
Subversion Repositories t6507lp

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  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 24 to Rev 25
    Reverse comparison

Rev 24 → Rev 25

0,0 → 1,366
//// ////
//// T6507LP IP Core ////
//// ////
//// This file is part of the T6507LP project ////
//// ////
//// ////
//// Description ////
//// 6507 ALU ////
//// ////
//// To Do: ////
//// - All operations ////
//// ////
//// Author(s): ////
//// - Gabriel Oshiro Zardo, ////
//// - Samuel Nascimento Pagliarini (creep), ////
//// ////
//// ////
//// Copyright (C) 2001 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG ////
//// ////
//// This source file may be used and distributed without ////
//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not ////
//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains ////
//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. ////
//// ////
//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it ////
//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General ////
//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; ////
//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any ////
//// later version. ////
//// ////
//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be ////
//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied ////
//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more ////
//// details. ////
//// ////
//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General ////
//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it ////
//// from ////
//// ////
// CVS Revision History
// $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $
//// ////
//// Processor Status ////
//// ////
//// ////
//// Carry Flag - The carry flag is set if the last operation caused an ////
//// overflow from bit 7 of the result or an underflow from bit 0. This ////
//// condition is set during arithmetic, comparison and during logical ////
//// shifts. It can be explicitly set using the 'Set Carry Flag' (SEC) ////
//// instruction and cleared with 'Clear Carry Flag' (CLC). ////
//// ////
//// ////
Zero Flag - The zero flag is set if the result of the last operation as was zero.
//// ////
//// ////
Interrupt Disable - The interrupt disable flag is set if the program has executed a 'Set Interrupt Disable' (SEI) instruction. While this flag is set the processor will not respond to interrupts from devices until it is cleared by a 'Clear Interrupt Disable' (CLI) instruction.
//// ////
//// ////
Decimal Mode - While the decimal mode flag is set the processor will obey the rules of Binary Coded Decimal (BCD) arithmetic during addition and subtraction. The flag can be explicitly set using 'Set Decimal Flag' (SED) and cleared with 'Clear Decimal Flag' (CLD).
//// ////
//// ////
Break Command - The break command bit is set when a BRK instruction has been executed and an interrupt has been generated to process it.
//// ////
//// ////
//// Overflow Flag - The overflow flag is set during arithmetic ////
//// operations if the result has yielded an invalid 2's complement ////
//// result (e.g. adding to positive numbers and ending up with a ////
//// negative result: 64 + 64 => -128). It is determined by looking at ////
//// the carry between bits 6 and 7 and between bit 7 and the carry ////
//// flag. ////
//// ////
//// ////
//// Negative Flag - The negative flag is set if the result of the last ////
//// operation had bit 7 set to a one. ////
//// ////
localparam C = 3'b000;
localparam Z = 3'b001;
localparam I = 3'b010;
localparam D = 3'b011;
localparam B = 3'b100;
//localparam 1 = 3'b101;
localparam V = 3'b110;
localparam N = 3'b111;
// All opcodes are listed in alphabetic order.
//// ////
//// Addressing Modes ////
//// ////
//// ////
//// IMP - Implicit ////
//// ACC - Accumulator ////
//// IMM - Immediate ////
//// ZPG - Zero Page ////
//// ZPX - Zero Page,X ////
//// ZPY - Zero Page,Y ////
//// REL - Relative ////
//// ABS - Absolute ////
//// ABX - Absolute,X ////
//// ABY - Absolute,Y ////
//// IDX - (Indirect,X) ////
//// IDY - (Indirect),Y ////
//// ////
localparam IMP = 4'h0,
ACC = 4'h1,
IMM = 4'h2,
ZPG = 4'h3,
ZPX = 4'h4,
ZPY = 4'h5,
REL = 4'h6,
ABS = 4'h7,
ABX = 4'h8,
ABY = 4'h9,
IDX = 4'hA,
IDY = 4'hB;
// //
// ADC //
// Add with Carry //
// //
// //
// A,Z,C,N = A+M+C
// This instruction adds the contents of a memory location to the accumulator
// together with the carry bit. If overflow occurs the carry bit is set, this enables multiple byte addition to be performed.
// //
// //
// //////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Bytes Cycles //
localparam ADC_IMM = 8'h69,// 2 2 //
ADC_ZPG = 8'h65,// 2 3 //
ADC_ZPX = 8'h75,// 2 4 //
ADC_ABS = 8'h6D,// 3 4 //
ADC_ABX = 8'h7D,// 3 4 (+1 if page crossed) //
ADC_ABY = 8'h79,// 3 4 (+1 if page crossed) //
ADC_IDX = 8'h61,// 2 6 //
ADC_IDY = 8'h71;// 2 5 (+1 if page crossed) //
localparam AND_IMM = 8'h29,
AND_ZPG = 8'h25,
AND_ZPX = 8'h35,
AND_ABS = 8'h2D,
AND_ABX = 8'h3D,
AND_ABY = 8'h39,
AND_IDX = 8'h21,
AND_IDY = 8'h31;
localparam ASL_ACC = 8'h0A,
ASL_ZPG = 8'h06,
ASL_ZPX = 8'h16,
ASL_ABS = 8'h0E,
ASL_ABX = 8'h1E;
localparam BCC_REL = 8'h90;
localparam BCS_REL = 8'hB0;
localparam BEQ_REL = 8'hF0;
localparam BIT_ZPG = 8'h24,
BIT_ABS = 8'h2C;
localparam BMI_REL = 8'h30;
localparam BNE_REL = 8'hF0;
localparam BPL_REL = 8'h10;
localparam BRK_IMP = 8'h00;
localparam BVC_REL = 8'h50;
localparam BVS_REL = 8'h70;
localparam CLC_IMP = 8'h18;
localparam CLD_IMP = 8'hD8;
localparam CLI_IMP = 8'h58;
localparam CLV_IMP = 8'hB8;
localparam CMP_IMM = 8'hC9,
CMP_ZPG = 8'hC5,
CMP_ZPX = 8'hD5,
CMP_ABS = 8'hCD,
CMP_ABX = 8'hDD,
CMP_ABY = 8'hD9,
CMP_IDX = 8'hC1,
CMP_IDY = 8'hD1;
localparam CPX_IMM = 8'hE0,
CPX_ZPG = 8'hE4,
CPX_ABS = 8'hEC;
localparam CPY_IMM = 8'hC0,
CPY_ZPG = 8'hC4,
CPY_ABS = 8'hCC;
localparam DEC_ZPG = 8'hC6,
DEC_ZPX = 8'hD6,
DEC_ABS = 8'hCE,
DEC_ABX = 8'hDE;
localparam DEX_IMP = 8'hCA;
localparam DEY_IMP = 8'h88;
localparam EOR_IMM = 8'h49,
EOR_ZPG = 8'h45,
EOR_ZPX = 8'h55,
EOR_ABS = 8'h4D,
EOR_ABX = 8'h5D,
EOR_ABY = 8'h59,
EOR_IDX = 8'h41,
EOR_IDY = 8'h51;
localparam INC_ZPG = 8'hE6,
INC_ZPX = 8'hF6,
INC_ABS = 8'hEE,
INC_ABX = 8'hFE;
localparam INX_IMP = 8'hE8;
localparam INY_IMP = 8'hE8;
localparam JMP_ABS = 8'h4C,
JMP_IND = 8'h6C;
localparam JSR_ABS = 8'h20;
localparam LDA_IMM = 8'hA9,
LDA_ZPG = 8'hA5,
LDA_ZPX = 8'hB5,
LDA_ABS = 8'hAD,
LDA_ABX = 8'hBD,
LDA_ABY = 8'hB9,
LDA_IDX = 8'hA1,
LDA_IDY = 8'hB1;
localparam LDX_IMM = 8'hA2,
LDX_ZPG = 8'hA6,
LDX_ZPY = 8'hB6,
LDX_ABS = 8'hAE,
LDX_ABY = 8'hBE;
localparam LDY_IMM = 8'hA0,
LDY_ZPG = 8'hA4,
LDY_ZPX = 8'hB4,
LDY_ABS = 8'hAC,
LDY_ABX = 8'hBC;
localparam LSR_ACC = 8'h4A,
LSR_ZPG = 8'h46,
LSR_ZPX = 8'h56,
LSR_ABS = 8'h4E,
LSR_ABX = 8'h5E;
localparam NOP_IMP = 8'hEA;
localparam ORA_IMM = 8'h09,
ORA_ZPG = 8'h05,
ORA_ZPX = 8'h15,
ORA_ABS = 8'h0D,
ORA_ABX = 8'h1D,
ORA_ABY = 8'h19,
ORA_IDX = 8'h01,
ORA_IDY = 8'h11;
localparam PHA_IMP = 8'h48;
localparam PHP_IMP = 8'h08;
localparam PLA_IMP = 8'h68;
localparam PLP_IMP = 8'h28;
localparam ROL_ACC = 8'h2A,
ROL_ZPG = 8'h26,
ROL_ZPX = 8'h36,
ROL_ABS = 8'h2E,
ROL_ABX = 8'h3E;
localparam ROR_ACC = 8'h6A,
ROR_ZPG = 8'h66,
ROR_ZPX = 8'h76,
ROR_ABS = 8'h6E,
ROR_ABX = 8'h7E;
localparam RTI_IMP = 8'h40;
localparam RTS_IMP = 8'h60;
localparam SBC_IMM = 8'hE9,
SBC_ZPG = 8'hE5,
SBC_ZPX = 8'hF5,
SBC_ABS = 8'hED,
SBC_ABX = 8'hFD,
SBC_ABY = 8'hF9,
SBC_IDX = 8'hE1,
SBC_IDY = 8'hF1;
localparam SEC_IMP = 8'h38;
localparam SED_IMP = 8'hF8;
localparam SEI_IMP = 8'h78;
localparam STA_ZPG = 8'h85,
STA_ZPX = 8'h95,
STA_ABS = 8'h8D,
STA_ABX = 8'h9D,
STA_ABY = 8'h99,
STA_IDX = 8'h81,
STA_IDY = 8'h91;
localparam STX_ZPG = 8'h86,
STX_ZPY = 8'h96,
STX_ABS = 8'h8E;
localparam STY_ZPG = 8'h84,
STY_ZPY = 8'h94,
STY_ABS = 8'h8C;
localparam TAX_IMP = 8'hAA;
localparam TAY_IMP = 8'hA8;
localparam TSX_IMP = 8'hBA;
localparam TXA_IMP = 8'h8A;
localparam TXS_IMP = 8'h9A;
localparam TYA_IMP = 8'h98;
// DDT did a job on me...

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