
Subversion Repositories or1k

Compare Revisions

  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 204 to Rev 205
    Reverse comparison

Rev 204 → Rev 205

71,7 → 71,8
clk, rst,
// Internal i/f
multicycle, except_flushpipe, lsu_stall, if_stall, dclsu_unstall, branch_stall, force_dslot_fetch, pipeline_freeze
multicycle, except_flushpipe, lsu_stall, if_stall, dclsu_unstall, branch_stall, force_dslot_fetch,
if_freeze, id_freeze, ex_freeze, wb_freeze
86,7 → 87,10
input dclsu_unstall;
input branch_stall;
input force_dslot_fetch;
output pipeline_freeze;
output if_freeze;
output id_freeze;
output ex_freeze;
output wb_freeze;
// Internal wires and regs
100,7 → 104,10
// Pipeline freeze
assign pipeline_freeze = (lsu_stall | (~dclsu_unstall & if_stall) | multicycle_freeze) & ~except_flushpipe;
assign if_freeze = id_freeze;
assign id_freeze = (lsu_stall | (~dclsu_unstall & if_stall) | multicycle_freeze | force_dslot_fetch) & ~except_flushpipe;
assign ex_freeze = (lsu_stall | (~dclsu_unstall & if_stall) | multicycle_freeze) & ~except_flushpipe;
assign wb_freeze = (lsu_stall | (~dclsu_unstall & if_stall) | multicycle_freeze) & ~except_flushpipe;
// Freeze FSM1
135,7 → 142,7
case (state2) // synopsys full_case parallel_case
if (done_once && pipeline_freeze)
if (done_once && ex_freeze)
done_once <= #1 1'b1;
else if (multicycle) begin
62,10 → 62,10
clk, rst,
// Internal i/f
addr, en, we, datain, dataout
addr, en, we, datain, tag_v, tag
parameter dw = 19;
parameter dw = 20;
parameter aw = 9;
77,7 → 77,8
input en;
input we;
input [dw-1:0] datain;
output [dw-1:0] dataout;
output tag_v;
output [dw-2:0] tag;
`ifdef OR1200_NO_DC
84,7 → 85,8
// Data cache not implemented
assign dataout = {dw{1'b0}};
assign tag = {dw{1'b0}};
assign tag_v = 1'b0;
91,7 → 93,7
// Instantiation of TAG RAM block
generic_spram_512x19 dc_tag0(
generic_spram_512x20 dc_tag0(
99,7 → 101,7
.do({tag_v, tag})
75,8 → 75,9
dwb_clk_i, dwb_rst_i, dwb_ack_i, dwb_err_i, dwb_rty_i, dwb_dat_i,
dwb_cyc_o, dwb_adr_o, dwb_stb_o, dwb_we_o, dwb_sel_o, dwb_dat_o,
// Trace
tp_dir_in, tp_sel, tp_in, tp_out,
// External Debug Interface
dbg_stall_i, dbg_dat_i, dbg_adr_i, dbg_op_i, dbg_ewt_i,
dbg_lss_o, dbg_is_o, dbg_wp_o, dbg_bp_o, dbg_dat_o,
// Power Management
pm_clksd, pm_cpustall, pm_dc_gate, pm_ic_gate, pm_dmmu_gate,
133,6 → 134,20
output [dw-1:0] dwb_dat_o; // output data bus
// External Debug Interface
input dbg_stall_i; // External Stall Input
input [dw-1:0] dbg_dat_i; // External Data Input
input [aw-1:0] dbg_adr_i; // External Address Input
input [2:0] dbg_op_i; // External Operation Select Input
input dbg_ewt_i; // External Watchpoint Trigger Input
output [3:0] dbg_lss_o; // External Load/Store Unit Status
output [1:0] dbg_is_o; // External Insn Fetch Status
output [10:0] dbg_wp_o; // Watchpoints Outputs
output dbg_bp_o; // Breakpoint Output
output [dw-1:0] dbg_dat_o; // External Data Output
// Power Management
input pm_cpustall;
146,6 → 161,7
output pm_wakeup;
output pm_lvolt;
// Internal wires and regs
246,14 → 262,6
wire tt_int;
// CPU and external Trace port
input tp_dir_in;
input [1:0] tp_sel;
input [dw-1:0] tp_in;
output [dw-1:0] tp_out;
// Trace port and caches/MMUs
wire [`TP2W_WIDTH-1:0] tp2w;
365,15 → 373,18
// SPR access
// These connect IC to BIU
// These connect IC to SPRS
391,10 → 402,10
// Connection CPU to external Trace port
// Connection IMMU and CPU internally
482,6 → 493,12
// SPR access
// These connect DC to BIU
496,6 → 513,44
// Instantiation of Debug Unit
du du(
// RISC Internal Interface
// DU's access to SPR unit
// Access to DU's SPRs
// External Debug Interface
// Programmable interrupt controller
pic pic(
67,8 → 67,11
clk, rst, clkdiv_by_2,
// Internal i/f to fetcher
ic_en, icfetch_dataout, icfetch_addr, icfetch_op, icfetch_stall, spr_dat_i,
ic_en, icfetch_dataout, icfetch_addr, icfetch_op, icfetch_stall,
// SPRs
spr_cs, spr_write, spr_addr, spr_dat_i,
// External i/f to BIU
icbiu_rdy, icbiu_addr, icbiu_read, icbiu_datain, icbiu_sel
103,11 → 106,19
input [31:0] icfetch_addr;
input [`FETCHOP_WIDTH-1:0] icfetch_op;
output icfetch_stall;
input [dw-1:0] spr_dat_i;
// SPR access
input spr_cs;
input spr_write;
input [31:0] spr_addr;
input [31:0] spr_dat_i;
// Internal wires and regs
wire tag_v;
wire [18:0] tag;
wire [dw-1:0] to_icram;
wire [dw-1:0] from_icram;
128,12 → 139,20
wire [`FETCHOP_WIDTH-1:0] icfsm_op;
wire icfsm_read;
reg [1:0] bypass_wait;
wire [`ICINDXH:4] ictag_addr;
wire ictag_en;
wire ictag_v;
wire ic_inv;
// Simple assignments
assign ic_inv = spr_cs & spr_write;
assign icbiu_addr = ic_addr;
assign ictag_we = refill;
assign ictag_we = refill | ic_inv;
assign ictag_addr = ic_inv ? spr_dat_i[`ICINDXH:4] : ic_addr[`ICINDXH:4];
assign ictag_en = ic_inv | ic_en;
assign ictag_v = ~ic_inv;
// Bypass of IC when it is disabled
187,7 → 206,7
// Tag comparison
always @(tag or saved_addr) begin
if (tag == saved_addr[31:`ICTAGL])
if ((tag == saved_addr[31:`ICTAGL]) && tag_v)
hit <= #1 1'b1;
hit <= #1 1'b0;
254,11 → 273,12
ic_tag ic_tag(
.datain({ic_addr[31:`ICTAGL], ictag_v}),
60,7 → 60,7
clk, rst,
// Internal i/f
pipeline_freeze, except_flushpipe, if_insn, branch_op,
id_freeze, ex_freeze, wb_freeze, except_flushpipe, if_insn, branch_op,
rf_addra, rf_addrb, alu_op, shrot_op, comp_op, rf_addrw, rfwb_op,
wb_insn, simm, branch_addrofs, lsu_addrofs, sel_a, sel_b, lsu_op,
multicycle, spr_addrimm, wbforw_valid, sig_syscall,
72,7 → 72,9
input clk;
input rst;
input pipeline_freeze;
input id_freeze;
input ex_freeze;
input wb_freeze;
input except_flushpipe;
input [31:0] if_insn;
output [`BRANCHOP_WIDTH-1:0] branch_op;
178,7 → 180,9
always @(posedge clk or posedge rst_or_except_flushpipe) begin
if (rst_or_except_flushpipe)
spr_addrimm <= #1 16'h0000;
else if (!pipeline_freeze) begin
else if (!ex_freeze & id_freeze)
spr_addrimm <= #1 16'h0000;
else if (!ex_freeze) begin
case (id_insn[31:26]) // synopsys full_case parallel_case
// l.mtspr
299,7 → 303,9
always @(posedge clk or posedge rst) begin
if (rst)
rf_addrw <= #1 5'd0;
else if (!pipeline_freeze)
else if (!ex_freeze & id_freeze)
rf_addrw <= #1 5'd00;
else if (!ex_freeze)
case (pre_branch_op) // synopsys parallel_case full_case
rf_addrw <= #1 5'd09; // link register r9
314,7 → 320,7
always @(posedge clk or posedge rst) begin
if (rst)
wb_rfaddrw <= #1 5'd0;
else if (!pipeline_freeze)
else if (!wb_freeze)
wb_rfaddrw <= #1 rf_addrw;
326,7 → 332,7
id_insn[31:26] <= #1 `OR32_NOP;
id_insn[25:0] <= #1 26'd0;
else if (!pipeline_freeze) begin
else if (!id_freeze) begin
id_insn <= #1 if_insn;
`ifdef OR1200_VERBOSE
// synopsys translate_off
344,7 → 350,9
ex_insn[31:26] <= #1 `OR32_NOP;
ex_insn[25:0] <= #1 26'd0;
else if (!pipeline_freeze) begin
else if (!ex_freeze & id_freeze)
ex_insn <= #1 {`OR32_NOP, 26'h000_4444};
else if (!ex_freeze) begin
ex_insn <= #1 id_insn;
`ifdef OR1200_VERBOSE
// synopsys translate_off
362,7 → 370,7
wb_insn[31:26] <= #1 `OR32_NOP;
wb_insn[25:0] <= #1 26'd0;
else if (!pipeline_freeze) begin
else if (!wb_freeze) begin
wb_insn <= #1 ex_insn;
373,7 → 381,7
always @(posedge clk or posedge rst) begin
if (rst)
sel_imm <= #1 1'b0;
else if (!pipeline_freeze) begin
else if (!id_freeze) begin
case (if_insn[31:26]) // synopsys full_case parallel_case
// j.jalr
441,7 → 449,9
always @(posedge clk or posedge rst_or_except_flushpipe) begin
if (rst_or_except_flushpipe)
alu_op <= #1 `ALUOP_NOP;
else if (!pipeline_freeze) begin
else if (!ex_freeze & id_freeze)
alu_op <= #1 `ALUOP_NOP;
else if (!ex_freeze) begin
case (id_insn[31:26]) // synopsys full_case parallel_case
// l.j
589,7 → 599,9
always @(posedge clk or posedge rst_or_except_flushpipe) begin
if (rst_or_except_flushpipe)
shrot_op <= #1 `SHROTOP_NOP;
else if (!pipeline_freeze) begin
else if (!ex_freeze & id_freeze)
shrot_op <= #1 `SHROTOP_NOP;
else if (!ex_freeze) begin
shrot_op <= #1 id_insn[`SHROTOP_POS];
600,7 → 612,9
always @(posedge clk or posedge rst_or_except_flushpipe) begin
if (rst_or_except_flushpipe)
rfwb_op <= #1 `RFWBOP_NOP;
else if (!pipeline_freeze) begin
else if (!ex_freeze & id_freeze)
rfwb_op <= #1 `RFWBOP_NOP;
else if (!ex_freeze) begin
case (id_insn[31:26]) // synopsys full_case parallel_case
// j.jal
690,7 → 704,7
always @(posedge clk or posedge rst_or_except_flushpipe) begin
if (rst_or_except_flushpipe)
pre_branch_op <= #1 `BRANCHOP_NOP;
else if (!pipeline_freeze) begin
else if (!id_freeze) begin
case (if_insn[31:26]) // synopsys full_case parallel_case
// l.j
735,7 → 749,9
always @(posedge clk or posedge rst_or_except_flushpipe) begin
if (rst_or_except_flushpipe)
branch_op <= #1 `BRANCHOP_NOP;
else if (!pipeline_freeze) begin
else if (!ex_freeze & id_freeze)
branch_op <= #1 `BRANCHOP_NOP;
else if (!ex_freeze) begin
branch_op <= #1 pre_branch_op;
746,7 → 762,9
always @(posedge clk or posedge rst_or_except_flushpipe) begin
if (rst_or_except_flushpipe)
lsu_op <= #1 `LSUOP_NOP;
else if (!pipeline_freeze) begin
else if (!ex_freeze & id_freeze)
lsu_op <= #1 `LSUOP_NOP;
else if (!ex_freeze) begin
case (id_insn[31:26]) // synopsys full_case parallel_case
// l.lwz
795,7 → 813,9
always @(posedge clk or posedge rst_or_except_flushpipe) begin
if (rst_or_except_flushpipe)
comp_op <= #1 4'd0;
else if (!pipeline_freeze) begin
else if (!ex_freeze & id_freeze)
comp_op <= #1 4'd0;
else if (!ex_freeze) begin
comp_op <= #1 id_insn[24:21];
806,7 → 826,7
always @(posedge clk or posedge rst) begin
if (rst)
sig_syscall <= #1 1'b0;
else if (!pipeline_freeze) begin
else if (!wb_freeze) begin
`ifdef OR1200_VERBOSE
// synopsys translate_off
if (wb_insn[31:24] == {`OR32_XSYNC, 2'b00})
62,7 → 62,7
clk, rst,
// Internal i/f
pipeline_freeze, rf_dataa, rf_datab, ex_forw, wb_forw,
ex_freeze, rf_dataa, rf_datab, ex_forw, wb_forw,
simm, sel_a, sel_b, operand_a, operand_b, muxed_b
73,7 → 73,7
input clk;
input rst;
input pipeline_freeze;
input ex_freeze;
input [width-1:0] rf_dataa;
input [width-1:0] rf_datab;
input [width-1:0] ex_forw;
99,7 → 99,7
always @(posedge clk or posedge rst) begin
if (rst)
operand_a <= #1 32'd0;
else if (!pipeline_freeze)
else if (!ex_freeze)
operand_a <= #1 muxed_a;
109,7 → 109,7
always @(posedge clk or posedge rst) begin
if (rst)
operand_b <= #1 32'd0;
else if (!pipeline_freeze)
else if (!ex_freeze)
operand_b <= #1 muxed_b;
61,24 → 61,27
`define XILINX_RAMB4
`define XILINX_RAM32X1D
//`define ARTISAN_SSP
//`define XILINX_RAMB4
//`define XILINX_RAM32X1D
//`define ARTISAN_SDP
//`define ARTISAN_STP
// Dump VCD
//`define VCD_DUMP
`define VCD_DUMP
// Verbose
`define OR1200_VERBOSE
// Data cache not implemented
`define OR1200_NO_DC
//`define OR1200_NO_DC
// Insn cache not implemented
`define OR1200_NO_IC
//`define OR1200_NO_IC
// Register OR1200 outputs
411,14 → 414,17
`define SPR_GROUP_BITS 31:27
`define SPR_GROUP_SYS 5'd0
`define SPR_GROUP_PM 5'd8
`define SPR_GROUP_PIC 5'd9
`define SPR_GROUP_TT 5'd10
`define SPR_GROUP_IMMU 5'd28
`define SPR_GROUP_SYS 5'd00
`define SPR_GROUP_IMMU 5'd01
`define SPR_GROUP_DMMU 5'd02
`define SPR_GROUP_DC 5'd03
`define SPR_GROUP_IC 5'd04
`define SPR_GROUP_DU 5'd06
`define SPR_GROUP_PM 5'd08
`define SPR_GROUP_PIC 5'd09
`define SPR_GROUP_TT 5'd10
`define SPR_GROUP_MODA 5'd29
`define SPR_GROUP_MODD 5'd30
`define SPR_GROUP_DMMU 5'd31
`define SPR_CFGR 3'd0
`define SPR_SR 7'd16
463,6 → 469,26
// `define PM_UNUSED_ZERO
// Debug Unit
// Define it if you want DU implemented
// Define if DU registers can be read/written at any address inside DU group
// Define if reading DU regs is allowed
// Define if unused DU registers bits should be zero
// `define DU_UNUSED_ZERO
// DU operation commands
`define DU_OP_READSPR 3'd4
`define DU_OP_WRITESPR 3'd5
// Programmable Interrupt Controller
62,10 → 62,10
clk, rst,
// Internal i/f
addr, en, we, datain, dataout
addr, en, we, datain, tag_v, tag
parameter dw = 19;
parameter dw = 20;
parameter aw = 9;
85,7 → 85,8
input en;
input we;
input [dw-1:0] datain;
output [dw-1:0] dataout;
output tag_v;
output [dw-2:0] tag;
`ifdef OR1200_NO_IC
92,14 → 93,14
// Insn cache not implemented
assign dataout = {dw{1'b0}};
assign tag = {dw{1'b0}};
assign tag_v = 1'b0;
// Instantiation of TAG RAM block
generic_spram_512x19 ic_tag0(
generic_spram_512x20 ic_tag0(
107,7 → 108,7
.do({tag, tag_v})
77,6 → 77,9
// Internal i/f
dc_en, dclsu_addr, dclsu_lsuop, dclsu_datain, dclsu_dataout, dclsu_stall, dclsu_unstall,
// SPRs
spr_cs, spr_write, spr_addr, spr_dat_i,
// Trace
117,6 → 120,14
output dclsu_unstall;
// SPR access
input spr_cs;
input spr_write;
input [31:0] spr_addr;
input [31:0] spr_dat_i;
// Trace
input [`TP2W_WIDTH-1:0] tp2w;
124,6 → 135,7
// Internal wires and regs
wire tag_v;
wire [18:0] tag;
wire [dw-1:0] to_dcram;
wire [dw-1:0] from_dcram;
149,13 → 161,21
wire queue;
wire cntrbusy;
wire dcbiu_valid;
wire [12:4] dctag_addr;
wire dctag_en;
wire dctag_v;
wire dc_inv;
// Simple assignments
assign dcbiu_addr = dc_addr;
assign dctag_we = refill;
assign dclsu_unstall = dcbiu_rdy;
assign dc_inv = spr_cs & spr_write;
assign dctag_we = refill | dc_inv;
assign dctag_addr = dc_inv ? spr_dat_i[12:4] : dc_addr[12:4];
assign dctag_en = dc_inv | dc_en;
assign dctag_v = ~dc_inv;
// Data to BIU is from DCRAM when DC is enabled or from LSU when
234,7 → 254,7
// Tag comparison
always @(tag or saved_addr) begin
if (tag == saved_addr[31:13])
if ((tag == saved_addr[31:13]) && tag_v)
hit <= #1 1'b1;
hit <= #1 1'b0;
312,11 → 332,12
dc_tag dc_tag(
.datain({dc_addr[31:13], dctag_v}),
181,7 → 181,10
wire [`COMPOP_WIDTH-1:0] comp_op;
wire [`BRANCHOP_WIDTH-1:0] branch_op;
wire [`LSUOP_WIDTH-1:0] lsu_op;
wire pipeline_freeze;
wire if_freeze;
wire id_freeze;
wire ex_freeze;
wire wb_freeze;
wire [`SEL_WIDTH-1:0] sel_a;
wire [`SEL_WIDTH-1:0] sel_b;
wire [`RFWBOP_WIDTH-1:0] rfwb_op;
272,7 → 275,9
306,7 → 311,7
329,7 → 334,9
id id(
360,7 → 367,7
wbmux wbmux(
379,7 → 386,7
398,7 → 405,7
operandmuxes operandmuxes(
494,7 → 501,10
73,7 → 73,7
// Internal i/f
sig_dtlbmiss, sig_dmmufault, sig_inthigh, sig_syscall, sig_itlbmiss,
sig_immufault, sig_intlow, branch_taken, pipeline_freeze, if_stall,
sig_immufault, sig_intlow, branch_taken, id_freeze, ex_freeze, wb_freeze, if_stall,
if_pc, lr_sav, except_flushpipe, except_type, except_start,
except_started, wb_pc, datain, epcr_we, eear_we, esr_we, epcr, eear,
esr, sr, lsu_addr
92,7 → 92,9
input sig_immufault;
input sig_intlow;
input branch_taken;
input pipeline_freeze;
input id_freeze;
input ex_freeze;
input wb_freeze;
input if_stall;
input [31:0] if_pc;
output [31:2] lr_sav;
142,27 → 144,46
always @(posedge clk or posedge rst) begin
if (rst) begin
id_pc <= #1 32'd0;
id_exceptflags <= #1 3'b0;
else if (!id_freeze) begin
`ifdef OR1200_VERBOSE
// synopsys translate_off
$display("%t: id_pc <= %h", $time, if_pc);
// synopsys translate_on
id_pc <= #1 if_pc;
id_exceptflags <= #1 { sig_itlbmiss, sig_immufault, sig_intlow & sr[`SR_EXR]};
// PC and Exception flags pipelines
always @(posedge clk or posedge rst) begin
if (rst) begin
ex_dslot <= #1 1'b0;
id_pc <= #1 32'd0;
ex_pc <= #1 32'd0;
wb_pc <= #1 32'd0;
id_exceptflags <= #1 3'b0;
ex_exceptflags <= #1 3'b0;
delayed1_ex_dslot <= #1 1'b0;
delayed2_ex_dslot <= #1 1'b0;
else if (!pipeline_freeze) begin
else if (!ex_freeze & id_freeze) begin
ex_dslot <= #1 1'b0;
ex_pc <= #1 id_pc;
ex_exceptflags <= #1 3'b000;
delayed1_ex_dslot <= #1 ex_dslot;
delayed2_ex_dslot <= #1 delayed1_ex_dslot;
else if (!ex_freeze) begin
`ifdef OR1200_VERBOSE
// synopsys translate_off
$display("%t: id_pc <= %h", $time, if_pc);
$display("%t: ex_pc <= %h", $time, id_pc);
// synopsys translate_on
ex_dslot <= #1 branch_taken;
id_pc <= #1 if_pc;
ex_pc <= #1 id_pc;
wb_pc <= #1 ex_pc;
id_exceptflags <= #1 { sig_itlbmiss, sig_immufault, sig_intlow & sr[`SR_EXR]};
ex_exceptflags <= #1 id_exceptflags;
delayed1_ex_dslot <= #1 ex_dslot;
delayed2_ex_dslot <= #1 delayed1_ex_dslot;
169,13 → 190,26
// PC and Exception flags pipelines
always @(posedge clk or posedge rst) begin
if (rst) begin
wb_pc <= #1 32'd0;
else if (!wb_freeze) begin
wb_pc <= #1 ex_pc;
// We have started execution of exception handler:
// 1. Asserted for 3 clock cycles
// 2. Don't execute any instruction that is still in pipeline and is not part of exception handler
assign except_flushpipe = (sr[`SR_EXR] && (sig_dtlbmiss || sig_dmmufault || sig_inthigh || sig_syscall || ex_exceptflags)
|| extend_flush) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0;
assign except_flushpipe = (sr[`SR_EXR] & (sig_dtlbmiss | sig_dmmufault | sig_inthigh | sig_syscall | ex_exceptflags)
| extend_flush);
// Exception FSM that sequences execution of exception handler
260,7 → 294,7
esr <= #1 datain;
if (!if_stall && !pipeline_freeze)
if (!if_stall && !id_freeze)
`ifdef OR1200_VERBOSE
// synopsys translate_off
62,7 → 62,7
ic_insn, ic_addr, ic_stall, ic_fetchop, tp_insn, tp_wr_insn,
// Internal i/f
pipeline_freeze, if_insn, if_pc, branch_op, except_type,
if_freeze, if_insn, if_pc, branch_op, except_type,
branch_addrofs, lr_restor, flag, taken, binsn_addr, except_start,
epcr, force_dslot_fetch, if_stall, branch_stall
90,7 → 90,7
// Internal i/f
input pipeline_freeze;
input if_freeze;
output [31:0] if_insn;
output [31:0] if_pc;
input [`BRANCHOP_WIDTH-1:0] branch_op;
252,7 → 252,7
always @(posedge clk or posedge rst) begin
if (rst)
pcreg <= #1 30'd64;
else if (!pipeline_freeze && !ic_stall) begin
else if (!if_freeze && !ic_stall) begin
pcreg <= #1 ic_addr[31:2];
`ifdef OR1200_VERBOSE
// synopsys translate_off
269,7 → 269,7
if (rst) begin
if_saved <= #1 33'b0;
else if (pipeline_freeze && !if_saved[32] && !ic_stall) begin // && !taken
else if (if_freeze && !if_saved[32] && !ic_stall) begin // && !taken
if_saved <= #1 {1'b1, ic_tp_insn};
`ifdef OR1200_VERBOSE
// synopsys translate_off
277,7 → 277,7
// synopsys translate_on
else if (!pipeline_freeze) begin
else if (!if_freeze) begin
if_saved[32] <= #1 1'b0;
if_saved[31:0] <= #1 32'h1500eeee;
`ifdef OR1200_VERBOSE
294,10 → 294,10
if (rst) begin
pc_saved <= #1 32'b0;
else if (pipeline_freeze && !if_saved[32] && !ic_stall) begin // && !taken
else if (if_freeze && !if_saved[32] && !ic_stall) begin // && !taken
pc_saved <= #1 ic_addr;
else if (!pipeline_freeze) begin
else if (!if_freeze) begin
pc_saved <= #1 32'h00000000;
62,7 → 62,7
clk, rst,
// Internal i/f
pipeline_freeze, rfwb_op,
wb_freeze, rfwb_op,
muxin_a, muxin_b, muxin_c, muxin_d,
muxout, muxreg, muxreg_valid
82,7 → 82,7
// Internal i/f
input pipeline_freeze;
input wb_freeze;
input [`RFWBOP_WIDTH-1:0] rfwb_op;
input [width-1:0] muxin_a;
input [width-1:0] muxin_b;
107,7 → 107,7
muxreg <= #1 32'd0;
muxreg_valid <= #1 1'b0;
else if (!pipeline_freeze) begin
else if (!wb_freeze) begin
muxreg <= #1 muxout;
muxreg_valid <= #1 rfwb_op[0];
68,7 → 68,7
addrw, dataw, we,
// Read i/f
pipeline_freeze, addra, addrb, dataa, datab,
id_freeze, addra, addrb, dataa, datab,
// Debug
rfa_tqa, rfb_tqa, rfa_tmuxed, rfb_tmuxed, tp1w
97,7 → 97,7
// Read i/f
input pipeline_freeze;
input id_freeze;
input [aw-1:0] addra;
input [aw-1:0] addrb;
output [dw-1:0] dataa;
149,11 → 149,11
if (rst) begin
dataa_saved <= #1 33'b0;
else if (pipeline_freeze & !dataa_saved[32]) begin
else if (id_freeze & !dataa_saved[32]) begin
dataa_saved <= #1 {1'b1, from_rfa};
else if (!pipeline_freeze)
dataa_saved[32] <= #1 1'b0;
else if (!id_freeze)
dataa_saved <= #1 33'b0;
// Stores operand from RF_B into temp reg when pipeline is frozen
162,11 → 162,11
if (rst) begin
datab_saved <= #1 33'b0;
else if (pipeline_freeze & !datab_saved[32]) begin
else if (id_freeze & !datab_saved[32]) begin
datab_saved <= #1 {1'b1, from_rfb};
else if (!pipeline_freeze)
datab_saved[32] <= #1 1'b0;
else if (!id_freeze)
datab_saved <= #1 33'b0;
// Instantiation of register file two-port RAM A
0,0 → 1,228
//// ////
//// OR1200's Debug Unit ////
//// ////
//// This file is part of the OpenRISC 1200 project ////
//// ////
//// ////
//// Description ////
//// Basic OR1200 debug unit. ////
//// ////
//// To Do: ////
//// - make it smaller and faster ////
//// ////
//// Author(s): ////
//// - Damjan Lampret, ////
//// ////
//// ////
//// Copyright (C) 2000 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG ////
//// ////
//// This source file may be used and distributed without ////
//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not ////
//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains ////
//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. ////
//// ////
//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it ////
//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General ////
//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; ////
//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any ////
//// later version. ////
//// ////
//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be ////
//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied ////
//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more ////
//// details. ////
//// ////
//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General ////
//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it ////
//// from ////
//// ////
// CVS Revision History
// $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $
// synopsys translate_off
`include "timescale.v"
// synopsys translate_on
`include "defines.v"
// Debug unit
module du(
// RISC Internal Interface
clk, rst,
du_stall, du_addr, du_dat_i, du_dat_o, du_read, du_write,
spr_cs, spr_write, spr_addr, spr_dat_i, spr_dat_o,
dclsu_lsuop, icfetch_op,
// External Debug Interface
dbg_stall_i, dbg_dat_i, dbg_adr_i, dbg_op_i, dbg_ewt_i,
dbg_lss_o, dbg_is_o, dbg_wp_o, dbg_bp_o, dbg_dat_o
parameter dw = `OPERAND_WIDTH;
parameter aw = `OPERAND_WIDTH;
// I/O
// RISC Internal Interface
input clk; // Clock
input rst; // Reset
output du_stall; // Debug Unit Stall
output [aw-1:0] du_addr; // Debug Unit Address
input [dw-1:0] du_dat_i; // Debug Unit Data In
output [dw-1:0] du_dat_o; // Debug Unit Data Out
output du_read; // Debug Unit Read Enable
output du_write; // Debug Unit Write Enable
input spr_cs; // SPR Chip Select
input spr_write; // SPR Read/Write
input [aw-1:0] spr_addr; // SPR Address
input [dw-1:0] spr_dat_i; // SPR Data Input
output [dw-1:0] spr_dat_o; // SPR Data Output
input [`LSUOP_WIDTH-1:0] dclsu_lsuop; // LSU status
input [`FETCHOP_WIDTH-1:0] icfetch_op; // IFETCH unit status
// External Debug Interface
input dbg_stall_i; // External Stall Input
input [dw-1:0] dbg_dat_i; // External Data Input
input [aw-1:0] dbg_adr_i; // External Address Input
input [2:0] dbg_op_i; // External Operation Select Input
input dbg_ewt_i; // External Watchpoint Trigger Input
output [3:0] dbg_lss_o; // External Load/Store Unit Status
output [1:0] dbg_is_o; // External Insn Fetch Status
output [10:0] dbg_wp_o; // Watchpoints Outputs
output dbg_bp_o; // Breakpoint Output
output [dw-1:0] dbg_dat_o; // External Data Output
// Some connections go directly from the CPU through DU to Debug I/F
assign dbg_lss_o = dclsu_lsuop;
assign dbg_is_o = icfetch_op;
// Some connections go directly from Debug I/F through DU to the CPU
assign du_stall = dbg_stall_i;
// Power Management Register bits
reg [3:0] sdf; // Slow-down factor
reg dme; // Doze Mode Enable
reg sme; // Sleep Mode Enable
reg dcge; // Dynamic Clock Gating Enable
// Internal wires
wire pmr_sel; // PMR select
wire pmr_we; // PMR write
// PMR address decoder (partial decoder)
assign pmr_sel = (spr_addr[`SPRGRP_BITS] == `SPRGRP_PM) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0;
assign pmr_sel = ((spr_addr[`SPRGRP_BITS] == `SPRGRP_PM) &&
(spr_addr[`SPROFS_BITS] == `PM_OFS_PMR)) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0;
// Write to PMR and also PMR[DME]/PMR[SME] reset when
// pic_wakeup is asserted
always @(posedge clk or posedge rst)
if (rst)
{dcge, sme, dme, sdf} <= 7'b0;
else if (pmr_sel && pmr_we) begin
sdf <= #1 spr_dat_i[`PM_PMR_SDF];
dme <= #1 spr_dat_i[`PM_PMR_DME];
sme <= #1 spr_dat_i[`PM_PMR_SME];
dcge <= #1 spr_dat_i[`PM_PMR_DCGE];
else if (pic_wakeup) begin
dme <= #1 1'b0;
sme <= #1 1'b0;
// Read PMR
assign spr_dat_o[`PM_PMR_SDF] = sdf;
assign spr_dat_o[`PM_PMR_DME] = dme;
assign spr_dat_o[`PM_PMR_SME] = sme;
assign spr_dat_o[`PM_PMR_DCGE] = dcge;
assign spr_dat_o[`PM_PMR_UNUSED] = 25'b0;
// Generate pm_clksd
assign pm_clksd = sdf;
// Statically generate all clock gate outputs
// TODO: add dynamic clock gating feature
assign pm_cpu_gate = (dme | sme) & ~pic_wakeup;
assign pm_dc_gate = pm_cpu_gate;
assign pm_ic_gate = pm_cpu_gate;
assign pm_dmmu_gate = pm_cpu_gate;
assign pm_immu_gate = pm_cpu_gate;
assign pm_tt_gate = sme & ~pic_wakeup;
// Assert pm_wakeup when pic_wakeup is asserted
assign pm_wakeup = pic_wakeup;
// Assert pm_lvolt when pm_cpu_gate or pm_cpustall are asserted
assign pm_lvolt = pm_cpu_gate | pm_cpustall;
// When DU is not implemented, drive all outputs as would when DU is disabled
assign dbg_wp_o = 11'b000_0000_0000;
assign dbg_bp_o = 1'b0;
assign dbg_dat_o = du_dat_i;
assign du_addr = dbg_adr_i;
assign du_dat_o = dbg_dat_i;
assign du_read = (dbg_op_i == `DU_OP_READSPR);
assign du_write = (dbg_op_i == `DU_OP_WRITESPR);
// Read PMR
assign spr_dat_o = 32'b0;

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