
Subversion Repositories aes3rx

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    from Rev 7 to Rev 8
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Rev 7 → Rev 8

1,221 → 1,286
-- Company: Czech Television
-- Engineer: Petr Nohavica
-- Create Date: 09:02:45 05/09/2009
-- Module Name: aes3rx - Behavioral
-- Project Name: AES3 minimalistic receiver
-- Target Devices: Spartan 3
-- Company: Czech Television
-- Engineer: Petr Nohavica
-- Create Date: 09:02:45 05/09/2009
-- Module Name: aes3rx - Behavioral
-- Project Name: AES3 minimalistic receiver
-- Target Devices: Spartan 3
-- Tool versions: ISE 10.1
-- Revision:
-- Revision 0.01 - File Created
library IEEE;
library IEEE;
entity aes3rx is
generic (
reg_width : integer := 5
port (
clk : in std_logic; -- master clock
aes3 : in std_logic; -- input
reset : in std_logic; -- synchronous reset
sdata : out std_logic := '0'; -- output serial data
sclk : out std_logic := '0'; -- output serial data clock
bsync : out std_logic := '0'; -- block start (high when Z subframe is being transmitted)
fsync : out std_logic := '0'; -- frame sync (high for channel A, low for B)
active: out std_logic := '0' -- receiver has valid data on its outputs
end aes3rx;
architecture Behavioral of aes3rx is
constant X_PREAMBLE : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := "01000111"; -- X preamble bit sequence
constant Y_PREAMBLE : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := "00100111"; -- Y preamble bit sequence
constant Z_PREAMBLE : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := "00010111"; -- Z preamble bit sequence
signal aes3_sync : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) := (others => '0'); -- input shift reg for double sampling, change detection and input delaying
signal change : std_logic := '0'; -- signal signifying a change on the input
signal aes3_clk : std_logic := '0'; -- recovered clock signal (actually a stream of pulses on supposed clock edges for implementation on single edge driven FFs)
signal decoder_shift : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := (others => '0'); -- decoder shift reg for preamble detection and logical state decoding
signal align_counter : std_logic := '0'; -- 1 bit counter reset on preamble detection, provides correct bit alignement for decoder
signal clk_counter : std_logic_vector(reg_width - 1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); -- counter for aes3 clock regeneration
signal dur_counter : std_logic_vector(reg_width + 1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); -- counts durration (in clk periods) of current input invariant state (i.e. from "edge to edge")
signal upd_timer : std_logic_vector(5 downto 0) := (others => '0'); -- timer counting input changes
signal reg_reset : std_logic := '0'; -- resets reg_shortest on upd_timer overflow
signal reg_shortest : std_logic_vector(reg_width - 1 downto 0) := (others => '1'); -- stores durration of shortest measured input invariant state
signal reg_shortest_ref : std_logic_vector(reg_width - 1 downto 0) := (others => '1'); -- copied from reg_shortest on update counter overflow, serves as reference for aes3 clock regeneration
signal sdata_int : std_logic := '0'; -- internal sdata signal
signal bsync_int : std_logic := '0'; -- internal bsync signal
signal fsync_int : std_logic := '0'; -- internal fsync signal
signal active_int : std_logic := '0'; -- internal active signal
signal sync_ok : std_logic := '0'; -- set high on preamble detection, set low on timeout
signal timeout : std_logic := '1'; -- when input pulse is too long, set high
-- input_shift_reg_proc
-- Carries out input double sampling in
-- order to avoid metastable states on FFs
-- and creation of delayed signals for
-- change detector (1 clk period) and
-- decoder (2 clk periods)
input_shift_reg_proc: process (clk)
if clk'event and clk = '1' then
if reset = '1' then
aes3_sync <= (others => '0');
aes3_sync <= aes3 & aes3_sync(3 downto 1); -- synthetizes shift reg
end if;
end if;
end process;
-- change_detect_proc
-- Detects edge on sampled input in the
-- way of comparsion of delayed input
-- and current state on XOR gate
change_detect_proc: process (clk)
if clk'event and clk = '1' then
if reset = '1' then
change <= '0';
change <= '0';
if aes3_sync(2) /= aes3_sync(1) then
change <= '1';
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process;
-- shortest_pulse_dur_cnt_proc
-- dur_counter counts number of clocks
-- between two input transitions and thus
-- effeciently measuring input pulse
-- (relative) durration. When input
-- changes its state, counter value is
-- compared with reg_shortest and if
-- counter's value is smaller than
-- register's one, reg_shortest is updated
-- from the counter.
shortest_pulse_dur_cnt_proc: process (clk)
if clk'event and clk = '1' then
if reset = '1' then
reg_shortest <= (others => '1');
dur_counter <= (others => '0');
if change = '1' then
timeout <= '0';
if dur_counter < reg_shortest then
reg_shortest <= dur_counter(reg_width - 1 downto 0);
end if;
dur_counter <= (others => '0');
elsif dur_counter = 2**(reg_width + 2) - 1 then
timeout <= '1';
dur_counter <= dur_counter + 1;
end if;
if reg_reset = '1' then
reg_shortest <= (others => '1');
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process;
entity aes3rx is
generic (
reg_width : integer := 5
port (
clk : in std_logic; -- master clock
aes3 : in std_logic; -- input
reset : in std_logic; -- synchronous reset
--ch_a : out std_logic_vector(27 downto 0) := (others => '0'); -- channel A output register
--ch_b : out std_logic_vector(27 downto 0) := (others => '0'); -- channel B output register
--ch_a_w: out std_logic := '0'; -- channel A reg has new data (active high for one clk period)
--ch_b_w: out std_logic := '0'; -- channel B reg has new data (active high for one clk period)
sdata : out std_logic := '0';
sclk : out std_logic := '0';
bsync : out std_logic := '0'; -- block start (active high for one clk period)
fsync : out std_logic := '0';
active: out std_logic := '0' -- receiver has valid data on its outputs
end aes3rx;
-- register_update_timer_proc
-- upd_timer is incremented by one when
-- change is detected on input. When 63
-- changes count is reached, reg_shortest
-- is copied to reg_shortest_ref and
-- reg_reset (which resets reg_shortest
-- in shortest_pulse_dur_cnt_proc) is
-- raised. 63 change count guarantees that
-- there was at least one "short" pulse
-- on input.
register_update_timer_proc: process (clk)
if clk'event and clk = '1' then
reg_reset <= '0';
if reset = '1' then
reg_shortest_ref <= (others => '1');
upd_timer <= (others => '0');
if change = '1' then
if upd_timer = 63 then
reg_shortest_ref <= reg_shortest;
reg_reset <= '1';
end if;
upd_timer <= upd_timer + 1;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process;
architecture Behavioral of aes3rx is
constant X_PREAMBLE : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := "01000111";
constant Y_PREAMBLE : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := "00100111";
constant Z_PREAMBLE : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := "00010111";
signal aes3_sync : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) := (others => '0'); -- input shift reg for double sampling, change detection and input delaying
signal change : std_logic := '0'; -- signal signifying a change on the input
signal aes3_clk : std_logic := '0'; -- recovered clock signal (actually a stream of pulses on supposed clock edges for implementation on single edge driven FFs)
signal decoder_shift : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := (others => '0');
signal align_counter : std_logic := '0';
signal clk_counter : std_logic_vector(reg_width - 1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); -- counter for aes3 clock regeneration
signal dur_counter : std_logic_vector(reg_width + 1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); -- counts durration (in clk periods) of current input invariant state (i.e. from "edge to edge")
signal upd_timer : std_logic_vector(5 downto 0) := (others => '0'); -- timer counting input changes
signal reg_reset : std_logic := '0'; -- resets reg_shortest on upd_timer overflow
signal reg_shortest : std_logic_vector(reg_width - 1 downto 0) := (others => '1'); -- stores durration of shortest measured input invariant state
signal reg_shortest_ref : std_logic_vector(reg_width - 1 downto 0) := (others => '1'); -- copied from reg_shortest on update counter overflows, serves as reference for aes3 clock regeneration
signal sdata_int : std_logic := '0';
signal bsync_int : std_logic := '0';
signal fsync_int : std_logic := '0';
signal sync_ok : std_logic := '0';
signal active_int : std_logic := '0';
signal timeout : std_logic := '1';
-- aes3_clk_regen_proc
-- Process regenerating clock from input.
-- When clk_counter counts to zero, pulse
-- one master clock period wide is created
-- on aes3_clk and counter is loaded with
-- reg_shortest_ref, which stores
-- supposed input clock half period
-- (relatively to master clock, indeed).
-- When change on input is detected,
-- clk_counter is loaded with approx. half
-- of reg_shortest_reg, thus ensuring that
-- next pulse will be generated in the
-- middle of input invariant state and
-- aes3_clk is effectively resynchronized
-- with input. aes3_clk is then
-- delayed by approx. one half of shortest
-- input pulse with respect to input
-- changes to provide decoder ideal
-- sampling moments and to ensure that,
-- when there are no transitions on input
-- (and aes3_clk is in "free run"),
-- there will be accurate clock pulse
-- count generated.
aes3_clk_regen_proc: process (clk)
if clk'event and clk = '1' then
if reset = '1' then
clk_counter <= (others => '0');
aes3_clk <= '0';
clk_counter <= clk_counter - 1;
aes3_clk <= '0';
if change = '1' then
clk_counter <= '0' & reg_shortest_ref(reg_width - 1 downto 1);
elsif clk_counter = 0 then
clk_counter <= reg_shortest_ref;
aes3_clk <= '1';
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process;
-- input_shift_reg_proc
-- Carries out input double sampling in
-- order to avoid metastable states on FFs
-- and creation of delayed signals for
-- change detector (1 clk period) and
-- decoder (2 clk periods)
input_shift_reg_proc: process (clk)
if clk'event and clk = '1' then
if reset = '1' then
aes3_sync <= (others => '0');
aes3_sync <= aes3 & aes3_sync(3 downto 1); -- synthetizes shift reg
end if;
end if;
end process;
-- change_detect_proc
-- Detects edge on sampled input in the
-- way of comparsion of delayed input
-- and current state on XOR gate
change_detect_proc: process (clk)
if clk'event and clk = '1' then
if reset = '1' then
change <= '0';
change <= '0';
if aes3_sync(2) /= aes3_sync(1) then
change <= '1';
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process;
shortest_pulse_dur_cnt_proc: process (clk)
if clk'event and clk = '1' then
if reset = '1' then
reg_shortest <= (others => '1');
dur_counter <= (others => '0');
if change = '1' then
timeout <= '0';
if dur_counter < reg_shortest then
reg_shortest <= dur_counter(reg_width - 1 downto 0);
end if;
dur_counter <= (others => '0');
elsif dur_counter = 2**(reg_width + 2) - 1 then
timeout <= '1';
dur_counter <= dur_counter + 1;
end if;
if reg_reset = '1' then
reg_shortest <= (others => '1');
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process;
register_update_timer_proc: process (clk)
if clk'event and clk = '1' then
reg_reset <= '0';
if reset = '1' then
reg_shortest_ref <= (others => '1');
upd_timer <= (others => '0');
if change = '1' then
if upd_timer = 63 then
reg_shortest_ref <= reg_shortest;
reg_reset <= '1';
end if;
upd_timer <= upd_timer + 1;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process;
aes3_clk_regen_proc: process (clk)
if clk'event and clk = '1' then
if reset = '1' then
clk_counter <= (others => '0');
aes3_clk <= '0';
clk_counter <= clk_counter - 1;
aes3_clk <= '0';
if change = '1' then
clk_counter <= '0' & reg_shortest_ref(reg_width - 1 downto 1);
elsif clk_counter = 0 then
clk_counter <= reg_shortest_ref;
aes3_clk <= '1';
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process;
decoder_shift_reg_proc: process (clk)
if clk'event and clk = '1' then
if reset = '1' then
decoder_shift <= (others => '0');
elsif aes3_clk = '1' then
decoder_shift <= aes3_sync(0) & decoder_shift(7 downto 1);
end if;
end if;
end process;
decoder_proc: process (clk)
if clk'event and clk = '1' then
if timeout = '1' then
sync_ok <= '0';
end if;
if aes3_clk = '1' then
align_counter <= not align_counter;
if decoder_shift = X_PREAMBLE or decoder_shift = not X_PREAMBLE then
fsync_int <= '1';
bsync_int <= '0';
sync_ok <= '1';
align_counter <= '0';
elsif decoder_shift = Y_PREAMBLE or decoder_shift = not Y_PREAMBLE then
fsync_int <= '0';
bsync_int <= '0';
sync_ok <= '1';
align_counter <= '0';
elsif decoder_shift = Z_PREAMBLE or decoder_shift = not Z_PREAMBLE then
fsync_int <= '1';
bsync_int <= '1';
sync_ok <= '1';
align_counter <= '0';
end if;
if align_counter = '1' then
if decoder_shift(1) = decoder_shift(0) then
sdata_int <= '0';
sdata_int <= '1';
end if;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process;
active_int <= sync_ok and not timeout;
sclk <= align_counter and active_int;
sdata <= sdata_int and active_int;
fsync <= fsync_int and active_int;
bsync <= bsync_int and active_int;
active <= active_int;
end Behavioral;
-- decoder_shift_reg_proc
-- Eight bit shift register for preamble
-- detection and decoder functionality.
decoder_shift_reg_proc: process (clk)
if clk'event and clk = '1' then
if reset = '1' then
decoder_shift <= (others => '0');
elsif aes3_clk = '1' then
decoder_shift <= aes3_sync(0) & decoder_shift(7 downto 1);
end if;
end if;
end process;
-- decoder_proc
-- Compares shift register with preamble
-- bit sequences and when one is detected,
-- accoridngly changes sync signals and
-- resets bit alignment counter
-- (align_counter). Data is decoded when
-- align_counter is high.
decoder_proc: process (clk)
if clk'event and clk = '1' then
if reset = '1' then
fsync_int <= '0';
bsync_int <= '0';
sync_ok <= '0';
align_counter <= '0';
if timeout = '1' then
sync_ok <= '0';
end if;
if aes3_clk = '1' then
align_counter <= not align_counter;
if decoder_shift = X_PREAMBLE or decoder_shift = not X_PREAMBLE then
fsync_int <= '1';
bsync_int <= '0';
sync_ok <= '1';
align_counter <= '0';
elsif decoder_shift = Y_PREAMBLE or decoder_shift = not Y_PREAMBLE then
fsync_int <= '0';
bsync_int <= '0';
sync_ok <= '1';
align_counter <= '0';
elsif decoder_shift = Z_PREAMBLE or decoder_shift = not Z_PREAMBLE then
fsync_int <= '1';
bsync_int <= '1';
sync_ok <= '1';
align_counter <= '0';
end if;
if align_counter = '1' then
if decoder_shift(1) = decoder_shift(0) then
sdata_int <= '0';
sdata_int <= '1';
end if;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process;
active_int <= sync_ok and not timeout and not reset;
sclk <= align_counter and active_int;
sdata <= sdata_int and active_int;
fsync <= fsync_int and active_int;
bsync <= bsync_int and active_int;
active <= active_int;
end Behavioral;

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