clock Generator -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
398,7 → 410,6
IO_TWI_USE : boolean := true; -- implement two-wire interface (TWI)?
IO_PWM_USE : boolean := true; -- implement pulse-width modulation unit (PWM)?
IO_WDT_USE : boolean := true; -- implement watch dog timer (WDT)?
IO_CLIC_USE : boolean := true; -- implement core local interrupt controller (CLIC)?
IO_TRNG_USE : boolean := false; -- implement true random number generator (TRNG)?
IO_DEVNULL_USE : boolean := true -- implement dummy device (DEVNULL)?
428,7 → 439,7
-- SPI --
spi_sck_o : out std_ulogic; -- SPI serial clock
spi_sdo_o : out std_ulogic; -- controller data out, peripheral data in
spi_sdi_i : in std_ulogic; -- controller data in, peripheral data out
spi_sdi_i : in std_ulogic := '0'; -- controller data in, peripheral data out
spi_csn_o : out std_ulogic_vector(07 downto 0); -- SPI CS
-- TWI --
twi_sda_io : inout std_logic := 'H'; -- twi serial data line
436,8 → 447,8
-- PWM --
pwm_o : out std_ulogic_vector(03 downto 0); -- pwm channels
-- Interrupts --
ext_irq_i : in std_ulogic_vector(01 downto 0) := (others => '0'); -- external interrupt request
ext_ack_o : out std_ulogic_vector(01 downto 0) -- external interrupt request acknowledge
msw_irq_i : in std_ulogic := '0'; -- machine software interrupt
mext_irq_i : in std_ulogic := '0' -- machine external interrupt
end component;
447,8 → 458,8
generic (
-- General --
CSR_COUNTERS_USE : boolean := true; -- implement RISC-V perf. counters ([m]instret[h], [m]cycle[h], time[h])?
HW_THREAD_ID : std_ulogic_vector(31 downto 0):= x"00000000"; -- hardware thread id
CPU_BOOT_ADDR : std_ulogic_vector(31 downto 0):= x"00000000"; -- cpu boot address
HW_THREAD_ID : std_ulogic_vector(31 downto 0):= (others => '0'); -- hardware thread id
CPU_BOOT_ADDR : std_ulogic_vector(31 downto 0):= (others => '0'); -- cpu boot address
-- RISC-V CPU Extensions --
CPU_EXTENSION_RISCV_C : boolean := false; -- implement compressed extension?
CPU_EXTENSION_RISCV_E : boolean := false; -- implement embedded RF extension?
455,41 → 466,43
CPU_EXTENSION_RISCV_M : boolean := false; -- implement muld/div extension?
CPU_EXTENSION_RISCV_Zicsr : boolean := true; -- implement CSR system?
CPU_EXTENSION_RISCV_Zifencei : boolean := true; -- implement instruction stream sync.?
-- Memory configuration: External memory interface --
MEM_EXT_TIMEOUT : natural := 15 -- cycles after which a valid bus access will timeout
-- Bus Interface --
BUS_TIMEOUT : natural := 15 -- cycles after which a valid bus access will timeout
port (
-- global control --
clk_i : in std_ulogic; -- global clock, rising edge
rstn_i : in std_ulogic; -- global reset, low-active, async
clk_i : in std_ulogic := '0'; -- global clock, rising edge
rstn_i : in std_ulogic := '0'; -- global reset, low-active, async
-- instruction bus interface --
i_bus_addr_o : out std_ulogic_vector(data_width_c-1 downto 0); -- bus access address
i_bus_rdata_i : in std_ulogic_vector(data_width_c-1 downto 0); -- bus read data
i_bus_rdata_i : in std_ulogic_vector(data_width_c-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); -- bus read data
i_bus_wdata_o : out std_ulogic_vector(data_width_c-1 downto 0); -- bus write data
i_bus_ben_o : out std_ulogic_vector(03 downto 0); -- byte enable
i_bus_we_o : out std_ulogic; -- write enable
i_bus_re_o : out std_ulogic; -- read enable
i_bus_cancel_o : out std_ulogic; -- cancel current bus transaction
i_bus_ack_i : in std_ulogic; -- bus transfer acknowledge
i_bus_err_i : in std_ulogic; -- bus transfer error
i_bus_ack_i : in std_ulogic := '0'; -- bus transfer acknowledge
i_bus_err_i : in std_ulogic := '0'; -- bus transfer error
i_bus_fence_o : out std_ulogic; -- executed FENCEI operation
-- data bus interface --
d_bus_addr_o : out std_ulogic_vector(data_width_c-1 downto 0); -- bus access address
d_bus_rdata_i : in std_ulogic_vector(data_width_c-1 downto 0); -- bus read data
d_bus_rdata_i : in std_ulogic_vector(data_width_c-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); -- bus read data
d_bus_wdata_o : out std_ulogic_vector(data_width_c-1 downto 0); -- bus write data
d_bus_ben_o : out std_ulogic_vector(03 downto 0); -- byte enable
d_bus_we_o : out std_ulogic; -- write enable
d_bus_re_o : out std_ulogic; -- read enable
d_bus_cancel_o : out std_ulogic; -- cancel current bus transaction
d_bus_ack_i : in std_ulogic; -- bus transfer acknowledge
d_bus_err_i : in std_ulogic; -- bus transfer error
d_bus_ack_i : in std_ulogic := '0'; -- bus transfer acknowledge
d_bus_err_i : in std_ulogic := '0'; -- bus transfer error
d_bus_fence_o : out std_ulogic; -- executed FENCE operation
-- system time input from MTIME --
time_i : in std_ulogic_vector(63 downto 0); -- current system time
-- external interrupts --
msw_irq_i : in std_ulogic; -- software interrupt
clic_irq_i : in std_ulogic; -- CLIC interrupt request
mtime_irq_i : in std_ulogic -- machine timer interrupt
time_i : in std_ulogic_vector(63 downto 0) := (others => '0'); -- current system time
-- interrupts (risc-v compliant) --
msw_irq_i : in std_ulogic := '0'; -- machine software interrupt
mext_irq_i : in std_ulogic := '0'; -- machine external interrupt
mtime_irq_i : in std_ulogic := '0'; -- machine timer interrupt
-- fast interrupts (custom) --
firq_i : in std_ulogic_vector(3 downto 0) := (others => '0')
end component;
529,10 → 542,12
-- csr interface --
csr_wdata_i : in std_ulogic_vector(data_width_c-1 downto 0); -- CSR write data
csr_rdata_o : out std_ulogic_vector(data_width_c-1 downto 0); -- CSR read data
-- external interrupt --
msw_irq_i : in std_ulogic; -- software interrupt
clic_irq_i : in std_ulogic; -- CLIC interrupt request
-- interrupts (risc-v compliant) --
msw_irq_i : in std_ulogic; -- machine software interrupt
mext_irq_i : in std_ulogic; -- machine external interrupt
mtime_irq_i : in std_ulogic; -- machine timer interrupt
-- fast interrupts (custom) --
firq_i : in std_ulogic_vector(3 downto 0);
-- system time input from MTIME --
time_i : in std_ulogic_vector(63 downto 0); -- current system time
-- bus access exceptions --
620,7 → 635,7
component neorv32_cpu_bus
generic (
CPU_EXTENSION_RISCV_C : boolean := true; -- implement compressed extension?
MEM_EXT_TIMEOUT : natural := 15 -- cycles after which a valid bus access will timeout
BUS_TIMEOUT : natural := 15 -- cycles after which a valid bus access will timeout
port (
-- global control --
821,27 → 836,6
end component;
-- Component: Core Local Interrupt Controller (CLIC) --------------------------------------
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
component neorv32_clic
port (
-- host access --
clk_i : in std_ulogic; -- global clock line
addr_i : in std_ulogic_vector(31 downto 0); -- address
rden_i : in std_ulogic; -- read enable
wren_i : in std_ulogic; -- write enable
ben_i : in std_ulogic_vector(03 downto 0); -- byte write enable
data_i : in std_ulogic_vector(31 downto 0); -- data in
data_o : out std_ulogic_vector(31 downto 0); -- data out
ack_o : out std_ulogic; -- transfer acknowledge
-- cpu interrupt --
cpu_irq_o : out std_ulogic; -- trigger CPU's external IRQ
-- external interrupt lines --
ext_irq_i : in std_ulogic_vector(07 downto 0); -- IRQ, triggering on HIGH level
ext_ack_o : out std_ulogic_vector(07 downto 0) -- acknowledge
end component;
-- Component: Watchdog Timer (WDT) --------------------------------------------------------
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
component neorv32_wdt
1064,7 → 1058,6
IO_TWI_USE : boolean := true; -- implement two-wire interface (TWI)?
IO_PWM_USE : boolean := true; -- implement pulse-width modulation unit (PWM)?
IO_WDT_USE : boolean := true; -- implement watch dog timer (WDT)?
IO_CLIC_USE : boolean := true; -- implement core local interrupt controller (CLIC)?
IO_TRNG_USE : boolean := true; -- implement true random number generator (TRNG)?
IO_DEVNULL_USE : boolean := true -- implement dummy device (DEVNULL)?
69,7 → 69,6
IO_TWI_USE : boolean := true; -- implement two-wire interface (TWI)?
IO_PWM_USE : boolean := true; -- implement pulse-width modulation unit (PWM)?
IO_WDT_USE : boolean := true; -- implement watch dog timer (WDT)?
IO_CLIC_USE : boolean := true; -- implement core local interrupt controller (CLIC)?
IO_TRNG_USE : boolean := true; -- implement true random number generator (TRNG)?
IO_DEVNULL_USE : boolean := true -- implement dummy device (DEVNULL)?
125,6 → 124,7
sysinfo_mem(2)(02) <= bool_to_ulogic_f(MEM_INT_IMEM_USE); -- implement processor-internal instruction memory?
sysinfo_mem(2)(03) <= bool_to_ulogic_f(MEM_INT_IMEM_ROM); -- implement processor-internal instruction memory as ROM?
sysinfo_mem(2)(04) <= bool_to_ulogic_f(MEM_INT_DMEM_USE); -- implement processor-internal data memory?
sysinfo_mem(2)(15 downto 05) <= (others => '0'); -- reserved
-- IO
sysinfo_mem(2)(16) <= bool_to_ulogic_f(IO_GPIO_USE); -- implement general purpose input/output port unit (GPIO)?
sysinfo_mem(2)(17) <= bool_to_ulogic_f(IO_MTIME_USE); -- implement machine system timer (MTIME)?
133,9 → 133,10
sysinfo_mem(2)(20) <= bool_to_ulogic_f(IO_TWI_USE); -- implement two-wire interface (TWI)?
sysinfo_mem(2)(21) <= bool_to_ulogic_f(IO_PWM_USE); -- implement pulse-width modulation unit (PWM)?
sysinfo_mem(2)(22) <= bool_to_ulogic_f(IO_WDT_USE); -- implement watch dog timer (WDT)?
sysinfo_mem(2)(23) <= bool_to_ulogic_f(IO_CLIC_USE); -- implement core local interrupt controller (CLIC)?
sysinfo_mem(2)(23) <= '0';
sysinfo_mem(2)(24) <= bool_to_ulogic_f(IO_TRNG_USE); -- implement true random number generator (TRNG)?
sysinfo_mem(2)(25) <= bool_to_ulogic_f(IO_DEVNULL_USE); -- implement dummy device (DEVNULL)?
sysinfo_mem(2)(31 downto 26) <= (others => '0'); -- reserved
-- SYSINFO(3): reserved --
sysinfo_mem(3) <= (others => '0'); -- reserved - maybe for technology-specific configuration options?
80,7 → 80,6
IO_TWI_USE : boolean := true; -- implement two-wire interface (TWI)?
IO_PWM_USE : boolean := true; -- implement pulse-width modulation unit (PWM)?
IO_WDT_USE : boolean := true; -- implement watch dog timer (WDT)?
IO_CLIC_USE : boolean := true; -- implement core local interrupt controller (CLIC)?
IO_TRNG_USE : boolean := false; -- implement true random number generator (TRNG)?
IO_DEVNULL_USE : boolean := true -- implement dummy device (DEVNULL)?
110,16 → 109,16
-- SPI (available if IO_SPI_USE = true) --
spi_sck_o : out std_ulogic; -- SPI serial clock
spi_sdo_o : out std_ulogic; -- controller data out, peripheral data in
spi_sdi_i : in std_ulogic; -- controller data in, peripheral data out
spi_sdi_i : in std_ulogic := '0'; -- controller data in, peripheral data out
spi_csn_o : out std_ulogic_vector(07 downto 0); -- SPI CS
-- TWI (available if IO_TWI_USE = true) --
twi_sda_io : inout std_logic := 'H'; -- twi serial data line
twi_scl_io : inout std_logic := 'H'; -- twi serial clock line
-- PWM (available if IO_PWM_USE = true) --
pwm_o : out std_ulogic_vector(03 downto 0); -- pwm channels
-- Interrupts (available if IO_CLIC_USE = true) --
ext_irq_i : in std_ulogic_vector(01 downto 0) := (others => '0'); -- external interrupt request
ext_ack_o : out std_ulogic_vector(01 downto 0) -- external interrupt request acknowledge
pwm_o : out std_ulogic_vector(03 downto 0); -- pwm channels
-- Interrupts --
msw_irq_i : in std_ulogic := '0'; -- machine software interrupt
mext_irq_i : in std_ulogic := '0' -- machine external interrupt
end neorv32_top;
191,8 → 190,6
signal pwm_ack : std_ulogic;
signal wdt_rdata : std_ulogic_vector(data_width_c-1 downto 0);
signal wdt_ack : std_ulogic;
signal clic_rdata : std_ulogic_vector(data_width_c-1 downto 0);
signal clic_ack : std_ulogic;
signal trng_rdata : std_ulogic_vector(data_width_c-1 downto 0);
signal trng_ack : std_ulogic;
signal devnull_rdata : std_ulogic_vector(data_width_c-1 downto 0);
202,9 → 199,7
-- IRQs --
signal mtime_irq : std_ulogic;
signal clic_irq : std_ulogic;
signal clic_xirq : std_ulogic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal clic_xack : std_ulogic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal fast_irq : std_ulogic_vector(3 downto 0);
signal gpio_irq : std_ulogic;
signal wdt_irq : std_ulogic;
signal uart_irq : std_ulogic;
256,10 → 251,6
if (CPU_EXTENSION_RISCV_Zicsr = false) then
assert false report "NEORV32 CONFIG WARNING! No exception/interrupt/machine features available when CPU_EXTENSION_RISCV_Zicsr = false." severity warning;
end if;
-- core local interrupt controller --
if (CPU_EXTENSION_RISCV_Zicsr = false) and (IO_CLIC_USE = true) then
assert false report "NEORV32 CONFIG ERROR! Core local interrupt controller (CLIC) cannot be used without >Zicsr< CPU extension." severity error;
end if;
-- memory layout notifier --
if (MEM_ISPACE_BASE /= x"00000000") then
339,8 → 330,8
CPU_EXTENSION_RISCV_M => CPU_EXTENSION_RISCV_M, -- implement muld/div extension?
CPU_EXTENSION_RISCV_Zicsr => CPU_EXTENSION_RISCV_Zicsr, -- implement CSR system?
CPU_EXTENSION_RISCV_Zifencei => CPU_EXTENSION_RISCV_Zifencei, -- implement instruction stream sync.?
-- Memory configuration: External memory interface --
MEM_EXT_TIMEOUT => MEM_EXT_TIMEOUT -- cycles after which a valid bus access will timeout
-- Bus Interface --
BUS_TIMEOUT => MEM_EXT_TIMEOUT -- cycles after which a valid bus access will timeout
port map (
-- global control --
370,13 → 361,25
d_bus_fence_o => cpu_d.fence, -- executed FENCE operation
-- system time input from MTIME --
time_i => mtime_time, -- current system time
-- external interrupts --
msw_irq_i => '0', -- software interrupt
clic_irq_i => clic_irq, -- CLIC interrupt request
mtime_irq_i => mtime_irq -- machine timer interrupt
-- interrupts (risc-v compliant) --
msw_irq_i => msw_irq_i, -- machine software interrupt
mext_irq_i => mext_irq_i, -- machine external interrupt request
mtime_irq_i => mtime_irq, -- machine timer interrupt
-- fast interrupts (custom) --
firq_i => fast_irq
-- advanced memory control --
fence_o <= cpu_d.fence; -- indicates an executed FENCE operation
fencei_o <= cpu_i.fence; -- indicates an executed FENCEI operation
-- fast interrupts --
fast_irq(0) <= wdt_irq; -- highest priority
fast_irq(1) <= gpio_irq;
fast_irq(2) <= uart_irq;
fast_irq(3) <= spi_irq or twi_irq; -- lowest priority, can be triggered by SPI or TWI
-- CPU Crossbar Switch --------------------------------------------------------------------
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
neorv32_busswitch_inst: neorv32_busswitch
420,19 → 423,15
p_bus_err_i => p_bus.err -- bus transfer error
-- advanced memory control --
fence_o <= cpu_d.fence; -- indicates an executed FENCE operation
fencei_o <= cpu_i.fence; -- indicates an executed FENCEI operation
-- process bus: CPU data input --
-- processor bus: CPU data input --
p_bus.rdata <= (imem_rdata or dmem_rdata or bootrom_rdata) or wishbone_rdata or (gpio_rdata or mtime_rdata or uart_rdata or
spi_rdata or twi_rdata or pwm_rdata or wdt_rdata or clic_rdata or trng_rdata or devnull_rdata or sysinfo_rdata);
spi_rdata or twi_rdata or pwm_rdata or wdt_rdata or trng_rdata or devnull_rdata or sysinfo_rdata);
-- process bus: CPU data ACK input --
-- processor bus: CPU data ACK input --
p_bus.ack <= (imem_ack or dmem_ack or bootrom_ack) or wishbone_ack or (gpio_ack or mtime_ack or uart_ack or
spi_ack or twi_ack or pwm_ack or wdt_ack or clic_ack or trng_ack or devnull_ack or sysinfo_ack);
spi_ack or twi_ack or pwm_ack or wdt_ack or trng_ack or devnull_ack or sysinfo_ack);
-- process bus: CPU data bus error input --
-- processor bus: CPU data bus error input --
p_bus.err <= wishbone_err;
615,52 → 614,6
end generate;
-- Core-Local Interrupt Controller (CLIC) -------------------------------------------------
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
if (IO_CLIC_USE = true) generate
neorv32_clic_inst: neorv32_clic
port map (
-- host access --
clk_i => clk_i, -- global clock line
rden_i => io_rden, -- read enable
wren_i => io_wren, -- write enable
ben_i => p_bus.ben, -- byte write enable
addr_i => p_bus.addr, -- address
data_i => p_bus.wdata, -- data in
data_o => clic_rdata, -- data out
ack_o => clic_ack, -- transfer acknowledge
-- cpu interrupt --
cpu_irq_o => clic_irq, -- trigger CPU's external IRQ
-- external interrupt lines --
ext_irq_i => clic_xirq, -- IRQ, triggering on HIGH level
ext_ack_o => clic_xack -- acknowledge
end generate;
-- CLIC interrupt channels and priority --
clic_xirq(0) <= wdt_irq; -- highest priority
clic_xirq(1) <= '0'; -- reserved
clic_xirq(2) <= gpio_irq;
clic_xirq(3) <= uart_irq;
clic_xirq(4) <= spi_irq;
clic_xirq(5) <= twi_irq;
clic_xirq(6) <= ext_irq_i(0);
clic_xirq(7) <= ext_irq_i(1); -- lowest priority
-- external interrupt request acknowledge --
ext_ack_o(0) <= clic_xack(6);
ext_ack_o(1) <= clic_xack(7);
if (IO_CLIC_USE = false) generate
clic_rdata <= (others => '0');
clic_ack <= '0';
clic_irq <= '0';
clic_xack <= (others => '0');
end generate;
-- Watch Dog Timer (WDT) ------------------------------------------------------------------
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
952,7 → 905,6
IO_TWI_USE => IO_TWI_USE, -- implement two-wire interface (TWI)?
IO_PWM_USE => IO_PWM_USE, -- implement pulse-width modulation unit (PWM)?
IO_WDT_USE => IO_WDT_USE, -- implement watch dog timer (WDT)?
IO_CLIC_USE => IO_CLIC_USE, -- implement core local interrupt controller (CLIC)?
IO_TRNG_USE => IO_TRNG_USE, -- implement true random number generator (TRNG)?
IO_DEVNULL_USE => IO_DEVNULL_USE -- implement dummy device (DEVNULL)?
90,7 → 90,7
-- Access Control -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
acc_en <= '1' when (addr_i >= DMEM_BASE) and (addr_i < std_ulogic_vector(unsigned(DMEM_BASE) + DMEM_SIZE)) else '0';
acc_en <= '1' when (unsigned(addr_i) >= unsigned(DMEM_BASE)) and (unsigned(addr_i) < unsigned(DMEM_BASE) + DMEM_SIZE) else '0';
mem_cs <= acc_en and (rden_i or wren_i);
93,7 → 93,7
-- Access Control -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
acc_en <= '1' when (addr_i >= IMEM_BASE) and (addr_i < std_ulogic_vector(unsigned(IMEM_BASE) + IMEM_SIZE)) else '0';
acc_en <= '1' when (unsigned(addr_i) >= unsigned(IMEM_BASE)) and (unsigned(addr_i) < unsigned(IMEM_BASE) + IMEM_SIZE) else '0';
mem_cs <= acc_en and (rden_i or wren_i);
102,7 → 102,6
IO_TWI_USE => false, -- implement two-wire interface (TWI)?
IO_PWM_USE => false, -- implement pulse-width modulation unit (PWM)?
IO_WDT_USE => true, -- implement watch dog timer (WDT)?
IO_CLIC_USE => true, -- implement core local interrupt controller (CLIC)?
IO_TRNG_USE => false, -- implement true random number generator (TRNG)?
IO_DEVNULL_USE => true -- implement dummy device (DEVNULL)?
140,8 → 139,8
-- PWM --
pwm_o => open, -- pwm channels
-- Interrupts --
ext_irq_i => (others => '0'), -- external interrupt request
ext_ack_o => open -- external interrupt request acknowledge
msw_irq_i => '0', -- machine software interrupt
mext_irq_i => '0' -- machine external interrupt
-- output --
37,7 → 37,6
ghdl -a --work=neorv32 $srcdir_core/neorv32_boot_rom.vhd
ghdl -a --work=neorv32 $srcdir_core/neorv32_busswitch.vhd
ghdl -a --work=neorv32 $srcdir_core/neorv32_clic.vhd
ghdl -a --work=neorv32 $srcdir_core/neorv32_cpu.vhd
ghdl -a --work=neorv32 $srcdir_core/neorv32_cpu_alu.vhd
ghdl -a --work=neorv32 $srcdir_core/neorv32_cpu_bus.vhd
12,15 → 12,15
<ZoomStartTime time="125360934fs"></ZoomStartTime>
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<wvobject type="divider" fp_name="divider273">
<obj_property name="label">CPU: Control.FETCH</obj_property>
<obj_property name="DisplayName">label</obj_property>
61,70 → 61,6
<obj_property name="ElementShortName">fetch_engine</obj_property>
<obj_property name="ObjectShortName">fetch_engine</obj_property>
<obj_property name="isExpanded"></obj_property>
<wvobject fp_name="/neorv32_tb/neorv32_top_inst/neorv32_cpu_inst/neorv32_cpu_control_inst/fetch_engine.state" type="other">
<obj_property name="ElementShortName">.state</obj_property>
<obj_property name="ObjectShortName">.state</obj_property>
<wvobject fp_name="/neorv32_tb/neorv32_top_inst/neorv32_cpu_inst/neorv32_cpu_control_inst/fetch_engine.state_nxt" type="other">
<obj_property name="ElementShortName">.state_nxt</obj_property>
<obj_property name="ObjectShortName">.state_nxt</obj_property>
<wvobject fp_name="/neorv32_tb/neorv32_top_inst/neorv32_cpu_inst/neorv32_cpu_control_inst/fetch_engine.i_buf" type="array">
<obj_property name="ElementShortName">.i_buf[33:0]</obj_property>
<obj_property name="ObjectShortName">.i_buf[33:0]</obj_property>
<wvobject fp_name="/neorv32_tb/neorv32_top_inst/neorv32_cpu_inst/neorv32_cpu_control_inst/fetch_engine.i_buf_nxt" type="array">
<obj_property name="ElementShortName">.i_buf_nxt[33:0]</obj_property>
<obj_property name="ObjectShortName">.i_buf_nxt[33:0]</obj_property>
<wvobject fp_name="/neorv32_tb/neorv32_top_inst/neorv32_cpu_inst/neorv32_cpu_control_inst/fetch_engine.i_buf2" type="array">
<obj_property name="ElementShortName">.i_buf2[33:0]</obj_property>
<obj_property name="ObjectShortName">.i_buf2[33:0]</obj_property>
<wvobject fp_name="/neorv32_tb/neorv32_top_inst/neorv32_cpu_inst/neorv32_cpu_control_inst/fetch_engine.i_buf2_nxt" type="array">
<obj_property name="ElementShortName">.i_buf2_nxt[33:0]</obj_property>
<obj_property name="ObjectShortName">.i_buf2_nxt[33:0]</obj_property>
<wvobject fp_name="/neorv32_tb/neorv32_top_inst/neorv32_cpu_inst/neorv32_cpu_control_inst/fetch_engine.ci_input" type="array">
<obj_property name="ElementShortName">.ci_input[15:0]</obj_property>
<obj_property name="ObjectShortName">.ci_input[15:0]</obj_property>
<wvobject fp_name="/neorv32_tb/neorv32_top_inst/neorv32_cpu_inst/neorv32_cpu_control_inst/fetch_engine.i_buf_state" type="array">
<obj_property name="ElementShortName">.i_buf_state[1:0]</obj_property>
<obj_property name="ObjectShortName">.i_buf_state[1:0]</obj_property>
<wvobject fp_name="/neorv32_tb/neorv32_top_inst/neorv32_cpu_inst/neorv32_cpu_control_inst/fetch_engine.i_buf_state_nxt" type="array">
<obj_property name="ElementShortName">.i_buf_state_nxt[1:0]</obj_property>
<obj_property name="ObjectShortName">.i_buf_state_nxt[1:0]</obj_property>
<wvobject fp_name="/neorv32_tb/neorv32_top_inst/neorv32_cpu_inst/neorv32_cpu_control_inst/fetch_engine.pc_real" type="array">
<obj_property name="ElementShortName">.pc_real[31:0]</obj_property>
<obj_property name="ObjectShortName">.pc_real[31:0]</obj_property>
<obj_property name="CustomSignalColor">#FFFFFF</obj_property>
<obj_property name="UseCustomSignalColor">true</obj_property>
<wvobject fp_name="/neorv32_tb/neorv32_top_inst/neorv32_cpu_inst/neorv32_cpu_control_inst/fetch_engine.pc_real_add" type="array">
<obj_property name="ElementShortName">.pc_real_add[31:0]</obj_property>
<obj_property name="ObjectShortName">.pc_real_add[31:0]</obj_property>
<wvobject fp_name="/neorv32_tb/neorv32_top_inst/neorv32_cpu_inst/neorv32_cpu_control_inst/fetch_engine.pc_fetch" type="array">
<obj_property name="ElementShortName">.pc_fetch[31:0]</obj_property>
<obj_property name="ObjectShortName">.pc_fetch[31:0]</obj_property>
<obj_property name="CustomSignalColor">#FFFFFF</obj_property>
<obj_property name="UseCustomSignalColor">true</obj_property>
<wvobject fp_name="/neorv32_tb/neorv32_top_inst/neorv32_cpu_inst/neorv32_cpu_control_inst/fetch_engine.pc_fetch_add" type="array">
<obj_property name="ElementShortName">.pc_fetch_add[31:0]</obj_property>
<obj_property name="ObjectShortName">.pc_fetch_add[31:0]</obj_property>
<wvobject fp_name="/neorv32_tb/neorv32_top_inst/neorv32_cpu_inst/neorv32_cpu_control_inst/fetch_engine.reset" type="logic">
<obj_property name="ElementShortName">.reset</obj_property>
<obj_property name="ObjectShortName">.reset</obj_property>
<wvobject fp_name="/neorv32_tb/neorv32_top_inst/neorv32_cpu_inst/neorv32_cpu_control_inst/fetch_engine.bus_err_ack" type="logic">
<obj_property name="ElementShortName">.bus_err_ack</obj_property>
<obj_property name="ObjectShortName">.bus_err_ack</obj_property>
<wvobject type="divider" fp_name="divider273">
<obj_property name="label">CPU: Control.IPB</obj_property>
167,10 → 103,6
<obj_property name="ElementShortName">csr_rdata_o[31:0]</obj_property>
<obj_property name="ObjectShortName">csr_rdata_o[31:0]</obj_property>
<wvobject fp_name="/neorv32_tb/neorv32_top_inst/neorv32_cpu_inst/neorv32_cpu_control_inst/clic_irq_i" type="logic">
<obj_property name="ElementShortName">clic_irq_i</obj_property>
<obj_property name="ObjectShortName">clic_irq_i</obj_property>
<wvobject fp_name="/neorv32_tb/neorv32_top_inst/neorv32_cpu_inst/neorv32_cpu_control_inst/mtime_irq_i" type="logic">
<obj_property name="ElementShortName">mtime_irq_i</obj_property>
<obj_property name="ObjectShortName">mtime_irq_i</obj_property>
239,6 → 171,70
<obj_property name="ElementShortName">execute_engine</obj_property>
<obj_property name="ObjectShortName">execute_engine</obj_property>
<obj_property name="isExpanded"></obj_property>
<wvobject fp_name="/neorv32_tb/neorv32_top_inst/neorv32_cpu_inst/neorv32_cpu_control_inst/execute_engine.state" type="other">
<obj_property name="ElementShortName">.state</obj_property>
<obj_property name="ObjectShortName">.state</obj_property>
<obj_property name="CustomSignalColor">#FFA500</obj_property>
<obj_property name="UseCustomSignalColor">true</obj_property>
<wvobject fp_name="/neorv32_tb/neorv32_top_inst/neorv32_cpu_inst/neorv32_cpu_control_inst/execute_engine.state_nxt" type="other">
<obj_property name="ElementShortName">.state_nxt</obj_property>
<obj_property name="ObjectShortName">.state_nxt</obj_property>
<wvobject fp_name="/neorv32_tb/neorv32_top_inst/neorv32_cpu_inst/neorv32_cpu_control_inst/execute_engine.i_reg" type="array">
<obj_property name="ElementShortName">.i_reg[31:0]</obj_property>
<obj_property name="ObjectShortName">.i_reg[31:0]</obj_property>
<wvobject fp_name="/neorv32_tb/neorv32_top_inst/neorv32_cpu_inst/neorv32_cpu_control_inst/execute_engine.i_reg_nxt" type="array">
<obj_property name="ElementShortName">.i_reg_nxt[31:0]</obj_property>
<obj_property name="ObjectShortName">.i_reg_nxt[31:0]</obj_property>
<wvobject fp_name="/neorv32_tb/neorv32_top_inst/neorv32_cpu_inst/neorv32_cpu_control_inst/execute_engine.is_ci" type="logic">
<obj_property name="ElementShortName">.is_ci</obj_property>
<obj_property name="ObjectShortName">.is_ci</obj_property>
<wvobject fp_name="/neorv32_tb/neorv32_top_inst/neorv32_cpu_inst/neorv32_cpu_control_inst/execute_engine.is_ci_nxt" type="logic">
<obj_property name="ElementShortName">.is_ci_nxt</obj_property>
<obj_property name="ObjectShortName">.is_ci_nxt</obj_property>
<wvobject fp_name="/neorv32_tb/neorv32_top_inst/neorv32_cpu_inst/neorv32_cpu_control_inst/execute_engine.is_jump" type="logic">
<obj_property name="ElementShortName">.is_jump</obj_property>
<obj_property name="ObjectShortName">.is_jump</obj_property>
<wvobject fp_name="/neorv32_tb/neorv32_top_inst/neorv32_cpu_inst/neorv32_cpu_control_inst/execute_engine.is_jump_nxt" type="logic">
<obj_property name="ElementShortName">.is_jump_nxt</obj_property>
<obj_property name="ObjectShortName">.is_jump_nxt</obj_property>
<wvobject fp_name="/neorv32_tb/neorv32_top_inst/neorv32_cpu_inst/neorv32_cpu_control_inst/execute_engine.branch_taken" type="logic">
<obj_property name="ElementShortName">.branch_taken</obj_property>
<obj_property name="ObjectShortName">.branch_taken</obj_property>
<wvobject fp_name="/neorv32_tb/neorv32_top_inst/neorv32_cpu_inst/neorv32_cpu_control_inst/execute_engine.pc" type="array">
<obj_property name="ElementShortName">.pc[31:0]</obj_property>
<obj_property name="ObjectShortName">.pc[31:0]</obj_property>
<obj_property name="CustomSignalColor">#FFFFFF</obj_property>
<obj_property name="UseCustomSignalColor">true</obj_property>
<wvobject fp_name="/neorv32_tb/neorv32_top_inst/neorv32_cpu_inst/neorv32_cpu_control_inst/execute_engine.pc_nxt" type="array">
<obj_property name="ElementShortName">.pc_nxt[31:0]</obj_property>
<obj_property name="ObjectShortName">.pc_nxt[31:0]</obj_property>
<wvobject fp_name="/neorv32_tb/neorv32_top_inst/neorv32_cpu_inst/neorv32_cpu_control_inst/execute_engine.next_pc" type="array">
<obj_property name="ElementShortName">.next_pc[31:0]</obj_property>
<obj_property name="ObjectShortName">.next_pc[31:0]</obj_property>
<wvobject fp_name="/neorv32_tb/neorv32_top_inst/neorv32_cpu_inst/neorv32_cpu_control_inst/execute_engine.last_pc" type="array">
<obj_property name="ElementShortName">.last_pc[31:0]</obj_property>
<obj_property name="ObjectShortName">.last_pc[31:0]</obj_property>
<wvobject fp_name="/neorv32_tb/neorv32_top_inst/neorv32_cpu_inst/neorv32_cpu_control_inst/execute_engine.sleep" type="logic">
<obj_property name="ElementShortName">.sleep</obj_property>
<obj_property name="ObjectShortName">.sleep</obj_property>
<wvobject fp_name="/neorv32_tb/neorv32_top_inst/neorv32_cpu_inst/neorv32_cpu_control_inst/execute_engine.sleep_nxt" type="logic">
<obj_property name="ElementShortName">.sleep_nxt</obj_property>
<obj_property name="ObjectShortName">.sleep_nxt</obj_property>
<wvobject fp_name="/neorv32_tb/neorv32_top_inst/neorv32_cpu_inst/neorv32_cpu_control_inst/CPU_EXTENSION_RISCV_C" type="other">
<obj_property name="ElementShortName">CPU_EXTENSION_RISCV_C</obj_property>
482,10 → 478,6
<obj_property name="ElementShortName">be_store_o</obj_property>
<obj_property name="ObjectShortName">be_store_o</obj_property>
<wvobject fp_name="/neorv32_tb/neorv32_top_inst/neorv32_cpu_inst/neorv32_cpu_bus_inst/MEM_EXT_TIMEOUT" type="other">
<obj_property name="ElementShortName">MEM_EXT_TIMEOUT</obj_property>
<obj_property name="ObjectShortName">MEM_EXT_TIMEOUT</obj_property>
<wvobject fp_name="/neorv32_tb/neorv32_top_inst/neorv32_cpu_inst/neorv32_cpu_bus_inst/i_arbiter" type="array">
<obj_property name="ElementShortName">i_arbiter</obj_property>
<obj_property name="ObjectShortName">i_arbiter</obj_property>
159,7 → 159,6
IO_TWI_USE => true, -- implement two-wire interface (TWI)?
IO_PWM_USE => true, -- implement pulse-width modulation unit (PWM)?
IO_WDT_USE => true, -- implement watch dog timer (WDT)?
IO_CLIC_USE => true, -- implement core local interrupt controller (CLIC)?
IO_DEVNULL_USE => true -- implement dummy device (DEVNULL)?
197,8 → 196,7
-- PWM --
pwm_o => open, -- pwm channels
-- Interrupts --
ext_irq_i => (others => '0'), -- external interrupt request
ext_ack_o => open -- external interrupt request acknowledge
mext_irq_i => '0' -- machine external interrupt
-- TWI termination --
176,7 → 176,6
// deactivate unused IO devices
338,16 → 337,15
while ((UART_CT & (1<<UART_CT_TX_BUSY)) != 0);
// reset performance counters (to benchmark actual application)
asm volatile ("csrrw zero, mcycle, zero"); // will also clear 'cycle'
asm volatile ("csrrw zero, mcycleh, zero"); // will also clear 'cycleh'
asm volatile ("csrrw zero, minstret, zero"); // will also clear 'instret'
asm volatile ("csrrw zero, minstreth, zero"); // will also clear 'instreth'
asm volatile ("csrw mcycle, zero"); // will also clear 'cycle'
asm volatile ("csrw mcycleh, zero"); // will also clear 'cycleh'
asm volatile ("csrw minstret, zero"); // will also clear 'instret'
asm volatile ("csrw minstreth, zero"); // will also clear 'instreth'
// start app at instruction space base address
while (1) {
register uint32_t app_base = SYSINFO_ISPACE_BASE;
asm volatile ("jalr zero, %0" : : "r" (app_base));
register uint32_t app_base = SYSINFO_ISPACE_BASE;
asm volatile ("jalr zero, %0" : : "r" (app_base));
while (1);
359,7 → 357,7
// make sure this was caused by MTIME IRQ
uint32_t cause = neorv32_cpu_csr_read(CSR_MCAUSE);
if (cause != EXCCODE_MTI) { // raw exception code for MTI
if (cause != TRAP_CODE_MTI) { // raw exception code for MTI
neorv32_uart_print("\n\nEXCEPTION: ");
neorv32_uart_print(" @ 0x");
41,8 → 41,8
102,25 → 102,42
// *********************************************************
// dummy trap handler (for exceptions & IRQs)
// bootloader has to be compiled without any CPU extensions
// - especially without C extension!
// tries to move on to next instruction
// *********************************************************
.global __crt0_dummy_trap_handler
.balign 4
addi sp, sp, -4
addi sp, sp, -8
sw x8, 0(sp)
sw x9, 4(sp)
csrr x8, mcause
blt x8, zero, __crt0_dummy_trap_handler_irq // skip mepc modification if interrupt
csrr x8, mepc
addi x8, x8, +4 // move on to next instruction if exception
// is compressed instruction?
lh x9, 0(x8) // get compressed instruction or lower 16 bits of uncompressed instruction that caused exception
andi x9, x9, 3 // mask: isolate lowest 2 opcode bits (= 11 for uncompressed instructions)
addi x8, x8, +2 // only this for compressed instructions
csrw mepc, x8 // set return address when compressed instruction
addi x8, zero, 3
bne x8, x9, __crt0_dummy_trap_handler_irq // jump if compressed instruction
// is uncompressed instruction
csrr x8, mepc
addi x8, x8, +2 // add another 2 (making +4) for uncompressed instructions
csrw mepc, x8
lw x8, 0(sp)
addi sp, sp, +4
lw x9, 0(sp)
lw x8, 4(sp)
addi sp, sp, +8
43,11 → 43,11
// IO region
.set IO_BEGIN, 0xFFFFFF80 // start of processor-internal IO region
.equ IO_BEGIN, 0xFFFFFF80 // start of processor-internal IO region
58,9 → 58,8
// Clear register file
// *********************************************************
addi x0, x0, 0 // hardwired to zero
//addi x0, x0, 0 // hardwired to zero
addi x1, x0, 0
addi x2, x1, 0
addi x3, x2, 0
addi x4, x3, 0
78,7 → 77,7
// the following registers do not exist in rv32e
// "__RISCV_EMBEDDED_CPU__" is automatically defined by the makefiles when
// compiling for a rv32e architecture
// compiling for a rv32e* architecture
addi x16, x15, 0
addi x17, x16, 0
100,7 → 99,7
// *********************************************************
// *********************************************************
128,23 → 127,13
// *********************************************************
// Init exception vector table (2x16 4-byte entries) with dummy handlers
// Init trap handler base address
// *********************************************************
la x11, __crt0_neorv32_rte
la x11, __crt0_dummy_trap_handler
csrw mtvec, x11 // set address of first-level exception handler
lw x11, SYSINFO_DSPACE_BASE(zero) // data memory space base address
la x12, __crt0_neorv32_rte_dummy_hanlder
li x13, 2*16 // number of entries (16xEXC, 16xIRQ)
sw x12, 0(x11) // set dummy handler
add x11, x11, 4
add x13, x13, -1
bne zero, x13, __crt0_neorv32_rte_init_loop
// *********************************************************
// Reset/deactivate IO/peripheral devices
// Devices, that are not implemented, will cause a store access fault
216,167 → 205,45
// *********************************************************
// NEORV32 runtime environment: First-level exception/interrupt handler
// dummy trap handler (for exceptions & IRQs)
// tries to move on to next instruction
// *********************************************************
.align 4
.global __crt0_dummy_trap_handler
.balign 4
// --------------------------------------------
// full context save
// --------------------------------------------
addi sp, sp, -120
addi sp, sp, -56
addi sp, sp, -8
sw x8, 0(sp)
sw x9, 4(sp)
sw ra,0(sp)
sw gp,4(sp)
sw tp,8(sp)
sw t0,12(sp)
sw t1,16(sp)
sw t2,20(sp)
sw s0,24(sp)
sw s1,28(sp)
sw a0,32(sp)
sw a1,36(sp)
sw a2,40(sp)
sw a3,44(sp)
sw a4,48(sp)
sw a5,52(sp)
sw a6,56(sp)
sw a7,60(sp)
sw s2,64(sp)
sw s3,68(sp)
sw s4,72(sp)
sw s5,76(sp)
sw s6,80(sp)
sw s7,84(sp)
sw s8,88(sp)
sw s9,92(sp)
sw s10,96(sp)
sw s11,100(sp)
sw t3,104(sp)
sw t4,108(sp)
sw t5,112(sp)
sw t6,116(sp)
csrr x8, mcause
blt x8, zero, __crt0_dummy_trap_handler_irq // skip mepc modification if interrupt
csrr x8, mepc
// --------------------------------------------
// get cause and prepare jump into vector table
// --------------------------------------------
csrr t0, mcause // get cause code
// is compressed instruction?
lh x9, 0(x8) // get compressed instruction or lower 16 bits of uncompressed instruction that caused exception
andi x9, x9, 3 // mask: isolate lowest 2 opcode bits (= 11 for uncompressed instructions)
andi t1, t0, 0x0f // isolate cause ID
slli t1, t1, 2 // make address offset
lw ra, SYSINFO_DSPACE_BASE(zero) // data memory space base address
add t1, t1, ra // get vetor table entry address (EXC vectors)
addi x8, x8, +2 // only this for compressed instructions
csrw mepc, x8 // set return address when compressed instruction
csrr ra, mepc // get return address
blt t0, zero, __crt0_neorv32_rte_is_irq // branch if this is an INTERRUPT
// --------------------------------------------
// compute return address for EXCEPTIONS only
// --------------------------------------------
// check if faulting instruction is compressed and adjust return address
lh t0, 0(ra) // get compressed instruction or lower 16 bits of uncompressed instruction that caused exception
addi t2, zero, 3 // mask
and t0, t0, t2 // isolate lowest 2 opcode bits (= 11 for uncompressed instructions)
addi ra, ra, +2 // only this for compressed instructions
bne t0, t2, __crt0_neorv32_rte_execute // jump if compressed instruction
addi x8, zero, 3
bne x8, x9, __crt0_dummy_trap_handler_irq // jump if compressed instruction
addi ra, ra, +2 // add another 2 (making +4) for uncompressed instructions
j __crt0_neorv32_rte_execute
// is uncompressed instruction
csrr x8, mepc
addi x8, x8, +2 // add another 2 (making +4) for uncompressed instructions
csrw mepc, x8
// --------------------------------------------
// vector table offset for INTERRUPTS only
// --------------------------------------------
addi t1, t1, 16*4
lw x9, 0(sp)
lw x8, 4(sp)
addi sp, sp, +8
// --------------------------------------------
// call handler from vector table
// --------------------------------------------
lw t0, 0(t1) // get base address of second-level handler
// push ra
addi sp, sp, -4
sw ra, 0(sp)
jalr ra, t0 // call second-level handler
// pop ra
lw ra, 0(sp)
addi sp, sp, +4
csrw mepc, ra
// --------------------------------------------
// full context restore
// --------------------------------------------
lw ra,0(sp)
lw gp,4(sp)
lw tp,8(sp)
lw t0,12(sp)
lw t1,16(sp)
lw t2,20(sp)
lw s0,24(sp)
lw s1,28(sp)
lw a0,32(sp)
lw a1,36(sp)
lw a2,40(sp)
lw a3,44(sp)
lw a4,48(sp)
lw a5,52(sp)
lw a6,56(sp)
lw a7,60(sp)
lw s2,64(sp)
lw s3,68(sp)
lw s4,72(sp)
lw s5,76(sp)
lw s6,80(sp)
lw s7,84(sp)
lw s8,88(sp)
lw s9,92(sp)
lw s10,96(sp)
lw s11,100(sp)
lw t3,104(sp)
lw t4,108(sp)
lw t5,112(sp)
lw t6,116(sp)
addi sp, sp, +120
addi sp, sp, +56
// --------------------------------------------
// this is the ONLY place where MRET should be used!
// --------------------------------------------
// *********************************************************
// Dummy exception handler: just move on to next instruction
// *********************************************************
53,9 → 53,8
/* ************************************************* */
rom (rx) : ORIGIN = 0x00000000, LENGTH = 16*1024
ram (rwx) : ORIGIN = 0x80000000 + 2*16*4, LENGTH = 8*1024
/* DO NOT REMOVE THE " + 2*16*4"!! */
rom (rx) : ORIGIN = 0x00000000, LENGTH = 16*1024
ram (rwx) : ORIGIN = 0x80000000, LENGTH = 8*1024
/* ************************************************* */
68,7 → 68,7
// capture all exceptions and give debug info via UART
// this is not required, but keeps us safe
// init UART at default baud rate, no rx interrupt, no tx interrupt
124,7 → 124,7
// capture all exceptions and give debug information
// setup neorv32 UART
neorv32_uart_setup(BAUD_RATE, 0, 0);
109,11 → 109,6
return 0;
// check if CLIC unit is implemented at all
if (neorv32_clic_available() == 0) {
return 0;
// check if MTIME unit is implemented at all
if (neorv32_mtime_available() == 0) {
return 0;
141,43 → 136,37
// intro2
neorv32_uart_printf("\n\nStarting tests...\n\n");
// install exception handler functions
// configure RTE
neorv32_rte_setup(); // this will install a full-detailed debug handler for all traps
int install_err = 0;
install_err += neorv32_rte_exception_install(EXCID_I_MISALIGNED, global_trap_handler);
install_err += neorv32_rte_exception_install(EXCID_I_ACCESS, global_trap_handler);
install_err += neorv32_rte_exception_install(EXCID_I_ILLEGAL, global_trap_handler);
install_err += neorv32_rte_exception_install(EXCID_BREAKPOINT, global_trap_handler);
install_err += neorv32_rte_exception_install(EXCID_L_MISALIGNED, global_trap_handler);
install_err += neorv32_rte_exception_install(EXCID_L_ACCESS, global_trap_handler);
install_err += neorv32_rte_exception_install(EXCID_S_MISALIGNED, global_trap_handler);
install_err += neorv32_rte_exception_install(EXCID_S_ACCESS, global_trap_handler);
install_err += neorv32_rte_exception_install(EXCID_MENV_CALL, global_trap_handler);
install_err += neorv32_rte_exception_install(EXCID_MTI, global_trap_handler);
//install_err += neorv32_rte_exception_install(EXCID_MEI, -); done by neorv32_clic_handler_install
// here we are overriding the default debug handlers
install_err += neorv32_rte_exception_install(RTE_TRAP_I_MISALIGNED, global_trap_handler);
install_err += neorv32_rte_exception_install(RTE_TRAP_I_ACCESS, global_trap_handler);
install_err += neorv32_rte_exception_install(RTE_TRAP_I_ILLEGAL, global_trap_handler);
install_err += neorv32_rte_exception_install(RTE_TRAP_BREAKPOINT, global_trap_handler);
install_err += neorv32_rte_exception_install(RTE_TRAP_L_MISALIGNED, global_trap_handler);
install_err += neorv32_rte_exception_install(RTE_TRAP_L_ACCESS, global_trap_handler);
install_err += neorv32_rte_exception_install(RTE_TRAP_S_MISALIGNED, global_trap_handler);
install_err += neorv32_rte_exception_install(RTE_TRAP_S_ACCESS, global_trap_handler);
install_err += neorv32_rte_exception_install(RTE_TRAP_MENV_CALL, global_trap_handler);
install_err += neorv32_rte_exception_install(RTE_TRAP_MTI, global_trap_handler);
install_err += neorv32_rte_exception_install(RTE_TRAP_MSI, global_trap_handler);
install_err += neorv32_rte_exception_install(RTE_TRAP_MTI, global_trap_handler);
install_err += neorv32_rte_exception_install(RTE_TRAP_FIRQ_0, global_trap_handler);
install_err += neorv32_rte_exception_install(RTE_TRAP_FIRQ_1, global_trap_handler);
install_err += neorv32_rte_exception_install(RTE_TRAP_FIRQ_2, global_trap_handler);
install_err += neorv32_rte_exception_install(RTE_TRAP_FIRQ_3, global_trap_handler);
if (install_err) {
neorv32_uart_printf("RTE install error!\n");
neorv32_uart_printf("RTE install error (%i)!\n", install_err);
return 0;
// install interrupt handler for clic WDT channel
install_err += neorv32_clic_handler_install(CLIC_CH_WDT, global_trap_handler);
if (install_err) {
neorv32_uart_printf("CLIC install error!\n");
return 0;
// enable debug mode for uninitialized exception/interrupt vectors
// and overwrite previous exception handler installations
// -> any exception/interrupt will show a message from the neorv32 runtime environment
// enable global interrupts
197,7 → 186,7
while(1) {
asm volatile ("lb zero, 0(%[input_j])" : : [input_j] "r" (dmem_probe_addr));
if (exception_handler_answer == EXCCODE_L_ACCESS) {
if (exception_handler_answer == TRAP_CODE_L_ACCESS) {
229,7 → 218,7
while(1) {
asm volatile ("lb zero, 0(%[input_j])" : : [input_j] "r" (imem_probe_addr));
if (exception_handler_answer == EXCCODE_L_ACCESS) {
if (exception_handler_answer == TRAP_CODE_L_ACCESS) {
291,13 → 280,13
neorv32_uart_printf("TIME[H]: ");
cpu_systime.uint32[0] = neorv32_cpu_csr_read(CSR_TIME);
cpu_systime.uint32[1] = neorv32_cpu_csr_read(CSR_TIMEH);
cpu_systime.uint64 &= 0xFFFFFFFFFFFF0000LL;
cpu_systime.uint64 = neorv32_cpu_get_systime();
uint64_t mtime_systime = neorv32_mtime_get_time();
uint64_t mtime_systime = neorv32_mtime_get_time() & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFF0000LL;
// compute difference
mtime_systime = mtime_systime - cpu_systime.uint64;
if (cpu_systime.uint64 == mtime_systime) {
if (mtime_systime < 100) { // diff should be pretty small
else {
334,7 → 323,7
neorv32_cpu_csr_read(0xfff); // CSR 0xfff not implemented
if (exception_handler_answer == EXCCODE_I_ILLEGAL) {
if (exception_handler_answer == TRAP_CODE_I_ILLEGAL) {
else {
358,7 → 347,7
((void (*)(void))ADDR_UNALIGNED)();
if (exception_handler_answer == EXCCODE_I_MISALIGNED) {
if (exception_handler_answer == TRAP_CODE_I_MISALIGNED) {
384,7 → 373,7
((void (*)(void))ADDR_UNREACHABLE)();
if (exception_handler_answer == EXCCODE_I_ACCESS) {
if (exception_handler_answer == TRAP_CODE_I_ACCESS) {
else {
401,8 → 390,8
// create test program in RAM
static const uint32_t dummy_sub_program[2] = {
0xDEAD007F, // undefined 32-bit opcode -> illegal instruction exception
static const uint32_t dummy_sub_program[2] __attribute__((aligned(8))) = {
0xDEAD007F, // undefined 32-bit instruction (invalid opcode) -> illegal instruction exception
0x00008067 // ret (32-bit)
410,7 → 399,7
asm volatile ( "jalr ra, %0 " : "=r" (tmp_a) : "r" (tmp_a));
if (exception_handler_answer == EXCCODE_I_ILLEGAL) {
if (exception_handler_answer == TRAP_CODE_I_ILLEGAL) {
else {
431,7 → 420,7
// create test program in RAM
static const uint32_t dummy_sub_program_ci[2] = {
static const uint32_t dummy_sub_program_ci[2] __attribute__((aligned(8))) = {
0x00000001, // 2nd: official_illegal_op | 1st: NOP -> illegal instruction exception
0x00008067 // ret (32-bit)
440,7 → 429,7
asm volatile ( "jalr ra, %0 " : "=r" (tmp_a) : "r" (tmp_a));
if (exception_handler_answer == EXCCODE_I_ILLEGAL) {
if (exception_handler_answer == TRAP_CODE_I_ILLEGAL) {
else {
463,7 → 452,7
asm volatile("EBREAK");
if (exception_handler_answer == EXCCODE_BREAKPOINT) {
if (exception_handler_answer == TRAP_CODE_BREAKPOINT) {
else {
483,7 → 472,7
asm volatile ("lw zero, %[input_i](zero)" : : [input_i] "i" (ADDR_UNALIGNED));
if (exception_handler_answer == EXCCODE_L_MISALIGNED) {
if (exception_handler_answer == TRAP_CODE_L_MISALIGNED) {
else {
503,7 → 492,7
dummy_dst = MMR_UNREACHABLE;
if (exception_handler_answer == EXCCODE_L_ACCESS) {
if (exception_handler_answer == TRAP_CODE_L_ACCESS) {
else {
523,7 → 512,7
asm volatile ("sw zero, %[input_i](zero)" : : [input_i] "i" (ADDR_UNALIGNED));
if (exception_handler_answer == EXCCODE_S_MISALIGNED) {
if (exception_handler_answer == TRAP_CODE_S_MISALIGNED) {
else {
543,7 → 532,7
if (exception_handler_answer == EXCCODE_S_ACCESS) {
if (exception_handler_answer == TRAP_CODE_S_ACCESS) {
else {
562,7 → 551,7
asm volatile("ECALL");
if (exception_handler_answer == EXCCODE_MENV_CALL) {
if (exception_handler_answer == TRAP_CODE_MENV_CALL) {
else {
576,79 → 565,103
// ----------------------------------------------------------
exception_handler_answer = 0xFFFFFFFF;
neorv32_uart_printf("IRQ MTI: ");
// force MTIME IRQ
if (neorv32_mtime_available()) {
// wait some time for the IRQ to arrive the CPU
asm volatile("nop");
asm volatile("nop");
asm volatile("nop");
asm volatile("nop");
// force MTIME IRQ
// wait some time for the IRQ to arrive the CPU
asm volatile("nop");
asm volatile("nop");
asm volatile("nop");
asm volatile("nop");
if (exception_handler_answer == EXCCODE_MTI) {
if (exception_handler_answer == TRAP_CODE_MTI) {
else {
// no more mtime interrupts
else {
neorv32_uart_printf("skipped (WDT not implemented)\n");
// no more mtime interrupts
// ----------------------------------------------------------
// Machine external interrupt (via CLIC)
// Fast interrupt
// ----------------------------------------------------------
exception_handler_answer = 0xFFFFFFFF;
neorv32_uart_printf("IRQ MEI: ");
neorv32_uart_printf("FIRQ0 (WDT): ");
// manually trigger CLIC channel (watchdog interrupt)
if (neorv32_wdt_available()) {
// wait some time for the IRQ to arrive the CPU
asm volatile("nop");
asm volatile("nop");
asm volatile("nop");
asm volatile("nop");
// configure WDT
neorv32_wdt_setup(CLK_PRSC_2, 0); // lowest clock prescaler, trigger IRQ on timeout
neorv32_wdt_reset(); // reset watchdog
neorv32_wdt_force(); // force watchdog into action
// wait some time for the IRQ to arrive the CPU
asm volatile("nop");
asm volatile("nop");
asm volatile("nop");
asm volatile("nop");
if (exception_handler_answer == EXCCODE_MEI) {
if (exception_handler_answer == TRAP_CODE_FIRQ_0) {
else {
else {
neorv32_uart_printf("skipped (WDT not implemented)\n");
// ----------------------------------------------------------
// Test WFI ("sleep") instructions
// Test WFI ("sleep") instructions, wakeup via MTIME
// ----------------------------------------------------------
exception_handler_answer = 0xFFFFFFFF;
neorv32_uart_printf("WFI: ");
// program timer to wake up
neorv32_mtime_set_timecmp(neorv32_mtime_get_time() + 1000);
if (neorv32_mtime_available()) {
// put CPU into sleep mode
asm volatile ("wfi");
// program timer to wake up
neorv32_mtime_set_timecmp(neorv32_mtime_get_time() + 1000);
if (exception_handler_answer != EXCCODE_MTI) {
// put CPU into sleep mode
asm volatile ("wfi");
if (exception_handler_answer != TRAP_CODE_MTI) {
else {
else {
neorv32_uart_printf("skipped (MTIME not implemented)\n");
// error report
// ----------------------------------------------------------
// Final test reports
// ----------------------------------------------------------
neorv32_uart_printf("\n\nTests: %i\nOK: %i\nFAIL: %i\n\n", cnt_test, cnt_ok, cnt_fail);
// final result
70,7 → 70,7
// capture all exceptions and give debug info via UART
// this is not required, but keeps us safe
// init UART at default baud rate, no rx interrupt, no tx interrupt
76,7 → 76,7
// capture all exceptions and give debug info via UART
// this is not required, but keeps us safe
// init UART at default baud rate, no rx interrupt, no tx interrupt
40,6 → 40,7
#include <neorv32.h>
#include <string.h>
79,7 → 80,7
// capture all exceptions and give debug info via UART
// this is not required, but keeps us safe
// init UART at default baud rate, no rx interrupt, no tx interrupt
73,7 → 73,7
// capture all exceptions and give debug info via UART
// this is not required, but keeps us safe
// init UART at default baud rate, no rx interrupt, no tx interrupt
90,7 → 90,7
// capture all exceptions and give debug info via UART
// this is not required, but keeps us safe
// init UART at default baud rate, no rx interrupt, no tx interrupt
64,7 → 64,7
CSR_MSCRATCH = 0x340, /**< 0x340 - mscratch (r/w): Machine scratch register */
CSR_MEPC = 0x341, /**< 0x341 - mepc (r/w): Machine exception program counter */
CSR_MCAUSE = 0x342, /**< 0x342 - mcause (r/w): Machine trap cause */
CSR_MCAUSE = 0x342, /**< 0x342 - mcause (r/-): Machine trap cause */
CSR_MTVAL = 0x343, /**< 0x343 - mtval (r/w): Machine bad address or instruction */
CSR_MIP = 0x344, /**< 0x344 - mip (r/w): Machine interrupt pending register */
101,9 → 101,14
* CPU <b>mie</b> CSR (r/w): Machine interrupt enable (RISC-V spec.)
enum NEORV32_CPU_MIE_enum {
CPU_MIE_MSIE = 3, /**< CPU mie CSR (3): Machine software interrupt enable (r/w) */
CPU_MIE_MTIE = 7, /**< CPU mie CSR (7): Machine timer interrupt (MTIME) enable bit (r/w) */
CPU_MIE_MEIE = 11 /**< CPU mie CSR (11): Machine external interrupt (via CLIC) enable bit (r/w) */
CPU_MIE_MSIE = 3, /**< CPU mie CSR (3): Machine software interrupt enable (r/w) */
CPU_MIE_MTIE = 7, /**< CPU mie CSR (7): Machine timer interrupt enable bit (r/w) */
CPU_MIE_MEIE = 11, /**< CPU mie CSR (11): Machine external interrupt enable bit (r/w) */
CPU_MIE_FIRQ0E = 16, /**< CPU mie CSR (16): Fast interrupt channel 0 enable bit (r/w) */
CPU_MIE_FIRQ1E = 17, /**< CPU mie CSR (17): Fast interrupt channel 1 enable bit (r/w) */
CPU_MIE_FIRQ2E = 18, /**< CPU mie CSR (18): Fast interrupt channel 2 enable bit (r/w) */
CPU_MIE_FIRQ3E = 19 /**< CPU mie CSR (19): Fast interrupt channel 3 enable bit (r/w) */
111,9 → 116,14
* CPU <b>mip</b> CSR (r/-): Machine interrupt pending (RISC-V spec.)
enum NEORV32_CPU_MIP_enum {
CPU_MIP_MSIP = 3, /**< CPU mip CSR (3): Machine software interrupt pending (r/-) */
CPU_MIP_MTIP = 7, /**< CPU mip CSR (7): Machine timer interrupt (MTIME) pending (r/-) */
CPU_MIP_MEIP = 11 /**< CPU mip CSR (11): Machine external interrupt (via CLIC) pending (r/-) */
CPU_MIP_MSIP = 3, /**< CPU mip CSR (3): Machine software interrupt pending (r/-) */
CPU_MIP_MTIP = 7, /**< CPU mip CSR (7): Machine timer interrupt pending (r/-) */
CPU_MIP_MEIP = 11, /**< CPU mip CSR (11): Machine external interrupt pending (r/-) */
CPU_MIP_FIRQ0P = 16, /**< CPU mip CSR (16): Fast interrupt channel 0 pending (r/-) */
CPU_MIP_FIRQ1P = 17, /**< CPU mip CSR (17): Fast interrupt channel 1 pending (r/-) */
CPU_MIP_FIRQ2P = 18, /**< CPU mip CSR (18): Fast interrupt channel 2 pending (r/-) */
CPU_MIP_FIRQ3P = 19 /**< CPU mip CSR (19): Fast interrupt channel 3 pending (r/-) */
133,40 → 143,25
* Exception IDs.
* Trap codes from mcause CSR.
EXCID_I_MISALIGNED = 0, /**< 0: Instruction address misaligned */
EXCID_I_ACCESS = 1, /**< 1: Instruction (bus) access fault */
EXCID_I_ILLEGAL = 2, /**< 2: Illegal instruction */
EXCID_BREAKPOINT = 3, /**< 3: Breakpoint (EBREAK instruction) */
EXCID_L_MISALIGNED = 4, /**< 4: Load address misaligned */
EXCID_L_ACCESS = 5, /**< 5: Load (bus) access fault */
EXCID_S_MISALIGNED = 6, /**< 6: Store address misaligned */
EXCID_S_ACCESS = 7, /**< 7: Store (bus) access fault */
EXCID_MENV_CALL = 11, /**< 11: Environment call from machine mode (ECALL instruction) */
EXCID_MSI = 19, /**< 16 + 3: Machine software interrupt */
EXCID_MTI = 23, /**< 16 + 7: Machine timer interrupt (via MTIME) */
EXCID_MEI = 27 /**< 16 + 11: Machine external interrupt (via CLIC) */
* Exception codes from mcause CSR.
EXCCODE_I_MISALIGNED = 0x00000000, /**< 0: Instruction address misaligned */
EXCCODE_I_ACCESS = 0x00000001, /**< 1: Instruction (bus) access fault */
EXCCODE_I_ILLEGAL = 0x00000002, /**< 2: Illegal instruction */
EXCCODE_BREAKPOINT = 0x00000003, /**< 3: Breakpoint (EBREAK instruction) */
EXCCODE_L_MISALIGNED = 0x00000004, /**< 4: Load address misaligned */
EXCCODE_L_ACCESS = 0x00000005, /**< 5: Load (bus) access fault */
EXCCODE_S_MISALIGNED = 0x00000006, /**< 6: Store address misaligned */
EXCCODE_S_ACCESS = 0x00000007, /**< 7: Store (bus) access fault */
EXCCODE_MENV_CALL = 0x0000000b, /**< 11: Environment call from machine mode (ECALL instruction) */
EXCCODE_MSI = 0x80000003, /**< 16 + 3: Machine software interrupt */
EXCCODE_MTI = 0x80000007, /**< 16 + 7: Machine timer interrupt (via MTIME) */
EXCCODE_MEI = 0x8000000b /**< 16 + 11: Machine external interrupt (via CLIC) */
TRAP_CODE_I_MISALIGNED = 0x00000000, /**< 0.0: Instruction address misaligned */
TRAP_CODE_I_ACCESS = 0x00000001, /**< 0.1: Instruction (bus) access fault */
TRAP_CODE_I_ILLEGAL = 0x00000002, /**< 0.2: Illegal instruction */
TRAP_CODE_BREAKPOINT = 0x00000003, /**< 0.3: Breakpoint (EBREAK instruction) */
TRAP_CODE_L_MISALIGNED = 0x00000004, /**< 0.4: Load address misaligned */
TRAP_CODE_L_ACCESS = 0x00000005, /**< 0.5: Load (bus) access fault */
TRAP_CODE_S_MISALIGNED = 0x00000006, /**< 0.6: Store address misaligned */
TRAP_CODE_S_ACCESS = 0x00000007, /**< 0.7: Store (bus) access fault */
TRAP_CODE_MENV_CALL = 0x0000000b, /**< 0.11: Environment call from machine mode (ECALL instruction) */
TRAP_CODE_MSI = 0x80000003, /**< 1.3: Machine software interrupt */
TRAP_CODE_MTI = 0x80000007, /**< 1.7: Machine timer interrupt */
TRAP_CODE_MEI = 0x8000000b, /**< 1.11: Machine external interrupt */
TRAP_CODE_FIRQ_0 = 0x80000010, /**< 1.16: Fast interrupt channel 0 */
TRAP_CODE_FIRQ_1 = 0x80000011, /**< 1.17: Fast interrupt channel 1 */
TRAP_CODE_FIRQ_2 = 0x80000012, /**< 1.18: Fast interrupt channel 2 */
TRAP_CODE_FIRQ_3 = 0x80000013 /**< 1.19: Fast interrupt channel 3 */
235,53 → 230,6
* @name IO Device: Core Local Interrupts Controller (CLIC)
/** CLIC control register (r/w) */
#define CLIC_CT (*(IO_REG32 0xFFFFFF88UL))
/** CLIC control register bits */
enum NEORV32_CLIC_CT_enum {
CLIC_CT_SRC0 = 0, /**< CLIC control register(0) (r/-): IRQ source bit 0 */
CLIC_CT_SRC1 = 1, /**< CLIC control register(1) (r/-): IRQ source bit 1 */
CLIC_CT_SRC2 = 2, /**< CLIC control register(2) (r/-): IRQ source bit 2 */
CLIC_CT_ACK = 3, /**< CLIC control register(3) (-/w): Acknowledge current IRQ when set, auto-clears when set */
CLIC_CT_EN = 4, /**< CLIC control register(4) (r/w): Unit enable */
CLIC_CT_IRQ0_EN = 8, /**< CLIC control register(8) (r/w): Enable IRQ channel 0 */
CLIC_CT_IRQ1_EN = 9, /**< CLIC control register(9) (r/w): Enable IRQ channel 1 */
CLIC_CT_IRQ2_EN = 10, /**< CLIC control register(10) (r/w): Enable IRQ channel 2 */
CLIC_CT_IRQ3_EN = 11, /**< CLIC control register(11) (r/w): Enable IRQ channel 3 */
CLIC_CT_IRQ4_EN = 12, /**< CLIC control register(12) (r/w): Enable IRQ channel 4 */
CLIC_CT_IRQ5_EN = 13, /**< CLIC control register(13) (r/w): Enable IRQ channel 5 */
CLIC_CT_IRQ6_EN = 14, /**< CLIC control register(14) (r/w): Enable IRQ channel 6 */
CLIC_CT_IRQ7_EN = 15, /**< CLIC control register(15) (r/w): Enable IRQ channel 7 */
CLIC_CT_SW_IRQ_SRC0 = 16, /**< CLIC control register(16) (-/w): SW IRQ trigger, IRQ select bit 0, auto-clears when set */
CLIC_CT_SW_IRQ_SRC1 = 17, /**< CLIC control register(17) (-/w): SW IRQ trigger, IRQ select bit 1, auto-clears when set */
CLIC_CT_SW_IRQ_SRC2 = 18, /**< CLIC control register(18) (-/w): SW IRQ trigger, IRQ select bit 2, auto-clears when set */
CLIC_CT_SW_IRQ_EN = 19 /**< CLIC control register(19) (-/w): SW IRQ trigger enable, auto-clears when set */
* Core-local interrupt controller IRQ channel
CLIC_CH_WDT = 0, /**< CLIC channel 0: Watchdog timer overflow interrupt */
CLIC_CH_RES = 1, /**< CLIC channel 1: reserved */
CLIC_CH_GPIO = 2, /**< CLIC channel 2: GPIO pin-change interrupt */
CLIC_CH_UART = 3, /**< CLIC channel 3: UART RX available or TX done interrupt */
CLIC_CH_SPI = 4, /**< CLIC channel 4: SPI transmission done interrupt */
CLIC_CH_TWI = 5, /**< CLIC channel 5: TWI transmission done interrupt */
CLIC_CH_EXT0 = 6, /**< CLIC channel 6: Processor-external interrupt request 0 */
CLIC_CH_EXT1 = 7 /**< CLIC channel 7: Processor-external interrupt request 1 */
* @name IO Device: Watchdog Timer (WDT)
543,7 → 491,7
SYSINFO_FEATURES_IO_TWI = 20, /**< SYSINFO_FEATURES (20) (r/-): Two-wire interface implemented when 1 (via IO_TWI_USE generic) */
SYSINFO_FEATURES_IO_PWM = 21, /**< SYSINFO_FEATURES (21) (r/-): Pulse-width modulation unit implemented when 1 (via IO_PWM_USE generic) */
SYSINFO_FEATURES_IO_WDT = 22, /**< SYSINFO_FEATURES (22) (r/-): Watchdog timer implemented when 1 (via IO_WDT_USE generic) */
SYSINFO_FEATURES_IO_CLIC = 23, /**< SYSINFO_FEATURES (23) (r/-): Core-local interrupt controller implemented when 1 (via IO_CLIC_USE generic) */
SYSINFO_FEATURES_IO_TRNG = 24, /**< SYSINFO_FEATURES (24) (r/-): True random number generator implemented when 1 (via IO_TRNG_USE generic) */
SYSINFO_FEATURES_IO_DEVNULL = 25 /**< SYSINFO_FEATURES (24) (r/-): Dummy device implemented when 1 (via IO_DEVNULL_USE generic) */
559,7 → 507,6
#include "neorv32_rte.h"
// io/peripheral devices
#include "neorv32_clic.h"
#include "neorv32_gpio.h"
#include "neorv32_mtime.h"
#include "neorv32_pwm.h"
42,10 → 42,32
#ifndef neorv32_rte_h
#define neorv32_rte_h
* RTE trap IDs.
enum NEORV32_RTE_TRAP_enum {
RTE_TRAP_I_MISALIGNED = 0, /**< Instruction address misaligned */
RTE_TRAP_I_ACCESS = 1, /**< Instruction (bus) access fault */
RTE_TRAP_I_ILLEGAL = 2, /**< Illegal instruction */
RTE_TRAP_BREAKPOINT = 3, /**< Breakpoint (EBREAK instruction) */
RTE_TRAP_L_MISALIGNED = 4, /**< Load address misaligned */
RTE_TRAP_L_ACCESS = 5, /**< Load (bus) access fault */
RTE_TRAP_S_MISALIGNED = 6, /**< Store address misaligned */
RTE_TRAP_S_ACCESS = 7, /**< Store (bus) access fault */
RTE_TRAP_MENV_CALL = 8, /**< Environment call from machine mode (ECALL instruction) */
RTE_TRAP_MSI = 9, /**< Machine software interrupt */
RTE_TRAP_MTI = 10, /**< Machine timer interrupt */
RTE_TRAP_MEI = 11, /**< Machine external interrupt */
RTE_TRAP_FIRQ_0 = 12, /**< Fast interrupt channel 0 */
RTE_TRAP_FIRQ_1 = 13, /**< Fast interrupt channel 1 */
RTE_TRAP_FIRQ_2 = 14, /**< Fast interrupt channel 2 */
RTE_TRAP_FIRQ_3 = 15 /**< Fast interrupt channel 3 */
// prototypes
void neorv32_rte_enable_debug_mode(void);
int neorv32_rte_exception_install(uint8_t exc_id, void (*handler)(void));
int neorv32_rte_exception_uninstall(uint8_t exc_id);
void neorv32_rte_setup(void);
int neorv32_rte_exception_install(uint8_t id, void (*handler)(void));
int neorv32_rte_exception_uninstall(uint8_t id);
void neorv32_rte_print_hw_config(void);
void neorv32_rte_print_hw_version(void);
53,7 → 53,8
int neorv32_cpu_irq_enable(uint8_t irq_sel) {
if ((irq_sel != CPU_MIE_MSIE) && (irq_sel != CPU_MIE_MTIE) && (irq_sel != CPU_MIE_MEIE)) {
if ((irq_sel != CPU_MIE_MSIE) && (irq_sel != CPU_MIE_MTIE) && (irq_sel != CPU_MIE_MEIE) &&
(irq_sel != CPU_MIE_FIRQ0E) && (irq_sel != CPU_MIE_FIRQ1E) && (irq_sel != CPU_MIE_FIRQ2E) && (irq_sel != CPU_MIE_FIRQ3E)) {
return 1;
71,7 → 72,8
int neorv32_cpu_irq_disable(uint8_t irq_sel) {
if ((irq_sel != CPU_MIE_MSIE) && (irq_sel != CPU_MIE_MTIE) && (irq_sel != CPU_MIE_MEIE)) {
if ((irq_sel != CPU_MIE_MSIE) && (irq_sel != CPU_MIE_MTIE) && (irq_sel != CPU_MIE_MEIE) &&
(irq_sel != CPU_MIE_FIRQ0E) && (irq_sel != CPU_MIE_FIRQ1E) && (irq_sel != CPU_MIE_FIRQ2E) && (irq_sel != CPU_MIE_FIRQ3E)) {
return 1;
42,30 → 42,34
#include "neorv32.h"
#include "neorv32_rte.h"
// Privates
static void __neorv32_rte_dummy_exc_handler(void) __attribute__((unused));
* The >private< trap vector look-up table of the NEORV32 RTE.
static uint32_t __neorv32_rte_vector_lut[16] __attribute__((unused)); // trap handler vector table
// private functions
static void __attribute__((__interrupt__)) __neorv32_rte_core(void) __attribute__((aligned(16))) __attribute__((unused));
static void __neorv32_rte_debug_exc_handler(void) __attribute__((unused));
static void __neorv32_rte_print_true_false(int state) __attribute__((unused));
* Setup NEORV32 runtime environment in debug mode.
* Setup NEORV32 runtime environment.
* @note This function installs a debug handler for ALL exception and interrupt sources, which
* gives detailed information about the exception/interrupt. Call this function before you
* install custom handler functions via neorv32_rte_exception_install(uint8_t exc_id, void (*handler)(void)),
* since this function will override all installed exception handlers.
* @warning This function should be used for debugging only, since it only shows the uninitialize exception/interrupt, but
* does not resolve the cause. Hence, it cannot guarantee to resume normal application execution after showing the debug messages.
* gives detailed information about the exception/interrupt. Actual handler can be installed afterwards
* via neorv32_rte_exception_install(uint8_t id, void (*handler)(void)).
void neorv32_rte_enable_debug_mode(void) {
void neorv32_rte_setup(void) {
uint8_t id;
// configure trap handler base address
uint32_t mtvec_base = (uint32_t)(&__neorv32_rte_core);
neorv32_cpu_csr_write(CSR_MTVEC, mtvec_base);
// install debug handler for all sources
for (id=0; id<32; id++) {
neorv32_rte_exception_install(id, __neorv32_rte_debug_exc_handler);
uint8_t id;
for (id = 0; id < (sizeof(__neorv32_rte_vector_lut)/sizeof(__neorv32_rte_vector_lut[0])); id++) {
neorv32_rte_exception_uninstall(id); // this will configure the debug handler
74,29 → 78,33
* Install exception handler function to NEORV32 runtime environment.
* @note This function automatically activates the according CSR.mie bits when installing handlers for
* the MTIME (MTI), CLIC (MEI) or machine software interrupt (MSI). The global interrupt enable bit mstatus.mie has
* the MTIME (MTI), CLIC (MEI), machine software interrupt (MSI) or a fast IRQ. The global interrupt enable bit mstatus.mie has
* to be set by the user via neorv32_cpu_eint(void).
* @param[in] exc_id Identifier (type) of the targeted exception. See #NEORV32_EXCEPTION_IDS_enum.
* @param[in] handler The actual handler function for the specified exception (function must be of type "void function(void);").
* return 0 if success, 1 if error (invalid exc_id or targeted exception not supported).
* @param[in] id Identifier (type) of the targeted exception. See #NEORV32_RTE_TRAP_enum.
* @param[in] handler The actual handler function for the specified exception (function MUST be of type "void function(void);").
* return 0 if success, 1 if error (invalid id or targeted exception not supported).
int neorv32_rte_exception_install(uint8_t exc_id, void (*handler)(void)) {
int neorv32_rte_exception_install(uint8_t id, void (*handler)(void)) {
// id valid?
if ((exc_id == EXCID_I_MISALIGNED) || (exc_id == EXCID_I_ACCESS) || (exc_id == EXCID_I_ILLEGAL) ||
(exc_id == EXCID_BREAKPOINT) || (exc_id == EXCID_L_MISALIGNED) || (exc_id == EXCID_L_ACCESS) ||
(exc_id == EXCID_S_MISALIGNED) || (exc_id == EXCID_S_ACCESS) || (exc_id == EXCID_MENV_CALL) ||
(exc_id == EXCID_MSI) || (exc_id == EXCID_MTI) || (exc_id == EXCID_MEI)) {
if ((id == RTE_TRAP_I_MISALIGNED) || (id == RTE_TRAP_I_ACCESS) || (id == RTE_TRAP_I_ILLEGAL) ||
(id == RTE_TRAP_MSI) || (id == RTE_TRAP_MTI) || (id == RTE_TRAP_MEI) ||
(id == RTE_TRAP_FIRQ_0) || (id == RTE_TRAP_FIRQ_1) || (id == RTE_TRAP_FIRQ_2) || (id == RTE_TRAP_FIRQ_3)) {
if (exc_id == EXCID_MSI) { neorv32_cpu_irq_enable(CPU_MIE_MSIE); } // activate software interrupt
if (exc_id == EXCID_MTI) { neorv32_cpu_irq_enable(CPU_MIE_MTIE); } // activate timer interrupt
if (exc_id == EXCID_MEI) { neorv32_cpu_irq_enable(CPU_MIE_MEIE); } // activate external interrupt
uint32_t vt_base = SYSINFO_DSPACE_BASE; // base address of vector table
vt_base = vt_base + (((uint32_t)exc_id) << 2);
(*(IO_REG32 (vt_base))) = (uint32_t)handler;
if (id == RTE_TRAP_MSI) { neorv32_cpu_irq_enable(CPU_MIE_MSIE); } // activate software interrupt
if (id == RTE_TRAP_MTI) { neorv32_cpu_irq_enable(CPU_MIE_MTIE); } // activate timer interrupt
if (id == RTE_TRAP_MEI) { neorv32_cpu_irq_enable(CPU_MIE_MEIE); } // activate external interrupt
if (id == RTE_TRAP_FIRQ_0) { neorv32_cpu_irq_enable(CPU_MIE_FIRQ0E); } // activate fast interrupt channel 0
if (id == RTE_TRAP_FIRQ_1) { neorv32_cpu_irq_enable(CPU_MIE_FIRQ1E); } // activate fast interrupt channel 1
if (id == RTE_TRAP_FIRQ_2) { neorv32_cpu_irq_enable(CPU_MIE_FIRQ2E); } // activate fast interrupt channel 2
if (id == RTE_TRAP_FIRQ_3) { neorv32_cpu_irq_enable(CPU_MIE_FIRQ3E); } // activate fast interrupt channel 3
__neorv32_rte_vector_lut[id] = (uint32_t)handler; // install handler
return 0;
return 1;
105,30 → 113,33
* Uninstall exception handler function from NEORV32 runtime environment, which was
* previously installed via neorv32_rte_exception_install(uint8_t exc_id, void (*handler)(void)).
* previously installed via neorv32_rte_exception_install(uint8_t id, void (*handler)(void)).
* @note This function automatically clears the according CSR.mie bits when uninstalling handlers for
* the MTIME (MTI), CLIC (MEI) or machine software interrupt (MSI). The global interrupt enable bit mstatus.mie has
* the MTIME (MTI), CLIC (MEI), machine software interrupt (MSI) or fast IRQs. The global interrupt enable bit mstatus.mie has
* to be cleared by the user via neorv32_cpu_dint(void).
* @param[in] exc_id Identifier (type) of the targeted exception. See #NEORV32_EXCEPTION_IDS_enum.
* return 0 if success, 1 if error (invalid exc_id or targeted exception not supported).
* @param[in] id Identifier (type) of the targeted exception. See #NEORV32_RTE_TRAP_enum.
* return 0 if success, 1 if error (invalid id or targeted exception not supported).
int neorv32_rte_exception_uninstall(uint8_t exc_id) {
int neorv32_rte_exception_uninstall(uint8_t id) {
// id valid?
if ((exc_id == EXCID_I_MISALIGNED) || (exc_id == EXCID_I_ACCESS) || (exc_id == EXCID_I_ILLEGAL) ||
(exc_id == EXCID_BREAKPOINT) || (exc_id == EXCID_L_MISALIGNED) || (exc_id == EXCID_L_ACCESS) ||
(exc_id == EXCID_S_MISALIGNED) || (exc_id == EXCID_S_ACCESS) || (exc_id == EXCID_MENV_CALL) ||
(exc_id == EXCID_MSI) || (exc_id == EXCID_MTI) || (exc_id == EXCID_MEI)) {
if ((id == RTE_TRAP_I_MISALIGNED) || (id == RTE_TRAP_I_ACCESS) || (id == RTE_TRAP_I_ILLEGAL) ||
(id == RTE_TRAP_MSI) || (id == RTE_TRAP_MTI) || (id == RTE_TRAP_MEI) ||
(id == RTE_TRAP_FIRQ_0) || (id == RTE_TRAP_FIRQ_1) || (id == RTE_TRAP_FIRQ_2) || (id == RTE_TRAP_FIRQ_3)) {
if (exc_id == EXCID_MSI) { neorv32_cpu_irq_disable(CPU_MIE_MSIE); } // deactivate software interrupt
if (exc_id == EXCID_MTI) { neorv32_cpu_irq_disable(CPU_MIE_MTIE); } // deactivate timer interrupt
if (exc_id == EXCID_MEI) { neorv32_cpu_irq_disable(CPU_MIE_MEIE); } // deactivate external interrupt
if (id == RTE_TRAP_MSI) { neorv32_cpu_irq_disable(CPU_MIE_MSIE); } // deactivate software interrupt
if (id == RTE_TRAP_MTI) { neorv32_cpu_irq_disable(CPU_MIE_MTIE); } // deactivate timer interrupt
if (id == RTE_TRAP_MEI) { neorv32_cpu_irq_disable(CPU_MIE_MEIE); } // deactivate external interrupt
if (id == RTE_TRAP_FIRQ_0) { neorv32_cpu_irq_disable(CPU_MIE_FIRQ0E); } // deactivate fast interrupt channel 0
if (id == RTE_TRAP_FIRQ_1) { neorv32_cpu_irq_disable(CPU_MIE_FIRQ1E); } // deactivate fast interrupt channel 1
if (id == RTE_TRAP_FIRQ_2) { neorv32_cpu_irq_disable(CPU_MIE_FIRQ2E); } // deactivate fast interrupt channel 2
if (id == RTE_TRAP_FIRQ_3) { neorv32_cpu_irq_disable(CPU_MIE_FIRQ3E); } // deactivate fast interrupt channel 3
uint32_t vt_base = SYSINFO_DSPACE_BASE; // base address of vector table
vt_base = vt_base + (((uint32_t)exc_id) << 2);
(*(IO_REG32 (vt_base))) = (uint32_t)(&__neorv32_rte_dummy_exc_handler); // use dummy handler in case the exception is triggered
__neorv32_rte_vector_lut[id] = (uint32_t)(&__neorv32_rte_debug_exc_handler); // use dummy handler in case the exception is accidently triggered
return 0;
137,18 → 148,66
* NEORV32 runtime environment: Dummy exception handler (does nothing).
* @note This function is used by neorv32_rte_exception_uninstall(uint8_t exc_id) only.
* This is the core of the NEORV32 RTE.
* @note This function must no be explicitly used by the user.
* @warning When using the the RTE, this function is the ONLY function that can use the 'interrupt' attribute!
static void __neorv32_rte_dummy_exc_handler(void) {
static void __attribute__((__interrupt__)) __attribute__((aligned(16))) __neorv32_rte_core(void) {
asm volatile("nop");
register uint32_t rte_mepc = neorv32_cpu_csr_read(CSR_MEPC);
register uint32_t rte_mcause = neorv32_cpu_csr_read(CSR_MCAUSE);
// compute return address
if ((rte_mcause & 0x80000000) == 0) { // modify pc only if exception
// get low half word of faulting instruction
register uint32_t rte_trap_inst;
asm volatile ("lh %[result], 0(%[input_i])" : [result] "=r" (rte_trap_inst) : [input_i] "r" (rte_mepc));
if ((rte_trap_inst & 3) == 3) { // faulting instruction is uncompressed instruction
rte_mepc += 4;
else { // faulting instruction is compressed instruction
rte_mepc += 2;
// store new return address
neorv32_cpu_csr_write(CSR_MEPC, rte_mepc);
// find according trap handler
register uint32_t rte_handler = (uint32_t)(&__neorv32_rte_debug_exc_handler);
switch (rte_mcause) {
case TRAP_CODE_I_MISALIGNED: rte_handler = __neorv32_rte_vector_lut[RTE_TRAP_I_MISALIGNED]; break;
case TRAP_CODE_I_ACCESS: rte_handler = __neorv32_rte_vector_lut[RTE_TRAP_I_ACCESS]; break;
case TRAP_CODE_I_ILLEGAL: rte_handler = __neorv32_rte_vector_lut[RTE_TRAP_I_ILLEGAL]; break;
case TRAP_CODE_BREAKPOINT: rte_handler = __neorv32_rte_vector_lut[RTE_TRAP_BREAKPOINT]; break;
case TRAP_CODE_L_MISALIGNED: rte_handler = __neorv32_rte_vector_lut[RTE_TRAP_L_MISALIGNED]; break;
case TRAP_CODE_L_ACCESS: rte_handler = __neorv32_rte_vector_lut[RTE_TRAP_L_ACCESS]; break;
case TRAP_CODE_S_MISALIGNED: rte_handler = __neorv32_rte_vector_lut[RTE_TRAP_S_MISALIGNED]; break;
case TRAP_CODE_S_ACCESS: rte_handler = __neorv32_rte_vector_lut[RTE_TRAP_S_ACCESS]; break;
case TRAP_CODE_MENV_CALL: rte_handler = __neorv32_rte_vector_lut[RTE_TRAP_MENV_CALL]; break;
case TRAP_CODE_MSI: rte_handler = __neorv32_rte_vector_lut[RTE_TRAP_MSI]; break;
case TRAP_CODE_MTI: rte_handler = __neorv32_rte_vector_lut[RTE_TRAP_MTI]; break;
case TRAP_CODE_MEI: rte_handler = __neorv32_rte_vector_lut[RTE_TRAP_MEI]; break;
case TRAP_CODE_FIRQ_0: rte_handler = __neorv32_rte_vector_lut[RTE_TRAP_FIRQ_0]; break;
case TRAP_CODE_FIRQ_1: rte_handler = __neorv32_rte_vector_lut[RTE_TRAP_FIRQ_1]; break;
case TRAP_CODE_FIRQ_2: rte_handler = __neorv32_rte_vector_lut[RTE_TRAP_FIRQ_2]; break;
case TRAP_CODE_FIRQ_3: rte_handler = __neorv32_rte_vector_lut[RTE_TRAP_FIRQ_3]; break;
default: break;
// execute handler
void (*handler_pnt)(void);
handler_pnt = (void*)rte_handler;
* NEORV32 runtime environment: Debug exception handler, printing various exception/interrupt information via UART.
* @note This function is used by neorv32_rte_enable_debug_mode(void) only.
* @note This function is used by neorv32_rte_exception_uninstall(void) only.
static void __neorv32_rte_debug_exc_handler(void) {
179,29 → 238,34
neorv32_uart_printf("Cause: ");
switch (trap_cause) {
case 0x00000000: neorv32_uart_printf("Instruction address misaligned"); break;
case 0x00000001: neorv32_uart_printf("Instruction access fault"); break;
case 0x00000002: neorv32_uart_printf("Illegal instruction"); break;
case 0x00000003: neorv32_uart_printf("Breakpoint (EBREAK)"); break;
case 0x00000004: neorv32_uart_printf("Load address misaligned"); break;
case 0x00000005: neorv32_uart_printf("Load access fault"); break;
case 0x00000006: neorv32_uart_printf("Store address misaligned"); break;
case 0x00000007: neorv32_uart_printf("Store access fault"); break;
case 0x0000000B: neorv32_uart_printf("Environment call (ECALL)"); break;
case 0x80000003: neorv32_uart_printf("Machine software interrupt"); break;
case 0x80000007: neorv32_uart_printf("Machine timer interrupt (via MTIME)"); break;
case 0x8000000B: neorv32_uart_printf("Machine external interrupt (via CLIC)"); break;
default: neorv32_uart_printf("Unknown (0x%x)", trap_cause); break;
case TRAP_CODE_I_MISALIGNED: neorv32_uart_printf("Instruction address misaligned"); break;
case TRAP_CODE_I_ACCESS: neorv32_uart_printf("Instruction access fault"); break;
case TRAP_CODE_I_ILLEGAL: neorv32_uart_printf("Illegal instruction"); break;
case TRAP_CODE_BREAKPOINT: neorv32_uart_printf("Breakpoint (EBREAK)"); break;
case TRAP_CODE_L_MISALIGNED: neorv32_uart_printf("Load address misaligned"); break;
case TRAP_CODE_L_ACCESS: neorv32_uart_printf("Load access fault"); break;
case TRAP_CODE_S_MISALIGNED: neorv32_uart_printf("Store address misaligned"); break;
case TRAP_CODE_S_ACCESS: neorv32_uart_printf("Store access fault"); break;
case TRAP_CODE_MENV_CALL: neorv32_uart_printf("Environment call from M-mode"); break;
case TRAP_CODE_MSI: neorv32_uart_printf("Machine software interrupt"); break;
case TRAP_CODE_MTI: neorv32_uart_printf("Machine timer interrupt"); break;
case TRAP_CODE_MEI: neorv32_uart_printf("Machine external interrupt"); break;
case TRAP_CODE_FIRQ_0: neorv32_uart_printf("Fast interrupt channel 0"); break;
case TRAP_CODE_FIRQ_1: neorv32_uart_printf("Fast interrupt channel 1"); break;
case TRAP_CODE_FIRQ_2: neorv32_uart_printf("Fast interrupt channel 2"); break;
case TRAP_CODE_FIRQ_3: neorv32_uart_printf("Fast interrupt channel 3"); break;
default: neorv32_uart_printf("Unknown (0x%x)", trap_cause); break;
// fault address
neorv32_uart_printf("\nFaulting instruction (low): 0x%x\n", trap_inst);
neorv32_uart_printf("MTVAL: 0x%x\n", neorv32_cpu_csr_read(CSR_MTVAL));
neorv32_uart_printf("\nFaulting instruction (low half word): 0x%x", trap_inst);
if ((trap_inst & 3) != 3) {
neorv32_uart_printf(" (decompressed)\n");
neorv32_uart_printf("\nMTVAL: 0x%x\n", neorv32_cpu_csr_read(CSR_MTVAL));
neorv32_uart_printf("Trying to resume application @ 0x%x...", neorv32_cpu_csr_read(CSR_MEPC));
neorv32_uart_printf("\n<</NEORV32 Runtime Environment >>\n\n");
313,9 → 377,6
neorv32_uart_printf("WDT: ");
__neorv32_rte_print_true_false(tmp & (1 << SYSINFO_FEATURES_IO_WDT));
neorv32_uart_printf("CLIC: ");
__neorv32_rte_print_true_false(tmp & (1 << SYSINFO_FEATURES_IO_CLIC));
neorv32_uart_printf("TRNG: ");
__neorv32_rte_print_true_false(tmp & (1 << SYSINFO_FEATURES_IO_TRNG));
20,24 → 20,28
## Introduction
The NEORV32 is a customizable full-scale mikrocontroller-like processor system based on a [RISC-V-compliant](
`rv32i` CPU with optional `E`, `C`, `M`, `Zicsr` and `Zifencei` extensions. The CPU was built from scratch and is compliant to the **Unprivileged
ISA Specification Version 2.2** and a subset of the **Privileged Architecture Specification Version 1.12-draft**.
The **NEORV32 processor** is a customizable full-scale mikrocontroller-like processor system based on the RISC-V-compliant
`rv32i` NEORV32 CPU with optional `M`, `E`, `C` and `Zicsr` and `Zifencei` extensions. The CPU was built from scratch and
is compliant to the *Unprivileged ISA Specification Version 2.2* and a subset of the *Privileged Architecture
Specification Version 1.12-draft*.
The NEORV32 is intended as auxiliary processor within a larger SoC designs or as stand-alone custom microcontroller.
Its top entity can be directly synthesized for any FPGA without modifications and provides a full-scale RISC-V based microcontroller.
The **processor** is intended as auxiliary processor within a larger SoC designs or as stand-alone
custom microcontroller. Its top entity can be directly synthesized for any FPGA without modifications and
provides a full-scale RISC-V based microcontroller with common peripherals like GPIO, serial interfaces for
UART, I²C and SPI, timers, external bus interface and embedded memories. All optional features beyond the
base CPU can be enabled and configured via VHDL generics.
The processor provides common peripherals and interfaces like input and output ports, serial interfaces for UART, I²C and SPI,
interrupt controller, timers and embedded memories. External memories, peripherals and custom IP can be attached via a
Wishbone-based external memory interface. All optional features beyond the base CPU can be enabled and configured via VHDL generics.
Alternatively, you can use the **NEORV32 CPU** as stand-alone central processing unit and build your own microcontroller
or processor system around it.
This project comes with a complete software ecosystem that features core libraries for high-level usage of the
provided functions and peripherals, application makefiles, a runtime environment and several example programs. All software source files
provide a doxygen-based [documentary](
This project comes with a complete software ecosystem that features core libraries for high-level
usage of the provided functions and peripherals, application makefiles, a runtime environment and
several example programs. All software source files provide a doxygen-based documentary.
The project is intended to work "out of the box". Just synthesize the test setup from this project, upload
it to your FPGA board of choice and start playing with the NEORV32. If you do not want to [compile the GCC toolchains](
by yourself, you can also download [pre-compiled toolchains]( for Linux.
The project is intended to work "out of the box". Just synthesize the test setup from this project,
upload it to your FPGA board of choice and start playing with the NEORV32. If you do not want to
[compile the GCC toolchains]( by yourself, you can also
download [pre-compiled toolchains]( for Linux.
For more information take a look a the [![NEORV32 datasheet]( NEORV32 datasheet](
60,19 → 64,24
| Project component | CI status | Note |
| [NEORV32 processor]( | [![Test](]( | [![sw doc](]( |
| [Pre-built toolchain]( | [![Test](]( | |
| [RISC-V compliance test]( | [![Test](]( | |
| [NEORV32 processor]( | [![Build Status](]( | [![sw doc](]( |
| [Pre-built toolchain]( | [![Build Status](]( | |
| [RISC-V compliance test]( | [![Build Status](]( | |
### Non RISC-V-Compliant Issues
* No exception is triggered in `E` mode when using registers above `x15` (*needs fixing*)
* No exception is triggered for the `E` CPU extension when using registers above `x15` (*needs fixing*)
* `misa` CSR is read-only - no dynamic enabling/disabling of implemented CPU extensions during runtime
* Machine software interrupt `msi` is implemented, but there is no mechanism available to trigger it
* `mcause` CSR is read-only
* The `[m]cycleh` and `[m]instreth` CSR counters are only 20-bit wide (in contrast to original 32-bit)
### Custom CPU Extensions
* Four *fast interrupt* request channels with according control/status bits in `mie` and `mip` and custom exception codes in `mcause`
### To-Do / Wish List
- Add instructions how to use the NEORV32 CPU without the processor surroundings
93,7 → 102,7
![neorv32 Overview](
- RISC-V-compliant `rv32i` or `rv32e` CPU with optional `C`, `E`, `M`, `Zicsr` and `rv32Zifencei` extensions
- RISC-V-compliant `rv32i` CPU with optional `C`, `E`, `M`, `Zicsr` and `rv32Zifencei` extensions
- GCC-based toolchain ([pre-compiled rv32i and rv32 etoolchains available](
- Application compilation based on [GNU makefiles](
- [Doxygen-based]( documentation of the software framework: available on [GitHub pages](
113,7 → 122,6
- _Optional_ watchdog timer (WDT)
- _Optional_ PWM controller with 4 channels and 8-bit duty cycle resolution (PWM)
- _Optional_ GARO-based true random number generator (TRNG)
- _Optional_ core-local interrupt controller with 8 channels (CLIC)
- _Optional_ dummy device (DEVNULL) (can be used for *fast* simulation console output)
- System configuration information memory to check hardware configuration by software (SYSINFO)
159,7 → 167,7
* CSR access instructions: `CSRRW` `CSRRS` `CSRRC` `CSRRWI` `CSRRSI` `CSRRCI`
* System instructions: `MRET` `WFI`
* Counter CSRs: `[m]cycle[h]` `[m]instret[h]` `time[h]`
* Machine CSRs: `mstatus` `misa`(read-only!) `mie` `mtvec` `mscratch` `mepc` `mcause` `mtval` `mip` `mvendorid` `marchid` `mimpid` `mhartid`
* Machine CSRs: `mstatus` `misa`(read-only!) `mie` `mtvec` `mscratch` `mepc` `mcause`(read-only!) `mtval` `mip` `mvendorid` `marchid` `mimpid` `mhartid`
* Supported exceptions and interrupts:
* Misaligned instruction address
* Instruction access fault
186,35 → 194,36
### CPU
Results generated for hardware version: ``
Results generated for hardware version: ``
| CPU Configuration | LEs | FFs | Memory bits | DSPs | f_max |
| `rv32i` | 1065 | 477 | 2048 | 0 | 112 MHz |
| `rv32i` + `Zicsr` + `Zifencei` | 1914 | 837 | 2048 | 0 | 100 MHz |
| `rv32im` + `Zicsr` + `Zifencei` | 2542 | 1085 | 2048 | 0 | 100 MHz |
| `rv32imc` + `Zicsr` + `Zifencei` | 2806 | 1102 | 2048 | 0 | 100 MHz |
| `rv32emc` + `Zicsr` + `Zifencei` | 2783 | 1102 | 1024 | 0 | 100 MHz |
| `rv32i` | 1122 | 481 | 2048 | 0 | 110 MHz |
| `rv32i` + `Zicsr` + `Zifencei` | 1891 | 819 | 2048 | 0 | 100 MHz |
| `rv32im` + `Zicsr` + `Zifencei` | 2496 | 1067 | 2048 | 0 | 100 MHz |
| `rv32imc` + `Zicsr` + `Zifencei` | 2734 | 1066 | 2048 | 0 | 100 MHz |
| `rv32emc` + `Zicsr` + `Zifencei` | 2722 | 1066 | 1024 | 0 | 100 MHz |
### Processor-Internal Peripherals and Memories
Results generated for hardware version: ``
Results generated for hardware version: ``
| Module | Description | LEs | FFs | Memory bits | DSPs |
| BOOT ROM | Bootloader ROM (4kB) | 3 | 1 | 32 768 | 0 |
| DEVNULL | Dummy device | 3 | 1 | 0 | 0 |
| DMEM | Processor-internal data memory (8kB) | 12 | 2 | 65 536 | 0 |
| GPIO | General purpose input/output ports | 38 | 33 | 0 | 0 |
| IMEM | Processor-internal instruction memory (16kb) | 7 | 2 | 131 072 | 0 |
| MTIME | Machine system timer | 269 | 166 | 0 | 0 |
| PWM | Pulse-width modulation controller | 76 | 69 | 0 | 0 |
| SPI | Serial peripheral interface | 206 | 125 | 0 | 0 |
| SYSINFO | System configuration information memory | 7 | 7 | 0 | 0 |
| TRNG | True random number generator | 104 | 93 | 0 | 0 |
| TWI | Two-wire interface | 78 | 44 | 0 | 0 |
| UART | Universal asynchronous receiver/transmitter | 151 | 108 | 0 | 0 |
| WDT | Watchdog timer | 57 | 45 | 0 | 0 |
| Module | Description | LEs | FFs | Memory bits | DSPs |
| BOOT ROM | Bootloader ROM (4kB) | 4 | 1 | 32 768 | 0 |
| BUSSWITCH | Mux for CPU I & D interfaces | 62 | 8 | 0 | 0 |
| DEVNULL | Dummy device | 3 | 1 | 0 | 0 |
| DMEM | Processor-internal data memory (8kB) | 12 | 2 | 65 536 | 0 |
| GPIO | General purpose input/output ports | 40 | 33 | 0 | 0 |
| IMEM | Processor-internal instruction memory (16kb) | 7 | 2 | 131 072 | 0 |
| MTIME | Machine system timer | 266 | 166 | 0 | 0 |
| PWM | Pulse-width modulation controller | 72 | 69 | 0 | 0 |
| SPI | Serial peripheral interface | 198 | 125 | 0 | 0 |
| SYSINFO | System configuration information memory | 10 | 9 | 0 | 0 |
| TRNG | True random number generator | 105 | 93 | 0 | 0 |
| TWI | Two-wire interface | 75 | 44 | 0 | 0 |
| UART | Universal asynchronous receiver/transmitter | 153 | 108 | 0 | 0 |
| WDT | Watchdog timer | 59 | 45 | 0 | 0 |
### Exemplary FPGA Setups
224,13 → 233,13
processor's [top entity]( signals
to FPGA pins - except for the Wishbone bus and the interrupt signals.
Results generated for hardware version: ``
Results generated for hardware version: ``
| Vendor | FPGA | Board | Toolchain | Impl. strategy |CPU | LUT / LE | FF / REG | DSP | Memory Bits | BRAM / EBR | SPRAM | Frequency |
| Intel | Cyclone IV `EP4CE22F17C6N` | Terasic DE0-Nano | Quartus Prime Lite 19.1 | balanced | `rv32imc` + `Zicsr` + `Zifencei` | 4035 (18%) | 1860 (8%) | 0 (0%) | 231424 (38%) | - | - | 101 MHz |
| Lattice | iCE40 UltraPlus `iCE40UP5K-SG48I` | Upduino v2.0 | Radiant 2.1 (LSE) | timing | `rv32ic` + `Zicsr` + `Zifencei` | 5001 (95%) | 1694 (32%) | 0 (0%) | - | 12 (40%) | 4 (100%) | c 22.5 MHz |
| Xilinx | Artix-7 `XC7A35TICSG324-1L` | Arty A7-35T | Vivado 2019.2 | default | `rv32imc` + `Zicsr` + `Zifencei` | 2509 (12%) | 1914 (5%) | 0 (0%) | - | 8 (16%) | - | c 100 MHz |
| Vendor | FPGA | Board | Toolchain | Impl. strategy |CPU | LUT / LE | FF / REG | DSP | Memory Bits | BRAM / EBR | SPRAM | Frequency |
| Intel | Cyclone IV `EP4CE22F17C6N` | Terasic DE0-Nano | Quartus Prime Lite 19.1 | balanced | `rv32imc` + `Zicsr` + `Zifencei` | 3934 (18%) | 1799 (8%) | 0 (0%) | 231424 (38%) | - | - | 100 MHz |
| Lattice | iCE40 UltraPlus `iCE40UP5K-SG48I` | Upduino v2.0 | Radiant 2.1 (LSE) | timing | `rv32ic` + `Zicsr` + `Zifencei` | 4895 (92%) | 1636 (31%) | 0 (0%) | - | 12 (40%) | 4 (100%) | *c* 22.875 MHz |
| Xilinx | Artix-7 `XC7A35TICSG324-1L` | Arty A7-35T | Vivado 2019.2 | default | `rv32imc` + `Zicsr` + `Zifencei` | 2432 (12%) | 1852 (4%) | 0 (0%) | - | 8 (16%) | - | *c* 100 MHz |
* The Lattice iCE40 UltraPlus setup uses the FPGA's SPRAM memory primitives for the internal IMEM and DEMEM (each 64kb).
247,21 → 256,21
[sw/example/coremark]( project folder. This benchmark
tests the capabilities of a CPU itself rather than the functions provided by the whole system / SoC.
Results generated for hardware version: ``
Results generated for hardware version: ``
Hardware: 32kB IMEM, 16kB DMEM, 100MHz clock
CoreMark: 2000 iterations, MEM_METHOD is MEM_STACK
Compiler: RISCV32-GCC 9.2.0
Compiler: RISCV32-GCC 10.1.0
Peripherals: UART for printing the results
| CPU | Optimization | CoreMark Score | CoreMarks/MHz |
| `rv32i` + `Zicsr` + `Zifencei` | `-O2` | 25.97 | 0.2597 |
| `rv32im` + `Zicsr` + `Zifencei` | `-O2` | 55.55 | 0.5555 |
| `rv32imc` + `Zicsr` + `Zifencei` | `-O2` | 54.05 | 0.5405 |
| CPU | Executable Size | Optimization | CoreMark Score | CoreMarks/MHz |
| `rv32i` + `Zicsr` + `Zifencei` | 21 600 bytes | `-O2` | 27.02 | 0.2702 |
| `rv32im` + `Zicsr` + `Zifencei` | 20 976 bytes | `-O2` | 57.14 | 0.5714 |
| `rv32imc` + `Zicsr` + `Zifencei` | 16 348 bytes | `-O2` | 57.14 | 0.5714 |
### Instruction Cycles
279,25 → 288,31
dividing the total number of required clock cycles (only the timed core to avoid distortion due to IO wait cycles; sampled via the `cycle[h]` CSRs)
by the number of executed instructions (`instret[h]` CSRs). The executables were generated using optimization `-O2`.
Results generated for hardware version: ``
Results generated for hardware version: ``
| CPU | Required Clock Cycles | Executed Instructions | Average CPI |
| `rv32i` + `Zicsr` + `Zifencei` | 7 754 927 850 | 1 492 843 669 | 5.2 |
| `rv32im` + `Zicsr` + `Zifencei` | 3 684 015 850 | 626 274 115 | 5.9 |
| `rv32imc` + `Zicsr` + `Zifencei` | 3 788 220 853 | 626 274 115 | 6.0 |
| `rv32i` + `Zicsr` + `Zifencei` | 7 433 933 906 | 1 494 298 800 | 4.97 |
| `rv32im` + `Zicsr` + `Zifencei` | 3 589 861 906 | 628 281 454 | 5.71 |
| `rv32imc` + `Zicsr` + `Zifencei` | 3 587 131 226 | 628 282 016 | 5.70 |
## Top Entity
## Top Entities
The top entity of the processor is [**neorv32_top.vhd**]( (from the `rtl/core` folder).
The top entity of the **processor** is [**neorv32_top.vhd**]( (from the `rtl/core` folder).
Just instantiate this file in your project and you are ready to go! All signals of this top entity are of type *std_ulogic* or *std_ulogic_vector*, respectively
(except for the TWI signals, which are of type *std_logic*).
Use the generics to configure the processor according to your needs. Each generic is initilized with the default configuration.
The top entity of the **CPU** is [**neorv32_cpu.vhd**]( (from the `rtl/core` folder).
Use the generics to configure the processor/CPU according to your needs. Each generic is initilized with the default configuration.
Detailed information regarding the signals and configuration generics can be found in the [NEORV32 documentary](
Alternative top entities can be found in [`rtl/top_templates`]( folder.
### Processor
entity neorv32_top is
generic (
307,17 → 322,17
CSR_COUNTERS_USE : boolean := true; -- implement RISC-V perf. counters ([m]instret[h], [m]cycle[h], time[h])?
USER_CODE : std_ulogic_vector(31 downto 0) := x"00000000"; -- custom user code
-- RISC-V CPU Extensions --
CPU_EXTENSION_RISCV_C : boolean := true; -- implement compressed extension?
CPU_EXTENSION_RISCV_C : boolean := false; -- implement compressed extension?
CPU_EXTENSION_RISCV_E : boolean := false; -- implement embedded RF extension?
CPU_EXTENSION_RISCV_M : boolean := true; -- implement muld/div extension?
CPU_EXTENSION_RISCV_M : boolean := false; -- implement muld/div extension?
CPU_EXTENSION_RISCV_Zicsr : boolean := true; -- implement CSR system?
CPU_EXTENSION_RISCV_Zifencei : boolean := true; -- implement instruction stream sync.?
-- Memory configuration: Instruction memory --
MEM_ISPACE_BASE : std_ulogic_vector(31 downto 0) := x"00000000"; -- base address of instruction memory space
MEM_ISPACE_SIZE : natural := 16*1024; -- total size of instruction memory space in byte
MEM_INT_IMEM_USE : boolean := true; -- implement processor-internal instruction memory
MEM_INT_IMEM_USE : boolean := true; -- implement processor-internal instruction memory
MEM_INT_IMEM_SIZE : natural := 16*1024; -- size of processor-internal instruction memory in bytes
MEM_INT_IMEM_ROM : boolean := false; -- implement processor-internal instruction memory as ROM
MEM_INT_IMEM_ROM : boolean := false; -- implement processor-internal instruction memory as ROM
-- Memory configuration: Data memory --
MEM_DSPACE_BASE : std_ulogic_vector(31 downto 0) := x"80000000"; -- base address of data memory space
MEM_DSPACE_SIZE : natural := 8*1024; -- total size of data memory space in byte
326,7 → 341,7
-- Memory configuration: External memory interface --
MEM_EXT_USE : boolean := false; -- implement external memory bus interface?
MEM_EXT_REG_STAGES : natural := 2; -- number of interface register stages (0,1,2)
MEM_EXT_TIMEOUT : natural := 15; -- cycles after which a valid bus access will timeout (>=1)
MEM_EXT_TIMEOUT : natural := 15; -- cycles after which a valid bus access will timeout
-- Processor peripherals --
IO_GPIO_USE : boolean := true; -- implement general purpose input/output port unit (GPIO)?
IO_MTIME_USE : boolean := true; -- implement machine system timer (MTIME)?
335,52 → 350,107
IO_TWI_USE : boolean := true; -- implement two-wire interface (TWI)?
IO_PWM_USE : boolean := true; -- implement pulse-width modulation unit (PWM)?
IO_WDT_USE : boolean := true; -- implement watch dog timer (WDT)?
IO_CLIC_USE : boolean := true; -- implement core local interrupt controller (CLIC)?
IO_TRNG_USE : boolean := false; -- implement true random number generator (TRNG)?
IO_DEVNULL_USE : boolean := true -- implement dummy device (DEVNULL)?
port (
-- Global control --
clk_i : in std_ulogic := '0'; -- global clock, rising edge
rstn_i : in std_ulogic := '0'; -- global reset, low-active, async
clk_i : in std_ulogic := '0'; -- global clock, rising edge
rstn_i : in std_ulogic := '0'; -- global reset, low-active, async
-- Wishbone bus interface (available if MEM_EXT_USE = true) --
wb_adr_o : out std_ulogic_vector(31 downto 0); -- address
wb_dat_i : in std_ulogic_vector(31 downto 0) := (others => '0'); -- read data
wb_dat_o : out std_ulogic_vector(31 downto 0); -- write data
wb_we_o : out std_ulogic; -- read/write
wb_sel_o : out std_ulogic_vector(03 downto 0); -- byte enable
wb_stb_o : out std_ulogic; -- strobe
wb_cyc_o : out std_ulogic; -- valid cycle
wb_ack_i : in std_ulogic := '0'; -- transfer acknowledge
wb_err_i : in std_ulogic := '0'; -- transfer error
wb_adr_o : out std_ulogic_vector(31 downto 0); -- address
wb_dat_i : in std_ulogic_vector(31 downto 0) := (others => '0'); -- read data
wb_dat_o : out std_ulogic_vector(31 downto 0); -- write data
wb_we_o : out std_ulogic; -- read/write
wb_sel_o : out std_ulogic_vector(03 downto 0); -- byte enable
wb_stb_o : out std_ulogic; -- strobe
wb_cyc_o : out std_ulogic; -- valid cycle
wb_ack_i : in std_ulogic := '0'; -- transfer acknowledge
wb_err_i : in std_ulogic := '0'; -- transfer error
-- Advanced memory control signals (available if MEM_EXT_USE = true) --
fence_o : out std_ulogic; -- indicates an executed FENCE operation
fencei_o : out std_ulogic; -- indicates an executed FENCEI operation
fence_o : out std_ulogic; -- indicates an executed FENCE operation
fencei_o : out std_ulogic; -- indicates an executed FENCEI operation
-- GPIO (available if IO_GPIO_USE = true) --
gpio_o : out std_ulogic_vector(15 downto 0); -- parallel output
gpio_i : in std_ulogic_vector(15 downto 0) := (others => '0'); -- parallel input
gpio_o : out std_ulogic_vector(15 downto 0); -- parallel output
gpio_i : in std_ulogic_vector(15 downto 0) := (others => '0'); -- parallel input
-- UART (available if IO_UART_USE = true) --
uart_txd_o : out std_ulogic; -- UART send data
uart_rxd_i : in std_ulogic := '0'; -- UART receive data
uart_txd_o : out std_ulogic; -- UART send data
uart_rxd_i : in std_ulogic := '0'; -- UART receive data
-- SPI (available if IO_SPI_USE = true) --
spi_sck_o : out std_ulogic; -- serial clock line
spi_sdo_o : out std_ulogic; -- serial data line out
spi_sdi_i : in std_ulogic := '0'; -- serial data line in
spi_csn_o : out std_ulogic_vector(07 downto 0); -- SPI CS
spi_sck_o : out std_ulogic; -- SPI serial clock
spi_sdo_o : out std_ulogic; -- controller data out, peripheral data in
spi_sdi_i : in std_ulogic := '0'; -- controller data in, peripheral data out
spi_csn_o : out std_ulogic_vector(07 downto 0); -- SPI CS
-- TWI (available if IO_TWI_USE = true) --
twi_sda_io : inout std_logic := 'H'; -- twi serial data line
twi_scl_io : inout std_logic := 'H'; -- twi serial clock line
twi_sda_io : inout std_logic := 'H'; -- twi serial data line
twi_scl_io : inout std_logic := 'H'; -- twi serial clock line
-- PWM (available if IO_PWM_USE = true) --
pwm_o : out std_ulogic_vector(03 downto 0); -- pwm channels
-- Interrupts (available if IO_CLIC_USE = true) --
ext_irq_i : in std_ulogic_vector(01 downto 0) := (others => '0'); -- external interrupt request
ext_ack_o : out std_ulogic_vector(01 downto 0) -- external interrupt request acknowledge
pwm_o : out std_ulogic_vector(03 downto 0); -- pwm channels
-- Interrupts --
msw_irq_i : in std_ulogic := '0'; -- machine software interrupt
mext_irq_i : in std_ulogic := '0' -- machine external interrupt
end neorv32_top;
### CPU
entity neorv32_cpu is
generic (
-- General --
CSR_COUNTERS_USE : boolean := true; -- implement RISC-V perf. counters ([m]instret[h], [m]cycle[h], time[h])?
HW_THREAD_ID : std_ulogic_vector(31 downto 0):= (others => '0'); -- hardware thread id
CPU_BOOT_ADDR : std_ulogic_vector(31 downto 0):= (others => '0'); -- cpu boot address
-- RISC-V CPU Extensions --
CPU_EXTENSION_RISCV_C : boolean := false; -- implement compressed extension?
CPU_EXTENSION_RISCV_E : boolean := false; -- implement embedded RF extension?
CPU_EXTENSION_RISCV_M : boolean := false; -- implement muld/div extension?
CPU_EXTENSION_RISCV_Zicsr : boolean := true; -- implement CSR system?
CPU_EXTENSION_RISCV_Zifencei : boolean := true; -- implement instruction stream sync.?
-- Bus Interface --
BUS_TIMEOUT : natural := 15 -- cycles after which a valid bus access will timeout
port (
-- global control --
clk_i : in std_ulogic := '0'; -- global clock, rising edge
rstn_i : in std_ulogic := '0'; -- global reset, low-active, async
-- instruction bus interface --
i_bus_addr_o : out std_ulogic_vector(data_width_c-1 downto 0); -- bus access address
i_bus_rdata_i : in std_ulogic_vector(data_width_c-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); -- bus read data
i_bus_wdata_o : out std_ulogic_vector(data_width_c-1 downto 0); -- bus write data
i_bus_ben_o : out std_ulogic_vector(03 downto 0); -- byte enable
i_bus_we_o : out std_ulogic; -- write enable
i_bus_re_o : out std_ulogic; -- read enable
i_bus_cancel_o : out std_ulogic; -- cancel current bus transaction
i_bus_ack_i : in std_ulogic := '0'; -- bus transfer acknowledge
i_bus_err_i : in std_ulogic := '0'; -- bus transfer error
i_bus_fence_o : out std_ulogic; -- executed FENCEI operation
-- data bus interface --
d_bus_addr_o : out std_ulogic_vector(data_width_c-1 downto 0); -- bus access address
d_bus_rdata_i : in std_ulogic_vector(data_width_c-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); -- bus read data
d_bus_wdata_o : out std_ulogic_vector(data_width_c-1 downto 0); -- bus write data
d_bus_ben_o : out std_ulogic_vector(03 downto 0); -- byte enable
d_bus_we_o : out std_ulogic; -- write enable
d_bus_re_o : out std_ulogic; -- read enable
d_bus_cancel_o : out std_ulogic; -- cancel current bus transaction
d_bus_ack_i : in std_ulogic := '0'; -- bus transfer acknowledge
d_bus_err_i : in std_ulogic := '0'; -- bus transfer error
d_bus_fence_o : out std_ulogic; -- executed FENCE operation
-- system time input from MTIME --
time_i : in std_ulogic_vector(63 downto 0) := (others => '0'); -- current system time
-- interrupts (risc-v compliant) --
msw_irq_i : in std_ulogic := '0'; -- machine software interrupt
mext_irq_i : in std_ulogic := '0'; -- machine external interrupt
mtime_irq_i : in std_ulogic := '0'; -- machine timer interrupt
-- fast interrupts (custom) --
firq_i : in std_ulogic_vector(3 downto 0) := (others => '0')
end neorv32_cpu;
## Getting Started
This overview is just a short excerpt from the *Let's Get It Started* section of the NEORV32 documentary:
388,36 → 458,20
[![NEORV32 datasheet]( NEORV32 datasheet](
### Building the Toolchain
### Toolchain
At first you need the **RISC-V GCC toolchain**. You can either [download the sources](
and build the toolchain by yourself, or you can download a prebuilt one and install it.
To build the toolchain by yourself, get the sources from the official [RISCV-GNU-TOOLCHAIN]( github page:
:warning: Keep in mind that – for instance – a `rv32imc` toolchain only provides library code compiled with compressed and
`mul`/`div` instructions! Hence, this code cannot be executed (without emulation) on an architecture without these extensions!
$ git clone --recursive
To build the toolchain by yourself, follow the official [build instructions](
Make sure to use the `ilp32` or `ilp32e` ABI.
Download and install the prerequisite standard packages:
Alternatively, you can download a prebuilt toolchain. I have uploaded the toolchain(s) I am using to GitHub. This toolchain
has been compiled on a 64-bit x86 Ubuntu (Ubuntu on Windows, actually). Download the toolchain of choice:
$ sudo apt-get install autoconf automake autotools-dev curl python3 libmpc-dev libmpfr-dev libgmp-dev gawk build-essential bison flex texinfo gperf libtool patchutils bc zlib1g-dev libexpat-dev
To build the Linux cross-compiler, pick an install path. If you choose, say, `/opt/riscv`, then add `/opt/riscv/bin` to your `PATH` environment variable.
$ export PATH:$PATH:/opt/riscv/bin
Then, simply run the following commands in the RISC-V GNU toolchain source folder (for the `rv32i` toolchain):
riscv-gnu-toolchain$ ./configure --prefix=/opt/riscv --with-arch=rv32i –with-abi=ilp32
riscv-gnu-toolchain$ make
After a while (hours!) you will get `riscv32-unknown-elf-gcc` and all of its friends in your `/opt/riscv/bin` folder.
### Using a Prebuilt Toolchain
Alternatively, you can download a prebuilt toolchain. I have uploaded the toolchain I am using to GitHub. This toolchain
has been compiled on a 64-bit x86 Ubuntu (Ubuntu on Windows). Download the toolchain of choice:
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