
Subversion Repositories usb2uart

Compare Revisions

  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 2 to Rev 3
    Reverse comparison

Rev 2 → Rev 3

0,0 → 1,3809
`timescale 1 ns/ 1 ns
module usb_agent (
inout dpls, dmns;
wire [24:0] ControlPkt;
assign dpls = 1'bz;
assign dmns = 1'bz;
// ------------------------------
// Module Instantiations.---------------
// ------------------------------
// a. Host Bus Model Instantiation.
host_usb_bfm bfm_inst( .DPLS( dpls ),
.DMNS( dmns ),
.ControlPkt( ControlPkt)
module host_usb_bfm(
inout DPLS;
inout DMNS;
output [24:0] ControlPkt;
wire DPLS;
wire DMNS;
reg zDPLS; // this register is driven in host_usb_drvr.v
reg zDMNS; // this register is driven in host_usb_drvr.v
wire clk; // clock
// encoder signals
reg enc_enbl; // signal to enable encoder block
reg enc_reset_n; // signal to reset encoder block
reg [7:0] enc_data_in; // byte wide data being pumped into the encoder
wire enc_count_out; // wire for encoder count_out signal
wire enc_data_out_valid; // wire for encoder data_out_valid signal
reg enc_last_byte;
wire [3:0] enc_bit_count_out;
// decoder signals
reg dec_enbl; // signal to enable decoder block
reg dec_reset_n; // signal to reset decoder block
wire dec_ser_data_rdy; // signal to indicate serial data is ready
wire dec_par_data_rdy; // signal to indicate parallel data is ready
wire [7:0] dec_par_data_out; // parallel data out from decoder
wire [31:0] dec_recv_bit_count; // gives the number of bits received so far
wire dec_bit_stuff_err; // goes high if there is a bit stuff error in
// the present data stream
// dpll signals
reg clk48;
reg clk6;
reg dpll_reset_n;
wire dpll_clk;
reg rec_clk;
wire clk4x;
// Jitter control registers
integer tmpJitterPeriod;
integer tmpJitterCount;
// clock related registers
reg HSClkComp; // compensation when generating the 4x clock
reg HSClkCompToggle;
// //
// Added to accomodate 1 ms slots and files //
// //
// reg [24:0] ControlPkt;
// Control Packet format;
// [0] : 1 - Assert BufOk/0 - Donot assert BufOk.
// [1] : 1 - Create BufOk Error/0 - Donot Create BufOk Error.
// [9:2] : Start Byte for In Transfers.
// [10] : 1 - Create a 4 Clock Protocol violation/0 - donot create vio.
// [20:11]: Errors after num transfers.
// [21] : Stalled or Not.
// [22] : Check for data on Application Bus during Writes.
// [23] : Check for the Hshk on the Application Bus.
// [24] : If check for hshkis true, 1'b1 = XfrAck, 1'b0 = XfrNack.
// integer ByteCount;
// integer Status ;
reg [6:0] dutAddr;
reg sofOnFlag ;
integer sofPeriod ;
reg interruptOnFlag ;
reg interruptRequest ;
integer interruptTimer ;
integer interruptPeriod ;
reg controlRequest ;
reg controlGrant ;
reg bulkInOnFlag ;
reg bulkOutOnFlag ;
parameter DumpToFile = 1;
parameter IN_OUT_BUF_SIZE = 2048, // outgoing buffer data size
IN_OUT_BUF_PTR_SIZE = 12, // number of bits in out buff pointer
XMIT_BUF_SIZE = 1028, // Xmitbuffer size
RECV_BUF_SIZE = 1028; // Recvbuffer size
parameter OUT_TOKEN = 4'b0001,
IN_TOKEN = 4'b1001,
SOF_TOKEN = 4'b0101,
SETUP_TOKEN = 4'b1101,
DATA0 = 4'b0011,
DATA1 = 4'b1011,
ACK = 4'b0010,
NAK = 4'b1010,
STALL = 4'b1110,
PREAMBLE = 4'b1100;
parameter GET_CONFIGURATION = 01, // Standard Request Codes for end points
SET_IDLE = 09,
parameter DEVICE = 1, // Descriptor Types
parameter GET_HUB_STATUS = 0, // Hub class request codes
// reserved for future use 4-5
parameter C_HUB_LOCAL_POWER = 00, // Hub class feature selectors
parameter true = 1'b1,
True = 1'b1,
TRUE = 1'b1,
false = 1'b0,
False = 1'b0,
FALSE = 1'b0;
parameter HIGH_SPEED = 1'b1,
LOW_SPEED = 1'b0;
parameter J = 2'b10, // high speed idle state {DPLS, DMNS}
K = 2'b01, // low speed idle state {DPLS, DMNS}
SE0 = 2'b00, // single ended zero {DPLS, DMNS}
SE1 = 2'b11; // single ended 1 {DPLS, DMNS}
parameter MAX_CNTRL_INTERLEAVE= 6; // number of control transactions that can
// interleaved
parameter NUM_ENDPT_FILES = 12; // number of transmit files associtated
// with endpoints
parameter READ = 2'b10;
parameter WRITE = 2'b11;
parameter BINARY = 1'b0;
parameter HEX = 1'b1;
parameter XMIT_BUF = 4'b0000;
parameter OUT_BUFF = 4'b0001;
parameter NumCharsInFileName = 20; // number of characters in a file name
parameter CharByte = 8; // number of bits for a character
parameter MaxFileSize = 9 * 1024; // 9k file size
reg [7:0] in_out_buf [0 : IN_OUT_BUF_SIZE - 1];
reg [11:0] in_out_buf_ptr;
reg [7:0] XmitBuffer [0 : XMIT_BUF_SIZE]; // Xmit buffer
reg [7:0] RecvBuffer [0 : RECV_BUF_SIZE]; // Recv buffer
reg [10:0] FrameNumber; // frame number
reg [15:0] InDataToggle [127:0]; // set\unset Data0/Data1 for data Xfers
reg [15:0] OutDataToggle [127:0]; // set\unset Data0/Data1 for data Xfers
reg TimeOut; // register to specify timeout
integer TimeOutVal; // value to specify for how many bit times
// to wait for before time out
reg [31:0] ResponseLatency; // turnaround time for the host before
// responding
reg IsoHeadGen; // specifies if a header is generated for an
// isochronous transfer or not
reg GenCrc16Err; // specifies if a crc error is to be generated or not
reg [15:0] Crc16ErrMask; // a particular crc bit is inverted according to the
// bit in the Mask is high
reg GenCrc5Err; // specifies if a crc error is to be generated or not
reg [4:0] Crc5ErrMask; // a particular crc bit is inverted according to the
// bit in the Mask is high
reg ReportResults; // reports results to a file
reg [NumCharsInFileName * CharByte : 1] ResultsFile; // reports file name
integer ResultsFp; // filepointer for reults file
reg ReportErrors;
integer PulseWidth; // PulseWidth of USB clock
reg SyncField; // specifies if a correct/incorrect sync field is to
// be sent
reg [31:0] SyncLevel; // at which point in a task to corrupt the SyncField
reg [31:0] SetSyncLevel; // set this value before calling SendData
reg [7:0] SyncFieldMask; // specifies how the sync field is to be corrupted
reg GenSE0Error; // generate a SE0 error
reg [31:0] SE0BitTimes; // generate SE0 for this many bit times
reg [31:0] SE0ErrorLevel; // = 0 : generates a SE0 error after a sync field
// = 1 : generates a SE0 error after data
// = 2 : generates a SE0 error after a handshake
reg HshkPidIntegrity; // specifies if correct ACKs should be sent
reg [7:0] HshkPidIntegrityMask; // Mask according to which ACK's are corrupted
reg BitStuffErr;
integer RespTimeOutVal; // bit times to wait for when no response is to be
// sent
integer tmpCounter; // a scratch variable to be used any where
event DoesNotOccur; // an event which will not be triggered to
// used to suspend threads
reg [31:0] StartTime; // start time of a transaction
reg [31:0] StopTime; // stop time of a transaction
reg [31:0] SE0StartTime; // start time of a single ended 0
reg [31:0] SE0StopTime; // stop of a single ended 0
reg [31:0] SelfName; // 4 byte wide register to differentiate between
// instantiations
// info about a current control transaction
reg [1:0] CntrlTransType [1 : MAX_CNTRL_INTERLEAVE];
// type of control transaction
// 00 no control transaction in progress
// 01 control_rd transaction in progress
// 11 control_wr transaction in progress
reg [6:0] CntrlTransAddr [1 : MAX_CNTRL_INTERLEAVE];
// address to which a cntrl trans is in progress
reg [3:0] CntrlTransEndP [1 : MAX_CNTRL_INTERLEAVE];
// End Pnt to which a cntrl trans is in progress
reg [15:0] CntrlTransDlen [1 : MAX_CNTRL_INTERLEAVE];
// data length for this control transaction
reg [NumCharsInFileName * CharByte : 1] SendDataFileName;
// File from which data to be sent is taken from, format is 1 byte per line
// in hex format
reg [NumCharsInFileName * CharByte : 1] RecvDataFileName;
// File to which received data is logged to, format is 1 byte per line in
// hex format
reg [NumCharsInFileName * CharByte : 1] ErrorFileName;
// file name to report errors
reg [31:0] RecvDataFp; // file pointer to RecvDataFileName
reg [31:0] SendDataOfst; // offset into SendDataFileName
reg [31:0] ErrorFileFp; // file pointer of the error file
reg [NumCharsInFileName * CharByte : 1] EndPtFileName [1 : NUM_ENDPT_FILES];
// array to store file names associated with end points
reg [1:0] EndPtFileMode [1 : NUM_ENDPT_FILES];
// array to store read/write mode info for each file
reg [31:0] EndPtFp [1 : NUM_ENDPT_FILES];
reg [10:0] EndPtFileInfo [1 : NUM_ENDPT_FILES];
reg [31:0] EndPtFileOfst [1 : NUM_ENDPT_FILES];
// offset into the file if it is in write mode
reg Debug; // debugging messages are turned on if set to true
reg GenDataPidErr; // generates a data pid integrity error
reg [7:0] DataPidErrMask; // error mask for generating
reg GenTokenErr; // generates a token pid integrity error
reg [7:0] TokenErrMask; // token error mask
reg DeviceSpeed; // low speed or high speed
reg GenByteBoundary; // generate a byte boundary error
reg SendPreamble;
// registers to log simulation results
reg [31:0] NumBulkInTrans; // number of bulk in transactions
reg [31:0] NumSucBulkInTrans; // number of successful bulk in transctions
reg [31:0] NumBulkOutTrans; // number of bulk out transactions
reg [31:0] NumSucBulkOutTrans; // number of successful bulk out transactions
reg [31:0] NumIsoInTrans; // number of iso in transactions
reg [31:0] NumSucIsoInTrans; // number of successful iso in transactions
reg [31:0] NumIsoOutTrans; // number of iso out transactions
reg [31:0] NumSOF; // number of SOF's sent
reg [31:0] NumCntrlRdTrans; // number of control reads
reg [31:0] NumSucCntrlRdTrans; // number of successful control reads
reg [31:0] NumCntrlWrTrans; // number of control writes
reg [31:0] NumSucCntrlWrTrans; // number of successful control writes
reg [31:0] NumIntrptTrans; // number of interrupt transactions
reg [31:0] NumSucIntrptTrans; // number of successful interrupt transactions
reg [31:0] NumIntrOutTrans; // number of interrupt out transactions
reg [31:0] NumSucIntrOutTrans; // number of successful interrupt out transactions
reg [31:0] NumResets; // number of resets
// registers to store jitter information
integer HighJitterTime; // time by which high time pulse width is modified
integer LowJitterTime; // time by which low time pulse width is modified
integer JitterPeriod; // specifies in pulse numbers when the Jitter is
// to be repeated
integer JitterCount; // number of pulses for which jitter is induced
reg JitterOnOff; // specifies if jitter is being induced or not
reg task_in_progress;
// SOF's
reg hs_clk; // high speed clock
reg ls_clk; // low-speed clock
reg clk_swtch; // clock switch
reg [31:0] SetupDataLen;
reg GenByteBoundaryPos;
reg BoundaryBitVal;
integer ModifyGran;
task DispErrMsg;
input [6:0] address;
input [3:0] EndPt;
input [31:0] ErrMsgNo;
if (ReportErrors == FALSE) disable DispErrMsg;
if ((ErrorFileFp == 0) & (ErrorFileName == "")) begin
$display("No file name specified to log errors.");
disable DispErrMsg;
if (ErrorFileFp == 0) ErrorFileFp = $fopen(ErrorFileName);
if ((ErrMsgNo >= 0) & (ErrMsgNo <= 32)) $fwrite(ErrorFileFp, "Error %0d :", (500 + ErrMsgNo));
case (ErrMsgNo)
0: $fdisplay(ErrorFileFp, "Time out for bulk in transfer at address %h for End Point %h at time %0t", address, EndPt, $time);
1: $fdisplay(ErrorFileFp, "Time out for iso in transfer at address %h for End Point %h at time %0t", address, EndPt, $time);
2: $fdisplay(ErrorFileFp, "Time out for interrupt transfer at address %h for End Point %h at time %0t", address, EndPt, $time);
3: $fdisplay(ErrorFileFp, "Time out for control transfer at address %h for End Point %h at time %0t", address, EndPt, $time); //this EndPt value should be zero
4: $fdisplay(ErrorFileFp, "Time out for bulk out transfer at address %h for End Point %h at time %0t", address, EndPt, $time);
5: $fdisplay(ErrorFileFp, "Pid error at address %h for End Point %h at time %0t", address, EndPt, $time);
6: $fdisplay(ErrorFileFp, "Short packet at address %h for End Point %h at time %0t", address, EndPt, $time);
7: $fdisplay(ErrorFileFp, "CRC error for token packet at address %h for End Point %h at time %0t", address, EndPt, $time);
8: $fdisplay(ErrorFileFp, "CRC error for data at address %h for End Point %h at time %0t", address, EndPt, $time);
9: $fdisplay(ErrorFileFp, "Incorrect token received at address %h for End Point %h at time %0t", address, EndPt, $time);
10: $fdisplay(ErrorFileFp, "Incorrect Data0/Data1 toggle received at address %h for End Point %h at time %0t", address, EndPt, $time);
11: $fdisplay(ErrorFileFp, "NAK recevied at address %h for End Point %h at time %0t", address, EndPt, $time);
12: $fdisplay(ErrorFileFp, "STALL received at address %h for End Point %h at time %0t", address, EndPt, $time);
13: $fdisplay(ErrorFileFp, "Incorrect handshake received at address %h for End Point %h at time %0t", address, EndPt, $time);
14: $fdisplay(ErrorFileFp, "Long packet at address %h for End Point %h at time %0t", address, EndPt, $time);
15: $fdisplay(ErrorFileFp, "Corrupted handshake received at address %h for End Point %h at time %0t", address, EndPt, $time);
16: $fdisplay(ErrorFileFp, "Device error at address %h for End Point %h at time %0t", address, EndPt, $time);
17: $fdisplay(ErrorFileFp, "Invalid wIndex value for control transfer to address %h at time %0t", address, $time);
18: $fdisplay(ErrorFileFp, "Invalid RequestType for control transfer to address %h at time %0t", address, $time);
19: $fdisplay(ErrorFileFp, "Invalid wValue value for control transfer to address %h at time %0t", address, $time);
20: $fdisplay(ErrorFileFp, "Invalid data length during data phase for control transfer to address %0h and End Point %0h at time %0t", address, EndPt, $time);
21: $fdisplay(ErrorFileFp, "No setup transaction in progress to do a control_in or a control_out or a status transaction at time %0t", $time);
22: $fdisplay(ErrorFileFp, "Doing a control_in when a control_out is expected and vice-versa at time %0t", $time);
23: $fdisplay(ErrorFileFp, "Doing a control_in or control_out when the number of bytes specified by wLength have been received or sent at time %0t", $time);
24: $fdisplay(ErrorFileFp, "Doing a status_in when a status_out is expected and vice-versa at time %0t", $time);
25: $fdisplay(ErrorFileFp, "Received a DATA0 token during the status phase of a control transaction at address %0h, EndPt %0h, at time %0t", address, EndPt, $time);
26: $fdisplay(ErrorFileFp, "Incorrect sync field at time %0t", $time);
27: $fdisplay(ErrorFileFp, "Bit Stuffing error at time %0t", $time);
28: $fdisplay(ErrorFileFp, "Eop incorrect at time %0t", $time);
29: $fdisplay(ErrorFileFp, "Null File Name passed to command at time %0t", $time);
30: $fdisplay(ErrorFileFp, "Offset into file greater than size of file at time %0t", $time);
31: $fdisplay(ErrorFileFp, "Command not supported by a low speed device issued at time %0t.", $time);
32: $fdisplay(ErrorFileFp, "Command not supported by command line interface issued at time %0t.", $time);
//bit 0 has the IN DataToggle and bit 1 has the OUT DataToggle
function [1:0] CheckDataToggle;
input [6:0] address;
input [3:0] EndPt;
reg [15:0] tmpReg1;
reg [15:0] tmpReg2;
tmpReg1 = InDataToggle[address];
tmpReg2 = OutDataToggle[address];
if ((EndPt < 16) & (EndPt >= 0)) begin
CheckDataToggle[0] = tmpReg1[EndPt];
CheckDataToggle[1] = tmpReg2[EndPt];
else CheckDataToggle = 0; // default
function CheckDataToggleIN;
input [6:0] address;
input [3:0] EndPt;
reg [15:0] tmpReg;
tmpReg = InDataToggle[address];
if ((EndPt < 16) & (EndPt >= 0)) CheckDataToggleIN = tmpReg[EndPt];
else CheckDataToggleIN = 0; // default
function CheckDataToggleOUT;
input [6:0] address;
input [3:0] EndPt;
reg [15:0] tmpReg;
tmpReg = OutDataToggle[address];
if ((EndPt < 16) & (EndPt >= 0)) CheckDataToggleOUT = tmpReg[EndPt];
else CheckDataToggleOUT = 0; // default
task SetDataToggle;
input [6:0] address;
input [3:0] EndPt;
input [1:0] SetVal; //value to which the toggle value should be changed to
// index 0 has the IN value and index 1 has the OUT value
reg [15:0] tmpReg;
tmpReg = InDataToggle[address];
if ((SetVal[0] == 0) | (SetVal[0] == 1)) tmpReg[EndPt] = SetVal;
else tmpReg[EndPt] = 0; // default
InDataToggle[address] = tmpReg;
tmpReg = OutDataToggle[address];
if ((SetVal[1] == 0) | (SetVal[1] == 1)) tmpReg[EndPt] = SetVal;
else tmpReg[EndPt] = 0; // default
OutDataToggle[address] = tmpReg;
task SetDataToggleIN;
input [6:0] address;
input [3:0] EndPt;
input SetVal; //value to which the toggle value should be changed to
reg [15:0] tmpReg;
tmpReg = InDataToggle[address];
if ((SetVal == 0) | (SetVal == 1)) tmpReg[EndPt] = SetVal;
else tmpReg[EndPt] = 0; // default
InDataToggle[address] = tmpReg;
task SetDataToggleOUT;
input [6:0] address;
input [3:0] EndPt;
input SetVal; //value to which the toggle value should be changed to
reg [15:0] tmpReg;
tmpReg = OutDataToggle[address];
if ((SetVal == 0) | (SetVal == 1)) tmpReg[EndPt] = SetVal;
else tmpReg[EndPt] = 0; // default
OutDataToggle[address] = tmpReg;
function [7:0] CorruptHshk;
input [7:0] funHshk;
reg [7:0] tmpReg;
reg [4:0] i;
tmpReg = funHshk;
if (HshkPidIntegrity == TRUE) begin
for (i = 0; i < 8; i = i + 1) begin
if (HshkPidIntegrityMask[i] == 1'b1) tmpReg[i] = ~tmpReg[i];
CorruptHshk = tmpReg;
// swap2 : swaps around the bits in half a nibble
function [1:0] swap2;
input [1:0] SwapBits;
swap2 = {SwapBits[0], SwapBits[1]};
// swap8 : swaps around the bits in a byte and returns the swapped byte
function [7:0] swap8;
input [7:0] SwapByte;
swap8 = {SwapByte[0], SwapByte[1], SwapByte[2], SwapByte[3], SwapByte[4], SwapByte[5], SwapByte[6], SwapByte[7]};
// DumpData : dumps the data received into in_out_buf to a file
// Inputs : address : device address to which data is dumped to the
// associated file, 7 bits
// EndPt : End Point number, 4 bits
// ByteCount : number of bytes to dump from in_out_buf to the file
task DumpData;
input [6:0] address;
input [3:0] EndPt;
input [3:0] DataToggle;
input [31:0] ByteCount;
integer i;
integer j;
reg [39:0] DataToggleString;
reg Match;
DataToggleString = (DataToggle == DATA0) ? "DATA0" : "DATA1" ;
Match = FALSE;
for (i = 1; i <= NUM_ENDPT_FILES; i = i + 1) begin
if (EndPtFileInfo[i] == {EndPt, address}) begin
if ((EndPtFp[i] > 0) & (EndPtFileMode[i] == WRITE)) begin
$fdisplay (EndPtFp[i], "//address = %b, EndPt = %b, Data Toggle = %0s at time = %0t", address, EndPt, DataToggleString, $time);
//for (j = 1; j <= ByteCount; j = j + 1) $fwrite (EndPtFp[i], "%h, ", in_out_buf [j]);
for (j = 1; j <= ByteCount; j = j + 1) $fdisplay (EndPtFp[i], "%h", in_out_buf[j]);
$fdisplay(EndPtFp[i], "\n");
Match = TRUE;
if (Match == FALSE) begin // no file name associated with this address
// dump data into the common bucket(file)
if (RecvDataFp == 0) RecvDataFp = $fopen(RecvDataFileName);
$fdisplay (RecvDataFp, "//address = %b, EndPt = %b, Data Toggle = %0s at time = %0t", address, EndPt, DataToggleString, $time);
//for (j = 1; j <= ByteCount; j = j + 1) $fwrite (RecvDataFp, "%h, ", in_out_buf[j]);
for (j = 1; j <= ByteCount; j = j + 1) $fdisplay (RecvDataFp, "%h", in_out_buf[j]);
$fdisplay(RecvDataFp, "\n");
function [7:0] CorruptDataPid;
input [7:0] funDataPid;
integer i;
reg [7:0] tmpReg;
tmpReg = funDataPid;
if (GenDataPidErr == TRUE) begin
for ( i = 0; i < 8; i = i + 1) begin
if (DataPidErrMask[i] == 1'b1) tmpReg[i] = ~tmpReg[i];
CorruptDataPid = tmpReg;
function [7:0] CorruptToken;
input [7:0] funToken;
integer i;
reg [7:0] tmpReg;
tmpReg = funToken;
if (GenTokenErr == TRUE) begin
for ( i = 0; i < 8; i = i + 1) begin
if (TokenErrMask[i] == 1'b1) tmpReg[i] = ~tmpReg[i];
CorruptToken = tmpReg;
// WriteResults : writes out the results to the file pointed to by ResultsFp
task WriteResults;
if (ResultsFile == "") disable WriteResults;
if (ResultsFp != 0) $fclose(ResultsFp);
ResultsFp = $fopen(ResultsFile);
$fdisplay(ResultsFp, "\n");
$fdisplay(ResultsFp, "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------");
$fdisplay(ResultsFp, "-------------------- Transfer Statistics for the HOST model --------------------");
$fdisplay(ResultsFp, "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------");
$fdisplay(ResultsFp, "\n");
" Simulation Start Time ------------------------------ : 0",);
" Number of Bulk In transactions --------------------- : %0d",
" Number of Successful Bulk In transactions ---------- : %0d",
" Number of Bulk Out transactions -------------------- : %0d",
" Number of Successful Bulk Out transactions --------- : %0d",
" Number of Iso In transactions ---------------------- : %0d",
" Number of Successful Iso In transactions ----------- : %0d",
" Number of Iso Out transactions --------------------- : %0d",
" Number of Interrupt transactions ------------------- : %0d",
" Number of Successful Interrupt transactions -------- : %0d",
" Number of resets ----------------------------------- : %0d",
" Number of SOF's sent ------------------------------- : %0d",
" Number of Control Read transactions ---------------- : %0d",
" Number of Successful Control Read transactions ----- : %0d",
" Number of Control Write transactions --------------- : %0d",
" Number of Successful Control Write transactions ---- : %0d",
" Simulation End Time -------------------------------- : %0t",
$fdisplay(ResultsFp, "\n");
// CorruptCrc16 : Corrupts the crc16 value passed on to it according to the
// present crc16 error generation status
function [15:0] CorruptCrc16;
input [15:0] funCrc16;
reg [5:0] i;
if (GenCrc16Err == TRUE) begin
for (i = 0; i < 16; i = i + 1) begin
if (Crc16ErrMask[i] == 1'b1) funCrc16[i] = ~funCrc16[i];
CorruptCrc16 = funCrc16;
// CorruptCrc5 : Corrupts the crc5 value passed on to it according to the
// present crc5 error generation status
function [4:0] CorruptCrc5;
input [4:0] funCrc5;
reg [5:0] i;
if (GenCrc5Err == TRUE) begin
for (i = 0; i < 5; i = i + 1) begin
if (Crc5ErrMask[i] == 1'b1) funCrc5[i] = ~funCrc5[i];
CorruptCrc5 = funCrc5;
// modify_device_speed : modifies the device speed
task modify_device_speed;
input tskDeviceSpeed;
DeviceSpeed = (tskDeviceSpeed == LOW_SPEED) ? LOW_SPEED:HIGH_SPEED;
// CorruptSyncField : corrupts the sync field according to SyncFieldMask
function [7:0] CorruptSyncField;
input [7:0] funSyncField;
reg [7:0] tmpReg;
reg [4:0] i;
tmpReg = funSyncField;
if ((SyncField == TRUE) & (SyncLevel == SetSyncLevel)) begin
for (i = 0; i < 8; i = i + 1) begin
if (SyncFieldMask[i] == 1'b1) tmpReg[i] = ~tmpReg[i];
CorruptSyncField = tmpReg;
// SendData : serialises and puts out the data in in_out_buf onto DPLS(D+)
// and DMNS(D-)
task SendData;
integer i;
reg [31:0] SE0Counter; // Single Ended Zero Counter
reg [31:0] SE0Terminate;
event SE0Event;
i = 0;
SE0Counter = 2'b00;
if (in_out_buf_ptr > 0) begin
@(posedge clk);
@(posedge clk) begin // synchronise to positive edge of clock
enc_enbl = 1'b1; // active high
enc_reset_n = 1'b1; // active low
enc_last_byte = 1'b0;
enc_data_in = CorruptSyncField(8'h80);
forever @(posedge clk) begin
if (GenByteBoundary == TRUE) begin
if ((i == in_out_buf_ptr) & (enc_bit_count_out == 6)) begin
enc_enbl = 1'b0;
enc_reset_n = 1'b0;
in_out_buf_ptr = 0;
-> SE0Event;
forever @(posedge clk) begin
if (GenByteBoundaryPos == TRUE) begin
in_out_buf[in_out_buf_ptr + 1] = {BoundaryBitVal, BoundaryBitVal, BoundaryBitVal, BoundaryBitVal, BoundaryBitVal, BoundaryBitVal, BoundaryBitVal, BoundaryBitVal};
if ((i == (in_out_buf_ptr + 1)) & (enc_bit_count_out == 0)) begin
enc_enbl = 1'b0;
enc_reset_n = 1'b0;
in_out_buf_ptr = 0;
-> SE0Event;
forever @(negedge enc_count_out) begin
if ((i == in_out_buf_ptr) & (GenByteBoundaryPos == FALSE)) begin
//@(posedge clk);
enc_enbl = 1'b0; // active high
enc_reset_n = 1'b0; // active low
in_out_buf_ptr = 0; // reset output buffer pointer
-> SE0Event;
else begin
enc_data_in = in_out_buf[i];
if (i == in_out_buf_ptr - 1) enc_last_byte = 1'b1;
else enc_last_byte = 1'b0;
//if (Debug) $display("in_out_buf[%h] = %h at time %0t",i, in_out_buf[i], $time);
i = i + 1;
forever @(SE0Event) begin // drive a SE0 for 2 bit times
SE0Terminate = ((GenSE0Error == TRUE) & (SE0ErrorLevel == SetSyncLevel)) ? (SE0BitTimes) : 2;
if (ModifyGran < -8) ModifyGran = -8;
// SE0Terminate = (SE0Terminate * 4) + ModifyGran;
// @(posedge clk);
// forever @(posedge clk4x) begin
forever @(posedge clk) begin
if (SE0Counter >= SE0Terminate) begin
zDPLS = #1 1'bZ;
zDMNS = 1'bZ;
@(posedge clk); // wait for one idle state after pulls
disable SendData;
if (i >= in_out_buf_ptr) begin
zDPLS = #1 1'b0;
zDMNS = 1'b0;
SE0Counter = SE0Counter + 1;
// WaitForResp : collects the data from DPLS(D+) and DMNS(D-) and fills in_out_buf
task WaitForResp;
output [31:0] recv_bit_count;
reg [31:0] recv_bit_count;
integer EopDetect;
reg [4:0] ClkCount;
reg [3:0] DplsCount;
reg FltrSyncFld;
integer tmpTimeOutCounter;
reg tmpTimeOut;
reg OnlyOnce;
reg SyncDetect;
time SyncPulseT1;
time SyncPulseT2;
time SyncPulseDuration;
if (Debug) $display("In %0s --> In task wait for response at time %0t", SelfName, $time);
EopDetect = 0;
in_out_buf_ptr = 0;
DplsCount = 0;
ClkCount = 0;
FltrSyncFld = 1'b1;
tmpTimeOutCounter = 0;
tmpTimeOut = TRUE;
recv_bit_count = 0;
OnlyOnce = TRUE;
SyncDetect = FALSE;
// dec_enbl = 1'b1; // active high
// dec_reset_n = 1'b1; // active low
begin : TimeOutBlock
forever @(posedge dpll_clk) begin
//if (Debug) $display("In %0s --> waiting for event in WaitForResp %0t", SelfName, $time);
if (TimeOut == TRUE) begin
if (tmpTimeOutCounter == TimeOutVal) begin
if (Debug) $display("In %0s --> Time out at time %0t", SelfName, $time);
disable WaitForResp;
tmpTimeOutCounter = tmpTimeOutCounter + 1;
//if (Debug) $display("In %0s --> DeviceSpeed = %b at time %0t", SelfName, DeviceSpeed, $time);
//if (DPLS === 1'b0) begin
if (DPLS === ~DeviceSpeed) begin
if (Debug) $display("In %0s --> DPLS = %b , DeviceSpeed = %b at time %0t", SelfName, DPLS, DeviceSpeed, $time);
if (DMNS === DeviceSpeed) begin // differential data
StartTime = $time;
SyncPulseT1 = $time;
SyncPulseT2 = $time;
SyncPulseDuration = SyncPulseT2 - SyncPulseT1;
SyncPulseT1 = $time;
SyncPulseT2 = $time;
dec_enbl = 1'b1; // active high
dec_reset_n = 1'b1; // active low
// StartTime = $time; this time should be start of syncpulse
disable TimeOutBlock;
else if ((DMNS === 1'b0) & (DPLS === 1'b0)) begin
EopDetect = 1;
disable TimeOutBlock;
end // TimeOutBlock
if (Debug) $display("In %0s --> Decoder enabled at time %0t in host", SelfName, $time);
begin : DataSink
forever @(posedge dec_par_data_rdy) begin
if (FltrSyncFld == 1'b1) begin // filter out the sync field
in_out_buf[in_out_buf_ptr] = dec_par_data_out;
in_out_buf_ptr = in_out_buf_ptr + 1;
if (dec_par_data_out == {~PREAMBLE, PREAMBLE} &
in_out_buf_ptr == 1) begin
dec_enbl = 1'b0;
dec_reset_n = 1'b0;
StopTime = $time;
disable WaitForResp;
if (Debug) $display("In %0s --> receive data = %h", SelfName, dec_par_data_out);
if (FltrSyncFld == 1'b0) begin
if (dec_par_data_out != 8'h80) begin
if (Debug) $display("In %0s --> Incorrect sync field %0h received at time %0t, ...discarding packet", SelfName, dec_par_data_out, $time);
in_out_buf_ptr = 0; // equivalent to a time out
dec_enbl = 1'b0;
dec_reset_n = 1'b0;
wait(1==0); // wait while the other block detects a EOP and disables task
FltrSyncFld = 1'b1;
forever @(posedge dpll_clk) begin
if (dec_bit_stuff_err == 1'b1) begin
if (OnlyOnce == TRUE) begin
DispErrMsg(0, 0, 27);
OnlyOnce = FALSE;
in_out_buf_ptr = 0; // reset data pointer
disable DataSink;
if((DPLS == DMNS) & (DPLS == 1'b0)) begin
EopDetect = EopDetect + 1;
recv_bit_count = dec_recv_bit_count - 1;
if (StopTime == 0) StopTime = $time;
if (SE0StartTime == 0) SE0StartTime = $time;
if (Debug) $display("In %0s --> StopTime = %0d, SE0StartTime = %0d", SelfName, StopTime, SE0StartTime);
if (EopDetect == 1) begin
if (DPLS == ~DMNS) begin // SE0 seen for only 1 bit time
if (Debug) $display("In %0s --> EOP asserted for 1 bit time at time %0t", SelfName, $time);
dec_enbl = 1'b0; // disable the decoder
dec_reset_n = 1'b0; // reset the decoder
SE0StopTime = $time;
disable WaitForResp; // incorrect EOP was received
if (EopDetect == 2) begin
dec_enbl = 1'b0; // disable the decoder
dec_reset_n = 1'b0; // reset the decoder
if (DPLS == ~DMNS) begin
if (Debug) $display("In %0s --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time %0t", SelfName, $time);
dec_enbl = 1'b0; // disable the decoder
dec_reset_n = 1'b0; // reset the decoder
SE0StopTime = $time;
disable WaitForResp; // correct EOP was received
if ((EopDetect > 2) & (EopDetect < 32)) begin // incorrect EOP received
if (DPLS == ~DMNS) begin
if (Debug) $display("In %0s --> EOP asserted for %h bit times at time ", SelfName, EopDetect, $time);
SE0StopTime = $time;
disable WaitForResp;
if (EopDetect >= 32) begin
if (DPLS == ~DMNS) begin
if (Debug) $display("In %0s --> Reset at time ", SelfName, $time);
SE0StopTime = $time;
in_out_buf_ptr = 0;
disable WaitForResp;
// SendReset : asserts a SE0 on the USB for the number of bit times specified
// by ResetTime.
// Input : ResetTime, number of bit times for which to drive a reset on
// the USB
task SendReset;
input [7:0] ResetTime;
reg [7:0] tskResetTime;
reg [7:0] tskResetTimeCounter;
tskResetTime = ResetTime;
//if (tskResetTime <= 32) tskResetTime = 7'b0100000;
//if (tskResetTime >= 64) tskResetTime = 7'b1000000;
tskResetTimeCounter = 7'b0000000;
forever @(posedge clk) begin
zDPLS = 1'b0;
zDMNS = 1'b0;
tskResetTimeCounter = tskResetTimeCounter + 1'b1;
if (tskResetTimeCounter > tskResetTime) begin
zDPLS = 1'bz;
zDMNS = 1'bz;
@(posedge clk);
@(posedge clk);
disable SendReset;
parameter M16 = 16'h8005; //mask value to calculate 16 bit crc
parameter M05 = 8'h05; //mask value to calculate 5 bit crc
function [15:0] crc16;
input [7:0] DataByte;
input [15:0] PrevCrc;
reg [15:0] TempPrevCrc;
integer i;
TempPrevCrc = PrevCrc;
for (i = 0; i < 8; i = i + 1)
if (DataByte[i] ^ TempPrevCrc[15] )
TempPrevCrc = {TempPrevCrc[14:0],1'b0} ^ M16;
TempPrevCrc = {TempPrevCrc[14:0], 1'b0};
crc16 = TempPrevCrc;
//function crc5 calculates a 5 bit crc
//inputs :
// PrevCrc : 5 bit value, initially set to zero by the
// calling module, from the next call onwards
// it is the previous CRC value returned by
// the function.
// DataByte : 8 bit value for which crc is to calculated
function [4:0] crc5;
input [10:0] DataByte;
input [4:0] PrevCrc;
reg [4:0] TempPrevCrc;
integer i;
TempPrevCrc = PrevCrc;
for (i = 0; i < 11; i = i + 1)
if (DataByte[i] ^ TempPrevCrc[4] )
TempPrevCrc = {TempPrevCrc[3:0],1'b0} ^ M05;
TempPrevCrc = {TempPrevCrc[3:0], 1'b0};
crc5 = TempPrevCrc[4:0];
// FillCrc5 : fills with crc5 given a 11 bit value
// input : InVal, in value for which crc5 has to be appended
// this is a 11 bit value for which the 7 LSB bits are address and
// 4 MSB bits are end point number
// returns : 16 bit value for which is InVal with crc5 appended to it.
function [15:0] FillCrc5;
input [10:0] InVal;
reg [15:0] tmpReg;
tmpReg[10:0] = InVal; // put address and EndPt into consecutive bits
tmpReg[15:11] = crc5(InVal, 5'b11111); // calculate crc5 for the first 8 bits
tmpReg[15:11] ={tmpReg[11], tmpReg[12], tmpReg[13], tmpReg[14], tmpReg[15]};
tmpReg[6:0] = InVal[6:0]; // address
tmpReg[10:7] = InVal[10:7]; // End Point
if (GenCrc5Err == FALSE) tmpReg[15:11] = ~tmpReg[15:11];
// invert the bits in the crc
tmpReg[15:11] = CorruptCrc5(tmpReg[15:11]); // crc5 corruption
FillCrc5 = tmpReg;
// FillCrc16 : Calculates the crc16 value from in_out_buf
// input : StartAddr : start address of in_out_buf, 32 bits
// StopAddr : stop address of in_out_buf, 32 bits
// returns : 16 bit value which is the crc16 for this segment of memory
function [16:0] FillCrc16;
input [31:0] StartAddr;
input [31:0] StopAddr;
reg [16:0] tmpCrc;
integer i;
tmpCrc = 16'hffff;
for (i = StartAddr; i <= StopAddr; i = i + 1) begin
tmpCrc = crc16(in_out_buf[i], tmpCrc);
FillCrc16 = tmpCrc;
// SendAck : sends an ack
task SendAck;
task_in_progress = TRUE;
in_out_buf[0] = CorruptHshk({~ACK, ACK});
in_out_buf_ptr = 1;
SetSyncLevel = 2;
usb_idle(ResponseLatency - 3);
task_in_progress = TRUE;
task_in_progress = FALSE;
// reset : performs a reset on the USB bus by driving SE0
// input : Reset Time in bit times
task usb_reset;
input [7:0] tskResetTime;
task_in_progress = TRUE;
NumResets = NumResets + 1;
task_in_progress = FALSE;
// usb_idle : idles the USB.
// input : IdleTime, which is the number of bit times for which to idle the
// bus.
task usb_idle;
input [31:0] IdleTime;
reg [31:0] tskIdleTime;
begin : usb_idle
task_in_progress = TRUE;
tskIdleTime = 0;
forever @(posedge clk) begin
if (tskIdleTime >= IdleTime) begin
task_in_progress = FALSE;
disable usb_idle;
tskIdleTime = tskIdleTime + 1;
task_in_progress = FALSE;
// task usb_idle_nolock : same as usb_idle except that there is no lock
// that is there is no assertion of the task_in_progress
// flag
task usb_idle_nolock;
input [31:0] IdleTime;
reg [31:0] tskIdleTime;
begin : usb_idle_nolock
tskIdleTime = 0;
forever @(posedge clk) begin
if (tskIdleTime >= IdleTime) begin
task_in_progress = FALSE;
disable usb_idle_nolock;
tskIdleTime = tskIdleTime + 1;
// setup : issues a setup token with the corresponding data
// inputs : address : address of the device, 7 bits
// EndPt : end point number, 4 bits
// outputs : Status : returns the status of the transaction, 4 bits
task setup;
input [6:0] address;
input [3:0] EndPt;
output [3:0] Status; // 0 : ack received
// 3 : no response
// 4 : invalid response
// 6 : another control transaction in progress
// 8 : invalid control data
reg [3:0] Status;
reg [15:0] tmpCrc;
reg [15:0] tmpReg;
integer i;
integer CntrlNum; // number of the control transaction
reg [31:0] recv_bit_count;
reg Match;
reg [31:0] tmpPulseWidth;
// eight bytes of setup data is assumed to be in Xmitbuffer
begin : setup
task_in_progress = TRUE;
tmpPulseWidth = PulseWidth;
Match = FALSE;
for (i = 1; i <= MAX_CNTRL_INTERLEAVE; i = i + 1) begin
if ((address == CntrlTransAddr[i]) & (EndPt == CntrlTransEndP[i])) begin
Status = 4'b0110;
disable setup;
for (i = 1; i <= MAX_CNTRL_INTERLEAVE; i = i + 1) begin
if (CntrlTransType[i] == 2'b00) begin
Match = TRUE;
CntrlTransAddr[i] = address;
CntrlTransEndP[i] = EndPt;
CntrlTransDlen[i] = {XmitBuffer[7], XmitBuffer[6]};
CntrlNum = i;
if (Match == FALSE) begin
Status = 6; // only one control transaction in progress
clk_swtch = HIGH_SPEED;
task_in_progress = FALSE;
disable setup;
usb_idle(ResponseLatency - 3); // #27
if ((SendPreamble == TRUE) & (DeviceSpeed == HIGH_SPEED)) begin
send_preamble; // a high speed preamble is sent only when a high speed
// hub is connected to the host model so in this case
// switch clock speeds
task_in_progress = TRUE;
usb_idle(4); // idle for 4 high speed clock times after a preamble
task_in_progress = TRUE;
// PulseWidth = PulseWidth * 8; // decrease the clock frequency
clk_swtch = LOW_SPEED;
in_out_buf[0] = CorruptToken({~SETUP_TOKEN, SETUP_TOKEN});
tmpReg = FillCrc5({EndPt, address});
in_out_buf[1] = tmpReg[7:0];
in_out_buf[2] = tmpReg[15:8];
in_out_buf_ptr = 3;
SetSyncLevel = 0;
// usb_idle(ResponseLatency - 3); #27
task_in_progress = TRUE;
usb_idle(ResponseLatency - 3); // #27
task_in_progress = TRUE;
in_out_buf[0] = CorruptDataPid({~DATA0, DATA0});
tmpCrc = 16'hffff;
for (i = 1; i <= SetupDataLen; i = i + 1) begin
in_out_buf[i] = XmitBuffer[i - 1];
tmpCrc = crc16(in_out_buf[i], tmpCrc);
//if (Debug) $display("In %0s raw crc is %h at time %0t", SelfName, tmpCrc, $time);
tmpCrc = CorruptCrc16(~{swap8(tmpCrc[15:8]), swap8(tmpCrc[7:0])});
in_out_buf[9] = tmpCrc[15:8];
in_out_buf[10] = tmpCrc[7:0];
//if (Debug) $display("In %0s bus crc is %h at time %0t", SelfName, {in_out_buf[9], in_out_buf[10]}, $time);
in_out_buf_ptr = SetupDataLen + 3;
SetSyncLevel = 1;
// usb_idle(ResponseLatency - 3); #27
task_in_progress = TRUE;
tmpReg[7:0] = XmitBuffer[0];
//if (Debug) $display("In %0s --> tmpReg = %b at time %0t", SelfName, tmpReg[7:0], $time);
1'b1 : CntrlTransType[CntrlNum] = READ;
1'b0 : CntrlTransType[CntrlNum] = WRITE;
default : begin
Status = 8; // invalid control data
in_out_buf_ptr = 0;
clk_swtch = HIGH_SPEED;
task_in_progress = FALSE;
disable setup;
if (tmpReg[7] == 1'b1) NumCntrlRdTrans = NumCntrlRdTrans + 1;
else NumCntrlWrTrans = NumCntrlWrTrans + 1;
if (Debug) $display("CntrlTransType = %b", CntrlTransType[CntrlNum]);
if (Debug) $display("In %0s --> in_out_buf[0] = %b, in_out_buf_ptr = %d", SelfName, in_out_buf[0], in_out_buf_ptr);
case (in_out_buf_ptr)
0 : begin // time out
if (dec_bit_stuff_err == TRUE) begin
task_in_progress = TRUE;
Status = 3;
CntrlTransType[CntrlNum] = 2'b00; // clear the transaction in progress flag
CntrlTransAddr[CntrlNum] = 7'b1111111;
CntrlTransEndP[CntrlNum] = 4'b1111;
CntrlTransDlen[CntrlNum] = 0;
1 : begin
if (in_out_buf[0] == {~ACK, ACK}) begin
Status = 0; //setup initiated successfully
SetDataToggle(address, EndPt, 2'b11);
else begin
Status = 4; // invalid response
CntrlTransType[CntrlNum] = 2'b00;
// clear the transaction in progress flag
CntrlTransAddr[CntrlNum] = 7'b1111111;
CntrlTransEndP[CntrlNum] = 4'b1111;
CntrlTransDlen[CntrlNum] = 0;
default : begin
Status = 4; // invalid response
CntrlTransType[CntrlNum] = 2'b00;
// clear the transaction in progress flag
CntrlTransAddr[CntrlNum] = 7'b1111111;
CntrlTransEndP[CntrlNum] = 4'b1111;
CntrlTransDlen[CntrlNum] = 0;
clk_swtch = HIGH_SPEED;
task_in_progress = FALSE;
// control_IN : does the data phase in a control transaction initiated by
// a call to setup
// output : ByteCount : number of bytes received during this control_in
// Status : Exit Status of this task
task control_IN;
input [6:0] address;
input [3:0] EndPt;
output [31:0] ByteCount;
output [3:0] Status;
reg [3:0] Status;
reg [31:0] tskByteCount;
reg [31:0] recv_bit_count;
reg [15:0] tmpReg;
reg [15:0] tmpCrc;
integer i;
integer CntrlNum;
reg tmpDataToggle;
reg [31:0] tmpPulseWidth;
begin : control_IN
task_in_progress = TRUE;
ByteCount = 0;
tmpPulseWidth = PulseWidth;
CntrlNum = 0;
for (i = 1; i <= MAX_CNTRL_INTERLEAVE; i = i + 1) begin
if ((CntrlTransType[i] != 2'b00) & (CntrlTransAddr[i] == address) & (CntrlTransEndP[i] == EndPt)) begin
CntrlNum = i;
if (Debug) $display("CntrlTransType = %b", CntrlTransType[CntrlNum]);
if (CntrlNum == 0) begin
DispErrMsg(0, 0, 21);
Status = 7;
clk_swtch = HIGH_SPEED;
task_in_progress = FALSE;
disable control_IN;
if (CntrlTransType[CntrlNum] == 2'b00) begin // redundant ??
DispErrMsg(0, 0, 21);
Status = 7; // no setup transaction in progress to do a control_in xfer
clk_swtch = HIGH_SPEED;
task_in_progress = FALSE;
disable control_IN;
if (CntrlTransType[CntrlNum] != READ) begin
DispErrMsg(0, 0, 22);
Status = 9; // wrong type of control transaction
clk_swtch = HIGH_SPEED;
task_in_progress = FALSE;
disable control_IN;
if ((SendPreamble == TRUE) & (DeviceSpeed == HIGH_SPEED)) begin
clk_swtch = LOW_SPEED; // #27
usb_idle(ResponseLatency - 3); // #27
clk_swtch = HIGH_SPEED; // #27
send_preamble; // a high speed preamble is sent only when a high speed
// hub is connected to the host model so in this case
// switch clock speeds
task_in_progress = TRUE;
usb_idle(4); // idle for 4 high speed clock times after a preamble
task_in_progress = TRUE;
// PulseWidth = PulseWidth * 8;
clk_swtch = LOW_SPEED;
in_out_buf[0] = CorruptToken({~IN_TOKEN, IN_TOKEN});
in_out_buf_ptr = 1;
tmpReg[15:0] = FillCrc5({EndPt, address});
in_out_buf[1] = tmpReg[7:0];
in_out_buf[2] = tmpReg[15:8];
in_out_buf_ptr = 3;
SetSyncLevel = 0;
// usb_idle(ResponseLatency - 3); #27
task_in_progress = TRUE;
SendData; //serialises, encodes and sends the data in in_out_buf,
@(posedge dpll_clk); // 10/10/97
0 : begin // no response from device abort control transaction
Status = 3;
if (Debug) $display("In %0s --> time out for control_in transaction at time %0t", SelfName, $time);
1 : begin
tmpReg[7:0] = in_out_buf[0]; //should contain the pid
if (tmpReg[7:4] != (~tmpReg[3:0])) begin
DispErrMsg(address, EndPt, 5);
if (tmpReg[3:0] == NAK) begin
DispErrMsg(address, EndPt, 11);
Status = 1; //NAK received from end point
if (tmpReg[3:0] == STALL) begin
DispErrMsg(address, EndPt, 12);
Status = 2; //STALL received from end point
2 : begin
DispErrMsg(address, EndPt, 6); // invalid number of data bytes received
Status = 4; //invalid response
default : begin
tmpReg[7:0] = in_out_buf[0]; //should contain the pid
if (tmpReg[7:4] != (~tmpReg[3:0])) begin
DispErrMsg(address, EndPt, 5);
if (Debug) $display("In %0s --> Data toggle recevied is %0b at time %0t", SelfName, tmpReg[7:0], $time);
ByteCount = 0;
tmpCrc = 16'hffff;
//if (Debug) $display("In %0s --> calculating crc for in_out_buf[%0d] = %0h", SelfName, i, in_out_buf[i]);
for (i = 1; i < (in_out_buf_ptr - 2); i = i + 1) begin
tmpCrc = crc16(in_out_buf[i], tmpCrc);
RecvBuffer[i - 1] = in_out_buf[i];
ByteCount = ByteCount + 1;
if (Debug) $display("In %0s --> received byte[%0d] = %b", SelfName, i, in_out_buf[i]);
if (Debug) $display("In %0s --> calculated crc is %0h at time %0t.", SelfName, tmpCrc, $time);
if (Debug) $display("In %0s --> received raw crc is %0h at time %0t.", SelfName, {swap8(~in_out_buf[in_out_buf_ptr - 2]), swap8(~in_out_buf[in_out_buf_ptr - 1])}, $time);
tmpCrc = CorruptCrc16(~{swap8(tmpCrc[15:8]), swap8(tmpCrc[7:0])});
if (Debug) $display("In %0s --> received crc is %0h at time %0t.", SelfName, {in_out_buf[in_out_buf_ptr - 2], in_out_buf[in_out_buf_ptr - 1]}, $time);
//ByteCount = ByteCount + 1;
if (Debug) $display("In %0s --> tmpCrc %0h, at time %0t", SelfName, tmpCrc, $time);
if (tmpCrc != {in_out_buf[in_out_buf_ptr - 2], in_out_buf[in_out_buf_ptr - 1]}) begin
DispErrMsg(address, EndPt, 8); //CRC Error, send no response
Status = 5;
task_in_progress = TRUE;
else begin
case (tmpReg[3:0]) //check the token
DATA0 : begin
if(CheckDataToggleIN(address, EndPt) != 0) begin
DispErrMsg(address, EndPt, 10);
ByteCount = 0; // discard data
SetDataToggle(address, EndPt, 2'b11);
//usb_idle(ResponseLatency - 3); // #27
task_in_progress = TRUE;
task_in_progress = TRUE;
Status = 0;
if (Debug) $display("In %0s --> sending ACK at time %0t", SelfName, $time);
DATA1 : begin
if(CheckDataToggleIN(address, EndPt) != 1) begin
DispErrMsg(address, EndPt, 10);
ByteCount = 0; // discard data
SetDataToggle(address, EndPt, 2'b00);
//usb_idle(ResponseLatency - 3);
task_in_progress = TRUE;
task_in_progress = TRUE;
Status = 0;
if (Debug) $display("In %0s --> sending ACK at time %0t", SelfName, $time);
default : begin
Status = 4;
ByteCount = 0; // discard data
DispErrMsg(address, EndPt, 9); //incorrect token
end //if (tmpCrc ...
end // default :
if (ByteCount > CntrlTransDlen[CntrlNum]) begin
CntrlTransDlen[CntrlNum] = 0;
DispErrMsg(address, EndPt, 20);
if (Status == 0) CntrlTransDlen[CntrlNum] = CntrlTransDlen[CntrlNum] - ByteCount;
// PulseWidth = tmpPulseWidth;
clk_swtch = HIGH_SPEED;
task_in_progress = FALSE;
// control_OUT : does the data phase in control transaction intiated by a setup
// input : ByteCount, number of bytes from XmitBuffer to send
// Status : exit status
task control_OUT;
input [6:0] address;
input [3:0] EndPt;
input [31:0] ByteCount;
output [3:0] Status;
reg [3:0] Status;
reg [31:0] tskByteCount;
reg [31:0] recv_bit_count;
reg [15:0] tmpReg;
reg [15:0] tmpCrc;
integer i;
integer CntrlNum;
reg tmpDataToggle;
reg [31:0] tmpPulseWidth;
begin : control_OUT
task_in_progress = TRUE;
tmpPulseWidth = PulseWidth;
CntrlNum = 0;
for (i = 1; i <= MAX_CNTRL_INTERLEAVE; i = i + 1) begin
if ((CntrlTransType[i] != 2'b00) & (CntrlTransAddr[i] == address) & (CntrlTransEndP[i] == EndPt)) begin
CntrlNum = i;
if (CntrlNum == 0) begin
DispErrMsg(0, 0, 21);
Status = 7;
clk_swtch = HIGH_SPEED;
task_in_progress = FALSE;
disable control_OUT;
if (CntrlTransType[CntrlNum] == 2'b00) begin
DispErrMsg(0, 0, 21);
Status = 7; // no setup transaction in progress to do a control_in xfer
clk_swtch = HIGH_SPEED;
task_in_progress = FALSE;
disable control_OUT;
if (CntrlTransType[CntrlNum] != WRITE) begin
DispErrMsg(0, 0, 22);
Status = 9; // wrong type of control transaction
clk_swtch = HIGH_SPEED;
task_in_progress = FALSE;
disable control_OUT;
if (CntrlTransDlen[CntrlNum] == 0) begin
DispErrMsg(0, 0, 23);
Status = 10; // doing a control transaction when wLength is 0
clk_swtch = HIGH_SPEED;
task_in_progress = FALSE;
disable control_OUT;
// no setup transaction in progress so start a control_in transaction
usb_idle(ResponseLatency - 3);
if ((DeviceSpeed == HIGH_SPEED) & (SendPreamble == TRUE)) begin
clk_swtch = LOW_SPEED; // #27
usb_idle(ResponseLatency - 3); // #27
clk_swtch = HIGH_SPEED; // #27
send_preamble; // a high speed preamble is sent only when a high speed
// hub is connected to the host model so in this case
// switch clock speeds
task_in_progress = TRUE;
// PulseWidth = PulseWidth * 8;
clk_swtch = LOW_SPEED;
tskByteCount = ByteCount;
if (tskByteCount > CntrlTransDlen[CntrlNum]) begin
if (Debug) $display("In %0s --> more data is being requested than specified by wLength, ignoring the extra bytes at time %0t", SelfName, $time);
tskByteCount = CntrlTransDlen[CntrlNum];
// else CntrlTransDlen[CntrlNum] = CntrlTransDlen[CntrlNum] - tskByteCount;
// decrement data count
in_out_buf[0] = CorruptToken({~OUT_TOKEN, OUT_TOKEN});
in_out_buf_ptr = 1;
tmpReg[15:0] = FillCrc5({EndPt, address});
in_out_buf[1] = tmpReg[7:0];
in_out_buf[2] = tmpReg[15:8];
in_out_buf_ptr = 3;
if (Debug) $display("In host --> address = %h, EndPt = %h, crc5 = %h, tmpReg = %h", address, EndPt, tmpReg[15:11], tmpReg);
SetSyncLevel = 0;
task_in_progress = TRUE;
SendData; //serialises, encodes and sends the data in in_out_buf
task_in_progress = TRUE;
tmpDataToggle = CheckDataToggleIN(address, EndPt);
if (Debug) $display("In %0s --> DataToggle is %0h", SelfName, tmpDataToggle);
case (tmpDataToggle)
0 : in_out_buf[0] = CorruptDataPid({~DATA0, DATA0});
1 : in_out_buf[0] = CorruptDataPid({~DATA1, DATA1});
default : in_out_buf[0] = CorruptDataPid({~DATA0, DATA0});
in_out_buf_ptr = 1;
if (Debug) $display("In %0s --> DataToggle is %0h at time %0t.", SelfName, in_out_buf[0], $time);
tmpCrc = 16'hffff;
for (i = 1; i <= ByteCount; i = i + 1) begin
in_out_buf[i] = XmitBuffer[i - 1];
tmpCrc = crc16(in_out_buf[i], tmpCrc);
in_out_buf_ptr = in_out_buf_ptr + 1;
if (Debug) $display("In %0s --> sending byte[%0d] = %b", SelfName, i, in_out_buf[i]);
if (Debug) $display("In %0s --> raw crc is %0h at time", SelfName, tmpCrc, $time);
tmpCrc = CorruptCrc16(~{swap8(tmpCrc[15:8]), swap8(tmpCrc[7:0])});
if (Debug) $display("In %0s --> sent crc is %0h at time", SelfName, tmpCrc, $time);
in_out_buf[ByteCount + 2] = tmpCrc[7:0];
in_out_buf[ByteCount + 1] = tmpCrc[15:8];
in_out_buf_ptr = in_out_buf_ptr + 2;
SetSyncLevel = 1;
usb_idle(ResponseLatency - 3);
task_in_progress = TRUE;
task_in_progress = TRUE;
SendData; //send the contents of in_out_buf
WaitForResp(recv_bit_count); //wait for a response for this transfer
if (Debug) $display("In %0s --> bits received are %0h", SelfName, recv_bit_count);
case (in_out_buf_ptr)
0 : begin
if (dec_bit_stuff_err == TRUE) begin
task_in_progress = TRUE;
Status = 3;
DispErrMsg(address, EndPt, 4);
1 : begin
tmpReg[7:0] = in_out_buf[0];
case (tmpReg[3:0])
ACK : begin
case (tmpDataToggle) //change the data toggle
0 : SetDataToggle(address, EndPt, 2'b11);
1 : SetDataToggle(address, EndPt, 2'b00);
default : SetDataToggle(address, EndPt, 0);
Status = 0;
if (Debug) $display("In %0s --> ACK received at time %0t.", SelfName, $time);
NAK : begin
DispErrMsg(address, EndPt, 11);
Status = 1; // nak received
STALL : begin
DispErrMsg(address, EndPt, 12);
Status = 2; // stall received
default : begin
DispErrMsg(address, EndPt, 13);
Status = 4; // invalid response
default : DispErrMsg(address, EndPt, 14);
if (Status == 0) CntrlTransDlen[CntrlNum] = CntrlTransDlen[CntrlNum] - tskByteCount;
// PulseWidth = tmpPulseWidth;
clk_swtch = HIGH_SPEED;
task_in_progress = FALSE;
endtask //control_out
// status_in : does the status phase in a control transaction
// output : Status : exit status of the transaction
task status_IN;
input [6:0] address;
input [3:0] EndPt;
output Status;
reg [3:0] Status;
reg [31:0] recv_bit_count;
reg [15:0] tmpReg;
integer i;
reg tmpDataToggle;
integer CntrlNum;
reg [31:0] tmpPulseWidth;
begin : status_IN
task_in_progress = TRUE;
tmpPulseWidth = PulseWidth;
CntrlNum = 0;
$display("Input Address:%x, EndPt:%x",address,EndPt);
for (i = 1; i <= MAX_CNTRL_INTERLEAVE; i = i + 1) begin
$display("i :%d, CntrlTransType:%x; CntrlTransAddr:%x;CntrlTransEndP:%x ",
if ((CntrlTransType[i] != 2'b00) & (CntrlTransAddr[i] == address) & (CntrlTransEndP[i] == EndPt)) begin
CntrlNum = i;
if (CntrlNum == 0) begin
DispErrMsg(0, 0, 21);
Status = 7;
clk_swtch = HIGH_SPEED;
task_in_progress = FALSE;
disable status_IN;
if (CntrlTransType[CntrlNum] == 2'b00) begin
DispErrMsg(0, 0, 24);
Status = 7; // no setup transaction in progress to do a control_in xfer
clk_swtch = HIGH_SPEED;
task_in_progress = FALSE;
disable status_IN;
if (Debug) $display("In %0s CntrlTransType = %b, WRITE = %b", SelfName, CntrlTransType[CntrlNum], WRITE);
if (CntrlTransType[CntrlNum] != WRITE) begin
DispErrMsg(0, 0, 22);
Status = 9; // wrong type of control transaction
clk_swtch = HIGH_SPEED;
task_in_progress = FALSE;
disable status_IN;
usb_idle(ResponseLatency - 3);
task_in_progress = TRUE;
if ((DeviceSpeed == HIGH_SPEED) & (SendPreamble == TRUE)) begin
clk_swtch = LOW_SPEED; // #27
usb_idle(ResponseLatency - 3); // #27
clk_swtch = HIGH_SPEED; // #27
send_preamble; // a high speed preamble is sent only when a high speed
// hub is connected to the host model so in this case
// switch clock speeds
task_in_progress = TRUE;
// PulseWidth = PulseWidth * 8;
clk_swtch = LOW_SPEED;
in_out_buf[0] = CorruptToken({~IN_TOKEN, IN_TOKEN});
in_out_buf_ptr = 1;
tmpReg[15:0] = FillCrc5({EndPt, address});
in_out_buf[1] = tmpReg[7:0];
in_out_buf[2] = tmpReg[15:8];
in_out_buf_ptr = 3;
SetSyncLevel = 0;
SendData; //serialises, encodes and sends the data in in_out_buf,
case (in_out_buf_ptr)
0 : begin // timeout
if (dec_bit_stuff_err == TRUE) begin
task_in_progress = TRUE;
Status = 3;
1 : begin
tmpReg[7:0] = in_out_buf[0]; //should contain the pid
if (tmpReg[7:4] != (~tmpReg[3:0])) begin
DispErrMsg(address, EndPt, 5);
if (tmpReg[3:0] == NAK) begin
DispErrMsg(address, EndPt, 11);
Status = 1; //NAK received from end point
else if (tmpReg[3:0] == STALL) begin
DispErrMsg(address, EndPt, 12);
Status = 2; //STALL received from end point
else begin
Status = 4; // invalid response
3 : begin
tmpReg[7:0] = in_out_buf[0]; //should contain the pid
if (tmpReg[7:4] != (~tmpReg[3:0])) begin
DispErrMsg(address, EndPt, 5);
if ({in_out_buf[1], in_out_buf[2]} != 16'h0000) begin
DispErrMsg(address, EndPt, 8);
task_in_progress = TRUE;
Status = 5;
else begin
if (tmpReg[3:0] == DATA1) begin
NumSucCntrlWrTrans = NumSucCntrlWrTrans + 1;
//usb_idle(ResponseLatency - 3); // #27
task_in_progress = TRUE;
task_in_progress = TRUE;
Status = 0;
else begin
DispErrMsg(address, EndPt, 25);
task_in_progress = TRUE;
default : begin
Status = 4; // invalid response
//reset control transaction flags
if (Status != 1) begin
CntrlTransEndP[CntrlNum] = 4'b1111;
CntrlTransAddr[CntrlNum] = 7'b1111111;
CntrlTransDlen[CntrlNum] = 0;
CntrlTransType[CntrlNum] = 0;
// PulseWidth = tmpPulseWidth;
clk_swtch = HIGH_SPEED;
task_in_progress = FALSE;
// status_out : does the status phase of a control transaction
// output : Status : Exit Status
task status_OUT;
input [6:0] address;
input [3:0] EndPt;
output Status;
reg [3:0] Status;
reg [31:0] recv_bit_count;
reg [15:0] tmpReg;
integer i;
reg tmpDataToggle;
integer CntrlNum;
reg [31:0] tmpPulseWidth;
begin : status_OUT
task_in_progress = TRUE;
tmpPulseWidth = PulseWidth;
CntrlNum = 0;
for (i = 1; i <= MAX_CNTRL_INTERLEAVE; i = i + 1) begin
if ((CntrlTransType[i] != 2'b00) & (CntrlTransAddr[i] == address) & (CntrlTransEndP[i] == EndPt)) begin
CntrlNum = i;
if (CntrlNum == 0) begin
DispErrMsg(0, 0, 21);
Status = 7;
clk_swtch = HIGH_SPEED;
task_in_progress = FALSE;
disable status_OUT;
if (CntrlTransType [CntrlNum]== 2'b00) begin
DispErrMsg(0, 0, 24);
Status = 7; // no setup transaction in progress to do a control_in xfer
clk_swtch = HIGH_SPEED;
task_in_progress = FALSE;
disable status_OUT;
if (CntrlTransType[CntrlNum] != READ) begin
DispErrMsg(0, 0, 22);
Status = 9; // wrong type of control transaction
clk_swtch = HIGH_SPEED;
task_in_progress = FALSE;
disable status_OUT;
usb_idle(ResponseLatency - 3);
task_in_progress = TRUE;
if ((DeviceSpeed == HIGH_SPEED) & (SendPreamble == TRUE)) begin
clk_swtch = LOW_SPEED; // #27
usb_idle(ResponseLatency - 3); // #27
clk_swtch = HIGH_SPEED; // #27
send_preamble; // a high speed preamble is sent only when a high speed
// hub is connected to the host model so in this case
// switch clock speeds
task_in_progress = TRUE;
usb_idle(4); // idle for 4 high speed clock times after a preamble
task_in_progress = TRUE;
// PulseWidth = PulseWidth * 8;
clk_swtch = LOW_SPEED;
in_out_buf[0] = CorruptToken({~OUT_TOKEN, OUT_TOKEN});
in_out_buf_ptr = 1;
tmpReg[15:0] = FillCrc5({EndPt, address});
in_out_buf[1] = tmpReg[7:0];
in_out_buf[2] = tmpReg[15:8];
in_out_buf_ptr = 3;
SetSyncLevel = 0;
usb_idle(ResponseLatency - 3);
task_in_progress = TRUE;
task_in_progress = TRUE;
in_out_buf[0] = CorruptDataPid({~DATA1, DATA1});
in_out_buf[1] = 0;
in_out_buf[2] = 0;
in_out_buf_ptr = 3;
SetSyncLevel = 1;
case (in_out_buf_ptr)
0 : begin
if (dec_bit_stuff_err == TRUE) begin
task_in_progress = TRUE;
Status = 3; // time out
1 : begin
tmpReg[7:0] = in_out_buf[0]; //should contain the pid
if (tmpReg[7:4] != (~tmpReg[3:0])) begin
DispErrMsg(address, EndPt, 5);
if (tmpReg[3:0] == NAK) begin
DispErrMsg(address, EndPt, 11);
Status = 1; //NAK received from end point
else if (tmpReg[3:0] == STALL) begin
DispErrMsg(address, EndPt, 12);
Status = 2; //STALL received from end point
else if (tmpReg[3:0] == ACK) begin
NumSucCntrlRdTrans = NumSucCntrlRdTrans + 1;
Status = 0;
else begin
Status = 4; // invalid response
default : begin
Status = 4; // invalid response
//reset control transaction flags
if (Status != 1) begin
CntrlTransEndP[CntrlNum] = 0;
CntrlTransAddr[CntrlNum] = 7'b1111111;
CntrlTransDlen[CntrlNum] = 4'b1111;
CntrlTransType[CntrlNum] = 0;
// PulseWidth = tmpPulseWidth;
clk_swtch = HIGH_SPEED;
task_in_progress = FALSE;
// usb_resume : drives a K state on the bus for ResumeTime number of bit times
task usb_resume;
input [31:0] ResumeTime;
reg [31:0] tskResumeTime;
begin : usb_resume
task_in_progress = TRUE;
tskResumeTime = 0;
forever @(posedge clk) begin
if (tskResumeTime >= ResumeTime) begin
zDPLS = 1'b0;
zDMNS = 1'b0;
if (DeviceSpeed == HIGH_SPEED) begin // wait for two low speed bit times
else begin
@(posedge clk);
@(posedge clk);
zDPLS = 1'bZ;
zDMNS = 1'bZ;
task_in_progress = FALSE;
disable usb_resume;
if (DeviceSpeed == HIGH_SPEED) begin
zDPLS = 1'b0;
zDMNS = 1'b1;
else begin
zDPLS = 1'b1;
zDMNS = 1'b0;
tskResumeTime = tskResumeTime + 1;
task_in_progress = FALSE;
// send_preamble : sends a Preamble token and idles the bus for the required
// 4 bit times which is the hub setup time for low speed devices
task send_preamble;
reg tskGenSE0Error;
reg [31:0] tskSE0BitTimes;
reg [31:0] tskSE0ErrorLevel;
task_in_progress = TRUE;
// SE0 should not be generated after sending a preamble 10/03/1996
// modify SE0 error generation logic
tskGenSE0Error = GenSE0Error;
tskSE0BitTimes = SE0BitTimes;
tskSE0ErrorLevel = SE0ErrorLevel;
GenSE0Error = TRUE;
SE0BitTimes = 0;
SE0ErrorLevel = SetSyncLevel;
in_out_buf[0] = {~PREAMBLE, PREAMBLE};
in_out_buf_ptr = 1;
// restore SE0 error generation logic 10/03/1996
GenSE0Error = tskGenSE0Error;
SE0BitTimes = tskSE0BitTimes;
SE0ErrorLevel = tskSE0ErrorLevel;
usb_idle(4); // hub setup time
task_in_progress = FALSE;
// transfer_buf : transfers whatever data from the xmit buffer with a sync
// field in the front
// input : ByteCount : number of bytes to be transferred from buffer, 32 bits
// FromFile : TRUE/FALSE, if TRUE data is taken from host_usb_recv.dat
task transfer_buf;
input [31:0] ByteCount;
input FromFile;
input [160:1] FileName;
reg [3:0] Status;
integer i;
begin : transfer_buf
task_in_progress = TRUE;
for (i = 0; i < ByteCount; i = i + 1) begin
in_out_buf[i] = XmitBuffer[i]; // addition 5/29/1996
in_out_buf_ptr = ByteCount;
task_in_progress = FALSE;
// receive_buf : receives the data from the bus and puts in RecvBuf
// input : DumpToFile : if true data is dumped to a file
// output : ByteCount : number of bytes received
task receive_buf;
input DumpToFile;
output [31:0] ByteCount;
reg [31:0] recv_bit_count;
integer i;
task_in_progress = TRUE;
for (i = 0; i < in_out_buf_ptr; i = i + 1) begin
RecvBuffer[i] = in_out_buf[i];
ByteCount = in_out_buf_ptr;
if (DumpToFile == TRUE && ByteCount > 0) DumpData(7'b1111111, 4'b1111, DATA0, ByteCount-1);
task_in_progress = FALSE;
// task send_high_speed_preamble : sends a preamble by switching clock
// during a low speed transaction
task send_high_speed_preamble;
task_in_progress = TRUE;
if ((SendPreamble == TRUE) & (DeviceSpeed == HIGH_SPEED)) begin
// PulseWidth = PulseWidth / 8;
clk_swtch = HIGH_SPEED;
task_in_progress = TRUE;
// a high speed preamble is sent only when a high speed
// hub is connected to the host model so in this case
// switch clock speeds
task_in_progress = TRUE;
// idle for 4 high speed clock times after a preamble
// PulseWidth = PulseWidth * 8;
clk_swtch = LOW_SPEED;
task_in_progress = FALSE;
initial begin // initilaise the input and output buffers
for(tmpCounter = 0; tmpCounter <= 2048; tmpCounter = tmpCounter + 1) begin
XmitBuffer[tmpCounter] = 8'b00000000;
for(tmpCounter = 0; tmpCounter <= RECV_BUF_SIZE; tmpCounter = tmpCounter + 1) begin
RecvBuffer[tmpCounter] = 8'b00000000;
for (tmpCounter = 0; tmpCounter < IN_OUT_BUF_SIZE; tmpCounter = tmpCounter + 1) begin
in_out_buf[tmpCounter] = 0;
//for (tmpCounter = 0; tmpCounter < OUT_BUF_SIZE; tmpCounter = tmpCounter + 1) begin
//out_buf[tmpCounter] = 0;
for (tmpCounter = 0; tmpCounter < 128; tmpCounter = tmpCounter + 1)
InDataToggle[tmpCounter] = 16'h0000;
OutDataToggle[tmpCounter] = 16'h0000;
TimeOut = TRUE;
TimeOutVal = 16; // timeout after 16 bit times
RespTimeOutVal = 16;
ResponseLatency = 3;
GenCrc16Err = FALSE;
Crc16ErrMask = 16'hffff;
GenCrc5Err = FALSE;
Crc5ErrMask = 5'b00000;
ReportResults = TRUE; // default : turned on
ResultsFile = "host_usb_res.log"; // default file name
ResultsFp = 0; // initially log file pointer is 0
PulseWidth = 42;
SyncField = FALSE; // default : sync field corruption is turned off
SyncFieldMask = 8'hf0; // default no sync field corruption specified
SyncLevel = 0;
SetSyncLevel = 0;
GenSE0Error = FALSE;
SE0BitTimes = 2; // default conforms to the spec
SE0ErrorLevel = 0;
HshkPidIntegrity = FALSE; // no corruption
HshkPidIntegrityMask = 8'hf0; // corruption mask for ACK's
BitStuffErr = FALSE; // changed TRUE to FALSE 02/18/97
for (tmpCounter = 1; tmpCounter <= MAX_CNTRL_INTERLEAVE; tmpCounter = tmpCounter + 1) begin
CntrlTransType[tmpCounter] = 2'b00;
// no control transaction in progress
CntrlTransAddr[tmpCounter] = 7'b1111111;
// address of a control transaction
CntrlTransEndP[tmpCounter] = 4'b1111;
// endpoint number of a control transaction
CntrlTransDlen[tmpCounter] = 16'h0000;
// data length for this control transaction
SendDataFileName = "host_usb_xmit.dat";
RecvDataFileName = "host_usb_recv.dat";
RecvDataFp = 0;
ReportErrors = TRUE;
ErrorFileName = "host_usb_err.log";
ErrorFileFp = 0;
for ( tmpCounter = 1; tmpCounter <= NUM_ENDPT_FILES; tmpCounter = tmpCounter + 1) begin
EndPtFileName[tmpCounter] = "";
EndPtFileMode[tmpCounter] = 2'b00; // no mode is assigned to it
EndPtFileInfo[tmpCounter] = 11'b00000000000;
EndPtFp[tmpCounter] = 0;
EndPtFileOfst[tmpCounter] = 0;
SendDataOfst = 0;
Debug = FALSE;
GenDataPidErr = FALSE;
DataPidErrMask = 8'hff;
GenTokenErr = FALSE;
TokenErrMask = 8'hff;
//DeviceSpeed = LOW_SPEED;
DeviceSpeed = HIGH_SPEED;
GenByteBoundary = FALSE;
SendPreamble = FALSE; // assumes a low speed device is connected to the
// host
FrameNumber = 0;
NumBulkInTrans = 0; // number of bulk in transactions
NumSucBulkInTrans = 0; // number of successful bulk in transctions
NumBulkOutTrans = 0; // number of bulk out transactions
NumSucBulkOutTrans = 0; // number of successful bulk out transactions
NumIsoInTrans = 0; // number of iso in transactions
NumSucIsoInTrans = 0; // number of successful iso in transactions
NumIsoOutTrans = 0; // number of iso out transactions
NumSOF = 0; // number of SOF's sent
NumCntrlRdTrans = 0; // number of control reads
NumSucCntrlRdTrans = 0; // number of successful control reads
NumCntrlWrTrans = 0; // number of control writes
NumSucCntrlWrTrans = 0; // number of successful control writes
NumIntrptTrans = 0; // number of interrupts
NumSucIntrptTrans = 0; // number of successful interrupts
NumIntrOutTrans = 0; // number of interrupt out transactions
NumSucIntrOutTrans = 0; // number of successful interrupt out transactions
NumResets = 0; // number of resets
// intialize Jitter registers
HighJitterTime = 0;
LowJitterTime = 0;
JitterPeriod = 0;
JitterCount = 0;
JitterOnOff = FALSE; // Jitter generation is off by default;
task_in_progress = FALSE;
clk_swtch = HIGH_SPEED;
SetupDataLen = 8;
GenByteBoundaryPos = FALSE;
BoundaryBitVal = 1'b0;
ModifyGran = 0;
assign clk = (clk_swtch == LOW_SPEED) ? ls_clk : hs_clk;
assign clk4x = (clk_swtch == LOW_SPEED) ? clk6 : clk48;
// task in_token : sends an in token on to the bus.
// inputs : address : 7 bits : endpoint address
// EndPt : 4 bits : endpoint number
task in_token;
input [6:0] address;
input [3:0] EndPt;
reg [15:0] tmpReg;
in_out_buf[0] = CorruptToken({~IN_TOKEN, IN_TOKEN});
tmpReg[15:0] = FillCrc5({EndPt, address});
in_out_buf[1] = tmpReg[7:0];
in_out_buf[2] = tmpReg[15:8];
in_out_buf_ptr = 3;
// task out_token : sends an out token on to the bus.
// inputs : address : 7 bits : endpoint address
// EndPt : 4 bits : endpoint number
task out_token;
input [6:0] address;
input [3:0] EndPt;
reg [15:0] tmpReg;
in_out_buf[0] = CorruptToken({~OUT_TOKEN, OUT_TOKEN});
tmpReg[15:0] = FillCrc5({EndPt, address});
in_out_buf[1] = tmpReg[7:0];
in_out_buf[2] = tmpReg[15:8];
in_out_buf_ptr = 3;
// task setup_token : sends an setup token on to the bus
// inputs : address : 7 bits : endpoint address
// EndPt : 4 bits : endpoint number
task setup_token;
input [6:0] address;
input [3:0] EndPt;
reg [15:0] tmpReg;
in_out_buf[0] = CorruptToken({~SETUP_TOKEN, SETUP_TOKEN});
tmpReg[15:0] = FillCrc5({EndPt, address});
in_out_buf[1] = tmpReg[7:0];
in_out_buf[2] = tmpReg[15:8];
in_out_buf_ptr = 3;
// task send_ack : sends an ACK on to the bus
task send_ack;
in_out_buf[0] = CorruptHshk({~ACK, ACK});
in_out_buf_ptr = 1;
// task send_nak : sends a NAK on the bus (though an host is not supposed
// to send a NAK)
task send_nak;
in_out_buf[0] = CorruptHshk({~NAK, NAK});
in_out_buf_ptr = 1;
// task send_stall : sends a STALL on to the bus (though an host is not
// supposed to send a STALL)
task send_stall;
in_out_buf[0] = CorruptHshk({~STALL, STALL});
in_out_buf_ptr = 1;
// task wait_for_data : waits for a response on the bus and decodes the
// data packet and returns a status indicating what
// type of packet was received.
// Output : PackType : 4'b0010 : ACK
// 4'b1010 : NAK
// 4'b1110 : STALL
// 4'b0011 : DATA0
// 4'b1011 : DATA1
// 4'b1111 : Unknown
// ByteCount : indicates the number of bytes of data present if
// PackType is of DATA0 or DATA1
// Status : 0 : command executed successfully.
// 3 : time out, no response.
// 4 : invalid response, unknown packet type
// 5 : CRC error on received data
// 11 : corrupted ACK/NAK/STALL
// 12 : corrupted DATA0/DATA1 pid, CRC correct
// 13 : corrupted DATA0/DATA1 pid, CRC incorrect
task wait_for_data;
output [31:0] ByteCount;
output [3:0] PackType;
output [3:0] Status;
reg [15:0] tmpReg;
reg [15:0] tmpCrc;
reg [31:0] recv_bit_count;
integer i;
PackType = 4'b1111;
Status = 0;
case (in_out_buf_ptr)
0 : begin
Status = 3; // timeout
if (dec_bit_stuff_err == TRUE) usb_idle(RespTimeOutVal);
1 : begin
tmpReg[7:0] = in_out_buf[0];
case (tmpReg[3:0])
ACK : PackType = ACK;
NAK : PackType = NAK;
STALL : PackType = STALL;
default : PackType = 4'b1111;
if (((tmpReg == ACK) | (tmpReg == NAK) | (tmpReg == STALL)) & (~tmpReg[7:4] != tmpReg[3:0])) Status = 11;
2 : begin
Status = 4;
PackType = 4'b1111;
default : begin // since the number of bytes received is greater than 2 this
// obviously should be a data packet
tmpReg[7:0] = in_out_buf[0];
ByteCount = 0;
tmpCrc = 16'hffff;
if ((tmpReg[3:0] == DATA0) | (tmpReg[3:0] == DATA1)) begin
for ( i = 1; i < (in_out_buf_ptr - 2); i = i + 1) begin
tmpCrc = crc16(in_out_buf[i], tmpCrc);
RecvBuffer[i - 1] = in_out_buf[i];
ByteCount = ByteCount + 1;
tmpCrc = ~{swap8(tmpCrc[15:8]), swap8(tmpCrc[7:0])};
if (tmpCrc != {in_out_buf[in_out_buf_ptr - 2], in_out_buf[in_out_buf_ptr - 1]}) Status = 5;
if (~tmpReg[7:4] != tmpReg[3:0]) begin
if (Status == 5) Status = 13;
else Status = 12;
PackType = tmpReg[3:0];
else PackType = 4'b1111;
parameter MYACK = 4'b0000,
MYNAK = 4'b0001,
MYSTALL = 4'b0010,
MYTOUT = 4'b0011,
MYIVRES = 4'b0100,
MYCRCER = 4'b0101;
parameter OUT = 2'b00,
IN = 2'b10,
SOF = 2'b01,
// Control Packet format;
reg [24:0] ControlPkt;
reg [3:0] Status;
integer ByteCount;
task printstatus;
input [3:0] RecvdStatus;
input [3:0] ExpStatus;
$display(" #######################################################");
if(RecvdStatus !== ExpStatus ) begin
$display(" ERROR: Expected Status and Observed Status didn't match at %0d", $time);
$display(" Expected Status is ACK at %0d", $time);
else if(ExpStatus==4'b0001)
$display(" Expected Status is NACK at %0d", $time);
else if(ExpStatus==4'b0010)
$display(" Expected Status is STALL at %0d", $time);
else if(ExpStatus==4'b0011)
$display(" Expected Status is TIMEOUT at %0d", $time);
else if(ExpStatus==4'b0100)
$display(" Expected Status is INVALID RESPONSE at %0d", $time);
else if(ExpStatus==4'b0101)
$display(" Expected Status is CRC ERROR at %0d", $time);
$display(" Received Status is ACK at %0d", $time);
else if(RecvdStatus==4'b0001)
$display(" Received Status is NACK at %0d", $time);
else if(RecvdStatus==4'b0010)
$display(" Received Status is STALL at %0d", $time);
else if(RecvdStatus==4'b011)
$display(" Received Status is TIMEOUT at %0d", $time);
else if(RecvdStatus==4'b0100)
$display(" Received Status is INVALID RESPONSE at %0d", $time);
else if(RecvdStatus==4'b0101)
$display(" Received Status is CRC ERROR at %0d", $time);
$display(" #######################################################");
task dump_recv_buffer;
input [31:0] NumBytes;
integer i;
for(i=0; i < NumBytes; i=i+1)
$display("RecvBuffer[%0d] = %b : %0d", i, RecvBuffer[i], RecvBuffer[i]);
task send_token;
input [1:0] tkn;
input [6:0] adr;
input [3:0] ep;
reg [2:0] Status;
reg [15:0] tmpreg;
XmitBuffer[0] = {~tkn,2'b10, tkn, 2'b01};
tmpreg = FillCrc5({ep, adr});
XmitBuffer[1] = tmpreg[7:0];
XmitBuffer[2] = tmpreg[15:8];
transfer_buf(3, 0, Status);
task send_datapkt;
input datatgl;
input [10:0] numbytes;
integer i;
reg [15:0] tmpcrc;
reg [2:0] Status;
// Shifting the XmitBuffer Values to put the DataTkn in Byte0.
for(i=numbytes; i > 0; i=i-1) begin
XmitBuffer[i] = XmitBuffer[i-1];
XmitBuffer[0] = {!datatgl, 3'b100, datatgl, 3'b011};
tmpcrc = crc16(XmitBuffer[1], 16'hffff);
for(i=1; i < numbytes; i=i+1) begin
tmpcrc = crc16(XmitBuffer[i+1], tmpcrc);
if(numbytes > 0) begin
XmitBuffer[numbytes+1] = ~swap8(tmpcrc[15:8]);
XmitBuffer[numbytes+2] = ~swap8(tmpcrc[7:0]);
else begin
XmitBuffer[numbytes+1] = 8'b0000_0000;
XmitBuffer[numbytes+2] = 8'b0000_0000;
transfer_buf(numbytes+3, 0, Status);
task SetAddress;
input [6:0] address;
XmitBuffer[0] = 8'b0000_0000;
XmitBuffer[1] = 8'b0000_0101; // SetAddress
XmitBuffer[2] = {1'b0, address};
XmitBuffer[3] = 8'b0000_0000;
XmitBuffer[4] = 8'b0000_0000;
XmitBuffer[5] = 8'b0000_0000;
XmitBuffer[6] = 8'b0000_0000;
XmitBuffer[7] = 8'b0000_0000;
task GetConfiguration;
XmitBuffer[0] = 8'b1000_0000;
XmitBuffer[1] = 8'b0000_1000; // get config.
XmitBuffer[2] = 8'b0000_0000;
XmitBuffer[3] = 8'b0000_0000;
XmitBuffer[4] = 8'b0000_0000;
XmitBuffer[5] = 8'b0000_0000;
XmitBuffer[6] = 8'b0000_0001;
XmitBuffer[7] = 8'b0000_0000;
task SetConfiguration;
input [1:0] cfg_val;
XmitBuffer[0] = 8'b0000_0000;
XmitBuffer[1] = 8'b0000_1001; // Set Configuration
XmitBuffer[2] = {6'b000_000, cfg_val};
XmitBuffer[3] = 8'b0000_0000;
XmitBuffer[4] = 8'b0000_0000;
XmitBuffer[5] = 8'b0000_0000;
XmitBuffer[6] = 8'b0000_0000;
XmitBuffer[7] = 8'b0000_0000;
task GetDescriptor;
input [2:0] des_type_new;
input [2:0] des_index;
input [15:0] des_size;
XmitBuffer[0] = 8'b1000_0000;
XmitBuffer[1] = 8'b0000_0110;
XmitBuffer[2] = {5'b00000, des_index};
XmitBuffer[3] = {5'b00000, des_type_new};
XmitBuffer[4] = 8'b0000_0000;
XmitBuffer[5] = 8'b0000_0000;
XmitBuffer[6] = des_size[7:0];
XmitBuffer[7] = des_size[15:8];
task SetDescriptor;
input [2:0] des_type_new;
input [2:0] des_index;
input [15:0] des_size;
XmitBuffer[0] = 8'b0000_0000;
XmitBuffer[1] = 8'b0000_0111;
XmitBuffer[2] = {5'b00000, des_index};
XmitBuffer[3] = {5'b00000, des_type_new};
XmitBuffer[4] = 8'b0000_0000;
XmitBuffer[5] = 8'b0000_0000;
XmitBuffer[6] = des_size[7:0];
XmitBuffer[7] = des_size[15:8];
task SynchFrame;
XmitBuffer[0] = 8'b1000_0010;
XmitBuffer[1] = 8'b0000_1100;
XmitBuffer[2] = 8'b0000_0000;
XmitBuffer[3] = 8'b0000_0000;
XmitBuffer[4] = 8'b0000_0000;
XmitBuffer[5] = 8'b0000_0000;
XmitBuffer[6] = 8'b0000_0000;
XmitBuffer[7] = 8'b0000_0000;
task VenRegWordWr;
input [6:0] address;
input [31:0] reg_address;
input [31:0] dataword;
XmitBuffer[0] = 8'b0100_0000;
XmitBuffer[1] = 8'b0001_0000;
XmitBuffer[2] = reg_address[31:24];
XmitBuffer[3] = reg_address[23:16];
XmitBuffer[4] = reg_address[15:8];
XmitBuffer[5] = reg_address[7:0];
XmitBuffer[6] = 8'b0000_0100;
XmitBuffer[7] = 8'b0000_0000;
setup (address, 4'h0, Status);
XmitBuffer[0] = dataword[31:24];
XmitBuffer[1] = dataword[23:16];
XmitBuffer[2] = dataword[15:8];
XmitBuffer[3] = dataword[7:0];
control_OUT(address, 4'h0, 4, Status);
status_IN (address, 4'h0, Status);
task VenRegWordRd;
input [6:0] address;
input [31:0] reg_address;
output [31:0] dataword;
reg [31:0] ByteCount;
XmitBuffer[0] = 8'b1100_0000;
XmitBuffer[1] = 8'b0001_0001;
XmitBuffer[2] = reg_address[31:24];
XmitBuffer[3] = reg_address[23:16];
XmitBuffer[4] = reg_address[15:8];
XmitBuffer[5] = reg_address[7:0];
XmitBuffer[6] = 8'b0000_0100;
XmitBuffer[7] = 8'b0000_0000;
setup (address, 4'h0, Status);
control_IN(address, 4'h0, ByteCount, Status);
if (Status != MYACK)
control_IN(address, 4'h0, ByteCount, Status);
if (Status != MYACK)
control_IN(address, 4'h0, ByteCount, Status);
dataword[7:0] = RecvBuffer[3];
dataword[15:8] = RecvBuffer[2];
dataword[23:16] = RecvBuffer[1];
dataword[31:24] = RecvBuffer[0];
status_OUT (address, 4'h0, Status);
task VenRegWordRdCmp;
input [6:0] address;
input [31:0] reg_address;
input [31:0] dataword;
output [31:0] ByteCount;
XmitBuffer[0] = 8'b1100_0000;
XmitBuffer[1] = 8'b0001_0001;
XmitBuffer[2] = reg_address[31:24];
XmitBuffer[3] = reg_address[23:16];
XmitBuffer[4] = reg_address[15:8];
XmitBuffer[5] = reg_address[7:0];
XmitBuffer[6] = 8'b0000_0100;
XmitBuffer[7] = 8'b0000_0000;
setup (address, 4'h0, Status);
control_IN(address, 4'h0, ByteCount, Status);
if (Status != MYACK)
control_IN(address, 4'h0, ByteCount, Status);
if (Status != MYACK)
control_IN(address, 4'h0, ByteCount, Status);
if ((RecvBuffer[3] !== dataword[7:0]) || (RecvBuffer[2] !== dataword[15:8])
|| (RecvBuffer[1] !== dataword[23:16]) || (RecvBuffer[0] !== dataword[31:24]))
-> tb.test_control.error_detected;
$display( "usb_agent check: Register Read Byte Mismatch !!! Exp: %x ; Rxd: %x",dataword[31:0], {RecvBuffer[0],RecvBuffer[1], RecvBuffer[2],RecvBuffer[3]} );
status_OUT (address, 4'h0, Status);
task VenRegHalfWordRd;
input [6:0] address;
input [21:0] reg_address;
input [15:0] dataword;
output [31:0] ByteCount;
XmitBuffer[0] = 8'b1100_0000;
XmitBuffer[1] = {2'b00,reg_address[21:16]};
XmitBuffer[2] = reg_address[7:0];
XmitBuffer[3] = reg_address[15:8];
XmitBuffer[4] = 8'b0000_0000;
XmitBuffer[5] = 8'b0000_0000;
XmitBuffer[6] = 8'b0000_0010;
XmitBuffer[7] = 8'b0000_0000;
setup (address, 4'h0, Status);
control_IN(address, 4'h0, ByteCount, Status);
if (Status != MYACK)
control_IN(address, 4'h0, ByteCount, Status);
if (Status != MYACK)
control_IN(address, 4'h0, ByteCount, Status);
if ((RecvBuffer[0] !== dataword[7:0]) || (RecvBuffer[1] !== dataword[15:8]))
-> tb.test_control.error_detected;
$display( "usb_agent check: Register Read Byte Mismatch !!!");
status_OUT (address, 4'h0, Status);
task VenRegByteRd;
input [6:0] address;
input [21:0] reg_address;
input [7:0] dataword;
output [31:0] ByteCount;
XmitBuffer[0] = 8'b1100_0000;
XmitBuffer[1] = {2'b00,reg_address[21:16]};
XmitBuffer[2] = reg_address[7:0];
XmitBuffer[3] = reg_address[15:8];
XmitBuffer[4] = 8'b0000_0000;
XmitBuffer[5] = 8'b0000_0000;
XmitBuffer[6] = 8'b0000_0001;
XmitBuffer[7] = 8'b0000_0000;
setup (address, 4'h0, Status);
control_IN(address, 4'h0, ByteCount, Status);
if (Status != MYACK)
control_IN(address, 4'h0, ByteCount, Status);
if (Status != MYACK)
control_IN(address, 4'h0, ByteCount, Status);
if ((RecvBuffer[0] !== dataword[7:0]))
-> tb.test_control.error_detected;
$display( "usb_agent check: Register Read Byte Mismatch !!!");
status_OUT (address, 4'h0, Status);
task VenRegWr;
input [21:0] reg_address;
input [2:0] length;
XmitBuffer[0] = 8'b0100_0000;
XmitBuffer[1] = {2'b00,reg_address[21:16]};
XmitBuffer[2] = reg_address[7:0];
XmitBuffer[3] = reg_address[15:8];
XmitBuffer[4] = 8'b0000_0000;
XmitBuffer[5] = 8'b0000_0000;
XmitBuffer[6] = {5'b0000_0,length};
XmitBuffer[7] = 8'b0000_0000;
task VenRegRd;
input [21:0] reg_address;
input [2:0] length;
XmitBuffer[0] = 8'b1100_0000;
XmitBuffer[1] = {2'b00,reg_address[21:16]};
XmitBuffer[2] = reg_address[7:0];
XmitBuffer[3] = reg_address[15:8];
XmitBuffer[4] = 8'b0000_0000;
XmitBuffer[5] = 8'b0000_0000;
XmitBuffer[6] = {5'b0000_0,length};
XmitBuffer[7] = 8'b0000_0000;
task VenRegWrWordData;
input [7:0] Byte0;
input [7:0] Byte1;
input [7:0] Byte2;
input [7:0] Byte3;
XmitBuffer[0] = Byte0;
XmitBuffer[1] = Byte1;
XmitBuffer[2] = Byte2;
XmitBuffer[3] = Byte3;
task VenRegWrHWordData;
input [7:0] Byte0;
input [7:0] Byte1;
XmitBuffer[0] = Byte0;
XmitBuffer[1] = Byte1;
task VenRegWrByteData;
input [7:0] Byte0;
XmitBuffer[0] = Byte0;
assign DPLS = zDPLS;
assign DMNS = zDMNS;
//instantiate the encoder
usb_bfm_encoder u_usb_enc
.enable_in (enc_enbl),
.reset_n (enc_reset_n),
.clk (clk),
.bit_count_out (enc_bit_count_out),
.count_out (enc_count_out),
.data_out_valid (enc_data_out_valid),
.gen_bit_stuff_err (BitStuffErr),
.last_byte (enc_last_byte),
.start_bit (DeviceSpeed),
.data_in (enc_data_in),
.data_out (DPLS),
.data_out_n (DMNS)
//instantiate the decoder
usb_bfm_decoder u_usb_dec
.enable_in (dec_enbl),
.ser_data_rdy (dec_ser_data_rdy),
.par_data_rdy (dec_par_data_rdy),
.reset_n (dec_reset_n),
.clk (dpll_clk),
.start_bit (DeviceSpeed), // 1'b1),
.data_in (DPLS),
.data_in_n (DMNS),
.recv_bit_count (dec_recv_bit_count),
.bit_stuff_err (dec_bit_stuff_err),
.ser_data_out (),
.par_data_out (dec_par_data_out)
usb_bfm_dpll dpll_inst
.clk48 (clk4x),
.clk6 (clk4x),
.switch (~DeviceSpeed),
.reset_n (dpll_reset_n),
.data_in (DPLS),
.rec_clk (dpll_clk),
.data_out ()
always begin
if (JitterOnOff == TRUE) begin
if (tmpJitterCount > 0) begin
#(PulseWidth - LowJitterTime) hs_clk = 1'b1;
#(PulseWidth - HighJitterTime) hs_clk = 1'b0;
tmpJitterCount = tmpJitterCount - 1;
if (tmpJitterCount == 0) begin
tmpJitterPeriod = JitterPeriod;
else begin
#PulseWidth hs_clk = 1'b1;
#PulseWidth hs_clk = 1'b0;
if (tmpJitterPeriod == 0) begin
tmpJitterCount = JitterCount;
tmpJitterPeriod = tmpJitterPeriod - 1;
else begin
#PulseWidth hs_clk = 1'b1;
#PulseWidth hs_clk = 1'b0;
always begin
if (JitterOnOff == TRUE) begin
if (tmpJitterCount > 0) begin
#((PulseWidth * 8) - LowJitterTime) ls_clk = 1'b1;
#((PulseWidth * 8) - HighJitterTime) ls_clk = 1'b0;
tmpJitterCount = tmpJitterCount - 1;
if (tmpJitterCount == 0) begin
tmpJitterPeriod = JitterPeriod;
else begin
#(PulseWidth * 8) ls_clk = 1'b1;
#(PulseWidth * 8) ls_clk = 1'b0;
if (tmpJitterPeriod == 0) begin
tmpJitterCount = JitterCount;
tmpJitterPeriod = tmpJitterPeriod - 1;
else begin
#(PulseWidth * 8) ls_clk = 1'b1;
#(PulseWidth * 8) ls_clk = 1'b0;
initial // intialise pll clock signals
tmpJitterPeriod = 0;
tmpJitterCount = 0;
dpll_reset_n = 1'b0;
#1 dpll_reset_n = 1'b1;
initial // drive 6 MHz clock
clk6 = 1'b0;
forever #(PulseWidth * 2) clk6 = ~clk6;
initial // drive 48 MHz clock
clk48 = 1'b0;
HSClkComp = 1'b0;
HSClkCompToggle = 1'b0;
case ((PulseWidth) % 4)
0 : HSClkComp = 1'b0;
1 : HSClkComp = 1'b0;
2 : HSClkComp = 1'b1;
3 : HSClkComp = 1'b1;
default : HSClkComp = 1'b0;
forever begin
#((PulseWidth / 4) + HSClkComp) clk48 = 1'b1;
case ((PulseWidth) % 4)
0, 2 : begin
#(PulseWidth / 4) clk48 = 1'b0;
HSClkComp = ((PulseWidth % 4) == 0) ? 1'b0 : 1'b1;
1, 3 : begin
if (HSClkCompToggle == 1'b0) begin
#(PulseWidth / 4) clk48 = 1'b0;
HSClkCompToggle = 1'b1;
else begin
#((PulseWidth / 4) + HSClkCompToggle) clk48 = 1'b0;
HSClkCompToggle = 1'b0;
HSClkComp = ((PulseWidth % 4) == 1) ? 1'b0 : 1'b1;
default : clk48 = 1'b1;
always @(dpll_clk) rec_clk = dpll_clk;
//initialise the encoder signals
hs_clk = 1'b1;
ls_clk = 1'b1;
enc_enbl = 1'b0; // active high
enc_reset_n = 1'b0; // active low
enc_data_in = 8'bZZZZZZZZ;
zDPLS = 1'bZ;
zDMNS = 1'bZ;
dec_enbl = 1'b0; // active high
dec_reset_n = 1'b0; // active low
// dec_cnt;
// user_commands; // Invoking the User Commands.
Debug = TRUE ;
Debug = FALSE ;
sofOnFlag = FALSE ;
//sofPeriod = 1_000_000 ;
sofPeriod = 100_000 ;
interruptOnFlag = FALSE ;
interruptRequest = FALSE ;
interruptTimer = 0 ;
interruptPeriod = 0 ;
controlRequest = FALSE ;
controlGrant = FALSE ;
bulkInOnFlag = FALSE ;
bulkOutOnFlag = FALSE ;
module usb_bfm_decoder(
input enable_in;
output ser_data_rdy;
output par_data_rdy;
input clk;
input start_bit;
input data_in;
input data_in_n;
output recv_bit_count;
output bit_stuff_err;
output ser_data_out;
output [7:0] par_data_out;
input reset_n;
reg enable_out;
reg [7:0] par_data_out;
reg ser_data_out;
reg prev_bit;
reg prev_bit1;
reg tmpDataOut1;
reg [7:0] tmpDataOut;
reg [31:0] recv_bit_count;
reg bit_stuff_err;
reg ser_data_rdy;
reg par_data_rdy;
reg JustEnabled;
reg [3:0] bit_count;
reg [3:0] count;
reg SyncDetect;
initial begin
enable_out = 1;
ser_data_out = 1'bz;
ser_data_rdy = 1'b0;
par_data_out = 8'b0000_0000;
bit_count = 0;
count = 0;
tmpDataOut = 8'b00000000;
tmpDataOut1 = 0;
JustEnabled = 1;
par_data_rdy = 1'b0;
recv_bit_count = 32'h0000_0000;
bit_stuff_err = 1'b0;
always @(posedge clk) #1 prev_bit1 <= data_in;
always @(posedge clk) begin
if (!reset_n) begin
count <= 0;
recv_bit_count <= 1'b0;
bit_count <= 0;
par_data_out <= 8'b0000_0000;
if (enable_in) begin
if (count == 7 && !(bit_count==5 & (tmpDataOut1!=prev_bit))) begin
par_data_rdy <= 1'b1;
if (bit_count < 5) begin
if (count == 7) count <= 0;
else count <= count + 1;
par_data_out[count] <= tmpDataOut1;
recv_bit_count <= recv_bit_count + 1;
ser_data_rdy <= 1'b1;
ser_data_out <= tmpDataOut1;
else begin
if (tmpDataOut1 != 1'b0) begin
bit_stuff_err <= 1'b1;
ser_data_rdy <= 1'b0;
else begin
bit_stuff_err <= 1'b0;
par_data_rdy <= 1'b0;
prev_bit <= tmpDataOut1;
if ((tmpDataOut1 == prev_bit) & (tmpDataOut1 == 1'b1)) begin
bit_count <= bit_count + 1;
else begin
bit_count <= 0;
if (bit_count == 5) bit_count <= 0;
if (prev_bit1 == data_in) tmpDataOut1 <= 1'b1;
else tmpDataOut1 <= 1'b0;
if (par_data_rdy == 1'b1) par_data_rdy <= 1'b0;
module usb_bfm_encoder( enable_in,
//enable_in : 0 disables the block
// 1 enables the block
//data_in : 8 bit wide register containing the parallel data
//clk : Clock !!
//not used//data_in_valid : the data in data_in is a valid next block of data
//count_out : count[2]
//data_out : serial data out
//data_out_n : invert of data_out
//data_out_valid : the data on data_out is valid and can be sampled
//reset_n : synchronous reset of the block
input enable_in;
input clk;
input gen_bit_stuff_err;
input [7:0] data_in;
input reset_n;
input last_byte;
input start_bit;
output [3:0] bit_count_out;
output count_out;
output data_out;
output data_out_n;
output data_out_valid;
reg [3:0] bit_count_out;
reg count_out;
reg data_out;
reg data_out_n;
reg data_out_valid;
reg tmpDataOut1;
reg tmpDataOut2;
reg prev_bit;
reg tmpDataOut;
reg [3:0] count;
reg [3:0] bit_count;
reg [7:0] tmpDataIn;
initial begin
data_out = 1'bZ;
data_out_n = 1'bZ;
count = 0;
bit_count = 0;
bit_count_out = 0;
count_out = 0;
data_out_valid = 0;
tmpDataOut1 = start_bit;
tmpDataOut = 0;
prev_bit = 0;
always @(posedge clk) begin
if (enable_in) begin
if (count == 0) tmpDataIn = data_in;
if (count < 8) begin
tmpDataOut = tmpDataIn[count];
if ((tmpDataOut) & (prev_bit)) begin
bit_count = bit_count + 1;
else begin
if (tmpDataOut) bit_count = 1;
else begin
if (bit_count == 6) bit_count = 7;
else bit_count = 0;
if (bit_count == 7) begin
if (gen_bit_stuff_err == 1'b0) begin
tmpDataOut1 = ~tmpDataOut1;
prev_bit = 1'b0;
else begin
tmpDataOut1 = tmpDataOut1;
prev_bit = 1'b1;
bit_count = 0;
else begin
if (tmpDataIn[count] == 0) tmpDataOut1 = ~tmpDataOut1;
count = count + 1;
prev_bit = tmpDataOut;
data_out = #1 tmpDataOut1;
data_out_n = ~tmpDataOut1;
data_out_valid = 1;
if (count == 8) count = 0;
if (bit_count != 6) count_out = count[2];
bit_count_out = count;
else begin
data_out = #1 1'bz;
data_out_n = 1'bz;
data_out_valid = 0;
if (!reset_n) begin
count = 0;
count_out = 0;
bit_count = 0;
data_out_valid = 0;
tmpDataIn = 8'h00;
tmpDataOut1 = start_bit;
tmpDataOut = 0;
prev_bit = 0;
data_out = #1 1'bz;
data_out_n = 1'bz;
module usb_bfm_dpll (clk48, clk6, switch, reset_n, data_in, rec_clk, data_out);
input clk48, clk6, switch, reset_n, data_in;
output rec_clk, data_out;
wire rec_clk;
wire data_out;
wire nrz;
wire dpll_clk;
assign data_out = nrz;
wire diff_pulse;
// Instance of the clock switch
usb_bfm_clk_switch clk_switch (.clk1 (clk48),
.clk2 (clk6),
.switch (switch),
.reset_n (reset_n),
.clk_out (dpll_clk));
// Instance of NRZI to NRZ converter
usb_bfm_nrzi2nrz nrzi2nrz_inst (.nrzi (data_in),
.rec_clk (rec_clk),
.reset_n (reset_n),
.nrz (nrz));
// Instance of the phase detect
usb_bfm_ph_detect ph_detect (.dpll_clk (dpll_clk),
.rst_n (reset_n),
.data_in (data_in),
.rec_clk (rec_clk),
.diff_pulse (diff_pulse));
// Instance of the pulse puller state machine
usb_bfm_pulse_puller pulse_puller (.clk (dpll_clk),
.diff_pulse (diff_pulse),
.rst_n (reset_n),
.rec_clk (rec_clk));
// The clock switch module for selecting a low/high speed PLL
module usb_bfm_clk_switch (clk1, clk2, switch, reset_n, clk_out);
input clk1, clk2, switch, reset_n;
output clk_out;
wire ff1set, ff1clr, ff3clr, clk_out;
reg ff1out, ff2out_bar, ff3out, ff3out_bar, ff4out_bar;
assign ff1set = ff4out_bar;
assign ff1clr = reset_n;
assign ff3clr = ff2out_bar;
assign clk_out = ((ff1out | clk1) & (ff3out_bar | clk2));
parameter LOW = 1'b0;
parameter HIGH = 1'b1;
//Filp Flop # 1
always @ (posedge clk1 or negedge ff1set or negedge ff1clr) begin
if (ff1clr === LOW) begin
ff1out = LOW;
else if (ff1set === LOW) begin
ff1out = HIGH;
ff1out <= switch;
//Flip Flop # 2
always @ (posedge clk2) begin
ff2out_bar <= (ff1out);
//Flip Flop #3
always @ (posedge clk2 or negedge ff3clr) begin
if (ff3clr === LOW) begin
ff3out <= LOW;
ff3out_bar <= HIGH;
else begin
ff3out <= switch;
ff3out_bar <= !switch;
//Flip Flop #4
always @ (posedge clk1) begin
ff4out_bar <= ! (ff3out);
// The NRZI to NRZ converter
module usb_bfm_nrzi2nrz (nrzi, rec_clk, reset_n, nrz);
input nrzi, rec_clk, reset_n;
output nrz;
wire nrz;
wire D1, D2, D0;
reg Q1, Q2, Q0;
reg del_rec_clk;
assign D0 = nrzi;
assign D1 = Q0;
assign D2 = !(Q0^Q1);
assign nrz = Q2;
//NRZI to NRZ converter
always @ (reset_n) begin
if (!reset_n) begin
Q0 <= 1'b0;
Q1 <= 1'b0;
Q2 <= 1'b0;
always @ (rec_clk) begin
del_rec_clk <= #21 rec_clk;
always @(posedge del_rec_clk) begin
Q0 <= D0;
Q1 <= D1;
Q2 <= D2;
// The Phase detector
module usb_bfm_ph_detect (dpll_clk, rst_n, data_in, rec_clk, diff_pulse);
input dpll_clk, rst_n, data_in, rec_clk;
output diff_pulse;
wire diff_pulse;
reg Q0;
reg rec_clk_neg_edge;
reg gate_control;
assign diff_pulse = (Q0 ^ data_in) & gate_control;
always @ (posedge dpll_clk or negedge rst_n) begin
if (rst_n) begin
if ((Q0 ^ data_in) & rec_clk_neg_edge) begin
gate_control <= 1'b0;
rec_clk_neg_edge <= 1'b0;
else begin
gate_control <= 1'b1;
rec_clk_neg_edge <= 1'b0;
rec_clk_neg_edge <= 1'b0;
always @ (negedge rec_clk or negedge rst_n) begin
if (rst_n) begin
Q0 <= data_in;
rec_clk_neg_edge <= 1'b1;
gate_control <= 1'b1;
else begin
Q0 <= 1'b0;
// The State m/c which does the Phase Correction
module usb_bfm_pulse_puller (clk, diff_pulse, rst_n, rec_clk);
input clk, rst_n, diff_pulse;
output rec_clk;
reg rec_clk;
reg [3:0] State;
reg correct_pulse;
reg Q0;
parameter HIGH = 1'b1;
parameter LOW = 1'b0;
parameter S0 = 3'b000;
parameter S1 = 3'b001;
parameter S2 = 3'b010;
parameter S3 = 3'b011;
parameter S4 = 3'b100;
// Generation of the correcting pulse from the Phase difference between the
// data transition and negative edge of recovered clock
always @ (posedge clk) begin
Q0 <= diff_pulse;
correct_pulse <= Q0 & diff_pulse;
// The pulse_puller state machine
always @ (posedge clk or negedge rst_n) begin
if (!rst_n) begin
State <= S0;
rec_clk <= LOW;
else begin
case (State)
S0 : begin
State <= S1;
rec_clk <= ~rec_clk;
S1 : if (correct_pulse) begin
rec_clk <= ~rec_clk;
State <= S3;
else begin
rec_clk <= rec_clk;
State <= S2;
S2 : begin
if (correct_pulse) begin
State <= S4;
else begin
State <= S3;
rec_clk <= ~rec_clk;
S3 : if (correct_pulse) begin
State <= S1;
rec_clk <= ~rec_clk;
else begin
rec_clk <= rec_clk;
State <= S4;
S4 : begin
if (correct_pulse) begin
State <= S2;
else begin
State <= S1;
rec_clk <= ~rec_clk;
default :
$display ("Illegal State at ",$time);
usb2uart/trunk/verify/agents/usb/usb_agent.v Property changes : Added: svn:executable ## -0,0 +1 ## +* \ No newline at end of property Index: usb2uart/trunk/verify/agents/uart/uart_tasks.v =================================================================== --- usb2uart/trunk/verify/agents/uart/uart_tasks.v (nonexistent) +++ usb2uart/trunk/verify/agents/uart/uart_tasks.v (revision 3) @@ -0,0 +1,138 @@ + +task reg_write; +input [15:0] addr; +input [31:0] data; +reg [7:0] read_data; +reg flag; +begin + fork + begin : loop_1 + tb_top.tb_uart.write_char("w"); + tb_top.tb_uart.write_char("m"); + tb_top.tb_uart.write_char(" "); + tb_top.tb_uart.write_char(hex2char(addr[15:12])); + tb_top.tb_uart.write_char(hex2char(addr[11:8])); + tb_top.tb_uart.write_char(hex2char(addr[7:4])); + tb_top.tb_uart.write_char(hex2char(addr[3:0])); + tb_top.tb_uart.write_char(" "); + tb_top.tb_uart.write_char(hex2char(data[31:28])); + tb_top.tb_uart.write_char(hex2char(data[27:24])); + tb_top.tb_uart.write_char(hex2char(data[23:20])); + tb_top.tb_uart.write_char(hex2char(data[19:16])); + tb_top.tb_uart.write_char(hex2char(data[15:12])); + tb_top.tb_uart.write_char(hex2char(data[11:8])); + tb_top.tb_uart.write_char(hex2char(data[7:4])); + tb_top.tb_uart.write_char(hex2char(data[3:0])); + tb_top.tb_uart.write_char("\n"); + end + begin : loop_2 + // Wait for sucess command + flag = 0; + while(flag == 0) + begin + tb_top.tb_uart.read_char(read_data,flag); + //$write ("%c",read_data); + end + end + join +end +endtask + +task reg_read; +input [15:0] addr; +output [31:0] data; +reg [7:0] read_data; +reg flag; +integer i; +begin + fork + begin : loop_1 + tb_top.tb_uart.write_char("r"); + tb_top.tb_uart.write_char("m"); + tb_top.tb_uart.write_char(" "); + tb_top.tb_uart.write_char(hex2char(addr[15:12])); + tb_top.tb_uart.write_char(hex2char(addr[11:8])); + tb_top.tb_uart.write_char(hex2char(addr[7:4])); + tb_top.tb_uart.write_char(hex2char(addr[3:0])); + tb_top.tb_uart.write_char(" "); + tb_top.tb_uart.write_char("\n"); + end + begin : loop_2 + // Wait for sucess command + flag = 0; + i = 0; + while(flag == 0) + begin + tb_top.tb_uart.read_char(read_data,flag); + //$write ("%d:%c",i,read_data); + case (i) + 8'd10 : data[31:28] = char2hex(read_data); + 8'd11 : data[27:24] = char2hex(read_data); + 8'd12 : data[23:20] = char2hex(read_data); + 8'd13 : data[19:16] = char2hex(read_data); + 8'd14 : data[15:12] = char2hex(read_data); + 8'd15 : data[11:8] = char2hex(read_data); + 8'd16 : data[7:4] = char2hex(read_data); + 8'd17 : data[3:0] = char2hex(read_data); + endcase + i = i+1; + end + end + join + //$display("Receoved Data: %x",data); + +end +endtask + +// Character to hex number +function [3:0] char2hex; +input [7:0] data_in; +case (data_in) + 8'h30: char2hex = 4'h0; // character '0' + 8'h31: char2hex = 4'h1; // character '1' + 8'h32: char2hex = 4'h2; // character '2' + 8'h33: char2hex = 4'h3; // character '3' + 8'h34: char2hex = 4'h4; // character '4' + 8'h35: char2hex = 4'h5; // character '5' + 8'h36: char2hex = 4'h6; // character '6' + 8'h37: char2hex = 4'h7; // character '7' + 8'h38: char2hex = 4'h8; // character '8' + 8'h39: char2hex = 4'h9; // character '9' + 8'h41: char2hex = 4'hA; // character 'A' + 8'h42: char2hex = 4'hB; // character 'B' + 8'h43: char2hex = 4'hC; // character 'C' + 8'h44: char2hex = 4'hD; // character 'D' + 8'h45: char2hex = 4'hE; // character 'E' + 8'h46: char2hex = 4'hF; // character 'F' + 8'h61: char2hex = 4'hA; // character 'a' + 8'h62: char2hex = 4'hB; // character 'b' + 8'h63: char2hex = 4'hC; // character 'c' + 8'h64: char2hex = 4'hD; // character 'd' + 8'h65: char2hex = 4'hE; // character 'e' + 8'h66: char2hex = 4'hF; // character 'f' + default : char2hex = 4'hF; + endcase +endfunction + +// Hex to Asci Character +function [7:0] hex2char; +input [3:0] data_in; +case (data_in) + 4'h0: hex2char = 8'h30; // character '0' + 4'h1: hex2char = 8'h31; // character '1' + 4'h2: hex2char = 8'h32; // character '2' + 4'h3: hex2char = 8'h33; // character '3' + 4'h4: hex2char = 8'h34; // character '4' + 4'h5: hex2char = 8'h35; // character '5' + 4'h6: hex2char = 8'h36; // character '6' + 4'h7: hex2char = 8'h37; // character '7' + 4'h8: hex2char = 8'h38; // character '8' + 4'h9: hex2char = 8'h39; // character '9' + 4'hA: hex2char = 8'h41; // character 'A' + 4'hB: hex2char = 8'h42; // character 'B' + 4'hC: hex2char = 8'h43; // character 'C' + 4'hD: hex2char = 8'h44; // character 'D' + 4'hE: hex2char = 8'h45; // character 'E' + 4'hF: hex2char = 8'h46; // character 'F' + endcase +endfunction Index: usb2uart/trunk/verify/agents/uart/uart_agent.v =================================================================== --- usb2uart/trunk/verify/agents/uart/uart_agent.v (nonexistent) +++ usb2uart/trunk/verify/agents/uart/uart_agent.v (revision 3) @@ -0,0 +1,354 @@ + +`timescale 1ns/1ps + +module uart_agent ( + test_clk, + sin, + sout) + ; + +input test_clk; +output sin; + +input sout; + +event uart_read_done, uart_write_done; +event error_detected,uart_parity_error, uart_stop_error1, uart_stop_error2; +event uart_timeout_error; +event abort; + +reg [15:0] rx_count; +reg [15:0] tx_count; +reg [15:0] par_err_count; +reg [15:0] stop_err1_cnt; +reg [15:0] stop_err2_cnt; +reg [15:0] timeout_err_cnt; +reg [15:0] err_cnt; + +reg sin, read, write; +wire test_rx_clk; +reg test_tx_clk; +reg stop_err_check; +reg [15:0] cnt_16x; + +integer timeout_count; +integer data_bit_number; +reg [2:0] clk_count; + +reg error_ind; // 1 indicate error + +initial +begin + sin = 1'b1; + test_tx_clk = 0; + clk_count = 0; + stop_err_check = 0; + error_ind = 0; + cnt_16x = 0; +end + +always @(posedge test_clk) +begin + if (clk_count == 3'h0) // Divide by 16 Counter + begin + if(cnt_16x >= control_setup.divisor) begin + test_tx_clk = ~test_tx_clk; + cnt_16x = 0; + end else begin + cnt_16x = cnt_16x+1; + end + end + clk_count = clk_count + 1; +end +assign test_rx_clk = ~test_tx_clk; + +always @(posedge test_clk) begin + timeout_count = timeout_count + 1; + if (timeout_count == (control_setup.maxtime * 16)) + -> abort; +end + +always @uart_read_done + rx_count = rx_count + 1; + +always @uart_write_done + tx_count = tx_count + 1; + +always @uart_parity_error begin + error_ind = 1; + par_err_count = par_err_count + 1; +end + +always @uart_stop_error1 begin + error_ind = 1; + stop_err1_cnt = stop_err1_cnt + 1; +end + +always @uart_stop_error2 begin + error_ind = 1; + stop_err2_cnt = stop_err2_cnt + 1; +end + +always @uart_timeout_error begin + error_ind = 1; + timeout_err_cnt = timeout_err_cnt + 1; +end + + +always @error_detected begin + error_ind = 1; + err_cnt = err_cnt + 1; +end + + +//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +task uart_init; +begin + read = 0; + write = 0; + tx_count = 0; + rx_count = 0; + stop_err_check = 0; + par_err_count = 0; + stop_err1_cnt = 0; + stop_err2_cnt = 0; + timeout_err_cnt = 0; + err_cnt = 0; + +end +endtask + + +//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +task read_char_chk; +input expected_data; + +integer i; +reg [7:0] expected_data; +reg [7:0] data; +reg parity; + +begin + data <= 8'h0; + parity <= 1; + timeout_count = 0; + +fork + begin : loop_1 + @(abort) + $display (">>>>> Exceed time limit, uart no responce.\n"); + ->uart_timeout_error; + disable loop_2; + end + + begin : loop_2 + +// start cycle + @(negedge sout) + disable loop_1; + read <= 1; + +// data cycle + @(posedge test_rx_clk); + for (i = 0; i < data_bit_number; i = i + 1) + begin + @(posedge test_rx_clk) + data[i] <= sout; + parity <= parity ^ sout; + end + +// parity cycle + if(control_setup.parity_en) + begin + @(posedge test_rx_clk); + if ((control_setup.even_odd_parity && (sout == parity)) || + (!control_setup.even_odd_parity && (sout != parity))) +// || (control_setup.stick_parity && (sout == control_setup.even_odd_parity))) + begin + $display (">>>>> Parity Error"); + -> error_detected; + -> uart_parity_error; + end + end + +// stop cycle 1 + @(posedge test_rx_clk); + if (!sout) + begin + $display (">>>>> Stop signal 1 Error"); + -> error_detected; + -> uart_stop_error1; + end + +// stop cycle 2 + if (control_setup.stop_bit_number) + begin + @(posedge test_rx_clk); // stop cycle 2 + if (!sout) + begin + $display (">>>>> Stop signal 2 Error"); + -> error_detected; + -> uart_stop_error2; + end + end + +/* Who Cares +// the stop bits transmitted is one and a half if it is 5-bit + if (data_bit_number == 5) + begin + @(posedge test_rx_clk); // stop cycle for 5-bit/per char + if (!sout) + begin + $display (">>>>> Stop signal 2 Error (5-Bit)"); + -> error_detected; + -> uart_stop_error2; + end + end + else +*/ + +// wait another half cycle for tx_done signal + @(negedge test_rx_clk); + read <= 0; + -> uart_read_done; + + if (expected_data != data) + begin + $display ("Error! Data return is %h, expecting %h", data, expected_data); + -> error_detected; + end + else + $display ("(%m) Data match %h", expected_data); + + $display ("... Read Data from UART done cnt :%d...",rx_count +1); + end +join + +end + +endtask + + +//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +task write_char; +input [7:0] data; + +integer i; +reg parity; // 0: odd parity, 1: even parity + +begin + parity <= #1 0; + +// start cycle + @(posedge test_tx_clk) + begin + sin <= #1 0; + write <= #1 1; + end + +// data cycle + begin + for (i = 0; i < data_bit_number; i = i + 1) + begin + @(posedge test_tx_clk) + sin <= #1 data[i]; + parity <= parity ^ data[i]; + end + end + +// parity cycle + if (control_setup.parity_en) + begin + @(posedge test_tx_clk) + sin <= #1 +// control_setup.stick_parity ? ~control_setup.even_odd_parity : + control_setup.even_odd_parity ? parity : !parity; + end + +// stop cycle 1 + @(posedge test_tx_clk) + sin <= #1 stop_err_check ? 0 : 1; + +// stop cycle 2 + @(posedge test_tx_clk); + sin <= #1 1; + if (data_bit_number == 5) + @(negedge test_tx_clk); + else if (control_setup.stop_bit_number) + @(posedge test_tx_clk); + + write <= #1 0; + $display ("... Write data %h to UART done cnt : %d ...\n", data,tx_count+1); + -> uart_write_done; +end +endtask + + +//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +task control_setup; +input [1:0] data_bit_set; +input stop_bit_number; +input parity_en; +input even_odd_parity; +input stick_parity; +input [15:0] maxtime; +input [15:0] divisor; +input fifo_enable; + +begin + data_bit_number = data_bit_set + 5; +end +endtask + + +//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +task report_status; +output [15:0] rx_nu; +output [15:0] tx_nu; +begin + $display ("-------------------- Reporting Configuration --------------------"); + $display (" Data bit number setting is : %0d", data_bit_number); + $display (" Stop bit number setting is : %0d", control_setup.stop_bit_number + 1); + $display (" Divisor of Uart clock is : %0d", control_setup.divisor); + if (control_setup.parity_en) + $display (" Parity is enable"); + else + $display (" Parity is disable"); + + if (control_setup.even_odd_parity) + $display (" Even parity setting"); + else + $display (" Odd parity setting"); + +/* + if (control_setup.stick_parity) + $display (" Parity stick bit is on"); + else + $display (" Parity stick bit is off"); +*/ + + if (control_setup.fifo_enable) + $display (" FIFO mode is enable"); + else + $display (" FIFO mode is disable"); + + $display ("-----------------------------------------------------------------"); + + $display ("-------------------- Reporting Status --------------------\n"); + $display (" Number of character received is : %d", rx_count); + $display (" Number of character sent is : %d", tx_count); + $display (" Number of parity error rxd is : %d", par_err_count); + $display (" Number of stop1 error rxd is : %d", stop_err1_cnt); + $display (" Number of stop2 error rxd is : %d", stop_err2_cnt); + $display (" Number of timeout error is : %d", timeout_err_cnt); + $display (" Number of error is : %d", err_cnt); + $display ("-----------------------------------------------------------------"); + + rx_nu = rx_count; + tx_nu = tx_count; +end +endtask + + +//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +endmodule
usb2uart/trunk/verify/agents/uart/uart_agent.v Property changes : Added: svn:executable ## -0,0 +1 ## +* \ No newline at end of property Index: usb2uart/trunk/verify/log/run.log =================================================================== --- usb2uart/trunk/verify/log/run.log (nonexistent) +++ usb2uart/trunk/verify/log/run.log (revision 3) @@ -0,0 +1,5746 @@ +Reading D:/Microsemi/Libero_v10.1/Model/tcl/vsim/pref.tcl + +# 10.1b + +# vsim -do -c tb +# // ModelSim ACTEL 10.1b Apr 27 2012 +# // +# // Copyright 1991-2012 Mentor Graphics Corporation +# // All Rights Reserved. +# // +# // THIS WORK CONTAINS TRADE SECRET AND PROPRIETARY INFORMATION +# // WHICH IS THE PROPERTY OF MENTOR GRAPHICS CORPORATION OR ITS +# // LICENSORS AND IS SUBJECT TO LICENSE TERMS. +# // +# Loading work.tb +# Loading work.core +# Loading work.usb_phy +# Loading work.usb_tx_phy +# Loading work.usb_rx_phy +# Loading work.usb1_core +# Loading work.usb1_utmi_if +# Loading work.usb1_pl +# Loading work.usb1_pd +# Loading work.usb1_crc5 +# Loading work.usb1_crc16 +# Loading work.usb1_pa +# Loading work.usb1_idma +# Loading work.usb1_fifo2 +# Loading work.usb1_pe +# Loading work.usb1_ctrl +# Loading work.usb1_rom1 +# Loading work.sync_fifo +# Loading work.generic_fifo_sc_a +# Loading work.generic_dpram +# Loading work.uart_core +# Loading work.uart_cfg +# Loading work.generic_register +# Loading work.stat_register +# Loading work.clk_ctl +# Loading work.uart_txfsm +# Loading work.uart_rxfsm +# Loading work.async_fifo +# Loading work.double_sync_low +# Loading work.usb_agent +# Loading work.host_usb_bfm +# Loading work.usb_bfm_encoder +# Loading work.usb_bfm_decoder +# Loading work.usb_bfm_dpll +# Loading work.usb_bfm_clk_switch +# Loading work.usb_bfm_nrzi2nrz +# Loading work.usb_bfm_ph_detect +# Loading work.usb_bfm_pulse_puller +# Loading work.uart_agent +# Loading work.test_control +# Loading work.bit_register +# ** Warning: (vsim-3017) ../tb/tb.v(211): [TFMPC] - Too few port connections. Expected 85, found 84. +# +# Region: /tb/dut +# ** Warning: (vsim-3015) ../tb/tb.v(211): [PCDPC] - Port size (8 or 8) does not match connection size (1) for port 'ep1_din'. The port definition is at: ../../rtl/core/core.v(84). +# +# Region: /tb/dut +# ** Warning: (vsim-3015) ../tb/tb.v(211): [PCDPC] - Port size (8 or 8) does not match connection size (1) for port 'ep2_dout'. The port definition is at: ../../rtl/core/core.v(97). +# +# Region: /tb/dut +# ** Warning: (vsim-3015) ../tb/tb.v(211): [PCDPC] - Port size (8 or 8) does not match connection size (1) for port 'ep3_din'. The port definition is at: ../../rtl/core/core.v(104). +# +# Region: /tb/dut +# ** Warning: (vsim-3015) ../tb/tb.v(211): [PCDPC] - Port size (8 or 8) does not match connection size (1) for port 'ep4_dout'. The port definition is at: ../../rtl/core/core.v(117). +# +# Region: /tb/dut +# ** Warning: (vsim-3015) ../tb/tb.v(211): [PCDPC] - Port size (8 or 8) does not match connection size (1) for port 'ep5_din'. The port definition is at: ../../rtl/core/core.v(124). +# +# Region: /tb/dut +# ** Warning: (vsim-3722) ../tb/tb.v(211): [TFMPC] - Missing connection for port 'usb_rst'. +# +# ** Warning: (vsim-3017) ../../rtl/uart_core/uart_core.v(236): [TFMPC] - Too few port connections. Expected 14, found 12. +# +# Region: /tb/dut/u_uart_core/u_rxfifo +# ** Warning: (vsim-3722) ../../rtl/uart_core/uart_core.v(236): [TFMPC] - Missing connection for port 'afull'. +# +# ** Warning: (vsim-3722) ../../rtl/uart_core/uart_core.v(236): [TFMPC] - Missing connection for port 'aempty'. +# +# ** Warning: (vsim-3017) ../../rtl/uart_core/uart_core.v(252): [TFMPC] - Too few port connections. Expected 14, found 12. +# +# Region: /tb/dut/u_uart_core/u_txfifo +# ** Warning: (vsim-3722) ../../rtl/uart_core/uart_core.v(252): [TFMPC] - Missing connection for port 'afull'. +# +# ** Warning: (vsim-3722) ../../rtl/uart_core/uart_core.v(252): [TFMPC] - Missing connection for port 'aempty'. +# +# do +# 1200: USB Reset ----- +# 5418: Set Address = 1 ----- +# CntrlTransType = 11 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 17346000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 17651000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 18362000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 19163000 +# In --> in_out_buf[0] = 11010010, in_out_buf_ptr = 1 +# +# ####################################################### +# Received Status is ACK at 19163 +# ####################################################### +# +# Input Address:00, EndPt:0 +# i : 1, CntrlTransType:3; CntrlTransAddr:00;CntrlTransEndP:0 +# In CntrlTransType = 11, WRITE = 11 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 22386000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 22775000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 23486000 in host +# In --> receive data = 4b +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 25631000 +# +# ####################################################### +# Received Status is ACK at 27510 +# ####################################################### +# +# 32510: Set configuration ----- +# CntrlTransType = 11 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 44394000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 44699000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 45412000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 46211000 +# In --> in_out_buf[0] = 11010010, in_out_buf_ptr = 1 +# +# ####################################################### +# Received Status is ACK at 46211 +# ####################################################### +# +# Input Address:01, EndPt:0 +# i : 1, CntrlTransType:3; CntrlTransAddr:01;CntrlTransEndP:0 +# In CntrlTransType = 11, WRITE = 11 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 49434000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 49739000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 50453000 in host +# In --> receive data = 4b +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 52595000 +# +# ####################################################### +# Received Status is ACK at 54474 +# ####################################################### +# +# 56474: Configuration done !!!!!! +# CntrlTransType = 11 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 68334000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 68639000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 69334000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 70130000 +# In --> in_out_buf[0] = 11010010, in_out_buf_ptr = 1 +# In host --> address = 01, EndPt = 0, crc5 = 1d, tmpReg = e801 +# In --> DataToggle is 1 +# In --> DataToggle is 4b at time 73374000. +# In --> sending byte[1] = 00000000 +# In --> sending byte[2] = 00000000 +# In --> sending byte[3] = 00000000 +# In --> sending byte[4] = 00010111 +# In --> raw crc is 254 at time 73374 +# In --> sent crc is bfd5 at time 73374 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 79422000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 79706000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 80441000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 81239000 +# In --> bits received are 7 +# In --> ACK received at time 81239000. +# Input Address:01, EndPt:0 +# i : 1, CntrlTransType:3; CntrlTransAddr:01;CntrlTransEndP:0 +# In CntrlTransType = 11, WRITE = 11 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 84462000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 84851000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 85550000 in host +# In --> receive data = 4b +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 87686000 +# CntrlTransType = 11 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 101514000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 101798000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 102532000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 103331000 +# In --> in_out_buf[0] = 11010010, in_out_buf_ptr = 1 +# In host --> address = 01, EndPt = 0, crc5 = 1d, tmpReg = e801 +# In --> DataToggle is 1 +# In --> DataToggle is 4b at time 106554000. +# In --> sending byte[1] = 00000000 +# In --> sending byte[2] = 00000000 +# In --> sending byte[3] = 00000000 +# In --> sending byte[4] = 00001110 +# In --> raw crc is 8107 at time 106554 +# In --> sent crc is 7e1f at time 106554 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 112602000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 112907000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 113619000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 114419000 +# In --> bits received are 7 +# In --> ACK received at time 114419000. +# Input Address:01, EndPt:0 +# i : 1, CntrlTransType:3; CntrlTransAddr:01;CntrlTransEndP:0 +# In CntrlTransType = 11, WRITE = 11 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 117642000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 118031000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 118748000 in host +# In --> receive data = 4b +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 120887000 +# +# ... Writing char 36 ... +# +# ... Reading the UART Status: xxxxxxxX ... +# CntrlTransType = 10 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 134694000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 134999000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 135712000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 136511000 +# In --> in_out_buf[0] = 11010010, in_out_buf_ptr = 1 +# CntrlTransType = 10 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 139650000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 139955000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 140669000 in host +# In --> receive data = 4b +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 02 +# In --> receive data = 7e +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = 1a +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 145562000 +# In --> Data toggle recevied is 1001011 at time 145646000 +# In --> received byte[1] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[2] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[3] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[4] = 00000010 +# In --> calculated crc is 81a7 at time 145646000. +# In --> received raw crc is 81a7 at time 145646000. +# In --> received crc is 7e1a at time 145646000. +# In --> tmpCrc 7e1a, at time 145646000 +# In --> sending ACK at time 147546000 +# RecvBuffer[0] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[1] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[2] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[3] = 00000010 : 2 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 154098000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 154382000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 155114000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 155915000 +# +# ... Reading the UART Status: 00000002 ... +# CntrlTransType = 10 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 167790000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 168095000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 168803000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 169607000 +# In --> in_out_buf[0] = 11010010, in_out_buf_ptr = 1 +# CntrlTransType = 10 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 172746000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 173051000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 173763000 in host +# In --> receive data = 4b +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 02 +# In --> receive data = 7e +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = 1a +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 178658000 +# In --> Data toggle recevied is 1001011 at time 178742000 +# In --> received byte[1] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[2] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[3] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[4] = 00000010 +# In --> calculated crc is 81a7 at time 178742000. +# In --> received raw crc is 81a7 at time 178742000. +# In --> received crc is 7e1a at time 178742000. +# In --> tmpCrc 7e1a, at time 178742000 +# In --> sending ACK at time 180642000 +# RecvBuffer[0] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[1] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[2] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[3] = 00000010 : 2 +# ... Write data 24 to UART done cnt : 1 ... +# +# +# ... Writing char 129 ... +# In --> In task wait for response at time 187194000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 187478000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 188208000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 188990000 +# +# ... Reading the UART Status: 00000002 ... +# CntrlTransType = 10 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 200886000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 201170000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 201897000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 202682000 +# In --> in_out_buf[0] = 11010010, in_out_buf_ptr = 1 +# CntrlTransType = 10 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 205842000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 206210000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 206943000 in host +# In --> receive data = 4b +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = ff +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = db +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 211838000 +# In --> Data toggle recevied is 1001011 at time 211922000 +# In --> received byte[1] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[2] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[3] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[4] = 00000000 +# In --> calculated crc is 24 at time 211922000. +# In --> received raw crc is 24 at time 211922000. +# In --> received crc is ffdb at time 211922000. +# In --> tmpCrc ffdb, at time 211922000 +# In --> sending ACK at time 213822000 +# RecvBuffer[0] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[1] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[2] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[3] = 00000000 : 0 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 220374000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 220658000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 221385000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 222170000 +# CntrlTransType = 10 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 234066000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 234350000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 235077000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 235862000 +# In --> in_out_buf[0] = 11010010, in_out_buf_ptr = 1 +# CntrlTransType = 10 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 239022000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 239390000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 240117000 in host +# In --> receive data = 4b +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 24 +# In --> receive data = ff +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = c0 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 244997000 +# In --> Data toggle recevied is 1001011 at time 245081000 +# In --> received byte[1] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[2] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[3] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[4] = 00100100 +# In --> calculated crc is fc at time 245081000. +# In --> received raw crc is fc at time 245081000. +# In --> received crc is ffc0 at time 245081000. +# In --> tmpCrc ffc0, at time 245081000 +# ... Write data 81 to UART done cnt : 2 ... +# +# +# ... Writing char 9 ... +# In --> sending ACK at time 247002000 +# RecvBuffer[0] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[1] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[2] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[3] = 00100100 : 36 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 253554000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 253859000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 254560000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 255371000 +# CntrlTransType = 11 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 267246000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 267551000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 268251000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 269063000 +# In --> in_out_buf[0] = 11010010, in_out_buf_ptr = 1 +# In host --> address = 01, EndPt = 0, crc5 = 1d, tmpReg = e801 +# In --> DataToggle is 1 +# In --> DataToggle is 4b at time 272286000. +# In --> sending byte[1] = 00000000 +# In --> sending byte[2] = 00000000 +# In --> sending byte[3] = 00000000 +# In --> sending byte[4] = 00100100 +# In --> raw crc is fc at time 272286 +# In --> sent crc is ffc0 at time 272286 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 278334000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 278639000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 279341000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 280151000 +# In --> bits received are 7 +# In --> ACK received at time 280151000. +# Input Address:01, EndPt:0 +# i : 1, CntrlTransType:3; CntrlTransAddr:01;CntrlTransEndP:0 +# In CntrlTransType = 11, WRITE = 11 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 283374000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 283763000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 284465000 in host +# In --> receive data = 4b +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 286598000 +# +# ... Reading the UART Status: 00000026 ... +# CntrlTransType = 10 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 300426000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 300710000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 301429000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 302222000 +# In --> in_out_buf[0] = 11010010, in_out_buf_ptr = 1 +# CntrlTransType = 10 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 305382000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 305750000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 306475000 in host +# In --> receive data = 4b +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# ... Write data 09 to UART done cnt : 3 ... +# +# +# ... Writing char 99 ... +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = ff +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = db +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 311357000 +# In --> Data toggle recevied is 1001011 at time 311441000 +# In --> received byte[1] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[2] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[3] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[4] = 00000000 +# In --> calculated crc is 24 at time 311441000. +# In --> received raw crc is 24 at time 311441000. +# In --> received crc is ffdb at time 311441000. +# In --> tmpCrc ffdb, at time 311441000 +# In --> sending ACK at time 313362000 +# RecvBuffer[0] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[1] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[2] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[3] = 00000000 : 0 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 319914000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 320219000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 320917000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 321710000 +# CntrlTransType = 10 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 333606000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 333890000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 334609000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 335402000 +# In --> in_out_buf[0] = 11010010, in_out_buf_ptr = 1 +# CntrlTransType = 10 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 338562000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 338930000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 339652000 in host +# In --> receive data = 4b +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# (tb.u_uart_agent.read_char_chk.loop_2) Data match 24 +# ... Read Data from UART done cnt : 1... +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 81 +# In --> receive data = 3f +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = bb +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 344537000 +# In --> Data toggle recevied is 1001011 at time 344621000 +# In --> received byte[1] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[2] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[3] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[4] = 10000001 +# In --> calculated crc is 322 at time 344621000. +# In --> received raw crc is 322 at time 344621000. +# In --> received crc is 3fbb at time 344621000. +# In --> tmpCrc 3fbb, at time 344621000 +# In --> sending ACK at time 346542000 +# RecvBuffer[0] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[1] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[2] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[3] = 10000001 : 129 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 353094000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 353399000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 354115000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 354911000 +# CntrlTransType = 11 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 366786000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 367091000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 367807000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 368603000 +# In --> in_out_buf[0] = 11010010, in_out_buf_ptr = 1 +# In host --> address = 01, EndPt = 0, crc5 = 1d, tmpReg = e801 +# In --> DataToggle is 1 +# In --> DataToggle is 4b at time 371826000. +# In --> sending byte[1] = 00000000 +# In --> sending byte[2] = 00000000 +# In --> sending byte[3] = 00000000 +# In --> sending byte[4] = 10000001 +# In --> raw crc is 322 at time 371826 +# In --> sent crc is 3fbb at time 371826 +# ... Write data 63 to UART done cnt : 4 ... +# +# +# ... Writing char 13 ... +# In --> In task wait for response at time 377874000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 378179000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 378894000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 379691000 +# In --> bits received are 7 +# In --> ACK received at time 379691000. +# Input Address:01, EndPt:0 +# i : 1, CntrlTransType:3; CntrlTransAddr:01;CntrlTransEndP:0 +# In CntrlTransType = 11, WRITE = 11 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 382914000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 383303000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 384018000 in host +# In --> receive data = 4b +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 386159000 +# +# ... Reading the UART Status: 00000083 ... +# CntrlTransType = 10 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 399966000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 400271000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 400981000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 401783000 +# In --> in_out_buf[0] = 11010010, in_out_buf_ptr = 1 +# CntrlTransType = 10 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 404922000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 405311000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 406025000 in host +# In --> receive data = 4b +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = ff +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = db +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 410918000 +# In --> Data toggle recevied is 1001011 at time 411002000 +# In --> received byte[1] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[2] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[3] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[4] = 00000000 +# In --> calculated crc is 24 at time 411002000. +# In --> received raw crc is 24 at time 411002000. +# In --> received crc is ffdb at time 411002000. +# In --> tmpCrc ffdb, at time 411002000 +# In --> sending ACK at time 412902000 +# RecvBuffer[0] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[1] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[2] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[3] = 00000000 : 0 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 419454000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 419738000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 420467000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 421271000 +# CntrlTransType = 10 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 433146000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 433451000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 434159000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 434963000 +# In --> in_out_buf[0] = 11010010, in_out_buf_ptr = 1 +# CntrlTransType = 10 +# ... Write data 0d to UART done cnt : 5 ... +# +# +# ... Writing char 141 ... +# In --> In task wait for response at time 438102000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 438491000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 439202000 in host +# In --> receive data = 4b +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 09 +# (tb.u_uart_agent.read_char_chk.loop_2) Data match 81 +# ... Read Data from UART done cnt : 2... +# In --> receive data = 3f +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = dd +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 444098000 +# In --> Data toggle recevied is 1001011 at time 444182000 +# In --> received byte[1] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[2] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[3] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[4] = 00001001 +# In --> calculated crc is 344 at time 444182000. +# In --> received raw crc is 344 at time 444182000. +# In --> received crc is 3fdd at time 444182000. +# In --> tmpCrc 3fdd, at time 444182000 +# In --> sending ACK at time 446082000 +# RecvBuffer[0] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[1] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[2] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[3] = 00001001 : 9 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 452634000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 452918000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 453647000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 454430000 +# CntrlTransType = 11 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 466326000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 466610000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 467336000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 468122000 +# In --> in_out_buf[0] = 11010010, in_out_buf_ptr = 1 +# In host --> address = 01, EndPt = 0, crc5 = 1d, tmpReg = e801 +# In --> DataToggle is 1 +# In --> DataToggle is 4b at time 471366000. +# In --> sending byte[1] = 00000000 +# In --> sending byte[2] = 00000000 +# In --> sending byte[3] = 00000000 +# In --> sending byte[4] = 00001001 +# In --> raw crc is 344 at time 471366 +# In --> sent crc is 3fdd at time 471366 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 477414000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 477698000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 478423000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 479210000 +# In --> bits received are 7 +# In --> ACK received at time 479210000. +# Input Address:01, EndPt:0 +# i : 1, CntrlTransType:3; CntrlTransAddr:01;CntrlTransEndP:0 +# In CntrlTransType = 11, WRITE = 11 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 482454000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 482822000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 483549000 in host +# In --> receive data = 4b +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 485678000 +# +# ... Reading the UART Status: 0000000b ... +# CntrlTransType = 10 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 499506000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 499790000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 500516000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 501302000 +# In --> in_out_buf[0] = 11010010, in_out_buf_ptr = 1 +# CntrlTransType = 10 +# ... Write data 8d to UART done cnt : 6 ... +# +# +# ... Writing char 101 ... +# In --> In task wait for response at time 504462000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 504830000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 505556000 in host +# In --> receive data = 4b +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = ff +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = db +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 510437000 +# In --> Data toggle recevied is 1001011 at time 510521000 +# In --> received byte[1] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[2] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[3] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[4] = 00000000 +# In --> calculated crc is 24 at time 510521000. +# In --> received raw crc is 24 at time 510521000. +# In --> received crc is ffdb at time 510521000. +# In --> tmpCrc ffdb, at time 510521000 +# In --> sending ACK at time 512442000 +# RecvBuffer[0] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[1] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[2] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[3] = 00000000 : 0 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 518994000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 519299000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 519999000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 520811000 +# CntrlTransType = 10 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 532686000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 532991000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 533690000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 534503000 +# In --> in_out_buf[0] = 11010010, in_out_buf_ptr = 1 +# CntrlTransType = 10 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 537642000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 538031000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 538734000 in host +# In --> receive data = 4b +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 63 +# In --> receive data = bf +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = f2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 543617000 +# In --> Data toggle recevied is 1001011 at time 543701000 +# In --> received byte[1] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[2] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[3] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[4] = 01100011 +# In --> calculated crc is 2b0 at time 543701000. +# In --> received raw crc is 2b0 at time 543701000. +# In --> received crc is bff2 at time 543701000. +# In --> tmpCrc bff2, at time 543701000 +# (tb.u_uart_agent.read_char_chk.loop_2) Data match 09 +# ... Read Data from UART done cnt : 3... +# In --> sending ACK at time 545622000 +# RecvBuffer[0] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[1] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[2] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[3] = 01100011 : 99 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 552174000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 552479000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 553176000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 553970000 +# ... Write data 65 to UART done cnt : 7 ... +# +# +# ... Writing char 18 ... +# CntrlTransType = 11 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 565866000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 566150000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 566868000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 567662000 +# In --> in_out_buf[0] = 11010010, in_out_buf_ptr = 1 +# In host --> address = 01, EndPt = 0, crc5 = 1d, tmpReg = e801 +# In --> DataToggle is 1 +# In --> DataToggle is 4b at time 570906000. +# In --> sending byte[1] = 00000000 +# In --> sending byte[2] = 00000000 +# In --> sending byte[3] = 00000000 +# In --> sending byte[4] = 01100011 +# In --> raw crc is 2b0 at time 570906 +# In --> sent crc is bff2 at time 570906 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 576954000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 577238000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 577955000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 578750000 +# In --> bits received are 7 +# In --> ACK received at time 578750000. +# Input Address:01, EndPt:0 +# i : 1, CntrlTransType:3; CntrlTransAddr:01;CntrlTransEndP:0 +# In CntrlTransType = 11, WRITE = 11 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 581994000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 582362000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 583084000 in host +# In --> receive data = 4b +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 585218000 +# +# ... Reading the UART Status: 00000063 ... +# CntrlTransType = 10 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 599046000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 599330000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 600066000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 600863000 +# In --> in_out_buf[0] = 11010010, in_out_buf_ptr = 1 +# CntrlTransType = 10 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 604002000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 604391000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 605088000 in host +# In --> receive data = 4b +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = ff +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = db +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 609977000 +# In --> Data toggle recevied is 1001011 at time 610061000 +# In --> received byte[1] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[2] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[3] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[4] = 00000000 +# In --> calculated crc is 24 at time 610061000. +# In --> received raw crc is 24 at time 610061000. +# In --> received crc is ffdb at time 610061000. +# In --> tmpCrc ffdb, at time 610061000 +# In --> sending ACK at time 611982000 +# RecvBuffer[0] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[1] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[2] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[3] = 00000000 : 0 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 618534000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 618839000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 619554000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 620351000 +# ... Write data 12 to UART done cnt : 8 ... +# +# +# ... Writing char 1 ... +# CntrlTransType = 10 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 632226000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 632531000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 633246000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 634043000 +# In --> in_out_buf[0] = 11010010, in_out_buf_ptr = 1 +# CntrlTransType = 10 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 637182000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 637571000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 638266000 in host +# In --> receive data = 4b +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# (tb.u_uart_agent.read_char_chk.loop_2) Data match 63 +# ... Read Data from UART done cnt : 4... +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 0d +# In --> receive data = 3e +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = 1e +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 643073000 +# In --> Data toggle recevied is 1001011 at time 643157000 +# In --> received byte[1] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[2] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[3] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[4] = 00001101 +# In --> calculated crc is 8387 at time 643157000. +# In --> received raw crc is 8387 at time 643157000. +# In --> received crc is 3e1e at time 643157000. +# In --> tmpCrc 3e1e, at time 643157000 +# In --> sending ACK at time 645078000 +# RecvBuffer[0] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[1] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[2] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[3] = 00001101 : 13 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 651630000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 651935000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 652648000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 653447000 +# CntrlTransType = 11 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 665322000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 665627000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 666340000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 667139000 +# In --> in_out_buf[0] = 11010010, in_out_buf_ptr = 1 +# In host --> address = 01, EndPt = 0, crc5 = 1d, tmpReg = e801 +# In --> DataToggle is 1 +# In --> DataToggle is 4b at time 670362000. +# In --> sending byte[1] = 00000000 +# In --> sending byte[2] = 00000000 +# In --> sending byte[3] = 00000000 +# In --> sending byte[4] = 00001101 +# In --> raw crc is 8387 at time 670362 +# In --> sent crc is 3e1e at time 670362 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 676326000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 676631000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 677341000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 678143000 +# In --> bits received are 7 +# In --> ACK received at time 678143000. +# Input Address:01, EndPt:0 +# i : 1, CntrlTransType:3; CntrlTransAddr:01;CntrlTransEndP:0 +# In CntrlTransType = 11, WRITE = 11 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 681366000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 681671000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 682384000 in host +# In --> receive data = 4b +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 684527000 +# +# ... Reading the UART Status: 0000000f ... +# ... Write data 01 to UART done cnt : 9 ... +# +# +# ... Writing char 13 ... +# CntrlTransType = 10 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 698334000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 698639000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 699348000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 700151000 +# In --> in_out_buf[0] = 11010010, in_out_buf_ptr = 1 +# CntrlTransType = 10 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 703290000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 703595000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 704308000 in host +# In --> receive data = 4b +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = ff +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = db +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 709202000 +# In --> Data toggle recevied is 1001011 at time 709286000 +# In --> received byte[1] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[2] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[3] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[4] = 00000000 +# In --> calculated crc is 24 at time 709286000. +# In --> received raw crc is 24 at time 709286000. +# In --> received crc is ffdb at time 709286000. +# In --> tmpCrc ffdb, at time 709286000 +# In --> sending ACK at time 711186000 +# RecvBuffer[0] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[1] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[2] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[3] = 00000000 : 0 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 717738000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 718022000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 718750000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 719534000 +# CntrlTransType = 10 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 731430000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 731714000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 732442000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 733226000 +# In --> in_out_buf[0] = 11010010, in_out_buf_ptr = 1 +# CntrlTransType = 10 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 736386000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 736754000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 737485000 in host +# In --> receive data = 4b +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 8d +# In --> receive data = 3f +# (tb.u_uart_agent.read_char_chk.loop_2) Data match 0d +# ... Read Data from UART done cnt : 5... +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = be +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 742382000 +# In --> Data toggle recevied is 1001011 at time 742466000 +# In --> received byte[1] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[2] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[3] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[4] = 10001101 +# In --> calculated crc is 382 at time 742466000. +# In --> received raw crc is 382 at time 742466000. +# In --> received crc is 3fbe at time 742466000. +# In --> tmpCrc 3fbe, at time 742466000 +# In --> sending ACK at time 744366000 +# RecvBuffer[0] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[1] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[2] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[3] = 10001101 : 141 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 750918000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 751202000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 751930000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 752714000 +# ... Write data 0d to UART done cnt : 10 ... +# +# +# ... Writing char 118 ... +# CntrlTransType = 11 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 764610000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 764894000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 765619000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 766406000 +# In --> in_out_buf[0] = 11010010, in_out_buf_ptr = 1 +# In host --> address = 01, EndPt = 0, crc5 = 1d, tmpReg = e801 +# In --> DataToggle is 1 +# In --> DataToggle is 4b at time 769650000. +# In --> sending byte[1] = 00000000 +# In --> sending byte[2] = 00000000 +# In --> sending byte[3] = 00000000 +# In --> sending byte[4] = 10001101 +# In --> raw crc is 382 at time 769650 +# In --> sent crc is 3fbe at time 769650 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 775698000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 775982000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 776706000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 777494000 +# In --> bits received are 7 +# In --> ACK received at time 777494000. +# Input Address:01, EndPt:0 +# i : 1, CntrlTransType:3; CntrlTransAddr:01;CntrlTransEndP:0 +# In CntrlTransType = 11, WRITE = 11 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 780738000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 781106000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 781832000 in host +# In --> receive data = 4b +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 783962000 +# +# ... Reading the UART Status: 0000008f ... +# CntrlTransType = 10 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 797790000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 798074000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 798799000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 799586000 +# In --> in_out_buf[0] = 11010010, in_out_buf_ptr = 1 +# CntrlTransType = 10 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 802746000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 803114000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 803839000 in host +# In --> receive data = 4b +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = ff +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = db +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 808721000 +# In --> Data toggle recevied is 1001011 at time 808805000 +# In --> received byte[1] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[2] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[3] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[4] = 00000000 +# In --> calculated crc is 24 at time 808805000. +# In --> received raw crc is 24 at time 808805000. +# In --> received crc is ffdb at time 808805000. +# In --> tmpCrc ffdb, at time 808805000 +# In --> sending ACK at time 810726000 +# RecvBuffer[0] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[1] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[2] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[3] = 00000000 : 0 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 817278000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 817583000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 818282000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 819095000 +# ... Write data 76 to UART done cnt : 11 ... +# +# +# ... Writing char 61 ... +# CntrlTransType = 10 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 830970000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 831275000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 831973000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 832787000 +# In --> in_out_buf[0] = 11010010, in_out_buf_ptr = 1 +# CntrlTransType = 10 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 835926000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 836315000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 837017000 in host +# In --> receive data = 4b +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 65 +# In --> receive data = 3f +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = f0 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 841901000 +# In --> Data toggle recevied is 1001011 at time 841985000 +# In --> received byte[1] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[2] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[3] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[4] = 01100101 +# In --> calculated crc is 3f0 at time 841985000. +# In --> received raw crc is 3f0 at time 841985000. +# In --> received crc is 3ff0 at time 841985000. +# In --> tmpCrc 3ff0, at time 841985000 +# (tb.u_uart_agent.read_char_chk.loop_2) Data match 8d +# ... Read Data from UART done cnt : 6... +# In --> sending ACK at time 843906000 +# RecvBuffer[0] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[1] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[2] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[3] = 01100101 : 101 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 850458000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 850763000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 851459000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 852254000 +# CntrlTransType = 11 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 864150000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 864434000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 865151000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 865946000 +# In --> in_out_buf[0] = 11010010, in_out_buf_ptr = 1 +# In host --> address = 01, EndPt = 0, crc5 = 1d, tmpReg = e801 +# In --> DataToggle is 1 +# In --> DataToggle is 4b at time 869190000. +# In --> sending byte[1] = 00000000 +# In --> sending byte[2] = 00000000 +# In --> sending byte[3] = 00000000 +# In --> sending byte[4] = 01100101 +# In --> raw crc is 3f0 at time 869190 +# In --> sent crc is 3ff0 at time 869190 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 875238000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 875522000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 876258000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 877055000 +# In --> bits received are 7 +# In --> ACK received at time 877055000. +# Input Address:01, EndPt:0 +# i : 1, CntrlTransType:3; CntrlTransAddr:01;CntrlTransEndP:0 +# In CntrlTransType = 11, WRITE = 11 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 880278000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 880667000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 881367000 in host +# In --> receive data = 4b +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 883502000 +# +# ... Reading the UART Status: 00000067 ... +# ... Write data 3d to UART done cnt : 12 ... +# +# +# ... Writing char 237 ... +# CntrlTransType = 10 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 897330000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 897614000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 898349000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 899147000 +# In --> in_out_buf[0] = 11010010, in_out_buf_ptr = 1 +# CntrlTransType = 10 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 902286000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 902675000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 903374000 in host +# In --> receive data = 4b +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = ff +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = db +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 908261000 +# In --> Data toggle recevied is 1001011 at time 908345000 +# In --> received byte[1] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[2] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[3] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[4] = 00000000 +# In --> calculated crc is 24 at time 908345000. +# In --> received raw crc is 24 at time 908345000. +# In --> received crc is ffdb at time 908345000. +# In --> tmpCrc ffdb, at time 908345000 +# In --> sending ACK at time 910266000 +# RecvBuffer[0] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[1] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[2] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[3] = 00000000 : 0 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 916818000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 917123000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 917837000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 918635000 +# CntrlTransType = 10 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 930510000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 930815000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 931529000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 932327000 +# In --> in_out_buf[0] = 11010010, in_out_buf_ptr = 1 +# CntrlTransType = 10 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 935466000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 935855000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 936569000 in host +# In --> receive data = 4b +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# (tb.u_uart_agent.read_char_chk.loop_2) Data match 65 +# ... Read Data from UART done cnt : 7... +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 12 +# In --> receive data = 7f +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d6 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 941462000 +# In --> Data toggle recevied is 1001011 at time 941546000 +# In --> received byte[1] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[2] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[3] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[4] = 00010010 +# In --> calculated crc is 194 at time 941546000. +# In --> received raw crc is 194 at time 941546000. +# In --> received crc is 7fd6 at time 941546000. +# In --> tmpCrc 7fd6, at time 941546000 +# In --> sending ACK at time 943446000 +# RecvBuffer[0] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[1] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[2] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[3] = 00010010 : 18 +# ... Write data ed to UART done cnt : 13 ... +# +# +# ... Writing char 140 ... +# In --> In task wait for response at time 949998000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 950282000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 951011000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 951815000 +# CntrlTransType = 11 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 963690000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 963995000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 964703000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 965507000 +# In --> in_out_buf[0] = 11010010, in_out_buf_ptr = 1 +# In host --> address = 01, EndPt = 0, crc5 = 1d, tmpReg = e801 +# In --> DataToggle is 1 +# In --> DataToggle is 4b at time 968730000. +# In --> sending byte[1] = 00000000 +# In --> sending byte[2] = 00000000 +# In --> sending byte[3] = 00000000 +# In --> sending byte[4] = 00010010 +# In --> raw crc is 194 at time 968730 +# In --> sent crc is 7fd6 at time 968730 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 974778000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 975083000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 975793000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 976595000 +# In --> bits received are 7 +# In --> ACK received at time 976595000. +# Input Address:01, EndPt:0 +# i : 1, CntrlTransType:3; CntrlTransAddr:01;CntrlTransEndP:0 +# In CntrlTransType = 11, WRITE = 11 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 979818000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 980207000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 980917000 in host +# In --> receive data = 4b +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 983063000 +# +# ... Reading the UART Status: 00000012 ... +# CntrlTransType = 10 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 996870000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 997175000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 997881000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 998687000 +# In --> in_out_buf[0] = 11010010, in_out_buf_ptr = 1 +# CntrlTransType = 10 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 1001826000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 1002215000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 1002924000 in host +# In --> receive data = 4b +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = ff +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = db +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 1007822000 +# In --> Data toggle recevied is 1001011 at time 1007906000 +# In --> received byte[1] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[2] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[3] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[4] = 00000000 +# In --> calculated crc is 24 at time 1007906000. +# In --> received raw crc is 24 at time 1007906000. +# In --> received crc is ffdb at time 1007906000. +# In --> tmpCrc ffdb, at time 1007906000 +# In --> sending ACK at time 1009806000 +# RecvBuffer[0] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[1] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[2] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[3] = 00000000 : 0 +# ... Write data 8c to UART done cnt : 14 ... +# +# +# ... Writing char 249 ... +# In --> In task wait for response at time 1016358000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 1016642000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 1017369000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 1018154000 +# CntrlTransType = 10 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 1030050000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 1030334000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 1031058000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 1031846000 +# In --> in_out_buf[0] = 11010010, in_out_buf_ptr = 1 +# CntrlTransType = 10 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 1035006000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 1035374000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 1036104000 in host +# In --> receive data = 4b +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 01 +# In --> receive data = 3e +# (tb.u_uart_agent.read_char_chk.loop_2) Data match 12 +# ... Read Data from UART done cnt : 8... +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = 1b +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 1040897000 +# In --> Data toggle recevied is 1001011 at time 1040981000 +# In --> received byte[1] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[2] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[3] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[4] = 00000001 +# In --> calculated crc is 8327 at time 1040981000. +# In --> received raw crc is 8327 at time 1040981000. +# In --> received crc is 3e1b at time 1040981000. +# In --> tmpCrc 3e1b, at time 1040981000 +# In --> sending ACK at time 1042902000 +# RecvBuffer[0] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[1] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[2] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[3] = 00000001 : 1 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 1049454000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 1049759000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 1050463000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 1051271000 +# CntrlTransType = 11 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 1063146000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 1063451000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 1064152000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 1064963000 +# In --> in_out_buf[0] = 11010010, in_out_buf_ptr = 1 +# In host --> address = 01, EndPt = 0, crc5 = 1d, tmpReg = e801 +# In --> DataToggle is 1 +# In --> DataToggle is 4b at time 1068186000. +# In --> sending byte[1] = 00000000 +# In --> sending byte[2] = 00000000 +# In --> sending byte[3] = 00000000 +# In --> sending byte[4] = 00000001 +# In --> raw crc is 8327 at time 1068186 +# In --> sent crc is 3e1b at time 1068186 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 1074150000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 1074455000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 1075155000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 1075967000 +# In --> bits received are 7 +# In --> ACK received at time 1075967000. +# Input Address:01, EndPt:0 +# i : 1, CntrlTransType:3; CntrlTransAddr:01;CntrlTransEndP:0 +# In CntrlTransType = 11, WRITE = 11 +# ... Write data f9 to UART done cnt : 15 ... +# +# +# ... Writing char 198 ... +# In --> In task wait for response at time 1079190000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 1079579000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 1080285000 in host +# In --> receive data = 4b +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 1082414000 +# +# ... Reading the UART Status: 00000003 ... +# CntrlTransType = 10 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 1096242000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 1096526000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 1097246000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 1098038000 +# In --> in_out_buf[0] = 11010010, in_out_buf_ptr = 1 +# CntrlTransType = 10 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 1101198000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 1101566000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 1102292000 in host +# In --> receive data = 4b +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = ff +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = db +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 1107173000 +# In --> Data toggle recevied is 1001011 at time 1107257000 +# In --> received byte[1] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[2] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[3] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[4] = 00000000 +# In --> calculated crc is 24 at time 1107257000. +# In --> received raw crc is 24 at time 1107257000. +# In --> received crc is ffdb at time 1107257000. +# In --> tmpCrc ffdb, at time 1107257000 +# In --> sending ACK at time 1109178000 +# RecvBuffer[0] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[1] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[2] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[3] = 00000000 : 0 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 1115730000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 1116035000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 1116734000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 1117526000 +# CntrlTransType = 10 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 1129422000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 1129706000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 1130426000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 1131218000 +# In --> in_out_buf[0] = 11010010, in_out_buf_ptr = 1 +# CntrlTransType = 10 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 1134378000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 1134746000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 1135466000 in host +# In --> receive data = 4b +# (tb.u_uart_agent.read_char_chk.loop_2) Data match 01 +# ... Read Data from UART done cnt : 9... +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 0d +# In --> receive data = 3e +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = 1e +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 1140269000 +# In --> Data toggle recevied is 1001011 at time 1140353000 +# In --> received byte[1] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[2] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[3] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[4] = 00001101 +# In --> calculated crc is 8387 at time 1140353000. +# In --> received raw crc is 8387 at time 1140353000. +# In --> received crc is 3e1e at time 1140353000. +# In --> tmpCrc 3e1e, at time 1140353000 +# ... Write data c6 to UART done cnt : 16 ... +# +# +# ... Writing char 197 ... +# In --> sending ACK at time 1142274000 +# RecvBuffer[0] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[1] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[2] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[3] = 00001101 : 13 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 1148826000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 1149131000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 1149846000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 1150643000 +# CntrlTransType = 11 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 1162518000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 1162823000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 1163538000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 1164335000 +# In --> in_out_buf[0] = 11010010, in_out_buf_ptr = 1 +# In host --> address = 01, EndPt = 0, crc5 = 1d, tmpReg = e801 +# In --> DataToggle is 1 +# In --> DataToggle is 4b at time 1167558000. +# In --> sending byte[1] = 00000000 +# In --> sending byte[2] = 00000000 +# In --> sending byte[3] = 00000000 +# In --> sending byte[4] = 00001101 +# In --> raw crc is 8387 at time 1167558 +# In --> sent crc is 3e1e at time 1167558 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 1173522000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 1173827000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 1174541000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 1175339000 +# In --> bits received are 7 +# In --> ACK received at time 1175339000. +# Input Address:01, EndPt:0 +# i : 1, CntrlTransType:3; CntrlTransAddr:01;CntrlTransEndP:0 +# In CntrlTransType = 11, WRITE = 11 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 1178562000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 1178951000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 1179650000 in host +# In --> receive data = 4b +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 1181786000 +# +# ... Reading the UART Status: 0000000f ... +# CntrlTransType = 10 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 1195614000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 1195898000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 1196632000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 1197431000 +# In --> in_out_buf[0] = 11010010, in_out_buf_ptr = 1 +# CntrlTransType = 10 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 1200570000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 1200959000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 1201657000 in host +# In --> receive data = 4b +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = ff +# ... Write data c5 to UART done cnt : 17 ... +# +# +# ... Writing char 170 ... +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = db +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 1206545000 +# In --> Data toggle recevied is 1001011 at time 1206629000 +# In --> received byte[1] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[2] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[3] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[4] = 00000000 +# In --> calculated crc is 24 at time 1206629000. +# In --> received raw crc is 24 at time 1206629000. +# In --> received crc is ffdb at time 1206629000. +# In --> tmpCrc ffdb, at time 1206629000 +# In --> sending ACK at time 1208550000 +# RecvBuffer[0] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[1] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[2] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[3] = 00000000 : 0 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 1215102000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 1215407000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 1216120000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 1216919000 +# CntrlTransType = 10 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 1228794000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 1229099000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 1229812000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 1230611000 +# In --> in_out_buf[0] = 11010010, in_out_buf_ptr = 1 +# CntrlTransType = 10 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 1233750000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 1234055000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 1234769000 in host +# In --> receive data = 4b +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# (tb.u_uart_agent.read_char_chk.loop_2) Data match 0d +# ... Read Data from UART done cnt : 10... +# In --> receive data = 76 +# In --> receive data = 7e +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = 3d +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 1239662000 +# In --> Data toggle recevied is 1001011 at time 1239746000 +# In --> received byte[1] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[2] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[3] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[4] = 01110110 +# In --> calculated crc is 8143 at time 1239746000. +# In --> received raw crc is 8143 at time 1239746000. +# In --> received crc is 7e3d at time 1239746000. +# In --> tmpCrc 7e3d, at time 1239746000 +# In --> sending ACK at time 1241646000 +# RecvBuffer[0] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[1] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[2] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[3] = 01110110 : 118 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 1248198000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 1248482000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 1249214000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 1250015000 +# CntrlTransType = 11 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 1261890000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 1262195000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 1262903000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 1263707000 +# In --> in_out_buf[0] = 11010010, in_out_buf_ptr = 1 +# In host --> address = 01, EndPt = 0, crc5 = 1d, tmpReg = e801 +# In --> DataToggle is 1 +# In --> DataToggle is 4b at time 1266930000. +# In --> sending byte[1] = 00000000 +# In --> sending byte[2] = 00000000 +# In --> sending byte[3] = 00000000 +# In --> sending byte[4] = 01110110 +# In --> raw crc is 8143 at time 1266930 +# In --> sent crc is 7e3d at time 1266930 +# ... Write data aa to UART done cnt : 18 ... +# +# +# ... Writing char 229 ... +# In --> In task wait for response at time 1272978000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 1273283000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 1273990000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 1274795000 +# In --> bits received are 7 +# In --> ACK received at time 1274795000. +# Input Address:01, EndPt:0 +# i : 1, CntrlTransType:3; CntrlTransAddr:01;CntrlTransEndP:0 +# In CntrlTransType = 11, WRITE = 11 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 1278018000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 1278407000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 1279116000 in host +# In --> receive data = 4b +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 1281263000 +# +# ... Reading the UART Status: 00000076 ... +# CntrlTransType = 10 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 1295070000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 1295375000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 1296083000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 1296887000 +# In --> in_out_buf[0] = 11010010, in_out_buf_ptr = 1 +# CntrlTransType = 10 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 1300026000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 1300415000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 1301123000 in host +# In --> receive data = 4b +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = ff +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = db +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 1306022000 +# In --> Data toggle recevied is 1001011 at time 1306106000 +# In --> received byte[1] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[2] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[3] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[4] = 00000000 +# In --> calculated crc is 24 at time 1306106000. +# In --> received raw crc is 24 at time 1306106000. +# In --> received crc is ffdb at time 1306106000. +# In --> tmpCrc ffdb, at time 1306106000 +# In --> sending ACK at time 1308006000 +# RecvBuffer[0] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[1] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[2] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[3] = 00000000 : 0 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 1314558000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 1314842000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 1315566000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 1316354000 +# CntrlTransType = 10 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 1328250000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 1328534000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 1329257000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 1330046000 +# In --> in_out_buf[0] = 11010010, in_out_buf_ptr = 1 +# CntrlTransType = 10 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 1333206000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 1333574000 +# ... Write data e5 to UART done cnt : 19 ... +# +# +# ... Writing char 119 ... +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 1334301000 in host +# In --> receive data = 4b +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 3d +# In --> receive data = 3e +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = 0a +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 1339097000 +# In --> Data toggle recevied is 1001011 at time 1339181000 +# In --> received byte[1] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[2] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[3] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[4] = 00111101 +# In --> calculated crc is 83af at time 1339181000. +# In --> received raw crc is 83af at time 1339181000. +# In --> received crc is 3e0a at time 1339181000. +# In --> tmpCrc 3e0a, at time 1339181000 +# (tb.u_uart_agent.read_char_chk.loop_2) Data match 76 +# ... Read Data from UART done cnt : 11... +# In --> sending ACK at time 1341102000 +# RecvBuffer[0] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[1] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[2] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[3] = 00111101 : 61 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 1347654000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 1347959000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 1348660000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 1349471000 +# CntrlTransType = 11 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 1361346000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 1361651000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 1362351000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 1363163000 +# In --> in_out_buf[0] = 11010010, in_out_buf_ptr = 1 +# In host --> address = 01, EndPt = 0, crc5 = 1d, tmpReg = e801 +# In --> DataToggle is 1 +# In --> DataToggle is 4b at time 1366386000. +# In --> sending byte[1] = 00000000 +# In --> sending byte[2] = 00000000 +# In --> sending byte[3] = 00000000 +# In --> sending byte[4] = 00111101 +# In --> raw crc is 83af at time 1366386 +# In --> sent crc is 3e0a at time 1366386 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 1372350000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 1372655000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 1373355000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 1374167000 +# In --> bits received are 7 +# In --> ACK received at time 1374167000. +# Input Address:01, EndPt:0 +# i : 1, CntrlTransType:3; CntrlTransAddr:01;CntrlTransEndP:0 +# In CntrlTransType = 11, WRITE = 11 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 1377390000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 1377779000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 1378482000 in host +# In --> receive data = 4b +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 1380614000 +# +# ... Reading the UART Status: 0000003f ... +# CntrlTransType = 10 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 1394442000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 1394726000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 1395445000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 1396238000 +# In --> in_out_buf[0] = 11010010, in_out_buf_ptr = 1 +# CntrlTransType = 10 +# ... Write data 77 to UART done cnt : 20 ... +# +# +# ... Writing char 18 ... +# In --> In task wait for response at time 1399398000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 1399766000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 1400489000 in host +# In --> receive data = 4b +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = ff +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = db +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 1405373000 +# In --> Data toggle recevied is 1001011 at time 1405457000 +# In --> received byte[1] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[2] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[3] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[4] = 00000000 +# In --> calculated crc is 24 at time 1405457000. +# In --> received raw crc is 24 at time 1405457000. +# In --> received crc is ffdb at time 1405457000. +# In --> tmpCrc ffdb, at time 1405457000 +# In --> sending ACK at time 1407378000 +# RecvBuffer[0] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[1] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[2] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[3] = 00000000 : 0 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 1413930000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 1414235000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 1414931000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 1415726000 +# CntrlTransType = 10 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 1427622000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 1427906000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 1428623000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 1429418000 +# In --> in_out_buf[0] = 11010010, in_out_buf_ptr = 1 +# CntrlTransType = 10 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 1432578000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 1432946000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 1433666000 in host +# In --> receive data = 4b +# In --> receive data = 00 +# (tb.u_uart_agent.read_char_chk.loop_2) Data match 3d +# ... Read Data from UART done cnt : 12... +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = ed +# In --> receive data = 3f +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = 96 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 1438553000 +# In --> Data toggle recevied is 1001011 at time 1438637000 +# In --> received byte[1] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[2] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[3] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[4] = 11101101 +# In --> calculated crc is 396 at time 1438637000. +# In --> received raw crc is 396 at time 1438637000. +# In --> received crc is 3f96 at time 1438637000. +# In --> tmpCrc 3f96, at time 1438637000 +# In --> sending ACK at time 1440558000 +# RecvBuffer[0] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[1] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[2] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[3] = 11101101 : 237 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 1447110000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 1447415000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 1448129000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 1448927000 +# CntrlTransType = 11 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 1460802000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 1461107000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 1461821000 in host +# ... Write data 12 to UART done cnt : 21 ... +# +# +# ... Writing char 143 ... +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 1462619000 +# In --> in_out_buf[0] = 11010010, in_out_buf_ptr = 1 +# In host --> address = 01, EndPt = 0, crc5 = 1d, tmpReg = e801 +# In --> DataToggle is 1 +# In --> DataToggle is 4b at time 1465842000. +# In --> sending byte[1] = 00000000 +# In --> sending byte[2] = 00000000 +# In --> sending byte[3] = 00000000 +# In --> sending byte[4] = 11101101 +# In --> raw crc is 396 at time 1465842 +# In --> sent crc is 3f96 at time 1465842 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 1471890000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 1472195000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 1472908000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 1473707000 +# In --> bits received are 7 +# In --> ACK received at time 1473707000. +# Input Address:01, EndPt:0 +# i : 1, CntrlTransType:3; CntrlTransAddr:01;CntrlTransEndP:0 +# In CntrlTransType = 11, WRITE = 11 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 1476930000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 1477319000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 1478013000 in host +# In --> receive data = 4b +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 1480154000 +# +# ... Reading the UART Status: 000000ef ... +# CntrlTransType = 10 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 1493982000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 1494266000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 1495001000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 1495799000 +# In --> in_out_buf[0] = 11010010, in_out_buf_ptr = 1 +# CntrlTransType = 10 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 1498938000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 1499327000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 1500044000 in host +# In --> receive data = 4b +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = ff +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = db +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 1504934000 +# In --> Data toggle recevied is 1001011 at time 1505018000 +# In --> received byte[1] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[2] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[3] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[4] = 00000000 +# In --> calculated crc is 24 at time 1505018000. +# In --> received raw crc is 24 at time 1505018000. +# In --> received crc is ffdb at time 1505018000. +# In --> tmpCrc ffdb, at time 1505018000 +# In --> sending ACK at time 1506918000 +# RecvBuffer[0] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[1] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[2] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[3] = 00000000 : 0 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 1513470000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 1513754000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 1514483000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 1515287000 +# ... Write data 8f to UART done cnt : 22 ... +# +# +# ... Writing char 242 ... +# CntrlTransType = 10 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 1527162000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 1527467000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 1528178000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 1528979000 +# In --> in_out_buf[0] = 11010010, in_out_buf_ptr = 1 +# CntrlTransType = 10 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 1532118000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 1532423000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 1533138000 in host +# In --> receive data = 4b +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 8c +# (tb.u_uart_agent.read_char_chk.loop_2) Data match ed +# ... Read Data from UART done cnt : 13... +# In --> receive data = fe +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = 7e +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 1538114000 +# In --> Data toggle recevied is 1001011 at time 1538198000 +# In --> received byte[1] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[2] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[3] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[4] = 10001100 +# In --> calculated crc is 8081 at time 1538198000. +# In --> received raw crc is 8081 at time 1538198000. +# In --> received crc is fe7e at time 1538198000. +# In --> tmpCrc fe7e, at time 1538198000 +# In --> sending ACK at time 1540098000 +# RecvBuffer[0] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[1] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[2] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[3] = 10001100 : 140 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 1546650000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 1546934000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 1547661000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 1548446000 +# CntrlTransType = 11 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 1560342000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 1560626000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 1561353000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 1562138000 +# In --> in_out_buf[0] = 11010010, in_out_buf_ptr = 1 +# In host --> address = 01, EndPt = 0, crc5 = 1d, tmpReg = e801 +# In --> DataToggle is 1 +# In --> DataToggle is 4b at time 1565382000. +# In --> sending byte[1] = 00000000 +# In --> sending byte[2] = 00000000 +# In --> sending byte[3] = 00000000 +# In --> sending byte[4] = 10001100 +# In --> raw crc is 8081 at time 1565382 +# In --> sent crc is fe7e at time 1565382 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 1571514000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 1571798000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 1572523000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 1573310000 +# In --> bits received are 7 +# In --> ACK received at time 1573310000. +# Input Address:01, EndPt:0 +# i : 1, CntrlTransType:3; CntrlTransAddr:01;CntrlTransEndP:0 +# In CntrlTransType = 11, WRITE = 11 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 1576554000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 1576922000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 1577649000 in host +# In --> receive data = 4b +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 1579778000 +# +# ... Reading the UART Status: 0000008e ... +# ... Write data f2 to UART done cnt : 23 ... +# +# +# ... Writing char 206 ... +# CntrlTransType = 10 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 1593606000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 1593890000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 1594616000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 1595402000 +# In --> in_out_buf[0] = 11010010, in_out_buf_ptr = 1 +# CntrlTransType = 10 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 1598562000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 1598930000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 1599656000 in host +# In --> receive data = 4b +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = ff +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = db +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 1604537000 +# In --> Data toggle recevied is 1001011 at time 1604621000 +# In --> received byte[1] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[2] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[3] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[4] = 00000000 +# In --> calculated crc is 24 at time 1604621000. +# In --> received raw crc is 24 at time 1604621000. +# In --> received crc is ffdb at time 1604621000. +# In --> tmpCrc ffdb, at time 1604621000 +# In --> sending ACK at time 1606542000 +# RecvBuffer[0] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[1] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[2] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[3] = 00000000 : 0 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 1613094000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 1613399000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 1614099000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 1614911000 +# CntrlTransType = 10 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 1626786000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 1627091000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 1627790000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 1628603000 +# In --> in_out_buf[0] = 11010010, in_out_buf_ptr = 1 +# CntrlTransType = 10 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 1631742000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 1632131000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 1632834000 in host +# In --> receive data = 4b +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = f9 +# In --> receive data = 3f +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = 99 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 1637717000 +# In --> Data toggle recevied is 1001011 at time 1637801000 +# In --> received byte[1] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[2] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[3] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[4] = 11111001 +# In --> calculated crc is 366 at time 1637801000. +# In --> received raw crc is 366 at time 1637801000. +# In --> received crc is 3f99 at time 1637801000. +# In --> tmpCrc 3f99, at time 1637801000 +# (tb.u_uart_agent.read_char_chk.loop_2) Data match 8c +# ... Read Data from UART done cnt : 14... +# In --> sending ACK at time 1639722000 +# RecvBuffer[0] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[1] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[2] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[3] = 11111001 : 249 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 1646274000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 1646579000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 1647276000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 1648070000 +# ... Write data ce to UART done cnt : 24 ... +# +# +# ... Writing char 232 ... +# CntrlTransType = 11 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 1659966000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 1660250000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 1660968000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 1661762000 +# In --> in_out_buf[0] = 11010010, in_out_buf_ptr = 1 +# In host --> address = 01, EndPt = 0, crc5 = 1d, tmpReg = e801 +# In --> DataToggle is 1 +# In --> DataToggle is 4b at time 1665006000. +# In --> sending byte[1] = 00000000 +# In --> sending byte[2] = 00000000 +# In --> sending byte[3] = 00000000 +# In --> sending byte[4] = 11111001 +# In --> raw crc is 366 at time 1665006 +# In --> sent crc is 3f99 at time 1665006 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 1671054000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 1671338000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 1672055000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 1672850000 +# In --> bits received are 7 +# In --> ACK received at time 1672850000. +# Input Address:01, EndPt:0 +# i : 1, CntrlTransType:3; CntrlTransAddr:01;CntrlTransEndP:0 +# In CntrlTransType = 11, WRITE = 11 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 1676094000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 1676462000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 1677184000 in host +# In --> receive data = 4b +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 1679318000 +# +# ... Reading the UART Status: 000000fb ... +# CntrlTransType = 10 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 1693146000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 1693430000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 1694166000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 1694963000 +# In --> in_out_buf[0] = 11010010, in_out_buf_ptr = 1 +# CntrlTransType = 10 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 1698102000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 1698491000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 1699188000 in host +# In --> receive data = 4b +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = ff +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = db +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 1704077000 +# In --> Data toggle recevied is 1001011 at time 1704161000 +# In --> received byte[1] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[2] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[3] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[4] = 00000000 +# In --> calculated crc is 24 at time 1704161000. +# In --> received raw crc is 24 at time 1704161000. +# In --> received crc is ffdb at time 1704161000. +# In --> tmpCrc ffdb, at time 1704161000 +# In --> sending ACK at time 1706082000 +# RecvBuffer[0] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[1] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[2] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[3] = 00000000 : 0 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 1712634000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 1712939000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 1713654000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 1714451000 +# ... Write data e8 to UART done cnt : 25 ... +# +# +# ... Writing char 197 ... +# CntrlTransType = 10 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 1726326000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 1726631000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 1727346000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 1728143000 +# In --> in_out_buf[0] = 11010010, in_out_buf_ptr = 1 +# CntrlTransType = 10 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 1731282000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 1731671000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 1732366000 in host +# In --> receive data = 4b +# In --> receive data = 00 +# (tb.u_uart_agent.read_char_chk.loop_2) Data match f9 +# ... Read Data from UART done cnt : 15... +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = c6 +# In --> receive data = 7f +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = 89 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 1737257000 +# In --> Data toggle recevied is 1001011 at time 1737341000 +# In --> received byte[1] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[2] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[3] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[4] = 11000110 +# In --> calculated crc is 16e at time 1737341000. +# In --> received raw crc is 16e at time 1737341000. +# In --> received crc is 7f89 at time 1737341000. +# In --> tmpCrc 7f89, at time 1737341000 +# In --> sending ACK at time 1739262000 +# RecvBuffer[0] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[1] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[2] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[3] = 11000110 : 198 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 1745814000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 1746119000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 1746829000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 1747631000 +# CntrlTransType = 11 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 1759506000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 1759811000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 1760520000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 1761323000 +# In --> in_out_buf[0] = 11010010, in_out_buf_ptr = 1 +# In host --> address = 01, EndPt = 0, crc5 = 1d, tmpReg = e801 +# In --> DataToggle is 1 +# In --> DataToggle is 4b at time 1764546000. +# In --> sending byte[1] = 00000000 +# In --> sending byte[2] = 00000000 +# In --> sending byte[3] = 00000000 +# In --> sending byte[4] = 11000110 +# In --> raw crc is 16e at time 1764546 +# In --> sent crc is 7f89 at time 1764546 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 1770594000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 1770899000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 1771607000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 1772411000 +# In --> bits received are 7 +# In --> ACK received at time 1772411000. +# Input Address:01, EndPt:0 +# i : 1, CntrlTransType:3; CntrlTransAddr:01;CntrlTransEndP:0 +# In CntrlTransType = 11, WRITE = 11 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 1775634000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 1775939000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 1776651000 in host +# In --> receive data = 4b +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 1778795000 +# +# ... Reading the UART Status: 000000c6 ... +# ... Write data c5 to UART done cnt : 26 ... +# +# +# ... Writing char 92 ... +# CntrlTransType = 10 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 1792602000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 1792907000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 1793614000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 1794419000 +# In --> in_out_buf[0] = 11010010, in_out_buf_ptr = 1 +# CntrlTransType = 10 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 1797558000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 1797947000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 1798658000 in host +# In --> receive data = 4b +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = ff +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = db +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 1803554000 +# In --> Data toggle recevied is 1001011 at time 1803638000 +# In --> received byte[1] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[2] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[3] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[4] = 00000000 +# In --> calculated crc is 24 at time 1803638000. +# In --> received raw crc is 24 at time 1803638000. +# In --> received crc is ffdb at time 1803638000. +# In --> tmpCrc ffdb, at time 1803638000 +# In --> sending ACK at time 1805538000 +# RecvBuffer[0] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[1] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[2] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[3] = 00000000 : 0 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 1812090000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 1812374000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 1813100000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 1813886000 +# CntrlTransType = 10 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 1825782000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 1826066000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 1826792000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 1827578000 +# In --> in_out_buf[0] = 11010010, in_out_buf_ptr = 1 +# CntrlTransType = 10 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 1830738000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 1831106000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 1831835000 in host +# In --> receive data = 4b +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = c5 +# (tb.u_uart_agent.read_char_chk.loop_2) Data match c6 +# ... Read Data from UART done cnt : 16... +# In --> receive data = 3f +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = 88 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 1836713000 +# In --> Data toggle recevied is 1001011 at time 1836797000 +# In --> received byte[1] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[2] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[3] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[4] = 11000101 +# In --> calculated crc is 3ee at time 1836797000. +# In --> received raw crc is 3ee at time 1836797000. +# In --> received crc is 3f88 at time 1836797000. +# In --> tmpCrc 3f88, at time 1836797000 +# In --> sending ACK at time 1838718000 +# RecvBuffer[0] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[1] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[2] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[3] = 11000101 : 197 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 1845270000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 1845575000 +# ... Write data 5c to UART done cnt : 27 ... +# +# +# ... Writing char 189 ... +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 1846280000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 1847087000 +# CntrlTransType = 11 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 1858962000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 1859267000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 1859969000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 1860779000 +# In --> in_out_buf[0] = 11010010, in_out_buf_ptr = 1 +# In host --> address = 01, EndPt = 0, crc5 = 1d, tmpReg = e801 +# In --> DataToggle is 1 +# In --> DataToggle is 4b at time 1864002000. +# In --> sending byte[1] = 00000000 +# In --> sending byte[2] = 00000000 +# In --> sending byte[3] = 00000000 +# In --> sending byte[4] = 11000101 +# In --> raw crc is 3ee at time 1864002 +# In --> sent crc is 3f88 at time 1864002 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 1870050000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 1870355000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 1871056000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 1871867000 +# In --> bits received are 7 +# In --> ACK received at time 1871867000. +# Input Address:01, EndPt:0 +# i : 1, CntrlTransType:3; CntrlTransAddr:01;CntrlTransEndP:0 +# In CntrlTransType = 11, WRITE = 11 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 1875090000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 1875479000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 1876182000 in host +# In --> receive data = 4b +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 1878314000 +# +# ... Reading the UART Status: 000000c7 ... +# CntrlTransType = 10 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 1892142000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 1892426000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 1893149000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 1893938000 +# In --> in_out_buf[0] = 11010010, in_out_buf_ptr = 1 +# CntrlTransType = 10 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 1897098000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 1897466000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 1898189000 in host +# In --> receive data = 4b +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = ff +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = db +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 1903073000 +# In --> Data toggle recevied is 1001011 at time 1903157000 +# In --> received byte[1] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[2] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[3] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[4] = 00000000 +# In --> calculated crc is 24 at time 1903157000. +# In --> received raw crc is 24 at time 1903157000. +# In --> received crc is ffdb at time 1903157000. +# In --> tmpCrc ffdb, at time 1903157000 +# In --> sending ACK at time 1905078000 +# RecvBuffer[0] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[1] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[2] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[3] = 00000000 : 0 +# ... Write data bd to UART done cnt : 28 ... +# +# +# ... Writing char 45 ... +# In --> In task wait for response at time 1911630000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 1911935000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 1912632000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 1913426000 +# CntrlTransType = 10 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 1925322000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 1925606000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 1926323000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 1927118000 +# In --> in_out_buf[0] = 11010010, in_out_buf_ptr = 1 +# CntrlTransType = 10 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 1930278000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 1930646000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 1931367000 in host +# In --> receive data = 4b +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = aa +# In --> receive data = 7f +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = a4 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 1936253000 +# In --> Data toggle recevied is 1001011 at time 1936337000 +# In --> received byte[1] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[2] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[3] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[4] = 10101010 +# In --> calculated crc is 1da at time 1936337000. +# In --> received raw crc is 1da at time 1936337000. +# In --> received crc is 7fa4 at time 1936337000. +# In --> tmpCrc 7fa4, at time 1936337000 +# (tb.u_uart_agent.read_char_chk.loop_2) Data match c5 +# ... Read Data from UART done cnt : 17... +# In --> sending ACK at time 1938258000 +# RecvBuffer[0] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[1] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[2] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[3] = 10101010 : 170 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 1944810000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 1945115000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 1945830000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 1946627000 +# CntrlTransType = 11 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 1958502000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 1958807000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 1959522000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 1960319000 +# In --> in_out_buf[0] = 11010010, in_out_buf_ptr = 1 +# In host --> address = 01, EndPt = 0, crc5 = 1d, tmpReg = e801 +# In --> DataToggle is 1 +# In --> DataToggle is 4b at time 1963542000. +# In --> sending byte[1] = 00000000 +# In --> sending byte[2] = 00000000 +# In --> sending byte[3] = 00000000 +# In --> sending byte[4] = 10101010 +# In --> raw crc is 1da at time 1963542 +# In --> sent crc is 7fa4 at time 1963542 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 1969590000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 1969895000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 1970608000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 1971407000 +# In --> bits received are 7 +# In --> ACK received at time 1971407000. +# Input Address:01, EndPt:0 +# i : 1, CntrlTransType:3; CntrlTransAddr:01;CntrlTransEndP:0 +# In CntrlTransType = 11, WRITE = 11 +# ... Write data 2d to UART done cnt : 29 ... +# +# +# ... Writing char 101 ... +# In --> In task wait for response at time 1974630000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 1975019000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 1975717000 in host +# In --> receive data = 4b +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 1977854000 +# +# ... Reading the UART Status: 000000aa ... +# CntrlTransType = 10 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 1991682000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 1991966000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 1992699000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 1993499000 +# In --> in_out_buf[0] = 11010010, in_out_buf_ptr = 1 +# CntrlTransType = 10 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 1996638000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 1997027000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 1997721000 in host +# In --> receive data = 4b +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = ff +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = db +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 2002613000 +# In --> Data toggle recevied is 1001011 at time 2002697000 +# In --> received byte[1] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[2] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[3] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[4] = 00000000 +# In --> calculated crc is 24 at time 2002697000. +# In --> received raw crc is 24 at time 2002697000. +# In --> received crc is ffdb at time 2002697000. +# In --> tmpCrc ffdb, at time 2002697000 +# In --> sending ACK at time 2004618000 +# RecvBuffer[0] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[1] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[2] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[3] = 00000000 : 0 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 2011170000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 2011475000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 2012187000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 2012987000 +# CntrlTransType = 10 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 2024862000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 2025167000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 2025879000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 2026679000 +# In --> in_out_buf[0] = 11010010, in_out_buf_ptr = 1 +# CntrlTransType = 10 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 2029818000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 2030123000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 2030839000 in host +# In --> receive data = 4b +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# (tb.u_uart_agent.read_char_chk.loop_2) Data match aa +# ... Read Data from UART done cnt : 18... +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = e5 +# In --> receive data = 3e +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = 50 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 2035646000 +# In --> Data toggle recevied is 1001011 at time 2035730000 +# In --> received byte[1] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[2] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[3] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[4] = 11100101 +# In --> calculated crc is 83f5 at time 2035730000. +# In --> received raw crc is 83f5 at time 2035730000. +# In --> received crc is 3e50 at time 2035730000. +# In --> tmpCrc 3e50, at time 2035730000 +# In --> sending ACK at time 2037630000 +# RecvBuffer[0] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[1] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[2] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[3] = 11100101 : 229 +# ... Write data 65 to UART done cnt : 30 ... +# +# +# ... Writing char 99 ... +# In --> In task wait for response at time 2044182000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 2044466000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 2045195000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 2045999000 +# CntrlTransType = 11 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 2057874000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 2058179000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 2058887000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 2059691000 +# In --> in_out_buf[0] = 11010010, in_out_buf_ptr = 1 +# In host --> address = 01, EndPt = 0, crc5 = 1d, tmpReg = e801 +# In --> DataToggle is 1 +# In --> DataToggle is 4b at time 2062914000. +# In --> sending byte[1] = 00000000 +# In --> sending byte[2] = 00000000 +# In --> sending byte[3] = 00000000 +# In --> sending byte[4] = 11100101 +# In --> raw crc is 83f5 at time 2062914 +# In --> sent crc is 3e50 at time 2062914 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 2068878000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 2069183000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 2069893000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 2070695000 +# In --> bits received are 7 +# In --> ACK received at time 2070695000. +# Input Address:01, EndPt:0 +# i : 1, CntrlTransType:3; CntrlTransAddr:01;CntrlTransEndP:0 +# In CntrlTransType = 11, WRITE = 11 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 2073918000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 2074307000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 2075017000 in host +# In --> receive data = 4b +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 2077163000 +# +# ... Reading the UART Status: 000000e7 ... +# CntrlTransType = 10 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 2090970000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 2091275000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 2091981000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 2092787000 +# In --> in_out_buf[0] = 11010010, in_out_buf_ptr = 1 +# CntrlTransType = 10 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 2095926000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 2096315000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 2097024000 in host +# In --> receive data = 4b +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = ff +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = db +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 2101922000 +# In --> Data toggle recevied is 1001011 at time 2102006000 +# In --> received byte[1] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[2] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[3] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[4] = 00000000 +# In --> calculated crc is 24 at time 2102006000. +# In --> received raw crc is 24 at time 2102006000. +# In --> received crc is ffdb at time 2102006000. +# In --> tmpCrc ffdb, at time 2102006000 +# ... Write data 63 to UART done cnt : 31 ... +# +# +# ... Writing char 10 ... +# In --> sending ACK at time 2103906000 +# RecvBuffer[0] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[1] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[2] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[3] = 00000000 : 0 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 2110458000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 2110742000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 2111469000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 2112254000 +# CntrlTransType = 10 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 2124150000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 2124434000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 2125158000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 2125946000 +# In --> in_out_buf[0] = 11010010, in_out_buf_ptr = 1 +# CntrlTransType = 10 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 2129106000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 2129474000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 2130204000 in host +# In --> receive data = 4b +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 77 +# (tb.u_uart_agent.read_char_chk.loop_2) Data match e5 +# ... Read Data from UART done cnt : 19... +# In --> receive data = bf +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = fd +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 2135081000 +# In --> Data toggle recevied is 1001011 at time 2135165000 +# In --> received byte[1] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[2] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[3] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[4] = 01110111 +# In --> calculated crc is 240 at time 2135165000. +# In --> received raw crc is 240 at time 2135165000. +# In --> received crc is bffd at time 2135165000. +# In --> tmpCrc bffd, at time 2135165000 +# In --> sending ACK at time 2137086000 +# RecvBuffer[0] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[1] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[2] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[3] = 01110111 : 119 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 2143638000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 2143943000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 2144643000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 2145455000 +# CntrlTransType = 11 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 2157330000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 2157635000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 2158338000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 2159147000 +# In --> in_out_buf[0] = 11010010, in_out_buf_ptr = 1 +# In host --> address = 01, EndPt = 0, crc5 = 1d, tmpReg = e801 +# In --> DataToggle is 1 +# In --> DataToggle is 4b at time 2162370000. +# In --> sending byte[1] = 00000000 +# In --> sending byte[2] = 00000000 +# In --> sending byte[3] = 00000000 +# In --> sending byte[4] = 01110111 +# In --> raw crc is 240 at time 2162370 +# In --> sent crc is bffd at time 2162370 +# ... Write data 0a to UART done cnt : 32 ... +# +# +# ... Writing char 128 ... +# In --> In task wait for response at time 2168502000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 2168807000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 2169505000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 2170319000 +# In --> bits received are 7 +# In --> ACK received at time 2170319000. +# Input Address:01, EndPt:0 +# i : 1, CntrlTransType:3; CntrlTransAddr:01;CntrlTransEndP:0 +# In CntrlTransType = 11, WRITE = 11 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 2173542000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 2173931000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 2174635000 in host +# In --> receive data = 4b +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 2176766000 +# +# ... Reading the UART Status: 00000077 ... +# CntrlTransType = 10 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 2190594000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 2190878000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 2191596000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 2192390000 +# In --> in_out_buf[0] = 11010010, in_out_buf_ptr = 1 +# CntrlTransType = 10 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 2195550000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 2195918000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 2196642000 in host +# In --> receive data = 4b +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = ff +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = db +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 2201525000 +# In --> Data toggle recevied is 1001011 at time 2201609000 +# In --> received byte[1] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[2] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[3] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[4] = 00000000 +# In --> calculated crc is 24 at time 2201609000. +# In --> received raw crc is 24 at time 2201609000. +# In --> received crc is ffdb at time 2201609000. +# In --> tmpCrc ffdb, at time 2201609000 +# In --> sending ACK at time 2203530000 +# RecvBuffer[0] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[1] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[2] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[3] = 00000000 : 0 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 2210082000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 2210387000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 2211105000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 2211899000 +# CntrlTransType = 10 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 2223774000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 2224079000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 2224797000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 2225591000 +# In --> in_out_buf[0] = 11010010, in_out_buf_ptr = 1 +# CntrlTransType = 10 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 2228730000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 2229119000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 2229816000 in host +# ... Write data 80 to UART done cnt : 33 ... +# +# +# ... Writing char 32 ... +# In --> receive data = 4b +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 12 +# In --> receive data = 7f +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d6 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 2234705000 +# In --> Data toggle recevied is 1001011 at time 2234789000 +# In --> received byte[1] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[2] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[3] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[4] = 00010010 +# In --> calculated crc is 194 at time 2234789000. +# In --> received raw crc is 194 at time 2234789000. +# In --> received crc is 7fd6 at time 2234789000. +# In --> tmpCrc 7fd6, at time 2234789000 +# (tb.u_uart_agent.read_char_chk.loop_2) Data match 77 +# ... Read Data from UART done cnt : 20... +# In --> sending ACK at time 2236710000 +# RecvBuffer[0] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[1] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[2] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[3] = 00010010 : 18 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 2243262000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 2243567000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 2244279000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 2245079000 +# CntrlTransType = 11 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 2256954000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 2257259000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 2257974000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 2258771000 +# In --> in_out_buf[0] = 11010010, in_out_buf_ptr = 1 +# In host --> address = 01, EndPt = 0, crc5 = 1d, tmpReg = e801 +# In --> DataToggle is 1 +# In --> DataToggle is 4b at time 2261994000. +# In --> sending byte[1] = 00000000 +# In --> sending byte[2] = 00000000 +# In --> sending byte[3] = 00000000 +# In --> sending byte[4] = 00010010 +# In --> raw crc is 194 at time 2261994 +# In --> sent crc is 7fd6 at time 2261994 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 2268042000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 2268347000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 2269061000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 2269859000 +# In --> bits received are 7 +# In --> ACK received at time 2269859000. +# Input Address:01, EndPt:0 +# i : 1, CntrlTransType:3; CntrlTransAddr:01;CntrlTransEndP:0 +# In CntrlTransType = 11, WRITE = 11 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 2273082000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 2273471000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 2274185000 in host +# In --> receive data = 4b +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 2276327000 +# +# ... Reading the UART Status: 00000012 ... +# CntrlTransType = 10 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 2290134000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 2290439000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 2291149000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 2291951000 +# In --> in_out_buf[0] = 11010010, in_out_buf_ptr = 1 +# CntrlTransType = 10 +# ... Write data 20 to UART done cnt : 34 ... +# +# +# ... Writing char 170 ... +# In --> In task wait for response at time 2295090000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 2295395000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 2296108000 in host +# In --> receive data = 4b +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = ff +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = db +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 2301002000 +# In --> Data toggle recevied is 1001011 at time 2301086000 +# In --> received byte[1] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[2] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[3] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[4] = 00000000 +# In --> calculated crc is 24 at time 2301086000. +# In --> received raw crc is 24 at time 2301086000. +# In --> received crc is ffdb at time 2301086000. +# In --> tmpCrc ffdb, at time 2301086000 +# In --> sending ACK at time 2302986000 +# RecvBuffer[0] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[1] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[2] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[3] = 00000000 : 0 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 2309538000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 2309822000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 2310551000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 2311355000 +# CntrlTransType = 10 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 2323230000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 2323535000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 2324242000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 2325047000 +# In --> in_out_buf[0] = 11010010, in_out_buf_ptr = 1 +# CntrlTransType = 10 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 2328186000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 2328575000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 2329286000 in host +# In --> receive data = 4b +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# (tb.u_uart_agent.read_char_chk.loop_2) Data match 12 +# ... Read Data from UART done cnt : 21... +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 8f +# In --> receive data = be +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = 7f +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 2334182000 +# In --> Data toggle recevied is 1001011 at time 2334266000 +# In --> received byte[1] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[2] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[3] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[4] = 10001111 +# In --> calculated crc is 8201 at time 2334266000. +# In --> received raw crc is 8201 at time 2334266000. +# In --> received crc is be7f at time 2334266000. +# In --> tmpCrc be7f, at time 2334266000 +# In --> sending ACK at time 2336166000 +# RecvBuffer[0] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[1] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[2] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[3] = 10001111 : 143 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 2342718000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 2343002000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 2343728000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 2344514000 +# CntrlTransType = 11 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 2356410000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 2356694000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 2357420000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 2358206000 +# In --> in_out_buf[0] = 11010010, in_out_buf_ptr = 1 +# In host --> address = 01, EndPt = 0, crc5 = 1d, tmpReg = e801 +# ... Write data aa to UART done cnt : 35 ... +# +# +# ... Writing char 157 ... +# In --> DataToggle is 1 +# In --> DataToggle is 4b at time 2361450000. +# In --> sending byte[1] = 00000000 +# In --> sending byte[2] = 00000000 +# In --> sending byte[3] = 00000000 +# In --> sending byte[4] = 10001111 +# In --> raw crc is 8201 at time 2361450 +# In --> sent crc is be7f at time 2361450 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 2367498000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 2367782000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 2368507000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 2369294000 +# In --> bits received are 7 +# In --> ACK received at time 2369294000. +# Input Address:01, EndPt:0 +# i : 1, CntrlTransType:3; CntrlTransAddr:01;CntrlTransEndP:0 +# In CntrlTransType = 11, WRITE = 11 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 2372538000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 2372906000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 2373636000 in host +# In --> receive data = 4b +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 2375762000 +# +# ... Reading the UART Status: 0000008f ... +# CntrlTransType = 10 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 2389590000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 2389874000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 2390600000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 2391386000 +# In --> in_out_buf[0] = 11010010, in_out_buf_ptr = 1 +# CntrlTransType = 10 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 2394546000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 2394914000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 2395643000 in host +# In --> receive data = 4b +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = ff +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = db +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 2400521000 +# In --> Data toggle recevied is 1001011 at time 2400605000 +# In --> received byte[1] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[2] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[3] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[4] = 00000000 +# In --> calculated crc is 24 at time 2400605000. +# In --> received raw crc is 24 at time 2400605000. +# In --> received crc is ffdb at time 2400605000. +# In --> tmpCrc ffdb, at time 2400605000 +# In --> sending ACK at time 2402526000 +# RecvBuffer[0] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[1] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[2] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[3] = 00000000 : 0 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 2409078000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 2409383000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 2410082000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 2410895000 +# ... Write data 9d to UART done cnt : 36 ... +# +# +# ... Writing char 150 ... +# CntrlTransType = 10 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 2422770000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 2423075000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 2423777000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 2424587000 +# In --> in_out_buf[0] = 11010010, in_out_buf_ptr = 1 +# CntrlTransType = 10 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 2427726000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 2428115000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 2428818000 in host +# In --> receive data = 4b +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = f2 +# In --> receive data = 7e +# (tb.u_uart_agent.read_char_chk.loop_2) Data match 8f +# ... Read Data from UART done cnt : 22... +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = 5e +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 2433701000 +# In --> Data toggle recevied is 1001011 at time 2433785000 +# In --> received byte[1] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[2] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[3] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[4] = 11110010 +# In --> calculated crc is 8185 at time 2433785000. +# In --> received raw crc is 8185 at time 2433785000. +# In --> received crc is 7e5e at time 2433785000. +# In --> tmpCrc 7e5e, at time 2433785000 +# In --> sending ACK at time 2435706000 +# RecvBuffer[0] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[1] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[2] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[3] = 11110010 : 242 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 2442258000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 2442563000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 2443260000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 2444054000 +# CntrlTransType = 11 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 2455950000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 2456234000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 2456952000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 2457746000 +# In --> in_out_buf[0] = 11010010, in_out_buf_ptr = 1 +# In host --> address = 01, EndPt = 0, crc5 = 1d, tmpReg = e801 +# In --> DataToggle is 1 +# In --> DataToggle is 4b at time 2460990000. +# In --> sending byte[1] = 00000000 +# In --> sending byte[2] = 00000000 +# In --> sending byte[3] = 00000000 +# In --> sending byte[4] = 11110010 +# In --> raw crc is 8185 at time 2460990 +# In --> sent crc is 7e5e at time 2460990 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 2467038000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 2467322000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 2468038000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 2468834000 +# In --> bits received are 7 +# In --> ACK received at time 2468834000. +# Input Address:01, EndPt:0 +# i : 1, CntrlTransType:3; CntrlTransAddr:01;CntrlTransEndP:0 +# In CntrlTransType = 11, WRITE = 11 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 2472078000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 2472446000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 2473168000 in host +# In --> receive data = 4b +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 2475302000 +# +# ... Reading the UART Status: 000000f2 ... +# ... Write data 96 to UART done cnt : 37 ... +# +# +# ... Writing char 19 ... +# CntrlTransType = 10 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 2489130000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 2489414000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 2490150000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 2490947000 +# In --> in_out_buf[0] = 11010010, in_out_buf_ptr = 1 +# CntrlTransType = 10 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 2494086000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 2494475000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 2495175000 in host +# In --> receive data = 4b +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = ff +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = db +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 2500061000 +# In --> Data toggle recevied is 1001011 at time 2500145000 +# In --> received byte[1] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[2] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[3] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[4] = 00000000 +# In --> calculated crc is 24 at time 2500145000. +# In --> received raw crc is 24 at time 2500145000. +# In --> received crc is ffdb at time 2500145000. +# In --> tmpCrc ffdb, at time 2500145000 +# In --> sending ACK at time 2502066000 +# RecvBuffer[0] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[1] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[2] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[3] = 00000000 : 0 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 2508618000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 2508923000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 2509638000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 2510435000 +# CntrlTransType = 10 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 2522310000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 2522615000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 2523330000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 2524127000 +# In --> in_out_buf[0] = 11010010, in_out_buf_ptr = 1 +# CntrlTransType = 10 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 2527266000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 2527655000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 2528349000 in host +# In --> receive data = 4b +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = ce +# In --> receive data = 7e +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = 4f +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 2533241000 +# In --> Data toggle recevied is 1001011 at time 2533325000 +# In --> received byte[1] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[2] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[3] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[4] = 11001110 +# In --> calculated crc is 810d at time 2533325000. +# In --> received raw crc is 810d at time 2533325000. +# In --> received crc is 7e4f at time 2533325000. +# In --> tmpCrc 7e4f, at time 2533325000 +# (tb.u_uart_agent.read_char_chk.loop_2) Data match f2 +# ... Read Data from UART done cnt : 23... +# In --> sending ACK at time 2535246000 +# RecvBuffer[0] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[1] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[2] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[3] = 11001110 : 206 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 2541798000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 2542103000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 2542812000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 2543615000 +# ... Write data 13 to UART done cnt : 38 ... +# +# +# ... Writing char 13 ... +# CntrlTransType = 11 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 2555490000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 2555795000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 2556507000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 2557307000 +# In --> in_out_buf[0] = 11010010, in_out_buf_ptr = 1 +# In host --> address = 01, EndPt = 0, crc5 = 1d, tmpReg = e801 +# In --> DataToggle is 1 +# In --> DataToggle is 4b at time 2560530000. +# In --> sending byte[1] = 00000000 +# In --> sending byte[2] = 00000000 +# In --> sending byte[3] = 00000000 +# In --> sending byte[4] = 11001110 +# In --> raw crc is 810d at time 2560530 +# In --> sent crc is 7e4f at time 2560530 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 2566578000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 2566883000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 2567594000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 2568395000 +# In --> bits received are 7 +# In --> ACK received at time 2568395000. +# Input Address:01, EndPt:0 +# i : 1, CntrlTransType:3; CntrlTransAddr:01;CntrlTransEndP:0 +# In CntrlTransType = 11, WRITE = 11 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 2571618000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 2572007000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 2572718000 in host +# In --> receive data = 4b +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 2574863000 +# +# ... Reading the UART Status: 000000ce ... +# CntrlTransType = 10 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 2588670000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 2588975000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 2589682000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 2590487000 +# In --> in_out_buf[0] = 11010010, in_out_buf_ptr = 1 +# CntrlTransType = 10 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 2593626000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 2594015000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 2594725000 in host +# In --> receive data = 4b +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = ff +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = db +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 2599622000 +# In --> Data toggle recevied is 1001011 at time 2599706000 +# In --> received byte[1] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[2] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[3] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[4] = 00000000 +# In --> calculated crc is 24 at time 2599706000. +# In --> received raw crc is 24 at time 2599706000. +# In --> received crc is ffdb at time 2599706000. +# In --> tmpCrc ffdb, at time 2599706000 +# In --> sending ACK at time 2601606000 +# RecvBuffer[0] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[1] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[2] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[3] = 00000000 : 0 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 2608158000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 2608442000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 2609167000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 2609954000 +# ... Write data 0d to UART done cnt : 39 ... +# +# +# ... Writing char 83 ... +# CntrlTransType = 10 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 2621850000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 2622134000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 2622859000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 2623646000 +# In --> in_out_buf[0] = 11010010, in_out_buf_ptr = 1 +# CntrlTransType = 10 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 2626806000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 2627174000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 2627905000 in host +# In --> receive data = 4b +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# (tb.u_uart_agent.read_char_chk.loop_2) Data match ce +# ... Read Data from UART done cnt : 24... +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = e8 +# In --> receive data = ff +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = 95 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 2632865000 +# In --> Data toggle recevied is 1001011 at time 2632949000 +# In --> received byte[1] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[2] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[3] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[4] = 11101000 +# In --> calculated crc is 56 at time 2632949000. +# In --> received raw crc is 56 at time 2632949000. +# In --> received crc is ff95 at time 2632949000. +# In --> tmpCrc ff95, at time 2632949000 +# In --> sending ACK at time 2634870000 +# RecvBuffer[0] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[1] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[2] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[3] = 11101000 : 232 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 2641422000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 2641727000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 2642428000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 2643239000 +# CntrlTransType = 11 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 2655114000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 2655419000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 2656119000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 2656931000 +# In --> in_out_buf[0] = 11010010, in_out_buf_ptr = 1 +# In host --> address = 01, EndPt = 0, crc5 = 1d, tmpReg = e801 +# In --> DataToggle is 1 +# In --> DataToggle is 4b at time 2660154000. +# In --> sending byte[1] = 00000000 +# In --> sending byte[2] = 00000000 +# In --> sending byte[3] = 00000000 +# In --> sending byte[4] = 11101000 +# In --> raw crc is 56 at time 2660154 +# In --> sent crc is ff95 at time 2660154 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 2666286000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 2666591000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 2667290000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 2668103000 +# In --> bits received are 7 +# In --> ACK received at time 2668103000. +# Input Address:01, EndPt:0 +# i : 1, CntrlTransType:3; CntrlTransAddr:01;CntrlTransEndP:0 +# In CntrlTransType = 11, WRITE = 11 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 2671326000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 2671715000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 2672416000 in host +# In --> receive data = 4b +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 2674550000 +# +# ... Reading the UART Status: 000000ea ... +# ... Write data 53 to UART done cnt : 40 ... +# +# CntrlTransType = 10 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 2688378000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 2688662000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 2689383000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 2690174000 +# In --> in_out_buf[0] = 11010010, in_out_buf_ptr = 1 +# CntrlTransType = 10 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 2693334000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 2693702000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 2694423000 in host +# In --> receive data = 4b +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = ff +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = db +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 2699309000 +# In --> Data toggle recevied is 1001011 at time 2699393000 +# In --> received byte[1] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[2] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[3] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[4] = 00000000 +# In --> calculated crc is 24 at time 2699393000. +# In --> received raw crc is 24 at time 2699393000. +# In --> received crc is ffdb at time 2699393000. +# In --> tmpCrc ffdb, at time 2699393000 +# In --> sending ACK at time 2701314000 +# RecvBuffer[0] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[1] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[2] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[3] = 00000000 : 0 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 2707866000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 2708171000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 2708886000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 2709683000 +# CntrlTransType = 10 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 2721558000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 2721863000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 2722581000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 2723375000 +# In --> in_out_buf[0] = 11010010, in_out_buf_ptr = 1 +# CntrlTransType = 10 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 2726514000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 2726903000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 2727601000 in host +# In --> receive data = 4b +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = c5 +# In --> receive data = 3f +# (tb.u_uart_agent.read_char_chk.loop_2) Data match e8 +# ... Read Data from UART done cnt : 25... +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = 88 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 2732489000 +# In --> Data toggle recevied is 1001011 at time 2732573000 +# In --> received byte[1] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[2] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[3] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[4] = 11000101 +# In --> calculated crc is 3ee at time 2732573000. +# In --> received raw crc is 3ee at time 2732573000. +# In --> received crc is 3f88 at time 2732573000. +# In --> tmpCrc 3f88, at time 2732573000 +# In --> sending ACK at time 2734494000 +# RecvBuffer[0] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[1] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[2] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[3] = 11000101 : 197 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 2741046000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 2741351000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 2742064000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 2742863000 +# CntrlTransType = 11 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 2754738000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 2755043000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 2755755000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 2756555000 +# In --> in_out_buf[0] = 11010010, in_out_buf_ptr = 1 +# In host --> address = 01, EndPt = 0, crc5 = 1d, tmpReg = e801 +# In --> DataToggle is 1 +# In --> DataToggle is 4b at time 2759778000. +# In --> sending byte[1] = 00000000 +# In --> sending byte[2] = 00000000 +# In --> sending byte[3] = 00000000 +# In --> sending byte[4] = 11000101 +# In --> raw crc is 3ee at time 2759778 +# In --> sent crc is 3f88 at time 2759778 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 2765826000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 2766131000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 2766842000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 2767643000 +# In --> bits received are 7 +# In --> ACK received at time 2767643000. +# Input Address:01, EndPt:0 +# i : 1, CntrlTransType:3; CntrlTransAddr:01;CntrlTransEndP:0 +# In CntrlTransType = 11, WRITE = 11 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 2770866000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 2771255000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 2771972000 in host +# In --> receive data = 4b +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 2774111000 +# +# ... Reading the UART Status: 000000c7 ... +# CntrlTransType = 10 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 2787918000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 2788223000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 2788933000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 2789735000 +# In --> in_out_buf[0] = 11010010, in_out_buf_ptr = 1 +# CntrlTransType = 10 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 2792874000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 2793179000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 2793893000 in host +# In --> receive data = 4b +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = ff +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = db +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 2798786000 +# In --> Data toggle recevied is 1001011 at time 2798870000 +# In --> received byte[1] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[2] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[3] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[4] = 00000000 +# In --> calculated crc is 24 at time 2798870000. +# In --> received raw crc is 24 at time 2798870000. +# In --> received crc is ffdb at time 2798870000. +# In --> tmpCrc ffdb, at time 2798870000 +# In --> sending ACK at time 2800770000 +# RecvBuffer[0] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[1] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[2] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[3] = 00000000 : 0 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 2807322000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 2807606000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 2808335000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 2809139000 +# CntrlTransType = 10 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 2821014000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 2821319000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 2822027000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 2822831000 +# In --> in_out_buf[0] = 11010010, in_out_buf_ptr = 1 +# CntrlTransType = 10 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 2825970000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 2826275000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 2826987000 in host +# In --> receive data = 4b +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 5c +# In --> receive data = ff +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = e2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 2831882000 +# In --> Data toggle recevied is 1001011 at time 2831966000 +# In --> received byte[1] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[2] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[3] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[4] = 01011100 +# In --> calculated crc is b8 at time 2831966000. +# In --> received raw crc is b8 at time 2831966000. +# In --> received crc is ffe2 at time 2831966000. +# In --> tmpCrc ffe2, at time 2831966000 +# (tb.u_uart_agent.read_char_chk.loop_2) Data match c5 +# ... Read Data from UART done cnt : 26... +# In --> sending ACK at time 2833866000 +# RecvBuffer[0] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[1] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[2] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[3] = 01011100 : 92 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 2840418000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 2840702000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 2841429000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 2842214000 +# CntrlTransType = 11 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 2854110000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 2854394000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 2855121000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 2855906000 +# In --> in_out_buf[0] = 11010010, in_out_buf_ptr = 1 +# In host --> address = 01, EndPt = 0, crc5 = 1d, tmpReg = e801 +# In --> DataToggle is 1 +# In --> DataToggle is 4b at time 2859150000. +# In --> sending byte[1] = 00000000 +# In --> sending byte[2] = 00000000 +# In --> sending byte[3] = 00000000 +# In --> sending byte[4] = 01011100 +# In --> raw crc is b8 at time 2859150 +# In --> sent crc is ffe2 at time 2859150 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 2865198000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 2865482000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 2866207000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 2866994000 +# In --> bits received are 7 +# In --> ACK received at time 2866994000. +# Input Address:01, EndPt:0 +# i : 1, CntrlTransType:3; CntrlTransAddr:01;CntrlTransEndP:0 +# In CntrlTransType = 11, WRITE = 11 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 2870238000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 2870606000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 2871337000 in host +# In --> receive data = 4b +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 2873462000 +# +# ... Reading the UART Status: 0000005e ... +# CntrlTransType = 10 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 2887290000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 2887574000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 2888298000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 2889086000 +# In --> in_out_buf[0] = 11010010, in_out_buf_ptr = 1 +# CntrlTransType = 10 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 2892246000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 2892614000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 2893344000 in host +# In --> receive data = 4b +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = ff +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = db +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 2898221000 +# In --> Data toggle recevied is 1001011 at time 2898305000 +# In --> received byte[1] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[2] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[3] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[4] = 00000000 +# In --> calculated crc is 24 at time 2898305000. +# In --> received raw crc is 24 at time 2898305000. +# In --> received crc is ffdb at time 2898305000. +# In --> tmpCrc ffdb, at time 2898305000 +# In --> sending ACK at time 2900226000 +# RecvBuffer[0] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[1] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[2] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[3] = 00000000 : 0 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 2906778000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 2907083000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 2907786000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 2908595000 +# CntrlTransType = 10 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 2920470000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 2920775000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 2921478000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 2922287000 +# In --> in_out_buf[0] = 11010010, in_out_buf_ptr = 1 +# CntrlTransType = 10 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 2925426000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 2925815000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 2926518000 in host +# In --> receive data = 4b +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# (tb.u_uart_agent.read_char_chk.loop_2) Data match 5c +# ... Read Data from UART done cnt : 27... +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = bd +# In --> receive data = 3f +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = aa +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 2931401000 +# In --> Data toggle recevied is 1001011 at time 2931485000 +# In --> received byte[1] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[2] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[3] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[4] = 10111101 +# In --> calculated crc is 3aa at time 2931485000. +# In --> received raw crc is 3aa at time 2931485000. +# In --> received crc is 3faa at time 2931485000. +# In --> tmpCrc 3faa, at time 2931485000 +# In --> sending ACK at time 2933406000 +# RecvBuffer[0] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[1] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[2] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[3] = 10111101 : 189 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 2939958000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 2940263000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 2940961000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 2941754000 +# CntrlTransType = 11 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 2953650000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 2953934000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 2954652000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 2955446000 +# In --> in_out_buf[0] = 11010010, in_out_buf_ptr = 1 +# In host --> address = 01, EndPt = 0, crc5 = 1d, tmpReg = e801 +# In --> DataToggle is 1 +# In --> DataToggle is 4b at time 2958690000. +# In --> sending byte[1] = 00000000 +# In --> sending byte[2] = 00000000 +# In --> sending byte[3] = 00000000 +# In --> sending byte[4] = 10111101 +# In --> raw crc is 3aa at time 2958690 +# In --> sent crc is 3faa at time 2958690 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 2964738000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 2965022000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 2965739000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 2966534000 +# In --> bits received are 7 +# In --> ACK received at time 2966534000. +# Input Address:01, EndPt:0 +# i : 1, CntrlTransType:3; CntrlTransAddr:01;CntrlTransEndP:0 +# In CntrlTransType = 11, WRITE = 11 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 2969778000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 2970146000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 2970869000 in host +# In --> receive data = 4b +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 2973002000 +# +# ... Reading the UART Status: 000000bf ... +# CntrlTransType = 10 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 2986830000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 2987114000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 2987830000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 2988626000 +# In --> in_out_buf[0] = 11010010, in_out_buf_ptr = 1 +# CntrlTransType = 10 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 2991786000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 2992154000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 2992876000 in host +# In --> receive data = 4b +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = ff +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = db +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 2997761000 +# In --> Data toggle recevied is 1001011 at time 2997845000 +# In --> received byte[1] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[2] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[3] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[4] = 00000000 +# In --> calculated crc is 24 at time 2997845000. +# In --> received raw crc is 24 at time 2997845000. +# In --> received crc is ffdb at time 2997845000. +# In --> tmpCrc ffdb, at time 2997845000 +# In --> sending ACK at time 2999766000 +# RecvBuffer[0] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[1] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[2] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[3] = 00000000 : 0 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 3006318000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 3006623000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 3007339000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 3008135000 +# CntrlTransType = 10 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 3020010000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 3020315000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 3021028000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 3021827000 +# In --> in_out_buf[0] = 11010010, in_out_buf_ptr = 1 +# CntrlTransType = 10 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 3024966000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 3025355000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 3026053000 in host +# In --> receive data = 4b +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 2d +# In --> receive data = 3f +# (tb.u_uart_agent.read_char_chk.loop_2) Data match bd +# ... Read Data from UART done cnt : 28... +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = c6 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 3030941000 +# In --> Data toggle recevied is 1001011 at time 3031025000 +# In --> received byte[1] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[2] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[3] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[4] = 00101101 +# In --> calculated crc is 39c at time 3031025000. +# In --> received raw crc is 39c at time 3031025000. +# In --> received crc is 3fc6 at time 3031025000. +# In --> tmpCrc 3fc6, at time 3031025000 +# In --> sending ACK at time 3032946000 +# RecvBuffer[0] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[1] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[2] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[3] = 00101101 : 45 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 3039498000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 3039803000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 3040516000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 3041315000 +# CntrlTransType = 11 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 3053190000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 3053495000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 3054208000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 3055007000 +# In --> in_out_buf[0] = 11010010, in_out_buf_ptr = 1 +# In host --> address = 01, EndPt = 0, crc5 = 1d, tmpReg = e801 +# In --> DataToggle is 1 +# In --> DataToggle is 4b at time 3058230000. +# In --> sending byte[1] = 00000000 +# In --> sending byte[2] = 00000000 +# In --> sending byte[3] = 00000000 +# In --> sending byte[4] = 00101101 +# In --> raw crc is 39c at time 3058230 +# In --> sent crc is 3fc6 at time 3058230 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 3064278000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 3064583000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 3065295000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 3066095000 +# In --> bits received are 7 +# In --> ACK received at time 3066095000. +# Input Address:01, EndPt:0 +# i : 1, CntrlTransType:3; CntrlTransAddr:01;CntrlTransEndP:0 +# In CntrlTransType = 11, WRITE = 11 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 3069318000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 3069623000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 3070338000 in host +# In --> receive data = 4b +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 3072479000 +# +# ... Reading the UART Status: 0000002f ... +# CntrlTransType = 10 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 3086286000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 3086591000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 3087302000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 3088103000 +# In --> in_out_buf[0] = 11010010, in_out_buf_ptr = 1 +# CntrlTransType = 10 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 3091242000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 3091547000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 3092262000 in host +# In --> receive data = 4b +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = ff +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = db +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 3097154000 +# In --> Data toggle recevied is 1001011 at time 3097238000 +# In --> received byte[1] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[2] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[3] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[4] = 00000000 +# In --> calculated crc is 24 at time 3097238000. +# In --> received raw crc is 24 at time 3097238000. +# In --> received crc is ffdb at time 3097238000. +# In --> tmpCrc ffdb, at time 3097238000 +# In --> sending ACK at time 3099138000 +# RecvBuffer[0] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[1] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[2] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[3] = 00000000 : 0 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 3105690000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 3105974000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 3106704000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 3107486000 +# CntrlTransType = 10 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 3119382000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 3119666000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 3120396000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 3121178000 +# In --> in_out_buf[0] = 11010010, in_out_buf_ptr = 1 +# CntrlTransType = 10 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 3124338000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 3124706000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 3125439000 in host +# In --> receive data = 4b +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 65 +# In --> receive data = 3f +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = f0 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 3130334000 +# In --> Data toggle recevied is 1001011 at time 3130418000 +# In --> received byte[1] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[2] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[3] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[4] = 01100101 +# In --> calculated crc is 3f0 at time 3130418000. +# In --> received raw crc is 3f0 at time 3130418000. +# In --> received crc is 3ff0 at time 3130418000. +# In --> tmpCrc 3ff0, at time 3130418000 +# (tb.u_uart_agent.read_char_chk.loop_2) Data match 2d +# ... Read Data from UART done cnt : 29... +# In --> sending ACK at time 3132318000 +# RecvBuffer[0] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[1] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[2] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[3] = 01100101 : 101 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 3138870000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 3139154000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 3139878000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 3140666000 +# CntrlTransType = 11 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 3152562000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 3152846000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 3153573000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 3154358000 +# In --> in_out_buf[0] = 11010010, in_out_buf_ptr = 1 +# In host --> address = 01, EndPt = 0, crc5 = 1d, tmpReg = e801 +# In --> DataToggle is 1 +# In --> DataToggle is 4b at time 3157602000. +# In --> sending byte[1] = 00000000 +# In --> sending byte[2] = 00000000 +# In --> sending byte[3] = 00000000 +# In --> sending byte[4] = 01100101 +# In --> raw crc is 3f0 at time 3157602 +# In --> sent crc is 3ff0 at time 3157602 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 3163650000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 3163934000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 3164660000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 3165446000 +# In --> bits received are 7 +# In --> ACK received at time 3165446000. +# Input Address:01, EndPt:0 +# i : 1, CntrlTransType:3; CntrlTransAddr:01;CntrlTransEndP:0 +# In CntrlTransType = 11, WRITE = 11 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 3168690000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 3169058000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 3169784000 in host +# In --> receive data = 4b +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 3171914000 +# +# ... Reading the UART Status: 00000067 ... +# CntrlTransType = 10 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 3185742000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 3186026000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 3186748000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 3187538000 +# In --> in_out_buf[0] = 11010010, in_out_buf_ptr = 1 +# CntrlTransType = 10 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 3190698000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 3191066000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 3191791000 in host +# In --> receive data = 4b +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = ff +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = db +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 3196673000 +# In --> Data toggle recevied is 1001011 at time 3196757000 +# In --> received byte[1] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[2] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[3] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[4] = 00000000 +# In --> calculated crc is 24 at time 3196757000. +# In --> received raw crc is 24 at time 3196757000. +# In --> received crc is ffdb at time 3196757000. +# In --> tmpCrc ffdb, at time 3196757000 +# In --> sending ACK at time 3198678000 +# RecvBuffer[0] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[1] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[2] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[3] = 00000000 : 0 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 3205230000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 3205535000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 3206233000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 3207047000 +# CntrlTransType = 10 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 3218922000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 3219227000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 3219925000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 3220739000 +# In --> in_out_buf[0] = 11010010, in_out_buf_ptr = 1 +# CntrlTransType = 10 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 3223878000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 3224267000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 3224971000 in host +# In --> receive data = 4b +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# (tb.u_uart_agent.read_char_chk.loop_2) Data match 65 +# ... Read Data from UART done cnt : 30... +# In --> receive data = 63 +# In --> receive data = bf +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = f2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 3229853000 +# In --> Data toggle recevied is 1001011 at time 3229937000 +# In --> received byte[1] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[2] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[3] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[4] = 01100011 +# In --> calculated crc is 2b0 at time 3229937000. +# In --> received raw crc is 2b0 at time 3229937000. +# In --> received crc is bff2 at time 3229937000. +# In --> tmpCrc bff2, at time 3229937000 +# In --> sending ACK at time 3231858000 +# RecvBuffer[0] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[1] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[2] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[3] = 01100011 : 99 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 3238410000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 3238715000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 3239413000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 3240206000 +# CntrlTransType = 11 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 3252102000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 3252386000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 3253105000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 3253898000 +# In --> in_out_buf[0] = 11010010, in_out_buf_ptr = 1 +# In host --> address = 01, EndPt = 0, crc5 = 1d, tmpReg = e801 +# In --> DataToggle is 1 +# In --> DataToggle is 4b at time 3257142000. +# In --> sending byte[1] = 00000000 +# In --> sending byte[2] = 00000000 +# In --> sending byte[3] = 00000000 +# In --> sending byte[4] = 01100011 +# In --> raw crc is 2b0 at time 3257142 +# In --> sent crc is bff2 at time 3257142 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 3263190000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 3263474000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 3264210000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 3265007000 +# In --> bits received are 7 +# In --> ACK received at time 3265007000. +# Input Address:01, EndPt:0 +# i : 1, CntrlTransType:3; CntrlTransAddr:01;CntrlTransEndP:0 +# In CntrlTransType = 11, WRITE = 11 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 3268230000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 3268619000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 3269316000 in host +# In --> receive data = 4b +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 3271454000 +# +# ... Reading the UART Status: 00000063 ... +# CntrlTransType = 10 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 3285282000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 3285566000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 3286303000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 3287099000 +# In --> in_out_buf[0] = 11010010, in_out_buf_ptr = 1 +# CntrlTransType = 10 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 3290238000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 3290627000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 3291323000 in host +# In --> receive data = 4b +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = ff +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = db +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 3296213000 +# In --> Data toggle recevied is 1001011 at time 3296297000 +# In --> received byte[1] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[2] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[3] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[4] = 00000000 +# In --> calculated crc is 24 at time 3296297000. +# In --> received raw crc is 24 at time 3296297000. +# In --> received crc is ffdb at time 3296297000. +# In --> tmpCrc ffdb, at time 3296297000 +# In --> sending ACK at time 3298218000 +# RecvBuffer[0] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[1] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[2] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[3] = 00000000 : 0 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 3304770000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 3305075000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 3305786000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 3306587000 +# CntrlTransType = 10 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 3318462000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 3318767000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 3319477000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 3320279000 +# In --> in_out_buf[0] = 11010010, in_out_buf_ptr = 1 +# CntrlTransType = 10 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 3323418000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 3323807000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 3324521000 in host +# In --> receive data = 4b +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 0a +# In --> receive data = 7f +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = dc +# (tb.u_uart_agent.read_char_chk.loop_2) Data match 63 +# ... Read Data from UART done cnt : 31... +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 3329414000 +# In --> Data toggle recevied is 1001011 at time 3329498000 +# In --> received byte[1] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[2] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[3] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[4] = 00001010 +# In --> calculated crc is 1c4 at time 3329498000. +# In --> received raw crc is 1c4 at time 3329498000. +# In --> received crc is 7fdc at time 3329498000. +# In --> tmpCrc 7fdc, at time 3329498000 +# In --> sending ACK at time 3331398000 +# RecvBuffer[0] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[1] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[2] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[3] = 00001010 : 10 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 3337950000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 3338234000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 3338963000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 3339767000 +# CntrlTransType = 11 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 3351642000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 3351947000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 3352655000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 3353459000 +# In --> in_out_buf[0] = 11010010, in_out_buf_ptr = 1 +# In host --> address = 01, EndPt = 0, crc5 = 1d, tmpReg = e801 +# In --> DataToggle is 1 +# In --> DataToggle is 4b at time 3356682000. +# In --> sending byte[1] = 00000000 +# In --> sending byte[2] = 00000000 +# In --> sending byte[3] = 00000000 +# In --> sending byte[4] = 00001010 +# In --> raw crc is 1c4 at time 3356682 +# In --> sent crc is 7fdc at time 3356682 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 3362730000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 3363035000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 3363742000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 3364547000 +# In --> bits received are 7 +# In --> ACK received at time 3364547000. +# Input Address:01, EndPt:0 +# i : 1, CntrlTransType:3; CntrlTransAddr:01;CntrlTransEndP:0 +# In CntrlTransType = 11, WRITE = 11 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 3367770000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 3368159000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 3368871000 in host +# In --> receive data = 4b +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 3371015000 +# +# ... Reading the UART Status: 0000000a ... +# CntrlTransType = 10 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 3384822000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 3385127000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 3385835000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 3386639000 +# In --> in_out_buf[0] = 11010010, in_out_buf_ptr = 1 +# CntrlTransType = 10 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 3389778000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 3390167000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 3390875000 in host +# In --> receive data = 4b +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = ff +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = db +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 3395774000 +# In --> Data toggle recevied is 1001011 at time 3395858000 +# In --> received byte[1] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[2] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[3] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[4] = 00000000 +# In --> calculated crc is 24 at time 3395858000. +# In --> received raw crc is 24 at time 3395858000. +# In --> received crc is ffdb at time 3395858000. +# In --> tmpCrc ffdb, at time 3395858000 +# In --> sending ACK at time 3397758000 +# RecvBuffer[0] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[1] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[2] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[3] = 00000000 : 0 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 3404310000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 3404594000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 3405317000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 3406106000 +# CntrlTransType = 10 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 3418002000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 3418286000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 3419009000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 3419798000 +# In --> in_out_buf[0] = 11010010, in_out_buf_ptr = 1 +# CntrlTransType = 10 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 3422958000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 3423326000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 3424053000 in host +# In --> receive data = 4b +# (tb.u_uart_agent.read_char_chk.loop_2) Data match 0a +# ... Read Data from UART done cnt : 32... +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 80 +# In --> receive data = fe +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = 7b +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 3428933000 +# In --> Data toggle recevied is 1001011 at time 3429017000 +# In --> received byte[1] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[2] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[3] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[4] = 10000000 +# In --> calculated crc is 8021 at time 3429017000. +# In --> received raw crc is 8021 at time 3429017000. +# In --> received crc is fe7b at time 3429017000. +# In --> tmpCrc fe7b, at time 3429017000 +# In --> sending ACK at time 3430938000 +# RecvBuffer[0] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[1] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[2] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[3] = 10000000 : 128 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 3437490000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 3437795000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 3438495000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 3439307000 +# CntrlTransType = 11 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 3451182000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 3451487000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 3452187000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 3452999000 +# In --> in_out_buf[0] = 11010010, in_out_buf_ptr = 1 +# In host --> address = 01, EndPt = 0, crc5 = 1d, tmpReg = e801 +# In --> DataToggle is 1 +# In --> DataToggle is 4b at time 3456222000. +# In --> sending byte[1] = 00000000 +# In --> sending byte[2] = 00000000 +# In --> sending byte[3] = 00000000 +# In --> sending byte[4] = 10000000 +# In --> raw crc is 8021 at time 3456222 +# In --> sent crc is fe7b at time 3456222 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 3462270000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 3462575000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 3463273000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 3464087000 +# In --> bits received are 7 +# In --> ACK received at time 3464087000. +# Input Address:01, EndPt:0 +# i : 1, CntrlTransType:3; CntrlTransAddr:01;CntrlTransEndP:0 +# In CntrlTransType = 11, WRITE = 11 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 3467310000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 3467699000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 3468403000 in host +# In --> receive data = 4b +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 3470534000 +# +# ... Reading the UART Status: 00000082 ... +# CntrlTransType = 10 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 3484362000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 3484646000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 3485364000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 3486158000 +# In --> in_out_buf[0] = 11010010, in_out_buf_ptr = 1 +# CntrlTransType = 10 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 3489318000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 3489686000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 3490410000 in host +# In --> receive data = 4b +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = ff +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = db +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 3495293000 +# In --> Data toggle recevied is 1001011 at time 3495377000 +# In --> received byte[1] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[2] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[3] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[4] = 00000000 +# In --> calculated crc is 24 at time 3495377000. +# In --> received raw crc is 24 at time 3495377000. +# In --> received crc is ffdb at time 3495377000. +# In --> tmpCrc ffdb, at time 3495377000 +# In --> sending ACK at time 3497298000 +# RecvBuffer[0] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[1] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[2] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[3] = 00000000 : 0 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 3503850000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 3504155000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 3504873000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 3505667000 +# CntrlTransType = 10 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 3517542000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 3517847000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 3518565000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 3519359000 +# In --> in_out_buf[0] = 11010010, in_out_buf_ptr = 1 +# CntrlTransType = 10 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 3522498000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 3522887000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 3523584000 in host +# In --> receive data = 4b +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# (tb.u_uart_agent.read_char_chk.loop_2) Data match 80 +# ... Read Data from UART done cnt : 33... +# In --> receive data = 20 +# In --> receive data = fe +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = 03 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 3528473000 +# In --> Data toggle recevied is 1001011 at time 3528557000 +# In --> received byte[1] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[2] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[3] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[4] = 00100000 +# In --> calculated crc is 803f at time 3528557000. +# In --> received raw crc is 803f at time 3528557000. +# In --> received crc is fe03 at time 3528557000. +# In --> tmpCrc fe03, at time 3528557000 +# In --> sending ACK at time 3530478000 +# RecvBuffer[0] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[1] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[2] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[3] = 00100000 : 32 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 3537030000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 3537335000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 3538047000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 3538847000 +# CntrlTransType = 11 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 3550722000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 3551027000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 3551742000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 3552539000 +# In --> in_out_buf[0] = 11010010, in_out_buf_ptr = 1 +# In host --> address = 01, EndPt = 0, crc5 = 1d, tmpReg = e801 +# In --> DataToggle is 1 +# In --> DataToggle is 4b at time 3555762000. +# In --> sending byte[1] = 00000000 +# In --> sending byte[2] = 00000000 +# In --> sending byte[3] = 00000000 +# In --> sending byte[4] = 00100000 +# In --> raw crc is 803f at time 3555762 +# In --> sent crc is fe03 at time 3555762 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 3561810000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 3562115000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 3562829000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 3563627000 +# In --> bits received are 7 +# In --> ACK received at time 3563627000. +# Input Address:01, EndPt:0 +# i : 1, CntrlTransType:3; CntrlTransAddr:01;CntrlTransEndP:0 +# In CntrlTransType = 11, WRITE = 11 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 3566850000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 3567239000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 3567953000 in host +# In --> receive data = 4b +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 3570095000 +# +# ... Reading the UART Status: 00000022 ... +# CntrlTransType = 10 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 3583902000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 3584207000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 3584917000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 3585719000 +# In --> in_out_buf[0] = 11010010, in_out_buf_ptr = 1 +# CntrlTransType = 10 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 3588858000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 3589163000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 3589876000 in host +# In --> receive data = 4b +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = ff +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = db +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 3594770000 +# In --> Data toggle recevied is 1001011 at time 3594854000 +# In --> received byte[1] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[2] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[3] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[4] = 00000000 +# In --> calculated crc is 24 at time 3594854000. +# In --> received raw crc is 24 at time 3594854000. +# In --> received crc is ffdb at time 3594854000. +# In --> tmpCrc ffdb, at time 3594854000 +# In --> sending ACK at time 3596754000 +# RecvBuffer[0] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[1] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[2] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[3] = 00000000 : 0 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 3603306000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 3603590000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 3604319000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 3605123000 +# CntrlTransType = 10 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 3616998000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 3617303000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 3618010000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 3618815000 +# In --> in_out_buf[0] = 11010010, in_out_buf_ptr = 1 +# CntrlTransType = 10 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 3621954000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 3622343000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 3623054000 in host +# In --> receive data = 4b +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = aa +# In --> receive data = 7f +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = a4 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 3627950000 +# (tb.u_uart_agent.read_char_chk.loop_2) Data match 20 +# ... Read Data from UART done cnt : 34... +# In --> Data toggle recevied is 1001011 at time 3628034000 +# In --> received byte[1] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[2] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[3] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[4] = 10101010 +# In --> calculated crc is 1da at time 3628034000. +# In --> received raw crc is 1da at time 3628034000. +# In --> received crc is 7fa4 at time 3628034000. +# In --> tmpCrc 7fa4, at time 3628034000 +# In --> sending ACK at time 3629934000 +# RecvBuffer[0] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[1] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[2] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[3] = 10101010 : 170 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 3636486000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 3636770000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 3637496000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 3638282000 +# CntrlTransType = 11 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 3650178000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 3650462000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 3651188000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 3651974000 +# In --> in_out_buf[0] = 11010010, in_out_buf_ptr = 1 +# In host --> address = 01, EndPt = 0, crc5 = 1d, tmpReg = e801 +# In --> DataToggle is 1 +# In --> DataToggle is 4b at time 3655218000. +# In --> sending byte[1] = 00000000 +# In --> sending byte[2] = 00000000 +# In --> sending byte[3] = 00000000 +# In --> sending byte[4] = 10101010 +# In --> raw crc is 1da at time 3655218 +# In --> sent crc is 7fa4 at time 3655218 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 3661266000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 3661550000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 3662275000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 3663062000 +# In --> bits received are 7 +# In --> ACK received at time 3663062000. +# Input Address:01, EndPt:0 +# i : 1, CntrlTransType:3; CntrlTransAddr:01;CntrlTransEndP:0 +# In CntrlTransType = 11, WRITE = 11 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 3666306000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 3666674000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 3667404000 in host +# In --> receive data = 4b +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 3669530000 +# +# ... Reading the UART Status: 000000aa ... +# CntrlTransType = 10 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 3683358000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 3683642000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 3684368000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 3685154000 +# In --> in_out_buf[0] = 11010010, in_out_buf_ptr = 1 +# CntrlTransType = 10 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 3688314000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 3688682000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 3689408000 in host +# In --> receive data = 4b +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = ff +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = db +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 3694289000 +# In --> Data toggle recevied is 1001011 at time 3694373000 +# In --> received byte[1] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[2] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[3] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[4] = 00000000 +# In --> calculated crc is 24 at time 3694373000. +# In --> received raw crc is 24 at time 3694373000. +# In --> received crc is ffdb at time 3694373000. +# In --> tmpCrc ffdb, at time 3694373000 +# In --> sending ACK at time 3696294000 +# RecvBuffer[0] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[1] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[2] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[3] = 00000000 : 0 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 3702846000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 3703151000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 3703850000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 3704663000 +# CntrlTransType = 10 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 3716538000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 3716843000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 3717542000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 3718355000 +# In --> in_out_buf[0] = 11010010, in_out_buf_ptr = 1 +# CntrlTransType = 10 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 3721494000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 3721883000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 3722586000 in host +# In --> receive data = 4b +# In --> receive data = 00 +# (tb.u_uart_agent.read_char_chk.loop_2) Data match aa +# ... Read Data from UART done cnt : 35... +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 9d +# In --> receive data = 3e +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = 72 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 3727385000 +# In --> Data toggle recevied is 1001011 at time 3727469000 +# In --> received byte[1] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[2] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[3] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[4] = 10011101 +# In --> calculated crc is 83b1 at time 3727469000. +# In --> received raw crc is 83b1 at time 3727469000. +# In --> received crc is 3e72 at time 3727469000. +# In --> tmpCrc 3e72, at time 3727469000 +# In --> sending ACK at time 3729390000 +# RecvBuffer[0] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[1] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[2] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[3] = 10011101 : 157 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 3735942000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 3736247000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 3736944000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 3737738000 +# CntrlTransType = 11 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 3749634000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 3749918000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 3750639000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 3751430000 +# In --> in_out_buf[0] = 11010010, in_out_buf_ptr = 1 +# In host --> address = 01, EndPt = 0, crc5 = 1d, tmpReg = e801 +# In --> DataToggle is 1 +# In --> DataToggle is 4b at time 3754674000. +# In --> sending byte[1] = 00000000 +# In --> sending byte[2] = 00000000 +# In --> sending byte[3] = 00000000 +# In --> sending byte[4] = 10011101 +# In --> raw crc is 83b1 at time 3754674 +# In --> sent crc is 3e72 at time 3754674 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 3760638000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 3760922000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 3761640000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 3762434000 +# In --> bits received are 7 +# In --> ACK received at time 3762434000. +# Input Address:01, EndPt:0 +# i : 1, CntrlTransType:3; CntrlTransAddr:01;CntrlTransEndP:0 +# In CntrlTransType = 11, WRITE = 11 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 3765678000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 3766046000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 3766766000 in host +# In --> receive data = 4b +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 3768902000 +# +# ... Reading the UART Status: 0000009f ... +# CntrlTransType = 10 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 3782730000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 3783014000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 3783733000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 3784526000 +# In --> in_out_buf[0] = 11010010, in_out_buf_ptr = 1 +# CntrlTransType = 10 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 3787686000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 3788054000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 3788773000 in host +# In --> receive data = 4b +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = ff +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = db +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 3793661000 +# In --> Data toggle recevied is 1001011 at time 3793745000 +# In --> received byte[1] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[2] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[3] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[4] = 00000000 +# In --> calculated crc is 24 at time 3793745000. +# In --> received raw crc is 24 at time 3793745000. +# In --> received crc is ffdb at time 3793745000. +# In --> tmpCrc ffdb, at time 3793745000 +# In --> sending ACK at time 3795666000 +# RecvBuffer[0] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[1] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[2] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[3] = 00000000 : 0 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 3802218000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 3802523000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 3803236000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 3804035000 +# CntrlTransType = 10 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 3815910000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 3816215000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 3816931000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 3817727000 +# In --> in_out_buf[0] = 11010010, in_out_buf_ptr = 1 +# CntrlTransType = 10 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 3820866000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 3821255000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 3821951000 in host +# In --> receive data = 4b +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 96 +# (tb.u_uart_agent.read_char_chk.loop_2) Data match 9d +# ... Read Data from UART done cnt : 36... +# In --> receive data = 7f +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = b5 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 3826841000 +# In --> Data toggle recevied is 1001011 at time 3826925000 +# In --> received byte[1] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[2] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[3] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[4] = 10010110 +# In --> calculated crc is 152 at time 3826925000. +# In --> received raw crc is 152 at time 3826925000. +# In --> received crc is 7fb5 at time 3826925000. +# In --> tmpCrc 7fb5, at time 3826925000 +# In --> sending ACK at time 3828846000 +# RecvBuffer[0] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[1] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[2] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[3] = 10010110 : 150 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 3835398000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 3835703000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 3836414000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 3837215000 +# CntrlTransType = 11 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 3849090000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 3849395000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 3850106000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 3850907000 +# In --> in_out_buf[0] = 11010010, in_out_buf_ptr = 1 +# In host --> address = 01, EndPt = 0, crc5 = 1d, tmpReg = e801 +# In --> DataToggle is 1 +# In --> DataToggle is 4b at time 3854130000. +# In --> sending byte[1] = 00000000 +# In --> sending byte[2] = 00000000 +# In --> sending byte[3] = 00000000 +# In --> sending byte[4] = 10010110 +# In --> raw crc is 152 at time 3854130 +# In --> sent crc is 7fb5 at time 3854130 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 3860178000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 3860483000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 3861192000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 3861995000 +# In --> bits received are 7 +# In --> ACK received at time 3861995000. +# Input Address:01, EndPt:0 +# i : 1, CntrlTransType:3; CntrlTransAddr:01;CntrlTransEndP:0 +# In CntrlTransType = 11, WRITE = 11 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 3865218000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 3865523000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 3866236000 in host +# In --> receive data = 4b +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 3868379000 +# +# ... Reading the UART Status: 00000096 ... +# CntrlTransType = 10 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 3882186000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 3882491000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 3883199000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 3884003000 +# In --> in_out_buf[0] = 11010010, in_out_buf_ptr = 1 +# CntrlTransType = 10 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 3887142000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 3887447000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 3888159000 in host +# In --> receive data = 4b +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = ff +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = db +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 3893054000 +# In --> Data toggle recevied is 1001011 at time 3893138000 +# In --> received byte[1] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[2] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[3] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[4] = 00000000 +# In --> calculated crc is 24 at time 3893138000. +# In --> received raw crc is 24 at time 3893138000. +# In --> received crc is ffdb at time 3893138000. +# In --> tmpCrc ffdb, at time 3893138000 +# In --> sending ACK at time 3895038000 +# RecvBuffer[0] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[1] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[2] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[3] = 00000000 : 0 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 3901590000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 3901874000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 3902602000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 3903386000 +# CntrlTransType = 10 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 3915282000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 3915566000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 3916293000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 3917078000 +# In --> in_out_buf[0] = 11010010, in_out_buf_ptr = 1 +# CntrlTransType = 10 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 3920238000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 3920606000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 3921337000 in host +# In --> receive data = 4b +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 13 +# In --> receive data = be +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = 16 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 3926150000 +# In --> Data toggle recevied is 1001011 at time 3926234000 +# In --> received byte[1] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[2] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[3] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[4] = 00010011 +# In --> calculated crc is 8297 at time 3926234000. +# In --> received raw crc is 8297 at time 3926234000. +# In --> received crc is be16 at time 3926234000. +# In --> tmpCrc be16, at time 3926234000 +# (tb.u_uart_agent.read_char_chk.loop_2) Data match 96 +# ... Read Data from UART done cnt : 37... +# In --> sending ACK at time 3928134000 +# RecvBuffer[0] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[1] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[2] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[3] = 00010011 : 19 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 3934686000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 3934970000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 3935695000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 3936482000 +# CntrlTransType = 11 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 3948378000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 3948662000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 3949387000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 3950174000 +# In --> in_out_buf[0] = 11010010, in_out_buf_ptr = 1 +# In host --> address = 01, EndPt = 0, crc5 = 1d, tmpReg = e801 +# In --> DataToggle is 1 +# In --> DataToggle is 4b at time 3953418000. +# In --> sending byte[1] = 00000000 +# In --> sending byte[2] = 00000000 +# In --> sending byte[3] = 00000000 +# In --> sending byte[4] = 00010011 +# In --> raw crc is 8297 at time 3953418 +# In --> sent crc is be16 at time 3953418 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 3959382000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 3959666000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 3960391000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 3961178000 +# In --> bits received are 7 +# In --> ACK received at time 3961178000. +# Input Address:01, EndPt:0 +# i : 1, CntrlTransType:3; CntrlTransAddr:01;CntrlTransEndP:0 +# In CntrlTransType = 11, WRITE = 11 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 3964422000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 3964790000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 3965517000 in host +# In --> receive data = 4b +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 3967646000 +# +# ... Reading the UART Status: 00000013 ... +# CntrlTransType = 10 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 3981474000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 3981758000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 3982484000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 3983270000 +# In --> in_out_buf[0] = 11010010, in_out_buf_ptr = 1 +# CntrlTransType = 10 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 3986430000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 3986798000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 3987525000 in host +# In --> receive data = 4b +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = ff +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = db +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 3992405000 +# In --> Data toggle recevied is 1001011 at time 3992489000 +# In --> received byte[1] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[2] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[3] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[4] = 00000000 +# In --> calculated crc is 24 at time 3992489000. +# In --> received raw crc is 24 at time 3992489000. +# In --> received crc is ffdb at time 3992489000. +# In --> tmpCrc ffdb, at time 3992489000 +# In --> sending ACK at time 3994410000 +# RecvBuffer[0] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[1] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[2] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[3] = 00000000 : 0 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 4000962000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 4001267000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 4001967000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 4002779000 +# CntrlTransType = 10 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 4014654000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 4014959000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 4015659000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 4016471000 +# In --> in_out_buf[0] = 11010010, in_out_buf_ptr = 1 +# CntrlTransType = 10 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 4019610000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 4019999000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 4020702000 in host +# In --> receive data = 4b +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# (tb.u_uart_agent.read_char_chk.loop_2) Data match 13 +# ... Read Data from UART done cnt : 38... +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 0d +# In --> receive data = 3e +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = 1e +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 4025501000 +# In --> Data toggle recevied is 1001011 at time 4025585000 +# In --> received byte[1] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[2] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[3] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[4] = 00001101 +# In --> calculated crc is 8387 at time 4025585000. +# In --> received raw crc is 8387 at time 4025585000. +# In --> received crc is 3e1e at time 4025585000. +# In --> tmpCrc 3e1e, at time 4025585000 +# In --> sending ACK at time 4027506000 +# RecvBuffer[0] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[1] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[2] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[3] = 00001101 : 13 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 4034058000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 4034363000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 4035061000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 4035854000 +# CntrlTransType = 11 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 4047750000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 4048034000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 4048752000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 4049546000 +# In --> in_out_buf[0] = 11010010, in_out_buf_ptr = 1 +# In host --> address = 01, EndPt = 0, crc5 = 1d, tmpReg = e801 +# In --> DataToggle is 1 +# In --> DataToggle is 4b at time 4052790000. +# In --> sending byte[1] = 00000000 +# In --> sending byte[2] = 00000000 +# In --> sending byte[3] = 00000000 +# In --> sending byte[4] = 00001101 +# In --> raw crc is 8387 at time 4052790 +# In --> sent crc is 3e1e at time 4052790 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 4058754000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 4059038000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 4059759000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 4060550000 +# In --> bits received are 7 +# In --> ACK received at time 4060550000. +# Input Address:01, EndPt:0 +# i : 1, CntrlTransType:3; CntrlTransAddr:01;CntrlTransEndP:0 +# In CntrlTransType = 11, WRITE = 11 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 4063794000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 4064162000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 4064883000 in host +# In --> receive data = 4b +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 4067018000 +# +# ... Reading the UART Status: 0000000f ... +# CntrlTransType = 10 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 4080846000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 4081130000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 4081846000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 4082642000 +# In --> in_out_buf[0] = 11010010, in_out_buf_ptr = 1 +# CntrlTransType = 10 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 4085802000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 4086170000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 4086890000 in host +# In --> receive data = 4b +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = ff +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = db +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 4091777000 +# In --> Data toggle recevied is 1001011 at time 4091861000 +# In --> received byte[1] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[2] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[3] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[4] = 00000000 +# In --> calculated crc is 24 at time 4091861000. +# In --> received raw crc is 24 at time 4091861000. +# In --> received crc is ffdb at time 4091861000. +# In --> tmpCrc ffdb, at time 4091861000 +# In --> sending ACK at time 4093782000 +# RecvBuffer[0] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[1] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[2] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[3] = 00000000 : 0 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 4100334000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 4100639000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 4101353000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 4102151000 +# CntrlTransType = 10 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 4114026000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 4114331000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 4115044000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 4115843000 +# In --> in_out_buf[0] = 11010010, in_out_buf_ptr = 1 +# CntrlTransType = 10 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 4118982000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 4119371000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 4120067000 in host +# In --> receive data = 4b +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> receive data = 53 +# In --> receive data = bf +# (tb.u_uart_agent.read_char_chk.loop_2) Data match 0d +# ... Read Data from UART done cnt : 39... +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = e6 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 4124957000 +# In --> Data toggle recevied is 1001011 at time 4125041000 +# In --> received byte[1] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[2] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[3] = 00000000 +# In --> received byte[4] = 01010011 +# In --> calculated crc is 298 at time 4125041000. +# In --> received raw crc is 298 at time 4125041000. +# In --> received crc is bfe6 at time 4125041000. +# In --> tmpCrc bfe6, at time 4125041000 +# In --> sending ACK at time 4126962000 +# RecvBuffer[0] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[1] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[2] = 00000000 : 0 +# RecvBuffer[3] = 01010011 : 83 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 4133514000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 4133819000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 4134530000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 4135331000 +# CntrlTransType = 11 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 4147206000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 4147511000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 4148222000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 4149023000 +# In --> in_out_buf[0] = 11010010, in_out_buf_ptr = 1 +# In host --> address = 01, EndPt = 0, crc5 = 1d, tmpReg = e801 +# In --> DataToggle is 1 +# In --> DataToggle is 4b at time 4152246000. +# In --> sending byte[1] = 00000000 +# In --> sending byte[2] = 00000000 +# In --> sending byte[3] = 00000000 +# In --> sending byte[4] = 01010011 +# In --> raw crc is 298 at time 4152246 +# In --> sent crc is bfe6 at time 4152246 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 4158294000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 4158599000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 4159309000 in host +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = d2 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 4160111000 +# In --> bits received are 7 +# In --> ACK received at time 4160111000. +# Input Address:01, EndPt:0 +# i : 1, CntrlTransType:3; CntrlTransAddr:01;CntrlTransEndP:0 +# In CntrlTransType = 11, WRITE = 11 +# In --> In task wait for response at time 4163334000 +# In --> DPLS = 0 , DeviceSpeed = 1 at time 4163639000 +# In --> Decoder enabled at time 4164352000 in host +# In --> receive data = 4b +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> receive data = 00 +# In --> StopTime = x, SE0StartTime = x +# In --> EOP asserted for 2 bit time at time 4166495000 +# (tb.u_uart_agent.read_char_chk.loop_2) Data match 53 +# ... Read Data from UART done cnt : 40... +# -------------------- Reporting Configuration -------------------- +# Data bit number setting is : 8 +# Stop bit number setting is : 1 +# Divisor of Uart clock is : 15 +# Parity is enable +# Even parity setting +# FIFO mode is disable +# ----------------------------------------------------------------- +# -------------------- Reporting Status -------------------- +# +# Number of character received is : 40 +# Number of character sent is : 40 +# Number of parity error rxd is : 0 +# Number of stop1 error rxd is : 0 +# Number of stop2 error rxd is : 0 +# Number of timeout error is : 0 +# Number of error is : 0 +# ----------------------------------------------------------------- +# ** Note: $finish : ../tb/tb.v(246) +# Time: 4225639240 ps Iteration: 0 Instance: /tb Index: usb2uart/trunk/verify/log/compile.log =================================================================== --- usb2uart/trunk/verify/log/compile.log (nonexistent) +++ usb2uart/trunk/verify/log/compile.log (revision 3) @@ -0,0 +1,53 @@ +** Note: (vlog-1901) OptionFile "//dm5/sqatest5/releases/production/Mentor/ModelSim/pc/modelsim_AE_10.1b/modeltech/win32acoem/vlog.opt" not found. Ignored. + +Model Technology ModelSim ACTEL vlog 10.1b Compiler 2012.04 Apr 27 2012 +-- Compiling module tb +-- Compiling module test_control +-- Compiling module uart_agent +-- Compiling module usb_agent +-- Compiling module host_usb_bfm +-- Compiling module usb_bfm_decoder +-- Compiling module usb_bfm_encoder +-- Compiling module usb_bfm_dpll +-- Compiling module usb_bfm_clk_switch +-- Compiling module usb_bfm_nrzi2nrz +-- Compiling module usb_bfm_ph_detect +-- Compiling module usb_bfm_pulse_puller +-- Compiling module usb1_core +-- Compiling module usb1_crc16 +-- Compiling module usb1_crc5 +-- Compiling module usb1_ctrl +-- Compiling module usb1_fifo2 +-- Compiling module usb1_idma +-- Compiling module usb1_pa +-- Compiling module usb1_pd +-- Compiling module usb1_pe +-- Compiling module usb1_pl +-- Compiling module usb1_rom1 +-- Compiling module usb1_utmi_if +-- Compiling module usb_phy +-- Compiling module usb_rx_phy +-- Compiling module usb_tx_phy +-- Compiling module generic_fifo_sc_a +-- Compiling module generic_dpram +-- Compiling module sync_fifo +-- Compiling module async_fifo +-- Compiling module uart_core +-- Compiling module uart_txfsm +-- Compiling module uart_rxfsm +-- Compiling module uart_cfg +-- Compiling module clk_ctl +-- Compiling module double_sync_high +-- Compiling module double_sync_low +-- Compiling module bit_register +-- Compiling module req_register +-- Compiling module stat_register +-- Compiling module generic_register +-- Compiling module generic_intr_stat_reg +-- Compiling module core + +Top level modules: + tb + double_sync_high + req_register + generic_intr_stat_reg Index: usb2uart/trunk/verify/tests/usb_test3.v =================================================================== --- usb2uart/trunk/verify/tests/usb_test3.v (nonexistent) +++ usb2uart/trunk/verify/tests/usb_test3.v (revision 3) @@ -0,0 +1,114 @@ +`define usbbfm tb.u_usb_agent.bfm_inst +task usb_test3; + +reg [6:0] address; +reg [3:0] endpt; +reg [3:0] Status; +reg [31:0] ByteCount; +reg [31:0] ReadData; +integer i,j,k; + + +reg [1:0] data_bit ; +reg stop_bits ; // 0: 1 stop bit; 1: 2 stop bit; +reg stick_parity ; // 1: force even parity +reg parity_en ; // parity enable +reg even_odd_parity ; // 0: odd parity; 1: even parity +reg [15:0] divisor ; // divided by (n+1) * 16 +reg [15:0] timeout ;// wait time limit +reg fifo_enable ; // fifo mode disable + +reg [7:0] write_data [0:39]; +reg [15:0] rx_nu; +reg [15:0] tx_nu; + + +parameter MYACK = 4'b0000, + MYNAK = 4'b0001, + MYSTALL = 4'b0010, + MYTOUT = 4'b0011, + MYIVRES = 4'b0100, + MYCRCER = 4'b0101; + + begin + address = 7'b000_0001; + endpt = 4'b0000; + + $display("%0d: USB Reset -----", $time); + `usbbfm.usb_reset(48); + + $display("%0d: Set Address = 1 -----", $time); + `usbbfm.SetAddress (address); + `usbbfm.setup(7'h00, 4'h0, Status); + `usbbfm.printstatus(Status, MYACK); + `usbbfm.status_IN(7'h00, endpt, Status); + `usbbfm.printstatus(Status, MYACK); + #5000; + + $display("%0d: Set configuration -----", $time); + `usbbfm.SetConfiguration(2'b01); + `usbbfm.setup(address, 4'b0000, Status); + `usbbfm.printstatus(Status, MYACK); + `usbbfm.status_IN(address, 4'b0000, Status); + `usbbfm.printstatus(Status, MYACK); + #2000; + + $display("%0d: Configuration done !!!!!!", $time); + + // write UART registers through USB + + ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + data_bit = 2'b11; + stop_bits = 0; // 0: 1 stop bit; 1: 2 stop bit; + stick_parity = 0; // 1: force even parity + parity_en = 1; // parity enable + even_odd_parity = 1; // 0: odd parity; 1: even parity + divisor = 15; // divided by (n+1) * 16 + timeout = 500;// wait time limit + fifo_enable = 0; // fifo mode disable + + tb.u_uart_agent.uart_init; + `usbbfm.VenRegWordWr (address, 32'h0, {27'h0,2'b10,1'b1,1'b1,1'b1}); + // Baud Clock 16x, Master Clock/ (2+cfg_value) + `usbbfm.VenRegWordWr (address, 32'h8, divisor-1); + tb.u_uart_agent.control_setup (data_bit, stop_bits, parity_en, even_odd_parity, stick_parity, timeout, divisor, fifo_enable); + + for (i=0; i<40; i=i+1) + write_data[i] = $random; + + fork + begin + for (i=0; i<40; i=i+1) + begin + $display ("\n... Writing char %d ...", write_data[i]); + tb.u_uart_agent.write_char (write_data[i]); + end + end + + begin + for (j=0; j<40; j=j+1) + begin + tb.u_uart_agent.read_char_chk(write_data[j]); + end + end + + // Read through the USB and check the UART RX Fifo Status; + // If Available, then loop it back + begin + for (k=0; k<40; k=k+1) + begin + ReadData[1]= 1'b1; + while(ReadData[1] == 1'b1 ) begin // Check for UART RX fifo not empty + $display ("\n... Reading the UART Status: %x ...", ReadData); + `usbbfm.VenRegWordRd (address, 32'hC, ReadData); + end + `usbbfm.VenRegWordRd (address, 32'h14, ReadData); // Read the UART RXD Data + `usbbfm.VenRegWordWr (address, 32'h10, ReadData); // Write Back to UART TXD + end + end + join + + #100 + tb.u_uart_agent.report_status(rx_nu, tx_nu); +end +endtask
usb2uart/trunk/verify/tests/usb_test3.v Property changes : Added: svn:executable ## -0,0 +1 ## +* \ No newline at end of property Index: usb2uart/trunk/verify/tests/usb_test1.v =================================================================== --- usb2uart/trunk/verify/tests/usb_test1.v (nonexistent) +++ usb2uart/trunk/verify/tests/usb_test1.v (revision 3) @@ -0,0 +1,56 @@ +`define usbbfm tb.u_usb_agent.bfm_inst +task usb_test1; + +reg [6:0] address; +reg [3:0] endpt; +reg [3:0] Status; +reg [31:0] ByteCount; + +integer i,j; +reg [7:0] startbyte; +reg [15:0] mask; +integer MaxPktSize; +reg [3:0] PackType; + + +parameter MYACK = 4'b0000, + MYNAK = 4'b0001, + MYSTALL = 4'b0010, + MYTOUT = 4'b0011, + MYIVRES = 4'b0100, + MYCRCER = 4'b0101; + + + + begin + + + $display("%0d: USB Reset -----", $time); + tb.u_usb_agent.bfm_inst.usb_reset(48); + + address = 1; + endpt = 0; + $display("%0d: Set Address = %x -----", $time,address); + `usbbfm.SetAddress (address); + $display("%0d: Sending Setup Command ", $time); + `usbbfm.setup(7'h00, 4'h0, Status); + `usbbfm.printstatus(Status, MYACK); + $display("%0d: Sending Status Command ", $time); + `usbbfm.status_IN(7'h00, endpt, Status); + `usbbfm.printstatus(Status, MYACK); + #5000; + + $display("%0d: Set configuration -----", $time); + `usbbfm.SetConfiguration(2'b01); + `usbbfm.setup(address, 4'b0000, Status); + `usbbfm.printstatus(Status, MYACK); + `usbbfm.status_IN(address, 4'b0000, Status); + `usbbfm.printstatus(Status, MYACK); + #2000; + + $display("%0d: Configuration done !!!!!!", $time); + tb.test_control.finish_test; + + end + +endtask
usb2uart/trunk/verify/tests/usb_test1.v Property changes : Added: svn:executable ## -0,0 +1 ## +* \ No newline at end of property Index: usb2uart/trunk/verify/tests/usb_test2.v =================================================================== --- usb2uart/trunk/verify/tests/usb_test2.v (nonexistent) +++ usb2uart/trunk/verify/tests/usb_test2.v (revision 3) @@ -0,0 +1,70 @@ +`define usbbfm tb.u_usb_agent.bfm_inst +task usb_test2; + +reg [6:0] address; +reg [3:0] endpt; +reg [3:0] Status; + reg [31:0] ByteCount; + + integer i,j; + reg [7:0] startbyte; + reg [15:0] mask; + integer MaxPktSize; + reg [3:0] PackType; + + +parameter MYACK = 4'b0000, + MYNAK = 4'b0001, + MYSTALL = 4'b0010, + MYTOUT = 4'b0011, + MYIVRES = 4'b0100, + MYCRCER = 4'b0101; + + begin + address = 7'b000_0001; + endpt = 4'b0000; + + $display("%0d: USB Reset -----", $time); + `usbbfm.usb_reset(48); + + $display("%0d: Set Address = 1 -----", $time); + `usbbfm.SetAddress (address); + `usbbfm.setup(7'h00, 4'h0, Status); + `usbbfm.printstatus(Status, MYACK); + `usbbfm.status_IN(7'h00, endpt, Status); + `usbbfm.printstatus(Status, MYACK); + #5000; + + $display("%0d: Set configuration -----", $time); + `usbbfm.SetConfiguration(2'b01); + `usbbfm.setup(address, 4'b0000, Status); + `usbbfm.printstatus(Status, MYACK); + `usbbfm.status_IN(address, 4'b0000, Status); + `usbbfm.printstatus(Status, MYACK); + #2000; + + $display("%0d: Configuration done !!!!!!", $time); + + // write UART registers through USB + + ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + + + // register word write + $display("%0d: Performing Register Word Write------------", $time); + `usbbfm.VenRegWordWr (address, 32'h8, 32'h123); + #500; + + // register word Read + $display("%0d: Performing Register Word Read------------", $time); + `usbbfm.VenRegWordRdCmp (address, 32'h8, 32'h123, ByteCount); + #500 + + + + $display ("USB doing register writes and reads to USB block end \n"); + + tb.test_control.finish_test; + end + +endtask
usb2uart/trunk/verify/tests/usb_test2.v Property changes : Added: svn:executable ## -0,0 +1 ## +* \ No newline at end of property Index: usb2uart/trunk/verify/run/filelist.f =================================================================== --- usb2uart/trunk/verify/run/filelist.f (nonexistent) +++ usb2uart/trunk/verify/run/filelist.f (revision 3) @@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ ++define+USBF_DEBUG \ ++defin+USB_VERBOSE_DEBUG \ +-l ../log/complile.log \ ++incdir+../../rtl/usb1_core \ ++incdir+../tests \ ++incdir+../../rtl/lib \ +timescale.v \ +../tb/tb.v \ +../tb/test_control.v \ +../agents/uart/uart_agent.v \ +../agents/usb/usb_agent.v \ +../../rtl/usb1_core/usb1_core.v \ +../../rtl/usb1_core/usb1_crc16.v \ +../../rtl/usb1_core/usb1_crc5.v \ +../../rtl/usb1_core/usb1_ctrl.v \ +../../rtl/usb1_core/usb1_fifo2.v \ +../../rtl/usb1_core/usb1_idma.v \ +../../rtl/usb1_core/usb1_pa.v \ +../../rtl/usb1_core/usb1_pd.v \ +../../rtl/usb1_core/usb1_pe.v \ +../../rtl/usb1_core/usb1_pl.v \ +../../rtl/usb1_core/usb1_rom1.v \ +../../rtl/usb1_core/usb1_utmi_if.v \ +../../rtl/usb1_phy/usb_phy.v \ +../../rtl/usb1_phy/usb_rx_phy.v \ +../../rtl/usb1_phy/usb_tx_phy.v \ +../../rtl/lib/generic_fifo_sc_a.v \ +../../rtl/lib/generic_dpram.v \ +../../rtl/lib/sync_fifo.v \ +../../rtl/lib/async_fifo.v \ +../../rtl/uart_core/uart_core.v \ +../../rtl/uart_core/uart_txfsm.v \ +../../rtl/uart_core/uart_rxfsm.v \ +../../rtl/uart_core/uart_cfg.v \ +../../rtl/lib/clk_ctl.v \ +../../rtl/lib/double_sync_high.v \ +../../rtl/lib/double_sync_low.v \ +../../rtl/lib/registers.v \ +../../rtl/core/core.v
usb2uart/trunk/verify/run/filelist.f Property changes : Added: svn:executable ## -0,0 +1 ## +* \ No newline at end of property Index: usb2uart/trunk/verify/run/ =================================================================== --- usb2uart/trunk/verify/run/ (nonexistent) +++ usb2uart/trunk/verify/run/ (revision 3) @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +run -all
usb2uart/trunk/verify/run/ Property changes : Added: svn:executable ## -0,0 +1 ## +* \ No newline at end of property Index: usb2uart/trunk/verify/run/timescale.v =================================================================== --- usb2uart/trunk/verify/run/timescale.v (nonexistent) +++ usb2uart/trunk/verify/run/timescale.v (revision 3) @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +`timescale 1ns / 10ps
usb2uart/trunk/verify/run/timescale.v Property changes : Added: svn:executable ## -0,0 +1 ## +* \ No newline at end of property Index: usb2uart/trunk/verify/run/readme =================================================================== --- usb2uart/trunk/verify/run/readme (nonexistent) +++ usb2uart/trunk/verify/run/readme (revision 3) @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +1. To run the simulation + ./run_modelsim + Result: simulation log file available at ./log/run.log + Test : 40 character is loop-back through UART
usb2uart/trunk/verify/run/readme Property changes : Added: svn:executable ## -0,0 +1 ## +* \ No newline at end of property Index: usb2uart/trunk/verify/run/run_modelsim =================================================================== --- usb2uart/trunk/verify/run/run_modelsim (nonexistent) +++ usb2uart/trunk/verify/run/run_modelsim (revision 3) @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +#!/bin/csh +# +# test for uart +# + +echo " Compiling with MODELSIM " + +if(! -e work) then + vlib work +endif + +vlog -work work -f filelist.f | tee ../log/compile.log + + +vsim -do -c tb | tee ../log/run.log
usb2uart/trunk/verify/run/run_modelsim Property changes : Added: svn:executable ## -0,0 +1 ## +* \ No newline at end of property Index: usb2uart/trunk/verify/tb/test_control.v =================================================================== --- usb2uart/trunk/verify/tb/test_control.v (nonexistent) +++ usb2uart/trunk/verify/tb/test_control.v (revision 3) @@ -0,0 +1,82 @@ + +module test_control(); + + event error_detected; + integer error_count; + reg verbose_msg; + + // initialize debug variables + initial + begin + error_count = 0; + verbose_msg = 0; + end + + + // count the number error + always @(error_detected) + begin + error_count = error_count + 1; + end + + + // enabling/disabling message + task msg_enable; + input [20*8:1] msg_src; + input msg_enable; + begin + verbose_msg = msg_enable; + if (msg_enable) + $display(" At time %t ** %s: enabling messages",$time, msg_src); + else + $display(" At time %t ** %s: disabling messages",$time, msg_src); + end + endtask // msg + + // generating message + task msg; + input [20*8:1] msg_src; + input [40*8:1] msg_text; + begin + if (verbose_msg) + $display(" At time %t ** %s: Msg: %s",$time, msg_src, msg_text); + end + endtask // msg + + // generating long message + task msgl; + input [40*8:1] msg_src; + input [80*8:1] msg_text; + begin + if (verbose_msg) + $display(" At time %t ** %s: Msg: %s",$time, msg_src, msg_text); + end + endtask // msg + + // generating the error message + task err; + input [20*8:1] err_src; + input [40*8:1] err_text; + begin + -> error_detected; + $display("Time %0d, %s Error: %s",$time, err_src, err_text); + end + endtask // err + + +task finish_test; +begin + + $display("****************************************"); + if ( error_count == 0 ) + $display("* TEST: PASSED"); + else + $display("* TEST: FAILED\n*\tError(s) = %d", error_count); + + $display("****************************************"); +end +endtask + + +endmodule // debug_proc +
usb2uart/trunk/verify/tb/test_control.v Property changes : Added: svn:executable ## -0,0 +1 ## +* \ No newline at end of property Index: usb2uart/trunk/verify/tb/tb.v =================================================================== --- usb2uart/trunk/verify/tb/tb.v (nonexistent) +++ usb2uart/trunk/verify/tb/tb.v (revision 3) @@ -0,0 +1,252 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +//// //// +//// //// +//// This file is part of the USB2UART project //// +//// //// +//// //// +//// Description //// +//// //// +//// To Do: //// +//// nothing //// +//// //// +// Version :0.1 - //// +//// Author(s): //// +//// - Dinesh Annayya, //// +//// //// +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +//// //// +//// Copyright (C) 2000 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG //// +//// //// +//// This source file may be used and distributed without //// +//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not //// +//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains //// +//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. //// +//// //// +//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it //// +//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General //// +//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; //// +//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any //// +//// later version. //// +//// //// +//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be //// +//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied //// +//// warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR //// +//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more //// +//// details. //// +//// //// +//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General //// +//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it //// +//// from //// +//// //// +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + + +`timescale 1ns/10ps + +`include "usb1_defines.v" +module tb; + +wire usb_txoe,usb_txdp,usb_txdn; + +wire dpls = (usb_txoe == 1'b0) ? usb_txdp : 1'bz; +wire dmns = (usb_txoe == 1'b0) ? usb_txdn : 1'bz; + +pullup(dpls); // Full Speed Device Indication +//pulldown(dmns); + +parameter SYS_BP_PER = 2.5; +parameter USB_BP_PER = 10.4167; +reg sys_clk,resetn; +reg usb_48mhz_clk; + +//----------------------------------- +// Register Interface +// ---------------------------------- +wire [31:0] reg_addr; // Register Address +wire reg_rdwrn; // 0 -> write, 1-> read +wire reg_req; // Register Req +wire [31:0] reg_wdata; // Register write data +reg [31:0] reg_rdata; // Register Read Data +reg reg_ack; // Register Ack + +always begin + #SYS_BP_PER sys_clk <= 1'b0; + #SYS_BP_PER sys_clk <= 1'b1; +end + +always begin + #USB_BP_PER usb_48mhz_clk <= 1'b0; + #USB_BP_PER usb_48mhz_clk <= 1'b1; +end + +wire usb_rxd = ((dpls == 1) && (dmns == 0)) ? 1'b1: + ((dpls == 0) && (dmns == 1)) ? 1'b0: 1'b0; + +core dut( + .clk_i (usb_48mhz_clk), + .rst_i (resetn), + + // USB PHY Interface + .usb_txdp (usb_txdp), + .usb_txdn (usb_txdn), + .usb_txoe (usb_txoe), + .usb_rxd (usb_rxd), + .usb_rxdp (dpls), + .usb_rxdn (dmns), + + // USB Misc + .phy_tx_mode(1'b1), + + // Interrupts + .dropped_frame(), + .misaligned_frame(), + .crc16_err(), + + // Vendor Features + .v_set_int(), + .v_set_feature(), + .wValue(), + .wIndex(), + .vendor_data(), + + // USB Status + .usb_busy(), + .ep_sel(), + + // End point 1 configuration + .ep1_cfg( `ISO | `IN | 14'd0256 ), + // End point 1 'OUT' FIFO i/f + .ep1_dout( ), + .ep1_we( ), + .ep1_full( 1'b0 ), + // End point 1 'IN' FIFO i/f + .ep1_din( ep1_us_din ), + .ep1_re( ep1_us_re ), + .ep1_empty( ep1_us_empty ), + .ep1_bf_en( 1'b0 ), + .ep1_bf_size( 7'h0 ), + + // End point 2 configuration + .ep2_cfg( `ISO | `OUT | 14'd0256 ), + // End point 2 'OUT' FIFO i/f + .ep2_dout( ep2_us_dout ), + .ep2_we( ep2_us_we ), + .ep2_full( ep2_us_full ), + // End point 2 'IN' FIFO i/f + .ep2_din( 8'h0 ), + .ep2_re( ), + .ep2_empty( 1'b0 ), + .ep2_bf_en( 1'b0 ), + .ep2_bf_size( 7'h0 ), + + // End point 3 configuration + .ep3_cfg( `BULK | `IN | 14'd064 ), + // End point 3 'OUT' FIFO i/f + .ep3_dout( ), + .ep3_we( ), + .ep3_full( 1'b0 ), + // End point 3 'IN' FIFO i/f + .ep3_din( ep3_us_din ), + .ep3_re( ep3_us_re ), + .ep3_empty( ep3_us_empty ), + .ep3_bf_en( 1'b0 ), + .ep3_bf_size( 7'h0 ), + + // End point 4 configuration + .ep4_cfg( `BULK | `OUT | 14'd064 ), + // End point 4 'OUT' FIFO i/f + .ep4_dout( ep4_us_dout ), + .ep4_we( ep4_us_we ), + .ep4_full( ep4_us_full ), + // End point 4 'IN' FIFO i/f + .ep4_din( 8'h0 ), + .ep4_re( ), + .ep4_empty( 1'b0 ), + .ep4_bf_en( 1'b0 ), + .ep4_bf_size( 7'h0 ), + + // End point 5 configuration + .ep5_cfg( `INT | `IN | 14'd064 ), + // End point 5 'OUT' FIFO i/f + .ep5_dout( ), + .ep5_we( ), + .ep5_full( 1'b0 ), + // End point 5 'IN' FIFO i/f + .ep5_din( ep5_us_din ), + .ep5_re( ep5_us_re ), + .ep5_empty( ep5_us_empty ), + .ep5_bf_en( 1'b0 ), + .ep5_bf_size( 7'h0 ), + + // End point 6 configuration + .ep6_cfg( 14'h00 ), + // End point 6 'OUT' FIFO i/f + .ep6_dout( ), + .ep6_we( ), + .ep6_full( 1'b0 ), + // End point 6 'IN' FIFO i/f + .ep6_din( 8'h0 ), + .ep6_re( ), + .ep6_empty( 1'b0 ), + .ep6_bf_en( 1'b0 ), + .ep6_bf_size( 7'h0 ), + + // End point 7 configuration + .ep7_cfg( 14'h00 ), + // End point 7 'OUT' FIFO i/f + .ep7_dout( ), + .ep7_we( ), + .ep7_full( 1'b0 ), + // End point 7 'IN' FIFO i/f + .ep7_din( 8'h0 ), + .ep7_re( ), + .ep7_empty( 1'b0 ), + .ep7_bf_en( 1'b0 ), + .ep7_bf_size( 7'h0 ), + + // Uart Line Interface + .uart_txd (uart_txd), + .uart_rxd (uart_rxd) + + ); + + + +usb_agent u_usb_agent( + .dpls (dpls), + .dmns (dmns) + ); + +uart_agent u_uart_agent( + .test_clk (usb_48mhz_clk), + .sin (uart_rxd), + .sout (uart_txd) + ); +test_control test_control(); + +always @(posedge usb_48mhz_clk) + reg_ack <= reg_req; + +always @(posedge usb_48mhz_clk) + if(reg_req) + reg_rdata <= reg_wdata; + + + +initial +begin + resetn = 1; + #100 resetn = 0; + #100 resetn = 1; + #1000 + //usb_test1; + //usb_test2; + usb_test3; + + $finish; +end + +`include "usb_test1.v" +`include "usb_test2.v" +`include "usb_test3.v" +endmodule
usb2uart/trunk/verify/tb/tb.v Property changes : Added: svn:executable ## -0,0 +1 ## +* \ No newline at end of property

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