
Subversion Repositories plasma

Compare Revisions

  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 6 to Rev 7
    Reverse comparison

Rev 6 → Rev 7

18,6 → 18,8
-- convert will pull out the MIPS opcodes, and switch the executable
-- to Big Endian, and convert absolute jumps into relative jumps,
-- and save the opcodes in "code.txt".
-- The interrupt vector is set to address 0x30.
#undef putchar
0,0 → 1,161
| tracehex by Steve Rhoads 12/25/01
| This tool modifies trace files from the free VHDL simulator
| The binary numbers are converted to hex values.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#define BUF_SIZE (1024*1024)
char drop_char[10000];
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
FILE *file;
char *buf,*ptr_in,line[1000],*ptr_out;
int bytes,digits,value,isbinary,col,col_num,row,drop_cnt;
int col_index,line_index,back_count,temp;
/* Reading trace.txt */
if(file==NULL) {
printf("Can't open file\n");
return -1;
for(ptr_in=strstr(buf,"=");*ptr_in;++ptr_in) {
if(col<4||col==10||col==11||col==12) {
/* convert binary number to hex */
if(isbinary&&(*ptr_in=='0'||*ptr_in=='1')) {
} else if(isbinary&&*ptr_in=='Z') {
} else if(isbinary&&*ptr_in=='U') {
} else {
/* end of binary number? */
if(digits) {
if(value<100) {
/* test if digits not divisible by 4 */
if('0'<=ptr_out[-1]&&ptr_out[-1]<='9') {
/* adjust previous digit */
} else if('A'<=ptr_out[-1]&&ptr_out[-1]<='F') {
} else if(value<5000) {
} else {
if(*ptr_in=='\n') {
if(isspace(*ptr_in)) {
if(col>10) {
} else {
/* convert every four binary digits to a hex digit */
if(digits==4) {
if(value<100) {
} else if(value<5000) {
} else {
/* now process the header */
for(ptr_in=buf;*ptr_in;++ptr_in) {
if(*ptr_in=='=') {
if(*ptr_in=='\n') {
for(col_index=0;col_index<col;++col_index) {
if(drop_char[col_index]) {
while(line[line_index-back_count]!=' '&&back_count<10) {
if(line[line_index-back_count-1]!=' ') {
} else {
for(col_index=13;col_index<sizeof(drop_char);++col_index) {
if(drop_char[col_index]) {
return 0;
6,7 → 6,7
LINK=link /nologo /machine:MIPS /SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWSCE /entry:main \
/libpath:$(LIBPATH) /nodefaultlib /base:0x00000000
all: convert.exe mips.exe test.exe
all: convert.exe mips.exe test.exe tracehex.exe
convert.exe: convert.c
cl convert.c
15,7 → 15,7
cl mips.c
test.exe: test.c
$(CC) test.c -D SIMULATE
$(LINK) /out:test.exe / test.obj
mips test.exe DD > test.txt
22,4 → 22,7
mips test2.exe DD > test2.txt
mips test2.exe
tracehex.exe: tracehex.c
cl tracehex.c
30,6 → 30,22
-- The CPU is implemented as a two stage pipeline with step #1 in the
-- first stage and steps #2-8 occuring the second stage.
-- Writing to memory takes four cycles to meet RAM address hold times.
-- Addresses with a(31)='1' take two cycles (assumed to be clocked).
-- Here are the signals for writing a charater to address 0xffff:
-- mem_write
-- interrupt mem_byte_sel
-- reset mem_pause
-- ns mem_address m_data_w m_data_r
-- ===========================================
-- 6700 0 0 0 000002A4 ZZZZZZZZ A0AE0000 0 0 ( fetch write opcode)
-- 6800 0 0 0 000002B0 ZZZZZZZZ 0443FFF6 0 0 (1 fetch NEXT opcode)
-- 6900 0 0 1 0000FFFF 31313131 ZZZZZZZZ 0 0 (2 address hold)
-- 7000 0 0 1 0000FFFF 31313131 ZZZZZZZZ 0 1 (3 write the low byte)
-- 7100 0 0 1 0000FFFF 31313131 ZZZZZZZZ 0 0 (4 address hold)
-- 7200 0 0 0 000002B4 ZZZZZZZZ 00441806 0 0 ( execute NEXT opcode)
-- The CPU core was synthesized for 0.13 um line widths with an area
-- of 0.2 millimeters squared. The maximum latency was less than 6 ns
-- for a maximum clock speed of 150 MHz.
46,14 → 62,9
mem_address : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
mem_data_w : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
mem_data_r : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
mem_sel : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
mem_byte_sel: out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
mem_write : out std_logic;
mem_pause : in std_logic;
t_pc : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
t_opcode : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
t_r_dest : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0)
mem_pause : in std_logic);
end; --entity mips_cpu
architecture logic of mips_cpu is
95,6 → 106,7
component control
port(opcode : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
intr_signal : in std_logic;
pause_in : in std_logic;
rs_index : out std_logic_vector(5 downto 0);
rt_index : out std_logic_vector(5 downto 0);
rd_index : out std_logic_vector(5 downto 0);
189,6 → 201,7
signal nullify_op : std_logic;
signal intr_enable : std_logic;
signal intr_signal : std_logic;
signal reset_reg : std_logic;
begin --architecture
pause <= pause_mult or pause_memory;
197,11 → 210,12
c_bus <= c_alu or c_shift or c_mult;
--synchronize interrupt pin
intr_proc: process(clk, intr_in, intr_enable, pc_source, pc, pause)
--synchronize reset and interrupt pins
intr_proc: process(clk, reset_in, intr_in, intr_enable, pc_source, pc, pause)
if rising_edge(clk) then
--don't try to interrupt an multi-cycle instruction
reset_reg <= reset_in;
--don't try to interrupt a multi-cycle instruction
if intr_in = '1' and intr_enable = '1' and
pc_source = from_inc4 and
pc(2) = '0' and
216,7 → 230,7
u1: pc_next PORT MAP (
clk => clk,
reset_in => reset_in,
reset_in => reset_reg,
take_branch => take_branch,
pause_in => pause,
pc_new => c_alu(31 downto 2),
227,7 → 241,7
u2: mem_ctrl PORT MAP (
clk => clk,
reset_in => reset_in,
reset_in => reset_reg,
pause_in => pause,
nullify_op => nullify_op,
address_pc => pc,
242,7 → 256,7
mem_address => mem_address,
mem_data_w => mem_data_w,
mem_data_r => mem_data_r,
mem_byte_sel => mem_sel,
mem_byte_sel => mem_byte_sel,
mem_write => mem_write,
mem_pause => mem_pause);
249,6 → 263,7
u3: control PORT MAP (
opcode => opcode,
intr_signal => intr_signal,
pause_in => pause,
rs_index => rs_index,
rt_index => rt_index,
rd_index => rd_index,
313,9 → 328,5
c_mult => c_mult,
pause_out => pause_mult);
t_pc <= pc;
t_opcode <= opcode;
t_r_dest <= reg_dest;
end; --architecture logic
58,9 → 58,10
storage(index) := data;
index := index + 1;
end loop;
assert false report "done reading code" severity note;
--assert false report "done reading code" severity note;
wait on clk; --wait for line noise to go away
wait on mem_address;
wait on clk, mem_address, mem_write;
67,7 → 68,7
--support putchar() when writing to address 0xffff
if rising_edge(clk) then
if mem_write = '1' and mem_address = ONES(15 downto 0) then
if mem_byte_sel(0) = '1' and mem_address = ONES(15 downto 0) then
index := conv_integer(mem_data_w(6 downto 0));
if index /= 10 then
c := character'val(index);
86,6 → 87,8
if mem_write = '0' then
mem_data_r <= data;
mem_data_r <= HIGH_Z; --ZERO;
end if;
if mem_byte_sel(0) = '1' then
data(7 downto 0) := mem_data_w(7 downto 0);
23,6 → 23,7
entity control is
port(opcode : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
intr_signal : in std_logic;
pause_in : in std_logic;
rs_index : out std_logic_vector(5 downto 0);
rt_index : out std_logic_vector(5 downto 0);
rd_index : out std_logic_vector(5 downto 0);
408,6 → 409,10
rd := "000000";
end if;
if pause_in = '1' then
rd := "000000";
end if;
if intr_signal = '1' then
rs := "111111"; --interrupt vector
rt := "000000";
95,11 → 95,7
c := ZERO;
end case;
-- if alu_function = alu_nothing then
-- else
c_alu <= c;
-- end if;
c_alu <= c;
end process;
end; --architecture logic
9,6 → 9,8
-- Implements the multiplication and division unit.
-- Normally takes 32 clock cycles.
-- if b(31 downto 16) = ZERO(31 downto 16) then mult in 16 cycles.
-- if b(31 downto 8) = ZERO(31 downto 8) then mult in 8 cycles.
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
104,7 → 106,7
end if;
b_temp(30 downto 0) := ZERO(30 downto 0);
else --multiply
b_temp := zero & b;
b_temp := ZERO & b;
end if;
elsif do_write = '1' then
if do_hi = '0' then
148,10 → 150,15
end if;
b_temp(30 downto 0) := reg_b(31 downto 1);
if count_reg = "010000" and --early stop
reg_b(15 downto 0) = zero(15 downto 0) then
reg_b(15 downto 0) = ZERO(15 downto 0) then
count_temp := "111111";
b_temp(31 downto 0) := reg_b(47 downto 16);
end if;
if count_reg = "001000" and --early stop
reg_b(23 downto 0) = ZERO(23 downto 0) then
count_temp := "111111";
b_temp(31 downto 0) := reg_b(55 downto 24);
end if;
end if;
end if;
174,7 → 181,6
elsif mult_func = mult_read_hi then
c_mult <= reg_b(63 downto 32);
c_mult <= ZERO;
end if;
87,7 → 87,7
cmux: process(c_bus, c_memory, c_pc, c_pc_plus4, imm_in, c_mux)
case c_mux is
when c_from_alu | c_from_shift | c_from_mult =>
when c_from_alu => -- | c_from_shift | c_from_mult =>
reg_dest_out <= c_bus;
when c_from_memory =>
reg_dest_out <= c_memory;
9,6 → 9,7
-- Memory controller for the MIPS CPU.
-- Supports Big or Little Endian mode.
-- Four cycles for a write unless a(31)='1' then two cycles.
-- This entity could implement interfaces to:
-- Data cache
-- Address cache
46,32 → 47,38
constant little_endian : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0) := "00";
signal opcode_reg : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
signal next_opcode_reg : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
signal setup_done : std_logic;
subtype setup_state_type is std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
signal setup_state : setup_state_type;
constant STATE_FETCH : setup_state_type := "00";
constant STATE_ADDR : setup_state_type := "01";
constant STATE_WRITE : setup_state_type := "10";
constant STATE_PAUSE : setup_state_type := "11";
mem_proc: process(clk, reset_in, pause_in, nullify_op,
address_pc, address_data, mem_source, data_write,
mem_data_r, mem_pause,
opcode_reg, next_opcode_reg, setup_done)
opcode_reg, next_opcode_reg, setup_state)
variable data, datab : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
variable opcode_temp : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
variable byte_sel_temp : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
variable write_temp : std_logic;
variable setup_done_var : std_logic;
variable opcode_next : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
variable byte_sel_next : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
variable write_next : std_logic;
variable setup_state_next : setup_state_type;
variable pause : std_logic;
variable address_temp : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
variable address_next : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
variable bits : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
variable mem_data_w_v : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
byte_sel_temp := "0000";
write_temp := '0';
byte_sel_next := "0000";
write_next := '0';
pause := '0';
setup_done_var := setup_done;
setup_state_next := setup_state;
address_temp := address_pc;
address_next := address_pc;
data := mem_data_r;
datab := ZERO;
mem_data_w_v := ZERO;
case mem_source is
when mem_read32 =>
101,75 → 108,100
datab(31 downto 8) := ONES(31 downto 8);
end if;
when mem_write32 =>
write_temp := '1';
write_next := '1';
mem_data_w_v := data_write;
byte_sel_temp := "1111";
byte_sel_next := "1111";
when mem_write16 =>
write_temp := '1';
write_next := '1';
mem_data_w_v := data_write(15 downto 0) & data_write(15 downto 0);
if address_data(1) = little_endian(1) then
byte_sel_temp := "1100";
byte_sel_next := "1100";
byte_sel_temp := "0011";
byte_sel_next := "0011";
end if;
when mem_write8 =>
write_temp := '1';
write_next := '1';
mem_data_w_v := data_write(7 downto 0) & data_write(7 downto 0) &
data_write(7 downto 0) & data_write(7 downto 0);
bits := address_data(1 downto 0) xor little_endian;
case bits is
when "00" =>
byte_sel_temp := "1000";
byte_sel_next := "1000";
when "01" =>
byte_sel_temp := "0100";
byte_sel_next := "0100";
when "10" =>
byte_sel_temp := "0010";
byte_sel_next := "0010";
when others =>
byte_sel_temp := "0001";
byte_sel_next := "0001";
end case;
when others =>
end case;
opcode_temp := opcode_reg;
opcode_next := opcode_reg;
if mem_source = mem_none then
setup_done_var := '0';
setup_state_next := STATE_FETCH;
if pause_in = '0' and mem_pause = '0' then
opcode_temp := data;
opcode_next := data;
end if;
pause := not setup_done;
setup_done_var := '1';
if setup_done = '1' then
address_temp := address_data;
if setup_state = STATE_FETCH then
pause := '1';
byte_sel_next := "0000";
setup_state_next := STATE_ADDR;
elsif setup_state = STATE_ADDR then
address_next := address_data;
if write_next ='1' and address_data(31) = '0' then
pause := '1';
byte_sel_next := "0000";
setup_state_next := STATE_WRITE; --4 cycle access
if mem_pause = '0' then
opcode_next := next_opcode_reg;
setup_state_next := STATE_FETCH; --2 cycle access
end if;
end if;
elsif setup_state = STATE_WRITE then
pause := '1';
address_next := address_data;
if mem_pause = '0' then
opcode_temp := next_opcode_reg;
setup_done_var := '0';
setup_state_next := STATE_PAUSE;
end if;
elsif setup_state = STATE_PAUSE then
address_next := address_data;
byte_sel_next := "0000";
opcode_next := next_opcode_reg;
setup_state_next := STATE_FETCH;
end if;
end if;
if nullify_op = '1' then
opcode_temp := ZERO; --NOP
opcode_next := ZERO; --NOP
end if;
if reset_in = '1' then
setup_done_var := '0';
opcode_temp := ZERO;
setup_state_next := STATE_FETCH;
opcode_next := ZERO;
end if;
if rising_edge(clk) then
opcode_reg <= opcode_temp;
if setup_done = '0' then
opcode_reg <= opcode_next;
if setup_state = STATE_FETCH then
next_opcode_reg <= data;
end if;
setup_done <= setup_done_var;
setup_state <= setup_state_next;
end if;
opcode_out <= opcode_reg;
data_read <= datab;
pause_out <= mem_pause or pause;
mem_byte_sel <= byte_sel_temp;
mem_address <= address_temp;
mem_write <= write_temp and setup_done;
mem_data_w <= mem_data_w_v;
mem_byte_sel <= byte_sel_next;
mem_address <= address_next;
if write_next = '1' and setup_state /= STATE_FETCH then
mem_write <= '1';
mem_data_w <= mem_data_w_v;
mem_write <= '0';
mem_data_w <= HIGH_Z; --ZERO;
end if;
end process; --data_proc
14,9 → 14,7
use work.mips_pack.all;
entity tbench is
port(clk_out : out std_logic;
pc : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0)
port(clk_out : out std_logic);
end; --entity tbench
architecture logic of tbench is
29,14 → 27,9
mem_address : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
mem_data_w : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
mem_data_r : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
mem_sel : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
mem_byte_sel: out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
mem_write : out std_logic;
mem_pause : in std_logic;
t_pc : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
t_opcode : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
t_r_dest : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0)
mem_pause : in std_logic);
end component;
component ram
49,26 → 42,22
mem_data_r : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0));
end component;
signal clk : std_logic := '0';
signal reset : std_logic := '1'; --, '0' after 100 ns;
signal clk : std_logic := '1';
signal reset : std_logic := '1';
signal interrupt : std_logic := '0';
signal mem_sel : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
signal mem_write : std_logic;
signal mem_address : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
signal mem_data_w : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
signal mem_data_r : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
signal mem_pause : std_logic;
signal t_pc : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
signal t_opcode : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
signal t_r_dest : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
signal mem_byte_sel: std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
begin --architecture
clk <= not clk after 50 ns;
reset <= '0' after 100 ns;
reset <= '0' after 320 ns;
mem_pause <= '0';
--Uncomment the line below to test interrupts
-- interrupt <= '1' after 10000 ns when interrupt = '0' else '0' after 600 ns;
-- interrupt <= '1' after 10 us when interrupt = '0' else '0' after 600 ns;
u1: mips_cpu PORT MAP (
clk => clk,
78,14 → 67,10
mem_address => mem_address,
mem_data_w => mem_data_w,
mem_data_r => mem_data_r,
mem_sel => mem_byte_sel,
mem_byte_sel => mem_byte_sel,
mem_write => mem_write,
mem_pause => mem_pause,
mem_pause => mem_pause);
t_pc => t_pc,
t_opcode => t_opcode,
t_r_dest => t_r_dest);
u2: ram generic map ("code.txt")
clk => clk,
96,7 → 81,6
mem_data_r => mem_data_r);
clk_out <= clk;
pc <= t_pc;
end; --architecture logic
96,7 → 96,6
end if;
end if; --shift_dir
if shift_func = shift_nothing then
c_shift <= ZERO;
c_shift <= shift16;
17,6 → 17,9
constant ONES : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) :=
--make HIGH_Z equal to ZERO if compiler complains
constant HIGH_Z : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) :=
-- type alu_function_type is (alu_nothing, alu_add, alu_subtract,
-- alu_less_than, alu_less_than_signed, alu_equal, alu_not_equal,
79,16 → 82,16
-- type c_source_type is (from_null, from_alu, from_shift,
-- from_mult, from_memory, from_pc, from_imm_shift16,
-- from_reg_source_nez, from_reg_source_eqz);
subtype c_source_type is std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
constant c_from_alu : c_source_type := "0000";
constant c_from_shift : c_source_type := "0001";
constant c_from_mult : c_source_type := "0010";
constant c_from_memory : c_source_type := "0011";
constant c_from_pc : c_source_type := "0100";
constant c_from_pc_plus4 : c_source_type := "0101";
constant c_from_imm_shift16: c_source_type := "0110";
constant c_from_reg_sourcen: c_source_type := "0111";
constant c_from_null : c_source_type := "1000";
subtype c_source_type is std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
constant c_from_null : c_source_type := "000";
constant c_from_alu : c_source_type := "001";
constant c_from_shift : c_source_type := "001"; --same as alu
constant c_from_mult : c_source_type := "001"; --same as alu
constant c_from_memory : c_source_type := "010";
constant c_from_pc : c_source_type := "011";
constant c_from_pc_plus4 : c_source_type := "100";
constant c_from_imm_shift16: c_source_type := "101";
constant c_from_reg_sourcen: c_source_type := "110";
-- type pc_source_type is (from_inc4, from_inc8, from_reg_source,
-- from_opcode25_0, from_branch, from_lbranch);
0,0 → 1,4
add list /u1/pc /u1/opcode /u1/*
#add list /tbench/*
SetListStyle nodelta collapse
SetListInterval 0us 1ms
trunk/vhdl/simili.cmd Property changes : Added: svn:executable ## -0,0 +1 ## +* \ No newline at end of property Index: trunk/vhdl/makefile =================================================================== --- trunk/vhdl/makefile (revision 6) +++ trunk/vhdl/makefile (revision 7) @@ -1,52 +1,74 @@ -VHD = mips_pack alu bus_mux control mem_ctrl mult pc_next reg_bank shifter \ - mips_cpu +#Makefile for MIPS-lite -all: work/tbench/_primary.dat +#for ModelSim +#WORK_DIR = work +#DEP_FILE = _primary.dat +#COMPILE = vcom -check_synthesis -work/mips_pack/_primary.dat: mips_pack.vhd - vcom -check_synthesis mips_pack.vhd +#for FREE VHDL simulator +WORK_DIR = work.sym +DEP_FILE = prim.dep +COMPILE = vhdlp -s -work/alu/_primary.dat: mips_pack.vhd alu.vhd - vcom -check_synthesis alu.vhd +all: $(WORK_DIR)/tbench/$(DEP_FILE) -work/bus_mux/_primary.dat: mips_pack.vhd bus_mux.vhd - vcom -check_synthesis bus_mux.vhd +run: all + -@echo off > output.txt + -@echo on + -@start tail -f output.txt + vhdle -t 10ms tbench + -@diff output.txt ../tools/output.txt -work/control/_primary.dat: mips_pack.vhd control.vhd - vcom -check_synthesis control.vhd +simulate: all + vhdle -s -t 10us tbench -do simili.cmd -list trace.txt + -@..\tools\tracehex + -@ed trace2.txt -work/mem_ctrl/_primary.dat: mips_pack.vhd mem_ctrl.vhd - vcom -check_synthesis mem_ctrl.vhd +$(WORK_DIR)/mips_pack/$(DEP_FILE): mips_pack.vhd + $(COMPILE) mips_pack.vhd -work/mult/_primary.dat: mips_pack.vhd mult.vhd - vcom -check_synthesis mult.vhd +$(WORK_DIR)/alu/$(DEP_FILE): mips_pack.vhd alu.vhd + $(COMPILE) alu.vhd -work/pc_next/_primary.dat: mips_pack.vhd pc_next.vhd - vcom -check_synthesis pc_next.vhd +$(WORK_DIR)/bus_mux/$(DEP_FILE): mips_pack.vhd bus_mux.vhd + $(COMPILE) bus_mux.vhd -work/reg_bank/_primary.dat: mips_pack.vhd reg_bank.vhd - vcom -check_synthesis reg_bank.vhd +$(WORK_DIR)/control/$(DEP_FILE): mips_pack.vhd control.vhd + $(COMPILE) control.vhd -work/shifter/_primary.dat: mips_pack.vhd shifter.vhd - vcom -check_synthesis shifter.vhd +$(WORK_DIR)/mem_ctrl/$(DEP_FILE): mips_pack.vhd mem_ctrl.vhd + $(COMPILE) mem_ctrl.vhd -work/mips_cpu/_primary.dat: mips_cpu.vhd \ - work/mips_pack/_primary.dat \ - work/alu/_primary.dat \ - work/bus_mux/_primary.dat \ - work/control/_primary.dat \ - work/mem_ctrl/_primary.dat \ - work/mult/_primary.dat \ - work/pc_next/_primary.dat \ - work/reg_bank/_primary.dat \ - work/shifter/_primary.dat - vcom -check_synthesis mips_cpu.vhd +$(WORK_DIR)/mult/$(DEP_FILE): mips_pack.vhd mult.vhd + $(COMPILE) mult.vhd -work/ram/_primary.dat: ram.vhd - vcom -explicit ram.vhd +$(WORK_DIR)/pc_next/$(DEP_FILE): mips_pack.vhd pc_next.vhd + $(COMPILE) pc_next.vhd -work/tbench/_primary.dat: tbench.vhd \ - work/mips_cpu/_primary.dat \ - work/ram/_primary.dat - vcom tbench.vhd +$(WORK_DIR)/reg_bank/$(DEP_FILE): mips_pack.vhd reg_bank.vhd + $(COMPILE) reg_bank.vhd +$(WORK_DIR)/shifter/$(DEP_FILE): mips_pack.vhd shifter.vhd + $(COMPILE) shifter.vhd + +$(WORK_DIR)/mips_cpu/$(DEP_FILE): mips_cpu.vhd \ + $(WORK_DIR)/mips_pack/$(DEP_FILE) \ + $(WORK_DIR)/alu/$(DEP_FILE) \ + $(WORK_DIR)/bus_mux/$(DEP_FILE) \ + $(WORK_DIR)/control/$(DEP_FILE) \ + $(WORK_DIR)/mem_ctrl/$(DEP_FILE) \ + $(WORK_DIR)/mult/$(DEP_FILE) \ + $(WORK_DIR)/pc_next/$(DEP_FILE) \ + $(WORK_DIR)/reg_bank/$(DEP_FILE) \ + $(WORK_DIR)/shifter/$(DEP_FILE) + $(COMPILE) mips_cpu.vhd + +$(WORK_DIR)/ram/$(DEP_FILE): mips_pack.vhd ram.vhd + $(COMPILE) -87 ram.vhd + +$(WORK_DIR)/tbench/$(DEP_FILE): mips_pack.vhd tbench.vhd \ + $(WORK_DIR)/mips_pack/$(DEP_FILE) \ + $(WORK_DIR)/mips_cpu/$(DEP_FILE) \ + $(WORK_DIR)/ram/$(DEP_FILE) + $(COMPILE) tbench.vhd +

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