
Subversion Repositories ethmac10g

Compare Revisions

  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 39 to Rev 40
    Reverse comparison

Rev 39 → Rev 40

0,0 → 1,38
`timescale 1ns / 1ps
// Company:
// Engineer:
// Create Date: 09:50:39 12/13/05
// Design Name:
// Module Name: rxClkgen
// Project Name:
// Target Device:
// Tool versions:
// Description:
// Dependencies:
// Revision:
// Revision 0.01 - File Created
// Additional Comments:
module rxClkgen(rxclk_in, reset, rxclk, rxclk_180, rxclk_2x, locked);
input rxclk_in;
input reset;
output rxclk;
output rxclk_180;
output rxclk_2x;
output locked;
dcm0 rx_dcm(.CLKIN_IN(rxclk_in),
0,0 → 1,161
`timescale 1ns / 1ps
// Company:
// Engineer:
// Create Date: 09:59:01 11/21/05
// Design Name:
// Module Name: rxStateMachine
// Project Name:
// Target Device:
// Tool versions:
// Description:
// Dependencies:
// Revision:
// Revision 0.01 - File Created
// Additional Comments:
module rxStateMachine(rxclk, reset, recv_enable, get_sfd, local_invalid, len_invalid, end_data_cnt, end_tagged_cnt,
tagged_frame, length_error, end_fcs, crc_check_valid, crc_check_invalid, start_da, start_lt, inband_fcs,
start_data_cnt, start_tagged_cnt, receiving, recv_end, good_frame_get, bad_frame_get, get_error_code, small_frame
, end_small_cnt,receiving_frame);
input rxclk;
input reset;
input recv_enable;
input inband_fcs;
input get_sfd; // SFD has been received;
//DA field
input local_invalid;// The Frame's DA field is not Local MAC;
//Length/Type field
input len_invalid;// Indicate if Length field is valid;
input end_data_cnt;// Indicate end of receiving DATA field(not jumbo frame);
input end_tagged_cnt;// Indicate end of receiving DATA field of tagged Frame;
input end_small_cnt; // Indicate end of receiving small data field
input tagged_frame;// Indicate current frame is a jumbo_frame;
input small_frame; // Indicate current frame is a small frame;
input length_error;//Indicate Length received is not equal to the Length in LT field;
//FCS field
input end_fcs;//Indicate end of receiving FCS field;
input crc_check_valid;//Indicate the frame passed CRC Check;
input crc_check_invalid;//Indicate the frame failed in CRC Check;
input get_error_code;
//DA field
output start_da;// Start to receive Destination Address;
//Length/Type field
output start_lt;// Start to receive Length/Type field;
//DATA field
output start_data_cnt;// Start to receive DATA field;
output start_tagged_cnt;// Start to receive DATA field, but the frame is a tagged frame.
//Receive process control
output receiving;// Rx Engine is receiving valid part of frame;
output receiving_frame; //Rx Engine is working, not in IDLE state and Check state.
output recv_end; // Receive process ends, either because formal ending or faults happen;
output good_frame_get;// A good frame has been received;
output bad_frame_get; // A bad frame has been received;
parameter IDLE = 0, rxReceiveDA = 1, rxReceiveLT = 2, rxReceiveData = 3;
parameter rxReceiveFCS = 4, rxWaitCheck = 5;
parameter TP =1;
wire start_da;
wire start_lt;
wire start_data_cnt;
wire start_tagged_cnt;
wire receiving_data;
wire receiving_frame;
wire receiving;
wire recv_end;
wire good_frame_get;
wire bad_frame_get;
reg[2:0] rxstate, rxstate_next;
always@(rxstate, get_sfd, local_invalid, len_invalid, recv_enable,
tagged_frame, end_data_cnt, end_tagged_cnt, get_error_code,
end_fcs, length_error, crc_check_valid,crc_check_invalid, reset)begin
if (reset) begin
rxstate_next <=#TP IDLE;
else begin
case (rxstate)
IDLE: begin
if (get_sfd & recv_enable)
rxstate_next <=#TP rxReceiveDA;
rxReceiveDA: begin
rxstate_next <=#TP rxReceiveLT;
rxReceiveLT: begin
rxstate_next <=#TP rxReceiveData;
rxReceiveData: begin
if (local_invalid | len_invalid | get_error_code)
rxstate_next <=#TP rxWaitCheck;
else if (end_data_cnt | end_tagged_cnt)
rxstate_next <=#TP rxReceiveFCS;
rxReceiveFCS: begin //length_error should have high priority to end_fcs
if (length_error)
rxstate_next <=#TP IDLE;
else if (end_fcs)
rxstate_next <=#TP rxWaitCheck;
rxWaitCheck: begin
if (crc_check_valid)
rxstate_next <=#TP IDLE;
else if (local_invalid | len_invalid | length_error | crc_check_invalid)
rxstate_next <=#TP IDLE;
always@(posedge rxclk or posedge reset) begin
if (reset)
rxstate <=#TP IDLE;
rxstate <=#TP rxstate_next;
reg end_small_cnt_d1;
reg end_small_cnt_d2;
always@(posedge rxclk or posedge reset) begin
if (reset)begin
end_small_cnt_d1 <= 0;
end_small_cnt_d2 <= 0;
else begin
end_small_cnt_d1 <=end_small_cnt;
if (end_small_cnt_d1)
end_small_cnt_d2 <= 1'b1;
end_small_cnt_d2 <= #TP end_small_cnt_d2;
assign start_da = (rxstate == rxReceiveDA);
assign start_lt = (rxstate == rxReceiveLT);
assign start_data_cnt = (rxstate == rxReceiveData) & (~tagged_frame);
assign start_tagged_cnt = (rxstate == rxReceiveData) & tagged_frame;
assign receiving_data = (~rxstate[2]&(rxstate[0] | rxstate[1])); // in DA,LT,DATA status
assign receiving_frame = receiving_data |(rxstate[2]&~rxstate[1]&~rxstate[0]); //in DA,LT,Data,FCS status
assign receiving_small = start_da | start_lt | ((rxstate == rxReceiveData) & ~end_small_cnt_d2);
assign receiving = inband_fcs? receiving_frame:(small_frame? receiving_small:receiving_data);
assign recv_end = ~receiving_frame;
assign bad_frame_get = ((rxstate == rxReceiveFCS) & length_error) | ((rxstate == rxWaitCheck) & (local_invalid | len_invalid | length_error | crc_check_invalid));
assign good_frame_get = (rxstate == rxWaitCheck) & crc_check_valid;
0,0 → 1,42
`timescale 1ns / 1ps
// Company:
// Engineer:
// Create Date: 15:53:19 11/22/05
// Design Name:
// Module Name: counter
// Project Name:
// Target Device:
// Tool versions:
// Description:
// Dependencies:
// Revision:
// Revision 0.01 - File Created
// Additional Comments:
module counter(clk, reset, load, en, value);
input clk;
input reset;
input load;
input en;
parameter WIDTH = 8;
output[WIDTH-1:0] value;
reg [WIDTH-1:0] value;
always @(posedge clk or posedge reset)
if (reset)
value <= 0;
else begin
if (load)
value <= 0;
else if (en)
value <= value + 1;
0,0 → 1,180
`timescale 1ns / 1ps
// Company:
// Engineer:
// Create Date: 16:35:47 11/21/05
// Design Name:
// Module Name: rxReceiveEngine
// Project Name:
// Target Device:
// Tool versions:
// Description:
// Dependencies:
// Revision:
// Revision 0.01 - File Created
// Additional Comments:
module rxReceiveEngine(rxclk_in, reset_in, rxd64, rxc8, rxStatRegPlus,reset_out,
cfgRxRegData, rx_data, rx_data_valid, rx_good_frame, link_fault,
rx_bad_frame, rxCfgofRS, rxTxLinkFaul);
input rxclk_in;
input reset_in;
input [63:0] rxd64;
input [7:0] rxc8;
output reset_out;
output [12:0] rxStatRegPlus;
input [52:0] cfgRxRegData;
output [63:0] rx_data;
output [7:0] rx_data_valid;
output rx_good_frame;
output rx_bad_frame;
input [1:0] link_fault;
output[2:0] rxCfgofRS;
output [1:0] rxTxLinkFaul;
wire rxclk;
wire rxclk_180;
wire rxclk_2x;
wire locked;
wire reset_dcm;
wire reset;
wire [47:0]MAC_Addr; //MAC Address used in receiving control frame.
wire vlan_enable; //VLAN Enable
wire recv_enable; //Receiver Enable
wire inband_fcs; //In-band FCS Enable, when this bit is '1', the MAC will pass FCS up to client
wire jumbo_enable;//Jumbo Frame Enable
wire recv_rst; //Receiver reset
wire start_da, start_lt;
wire tagged_frame, small_frame;
wire [15:0] tagged_len;
wire end_data_cnt, end_small_cnt, end_tagged_cnt, end_fcs;
wire pause_frame;
wire [47:0] da_addr;
wire [15:0] lt_data;
wire [31:0] crc_code;
wire [7:0] crc_valid;
wire [7:0] rxc_fifo;
wire length_error;
wire get_sfd, get_efd, get_error_code;
wire receiving;
wire receiving_frame;
wire local_invalid;
wire broad_valid;
wire multi_valid;
wire len_invalid;
wire [12:0] integer_cnt, small_integer_cnt;
wire [2:0] bits_more, small_bits_more;
wire good_frame_get, bad_frame_get;
wire crc_check_valid=0;
wire crc_check_invalid=0;
// Read Receiver Configuration Word
assign MAC_Addr = {cfgRxRegData[52:37], cfgRxRegData[31:0]};
assign vlan_enable = cfgRxRegData[36];
assign recv_enable = cfgRxRegData[35];
assign inband_fcs = cfgRxRegData[34];
assign jumbo_enable = cfgRxRegData[33];
assign recv_rst = cfgRxRegData[32];
assign reset_dcm = reset_in | recv_rst;
assign reset = ~locked;
assign reset_out = reset;
// Write Configuration Words of RS
assign rxCfgofRS[0] = ~link_fault[0] & link_fault[1]; //get local fault
assign rxCfgofRS[1] = link_fault[0] & link_fault[1]; //get remote fault
assign rxCfgofRS[2] = locked; //Receive DCM locked
// Receive Clock Generator
rxClkgen rxclk_gen(.rxclk_in(rxclk_in),
// Upper Interface with client
rxFIFOMgnt upperinterface(.rxclk_180(rxclk_180), .reset(reset), .rxd64(rxd64), .rxc_fifo(rxc_fifo), .receiving(receiving),
.recv_end(recv_end), .rx_data_valid(rx_data_valid), .inband_fcs(inband_fcs),
// Reception Frame Spliter
rxFrameDepart frame_spliter(.rxclk(rxclk), .reset(reset), .rxclk_180(rxclk_180), .rxd64(rxd64), .rxc8(rxc8),.inband_fcs(inband_fcs),
.start_da(start_da), .start_lt(start_lt), .tagged_frame(tagged_frame),.bits_more(bits_more),
.small_bits_more(small_bits_more), .tagged_len(tagged_len), .small_frame(small_frame),
.end_data_cnt(end_data_cnt), .end_small_cnt(end_small_cnt),.da_addr(da_addr),.lt_data(lt_data),
.crc_code(crc_code),.end_fcs(end_fcs), .crc_valid(crc_valid), .length_error(length_error),
.get_sfd(get_sfd), .get_efd(get_efd), .get_error_code(get_error_code),.receiving(receiving),
// Destination Address Checker
rxDAchecker dachecker(.local_invalid(local_invalid), .broad_valid(broad_valid), .multi_valid(multi_valid), .MAC_Addr(MAC_Addr),
defparam dachecker.Multicast = 48'h0180C2000001;
defparam dachecker.Broadcast = 48'hffffffffffff;
// Length/Type field checker
rxLenTypChecker lenchecker(.lt_data(lt_data), .tagged_len(tagged_len), .jumbo_enable(jumbo_enable), .tagged_frame(tagged_frame),
.pause_frame(pause_frame), .small_frame(small_frame), .len_invalid(len_invalid), .vlan_enable(vlan_enable),
.integer_cnt(integer_cnt), .small_integer_cnt(small_integer_cnt), .inband_fcs(inband_fcs),
.bits_more(bits_more), .small_bits_more(small_bits_more)
// Counters used in Receive Engine
rxNumCounter counters(.rxclk(rxclk), .reset(reset), .start_data_cnt(start_data_cnt), .start_tagged_cnt(start_tagged_cnt), .small_frame(small_frame),
.integer_cnt(integer_cnt), .small_integer_cnt(small_integer_cnt), .tagged_frame(tagged_frame),
.end_data_cnt(end_data_cnt), .end_small_cnt(end_small_cnt), .end_tagged_cnt(end_tagged_cnt)
// State Machine in Receive Process
rxStateMachine statemachine(.rxclk(rxclk), .reset(reset), .recv_enable(recv_enable), .get_sfd(get_sfd), .local_invalid(local_invalid), .len_invalid(len_invalid),
.end_data_cnt(end_data_cnt), .end_tagged_cnt(end_tagged_cnt), .tagged_frame(tagged_frame),
.length_error(length_error), .end_fcs(end_fcs), .crc_check_valid(crc_check_valid), .get_error_code(get_error_code),
.crc_check_invalid(crc_check_invalid), .start_da(start_da), .start_lt(start_lt), .inband_fcs(inband_fcs),
.start_data_cnt(start_data_cnt), .start_tagged_cnt(start_tagged_cnt), .receiving(receiving),
.recv_end(recv_end), .good_frame_get(good_frame_get), .bad_frame_get(bad_frame_get), .small_frame(small_frame),
assign rx_good_frame = good_frame_get;
assign rx_bad_frame = bad_frame_get;
/tags/V10/10gmac.ise Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
tags/V10/10gmac.ise Property changes : Added: svn:mime-type ## -0,0 +1 ## +application/octet-stream \ No newline at end of property Index: tags/V10/dcm0.v =================================================================== --- tags/V10/dcm0.v (nonexistent) +++ tags/V10/dcm0.v (revision 40) @@ -0,0 +1,106 @@ +//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// Copyright (c) 1995-2003 Xilinx, Inc. +// All Right Reserved. +//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// ____ ____ +// / /\/ / +// /___/ \ / Vendor: Xilinx +// \ \ \/ Version : 7.1i +// \ \ Application : +// / / Filename : dcm0.v +// /___/ /\ Timestamp : 12/22/2005 09:25:19 +// \ \ / \ +// \___\/\___\ +// +//Command: +//Design Name: dcm0 +// +// Module dcm0 +// Generated by Xilinx Architecture Wizard +// Written for synthesis tool: XST +`timescale 1ns / 1ps + +module dcm0(CLKIN_IN, + RST_IN, + CLKIN_IBUFG_OUT, + CLK0_OUT, + CLK2X_OUT, + CLK180_OUT, + LOCKED_OUT); + + input CLKIN_IN; + input RST_IN; + output CLKIN_IBUFG_OUT; + output CLK0_OUT; + output CLK2X_OUT; + output CLK180_OUT; + output LOCKED_OUT; + + wire CLKFB_IN; + wire CLKIN_IBUFG; + wire CLK0_BUF; + wire CLK2X_BUF; + wire CLK180_BUF; + wire GND; + + assign GND = 0; + assign CLKIN_IBUFG_OUT = CLKIN_IBUFG; + assign CLK0_OUT = CLKFB_IN; + IBUFG CLKIN_IBUFG_INST (.I(CLKIN_IN), + .O(CLKIN_IBUFG)); + BUFG CLK0_BUFG_INST (.I(CLK0_BUF), + .O(CLKFB_IN)); + BUFG CLK2X_BUFG_INST (.I(CLK2X_BUF), + .O(CLK2X_OUT)); + BUFG CLK180_BUFG_INST (.I(CLK180_BUF), + .O(CLK180_OUT)); + DCM DCM_INST (.CLKFB(CLKFB_IN), + .CLKIN(CLKIN_IBUFG), + .DSSEN(GND), + .PSCLK(GND), + .PSEN(GND), + .PSINCDEC(GND), + .RST(RST_IN), + .CLKDV(), + .CLKFX(), + .CLKFX180(), + .CLK0(CLK0_BUF), + .CLK2X(CLK2X_BUF), + .CLK2X180(), + .CLK90(), + .CLK180(CLK180_BUF), + .CLK270(), + .LOCKED(LOCKED_OUT), + .PSDONE(), + .STATUS()); + // synthesis attribute CLK_FEEDBACK of DCM_INST is "1X" + // synthesis attribute CLKDV_DIVIDE of DCM_INST is "2.000000" + // synthesis attribute CLKFX_DIVIDE of DCM_INST is "1" + // synthesis attribute CLKFX_MULTIPLY of DCM_INST is "4" + // synthesis attribute CLKIN_DIVIDE_BY_2 of DCM_INST is "FALSE" + // synthesis attribute CLKIN_PERIOD of DCM_INST is "6.400000" + // synthesis attribute CLKOUT_PHASE_SHIFT of DCM_INST is "NONE" + // synthesis attribute DESKEW_ADJUST of DCM_INST is "SYSTEM_SYNCHRONOUS" + // synthesis attribute DFS_FREQUENCY_MODE of DCM_INST is "LOW" + // synthesis attribute DLL_FREQUENCY_MODE of DCM_INST is "LOW" + // synthesis attribute DUTY_CYCLE_CORRECTION of DCM_INST is "TRUE" + // synthesis attribute FACTORY_JF of DCM_INST is "C080" + // synthesis attribute PHASE_SHIFT of DCM_INST is "0" + // synthesis attribute STARTUP_WAIT of DCM_INST is "FALSE" + // synopsys translate_off + defparam DCM_INST.CLK_FEEDBACK = "1X"; + defparam DCM_INST.CLKDV_DIVIDE = 2.000000; + defparam DCM_INST.CLKFX_DIVIDE = 1; + defparam DCM_INST.CLKFX_MULTIPLY = 4; + defparam DCM_INST.CLKIN_DIVIDE_BY_2 = "FALSE"; + defparam DCM_INST.CLKIN_PERIOD = 6.400000; + defparam DCM_INST.CLKOUT_PHASE_SHIFT = "NONE"; + defparam DCM_INST.DESKEW_ADJUST = "SYSTEM_SYNCHRONOUS"; + defparam DCM_INST.DFS_FREQUENCY_MODE = "LOW"; + defparam DCM_INST.DLL_FREQUENCY_MODE = "LOW"; + defparam DCM_INST.DUTY_CYCLE_CORRECTION = "TRUE"; + defparam DCM_INST.FACTORY_JF = 16'hC080; + defparam DCM_INST.PHASE_SHIFT = 0; + defparam DCM_INST.STARTUP_WAIT = "FALSE"; + // synopsys translate_on +endmodule Index: tags/V10/rxDAchecker.v =================================================================== --- tags/V10/rxDAchecker.v (nonexistent) +++ tags/V10/rxDAchecker.v (revision 40) @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ +`timescale 1ns / 1ps +//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// Company: +// Engineer: +// +// Create Date: 10:54:17 11/21/05 +// Design Name: +// Module Name: rxDAchecker +// Project Name: +// Target Device: +// Tool versions: +// Description: +// +// Dependencies: +// +// Revision: +// Revision 0.01 - File Created +// Additional Comments: +// +//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + + + +module rxDAchecker(local_invalid, broad_valid, multi_valid, MAC_Addr, da_addr); + + output local_invalid; + output broad_valid; + output multi_valid; + + input [47:0] MAC_Addr; + input [47:0] da_addr; + + parameter Multicast = 48'h0180C2000001; + parameter Broadcast = 48'hffffffffffff; + + // check individual MAC address + wire broad_valid_1; + + assign multi_valid = (da_addr~^Multicast); + assign broad_valid_1 = (da_addr[7:0] ~^ Broadcast[7:0]); + assign broad_valid = broad_valid_1 &(da_addr[47:8] ~^ Broadcast[47:8]); + assign local_invalid = da_addr^MAC_Addr; + +endmodule Index: tags/V10/rxFIFOMgnt.v =================================================================== --- tags/V10/rxFIFOMgnt.v (nonexistent) +++ tags/V10/rxFIFOMgnt.v (revision 40) @@ -0,0 +1,63 @@ +`timescale 1ns / 1ps +//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// Company: +// Engineer: +// +// Create Date: 16:23:08 11/24/05 +// Design Name: +// Module Name: rxFIFOMgnt +// Project Name: +// Target Device: +// Tool versions: +// Description: +// +// Dependencies: +// +// Revision: +// Revision 0.01 - File Created +// Additional Comments: +// +//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +module rxFIFOMgnt(rxclk_180, reset, rxd64, rxc_fifo, inband_fcs, receiving, recv_end, rx_data_valid, rx_data); + input rxclk_180; + input reset; + input [63:0] rxd64; + input [7:0] rxc_fifo; + input receiving; + input recv_end; + input inband_fcs; + + output[7:0] rx_data_valid; + output[63:0] rx_data; + + wire rxfifo_full; + wire rxfifo_empty; + wire[7:0] byte_cnt; + wire fifo_rd_en; + wire fifo_wr_en; + + assign fifo_rd_en = ~rxfifo_empty; + assign fifo_wr_en = receiving & ~recv_end; + + rxdatafifo rxdatain(.clk(rxclk_180), + .sinit(reset), + .din(rxd64), + .wr_en(fifo_wr_en), + .rd_en(fifo_rd_en), + .dout(rx_data), + .full(rxfifo_full), + .empty(rxfifo_empty), + .data_count(byte_cnt)); + + rxcntrlfifo rxcntrlin(.clk(rxclk_180), + .sinit(reset), + .din(rxc_fifo), + .wr_en(fifo_wr_en), + .rd_en(fifo_rd_en), + .dout(rx_data_valid), + .full(), + .empty()); + + + +endmodule Index: tags/V10/rxRSIO.v =================================================================== --- tags/V10/rxRSIO.v (nonexistent) +++ tags/V10/rxRSIO.v (revision 40) @@ -0,0 +1,132 @@ +`timescale 1ns / 1ps +//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// Company: +// Engineer: +// +// Create Date: 09:22:59 12/22/05 +// Design Name: +// Module Name: rxRSIO +// Project Name: +// Target Device: +// Tool versions: +// Description: +// +// Dependencies: +// +// Revision: +// Revision 0.01 - File Created +// Additional Comments: +// +//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +`define START 8'hdf +`define PREAMBLE 8'h55 +`define SEQUENCE 8'h59 + +module rxRSIO(rxclk_2x, reset, rxd, rxc, rxd64, rxc8, local_fault, remote_fault); + input rxclk_2x; + input reset; + input [0:31] rxd; + input [0:3] rxc; + output [63:0] rxd64; + output [7:0] rxc8; + output local_fault; + output remote_fault; + + parameter TP =1; + + wire local_fault, remote_fault; + wire get_align, get_seq; + + assign get_align = ((rxd[0:7]==`START) & rxc[0]) & ((rxd[8:15]==`PREAMBLE) & ~rxc[1]); + assign get_seq = (rxd[0:7] == `SEQUENCE) & (rxd[8:29] == 0) & (rxc[0:3]== 4'h8) & rxd[31]; + assign local_fault = get_seq & ~rxd[30]; + assign remote_fault = get_seq & rxd[30]; + + reg ddr_read_en; + always@(posedge rxclk_2x or posedge reset) begin + if (reset) + ddr_read_en<=#TP 0; + else if (get_align) + ddr_read_en <=#TP 0; + else + ddr_read_en<=#TP ~ddr_read_en; + end + +//rxd ddr io registers +FDCE rxd64_0 (.Q(rxd64[0]), .C(rxclk_2x), .CE(~ddr_read_en), .CLR(reset), .D(rxd[7])); defparam rxd64_0.INIT = 1'b0; +FDCE rxd64_1 (.Q(rxd64[1]), .C(rxclk_2x), .CE(~ddr_read_en), .CLR(reset), .D(rxd[6])); defparam rxd64_1.INIT = 1'b0; +FDCE rxd64_2 (.Q(rxd64[2]), .C(rxclk_2x), .CE(~ddr_read_en), .CLR(reset), .D(rxd[5])); defparam rxd64_2.INIT = 1'b0; +FDCE rxd64_3 (.Q(rxd64[3]), .C(rxclk_2x), .CE(~ddr_read_en), .CLR(reset), .D(rxd[4])); defparam rxd64_3.INIT = 1'b0; +FDCE rxd64_4 (.Q(rxd64[4]), .C(rxclk_2x), .CE(~ddr_read_en), .CLR(reset), .D(rxd[3])); defparam rxd64_4.INIT = 1'b0; +FDCE rxd64_5 (.Q(rxd64[5]), .C(rxclk_2x), .CE(~ddr_read_en), .CLR(reset), .D(rxd[2])); defparam rxd64_5.INIT = 1'b0; +FDCE rxd64_6 (.Q(rxd64[6]), .C(rxclk_2x), .CE(~ddr_read_en), .CLR(reset), .D(rxd[1])); defparam rxd64_6.INIT = 1'b0; +FDCE rxd64_7 (.Q(rxd64[7]), .C(rxclk_2x), .CE(~ddr_read_en), .CLR(reset), .D(rxd[0])); defparam rxd64_7.INIT = 1'b0; +FDCE rxd64_8 (.Q(rxd64[8]), .C(rxclk_2x), .CE(~ddr_read_en), .CLR(reset), .D(rxd[15])); defparam rxd64_8.INIT = 1'b0; +FDCE rxd64_9 (.Q(rxd64[9]), .C(rxclk_2x), .CE(~ddr_read_en), .CLR(reset), .D(rxd[14])); defparam rxd64_9.INIT = 1'b0; +FDCE rxd64_10 (.Q(rxd64[10]), .C(rxclk_2x), .CE(~ddr_read_en), .CLR(reset), .D(rxd[13])); defparam rxd64_10.INIT = 1'b0; +FDCE rxd64_11 (.Q(rxd64[11]), .C(rxclk_2x), .CE(~ddr_read_en), .CLR(reset), .D(rxd[12])); defparam rxd64_11.INIT = 1'b0; +FDCE rxd64_12 (.Q(rxd64[12]), .C(rxclk_2x), .CE(~ddr_read_en), .CLR(reset), .D(rxd[11])); defparam rxd64_12.INIT = 1'b0; +FDCE rxd64_13 (.Q(rxd64[13]), .C(rxclk_2x), .CE(~ddr_read_en), .CLR(reset), .D(rxd[10])); defparam rxd64_13.INIT = 1'b0; +FDCE rxd64_14 (.Q(rxd64[14]), .C(rxclk_2x), .CE(~ddr_read_en), .CLR(reset), .D(rxd[9])); defparam rxd64_14.INIT = 1'b0; +FDCE rxd64_15 (.Q(rxd64[15]), .C(rxclk_2x), .CE(~ddr_read_en), .CLR(reset), .D(rxd[8])); defparam rxd64_15.INIT = 1'b0; +FDCE rxd64_16 (.Q(rxd64[16]), .C(rxclk_2x), .CE(~ddr_read_en), .CLR(reset), .D(rxd[23])); defparam rxd64_16.INIT = 1'b0; +FDCE rxd64_17 (.Q(rxd64[17]), .C(rxclk_2x), .CE(~ddr_read_en), .CLR(reset), .D(rxd[22])); defparam rxd64_17.INIT = 1'b0; +FDCE rxd64_18 (.Q(rxd64[18]), .C(rxclk_2x), .CE(~ddr_read_en), .CLR(reset), .D(rxd[21])); defparam rxd64_18.INIT = 1'b0; +FDCE rxd64_19 (.Q(rxd64[19]), .C(rxclk_2x), .CE(~ddr_read_en), .CLR(reset), .D(rxd[20])); defparam rxd64_19.INIT = 1'b0; +FDCE rxd64_20 (.Q(rxd64[20]), .C(rxclk_2x), .CE(~ddr_read_en), .CLR(reset), .D(rxd[19])); defparam rxd64_20.INIT = 1'b0; +FDCE rxd64_21 (.Q(rxd64[21]), .C(rxclk_2x), .CE(~ddr_read_en), .CLR(reset), .D(rxd[18])); defparam rxd64_21.INIT = 1'b0; +FDCE rxd64_22 (.Q(rxd64[22]), .C(rxclk_2x), .CE(~ddr_read_en), .CLR(reset), .D(rxd[17])); defparam rxd64_22.INIT = 1'b0; +FDCE rxd64_23 (.Q(rxd64[23]), .C(rxclk_2x), .CE(~ddr_read_en), .CLR(reset), .D(rxd[16])); defparam rxd64_23.INIT = 1'b0; +FDCE rxd64_24 (.Q(rxd64[24]), .C(rxclk_2x), .CE(~ddr_read_en), .CLR(reset), .D(rxd[31])); defparam rxd64_24.INIT = 1'b0; +FDCE rxd64_25 (.Q(rxd64[25]), .C(rxclk_2x), .CE(~ddr_read_en), .CLR(reset), .D(rxd[30])); defparam rxd64_25.INIT = 1'b0; +FDCE rxd64_26 (.Q(rxd64[26]), .C(rxclk_2x), .CE(~ddr_read_en), .CLR(reset), .D(rxd[29])); defparam rxd64_26.INIT = 1'b0; +FDCE rxd64_27 (.Q(rxd64[27]), .C(rxclk_2x), .CE(~ddr_read_en), .CLR(reset), .D(rxd[28])); defparam rxd64_27.INIT = 1'b0; +FDCE rxd64_28 (.Q(rxd64[28]), .C(rxclk_2x), .CE(~ddr_read_en), .CLR(reset), .D(rxd[27])); defparam rxd64_28.INIT = 1'b0; +FDCE rxd64_29 (.Q(rxd64[29]), .C(rxclk_2x), .CE(~ddr_read_en), .CLR(reset), .D(rxd[26])); defparam rxd64_29.INIT = 1'b0; +FDCE rxd64_30 (.Q(rxd64[30]), .C(rxclk_2x), .CE(~ddr_read_en), .CLR(reset), .D(rxd[25])); defparam rxd64_30.INIT = 1'b0; +FDCE rxd64_31 (.Q(rxd64[31]), .C(rxclk_2x), .CE(~ddr_read_en), .CLR(reset), .D(rxd[24])); defparam rxd64_31.INIT = 1'b0; +FDCE rxd64_32 (.Q(rxd64[32]), .C(rxclk_2x), .CE(ddr_read_en), .CLR(reset), .D(rxd[7])); defparam rxd64_32.INIT = 1'b0; +FDCE rxd64_33 (.Q(rxd64[33]), .C(rxclk_2x), .CE(ddr_read_en), .CLR(reset), .D(rxd[6])); defparam rxd64_33.INIT = 1'b0; +FDCE rxd64_34 (.Q(rxd64[34]), .C(rxclk_2x), .CE(ddr_read_en), .CLR(reset), .D(rxd[5])); defparam rxd64_34.INIT = 1'b0; +FDCE rxd64_35 (.Q(rxd64[35]), .C(rxclk_2x), .CE(ddr_read_en), .CLR(reset), .D(rxd[4])); defparam rxd64_35.INIT = 1'b0; +FDCE rxd64_36 (.Q(rxd64[36]), .C(rxclk_2x), .CE(ddr_read_en), .CLR(reset), .D(rxd[3])); defparam rxd64_36.INIT = 1'b0; +FDCE rxd64_37 (.Q(rxd64[37]), .C(rxclk_2x), .CE(ddr_read_en), .CLR(reset), .D(rxd[2])); defparam rxd64_37.INIT = 1'b0; +FDCE rxd64_38 (.Q(rxd64[38]), .C(rxclk_2x), .CE(ddr_read_en), .CLR(reset), .D(rxd[1])); defparam rxd64_38.INIT = 1'b0; +FDCE rxd64_39 (.Q(rxd64[39]), .C(rxclk_2x), .CE(ddr_read_en), .CLR(reset), .D(rxd[0])); defparam rxd64_39.INIT = 1'b0; +FDCE rxd64_40 (.Q(rxd64[40]), .C(rxclk_2x), .CE(ddr_read_en), .CLR(reset), .D(rxd[15])); defparam rxd64_40.INIT = 1'b0; +FDCE rxd64_41 (.Q(rxd64[41]), .C(rxclk_2x), .CE(ddr_read_en), .CLR(reset), .D(rxd[14])); defparam rxd64_41.INIT = 1'b0; +FDCE rxd64_42 (.Q(rxd64[42]), .C(rxclk_2x), .CE(ddr_read_en), .CLR(reset), .D(rxd[13])); defparam rxd64_42.INIT = 1'b0; +FDCE rxd64_43 (.Q(rxd64[43]), .C(rxclk_2x), .CE(ddr_read_en), .CLR(reset), .D(rxd[12])); defparam rxd64_43.INIT = 1'b0; +FDCE rxd64_44 (.Q(rxd64[44]), .C(rxclk_2x), .CE(ddr_read_en), .CLR(reset), .D(rxd[11])); defparam rxd64_44.INIT = 1'b0; +FDCE rxd64_45 (.Q(rxd64[45]), .C(rxclk_2x), .CE(ddr_read_en), .CLR(reset), .D(rxd[10])); defparam rxd64_45.INIT = 1'b0; +FDCE rxd64_46 (.Q(rxd64[46]), .C(rxclk_2x), .CE(ddr_read_en), .CLR(reset), .D(rxd[9])); defparam rxd64_46.INIT = 1'b0; +FDCE rxd64_47 (.Q(rxd64[47]), .C(rxclk_2x), .CE(ddr_read_en), .CLR(reset), .D(rxd[8])); defparam rxd64_47.INIT = 1'b0; +FDCE rxd64_48 (.Q(rxd64[48]), .C(rxclk_2x), .CE(ddr_read_en), .CLR(reset), .D(rxd[23])); defparam rxd64_48.INIT = 1'b0; +FDCE rxd64_49 (.Q(rxd64[49]), .C(rxclk_2x), .CE(ddr_read_en), .CLR(reset), .D(rxd[22])); defparam rxd64_49.INIT = 1'b0; +FDCE rxd64_50 (.Q(rxd64[50]), .C(rxclk_2x), .CE(ddr_read_en), .CLR(reset), .D(rxd[21])); defparam rxd64_50.INIT = 1'b0; +FDCE rxd64_51 (.Q(rxd64[51]), .C(rxclk_2x), .CE(ddr_read_en), .CLR(reset), .D(rxd[20])); defparam rxd64_51.INIT = 1'b0; +FDCE rxd64_52 (.Q(rxd64[52]), .C(rxclk_2x), .CE(ddr_read_en), .CLR(reset), .D(rxd[19])); defparam rxd64_52.INIT = 1'b0; +FDCE rxd64_53 (.Q(rxd64[53]), .C(rxclk_2x), .CE(ddr_read_en), .CLR(reset), .D(rxd[18])); defparam rxd64_53.INIT = 1'b0; +FDCE rxd64_54 (.Q(rxd64[54]), .C(rxclk_2x), .CE(ddr_read_en), .CLR(reset), .D(rxd[17])); defparam rxd64_54.INIT = 1'b0; +FDCE rxd64_55 (.Q(rxd64[55]), .C(rxclk_2x), .CE(ddr_read_en), .CLR(reset), .D(rxd[16])); defparam rxd64_55.INIT = 1'b0; +FDCE rxd64_56 (.Q(rxd64[56]), .C(rxclk_2x), .CE(ddr_read_en), .CLR(reset), .D(rxd[31])); defparam rxd64_56.INIT = 1'b0; +FDCE rxd64_57 (.Q(rxd64[57]), .C(rxclk_2x), .CE(ddr_read_en), .CLR(reset), .D(rxd[30])); defparam rxd64_57.INIT = 1'b0; +FDCE rxd64_58 (.Q(rxd64[58]), .C(rxclk_2x), .CE(ddr_read_en), .CLR(reset), .D(rxd[29])); defparam rxd64_58.INIT = 1'b0; +FDCE rxd64_59 (.Q(rxd64[59]), .C(rxclk_2x), .CE(ddr_read_en), .CLR(reset), .D(rxd[28])); defparam rxd64_59.INIT = 1'b0; +FDCE rxd64_60 (.Q(rxd64[60]), .C(rxclk_2x), .CE(ddr_read_en), .CLR(reset), .D(rxd[27])); defparam rxd64_60.INIT = 1'b0; +FDCE rxd64_61 (.Q(rxd64[61]), .C(rxclk_2x), .CE(ddr_read_en), .CLR(reset), .D(rxd[26])); defparam rxd64_61.INIT = 1'b0; +FDCE rxd64_62 (.Q(rxd64[62]), .C(rxclk_2x), .CE(ddr_read_en), .CLR(reset), .D(rxd[25])); defparam rxd64_62.INIT = 1'b0; +FDCE rxd64_63 (.Q(rxd64[63]), .C(rxclk_2x), .CE(ddr_read_en), .CLR(reset), .D(rxd[24])); defparam rxd64_63.INIT = 1'b0; + +//rxc ddr io registers +FDCE rxc8_0 (.Q(rxc8[0]), .C(rxclk_2x), .CE(~ddr_read_en), .CLR(reset), .D(rxc[3])); defparam rxc8_0.INIT = 1'b0; +FDCE rxc8_1 (.Q(rxc8[1]), .C(rxclk_2x), .CE(~ddr_read_en), .CLR(reset), .D(rxc[2])); defparam rxc8_1.INIT = 1'b0; +FDCE rxc8_2 (.Q(rxc8[2]), .C(rxclk_2x), .CE(~ddr_read_en), .CLR(reset), .D(rxc[1])); defparam rxc8_2.INIT = 1'b0; +FDCE rxc8_3 (.Q(rxc8[3]), .C(rxclk_2x), .CE(~ddr_read_en), .CLR(reset), .D(rxc[0])); defparam rxc8_3.INIT = 1'b0; +FDCE rxc8_4 (.Q(rxc8[4]), .C(rxclk_2x), .CE(ddr_read_en), .CLR(reset), .D(rxc[3])); defparam rxc8_4.INIT = 1'b0; +FDCE rxc8_5 (.Q(rxc8[5]), .C(rxclk_2x), .CE(ddr_read_en), .CLR(reset), .D(rxc[2])); defparam rxc8_5.INIT = 1'b0; +FDCE rxc8_6 (.Q(rxc8[6]), .C(rxclk_2x), .CE(ddr_read_en), .CLR(reset), .D(rxc[1])); defparam rxc8_6.INIT = 1'b0; +FDCE rxc8_7 (.Q(rxc8[7]), .C(rxclk_2x), .CE(ddr_read_en), .CLR(reset), .D(rxc[0])); defparam rxc8_7.INIT = 1'b0; + + +endmodule Index: tags/V10/rxdatafifo.v =================================================================== --- tags/V10/rxdatafifo.v (nonexistent) +++ tags/V10/rxdatafifo.v (revision 40) @@ -0,0 +1,109 @@ +/******************************************************************************* +* This file is owned and controlled by Xilinx and must be used * +* solely for design, simulation, implementation and creation of * +* design files limited to Xilinx devices or technologies. Use * +* with non-Xilinx devices or technologies is expressly prohibited * +* and immediately terminates your license. * +* * +* XILINX IS PROVIDING THIS DESIGN, CODE, OR INFORMATION "AS IS" * +* SOLELY FOR USE IN DEVELOPING PROGRAMS AND SOLUTIONS FOR * +* XILINX DEVICES. BY PROVIDING THIS DESIGN, CODE, OR INFORMATION * +* AS ONE POSSIBLE IMPLEMENTATION OF THIS FEATURE, APPLICATION * +* OR STANDARD, XILINX IS MAKING NO REPRESENTATION THAT THIS * +* IMPLEMENTATION IS FREE FROM ANY CLAIMS OF INFRINGEMENT, * +* AND YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR OBTAINING ANY RIGHTS YOU MAY REQUIRE * +* FOR YOUR IMPLEMENTATION. XILINX EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ANY * +* WARRANTY WHATSOEVER WITH RESPECT TO THE ADEQUACY OF THE * +* IMPLEMENTATION, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY WARRANTIES OR * +* REPRESENTATIONS THAT THIS IMPLEMENTATION IS FREE FROM CLAIMS OF * +* INFRINGEMENT, IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS * +* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * +* * +* Xilinx products are not intended for use in life support * +* appliances, devices, or systems. Use in such applications are * +* expressly prohibited. * +* * +* (c) Copyright 1995-2005 Xilinx, Inc. * +* All rights reserved. * +*******************************************************************************/ +// The synopsys directives "translate_off/translate_on" specified below are +// supported by XST, FPGA Compiler II, Mentor Graphics and Synplicity synthesis +// tools. Ensure they are correct for your synthesis tool(s). + +// You must compile the wrapper file rxdatafifo.v when simulating +// the core, rxdatafifo. When compiling the wrapper file, be sure to +// reference the XilinxCoreLib Verilog simulation library. For detailed +// instructions, please refer to the "CORE Generator Help". + +`timescale 1ns/1ps + +module rxdatafifo( + clk, + sinit, + din, + wr_en, + rd_en, + dout, + full, + empty, + data_count); + + +input clk; +input sinit; +input [63 : 0] din; +input wr_en; +input rd_en; +output [63 : 0] dout; +output full; +output empty; +output [7 : 0] data_count; + +// synopsys translate_off + + SYNC_FIFO_V5_0 #( + 8, // c_dcount_width + 0, // c_enable_rlocs + 1, // c_has_dcount + 0, // c_has_rd_ack + 0, // c_has_rd_err + 0, // c_has_wr_ack + 0, // c_has_wr_err + 1, // c_memory_type + 0, // c_ports_differ + 1, // c_rd_ack_low + 1, // c_rd_err_low + 64, // c_read_data_width + 256, // c_read_depth + 64, // c_write_data_width + 256, // c_write_depth + 1, // c_wr_ack_low + 1) // c_wr_err_low + inst ( + .CLK(clk), + .SINIT(sinit), + .DIN(din), + .WR_EN(wr_en), + .RD_EN(rd_en), + .DOUT(dout), + .FULL(full), + .EMPTY(empty), + .DATA_COUNT(data_count), + .RD_ACK(), + .WR_ACK(), + .RD_ERR(), + .WR_ERR()); + + +// synopsys translate_on + +// FPGA Express black box declaration +// synopsys attribute fpga_dont_touch "true" +// synthesis attribute fpga_dont_touch of rxdatafifo is "true" + +// XST black box declaration +// box_type "black_box" +// synthesis attribute box_type of rxdatafifo is "black_box" + +endmodule + Index: tags/V10/rxtest.v =================================================================== --- tags/V10/rxtest.v (nonexistent) +++ tags/V10/rxtest.v (revision 40) @@ -0,0 +1,213 @@ +`timescale 1ns / 1ps + +//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// Company: +// Engineer: +// +// Create Date: 15:23:18 12/26/2005 +// Design Name: rxReceiveEngine +// Module Name: rxtest.v +// Project Name: ethmac10g +// Target Device: +// Tool versions: +// Description: +// +// Verilog Test Fixture created by ISE for module: rxReceiveEngine +// +// Dependencies: +// +// Revision: +// Revision 0.01 - File Created +// Additional Comments: +// +//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +module rxtest_v; + + // Inputs + reg rxclk_in; + reg reset_in; + reg [63:0] rxd64; + reg [7:0] rxc8; + reg [52:0] cfgRxRegData; + reg [1:0] link_fault; + + // Outputs + wire [12:0] rxStatRegPlus; + wire [63:0] rx_data; + wire [7:0] rx_data_valid; + wire rx_good_frame; + wire rx_bad_frame; + wire [2:0] rxCfgofRS; + wire [1:0] rxTxLinkFaul; + wire reset_out; + + // Instantiate the Unit Under Test (UUT) + rxReceiveEngine uut ( + .rxclk_in(rxclk_in), + .reset_in(reset_in), + .reset_out(reset_out), + .rxd64(rxd64), + .rxc8(rxc8), + .rxStatRegPlus(rxStatRegPlus), + .cfgRxRegData(cfgRxRegData), + .rx_data(rx_data), + .rx_data_valid(rx_data_valid), + .rx_good_frame(rx_good_frame), + .link_fault(link_fault), + .rx_bad_frame(rx_bad_frame), + .rxCfgofRS(rxCfgofRS), + .rxTxLinkFaul(rxTxLinkFaul) + ); + + initial begin + // Initialize Inputs + rxclk_in = 0; + rxd64 = 0; + rxc8 = 0; + cfgRxRegData = 0; + cfgRxRegData[35] = 1'b1;//recv_enable + cfgRxRegData[36] = 1'b1;//vlan enable + cfgRxRegData[34] = 1'b0;//inband fcs + cfgRxRegData[52:37] = 16'h00c0; + cfgRxRegData[31:0]=32'h9fe22972; + link_fault = 0; + + // Wait 100 ns for global reset to finish + #100; + + // Add stimulus here + + end + + wire [63:0]testvector1[15:0]; //normal frame + wire [7:0] testvector2[15:0]; + + wire [63:0]smallvector1[10:0]; //small frame + wire [7:0] smallvector2[10:0]; + + wire [63:0]taggedvector1[15:0]; + wire [7:0] taggedvector2[15:0]; + + + + assign testvector1[0] = 64'h0707070707070707; + assign testvector1[1] = 64'hfbaaaaaaaaaaaaab; + assign testvector1[2] = 64'h00c09fe229720015; + assign testvector1[3] = 64'h0024ac34004e9889; +// assign testvector1[3] = 64'h0024ac3400639889; //length error frame + assign testvector1[4] = 64'h1234567890123456; + assign testvector1[5] = 64'h7890123456789012; + assign testvector1[6] = 64'h3456789012345678; + assign testvector1[7] = 64'h9012345678901234; + assign testvector1[8] = 64'h5678901234567890; + assign testvector1[9] = 64'h1234567890123456; + assign testvector1[10] = 64'h7890123456789012; + assign testvector1[11] = 64'h3456789012345678; + assign testvector1[12] = 64'h9012345678901234; + assign testvector1[13] = 64'h5678901234555555; + assign testvector1[14] = 64'h55fd070707070707; + assign testvector1[15] = 64'h0707070707070707; + assign testvector2[0] = 8'hff; + assign testvector2[1] = 8'h80; + assign testvector2[2] = 8'h00; + assign testvector2[3] = 8'h00; + assign testvector2[4] = 8'h00; + assign testvector2[5] = 8'h00; + assign testvector2[6] = 8'h00; + assign testvector2[7] = 8'h00; + assign testvector2[8] = 8'h00; + assign testvector2[9] = 8'h00; + assign testvector2[10] = 8'h00; + assign testvector2[11] = 8'h00; + assign testvector2[12] = 8'h00; + assign testvector2[13] = 8'h00; + assign testvector2[14] = 8'h4f; + assign testvector2[15] = 8'hff; + + assign smallvector1[0] = 64'h0707070707070707; + assign smallvector1[1] = 64'hfbaaaaaaaaaaaaab; + assign smallvector1[2] = 64'h00c09fe229720015; + assign smallvector1[3] = 64'h0024ac3400039889; + assign smallvector1[4] = 64'h1234567890123456; + assign smallvector1[5] = 64'h7890123456789012; + assign smallvector1[6] = 64'h3456789012345678; + assign smallvector1[7] = 64'h9012345678901234; + assign smallvector1[8] = 64'h5678901234567890; + assign smallvector1[9] = 64'h1234567855555555; + assign smallvector1[10] = 64'hfd07070707070707; + + assign smallvector2[0] = 8'hff; + assign smallvector2[1] = 8'h80; + assign smallvector2[2] = 8'h00; + assign smallvector2[3] = 8'h00; + assign smallvector2[4] = 8'h00; + assign smallvector2[5] = 8'h00; + assign smallvector2[6] = 8'h00; + assign smallvector2[7] = 8'h00; + assign smallvector2[8] = 8'h00; + assign smallvector2[9] = 8'h00; + assign smallvector2[10] = 8'hff; + + assign taggedvector1[0] = 64'h0707070707070707; + assign taggedvector1[1] = 64'hfbaaaaaaaaaaaaab; + assign taggedvector1[2] = 64'h00c09fe229720015; + assign taggedvector1[3] = 64'h0024ac348100004f; // assign taggedvector1[3] = 64'h0024ac3400639889; //length error frame + assign taggedvector1[4] = 64'h004f123456789012; + assign taggedvector1[5] = 64'h3456789012345678; + assign taggedvector1[6] = 64'h9012345678901234; + assign taggedvector1[7] = 64'h5678901234567890; + assign taggedvector1[8] = 64'h1234567890123456; + assign taggedvector1[9] = 64'h7890123456789012; + assign taggedvector1[10] = 64'h7890123456789012; + assign taggedvector1[11] = 64'h3456789012345678; + assign taggedvector1[12] = 64'h9012345678901234; + assign taggedvector1[13] = 64'h5678901234567890; + assign taggedvector1[14] = 64'h1255555555fd0707; + assign taggedvector1[15] = 64'h0707070707070707; + assign taggedvector2[0] = 8'hff; + assign taggedvector2[1] = 8'h80; + assign taggedvector2[2] = 8'h00; + assign taggedvector2[3] = 8'h00; + assign taggedvector2[4] = 8'h00; + assign taggedvector2[5] = 8'h00; + assign taggedvector2[6] = 8'h00; + assign taggedvector2[7] = 8'h00; + assign taggedvector2[8] = 8'h00; + assign taggedvector2[9] = 8'h00; + assign taggedvector2[10] = 8'h00; + assign taggedvector2[11] = 8'h00; + assign taggedvector2[12] = 8'h00; + assign taggedvector2[13] = 8'h00; + assign taggedvector2[14] = 8'h07; + assign taggedvector2[15] = 8'hff; + + initial begin + reset_in = 1; + #100 + reset_in = 0; + end + + always rxclk_in =#5 ~rxclk_in; + + reg [3:0]i; + always@(posedge rxclk_in or posedge reset_out) begin + if (reset_out) begin + i <= 0; + rxd64 <=0; + rxc8 <=0; + end + else begin + i <= i+1; + rxd64 <=taggedvector1[i]; + rxc8 <=taggedvector2[i]; +// rxd64 <=testvector1[i]; +// rxc8 <=testvector2[i]; +// rxd64 <=smallvector1[i]; +// rxc8 <=smallvector2[i]; + end + end + + +endmodule + Index: tags/V10/rxRSLayer.v =================================================================== --- tags/V10/rxRSLayer.v (nonexistent) +++ tags/V10/rxRSLayer.v (revision 40) @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ +`timescale 1ns / 1ps +//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// Company: +// Engineer: +// +// Create Date: 15:11:04 12/22/05 +// Design Name: +// Module Name: rxRSLayer +// Project Name: +// Target Device: +// Tool versions: +// Description: +// +// Dependencies: +// +// Revision: +// Revision 0.01 - File Created +// Additional Comments: +// +//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +module rxRSLayer(rxclk_2x, reset, link_fault, rxd64, rxc8, rxd, rxc); + input rxclk_2x; + input reset; + input [31:0] rxd; + input [3:0] rxc; + output [1:0] link_fault; + output [63:0] rxd64; + output [7:0] rxc8; + + wire local_fault; + wire remote_fault; + wire[1:0] link_fault; + + rxRSIO datapath(.rxclk_2x(rxclk_2x), + .reset(reset), + .rxd(rxd), + .rxc(rxc), + .rxd64(rxd64), + .rxc8(rxc8), + .local_fault(local_fault), + .remote_fault(remote_fault) + ); + + rxLinkFaultState statemachine(.rxclk_2x(rxclk_2x), + .reset(reset), + .local_fault(local_fault), + .remote_fault(remote_fault), + .link_fault(link_fault) + ); + +endmodule Index: tags/V10/rxcntrlfifo.v =================================================================== --- tags/V10/rxcntrlfifo.v (nonexistent) +++ tags/V10/rxcntrlfifo.v (revision 40) @@ -0,0 +1,107 @@ +/******************************************************************************* +* This file is owned and controlled by Xilinx and must be used * +* solely for design, simulation, implementation and creation of * +* design files limited to Xilinx devices or technologies. Use * +* with non-Xilinx devices or technologies is expressly prohibited * +* and immediately terminates your license. * +* * +* XILINX IS PROVIDING THIS DESIGN, CODE, OR INFORMATION "AS IS" * +* SOLELY FOR USE IN DEVELOPING PROGRAMS AND SOLUTIONS FOR * +* XILINX DEVICES. BY PROVIDING THIS DESIGN, CODE, OR INFORMATION * +* AS ONE POSSIBLE IMPLEMENTATION OF THIS FEATURE, APPLICATION * +* OR STANDARD, XILINX IS MAKING NO REPRESENTATION THAT THIS * +* IMPLEMENTATION IS FREE FROM ANY CLAIMS OF INFRINGEMENT, * +* AND YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR OBTAINING ANY RIGHTS YOU MAY REQUIRE * +* FOR YOUR IMPLEMENTATION. XILINX EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ANY * +* WARRANTY WHATSOEVER WITH RESPECT TO THE ADEQUACY OF THE * +* IMPLEMENTATION, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY WARRANTIES OR * +* REPRESENTATIONS THAT THIS IMPLEMENTATION IS FREE FROM CLAIMS OF * +* INFRINGEMENT, IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS * +* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * +* * +* Xilinx products are not intended for use in life support * +* appliances, devices, or systems. Use in such applications are * +* expressly prohibited. * +* * +* (c) Copyright 1995-2005 Xilinx, Inc. * +* All rights reserved. * +*******************************************************************************/ +// The synopsys directives "translate_off/translate_on" specified below are +// supported by XST, FPGA Compiler II, Mentor Graphics and Synplicity synthesis +// tools. Ensure they are correct for your synthesis tool(s). + +// You must compile the wrapper file rxcntrlfifo.v when simulating +// the core, rxcntrlfifo. When compiling the wrapper file, be sure to +// reference the XilinxCoreLib Verilog simulation library. For detailed +// instructions, please refer to the "CORE Generator Help". + +`timescale 1ns/1ps + +module rxcntrlfifo( + clk, + sinit, + din, + wr_en, + rd_en, + dout, + full, + empty); + + +input clk; +input sinit; +input [7 : 0] din; +input wr_en; +input rd_en; +output [7 : 0] dout; +output full; +output empty; + +// synopsys translate_off + + SYNC_FIFO_V5_0 #( + 1, // c_dcount_width + 0, // c_enable_rlocs + 0, // c_has_dcount + 0, // c_has_rd_ack + 0, // c_has_rd_err + 0, // c_has_wr_ack + 0, // c_has_wr_err + 1, // c_memory_type + 0, // c_ports_differ + 1, // c_rd_ack_low + 1, // c_rd_err_low + 8, // c_read_data_width + 2048, // c_read_depth + 8, // c_write_data_width + 2048, // c_write_depth + 1, // c_wr_ack_low + 1) // c_wr_err_low + inst ( + .CLK(clk), + .SINIT(sinit), + .DIN(din), + .WR_EN(wr_en), + .RD_EN(rd_en), + .DOUT(dout), + .FULL(full), + .EMPTY(empty), + .RD_ACK(), + .WR_ACK(), + .RD_ERR(), + .WR_ERR(), + .DATA_COUNT()); + + +// synopsys translate_on + +// FPGA Express black box declaration +// synopsys attribute fpga_dont_touch "true" +// synthesis attribute fpga_dont_touch of rxcntrlfifo is "true" + +// XST black box declaration +// box_type "black_box" +// synthesis attribute box_type of rxcntrlfifo is "black_box" + +endmodule + Index: tags/V10/M2_1E.v =================================================================== --- tags/V10/M2_1E.v (nonexistent) +++ tags/V10/M2_1E.v (revision 40) @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +`timescale 1ns / 1ps +//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// Company: +// Engineer: +// +// Create Date: 11:54:49 12/27/05 +// Design Name: +// Module Name: M2_1E +// Project Name: +// Target Device: +// Tool versions: +// Description: +// +// Dependencies: +// +// Revision: +// Revision 0.01 - File Created +// Additional Comments: +// +//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +module M2_1E(E, S0, D0, D1, O); + input E; + input S0; + input D0; + input D1; + output O; + + wire M0,M1; + assign M0 = D0 & ~S0 & E; + assign M1 = D1 & S0 & E; + assign O = M0 | M1; + + +endmodule Index: tags/V10/rxFrameDepart.v =================================================================== --- tags/V10/rxFrameDepart.v (nonexistent) +++ tags/V10/rxFrameDepart.v (revision 40) @@ -0,0 +1,303 @@ +`timescale 1ns / 1ps +//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// Company: +// Engineer: +// +// Create Date: 19:45:58 12/13/05 +// Design Name: +// Module Name: rxFrameDepart +// Project Name: +// Target Device: +// Tool versions: +// Description: +// +// Dependencies: +// +// Revision: +// Revision 0.01 - File Created +// Additional Comments: +// +//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +`define START 8'hfb +`define TERMINATE 8'hfd +`define SFD 8'b10101011 +`define SEQUENCE 8'h9c +`define ERROR 8'hfe +`define ALLONES 8'hff +`define ALLZEROS 8'h00 + +module rxFrameDepart(rxclk, reset, rxclk_180, rxd64, rxc8, start_da, start_lt, tagged_frame, + bits_more, small_bits_more, tagged_len, small_frame, end_data_cnt,inband_fcs, + end_small_cnt, da_addr, lt_data, crc_code, end_fcs, crc_valid, length_error, + get_sfd, get_efd, get_error_code,receiving, rxc_fifo, receiving_frame); + input rxclk; + input reset; + input rxclk_180; + input [63:0] rxd64; + input [7:0] rxc8; + + input start_da; + input start_lt; + input tagged_frame; + input [2:0] bits_more; + input [2:0] small_bits_more; + input small_frame; + input end_data_cnt; + input end_small_cnt; + input inband_fcs; + input receiving; + input receiving_frame; + + output[7:0] rxc_fifo; + output[47:0] da_addr; //destination address won't be changed until start_da was changed again + output[15:0] lt_data; //(Length/Type) field won't be changed until start_lt was changed again + output[15:0] tagged_len; + output[31:0] crc_code; + output end_fcs; + output[7:0] crc_valid; + output length_error; + + output get_sfd; + output get_efd; + output get_error_code; + + parameter TP = 1; + + ////////////////////////////////////////// + // Get Control Characters + ////////////////////////////////////////// + wire get_sfd; + wire[7:0] get_t_chk; + wire get_efd; + wire get_error_code; + wire[7:0] get_e_chk; + + //1. SFD + assign get_sfd = ~(rxd64[63:56] ^ `START) & ~(rxd64[7:0] ^ `SFD) & ~(rxc8 ^ 8'h80); + + //2. EFD + assign get_t_chk[0] = rxc8[0] & (rxd64[7:0] ~^ `TERMINATE ); + assign get_t_chk[1] = rxc8[1] & (rxd64[15:8] ~^ `TERMINATE ); + assign get_t_chk[2] = rxc8[2] & (rxd64[23:16] ~^ `TERMINATE ); + assign get_t_chk[3] = rxc8[3] & (rxd64[31:24] ~^ `TERMINATE ); + assign get_t_chk[4] = rxc8[4] & (rxd64[39:32] ~^ `TERMINATE ); + assign get_t_chk[5] = rxc8[5] & (rxd64[47:40] ~^ `TERMINATE ); + assign get_t_chk[6] = rxc8[6] & (rxd64[55:48] ~^ `TERMINATE ); + assign get_t_chk[7] = rxc8[7] & (rxd64[63:56] ~^ `TERMINATE ); + assign get_efd = | get_t_chk; + + //3. Error Character + assign get_e_chk[0] = rxc8[0] & (rxd64[7:0] ^`TERMINATE); + assign get_e_chk[1] = rxc8[1] & (rxd64[15:8] ^`TERMINATE); + assign get_e_chk[2] = rxc8[2] & (rxd64[23:16]^`TERMINATE); + assign get_e_chk[3] = rxc8[3] & (rxd64[31:24]^`TERMINATE); + assign get_e_chk[4] = rxc8[4] & (rxd64[39:32]^`TERMINATE); + assign get_e_chk[5] = rxc8[5] & (rxd64[47:40]^`TERMINATE); + assign get_e_chk[6] = rxc8[6] & (rxd64[55:48]^`TERMINATE); + assign get_e_chk[7] = rxc8[7] & (rxd64[63:56]^`TERMINATE); + assign get_error_code = | get_e_chk; + + ////////////////////////////////////// + // Get Destination Address + ////////////////////////////////////// + + reg[47:0] da_addr; + always@(posedge rxclk_180 or posedge reset)begin + if (reset) + da_addr <=#TP 0; + else if (start_da) + da_addr <=#TP rxd64[63:16]; + else + da_addr <=#TP da_addr; + end + + ////////////////////////////////////// + // Get Length/Type Field + ////////////////////////////////////// + + reg[15:0] lt_data; + always@(posedge rxclk_180 or posedge reset)begin + if (reset) + lt_data <=#TP 0; + else if (start_lt) + lt_data <=#TP rxd64[31:16]; + else if(~receiving_frame) + lt_data <=#TP 16'h0500; + else + lt_data <=#TP lt_data; + end + + /////////////////////////////////////// + // Get Tagged Frame Length + /////////////////////////////////////// + + reg tagged_frame_d1; + always@(posedge rxclk_180) begin + tagged_frame_d1<=#TP tagged_frame; + end + + reg[15:0] tagged_len; + always@(posedge rxclk_180 or posedge reset) begin + if (reset) + tagged_len <=#TP 0; + else if(~tagged_frame_d1 & tagged_frame) + tagged_len <=#TP rxd64[63:48]; + else if(~receiving_frame) + tagged_len <=#TP 16'h0500; + else + tagged_len <=#TP tagged_len; + end + + //////////////////////////////////////// + // Get FCS Field and Part of DATA + //////////////////////////////////////// + + wire [7:0]special; + + wire[31:0] crc_code; + wire end_fcs; + wire[7:0] crc_valid; + wire length_error; + wire[7:0] tmp_crc_data[31:0]; + wire[31:0] crc_code_tmp1; + wire[31:0] crc_code_tmp; + wire[4:0] shift_tmp; + wire next_cycle; + reg end_data_cnt_d1; + + always@(posedge rxclk or posedge reset) begin + if (reset) + end_data_cnt_d1<= #TP 0; + else + end_data_cnt_d1<= #TP end_data_cnt; + end + + reg[31:0] crc_code_tmp_d1; + always@(posedge rxclk or posedge reset) begin + if (reset) + crc_code_tmp_d1<= #TP 0; + else + crc_code_tmp_d1 <=#TP crc_code_tmp; + end + + assign shift_tmp = (8-bits_more)<<3; + assign special = `ALLONES >> bits_more; + assign crc_code_tmp1 = rxd64[63:32] >> shift_tmp; + assign next_cycle = bits_more[2]&(bits_more[1] | bits_more[0]); + assign crc_valid = end_data_cnt? ~special: `ALLONES; + assign end_fcs = end_data_cnt_d1; + //timing constraint should be added here to make length_error be valid earlier than end_fcs + assign length_error = (end_data_cnt &(((bits_more == 0) & ~get_t_chk[3]) | + ((bits_more == 1) & ~get_t_chk[2]) | + ((bits_more == 2) & ~get_t_chk[1]) | + ((bits_more == 3) & ~get_t_chk[0])))| + (end_data_cnt_d1 &(((bits_more == 4) & ~get_t_chk[7]) | + ((bits_more == 5) & ~get_t_chk[6]) | + ((bits_more == 6) & ~get_t_chk[5]) | + ((bits_more == 7) & ~get_t_chk[4]))); + + assign tmp_crc_data[31] = {rxd64[7],rxd64[15],rxd64[23],rxd64[31],rxd64[39],rxd64[47],rxd64[55],rxd64[63]}; + assign tmp_crc_data[30] = {rxd64[6],rxd64[14],rxd64[22],rxd64[30],rxd64[38],rxd64[46],rxd64[54],rxd64[62]}; + assign tmp_crc_data[29] = {rxd64[5],rxd64[13],rxd64[21],rxd64[29],rxd64[37],rxd64[45],rxd64[53],rxd64[61]}; + assign tmp_crc_data[28] = {rxd64[4],rxd64[12],rxd64[20],rxd64[28],rxd64[36],rxd64[44],rxd64[52],rxd64[60]}; + assign tmp_crc_data[27] = {rxd64[3],rxd64[11],rxd64[19],rxd64[27],rxd64[35],rxd64[43],rxd64[51],rxd64[59]}; + assign tmp_crc_data[26] = {rxd64[2],rxd64[10],rxd64[18],rxd64[26],rxd64[34],rxd64[42],rxd64[50],rxd64[58]}; + assign tmp_crc_data[25] = {rxd64[1],rxd64[9],rxd64[17],rxd64[25],rxd64[33],rxd64[41],rxd64[49],rxd64[57]}; + assign tmp_crc_data[24] = {rxd64[0],rxd64[8],rxd64[16],rxd64[24],rxd64[32],rxd64[40],rxd64[48],rxd64[56]}; + assign tmp_crc_data[23] = {1'b0,rxd64[7],rxd64[15],rxd64[23],rxd64[31],rxd64[39],rxd64[47],rxd64[55]}; + assign tmp_crc_data[22] = {1'b0,rxd64[6],rxd64[14],rxd64[22],rxd64[30],rxd64[38],rxd64[46],rxd64[54]}; + assign tmp_crc_data[21] = {1'b0,rxd64[5],rxd64[13],rxd64[21],rxd64[29],rxd64[37],rxd64[45],rxd64[53]}; + assign tmp_crc_data[20] = {1'b0,rxd64[4],rxd64[12],rxd64[20],rxd64[28],rxd64[36],rxd64[44],rxd64[52]}; + assign tmp_crc_data[19] = {1'b0,rxd64[3],rxd64[11],rxd64[19],rxd64[27],rxd64[35],rxd64[43],rxd64[51]}; + assign tmp_crc_data[18] = {1'b0,rxd64[2],rxd64[10],rxd64[18],rxd64[26],rxd64[34],rxd64[42],rxd64[50]}; + assign tmp_crc_data[17] = {1'b0,rxd64[1],rxd64[9],rxd64[17],rxd64[25],rxd64[33],rxd64[41],rxd64[49]}; + assign tmp_crc_data[16] = {1'b0,rxd64[0],rxd64[8],rxd64[16],rxd64[24],rxd64[32],rxd64[40],rxd64[48]}; + assign tmp_crc_data[15] = {1'b0,1'b0,rxd64[7],rxd64[15],rxd64[23],rxd64[31],rxd64[39],rxd64[47]}; + assign tmp_crc_data[14] = {1'b0,1'b0,rxd64[6],rxd64[14],rxd64[22],rxd64[30],rxd64[38],rxd64[46]}; + assign tmp_crc_data[13] = {1'b0,1'b0,rxd64[5],rxd64[13],rxd64[21],rxd64[29],rxd64[37],rxd64[45]}; + assign tmp_crc_data[12] = {1'b0,1'b0,rxd64[4],rxd64[12],rxd64[20],rxd64[28],rxd64[36],rxd64[44]}; + assign tmp_crc_data[11] = {1'b0,1'b0,rxd64[3],rxd64[11],rxd64[19],rxd64[27],rxd64[35],rxd64[43]}; + assign tmp_crc_data[10] = {1'b0,1'b0,rxd64[2],rxd64[10],rxd64[18],rxd64[26],rxd64[34],rxd64[42]}; + assign tmp_crc_data[9] = {1'b0,1'b0,rxd64[1],rxd64[9],rxd64[17],rxd64[25],rxd64[33],rxd64[41]}; + assign tmp_crc_data[8] = {1'b0,1'b0,rxd64[0],rxd64[8],rxd64[16],rxd64[24],rxd64[32],rxd64[40]}; + assign tmp_crc_data[7] = {1'b0,1'b0,1'b0,rxd64[7],rxd64[15],rxd64[23],rxd64[31],rxd64[39]}; + assign tmp_crc_data[6] = {1'b0,1'b0,1'b0,rxd64[6],rxd64[14],rxd64[22],rxd64[30],rxd64[38]}; + assign tmp_crc_data[5] = {1'b0,1'b0,1'b0,rxd64[5],rxd64[13],rxd64[21],rxd64[29],rxd64[37]}; + assign tmp_crc_data[4] = {1'b0,1'b0,1'b0,rxd64[4],rxd64[12],rxd64[20],rxd64[28],rxd64[36]}; + assign tmp_crc_data[3] = {1'b0,1'b0,1'b0,rxd64[3],rxd64[11],rxd64[19],rxd64[27],rxd64[35]}; + assign tmp_crc_data[2] = {1'b0,1'b0,1'b0,rxd64[2],rxd64[10],rxd64[18],rxd64[26],rxd64[34]}; + assign tmp_crc_data[1] = {1'b0,1'b0,1'b0,rxd64[1],rxd64[9],rxd64[17],rxd64[25],rxd64[33]}; + assign tmp_crc_data[0] = {1'b0,1'b0,1'b0,rxd64[0],rxd64[8],rxd64[16],rxd64[24],rxd64[32]}; + + M8_1E crc31(.E(end_data_cnt), .S(bits_more), .D(tmp_crc_data[31]), .O(crc_code_tmp[31])); + M8_1E crc30(.E(end_data_cnt), .S(bits_more), .D(tmp_crc_data[30]), .O(crc_code_tmp[30])); + M8_1E crc29(.E(end_data_cnt), .S(bits_more), .D(tmp_crc_data[29]), .O(crc_code_tmp[29])); + M8_1E crc28(.E(end_data_cnt), .S(bits_more), .D(tmp_crc_data[28]), .O(crc_code_tmp[28])); + M8_1E crc27(.E(end_data_cnt), .S(bits_more), .D(tmp_crc_data[27]), .O(crc_code_tmp[27])); + M8_1E crc26(.E(end_data_cnt), .S(bits_more), .D(tmp_crc_data[26]), .O(crc_code_tmp[26])); + M8_1E crc25(.E(end_data_cnt), .S(bits_more), .D(tmp_crc_data[25]), .O(crc_code_tmp[25])); + M8_1E crc24(.E(end_data_cnt), .S(bits_more), .D(tmp_crc_data[24]), .O(crc_code_tmp[24])); + M8_1E crc23(.E(end_data_cnt), .S(bits_more), .D(tmp_crc_data[23]), .O(crc_code_tmp[23])); + M8_1E crc22(.E(end_data_cnt), .S(bits_more), .D(tmp_crc_data[22]), .O(crc_code_tmp[22])); + M8_1E crc21(.E(end_data_cnt), .S(bits_more), .D(tmp_crc_data[21]), .O(crc_code_tmp[21])); + M8_1E crc20(.E(end_data_cnt), .S(bits_more), .D(tmp_crc_data[20]), .O(crc_code_tmp[20])); + M8_1E crc19(.E(end_data_cnt), .S(bits_more), .D(tmp_crc_data[19]), .O(crc_code_tmp[19])); + M8_1E crc18(.E(end_data_cnt), .S(bits_more), .D(tmp_crc_data[18]), .O(crc_code_tmp[18])); + M8_1E crc17(.E(end_data_cnt), .S(bits_more), .D(tmp_crc_data[17]), .O(crc_code_tmp[17])); + M8_1E crc16(.E(end_data_cnt), .S(bits_more), .D(tmp_crc_data[16]), .O(crc_code_tmp[16])); + M8_1E crc15(.E(end_data_cnt), .S(bits_more), .D(tmp_crc_data[15]), .O(crc_code_tmp[15])); + M8_1E crc14(.E(end_data_cnt), .S(bits_more), .D(tmp_crc_data[14]), .O(crc_code_tmp[14])); + M8_1E crc13(.E(end_data_cnt), .S(bits_more), .D(tmp_crc_data[13]), .O(crc_code_tmp[13])); + M8_1E crc12(.E(end_data_cnt), .S(bits_more), .D(tmp_crc_data[12]), .O(crc_code_tmp[12])); + M8_1E crc11(.E(end_data_cnt), .S(bits_more), .D(tmp_crc_data[11]), .O(crc_code_tmp[11])); + M8_1E crc10(.E(end_data_cnt), .S(bits_more), .D(tmp_crc_data[10]), .O(crc_code_tmp[10])); + M8_1E crc9(.E(end_data_cnt), .S(bits_more), .D(tmp_crc_data[9]), .O(crc_code_tmp[9])); + M8_1E crc8(.E(end_data_cnt), .S(bits_more), .D(tmp_crc_data[8]), .O(crc_code_tmp[8])); + M8_1E crc7(.E(end_data_cnt), .S(bits_more), .D(tmp_crc_data[7]), .O(crc_code_tmp[7])); + M8_1E crc6(.E(end_data_cnt), .S(bits_more), .D(tmp_crc_data[6]), .O(crc_code_tmp[6])); + M8_1E crc5(.E(end_data_cnt), .S(bits_more), .D(tmp_crc_data[5]), .O(crc_code_tmp[5])); + M8_1E crc4(.E(end_data_cnt), .S(bits_more), .D(tmp_crc_data[4]), .O(crc_code_tmp[4])); + M8_1E crc3(.E(end_data_cnt), .S(bits_more), .D(tmp_crc_data[3]), .O(crc_code_tmp[3])); + M8_1E crc2(.E(end_data_cnt), .S(bits_more), .D(tmp_crc_data[2]), .O(crc_code_tmp[2])); + M8_1E crc1(.E(end_data_cnt), .S(bits_more), .D(tmp_crc_data[1]), .O(crc_code_tmp[1])); + M8_1E crc0(.E(end_data_cnt), .S(bits_more), .D(tmp_crc_data[0]), .O(crc_code_tmp[0])); + + assign crc_code =next_cycle ? (crc_code_tmp_d1 | crc_code_tmp1): crc_code_tmp; + + ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + // Generate proper rxc to FIFO // + ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + + // FCS is provided by client, inband_fcs is valid + // receiving end_data_cnt end_fcs + // frame: |<------ Data ------>|<-- bits_more -->|<-- FCS -->|<-------- + // rxc : |<------------------- all_one -------------------->|<--------all_zero + // |<--- 8bits, with 1s & 0s --->| + + // FCS is provided by logic, inband_fcs is invalid + // receiving end_data_cnt end_fcs + // frame: |<------ Data ------>|<-- bits_more -->|<-- FCS -->| + // rxc : |<-------------- all_one ------------->|<----- all_zero + // |<-- 8bits, with 1s & 0s --->| + + // receiving end_small_cnt end_fcs + // frame: |<------ Data ------>|<-- small_bits_more -->|<-- PAD -->|<-- FCS -->| + // rxc : |<----------------- all_one ---------------->|<----- all_zero + // |<-------- 1s --------->|<----- 0s + wire [7:0]rxc_pad; + wire [7:0]rxc_end_data; + wire [7:0]rxc_fcs; + wire [7:0]rxc_final[2:0]; + wire [7:0]rxc_fifo; //rxc send to fifo + + assign rxc_pad = ~(`ALLONES >> small_bits_more); + assign rxc_end_data = ~special; + assign rxc_fcs =~(bits_more[2]?(`ALLONES >> {1'b0,bits_more[1:0]}) : (`ALLONES >> {1'b1,bits_more[1:0]})); + + assign rxc_final[0] = receiving? (((end_data_cnt & ~next_cycle) | (end_data_cnt_d1 & next_cycle))? rxc_fcs: `ALLONES): `ALLZEROS; + assign rxc_final[1] = receiving? (end_data_cnt? rxc_end_data: `ALLONES): `ALLZEROS; + assign rxc_final[2] = receiving? (end_small_cnt?rxc_pad: `ALLONES): `ALLZEROS; + assign rxc_fifo = inband_fcs? rxc_final[0]: (small_frame? rxc_final[2]: rxc_final[1]); + +endmodule \ No newline at end of file Index: tags/V10/rxLinkFaultState.v =================================================================== --- tags/V10/rxLinkFaultState.v (nonexistent) +++ tags/V10/rxLinkFaultState.v (revision 40) @@ -0,0 +1,122 @@ +`timescale 1ns / 1ps +//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// Company: +// Engineer: +// +// Create Date: 17:11:43 12/19/05 +// Design Name: +// Module Name: rxLinkFaultState +// Project Name: +// Target Device: +// Tool versions: +// Description: +// +// Dependencies: +// +// Revision: +// Revision 0.01 - File Created +// Additional Comments: +// +//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +module rxLinkFaultState(rxclk_2x, reset, local_fault, remote_fault, link_fault); + input rxclk_2x; + input reset; + input local_fault; + input remote_fault; + output[1:0] link_fault; + + parameter TP =1; + parameter IDLE = 0, LinkFaultDetect = 1, NewFaultType = 2, GetFault = 3; + + //------------------------------------------------ + // Link Fault Signalling Statemachine + //------------------------------------------------ + wire fault_type; + wire get_one_fault; + wire no_new_type; + + reg[2:0] linkstate; + reg[7:0] col_cnt; + reg[1:0] seq_cnt; + reg[1:0] seq_type; + reg[1:0] last_seq_type; + reg[1:0] link_fault; + reg reset_col_cnt; + + assign fault_type = {local_fault, remote_fault}; + assign get_one_fault = local_fault | remote_fault; + assign no_new_type = (seq_type == last_seq_type); + assign col_cnt_128 = (col_cnt == 127); + + always@(posedge rxclk_2x or posedge reset)begin + if (reset) begin + seq_type <=#TP 0; + seq_cnt <=#TP 0; + last_seq_type <=#TP 0; + reset_col_cnt<= #TP 1; + link_fault <=#TP 2'b00; + linkstate<= #TP IDLE; + end + else begin + seq_type <= #TP fault_type; + last_seq_type <=#TP seq_type; + case (linkstate) + IDLE: begin + linkstate <=#TP IDLE; + reset_col_cnt <= #TP 1; + seq_cnt <= #TP 0; + link_fault <= #TP 2'b00; + if (get_one_fault) + linkstate<=#TP LinkFaultDetect; + end + + LinkFaultDetect: begin + linkstate <=#TP LinkFaultDetect; + reset_col_cnt <=#TP 1; + if (get_one_fault & no_new_type) + if (seq_cnt < 3) + seq_cnt <=#TP seq_cnt + 1; + else linkstate <=#TP GetFault; + else if(~get_one_fault) + if(col_cnt_128) begin + linkstate <=#TP IDLE; + reset_col_cnt <=#TP 1; + end + else reset_col_cnt <=#TP 0; + else if(get_one_fault & ~no_new_type) + linkstate <=#TP NewFaultType; + end + + NewFaultType: begin + seq_cnt <=#TP 0; + linkstate <=#TP LinkFaultDetect; + reset_col_cnt<=#TP 1; + end + + GetFault: begin + linkstate <=#TP GetFault; + reset_col_cnt <=#TP 1; + if (get_one_fault & no_new_type) + link_fault <=#TP seq_type; + else if (~get_one_fault) begin + reset_col_cnt<=#TP 0; + if(col_cnt_128) + linkstate <=#TP IDLE; + end + else if (get_one_fault & ~no_new_type) + linkstate <=#TP NewFaultType; + end + endcase + end + end + + always@(posedge rxclk_2x or posedge reset) begin + if (reset) + col_cnt <=#TP 0; + else if (reset_col_cnt) + col_cnt <=#TP 0; + else + col_cnt <=#TP col_cnt + 1; + end + +endmodule Index: tags/V10/10G Ethernet MAC System Design.doc =================================================================== Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream Index: tags/V10/10G Ethernet MAC System Design.doc =================================================================== --- tags/V10/10G Ethernet MAC System Design.doc (nonexistent) +++ tags/V10/10G Ethernet MAC System Design.doc (revision 40)
tags/V10/10G Ethernet MAC System Design.doc Property changes : Added: svn:mime-type ## -0,0 +1 ## +application/octet-stream \ No newline at end of property Index: tags/V10/10gmac.ise_ISE_Backup =================================================================== Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream Index: tags/V10/10gmac.ise_ISE_Backup =================================================================== --- tags/V10/10gmac.ise_ISE_Backup (nonexistent) +++ tags/V10/10gmac.ise_ISE_Backup (revision 40)
tags/V10/10gmac.ise_ISE_Backup Property changes : Added: svn:mime-type ## -0,0 +1 ## +application/octet-stream \ No newline at end of property Index: tags/V10/M8_1E.v =================================================================== --- tags/V10/M8_1E.v (nonexistent) +++ tags/V10/M8_1E.v (revision 40) @@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ +`timescale 1ns / 1ps +//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// Company: +// Engineer: +// +// Create Date: 11:53:07 12/27/05 +// Design Name: +// Module Name: M8_1E +// Project Name: +// Target Device: +// Tool versions: +// Description: +// +// Dependencies: +// +// Revision: +// Revision 0.01 - File Created +// Additional Comments: +// +//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +module M8_1E(E, S, D, O); + input E; + input [2:0] S; + input [7:0] D; + output O; + + wire M01, M23, M45, M67; + + M2_1E m01(.E(E), .S0(S[0]), .D0(D[0]), .D1(D[1]), .O(M01)); + M2_1E m23(.E(E), .S0(S[0]), .D0(D[2]), .D1(D[3]), .O(M23)); + M2_1E m45(.E(E), .S0(S[0]), .D0(D[4]), .D1(D[5]), .O(M45)); + M2_1E m67(.E(E), .S0(S[0]), .D0(D[6]), .D1(D[7]), .O(M67)); + + MUXF5_L m03(.LO(M03), .I0(M01), .I1(M23), .S(S[1])); + MUXF5_L m47(.LO(M47), .I0(M45), .I1(M67), .S(S[1])); + MUXF6 m07(.O(O), .I0(M03), .I1(M47), .S(S[2])); + + +endmodule Index: tags/V10/rxNumCounter.v =================================================================== --- tags/V10/rxNumCounter.v (nonexistent) +++ tags/V10/rxNumCounter.v (revision 40) @@ -0,0 +1,67 @@ +`timescale 1ns / 1ps +//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// Company: +// Engineer: +// +// Create Date: 17:21:58 11/24/05 +// Design Name: +// Module Name: rxNumCounter +// Project Name: +// Target Device: +// Tool versions: +// Description: This module only deals with cycles with 64bits +// +// Dependencies: +// +// Revision: +// Revision 0.01 - File Created +// Additional Comments: +// +//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +module rxNumCounter(rxclk, reset, start_data_cnt, start_tagged_cnt, small_frame, + integer_cnt, small_integer_cnt, end_data_cnt, tagged_frame, + end_small_cnt, end_tagged_cnt); + + input rxclk; //receive clk + input reset; //globe reset + + input start_data_cnt; //start to count data field + input start_tagged_cnt; //start to count tagged frame + + input small_frame; + input tagged_frame; + + input[12:0] integer_cnt; //number of 64bits DATA field contains + input[12:0] small_integer_cnt;//number of 64bits real DATA field contains(without pad part) + + output end_data_cnt; //end of data field(only 64bits aligned data) + output end_small_cnt; //end of true data field of small frame(only 64bits aligned data) + output end_tagged_cnt; //end of true data field of tagged frame(only 64bits aligned data) + + wire end_cnt; + wire[12:0] data_cnt; + wire[12:0] tagged_data_cnt; + wire end_normal_data_cnt; + + // Data counter + // used in rxReceiveData field, + // this counter is used for frames whose length is larger than 64 + // Of course it also count actual bytes of frames whose length is shorter than 64. + counter data_counter(.clk(rxclk), .reset(reset), .load(end_cnt), .en(start_data_cnt), .value(data_cnt)); + defparam data_counter.WIDTH = 13; + + counter tagged_counter(.clk(rxclk), .reset(reset), .load(end_tagged_cnt), .en(start_tagged_cnt), .value(tagged_data_cnt)); + defparam tagged_counter.WIDTH = 13; + + assign end_cnt = end_data_cnt | start_tagged_cnt | ~start_data_cnt; + + assign end_normal_data_cnt = (data_cnt == integer_cnt); + + assign end_small_cnt = small_frame & (data_cnt == small_integer_cnt); + + assign end_tagged_cnt = tagged_frame & (tagged_data_cnt == integer_cnt); + + assign end_data_cnt = end_tagged_cnt | end_normal_data_cnt; + +endmodule Index: tags/V10/rxLenTypChecker.v =================================================================== --- tags/V10/rxLenTypChecker.v (nonexistent) +++ tags/V10/rxLenTypChecker.v (revision 40) @@ -0,0 +1,90 @@ +`timescale 1ns / 1ps +//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// Company: +// Engineer: +// +// Create Date: 21:23:10 11/21/05 +// Design Name: +// Module Name: rxLenTypChecker +// Project Name: +// Target Device: +// Tool versions: +// Description: +// +// Dependencies: +// +// Revision: +// Revision 0.01 - File Created +// Additional Comments: Length/Type: +// 1. <64: Length, we should remove PAD +// 2. >=64, <= 1518: Length, valid frame, we don't need remove PAD(0x2E, 0x5DC) +// 3. >=1518: <9k+18: Length, jumbo frame, if supported (0x5DC, 0x2400) +// 4. >9k+18, = 0x8100: Type, Tagged frame +// 5. >9k+18, = 0x8808: Type, pause frame + +// |<------------------------------ Data Field ---------------------------->| +// |<------------- True Data Field --------------> <-----Padded bits------->| +// |____________________________|_________________| +// | | | +// | small_integer_cnt * 64 | small_bits_more | +// |____________________________|_________________|____ +// |___________________________________________________|_____________________ +// | | | +// | integer_cnt * 64 | bits_more | +// |___________________________________________________|____________________| + + +//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +module rxLenTypChecker(lt_data, tagged_len, jumbo_enable, tagged_frame, pause_frame, small_frame, + len_invalid, integer_cnt, small_integer_cnt, bits_more, inband_fcs, + small_bits_more, vlan_enable ); + + input[15:0] lt_data; //Length or Type field of a frame + input[15:0] tagged_len; //Actual length carried with tagged frame + input jumbo_enable; //Enable jumbo frame recieving + input inband_fcs; //In-band FCS + input vlan_enable; //VLAN mode enable bit + + output pause_frame; //Indicate that current frame is a pause frame (a kind of control frame) + output small_frame; + output len_invalid; //Indicate that current frame is not an valid frame + + output[12:0] integer_cnt; //number of 64bits DATA field contains + output[12:0] small_integer_cnt; //number of 64bits real DATA field contains(without pad part) + + output tagged_frame; //number of 64bits DATA field of tagged frame contains + + output[2:0] bits_more; //number that is less than 64bits(whole data field) + output[2:0] small_bits_more; //number that is less than 64bits(unpadded data field) + + wire[15:0] current_len; + wire[15:0] current_cnt; + wire small_frame; + wire tagged_frame; + + parameter TP =1 ; + + assign current_len = tagged_frame?(tagged_len+2):(lt_data-2); //Data field length + + assign current_cnt = current_len >> 3; //the number of 64bits data field has + + assign padded_frame = (current_len[15:6]==0) & (~current_len[5] | (current_len[5] & ~current_len[4])); + + assign small_frame = padded_frame & ~inband_fcs; //padded frame + + assign bits_more = padded_frame? 4 :current_len[2:0]; // bits that is not 64bits enough + + assign small_bits_more = current_len[2:0];// for situation smaller than 64 + + assign integer_cnt = padded_frame? 5 :current_cnt[12:0]; + + assign small_integer_cnt = current_cnt[12:0]; + + assign tagged_frame = (lt_data==16'h8100) & vlan_enable; + + assign pause_frame = (lt_data==16'h8808); + + assign len_invalid = ((~jumbo_enable & (lt_data > 1500)) & ~(tagged_frame|pause_frame)) | (~vlan_enable & tagged_frame); + //not a large frame(except LT is type interpretion) when jumbo is not enabled, not a tagged frame when vlan is not enbaled +endmodule Index: tags/V10/bench/ =================================================================== --- tags/V10/bench/ (nonexistent) +++ tags/V10/bench/ (revision 40) @@ -0,0 +1,119 @@ +onerror {resume} +quietly WaveActivateNextPane {} 0 +add wave -noupdate -format Literal /TransmitTop_tb/U_top_module/TX_DATA +add wave -noupdate -format Literal /TransmitTop_tb/U_top_module/TX_DATA_VALID +add wave -noupdate -format Logic /TransmitTop_tb/U_top_module/TX_CLK +add wave -noupdate -format Logic /TransmitTop_tb/U_top_module/RESET +add wave -noupdate -format Logic /TransmitTop_tb/U_top_module/TX_START +add wave -noupdate -format Logic /TransmitTop_tb/U_top_module/TX_UNDERRUN +add wave -noupdate -format Logic /TransmitTop_tb/U_top_module/TX_ACK +add wave -noupdate -format Literal -radix hexadecimal /TransmitTop_tb/U_top_module/TXD +add wave -noupdate -format Literal -radix hexadecimal /TransmitTop_tb/U_top_module/TXC +add wave -noupdate -format Literal /TransmitTop_tb/U_top_module/FC_TRANS_PAUSEDATA +add wave -noupdate -format Logic /TransmitTop_tb/U_top_module/FC_TRANS_PAUSEVAL +add wave -noupdate -format Literal /TransmitTop_tb/U_top_module/FC_TX_PAUSEDATA +add wave -noupdate -format Logic /TransmitTop_tb/U_top_module/FC_TX_PAUSEVALID +add wave -noupdate -format Logic /TransmitTop_tb/U_top_module/FRAME_START +add wave -noupdate -format Logic /TransmitTop_tb/U_top_module/reset_int +add wave -noupdate -format Literal /TransmitTop_tb/U_top_module/DELAY_ACK +add wave -noupdate -format Literal /TransmitTop_tb/U_top_module/TX_DATA_VALID_REG +add wave -noupdate -format Literal /TransmitTop_tb/U_top_module/TX_DATA_VALID_DEL1 +add wave -noupdate -format Literal /TransmitTop_tb/U_top_module/TX_DATA_VALID_DEL2 +add wave -noupdate -format Literal /TransmitTop_tb/U_top_module/TX_DATA_VALID_DEL3 +add wave -noupdate -format Literal /TransmitTop_tb/U_top_module/TX_DATA_VALID_DEL4 +add wave -noupdate -format Literal /TransmitTop_tb/U_top_module/TX_DATA_VALID_DEL5 +add wave -noupdate -format Literal /TransmitTop_tb/U_top_module/TX_DATA_VALID_DEL6 +add wave -noupdate -format Literal /TransmitTop_tb/U_top_module/TX_DATA_VALID_DEL7 +add wave -noupdate -format Literal /TransmitTop_tb/U_top_module/TX_DATA_VALID_DEL8 +add wave -noupdate -format Literal /TransmitTop_tb/U_top_module/TX_DATA_VALID_DEL9 +add wave -noupdate -format Literal /TransmitTop_tb/U_top_module/TX_DATA_VALID_DEL10 +add wave -noupdate -format Literal /TransmitTop_tb/U_top_module/TX_DATA_VALID_DEL11 +add wave -noupdate -format Literal /TransmitTop_tb/U_top_module/TX_DATA_VALID_DEL12 +add wave -noupdate -format Literal /TransmitTop_tb/U_top_module/TX_DATA_VALID_DEL13 +add wave -noupdate -format Literal /TransmitTop_tb/U_top_module/TX_DATA_VALID_DEL14 +add wave -noupdate -format Literal /TransmitTop_tb/U_top_module/TX_DATA_VALID_DEL15 +add wave -noupdate -format Literal /TransmitTop_tb/U_top_module/TX_DATA_DEL1 +add wave -noupdate -format Literal /TransmitTop_tb/U_top_module/TX_DATA_DEL2 +add wave -noupdate -format Literal /TransmitTop_tb/U_top_module/TX_DATA_DEL3 +add wave -noupdate -format Literal /TransmitTop_tb/U_top_module/TX_DATA_DEL4 +add wave -noupdate -format Literal /TransmitTop_tb/U_top_module/TX_DATA_DEL5 +add wave -noupdate -format Literal /TransmitTop_tb/U_top_module/TX_DATA_DEL6 +add wave -noupdate -format Literal /TransmitTop_tb/U_top_module/TX_DATA_DEL7 +add wave -noupdate -format Literal /TransmitTop_tb/U_top_module/TX_DATA_DEL8 +add wave -noupdate -format Literal /TransmitTop_tb/U_top_module/TX_DATA_DEL9 +add wave -noupdate -format Literal /TransmitTop_tb/U_top_module/TX_DATA_DEL10 +add wave -noupdate -format Literal /TransmitTop_tb/U_top_module/TX_DATA_DEL11 +add wave -noupdate -format Literal /TransmitTop_tb/U_top_module/TX_DATA_DEL12 +add wave -noupdate -format Literal /TransmitTop_tb/U_top_module/TX_DATA_DEL13 +add wave -noupdate -format Literal /TransmitTop_tb/U_top_module/TX_DATA_DEL14 +add wave -noupdate -format Literal /TransmitTop_tb/U_top_module/TX_DATA_DEL15 +add wave -noupdate -format Literal /TransmitTop_tb/U_top_module/OVERFLOW_VALID +add wave -noupdate -format Literal /TransmitTop_tb/U_top_module/OVERFLOW_DATA +add wave -noupdate -format Literal /TransmitTop_tb/U_top_module/TX_DATA_REG +add wave -noupdate -format Literal /TransmitTop_tb/U_top_module/TX_DATA_VALID_DELAY +add wave -noupdate -format Literal /TransmitTop_tb/U_top_module/CRC_32_64 +add wave -noupdate -format Literal /TransmitTop_tb/U_top_module/BYTE_COUNTER +add wave -noupdate -format Logic /TransmitTop_tb/U_top_module/frame_start_del +add wave -noupdate -format Logic /TransmitTop_tb/U_top_module/transmit_pause_frame_del +add wave -noupdate -format Logic /TransmitTop_tb/U_top_module/transmit_pause_frame +add wave -noupdate -format Logic /TransmitTop_tb/U_top_module/append_start_pause +add wave -noupdate -format Logic /TransmitTop_tb/U_top_module/append_start_pause_del +add wave -noupdate -format Logic /TransmitTop_tb/U_top_module/transmit_pause_frame_valid +add wave -noupdate -format Logic /TransmitTop_tb/U_top_module/reset_err_pause +add wave -noupdate -format Logic /TransmitTop_tb/U_top_module/load_CRC8 +add wave -noupdate -format Literal /TransmitTop_tb/U_top_module/tx_data_int +add wave -noupdate -format Logic /TransmitTop_tb/U_top_module/start_CRC8 +add wave -noupdate -format Logic /TransmitTop_tb/U_top_module/START_CRC8_DEL +add wave -noupdate -format Logic /TransmitTop_tb/U_top_module/append_end_frame +add wave -noupdate -format Logic /TransmitTop_tb/U_top_module/insert_error +add wave -noupdate -format Literal /TransmitTop_tb/U_top_module/store_tx_data_valid +add wave -noupdate -format Literal /TransmitTop_tb/U_top_module/store_tx_data +add wave -noupdate -format Literal /TransmitTop_tb/U_top_module/store_CRC64 +add wave -noupdate -format Literal /TransmitTop_tb/U_top_module/store_valid +add wave -noupdate -format Logic /TransmitTop_tb/U_top_module/load_final_CRC +add wave -noupdate -format Literal /TransmitTop_tb/U_top_module/final_byte_count +add wave -noupdate -format Literal /TransmitTop_tb/U_top_module/byte_count_reg +add wave -noupdate -format Literal /TransmitTop_tb/U_top_module/CRC_OUT +add wave -noupdate -format Literal /TransmitTop_tb/U_top_module/append_reg +add wave -noupdate -format Literal /TransmitTop_tb/U_top_module/length_register +add wave -noupdate -format Logic /TransmitTop_tb/U_top_module/tx_undderrun_int +add wave -noupdate -format Literal /TransmitTop_tb/U_top_module/MAX_FRAME_SIZE +add wave -noupdate -format Logic /TransmitTop_tb/U_top_module/vlan_enabled_int +add wave -noupdate -format Logic /TransmitTop_tb/U_top_module/jumbo_enabled_int +add wave -noupdate -format Logic /TransmitTop_tb/U_top_module/tx_enabled_int +add wave -noupdate -format Logic /TransmitTop_tb/U_top_module/fcs_enabled_int +add wave -noupdate -format Logic /TransmitTop_tb/U_top_module/reset_tx_int +add wave -noupdate -format Logic /TransmitTop_tb/U_top_module/read_ifg_int +add wave -noupdate -format Logic /TransmitTop_tb/U_top_module/apply_pause_delay +add wave -noupdate -format Literal /TransmitTop_tb/U_top_module/store_pause_frame +add wave -noupdate -format Literal /TransmitTop_tb/U_top_module/TXD_PAUSE_DEL0 +add wave -noupdate -format Literal /TransmitTop_tb/U_top_module/TXD_PAUSE_DEL1 +add wave -noupdate -format Literal /TransmitTop_tb/U_top_module/TXD_PAUSE_DEL2 +add wave -noupdate -format Literal /TransmitTop_tb/U_top_module/TXC_PAUSE_DEL0 +add wave -noupdate -format Literal /TransmitTop_tb/U_top_module/TXC_PAUSE_DEL1 +add wave -noupdate -format Literal /TransmitTop_tb/U_top_module/TXC_PAUSE_DEL2 +add wave -noupdate -format Logic /TransmitTop_tb/U_top_module/PAUSEVAL_DEL +add wave -noupdate -format Logic /TransmitTop_tb/U_top_module/PAUSEVAL_DEL1 +add wave -noupdate -format Logic /TransmitTop_tb/U_top_module/PAUSEVAL_DEL2 +add wave -noupdate -format Logic /TransmitTop_tb/U_top_module/RESET_ERR_PAUSE +add wave -noupdate -format Logic /TransmitTop_tb/U_top_module/set_pause_stats +add wave -noupdate -format Literal /TransmitTop_tb/U_top_module/store_transmit_pause_value +add wave -noupdate -format Literal /TransmitTop_tb/U_top_module/pause_frame_counter +add wave -noupdate -format Literal /TransmitTop_tb/U_top_module/shift_pause_data +add wave -noupdate -format Literal /TransmitTop_tb/U_top_module/shift_pause_valid +add wave -noupdate -format Literal /TransmitTop_tb/U_top_module/shift_pause_valid_del +TreeUpdate [SetDefaultTree] +WaveRestoreCursors {{Cursor 1} {480 ns} 0} +WaveRestoreZoom {225 ns} {617 ns} +configure wave -namecolwidth 403 +configure wave -valuecolwidth 182 +configure wave -justifyvalue left +configure wave -signalnamewidth 0 +configure wave -snapdistance 10 +configure wave -datasetprefix 0 +configure wave -rowmargin 4 +configure wave -childrowmargin 2 +configure wave -gridoffset 0 +configure wave -gridperiod 1 +configure wave -griddelta 40 +configure wave -timeline 0 Index: tags/V10/bench/TransmitTop_CRC_tb.v =================================================================== --- tags/V10/bench/TransmitTop_CRC_tb.v (nonexistent) +++ tags/V10/bench/TransmitTop_CRC_tb.v (revision 40) @@ -0,0 +1,157 @@ +`include "TransmitTop.v" +module TransmitTop_min_frame_tb(); + +//Input from user logic +reg [63:0] TX_DATA; +reg [63:0] TX_DATA_int; +reg [7:0] TX_DATA_VALID; // To accept the data valid to be available +reg Append_last_bit; +reg TX_CLK; +reg RESET; +reg TX_START; // This signify the first frame of data +reg TX_UNDERRUN; // this will cause an error to be injected into the data +reg [7:0] TX_IFG_DELAY; // this will cause a delay in the ack signal + +//input to transmit fault signals +reg RXTXLINKFAULT; +reg LOCALLINKFAULT; +reg [15:0] FC_TRANS_PAUSEDATA; //pause frame data +reg FC_TRANS_PAUSEVAL; //pulse signal to indicate a pause frame to be sent + +//apply pause timing +reg [15:0] FC_TX_PAUSEDATA; +reg FC_TX_PAUSEVALID; + +//apply configuration value +reg [31:0] TX_CFG_REG_VALUE; +reg TX_CFG_REG_VALID; + +//output to stat register +wire TX_STATS_VALID; +wire [9:0] TXSTATREGPLUS; // a pulse for each reg for stats +wire [63:0] TXD; +wire [7:0] TXC; +wire TX_ACK; +reg D_START; + +reg START_TX_BITS; + +// Initialize all variables +initial begin + + Append_last_bit = 0; + TX_CLK = 1; // initial value of clock + RESET <= 0; // initial value of reset + TX_START <= 0; // initial value of enable + TX_DATA_VALID <= 8'h00; + D_START = 0; + FC_TX_PAUSEVALID <= 0; + FC_TX_PAUSEDATA <= 0; + FC_TRANS_PAUSEDATA <= 0; + FC_TRANS_PAUSEVAL <= 0; + TX_UNDERRUN = 0; + #5 RESET= 1; // Assert the reset + #10 RESET= 0; // De-assert the reset + #15 TX_START = 1; + // TX_DATA = 64'h0000560000000000; + TX_DATA_VALID = 8'hFF; + D_START = 1; + #20 TX_START = 0; + //#1800 TX_DATA_VALID = 8'h07; + #60 TX_DATA_VALID = 8'h07; +// #1960 TX_DATA_VALID = 8'h07; + // TX_DATA = 64'h0000000000000011; + #10 TX_DATA_VALID = 8'h00; + D_START = 0; +//next frame + #20 TX_START <= 1; + TX_DATA_VALID <= 8'hFF; + D_START = 1; + #20 TX_START <= 0; + #400 TX_DATA_VALID <= 8'h00; + #10 TX_DATA_VALID <= 8'h00; + D_START = 0; + + #1000 $finish; // Terminate simulation +end + +always @(posedge D_START or posedge TX_CLK) +begin + if (D_START == 0) begin + TX_DATA = 64'h0000000000000000; + end + //else if (TX_DATA_VALID == 8'h07) begin + // TX_DATA = 64'h000000000077FFCC; + //end + else if (Append_last_bit == 1) begin +// TX_DATA = 64'h202020202077FFCC; + TX_DATA = 64'h000000000077FFCC; + end + else if (START_TX_BITS == 1) begin + TX_DATA = TX_DATA + 1; + end + else begin + TX_DATA = 64'h0000000000000001; + end +end + + + +always @(TX_DATA) +begin + if (TX_DATA == 2) begin + TX_DATA_int[31:0] <= TX_DATA[31:0]; + TX_DATA_int[47:32] <= 300; + TX_DATA_int[63:48] <= TX_DATA[63:48]; + end + else begin + TX_DATA_int <= TX_DATA; + end + +end + + +always @(TX_ACK | TX_START) +begin + if (TX_ACK) begin + START_TX_BITS = 1; + end + else if (TX_START) begin + START_TX_BITS = 0; + end +end + + +// Clock generator +always begin + #5 TX_CLK= ~TX_CLK; // Toggle clock every 5 ticks +end + +// Connect DUT to test bench +TRANSMIT_TOP U_top_module ( +TX_DATA_int, +TX_DATA_VALID, +TX_CLK, +RESET, +TX_START, +TX_ACK, +TX_UNDERRUN, +TX_IFG_DELAY, +RXTXLINKFAULT, +LOCALLINKFAULT, +TX_STATS_VALID, +TXSTATREGPLUS, +TXD, +TXC, +FC_TRANS_PAUSEDATA, +FC_TRANS_PAUSEVAL, +FC_TX_PAUSEDATA, +FC_TX_PAUSEVALID, +TX_CFG_REG_VALUE, +TX_CFG_REG_VALID +); + + + + +endmodule \ No newline at end of file Index: tags/V10/bench/ =================================================================== --- tags/V10/bench/ (nonexistent) +++ tags/V10/bench/ (revision 40) @@ -0,0 +1,122 @@ +onerror {resume} +quietly WaveActivateNextPane {} 0 +add wave -noupdate -format Literal -radix hexadecimal /TransmitTopPause_tb/U_top_module/TX_DATA +add wave -noupdate -format Literal /TransmitTopPause_tb/U_top_module/TX_DATA_VALID +add wave -noupdate -format Logic /TransmitTopPause_tb/U_top_module/TX_CLK +add wave -noupdate -format Logic /TransmitTopPause_tb/U_top_module/RESET +add wave -noupdate -format Logic /TransmitTopPause_tb/U_top_module/TX_START +add wave -noupdate -format Logic /TransmitTopPause_tb/U_top_module/TX_UNDERRUN +add wave -noupdate -format Logic /TransmitTopPause_tb/U_top_module/TX_ACK +add wave -noupdate -format Literal -radix hexadecimal /TransmitTopPause_tb/U_top_module/TXD +add wave -noupdate -format Literal -radix hexadecimal /TransmitTopPause_tb/U_top_module/TXC +add wave -noupdate -format Literal -radix unsigned /TransmitTopPause_tb/U_top_module/FC_TRANS_PAUSEDATA +add wave -noupdate -format Logic /TransmitTopPause_tb/U_top_module/FC_TRANS_PAUSEVAL +add wave -noupdate -format Literal /TransmitTopPause_tb/U_top_module/FC_TX_PAUSEDATA +add wave -noupdate -format Logic /TransmitTopPause_tb/U_top_module/FC_TX_PAUSEVALID +add wave -noupdate -format Logic /TransmitTopPause_tb/U_top_module/FRAME_START +add wave -noupdate -format Logic /TransmitTopPause_tb/U_top_module/reset_int +add wave -noupdate -format Literal /TransmitTopPause_tb/U_top_module/DELAY_ACK +add wave -noupdate -format Literal /TransmitTopPause_tb/U_top_module/TX_DATA_VALID_REG +add wave -noupdate -format Literal -radix hexadecimal /TransmitTopPause_tb/U_top_module/TX_DATA_REG +add wave -noupdate -format Literal -radix hexadecimal /TransmitTopPause_tb/U_top_module/TX_DATA_VALID_DEL1 +add wave -noupdate -format Literal -radix hexadecimal /TransmitTopPause_tb/U_top_module/TX_DATA_DEL1 +add wave -noupdate -format Literal -radix hexadecimal /TransmitTopPause_tb/U_top_module/TX_DATA_VALID_DEL2 +add wave -noupdate -format Literal -radix hexadecimal /TransmitTopPause_tb/U_top_module/TX_DATA_VALID_DEL3 +add wave -noupdate -format Literal -radix hexadecimal /TransmitTopPause_tb/U_top_module/TX_DATA_VALID_DEL4 +add wave -noupdate -format Literal -radix hexadecimal /TransmitTopPause_tb/U_top_module/TX_DATA_VALID_DEL5 +add wave -noupdate -format Literal -radix hexadecimal /TransmitTopPause_tb/U_top_module/TX_DATA_VALID_DEL6 +add wave -noupdate -format Literal -radix hexadecimal /TransmitTopPause_tb/U_top_module/TX_DATA_VALID_DEL7 +add wave -noupdate -format Literal -radix hexadecimal /TransmitTopPause_tb/U_top_module/TX_DATA_VALID_DEL8 +add wave -noupdate -format Literal -radix hexadecimal /TransmitTopPause_tb/U_top_module/TX_DATA_VALID_DEL9 +add wave -noupdate -format Literal -radix hexadecimal /TransmitTopPause_tb/U_top_module/TX_DATA_VALID_DEL10 +add wave -noupdate -format Literal -radix hexadecimal /TransmitTopPause_tb/U_top_module/TX_DATA_VALID_DEL11 +add wave -noupdate -format Literal -radix hexadecimal /TransmitTopPause_tb/U_top_module/TX_DATA_VALID_DEL12 +add wave -noupdate -format Literal -radix hexadecimal /TransmitTopPause_tb/U_top_module/TX_DATA_VALID_DEL13 +add wave -noupdate -format Literal -radix hexadecimal /TransmitTopPause_tb/U_top_module/TX_DATA_VALID_DEL14 +add wave -noupdate -format Literal -radix hexadecimal /TransmitTopPause_tb/U_top_module/TX_DATA_VALID_DEL15 +add wave -noupdate -format Literal /TransmitTopPause_tb/U_top_module/OVERFLOW_VALID +add wave -noupdate -format Literal /TransmitTopPause_tb/U_top_module/shift_pause_data +add wave -noupdate -format Logic /TransmitTopPause_tb/U_top_module/load_CRC8 +add wave -noupdate -format Logic /TransmitTopPause_tb/U_top_module/transmit_pause_frame +add wave -noupdate -format Logic /TransmitTopPause_tb/U_top_module/transmit_pause_frame_del +add wave -noupdate -format Literal -radix hexadecimal /TransmitTopPause_tb/U_top_module/shift_pause_valid +add wave -noupdate -format Literal -radix hexadecimal /TransmitTopPause_tb/U_top_module/TX_DATA_DEL2 +add wave -noupdate -format Literal -radix hexadecimal /TransmitTopPause_tb/U_top_module/TX_DATA_DEL3 +add wave -noupdate -format Literal -radix hexadecimal /TransmitTopPause_tb/U_top_module/TX_DATA_DEL4 +add wave -noupdate -format Literal -radix hexadecimal /TransmitTopPause_tb/U_top_module/TX_DATA_DEL5 +add wave -noupdate -format Literal -radix hexadecimal /TransmitTopPause_tb/U_top_module/TX_DATA_DEL6 +add wave -noupdate -format Literal -radix hexadecimal /TransmitTopPause_tb/U_top_module/TX_DATA_DEL7 +add wave -noupdate -format Literal -radix hexadecimal /TransmitTopPause_tb/U_top_module/TX_DATA_DEL8 +add wave -noupdate -format Literal -radix hexadecimal /TransmitTopPause_tb/U_top_module/TX_DATA_DEL9 +add wave -noupdate -format Literal -radix hexadecimal /TransmitTopPause_tb/U_top_module/TX_DATA_DEL10 +add wave -noupdate -format Literal -radix hexadecimal /TransmitTopPause_tb/U_top_module/TX_DATA_DEL11 +add wave -noupdate -format Literal -radix hexadecimal /TransmitTopPause_tb/U_top_module/TX_DATA_DEL12 +add wave -noupdate -format Literal -radix hexadecimal /TransmitTopPause_tb/U_top_module/TX_DATA_DEL13 +add wave -noupdate -format Literal -radix hexadecimal /TransmitTopPause_tb/U_top_module/TX_DATA_DEL14 +add wave -noupdate -format Literal -radix hexadecimal /TransmitTopPause_tb/U_top_module/TX_DATA_DEL15 +add wave -noupdate -format Literal -radix hexadecimal /TransmitTopPause_tb/U_top_module/OVERFLOW_DATA +add wave -noupdate -format Logic /TransmitTopPause_tb/U_top_module/transmit_pause_frame_valid +add wave -noupdate -format Literal -radix hexadecimal /TransmitTopPause_tb/U_top_module/store_tx_data_valid +add wave -noupdate -format Logic /TransmitTopPause_tb/U_top_module/load_final_CRC +add wave -noupdate -format Logic /TransmitTopPause_tb/U_top_module/append_end_frame +add wave -noupdate -format Literal -radix hexadecimal /TransmitTopPause_tb/U_top_module/TX_DATA_REG +add wave -noupdate -format Literal -radix hexadecimal /TransmitTopPause_tb/U_top_module/TX_DATA_VALID_DELAY +add wave -noupdate -format Literal -radix hexadecimal /TransmitTopPause_tb/U_top_module/CRC_32_64 +add wave -noupdate -format Literal /TransmitTopPause_tb/U_top_module/BYTE_COUNTER +add wave -noupdate -format Logic /TransmitTopPause_tb/U_top_module/frame_start_del +add wave -noupdate -format Logic /TransmitTopPause_tb/U_top_module/append_start_pause +add wave -noupdate -format Logic /TransmitTopPause_tb/U_top_module/append_start_pause_del +add wave -noupdate -format Logic /TransmitTopPause_tb/U_top_module/reset_err_pause +add wave -noupdate -format Literal /TransmitTopPause_tb/U_top_module/store_tx_data_valid +add wave -noupdate -format Logic /TransmitTopPause_tb/U_top_module/load_CRC8 +add wave -noupdate -format Literal /TransmitTopPause_tb/U_top_module/tx_data_int +add wave -noupdate -format Literal -radix hexadecimal /TransmitTopPause_tb/U_top_module/U_CRC8/CRC_OUT +add wave -noupdate -format Logic /TransmitTopPause_tb/U_top_module/start_CRC8 +add wave -noupdate -format Logic /TransmitTopPause_tb/U_top_module/START_CRC8_DEL +add wave -noupdate -format Logic /TransmitTopPause_tb/U_top_module/insert_error +add wave -noupdate -format Literal -radix hexadecimal /TransmitTopPause_tb/U_top_module/store_tx_data +add wave -noupdate -format Literal -radix hexadecimal /TransmitTopPause_tb/U_top_module/store_CRC64 +add wave -noupdate -format Literal /TransmitTopPause_tb/U_top_module/store_valid +add wave -noupdate -format Literal /TransmitTopPause_tb/U_top_module/final_byte_count +add wave -noupdate -format Literal /TransmitTopPause_tb/U_top_module/byte_count_reg +add wave -noupdate -format Literal -radix hexadecimal /TransmitTopPause_tb/U_top_module/CRC_OUT +add wave -noupdate -format Literal /TransmitTopPause_tb/U_top_module/append_reg +add wave -noupdate -format Literal /TransmitTopPause_tb/U_top_module/length_register +add wave -noupdate -format Logic /TransmitTopPause_tb/U_top_module/tx_undderrun_int +add wave -noupdate -format Literal /TransmitTopPause_tb/U_top_module/MAX_FRAME_SIZE +add wave -noupdate -format Logic /TransmitTopPause_tb/U_top_module/vlan_enabled_int +add wave -noupdate -format Logic /TransmitTopPause_tb/U_top_module/jumbo_enabled_int +add wave -noupdate -format Logic /TransmitTopPause_tb/U_top_module/tx_enabled_int +add wave -noupdate -format Logic /TransmitTopPause_tb/U_top_module/fcs_enabled_int +add wave -noupdate -format Logic /TransmitTopPause_tb/U_top_module/reset_tx_int +add wave -noupdate -format Logic /TransmitTopPause_tb/U_top_module/read_ifg_int +add wave -noupdate -format Logic /TransmitTopPause_tb/U_top_module/apply_pause_delay +add wave -noupdate -format Literal /TransmitTopPause_tb/U_top_module/store_pause_frame +add wave -noupdate -format Literal /TransmitTopPause_tb/U_top_module/TXD_PAUSE_DEL0 +add wave -noupdate -format Literal /TransmitTopPause_tb/U_top_module/TXD_PAUSE_DEL1 +add wave -noupdate -format Literal /TransmitTopPause_tb/U_top_module/TXD_PAUSE_DEL2 +add wave -noupdate -format Literal /TransmitTopPause_tb/U_top_module/TXC_PAUSE_DEL0 +add wave -noupdate -format Literal /TransmitTopPause_tb/U_top_module/TXC_PAUSE_DEL1 +add wave -noupdate -format Literal /TransmitTopPause_tb/U_top_module/TXC_PAUSE_DEL2 +add wave -noupdate -format Logic /TransmitTopPause_tb/U_top_module/PAUSEVAL_DEL +add wave -noupdate -format Logic /TransmitTopPause_tb/U_top_module/PAUSEVAL_DEL1 +add wave -noupdate -format Logic /TransmitTopPause_tb/U_top_module/PAUSEVAL_DEL2 +add wave -noupdate -format Logic /TransmitTopPause_tb/U_top_module/RESET_ERR_PAUSE +add wave -noupdate -format Logic /TransmitTopPause_tb/U_top_module/set_pause_stats +add wave -noupdate -format Literal /TransmitTopPause_tb/U_top_module/store_transmit_pause_value +add wave -noupdate -format Literal /TransmitTopPause_tb/U_top_module/pause_frame_counter +TreeUpdate [SetDefaultTree] +WaveRestoreCursors {{Cursor 1} {713 ns} 0} +WaveRestoreZoom {504 ns} {847 ns} +configure wave -namecolwidth 403 +configure wave -valuecolwidth 182 +configure wave -justifyvalue left +configure wave -signalnamewidth 0 +configure wave -snapdistance 10 +configure wave -datasetprefix 0 +configure wave -rowmargin 4 +configure wave -childrowmargin 2 +configure wave -gridoffset 0 +configure wave -gridperiod 1 +configure wave -griddelta 40 +configure wave -timeline 0 Index: tags/V10/bench/TransmitTop.mpf =================================================================== --- tags/V10/bench/TransmitTop.mpf (nonexistent) +++ tags/V10/bench/TransmitTop.mpf (revision 40) @@ -0,0 +1,376 @@ +; +; Copyright Model Technology, a Mentor Graphics Corporation company 2003, +; All rights reserved. +; +[Library] +std = $MODEL_TECH/../std +ieee = $MODEL_TECH/../ieee +verilog = $MODEL_TECH/../verilog +vital2000 = $MODEL_TECH/../vital2000 +std_developerskit = $MODEL_TECH/../std_developerskit +synopsys = $MODEL_TECH/../synopsys +modelsim_lib = $MODEL_TECH/../modelsim_lib + +UNISIMS_VER = C:\FPGAdv62PS\Modeltech\Xilinx_libs\unisims_ver +SIMPRIMS_VER = C:\FPGAdv62PS\Modeltech\Xilinx_libs\simprims_ver +XILINXCORELIB_VER = C:\FPGAdv62PS\Modeltech\Xilinx_libs\XilinxCoreLib_ver +UNISIM = C:\FPGAdv62PS\Modeltech\Xilinx_libs\unisim +SIMPRIM = C:\FPGAdv62PS\Modeltech\Xilinx_libs\simprim +XILINXCORELIB = C:\FPGAdv62PS\Modeltech\Xilinx_libs\XilinxCoreLib +work = work +[vcom] +; Turn on VHDL-1993 as the default. Default is off (VHDL-1987). +; VHDL93 = 1 + +; Show source line containing error. Default is off. +; Show_source = 1 + +; Turn off unbound-component warnings. Default is on. +; Show_Warning1 = 0 + +; Turn off process-without-a-wait-statement warnings. Default is on. +; Show_Warning2 = 0 + +; Turn off null-range warnings. Default is on. +; Show_Warning3 = 0 + +; Turn off no-space-in-time-literal warnings. Default is on. +; Show_Warning4 = 0 + +; Turn off multiple-drivers-on-unresolved-signal warnings. Default is on. +; Show_Warning5 = 0 + +; Turn off optimization for IEEE std_logic_1164 package. Default is on. +; Optimize_1164 = 0 + +; Turn on resolving of ambiguous function overloading in favor of the +; "explicit" function declaration (not the one automatically created by +; the compiler for each type declaration). Default is off. +; The .ini file has Explict enabled so that std_logic_signed/unsigned +; will match the behavior of synthesis tools. +Explicit = 1 + +; Turn off acceleration of the VITAL packages. Default is to accelerate. +; NoVital = 1 + +; Turn off VITAL compliance checking. Default is checking on. +; NoVitalCheck = 1 + +; Ignore VITAL compliance checking errors. Default is to not ignore. +; IgnoreVitalErrors = 1 + +; Turn off VITAL compliance checking warnings. Default is to show warnings. +; Show_VitalChecksWarnings = false + +; Keep silent about case statement static warnings. +; Default is to give a warning. +; NoCaseStaticError = 1 + +; Keep silent about warnings caused by aggregates that are not locally static. +; Default is to give a warning. +; NoOthersStaticError = 1 + +; Treat as errors: +; case statement static warnings +; warnings caused by aggregates that are not locally static +; Overrides NoCaseStaticError, NoOthersStaticError settings. +; PedanticErrors = 1 + +; Turn off inclusion of debugging info within design units. +; Default is to include debugging info. +; NoDebug = 1 + +; Turn off "Loading..." messages. Default is messages on. +; Quiet = 1 + +; Turn on some limited synthesis rule compliance checking. Checks only: +; -- signals used (read) by a process must be in the sensitivity list +; CheckSynthesis = 1 + +; Activate optimizations on expressions that do not involve signals, +; waits, or function/procedure/task invocations. Default is off. +; ScalarOpts = 1 + +; Require the user to specify a configuration for all bindings, +; and do not generate a compile time default binding for the +; component. This will result in an elaboration error of +; 'component not bound' if the user fails to do so. Avoids the rare +; issue of a false dependency upon the unused default binding. +; RequireConfigForAllDefaultBinding = 1 + +; Inhibit range checking on subscripts of arrays. Range checking on +; scalars defined with subtypes is inhibited by default. +; NoIndexCheck = 1 + +; Inhibit range checks on all (implicit and explicit) assignments to +; scalar objects defined with subtypes. +; NoRangeCheck = 1 + +[vlog] + +; Turn off inclusion of debugging info within design units. +; Default is to include debugging info. +; NoDebug = 1 + +; Turn on `protect compiler directive processing. +; Default is to ignore `protect directives. +; Protect = 1 + +; Turn off "Loading..." messages. Default is messages on. +; Quiet = 1 + +; Turn on Verilog hazard checking (order-dependent accessing of global vars). +; Default is off. +; Hazard = 1 + +; Turn on converting regular Verilog identifiers to uppercase. Allows case +; insensitivity for module names. Default is no conversion. +; UpCase = 1 + +; Turn on incremental compilation of modules. Default is off. +; Incremental = 1 + +; Activate optimizations on expressions that do not involve signals, +; waits, or function/procedure/task invocations. Default is off. +; ScalarOpts = 1 + +; Turns on lint-style checking. +; Show_Lint = 1 + +; Show source line containing error. Default is off. +; Show_source = 1 + +; Turn on bad option warning. Default is off. +; Show_BadOptionWarning = 1 + +[vsim] +; Simulator resolution +; Set to fs, ps, ns, us, ms, or sec with optional prefix of 1, 10, or 100. +resolution = 1ns + +; User time unit for run commands +; Set to default, fs, ps, ns, us, ms, or sec. The default is to use the +; unit specified for Resolution. For example, if Resolution is 100ps, +; then UserTimeUnit defaults to ps. +; Should generally be set to default. +UserTimeUnit = ns + +; Default run length +RunLength = 100 ns + +; Maximum iterations that can be run without advancing simulation time +IterationLimit = 5000 + +; Directives to license manager can be set either as single value or as +; space separated multi-values: +; vhdl Immediately reserve a VHDL license +; vlog Immediately reserve a Verilog license +; plus Immediately reserve a VHDL and Verilog license +; nomgc Do not look for Mentor Graphics Licenses +; nomti Do not look for Model Technology Licenses +; noqueue Do not wait in the license queue when a license is not available +; viewsim Try for viewer license but accept simulator license(s) instead +; of queuing for viewer license (PE ONLY) +; Single value: +; License = plus +; Multi-value: +; License = noqueue plus + +; Stop the simulator after an assertion message +; 0 = Note 1 = Warning 2 = Error 3 = Failure 4 = Fatal +BreakOnAssertion = 3 + +; Assertion Message Format +; %S - Severity Level +; %R - Report Message +; %T - Time of assertion +; %D - Delta +; %I - Instance or Region pathname (if available) +; %i - Instance pathname with process +; %O - Process name +; %K - Kind of object path is to return: Instance, Signal, Process or Unknown +; %P - Instance or Region path without leaf process +; %F - File +; %L - Line number of assertion or, if assertion is in a subprogram, line +; from which the call is made +; %% - Print '%' character +; If specific format for assertion level is defined, use its format. +; If specific format is not define for assertion level, use AssertionFormatBreak +; if assertion triggers a breakpoint (controlled by BreakOnAssertion level), +; otherwise use AssertionFormat. +; +; AssertionFormat = "** %S: %R\n Time: %T Iteration: %D%I\n" +; AssertionFormatBreak = "** %S: %R\n Time: %T Iteration: %D %K: %i File: %F\n" +; AssertionFormatNote = "** %S: %R\n Time: %T Iteration: %D%I\n" +; AssertionFormatWarning = "** %S: %R\n Time: %T Iteration: %D%I\n" +; AssertionFormatError = "** %S: %R\n Time: %T Iteration: %D %K: %i File: %F\n" +; AssertionFormatFail = "** %S: %R\n Time: %T Iteration: %D %K: %i File: %F\n" +; AssertionFormatFatal = "** %S: %R\n Time: %T Iteration: %D %K: %i File: %F\n" + +; Assertion File - alternate file for storing assertion messages +; AssertFile = assert.log + +; Default radix for all windows and commands. +; Set to symbolic, ascii, binary, octal, decimal, hex, unsigned +DefaultRadix = symbolic + +; VSIM Startup command +; Startup = do + +; File for saving command transcript +TranscriptFile = transcript + +; File for saving command history +; CommandHistory = cmdhist.log + +; Specify whether paths in simulator commands should be described +; in VHDL or Verilog format. +; For VHDL, PathSeparator = / +; For Verilog, PathSeparator = . +; Must not be the same character as DatasetSeparator. +PathSeparator = / + +; Specify the dataset separator for fully rooted contexts. +; The default is ':'. For example: sim:/top +; Must not be the same character as PathSeparator. +DatasetSeparator = : + +; Disable assertion messages +; IgnoreNote = 1 +; IgnoreWarning = 1 +; IgnoreError = 1 +; IgnoreFailure = 1 + +; Default force kind. May be freeze, drive, or deposit +; or in other terms, fixed, wired, or charged. +; DefaultForceKind = freeze + +; If zero, open files when elaborated; otherwise, open files on +; first read or write. Default is 0. +; DelayFileOpen = 1 + +; Control VHDL files opened for write +; 0 = Buffered, 1 = Unbuffered +UnbufferedOutput = 0 + +; Control number of VHDL files open concurrently +; This number should always be less than the +; current ulimit setting for max file descriptors. +; 0 = unlimited +ConcurrentFileLimit = 40 + +; Control the number of hierarchical regions displayed as +; part of a signal name shown in the waveform window. +; A value of zero tells VSIM to display the full name. +; The default is 0. +; WaveSignalNameWidth = 0 + +; Turn off warnings from the std_logic_arith, std_logic_unsigned +; and std_logic_signed packages. +; StdArithNoWarnings = 1 + +; Turn off warnings from the IEEE numeric_std and numeric_bit packages. +; NumericStdNoWarnings = 1 + +; Control the format of a generate statement label. Do not quote it. +; GenerateFormat = %s__%d + +; Specify whether checkpoint files should be compressed. +; The default is 1 (compressed). +; CheckpointCompressMode = 0 + +; List of dynamically loaded objects for Verilog PLI applications +; Veriuser = + +; Specify default options for the restart command. Options can be one +; or more of: -force -nobreakpoint -nolist -nolog -nowave +; DefaultRestartOptions = -force + +; HP-UX 10.20 ONLY - Enable memory locking to speed up large designs +; (> 500 megabyte memory footprint). Default is disabled. +; Specify number of megabytes to lock. +; LockedMemory = 1000 + +; Turn on (1) or off (0) WLF file compression. +; The default is 1 (compress WLF file). +; WLFCompress = 0 + +; Specify whether to save all design hierarchy (1) in the WLF file +; or only regions containing logged signals (0). +; The default is 0 (log only regions with logged signals). +; WLFSaveAllRegions = 1 + +; WLF file time limit. Limit WLF file by time, as closely as possible, +; to the specified amount of simulation time. When the limit is exceeded +; the earliest times get truncated from the file. +; If both time and size limits are specified the most restrictive is used. +; UserTimeUnits are used if time units are not specified. +; The default is 0 (no limit). Example: WLFTimeLimit = {100 ms} +; WLFTimeLimit = 0 + +; WLF file size limit. Limit WLF file size, as closely as possible, +; to the specified number of megabytes. If both time and size limits +; are specified then the most restrictive is used. +; The default is 0 (no limit). +; WLFSizeLimit = 1000 + +; Specify whether or not a WLF file should be deleted when the +; simulation ends. A value of 1 will cause the WLF file to be deleted. +; The default is 0 (do not delete WLF file when simulation ends). +; WLFDeleteOnQuit = 1 + +[lmc] +; ModelSim's interface to Logic Modeling's SmartModel SWIFT software +libsm = $MODEL_TECH/ +; ModelSim's interface to Logic Modeling's SmartModel SWIFT software (Windows NT) +; libsm = $MODEL_TECH/libsm.dll +; Logic Modeling's SmartModel SWIFT software (HP 9000 Series 700) +; libswift = $LMC_HOME/lib/hp700.lib/ +; Logic Modeling's SmartModel SWIFT software (IBM RISC System/6000) +; libswift = $LMC_HOME/lib/ibmrs.lib/swift.o +; Logic Modeling's SmartModel SWIFT software (Sun4 Solaris) +; libswift = $LMC_HOME/lib/sun4Solaris.lib/ +; Logic Modeling's SmartModel SWIFT software (Windows NT) +; libswift = $LMC_HOME/lib/pcnt.lib/libswift.dll +; Logic Modeling's SmartModel SWIFT software (Linux) +; libswift = $LMC_HOME/lib/x86_linux.lib/ + +; ModelSim's interface to Logic Modeling's hardware modeler SFI software +libhm = $MODEL_TECH/ +; ModelSim's interface to Logic Modeling's hardware modeler SFI software (Windows NT) +; libhm = $MODEL_TECH/libhm.dll +; Logic Modeling's hardware modeler SFI software (HP 9000 Series 700) +; libsfi = /lib/hp700/ +; Logic Modeling's hardware modeler SFI software (IBM RISC System/6000) +; libsfi = /lib/rs6000/libsfi.a +; Logic Modeling's hardware modeler SFI software (Sun4 Solaris) +; libsfi = /lib/sun4.solaris/ +; Logic Modeling's hardware modeler SFI software (Windows NT) +; libsfi = /lib/pcnt/lm_sfi.dll +; Logic Modeling's hardware modeler SFI software (Linux) +; libsfi = /lib/linux/ +[Project] +Project_Version = 5 +Project_DefaultLib = work +Project_SortMethod = unused +Project_Files_Count = 9 +Project_File_0 = CRC32_D8.v +Project_File_P_0 = vlog_protect 0 file_type Verilog group_id 0 vlog_1995compat 0 vlog_nodebug 0 folder {Top Level} vlog_noload 0 last_compile 1138046060 vlog_disableopt 0 vlog_hazard 0 vlog_showsource 0 ood 0 compile_to work vlog_upper 0 vlog_options {} compile_order 3 dont_compile 0 +Project_File_1 = C:/Documents and Settings/Administrator/Desktop/Transmit Code/TransmitTop/TransmitTop_pause_tb.v +Project_File_P_1 = vlog_protect 0 file_type Verilog group_id 0 vlog_1995compat 0 vlog_nodebug 0 folder {Top Level} vlog_noload 0 last_compile 1141519658 vlog_disableopt 0 vlog_hazard 0 vlog_showsource 0 ood 0 compile_to work vlog_upper 0 vlog_options {} compile_order 7 dont_compile 0 +Project_File_2 = C:/Documents and Settings/Administrator/Desktop/Transmit Code/TransmitTop/TransmitTop_min_frame_tb.v +Project_File_P_2 = vlog_protect 0 file_type Verilog group_id 0 vlog_1995compat 0 vlog_nodebug 0 folder {Top Level} vlog_noload 0 last_compile 1140359148 vlog_disableopt 0 vlog_hazard 0 vlog_showsource 0 ood 0 compile_to work vlog_upper 0 vlog_options {} compile_order 6 dont_compile 0 +Project_File_3 = TransmitTop.v +Project_File_P_3 = vlog_protect 0 file_type Verilog group_id 0 vlog_1995compat 1 vlog_nodebug 0 folder {Top Level} vlog_noload 0 last_compile 1143300944 vlog_disableopt 0 vlog_hazard 0 vlog_showsource 0 ood 0 vlog_options {} vlog_upper 0 compile_to work compile_order 4 dont_compile 0 +Project_File_4 = CRC32_D64.v +Project_File_P_4 = vlog_protect 0 file_type Verilog group_id 0 vlog_1995compat 0 vlog_nodebug 0 folder {Top Level} vlog_noload 0 last_compile 1141580292 vlog_disableopt 0 vlog_hazard 0 vlog_showsource 0 ood 0 compile_to work vlog_upper 0 vlog_options {} compile_order 2 dont_compile 0 +Project_File_5 = ack_counter.v +Project_File_P_5 = vlog_protect 0 file_type Verilog group_id 0 vlog_1995compat 0 vlog_nodebug 0 folder {Top Level} vlog_noload 0 last_compile 1137802524 vlog_disableopt 0 vlog_hazard 0 vlog_showsource 0 ood 0 compile_to work vlog_upper 0 vlog_options {} compile_order 0 dont_compile 0 +Project_File_6 = TransmitTop_tb.v +Project_File_P_6 = vlog_protect 0 file_type Verilog group_id 0 vlog_1995compat 0 vlog_nodebug 0 folder {Top Level} vlog_noload 0 last_compile 1140351806 vlog_disableopt 0 vlog_hazard 0 vlog_showsource 0 ood 0 compile_to work vlog_upper 0 vlog_options {} compile_order 5 dont_compile 0 +Project_File_7 = C:/Documents and Settings/Administrator/Desktop/Transmit Code/TransmitTop/Copy of TransmitTop.v +Project_File_P_7 = vlog_protect 0 file_type Verilog group_id 0 vlog_1995compat 0 vlog_nodebug 0 folder {Top Level} vlog_noload 0 last_compile 1142704298 vlog_disableopt 0 vlog_hazard 0 vlog_showsource 0 ood 0 compile_to work vlog_upper 0 vlog_options {} compile_order 8 dont_compile 0 +Project_File_8 = byte_counter.v +Project_File_P_8 = vlog_protect 0 file_type Verilog group_id 0 vlog_1995compat 0 vlog_nodebug 0 folder {Top Level} vlog_noload 0 last_compile 1142697560 vlog_disableopt 0 vlog_hazard 0 vlog_showsource 0 ood 0 compile_to work vlog_upper 0 vlog_options {} compile_order 1 dont_compile 0 +Project_Sim_Count = 0 +Project_Folder_Count = 0 Index: tags/V10/bench/ =================================================================== --- tags/V10/bench/ (nonexistent) +++ tags/V10/bench/ (revision 40) @@ -0,0 +1,130 @@ +onerror {resume} +quietly WaveActivateNextPane {} 0 +add wave -noupdate -format Literal -radix hexadecimal /TransmitTop_min_frame_tb/U_top_module/TX_DATA +add wave -noupdate -format Literal -radix hexadecimal /TransmitTop_min_frame_tb/U_top_module/TX_DATA_VALID +add wave -noupdate -format Logic /TransmitTop_min_frame_tb/U_top_module/TX_CLK +add wave -noupdate -format Logic /TransmitTop_min_frame_tb/U_top_module/RESET +add wave -noupdate -format Logic /TransmitTop_min_frame_tb/U_top_module/TX_START +add wave -noupdate -format Logic /TransmitTop_min_frame_tb/U_top_module/TX_UNDERRUN +add wave -noupdate -format Logic /TransmitTop_min_frame_tb/U_top_module/TX_ACK +add wave -noupdate -format Literal -radix unsigned /TransmitTop_min_frame_tb/U_top_module/FC_TRANS_PAUSEDATA +add wave -noupdate -format Logic -radix unsigned /TransmitTop_min_frame_tb/U_top_module/FC_TRANS_PAUSEVAL +add wave -noupdate -format Literal -radix unsigned /TransmitTop_min_frame_tb/U_top_module/FC_TX_PAUSEDATA +add wave -noupdate -format Logic /TransmitTop_min_frame_tb/U_top_module/FC_TX_PAUSEVALID +add wave -noupdate -format Logic /TransmitTop_min_frame_tb/U_top_module/FRAME_START +add wave -noupdate -format Logic /TransmitTop_min_frame_tb/U_top_module/reset_int +add wave -noupdate -format Literal /TransmitTop_min_frame_tb/U_top_module/DELAY_ACK +add wave -noupdate -format Literal -radix unsigned /TransmitTop_min_frame_tb/U_top_module/BYTE_COUNTER +add wave -noupdate -format Literal -radix unsigned /TransmitTop_min_frame_tb/U_top_module/final_byte_count +add wave -noupdate -format Literal -radix hexadecimal /TransmitTop_min_frame_tb/U_top_module/TX_DATA_REG +add wave -noupdate -format Literal -radix hexadecimal /TransmitTop_min_frame_tb/U_top_module/TX_DATA_DEL1 +add wave -noupdate -format Literal -radix hexadecimal /TransmitTop_min_frame_tb/U_top_module/TX_DATA_DEL2 +add wave -noupdate -format Literal -radix hexadecimal /TransmitTop_min_frame_tb/U_top_module/TX_DATA_DEL3 +add wave -noupdate -format Literal -radix hexadecimal /TransmitTop_min_frame_tb/U_top_module/TX_DATA_DEL4 +add wave -noupdate -format Literal -radix hexadecimal /TransmitTop_min_frame_tb/U_top_module/TX_DATA_DEL5 +add wave -noupdate -format Literal -radix hexadecimal /TransmitTop_min_frame_tb/U_top_module/TX_DATA_DEL6 +add wave -noupdate -format Literal -radix hexadecimal /TransmitTop_min_frame_tb/U_top_module/TX_DATA_DEL7 +add wave -noupdate -format Literal -radix hexadecimal /TransmitTop_min_frame_tb/U_top_module/TX_DATA_DEL8 +add wave -noupdate -format Literal -radix hexadecimal /TransmitTop_min_frame_tb/U_top_module/TX_DATA_DEL9 +add wave -noupdate -format Literal -radix hexadecimal /TransmitTop_min_frame_tb/U_top_module/TX_DATA_DEL10 +add wave -noupdate -format Literal -radix hexadecimal /TransmitTop_min_frame_tb/U_top_module/TX_DATA_DEL11 +add wave -noupdate -format Literal -radix hexadecimal /TransmitTop_min_frame_tb/U_top_module/TX_DATA_DEL12 +add wave -noupdate -format Literal -radix hexadecimal /TransmitTop_min_frame_tb/U_top_module/TX_DATA_DEL13 +add wave -noupdate -format Literal -radix hexadecimal /TransmitTop_min_frame_tb/U_top_module/TX_DATA_DEL14 +add wave -noupdate -format Literal -radix hexadecimal /TransmitTop_min_frame_tb/U_top_module/TX_DATA_DEL15 +add wave -noupdate -format Literal -radix hexadecimal /TransmitTop_min_frame_tb/U_top_module/TX_DATA_VALID_REG +add wave -noupdate -format Literal -radix hexadecimal /TransmitTop_min_frame_tb/U_top_module/TX_DATA_VALID_DEL1 +add wave -noupdate -format Literal -radix hexadecimal /TransmitTop_min_frame_tb/U_top_module/TX_DATA_VALID_DEL2 +add wave -noupdate -format Literal -radix hexadecimal /TransmitTop_min_frame_tb/U_top_module/TX_DATA_VALID_DEL3 +add wave -noupdate -format Literal -radix hexadecimal /TransmitTop_min_frame_tb/U_top_module/TX_DATA_VALID_DEL4 +add wave -noupdate -format Literal -radix hexadecimal /TransmitTop_min_frame_tb/U_top_module/TX_DATA_VALID_DEL5 +add wave -noupdate -format Literal -radix hexadecimal /TransmitTop_min_frame_tb/U_top_module/TX_DATA_VALID_DEL6 +add wave -noupdate -format Literal -radix hexadecimal /TransmitTop_min_frame_tb/U_top_module/TX_DATA_VALID_DEL7 +add wave -noupdate -format Literal -radix hexadecimal /TransmitTop_min_frame_tb/U_top_module/TX_DATA_VALID_DEL8 +add wave -noupdate -format Literal -radix hexadecimal /TransmitTop_min_frame_tb/U_top_module/TX_DATA_VALID_DEL9 +add wave -noupdate -format Literal -radix hexadecimal /TransmitTop_min_frame_tb/U_top_module/TX_DATA_VALID_DEL10 +add wave -noupdate -format Literal -radix hexadecimal /TransmitTop_min_frame_tb/U_top_module/TX_DATA_VALID_DEL11 +add wave -noupdate -format Literal -radix hexadecimal /TransmitTop_min_frame_tb/U_top_module/TX_DATA_VALID_DEL12 +add wave -noupdate -format Literal -radix hexadecimal /TransmitTop_min_frame_tb/U_top_module/TX_DATA_VALID_DEL13 +add wave -noupdate -format Literal -radix hexadecimal /TransmitTop_min_frame_tb/U_top_module/TX_DATA_VALID_DEL14 +add wave -noupdate -format Literal -radix hexadecimal /TransmitTop_min_frame_tb/U_top_module/TX_DATA_VALID_DEL15 +add wave -noupdate -format Logic /TransmitTop_min_frame_tb/U_top_module/reset_err_pause +add wave -noupdate -format Logic /TransmitTop_min_frame_tb/U_top_module/apply_pause_delay +add wave -noupdate -format Literal /TransmitTop_min_frame_tb/U_top_module/store_pause_frame +add wave -noupdate -format Literal /TransmitTop_min_frame_tb/U_top_module/TXD_PAUSE_DEL0 +add wave -noupdate -format Literal /TransmitTop_min_frame_tb/U_top_module/TXD_PAUSE_DEL1 +add wave -noupdate -format Literal /TransmitTop_min_frame_tb/U_top_module/TXD_PAUSE_DEL2 +add wave -noupdate -format Literal /TransmitTop_min_frame_tb/U_top_module/TXC_PAUSE_DEL0 +add wave -noupdate -format Literal /TransmitTop_min_frame_tb/U_top_module/TXC_PAUSE_DEL1 +add wave -noupdate -format Literal /TransmitTop_min_frame_tb/U_top_module/TXC_PAUSE_DEL2 +add wave -noupdate -format Logic /TransmitTop_min_frame_tb/U_top_module/PAUSEVAL_DEL +add wave -noupdate -format Logic /TransmitTop_min_frame_tb/U_top_module/PAUSEVAL_DEL1 +add wave -noupdate -format Logic /TransmitTop_min_frame_tb/U_top_module/PAUSEVAL_DEL2 +add wave -noupdate -format Logic /TransmitTop_min_frame_tb/U_top_module/set_pause_stats +add wave -noupdate -format Literal /TransmitTop_min_frame_tb/U_top_module/store_transmit_pause_value +add wave -noupdate -format Literal /TransmitTop_min_frame_tb/U_top_module/pause_frame_counter +add wave -noupdate -format Literal /TransmitTop_min_frame_tb/U_top_module/shift_pause_data +add wave -noupdate -format Literal /TransmitTop_min_frame_tb/U_top_module/shift_pause_valid +add wave -noupdate -format Logic /TransmitTop_min_frame_tb/U_top_module/load_final_CRC +add wave -noupdate -format Logic /TransmitTop_min_frame_tb/U_top_module/append_end_frame +add wave -noupdate -format Logic /TransmitTop_min_frame_tb/U_top_module/START_CRC8_DEL +add wave -noupdate -format Logic /TransmitTop_min_frame_tb/U_top_module/load_CRC8 +add wave -noupdate -format Logic /TransmitTop_min_frame_tb/U_top_module/insert_error +add wave -noupdate -format Literal /TransmitTop_min_frame_tb/U_top_module/store_tx_data_valid +add wave -noupdate -format Literal -radix hexadecimal /TransmitTop_min_frame_tb/U_top_module/store_tx_data +add wave -noupdate -format Literal -radix hexadecimal /TransmitTop_min_frame_tb/U_top_module/tx_data_int +add wave -noupdate -format Literal -radix hexadecimal /TransmitTop_min_frame_tb/U_top_module/store_CRC64 +add wave -noupdate -format Logic /TransmitTop_min_frame_tb/U_top_module/frame_start_del +add wave -noupdate -format Literal -radix hexadecimal /TransmitTop_min_frame_tb/U_top_module/TX_DATA +add wave -noupdate -format Literal -radix unsigned /TransmitTop_min_frame_tb/U_top_module/final_byte_count +add wave -noupdate -format Literal -radix unsigned /TransmitTop_min_frame_tb/U_top_module/byte_count_reg +add wave -noupdate -format Literal /TransmitTop_min_frame_tb/U_top_module/append_reg +add wave -noupdate -format Logic /TransmitTop_min_frame_tb/U_top_module/start_CRC8 +add wave -noupdate -format Logic /TransmitTop_min_frame_tb/U_top_module/transmit_pause_frame_del +add wave -noupdate -format Logic /TransmitTop_min_frame_tb/U_top_module/transmit_pause_frame +add wave -noupdate -format Logic /TransmitTop_min_frame_tb/U_top_module/append_start_pause +add wave -noupdate -format Logic /TransmitTop_min_frame_tb/U_top_module/append_start_pause_del +add wave -noupdate -format Logic /TransmitTop_min_frame_tb/U_top_module/transmit_pause_frame_valid +add wave -noupdate -format Logic /TransmitTop_min_frame_tb/U_top_module/load_CRC8 +add wave -noupdate -format Literal -radix hexadecimal /TransmitTop_min_frame_tb/U_top_module/CRC_OUT +add wave -noupdate -format Logic /TransmitTop_min_frame_tb/U_top_module/vlan_enabled_int +add wave -noupdate -format Logic /TransmitTop_min_frame_tb/U_top_module/jumbo_enabled_int +add wave -noupdate -format Literal -radix unsigned /TransmitTop_min_frame_tb/U_top_module/length_register +add wave -noupdate -format Logic /TransmitTop_min_frame_tb/U_top_module/tx_undderrun_int +add wave -noupdate -format Literal -radix unsigned /TransmitTop_min_frame_tb/U_top_module/MAX_FRAME_SIZE +add wave -noupdate -divider CRC64 +add wave -noupdate -format Literal -radix hexadecimal /TransmitTop_min_frame_tb/U_top_module/U_CRC64/DATA_IN +add wave -noupdate -format Logic /TransmitTop_min_frame_tb/U_top_module/U_CRC64/CLK +add wave -noupdate -format Logic /TransmitTop_min_frame_tb/U_top_module/U_CRC64/RESET +add wave -noupdate -format Logic /TransmitTop_min_frame_tb/U_top_module/U_CRC64/START +add wave -noupdate -format Literal -radix hexadecimal /TransmitTop_min_frame_tb/U_top_module/U_CRC64/CRC_OUT +add wave -noupdate -format Literal -radix hexadecimal /TransmitTop_min_frame_tb/U_top_module/U_CRC64/CRC_REG +add wave -noupdate -format Logic /TransmitTop_min_frame_tb/U_top_module/U_CRC64/startCRC +add wave -noupdate -format Literal -radix hexadecimal /TransmitTop_min_frame_tb/U_top_module/U_CRC64/data_del +add wave -noupdate -divider CRC8 +add wave -noupdate -format Literal /TransmitTop_min_frame_tb/U_top_module/U_CRC8/DATA_IN +add wave -noupdate -format Logic /TransmitTop_min_frame_tb/U_top_module/U_CRC8/CLK +add wave -noupdate -format Logic /TransmitTop_min_frame_tb/U_top_module/U_CRC8/RESET +add wave -noupdate -format Logic /TransmitTop_min_frame_tb/U_top_module/U_CRC8/START +add wave -noupdate -format Logic /TransmitTop_min_frame_tb/U_top_module/U_CRC8/LOAD +add wave -noupdate -format Literal -radix hexadecimal /TransmitTop_min_frame_tb/U_top_module/U_CRC8/CRC_IN +add wave -noupdate -format Literal -radix hexadecimal /TransmitTop_min_frame_tb/U_top_module/U_CRC8/CRC_OUT +add wave -noupdate -format Logic /TransmitTop_min_frame_tb/U_top_module/U_CRC8/start_int +add wave -noupdate -format Literal /TransmitTop_min_frame_tb/U_top_module/U_CRC8/data_int +add wave -noupdate -format Logic /TransmitTop_min_frame_tb/U_top_module/vlan_enabled_int +add wave -noupdate -format Literal -radix unsigned /TransmitTop_min_frame_tb/U_top_module/length_register +TreeUpdate [SetDefaultTree] +WaveRestoreCursors {{Cursor 2} {240 ns} 0} +WaveRestoreZoom {0 ns} {747 ns} +configure wave -namecolwidth 393 +configure wave -valuecolwidth 134 +configure wave -justifyvalue left +configure wave -signalnamewidth 0 +configure wave -snapdistance 10 +configure wave -datasetprefix 0 +configure wave -rowmargin 4 +configure wave -childrowmargin 2 +configure wave -gridoffset 0 +configure wave -gridperiod 1 +configure wave -griddelta 40 +configure wave -timeline 0 Index: tags/V10/bench/TransmitTop_min_frame_tb.v =================================================================== --- tags/V10/bench/TransmitTop_min_frame_tb.v (nonexistent) +++ tags/V10/bench/TransmitTop_min_frame_tb.v (revision 40) @@ -0,0 +1,157 @@ +`include "TransmitTop.v" +module TransmitTop_min_frame_tb(); + +//Input from user logic +reg [63:0] TX_DATA; +reg [63:0] TX_DATA_int; +reg [7:0] TX_DATA_VALID; // To accept the data valid to be available +reg Append_last_bit; +reg TX_CLK; +reg RESET; +reg TX_START; // This signify the first frame of data +reg TX_UNDERRUN; // this will cause an error to be injected into the data +reg [7:0] TX_IFG_DELAY; // this will cause a delay in the ack signal + +//input to transmit fault signals +reg RXTXLINKFAULT; +reg LOCALLINKFAULT; +reg [15:0] FC_TRANS_PAUSEDATA; //pause frame data +reg FC_TRANS_PAUSEVAL; //pulse signal to indicate a pause frame to be sent + +//apply pause timing +reg [15:0] FC_TX_PAUSEDATA; +reg FC_TX_PAUSEVALID; + +//apply configuration value +reg [31:0] TX_CFG_REG_VALUE; +reg TX_CFG_REG_VALID; + +//output to stat register +wire TX_STATS_VALID; +wire [9:0] TXSTATREGPLUS; // a pulse for each reg for stats +wire [63:0] TXD; +wire [7:0] TXC; +wire TX_ACK; +reg D_START; + +reg START_TX_BITS; + +// Initialize all variables +initial begin + + Append_last_bit = 0; + TX_CLK = 1; // initial value of clock + RESET <= 0; // initial value of reset + TX_START <= 0; // initial value of enable + TX_DATA_VALID <= 8'h00; + D_START = 0; + FC_TX_PAUSEVALID <= 0; + FC_TX_PAUSEDATA <= 0; + FC_TRANS_PAUSEDATA <= 0; + FC_TRANS_PAUSEVAL <= 0; + TX_UNDERRUN = 0; + #5 RESET= 1; // Assert the reset + #10 RESET= 0; // De-assert the reset + #15 TX_START = 1; + // TX_DATA = 64'h0000560000000000; + TX_DATA_VALID = 8'hFF; + D_START = 1; + #20 TX_START = 0; + //#1800 TX_DATA_VALID = 8'h07; + #60 TX_DATA_VALID = 8'h07; +// #1960 TX_DATA_VALID = 8'h07; + // TX_DATA = 64'h0000000000000011; + #10 TX_DATA_VALID = 8'h00; + D_START = 0; +//next frame + #20 TX_START <= 1; + TX_DATA_VALID <= 8'hFF; + D_START = 1; + #20 TX_START <= 0; + #400 TX_DATA_VALID <= 8'h00; + #10 TX_DATA_VALID <= 8'h00; + D_START = 0; + + #1000 $finish; // Terminate simulation +end + +always @(posedge D_START or posedge TX_CLK) +begin + if (D_START == 0) begin + TX_DATA = 64'h0000000000000000; + end + //else if (TX_DATA_VALID == 8'h07) begin + // TX_DATA = 64'h000000000077FFCC; + //end + else if (Append_last_bit == 1) begin +// TX_DATA = 64'h202020202077FFCC; + TX_DATA = 64'h000000000077FFCC; + end + else if (START_TX_BITS == 1) begin + TX_DATA = TX_DATA + 1; + end + else begin + TX_DATA = 64'h0000000000000001; + end +end + + + +always @(TX_DATA) +begin + if (TX_DATA == 2) begin + TX_DATA_int[31:0] <= TX_DATA[31:0]; + TX_DATA_int[47:32] <= 300; + TX_DATA_int[63:48] <= TX_DATA[63:48]; + end + else begin + TX_DATA_int <= TX_DATA; + end + +end + + +always @(TX_ACK | TX_START) +begin + if (TX_ACK) begin + START_TX_BITS = 1; + end + else if (TX_START) begin + START_TX_BITS = 0; + end +end + + +// Clock generator +always begin + #5 TX_CLK= ~TX_CLK; // Toggle clock every 5 ticks +end + +// Connect DUT to test bench +TRANSMIT_TOP U_top_module ( +TX_DATA_int, +TX_DATA_VALID, +TX_CLK, +RESET, +TX_START, +TX_ACK, +TX_UNDERRUN, +TX_IFG_DELAY, +RXTXLINKFAULT, +LOCALLINKFAULT, +TX_STATS_VALID, +TXSTATREGPLUS, +TXD, +TXC, +FC_TRANS_PAUSEDATA, +FC_TRANS_PAUSEVAL, +FC_TX_PAUSEDATA, +FC_TX_PAUSEVALID, +TX_CFG_REG_VALUE, +TX_CFG_REG_VALID +); + + + + +endmodule \ No newline at end of file Index: tags/V10/bench/TransmitTop_pause_tb.v =================================================================== --- tags/V10/bench/TransmitTop_pause_tb.v (nonexistent) +++ tags/V10/bench/TransmitTop_pause_tb.v (revision 40) @@ -0,0 +1,161 @@ +`include "TransmitTop.v" +module TransmitTopPause_tb(); + +//Input from user logic +reg [63:0] TX_DATA; +reg [63:0] TX_DATA_int; +reg [7:0] TX_DATA_VALID; // To accept the data valid to be available +reg Append_last_bit; +reg TX_CLK; +reg RESET; +reg TX_START; // This signify the first frame of data +reg TX_UNDERRUN; // this will cause an error to be injected into the data +reg [7:0] TX_IFG_DELAY; // this will cause a delay in the ack signal + +//input to transmit fault signals +reg RXTXLINKFAULT; +reg LOCALLINKFAULT; +reg [15:0] FC_TRANS_PAUSEDATA; //pause frame data +reg FC_TRANS_PAUSEVAL; //pulse signal to indicate a pause frame to be sent + +//apply pause timing +reg [15:0] FC_TX_PAUSEDATA; +reg FC_TX_PAUSEVALID; + +//apply configuration value +reg [31:0] TX_CFG_REG_VALUE; +reg TX_CFG_REG_VALID; + +//output to stat register +wire TX_STATS_VALID; +wire [9:0] TXSTATREGPLUS; // a pulse for each reg for stats +wire [63:0] TXD; +wire [7:0] TXC; +wire TX_ACK; +reg D_START; + +reg START_TX_BITS; + +// Initialize all variables +initial begin + Append_last_bit = 0; + TX_CLK = 1; // initial value of clock + RESET <= 0; // initial value of reset + TX_START <= 0; // initial value of enable + TX_DATA_VALID <= 8'h00; + D_START = 0; + FC_TX_PAUSEVALID <= 0; + FC_TX_PAUSEDATA <= 0; + FC_TRANS_PAUSEDATA <= 0; + FC_TRANS_PAUSEVAL <= 0; + TX_UNDERRUN = 0; + #5 RESET <= 1; // Assert the reset + #10 RESET <= 0; // De-assert the reset + + #15 //TX_START <= 1; + //TX_DATA_VALID <= 8'hFF; + //D_START <= 1; + #20 TX_START <= 0; + #400 //TX_DATA_VALID <= 8'h00; + //FC_TX_PAUSEVALID <= 1; + //FC_TX_PAUSEDATA <= 30; + FC_TRANS_PAUSEDATA <= 30; + FC_TRANS_PAUSEVAL <= 1; + //TX_DATA_VALID <= 8'h7f; + #10 TX_DATA_VALID <= 8'h00; + D_START = 0; + //FC_TX_PAUSEVALID <= 0; + //FC_TX_PAUSEDATA <= 0; + FC_TRANS_PAUSEDATA <= 0; + FC_TRANS_PAUSEVAL <= 0; + #20 //TX_START <= 1; + //TX_DATA_VALID <= 8'hFF; + //D_START = 1; + #20 TX_START <= 0; + #400 TX_DATA_VALID <= 8'h00; + #10 TX_DATA_VALID <= 8'h00; + D_START = 0; + #1300 $finish; // Terminate simulation +end + +always @(posedge D_START or posedge TX_CLK) +begin + if (D_START == 0) begin + TX_DATA = 64'h0000000000000000; + end + //else if (TX_DATA_VALID == 8'h07) begin + // TX_DATA = 64'h000000000077FFCC; + //end + else if (Append_last_bit == 1) begin +// TX_DATA = 64'h202020202077FFCC; + TX_DATA = 64'h000000000077FFCC; + end + else if (START_TX_BITS == 1) begin + TX_DATA = TX_DATA + 1; + end + else begin + TX_DATA = 64'h0000000000000001; + end +end + + + +always @(TX_DATA) +begin + if (TX_DATA == 2) begin + TX_DATA_int[31:0] <= TX_DATA[31:0]; + TX_DATA_int[47:32] <= 300; + TX_DATA_int[63:48] <= TX_DATA[63:48]; + end + else begin + TX_DATA_int <= TX_DATA; + end + +end + + +always @(TX_ACK | TX_START) +begin + if (TX_ACK) begin + START_TX_BITS = 1; + end + else if (TX_START) begin + START_TX_BITS = 0; + end +end + + +// Clock generator +always begin + #5 TX_CLK= ~TX_CLK; // Toggle clock every 5 ticks +end + +// Connect DUT to test bench +TRANSMIT_TOP U_top_module ( +TX_DATA_int, +TX_DATA_VALID, +TX_CLK, +RESET, +TX_START, +TX_ACK, +TX_UNDERRUN, +TX_IFG_DELAY, +RXTXLINKFAULT, +LOCALLINKFAULT, +TX_STATS_VALID, +TXSTATREGPLUS, +TXD, +TXC, +FC_TRANS_PAUSEDATA, +FC_TRANS_PAUSEVAL, +FC_TX_PAUSEDATA, +FC_TX_PAUSEVALID, +TX_CFG_REG_VALUE, +TX_CFG_REG_VALID +); + + + + +endmodule + Index: tags/V10/bench/TransmitTop_tb.v =================================================================== --- tags/V10/bench/TransmitTop_tb.v (nonexistent) +++ tags/V10/bench/TransmitTop_tb.v (revision 40) @@ -0,0 +1,161 @@ +`include "TransmitTop.v" +module TransmitTop_tb(); + +//Input from user logic +reg [63:0] TX_DATA; +reg [63:0] TX_DATA_int; +reg [7:0] TX_DATA_VALID; // To accept the data valid to be available +reg Append_last_bit; +reg TX_CLK; +reg RESET; +reg TX_START; // This signify the first frame of data +reg TX_UNDERRUN; // this will cause an error to be injected into the data +reg [7:0] TX_IFG_DELAY; // this will cause a delay in the ack signal + +//input to transmit fault signals +reg RXTXLINKFAULT; +reg LOCALLINKFAULT; +reg [15:0] FC_TRANS_PAUSEDATA; //pause frame data +reg FC_TRANS_PAUSEVAL; //pulse signal to indicate a pause frame to be sent + +//apply pause timing +reg [15:0] FC_TX_PAUSEDATA; +reg FC_TX_PAUSEVALID; + +//apply configuration value +reg [31:0] TX_CFG_REG_VALUE; +reg TX_CFG_REG_VALID; + +//output to stat register +wire TX_STATS_VALID; +wire [9:0] TXSTATREGPLUS; // a pulse for each reg for stats +wire [63:0] TXD; +wire [7:0] TXC; +wire TX_ACK; +reg D_START; + +reg START_TX_BITS; + +// Initialize all variables +initial begin + Append_last_bit = 0; + TX_CLK = 1; // initial value of clock + RESET <= 0; // initial value of reset + TX_START <= 0; // initial value of enable + TX_DATA_VALID <= 8'h00; + D_START = 0; + FC_TX_PAUSEVALID <= 0; + FC_TX_PAUSEDATA <= 0; + FC_TRANS_PAUSEDATA <= 0; + FC_TRANS_PAUSEVAL <= 0; + TX_UNDERRUN = 0; + #5 RESET <= 1; // Assert the reset + #10 RESET <= 0; // De-assert the reset + + #15 TX_START <= 1; + TX_DATA_VALID <= 8'hFF; + D_START <= 1; + #20 TX_START <= 0; + #400 //TX_DATA_VALID <= 8'h00; + //FC_TX_PAUSEVALID <= 1; + //FC_TX_PAUSEDATA <= 30; + // FC_TRANS_PAUSEDATA <= 30; + // FC_TRANS_PAUSEVAL <= 1; + TX_DATA_VALID <= 8'h7f; + #10 TX_DATA_VALID <= 8'h00; + D_START = 0; + //FC_TX_PAUSEVALID <= 0; + //FC_TX_PAUSEDATA <= 0; + // FC_TRANS_PAUSEDATA <= 0; + // FC_TRANS_PAUSEVAL <= 0; + #20 TX_START <= 1; + TX_DATA_VALID <= 8'hFF; + D_START = 1; + #20 TX_START <= 0; + #400 TX_DATA_VALID <= 8'h00; + #10 TX_DATA_VALID <= 8'h00; + D_START = 0; + #1300 $finish; // Terminate simulation +end + +always @(posedge D_START or posedge TX_CLK) +begin + if (D_START == 0) begin + TX_DATA = 64'h0000000000000000; + end + //else if (TX_DATA_VALID == 8'h07) begin + // TX_DATA = 64'h000000000077FFCC; + //end + else if (Append_last_bit == 1) begin +// TX_DATA = 64'h202020202077FFCC; + TX_DATA = 64'h000000000077FFCC; + end + else if (START_TX_BITS == 1) begin + TX_DATA = TX_DATA + 1; + end + else begin + TX_DATA = 64'h0000000000000001; + end +end + + + +always @(TX_DATA) +begin + if (TX_DATA == 2) begin + TX_DATA_int[31:0] <= TX_DATA[31:0]; + TX_DATA_int[47:32] <= 300; + TX_DATA_int[63:48] <= TX_DATA[63:48]; + end + else begin + TX_DATA_int <= TX_DATA; + end + +end + + +always @(TX_ACK | TX_START) +begin + if (TX_ACK) begin + START_TX_BITS = 1; + end + else if (TX_START) begin + START_TX_BITS = 0; + end +end + + +// Clock generator +always begin + #5 TX_CLK= ~TX_CLK; // Toggle clock every 5 ticks +end + +// Connect DUT to test bench +TRANSMIT_TOP U_top_module ( +TX_DATA_int, +TX_DATA_VALID, +TX_CLK, +RESET, +TX_START, +TX_ACK, +TX_UNDERRUN, +TX_IFG_DELAY, +RXTXLINKFAULT, +LOCALLINKFAULT, +TX_STATS_VALID, +TXSTATREGPLUS, +TXD, +TXC, +FC_TRANS_PAUSEDATA, +FC_TRANS_PAUSEVAL, +FC_TX_PAUSEDATA, +FC_TX_PAUSEVALID, +TX_CFG_REG_VALUE, +TX_CFG_REG_VALID +); + + + + +endmodule + Index: tags/V10/bench/rxtest.v =================================================================== --- tags/V10/bench/rxtest.v (nonexistent) +++ tags/V10/bench/rxtest.v (revision 40) @@ -0,0 +1,716 @@ +/*------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +-- $Revision: $ $Date: 2006-05-31 05:59:46 $ +-- Title : Demo testbench +-- Project : 10 Gigabit Ethernet MAC +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +-- File : demo_tb.v +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +-- Description: This testbench will exercise the ports of the MAC core to +-- demonstrate the functionality. +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +-- Copyright (c) 2001 Xilinx Inc. +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +-- +-- This testbench performs the following operations on the MAC core: +-- - The clock divide register is set for MIIM operation. */ +/* - The clientXGMII port is wired as a loopback, so that transmitted frames +-- are then injected into the receiver. +-- - Four frames are pushed into the receiver. The first is a minimum +-- length frame, the second is slightly longer, the third has an error +-- asserted and the fourth is less than minimum length and is padded +-- up to the minimum. +-- - These frames are then looped back and sent out by the transmitter. +-- */ + +`timescale 1ps / 1ps + + +module frame_typ; + // This module abstracts the frame data for simpler manipulation + reg [31:0] data [0:31]; + reg [ 3:0] ctrl [0:31]; + reg [31:0] crc; + reg underrun; + +`define FRAME_TYP [32*32+32*4+32+1:1] + + reg `FRAME_TYP bits; + + function `FRAME_TYP tobits; + input dummy; + begin + bits = {data[ 0], data[ 1], data[ 2], data[ 3], data[ 4], + data[ 5], data[ 6], data[ 7], data[ 8], data[ 9], + data[10], data[11], data[12], data[13], data[14], + data[15], data[16], data[17], data[18], data[19], + data[20], data[21], data[22], data[23], data[24], + data[25], data[26], data[27], data[28], data[29], + data[30], data[31], ctrl[ 0], ctrl[ 1], ctrl[ 2], + ctrl[ 3], ctrl[ 4], ctrl[ 5], ctrl[ 6], ctrl[ 7], + ctrl[ 8], ctrl[ 9], ctrl[10], ctrl[11], ctrl[12], + ctrl[13], ctrl[14], ctrl[15], ctrl[16], ctrl[17], + ctrl[18], ctrl[19], ctrl[20], ctrl[21], ctrl[22], + ctrl[23], ctrl[24], ctrl[25], ctrl[26], ctrl[27], + ctrl[28], ctrl[29], ctrl[30], ctrl[31], crc, underrun}; + tobits = bits; + end + endfunction // tobits + + task frombits; + input `FRAME_TYP frame; + begin + bits = frame; + {data[ 0], data[ 1], data[ 2], data[ 3], data[ 4], data[ 5], + data[ 6], data[ 7], data[ 8], data[ 9], data[10], data[11], + data[12], data[13], data[14], data[15], data[16], data[17], + data[18], data[19], data[20], data[21], data[22], data[23], + data[24], data[25], data[26], data[27], data[28], data[29], + data[30], data[31], ctrl[ 0], ctrl[ 1], ctrl[ 2], ctrl[ 3], + ctrl[ 4], ctrl[ 5], ctrl[ 6], ctrl[ 7], ctrl[ 8], ctrl[ 9], + ctrl[10], ctrl[11], ctrl[12], ctrl[13], ctrl[14], ctrl[15], + ctrl[16], ctrl[17], ctrl[18], ctrl[19], ctrl[20], ctrl[21], + ctrl[22], ctrl[23], ctrl[24], ctrl[25], ctrl[26], ctrl[27], + ctrl[28], ctrl[29], ctrl[30], ctrl[31], crc, underrun} = bits; + end + endtask // frombits + +endmodule // frame_typ + + +// Address of management configuration register +`define CONFIG_MANAGEMENT 9'b101000000 +// Address of flow control configuration register +`define CONFIG_FLOW_CTRL 9'b011000000 +// addresses of statistics registers +`define STATS_TX_OK 9'b000100000 +`define STATS_TX_UNDERRUN 9'b000100011 +`define STATS_RX_OK 9'b000000000 +`define STATS_RX_FCS_ERR 9'b000000001 +`define MIN_FRAME_DATA_BYTES 60 + + +module testbench; + + // Frame data.... + frame_typ frame0(); + frame_typ frame1(); + frame_typ frame2(); + frame_typ frame3(); + + frame_typ tx_stimulus_working_frame(); + frame_typ tx_monitor_working_frame(); + frame_typ rx_stimulus_working_frame(); + frame_typ rx_monitor_working_frame(); + + // Store the frame data etc.... + initial + begin + // Frame 0... +[0] = 32'h04030201; +[1] = 32'h02020605; +[2] = 32'h06050403; +[3] = 32'h55AA2E00; +[4] = 32'hAA55AA55; +[5] = 32'h55AA55AA; +[6] = 32'hAA55AA55; +[7] = 32'h55AA55AA; +[8] = 32'hAA55AA55; +[9] = 32'h55AA55AA; +[10] = 32'hAA55AA55; +[11] = 32'h55AA55AA; +[12] = 32'hAA55AA55; +[13] = 32'h55AA55AA; +[14] = 32'hAA55AA55; +[15] = 32'h00000000; +[16] = 32'h00000000; +[17] = 32'h00000000; +[18] = 32'h00000000; +[19] = 32'h00000000; +[20] = 32'h00000000; +[21] = 32'h00000000; +[22] = 32'h00000000; +[23] = 32'h00000000; +[24] = 32'h00000000; +[25] = 32'h00000000; +[26] = 32'h00000000; +[27] = 32'h00000000; +[28] = 32'h00000000; +[29] = 32'h00000000; +[30] = 32'h00000000; +[31] = 32'h00000000; + frame0.ctrl[0] = 4'b1111; + frame0.ctrl[1] = 4'b1111; + frame0.ctrl[2] = 4'b1111; + frame0.ctrl[3] = 4'b1111; + frame0.ctrl[4] = 4'b1111; + frame0.ctrl[5] = 4'b1111; + frame0.ctrl[6] = 4'b1111; + frame0.ctrl[7] = 4'b1111; + frame0.ctrl[8] = 4'b1111; + frame0.ctrl[9] = 4'b1111; + frame0.ctrl[10] = 4'b1111; + frame0.ctrl[11] = 4'b1111; + frame0.ctrl[12] = 4'b1111; + frame0.ctrl[13] = 4'b1111; + frame0.ctrl[14] = 4'b1111; + frame0.ctrl[15] = 4'b0000; + frame0.ctrl[16] = 4'b0000; + frame0.ctrl[17] = 4'b0000; + frame0.ctrl[18] = 4'b0000; + frame0.ctrl[19] = 4'b0000; + frame0.ctrl[20] = 4'b0000; + frame0.ctrl[21] = 4'b0000; + frame0.ctrl[22] = 4'b0000; + frame0.ctrl[23] = 4'b0000; + frame0.ctrl[24] = 4'b0000; + frame0.ctrl[25] = 4'b0000; + frame0.ctrl[26] = 4'b0000; + frame0.ctrl[27] = 4'b0000; + frame0.ctrl[28] = 4'b0000; + frame0.ctrl[29] = 4'b0000; + frame0.ctrl[30] = 4'b0000; + frame0.ctrl[31] = 4'b0000; + + frame0.crc = 32'h0D4820F6; + + frame0.underrun = 1'b0; + + // Frame 1 +[0] = 32'h03040506; +[1] = 32'h05060102; +[2] = 32'h02020304; +[3] = 32'hEE110080; +[4] = 32'h11EE11EE; +[5] = 32'hEE11EE11; +[6] = 32'h11EE11EE; +[7] = 32'hEE11EE11; +[8] = 32'h11EE11EE; +[9] = 32'hEE11EE11; +[10] = 32'h11EE11EE; +[11] = 32'hEE11EE11; +[12] = 32'h11EE11EE; +[13] = 32'hEE11EE11; +[14] = 32'h11EE11EE; +[15] = 32'hEE11EE11; +[16] = 32'h11EE11EE; +[17] = 32'hEE11EE11; +[18] = 32'h11EE11EE; +[19] = 32'hEE11EE11; +[20] = 32'h11EE11EE; +[21] = 32'h0000EE11; +[22] = 32'h00000000; +[23] = 32'h00000000; +[24] = 32'h00000000; +[25] = 32'h00000000; +[26] = 32'h00000000; +[27] = 32'h00000000; +[28] = 32'h00000000; +[29] = 32'h00000000; +[30] = 32'h00000000; +[31] = 32'h00000000; + + frame1.ctrl[0] = 4'b1111; + frame1.ctrl[1] = 4'b1111; + frame1.ctrl[2] = 4'b1111; + frame1.ctrl[3] = 4'b1111; + frame1.ctrl[4] = 4'b1111; + frame1.ctrl[5] = 4'b1111; + frame1.ctrl[6] = 4'b1111; + frame1.ctrl[7] = 4'b1111; + frame1.ctrl[8] = 4'b1111; + frame1.ctrl[9] = 4'b1111; + frame1.ctrl[10] = 4'b1111; + frame1.ctrl[11] = 4'b1111; + frame1.ctrl[12] = 4'b1111; + frame1.ctrl[13] = 4'b1111; + frame1.ctrl[14] = 4'b1111; + frame1.ctrl[15] = 4'b1111; + frame1.ctrl[16] = 4'b1111; + frame1.ctrl[17] = 4'b1111; + frame1.ctrl[18] = 4'b1111; + frame1.ctrl[19] = 4'b1111; + frame1.ctrl[20] = 4'b1111; + frame1.ctrl[21] = 4'b0011; + frame1.ctrl[22] = 4'b0000; + frame1.ctrl[23] = 4'b0000; + frame1.ctrl[24] = 4'b0000; + frame1.ctrl[25] = 4'b0000; + frame1.ctrl[26] = 4'b0000; + frame1.ctrl[27] = 4'b0000; + frame1.ctrl[28] = 4'b0000; + frame1.ctrl[29] = 4'b0000; + frame1.ctrl[30] = 4'b0000; + frame1.ctrl[31] = 4'b0000; + + frame1.crc = 32'hDE13388C; + + frame1.underrun = 1'b0; + + // Frame 2 +[0] = 32'h04030201; +[1] = 32'h02020605; +[2] = 32'h06050403; +[3] = 32'h55AA2E80; +[4] = 32'hAA55AA55; +[5] = 32'h55AA55AA; +[6] = 32'hAA55AA55; +[7] = 32'h55AA55AA; +[8] = 32'hAA55AA55; +[9] = 32'h55AA55AA; +[10] = 32'hAA55AA55; +[11] = 32'h55AA55AA; +[12] = 32'hAA55AA55; +[13] = 32'h55AA55AA; +[14] = 32'hAA55AA55; +[15] = 32'h55AA55AA; +[16] = 32'hAA55AA55; +[17] = 32'h55AA55AA; +[18] = 32'hAA55AA55; +[19] = 32'h55AA55AA; +[20] = 32'h00000000; +[21] = 32'h00000000; +[22] = 32'h00000000; +[23] = 32'h00000000; +[24] = 32'h00000000; +[25] = 32'h00000000; +[26] = 32'h00000000; +[27] = 32'h00000000; +[28] = 32'h00000000; +[29] = 32'h00000000; +[30] = 32'h00000000; +[31] = 32'h00000000; + + frame2.ctrl[0] = 4'b1111; + frame2.ctrl[1] = 4'b1111; + frame2.ctrl[2] = 4'b1111; + frame2.ctrl[3] = 4'b1111; + frame2.ctrl[4] = 4'b1111; + frame2.ctrl[5] = 4'b1111; + frame2.ctrl[6] = 4'b1111; + frame2.ctrl[7] = 4'b1111; + frame2.ctrl[8] = 4'b1111; + frame2.ctrl[9] = 4'b1111; + frame2.ctrl[10] = 4'b1111; + frame2.ctrl[11] = 4'b1111; + frame2.ctrl[12] = 4'b1111; + frame2.ctrl[13] = 4'b1111; + frame2.ctrl[14] = 4'b1111; + frame2.ctrl[15] = 4'b1111; + frame2.ctrl[16] = 4'b1111; + frame2.ctrl[17] = 4'b1111; + frame2.ctrl[18] = 4'b1111; + frame2.ctrl[19] = 4'b1111; + frame2.ctrl[20] = 4'b0000; + frame2.ctrl[21] = 4'b0000; + frame2.ctrl[22] = 4'b0000; + frame2.ctrl[23] = 4'b0000; + frame2.ctrl[24] = 4'b0000; + frame2.ctrl[25] = 4'b0000; + frame2.ctrl[26] = 4'b0000; + frame2.ctrl[27] = 4'b0000; + frame2.ctrl[28] = 4'b0000; + frame2.ctrl[29] = 4'b0000; + frame2.ctrl[30] = 4'b0000; + frame2.ctrl[31] = 4'b0000; + + frame2.crc = 32'h20C6B69D; + + frame2.underrun = 1'b1; + + // Frame 3 +[0] = 32'h03040506; +[1] = 32'h05060102; +[2] = 32'h02020304; +[3] = 32'hEE111500; +[4] = 32'h11EE11EE; +[5] = 32'hEE11EE11; +[6] = 64'h11EE11EE; +[7] = 32'hEE11EE11; +[8] = 32'h00EE11EE; +[9] = 32'h00000000; +[10] = 32'h00000000; +[11] = 32'h00000000; +[12] = 32'h00000000; +[13] = 32'h00000000; +[14] = 32'h00000000; +[15] = 32'h00000000; +[16] = 32'h00000000; +[17] = 32'h00000000; +[18] = 32'h00000000; +[19] = 32'h00000000; +[20] = 32'h00000000; +[21] = 32'h00000000; +[22] = 32'h00000000; +[23] = 32'h00000000; +[24] = 32'h00000000; +[25] = 32'h00000000; +[26] = 32'h00000000; +[27] = 32'h00000000; +[28] = 32'h00000000; +[29] = 32'h00000000; +[30] = 32'h00000000; +[31] = 32'h00000000; + + frame3.ctrl[0] = 4'b1111; + frame3.ctrl[1] = 4'b1111; + frame3.ctrl[2] = 4'b1111; + frame3.ctrl[3] = 4'b1111; + frame3.ctrl[4] = 4'b1111; + frame3.ctrl[5] = 4'b1111; + frame3.ctrl[6] = 4'b1111; + frame3.ctrl[7] = 4'b1111; + frame3.ctrl[8] = 4'b0111; + frame3.ctrl[9] = 4'b0000; + frame3.ctrl[10] = 4'b0000; + frame3.ctrl[11] = 4'b0000; + frame3.ctrl[12] = 4'b0000; + frame3.ctrl[13] = 4'b0000; + frame3.ctrl[14] = 4'b0000; + frame3.ctrl[15] = 4'b0000; + frame3.ctrl[16] = 4'b0000; + frame3.ctrl[17] = 4'b0000; + frame3.ctrl[18] = 4'b0000; + frame3.ctrl[19] = 4'b0000; + frame3.ctrl[20] = 4'b0000; + frame3.ctrl[21] = 4'b0000; + frame3.ctrl[22] = 4'b0000; + frame3.ctrl[23] = 4'b0000; + frame3.ctrl[24] = 4'b0000; + frame3.ctrl[25] = 4'b0000; + frame3.ctrl[26] = 4'b0000; + frame3.ctrl[27] = 4'b0000; + frame3.ctrl[28] = 4'b0000; + frame3.ctrl[29] = 4'b0000; + frame3.ctrl[30] = 4'b0000; + frame3.ctrl[31] = 4'b0000; + + frame3.crc = 32'h6B734A56; + + frame3.underrun = 1'b0; + end // initial + + // DUT signals + reg reset; + + //Client transmitter signals + //client receiver signals + + wire [63:0] rx_data; + wire [7:0] rx_data_valid; + wire rx_good_frame; + wire rx_bad_frame; + wire rx_clk; + wire [28:0] rx_statistics_vector; + wire rx_statistics_valid; + wire [64:0] configuration_vector; + reg xgmii_rx_clk; + reg [31:0] xgmii_rxd; + reg [3:0] xgmii_rxc; + + reg rx_monitor_finished; + wire simulation_finished; + + + /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- + -- wire up Device Under Test + ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ + rxReceiveEngine uut ( + .rxclk_in(xgmii_rx_clk), + .reset_in(reset), + .rxd_in(xgmii_rxd), + .rxc_in(xgmii_rxc), + .rxStatRegPlus(rxStatRegPlus), + .cfgRxRegData_in(configuration_vector), + .rx_data(rx_data), + .rx_data_valid(rx_data_valid), + .rx_good_frame(rx_good_frame), + .rx_bad_frame(rx_bad_frame), + .rxCfgofRS(rxCfgofRS), + .rxTxLinkFault(rxTxLinkFault) +// .fcTxPauseData(), +// .fcTxPauseValid() + ); + + assign configuration_vector = {1'b0, 64'h058f010203040506}; + + /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- + -- Clock drivers + ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ + initial + begin + xgmii_rx_clk <= 0; + #1000; + forever + begin + #3200; + xgmii_rx_clk <= 1; + #3200; + xgmii_rx_clk <= 0; + end + end // initial begin + + + + + /* RX Stimulus process - insert frames into the PHY side of the + * receiver + */ + + task rx_stimulus_send_column; + input [31:0] d; + input [ 3:0] c; + begin + @(posedge xgmii_rx_clk or negedge xgmii_rx_clk); + #1600; + xgmii_rxd <= d; + xgmii_rxc <= c; + end + endtask // rx_stimulus_send_column + + task rx_stimulus_send_idle; + begin + rx_stimulus_send_column(32'h07070707,4'b1111); + end + endtask // rx_stimulus_send_idle + + task rx_stimulus_send_frame; + input `FRAME_TYP frame; + integer column_index, lane_index, byte_count, I, J; + reg [31:0] scratch_column_data, current_column_data; + reg [ 3:0] scratch_column_ctrl, current_column_ctrl; + reg [ 7:0] code_temp; + begin + rx_stimulus_working_frame.frombits(frame); + column_index = 0; + lane_index = 0; + byte_count = 0; + // send preamble + rx_stimulus_send_column(32'h555555FB, 4'b0001); + rx_stimulus_send_column(32'hD5555555, 4'b0000); + // send complete columns +// for(I=0; I<16;I=I+1) begin +// column_index = 0; + while (rx_stimulus_working_frame.ctrl[column_index] === 4'b1111) + begin + rx_stimulus_send_column([column_index], + 4'b0000); + column_index = column_index + 1; + byte_count = byte_count + 4; + end +// end + current_column_data =[column_index];//data which is not 64 bits + current_column_ctrl = rx_stimulus_working_frame.ctrl[column_index]; + while (current_column_ctrl[lane_index]) //send out data which is not 64 bits + begin + for (J = 0; J < 8; J = J + 1) + scratch_column_data[lane_index*8+J] = + current_column_data[lane_index*8+J]; + scratch_column_ctrl[lane_index] = 0; + lane_index = lane_index + 1; + byte_count = byte_count + 1; + end + // send any padding required + while (byte_count < `MIN_FRAME_DATA_BYTES) + begin + if (lane_index == 4) + begin + rx_stimulus_send_column(scratch_column_data, + scratch_column_ctrl); + lane_index = 0; + end + for (J = 0; J < 8; J = J + 1) + scratch_column_data[lane_index*8+J] = 0; + scratch_column_ctrl[lane_index] = 0; + lane_index = lane_index + 1; + byte_count = byte_count + 1; + end // while (byte_count < `MIN_FRAME_DATA_BYTES) + // send the CRC + for (I = 3; I >= 0; I = I - 1) + begin + if (lane_index == 4) + begin + rx_stimulus_send_column(scratch_column_data, + scratch_column_ctrl); + lane_index = 0; + end + for (J = 0; J < 8; J = J + 1) + scratch_column_data[lane_index*8+J] = + rx_stimulus_working_frame.crc[I*8+J]; + scratch_column_ctrl = 0; + lane_index = lane_index + 1; + end // for (I = 3; I >= 0; I = I - 1) + // send the terminate/error column + if (lane_index == 4) + begin + rx_stimulus_send_column(scratch_column_data, + scratch_column_ctrl); + lane_index = 0; + end + // send an /E/ if underrun, /T/ if not + code_temp = rx_stimulus_working_frame.underrun ? 8'hFE : 8'hFD; + for (J = 0; J < 8; J = J + 1) + scratch_column_data[lane_index*8+J] = code_temp[J]; + scratch_column_ctrl[lane_index] = 1; + + lane_index = lane_index + 1; + while (lane_index < 4) + begin + code_temp = 8'h07; + for (J = 0; J < 8; J = J + 1) + scratch_column_data[lane_index*8+J] = code_temp[J]; + scratch_column_ctrl[lane_index] = 1; + lane_index = lane_index + 1; + end + rx_stimulus_send_column(scratch_column_data, + scratch_column_ctrl); + $display("Receiver: frame inserted into PHY interface"); + end + endtask // rx_stimulus_send_frame + + initial + begin : p_rx_stimulus + integer I; + rx_stimulus_send_idle; + rx_stimulus_send_idle; + for (I = 0; I < 100; I = I + 1) + rx_stimulus_send_idle; + rx_stimulus_send_frame(frame0.tobits(0)); + rx_stimulus_send_idle; + rx_stimulus_send_idle; + rx_stimulus_send_idle; + rx_stimulus_send_frame(frame1.tobits(0)); + rx_stimulus_send_idle; + rx_stimulus_send_idle; + rx_stimulus_send_idle; + rx_stimulus_send_frame(frame2.tobits(0)); + rx_stimulus_send_idle; + rx_stimulus_send_idle; + rx_stimulus_send_frame(frame3.tobits(0)); + while (1) + rx_stimulus_send_idle; + end // block: p_rx_stimulus + + + /* rx monitor - checks that the receiver extracts the information + * inserted into the PHY interface + */ + task wait_on_rx_clk; + begin + @(posedge rx_clk); + #6399; + end + endtask // wait_on_rx_clk + + task rx_monitor_check_frame; + input `FRAME_TYP frame; + integer column_count, I, J; + reg [31:0] current_column_data; + reg good_frame_flagged; + reg bad_frame_flagged; + begin + rx_monitor_working_frame.frombits(frame); + column_count = 0; + // wait for the first real column of data + while (rx_data_valid === 8'b00000000) + wait_on_rx_clk; + // frame has started, get columns of frame + while (rx_data_valid !== 8'b00000000) + begin + // only check contents of good frames + if (!rx_monitor_working_frame.underrun) + begin + if (rx_data_valid !== { rx_monitor_working_frame.ctrl[column_count+1], + rx_monitor_working_frame.ctrl[column_count] }) + $display("ERROR: Receiver fail: RX_DATA_VALID incorrect"); + current_column_data =[column_count]; + for (I = 0; I < 4; I = I + 1) + if (rx_data_valid[I]) + for (J = 0; J < 8; J = J + 1) + if (rx_data[I*8+J] !== current_column_data[I*8+J]) + $display("ERROR: Receiver fail : RX_DATA incorrect"); + current_column_data =[column_count+1]; + for (I = 4; I < 8; I = I + 1) + if (rx_data_valid[I]) + for (J = 0; J < 8; J = J + 1) + if (rx_data[I*8+J] !== current_column_data[(I-4)*8+J]) + $display("ERROR: Receiver fail : RX_DATA incorrect"); + end // if (!rx_monitor_working_frame.underrun) + + good_frame_flagged = rx_good_frame; + bad_frame_flagged = rx_bad_frame; + column_count = column_count + 2; + wait_on_rx_clk; + end // while (RX_DATA_VALID != 8'b00000000) + // check whether the frame has been flagged at the right time + while (!good_frame_flagged && !bad_frame_flagged) + begin + good_frame_flagged = rx_good_frame; + bad_frame_flagged = rx_bad_frame; + if (rx_data_valid !== 8'b00000000) + $display("ERROR: Receiver fail: New frame received before good/bad flag from previous frame"); + wait_on_rx_clk; + end + if (rx_monitor_working_frame.underrun) + begin + if (good_frame_flagged) + $display("ERROR: Receive Fail: bad frame flagged as good"); + end + else + begin + if (bad_frame_flagged) + $display("ERROR: Receive Fail: good frame flagged as bad"); + end + $display("Receiver: Frame extracted from client interface"); + end + endtask // rx_monitor_check_frame + + /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- + -- RX Monitor process. This process checks the data coming out of the + receiver + -- to make sure that it matches that inserted into the transmitter. + ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ + initial + begin : p_rx_monitor + rx_monitor_finished = 0; + + // first, get synced up with the RX clock + @(negedge reset) + wait_on_rx_clk; + + rx_monitor_check_frame(frame0.tobits(0)); + rx_monitor_check_frame(frame1.tobits(0)); + rx_monitor_check_frame(frame2.tobits(0)); + rx_monitor_check_frame(frame3.tobits(0)); + rx_monitor_finished = 1; + end // block: p_rx_monitor + + + + + // reset process + initial + begin + $display("Resetting the core..."); + reset <= 1; + #200000; + reset <= 0; + end + + // Simulation control + assign simulation_finished = rx_monitor_finished; + + initial + begin + fork: sim_in_progress + @(posedge simulation_finished) disable sim_in_progress; + #10000000 disable sim_in_progress; + join + if (simulation_finished) + $display("** failure: Simulation Stopped"); + else + $display("** failure: Testbench timed out"); + $stop; + end // initial begin + +endmodule + Index: tags/V10/rtl/verilog/tx_engine/ack_counter.v =================================================================== --- tags/V10/rtl/verilog/tx_engine/ack_counter.v (nonexistent) +++ tags/V10/rtl/verilog/tx_engine/ack_counter.v (revision 40) @@ -0,0 +1,89 @@ +module ack_counter ( +clock , // 156 MHz clock +reset , // active high, asynchronous Reset input +ready, +tx_start , // Active high tx_start signal for counter +max_count, //16 bit reg for the maximum count to generate the ack signal +tx_ack // Active high signal +); + +// Ports declaration +input clock; +input reset; +input ready; +input tx_start; +input [15:0] max_count; + +output tx_ack; + +// Wire connections +//Input +wire clock; +wire reset; +wire ready; +wire tx_start; +wire [15:0] max_count; + +//Output +reg tx_ack; + + + +//Internal wires +reg start_count; +reg start_count_del; +reg [15:0] counter; + + +always @ (reset or tx_start or counter or max_count) +begin + + if (reset) begin + start_count <= 0; + end + + else if (tx_start) begin + start_count <= 1; + end + + else if ((counter == max_count) & !ready) begin //& !ready + start_count <= 0; + end + +end + + +always @ (posedge clock or posedge reset) +begin + + if (reset) begin + counter <= 0; + end + + else if (counter == max_count) begin + counter <= 0; + end + + else if (start_count) begin + counter <= counter + 1; + end + +end + + +always @ (posedge clock or posedge reset) +begin + + if (reset) begin + start_count_del <= 0; + tx_ack <= 0; + end + else begin + start_count_del <= start_count; + tx_ack <= ~start_count & start_count_del; + end + +end + +endmodule // End of Module + Index: tags/V10/rtl/verilog/tx_engine/byte_counter.v =================================================================== --- tags/V10/rtl/verilog/tx_engine/byte_counter.v (nonexistent) +++ tags/V10/rtl/verilog/tx_engine/byte_counter.v (revision 40) @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +module byte_count_module(CLK, RESET, START, BYTE_COUNTER); + +// Ports declaration +input CLK; +input RESET; +input START; + + + +output [15:0] BYTE_COUNTER; + +reg [15:0] BYTE_COUNTER; +reg [15:0] counter; + +always @(posedge CLK or posedge RESET) +begin + if (RESET == 1) begin + counter = 16'h0000; + end + + // the ack is delayed which starts the counter + else if (START == 1) begin + counter = counter + 8; + end + + BYTE_COUNTER = counter; +end + + +endmodule // End of Module + Index: tags/V10/rtl/verilog/tx_engine/TransmitTop.v =================================================================== --- tags/V10/rtl/verilog/tx_engine/TransmitTop.v (nonexistent) +++ tags/V10/rtl/verilog/tx_engine/TransmitTop.v (revision 40) @@ -0,0 +1,1410 @@ +///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// +// Name of module +// 23/1/06 - So far Mentor Precision indicates the current system runs as 101 MHz. +// +///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +module TRANSMIT_TOP( +TX_DATA, +TX_DATA_VALID, +TX_CLK, +RESET, +TX_START, +TX_ACK, +TX_UNDERRUN, +TX_IFG_DELAY, +RXTXLINKFAULT, +LOCALLINKFAULT, +TX_STATS_VALID, +TXSTATREGPLUS, +TXD, +TXC, +FC_TRANS_PAUSEDATA, +FC_TRANS_PAUSEVAL, +FC_TX_PAUSEDATA, +FC_TX_PAUSEVALID, +TX_CFG_REG_VALUE, +TX_CFG_REG_VALID +); + + +///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// +// Input and output ports definitions +// +///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +//Input from user logic +input [63:0] TX_DATA; +input [7:0] TX_DATA_VALID; // To accept the data valid to be available +input TX_CLK; +input RESET; +input TX_START; // This signify the first frame of data +input TX_UNDERRUN; // this will cause an error to be injected into the data +input [7:0] TX_IFG_DELAY; // this will cause a delay in the ack signal + +//input to transmit fault signals +input RXTXLINKFAULT; +input LOCALLINKFAULT; + +input [31:0] TX_CFG_REG_VALUE; +input TX_CFG_REG_VALID; + +//output to stat register +output TX_STATS_VALID; +output [24:0] TXSTATREGPLUS; // a pulse for each reg for stats + +//output to user logic +output TX_ACK; //Generated by a counter + +//output to XGMII +output [63:0] TXD; +output [7:0] TXC; + +//output [15:0] BYTE_COUNTER_OUT; + +//Pause inputs +//Transmit pause frames +input [15:0] FC_TRANS_PAUSEDATA; //pause frame data +input FC_TRANS_PAUSEVAL; //pulse signal to indicate a pause frame to be sent + +//apply pause timing +input [15:0] FC_TX_PAUSEDATA; +input FC_TX_PAUSEVALID; + + + +///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// +// Definitions and parameters +// +///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +//possibility to put this in a package. + +//opcode definitions +parameter PAUSE_OPCODE = 16'b1000100000001000; //8808 +parameter VLAN_OPCODE = 16'b1000000100000000; //8100 + +//frame size definitions +parameter VLAN_FRAME_SIZE = 16'b0000010111110010;//1522 bytes +parameter JUMBO_FRAME_SIZE = 16'b0010001100101000;//9000 bytes +parameter NORMAL_FRAME_SIZE = 16'b0000010111101110;//1518 bytes +parameter MIN_FRAME_SIZE = 16'b0000000000111100; //60 bytes + + +//Frame definition +parameter IDLE_FRAME = 8'b00000111; //only six preambles as the first preamble is converted into a start flag +parameter IDLE_FRAME_8BYTES = 64'b0000011100000111000001110000011100000111000001110000011100000111; +parameter START_SEQ = 64'b1010101110101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101011111011; +parameter LOCAL_FAULT_SEQ = 64'b0000000100000000000000000000000000000001000000000000000000000000; +parameter REMOTE_FAULT_SEQ = 64'b0000001000000000000000000000000000000010000000000000000000000000; +parameter START_FRAME = 8'b11111011; //only valid in frame 0 +parameter TERMINATE_FRAME = 8'b11111101; +parameter SFD_FRAME = 8'b10101011; +parameter PREAMBLE_FRAME = 8'b10101010; +parameter ERROR_FRAME = 8'b11111110; + + +parameter SOURCE_ADDR = 48'h010101010101; +parameter DEST_ADDR = 48'h101010101010; + +parameter PAUSE_FRAME_LENGTH = 8'h02; + + +//need a parameter for min frame gap. + +//Link fault signalling +// send lane 0 + + +///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// +// Registers and wires +// +///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + + + + +wire TX_ACK; + +reg [24:0] TXSTATREGPLUS; + +reg TX_STATS_VALID; + +reg FRAME_START; + +wire reset_int; + +reg [15:0] DELAY_ACK; + +reg [7:0] TX_DATA_VALID_REG; +reg [7:0] TX_DATA_VALID_DEL1; +reg [7:0] TX_DATA_VALID_DEL2; +reg [7:0] TX_DATA_VALID_DEL3; +reg [7:0] TX_DATA_VALID_DEL4; +reg [7:0] TX_DATA_VALID_DEL5; +reg [7:0] TX_DATA_VALID_DEL6; +reg [7:0] TX_DATA_VALID_DEL7; +reg [7:0] TX_DATA_VALID_DEL8; +reg [7:0] TX_DATA_VALID_DEL9; +reg [7:0] TX_DATA_VALID_DEL10; +reg [7:0] TX_DATA_VALID_DEL11; +reg [7:0] TX_DATA_VALID_DEL12; +reg [7:0] TX_DATA_VALID_DEL13; +reg [7:0] TX_DATA_VALID_DEL14; +reg [7:0] TX_DATA_VALID_DEL15; + +reg [63:0] TX_DATA_DEL1; +reg [63:0] TX_DATA_DEL2; +reg [63:0] TX_DATA_DEL3; +reg [63:0] TX_DATA_DEL4; +reg [63:0] TX_DATA_DEL5; +reg [63:0] TX_DATA_DEL6; +reg [63:0] TX_DATA_DEL7; +reg [63:0] TX_DATA_DEL8; +reg [63:0] TX_DATA_DEL9; +reg [63:0] TX_DATA_DEL10; +reg [63:0] TX_DATA_DEL11; +reg [63:0] TX_DATA_DEL12; +reg [63:0] TX_DATA_DEL13; +reg [63:0] TX_DATA_DEL14; +reg [63:0] TX_DATA_DEL15; + +reg [7:0] OVERFLOW_VALID; +reg [63:0] OVERFLOW_DATA; + +reg [63:0] TXD; +reg [7:0] TXC; + +reg [63:0] TX_DATA_REG, TX_DATA_VALID_DELAY; + +wire [31:0] CRC_32_64; + +wire [15:0] BYTE_COUNTER; + +reg frame_start_del; + +reg transmit_pause_frame_del, transmit_pause_frame_del2, transmit_pause_frame, append_start_pause, append_start_pause_del , transmit_pause_frame_valid, reset_err_pause, load_CRC8, transmit_pause_frame_del3; + +reg [7:0] tx_data_int; +reg start_CRC8, START_CRC8_DEL; +reg append_end_frame; + + +reg insert_error; + +reg [7:0] store_tx_data_valid; +reg [63:0] store_tx_data; +reg [31:0] store_CRC64; +reg [7:0] store_valid; +reg load_final_CRC; + +reg [15:0] final_byte_count, byte_count_reg; + +wire [31:0] CRC_OUT; + +reg [9:0] append_reg; + + +reg [15:0] length_register; + +reg tx_undderrun_int; + +reg [15:0] MAX_FRAME_SIZE; + +reg vlan_enabled_int; +reg jumbo_enabled_int; +reg tx_enabled_int; +reg fcs_enabled_int; +reg reset_tx_int; +reg read_ifg_int; + +reg apply_pause_delay; +reg [15:0] store_pause_frame; + +reg [63:0] TXD_PAUSE_DEL0; +reg [63:0] TXD_PAUSE_DEL1; +reg [63:0] TXD_PAUSE_DEL2; + +reg [7:0] TXC_PAUSE_DEL0; +reg [7:0] TXC_PAUSE_DEL1; +reg [7:0] TXC_PAUSE_DEL2; + +reg PAUSEVAL_DEL; +reg PAUSEVAL_DEL1; +reg PAUSEVAL_DEL2; +wire RESET_ERR_PAUSE; + +reg set_pause_stats; +reg [15:0] store_transmit_pause_value; +reg [3:0] pause_frame_counter; +reg [63:0] shift_pause_data; + +reg [7:0] shift_pause_valid; +reg [7:0] shift_pause_valid_del; + +reg [14:0] byte_count_stat; + +reg [24:0] txstatplus_int; + + +///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// +// Start of code +// +///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + + + + +//TODO + +//RX side. need to be able to receive data and calculate the CRC switching between 64 and 8 bit datapath. +//Therefore, the data need to be counted correctly. +//ERROR checking module or process will be needed. This will check if frame is correct length. +//Need to be able to remove redundant frames or columns and also padding. The error module will +//also check the tx_underrun signal as well. + +//need to be able to cut-off bytes. + +//Need to add the link fault signalling and config registers. + + +//TX side. need to be able to insert the CRC with the data. +//need to define the first column of txd which is START 6 PRE and SFD. +//need to be able invert data_valid for txc. +//need to be able to transmit IDLEs. + + +//Format of output +//IDLE 07, START FB TERMINATE FD SFD 10101011 PREAMBLE 10101010 ERROR FE. + +//IDLE START PREAMBLE SFD DA SA L/T DATA TERMINATE IDLE + + + + + + + + +///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// +// Ack counter +// +///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + + +//Ack counter. need to be able to load the frame length, pause frame inter frame delay into the ack counter +// as this will delay the ack signal. The ack signal will initiate the rest of the data transmission from the +// user logic. + +//need to stop the ack signal from transmitting when a PAUSE frame is transmitting + +// Connect DUT to test bench +ack_counter U_ACK_CNT( +.clock(TX_CLK), +.reset(reset_int | reset_tx_int), +.ready(FRAME_START | transmit_pause_frame), +.tx_start(TX_START), +.max_count(DELAY_ACK), +.tx_ack(TX_ACK) +); + +//CRC for 64 bit data +//This seem to be one of the culprit for the timing violation +CRC32_D64 U_CRC64( +.DATA_IN(TX_DATA_REG), //need to swap between pause data +.CLK(TX_CLK), +.RESET(reset_int | TX_ACK | append_start_pause), +.START(frame_start_del | transmit_pause_frame_valid), +.CRC_OUT(CRC_32_64) //need to switch to output some how for a pause frame +); + + +//CRC for 8 bit data +CRC32_D8 U_CRC8( +.DATA_IN(tx_data_int), //8bit data +.CLK(TX_CLK), +.RESET(reset_int), +.START(start_CRC8), //this signal will be use to start +.LOAD(load_CRC8), //use this to load first +.CRC_IN(CRC_32_64), +.CRC_OUT(CRC_OUT) +); + + +//The start signal need to be high for the count +//This seem to be one of the culprit for the timing violation +byte_count_module U_byte_count_module( +.CLK(TX_CLK), +.RESET(reset_int | TX_ACK), +.START(frame_start_del & FRAME_START), +.BYTE_COUNTER(BYTE_COUNTER) +); + + + +///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// +// PAUSE FRAME +// +///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +always @(posedge TX_CLK) +begin + PAUSEVAL_DEL <= FC_TRANS_PAUSEVAL; + PAUSEVAL_DEL1 <= PAUSEVAL_DEL; + PAUSEVAL_DEL2 <= PAUSEVAL_DEL1; +end + +always @(posedge TX_CLK or posedge reset_int) +begin + if (reset_int) begin + transmit_pause_frame <= 0; + end + else if (PAUSEVAL_DEL2) begin + transmit_pause_frame <= 1; + end + else if (pause_frame_counter == 8) begin + transmit_pause_frame <= 0; + end +end + +always @(posedge TX_CLK or posedge reset_int) +begin + if (reset_int) begin + set_pause_stats <= 0; + end + else if (PAUSEVAL_DEL2) begin + set_pause_stats <= 1; + end + else if (append_end_frame) begin + set_pause_stats <= 0; + end +end + +always @(posedge TX_CLK or posedge reset_int) +begin + if (reset_int) begin + TXD_PAUSE_DEL0 <= 0; + TXD_PAUSE_DEL1 <= 0; + TXD_PAUSE_DEL2 <= 0; + + TXC_PAUSE_DEL0 <= 0; + TXC_PAUSE_DEL1 <= 0; + TXC_PAUSE_DEL2 <= 0; + + + store_transmit_pause_value <= 0; + end + else if (FC_TRANS_PAUSEVAL) begin + store_transmit_pause_value <= FC_TRANS_PAUSEDATA; + TXD_PAUSE_DEL1 <= {DEST_ADDR, SOURCE_ADDR[47:32]}; + TXD_PAUSE_DEL2 <= {SOURCE_ADDR[31:0], PAUSE_FRAME_LENGTH, PAUSE_OPCODE, FC_TRANS_PAUSEDATA}; + + TXC_PAUSE_DEL1 <= 8'hff; + TXC_PAUSE_DEL2 <= 8'hff; + + end +end + + +always @(posedge TX_CLK or posedge reset_int) +begin + if (reset_int) begin + pause_frame_counter <= 0; + end + else if (transmit_pause_frame & !FRAME_START) begin + pause_frame_counter <= pause_frame_counter + 1; + end +end + + +always @(posedge TX_CLK or posedge reset_int) +begin + if (reset_int) begin + shift_pause_data <= 0; + shift_pause_valid_del <= 0; + shift_pause_valid <= 0; + end + else if (transmit_pause_frame & !FRAME_START) begin + if (pause_frame_counter == 0) begin + shift_pause_data <= TXD_PAUSE_DEL1; + end + else if (pause_frame_counter == 1) begin + shift_pause_data <= TXD_PAUSE_DEL2; + end + else begin + shift_pause_data <= 0; + end + + + if (pause_frame_counter == 7) begin + shift_pause_valid <= 8'h0f; + end + else if (pause_frame_counter < 7) begin + shift_pause_valid <= 8'hff; + end + else begin + shift_pause_valid <= 0; + end + + shift_pause_valid_del <= shift_pause_valid; + end + else begin + shift_pause_data <= 0; + shift_pause_valid <= 0; + shift_pause_valid_del <= shift_pause_valid; + end +end + + + + +always @(posedge reset_int or posedge TX_CLK) +begin + if (reset_int) begin + FRAME_START <= 0; + end + else if (TX_ACK) begin + FRAME_START <= 1; + end + else if ((TX_DATA_VALID_REG != 8'hff) & (BYTE_COUNTER != 0)) begin + FRAME_START <= 0; + end +end + + + + +assign reset_int = RESET; + + +//TXSTATREGPLUS[24:0] +//24 pause_frame transmitted - count when pause flag is set +//23 to 20 bytes valid +//19 vlan frame - asserted if previous frame was a VLAN - just check if VLAN been set +//18 to 5 last frame length count in bytes stick to 16383 when jumbo frame is greater than value - just load the byte count +//4 if last frame has control type code 88-08 in the length type field - pause frame - check if pause flag is set +//3 underrun frame - check if underrun is set +//2 multicast frame - 01-80-C2-00-00-01 use for pause frame +//1 broadcast frame - al ones +//0 sucessful frame - check if error occurred -use insert error flag + + +//TX_STATS_VALID - need to be driving after a frame transmission - use load_overflow signal + + +always @(posedge TX_CLK or posedge reset_int) +begin + if (reset_int) begin + txstatplus_int <= 0; + end + else if (load_final_CRC) begin + if (insert_error) begin + txstatplus_int[3] <= 1; + end + if (set_pause_stats) begin + txstatplus_int[24] <= 1; + txstatplus_int[4] <= 1; + txstatplus_int[2] <= 1; + txstatplus_int[1] <= 1; + txstatplus_int[18:5] <= 512; + end + if (vlan_enabled_int) begin + txstatplus_int[19] <= 1; + end + else begin + if (final_byte_count[15] == 1) begin + txstatplus_int[18:5] <= 16383; + end + else begin + txstatplus_int[18:5] <= byte_count_stat; + end + end + end + else begin + txstatplus_int <= 0; + end + + TXSTATREGPLUS <= txstatplus_int; + TX_STATS_VALID <= append_end_frame; +end + + + + +//input [31:0] TX_CFG_REG_VALUE; +//24:0 reserved +//25 default to 0 - min frame - 1 adjust frame delay by reading inter-frame gap delay reg - DELAY_ACK signal +//26 WAN - not used +//27 VLAN enable default to 0, 1 enabled +//28 default to 1 - transmitter enbaled, 0 - transmitter disabled - possibly used to reset +//29 default to 0 FCS enabled, 1 FCS disabled +//30 default to 0, 1 - Jumbo frame enabled +//31 deafult to 0, 1 - reset transmitter + +//input TX_CFG_REG_VALID; + +always @(posedge TX_CLK or posedge reset_int) +begin + if (reset_int) begin + vlan_enabled_int <= 0; + jumbo_enabled_int <= 0; + tx_enabled_int <= 0; + fcs_enabled_int <= 1; + reset_tx_int <= 0; + read_ifg_int <= 0; + end + else if (TX_CFG_REG_VALID) begin + vlan_enabled_int <= TX_CFG_REG_VALUE[27]; + jumbo_enabled_int <= TX_CFG_REG_VALUE[30]; + tx_enabled_int <= TX_CFG_REG_VALUE[28]; // Stop ack from generated, hold reset + fcs_enabled_int <= TX_CFG_REG_VALUE[29]; + reset_tx_int <= TX_CFG_REG_VALUE[31]; + read_ifg_int <= TX_CFG_REG_VALUE[25]; + end +end + + +//Load the delay value for the acknowledge signal +always @(posedge TX_CLK or posedge reset_int) +begin + if (reset_int) begin + DELAY_ACK <= 16'h0001; + end + else if (apply_pause_delay) begin + DELAY_ACK <= store_pause_frame; + end + else if (read_ifg_int) begin + DELAY_ACK <= TX_IFG_DELAY; + end + end + + +//Need to expand to be setup by the config register +//1514 with out FCS added, 1518 when FCS is added +//1518 without FCS added, 1522 when FCS is added +always @(posedge TX_CLK or posedge reset_int) +begin + if (reset_int) begin + MAX_FRAME_SIZE <= 1514; + end + else begin + if (vlan_enabled_int) begin + if (fcs_enabled_int) begin + MAX_FRAME_SIZE <= 1522; + end + else begin + MAX_FRAME_SIZE <= 1518; + end + end + else if (jumbo_enabled_int) begin + if (fcs_enabled_int) begin + MAX_FRAME_SIZE <= 1518; + end + else begin + MAX_FRAME_SIZE <= 1514; + end + end + else begin + if (fcs_enabled_int) begin + MAX_FRAME_SIZE <= 1518; + end + else begin + MAX_FRAME_SIZE <= 1514; + end + end + end +end + + + + +always @(posedge TX_CLK) +begin + if (reset_int) begin + tx_undderrun_int <= 0; + end + else if (append_end_frame) + tx_undderrun_int <= 0; + end + else if (TX_UNDERRUN == 1) begin + tx_undderrun_int <= 1; + end +end + +//Indicate an error +always @(posedge TX_CLK or posedge reset_int) +begin + if (reset_int) begin + insert_error <= 0; + end + else if (append_end_frame | reset_err_pause) begin + insert_error <= 0; + end + else if (load_CRC8) begin + if (tx_undderrun_int == 1) begin + insert_error <= 1; + end + else begin + if (length_register == final_byte_count) begin + if (final_byte_count <= MAX_FRAME_SIZE) begin + insert_error <= 0; + end + else begin + insert_error <= 1; + end + end + else if (length_register < MIN_FRAME_SIZE) begin + if (final_byte_count == 64) begin + insert_error <= 0; + end + else begin + insert_error <= 1; + end + end + else begin + insert_error <= 1; + end + end + end +end + + +//use for delaying the ack signal when pause is required +always @(posedge TX_CLK or posedge reset_int) +begin + if (reset_int) begin + apply_pause_delay <= 0; + store_pause_frame <= 0; + end + else if (TX_ACK) begin + apply_pause_delay <= 0; + store_pause_frame <= 0; + end + else if (FC_TX_PAUSEVALID) begin + apply_pause_delay <= 1; + store_pause_frame <= FC_TX_PAUSEDATA; + end +end + + + + +always @(posedge TX_CLK) +begin + if (TX_START) begin + TX_DATA_VALID_DELAY <= IDLE_FRAME_8BYTES; + end + else begin + TX_DATA_VALID_DELAY <= TX_DATA; + end +end + + + +//Shift valid into the system and also ensuring min frame is achieved +always @(posedge TX_CLK or posedge reset_int) +begin + if (reset_int) begin + TX_DATA_VALID_REG <= 0; + end + else if (FRAME_START) begin + if (BYTE_COUNTER < 48) begin + TX_DATA_VALID_REG <= 8'b11111111; + end + else if (BYTE_COUNTER == 48) begin + if (TX_START) begin + TX_DATA_VALID_REG <= 8'b00001111; + end + else begin + TX_DATA_VALID_REG <= 8'b00001111 | TX_DATA_VALID; + end + end + else begin + if (TX_START) begin + TX_DATA_VALID_REG <= 0; + end + else begin + TX_DATA_VALID_REG <= TX_DATA_VALID; + end + end + end + else if (transmit_pause_frame_del) begin + shift_pause_valid_del <= shift_pause_valid; + TX_DATA_VALID_REG <= shift_pause_valid_del; + end + else begin + TX_DATA_VALID_REG <= 0; + end +end + + +//Shifting data to the system. Also ensuring min frame is achieved +always @(posedge TX_CLK or posedge reset_int) +begin + if (reset_int) begin + TX_DATA_REG <= IDLE_FRAME_8BYTES; + end + else if (FRAME_START) begin + if (BYTE_COUNTER < 56) begin + case (TX_DATA_VALID_REG) + 8'b00000000 : begin + TX_DATA_REG <= TX_DATA_VALID_DELAY; + end + 8'b00000001 : begin + TX_DATA_REG <= {56'h00000000000000, TX_DATA_VALID_DELAY[7:0]}; + end + 8'b00000011 : begin + TX_DATA_REG <= {48'h000000000000, TX_DATA_VALID_DELAY[15:0]}; + end + 8'b00000111 : begin + TX_DATA_REG <= {40'h0000000000, TX_DATA_VALID_DELAY[23:0]}; + end + 8'b00001111 : begin + TX_DATA_REG <= {32'h00000000, TX_DATA_VALID_DELAY[31:0]}; + end + 8'b00011111 : begin + TX_DATA_REG <= {24'h000000, TX_DATA_VALID_DELAY[39:0]}; + end + 8'b00111111 : begin + TX_DATA_REG <= {16'h0000, TX_DATA_VALID_DELAY[47:0]}; + end + 8'b01111111 : begin + TX_DATA_REG <= {8'h00, TX_DATA_VALID_DELAY[55:0]}; + end + 8'b11111111 : begin + TX_DATA_REG <= TX_DATA_VALID_DELAY; + end + endcase + end + else begin + TX_DATA_REG <= TX_DATA_VALID_DELAY; + end + end + else if (transmit_pause_frame_valid) begin + TX_DATA_REG <= shift_pause_data; + end + else begin + if (TX_ACK | append_start_pause) begin + TX_DATA_REG <= START_SEQ; + end + else begin + TX_DATA_REG <= IDLE_FRAME_8BYTES; + end + end + +end + + + + + + + +//Use for shifting data to CRC and loading start value for CRC +always @(posedge TX_CLK or posedge reset_int) +begin + if (reset_int) begin + frame_start_del <= 0; + transmit_pause_frame_del <= 0; + transmit_pause_frame_del2 <= 0; + transmit_pause_frame_del3 <= 0; + append_start_pause <= 0; + append_start_pause_del <= 0; + transmit_pause_frame_valid <= 0; + reset_err_pause <= 0; + load_CRC8 <= 0; + end + else begin + frame_start_del <= FRAME_START; + transmit_pause_frame_del <= transmit_pause_frame; + transmit_pause_frame_del2 <= transmit_pause_frame_del; + transmit_pause_frame_del3 <= transmit_pause_frame_del2; + append_start_pause <= (!transmit_pause_frame_del & transmit_pause_frame); + append_start_pause_del <= append_start_pause; + transmit_pause_frame_valid <= (transmit_pause_frame_del & transmit_pause_frame); + reset_err_pause <= (transmit_pause_frame_del & !transmit_pause_frame); + load_CRC8 <= (frame_start_del & !FRAME_START) | (transmit_pause_frame_del3 & !transmit_pause_frame_del2); + end +end + + + +always @(posedge TX_CLK or posedge reset_int) +begin + if (reset_int) begin + TX_DATA_VALID_DEL1 <= 0; + TX_DATA_VALID_DEL2 <= 0; + TX_DATA_VALID_DEL3 <= 0; + TX_DATA_VALID_DEL4 <= 0; + TX_DATA_VALID_DEL5 <= 0; + TX_DATA_VALID_DEL6 <= 0; + TX_DATA_VALID_DEL7 <= 0; + TX_DATA_VALID_DEL8 <= 0; + TX_DATA_VALID_DEL9 <= 0; + TX_DATA_VALID_DEL10 <= 0; + TX_DATA_VALID_DEL11 <= 0; + TX_DATA_VALID_DEL12 <= 0; + TX_DATA_VALID_DEL13 <= 0; + TX_DATA_VALID_DEL14 <= 0; + TX_DATA_VALID_DEL15 <= 0; + OVERFLOW_VALID <= 0; + end + else begin + TX_DATA_VALID_DEL1 <= TX_DATA_VALID_REG; + TX_DATA_VALID_DEL2 <= TX_DATA_VALID_DEL1; + TX_DATA_VALID_DEL3 <= TX_DATA_VALID_DEL2; + TX_DATA_VALID_DEL4 <= TX_DATA_VALID_DEL3; + TX_DATA_VALID_DEL5 <= TX_DATA_VALID_DEL4; + TX_DATA_VALID_DEL6 <= TX_DATA_VALID_DEL5; + TX_DATA_VALID_DEL7 <= TX_DATA_VALID_DEL6; + TX_DATA_VALID_DEL8 <= TX_DATA_VALID_DEL7; + TX_DATA_VALID_DEL9 <= TX_DATA_VALID_DEL8; + TX_DATA_VALID_DEL10 <= TX_DATA_VALID_DEL9; + TX_DATA_VALID_DEL11 <= TX_DATA_VALID_DEL10; + TX_DATA_VALID_DEL12 <= TX_DATA_VALID_DEL11; + TX_DATA_VALID_DEL13 <= TX_DATA_VALID_DEL12; + TX_DATA_VALID_DEL14 <= TX_DATA_VALID_DEL13; + + if (load_final_CRC) begin + case (TX_DATA_VALID_DEL13) + 8'b00000000 : begin + if (fcs_enabled_int) begin + TX_DATA_VALID_DEL14 <= 8'b00001111; + end + else begin + TX_DATA_VALID_DEL14 <= 8'b00001111; + end + OVERFLOW_VALID <= 8'b00000000; + end + 8'b00000001 : begin + if (fcs_enabled_int) begin + TX_DATA_VALID_DEL14 <= 8'b00011111; + end + + OVERFLOW_VALID <= 8'b00000000; + end + 8'b00000011 : begin + if (fcs_enabled_int) begin + TX_DATA_VALID_DEL14 <= 8'b00111111; + end + OVERFLOW_VALID <= 8'b00000000; + end + 8'b00000111 : begin + if (fcs_enabled_int) begin + TX_DATA_VALID_DEL14 <= 8'b01111111; + end + + OVERFLOW_VALID <= 8'b00000000; + + end + 8'b00001111 : begin + if (fcs_enabled_int) begin + TX_DATA_VALID_DEL14 <= 8'b11111111; + end + + OVERFLOW_VALID <= 8'b00000000; + + end + 8'b00011111 : begin + if (fcs_enabled_int) begin + TX_DATA_VALID_DEL14 <= 8'b11111111; + OVERFLOW_VALID <= 8'b00000001; + end + else begin + OVERFLOW_VALID <= 8'b00000000; + end + + end + 8'b00111111 : begin + if (fcs_enabled_int) begin + TX_DATA_VALID_DEL14 <= 8'b11111111; + OVERFLOW_VALID <= 8'b00000011; + end + else begin + OVERFLOW_VALID <= 8'b00000000; + end + end + 8'b01111111 : begin + if (fcs_enabled_int) begin + TX_DATA_VALID_DEL14 <= 8'b11111111; + OVERFLOW_VALID <= 8'b00000111; + end + else begin + OVERFLOW_VALID <= 8'b00000000; + end + end + endcase + + end + + else if (append_end_frame) begin + TX_DATA_VALID_DEL14 <= OVERFLOW_VALID; + end + + TX_DATA_VALID_DEL15 <= TX_DATA_VALID_DEL14; + TXC <= TX_DATA_VALID_DEL15; + end +end + +always @(posedge TX_CLK or posedge reset_int) +begin + if (reset_int) begin + TX_DATA_DEL1 <= 0; + TX_DATA_DEL2 <= 0; + TX_DATA_DEL3 <= 0; + TX_DATA_DEL4 <= 0; + TX_DATA_DEL5 <= 0; + TX_DATA_DEL6 <= 0; + TX_DATA_DEL7 <= 0; + TX_DATA_DEL8 <= 0; + TX_DATA_DEL9 <= 0; + TX_DATA_DEL10 <= 0; + TX_DATA_DEL11 <= 0; + TX_DATA_DEL12 <= 0; + TX_DATA_DEL13 <= 0; + TX_DATA_DEL14 <= 0; + TX_DATA_DEL15 <= 0; + OVERFLOW_DATA <= IDLE_FRAME_8BYTES; + end + else begin + TX_DATA_DEL1 <= TX_DATA_REG; + TX_DATA_DEL2 <= TX_DATA_DEL1; + TX_DATA_DEL3 <= TX_DATA_DEL2; + TX_DATA_DEL4 <= TX_DATA_DEL3; + TX_DATA_DEL5 <= TX_DATA_DEL4; + TX_DATA_DEL6 <= TX_DATA_DEL5; + TX_DATA_DEL7 <= TX_DATA_DEL6; + TX_DATA_DEL8 <= TX_DATA_DEL7; + TX_DATA_DEL9 <= TX_DATA_DEL8; + TX_DATA_DEL10 <= TX_DATA_DEL9; + TX_DATA_DEL11 <= TX_DATA_DEL10; + TX_DATA_DEL12 <= TX_DATA_DEL11; + TX_DATA_DEL13 <= TX_DATA_DEL12; + TX_DATA_DEL14 <= TX_DATA_DEL13; + + if (load_final_CRC) begin + case (TX_DATA_VALID_DEL13) + 8'b00000000 : begin + if (fcs_enabled_int) begin + + TX_DATA_DEL14[31:0] <= CRC_OUT[31:0]; + if (insert_error) begin + TX_DATA_DEL14[39:32] <= ERROR_FRAME; + TX_DATA_DEL14[47:40] <= TERMINATE_FRAME; + end + else begin + TX_DATA_DEL14[39:32] <= TERMINATE_FRAME; + TX_DATA_DEL14[47:40] <= IDLE_FRAME; + end + + TX_DATA_DEL14[55:48] <= IDLE_FRAME; + TX_DATA_DEL14[63:56] <= IDLE_FRAME; + end + else begin + if (insert_error) begin + TX_DATA_DEL14[7:0] <= ERROR_FRAME; + TX_DATA_DEL14[15:8] <= TERMINATE_FRAME; + end + else begin + TX_DATA_DEL14[7:0] <= TERMINATE_FRAME; + TX_DATA_DEL14[15:8] <= IDLE_FRAME; + end + + TX_DATA_DEL14[23:16] <= IDLE_FRAME; + TX_DATA_DEL14[31:24] <= IDLE_FRAME; + TX_DATA_DEL14[39:32] <= IDLE_FRAME; + TX_DATA_DEL14[47:40] <= IDLE_FRAME; + TX_DATA_DEL14[55:48] <= IDLE_FRAME; + TX_DATA_DEL14[63:56] <= IDLE_FRAME; + end + OVERFLOW_DATA <= IDLE_FRAME_8BYTES; + end + 8'b00000001 : begin + if (fcs_enabled_int) begin + TX_DATA_DEL14[7:0] <= TX_DATA_DEL13[7:0]; + TX_DATA_DEL14[39:8] <= CRC_OUT[31:0]; + if (insert_error) begin + TX_DATA_DEL14[47:40] <= ERROR_FRAME; + TX_DATA_DEL14[55:48] <= TERMINATE_FRAME; + end + else begin + TX_DATA_DEL14[47:40] <= TERMINATE_FRAME; + TX_DATA_DEL14[55:48] <= IDLE_FRAME; + end + + + TX_DATA_DEL14[63:56] <= IDLE_FRAME; + TX_DATA_DEL14 <= TX_DATA_DEL13; + + end + else begin + TX_DATA_DEL14[7:0] <= TX_DATA_DEL13[7:0]; + + if (insert_error) begin + TX_DATA_DEL14[15:8] <= ERROR_FRAME; + TX_DATA_DEL14[23:16] <= TERMINATE_FRAME; + end + else begin + TX_DATA_DEL14[15:8] <= TERMINATE_FRAME; + TX_DATA_DEL14[23:16] <= IDLE_FRAME; + end + TX_DATA_DEL14[31:24] <= IDLE_FRAME; + TX_DATA_DEL14[39:32] <= IDLE_FRAME; + TX_DATA_DEL14[47:40] <= IDLE_FRAME; + TX_DATA_DEL14[55:48] <= IDLE_FRAME; + TX_DATA_DEL14[63:56] <= IDLE_FRAME; + TX_DATA_DEL14 <= TX_DATA_DEL13; + + end + + OVERFLOW_DATA <= IDLE_FRAME_8BYTES; + end + 8'b00000011 : begin + if (fcs_enabled_int) begin + TX_DATA_DEL14[15:0] <= TX_DATA_DEL13[15:0]; + TX_DATA_DEL14[47:16] <= CRC_OUT[31:0]; + if (insert_error) begin + TX_DATA_DEL14[55:48] <= ERROR_FRAME; + TX_DATA_DEL14[63:56] <= TERMINATE_FRAME; + end + else begin + TX_DATA_DEL14[55:48] <= TERMINATE_FRAME; + TX_DATA_DEL14[63:56] <= IDLE_FRAME; + end + end + else begin + TX_DATA_DEL14[15:0] <= TX_DATA_DEL13[15:0]; + + if (insert_error) begin + TX_DATA_DEL14[23:16] <= ERROR_FRAME; + TX_DATA_DEL14[31:24] <= TERMINATE_FRAME; + end + else begin + TX_DATA_DEL14[23:16] <= TERMINATE_FRAME; + TX_DATA_DEL14[31:24] <= IDLE_FRAME; + + end + TX_DATA_DEL14[39:32] <= IDLE_FRAME; + TX_DATA_DEL14[47:40] <= IDLE_FRAME; + TX_DATA_DEL14[55:48] <= IDLE_FRAME; + TX_DATA_DEL14[63:56] <= IDLE_FRAME; + end + + OVERFLOW_DATA <= IDLE_FRAME_8BYTES; + end + 8'b00000111 : begin + if (fcs_enabled_int) begin + TX_DATA_DEL14[23:0] <= TX_DATA_DEL13[23:0]; + TX_DATA_DEL14[55:24] <= CRC_OUT[31:0]; + OVERFLOW_DATA <= IDLE_FRAME_8BYTES; + if (insert_error) begin + TX_DATA_DEL14[63:56] <= ERROR_FRAME; + OVERFLOW_DATA[7:0] <= TERMINATE_FRAME; + end + else begin + TX_DATA_DEL14[63:56] <= TERMINATE_FRAME; + end + end + else begin + TX_DATA_DEL14[23:0] <= TX_DATA_DEL13[23:0]; + TX_DATA_DEL14[55:24] <= CRC_OUT[31:0]; + OVERFLOW_DATA <= IDLE_FRAME_8BYTES; + if (insert_error) begin + TX_DATA_DEL14[31:24] <= ERROR_FRAME; + TX_DATA_DEL14[39:32] <= TERMINATE_FRAME; + end + else begin + TX_DATA_DEL14[31:24] <= TERMINATE_FRAME; + TX_DATA_DEL14[39:32] <= IDLE_FRAME; + end + TX_DATA_DEL14[47:40] <= IDLE_FRAME; + TX_DATA_DEL14[55:48] <= IDLE_FRAME; + TX_DATA_DEL14[63:56] <= IDLE_FRAME; + end + + end + 8'b00001111 : begin + if (fcs_enabled_int) begin + TX_DATA_DEL14[31:0] <= TX_DATA_DEL13[31:0]; + TX_DATA_DEL14[63:32]<= CRC_OUT[31:0]; + + if (insert_error) begin + OVERFLOW_DATA [7:0] <= ERROR_FRAME; + OVERFLOW_DATA[15:8] <= TERMINATE_FRAME; + end + else begin + OVERFLOW_DATA [7:0]<= TERMINATE_FRAME; + OVERFLOW_DATA [15:8]<= IDLE_FRAME; + end + OVERFLOW_DATA [23:16]<= IDLE_FRAME; + OVERFLOW_DATA [31:24]<= IDLE_FRAME; + OVERFLOW_DATA [39:32]<= IDLE_FRAME; + OVERFLOW_DATA [47:40]<= IDLE_FRAME; + OVERFLOW_DATA [55:48]<= IDLE_FRAME; + OVERFLOW_DATA [63:56]<= IDLE_FRAME; + end + else begin + TX_DATA_DEL14[31:0] <= TX_DATA_DEL13[31:0]; + OVERFLOW_DATA <= IDLE_FRAME_8BYTES; + if (insert_error) begin + TX_DATA_DEL14 [39:32] <= ERROR_FRAME; + TX_DATA_DEL14[47:40] <= TERMINATE_FRAME; + end + else begin + TX_DATA_DEL14 [39:32]<= TERMINATE_FRAME; + TX_DATA_DEL14 [47:40]<= IDLE_FRAME; + end + TX_DATA_DEL14[55:48] <= IDLE_FRAME; + TX_DATA_DEL14[63:56] <= IDLE_FRAME; + end + end + 8'b00011111 : begin + if (fcs_enabled_int) begin + TX_DATA_DEL14[39:0] <= TX_DATA_DEL13[39:0]; + TX_DATA_DEL14[63:40] <= CRC_OUT[23:0]; + OVERFLOW_DATA [7:0]<= CRC_OUT[31:24]; + if (insert_error) begin + OVERFLOW_DATA [15:8]<= ERROR_FRAME; + OVERFLOW_DATA [23:16]<= TERMINATE_FRAME; + end + else begin + OVERFLOW_DATA [15:8]<= TERMINATE_FRAME; + OVERFLOW_DATA [23:16]<= IDLE_FRAME; + end + OVERFLOW_DATA [31:24]<= IDLE_FRAME; + OVERFLOW_DATA [39:32]<= IDLE_FRAME; + OVERFLOW_DATA [47:40]<= IDLE_FRAME; + OVERFLOW_DATA [55:48]<= IDLE_FRAME; + OVERFLOW_DATA [63:56]<= IDLE_FRAME; + end + else begin + TX_DATA_DEL14[39:0] <= TX_DATA_DEL13[39:0]; + OVERFLOW_DATA <= IDLE_FRAME_8BYTES; + if (insert_error) begin + TX_DATA_DEL14 [47:40] <= ERROR_FRAME; + TX_DATA_DEL14[55:48] <= TERMINATE_FRAME; + end + else begin + TX_DATA_DEL14 [47:40]<= TERMINATE_FRAME; + TX_DATA_DEL14 [55:48]<= IDLE_FRAME; + end + TX_DATA_DEL14[63:56] <= IDLE_FRAME; + end + + end + 8'b00111111 : begin + if (fcs_enabled_int) begin + TX_DATA_DEL14[47:0] <= TX_DATA_DEL13[47:0]; + TX_DATA_DEL14[63:48] <= CRC_OUT[15:0]; + OVERFLOW_DATA [15:0]<= CRC_OUT[31:16]; + if (insert_error) begin + OVERFLOW_DATA [23:16]<= ERROR_FRAME; + OVERFLOW_DATA [31:24]<= TERMINATE_FRAME; + end + else begin + OVERFLOW_DATA [23:16]<= TERMINATE_FRAME; + OVERFLOW_DATA [31:24]<= IDLE_FRAME; + end + OVERFLOW_DATA [39:32]<= IDLE_FRAME; + OVERFLOW_DATA [47:40]<= IDLE_FRAME; + OVERFLOW_DATA [55:48]<= IDLE_FRAME; + OVERFLOW_DATA [63:56]<= IDLE_FRAME; + end + else begin + TX_DATA_DEL14[47:0] <= TX_DATA_DEL13[47:0]; + if (insert_error) begin + TX_DATA_DEL14 [55:48] <= ERROR_FRAME; + TX_DATA_DEL14[63:56] <= TERMINATE_FRAME; + end + else begin + TX_DATA_DEL14 [55:48]<= TERMINATE_FRAME; + TX_DATA_DEL14 [63:56]<= IDLE_FRAME; + end + + end + end + 8'b01111111 : begin + if (fcs_enabled_int) begin + TX_DATA_DEL14[55:0] <= TX_DATA_DEL13[55:0]; + TX_DATA_DEL14[63:56] <= CRC_OUT[7:0]; + OVERFLOW_DATA [23:0]<= CRC_OUT[31:8]; + if (insert_error) begin + OVERFLOW_DATA [31:24]<= ERROR_FRAME; + OVERFLOW_DATA [39:32]<= TERMINATE_FRAME; + end + else begin + OVERFLOW_DATA [31:24]<= TERMINATE_FRAME; + OVERFLOW_DATA [39:32]<= IDLE_FRAME; + end + OVERFLOW_DATA [47:40]<= IDLE_FRAME; + OVERFLOW_DATA [55:48]<= IDLE_FRAME; + OVERFLOW_DATA [63:56]<= IDLE_FRAME; + end + else begin + TX_DATA_DEL14[55:0] <= TX_DATA_DEL13[55:0]; + OVERFLOW_DATA <= IDLE_FRAME_8BYTES; + if (insert_error) begin + TX_DATA_DEL14 [63:56] <= ERROR_FRAME; + OVERFLOW_DATA[7:0] <= TERMINATE_FRAME; + end + else begin + TX_DATA_DEL14 [63:56]<= TERMINATE_FRAME; + OVERFLOW_DATA [7:0]<= IDLE_FRAME; + end + end + + end + + endcase + end + else if (append_end_frame) begin + TX_DATA_DEL14 <= OVERFLOW_DATA; + end + + TX_DATA_DEL15 <= TX_DATA_DEL14; + + TXD <= TX_DATA_DEL15; + end +end + + + + +always @(posedge TX_CLK or posedge reset_int) +begin + if (reset_int) begin + store_tx_data_valid <= 0; + store_tx_data <= 0; + store_CRC64 <= 0; + tx_data_int <= 0; + end + else if (load_CRC8) begin + store_tx_data_valid <= TX_DATA_VALID_DEL2; + store_tx_data <= TX_DATA_DEL2; + store_CRC64 <= CRC_32_64; + end + else begin + store_tx_data_valid[6:0] <= store_tx_data_valid[7:1]; + tx_data_int <= store_tx_data[7:0]; + store_tx_data[55:0] <= store_tx_data[63:8]; + end +end + +//Start CRC8 and load CRC8 +always @(posedge TX_CLK or posedge reset_int) +begin + if (reset_int) begin + start_CRC8 <= 0; + START_CRC8_DEL <= 0; + end + else begin + start_CRC8 <= store_tx_data_valid[0]; + START_CRC8_DEL <= start_CRC8; + end +end + + +always @(posedge TX_CLK or posedge reset_int) +begin + if (reset_int) begin + byte_count_reg <= 0; + end + else begin + byte_count_reg <= BYTE_COUNTER; + end +end + +//Use for determining the number of bytes in the data +always @(posedge TX_CLK or posedge reset_int) +begin + if (reset_int) begin + final_byte_count <= 0; + end + else if (load_CRC8) begin + if (BYTE_COUNTER == 64) begin + final_byte_count <= 60; + end + else begin + final_byte_count <= byte_count_reg; + end + end + else if (start_CRC8) begin + final_byte_count <= final_byte_count + 1; + end + + if (transmit_pause_frame) begin + byte_count_stat = 512; + end + else begin + byte_count_stat = final_byte_count; + end +end + + +always @(posedge TX_CLK or posedge reset_int) +begin + if (reset_int) begin + append_reg <= 0; + load_final_CRC <= 0; + append_end_frame <= 0; + end + else begin + append_reg[0] <= load_CRC8; + append_reg[9:1] <= append_reg[8:0]; + load_final_CRC <= append_reg[9]; + append_end_frame <= load_final_CRC; + end +end + + +always @(posedge TX_CLK or posedge reset_int) +begin + if (reset_int) begin + vlan_enabled_int <= 0; + end +end + +// VLAN field - 8100 at second 64 bit data at 32:47 and V1 V2 is at 48:63 +// length field at third 64 bit data at 0:15 + +always @(posedge TX_CLK or posedge reset_int) +begin + if (reset_int) begin + length_register <= 0; + end + if (vlan_enabled_int) begin + if (BYTE_COUNTER == 16) begin + length_register <= TX_DATA_REG[15:0]; + end + end + else begin + if (BYTE_COUNTER == 8) begin + length_register <= TX_DATA_REG[47:32]; + end + end + +end + + +always @(posedge TX_CLK or posedge reset_int) +begin + if (reset_int) begin + set_pause_stats <= 0; + end + else if (PAUSEVAL_DEL2) begin + set_pause_stats <= 1; + end + else if (append_end_frame) begin + set_pause_stats <= 0; + end +end + + +endmodule + Index: tags/V10/rtl/verilog/tx_engine/CRC32_D8.v =================================================================== --- tags/V10/rtl/verilog/tx_engine/CRC32_D8.v (nonexistent) +++ tags/V10/rtl/verilog/tx_engine/CRC32_D8.v (revision 40) @@ -0,0 +1,135 @@ +module CRC32_D8(DATA_IN, CLK, RESET, START, LOAD, CRC_IN, CRC_OUT); + + input [7:0] DATA_IN; + input CLK; + input RESET; + input START; + input LOAD; + input [31:0] CRC_IN; + output [31:0] CRC_OUT; + + reg [31:0] CRC_OUT; + reg start_int; + reg [7:0] data_int; + +always @(posedge CLK) +begin + start_int <= START; + data_int <= DATA_IN; +end + +always @(posedge CLK or posedge RESET) + begin + if (RESET) begin + CRC_OUT = 0; + end + else if (start_int == 1) begin + CRC_OUT = nextCRC32_D8(data_int, CRC_OUT); + end + else if (LOAD == 1) begin + CRC_OUT = CRC_IN; + end + + + + end + + +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// File: CRC32_D64.v +// Date: Sun Nov 27 19:32:12 2005 +// +// Copyright (C) 1999-2003 Easics NV. +// This source file may be used and distributed without restriction +// provided that this copyright statement is not removed from the file +// and that any derivative work contains the original copyright notice +// and the associated disclaimer. +// +// THIS SOURCE FILE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS +// OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED +// WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTIBILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. +// +// Purpose: Verilog module containing a synthesizable CRC function +// * polynomial: (0 1 2 4 5 7 8 10 11 12 16 22 23 26 32) +// * data width: 64 +// +// Info: +// +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + + // polynomial: (0 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 10 11 12 16 22 23 26 32) + // data width: 8 + // convention: the first serial data bit is D[7] + function [31:0] nextCRC32_D8; + + input [7:0] Data; + input [31:0] CRC; + + reg [7:0] D; + reg [31:0] C; + reg [31:0] NewCRC; + + begin + + D = Data; + C = CRC; + + NewCRC[0] = D[6] ^ D[0] ^ C[24] ^ C[30]; + NewCRC[1] = D[7] ^ D[6] ^ D[1] ^ D[0] ^ C[24] ^ C[25] ^ C[30] ^ + C[31]; + NewCRC[2] = D[7] ^ D[6] ^ D[2] ^ D[1] ^ D[0] ^ C[24] ^ C[25] ^ + C[26] ^ C[30] ^ C[31]; + NewCRC[3] = D[7] ^ D[6] ^ D[3] ^ D[2] ^ D[1] ^ D[0] ^ C[24] ^ C[25] ^ + C[26] ^ C[27] ^ C[30] ^ C[31]; + NewCRC[4] = D[7] ^ D[6] ^ D[4] ^ D[3] ^ D[2] ^ D[1] ^ D[0] ^ C[24] ^ + C[25] ^ C[26] ^ C[27] ^ C[28] ^ C[30] ^ C[31]; + NewCRC[5] = D[7] ^ D[6] ^ D[5] ^ D[4] ^ D[3] ^ D[2] ^ D[1] ^ D[0] ^ + C[24] ^ C[25] ^ C[26] ^ C[27] ^ C[28] ^ C[29] ^ C[30] ^ + C[31]; + NewCRC[6] = D[7] ^ D[6] ^ D[5] ^ D[4] ^ D[3] ^ D[2] ^ D[1] ^ C[25] ^ + C[26] ^ C[27] ^ C[28] ^ C[29] ^ C[30] ^ C[31]; + NewCRC[7] = D[7] ^ D[5] ^ D[4] ^ D[3] ^ D[2] ^ D[0] ^ C[24] ^ C[26] ^ + C[27] ^ C[28] ^ C[29] ^ C[31]; + NewCRC[8] = D[5] ^ D[4] ^ D[3] ^ D[1] ^ D[0] ^ C[0] ^ C[24] ^ C[25] ^ + C[27] ^ C[28] ^ C[29]; + NewCRC[9] = D[6] ^ D[5] ^ D[4] ^ D[2] ^ D[1] ^ C[1] ^ C[25] ^ C[26] ^ + C[28] ^ C[29] ^ C[30]; + NewCRC[10] = D[7] ^ D[5] ^ D[3] ^ D[2] ^ D[0] ^ C[2] ^ C[24] ^ C[26] ^ + C[27] ^ C[29] ^ C[31]; + NewCRC[11] = D[4] ^ D[3] ^ D[1] ^ D[0] ^ C[3] ^ C[24] ^ C[25] ^ + C[27] ^ C[28]; + NewCRC[12] = D[6] ^ D[5] ^ D[4] ^ D[2] ^ D[1] ^ D[0] ^ C[4] ^ C[24] ^ + C[25] ^ C[26] ^ C[28] ^ C[29] ^ C[30]; + NewCRC[13] = D[7] ^ D[6] ^ D[5] ^ D[3] ^ D[2] ^ D[1] ^ C[5] ^ C[25] ^ + C[26] ^ C[27] ^ C[29] ^ C[30] ^ C[31]; + NewCRC[14] = D[7] ^ D[6] ^ D[4] ^ D[3] ^ D[2] ^ C[6] ^ C[26] ^ C[27] ^ + C[28] ^ C[30] ^ C[31]; + NewCRC[15] = D[7] ^ D[5] ^ D[4] ^ D[3] ^ C[7] ^ C[27] ^ C[28] ^ + C[29] ^ C[31]; + NewCRC[16] = D[5] ^ D[4] ^ D[0] ^ C[8] ^ C[24] ^ C[28] ^ C[29]; + NewCRC[17] = D[6] ^ D[5] ^ D[1] ^ C[9] ^ C[25] ^ C[29] ^ C[30]; + NewCRC[18] = D[7] ^ D[6] ^ D[2] ^ C[10] ^ C[26] ^ C[30] ^ C[31]; + NewCRC[19] = D[7] ^ D[3] ^ C[11] ^ C[27] ^ C[31]; + NewCRC[20] = D[4] ^ C[12] ^ C[28]; + NewCRC[21] = D[5] ^ C[13] ^ C[29]; + NewCRC[22] = D[0] ^ C[14] ^ C[24]; + NewCRC[23] = D[6] ^ D[1] ^ D[0] ^ C[15] ^ C[24] ^ C[25] ^ C[30]; + NewCRC[24] = D[7] ^ D[2] ^ D[1] ^ C[16] ^ C[25] ^ C[26] ^ C[31]; + NewCRC[25] = D[3] ^ D[2] ^ C[17] ^ C[26] ^ C[27]; + NewCRC[26] = D[6] ^ D[4] ^ D[3] ^ D[0] ^ C[18] ^ C[24] ^ C[27] ^ + C[28] ^ C[30]; + NewCRC[27] = D[7] ^ D[5] ^ D[4] ^ D[1] ^ C[19] ^ C[25] ^ C[28] ^ + C[29] ^ C[31]; + NewCRC[28] = D[6] ^ D[5] ^ D[2] ^ C[20] ^ C[26] ^ C[29] ^ C[30]; + NewCRC[29] = D[7] ^ D[6] ^ D[3] ^ C[21] ^ C[27] ^ C[30] ^ C[31]; + NewCRC[30] = D[7] ^ D[4] ^ C[22] ^ C[28] ^ C[31]; + NewCRC[31] = D[5] ^ C[23] ^ C[29]; + + nextCRC32_D8 = NewCRC; + + end + + endfunction + +endmodule + Index: tags/V10/rtl/verilog/tx_engine/CRC32_D64.v =================================================================== --- tags/V10/rtl/verilog/tx_engine/CRC32_D64.v (nonexistent) +++ tags/V10/rtl/verilog/tx_engine/CRC32_D64.v (revision 40) @@ -0,0 +1,310 @@ +module CRC32_D64(DATA_IN, CLK, RESET, START, CRC_OUT); + + input [63:0] DATA_IN; + input CLK; + input RESET; + input START; + output [31:0] CRC_OUT; + +// reg [31:0] CRC_FB; + reg [31:0] CRC_OUT; + reg [31:0] CRC_REG; + +reg start_int; +reg startCRC; +wire [63:0] data_del; + + +assign data_del = {DATA_IN[0],DATA_IN[1],DATA_IN[2],DATA_IN[3],DATA_IN[4],DATA_IN[5],DATA_IN[6],DATA_IN[7], + DATA_IN[8],DATA_IN[9],DATA_IN[10],DATA_IN[11],DATA_IN[12],DATA_IN[13],DATA_IN[14],DATA_IN[15], + DATA_IN[16],DATA_IN[17],DATA_IN[18],DATA_IN[19],DATA_IN[20],DATA_IN[21],DATA_IN[22],DATA_IN[23], + DATA_IN[24],DATA_IN[25],DATA_IN[26],DATA_IN[27],DATA_IN[28],DATA_IN[29],DATA_IN[30],DATA_IN[31], + DATA_IN[32],DATA_IN[33],DATA_IN[34],DATA_IN[35],DATA_IN[36],DATA_IN[37],DATA_IN[38],DATA_IN[39], + DATA_IN[40],DATA_IN[41],DATA_IN[42],DATA_IN[43],DATA_IN[44],DATA_IN[45],DATA_IN[46],DATA_IN[47], + DATA_IN[48],DATA_IN[49],DATA_IN[50],DATA_IN[51],DATA_IN[52],DATA_IN[53],DATA_IN[54],DATA_IN[55], + DATA_IN[56],DATA_IN[57],DATA_IN[58],DATA_IN[59],DATA_IN[60],DATA_IN[61],DATA_IN[62],DATA_IN[63]}; + +//assign data_del = 64'h1000000000000000; + +always @(START) +begin + startCRC <= START; +end + +always @(posedge CLK or posedge RESET) + begin + if (RESET) begin + CRC_OUT <= 0; + CRC_REG <= 0; + end + + else if (startCRC == 1) begin + CRC_OUT <= nextCRC32_D64(data_del, CRC_OUT); + end + + end + + +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// File: CRC32_D64.v +// Date: Sun Nov 27 19:32:12 2005 +// +// Copyright (C) 1999-2003 Easics NV. +// This source file may be used and distributed without restriction +// provided that this copyright statement is not removed from the file +// and that any derivative work contains the original copyright notice +// and the associated disclaimer. +// +// THIS SOURCE FILE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS +// OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED +// WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTIBILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. +// +// Purpose: Verilog module containing a synthesizable CRC function +// * polynomial: (0 1 2 4 5 7 8 10 11 12 16 22 23 26 32) +// * data width: 64 +// +// Info: +// +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + + // polynomial: (0 1 2 4 5 7 8 10 11 12 16 22 23 26 32) + // data width: 64 + // convention: the first serial data bit is D[63] + function [31:0] nextCRC32_D64; + + input [63:0] Data; + input [31:0] CRC; + + reg [63:0] D; + reg [31:0] C; + reg [31:0] NewCRC; + + begin + + D = Data; + C = CRC; + + NewCRC[0] = D[63] ^ D[61] ^ D[60] ^ D[58] ^ D[55] ^ D[54] ^ D[53] ^ + D[50] ^ D[48] ^ D[47] ^ D[45] ^ D[44] ^ D[37] ^ D[34] ^ + D[32] ^ D[31] ^ D[30] ^ D[29] ^ D[28] ^ D[26] ^ D[25] ^ + D[24] ^ D[16] ^ D[12] ^ D[10] ^ D[9] ^ D[6] ^ D[0] ^ + C[0] ^ C[2] ^ C[5] ^ C[12] ^ C[13] ^ C[15] ^ C[16] ^ + C[18] ^ C[21] ^ C[22] ^ C[23] ^ C[26] ^ C[28] ^ C[29] ^ + C[31]; + NewCRC[1] = D[63] ^ D[62] ^ D[60] ^ D[59] ^ D[58] ^ D[56] ^ D[53] ^ + D[51] ^ D[50] ^ D[49] ^ D[47] ^ D[46] ^ D[44] ^ D[38] ^ + D[37] ^ D[35] ^ D[34] ^ D[33] ^ D[28] ^ D[27] ^ D[24] ^ + D[17] ^ D[16] ^ D[13] ^ D[12] ^ D[11] ^ D[9] ^ D[7] ^ + D[6] ^ D[1] ^ D[0] ^ C[1] ^ C[2] ^ C[3] ^ C[5] ^ C[6] ^ + C[12] ^ C[14] ^ C[15] ^ C[17] ^ C[18] ^ C[19] ^ C[21] ^ + C[24] ^ C[26] ^ C[27] ^ C[28] ^ C[30] ^ C[31]; + NewCRC[2] = D[59] ^ D[58] ^ D[57] ^ D[55] ^ D[53] ^ D[52] ^ D[51] ^ + D[44] ^ D[39] ^ D[38] ^ D[37] ^ D[36] ^ D[35] ^ D[32] ^ + D[31] ^ D[30] ^ D[26] ^ D[24] ^ D[18] ^ D[17] ^ D[16] ^ + D[14] ^ D[13] ^ D[9] ^ D[8] ^ D[7] ^ D[6] ^ D[2] ^ + D[1] ^ D[0] ^ C[0] ^ C[3] ^ C[4] ^ C[5] ^ C[6] ^ C[7] ^ + C[12] ^ C[19] ^ C[20] ^ C[21] ^ C[23] ^ C[25] ^ C[26] ^ + C[27]; + NewCRC[3] = D[60] ^ D[59] ^ D[58] ^ D[56] ^ D[54] ^ D[53] ^ D[52] ^ + D[45] ^ D[40] ^ D[39] ^ D[38] ^ D[37] ^ D[36] ^ D[33] ^ + D[32] ^ D[31] ^ D[27] ^ D[25] ^ D[19] ^ D[18] ^ D[17] ^ + D[15] ^ D[14] ^ D[10] ^ D[9] ^ D[8] ^ D[7] ^ D[3] ^ + D[2] ^ D[1] ^ C[0] ^ C[1] ^ C[4] ^ C[5] ^ C[6] ^ C[7] ^ + C[8] ^ C[13] ^ C[20] ^ C[21] ^ C[22] ^ C[24] ^ C[26] ^ + C[27] ^ C[28]; + NewCRC[4] = D[63] ^ D[59] ^ D[58] ^ D[57] ^ D[50] ^ D[48] ^ D[47] ^ + D[46] ^ D[45] ^ D[44] ^ D[41] ^ D[40] ^ D[39] ^ D[38] ^ + D[33] ^ D[31] ^ D[30] ^ D[29] ^ D[25] ^ D[24] ^ D[20] ^ + D[19] ^ D[18] ^ D[15] ^ D[12] ^ D[11] ^ D[8] ^ D[6] ^ + D[4] ^ D[3] ^ D[2] ^ D[0] ^ C[1] ^ C[6] ^ C[7] ^ C[8] ^ + C[9] ^ C[12] ^ C[13] ^ C[14] ^ C[15] ^ C[16] ^ C[18] ^ + C[25] ^ C[26] ^ C[27] ^ C[31]; + NewCRC[5] = D[63] ^ D[61] ^ D[59] ^ D[55] ^ D[54] ^ D[53] ^ D[51] ^ + D[50] ^ D[49] ^ D[46] ^ D[44] ^ D[42] ^ D[41] ^ D[40] ^ + D[39] ^ D[37] ^ D[29] ^ D[28] ^ D[24] ^ D[21] ^ D[20] ^ + D[19] ^ D[13] ^ D[10] ^ D[7] ^ D[6] ^ D[5] ^ D[4] ^ + D[3] ^ D[1] ^ D[0] ^ C[5] ^ C[7] ^ C[8] ^ C[9] ^ C[10] ^ + C[12] ^ C[14] ^ C[17] ^ C[18] ^ C[19] ^ C[21] ^ C[22] ^ + C[23] ^ C[27] ^ C[29] ^ C[31]; + NewCRC[6] = D[62] ^ D[60] ^ D[56] ^ D[55] ^ D[54] ^ D[52] ^ D[51] ^ + D[50] ^ D[47] ^ D[45] ^ D[43] ^ D[42] ^ D[41] ^ D[40] ^ + D[38] ^ D[30] ^ D[29] ^ D[25] ^ D[22] ^ D[21] ^ D[20] ^ + D[14] ^ D[11] ^ D[8] ^ D[7] ^ D[6] ^ D[5] ^ D[4] ^ + D[2] ^ D[1] ^ C[6] ^ C[8] ^ C[9] ^ C[10] ^ C[11] ^ + C[13] ^ C[15] ^ C[18] ^ C[19] ^ C[20] ^ C[22] ^ C[23] ^ + C[24] ^ C[28] ^ C[30]; + NewCRC[7] = D[60] ^ D[58] ^ D[57] ^ D[56] ^ D[54] ^ D[52] ^ D[51] ^ + D[50] ^ D[47] ^ D[46] ^ D[45] ^ D[43] ^ D[42] ^ D[41] ^ + D[39] ^ D[37] ^ D[34] ^ D[32] ^ D[29] ^ D[28] ^ D[25] ^ + D[24] ^ D[23] ^ D[22] ^ D[21] ^ D[16] ^ D[15] ^ D[10] ^ + D[8] ^ D[7] ^ D[5] ^ D[3] ^ D[2] ^ D[0] ^ C[0] ^ C[2] ^ + C[5] ^ C[7] ^ C[9] ^ C[10] ^ C[11] ^ C[13] ^ C[14] ^ + C[15] ^ C[18] ^ C[19] ^ C[20] ^ C[22] ^ C[24] ^ C[25] ^ + C[26] ^ C[28]; + NewCRC[8] = D[63] ^ D[60] ^ D[59] ^ D[57] ^ D[54] ^ D[52] ^ D[51] ^ + D[50] ^ D[46] ^ D[45] ^ D[43] ^ D[42] ^ D[40] ^ D[38] ^ + D[37] ^ D[35] ^ D[34] ^ D[33] ^ D[32] ^ D[31] ^ D[28] ^ + D[23] ^ D[22] ^ D[17] ^ D[12] ^ D[11] ^ D[10] ^ D[8] ^ + D[4] ^ D[3] ^ D[1] ^ D[0] ^ C[0] ^ C[1] ^ C[2] ^ C[3] ^ + C[5] ^ C[6] ^ C[8] ^ C[10] ^ C[11] ^ C[13] ^ C[14] ^ + C[18] ^ C[19] ^ C[20] ^ C[22] ^ C[25] ^ C[27] ^ C[28] ^ + C[31]; + NewCRC[9] = D[61] ^ D[60] ^ D[58] ^ D[55] ^ D[53] ^ D[52] ^ D[51] ^ + D[47] ^ D[46] ^ D[44] ^ D[43] ^ D[41] ^ D[39] ^ D[38] ^ + D[36] ^ D[35] ^ D[34] ^ D[33] ^ D[32] ^ D[29] ^ D[24] ^ + D[23] ^ D[18] ^ D[13] ^ D[12] ^ D[11] ^ D[9] ^ D[5] ^ + D[4] ^ D[2] ^ D[1] ^ C[0] ^ C[1] ^ C[2] ^ C[3] ^ C[4] ^ + C[6] ^ C[7] ^ C[9] ^ C[11] ^ C[12] ^ C[14] ^ C[15] ^ + C[19] ^ C[20] ^ C[21] ^ C[23] ^ C[26] ^ C[28] ^ C[29]; + NewCRC[10] = D[63] ^ D[62] ^ D[60] ^ D[59] ^ D[58] ^ D[56] ^ D[55] ^ + D[52] ^ D[50] ^ D[42] ^ D[40] ^ D[39] ^ D[36] ^ D[35] ^ + D[33] ^ D[32] ^ D[31] ^ D[29] ^ D[28] ^ D[26] ^ D[19] ^ + D[16] ^ D[14] ^ D[13] ^ D[9] ^ D[5] ^ D[3] ^ D[2] ^ + D[0] ^ C[0] ^ C[1] ^ C[3] ^ C[4] ^ C[7] ^ C[8] ^ C[10] ^ + C[18] ^ C[20] ^ C[23] ^ C[24] ^ C[26] ^ C[27] ^ C[28] ^ + C[30] ^ C[31]; + NewCRC[11] = D[59] ^ D[58] ^ D[57] ^ D[56] ^ D[55] ^ D[54] ^ D[51] ^ + D[50] ^ D[48] ^ D[47] ^ D[45] ^ D[44] ^ D[43] ^ D[41] ^ + D[40] ^ D[36] ^ D[33] ^ D[31] ^ D[28] ^ D[27] ^ D[26] ^ + D[25] ^ D[24] ^ D[20] ^ D[17] ^ D[16] ^ D[15] ^ D[14] ^ + D[12] ^ D[9] ^ D[4] ^ D[3] ^ D[1] ^ D[0] ^ C[1] ^ C[4] ^ + C[8] ^ C[9] ^ C[11] ^ C[12] ^ C[13] ^ C[15] ^ C[16] ^ + C[18] ^ C[19] ^ C[22] ^ C[23] ^ C[24] ^ C[25] ^ C[26] ^ + C[27]; + NewCRC[12] = D[63] ^ D[61] ^ D[59] ^ D[57] ^ D[56] ^ D[54] ^ D[53] ^ + D[52] ^ D[51] ^ D[50] ^ D[49] ^ D[47] ^ D[46] ^ D[42] ^ + D[41] ^ D[31] ^ D[30] ^ D[27] ^ D[24] ^ D[21] ^ D[18] ^ + D[17] ^ D[15] ^ D[13] ^ D[12] ^ D[9] ^ D[6] ^ D[5] ^ + D[4] ^ D[2] ^ D[1] ^ D[0] ^ C[9] ^ C[10] ^ C[14] ^ + C[15] ^ C[17] ^ C[18] ^ C[19] ^ C[20] ^ C[21] ^ C[22] ^ + C[24] ^ C[25] ^ C[27] ^ C[29] ^ C[31]; + NewCRC[13] = D[62] ^ D[60] ^ D[58] ^ D[57] ^ D[55] ^ D[54] ^ D[53] ^ + D[52] ^ D[51] ^ D[50] ^ D[48] ^ D[47] ^ D[43] ^ D[42] ^ + D[32] ^ D[31] ^ D[28] ^ D[25] ^ D[22] ^ D[19] ^ D[18] ^ + D[16] ^ D[14] ^ D[13] ^ D[10] ^ D[7] ^ D[6] ^ D[5] ^ + D[3] ^ D[2] ^ D[1] ^ C[0] ^ C[10] ^ C[11] ^ C[15] ^ + C[16] ^ C[18] ^ C[19] ^ C[20] ^ C[21] ^ C[22] ^ C[23] ^ + C[25] ^ C[26] ^ C[28] ^ C[30]; + NewCRC[14] = D[63] ^ D[61] ^ D[59] ^ D[58] ^ D[56] ^ D[55] ^ D[54] ^ + D[53] ^ D[52] ^ D[51] ^ D[49] ^ D[48] ^ D[44] ^ D[43] ^ + D[33] ^ D[32] ^ D[29] ^ D[26] ^ D[23] ^ D[20] ^ D[19] ^ + D[17] ^ D[15] ^ D[14] ^ D[11] ^ D[8] ^ D[7] ^ D[6] ^ + D[4] ^ D[3] ^ D[2] ^ C[0] ^ C[1] ^ C[11] ^ C[12] ^ + C[16] ^ C[17] ^ C[19] ^ C[20] ^ C[21] ^ C[22] ^ C[23] ^ + C[24] ^ C[26] ^ C[27] ^ C[29] ^ C[31]; + NewCRC[15] = D[62] ^ D[60] ^ D[59] ^ D[57] ^ D[56] ^ D[55] ^ D[54] ^ + D[53] ^ D[52] ^ D[50] ^ D[49] ^ D[45] ^ D[44] ^ D[34] ^ + D[33] ^ D[30] ^ D[27] ^ D[24] ^ D[21] ^ D[20] ^ D[18] ^ + D[16] ^ D[15] ^ D[12] ^ D[9] ^ D[8] ^ D[7] ^ D[5] ^ + D[4] ^ D[3] ^ C[1] ^ C[2] ^ C[12] ^ C[13] ^ C[17] ^ + C[18] ^ C[20] ^ C[21] ^ C[22] ^ C[23] ^ C[24] ^ C[25] ^ + C[27] ^ C[28] ^ C[30]; + NewCRC[16] = D[57] ^ D[56] ^ D[51] ^ D[48] ^ D[47] ^ D[46] ^ D[44] ^ + D[37] ^ D[35] ^ D[32] ^ D[30] ^ D[29] ^ D[26] ^ D[24] ^ + D[22] ^ D[21] ^ D[19] ^ D[17] ^ D[13] ^ D[12] ^ D[8] ^ + D[5] ^ D[4] ^ D[0] ^ C[0] ^ C[3] ^ C[5] ^ C[12] ^ C[14] ^ + C[15] ^ C[16] ^ C[19] ^ C[24] ^ C[25]; + NewCRC[17] = D[58] ^ D[57] ^ D[52] ^ D[49] ^ D[48] ^ D[47] ^ D[45] ^ + D[38] ^ D[36] ^ D[33] ^ D[31] ^ D[30] ^ D[27] ^ D[25] ^ + D[23] ^ D[22] ^ D[20] ^ D[18] ^ D[14] ^ D[13] ^ D[9] ^ + D[6] ^ D[5] ^ D[1] ^ C[1] ^ C[4] ^ C[6] ^ C[13] ^ C[15] ^ + C[16] ^ C[17] ^ C[20] ^ C[25] ^ C[26]; + NewCRC[18] = D[59] ^ D[58] ^ D[53] ^ D[50] ^ D[49] ^ D[48] ^ D[46] ^ + D[39] ^ D[37] ^ D[34] ^ D[32] ^ D[31] ^ D[28] ^ D[26] ^ + D[24] ^ D[23] ^ D[21] ^ D[19] ^ D[15] ^ D[14] ^ D[10] ^ + D[7] ^ D[6] ^ D[2] ^ C[0] ^ C[2] ^ C[5] ^ C[7] ^ C[14] ^ + C[16] ^ C[17] ^ C[18] ^ C[21] ^ C[26] ^ C[27]; + NewCRC[19] = D[60] ^ D[59] ^ D[54] ^ D[51] ^ D[50] ^ D[49] ^ D[47] ^ + D[40] ^ D[38] ^ D[35] ^ D[33] ^ D[32] ^ D[29] ^ D[27] ^ + D[25] ^ D[24] ^ D[22] ^ D[20] ^ D[16] ^ D[15] ^ D[11] ^ + D[8] ^ D[7] ^ D[3] ^ C[0] ^ C[1] ^ C[3] ^ C[6] ^ C[8] ^ + C[15] ^ C[17] ^ C[18] ^ C[19] ^ C[22] ^ C[27] ^ C[28]; + NewCRC[20] = D[61] ^ D[60] ^ D[55] ^ D[52] ^ D[51] ^ D[50] ^ D[48] ^ + D[41] ^ D[39] ^ D[36] ^ D[34] ^ D[33] ^ D[30] ^ D[28] ^ + D[26] ^ D[25] ^ D[23] ^ D[21] ^ D[17] ^ D[16] ^ D[12] ^ + D[9] ^ D[8] ^ D[4] ^ C[1] ^ C[2] ^ C[4] ^ C[7] ^ C[9] ^ + C[16] ^ C[18] ^ C[19] ^ C[20] ^ C[23] ^ C[28] ^ C[29]; + NewCRC[21] = D[62] ^ D[61] ^ D[56] ^ D[53] ^ D[52] ^ D[51] ^ D[49] ^ + D[42] ^ D[40] ^ D[37] ^ D[35] ^ D[34] ^ D[31] ^ D[29] ^ + D[27] ^ D[26] ^ D[24] ^ D[22] ^ D[18] ^ D[17] ^ D[13] ^ + D[10] ^ D[9] ^ D[5] ^ C[2] ^ C[3] ^ C[5] ^ C[8] ^ C[10] ^ + C[17] ^ C[19] ^ C[20] ^ C[21] ^ C[24] ^ C[29] ^ C[30]; + NewCRC[22] = D[62] ^ D[61] ^ D[60] ^ D[58] ^ D[57] ^ D[55] ^ D[52] ^ + D[48] ^ D[47] ^ D[45] ^ D[44] ^ D[43] ^ D[41] ^ D[38] ^ + D[37] ^ D[36] ^ D[35] ^ D[34] ^ D[31] ^ D[29] ^ D[27] ^ + D[26] ^ D[24] ^ D[23] ^ D[19] ^ D[18] ^ D[16] ^ D[14] ^ + D[12] ^ D[11] ^ D[9] ^ D[0] ^ C[2] ^ C[3] ^ C[4] ^ + C[5] ^ C[6] ^ C[9] ^ C[11] ^ C[12] ^ C[13] ^ C[15] ^ + C[16] ^ C[20] ^ C[23] ^ C[25] ^ C[26] ^ C[28] ^ C[29] ^ + C[30]; + NewCRC[23] = D[62] ^ D[60] ^ D[59] ^ D[56] ^ D[55] ^ D[54] ^ D[50] ^ + D[49] ^ D[47] ^ D[46] ^ D[42] ^ D[39] ^ D[38] ^ D[36] ^ + D[35] ^ D[34] ^ D[31] ^ D[29] ^ D[27] ^ D[26] ^ D[20] ^ + D[19] ^ D[17] ^ D[16] ^ D[15] ^ D[13] ^ D[9] ^ D[6] ^ + D[1] ^ D[0] ^ C[2] ^ C[3] ^ C[4] ^ C[6] ^ C[7] ^ C[10] ^ + C[14] ^ C[15] ^ C[17] ^ C[18] ^ C[22] ^ C[23] ^ C[24] ^ + C[27] ^ C[28] ^ C[30]; + NewCRC[24] = D[63] ^ D[61] ^ D[60] ^ D[57] ^ D[56] ^ D[55] ^ D[51] ^ + D[50] ^ D[48] ^ D[47] ^ D[43] ^ D[40] ^ D[39] ^ D[37] ^ + D[36] ^ D[35] ^ D[32] ^ D[30] ^ D[28] ^ D[27] ^ D[21] ^ + D[20] ^ D[18] ^ D[17] ^ D[16] ^ D[14] ^ D[10] ^ D[7] ^ + D[2] ^ D[1] ^ C[0] ^ C[3] ^ C[4] ^ C[5] ^ C[7] ^ C[8] ^ + C[11] ^ C[15] ^ C[16] ^ C[18] ^ C[19] ^ C[23] ^ C[24] ^ + C[25] ^ C[28] ^ C[29] ^ C[31]; + NewCRC[25] = D[62] ^ D[61] ^ D[58] ^ D[57] ^ D[56] ^ D[52] ^ D[51] ^ + D[49] ^ D[48] ^ D[44] ^ D[41] ^ D[40] ^ D[38] ^ D[37] ^ + D[36] ^ D[33] ^ D[31] ^ D[29] ^ D[28] ^ D[22] ^ D[21] ^ + D[19] ^ D[18] ^ D[17] ^ D[15] ^ D[11] ^ D[8] ^ D[3] ^ + D[2] ^ C[1] ^ C[4] ^ C[5] ^ C[6] ^ C[8] ^ C[9] ^ C[12] ^ + C[16] ^ C[17] ^ C[19] ^ C[20] ^ C[24] ^ C[25] ^ C[26] ^ + C[29] ^ C[30]; + NewCRC[26] = D[62] ^ D[61] ^ D[60] ^ D[59] ^ D[57] ^ D[55] ^ D[54] ^ + D[52] ^ D[49] ^ D[48] ^ D[47] ^ D[44] ^ D[42] ^ D[41] ^ + D[39] ^ D[38] ^ D[31] ^ D[28] ^ D[26] ^ D[25] ^ D[24] ^ + D[23] ^ D[22] ^ D[20] ^ D[19] ^ D[18] ^ D[10] ^ D[6] ^ + D[4] ^ D[3] ^ D[0] ^ C[6] ^ C[7] ^ C[9] ^ C[10] ^ C[12] ^ + C[15] ^ C[16] ^ C[17] ^ C[20] ^ C[22] ^ C[23] ^ C[25] ^ + C[27] ^ C[28] ^ C[29] ^ C[30]; + NewCRC[27] = D[63] ^ D[62] ^ D[61] ^ D[60] ^ D[58] ^ D[56] ^ D[55] ^ + D[53] ^ D[50] ^ D[49] ^ D[48] ^ D[45] ^ D[43] ^ D[42] ^ + D[40] ^ D[39] ^ D[32] ^ D[29] ^ D[27] ^ D[26] ^ D[25] ^ + D[24] ^ D[23] ^ D[21] ^ D[20] ^ D[19] ^ D[11] ^ D[7] ^ + D[5] ^ D[4] ^ D[1] ^ C[0] ^ C[7] ^ C[8] ^ C[10] ^ C[11] ^ + C[13] ^ C[16] ^ C[17] ^ C[18] ^ C[21] ^ C[23] ^ C[24] ^ + C[26] ^ C[28] ^ C[29] ^ C[30] ^ C[31]; + NewCRC[28] = D[63] ^ D[62] ^ D[61] ^ D[59] ^ D[57] ^ D[56] ^ D[54] ^ + D[51] ^ D[50] ^ D[49] ^ D[46] ^ D[44] ^ D[43] ^ D[41] ^ + D[40] ^ D[33] ^ D[30] ^ D[28] ^ D[27] ^ D[26] ^ D[25] ^ + D[24] ^ D[22] ^ D[21] ^ D[20] ^ D[12] ^ D[8] ^ D[6] ^ + D[5] ^ D[2] ^ C[1] ^ C[8] ^ C[9] ^ C[11] ^ C[12] ^ + C[14] ^ C[17] ^ C[18] ^ C[19] ^ C[22] ^ C[24] ^ C[25] ^ + C[27] ^ C[29] ^ C[30] ^ C[31]; + NewCRC[29] = D[63] ^ D[62] ^ D[60] ^ D[58] ^ D[57] ^ D[55] ^ D[52] ^ + D[51] ^ D[50] ^ D[47] ^ D[45] ^ D[44] ^ D[42] ^ D[41] ^ + D[34] ^ D[31] ^ D[29] ^ D[28] ^ D[27] ^ D[26] ^ D[25] ^ + D[23] ^ D[22] ^ D[21] ^ D[13] ^ D[9] ^ D[7] ^ D[6] ^ + D[3] ^ C[2] ^ C[9] ^ C[10] ^ C[12] ^ C[13] ^ C[15] ^ + C[18] ^ C[19] ^ C[20] ^ C[23] ^ C[25] ^ C[26] ^ C[28] ^ + C[30] ^ C[31]; + NewCRC[30] = D[63] ^ D[61] ^ D[59] ^ D[58] ^ D[56] ^ D[53] ^ D[52] ^ + D[51] ^ D[48] ^ D[46] ^ D[45] ^ D[43] ^ D[42] ^ D[35] ^ + D[32] ^ D[30] ^ D[29] ^ D[28] ^ D[27] ^ D[26] ^ D[24] ^ + D[23] ^ D[22] ^ D[14] ^ D[10] ^ D[8] ^ D[7] ^ D[4] ^ + C[0] ^ C[3] ^ C[10] ^ C[11] ^ C[13] ^ C[14] ^ C[16] ^ + C[19] ^ C[20] ^ C[21] ^ C[24] ^ C[26] ^ C[27] ^ C[29] ^ + C[31]; + NewCRC[31] = D[62] ^ D[60] ^ D[59] ^ D[57] ^ D[54] ^ D[53] ^ D[52] ^ + D[49] ^ D[47] ^ D[46] ^ D[44] ^ D[43] ^ D[36] ^ D[33] ^ + D[31] ^ D[30] ^ D[29] ^ D[28] ^ D[27] ^ D[25] ^ D[24] ^ + D[23] ^ D[15] ^ D[11] ^ D[9] ^ D[8] ^ D[5] ^ C[1] ^ + C[4] ^ C[11] ^ C[12] ^ C[14] ^ C[15] ^ C[17] ^ C[20] ^ + C[21] ^ C[22] ^ C[25] ^ C[27] ^ C[28] ^ C[30]; + + nextCRC32_D64 = NewCRC; + + end + + endfunction + +endmodule + Index: tags/V10/rtl/verilog/rx_engine/rxdatafifo.xco =================================================================== --- tags/V10/rtl/verilog/rx_engine/rxdatafifo.xco (nonexistent) +++ tags/V10/rtl/verilog/rx_engine/rxdatafifo.xco (revision 40) @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ +# BEGIN Project Options +SET flowvendor = Foundation_iSE +SET vhdlsim = True +SET verilogsim = True +SET workingdirectory = F:\10G\ethmac10g +SET speedgrade = -6 +SET simulationfiles = Behavioral +SET asysymbol = True +SET addpads = False +# SET outputdirectory = F:\10G\ethmac10g +SET device = xc2vp20 +# SET projectname = F:\10G\ethmac10g +SET implementationfiletype = Edif +SET busformat = BusFormatAngleBracketNotRipped +SET foundationsym = False +SET package = fg676 +SET createndf = False +SET designentry = VHDL +SET devicefamily = virtex2p +SET formalverification = False +SET removerpms = False +# END Project Options +# BEGIN Select +SELECT Synchronous_FIFO family Xilinx,_Inc. 5.0 +# END Select +# BEGIN Parameters +CSET memory_type=Block_Memory +CSET write_acknowledge_flag=false +CSET data_width=64 +CSET write_error_flag=false +CSET read_acknowledge_sense=Active_Low +CSET data_count_width=8 +CSET fifo_depth=128 +CSET component_name=rxdatafifo +CSET data_count=false +CSET read_acknowledge_flag=false +CSET read_error_sense=Active_Low +CSET read_error_flag=false +CSET write_acknowledge_sense=Active_Low +CSET write_error_sense=Active_Low +# END Parameters +GENERATE + + Index: tags/V10/rtl/verilog/rx_engine/dcm0.xaw =================================================================== --- tags/V10/rtl/verilog/rx_engine/dcm0.xaw (nonexistent) +++ tags/V10/rtl/verilog/rx_engine/dcm0.xaw (revision 40) @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +XILINX-XDB 0.1 STUB 0.1 ASCII +XILINX-XDM V1.4e +$83x4>7<881:;6?:6/064==6>.bH<5>=;0Z2?77<<:1="9:48/3j3>GUKA]BV<94ASUY[JHKQVIJ_NOKIOE\GIM602KY[WQ@NM[\GIMNFVOSXH\AAM36?DTPRVEE@TQLLJKM[SGK]L;i7L\XZ^MMH\YCKDUX[DZLHHLD[FJL991J^ZTPOONZ[ABUWJ::<6O]W[]LJI_XLMXTO;@PT^ZIIDPUOH_QLLJ35?DTPRVEE@TQKDS]EHLVADFZ:96O]W[]LJI_XNKUNTYK]N@N26>GU_SUDBAWPIOQW[KSJm2KY[WQ@NM[\THEC9>1J^ZTPOONZ[WCDGGLBKR^FNR36?DTPRVEE@TQ]ERGW[II@AJ;37L\XZ^MMH\YQIECOSIH\_LMGAd=F[ZEHSZG[H018ER\XKEAIYK?PBMIMEHC6=2K\VRMCKCWE5ZOX[@MEM@K>5:CT^ZEKCK_M=RAPSHEMEHCa3H]QSNBDBTDW]UC69?1J[WQLLJ@VBQ_WM8UECHJFTb9BS_YADF]_U]K7;@UY[UGU\m1J[WQ\YOVKPJIK<2HDXE:4BTDD0>EKC920OAE?_CWEa>EKC9UIYKIPIOQW<>EKC9UDYY84CMI2<5gPBTDe?FJL19UIYKIPIOQW=>EKC0:TCXZ:;BNH@SeEKCOH37NBDFC]JJ0=DDBLS46MCKGZ2<5eEKCORTAXB[IQNZ1>EKC@D:=6MCKHL\@LPNLLUIUR7I]\EO36?ASSQVIROAKPCNPQAFRNGG=0HRXNLTG;?@^SM[DJ@l5IABVLV\YMN<1MMA]J9:DA[VIRZJOh7KKJDCC@OZDRN01MECQZNHVP1>@NPLN37KAZT^QWVd=AG\^TYCG[S`9EKPRX^HF^I<5F5:KAQCA?3@D_I_@NL038NLRSM[UBB][[_U[SA3=KGHNNH;5COBIF@d=KGJANHRAZT29OKR5HB\^EYG95AOOG2?J>VNF^COXE64PSKNP\VB991[^B^PPHLJWDESA_O>7]]LLJ48TVBHFL>0\^KA8:RPMKECMJ90^^Z9;SQW[LHe3ZCLIUZJROCO2>UNFNFNo6][ASVVTZQFA]<0_YO[UR31?V_T\LGT_T@LHSMMKPU43]E[86Z]UD:8QVCXJ\LL56[\E^@VBBU23_CN[~d:z9< 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This file is part of the 10 Gigabit Ethernet IP core project //// +//// //// +//// //// +//// AUTHOR(S): //// +//// Zheng Cao //// +//// //// +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +//// //// +//// Copyright (c) 2005 AUTHORS. All rights reserved. //// +//// //// +//// This source file may be used and distributed without //// +//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not //// +//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains //// +//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. //// +//// //// +//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it //// +//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General //// +//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; //// +//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any //// +//// later version. //// +//// //// +//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be //// +//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied //// +//// warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR //// +//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more //// +//// details. //// +//// //// +//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General //// +//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it //// +//// from //// +//// //// +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// +// CVS REVISION HISTORY: +// +// $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $ +// Revision 1.1 2005/12/25 16:43:10 Zheng Cao +// +// +// +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +`include "timescale.v" +`include "xgiga_define.v" + +module rxClkgen(rxclk_in, reset, rxclk, rxclk_180, locked); + input rxclk_in; + input reset; + output rxclk; + output rxclk_180; + output locked; + + dcm0 rx_dcm(.CLKIN_IN(rxclk_in), + .RST_IN(reset), + .CLKIN_IBUFG_OUT(), + .CLK0_OUT(rxclk), + .CLK180_OUT(rxclk_180), + .LOCKED_OUT(locked) + ); + +endmodule Index: tags/V10/rtl/verilog/rx_engine/rxStateMachine.v =================================================================== --- tags/V10/rtl/verilog/rx_engine/rxStateMachine.v (nonexistent) +++ tags/V10/rtl/verilog/rx_engine/rxStateMachine.v (revision 40) @@ -0,0 +1,198 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +//// //// +//// MODULE NAME: rxNumCounter //// +//// //// +//// DESCRIPTION: To count bytes have been received. //// +//// //// +//// //// +//// This file is part of the 10 Gigabit Ethernet IP core project //// +//// //// +//// //// +//// AUTHOR(S): //// +//// Zheng Cao //// +//// //// +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +//// //// +//// Copyright (c) 2005 AUTHORS. All rights reserved. //// +//// //// +//// This source file may be used and distributed without //// +//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not //// +//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains //// +//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. //// +//// //// +//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it //// +//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General //// +//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; //// +//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any //// +//// later version. //// +//// //// +//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be //// +//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied //// +//// warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR //// +//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more //// +//// details. //// +//// //// +//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General //// +//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it //// +//// from //// +//// //// +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// +// CVS REVISION HISTORY: +// +// $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $ +// Revision 1.1 2005/12/25 16:43:10 Zheng Cao +// +// +// +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +`include "timescale.v" +`include "xgiga_define.v" + +module rxStateMachine(rxclk, reset, recv_enable, get_sfd, local_invalid, length_error, crc_check_valid, crc_check_invalid, + start_da, start_lt, receiving, receiving_d1, good_frame_get, bad_frame_get, get_error_code, wait_crc_check, + get_terminator,check_reset); + + input rxclk; + input reset; + + input recv_enable; + + //PRE & SFD + input get_sfd; // SFD has been received; + + //DA field + input local_invalid;// The Frame's DA field is not Local MAC; + + //Length/Type field + input length_error;// + + //FCS field + input get_terminator;//Indicate end of receiving FCS field; + input crc_check_valid;//Indicate the frame passed CRC Check; + input crc_check_invalid;//Indicate the frame failed in CRC Check; + input get_error_code; + + input check_reset; + + //DA field + output start_da;// Start to receive Destination Address; + + //Length/Type field + output start_lt;// Start to receive Length/Type field; + + //Receive process control + output receiving; //Rx Engine is working, not in IDLE state and Check state. + output receiving_d1; + output good_frame_get;// A good frame has been received; + output bad_frame_get; // A bad frame has been received; + output wait_crc_check;// + + parameter IDLE = 0, rxReceiveDA = 1, rxReceiveLT = 2, rxReceiveData = 4; + parameter rxGetError = 8, rxIFGWait = 16; + parameter TP =1; + + wire start_da; + wire start_lt; + wire receiving; + reg good_frame_get; + reg bad_frame_get; + + reg[4:0] rxstate, rxstate_next; + + always@(rxstate, get_sfd, local_invalid, recv_enable, + get_error_code, length_error, get_terminator, reset)begin + if (reset) begin + rxstate_next <=#TP IDLE; + end + else begin + case (rxstate) + IDLE: begin //5'b00000; + if (get_sfd && recv_enable) + rxstate_next <=#TP rxReceiveDA; + else + rxstate_next <=#TP IDLE; + end + rxReceiveDA: begin //5'b00001 + rxstate_next <=#TP rxReceiveLT; + end + rxReceiveLT: begin //5'b00010 + rxstate_next <=#TP rxReceiveData; + end + rxReceiveData: begin //5'b00100 + if (local_invalid |length_error| get_error_code) + rxstate_next <=#TP rxGetError; + else if (get_terminator) + rxstate_next <=#TP rxIFGWait; + else + rxstate_next <=#TP rxReceiveData; + end + rxGetError: begin //5'b01000 + if (get_sfd && recv_enable) + rxstate_next <=#TP rxReceiveDA; + else + rxstate_next <=#TP IDLE; + end + rxIFGWait : begin //5'b10000; + if (get_sfd && recv_enable) + rxstate_next <=#TP rxReceiveDA; + else + rxstate_next <=#TP IDLE; + end + endcase + end + end + + always@(posedge rxclk or posedge reset) begin + if (reset) + rxstate <=#TP IDLE; + else + rxstate <=#TP rxstate_next; + end + + assign start_da = rxstate[0]; + assign start_lt = rxstate[1]; + assign receiving = rxstate[2] | rxstate[1] | rxstate[0]; // in DA,LT,DATA status + + reg receiving_d1; + always@(posedge rxclk or posedge reset) begin + if (reset) begin + receiving_d1<=#TP 0; + end + else begin + receiving_d1<=#TP receiving; + end + end + + reg wait_crc_check; + always@(posedge rxclk or posedge reset) begin + if (reset) + wait_crc_check <=#TP 0; + else if (rxstate[4]) + wait_crc_check <=#TP 1'b1; + else if (crc_check_valid || crc_check_invalid||length_error) + wait_crc_check <=#TP 1'b0; + else + wait_crc_check <=#TP wait_crc_check; + end + + always@(posedge rxclk or posedge reset)begin + if (reset) begin + bad_frame_get <=#TP 0; + good_frame_get <=#TP 0; + end + else if(rxstate[3] || crc_check_invalid || length_error)begin + bad_frame_get <=#TP 1'b1; + good_frame_get <=#TP 1'b0; + end + else if (crc_check_valid)begin + good_frame_get <=#TP 1'b1; + bad_frame_get <=#TP 1'b0; + end + else if (check_reset)begin + good_frame_get <=#TP 1'b0; + bad_frame_get <=#TP 1'b0; + end + end +endmodule Index: tags/V10/rtl/verilog/rx_engine/counter.v =================================================================== --- tags/V10/rtl/verilog/rx_engine/counter.v (nonexistent) +++ tags/V10/rtl/verilog/rx_engine/counter.v (revision 40) @@ -0,0 +1,42 @@ +`timescale 100ps / 10ps +//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// Company: +// Engineer: +// +// Create Date: 15:53:19 11/22/05 +// Design Name: +// Module Name: counter +// Project Name: +// Target Device: +// Tool versions: +// Description: +// +// Dependencies: +// +// Revision: +// Revision 0.01 - File Created +// Additional Comments: +// +//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +module counter(clk, reset, load, en, value); + input clk; + input reset; + input load; + input en; + + parameter WIDTH = 8; + output[WIDTH-1:0] value; + + reg [WIDTH-1:0] value; + + always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) + if (reset) + value <= 0; + else begin + if (load) + value <= 0; + else if (en) + value <= value + 1; + end + +endmodule Index: tags/V10/rtl/verilog/rx_engine/rxCRC.v =================================================================== --- tags/V10/rtl/verilog/rx_engine/rxCRC.v (nonexistent) +++ tags/V10/rtl/verilog/rx_engine/rxCRC.v (revision 40) @@ -0,0 +1,176 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +//// //// +//// MODULE NAME: rxCRC //// +//// //// +//// DESCRIPTION: CRC Checker, by using magic word c704dd7b. //// +//// //// +//// //// +//// This file is part of the 10 Gigabit Ethernet IP core project //// +//// //// +//// //// +//// AUTHOR(S): //// +//// Zheng Cao //// +//// //// +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +//// //// +//// Copyright (c) 2005 AUTHORS. All rights reserved. //// +//// //// +//// This source file may be used and distributed without //// +//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not //// +//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains //// +//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. //// +//// //// +//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it //// +//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General //// +//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; //// +//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any //// +//// later version. //// +//// //// +//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be //// +//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied //// +//// warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR //// +//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more //// +//// details. //// +//// //// +//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General //// +//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it //// +//// from //// +//// //// +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// +// CVS REVISION HISTORY: +// +// $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $ +// Revision 1.1 2005/12/25 16:43:10 Zheng Cao +// +// +// +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +`include "timescale.v" +`include "xgiga_define.v" + +module rxCRC(rxclk, reset, receiving, receiving_d1, CRC_DATA, get_terminator, + get_terminator_d1, wait_crc_check,crc_check_invalid, crc_check_valid, terminator_location,get_error_code); + input rxclk; + input reset; + input get_terminator; + input [63:0] CRC_DATA; + input receiving; + input receiving_d1; + input [2:0] terminator_location; + input wait_crc_check; + + output crc_check_invalid; + output crc_check_valid; + output get_terminator_d1; + input get_error_code; + + parameter TP = 1; + + ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + // Input registers + ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + + reg get_terminator_d1, get_terminator_d2,get_terminator_d3; + always@(posedge rxclk or posedge reset) begin + if(reset)begin + get_terminator_d1 <=#TP 0; + get_terminator_d2 <=#TP 0; + get_terminator_d3 <=#TP 0; + end + else begin + get_terminator_d1 <=#TP get_terminator; + get_terminator_d2 <=#TP get_terminator_d1; + get_terminator_d3 <=#TP get_terminator_d2; + end + end + + reg[2:0] bytes_cnt; + reg crc_8_en;//enable 8bit CRC + always@(posedge rxclk or posedge reset) begin + if (reset) + bytes_cnt <=#TP 0; + else if (get_terminator) + bytes_cnt <=#TP terminator_location; + else if (crc_8_en) + bytes_cnt <=#TP bytes_cnt-1; + end + + reg[63:0] terminator_data; + always@(posedge rxclk or posedge reset) begin + if(reset) + terminator_data <=#TP 0; + else if (get_terminator_d2) + terminator_data <=#TP CRC_DATA; + else + terminator_data <=#TP terminator_data<<8; + end + + ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + // 64bits CRC + // start: crc_valid = 8'hff and receiving_frame = 1 + // end : crc_valid != 8'hff or receiving_frame = 0 + // if bits_more is 0, then CRC check will happen when end happens. + // else 8bits CRC should begin + ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + + wire [31:0] crc_from_64; + + reg crc_64_en; // 64bit CRC Enable + always@(posedge rxclk or posedge reset) begin + if(reset) + crc_64_en <= #TP 1'b0; + else if(get_error_code) //if error, stop crc checking + crc_64_en <= #TP 1'b0; + else if(receiving_d1 & receiving) + crc_64_en <= #TP 1'b1; + else + crc_64_en <= #TP 1'b0; + end + + CRC32_D64 crc64(.DATA_IN(CRC_DATA), .CLK(rxclk), .RESET(reset), .START(crc_64_en), .CRC_OUT(crc_from_64), .init(get_terminator_d3|get_error_code)); + + ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + // 8bits CRC + ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + + reg[7:0] CRC_DATA_TMP; + always@(posedge rxclk or posedge reset) begin + if(reset) + CRC_DATA_TMP <=#TP 0; + else + CRC_DATA_TMP <=#TP terminator_data[63:56]; + end + + always@(posedge rxclk or posedge reset) begin + if(reset) + crc_8_en <=#TP 0; + else if (get_terminator_d3) + crc_8_en <=#TP 1'b1; + else if(bytes_cnt==1) + crc_8_en <=#TP 1'b0; + end + + reg do_crc_check; + always@(posedge rxclk or posedge reset) begin + if (reset) + do_crc_check <=#TP 0; + else if(terminator_location == 0) + do_crc_check <=#TP get_terminator_d2; + else + do_crc_check <=#TP wait_crc_check & (bytes_cnt==1); + end + + wire[31:0] crc_from_8; + CRC32_D8 crc8(.DATA_IN(CRC_DATA_TMP), .CLK(rxclk), .RESET(reset), .START(crc_8_en), .LOAD(~crc_8_en), .CRC_IN(crc_from_64), .CRC_OUT(crc_from_8)); + + //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + // CRC check + //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + wire crc_check_valid, crc_check_invalid; + + assign crc_check_valid = wait_crc_check & do_crc_check & (crc_from_8==32'hc704dd7b); + assign crc_check_invalid = wait_crc_check & do_crc_check & (crc_from_8!=32'hc704dd7b); + +endmodule Index: tags/V10/rtl/verilog/rx_engine/rxReceiveEngine.v =================================================================== --- tags/V10/rtl/verilog/rx_engine/rxReceiveEngine.v (nonexistent) +++ tags/V10/rtl/verilog/rx_engine/rxReceiveEngine.v (revision 40) @@ -0,0 +1,282 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +//// //// +//// MODULE NAME: receive engine //// +//// //// +//// DESCRIPTION: Receive Engine Top Level for the 10 Gigabit //// +//// Ethernet MAC. //// +//// //// +//// This file is part of the 10 Gigabit Ethernet IP core project //// +//// //// +//// //// +//// AUTHOR(S): //// +//// Zheng Cao //// +//// //// +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +//// //// +//// Copyright (c) 2005 AUTHORS. All rights reserved. //// +//// //// +//// This source file may be used and distributed without //// +//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not //// +//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains //// +//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. //// +//// //// +//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it //// +//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General //// +//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; //// +//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any //// +//// later version. //// +//// //// +//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be //// +//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied //// +//// warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR //// +//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more //// +//// details. //// +//// //// +//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General //// +//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it //// +//// from //// +//// //// +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// +// CVS REVISION HISTORY: +// +// $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $ +// Revision 1.1 2005/12/25 16:43:10 Zheng Cao +// No flow control included +// +// +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +`include "timescale.v" +`include "xgiga_define.v" + +module rxReceiveEngine(rxclk_in, reset_in, rxd_in, rxc_in, rxStatRegPlus, + cfgRxRegData_in, rx_data, rx_data_valid, rx_good_frame, + rx_bad_frame, rxCfgofRS, rxTxLinkFault);//, fcTxPauseData, fcTxPauseValid); + input rxclk_in; //Input clock of receive engine + input reset_in; //Globle reset of receive engine + input [31:0] rxd_in; //XGMII RXD + input [3:0] rxc_in; //XGMII RXC + output [17:0] rxStatRegPlus; //Signals for statistics + input [64:0] cfgRxRegData_in; //Signals for configuration + output [63:0] rx_data; //Received data sent to upper layer + output [7:0] rx_data_valid; //Receive data valid indicator + output rx_good_frame; //Indicate that a good frame has been received + output rx_bad_frame; //Indicate that a bad frame has been received + output[2:0] rxCfgofRS; // + output [1:0] rxTxLinkFault; +// output [31:0] fcTxPauseData; +// output fcTxPauseValid; + + parameter TP =1; + + wire rxclk; + wire rxclk_180; + wire locked; + wire reset_dcm; + wire reset; + + reg [47:0]MAC_Addr; //MAC Address used in receiving control frame. + reg vlan_enable; //VLAN Enable + reg recv_enable; //Receiver Enable + reg inband_fcs; //In-band FCS Enable, when this bit is '1', the MAC will pass FCS up to client + reg jumbo_enable;//Jumbo Frame Enable + reg recv_rst; //Receiver reset + + wire start_da, start_lt; + wire tagged_frame; + wire pause_frame; + wire [47:0] da_addr; +// wire [15:0] lt_data; + wire [`COUNTER_WIDTH-1:0] frame_cnt; + wire [2:0] terminator_location; + wire get_sfd,get_error_code,get_terminator, get_terminator_d1; + wire receiving; + wire receiving_d1,receiving_d2; + + + wire length_error; + wire large_error; + wire small_error; + wire padded_frame; + wire length_65_127; + wire length_128_255; + wire length_256_511; + wire length_512_1023; + wire length_1024_max; + wire jumbo_frame; + + wire local_invalid; + wire broad_valid; + wire multi_valid; + + wire good_frame_get, bad_frame_get; + wire wait_crc_check; + + wire crc_check_valid; + wire crc_check_invalid; + wire check_reset; + + wire [1:0]link_fault; + + ////////////////////////////////////////// + // Input Registers + ////////////////////////////////////////// + + wire [63:0] rxd64; + wire [63:0] CRC_DATA; + wire [7:0] rxc8; + + assign rxTxLinkFault = link_fault; +// assign fcTxPauseValid = pause_frame; + + + ////////////////////////////////////////// + // Read Receiver Configuration Word + ////////////////////////////////////////// + + reg[52:0] cfgRxRegData; + always@(posedge rxclk or posedge reset)begin + if(reset) + cfgRxRegData <=#TP 0; + else + cfgRxRegData<=#TP cfgRxRegData_in; + end + + always@(posedge rxclk or posedge reset)begin + if(reset) begin + MAC_Addr <= 0; + vlan_enable <= 0; + recv_enable <= 0; + inband_fcs <= 0; + jumbo_enable <= 0; + recv_rst <= 0; + end + else begin + MAC_Addr <= cfgRxRegData[47:0]; + vlan_enable <= cfgRxRegData[48]; + recv_enable <= cfgRxRegData[49]; + inband_fcs <= cfgRxRegData[50]; + jumbo_enable <= cfgRxRegData[51]; + recv_rst <= cfgRxRegData[52]; + end + end + ////////////////////////////////////////////////// + // Used to count number of received frames(G&B) + ////////////////////////////////////////////////// + reg[7:0] cnt; + reg cnt_en; + always@(posedge rxclk or posedge reset) begin + if (reset) + cnt_en <=0; + else if(get_sfd) + cnt_en <=1; + else if(rx_bad_frame|rx_good_frame) + cnt_en <=0; + else + cnt_en <=cnt_en; + end + + always@(posedge rxclk or posedge reset) begin + if (reset) + cnt <=0; + else if(cnt_en) + cnt<=cnt + 1; + else + cnt <=0; + end + + ///////////////////////////////////////// + // Reset signals + ///////////////////////////////////////// + assign reset_dcm = reset_in | recv_rst; + assign reset = ~locked; + + ///////////////////////////////////////// + // Write Configuration Words of RS + ///////////////////////////////////////// + + assign rxCfgofRS[0] = ~link_fault[0] & link_fault[1]; //get local fault + assign rxCfgofRS[1] = link_fault[0] & link_fault[1]; //get remote fault + assign rxCfgofRS[2] = locked; //Receive DCM locked + + //////////////////////////////////////// + // Signals for Pause Operation + //////////////////////////////////////// + assign fcTxPauseValid = pause_frame; +// assign fcTxPauseData = {16{1'b0},rxd64[15:0]}; + + //////////////////////////////////////// + // Receive Clock Generator + //////////////////////////////////////// + + rxClkgen rxclk_gen(.rxclk_in(rxclk_in), + .reset(reset_dcm), + .rxclk(rxclk), // system clock + .rxclk_180(rxclk_180), //reversed clock + .locked(locked) + ); + + ////////////////////////////////////// + // Rx Engine DataPath + ////////////////////////////////////// + rxDataPath datapath_main(.rxclk(rxclk), .reset(reset), .rxd64(rxd64), .rxc8(rxc8), .inband_fcs(inband_fcs), .receiving(receiving), + .start_da(start_da), .start_lt(start_lt), .wait_crc_check(wait_crc_check), .get_sfd(get_sfd), + .get_terminator(get_terminator), .get_error_code(get_error_code), .tagged_frame(tagged_frame), .pause_frame(pause_frame), + .da_addr(da_addr), .terminator_location(terminator_location), .CRC_DATA(CRC_DATA), .rx_data_valid(rx_data_valid), + .rx_data(rx_data), .get_terminator_d1(get_terminator_d1),.bad_frame_get(bad_frame_get),.good_frame_get(good_frame_get), + .check_reset(check_reset),.rx_good_frame(rx_good_frame),.rx_bad_frame(rx_bad_frame));//,.fcTxPauseData(fcTxPauseData)); + + ////////////////////////////////////// + // Destination Address Checker + ////////////////////////////////////// + + rxDAchecker dachecker(.rxclk(rxclk), .reset(reset), .local_invalid(local_invalid), .broad_valid(broad_valid), .multi_valid(multi_valid), .MAC_Addr(MAC_Addr), + .da_addr(da_addr)); + + ///////////////////////////////////// + // Length/Type field checker + ///////////////////////////////////// + + rxLenTypChecker lenchecker(.rxclk(rxclk), .reset(reset), .get_terminator(get_terminator), .terminator_location(terminator_location), + .jumbo_enable(jumbo_enable), .tagged_frame(tagged_frame), .frame_cnt(frame_cnt), .vlan_enable(vlan_enable), + .length_error(length_error), .large_error(large_error),.small_error(small_error), .padded_frame(padded_frame), + .length_65_127(length_65_127), .length_128_255(length_128_255), .length_256_511(length_256_511), .length_512_1023(length_512_1023), + .length_1024_max(length_1024_max), .jumbo_frame(jumbo_frame) + ); + + ///////////////////////////////////// + // Counters used in Receive Engine + ///////////////////////////////////// + + rxNumCounter counters(.rxclk(rxclk), .reset(reset), .receiving(receiving), .frame_cnt(frame_cnt)); + + ///////////////////////////////////// + // State Machine in Receive Process + ///////////////////////////////////// + + rxStateMachine statemachine(.rxclk(rxclk), .reset(reset), .recv_enable(recv_enable), .get_sfd(get_sfd), .local_invalid(local_invalid), + .length_error(length_error), .crc_check_valid(crc_check_valid), .crc_check_invalid(crc_check_invalid), + .start_da(start_da), .start_lt(start_lt), .receiving(receiving),.good_frame_get(good_frame_get), + .bad_frame_get(bad_frame_get), .get_error_code(get_error_code), .wait_crc_check(wait_crc_check), .get_terminator(get_terminator), + .receiving_d1(receiving_d1),.check_reset(check_reset)); + + ///////////////////////////////////// + // CRC Check module + ///////////////////////////////////// + rxCRC crcmodule(.rxclk(rxclk), .reset(reset), .CRC_DATA(CRC_DATA), .get_terminator(get_terminator), .terminator_location(terminator_location), + .crc_check_invalid(crc_check_invalid), .crc_check_valid(crc_check_valid),.receiving(receiving),.receiving_d1(receiving_d1), + .get_terminator_d1(get_terminator_d1), .wait_crc_check(wait_crc_check),.get_error_code(get_error_code)); + ///////////////////////////////////// + // RS Layer + ///////////////////////////////////// + rxRSLayer rx_rs(.rxclk(rxclk), .rxclk_180(rxclk_180), .reset(reset), .link_fault(link_fault), .rxd64(rxd64), .rxc8(rxc8), .rxd_in(rxd_in), .rxc_in(rxc_in)); + + ///////////////////////////////////// + // Statistic module + ///////////////////////////////////// + rxStatModule rx_stat(.rxclk(rxclk),.reset(reset),.good_frame_get(good_frame_get), .large_error(large_error),.small_error(small_error), .crc_check_invalid(crc_check_invalid), + .receiving(receiving), .padded_frame(padded_frame), .pause_frame(pause_frame), .broad_valid(broad_valid), .multi_valid(multi_valid), + .length_65_127(length_65_127), .length_128_255(length_128_255), .length_256_511(length_256_511), .length_512_1023(length_512_1023), + .length_1024_max(length_1024_max), .jumbo_frame(jumbo_frame),.get_error_code(get_error_code), .rxStatRegPlus(rxStatRegPlus)); +endmodule Index: tags/V10/rtl/verilog/rx_engine/dcm0.v =================================================================== --- tags/V10/rtl/verilog/rx_engine/dcm0.v (nonexistent) +++ tags/V10/rtl/verilog/rx_engine/dcm0.v (revision 40) @@ -0,0 +1,85 @@ +//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// Copyright (c) 1995-2005 Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved. +//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// ____ ____ +// / /\/ / +// /___/ \ / Vendor: Xilinx +// \ \ \/ Version : 8.1.03i +// \ \ Application : xaw2verilog +// / / Filename : dcm0.v +// /___/ /\ Timestamp : 05/30/2006 09:16:54 +// \ \ / \ +// \___\/\___\ +// +//Command: xaw2verilog -intstyle F:/10G/rx_engine_v2/dcm0.xaw -st dcm0.v +//Design Name: dcm0 +//Device: xc2vp20-6fg676 +// +// Module dcm0 +// Generated by Xilinx Architecture Wizard +// Written for synthesis tool: XST +`timescale 1ns / 1ps + +module dcm0(CLKIN_IN, + RST_IN, + CLKIN_IBUFG_OUT, + CLK0_OUT, + CLK180_OUT, + LOCKED_OUT); + + input CLKIN_IN; + input RST_IN; + output CLKIN_IBUFG_OUT; + output CLK0_OUT; + output CLK180_OUT; + output LOCKED_OUT; + + wire CLKFB_IN; + wire CLKIN_IBUFG; + wire CLK0_BUF; + wire CLK180_BUF; + wire GND1; + + assign GND1 = 0; + assign CLKIN_IBUFG_OUT = CLKIN_IBUFG; + assign CLK0_OUT = CLKFB_IN; + IBUFG CLKIN_IBUFG_INST (.I(CLKIN_IN), + .O(CLKIN_IBUFG)); + BUFG CLK0_BUFG_INST (.I(CLK0_BUF), + .O(CLKFB_IN)); + BUFG CLK180_BUFG_INST (.I(CLK180_BUF), + .O(CLK180_OUT)); + DCM DCM_INST (.CLKFB(CLKFB_IN), + .CLKIN(CLKIN_IBUFG), + .DSSEN(GND1), + .PSCLK(GND1), + .PSEN(GND1), + .PSINCDEC(GND1), + .RST(RST_IN), + .CLKDV(), + .CLKFX(), + .CLKFX180(), + .CLK0(CLK0_BUF), + .CLK2X(), + .CLK2X180(), + .CLK90(), + .CLK180(CLK180_BUF), + .CLK270(), + .LOCKED(LOCKED_OUT), + .PSDONE(), + .STATUS()); + defparam DCM_INST.CLK_FEEDBACK = "1X"; + defparam DCM_INST.CLKDV_DIVIDE = 2.000000; + defparam DCM_INST.CLKFX_DIVIDE = 1; + defparam DCM_INST.CLKFX_MULTIPLY = 4; + defparam DCM_INST.CLKIN_DIVIDE_BY_2 = "FALSE"; + defparam DCM_INST.CLKIN_PERIOD = 6.400000; + defparam DCM_INST.CLKOUT_PHASE_SHIFT = "FIXED"; + defparam DCM_INST.DESKEW_ADJUST = "SYSTEM_SYNCHRONOUS"; + defparam DCM_INST.DFS_FREQUENCY_MODE = "LOW"; + defparam DCM_INST.DLL_FREQUENCY_MODE = "LOW"; + defparam DCM_INST.DUTY_CYCLE_CORRECTION = "TRUE"; + defparam DCM_INST.FACTORY_JF = 16'hC080; + defparam DCM_INST.PHASE_SHIFT = 0; + defparam DCM_INST.STARTUP_WAIT = "FALSE"; +endmodule Index: tags/V10/rtl/verilog/rx_engine/rxDAchecker.v =================================================================== --- tags/V10/rtl/verilog/rx_engine/rxDAchecker.v (nonexistent) +++ tags/V10/rtl/verilog/rx_engine/rxDAchecker.v (revision 40) @@ -0,0 +1,84 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +//// //// +//// MODULE NAME: Destination Address Check //// +//// //// +//// DESCRIPTION: Destination Address Checker of 10 Gigabit //// +//// Ethernet MAC. //// +//// //// +//// This file is part of the 10 Gigabit Ethernet IP core project //// +//// //// +//// //// +//// AUTHOR(S): //// +//// Zheng Cao //// +//// //// +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +//// //// +//// Copyright (c) 2005 AUTHORS. All rights reserved. //// +//// //// +//// This source file may be used and distributed without //// +//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not //// +//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains //// +//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. //// +//// //// +//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it //// +//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General //// +//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; //// +//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any //// +//// later version. //// +//// //// +//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be //// +//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied //// +//// warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR //// +//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more //// +//// details. //// +//// //// +//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General //// +//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it //// +//// from //// +//// //// +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// +// CVS REVISION HISTORY: +// +// $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $ +// Revision 1.1 2005/12/25 16:43:10 Zheng Cao +// +// +// +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +`include "timescale.v" +`include "xgiga_define.v" + +module rxDAchecker(rxclk,reset,local_invalid, broad_valid, multi_valid, MAC_Addr, da_addr); + input rxclk; + input reset; + + output local_invalid; + output broad_valid; + output multi_valid; + + input [47:0] MAC_Addr; + input [47:0] da_addr; + + parameter TP = 1; + + reg multi_valid; + reg broad_valid; + reg local_valid; + always @(posedge rxclk or posedge reset) begin + if (reset) begin + multi_valid <=#TP 0; + broad_valid <=#TP 0; + local_valid <=#TP 0; + end + else begin + multi_valid <=#TP (da_addr==`MULTICAST); + broad_valid <=#TP (da_addr==`BROADCAST); + local_valid <=#TP (da_addr==MAC_Addr); + end + end + + assign local_invalid = 1'b0;//~local_valid & ~multi_valid & ~broad_valid; + +endmodule Index: tags/V10/rtl/verilog/rx_engine/rxcntrlfifo.xco =================================================================== --- tags/V10/rtl/verilog/rx_engine/rxcntrlfifo.xco (nonexistent) +++ tags/V10/rtl/verilog/rx_engine/rxcntrlfifo.xco (revision 40) @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ +# BEGIN Project Options +SET flowvendor = Foundation_iSE +SET vhdlsim = True +SET verilogsim = True +SET workingdirectory = F:\10G\ethmac10g +SET speedgrade = -6 +SET simulationfiles = Behavioral +SET asysymbol = True +SET addpads = False +# SET outputdirectory = F:\10G\ethmac10g +SET device = xc2vp20 +# SET projectname = F:\10G\ethmac10g +SET implementationfiletype = Edif +SET busformat = BusFormatAngleBracketNotRipped +SET foundationsym = False +SET package = fg676 +SET createndf = False +SET designentry = VHDL +SET devicefamily = virtex2p +SET formalverification = False +SET removerpms = False +# END Project Options +# BEGIN Select +SELECT Synchronous_FIFO family Xilinx,_Inc. 5.0 +# END Select +# BEGIN Parameters +CSET memory_type=Block_Memory +CSET write_acknowledge_flag=false +CSET data_width=8 +CSET write_error_flag=false +CSET read_acknowledge_sense=Active_Low +CSET data_count_width=1 +CSET fifo_depth=128 +CSET component_name=rxcntrlfifo +CSET data_count=false +CSET read_acknowledge_flag=false +CSET read_error_sense=Active_Low +CSET read_error_flag=false +CSET write_acknowledge_sense=Active_Low +CSET write_error_sense=Active_Low +# END Parameters +GENERATE + + Index: tags/V10/rtl/verilog/rx_engine/rxRSIO.v =================================================================== --- tags/V10/rtl/verilog/rx_engine/rxRSIO.v (nonexistent) +++ tags/V10/rtl/verilog/rx_engine/rxRSIO.v (revision 40) @@ -0,0 +1,133 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +//// //// +//// MODULE NAME: rxRSIO //// +//// //// +//// DESCRIPTION: Datapath of Reconciliation Sublayer. //// +//// //// +//// //// +//// This file is part of the 10 Gigabit Ethernet IP core project //// +//// //// +//// //// +//// AUTHOR(S): //// +//// Zheng Cao //// +//// //// +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +//// //// +//// Copyright (c) 2005 AUTHORS. All rights reserved. //// +//// //// +//// This source file may be used and distributed without //// +//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not //// +//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains //// +//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. //// +//// //// +//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it //// +//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General //// +//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; //// +//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any //// +//// later version. //// +//// //// +//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be //// +//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied //// +//// warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR //// +//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more //// +//// details. //// +//// //// +//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General //// +//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it //// +//// from //// +//// //// +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// +// CVS REVISION HISTORY: +// +// $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $ +// Revision 1.1 2005/12/25 16:43:10 Zheng Cao +// +// +// +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +`include "timescale.v" +`include "xgiga_define.v" + +module rxRSIO(rxclk, rxclk_180, reset, rxd_in, rxc_in, rxd64, rxc8, local_fault, remote_fault); + input rxclk; + input rxclk_180; + input reset; + input [31:0] rxd_in; + input [3:0] rxc_in; + output [63:0] rxd64; + output [7:0] rxc8; + output local_fault; + output remote_fault; + + parameter TP =1; + + reg local_fault, remote_fault; +// wire get_align, get_seq; + + always@(posedge rxclk or posedge reset) begin + if(reset) begin + local_fault <=#TP 0; + remote_fault <=#TP 0; + end + else begin + local_fault <=#TP (rxd_in[7:0] == `SEQUENCE) & (rxd_in[29:8] == 0) & (rxc_in[3:0]== 4'h8) & ~rxd_in[30] & rxd_in[31]; + remote_fault<=#TP (rxd_in[7:0] == `SEQUENCE) & (rxd_in[29:8] == 0) & (rxc_in[3:0]== 4'h8) & rxd_in[30] & rxd_in[31]; + end + end +// assign get_align = ((rxd_in[7:0]==`START) & rxc_in[0]) & ((rxd_in[15:8]==`PREAMBLE) & ~rxc_in[1]); +// assign get_seq = (rxd_in[7:0] == `SEQUENCE) & (rxd_in[29:8] == 0) & (rxc_in[3:0]== 4'h8) & rxd_in[31]; +// assign local_fault = get_seq & ~rxd_in[30]; +// assign remote_fault = get_seq & rxd_in[30]; + + reg[7:0] rxc8_in_tmp; + reg[63:0]rxd64_in_tmp; + +// reg get_align_reg; +// always@(posedge rxclk_180 or posedge reset) begin +// if (reset) +// get_align_reg <=#TP 0; +// else if(get_align) +// get_align_reg <=#TP 1'b1; +// else +// get_align_reg <=#TP get_align_reg; +// end + + always@(posedge rxclk_180) begin + if (reset)begin + rxd64_in_tmp[63:32] <=#TP 0; + rxc8_in_tmp[7:4] <=#TP 0; + end + else begin + rxd64_in_tmp[63:32] <=#TP rxd_in; + rxc8_in_tmp[7:4] <=#TP rxc_in; + end + end + + always@(posedge rxclk) begin + if (reset)begin + rxd64_in_tmp[31:0] <=#TP 0; + rxc8_in_tmp[3:0] <=#TP 0; + end + else begin + rxd64_in_tmp[31:0] <=#TP rxd_in; + rxc8_in_tmp[3:0] <=#TP rxc_in; + end + end + + reg[63:0] rxd64; + reg[7:0] rxc8; + always@(posedge rxclk) begin +// if(reset) begin +// rxc8<=#TP 0; +// rxd64 <=#TP 0; +// end +// else begin + rxc8<=#TP rxc8_in_tmp; + rxd64 <=#TP rxd64_in_tmp; +// end + end + + +endmodule Index: tags/V10/rtl/verilog/rx_engine/rxdatafifo.v =================================================================== --- tags/V10/rtl/verilog/rx_engine/rxdatafifo.v (nonexistent) +++ tags/V10/rtl/verilog/rx_engine/rxdatafifo.v (revision 40) @@ -0,0 +1,107 @@ +/******************************************************************************* +* This file is owned and controlled by Xilinx and must be used * +* solely for design, simulation, implementation and creation of * +* design files limited to Xilinx devices or technologies. Use * +* with non-Xilinx devices or technologies is expressly prohibited * +* and immediately terminates your license. * +* * +* XILINX IS PROVIDING THIS DESIGN, CODE, OR INFORMATION "AS IS" * +* SOLELY FOR USE IN DEVELOPING PROGRAMS AND SOLUTIONS FOR * +* XILINX DEVICES. BY PROVIDING THIS DESIGN, CODE, OR INFORMATION * +* AS ONE POSSIBLE IMPLEMENTATION OF THIS FEATURE, APPLICATION * +* OR STANDARD, XILINX IS MAKING NO REPRESENTATION THAT THIS * +* IMPLEMENTATION IS FREE FROM ANY CLAIMS OF INFRINGEMENT, * +* AND YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR OBTAINING ANY RIGHTS YOU MAY REQUIRE * +* FOR YOUR IMPLEMENTATION. XILINX EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ANY * +* WARRANTY WHATSOEVER WITH RESPECT TO THE ADEQUACY OF THE * +* IMPLEMENTATION, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY WARRANTIES OR * +* REPRESENTATIONS THAT THIS IMPLEMENTATION IS FREE FROM CLAIMS OF * +* INFRINGEMENT, IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS * +* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * +* * +* Xilinx products are not intended for use in life support * +* appliances, devices, or systems. Use in such applications are * +* expressly prohibited. * +* * +* (c) Copyright 1995-2004 Xilinx, Inc. * +* All rights reserved. * +*******************************************************************************/ +// The synopsys directives "translate_off/translate_on" specified below are +// supported by XST, FPGA Compiler II, Mentor Graphics and Synplicity synthesis +// tools. Ensure they are correct for your synthesis tool(s). + +// You must compile the wrapper file rxdatafifo.v when simulating +// the core, rxdatafifo. When compiling the wrapper file, be sure to +// reference the XilinxCoreLib Verilog simulation library. For detailed +// instructions, please refer to the "CORE Generator Help". + +`timescale 1ns/1ps + +module rxdatafifo( + clk, + sinit, + din, + wr_en, + rd_en, + dout, + full, + empty); + + +input clk; +input sinit; +input [63 : 0] din; +input wr_en; +input rd_en; +output [63 : 0] dout; +output full; +output empty; + +// synopsys translate_off + + SYNC_FIFO_V5_0 #( + 8, // c_dcount_width + 0, // c_enable_rlocs + 0, // c_has_dcount + 0, // c_has_rd_ack + 0, // c_has_rd_err + 0, // c_has_wr_ack + 0, // c_has_wr_err + 1, // c_memory_type + 0, // c_ports_differ + 1, // c_rd_ack_low + 1, // c_rd_err_low + 64, // c_read_data_width + 128, // c_read_depth + 64, // c_write_data_width + 128, // c_write_depth + 1, // c_wr_ack_low + 1) // c_wr_err_low + inst ( + .CLK(clk), + .SINIT(sinit), + .DIN(din), + .WR_EN(wr_en), + .RD_EN(rd_en), + .DOUT(dout), + .FULL(full), + .EMPTY(empty), + .RD_ACK(), + .WR_ACK(), + .RD_ERR(), + .WR_ERR(), + .DATA_COUNT()); + + +// synopsys translate_on + +// FPGA Express black box declaration +// synopsys attribute fpga_dont_touch "true" +// synthesis attribute fpga_dont_touch of rxdatafifo is "true" + +// XST black box declaration +// box_type "black_box" +// synthesis attribute box_type of rxdatafifo is "black_box" + +endmodule + Index: tags/V10/rtl/verilog/rx_engine/CRC32_D64.v =================================================================== --- tags/V10/rtl/verilog/rx_engine/CRC32_D64.v (nonexistent) +++ tags/V10/rtl/verilog/rx_engine/CRC32_D64.v (revision 40) @@ -0,0 +1,293 @@ +`timescale 1ns / 1ps +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// File: CRC32_D64.v +// Date: Sun Nov 27 19:32:12 2005 +// +// Copyright (C) 1999-2003 Easics NV. +// This source file may be used and distributed without restriction +// provided that this copyright statement is not removed from the file +// and that any derivative work contains the original copyright notice +// and the associated disclaimer. +// +// THIS SOURCE FILE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS +// OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED +// WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTIBILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. +// +// Purpose: Verilog module containing a synthesizable CRC function +// * polynomial: (0 1 2 4 5 7 8 10 11 12 16 22 23 26 32) +// * data width: 64 +// +// Info: +// +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + + +module CRC32_D64(DATA_IN, CLK, RESET, START, init, CRC_OUT); + + input [63:0] DATA_IN; + input CLK; + input RESET; + input START; + input init; + output [31:0] CRC_OUT; + + reg [31:0] CRC_OUT; + +always @(posedge CLK) + begin + if (RESET) begin +// CRC_OUT = 0; + CRC_OUT = 32'hffffffff; + end + else if (init) begin + CRC_OUT = 32'hffffffff; +// CRC_OUT = 0; + end + else if (START) begin + CRC_OUT = nextCRC32_D64(DATA_IN, CRC_OUT); + end + + end + + + + + // polynomial: (0 1 2 4 5 7 8 10 11 12 16 22 23 26 32) + // data width: 64 + // convention: the first serial data bit is D[63] + function [31:0] nextCRC32_D64; + + input [63:0] Data; + input [31:0] CRC; + + reg [63:0] D; + reg [31:0] C; + reg [31:0] NewCRC; + + begin + + D = Data; + C = CRC; + + NewCRC[0] = D[63] ^ D[61] ^ D[60] ^ D[58] ^ D[55] ^ D[54] ^ D[53] ^ + D[50] ^ D[48] ^ D[47] ^ D[45] ^ D[44] ^ D[37] ^ D[34] ^ + D[32] ^ D[31] ^ D[30] ^ D[29] ^ D[28] ^ D[26] ^ D[25] ^ + D[24] ^ D[16] ^ D[12] ^ D[10] ^ D[9] ^ D[6] ^ D[0] ^ + C[0] ^ C[2] ^ C[5] ^ C[12] ^ C[13] ^ C[15] ^ C[16] ^ + C[18] ^ C[21] ^ C[22] ^ C[23] ^ C[26] ^ C[28] ^ C[29] ^ + C[31]; + NewCRC[1] = D[63] ^ D[62] ^ D[60] ^ D[59] ^ D[58] ^ D[56] ^ D[53] ^ + D[51] ^ D[50] ^ D[49] ^ D[47] ^ D[46] ^ D[44] ^ D[38] ^ + D[37] ^ D[35] ^ D[34] ^ D[33] ^ D[28] ^ D[27] ^ D[24] ^ + D[17] ^ D[16] ^ D[13] ^ D[12] ^ D[11] ^ D[9] ^ D[7] ^ + D[6] ^ D[1] ^ D[0] ^ C[1] ^ C[2] ^ C[3] ^ C[5] ^ C[6] ^ + C[12] ^ C[14] ^ C[15] ^ C[17] ^ C[18] ^ C[19] ^ C[21] ^ + C[24] ^ C[26] ^ C[27] ^ C[28] ^ C[30] ^ C[31]; + NewCRC[2] = D[59] ^ D[58] ^ D[57] ^ D[55] ^ D[53] ^ D[52] ^ D[51] ^ + D[44] ^ D[39] ^ D[38] ^ D[37] ^ D[36] ^ D[35] ^ D[32] ^ + D[31] ^ D[30] ^ D[26] ^ D[24] ^ D[18] ^ D[17] ^ D[16] ^ + D[14] ^ D[13] ^ D[9] ^ D[8] ^ D[7] ^ D[6] ^ D[2] ^ + D[1] ^ D[0] ^ C[0] ^ C[3] ^ C[4] ^ C[5] ^ C[6] ^ C[7] ^ + C[12] ^ C[19] ^ C[20] ^ C[21] ^ C[23] ^ C[25] ^ C[26] ^ + C[27]; + NewCRC[3] = D[60] ^ D[59] ^ D[58] ^ D[56] ^ D[54] ^ D[53] ^ D[52] ^ + D[45] ^ D[40] ^ D[39] ^ D[38] ^ D[37] ^ D[36] ^ D[33] ^ + D[32] ^ D[31] ^ D[27] ^ D[25] ^ D[19] ^ D[18] ^ D[17] ^ + D[15] ^ D[14] ^ D[10] ^ D[9] ^ D[8] ^ D[7] ^ D[3] ^ + D[2] ^ D[1] ^ C[0] ^ C[1] ^ C[4] ^ C[5] ^ C[6] ^ C[7] ^ + C[8] ^ C[13] ^ C[20] ^ C[21] ^ C[22] ^ C[24] ^ C[26] ^ + C[27] ^ C[28]; + NewCRC[4] = D[63] ^ D[59] ^ D[58] ^ D[57] ^ D[50] ^ D[48] ^ D[47] ^ + D[46] ^ D[45] ^ D[44] ^ D[41] ^ D[40] ^ D[39] ^ D[38] ^ + D[33] ^ D[31] ^ D[30] ^ D[29] ^ D[25] ^ D[24] ^ D[20] ^ + D[19] ^ D[18] ^ D[15] ^ D[12] ^ D[11] ^ D[8] ^ D[6] ^ + D[4] ^ D[3] ^ D[2] ^ D[0] ^ C[1] ^ C[6] ^ C[7] ^ C[8] ^ + C[9] ^ C[12] ^ C[13] ^ C[14] ^ C[15] ^ C[16] ^ C[18] ^ + C[25] ^ C[26] ^ C[27] ^ C[31]; + NewCRC[5] = D[63] ^ D[61] ^ D[59] ^ D[55] ^ D[54] ^ D[53] ^ D[51] ^ + D[50] ^ D[49] ^ D[46] ^ D[44] ^ D[42] ^ D[41] ^ D[40] ^ + D[39] ^ D[37] ^ D[29] ^ D[28] ^ D[24] ^ D[21] ^ D[20] ^ + D[19] ^ D[13] ^ D[10] ^ D[7] ^ D[6] ^ D[5] ^ D[4] ^ + D[3] ^ D[1] ^ D[0] ^ C[5] ^ C[7] ^ C[8] ^ C[9] ^ C[10] ^ + C[12] ^ C[14] ^ C[17] ^ C[18] ^ C[19] ^ C[21] ^ C[22] ^ + C[23] ^ C[27] ^ C[29] ^ C[31]; + NewCRC[6] = D[62] ^ D[60] ^ D[56] ^ D[55] ^ D[54] ^ D[52] ^ D[51] ^ + D[50] ^ D[47] ^ D[45] ^ D[43] ^ D[42] ^ D[41] ^ D[40] ^ + D[38] ^ D[30] ^ D[29] ^ D[25] ^ D[22] ^ D[21] ^ D[20] ^ + D[14] ^ D[11] ^ D[8] ^ D[7] ^ D[6] ^ D[5] ^ D[4] ^ + D[2] ^ D[1] ^ C[6] ^ C[8] ^ C[9] ^ C[10] ^ C[11] ^ + C[13] ^ C[15] ^ C[18] ^ C[19] ^ C[20] ^ C[22] ^ C[23] ^ + C[24] ^ C[28] ^ C[30]; + NewCRC[7] = D[60] ^ D[58] ^ D[57] ^ D[56] ^ D[54] ^ D[52] ^ D[51] ^ + D[50] ^ D[47] ^ D[46] ^ D[45] ^ D[43] ^ D[42] ^ D[41] ^ + D[39] ^ D[37] ^ D[34] ^ D[32] ^ D[29] ^ D[28] ^ D[25] ^ + D[24] ^ D[23] ^ D[22] ^ D[21] ^ D[16] ^ D[15] ^ D[10] ^ + D[8] ^ D[7] ^ D[5] ^ D[3] ^ D[2] ^ D[0] ^ C[0] ^ C[2] ^ + C[5] ^ C[7] ^ C[9] ^ C[10] ^ C[11] ^ C[13] ^ C[14] ^ + C[15] ^ C[18] ^ C[19] ^ C[20] ^ C[22] ^ C[24] ^ C[25] ^ + C[26] ^ C[28]; + NewCRC[8] = D[63] ^ D[60] ^ D[59] ^ D[57] ^ D[54] ^ D[52] ^ D[51] ^ + D[50] ^ D[46] ^ D[45] ^ D[43] ^ D[42] ^ D[40] ^ D[38] ^ + D[37] ^ D[35] ^ D[34] ^ D[33] ^ D[32] ^ D[31] ^ D[28] ^ + D[23] ^ D[22] ^ D[17] ^ D[12] ^ D[11] ^ D[10] ^ D[8] ^ + D[4] ^ D[3] ^ D[1] ^ D[0] ^ C[0] ^ C[1] ^ C[2] ^ C[3] ^ + C[5] ^ C[6] ^ C[8] ^ C[10] ^ C[11] ^ C[13] ^ C[14] ^ + C[18] ^ C[19] ^ C[20] ^ C[22] ^ C[25] ^ C[27] ^ C[28] ^ + C[31]; + NewCRC[9] = D[61] ^ D[60] ^ D[58] ^ D[55] ^ D[53] ^ D[52] ^ D[51] ^ + D[47] ^ D[46] ^ D[44] ^ D[43] ^ D[41] ^ D[39] ^ D[38] ^ + D[36] ^ D[35] ^ D[34] ^ D[33] ^ D[32] ^ D[29] ^ D[24] ^ + D[23] ^ D[18] ^ D[13] ^ D[12] ^ D[11] ^ D[9] ^ D[5] ^ + D[4] ^ D[2] ^ D[1] ^ C[0] ^ C[1] ^ C[2] ^ C[3] ^ C[4] ^ + C[6] ^ C[7] ^ C[9] ^ C[11] ^ C[12] ^ C[14] ^ C[15] ^ + C[19] ^ C[20] ^ C[21] ^ C[23] ^ C[26] ^ C[28] ^ C[29]; + NewCRC[10] = D[63] ^ D[62] ^ D[60] ^ D[59] ^ D[58] ^ D[56] ^ D[55] ^ + D[52] ^ D[50] ^ D[42] ^ D[40] ^ D[39] ^ D[36] ^ D[35] ^ + D[33] ^ D[32] ^ D[31] ^ D[29] ^ D[28] ^ D[26] ^ D[19] ^ + D[16] ^ D[14] ^ D[13] ^ D[9] ^ D[5] ^ D[3] ^ D[2] ^ + D[0] ^ C[0] ^ C[1] ^ C[3] ^ C[4] ^ C[7] ^ C[8] ^ C[10] ^ + C[18] ^ C[20] ^ C[23] ^ C[24] ^ C[26] ^ C[27] ^ C[28] ^ + C[30] ^ C[31]; + NewCRC[11] = D[59] ^ D[58] ^ D[57] ^ D[56] ^ D[55] ^ D[54] ^ D[51] ^ + D[50] ^ D[48] ^ D[47] ^ D[45] ^ D[44] ^ D[43] ^ D[41] ^ + D[40] ^ D[36] ^ D[33] ^ D[31] ^ D[28] ^ D[27] ^ D[26] ^ + D[25] ^ D[24] ^ D[20] ^ D[17] ^ D[16] ^ D[15] ^ D[14] ^ + D[12] ^ D[9] ^ D[4] ^ D[3] ^ D[1] ^ D[0] ^ C[1] ^ C[4] ^ + C[8] ^ C[9] ^ C[11] ^ C[12] ^ C[13] ^ C[15] ^ C[16] ^ + C[18] ^ C[19] ^ C[22] ^ C[23] ^ C[24] ^ C[25] ^ C[26] ^ + C[27]; + NewCRC[12] = D[63] ^ D[61] ^ D[59] ^ D[57] ^ D[56] ^ D[54] ^ D[53] ^ + D[52] ^ D[51] ^ D[50] ^ D[49] ^ D[47] ^ D[46] ^ D[42] ^ + D[41] ^ D[31] ^ D[30] ^ D[27] ^ D[24] ^ D[21] ^ D[18] ^ + D[17] ^ D[15] ^ D[13] ^ D[12] ^ D[9] ^ D[6] ^ D[5] ^ + D[4] ^ D[2] ^ D[1] ^ D[0] ^ C[9] ^ C[10] ^ C[14] ^ + C[15] ^ C[17] ^ C[18] ^ C[19] ^ C[20] ^ C[21] ^ C[22] ^ + C[24] ^ C[25] ^ C[27] ^ C[29] ^ C[31]; + NewCRC[13] = D[62] ^ D[60] ^ D[58] ^ D[57] ^ D[55] ^ D[54] ^ D[53] ^ + D[52] ^ D[51] ^ D[50] ^ D[48] ^ D[47] ^ D[43] ^ D[42] ^ + D[32] ^ D[31] ^ D[28] ^ D[25] ^ D[22] ^ D[19] ^ D[18] ^ + D[16] ^ D[14] ^ D[13] ^ D[10] ^ D[7] ^ D[6] ^ D[5] ^ + D[3] ^ D[2] ^ D[1] ^ C[0] ^ C[10] ^ C[11] ^ C[15] ^ + C[16] ^ C[18] ^ C[19] ^ C[20] ^ C[21] ^ C[22] ^ C[23] ^ + C[25] ^ C[26] ^ C[28] ^ C[30]; + NewCRC[14] = D[63] ^ D[61] ^ D[59] ^ D[58] ^ D[56] ^ D[55] ^ D[54] ^ + D[53] ^ D[52] ^ D[51] ^ D[49] ^ D[48] ^ D[44] ^ D[43] ^ + D[33] ^ D[32] ^ D[29] ^ D[26] ^ D[23] ^ D[20] ^ D[19] ^ + D[17] ^ D[15] ^ D[14] ^ D[11] ^ D[8] ^ D[7] ^ D[6] ^ + D[4] ^ D[3] ^ D[2] ^ C[0] ^ C[1] ^ C[11] ^ C[12] ^ + C[16] ^ C[17] ^ C[19] ^ C[20] ^ C[21] ^ C[22] ^ C[23] ^ + C[24] ^ C[26] ^ C[27] ^ C[29] ^ C[31]; + NewCRC[15] = D[62] ^ D[60] ^ D[59] ^ D[57] ^ D[56] ^ D[55] ^ D[54] ^ + D[53] ^ D[52] ^ D[50] ^ D[49] ^ D[45] ^ D[44] ^ D[34] ^ + D[33] ^ D[30] ^ D[27] ^ D[24] ^ D[21] ^ D[20] ^ D[18] ^ + D[16] ^ D[15] ^ D[12] ^ D[9] ^ D[8] ^ D[7] ^ D[5] ^ + D[4] ^ D[3] ^ C[1] ^ C[2] ^ C[12] ^ C[13] ^ C[17] ^ + C[18] ^ C[20] ^ C[21] ^ C[22] ^ C[23] ^ C[24] ^ C[25] ^ + C[27] ^ C[28] ^ C[30]; + NewCRC[16] = D[57] ^ D[56] ^ D[51] ^ D[48] ^ D[47] ^ D[46] ^ D[44] ^ + D[37] ^ D[35] ^ D[32] ^ D[30] ^ D[29] ^ D[26] ^ D[24] ^ + D[22] ^ D[21] ^ D[19] ^ D[17] ^ D[13] ^ D[12] ^ D[8] ^ + D[5] ^ D[4] ^ D[0] ^ C[0] ^ C[3] ^ C[5] ^ C[12] ^ C[14] ^ + C[15] ^ C[16] ^ C[19] ^ C[24] ^ C[25]; + NewCRC[17] = D[58] ^ D[57] ^ D[52] ^ D[49] ^ D[48] ^ D[47] ^ D[45] ^ + D[38] ^ D[36] ^ D[33] ^ D[31] ^ D[30] ^ D[27] ^ D[25] ^ + D[23] ^ D[22] ^ D[20] ^ D[18] ^ D[14] ^ D[13] ^ D[9] ^ + D[6] ^ D[5] ^ D[1] ^ C[1] ^ C[4] ^ C[6] ^ C[13] ^ C[15] ^ + C[16] ^ C[17] ^ C[20] ^ C[25] ^ C[26]; + NewCRC[18] = D[59] ^ D[58] ^ D[53] ^ D[50] ^ D[49] ^ D[48] ^ D[46] ^ + D[39] ^ D[37] ^ D[34] ^ D[32] ^ D[31] ^ D[28] ^ D[26] ^ + D[24] ^ D[23] ^ D[21] ^ D[19] ^ D[15] ^ D[14] ^ D[10] ^ + D[7] ^ D[6] ^ D[2] ^ C[0] ^ C[2] ^ C[5] ^ C[7] ^ C[14] ^ + C[16] ^ C[17] ^ C[18] ^ C[21] ^ C[26] ^ C[27]; + NewCRC[19] = D[60] ^ D[59] ^ D[54] ^ D[51] ^ D[50] ^ D[49] ^ D[47] ^ + D[40] ^ D[38] ^ D[35] ^ D[33] ^ D[32] ^ D[29] ^ D[27] ^ + D[25] ^ D[24] ^ D[22] ^ D[20] ^ D[16] ^ D[15] ^ D[11] ^ + D[8] ^ D[7] ^ D[3] ^ C[0] ^ C[1] ^ C[3] ^ C[6] ^ C[8] ^ + C[15] ^ C[17] ^ C[18] ^ C[19] ^ C[22] ^ C[27] ^ C[28]; + NewCRC[20] = D[61] ^ D[60] ^ D[55] ^ D[52] ^ D[51] ^ D[50] ^ D[48] ^ + D[41] ^ D[39] ^ D[36] ^ D[34] ^ D[33] ^ D[30] ^ D[28] ^ + D[26] ^ D[25] ^ D[23] ^ D[21] ^ D[17] ^ D[16] ^ D[12] ^ + D[9] ^ D[8] ^ D[4] ^ C[1] ^ C[2] ^ C[4] ^ C[7] ^ C[9] ^ + C[16] ^ C[18] ^ C[19] ^ C[20] ^ C[23] ^ C[28] ^ C[29]; + NewCRC[21] = D[62] ^ D[61] ^ D[56] ^ D[53] ^ D[52] ^ D[51] ^ D[49] ^ + D[42] ^ D[40] ^ D[37] ^ D[35] ^ D[34] ^ D[31] ^ D[29] ^ + D[27] ^ D[26] ^ D[24] ^ D[22] ^ D[18] ^ D[17] ^ D[13] ^ + D[10] ^ D[9] ^ D[5] ^ C[2] ^ C[3] ^ C[5] ^ C[8] ^ C[10] ^ + C[17] ^ C[19] ^ C[20] ^ C[21] ^ C[24] ^ C[29] ^ C[30]; + NewCRC[22] = D[62] ^ D[61] ^ D[60] ^ D[58] ^ D[57] ^ D[55] ^ D[52] ^ + D[48] ^ D[47] ^ D[45] ^ D[44] ^ D[43] ^ D[41] ^ D[38] ^ + D[37] ^ D[36] ^ D[35] ^ D[34] ^ D[31] ^ D[29] ^ D[27] ^ + D[26] ^ D[24] ^ D[23] ^ D[19] ^ D[18] ^ D[16] ^ D[14] ^ + D[12] ^ D[11] ^ D[9] ^ D[0] ^ C[2] ^ C[3] ^ C[4] ^ + C[5] ^ C[6] ^ C[9] ^ C[11] ^ C[12] ^ C[13] ^ C[15] ^ + C[16] ^ C[20] ^ C[23] ^ C[25] ^ C[26] ^ C[28] ^ C[29] ^ + C[30]; + NewCRC[23] = D[62] ^ D[60] ^ D[59] ^ D[56] ^ D[55] ^ D[54] ^ D[50] ^ + D[49] ^ D[47] ^ D[46] ^ D[42] ^ D[39] ^ D[38] ^ D[36] ^ + D[35] ^ D[34] ^ D[31] ^ D[29] ^ D[27] ^ D[26] ^ D[20] ^ + D[19] ^ D[17] ^ D[16] ^ D[15] ^ D[13] ^ D[9] ^ D[6] ^ + D[1] ^ D[0] ^ C[2] ^ C[3] ^ C[4] ^ C[6] ^ C[7] ^ C[10] ^ + C[14] ^ C[15] ^ C[17] ^ C[18] ^ C[22] ^ C[23] ^ C[24] ^ + C[27] ^ C[28] ^ C[30]; + NewCRC[24] = D[63] ^ D[61] ^ D[60] ^ D[57] ^ D[56] ^ D[55] ^ D[51] ^ + D[50] ^ D[48] ^ D[47] ^ D[43] ^ D[40] ^ D[39] ^ D[37] ^ + D[36] ^ D[35] ^ D[32] ^ D[30] ^ D[28] ^ D[27] ^ D[21] ^ + D[20] ^ D[18] ^ D[17] ^ D[16] ^ D[14] ^ D[10] ^ D[7] ^ + D[2] ^ D[1] ^ C[0] ^ C[3] ^ C[4] ^ C[5] ^ C[7] ^ C[8] ^ + C[11] ^ C[15] ^ C[16] ^ C[18] ^ C[19] ^ C[23] ^ C[24] ^ + C[25] ^ C[28] ^ C[29] ^ C[31]; + NewCRC[25] = D[62] ^ D[61] ^ D[58] ^ D[57] ^ D[56] ^ D[52] ^ D[51] ^ + D[49] ^ D[48] ^ D[44] ^ D[41] ^ D[40] ^ D[38] ^ D[37] ^ + D[36] ^ D[33] ^ D[31] ^ D[29] ^ D[28] ^ D[22] ^ D[21] ^ + D[19] ^ D[18] ^ D[17] ^ D[15] ^ D[11] ^ D[8] ^ D[3] ^ + D[2] ^ C[1] ^ C[4] ^ C[5] ^ C[6] ^ C[8] ^ C[9] ^ C[12] ^ + C[16] ^ C[17] ^ C[19] ^ C[20] ^ C[24] ^ C[25] ^ C[26] ^ + C[29] ^ C[30]; + NewCRC[26] = D[62] ^ D[61] ^ D[60] ^ D[59] ^ D[57] ^ D[55] ^ D[54] ^ + D[52] ^ D[49] ^ D[48] ^ D[47] ^ D[44] ^ D[42] ^ D[41] ^ + D[39] ^ D[38] ^ D[31] ^ D[28] ^ D[26] ^ D[25] ^ D[24] ^ + D[23] ^ D[22] ^ D[20] ^ D[19] ^ D[18] ^ D[10] ^ D[6] ^ + D[4] ^ D[3] ^ D[0] ^ C[6] ^ C[7] ^ C[9] ^ C[10] ^ C[12] ^ + C[15] ^ C[16] ^ C[17] ^ C[20] ^ C[22] ^ C[23] ^ C[25] ^ + C[27] ^ C[28] ^ C[29] ^ C[30]; + NewCRC[27] = D[63] ^ D[62] ^ D[61] ^ D[60] ^ D[58] ^ D[56] ^ D[55] ^ + D[53] ^ D[50] ^ D[49] ^ D[48] ^ D[45] ^ D[43] ^ D[42] ^ + D[40] ^ D[39] ^ D[32] ^ D[29] ^ D[27] ^ D[26] ^ D[25] ^ + D[24] ^ D[23] ^ D[21] ^ D[20] ^ D[19] ^ D[11] ^ D[7] ^ + D[5] ^ D[4] ^ D[1] ^ C[0] ^ C[7] ^ C[8] ^ C[10] ^ C[11] ^ + C[13] ^ C[16] ^ C[17] ^ C[18] ^ C[21] ^ C[23] ^ C[24] ^ + C[26] ^ C[28] ^ C[29] ^ C[30] ^ C[31]; + NewCRC[28] = D[63] ^ D[62] ^ D[61] ^ D[59] ^ D[57] ^ D[56] ^ D[54] ^ + D[51] ^ D[50] ^ D[49] ^ D[46] ^ D[44] ^ D[43] ^ D[41] ^ + D[40] ^ D[33] ^ D[30] ^ D[28] ^ D[27] ^ D[26] ^ D[25] ^ + D[24] ^ D[22] ^ D[21] ^ D[20] ^ D[12] ^ D[8] ^ D[6] ^ + D[5] ^ D[2] ^ C[1] ^ C[8] ^ C[9] ^ C[11] ^ C[12] ^ + C[14] ^ C[17] ^ C[18] ^ C[19] ^ C[22] ^ C[24] ^ C[25] ^ + C[27] ^ C[29] ^ C[30] ^ C[31]; + NewCRC[29] = D[63] ^ D[62] ^ D[60] ^ D[58] ^ D[57] ^ D[55] ^ D[52] ^ + D[51] ^ D[50] ^ D[47] ^ D[45] ^ D[44] ^ D[42] ^ D[41] ^ + D[34] ^ D[31] ^ D[29] ^ D[28] ^ D[27] ^ D[26] ^ D[25] ^ + D[23] ^ D[22] ^ D[21] ^ D[13] ^ D[9] ^ D[7] ^ D[6] ^ + D[3] ^ C[2] ^ C[9] ^ C[10] ^ C[12] ^ C[13] ^ C[15] ^ + C[18] ^ C[19] ^ C[20] ^ C[23] ^ C[25] ^ C[26] ^ C[28] ^ + C[30] ^ C[31]; + NewCRC[30] = D[63] ^ D[61] ^ D[59] ^ D[58] ^ D[56] ^ D[53] ^ D[52] ^ + D[51] ^ D[48] ^ D[46] ^ D[45] ^ D[43] ^ D[42] ^ D[35] ^ + D[32] ^ D[30] ^ D[29] ^ D[28] ^ D[27] ^ D[26] ^ D[24] ^ + D[23] ^ D[22] ^ D[14] ^ D[10] ^ D[8] ^ D[7] ^ D[4] ^ + C[0] ^ C[3] ^ C[10] ^ C[11] ^ C[13] ^ C[14] ^ C[16] ^ + C[19] ^ C[20] ^ C[21] ^ C[24] ^ C[26] ^ C[27] ^ C[29] ^ + C[31]; + NewCRC[31] = D[62] ^ D[60] ^ D[59] ^ D[57] ^ D[54] ^ D[53] ^ D[52] ^ + D[49] ^ D[47] ^ D[46] ^ D[44] ^ D[43] ^ D[36] ^ D[33] ^ + D[31] ^ D[30] ^ D[29] ^ D[28] ^ D[27] ^ D[25] ^ D[24] ^ + D[23] ^ D[15] ^ D[11] ^ D[9] ^ D[8] ^ D[5] ^ C[1] ^ + C[4] ^ C[11] ^ C[12] ^ C[14] ^ C[15] ^ C[17] ^ C[20] ^ + C[21] ^ C[22] ^ C[25] ^ C[27] ^ C[28] ^ C[30]; + + nextCRC32_D64 = NewCRC; + + end + + endfunction +endmodule Index: tags/V10/rtl/verilog/rx_engine/rxReceiveEngine.ucf =================================================================== --- tags/V10/rtl/verilog/rx_engine/rxReceiveEngine.ucf (nonexistent) +++ tags/V10/rtl/verilog/rx_engine/rxReceiveEngine.ucf (revision 40) @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +#AREA_GROUP "AG_counters" RANGE = SLICE_X34Y37:SLICE_X41Y32 +#INST "counters" AREA_GROUP = "AG_counters" +#AREA_GROUP "AG_crcmodule" RANGE = SLICE_X32Y21:SLICE_X49Y4 +#INST "crcmodule" AREA_GROUP = "AG_crcmodule" +#AREA_GROUP "AG_datapath_main" RANGE = SLICE_X14Y35:SLICE_X29Y20 +#INST "datapath_main" AREA_GROUP = "AG_datapath_main" +#AREA_GROUP "AG_lenchecker" RANGE = SLICE_X44Y37:SLICE_X51Y30 +#INST "lenchecker" AREA_GROUP = "AG_lenchecker" +#AREA_GROUP "AG_rx_rs" RANGE = SLICE_X0Y31:SLICE_X9Y20 +#INST "rx_rs" AREA_GROUP = "AG_rx_rs" +#AREA_GROUP "AG_rx_stat" RANGE = SLICE_X46Y27:SLICE_X49Y24 +#INST "rx_stat" AREA_GROUP = "AG_rx_stat" +#AREA_GROUP "AG_statemachine" RANGE = SLICE_X34Y27:SLICE_X41Y24 +#INST "statemachine" AREA_GROUP = "AG_statemachine" +#PACE: Start of Constraints generated by PACE +#PACE: Start of PACE I/O Pin Assignments +#PACE: Start of PACE Area Constraints +AREA_GROUP "AG_rxReceiveEngine" RANGE = SLICE_X2Y37:SLICE_X33Y2 ; +INST "/" AREA_GROUP = "AG_rxReceiveEngine" ; +#PACE: Start of PACE Prohibit Constraints +#PACE: End of Constraints generated by PACE +NET "rxclk_in" TNM_NET = "rxclk_in"; +TIMESPEC "TS_rxclk_in" = PERIOD "rxclk_in" 6.5 ns HIGH 50 %; +#OFFSET = IN 2 ns BEFORE "rxclk_in" HIGH ; Index: tags/V10/rtl/verilog/rx_engine/rxStatModule.v =================================================================== --- tags/V10/rtl/verilog/rx_engine/rxStatModule.v (nonexistent) +++ tags/V10/rtl/verilog/rx_engine/rxStatModule.v (revision 40) @@ -0,0 +1,182 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +//// //// +//// MODULE NAME: rxStatModule //// +//// //// +//// DESCRIPTION: Generate signals for statistics. These signals //// +//// will be used in Management Module. //// +//// //// +//// //// +//// This file is part of the 10 Gigabit Ethernet IP core project //// +//// //// +//// //// +//// AUTHOR(S): //// +//// Zheng Cao //// +//// //// +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +//// //// +//// Copyright (c) 2005 AUTHORS. All rights reserved. //// +//// //// +//// This source file may be used and distributed without //// +//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not //// +//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains //// +//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. //// +//// //// +//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it //// +//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General //// +//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; //// +//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any //// +//// later version. //// +//// //// +//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be //// +//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied //// +//// warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR //// +//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more //// +//// details. //// +//// //// +//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General //// +//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it //// +//// from //// +//// //// +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// +// CVS REVISION HISTORY: +// +// $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $ +// Revision 1.1 2005/12/25 16:43:10 Zheng Cao +// +// +// +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + + +`include "timescale.v" +`include "xgiga_define.v" + +module rxStatModule(rxclk, reset, good_frame_get,crc_check_invalid, large_error, small_error, + receiving, padded_frame, pause_frame, broad_valid, multi_valid, + length_65_127, length_128_255, length_256_511, length_512_1023, length_1024_max, + jumbo_frame, get_error_code, rxStatRegPlus); + + input rxclk; + input reset; + input good_frame_get; + input large_error; + input small_error; + input crc_check_invalid; + input receiving; + input padded_frame; + input pause_frame; + input broad_valid; + input multi_valid; + input length_65_127; + input length_128_255; + input length_256_511; + input length_512_1023; + input length_1024_max; + input jumbo_frame; + input get_error_code; + output [17:0] rxStatRegPlus; + + parameter TP =1; + + wire[17:0] rxStatRegPlus_tmp; + + //////////////////////////////////////////// + // Count for Frames Received OK + //////////////////////////////////////////// + assign rxStatRegPlus_tmp[0] = good_frame_get; + + //////////////////////////////////////////// + // Count for FCS check error + //////////////////////////////////////////// + assign rxStatRegPlus_tmp[1] = crc_check_invalid; + + //////////////////////////////////////////// + // Count for BroadCast Frame Received OK + //////////////////////////////////////////// + assign rxStatRegPlus_tmp[2] = broad_valid & good_frame_get; + + ///////////////////////////////////////////// + // Count for Multicast Frame Received OK + ///////////////////////////////////////////// + assign rxStatRegPlus_tmp[3] = multi_valid & good_frame_get; + + //////////////////////////////////////////// + // Count for 64 byte Frame Received OK + //////////////////////////////////////////// + assign rxStatRegPlus_tmp[4] = padded_frame & good_frame_get; + + //////////////////////////////////////////// + // Count for 65-127 byte Frames Received OK + //////////////////////////////////////////// + assign rxStatRegPlus_tmp[5] = length_65_127 & good_frame_get; + + //////////////////////////////////////////// + // Count for 128-255 byte Frames Received OK + //////////////////////////////////////////// + assign rxStatRegPlus_tmp[6] = length_128_255 & good_frame_get; + + //////////////////////////////////////////// + // Count for 256-511 byte Frames Received OK + //////////////////////////////////////////// + assign rxStatRegPlus_tmp[7] = length_256_511 & good_frame_get; + + ////////////////////////////////////////////// + // Count for 512-1023 byte Frames Received OK + ////////////////////////////////////////////// + assign rxStatRegPlus_tmp[8] = length_512_1023 & good_frame_get; + + ////////////////////////////////////////////// + // Count for 1024-1518 byte Frames Received OK + ////////////////////////////////////////////// + assign rxStatRegPlus_tmp[9] = length_1024_max & good_frame_get; + + ////////////////////////////////////////////// + // Count for Control Frames Received OK + ////////////////////////////////////////////// + assign rxStatRegPlus_tmp[10] = pause_frame & good_frame_get; + + ////////////////////////////////////////////// + // Count for Length/Type Out of Range + ////////////////////////////////////////////// + assign rxStatRegPlus_tmp[11] = large_error; + + ////////////////////////////////////////////// + // Count for Pause Frames Received OK + ////////////////////////////////////////////// + assign rxStatRegPlus_tmp[12] = pause_frame & good_frame_get; + + ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + // Count for Control Frames Received with Unsupported Opcode. + ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + // assign rxStatRegPlus_tmp[13] = pause_frame & good_frame_get; + + /////////////////////////////////////////////// + // Count for Oversize Frames Received OK + /////////////////////////////////////////////// + assign rxStatRegPlus_tmp[14] = jumbo_frame & good_frame_get; + + /////////////////////////////////////////////// + // Count for Undersized Frames Received + /////////////////////////////////////////////// + assign rxStatRegPlus_tmp[15] = small_error; + + /////////////////////////////////////////////// + // Count for Fragment Frames Received + /////////////////////////////////////////////// + assign rxStatRegPlus_tmp[16] = receiving & get_error_code; + + /////////////////////////////////////////////// + // Count for Number of Bytes Received + /////////////////////////////////////////////// + assign rxStatRegPlus_tmp[17] = receiving; + + reg[17:0] rxStatRegPlus; + always@(posedge rxclk or posedge reset) begin + if(reset) + rxStatRegPlus <=#TP 0; + else + rxStatRegPlus <=#TP rxStatRegPlus_tmp; + end + +endmodule Index: tags/V10/rtl/verilog/rx_engine/rxRSLayer.v =================================================================== --- tags/V10/rtl/verilog/rx_engine/rxRSLayer.v (nonexistent) +++ tags/V10/rtl/verilog/rx_engine/rxRSLayer.v (revision 40) @@ -0,0 +1,85 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +//// //// +//// MODULE NAME: rxRSLayer //// +//// //// +//// DESCRIPTION: Reconciliation SubLayer of 10 Gigabit Ethernet. //// +//// //// +//// //// +//// This file is part of the 10 Gigabit Ethernet IP core project //// +//// //// +//// //// +//// AUTHOR(S): //// +//// Zheng Cao //// +//// //// +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +//// //// +//// Copyright (c) 2005 AUTHORS. All rights reserved. //// +//// //// +//// This source file may be used and distributed without //// +//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not //// +//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains //// +//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. //// +//// //// +//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it //// +//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General //// +//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; //// +//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any //// +//// later version. //// +//// //// +//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be //// +//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied //// +//// warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR //// +//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more //// +//// details. //// +//// //// +//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General //// +//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it //// +//// from //// +//// //// +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// +// CVS REVISION HISTORY: +// +// $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $ +// Revision 1.1 2005/12/25 16:43:10 Zheng Cao +// +// +// +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +`include "timescale.v" +`include "xgiga_define.v" + +module rxRSLayer(rxclk, rxclk_180, reset, link_fault, rxd64, rxc8, rxd_in, rxc_in); + input rxclk; + input rxclk_180; + input reset; + input [31:0] rxd_in; + input [3:0] rxc_in; + output [1:0] link_fault; + output [63:0] rxd64; + output [7:0] rxc8; + + wire local_fault; + wire remote_fault; + wire[1:0] link_fault; + + rxRSIO datapath(.rxclk(rxclk), + .rxclk_180(rxclk_180), + .reset(reset), + .rxd_in(rxd_in), + .rxc_in(rxc_in), + .rxd64(rxd64), + .rxc8(rxc8), + .local_fault(local_fault), + .remote_fault(remote_fault) + ); + + rxLinkFaultState statemachine(.rxclk(rxclk_180), + .reset(reset), + .local_fault(local_fault), + .remote_fault(remote_fault), + .link_fault(link_fault) + ); + +endmodule Index: tags/V10/rtl/verilog/rx_engine/rxDataPath.v =================================================================== --- tags/V10/rtl/verilog/rx_engine/rxDataPath.v (nonexistent) +++ tags/V10/rtl/verilog/rx_engine/rxDataPath.v (revision 40) @@ -0,0 +1,450 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +//// //// +//// MODULE NAME: Data Path of Receive Module //// +//// //// +//// DESCRIPTION: Data path of Receive Engine of 10 Gigabit //// +//// Ethernet MAC. Used to recognize every field of a //// +//// frame, including SOF, EOF, Length, Destination Addr //// +//// , Source Addr and Data field. //// +//// //// +//// This file is part of the 10 Gigabit Ethernet IP core project //// +//// //// +//// //// +//// AUTHOR(S): //// +//// Zheng Cao //// +//// //// +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +//// //// +//// Copyright (c) 2005 AUTHORS. All rights reserved. //// +//// //// +//// This source file may be used and distributed without //// +//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not //// +//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains //// +//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. //// +//// //// +//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it //// +//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General //// +//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; //// +//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any //// +//// later version. //// +//// //// +//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be //// +//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied //// +//// warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR //// +//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more //// +//// details. //// +//// //// +//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General //// +//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it //// +//// from //// +//// //// +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// +// CVS REVISION HISTORY: +// +// $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $ +// Revision 1.1 2005/12/25 16:43:10 Zheng Cao +// +// +// +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +`include "timescale.v" +`include "xgiga_define.v" + +module rxDataPath(rxclk, reset, rxd64, rxc8, inband_fcs, receiving, start_da, start_lt, wait_crc_check, get_sfd, + get_terminator, get_error_code, tagged_frame, pause_frame, da_addr, terminator_location, CRC_DATA, + rx_data_valid, rx_data,get_terminator_d1, bad_frame_get, good_frame_get,check_reset,rx_good_frame,rx_bad_frame); +// fcTxPauseData); + input rxclk; + input reset; + input [63:0] rxd64; + input [7:0] rxc8; + input inband_fcs; + input receiving; + input start_da; + input start_lt; + input wait_crc_check; + input get_terminator_d1; + input bad_frame_get; + input good_frame_get; + + output get_sfd; + output get_terminator; //get T indicator + output get_error_code; //get Error indicator + output tagged_frame; + output pause_frame; + output[47:0] da_addr; + output[2:0] terminator_location; + output[63:0] CRC_DATA; + output[7:0] rx_data_valid; + output[63:0] rx_data; + output check_reset; + output rx_good_frame; + output rx_bad_frame; +// output [31:0]fcTxPauseData; + + parameter TP = 1; + parameter IDLE = 0, READ = 1, WAIT_TMP = 2, WAIT = 3; + + ////////////////////////////////////////////// + // Pipe Line Stage + ////////////////////////////////////////////// + reg [63:0] rxd64_d1,rxd64_d2,rxd64_d3,CRC_DATA; + reg [7:0] rxc8_d1, rxc8_d2, rxc8_d3; + reg receiving_d1, receiving_d2; + reg wait_crc_check_d1; + +// assign fcTxPauseData = rxd64_d1[31:0]; + // Data pipeline + always@(posedge rxclk or posedge reset) begin + if (reset) begin + rxd64_d1<=#TP 0; + rxd64_d2<=#TP 0; + rxd64_d3<=#TP 0; + CRC_DATA<=0; + + end + else begin + rxd64_d1<=#TP rxd64; + rxd64_d2<=#TP rxd64_d1; + rxd64_d3<=#TP rxd64_d2; + CRC_DATA <={rxd64_d2[0],rxd64_d2[1],rxd64_d2[2],rxd64_d2[3],rxd64_d2[4],rxd64_d2[5],rxd64_d2[6],rxd64_d2[7], + rxd64_d2[8],rxd64_d2[9],rxd64_d2[10],rxd64_d2[11],rxd64_d2[12],rxd64_d2[13],rxd64_d2[14],rxd64_d2[15], + rxd64_d2[16],rxd64_d2[17],rxd64_d2[18],rxd64_d2[19],rxd64_d2[20],rxd64_d2[21],rxd64_d2[22],rxd64_d2[23], + rxd64_d2[24],rxd64_d2[25],rxd64_d2[26],rxd64_d2[27],rxd64_d2[28],rxd64_d2[29],rxd64_d2[30],rxd64_d2[31], + rxd64_d2[32],rxd64_d2[33],rxd64_d2[34],rxd64_d2[35],rxd64_d2[36],rxd64_d2[37],rxd64_d2[38],rxd64_d2[39], + rxd64_d2[40],rxd64_d2[41],rxd64_d2[42],rxd64_d2[43],rxd64_d2[44],rxd64_d2[45],rxd64_d2[46],rxd64_d2[47], + rxd64_d2[48],rxd64_d2[49],rxd64_d2[50],rxd64_d2[51],rxd64_d2[52],rxd64_d2[53],rxd64_d2[54],rxd64_d2[55], + rxd64_d2[56],rxd64_d2[57],rxd64_d2[58],rxd64_d2[59],rxd64_d2[60],rxd64_d2[61],rxd64_d2[62],rxd64_d2[63]}; + end + end + //control pipeline + always@(posedge rxclk or posedge reset)begin + if (reset) begin + rxc8_d1<=#TP 0; + rxc8_d2<=#TP 0; + rxc8_d3<=#TP 0; + end + else begin + rxc8_d1<=#TP rxc8; + rxc8_d2<=#TP rxc8_d1; + rxc8_d3<=#TP rxc8_d2; + end + end + + always @(posedge rxclk or posedge reset)begin + if (reset) begin + receiving_d1 <=#TP 0; + receiving_d2 <=#TP 0; + wait_crc_check_d1 <=#TP 0; + end + else begin + receiving_d1 <=#TP receiving; + receiving_d2 <=#TP receiving_d1; + wait_crc_check_d1 <=#TP wait_crc_check; + end + end + + //////////////////////////////////////////// + // Frame analysis + //////////////////////////////////////////// + reg get_sfd; //get sfd indicator + reg get_terminator; //get T indicator + reg get_error_code; //get Error indicator + reg[7:0] get_e_chk; + reg[7:0] rxc_end_data; //seperate DATA with FCS + reg [2:0]terminator_location; //for n*8bits(n<8), get n + reg[47:0] da_addr; //get Desetination Address + reg tagged_frame; //Tagged frame indicator(type interpret) + reg pause_frame; //Pause frame indicator(type interpret) + + //1. SFD + always@(posedge rxclk or posedge reset) begin + if (reset) + get_sfd <=#TP 0; + else + get_sfd <=#TP (rxd64[7:0] ==`START) & (rxd64[63:56]== `SFD) & (rxc8 == 8'h01); + end + + //2. EFD + reg this_cycle; + // ----------------------------------------------- + //| 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | + // ----------------------------------------------- + //|<-------- EFD -------->|<-------- EFD -------->| + //|<-- this_cycle = '1' ->|<-- this_cycle = '0' ->| + + always@(posedge rxclk or posedge reset) begin + if (reset) begin + get_terminator <=#TP 0; + terminator_location <=#TP 0; + this_cycle <=#TP 1'b0; + rxc_end_data <=#TP 0; + end + else begin + if (rxc8[0] & (rxd64[7:0] ==`TERMINATE)) begin + get_terminator <=#TP 1'b1; + terminator_location <=#TP 0; + this_cycle <=#TP 1'b1; + rxc_end_data <=#TP 8'b00001111; + end + else if (rxc8[1] & (rxd64[15:8] ==`TERMINATE)) begin + get_terminator <=#TP 1'b1; + terminator_location <=#TP 1; + this_cycle <=#TP 1'b1; + rxc_end_data <=#TP 8'b00011111; + end + else if (rxc8[2] & (rxd64[23:16]==`TERMINATE)) begin + get_terminator <=#TP 1'b1; + terminator_location <=#TP 2; + this_cycle <=#TP 1'b1; + rxc_end_data <=#TP 8'b00111111; + end + else if (rxc8[3] & (rxd64[31:24]==`TERMINATE)) begin + get_terminator <=#TP 1'b1; + terminator_location <=#TP 3; + this_cycle <=#TP 1'b1; + rxc_end_data <=#TP 8'b01111111; + end + else if (rxc8[4] & (rxd64[39:32]==`TERMINATE)) begin + get_terminator <=#TP 1'b1; + terminator_location <=#TP 4; + this_cycle <=#TP 1'b1; + rxc_end_data <=#TP 8'b11111111; + end + else if (rxc8[5] & (rxd64[47:40]==`TERMINATE)) begin + get_terminator <=#TP 1'b1; + terminator_location <=#TP 5; + this_cycle <=#TP 1'b0; + rxc_end_data <=#TP 8'b00000001; + end + else if (rxc8[6] & (rxd64[55:48]==`TERMINATE)) begin + get_terminator <=#TP 1'b1; + terminator_location <=#TP 6; + this_cycle <=#TP 1'b0; + rxc_end_data <=#TP 8'b00000011; + end + else if (rxc8[7] & (rxd64[63:56]==`TERMINATE)) begin + get_terminator <=#TP 1'b1; + terminator_location <=#TP 7; + this_cycle <=#TP 1'b0; + rxc_end_data <=#TP 8'b00000111; + end + else begin + get_terminator <=#TP 1'b0; + terminator_location <=#TP terminator_location; + this_cycle <=#TP this_cycle; + rxc_end_data <=#TP rxc_end_data; + end + end + end + + //3. Error Character + always@(posedge rxclk or posedge reset) begin + if (reset) + get_e_chk <=#TP 0; + else begin + get_e_chk[0] <=#TP rxc8[0] & (rxd64[7:0] ==`ERROR); + get_e_chk[1] <=#TP rxc8[1] & (rxd64[15:8] ==`ERROR); + get_e_chk[2] <=#TP rxc8[2] & (rxd64[23:16]==`ERROR); + get_e_chk[3] <=#TP rxc8[3] & (rxd64[31:24]==`ERROR); + get_e_chk[4] <=#TP rxc8[4] & (rxd64[39:32]==`ERROR); + get_e_chk[5] <=#TP rxc8[5] & (rxd64[47:40]==`ERROR); + get_e_chk[6] <=#TP rxc8[6] & (rxd64[55:48]==`ERROR); + get_e_chk[7] <=#TP rxc8[7] & (rxd64[63:56]==`ERROR); + end + end + + always@(posedge rxclk or posedge reset) begin + if (reset) + get_error_code <=#TP 0; + else + get_error_code <=#TP receiving & (| get_e_chk); + end + + ////////////////////////////////////// + // Get Destination Address + ////////////////////////////////////// + + always@(posedge rxclk or posedge reset)begin + if (reset) + da_addr <=#TP 0; + else if (start_da) + da_addr <=#TP rxd64_d1[47:0]; + else + da_addr <=#TP da_addr; + end + + ////////////////////////////////////// + // Get Length/Type Field + ////////////////////////////////////// + +// reg[15:0] lt_data; +// always@(posedge rxclk or posedge reset)begin +// if (reset) +// lt_data <=#TP 0; +// else if (start_lt) +// lt_data <=#TP rxd64_d1[47:32]; +// else +// lt_data <=#TP lt_data; +// end + + //tagged frame indicator + always@(posedge rxclk or posedge reset) begin + if (reset) + tagged_frame <=#TP 1'b0; + else if (start_lt) + tagged_frame <=#TP (rxd64[63:32] == `TAG_SIGN); + else + tagged_frame <=#TP tagged_frame; + end + //pause frame indicator + always@(posedge rxclk or posedge reset) begin + if (reset) + pause_frame <=#TP 1'b0; + else if (start_lt) + pause_frame <=#TP (rxd64[47:32] == `PAUSE_SIGN); + else + pause_frame <=#TP 1'b0; + end + + ///////////////////////////////////////////// + // Generate proper rxc to FIFO + ///////////////////////////////////////////// + + reg [7:0]rxc_final; + wire [7:0]rxc_fifo; //rxc send to fifo + + always@(posedge rxclk or posedge reset) begin + if (reset) + rxc_final <=#TP 0; + else if (get_terminator & this_cycle) + rxc_final <=#TP rxc_end_data; + else if (get_terminator_d1 & ~this_cycle) + rxc_final <=#TP rxc_end_data; + else if (receiving) + rxc_final <=`ALLONES8; + else + rxc_final <=0; + end + + assign rxc_fifo = inband_fcs? ~rxc8_d3:rxc_final; + + //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + // FIFO management, to generate rx_good_frame/rx_bad_frame + // after a frame has been totally received. + //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + wire rxfifo_full; + wire rxfifo_empty; + wire fifo_wr_en; + wire [63:0] rx_data_tmp; + wire [7:0] rx_data_valid_tmp; + + reg one_frame_end; + always@(posedge rxclk or posedge reset) begin + if(reset) + one_frame_end <= 1'b0; + else if(rx_data_valid_tmp!=8'hff) + one_frame_end <= 1'b1; + else + one_frame_end <= 1'b0; + end + + reg fifo_rd_en; + reg[1:0] fifo_state; + reg rx_good_frame; + reg rx_bad_frame; + reg check_reset; + always@(posedge rxclk or posedge reset) begin + if(reset) begin + fifo_rd_en <= 1'b0; + fifo_state <= IDLE; + rx_good_frame <= 1'b0; + rx_bad_frame <= 1'b0; + check_reset <= 1'b0; + end + else + case (fifo_state) + IDLE: begin + rx_good_frame <= 1'b0; + rx_bad_frame <= 1'b0; + check_reset <= 1'b0; + fifo_state <= IDLE; + fifo_rd_en <= 1'b0; + if(~rxfifo_empty) begin + fifo_rd_en <= 1'b1; + fifo_state <= READ; + end + end + READ: begin + check_reset <= 1'b0; + fifo_rd_en <= 1'b1; + rx_good_frame <= 1'b0; + rx_bad_frame <= 1'b0; + fifo_state <= READ; + if(rx_data_valid_tmp!=8'hff) + fifo_state <= WAIT_TMP; + end + WAIT_TMP: begin + if(rx_data_valid_tmp!=8'hff) + fifo_state <= WAIT; + end + WAIT: begin + rx_good_frame <= 1'b0; + rx_bad_frame <= 1'b0; + fifo_state <= WAIT; + check_reset <= 1'b0; + fifo_rd_en <= 1'b0; + if(bad_frame_get | good_frame_get)begin + rx_good_frame <= good_frame_get; + rx_bad_frame <= bad_frame_get; + fifo_state <= IDLE; + check_reset <= 1'b1; + end + end + endcase + end + + assign fifo_wr_en = receiving_d2; + + rxdatafifo rxdatain(.clk(rxclk), + .sinit(reset), + .din(rxd64_d3), + .wr_en(fifo_wr_en), + .rd_en(fifo_rd_en), + .dout(rx_data_tmp), + .full(rxfifo_full), + .empty(rxfifo_empty)); + + rxcntrlfifo rxcntrlin(.clk(rxclk), + .sinit(reset), + .din(rxc_fifo), + .wr_en(fifo_wr_en), + .rd_en(fifo_rd_en), + .dout(rx_data_valid_tmp), + .full(), + .empty()); + + reg fifo_rd_en_d1; + always@(posedge rxclk) begin + fifo_rd_en_d1 <=#TP fifo_rd_en; + end + + reg [63:0] rx_data; + always@(posedge rxclk or posedge reset) begin + if (reset) + rx_data <= 0; + else + rx_data <=#TP rx_data_tmp; + end + + reg [7:0] rx_data_valid; + always@(posedge rxclk or posedge reset) begin + if (reset) + rx_data_valid <=#TP 0; + else + rx_data_valid <=#TP rx_data_valid_tmp; + end + +endmodule Index: tags/V10/rtl/verilog/rx_engine/rxcntrlfifo.v =================================================================== --- tags/V10/rtl/verilog/rx_engine/rxcntrlfifo.v (nonexistent) +++ tags/V10/rtl/verilog/rx_engine/rxcntrlfifo.v (revision 40) @@ -0,0 +1,107 @@ +/******************************************************************************* +* This file is owned and controlled by Xilinx and must be used * +* solely for design, simulation, implementation and creation of * +* design files limited to Xilinx devices or technologies. Use * +* with non-Xilinx devices or technologies is expressly prohibited * +* and immediately terminates your license. * +* * +* XILINX IS PROVIDING THIS DESIGN, CODE, OR INFORMATION "AS IS" * +* SOLELY FOR USE IN DEVELOPING PROGRAMS AND SOLUTIONS FOR * +* XILINX DEVICES. BY PROVIDING THIS DESIGN, CODE, OR INFORMATION * +* AS ONE POSSIBLE IMPLEMENTATION OF THIS FEATURE, APPLICATION * +* OR STANDARD, XILINX IS MAKING NO REPRESENTATION THAT THIS * +* IMPLEMENTATION IS FREE FROM ANY CLAIMS OF INFRINGEMENT, * +* AND YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR OBTAINING ANY RIGHTS YOU MAY REQUIRE * +* FOR YOUR IMPLEMENTATION. XILINX EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ANY * +* WARRANTY WHATSOEVER WITH RESPECT TO THE ADEQUACY OF THE * +* IMPLEMENTATION, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY WARRANTIES OR * +* REPRESENTATIONS THAT THIS IMPLEMENTATION IS FREE FROM CLAIMS OF * +* INFRINGEMENT, IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS * +* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * +* * +* Xilinx products are not intended for use in life support * +* appliances, devices, or systems. Use in such applications are * +* expressly prohibited. * +* * +* (c) Copyright 1995-2004 Xilinx, Inc. * +* All rights reserved. * +*******************************************************************************/ +// The synopsys directives "translate_off/translate_on" specified below are +// supported by XST, FPGA Compiler II, Mentor Graphics and Synplicity synthesis +// tools. Ensure they are correct for your synthesis tool(s). + +// You must compile the wrapper file rxcntrlfifo.v when simulating +// the core, rxcntrlfifo. When compiling the wrapper file, be sure to +// reference the XilinxCoreLib Verilog simulation library. For detailed +// instructions, please refer to the "CORE Generator Help". + +`timescale 1ns/1ps + +module rxcntrlfifo( + clk, + sinit, + din, + wr_en, + rd_en, + dout, + full, + empty); + + +input clk; +input sinit; +input [7 : 0] din; +input wr_en; +input rd_en; +output [7 : 0] dout; +output full; +output empty; + +// synopsys translate_off + + SYNC_FIFO_V5_0 #( + 1, // c_dcount_width + 0, // c_enable_rlocs + 0, // c_has_dcount + 0, // c_has_rd_ack + 0, // c_has_rd_err + 0, // c_has_wr_ack + 0, // c_has_wr_err + 1, // c_memory_type + 0, // c_ports_differ + 1, // c_rd_ack_low + 1, // c_rd_err_low + 8, // c_read_data_width + 128, // c_read_depth + 8, // c_write_data_width + 128, // c_write_depth + 1, // c_wr_ack_low + 1) // c_wr_err_low + inst ( + .CLK(clk), + .SINIT(sinit), + .DIN(din), + .WR_EN(wr_en), + .RD_EN(rd_en), + .DOUT(dout), + .FULL(full), + .EMPTY(empty), + .RD_ACK(), + .WR_ACK(), + .RD_ERR(), + .WR_ERR(), + .DATA_COUNT()); + + +// synopsys translate_on + +// FPGA Express black box declaration +// synopsys attribute fpga_dont_touch "true" +// synthesis attribute fpga_dont_touch of rxcntrlfifo is "true" + +// XST black box declaration +// box_type "black_box" +// synthesis attribute box_type of rxcntrlfifo is "black_box" + +endmodule + Index: tags/V10/rtl/verilog/rx_engine/rxLinkFaultState.v =================================================================== --- tags/V10/rtl/verilog/rx_engine/rxLinkFaultState.v (nonexistent) +++ tags/V10/rtl/verilog/rx_engine/rxLinkFaultState.v (revision 40) @@ -0,0 +1,160 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +//// //// +//// MODULE NAME: rxLinkFaultState //// +//// //// +//// DESCRIPTION: State machine for Link Fault Signalling. //// +//// //// +//// //// +//// This file is part of the 10 Gigabit Ethernet IP core project //// +//// //// +//// //// +//// AUTHOR(S): //// +//// Zheng Cao //// +//// //// +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +//// //// +//// Copyright (c) 2005 AUTHORS. All rights reserved. //// +//// //// +//// This source file may be used and distributed without //// +//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not //// +//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains //// +//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. //// +//// //// +//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it //// +//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General //// +//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; //// +//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any //// +//// later version. //// +//// //// +//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be //// +//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied //// +//// warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR //// +//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more //// +//// details. //// +//// //// +//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General //// +//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it //// +//// from //// +//// //// +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// +// CVS REVISION HISTORY: +// +// $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $ +// Revision 1.1 2005/12/25 16:43:10 Zheng Cao +// +// +// +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +`include "timescale.v" +`include "xgiga_define.v" + +module rxLinkFaultState(rxclk, reset, local_fault, remote_fault, link_fault); + input rxclk; + input reset; + input local_fault; + input remote_fault; + output[1:0] link_fault; + + parameter TP =1; + parameter IDLE = 0, LinkFaultDetect = 1, NewFaultType = 2, GetFault = 3; + + //------------------------------------------------ + // Link Fault Signalling Statemachine + //------------------------------------------------ + wire fault_type; + wire get_one_fault; + wire no_new_type; + + reg[2:0] linkstate, linkstate_next; + reg[5:0] col_cnt; + reg seq_cnt; + reg[1:0] seq_type; + reg[1:0] last_seq_type; + reg[1:0] link_fault; + reg reset_col_cnt; + wire seq_cnt_3; + wire col_cnt_64; + + assign fault_type = {local_fault, remote_fault}; + assign get_one_fault = local_fault | remote_fault; + assign no_new_type = (seq_type == last_seq_type); + assign col_cnt_64 = & col_cnt; + + always@(posedge rxclk or posedge reset)begin + if (reset) begin + seq_type <=#TP 0; + seq_cnt <=#TP 0; + last_seq_type <=#TP 0; + reset_col_cnt<= #TP 1; + link_fault <=#TP 2'b00; + linkstate<= #TP IDLE; + end + else begin + seq_type <= #TP fault_type; + last_seq_type <=#TP seq_type; + case (linkstate) + IDLE: begin + linkstate <=#TP IDLE; + reset_col_cnt <= #TP 1; + seq_cnt <= #TP 0; + link_fault <= #TP 2'b00; + if (get_one_fault) + linkstate<=#TP LinkFaultDetect; + end + + LinkFaultDetect: begin + linkstate <=#TP LinkFaultDetect; + reset_col_cnt <=#TP 1; + if (get_one_fault & no_new_type) begin + if (seq_cnt) begin + linkstate <=#TP IDLE; + link_fault <=#TP seq_type; //final fault indeed(equals to GetFault status) + end + else + seq_cnt <=#TP seq_cnt + 1; + end + else if(~get_one_fault) begin + reset_col_cnt <=#TP 0; + if (col_cnt_64) + linkstate <=#TP IDLE; + end + else if(get_one_fault & ~no_new_type) + linkstate <=#TP NewFaultType; + end + + NewFaultType: begin + seq_cnt <=#TP 0; + linkstate <=#TP LinkFaultDetect; + reset_col_cnt<=#TP 1; + end + +// GetFault: begin +// linkstate <=#TP IDLE; +// reset_col_cnt <=#TP 1; +// link_fault <=#TP seq_type; +// if (get_one_fault & no_new_type) +// link_fault <=#TP seq_type; +// else if (~get_one_fault) begin +// reset_col_cnt<=#TP 0; +// if(col_cnt_128) +// linkstate <=#TP IDLE; +// end +// else if (get_one_fault & ~no_new_type) +// linkstate <=#TP NewFaultType; +// end + endcase + end + end + + always@(posedge rxclk or posedge reset) begin + if (reset) + col_cnt <=#TP 0; + else if (reset_col_cnt) + col_cnt <=#TP 0; + else + col_cnt <=#TP col_cnt + 1; + end + +endmodule Index: tags/V10/rtl/verilog/rx_engine/timescale.v =================================================================== --- tags/V10/rtl/verilog/rx_engine/timescale.v (nonexistent) +++ tags/V10/rtl/verilog/rx_engine/timescale.v (revision 40) @@ -0,0 +1,48 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +//// //// +//// MODULE NAME: timescale.v //// +//// //// +//// DESCRIPTION: //// +//// //// +//// This file is part of the 10 Gigabit Ethernet IP core project //// +//// //// +//// //// +//// AUTHOR(S): //// +//// Zheng Cao //// +//// //// +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +//// //// +//// Copyright (c) 2005 AUTHORS. All rights reserved. //// +//// //// +//// This source file may be used and distributed without //// +//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not //// +//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains //// +//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. //// +//// //// +//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it //// +//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General //// +//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; //// +//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any //// +//// later version. //// +//// //// +//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be //// +//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied //// +//// warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR //// +//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more //// +//// details. //// +//// //// +//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General //// +//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it //// +//// from //// +//// //// +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// +// CVS REVISION HISTORY: +// +// $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $ +// Revision 1.1 2005/12/25 16:43:10 Zheng Cao +// +// +// +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +`timescale 100ps / 10ps Index: tags/V10/rtl/verilog/rx_engine/CRC32_D8.v =================================================================== --- tags/V10/rtl/verilog/rx_engine/CRC32_D8.v (nonexistent) +++ tags/V10/rtl/verilog/rx_engine/CRC32_D8.v (revision 40) @@ -0,0 +1,136 @@ +`timescale 1ns / 1ps +module CRC32_D8(DATA_IN, CLK, RESET, START, LOAD, CRC_IN, CRC_OUT); + + input [7:0] DATA_IN; + input CLK; + input RESET; + input START; + input LOAD; + input [31:0] CRC_IN; + output [31:0] CRC_OUT; + + reg [31:0] CRC_OUT; +// reg start_int; +// reg [7:0] data_int; + +//always @(posedge CLK) +//begin +// start_int <= START; +// data_int <= DATA_IN; +//end + +always @(posedge CLK or posedge RESET) + begin + if (RESET) begin + CRC_OUT <= 0; + end + else if (START) begin + CRC_OUT <= nextCRC32_D8(DATA_IN, CRC_OUT); + end + else if (LOAD) begin + CRC_OUT <= CRC_IN; + end + + + + end + + +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// File: CRC32_D64.v +// Date: Sun Nov 27 19:32:12 2005 +// +// Copyright (C) 1999-2003 Easics NV. +// This source file may be used and distributed without restriction +// provided that this copyright statement is not removed from the file +// and that any derivative work contains the original copyright notice +// and the associated disclaimer. +// +// THIS SOURCE FILE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS +// OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED +// WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTIBILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. +// +// Purpose: Verilog module containing a synthesizable CRC function +// * polynomial: (0 1 2 4 5 7 8 10 11 12 16 22 23 26 32) +// * data width: 64 +// +// Info: +// +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + + // polynomial: (0 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 10 11 12 16 22 23 26 32) + // data width: 8 + // convention: the first serial data bit is D[7] + function [31:0] nextCRC32_D8; + + input [7:0] Data; + input [31:0] CRC; + + reg [7:0] D; + reg [31:0] C; + reg [31:0] NewCRC; + + begin + + D = Data; + C = CRC; + + + NewCRC[0] = D[6] ^ D[0] ^ C[24] ^ C[30]; + NewCRC[1] = D[7] ^ D[6] ^ D[1] ^ D[0] ^ C[24] ^ C[25] ^ C[30] ^ + C[31]; + NewCRC[2] = D[7] ^ D[6] ^ D[2] ^ D[1] ^ D[0] ^ C[24] ^ C[25] ^ + C[26] ^ C[30] ^ C[31]; + NewCRC[3] = D[7] ^ D[3] ^ D[2] ^ D[1] ^ C[25] ^ C[26] ^ C[27] ^ + C[31]; + NewCRC[4] = D[6] ^ D[4] ^ D[3] ^ D[2] ^ D[0] ^ C[24] ^ C[26] ^ + C[27] ^ C[28] ^ C[30]; + NewCRC[5] = D[7] ^ D[6] ^ D[5] ^ D[4] ^ D[3] ^ D[1] ^ D[0] ^ C[24] ^ + C[25] ^ C[27] ^ C[28] ^ C[29] ^ C[30] ^ C[31]; + NewCRC[6] = D[7] ^ D[6] ^ D[5] ^ D[4] ^ D[2] ^ D[1] ^ C[25] ^ C[26] ^ + C[28] ^ C[29] ^ C[30] ^ C[31]; + NewCRC[7] = D[7] ^ D[5] ^ D[3] ^ D[2] ^ D[0] ^ C[24] ^ C[26] ^ + C[27] ^ C[29] ^ C[31]; + NewCRC[8] = D[4] ^ D[3] ^ D[1] ^ D[0] ^ C[0] ^ C[24] ^ C[25] ^ + C[27] ^ C[28]; + NewCRC[9] = D[5] ^ D[4] ^ D[2] ^ D[1] ^ C[1] ^ C[25] ^ C[26] ^ + C[28] ^ C[29]; + NewCRC[10] = D[5] ^ D[3] ^ D[2] ^ D[0] ^ C[2] ^ C[24] ^ C[26] ^ + C[27] ^ C[29]; + NewCRC[11] = D[4] ^ D[3] ^ D[1] ^ D[0] ^ C[3] ^ C[24] ^ C[25] ^ + C[27] ^ C[28]; + NewCRC[12] = D[6] ^ D[5] ^ D[4] ^ D[2] ^ D[1] ^ D[0] ^ C[4] ^ C[24] ^ + C[25] ^ C[26] ^ C[28] ^ C[29] ^ C[30]; + NewCRC[13] = D[7] ^ D[6] ^ D[5] ^ D[3] ^ D[2] ^ D[1] ^ C[5] ^ C[25] ^ + C[26] ^ C[27] ^ C[29] ^ C[30] ^ C[31]; + NewCRC[14] = D[7] ^ D[6] ^ D[4] ^ D[3] ^ D[2] ^ C[6] ^ C[26] ^ C[27] ^ + C[28] ^ C[30] ^ C[31]; + NewCRC[15] = D[7] ^ D[5] ^ D[4] ^ D[3] ^ C[7] ^ C[27] ^ C[28] ^ + C[29] ^ C[31]; + NewCRC[16] = D[5] ^ D[4] ^ D[0] ^ C[8] ^ C[24] ^ C[28] ^ C[29]; + NewCRC[17] = D[6] ^ D[5] ^ D[1] ^ C[9] ^ C[25] ^ C[29] ^ C[30]; + NewCRC[18] = D[7] ^ D[6] ^ D[2] ^ C[10] ^ C[26] ^ C[30] ^ C[31]; + NewCRC[19] = D[7] ^ D[3] ^ C[11] ^ C[27] ^ C[31]; + NewCRC[20] = D[4] ^ C[12] ^ C[28]; + NewCRC[21] = D[5] ^ C[13] ^ C[29]; + NewCRC[22] = D[0] ^ C[14] ^ C[24]; + NewCRC[23] = D[6] ^ D[1] ^ D[0] ^ C[15] ^ C[24] ^ C[25] ^ C[30]; + NewCRC[24] = D[7] ^ D[2] ^ D[1] ^ C[16] ^ C[25] ^ C[26] ^ C[31]; + NewCRC[25] = D[3] ^ D[2] ^ C[17] ^ C[26] ^ C[27]; + NewCRC[26] = D[6] ^ D[4] ^ D[3] ^ D[0] ^ C[18] ^ C[24] ^ C[27] ^ + C[28] ^ C[30]; + NewCRC[27] = D[7] ^ D[5] ^ D[4] ^ D[1] ^ C[19] ^ C[25] ^ C[28] ^ + C[29] ^ C[31]; + NewCRC[28] = D[6] ^ D[5] ^ D[2] ^ C[20] ^ C[26] ^ C[29] ^ C[30]; + NewCRC[29] = D[7] ^ D[6] ^ D[3] ^ C[21] ^ C[27] ^ C[30] ^ C[31]; + NewCRC[30] = D[7] ^ D[4] ^ C[22] ^ C[28] ^ C[31]; + NewCRC[31] = D[5] ^ C[23] ^ C[29]; + + nextCRC32_D8 = NewCRC; + + end + + endfunction + +endmodule + Index: tags/V10/rtl/verilog/rx_engine/rxNumCounter.v =================================================================== --- tags/V10/rtl/verilog/rx_engine/rxNumCounter.v (nonexistent) +++ tags/V10/rtl/verilog/rx_engine/rxNumCounter.v (revision 40) @@ -0,0 +1,71 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +//// //// +//// MODULE NAME: rxNumCounter //// +//// //// +//// DESCRIPTION: To count bytes have been received. //// +//// //// +//// //// +//// This file is part of the 10 Gigabit Ethernet IP core project //// +//// //// +//// //// +//// AUTHOR(S): //// +//// Zheng Cao //// +//// //// +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +//// //// +//// Copyright (c) 2005 AUTHORS. All rights reserved. //// +//// //// +//// This source file may be used and distributed without //// +//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not //// +//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains //// +//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. //// +//// //// +//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it //// +//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General //// +//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; //// +//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any //// +//// later version. //// +//// //// +//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be //// +//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied //// +//// warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR //// +//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more //// +//// details. //// +//// //// +//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General //// +//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it //// +//// from //// +//// //// +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// +// CVS REVISION HISTORY: +// +// $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $ +// Revision 1.1 2005/12/25 16:43:10 Zheng Cao +// +// +// +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +`include "timescale.v" +`include "xgiga_define.v" + +module rxNumCounter(rxclk, reset, receiving, frame_cnt); + + input rxclk; //receive clk + input reset; //globe reset + + input receiving; //start to count data field + + output[`COUNTER_WIDTH-1:0] frame_cnt; + + parameter TP =1; + + // Data counter + // used in rxReceiveData field, + // this counter is used for frames whose length is larger than 64 + // Of course it also count actual bytes of frames whose length is shorter than 64. + counter data_counter(.clk(rxclk), .reset(reset), .load(~receiving), .en(receiving), .value(frame_cnt)); + defparam data_counter.WIDTH = `COUNTER_WIDTH; + +endmodule Index: tags/V10/rtl/verilog/rx_engine/xgiga_define.v =================================================================== --- tags/V10/rtl/verilog/rx_engine/xgiga_define.v (nonexistent) +++ tags/V10/rtl/verilog/rx_engine/xgiga_define.v (revision 40) @@ -0,0 +1,80 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +//// //// +//// MODULE NAME: definition of parameters //// +//// //// +//// DESCRIPTION: //// +//// //// +//// //// +//// This file is part of the 10 Gigabit Ethernet IP core project //// +//// //// +//// //// +//// AUTHOR(S): //// +//// Zheng Cao //// +//// //// +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +//// //// +//// Copyright (c) 2005 AUTHORS. All rights reserved. //// +//// //// +//// This source file may be used and distributed without //// +//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not //// +//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains //// +//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. //// +//// //// +//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it //// +//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General //// +//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; //// +//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any //// +//// later version. //// +//// //// +//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be //// +//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied //// +//// warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR //// +//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more //// +//// details. //// +//// //// +//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General //// +//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it //// +//// from //// +//// //// +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// +// CVS REVISION HISTORY: +// +// $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $ +// Revision 1.1 2005/12/25 16:43:10 Zheng Cao +// +// +// +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +`define ALLONES 64'hffffffffffffffff +`define ALLONES8 8'hff +`define ALLZEROS 8'h00 + +/////////////////////////////////////////////// +// Length parameters +/////////////////////////////////////////////// +`define MAX_VALID_LENGTH 12'h0be +`define MAX_VALID_BITS_MORE 3'h6 +`define MAX_TAG_LENGTH 12'h0bf +`define MAX_TAG_BITS_MORE 3'h2 +`define MAX_JUMBO_LENGTH 12'h466 +`define MIN_VALID_LENGTH 8'h08 +/////////////////////////////////////////////// +// Frame field parameters +/////////////////////////////////////////////// +`define PREAMBLE 8'h55 +`define START 8'hfb +`define TERMINATE 8'hfd +`define SFD 8'hd5 +`define SEQUENCE 8'h9a +`define ERROR 8'hfe +`define TAG_SIGN 16'h0081//8100 +`define PAUSE_SIGN 32'h01000888//8808 + +`define MULTICAST 48'h0180C2000001 +`define BROADCAST 48'hffffffffffff +//////////////////////////////////////////////// +// Frame bytes counter parameter +//////////////////////////////////////////////// +`define COUNTER_WIDTH 12 Index: tags/V10/rtl/verilog/rx_engine/rxLenTypChecker.v =================================================================== --- tags/V10/rtl/verilog/rx_engine/rxLenTypChecker.v (nonexistent) +++ tags/V10/rtl/verilog/rx_engine/rxLenTypChecker.v (revision 40) @@ -0,0 +1,220 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +//// //// +//// MODULE NAME: Frame Length Checker //// +//// //// +//// DESCRIPTION: Frame Length Checker of 10 Gigabit //// +//// Ethernet MAC. Many statistics are implemented //// +//// here. //// +//// //// +//// This file is part of the 10 Gigabit Ethernet IP core project //// +//// //// +//// //// +//// AUTHOR(S): //// +//// Zheng Cao //// +//// //// +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +//// //// +//// Copyright (c) 2005 AUTHORS. All rights reserved. //// +//// //// +//// This source file may be used and distributed without //// +//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not //// +//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains //// +//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. //// +//// //// +//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it //// +//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General //// +//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; //// +//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any //// +//// later version. //// +//// //// +//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be //// +//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied //// +//// warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR //// +//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more //// +//// details. //// +//// //// +//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General //// +//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it //// +//// from //// +//// //// +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// +// CVS REVISION HISTORY: +// +// $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $ +// Revision 1.1 2005/12/25 16:43:10 Zheng Cao +// +// +// +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +`include "timescale.v" +`include "xgiga_define.v" + +module rxLenTypChecker(rxclk, reset, get_terminator, terminator_location, jumbo_enable, tagged_frame, + frame_cnt, vlan_enable,length_error,large_error, small_error, padded_frame, length_65_127, + length_128_255, length_256_511, length_512_1023, length_1024_max,jumbo_frame); + + input rxclk; + input reset; + input jumbo_enable; //Enable jumbo frame recieving + input vlan_enable; //VLAN mode enable bit + input tagged_frame; //number of 64bits DATA field of tagged frame contains + input get_terminator; + input[`COUNTER_WIDTH-1:0] frame_cnt; + input[2:0] terminator_location; + + output length_error; + output large_error; + output small_error; + output padded_frame; + output length_65_127; + output length_128_255; + output length_256_511; + output length_512_1023; + output length_1024_max; + output jumbo_frame; + + parameter TP =1 ; + + reg [2:0]location_reg; + always@(posedge rxclk or posedge reset)begin + if (reset) + location_reg <=#TP 0; + else if(get_terminator) + location_reg <=#TP terminator_location; + else + location_reg <=#TP location_reg; + end + + reg large_error; + always@(posedge rxclk or posedge reset)begin + if(reset) + large_error <=#TP 1'b0; + else if(tagged_frame & vlan_enable) begin + if ((frame_cnt == `MAX_TAG_LENGTH) & (location_reg > `MAX_TAG_BITS_MORE)) + large_error <=#TP 1'b1; + else if ((frame_cnt > `MAX_TAG_LENGTH) & ~jumbo_enable) + large_error <=#TP 1'b1; + else if(frame_cnt > `MAX_JUMBO_LENGTH) + large_error <=#TP 1'b1; + else + large_error <=#TP 1'b0; + end + else begin + if ((frame_cnt == `MAX_VALID_LENGTH) & (location_reg > `MAX_VALID_BITS_MORE)) + large_error <=#TP 1'b1; + else if((frame_cnt > `MAX_VALID_LENGTH) & ~jumbo_enable) + large_error <=#TP 1'b1; + else if(frame_cnt > `MAX_JUMBO_LENGTH) + large_error <=#TP 1'b1; + else + large_error <=#TP 1'b0; + end + end + + reg small_error; + always@(posedge rxclk or posedge reset) begin + if(reset) + small_error <=#TP 0; + else + small_error <=#TP get_terminator & (frame_cnt< `MIN_VALID_LENGTH); + end + + wire length_error; + assign length_error = small_error | large_error; + + ///////////////////////////////////////////////// + // Statistic signals + ///////////////////////////////////////////////// + + /////////////////////////////////// + // 64byte frame received OK + /////////////////////////////////// + + reg padded_frame; + always@(posedge rxclk or posedge reset) begin + if(reset) + padded_frame <=#TP 0; + else + padded_frame <=#TP get_terminator & (frame_cnt==`MIN_VALID_LENGTH); + end + + /////////////////////////////////// + // 65-127 byte Frame Received OK + /////////////////////////////////// + + reg length_65_127; + always@(posedge rxclk or posedge reset) begin + if(reset) + length_65_127 <=#TP 0; + else + length_65_127 <=#TP get_terminator & (frame_cnt>`MIN_VALID_LENGTH) & (frame_cnt <=127); + end + + /////////////////////////////////// + // 128-255 byte Frame Received OK + /////////////////////////////////// + + reg length_128_255; + always@(posedge rxclk or posedge reset) begin + if(reset) + length_128_255 <=#TP 0; + else + length_128_255 <=#TP get_terminator & (frame_cnt>128) & (frame_cnt <=255); + end + + /////////////////////////////////// + // 256-511 byte Frame Received OK + /////////////////////////////////// + + reg length_256_511; + always@(posedge rxclk or posedge reset) begin + if(reset) + length_256_511 <=#TP 0; + else + length_256_511 <=#TP get_terminator & (frame_cnt>256) & (frame_cnt <=511); + end + + /////////////////////////////////// + // 512-1023 byte Frame Received OK + /////////////////////////////////// + + reg length_512_1023; + always@(posedge rxclk or posedge reset) begin + if(reset) + length_512_1023 <=#TP 0; + else + length_512_1023 <=#TP get_terminator & (frame_cnt>512) & (frame_cnt <=1023); + end + + /////////////////////////////////// + // 1024-max byte Frame Received OK + /////////////////////////////////// + + reg length_1024_max; + always@(posedge rxclk or posedge reset) begin + if(reset) + length_1024_max <=#TP 0; + else + length_1024_max <=#TP get_terminator & (frame_cnt>1024) & (frame_cnt <=`MAX_VALID_LENGTH); + end + + ////////////////////////////////////////////// + // Count for Control Frames Received OK + ////////////////////////////////////////////// + //how to indicate a control frame(not clearly specificated in 802.3 + + /////////////////////////////////////////////// + // Count for Oversize Frames Received OK + /////////////////////////////////////////////// + + reg jumbo_frame; + always@(posedge rxclk or posedge reset) begin + if(reset) + jumbo_frame <=#TP 0; + else + jumbo_frame <=#TP get_terminator & jumbo_enable & (frame_cnt > `MAX_VALID_LENGTH) & (frame_cnt < `MAX_JUMBO_LENGTH); + end + +endmodule Index: tags/V10/doc/transmit.pdf =================================================================== Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream Index: tags/V10/doc/transmit.pdf =================================================================== --- tags/V10/doc/transmit.pdf (nonexistent) +++ tags/V10/doc/transmit.pdf (revision 40)
tags/V10/doc/transmit.pdf Property changes : Added: svn:mime-type ## -0,0 +1 ## +application/octet-stream \ No newline at end of property

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