
Subversion Repositories vga_lcd

Compare Revisions

  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 33 to Rev 34
    Reverse comparison

Rev 33 → Rev 34

37,10 → 37,10
// CVS Log
// $Id: vga_wb_master.v,v 1.8 2002-03-04 11:01:59 rherveille Exp $
// $Id: vga_wb_master.v,v 1.9 2002-03-04 16:05:52 rherveille Exp $
// $Date: 2002-03-04 11:01:59 $
// $Revision: 1.8 $
// $Date: 2002-03-04 16:05:52 $
// $Revision: 1.9 $
// $Author: rherveille $
// $Locker: $
// $State: Exp $
47,6 → 47,9
// Change History:
// $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $
// Revision 1.8 2002/03/04 11:01:59 rherveille
// Added 64x64pixels 4bpp hardware cursor support.
// Revision 1.7 2002/02/16 10:40:00 rherveille
// Some minor bug-fixes.
// Changed vga_ssel into vga_curproc (cursor processor).
163,9 → 166,18
wire [7:0] clut_offs; // color lookup table offset
reg [8:0] cursor_adr;
reg cursor0_we, cursor1_we;
// hardware cursors
reg [31:11] cursor_ba; // cursor pattern base address
reg [ 8: 0] cursor_adr; // cursor pattern offset
wire cursor0_we, cursor1_we; // cursor buffers write_request
reg ld_cursor0, ld_cursor1; // reload cursor0, cursor1
reg cur_acc; // cursor processors request memory access
reg cur_acc_sel; // which cursor to reload
wire cur_ack; // cursor processor memory access acknowledge
wire cur_done; // done reading cursor pattern
// module body
185,13 → 197,22
// wishbone access controller, video memory access request has highest priority (try to keep fifo full)
always@(posedge clk_i)
if (sclr)
vmem_acc <= #1 1'b0;
vmem_acc <= #1 1'b0; // video memory access request
vmem_acc <= #1 (!nvmem_req | (vmem_acc & !(burst_done & vmem_ack) ) ) & !ImDone;
vmem_acc <= #1 (!nvmem_req | (vmem_acc & !(burst_done & vmem_ack) ) ) & !ImDone & !cur_acc;
assign vmem_ack = ack_i;
always@(posedge clk_i)
if (sclr)
cur_acc <= #1 1'b0; // cursor processor memory access request
cur_acc <= #1 (cur_acc | ImDone & (ld_cursor0 | ld_cursor1)) & !cur_done;
assign vmem_ack = ack_i & vmem_acc;
assign cur_ack = ack_i & cur_acc;
assign sint = err_i; // Non recoverable error, interrupt host system
// select active memory page
assign vmem_switch = ImDoneStrb;
218,6 → 239,7
// clut bank switch / cursor data delay2: Account for ColorProcessor DataBuffer delay
always@(posedge clk_i)
if (sclr)
239,9 → 261,11
else if (ctrl_cbsw)
stat_acmp <= #1 stat_acmp ^ clut_switch; // select next clut when finished reading clut for current video bank (and bank switch enabled)
// generate clut-address
assign clut_adr = {stat_acmp, clut_offs};
// generate burst counter
wire [3:0] burst_cnt_val;
assign burst_cnt_val = {1'b0, burst_cnt} -4'h1;
360,9 → 384,52
else if (vmem_ack)
vmemA <= #1 vmemA +30'h1;
// hardware cursor signals section
always@(posedge clk_i)
if (ImDone)
cur_acc_sel <= #1 ld_cursor0; // cursor0 has highest priority
always@(posedge clk_i)
if (sclr)
ld_cursor0 <= #1 1'b0;
ld_cursor1 <= #1 1'b0;
ld_cursor0 <= #1 cursor0_ld | (ld_cursor0 & !(cur_done & cur_acc_sel));
ld_cursor1 <= #1 cursor1_ld | (ld_cursor1 & !(cur_done & !cur_acc_sel));
// select cursor base address
always@(posedge clk_i)
if (!cur_acc)
cursor_ba <= #1 ld_cursor0 ? cursor0_ba : cursor1_ba;
// generate pattern offset
wire [9:0] next_cursor_adr = {1'b0, cursor_adr} + 10'h1;
assign cur_done = next_cursor_adr[9];
always@(posedge clk_i)
if (!cur_acc)
cursor_adr <= #1 9'h0;
else if (cur_ack)
cursor_adr <= #1 next_cursor_adr;
// generate cursor buffers write enable signals
assign cursor1_we = cur_ack & !cur_acc_sel;
assign cursor0_we = cur_ack & cur_acc_sel;
// generate wishbone signals
assign adr_o = {vmemA, 2'b00};
wire wb_cycle = vmem_acc & !(burst_done & vmem_ack & nvmem_req) & !ImDone;
assign adr_o = cur_acc ? {cursor_ba, cursor_adr, 2'b00} : {vmemA, 2'b00};
wire wb_cycle = vmem_acc & !(burst_done & vmem_ack & nvmem_req) & !ImDone ||
cur_acc & !cur_done;
always@(posedge clk_i or negedge nrst_i)
if (!nrst_i)
391,6 → 458,7
we_o <= #1 1'b0; // read only
// video-data buffer (temporary store data read from video memory)
vga_fifo #(4, 32) data_fifo (
407,7 → 475,7
assign nvmem_req = data_fifo_hfull;
// hookup color processor
vga_colproc color_proc (
428,31 → 496,28
// hookup data-source-selector && hardware cursor module
`ifdef VGA_HWC1 // generate Hardware Cursor1 (if enabled)
reg scursor1_ld;
wire cursor1_ld_strb;
reg scursor1_en;
reg scursor1_res;
reg [31:0] scursor1_xy;
always@(posedge clk_i)
if (sclr)
scursor1_ld <= #1 1'b0;
scursor1_ld <= #1 cursor1_ld | (scursor1_ld & !(ddImDoneFifoQ & !dImDoneFifoQ));
assign cursor1_ld_strb = ddImDoneFifoQ & !dImDoneFifoQ;
always@(posedge clk_i)
if (sclr)
scursor1_en <= #1 1'b0;
else if (scursor1_ld)
else if (cursor1_ld_strb)
scursor1_en <= #1 cursor1_en;
always@(posedge clk_i)
if (scursor1_ld)
if (cursor1_ld_strb)
scursor1_xy <= #1 cursor1_xy;
always@(posedge clk_i)
if (scursor1_ld)
if (cursor1_ld_strb)
scursor1_res <= #1 cursor1_res;
vga_curproc hw_cursor1 (
486,7 → 551,6
`else // Hardware Cursor1 disabled, generate pass-through signals
assign ssel1_wreq = color_proc_wreq;
assign ssel1_q = color_proc_q;
503,29 → 567,25
`ifdef VGA_HWC0 // generate Hardware Cursor0 (if enabled)
reg scursor0_ld;
wire cursor0_ld_strb;
reg scursor0_en;
reg scursor0_res;
reg [31:0] scursor0_xy;
always@(posedge clk_i)
if (sclr)
scursor0_ld <= #1 1'b0;
scursor0_ld <= #1 cursor0_ld | (scursor0_ld & !(sddImDoneFifoQ & !sdImDoneFifoQ));
assign cursor0_ld_strb = sddImDoneFifoQ & !sdImDoneFifoQ;
always@(posedge clk_i)
if (sclr)
scursor0_en <= #1 1'b0;
else if (scursor0_ld)
else if (cursor0_ld_strb)
scursor0_en <= #1 cursor0_en;
always@(posedge clk_i)
if (scursor0_ld)
if (cursor0_ld_strb)
scursor0_xy <= #1 cursor0_xy;
always@(posedge clk_i)
if (scursor0_ld)
if (cursor0_ld_strb)
scursor0_res <= #1 cursor0_res;
vga_curproc hw_cursor0 (
553,6 → 613,7
assign cc0_adr_o = 4'h0;
// hookup RGB buffer (temporary station between WISHBONE-clock-domain
// and pixel-clock-domain)
// The cursor_processor pipelines introduce a delay between the color
576,4 → 637,3
37,10 → 37,10
// CVS Log
// $Id: vga_wb_slave.v,v 1.8 2002-03-04 11:01:59 rherveille Exp $
// $Id: vga_wb_slave.v,v 1.9 2002-03-04 16:05:52 rherveille Exp $
// $Date: 2002-03-04 11:01:59 $
// $Revision: 1.8 $
// $Date: 2002-03-04 16:05:52 $
// $Revision: 1.9 $
// $Author: rherveille $
// $Locker: $
// $State: Exp $
47,6 → 47,9
// Change History:
// $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $
// Revision 1.8 2002/03/04 11:01:59 rherveille
// Added 64x64pixels 4bpp hardware cursor support.
// Revision 1.7 2002/02/25 06:13:44 rherveille
// Fixed dat_o incomplete sensitivity list.
400,7 → 403,7
// assign output
always@(REG_ADR or ctrl or stat or htim or vtim or hvlen or VBARa or VBARb or acmp or
cursor0_xy or cursor0_ba or cursor1_xy or cursor1_ba)
cursor0_xy or cursor0_ba or cursor1_xy or cursor1_ba or ccr0_dat_o or ccr1_dat_o)
casez (REG_ADR) // synopsis full_case parallel_case
CTRL_ADR : reg_dato = ctrl;
STAT_ADR : reg_dato = stat;
37,10 → 37,10
// CVS Log
// $Id: vga_cur_cregs.v,v 1.1 2002-03-04 11:01:59 rherveille Exp $
// $Id: vga_cur_cregs.v,v 1.2 2002-03-04 16:05:52 rherveille Exp $
// $Date: 2002-03-04 11:01:59 $
// $Revision: 1.1 $
// $Date: 2002-03-04 16:05:52 $
// $Revision: 1.2 $
// $Author: rherveille $
// $Locker: $
// $State: Exp $
47,7 → 47,10
// Change History:
// $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $
// Revision 1.1 2002/03/04 11:01:59 rherveille
// Added 64x64pixels 4bpp hardware cursor support.
`include "timescale.v"
87,7 → 90,7
// variable declarations
reg [31:0] cregs [2:0]; // color registers
reg [31:0] cregs [7:0]; // color registers
wire [31:0] temp_cdat;
99,9 → 102,7
// generate host interface
// write section
always@(posedge clk_i or negedge arst_i)
if (~arst_i)
always@(posedge clk_i)
if (hsel_i & hwe_i)
cregs[hadr_i] <= #1 hdat_i;
37,10 → 37,10
// CVS Log
// $Id: vga_curproc.v,v 1.2 2002-03-04 11:01:59 rherveille Exp $
// $Id: vga_curproc.v,v 1.3 2002-03-04 16:05:52 rherveille Exp $
// $Date: 2002-03-04 11:01:59 $
// $Revision: 1.2 $
// $Date: 2002-03-04 16:05:52 $
// $Revision: 1.3 $
// $Author: rherveille $
// $Locker: $
// $State: Exp $
47,6 → 47,9
// Change History:
// $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $
// Revision 1.2 2002/03/04 11:01:59 rherveille
// Added 64x64pixels 4bpp hardware cursor support.
// Revision 1.1 2002/02/16 10:40:00 rherveille
// Some minor bug-fixes.
// Changed vga_ssel into vga_curproc (cursor processor).
106,10 → 109,9
reg [15:0] xcnt, ycnt;
wire xdone, ydone;
wire [15:0] cursor_x, cursor_y;
reg alpha, dalpha;
wire cursor_alpha;
reg [ 4:0] r, g, b, dr, dg, db;
wire [ 7:0] cursor_r, cursor_g, cursor_b;
wire cursor_isalpha;
reg [15:0] cdat, dcdat;
wire [ 7:0] cursor_r, cursor_g, cursor_b, cursor_alpha;
reg inbox_x, inbox_y;
wire inbox;
reg dinbox, ddinbox, dddinbox;
200,20 → 202,10
// decode cursor data for 32x32x16bpp mode
always@(posedge clk)
if (didat_wreq)
alpha <= #1 dcbuf_ra[0] ? cbuf_q[31] : cbuf_q[15];
r <= #1 dcbuf_ra[0] ? cbuf_q[30:26] : cbuf_q[14:10];
g <= #1 dcbuf_ra[0] ? cbuf_q[25:21] : cbuf_q[ 9: 5];
b <= #1 dcbuf_ra[0] ? cbuf_q[20:16] : cbuf_q[ 4: 0];
cdat <= #1 dcbuf_ra[0] ? cbuf_q[31:16] : cbuf_q[15:0];
always@(posedge clk)
dalpha <= #1 alpha;
dr <= #1 r;
dg <= #1 g;
db <= #1 b;
dcdat <= #1 cdat;
// decode cursor data for 64x64x4bpp mode
234,12 → 226,12
// generate cursor colors
assign cursor_alpha = cursor_res ? cc_dat_i[15] : dalpha;
assign cursor_r = {cursor_res ? cc_dat_i[14:10] : dr, 3'h0};
assign cursor_g = {cursor_res ? cc_dat_i[ 9: 5] : dg, 3'h0};
assign cursor_b = {cursor_res ? cc_dat_i[ 4: 0] : db, 3'h0};
assign cursor_isalpha = cursor_res ? cc_dat_i[15] : dcdat[15];
assign cursor_alpha = cursor_res ? cc_dat_i[7:0] : dcdat[7:0];
assign cursor_r = {cursor_res ? cc_dat_i[14:10] : dcdat[14:10], 3'h0};
assign cursor_g = {cursor_res ? cc_dat_i[ 9: 5] : dcdat[ 9: 5], 3'h0};
assign cursor_b = {cursor_res ? cc_dat_i[ 4: 0] : dcdat[ 4: 0], 3'h0};
// delay image data
always@(posedge clk)
270,12 → 262,22
always@(posedge clk)
dddcursor_en <= #1 ddcursor_en;
// Alpha blending:
// rgb = (rgb1 * alhpa1) + (rgb2 * alpha2)
// We generate an alpha mixer (alpha1 + alpha2 = 1)
// rgb = (alpha1)(rgb1) + (1-alpha1)(rgb2)
// We always mix to black (rgb2 = 0)
// rgb = (alpha1)(rgb1)
always@(posedge clk)
if (ddidat_wreq)
if (!dddcursor_en || !dddinbox)
rgb <= #1 dddidat;
else if (cursor_alpha)
rgb <= #1 dddidat;
else if (cursor_isalpha)
`ifdef VGA_HWC_3D
rgb <= #1 dddidat * cursor_alpha;
rgb <= #1 dddidat;
rgb <= #1 {cursor_r, cursor_g, cursor_b};

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