
Subversion Repositories xgate

Compare Revisions

  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 93 to Rev 94
    Reverse comparison

Rev 93 → Rev 94

45,13 → 45,16
parameter MAX_CHANNEL = 127; // Max XGATE Interrupt Channel Number
parameter STOP_ON_ERROR = 1'b0;
parameter MAX_VECTOR = 12_000;
parameter MAX_VECTOR = 22_000;
parameter L_BYTE = 2'b01;
parameter H_BYTE = 2'b10;
parameter WORD = 2'b11;
parameter TB_ADDR_WIDTH = 24; // Testbench address bus width
parameter TB_DATA_WIDTH = 16;
// Name Address Locations
parameter XGATE_BASE = 24'h1000;
parameter XGATE_XGMCTL = XGATE_BASE + 6'h00;
99,6 → 102,7
parameter XGMCTL_XGSWEIF = 15'h0002;
parameter XGMCTL_XGIE = 15'h0001;
// Define Address locations used by the testbench
parameter CHECK_POINT = 16'h8000;
parameter CHANNEL_ACK = CHECK_POINT + 2;
parameter CHANNEL_ERR = CHECK_POINT + 4;
151,7 → 155,6
reg rstn;
reg sync_reset;
reg por_reset_b;
reg scantestmode;
reg [MAX_CHANNEL:1] channel_req; // XGATE Interrupt inputs
166,7 → 169,7
wire [15:0] wbm_adr_o; // WISHBONE Master Mode address output from XGATE
wire [ 1:0] wbm_sel_o;
reg mem_wait_state_enable;
reg mem_wait_state_enable;
wire [15:0] tb_ram_out;
228,7 → 231,6
mstr_test_clk = 0;
vector = 0;
test_num = 0;
por_reset_b = 0;
scantestmode = 0;
error_count = 0;
mem_wait_state_enable = 0;
306,7 → 308,7
// hookup wishbone master model
wb_master_model #(.dwidth(16), .awidth(24))
wb_master_model #(.dwidth(TB_DATA_WIDTH), .awidth(TB_ADDR_WIDTH))
// Outputs
.cyc( host_cyc ),
324,8 → 326,8
.rty( 1'b0 )
bus_arbitration #(.dwidth(16),
bus_arbitration #(.dwidth(TB_DATA_WIDTH),
386,8 → 388,8
// Wishbone slave interface
.wbs_clk_i( mstr_test_clk ),
.wbs_rst_i( 1'b0 ), // sync_reset
.arst_i( rstn ), // async resetn
.wbs_rst_i( sync_reset ), // sync_reset
.arst_i( rstn ), // async resetn
.wbs_adr_i( sys_adr[6:1] ),
.wbs_dat_i( sys_dout ),
.wbs_dat_o( xgate_s_dout ),
470,19 → 472,13
$display("\nstatus at time: %t Testbench started", $time);
// reset system
rstn = 1'b1; // negate reset
channel_req = 1; //
repeat(1) @(posedge mstr_test_clk);
sync_reset = 1'b1; // Make the sync reset 1 clock cycle long
#2; // move the async reset away from the clock edge
rstn = 1'b0; // assert async reset
#5; // Keep the async reset pulse with less than a clock cycle
rstn = 1'b1; // negate async reset
por_reset_b = 1'b1;
rstn <= 1'b0; // negate reset
channel_req <= 1; //
sync_reset <= 1'b0; // Don't do sync reset
#5; // Keep the async reset pulse with less than a clock cycle
rstn = 1'b1; // negate async reset
channel_req = 0; //
repeat(1) @(posedge mstr_test_clk);
sync_reset = 1'b0;
channel_req = 0; //
$display("\nstatus at time: %t done reset", $time);
500,6 → 496,8
// host_ram;
// End testing
766,42 → 764,52
// Enable interrupts to RISC
host.wb_write(0, IRQ_BYPS_0, 16'h0000, WORD);
// Test Shift instructions
host.wb_write(1, XGATE_XGIF_0, 16'h0002, WORD);
// Test Logical Byte wide instructions
host.wb_write(1, XGATE_XGIF_0, 16'h0004, WORD);
// Test Logical Word Wide instructions
host.wb_write(1, XGATE_XGIF_0, 16'h0008, WORD);
// Test Bit Field instructions
host.wb_write(1, XGATE_XGIF_0, 16'h0010, WORD);
// Test Branch instructions
host.wb_write(1, XGATE_XGIF_0, 16'h0020, WORD);
// Test Subroutine Call and return instructions
host.wb_write(1, XGATE_XGIF_0, 16'h0040, WORD);
// Test 16 bit Addition and Substract instructions
host.wb_write(1, XGATE_XGIF_0, 16'h0080, WORD);
// Test 8 bit Addition and Substract instructions
host.wb_write(1, XGATE_XGIF_0, 16'h0100, WORD);
// Test Load and Store instructions
host.wb_write(1, XGATE_XGIF_0, 16'h0200, WORD);
// Test Semaphore instructions
host.wb_write(1, XGATE_XGSEM, 16'h5050, WORD);
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGSEM, 16'h0050, WORD); //
841,7 → 849,7
// Test instruction set
// Test skipjack encription - test subset of instruction set on a real problem
task test_skipjack;
$readmemh("../../../bench/verilog/skipjack.v", p_ram.ram_8);
922,12 → 930,12
host.wb_cmp( 0, XGATE_XGMCTL, data_xgmctl, WORD);
data_xgmctl = 16'hffff;
host.wb_write(0, XGATE_XGMCTL, data_xgmctl, H_BYTE); //
host.wb_write(0, XGATE_XGMCTL, data_xgmctl, H_BYTE); //
data_xgmctl = 16'h0000;
host.wb_cmp( 0, XGATE_XGMCTL, data_xgmctl, WORD);
data_xgmctl = 16'hffff;
host.wb_write(0, XGATE_XGMCTL, data_xgmctl, L_BYTE); //
host.wb_write(0, XGATE_XGMCTL, data_xgmctl, L_BYTE); //
data_xgmctl = 16'h0000;
host.wb_cmp( 0, XGATE_XGMCTL, data_xgmctl, WORD);
1061,6 → 1069,9
// check irq register bits - reset, read/write
task reg_irq;
integer i, j, k;
reg [15:0] irq_clear;
reg [TB_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] irq_ack_addr; // Address to clear irq request
test_num = test_num + 1;
$display("\nTEST #%d Starts at vector=%d, reg_irq", test_num, vector);
1097,85 → 1108,85
repeat(4) @(posedge mstr_test_clk);
host.wb_cmp(0, CHANNEL_XGIRQ_1, 16'h0000, WORD);
host.wb_write(0, TB_SEMPHORE, 16'h0000, WORD);
host.wb_write(0, TB_SEMPHORE, 16'h0000, WORD);
host.wb_write(0, IRQ_BYPS_0, 16'h0000, WORD);
host.wb_write(0, IRQ_BYPS_0, 16'h0000, WORD);
host.wb_write(0, IRQ_BYPS_1, 16'h0000, WORD);
host.wb_write(0, IRQ_BYPS_2, 16'h0000, WORD);
host.wb_write(0, IRQ_BYPS_3, 16'h0000, WORD);
host.wb_write(0, IRQ_BYPS_4, 16'h0000, WORD);
host.wb_write(0, IRQ_BYPS_5, 16'h0000, WORD);
host.wb_write(0, IRQ_BYPS_6, 16'h0000, WORD);
host.wb_write(0, IRQ_BYPS_7, 16'h0000, WORD);
data_xgmctl = XGMCTL_XGEM | XGMCTL_XGE;
host.wb_write(0, XGATE_XGMCTL, data_xgmctl, WORD); // Enable XGATE
repeat(XGATE_ACCESS_DELAY+2) @(posedge mstr_test_clk);
channel_req[3:1] = 3'b111; //
q = 0;
// The Xgate test program is in an infinite loop for the test bench semaphore register to be changed
while (q == 0) // Look for change in test bench semapore register
host.wb_read(1, TB_SEMPHORE, q, WORD);
//channel_req[8:1] = 8'b1_1111_111; // Activate the interrupt inputs
channel_req = {MAX_CHANNEL{1'b1}}; // Activate the interrupt inputs
if (q != 1)
$display("IRQ test failure, Wrong interrupt being processed! Interrupt=%d, vector=%d", q, vector);
for (i = 1; i <= MAX_CHANNEL; i = i + 1)
j = i % 16;
k = i / 16;
irq_ack_addr = XGATE_XGIF_0 - (2 * k);
$display("Testing interrupt %d.", i);
q = 0;
// The Xgate test program is in an infinite loop looking for the test bench semaphore register to be changed
while (q == 0) // Look for change in test bench semapore register
host.wb_read(1, TB_SEMPHORE, q, WORD);
channel_req[1] = 1'b0; //
repeat(XGATE_ACCESS_DELAY+2) @(posedge mstr_test_clk);
host.wb_write(0, TB_SEMPHORE, 16'h0000, WORD);
repeat(XGATE_ACCESS_DELAY+2) @(posedge mstr_test_clk);
if (q != i)
error_count = error_count + 1;
$display("IRQ test failure, Wrong interrupt being processed! Interrupt=%d, vector=%d", q, vector);
// host.wb_cmp(0, CHANNEL_XGIRQ_0, 16'h0002, WORD); // Verify Xgate output interrupt flag set
// host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGIF_0, 16'h0002, WORD); // Verify Xgate interrupt status bit set
host.wb_write(1, XGATE_XGIF_0, 16'h0002, WORD); // Clear Interrupt Flag from Xgate
// host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGIF_0, 16'h0000, WORD); // Verify flag cleared
channel_req[i] = 1'b0; // Clear the active interrupt input
repeat(XGATE_ACCESS_DELAY+2) @(posedge mstr_test_clk);
host.wb_write(0, TB_SEMPHORE, 16'h0000, WORD);
repeat(XGATE_ACCESS_DELAY+2) @(posedge mstr_test_clk);
q = 0;
// The Xgate test program is in an infinite loop for the test bench semaphore register to be changed
while (q == 0) // Look for change in test bench semapore register
host.wb_read(1, TB_SEMPHORE, q, WORD);
irq_clear = 16'h0001 << j;
// host.wb_cmp(0, CHANNEL_XGIRQ_0, irq_clear, WORD); // Verify Xgate output interrupt flag set
// host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGIF_0, irq_clear, WORD); // Verify Xgate interrupt status bit set
host.wb_write(1, irq_ack_addr, irq_clear, WORD); // Clear Interrupt Flag from Xgate
// host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGIF_0, 16'h0000, WORD); // Verify flag cleared
if (q != 2)
$display("IRQ test failure, Wrong interrupt being processed! Interrupt=%d, vector=%d", q, vector);
endtask // reg_irq
channel_req[2] = 1'b0; //
repeat(XGATE_ACCESS_DELAY+2) @(posedge mstr_test_clk);
host.wb_write(0, TB_SEMPHORE, 16'h0000, WORD);
repeat(XGATE_ACCESS_DELAY+2) @(posedge mstr_test_clk);
// host.wb_cmp(0, CHANNEL_XGIRQ_0, 16'h0002, WORD); // Verify Xgate output interrupt flag set
// host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGIF_0, 16'h0002, WORD); // Verify Xgate interrupt status bit set
host.wb_write(1, XGATE_XGIF_0, 16'h0004, WORD); // Clear Interrupt Flag from Xgate
// host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGIF_0, 16'h0000, WORD); // Verify flag cleared
task sync_reset_test; // reset system
test_num = test_num + 1;
$display("\nTEST #%d Starts at vector=%d, reg_irq", test_num, vector);
q = 0;
// The Xgate test program is in an infinite loop for the test bench semaphore register to be changed
while (q == 0) // Look for change in test bench semapore register
host.wb_read(1, TB_SEMPHORE, q, WORD);
// Write some registers so a change in state can be verified after reset
host.wb_write(1, XGATE_XGVBR, 16'h01ff, WORD); //
host.wb_write(0, IRQ_BYPS_0, 16'h0000, WORD);
if (q != 3)
$display("IRQ test failure, Wrong interrupt being processed! Interrupt=%d, vector=%d", q, vector);
repeat(1) @(posedge mstr_test_clk);
sync_reset <= 1'b1; //
repeat(1) @(posedge mstr_test_clk);
sync_reset <= 1'b0;
channel_req[3] = 1'b0; //
repeat(XGATE_ACCESS_DELAY+2) @(posedge mstr_test_clk);
host.wb_write(0, TB_SEMPHORE, 16'h0000, WORD);
repeat(XGATE_ACCESS_DELAY+2) @(posedge mstr_test_clk);
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGVBR, 16'hfe00, WORD); // verify reset
host.wb_cmp(0, IRQ_BYPS_0, 16'hFFFE, WORD); // verify reset
// host.wb_cmp(0, CHANNEL_XGIRQ_0, 16'h0002, WORD); // Verify Xgate output interrupt flag set
// host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGIF_0, 16'h0002, WORD); // Verify Xgate interrupt status bit set
host.wb_write(1, XGATE_XGIF_0, 16'h0008, WORD); // Clear Interrupt Flag from Xgate
// host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGIF_0, 16'h0000, WORD); // Verify flag cleared
// End Main test program tasks
// Begin test program helper tasks and functions
// check RAM Read/Write from host
task host_ram;
1218,16 → 1229,15
task system_reset; // reset system
repeat(1) @(posedge mstr_test_clk);
sync_reset = 1'b1; // Make the sync reset 1 clock cycle long
#2; // move the async reset away from the clock edge
rstn = 1'b0; // assert async reset
#5; // Keep the async reset pulse with less than a clock cycle
rstn = 1'b1; // negate async reset
repeat(1) @(posedge mstr_test_clk);
sync_reset = 1'b0;
$display("\nstatus: %t System Reset Task Done", $time);
test_num = test_num + 1;
channel_req = 0; // Clear all the testbench inpterrupt inputs to the xgate
repeat(2) @(posedge mstr_test_clk);
1259,34 → 1269,6
task clear_irq_flag;
input [ 6:0] chan_val;
$display("Clearing Channel interrupt flag #%d", chan_val);
if (0 < chan_val < 16)
host.wb_write(1, XGATE_XGIF_0, 16'hffff, WORD);
if (15 < chan_val < 32)
host.wb_write(1, XGATE_XGIF_1, 16'hffff, WORD);
if (31 < chan_val < 48)
host.wb_write(1, XGATE_XGIF_2, 16'hffff, WORD);
if (47 < chan_val < 64)
host.wb_write(1, XGATE_XGIF_3, 16'hffff, WORD);
if (63 < chan_val < 80)
host.wb_write(1, XGATE_XGIF_4, 16'hffff, WORD);
if (79 < chan_val < 96)
host.wb_write(1, XGATE_XGIF_5, 16'hffff, WORD);
if (95 < chan_val < 112)
host.wb_write(1, XGATE_XGIF_6, 16'hffff, WORD);
if (111 < chan_val < 128)
host.wb_write(1, XGATE_XGIF_7, 16'hffff, WORD);
channel_req[chan_val] = 1'b0; //
repeat(1) @(posedge mstr_test_clk);
task activate_thread_sw;
input [ 6:0] chan_val;
1358,6 → 1340,7
endmodule // tst_bench_top

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