
Subversion Repositories async_sdm_noc

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    from Rev 36 to Rev 38
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Rev 36 → Rev 38

24,7 → 24,8
05/05/2009 Initial version. <>
20/09/2010 Supporting channel slicing and SDM using macro difinitions. <>
24/05/2011 Clean up for opensource. <>
01/06/2011 Use the comp4 common comparator rather than the chain_comparator defined in this module. <>
// the router structure definitions
250,10 → 251,10
wire [2:0] x_cmp [1:0];
wire [2:0] y_cmp [1:0];
chain_comparator X0 ( .a(pipe_xd[3:0]), .b(addrx[3:0]), .q(x_cmp[0]));
chain_comparator X1 ( .a(pipe_xd[7:4]), .b(addrx[7:4]), .q(x_cmp[1]));
chain_comparator Y0 ( .a(pipe_yd[3:0]), .b(addry[3:0]), .q(y_cmp[0]));
chain_comparator Y1 ( .a(pipe_yd[7:4]), .b(addry[7:4]), .q(y_cmp[1]));
comp4 X0 ( .a(pipe_xd[3:0]), .b(addrx[3:0]), .q(x_cmp[0]));
comp4 X1 ( .a(pipe_xd[7:4]), .b(addrx[7:4]), .q(x_cmp[1]));
comp4 Y0 ( .a(pipe_yd[3:0]), .b(addry[3:0]), .q(y_cmp[0]));
comp4 Y1 ( .a(pipe_yd[7:4]), .b(addry[7:4]), .q(y_cmp[1]));
assign decision[0] = x_cmp[1][0] | (x_cmp[1][2]&x_cmp[0][0]); // frame x > addr x
assign decision[1] = x_cmp[1][1] | (x_cmp[1][2]&x_cmp[0][1]); // frame x < addr x
263,26 → 264,3
assign decision[5] = y_cmp[1][2] & y_cmp[0][2]; // frame y = addr y
endmodule // routing_decision
// the 1-of-4 comparator
module chain_comparator (
input [3:0] a;
input [3:0] b;
output [2:0] q;
// a > b
assign q[0] = (a[3]&(|b[2:0])) | (a[2]&(|b[1:0])) | (a[1]&(|b[0:0]));
// a < b
assign q[1] = (a[2]&(|b[3:3])) | (a[1]&(|b[3:2])) | (a[0]&(|b[3:1]));
// a = b
assign q[2] = (a[3]&b[3]) | (a[2]&b[2]) | (a[1]&b[1]) | (a[0]&b[0]);
endmodule // chain_comparator
0,0 → 1,43
Asynchronous SDM NoC
(C)2011 Wei Song
Advanced Processor Technologies Group
Computer Science, the Univ. of Manchester, UK
Wei Song
License: LGPL 3.0 or later
A single 4-phase 1-of-n pipeline stage.
05/05/2009 Initial version. <>
01/06/2011 Clean up for opensource. <>
module pipen(/*AUTOARG*/
// Outputs
d_in_a, d_out,
// Inputs
d_in, d_out_a
parameter DW = 4; // the wire count, the "n" of the 1-of-n code
input [DW-1:0] d_in;
output d_in_a;
output [DW-1:0] d_out;
input d_out_a;
genvar i;
// the data pipe stage
generate for (i=0; i<DW; i=i+1) begin:DD
dc2 DC (.d(d_in[i]), .a(d_out_a), .q(d_out[i]));
end endgenerate
assign d_in_a = |d_out;
endmodule // pipen
0,0 → 1,39
Asynchronous SDM NoC
(C)2011 Wei Song
Advanced Processor Technologies Group
Computer Science, the Univ. of Manchester, UK
Wei Song
License: LGPL 3.0 or later
1-of-4 data comparator
11/05/2010 Initial version. <>
01/06/2011 Clean up for opensource. <>
module comp4 (/*AUTOARG*/
// Outputs
// Inputs
a, b
input [3:0] a, b; // the data inputs to be compared
output [2:0] q; // the comparison result
// a > b
assign q[0] = (a[3]&(|b[2:0])) | (a[2]&(|b[1:0])) | (a[1]&(|b[0:0]));
// a < b
assign q[1] = (a[2]&(|b[3:3])) | (a[1]&(|b[3:2])) | (a[0]&(|b[3:1]));
// a = b
assign q[2] = (a[3]&b[3]) | (a[2]&b[2]) | (a[1]&b[1]) | (a[0]&b[0]);
endmodule // comp4
0,0 → 1,139
Asynchronous SDM NoC
(C)2011 Wei Song
Advanced Processor Technologies Group
Computer Science, the Univ. of Manchester, UK
Wei Song
License: LGPL 3.0 or later
The request crossbar in the VC allocator of VC routers.
04/04/2010 Initial version. <>
01/06/2011 Clean up for opensource. <>
module rcb_vc (/*AUTOARG*/
// Outputs
ro, srt, nrt, lrt, wrt, ert, wctla, ectla, lctla, sctla, nctla,
// Inputs
ri, go, wctl, ectl, lctl, sctl, nctl
parameter VCN = 2; // the number of VCs per direction
input [4:0][VCN-1:0][1:0] ri; // the request input from all inputs
output [4:0][VCN-1:0] ro; // the request output to all output port arbiters
input [4:0][VCN-1:0] go; // the granted VC info from all output port arbiters
output [VCN-1:0][3:0] srt, nrt, lrt; // routing guide to all input ports
output [VCN-1:0][1:0] wrt, ert;
input [VCN*4*VCN-1:0] wctl, ectl, lctl; // the configuration from VCA
input [VCN*2*VCN-1:0] sctl, nctl;
output [VCN*4*VCN-1:0] wctla, ectla, lctla; // the ack to VCA, fire when the frame is sent
output [VCN*2*VCN-1:0] sctla, nctla;
wire [VCN*4*VCN-1:0][1:0] wri, eri, lri;
wire [VCN*4*VCN-1:0] wgi, wgo, wro, egi, ego, ero, lgi, lgo, lro;
wire [VCN*2*VCN-1:0][1:0] sri, nri;
wire [VCN*2*VCN-1:0] sgi, sgo, sro, ngi, ngo, nro;
wire [4*VCN*VCN-1:0] wgis, egis, lgis;
wire [2*VCN*VCN-1:0] sgis, ngis;
genvar i,j;
for(i=0; i<VCN; i++) begin:RI
// shuffle the input requests to all output ports
for(j=0; j<VCN; j++) begin: J
assign sri[i*2*VCN+0*VCN+j] = ri[2][j];
assign sri[i*2*VCN+1*VCN+j] = ri[4][j];
assign wri[i*4*VCN+0*VCN+j] = ri[0][j];
assign wri[i*4*VCN+1*VCN+j] = ri[2][j];
assign wri[i*4*VCN+2*VCN+j] = ri[3][j];
assign wri[i*4*VCN+3*VCN+j] = ri[4][j];
assign nri[i*2*VCN+0*VCN+j] = ri[0][j];
assign nri[i*2*VCN+1*VCN+j] = ri[4][j];
assign eri[i*4*VCN+0*VCN+j] = ri[0][j];
assign eri[i*4*VCN+1*VCN+j] = ri[1][j];
assign eri[i*4*VCN+2*VCN+j] = ri[2][j];
assign eri[i*4*VCN+3*VCN+j] = ri[4][j];
assign lri[i*4*VCN+0*VCN+j] = ri[0][j];
assign lri[i*4*VCN+1*VCN+j] = ri[1][j];
assign lri[i*4*VCN+2*VCN+j] = ri[2][j];
assign lri[i*4*VCN+3*VCN+j] = ri[3][j];
// generate the requests to output port arbiters
assign ro[0][i] = |sro[i*2*VCN +: 2*VCN];
assign ro[1][i] = |wro[i*4*VCN +: 4*VCN];
assign ro[2][i] = |nro[i*2*VCN +: 2*VCN];
assign ro[3][i] = |ero[i*4*VCN +: 4*VCN];
assign ro[4][i] = |lro[i*4*VCN +: 4*VCN];
// demux to duplicate the grant to all input ports
assign sgo[i*2*VCN +: 2*VCN] = {2*VCN{go[0][i]}};
assign wgo[i*4*VCN +: 4*VCN] = {4*VCN{go[1][i]}};
assign ngo[i*2*VCN +: 2*VCN] = {2*VCN{go[2][i]}};
assign ego[i*4*VCN +: 4*VCN] = {4*VCN{go[3][i]}};
assign lgo[i*4*VCN +: 4*VCN] = {4*VCN{go[4][i]}};
// generate the routing guide from output grants (sgo -- lgo)
assign srt[i] = {|lgis[(0*VCN+i)*VCN +: VCN], |egis[(0*VCN+i)*VCN +: VCN], |ngis[(0*VCN+i)*VCN +: VCN], |wgis[(0*VCN+i)*VCN +: VCN]};
assign wrt[i] = {|lgis[(1*VCN+i)*VCN +: VCN], |egis[(1*VCN+i)*VCN +: VCN]};
assign nrt[i] = {|lgis[(2*VCN+i)*VCN +: VCN], |egis[(2*VCN+i)*VCN +: VCN], |wgis[(1*VCN+i)*VCN +: VCN], |sgis[(0*VCN+i)*VCN +: VCN]};
assign ert[i] = {|lgis[(3*VCN+i)*VCN +: VCN], |wgis[(2*VCN+i)*VCN +: VCN]};
assign lrt[i] = {|egis[(3*VCN+i)*VCN +: VCN], |ngis[(1*VCN+i)*VCN +: VCN], |wgis[(3*VCN+i)*VCN +: VCN], |sgis[(1*VCN+i)*VCN +: VCN]};
// part of the routing guide process
for(j=0; j<4*VCN; j++) begin:SB
assign wgis[j*VCN+i] = wgi[i*4*VCN+j];
assign egis[j*VCN+i] = egi[i*4*VCN+j];
assign lgis[j*VCN+i] = lgi[i*4*VCN+j];
for(j=0; j<2*VCN; j++) begin:SL
assign sgis[j*VCN+i] = sgi[i*2*VCN+j];
assign ngis[j*VCN+i] = ngi[i*2*VCN+j];
// cross points
for(i=0; i<VCN*4*VCN; i++) begin:BB
RCBB W (.ri(wri[i]), .ro(wro[i]), .go(wgo[i]), .gi(wgi[i]), .ctl(wctl[i]), .ctla(wctla[i]));
RCBB E (.ri(eri[i]), .ro(ero[i]), .go(ego[i]), .gi(egi[i]), .ctl(ectl[i]), .ctla(ectla[i]));
RCBB L (.ri(lri[i]), .ro(lro[i]), .go(lgo[i]), .gi(lgi[i]), .ctl(lctl[i]), .ctla(lctla[i]));
for(i=0; i<VCN*2*VCN; i++) begin:BL
RCBB S (.ri(sri[i]), .ro(sro[i]), .go(sgo[i]), .gi(sgi[i]), .ctl(sctl[i]), .ctla(sctla[i]));
RCBB N (.ri(nri[i]), .ro(nro[i]), .go(ngo[i]), .gi(ngi[i]), .ctl(nctl[i]), .ctla(nctla[i]));
endmodule // rcb_vc
// Request CrossBar cross point Block
module RCBB (ri, ro, go, gi, ctl, ctla);
input [1:0] ri; // requests from input ports (0: data and head, 1: eof)
output ro; // requests to output ports
input go; // grant from output ports
output gi; // grant to input ports, later translated into routing guide
input ctl; // configuration from VCA
output ctla; // configuration ack to VCA, fire after ri[1] fires
wire [1:0] m;
c2 I0 (.a0(ri[1]), .a1(ctl), .q(m[1]));
and I1 ( m[0], ri[0], ctl);
or I2 ( ro, m[0], m[1]);
c2 I3 ( .a0(ro), .a1(go), .q(gi));
c2 IA ( .a0(m[1]), .a1(go), .q(ctla));
endmodule // RCBB
0,0 → 1,42
Asynchronous SDM NoC
(C)2011 Wei Song
Advanced Processor Technologies Group
Computer Science, the Univ. of Manchester, UK
Wei Song
License: LGPL 3.0 or later
The full dual-rail pipeline stage for the credit fifo in VC routers.
It has a reset pin to feed a token into every cpipe stage.
31/03/2010 Initial version. <>
01/06/2011 Clean up for opensource. <>
module cpipe (/*AUTOARG*/
// Outputs
cia, co,
// Inputs
rst, ci, coa
input rst; // active high reset
input ci; // credit input
output cia; // credit input ack
output co; // credit output
input coa; // credit output ack
wire c0, c1; // internal wires
dc2 C0 ( .d(ci), .a(~c1), .q(c0));
dc2 C1 ( .d(c0|rst), .a((~coa)|rst), .q(c1));
assign co = (~rst)&c1;
assign cia = c0;
endmodule // cpipe

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