
Subversion Repositories dblclockfft

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  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 13 to Rev 14
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Rev 13 → Rev 14

0,0 → 1,17
% Read the file
fid = fopen('fft_tb.dbl','r');
raw = fread(fid, [2 inf], 'double');
% Convert the raw doubles into complex values
datc = raw(1,:)+j*raw(2,:);
% Reshape the matrix into one line per FFT
% Assume an FFT length of 2048
ftlen = 2048;
ndat = reshape(datc, ftlen, length(datc)/ftlen);
% Create a time axis, for use in plotting if desired
tm = 0:(ftlen-1);
% Now, the data from the test is ready for inspection
0,0 → 1,28
module ifft_tb(i_clk, i_rst, i_ce, i_left, i_right, o_left, o_right, o_sync);
parameter IWIDTH=16, MIDWIDTH=22, OWIDTH=28;
input i_clk, i_rst, i_ce;
input [(2*IWIDTH-1):0] i_left, i_right;
output wire [(2*OWIDTH-1):0] o_left, o_right;
output wire o_sync;
wire m_sync;
wire [(2*MIDWIDTH-1):0] m_left, m_right;
fftmain fft(i_clk, i_rst, i_ce, i_left, i_right,
m_left, m_right, m_sync);
wire w_syncd;
reg r_syncd;
always @(posedge i_clk)
if (i_rst)
r_syncd <= 1'b0;
r_syncd <= r_syncd || m_sync;
assign w_syncd = r_syncd || m_sync;
ifftmain ifft(i_clk, i_rst, (i_ce)&&(w_syncd), m_left, m_right,
o_left, o_right, o_sync);
3,7 → 3,7
// Project: A Doubletime Pipelined FFT
// Purpose: A test-bench for the mail program, fftmain.v, of the double
// Purpose: A test-bench for the main program, fftmain.v, of the double
// clocked FFT. This file may be run autonomously (when
// fully functional). If so, the last line output will either
// read "SUCCESS" on success, or some other failure message
137,12 → 137,12
long tv = m_data[i];
printf("OUT[%4d = %4x] = ", i, i);
printf("%16lx = ", tv);
printf("%12lx = ", tv);
*dp = twos_complement(tv >> OWIDTH, OWIDTH);
printf("%12.1f + ", *dp);
printf("%10.1f + ", *dp);
osq += (*dp) * (*dp); dp++;
*dp = twos_complement(tv, OWIDTH);
printf("%12.1f j", *dp);
printf("%10.1f j", *dp);
osq += (*dp) * (*dp); dp++;
printf(" <-> %12.1f %12.1f\n", m_fft_buf[2*i], m_fft_buf[2*i+1]);
272,10 → 272,7
double rdata(int addr) {
long ivl = m_data[addr & (FFTLEN-1)];
ivl = ivl >> 17;
ivl &= ((1<<OWIDTH)-1);
if (1 & (ivl>>(OWIDTH-1)))
ivl |= (-1l << OWIDTH);
ivl = twos_complement(ivl >> OWIDTH, OWIDTH);
return (double)ivl;
282,10 → 279,7
double idata(int addr) {
long ivl = m_data[addr & (FFTLEN-1)];
ivl = ivl;
ivl &= ((1<<OWIDTH)-1);
if (1 & (ivl>>(OWIDTH-1)))
ivl |= (-1l << OWIDTH);
ivl = twos_complement(ivl, OWIDTH);
return (double)ivl;
0,0 → 1,17
% Read the file
fid = fopen('ifft_tb.dbl','r');
raw = fread(fid, [2 inf], 'double');
% Convert the raw doubles into complex values
datc = raw(1,:)+j*raw(2,:);
% Reshape the matrix into one line per FFT
% Assume an FFT length of 2048
ftlen = 2048;
ndat = reshape(datc, ftlen, length(datc)/ftlen);
% Create a time axis, for use in plotting if desired
tm = 0:(ftlen-1);
% Now, the data from the test is ready for inspection
1,7 → 1,9
all: mpy_tb dblrev_tb dblstage_tb qtrstage_tb fft_tb test
OBJDR:= ../../sw/fft-core/obj_dir
VINC := -I/usr/share/verilator/include -I$(OBJDR)/
VSRCD:= ../../sw/fft-core
LCLDR:= obj_dir
VINC := -I/usr/share/verilator/include -I$(OBJDR)/ -I$(LCLDR)/
MPYLB:= $(OBJDR)/Vshiftaddmpy__ALL.a
DBLRV:= $(OBJDR)/Vdblreverse__ALL.a
DBLSG:= $(OBJDR)/Vdblstage__ALL.a
8,6 → 10,7
QTRSG:= $(OBJDR)/Vqtrstage__ALL.a
BFLYL:= $(OBJDR)/Vbutterfly__ALL.a
FFTLB:= $(OBJDR)/Vfftmain__ALL.a
IFTLB:= $(LCLDR)/Vifft_tb__ALL.a
STGLB:= $(OBJDR)/Vfftstage_o2048__ALL.a
VERILATOR_ROOT := /usr/share/verilator
32,9 → 35,16
fft_tb: fft_tb.cpp $(FFTLB)
g++ -g $(VINC) $< $(FFTLB) $(VERILATOR_ROOT)/include/verilated.cpp -lfftw3 -o $@
ifft_tb: ifft_tb.cpp $(IFTLB)
g++ -g $(VINC) $< $(IFTLB) $(VERILATOR_ROOT)/include/verilated.cpp -lfftw3 -o $@
$(IFTLB): $(LCLDR)/Vifft_tb.cpp
cd $(LCLDR); make -f
$(LCLDR)/Vifft_tb.cpp: ifft_tb.v $(VSRCD)/fftmain.v $(VSRCD)/ifftmain.v
verilator -y $(VSRCD) -cc ifft_tb.v
.PHONY: test
test: mpy_tb dblrev_tb dblstage_tb qtrstage_tb butterfly_tb fftstage_o2048_tb
test: fft_tb
test: fft_tb ifft_tb
42,9 → 52,12
.PHONY: clean
rm mpy_tb dblrev_tb dblstage_tb qtrstage_tb
rm mpy_tb dblrev_tb dblstage_tb qtrstage_tb butterfly_tb
rm fftstage_o2048_tb fft_tb ifft_tb
rm -rf $(LCLDR) fft_tb.dbl ifft_tb.dbl
include $(VERILATOR_ROOT)/include/
0,0 → 1,469
// Filename: ifft_tb.cpp
// Project: A Doubletime Pipelined FFT
// Purpose: A test-bench for the combined work of both fftmain.v and
// ifftmain.v. If they work together, in concert like they should,
// then the operation of both in series should yield an identity.
// This program attempts to check that identity with various
// inputs given to it.
// This file has a variety of dependencies, not the least of which
// are verilator, ifftmain.v and fftmain.v (both produced by
// fftgen), but also on the ifft_tb.v verilog test bench found
// within this directory.
// Creator: Dan Gisselquist, Ph.D.
// Gisselquist Tecnology, LLC
// Copyright (C) 2015, Gisselquist Technology, LLC
// This program is free software (firmware): you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
// by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at
// your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTIBILITY or
// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
// for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
// with this program. (It's in the $(ROOT)/doc directory, run make with no
// target there if the PDF file isn't present.) If not, see
// <> for a copy.
// License: GPL, v3, as defined and found on,
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "verilated.h"
#include "Vifft_tb.h"
#define LGWIDTH 11
#define IWIDTH 16
#define MWIDTH 22
#define OWIDTH 28
#define FFTLEN (1<<LGWIDTH)
class IFFT_TB {
Vifft_tb *m_tb;
unsigned int m_log[8*FFTLEN];
long m_data[2*FFTLEN];
int m_iaddr, m_oaddr, m_offset;
FILE *m_dumpfp;
// double *m_tb_buf;
// int m_ntest;
bool m_syncd;
IFFT_TB(void) {
m_tb = new Vifft_tb;
m_iaddr = m_oaddr = 0;
m_dumpfp = NULL;
m_syncd = false;
// m_ntest = 0;
void tick(void) {
m_tb->i_clk = 0;
m_tb->i_clk = 1;
void reset(void) {
m_tb->i_ce = 0;
m_tb->i_rst = 1;
m_tb->i_rst = 0;
m_iaddr = m_oaddr = 0;
m_syncd = false;
long twos_complement(const long val, const int bits) {
long r;
r = val & ((1l<<bits)-1);
if (r & (1l << (bits-1)))
r |= (-1l << bits);
return r;
void checkresults(void) {
double *dp, *sp; // Complex array
double vout[FFTLEN*2];
double isq=0.0, osq = 0.0;
long *lp;
// Fill up our test array from the log array
printf("%3d : CHECK: %8d %5x\n", m_ntest, m_iaddr, m_iaddr);
dp = m_tb_buf; lp = &m_log[(m_iaddr-FFTLEN*3)&((4*FFTLEN-1)&(-FFTLEN))];
for(int i=0; i<FFTLEN; i++) {
long tv = *lp++;
dp[0] = twos_complement(tv >> IWIDTH, IWIDTH);
dp[1] = twos_complement(tv, IWIDTH);
printf("IN[%4d = %4x] = %9.1f %9.1f\n",
dp[0], dp[1]);
dp += 2;
// Let's measure ... are we the zero vector? If not, how close?
dp = m_tb_buf;
for(int i=0; i<FFTLEN; i++)
isq += (*dp) * (*dp);
// Let's load up the output we received into vout
dp = vout;
for(int i=0; i<FFTLEN; i++) {
long tv = m_data[i];
printf("OUT[%4d = %4x] = ", i, i);
printf("%16lx = ", tv);
*dp = twos_complement(tv >> OWIDTH, OWIDTH);
printf("%12.1f + ", *dp);
osq += (*dp) * (*dp); dp++;
*dp = twos_complement(tv, OWIDTH);
printf("%12.1f j", *dp);
osq += (*dp) * (*dp); dp++;
printf(" <-> %12.1f %12.1f\n", m_tb_buf[2*i], m_fft_buf[2*i+1]);
// Let's figure out if there's a scale factor difference ...
double scale = 0.0, wt = 0.0;
sp = m_tb_buf; dp = vout;
for(int i=0; i<FFTLEN*2; i++) {
scale += (*sp) * (*dp++);
wt += (*sp) * (*sp); sp++;
} scale = scale / wt;
if (wt == 0.0) scale = 1.0;
double xisq = 0.0;
sp = m_tb_buf; dp = vout;
for(int i=0; i<FFTLEN*2; i++) {
double vl = (*sp++) * scale - (*dp++);
xisq += vl * vl;
printf("%3d : SCALE = %12.6f, WT = %18.1f, ISQ = %15.1f, ",
m_ntest, scale, wt, isq);
printf("OSQ = %18.1f, ", osq);
printf("XISQ = %18.1f\n", xisq);
bool test(int lft, int rht) {
m_tb->i_ce = 1;
m_tb->i_rst = 0;
m_tb->i_left = lft;
m_tb->i_right = rht;
m_log[(m_iaddr++)&(8*FFTLEN-1)] = lft;
m_log[(m_iaddr++)&(8*FFTLEN-1)] = rht;
if ((m_tb->o_sync)&&(!m_syncd)) {
m_offset = m_iaddr;
m_oaddr = 0;
m_syncd = true;
m_data[(m_oaddr++)&(FFTLEN-1)] = m_tb->o_left;
m_data[(m_oaddr++)&(FFTLEN-1)] = m_tb->o_right;
if ((m_syncd)&&((m_oaddr&(FFTLEN-1)) == 0)) {
// checkresults();
return (m_tb->o_sync);
bool test(double lft_r, double lft_i, double rht_r, double rht_i) {
int ilft, irht, ilft_r, ilft_i, irht_r, irht_i;
assert(2*IWIDTH <= 32);
ilft_r = (int)(lft_r) & ((1<<IWIDTH)-1);
ilft_i = (int)(lft_i) & ((1<<IWIDTH)-1);
irht_r = (int)(rht_r) & ((1<<IWIDTH)-1);
irht_i = (int)(rht_i) & ((1<<IWIDTH)-1);
ilft = (ilft_r << IWIDTH) | ilft_i;
irht = (irht_r << IWIDTH) | irht_i;
return test(ilft, irht);
double rdata(int addr) {
long ivl = m_data[addr & (FFTLEN-1)];
ivl = twos_complement(ivl >> OWIDTH, OWIDTH);
return (double)ivl;
double idata(int addr) {
long ivl = m_data[addr & (FFTLEN-1)];
ivl = twos_complement(ivl, OWIDTH);
return (double)ivl;
void dump(FILE *fp) {
m_dumpfp = fp;
void dumpwrite(void) {
if (!m_dumpfp)
double *buf;
buf = new double[FFTLEN * 2];
for(int i=0; i<FFTLEN; i++) {
buf[i*2] = rdata(i);
buf[i*2+1] = idata(i);
fwrite(buf, sizeof(double), FFTLEN*2, m_dumpfp);
delete[] buf;
int main(int argc, char **argv, char **envp) {
Verilated::commandArgs(argc, argv);
IFFT_TB *tb = new IFFT_TB;
FILE *fpout;
fpout = fopen("ifft_tb.dbl", "w");
if (NULL == fpout) {
fprintf(stderr, "Cannot write output file, fft_tb.dbl\n");
// 1 -> 0x0001
// 2 -> 0x0002
// 4 -> 0x0004
// 8 -> 0x0008
// 16 -> 0x0010
// 32 -> 0x0020
// 64 -> 0x0040
// 128 -> 0x0080
// 256 -> 0x0100
// 512 -> 0x0200
// 1024 -> 0x0400
// 2048 -> 0x0800
// 4096 -> 0x1000
// 8192 -> 0x2000
// 16384 -> 0x4000
for(int v=1; v<32768; v<<=1) for(int k=0; k<FFTLEN/2; k++)
// 1 -> 0xffff
// 2 -> 0xfffe
// 4 -> 0xfffc
// 8 -> 0xfff8
// 16 -> 0xfff0
// 32 -> 0xffe0
// 64 -> 0xffc0
// 128 -> 0xff80
// 256 -> 0xff00
// 512 -> 0xfe00
// 1024 -> 0xfc00
// 2048 -> 0xf800
// 4096 -> 0xf000
// 8192 -> 0xe000
// 16384 -> 0xc000
// 32768 -> 0x8000
for(int v=1; v<=32768; v<<=1) for(int k=0; k<FFTLEN/2; k++)
// 1 -> 0x000040 CORRECT!!
// 2 -> 0x000080
// 4 -> 0x000100
// 8 -> 0x000200
// 16 -> 0x000400
// 32 -> 0x000800
// 64 -> 0x001000
// 128 -> 0x002000
// 256 -> 0x004000
// 512 -> 0x008000
// 1024 -> 0x010000
// 2048 -> 0x020000
// 4096 -> 0x040000
// 8192 -> 0x080000
// 16384 -> 0x100000
for(int v=1; v<32768; v<<=1) for(int k=0; k<FFTLEN/2; k++)
// 1 -> 0x3fffc0
// 2 -> 0x3fff80
// 4 -> 0x3fff00
// 8 -> 0x3ffe00
// 16 -> 0x3ffc00
// 32 -> 0x3ff800
// 64 -> 0x3ff000
// 128 -> 0x3fe000
// 256 -> 0x3fc000
// 512 -> 0x3f8000
// 1024 -> 0x3f0000
// 2048 -> 0x3e0000
// 4096 -> 0x3c0000
// 8192 -> 0x380000
// 16384 -> 0x300000
for(int v=1; v<32768; v<<=1) for(int k=0; k<FFTLEN/2; k++)
// 61. Now, how about the smallest alternating real signal
for(int k=0; k<FFTLEN/2; k++)
tb->test(2.0,0.0,0.0,0.0); // Don't forget to expect a bias!
// 62. Now, how about the smallest alternating imaginary signal
for(int k=0; k<FFTLEN/2; k++)
tb->test(0.0,2.0,0.0,0.0); // Don't forget to expect a bias!
// 63. Now, how about the smallest alternating real signal,2nd phase
for(int k=0; k<FFTLEN/2; k++)
tb->test(0.0,0.0,2.0,0.0); // Don't forget to expect a bias!
// 64.Now, how about the smallest alternating imaginary signal,2nd phase
for(int k=0; k<FFTLEN/2; k++)
tb->test(0.0,0.0,0.0,2.0); // Don't forget to expect a bias!
// 65.
for(int k=0; k<FFTLEN/2; k++)
// 66.
for(int k=0; k<FFTLEN/2; k++)
// 67.
for(int k=0; k<FFTLEN/2; k++)
// 68.
for(int k=0; k<FFTLEN/2; k++)
// 69.
for(int k=0; k<FFTLEN/2; k++)
// 70.
for(int k=0; k<FFTLEN/2; k++)
// 71. Now let's go for an impulse (SUCCESS)
tb->test(16384.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
for(int k=0; k<FFTLEN/2-1; k++)
// 72. And another one on the next clock (FAILS, ugly)
// Lot's of roundoff error, or some error in small bits
tb->test(0.0, 0.0, 16384.0, 0.0);
for(int k=0; k<FFTLEN/2-1; k++)
// 73. And an imaginary one on the second clock
// Much roundoff error, as in last test
tb->test(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 16384.0);
for(int k=0; k<FFTLEN/2-1; k++)
// 74. Likewise the next clock
// Much roundoff error, as in last test
tb->test(16384.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
for(int k=0; k<FFTLEN/2-2; k++)
// 75. And it's imaginary counterpart
// Much roundoff error, as in last test
tb->test(0.0, 16384.0, 0.0, 0.0);
for(int k=0; k<FFTLEN/2-2; k++)
// 76. Likewise the next clock
// Much roundoff error, as in last test
tb->test(0.0, 0.0, 16384.0, 0.0);
for(int k=0; k<FFTLEN/2-2; k++)
// 77. And it's imaginary counterpart
// Much roundoff error, as in last test
tb->test(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 16384.0);
for(int k=0; k<FFTLEN/2-2; k++)
// 78. Now let's try some exponentials
for(int k=0; k<FFTLEN/2; k++) {
double cl, cr, sl, sr, W;
W = - 2.0 * M_PI / FFTLEN;
cl = cos(W * (2*k )) * 16383.0;
sl = sin(W * (2*k )) * 16383.0;
cr = cos(W * (2*k+1)) * 16383.0;
sr = sin(W * (2*k+1)) * 16383.0;
tb->test(cl, sl, cr, sr);
// 79.
for(int k=0; k<FFTLEN/2; k++) {
double cl, cr, sl, sr, W;
W = - 2.0 * M_PI / FFTLEN * 5;
cl = cos(W * (2*k )) * 16383.0;
sl = sin(W * (2*k )) * 16383.0;
cr = cos(W * (2*k+1)) * 16383.0;
sr = sin(W * (2*k+1)) * 16383.0;
tb->test(cl, sl, cr, sr);
// 80.
for(int k=0; k<FFTLEN/2; k++) {
double cl, cr, sl, sr, W;
W = - 2.0 * M_PI / FFTLEN * 8;
cl = cos(W * (2*k )) * 8190.0;
sl = sin(W * (2*k )) * 8190.0;
cr = cos(W * (2*k+1)) * 8190.0;
sr = sin(W * (2*k+1)) * 8190.0;
tb->test(cl, sl, cr, sr);
// 81.
for(int k=0; k<FFTLEN/2; k++) {
double cl, cr, sl, sr, W;
W = - 2.0 * M_PI / FFTLEN * 25;
cl = cos(W * (2*k )) * 4.0;
sl = sin(W * (2*k )) * 4.0;
cr = cos(W * (2*k+1)) * 4.0;
sr = sin(W * (2*k+1)) * 4.0;
tb->test(cl, sl, cr, sr);
// 19.--24. And finally, let's clear out our results / buffer
for(int k=0; k<(FFTLEN/2) * 5; k++)

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