
Subversion Repositories 8051

Compare Revisions

  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 74 to Rev 75
    Reverse comparison

Rev 74 → Rev 75

0,0 → 1,277
//// ////
//// 8051 cores sfr top level module ////
//// ////
//// This file is part of the 8051 cores project ////
//// ////
//// ////
//// Description ////
//// special function registers for oc8051 ////
//// ////
//// To Do: ////
//// nothing ////
//// ////
//// Author(s): ////
//// - Simon Teran, ////
//// ////
//// ////
//// Copyright (C) 2000 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG ////
//// ////
//// This source file may be used and distributed without ////
//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not ////
//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains ////
//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. ////
//// ////
//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it ////
//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General ////
//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; ////
//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any ////
//// later version. ////
//// ////
//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be ////
//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied ////
//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more ////
//// details. ////
//// ////
//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General ////
//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it ////
//// from ////
//// ////
// CVS Revision History
// $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $
// synopsys translate_off
`include "oc8051_timescale.v"
// synopsys translate_on
module oc8051_sfr (rst, clk, adr0, adr1, dat0, dat1, dat2, we, bit_in, bit_out, wr_bit, wad2, acc,
rd_x, xdata, ram_wr_sel, ram_rd_sel, sp, bank_sel, desAc, desOv, psw_set, srcAc, cy, rmw,
p0_out, p1_out, p2_out, p3_out, p0_in, p1_in, p2_in, p3_in, rxd, txd, int_ack, intr, int0,
int1, reti, int_src, t0, t1, dptr_hi, dptr_lo);
// rst (in) reset - pin
// clk (in) clock - pin
// adr0, adr1 (in) address input
// dat0 (out) data output
// dat1 (in) data input
// dat2
// we (in) write enable
// bit_in
// bit_out
// wr_bit
// ram_rd_sel
// ram_wr_sel
// acc:
// wad2
// acc
// rd_x
// xdata
// sp:
// sp
// psw:
// bank_sel
// desAc
// desOv
// psw_set
// srcAc
// cy
// ports:
// rmw
// px_out
// px_in
// serial interface:
// rxd
// txd
// interrupt interface:
// int_ack
// intr
// int0, int1
// reti
// int_src
// timers/counters:
// t0
// t1
// dptr:
// dptr_hi
// dptr_lo
input rst, clk, we, bit_in, wad2, desAc, desOv, rmw, rxd, int_ack, int0, int1, reti, wr_bit, rd_x;
input [1:0] ram_rd_sel, psw_set;
input [2:0] ram_wr_sel;
input [7:0] adr0, adr1, dat1, dat2, p0_in, p1_in, p2_in, p3_in, xdata;
output bit_out, txd, intr, t0, t1, srcAc, cy;
output [1:0] bank_sel;
output [7:0] dat0, p0_out, p1_out, p2_out, p3_out, int_src, dptr_hi, dptr_lo, acc, sp;
reg bit_out;
reg [7:0] dat0, sp_r, adr0_r;
reg [2:0] ram_wr_sel_r;
wire acc_bit, b_bit, psw_bit, port_bit, uart_bit, int_bit;
wire p, int_uart, tf0, tf1, tr0, tr1;
wire [7:0] b_reg, psw, ports, uart, int_out, tc_out;
assign cy = psw[7];
assign srcAc = psw [6];
// accumulator
// ACC
oc8051_acc oc8051_acc1(.clk(clk), .rst(rst), .bit_in(bit_in), .data_in(dat1),
.data2_in(dat2), .wr(we), .wr_bit(wr_bit), .wad2(wad2),
.wr_addr(adr1), .rd_addr(adr0[2:0]), .data_out(acc), .bit_out(acc_bit), .p(p),
.rd_x(rd_x), .xdata(xdata));
// b register
// B
oc8051_b_register oc8051_b_register (.clk(clk), .rst(rst), .bit_in(bit_in), .bit_out(b_bit),
.data_in(dat1), .wr(we), .wr_bit(wr_bit), .wr_addr(adr1), .rd_addr(adr0[2:0]),
//stack pointer
// SP
oc8051_sp oc8051_sp1(.clk(clk), .rst(rst), .ram_rd_sel(ram_rd_sel), .ram_wr_sel(ram_wr_sel),
.wr_addr(adr1), .wr(we), .wr_bit(wr_bit), .data_in(dat1),
//data pointer
oc8051_dptr oc8051_dptr1(.clk(clk), .rst(rst), .addr(adr1), .data_in(dat1),
.data2_in(dat2), .wr(we), .wr_bit(wr_bit), .wd2(ram_wr_sel_r),
.data_hi(dptr_hi), .data_lo(dptr_lo));
//program status word
// PSW
oc8051_psw oc8051_psw1 (.clk(clk), .rst(rst), .wr_addr(adr1), .rd_addr(adr0[2:0]), .data_in(dat1),
.wr(we), .wr_bit(wr_bit), .data_out(psw), .bit_out(psw_bit), .p(p), .cy_in(bit_in),
.ac_in(desAc), .ov_in(desOv), .set(psw_set), .bank_sel(bank_sel));
// ports
// P0, P1, P2, P3
oc8051_ports oc8051_ports1(.clk(clk), .rst(rst), .bit_in(bit_in), .data_in(dat1), .wr(we),
.wr_bit(wr_bit), .wr_addr(adr1), .rd_addr(adr0), .rmw(rmw),
.data_out(ports), .bit_out(port_bit), .p0_out(p0_out), .p1_out(p1_out),
.p2_out(p2_out), .p3_out(p3_out), .p0_in(p0_in), .p1_in(p1_in), .p2_in(p2_in),
// serial interface
oc8051_uart oc8051_uatr1 (.clk(clk), .rst(rst), .bit_in(bit_in), .rd_addr(adr0),
.data_in(dat1), .wr(we), .wr_bit(wr_bit), .wr_addr(adr1),
.data_out(uart), .bit_out(uart_bit), .rxd(rxd), .txd(txd), .intr(int_uart),
// interrupt control
oc0851_int oc8051_int1 (.clk(clk), .rst(rst), .wr_addr(adr1), .rd_addr(adr0), .bit_in(bit_in),
.ack(int_ack), .intr(intr), .data_in(dat1), .data_out(int_out), .bit_out(int_bit),
.wr(we), .wr_bit(wr_bit), .tf0(tf0), .tf1(tf1), .ie0(int0), .ie1(int1),
.reti(reti), .int_vec(int_src), .tr0(tr0), .tr1(tr1), .uart(int_uart));
// timer/counter control
// TH0, TH1, TL0, TH1, TMOD
oc8051_tc oc8051_tc1(.clk(clk), .rst(rst), .wr_addr(adr1), .rd_addr(adr0),
.data_in(dat1), .wr(we), .wr_bit(wr_bit), .ie0(int0), .ie1(int1), .tr0(tr0),
.tr1(tr1), .t0(t0), .t1(t1), .data_out(tc_out), .tf0(tf0), .tf1(tf1));
always @(posedge clk or posedge rst)
if (rst) begin
sp_r <= #1 8'h00;
adr0_r <= #1 8'h00;
ram_wr_sel_r <= #1 3'b000;
end else begin
sp_r <= #1 sp;
adr0_r <= #1 adr0;
ram_wr_sel_r <= #1 ram_wr_sel;
//set output in case of address (byte)
always @(adr0_r or psw or acc or dptr_hi or ports or sp_r or b_reg or uart or tc_out or int_out or dptr_lo)
case (adr0_r)
`OC8051_SFR_ACC: dat0 = acc;
`OC8051_SFR_PSW: dat0 = psw;
`OC8051_SFR_P0: dat0 = ports;
`OC8051_SFR_P1: dat0 = ports;
`OC8051_SFR_P2: dat0 = ports;
`OC8051_SFR_P3: dat0 = ports;
`OC8051_SFR_SP: dat0 = sp_r;
`OC8051_SFR_B: dat0 = b_reg;
`OC8051_SFR_DPTR_HI: dat0 = dptr_hi;
`OC8051_SFR_DPTR_LO: dat0 = dptr_lo;
`OC8051_SFR_SCON: dat0 = uart;
`OC8051_SFR_SBUF: dat0 = uart;
`OC8051_SFR_PCON: dat0 = uart;
`OC8051_SFR_TH0: dat0 = tc_out;
`OC8051_SFR_TH1: dat0 = tc_out;
`OC8051_SFR_TL0: dat0 = tc_out;
`OC8051_SFR_TL1: dat0 = tc_out;
`OC8051_SFR_TMOD: dat0 = tc_out;
`OC8051_SFR_IP: dat0 = int_out;
`OC8051_SFR_IE: dat0 = int_out;
`OC8051_SFR_TCON: dat0 = int_out;
default: dat0 = 8'h00;
//set output in case of address (bit)
always @(adr0_r or b_bit or acc_bit or psw_bit or int_bit or port_bit or uart_bit)
case (adr0_r[7:3])
`OC8051_SFR_B_ACC: bit_out = acc_bit;
`OC8051_SFR_B_PSW: bit_out = psw_bit;
`OC8051_SFR_B_P0: bit_out = port_bit;
`OC8051_SFR_B_P1: bit_out = port_bit;
`OC8051_SFR_B_P2: bit_out = port_bit;
`OC8051_SFR_B_P3: bit_out = port_bit;
`OC8051_SFR_B_B: bit_out = b_bit;
`OC8051_SFR_B_IP: bit_out = int_bit;
`OC8051_SFR_B_IE: bit_out = int_bit;
`OC8051_SFR_B_TCON: bit_out = int_bit;
`OC8051_SFR_B_SCON: bit_out = uart_bit;
default: bit_out = 1'b0;
trunk/rtl/verilog/oc8051_sfr.v Property changes : Added: svn:executable ## -0,0 +1 ## +* \ No newline at end of property Index: trunk/rtl/verilog/oc8051_ram_adr_sel.v =================================================================== --- trunk/rtl/verilog/oc8051_ram_adr_sel.v (nonexistent) +++ trunk/rtl/verilog/oc8051_ram_adr_sel.v (revision 75) @@ -0,0 +1,151 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +//// //// +//// 8051 internal ram address select //// +//// //// +//// This file is part of the 8051 cores project //// +//// //// +//// //// +//// Description //// +//// Two multiplexers wiht whitch we define //// +//// ram read and write address //// +//// //// +//// To Do: //// +//// nothing //// +//// //// +//// Author(s): //// +//// - Simon Teran, //// +//// //// +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +//// //// +//// Copyright (C) 2000 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG //// +//// //// +//// This source file may be used and distributed without //// +//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not //// +//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains //// +//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. //// +//// //// +//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it //// +//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General //// +//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; //// +//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any //// +//// later version. //// +//// //// +//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be //// +//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied //// +//// warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR //// +//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more //// +//// details. //// +//// //// +//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General //// +//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it //// +//// from //// +//// //// +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// +// CVS Revision History +// +// $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $ +// Revision 1.4 2002/09/30 17:33:59 simont +// prepared header +// +// + +// synopsys translate_off +`include "oc8051_timescale.v" +// synopsys translate_on + +`include "oc8051_defines.v" + +module oc8051_ram_adr_sel (clk, rst, rd_sel, wr_sel, sp, ri, rn, imm, imm2, rd_addr, wr_addr, rd_ind, wr_ind); +// +// sel (in) select (look defines) [oc8051_decoder.ram_rd_sel] +// sp (in) stack ponter [oc8051_sp.data_out] +// ri (in) indirect addresing [oc8051_indi_addr.data_out] +// rn (in) registers [{oc8051_psw.data_out[4:3], oc8051_op_select.op1_out[2:0]}] +// imm (in) immediate (direct addresing) [oc8051_op_select.op2_direct] +// addr_out (out) output [oc8051_ram_top.rd_addr, oc8051_ram_sel.addr -r, oc8051_ports.rd_addr] +// rd_ind (out) read indiect +// wr_ind (out) write indirect +// + +input clk, rst; +input [1:0] rd_sel; +input [2:0] wr_sel; +input [4:0] rn; +input [7:0] sp, ri, imm, imm2; + +output rd_ind, wr_ind; +output [7:0] wr_addr, rd_addr; +reg rd_ind, wr_ind; +reg [7:0] wr_addr, rd_addr; + +reg [2:0] wr_sel_r; +reg [4:0] rn_r; +reg [7:0] sp_r, ri_r, imm_r, imm2_r; + +// +// +always @(rd_sel or sp or ri or rn or imm) +begin + case (rd_sel) + `OC8051_RRS_RN : rd_addr = {3'b000, rn}; + `OC8051_RRS_I : rd_addr = ri; + `OC8051_RRS_D : rd_addr = imm; + `OC8051_RRS_SP : rd_addr = sp; + default : rd_addr = 2'bxx; + endcase + +end + + +always @(posedge clk or posedge rst) + if (rst) begin + sp_r <= #1 8'h00; + rn_r <= #1 5'd0; + ri_r <= #1 8'h00; + imm_r <= #1 8'h00; + imm2_r <= #1 8'h00; + wr_sel_r <= #1 3'b000; + end else begin + sp_r <= #1 sp; + rn_r <= #1 rn; + ri_r <= #1 ri; + imm_r <= #1 imm; + imm2_r <= #1 imm2; + wr_sel_r <= #1 wr_sel; + end + +// +// +always @(wr_sel_r or sp_r or rn_r or imm_r or ri_r or imm2_r) +begin + case (wr_sel_r) + `OC8051_RWS_RN : wr_addr = {3'b000, rn_r}; + `OC8051_RWS_I : wr_addr = ri_r; + `OC8051_RWS_D : wr_addr = imm_r; + `OC8051_RWS_SP : wr_addr = sp_r; + `OC8051_RWS_ACC : wr_addr = `OC8051_SFR_ACC; + `OC8051_RWS_D3 : wr_addr = imm2_r; + `OC8051_RWS_DPTR : wr_addr = `OC8051_SFR_DPTR_LO; + `OC8051_RWS_B : wr_addr = `OC8051_SFR_B; + default : wr_addr = 2'bxx; + endcase +end + +always @(posedge clk or posedge rst) + if (rst) + rd_ind <= #1 1'b0; + else if ((rd_sel==`OC8051_RRS_I) && (rd_sel==`OC8051_RRS_SP)) + rd_ind <= #1 1'b1; + else + rd_ind <= #1 1'b0; + +always @(posedge clk or posedge rst) + if (rst) + wr_ind <= #1 1'b0; + else if ((wr_sel==`OC8051_RWS_I) && (wr_sel==`OC8051_RWS_SP)) + wr_ind <= #1 1'b1; + else + wr_ind <= #1 1'b0; + +endmodule
trunk/rtl/verilog/oc8051_ram_adr_sel.v Property changes : Added: svn:executable ## -0,0 +1 ## +* \ No newline at end of property

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