
Subversion Repositories rio

Compare Revisions

  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 15 to Rev 16
    Reverse comparison

Rev 15 → Rev 16

143,12 → 143,12
writeContentData_o : out std_logic_vector(2+(32*NUMBER_WORDS-1) downto 0);
portInitialized_i : in std_logic;
outboundSymbolEmpty_o : out std_logic;
outboundSymbolRead_i : in std_logic;
outboundSymbol_o : out std_logic_vector(2+(32*NUMBER_WORDS-1) downto 0);
inboundSymbolFull_o : out std_logic;
inboundSymbolWrite_i : in std_logic;
inboundSymbol_i : in std_logic_vector(2+(32*NUMBER_WORDS-1) downto 0));
outboundSymbolFull_i : in std_logic;
outboundSymbolWrite_o : out std_logic;
outboundSymbol_o : out std_logic_vector(((2+32)*NUMBER_WORDS-1) downto 0);
inboundSymbolEmpty_i : in std_logic;
inboundSymbolRead_o : out std_logic;
inboundSymbol_i : in std_logic_vector(((2+32)*NUMBER_WORDS-1) downto 0));
end component;
constant NUMBER_WORDS : natural range 1 to 8 := 1;
171,11 → 171,11
signal outboundAckIdRead : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0);
signal portInitialized : std_logic;
signal outboundSymbolEmpty : std_logic;
signal outboundSymbolRead : std_logic;
signal outboundSymbolFull : std_logic;
signal outboundSymbolWrite : std_logic;
signal outboundSymbol : std_logic_vector(2+(32*NUMBER_WORDS-1) downto 0);
signal inboundSymbolFull : std_logic;
signal inboundSymbolWrite : std_logic;
signal inboundSymbolEmpty : std_logic;
signal inboundSymbolRead : std_logic;
signal inboundSymbol : std_logic_vector(2+(32*NUMBER_WORDS-1) downto 0);
signal readFrameEmpty : std_logic;
229,14 → 229,12
constant symbolType : in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
constant symbolContent : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := x"00000000") is
wait until outboundSymbolEmpty = '0' and clk'event and clk = '1';
outboundSymbolFull <= '0';
wait until clk'event and clk = '1' and outboundSymbolWrite = '1';
while ((outboundSymbol(33 downto 32) = SYMBOL_IDLE) and
(symbolType /= SYMBOL_IDLE)) loop
outboundSymbolRead <= '1';
wait until clk'event and clk = '1';
outboundSymbolRead <= '0';
wait until outboundSymbolEmpty = '0' and clk'event and clk = '1';
wait until clk'event and clk = '1' and outboundSymbolWrite = '1';
end loop;
assert symbolType = outboundSymbol(33 downto 32)
262,9 → 260,7
severity error;
end if;
outboundSymbolRead <= '1';
wait until clk'event and clk = '1';
outboundSymbolRead <= '0';
outboundSymbolFull <= '1';
end procedure;
274,13 → 270,11
constant symbolType : in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
constant symbolContent : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := x"00000000") is
wait until inboundSymbolFull = '0' and clk'event and clk = '1';
inboundSymbolWrite <= '1';
inboundSymbolEmpty <= '0';
inboundSymbol <= symbolType & symbolContent;
wait until clk'event and clk = '1';
inboundSymbolWrite <= '0';
wait until clk'event and clk = '1' and inboundSymbolRead = '1';
inboundSymbolEmpty <= '1';
end procedure;
305,8 → 299,8
outputPortEnable <= '1';
portInitialized <= '0';
outboundSymbolRead <= '0';
inboundSymbolWrite <= '0';
outboundSymbolFull <= '1';
inboundSymbolEmpty <= '1';
inboundSymbol <= (others => '0');
localAckIdWrite <= '0';
474,6 → 468,7
wait until linkInitialized = '1';
2311,9 → 2306,11
writeFrameFull_i=>writeFrameFull, writeFrame_o=>writeFrame, writeFrameAbort_o=>writeFrameAbort,
writeContent_o=>writeContent, writeContentData_o=>writeContentData,
outboundSymbolEmpty_o=>outboundSymbolEmpty, outboundSymbolRead_i=>outboundSymbolRead,
inboundSymbolFull_o=>inboundSymbolFull, inboundSymbolWrite_i=>inboundSymbolWrite,
end architecture;
280,7 → 280,8
end procedure;
procedure SetOutboundReadContent(
constant content : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0)) is
constant content : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
constant ending : in std_logic := '0') is
outboundReadContent <= '1';
wait until clk'event and clk = '1';
288,24 → 289,12
assert (outboundReadContentData = content)
report "Unexpected content read." severity error;
assert (outboundReadContentEnd = '0')
assert (outboundReadContentEnd = ending)
report "Unexpected content end." severity error;
outboundReadContent <= '0';
end procedure;
procedure SetOutboundReadContentEnd is
outboundReadContent <= '1';
wait until clk'event and clk = '1';
wait for 1 ns;
assert (outboundReadContentEnd = '1')
report "Unexpected content end." severity error;
outboundReadContent <= '0';
end procedure;
procedure SetOutboundReadFrame is
assert outboundReadFrameEmpty = '0'
659,7 → 648,7
for i in 0 to 2 loop
for i in 0 to 1 loop
SetOutboundReadContent(std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(i, 32)));
assert (outboundWriteFrameFull = '0')
report "Unexpected writeFrameFull." severity error;
669,7 → 658,7
report "Unexpected readWindowEmpty." severity error;
end loop;
SetOutboundReadContent(std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(2, 32)), '1');
assert (outboundWriteFrameFull = '0')
report "Unexpected writeFrameFull." severity error;
assert (outboundReadFrameEmpty = '0')
685,7 → 674,7
assert (outboundReadWindowEmpty = '0')
report "Unexpected readWindowEmpty." severity error;
for i in 0 to 2 loop
for i in 0 to 1 loop
SetOutboundReadContent(std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(i, 32)));
assert (outboundWriteFrameFull = '0')
report "Unexpected writeFrameFull." severity error;
695,7 → 684,7
report "Unexpected readWindowEmpty." severity error;
end loop;
SetOutboundReadContent(std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(2, 32)), '1');
assert (outboundWriteFrameFull = '0')
report "Unexpected writeFrameFull." severity error;
assert (outboundReadFrameEmpty = '0')
779,7 → 768,7
-- Read the frames using the window mechanism.
for i in 0 to 2 loop
for i in 0 to 1 loop
SetOutboundReadContent(std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(1+i, 32)));
assert (outboundWriteFrameFull = '0')
report "Unexpected writeFrameFull." severity error;
789,7 → 778,7
report "Unexpected readWindowEmpty." severity error;
end loop;
SetOutboundReadContent(std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(1+2, 32)), '1');
assert (outboundWriteFrameFull = '0')
report "Unexpected writeFrameFull." severity error;
assert (outboundReadFrameEmpty = '0')
805,7 → 794,7
assert (outboundReadWindowEmpty = '0')
report "Unexpected readWindowEmpty." severity error;
for i in 0 to 2 loop
for i in 0 to 1 loop
SetOutboundReadContent(std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(2+i, 32)));
assert (outboundWriteFrameFull = '0')
report "Unexpected writeFrameFull." severity error;
815,7 → 804,7
report "Unexpected readWindowEmpty." severity error;
end loop;
SetOutboundReadContent(std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(2+2, 32)), '1');
assert (outboundWriteFrameFull = '0')
report "Unexpected writeFrameFull." severity error;
assert (outboundReadFrameEmpty = '0')
843,7 → 832,7
assert (outboundReadWindowEmpty = '0')
report "Unexpected readWindowEmpty." severity error;
for i in 0 to 2 loop
for i in 0 to 1 loop
SetOutboundReadContent(std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(1+i, 32)));
assert (outboundWriteFrameFull = '0')
report "Unexpected writeFrameFull." severity error;
853,7 → 842,7
report "Unexpected readWindowEmpty." severity error;
end loop;
SetOutboundReadContent(std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(1+2, 32)), '1');
assert (outboundWriteFrameFull = '0')
report "Unexpected writeFrameFull." severity error;
assert (outboundReadFrameEmpty = '0')
869,7 → 858,7
assert (outboundReadWindowEmpty = '0')
report "Unexpected readWindowEmpty." severity error;
for i in 0 to 2 loop
for i in 0 to 1 loop
SetOutboundReadContent(std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(2+i, 32)));
assert (outboundWriteFrameFull = '0')
report "Unexpected writeFrameFull." severity error;
879,7 → 868,7
report "Unexpected readWindowEmpty." severity error;
end loop;
SetOutboundReadContent(std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(2+2, 32)), '1');
assert (outboundWriteFrameFull = '0')
report "Unexpected writeFrameFull." severity error;
assert (outboundReadFrameEmpty = '0')
914,7 → 903,7
assert (outboundReadWindowEmpty = '0')
report "Unexpected readWindowEmpty." severity error;
for i in 0 to 2 loop
for i in 0 to 1 loop
SetOutboundReadContent(std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(2+i, 32)));
assert (outboundWriteFrameFull = '0')
report "Unexpected writeFrameFull." severity error;
924,7 → 913,7
report "Unexpected readWindowEmpty." severity error;
end loop;
SetOutboundReadContent(std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(2+2, 32)), '1');
assert (outboundWriteFrameFull = '0')
report "Unexpected writeFrameFull." severity error;
assert (outboundReadFrameEmpty = '0')
1023,7 → 1012,7
for j in 0 to 61 loop
for i in 0 to 2 loop
for i in 0 to 1 loop
SetOutboundReadContent(std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(j+i, 32)));
assert (outboundWriteFrameFull = '1')
report "Unexpected writeFrameFull." severity error;
1033,7 → 1022,7
report "Unexpected readWindowEmpty." severity error;
end loop;
SetOutboundReadContent(std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(j+2, 32)), '1');
assert (outboundWriteFrameFull = '1')
report "Unexpected writeFrameFull." severity error;
assert (outboundReadFrameEmpty = '0')
1050,7 → 1039,7
report "Unexpected readWindowEmpty." severity error;
end loop;
for i in 0 to 2 loop
for i in 0 to 1 loop
SetOutboundReadContent(std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(62+i, 32)));
assert (outboundWriteFrameFull = '1')
report "Unexpected writeFrameFull." severity error;
1060,7 → 1049,7
report "Unexpected readWindowEmpty." severity error;
end loop;
SetOutboundReadContent(std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(62+2, 32)), '1');
assert (outboundWriteFrameFull = '1')
report "Unexpected writeFrameFull." severity error;
assert (outboundReadFrameEmpty = '0')
1106,7 → 1095,7
assert (outboundReadWindowEmpty = '0')
report "Unexpected readWindowEmpty." severity error;
for i in 0 to 2 loop
for i in 0 to 1 loop
SetOutboundReadContent(std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(62+i, 32)));
assert (outboundWriteFrameFull = '0')
report "Unexpected writeFrameFull." severity error;
1116,7 → 1105,7
report "Unexpected readWindowEmpty." severity error;
end loop;
SetOutboundReadContent(std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(62+2, 32)), '1');
assert (outboundWriteFrameFull = '0')
report "Unexpected writeFrameFull." severity error;
assert (outboundReadFrameEmpty = '0')
1221,7 → 1210,7
for j in 0 to 5 loop
for i in 0 to 30 loop
for i in 0 to 29 loop
SetOutboundReadContent(std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(j+i, 32)));
assert (outboundWriteFrameFull = '1')
report "Unexpected writeFrameFull." severity error;
1231,7 → 1220,7
report "Unexpected readWindowEmpty." severity error;
end loop;
SetOutboundReadContent(std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(j+30, 32)), '1');
assert (outboundWriteFrameFull = '1')
report "Unexpected writeFrameFull." severity error;
assert (outboundReadFrameEmpty = '0')
1248,7 → 1237,7
report "Unexpected readWindowEmpty." severity error;
end loop;
for i in 0 to 68 loop
for i in 0 to 67 loop
SetOutboundReadContent(std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(1024+i, 32)));
assert (outboundWriteFrameFull = '1')
report "Unexpected writeFrameFull." severity error;
1258,7 → 1247,7
report "Unexpected readWindowEmpty." severity error;
end loop;
SetOutboundReadContent(std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(1024+68, 32)), '1');
assert (outboundWriteFrameFull = '1')
report "Unexpected writeFrameFull." severity error;
assert (outboundReadFrameEmpty = '0')
1314,7 → 1303,7
assert (outboundReadWindowEmpty = '0')
report "Unexpected readWindowEmpty." severity error;
for i in 0 to 68 loop
for i in 0 to 67 loop
SetOutboundReadContent(std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(1024+i, 32)));
assert (outboundWriteFrameFull = '0')
report "Unexpected writeFrameFull." severity error;
1324,7 → 1313,7
report "Unexpected readWindowEmpty." severity error;
end loop;
SetOutboundReadContent(std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(1024+68, 32)), '1');
assert (outboundWriteFrameFull = '0')
report "Unexpected writeFrameFull." severity error;
assert (outboundReadFrameEmpty = '0')
1531,7 → 1520,7
for i in 0 to 3 loop
for i in 0 to 2 loop
SetOutboundReadContent(std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(i, 32)));
assert (outboundWriteFrameFull = '0')
report "Unexpected writeFrameFull." severity error;
1541,7 → 1530,7
report "Unexpected readWindowEmpty." severity error;
end loop;
SetOutboundReadContent(std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(3, 32)), '1');
assert (outboundWriteFrameFull = '0')
report "Unexpected writeFrameFull." severity error;
assert (outboundReadFrameEmpty = '0')
1589,7 → 1578,7
assert (outboundReadWindowEmpty = '0')
report "Unexpected readWindowEmpty." severity error;
SetOutboundReadContent(std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(4, 32)));
SetOutboundReadContent(std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(4, 32)), '1');
assert (outboundWriteFrameFull = '0')
report "Unexpected writeFrameFull." severity error;
assert (outboundReadFrameEmpty = '0')
1597,14 → 1586,6
assert (outboundReadWindowEmpty = '0')
report "Unexpected readWindowEmpty." severity error;
assert (outboundWriteFrameFull = '0')
report "Unexpected writeFrameFull." severity error;
assert (outboundReadFrameEmpty = '0')
report "Unexpected readFrameEmpty." severity error;
assert (outboundReadWindowEmpty = '0')
report "Unexpected readWindowEmpty." severity error;
assert (outboundWriteFrameFull = '0')
report "Unexpected writeFrameFull." severity error;
1725,7 → 1706,7
assert (outboundReadWindowEmpty = '0')
report "Unexpected readWindowEmpty." severity error;
for i in 0 to 3 loop
for i in 0 to 2 loop
SetOutboundReadContent(std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(1+i, 32)));
assert (outboundWriteFrameFull = '0')
report "Unexpected writeFrameFull." severity error;
1735,7 → 1716,7
report "Unexpected readWindowEmpty." severity error;
end loop;
SetOutboundReadContent(std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(1+3, 32)), '1');
assert (outboundWriteFrameFull = '0')
report "Unexpected writeFrameFull." severity error;
assert (outboundReadFrameEmpty = '0')
1759,7 → 1740,7
assert (outboundReadWindowEmpty = '0')
report "Unexpected readWindowEmpty." severity error;
for i in 0 to 3 loop
for i in 0 to 2 loop
SetOutboundReadContent(std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(3+i, 32)));
assert (outboundWriteFrameFull = '0')
report "Unexpected writeFrameFull." severity error;
1769,7 → 1750,7
report "Unexpected readWindowEmpty." severity error;
end loop;
SetOutboundReadContent(std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(3+3, 32)), '1');
assert (outboundWriteFrameFull = '0')
report "Unexpected writeFrameFull." severity error;
assert (outboundReadFrameEmpty = '0')
1820,7 → 1801,7
assert (outboundReadWindowEmpty = '0')
report "Unexpected readWindowEmpty." severity error;
for i in 0 to 3 loop
for i in 0 to 2 loop
SetOutboundReadContent(std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(1+i, 32)));
assert (outboundWriteFrameFull = '0')
report "Unexpected writeFrameFull." severity error;
1830,7 → 1811,7
report "Unexpected readWindowEmpty." severity error;
end loop;
SetOutboundReadContent(std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(1+3, 32)), '1');
assert (outboundWriteFrameFull = '0')
report "Unexpected writeFrameFull." severity error;
assert (outboundReadFrameEmpty = '0')
1846,7 → 1827,7
assert (outboundReadWindowEmpty = '0')
report "Unexpected readWindowEmpty." severity error;
for i in 0 to 3 loop
for i in 0 to 2 loop
SetOutboundReadContent(std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(1+i, 32)));
assert (outboundWriteFrameFull = '0')
report "Unexpected writeFrameFull." severity error;
1856,7 → 1837,7
report "Unexpected readWindowEmpty." severity error;
end loop;
SetOutboundReadContent(std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(1+3, 32)), '1');
assert (outboundWriteFrameFull = '0')
report "Unexpected writeFrameFull." severity error;
assert (outboundReadFrameEmpty = '0')
1914,7 → 1895,7
assert (outboundReadContentEmpty = '0')
report "Unexpected readContentEmpty." severity error;
SetOutboundReadContent(std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(1, 32)));
SetOutboundReadContent(std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(1, 32)), '1');
assert (outboundWriteFrameFull = '0')
report "Unexpected writeFrameFull." severity error;
assert (outboundReadFrameEmpty = '1')
1934,16 → 1915,6
assert (outboundReadContentEmpty = '0')
report "Unexpected readContentEmpty." severity error;
assert (outboundWriteFrameFull = '0')
report "Unexpected writeFrameFull." severity error;
assert (outboundReadFrameEmpty = '0')
report "Unexpected readFrameEmpty." severity error;
assert (outboundReadWindowEmpty = '0')
report "Unexpected readWindowEmpty." severity error;
assert (outboundReadContentEmpty = '0')
report "Unexpected readContentEmpty." severity error;
assert (outboundWriteFrameFull = '0')
report "Unexpected writeFrameFull." severity error;
2035,7 → 2006,7
assert (outboundReadFrameAborted = '0')
report "Unexpected readFrameAborted." severity error;
SetOutboundReadContent(std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(2, 32)));
SetOutboundReadContent(std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(2, 32)), '1');
assert (outboundWriteFrameFull = '0')
report "Unexpected writeFrameFull." severity error;
assert (outboundReadFrameEmpty = '1')
2059,18 → 2030,6
assert (outboundReadFrameAborted = '0')
report "Unexpected readFrameAborted." severity error;
assert (outboundWriteFrameFull = '0')
report "Unexpected writeFrameFull." severity error;
assert (outboundReadFrameEmpty = '0')
report "Unexpected readFrameEmpty." severity error;
assert (outboundReadWindowEmpty = '0')
report "Unexpected readWindowEmpty." severity error;
assert (outboundReadContentEmpty = '0')
report "Unexpected readContentEmpty." severity error;
assert (outboundReadFrameAborted = '0')
report "Unexpected readFrameAborted." severity error;
assert (outboundWriteFrameFull = '0')
report "Unexpected writeFrameFull." severity error;
2116,7 → 2075,7
assert (outboundReadFrameAborted = '0')
report "Unexpected readFrameAborted." severity error;
SetOutboundReadContent(std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(1, 32)));
SetOutboundReadContent(std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(1, 32)), '1');
assert (outboundWriteFrameFull = '0')
report "Unexpected writeFrameFull." severity error;
assert (outboundReadFrameEmpty = '1')
2164,18 → 2123,6
assert (outboundReadFrameAborted = '0')
report "Unexpected readFrameAborted." severity error;
assert (outboundWriteFrameFull = '0')
report "Unexpected writeFrameFull." severity error;
assert (outboundReadFrameEmpty = '0')
report "Unexpected readFrameEmpty." severity error;
assert (outboundReadWindowEmpty = '0')
report "Unexpected readWindowEmpty." severity error;
assert (outboundReadContentEmpty = '0')
report "Unexpected readContentEmpty." severity error;
assert (outboundReadFrameAborted = '0')
report "Unexpected readFrameAborted." severity error;
assert (outboundWriteFrameFull = '0')
report "Unexpected writeFrameFull." severity error;
177,6 → 177,12
-- information that should be forwarded. Should be active for one tick.
-- inboundSymbol_i - The inbound symbol. See outboundSymbol_o for formating.
-- REMARK: Multi-symbol support is not fully supported yet...
-- REMARK: Optimize the piggy-backing of symbols from the receiver, use the
-- number of words that remain to determine when to insert a control-symbol
-- into a stream of data-symbols...
-- REMARK: Optimize the transmitter better, too low performance...
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
233,11 → 239,11
-- PCS layer signals.
portInitialized_i : in std_logic;
outboundSymbolEmpty_o : out std_logic;
outboundSymbolRead_i : in std_logic;
outboundSymbolFull_i : in std_logic;
outboundSymbolWrite_o : out std_logic;
outboundSymbol_o : out std_logic_vector(((2+32)*NUMBER_WORDS-1) downto 0);
inboundSymbolFull_o : out std_logic;
inboundSymbolWrite_i : in std_logic;
inboundSymbolEmpty_i : in std_logic;
inboundSymbolRead_o : out std_logic;
inboundSymbol_i : in std_logic_vector(((2+32)*NUMBER_WORDS-1) downto 0));
end entity;
247,9 → 253,10
architecture RioSerialImpl of RioSerial is
component RioFifo1 is
component RioFifo is
WIDTH : natural);
DEPTH_WIDTH : natural;
DATA_WIDTH : natural);
clk : in std_logic;
areset_n : in std_logic;
256,11 → 263,11
empty_o : out std_logic;
read_i : in std_logic;
data_o : out std_logic_vector(WIDTH-1 downto 0);
data_o : out std_logic_vector(DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0);
full_o : out std_logic;
write_i : in std_logic;
data_i : in std_logic_vector(WIDTH-1 downto 0));
data_i : in std_logic_vector(DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0));
end component;
component RioTransmitter is
284,15 → 291,15
portInitialized_i : in std_logic;
txFull_i : in std_logic;
txWrite_o : out std_logic;
txType_o : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
txData_o : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
txType_o : out std_logic_vector(2*NUMBER_WORDS-1 downto 0);
txData_o : out std_logic_vector(32*NUMBER_WORDS-1 downto 0);
txControlEmpty_i : in std_logic;
txControlSymbol_i : in std_logic_vector(12 downto 0);
txControlUpdate_o : out std_logic;
rxControlEmpty_i : in std_logic;
rxControlSymbol_i : in std_logic_vector(12 downto 0);
rxControlUpdate_o : out std_logic;
txControlEmpty_i : in std_logic_vector(NUMBER_WORDS-1 downto 0);
txControlSymbol_i : in std_logic_vector(12*NUMBER_WORDS downto 0);
txControlUpdate_o : out std_logic_vector(NUMBER_WORDS-1 downto 0);
rxControlEmpty_i : in std_logic_vector(NUMBER_WORDS-1 downto 0);
rxControlSymbol_i : in std_logic_vector(12*NUMBER_WORDS downto 0);
rxControlUpdate_o : out std_logic_vector(NUMBER_WORDS-1 downto 0);
linkInitialized_i : in std_logic;
linkInitialized_o : out std_logic;
363,17 → 370,11
signal rxControlRead : std_logic_vector(NUMBER_WORDS-1 downto 0);
signal rxControlReadSymbol : std_logic_vector(12*NUMBER_WORDS downto 0);
signal outboundFull : std_logic;
signal outboundWrite : std_logic;
signal outboundType : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
signal outboundData : std_logic_vector(32*NUMBER_WORDS-1 downto 0);
signal outboundSymbol : std_logic_vector(2+(32*NUMBER_WORDS-1) downto 0);
signal inboundEmpty : std_logic;
signal inboundRead : std_logic;
signal inboundType : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
signal inboundData : std_logic_vector(32*NUMBER_WORDS-1 downto 0);
signal inboundSymbol : std_logic_vector(((2+32)*NUMBER_WORDS-1) downto 0);
384,6 → 385,7
-- Serial layer modules.
outboundSymbol_o <= outboundType & outboundData;
Transmitter: RioTransmitter
generic map(
399,26 → 401,35
txFull_i=>outboundFull, txWrite_o=>outboundWrite,
txType_o=>outboundType, txData_o=>outboundData,
txControlEmpty_i=>txControlReadEmpty(0), txControlSymbol_i=>txControlReadSymbol,
rxControlEmpty_i=>rxControlReadEmpty(0), rxControlSymbol_i=>rxControlReadSymbol,
linkInitialized_i=>linkInitializedRx, ackIdStatus_i=>ackIdStatus,
readFrameEmpty_i=>readFrameEmpty_i, readFrame_o=>readFrame_o,
readFrameRestart_o=>readFrameRestart_o, readFrameAborted_i=>readFrameAborted_i,
readWindowReset_o=>readWindowReset_o, readWindowNext_o=>readWindowNext_o,
readContentEmpty_i=>readContentEmpty_i, readContent_o=>readContent_o,
readContentWords_i=>readContentData_i(2+(32*NUMBER_WORDS-1) downto 1+(32*NUMBER_WORDS-1)),
readContentData_i=>readContentData_i(32*NUMBER_WORDS-1 downto 0));
SymbolFifo: for i in 0 to NUMBER_WORDS-1 generate
TxSymbolFifo: RioFifo1
generic map(WIDTH=>13)
TxSymbolFifo: RioFifo
generic map(DEPTH_WIDTH=>5, DATA_WIDTH=>13)
port map(
clk=>clk, areset_n=>areset_n,
428,8 → 439,8
data_i=>txControlWriteSymbol(12*(i+1) downto 12*i));
RxSymbolFifo: RioFifo1
generic map(WIDTH=>13)
RxSymbolFifo: RioFifo
generic map(DEPTH_WIDTH=>5, DATA_WIDTH=>13)
port map(
clk=>clk, areset_n=>areset_n,
440,6 → 451,8
data_i=>rxControlWriteSymbol(12*(i+1) downto 12*i));
end generate;
inboundType <= inboundSymbol_i(2+(32*NUMBER_WORDS-1) downto 1+(32*NUMBER_WORDS-1));
inboundData <= inboundSymbol_i(32*NUMBER_WORDS-1 downto 0);
Receiver: RioReceiver
port map(
449,38 → 462,22
rxEmpty_i=>inboundEmpty, rxRead_o=>inboundRead,
rxType_i=>inboundType, rxData_i=>inboundData,
txControlWrite_o=>txControlWrite, txControlSymbol_o=>txControlWriteSymbol,
rxControlWrite_o=>rxControlWrite, rxControlSymbol_o=>rxControlWriteSymbol,
writeFrame_o=>writeFrame_o, writeFrameAbort_o=>writeFrameAbort_o,
writeContentWords_o=>writeContentData_o(2+(32*NUMBER_WORDS-1) downto 1+(32*NUMBER_WORDS-1)),
writeContentData_o=>writeContentData_o(32*NUMBER_WORDS-1 downto 0));
-- PCS layer FIFO interface.
outboundSymbol <= outboundType & outboundData;
OutboundSymbolFifo: RioFifo1
generic map(WIDTH=>2+32*NUMBER_WORDS)
port map(
clk=>clk, areset_n=>areset_n,
empty_o=>outboundSymbolEmpty_o, read_i=>outboundSymbolRead_i, data_o=>outboundSymbol_o,
full_o=>outboundFull, write_i=>outboundWrite, data_i=>outboundSymbol);
inboundType <= inboundSymbol(2+(32*NUMBER_WORDS-1) downto 1+(32*NUMBER_WORDS-1));
inboundData <= inboundSymbol(32*NUMBER_WORDS-1 downto 0);
InboundSymbolFifo: RioFifo1
generic map(WIDTH=>2+32*NUMBER_WORDS)
port map(
clk=>clk, areset_n=>areset_n,
empty_o=>inboundEmpty, read_i=>inboundRead, data_o=>inboundSymbol,
full_o=>inboundSymbolFull_o, write_i=>inboundSymbolWrite_i, data_i=>inboundSymbol_i);
end architecture;
527,14 → 524,14
txData_o : out std_logic_vector(32*NUMBER_WORDS-1 downto 0);
-- Control symbols aimed to the transmitter.
txControlEmpty_i : in std_logic;
txControlSymbol_i : in std_logic_vector(12 downto 0);
txControlUpdate_o : out std_logic;
txControlEmpty_i : in std_logic_vector(NUMBER_WORDS-1 downto 0);
txControlSymbol_i : in std_logic_vector(12*NUMBER_WORDS downto 0);
txControlUpdate_o : out std_logic_vector(NUMBER_WORDS-1 downto 0);
-- Control symbols from the receiver to send.
rxControlEmpty_i : in std_logic;
rxControlSymbol_i : in std_logic_vector(12 downto 0);
rxControlUpdate_o : out std_logic;
rxControlEmpty_i : in std_logic_vector(NUMBER_WORDS-1 downto 0);
rxControlSymbol_i : in std_logic_vector(12*NUMBER_WORDS downto 0);
rxControlUpdate_o : out std_logic_vector(NUMBER_WORDS-1 downto 0);
-- Internal signalling from the receiver part.
linkInitialized_o : out std_logic;
622,16 → 619,18
recoverCounter_o : out std_logic_vector(4 downto 0);
ackIdWindow_i : in std_logic_vector(4 downto 0);
ackIdWindow_o : out std_logic_vector(4 downto 0);
frameState_i : in std_logic_vector(6 downto 0);
frameState_o : out std_logic_vector(6 downto 0);
frameState_i : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
frameState_o : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
frameWordCounter_i : in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
frameWordCounter_o : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
frameContent_i : in std_logic_vector(32*NUMBER_WORDS-1 downto 0);
frameContent_o : out std_logic_vector(32*NUMBER_WORDS-1 downto 0);
frameContent_i : in std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
frameContent_o : out std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
counter_i : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
counter_o : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
symbolsTransmitted_i : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
symbolsTransmitted_o : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
maintenanceClass_i : in std_logic;
maintenanceClass_o : out std_logic;
-- Frame buffer interface.
readFrameEmpty_i : in std_logic;
675,24 → 674,67
signal timeSentReadAddress : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0);
signal timeSentReadData : std_logic_vector(TIMEOUT_WIDTH downto 0);
signal operationalCurrent, operationalNext : std_logic;
signal ackIdCurrent, ackIdNext : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0);
signal bufferStatusCurrent, bufferStatusNext : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0);
signal statusReceivedCurrent, statusReceivedNext : std_logic;
signal numberSentLinkRequestsCurrent, numberSentLinkRequestsNext : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
signal outputErrorStoppedCurrent, outputErrorStoppedNext : std_logic;
signal fatalErrorCurrent, fatalErrorNext : std_logic;
signal recoverActiveCurrent, recoverActiveNext : std_logic;
signal recoverCounterCurrent, recoverCounterNext : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0);
signal ackIdWindowCurrent, ackIdWindowNext : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0);
signal frameStateCurrent, frameStateNext : std_logic_vector(6 downto 0);
signal frameWordCounterCurrent, frameWordCounterNext : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
signal frameContentCurrent, frameContentNext : std_logic_vector(32*NUMBER_WORDS-1 downto 0);
signal counterCurrent, counterNext : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
signal symbolsTransmittedCurrent, symbolsTransmittedNext : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal operationalCurrent, operationalNext : std_logic_vector(NUMBER_WORDS-1 downto 0);
signal ackIdCurrent, ackIdNext : std_logic_vector(5*NUMBER_WORDS-1 downto 0);
signal bufferStatusCurrent, bufferStatusNext : std_logic_vector(5*NUMBER_WORDS-1 downto 0);
signal statusReceivedCurrent, statusReceivedNext : std_logic_vector(NUMBER_WORDS-1 downto 0);
signal numberSentLinkRequestsCurrent, numberSentLinkRequestsNext : std_logic_vector(2*NUMBER_WORDS-1 downto 0);
signal outputErrorStoppedCurrent, outputErrorStoppedNext : std_logic_vector(NUMBER_WORDS-1 downto 0);
signal fatalErrorCurrent, fatalErrorNext : std_logic_vector(NUMBER_WORDS-1 downto 0);
signal recoverActiveCurrent, recoverActiveNext : std_logic_vector(NUMBER_WORDS-1 downto 0);
signal recoverCounterCurrent, recoverCounterNext : std_logic_vector(5*NUMBER_WORDS-1 downto 0);
signal ackIdWindowCurrent, ackIdWindowNext : std_logic_vector(5*NUMBER_WORDS-1 downto 0);
signal frameStateCurrent, frameStateNext : std_logic_vector(4*NUMBER_WORDS-1 downto 0);
signal frameWordCounterCurrent, frameWordCounterNext : std_logic_vector(2*NUMBER_WORDS-1 downto 0);
signal frameContentCurrent, frameContentNext : std_logic_vector(64*NUMBER_WORDS-1 downto 0);
signal counterCurrent, counterNext : std_logic_vector(4*NUMBER_WORDS-1 downto 0);
signal symbolsTransmittedCurrent, symbolsTransmittedNext : std_logic_vector(8*NUMBER_WORDS-1 downto 0);
signal maintenanceClassCurrent, maintenanceClassNext : std_logic_vector(NUMBER_WORDS-1 downto 0);
signal readFrame : std_logic_vector(NUMBER_WORDS-1 downto 0);
signal readFrameRestart : std_logic_vector(NUMBER_WORDS-1 downto 0);
signal readWindowReset : std_logic_vector(NUMBER_WORDS-1 downto 0);
signal readWindowNext : std_logic_vector(NUMBER_WORDS-1 downto 0);
signal readContent : std_logic_vector(NUMBER_WORDS-1 downto 0);
-- Output generation to packet buffer.
process(readFrame, readFrameRestart,
readWindowReset, readWindowNext, readContent)
readFrame_o <= '0';
readFrameRestart_o <= '0';
readWindowReset_o <= '0';
readWindowNext_o <= '0';
readContent_o <= '0';
for i in 0 to NUMBER_WORDS-1 loop
if (readFrame(i) = '1') then
readFrame_o <= '1';
end if;
if (readFrameRestart(i) = '1') then
readFrameRestart_o <= '1';
end if;
if (readWindowReset(i) = '1') then
readWindowReset_o <= '1';
end if;
if (readWindowNext(i) = '1') then
readWindowNext_o <= '1';
end if;
if (readContent(i) = '1') then
readContent_o <= '1';
end if;
end loop;
end process;
-- Timeout logic.
process(areset_n, clk)
if (areset_n = '0') then
705,7 → 747,7
timeSentElapsed <= unsigned(timeCurrent) - unsigned(timeSentReadData);
timeSentDelta <= unsigned('0' & portLinkTimeout_i) - timeSentElapsed;
timeSentExpired <= timeSentDelta(TIMEOUT_WIDTH);
timeSentEnable <= (not txFull_i) and (timeSentSet or timeSentReset);
timeSentWriteAddress <= ackIdWindowCurrent when timeSentSet = '1' else
717,18 → 759,21
clkA_i=>clk, enableA_i=>timeSentEnable,
addressA_i=>timeSentWriteAddress, dataA_i=>timeCurrent,
addressB_i=>timeSentReadAddress, dataB_o=>timeSentReadData);
-- Protocol core and synchronization.
process(areset_n, clk)
if (areset_n = '0') then
operationalCurrent <= '0';
operationalCurrent <= (others=>'0');
ackIdCurrent <= (others=>'0');
bufferStatusCurrent <= (others=>'0');
statusReceivedCurrent <= '0';
statusReceivedCurrent <= (others=>'0');
numberSentLinkRequestsCurrent <= (others=>'0');
outputErrorStoppedCurrent <= '0';
fatalErrorCurrent <= '0';
recoverActiveCurrent <= '0';
outputErrorStoppedCurrent <= (others=>'0');
fatalErrorCurrent <= (others=>'0');
recoverActiveCurrent <= (others=>'0');
recoverCounterCurrent <= (others=>'0');
ackIdWindowCurrent <= (others=>'0');
frameStateCurrent <= (others=>'0');
736,6 → 781,7
frameContentCurrent <= (others=>'0');
counterCurrent <= (others=>'0');
symbolsTransmittedCurrent <= (others=>'0');
maintenanceClassCurrent <= (others=>'0');
elsif (clk'event and clk = '1') then
if (txFull_i = '0') then
operationalCurrent <= operationalNext;
753,60 → 799,80
frameContentCurrent <= frameContentNext;
counterCurrent <= counterNext;
symbolsTransmittedCurrent <= symbolsTransmittedNext;
maintenanceClassCurrent <= maintenanceClassNext;
end if;
end if;
end process;
TxCore: RioTransmitterCore
port map(
clk=>clk, areset_n=>areset_n,
txFull_i=>txFull_i, txWrite_o=>txWrite_o, txType_o=>txType_o, txData_o=>txData_o,
operational_i=>operationalCurrent, operational_o=>operationalNext,
ackId_i=>ackIdCurrent, ackId_o=>ackIdNext,
bufferStatus_i=>bufferStatusCurrent, bufferStatus_o=>bufferStatusNext,
statusReceived_i=>statusReceivedCurrent, statusReceived_o=>statusReceivedNext,
numberSentLinkRequests_i=>numberSentLinkRequestsCurrent, numberSentLinkRequests_o=>numberSentLinkRequestsNext,
outputErrorStopped_i=>outputErrorStoppedCurrent, outputErrorStopped_o=>outputErrorStoppedNext,
fatalError_i=>fatalErrorCurrent, fatalError_o=>fatalErrorNext,
recoverActive_i=>recoverActiveCurrent, recoverActive_o=>recoverActiveNext,
recoverCounter_i=>recoverCounterCurrent, recoverCounter_o=>recoverCounterNext,
ackIdWindow_i=>ackIdWindowCurrent, ackIdWindow_o=>ackIdWindowNext,
frameState_i=>frameStateCurrent, frameState_o=>frameStateNext,
frameWordCounter_i=>frameWordCounterCurrent, frameWordCounter_o=>frameWordCounterNext,
frameContent_i=>frameContentCurrent, frameContent_o=>frameContentNext,
counter_i=>counterCurrent, counter_o=>counterNext,
symbolsTransmitted_i=>symbolsTransmittedCurrent, symbolsTransmitted_o=>symbolsTransmittedNext,
CoreGeneration: for i in 0 to NUMBER_WORDS-1 generate
TxCore: RioTransmitterCore
port map(
clk=>clk, areset_n=>areset_n,
txControlSymbol_i=>txControlSymbol_i(13*(i+1)-1 downto 13*i),
rxControlSymbol_i=>rxControlSymbol_i(13*(i+1)-1 downto 13*i),
ackId_i=>ackIdCurrent(5*(i+1)-1 downto 5*i),
ackId_o=>ackIdNext(5*(i+1)-1 downto 5*i),
bufferStatus_i=>bufferStatusCurrent(5*(i+1)-1 downto 5*i),
bufferStatus_o=>bufferStatusNext(5*(i+1)-1 downto 5*i),
numberSentLinkRequests_i=>numberSentLinkRequestsCurrent(2*(i+1)-1 downto 2*i),
numberSentLinkRequests_o=>numberSentLinkRequestsNext(2*(i+1)-1 downto 2*i),
recoverCounter_i=>recoverCounterCurrent(5*(i+1)-1 downto 5*i),
recoverCounter_o=>recoverCounterNext(5*(i+1)-1 downto 5*i),
ackIdWindow_i=>ackIdWindowCurrent(5*(i+1)-1 downto 5*i),
ackIdWindow_o=>ackIdWindowNext(5*(i+1)-1 downto 5*i),
frameState_i=>frameStateCurrent(4*(i+1)-1 downto 4*i),
frameState_o=>frameStateNext(4*(i+1)-1 downto 4*i),
frameWordCounter_i=>frameWordCounterCurrent(2*(i+1)-1 downto 2*i),
frameWordCounter_o=>frameWordCounterNext(2*(i+1)-1 downto 2*i),
frameContent_i=>frameContentCurrent(64*(i+1)-1 downto 64*i),
frameContent_o=>frameContentNext(64*(i+1)-1 downto 64*i),
counter_i=>counterCurrent(4*(i+1)-1 downto 4*i),
counter_o=>counterNext(4*(i+1)-1 downto 4*i),
symbolsTransmitted_i=>symbolsTransmittedCurrent(8*(i+1)-1 downto 8*i),
symbolsTransmitted_o=>symbolsTransmittedNext(8*(i+1)-1 downto 8*i),
end generate;
end architecture;
855,11 → 921,12
linkInitialized_i : in std_logic;
ackIdStatus_i : in std_logic_vector(4 downto 0);
-- Internal core variables for cascading.
-- Timeout signals.
timeSentSet_o : out std_logic;
timeSentReset_o : out std_logic;
timeSentExpired_i : in std_logic;
-- Internal core variables for cascading.
operational_i : in std_logic;
operational_o : out std_logic;
ackId_i : in std_logic_vector(4 downto 0);
880,16 → 947,18
recoverCounter_o : out std_logic_vector(4 downto 0);
ackIdWindow_i : in std_logic_vector(4 downto 0);
ackIdWindow_o : out std_logic_vector(4 downto 0);
frameState_i : in std_logic_vector(6 downto 0);
frameState_o : out std_logic_vector(6 downto 0);
frameState_i : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
frameState_o : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
frameWordCounter_i : in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
frameWordCounter_o : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
frameContent_i : in std_logic_vector(32*NUMBER_WORDS-1 downto 0);
frameContent_o : out std_logic_vector(32*NUMBER_WORDS-1 downto 0);
frameContent_i : in std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
frameContent_o : out std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
counter_i : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
counter_o : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
symbolsTransmitted_i : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
symbolsTransmitted_o : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
maintenanceClass_i : in std_logic;
maintenanceClass_o : out std_logic;
-- Frame buffer interface.
readFrameEmpty_i : in std_logic;
910,20 → 979,20
-- Architecture for RioTransmitterCore.
-- REMARK: Check that all _o except channel variables are registered...
architecture RioTransmitterCoreImpl of RioTransmitterCore is
constant NUMBER_STATUS_TRANSMIT : std_logic_vector := "1111";
constant NUMBER_LINK_RESPONSE_RETRIES : std_logic_vector := "10";
-- REMARK: Binary coding???
constant FRAME_IDLE : std_logic_vector(6 downto 0) := "0000001";
constant FRAME_START : std_logic_vector(6 downto 0) := "0000010";
constant FRAME_FIRST : std_logic_vector(6 downto 0) := "0000100";
constant FRAME_MIDDLE : std_logic_vector(6 downto 0) := "0001000";
constant FRAME_LAST : std_logic_vector(6 downto 0) := "0010000";
constant FRAME_END : std_logic_vector(6 downto 0) := "0100000";
constant FRAME_DISCARD : std_logic_vector(6 downto 0) := "1000000";
constant FRAME_IDLE : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) := "0000";
constant FRAME_BUFFER : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) := "0001";
constant FRAME_START : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) := "0010";
constant FRAME_FIRST : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) := "0011";
constant FRAME_MIDDLE : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) := "0100";
constant FRAME_LAST_0 : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) := "0101";
constant FRAME_LAST_1 : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) := "0110";
constant FRAME_END : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) := "0111";
constant FRAME_DISCARD : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) :="1000";
component Crc5ITU is
986,26 → 1055,25
rxControlParameter1 <= rxControlSymbol_i(4 downto 0);
-- N-3
-- First pipeline stage.
-- Receive stuff from link-partner and timeout supervision.
-- Input: ackId, ackIdWindow, timeoutExpired
-- Output: sendLinkRequest, sendRestartFromRetry, ackId,
txControlUpdate_o <= txControlUpdateOut and (not txFull_i);
process(clk, areset_n)
if (areset_n = '0') then
txControlUpdate_o <= '0';
readFrame_o <= '0';
sendRestartFromRetry <= '0';
sendLinkRequest <= '0';
elsif (clk'event and clk = '1') then
txControlUpdate_o <= '0';
readFrame_o <= '0';
if (txFull_i = '0') then
txControlUpdate_o <= txControlUpdateOut;
readFrame_o <= readFrameOut;
sendRestartFromRetry <= sendRestartFromRetryOut;
1043,20 → 1111,28
outputErrorStopped_o <= '0';
fatalError_o <= '0';
elsif (recoverActive_i = '1') then
if (ackId_i = recoverCounter_i) then
if (ackId_i /= recoverCounter_i) then
ackId_o <= std_logic_vector(unsigned(ackId_i) + 1);
readFrameOut <= '1';
recoverActive_o <= '0';
outputErrorStopped_o <= '0';
ackId_o <= std_logic_vector(unsigned(ackId_i) + 1);
readFrameOut <= '1';
end if;
if (operational_i = '0') then
-- Not operational mode.
-- Check if any new symbol has been received from the link-partner.
if (txControlEmpty_i = '0') then
-- New symbol from link-partner.
-- Check if the symbol is a status-control-symbol.
if (txControlStype0 = STYPE0_STATUS) then
-- A status-control symbol has been received.
-- Update variables from the input status control symbol.
ackId_o <= txControlParameter0;
bufferStatus_o <= txControlParameter1;
outputErrorStopped_o <= '0';
statusReceived_o <= '1';
-- Discard all other received symbols in this state.
1070,7 → 1146,6
statusReceived_o <= '0';
-- Check if the oldest frame timeout has expired.
-- REMARK: Two link-requests are transmitted when a timeout occurrs...
if ((ackId_i /= ackIdWindow_i) and
(timeSentExpired_i = '1')) then
-- There has been a timeout on a transmitted frame.
1079,22 → 1154,25
-- timed out instead.
timeSentReset_o <= '1';
-- Check if we are in the output-error-stopped state.
if (outputErrorStopped_i = '1') then
-- Count the number of retransmissions and abort if
-- no reply has been received for too many times.
-- In the output-error-stopped state.
-- Count the number of link-requests that has been sent and abort if
-- there has been no reply for too many times.
if (unsigned(numberSentLinkRequests_i) /= 0) then
-- Not sent link-request too many times.
-- Send another link-request.
sendLinkRequestOut <= '1';
numberSentLinkRequests_o <= std_logic_vector(unsigned(numberSentLinkRequests_i) - 1);
-- No response for too many times.
-- Indicate that a fatal error has occurred.
fatalError_o <= '1';
end if;
-- Not in output-error-stopped and there is a timeout.
-- Enter output-error-stopped state and send a link-request.
sendLinkRequestOut <= '1';
numberSentLinkRequests_o <= NUMBER_LINK_RESPONSE_RETRIES;
outputErrorStopped_o <= '1';
1153,7 → 1231,7
if (ackId_i = txControlParameter0) then
-- The ackId to retry is expected.
-- Go to the output-retry-stopped state.
-- REMARK: The output-retry-stopped state is equivalent
-- Note that the output-retry-stopped state is equivalent
-- to sending a restart-from-retry.
sendRestartFromRetryOut <= '1';
1184,13 → 1262,8
recoverActive_o <= '1';
-- Totally out of sync.
-- Indicate that a fatal error has occurred.
fatalError_o <= '1';
-- REMARK: What to do here???
--readWindowReset_o <= '1';
end if;
-- Dont expect or need a link-response in this state.
1222,7 → 1295,7
end process;
-- N-2 pipeline stage.
-- Second pipeline stage.
-- Create stype1-part of symbols and data symbols. Save the time when a
-- packet was fully sent.
-- Input: sendRestartFromRetry, sendLinkRequest
1231,14 → 1304,14
-- symbolControlLinkRequest, symbolData2, symbolData2Content.
readFrameRestart_o <= readFrameRestartOut and (not txFull_i);
readWindowReset_o <= readWindowResetOut and (not txFull_i);
readWindowNext_o <= readWindowNextOut and (not txFull_i);
readContent_o <= readContentOut and (not txFull_i);
process(clk, areset_n)
if (areset_n = '0') then
readFrameRestart_o <= '0';
readWindowReset_o <= '0';
readWindowNext_o <= '0';
readContent_o <= '0';
symbolControlRestart <= '0';
symbolControlLinkRequest <= '0';
symbolControlStart <= '0';
1246,17 → 1319,7
symbolData <= '0';
symbolDataContent <= (others => '0');
elsif (clk'event and clk = '1') then
readFrameRestart_o <= '0';
readWindowReset_o <= '0';
readWindowNext_o <= '0';
readContent_o <= '0';
if (txFull_i = '0') then
readFrameRestart_o <= readFrameRestartOut;
readWindowReset_o <= readWindowResetOut;
readWindowNext_o <= readWindowNextOut;
readContent_o <= readContentOut;
symbolControlRestart <= symbolControlRestartOut;
symbolControlLinkRequest <= symbolControlLinkRequestOut;
symbolControlStart <= symbolControlStartOut;
1270,7 → 1333,7
-- This process decide which stype1-part of a control symbols to send as well
-- as all data symbols.
process(readWindowEmpty_i, bufferStatus_i,
recoverActive_i, recoverCounter_i, ackId_i, operational_i, outputErrorStopped_i, portEnable_i, readContentData_i, readContentWords_i, readContentEnd_i,
recoverActive_i, ackId_i, operational_i, outputErrorStopped_i, portEnable_i, readContentData_i, readContentWords_i, readContentEnd_i,
frameState_i, frameWordCounter_i, frameContent_i,
sendRestartFromRetry, sendLinkRequest,
1298,7 → 1361,6
if (fatalError_i = '1') then
readWindowResetOut <= '1';
elsif (recoverActive_i = '1') then
-- REMARK: Make sure idle is generated when this state is active...
ackIdWindow_o <= ackId_i;
frameState_o <= FRAME_IDLE;
readWindowResetOut <= '1';
1310,7 → 1372,6
-- Initialize framing before entering the operational state.
-- REMARK: Only do this when the portInitialized becomes asserted???
frameState_o <= FRAME_IDLE;
ackIdWindow_o <= ackId_i;
readWindowResetOut <= '1';
1352,6 → 1413,7
-- REMARK: Hold any data symbol if there is a pending symbol from the
-- receiver side...
-- REMARK: This statemachine does not work... one tick ahead is needed...
case frameState_i is
when FRAME_IDLE =>
1364,45 → 1426,64
-- Update the output from the frame buffer to contain the
-- data when it is read later.
readContentOut <= '1';
frameContent_o <=
frameContent_i(31 downto 0) & readContentData_i;
-- Indicate that a control symbol has been sent to start the
-- transmission of the frame.
frameState_o <= FRAME_START;
-- Proceed to start the transmission of the packet.
frameState_o <= FRAME_BUFFER;
end if;
-- Packet buffer output has been updated. Store the packet
-- content temporarily.
readContentOut <= '1';
frameContent_o <=
frameContent_i(31 downto 0) & readContentData_i;
if (readContentData_i(19 downto 16) = FTYPE_MAINTENANCE_CLASS) then
maintenanceClass_o <= '1';
maintenanceClass_o <= '0';
end if;
frameState_o <= FRAME_START;
-- Check if we are allowed to transmit this packet.
-- The packet may be either not allowed, i.e. a non-maintenance
-- The packet may be not allowed, i.e. a non-maintenance
-- sent when only maintenance is allowed. The link-partner can be
-- busy, i.e. no having enough buffers to receive the new packet
-- busy, i.e. not having enough buffers to receive the new packet
-- in or the number of outstanding packets may be too large.
-- REMARK: Only update readContent_o in the last instance
-- if cascaded...
-- Check if the packet is allowed.
if ((portEnable_i = '1') or
(readContentData_i(19 downto 16) = FTYPE_MAINTENANCE_CLASS)) then
if ((portEnable_i = '1') or (maintenanceClass_i = '1')) then
-- Packet is allowed.
-- Check if the link is able to accept the new frame.
if ((bufferStatus_i /= "00000") and
if ((readWindowEmpty_i = '0') and
(bufferStatus_i /= "00000") and
((unsigned(ackIdWindow_i)+1) /= unsigned(ackId_i))) then
-- New data is available for transmission and there
-- is room to receive it at the other side.
-- The packet may be transmitted.
-- Send a control symbol to start the packet and a status to
-- complete the symbol.
symbolControlStartOut <= '1';
-- Indicate that a control symbol has been sent to start the
-- transmission of the frame.
frameWordCounter_o <= readContentWords_i;
frameContent_o <= readContentData_i;
frameContent_o <=
frameContent_i(31 downto 0) & readContentData_i;
readContentOut <= '1';
-- Send a control symbol to start the packet and a status to
-- complete the symbol.
symbolControlStartOut <= '1';
-- Proceed to send the first packet data symbol containing
-- the ackId.
frameState_o <= FRAME_FIRST;
1409,10 → 1490,19
-- The link cannot accept the packet.
-- Wait in this state and dont do anything.
if (frameState_i = FRAME_END) then
symbolControlEndOut <= '1';
end if;
readFrameRestartOut <= '1';
frameState_o <= FRAME_IDLE;
end if;
-- The packet is not allowed.
-- Discard it.
if (frameState_i = FRAME_END) then
symbolControlEndOut <= '1';
end if;
--readFrameRestartOut <= '1';
frameState_o <= FRAME_DISCARD;
end if;
1425,24 → 1515,20
-- Write a new data symbol and fill in our ackId on the
-- packet.
symbolDataOut <= '1';
symbolDataContentOut <=
std_logic_vector(ackIdWindow_i) & "0" &
frameContent_i((32*NUMBER_WORDS)-7 downto (32*(NUMBER_WORDS-1)));
symbolDataContentOut <= std_logic_vector(ackIdWindow_i) & "0" &
frameContent_i(57 downto 32);
frameContent_o <= frameContent_i(31 downto 0) & readContentData_i;
if (unsigned(frameWordCounter_i) /= 0) then
frameWordCounter_o <=
std_logic_vector(unsigned(frameWordCounter_i) - 1);
frameContent_o <=
frameContent_i((32*(NUMBER_WORDS-1))-1 downto 0) & x"00000000";
-- Check if the frame is ending.
if (readContentEnd_i = '1') then
-- The frame is ending.
readWindowNextOut <= '1';
frameState_o <= FRAME_LAST_0;
frameWordCounter_o <= readContentWords_i;
frameContent_o <= readContentData_i;
readContentOut <= '1';
frameState_o <= FRAME_MIDDLE;
end if;
-- Continue to send the rest of the body of the packet.
frameState_o <= FRAME_MIDDLE;
-- The frame has not been fully sent.
1449,89 → 1535,60
-- Send a data symbol until the last part of the packet is
-- detected.
-- REMARK: Dont send anything if there is a pending symbol in the
-- rx-control fifo to let it be transmitted in the middle of the
-- packet...
-- Write a new data symbol.
symbolDataOut <= '1';
symbolDataContentOut <=
frameContent_i((32*NUMBER_WORDS)-1 downto (32*(NUMBER_WORDS-1)));
symbolDataContentOut <= frameContent_i(63 downto 32);
frameContent_o <= frameContent_i(31 downto 0) & readContentData_i;
if (unsigned(frameWordCounter_i) /= 0) then
frameWordCounter_o <=
std_logic_vector(unsigned(frameWordCounter_i) - 1);
frameContent_o <=
frameContent_i((32*(NUMBER_WORDS-1))-1 downto 0) & x"00000000";
-- Check if the frame is ending.
if (readContentEnd_i = '1') then
-- The frame is ending.
readWindowNextOut <= '1';
frameState_o <= FRAME_LAST_0;
frameWordCounter_o <= readContentWords_i;
frameContent_o <= readContentData_i;
readContentOut <= '1';
end if;
when FRAME_LAST_0 =>
-- Check if the frame is ending.
-- REMARK: Dont forget to update RioPacketBuffer to support this...
if (readContentEnd_i = '1') then
-- The frame is ending.
symbolDataOut <= '1';
symbolDataContentOut <= frameContent_i(63 downto 32);
frameContent_o <= frameContent_i(31 downto 0) & readContentData_i;
if (readWindowEmpty_i = '0') then
readContentOut <= '1';
end if;
frameState_o <= FRAME_LAST_1;
-- Update the window to the next frame.
-- It takes one tick for the output from the frame
-- buffer to get updated.
readWindowNextOut <= '1';
when FRAME_LAST_1 =>
-- Proceed to check if there is another frame to start
-- with directly.
frameState_o <= FRAME_LAST;
symbolDataOut <= '1';
symbolDataContentOut <= frameContent_i(63 downto 32);
frameContent_o <= frameContent_i(31 downto 0) & readContentData_i;
if (readWindowEmpty_i = '0') then
if (readContentData_i(19 downto 16) = FTYPE_MAINTENANCE_CLASS) then
maintenanceClass_o <= '1';
readContentOut <= '1';
maintenanceClass_o <= '0';
end if;
readContentOut <= '1';
end if;
when FRAME_LAST =>
-- A frame has ended and the window has been updated.
-- Check if the next symbol should end the frame or if a
-- new one should be started.
-- Write a new data symbol.
symbolDataOut <= '1';
symbolDataContentOut <=
frameContent_i((32*NUMBER_WORDS)-1 downto (32*(NUMBER_WORDS-1)));
-- Update the window ackId.
ackIdWindow_o <= std_logic_vector(unsigned(ackIdWindow_i) + 1);
if (unsigned(frameWordCounter_i) /= 0) then
frameWordCounter_o <=
std_logic_vector(unsigned(frameWordCounter_i) - 1);
frameContent_o <=
frameContent_i((32*(NUMBER_WORDS-1))-1 downto 0) & x"00000000";
-- Update the window ackId.
ackIdWindow_o <= std_logic_vector(unsigned(ackIdWindow_i) + 1);
-- Start timeout supervision for transmitted frame.
timeSentSet_o <= '1';
-- Start timeout supervision for transmitted frame.
timeSentSet_o <= '1';
-- Proceed to end the frame or start a new one.
frameState_o <= FRAME_END;
-- Note that the packet must be ended if the link-partner
-- cannot receive it.
if ((readWindowEmpty_i = '0') and
(bufferStatus_i /= "00000") and
((unsigned(ackIdWindow_i)+2) /= unsigned(ackId_i))) then
readContentOut <= '1';
frameState_o <= FRAME_START;
frameState_o <= FRAME_END;
end if;
end if;
when FRAME_END =>
-- Send a control symbol to end the packet.
symbolControlEndOut <= '1';
-- Start a new frame the next time.
frameState_o <= FRAME_IDLE;
1563,7 → 1620,7
end process;
-- N-1
-- Third pipeline stage.
-- Create the stype0 and stype1 part of a control symbol.
-- This process makes sure that the buffer status are transmitted at least
-- every 255 symbol.
1576,11 → 1633,11
-- symbolData1, symbolData1Content
rxControlUpdate_o <= rxControlUpdateOut and (not txFull_i);
process(clk, areset_n)
if (areset_n = '0') then
rxControlUpdate_o <= '0';
controlValid <= '0';
stype0 <= (others=>'0');
parameter0 <= (others=>'0');
1591,8 → 1648,6
dataContent <= (others=>'0');
elsif (clk'event and clk = '1') then
if (txFull_i = '0') then
rxControlUpdate_o <= rxControlUpdateOut;
controlValid <= controlValidOut;
stype0 <= stype0Out;
parameter0 <= parameter0Out;
1712,7 → 1767,7
-- The port is still initialized.
-- Check if a status must be sent.
-- A status must be sent when there are not other stype0 value to
-- A status must be sent when there are no other stype0 value to
-- send or if too many symbols without buffer-status has been sent.
-- REMARK: Is there a risk of a race when a generated status-symbol
-- is sent before another symbol stored in the rx-control fifo???
1757,6 → 1812,8
-- The port is not initialized anymore.
-- Change the operational state.
operational_o <= '0';
symbolsTransmitted_o <= (others=>'0');
end if;
end if;
end if;
1763,9 → 1820,9
end process;
-- N pipeline stage.
-- Fourth pipeline stage.
-- Make all symbols ready for transmission, i.e. calculate the CRC5 on
-- control symbols.
-- control symbols and choose which symbol to send.
-- Inputs: controlValid, stype0, parameter0, parameter1, stype1, cmd,
-- symbolData1, symbolData1Content
2822,14 → 2879,17
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
use work.rio_common.all;
entity RioFifo1 is
entity RioFifo is
WIDTH : natural);
DEPTH_WIDTH : natural;
DATA_WIDTH : natural);
clk : in std_logic;
areset_n : in std_logic;
2836,11 → 2896,11
empty_o : out std_logic;
read_i : in std_logic;
data_o : out std_logic_vector(WIDTH-1 downto 0);
data_o : out std_logic_vector(DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0);
full_o : out std_logic;
write_i : in std_logic;
data_i : in std_logic_vector(WIDTH-1 downto 0));
data_i : in std_logic_vector(DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0));
end entity;
2847,36 → 2907,88
architecture RioFifo1Impl of RioFifo1 is
architecture RioFifoImpl of RioFifo is
component MemorySimpleDualPortAsync is
ADDRESS_WIDTH : natural := 1;
DATA_WIDTH : natural := 1;
INIT_VALUE : std_logic := 'U');
clkA_i : in std_logic;
enableA_i : in std_logic;
addressA_i : in std_logic_vector(ADDRESS_WIDTH-1 downto 0);
dataA_i : in std_logic_vector(DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0);
addressB_i : in std_logic_vector(ADDRESS_WIDTH-1 downto 0);
dataB_o : out std_logic_vector(DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0));
end component;
signal empty : std_logic;
signal full : std_logic;
signal readAddress : std_logic_vector(DEPTH_WIDTH-1 downto 0);
signal readAddressInc : std_logic_vector(DEPTH_WIDTH-1 downto 0);
signal writeAddress : std_logic_vector(DEPTH_WIDTH-1 downto 0);
signal writeAddressInc : std_logic_vector(DEPTH_WIDTH-1 downto 0);
-- REMARK: Remove full here...
empty_o <= empty;
full_o <= full;
readAddressInc <= std_logic_vector(unsigned(readAddress) + 1);
writeAddressInc <= std_logic_vector(unsigned(writeAddress) + 1);
process(areset_n, clk)
if (areset_n = '0') then
empty <= '1';
full <= '0';
data_o <= (others => '0');
readAddress <= (others=>'0');
writeAddress <= (others=>'0');
elsif (clk'event and clk = '1') then
if (empty = '1') then
if (write_i = '1') then
empty <= '0';
full <= '1';
data_o <= data_i;
writeAddress <= writeAddressInc;
end if;
end if;
if (full = '1') then
if (read_i = '1') then
empty <= '1';
full <= '0';
readAddress <= readAddressInc;
end if;
end if;
if (empty = '0') and (full = '0') then
if (write_i = '1') and (read_i = '0') then
writeAddress <= writeAddressInc;
if (writeAddressInc = readAddress) then
full <= '1';
end if;
end if;
if (write_i = '0') and (read_i = '1') then
readAddress <= readAddressInc;
if (readAddressInc = writeAddress) then
empty <= '1';
end if;
end if;
if (write_i = '1') and (read_i = '1') then
writeAddress <= writeAddressInc;
readAddress <= readAddressInc;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process;
Memory: MemorySimpleDualPortAsync
port map(
clkA_i=>clk, enableA_i=>write_i,
addressA_i=>writeAddress, dataA_i=>data_i,
addressB_i=>readAddress, dataB_o=>data_o);
end architecture;
772,7 → 772,7
if(readFrameRestart_i = '1') then
memoryRead_p <= memoryStartWindow_p;
elsif(readContent_i = '1') then
if(memoryRead_p = readFrameEnd_p) then
if(memoryReadNext_p = readFrameEnd_p) then
readContentEnd_o <= '1';
readContentEnd_o <= '0';

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