
Subversion Repositories sha3

Compare Revisions

  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 3 to Rev 4
    Reverse comparison

Rev 3 → Rev 4

29,7 → 29,7
reg f_ack;
// Outputs
wire ack;
wire buffer_full;
wire [575:0] out;
wire out_ready;
44,7 → 44,7
69,14 → 69,13
// pad an empty string, should not eat next input
reset = 1; #(`P); reset = 0;
#(7*`P); // wait some cycles
if (buffer_full !== 0) error;
in_ready = 1;
is_last = 1;
in_ready = 1; // next input
is_last = 1;
if (ack === 1) error; // should be 0
in_ready = 0;
is_last = 0;
85,20 → 84,10
check({64'b1, 448'h0, 1'b1, 63'h0});
f_ack = 1; #(`P); f_ack = 0;
for(i=0; i<5; i=i+1)
if (ack === 1) error; // should be 0
// pad an empty string
reset = 1; #(`P); reset = 0;
#(3*`P); // wait some cycles
in_ready = 1;
is_last = 1;
in_ready = 0;
is_last = 0;
while (out_ready !== 1)
check({64'b1, 448'h0, 1'b1, 63'h0});
if (buffer_full !== 0) error; // should be 0
// pad an (576-8) bit string
reset = 1; #(`P); reset = 0;
143,18 → 132,16
for (i=0; i<9; i=i+1)
in = 64'h1234567890ABCDEF;
if (ack !== 1) error;
if (out_ready !== 1) error;
if (ack !== 0) error; // should not eat
if (buffer_full !== 1) error; // should not eat
in = 64'h999; // should not eat this
if (ack !== 0) error; // should not eat
if (buffer_full !== 1) error; // should not eat
f_ack = 1; #(`P); f_ack = 0;
if (out_ready !== 0) error;
28,7 → 28,7
reg [2:0] byte_num;
// Outputs
wire ack;
wire buffer_full;
wire [511:0] out;
wire out_ready;
43,7 → 43,7
75,7 → 75,7
in_ready = 1;
is_last = 1;
if (ack === 1) error; // should be 0
if (buffer_full === 1) error; // should be 0
in_ready = 0;
is_last = 0;
84,7 → 84,10
for(i=0; i<5; i=i+1)
if (ack === 1) error; // should be 0
if (buffer_full !== 0) error; // should keep 0
// hash an empty string, should not eat next input
reset = 1; #(`P); reset = 0;
97,9 → 100,7
in = 64'hddddd; // should not be eat
in_ready = 1; // next input
is_last = 1;
if (ack === 1) error; // should be 0
in_ready = 0;
is_last = 0;
107,7 → 108,10
for(i=0; i<5; i=i+1)
if (ack === 1) error; // should be 0
if (buffer_full !== 0) error; // should keep 0
// hash an (576-8) bit string
reset = 1; #(`P); reset = 0;
156,18 → 160,15
is_last = 0;
for (i=0; i<9; i=i+1)
in = 64'h1234567890ABCDEF;
while (ack !== 1) #(`P); // wait
in = 64'h1234567890ABCDEF; #(`P);
if (ack !== 0) error; // should not eat
if (buffer_full !== 1) error; // should not eat
in = 64'h999; // should not eat this
in_ready = 0;
if (ack !== 0) error; // should not eat
if (buffer_full !== 0) error; // should not eat, but buffer should not be full
// feed next (576-16) bit
174,17 → 175,12
in_ready = 1;
for (i=0; i<8; i=i+1)
in = 64'h1234567890ABCDEF;
while (ack !== 1) #(`P); // wait
in = 64'h1234567890ABCDEF; #(`P);
byte_num = 6;
is_last = 1;
in = 64'h1234567890ABCDEF;
while (ack !== 1) #(`P); // wait
is_last = 0;
in_ready = 0;
while (out_ready !== 1)
25,13 → 25,13
output reg out_ready;
reg [10:0] i; /* select round constant */
reg [10:0] j; /* update register "out" and "out_ready" */
wire [1599:0] round_in, round_out;
wire [63:0] rc1, rc2;
wire update;
wire accept;
reg calc; /* == 1: calculating rounds */
assign accept = in_ready & (i == 0);
assign accept = in_ready & (~ calc); // in_ready & (i == 0)
always @ (posedge clk)
if (reset) i <= 0;
38,12 → 38,11
else i <= {i[9:0], accept};
always @ (posedge clk)
if (reset) j <= 0;
else if (in_ready) j <= ~0;
else j <= (j << 1);
if (reset) calc <= 0;
else calc <= (calc & (~ i[10])) | accept;
assign update = calc | accept;
assign update = j[10] | accept;
assign ack = accept;
always @ (posedge clk)
18,31 → 18,29
/* if "in_ready" == 0, then "is_last" should be 0. */
/* the user switch to next "in" only if "ack" == 1. */
module padder(clk, reset, in, in_ready, is_last, byte_num, ack, out, out_ready, f_ack);
module padder(clk, reset, in, in_ready, is_last, byte_num, buffer_full, out, out_ready, f_ack);
input clk, reset;
input [63:0] in;
input in_ready, is_last;
input [2:0] byte_num;
output ack; /* to "user" module */
output reg [575:0] out; /* to "f_permutation" module */
output out_ready; /* to "f_permutation" module */
input f_ack; /* from "f_permutation" module */
output buffer_full; /* to "user" module */
output reg [575:0] out; /* to "f_permutation" module */
output out_ready; /* to "f_permutation" module */
input f_ack; /* from "f_permutation" module */
reg state; /* state == 0: user will send more input data
* state == 1: user will not send any data */
reg done; /* == 1: out_ready should be 0 */
reg [8:0] i; /* length of "out" buffer */
wire [63:0] v0; /* output of module "padder1" */
reg [63:0] v1; /* to be shifted into register "out" */
wire buffer_full,
accept, /* accept user input? */
reg state; /* state == 0: user will send more input data
* state == 1: user will not send any data */
reg done; /* == 1: out_ready should be 0 */
reg [8:0] i; /* length of "out" buffer */
wire [63:0] v0; /* output of module "padder1" */
reg [63:0] v1; /* to be shifted into register "out" */
wire accept, /* accept user input? */
assign buffer_full = i[8];
assign out_ready = buffer_full & (~ done);
assign out_ready = buffer_full;
assign accept = (~ state) & in_ready & (~ buffer_full); // if state == 1, do not eat input
assign ack = accept;
assign update = accept | (state & (~ buffer_full));
assign update = (accept | (state & (~ buffer_full))) & (~ done); // don't fill buffer if done
always @ (posedge clk)
if (reset)
53,10 → 51,10
always @ (posedge clk)
if (reset)
i <= 0;
else if (f_ack)
i <= 0;
else if (update)
i <= {i[7:0], 1'b1};
else if (f_ack | update)
i <= {i[7:0], 1'b1} & {9{~ f_ack}};
/* if (f_ack) i <= 0; */
/* if (update) i <= {i[7:0], 1'b1}; // increase length */
always @ (posedge clk)
if (reset)
23,12 → 23,12
`define high_pos(w,b) (`low_pos(w,b) + 7)
`define high_pos2(w,b) (`low_pos2(w,b) + 7)
module keccak(clk, reset, in, in_ready, is_last, byte_num, ack, out, out_ready);
module keccak(clk, reset, in, in_ready, is_last, byte_num, buffer_full, out, out_ready);
input clk, reset;
input [63:0] in;
input in_ready, is_last;
input [2:0] byte_num;
output ack; /* to "user" module */
output buffer_full; /* to "user" module */
output [511:0] out;
output reg out_ready;
75,7 → 75,7
out_ready <= 1;
padder_ (clk, reset, in, in_ready, is_last, byte_num, ack, padder_out, padder_out_ready, f_ack);
padder_ (clk, reset, in, in_ready, is_last, byte_num, buffer_full, padder_out, padder_out_ready, f_ack);
f_permutation_ (clk, reset, padder_out, padder_out_ready, f_ack, f_out, f_out_ready);
14,17 → 14,271
* limitations under the License.
/* if "set_v"==1, out <= in;
* otherwise, out <= round(round(out));
`define low_pos(x,y) `high_pos(x,y) - 63
`define high_pos(x,y) 1599 - 64*(5*y+x)
`define add_1(x) (x == 4 ? 0 : x + 1)
`define add_2(x) (x == 3 ? 0 : x == 4 ? 1 : x + 2)
`define sub_1(x) (x == 0 ? 4 : x - 1)
`define rot_up(in, n) {in[63-n:0], in[63:63-n+1]}
`define rot_up_1(in) {in[62:0], in[63]}
module round2in1(in, rc1, rc2, out);
module round2in1(in, round_const_1, round_const_2, out);
input [1599:0] in;
input [63:0] rc1, rc2; /* round const */
input [63:0] round_const_1, round_const_2;
output [1599:0] out;
wire [1599:0] tmp;
round1 (in, rc1, tmp),
round2 (tmp, rc2, out);
/* "a ~ g" for round 1 */
wire [63:0] a[4:0][4:0];
wire [63:0] b[4:0];
wire [63:0] c[4:0][4:0], d[4:0][4:0], e[4:0][4:0], f[4:0][4:0], g[4:0][4:0];
/* "aa ~ gg" for round 2 */
wire [63:0] bb[4:0];
wire [63:0] cc[4:0][4:0], dd[4:0][4:0], ee[4:0][4:0], ff[4:0][4:0], gg[4:0][4:0];
genvar x, y;
/* assign "a[x][y][z] == in[w(5y+x)+z]" */
for(y=0; y<5; y=y+1)
begin : L0
for(x=0; x<5; x=x+1)
begin : L1
assign a[x][y] = in[`high_pos(x,y) : `low_pos(x,y)];
/* calc "b[x] == a[x][0] ^ a[x][1] ^ ... ^ a[x][4]" */
for(x=0; x<5; x=x+1)
begin : L2
assign b[x] = a[x][0] ^ a[x][1] ^ a[x][2] ^ a[x][3] ^ a[x][4];
/* calc "c == theta(a)" */
for(y=0; y<5; y=y+1)
begin : L3
for(x=0; x<5; x=x+1)
begin : L4
assign c[x][y] = a[x][y] ^ b[`sub_1(x)] ^ `rot_up_1(b[`add_1(x)]);
/* calc "d == rho(c)" */
assign d[0][0] = c[0][0];
assign d[1][0] = `rot_up_1(c[1][0]);
assign d[2][0] = `rot_up(c[2][0], 62);
assign d[3][0] = `rot_up(c[3][0], 28);
assign d[4][0] = `rot_up(c[4][0], 27);
assign d[0][1] = `rot_up(c[0][1], 36);
assign d[1][1] = `rot_up(c[1][1], 44);
assign d[2][1] = `rot_up(c[2][1], 6);
assign d[3][1] = `rot_up(c[3][1], 55);
assign d[4][1] = `rot_up(c[4][1], 20);
assign d[0][2] = `rot_up(c[0][2], 3);
assign d[1][2] = `rot_up(c[1][2], 10);
assign d[2][2] = `rot_up(c[2][2], 43);
assign d[3][2] = `rot_up(c[3][2], 25);
assign d[4][2] = `rot_up(c[4][2], 39);
assign d[0][3] = `rot_up(c[0][3], 41);
assign d[1][3] = `rot_up(c[1][3], 45);
assign d[2][3] = `rot_up(c[2][3], 15);
assign d[3][3] = `rot_up(c[3][3], 21);
assign d[4][3] = `rot_up(c[4][3], 8);
assign d[0][4] = `rot_up(c[0][4], 18);
assign d[1][4] = `rot_up(c[1][4], 2);
assign d[2][4] = `rot_up(c[2][4], 61);
assign d[3][4] = `rot_up(c[3][4], 56);
assign d[4][4] = `rot_up(c[4][4], 14);
/* calc "e == pi(d)" */
assign e[0][0] = d[0][0];
assign e[0][2] = d[1][0];
assign e[0][4] = d[2][0];
assign e[0][1] = d[3][0];
assign e[0][3] = d[4][0];
assign e[1][3] = d[0][1];
assign e[1][0] = d[1][1];
assign e[1][2] = d[2][1];
assign e[1][4] = d[3][1];
assign e[1][1] = d[4][1];
assign e[2][1] = d[0][2];
assign e[2][3] = d[1][2];
assign e[2][0] = d[2][2];
assign e[2][2] = d[3][2];
assign e[2][4] = d[4][2];
assign e[3][4] = d[0][3];
assign e[3][1] = d[1][3];
assign e[3][3] = d[2][3];
assign e[3][0] = d[3][3];
assign e[3][2] = d[4][3];
assign e[4][2] = d[0][4];
assign e[4][4] = d[1][4];
assign e[4][1] = d[2][4];
assign e[4][3] = d[3][4];
assign e[4][0] = d[4][4];
/* calc "f = chi(e)" */
for(y=0; y<5; y=y+1)
begin : L5
for(x=0; x<5; x=x+1)
begin : L6
assign f[x][y] = e[x][y] ^ ((~ e[`add_1(x)][y]) & e[`add_2(x)][y]);
/* calc "g = iota(f)" */
for(x=0; x<64; x=x+1)
begin : L60
if(x==0 || x==1 || x==3 || x==7 || x==15 || x==31 || x==63)
assign g[0][0][x] = f[0][0][x] ^ round_const_1[x];
assign g[0][0][x] = f[0][0][x];
for(y=0; y<5; y=y+1)
begin : L7
for(x=0; x<5; x=x+1)
begin : L8
if(x!=0 || y!=0)
assign g[x][y] = f[x][y];
/* round 2 */
/* calc "bb[x] == g[x][0] ^ g[x][1] ^ ... ^ g[x][4]" */
for(x=0; x<5; x=x+1)
begin : L12
assign bb[x] = g[x][0] ^ g[x][1] ^ g[x][2] ^ g[x][3] ^ g[x][4];
/* calc "cc == theta(g)" */
for(y=0; y<5; y=y+1)
begin : L13
for(x=0; x<5; x=x+1)
begin : L14
assign cc[x][y] = g[x][y] ^ bb[`sub_1(x)] ^ `rot_up_1(bb[`add_1(x)]);
/* calc "dd == rho(cc)" */
assign dd[0][0] = cc[0][0];
assign dd[1][0] = `rot_up_1(cc[1][0]);
assign dd[2][0] = `rot_up(cc[2][0], 62);
assign dd[3][0] = `rot_up(cc[3][0], 28);
assign dd[4][0] = `rot_up(cc[4][0], 27);
assign dd[0][1] = `rot_up(cc[0][1], 36);
assign dd[1][1] = `rot_up(cc[1][1], 44);
assign dd[2][1] = `rot_up(cc[2][1], 6);
assign dd[3][1] = `rot_up(cc[3][1], 55);
assign dd[4][1] = `rot_up(cc[4][1], 20);
assign dd[0][2] = `rot_up(cc[0][2], 3);
assign dd[1][2] = `rot_up(cc[1][2], 10);
assign dd[2][2] = `rot_up(cc[2][2], 43);
assign dd[3][2] = `rot_up(cc[3][2], 25);
assign dd[4][2] = `rot_up(cc[4][2], 39);
assign dd[0][3] = `rot_up(cc[0][3], 41);
assign dd[1][3] = `rot_up(cc[1][3], 45);
assign dd[2][3] = `rot_up(cc[2][3], 15);
assign dd[3][3] = `rot_up(cc[3][3], 21);
assign dd[4][3] = `rot_up(cc[4][3], 8);
assign dd[0][4] = `rot_up(cc[0][4], 18);
assign dd[1][4] = `rot_up(cc[1][4], 2);
assign dd[2][4] = `rot_up(cc[2][4], 61);
assign dd[3][4] = `rot_up(cc[3][4], 56);
assign dd[4][4] = `rot_up(cc[4][4], 14);
/* calc "ee == pi(dd)" */
assign ee[0][0] = dd[0][0];
assign ee[0][2] = dd[1][0];
assign ee[0][4] = dd[2][0];
assign ee[0][1] = dd[3][0];
assign ee[0][3] = dd[4][0];
assign ee[1][3] = dd[0][1];
assign ee[1][0] = dd[1][1];
assign ee[1][2] = dd[2][1];
assign ee[1][4] = dd[3][1];
assign ee[1][1] = dd[4][1];
assign ee[2][1] = dd[0][2];
assign ee[2][3] = dd[1][2];
assign ee[2][0] = dd[2][2];
assign ee[2][2] = dd[3][2];
assign ee[2][4] = dd[4][2];
assign ee[3][4] = dd[0][3];
assign ee[3][1] = dd[1][3];
assign ee[3][3] = dd[2][3];
assign ee[3][0] = dd[3][3];
assign ee[3][2] = dd[4][3];
assign ee[4][2] = dd[0][4];
assign ee[4][4] = dd[1][4];
assign ee[4][1] = dd[2][4];
assign ee[4][3] = dd[3][4];
assign ee[4][0] = dd[4][4];
/* calc "ff = chi(ee)" */
for(y=0; y<5; y=y+1)
begin : L15
for(x=0; x<5; x=x+1)
begin : L16
assign ff[x][y] = ee[x][y] ^ ((~ ee[`add_1(x)][y]) & ee[`add_2(x)][y]);
/* calc "gg = iota(ff)" */
for(x=0; x<64; x=x+1)
begin : L160
if(x==0 || x==1 || x==3 || x==7 || x==15 || x==31 || x==63)
assign gg[0][0][x] = ff[0][0][x] ^ round_const_2[x];
assign gg[0][0][x] = ff[0][0][x];
for(y=0; y<5; y=y+1)
begin : L17
for(x=0; x<5; x=x+1)
begin : L18
if(x!=0 || y!=0)
assign gg[x][y] = ff[x][y];
/* assign "out[w(5y+x)+z] == out_var[x][y][z]" */
for(y=0; y<5; y=y+1)
begin : L99
for(x=0; x<5; x=x+1)
begin : L100
assign out[`high_pos(x,y) : `low_pos(x,y)] = gg[x][y];
`undef low_pos
`undef high_pos
`undef add_1
`undef add_2
`undef sub_1
`undef rot_up
`undef rot_up_1

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