
Subversion Repositories salsa20

Compare Revisions

  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 5 to Rev 6
    Reverse comparison

Rev 5 → Rev 6

0,0 → 1,246
-- Copyright 2012 iQUBE research
-- This file is part of Salsa20IpCore.
-- Salsa20IpCore is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-- it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
-- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-- (at your option) any later version.
-- Salsa20IpCore is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-- GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
-- You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
-- along with Salsa20IpCore. If not, see <>.
-- e-mail:,
library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
use IEEE.std_logic_unsigned.all;
entity salsaa_mc is
port (
clk : in std_logic;
reset : in std_logic;
-- iface for user
key : in std_logic_vector(255 downto 0);
nonce : in std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
start : in std_logic;
-- iface to salsaa_dm
mc_data : out std_logic_vector(511 downto 0);
mc_restart : in std_logic := '0';
mc_busy : out std_logic
end entity salsaa_mc;
architecture rtl of salsaa_mc is
type x_type is array(0 to 15) of std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
constant salsa_const_0 : std_logic_vector := x"61707865";
constant salsa_const_1 : std_logic_vector := x"3320646e";
constant salsa_const_2 : std_logic_vector := x"79622d32";
constant salsa_const_3 : std_logic_vector := x"6b206574";
constant st_rst : std_logic_vector := x"0";
constant st_read_in : std_logic_vector := x"1";
constant st_save_init : std_logic_vector := x"2";
constant st_perf_rnds : std_logic_vector := x"3";
constant st_sum_res : std_logic_vector := x"4";
constant st_calc_done : std_logic_vector := x"5";
constant max_calc_state : std_logic_vector (7 downto 0) := x"07";
constant max_rnds_state : std_logic_vector (7 downto 0) := x"09";
signal x : x_type;
signal idx : std_logic_vector (63 downto 0);
signal state : std_logic_vector (3 downto 0);
signal calc_state : std_logic_vector (7 downto 0);
signal rnds_state : std_logic_vector (7 downto 0);
signal mc_data_buf : std_logic_vector(511 downto 0);
mc_data <= mc_data_buf;
main: process(clk) is
if (clk'event and clk='1') then
if (reset='1') then
state <= st_rst;
mc_busy <= '1';
case state is
when st_rst =>
if start = '1' then
state <= st_read_in;
end if;
-- reseting the index (as new nonce can is being read)
idx <= x"0000000000000000";
mc_busy <= '1';
when st_read_in =>
state <= st_save_init;
mc_busy <= '1';
x(0) <= salsa_const_0;
x(1) <= key(32 * 0 + 31 downto 32 * 0 + 0);
x(2) <= key(32 * 1 + 31 downto 32 * 1 + 0);
x(3) <= key(32 * 2 + 31 downto 32 * 2 + 0);
x(4) <= key(32 * 3 + 31 downto 32 * 3 + 0);
x(5) <= salsa_const_1;
x(6) <= nonce(32 * 0 + 31 downto 32 * 0 + 0);
x(7) <= nonce(32 * 1 + 31 downto 32 * 1 + 0);
x(8) <= idx(32 * 0 + 31 downto 32 * 0 + 0);
x(9) <= idx(32 * 1 + 31 downto 32 * 1 + 0);
x(10) <= salsa_const_2;
x(11) <= key(32 * 4 + 31 downto 32 * 4 + 0);
x(12) <= key(32 * 5 + 31 downto 32 * 5 + 0);
x(13) <= key(32 * 6 + 31 downto 32 * 6 + 0);
x(14) <= key(32 * 7 + 31 downto 32 * 7 + 0);
x(15) <= salsa_const_3;
when st_save_init =>
-- prepare seq of runds
state <= st_perf_rnds;
calc_state <= x"00";
rnds_state <= x"00";
-- storing initial state of x
mc_data_buf(32 * 00 + 31 downto 32 * 00 + 0) <= x(00);
mc_data_buf(32 * 01 + 31 downto 32 * 01 + 0) <= x(01);
mc_data_buf(32 * 02 + 31 downto 32 * 02 + 0) <= x(02);
mc_data_buf(32 * 03 + 31 downto 32 * 03 + 0) <= x(03);
mc_data_buf(32 * 04 + 31 downto 32 * 04 + 0) <= x(04);
mc_data_buf(32 * 05 + 31 downto 32 * 05 + 0) <= x(05);
mc_data_buf(32 * 06 + 31 downto 32 * 06 + 0) <= x(06);
mc_data_buf(32 * 07 + 31 downto 32 * 07 + 0) <= x(07);
mc_data_buf(32 * 08 + 31 downto 32 * 08 + 0) <= x(08);
mc_data_buf(32 * 09 + 31 downto 32 * 09 + 0) <= x(09);
mc_data_buf(32 * 10 + 31 downto 32 * 10 + 0) <= x(10);
mc_data_buf(32 * 11 + 31 downto 32 * 11 + 0) <= x(11);
mc_data_buf(32 * 12 + 31 downto 32 * 12 + 0) <= x(12);
mc_data_buf(32 * 13 + 31 downto 32 * 13 + 0) <= x(13);
mc_data_buf(32 * 14 + 31 downto 32 * 14 + 0) <= x(14);
mc_data_buf(32 * 15 + 31 downto 32 * 15 + 0) <= x(15);
when st_perf_rnds =>
calc_state <= calc_state + x"01";
if calc_state = max_calc_state then
if rnds_state = max_rnds_state then
state <= st_sum_res;
calc_state <= x"00";
rnds_state <= rnds_state + x"01";
end if;
end if;
-- processing goes here
case calc_state is
when x"00" =>
x(04) <= x(04) xor std_logic_vector( rotate_left(unsigned(x(12)+x(00)),7));
x(09) <= x(09) xor std_logic_vector( rotate_left(unsigned(x(01)+x(05)),7));
x(14) <= x(14) xor std_logic_vector( rotate_left(unsigned(x(06)+x(10)),7));
x(03) <= x(03) xor std_logic_vector( rotate_left(unsigned(x(11)+x(15)),7));
when x"01" =>
x(08) <= x(08) xor std_logic_vector( rotate_left(unsigned(x(00)+x(04)),9));
x(13) <= x(13) xor std_logic_vector( rotate_left(unsigned(x(05)+x(09)),9));
x(02) <= x(02) xor std_logic_vector( rotate_left(unsigned(x(10)+x(14)),9));
x(07) <= x(07) xor std_logic_vector( rotate_left(unsigned(x(15)+x(03)),9));
when x"02" =>
x(12) <= x(12) xor std_logic_vector( rotate_left(unsigned(x(04)+x(08)),13));
x(01) <= x(01) xor std_logic_vector( rotate_left(unsigned(x(09)+x(13)),13));
x(06) <= x(06) xor std_logic_vector( rotate_left(unsigned(x(14)+x(02)),13));
x(11) <= x(11) xor std_logic_vector( rotate_left(unsigned(x(03)+x(07)),13));
when x"03" =>
x(00) <= x(00) xor std_logic_vector( rotate_left(unsigned(x(08)+x(12)),18));
x(05) <= x(05) xor std_logic_vector( rotate_left(unsigned(x(13)+x(01)),18));
x(10) <= x(10) xor std_logic_vector( rotate_left(unsigned(x(02)+x(06)),18));
x(15) <= x(15) xor std_logic_vector( rotate_left(unsigned(x(07)+x(11)),18));
when x"04" =>
x(01) <= x(01) xor std_logic_vector( rotate_left(unsigned(x(03)+x(00)),07));
x(06) <= x(06) xor std_logic_vector( rotate_left(unsigned(x(04)+x(05)),07));
x(11) <= x(11) xor std_logic_vector( rotate_left(unsigned(x(09)+x(10)),07));
x(12) <= x(12) xor std_logic_vector( rotate_left(unsigned(x(14)+x(15)),07));
when x"05" =>
x(02) <= x(02) xor std_logic_vector( rotate_left(unsigned(x(00)+x(01)),09));
x(07) <= x(07) xor std_logic_vector( rotate_left(unsigned(x(05)+x(06)),09));
x(08) <= x(08) xor std_logic_vector( rotate_left(unsigned(x(10)+x(11)),09));
x(13) <= x(13) xor std_logic_vector( rotate_left(unsigned(x(15)+x(12)),09));
when x"06" =>
x(03) <= x(03) xor std_logic_vector( rotate_left(unsigned(x(01)+x(02)),13));
x(04) <= x(04) xor std_logic_vector( rotate_left(unsigned(x(06)+x(07)),13));
x(09) <= x(09) xor std_logic_vector( rotate_left(unsigned(x(11)+x(08)),13));
x(14) <= x(14) xor std_logic_vector( rotate_left(unsigned(x(12)+x(13)),13));
when x"07" =>
x(00) <= x(00) xor std_logic_vector( rotate_left(unsigned(x(02)+x(03)),18));
x(05) <= x(05) xor std_logic_vector( rotate_left(unsigned(x(07)+x(04)),18));
x(10) <= x(10) xor std_logic_vector( rotate_left(unsigned(x(08)+x(09)),18));
x(15) <= x(15) xor std_logic_vector( rotate_left(unsigned(x(13)+x(14)),18));
when others =>
end case;
when st_sum_res =>
-- preparing index for the next random block reneration
idx <= idx + x"0000000000000001";
mc_data_buf(32 * 00 + 31 downto 32 * 00 + 0) <= mc_data_buf(32 * 00 + 31 downto 32 * 00 + 0) + x(00);
mc_data_buf(32 * 01 + 31 downto 32 * 01 + 0) <= mc_data_buf(32 * 01 + 31 downto 32 * 01 + 0) + x(01);
mc_data_buf(32 * 02 + 31 downto 32 * 02 + 0) <= mc_data_buf(32 * 02 + 31 downto 32 * 02 + 0) + x(02);
mc_data_buf(32 * 03 + 31 downto 32 * 03 + 0) <= mc_data_buf(32 * 03 + 31 downto 32 * 03 + 0) + x(03);
mc_data_buf(32 * 04 + 31 downto 32 * 04 + 0) <= mc_data_buf(32 * 04 + 31 downto 32 * 04 + 0) + x(04);
mc_data_buf(32 * 05 + 31 downto 32 * 05 + 0) <= mc_data_buf(32 * 05 + 31 downto 32 * 05 + 0) + x(05);
mc_data_buf(32 * 06 + 31 downto 32 * 06 + 0) <= mc_data_buf(32 * 06 + 31 downto 32 * 06 + 0) + x(06);
mc_data_buf(32 * 07 + 31 downto 32 * 07 + 0) <= mc_data_buf(32 * 07 + 31 downto 32 * 07 + 0) + x(07);
mc_data_buf(32 * 08 + 31 downto 32 * 08 + 0) <= mc_data_buf(32 * 08 + 31 downto 32 * 08 + 0) + x(08);
mc_data_buf(32 * 09 + 31 downto 32 * 09 + 0) <= mc_data_buf(32 * 09 + 31 downto 32 * 09 + 0) + x(09);
mc_data_buf(32 * 10 + 31 downto 32 * 10 + 0) <= mc_data_buf(32 * 10 + 31 downto 32 * 10 + 0) + x(10);
mc_data_buf(32 * 11 + 31 downto 32 * 11 + 0) <= mc_data_buf(32 * 11 + 31 downto 32 * 11 + 0) + x(11);
mc_data_buf(32 * 12 + 31 downto 32 * 12 + 0) <= mc_data_buf(32 * 12 + 31 downto 32 * 12 + 0) + x(12);
mc_data_buf(32 * 13 + 31 downto 32 * 13 + 0) <= mc_data_buf(32 * 13 + 31 downto 32 * 13 + 0) + x(13);
mc_data_buf(32 * 14 + 31 downto 32 * 14 + 0) <= mc_data_buf(32 * 14 + 31 downto 32 * 14 + 0) + x(14);
mc_data_buf(32 * 15 + 31 downto 32 * 15 + 0) <= mc_data_buf(32 * 15 + 31 downto 32 * 15 + 0) + x(15);
mc_busy <= '0';
state <= st_calc_done;
when st_calc_done =>
if mc_restart = '1' then
-- new block requested with new input
state <= st_read_in;
end if;
when others =>
end case;
end if;
end if;
end process;
end architecture rtl;
0,0 → 1,96
-- Copyright 2012 iQUBE research
-- This file is part of Salsa20IpCore.
-- Salsa20IpCore is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-- it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
-- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-- (at your option) any later version.
-- Salsa20IpCore is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-- GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
-- You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
-- along with Salsa20IpCore. If not, see <>.
-- e-mail:,
library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
entity salsaa is
port (
clk : in std_logic;
reset : in std_logic;
key : in std_logic_vector(255 downto 0);
nonce : in std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
start : in std_logic;
data_valid : out std_logic;
data : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
data_req : in std_logic
end entity salsaa;
architecture rtl of salsaa is
signal mc_data : std_logic_vector(511 downto 0);
signal mc_restart : std_logic;
signal mc_busy : std_logic;
salsaa_dm_0: entity work.salsaa_dm
port map(
clk => clk,
reset => reset,
-- iface for user
data => data,
data_req => data_req,
data_valid => data_valid,
-- iface to salsaa_mc
mc_data => mc_data,
mc_restart => mc_restart,
mc_busy => mc_busy
salsaa_mc_0: entity work.salsaa_mc
port map(
clk => clk,
reset => reset,
-- iface for user
key => key,
nonce => nonce,
start => start,
-- iface to salsaa_dc
mc_data => mc_data,
mc_restart => mc_restart,
mc_busy => mc_busy
main: process(clk) is
if (clk'event and clk='1') then
if (reset='1') then
end if;
end if;
end process;
end architecture rtl;
0,0 → 1,263
-- Copyright 2012 iQUBE research
-- This file is part of Salsa20IpCore.
-- Salsa20IpCore is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-- it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
-- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-- (at your option) any later version.
-- Salsa20IpCore is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-- GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
-- You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
-- along with Salsa20IpCore. If not, see <>.
-- e-mail:,
library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
use IEEE.std_logic_unsigned.all;
entity salsaa_dm is
port (
clk : in std_logic;
reset : in std_logic;
-- iface for user
data : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
data_req : in std_logic;
data_valid : out std_logic;
-- iface to salsaa_mc
mc_data : in std_logic_vector(511 downto 0);
mc_restart : out std_logic;
mc_busy : in std_logic
end entity salsaa_dm;
architecture rtl of salsaa_dm is
type reg_type is array(0 to 15) of std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
signal state : std_logic_vector (3 downto 0);
signal reg : reg_type;
signal reg_idx : std_logic_vector (3 downto 0);
constant dm_rst : std_logic_vector := x"0";
constant dm_wmc_dr : std_logic_vector := x"1";
constant dm_wmc_ndr : std_logic_vector := x"2";
constant dm_idl : std_logic_vector := x"3";
constant dm_lmd : std_logic_vector := x"4";
constant dm_lmdps : std_logic_vector := x"5";
constant dm_ps : std_logic_vector := x"6";
constant max_reg_idx : std_logic_vector := x"f";
main: process(clk) is
if (clk'event and clk='1') then
if (reset='1') then
state <= dm_rst;
for Z in 0 to 15
--reg(Z) <= mc_data(32 * Z + 31 downto 32 * Z + 0);
reg(Z) <= x"00000000";
end loop;
data_valid <= '0';
data <= x"00000000";
reg_idx <= x"0";
case state is
when dm_rst =>
reg_idx <= x"0";
data_valid <= '0';
mc_restart <= '0';
if mc_busy = '0' and data_req = '1' then
state <= dm_lmdps;
elsif data_req = '1' then
state <= dm_wmc_dr;
elsif mc_busy = '0' then
state <= dm_lmd;
end if;
when dm_lmdps =>
-- state to reg
reg(00) <= mc_data(32 * 00 + 31 downto 32 * 00 + 0);
reg(01) <= mc_data(32 * 01 + 31 downto 32 * 01 + 0);
reg(02) <= mc_data(32 * 02 + 31 downto 32 * 02 + 0);
reg(03) <= mc_data(32 * 03 + 31 downto 32 * 03 + 0);
reg(04) <= mc_data(32 * 04 + 31 downto 32 * 04 + 0);
reg(05) <= mc_data(32 * 05 + 31 downto 32 * 05 + 0);
reg(06) <= mc_data(32 * 06 + 31 downto 32 * 06 + 0);
reg(07) <= mc_data(32 * 07 + 31 downto 32 * 07 + 0);
reg(08) <= mc_data(32 * 08 + 31 downto 32 * 08 + 0);
reg(09) <= mc_data(32 * 09 + 31 downto 32 * 09 + 0);
reg(10) <= mc_data(32 * 10 + 31 downto 32 * 10 + 0);
reg(11) <= mc_data(32 * 11 + 31 downto 32 * 11 + 0);
reg(12) <= mc_data(32 * 12 + 31 downto 32 * 12 + 0);
reg(13) <= mc_data(32 * 13 + 31 downto 32 * 13 + 0);
reg(14) <= mc_data(32 * 14 + 31 downto 32 * 14 + 0);
reg(15) <= mc_data(32 * 15 + 31 downto 32 * 15 + 0);
reg_idx <= reg_idx + x"1";
data_valid <= '1';
mc_restart <= '1';
data <= mc_data(32 * 00 + 31 downto 32 * 00 + 0);
if data_req = '1' then
state <= dm_ps;
state <= dm_idl;
end if;
when dm_lmd =>
-- state to reg
reg(00) <= mc_data(32 * 00 + 31 downto 32 * 00 + 0);
reg(01) <= mc_data(32 * 01 + 31 downto 32 * 01 + 0);
reg(02) <= mc_data(32 * 02 + 31 downto 32 * 02 + 0);
reg(03) <= mc_data(32 * 03 + 31 downto 32 * 03 + 0);
reg(04) <= mc_data(32 * 04 + 31 downto 32 * 04 + 0);
reg(05) <= mc_data(32 * 05 + 31 downto 32 * 05 + 0);
reg(06) <= mc_data(32 * 06 + 31 downto 32 * 06 + 0);
reg(07) <= mc_data(32 * 07 + 31 downto 32 * 07 + 0);
reg(08) <= mc_data(32 * 08 + 31 downto 32 * 08 + 0);
reg(09) <= mc_data(32 * 09 + 31 downto 32 * 09 + 0);
reg(10) <= mc_data(32 * 10 + 31 downto 32 * 10 + 0);
reg(11) <= mc_data(32 * 11 + 31 downto 32 * 11 + 0);
reg(12) <= mc_data(32 * 12 + 31 downto 32 * 12 + 0);
reg(13) <= mc_data(32 * 13 + 31 downto 32 * 13 + 0);
reg(14) <= mc_data(32 * 14 + 31 downto 32 * 14 + 0);
reg(15) <= mc_data(32 * 15 + 31 downto 32 * 15 + 0);
reg_idx <= x"0";
data_valid <= '0';
mc_restart <= '1';
if data_req = '1' then
state <= dm_ps;
state <= dm_idl;
end if;
when dm_ps =>
-- loading data to output
data <= reg(to_integer(unsigned(reg_idx)));
data_valid <= '1';
-- mc should not restart in this state
mc_restart <= '0';
-- moving reg_idx
if reg_idx = max_reg_idx then
reg_idx <= x"0";
reg_idx <= reg_idx + x"1";
end if;
-- selecting next state
if reg_idx = max_reg_idx then
-- considering the situation when the last reg_idx
if data_req = '0' and mc_busy = '0' then
state <= dm_lmd;
elsif data_req = '0' and mc_busy = '1' then
state <= dm_wmc_ndr;
elsif data_req = '1' and mc_busy = '0' then
state <= dm_lmdps;
elsif data_req = '1' and mc_busy = '1' then
state <= dm_wmc_dr;
end if;
-- considering typical situation
if data_req = '1' then
state <= dm_ps;
elsif data_req = '0' then
state <= dm_idl;
end if;
end if;
when dm_idl =>
-- no valid data
data_valid <= '0';
-- mc should not restart in this state
mc_restart <= '0';
-- selecting next state CHECK THIS CODE
if data_req = '1' then
state <= dm_ps;
elsif data_req = '0' then
state <= dm_idl;
end if;
when dm_wmc_dr =>
-- no valid data
data_valid <= '0';
-- mc should not restart in this state
mc_restart <= '0';
-- sett to the beginning of data register
reg_idx <= x"0";
-- selecting next state
if mc_busy = '0' then
state <= dm_lmdps;
end if;
when dm_wmc_ndr =>
-- no valid data
data_valid <= '0';
-- mc should not restart in this state
mc_restart <= '0';
-- set to the beginning of data register
reg_idx <= x"0";
-- selecting next state
if mc_busy = '0' and data_req = '0' then
state <= dm_lmd;
elsif mc_busy = '0' and data_req = '1' then
state <= dm_lmdps;
elsif mc_busy = '1' and data_req = '0' then
state <= dm_wmc_ndr;
elsif mc_busy = '1' and data_req = '1' then
state <= dm_wmc_dr;
end if;
when others =>
end case;
end if;
end if;
end process;
end architecture rtl;

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