
Subversion Repositories t51

Compare Revisions

  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 49 to Rev 50
    Reverse comparison

Rev 49 → Rev 50

0,0 → 1,1551
-- 8051 compatible microcontroller core
-- Version : 0300
-- Copyright (c) 2001-2002 Daniel Wallner (
-- (c) 2004-2005 Andreas Voggeneder (
-- All rights reserved
-- Redistribution and use in source and synthezised forms, with or without
-- modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
-- Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
-- this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
-- Redistributions in synthesized form must reproduce the above copyright
-- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
-- documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
-- Neither the name of the author nor the names of other contributors may
-- be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without
-- specific prior written permission.
-- Please report bugs to the author, but before you do so, please
-- make sure that this is not a derivative work and that
-- you have the latest version of this file.
-- The latest version of this file can be found at:
-- Limitations :
-- File history :
-- 16-Dec-05 : Bugfix for JBC Instruction
-- 21-Jan-06 : Bugfix for INC DPTR instruction for special cases
-- 19-Feb-06 : Bugfix for interrupts at stalled instructions
library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
use IEEE.numeric_std.all;
use work.T51_Pack.all;
entity T51s is
DualBus : integer := 0; -- FALSE: single bus movx
SecondDPTR : integer := 0;
tristate : integer := 0);
Clk : in std_logic;
Rst_n : in std_logic;
Ready : in std_logic;
ROM_Addr : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
ROM_Data : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
RAM_Addr : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
RAM_RData : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
RAM_WData : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
RAM_Cycle : out std_logic;
RAM_Rd : out std_logic;
RAM_Wr : out std_logic;
Int_Trig : in std_logic_vector(6 downto 0);
Int_Acc : out std_logic_vector(6 downto 0);
SFR_Rd_RMW : out std_logic;
SFR_Wr : out std_logic;
SFR_Addr : out std_logic_vector(6 downto 0);
SFR_WData : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
SFR_RData_in : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
opcode_o : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
-- external iram (standard synchronous dual ported ram)
-- Port A (only read)
IRAM_AddrA : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
IRAM_DoutA : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
-- Port B (read and write)
IRAM_AddrB : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
IRAM_DoutB : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
IRAM_Wr : out std_logic;
IRAM_WData : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0)
end T51s;
architecture rtl of T51s is
-- speeds up instructions "mov @Ri,direct" and "mov Ri,direct" by one cycle
-- but not fully testet. So use it with care
constant fast_cpu_c : integer := 0;
-- Registers
signal ACC : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal B : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal PSW : std_logic_vector(7 downto 1); -- Bit 0 is parity
signal PSW0 : std_logic;
signal IP : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal SP : unsigned(7 downto 0);
signal DPL0 : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); -- DPTR 0
signal DPH0 : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); -- DPTR 0
signal DPL1 : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); -- DPTR 1
signal DPH1 : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); -- DPTR 1
signal DPL : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); -- current DPTR
signal DPH : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); -- current DPTR
signal DPS, next_DPS : std_logic;
signal dptr_inc : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
signal DPS_r : std_logic;
signal PC : unsigned(15 downto 0);
signal P2R : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal PCC : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
signal NPC : unsigned(15 downto 0);
signal OPC : unsigned(15 downto 0);
-- ALU signals
signal Op_A : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal Op_B : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal Mem_A : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal Mem_B : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal Old_Mem_B : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal ACC_Q : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal B_Q : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal Res_Bus : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal Status_D : std_logic_vector(7 downto 5);
signal Status_Wr : std_logic_vector(7 downto 5);
-- Misc signals
signal Int_AddrA : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal Int_AddrA_r : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal Int_AddrB : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal MCode : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
signal FCycle : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
signal RET_r : std_logic;
signal RET : std_logic;
signal Stall_pipe : std_logic;
signal Ri_Stall : std_logic;
signal PSW_Stall : std_logic;
signal ACC_Stall : std_logic;
signal SP_Stall : std_logic;
signal movx_Stall : std_logic;
signal DPRAM_Stall : std_logic;
signal iReady : std_logic;
signal Next_PSW7 : std_logic;
signal Next_ACC_Z : std_logic;
signal ACC_Wr : std_logic;
signal B_Wr : std_logic;
signal SFR_RData_r : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal SFR_RData : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal Mem_Din : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal Bit_Pattern : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
-- Registered instruction words.
signal Inst : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal Inst1 : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal Inst2 : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
-- Control signals
signal Rst_r_n : std_logic;
signal Last : std_logic;
signal SFR_Wr_i : std_logic;
signal Mem_Wr : std_logic;
signal J_Skip : std_logic;
signal IPending : std_logic;
signal Int_Trig_r : std_logic_vector(6 downto 0);
signal IStart : std_logic;
signal ICall : std_logic;
signal HPInt : std_logic;
signal LPInt : std_logic;
signal PCPaused : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
signal PCPause : std_logic;
signal Inst_Skip : std_logic;
signal Div_Rdy : std_logic;
signal RAM_Rd_i : std_logic;
signal RAM_Wr_i : std_logic;
signal INC_DPTR : std_logic;
signal CJNE : std_logic;
signal DJNZ : std_logic;
-- Mux control
signal AMux_SFR : std_logic;
signal BMux_Inst2 : std_logic;
signal RMux_PCL : std_logic;
signal RMux_PCH : std_logic;
signal next_Mem_Wr : std_logic;
signal rd_flag, xxx_flag : std_logic;
signal rd_flag_r : std_ulogic;
signal rd_sfr_flag : std_logic;
signal Do_ACC_Wr : std_logic;
signal ramc, ramc_r, ramrw_r : std_logic;
-- external iram
signal Int_AddrA_unique : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal wren_mux_a : std_logic;
signal wrdata_r : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
opcode_o <= Inst;
-- bypass logic for external iram
Mem_A <= IRAM_DoutA when wren_mux_a = '0' else
---- -- if a W/R instruction is executed on Port B a stall is inserted
Mem_B <= IRAM_DoutB;
------ to avoid R/W on same address (others => '1') can not be accessed by write
------ Port B
Int_AddrA_unique <= (others => '1') when (Mem_Wr='1' and (Int_AddrA=Int_AddrA_r)) else
process (Rst_n, Clk)
if Rst_n = '0' then
wren_mux_a <= '0';
wrdata_r <= (others => '0');
Int_AddrA_r <= (others => '0');
elsif Clk'event and Clk = '1' then
Int_AddrA_r <= Int_AddrA;
wrdata_r <= Mem_Din;
wren_mux_a <= '0';
if (Mem_Wr = '1' and Int_AddrA = Int_AddrA_r) then
wren_mux_a <= '1';
end if;
end if;
end process;
IRAM_AddrB <= Int_AddrA_r when Mem_Wr = '1' else
IRAM_AddrA <= Int_AddrA_unique;
-- IRAM_AddrA <= Int_AddrA;
-- end bypass logic for external iram
iReady <= Ready and not xxx_flag;
ram_cycle <= ramc;
Last <= '1' when ICall = '1' and FCycle = "11" else
'0' when ICall = '1' else
'1' when MCode(1 downto 0) = FCycle and iReady = '1' else
-- (ROM_Data, ICall, Inst, Inst1, Inst2, Last, FCycle, PSW, Mem_B, SP, Old_Mem_B, Ready, Int_AddrA_r)
process (FCycle, ICall, Inst, Inst1, Inst2, Int_AddrA_r, Last, Mem_B, Old_Mem_B, PSW,
ROM_Data, Ready, SP)
Int_AddrA <= "--------";
-- Int_AddrB <= "--------";
Int_AddrB <= "000" & PSW(4 downto 3) & "00" & Inst(0);
rd_flag <= '0';
rd_sfr_flag <= '0';
if Inst(3 downto 0) = "0000" or Inst(3 downto 0) = "0010" then
if Inst(3 downto 0) = "0000" or (Inst(3 downto 0) = "0010" and (Inst(7) = '1' or Inst(6 downto 4) = "111")) then
if Inst1(7) = '0' then
Int_AddrA <= "0010" & Inst1(6 downto 3);
Int_AddrA <= "1" & Inst1(6 downto 3) & "000";
end if;
Int_AddrA <= Inst1;
end if;
if Inst = "00010010" or ICall = '1' then
if FCycle = "01" then
Int_AddrA <= std_logic_vector(SP + 1);
Int_AddrA <= std_logic_vector(SP + 2);
end if;
end if;
if Inst = "11000000" then
-- 11000000 2 PUSH data addr INC SP: MOV "@SP",<src>
if FCycle = "10" then
Int_AddrA <= std_logic_vector(SP);
Int_AddrA <= Inst1;
end if;
end if;
if Inst = "11010000" then
-- 11010000 2 POP data addr MOV <dest>,"@SP": DEC SP
if FCycle = "10" then
Int_AddrA <= Inst1;
Int_AddrA <= std_logic_vector(SP);
end if;
end if;
if Inst(7 downto 5) = "001" and Inst(3 downto 0) = "0010" then
Int_AddrA <= std_logic_vector(SP);
Int_AddrB <= std_logic_vector(SP - 1);
end if;
elsif Inst(4 downto 0) = "10001" then
if FCycle = "01" then
Int_AddrA <= std_logic_vector(SP + 1);
Int_AddrA <= std_logic_vector(SP + 2);
end if;
elsif Inst(3 downto 0) = "0011" then
Int_AddrA <= Inst1; --inst1;
elsif Inst(3 downto 0) = "0100" then
elsif Inst(3 downto 0) = "0101" then
if Inst(7 downto 4) = "1000" and FCycle = "11" then
Int_AddrA <= Inst2;
Int_AddrA <= Inst1;
end if;
elsif Inst(3 downto 1) = "011" then -- @Ri Adressing mode
if FCycle(1 downto 0) = "01" then
Int_AddrA <= Mem_B;
Int_AddrA <= Old_Mem_B;
end if;
if Inst(7 downto 4) = "1000" and FCycle = "10" then
Int_AddrA <= Inst1; -- mov direct,@Ri
end if;
if Inst(7 downto 4) = "1010" and FCycle = "01" then
Int_AddrA <= ROM_Data; -- mov @Ri,direct
rd_flag <= '1';
end if;
elsif Inst(3) = '1' then
Int_AddrA <= "000" & PSW(4 downto 3) & Inst(2 downto 0);
if Inst(7 downto 4) = "1000" and FCycle = "10" then
Int_AddrA <= Inst1;
end if;
if Inst(7 downto 4) = "1010" and FCycle = "01" then
Int_AddrA <= ROM_Data; -- mov Ri,data
rd_flag <= '1';
end if;
end if;
-- if Last = '1' then
-- Modified by AVG
if (Inst(7 downto 5) /= "001" or Inst(3 downto 0) /= "0010") and -- not a RET, RETI
(ROM_Data(3 downto 1) = "011" or -- Next or current Instruction has @Ri Addressing Mode
Inst(3 downto 1) = "011" or
ROM_Data(7 downto 1) = "1110001" or ROM_Data(7 downto 1)="1111001") then -- MOVX @Ri,A ; MOVX A,@Ri
if Last = '1' then
Int_AddrB <= "000" & PSW(4 downto 3) & "00" & ROM_Data(0);
-- write to psw is in progress => forward argument
-- decreases timing !!!
-- if fast_cpu_c /= 0 and SFR_Wr_i = '1' and Int_AddrA_r = "11010000" then
-- Int_AddrB <= "000" & Res_Bus(4 downto 3) & "00" & ROM_Data(0);
-- end if;
end if;
rd_sfr_flag <= '1';
end if;
-- end if;
-- if Inst(7 downto 1) = "1011011" then -- cjne @ri,#im
-- Int_AddrB <= "000" & PSW(4 downto 3) & "00" & Inst(0);
-- end if;
if Ready = '0' then
Int_AddrA <= Int_AddrA_r;
end if;
end process;
Op_A <= SFR_RData_r when AMux_SFR = '1' else
Op_B <= Inst2 when BMux_Inst2 = '1' else
-- Store return Address to mem (Stack) when a call (or interrupt) occured
Mem_Din <= PCC(7 downto 0) when RMux_PCL = '1' else
PCC(15 downto 8) when RMux_PCH = '1' else
process (Clk)
if Clk'event and Clk = '1' then
AMux_SFR <= '0';
BMux_Inst2 <= '0';
RMux_PCL <= '0';
RMux_PCH <= '0';
if Int_AddrA(7) = '1' then
AMux_SFR <= '1';
end if;
if Inst(3 downto 1) = "011" then -- relative addressing mode
-- not "mov @ri,direct"
if not (Inst(7 downto 4) = "1010") then -- and FCycle = "10") then
-- Indirect addressing
AMux_SFR <= '0';
end if;
end if;
if Inst = "11010000" then
-- 11010000 2 POP data addr MOV <dest>,"@SP": DEC SP
-- if FCycle = "10" then
AMux_SFR <= '0';
-- end if;
end if;
if Inst(3 downto 0) = "0011" or Inst(3 downto 0) = "0101" then
BMux_Inst2 <= '1';
end if;
if (Inst = "00010010" or Inst(4 downto 0) = "10001" or ICall = '1') then
if FCycle = "01" then
RMux_PCL <= '1';
elsif FCycle = "10" then
RMux_PCH <= '1';
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process;
SFR_Wr <= SFR_Wr_i;
SFR_Addr <= Int_AddrA(6 downto 0);
SFR_WData <= Res_Bus;
SFR_Rd_RMW <= '1' when Last = '1' and MCode(3) = '1' and Int_AddrA(7) = '1' and
(Inst(7 downto 4) = "1000" or Inst(3 downto 1) /= "011") and
Inst /= "11000000" else -- no push
next_Mem_Wr <= '1' when Last = '1' and MCode(3) = '1' and
(Int_AddrA(7) = '0' or
-- Instruction is no MOV and indirect addressing mode
(Inst(7 downto 4) /= "1000" and Inst(3 downto 1) = "011") or
Inst = "11000000" ) else -- PUSH Instruction
process (Clk)
if Clk'event and Clk = '1' then
SFR_Wr_i <= '0';
Mem_Wr <= '0';
if Last = '1' and MCode(3) = '1' then
-- MOV or no indirect addressing
if Int_AddrA(7) = '1' and (Inst(7 downto 4) = "1000" or Inst(3 downto 1) /= "011") and
Inst /= "11000000" then
-- Direct addressing
if(Inst = "00010000") then -- JBC, write result only back if jump is taken
SFR_Wr_i <= J_Skip;
-- Direct addressing
SFR_Wr_i <= '1';
end if;
Mem_Wr <= '1';
end if;
end if;
if iReady = '1' and (Inst = "00010010" or Inst(4 downto 0) = "10001" or ICall = '1') then
if FCycle /= "11" then -- LCALL
Mem_Wr <= '1';
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process;
-- Instruction register
Inst_Skip <= RET_r or J_Skip; -- '1' when (RET_r = '1' and unsigned(Mem_B) /= PC(15 downto 8)) else J_Skip; ????????????
-- Ri_Stall <= '1' when Inst /= "00000000" and
-- Int_AddrA = "000" & PSW(4 downto 3) & Inst(2 downto 0) and --Write to Ri in Progress
-- ROM_Data(3 downto 1) = "011" and --@Ri at next opcode
-- Last = '1' and MCode(3) = '1' else '0';
-- WHEN MCODE(3)==1 => Write to Memory or FSR is in Progress
-- Modified by AVG
Ri_Stall <= '1' when Inst /= "00000000" and
next_Mem_Wr = '1' and
(Int_AddrA = "000" & PSW(4 downto 3) & "00"&ROM_Data(0) and
(ROM_Data(3 downto 1) = "011" or -- @Ri at next opcode
ROM_Data(7 downto 1) = "1110001" or -- movx a,@ri at next opcode
ROM_Data(7 downto 1) = "1111001")) -- movx @ri,a at next opcod
else '0';
-- WHEN MCODE(3)==1 => Write to Memory or FSR is in Progress
-- Modified by AVG
PSW_Stall <= '1' when Int_AddrA = "11010000" and
next_Mem_Wr = '0' and -- PSW Adressed and no memory write
(ROM_Data(3 downto 1) = "011" or -- @Ri at next opcode
ROM_Data(3) = '1') and -- Rx at next opcode
Last = '1' and
MCode(3) = '1' else
-- WHEN MCODE(2)==1 => Write to ACC in Progress
-- Stall Pipe when Write to ACC is in Progress and next Instruction is JMP @A+DPTR
-- Modified by AVG
ACC_Stall <= '1' when ROM_Data = "01110011" and
Last = '1' and MCode(2) = '1' else
-- when a write to SP is in progress
-- and next opcode is a call or interrupt
-- -> stall pipe (nop insertion)
-- Modified by AVG
SP_Stall <= '1' when Last = '1' and MCode(3) = '1' and
Int_AddrA = "10000001" and
(Inst(7 downto 4) = "1000" or -- mov opcode
Inst(3 downto 1) /= "011") and -- and no indirect addressing
Inst /= "11000000" and -- and not PUSH
(ROM_Data = "00010010" or
ROM_Data(4 downto 0) = "10001" or
IStart = '1') else -- LCALL, ACALL, Int
-- to subsequent movx instructions
movx_Stall <= '1' when Last = '1' and
-- movx opcode at current instruction
Inst(7 downto 5) = "111" and Inst(3 downto 2) = "00" and
Inst(1 downto 0) /= "01" and
-- movx opcode at next instruction
ROM_Data(7 downto 5) = "111" and ROM_Data(3 downto 2) = "00" and
ROM_Data(1 downto 0) /= "01" else
-- Modified by Markus Lang
-- for the DPRAM a Stall is needed if a read and a write instruction should
-- be processed at the same cycle on AddrB
DPRAM_Stall <= '1' when Last = '1' and
-- Ret(i), MOV dir, @Rx
((next_Mem_Wr = '1' and (ROM_Data = "00110010" or ROM_Data = "00100010" or ROM_Data(7 downto 1) = "1010011")) or
(Mem_Wr = '1' and
-- @Ri
(ROM_Data(3 downto 1) = "011" or
-- movx a,@ri at next opcode
ROM_Data(7 downto 1) = "1110001" or
-- movx @ri,a at next opcode
ROM_Data(7 downto 1) = "1111001"))) else
Stall_pipe <= (Ri_Stall or PSW_Stall or ACC_Stall or SP_Stall or movx_Stall or DPRAM_Stall) and not IStart;
process (Rst_n, Clk)
variable bitnr_v : natural range 0 to 7;
if Rst_n = '0' then
Rst_r_n <= '0';
Inst <= (others => '0'); -- Force NOP at reset.
Inst1 <= (others => '0');
Inst2 <= (others => '0');
Bit_Pattern <= "00000000";
elsif Clk'event and Clk = '1' then
Rst_r_n <= '1';
if iReady = '0' then
elsif Rst_r_n = '0' or
Inst_Skip = '1' or IStart = '1' or
Stall_pipe = '1' then
-- Ri_Stall = '1' or PSW_Stall = '1' or ACC_Stall = '1' then
-- Skip/Stall/Flush: NOP insertion
Inst <= (others => '0');
elsif Inst = "10000100" and PCPause = '1' then -- DIV
if Last = '1' then
Inst <= ROM_Data;
end if;
if FCycle = "01" then
Inst1 <= ROM_Data;
end if;
if FCycle = "10" then
Inst2 <= ROM_Data;
end if;
end if;
if FCycle = "01" then
Bit_Pattern <= "00000000";
bitnr_v := to_integer(unsigned(ROM_Data(2 downto 0)));
Bit_Pattern(bitnr_v) <= '1';
-- case ROM_Data(2 downto 0) is
-- when "000" =>
-- Bit_Pattern <= "00000001";
-- when "001" =>
-- Bit_Pattern <= "00000010";
-- when "010" =>
-- Bit_Pattern <= "00000100";
-- when "011" =>
-- Bit_Pattern <= "00001000";
-- when "100" =>
-- Bit_Pattern <= "00010000";
-- when "101" =>
-- Bit_Pattern <= "00100000";
-- when "110" =>
-- Bit_Pattern <= "01000000";
-- when others =>
-- Bit_Pattern <= "10000000";
-- end case;
end if;
end if;
end process;
-- Accumulator, B and status register
tristate_mux : if tristate /= 0 generate
SFR_RData <= PSW & PSW0 when Int_AddrA = "11010000" else "ZZZZZZZZ";
SFR_RData <= ACC when Int_AddrA = "11100000" else "ZZZZZZZZ";
SFR_RData <= B when Int_AddrA = "11110000" else "ZZZZZZZZ";
-- Stack pointer
SFR_RData <= std_logic_vector(SP) when Int_AddrA = "10000001" else "ZZZZZZZZ";
SFR_RData <= dptr_inc(7 downto 0) when (SecondDPTR /= 0 and (INC_DPTR and next_DPS) = '1' and Int_AddrA = "10000100") or
((INC_DPTR and not next_DPS) = '1' and Int_AddrA = "10000010") else "ZZZZZZZZ";
SFR_RData <= dptr_inc(15 downto 8) when (SecondDPTR /= 0 and (INC_DPTR and next_DPS) = '1' and Int_AddrA = "10000101") or
((INC_DPTR and not next_DPS) = '1' and Int_AddrA = "10000011") else "ZZZZZZZZ";
SFR_RData <= DPL1 when SecondDPTR /= 0 and INC_DPTR = '0' and Int_AddrA = "10000100" else "ZZZZZZZZ";
SFR_RData <= DPH1 when SecondDPTR /= 0 and INC_DPTR = '0' and Int_AddrA = "10000101" else "ZZZZZZZZ";
SFR_RData <= "0000000"&DPS when SecondDPTR/=0 and Int_AddrA = "10000110" else "ZZZZZZZZ";
SFR_RData <= DPL0 when INC_DPTR = '0' and Int_AddrA = "10000010" else "ZZZZZZZZ";
SFR_RData <= DPH0 when INC_DPTR = '0' and Int_AddrA = "10000011" else "ZZZZZZZZ";
SFR_RData <= IP when Int_AddrA = "10111000" else "ZZZZZZZZ";
SFR_RData <= SFR_RData_in;
end generate;
std_mux : if tristate = 0 generate
SFR_RData <= PSW & PSW0 when Int_AddrA = "11010000" else
ACC when Int_AddrA = "11100000" else
B when Int_AddrA = "11110000" else
std_logic_vector(SP) when Int_AddrA = "10000001" else
dptr_inc(7 downto 0) when (SecondDPTR /= 0 and (INC_DPTR and next_DPS) = '1' and Int_AddrA = "10000100") or
((INC_DPTR and not next_DPS) = '1' and Int_AddrA = "10000010") else
dptr_inc(15 downto 8) when (SecondDPTR /= 0 and (INC_DPTR and next_DPS) = '1' and Int_AddrA = "10000101") or
((INC_DPTR and not next_DPS) = '1' and Int_AddrA = "10000011") else
DPL1 when SecondDPTR /= 0 and INC_DPTR = '0' and Int_AddrA = "10000100" else
DPH1 when SecondDPTR /= 0 and INC_DPTR = '0' and Int_AddrA = "10000101" else
"0000000"&DPS when SecondDPTR/=0 and Int_AddrA = "10000110" else
DPL0 when INC_DPTR = '0' and Int_AddrA = "10000010" else
DPH0 when INC_DPTR = '0' and Int_AddrA = "10000011" else
IP when Int_AddrA = "10111000" else
-- -- is it an internal or external read
-- Int_Read <= '1' when Int_AddrA = "11010000" or
-- Int_AddrA = "11100000" or
-- Int_AddrA = "11110000" or
-- Int_AddrA = "10000001" or
-- (SecondDPTR and Int_AddrA = "10000100") or
-- (SecondDPTR and Int_AddrA = "10000101") or
-- (SecondDPTR and Int_AddrA = "10000110") or
-- Int_AddrA = "10000010" or
-- Int_AddrA = "10000011" or
-- Int_AddrA = "10111000" else
-- '0';
end generate;
PSW0 <= ACC(7) xor ACC(6) xor ACC(5) xor ACC(4) xor ACC(3) xor ACC(2) xor ACC(1) xor ACC(0);
Next_PSW7 <= Res_Bus(7) when SFR_Wr_i = '1' and Int_AddrA_r = "11010000" else
Status_D(7) when Status_Wr(7) = '1' else
Next_ACC_Z <= '1' when ACC_Q = "00000000" and ACC_Wr = '1' else
'1' when ACC = "00000000" else '0';
process (Rst_n, Clk)
-- variable B_Wr : std_logic;
if Rst_n = '0' then
PSW <= "0000000";
ACC <= "00000000";
B <= "00000000";
ACC_Wr <= '0';
B_Wr <= '0';
elsif Clk'event and Clk = '1' then
if ACC_Wr = '1' then
end if;
if B_Wr = '1' then
B <= B_Q;
end if;
if (MCode(2) and Last) = '1' or (Inst = "10000100" and PCPause = '0') then
ACC_Wr <= '1';
ACC_Wr <= '0';
end if;
if ((Inst = "10000100" and PCPause = '0') or Inst = "10100100") and Last = '1' then -- DIV, MUL
B_Wr <= '1';
B_Wr <= '0';
end if;
if SFR_Wr_i = '1' and Int_AddrA_r = "11100000" then
ACC <= Res_Bus;
end if;
if RAM_Rd_i = '1' then
ACC <= RAM_RData;
end if;
if SFR_Wr_i = '1' and Int_AddrA_r = "11110000" then
B <= Res_Bus;
end if;
if Inst(7 downto 5) = "100" and Inst(3 downto 0) = "0011" then -- MOVC
if FCycle = "11" then
ACC <= ROM_Data;
end if;
end if;
if SFR_Wr_i = '1' and Int_AddrA_r = "11010000" then
PSW <= Res_Bus(7 downto 1);
end if;
-- CY
if Status_Wr(7) = '1' then PSW(7) <= Status_D(7); end if;
-- AC
if Status_Wr(6) = '1' then PSW(6) <= Status_D(6); end if;
-- OV
if Status_Wr(5) = '1' then PSW(2) <= Status_D(5); end if;
end if;
end process;
process (Rst_n, Clk)
if Rst_n = '0' then
SP <= "00000111";
elsif Clk'event and Clk = '1' then
if SFR_Wr_i = '1' and Int_AddrA_r = "10000001" then
SP <= unsigned(Res_Bus);
end if;
if iReady = '1' then
if Inst(7 downto 5) = "001" and Inst(3 downto 0) = "0010" then
SP <= SP - 2;
end if;
if (Inst = "00010010" or Inst(4 downto 0) = "10001" or ICall = '1') and Last = '1' then
SP <= SP + 2;
end if;
if Inst = "11000000" and PCPaused(0) = '1' then
-- 11000000 2 PUSH data addr INC SP: MOV "@SP",<src>
SP <= SP + 1;
end if;
if Inst = "11010000" and Last = '1' then
-- 11010000 2 POP data addr MOV <dest>,"@SP": DEC SP
SP <= SP - 1;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process;
twoDPTR : if SecondDPTR /= 0 generate
next_DPS <= Res_Bus(0) when SFR_Wr_i = '1' and Int_AddrA_r = "10000110" else
DPL <= DPL0 when next_DPS = '0' else
DPH <= DPH0 when next_DPS = '0' else
-- SFR_RData <= DPL1 when Int_AddrA = "10000100" else "ZZZZZZZZ";
-- SFR_RData <= DPH1 when Int_AddrA = "10000101" else "ZZZZZZZZ";
-- SFR_RData <= "0000000"&DPS when Int_AddrA = "10000110" else "ZZZZZZZZ";
end generate;
oneDPTR : if SecondDPTR = 0 generate
DPL <= DPL0;
DPH <= DPH0;
next_DPS <= '0';
end generate;
-- DPTR/RAM_Addr
RAM_WData <= ACC;
--(Inst, P2R, DPH, DPL, Int_AddrA_r, SFR_Wr_i, Res_Bus, INC_DPTR, Mem_B)
process (DPH, DPL, INC_DPTR, dptr_inc, Inst, Int_AddrA_r, Mem_B, P2R, Res_Bus, SFR_Wr_i, DPS)
RAM_Addr <= DPH & DPL;
if Inst(1) = '0' then
if (SFR_Wr_i = '1' and Int_AddrA_r = "10000010" and DPS = '0') or
(SecondDPTR /= 0 and SFR_Wr_i = '1' and Int_AddrA_r = "10000100" and DPS = '1')
RAM_Addr(7 downto 0) <= Res_Bus;
end if;
if (SFR_Wr_i = '1' and Int_AddrA_r = "10000011" and DPS = '0') or
(SecondDPTR /= 0 and SFR_Wr_i = '1' and Int_AddrA_r = "10000101" and DPS = '1')
RAM_Addr(15 downto 8) <= Res_Bus;
end if;
-- 10100011 1 INC DPTR
if INC_DPTR = '1' then
-- RAM_Addr <= std_logic_vector(unsigned(DPH) & unsigned(DPL) + 1);
RAM_Addr <= dptr_inc;
end if;
else -- movx a,@ri or movx @ri,a
RAM_Addr <= P2R & Mem_B;
if SFR_Wr_i = '1' and Int_AddrA_r = "10100000" then
RAM_Addr(15 downto 8) <= Res_Bus;
end if;
end if;
end process;
--if Inst(7 downto 2) = "111000" and Inst(1 downto 0) /= "01" then
-- MOVX Instruction
ramc <= '1' when Inst(7 downto 5) = "111" and Inst(3 downto 2) = "00" and
Inst(1 downto 0) /= "01" and
PCPaused(0) = '0' else
-- RAM_Rd <= RAM_Rd_i and ramc and not ramrw_r when DualBus=0 else
-- RAM_Rd_i and ramc;
RAM_Rd <= RAM_Rd_i and ramc;
RAM_Wr <= RAM_Wr_i;
Do_ACC_Wr <= '1' when (ACC_Wr or RAM_Rd_i) = '1' or
(SFR_Wr_i = '1' and Int_AddrA_r = "11100000") else
-- mov @Ri,direct
-- mov Ri,data
-- xxx_flag <= '1' when ((SFR_Wr_i and rd_flag)= '1' and Int_AddrA_r=Int_AddrA) or
-- ((Do_ACC_Wr and rd_flag)='1' and Int_AddrA = "11010000") or
-- (Status_Wr/="000" and rd_flag='1' and Int_AddrA="11010000") or
-- (fast_cpu_c=0 and (rd_sfr_flag and SFR_Wr_i) = '1' and Int_AddrA_r = "11010000") else
-- '0';
fast : if fast_cpu_c /= 0 generate
xxx_flag <= '1' when ((SFR_Wr_i and rd_flag) = '1' and Int_AddrA_r = Int_AddrA) or
((Do_ACC_Wr and rd_flag) = '1' and Int_AddrA = "11010000") or -- WR to ACC in Progress and read from PSW
((B_Wr and rd_flag) = '1' and Int_AddrA = "11110000") or
(Status_Wr /= "000" and rd_flag='1' and Int_AddrA="11010000") or
-- (ramc='1' and ramc_r='0')
(Inst(7 downto 2) = "111000" and Inst(1 downto 0) /= "01" and ramc_r='0') --MOVX A,??
-- (((RAM_Rd_i and ramc)='1' or RAM_Wr_i='1') and ramrw_r='0' and DualBus=0)
end generate;
slow : if fast_cpu_c = 0 generate
-- Inserts an Waitstate on every mov @Ri,direct or mov Ri,data Instruction
xxx_flag <= '1' when (rd_flag and not rd_flag_r) = '1' or -- mov @ri,direct or mov ri,direct
((rd_sfr_flag and SFR_Wr_i) = '1' and Int_AddrA_r = "11010000") or -- Wr to PSW and @Ri Adressing at next instruction
-- (ramc='1' and ramc_r='0')
(Inst(7 downto 2) = "111000" and Inst(1 downto 0) /= "01" and ramc_r='0') or --MOVX A,??
-- (((RAM_Rd_i and ramc)='1' or RAM_Wr_i='1') and ramrw_r='0' and DualBus=0)
((RAM_Wr_i = '1') and ramrw_r = '0' and DualBus = 0)
process(Rst_n, Clk)
if Rst_n = '0' then
rd_flag_r <= '0';
elsif Clk'event and Clk = '1' then
rd_flag_r <= rd_flag;
end if;
end process;
end generate;
process (Rst_n, Clk)
variable tmp : unsigned(15 downto 0);
if Rst_n = '0' then
P2R <= "11111111";
DPL0 <= "00000000";
DPH0 <= "00000000";
INC_DPTR <= '0';
RAM_Rd_i <= '0';
RAM_Wr_i <= '0';
if SecondDPTR /= 0 then
DPL1 <= "00000000";
DPH1 <= "00000000";
DPS_r <= '0';
end if;
ramc_r <= '0';
ramrw_r <= '0';
elsif Clk'event and Clk = '1' then
if Ready = '1' then
ramc_r <= ramc;
ramrw_r <= (RAM_Rd_i and ramc) or RAM_Wr_i;
end if;
if SFR_Wr_i = '1' and Int_AddrA_r = "10100000" then
P2R <= Res_Bus;
end if;
if SFR_Wr_i = '1' and Int_AddrA_r = "10000010" then
DPL0 <= Res_Bus;
end if;
if SFR_Wr_i = '1' and Int_AddrA_r = "10000011" then
DPH0 <= Res_Bus;
end if;
if SecondDPTR /= 0 then
if SFR_Wr_i = '1' and Int_AddrA_r = "10000100" then
DPL1 <= Res_Bus;
end if;
if SFR_Wr_i = '1' and Int_AddrA_r = "10000101" then
DPH1 <= Res_Bus;
end if;
if SFR_Wr_i = '1' and Int_AddrA_r = "10000110" then
DPS_r <= Res_Bus(0);
end if;
end if;
if iReady = '1' then
if SecondDPTR = 0 or
(SecondDPTR /= 0 and DPS = '0') then
-- 10010000 3 MOV DPTR,#data
if Inst = "10010000" and FCycle = "10" then
DPH0 <= Inst1;
end if;
if Inst = "10010000" and FCycle = "11" then
DPL0 <= Inst2;
end if;
-- 10100011 1 INC DPTR
if INC_DPTR = '1' then
-- tmp := unsigned(DPH) & unsigned(DPL) + 1;
-- DPH0 <= std_logic_vector(tmp(15 downto 8));
-- DPL0 <= std_logic_vector(tmp(7 downto 0));
DPH0 <= dptr_inc(15 downto 8);
DPL0 <= dptr_inc(7 downto 0);
end if;
elsif SecondDPTR /= 0 and DPS = '1' then
-- 10010000 3 MOV DPTR,#data
if Inst = "10010000" and FCycle = "10" then
DPH1 <= Inst1;
end if;
if Inst = "10010000" and FCycle = "11" then
DPL1 <= Inst2;
end if;
-- 10100011 1 INC DPTR
if INC_DPTR = '1' then
-- tmp := unsigned(DPH) & unsigned(DPL) + 1;
-- DPH1 <= std_logic_vector(tmp(15 downto 8));
-- DPL1 <= std_logic_vector(tmp(7 downto 0));
DPH1 <= dptr_inc(15 downto 8);
DPL1 <= dptr_inc(7 downto 0);
end if;
end if;
INC_DPTR <= '0';
if Inst = "10100011" then
INC_DPTR <= '1';
end if;
end if;
if Ready = '1' then
RAM_Wr_i <= '0';
-- movx instruction
if (Inst(7 downto 2) = "111100" and Inst(1 downto 0) /= "01") then -- and DualBus/=0) or
-- (Inst(7 downto 2) = "111100" and Inst(1 downto 0) /= "01" and iReady = '0' and DualBus=0) then
RAM_Wr_i <= '1';
end if;
RAM_Rd_i <= '0';
-- if Inst(7 downto 2) = "111000" and Inst(1 downto 0) /= "01" and iReady = '1' then
if Inst(7 downto 2) = "111000" and Inst(1 downto 0) /= "01" then
RAM_Rd_i <= '1';
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process;
dptr_inc <= std_logic_vector(unsigned(DPH) & unsigned(DPL) + 1);
-- process(DPS_r)
-- begin
-- if SecondDPTR /= 0 then
-- DPS <= DPS_r;
-- else
-- DPS <= '0';
-- end if;
-- end process;
DPS <= DPS_r when SecondDPTR /= 0 else
-- Interrupts
IStart <= Last and IPending and not Inst_Skip;
process (Rst_n, Clk)
if Rst_n = '0' then
LPInt <= '0';
HPInt <= '0';
Int_Acc <= (others => '0');
Int_Trig_r <= (others => '0');
IPending <= '0';
IP <= "00000000";
ICall <= '0';
elsif Clk'event and Clk = '1' then
if SFR_Wr_i = '1' and Int_AddrA_r = "10111000" then
IP <= Res_Bus;
end if;
if iReady = '1' then
if (Int_Trig and IP(6 downto 0)) /= "0000000" and HPInt = '0' and IPending = '0' and ICall = '0' then
Int_Trig_r <= Int_Trig and IP(6 downto 0);
IPending <= '1';
HPInt <= '1';
elsif Int_Trig /= "0000000" and LPInt = '0' and HPInt = '0' and IPending = '0' and ICall = '0' then
IPending <= '1';
Int_Trig_r <= Int_Trig;
LPInt <= '1';
end if;
if ICall = '1' then
IPending <= '0';
end if;
if IStart = '1' and SP_Stall = '0' then
ICall <= '1';
end if;
if ICall = '1' and Last = '1' then
ICall <= '0';
Int_Trig_r <= (others => '0');
end if;
Int_Acc <= (others => '0');
if IPending = '1' and ICall = '1' then
if Int_Trig_r(0) = '1' then Int_Acc(0) <= '1';
elsif Int_Trig_r(1) = '1' then Int_Acc(1) <= '1';
elsif Int_Trig_r(2) = '1' then Int_Acc(2) <= '1';
elsif Int_Trig_r(3) = '1' then Int_Acc(3) <= '1';
elsif Int_Trig_r(4) = '1' then Int_Acc(4) <= '1';
elsif Int_Trig_r(5) = '1' then Int_Acc(5) <= '1';
elsif Int_Trig_r(6) = '1' then Int_Acc(6) <= '1';
end if;
end if;
if Inst = "00110010" then -- reti
if HPInt = '0' then
LPInt <= '0';
HPInt <= '0';
end if;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process;
-- Program counter
ROM_Addr <= std_logic_vector(NPC);
process (Rst_n, Clk)
if Rst_n = '0' then
PC <= (others => '0');
OPC <= (others => '0');
FCycle <= "01";
RET_r <= '0';
PCPaused <= (others => '0');
elsif Clk'event and Clk = '1' then
if iReady = '1' then
PC <= NPC;
RET_r <= RET;
if PCPause = '1' then
PCPaused <= std_logic_vector(unsigned(PCPaused) + 1);
PCPaused <= (others => '0');
end if;
if PCPause = '0' then
FCycle <= std_logic_vector(unsigned(FCycle) + 1);
if Last = '1' then
FCycle <= "01";
end if;
end if;
if Inst(7 downto 5) = "100" and Inst(3 downto 0) = "0011" then -- MOVC
if FCycle = "01" then
OPC <= PC;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process;
process (ACC, Bit_Pattern, CJNE, DJNZ, DPH, DPL, Div_Rdy, FCycle, ICall,
Inst, Inst1, Inst2, Int_Trig_r, Mem_A, Mem_B, Next_ACC_Z, Next_PSW7, OPC,
Op_A, PC, PCPaused, RET_r, ROM_Data, iReady, Rst_r_n, Stall_pipe)
NPC <= PC;
J_Skip <= '0';
RET <= '0';
PCPause <= '0';
-- push,pop
if (Inst(7 downto 5) = "110" and Inst(3 downto 0) = "0000" and FCycle = "01" and PCPaused(0) = '0') or -- PUSH, POP
-- Single bus MOVX
(Inst(7 downto 2) = "111000" and Inst(1 downto 0) /= "01" and DualBus=0 and PCPaused(0) = '0') or
(Inst = "10000100" and (PCPaused(3 downto 1) = "000" or Div_Rdy = '0')) then -- DIV
PCPause <= '1';
-- if Ri_Stall = '0' and PSW_Stall = '0' and ACC_Stall='0' then
if Stall_pipe = '0' then
NPC <= PC + 1;
end if;
end if;
-- Single bus MOVX
if (Inst(7 downto 2) = "111000" and Inst(1 downto 0) /= "01" and DualBus=0) then
J_Skip <= '1';
end if;
-- Return
if Inst(7 downto 5) = "001" and Inst(3 downto 0) = "0010" then -- RET, RETI
RET <= '1';
J_Skip <= '1';
end if;
if Inst(7 downto 5) = "100" and Inst(3 downto 0) = "0011" and FCycle = "11" then
J_Skip <= '1';
end if;
-- 2 byte 8 bit relative jump
if FCycle = "10" then
if (Inst = "01000000" and Next_PSW7 = '1') or -- JC
(Inst = "01010000" and Next_PSW7 = '0') or -- JNC
(Inst = "01100000" and Next_ACC_Z = '1') or -- JZ
(Inst = "01110000" and Next_ACC_Z = '0') or -- JNZ
(Inst(7 downto 3) = "11011" and DJNZ = '1') or -- DJNZ
Inst = "10000000" then -- SJMP
NPC <= PC + unsigned(resize(signed(Inst1), 16));
J_Skip <= '1';
end if;
end if;
-- 3 byte 8 bit relative jump
if FCycle = "11" then
if (Inst = "00100000" or Inst = "00010000") and (Bit_Pattern and Op_A) /= "00000000" then -- JB, JBC
NPC <= PC + unsigned(resize(signed(Inst2), 16));
J_Skip <= '1';
end if;
if Inst = "00110000" and (Bit_Pattern and Op_A) = "00000000" then -- JNB
NPC <= PC + unsigned(resize(signed(Inst2), 16));
J_Skip <= '1';
end if;
if Inst(7 downto 4) = "1011" and Inst(3 downto 2) /= "00" and CJNE = '1' then -- CJNE
NPC <= PC + unsigned(resize(signed(Inst2), 16));
J_Skip <= '1';
end if;
if Inst = "11010101" and DJNZ = '1' then -- DJNZ
NPC <= PC + unsigned(resize(signed(Inst2), 16));
J_Skip <= '1';
end if;
end if;
-- 11 bit absolute
if FCycle = "10" then
if Inst(4 downto 0) = "00001" or Inst(4 downto 0) = "10001" then
NPC(15 downto 11) <= PC(15 downto 11);
NPC(10 downto 8) <= unsigned(Inst(7 downto 5));
NPC(7 downto 0) <= unsigned(Inst1);
J_Skip <= '1';
end if;
end if;
-- 16 bit absolute
if FCycle = "10" then
if Inst = "00000010" or Inst = "00010010" then
NPC(15 downto 8) <= unsigned(Inst1);
NPC(7 downto 0) <= unsigned(ROM_Data);
end if;
if ICall = '1' then
NPC <= (1 => '1', 0 => '1', others => '0');
if Int_Trig_r(1) = '1' then NPC(5 downto 3) <= "001";
elsif Int_Trig_r(2) = '1' then NPC(5 downto 3) <= "010";
elsif Int_Trig_r(3) = '1' then NPC(5 downto 3) <= "011";
elsif Int_Trig_r(4) = '1' then NPC(5 downto 3) <= "100";
elsif Int_Trig_r(5) = '1' then NPC(5 downto 3) <= "101";
elsif Int_Trig_r(6) = '1' then NPC(5 downto 3) <= "110";
end if;
end if;
end if;
-- A+DPTR Absolute
if Inst = "01110011" then
NPC <= (unsigned(DPH) & unsigned(DPL)) + unsigned(resize(signed(ACC), 16));
J_Skip <= '1';
end if;
if Inst(7 downto 5) = "100" and Inst(3 downto 0) = "0011" then -- MOVC
if FCycle = "10" then
if Inst(4) = '0' then
NPC <= unsigned(ACC) + OPC;
NPC <= unsigned(ACC) + (unsigned(DPH) & unsigned(DPL));
end if;
end if;
end if;
if RET_r = '1' then -- and unsigned(Mem_A) /= PC(15 downto 8) then ???????????????????????????
NPC <= unsigned(Mem_A) & unsigned(Mem_B);
end if;
if iReady = '0' then
NPC <= PC;
end if;
if Rst_r_n = '0' then
NPC <= (others => '0');
end if;
end process;
-- ALU
alu : T51_ALU
generic map(
tristate => tristate
port map(
Clk => Clk,
Last => Last,
OpCode => Inst,
B => B,
IA => Op_A,
IB => Op_B,
Bit_Pattern => Bit_Pattern,
CY_In => PSW(7),
AC_In => PSW(6),
B_Q => B_Q,
IDCPBL_Q => Res_Bus,
Div_Rdy => Div_Rdy,
CY_Out => Status_D(7),
AC_Out => Status_D(6),
OV_Out => Status_D(5),
CY_Wr => Status_Wr(7),
AC_Wr => Status_Wr(6),
OV_Wr => Status_Wr(5));
process (Clk)
if Clk'event and Clk = '1' then
Old_Mem_B <= Mem_B;
if FCycle = "01" then
if Inst(1) = '1' then
PCC <= std_logic_vector(PC + 2);
PCC <= std_logic_vector(PC + 1);
end if;
if ICall = '1' then
PCC <= std_logic_vector(PC - 1);
end if;
end if;
SFR_RData_r <= SFR_RData;
end if;
end process;
-- iram : T51_RAM
-- generic map (
-- RAMAddressWidth => RAMAddressWidth)
-- port map (
-- Clk => Clk,
-- Rst_n => Rst_n,
-- ARE => Ready,
-- Wr => Mem_Wr,
-- DIn => Mem_Din,
-- Int_AddrA => Int_AddrA,
-- Int_AddrA_r => Int_AddrA_r,
-- Int_AddrB => Int_AddrB,
-- Mem_A => Mem_A,
-- Mem_B => Mem_B);
IRAM_Wr <= Mem_Wr;
-- IRAM_Addr <= Int_AddrA_r;
IRAM_WData <= Mem_Din;
process (Inst)
case Inst is
-- 1 downto 0 instruction length
-- 2 write ACC
-- 3 write register file
when "00000000" => MCode <= "0001"; -- 00000000 1 NOP
when "00000001" => MCode <= "0010"; -- aaa00001 2 AJMP code addr
when "00000010" => MCode <= "0011"; -- 00000010 3 LJMP code addr
when "00000011" => MCode <= "0101"; -- 00000011 1 RR A
when "00000100" => MCode <= "0101"; -- 00000100 1 INC A
when "00000101" => MCode <= "1010"; -- 00000101 2 INC data addr
when "00000110" => MCode <= "1001"; -- 0000011i 1 INC @Ri
when "00000111" => MCode <= "1001"; -- 0000011i 1 INC @Ri
when "00001000" => MCode <= "1001"; -- 00001rrr 1 INC Rn
when "00001001" => MCode <= "1001"; -- 00001rrr 1 INC Rn
when "00001010" => MCode <= "1001"; -- 00001rrr 1 INC Rn
when "00001011" => MCode <= "1001"; -- 00001rrr 1 INC Rn
when "00001100" => MCode <= "1001"; -- 00001rrr 1 INC Rn
when "00001101" => MCode <= "1001"; -- 00001rrr 1 INC Rn
when "00001110" => MCode <= "1001"; -- 00001rrr 1 INC Rn
when "00001111" => MCode <= "1001"; -- 00001rrr 1 INC Rn
when "00010000" => MCode <= "1011"; -- 00010000 3 JBC bit addr, code addr
when "00010001" => MCode <= "0010"; -- aaa10001 2 ACALL code addr
when "00010010" => MCode <= "0011"; -- 00010010 3 LCALL code addr
when "00010011" => MCode <= "0101"; -- 00010011 1 RRC A
when "00010100" => MCode <= "0101"; -- 00010100 1 DEC A
when "00010101" => MCode <= "1010"; -- 00010101 2 DEC data addr
when "00010110" => MCode <= "1001"; -- 0001011i 1 DEC @Ri
when "00010111" => MCode <= "1001"; -- 0001011i 1 DEC @Ri
when "00011000" => MCode <= "1001"; -- 00011rrr 1 DEC Rn
when "00011001" => MCode <= "1001"; -- 00011rrr 1 DEC Rn
when "00011010" => MCode <= "1001"; -- 00011rrr 1 DEC Rn
when "00011011" => MCode <= "1001"; -- 00011rrr 1 DEC Rn
when "00011100" => MCode <= "1001"; -- 00011rrr 1 DEC Rn
when "00011101" => MCode <= "1001"; -- 00011rrr 1 DEC Rn
when "00011110" => MCode <= "1001"; -- 00011rrr 1 DEC Rn
when "00011111" => MCode <= "1001"; -- 00011rrr 1 DEC Rn
when "00100000" => MCode <= "0011"; -- 00100000 3 JB bit addr, code addr
when "00100001" => MCode <= "0010"; -- aaa00001 2 AJMP code addr
when "00100010" => MCode <= "0001"; -- 00100010 1 RET
when "00100011" => MCode <= "0101"; -- 00100011 1 RL A
when "00100100" => MCode <= "0110"; -- 00100100 2 ADD A,#data
when "00100101" => MCode <= "0110"; -- 00100101 2 ADD A,data addr
when "00100110" => MCode <= "0101"; -- 0010011i 1 ADD A,@Ri
when "00100111" => MCode <= "0101"; -- 0010011i 1 ADD A,@Ri
when "00101000" => MCode <= "0101"; -- 00101rrr 1 ADD A,Rn
when "00101001" => MCode <= "0101"; -- 00101rrr 1 ADD A,Rn
when "00101010" => MCode <= "0101"; -- 00101rrr 1 ADD A,Rn
when "00101011" => MCode <= "0101"; -- 00101rrr 1 ADD A,Rn
when "00101100" => MCode <= "0101"; -- 00101rrr 1 ADD A,Rn
when "00101101" => MCode <= "0101"; -- 00101rrr 1 ADD A,Rn
when "00101110" => MCode <= "0101"; -- 00101rrr 1 ADD A,Rn
when "00101111" => MCode <= "0101"; -- 00101rrr 1 ADD A,Rn
when "00110000" => MCode <= "0011"; -- 00110000 3 JNB bit addr, code addr
when "00110001" => MCode <= "0010"; -- aaa10001 2 ACALL code addr
when "00110010" => MCode <= "0001"; -- 00110010 1 RETI
when "00110011" => MCode <= "0101"; -- 00110011 1 RLC A
when "00110100" => MCode <= "0110"; -- 00110100 2 ADDC A,#data
when "00110101" => MCode <= "0110"; -- 00110101 2 ADDC A,data addr
when "00110110" => MCode <= "0101"; -- 0011011i 1 ADDC A,@Ri
when "00110111" => MCode <= "0101"; -- 0011011i 1 ADDC A,@Ri
when "00111000" => MCode <= "0101"; -- 00111rrr 1 ADDC A,Rn
when "00111001" => MCode <= "0101"; -- 00111rrr 1 ADDC A,Rn
when "00111010" => MCode <= "0101"; -- 00111rrr 1 ADDC A,Rn
when "00111011" => MCode <= "0101"; -- 00111rrr 1 ADDC A,Rn
when "00111100" => MCode <= "0101"; -- 00111rrr 1 ADDC A,Rn
when "00111101" => MCode <= "0101"; -- 00111rrr 1 ADDC A,Rn
when "00111110" => MCode <= "0101"; -- 00111rrr 1 ADDC A,Rn
when "00111111" => MCode <= "0101"; -- 00111rrr 1 ADDC A,Rn
when "01000000" => MCode <= "0010"; -- 01000000 2 JC code addr
when "01000001" => MCode <= "0010"; -- aaa00001 2 AJMP code addr
when "01000010" => MCode <= "1010"; -- 01000010 2 ORL data addr,A
when "01000011" => MCode <= "1011"; -- 01000011 3 ORL data addr,#data
when "01000100" => MCode <= "0110"; -- 01000100 2 ORL A,#data
when "01000101" => MCode <= "0110"; -- 01000101 2 ORL A,data addr
when "01000110" => MCode <= "0101"; -- 0100011i 1 ORL A,@Ri
when "01000111" => MCode <= "0101"; -- 0100011i 1 ORL A,@Ri
when "01001000" => MCode <= "0101"; -- 01001rrr 1 ORL A,Rn
when "01001001" => MCode <= "0101"; -- 01001rrr 1 ORL A,Rn
when "01001010" => MCode <= "0101"; -- 01001rrr 1 ORL A,Rn
when "01001011" => MCode <= "0101"; -- 01001rrr 1 ORL A,Rn
when "01001100" => MCode <= "0101"; -- 01001rrr 1 ORL A,Rn
when "01001101" => MCode <= "0101"; -- 01001rrr 1 ORL A,Rn
when "01001110" => MCode <= "0101"; -- 01001rrr 1 ORL A,Rn
when "01001111" => MCode <= "0101"; -- 01001rrr 1 ORL A,Rn
when "01010000" => MCode <= "0010"; -- 01010000 2 JNC code addr
when "01010001" => MCode <= "0010"; -- aaa10001 2 ACALL code addr
when "01010010" => MCode <= "1010"; -- 01010010 2 ANL data addr,A
when "01010011" => MCode <= "1011"; -- 01010011 3 ANL data addr,#data
when "01010100" => MCode <= "0110"; -- 01010100 2 ANL A,#data
when "01010101" => MCode <= "0110"; -- 01010101 2 ANL A,data addr
when "01010110" => MCode <= "0101"; -- 0101011i 1 ANL A,@Ri
when "01010111" => MCode <= "0101"; -- 0101011i 1 ANL A,@Ri
when "01011000" => MCode <= "0101"; -- 01011rrr 1 ANL A,Rn
when "01011001" => MCode <= "0101"; -- 01011rrr 1 ANL A,Rn
when "01011010" => MCode <= "0101"; -- 01011rrr 1 ANL A,Rn
when "01011011" => MCode <= "0101"; -- 01011rrr 1 ANL A,Rn
when "01011100" => MCode <= "0101"; -- 01011rrr 1 ANL A,Rn
when "01011101" => MCode <= "0101"; -- 01011rrr 1 ANL A,Rn
when "01011110" => MCode <= "0101"; -- 01011rrr 1 ANL A,Rn
when "01011111" => MCode <= "0101"; -- 01011rrr 1 ANL A,Rn
when "01100000" => MCode <= "0010"; -- 01100000 2 JZ code addr
when "01100001" => MCode <= "0010"; -- aaa00001 2 AJMP code addr
when "01100010" => MCode <= "1010"; -- 01100010 2 XRL data addr,A
when "01100011" => MCode <= "1011"; -- 01100011 3 XRL data addr,#data
when "01100100" => MCode <= "0110"; -- 01100100 2 XRL A,#data
when "01100101" => MCode <= "0110"; -- 01100101 2 XRL A,data addr
when "01100110" => MCode <= "0101"; -- 0110011i 1 XRL A,@Ri
when "01100111" => MCode <= "0101"; -- 0110011i 1 XRL A,@Ri
when "01101000" => MCode <= "0101"; -- 01101rrr 1 XRL A,Rn
when "01101001" => MCode <= "0101"; -- 01101rrr 1 XRL A,Rn
when "01101010" => MCode <= "0101"; -- 01101rrr 1 XRL A,Rn
when "01101011" => MCode <= "0101"; -- 01101rrr 1 XRL A,Rn
when "01101100" => MCode <= "0101"; -- 01101rrr 1 XRL A,Rn
when "01101101" => MCode <= "0101"; -- 01101rrr 1 XRL A,Rn
when "01101110" => MCode <= "0101"; -- 01101rrr 1 XRL A,Rn
when "01101111" => MCode <= "0101"; -- 01101rrr 1 XRL A,Rn
when "01110000" => MCode <= "0010"; -- 01110000 2 JNZ code addr
when "01110001" => MCode <= "0010"; -- aaa10001 2 ACALL code addr
when "01110010" => MCode <= "0010"; -- 01110010 2 ORL C, bit addr
when "01110011" => MCode <= "0001"; -- 01110011 1 JMP @A+DPTR
when "01110100" => MCode <= "0110"; -- 01110100 2 MOV A,#data
when "01110101" => MCode <= "1011"; -- 01110101 3 MOV data addr,#data
when "01110110" => MCode <= "1010"; -- 0111011i 2 MOV @Ri,#data
when "01110111" => MCode <= "1010"; -- 0111011i 2 MOV @Ri,#data
when "01111000" => MCode <= "1010"; -- 01111rrr 2 MOV Rn,#data
when "01111001" => MCode <= "1010"; -- 01111rrr 2 MOV Rn,#data
when "01111010" => MCode <= "1010"; -- 01111rrr 2 MOV Rn,#data
when "01111011" => MCode <= "1010"; -- 01111rrr 2 MOV Rn,#data
when "01111100" => MCode <= "1010"; -- 01111rrr 2 MOV Rn,#data
when "01111101" => MCode <= "1010"; -- 01111rrr 2 MOV Rn,#data
when "01111110" => MCode <= "1010"; -- 01111rrr 2 MOV Rn,#data
when "01111111" => MCode <= "1010"; -- 01111rrr 2 MOV Rn,#data
when "10000000" => MCode <= "0010"; -- 10000000 2 SJMP code addr
when "10000001" => MCode <= "0010"; -- aaa00001 2 AJMP code addr
when "10000010" => MCode <= "0010"; -- 10000010 2 ANL C,bit addr
when "10000011" => MCode <= "0011"; -- 10000011 1 MOVC A,@A+PC
when "10000100" => MCode <= "0001"; -- 10000100 1 DIV AB
when "10000101" => MCode <= "1011"; -- 10000101 3 MOV data addr,data addr
when "10000110" => MCode <= "1010"; -- 1000011i 2 MOV data addr,@Ri
when "10000111" => MCode <= "1010"; -- 1000011i 2 MOV data addr,@Ri
when "10001000" => MCode <= "1010"; -- 10001rrr 2 MOV data addr,Rn
when "10001001" => MCode <= "1010"; -- 10001rrr 2 MOV data addr,Rn
when "10001010" => MCode <= "1010"; -- 10001rrr 2 MOV data addr,Rn
when "10001011" => MCode <= "1010"; -- 10001rrr 2 MOV data addr,Rn
when "10001100" => MCode <= "1010"; -- 10001rrr 2 MOV data addr,Rn
when "10001101" => MCode <= "1010"; -- 10001rrr 2 MOV data addr,Rn
when "10001110" => MCode <= "1010"; -- 10001rrr 2 MOV data addr,Rn
when "10001111" => MCode <= "1010"; -- 10001rrr 2 MOV data addr,Rn
when "10010000" => MCode <= "0011"; -- 10010000 3 MOV DPTR,#data
when "10010001" => MCode <= "0010"; -- aaa10001 2 ACALL code addr
when "10010010" => MCode <= "1010"; -- 10010010 2 MOV bit addr,C
when "10010011" => MCode <= "0011"; -- 10010011 1 MOVC A,@A+DPTR
when "10010100" => MCode <= "0110"; -- 10010100 2 SUBB A,#data
when "10010101" => MCode <= "0110"; -- 10010101 2 SUBB A,data addr
when "10010110" => MCode <= "0101"; -- 1001011i 1 SUBB A,@Ri
when "10010111" => MCode <= "0101"; -- 1001011i 1 SUBB A,@Ri
when "10011000" => MCode <= "0101"; -- 10011rrr 1 SUBB A,Rn
when "10011001" => MCode <= "0101"; -- 10011rrr 1 SUBB A,Rn
when "10011010" => MCode <= "0101"; -- 10011rrr 1 SUBB A,Rn
when "10011011" => MCode <= "0101"; -- 10011rrr 1 SUBB A,Rn
when "10011100" => MCode <= "0101"; -- 10011rrr 1 SUBB A,Rn
when "10011101" => MCode <= "0101"; -- 10011rrr 1 SUBB A,Rn
when "10011110" => MCode <= "0101"; -- 10011rrr 1 SUBB A,Rn
when "10011111" => MCode <= "0101"; -- 10011rrr 1 SUBB A,Rn
when "10100000" => MCode <= "0010"; -- 10100000 2 ORL C,/bit addr
when "10100001" => MCode <= "0010"; -- aaa00001 2 AJMP code addr
when "10100010" => MCode <= "0010"; -- 10100010 2 MOV C,bit addr
when "10100011" => MCode <= "0001"; -- 10100011 1 INC DPTR
when "10100100" => MCode <= "0101"; -- 10100100 1 MUL AB
when "10100101" => MCode <= "0001"; -- 10100101 reserved
when "10100110" => MCode <= "1010"; -- 1010011i 2 MOV @Ri,data addr
when "10100111" => MCode <= "1010"; -- 1010011i 2 MOV @Ri,data addr
when "10101000" => MCode <= "1010"; -- 10101rrr 2 MOV Rn,data addr
when "10101001" => MCode <= "1010"; -- 10101rrr 2 MOV Rn,data addr
when "10101010" => MCode <= "1010"; -- 10101rrr 2 MOV Rn,data addr
when "10101011" => MCode <= "1010"; -- 10101rrr 2 MOV Rn,data addr
when "10101100" => MCode <= "1010"; -- 10101rrr 2 MOV Rn,data addr
when "10101101" => MCode <= "1010"; -- 10101rrr 2 MOV Rn,data addr
when "10101110" => MCode <= "1010"; -- 10101rrr 2 MOV Rn,data addr
when "10101111" => MCode <= "1010"; -- 10101rrr 2 MOV Rn,data addr
when "10110000" => MCode <= "0010"; -- 10110000 2 ANL C,/bit addr
when "10110001" => MCode <= "0010"; -- aaa10001 2 ACALL code addr
when "10110010" => MCode <= "1010"; -- 10110010 2 CPL bit addr
when "10110011" => MCode <= "0001"; -- 10110011 1 CPL C
when "10110100" => MCode <= "0011"; -- 10110100 3 CJNE A,#data,code addr
when "10110101" => MCode <= "0011"; -- 10110101 3 CJNE A,data addr,code addr
when "10110110" => MCode <= "0011"; -- 1011011i 3 CJNE @Ri,#data,code addr
when "10110111" => MCode <= "0011"; -- 1011011i 3 CJNE @Ri,#data,code addr
when "10111000" => MCode <= "0011"; -- 10111rrr 3 CJNE Rn,#data,code addr
when "10111001" => MCode <= "0011"; -- 10111rrr 3 CJNE Rn,#data,code addr
when "10111010" => MCode <= "0011"; -- 10111rrr 3 CJNE Rn,#data,code addr
when "10111011" => MCode <= "0011"; -- 10111rrr 3 CJNE Rn,#data,code addr
when "10111100" => MCode <= "0011"; -- 10111rrr 3 CJNE Rn,#data,code addr
when "10111101" => MCode <= "0011"; -- 10111rrr 3 CJNE Rn,#data,code addr
when "10111110" => MCode <= "0011"; -- 10111rrr 3 CJNE Rn,#data,code addr
when "10111111" => MCode <= "0011"; -- 10111rrr 3 CJNE Rn,#data,code addr
when "11000000" => MCode <= "1010"; -- 11000000 2 PUSH data addr
when "11000001" => MCode <= "0010"; -- aaa00001 2 AJMP code addr
when "11000010" => MCode <= "1010"; -- 11000010 2 CLR bit addr
when "11000011" => MCode <= "0001"; -- 11000011 1 CLR C
when "11000100" => MCode <= "0101"; -- 11000100 1 SWAP A
when "11000101" => MCode <= "1110"; -- 11000101 2 XCH A,data addr
when "11000110" => MCode <= "1101"; -- 1100011i 1 XCH A,@Ri
when "11000111" => MCode <= "1101"; -- 1100011i 1 XCH A,@Ri
when "11001000" => MCode <= "1101"; -- 11001rrr 1 XCH A,Rn
when "11001001" => MCode <= "1101"; -- 11001rrr 1 XCH A,Rn
when "11001010" => MCode <= "1101"; -- 11001rrr 1 XCH A,Rn
when "11001011" => MCode <= "1101"; -- 11001rrr 1 XCH A,Rn
when "11001100" => MCode <= "1101"; -- 11001rrr 1 XCH A,Rn
when "11001101" => MCode <= "1101"; -- 11001rrr 1 XCH A,Rn
when "11001110" => MCode <= "1101"; -- 11001rrr 1 XCH A,Rn
when "11001111" => MCode <= "1101"; -- 11001rrr 1 XCH A,Rn
when "11010000" => MCode <= "1010"; -- 11010000 2 POP data addr
when "11010001" => MCode <= "0010"; -- aaa10001 2 ACALL code addr
when "11010010" => MCode <= "1010"; -- 11010010 2 SETB bit addr
when "11010011" => MCode <= "0001"; -- 11010011 1 SETB C
when "11010100" => MCode <= "0101"; -- 11010100 1 DA A
when "11010101" => MCode <= "1011"; -- 11010101 3 DJNZ data addr, code addr
when "11010110" => MCode <= "1101"; -- 1101011i 1 XCHD A,@Ri
when "11010111" => MCode <= "1101"; -- 1101011i 1 XCHD A,@Ri
when "11011000" => MCode <= "1010"; -- 11011rrr 2 DJNZ Rn,code addr
when "11011001" => MCode <= "1010"; -- 11011rrr 2 DJNZ Rn,code addr
when "11011010" => MCode <= "1010"; -- 11011rrr 2 DJNZ Rn,code addr
when "11011011" => MCode <= "1010"; -- 11011rrr 2 DJNZ Rn,code addr
when "11011100" => MCode <= "1010"; -- 11011rrr 2 DJNZ Rn,code addr
when "11011101" => MCode <= "1010"; -- 11011rrr 2 DJNZ Rn,code addr
when "11011110" => MCode <= "1010"; -- 11011rrr 2 DJNZ Rn,code addr
when "11011111" => MCode <= "1010"; -- 11011rrr 2 DJNZ Rn,code addr
when "11100000" => MCode <= "0101"; -- 11100000 1 MOVX A,@DPTR
when "11100001" => MCode <= "0010"; -- aaa00001 2 AJMP code addr
when "11100010" => MCode <= "0101"; -- 1110001i 1 MOVX A,@Ri
when "11100011" => MCode <= "0101"; -- 1110001i 1 MOVX A,@Ri
when "11100100" => MCode <= "0101"; -- 11100100 1 CLR A
when "11100101" => MCode <= "0110"; -- 11100101 2 MOV A,data addr
when "11100110" => MCode <= "0101"; -- 1110011i 1 MOV A,@Ri
when "11100111" => MCode <= "0101"; -- 1110011i 1 MOV A,@Ri
when "11101000" => MCode <= "0101"; -- 11101rrr 1 MOV A,Rn
when "11101001" => MCode <= "0101"; -- 11101rrr 1 MOV A,Rn
when "11101010" => MCode <= "0101"; -- 11101rrr 1 MOV A,Rn
when "11101011" => MCode <= "0101"; -- 11101rrr 1 MOV A,Rn
when "11101100" => MCode <= "0101"; -- 11101rrr 1 MOV A,Rn
when "11101101" => MCode <= "0101"; -- 11101rrr 1 MOV A,Rn
when "11101110" => MCode <= "0101"; -- 11101rrr 1 MOV A,Rn
when "11101111" => MCode <= "0101"; -- 11101rrr 1 MOV A,Rn
when "11110000" => MCode <= "0001"; -- 11110000 1 MOVX @DPTR,A
when "11110001" => MCode <= "0010"; -- aaa10001 2 ACALL code addr
when "11110010" => MCode <= "0001"; -- 1111001i 1 MOVX @Ri,A
when "11110011" => MCode <= "0001"; -- 1111001i 1 MOVX @Ri,A
when "11110100" => MCode <= "0101"; -- 11110100 1 CPL A
when "11110101" => MCode <= "1010"; -- 11110101 2 MOV data addr,A
when "11110110" => MCode <= "1001"; -- 1111011i 1 MOV @Ri,A
when "11110111" => MCode <= "1001"; -- 1111011i 1 MOV @Ri,A
when "11111000" => MCode <= "1001"; -- 11111rrr 1 MOV Rn,A
when "11111001" => MCode <= "1001"; -- 11111rrr 1 MOV Rn,A
when "11111010" => MCode <= "1001"; -- 11111rrr 1 MOV Rn,A
when "11111011" => MCode <= "1001"; -- 11111rrr 1 MOV Rn,A
when "11111100" => MCode <= "1001"; -- 11111rrr 1 MOV Rn,A
when "11111101" => MCode <= "1001"; -- 11111rrr 1 MOV Rn,A
when "11111110" => MCode <= "1001"; -- 11111rrr 1 MOV Rn,A
when "11111111" => MCode <= "1001"; -- 11111rrr 1 MOV Rn,A
when others => MCode <= "----";
end case;
end process;

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