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  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 552 to Rev 553
    Reverse comparison

Rev 552 → Rev 553

132,7 → 132,7
expect -f - <<EOF > /dev/null 2>&1
spawn "${command}"
set timeout 2
set timeout 30
expect {
"${command}> " {}
timeout {exit 1}
140,7 → 140,6
send "open ${ip}\n"
set timeout 5
expect {
-re "${conn_prompt}" {}
timeout {exit 2}
148,7 → 147,6
send "root\n"
set timeout 2
expect {
-re "${op_prompt}" {}
timeout {exit 3}
156,7 → 154,6
send "exit\n"
set timeout 5
expect {
-re "${close_mess}" {exit 0}
timeout {exit 4}
267,14 → 264,25
# If the telnet or FTP to the IP address is dead, we assume the test
# failed, the target machine having died (at last partially), so we return
# failure.
# failure having blown away that IP address.
# We also need to fail if we see any TCL or expect error messages (with
# the string "ERROR: ". These are indicative of transient failures.
ip=`sed < ${tool}/${log_file} -n -e 's/OR32 target hostname is //p'`
if check_telnet_ftp ${ip}
echo "Running ${test_file} on ${ip} completed successfully"
if grep "ERROR: " ${tool}/${log_file} > /dev/null 2>&1
echo "Running ${test_file} on ${ip} hit TCL/expect failure"
mv ${tool}/${log_file} ${tool}/${log_file}-failed-$$-${index}
mv ${tool}/${sum_file} ${tool}/${sum_file}-failed-$$-${index}
echo "Running ${test_file} on ${ip} completed successfully"
echo "Running ${test_file} on ${ip} died"
echo "Running ${test_file} on ${ip} died with code $?"
mv ${tool}/${log_file} ${tool}/${log_file}-failed-$$-${index}
mv ${tool}/${sum_file} ${tool}/${sum_file}-failed-$$-${index}
${root_dir}/ --delete ${ip}
333,6 → 341,15
# If we have no IP addresses, give up here.
if ${root_dir}/ > /dev/null 2>&1
echo "No IP addresses - exiting"
exit 1
# Create the local config file for DejaGnu
create_local_config ${test_dir}
347,13 → 364,30
# Run the test in the background
until run_test_block ${test_dir} ${src_dir} ${tool} ${t} ${index}
# Give up if there are no more IP addresses.
if ${root_dir}/ > /dev/null 2>&1
index=$(( ${index} + 1 ))
) &
# If we have exhausted all the IP addresses, give up here.
if ${root_dir}/ > /dev/null 2>&1
echo "Out of IP addresses - exiting"
exit 1
580,6 → 614,7
conformance-20#conformance.exp=${conf20_list} \
run_tool_tests ${gcc_test_dir} ${gcc_src_dir} "gcc" ${gcc_test_list}
run_tool_tests ${gcc_test_dir} ${gcc_src_dir} "g++" ${gpp_test_list}
run_tool_tests ${lib_test_dir} ${lib_src_dir} "libstdc++" ${lib_test_list}
29,7 → 29,8
# Get the individual results if we have any. Note that we don't check for the
# strings at start of line, since they may have FTP prompts showing.
# strings at start of line, since they may have FTP prompts showing. Don't
# print out lines which have no tests at all.
if ls $* > /dev/null 2>&1
46,9 → 47,13
us=`grep 'UNSUPPORTED:' ${logfile} | wc -l`
ut=`grep 'UNTESTED:' ${logfile} | wc -l`
tot=`echo "${p} ${f} + ${xp} + ${xf} + ${ur} + ${us} + ${ut} + p" | dc`
printf "%-25s %5d %5d %5d %5d %5d %5d %5d %5d\n" \
${tname} ${p} ${f} ${xp} ${xf} ${ur} ${us} ${ut} ${tot} | \
tee -a ${tmpf}
if [ "x${tot}" != "x0" ]
printf "%-25s %5d %5d %5d %5d %5d %5d %5d %5d\n" \
${tname} ${p} ${f} ${xp} ${xf} ${ur} ${us} ${ut} ${tot} | \
tee -a ${tmpf}
27,26 → 27,46
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Custom proc to close a telnet session
# @param[in] connhost The connected host being closed.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
proc telnet_close {connhost} {
verbose "telnet_close: connhost $connhost" 3
# Use the standard close proc from remote.exp
standard_close $connhost
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Custom proc to check if we have had too many failures
# @param[in] boardname The board being closed.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
proc telnet_close {hostname} {
proc telnet_failure_check { connhost errmess } {
verbose "telnet_close: hostname $hostname" 3
# Get the maximum failure count
set max_fc 10
# Get the connected host name, if it exists (actually, we think this can
# never be set, but it is for consistency with telnet_open
if {[board_info $hostname exists name]} {
set connhost [board_info $hostname name]
} else {
set connhost $hostname
if [board_info $connhost exists max_failure_count] {
set max_fc [board_info $connhost max_failure_count]
verbose "telnet_failure_check: Max failure count $max_fc"
if [board_info $connhost exists hostname] {
set hostname [board_info $connhost hostname]
# Increment the current failure count
set fc 1
if [board_info $connhost exists failure_count] {
verbose "telnet_failure_check: Incrementing failure count"
set fc [expr [board_info $connhost failure_count] + 1]
set board_info($connhost,failure_count) $fc
verbose "telnet_failure_check: current failure count is [board_info $fc"
verbose "telnet_failure_check: board_info is [board_info $connhost failure_count]"
# Use the standard close proc from remote.exp
standard_close $connhost
# Die if we are over the limit
if {$fc >= $max_fc} {
error "Too many failures: $errmess"
56,9 → 76,11
# We seem to only pass in the first of the arguments supplied to the command.
# The timeout is a mess. It seems to always be 10, not the timeout needed to
# execute a regression test (typicall 300 seconds). Fixed by using our onw
# execute a regression test (typicall 300 seconds). Fixed by using our own
# timeout data.
# It also seems that only the first argument is passed.
# @param[in] hostname The board we are telnetting to
# @param[in] cmd The command to run
# @param[in] args Arguments to the command
67,14 → 89,25
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
proc telnet_exec {hostname cmd args} {
global timeout
global verbos
set output "(no output)"
global verbose
global spawn_id
# Save the old timeout, since its global, and we'll want to restore it.
set old_timeout $timeout
# Get the connected host name, if it exists. This code matches
# telnet_open.
verbose "telnet_exec: original hostname is $hostname"
verbose "Executing $hostname $cmd $args"
if {[board_info $hostname exists name]} {
set connhost [board_info $hostname name]
} else {
set connhost $hostname
verbose "telnet_exec: connhost is $connhost"
if [board_info $connhost exists hostname] {
set hostname [board_info $connhost hostname]
verbose "telnet_exec: hostname is $hostname"
# Get the first argument, if any.
if { [llength $args] > 0 } {
set pargs [lindex $args 0];
82,108 → 115,164
set pargs ""
verbose "telnet_exec: executing on $connhost, command \"$cmd\", pargs \"$pargs\""
# Just check if we have more args. Potentially a second arg is an input
# file.
if { [llength $args] > 1 } {
set tinp [lindex $args 1]
if {$tinp != {}} {
verbose "telnet_exec: long args: $args"
# Set the shell prompt
if [board_info $hostname exists shell_prompt] {
set shell_prompt [board_info $hostname shell_prompt]
if [board_info $connhost exists shell_prompt] {
set shell_prompt [board_info $connhost shell_prompt]
} elseif ![info exists shell_prompt] {
# if no prompt, then set it to something generic
set shell_prompt "\[^\r\n\]*\[$#\] "
if ![info exists shell_prompt] { # if no prompt, then set it to
something generic
set shell_prompt ".*> "
# Start a new telnet session if one doesn't already exist. If sucessful
# the fileid field associated with $hostname will be set to the spawn_id
# the fileid field associated with $connhost will be set to the spawn_id
# of the new telnet process.
if ![board_info $hostname exists fileid] {
if {[telnet_open $hostname] == -1} {
return [list -1
"telnet to $hostname failed for $cmd, couldn't begin telnet session"]
if ![board_info $connhost exists fileid] {
if {[telnet_open $connhost] == -1} {
return [list -1 "telnet to $hostname failed for $cmd, couldn't begin telnet session"]
# Make the telnet session the current process. Short timeout for this.
set spawn_id [board_info $hostname fileid]
set timeout 10
set spawn_id [board_info $connhost fileid]
set timeout 30
#Hit enter to make sure you get a shell prompt
send -- "\r"
send "\r"
expect {
# A prompt indicates the current session is alive
-re "$shell_prompt.*$" {
verbose "Got a prompt"
-re "$shell_prompt" {
verbose "telnet_exec: got prompt at start"
default {
# No response try closing the connection and reopening.
telnet_close $hostname
if {[telnet_open $hostname] != -1} {
verbose "problem: hostname is \"$hostname\""
verbose "started new telnet session, spawn_id is [board_info $hostname fileid]"
send -- "\r"
# Timeout or EOF. Die if we have had too many failures
telnet_failure_check $connhost "no prompt at telnet start"
# Try closing the connection and reopening.
telnet_close $connhost
if {[telnet_open $connhost] != -1} {
set spawn_id [board_info $connhost fileid]
verbose "telnet_exec: new telnet session, spawn_id: $spawn_id"
send "\r"
} else {
set timeout $old_timeout
return [list -1 "telnet to $hostname failed for $cmd, couldn't get
a shell prompt"]
return [list -1 "telnet to $hostname failed for $cmd, couldn't get a shell prompt"]
# I don't think we can get here. Comment out the old code and
# trigger an error
# send -- "\r"
# exp_continue
set timeout $old_timeout
error "Problem reconnecting to telnet."
# JPB to set custom timeout. Old timeout saved, so we can restore it,
# since it's global. Not sure why we only use the first of the arguments.
if [board_info $hostname exists telnet_exec_timeout] {
set timeout [board_info $hostname telnet_exec_timeout]
verbose "Telnet exec timeout set to $timeout"
# Send the command. We can't cope with any input, so only the first
# argument (group) is sent.
send "$cmd $pargs\r"
# We really should get the command echoed back immediately. This is a good
# way of slurping up unexpected prompts. We first swap out any characters
# from the command and args that might cause us grief.
regsub -all "\\+" "$cmd $pargs" "." cmdpargs
expect {
"$cmdpargs" {
verbose "telnet_exec: got command echoed back"
# Set the telnet command custom timeout to wait for the command
# prompt. Old timeout saved, so we can restore it, since it's global.
set old_timeout $timeout
if [board_info $connhost exists telnet_exec_timeout] {
set timeout [board_info $connhost telnet_exec_timeout]
verbose "telnet_exec: command timeout set to $timeout"
} else {
# Appropriate default
set timeout 300
verbose "Telnet exec timeout set to default value $timeout"
verbose "telnet_exec: command timeout set to default value $timeout"
send "$cmd $pargs\r"
expect {
-re "$shell_prompt.*$" {
-re "$shell_prompt" {
verbose "telnet_exec: got prompt after command"
timeout {
if [info exists expect_out(buffer)] {
set execute_output_string $expect_out(buffer)
default {
# Give up on timeout or EOF
set timeout $old_timeout
telnet_close $hostname
telnet_close $connhost
return [list -1 "telnet to $hostname for $cmd $pargs failed (timeout)"]
#Remove unnecessary strings from the output string
# Restore the old timeout
set timeout $old_timeout
#If the file path contains any "+" signs, it will mess things up when $cmd
#is used as a regsub pattern (2 lines down), so we replace all "+"s with "."
regsub -all "\\+" $cmd "." cmd
regsub -all $cmd "$expect_out(buffer)" {} output
regsub "\(~ \)?$shell_prompt" $output {} output
# Remove unnecessary strings from the output string
verbose "telnet_exec: command expect_out(buffer): \"$expect_out(buffer)\""
regsub -all $cmdpargs "$expect_out(buffer)" {} output
regsub "$shell_prompt" $output {} output
regsub -all "\[\r\n\]" $output {} output
#Check the return status. Use a short timeout for this.
if {$output == ""} {
set output "(no output)"
} else {
set output "\"$output\""
verbose "telnet_exec: command output $output"
# Check the return status. Use a short timeout for this.
set timeout 30
send -- "echo \$?\r"
expect -re "$shell_prompt.*$"
send "echo \$?\r"
#Regsub the output to get the status number
# Once again, look for the "echo" reflected back as a way of slurping up
# unexpected prompts. We don't worry about timeout here - we'll sort that
# out on the next one.
expect {
-re "echo \\$\\?" {
verbose "telnet_exec: got \"echo\" echoed back"
expect {
-re "$shell_prompt" {
verbose "telnet_exec: got status shell prompt"
default {
warning "No response to status request"
# Die if we have had too many failures like this.
telnet_failure_check $connhost "no shell prompt from status"
# See if another carriage return will prompt a response
send "\r"
# Regsub the output to get the status number
verbose "telnet_exec: status expect_out(buffer): \"$expect_out(buffer)\""
regsub -all {echo \$\?} $expect_out(buffer) {} status
regsub "\(~ \)?$shell_prompt" $status {} status
regsub "$shell_prompt" $status {} status
regsub -all "\[\r\n \]" $status {} status
verbose "telnet_exec: status \"$status\""
#This probably isn't neccessary..
# This shouldn't be neccessary...
if {[regexp {[0123456789]+} $status] != 1} {
warning "status not a number, it is <$status>, setting it to 1"
warning "status not a number (\"$status\"), setting to 1"
verbose "telnet_exec: status (\"$status\"), expect_out(buffer): \"$expect_out(buffer)\""
set status 1
# Die if we have had too many failures like this.
telnet_failure_check $connhost "bad status"
# Restore timeout
371,7 → 460,7
set target_alias "or32-linux"
set_board_info connect telnet
set_board_info shell_prompt "# "
set_board_info shell_prompt "\[^\r\n\]*# "
set_board_info telnet_username "root"
set_board_info telnet_password ""
set_board_info telnet_exec_timeout 1200
22,7 → 22,7
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# IP list excluding all known IPs
ip_file=`dirname ${DEJAGNU}`/ip-avail.txt
# Keep using nmap until we get the same number of IP addresses twice running.

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