
Subversion Repositories an-fpga-implementation-of-low-latency-noc-based-mpsoc

Compare Revisions

  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 17 to Rev 18
    Reverse comparison

Rev 17 → Rev 18

/tang.MPSOC File deleted
/ali.MPSOC File deleted
1,1702 → 1,840
$mpsoc = bless( {
'socs' => {
'test' => {
'top' => bless( {
'parameters' => {
'aeMB0_AEMB_BSF' => ' 1',
'Altera_single_port_ram0_Dw' => '32',
'gpi_PORT_WIDTH' => ' 1',
'Altera_single_port_ram0_Aw' => '10',
'aeMB0_AEMB_MUL' => ' 1'
'ports' => {
'ni_flit_out_wr' => {
'intfc_port' => 'flit_out_wr',
'intfc_name' => 'socket:ni[0]',
'instance_name' => 'ni0',
'lm32_tile' => {
'top' => bless( {
'parameters' => {
'ram_Dw' => '32',
'ram_Aw' => 12,
'led_PORT_WIDTH' => ' 1'
'ports' => {
'ni_current_x' => {
'intfc_name' => 'socket:ni[0]',
'intfc_port' => 'current_x',
'range' => 'ni_Xw-1 : 0',
'instance_name' => 'ni0',
'type' => 'input'
'ni_flit_out_wr' => {
'intfc_name' => 'socket:ni[0]',
'intfc_port' => 'flit_out_wr',
'range' => '',
'instance_name' => 'ni0',
'type' => 'output'
'ss_clk_in' => {
'intfc_name' => 'plug:clk[0]',
'intfc_port' => 'clk_i',
'range' => '',
'type' => 'output'
'instance_name' => 'clk_source0',
'type' => 'input'
'ni_current_x' => {
'intfc_port' => 'current_x',
'intfc_name' => 'socket:ni[0]',
'instance_name' => 'ni0',
'range' => 'ni_Xw-1 : 0',
'type' => 'input'
'clk_source0_reset_in' => {
'intfc_port' => 'reset_i',
'intfc_name' => 'plug:reset[0]',
'instance_name' => 'clk_source0',
'range' => '',
'type' => 'input'
'aeMB0_sys_ena_i' => {
'intfc_port' => 'enable_i',
'intfc_name' => 'plug:enable[0]',
'instance_name' => 'aeMB0',
'range' => '',
'type' => 'input'
'led_port_o' => {
'intfc_name' => 'IO',
'intfc_port' => 'IO',
'range' => 'led_PORT_WIDTH-1 : 0',
'instance_name' => 'gpo0',
'type' => 'output'
'gpi_port_i' => {
'intfc_port' => 'IO',
'intfc_name' => 'IO',
'instance_name' => 'gpi0',
'range' => 'gpi_PORT_WIDTH-1 : 0',
'type' => 'input'
'ni_flit_out' => {
'intfc_port' => 'flit_out',
'intfc_name' => 'socket:ni[0]',
'instance_name' => 'ni0',
'range' => 'ni_Fw-1 : 0',
'type' => 'output'
'ni_current_y' => {
'intfc_port' => 'current_y',
'intfc_name' => 'socket:ni[0]',
'instance_name' => 'ni0',
'range' => 'ni_Yw-1 : 0',
'type' => 'input'
'ni_credit_out' => {
'intfc_port' => 'credit_out',
'intfc_name' => 'socket:ni[0]',
'instance_name' => 'ni0',
'range' => 'ni_V-1: 0',
'type' => 'output'
'ni_flit_in_wr' => {
'intfc_port' => 'flit_in_wr',
'intfc_name' => 'socket:ni[0]',
'instance_name' => 'ni0',
'range' => '',
'type' => 'input'
'ni_credit_in' => {
'intfc_port' => 'credit_in',
'intfc_name' => 'socket:ni[0]',
'instance_name' => 'ni0',
'range' => 'ni_V-1 : 0',
'type' => 'input'
'clk_source0_clk_in' => {
'intfc_port' => 'clk_i',
'intfc_name' => 'plug:clk[0]',
'instance_name' => 'clk_source0',
'ni_flit_out' => {
'intfc_name' => 'socket:ni[0]',
'intfc_port' => 'flit_out',
'range' => 'ni_Fw-1 : 0',
'instance_name' => 'ni0',
'type' => 'output'
'ni_current_y' => {
'intfc_name' => 'socket:ni[0]',
'intfc_port' => 'current_y',
'range' => 'ni_Yw-1 : 0',
'instance_name' => 'ni0',
'type' => 'input'
'ni_credit_out' => {
'intfc_name' => 'socket:ni[0]',
'intfc_port' => 'credit_out',
'range' => 'ni_V-1: 0',
'instance_name' => 'ni0',
'type' => 'output'
'ni_flit_in_wr' => {
'intfc_name' => 'socket:ni[0]',
'intfc_port' => 'flit_in_wr',
'range' => '',
'instance_name' => 'ni0',
'type' => 'input'
'ni_flit_in' => {
'intfc_port' => 'flit_in',
'intfc_name' => 'socket:ni[0]',
'instance_name' => 'ni0',
'range' => 'ni_Fw-1 : 0',
'type' => 'input'
'interface' => {
'plug:enable[0]' => {
'ports' => {
'aeMB0_sys_ena_i' => {
'intfc_port' => 'enable_i',
'instance_name' => 'aeMB0',
'range' => '',
'ni_credit_in' => {
'intfc_name' => 'socket:ni[0]',
'intfc_port' => 'credit_in',
'range' => 'ni_V-1 : 0',
'instance_name' => 'ni0',
'type' => 'input'
'ss_reset_in' => {
'intfc_name' => 'plug:reset[0]',
'intfc_port' => 'reset_i',
'range' => '',
'instance_name' => 'clk_source0',
'type' => 'input'
'ni_flit_in' => {
'intfc_name' => 'socket:ni[0]',
'intfc_port' => 'flit_in',
'range' => 'ni_Fw-1 : 0',
'instance_name' => 'ni0',
'type' => 'input'
'interface' => {
'IO' => {
'ports' => {
'led_port_o' => {
'intfc_port' => 'IO',
'range' => 'led_PORT_WIDTH-1 : 0',
'instance_name' => 'gpo0',
'type' => 'output'
'socket:ni[0]' => {
'ports' => {
'ni_current_x' => {
'intfc_port' => 'current_x',
'range' => 'ni_Xw-1 : 0',
'instance_name' => 'ni0',
'type' => 'input'
'socket:ni[0]' => {
'ports' => {
'ni_flit_out_wr' => {
'intfc_port' => 'flit_out_wr',
'instance_name' => 'ni0',
'range' => '',
'type' => 'output'
'ni_current_x' => {
'intfc_port' => 'current_x',
'instance_name' => 'ni0',
'range' => 'ni_Xw-1 : 0',
'type' => 'input'
'ni_current_y' => {
'intfc_port' => 'current_y',
'instance_name' => 'ni0',
'range' => 'ni_Yw-1 : 0',
'type' => 'input'
'ni_flit_out' => {
'intfc_port' => 'flit_out',
'instance_name' => 'ni0',
'range' => 'ni_Fw-1 : 0',
'type' => 'output'
'ni_credit_out' => {
'intfc_port' => 'credit_out',
'instance_name' => 'ni0',
'range' => 'ni_V-1: 0',
'type' => 'output'
'ni_flit_in_wr' => {
'intfc_port' => 'flit_in_wr',
'instance_name' => 'ni0',
'ni_flit_out_wr' => {
'intfc_port' => 'flit_out_wr',
'range' => '',
'instance_name' => 'ni0',
'type' => 'output'
'ni_current_y' => {
'intfc_port' => 'current_y',
'range' => 'ni_Yw-1 : 0',
'instance_name' => 'ni0',
'type' => 'input'
'ni_flit_out' => {
'intfc_port' => 'flit_out',
'range' => 'ni_Fw-1 : 0',
'instance_name' => 'ni0',
'type' => 'output'
'ni_credit_out' => {
'intfc_port' => 'credit_out',
'range' => 'ni_V-1: 0',
'instance_name' => 'ni0',
'type' => 'output'
'ni_flit_in_wr' => {
'intfc_port' => 'flit_in_wr',
'range' => '',
'instance_name' => 'ni0',
'type' => 'input'
'ni_credit_in' => {
'intfc_port' => 'credit_in',
'range' => 'ni_V-1 : 0',
'instance_name' => 'ni0',
'type' => 'input'
'ni_flit_in' => {
'intfc_port' => 'flit_in',
'range' => 'ni_Fw-1 : 0',
'instance_name' => 'ni0',
'type' => 'input'
'plug:clk[0]' => {
'ports' => {
'ss_clk_in' => {
'intfc_port' => 'clk_i',
'range' => '',
'instance_name' => 'clk_source0',
'type' => 'input'
'ni_credit_in' => {
'intfc_port' => 'credit_in',
'instance_name' => 'ni0',
'range' => 'ni_V-1 : 0',
'type' => 'input'
'ni_flit_in' => {
'intfc_port' => 'flit_in',
'instance_name' => 'ni0',
'range' => 'ni_Fw-1 : 0',
'type' => 'input'
'IO' => {
'ports' => {
'gpi_port_i' => {
'intfc_port' => 'IO',
'instance_name' => 'gpi0',
'range' => 'gpi_PORT_WIDTH-1 : 0',
'type' => 'input'
'plug:clk[0]' => {
'ports' => {
'clk_source0_clk_in' => {
'intfc_port' => 'clk_i',
'plug:reset[0]' => {
'ports' => {
'ss_reset_in' => {
'intfc_port' => 'reset_i',
'range' => '',
'instance_name' => 'clk_source0',
'range' => '',
'type' => 'input'
'plug:reset[0]' => {
'ports' => {
'clk_source0_reset_in' => {
'intfc_port' => 'reset_i',
'instance_name' => 'clk_source0',
'range' => '',
'type' => 'input'
'tiles' => {
'1' => {
'parameters' => {
'aeMB0_AEMB_BSF' => ' 1',
'Altera_single_port_ram0_Dw' => '32',
'gpi_PORT_WIDTH' => '1',
'Altera_single_port_ram0_Aw' => 15,
'aeMB0_AEMB_MUL' => ' 1'
'0' => {
'parameters' => {
'aeMB0_AEMB_BSF' => ' 1',
'Altera_single_port_ram0_Dw' => '32',
'gpi_PORT_WIDTH' => '1',
'Altera_single_port_ram0_Aw' => 13,
'aeMB0_AEMB_MUL' => ' 1'
'instance_ids' => {
'gpi0' => {
'parameters' => {
'gpi_PORT_WIDTH' => {
'info' => 'Input port width ',
'deafult' => ' 1',
'global_param' => 1,
'content' => '1,32,1',
'redefine_param' => 1,
'type' => 'Spin-button'
'instance_ids' => {
'clk_source0' => {
'ports' => {
'ss_clk_in' => {
'intfc_name' => 'plug:clk[0]',
'intfc_port' => 'clk_i',
'range' => '',
'type' => 'input'
'ss_reset_in' => {
'intfc_name' => 'plug:reset[0]',
'intfc_port' => 'reset_i',
'range' => '',
'type' => 'input'
'module_name' => 'clk_source',
'category' => 'source',
'instance' => 'ss',
'module' => 'clk_source'
'lm320' => {
'module_name' => 'lm32',
'category' => 'Processor',
'instance' => 'lm32',
'module' => 'lm32'
'gpo0' => {
'parameters' => {
'led_PORT_WIDTH' => {
'info' => 'output port width',
'deafult' => ' 1',
'global_param' => 1,
'content' => '1,32,1',
'type' => 'Spin-button',
'redefine_param' => 1
'ports' => {
'led_port_o' => {
'intfc_name' => 'IO',
'intfc_port' => 'IO',
'range' => 'led_PORT_WIDTH-1 : 0',
'type' => 'output'
'ports' => {
'gpi_port_i' => {
'intfc_port' => 'IO',
'intfc_name' => 'IO',
'range' => 'gpi_PORT_WIDTH-1 : 0',
'type' => 'input'
'module_name' => 'gpi',
'category' => 'GPI',
'instance' => 'gpi',
'module' => 'gpi'
'aeMB0' => {
'parameters' => {
'aeMB0_AEMB_BSF' => {
'info' => '1: aeMB with hardware barrel shifter
0:aeMB without haedware barrel shifter',
'deafult' => ' 1',
'module_name' => 'gpo',
'category' => 'GPI',
'instance' => 'led',
'module' => 'gpo'
'ni0' => {
'parameters' => {
'ni_NX' => {
'info' => undef,
'deafult' => ' 2',
'global_param' => 1,
'content' => '',
'type' => 'Fixed',
'redefine_param' => 1
'ni_Fpay' => {
'info' => undef,
'deafult' => ' 32',
'global_param' => 1,
'content' => '',
'type' => 'Fixed',
'redefine_param' => 1
'ni_TOPOLOGY' => {
'info' => undef,
'deafult' => '"MESH"',
'global_param' => 1,
'content' => '1,0',
'redefine_param' => 1,
'type' => 'Combo-box'
'content' => '',
'type' => 'Fixed',
'redefine_param' => 1
'aeMB0_AEMB_MUL' => {
'info' => '1: aeMB with hardware multiplier
0: aeMB without harware multiplier',
'deafult' => ' 1',
'ni_B' => {
'info' => undef,
'deafult' => ' 4',
'global_param' => 1,
'content' => '',
'type' => 'Fixed',
'redefine_param' => 1
'ni_NY' => {
'info' => undef,
'deafult' => ' 2',
'global_param' => 1,
'content' => '',
'type' => 'Fixed',
'redefine_param' => 1
'ni_V' => {
'info' => undef,
'deafult' => ' 4',
'global_param' => 1,
'content' => '',
'type' => 'Fixed',
'redefine_param' => 1
'ni_ROUTE_TYPE' => {
'info' => undef,
'deafult' => '"DETERMINISTIC"',
'global_param' => 1,
'content' => '',
'type' => 'Fixed',
'redefine_param' => 1
'ni_P' => {
'info' => undef,
'deafult' => ' 5',
'global_param' => 1,
'content' => '',
'type' => 'Fixed',
'redefine_param' => 1
'ni_DEBUG_EN' => {
'info' => undef,
'deafult' => '0',
'global_param' => 1,
'content' => '1,0',
'redefine_param' => 1,
'type' => 'Combo-box'
'ports' => {
'aeMB0_sys_ena_i' => {
'intfc_port' => 'enable_i',
'intfc_name' => 'plug:enable[0]',
'range' => '',
'content' => '',
'type' => 'Fixed',
'redefine_param' => 1
'ni_ROUTE_NAME' => {
'info' => undef,
'deafult' => '"XY"',
'global_param' => 1,
'content' => '',
'type' => 'Fixed',
'redefine_param' => 1
'ports' => {
'ni_current_x' => {
'intfc_name' => 'socket:ni[0]',
'intfc_port' => 'current_x',
'range' => 'ni_Xw-1 : 0',
'type' => 'input'
'module_name' => 'aeMB_top',
'category' => 'Processor',
'instance' => 'aeMB0',
'module' => 'aeMB'
'clk_source0' => {
'ports' => {
'clk_source0_reset_in' => {
'intfc_port' => 'reset_i',
'intfc_name' => 'plug:reset[0]',
'range' => '',
'type' => 'input'
'clk_source0_clk_in' => {
'intfc_port' => 'clk_i',
'intfc_name' => 'plug:clk[0]',
'range' => '',
'type' => 'input'
'module_name' => 'clk_source',
'category' => 'source',
'instance' => 'clk_source0',
'module' => 'clk_source'
'wishbone_bus0' => {
'module_name' => 'wishbone_bus',
'category' => 'bus',
'instance' => 'bus',
'module' => 'wishbone_bus'
'ni0' => {
'parameters' => {
'ni_TOPOLOGY' => {
'info' => undef,
'deafult' => ' "MESH"',
'global_param' => 1,
'content' => '"MESH", "TORUS"',
'redefine_param' => 1,
'type' => 'Fixed'
'ni_flit_out_wr' => {
'intfc_name' => 'socket:ni[0]',
'intfc_port' => 'flit_out_wr',
'range' => '',
'type' => 'output'
'ni_current_y' => {
'intfc_name' => 'socket:ni[0]',
'intfc_port' => 'current_y',
'range' => 'ni_Yw-1 : 0',
'type' => 'input'
'ni_flit_out' => {
'intfc_name' => 'socket:ni[0]',
'intfc_port' => 'flit_out',
'range' => 'ni_Fw-1 : 0',
'type' => 'output'
'ni_NX' => {
'info' => undef,
'deafult' => ' 2',
'global_param' => 1,
'content' => '2,16,1',
'redefine_param' => 1,
'type' => 'Fixed'
'ni_B' => {
'info' => undef,
'deafult' => ' 4',
'global_param' => 1,
'content' => '2,16,1',
'redefine_param' => 1,
'type' => 'Fixed'
'ni_NY' => {
'info' => undef,
'deafult' => ' 2',
'global_param' => 1,
'content' => '2,16,1',
'redefine_param' => 1,
'type' => 'Fixed'
'ni_DEBUG_EN' => {
'info' => undef,
'deafult' => ' 1',
'global_param' => 1,
'content' => '0,1',
'redefine_param' => 1,
'type' => 'Fixed'
'ni_V' => {
'info' => undef,
'deafult' => ' 4',
'global_param' => 1,
'content' => '2,16,1',
'redefine_param' => 1,
'type' => 'Fixed'
'ni_ROUTE_NAME' => {
'info' => undef,
'deafult' => '"XY" ',
'global_param' => 1,
'content' => ' "XY" ,"WEST_FIRST","NORTH_LAST" , "NEGETIVE_FIRST", "DUATO"',
'redefine_param' => 1,
'type' => 'Fixed'
'ni_credit_out' => {
'intfc_name' => 'socket:ni[0]',
'intfc_port' => 'credit_out',
'range' => 'ni_V-1: 0',
'type' => 'output'
'ni_flit_in_wr' => {
'intfc_name' => 'socket:ni[0]',
'intfc_port' => 'flit_in_wr',
'range' => '',
'type' => 'input'
'ni_credit_in' => {
'intfc_name' => 'socket:ni[0]',
'intfc_port' => 'credit_in',
'range' => 'ni_V-1 : 0',
'type' => 'input'
'ni_flit_in' => {
'intfc_name' => 'socket:ni[0]',
'intfc_port' => 'flit_in',
'range' => 'ni_Fw-1 : 0',
'type' => 'input'
'ports' => {
'ni_flit_out_wr' => {
'intfc_port' => 'flit_out_wr',
'intfc_name' => 'socket:ni[0]',
'range' => '',
'type' => 'output'
'ni_current_x' => {
'intfc_port' => 'current_x',
'intfc_name' => 'socket:ni[0]',
'range' => 'ni_Xw-1 : 0',
'type' => 'input'
'ni_current_y' => {
'intfc_port' => 'current_y',
'intfc_name' => 'socket:ni[0]',
'range' => 'ni_Yw-1 : 0',
'type' => 'input'
'ni_flit_out' => {
'intfc_port' => 'flit_out',
'intfc_name' => 'socket:ni[0]',
'range' => 'ni_Fw-1 : 0',
'type' => 'output'
'ni_credit_out' => {
'intfc_port' => 'credit_out',
'intfc_name' => 'socket:ni[0]',
'range' => 'ni_V-1: 0',
'type' => 'output'
'ni_flit_in_wr' => {
'intfc_port' => 'flit_in_wr',
'intfc_name' => 'socket:ni[0]',
'range' => '',
'type' => 'input'
'ni_credit_in' => {
'intfc_port' => 'credit_in',
'intfc_name' => 'socket:ni[0]',
'range' => 'ni_V-1 : 0',
'type' => 'input'
'ni_flit_in' => {
'intfc_port' => 'flit_in',
'intfc_name' => 'socket:ni[0]',
'range' => 'ni_Fw-1 : 0',
'type' => 'input'
'module_name' => 'ni',
'category' => 'NoC',
'instance' => 'ni',
'module' => 'ni'
'Altera_single_port_ram0' => {
'parameters' => {
'Altera_single_port_ram0_Dw' => {
'info' => undef,
'deafult' => '32',
'global_param' => 1,
'content' => '8,1024,1',
'redefine_param' => 1,
'type' => 'Spin-button'
'Altera_single_port_ram0_Aw' => {
'info' => undef,
'deafult' => '10',
'global_param' => 1,
'content' => '4,31,1',
'redefine_param' => 1,
'type' => 'Spin-button'
'module_name' => 'Altera_single_port_ram',
'category' => 'RAM',
'instance' => 'Altera_single_port_ram0',
'module' => 'Altera_single_port_ram'
}, 'ip_gen' ),
'tile_nums' => [
'test1' => {
'top' => bless( {
'parameters' => {
'aeMB0_AEMB_BSF' => ' 1',
'Altera_single_port_ram0_Dw' => '32',
'gpi_PORT_WIDTH' => ' 1',
'Altera_single_port_ram0_Aw' => '10',
'aeMB0_AEMB_MUL' => ' 1'
'ports' => {
'ni_flit_out_wr' => {
'intfc_port' => 'flit_out_wr',
'intfc_name' => 'socket:ni[0]',
'instance_name' => 'ni0',
'range' => '',
'type' => 'output'
'module_name' => 'ni',
'category' => 'NoC',
'instance' => 'ni',
'module' => 'ni'
'ni_current_x' => {
'intfc_port' => 'current_x',
'intfc_name' => 'socket:ni[0]',
'instance_name' => 'ni0',
'range' => 'ni_Xw-1 : 0',
'type' => 'input'
'clk_source0_reset_in' => {
'intfc_port' => 'reset_i',
'intfc_name' => 'plug:reset[0]',
'instance_name' => 'clk_source0',
'range' => '',
'type' => 'input'
'aeMB0_sys_ena_i' => {
'intfc_port' => 'enable_i',
'intfc_name' => 'plug:enable[0]',
'instance_name' => 'aeMB0',
'range' => '',
'type' => 'input'
'gpi_port_i' => {
'intfc_port' => 'IO',
'intfc_name' => 'IO',
'instance_name' => 'gpi0',
'range' => 'gpi_PORT_WIDTH-1 : 0',
'type' => 'input'
'ni_flit_out' => {
'intfc_port' => 'flit_out',
'intfc_name' => 'socket:ni[0]',
'instance_name' => 'ni0',
'range' => 'ni_Fw-1 : 0',
'type' => 'output'
'ni_current_y' => {
'intfc_port' => 'current_y',
'intfc_name' => 'socket:ni[0]',
'instance_name' => 'ni0',
'range' => 'ni_Yw-1 : 0',
'type' => 'input'
'ni_credit_out' => {
'intfc_port' => 'credit_out',
'intfc_name' => 'socket:ni[0]',
'instance_name' => 'ni0',
'range' => 'ni_V-1: 0',
'type' => 'output'
'ni_flit_in_wr' => {
'intfc_port' => 'flit_in_wr',
'intfc_name' => 'socket:ni[0]',
'instance_name' => 'ni0',
'wishbone_bus0' => {
'module_name' => 'wishbone_bus',
'category' => 'bus',
'instance' => 'bus',
'module' => 'wishbone_bus'
'Altera_single_port_ram0' => {
'parameters' => {
'ram_Dw' => {
'info' => undef,
'deafult' => '32',
'global_param' => 1,
'content' => '8,1024,1',
'type' => 'Spin-button',
'redefine_param' => 1
'ram_Aw' => {
'info' => undef,
'deafult' => 12,
'global_param' => 1,
'content' => '4,31,1',
'type' => 'Spin-button',
'redefine_param' => 1
'module_name' => 'Altera_single_port_ram',
'category' => 'RAM',
'instance' => 'ram',
'module' => 'Altera_single_port_ram'
'timer0' => {
'module_name' => 'timer',
'category' => 'TIM',
'instance' => 'timer',
'module' => 'timer'
}, 'ip_gen' ),
'tile_nums' => [
'aemb_tile' => {
'top' => bless( {
'parameters' => {
'ram_Dw' => '32',
'ram_Aw' => 12,
'led_PORT_WIDTH' => ' 1'
'ports' => {
'ni_current_x' => {
'intfc_name' => 'socket:ni[0]',
'intfc_port' => 'current_x',
'range' => 'ni_Xw-1 : 0',
'instance_name' => 'ni0',
'type' => 'input'
'ni_flit_out_wr' => {
'intfc_name' => 'socket:ni[0]',
'intfc_port' => 'flit_out_wr',
'range' => '',
'instance_name' => 'ni0',
'type' => 'output'
'ss_clk_in' => {
'intfc_name' => 'plug:clk[0]',
'intfc_port' => 'clk_i',
'range' => '',
'instance_name' => 'clk_source0',
'type' => 'input'
'ni_credit_in' => {
'intfc_port' => 'credit_in',
'intfc_name' => 'socket:ni[0]',
'instance_name' => 'ni0',
'range' => 'ni_V-1 : 0',
'type' => 'input'
'clk_source0_clk_in' => {
'intfc_port' => 'clk_i',
'intfc_name' => 'plug:clk[0]',
'instance_name' => 'clk_source0',
'aeMB_sys_ena_i' => {
'intfc_name' => 'plug:enable[0]',
'intfc_port' => 'enable_i',
'range' => '',
'instance_name' => 'aeMB0',
'type' => 'input'
'ni_flit_in' => {
'intfc_port' => 'flit_in',
'intfc_name' => 'socket:ni[0]',
'instance_name' => 'ni0',
'range' => 'ni_Fw-1 : 0',
'type' => 'input'
'interface' => {
'plug:enable[0]' => {
'ports' => {
'aeMB0_sys_ena_i' => {
'intfc_port' => 'enable_i',
'instance_name' => 'aeMB0',
'range' => '',
'type' => 'input'
'socket:ni[0]' => {
'ports' => {
'ni_flit_out_wr' => {
'intfc_port' => 'flit_out_wr',
'instance_name' => 'ni0',
'range' => '',
'type' => 'output'
'ni_current_x' => {
'intfc_port' => 'current_x',
'instance_name' => 'ni0',
'range' => 'ni_Xw-1 : 0',
'type' => 'input'
'ni_current_y' => {
'intfc_port' => 'current_y',
'instance_name' => 'ni0',
'range' => 'ni_Yw-1 : 0',
'type' => 'input'
'ni_flit_out' => {
'intfc_port' => 'flit_out',
'instance_name' => 'ni0',
'range' => 'ni_Fw-1 : 0',
'type' => 'output'
'ni_credit_out' => {
'intfc_port' => 'credit_out',
'instance_name' => 'ni0',
'range' => 'ni_V-1: 0',
'type' => 'output'
'ni_flit_in_wr' => {
'intfc_port' => 'flit_in_wr',
'instance_name' => 'ni0',
'range' => '',
'type' => 'input'
'ni_credit_in' => {
'intfc_port' => 'credit_in',
'instance_name' => 'ni0',
'range' => 'ni_V-1 : 0',
'type' => 'input'
'ni_flit_in' => {
'intfc_port' => 'flit_in',
'instance_name' => 'ni0',
'range' => 'ni_Fw-1 : 0',
'type' => 'input'
'led_port_o' => {
'intfc_name' => 'IO',
'intfc_port' => 'IO',
'range' => 'led_PORT_WIDTH-1 : 0',
'instance_name' => 'gpo0',
'type' => 'output'
'ni_flit_out' => {
'intfc_name' => 'socket:ni[0]',
'intfc_port' => 'flit_out',
'range' => 'ni_Fw-1 : 0',
'instance_name' => 'ni0',
'type' => 'output'
'ni_current_y' => {
'intfc_name' => 'socket:ni[0]',
'intfc_port' => 'current_y',
'range' => 'ni_Yw-1 : 0',
'instance_name' => 'ni0',
'type' => 'input'
'IO' => {
'ports' => {
'gpi_port_i' => {
'intfc_port' => 'IO',
'instance_name' => 'gpi0',
'range' => 'gpi_PORT_WIDTH-1 : 0',
'type' => 'input'
'plug:clk[0]' => {
'ports' => {
'clk_source0_clk_in' => {
'intfc_port' => 'clk_i',
'instance_name' => 'clk_source0',
'range' => '',
'type' => 'input'
'ni_credit_out' => {
'intfc_name' => 'socket:ni[0]',
'intfc_port' => 'credit_out',
'range' => 'ni_V-1: 0',
'instance_name' => 'ni0',
'type' => 'output'
'ni_flit_in_wr' => {
'intfc_name' => 'socket:ni[0]',
'intfc_port' => 'flit_in_wr',
'range' => '',
'instance_name' => 'ni0',
'type' => 'input'
'ni_credit_in' => {
'intfc_name' => 'socket:ni[0]',
'intfc_port' => 'credit_in',
'range' => 'ni_V-1 : 0',
'instance_name' => 'ni0',
'type' => 'input'
'ss_reset_in' => {
'intfc_name' => 'plug:reset[0]',
'intfc_port' => 'reset_i',
'range' => '',
'instance_name' => 'clk_source0',
'type' => 'input'
'plug:reset[0]' => {
'ports' => {
'clk_source0_reset_in' => {
'intfc_port' => 'reset_i',
'instance_name' => 'clk_source0',
'range' => '',
'type' => 'input'
'ni_flit_in' => {
'intfc_name' => 'socket:ni[0]',
'intfc_port' => 'flit_in',
'range' => 'ni_Fw-1 : 0',
'instance_name' => 'ni0',
'type' => 'input'
'instance_ids' => {
'gpi0' => {
'parameters' => {
'gpi_PORT_WIDTH' => {
'info' => 'Input port width ',
'deafult' => ' 1',
'global_param' => 1,
'content' => '1,32,1',
'redefine_param' => 1,
'type' => 'Spin-button'
'ports' => {
'gpi_port_i' => {
'intfc_port' => 'IO',
'intfc_name' => 'IO',
'range' => 'gpi_PORT_WIDTH-1 : 0',
'type' => 'input'
'module_name' => 'gpi',
'category' => 'GPI',
'instance' => 'gpi',
'module' => 'gpi'
'aeMB0' => {
'parameters' => {
'aeMB0_AEMB_BSF' => {
'info' => '1: aeMB with hardware barrel shifter
0:aeMB without haedware barrel shifter',
'deafult' => ' 1',
'global_param' => 1,
'content' => '1,0',
'redefine_param' => 1,
'type' => 'Combo-box'
'aeMB0_AEMB_MUL' => {
'info' => '1: aeMB with hardware multiplier
0: aeMB without harware multiplier',
'deafult' => ' 1',
'global_param' => 1,
'content' => '1,0',
'redefine_param' => 1,
'type' => 'Combo-box'
'ports' => {
'aeMB0_sys_ena_i' => {
'intfc_port' => 'enable_i',
'intfc_name' => 'plug:enable[0]',
'range' => '',
'type' => 'input'
'module_name' => 'aeMB_top',
'category' => 'Processor',
'instance' => 'aeMB0',
'module' => 'aeMB'
'clk_source0' => {
'ports' => {
'clk_source0_reset_in' => {
'intfc_port' => 'reset_i',
'intfc_name' => 'plug:reset[0]',
'range' => '',
'type' => 'input'
'clk_source0_clk_in' => {
'intfc_port' => 'clk_i',
'intfc_name' => 'plug:clk[0]',
'interface' => {
'plug:enable[0]' => {
'ports' => {
'aeMB_sys_ena_i' => {
'intfc_port' => 'enable_i',
'range' => '',
'instance_name' => 'aeMB0',
'type' => 'input'
'module_name' => 'clk_source',
'category' => 'source',
'instance' => 'clk_source0',
'module' => 'clk_source'
'wishbone_bus0' => {
'module_name' => 'wishbone_bus',
'category' => 'bus',
'instance' => 'bus',
'module' => 'wishbone_bus'
'ni0' => {
'parameters' => {
'ni_TOPOLOGY' => {
'info' => undef,
'deafult' => ' "MESH"',
'global_param' => 1,
'content' => '"MESH", "TORUS"',
'redefine_param' => 1,
'type' => 'Fixed'
'ni_NX' => {
'info' => undef,
'deafult' => ' 2',
'global_param' => 1,
'content' => '2,16,1',
'redefine_param' => 1,
'type' => 'Fixed'
'ni_B' => {
'info' => undef,
'deafult' => ' 4',
'global_param' => 1,
'content' => '2,16,1',
'redefine_param' => 1,
'type' => 'Fixed'
'ni_NY' => {
'info' => undef,
'deafult' => ' 2',
'global_param' => 1,
'content' => '2,16,1',
'redefine_param' => 1,
'type' => 'Fixed'
'ni_DEBUG_EN' => {
'info' => undef,
'deafult' => ' 1',
'global_param' => 1,
'content' => '0,1',
'redefine_param' => 1,
'type' => 'Fixed'
'ni_V' => {
'info' => undef,
'deafult' => ' 4',
'global_param' => 1,
'content' => '2,16,1',
'redefine_param' => 1,
'type' => 'Fixed'
'ni_ROUTE_NAME' => {
'info' => undef,
'deafult' => '"XY" ',
'global_param' => 1,
'content' => ' "XY" ,"WEST_FIRST","NORTH_LAST" , "NEGETIVE_FIRST", "DUATO"',
'redefine_param' => 1,
'type' => 'Fixed'
'IO' => {
'ports' => {
'ni_flit_out_wr' => {
'intfc_port' => 'flit_out_wr',
'intfc_name' => 'socket:ni[0]',
'range' => '',
'type' => 'output'
'ni_current_x' => {
'intfc_port' => 'current_x',
'intfc_name' => 'socket:ni[0]',
'range' => 'ni_Xw-1 : 0',
'type' => 'input'
'ni_current_y' => {
'intfc_port' => 'current_y',
'intfc_name' => 'socket:ni[0]',
'range' => 'ni_Yw-1 : 0',
'type' => 'input'
'ni_flit_out' => {
'intfc_port' => 'flit_out',
'intfc_name' => 'socket:ni[0]',
'range' => 'ni_Fw-1 : 0',
'type' => 'output'
'ni_credit_out' => {
'intfc_port' => 'credit_out',
'intfc_name' => 'socket:ni[0]',
'range' => 'ni_V-1: 0',
'type' => 'output'
'ni_flit_in_wr' => {
'intfc_port' => 'flit_in_wr',
'intfc_name' => 'socket:ni[0]',
'range' => '',
'type' => 'input'
'ni_credit_in' => {
'intfc_port' => 'credit_in',
'intfc_name' => 'socket:ni[0]',
'range' => 'ni_V-1 : 0',
'type' => 'input'
'ni_flit_in' => {
'intfc_port' => 'flit_in',
'intfc_name' => 'socket:ni[0]',
'range' => 'ni_Fw-1 : 0',
'type' => 'input'
'led_port_o' => {
'intfc_port' => 'IO',
'range' => 'led_PORT_WIDTH-1 : 0',
'instance_name' => 'gpo0',
'type' => 'output'
'module_name' => 'ni',
'category' => 'NoC',
'instance' => 'ni',
'module' => 'ni'
'Altera_single_port_ram0' => {
'parameters' => {
'Altera_single_port_ram0_Dw' => {
'info' => undef,
'deafult' => '32',
'global_param' => 1,
'content' => '8,1024,1',
'redefine_param' => 1,
'type' => 'Spin-button'
'Altera_single_port_ram0_Aw' => {
'info' => undef,
'deafult' => '10',
'global_param' => 1,
'content' => '4,31,1',
'redefine_param' => 1,
'type' => 'Spin-button'
'module_name' => 'Altera_single_port_ram',
'category' => 'RAM',
'instance' => 'Altera_single_port_ram0',
'module' => 'Altera_single_port_ram'
}, 'ip_gen' ),
'tile_nums' => [
'test3' => {
'top' => bless( {
'parameters' => {
'aeMB0_AEMB_BSF' => ' 1',
'Altera_single_port_ram0_Dw' => '32',
'gpi_PORT_WIDTH' => ' 1',
'Altera_single_port_ram0_Aw' => '10',
'aeMB0_AEMB_MUL' => ' 1'
'ports' => {
'ni_flit_out_wr' => {
'intfc_port' => 'flit_out_wr',
'intfc_name' => 'socket:ni[0]',
'instance_name' => 'ni0',
'range' => '',
'type' => 'output'
'ni_current_x' => {
'intfc_port' => 'current_x',
'intfc_name' => 'socket:ni[0]',
'instance_name' => 'ni0',
'range' => 'ni_Xw-1 : 0',
'type' => 'input'
'clk_source0_reset_in' => {
'intfc_port' => 'reset_i',
'intfc_name' => 'plug:reset[0]',
'instance_name' => 'clk_source0',
'range' => '',
'type' => 'input'
'aeMB0_sys_ena_i' => {
'intfc_port' => 'enable_i',
'intfc_name' => 'plug:enable[0]',
'instance_name' => 'aeMB0',
'range' => '',
'type' => 'input'
'gpi_port_i' => {
'intfc_port' => 'IO',
'intfc_name' => 'IO',
'instance_name' => 'gpi0',
'range' => 'gpi_PORT_WIDTH-1 : 0',
'type' => 'input'
'ni_flit_out' => {
'intfc_port' => 'flit_out',
'intfc_name' => 'socket:ni[0]',
'instance_name' => 'ni0',
'range' => 'ni_Fw-1 : 0',
'type' => 'output'
'ni_current_y' => {
'intfc_port' => 'current_y',
'intfc_name' => 'socket:ni[0]',
'instance_name' => 'ni0',
'range' => 'ni_Yw-1 : 0',
'type' => 'input'
'ni_credit_out' => {
'intfc_port' => 'credit_out',
'intfc_name' => 'socket:ni[0]',
'instance_name' => 'ni0',
'range' => 'ni_V-1: 0',
'type' => 'output'
'ni_flit_in_wr' => {
'intfc_port' => 'flit_in_wr',
'intfc_name' => 'socket:ni[0]',
'instance_name' => 'ni0',
'range' => '',
'type' => 'input'
'ni_credit_in' => {
'intfc_port' => 'credit_in',
'intfc_name' => 'socket:ni[0]',
'instance_name' => 'ni0',
'range' => 'ni_V-1 : 0',
'type' => 'input'
'clk_source0_clk_in' => {
'intfc_port' => 'clk_i',
'intfc_name' => 'plug:clk[0]',
'instance_name' => 'clk_source0',
'range' => '',
'type' => 'input'
'ni_flit_in' => {
'intfc_port' => 'flit_in',
'intfc_name' => 'socket:ni[0]',
'instance_name' => 'ni0',
'range' => 'ni_Fw-1 : 0',
'type' => 'input'
'interface' => {
'plug:enable[0]' => {
'ports' => {
'aeMB0_sys_ena_i' => {
'intfc_port' => 'enable_i',
'instance_name' => 'aeMB0',
'socket:ni[0]' => {
'ports' => {
'ni_current_x' => {
'intfc_port' => 'current_x',
'range' => 'ni_Xw-1 : 0',
'instance_name' => 'ni0',
'type' => 'input'
'ni_flit_out_wr' => {
'intfc_port' => 'flit_out_wr',
'range' => '',
'instance_name' => 'ni0',
'type' => 'output'
'ni_current_y' => {
'intfc_port' => 'current_y',
'range' => 'ni_Yw-1 : 0',
'instance_name' => 'ni0',
'type' => 'input'
'ni_flit_out' => {
'intfc_port' => 'flit_out',
'range' => 'ni_Fw-1 : 0',
'instance_name' => 'ni0',
'type' => 'output'
'ni_credit_out' => {
'intfc_port' => 'credit_out',
'range' => 'ni_V-1: 0',
'instance_name' => 'ni0',
'type' => 'output'
'ni_flit_in_wr' => {
'intfc_port' => 'flit_in_wr',
'range' => '',
'instance_name' => 'ni0',
'type' => 'input'
'socket:ni[0]' => {
'ni_credit_in' => {
'intfc_port' => 'credit_in',
'range' => 'ni_V-1 : 0',
'instance_name' => 'ni0',
'type' => 'input'
'ni_flit_in' => {
'intfc_port' => 'flit_in',
'range' => 'ni_Fw-1 : 0',
'instance_name' => 'ni0',
'type' => 'input'
'plug:clk[0]' => {
'ports' => {
'ss_clk_in' => {
'intfc_port' => 'clk_i',
'range' => '',
'instance_name' => 'clk_source0',
'type' => 'input'
'plug:reset[0]' => {
'ports' => {
'ss_reset_in' => {
'intfc_port' => 'reset_i',
'range' => '',
'instance_name' => 'clk_source0',
'type' => 'input'
'instance_ids' => {
'aeMB0' => {
'ports' => {
'ni_flit_out_wr' => {
'intfc_port' => 'flit_out_wr',
'instance_name' => 'ni0',
'aeMB_sys_ena_i' => {
'intfc_name' => 'plug:enable[0]',
'intfc_port' => 'enable_i',
'range' => '',
'type' => 'output'
'ni_current_x' => {
'intfc_port' => 'current_x',
'instance_name' => 'ni0',
'range' => 'ni_Xw-1 : 0',
'type' => 'input'
'ni_current_y' => {
'intfc_port' => 'current_y',
'instance_name' => 'ni0',
'range' => 'ni_Yw-1 : 0',
'type' => 'input'
'ni_flit_out' => {
'intfc_port' => 'flit_out',
'instance_name' => 'ni0',
'range' => 'ni_Fw-1 : 0',
'type' => 'output'
'ni_credit_out' => {
'intfc_port' => 'credit_out',
'instance_name' => 'ni0',
'range' => 'ni_V-1: 0',
'type' => 'output'
'ni_flit_in_wr' => {
'intfc_port' => 'flit_in_wr',
'instance_name' => 'ni0',
'range' => '',
'type' => 'input'
'ni_credit_in' => {
'intfc_port' => 'credit_in',
'instance_name' => 'ni0',
'range' => 'ni_V-1 : 0',
'type' => 'input'
'ni_flit_in' => {
'intfc_port' => 'flit_in',
'instance_name' => 'ni0',
'range' => 'ni_Fw-1 : 0',
'type' => 'input'
'type' => 'input'
'module_name' => 'aeMB_top',
'category' => 'Processor',
'instance' => 'aeMB',
'module' => 'aeMB'
'IO' => {
'ports' => {
'gpi_port_i' => {
'intfc_port' => 'IO',
'instance_name' => 'gpi0',
'range' => 'gpi_PORT_WIDTH-1 : 0',
'type' => 'input'
'plug:clk[0]' => {
'gpo0' => {
'parameters' => {
'led_PORT_WIDTH' => {
'info' => 'output port width',
'deafult' => ' 1',
'global_param' => 1,
'content' => '1,32,1',
'type' => 'Spin-button',
'redefine_param' => 1
'ports' => {
'clk_source0_clk_in' => {
'intfc_port' => 'clk_i',
'instance_name' => 'clk_source0',
'led_port_o' => {
'intfc_name' => 'IO',
'intfc_port' => 'IO',
'range' => 'led_PORT_WIDTH-1 : 0',
'type' => 'output'
'module_name' => 'gpo',
'category' => 'GPI',
'instance' => 'led',
'module' => 'gpo'
'wishbone_bus0' => {
'module_name' => 'wishbone_bus',
'category' => 'bus',
'instance' => 'bus',
'module' => 'wishbone_bus'
'int_ctrl0' => {
'module_name' => 'int_ctrl',
'category' => 'interrupt',
'instance' => 'int_ctrl',
'module' => 'int_ctrl'
'Altera_single_port_ram0' => {
'parameters' => {
'ram_Dw' => {
'info' => undef,
'deafult' => '32',
'global_param' => 1,
'content' => '8,1024,1',
'type' => 'Spin-button',
'redefine_param' => 1
'ram_Aw' => {
'info' => undef,
'deafult' => 12,
'global_param' => 1,
'content' => '4,31,1',
'type' => 'Spin-button',
'redefine_param' => 1
'module_name' => 'Altera_single_port_ram',
'category' => 'RAM',
'instance' => 'ram',
'module' => 'Altera_single_port_ram'
'clk_source0' => {
'ports' => {
'ss_clk_in' => {
'intfc_name' => 'plug:clk[0]',
'intfc_port' => 'clk_i',
'range' => '',
'type' => 'input'
'ss_reset_in' => {
'intfc_name' => 'plug:reset[0]',
'intfc_port' => 'reset_i',
'range' => '',
'type' => 'input'
'plug:reset[0]' => {
'ports' => {
'clk_source0_reset_in' => {
'intfc_port' => 'reset_i',
'instance_name' => 'clk_source0',
'range' => '',
'type' => 'input'
'instance_ids' => {
'gpi0' => {
'parameters' => {
'gpi_PORT_WIDTH' => {
'info' => 'Input port width ',
'deafult' => ' 1',
'global_param' => 1,
'content' => '1,32,1',
'redefine_param' => 1,
'type' => 'Spin-button'
'ports' => {
'gpi_port_i' => {
'intfc_port' => 'IO',
'intfc_name' => 'IO',
'range' => 'gpi_PORT_WIDTH-1 : 0',
'type' => 'input'
'module_name' => 'gpi',
'category' => 'GPI',
'instance' => 'gpi',
'module' => 'gpi'
'aeMB0' => {
'parameters' => {
'aeMB0_AEMB_BSF' => {
'info' => '1: aeMB with hardware barrel shifter
0:aeMB without haedware barrel shifter',
'deafult' => ' 1',
'global_param' => 1,
'content' => '1,0',
'redefine_param' => 1,
'type' => 'Combo-box'
'aeMB0_AEMB_MUL' => {
'info' => '1: aeMB with hardware multiplier
0: aeMB without harware multiplier',
'deafult' => ' 1',
'global_param' => 1,
'content' => '1,0',
'redefine_param' => 1,
'type' => 'Combo-box'
'ports' => {
'aeMB0_sys_ena_i' => {
'intfc_port' => 'enable_i',
'intfc_name' => 'plug:enable[0]',
'range' => '',
'type' => 'input'
'module_name' => 'aeMB_top',
'category' => 'Processor',
'instance' => 'aeMB0',
'module' => 'aeMB'
'clk_source0' => {
'ports' => {
'clk_source0_reset_in' => {
'intfc_port' => 'reset_i',
'intfc_name' => 'plug:reset[0]',
'range' => '',
'type' => 'input'
'clk_source0_clk_in' => {
'intfc_port' => 'clk_i',
'intfc_name' => 'plug:clk[0]',
'range' => '',
'type' => 'input'
'module_name' => 'clk_source',
'category' => 'source',
'instance' => 'clk_source0',
'module' => 'clk_source'
'wishbone_bus0' => {
'module_name' => 'wishbone_bus',
'category' => 'bus',
'instance' => 'bus',
'module' => 'wishbone_bus'
'ni0' => {
'parameters' => {
'ni_TOPOLOGY' => {
'module_name' => 'clk_source',
'category' => 'source',
'instance' => 'ss',
'module' => 'clk_source'
'ni0' => {
'parameters' => {
'ni_NX' => {
'info' => undef,
'deafult' => ' 2',
'global_param' => 1,
'content' => '',
'type' => 'Fixed',
'redefine_param' => 1
'ni_Fpay' => {
'info' => undef,
'deafult' => ' "MESH"',
'deafult' => ' 32',
'global_param' => 1,
'content' => '"MESH", "TORUS"',
'redefine_param' => 1,
'type' => 'Fixed'
'content' => '',
'type' => 'Fixed',
'redefine_param' => 1
'ni_NX' => {
'info' => undef,
'deafult' => ' 2',
'global_param' => 1,
'content' => '2,16,1',
'redefine_param' => 1,
'type' => 'Fixed'
'ni_B' => {
'info' => undef,
'deafult' => ' 4',
'global_param' => 1,
'content' => '2,16,1',
'redefine_param' => 1,
'type' => 'Fixed'
'ni_NY' => {
'info' => undef,
'deafult' => ' 2',
'global_param' => 1,
'content' => '2,16,1',
'redefine_param' => 1,
'type' => 'Fixed'
'ni_DEBUG_EN' => {
'info' => undef,
'deafult' => ' 1',
'global_param' => 1,
'content' => '0,1',
'redefine_param' => 1,
'type' => 'Fixed'
'ni_V' => {
'info' => undef,
'deafult' => ' 4',
'global_param' => 1,
'content' => '2,16,1',
'redefine_param' => 1,
'type' => 'Fixed'
'ni_ROUTE_NAME' => {
'info' => undef,
'deafult' => '"XY" ',
'global_param' => 1,
'content' => ' "XY" ,"WEST_FIRST","NORTH_LAST" , "NEGETIVE_FIRST", "DUATO"',
'redefine_param' => 1,
'type' => 'Fixed'
'ports' => {
'ni_flit_out_wr' => {
'intfc_port' => 'flit_out_wr',
'intfc_name' => 'socket:ni[0]',
'range' => '',
'type' => 'output'
'ni_TOPOLOGY' => {
'info' => undef,
'deafult' => '"MESH"',
'global_param' => 1,
'content' => '',
'type' => 'Fixed',
'redefine_param' => 1
'ni_B' => {
'info' => undef,
'deafult' => ' 4',
'global_param' => 1,
'content' => '',
'type' => 'Fixed',
'redefine_param' => 1
'ni_NY' => {
'info' => undef,
'deafult' => ' 2',
'global_param' => 1,
'content' => '',
'type' => 'Fixed',
'redefine_param' => 1
'ni_current_x' => {
'intfc_port' => 'current_x',
'intfc_name' => 'socket:ni[0]',
'range' => 'ni_Xw-1 : 0',
'type' => 'input'
'ni_current_y' => {
'intfc_port' => 'current_y',
'intfc_name' => 'socket:ni[0]',
'range' => 'ni_Yw-1 : 0',
'type' => 'input'
'ni_flit_out' => {
'intfc_port' => 'flit_out',
'intfc_name' => 'socket:ni[0]',
'range' => 'ni_Fw-1 : 0',
'type' => 'output'
'ni_credit_out' => {
'intfc_port' => 'credit_out',
'intfc_name' => 'socket:ni[0]',
'range' => 'ni_V-1: 0',
'type' => 'output'
'ni_V' => {
'info' => undef,
'deafult' => ' 4',
'global_param' => 1,
'content' => '',
'type' => 'Fixed',
'redefine_param' => 1
'ni_flit_in_wr' => {
'intfc_port' => 'flit_in_wr',
'intfc_name' => 'socket:ni[0]',
'range' => '',
'type' => 'input'
'ni_ROUTE_TYPE' => {
'info' => undef,
'deafult' => '"DETERMINISTIC"',
'global_param' => 1,
'content' => '',
'type' => 'Fixed',
'redefine_param' => 1
'ni_P' => {
'info' => undef,
'deafult' => ' 5',
'global_param' => 1,
'content' => '',
'type' => 'Fixed',
'redefine_param' => 1
'ni_credit_in' => {
'intfc_port' => 'credit_in',
'intfc_name' => 'socket:ni[0]',
'range' => 'ni_V-1 : 0',
'type' => 'input'
'ni_flit_in' => {
'intfc_port' => 'flit_in',
'intfc_name' => 'socket:ni[0]',
'range' => 'ni_Fw-1 : 0',
'type' => 'input'
'module_name' => 'ni',
'category' => 'NoC',
'instance' => 'ni',
'module' => 'ni'
'Altera_single_port_ram0' => {
'parameters' => {
'Altera_single_port_ram0_Dw' => {
'info' => undef,
'deafult' => '32',
'global_param' => 1,
'content' => '8,1024,1',
'redefine_param' => 1,
'type' => 'Spin-button'
'Altera_single_port_ram0_Aw' => {
'info' => undef,
'deafult' => '10',
'global_param' => 1,
'content' => '4,31,1',
'redefine_param' => 1,
'type' => 'Spin-button'
'module_name' => 'Altera_single_port_ram',
'category' => 'RAM',
'instance' => 'Altera_single_port_ram0',
'module' => 'Altera_single_port_ram'
}, 'ip_gen' ),
'tile_nums' => [
'test2' => {
'top' => bless( {
'parameters' => {
'aeMB0_AEMB_BSF' => ' 1',
'Altera_single_port_ram0_Dw' => '32',
'gpi_PORT_WIDTH' => ' 1',
'Altera_single_port_ram0_Aw' => '10',
'aeMB0_AEMB_MUL' => ' 1'
'ports' => {
'ni_flit_out_wr' => {
'intfc_port' => 'flit_out_wr',
'intfc_name' => 'socket:ni[0]',
'instance_name' => 'ni0',
'range' => '',
'type' => 'output'
'ni_current_x' => {
'intfc_port' => 'current_x',
'intfc_name' => 'socket:ni[0]',
'instance_name' => 'ni0',
'range' => 'ni_Xw-1 : 0',
'type' => 'input'
'clk_source0_reset_in' => {
'intfc_port' => 'reset_i',
'intfc_name' => 'plug:reset[0]',
'instance_name' => 'clk_source0',
'range' => '',
'type' => 'input'
'aeMB0_sys_ena_i' => {
'intfc_port' => 'enable_i',
'intfc_name' => 'plug:enable[0]',
'instance_name' => 'aeMB0',
'range' => '',
'type' => 'input'
'gpi_port_i' => {
'intfc_port' => 'IO',
'intfc_name' => 'IO',
'instance_name' => 'gpi0',
'range' => 'gpi_PORT_WIDTH-1 : 0',
'type' => 'input'
'ni_flit_out' => {
'intfc_port' => 'flit_out',
'intfc_name' => 'socket:ni[0]',
'instance_name' => 'ni0',
'range' => 'ni_Fw-1 : 0',
'type' => 'output'
'ni_current_y' => {
'intfc_port' => 'current_y',
'intfc_name' => 'socket:ni[0]',
'instance_name' => 'ni0',
'range' => 'ni_Yw-1 : 0',
'type' => 'input'
'ni_credit_out' => {
'intfc_port' => 'credit_out',
'intfc_name' => 'socket:ni[0]',
'instance_name' => 'ni0',
'range' => 'ni_V-1: 0',
'type' => 'output'
'ni_flit_in_wr' => {
'intfc_port' => 'flit_in_wr',
'intfc_name' => 'socket:ni[0]',
'instance_name' => 'ni0',
'range' => '',
'type' => 'input'
'ni_credit_in' => {
'intfc_port' => 'credit_in',
'intfc_name' => 'socket:ni[0]',
'instance_name' => 'ni0',
'range' => 'ni_V-1 : 0',
'type' => 'input'
'clk_source0_clk_in' => {
'intfc_port' => 'clk_i',
'intfc_name' => 'plug:clk[0]',
'instance_name' => 'clk_source0',
'range' => '',
'type' => 'input'
'ni_flit_in' => {
'intfc_port' => 'flit_in',
'intfc_name' => 'socket:ni[0]',
'instance_name' => 'ni0',
'range' => 'ni_Fw-1 : 0',
'type' => 'input'
'interface' => {
'plug:enable[0]' => {
'ports' => {
'aeMB0_sys_ena_i' => {
'intfc_port' => 'enable_i',
'instance_name' => 'aeMB0',
'range' => '',
'type' => 'input'
'socket:ni[0]' => {
'ports' => {
'ni_flit_out_wr' => {
'intfc_port' => 'flit_out_wr',
'instance_name' => 'ni0',
'range' => '',
'type' => 'output'
'ni_DEBUG_EN' => {
'info' => undef,
'deafult' => '0',
'global_param' => 1,
'content' => '',
'type' => 'Fixed',
'redefine_param' => 1
'ni_current_x' => {
'intfc_port' => 'current_x',
'instance_name' => 'ni0',
'range' => 'ni_Xw-1 : 0',
'type' => 'input'
'ni_ROUTE_NAME' => {
'info' => undef,
'deafult' => '"XY"',
'global_param' => 1,
'content' => '',
'type' => 'Fixed',
'redefine_param' => 1
'ports' => {
'ni_current_x' => {
'intfc_name' => 'socket:ni[0]',
'intfc_port' => 'current_x',
'range' => 'ni_Xw-1 : 0',
'type' => 'input'
'ni_flit_out_wr' => {
'intfc_name' => 'socket:ni[0]',
'intfc_port' => 'flit_out_wr',
'range' => '',
'type' => 'output'
'ni_current_y' => {
'intfc_port' => 'current_y',
'instance_name' => 'ni0',
'range' => 'ni_Yw-1 : 0',
'type' => 'input'
'ni_flit_out' => {
'intfc_port' => 'flit_out',
'instance_name' => 'ni0',
'range' => 'ni_Fw-1 : 0',
'ni_current_y' => {
'intfc_name' => 'socket:ni[0]',
'intfc_port' => 'current_y',
'range' => 'ni_Yw-1 : 0',
'type' => 'input'
'ni_flit_out' => {
'intfc_name' => 'socket:ni[0]',
'intfc_port' => 'flit_out',
'range' => 'ni_Fw-1 : 0',
'type' => 'output'
'ni_credit_out' => {
'intfc_name' => 'socket:ni[0]',
'intfc_port' => 'credit_out',
'range' => 'ni_V-1: 0',
'type' => 'output'
'ni_credit_out' => {
'intfc_port' => 'credit_out',
'instance_name' => 'ni0',
'range' => 'ni_V-1: 0',
'type' => 'output'
'ni_flit_in_wr' => {
'intfc_port' => 'flit_in_wr',
'instance_name' => 'ni0',
'range' => '',
'type' => 'input'
'ni_credit_in' => {
'intfc_port' => 'credit_in',
'instance_name' => 'ni0',
'range' => 'ni_V-1 : 0',
'type' => 'input'
'ni_flit_in' => {
'intfc_port' => 'flit_in',
'instance_name' => 'ni0',
'range' => 'ni_Fw-1 : 0',
'type' => 'input'
'IO' => {
'ports' => {
'gpi_port_i' => {
'intfc_port' => 'IO',
'instance_name' => 'gpi0',
'range' => 'gpi_PORT_WIDTH-1 : 0',
'type' => 'input'
'plug:clk[0]' => {
'ports' => {
'clk_source0_clk_in' => {
'intfc_port' => 'clk_i',
'instance_name' => 'clk_source0',
'range' => '',
'type' => 'input'
'plug:reset[0]' => {
'ports' => {
'clk_source0_reset_in' => {
'intfc_port' => 'reset_i',
'instance_name' => 'clk_source0',
'range' => '',
'type' => 'input'
'instance_ids' => {
'gpi0' => {
'parameters' => {
'gpi_PORT_WIDTH' => {
'info' => 'Input port width ',
'deafult' => ' 1',
'global_param' => 1,
'content' => '1,32,1',
'redefine_param' => 1,
'type' => 'Spin-button'
'ports' => {
'gpi_port_i' => {
'intfc_port' => 'IO',
'intfc_name' => 'IO',
'range' => 'gpi_PORT_WIDTH-1 : 0',
'type' => 'input'
'module_name' => 'gpi',
'category' => 'GPI',
'instance' => 'gpi',
'module' => 'gpi'
'aeMB0' => {
'parameters' => {
'aeMB0_AEMB_BSF' => {
'info' => '1: aeMB with hardware barrel shifter
0:aeMB without haedware barrel shifter',
'deafult' => ' 1',
'global_param' => 1,
'content' => '1,0',
'redefine_param' => 1,
'type' => 'Combo-box'
'aeMB0_AEMB_MUL' => {
'info' => '1: aeMB with hardware multiplier
0: aeMB without harware multiplier',
'deafult' => ' 1',
'global_param' => 1,
'content' => '1,0',
'redefine_param' => 1,
'type' => 'Combo-box'
'ports' => {
'aeMB0_sys_ena_i' => {
'intfc_port' => 'enable_i',
'intfc_name' => 'plug:enable[0]',
'ni_flit_in_wr' => {
'intfc_name' => 'socket:ni[0]',
'intfc_port' => 'flit_in_wr',
'range' => '',
'type' => 'input'
'module_name' => 'aeMB_top',
'category' => 'Processor',
'instance' => 'aeMB0',
'module' => 'aeMB'
'clk_source0' => {
'ports' => {
'clk_source0_reset_in' => {
'intfc_port' => 'reset_i',
'intfc_name' => 'plug:reset[0]',
'range' => '',
'type' => 'input'
'clk_source0_clk_in' => {
'intfc_port' => 'clk_i',
'intfc_name' => 'plug:clk[0]',
'range' => '',
'type' => 'input'
'module_name' => 'clk_source',
'category' => 'source',
'instance' => 'clk_source0',
'module' => 'clk_source'
'wishbone_bus0' => {
'module_name' => 'wishbone_bus',
'category' => 'bus',
'instance' => 'bus',
'module' => 'wishbone_bus'
'ni0' => {
'parameters' => {
'ni_TOPOLOGY' => {
'info' => undef,
'deafult' => ' "MESH"',
'global_param' => 1,
'content' => '"MESH", "TORUS"',
'redefine_param' => 1,
'type' => 'Fixed'
'ni_credit_in' => {
'intfc_name' => 'socket:ni[0]',
'intfc_port' => 'credit_in',
'range' => 'ni_V-1 : 0',
'type' => 'input'
'ni_NX' => {
'info' => undef,
'deafult' => ' 2',
'global_param' => 1,
'content' => '2,16,1',
'redefine_param' => 1,
'type' => 'Fixed'
'ni_B' => {
'info' => undef,
'deafult' => ' 4',
'global_param' => 1,
'content' => '2,16,1',
'redefine_param' => 1,
'type' => 'Fixed'
'ni_NY' => {
'info' => undef,
'deafult' => ' 2',
'global_param' => 1,
'content' => '2,16,1',
'redefine_param' => 1,
'type' => 'Fixed'
'ni_DEBUG_EN' => {
'info' => undef,
'deafult' => ' 1',
'global_param' => 1,
'content' => '0,1',
'redefine_param' => 1,
'type' => 'Fixed'
'ni_V' => {
'info' => undef,
'deafult' => ' 4',
'global_param' => 1,
'content' => '2,16,1',
'redefine_param' => 1,
'type' => 'Fixed'
'ni_ROUTE_NAME' => {
'info' => undef,
'deafult' => '"XY" ',
'global_param' => 1,
'content' => ' "XY" ,"WEST_FIRST","NORTH_LAST" , "NEGETIVE_FIRST", "DUATO"',
'redefine_param' => 1,
'type' => 'Fixed'
'ports' => {
'ni_flit_out_wr' => {
'intfc_port' => 'flit_out_wr',
'ni_flit_in' => {
'intfc_name' => 'socket:ni[0]',
'range' => '',
'type' => 'output'
'ni_current_x' => {
'intfc_port' => 'current_x',
'intfc_name' => 'socket:ni[0]',
'range' => 'ni_Xw-1 : 0',
'type' => 'input'
'ni_current_y' => {
'intfc_port' => 'current_y',
'intfc_name' => 'socket:ni[0]',
'range' => 'ni_Yw-1 : 0',
'type' => 'input'
'ni_flit_out' => {
'intfc_port' => 'flit_out',
'intfc_name' => 'socket:ni[0]',
'range' => 'ni_Fw-1 : 0',
'type' => 'output'
'ni_credit_out' => {
'intfc_port' => 'credit_out',
'intfc_name' => 'socket:ni[0]',
'range' => 'ni_V-1: 0',
'type' => 'output'
'ni_flit_in_wr' => {
'intfc_port' => 'flit_in_wr',
'intfc_name' => 'socket:ni[0]',
'range' => '',
'type' => 'input'
'ni_credit_in' => {
'intfc_port' => 'credit_in',
'intfc_name' => 'socket:ni[0]',
'range' => 'ni_V-1 : 0',
'type' => 'input'
'ni_flit_in' => {
'intfc_port' => 'flit_in',
'intfc_name' => 'socket:ni[0]',
'range' => 'ni_Fw-1 : 0',
'type' => 'input'
'module_name' => 'ni',
'category' => 'NoC',
'instance' => 'ni',
'module' => 'ni'
'Altera_single_port_ram0' => {
'parameters' => {
'Altera_single_port_ram0_Dw' => {
'info' => undef,
'deafult' => '32',
'global_param' => 1,
'content' => '8,1024,1',
'redefine_param' => 1,
'type' => 'Spin-button'
'Altera_single_port_ram0_Aw' => {
'info' => undef,
'deafult' => '10',
'global_param' => 1,
'content' => '4,31,1',
'redefine_param' => 1,
'type' => 'Spin-button'
'module_name' => 'Altera_single_port_ram',
'category' => 'RAM',
'instance' => 'Altera_single_port_ram0',
'module' => 'Altera_single_port_ram'
}, 'ip_gen' ),
'tile_nums' => [
'intfc_port' => 'flit_in',
'range' => 'ni_Fw-1 : 0',
'type' => 'input'
'module_name' => 'ni',
'category' => 'NoC',
'instance' => 'ni',
'module' => 'ni'
'timer0' => {
'module_name' => 'timer',
'category' => 'TIM',
'instance' => 'timer',
'module' => 'timer'
}, 'ip_gen' ),
'tile_nums' => [
'setting' => {
'show_adv_setting' => 0,
1705,21 → 843,10
'show_tile_setting' => 1
'tile' => {
'6' => {},
'1' => {},
'3' => {},
'7' => {
'param_setting' => 'Default'
'2' => {},
'8' => {},
'1' => {
'param_setting' => 'Custom'
'4' => {},
'0' => {
'param_setting' => 'Custom'
'5' => {}
'0' => {},
'2' => {}
'mpsoc_name' => 'mpsoc',
'parameters_order' => [
1748,14 → 875,14
'noc_param' => {
'NY' => 3,
'DEBUG_EN' => '0',
'NX' => 3,
'NY' => ' 2',
'NX' => ' 2',
'V' => '2',
'C' => 0,
'ROUTE_NAME' => '"XY"',
'Fpay' => '32',

powered by: WebSVN 2.1.0

© copyright 1999-2024, equivalent to Oliscience, all rights reserved. OpenCores®, registered trademark.