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Rev 17 → Rev 18

0,0 → 1,158
-- S Y N T H E Z I A B L E FIFO controller C O R E
-- www.OpenCores.Org - May 2000
-- This core adheres to the GNU public license
-- Design units : FIFO Memory Controller Unit
-- File name : Fifo.vhd
-- Purpose : Implements the memory controller device.
-- Library : FIFO_Lib
-- Dependencies : IEEE.Std_Logic_1164
-- Author : Ovidiu Lupas
-- Simulator : ModelSim PE/PLUS version 4.7b on a Windows95 PC
-- Revision list
-- Version Author Date Changes
-- 0.1 Ovidiu Lupas 20 April 1999 New model
-- Entity for FIFO Unit - 16 bit Data Bus width --
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
library work;
use work.FIFO_Def.all;
entity FIFO is
port (
DataIn : in Std_Logic_Vector(15 downto 0);
DataOut : out Std_Logic_Vector(15 downto 0);
WrClk : in Std_Logic; -- Clock signal
Push_N : in Std_Logic; -- Write to FIFO signal
RdClk : in Std_Logic; -- Clock signal
Pop_N : in Std_Logic; -- Read from FIFO signal
AlmFull : out Std_Logic; -- Status signal
AlmEmpty : out Std_Logic; -- Status signal
Full : out Std_Logic; -- Status signal
Empty : out Std_Logic; -- Status signal
Reset : in Std_Logic); -- Reset input
end entity; --================== End of entity ==============================--
-- Architecture for Sensor Control Unit
architecture Structural of FIFO is
-- Global declarations
type MEMORY is array(0 to 15) of Std_Logic_Vector(15 downto 0);
signal MEM : Memory;
-- Signals
signal Rst : Std_Logic; -- Reset signal
signal RdEn : Std_Logic; -- Read Enable
signal WrEn : Std_Logic; -- Write Enable
signal Clk : Std_Logic; --
signal UpDn : Std_Logic; --
signal En : Std_Logic; --
signal WrAddr : Std_Logic_Vector(3 downto 0); -- Write address
signal RdAddr : Std_Logic_Vector(3 downto 0); -- Read address
-- Address counter for read and write operations
component FIFOcnt is
port (
ClkIn : in Std_Logic;
Reset : in Std_Logic;
Enable : in Std_Logic;
CntOut : out Std_Logic_Vector(3 downto 0));
end component;
-- Status counter
component StatCnt is
port (
ClkIn : in Std_Logic;
Reset : in Std_Logic;
Enable : in Std_Logic;
UpDown : in Std_Logic;
Full : out Std_Logic;
Empty : out Std_Logic;
AlmFull : out Std_Logic;
AlmEmpty : out Std_Logic);
end component;
-- Instantiation of internal components
WrCnt : FIFOCnt port map (WrClk,Rst,WrEn,WrAddr);
RdCnt : FIFOCnt port map (RdClk,Rst,RdEn,RdAddr);
Status : StatCnt port map (Clk,Rst,En,UpDn,Full,Empty,AlmFull,AlmEmpty);
-- Latching the Reset command
RstEn : process(Reset)
Rst <= not Reset;
end process;
-- Latching the Push command
PushEn : process(Push_N)
WrEn <= not Push_N;
end process;
-- Latching the Pop command
PopEn : process(Pop_N)
RdEn <= not Pop_N;
end process;
-- write to memory process
WrCycle : process(WrClk,WrEn)
if (Rising_Edge(WrClk) and WrEn = '1') then
MEM(BV2Integer(WrAddr)) <= DataIn;
end if;
end process;
-- read from memory process
RdCycle : process(Reset,RdClk,RdEn)
if Reset = '1' then
elsif (Rising_Edge(RdClk) and RdEn = '1') then
DataOut <= MEM(BV2Integer(RdAddr));
end if;
end process;
-- generating the signals for status counter
StatCycle : process(WrClk,RdClk,RdEn,WrEn)
variable RdC : Std_Logic; --
variable WrC : Std_Logic; --
RdC := RdClk and RdEn;
WrC := WrClk and WrEn;
En <= RdEn xor WrEn;
UpDn <= WrEn;
Clk <= WrC xor RdC;
end process;
end Structural; --==================== End of architecture ====================--
0,0 → 1,196
-- Design units : TestBench for FIFO memory device.
-- File name : FIFOTest.vhd
-- Purpose : Implements the test bench for FIFO memory device.
-- Library : ECO_Lib.vhd
-- Dependencies : None
-- Author : Ovidiu Lupas
-- Simulator : ModelSim PE/PLUS version 4.7b on a Windows95 PC
-- Revision list
-- Version Author Date Changes
-- 0.1 Ovidiu Lupas 18 April 99 New model
-- Clock generator
library IEEE,work;
use IEEE.Std_Logic_1164.all;
entity ClkGen is
port (
WrClk : out Std_Logic;
RdClk : out Std_Logic); -- Oscillator clock
end ClkGen;--==================== End of entity ==============================--
-- Architecture for clock and reset signals generator
architecture Behaviour of ClkGen is
begin --========================== Architecture ==============================--
-- Provide the external clock signal
WrClkDriver : process
variable clktmp : Std_Logic := '1';
variable tpw_CI_posedge : Time := 31 ns; -- 16 MHz
WrClk <= clktmp;
clktmp := not clktmp;
wait for tpw_CI_posedge;
end process;
-- Provide the external clock signal
RdClkDriver : process
variable clktmp : Std_Logic := '1';
variable tpw_CI_posedge : Time := 51 ns; -- 16 MHz
RdClk <= clktmp;
clktmp := not clktmp;
wait for tpw_CI_posedge;
end process;
end Behaviour; --=================== End of architecure =====================--
-- Testbench for FIFO memory
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use std.textio.all;
use work.ECO_Def.all;
entity FIFOTEST is
architecture stimulus of FIFOTEST is
-- Global declarations
type MEMORY is array(0 to 15) of Std_Logic_Vector(15 downto 0);
constant Data : MEMORY := ("0101010101010101", "1010101010101010",
"1111101010100000", "1111010101010000",
"1111101010100000", "1111010101010000",
"0101010101010101", "1010101010101010",
"1111111111111111", "0000000000000000",
"1111101010100000", "1111010101010000",
"0101010101010101", "1010101010101010",
"1111111111111111", "0000000000000000");
-- Signals
signal Reset : Std_Logic; -- Synchro signal
signal RdClk : Std_Logic; -- Clock signal
signal WrClk : Std_Logic; -- Clock signal
signal DataIn : Std_Logic_Vector(15 downto 0);
signal DataOut : Std_Logic_Vector(15 downto 0);
signal Push_N : Std_Logic;
signal Pop_N : Std_Logic;
signal AlmFull : Std_Logic;
signal AlmEmpty : Std_Logic;
signal Full : Std_Logic;
signal Empty : Std_Logic;
-- Clock Generator
component ClkGen is
port (
WrClk : out Std_Logic; -- Oscillator clock
RdClk : out Std_Logic); -- Oscillator clock
end component;
-- Sensor Control Unit
component FIFO is
port (
DataIn : in Std_Logic_Vector(15 downto 0);
DataOut : out Std_Logic_Vector(15 downto 0);
WrClk : in Std_Logic; -- Clock signal
Push_N : in Std_Logic; -- Clock signal
RdClk : in Std_Logic; -- Clock signal
Pop_N : in Std_Logic; -- Clock signal
AlmFull : out Std_Logic; -- Status signal
AlmEmpty : out Std_Logic; -- Status signal
Full : out Std_Logic; -- Status signal
Empty : out Std_Logic; -- Status signal
Reset : in Std_Logic); -- Reset input
end component;
begin --======================== Architecture ========================--
-- Instantiation of components
Clock : ClkGen port map (WrClk,RdClk);
Mem : FIFO port map (DataIn,DataOut,WrClk,Push_N,RdClk,Pop_N,
-- Reset cycle
RstCyc : process
Reset <= '1';
wait for 5 ns;
Reset <= '0';
wait for 50 ns;
Reset <= '1';
end process;
-- Read cycle
RdCyc : process(RdClk,Reset)
variable temp : Std_Logic := '0';
variable i : Integer := 0;
if Falling_Edge(Reset) then
temp := '0';
i := 0;
Pop_N <= '1';
elsif (Rising_Edge(RdClk) and Empty = '0') then
temp := not temp;
i := i + 1;
if i = 15 then
i := 0;
end if;
if temp = '0' then
Pop_N <= '0';
Pop_N <= '1';
end if;
end if;
end process;
-- Write cycle
WrCyc : process(WrClk,Reset)
variable temp : Std_Logic := '1';
variable i : Integer := 0;
if Falling_Edge(Reset) then
temp := '0';
i := 0;
Push_N <= '1';
elsif (Rising_Edge(WrClk) and Full = '0') then
temp := not temp;
i := i + 1;
if i = 15 then
i := 0;
end if;
if temp = '0' then
Push_N <= '0';
DataIn <= Data(i);
Push_N <= '1';
end if;
end if;
end process;
end stimulus; --================== End of TestBench ==================--
0,0 → 1,306
-- S Y N T H E Z I A B L E FIFO controller C O R E
-- www.OpenCores.Org - May 2001
-- This core adheres to the GNU public license
-- Design units : FIFO-Def (Package declaration and body)
-- File name : FIFO_Lib.vhd
-- Purpose : This packages defines all the types used for
-- the FIFO design which are not contained
-- in the IEEE Std_Logic_1164 package.
-- Errors : None known
-- Library : FIFO_Lib
-- Dependencies : None
-- Author : Ovidiu Lupas
-- Simulator : ModelSim PE/PLUS version 4.7b on a Windows95 PC
-- Revision list
-- Version Author Date Changes
-- 0.1 OL 15 April 99 New model
-- package FIFO_Def
library IEEE,STD;
use IEEE.Std_Logic_1164.all;
use IEEE.Numeric_Std.all;
package FIFO_Def is
-- function definition
function "+"(left, right : bit_vector)
return bit_vector;
-- Converts unsigned Std_LOGIC_Vector to Integer, leftmost bit is MSB
-- Error message for unknowns (U, X, W, Z, -), converted to 0
-- Verifies whether vector is too long (> 16 bits)
function BV2Integer (
Invector : in Std_Logic_Vector(3 downto 0))
return Integer;
-- Converts unsigned Std_LOGIC_Vector to Integer, leftmost bit is MSB
-- Error message for unknowns (U, X, W, Z, -), converted to 0
-- Verifies whether vector is too long (> 16 bits)
function ToInteger (
Invector : in Unsigned(3 downto 0))
return Integer;
-- internal GRAY counter 16 bits - count up
component FIFOcnt
port (
ClkIn : in Std_Logic;
Reset : in Std_Logic;
Load : in Std_Logic;
Data16 : in Bit_Vector(15 downto 0);
CntOut : out Std_Logic);
end component;
-- Status counter for FIFO memory
component StatCnt
port (
ClkIn : in Std_Logic;
Reset : in Std_Logic;
Enable : in Std_Logic;
UpDown : in Std_Logic;
Full : out Std_Logic;
Empty : out Std_Logic;
AlmFull : out Std_Logic;
AlmEmpty : out Std_Logic);
end component;
end FIFO_Def; --================= End of package header ===================--
package body FIFO_Def is
function "+"(left, right : bit_vector)
return bit_vector is
-- normalize the indexing
alias left_val : bit_vector(left'length downto 1) is left;
alias right_val : bit_vector(right'length downto 1) is right;
-- arbitrarily make the result the same size as the left input
variable result : bit_vector(left_val'RANGE);
-- temps
variable carry : bit := '0';
variable right_bit : bit;
variable left_bit : bit;
for i in result'reverse_range loop
left_bit := left_val(i);
if (i <= right_val'high) then
right_bit := right_val(i);
-- zero extend the right input
right_bit := '0';
end if;
result(i) := (left_bit xor right_bit) xor carry;
carry := (left_bit and right_bit)
or (left_bit and carry)
or (right_bit and carry);
end loop;
return result;
end "+";
--function "+"(left, right : Std_Logic_Vector)
-- return Std_Logic_Vector is
-- -- normalize the indexing
-- alias left_val : Std_Logic_Vector(left'length downto 1) is left;
-- alias right_val : Std_Logic_Vector(right'length downto 1) is right;
-- -- arbitrarily make the result the same size as the left input
-- variable result : Std_Logic_Vector(left_val'RANGE);
-- -- temps
-- variable carry : Std_Logic := '0';
-- variable right_bit : Std_Logic;
-- variable left_bit : Std_Logic;
-- for i in result'reverse_range loop
-- left_bit := left_val(i);
-- if (i <= right_val'high) then
-- right_bit := right_val(i);
-- else
-- -- zero extend the right input
-- right_bit := '0';
-- end if;
-- result(i) := (left_bit xor right_bit) xor carry;
-- carry := (left_bit and right_bit)
-- or (left_bit and carry)
-- or (right_bit and carry);
-- end loop;
-- return result;
--end "+";
function BV2Integer (
InVector : in Std_Logic_Vector(3 downto 0))
return Integer is
constant HeaderMsg : String := "To_Integer:";
constant MsgSeverity : Severity_Level := Warning;
variable Value : Integer := 0;
for i in 0 to 3 loop
if (InVector(i) = '1') then
Value := Value + (2**I);
end if;
end loop;
return Value;
end BV2Integer;
function ToInteger (
InVector : in Unsigned(3 downto 0))
return Integer is
constant HeaderMsg : String := "To_Integer:";
constant MsgSeverity : Severity_Level := Warning;
variable Value : Integer := 0;
for i in 0 to 3 loop
if (InVector(i) = '1') then
Value := Value + (2**I);
end if;
end loop;
return Value;
end ToInteger;
end FIFO_Def; --================ End of package body ================--
library ieee;
use ieee.Std_Logic_1164.all;
use ieee.Numeric_STD.all;
library work;
use work.FIFO_Def.all;
-- 16-bit GRAY counter
entity FIFOcnt is
port (
ClkIn : in Std_Logic;
Reset : in Std_Logic;
Enable : in Std_Logic;
CntOut : out Std_Logic_Vector(3 downto 0));
end FIFOcnt;
-- Architecture for 16-bit GRAY counter - generates the internal clock
architecture Behaviour of FIFOcnt is
-- Signals
type CNT_Array is array(0 to 15) of Std_Logic_Vector(3 downto 0);
constant Cnt_Code : CNT_Array := ("0000","0010","0011","0001",
signal binidx : Unsigned(3 downto 0);
begin --======================== Architecture =======================--
if Reset = '1' then
binidx <= (others => '0');
elsif ClkIn'Event and ClkIn = '1' then
if Enable = '1' then
binidx <= binidx + "1";
end if;
end if;
end process;
CntOut <= Cnt_Code(ToInteger(binidx));
end Behaviour; --================ End of architecture ================--
library ieee;
use ieee.Std_Logic_1164.all;
use ieee.Numeric_STD.all;
library work;
use work.FIFO_Def.all;
-- Up-Down counter for FIFO status
entity StatCnt is
port (
ClkIn : in Std_Logic;
Reset : in Std_Logic;
Enable : in Std_Logic;
UpDown : in Std_Logic;
Full : out Std_Logic;
Empty : out Std_Logic;
AlmFull : out Std_Logic;
AlmEmpty : out Std_Logic);
end StatCnt;
-- Architecture for 16-bit GRAY counter - generates the internal clock
architecture Behaviour of StatCnt is
-- Signals
type CNT_Array is array(0 to 15) of Std_Logic_Vector(3 downto 0);
constant Cnt_Code : CNT_Array := ("0000","0001","0010","0011",
signal binidx : Unsigned(3 downto 0);
signal CntOut : Integer;
begin --======================== Architecture =======================--
if Reset = '1' then
binidx <= (others => '0');
elsif (Rising_Edge(ClkIn) and Enable = '1') then
if UpDown = '1' then
binidx <= binidx + "1";
binidx <= binidx - "1";
end if;
end if;
CntOut <= ToInteger(binidx);
case CntOut is
when 0 =>
Empty <= '1';
AlmEmpty <= '0';
AlmFull <= '0';
Full <= '0';
when 1 =>
Empty <= '0';
AlmEmpty <= '1';
AlmFull <= '0';
Full <= '0';
when 2 =>
Empty <= '0';
AlmEmpty <= '1';
AlmFull <= '0';
Full <= '0';
when 13 =>
Empty <= '0';
AlmEmpty <= '0';
AlmFull <= '1';
Full <= '0';
when 14 =>
Empty <= '0';
AlmEmpty <= '0';
AlmFull <= '1';
Full <= '0';
when 15 =>
Empty <= '0';
AlmEmpty <= '0';
AlmFull <= '0';
Full <= '1';
when others =>
Empty <= '0';
AlmEmpty <= '0';
AlmFull <= '0';
Full <= '0';
end case;
end process;
end Behaviour; --================ End of architecture ================--

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