Subversion Repositories m1_core
Compare Revisions
- This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
- from Rev 48 to Rev 49
- ↔ Reverse comparison
Rev 48 → Rev 49
291,6 → 291,7
ex_mem_addrjump <= 0; |
ex_mem_addrbranch <= 0; |
ex_mem_aluout <= 0; |
ex_mem_carry <= 0; |
ex_mem_branch <= 0; |
ex_mem_jump <= 0; |
ex_mem_jr <= 0; |
344,7 → 345,7
end else begin |
// Branch taken: insert a bubble and increment PC |
// If branch taken update the Program Counter |
if(ex_mem_branch==1 && ex_mem_aluout==32'h00000001) begin |
$display("INFO: CPU(%m)-IF: Bubble inserted due branch taken in EX/MEM instruction @ADDR=%X w/OPCODE=%X having ALUout=%X", ex_mem_addr, ex_mem_opcode, ex_mem_aluout); |
351,7 → 352,7
if_id_opcode <= `BUBBLE; |
PC <= ex_mem_addrbranch; |
//Jump to the required immediate address |
// Jump to the required immediate address |
end else if(id_ex_jump==1) begin |
$display("INFO: CPU(%m)-IF: Bubble inserted due to jump in ID/EX instruction @ADDR=%X w/OPCODE=%X", id_ex_addr, id_ex_opcode); |
1081,7 → 1082,7
id_ex_alu_a <= GPR[if_id_rt]; |
id_ex_alu_b <= if_id_shamt; |
id_ex_alu_func <= `ALU_OP_SRA; |
id_ex_alu_signed <= 1; // does nothing?? |
id_ex_alu_signed <= 1; |
id_ex_branch <= 0; |
id_ex_jump <= 0; |
id_ex_jr <= 0; |
1764,9 → 1765,13
ex_mem_destlo <= id_ex_destlo; |
// Choose the output from ALU, Multiplier or Divider |
if(id_ex_mult) ex_mem_aluout <= mul_product_i; |
else if(id_ex_div) ex_mem_aluout <= { div_remainder_i, div_quotient_i }; |
else begin |
if(id_ex_mult) begin |
ex_mem_aluout <= mul_product_i; |
ex_mem_carry <= 1b'0; |
end else if(id_ex_div) begin |
ex_mem_aluout <= { div_remainder_i, div_quotient_i }; |
ex_mem_carry <= 1b'0; |
end else begin |
ex_mem_aluout <= {32'b0, alu_result_i[31:0]}; |
ex_mem_carry <= alu_result_i[32]; |
end |
1773,6 → 1778,7
if(id_ex_store) begin |
// Handle all supported store sizes |
$display("INFO: CPU(%m)-EX: Execution of Store instruction @ADDR=%X w/OPCODE=%X started to STORE_ADDR=%X w/STORE_DATA=%X", id_ex_addr, id_ex_opcode, alu_result_i, id_ex_store_value); |
case(id_ex_size) |
`SIZE_WORD: begin |