
Subversion Repositories raggedstone

Compare Revisions

  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 3 to Rev 4
    Reverse comparison

Rev 3 → Rev 4

0,0 → 1,11
module sync2 (clk, d, q);
input clk;
input d;
output q;
reg q;
always @(posedge clk)
q <= d;
0,0 → 1,382
--| |
--| File: pciwbsequ.vhd |
--| |
--| Project: pci32tlite_oc |
--| |
--| Description: FSM controlling PCI to Whisbone sequence. |
--| |
--| |
--| Revision history : |
--| Date Version Author Description |
--| 2005-05-13 R00A00 PAU First alfa revision (eng) |
--| 2006-01-09 MS added debug signals debug_init, debug_access | |
--| |
--| To do: |
--| |
--| |
--| Copyright (C) 2005 Peio Azkarate, |
--| |
--| This source file may be used and distributed without |
--| restriction provided that this copyright statement is not |
--| removed from the file and that any derivative work contains |
--| the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. |
--| |
--| This source file is free software; you can redistribute it |
--| and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General |
--| Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; |
--| either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any |
--| later version. |
--| |
--| This source is distributed in the hope that it will be |
--| useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied |
--| PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more |
--| details. |
--| |
--| You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General |
--| Public License along with this source; if not, download it |
--| from |
--| |
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
--| ENTITY |
entity pciwbsequ is
port (
-- General
clk_i : in std_logic;
nrst_i : in std_logic;
-- pci
cmd_i : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
cbe_i : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
frame_i : in std_logic;
irdy_i : in std_logic;
devsel_o : out std_logic;
trdy_o : out std_logic;
-- control
adrcfg_i : in std_logic;
adrmem_i : in std_logic;
pciadrLD_o : out std_logic;
pcidOE_o : out std_logic;
parOE_o : out std_logic;
wbdatLD_o : out std_logic;
wbrgdMX_o : out std_logic;
wbd16MX_o : out std_logic;
wrcfg_o : out std_logic;
rdcfg_o : out std_logic;
-- whisbone
wb_sel_o : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
wb_we_o : out std_logic;
wb_stb_o : inout std_logic;
wb_cyc_o : out std_logic;
wb_ack_i : in std_logic;
wb_err_i : in std_logic;
-- debug signals
debug_init : out std_logic;
debug_access : out std_logic
end pciwbsequ;
architecture rtl of pciwbsequ is
signal pst_pci : PciFSM;
signal nxt_pci : PciFSM;
signal sdata1 : std_logic;
signal sdata2 : std_logic;
signal idleNX : std_logic;
signal sdata1NX : std_logic;
signal sdata2NX : std_logic;
signal turnarNX : std_logic;
signal idle : std_logic;
signal devselNX_n : std_logic;
signal trdyNX_n : std_logic;
signal devsel : std_logic;
signal trdy : std_logic;
signal adrpci : std_logic;
signal acking : std_logic;
signal rdcfg : std_logic;
signal targOE : std_logic;
signal pcidOE : std_logic;
--| PCI-Whisbone Sequencer |
--| FSM PCI-Whisbone |
PCIFSM_CLOCKED: process( nrst_i, clk_i, nxt_pci )
if( nrst_i = '0' ) then
pst_pci <= PCIIDLE;
elsif( rising_edge(clk_i) ) then
pst_pci <= nxt_pci;
end if;
end process PCIFSM_CLOCKED;
PCIFSM_COMB: process( pst_pci, frame_i, irdy_i, adrcfg_i, adrpci, acking )
devselNX_n <= '1';
trdyNX_n <= '1';
case pst_pci is
when PCIIDLE =>
if ( frame_i = '0' ) then
nxt_pci <= B_BUSY;
nxt_pci <= PCIIDLE;
end if;
when B_BUSY =>
if ( adrpci = '0' ) then
nxt_pci <= TURN_AR;
nxt_pci <= S_DATA1;
devselNX_n <= '0';
end if;
when S_DATA1 =>
if ( acking = '1' ) then
nxt_pci <= S_DATA2;
devselNX_n <= '0';
trdyNX_n <= '0';
nxt_pci <= S_DATA1;
devselNX_n <= '0';
end if;
when S_DATA2 =>
if ( frame_i = '1' and irdy_i = '0' ) then
nxt_pci <= TURN_AR;
nxt_pci <= S_DATA2;
devselNX_n <= '0';
trdyNX_n <= '0';
end if;
when TURN_AR =>
if ( frame_i = '1' ) then
nxt_pci <= PCIIDLE;
nxt_pci <= TURN_AR;
end if;
end case;
end process PCIFSM_COMB;
--| FSM control signals |
adrpci <= adrmem_i or adrcfg_i;
acking <= '1' when ( wb_ack_i = '1' or wb_err_i = '1' ) or ( adrcfg_i = '1' and irdy_i = '0')
else '0';
--| FSM derived Control signals |
idle <= '1' when ( pst_pci = PCIIDLE ) else '0';
sdata1 <= '1' when ( pst_pci = S_DATA1 ) else '0';
sdata2 <= '1' when ( pst_pci = S_DATA2 ) else '0';
idleNX <= '1' when ( nxt_pci = PCIIDLE ) else '0';
sdata1NX <= '1' when ( nxt_pci = S_DATA1 ) else '0';
sdata2NX <= '1' when ( nxt_pci = S_DATA2 ) else '0';
turnarNX <= '1' when ( nxt_pci = TURN_AR ) else '0';
--| PCI Data Output Enable |
PCIDOE_P: process( nrst_i, clk_i, cmd_i(0), sdata1NX, turnarNX )
if ( nrst_i = '0' ) then
pcidOE <= '0';
elsif ( rising_edge(clk_i) ) then
if ( sdata1NX = '1' and cmd_i(0) = '0' ) then
pcidOE <= '1';
elsif ( turnarNX = '1' ) then
pcidOE <= '0';
end if;
end if;
end process PCIDOE_P;
pcidOE_o <= pcidOE;
--| PAR Output Enable |
--| PCI Read data phase |
--| PAR is valid 1 cicle after data is valid |
PAROE_P: process( nrst_i, clk_i, cmd_i(0), sdata2NX, turnarNX )
if ( nrst_i = '0' ) then
parOE_o <= '0';
elsif ( rising_edge(clk_i) ) then
if ( ( sdata2NX = '1' or turnarNX = '1' ) and cmd_i(0) = '0' ) then
parOE_o <= '1';
parOE_o <= '0';
end if;
end if;
end process PAROE_P;
--| Target s/t/s signals OE control |
-- targOE <= '1' when ( idle = '0' and adrpci = '1' ) else '0';
TARGOE_P: process( nrst_i, clk_i, sdata1NX, idleNX )
if ( nrst_i = '0' ) then
targOE <= '0';
elsif ( rising_edge(clk_i) ) then
if ( sdata1NX = '1' ) then
targOE <= '1';
elsif ( idleNX = '1' ) then
targOE <= '0';
end if;
end if;
end process TARGOE_P;
--| WHISBONE outs |
wb_cyc_o <= '1' when ( adrmem_i = '1' and sdata1 = '1' ) else '0';
wb_stb_o <= '1' when ( adrmem_i = '1' and sdata1 = '1' and irdy_i = '0' ) else '0';
-- PCI(Little endian) to WB(Big endian)
wb_sel_o(1) <= (not cbe_i(0)) or (not cbe_i(2));
wb_sel_o(0) <= (not cbe_i(1)) or (not cbe_i(3));
wb_we_o <= cmd_i(0);
--| Syncronized PCI outs |
PCISIG: process( nrst_i, clk_i, devselNX_n, trdyNX_n)
if( nrst_i = '0' ) then
devsel <= '1';
trdy <= '1';
elsif( rising_edge(clk_i) ) then
devsel <= devselNX_n;
trdy <= trdyNX_n;
end if;
end process PCISIG;
devsel_o <= devsel when ( targOE = '1' ) else 'Z';
trdy_o <= trdy when ( targOE = '1' ) else 'Z';
--| Other outs |
-- rd/wr Configuration Space Registers
wrcfg_o <= '1' when ( adrcfg_i = '1' and cmd_i(0) = '1' and sdata2 = '1' ) else '0';
rdcfg <= '1' when ( adrcfg_i = '1' and cmd_i(0) = '0' and ( sdata1 = '1' or sdata2 = '1' ) ) else '0';
rdcfg_o <= rdcfg;
-- LoaD enable signals
pciadrLD_o <= not frame_i;
wbdatLD_o <= wb_ack_i;
-- Mux control signals
wbrgdMX_o <= not rdcfg;
wbd16MX_o <= '1' when ( cbe_i(3) = '0' or cbe_i(2) = '0' ) else '0';
--| debug outs |
process (nrst_i, clk_i)
if ( nrst_i = '0' ) then
debug_init <= '0';
elsif clk_i'event and clk_i = '1' then
if devsel = '0' then
debug_init <= '1';
end if;
end if;
end process;
process (nrst_i, clk_i)
if ( nrst_i = '0' ) then
debug_access <= '0';
elsif clk_i'event and clk_i = '1' then
if wb_stb_o = '1' then
debug_access <= '1';
end if;
end if;
end process;
end rtl;
0,0 → 1,14
`define PCIIDLE 1'h0;
`define B_BUSY 1'h1;
`define S_DATA1 1'h2;
`define S_DATA2 1'h3;
`define TURN_AR 1'h4;
paramater PCIIDLE = 1'h0;
paramater B_BUSY = 1'h1;
paramater S_DATA1 = 1'h2;
paramater S_DATA2 = 1'h3;
paramater TURN_AR = 1'h4;
0,0 → 1,144
--| |
--| File: pcipargen.vhd |
--| |
--| Project: pci32tlite_oc |
--| |
--| Description: PCI Parity Generator. |
--| PCI Target generates PAR in the data phase of a read cycle. The 1's sum on AD, |
--| CBE and PAR is even. |
--| |
--| |
--| Revision history : |
--| Date Version Author Description |
--| 2005-05-13 R00A00 PAU First alfa revision (eng) |
--| |
--| To do: |
--| |
--| |
--| Copyright (C) 2005 Peio Azkarate, |
--| |
--| This source file may be used and distributed without |
--| restriction provided that this copyright statement is not |
--| removed from the file and that any derivative work contains |
--| the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. |
--| |
--| This source file is free software; you can redistribute it |
--| and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General |
--| Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; |
--| either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any |
--| later version. |
--| |
--| This source is distributed in the hope that it will be |
--| useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied |
--| PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more |
--| details. |
--| |
--| You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General |
--| Public License along with this source; if not, download it |
--| from |
--| |
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
--| ENTITY |
entity pcipargen is
port (
clk_i : in std_logic;
pcidatout_i : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
cbe_i : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
parOE_i : in std_logic;
par_o : out std_logic
end pcipargen;
architecture rtl of pcipargen is
signal d : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
signal pardat : std_logic;
signal parcbe : std_logic;
signal par : std_logic;
signal par_s : std_logic;
component sync
port (
clk : in std_logic;
d : in std_logic;
q : out std_logic
end component;
component sync2
port (
clk : in std_logic;
d : in std_logic;
q : out std_logic
end component;
d <= pcidatout_i;
--| building parity |
pardat <= d(0) xor d(1) xor d(2) xor d(3) xor d(4) xor d(5) xor d(6) xor d(7) xor
d(8) xor d(9) xor d(10) xor d(11) xor d(12) xor d(13) xor d(14) xor d(15) xor
d(16) xor d(17) xor d(18) xor d(19) xor d(20) xor d(21) xor d(22) xor d(23) xor
d(24) xor d(25) xor d(26) xor d(27) xor d(28) xor d(29) xor d(30) xor d(31);
parcbe <= cbe_i(0) xor cbe_i(1) xor cbe_i(2) xor cbe_i(3);
par <= pardat xor parcbe;
-- u1: sync port map ( clk => clk_i, d => par, q => par_s );
u1: sync2 port map (
clk => clk_i,
d => par,
q => par_s
--| PAR |
par_o <= par_s when ( parOE_i = '1' ) else 'Z';
end rtl;
0,0 → 1,67
// Copyright (C) 2005 Peio Azkarate,
// Copyright (C) 2006 Jeff Carr,
// Copyleft GPL v2
module pcidec_new (clk_i, nrst_i, ad_i, cbe_i, idsel_i, bar0_i, memEN_i,
pciadrLD_i, adrcfg_o, adrmem_o, adr_o, cmd_o);
// General
input clk_i;
input nrst_i;
// pci
input [31:0] ad_i;
input [3:0] cbe_i;
input idsel_i;
// control
input [31:25] bar0_i;
input memEN_i;
input pciadrLD_i;
output adrcfg_o;
output adrmem_o;
output [24:1] adr_o;
output [3:0] cmd_o;
reg [31:0] adr;
reg [3:0] cmd;
reg idsel_s;
wire a1;
//| Load PCI Signals |
always @( negedge nrst_i or posedge clk_i )
if( nrst_i == 0 )
adr <= 23'b1111_1111_1111_1111_1111_111;
cmd <= 3'b111;
idsel_s <= 1'b0;
if ( pciadrLD_i == 1 )
adr <= ad_i;
cmd <= cbe_i;
idsel_s <= idsel_i;
assign adrmem_o = (
( memEN_i == 1'b1 ) &&
( adr [31:25] == bar0_i ) &&
( adr [1:0] == 2'b00 ) &&
( cmd [3:1] == 3'b011 )
) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0;
assign adrcfg_o = (
( idsel_s == 1'b1 ) &&
( adr [1:0] == 2'b00 ) &&
( cmd [3:1] == 3'b101 )
) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0;
assign a1 = ~ ( cbe_i [3] && cbe_i [2] );
assign adr_o = {adr [24:2], a1};
assign cmd_o = cmd;
0,0 → 1,31
$TOTAL = 42;
system ("cat pci32tlite.vhd.part1");
foreach $i ( 1 .. $TOTAL ) {
my $j = 12345670 + $i;
my $end = ";";
$end = "" if $i eq $TOTAL;
print "\t\tjcarr$i" . "ID : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := x\"$j\"$end\n";
system ("cat pci32tlite.vhd.part2");
foreach $i ( 1 .. $TOTAL ) {
my $end = ";";
$end = "" if $i eq $TOTAL;
print "\t\tjcarr$i" . "ID : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0)$end\n";
system ("cat pci32tlite.vhd.part3");
foreach $i ( 1 .. $TOTAL ) {
my $end = ",";
$end = "" if $i eq $TOTAL;
print "\t\tjcarr$i" . "ID => jcarr$i" . "ID$end\n";
system ("cat pci32tlite.vhd.part4");
trunk/source/generate_pci32tlite/ Property changes : Added: svn:executable ## -0,0 +1 ## +* \ No newline at end of property Index: trunk/source/generate_pci32tlite/pci32tlite.vhd.part1 =================================================================== --- trunk/source/generate_pci32tlite/pci32tlite.vhd.part1 (nonexistent) +++ trunk/source/generate_pci32tlite/pci32tlite.vhd.part1 (revision 4) @@ -0,0 +1,75 @@ +--+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +--| | +--| File: pci32tlite.vhd | +--| | +--| Components: pcidec_new.vhd | +--| pciwbsequ.vhd | +--| pcidmux.vhd | +--| pciregs.vhd | +--| pcipargen.vhd | +--| -- Libs -- | +--| ona.vhd | +--| | +--| Description: TARGET PCI : | +--| | +--| * PCI Target 32 Bits | +--| * BAR0 32MByte address space | +--| * Whisbone compatible: D16, 32MB address space | +--| | +--+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +--| | +--| Revision history : | +--| Date Version Author Description | +--| 2005-05-13 R00A00 PAU First alfa revision (eng) | +--| 2006-01-05 R00B00 MS inverted reset nres | +--| and added debug signals debug_init and debug_access | | +--| | +--| To do: | +--| | +--+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +--+-----------------------------------------------------------------+ +--| | +--| Copyright (C) 2005 Peio Azkarate, | +--| | +--| This source file may be used and distributed without | +--| restriction provided that this copyright statement is not | +--| removed from the file and that any derivative work contains | +--| the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. | +--| | +--| This source file is free software; you can redistribute it | +--| and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General | +--| Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; | +--| either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any | +--| later version. | +--| | +--| This source is distributed in the hope that it will be | +--| useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied | +--| warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR | +--| PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more | +--| details. | +--| | +--| You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General | +--| Public License along with this source; if not, download it | +--| from | +--| | +--+-----------------------------------------------------------------+ + +--+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +--| LIBRARIES | +--+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ + +library ieee; +use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; + +--+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +--| ENTITY | +--+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ + +entity pci32tlite is +generic ( + + vendorID : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) := x"10EE"; + deviceID : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) := x"0100"; + revisionID : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := x"37"; + subsystemID : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) := x"1558"; + subsystemvID : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) := x"0480"; Index: trunk/source/generate_pci32tlite/pci32tlite.vhd.part2 =================================================================== --- trunk/source/generate_pci32tlite/pci32tlite.vhd.part2 (nonexistent) +++ trunk/source/generate_pci32tlite/pci32tlite.vhd.part2 (revision 4) @@ -0,0 +1,142 @@ + +); +port ( + + -- General + clk33 : in std_logic; + nrst : in std_logic; + + -- PCI target 32bits + ad : inout std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); + cbe : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); + par : out std_logic; + frame : in std_logic; + irdy : in std_logic; + trdy : out std_logic; + devsel : out std_logic; + stop : out std_logic; + idsel : in std_logic; + perr : out std_logic; + serr : out std_logic; + intb : out std_logic; + + -- Master whisbone + wb_adr_o : out std_logic_vector(24 downto 1); + wb_dat_i : in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); + wb_dat_o : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); + wb_sel_o : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); + wb_we_o : out std_logic; + wb_stb_o : inout std_logic; + wb_cyc_o : out std_logic; + wb_ack_i : in std_logic; + wb_err_i : in std_logic; + wb_int_i : in std_logic; + + -- debug signals + debug_init : out std_logic; + debug_access : out std_logic + +); +end pci32tlite; + + +--+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +--| ARCHITECTURE | +--+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ + +architecture rtl of pci32tlite is + + +--+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +--| COMPONENTS | +--+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ + + + component pcidec_new + port ( + + clk_i : in std_logic; + nrst_i : in std_logic; + -- + ad_i : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); + cbe_i : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); + idsel_i : in std_logic; + bar0_i : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 25); + memEN_i : in std_logic; + pciadrLD_i : in std_logic; + adrcfg_o : out std_logic; + adrmem_o : out std_logic; + adr_o : out std_logic_vector(24 downto 1); + cmd_o : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) + + ); + end component; + + + component pciwbsequ + port ( + + -- General + clk_i : in std_logic; + nrst_i : in std_logic; + -- pci + cmd_i : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); + cbe_i : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); + frame_i : in std_logic; + irdy_i : in std_logic; + devsel_o : out std_logic; + trdy_o : out std_logic; + -- control + adrcfg_i : in std_logic; + adrmem_i : in std_logic; + pciadrLD_o : out std_logic; + pcidOE_o : out std_logic; + parOE_o : out std_logic; + wbdatLD_o : out std_logic; + wbrgdMX_o : out std_logic; + wbd16MX_o : out std_logic; + wrcfg_o : out std_logic; + rdcfg_o : out std_logic; + -- whisbone + wb_sel_o : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); + wb_we_o : out std_logic; + wb_stb_o : inout std_logic; + wb_cyc_o : out std_logic; + wb_ack_i : in std_logic; + wb_err_i : in std_logic; + -- debug signals + debug_init : out std_logic; + debug_access : out std_logic + ); + end component; + + + component pcidmux + port ( + + clk_i : in std_logic; + nrst_i : in std_logic; + -- + d_io : inout std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); + pcidatout_o : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); + pcidOE_i : in std_logic; + wbdatLD_i : in std_logic; + wbrgdMX_i : in std_logic; + wbd16MX_i : in std_logic; + wb_dat_i : in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); + wb_dat_o : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); + rg_dat_i : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); + rg_dat_o : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) + + ); + end component; + + + component pciregs + generic ( + + vendorID : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); + deviceID : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); + revisionID : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); + subsystemID : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); + subsystemvID : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); Index: trunk/source/generate_pci32tlite/pci32tlite.vhd.part3 =================================================================== --- trunk/source/generate_pci32tlite/pci32tlite.vhd.part3 (nonexistent) +++ trunk/source/generate_pci32tlite/pci32tlite.vhd.part3 (revision 4) @@ -0,0 +1,176 @@ + + ); + port ( + + clk_i : in std_logic; + nrst_i : in std_logic; + -- + adr_i : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 2); + cbe_i : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); + dat_i : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); + dat_o : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); + wrcfg_i : in std_logic; + rdcfg_i : in std_logic; + perr_i : in std_logic; + serr_i : in std_logic; + tabort_i : in std_logic; + bar0_o : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 25); + perrEN_o : out std_logic; + serrEN_o : out std_logic; + memEN_o : out std_logic + + ); + end component; + + + component pcipargen + port ( + + clk_i : in std_logic; + pcidatout_i : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); + cbe_i : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); + parOE_i : in std_logic; + par_o : out std_logic + + ); + end component; + + +--+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +--| CONSTANTS | +--+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +--+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +--| SIGNALS | +--+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ + + signal bar0 : std_logic_vector(31 downto 25); + signal memEN : std_logic; + signal pciadrLD : std_logic; + signal adrcfg : std_logic; + signal adrmem : std_logic; + signal adr : std_logic_vector(24 downto 1); + signal cmd : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); + signal pcidOE : std_logic; + signal parOE : std_logic; + signal wbdatLD : std_logic; + signal wbrgdMX : std_logic; + signal wbd16MX : std_logic; + signal wrcfg : std_logic; + signal rdcfg : std_logic; + signal pcidatread : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); + signal pcidatwrite : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); + signal pcidatout : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); + signal parerr : std_logic; + signal syserr : std_logic; + signal tabort : std_logic; + signal perrEN : std_logic; + signal serrEN : std_logic; + +begin + + + --+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ + --| Component instances | + --+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ + + --+-----------------------------------------+ + --| PCI decoder | + --+-----------------------------------------+ + + u1: component pcidec_new + port map ( + + clk_i => clk33, + nrst_i => nrst, + -- + ad_i => ad, + cbe_i => cbe, + idsel_i => idsel, + bar0_i => bar0, + memEN_i => memEN, + pciadrLD_i => pciadrLD, + adrcfg_o => adrcfg, + adrmem_o => adrmem, + adr_o => adr, + cmd_o => cmd + + ); + + + --+-----------------------------------------+ + --| PCI-WB Sequencer | + --+-----------------------------------------+ + + u2: component pciwbsequ + port map ( + + -- General + clk_i => clk33, + nrst_i => nrst, + -- pci + cmd_i => cmd, + cbe_i => cbe, + frame_i => frame, + irdy_i => irdy, + devsel_o => devsel, + trdy_o => trdy, + -- control + adrcfg_i => adrcfg, + adrmem_i => adrmem, + pciadrLD_o => pciadrLD, + pcidOE_o => pcidOE, + parOE_o => parOE, + wbdatLD_o => wbdatLD, + wbrgdMX_o => wbrgdMX, + wbd16MX_o => wbd16MX, + wrcfg_o => wrcfg, + rdcfg_o => rdcfg, + -- whisbone + wb_sel_o => wb_sel_o, + wb_we_o => wb_we_o, + wb_stb_o => wb_stb_o, + wb_cyc_o => wb_cyc_o, + wb_ack_i => wb_ack_i, + wb_err_i => wb_err_i, + -- debug signals + debug_init => debug_init, + debug_access => debug_access + ); + + + --+-----------------------------------------+ + --| PCI-wb datamultiplexer | + --+-----------------------------------------+ + + u3: component pcidmux + port map ( + + clk_i => clk33, + nrst_i => nrst, + -- + d_io => ad, + pcidatout_o => pcidatout, + pcidOE_i => pcidOE, + wbdatLD_i => wbdatLD, + wbrgdMX_i => wbrgdMX, + wbd16MX_i => wbd16MX, + wb_dat_i => wb_dat_i, + wb_dat_o => wb_dat_o, + rg_dat_i => pcidatread, + rg_dat_o => pcidatwrite + + ); + + + --+-----------------------------------------+ + --| PCI registers | + --+-----------------------------------------+ + + u4: component pciregs + generic map ( + + vendorID => vendorID, + deviceID => deviceID, + revisionID => revisionID, + subsystemID => subsystemID, + subsystemvID => subsystemvID, Index: trunk/source/generate_pci32tlite/new_pci32tlite.vhd =================================================================== --- trunk/source/generate_pci32tlite/new_pci32tlite.vhd (nonexistent) +++ trunk/source/generate_pci32tlite/new_pci32tlite.vhd (revision 4) @@ -0,0 +1,590 @@ +--+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +--| | +--| File: pci32tlite.vhd | +--| | +--| Components: pcidec_new.vhd | +--| pciwbsequ.vhd | +--| pcidmux.vhd | +--| pciregs.vhd | +--| pcipargen.vhd | +--| -- Libs -- | +--| ona.vhd | +--| | +--| Description: TARGET PCI : | +--| | +--| * PCI Target 32 Bits | +--| * BAR0 32MByte address space | +--| * Whisbone compatible: D16, 32MB address space | +--| | +--+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +--| | +--| Revision history : | +--| Date Version Author Description | +--| 2005-05-13 R00A00 PAU First alfa revision (eng) | +--| 2006-01-05 R00B00 MS inverted reset nres | +--| and added debug signals debug_init and debug_access | | +--| | +--| To do: | +--| | +--+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +--+-----------------------------------------------------------------+ +--| | +--| Copyright (C) 2005 Peio Azkarate, | +--| | +--| This source file may be used and distributed without | +--| restriction provided that this copyright statement is not | +--| removed from the file and that any derivative work contains | +--| the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. | +--| | +--| This source file is free software; you can redistribute it | +--| and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General | +--| Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; | +--| either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any | +--| later version. | +--| | +--| This source is distributed in the hope that it will be | +--| useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied | +--| warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR | +--| PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more | +--| details. | +--| | +--| You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General | +--| Public License along with this source; if not, download it | +--| from | +--| | +--+-----------------------------------------------------------------+ + +--+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +--| LIBRARIES | +--+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ + +library ieee; +use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; + +--+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +--| ENTITY | +--+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ + +entity pci32tlite is +generic ( + + vendorID : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) := x"10EE"; + deviceID : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) := x"0100"; + revisionID : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := x"37"; + subsystemID : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) := x"1558"; + subsystemvID : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) := x"0480"; + jcarr1ID : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := x"12345671"; + jcarr2ID : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := x"12345672"; + jcarr3ID : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := x"12345673"; + jcarr4ID : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := x"12345674"; + jcarr5ID : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := x"12345675"; + jcarr6ID : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := x"12345676"; + jcarr7ID : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := x"12345677"; + jcarr8ID : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := x"12345678"; + jcarr9ID : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := x"12345679"; + jcarr10ID : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := x"12345680"; + jcarr11ID : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := x"12345681"; + jcarr12ID : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := x"12345682"; + jcarr13ID : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := x"12345683"; + jcarr14ID : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := x"12345684"; + jcarr15ID : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := x"12345685"; + jcarr16ID : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := x"12345686"; + jcarr17ID : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := x"12345687"; + jcarr18ID : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := x"12345688"; + jcarr19ID : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := x"12345689"; + jcarr20ID : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := x"12345690"; + jcarr21ID : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := x"12345691"; + jcarr22ID : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := x"12345692"; + jcarr23ID : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := x"12345693"; + jcarr24ID : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := x"12345694"; + jcarr25ID : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := x"12345695"; + jcarr26ID : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := x"12345696"; + jcarr27ID : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := x"12345697"; + jcarr28ID : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := x"12345698"; + jcarr29ID : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := x"12345699"; + jcarr30ID : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := x"12345700"; + jcarr31ID : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := x"12345701"; + jcarr32ID : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := x"12345702"; + jcarr33ID : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := x"12345703"; + jcarr34ID : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := x"12345704"; + jcarr35ID : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := x"12345705"; + jcarr36ID : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := x"12345706"; + jcarr37ID : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := x"12345707"; + jcarr38ID : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := x"12345708"; + jcarr39ID : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := x"12345709"; + jcarr40ID : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := x"12345710"; + jcarr41ID : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := x"12345711"; + jcarr42ID : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := x"12345712" + +); +port ( + + -- General + clk33 : in std_logic; + nrst : in std_logic; + + -- PCI target 32bits + ad : inout std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); + cbe : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); + par : out std_logic; + frame : in std_logic; + irdy : in std_logic; + trdy : out std_logic; + devsel : out std_logic; + stop : out std_logic; + idsel : in std_logic; + perr : out std_logic; + serr : out std_logic; + intb : out std_logic; + + -- Master whisbone + wb_adr_o : out std_logic_vector(24 downto 1); + wb_dat_i : in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); + wb_dat_o : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); + wb_sel_o : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); + wb_we_o : out std_logic; + wb_stb_o : inout std_logic; + wb_cyc_o : out std_logic; + wb_ack_i : in std_logic; + wb_err_i : in std_logic; + wb_int_i : in std_logic; + + -- debug signals + debug_init : out std_logic; + debug_access : out std_logic + +); +end pci32tlite; + + +--+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +--| ARCHITECTURE | +--+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ + +architecture rtl of pci32tlite is + + +--+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +--| COMPONENTS | +--+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ + + + component pcidec_new + port ( + + clk_i : in std_logic; + nrst_i : in std_logic; + -- + ad_i : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); + cbe_i : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); + idsel_i : in std_logic; + bar0_i : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 25); + memEN_i : in std_logic; + pciadrLD_i : in std_logic; + adrcfg_o : out std_logic; + adrmem_o : out std_logic; + adr_o : out std_logic_vector(24 downto 1); + cmd_o : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) + + ); + end component; + + + component pciwbsequ + port ( + + -- General + clk_i : in std_logic; + nrst_i : in std_logic; + -- pci + cmd_i : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); + cbe_i : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); + frame_i : in std_logic; + irdy_i : in std_logic; + devsel_o : out std_logic; + trdy_o : out std_logic; + -- control + adrcfg_i : in std_logic; + adrmem_i : in std_logic; + pciadrLD_o : out std_logic; + pcidOE_o : out std_logic; + parOE_o : out std_logic; + wbdatLD_o : out std_logic; + wbrgdMX_o : out std_logic; + wbd16MX_o : out std_logic; + wrcfg_o : out std_logic; + rdcfg_o : out std_logic; + -- whisbone + wb_sel_o : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); + wb_we_o : out std_logic; + wb_stb_o : inout std_logic; + wb_cyc_o : out std_logic; + wb_ack_i : in std_logic; + wb_err_i : in std_logic; + -- debug signals + debug_init : out std_logic; + debug_access : out std_logic + ); + end component; + + + component pcidmux + port ( + + clk_i : in std_logic; + nrst_i : in std_logic; + -- + d_io : inout std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); + pcidatout_o : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); + pcidOE_i : in std_logic; + wbdatLD_i : in std_logic; + wbrgdMX_i : in std_logic; + wbd16MX_i : in std_logic; + wb_dat_i : in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); + wb_dat_o : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); + rg_dat_i : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); + rg_dat_o : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) + + ); + end component; + + + component pciregs + generic ( + + vendorID : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); + deviceID : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); + revisionID : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); + subsystemID : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); + subsystemvID : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); + jcarr1ID : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); + jcarr2ID : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); + jcarr3ID : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); + jcarr4ID : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); + jcarr5ID : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); + jcarr6ID : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); + jcarr7ID : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); + jcarr8ID : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); + jcarr9ID : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); + jcarr10ID : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); + jcarr11ID : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); + jcarr12ID : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); + jcarr13ID : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); + jcarr14ID : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); + jcarr15ID : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); + jcarr16ID : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); + jcarr17ID : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); + jcarr18ID : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); + jcarr19ID : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); + jcarr20ID : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); + jcarr21ID : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); + jcarr22ID : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); + jcarr23ID : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); + jcarr24ID : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); + jcarr25ID : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); + jcarr26ID : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); + jcarr27ID : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); + jcarr28ID : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); + jcarr29ID : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); + jcarr30ID : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); + jcarr31ID : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); + jcarr32ID : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); + jcarr33ID : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); + jcarr34ID : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); + jcarr35ID : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); + jcarr36ID : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); + jcarr37ID : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); + jcarr38ID : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); + jcarr39ID : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); + jcarr40ID : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); + jcarr41ID : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); + jcarr42ID : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) + + ); + port ( + + clk_i : in std_logic; + nrst_i : in std_logic; + -- + adr_i : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 2); + cbe_i : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); + dat_i : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); + dat_o : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); + wrcfg_i : in std_logic; + rdcfg_i : in std_logic; + perr_i : in std_logic; + serr_i : in std_logic; + tabort_i : in std_logic; + bar0_o : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 25); + perrEN_o : out std_logic; + serrEN_o : out std_logic; + memEN_o : out std_logic + + ); + end component; + + + component pcipargen + port ( + + clk_i : in std_logic; + pcidatout_i : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); + cbe_i : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); + parOE_i : in std_logic; + par_o : out std_logic + + ); + end component; + + +--+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +--| CONSTANTS | +--+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +--+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +--| SIGNALS | +--+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ + + signal bar0 : std_logic_vector(31 downto 25); + signal memEN : std_logic; + signal pciadrLD : std_logic; + signal adrcfg : std_logic; + signal adrmem : std_logic; + signal adr : std_logic_vector(24 downto 1); + signal cmd : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); + signal pcidOE : std_logic; + signal parOE : std_logic; + signal wbdatLD : std_logic; + signal wbrgdMX : std_logic; + signal wbd16MX : std_logic; + signal wrcfg : std_logic; + signal rdcfg : std_logic; + signal pcidatread : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); + signal pcidatwrite : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); + signal pcidatout : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); + signal parerr : std_logic; + signal syserr : std_logic; + signal tabort : std_logic; + signal perrEN : std_logic; + signal serrEN : std_logic; + +begin + + + --+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ + --| Component instances | + --+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ + + --+-----------------------------------------+ + --| PCI decoder | + --+-----------------------------------------+ + + u1: component pcidec_new + port map ( + + clk_i => clk33, + nrst_i => nrst, + -- + ad_i => ad, + cbe_i => cbe, + idsel_i => idsel, + bar0_i => bar0, + memEN_i => memEN, + pciadrLD_i => pciadrLD, + adrcfg_o => adrcfg, + adrmem_o => adrmem, + adr_o => adr, + cmd_o => cmd + + ); + + + --+-----------------------------------------+ + --| PCI-WB Sequencer | + --+-----------------------------------------+ + + u2: component pciwbsequ + port map ( + + -- General + clk_i => clk33, + nrst_i => nrst, + -- pci + cmd_i => cmd, + cbe_i => cbe, + frame_i => frame, + irdy_i => irdy, + devsel_o => devsel, + trdy_o => trdy, + -- control + adrcfg_i => adrcfg, + adrmem_i => adrmem, + pciadrLD_o => pciadrLD, + pcidOE_o => pcidOE, + parOE_o => parOE, + wbdatLD_o => wbdatLD, + wbrgdMX_o => wbrgdMX, + wbd16MX_o => wbd16MX, + wrcfg_o => wrcfg, + rdcfg_o => rdcfg, + -- whisbone + wb_sel_o => wb_sel_o, + wb_we_o => wb_we_o, + wb_stb_o => wb_stb_o, + wb_cyc_o => wb_cyc_o, + wb_ack_i => wb_ack_i, + wb_err_i => wb_err_i, + -- debug signals + debug_init => debug_init, + debug_access => debug_access + ); + + + --+-----------------------------------------+ + --| PCI-wb datamultiplexer | + --+-----------------------------------------+ + + u3: component pcidmux + port map ( + + clk_i => clk33, + nrst_i => nrst, + -- + d_io => ad, + pcidatout_o => pcidatout, + pcidOE_i => pcidOE, + wbdatLD_i => wbdatLD, + wbrgdMX_i => wbrgdMX, + wbd16MX_i => wbd16MX, + wb_dat_i => wb_dat_i, + wb_dat_o => wb_dat_o, + rg_dat_i => pcidatread, + rg_dat_o => pcidatwrite + + ); + + + --+-----------------------------------------+ + --| PCI registers | + --+-----------------------------------------+ + + u4: component pciregs + generic map ( + + vendorID => vendorID, + deviceID => deviceID, + revisionID => revisionID, + subsystemID => subsystemID, + subsystemvID => subsystemvID, + jcarr1ID => jcarr1ID, + jcarr2ID => jcarr2ID, + jcarr3ID => jcarr3ID, + jcarr4ID => jcarr4ID, + jcarr5ID => jcarr5ID, + jcarr6ID => jcarr6ID, + jcarr7ID => jcarr7ID, + jcarr8ID => jcarr8ID, + jcarr9ID => jcarr9ID, + jcarr10ID => jcarr10ID, + jcarr11ID => jcarr11ID, + jcarr12ID => jcarr12ID, + jcarr13ID => jcarr13ID, + jcarr14ID => jcarr14ID, + jcarr15ID => jcarr15ID, + jcarr16ID => jcarr16ID, + jcarr17ID => jcarr17ID, + jcarr18ID => jcarr18ID, + jcarr19ID => jcarr19ID, + jcarr20ID => jcarr20ID, + jcarr21ID => jcarr21ID, + jcarr22ID => jcarr22ID, + jcarr23ID => jcarr23ID, + jcarr24ID => jcarr24ID, + jcarr25ID => jcarr25ID, + jcarr26ID => jcarr26ID, + jcarr27ID => jcarr27ID, + jcarr28ID => jcarr28ID, + jcarr29ID => jcarr29ID, + jcarr30ID => jcarr30ID, + jcarr31ID => jcarr31ID, + jcarr32ID => jcarr32ID, + jcarr33ID => jcarr33ID, + jcarr34ID => jcarr34ID, + jcarr35ID => jcarr35ID, + jcarr36ID => jcarr36ID, + jcarr37ID => jcarr37ID, + jcarr38ID => jcarr38ID, + jcarr39ID => jcarr39ID, + jcarr40ID => jcarr40ID, + jcarr41ID => jcarr41ID, + jcarr42ID => jcarr42ID + + ) + port map ( + + clk_i => clk33, + nrst_i => nrst, + -- + adr_i => adr(7 downto 2), + cbe_i => cbe, + dat_i => pcidatwrite, + dat_o => pcidatread, + wrcfg_i => wrcfg, + rdcfg_i => rdcfg, + perr_i => parerr, + serr_i => syserr, + tabort_i => tabort, + bar0_o => bar0, + perrEN_o => perrEN, + serrEN_o => serrEN, + memEN_o => memEN + + ); + + --+-----------------------------------------+ + --| PCI Parity Gnerator | + --+-----------------------------------------+ + + u5: component pcipargen + port map ( + + clk_i => clk33, + pcidatout_i => pcidatout, + cbe_i => cbe, + parOE_i => parOE, + par_o => par + + ); + + + --+-----------------------------------------+ + --| Whisbone Address bus | + --+-----------------------------------------+ + + wb_adr_o <= adr; + + + --+-----------------------------------------+ + --| unimplemented | + --+-----------------------------------------+ + + parerr <= '0'; + syserr <= '0'; + tabort <= '0'; + + + --+-----------------------------------------+ + --| unused outputs | + --+-----------------------------------------+ + -- #stop: Curret TARGET indicates to Master stop current transaction + -- #perr: + -- #serr: + + perr <= 'Z'; + serr <= 'Z'; + stop <= 'Z'; + intb <= '0' when ( wb_int_i = '1' ) else 'Z'; + + +end rtl; + + Index: trunk/source/generate_pci32tlite/pci32tlite.vhd.part4 =================================================================== --- trunk/source/generate_pci32tlite/pci32tlite.vhd.part4 (nonexistent) +++ trunk/source/generate_pci32tlite/pci32tlite.vhd.part4 (revision 4) @@ -0,0 +1,71 @@ + + ) + port map ( + + clk_i => clk33, + nrst_i => nrst, + -- + adr_i => adr(7 downto 2), + cbe_i => cbe, + dat_i => pcidatwrite, + dat_o => pcidatread, + wrcfg_i => wrcfg, + rdcfg_i => rdcfg, + perr_i => parerr, + serr_i => syserr, + tabort_i => tabort, + bar0_o => bar0, + perrEN_o => perrEN, + serrEN_o => serrEN, + memEN_o => memEN + + ); + + --+-----------------------------------------+ + --| PCI Parity Gnerator | + --+-----------------------------------------+ + + u5: component pcipargen + port map ( + + clk_i => clk33, + pcidatout_i => pcidatout, + cbe_i => cbe, + parOE_i => parOE, + par_o => par + + ); + + + --+-----------------------------------------+ + --| Whisbone Address bus | + --+-----------------------------------------+ + + wb_adr_o <= adr; + + + --+-----------------------------------------+ + --| unimplemented | + --+-----------------------------------------+ + + parerr <= '0'; + syserr <= '0'; + tabort <= '0'; + + + --+-----------------------------------------+ + --| unused outputs | + --+-----------------------------------------+ + -- #stop: Curret TARGET indicates to Master stop current transaction + -- #perr: + -- #serr: + + perr <= 'Z'; + serr <= 'Z'; + stop <= 'Z'; + intb <= '0' when ( wb_int_i = '1' ) else 'Z'; + + +end rtl; + + Index: trunk/source/generate_pci32tlite/Makefile =================================================================== --- trunk/source/generate_pci32tlite/Makefile (nonexistent) +++ trunk/source/generate_pci32tlite/Makefile (revision 4) @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +all: + ./ > new_pci32tlite.vhd + unix2dos new_pci32tlite.vhd + cp new_pci32tlite.vhd .. Index: trunk/source/pfs.v =================================================================== --- trunk/source/pfs.v (nonexistent) +++ trunk/source/pfs.v (revision 4) @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +module pfs2 (clk, a, b); + input clk; + input a; + output b; + reg b; + + always @(posedge clk) + begin + b <= a; + end +endmodule Index: trunk/source/vga_main.vhd =================================================================== --- trunk/source/vga_main.vhd (nonexistent) +++ trunk/source/vga_main.vhd (revision 4) @@ -0,0 +1,103 @@ +--------------------------------------------------------------------- +-- vga_main.vhd Demo VGA configuration module. +--------------------------------------------------------------------- +-- Author: Barron Barnett +-- Copyright 2004 Digilent, Inc. +--------------------------------------------------------------------- +-- +-- This project is compatible with Xilinx ISE or Xilinx WebPack tools. +-- +-- Inputs: +-- mclk - System Clock +-- Outputs: +-- hs - Horizontal Sync +-- vs - Vertical Sync +-- red - Red Output +-- grn - Green Output +-- blu - Blue Output +-- +-- This module creates a three line pattern on a vga display using a +-- a vertical refresh rate of 60Hz. This is done by dividing the +-- system clock in half and using that for the pixel clock. This in +-- turn drives the vertical sync when the horizontal sync has reached +-- its reset point. All data displayed is done by basic value +-- comparisons. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +-- Revision History: +-- 07/01/2004(BarronB): created +------------------------------------------------------------------------ +library IEEE; +use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL; +use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_ARITH.ALL; +use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_UNSIGNED.ALL; + + +entity vgaController is + Port ( mclk : in std_logic; + hs : out std_logic; + vs : out std_logic; + red : out std_logic; + grn : out std_logic; + blu : out std_logic); +end vgaController; + +architecture Behavioral of vgaController is + + + constant hpixels : std_logic_vector(9 downto 0) := "1100100000"; --Value of pixels in a horizontal line + constant vlines : std_logic_vector(9 downto 0) := "1000001001"; --Number of horizontal lines in the display + + constant hbp : std_logic_vector(9 downto 0) := "0010010000"; --Horizontal back porch + constant hfp : std_logic_vector(9 downto 0) := "1100010000"; --Horizontal front porch + constant vbp : std_logic_vector(9 downto 0) := "0000011111"; --Vertical back porch + constant vfp : std_logic_vector(9 downto 0) := "0111111111"; --Vertical front porch + + signal hc, vc : std_logic_vector(9 downto 0); --These are the Horizontal and Vertical counters + signal clkdiv : std_logic; --Clock divider + signal vidon : std_logic; --Tells whether or not its ok to display data + signal vsenable : std_logic; --Enable for the Vertical counter + +begin + --This cuts the 50Mhz clock in half + process(mclk) + begin + if(mclk = '1' and mclk'EVENT) then + clkdiv <= not clkdiv; + end if; + end process; + + --Runs the horizontal counter + process(clkdiv) + begin + if(clkdiv = '1' and clkdiv'EVENT) then + if hc = hpixels then --If the counter has reached the end of pixel count + hc <= "0000000000"; --reset the counter + vsenable <= '1'; --Enable the vertical counter to increment + else + hc <= hc + 1; --Increment the horizontal counter + vsenable <= '0'; --Leave the vsenable off + end if; + end if; + end process; + + hs <= '1' when hc(9 downto 7) = "000" else '0'; --Horizontal Sync Pulse + + process(clkdiv) + begin + if(clkdiv = '1' and clkdiv'EVENT and vsenable = '1') then --Increment when enabled + if vc = vlines then --Reset when the number of lines is reached + vc <= "0000000000"; + else vc <= vc + 1; --Increment the vertical counter + end if; + end if; + end process; + + vs <= '1' when vc(9 downto 1) = "000000000" else '0'; --Vertical Sync Pulse + + red <= '1' when (hc = "1010101100" and vidon ='1') else '0'; --Red pixel on at a specific horizontal count + grn <= '1' when (hc = "0100000100" and vidon ='1') else '0'; --Green pixel on at a specific horizontal count + blu <= '1' when (vc = "0100100001" and vidon ='1') else '0'; --Blue pixel on at a specific vertical count + + vidon <= '1' when (((hc < hfp) and (hc > hbp)) or ((vc < vfp) and (vc > vbp))) else '0'; --Enable video out when within the porches + +end Behavioral; Index: trunk/source/wb_7seg.v =================================================================== --- trunk/source/wb_7seg.v (nonexistent) +++ trunk/source/wb_7seg.v (revision 4) @@ -0,0 +1,87 @@ +module wb_7seg_new (clk_i, nrst_i, wb_adr_i, wb_dat_o, wb_dat_i, wb_sel_i, wb_we_i, + wb_stb_i, wb_cyc_i, wb_ack_o, wb_err_o, wb_int_o, DISP_SEL, DISP_LED); + + input clk_i; + input nrst_i; + input [24:1] wb_adr_i; + output [15:0] wb_dat_o; + input [15:0] wb_dat_i; + input [1:0] wb_sel_i; + input wb_we_i; + input wb_stb_i; + input wb_cyc_i; + output wb_ack_o; + output wb_err_o; + output wb_int_o; + output reg [3:0] DISP_SEL; + output reg [6:0] DISP_LED; + + reg [15:0] data_reg; + reg [6:0] disp_cnt; + reg [3:0] disp_data; + wire [6:0] disp_data_led; + reg [3:0] disp_pos; + + always @(posedge clk_i or negedge nrst_i) + begin + if (nrst_i == 0) + data_reg <= 16'hABCD; + else + if (wb_stb_i && wb_we_i) + data_reg <= wb_dat_i; + end + + assign wb_ack_o = wb_stb_i; + assign wb_err_o = 1'b0; + assign wb_int_o = 1'b0; + assign wb_dat_o = data_reg; + + always @(posedge clk_i or negedge nrst_i) + begin + if (nrst_i == 0) + disp_cnt <= 7'b0000000; + else + disp_cnt <= disp_cnt + 1; + end + + always @(posedge clk_i or negedge nrst_i) + begin + if (nrst_i == 0) + disp_pos <= 4'b0010; + else + if (disp_cnt == 7'b1111111) + disp_pos <= {DISP_SEL[2] , DISP_SEL[1] , DISP_SEL[0] , DISP_SEL[3]}; + end + + always @(posedge clk_i or negedge nrst_i) + begin + if (nrst_i == 0) + disp_data <= 4'b0000; + else + case (DISP_SEL) + 4'b1000: disp_data <= data_reg[3:0]; + 4'b0100: disp_data <= data_reg[7:4]; + 4'b0010: disp_data <= data_reg[11:8]; + 4'b0001: disp_data <= data_reg[15:12]; + endcase + end + + disp_dec u0 (disp_data, disp_data_led); + + always @(posedge clk_i or negedge nrst_i) + begin + if (nrst_i == 0) + DISP_LED <= 7'b0000000; + else + DISP_LED <= disp_data_led; + end + + always @(posedge clk_i or negedge nrst_i) + begin + if (nrst_i == 0) + DISP_SEL <= 0; + else + DISP_SEL <= disp_pos; + end + +endmodule Index: trunk/source/top_pci_7seg.vhd =================================================================== --- trunk/source/top_pci_7seg.vhd (nonexistent) +++ trunk/source/top_pci_7seg.vhd (revision 4) @@ -0,0 +1,259 @@ +--+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +--| | +--| File: top.vhd | +--| | +--| Components: pci32lite.vhd | +--| pciwbsequ.vhd | +--| pcidmux.vhd | +--| pciregs.vhd | +--| pcipargen.vhd | +--| -- Libs -- | +--| ona.vhd | +--| | +--| Description: RS1 PCI Demo : (TOP) Main file. | +--| | +--| | +--| | +--+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +--| | +--| Revision history : | +--| Date Version Author Description | +--| | +--| | +--| To do: | +--| | +--+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ + + +--+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +--| LIBRARIES | +--+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ + +library ieee; +use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; +use ieee.std_logic_arith.all; +use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all; + +--+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +--| ENTITY | +--+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ + +entity pci_7seg is +port ( + + -- General + PCI_CLK : in std_logic; + PCI_nRES : in std_logic; + + -- PCI target 32bits + PCI_AD : inout std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); + PCI_CBE : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); + PCI_PAR : out std_logic; + PCI_nFRAME : in std_logic; + PCI_nIRDY : in std_logic; + PCI_nTRDY : out std_logic; + PCI_nDEVSEL : out std_logic; + PCI_nSTOP : out std_logic; + PCI_IDSEL : in std_logic; + PCI_nPERR : out std_logic; + PCI_nSERR : out std_logic; + PCI_nINT : out std_logic; + + -- 7seg + DISP_SEL : inout std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); + DISP_LED : out std_logic_vector(6 downto 0); + + -- debug signals + LED_INIT : out std_logic; + LED_ACCESS : out std_logic; + LED_ALIVE : out std_logic; + + -- vga signals + hs : out std_logic; + vs : out std_logic; + red, grn, blu : out std_logic; + mclk : in std_logic + +); +end pci_7seg; + + +--+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +--| ARCHITECTURE | +--+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ + +architecture pci_7seg_arch of pci_7seg is + + +--+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +--| COMPONENTS | +--+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ + +component pci32tlite +port ( + + -- General + clk33 : in std_logic; + nrst : in std_logic; + + -- PCI target 32bits + ad : inout std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); + cbe : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); + par : out std_logic; + frame : in std_logic; + irdy : in std_logic; + trdy : out std_logic; + devsel : out std_logic; + stop : out std_logic; + idsel : in std_logic; + perr : out std_logic; + serr : out std_logic; + intb : out std_logic; + + -- Master whisbone + wb_adr_o : out std_logic_vector(24 downto 1); + wb_dat_i : in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); + wb_dat_o : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); + wb_sel_o : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); + wb_we_o : out std_logic; + wb_stb_o : out std_logic; + wb_cyc_o : out std_logic; + wb_ack_i : in std_logic; + wb_err_i : in std_logic; + wb_int_i : in std_logic; + + -- debug signals + debug_init : out std_logic; + debug_access : out std_logic + + ); +end component; + + +component wb_7seg_new +port ( + + -- General + clk_i : in std_logic; + nrst_i : in std_logic; + + -- Master whisbone + wb_adr_i : in std_logic_vector(24 downto 1); + wb_dat_o : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); + wb_dat_i : in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); + wb_sel_i : in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); + wb_we_i : in std_logic; + wb_stb_i : in std_logic; + wb_cyc_i : in std_logic; + wb_ack_o : out std_logic; + wb_err_o : out std_logic; + wb_int_o : out std_logic; + + -- 7seg + DISP_SEL : inout std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); + DISP_LED : out std_logic_vector(6 downto 0) + + ); +end component; + + +component vgaController is + Port ( mclk : in std_logic; + hs : out std_logic; + vs : out std_logic; + red : out std_logic; + grn : out std_logic; + blu : out std_logic); +end component; + + +--+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +--| CONSTANTS | +--+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +--+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +--| SIGNALS | +--+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ + + signal wb_adr : std_logic_vector(24 downto 1); + signal wb_dat_out : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); + signal wb_dat_in : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); + signal wb_sel : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); + signal wb_we : std_logic; + signal wb_stb : std_logic; + signal wb_cyc : std_logic; + signal wb_ack : std_logic; + signal wb_err : std_logic; + signal wb_int : std_logic; + + +begin + + LED_ALIVE <= '1'; +--+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +--| Component instances | +--+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ + + vga1: vgaController port map (mclk => mclk, + hs => hs, + vs => vs, + red => red, + grn => grn, + blu => blu); + +--+-----------------------------------------+ +--| PCI Target | +--+-----------------------------------------+ + +u_pci: component pci32tlite +port map( + clk33 => PCI_CLK, + nrst => PCI_nRES, + ad => PCI_AD, + cbe => PCI_CBE, + par => PCI_PAR, + frame => PCI_nFRAME, + irdy => PCI_nIRDY, + trdy => PCI_nTRDY, + devsel => PCI_nDEVSEL, + stop => PCI_nSTOP, + idsel => PCI_IDSEL, + perr => PCI_nPERR, + serr => PCI_nSERR, + intb => PCI_nINT, + wb_adr_o => wb_adr, + wb_dat_i => wb_dat_out, + wb_dat_o => wb_dat_in, + wb_sel_o => wb_sel, + wb_we_o => wb_we, + wb_stb_o => wb_stb, + wb_cyc_o => wb_cyc, + wb_ack_i => wb_ack, + wb_err_i => wb_err, + wb_int_i => wb_int, + debug_init => LED_INIT, + debug_access => LED_ACCESS + ); + +--+-----------------------------------------+ +--| WB-7seg | +--+-----------------------------------------+ + +u_wb: component wb_7seg_new +port map( + clk_i => PCI_CLK, + nrst_i => PCI_nRES, + wb_adr_i => wb_adr, + wb_dat_o => wb_dat_out, + wb_dat_i => wb_dat_in, + wb_sel_i => wb_sel, + wb_we_i => wb_we, + wb_stb_i => wb_stb, + wb_cyc_i => wb_cyc, + wb_ack_o => wb_ack, + wb_err_o => wb_err, + wb_int_o => wb_int, + DISP_SEL => DISP_SEL, + DISP_LED => DISP_LED +); + +end pci_7seg_arch; Index: trunk/source/generate_pciregs/ =================================================================== --- trunk/source/generate_pciregs/ (nonexistent) +++ trunk/source/generate_pciregs/ (revision 4) @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ +#!/usr/bin/perl + +my $TOTAL = 42; +my $START = 0x11; + +%h2b = (0 => "0000", 1 => "0001", 2 => "0010", 3 => "0011", +4 => "0100", 5 => "0101", 6 => "0110", 7 => "0111", +8 => "1000", 9 => "1001", a => "1010", b => "1011", +c => "1100", d => "1101", e => "1110", f => "1111", +); + + +system ("cat pciregs.vhd.part1"); + +foreach $i ( 1 .. $TOTAL ) { + my $end = ";"; + $end = "" if $i eq $TOTAL; + print "\t\tjcarr$i" . "ID : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0)$end\n"; +} + +system ("cat pciregs.vhd.part2"); + +foreach $i ( 1 .. $TOTAL ) { + my $end = ";"; + # $end = "" if $i eq $TOTAL; + print "\tconstant JCARR$i" . "IDr : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := jcarr$i" . "ID$end\n"; +} + +system ("cat pciregs.vhd.part3"); + +foreach $i ( 1 .. $TOTAL ) { + my $binary, $hex; + $hex = sprintf("%03X", $START); + ($binary = $hex) =~ s/(.)/$h2b{lc $1}/g; + my $out = substr $binary, -6; + print "\t\t when b\"$out\" =>\n"; + my $end = ";"; + # $end = "" if $i eq $TOTAL; + print "\t\t\t\t dataout <= JCARR$i" . "IDr$end\n"; + ++$START; +} + +system ("cat pciregs.vhd.part4"); +
trunk/source/generate_pciregs/ Property changes : Added: svn:executable ## -0,0 +1 ## +* \ No newline at end of property Index: trunk/source/generate_pciregs/pciregs.vhd.part1 =================================================================== --- trunk/source/generate_pciregs/pciregs.vhd.part1 (nonexistent) +++ trunk/source/generate_pciregs/pciregs.vhd.part1 (revision 4) @@ -0,0 +1,189 @@ +--+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +--| | +--| File: pciregs.vhd | +--| | +--| Project: pci32tlite_oc | +--| | +--| Description: Registros PCI | +--| BAR0 is used externally by decoder. | +--| | +--| +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | +--| | PCI CONFIGURATION SPACE REGISTERS | | +--| +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | +--| | +--| +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | +--| | REGISTER | adr(7..2) | offset | Byte Enable | Size | | +--| +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | +--| | VENDORID | 000000 (r) | 00 | 0/1 | 2 | | +--| +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | +--| | DERVICEID | 000000 (r) | 02 | 2/3 | 2 | | +--| +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | +--| | CMD | 000001 (r/w) | 04 | 0/1 | 2 | | +--| +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | +--| | ST | 000001 (r/w*)| 06 | 2/3 | 2 | | +--| +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | +--| | REVISIONID | 000010 (r) | 08 | 0 | 1 | | +--| +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | +--| | CLASSCODE | 000010 (r) | 09 | 1/2/3 | 3 | | +--| +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | +--| | HEADERTYPE | 000011 (r) | 0E | 2 | 1 | | +--| +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | +--| | BAR0 | 000100 (r/w) | 10 | 0/1/2/3 | 4 | | +--| +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | +--| | SUBSYSTEMID | 001011 (r) | 2C | 0/1 | 2 | | +--| +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | +--| | SUBSYSTEMVID | 001011 (r) | 2E | 0/1 | 2 | | +--| +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | +--| | INTLINE | 001111 (r/w) | 3C | 0 | 1 | | +--| +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | +--| | INTPIN | 001111 (r) | 3D | 1 | 1 | | +--| +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | +--| (w*) Reseteable | +--| | +--| +-----------------------------------------------+ | +--| | VENDORID (r) Vendor ID register | | +--| +-----------------------------------------------+-----------------------+ | +--| | Identifies manufacturer of device. | | +--| | VENDORIDr : vendorID (generic) | | +--| +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | +--| | +--| +-----------------------------------------------+ | +--| | DEVICEID (r) Device ID register | | +--| +-----------------------------------------------+-----------------------+ | +--| | Identifies the device. | | +--| | DEVICEIDr : deviceID (generic) | | +--| +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | +--| | +--| +-----------------------------------------------+ | +--| | CMD (r/w) CoMmanD register | | +--| +-----------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | +--| | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | SERRENb| (15-8) | +--| +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | +--| | 0 | PERRENb| 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |MEMSPACEENb| 0 | (7-0) | +--| +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | +--| | SERRENb : System ERRor ENable (1 = Enabled) | | +--| | PERRENb : Parity ERRor ENable (1 = Enabled) | | +--| | MEMSPACEENb : MEMmory SPACE ENable (1 = Enabled) | | +--| +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | +--| | +--| +-----------------------------------------------+ | +--| | ST (r/w*) STatus register | | +--| +-----------------------------------------------+-------------------------+ | +--| | PERRDTb | SERRSIb| -- | -- |TABORTSIb| DEVSELTIMb(1..0)| -- | (15-8) | +--| +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | +--| | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | (7-0) | +--| +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | +--| | PERRDTb : Parity ERRor DeTected | | +--| | SERRSIb : System ERRor SIgnaled | | +--| | TABORTSIb : Target ABORT SIgnaled | | +--| +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | +--| | +--| +-----------------------------------------------+ | +--| | REVISIONID (r) Revision ID register | | +--| +-----------------------------------------------+-----------------------+ | +--| | Identifies a device revision. | | +--| +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | +--| +-----------------------------------------------+ | +--| | CLASSCODE (r) CLASS CODE register | | +--| +-----------------------------------------------+-----------------------+ | +--| | Identifies the generic funtion of the device. | | +--| +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | +--| +-----------------------------------------------+ | +--| | HEADERTYPE (r) Header Type register | | +--| +-----------------------------------------------+-----------------------+ | +--| | Identifies the layout of the second part of the predefined header. | | +--| +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | +--| | +--| +-----------------------------------------------+ | +--| | BAR0 (r/w) Base AddRess 0 register | | +--| +-----------------------------------------------+-----------------------+ | +--| | BAR032MBb(6..0) | -- | (31-24) | +--| +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | +--| | BAR032MBb : Base Address 32MBytes decode space (7 bits) | | +--| +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | +--| | +--| +-----------------------------------------------+ | +--| | SUBSYSTEMVID (r) SUBSYSTEM Vendor ID register | | +--| +-----------------------------------------------+-----------------------+ | +--| | Identifies vendor of add-in board or subsystem. | | +--| | SUBSYSTEMVIDr : subsystemvID (generic) | | +--| +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | +--| | +--| +-----------------------------------------------+ | +--| | SUBSYSTEMID (r) SUBSYSTEM ID register | | +--| +-----------------------------------------------+-----------------------+ | +--| | Vendor specific. | | +--| | SUBSYTEMIDr : subsytemID (generic) | | +--| +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | +--| | +--| +-----------------------------------------------+ | +--| | INTLINE (r/w) INTerrupt LINE register | | +--| +-----------------------------------------------+-----------------------+ | +--| | INTLINEr(7..0) | (7..0) | +--| +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | +--| | Interrupt Line routing information | | +--| +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | +--| | +--| +-----------------------------------------------+ | +--| | INTPIN (r) INTerrupt PIN register | | +--| +-----------------------------------------------+-----------------------+ | +--| | Tells which interrupt pin the device uses: 01=INTA | | +--| +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | +--| | +--+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +--| | +--| Revision history : | +--| Date Version Author Description | +--| 2005-05-13 R00A00 PAU First alfa revision (eng) | +--| | +--| To do: | +--| | +--+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +--+-----------------------------------------------------------------+ +--| | +--| Copyright (C) 2005 Peio Azkarate, | +--| | +--| This source file may be used and distributed without | +--| restriction provided that this copyright statement is not | +--| removed from the file and that any derivative work contains | +--| the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. | +--| | +--| This source file is free software; you can redistribute it | +--| and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General | +--| Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; | +--| either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any | +--| later version. | +--| | +--| This source is distributed in the hope that it will be | +--| useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied | +--| warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR | +--| PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more | +--| details. | +--| | +--| You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General | +--| Public License along with this source; if not, download it | +--| from | +--| | +--+-----------------------------------------------------------------+ + + +--+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +--| LIBRARIES | +--+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ + +library ieee; +use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; + + +--+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +--| ENTITY | +--+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ + +entity pciregs is +generic ( + + vendorID : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); + deviceID : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); + revisionID : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); + subsystemID : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); + subsystemvID : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); Index: trunk/source/generate_pciregs/pciregs.vhd.part2 =================================================================== --- trunk/source/generate_pciregs/pciregs.vhd.part2 (nonexistent) +++ trunk/source/generate_pciregs/pciregs.vhd.part2 (revision 4) @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ + +); +port ( + + -- General + clk_i : in std_logic; + nrst_i : in std_logic; + -- + adr_i : in std_logic_vector(5 downto 0); + cbe_i : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); + dat_i : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); + dat_o : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); + -- + wrcfg_i : in std_logic; + rdcfg_i : in std_logic; + perr_i : in std_logic; + serr_i : in std_logic; + tabort_i : in std_logic; + -- + bar0_o : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 25); + perrEN_o : out std_logic; + serrEN_o : out std_logic; + memEN_o : out std_logic + +); +end pciregs; + + +architecture rtl of pciregs is + + +--+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +--| COMPONENTS | +--+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +--+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +--| CONSTANTS | +--+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ + + constant CLASSCODEr : std_logic_vector(23 downto 0) := X"028000"; -- Bridge-OtherBridgeDevice + constant REVISIONIDr : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := revisionID; -- PR00=80,PR1=81... + constant HEADERTYPEr : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := X"00"; + constant DEVSELTIMb : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0) := b"01"; -- DEVSEL TIMing (bits) medium speed + constant VENDORIDr : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) := vendorID; + constant DEVICEIDr : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) := deviceID; + constant SUBSYSTEMIDr : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) := subsystemID; + constant SUBSYSTEMVIDr : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) := subsystemvID; Index: trunk/source/generate_pciregs/pciregs.vhd.part3 =================================================================== --- trunk/source/generate_pciregs/pciregs.vhd.part3 (nonexistent) +++ trunk/source/generate_pciregs/pciregs.vhd.part3 (revision 4) @@ -0,0 +1,245 @@ + constant INTPINr : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := X"01"; -- INTA# + + +--+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +--| SIGNALS | +--+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ + + signal dataout : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); + signal tabortPFS : std_logic; + signal serrPFS : std_logic; + signal perrPFS : std_logic; + signal adrSTCMD : std_logic; + signal adrBAR0 : std_logic; + signal adrINT : std_logic; + signal we0CMD : std_logic; + signal we1CMD : std_logic; + signal we3ST : std_logic; + signal we3BAR0 : std_logic; + signal we0INT : std_logic; + signal we1INT : std_logic; + signal st11SEN : std_logic; + signal st11REN : std_logic; + signal st14SEN : std_logic; + signal st14REN : std_logic; + signal st15SEN : std_logic; + signal st15REN : std_logic; + + + --+---------------------------------------------------------+ + --| CONFIGURATION SPACE REGISTERS | + --+---------------------------------------------------------+ + + -- INTERRUPT LINE register + signal INTLINEr : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); + -- COMMAND register bits + signal MEMSPACEENb : std_logic; -- Memory SPACE ENable (bit) + signal PERRENb : std_logic; -- Parity ERRor ENable (bit) + signal SERRENb : std_logic; -- SERR ENable (bit) + -- STATUS register bits + --signal DEVSELTIMb : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); -- DEVSEL TIMing (bits) + signal TABORTSIb : std_logic; -- TarGet ABORT SIgnaling (bit) + signal SERRSIb : std_logic; -- System ERRor SIgnaling (bit) + signal PERRDTb : std_logic; -- Parity ERRor DeTected (bit) + -- BAR0 register bits + signal BAR032MBb : std_logic_vector(6 downto 0); -- BAR0 32MBytes Space (bits) + + +component pfs +port ( + clk : in std_logic; + a : in std_logic; + y : out std_logic +); + +end component; + +begin + + --+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ + --| Component instances | + --+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ + + u1: pfs port map ( clk => clk_i, a => tabort_i, y => tabortPFS ); + u2: pfs port map ( clk => clk_i, a => serr_i, y => serrPFS ); + u3: pfs port map ( clk => clk_i, a => perr_i, y => perrPFS ); + + + --+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ + --| Registers Address Decoder | + --+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ + + adrSTCMD <= '1' when ( adr_i(5 downto 0) = b"000001" ) else '0'; + adrBAR0 <= '1' when ( adr_i(5 downto 0) = b"000100" ) else '0'; + adrINT <= '1' when ( adr_i(5 downto 0) = b"001111" ) else '0'; + + + --+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ + --| WRITE ENABLE REGISTERS | + --+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ + + --+-----------------------------------------+ + --| Write Enable Registers | + --+-----------------------------------------+ + + we0CMD <= adrSTCMD and wrcfg_i and (not cbe_i(0)); + we1CMD <= adrSTCMD and wrcfg_i and (not cbe_i(1)); + --we2ST <= adrSTCMD and wrcfg_i and (not cbe_i(2)); + we3ST <= adrSTCMD and wrcfg_i and (not cbe_i(3)); + --we2BAR0 <= adrBAR0 and wrcfg_i and (not cbe_i(2)); + we3BAR0 <= adrBAR0 and wrcfg_i and (not cbe_i(3)); + we0INT <= adrINT and wrcfg_i and (not cbe_i(0)); + --we1INT <= adrINT and wrcfg_i and (not cbe_i(1)); + + --+-----------------------------------------+ + --| Set Enable & Reset Enable bits | + --+-----------------------------------------+ + st11SEN <= tabortPFS; + st11REN <= we3ST and dat_i(27); + st14SEN <= serrPFS; + st14REN <= we3ST and dat_i(30); + st15SEN <= perrPFS; + st15REN <= we3ST and dat_i(31); + + + --+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ + --| WRITE REGISTERS | + --+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ + + --+---------------------------------------------------------+ + --| COMMAND REGISTER Write | + --+---------------------------------------------------------+ + + REGCMDWR: process( clk_i, nrst_i, we0CMD, we1CMD, dat_i ) + begin + + if( nrst_i = '0' ) then + MEMSPACEENb <= '0'; + PERRENb <= '0'; + SERRENb <= '0'; + elsif( rising_edge( clk_i ) ) then + + -- Byte 0 + if( we0CMD = '1' ) then + MEMSPACEENb <= dat_i(1); + PERRENb <= dat_i(6); + end if; + + -- Byte 1 + if( we1CMD = '1' ) then + SERRENb <= dat_i(8); + end if; + + end if; + + end process REGCMDWR; + + + --+---------------------------------------------------------+ + --| STATUS REGISTER WRITE (Reset only) | + --+---------------------------------------------------------+ + + REGSTWR: process( clk_i, nrst_i, st11SEN, st11REN, st14SEN, st14REN, st15SEN, st15REN ) + begin + + if( nrst_i = '0' ) then + TABORTSIb <= '0'; + SERRSIb <= '0'; + PERRDTb <= '0'; + elsif( rising_edge( clk_i ) ) then + + -- TarGet ABORT SIgnaling bit + if( st11SEN = '1' ) then + TABORTSIb <= '1'; + elsif ( st11REN = '1' ) then + TABORTSIb <= '0'; + end if; + + -- System ERRor SIgnaling bit + if( st14SEN = '1' ) then + SERRSIb <= '1'; + elsif ( st14REN = '1' ) then + SERRSIb <= '0'; + end if; + + -- Parity ERRor DEtected bit + if( st15SEN = '1' ) then + PERRDTb <= '1'; + elsif ( st15REN = '1' ) then + PERRDTb <= '0'; + end if; + + end if; + + end process REGSTWR; + + + --+---------------------------------------------------------+ + --| INTERRUPT REGISTER Write | + --+---------------------------------------------------------+ + + REGINTWR: process( clk_i, nrst_i, we0INT, dat_i ) + begin + + if( nrst_i = '0' ) then + INTLINEr <= ( others => '0' ); + elsif( rising_edge( clk_i ) ) then + + -- Byte 0 + if( we0INT = '1' ) then + INTLINEr <= dat_i(7 downto 0); + end if; + + + end if; + + end process REGINTWR; + + + --+---------------------------------------------------------+ + --| BAR0 32MBytes address space (bits 31-25) | + --+---------------------------------------------------------+ + + REGBAR0WR: process( clk_i, nrst_i, we3BAR0, dat_i ) + begin + + if( nrst_i = '0' ) then + BAR032MBb <= ( others => '1' ); + elsif( rising_edge( clk_i ) ) then + + -- Byte 3 + if( we3BAR0 = '1' ) then + BAR032MBb <= dat_i(31 downto 25); + end if; + + end if; + + end process REGBAR0WR; + + + --+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ + --| Registers MUX (READ) | + --+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +--+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ + + RRMUX: process( adr_i, PERRDTb, SERRSIb, TABORTSIb, SERRENb, PERRENb, MEMSPACEENb, BAR032MBb, + INTLINEr, rdcfg_i ) + begin + + if ( rdcfg_i = '1' ) then + + case adr_i is + + when b"000000" => + dataout <= DEVICEIDr & VENDORIDr; + when b"000001" => + dataout <= PERRDTb & SERRSIb & b"00" & TABORTSIb & DEVSELTIMb & b"000000000" & + b"0000000" & SERRENb & b"0" & PERRENb & b"0000" & MEMSPACEENb & b"0"; + when b"000010" => + dataout <= CLASSCODEr & REVISIONIDr; + when b"000100" => + dataout <= BAR032MBb & b"0" & b"00000000" & b"00000000" & b"00000000"; + when b"001011" => + dataout <= SUBSYSTEMIDr & SUBSYSTEMVIDr; + when b"001111" => + dataout <= b"0000000000000000" & INTPINr & INTLINEr; Index: trunk/source/generate_pciregs/new_pciregs.vhd =================================================================== --- trunk/source/generate_pciregs/new_pciregs.vhd (nonexistent) +++ trunk/source/generate_pciregs/new_pciregs.vhd (revision 4) @@ -0,0 +1,675 @@ +--+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +--| | +--| File: pciregs.vhd | +--| | +--| Project: pci32tlite_oc | +--| | +--| Description: Registros PCI | +--| BAR0 is used externally by decoder. | +--| | +--| +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | +--| | PCI CONFIGURATION SPACE REGISTERS | | +--| +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | +--| | +--| +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | +--| | REGISTER | adr(7..2) | offset | Byte Enable | Size | | +--| +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | +--| | VENDORID | 000000 (r) | 00 | 0/1 | 2 | | +--| +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | +--| | DERVICEID | 000000 (r) | 02 | 2/3 | 2 | | +--| +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | +--| | CMD | 000001 (r/w) | 04 | 0/1 | 2 | | +--| +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | +--| | ST | 000001 (r/w*)| 06 | 2/3 | 2 | | +--| +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | +--| | REVISIONID | 000010 (r) | 08 | 0 | 1 | | +--| +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | +--| | CLASSCODE | 000010 (r) | 09 | 1/2/3 | 3 | | +--| +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | +--| | HEADERTYPE | 000011 (r) | 0E | 2 | 1 | | +--| +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | +--| | BAR0 | 000100 (r/w) | 10 | 0/1/2/3 | 4 | | +--| +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | +--| | SUBSYSTEMID | 001011 (r) | 2C | 0/1 | 2 | | +--| +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | +--| | SUBSYSTEMVID | 001011 (r) | 2E | 0/1 | 2 | | +--| +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | +--| | INTLINE | 001111 (r/w) | 3C | 0 | 1 | | +--| +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | +--| | INTPIN | 001111 (r) | 3D | 1 | 1 | | +--| +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | +--| (w*) Reseteable | +--| | +--| +-----------------------------------------------+ | +--| | VENDORID (r) Vendor ID register | | +--| +-----------------------------------------------+-----------------------+ | +--| | Identifies manufacturer of device. | | +--| | VENDORIDr : vendorID (generic) | | +--| +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | +--| | +--| +-----------------------------------------------+ | +--| | DEVICEID (r) Device ID register | | +--| +-----------------------------------------------+-----------------------+ | +--| | Identifies the device. | | +--| | DEVICEIDr : deviceID (generic) | | +--| +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | +--| | +--| +-----------------------------------------------+ | +--| | CMD (r/w) CoMmanD register | | +--| +-----------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | +--| | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | SERRENb| (15-8) | +--| +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | +--| | 0 | PERRENb| 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |MEMSPACEENb| 0 | (7-0) | +--| +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | +--| | SERRENb : System ERRor ENable (1 = Enabled) | | +--| | PERRENb : Parity ERRor ENable (1 = Enabled) | | +--| | MEMSPACEENb : MEMmory SPACE ENable (1 = Enabled) | | +--| +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | +--| | +--| +-----------------------------------------------+ | +--| | ST (r/w*) STatus register | | +--| +-----------------------------------------------+-------------------------+ | +--| | PERRDTb | SERRSIb| -- | -- |TABORTSIb| DEVSELTIMb(1..0)| -- | (15-8) | +--| +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | +--| | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | (7-0) | +--| +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | +--| | PERRDTb : Parity ERRor DeTected | | +--| | SERRSIb : System ERRor SIgnaled | | +--| | TABORTSIb : Target ABORT SIgnaled | | +--| +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | +--| | +--| +-----------------------------------------------+ | +--| | REVISIONID (r) Revision ID register | | +--| +-----------------------------------------------+-----------------------+ | +--| | Identifies a device revision. | | +--| +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | +--| +-----------------------------------------------+ | +--| | CLASSCODE (r) CLASS CODE register | | +--| +-----------------------------------------------+-----------------------+ | +--| | Identifies the generic funtion of the device. | | +--| +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | +--| +-----------------------------------------------+ | +--| | HEADERTYPE (r) Header Type register | | +--| +-----------------------------------------------+-----------------------+ | +--| | Identifies the layout of the second part of the predefined header. | | +--| +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | +--| | +--| +-----------------------------------------------+ | +--| | BAR0 (r/w) Base AddRess 0 register | | +--| +-----------------------------------------------+-----------------------+ | +--| | BAR032MBb(6..0) | -- | (31-24) | +--| +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | +--| | BAR032MBb : Base Address 32MBytes decode space (7 bits) | | +--| +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | +--| | +--| +-----------------------------------------------+ | +--| | SUBSYSTEMVID (r) SUBSYSTEM Vendor ID register | | +--| +-----------------------------------------------+-----------------------+ | +--| | Identifies vendor of add-in board or subsystem. | | +--| | SUBSYSTEMVIDr : subsystemvID (generic) | | +--| +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | +--| | +--| +-----------------------------------------------+ | +--| | SUBSYSTEMID (r) SUBSYSTEM ID register | | +--| +-----------------------------------------------+-----------------------+ | +--| | Vendor specific. | | +--| | SUBSYTEMIDr : subsytemID (generic) | | +--| +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | +--| | +--| +-----------------------------------------------+ | +--| | INTLINE (r/w) INTerrupt LINE register | | +--| +-----------------------------------------------+-----------------------+ | +--| | INTLINEr(7..0) | (7..0) | +--| +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | +--| | Interrupt Line routing information | | +--| +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | +--| | +--| +-----------------------------------------------+ | +--| | INTPIN (r) INTerrupt PIN register | | +--| +-----------------------------------------------+-----------------------+ | +--| | Tells which interrupt pin the device uses: 01=INTA | | +--| +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | +--| | +--+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +--| | +--| Revision history : | +--| Date Version Author Description | +--| 2005-05-13 R00A00 PAU First alfa revision (eng) | +--| | +--| To do: | +--| | +--+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +--+-----------------------------------------------------------------+ +--| | +--| Copyright (C) 2005 Peio Azkarate, | +--| | +--| This source file may be used and distributed without | +--| restriction provided that this copyright statement is not | +--| removed from the file and that any derivative work contains | +--| the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. | +--| | +--| This source file is free software; you can redistribute it | +--| and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General | +--| Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; | +--| either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any | +--| later version. | +--| | +--| This source is distributed in the hope that it will be | +--| useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied | +--| warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR | +--| PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more | +--| details. | +--| | +--| You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General | +--| Public License along with this source; if not, download it | +--| from | +--| | +--+-----------------------------------------------------------------+ + + +--+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +--| LIBRARIES | +--+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ + +library ieee; +use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; + + +--+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +--| ENTITY | +--+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ + +entity pciregs is +generic ( + + vendorID : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); + deviceID : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); + revisionID : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); + subsystemID : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); + subsystemvID : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); + jcarr1ID : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); + jcarr2ID : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); + jcarr3ID : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); + jcarr4ID : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); + jcarr5ID : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); + jcarr6ID : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); + jcarr7ID : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); + jcarr8ID : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); + jcarr9ID : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); + jcarr10ID : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); + jcarr11ID : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); + jcarr12ID : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); + jcarr13ID : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); + jcarr14ID : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); + jcarr15ID : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); + jcarr16ID : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); + jcarr17ID : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); + jcarr18ID : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); + jcarr19ID : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); + jcarr20ID : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); + jcarr21ID : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); + jcarr22ID : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); + jcarr23ID : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); + jcarr24ID : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); + jcarr25ID : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); + jcarr26ID : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); + jcarr27ID : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); + jcarr28ID : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); + jcarr29ID : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); + jcarr30ID : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); + jcarr31ID : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); + jcarr32ID : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); + jcarr33ID : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); + jcarr34ID : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); + jcarr35ID : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); + jcarr36ID : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); + jcarr37ID : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); + jcarr38ID : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); + jcarr39ID : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); + jcarr40ID : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); + jcarr41ID : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); + jcarr42ID : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) + +); +port ( + + -- General + clk_i : in std_logic; + nrst_i : in std_logic; + -- + adr_i : in std_logic_vector(5 downto 0); + cbe_i : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); + dat_i : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); + dat_o : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); + -- + wrcfg_i : in std_logic; + rdcfg_i : in std_logic; + perr_i : in std_logic; + serr_i : in std_logic; + tabort_i : in std_logic; + -- + bar0_o : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 25); + perrEN_o : out std_logic; + serrEN_o : out std_logic; + memEN_o : out std_logic + +); +end pciregs; + + +architecture rtl of pciregs is + + +--+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +--| COMPONENTS | +--+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +--+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +--| CONSTANTS | +--+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ + + constant CLASSCODEr : std_logic_vector(23 downto 0) := X"028000"; -- Bridge-OtherBridgeDevice + constant REVISIONIDr : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := revisionID; -- PR00=80,PR1=81... + constant HEADERTYPEr : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := X"00"; + constant DEVSELTIMb : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0) := b"01"; -- DEVSEL TIMing (bits) medium speed + constant VENDORIDr : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) := vendorID; + constant DEVICEIDr : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) := deviceID; + constant SUBSYSTEMIDr : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) := subsystemID; + constant SUBSYSTEMVIDr : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) := subsystemvID; + constant JCARR1IDr : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := jcarr1ID; + constant JCARR2IDr : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := jcarr2ID; + constant JCARR3IDr : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := jcarr3ID; + constant JCARR4IDr : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := jcarr4ID; + constant JCARR5IDr : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := jcarr5ID; + constant JCARR6IDr : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := jcarr6ID; + constant JCARR7IDr : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := jcarr7ID; + constant JCARR8IDr : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := jcarr8ID; + constant JCARR9IDr : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := jcarr9ID; + constant JCARR10IDr : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := jcarr10ID; + constant JCARR11IDr : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := jcarr11ID; + constant JCARR12IDr : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := jcarr12ID; + constant JCARR13IDr : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := jcarr13ID; + constant JCARR14IDr : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := jcarr14ID; + constant JCARR15IDr : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := jcarr15ID; + constant JCARR16IDr : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := jcarr16ID; + constant JCARR17IDr : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := jcarr17ID; + constant JCARR18IDr : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := jcarr18ID; + constant JCARR19IDr : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := jcarr19ID; + constant JCARR20IDr : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := jcarr20ID; + constant JCARR21IDr : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := jcarr21ID; + constant JCARR22IDr : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := jcarr22ID; + constant JCARR23IDr : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := jcarr23ID; + constant JCARR24IDr : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := jcarr24ID; + constant JCARR25IDr : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := jcarr25ID; + constant JCARR26IDr : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := jcarr26ID; + constant JCARR27IDr : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := jcarr27ID; + constant JCARR28IDr : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := jcarr28ID; + constant JCARR29IDr : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := jcarr29ID; + constant JCARR30IDr : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := jcarr30ID; + constant JCARR31IDr : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := jcarr31ID; + constant JCARR32IDr : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := jcarr32ID; + constant JCARR33IDr : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := jcarr33ID; + constant JCARR34IDr : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := jcarr34ID; + constant JCARR35IDr : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := jcarr35ID; + constant JCARR36IDr : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := jcarr36ID; + constant JCARR37IDr : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := jcarr37ID; + constant JCARR38IDr : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := jcarr38ID; + constant JCARR39IDr : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := jcarr39ID; + constant JCARR40IDr : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := jcarr40ID; + constant JCARR41IDr : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := jcarr41ID; + constant JCARR42IDr : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := jcarr42ID; + constant INTPINr : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := X"01"; -- INTA# + + +--+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +--| SIGNALS | +--+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ + + signal dataout : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); + signal tabortPFS : std_logic; + signal serrPFS : std_logic; + signal perrPFS : std_logic; + signal adrSTCMD : std_logic; + signal adrBAR0 : std_logic; + signal adrINT : std_logic; + signal we0CMD : std_logic; + signal we1CMD : std_logic; + signal we3ST : std_logic; + signal we3BAR0 : std_logic; + signal we0INT : std_logic; + signal we1INT : std_logic; + signal st11SEN : std_logic; + signal st11REN : std_logic; + signal st14SEN : std_logic; + signal st14REN : std_logic; + signal st15SEN : std_logic; + signal st15REN : std_logic; + + + --+---------------------------------------------------------+ + --| CONFIGURATION SPACE REGISTERS | + --+---------------------------------------------------------+ + + -- INTERRUPT LINE register + signal INTLINEr : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); + -- COMMAND register bits + signal MEMSPACEENb : std_logic; -- Memory SPACE ENable (bit) + signal PERRENb : std_logic; -- Parity ERRor ENable (bit) + signal SERRENb : std_logic; -- SERR ENable (bit) + -- STATUS register bits + --signal DEVSELTIMb : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); -- DEVSEL TIMing (bits) + signal TABORTSIb : std_logic; -- TarGet ABORT SIgnaling (bit) + signal SERRSIb : std_logic; -- System ERRor SIgnaling (bit) + signal PERRDTb : std_logic; -- Parity ERRor DeTected (bit) + -- BAR0 register bits + signal BAR032MBb : std_logic_vector(6 downto 0); -- BAR0 32MBytes Space (bits) + + +component pfs +port ( + clk : in std_logic; + a : in std_logic; + y : out std_logic +); + +end component; + +begin + + --+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ + --| Component instances | + --+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ + + u1: pfs port map ( clk => clk_i, a => tabort_i, y => tabortPFS ); + u2: pfs port map ( clk => clk_i, a => serr_i, y => serrPFS ); + u3: pfs port map ( clk => clk_i, a => perr_i, y => perrPFS ); + + + --+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ + --| Registers Address Decoder | + --+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ + + adrSTCMD <= '1' when ( adr_i(5 downto 0) = b"000001" ) else '0'; + adrBAR0 <= '1' when ( adr_i(5 downto 0) = b"000100" ) else '0'; + adrINT <= '1' when ( adr_i(5 downto 0) = b"001111" ) else '0'; + + + --+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ + --| WRITE ENABLE REGISTERS | + --+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ + + --+-----------------------------------------+ + --| Write Enable Registers | + --+-----------------------------------------+ + + we0CMD <= adrSTCMD and wrcfg_i and (not cbe_i(0)); + we1CMD <= adrSTCMD and wrcfg_i and (not cbe_i(1)); + --we2ST <= adrSTCMD and wrcfg_i and (not cbe_i(2)); + we3ST <= adrSTCMD and wrcfg_i and (not cbe_i(3)); + --we2BAR0 <= adrBAR0 and wrcfg_i and (not cbe_i(2)); + we3BAR0 <= adrBAR0 and wrcfg_i and (not cbe_i(3)); + we0INT <= adrINT and wrcfg_i and (not cbe_i(0)); + --we1INT <= adrINT and wrcfg_i and (not cbe_i(1)); + + --+-----------------------------------------+ + --| Set Enable & Reset Enable bits | + --+-----------------------------------------+ + st11SEN <= tabortPFS; + st11REN <= we3ST and dat_i(27); + st14SEN <= serrPFS; + st14REN <= we3ST and dat_i(30); + st15SEN <= perrPFS; + st15REN <= we3ST and dat_i(31); + + + --+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ + --| WRITE REGISTERS | + --+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ + + --+---------------------------------------------------------+ + --| COMMAND REGISTER Write | + --+---------------------------------------------------------+ + + REGCMDWR: process( clk_i, nrst_i, we0CMD, we1CMD, dat_i ) + begin + + if( nrst_i = '0' ) then + MEMSPACEENb <= '0'; + PERRENb <= '0'; + SERRENb <= '0'; + elsif( rising_edge( clk_i ) ) then + + -- Byte 0 + if( we0CMD = '1' ) then + MEMSPACEENb <= dat_i(1); + PERRENb <= dat_i(6); + end if; + + -- Byte 1 + if( we1CMD = '1' ) then + SERRENb <= dat_i(8); + end if; + + end if; + + end process REGCMDWR; + + + --+---------------------------------------------------------+ + --| STATUS REGISTER WRITE (Reset only) | + --+---------------------------------------------------------+ + + REGSTWR: process( clk_i, nrst_i, st11SEN, st11REN, st14SEN, st14REN, st15SEN, st15REN ) + begin + + if( nrst_i = '0' ) then + TABORTSIb <= '0'; + SERRSIb <= '0'; + PERRDTb <= '0'; + elsif( rising_edge( clk_i ) ) then + + -- TarGet ABORT SIgnaling bit + if( st11SEN = '1' ) then + TABORTSIb <= '1'; + elsif ( st11REN = '1' ) then + TABORTSIb <= '0'; + end if; + + -- System ERRor SIgnaling bit + if( st14SEN = '1' ) then + SERRSIb <= '1'; + elsif ( st14REN = '1' ) then + SERRSIb <= '0'; + end if; + + -- Parity ERRor DEtected bit + if( st15SEN = '1' ) then + PERRDTb <= '1'; + elsif ( st15REN = '1' ) then + PERRDTb <= '0'; + end if; + + end if; + + end process REGSTWR; + + + --+---------------------------------------------------------+ + --| INTERRUPT REGISTER Write | + --+---------------------------------------------------------+ + + REGINTWR: process( clk_i, nrst_i, we0INT, dat_i ) + begin + + if( nrst_i = '0' ) then + INTLINEr <= ( others => '0' ); + elsif( rising_edge( clk_i ) ) then + + -- Byte 0 + if( we0INT = '1' ) then + INTLINEr <= dat_i(7 downto 0); + end if; + + + end if; + + end process REGINTWR; + + + --+---------------------------------------------------------+ + --| BAR0 32MBytes address space (bits 31-25) | + --+---------------------------------------------------------+ + + REGBAR0WR: process( clk_i, nrst_i, we3BAR0, dat_i ) + begin + + if( nrst_i = '0' ) then + BAR032MBb <= ( others => '1' ); + elsif( rising_edge( clk_i ) ) then + + -- Byte 3 + if( we3BAR0 = '1' ) then + BAR032MBb <= dat_i(31 downto 25); + end if; + + end if; + + end process REGBAR0WR; + + + --+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ + --| Registers MUX (READ) | + --+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +--+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ + + RRMUX: process( adr_i, PERRDTb, SERRSIb, TABORTSIb, SERRENb, PERRENb, MEMSPACEENb, BAR032MBb, + INTLINEr, rdcfg_i ) + begin + + if ( rdcfg_i = '1' ) then + + case adr_i is + + when b"000000" => + dataout <= DEVICEIDr & VENDORIDr; + when b"000001" => + dataout <= PERRDTb & SERRSIb & b"00" & TABORTSIb & DEVSELTIMb & b"000000000" & + b"0000000" & SERRENb & b"0" & PERRENb & b"0000" & MEMSPACEENb & b"0"; + when b"000010" => + dataout <= CLASSCODEr & REVISIONIDr; + when b"000100" => + dataout <= BAR032MBb & b"0" & b"00000000" & b"00000000" & b"00000000"; + when b"001011" => + dataout <= SUBSYSTEMIDr & SUBSYSTEMVIDr; + when b"001111" => + dataout <= b"0000000000000000" & INTPINr & INTLINEr; + when b"010001" => + dataout <= JCARR1IDr; + when b"010010" => + dataout <= JCARR2IDr; + when b"010011" => + dataout <= JCARR3IDr; + when b"010100" => + dataout <= JCARR4IDr; + when b"010101" => + dataout <= JCARR5IDr; + when b"010110" => + dataout <= JCARR6IDr; + when b"010111" => + dataout <= JCARR7IDr; + when b"011000" => + dataout <= JCARR8IDr; + when b"011001" => + dataout <= JCARR9IDr; + when b"011010" => + dataout <= JCARR10IDr; + when b"011011" => + dataout <= JCARR11IDr; + when b"011100" => + dataout <= JCARR12IDr; + when b"011101" => + dataout <= JCARR13IDr; + when b"011110" => + dataout <= JCARR14IDr; + when b"011111" => + dataout <= JCARR15IDr; + when b"100000" => + dataout <= JCARR16IDr; + when b"100001" => + dataout <= JCARR17IDr; + when b"100010" => + dataout <= JCARR18IDr; + when b"100011" => + dataout <= JCARR19IDr; + when b"100100" => + dataout <= JCARR20IDr; + when b"100101" => + dataout <= JCARR21IDr; + when b"100110" => + dataout <= JCARR22IDr; + when b"100111" => + dataout <= JCARR23IDr; + when b"101000" => + dataout <= JCARR24IDr; + when b"101001" => + dataout <= JCARR25IDr; + when b"101010" => + dataout <= JCARR26IDr; + when b"101011" => + dataout <= JCARR27IDr; + when b"101100" => + dataout <= JCARR28IDr; + when b"101101" => + dataout <= JCARR29IDr; + when b"101110" => + dataout <= JCARR30IDr; + when b"101111" => + dataout <= JCARR31IDr; + when b"110000" => + dataout <= JCARR32IDr; + when b"110001" => + dataout <= JCARR33IDr; + when b"110010" => + dataout <= JCARR34IDr; + when b"110011" => + dataout <= JCARR35IDr; + when b"110100" => + dataout <= JCARR36IDr; + when b"110101" => + dataout <= JCARR37IDr; + when b"110110" => + dataout <= JCARR38IDr; + when b"110111" => + dataout <= JCARR39IDr; + when b"111000" => + dataout <= JCARR40IDr; + when b"111001" => + dataout <= JCARR41IDr; + when b"111010" => + dataout <= JCARR42IDr; + when others => + dataout <= ( others => '0' ); + + end case; + + else + + dataout <= ( others => '0' ); + + end if; + + end process RRMUX; + + dat_o <= dataout; + + + --+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ + --| BAR0 & COMMAND REGS bits outputs | + --+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ + + bar0_o <= BAR032MBb; + perrEN_o <= PERRENb; + serrEN_o <= SERRENb; + memEN_o <= MEMSPACEENb; + + +end rtl; Index: trunk/source/generate_pciregs/pciregs.vhd.part4 =================================================================== --- trunk/source/generate_pciregs/pciregs.vhd.part4 (nonexistent) +++ trunk/source/generate_pciregs/pciregs.vhd.part4 (revision 4) @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ + when others => + dataout <= ( others => '0' ); + + end case; + + else + + dataout <= ( others => '0' ); + + end if; + + end process RRMUX; + + dat_o <= dataout; + + + --+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ + --| BAR0 & COMMAND REGS bits outputs | + --+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ + + bar0_o <= BAR032MBb; + perrEN_o <= PERRENb; + serrEN_o <= SERRENb; + memEN_o <= MEMSPACEENb; + + +end rtl; Index: trunk/source/generate_pciregs/Makefile =================================================================== --- trunk/source/generate_pciregs/Makefile (nonexistent) +++ trunk/source/generate_pciregs/Makefile (revision 4) @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +all: + ./ > new_pciregs.vhd + unix2dos new_pciregs.vhd + cp new_pciregs.vhd .. Index: trunk/source/pciwbsequ.v =================================================================== --- trunk/source/pciwbsequ.v (nonexistent) +++ trunk/source/pciwbsequ.v (revision 4) @@ -0,0 +1,295 @@ +// Copyright (C) 2005 Peio Azkarate, +// +// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it +// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General +// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; +// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any +// later version. +// + +(* signal_encoding = "user" *) +(* safe_implementation = "yes" *) + +module pciwbsequ_new ( clk_i, nrst_i, cmd_i, cbe_i, frame_i, irdy_i, devsel_o, + trdy_o, adrcfg_i, adrmem_i, pciadrLD_o, pcidOE_o, parOE_o, wbdatLD_o, + wbrgdMX_o, wbd16MX_o, wrcfg_o, rdcfg_o, wb_sel_o, wb_we_o, wb_stb_o, + wb_cyc_o, wb_ack_i, wb_err_i, debug_init, debug_access ); + + // General + input clk_i; + input nrst_i; + // pci + // adr_i + input [3:0] cmd_i; + input [3:0] cbe_i; + input frame_i; + input irdy_i; + output devsel_o; + output trdy_o; + // control + input adrcfg_i; + input adrmem_i; + output pciadrLD_o; + output pcidOE_o; + output reg parOE_o; + output wbdatLD_o; + output wbrgdMX_o; + output wbd16MX_o; + output wrcfg_o; + output rdcfg_o; + // whisbone + output [1:0] wb_sel_o; + output wb_we_o; + inout wb_stb_o; + output wb_cyc_o; + input wb_ack_i; + input wb_err_i; + // debug signals + output reg debug_init; + output reg debug_access; + + //type PciFSM is ( PCIIDLE, B_BUSY, S_DATA1, S_DATA2, TURN_AR ); + //wire pst_pci : PciFSM; + //wire nxt_pci : PciFSM; + + // typedef enum reg [2:0] { + // RED, GREEN, BLUE, CYAN, MAGENTA, YELLOW + // } color_t; + // + // color_t my_color = GREEN; + + // parameter PCIIDLE = 2'b00; + // parameter B_BUSY = 2'b01; + // parameter S_DATA1 = 2'b10; + // parameter S_DATA2 = 2'b11; + // parameter TURN_AR = 3'b100; + + reg [2:0] pst_pci; + reg [2:0] nxt_pci; + + parameter [2:0] + PCIIDLE = 3'b000, + B_BUSY = 3'b001, + S_DATA1 = 3'b010, + S_DATA2 = 3'b011, + TURN_AR = 3'b100; + + + initial begin + pst_pci = 3'b000; + end + + initial begin + nxt_pci = 3'b000; + end + + wire sdata1; + wire sdata2; + wire idleNX; + wire sdata1NX; + wire sdata2NX; + wire turnarNX; + wire idle; + reg devselNX_n; + reg trdyNX_n; + reg devsel; + reg trdy; + wire adrpci; + wire acking; + wire rdcfg; + reg targOE; + reg pcidOE; + + // always @(nrst_i or clk_i or nxt_pci) + always @(negedge nrst_i or posedge clk_i) + begin + if( nrst_i == 0 ) + pst_pci <= PCIIDLE; + else + pst_pci <= nxt_pci; + end + + // always @(negedge nrst_i or posedge clk_i) + always @( pst_pci or frame_i or irdy_i or adrcfg_i or adrpci or acking ) + begin + devselNX_n <= 1'b1; + trdyNX_n <= 1'b1; + case (pst_pci) + PCIIDLE : + begin + if ( frame_i == 0 ) + nxt_pci <= B_BUSY; + else + nxt_pci <= PCIIDLE; + end + B_BUSY: + if ( adrpci == 0 ) + nxt_pci <= TURN_AR; + else + begin + nxt_pci <= S_DATA1; + devselNX_n <= 0; + end + S_DATA1: + if ( acking == 1 ) + begin + nxt_pci <= S_DATA2; + devselNX_n <= 0; + trdyNX_n <= 0; + end + else + begin + nxt_pci <= S_DATA1; + devselNX_n <= 0; + end + S_DATA2: + if ( frame_i == 1 && irdy_i == 0 ) + nxt_pci <= TURN_AR; + else + begin + nxt_pci <= S_DATA2; + devselNX_n <= 0; + trdyNX_n <= 0; + end + TURN_AR: + if ( frame_i == 1 ) + nxt_pci <= PCIIDLE; + else + nxt_pci <= TURN_AR; + endcase + end + + // FSM control signals + assign adrpci = adrmem_i; + + assign acking = ( + ( wb_ack_i == 1 || wb_err_i == 1 ) || + ( adrcfg_i == 1 && irdy_i == 0) + ) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0; + + // FSM derived Control signals + assign idle = ( pst_pci <= PCIIDLE ) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0; + assign sdata1 = ( pst_pci <= S_DATA1 ) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0; + assign sdata2 = ( pst_pci <= S_DATA2 ) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0; + assign idleNX = ( nxt_pci <= PCIIDLE ) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0; + assign sdata1NX = ( nxt_pci <= S_DATA1 ) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0; + assign sdata2NX = ( nxt_pci <= S_DATA2 ) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0; + assign turnarNX = ( nxt_pci <= TURN_AR ) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0; + + // PCI Data Output Enable + // always @( nrst_i or clk_i or cmd_i [0] or sdata1NX or turnarNX ) + always @(negedge nrst_i or posedge clk_i) + begin + if ( nrst_i == 0 ) + pcidOE <= 0; + else + if ( sdata1NX == 1 && cmd_i [0] == 0 ) + pcidOE <= 1; + else + if ( turnarNX == 1 ) + pcidOE <= 0; + end + + assign pcidOE_o = pcidOE; + + // PAR Output Enable + // PCI Read data phase + // PAR is valid 1 cicle after data is valid + // always @( nrst_i or clk_i or cmd_i [0] or sdata2NX or turnarNX ) + always @(negedge nrst_i or posedge clk_i) + begin + if ( nrst_i == 0 ) + parOE_o <= 0; + else + if ( ( sdata2NX == 1 || turnarNX == 1 ) && cmd_i [0] == 0 ) + parOE_o <= 1; + else + parOE_o <= 0; + end + + // Target s/t/s signals OE control + // targOE <= '1' when ( idle = '0' and adrpci = '1' ) else '0'; + // always @( nrst_i or clk_i or sdata1NX or idleNX ) + always @(negedge nrst_i or posedge clk_i) + begin + if ( nrst_i == 0 ) + targOE <= 0; + else + if ( sdata1NX == 1 ) + targOE <= 1; + else + if ( idleNX == 1 ) + targOE <= 0; + end + + // WHISBONE outs + assign wb_cyc_o = (adrmem_i == 1 && sdata1 == 1) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0; + assign wb_stb_o = (adrmem_i == 1 && sdata1 == 1 && irdy_i == 0 ) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0; + + // PCI(Little endian) to WB(Big endian) + assign wb_sel_o [1] = (! cbe_i [0]) || (! cbe_i [2]); + assign wb_sel_o [0] = (! cbe_i [1]) || (! cbe_i [3]); + + assign wb_we_o = cmd_i [0]; + + // Syncronized PCI outs + always @(negedge nrst_i or posedge clk_i) + begin + if( nrst_i == 0 ) + begin + devsel <= 1; + trdy <= 1; + end + else + begin + devsel <= devselNX_n; + trdy <= trdyNX_n; + end + end + + assign devsel_o = ( targOE == 1 ) ? devsel : 1'bZ; + assign trdy_o = ( targOE == 1 ) ? trdy : 1'bZ; + + // rd/wr Configuration Space Registers + assign wrcfg_o = ( + adrcfg_i == 1 && + cmd_i [0] == 1 && + sdata2 == 1 + ) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0; + + assign rdcfg = ( + adrcfg_i == 1 && + cmd_i [0] == 0 && + (sdata1 == 1 || sdata2 == 1) + ) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0; + + assign rdcfg_o = rdcfg; + + // LoaD enable signals + assign pciadrLD_o = ! frame_i; + assign wbdatLD_o = wb_ack_i; + + // Mux control signals + assign wbrgdMX_o = ! rdcfg; + assign wbd16MX_o = (cbe_i [3] == 0 || cbe_i [2] == 0) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0; + + // debug outs + always @(negedge nrst_i or posedge clk_i) + begin + if ( nrst_i == 0 ) + debug_init <= 0; + else + if (devsel == 0) + debug_init <= 1; + end + + always @(negedge nrst_i or posedge clk_i) + begin + if ( nrst_i == 0 ) + debug_access <= 0; + else + if (wb_stb_o == 1) + debug_access <= 1; + end + +endmodule Index: trunk/source/pfs.vhd =================================================================== --- trunk/source/pfs.vhd (nonexistent) +++ trunk/source/pfs.vhd (revision 4) @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +--+-----------------------------------------+ +--| pfs | +--+-----------------------------------------+ + +library ieee; +use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; + +entity pfs is +port ( + clk : in std_logic; + a : in std_logic; + y : out std_logic + +); +end pfs; + +architecture rtl of pfs is + + signal a_s : std_logic; + +begin + + SYNCP: process( clk, a ) + begin + + if ( rising_edge(clk) ) then + a_s <= a; + end if; + + end process SYNCP; + + y <= a and (not a_s); + +end rtl; + Index: trunk/source/pcipargen.v =================================================================== --- trunk/source/pcipargen.v (nonexistent) +++ trunk/source/pcipargen.v (revision 4) @@ -0,0 +1,80 @@ +// +// PCI Parity Generator. +// +// PCI Target generates PAR in the data phase of a read cycle. +// The 1's sum on AD, CBE and PAR is even. +// +// Date Version Author Description +// 2005-05-13 R00A00 PAU First alfa revision (eng) +// +// Copyright (C) 2005 Peio Azkarate, +// +// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it | +// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General | +// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; | +// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any | +// later version. | + + +module pcipargen_new (clk_i, pcidatout_i, cbe_i, parOE_i, par_o); + + input clk_i; + input [31:0] pcidatout_i; + input [3:0] cbe_i; + input parOE_i; + output par_o; + + + wire [31:0] d; + wire pardat; + wire parcbe; + wire par; + wire par_s; + + assign d = pcidatout_i; + + assign pardat = d[0] ^ d[1] ^ d[2] ^ d[3] ^ d[4] ^ d[5] ^ d[6] ^ d[7] ^ + d[8] ^ d[9] ^ d[10] ^ d[11] ^ d[12] ^ d[13] ^ d[14] ^ d[15] ^ + d[16] ^ d[17] ^ d[18] ^ d[19] ^ d[20] ^ d[21] ^ d[22] ^ d[23] ^ + d[24] ^ d[25] ^ d[26] ^ d[27] ^ d[28] ^ d[29] ^ d[30] ^ d[31]; + + assign parcbe = cbe_i[0] ^ cbe_i[1] ^ cbe_i[2] ^ cbe_i[3]; + + assign par = pardat ^ parcbe; + + // PAR + assign par_o = ( parOE_i == 1 ) ? par_s : 1'bZ; + +endmodule +/* +component sync +port ( + clk : in std_logic; + d : in std_logic; + q : out std_logic +); +end component; + +component sync2 +port ( + clk : in std_logic; + d : in std_logic; + q : out std_logic +); +end component; + +begin + + + + u1: sync2 port map ( + clk => clk_i, + d => par, + q => par_s + ); + + + + +end rtl; +*/ Index: trunk/source/pcidmux.v =================================================================== --- trunk/source/pcidmux.v (nonexistent) +++ trunk/source/pcidmux.v (revision 4) @@ -0,0 +1,55 @@ +// Copyright (C) 2005 Peio Azkarate, +// Copyright (C) 2006 Jeff Carr, +// +// I think what this does is handle 16 vs 32 bit pci accesses + +module pcidmux ( clk_i, nrst_i, d_io, pcidatout_o, pcidOE_i, wbdatLD_i, wbrgdMX_i, + wbd16MX_i, wb_dat_i, wb_dat_o, rg_dat_i, rg_dat_o); + + input clk_i; + input nrst_i; + + // d_io : inout std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); + inout [31:0] d_io; + output [31:0] pcidatout_o; + + input pcidOE_i; + input wbdatLD_i; + input wbrgdMX_i; + input wbd16MX_i; + + input [15:0] wb_dat_i; + output [15:0] wb_dat_o; + input [31:0] rg_dat_i; + output [31:0] rg_dat_o; + + wire [31:0] pcidatin; + wire [31:0] pcidatout; + + reg [15:0] wb_dat_is; + + // always @(negedge nrst_i or posedge clk_i or posedge wbdatLD_i or posedge wb_dat_i) + always @(negedge nrst_i or posedge clk_i) + begin + if ( nrst_i == 0 ) + wb_dat_is <= 16'b1111_1111_1111_1111; + else + if ( wbdatLD_i == 1 ) + wb_dat_is <= wb_dat_i; + end + + assign pcidatin = d_io; + assign d_io = (pcidOE_i == 1'b1 ) ? pcidatout : 32'bZ; + + assign pcidatout [31:24] = (wbrgdMX_i == 1'b1) ? wb_dat_is [7:0] : rg_dat_i [31:24]; + assign pcidatout [23:16] = (wbrgdMX_i == 1'b1) ? wb_dat_is [15:8] : rg_dat_i [23:16]; + assign pcidatout [15:8] = (wbrgdMX_i == 1'b1) ? wb_dat_is [7:0] : rg_dat_i [15:8]; + assign pcidatout [7:0] = (wbrgdMX_i == 1'b1) ? wb_dat_is [15:8] : rg_dat_i [7:0]; + + assign pcidatout_o = pcidatout; + assign rg_dat_o = pcidatin; + + assign wb_dat_o [15:8] = (wbd16MX_i == 1'b1) ? pcidatin [23:16] : pcidatin [7:0]; + assign wb_dat_o [7:0] = (wbd16MX_i == 1'b1) ? pcidatin [31:24] : pcidatin [15:8]; + +endmodule Index: trunk/source/disp_dec.v =================================================================== --- trunk/source/disp_dec.v (nonexistent) +++ trunk/source/disp_dec.v (revision 4) @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +module disp_dec(disp_dec_in, disp_dec_out); + input [3:0] disp_dec_in; + output reg [6:0] disp_dec_out; + + always @(disp_dec_in) + begin + case (disp_dec_in) + 4'b0000: disp_dec_out <= 7'b1000000; + 4'b0001: disp_dec_out <= 7'b1111001; + 4'b0010: disp_dec_out <= 7'b0100100; + 4'b0011: disp_dec_out <= 7'b0110000; + + 4'b0100: disp_dec_out <= 7'b0011001; + 4'b0101: disp_dec_out <= 7'b0010010; + 4'b0110: disp_dec_out <= 7'b0000010; + 4'b0111: disp_dec_out <= 7'b1111000; + + 4'b1000: disp_dec_out <= 7'b0000000; + 4'b1001: disp_dec_out <= 7'b0010000; + 4'b1010: disp_dec_out <= 7'b0001000; + 4'b1011: disp_dec_out <= 7'b0000011; + + 4'b1100: disp_dec_out <= 7'b1000110; + 4'b1101: disp_dec_out <= 7'b0100001; + 4'b1110: disp_dec_out <= 7'b0000110; + 4'b1111: disp_dec_out <= 7'b0001110; + endcase + end +endmodule

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