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  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 220 to Rev 221
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Rev 220 → Rev 221

2,6 → 2,16
Directory '/tools' of the project includes a few tools -- small C or Python
programs purpose-built for this project.
What follows is a brief description of each of the tools. This document
won't go into the implementation or usage details. The tools themselves have
brief usage instructions and for any further details the user must read
the source code.
\section{MIPS Software Simulator}
27,10 → 37,12
Each code sample includes a DOS batch file named 'swsim.bat' that runs the
simulator in batch mode.\\
simulator in batch mode. Note that the BAT file invokes a windows binary
which is included in the SVN repository and should be immediately useable
after checkout.\\
The program includes usage help (a short description of the command line
parameters). The source code (very simple and straighforward) is includef in
parameters). The source code (very simple and straighforward) is included in
the project. The BAT files provide an usage example. And anyone who is
interested and finds trouble can always contact me.
43,9 → 55,56
The hardcoded log file name is "sw\_sim\_log.txt" and it is generated in the
same directory from which the simulator is run.\\
\section{Configuration Package Builder Script build\}
This tools is used to build a simulation and synthesis configuration
The generated package contains configuration constants used by the
simulation test bench \emph{'mips\_tb.vhdl'} and by the hardware demo
It too includes memory initialization constants containing object code,
used to initialize simulated and inferred memories, both in simulation
and in synthesis.
In the code samples, this script is used to generate two separate packages
for simulation and synthesis. Please refer to the makefiles for detailed
usage examples.
\section{Conversion Script}
NOTE: This script was used in previous versions of the project -- it came
in handy to initialize byte-sliced memories when the caches were under
It has been abandoned because it was far too complicated and no longer
necessary. The VHDL
templates it refers to and the script itself have been moved from the /src
directory to their own subdirectory in /tools.
It is being retained in case it becomes useful again but it is no longer
This Python script reads one or more binary files and 'inserts' them in a
vhdl template. It makes the
conversion from binary to vhdl strings and slices the data in byte columns,
10,7 → 10,8
makefiles -- assuming you have a mips toolchain.\\
'Pre-generated' in this context means that all the vhdl files necessary for
building the demo are already included with the project, and the only
building the demo are already included with the project, including the
configuration package that contains the program's object code, and the only
tool needed is the synthesis tool.
The pregenerated demo is included just for convenience, so that you can
42,6 → 43,7
\item 'Next' your way out of the new project wizard.
\item Add to the project all the vhdl files in /vhdl and /vhdl/demo,
except mips\_cache\_stub.vhdl and sdram\_controller.vhdl.
\item Add to the project all the vhdl files in /vhdl/SoC.
\item Select file c2sb\_demo.vhdl as top.
\item Import pin constraints file (assignments-\textgreater import assignments).
\item Create a clock constraint for signal clk (51 MHz or some other
51,7 → 53,7
\item Double-click on nCEO value column and select "use as regular I/O".
IMPORTANT: otherwise the synthesis will fail; we need to use a FPGA
pin that happens to be dual-purpose (programming and regular).
\item Select 'balanced' optimization.
\item Select 'speed' optimization.
\item Save the project and synthesize.
\item Make sure the clock constraint is met (timing analyzer report).
There is a random element to the synthesis process, as you know,
59,8 → 61,7
\item Program the FPGA from Quartus-2
\item If you have a terminal hooked to the serial port (19200/8/N/1) you
should see a welcome message after depressing the reset button.
(by default this is pusbutton 2).
(by default this is pushbutton 2).
In the present version, the synthesis will produce a lot of warnings. The
88,20 → 89,20
\item An FPGA capable enough (the demo uses internal memory for code)
\item At least 4KB of 16-bit wide external, asynchronous, old-fashioned SRAM
\item A reset pin (possibly a pushbutton)
\item A clock input (uart modules assume 50MHz, see below)
\item RXD and TXD UART pins, plus a connector, header or whatever
\item An FPGA capable enough (the demo uses internal memory for code).
\item At least 4KB of 16-bit wide external, asynchronous, old-fashioned SRAM.
\item A reset pin (possibly a pushbutton).
\item A clock input (uart modules assume 50MHz, see below).
\item RXD and TXD UART pins, plus a connector, header or whatever.
The only modules that care at all about clock rate are the UART
modules. They are hardwired to 19200 bauds when clocked at 50MHz, so if you
The only module that care at all about clock rate is the UART embedded into
the SoC module. It's hardwired to 19200 bauds when clocked at 50MHz, so if you
use a different frequency you must edit the generics in the demo entity
Be aware that these uart modules have been used a lot in other projects but
have not been tested with a wide range of clock rates; they should work but
you have been warned.\\
accordingly -- the demo generics are passed all the way down to whatever
module needs them.\\
The UART has hardly been tested at clock rates other than 50MHz and has not
passed any independent test bench; try the core first at 50 MHz.\\
Though there is no reset control logic, the reset input is synchronized
internally, so you can use a raw pushbutton -- you may trigger multiple
110,7 → 111,8
Assuming you take care of all of the above, the easiest way I see to port
the demo is just editing the top module ports ('/vhdl/demo/c2sb\_demo.vhdl')
to match your board setup.\\
to match your board setup. The only tricky part is the interface to FLASH
and SDRAM.\\
All the code in this project is vendor agnostic (or should be, I have only
tried it on Quartus and ISE). Specifically, it does not instantiate memory
148,4 → 150,4
great as a confidence builder.\\
Besides, running Adventure on a computer built by myself is something
I just wanted to do :)\\
I've always wanted to do :)\\
19,7 → 19,7
alternative, simplified scheme.\\
The standard R3000 cache control flags in the SR are not used, either. Instead,
two flags from the SR have been commandeered for cache control.\\
two flags from the SR have been repurposed for cache control.\\
\subsection{Cache control flags}
67,8 → 67,8
___________ <-- These address bits are NOT in the tag
/ \
_________ <-- These address bits are NOT in the tag
/ \
31 .. 27| 26 .. 21 |20 .. 12|11 .. 4|3:2|
| 5 | | 9 | 8 | 2 | |
81,10 → 81,11
Since bits 26 downto 21 are not included in the tag, there will be a
'mirror' effect in the cache. We have effectively split the memory space
into 32 separate blocks of 1MB which is obviously not enough but will do
for the initial tests.
for the initial versions of the core.
In subsequent versions of the cache, the tag size needs to be enlarged AND
some of the top bits might be omitted when they're not needed to implement
the default memory map (namely bit 30 which is always '0').
the default MIPS memory map (namely bit 30 which is always '0').
\section{Memory Controller}
122,10 → 123,10
For each address, the memory map logic will supply the following information:
\item What kind of memory it is
\item How many wait states to use
\item Whether it is writeable or not (ignored in current version)
\item Whether it is cacheable or not (ignored in current version)
\item What kind of memory it is.
\item How many wait states to use.
\item Whether it is writeable or not (ignored in current version).
\item Whether it is cacheable or not (ignored in current version).
In the present implementation the memory map can't be modified at run time.\\
209,7 → 210,7
cache/ps ?| (1) | (2) | ... | (2) |??
refill_ctr ?| 0 | ... < 3 |??
refill_ctr ?| 0 | ... | 3 |??
chip_addr ?| 210h | 211h | ... | 217h |--
229,7 → 230,6
in this chronogram it takes the following values:
\item idle
\item data\_refill\_sram\_0
\item data\_refill\_sram\_1
244,10 → 244,15
\subsubsection{SRAM interface read cycle timing -- 8-bit interface}
TODO: 8-bit refill procedure to be done.
The refill from an 8-bit static memory is essentially the same as depicted
above, except we need to read 4 bytes (over the LSB lines of the static memory
data bus) instead of 2 16-bit halfwords. The operation takes correspondingly
longer to perform and uses an extra address line but is otherwise identical.
TODO: 8-bit refill chronogram to be done.
\subsubsection{SRAM interface write cycle timing}
\subsubsection{16-bit SRAM interface write cycle timing}
The path of the state machine that deals with SRAM writethroughs is linear so
261,7 → 266,7
A general memory write will be 32-bit wide and thus it will take two 16-bit
memory accesses to complete. Unaligned, halfword or byte wide CPU writes might
in some cases be optimized to take only a single 16-bit memory access. This
module does no such optimization.
module does no such optimization yet.
For simplicity, all writethroughs take two 16-bit access cycles, even if one
of them has both we\_n signals deasserted.\\
274,7 → 279,7
In this example, the SRAM is being accessed with 1 WS: WE\_N is asserted for
two cycles.
Note how a lot of cycles are lost in order to guarantee compliance with the
Note how a lot of cycles are used in order to guarantee compliance with the
setup and hold times of the SRAM against the we, address and data lines.
302,7 → 307,6
in this chronogram it takes the following values:
\item idle
\item data\_writethrough\_sram\_0a
\item data\_writethrough\_sram\_0b
\item data\_writethrough\_sram\_0c
316,6 → 320,9
\section{Known Problems}
The cache implementation is still provisional and has a number of
acknowledged problems:
\item All parameters hardcoded -- generics are almost ignored.
\item SRAM read state machine does not guarantee internal FPGA $T_{hold}$.
324,5 → 331,6
in the parent module) are far smaller than the SRAM response times, but
it would be better to insert an extra cycle after the wait states in
the sram read state machine.
\item Cache logic mixed with memory controller logic.
11,7 → 11,7
the cpu state to a text log file.\\
This log file can then be compared to a log file generated by a software
simulator for the same code sample (see section 5.1). The software
simulator for the same code sample (see section \ref{sw_simulator}). The software
simulator is the 'golden model' against which the cpu is tested, so any
difference between both log files means trouble.\\
22,38 → 22,31
In addition to the main log file, there is a console log file to which all
data written to the UART is logged (see section~\ref{uart_logging}).\\
There are a few simulation test bench templates in the /src directory, which
are used by all the code samples.\\
The only ones actually used are '/src/code\_rom\_template.vhdl' and
'/src/sim\_params\_template.vhdl'. The others
are remnants of previous versions that will be removed ASAP.\\
The template in file '/src/code\_rom\_template.vhdl' is filled with object
code meant to be run from internal FPGA BRAM. This is how we load bootstrap
code into our FPGA. The resulting file is '/vhdl/demo/code\_rom\_pkg.vhdl'
and is used by both the simulation test bench and the synthesizable MCU.\\
The simulation test bench can be found in file '/vhdl/tb/mips\_tb.vhdl'.
This test bench is meant to be used with all the code samples.
The template in file '/src/sim\_params\_template.vhdl' is filled with
simulation parameters (such as the simulation length, etc.) and the resulting
file is written as '/vhdl/tb/sim\_params\_pkg.vhdl'. This file is only used
by the simulation test bench.
Each of the code samples configures the simulation test bench with certain
parameters (such as simulation length or memory sizes) and of course each
sample has a different object code to be run. The way to pass these
parameters to the simulation is through a simulation package, in file
All of this template filling is done by a python script (/src/
which is invoked from the makefiles and explained in section xxx.\\
This file is generated from a template whenever you 'make' each code sample
(see section~\ref{samples}). The package is built using oe of the
provided tools, 'build\_pkg', explained in section ~\ref{build_pkg}.
Note that all code samples share the same vhdl files: you need to run the
makefile target 'sim' for the sample you want to simulate; that will
overwrite the two files mentioned above. So there's no vhdl file that is
overwrite the package file mentioned above. So there's no vhdl file that is
specific to a particular code sample.\\
The actual test bench entity is at '/vhdl/tb/mips\_tb.vhdl' and is shared
by all the code samples.\\
While the test benches and sample code are good enough to catch MOST errors
in the full system (i.e. cache included) they don't help with diagnostic;
once you know there's an error, and the approximate address where it's
triggered (approximate because of the cache) you have to dig into the
simulation waveforms to find it. It's easier than it seems.\\
simulation waveforms to find it.\\
\section{Running the Simulation}
66,11 → 59,11
The test bench files mentioned in the previous section are automatically
generated for each of the sample programs. This is automatically done by the
sample code makefile,
assuming you have a MIPS cross-toolchain in your computer (see section~\ref{code_samples}).\\
assuming you have a MIPS cross-toolchain in your computer (see section~\ref{samples}).\\
For convenience, a pre-generated mips\_tb.vhdl is included so you can launch
a simulation without having to install toolchains, etc. The code is that
of the 'hello world' sample.\\
For convenience, a pre-generated file 'sim\_params\_pkg.vhdl' is included
so you can launch a simulation without having to install toolchains, etc.
The code is that of the 'hello world' sample.\\
I guess that if you are interested in this sort of stuff then you probably
know more about Modelsim than I do. Yet, here's a step-by-step guide to
79,7 → 72,7
\item Run 'make hello\_sim' from directory '/src/hello'.
This will compile the program sources, build the necessary binary object
files and then create the two package files mentioned above.\\
files and then create the package file mentioned above.\\
Read the makefile and comments in the python script '/src/'
for details.\\
138,8 → 131,6
Events are logged with the address of the instruction that triggered
the change. This holds true even for load instructions.\\
Early versions of the project logged the address of the
preceding instruction -- it was confusing and I have fixed it.\\
The simulation log file is stored by default in modelsim's working directory
(see above). I don't provide any automated script to do the comparison, you
9,135 → 9,102
\item The CPU (mips\_cpu.vhdl).
\item The cache+memory controller (mips\_cache.vhdl).
\item An 'MCU' entity which combines CPU+Cache (mips\_mpu.vhdl).
\item A 'SoC' entity which combines CPU+Cache (mips\_soc.vhdl).
The entity you should use in your projects is the MCU module. The project
The entity you should use in your projects is the SoC module. The project
includes a 'hardware demo' built around this module (see section
~\ref{pregenerated_demo}) which can be used as an usage example.\\
~\ref{pregenerated_demo}) which is meant as an usage example.\\
The main modules are briefly described in the following subsections.
\section{Bootstrap Code}
\section{MCU Module}
Though the core is meant to run mostly from off-chip memory, the current version
of the SoC module includes a small ROM implemented as FPGA BRAM and called
'bootstrap BRAM'. In the current version of the core, this BRAM can be loaded
with arbitrary code and its size can be configured by using generics, but it
can't be removed from the SoC. Even though the memory map can be modified to
boot from external FLASH and not use a BRAM at all, a BRAM will still be
inferred within the SoC -- subsequent versions will fix this.
The MCU module main purpose is to encapsulate the somewhat complex
interconnection between the CPU and the Cache module.
As can be seen in table~\ref{tab_soc_memory_map}, the internal BRAM is mirrored
all over a wide area starting at \texttt{0xb8000000}. In practice, this means
the BRAM will be mapped at the CPU reset address (\texttt{0xbfc00000}) and thus
the bootstrap code should be placed there.
Unless the bootstrap BRAM is very small, it will span over the interrupt vector
address too (\texttt{0xbfc00180}).
If some project demands that some piece of hardware be directly connected to the
CPU, bypassing the cache, this is where it should be -- an MMU comes to mind.
For example, the 'Adventure' demo included with the project uses bootstrap
code included in file \texttt{/src/common/bootstrap.s}. This bootstrap code
is fairly incomplete (interrupt response code is mostly a stub) yet it's enough
to boot most applications.
Note that the C startup code, which deals with things like initializing the
static variables on the data segment, etc. is not part of this bootstrap code.
It can be found in file \texttt{/src/common/c\_startup.s}
Any peripherals deemed common enough that they will be present in all projects
might be placed in the MCU module too -- after all, the MCU name has been chosen
to imply that 'bundling together' of a CPU and a bunch of peripherals.
So, in short, the code loaded onto the startup BRAM should include the most
basic system initialization (cache initialization at least) and the entry point
for the interrupt response code; plus a jump to the main program entry address.
In the current version of the MCU module, there is only a peripheral included in
it -- a hardwired UART module. There is no penalty for placing peripherals
ouside the MCU module, so there is no incentive to place them inside, thus
making the interface more complex. This is an implementation option of yours.\\
Anyone trying to build some application on this core is advised to use the code
samples as starting points, specially the makefiles.
\subsection{MCU Ports}
\caption{MPU module interface\label{mpu_symbol}}
\subsection{Loading Bootstrap Code on the SoC Module}
\caption{MCU module interface ports}
\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{ lll|X }
Name & Type & Width & Description \\
clk & in & 1 & Clock input, active rising edge. \\
reset & in & 1 & Synchronous global reset. \\
sram\_address & out & 16 & Memory word address (bit 0 absent). \\
sram\_data\_wr & out & 16 & Memory write data. Only valid when one of the \\
& & & memory byte write enable outputs is active.\\
sram\_data\_rd & in & 16 & Memory read data. Latched when xxx. \\
sram\_byte\_we\_n & out & 2 & Memory byte write enable, active low. \\
& & & (0) enables the low byte (7 downto 0) \\
& & & (1) enables the high byte (15 downto 8). \\
io\_rd\_addr & out & 30 & I/O port read address (bits 1..0 absent). \\
& & & Only valid when io\_rd\_vma is high. \\
io\_wr\_addr & out & 30 & I/O port write address (bits 1..0 absent). \\
io\_wr\_data & out & 32 & I/O write data. Only valid when one of the \\
& & & i/o byte write enable outputs is active.\\
io\_rd\_data & in & 32 & I/O read data. Latched when xxx. \\
io\_byte\_we & out & 4 & I/O byte write enable, active high. \\
& & & (0) enables the low byte (7 downto 0) \\
& & & (3) enables the high byte (31 downto 24). \\
io\_rd\_vma & out & 1 & Active high on i/o read cycles. \\
uart\_rxd & in & 1 & RxD input to internal UART. \\
uart\_txd & out & 1 & TxD output from internal UART. \\
interrupt & in & 8 & Interrupt request inputs, active high. \\
Once the code that is to be loaded on the bootstrap BRAM has been built, you
need to load it onto the bootstrap BRAM within the FPGA.
As you can see in figure~\ref{mpu_symbol} (symbol generated by Xilinx ISE),
the MCU has the following interfaces:
As you probably already know, there are several possible ways to deal with this
and most of them involve using \emph{'Memory Initialization Files'} of
some sort. This project is different.
\item Interface to external static asynchronous memory (SRAM, FLASH...).
\item Interface to on-chip peripherals.
\item Interrupt inputs.
So far, this project does not include any support for using IMF
files of any kind. Instead, the bootstrap BRAM is inferred and initialized
using regular VHDL constructs and a constant passed to the SoC module as a
These interfaces will be explained in the following subsections. The top module
for the demo supplied with the project (c2sb\_demo.vhdl) will be used for
This scheme has a big drawback: every time the object code within the FPGA
changes, the whole synthesis needs to be re-run. This drawback is manageable
as long as the core is not used in any big project or if the bootstrap code
does not change often.
\emph{NOTE}: This section needs a lot of elaboration -- ideally this should be
equivalent to
a datasheet in thoroughness and detail. This work, like many other parts of this
project, will have to wait.
On the other hand, I see some big advantages in using regular BRAM inference in
this stage of the project:
\subsection{MCU interface to static memory}
\item The whole scheme is totally vendor agnostic.
\item Object code embedded on VHDL constants can very easily be used in both simulation and synthesis.
The interface to external memory in the MCU module is essentially that of the
internal cache/memory controller. Its timing is described in section
So, whatever object code is to be used to initialize the SoC bootstrap BRAM has
to be passed to the SoC module instance as a generic constant (see section
~\ref{soc_generics}). The constant must be of type \texttt{t\_obj\_code}, which
is defined in package \emph{mips\_pkg}.
The MCU inputs are meant to be connected straight to the FPGA i/o pins. The only
trick is the bidirectional memory data bus: as you can see, the MCU data buses
are unidirectional and thus you will need to provide an interconnection
external to this module. This interconnection shall include the requisite
3-state buffers:
sram_databus <= sram_data_wr when sram_byte_we_n/="11" else (others => 'Z');
\subsection{Building the Bootstrap Initialization Constant}
The top level module can be used as a fully tested example of how to use this
interface to connect to a common SRAM chip (ISSI IS61LV25616).
In reviewing the top module source, note that I had to adapt the dual
byte-write-enable outputs to the SRAM
configuration of a single write-enable plus dual byte-enable inputs.
Note too that the static memory bus is used to access both the 16-bit wide SRAM
and an 8-bit wide FLASH. These chips are connected to separate buses on the
target board, so the top module needs to conflate both buses before connecting
them to the MPU. This is why a multiplexor is used in the mpu\_sram\_data\_rd
bus. A real-world board would probably have the SRAM and the FLASH connected
to the same bus, simplifying the interface logic.
The project includes a python script (\texttt{/tools/build\_pkg/build\})
whose purpose is to build an VHDL \texttt{t\_obj\_code} constant out of a
\emph{binary} object code file.
This script will read one or more big-endian, binary object files and will
produce a VHDL package file that will contain initialization constants for
the bootstrap BRAM and for some other memories that are only used in the
simulation test bench.
The package can optionally include too some simulation and synthesis
configuration constants -- such as the size of the bootstrap BRAM.
\subsection{MCU interface to peripherals}
TODO Documentation to be done
\subsection{MCU interrupt inputs}
TODO Documentation to be done
The makefiles included in the code samples invoke this script twice: once
to generate a package called \emph{sim\_params\_pkg} and used in the
simulation test bench; and once to build a package called
\emph{bootstrap\_code\_pkg} used for synthesis.
Please refer to the makefiles for usage examples, and read the script source
for more detailed usage instructions.
0,0 → 1,397
\chapter{SoC Module}
The main purpose of the SoC module is to encapsulate the somewhat complex
interconnection between the CPU and the Cache/Memory Controller module.
If some project demands that some piece of hardware be directly connected to the
CPU, bypassing the cache, this is where it should be -- an MMU comes to mind.
Any peripherals deemed common enough that they will be present in all projects
might be placed in the SoC module too.
In the current version of the SoC module, there is only one peripheral included
in it -- a hardwired UART module. There is no penalty for placing peripherals
ouside the SoC module, so there is no incentive to place them inside. This is
an implementation option of yours.\\
Bear in mind that, in its current state, the SoC module is little more than a
vehicle for building demos around the ION CPU. It is not meant as a real-world
SoC, though it might be deloped into one eventually.
\section{SoC Generics}
The SoC needs to be configured upon instantiation by setting the following
\caption{SoC module generics\label{tab_soc_generics}}
\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{ lll|X }
Name & Type & Default value & Description \\
\texttt{BOOT\_BRAM\_SIZE} & integer & 1024 & Bootstrap BRAM size in 32-bit words. \\
\texttt{OBJ\_CODE} & t\_obj\_code & (void code) & Bootstrap BRAM contents. \\
\texttt{CLOCK\_FREQ} & integer & 50e6 & Main clock rate. \\
\texttt{BAUD\_RATE} & integer & 19200 & UART baud rate. \\
\texttt{SRAM\_ADDR\_SIZE} & integer & 17 & Size of SRAM address bus. \\
The current version of the SoC is not very strict in the enforcement of limits
for the generics. You are advised to use only 'reasonable' values. This will
be fixed, eventually.
Generic \texttt{CLOCK\_FREQ} is only needed in order to compute the default
baud period for the internal UART (from the value of generic \texttt{BAUD\_RATE}).
Generic \texttt{BOOT\_BRAM\_SIZE} will determine the size of the internal
bootstrap BRAM. This generic \emph{can't be zero}; in the current version of
the SoC, the BRAM can't be disabled or omitted.
Note that if the size of the bootstrap BRAM is not enough to hold the whole
bootstrap code provided in generic \texttt{OBJ\_CODE}, the code \emph{will
be sineltly truncated!}. Usually this will result in an early crash.
Generic \texttt{OBJ\_CODE} is used at synthesis time to initialize the bootstrap
BRAM. This generic is meant to contain boostrap code, as seen in section
~\ref{bootstrap_code}). It can be omitted, in which case the bootstrap BRAM
will be initialized to all zeros.
\section{SoC Ports}
\caption{SoC module interface\label{soc_symbol}}
\caption{SoC module interface ports}
\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{ lll|X }
Name & Type & Width & Description \\
clk & in & 1 & Clock input, active rising edge. \\
reset & in & 1 & Synchronous global reset. \\
sram\_address & out & 16 & Memory word address (bit 0 absent). \\
sram\_data\_wr & out & 16 & Memory write data. Only valid when one of the \\
& & & memory byte write enable outputs is active.\\
sram\_data\_rd & in & 16 & Memory read data. Latched when xxx. \\
sram\_byte\_we\_n & out & 2 & Memory byte write enable, active low. \\
& & & (0) enables the low byte (7 downto 0) \\
& & & (1) enables the high byte (15 downto 8). \\
io\_rd\_addr & out & 30 & I/O port read address (bits 1..0 absent). \\
& & & Only valid when io\_rd\_vma is high. \\
io\_wr\_addr & out & 30 & I/O port write address (bits 1..0 absent). \\
io\_wr\_data & out & 32 & I/O write data. Only valid when one of the \\
& & & i/o byte write enable outputs is active.\\
io\_rd\_data & in & 32 & I/O read data. Latched when xxx. \\
io\_byte\_we & out & 4 & I/O byte write enable, active high. \\
& & & (0) enables the low byte (7 downto 0) \\
& & & (3) enables the high byte (31 downto 24). \\
io\_rd\_vma & out & 1 & Active high on i/o read cycles. \\
uart\_rxd & in & 1 & RxD input to internal UART. \\
uart\_txd & out & 1 & TxD output from internal UART. \\
interrupt & in & 8 & Interrupt request inputs, active high. \\
As you can see in figure~\ref{soc_symbol} (symbol generated by Xilinx ISE),
the SoC has the following interfaces:
\item Interface to external static asynchronous memory (SRAM, FLASH...).
\item Interface to on-chip peripherals.
\item Interrupt inputs.
\item Debug port.
These interfaces will be explained in the following subsections. The top module
for the demo supplied with the project (c2sb\_demo.vhdl) will be used for
\emph{NOTE}: This section needs a lot of elaboration -- ideally this should be
equivalent to a datasheet in thoroughness and detail. This work, like many
other parts of this project, will have to wait.
\subsection{SoC interface to static memory}
The interface to external memory in the SoC module is essentially that of the
internal cache/memory controller. Its timing is described in section
The SoC inputs are meant to be connected straight to the FPGA i/o pins. The only
trick is the bidirectional memory data bus: as you can see, the SoC data buses
are unidirectional and thus you will need to provide an interconnection
external to this module. This interconnection shall include the requisite
3-state buffers:
sram_databus <= sram_data_wr when sram_byte_we_n/="11" else (others => 'Z');
The top level \emph{c2sb\_demo} module can be used as a fully tested example of
how to use this interface to connect to a common 16-bit-wide SRAM chip
(ISSI IS61LV25616).
In reviewing the top module source, note that I had to adapt the dual
byte-write-enable outputs to the SRAM
configuration of a single write-enable plus dual byte-enable inputs.
Note too that the static memory bus of the SoC module is used to access both the 16-bit wide SRAM
and an 8-bit wide FLASH. These chips are connected to separate buses on the
target board, so the top c2sb\_demo module needs to conflate both buses before connecting
them to the SoC. This is why a multiplexor is used in the \texttt{mpu\_sram\_data\_rd}
bus. A real-world board would probably have the SRAM and the FLASH connected
to the same bus, simplifying the interface logic.
\subsection{SoC interface to peripherals}
Every CPU access to an area designated as I/O (see ~\ref{soc_memory_map}, memory map)
will trigger a read/write cycle on this interface.
I/O ports are synchronous, byte accesible registers meant to be implemented
within the FPGA. I/O ports do not support wait states.
The I/O interface has separate input and output buses.
In an output cycle, one or more lines of signal \texttt{io\_byte\_we} will be
asserted for one clock cycle. Signals \texttt{io\_wr\_addr} and \texttt{io\_wr\_addr} will
be valid as long as \texttt{io\_byte\_we} is asserted.
In an input cycle, \texttt{io\_rd\_vma} will be asserted for one cycle and the input
data should be present at \texttt{io\_rd\_data} at the end of the following clock
cycle. The full read operation extends over two clock cycles.
\subsection{SoC interrupt inputs}
The present version of the CPU does not have support for hardware interrupts
and therefore these signals are not used yet and are unconnected.
Hardware interrupts will be implemented in some future version as
time permits.
\subsection{SoC debug port}
The debug port is a VHDL record (\texttt{t\_debug\_info}, defined in
package \emph{mips\_pkg}), which holds some internal CPU status flags that
can be useful while debugging the core. It is not meant to be useful for
a real application.
Currently the record holds only two flags:
\item \texttt{cache\_enabled}, asserted when the cache is enabled.
\item \texttt{unmapped\_access}, asserted when some access to an unmapped
address is made.
The current version of the demo connects these signals to some on-board
\section{SoC Memory Map}
The \emph{memory map} determines the type of memory that is connected to
each of a number of predefined address rangess (see section
It is defined in package \emph{mips\_pkg} and it is implemented in the
\emph{mips\_cache} module.
\caption{SoC module memory map\label{tab_soc_memory_map}}
\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{ lll|X }
Address range & Type & Wait States & Intended usage \\
\texttt{0xb8000000-0xbfffffff} & BRAM & 0 & SoC internal boot BRAM. \\
\texttt{0x00000000-0x07ffffff} & SRAM-16 & 2 & Off-chip SRAM. \\
\texttt{0x80000000-0x87ffffff} & SRAM-16 & 2 & Off-chip SRAM. \\
\texttt{0x20000000-0x27ffffff} & I/O & 0 & On-chip I/O registers. \\
\texttt{0xb0000000-0xb7ffffff} & SRAM-8 & 7 & Off-chip SRAM or FLASH. \\
\section{SoC UART}
The current revision of the SoC includes a single peripheral, a hardwired
8-bit UART (file \emph{uart.vhdl}).
This UART is an 8-bit module built for some other unrelated project of mine
and commandeered to serve on this SoC. Therefore, it has some features
(like its 8-bit interface) which are sub-optimal for this application and/or
are not used.
The UART is 'hardwired' because some of its operational parameters are
hardcoded and can't be changed even at synthesis time. Namely:
\item Stop bits: 1.
\item Parity: None.
\item Bits per character: 8.
All other parameters can at least be configured at synthesis time, and
under some conditions can be configured at run time too. The interested
user must read the module source for a better explaination of these
features. This document will only deal with the UART module as it is
instantiated in the SoC.
These are the UART control registers:
\caption{UART control registers\label{uart_control_regs}}
\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{ ll|X }
Byte Address & Word Address & Register \\
\texttt{0x20000003} & \texttt{0x20000000} & Tx/Rx Buffer \\
\texttt{0x20000007} & \texttt{0x20000004} & Status. \\
\texttt{0x2000000b} & \texttt{0x20000008} & Baud rate period, low byte. \\
\texttt{0x2000000f} & \texttt{0x2000000c} & Baud rate period, high byte. \\
All of these registers are mapped to the byte address given in the table,
that is, they are mapped on the \emph{low} byte of the 32-bit word they
belong to -- you don't have to worry about this unless you use a word
pointer to access these registers.
\subsection{UART Usage}
Until hardware interrupts are implemented, you have to rely on polling to
use the UART.
When you want to transmit, you wait until flag TxRdy is '1' and then write
to the Tx Buffer. That will clear TxRdy until the transmission is done.
Writing to the Tx Buffer will NOT clear flag TxIrq.
Writing to the Tx Buffer while TxRdy is '0' will have no effect.
When you want to read received data, you wait until RxRdy is '1' and then
read the Rx Buffer. Reading the Rx Buffer will clear flag RxRdy until a new
byte arrives.
Reading the RxBuffer while RxRdy is '0' will return undefined data.
Reading the Rx Buffer will NOT clear flag RxIrq.
Of course, once hardware interrupts are implemented, you will use them
instead of polling, but this is the basic mechanics. Same as any old UART,
\subsection{UART Status Register}
These are the flags present in the status register:
UART Status Register
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
| 0 | 0 | RxIrq | TxIrq | 0 | 0 | RxRdy | TxRdy |
h h W1C W1C h h r r
Bits marked 'h' are hardwired and can't be modified.
Bits marked 'r' are read only; they are set and clear by the UART core.
Bits marked W1C ('Write 1 Clear') are set by the UART core when an interrupt
has been triggered and must be cleared by the software by writing a '1'.
\item Status bit TxRdy is high when there isn't any transmission in progress.
It is cleared when data is written to the transmission buffer and is
raised at the same time the transmission interrupt is triggered.
\item Status bit RxRdy is raised at the same time the receive interrupt is
triggered and is cleared when the data register is read.
\item Status bit TxIrq is raised when the transmission interrupt is triggered
and is cleared when a 1 is written to it.
\item Status bit RxIrq is raised when the reception interrupt is triggered
and is cleared when a 1 is written to it.
When writing to the status/control registers, only flags TxIrq and RxIrq are
affected, and only when writing a '1' as explained above. All other flags
are read-only.
\subsection{UART Baud Rate Registers}
When the UART module generic 'HARDWIRED' is set to 'false', these registers
can be written to in order to configure the baud rate -- see the source for
When the UART module generic 'HARDWIRED' is set to 'true', these registers
are frozen and can't be modified. This is how the module is instantiated in
the current version of the SoC.
In either case, these are write-only registers: reading them will return
the contents of the status register (simplified multiplexor).
The baud rate is configured by loading these registers with the baud period
in clock cycles.
\subsection{UART Interrupt}
The UART can trigger an interrupt (i.e. assert its interrupt output for one
clock cycle) whenever a character is received or transmitted. The UART
source explains in detail exactly when these interrupts are triggered.
The interrupt status is kept in two flags on the status register that can
be used for interrupt polling. Note there's no way to tell what kind of
interrupt we got other than looking at those flags.
Since the current CPU revision does not support hardware interrupts, this
feature is still unused and the interrupt line is unconnected.
Again, details can be found in the UART module source.
10,8 → 10,8
\caption{CPU module interface\label{cpu_symbol}}
the CPU module is not meant to be used directly. Instead, the MCU module
described in section ~\ref{mcu_module} should be used.\\
the CPU module is not meant to be used directly. Instead, the SoC module
described in chapter ~\ref{soc_module} should be used.\\
The following sections will describe the CPU structure and interfaces.\\
46,7 → 46,7
Note that the basic cpu module (mips\_cpu) is meant to be connected to
internal, synchronous BRAMs only (i.e. the cache BRAMs). Some of its
outputs are not registered because they needn't be. The parent module
(called 'mips\_mcu') has its outputs registered to limit $t_{co}$ to
(called 'mips\_soc') has its outputs registered to limit $t_{co}$ to
acceptable values.\\
171,9 → 171,9
stages as long as it is active. It is meant to be used by the cache at cache
In short, the cache/memory controller stops the cpu for all data/code
The cache/memory controller stops the cpu for all data/code
misses for as long as it takes to do a line refill. The current cache
implementation does refills in order (i.e. not 'target address first').
implementation does refills in reverse order (i.e. not 'target address first').
Note that external memory wait states are a separate issue. They too are
handled in the cache/memory controller. See section~\ref{cache} on the memory
254,7 → 254,7
In the source code, all registers and signals in stage
\textless i\textgreater are prefixed by
\textless i\textgreater are prefixed by
"p\textless i\textgreater\_", as in p0\_*, p1\_* and p2\_*.
A stage includes a set of registers and
all the logic that feeds from those registers (actually, all the logic
271,9 → 271,12
ports belong logically to stage 1 and the write port to stage 2.\\
IMPORTANT: though the register bank read port is synchronous, its data can
be used in stage 1 because it is read early (the read port is loaded at the
be used in stage 1 because it is read early (the read address port is loaded at the
same time as the instruction opcode). That is, a small part of the
instruction decoding is done on stage FETCH-1. Bearing in mind that the code
instruction decoding is done on stage FETCH-1, by feeding the source
register index field straight from the code bus to the register bank BRAM.
Bearing in mind that the code cache
ram is meant to be the exact same type of block as the register bank (or
faster if the register bank is implemented with distributed RAM), and we
will cram the whole ALU delay plus the reg bank delay in stage 1, it does
454,7 → 457,7
saved to EPF is not the victim instruction's but the preceding jump
instruction's as explained in \cite[p.~64]{see_mips_run}.\\
Plasma used to save in epc the address of the instruction after break or
Plasma CPU used to save in epc the address of the instruction after break or
syscall, and used an unstandard vector address (0x03c). This core will go
the standard R3000 way instead.\\
1,11 → 1,11
This file contains usage instructions and notes about the Ion CPU core project.
The core structure is briefly explained in sections 1 to 4. The rest of this
The core structure is briefly explained in sections 1 to 5. The rest of this
doc describes other aspects of the project: code samples, utility scripts,
This document is not yet a full reference on the Ion core. Instead, it should be
taken as a companion and commentary to the source code.\\
This document is not yet a full reference on the Ion core or a data sheet.
Instead, it should be taken as a companion and commentary to the source code.\\
This document assumes you know in some depth the MIPS-I architecture. Terms and
concepts from \cite['See MIPS Run']{see_mips_run} and
36,9 → 36,9
\item All unimplemented opcodes trigger the proper traps.
\item Includes minimalistic memory handler with interfaces for external
SRAM (or FLASH) on 8- and 16-bit data bus.
\item Size and speed compares favorably to other free MIPS cores.
\item Size and speed comparable to other free MIPS cores.
\item Fully sinchronous (rising clock edge only). No latches.
\item Source HDL is vendor independent (Though it has only been tested on
\item Source HDL is fully vendor independent (Only tested on
Xilinx and Altera synthesis tools).
71,7 → 71,7
\item Hardware interrupts not implemented.
\item Memory handler does not support dynamic RAM.
\item Caches are not configurable or parametrizable.
\item Documentation is disastrously inadequate.
\item Real documentation (specs doc \& data sheet) missing.
20,8 → 20,7
Target 'demo' will build a synthesizable demo; it will compile the sample
sources and place the resulting object code in file
'/vhdl/demo/code\_rom\_pkg.vhdl' (note that the 'sim' target has to do this
The build process will produce two or more binary files ('*.code' and
'*.data', or '*.bin') that can be run on the software simulator, plus a
31,6 → 30,7
software simulator with the proper parameters. As an example, these are the
contents of the 'swsim.bat' file for the 'hello' demo:
@rem Run software simulator in hands-off mode
..\..\tools\slite\slite\bin\Debug\slite.exe ^
51,6 → 51,7
Assuming you have Python 2.5 or later in your machine, call the script with:
python --help
57,3 → 58,165
to get a short description (see section~\ref{python_script}).
\section{Support Code}
\subsection{Bootstrap Code}
File \emph{'/src/common/bootstrap.s'} contains the reset code and the stub
interrupt handler.
This code is meant to be placed at the reset vector address; in the present
revision of the project, the bootstrap code would be placed in the
bootstrap BRAM of the SoC module (see section ~\ref{bootstrap_code}). It
can be placed in external memory if the SoC memory map and the makefiles are
altered accordingly.
The reset code initializes both I-Cache and D-Cache and jumps to symbol
\texttt{'entry'} with the CPU in kernel mode and interrupts disabled.
The interrupt code is somewhat more elaborate but nevertheless is still
a stub. The interrupt code will find out the cause of the interrupt and will
Table ~\ref{tab_irq_handling} shows interrupt sources recognized in the
current version, and how the interrupt code deals with them.
\caption{Interrupt handling\label{tab_irq_handling}}
\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{ l|X }
Cause & Processing \\
SYSCALL instruction & Return immediately (STUB). \\
BREAK instruction & Return immediately (STUB). \\
Invalid opcode & Return immediately (STUB). \\
Unimplemented MIPS-32 opcode & Emulate opcode. \\
Please note that the interrupt code does not even \emph{know} there is
such a thing as a hardware interrupt -- hardware interrupts are not
implemented yet in the CPU.
As can be seen, most of the interrupt processing is missing, replaced by
stubs. Eventually, those stubs will be replaced with calls to C functions
that will be defined in the supporting libraries. I have yet to work out
exactly how to do it without reinventing the wheel.
The only interrupt processing that is performed (even if only partially) is
the emulation of \emph{some} MIPS-32 opcodes.
\subsection{MIPS-32 Opcode Emulation}
I have found out that most MIPS toolchains target the MIPS-32 architecture
and can only be made to work with the MIPS-I architecture with some
difficulty. This applies specially to the C support libraries, where
MIPS-32 opcodes are used occasionally.
Other reasons, such as the availability of MIPS-32 ports of
uClinux, make at least partial compatibility to MIPS-32 very desirable.
On the other hand, extending the core to implement the full MIPS-32 specs (as
opposed to the far simpler MIPS-I) might not be possible without running
into a patent minefield -- I may be wrong in this.
Therefore, I have chosen to just emulate whatever subset of the
MIPS-32 ISA is enough to overcome the above obstacles. I have run some
experiments with uClinux and have found out that only a few MIPS-32 opcodes
need to be emulated -- see table ~\ref{tab_emulated_opcodes}.
\caption{Emulated MIPS-32 opcodes\label{tab_emulated_opcodes}}
\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{ l|X }
Opcode & Emulation \\
EXT & Fully emulated. \\
INS & Fully emulated. \\
CLO & Fully emulated. \\
CLZ & Fully emulated. \\
MUL (3-reg version) & To Be Done. \\
LWL & To Be Done. \\
LWR & To Be Done. \\
SWL & To Be Done. \\
SWR & To Be Done. \\
Opcode emulation is implemented in file \emph{/src/common/opcode\_emu.s}.
The emulation code has been tested (code sample \emph{'opcodes'}) but is
still unfinished: not only are there opcodes to be emulated, as can
be seen in table ~\ref{tab_emulated_opcodes}, but the emulation does NOT
work when the MIPS-32 opcode is in a delay slot; or more precisely, the
jump instruction of the delay slot is not emulated as it should -- this is
just work to be done, nothing specially difficult.
If the trapped MIPS-32 opcode is not one of the emulated opcodes, it is
ignored exactly as if it was a NOP. A flag is raised in a special, reserved
area of the BSS segment -- see the source for details. Eventually the trap
handling will be complete and unimplemented MIPS-32 opcodes will be dealt
with as undefined opcodes.
Note that opcode emulation can be disabled in the makefiles, by defining
symbol \texttt{NO\_EMU\_MIPS32} when assembling \emph{bootstrap.s}.
\subsection{C Startup Code}
File \emph{'/src/common/c\_startup.s'} contains the C startup code used
in all C code samples.
This startup code does what's usual in these cases, namely:
\item Initialize the stack at the end of the bss area.
\item Clear the bss area.
\item Move the data section from FLASH to RAM (if applicable).
\item Call main().
\item Freeze in endless loop after main() returns, if it does.
See the makefile of any of the C code samples for examples on how to
assemble, configure and link the startup code.
\subsection{C Support Library Replacement}
The core will eventually be tested with one of the regular, free libc
replacement libraries available. It isn't yet because building those
libraries for a MIPS-I target (i.e. with no MIPS-32 stuff mixed in) has
turned out to be much more difficult than I had anticipated.
In order to be able to use the C toolchain and provide some code samples in
C, I have built a minimalistic libc replacement called 'libsoc'. The
source code can be found in \emph{/src/common/libsoc/src}.
This mini-libc provides only those C support functions I have found
necessary so far; it will be extended with new functionality as I add more
code samples, until I can finally use some real C library.
Apart from a number of utility functions that the C runtime needs, libsoc
provides the following:
\item Floating point support (SW, float and double).
\item \texttt{putchar} and \texttt{getchar} using the SoC UART.
\item Replacement for the built-in \texttt{printf} provided by gcc.
That's it. Yet, even this little is enough to run the Adventure demo...
All the source code has been lifted from the original Plasma supporting code
or has been scavenged from the net -- see credits in the file headers.
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