
Subversion Repositories an-fpga-implementation-of-low-latency-noc-based-mpsoc

Compare Revisions

  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 23 to Rev 24
    Reverse comparison

Rev 23 → Rev 24

13,9 → 13,56
sub get_instance_global_variable{
my ($soc,$id) = @_;
my $module =$soc->soc_get_module($id);
my $module_name =$soc->soc_get_module_name($id);
my $category =$soc->soc_get_category($id);
my $inst =$soc->soc_get_instance_name($id);
my @plugs= $soc->soc_get_all_plugs_of_an_instance($id);
my %params= $soc->soc_get_module_param($id);
#add two extra variable the instance name and base addresses
foreach my $plug (@plugs){
my @nums=$soc->soc_list_plug_nums($id,$plug);
foreach my $num (@nums){
my ($addr,$base,$end,$name,$connect_id,$connect_socket,$connect_socket_num)=$soc->soc_get_plug($id,$plug,$num);
#wishbone slave address
if((defined $connect_socket) && ($connect_socket eq 'wb_slave')){
#print "$addr,$base,$end,$connect_id,$connect_socket,$connect_socket_num\n";
my $base_hex=sprintf("0X%08x", $base);
my $end_hex=sprintf("0X%08x", $end);
my $val="BASE".$num;
$params{BASE}=$params{BASE0} if(defined $params{BASE0});
return (\%params);
sub replace_golb_var{
my ($hdr,$ref)=@_;
my %params= %{$ref};
foreach my $p (sort keys %params){
my $pattern= '\$\{?' . $p . '(\}|\b)';
return $hdr;
sub generate_header_file{
my ($soc)= @_;
my ($soc,$project_dir,$target_dir,$dir)= @_;
my $soc_name=$soc->soc_get_soc_name();
$soc_name = uc($soc_name);
if(!defined $soc_name){$soc_name='soc'};
33,27 → 80,20
my $module_name =$soc->soc_get_module_name($id);
my $category =$soc->soc_get_category($id);
my $inst =$soc->soc_get_instance_name($id);
add_text_to_string(\$system_h,"\n \n /* $inst */ \n");
# print base address
my @plugs= $soc->soc_get_all_plugs_of_an_instance($id);
my %params= %{get_instance_global_variable($soc,$id)};
foreach my $plug (@plugs){
my @nums=$soc->soc_list_plug_nums($id,$plug);
foreach my $num (@nums){
my ($addr,$base,$end,$name,$connect_id,$connect_socket,$connect_socket_num)=$soc->soc_get_plug($id,$plug,$num);
#wishbone slave address
if((defined $connect_socket) && ($connect_socket eq 'wb_slave')){
#print "$addr,$base,$end,$connect_id,$connect_socket,$connect_socket_num\n";
my $base_hex=sprintf("0X%08x", $base);
my $end_hex=sprintf("0X%08x", $end);
add_text_to_string(\$system_h,"#define $inst\_BASE_ADDR$num \t\t $base_hex\n");
add_text_to_string(\$system_h,"#define $inst\_BASE_ADDR \t\t $inst\_BASE_ADDR0\n") if ($num==0);
if((defined $connect_socket) && ($connect_socket eq 'interrupt_peripheral')){
add_text_to_string(\$system_h,"//intrrupt flag location\n");
65,27 → 105,52
my $hdr =$ip->ip_get_hdr($category,$module);
my $hdr =$ip->ip_get($category,$module,"system_h");
#print "$hdr";
# \$\{?IP(\b|\})
if(defined $hdr){
#replace IP name
my $key='\$IP\\\\';
# Write Software gen files
my @sw_file_gen = $ip->ip_get_list($category,$module,"gen_sw_files");
foreach my $file (@sw_file_gen){
if(defined $file ){
my ($path,$rename)=split('frename_sep_t',$file);
#read the file content
my $content=read_file_cntent($path,$project_dir);
if(defined $rename){
#replace BASE addr
open(FILE, ">lib/verilog/$rename") || die "Can not open: $!";
print FILE $content;
close(FILE) || die "Error closing file: $!";
move ("$dir/lib/verilog/$rename","$target_dir/sw/");
return $system_h;
my $name=$soc->soc_get_soc_name();
open(FILE, ">lib/verilog/$name.h") || die "Can not open: $!";
print FILE $system_h;
close(FILE) || die "Error closing file: $!";
move ("$dir/lib/verilog/$name.h","$target_dir/sw/");
1,58 → 1,160
#! /usr/bin/perl -w
use Glib qw/TRUE FALSE/;
use Gtk2 '-init';
use strict;
use warnings;
our $spinner1;
sub get_value
my ($button, $format) = @_;
if ('int' eq $format)
$button->{val_label}->set_text (sprintf ("%d",
$button->{val_label}->set_text (sprintf ("%0.*f",
$window = Gtk2::Window->new ('toplevel');
$window->signal_connect (destroy => sub { Gtk2->main_quit; 0; });
$window->set_title ("Spin Button");
$main_vbox = Gtk2::VBox->new (FALSE, 5);
$main_vbox->set_border_width (10);
$window->add ($main_vbox);
my @nums=(0,2,3,6,7);
$frame = Gtk2::Frame->new ("Not accelerated");
$main_vbox->pack_start ($frame, TRUE, TRUE, 0);
my $s=compress_nums(@nums);
$vbox = Gtk2::VBox->new (FALSE, 0);
$vbox->set_border_width (10);
$frame->add ($vbox);
print "$s\n";
# Day, month, year spinners
$hbox = Gtk2::HBox->new (FALSE, 0);
$vbox->pack_start ($hbox, TRUE, TRUE, 5);
$vbox2 = Gtk2::VBox->new (FALSE, 0);
$hbox->pack_start ($vbox2, TRUE, TRUE, 5);
sub compress_nums{
my @nums=@_;
my @f=sort { $a <=> $b } @nums;
my $s;
my $ls;
my $range=0;
my $x;
$label = Gtk2::Label->new ("Day :");
$label->set_alignment (0.0, 0.5); # left halignment, middle valignment
$vbox2->pack_start ($label, FALSE, TRUE, 0);
foreach my $p (@f){
if(!defined $x) {
if($p-$x>1){ #gap exist
if( $range){
$s=($x-$ls>1 )? "$s:$x,$p": "$s,$x,$p";
$s= "$s,$p";
$adj = Gtk2::Adjustment->new (1.0, 1.0, 31.0, 1.0, 5.0, 0.0);
$spinner = Gtk2::SpinButton->new ($adj, 0, 0);
$spinner->set_wrap (TRUE);
$vbox2->pack_start ($spinner, FALSE, TRUE, 0);
}else {$range=1;}
$vbox2 = Gtk2::VBox->new (FALSE, 0);
$hbox->pack_start ($vbox2, TRUE, TRUE, 5);
$label = Gtk2::Label->new ("Month :");
$label->set_alignment (0.0, 0.5); # left halignment, middle valignment
$vbox2->pack_start ($label, FALSE, TRUE, 0);
if($range==1){ $s= ($x-$ls>1 )? "$s:$x": "$s,$x";}
#update $s($ls,$hs);
$adj = Gtk2::Adjustment->new (1.0, 1.0, 12.0, 1.0, 5.0, 0.0);
$spinner = Gtk2::SpinButton->new ($adj, 0, 0);
$spinner->set_wrap (TRUE);
$vbox2->pack_start ($spinner, FALSE, TRUE, 0);
return $s;
$vbox2 = Gtk2::VBox->new (FALSE, 0);
$hbox->pack_start ($vbox2, TRUE, TRUE, 5);
$label = Gtk2::Label->new ("Year :");
$label->set_alignment (0.0, 0.5); # left halignment, middle valignment
$vbox2->pack_start ($label, FALSE, TRUE, 0);
$adj = Gtk2::Adjustment->new (1998.0, 1.0, 2100.0, 1.0, 100.0, 0.0);
$spinner = Gtk2::SpinButton->new ($adj, 0, 0);
$spinner->set_wrap (TRUE);
$spinner->set_size_request (55, -1);
$vbox2->pack_start ($spinner, FALSE, TRUE, 0);
$frame = Gtk2::Frame->new ("Accelerated");
$main_vbox->pack_start ($frame, TRUE, TRUE, 0);
$vbox = Gtk2::VBox->new (FALSE, 0);
$vbox->set_border_width (5);
$frame->add ($vbox);
$hbox = Gtk2::HBox->new (FALSE, 0);
$vbox->pack_start ($hbox, TRUE, TRUE, 5);
$vbox2 = Gtk2::VBox->new (FALSE, 0);
$hbox->pack_start ($vbox2, TRUE, TRUE, 5);
$label = Gtk2::Label->new ("Value :");
$label->set_alignment (0.0, 0.5); # left halignment, middle valignment
$vbox2->pack_start ($label, FALSE, TRUE, 0);
$adj = Gtk2::Adjustment->new (0.0, -10000.0, 10000.0, 0.5, 100.0, 0.0);
$spinner1 = Gtk2::SpinButton->new ($adj, 1.0, 2);
$spinner1->set_wrap (TRUE);
$spinner1->set_size_request (100, -1);
$vbox2->pack_start ($spinner1, FALSE, TRUE, 0);
$vbox2 = Gtk2::VBox->new (FALSE, 0);
$hbox->pack_start ($vbox2, TRUE, TRUE, 5);
$label = Gtk2::Label->new ("Digits :");
$label->set_alignment (0.0, 0.5); # left halignment, middle valignment
$vbox2->pack_start ($label, FALSE, TRUE, 0);
$adj = Gtk2::Adjustment->new (2, 1, 5, 1, 1, 0);
$spinner2 = Gtk2::SpinButton->new ($adj, 0.0, 0);
$spinner2->set_wrap (TRUE);
$adj->signal_connect (value_changed => sub {
$spinner1->set_digits ($spinner2->get_value_as_int ());
$vbox2->pack_start ($spinner2, FALSE, TRUE, 0);
$button = Gtk2::CheckButton->new ("Snap to 0.5-ticks");
$button->signal_connect (clicked => sub {
$spinner1->set_snap_to_ticks ($_[0]->get_active);
$vbox->pack_start ($button, TRUE, TRUE, 0);
$button->set_active (TRUE);
$button = Gtk2::CheckButton->new ("Numeric only input mode");
$button->signal_connect (clicked => sub {
$spinner1->set_numeric ($_[0]->get_active);
$vbox->pack_start ($button, TRUE, TRUE, 0);
$button->set_active (TRUE);
$val_label = Gtk2::Label->new ("");
$hbox = Gtk2::HBox->new (FALSE, 0);
$vbox->pack_start ($hbox, FALSE, TRUE, 5);
$button = Gtk2::Button->new ("Value as Int");
$button->{val_label} = $val_label;
$button->signal_connect (clicked => \&get_value, 'int');
$hbox->pack_start ($button, TRUE, TRUE, 5);
$button = Gtk2::Button->new ("Value as Float");
$button->{val_label} = $val_label;
$button->signal_connect (clicked => \&get_value, 'float');
$hbox->pack_start ($button, TRUE, TRUE, 5);
$vbox->pack_start ($val_label, TRUE, TRUE, 0);
$val_label->set_text ("0");
$hbox = Gtk2::HBox->new (FALSE, 0);
$main_vbox->pack_start ($hbox, FALSE, TRUE, 0);
$button = Gtk2::Button->new ("Close");
$button->signal_connect (clicked => sub { $window->destroy; });
$hbox->pack_start ($button, TRUE, TRUE, 0);
229,20 → 229,7
return @r;
sub get_describtion{
my ($self,$category,$module)=@_;
my $r;
if (!defined($module) ) {return $r;}
return $r;
sub get_param_default{
my ($self,$category,$module)=@_;
my %r;
382,52 → 369,53
sub ip_get_module_name{
my ($self, $category,$module)=@_;
my $module_name;
if(exists $self->{categories}{$category}{names}{$module}{module_name}){
$module_name= $self->{categories}{$category}{names}{$module}{module_name};
return $module_name;
sub ip_get_hdr{
my ($self, $category,$module)=@_;
my $hdr;
return $hdr;
sub ip_add{
my ($self,$category,$module,$filed_name,$filed_data)=@_;
sub ip_get_files{
my ($self, $category,$module,$list_name)=@_;
sub ip_get{
my ($self,$category,$module,$filed_name)=@_;
return $self->{categories}{$category}{names}{$module}{$filed_name};
sub ip_get_list{
my ($self,$category,$module,$filed_name)=@_;
my @l;
@l=@{$self->{categories}{$category}{names}{$module}{$list_name}} if(defined $self->{categories}{$category}{names}{$module}{$list_name});
return @l;
if( defined $self->{categories}{$category}{names}{$module}{$filed_name}){
return @l;
sub ip_get_unsuded_intfc_ports{
my ($self, $category,$module)=@_;
return $self->{categories}{$category}{names}{$module}{"unused"};
sub ip_remove{
my ($self,$category,$module,$filed_name)=@_;
delete $self->{categories}{$category}{names}{$module}{$filed_name};
sub add_ip{
my ($self,$ipgen) =@_;
my $module;
$module = $ipgen->ipgen_get_ip_name();
my $module_name =$ipgen->ipgen_get_module_name();
$module = $ipgen->ipgen_get("ip_name");
my $module_name =$ipgen->ipgen_get("module_name");
if(!defined $module){ $module = $module_name}
my $category= $ipgen->ipgen_get_category();
my $Describtion= $ipgen->ipgen_get_description();
my $category= $ipgen->ipgen_get("category");
my @plugs= $ipgen->ipgen_list_plugs();
#print "$module:@plugs\n";
450,24 → 438,20
my @params_order= $ipgen->ipgen_get_parameters_order();
my @ports= $ipgen->ipgen_list_ports();
foreach my $port (@ports){
my $hdr= $ipgen->ipgen_get_hdr();
my @hdl_files= $ipgen->ipgen_get_files_list("hdl_files");
my @fileds =("system_h","hdl_files","sw_files","gen_sw_files","sw_params_list","unused","parameters_order","description");
foreach my $p (@fileds){
my $val=$ipgen->ipgen_get($p);
$self->{categories}{$category}{names}{$module}{$p}=$ipgen->ipgen_get($p) if(defined $val );
my @sw_files= $ipgen->ipgen_get_files_list("sw_files");
89,7 → 89,7
$step=~ s/\D//g;
$widget-> signal_connect("changed" => sub{
$widget-> signal_connect("value_changed" => sub{
my $new_param_value=$widget->get_value_as_int();
440,7 → 440,7
my $spin=gen_spin($min,$max,$step);
$table->attach_defaults ($spin, 3, 4, $row, $row+1);
$spin-> signal_connect("changed" => sub{$param_value{$p}=$spin->get_value_as_int();});
$spin-> signal_connect("value_changed" => sub{$param_value{$p}=$spin->get_value_as_int();});
# $box=def_label_spin_help_box ($param,$info, $value,$min,$max,$step, 2);
1131,7 → 1131,7
foreach my $soc_name (@soc_list){
my @n=$mpsoc->mpsoc_get_soc_tiles_num($soc_name);
if(scalar @n){
#this soc has been used generate the verilog files of it
#generate the verilog files of it
1222,15 → 1222,12
# Write header file
my $file_h=generate_header_file($soc);
open(FILE, ">lib/verilog/$soc_name.h") || die "Can not open: $!";
print FILE $file_h;
close(FILE) || die "Error closing file: $!";
move ("$dir/lib/verilog/$soc_name.h","$target_dir/sw/");
#use File::Copy::Recursive qw(dircopy);
#dircopy("$dir/../src_processor/aeMB/compiler","$target_dir/sw/") or die("$!\n");
163,7 → 163,7
my $spin=gen_spin($min,$max,$step);
$table->attach_defaults ($spin, 3, 4, $row, $row+1);
$spin-> signal_connect("changed" => sub{$new_param_value{$p}=$spin->get_value_as_int();});
$spin-> signal_connect("value_changed" => sub{ $new_param_value{$p}=$spin->get_value_as_int(); });
# $box=def_label_spin_help_box ($param,$info, $value,$min,$max,$step, 2);
749,7 → 749,7
my ($category) = $model->get ($iter, CATRGORY_COLUMN);
my ($module) = $model->get ($iter,MODULE_COLUMN );
my $describ=$ip->get_describtion($category,$module);
my $describ=$ip->ip_get($category,$module,"description");
#print "$entry describtion is: $describ \n";
818,10 → 818,11
my $category =$soc->soc_get_category($id);
my $inst =$soc->soc_get_instance_name($id);
my @new=$ip->ip_get_files( $category,$module,$list_name);
my @new=$ip->ip_get_list( $category,$module,$list_name);
#print "@new\n";
foreach my $f(@new){
my $n="$project_dir$f";
if (!(-f "$n") && !(-f "$f" ) ){
if (!(-f "$n") && !(-f "$f" ) && !(-d "$n") && !(-d "$f" ) ){
$warnings=(defined $warnings)? "$warnings WARNING: Can not find \"$f\" which is required for \"$inst\" \n":"WARNING: Can not find \"$f\" which is required for \"$inst\"\n ";
877,17 → 878,8
#copy hdl codes in src_verilog
my ($file_ref,$warnings)= get_all_files_list($soc,"hdl_files");
foreach my $f(@{$file_ref}){
my $n="$project_dir$f";
if (-f "$n") {
copy ("$n","$target_dir/src_verilog/lib");
}elsif(-f "$f" ){
copy ("$f","$target_dir/src_verilog/lib");
show_info(\$info,$warnings) if(defined $warnings);
907,34 → 899,23
# Write header files
my $file_h=generate_header_file($soc);
open(FILE, ">lib/verilog/$name.h") || die "Can not open: $!";
print FILE $file_h;
close(FILE) || die "Error closing file: $!";
move ("$dir/lib/verilog/$name.h","$target_dir/sw/");
# Write system.h and generated file
# Write Software files
($file_ref,$warnings)= get_all_files_list($soc,"sw_files");
# Write Software gen files
($file_ref,$warnings)= get_all_files_list($soc,"gen_sw_files");
foreach my $f(@{$file_ref}){
my $name= basename($f);
#print "$f\n";
my $n="$project_dir$f";
if (-f "$n") { #copy file
copy ("$n","$target_dir/sw");
}elsif(-f "$f" ){
copy ("$f","$target_dir/sw");
}elsif (-d "$n") {#copy folder
dircopy ("$n","$target_dir/sw/$name");
}elsif(-d "$f" ){
dircopy ("$f","$target_dir/sw/$name");
# Write main.c file if not exist
my $n="$target_dir/sw/main.c";
if (!(-f "$n")) {
1236,11 → 1217,7
my $info;
if(is_hex($base_in) && is_hex($end_in)){
my $size=(hex ($end_in) >= hex ($base_in))? hex ($end_in) - hex ($base_in) +1 : 0;
my $size_text= $size==0 ? 'Error':
$size<(1 << 10)? $size:
$size<(1 << 20)? join (' ', ($size>>10,"K")) :
$size<(1 << 30)? join (' ', ($size>>20,"M")) :
join (' ', ($size>>30,"G")) ;
my $size_text= metric_conversion($size);
$label= gen_label_in_center($size_text);
135,8 → 135,19
$box->pack_start( $entry, FALSE, FALSE, 3);
return ($box,$entry);
sub def_h_labeled_entry_help{
my ($help,$label_name,$initial)=@_;
my $box = def_hbox(TRUE,0);
my $label= gen_label_in_left($label_name);
my ($b,$entry) =gen_entry_help($help,$initial);
$box->pack_start( $label, FALSE, FALSE, 3);
$box->pack_start( $b, FALSE, FALSE, 3);
return ($box,$entry);
# ComboBoxEntry
153,6 → 164,25
return $combo_box_entry;
sub def_h_labeled_checkbutton{
my ($label_name,$status)=@_;
my $box = def_hbox(TRUE,0);
my $label= gen_label_in_left($label_name);
my $check= Gtk2::CheckButton->new;
#if($status==1) $check->
$box->pack_start( $label, FALSE, FALSE, 3);
$box->pack_start( $check, FALSE, FALSE, 3);
return ($box,$check);
# label
897,4 → 927,62
sub copy_file_and_folders{
my ($file_ref,$project_dir,$target_dir)=@_;
foreach my $f(@{$file_ref}){
my $name= basename($f);
my $n="$project_dir$f";
if (-f "$n") { #copy file
copy ("$n","$target_dir");
}elsif(-f "$f" ){
copy ("$f","$target_dir");
}elsif (-d "$n") {#copy folder
dircopy ("$n","$target_dir/$name");
}elsif(-d "$f" ){
dircopy ("$f","$target_dir/$name");
sub read_file_cntent {
my ($f,$project_dir)=@_;
my $n="$project_dir$f";
my $str;
if (-f "$n") { #copy file
$str = do {
local $/ = undef;
open my $fh, "<", $n
or die "could not open $n: $!";
}elsif(-f "$f" ){
$str = do {
local $/ = undef;
open my $fh, "<", $f
or die "could not open $f: $!";
return $str
sub metric_conversion{
my $size=shift;
my $size_text= $size==0 ? 'Error':
$size<(1 << 10)? $size:
$size<(1 << 20)? join (' ', ($size>>10,"K")) :
$size<(1 << 30)? join (' ', ($size>>20,"M")) :
join (' ', ($size>>30,"G")) ;
return $size_text;
27,7 → 27,7
if(exists ($self->{instances}{$instance_id})){
return 0;
my $module_name=$ip->ip_get_module_name($category,$module);
my $module_name=$ip->ip_get($category,$module,"module_name");
#print "$module_name\n";
53,7 → 53,7
my ($file,$ipgen,$soc_state,$info)=@_;
my ($name,$path,$suffix) = fileparse("$file",qr"\..[^.]*$");
if($suffix eq '.IP'){
74,8 → 74,11
my $vdb = read_file($file);
my @modules=sort $vdb->get_modules($file);
#foreach my $p(@module_list) {print "$p\n"}
237,9 → 240,9
my $browse= def_image_button("icons/browse.png","Browse");
my $label2= gen_label_in_left(" IP name:");
my $entry2= gen_entry();
my $file= $ipgen->ipgen_get_file();
my $file= $ipgen->ipgen_get("file_name");
if(defined $file){$entry->set_text($file);}
my $ip_name= $ipgen->ipgen_get_ip_name();
my $ip_name= $ipgen->ipgen_get("ip_name");
if(defined $ip_name){$entry2->set_text($ip_name);}
show_info(\$info,"Please select the verilog file containig the ip module\n");
$browse->signal_connect("clicked"=> sub{
290,7 → 293,7
my $name=$entry2->get_text();
$table->attach_defaults ($label, 0, 1 , $row, $row+1);
312,7 → 315,7
my ($ipgen,$soc_state,$info,$table,$row)=@_;
my $label= gen_label_in_left(" Select\n module:");
my @modules= $ipgen->ipgen_get_module_list();
my $saved_module=$ipgen->ipgen_get_module_name();
my $saved_module=$ipgen->ipgen_get("module_name");
my $pos=(defined $saved_module ) ? get_scolar_pos( $saved_module,@modules) : 0;
my $combo = gen_combo(\@modules, $pos);
my $param= def_image_button("icons/setting.png","Parameter\n setting");
319,7 → 322,7
my $def= def_image_button("icons/setting.png","Definition\n file setting");
my $label2= gen_label_in_left(" Select\n Category:");
my ($category,$category_entry)=gen_entry_help('Define the IP category:e.g RAM, GPIO,...');
my $saved_category=$ipgen->ipgen_get_category();
my $saved_category=$ipgen->ipgen_get("category");
if(defined $saved_category){$category_entry->set_text($saved_category);}
my $ipinfo= def_image_button("icons/info.png"," IP\n Description");
my $header_h= def_image_button("icons/h_file.png","Add Software\n files");
358,7 → 361,7
$category_entry->signal_connect("changed"=> sub{
my $name=$category_entry->get_text();
$ipinfo->signal_connect("clicked"=> sub{
366,11 → 369,61
$header_h->signal_connect("clicked"=> sub{
my %page_info;
my $help1="The files and folder that selected here will be copied in genertated processing tile SW folder.";
my $help2="The file listed here can contain some variable with \${var_name} format. The file genertor will replace them with their values during file generation. The variable can be selected from above listed global vairable";
my $help3='Define the header file for this peripheral device. You can use global vriables listed at the top.
header file example
#define ${IP}_REG_0 (*((volatile unsigned int *) ($BASE)))
#define ${IP}_REG_1 (*((volatile unsigned int *) ($BASE+4)))
#define ${IP}_WRITE_REG1(value) ${IP}_REG_1=value
#define ${IP}_READ_REG1() ${IP}_REG_1
$page_info{0}{page_name} = "_Add exsiting file/folder";
$page_info{0}{filed_name}= "sw_files";
$page_info{0}{filed_type}= "exsiting_file/folder";
$page_info{1}{page_name} = "_Add file generator(s)";
$page_info{1}{filed_name}= "gen_sw_files";
$page_info{1}{filed_type}= "file_generators";
$page_info{2}{page_name} = "_Add to system.h";
$page_info{2}{filed_name}= "system_h";
$page_info{2}{filed_type}= "file_content";
get_source_file($ipgen,$soc_state,$info,0,"Add software file(s)","SW",\%page_info);
$lib_hdl->signal_connect("clicked"=> sub{
my $help1="The files and folder that selected here will be copied in genertated processing tile RTL folder.";
my %page_info;
$page_info{0}{page_name} = "_Add exsiting HDL file/folder";
$page_info{0}{filed_name}= "hdl_files";
$page_info{0}{filed_type}= "exsiting_file/folder";
get_source_file($ipgen,$soc_state,$info,0,"Add HDL file(s)", "hw",\%page_info);
377,8 → 430,8
sub load_deafult_setting{
my ($ipgen,$module)=@_;
my $file= $ipgen->ipgen_get_file();
my $file= $ipgen->ipgen_get("file_name");
my $vdb =read_file($file);
my %parameters = $vdb->get_modules_parameters_not_local($module);
my @parameters_order= $vdb->get_modules_parameters_not_local_order($module);
395,7 → 448,7
#add parameter order.
#add port order.
#add ports
439,10 → 492,9
#print "llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll\n";
return $scrolled_win;
519,8 → 571,8
sub get_parameter_setting {
my ($ipgen,$soc_state,$info)=@_;
my $module = $ipgen->ipgen_get_module_name();
my $file= $ipgen->ipgen_get_file();
my $module = $ipgen->ipgen_get("module_name");
my $file= $ipgen->ipgen_get("file_name");
if (!defined $file) {
message_dialog("The input verilog file is empty");
583,7 → 635,7
my @parameters=$ipgen->ipgen_get_all_parameters_list();
my @params_order= $ipgen->ipgen_get_parameters_order();
my @params_order= $ipgen->ipgen_get_list("parameters_order");
if((@params_order)) {@parameters=@params_order;}
my $ok = def_image_button('icons/select.png','OK');
774,7 → 826,7
sub get_Description{
my ($ipgen,$soc_state,$info)=@_;
my $description = $ipgen->ipgen_get_description();
my $description = $ipgen->ipgen_get("description");
my $table = Gtk2::Table->new (15, 15, TRUE);
my $window=def_popwin_size(500,500,"Add description");
my ($scrwin,$text_view)=create_text();
790,7 → 842,7
my $text = $text_buffer->get_text($text_buffer->get_bounds, TRUE);
#print "$text\n";
801,204 → 853,85
# get header file
sub get_header_file{
my ($ipgen,$soc_state,$info)=@_;
my $hdr = $ipgen->ipgen_get_hdr();
my $table = Gtk2::Table->new (15, 15, TRUE);
#my $window=def_popwin_size(600,600,"Add header file");
my ($scrwin,$text_view)=create_text();
my $help_text=
'Define the header file for this peripheral device.
You can use two variable $BASEn and $IP.
$BASE is the wishbone base addresse(s) and will be added
during soc generation to system.h. If more than one slave
wishbone bus are used define them as $BASE0, $BASE1 ...
$IP: is the peripheral device name. When more than one
peripheral device is allowed to be called in the SoC, it is
recommended to add $IP to the global variables, definitions
and functions.
header file example
#define $IP_REG_0 (*((volatile unsigned int *) ($BASE)))
#define $IP_REG_1 (*((volatile unsigned int *) ($BASE+4)))
#define $IP_WRITE_REG1(value) $IP_REG_1=value
#define $IP_READ_REG1() $IP_REG_1
my $help=gen_label_help($help_text,"Define the header file for this peripheral device. ");
my $text_buffer = $text_view->get_buffer;
if(defined $hdr) {$text_buffer->set_text($hdr)};
my $scrolled_win = new Gtk2::ScrolledWindow (undef, undef);
$scrolled_win->set_policy( "automatic", "automatic" );
return ($scrolled_win,$text_buffer);
# get hdl files
sub get_hdl_file{
my ($ipgen,$soc_state,$info)=@_;
my $table = Gtk2::Table->new (15, 15, TRUE);
my $window=def_popwin_size(600,600,"Add HDL file()s");
my @saved_files=$ipgen->ipgen_get_files_list("hdl_files");
my $ok=def_image_button("icons/select.png",' Ok ');
my $scrwin=gen_file_list($ipgen,"hdl_files",\@saved_files,$ok);
my $label=gen_label_in_left("Selecet the design files you want to include for the IP core");
my $brows=def_image_button("icons/browse.png",' Browse');
my $dir = Cwd::getcwd();
my $project_dir = abs_path("$dir/../../"); #mpsoc directory address
$brows->signal_connect("clicked"=> sub {
my @files;
my $dialog = Gtk2::FileChooserDialog->new(
'Select a File',
'gtk-cancel' => 'cancel',
'gtk-ok' => 'ok',
my $filter = Gtk2::FileFilter->new();
my $dir = Cwd::getcwd();
$dialog->set_current_folder ("$dir/..") ;
if ( "ok" eq $dialog->run ) {
@files = $dialog->get_filenames;
foreach my $p (@files){
#remove $project_dir form beginig of each file
$p =~ s/$project_dir//;
if(! grep (/^$p$/,@saved_files)){push(@saved_files,$p)};
#print "file = $file\n";
} );# # ,\$entry);
$ok->signal_connect("clicked"=> sub {
#my $text = $text_buffer->get_text($text_buffer->get_bounds, TRUE);
#print "$text\n";
# gen_file_list
sub gen_file_list{
my ($ipgen,$list_name,$ref,$ok)=@_;
my @files=@{$ref};
my $file_num= scalar @files;
my ($ipgen,$list_name,$window,$rename_file_en)=@_;
my $table=def_table(10,10,TRUE);# my ($row,$col,$homogeneous)=@_;
my $scrolled_win = new Gtk2::ScrolledWindow (undef, undef);
my $ok=def_image_button("icons/select.png",' Ok ');
$scrolled_win->set_policy( "automatic", "automatic" );
$table->attach_defaults (gen_label_in_center("File path"), 0, 5 , 0, 1);
$table->attach_defaults (gen_label_help("The target name can contain any of Global variables e.g \$IP\$.h","Copy as"), 5, 9 , 0, 1) if(defined $rename_file_en);
my $col=0;
my $row=0;
my $row=1;
my @files= $ipgen->ipgen_get_list($list_name); #@{$ref};
my $file_num= scalar @files;
foreach my $p(@files){
my $entry=gen_entry($p);
my $remove=def_image_button("icons/cancel.png");
$table->attach_defaults ($entry, 0, 9 , $row, $row+1);
$table->attach_defaults ($remove, 9,10 , $row, $row+1);
$remove->signal_connect("clicked"=> sub {
my @saved_files=$ipgen->ipgen_get_files_list($list_name);
my ($path,$rename)=split('frename_sep_t',$p);
my $entry=gen_entry($path);
my $entry2=gen_entry($rename) ;
my $remove=def_image_button("icons/cancel.png");
$table->attach_defaults ($entry, 0, 5 , $row, $row+1);
$table->attach_defaults ($entry2, 5, 9 , $row, $row+1) if(defined $rename_file_en);
$table->attach_defaults ($remove, 9,10 , $row, $row+1);
$remove->signal_connect("clicked"=> sub {
my @saved_files=$ipgen->ipgen_get_list($list_name);
$entry2->destroy if(defined $rename_file_en);
$ok->signal_connect("clicked"=> sub {
if(defined $entry){
my $n= $entry->get_text();
if($p ne $n){
my @saved_files=$ipgen->ipgen_get_files_list($list_name);
@saved_files=replace_in_array(\@saved_files,$p, $n);
$ok->signal_connect("clicked"=> sub {
if(defined $entry){
my $n= $entry->get_text();
if(defined $rename_file_en){
$n= $n.'frename_sep_t'.$entry2->get_text() ;
if($p ne $n){
my @saved_files=$ipgen->ipgen_get_list($list_name);
@saved_files=replace_in_array(\@saved_files,$p, $n);
#my $seph = Gtk2::HSeparator->new;
#$table->attach_defaults ($seph, 0, 10 , $row, $row+1);
#my $seph = Gtk2::HSeparator->new;
#$table->attach_defaults ($seph, 0, 10 , $row, $row+1);
$ok->signal_connect("clicked"=> sub {
# while( $row<10){
# my $label=gen_label_in_left(' ');
# $table->attach_defaults ($label, 0, 1 , $row, $row+1);$row++;
return $scrolled_win;
return ($scrolled_win,$ok);
1079,7 → 1012,7
my $advance_button=def_image_button('icons/advance.png','separate');
$table->attach_defaults ($type_box, $positions[2], $positions[3], $row, $row+1);
$table->attach_defaults ($advance_button, $positions[3], $positions[4], $row, $row+1);
my $wiget=shift;
my $num=$wiget->get_value_as_int();
1163,7 → 1096,7
$table->attach_defaults ($type_box, $positions[2], $positions[3], $row, $row+1);
my $wiget=shift;
my $num=$wiget->get_value_as_int();
1207,8 → 1140,10
return $table;
# get_intfc_setting
sub get_intfc_setting{
my ($ipgen,$soc_state,$intfc_name, $intfc_type)=@_;
1299,6 → 1234,7
my $name_combo=gen_combo(\@list,$pos);
my $sbox=def_hbox(FALSE,0);
my $widget;
my $size_lab;
my @l=("Fixed","Parameterizable");
if(!defined $saved_width){
1311,6 → 1247,8
$pos= 0;
my $d=2**$saved_width;
$size_lab=gen_label_in_left(metric_conversion($d). " Bytes");
} else{
$pos= 1;
my @parameters=$ipgen->ipgen_get_all_parameters_list();
1317,6 → 1255,7
my $p=get_scolar_pos($saved_width,@parameters);
$widget=gen_combo(\@parameters, $p);
$size_lab=gen_label_in_left(" ");
1329,16 → 1268,38
my $condition=$comb->get_active_text();
my @parameters=$ipgen->ipgen_get_all_parameters_list();
$widget=($condition eq "Fixed" )? gen_spin(1,31,1):gen_combo(\@parameters, 0);
$size_lab=($condition eq "Fixed" )? gen_label_in_left("2 Bytes"): gen_label_in_left(" ");
my $in=$comb->get_active_text();
my $width=($in eq "Fixed" )? $widget->get_value_as_int(): $widget->get_active_text() ;
my $d=($in eq "Fixed" )? 2**$width:0;
$size_lab=($in eq "Fixed" )? gen_label_in_left( metric_conversion($d). " Bytes"):gen_label_in_left(" ");
my $in=$comb->get_active_text();
my $width=($in eq "Fixed" )? $widget->get_value_as_int(): $widget->get_active_text() ;
my $d=($in eq "Fixed" )? 2**$width:0;
$size_lab=($in eq "Fixed" )? gen_label_in_left(metric_conversion($d). " Bytes"):gen_label_in_left(" ");
1586,14 → 1547,14
sub generate_ip{
my $ipgen=shift;
my $name=$ipgen->ipgen_get_module_name();
my $category=$ipgen->ipgen_get_category();
my $ip_name= $ipgen->ipgen_get_ip_name();
my $name=$ipgen->ipgen_get("module_name");
my $category=$ipgen->ipgen_get("category");
my $ip_name= $ipgen->ipgen_get("ip_name");
#check if name has been set
if(defined ($name) && defined ($category)){
if (!defined $ip_name) {$ip_name= $name}
#check if any source file has been added for this ip
my @l=$ipgen->ipgen_get_files_list("hdl_files");
my @l=$ipgen->ipgen_get_list("hdl_files");
if( scalar @l ==0){
my $mwindow;
my $dialog = Gtk2::MessageDialog->new ($mwindow,
1668,7 → 1629,7
$file = $dialog->get_filename;
my ($name,$path,$suffix) = fileparse("$file",qr"\..[^.]*$");
if($suffix eq '.IP'){
1680,31 → 1641,83
# get_source_file
# get header file
sub get_sw_file_folder{
my ($ipgen,$soc_state,$info,$window)=@_;
my @sw_dir = $ipgen->ipgen_get_files_list("sw_files");
my $table = Gtk2::Table->new (15, 15, TRUE);
sub get_source_file{
my $var_list='${parameter_name}: Verilog module parameter values.
${BASE}: is the wishbone base addresse(s) and will be added during soc generation to system.h. If more than one slave wishbone bus are used define them as ${BASE0}, ${BASE1}... .
${IP}: is the peripheral device instance name.
${CORE}: is the peripheral device module name.';
my $var_help=gen_button_message($var_list,"icons/info.png","Global variables");
my $window = def_popwin_size($width*2/3,$hight*2/3,$title);
my $help=gen_label_help("The files and folder that selected here will be copied in genertated processing tile SW folder.");
my $notebook=source_notebook($ipgen,$soc_state,$info,$window,$page,$dest,$page_info_ref);
my $table=def_table (15, 15, TRUE);
$table->attach_defaults ($var_help, 5, 7, 0, 1);
$table->attach_defaults ($notebook , 0, 15, 1, 15);
return $window;
my $ok=def_image_button("icons/select.png",' Ok ');
my $scrwin=gen_file_list($ipgen,"sw_files",\@sw_dir,$ok);
# source_notebook
sub source_notebook{
my $notebook = Gtk2::Notebook->new;
my %page_info=%{$page_info_ref};
foreach my $p (sort keys %page_info){
my $page_ref;
$page_ref=get_file_folder($ipgen,$soc_state,$info,$window,$p,$page_info_ref) if($page_info{$p}{filed_type} eq "exsiting_file/folder");
$page_ref=get_file_folder($ipgen,$soc_state,$info,$window,$p,$page_info_ref) if($page_info{$p}{filed_type} eq "file_generators");
$page_ref=get_file_content($ipgen,$soc_state,$info,$window,$page_info{$p},$page_info_ref) if($page_info{$p}{filed_type} eq "file_content");
$notebook->append_page ($page_ref,Gtk2::Label->new_with_mnemonic ($page_info{$p}{page_name}));
$notebook->set_current_page($page) if(defined $page);
return $notebook;
# get_file_folder
sub get_file_folder{
my ($ipgen,$soc_state,$info,$window,$page,$page_info_ref)=@_;
my %page_info=%{$page_info_ref};
my @sw_dir = $ipgen->ipgen_get_list($page_info{$page}{filed_name});
my $table = Gtk2::Table->new (15, 15, TRUE);
my $help=gen_label_help($page_info{$page}{help});
my ($scrwin,$ok)=gen_file_list($ipgen,$page_info{$page}{filed_name},$window,$page_info{$page}{rename_file});
my $label=gen_label_in_left("Selecet file(s):");
my $brows=def_image_button("icons/browse.png",' Browse');
my $label2=gen_label_in_left("Selecet folder(s):");
my $brows2=def_image_button("icons/browse.png",' Browse');
my $dir = Cwd::getcwd();
my $project_dir = abs_path("$dir/../../"); #mpsoc directory address
1726,170 → 1739,132
if ( "ok" eq $dialog->run ) {
@files = $dialog->get_filenames;
@files = $dialog->get_filenames;
foreach my $p (@files){
#remove $project_dir form beginig of each file
$p =~ s/$project_dir//;
$p =~ s/$project_dir//;
my ($name,$path,$suffix) = fileparse("$p",qr"\..[^.]*$");
$p=$p.'frename_sep_t'.$name.$suffix if (defined $page_info{$page}{rename_file});
if(! grep (/^$p$/,@sw_dir)){push(@sw_dir,$p)};
get_source_file($ipgen,$soc_state,$info,$page,"Add software file(s)","SW",$page_info_ref);
#print "file = $file\n";
} );# # ,\$entry);
$brows2->signal_connect("clicked"=> sub {
my @files;
if($page_info{$page}{folder_en} eq 1){
my $label2=gen_label_in_left("Selecet folder(s):");
my $brows2=def_image_button("icons/browse.png",' Browse');
$brows2->signal_connect("clicked"=> sub {
my @files;
my $dialog = Gtk2::FileChooserDialog->new(
'Select Folder(s)',
'gtk-cancel' => 'cancel',
'gtk-ok' => 'ok',
my $filter = Gtk2::FileFilter->new();
my $dir = Cwd::getcwd();
$dialog->set_current_folder ("$dir/..") ;
my $dialog = Gtk2::FileChooserDialog->new(
'Select Folder(s)',
'gtk-cancel' => 'cancel',
'gtk-ok' => 'ok',
my $filter = Gtk2::FileFilter->new();
my $dir = Cwd::getcwd();
$dialog->set_current_folder ("$dir/..") ;
if ( "ok" eq $dialog->run ) {
@files = $dialog->get_filenames;
foreach my $p (@files){
#remove $project_dir form beginig of each file
$p =~ s/$project_dir//;
if(! grep (/^$p$/,@sw_dir)){push(@sw_dir,$p)};
if ( "ok" eq $dialog->run ) {
@files = $dialog->get_filenames;
foreach my $p (@files){
#remove $project_dir form beginig of each file
$p =~ s/$project_dir//;
if(! grep (/^$p$/,@sw_dir)){push(@sw_dir,$p)};
get_source_file($ipgen,$soc_state,$info,$page,"Add software file(s)","SW",$page_info_ref);
#print "file = $file\n";
#print "file = $file\n";
} );# # ,\$entry);
} );# # ,\$entry);
return ($table)
my $scrolled_win = new Gtk2::ScrolledWindow (undef, undef);
$scrolled_win->set_policy( "automatic", "automatic" );
return ($scrolled_win);
# get_file_content
sub get_file_content{
my ($ipgen,$soc_state,$info,$window,$page_info_ref)=@_;
my %page_info=%{$page_info_ref};
#my $hdr = $ipgen->ipgen_get_hdr();
my $hdr = $ipgen-> ipgen_get($page_info{filed_name});
my $table = Gtk2::Table->new (14, 15, TRUE);
#my $window=def_popwin_size(600,600,"Add header file");
my ($scrwin,$text_view)=create_text();
sub get_software_file{
my $help=gen_label_help($page_info{help});
my $text_buffer = $text_view->get_buffer;
if(defined $hdr) {$text_buffer->set_text($hdr)};
my $ok=def_image_button("icons/select.png",' Save ');
$ok->signal_connect("clicked"=> sub {#
my $text = $text_buffer->get_text($text_buffer->get_bounds, TRUE);
return ($table);
my $notebook = Gtk2::Notebook->new;
#$hbox->pack_start ($notebook, TRUE, TRUE, 0);
my $window = def_popwin_size($width*2/3,$hight*2/3,"Add Software file(s)");
my ($sw_dir)=get_sw_file_folder($ipgen,$soc_state,$info,$window);
$notebook->append_page ($sw_dir,Gtk2::Label->new_with_mnemonic ("_Add file/folder"));
my ($hdr_file,$text_buffer)= get_header_file($ipgen,$soc_state,$info);
$notebook->append_page ($hdr_file,Gtk2::Label->new_with_mnemonic ("_Add hedaer file"));
#my $socgen=socgen_main();
#$notebook->append_page ($socgen,Gtk2::Label->new_with_mnemonic ("_Processing tile generator"));
#my $mpsocgen =mpsocgen_main();
#$notebook->append_page ($mpsocgen,Gtk2::Label->new_with_mnemonic ("_NoC based MPSoC generator"));
my $table=def_table (15, 15, TRUE);
my $scrolled_win = new Gtk2::ScrolledWindow (undef, undef);
$scrolled_win->set_policy( "automatic", "automatic" );
my $ok=def_image_button("icons/select.png",' Ok ');
$ok->signal_connect("clicked"=> sub {
my $text = $text_buffer->get_text($text_buffer->get_bounds, TRUE);
#print "$text\n";
#$table->attach_defaults ($event_box, $col, $col+1, $row, $row+1);
$table->attach_defaults ($ok , 7, 9, 14, 15);
$table->attach_defaults ($notebook , 0, 15, 0, 14);
return $window;
# get_unused_intfc_ports_list
1900,7 → 1875,7
my ($name_ref,$ref)=get_list_of_all_interfaces($ipgen);
my @interfaces_name=@{$name_ref};
my @interfaces=@{$ref};
$ipgen->ipgen_remove_unused_intfc_port( );
foreach my $intfc_name (@interfaces)
#print "$intfc_name\n";
1946,6 → 1921,21
# main
2003,7 → 1993,7
my ($state,$timeout)= get_state($soc_state);
if($state eq "load_file"){
my $file=$ipgen->ipgen_get_file();
my $file=$ipgen->ipgen_get("file_name");
my $pp= eval { do $file };
34,39 → 34,8
return $self;
sub ipgen_set_file{
my ($self,$file)=@_;
sub ipgen_get_file{
my $self=shift;
return $self->{file_name};
sub ipgen_set_module_name{
my ($self,$module)=@_;
sub ipgen_get_module_name{
my ($self)=@_;
return $self->{module_name};
sub ipgen_set_ip_name{
my ($self,$name)=@_;
sub ipgen_get_ip_name{
my ($self)=@_;
return $self->{ip_name};
sub ipgen_set_module_list{
my ($self,@list)=@_;
101,20 → 70,8
sub ipgen_add_parameters_order{
my ($self,@parameters_order)=@_;
sub ipgen_get_parameters_order{
my $self=shift;
my @r;
@r = @{$self->{parameters_order}} if (defined $self->{parameters_order});
return @r;
sub ipgen_push_parameters_order{
my ($self,$param)=@_;
378,44 → 335,11
sub ipgen_set_category{
my ($self,$category)=@_;
if(defined $category){
sub ipgen_get_category{
my ($self)=@_;
my $category;
if(exists ($self->{category})){
return $category;
sub ipgen_get_description{
my ($self)=@_;
my $description;
if(exists ($self->{description})){
return $description;
sub ipgen_set_description{
my ($self,$description)=@_;
sub ipgen_save_wb_addr{
my ($self,$plug,$num,$addr,$width)=@_;
473,27 → 397,35
sub ipgen_set_hdr{
my ($self,$hdr)=@_;
sub ipgen_add_unused_intfc_port{
my ($self,$intfc_name,$port)=@_;
sub ipgen_get_hdr{
my ($self)=@_;
my $hdr;
if(exists ($self->{header})){
return $hdr;
#add,read,remove object fileds
sub ipgen_add{
my ($self,$filed_name,$filed_data)=@_;
sub ipgen_remove{
my ($self,$filed_name)=@_;
sub ipgen_get{
my ($self,$filed_name)=@_;
return $self->{$filed_name}
sub ipgen_get_files_list{
sub ipgen_get_list{
my ($self,$list_name)=@_;
my @l;
if ( defined $self->{$list_name} ){
504,28 → 436,8
sub ipgen_set_files_list{
my ($self,$list_name,$ref)=@_;
$self->{$list_name}= $ref;
sub ipgen_add_unused_intfc_port{
my ($self,$intfc_name,$port)=@_;
sub ipgen_get_unused_intfc_ports{
my $self=shift;
return $self->{unused};
sub ipgen_remove_unused_intfc_port{
my $self=shift;
3,120 → 3,120
'ip_name' => 'altera_jtag_uart',
'modules' => {
'qsys_jtag_uart_0_scfifo_w' => {},
'qsys_jtag_uart_0_scfifo_r' => {},
'qsys_jtag_uart_0_sim_scfifo_r' => {},
'qsys_jtag_uart_0' => {},
'altera_jtag_uart_wb' => {},
'qsys_jtag_uart_0_sim_scfifo_w' => {}
'plugs' => {
'clk' => {
'clk' => {},
'value' => 1,
'0' => {
'name' => 'clk'
'type' => 'num'
'reset' => {
'reset' => {},
'value' => 1,
'0' => {
'name' => 'reset'
'type' => 'num'
'interrupt_peripheral' => {
'interrupt_peripheral' => {},
'value' => 1,
'0' => {
'name' => 'interrupt_peripheral'
'value' => 1,
'type' => 'num'
'reset' => {
'reset' => {},
'0' => {
'name' => 'reset'
'value' => 1,
'type' => 'num'
'clk' => {
'clk' => {},
'0' => {
'name' => 'clk'
'value' => 1,
'type' => 'num'
'wb_slave' => {
'value' => 1,
'0' => {
'width' => 5,
'name' => 'wb_slave',
'addr' => '0x9000_0000 0x90ff_ffff UART16550 Controller'
'value' => 1,
'type' => 'num',
'wb_slave' => {}
'modules' => {
'qsys_jtag_uart_0_scfifo_w' => {},
'qsys_jtag_uart_0_scfifo_r' => {},
'altera_jtag_uart_wb' => {},
'qsys_jtag_uart_0' => {},
'qsys_jtag_uart_0_sim_scfifo_r' => {},
'qsys_jtag_uart_0_sim_scfifo_w' => {}
'ports' => {
'wb_irq' => {
'intfc_name' => 'plug:interrupt_peripheral[0]',
'intfc_port' => 'int_o',
'intfc_name' => 'plug:interrupt_peripheral[0]',
'range' => '',
'type' => 'output'
'stb_i' => {
'intfc_port' => 'stb_i',
'cyc_i' => {
'intfc_name' => 'plug:wb_slave[0]',
'intfc_port' => 'cyc_i',
'range' => '',
'type' => 'input'
'cyc_i' => {
'intfc_port' => 'cyc_i',
'stb_i' => {
'intfc_name' => 'plug:wb_slave[0]',
'intfc_port' => 'stb_i',
'range' => '',
'type' => 'input'
'dat_i' => {
'intfc_name' => 'plug:wb_slave[0]',
'intfc_port' => 'dat_i',
'intfc_name' => 'plug:wb_slave[0]',
'range' => ' 31: 0',
'type' => 'input'
'ack_o' => {
'intfc_name' => 'plug:wb_slave[0]',
'intfc_port' => 'ack_o',
'range' => '',
'type' => 'output'
'rst' => {
'intfc_name' => 'plug:reset[0]',
'intfc_port' => 'reset_i',
'intfc_name' => 'plug:reset[0]',
'range' => '',
'type' => 'input'
'ack_o' => {
'intfc_port' => 'ack_o',
'intfc_name' => 'plug:wb_slave[0]',
'range' => '',
'type' => 'output'
'readyfordata' => {
'intfc_name' => 'IO',
'intfc_port' => 'IO',
'intfc_name' => 'IO',
'range' => '',
'type' => 'output'
'dat_o' => {
'intfc_name' => 'plug:wb_slave[0]',
'intfc_port' => 'dat_o',
'range' => ' 31: 0',
'type' => 'output'
'adr_i' => {
'intfc_name' => 'plug:wb_slave[0]',
'intfc_port' => 'adr_i',
'intfc_name' => 'plug:wb_slave[0]',
'range' => '',
'type' => 'input'
'dat_o' => {
'intfc_port' => 'dat_o',
'intfc_name' => 'plug:wb_slave[0]',
'range' => ' 31: 0',
'type' => 'output'
'clk' => {
'intfc_name' => 'plug:clk[0]',
'intfc_port' => 'clk_i',
'intfc_name' => 'plug:clk[0]',
'range' => '',
'type' => 'input'
'we_i' => {
'intfc_name' => 'plug:wb_slave[0]',
'intfc_port' => 'we_i',
'intfc_name' => 'plug:wb_slave[0]',
'range' => '',
'type' => 'input'
'dataavailable' => {
'intfc_name' => 'IO',
'intfc_port' => 'IO',
'intfc_name' => 'IO',
'range' => '',
'type' => 'output'
134,11 → 134,11
'category' => 'Jtag',
'header' => ' #define $IP_DATA_REG (*((volatile unsigned int *) ($BASE)))
#define $IP_CONTROL_REG (*((volatile unsigned int *) ($BASE+4)))
#define $IP_DATA_RVALID_MSK 0x00008000
#define $IP_DATA_DATA_MSK 0x000000FF
'system_h' => '#define ${IP}_DATA_REG (*((volatile unsigned int *) ($BASE)))
#define ${IP}_CONTROL_REG (*((volatile unsigned int *) ($BASE+4)))
#define ${IP}_DATA_RVALID_MSK 0x00008000
#define ${IP}_DATA_DATA_MSK 0x000000FF
//////////////////////////////*basic function for jtag_uart*////////////////////////////////////////
void jtag_putchar(char ch);
147,16 → 147,16
char inbyte(){return jtag_getchar();}
void jtag_putchar(char ch){ //print one char from jtag_uart
char jtag_getchar(void){ //get one char from jtag_uart
unsigned int data;
while(!(data & $IP_DATA_RVALID_MSK)) //wait for terminal input
return (data&$IP_DATA_DATA_MSK);
while(!(data & ${IP}_DATA_RVALID_MSK)) //wait for terminal input
return (data&${IP}_DATA_DATA_MSK);
int jtag_scanstr(char* buf){ //scan string until <ENTER> to buf, return str length
3,6 → 3,45
'ip_name' => 'ext_int',
'plugs' => {
'interrupt_peripheral' => {
'interrupt_peripheral' => {},
'value' => 1,
'0' => {
'name' => 'interrupt'
'type' => 'num'
'reset' => {
'reset' => {},
'value' => 1,
'0' => {
'name' => 'reset'
'type' => 'num'
'clk' => {
'clk' => {},
'value' => 1,
'0' => {
'name' => 'clk'
'type' => 'num'
'wb_slave' => {
'value' => 1,
'0' => {
'width' => 5,
'name' => 'wb',
'addr' => '0x9e00_0000 0x9eff_ffff IDE Controller'
'type' => 'num',
'wb_slave' => {}
'modules' => {
'ext_int' => {}
'parameters' => {
'Aw' => {
'info' => undef,
11,20 → 50,27
'content' => '',
'type' => 'Fixed'
'TAGw' => {
'SELw' => {
'info' => undef,
'deafult' => '3',
'deafult' => '4',
'global_param' => 0,
'content' => '',
'type' => 'Fixed'
'SELw' => {
'TAGw' => {
'info' => undef,
'deafult' => '4',
'deafult' => '3',
'global_param' => 0,
'content' => '',
'type' => 'Fixed'
'Dw' => {
'info' => undef,
'deafult' => '32',
'global_param' => 0,
'content' => '',
'type' => 'Fixed'
'EXT_INT_NUM' => {
'info' => 'number of external interrupt pins.',
'deafult' => '3',
31,148 → 77,102
'global_param' => 0,
'content' => '1,32,1',
'type' => 'Spin-button'
'Dw' => {
'info' => undef,
'deafult' => '32',
'global_param' => 0,
'content' => '',
'type' => 'Fixed'
'modules' => {
'ext_int' => {}
'plugs' => {
'clk' => {
'clk' => {},
'0' => {
'name' => 'clk'
'value' => 1,
'type' => 'num'
'reset' => {
'reset' => {},
'0' => {
'name' => 'reset'
'value' => 1,
'type' => 'num'
'interrupt_peripheral' => {
'interrupt_peripheral' => {},
'0' => {
'name' => 'interrupt'
'value' => 1,
'type' => 'num'
'wb_slave' => {
'0' => {
'width' => 5,
'name' => 'wb',
'addr' => '0x9e00_0000 0x9eff_ffff IDE Controller'
'value' => 1,
'type' => 'num',
'wb_slave' => {}
'ports' => {
'sa_tag_i' => {
'intfc_port' => 'tag_i',
'intfc_name' => 'plug:wb_slave[0]',
'intfc_port' => 'tag_i',
'range' => 'TAGw-1 : 0',
'type' => 'input'
'sa_dat_o' => {
'sa_rty_o' => {
'intfc_port' => 'rty_o',
'intfc_name' => 'plug:wb_slave[0]',
'intfc_port' => 'dat_o',
'range' => 'Dw-1 : 0',
'range' => '',
'type' => 'output'
'sa_rty_o' => {
'sa_dat_o' => {
'intfc_port' => 'dat_o',
'intfc_name' => 'plug:wb_slave[0]',
'intfc_port' => 'rty_o',
'range' => '',
'range' => 'Dw-1 : 0',
'type' => 'output'
'sa_sel_i' => {
'intfc_name' => 'plug:wb_slave[0]',
'intfc_port' => 'sel_i',
'intfc_name' => 'plug:wb_slave[0]',
'range' => 'SELw-1 : 0',
'type' => 'input'
'sa_dat_i' => {
'intfc_name' => 'plug:wb_slave[0]',
'intfc_port' => 'dat_i',
'intfc_name' => 'plug:wb_slave[0]',
'range' => 'Dw-1 : 0',
'type' => 'input'
'ext_int_o' => {
'intfc_name' => 'plug:interrupt_peripheral[0]',
'intfc_port' => 'int_o',
'intfc_name' => 'plug:interrupt_peripheral[0]',
'range' => '',
'type' => 'output'
'sa_we_i' => {
'intfc_port' => 'we_i',
'intfc_name' => 'plug:wb_slave[0]',
'intfc_port' => 'we_i',
'range' => '',
'type' => 'input'
'sa_cyc_i' => {
'intfc_port' => 'cyc_i',
'intfc_name' => 'plug:wb_slave[0]',
'range' => '',
'type' => 'input'
'sa_err_o' => {
'intfc_port' => 'err_o',
'intfc_name' => 'plug:wb_slave[0]',
'intfc_port' => 'err_o',
'range' => '',
'type' => 'output'
'sa_cyc_i' => {
'sa_ack_o' => {
'intfc_name' => 'plug:wb_slave[0]',
'intfc_port' => 'cyc_i',
'intfc_port' => 'ack_o',
'range' => '',
'type' => 'input'
'type' => 'output'
'ext_int_i' => {
'intfc_name' => 'IO',
'intfc_port' => 'IO',
'range' => 'EXT_INT_NUM-1 : 0',
'type' => 'input'
'clk' => {
'intfc_name' => 'plug:clk[0]',
'intfc_port' => 'clk_i',
'range' => '',
'type' => 'input'
'reset' => {
'intfc_port' => 'reset_i',
'intfc_name' => 'plug:reset[0]',
'intfc_port' => 'reset_i',
'range' => '',
'type' => 'input'
'clk' => {
'intfc_port' => 'clk_i',
'intfc_name' => 'plug:clk[0]',
'range' => '',
'type' => 'input'
'ext_int_i' => {
'intfc_port' => 'IO',
'intfc_name' => 'IO',
'range' => 'EXT_INT_NUM-1 : 0',
'type' => 'input'
'sa_ack_o' => {
'intfc_port' => 'ack_o',
'intfc_name' => 'plug:wb_slave[0]',
'range' => '',
'type' => 'output'
'sa_addr_i' => {
'intfc_name' => 'plug:wb_slave[0]',
'intfc_port' => 'adr_i',
'intfc_name' => 'plug:wb_slave[0]',
'range' => 'Aw-1 : 0',
'type' => 'input'
'sa_stb_i' => {
'intfc_name' => 'plug:wb_slave[0]',
'intfc_port' => 'stb_i',
'intfc_name' => 'plug:wb_slave[0]',
'range' => '',
'type' => 'input'
'file_name' => '/home/alireza/Mywork/mpsoc/src_peripheral/ext_int/ext_int.v',
'sockets' => {},
'file_name' => '/home/alireza/Mywork/mpsoc/src_peripheral/ext_int/ext_int.v',
'module_name' => 'ext_int',
'unused' => {
'plug:wb_slave[0]' => [
181,10 → 181,10
'category' => 'interrupt',
'header' => '
#define $IP_GER (*((volatile unsigned int *) ($BASE )))
#define $IP_IER_RISE (*((volatile unsigned int *) ($BASE+4 )))
#define $IP_IER_FALL (*((volatile unsigned int *) ($BASE+8 )))
#define $IP_ISR (*((volatile unsigned int *) ($BASE+12 )))
#define $IP_RD (*((volatile unsigned int *) ($BASE+16 )))'
'system_h' => '
#define ${IP}_GER (*((volatile unsigned int *) ($BASE )))
#define ${IP}_IER_RISE (*((volatile unsigned int *) ($BASE+4 )))
#define ${IP}_IER_FALL (*((volatile unsigned int *) ($BASE+8 )))
#define ${IP}_ISR (*((volatile unsigned int *) ($BASE+12 )))
#define ${IP}_RD (*((volatile unsigned int *) ($BASE+16 )))'
}, 'ip_gen' );
340,5 → 340,5
'type' => 'input'
'header' => '#include "lm32_system.h"'
'system_h' => '#include "lm32_system.h"'
}, 'ip_gen' );
4,6 → 4,37
'ip_name' => 'int_ctrl',
'description' => 'interrupt controller',
'modules' => {
'int_ctrl' => {}
'plugs' => {
'clk' => {
'clk' => {},
'0' => {
'name' => 'clk'
'value' => 1,
'type' => 'num'
'reset' => {
'reset' => {},
'0' => {
'name' => 'reset'
'value' => 1,
'type' => 'num'
'wb_slave' => {
'value' => 1,
'0' => {
'width' => 5,
'name' => 'wb',
'addr' => '0x9e00_0000 0x9eff_ffff IDE Controller'
'type' => 'num',
'wb_slave' => {}
'parameters' => {
'Aw' => {
'info' => undef,
19,6 → 50,13
'content' => '',
'type' => 'Fixed'
'INT_NUM' => {
'info' => 'number of inerrupt.',
'deafult' => ' 3',
'global_param' => 0,
'content' => '1,32,1',
'type' => 'Spin-button'
'Dw' => {
'info' => undef,
'deafult' => ' 32',
25,149 → 63,111
'global_param' => 0,
'content' => '',
'type' => 'Fixed'
'INT_NUM' => {
'info' => 'number of inerrupt.',
'deafult' => ' 3',
'global_param' => 0,
'content' => '1,32,1',
'type' => 'Spin-button'
'plugs' => {
'reset' => {
'reset' => {},
'value' => 1,
'0' => {
'name' => 'reset'
'type' => 'num'
'clk' => {
'clk' => {},
'value' => 1,
'0' => {
'name' => 'clk'
'type' => 'num'
'wb_slave' => {
'0' => {
'width' => 5,
'name' => 'wb',
'addr' => '0x9e00_0000 0x9eff_ffff IDE Controller'
'value' => 1,
'type' => 'num',
'wb_slave' => {}
'modules' => {
'int_ctrl' => {}
'parameters_order' => [
'ports' => {
'sa_dat_o' => {
'sa_rty_o' => {
'intfc_port' => 'rty_o',
'intfc_name' => 'plug:wb_slave[0]',
'intfc_port' => 'dat_o',
'range' => 'Dw-1 : 0',
'range' => '',
'type' => 'output'
'sa_rty_o' => {
'sa_dat_o' => {
'intfc_port' => 'dat_o',
'intfc_name' => 'plug:wb_slave[0]',
'intfc_port' => 'rty_o',
'range' => '',
'range' => 'Dw-1 : 0',
'type' => 'output'
'sa_sel_i' => {
'intfc_port' => 'sel_i',
'intfc_name' => 'plug:wb_slave[0]',
'intfc_port' => 'sel_i',
'range' => 'SELw-1 : 0',
'type' => 'input'
'sa_dat_i' => {
'intfc_port' => 'dat_i',
'intfc_name' => 'plug:wb_slave[0]',
'intfc_port' => 'dat_i',
'range' => 'Dw-1 : 0',
'type' => 'input'
'sa_we_i' => {
'intfc_port' => 'we_i',
'intfc_name' => 'plug:wb_slave[0]',
'intfc_port' => 'we_i',
'range' => '',
'type' => 'input'
'sa_err_o' => {
'intfc_port' => 'err_o',
'intfc_name' => 'plug:wb_slave[0]',
'intfc_port' => 'err_o',
'range' => '',
'type' => 'output'
'int_o' => {
'intfc_port' => 'int_o',
'intfc_name' => 'socket:interrupt_cpu[0]',
'range' => '',
'type' => 'output'
'clk' => {
'intfc_port' => 'clk_i',
'intfc_name' => 'plug:clk[0]',
'range' => '',
'type' => 'input'
'sa_ack_o' => {
'intfc_port' => 'ack_o',
'intfc_name' => 'plug:wb_slave[0]',
'intfc_port' => 'ack_o',
'range' => '',
'type' => 'output'
'reset' => {
'intfc_port' => 'reset_i',
'intfc_name' => 'plug:reset[0]',
'intfc_port' => 'reset_i',
'range' => '',
'type' => 'input'
'clk' => {
'intfc_name' => 'plug:clk[0]',
'intfc_port' => 'clk_i',
'range' => '',
'type' => 'input'
'int_o' => {
'intfc_name' => 'socket:interrupt_cpu[0]',
'intfc_port' => 'int_o',
'range' => '',
'type' => 'output'
'int_i' => {
'intfc_port' => 'int_i',
'intfc_name' => 'socket:interrupt_peripheral[array]',
'intfc_port' => 'int_i',
'range' => 'INT_NUM-1 : 0',
'type' => 'input'
'sa_addr_i' => {
'intfc_port' => 'adr_i',
'intfc_name' => 'plug:wb_slave[0]',
'intfc_port' => 'adr_i',
'range' => 'Aw-1 : 0',
'type' => 'input'
'sa_stb_i' => {
'intfc_port' => 'stb_i',
'intfc_name' => 'plug:wb_slave[0]',
'intfc_port' => 'stb_i',
'range' => '',
'type' => 'input'
'parameters_order' => [
'sockets' => {
'interrupt_cpu' => {
'interrupt_cpu' => {},
'connection_num' => 'single connection',
'value' => 1,
'0' => {
'name' => 'int_cpu'
'value' => 1,
'type' => 'num'
'interrupt_peripheral' => {
'interrupt_peripheral' => {},
'connection_num' => 'single connection',
'interrupt_peripheral' => {},
'value' => 'INT_NUM',
'0' => {
'name' => 'int_periph'
'value' => 'INT_NUM',
'type' => 'param'
182,9 → 182,9
'category' => 'interrupt',
'header' => '
#define $IP_MER (*((volatile unsigned int *) ($BASE )))
#define $IP_IER (*((volatile unsigned int *) ($BASE+4 )))
#define $IP_IAR (*((volatile unsigned int *) ($BASE+8 )))
#define $IP_IPR (*((volatile unsigned int *) ($BASE+12 )))'
'system_h' => '
#define ${IP}_MER (*((volatile unsigned int *) ($BASE )))
#define ${IP}_IER (*((volatile unsigned int *) ($BASE+4 )))
#define ${IP}_IAR (*((volatile unsigned int *) ($BASE+8 )))
#define ${IP}_IPR (*((volatile unsigned int *) ($BASE+12 )))'
}, 'ip_gen' );
6,33 → 6,33
'description' => 'General inout port',
'modules' => {
'gpi' => {},
'gpo' => {},
'gpio' => {}
'gpio' => {},
'gpo' => {}
'plugs' => {
'clk' => {
'clk' => {},
'0' => {
'name' => 'clk'
'value' => 1,
'type' => 'num'
'reset' => {
'reset' => {},
'value' => 1,
'0' => {
'name' => 'reset'
'value' => 1,
'type' => 'num'
'clk' => {
'clk' => {},
'value' => 1,
'0' => {
'name' => 'clk'
'type' => 'num'
'wb_slave' => {
'value' => 1,
'0' => {
'width' => 5,
'name' => 'wb',
'addr' => '0x9100_0000 0x91ff_ffff General-Purpose I/O'
'value' => 1,
'type' => 'num',
'wb_slave' => {}
52,16 → 52,16
'content' => '',
'type' => 'Fixed'
'TAGw' => {
'SELw' => {
'info' => undef,
'deafult' => ' 3',
'deafult' => ' 4',
'global_param' => 0,
'content' => '',
'type' => 'Fixed'
'SELw' => {
'TAGw' => {
'info' => undef,
'deafult' => ' 4',
'deafult' => ' 3',
'global_param' => 0,
'content' => '',
'type' => 'Fixed'
76,86 → 76,86
'ports' => {
'sa_tag_i' => {
'intfc_port' => 'tag_i',
'intfc_name' => 'plug:wb_slave[0]',
'intfc_port' => 'tag_i',
'range' => 'TAGw-1 : 0',
'type' => 'input'
'sa_dat_o' => {
'intfc_port' => 'dat_o',
'sa_rty_o' => {
'intfc_name' => 'plug:wb_slave[0]',
'range' => 'Dw-1 : 0',
'intfc_port' => 'rty_o',
'range' => '',
'type' => 'output'
'sa_rty_o' => {
'intfc_port' => 'rty_o',
'sa_dat_o' => {
'intfc_name' => 'plug:wb_slave[0]',
'range' => '',
'intfc_port' => 'dat_o',
'range' => 'Dw-1 : 0',
'type' => 'output'
'sa_sel_i' => {
'intfc_name' => 'plug:wb_slave[0]',
'intfc_port' => 'sel_i',
'intfc_name' => 'plug:wb_slave[0]',
'range' => 'SELw-1 : 0',
'type' => 'input'
'sa_dat_i' => {
'intfc_name' => 'plug:wb_slave[0]',
'intfc_port' => 'dat_i',
'intfc_name' => 'plug:wb_slave[0]',
'range' => 'Dw-1 : 0',
'type' => 'input'
'sa_we_i' => {
'intfc_port' => 'we_i',
'intfc_name' => 'plug:wb_slave[0]',
'intfc_port' => 'we_i',
'range' => '',
'type' => 'input'
'sa_err_o' => {
'intfc_name' => 'plug:wb_slave[0]',
'intfc_port' => 'err_o',
'intfc_name' => 'plug:wb_slave[0]',
'range' => '',
'type' => 'output'
'sa_cyc_i' => {
'intfc_port' => 'cyc_i',
'intfc_name' => 'plug:wb_slave[0]',
'intfc_port' => 'cyc_i',
'range' => '',
'type' => 'input'
'sa_ack_o' => {
'intfc_port' => 'ack_o',
'intfc_name' => 'plug:wb_slave[0]',
'range' => '',
'type' => 'output'
'reset' => {
'intfc_port' => 'reset_i',
'intfc_name' => 'plug:reset[0]',
'range' => '',
'type' => 'input'
'clk' => {
'intfc_name' => 'plug:clk[0]',
'intfc_port' => 'clk_i',
'intfc_name' => 'plug:clk[0]',
'range' => '',
'type' => 'input'
'reset' => {
'intfc_name' => 'plug:reset[0]',
'intfc_port' => 'reset_i',
'range' => '',
'type' => 'input'
'sa_ack_o' => {
'intfc_name' => 'plug:wb_slave[0]',
'intfc_port' => 'ack_o',
'range' => '',
'type' => 'output'
'port_i' => {
'intfc_name' => 'IO',
'intfc_port' => 'IO',
'intfc_name' => 'IO',
'range' => 'PORT_WIDTH-1 : 0',
'type' => 'input'
'sa_addr_i' => {
'intfc_port' => 'adr_i',
'intfc_name' => 'plug:wb_slave[0]',
'intfc_port' => 'adr_i',
'range' => 'Aw-1 : 0',
'type' => 'input'
'sa_stb_i' => {
'intfc_name' => 'plug:wb_slave[0]',
'intfc_port' => 'stb_i',
'intfc_name' => 'plug:wb_slave[0]',
'range' => '',
'type' => 'input'
177,11 → 177,6
'category' => 'GPI',
'header' => '
#define $IP_READ_REG (*((volatile unsigned int *) ($BASE+8)))
#define $IP_READ() $IP_READ_REG '
'system_h' => '#define ${IP}_READ_REG (*((volatile unsigned int *) ($BASE+8)))
#define ${IP}_READ() ${IP}_READ_REG '
}, 'ip_gen' );
3,46 → 3,24
'ip_name' => 'timer',
'parameters_order' => [
'file_name' => '/home/alireza/Mywork/mpsoc/src_peripheral/timer/timer.v',
'sockets' => {},
'module_name' => 'timer',
'unused' => {
'plug:wb_slave[0]' => [
'category' => 'TIM',
'description' => '32 bit timer ',
'modules' => {
'timer' => {}
'plugs' => {
'interrupt_peripheral' => {
'interrupt_peripheral' => {},
'0' => {
'name' => 'interrupt_peripheral'
'value' => 1,
'type' => 'num'
'reset' => {
'reset' => {},
'value' => 1,
'0' => {
'name' => 'reset'
'type' => 'num'
'clk' => {
'clk' => {},
'value' => 1,
'0' => {
'name' => 'clk'
'type' => 'num'
'wb_slave' => {
'0' => {
'width' => 5,
'name' => 'wb',
'addr' => '0x9600_0000 0x96ff_ffff PWM/Timer/Counter Ctrl'
'value' => 1,
'type' => 'num',
'wb_slave' => {}
'parameters' => {
'Aw' => {
'info' => undef,
51,6 → 29,13
'content' => '',
'type' => 'Fixed'
'SELw' => {
'info' => undef,
'deafult' => ' 4',
'global_param' => undef,
'content' => '',
'type' => 'Fixed'
'TAGw' => {
'info' => undef,
'deafult' => '3',
58,9 → 43,9
'content' => '',
'type' => 'Fixed'
'SELw' => {
'CNTw' => {
'info' => undef,
'deafult' => ' 4',
'deafult' => '32 ',
'global_param' => undef,
'content' => '',
'type' => 'Fixed'
71,119 → 56,134
'global_param' => undef,
'content' => '',
'type' => 'Fixed'
'CNTw' => {
'info' => undef,
'deafult' => '32 ',
'global_param' => undef,
'content' => '',
'type' => 'Fixed'
'parameters_order' => [
'plugs' => {
'clk' => {
'clk' => {},
'0' => {
'name' => 'clk'
'value' => 1,
'type' => 'num'
'reset' => {
'reset' => {},
'0' => {
'name' => 'reset'
'value' => 1,
'type' => 'num'
'interrupt_peripheral' => {
'interrupt_peripheral' => {},
'value' => 1,
'0' => {
'name' => 'interrupt_peripheral'
'type' => 'num'
'wb_slave' => {
'value' => 1,
'0' => {
'width' => 5,
'name' => 'wb',
'addr' => '0x9600_0000 0x96ff_ffff PWM/Timer/Counter Ctrl'
'type' => 'num',
'wb_slave' => {}
'modules' => {
'timer' => {}
'ports' => {
'sa_tag_i' => {
'intfc_name' => 'plug:wb_slave[0]',
'intfc_port' => 'tag_i',
'intfc_name' => 'plug:wb_slave[0]',
'range' => 'TAGw-1 : 0',
'type' => 'input'
'sa_rty_o' => {
'intfc_port' => 'rty_o',
'sa_dat_o' => {
'intfc_name' => 'plug:wb_slave[0]',
'range' => '',
'intfc_port' => 'dat_o',
'range' => 'Dw-1 : 0',
'type' => 'output'
'sa_dat_o' => {
'intfc_port' => 'dat_o',
'sa_rty_o' => {
'intfc_name' => 'plug:wb_slave[0]',
'range' => 'Dw-1 : 0',
'intfc_port' => 'rty_o',
'range' => '',
'type' => 'output'
'sa_sel_i' => {
'intfc_name' => 'plug:wb_slave[0]',
'intfc_port' => 'sel_i',
'intfc_name' => 'plug:wb_slave[0]',
'range' => 'SELw-1 : 0',
'type' => 'input'
'sa_dat_i' => {
'intfc_name' => 'plug:wb_slave[0]',
'intfc_port' => 'dat_i',
'intfc_name' => 'plug:wb_slave[0]',
'range' => 'Dw-1 : 0',
'type' => 'input'
'sa_we_i' => {
'intfc_name' => 'plug:wb_slave[0]',
'intfc_port' => 'we_i',
'intfc_name' => 'plug:wb_slave[0]',
'range' => '',
'type' => 'input'
'irq' => {
'intfc_name' => 'plug:interrupt_peripheral[0]',
'intfc_port' => 'int_o',
'intfc_name' => 'plug:interrupt_peripheral[0]',
'range' => '',
'type' => 'output'
'sa_cyc_i' => {
'intfc_name' => 'plug:wb_slave[0]',
'intfc_port' => 'cyc_i',
'range' => '',
'type' => 'input'
'sa_err_o' => {
'intfc_name' => 'plug:wb_slave[0]',
'intfc_port' => 'err_o',
'intfc_name' => 'plug:wb_slave[0]',
'range' => '',
'type' => 'output'
'sa_cyc_i' => {
'intfc_port' => 'cyc_i',
'sa_ack_o' => {
'intfc_name' => 'plug:wb_slave[0]',
'intfc_port' => 'ack_o',
'range' => '',
'type' => 'input'
'type' => 'output'
'reset' => {
'intfc_name' => 'plug:reset[0]',
'intfc_port' => 'reset_i',
'range' => '',
'type' => 'input'
'clk' => {
'intfc_name' => 'plug:clk[0]',
'intfc_port' => 'clk_i',
'intfc_name' => 'plug:clk[0]',
'range' => '',
'type' => 'input'
'reset' => {
'intfc_port' => 'reset_i',
'intfc_name' => 'plug:reset[0]',
'range' => '',
'type' => 'input'
'sa_ack_o' => {
'intfc_port' => 'ack_o',
'intfc_name' => 'plug:wb_slave[0]',
'range' => '',
'type' => 'output'
'sa_addr_i' => {
'intfc_name' => 'plug:wb_slave[0]',
'intfc_port' => 'adr_i',
'intfc_name' => 'plug:wb_slave[0]',
'range' => 'Aw-1 : 0',
'type' => 'input'
'sa_stb_i' => {
'intfc_name' => 'plug:wb_slave[0]',
'intfc_port' => 'stb_i',
'intfc_name' => 'plug:wb_slave[0]',
'range' => '',
'type' => 'input'
'file_name' => '/home/alireza/Mywork/mpsoc/src_peripheral/timer/timer.v',
'sockets' => {},
'module_name' => 'timer',
'unused' => {
'plug:wb_slave[0]' => [
'category' => 'TIM',
'header' => '#define $IP_TCSR0 (*((volatile unsigned int *) ($BASE )))
'system_h' => '#define ${IP}_TCSR0 (*((volatile unsigned int *) ($BASE )))
//timer control register
195,8 → 195,8
1 : int_enble_on_cmp_value
0 : timer enable
#define $IP_TLR0 (*((volatile unsigned int *) ($BASE+4 )))
#define $IP_TCMP0 (*((volatile unsigned int *) ($BASE+8 )))
#define ${IP}_TLR0 (*((volatile unsigned int *) ($BASE+4 )))
#define ${IP}_TCMP0 (*((volatile unsigned int *) ($BASE+8 )))
#ifndef TIMER_EN
#define TIMER_EN (1 << 0)
#define TIMER_INT_EN (1 << 1)
0,0 → 1,451
$ethtop = bless( {
'hdl_files' => [
'custom_file' => {
'0' => {}
'system_h' => '
void ${IP}_init();
void ${IP}_interrupt();
void ${IP}_recv_ack(void);
int ${IP}_send(int length); //return (-1) or length (still processing previous) or asserted
#define ${IP}_BASE_ADDR $BASE
#define ${IP}_MODER (*((volatile unsigned int *) (${IP}_BASE_ADDR+0x00 )))
#define ${IP}_INT_SOURCE (*((volatile unsigned int *) (${IP}_BASE_ADDR+0x04 )))
#define ${IP}_INT_MASK (*((volatile unsigned int *) (${IP}_BASE_ADDR+0x08 )))
#define ${IP}_IPGT (*((volatile unsigned int *) (${IP}_BASE_ADDR+0x0C )))
#define ${IP}_IPGR1 (*((volatile unsigned int *) (${IP}_BASE_ADDR+0x10 )))
#define ${IP}_IPGR2 (*((volatile unsigned int *) (${IP}_BASE_ADDR+0x14 )))
#define ${IP}_PACKETLEN (*((volatile unsigned int *) (${IP}_BASE_ADDR+0x18 )))
#define ${IP}_COLLCONF (*((volatile unsigned int *) (${IP}_BASE_ADDR+0x1C )))
#define ${IP}_TX_BD_NUM (*((volatile unsigned int *) (${IP}_BASE_ADDR+0x20 )))
#define ${IP}_CTRLMODER (*((volatile unsigned int *) (${IP}_BASE_ADDR+0x24 )))
#define ${IP}_MIIMODER (*((volatile unsigned int *) (${IP}_BASE_ADDR+0x28 )))
#define ${IP}_MIICOMMAND (*((volatile unsigned int *) (${IP}_BASE_ADDR+0x2C )))
#define ${IP}_MIIADDR (*((volatile unsigned int *) (${IP}_BASE_ADDR+0x30 )))
#define ${IP}_MIITX_DATA (*((volatile unsigned int *) (${IP}_BASE_ADDR+0x34 )))
#define ${IP}_MIIRX_DATA (*((volatile unsigned int *) (${IP}_BASE_ADDR+0x38 )))
#define ${IP}_MIISTATUS (*((volatile unsigned int *) (${IP}_BASE_ADDR+0x3C )))
#define ${IP}_MAC_ADDR0 (*((volatile unsigned int *) (${IP}_BASE_ADDR+0x40 )))
#define ${IP}_MAC_ADDR1 (*((volatile unsigned int *) (${IP}_BASE_ADDR+0x44 )))
#define ${IP}_HASH0_ADR (*((volatile unsigned int *) (${IP}_BASE_ADDR+0x48 )))
#define ${IP}_HASH1_ADR (*((volatile unsigned int *) (${IP}_BASE_ADDR+0x4C )))
#define ${IP}_TXCTRL (*((volatile unsigned int *) (${IP}_BASE_ADDR+0x50 )))
#define ${IP}_TXBD0H (*((volatile unsigned int *) (${IP}_BASE_ADDR+0x404 )))
#define ${IP}_TXBD0L (*((volatile unsigned int *) (${IP}_BASE_ADDR+0x400 )))
#define ${IP}_RXBD0H (*((volatile unsigned int *) (${IP}_BASE_ADDR+0x604 ))) //this depends on TX_BD_NUM but this is the standard value
#define ${IP}_RXBD0L (*((volatile unsigned int *) (${IP}_BASE_ADDR+0x600 ))) //this depends on TX_BD_NUM but this is the standard value
#include "${IP}.h"',
'ip_name' => 'ethmac_100',
'custom_file_num' => 1,
'ports_order' => [
'parameters_order' => [
'file_name' => '/home/alireza/Mywork/mpsoc/src_peripheral/ethmac/ethtop.v',
'module_name' => 'ethtop',
'gen_sw_files' => [
'unused' => {
'plug:wb_slave[0]' => [
'plug:wb_master[0]' => [
'category' => 'eth',
'sw_files' => [],
'parameters' => {
'info' => undef,
'deafult' => ' 16',
'global_param' => 0,
'content' => '',
'redefine_param' => 1,
'type' => 'Fixed'
'info' => undef,
'deafult' => ' 32',
'global_param' => 0,
'content' => '',
'redefine_param' => 1,
'type' => 'Fixed'
'info' => undef,
'deafult' => ' 32',
'global_param' => 0,
'content' => '',
'redefine_param' => 1,
'type' => 'Fixed'
'info' => undef,
'deafult' => ' 5',
'global_param' => 0,
'content' => '',
'redefine_param' => 1,
'type' => 'Fixed'
'info' => undef,
'deafult' => ' 5',
'global_param' => 0,
'content' => '',
'redefine_param' => 1,
'type' => 'Fixed'
'info' => undef,
'deafult' => ' 16',
'global_param' => 0,
'content' => '',
'redefine_param' => 1,
'type' => 'Fixed'
'modules' => {
'ethtop' => {}
'plugs' => {
'wb_master' => {
'wb_master' => {},
'0' => {
'name' => 'wb_master'
'value' => 1,
'type' => 'num'
'interrupt_peripheral' => {
'interrupt_peripheral' => {},
'0' => {
'name' => 'interrupt_peripheral'
'value' => 1,
'type' => 'num'
'reset' => {
'reset' => {},
'0' => {
'name' => 'reset'
'value' => 1,
'type' => 'num'
'clk' => {
'clk' => {},
'0' => {
'name' => 'clk'
'value' => 1,
'type' => 'num'
'wb_slave' => {
'0' => {
'width' => 11,
'name' => 'wb_slave',
'addr' => '0x9200_0000 0x92ff_ffff Ethernet Controller'
'value' => 1,
'type' => 'num',
'wb_slave' => {}
'ports' => {
'wb_sel_i' => {
'intfc_port' => 'sel_i',
'intfc_name' => 'plug:wb_slave[0]',
'range' => '3:0',
'type' => 'input'
'm_wb_we_o' => {
'intfc_port' => 'we_o',
'intfc_name' => 'plug:wb_master[0]',
'range' => '',
'type' => 'output'
'wb_we_i' => {
'intfc_port' => 'we_i',
'intfc_name' => 'plug:wb_slave[0]',
'range' => '',
'type' => 'input'
'wb_err_o' => {
'intfc_port' => 'err_o',
'intfc_name' => 'plug:wb_slave[0]',
'range' => '',
'type' => 'output'
'wb_dat_o' => {
'intfc_port' => 'dat_o',
'intfc_name' => 'plug:wb_slave[0]',
'range' => '31:0',
'type' => 'output'
'wb_rst_i' => {
'intfc_port' => 'reset_i',
'intfc_name' => 'plug:reset[0]',
'range' => '',
'type' => 'input'
'wb_cyc_i' => {
'intfc_port' => 'cyc_i',
'intfc_name' => 'plug:wb_slave[0]',
'range' => '',
'type' => 'input'
'm_wb_err_i' => {
'intfc_port' => 'err_i',
'intfc_name' => 'plug:wb_master[0]',
'range' => '',
'type' => 'input'
'm_wb_dat_i' => {
'intfc_port' => 'dat_i',
'intfc_name' => 'plug:wb_master[0]',
'range' => '31:0',
'type' => 'input'
'mdc_pad_o' => {
'intfc_port' => 'IO',
'intfc_name' => 'IO',
'range' => '',
'type' => 'output'
'm_wb_sel_o' => {
'intfc_port' => 'sel_o',
'intfc_name' => 'plug:wb_master[0]',
'range' => '3:0',
'type' => 'output'
'md_pad_i' => {
'intfc_port' => 'IO',
'intfc_name' => 'IO',
'range' => '',
'type' => 'input'
'mcrs_pad_i' => {
'intfc_port' => 'IO',
'intfc_name' => 'IO',
'range' => '',
'type' => 'input'
'm_wb_dat_o' => {
'intfc_port' => 'dat_o',
'intfc_name' => 'plug:wb_master[0]',
'range' => '31:0',
'type' => 'output'
'md_padoe_o' => {
'intfc_port' => 'IO',
'intfc_name' => 'IO',
'range' => '',
'type' => 'output'
'wb_adr_i' => {
'intfc_port' => 'adr_i',
'intfc_name' => 'plug:wb_slave[0]',
'range' => '9:0',
'type' => 'input'
'm_wb_adr_o' => {
'intfc_port' => 'adr_o',
'intfc_name' => 'plug:wb_master[0]',
'range' => '31:0',
'type' => 'output'
'mrxerr_pad_i' => {
'intfc_port' => 'IO',
'intfc_name' => 'IO',
'range' => '',
'type' => 'input'
'mrxd_pad_i' => {
'intfc_port' => 'IO',
'intfc_name' => 'IO',
'range' => '3:0',
'type' => 'input'
'mtxd_pad_o' => {
'intfc_port' => 'IO',
'intfc_name' => 'IO',
'range' => '3:0',
'type' => 'output'
'wb_ack_o' => {
'intfc_port' => 'ack_o',
'intfc_name' => 'plug:wb_slave[0]',
'range' => '',
'type' => 'output'
'mtxen_pad_o' => {
'intfc_port' => 'IO',
'intfc_name' => 'IO',
'range' => '',
'type' => 'output'
'mcoll_pad_i' => {
'intfc_port' => 'IO',
'intfc_name' => 'IO',
'range' => '',
'type' => 'input'
'int_o' => {
'intfc_port' => 'int_o',
'intfc_name' => 'plug:interrupt_peripheral[0]',
'range' => '',
'type' => 'output'
'm_wb_ack_i' => {
'intfc_port' => 'ack_i',
'intfc_name' => 'plug:wb_master[0]',
'range' => '',
'type' => 'input'
'wb_stb_i' => {
'intfc_port' => 'stb_i',
'intfc_name' => 'plug:wb_slave[0]',
'range' => '',
'type' => 'input'
'mrx_clk_pad_i' => {
'intfc_port' => 'IO',
'intfc_name' => 'IO',
'range' => '',
'type' => 'input'
'wb_clk_i' => {
'intfc_port' => 'clk_i',
'intfc_name' => 'plug:clk[0]',
'range' => '',
'type' => 'input'
'md_pad_o' => {
'intfc_port' => 'IO',
'intfc_name' => 'IO',
'range' => '',
'type' => 'output'
'm_wb_cyc_o' => {
'intfc_port' => 'cyc_o',
'intfc_name' => 'plug:wb_master[0]',
'range' => '',
'type' => 'output'
'mrxdv_pad_i' => {
'intfc_port' => 'IO',
'intfc_name' => 'IO',
'range' => '',
'type' => 'input'
'mtxerr_pad_o' => {
'intfc_port' => 'IO',
'intfc_name' => 'IO',
'range' => '',
'type' => 'output'
'mtx_clk_pad_i' => {
'intfc_port' => 'IO',
'intfc_name' => 'IO',
'range' => '',
'type' => 'input'
'm_wb_stb_o' => {
'intfc_port' => 'stb_o',
'intfc_name' => 'plug:wb_master[0]',
'range' => '',
'type' => 'output'
'wb_dat_i' => {
'intfc_port' => 'dat_i',
'intfc_name' => 'plug:wb_slave[0]',
'range' => '31:0',
'type' => 'input'
}, 'ip_gen' );
ip/ethmac_100.IP Property changes : Added: svn:executable ## -0,0 +1 ## +* \ No newline at end of property Index: ip/lcd_2x16.IP =================================================================== --- ip/lcd_2x16.IP (revision 23) +++ ip/lcd_2x16.IP (revision 24) @@ -2,175 +2,189 @@ 'hdl_files' => [ '/mpsoc/src_peripheral/display/lcd_2x16/lcd_2x16.v' ], + 'system_h' => '#define ${IP}_WR_CMD (*((volatile unsigned int *) ($BASE))) +#define ${IP}_RD_CMD (*((volatile unsigned int *) ($BASE+4))) +#define ${IP}_WR_DATA (*((volatile unsigned int *) ($BASE+8))) +#define ${IP}_RD_DATA (*((volatile unsigned int *) ($BASE+16))) + +#define ${IP}_CLK_MHZ $CLK_MHZ + +#include "$IP.h"', + 'ip_name' => 'lcd_2x16', + 'sw_params_list' => [], + 'parameters_order' => [ + 'Dw', + 'Aw', + 'CLK_MHZ' + ], + 'ports_order' => [ + 'clk', + 'reset', + 's_dat_i', + 's_addr_i', + 's_stb_i', + 's_cyc_i', + 's_we_i', + 's_dat_o', + 's_ack_o', + 'lcd_en', + 'lcd_rs', + 'lcd_rw', + 'lcd_data' + ], + 'file_name' => '/home/alireza/Mywork/mpsoc/src_peripheral/display/lcd_2x16/lcd_2x16.v', + 'module_name' => 'lcd_2x16', + 'gen_sw_files' => [ + '/mpsoc/src_peripheral/display/lcd_2x16/lcd_2x16.hgenfrename_sep_t${IP}.h' + ], + 'unused' => { + 'plug:wb_slave[0]' => [ + 'err_o', + 'rty_o', + 'tag_i', + 'cti_i', + 'sel_i', + 'bte_i' + ] + }, + 'category' => 'Display', + 'sw_files' => [], 'description' => 'Alphabet Display LCD 2x16', - 'ip_name' => 'lcd_2x16', + 'parameters' => { + 'Aw' => { + 'info' => undef, + 'deafult' => ' 2', + 'global_param' => 0, + 'content' => '', + 'redefine_param' => 1, + 'type' => 'Fixed' + }, + 'Dw' => { + 'info' => undef, + 'deafult' => ' 8', + 'global_param' => 0, + 'content' => '', + 'redefine_param' => 1, + 'type' => 'Fixed' + }, + 'CLK_MHZ' => { + 'info' => 'The LCD controller clock speed in MHZ. It will be used for measuring the lcd enable delay. You can define a larger value than the actual clk speed but not smaller.', + 'deafult' => '100', + 'global_param' => 0, + 'content' => '2,1000,2', + 'redefine_param' => 1, + 'type' => 'Spin-button' + } + }, + 'modules' => { + 'lcd_2x16' => {} + }, 'plugs' => { + 'reset' => { + 'reset' => {}, + '0' => { + 'name' => 'reset' + }, + 'value' => 1, + 'type' => 'num' + }, 'clk' => { 'clk' => {}, - 'value' => 1, '0' => { 'name' => 'clk' }, + 'value' => 1, 'type' => 'num' }, - 'reset' => { - 'reset' => {}, - 'value' => 1, - '0' => { - 'name' => 'reset' - }, - 'type' => 'num' - }, 'wb_slave' => { - 'value' => 1, '0' => { 'width' => 5, 'name' => 'wb_slave', 'addr' => '0x9100_0000 0x91ff_ffff General-Purpose I/O' }, + 'value' => 1, 'type' => 'num', 'wb_slave' => {} } }, - 'modules' => { - 'lcd_2x16' => {} - }, - 'parameters' => { - 'Aw' => { - 'info' => undef, - 'deafult' => ' 2', - 'global_param' => 0, - 'content' => '', - 'type' => 'Fixed', - 'redefine_param' => 1 - }, - 'Dw' => { - 'info' => undef, - 'deafult' => ' 8', - 'global_param' => 0, - 'content' => '', - 'type' => 'Fixed', - 'redefine_param' => 1 - } - }, - 'ports_order' => [ - 'clk', - 'reset', - 's_dat_i', - 's_addr_i', - 's_stb_i', - 's_cyc_i', - 's_we_i', - 's_dat_o', - 's_ack_o', - 'lcd_en', - 'lcd_rs', - 'lcd_rw', - 'lcd_data' - ], 'ports' => { - 's_cyc_i' => { + 's_dat_i' => { + 'intfc_port' => 'dat_i', 'intfc_name' => 'plug:wb_slave[0]', - 'intfc_port' => 'cyc_i', - 'range' => '', + 'range' => 'Dw-1 : 0', 'type' => 'input' }, - 's_dat_i' => { + 's_cyc_i' => { + 'intfc_port' => 'cyc_i', 'intfc_name' => 'plug:wb_slave[0]', - 'intfc_port' => 'dat_i', - 'range' => 'Dw-1 : 0', + 'range' => '', 'type' => 'input' }, 'lcd_en' => { + 'intfc_port' => 'IO', 'intfc_name' => 'IO', - 'intfc_port' => 'IO', 'range' => '', 'type' => 'output' }, 's_ack_o' => { + 'intfc_port' => 'ack_o', 'intfc_name' => 'plug:wb_slave[0]', - 'intfc_port' => 'ack_o', 'range' => '', 'type' => 'output' }, 's_we_i' => { + 'intfc_port' => 'we_i', 'intfc_name' => 'plug:wb_slave[0]', - 'intfc_port' => 'we_i', 'range' => '', 'type' => 'input' }, 's_stb_i' => { + 'intfc_port' => 'stb_i', 'intfc_name' => 'plug:wb_slave[0]', - 'intfc_port' => 'stb_i', 'range' => '', 'type' => 'input' }, 'lcd_data' => { + 'intfc_port' => 'IO', 'intfc_name' => 'IO', - 'intfc_port' => 'IO', 'range' => ' 7: 0', 'type' => 'inout' }, 'lcd_rs' => { + 'intfc_port' => 'IO', 'intfc_name' => 'IO', + 'range' => '', + 'type' => 'output' + }, + 'clk' => { + 'intfc_port' => 'clk_i', + 'intfc_name' => 'plug:clk[0]', + 'range' => '', + 'type' => 'input' + }, + 'lcd_rw' => { 'intfc_port' => 'IO', + 'intfc_name' => 'IO', 'range' => '', 'type' => 'output' }, 'reset' => { + 'intfc_port' => 'reset_i', 'intfc_name' => 'plug:reset[0]', - 'intfc_port' => 'reset_i', 'range' => '', 'type' => 'input' }, - 'lcd_rw' => { - 'intfc_name' => 'IO', - 'intfc_port' => 'IO', - 'range' => '', - 'type' => 'output' - }, - 'clk' => { - 'intfc_name' => 'plug:clk[0]', - 'intfc_port' => 'clk_i', - 'range' => '', - 'type' => 'input' - }, + 's_dat_o' => { + 'intfc_port' => 'dat_o', + 'intfc_name' => 'plug:wb_slave[0]', + 'range' => 'Dw-1 : 0', + 'type' => 'output' + }, 's_addr_i' => { + 'intfc_port' => 'adr_i', 'intfc_name' => 'plug:wb_slave[0]', - 'intfc_port' => 'adr_i', 'range' => 'Aw-1 : 0', 'type' => 'input' - }, - 's_dat_o' => { - 'intfc_name' => 'plug:wb_slave[0]', - 'intfc_port' => 'dat_o', - 'range' => 'Dw-1 : 0', - 'type' => 'output' - } - }, - 'parameters_order' => [ - 'Dw', - 'Aw' - ], - 'file_name' => '/home/alireza/Mywork/mpsoc/src_peripheral/display/lcd_2x16/lcd_2x16.v', - 'module_name' => 'lcd_2x16', - 'unused' => { - 'plug:wb_slave[0]' => [ - 'err_o', - 'rty_o', - 'tag_i', - 'cti_i', - 'sel_i', - 'bte_i' - ] - }, - 'category' => 'Display', - 'header' => '#define LCD_WR_CMD (*((volatile unsigned int *) ($BASE))) -#define LCD_RD_CMD (*((volatile unsigned int *) ($BASE+4))) -#define LCD_WR_DATA (*((volatile unsigned int *) ($BASE+8))) -#define LCD_RD_DATA (*((volatile unsigned int *) ($BASE+16))) -#include "lcd_2x16.h"', - 'sw_files' => [ - '/mpsoc/src_peripheral/display/lcd_2x16/lcd_2x16.h' - ] + } + } }, 'ip_gen' ); Index: ip/gpo.IP =================================================================== --- ip/gpo.IP (revision 23) +++ ip/gpo.IP (revision 24) @@ -5,29 +5,29 @@ 'ip_name' => 'gpo', 'description' => 'General output port', 'plugs' => { + 'reset' => { + 'reset' => {}, + 'value' => 1, + '0' => { + 'name' => 'reset' + }, + 'type' => 'num' + }, 'clk' => { 'clk' => {}, + 'value' => 1, '0' => { 'name' => 'clk' }, - 'value' => 1, 'type' => 'num' }, - 'reset' => { - 'reset' => {}, - '0' => { - 'name' => 'reset' - }, - 'value' => 1, - 'type' => 'num' - }, 'wb_slave' => { - 'value' => 1, '0' => { 'width' => 5, 'name' => 'wb', 'addr' => '0x9100_0000 0x91ff_ffff General-Purpose I/O' }, + 'value' => 1, 'type' => 'num', 'wb_slave' => {} } @@ -34,8 +34,8 @@ }, 'modules' => { 'gpi' => {}, - 'gpo' => {}, - 'gpio' => {} + 'gpio' => {}, + 'gpo' => {} }, 'parameters' => { 'PORT_WIDTH' => { @@ -52,16 +52,16 @@ 'content' => '', 'type' => 'Fixed' }, - 'TAGw' => { + 'SELw' => { 'info' => undef, - 'deafult' => ' 3', + 'deafult' => ' 4', 'global_param' => 0, 'content' => '', 'type' => 'Fixed' }, - 'SELw' => { + 'TAGw' => { 'info' => undef, - 'deafult' => ' 4', + 'deafult' => ' 3', 'global_param' => 0, 'content' => '', 'type' => 'Fixed' @@ -76,86 +76,86 @@ }, 'ports' => { 'sa_tag_i' => { + 'intfc_name' => 'plug:wb_slave[0]', 'intfc_port' => 'tag_i', - 'intfc_name' => 'plug:wb_slave[0]', 'range' => 'TAGw-1 : 0', 'type' => 'input' }, - 'sa_rty_o' => { - 'intfc_port' => 'rty_o', + 'sa_dat_o' => { 'intfc_name' => 'plug:wb_slave[0]', - 'range' => '', + 'intfc_port' => 'dat_o', + 'range' => 'Dw-1 : 0', 'type' => 'output' }, - 'sa_dat_o' => { - 'intfc_port' => 'dat_o', + 'sa_rty_o' => { 'intfc_name' => 'plug:wb_slave[0]', - 'range' => 'Dw-1 : 0', + 'intfc_port' => 'rty_o', + 'range' => '', 'type' => 'output' }, 'sa_sel_i' => { + 'intfc_name' => 'plug:wb_slave[0]', 'intfc_port' => 'sel_i', - 'intfc_name' => 'plug:wb_slave[0]', 'range' => 'SELw-1 : 0', 'type' => 'input' }, 'sa_dat_i' => { + 'intfc_name' => 'plug:wb_slave[0]', 'intfc_port' => 'dat_i', - 'intfc_name' => 'plug:wb_slave[0]', 'range' => 'Dw-1 : 0', 'type' => 'input' }, 'port_o' => { + 'intfc_name' => 'IO', 'intfc_port' => 'IO', - 'intfc_name' => 'IO', 'range' => 'PORT_WIDTH-1 : 0', 'type' => 'output' }, 'sa_we_i' => { + 'intfc_name' => 'plug:wb_slave[0]', 'intfc_port' => 'we_i', - 'intfc_name' => 'plug:wb_slave[0]', 'range' => '', 'type' => 'input' }, + 'sa_cyc_i' => { + 'intfc_name' => 'plug:wb_slave[0]', + 'intfc_port' => 'cyc_i', + 'range' => '', + 'type' => 'input' + }, 'sa_err_o' => { + 'intfc_name' => 'plug:wb_slave[0]', 'intfc_port' => 'err_o', - 'intfc_name' => 'plug:wb_slave[0]', 'range' => '', 'type' => 'output' }, - 'sa_cyc_i' => { - 'intfc_port' => 'cyc_i', + 'sa_ack_o' => { 'intfc_name' => 'plug:wb_slave[0]', + 'intfc_port' => 'ack_o', 'range' => '', - 'type' => 'input' + 'type' => 'output' }, + 'reset' => { + 'intfc_name' => 'plug:reset[0]', + 'intfc_port' => 'reset_i', + 'range' => '', + 'type' => 'input' + }, 'clk' => { + 'intfc_name' => 'plug:clk[0]', 'intfc_port' => 'clk_i', - 'intfc_name' => 'plug:clk[0]', 'range' => '', 'type' => 'input' }, - 'reset' => { - 'intfc_port' => 'reset_i', - 'intfc_name' => 'plug:reset[0]', - 'range' => '', - 'type' => 'input' - }, - 'sa_ack_o' => { - 'intfc_port' => 'ack_o', - 'intfc_name' => 'plug:wb_slave[0]', - 'range' => '', - 'type' => 'output' - }, 'sa_addr_i' => { + 'intfc_name' => 'plug:wb_slave[0]', 'intfc_port' => 'adr_i', - 'intfc_name' => 'plug:wb_slave[0]', 'range' => 'Aw-1 : 0', 'type' => 'input' }, 'sa_stb_i' => { + 'intfc_name' => 'plug:wb_slave[0]', 'intfc_port' => 'stb_i', - 'intfc_name' => 'plug:wb_slave[0]', 'range' => '', 'type' => 'input' } @@ -177,9 +177,8 @@ ] }, 'category' => 'GPI', - 'header' => ' - #define $IP\\_WRITE_REG (*((volatile unsigned int *) ($BASE+4))) - #define $IP\\_WRITE(value) $IP\\_WRITE_REG=value + 'system_h' => '#define ${IP}_WRITE_REG (*((volatile unsigned int *) ($BASE+4))) +#define ${IP}_WRITE(value) ${IP}_WRITE_REG=value ' }, 'ip_gen' );
2,6 → 2,13
'hdl_files' => [
'system_h' => '#define ${IP}_DIR_REG (*((volatile unsigned int *) ($BASE)))
#define ${IP}_WRITE _REG (*((volatile unsigned int *) ($BASE+4)))
#define ${IP}_READ_REG (*((volatile unsigned int *) ($BASE+8)))
#define ${IP}_DIR_SET(value) ${IP}_DIR_REG=value
#define ${IP}_WRITE(value) ${IP}_WRITE _REG=value
#define ${IP}_READ() ${IP}_READ_REG ',
'description' => 'General inout port',
'ip_name' => 'gpio',
'parameters' => {
67,12 → 74,6
'gpio' => {},
'gpo' => {}
'parameters_order' => [
'ports' => {
'sa_dat_o' => {
'intfc_port' => 'dat_o',
147,6 → 148,12
'type' => 'input'
'parameters_order' => [
'file_name' => '/home/alireza/Mywork/mpsoc/src_peripheral/gpio/gpio.v',
'sockets' => {},
'module_name' => 'gpio',
158,13 → 165,5
'category' => 'GPI',
'header' => '
#define $IP_DIR_REG (*((volatile unsigned int *) ($BASE)))
#define $IP_WRITE _REG (*((volatile unsigned int *) ($BASE+4)))
#define $IP_READ_REG (*((volatile unsigned int *) ($BASE+8)))
#define $IP_DIR_SET(value) $IP_DIR_REG=value
#define $IP_WRITE(value) $IP_WRITE _REG=value
#define $IP_READ() $IP_READ_REG '
'category' => 'GPI'
}, 'ip_gen' );
367,7 → 367,7
'module_name' => 'aeMB_top',
'unused' => undef,
'category' => 'Processor',
'header' => ' #include <stdio.h>
'system_h' => ' #include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "aemb/core.hh" ',
'sw_files' => [
11,6 → 11,53
'ip_name' => 'ni',
'description' => 'Network interface',
'modules' => {
'ni' => {}
'plugs' => {
'wb_master' => {
'wb_master' => {},
'value' => 1,
'0' => {
'name' => 'wb_master'
'type' => 'num'
'interrupt_peripheral' => {
'interrupt_peripheral' => {},
'value' => 1,
'0' => {
'name' => 'int_peripheral'
'type' => 'num'
'reset' => {
'reset' => {},
'value' => 1,
'0' => {
'name' => 'reset'
'type' => 'num'
'clk' => {
'clk' => {},
'0' => {
'name' => 'clk'
'value' => 1,
'type' => 'num'
'wb_slave' => {
'value' => 1,
'0' => {
'width' => 5,
'name' => 'wb_slave',
'addr' => '0xb800_0000 0xbfff_ffff custom devices'
'type' => 'num',
'wb_slave' => {}
'parameters' => {
'Dw' => {
'info' => undef,
189,88 → 236,28
'redefine_param' => 1
'plugs' => {
'wb_master' => {
'wb_master' => {},
'value' => 1,
'0' => {
'name' => 'wb_master'
'type' => 'num'
'interrupt_peripheral' => {
'interrupt_peripheral' => {},
'value' => 1,
'0' => {
'name' => 'int_peripheral'
'type' => 'num'
'reset' => {
'reset' => {},
'value' => 1,
'0' => {
'name' => 'reset'
'type' => 'num'
'clk' => {
'clk' => {},
'0' => {
'name' => 'clk'
'value' => 1,
'type' => 'num'
'wb_slave' => {
'value' => 1,
'0' => {
'width' => 5,
'name' => 'wb_slave',
'addr' => '0xb800_0000 0xbfff_ffff custom devices'
'type' => 'num',
'wb_slave' => {}
'modules' => {
'ni' => {}
'ports_order' => [
'parameters_order' => [
'ports' => {
'm_addr_o' => {
'intfc_port' => 'adr_o',
471,28 → 458,41
'type' => 'output'
'parameters_order' => [
'ports_order' => [
'sockets' => {
'ni' => {
'connection_num' => 'single connection',
517,32 → 517,36
'category' => 'NoC',
'header' => ' #define $IP_CLASS_IN_HDR_WIDTH 8
#define $IP_X_Y_IN_HDR_WIDTH 4
'system_h' => ' #define ${IP}_BASE_ADDR ${BASE}
#define ${IP}_ST (*((volatile unsigned int *) (${IP}_BASE_ADDR )))
#define ${IP}_RD (*((volatile unsigned int *) (${IP}_BASE_ADDR+4 )))
#define ${IP}_WR (*((volatile unsigned int *) (${IP}_BASE_ADDR+8)))
#define ${IP}_CLASS_IN_HDR_WIDTH 8
#define ${IP}_DEST_IN_HDR_WIDTH 8
#define ${IP}_X_Y_IN_HDR_WIDTH 4
#define $IP_BUSY (1<<0)
#define $IP_WR_DONE (1<<1)
#define $IP_RD_DONE (1<<2)
#define $IP_RD_OVR_ERR (1<<3)
#define $IP_RD_NPCK_ERR (1<<4)
#define $IP_HAS_PCK (1<<5)
#define $IP_ALL_VCS_FULL (1<<6)
#define $IP_WR_DONE_INT_EN (1<<7)
#define $IP_RD_DONE_INT_EN (1<<8)
#define $IP_RSV_PCK_INT_EN (1<<9)
#define $IP_WR_DONE_ISR (1<<10)
#define $IP_RD_DONE_ISR (1<<11)
#define $IP_RSV_PCK_ISR (1<<12)
#define ${IP}_BUSY (1<<0)
#define ${IP}_WR_DONE (1<<1)
#define ${IP}_RD_DONE (1<<2)
#define ${IP}_RD_OVR_ERR (1<<3)
#define ${IP}_RD_NPCK_ERR (1<<4)
#define ${IP}_HAS_PCK (1<<5)
#define ${IP}_ALL_VCS_FULL (1<<6)
#define ${IP}_WR_DONE_INT_EN (1<<7)
#define ${IP}_RD_DONE_INT_EN (1<<8)
#define ${IP}_RSV_PCK_INT_EN (1<<9)
#define ${IP}_WR_DONE_ISR (1<<10)
#define ${IP}_RD_DONE_ISR (1<<11)
#define ${IP}_RSV_PCK_ISR (1<<12)
#define $IP_PTR_WIDTH 20
#define $IP_PCK_SIZE_WIDTH 12
#define ${IP}_PTR_WIDTH 20
#define ${IP}_PCK_SIZE_WIDTH 12
#define $IP_ST (*((volatile unsigned int *) ($IP_BASE_ADDR )))
#define $IP_RD (*((volatile unsigned int *) ($IP_BASE_ADDR+4 )))
#define $IP_WR (*((volatile unsigned int *) ($IP_BASE_ADDR+8)))
549,14 → 553,14
#define $IP_HDR_CLASS(pck_class) (pck_class << ( $IP_DEST_IN_HDR_WIDTH+ (4* $IP_X_Y_IN_HDR_WIDTH)))
#define ${IP}_HDR_CLASS(pck_class) (pck_class << ( ${IP}_DEST_IN_HDR_WIDTH+ (4* ${IP}_X_Y_IN_HDR_WIDTH)))
#define $IP_wait_for_sending_pck() while (!($IP_ST & $IP_WR_DONE))
#define $IP_wait_for_reading_pck() while (!($IP_ST & $IP_RD_DONE))
#define ${IP}_wait_for_sending_pck() while (!(${IP}_ST & ${IP}_WR_DONE))
#define ${IP}_wait_for_reading_pck() while (!(${IP}_ST & ${IP}_RD_DONE))
#define $IP_wait_for_getting_pck() while (!($IP_ST & $IP_HAS_PCK))
#define ${IP}_wait_for_getting_pck() while (!(${IP}_ST & ${IP}_HAS_PCK))
void send_pck (unsigned int * pck_buffer, unsigned int data_size);
567,10 → 571,10
unsigned int class
inline void $IP_send_pck (unsigned int des_x, unsigned int des_y, volatile unsigned int * pck_buffer, unsigned int data_size, unsigned int pck_class){
pck_buffer [0] = $IP_HDR_DEST_CORE_ADDR(des_x, des_y) | $IP_HDR_CLASS(pck_class) ;
$IP_WR = (unsigned int) (& pck_buffer [0]) + (data_size<<$IP_PTR_WIDTH);
inline void ${IP}_send_pck (unsigned int des_x, unsigned int des_y, volatile unsigned int * pck_buffer, unsigned int data_size, unsigned int pck_class){
pck_buffer [0] = ${IP}_HDR_DEST_CORE_ADDR(des_x, des_y) | ${IP}_HDR_CLASS(pck_class) ;
${IP}_WR = (unsigned int) (& pck_buffer [0]) + (data_size<<${IP}_PTR_WIDTH);
579,8 → 583,8
save a received packet on pck_buffer
unsigned int * pck_buffer: the buffer for storing the packet; The read data start from buff[1];
inline void $IP_save_pck (volatile unsigned int * pck_buffer, unsigned int buffer_size){
$IP_RD = (unsigned int) (& pck_buffer [0]) + (buffer_size<<$IP_PTR_WIDTH);
inline void ${IP}_save_pck (volatile unsigned int * pck_buffer, unsigned int buffer_size){
${IP}_RD = (unsigned int) (& pck_buffer [0]) + (buffer_size<<${IP}_PTR_WIDTH);
}, 'ip_gen' );

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