
Subversion Repositories ae18

Compare Revisions

  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 19 to Rev 20
    Reverse comparison

Rev 19 → Rev 20

0,0 → 1,501
;;; $Id: ae18_core.asm,v 1.4 2007-10-11 18:52:24 sybreon Exp $
;;; Copyright (C) 2006 Shawn Tan Ser Ngiap <>
;;; This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
;;; under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
;;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License,
;;; or (at your option) any later version.
;;; This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
;;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
;;; or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public
;;; License for more details.
;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
;;; along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
;;; 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
;;; This file contains a simple test programme to test the functionality of
;;; the AE18 core. It is by no means an exhaustive test. However, it does
;;; perform at least each PIC18 command at least once. This file has been
;;; compiled using GPASM and GPLINK.
;;; $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $
include ""
processor p18f452
radix hex
_RAM udata 0x020
reg0 res 1
reg1 res 1
reg2 res 2
_FSR udata 0x100
fsr0 res 10
fsr1 res 10
fsr2 res 10
_RESET code 0x0000
goto $
_ISRH code 0x08
_ISRL code 0x018
_MAIN code 0x0020
;; MAIN test code loop
;; Calls a series of test subroutines. Ends with a SLEEP.
;; Clear WDT
rcall _NPC_TEST
rcall _LW2W_TEST
rcall _BSR_TEST
rcall _F2F_TEST
rcall _FW2W_TEST
rcall _FW2F_TEST
rcall _SKIP_TEST
rcall _BCC_TEST
rcall _C_TEST
rcall _MUL_TEST
rcall _BIT_TEST
rcall _N2F_TEST
rcall _FSR_TEST
rcall _SHA_TEST
rcall _TBL_TEST
;; rcall _PCL_TEST
;; All tests OK!!
;; BUGFIX! : Two NOPs required after SLEEP command.
;; RESET on wake up
;; Infinite Loop. It should NEVER loop.
bra $
;; PCL tests - OK
;; Tests to check that PCLATU/PCLATH/PCL works.
movlw UPPER(_PCL1)
movwf PCLATU
movlw HIGH(_PCL1)
movwf PCLATH
movlw LOW(_PCL1)
movwf PCL ; Jump
bra $
movlw 0xFF
movwf PCLATU
movwf PCLATH
movf PCL,W ; WREG = _PCL0
xorlw LOW(_PCL0)
bnz $
xorlw HIGH(_PCL0)
bnz $
xorlw UPPER(_PCL0)
bnz $
retlw 0x00
;; TABLE tests - OK
;; Tests to check that TBLRD is working
tblrd*+ ; TABLAT = 10
xorlw 0x10
bnz $
tblrd*+ ; TABLAT = EF
xorlw 0xEF
bnz $
retlw 0x00
;; SHADOW test - OK
;; Tests to make sure that CALL,S and RETURN,S are working
movlw 0xA5 ; WREG = 0xA5
call _SHA0,1
xorlw 0xA5 ; Z = 1
bnz $
retlw 0x00
movlw 0x00 ; WREG = 0x00
xorlw 0x00 ; Z = 1
bnz $
return 1 ; WREG = 0xA5
;; FSR test - OK
;; Uses INDF0/INDF1/INDF2 for moving values around
lfsr 2,fsr2
lfsr 1,fsr1
lfsr 0,fsr0
movlw 0xA5
movwf INDF0 ; FSR2 = A5
movff fsr0,reg0 ; REG2 = FSR2
xorwf reg0,W ; Z = 1
bnz $
movlw 0xB6
movwf INDF1
movff fsr1,reg1
xorwf reg1,W
bnz $
movlw 0xC7
movwf INDF2
movff fsr2,reg2
xorwf reg2,W
bnz $
retlw 0x00
;; SETF/NEGF/CLRF tests - OK
;; Miscellaneous mono op operations
clrf reg0 ; Z = 1, N = 0
movf reg0,F
bnz $
bn $
setf reg0 ; Z = 0, N = 1
movf reg0,F
bz $
bnn $
negf reg0 ; REG0 = 0x01
movf reg0,F
bz $
bn $
retlw 0x00
;; BCC test - OK
;; Tests all the Z/N/C/OV conditional branches for
;; positive and negative results
;; Positive tests
movlw 0x01
movwf reg0 ; REG0 = 0x01
rrcf reg0,W ; C = 1, WREG = 0x00
bc $+4
bra $
rlcf reg0,W ; C = 0, WREG = 0x02
bnc $+4
bra $
andlw 0x00 ; Z = 1
bz $+4
bra $
iorlw 0x01 ; Z = 0
bnz $+4
bra $
xorlw 0x81 ; N = 1
bn $+4
bra $
xorlw 0x80 ; N = 0
bnn $+4
bra $
;; Negative test
movlw 0x00 ; WREG = 0
addlw 0x00 ; WREG = 0, C = 0
iorlw 0xFF ; Z = 0, N = 1
bz $
bnn $
bc $
addlw 0x01 ; C = 1, Z = 1, N = 0
bnc $
bnz $
bn $
;; Test OV
movlw 0x80
addlw 0x80 ; C = 1, OV = 1, N = 0, Z = 1
bnov $
bov $+4
bra $
retlw 0x00
;; BSR test - OK
;; Simple test to check that BSR is working
movlw 0xA5 ; WREG = 0xA5
movlb 0x02 ; BSR = 0x02
movwf 0x00,B ; (0x0200) = 0xA5
movff 0x0200, 0x0000 ; (0x0000) = 0xA5
swapf 0x0000,W ; WREG = 0x5A;
xorlw 0x5A ; WREG = 0, Z = 1
bnz $
retlw 0x00
;; C used instruction tests
;; Tests a series of instructions that use C
;; TODO - verify
movlw 0xFF ; Indicate Start
movlw 0x00
addlw 0x00 ; C = 0
movwf reg2 ; REG2 = 0
movlw 0x80 ; WREG = 0x80, C = 0
addlw 0x80 ; WREG = 0x00, C = 1
rrcf reg2,W ; WREG = 0x80, C = 0;
addlw 0x80 ; WREG = 0x00, C = 1;
rlcf reg2,W ; WREG = 0x01, C = 0;
addlw 0xFF ; WREG = 0x00, C = 1;
addwfc reg2,W ; WREG = 0x01, C = 0;
subwfb reg2,W ; WREG = 0xFE, C = 1;
addwfc reg2,W ; WREG = 0xFF, C = 0;
subfwb reg2,W ; WREG = 0xFE, C = 0;
retlw 0x00
;; SKIP tests - OK
;; Tests the various SNZ/SZ/SEQ/SGT/SLT instructions
movlw 0x01 ; WREG = 0x01
movwf reg0 ; REG0 = 0x01
btfss reg0,0
bra $
btfsc reg0,1
bra $
decfsz reg0,f ; REG0 = 0x00
bra $
dcfsnz reg0,f ; REG0 = 0xFF
bra $
incfsz reg0,f ; REG0 = 0x00
bra $
infsnz reg0,f ; REG0 = 0x01
bra $
cpfseq reg0
bra $
movlw 0x02
cpfslt reg0
bra $
movlw 0x00 ; WREG = 0x00
cpfsgt reg0
bra $
movlw 0x00
movwf reg2
tstfsz reg2
bra $
retlw 0x00
;; FILE * WREG => FILE tests - OK
;; Tests the series of byte file operations
movlw 0xA5 ; WREG = 0xA5
movwf reg2 ; REG2 = 0xA5
swapf reg2,F ; REG2 = 0x5A
andwf reg2,F ; REG2 = 0x00
iorwf reg2,F ; REG2 = 0xA5
xorwf reg2,F ; REG2 = 0x00
addwf reg2,F ; REG2 = 0xA5
subwf reg2,F ; REG2 = 0x00
movwf reg2 ; REG2 = 0xA5
rrncf reg2,F ; REG2 = 0xD2
rlncf reg2,F ; REG2 = 0xA5
comf reg2,F ; REG2 = 0x5A
incf reg2,F ; REG2 = 0x5B
decf reg2,F ; REG2 = 0x5A
xorwf reg2,W ; WREG = 0xFF
xorlw 0xFF
bnz $
retlw 0x00
;; FILE * WREG => WREG test - OK
;; Tests the series of byte file operations
movlw 0xA5 ; WREG = 0xA5
movwf reg2 ; REG2 = 0xA5
swapf reg2,W ; WREG = 0x5A
andwf reg2,W ; WREG = 0x00
iorwf reg2,W ; WREG = 0xA5
xorwf reg2,W ; WREG = 0x00
addwf reg2,W ; WREG = 0xA5
subwf reg2,W ; WREG = 0x00
rrncf reg2,W ; WREG = 0xD2
rlncf reg2,W ; WREG = 0x4B
comf reg2,W ; WREG = 0x5A
incf reg2,W ; WREG = 0xA6
decf reg2,W ; WREG = 0xA4
xorlw 0xA4
bnz $
retlw 0x00 ; WREG = 0x0
;; Tests moves between FILE and WREG
movlw 0xA5 ; WREG = 0xA5
movwf reg0 ; REG0 = 0xA5
movlw 0x00 ; WREG = 0x00
movff reg0,reg1 ; REG1 = 0xA5
movf reg0,f ; REG0 = 0xA5
movf reg1,w ; WREG = 0xA5
xorlw 0xA5
bnz $
retlw 0x00
;; BIT test - OK
;; Tests the sequence of BIT ops
movlw 0xA5 ; WREG = 0xA5
movwf reg2 ; REG2 = 0xA5
bcf reg2,0 ;
movf reg2,W ; WREG = 0xA4
bsf reg2,0 ;
movf reg2,W ; WREG = 0xA5
btg reg2,0 ;
movf reg2,W ; WREG = 0xA4
xorlw 0xA4 ; Z = 1
bnz $
retlw 0x00
;; LIT * WREG => WREG tests - OK
;; Tests that the sequence of literal operations
movlw 0xA5 ; WREG = 0xA5
addlw 0x05 ; WREG = 0xAA
sublw 0xFF ; WREG = 0x55
andlw 0xF0 ; WREG = 0x50
iorlw 0x0A ; WREG = 0x5A
xorlw 0xFF ; WREG = 0xA5
xorlw 0xA5
bnz $
retlw 0x00 ; WREG = 0x00
;; NEAR test - OK
;; Tests the ability to perform BRA and RCALL by doing some
;; jump acrobatics.
bra _NTFWD
goto $ ; Forward Jump
_NTRET: return
goto $
_NTBWD: bra _NTRET ; Backward Jump
goto $
;; MULLW/MULWF tests - OK
;; Tests that the multiplier produces the correct results
movlw 0x0A ; WREG = 0x0A
movwf reg0 ; REG0 = 0x0A
mullw 0xA0 ; PRODH,PRODL = 0x0640
movf PRODH,W ; Z = 0
xorlw 0x06 ; Z = 1
bnz $
movf PRODL,W ; Z = 0
xorlw 0x40 ; Z = 1
bnz $
movlw 0x40 ; WREG = 0x40
mulwf reg0 ; PRODH,PRODL = 0x0280
movf PRODH,W ; Z = 0
xorlw 0x02 ; Z = 1
bnz $
movf PRODL,W ; Z = 0
xorlw 0x80 ; Z = 1
bnz $
retlw 0x00
;; Interrupt Response Test - OK
;; Just check to see if it jumps here and returns correctly.
nop ; Do something
retfie 1
;; Add some NOP at the end to avoid simulation error
;; due to XXXX content at memory locations outside
;; of the end of the programme.

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