
Subversion Repositories socgen

Compare Revisions

  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 8 to Rev 9
    Reverse comparison

Rev 8 → Rev 9

84,8 → 84,16
.PHONY clean_sims:
rm -f $(CUR_DIR)/../out/*;\
rm -f $(CUR_DIR)/../log/*;\
.PHONY run_sims:
run_sims: clean_sims
@for VARIENT_PROG in `ls $(CUR_DIR)/../run`; do \
echo "################################################################################"; \
echo; \
98,7 → 106,7
done; \
.PHONY sim:
iverilog -D VCD ../../bench/verilog/TestBench;\
151,11 → 159,11
cd xilinx;\
echo "run -ifn ../filelist -ifmt mixed -top " $(board)_$(Design) " -ofn " $(board)_$(Design)".ngc -ofmt NGC -p " $(Part) "-opt_mode Speed -opt_level 1" > Xst;\
xst -ifn ./Xst -ofn $(board)_$(Design).log;\
ngdbuild -uc ../targets/$(board)/$(board).ucf $(board)_$(Design);\
ngdbuild -uc ../target/$(board).ucf $(board)_$(Design);\
map -p $(Part) -cm area -pr b -k 4 -c 100 -o $(board)_$(Design)_map.ncd $(board)_$(Design).ngd $(board)_$(Design).pcf;\
par -w -ol std -t 1 $(board)_$(Design)_map.ncd $(board)_$(Design).ncd $(board)_$(Design).pcf ;\
trce -e 3 -s 5 -xml $(board)_$(Design) $(board)_$(Design).ncd -o $(board)_$(Design).twr $(board)_$(Design).pcf -ucf ../targets/$(board)/$(board).ucf ;\
bitgen -f ../targets/$(board)/jtag.ut $(board)_$(Design).ncd;\
trce -e 3 -s 5 -xml $(board)_$(Design) $(board)_$(Design).ncd -o $(board)_$(Design).twr $(board)_$(Design).pcf -ucf ../target/$(board).ucf ;\
bitgen -f ../target/jtag.ut $(board)_$(Design).ncd;\
mv $(board)_$(Design).bit $(board)_$(Design)_jtag.bit ;\
bit_2_svf $(board)_$(Design)_jtag.bit ;\
cp $(board)_$(Design)_jtag.svf ../debug/bitstream.svf ;\
70,7 → 70,7
## Help option
if ( ($opt_h eq "1") )
{ print "\n type> hex2abs12 prog_name ( no extension)";
{ print "\n type test filename ( no extension)";
print "\n";
exit 1;
70,7 → 70,7
## Help option
if ( ($opt_h eq "1") )
{ print "\n type> hex2abs16 prog_name ( no extension)";
{ print "\n type test filename ( no extension)";
print "\n";
exit 1;
0,0 → 1,215
eval 'exec `which perl` -S $0 ${1+"$@"}'
if 0;
#/* */
#/* ------- */
#/* / SOC \ */
#/* / GEN \ */
#/* / TOOL \ */
#/* ============== */
#/* | | */
#/* |____________| */
#/* */
#/* Converts a intel hex file into a 16 bit verilog readmemh format */
#/* split into 8 bit even and 8 bit odd files */
#/* */
#/* Author(s): */
#/* - John Eaton, */
#/* */
#/* */
#/* Copyright (C) <2010> <Ouabache Design Works> */
#/* */
#/* This source file may be used and distributed without */
#/* restriction provided that this copyright statement is not */
#/* removed from the file and that any derivative work contains */
#/* the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. */
#/* */
#/* This source file is free software; you can redistribute it */
#/* and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General */
#/* Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; */
#/* either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any */
#/* later version. */
#/* */
#/* This source is distributed in the hope that it will be */
#/* useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied */
#/* PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more */
#/* details. */
#/* */
#/* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General */
#/* Public License along with this source; if not, download it */
#/* from */
#/* */
# ToDO: add handling unaligned words
# General PERL config
use Getopt::Long;
use English;
use File::Basename;
$OUTPUT_AUTOFLUSH = 1; # set autoflush of stdout to TRUE.
### Process the options
Getopt::Long::config("require_order", "prefix=-");
) || die "(use '$program_name -h' for help)";
## Help option
if ( ($opt_h eq "1") )
{ print "\n type test filename ( no extension)";
print "\n";
exit 1;
## open intel hex file and read into array
my $prog_name = $ARGV[0];
my $input_file = ${prog_name}.".hex";
my $output_file_e = ${prog_name}.".absE";
my $output_file_o = ${prog_name}.".absO";
print "Reading hex File $input_file\n";
print "Writing abs File $output_file_e\n";
print "Writing abs File $output_file_o\n";
open VERILOG_E , "> $output_file_e";
open VERILOG_O , "> $output_file_o";
open FILE, $input_file;
open DEFINES , "> ROM_defines.v";
while(<FILE>){push @intel_hex, $_ ;}
## Clear a storage area for the 16 bit words
my $x=0;
while( $x <= 65535)
@Mem_e[$x] = "00";
@Mem_o[$x] = "00";
$x = $x+1;
## Parse Data into storage converting from 8 bit bytes to 16 bit words
my $pointer = 0;
my $max_pointer = 0;
my $start_address = 65536;
foreach $line (@intel_hex)
$colon = substr($line, 0,1);
$length = (cvt(substr($line, 1,1))* 16) + cvt(substr($line, 2,1));
$address = cvt(substr($line, 3,1));
$address = cvt(substr($line, 4,1))+($address *16) ;
$address = cvt(substr($line, 5,1))+($address *16) ;
$address = cvt(substr($line, 6,1))+($address *16) ;
$type = substr($line, 7,2);
if(($type eq "00") )
if( $address <= $start_address) {$start_address = $address;}
while( $x <= 7+($length *2))
$value_E = substr($line, $x,2);
$value_O = substr($line, $x+2,2);
$pointer = (($address/2) +($x-9)/4);
if( $pointer > $max_pointer ) {$max_pointer = $pointer}
@Mem_e[$pointer] = $value_E;
@Mem_o[$pointer] = $value_O;
$x= $x+4;
## dump out up to the last word, undefined space is 000
$x = ($start_address/2);
while( $x <= ($max_pointer))
printf VERILOG_E (" %s\n",@Mem_e[$x]);
printf VERILOG_O (" %s\n",@Mem_o[$x]);
$x = $x+1;
$words = ($max_pointer) - ($start_address/2)+1;
printf DEFINES ("`define PROG_FILE /${prog_name}.abs16\n" );
printf DEFINES ("`define ROM_WIDTH 16\n" );
printf DEFINES ("`define ROM_WORDS $words \n" );
## convert 0-9,A-F to decimal or 0 if out of range
sub cvt {
$temp = ord($_[0]);
if( $temp <= 48) { return 0 }
if( $temp <= 58) { return $temp - 48 }
if( $temp <= 64) { return 0 }
if( $temp <= 70) { return ($temp - 65)+10 }
return 0;
0,0 → 1,210
eval 'exec `which perl` -S $0 ${1+"$@"}'
if 0;
#/* */
#/* ------- */
#/* / SOC \ */
#/* / GEN \ */
#/* / TOOL \ */
#/* ============== */
#/* | | */
#/* |____________| */
#/* */
#/* Converts a intel hex file into a 8 bit verilog readmemh format */
#/* */
#/* */
#/* Author(s): */
#/* - John Eaton, */
#/* */
#/* */
#/* Copyright (C) <2010> <Ouabache Design Works> */
#/* */
#/* This source file may be used and distributed without */
#/* restriction provided that this copyright statement is not */
#/* removed from the file and that any derivative work contains */
#/* the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. */
#/* */
#/* This source file is free software; you can redistribute it */
#/* and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General */
#/* Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; */
#/* either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any */
#/* later version. */
#/* */
#/* This source is distributed in the hope that it will be */
#/* useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied */
#/* PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more */
#/* details. */
#/* */
#/* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General */
#/* Public License along with this source; if not, download it */
#/* from */
#/* */
# ToDO: add handling unaligned words
# General PERL config
use Getopt::Long;
use English;
use File::Basename;
$OUTPUT_AUTOFLUSH = 1; # set autoflush of stdout to TRUE.
### Process the options
Getopt::Long::config("require_order", "prefix=-");
) || die "(use '$program_name -h' for help)";
## Help option
if ( ($opt_h eq "1") )
{ print "\n type test filename ( no extension)";
print "\n";
exit 1;
## open intel hex file and read into array
my $prog_name = $ARGV[0];
my $input_file = ${prog_name}.".hex";
my $output_file = ${prog_name}.".abs";
print "Reading hex File $input_file\n";
print "Writing abs File $output_file\n";
open VERILOG , "> $output_file";
open FILE, $input_file;
open DEFINES , "> ROM_defines.v";
while(<FILE>){push @intel_hex, $_ ;}
## Clear a storage area for the 8 bit words
my $x=0;
while( $x <= 65535)
@Mem[$x] = "0000";
$x = $x+1;
## Parse Data into storage
my $pointer = 0;
my $max_pointer = 0;
my $start_address = 65536;
foreach $line (@intel_hex)
$colon = substr($line, 0,1);
$length = (cvt(substr($line, 1,1))* 16) + cvt(substr($line, 2,1));
$address = cvt(substr($line, 3,1));
$address = cvt(substr($line, 4,1))+($address *16) ;
$address = cvt(substr($line, 5,1))+($address *16) ;
$address = cvt(substr($line, 6,1))+($address *16) ;
$type = substr($line, 7,2);
if(($type eq "00") )
if( $address <= $start_address) {$start_address = $address;}
while( $x <= 7+($length *2))
$value = substr($line, $x,2);
$pointer = (($address ) +(($x-9)/2));
if( $pointer > $max_pointer ) {$max_pointer = $pointer}
@Mem[$pointer] = $value;
$x= $x+2;
## dump out up to the last word, undefined space is 000
$x = ($start_address);
while( $x <= ($max_pointer))
printf VERILOG (" %s\n",@Mem[$x]);
$x = $x+1;
$words = ($max_pointer) - ($start_address)+1;
printf DEFINES ("`define PROG_FILE /${prog_name}.abs\n" );
printf DEFINES ("`define ROM_WIDTH 8\n" );
printf DEFINES ("`define ROM_WORDS $words \n" );
## convert 0-9,A-F to decimal or 0 if out of range
sub cvt {
$temp = ord($_[0]);
if( $temp <= 48) { return 0 }
if( $temp <= 58) { return $temp - 48 }
if( $temp <= 64) { return 0 }
if( $temp <= 70) { return ($temp - 65)+10 }
return 0;
119,15 → 119,10
$cmd = "mkdir ${home}/${design}_cmp/projects/${project} > /dev/null " ;
if (system($cmd)) {die "Failed ";}
print ("$cmd \n");
$cmd = "lndir -silent ${home}/${design}/projects/${project} ${home}/${design}_cmp/projects/${project} " ;
if (system($cmd)) {die "Failed ";}
print ("$cmd \n");
$cmd = "ln -s ${home}/${design}/bin/Makefile.root ${home}/${design}_cmp/projects/${project}"."/bin " ;
if (system($cmd)) {die "Failed ";}
print ("$cmd \n");
my @components = qx(ls ${home}/${design}/projects/${project}/ip );
foreach my $component (@components)
135,66 → 130,51
$cmd = "mkdir ${home}/${design}_cmp/projects/${project}/ip/${component}/sim/bench " ;
if (system($cmd)) {}
print ("$cmd \n");
$cmd = "mkdir ${home}/${design}_cmp/projects/${project}/ip/${component}/sim/lib " ;
if (system($cmd)) {}
print ("$cmd \n");
$cmd =
"lndir -silent ${home}/${design}/bench ${home}/${design}_cmp/projects/${project}/ip/${component}/sim/bench " ;
if (system($cmd)) {die "Failed ";}
print ("$cmd \n");
$cmd =
"lndir -silent ${home}/${design}/lib ${home}/${design}_cmp/projects/${project}/ip/${component}/sim/lib " ;
if (system($cmd)) {die "Failed ";}
print ("$cmd \n");
my @syns = qx(ls ${home}/${design}/projects/${project}/ip/${component}/syn );
foreach my $syn (@syns)
print ("SYN $syn \n");
print ("SYN $syn \n");
my @targets = qx(ls ${home}/${design}/projects/${project}/ip/${component}/syn/${syn}/target );
$cmd = "mkdir ${home}/${design}_cmp/projects/${project}/ip/${component}/syn/${syn}/targets " ;
if (system($cmd)) {}
print ("$cmd \n");
$cmd =
"lndir -silent ${home}/${design}/targets ${home}/${design}_cmp/projects/${project}/ip/${component}/syn/${syn}/targets " ;
if (system($cmd)) {}
print ("$cmd \n");
$cmd =
"lndir -silent ${home}/${design}/lib ${home}/${design}_cmp/projects/${project}/ip/${component}/syn/${syn}/targets/Basys/lib/syn" ;
if (system($cmd)) {}
print ("$cmd \n");
$cmd =
"lndir -silent ${home}/${design}/lib ${home}/${design}_cmp/projects/${project}/ip/${component}/syn/${syn}/targets/Nexys/lib/syn" ;
if (system($cmd)) { }
print ("$cmd \n");
foreach my $target (@targets)
print ("TARGET $target \n");
$cmd =
"lndir -silent ${home}/${design}/targets/${target} ${home}/${design}_cmp/projects/${project}/ip/${component}/syn/${syn}/target " ;
if (system($cmd)) {}
$cmd =
"lndir -silent ${home}/${design}/lib ${home}/${design}_cmp/projects/${project}/ip/${component}/syn/${syn}/target/lib/syn" ;
if (system($cmd)) {}
$cmd =
"rmdir ${home}/${design}_cmp/projects/${project}/ip/${component}/syn/${syn}/target/${target}" ;
if (system($cmd)) {}
210,27 → 190,16
$cmd = "mkdir ${home}/${design}_cmp/projects/${project}/children/${child}/bin " ;
if (system($cmd)) {die "Failed ";}
print ("$cmd \n");
$cmd = "ln -s ${home}/${design}/bin/Makefile.root ${home}/${design}_cmp/projects/${project}/children/${child}/bin " ;
if (system($cmd)) {die "Failed ";}
$cmd = "ln -s ${home}/${design}/bin/Makefile ${home}/${design}_cmp/projects/${project}/children/${child}/bin " ;
if (system($cmd)) {die "Failed ";}
print ("$cmd \n");
$cmd = "mkdir ${home}/${design}_cmp/projects/${project}/children/${child}/sw " ;
if (system($cmd)) {die "Failed ";}
print ("$cmd \n");
$cmd = "lndir -silent ${home}/${design}/projects/${child}/sw ${home}/${design}_cmp/projects/${project}/children/${child}/sw " ;
if (system($cmd)) {}
print ("$cmd \n");
my @grand_children = qx(ls ${home}/${design}/projects/${project}/children/${child}/ip );
foreach my $grand_child (@grand_children)
238,15 → 207,8
$cmd =
"lndir -silent ${home}/${design}/projects/${child}/ip/${grand_child} ${home}/${design}_cmp/projects/${project}/children/${child}/ip/${grand_child} " ;
if (system($cmd)) {die "Failed ";}
print ("$cmd \n");
255,10 → 217,6
1,4 → 1,4
bsdl path ../bsdl;../targets/Basys;
bsdl path ../bsdl;../target/bsdl;
cable usbblaster
part 1
1,11 → 1,11
verilog work ./targets/Basys/Pad_Ring.v
verilog work ./target/Pad_Ring.v
verilog work ../../../../../ip/mrisc/rtl/gen/syn/mrisc.v
verilog work ../../../../../children/logic/ip/disp_io/rtl/gen/syn/disp_io.v
verilog work ./targets/Basys/lib/syn/cde_pads/cde_pad_se_dig.v
verilog work ./targets/Basys/lib/syn/cde_clock_sys/cde_clock_sys.v
verilog work ./targets/Basys/lib/syn/cde_jtag/cde_jtag.v
verilog work ./targets/Basys/lib/syn/cde_jtag/cde_jtag_rpc_reg.v
verilog work ./targets/Basys/lib/syn/cde_sram/cde_sram.v
verilog work ./target/lib/syn/cde_pads/cde_pad_se_dig.v
verilog work ./target/lib/syn/cde_clock_sys/cde_clock_sys.v
verilog work ./target/lib/syn/cde_jtag/cde_jtag.v
verilog work ./target/lib/syn/cde_jtag/cde_jtag_rpc_reg.v
verilog work ./target/lib/syn/cde_sram/cde_sram.v
78,9 → 78,9
.inst_addr (inst_addr),
.inst_data (inst_data),
.portain (portain),
.portbin (portbin),
.portcin (portcin),
.portain (portaout),
.portbin (portbout),
.portcin (portcout),
.portaout (portaout),
.portbout (portbout),
91,7 → 91,7
.trisc (trisc),
.tcki (1'b0),
.wdt_en (1'b1)
.wdt_en (1'b0)
126,7 → 126,7
assign ps2_clk_pad_oe = 1'b0;
assign PosD = {trisa[4:0],inst_addr};
assign PosD = {portcout,portbout};
assign PosL = portaout;
1,4 → 1,4
include ../../../../bin/Makefile.root
include ./targets/Basys/Makefile.brd
include ./target/Makefile.brd
1,8 → 1,7
`define ROM_FILE "../../../../../../../projects/pic_micro/sw/loop/loop.abs12"
`define ROM_WORDS 27
`define ROM_FILE "../../../../../../../projects/pic_micro/sw/loop/loop.abs12"
`include "../../../../../../../projects/pic_micro/sw/loop/ROM_defines.v"
`define ROM_ADDR 11
`define ROM_WIDTH 12
`define MODULE_NAME Basys_loop
66,6 → 66,7
; SETUP all ports
; Tristate all ports
movwf FSR
movwf PORTA
74,8 → 75,28
tris PORTA
tris PORTB
tris PORTC
xorlw 0x01
movwf TMR0
xorlw 0x03
xorlw 0x0f
xorlw 0x1f
movwf TMR0
xorlw 0x3f
xorlw 0xff
; -------------------------------
; ---- Test the PLC register ----
; -------------------------------
0,0 → 1,87
# clock pin for Basys Board
NET "A_CLK" LOC = "p53" ; # oscillator 48 Mhz
NET "B_CLK" LOC = "p54" ; # resonator 100/50/25
# Pin assignment for DispCtl
# Connected to Basys onBoard 7seg display
NET "SEG<0>" LOC = "p25" ; # Signal name = CA
NET "SEG<1>" LOC = "p16" ; # Signal name = CB
NET "SEG<2>" LOC = "p23" ; # Signal name = CC
NET "SEG<3>" LOC = "p21" ; # Signal name = CD
NET "SEG<4>" LOC = "p20" ; # Signal name = CE
NET "SEG<5>" LOC = "p17" ; # Signal name = CF
NET "SEG<6>" LOC = "p83" ; # Signal name = CG
NET "DP" LOC = "p22" ; # Signal name = DP
NET "AN<3>" LOC = "p26" ; # Signal name = AN3
NET "AN<2>" LOC = "p32" ; # Signal name = AN2
NET "AN<1>" LOC = "p33" ; # Signal name = AN1
NET "AN<0>" LOC = "p34" ; # Signal name = AN0
# Pin assignment for LEDs
NET "LED<7>" LOC = "p2" ; # Bank = 3, Signal name = LD7
NET "LED<6>" LOC = "p3" ; # Bank = 3, Signal name = LD6
NET "LED<5>" LOC = "p4" ; # Bank = 3, Signal name = LD5
NET "LED<4>" LOC = "p5" ; # Bank = 3, Signal name = LD4
NET "LED<3>" LOC = "p7" ; # Bank = 3, Signal name = LD3
NET "LED<2>" LOC = "p8" ; # Bank = 3, Signal name = LD2
NET "LED<1>" LOC = "p14" ; # Bank = 3, Signal name = LD1
NET "LED<0>" LOC = "p15" ; # Bank = 3, Signal name = LD0
# Pin assignment for SWs
NET "SW<7>" LOC = "p6" ; # Bank = 3, Signal name = SW7
NET "SW<6>" LOC = "p10" ; # Bank = 3, Signal name = SW6
NET "SW<5>" LOC = "p12" ; # Bank = 3, Signal name = SW5
NET "SW<4>" LOC = "p18" ; # Bank = 3, Signal name = SW4
NET "SW<3>" LOC = "p24" ; # Bank = 3, Signal name = SW3
NET "SW<2>" LOC = "p29" ; # Bank = 3, Signal name = SW2
NET "SW<1>" LOC = "p36" ; # Bank = 3, Signal name = SW1
NET "SW<0>" LOC = "p38" ; # Bank = 2, Signal name = SW0
# Pin assignment for BTNs
NET "BTN<3>" LOC = "p41" ; # Bank = 2, Signal name = BTN3
NET "BTN<2>" LOC = "p47" ; # Bank = 2, Signal name = BTN2
NET "BTN<1>" LOC = "p48" ; # Bank = 2, Signal name = BTN1
NET "BTN<0>" LOC = "p69" ; # Bank = 2, Signal name = BTN0
# Loop back/demo signals
# Pin assignment for PS2
NET "PS2C" LOC = "p96" | DRIVE = 2 | PULLUP ; # Bank = 1, Signal name = PS2C
NET "PS2D" LOC = "p97" | DRIVE = 2 | PULLUP ; # Bank = 1, Signal name = PS2D
# Pin assignment for VGA
NET "HSYNC" LOC = "p39" | DRIVE = 2 ; # Bank = 2, Signal name = HSYNC
NET "VSYNC" LOC = "p35" | DRIVE = 2 ; # Bank = 3, Signal name = VSYNC
NET "VGARED<2>" LOC = "p67" | DRIVE = 2 ; # Bank = 2, Signal name = RED2
NET "VGARED<1>" LOC = "p68" | DRIVE = 2 ; # Bank = 2, Signal name = RED1
NET "VGARED<0>" LOC = "p70" | DRIVE = 2 ; # Bank = 2, Signal name = RED0
NET "VGAGREEN<2>" LOC = "p50" | DRIVE = 2 ; # Bank = 2, Signal name = GRN2
NET "VGAGREEN<1>" LOC = "p51" | DRIVE = 2 ; # Bank = 2, Signal name = GRN1
NET "VGAGREEN<0>" LOC = "p52" | DRIVE = 2 ; # Bank = 2, Signal name = GRN0
NET "VGABLUE<1>" LOC = "p43" | DRIVE = 2 ; # Bank = 2, Signal name = BLU2
NET "VGABLUE<0>" LOC = "p44" | DRIVE = 2 ; # Bank = 2, Signal name = BLU1
# Pin assignment for Expansion Ports
NET "JA_1" LOC = "p81" | DRIVE = 6 ;
NET "JA_2" LOC = "p91" | DRIVE = 6 ;
NET "JA_3" LOC = "p82" | DRIVE = 6 ;
NET "JA_4" LOC = "p92" | DRIVE = 6 ;
NET "JB_1" LOC = "p87" ;
NET "JB_2" LOC = "p93" ;
NET "JB_3" LOC = "p88" ;
NET "JB_4" LOC = "p94" ;
NET "JC_1" LOC = "p77" ;
NET "JC_2" LOC = "p86" ;
NET "JC_3" LOC = "p76" ;
NET "JC_4" LOC = "p85" ;
NET "RTS" LOC = "p75" ;
NET "CTS" LOC = "p59" ;
NET "RXD" LOC = "p74" ;
NET "TXD" LOC = "p58" ;

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