
Subversion Repositories tiny64

Compare Revisions

  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 2 to Rev 3
    Reverse comparison

Rev 2 → Rev 3

0,0 → 1,16
.ORG 0
AMOV R7, start
.DC 2
.DC $FF00
.DC 3
start AMOV R0, 1
loop AMOV R1, [R0]
dly UASUB R1, 1
NEMOV R7, dly
AADD R0, 1
AMOV R1, [R0]
AADD R2, 1
AMOV [R1], R2
ASUB R0, 1
AMOV R7, loop
0,0 → 1,41
; Wedit project file. Syntax: Name = value
Frame=229 5 1177 1173
OpenFile1="T:\Xilinx\TinyX\Assem\ASSEM.C" 542 333 70 1283 964
0,0 → 1,15
0,0 → 1,18
.ORG 0
AMOV R7, start
.DC 2
.DC $FF00
.DC 3
start AMOV R0, 1
loop AMOV R1, [R0]
dly UADEC R1
NEMOV R7, dly
AMOV R1, [R0]
AMOV [R1], R2
AMOV R7, loop
AADD R0, r1, r2
0,0 → 1,640
an assembler for the TinyX CPU
TGB Ulrich Riedel 20040313
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
typedef struct _tag_Tmcode {
struct _tag_Tmcode *prev;
struct _tag_Tmcode *next;
int linenumber;
unsigned long addr; // machinecode address
char label[34]; // destination label
char mnemo[16]; // mnemonic or directive
char operand1[80]; // operands
char operand2[80];
char operand3[80];
unsigned char mcod[128]; // machinecode ( maximum of 1024 bit instruction code )
unsigned char imm[128];
unsigned long oaddr1; // operand address1
unsigned long oaddr2; // operand address2
unsigned long oaddr3; // operand address2
char olabel1[34]; // operand label1
char olabel2[34]; // operand label2
char olabel3[34]; // operand label3
} Tmcode;
typedef struct {
unsigned long addr;
char label[40];
} Taddress;
int g_wordSize; // processor word size
char *getvalue(char *str, unsigned char *val); // reads string value
int main(int argc,char *argv[])
FILE *fp;
char filename[256];
unsigned char binTemp[128];
char line[80];
char tmpStr[40];
char *tempPtr;
int linenumber, idx, maxi, jdx, sdx;
unsigned short slen;
Tmcode *head, *tail, *cPtr, *hPtr, *tPtr;
unsigned long addr, val1, val2, val3;
unsigned char code[128], chksum, lsn, msn;
Taddress *address;
unsigned char ccMode;
unsigned char aluMode;
unsigned char updateFlag;
unsigned char carryUse;
unsigned char writeCycle;
unsigned char memRead;
unsigned char immediate;
unsigned char valmux;
unsigned char dstReg;
unsigned char src1Reg;
unsigned char src2Reg;
g_wordSize = 0;
if (argc == 1) {
fprintf(stderr, "usage: tinyx file\n");
return 1;
fp = fopen(argv[1], "r");
if(NULL == fp) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s doesn't exist\n", argv[1]);
return 2;
strncpy(filename, argv[1], 120);
strcat(filename, ".HEX");
/////////// pre pass /////////////////////////////////////
linenumber = 1; // sourcecode linenumber count
head = tail = NULL;
while(fgets(line, 79, fp)) {
if(line[0] == 0) { // empty line
sdx = strlen(line);
for(idx=0; idx<sdx; idx++) {
if(!isspace(line[idx])) break;
if(sdx == idx) { // whitespace line
///////// make line to uppercase characters, ignoring comment lines
for(idx=0; line[idx]; idx++) {
if(line[idx] == 13) { line[idx] = 0; continue; } // return
if(line[idx] == 10) { line[idx] = 0; continue; } // linefeed
if(line[idx] == 9) { line[idx] = 32; continue; } // tab
if((line[idx] & 0xE0) == 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "%d contains non printable characters.\n", linenumber);
return 3;
if(line[idx] < 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "%d contains non printable characters\n", linenumber);
return 3;
line[idx] = toupper(line[idx]);
if(line[0] == ';') { linenumber++; continue; } // skip comment lines
if(line[0] == '.') {
fprintf(stderr, "%d no directive first allowed\n", linenumber);
///////// break into up to 5 components //////////////////
//////// alloc mcode structure for this sourcecode line
hPtr = (Tmcode *) malloc(sizeof(Tmcode));
memset(hPtr, 0, sizeof(Tmcode));
if(head == NULL) {
head = hPtr;
tail = hPtr;
cPtr = head;
} else {
tPtr = cPtr;
cPtr->next = hPtr;
cPtr = cPtr->next;
cPtr->prev = tPtr;
tail = cPtr;
hPtr->linenumber = linenumber;
///////// 1st component, label ///////////////////////////
idx = 0; // start at beginning sourcecode line
if(!isspace(line[0])) { // first char nonspace?
for(; line[idx] && (idx<32); idx++) { // label max 32 chars
if(isspace(line[idx])) break; // delimiter
if(line[idx] == ';') break; // comment
tmpStr[idx] = line[idx];
tmpStr[idx] = 0;
strcpy(hPtr->label, tmpStr); // save label
if(0 == line[idx]) { // end of line?, label only
///////// 2nd component, mnemonic or directive ///////////
while(isspace(line[idx])) idx++; // skip space
for(jdx=0; line[idx] && (jdx<15); jdx++) {
if(isspace(line[idx])) break; // delimiter
if(line[idx] == ';') break; // comment
tmpStr[jdx] = line[idx++];
tmpStr[jdx] = 0;
strcpy(hPtr->mnemo, tmpStr); // save mnemonic or directive
if(0 == line[idx]) { // suddenly end of line?
fprintf(stderr, "%d operand missing\n", linenumber);
while(isspace(line[idx])) idx++; // skip space
if(0 == line[idx]) { // suddenly end of line?
fprintf(stderr, "%d operand missing\n", linenumber);
///////// 3,4,5th component, operands /////////////////////////
//// fetch operads strings
for(jdx=0; line[idx] && (jdx<80); jdx++) {
tmpStr[jdx] = line[idx++];
tmpStr[jdx] = 0;
sdx = jdx;
jdx = 0;
//// remove spaces between operands
for(idx=0; idx<sdx; idx++) {
if(isspace(tmpStr[idx])) continue;
if(tmpStr[idx] == ';') break; // comment
tmpStr[jdx++] = tmpStr[idx];
tmpStr[jdx] = 0;
hPtr->operand1[0] = 0;
hPtr->operand2[0] = 0;
hPtr->operand3[0] = 0;
idx = 0;
for(jdx=0; tmpStr[idx] && jdx<70; jdx++) {
if(tmpStr[idx] == 0) break;
if(tmpStr[idx] == ',') break;
hPtr->operand1[jdx] = tmpStr[idx++];
hPtr->operand1[jdx] = 0;
if(tmpStr[idx]) {
for(jdx=0; tmpStr[idx] && jdx<70; jdx++) {
if(tmpStr[idx] == 0) break;
if(tmpStr[idx] == ',') break;
hPtr->operand2[jdx] = tmpStr[idx++];
hPtr->operand2[jdx] = 0;
if(tmpStr[idx]) {
for(jdx=0; tmpStr[idx] && jdx<70; jdx++) {
if(tmpStr[idx] == 0) break;
if(tmpStr[idx] == ',') break;
hPtr->operand3[jdx] = tmpStr[idx++];
hPtr->operand3[jdx] = 0;
hPtr->linenumber = linenumber;
#if 0
///////////////// test output //////////////////////////////////
hPtr = head;
while(hPtr) {
printf("%d <%s><%s><%s><%s><%s>\n", hPtr->linenumber,
hPtr = hPtr->next;
printf("1st pass\n");
/////////// 1st pass ////////////////////////////////////
addr = 0;
hPtr = head;
while(hPtr) {
hPtr->addr = addr;
if(!strlen(hPtr->mnemo)) { // label only
hPtr = hPtr->next;
///////// check on directives ///////////////////////////
if(!strcmp(hPtr->mnemo, ".WORDSIZE")) { // set processor wordsize
printf("wordsize = ");
if(g_wordSize) {
fprintf(stderr, "processor wordsize already set!\n");
return 5;
g_wordSize = atoi(hPtr->operand1);
if(g_wordSize < 32) {
fprintf(stderr, "wordsize at least of 32 and multiple of 8 needed!\n");
return 6;
if(g_wordSize & 7) {
fprintf(stderr, "wordsize at least of 32 and multiple of 8 needed!\n");
return 7;
hPtr->linenumber = -1;
hPtr = hPtr->next;
if(g_wordSize == 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "missing, wordsize at least of 32 and multiple of 8 needed!\n");
return 8;
if(!strcmp(hPtr->mnemo, ".ORG")) { // set location address
addr = strtol(hPtr->operand1, &tempPtr, 16);
hPtr->addr = addr;
hPtr->linenumber = -1;
hPtr = hPtr->next;
if(!strcmp(hPtr->mnemo, ".DC")) { // define constant
getvalue(hPtr->operand1, binTemp);
idx = g_wordSize / 8;
memset(hPtr->mcod, 0, sizeof(hPtr->mcod));
memcpy(hPtr->mcod, &binTemp[128-idx], idx);
hPtr = hPtr->next;
ccMode = 16;
aluMode = 16;
updateFlag = 0;
carryUse = 0;
writeCycle = 0;
memRead = 0;
immediate = 0;
valmux = 0;
dstReg = 0;
src1Reg = 0;
src2Reg = 0;
sdx = 0;
if(!memcmp(&hPtr->mnemo[sdx], "U", 1)) { // update flag after alu operation ?
updateFlag = 1;
////// scan condition code
if(!memcmp(&hPtr->mnemo[sdx], "A", 1)) { // always
ccMode = 0; sdx++;
} else if(!memcmp(&hPtr->mnemo[sdx], "CC", 2)) { // carry clear
ccMode = 1; sdx += 2;
} else if(!memcmp(&hPtr->mnemo[sdx], "CS", 2)) { // carry set
ccMode = 2; sdx += 2;
} else if(!memcmp(&hPtr->mnemo[sdx], "EQ", 2)) { // equal
ccMode = 3; sdx += 2;
} else if(!memcmp(&hPtr->mnemo[sdx], "GE", 2)) { // greater equal
ccMode = 4; sdx += 2;
} else if(!memcmp(&hPtr->mnemo[sdx], "GT", 2)) { // greater than
ccMode = 5; sdx += 2;
} else if(!memcmp(&hPtr->mnemo[sdx], "HI", 2)) { // higher
ccMode = 6; sdx += 2;
} else if(!memcmp(&hPtr->mnemo[sdx], "LE", 2)) { // less equal
ccMode = 7; sdx += 2;
} else if(!memcmp(&hPtr->mnemo[sdx], "LS", 2)) { // less
ccMode = 8; sdx += 2;
} else if(!memcmp(&hPtr->mnemo[sdx], "LT", 2)) { // less than
ccMode = 9; sdx += 2;
} else if(!memcmp(&hPtr->mnemo[sdx], "MI", 2)) { // minus
ccMode = 10; sdx += 2;
} else if(!memcmp(&hPtr->mnemo[sdx], "NE", 2)) { // not equal
ccMode = 11; sdx += 2;
} else if(!memcmp(&hPtr->mnemo[sdx], "PL", 2)) { // plus
ccMode = 12; sdx += 2;
} else if(!memcmp(&hPtr->mnemo[sdx], "VC", 2)) { // overflow clear
ccMode = 13; sdx += 2;
} else if(!memcmp(&hPtr->mnemo[sdx], "VS", 2)) { // overflow set
ccMode = 14; sdx += 2;
} else if(!memcmp(&hPtr->mnemo[sdx], "N", 1)) { // never
ccMode = 15; sdx++;
////// scan alu mode
if(!memcmp(&hPtr->mnemo[sdx], "MOV", 3)) { // mov
aluMode = 0;
} else if(!memcmp(&hPtr->mnemo[sdx], "AND", 3)) { // and
aluMode = 1;
} else if(!memcmp(&hPtr->mnemo[sdx], "OR", 2)) { // or
aluMode = 2;
} else if(!memcmp(&hPtr->mnemo[sdx], "XOR", 3)) { // xor
aluMode = 3;
} else if(!memcmp(&hPtr->mnemo[sdx], "ADD", 3)) { // add
aluMode = 4;
if(hPtr->mnemo[sdx+3] == 'C') carryUse = 1;
} else if(!memcmp(&hPtr->mnemo[sdx], "SUB", 3)) { // sub
aluMode = 5;
if(hPtr->mnemo[sdx+3] == 'C') carryUse = 1;
} else if(!memcmp(&hPtr->mnemo[sdx], "ROR", 3)) { // ror
aluMode = 6;
} else if(!memcmp(&hPtr->mnemo[sdx], "LSR", 3)) { // lsr
aluMode = 7;
} else if(!memcmp(&hPtr->mnemo[sdx], "LSRA", 4)) { // lsra
aluMode = 8;
} else if(!memcmp(&hPtr->mnemo[sdx], "SWAP", 4)) { // swap
aluMode = 9;
} else if(!memcmp(&hPtr->mnemo[sdx], "SWAPB", 5)) {// swapb
aluMode = 10;
} else if(!memcmp(&hPtr->mnemo[sdx], "INC", 3)) { // inc
aluMode = 11;
if(hPtr->mnemo[sdx+3] == 'C') carryUse = 1;
} else if(!memcmp(&hPtr->mnemo[sdx], "DEC", 3)) { // dec
aluMode = 12; printf("decrement\n");
if(hPtr->mnemo[sdx+3] == 'C') carryUse = 1;
} else if(!memcmp(&hPtr->mnemo[sdx], "RORB", 4)) { // rorb
aluMode = 13;
////////////// destination operand
if(hPtr->operand1[0] == 0) {
hPtr = hPtr->next; // goto next line
fprintf(stderr, "%d destination operand missing\n", hPtr->linenumber);
sdx = 0;
if(hPtr->operand1[0] == '[') {
writeCycle = 1;
if(hPtr->operand1[sdx] != 'R') {
fprintf(stderr, "%d destination operand error\n", hPtr->linenumber);
} else {
if(!isdigit(hPtr->operand1[sdx+1])) {
fprintf(stderr, "%d destination operand number error\n", hPtr->linenumber);
} else {
dstReg = hPtr->operand1[sdx+1] - '0';
src1Reg = dstReg; // set default register
src2Reg = dstReg; // set default register, improve to opcode kontext register
//////////// source1 operand
if(hPtr->operand2[0]) {
sdx = 0;
if(hPtr->operand2[0] == '[') {
if(writeCycle) {
hPtr = hPtr->next; // goto next line
fprintf(stderr, "%d both memory accesses not supported\n", hPtr->linenumber);
memRead = 1;
if(hPtr->operand2[sdx] != 'R') { // immediate
if((hPtr->operand2[0] == '$') || isdigit(hPtr->operand2[0])) {
getvalue(hPtr->operand2, binTemp);
memcpy(hPtr->imm, &binTemp[128-g_wordSize/8], g_wordSize/8);
immediate = 1;
} else { // label
strcpy(hPtr->olabel2, hPtr->operand2);
} else {
if(!isdigit(hPtr->operand2[sdx+1])) {
fprintf(stderr, "%d source1 operand number error\n", hPtr->linenumber);
} else {
src1Reg = hPtr->operand2[sdx+1] - '0';
if(writeCycle) {
src2Reg = dstReg;
///////// source2 operand
if(hPtr->operand3[0] == 0) {
if(writeCycle == 0) {
src2Reg = src1Reg;
} else {
if(hPtr->operand3[0] != 'R') {
fprintf(stderr, "%d source2 operand number error\n", hPtr->linenumber);
} else {
if(!isdigit(hPtr->operand3[1])) {
fprintf(stderr, "%d source2 operand number error\n", hPtr->linenumber);
} else {
src2Reg = hPtr->operand3[1] - '0';
} // if(hPtr->operand2[0] == 0)
///////// build machine code
memset(hPtr->mcod, 0, sizeof(hPtr->mcod));
hPtr->mcod[0] = (ccMode << 4) | aluMode;
hPtr->mcod[1] = (memRead << 7) | (dstReg << 4) | (writeCycle << 3) | src1Reg;
hPtr->mcod[2] = (immediate << 7) | (src2Reg << 4) | (updateFlag << 3) | (carryUse << 2);
idx = g_wordSize / 8;
memcpy(&hPtr->mcod[3], &hPtr->imm[3], idx-3);
addr++; // goto next program address
hPtr = hPtr->next; // goto next line
/////////// count label addresses ///////////////////////
hPtr = head;
maxi = 0;
while(hPtr) {
if(hPtr->label[0]) maxi++;
hPtr = hPtr->next;
/////////// table with label address ////////////////////
address = (Taddress *) malloc(maxi * sizeof(Taddress));
hPtr = head;
idx = 0;
while(hPtr) {
if(hPtr->label[0]) {
address[idx].addr = hPtr->addr;
strcpy(address[idx].label, hPtr->label);
hPtr = hPtr->next;
printf("2nd pass\n");
/////////// 2nd pass ////////////////////////////////////
hPtr = head;
while(hPtr) {
if(hPtr->olabel2[0]) { // resolve label, treated as immediate operand
printf("label = %s\n", hPtr->olabel2);
for(idx=0; idx<maxi; idx++) {
if(!strcmp(address[idx].label, hPtr->olabel2)) {
hPtr->mcod[2] |= 0x80; // set immediate operand flag
jdx = g_wordSize / 8;
switch(jdx) {
case 4:
hPtr->mcod[3] = (unsigned char) address[idx].addr;
case 5:
hPtr->mcod[3] = (unsigned char) (address[idx].addr >> 8);
hPtr->mcod[4] = (unsigned char) address[idx].addr;
case 6:
hPtr->mcod[3] = (unsigned char) (address[idx].addr >> 16);
hPtr->mcod[4] = (unsigned char) (address[idx].addr >> 8);
hPtr->mcod[5] = (unsigned char) address[idx].addr;
jdx -= 4;
hPtr->mcod[jdx++] = (unsigned char) (address[idx].addr >> 24);
hPtr->mcod[jdx++] = (unsigned char) (address[idx].addr >> 16);
hPtr->mcod[jdx++] = (unsigned char) (address[idx].addr >> 8);
hPtr->mcod[jdx++] = (unsigned char) address[idx].addr;
if(idx == maxi) {
fprintf(stderr, "%d unknown label\n", hPtr->linenumber);
hPtr = hPtr->next;
hPtr = head;
while(hPtr) {
for(idx=0; idx<4; idx++) {
printf("%02X", hPtr->mcod[idx]);
hPtr = hPtr->next;
////////// output ///////////////////////////////////////
fp = fopen(filename, "w"); // write into Intel HEX file
if(NULL == fp) {
fprintf(stderr, "can't write to %s\n", filename);
return 0;
hPtr = head;
maxi = g_wordSize / 8;
while(hPtr) {
if(hPtr->linenumber < 0) {
hPtr = hPtr->next;
printf("%04X ", hPtr->addr);
for(idx=0; idx<maxi; idx++) printf("%02X ", hPtr->mcod[idx]);
printf("<%s><%s><%s><%s><%s>\n", hPtr->label, hPtr->mnemo, hPtr->operand1, hPtr->operand2, hPtr->operand3);
if(maxi) {
sprintf(line, ":%02X%04X00", maxi, hPtr->addr);
for(idx=0; idx<maxi; idx++) {
sprintf(tmpStr, "%02X", hPtr->mcod[idx]);
strcat(line, tmpStr);
chksum = 0;
for(idx=1; line[idx]; idx += 2) {
msn = line[idx] - '0';
if(msn > 9) msn -= 7;
lsn = line[idx+1] - '0';
if(lsn > 9) lsn -= 7;
chksum += ((msn<<4) + lsn);
chksum = 256 - chksum;
sprintf(tmpStr, "%02X", chksum);
strcat(line, tmpStr);
fprintf(fp, "%s\015\012", line);
hPtr = hPtr->next;
fprintf(fp, ":00000001FF\015\012"); // end of HEX file
return 0;
////////// gets a decimal or hexadecimal value
// decimal is ddd
// hexadecimal is $hhh
// returns ptr after value
char *getvalue(char *str, unsigned char *val)
int idx, jdx, kdx, radix, cy;
unsigned short temp[128];
unsigned short help[128];
memset(temp, 0, sizeof(temp));
memset(help, 0, sizeof(help));
radix = 10;
if(str[0] == '$') radix = 16;
if(radix == 10) {
for(idx=0; str[idx]; idx++) {
if(!isdigit(str[idx])) break;
cy = 0;
for(jdx=127; jdx >=0; jdx--) { // shift left
temp[jdx] <<= 1;
if(cy) temp[jdx]++;
cy = 0;
if(temp[jdx] > 255) {
temp[jdx] &= 255;
memcpy(help, temp, sizeof(help));
for(kdx=0; kdx<2; kdx++) {
cy = 0;
for(jdx=127; jdx >=0; jdx--) { // shift left
temp[jdx] <<= 1;
if(cy) temp[jdx]++;
cy = 0;
if(temp[jdx] > 255) {
temp[jdx] &= 255;
cy = 0;
for(jdx=127; jdx >=0; jdx--) { // add
temp[jdx] += help[jdx];
if(cy) temp[jdx]++;
cy = 0;
if(temp[jdx] > 255) {
temp[jdx] &= 255;
temp[127] += (str[idx] - '0');
cy = 0;
if(temp[127] > 255) {
temp[127] &= 255;
for(jdx=126; jdx >=0; jdx--) {
temp[jdx] += cy;
cy = 0;
if(temp[jdx] > 255) {
temp[jdx] &= 255;
} // end for
} else {
for(idx=1; str[idx]; idx++) {
if(!isxdigit(str[idx])) break;
for(jdx=0; jdx<127; jdx++) { // shift 4 bits left
temp[jdx] <<= 4;
temp[jdx] |= (15 & (temp[jdx+1] >> 4));
temp[127] <<= 4;
jdx = str[idx] - '0';
if(jdx > 9) jdx -= 7;
temp[127] |= jdx;
} // end for
for(idx=128-(g_wordSize/8); idx<128; idx++) {
val[idx] = temp[idx];
return &str[idx];
0,0 → 1,16
.ORG 0
AMOV R7, start
.DC 2
.DC $FF00
.DC 3
start AMOV R0, 1
loop AMOV R1, [R0]
dly UASUB R1, 1
NEMOV R7, dly
AMOV R1, [R0]
AMOV [R1], R2
AMOV R7, loop
0,0 → 1,632
an assembler for the TinyX CPU
TGB Ulrich Riedel 20040313
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
typedef struct _tag_Tmcode {
struct _tag_Tmcode *prev;
struct _tag_Tmcode *next;
int linenumber;
unsigned long addr; // machinecode address
char label[34]; // destination label
char mnemo[16]; // mnemonic or directive
char operand1[80]; // operands
char operand2[80];
char operand3[80];
unsigned char mcod[128]; // machinecode ( maximum of 1024 bit instruction code )
unsigned char imm[128];
unsigned long oaddr1; // operand address1
unsigned long oaddr2; // operand address2
unsigned long oaddr3; // operand address2
char olabel1[34]; // operand label1
char olabel2[34]; // operand label2
char olabel3[34]; // operand label3
} Tmcode;
typedef struct {
unsigned long addr;
char label[40];
} Taddress;
int g_wordSize; // processor word size
char *getvalue(char *str, unsigned char *val); // reads string value
int main(int argc,char *argv[])
FILE *fp;
char filename[256];
unsigned char binTemp[128];
char line[80];
char tmpStr[40];
char *tempPtr;
int linenumber, idx, maxi, jdx, sdx;
unsigned short slen;
Tmcode *head, *tail, *cPtr, *hPtr, *tPtr;
unsigned long addr, val1, val2, val3;
unsigned char code[128], chksum, lsn, msn;
Taddress *address;
unsigned char ccMode;
unsigned char aluMode;
unsigned char updateFlag;
unsigned char carryUse;
unsigned char writeCycle;
unsigned char memRead;
unsigned char immediate;
unsigned char valmux;
unsigned char dstReg;
unsigned char src1Reg;
unsigned char src2Reg;
g_wordSize = 0;
if (argc == 1) {
fprintf(stderr, "usage: tinyx file\n");
return 1;
fp = fopen(argv[1], "r");
if(NULL == fp) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s doesn't exist\n", argv[1]);
return 2;
strncpy(filename, argv[1], 120);
strcat(filename, ".HEX");
/////////// pre pass /////////////////////////////////////
linenumber = 1; // sourcecode linenumber count
head = tail = NULL;
while(fgets(line, 79, fp)) {
if(line[0] == 0) { // empty line
sdx = strlen(line);
for(idx=0; idx<sdx; idx++) {
if(!isspace(line[idx])) break;
if(sdx == idx) { // whitespace line
///////// make line to uppercase characters, ignoring comment lines
for(idx=0; line[idx]; idx++) {
if(line[idx] == 13) { line[idx] = 0; continue; } // return
if(line[idx] == 10) { line[idx] = 0; continue; } // linefeed
if(line[idx] == 9) { line[idx] = 32; continue; } // tab
if((line[idx] & 0xE0) == 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "%d contains non printable characters.\n", linenumber);
return 3;
if(line[idx] < 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "%d contains non printable characters\n", linenumber);
return 3;
line[idx] = toupper(line[idx]);
if(line[0] == ';') { linenumber++; continue; } // skip comment lines
if(line[0] == '.') {
fprintf(stderr, "%d no directive first allowed\n", linenumber);
///////// break into up to 5 components //////////////////
//////// alloc mcode structure for this sourcecode line
hPtr = (Tmcode *) malloc(sizeof(Tmcode));
memset(hPtr, 0, sizeof(Tmcode));
if(head == NULL) {
head = hPtr;
tail = hPtr;
cPtr = head;
} else {
tPtr = cPtr;
cPtr->next = hPtr;
cPtr = cPtr->next;
cPtr->prev = tPtr;
tail = cPtr;
hPtr->linenumber = linenumber;
///////// 1st component, label ///////////////////////////
idx = 0; // start at beginning sourcecode line
if(!isspace(line[0])) { // first char nonspace?
for(; line[idx] && (idx<32); idx++) { // label max 32 chars
if(isspace(line[idx])) break; // delimiter
if(line[idx] == ';') break; // comment
tmpStr[idx] = line[idx];
tmpStr[idx] = 0;
strcpy(hPtr->label, tmpStr); // save label
if(0 == line[idx]) { // end of line?, label only
///////// 2nd component, mnemonic or directive ///////////
while(isspace(line[idx])) idx++; // skip space
for(jdx=0; line[idx] && (jdx<15); jdx++) {
if(isspace(line[idx])) break; // delimiter
if(line[idx] == ';') break; // comment
tmpStr[jdx] = line[idx++];
tmpStr[jdx] = 0;
strcpy(hPtr->mnemo, tmpStr); // save mnemonic or directive
if(0 == line[idx]) { // suddenly end of line?
fprintf(stderr, "%d operand missing\n", linenumber);
while(isspace(line[idx])) idx++; // skip space
if(0 == line[idx]) { // suddenly end of line?
fprintf(stderr, "%d operand missing\n", linenumber);
///////// 3,4,5th component, operands /////////////////////////
//// fetch operads strings
for(jdx=0; line[idx] && (jdx<80); jdx++) {
tmpStr[jdx] = line[idx++];
tmpStr[jdx] = 0;
sdx = jdx;
jdx = 0;
//// remove spaces between operands
for(idx=0; idx<sdx; idx++) {
if(isspace(tmpStr[idx])) continue;
if(tmpStr[idx] == ';') break; // comment
tmpStr[jdx++] = tmpStr[idx];
tmpStr[jdx] = 0;
hPtr->operand1[0] = 0;
hPtr->operand2[0] = 0;
hPtr->operand3[0] = 0;
idx = 0;
for(jdx=0; tmpStr[idx] && jdx<70; jdx++) {
if(tmpStr[idx] == 0) break;
if(tmpStr[idx] == ',') break;
hPtr->operand1[jdx] = tmpStr[idx++];
hPtr->operand1[jdx] = 0;
if(tmpStr[idx]) {
for(jdx=0; tmpStr[idx] && jdx<70; jdx++) {
if(tmpStr[idx] == 0) break;
if(tmpStr[idx] == ',') break;
hPtr->operand2[jdx] = tmpStr[idx++];
hPtr->operand2[jdx] = 0;
if(tmpStr[idx]) {
for(jdx=0; tmpStr[idx] && jdx<70; jdx++) {
if(tmpStr[idx] == 0) break;
if(tmpStr[idx] == ',') break;
hPtr->operand3[jdx] = tmpStr[idx++];
hPtr->operand3[jdx] = 0;
hPtr->linenumber = linenumber;
#if 0
///////////////// test output //////////////////////////////////
hPtr = head;
while(hPtr) {
printf("%d <%s><%s><%s><%s><%s>\n", hPtr->linenumber,
hPtr = hPtr->next;
printf("1st pass\n");
/////////// 1st pass ////////////////////////////////////
addr = 0;
hPtr = head;
while(hPtr) {
hPtr->addr = addr;
if(!strlen(hPtr->mnemo)) { // label only
hPtr = hPtr->next;
///////// check on directives ///////////////////////////
if(!strcmp(hPtr->mnemo, ".WORDSIZE")) { // set processor wordsize
if(g_wordSize) {
fprintf(stderr, "processor wordsize already set!\n");
return 5;
g_wordSize = atoi(hPtr->operand1);
if(g_wordSize < 32) {
fprintf(stderr, "wordsize at least of 32 and multiple of 8 needed!\n");
return 6;
if(g_wordSize & 7) {
fprintf(stderr, "wordsize at least of 32 and multiple of 8 needed!\n");
return 7;
hPtr->linenumber = -1;
hPtr = hPtr->next;
if(g_wordSize == 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "missing, wordsize at least of 32 and multiple of 8 needed!\n");
return 8;
if(!strcmp(hPtr->mnemo, ".ORG")) { // set location address
addr = strtol(hPtr->operand1, &tempPtr, 16);
hPtr->addr = addr;
hPtr->linenumber = -1;
hPtr = hPtr->next;
if(!strcmp(hPtr->mnemo, ".DC")) { // define constant
getvalue(hPtr->operand1, binTemp);
idx = g_wordSize / 8;
memset(hPtr->mcod, 0, sizeof(hPtr->mcod));
memcpy(hPtr->mcod, &binTemp[128-idx], idx);
hPtr = hPtr->next;
ccMode = 16;
aluMode = 16;
updateFlag = 0;
carryUse = 0;
writeCycle = 0;
memRead = 0;
immediate = 0;
valmux = 0;
dstReg = 0;
src1Reg = 0;
src2Reg = 0;
sdx = 0;
if(!memcmp(&hPtr->mnemo[sdx], "U", 1)) { // update flag after alu operation ?
updateFlag = 1;
////// scan condition code
if(!memcmp(&hPtr->mnemo[sdx], "A", 1)) { // always
ccMode = 0; sdx++;
} else if(!memcmp(&hPtr->mnemo[sdx], "CC", 2)) { // carry clear
ccMode = 1; sdx += 2;
} else if(!memcmp(&hPtr->mnemo[sdx], "CS", 2)) { // carry set
ccMode = 2; sdx += 2;
} else if(!memcmp(&hPtr->mnemo[sdx], "EQ", 2)) { // equal
ccMode = 3; sdx += 2;
} else if(!memcmp(&hPtr->mnemo[sdx], "GE", 2)) { // greater equal
ccMode = 4; sdx += 2;
} else if(!memcmp(&hPtr->mnemo[sdx], "GT", 2)) { // greater than
ccMode = 5; sdx += 2;
} else if(!memcmp(&hPtr->mnemo[sdx], "HI", 2)) { // higher
ccMode = 6; sdx += 2;
} else if(!memcmp(&hPtr->mnemo[sdx], "LE", 2)) { // less equal
ccMode = 7; sdx += 2;
} else if(!memcmp(&hPtr->mnemo[sdx], "LS", 2)) { // less
ccMode = 8; sdx += 2;
} else if(!memcmp(&hPtr->mnemo[sdx], "LT", 2)) { // less than
ccMode = 9; sdx += 2;
} else if(!memcmp(&hPtr->mnemo[sdx], "MI", 2)) { // minus
ccMode = 10; sdx += 2;
} else if(!memcmp(&hPtr->mnemo[sdx], "NE", 2)) { // not equal
ccMode = 11; sdx += 2;
} else if(!memcmp(&hPtr->mnemo[sdx], "PL", 2)) { // plus
ccMode = 12; sdx += 2;
} else if(!memcmp(&hPtr->mnemo[sdx], "VC", 2)) { // overflow clear
ccMode = 13; sdx += 2;
} else if(!memcmp(&hPtr->mnemo[sdx], "VS", 2)) { // overflow set
ccMode = 14; sdx += 2;
} else if(!memcmp(&hPtr->mnemo[sdx], "N", 1)) { // never
ccMode = 15; sdx++;
////// scan alu mode
if(!memcmp(&hPtr->mnemo[sdx], "MOV", 3)) { // mov
aluMode = 0;
} else if(!memcmp(&hPtr->mnemo[sdx], "AND", 3)) { // and
aluMode = 1;
} else if(!memcmp(&hPtr->mnemo[sdx], "OR", 2)) { // or
aluMode = 2;
} else if(!memcmp(&hPtr->mnemo[sdx], "XOR", 3)) { // xor
aluMode = 3;
} else if(!memcmp(&hPtr->mnemo[sdx], "ADD", 3)) { // add
aluMode = 4;
if(hPtr->mnemo[sdx+3] == 'C') carryUse = 1;
} else if(!memcmp(&hPtr->mnemo[sdx], "SUB", 3)) { // sub
aluMode = 5;
if(hPtr->mnemo[sdx+3] == 'C') carryUse = 1;
} else if(!memcmp(&hPtr->mnemo[sdx], "ROR", 3)) { // ror
aluMode = 6;
} else if(!memcmp(&hPtr->mnemo[sdx], "LSR", 3)) { // lsr
aluMode = 7;
} else if(!memcmp(&hPtr->mnemo[sdx], "LSRA", 4)) { // lsra
aluMode = 8;
} else if(!memcmp(&hPtr->mnemo[sdx], "SWAP", 4)) { // swap
aluMode = 9;
} else if(!memcmp(&hPtr->mnemo[sdx], "SWAPB", 5)) {// swapb
aluMode = 10;
} else if(!memcmp(&hPtr->mnemo[sdx], "INC", 3)) { // inc
aluMode = 11;
if(hPtr->mnemo[sdx+3] == 'C') carryUse = 1;
} else if(!memcmp(&hPtr->mnemo[sdx], "DEC", 3)) { // dec
aluMode = 12;
if(hPtr->mnemo[sdx+3] == 'C') carryUse = 1;
} else if(!memcmp(&hPtr->mnemo[sdx], "RORB", 4)) { // rorb
aluMode = 13;
////////////// destination operand
if(hPtr->operand1[0] == 0) {
hPtr = hPtr->next; // goto next line
fprintf(stderr, "%d destination operand missing\n", hPtr->linenumber);
sdx = 0;
if(hPtr->operand1[0] == '[') {
writeCycle = 1;
if(hPtr->operand1[sdx] != 'R') {
fprintf(stderr, "%d destination operand error\n", hPtr->linenumber);
} else {
if(!isdigit(hPtr->operand1[sdx+1])) {
fprintf(stderr, "%d destination operand number error\n", hPtr->linenumber);
} else {
dstReg = hPtr->operand1[sdx+1] - '0';
src1Reg = dstReg; // set default register
src2Reg = dstReg; // set default register, improve to opcode kontext register
//////////// source1 operand
if(hPtr->operand2[0]) {
sdx = 0;
if(hPtr->operand2[0] == '[') {
if(writeCycle) {
hPtr = hPtr->next; // goto next line
fprintf(stderr, "%d both memory accesses not supported\n", hPtr->linenumber);
memRead = 1;
if(hPtr->operand2[sdx] != 'R') { // immediate
if((hPtr->operand2[0] == '$') || isdigit(hPtr->operand2[0])) {
getvalue(hPtr->operand2, binTemp);
memcpy(hPtr->imm, &binTemp[128-g_wordSize/8], g_wordSize/8);
immediate = 1;
} else { // label
strcpy(hPtr->olabel2, hPtr->operand2);
} else {
if(!isdigit(hPtr->operand2[sdx+1])) {
fprintf(stderr, "%d source1 operand number error\n", hPtr->linenumber);
} else {
src1Reg = hPtr->operand2[sdx+1] - '0';
if(writeCycle) {
src2Reg = dstReg;
///////// source2 operand
if(hPtr->operand3[0] == 0) {
if(writeCycle == 0) {
src2Reg = src1Reg;
} else {
if(hPtr->operand3[0] != 'R') {
fprintf(stderr, "%d source2 operand number error\n", hPtr->linenumber);
} else {
if(!isdigit(hPtr->operand3[1])) {
fprintf(stderr, "%d source2 operand number error\n", hPtr->linenumber);
} else {
src2Reg = hPtr->operand3[1] - '0';
} // if(hPtr->operand2[0] == 0)
///////// build machine code
memset(hPtr->mcod, 0, sizeof(hPtr->mcod));
hPtr->mcod[0] = (ccMode << 4) | aluMode;
hPtr->mcod[1] = (memRead << 7) | (dstReg << 4) | (writeCycle << 3) | src1Reg;
hPtr->mcod[2] = (immediate << 7) | (src2Reg << 4) | (updateFlag << 3) | (carryUse << 2);
idx = g_wordSize / 8;
memcpy(&hPtr->mcod[3], &hPtr->imm[3], idx-3);
addr++; // goto next program address
hPtr = hPtr->next; // goto next line
/////////// count label addresses ///////////////////////
hPtr = head;
maxi = 0;
while(hPtr) {
if(hPtr->label[0]) maxi++;
hPtr = hPtr->next;
/////////// table with label address ////////////////////
address = (Taddress *) malloc(maxi * sizeof(Taddress));
hPtr = head;
idx = 0;
while(hPtr) {
if(hPtr->label[0]) {
address[idx].addr = hPtr->addr;
strcpy(address[idx].label, hPtr->label);
hPtr = hPtr->next;
printf("2nd pass\n");
/////////// 2nd pass ////////////////////////////////////
hPtr = head;
while(hPtr) {
if(hPtr->olabel2[0]) { // resolve label, treated as immediate operand
for(idx=0; idx<maxi; idx++) {
if(!strcmp(address[idx].label, hPtr->olabel2)) {
hPtr->mcod[2] |= 0x80; // set immediate operand flag
jdx = g_wordSize / 8;
switch(jdx) {
case 4:
hPtr->mcod[3] = (unsigned char) address[idx].addr;
case 5:
hPtr->mcod[3] = (unsigned char) (address[idx].addr >> 8);
hPtr->mcod[4] = (unsigned char) address[idx].addr;
case 6:
hPtr->mcod[3] = (unsigned char) (address[idx].addr >> 16);
hPtr->mcod[4] = (unsigned char) (address[idx].addr >> 8);
hPtr->mcod[5] = (unsigned char) address[idx].addr;
jdx -= 4;
hPtr->mcod[jdx++] = (unsigned char) (address[idx].addr >> 24);
hPtr->mcod[jdx++] = (unsigned char) (address[idx].addr >> 16);
hPtr->mcod[jdx++] = (unsigned char) (address[idx].addr >> 8);
hPtr->mcod[jdx++] = (unsigned char) address[idx].addr;
if(idx == maxi) {
fprintf(stderr, "%d unknown label\n", hPtr->linenumber);
hPtr = hPtr->next;
////////// output ///////////////////////////////////////
fp = fopen(filename, "w"); // write into Intel HEX file
if(NULL == fp) {
fprintf(stderr, "can't write to %s\n", filename);
return 0;
hPtr = head;
maxi = g_wordSize / 8;
while(hPtr) {
if(hPtr->linenumber < 0) {
hPtr = hPtr->next;
printf("%04X ", hPtr->addr);
for(idx=0; idx<maxi; idx++) printf("%02X ", hPtr->mcod[idx]);
printf("<%s><%s><%s><%s><%s>\n", hPtr->label, hPtr->mnemo, hPtr->operand1, hPtr->operand2, hPtr->operand3);
if(maxi) {
sprintf(line, ":%02X%04X00", maxi, hPtr->addr);
for(idx=0; idx<maxi; idx++) {
sprintf(tmpStr, "%02X", hPtr->mcod[idx]);
strcat(line, tmpStr);
chksum = 0;
for(idx=1; line[idx]; idx += 2) {
msn = line[idx] - '0';
if(msn > 9) msn -= 7;
lsn = line[idx+1] - '0';
if(lsn > 9) lsn -= 7;
chksum += ((msn<<4) + lsn);
chksum = 256 - chksum;
sprintf(tmpStr, "%02X", chksum);
strcat(line, tmpStr);
fprintf(fp, "%s\015\012", line);
hPtr = hPtr->next;
fprintf(fp, ":00000001FF\015\012"); // end of HEX file
return 0;
////////// gets a decimal or hexadecimal value
// decimal is ddd
// hexadecimal is $hhh
// returns ptr after value
char *getvalue(char *str, unsigned char *val)
int idx, jdx, kdx, radix, cy;
unsigned short temp[128];
unsigned short help[128];
memset(temp, 0, sizeof(temp));
memset(help, 0, sizeof(help));
radix = 10;
if(str[0] == '$') radix = 16;
if(radix == 10) {
for(idx=0; str[idx]; idx++) {
if(!isdigit(str[idx])) break;
cy = 0;
for(jdx=127; jdx >=0; jdx--) { // shift left
temp[jdx] <<= 1;
if(cy) temp[jdx]++;
cy = 0;
if(temp[jdx] > 255) {
temp[jdx] &= 255;
memcpy(help, temp, sizeof(help));
for(kdx=0; kdx<2; kdx++) {
cy = 0;
for(jdx=127; jdx >=0; jdx--) { // shift left
temp[jdx] <<= 1;
if(cy) temp[jdx]++;
cy = 0;
if(temp[jdx] > 255) {
temp[jdx] &= 255;
cy = 0;
for(jdx=127; jdx >=0; jdx--) { // add
temp[jdx] += help[jdx];
if(cy) temp[jdx]++;
cy = 0;
if(temp[jdx] > 255) {
temp[jdx] &= 255;
temp[127] += (str[idx] - '0');
cy = 0;
if(temp[127] > 255) {
temp[127] &= 255;
for(jdx=126; jdx >=0; jdx--) {
temp[jdx] += cy;
cy = 0;
if(temp[jdx] > 255) {
temp[jdx] &= 255;
} // end for
} else {
for(idx=1; str[idx]; idx++) {
if(!isxdigit(str[idx])) break;
for(jdx=0; jdx<127; jdx++) { // shift 4 bits left
temp[jdx] <<= 4;
temp[jdx] |= (15 & (temp[jdx+1] >> 4));
temp[127] <<= 4;
jdx = str[idx] - '0';
if(jdx > 9) jdx -= 7;
temp[127] |= jdx;
} // end for
for(idx=128-(g_wordSize/8); idx<128; idx++) {
val[idx] = temp[idx];
return &str[idx];
0,0 → 1,16
.ORG 0
AMOV R7, start
.DC 2
.DC $FF00
.DC 3
start AMOV R0, 1
loop AMOV R1, [R0]
dly UASUB R1, 1
NEMOV R7, dly
AADD R0, 1
AMOV R1, [R0]
AADD R2, 1
AMOV [R1], R2
ASUB R0, 1
AMOV R7, loop
/trunk/Assem/tinyx.exe Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
trunk/Assem/tinyx.exe Property changes : Added: svn:mime-type ## -0,0 +1 ## +application/octet-stream \ No newline at end of property Index: trunk/Assem/testprog3.asm.HEX =================================================================== --- trunk/Assem/testprog3.asm.HEX (nonexistent) +++ trunk/Assem/testprog3.asm.HEX (revision 3) @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +:040000000077F00491 +:0400010000000002F9 +:040002000000FF00FB +:0400030000000003F6 +:040004000000800177 +:040005000090000067 +:040006000511980147 +:04000700B077F006D8 +:04000800040080016F +:040009000090000063 +:04000A000422A0012B +:04000B00001A1000C7 +:04000C00050080016A +:04000D000077F00583 +:00000001FF Index: trunk/Assem/CODE.HEX =================================================================== --- trunk/Assem/CODE.HEX (nonexistent) +++ trunk/Assem/CODE.HEX (revision 3) @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +:080000000077F000000000048D +:080001000000000000000002F5 +:08000200000000000000FF00F7 +:080003000000000000000003F2 +:08000400000080000000000173 +:08000500009000000000000063 +:08000600051198000000000143 +:08000700B077F00000000006D4 +:0800080004008000000000016B +:0800090000900000000000005F +:08000A000422A0000000000127 +:08000B00001A100000000000C3 +:08000C00050080000000000166 +:08000D000077F000000000057F +:00000001FF

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