
Subversion Repositories async_sdm_noc

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  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 11 to Rev 12
    Reverse comparison

Rev 11 → Rev 12

65,7 → 65,8
// generate the input ack
assign ia = o0|o1|o2|o3;
endmodule // pipe4
0,0 → 1,345
Asynchronous SDM NoC
(C)2011 Wei Song
Advanced Processor Technologies Group
Computer Science, the Univ. of Manchester, UK
Wei Song
License: LGPL 3.0 or later
Data Clos network.
*** SystemVerilog is used ***
17/07/2010 Initial version. <>
20/09/2010 Supporting channel slicing and SDM using macro difinitions. <>
23/05/2011 Clean up for opensource. <>
// the router structure definitions
`include "define.v"
module dclos (/*AUTOARG*/
// Outputs
so0, so1, so2, so3, wo0, wo1, wo2, wo3, no0, no1, no2, no3, eo0,
eo1, eo2, eo3, lo0, lo1, lo2, lo3, so4, wo4, no4, eo4, lo4, sia,
wia, nia, eia, lia,
// Inputs
si0, si1, si2, si3, wi0, wi1, wi2, wi3, ni0, ni1, ni2, ni3, ei0,
ei1, ei2, ei3, li0, li1, li2, li3, si4, wi4, ni4, ei4, li4, soa,
woa, noa, eoa, loa, imcfg, scfg, ncfg, wcfg, ecfg, lcfg
parameter MN = 2; // number of CMs
parameter NN = 2; // number of ports in an IM or OM, equ. to number of virtual circuits
parameter DW = 8; // datawidth of a single virtual circuit/port
parameter SCN = DW/2; // number of 1-of-4 sub-channels in one port
input [NN-1:0][SCN-1:0] si0, si1, si2, si3; // south input [0], X+1
input [NN-1:0][SCN-1:0] wi0, wi1, wi2, wi3; // west input [1], Y-1
input [NN-1:0][SCN-1:0] ni0, ni1, ni2, ni3; // north input [2], X-1
input [NN-1:0][SCN-1:0] ei0, ei1, ei2, ei3; // east input [3], Y+1
input [NN-1:0][SCN-1:0] li0, li1, li2, li3; // local input
output [NN-1:0][SCN-1:0] so0, so1, so2, so3; // south output
output [NN-1:0][SCN-1:0] wo0, wo1, wo2, wo3; // west output
output [NN-1:0][SCN-1:0] no0, no1, no2, no3; // north output
output [NN-1:0][SCN-1:0] eo0, eo1, eo2, eo3; // east output
output [NN-1:0][SCN-1:0] lo0, lo1, lo2, lo3; // local output
// eof bits and ack lines
input [NN-1:0][SCN-1:0] si4, wi4, ni4, ei4, li4;
output [NN-1:0][SCN-1:0] so4, wo4, no4, eo4, lo4;
output [NN-1:0][SCN-1:0] sia, wia, nia, eia, lia;
input [NN-1:0][SCN-1:0] soa, woa, noa, eoa, loa;
input [NN-1:0] si4, wi4, ni4, ei4, li4;
output [NN-1:0] so4, wo4, no4, eo4, lo4;
output [NN-1:0] sia, wia, nia, eia, lia;
input [NN-1:0] soa, woa, noa, eoa, loa;
`endif // !`ifdef ENABLE_CHANNEL_SLICING
input [4:0][MN-1:0][NN-1:0] imcfg; // configuration for IMs
// configuration for CMs
input [MN-1:0][1:0] scfg, ncfg;
input [MN-1:0][3:0] wcfg, ecfg, lcfg;
// no OMs
// output of IMs
wire [MN-1:0][SCN-1:0] imos0, imos1, imos2, imos3;
wire [MN-1:0][SCN-1:0] imow0, imow1, imow2, imow3;
wire [MN-1:0][SCN-1:0] imon0, imon1, imon2, imon3;
wire [MN-1:0][SCN-1:0] imoe0, imoe1, imoe2, imoe3;
wire [MN-1:0][SCN-1:0] imol0, imol1, imol2, imol3;
wire [MN-1:0][SCN-1:0] imos4, imow4, imon4, imoe4, imol4;
wire [MN-1:0][SCN-1:0] imosa, imowa, imona, imoea, imola;
wire [MN-1:0] imos4, imow4, imon4, imoe4, imol4;
wire [MN-1:0] imosa, imowa, imona, imoea, imola;
// input of CMs
wire [MN-1:0][4:0][SCN-1:0] cmi0, cmi1, cmi2, cmi3;
wire [MN-1:0][4:0][SCN-1:0] cmi4, cmia;
wire [MN-1:0][4:0] cmi4, cmia;
// output of CMs
wire [MN-1:0][4:0][SCN-1:0] cmo0, cmo1, cmo2, cmo3;
wire [MN-1:0][4:0][SCN-1:0] cmo4, cmoa;
wire [MN-1:0][4:0] cmo4, cmoa;
genvar i,j,k;
dcb #(.NN(NN), .MN(MN), .DW(DW))
.o0 ( imos0 ),
.o1 ( imos1 ),
.o2 ( imos2 ),
.o3 ( imos3 ),
.o4 ( imos4 ),
.ia ( sia ),
.i0 ( si0 ),
.i1 ( si1 ),
.i2 ( si2 ),
.i3 ( si3 ),
.i4 ( si4 ),
.oa ( imosa ),
.cfg ( imcfg[0] )
dcb #(.NN(NN), .MN(MN), .DW(DW))
.o0 ( imow0 ),
.o1 ( imow1 ),
.o2 ( imow2 ),
.o3 ( imow3 ),
.o4 ( imow4 ),
.ia ( wia ),
.i0 ( wi0 ),
.i1 ( wi1 ),
.i2 ( wi2 ),
.i3 ( wi3 ),
.i4 ( wi4 ),
.oa ( imowa ),
.cfg ( imcfg[1] )
dcb #(.NN(NN), .MN(MN), .DW(DW))
.o0 ( imon0 ),
.o1 ( imon1 ),
.o2 ( imon2 ),
.o3 ( imon3 ),
.o4 ( imon4 ),
.ia ( nia ),
.i0 ( ni0 ),
.i1 ( ni1 ),
.i2 ( ni2 ),
.i3 ( ni3 ),
.i4 ( ni4 ),
.oa ( imona ),
.cfg ( imcfg[2] )
dcb #(.NN(NN), .MN(MN), .DW(DW))
.o0 ( imoe0 ),
.o1 ( imoe1 ),
.o2 ( imoe2 ),
.o3 ( imoe3 ),
.o4 ( imoe4 ),
.ia ( eia ),
.i0 ( ei0 ),
.i1 ( ei1 ),
.i2 ( ei2 ),
.i3 ( ei3 ),
.i4 ( ei4 ),
.oa ( imoea ),
.cfg ( imcfg[3] )
dcb #(.NN(NN), .MN(MN), .DW(DW))
.o0 ( imol0 ),
.o1 ( imol1 ),
.o2 ( imol2 ),
.o3 ( imol3 ),
.o4 ( imol4 ),
.ia ( lia ),
.i0 ( li0 ),
.i1 ( li1 ),
.i2 ( li2 ),
.i3 ( li3 ),
.i4 ( li4 ),
.oa ( imola ),
.cfg ( imcfg[4] )
generate for(i=0; i<MN; i++) begin: IMSHF
// shuffle the interconnects between IMs and CMs
assign cmi0[i][0] = imos0[i];
assign cmi1[i][0] = imos1[i];
assign cmi2[i][0] = imos2[i];
assign cmi3[i][0] = imos3[i];
assign cmi4[i][0] = imos4[i];
assign imosa[i] = cmia[i][0];
assign cmi0[i][1] = imow0[i];
assign cmi1[i][1] = imow1[i];
assign cmi2[i][1] = imow2[i];
assign cmi3[i][1] = imow3[i];
assign cmi4[i][1] = imow4[i];
assign imowa[i] = cmia[i][1];
assign cmi0[i][2] = imon0[i];
assign cmi1[i][2] = imon1[i];
assign cmi2[i][2] = imon2[i];
assign cmi3[i][2] = imon3[i];
assign cmi4[i][2] = imon4[i];
assign imona[i] = cmia[i][2];
assign cmi0[i][3] = imoe0[i];
assign cmi1[i][3] = imoe1[i];
assign cmi2[i][3] = imoe2[i];
assign cmi3[i][3] = imoe3[i];
assign cmi4[i][3] = imoe4[i];
assign imoea[i] = cmia[i][3];
assign cmi0[i][4] = imol0[i];
assign cmi1[i][4] = imol1[i];
assign cmi2[i][4] = imol2[i];
assign cmi3[i][4] = imol3[i];
assign cmi4[i][4] = imol4[i];
assign imola[i] = cmia[i][4];
// CM modules
dcb_xy #(.VCN(1), .VCW(DW))
CM (
.sia ( cmia[i][0] ),
.wia ( cmia[i][1] ),
.nia ( cmia[i][2] ),
.eia ( cmia[i][3] ),
.lia ( cmia[i][4] ),
.so0 ( cmo0[i][0] ),
.so1 ( cmo1[i][0] ),
.so2 ( cmo2[i][0] ),
.so3 ( cmo3[i][0] ),
.so4 ( cmo4[i][0] ),
.wo0 ( cmo0[i][1] ),
.wo1 ( cmo1[i][1] ),
.wo2 ( cmo2[i][1] ),
.wo3 ( cmo3[i][1] ),
.wo4 ( cmo4[i][1] ) ,
.no0 ( cmo0[i][2] ),
.no1 ( cmo1[i][2] ),
.no2 ( cmo2[i][2] ),
.no3 ( cmo3[i][2] ),
.no4 ( cmo4[i][2] ),
.eo0 ( cmo0[i][3] ),
.eo1 ( cmo1[i][3] ),
.eo2 ( cmo2[i][3] ),
.eo3 ( cmo3[i][3] ),
.eo4 ( cmo4[i][3] ),
.lo0 ( cmo0[i][4] ),
.lo1 ( cmo1[i][4] ),
.lo2 ( cmo2[i][4] ),
.lo3 ( cmo3[i][4] ),
.lo4 ( cmo4[i][4] ),
.si0 ( cmi0[i][0] ),
.si1 ( cmi1[i][0] ),
.si2 ( cmi2[i][0] ),
.si3 ( cmi3[i][0] ),
.si4 ( cmi4[i][0] ),
.wi0 ( cmi0[i][1] ),
.wi1 ( cmi1[i][1] ),
.wi2 ( cmi2[i][1] ),
.wi3 ( cmi3[i][1] ),
.wi4 ( cmi4[i][1] ),
.ni0 ( cmi0[i][2] ),
.ni1 ( cmi1[i][2] ),
.ni2 ( cmi2[i][2] ),
.ni3 ( cmi3[i][2] ),
.ni4 ( cmi4[i][2] ),
.ei0 ( cmi0[i][3] ),
.ei1 ( cmi1[i][3] ),
.ei2 ( cmi2[i][3] ),
.ei3 ( cmi3[i][3] ),
.ei4 ( cmi4[i][3] ),
.li0 ( cmi0[i][4] ),
.li1 ( cmi1[i][4] ),
.li2 ( cmi2[i][4] ),
.li3 ( cmi3[i][4] ),
.li4 ( cmi4[i][4] ),
.soa ( cmoa[i][0] ),
.woa ( cmoa[i][1] ),
.noa ( cmoa[i][2] ),
.eoa ( cmoa[i][3] ),
.loa ( cmoa[i][4] ),
.wcfg ( wcfg[i] ),
.ecfg ( ecfg[i] ),
.lcfg ( lcfg[i] ),
.scfg ( scfg[i] ),
.ncfg ( ncfg[i] )
// shuffle between CMs and OMs(OPs)
assign so0[i] = cmo0[i][0];
assign so1[i] = cmo1[i][0];
assign so2[i] = cmo2[i][0];
assign so3[i] = cmo3[i][0];
assign so4[i] = cmo4[i][0];
assign cmoa[i][0] = soa[i];
assign wo0[i] = cmo0[i][1];
assign wo1[i] = cmo1[i][1];
assign wo2[i] = cmo2[i][1];
assign wo3[i] = cmo3[i][1];
assign wo4[i] = cmo4[i][1];
assign cmoa[i][1] = woa[i];
assign no0[i] = cmo0[i][2];
assign no1[i] = cmo1[i][2];
assign no2[i] = cmo2[i][2];
assign no3[i] = cmo3[i][2];
assign no4[i] = cmo4[i][2];
assign cmoa[i][2] = noa[i];
assign eo0[i] = cmo0[i][3];
assign eo1[i] = cmo1[i][3];
assign eo2[i] = cmo2[i][3];
assign eo3[i] = cmo3[i][3];
assign eo4[i] = cmo4[i][3];
assign cmoa[i][3] = eoa[i];
assign lo0[i] = cmo0[i][4];
assign lo1[i] = cmo1[i][4];
assign lo2[i] = cmo2[i][4];
assign lo3[i] = cmo3[i][4];
assign lo4[i] = cmo4[i][4];
assign cmoa[i][4] = loa[i];
end // block: IMSHF
endmodule // dclos
0,0 → 1,73
Asynchronous SDM NoC
(C)2011 Wei Song
Advanced Processor Technologies Group
Computer Science, the Univ. of Manchester, UK
Wei Song
License: LGPL 3.0 or later
Request crossbar for wormhole and SDM routers.
*** SystemVerilog is used ***
10/12/2009 Initial version. <>
23/05/2011 Use SystemVerilog for wire declaration. <>
23/05/2011 Clean up for opensource. <>
module rcb (/*AUTOARG*/
// Outputs
ira, oreq,
// Inputs
ireq, ora, cfg
) ;
// parameters
parameter NN = 1; // number of input ports
parameter MN = 1; // number of output ports
parameter DW = 1; // datawidth a port
input [NN-1:0][DW-1:0] ireq; // input requests
output [NN-1:0] ira; // ack for input requests
output [MN-1:0][DW-1:0] oreq; // output requests
input [DW-1:0] ora; // ack for output requests
input [MN-1:0][NN-1:0] cfg; // the crossbar configuration
wire [MN-1:0][DW-1:0][NN-1-1:0] m; // the internal wires for requests
wire [NN-1:0][MN-1:0] ma; // the internal wires for acks
// generate variable
genvar i, j, k;
// request matrix
for (i=0; i<MN; i++) begin: EN
for (j=0; j<DW; j=j+1) begin: SC
for (k=0; k<NN; k=k+1) begin: IP
and AC (m[i][j][k], ireq[k][j], cfg[i][k]);
// the OR gates
assign oreq[i][j] = |m[i][j];
// ack matrix
for (k=0; k<NN; k=k+1) begin: ENA
for (i=0; i<MN; i=i+1) begin: OP
and AC (ma[k][i], ora[i], cfg[i][k]);
// the OR gates
assign ira[k] = |ma[k];
endmodule // rcb
0,0 → 1,113
Asynchronous SDM NoC
(C)2011 Wei Song
Advanced Processor Technologies Group
Computer Science, the Univ. of Manchester, UK
Wei Song
License: LGPL 3.0 or later
Data crossbar for wormhole and SDM routers.
*** SystemVerilog is used ***
17/07/2010 Initial version. <>
23/05/2011 Clean up for opensource. <>
// the router structure definitions
`include "define.v"
module dcb (/*AUTOARG*/
// Outputs
o0, o1, o2, o3, ia, o4,
// Inputs
i0, i1, i2, i3, oa, i4, cfg
parameter NN = 2; // number of input ports
parameter MN = 3; // number of output ports
parameter DW = 8; // data-width of a port
parameter SCN = DW/2; // number of 1-of-4 sub-channels for one port
input [NN-1:0][SCN-1:0] i0, i1, i2, i3; // input ports
output [MN-1:0][SCN-1:0] o0, o1, o2, o3; // output ports
output [NN-1:0][SCN-1:0] ia, o4; // eof and ack
input [MN-1:0][SCN-1:0] oa, i4;
output [NN-1:0] ia, o4; // eof and ack
input [MN-1:0] oa, i4;
input [MN-1:0][NN-1:0] cfg; // crossbar configuration
wire [MN-1:0][SCN-1:0][NN-1:0] dm0, dm1, dm2, dm3;
wire [NN-1:0][SCN-1:0][MN-1:0] am, dm4;
wire [NN-1:0][MN-1:0] am, dm4;
genvar i, j, k;
for(i=0; i<MN; i++) begin: EN
for(j=0; j<NN; j++) begin: IP
for(k=0; k<SCN; k++) begin: SC
and A0 (dm0[i][k][j], i0[j][k], cfg[i][j]);
and A1 (dm1[i][k][j], i1[j][k], cfg[i][j]);
and A2 (dm2[i][k][j], i2[j][k], cfg[i][j]);
and A3 (dm3[i][k][j], i3[j][k], cfg[i][j]);
and A4 (dm4[i][k][j], i4[j][k], cfg[i][j]);
and Aa (am[j][k][i], oa[i][k], cfg[i][j]);
and A4 (dm4[i][j], i4[j], cfg[i][j]);
and Aa (am[j][i], oa[i], cfg[i][j]);
end // block: IP
end // block: EN
for(i=0; i<MN; i++) begin: ORTD
for(j=0; j<SCN; j++) begin: OP
assign o0[i][j] = |dm0[i][j];
assign o1[i][j] = |dm1[i][j];
assign o2[i][j] = |dm2[i][j];
assign o3[i][j] = |dm3[i][j];
assign o4[i][j] = |dm4[i][j];
assign o4[i] = |dm4[i];
end // block: ORTD
for(i=0; i<NN; i++) begin: ORTA
for(j=0; j<SCN; j++) begin: IP
assign ia[i][j] = |am[i][j];
assign ia[i] = |am[i];
endmodule // dcb
0,0 → 1,443
Asynchronous SDM NoC
(C)2011 Wei Song
Advanced Processor Technologies Group
Computer Science, the Univ. of Manchester, UK
Wei Song
License: LGPL 3.0 or later
Data crossbar for wormhole and SDM routers.
Optimized by removing disabled turn models according to the XY routing algorithm.
*** SystemVerilog is used ***
21/08/2009 Initial version. <>
20/09/2010 Supporting channel slicing and SDM using macro difinitions. <>
23/05/2011 Clean up for opensource. <>
// the router structure definitions
`include "define.v"
module dcb_xy (/*AUTOARG*/
// Outputs
so0, so1, so2, so3, wo0, wo1, wo2, wo3, no0, no1, no2, no3, eo0,
eo1, eo2, eo3, lo0, lo1, lo2, lo3, so4, sia, wo4, wia, no4, nia,
eo4, eia, lo4, lia,
// Inputs
si0, si1, si2, si3, wi0, wi1, wi2, wi3, ni0, ni1, ni2, ni3, ei0,
ei1, ei2, ei3, li0, li1, li2, li3, si4, soa, wi4, woa, ni4, noa,
ei4, eoa, li4, loa, scfg, ncfg, wcfg, ecfg, lcfg
) ;
parameter VCN = 1; // number of virtual circuits per port
parameter VCW = 8; // the datawidth of a single virtual circuit
parameter SCN = VCW/2; // number of 1-of-4 sub-channels in one virtual circuit
input [VCN-1:0][SCN-1:0] si0, si1, si2, si3; // south input, X+1
output [VCN-1:0][SCN-1:0] so0, so1, so2, so3; // south output
input [VCN-1:0][SCN-1:0] wi0, wi1, wi2, wi3; // west input, Y-1
output [VCN-1:0][SCN-1:0] wo0, wo1, wo2, wo3; // west output
input [VCN-1:0][SCN-1:0] ni0, ni1, ni2, ni3; // north input, X-1
output [VCN-1:0][SCN-1:0] no0, no1, no2, no3; // north output
input [VCN-1:0][SCN-1:0] ei0, ei1, ei2, ei3; // east input, Y+1
output [VCN-1:0][SCN-1:0] eo0, eo1, eo2, eo3; // east output
input [VCN-1:0][SCN-1:0] li0, li1, li2, li3; // local input
output [VCN-1:0][SCN-1:0] lo0, lo1, lo2, lo3; // local output
// ack and eof bits
input [VCN-1:0][SCN-1:0] si4, soa;
output [VCN-1:0][SCN-1:0] so4, sia;
input [VCN-1:0][SCN-1:0] wi4, woa;
output [VCN-1:0][SCN-1:0] wo4, wia;
input [VCN-1:0][SCN-1:0] ni4, noa;
output [VCN-1:0][SCN-1:0] no4, nia;
input [VCN-1:0][SCN-1:0] ei4, eoa;
output [VCN-1:0][SCN-1:0] eo4, eia;
input [VCN-1:0][SCN-1:0] li4, loa;
output [VCN-1:0][SCN-1:0] lo4, lia;
input [VCN-1:0] si4, soa;
output [VCN-1:0] so4, sia;
input [VCN-1:0] wi4, woa;
output [VCN-1:0] wo4, wia;
input [VCN-1:0] ni4, noa;
output [VCN-1:0] no4, nia;
input [VCN-1:0] ei4, eoa;
output [VCN-1:0] eo4, eia;
input [VCN-1:0] li4, loa;
output [VCN-1:0] lo4, lia;
// configurations
input [VCN-1:0][1:0][VCN-1:0] scfg, ncfg;
input [VCN-1:0][3:0][VCN-1:0] wcfg, ecfg, lcfg;
// ANDed wires
wire [VCN-1:0][SCN-1:0][1:0][VCN-1:0] tos0, tos1, tos2, tos3; // the wires to the south output port
wire [VCN-1:0][SCN-1:0][3:0][VCN-1:0] tow0, tow1, tow2, tow3; // the wires to the west output port
wire [VCN-1:0][SCN-1:0][1:0][VCN-1:0] ton0, ton1, ton2, ton3; // the wires to the north output port
wire [VCN-1:0][SCN-1:0][3:0][VCN-1:0] toe0, toe1, toe2, toe3; // the wires to the east output port
wire [VCN-1:0][SCN-1:0][3:0][VCN-1:0] tol0, tol1, tol2, tol3; // the wires to the local output port
wire [VCN-1:0][SCN-1:0][1:0][VCN-1:0] tos4, tosa; // the wires to the south output port
wire [VCN-1:0][SCN-1:0][3:0][VCN-1:0] tow4, towa; // the wires to the west output port
wire [VCN-1:0][SCN-1:0][1:0][VCN-1:0] ton4, tona; // the wires to the north output port
wire [VCN-1:0][SCN-1:0][3:0][VCN-1:0] toe4, toea; // the wires to the east output port
wire [VCN-1:0][SCN-1:0][3:0][VCN-1:0] tol4, tola; // the wires to the local output port
wire [VCN-1:0][SCN-1:0][3:0][VCN-1:0] isa; // ack back to south
wire [VCN-1:0][SCN-1:0][1:0][VCN-1:0] iwa; // ack back to west
wire [VCN-1:0][SCN-1:0][3:0][VCN-1:0] ina; // ack back to north
wire [VCN-1:0][SCN-1:0][1:0][VCN-1:0] iea; // ack back to east
wire [VCN-1:0][SCN-1:0][3:0][VCN-1:0] ila; // ack back to local
wire [VCN-1:0][1:0][VCN-1:0] tos4, tosa; // the wires to the south output port
wire [VCN-1:0][3:0][VCN-1:0] tow4, towa; // the wires to the west output port
wire [VCN-1:0][1:0][VCN-1:0] ton4, tona; // the wires to the north output port
wire [VCN-1:0][3:0][VCN-1:0] toe4, toea; // the wires to the east output port
wire [VCN-1:0][3:0][VCN-1:0] tol4, tola; // the wires to the local output port
wire [VCN-1:0][3:0][VCN-1:0] isa; // ack back to south
wire [VCN-1:0][1:0][VCN-1:0] iwa; // ack back to west
wire [VCN-1:0][3:0][VCN-1:0] ina; // ack back to north
wire [VCN-1:0][1:0][VCN-1:0] iea; // ack back to east
wire [VCN-1:0][3:0][VCN-1:0] ila; // ack back to local
`endif // !`ifdef ENABLE_CHANNEL_SLICING
// generate
genvar i, j, k;
/*---------------------------- SOUTH OUPUT -------------------------------------*/
generate for (i=0; i<VCN; i=i+1)
for(j=0; j<VCN; j++) begin: V
for(k=0; k<SCN; k++) begin: SC
and AN0 (tos0[i][k][0][j], ni0[j][k], scfg[i][0][j]);
and AN1 (tos1[i][k][0][j], ni1[j][k], scfg[i][0][j]);
and AN2 (tos2[i][k][0][j], ni2[j][k], scfg[i][0][j]);
and AN3 (tos3[i][k][0][j], ni3[j][k], scfg[i][0][j]);
and AL0 (tos0[i][k][1][j], li0[j][k], scfg[i][1][j]);
and AL1 (tos1[i][k][1][j], li1[j][k], scfg[i][1][j]);
and AL2 (tos2[i][k][1][j], li2[j][k], scfg[i][1][j]);
and AL3 (tos3[i][k][1][j], li3[j][k], scfg[i][1][j]);
and AN4 (tos4[i][k][0][j], ni4[j][k], scfg[i][0][j]);
and ANA (tosa[i][k][0][j], soa[i][k], scfg[i][0][j]);
and AL4 (tos4[i][k][1][j], li4[j][k], scfg[i][1][j]);
and ALA (tosa[i][k][1][j], soa[i][k], scfg[i][1][j]);
end // block: SC
and AN4 (tos4[i][0][j], ni4[j], scfg[i][0][j]);
and ANA (tosa[i][0][j], soa[i], scfg[i][0][j]);
and AL4 (tos4[i][1][j], li4[j], scfg[i][1][j]);
and ALA (tosa[i][1][j], soa[i], scfg[i][1][j]);
end // block: V
for(k=0; k<SCN; k++) begin: SCOR
assign so0[i][k] = |(tos0[i][k][0]|tos0[i][k][1]);
assign so1[i][k] = |(tos1[i][k][0]|tos1[i][k][1]);
assign so2[i][k] = |(tos2[i][k][0]|tos2[i][k][1]);
assign so3[i][k] = |(tos3[i][k][0]|tos3[i][k][1]);
assign so4[i][k] = |(tos4[i][k][0]|tos4[i][k][1]);
assign so4[i] = |(tos4[i][0]|tos4[i][1]);
/*---------------------------- WEST OUPUT -------------------------------------*/
generate for (i=0; i<VCN; i=i+1)
for(j=0; j<VCN; j++) begin: V
for(k=0; k<SCN; k++) begin: SC
and AS0 (tow0[i][k][0][j], si0[j][k], wcfg[i][0][j]);
and AS1 (tow1[i][k][0][j], si1[j][k], wcfg[i][0][j]);
and AS2 (tow2[i][k][0][j], si2[j][k], wcfg[i][0][j]);
and AS3 (tow3[i][k][0][j], si3[j][k], wcfg[i][0][j]);
and AN0 (tow0[i][k][1][j], ni0[j][k], wcfg[i][1][j]);
and AN1 (tow1[i][k][1][j], ni1[j][k], wcfg[i][1][j]);
and AN2 (tow2[i][k][1][j], ni2[j][k], wcfg[i][1][j]);
and AN3 (tow3[i][k][1][j], ni3[j][k], wcfg[i][1][j]);
and AE0 (tow0[i][k][2][j], ei0[j][k], wcfg[i][2][j]);
and AE1 (tow1[i][k][2][j], ei1[j][k], wcfg[i][2][j]);
and AE2 (tow2[i][k][2][j], ei2[j][k], wcfg[i][2][j]);
and AE3 (tow3[i][k][2][j], ei3[j][k], wcfg[i][2][j]);
and AL0 (tow0[i][k][3][j], li0[j][k], wcfg[i][3][j]);
and AL1 (tow1[i][k][3][j], li1[j][k], wcfg[i][3][j]);
and AL2 (tow2[i][k][3][j], li2[j][k], wcfg[i][3][j]);
and AL3 (tow3[i][k][3][j], li3[j][k], wcfg[i][3][j]);
and AS4 (tow4[i][k][0][j], si4[j][k], wcfg[i][0][j]);
and ASA (towa[i][k][0][j], woa[i][k], wcfg[i][0][j]);
and AN4 (tow4[i][k][1][j], ni4[j][k], wcfg[i][1][j]);
and ANA (towa[i][k][1][j], woa[i][k], wcfg[i][1][j]);
and AE4 (tow4[i][k][2][j], ei4[j][k], wcfg[i][2][j]);
and AEA (towa[i][k][2][j], woa[i][k], wcfg[i][2][j]);
and AL4 (tow4[i][k][3][j], li4[j][k], wcfg[i][3][j]);
and ALA (towa[i][k][3][j], woa[i][k], wcfg[i][3][j]);
end // block: SC
and AS4 (tow4[i][0][j], si4[j], wcfg[i][0][j]);
and ASA (towa[i][0][j], woa[i], wcfg[i][0][j]);
and AN4 (tow4[i][1][j], ni4[j], wcfg[i][1][j]);
and ANA (towa[i][1][j], woa[i], wcfg[i][1][j]);
and AE4 (tow4[i][2][j], ei4[j], wcfg[i][2][j]);
and AEA (towa[i][2][j], woa[i], wcfg[i][2][j]);
and AL4 (tow4[i][3][j], li4[j], wcfg[i][3][j]);
and ALA (towa[i][3][j], woa[i], wcfg[i][3][j]);
end // block: V
for(k=0; k<SCN; k++) begin: SCOR
assign wo0[i][k] = |(tow0[i][k][0]|tow0[i][k][1]|tow0[i][k][2]|tow0[i][k][3]);
assign wo1[i][k] = |(tow1[i][k][0]|tow1[i][k][1]|tow1[i][k][2]|tow1[i][k][3]);
assign wo2[i][k] = |(tow2[i][k][0]|tow2[i][k][1]|tow2[i][k][2]|tow2[i][k][3]);
assign wo3[i][k] = |(tow3[i][k][0]|tow3[i][k][1]|tow3[i][k][2]|tow3[i][k][3]);
assign wo4[i][k] = |(tow4[i][k][0]|tow4[i][k][1]|tow4[i][k][2]|tow4[i][k][3]);
assign wo4[i] = |(tow4[i][0]|tow4[i][1]|tow4[i][2]|tow4[i][3]);
/*---------------------------- NORTH OUPUT -------------------------------------*/
generate for (i=0; i<VCN; i=i+1)
for(j=0; j<VCN; j++) begin: V
for(k=0; k<SCN; k++) begin: SC
and AS0 (ton0[i][k][0][j], si0[j][k], ncfg[i][0][j]);
and AS1 (ton1[i][k][0][j], si1[j][k], ncfg[i][0][j]);
and AS2 (ton2[i][k][0][j], si2[j][k], ncfg[i][0][j]);
and AS3 (ton3[i][k][0][j], si3[j][k], ncfg[i][0][j]);
and AL0 (ton0[i][k][1][j], li0[j][k], ncfg[i][1][j]);
and AL1 (ton1[i][k][1][j], li1[j][k], ncfg[i][1][j]);
and AL2 (ton2[i][k][1][j], li2[j][k], ncfg[i][1][j]);
and AL3 (ton3[i][k][1][j], li3[j][k], ncfg[i][1][j]);
and AS4 (ton4[i][k][0][j], si4[j][k], ncfg[i][0][j]);
and ASA (tona[i][k][0][j], noa[i][k], ncfg[i][0][j]);
and AL4 (ton4[i][k][1][j], li4[j][k], ncfg[i][1][j]);
and ALA (tona[i][k][1][j], noa[i][k], ncfg[i][1][j]);
end // block: SC
and AS4 (ton4[i][0][j], si4[j], ncfg[i][0][j]);
and ASA (tona[i][0][j], noa[i], ncfg[i][0][j]);
and AL4 (ton4[i][1][j], li4[j], ncfg[i][1][j]);
and ALA (tona[i][1][j], noa[i], ncfg[i][1][j]);
end // block: V
for(k=0; k<SCN; k++) begin: SCOR
assign no0[i][k] = |(ton0[i][k][0]|ton0[i][k][1]);
assign no1[i][k] = |(ton1[i][k][0]|ton1[i][k][1]);
assign no2[i][k] = |(ton2[i][k][0]|ton2[i][k][1]);
assign no3[i][k] = |(ton3[i][k][0]|ton3[i][k][1]);
assign no4[i][k] = |(ton4[i][k][0]|ton4[i][k][1]);
assign no4[i] = |(ton4[i][0]|ton4[i][1]);
/*---------------------------- EAST OUPUT -------------------------------------*/
generate for (i=0; i<VCN; i=i+1)
for(j=0; j<VCN; j++) begin: V
for(k=0; k<SCN; k++) begin: SC
and AS0 (toe0[i][k][0][j], si0[j][k], ecfg[i][0][j]);
and AS1 (toe1[i][k][0][j], si1[j][k], ecfg[i][0][j]);
and AS2 (toe2[i][k][0][j], si2[j][k], ecfg[i][0][j]);
and AS3 (toe3[i][k][0][j], si3[j][k], ecfg[i][0][j]);
and AW0 (toe0[i][k][1][j], wi0[j][k], ecfg[i][1][j]);
and AW1 (toe1[i][k][1][j], wi1[j][k], ecfg[i][1][j]);
and AW2 (toe2[i][k][1][j], wi2[j][k], ecfg[i][1][j]);
and AW3 (toe3[i][k][1][j], wi3[j][k], ecfg[i][1][j]);
and AN0 (toe0[i][k][2][j], ni0[j][k], ecfg[i][2][j]);
and AN1 (toe1[i][k][2][j], ni1[j][k], ecfg[i][2][j]);
and AN2 (toe2[i][k][2][j], ni2[j][k], ecfg[i][2][j]);
and AN3 (toe3[i][k][2][j], ni3[j][k], ecfg[i][2][j]);
and AL0 (toe0[i][k][3][j], li0[j][k], ecfg[i][3][j]);
and AL1 (toe1[i][k][3][j], li1[j][k], ecfg[i][3][j]);
and AL2 (toe2[i][k][3][j], li2[j][k], ecfg[i][3][j]);
and AL3 (toe3[i][k][3][j], li3[j][k], ecfg[i][3][j]);
and AS4 (toe4[i][k][0][j], si4[j][k], ecfg[i][0][j]);
and ASA (toea[i][k][0][j], eoa[i][k], ecfg[i][0][j]);
and AW4 (toe4[i][k][1][j], wi4[j][k], ecfg[i][1][j]);
and AWA (toea[i][k][1][j], eoa[i][k], ecfg[i][1][j]);
and AN4 (toe4[i][k][2][j], ni4[j][k], ecfg[i][2][j]);
and ANA (toea[i][k][2][j], eoa[i][k], ecfg[i][2][j]);
and AL4 (toe4[i][k][3][j], li4[j][k], ecfg[i][3][j]);
and ALA (toea[i][k][3][j], eoa[i][k], ecfg[i][3][j]);
end // block: SC
and AS4 (toe4[i][0][j], si4[j], ecfg[i][0][j]);
and ASA (toea[i][0][j], eoa[i], ecfg[i][0][j]);
and AW4 (toe4[i][1][j], wi4[j], ecfg[i][1][j]);
and AWA (toea[i][1][j], eoa[i], ecfg[i][1][j]);
and AN4 (toe4[i][2][j], ni4[j], ecfg[i][2][j]);
and ANA (toea[i][2][j], eoa[i], ecfg[i][2][j]);
and AL4 (toe4[i][3][j], li4[j], ecfg[i][3][j]);
and ALA (toea[i][3][j], eoa[i], ecfg[i][3][j]);
end // block: V
for(k=0; k<SCN; k++) begin: SCOR
assign eo0[i][k] = |(toe0[i][k][0]|toe0[i][k][1]|toe0[i][k][2]|toe0[i][k][3]);
assign eo1[i][k] = |(toe1[i][k][0]|toe1[i][k][1]|toe1[i][k][2]|toe1[i][k][3]);
assign eo2[i][k] = |(toe2[i][k][0]|toe2[i][k][1]|toe2[i][k][2]|toe2[i][k][3]);
assign eo3[i][k] = |(toe3[i][k][0]|toe3[i][k][1]|toe3[i][k][2]|toe3[i][k][3]);
assign eo4[i][k] = |(toe4[i][k][0]|toe4[i][k][1]|toe4[i][k][2]|toe4[i][k][3]);
assign eo4[i] = |(toe4[i][0]|toe4[i][1]|toe4[i][2]|toe4[i][3]);
/*---------------------------- LOCAL OUPUT -------------------------------------*/
generate for (i=0; i<VCN; i=i+1)
for(j=0; j<VCN; j++) begin: V
for(k=0; k<SCN; k++) begin: SC
and AS0 (tol0[i][k][0][j], si0[j][k], lcfg[i][0][j]);
and AS1 (tol1[i][k][0][j], si1[j][k], lcfg[i][0][j]);
and AS2 (tol2[i][k][0][j], si2[j][k], lcfg[i][0][j]);
and AS3 (tol3[i][k][0][j], si3[j][k], lcfg[i][0][j]);
and AW0 (tol0[i][k][1][j], wi0[j][k], lcfg[i][1][j]);
and AW1 (tol1[i][k][1][j], wi1[j][k], lcfg[i][1][j]);
and AW2 (tol2[i][k][1][j], wi2[j][k], lcfg[i][1][j]);
and AW3 (tol3[i][k][1][j], wi3[j][k], lcfg[i][1][j]);
and AN0 (tol0[i][k][2][j], ni0[j][k], lcfg[i][2][j]);
and AN1 (tol1[i][k][2][j], ni1[j][k], lcfg[i][2][j]);
and AN2 (tol2[i][k][2][j], ni2[j][k], lcfg[i][2][j]);
and AN3 (tol3[i][k][2][j], ni3[j][k], lcfg[i][2][j]);
and AE0 (tol0[i][k][3][j], ei0[j][k], lcfg[i][3][j]);
and AE1 (tol1[i][k][3][j], ei1[j][k], lcfg[i][3][j]);
and AE2 (tol2[i][k][3][j], ei2[j][k], lcfg[i][3][j]);
and AE3 (tol3[i][k][3][j], ei3[j][k], lcfg[i][3][j]);
and AS4 (tol4[i][k][0][j], si4[j][k], lcfg[i][0][j]);
and ASA (tola[i][k][0][j], loa[i][k], lcfg[i][0][j]);
and AW4 (tol4[i][k][1][j], wi4[j][k], lcfg[i][1][j]);
and AWA (tola[i][k][1][j], loa[i][k], lcfg[i][1][j]);
and AN4 (tol4[i][k][2][j], ni4[j][k], lcfg[i][2][j]);
and ANA (tola[i][k][2][j], loa[i][k], lcfg[i][2][j]);
and AE4 (tol4[i][k][3][j], ei4[j][k], lcfg[i][3][j]);
and AEA (tola[i][k][3][j], loa[i][k], lcfg[i][3][j]);
end // block: SC
and AS4 (tol4[i][0][j], si4[j], lcfg[i][0][j]);
and ASA (tola[i][0][j], loa[i], lcfg[i][0][j]);
and AW4 (tol4[i][1][j], wi4[j], lcfg[i][1][j]);
and AWA (tola[i][1][j], loa[i], lcfg[i][1][j]);
and AN4 (tol4[i][2][j], ni4[j], lcfg[i][2][j]);
and ANA (tola[i][2][j], loa[i], lcfg[i][2][j]);
and AE4 (tol4[i][3][j], ei4[j], lcfg[i][3][j]);
and AEA (tola[i][3][j], loa[i], lcfg[i][3][j]);
end // block: V
for(k=0; k<SCN; k++) begin: SCOR
assign lo0[i][k] = |(tol0[i][k][0]|tol0[i][k][1]|tol0[i][k][2]|tol0[i][k][3]);
assign lo1[i][k] = |(tol1[i][k][0]|tol1[i][k][1]|tol1[i][k][2]|tol1[i][k][3]);
assign lo2[i][k] = |(tol2[i][k][0]|tol2[i][k][1]|tol2[i][k][2]|tol2[i][k][3]);
assign lo3[i][k] = |(tol3[i][k][0]|tol3[i][k][1]|tol3[i][k][2]|tol3[i][k][3]);
assign lo4[i][k] = |(tol4[i][k][0]|tol4[i][k][1]|tol4[i][k][2]|tol4[i][k][3]);
assign lo4[i] = |(tol4[i][0]|tol4[i][1]|tol4[i][2]|tol4[i][3]);
generate for(i=0; i<VCN; i++) begin: IACK
for(k=0; k<SCN; k++) begin: SC
for(j=0; j<VCN; j++) begin: SHUFFLE
assign isa[i][k][0][j] = towa[j][k][0][i];
assign isa[i][k][1][j] = tona[j][k][0][i];
assign isa[i][k][2][j] = toea[j][k][0][i];
assign isa[i][k][3][j] = tola[j][k][0][i];
assign iwa[i][k][0][j] = toea[j][k][1][i];
assign iwa[i][k][1][j] = tola[j][k][1][i];
assign ina[i][k][0][j] = tosa[j][k][0][i];
assign ina[i][k][1][j] = towa[j][k][1][i];
assign ina[i][k][2][j] = toea[j][k][2][i];
assign ina[i][k][3][j] = tola[j][k][2][i];
assign iea[i][k][0][j] = towa[j][k][2][i];
assign iea[i][k][1][j] = tola[j][k][3][i];
assign ila[i][k][0][j] = tosa[j][k][1][i];
assign ila[i][k][1][j] = towa[j][k][3][i];
assign ila[i][k][2][j] = tona[j][k][1][i];
assign ila[i][k][3][j] = toea[j][k][3][i];
end // block: SHUFFLE
assign sia[i][k] = |{isa[i][k][0]|isa[i][k][1]|isa[i][k][2]|isa[i][k][3]};
assign wia[i][k] = |{iwa[i][k][0]|iwa[i][k][1]};
assign nia[i][k] = |{ina[i][k][0]|ina[i][k][1]|ina[i][k][2]|ina[i][k][3]};
assign eia[i][k] = |{iea[i][k][0]|iea[i][k][1]};
assign lia[i][k] = |{ila[i][k][0]|ila[i][k][1]|ila[i][k][2]|ila[i][k][3]};
end // block: SC
for(j=0; j<VCN; j++) begin: SHUFFLE
assign isa[i][0][j] = towa[j][0][i];
assign isa[i][1][j] = tona[j][0][i];
assign isa[i][2][j] = toea[j][0][i];
assign isa[i][3][j] = tola[j][0][i];
assign iwa[i][0][j] = toea[j][1][i];
assign iwa[i][1][j] = tola[j][1][i];
assign ina[i][0][j] = tosa[j][0][i];
assign ina[i][1][j] = towa[j][1][i];
assign ina[i][2][j] = toea[j][2][i];
assign ina[i][3][j] = tola[j][2][i];
assign iea[i][0][j] = towa[j][2][i];
assign iea[i][1][j] = tola[j][3][i];
assign ila[i][0][j] = tosa[j][1][i];
assign ila[i][1][j] = towa[j][3][i];
assign ila[i][2][j] = tona[j][1][i];
assign ila[i][3][j] = toea[j][3][i];
end // block: SHUFFLE
assign sia[i] = |{isa[i][0]|isa[i][1]|isa[i][2]|isa[i][3]};
assign wia[i] = |{iwa[i][0]|iwa[i][1]};
assign nia[i] = |{ina[i][0]|ina[i][1]|ina[i][2]|ina[i][3]};
assign eia[i] = |{iea[i][0]|iea[i][1]};
assign lia[i] = |{ila[i][0]|ila[i][1]|ila[i][2]|ila[i][3]};
end // block: IACK
endmodule // dcb_xy
common/src/dcb_xy.v Property changes : Added: svn:executable ## -0,0 +1 ## +* \ No newline at end of property

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