
Subversion Repositories fade_ether_protocol

Compare Revisions

  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 22 to Rev 23
    Reverse comparison

Rev 22 → Rev 23

211,6 → 211,7
} while ((leave[0] && leave[1] && leave[2]) == 0);
pthread_join(ucmd_thread, NULL);
for(i=0;i<=2;i++) {
if(active[i]) {
res = ioctl(frs[i],L3_V1_IOC_FREEMAC,0);
218,7 → 219,6
pthread_join(ucmd_thread, NULL);
fprintf(stderr,"act0:%d act1:%d act2:%d\n",active[0],active[1],active[2]);
for(i=0;i<3;i++) {
fprintf(stderr,"total data %d=%lld time=%g throughput=%g [Mb/s]\n",i,total_len[i], tend, total_len[i]/tend*8.0);
5,7 → 5,6
PWD := $(shell pwd)
$(MAKE) -C $(KDIR) SUBDIRS=$(PWD) modules
gcc -O2 -o receiver2 receiver2.c
gcc -O2 -o receiver2t receiver2t.c -lpthread
gcc -O2 -o receiver3 receiver3.c
0,0 → 1,9
SET busformat = BusFormatAngleBracketNotRipped
SET designentry = VHDL
SET device = xc6slx45
SET devicefamily = spartan6
SET flowvendor = Other
SET package = csg324
SET speedgrade = -2
SET verilogsim = false
SET vhdlsim = true
0,0 → 1,545
# Project automation script for fade64
# Created for ISE version 14.7
# This file contains several Tcl procedures (procs) that you can use to automate
# your project by running from xtclsh or the Project Navigator Tcl console.
# If you load this file (using the Tcl command: source /home/xl/ise_projects/CBM/fade_10g_3/prj/fade64/fade64.tcl), then you can
# run any of the procs included here.
# This script is generated assuming your project has HDL sources.
# Several of the defined procs won't apply to an EDIF or NGC based project.
# If that is the case, simply remove them from this script.
# You may also edit any of these procs to customize them. See comments in each
# proc for more instructions.
# This file contains the following procedures:
# Top Level procs (meant to be called directly by the user):
# run_process: you can use this top-level procedure to run any processes
# that you choose to by adding and removing comments, or by
# adding new entries.
# rebuild_project: you can alternatively use this top-level procedure
# to recreate your entire project, and the run selected processes.
# Lower Level (helper) procs (called under in various cases by the top level procs):
# show_help: print some basic information describing how this script works
# add_source_files: adds the listed source files to your project.
# set_project_props: sets the project properties that were in effect when this
# script was generated.
# create_libraries: creates and adds file to VHDL libraries that were defined when
# this script was generated.
# set_process_props: set the process properties as they were set for your project
# when this script was generated.
set myProject "fade_atlys"
set myScript "fade_atlys.tcl"
# Main (top-level) routines
# run_process
# This procedure is used to run processes on an existing project. You may comment or
# uncomment lines to control which processes are run. This routine is set up to run
# the Implement Design and Generate Programming File processes by default. This proc
# also sets process properties as specified in the "set_process_props" proc. Only
# those properties which have values different from their current settings in the project
# file will be modified in the project.
proc run_process {} {
global myScript
global myProject
## put out a 'heartbeat' - so we know something's happening.
puts "\n$myScript: running ($myProject)...\n"
if { ! [ open_project ] } {
return false
# Remove the comment characters (#'s) to enable the following commands
# process run "Synthesize"
# process run "Translate"
# process run "Map"
# process run "Place & Route"
set task "Implement Design"
if { ! [run_task $task] } {
puts "$myScript: $task run failed, check run output for details."
project close
set task "Generate Programming File"
if { ! [run_task $task] } {
puts "$myScript: $task run failed, check run output for details."
project close
puts "Run completed (successfully)."
project close
# rebuild_project
# This procedure renames the project file (if it exists) and recreates the project.
# It then sets project properties and adds project sources as specified by the
# set_project_props and add_source_files support procs. It recreates VHDL Libraries
# as they existed at the time this script was generated.
# It then calls run_process to set process properties and run selected processes.
proc rebuild_project {} {
global myScript
global myProject
project close
## put out a 'heartbeat' - so we know something's happening.
puts "\n$myScript: Rebuilding ($myProject)...\n"
set proj_exts [ list ise xise gise ]
foreach ext $proj_exts {
set proj_name "${myProject}.$ext"
if { [ file exists $proj_name ] } {
file delete $proj_name
project new $myProject
puts "$myScript: project rebuild completed."
# Support Routines
proc run_task { task } {
# helper proc for run_process
puts "Running '$task'"
set result [ process run "$task" ]
# check process status (and result)
set status [ process get $task status ]
if { ( ( $status != "up_to_date" ) && \
( $status != "warnings" ) ) || \
! $result } {
return false
return true
# show_help: print information to help users understand the options available when
# running this script.
proc show_help {} {
global myScript
puts ""
puts "usage: xtclsh $myScript <options>"
puts " or you can run xtclsh and then enter 'source $myScript'."
puts ""
puts "options:"
puts " run_process - set properties and run processes."
puts " rebuild_project - rebuild the project from scratch and run processes."
puts " set_project_props - set project properties (device, speed, etc.)"
puts " add_source_files - add source files"
puts " create_libraries - create vhdl libraries"
puts " set_process_props - set process property values"
puts " show_help - print this message"
puts ""
proc open_project {} {
global myScript
global myProject
if { ! [ file exists ${myProject}.xise ] } {
## project file isn't there, rebuild it.
puts "Project $myProject not found. Use project_rebuild to recreate it."
return false
project open $myProject
return true
# set_project_props
# This procedure sets the project properties as they were set in the project
# at the time this script was generated.
proc set_project_props {} {
global myScript
if { ! [ open_project ] } {
return false
puts "$myScript: Setting project properties..."
project set family "Spartan6"
project set device "xc6slx45"
project set package "csg324"
project set speed "-2"
project set top_level_module_type "HDL"
project set synthesis_tool "XST (VHDL/Verilog)"
project set simulator "ISim (VHDL/Verilog)"
project set "Preferred Language" "VHDL"
project set "Enable Message Filtering" "false"
# add_source_files
# This procedure add the source files that were known to the project at the
# time this script was generated.
proc add_source_files {} {
global myScript
if { ! [ open_project ] } {
return false
puts "$myScript: Adding sources to project..."
xfile add "src/atlys/ack_fifo.xco"
xfile add "src/atlys/dcm1.xco"
xfile add "src/atlys/eth_receiver8.vhd"
xfile add "src/atlys/eth_sender8.vhd"
xfile add "src/atlys/atlys_eth.ucf"
xfile add "src/atlys/atlys_eth_top.vhd"
xfile add "src/cmd_proc.vhd"
xfile add "src/desc_manager_simple.vhd"
xfile add "src/desc_mgr_pkg.vhd"
xfile add "src/dpram_inf.vhd"
xfile add "src/pkg_newcrc32_d8.vhd"
xfile add "src/pkt_ack_pkg.vhd"
xfile add "src/pkt_desc_pkg.vhd"
puts ""
puts "WARNING: project contains IP cores, synthesis will fail if any of the cores require regenerating."
puts ""
# Set the Top Module as well...
project set top "beh" "atlys_eth"
puts "$myScript: project sources reloaded."
} ; # end add_source_files
# create_libraries
# This procedure defines VHDL libraries and associates files with those libraries.
# It is expected to be used when recreating the project. Any libraries defined
# when this script was generated are recreated by this procedure.
proc create_libraries {} {
global myScript
if { ! [ open_project ] } {
return false
puts "$myScript: Creating libraries..."
# must close the project or library definitions aren't saved.
project save
} ; # end create_libraries
# set_process_props
# This procedure sets properties as requested during script generation (either
# all of the properties, or only those modified from their defaults).
proc set_process_props {} {
global myScript
if { ! [ open_project ] } {
return false
puts "$myScript: setting process properties..."
project set "Compiled Library Directory" "\$XILINX/<language>/<simulator>"
project set "Global Optimization" "Speed" -process "Map"
project set "Pack I/O Registers/Latches into IOBs" "For Inputs and Outputs" -process "Map"
project set "Place And Route Mode" "Route Only" -process "Place & Route"
project set "Regenerate Core" "Under Current Project Setting" -process "Regenerate Core"
project set "Filter Files From Compile Order" "true"
project set "Last Applied Goal" "Timing Performance"
project set "Last Applied Strategy" "Performance with Physical Synthesis;/home/xl/Xilinx/14.7/ISE_DS/ISE/spartan6/data/spartan6_performance_with_physicalsynthesis.xds"
project set "Last Unlock Status" "false"
project set "Manual Compile Order" "false"
project set "Placer Effort Level" "High" -process "Map"
project set "Extra Cost Tables" "0" -process "Map"
project set "LUT Combining" "Off" -process "Map"
project set "Combinatorial Logic Optimization" "true" -process "Map"
project set "Starting Placer Cost Table (1-100)" "1" -process "Map"
project set "Power Reduction" "Off" -process "Map"
project set "Report Fastest Path(s) in Each Constraint" "true" -process "Generate Post-Place & Route Static Timing"
project set "Generate Datasheet Section" "true" -process "Generate Post-Place & Route Static Timing"
project set "Generate Timegroups Section" "false" -process "Generate Post-Place & Route Static Timing"
project set "Report Fastest Path(s) in Each Constraint" "true" -process "Generate Post-Map Static Timing"
project set "Generate Datasheet Section" "true" -process "Generate Post-Map Static Timing"
project set "Generate Timegroups Section" "false" -process "Generate Post-Map Static Timing"
project set "Project Description" ""
project set "Property Specification in Project File" "Store all values"
project set "Reduce Control Sets" "Auto" -process "Synthesize - XST"
project set "Shift Register Minimum Size" "2" -process "Synthesize - XST"
project set "Case Implementation Style" "None" -process "Synthesize - XST"
project set "RAM Extraction" "true" -process "Synthesize - XST"
project set "ROM Extraction" "true" -process "Synthesize - XST"
project set "FSM Encoding Algorithm" "Auto" -process "Synthesize - XST"
project set "Optimization Goal" "Speed" -process "Synthesize - XST"
project set "Optimization Effort" "High" -process "Synthesize - XST"
project set "Resource Sharing" "true" -process "Synthesize - XST"
project set "Shift Register Extraction" "true" -process "Synthesize - XST"
project set "User Browsed Strategy Files" "/home/xl/Xilinx/14.7/ISE_DS/ISE/spartan6/data/spartan6_performance_with_physicalsynthesis.xds"
project set "VHDL Source Analysis Standard" "VHDL-93"
project set "Analysis Effort Level" "Standard" -process "Analyze Power Distribution (XPower Analyzer)"
project set "Analysis Effort Level" "Standard" -process "Generate Text Power Report"
project set "Input TCL Command Script" "" -process "Generate Text Power Report"
project set "Load Physical Constraints File" "Default" -process "Analyze Power Distribution (XPower Analyzer)"
project set "Load Physical Constraints File" "Default" -process "Generate Text Power Report"
project set "Load Simulation File" "Default" -process "Analyze Power Distribution (XPower Analyzer)"
project set "Load Simulation File" "Default" -process "Generate Text Power Report"
project set "Load Setting File" "" -process "Analyze Power Distribution (XPower Analyzer)"
project set "Load Setting File" "" -process "Generate Text Power Report"
project set "Setting Output File" "" -process "Generate Text Power Report"
project set "Produce Verbose Report" "false" -process "Generate Text Power Report"
project set "Other XPWR Command Line Options" "" -process "Generate Text Power Report"
project set "Essential Bits" "false" -process "Generate Programming File"
project set "Other Bitgen Command Line Options" "" -process "Generate Programming File"
project set "Maximum Signal Name Length" "20" -process "Generate IBIS Model"
project set "Show All Models" "false" -process "Generate IBIS Model"
project set "VCCAUX Voltage Level" "2.5V" -process "Generate IBIS Model"
project set "Disable Detailed Package Model Insertion" "false" -process "Generate IBIS Model"
project set "Launch SDK after Export" "true" -process "Export Hardware Design To SDK with Bitstream"
project set "Launch SDK after Export" "true" -process "Export Hardware Design To SDK without Bitstream"
project set "Target UCF File Name" "" -process "Back-annotate Pin Locations"
project set "Ignore User Timing Constraints" "false" -process "Map"
project set "Register Ordering" "4" -process "Map"
project set "Use RLOC Constraints" "Yes" -process "Map"
project set "Other Map Command Line Options" "" -process "Map"
project set "Use LOC Constraints" "true" -process "Translate"
project set "Other Ngdbuild Command Line Options" "" -process "Translate"
project set "Use 64-bit PlanAhead on 64-bit Systems" "true" -process "Floorplan Area/IO/Logic (PlanAhead)"
project set "Use 64-bit PlanAhead on 64-bit Systems" "true" -process "I/O Pin Planning (PlanAhead) - Pre-Synthesis"
project set "Use 64-bit PlanAhead on 64-bit Systems" "true" -process "I/O Pin Planning (PlanAhead) - Post-Synthesis"
project set "Ignore User Timing Constraints" "false" -process "Place & Route"
project set "Other Place & Route Command Line Options" "" -process "Place & Route"
project set "Use DSP Block" "Auto" -process "Synthesize - XST"
project set "UserID Code (8 Digit Hexadecimal)" "0xFFFFFFFF" -process "Generate Programming File"
project set "Configuration Pin Done" "Pull Up" -process "Generate Programming File"
project set "Enable External Master Clock" "false" -process "Generate Programming File"
project set "Create ASCII Configuration File" "false" -process "Generate Programming File"
project set "Create Bit File" "true" -process "Generate Programming File"
project set "Enable BitStream Compression" "false" -process "Generate Programming File"
project set "Run Design Rules Checker (DRC)" "true" -process "Generate Programming File"
project set "Enable Cyclic Redundancy Checking (CRC)" "true" -process "Generate Programming File"
project set "Create IEEE 1532 Configuration File" "false" -process "Generate Programming File"
project set "Create ReadBack Data Files" "false" -process "Generate Programming File"
project set "Configuration Pin Program" "Pull Up" -process "Generate Programming File"
project set "Place MultiBoot Settings into Bitstream" "false" -process "Generate Programming File"
project set "Configuration Rate" "2" -process "Generate Programming File"
project set "Set SPI Configuration Bus Width" "1" -process "Generate Programming File"
project set "JTAG Pin TCK" "Pull Up" -process "Generate Programming File"
project set "JTAG Pin TDI" "Pull Up" -process "Generate Programming File"
project set "JTAG Pin TDO" "Pull Up" -process "Generate Programming File"
project set "JTAG Pin TMS" "Pull Up" -process "Generate Programming File"
project set "Unused IOB Pins" "Pull Down" -process "Generate Programming File"
project set "Watchdog Timer Value" "0xFFFF" -process "Generate Programming File"
project set "Security" "Enable Readback and Reconfiguration" -process "Generate Programming File"
project set "FPGA Start-Up Clock" "CCLK" -process "Generate Programming File"
project set "Done (Output Events)" "Default (4)" -process "Generate Programming File"
project set "Drive Done Pin High" "false" -process "Generate Programming File"
project set "Enable Outputs (Output Events)" "Default (5)" -process "Generate Programming File"
project set "Wait for DCM and PLL Lock (Output Events)" "Default (NoWait)" -process "Generate Programming File"
project set "Release Write Enable (Output Events)" "Default (6)" -process "Generate Programming File"
project set "Enable Internal Done Pipe" "true" -process "Generate Programming File"
project set "Drive Awake Pin During Suspend/Wake Sequence" "false" -process "Generate Programming File"
project set "Enable Suspend/Wake Global Set/Reset" "false" -process "Generate Programming File"
project set "Enable Multi-Pin Wake-Up Suspend Mode" "false" -process "Generate Programming File"
project set "GTS Cycle During Suspend/Wakeup Sequence" "4" -process "Generate Programming File"
project set "GWE Cycle During Suspend/Wakeup Sequence" "5" -process "Generate Programming File"
project set "Wakeup Clock" "Startup Clock" -process "Generate Programming File"
project set "Allow Logic Optimization Across Hierarchy" "true" -process "Map"
project set "Maximum Compression" "false" -process "Map"
project set "Generate Detailed MAP Report" "false" -process "Map"
project set "Map Slice Logic into Unused Block RAMs" "false" -process "Map"
project set "Perform Timing-Driven Packing and Placement" "false"
project set "Trim Unconnected Signals" "true" -process "Map"
project set "Create I/O Pads from Ports" "false" -process "Translate"
project set "Macro Search Path" "" -process "Translate"
project set "Netlist Translation Type" "Timestamp" -process "Translate"
project set "User Rules File for Netlister Launcher" "" -process "Translate"
project set "Allow Unexpanded Blocks" "false" -process "Translate"
project set "Allow Unmatched LOC Constraints" "false" -process "Translate"
project set "Allow Unmatched Timing Group Constraints" "false" -process "Translate"
project set "Perform Advanced Analysis" "false" -process "Generate Post-Place & Route Static Timing"
project set "Report Paths by Endpoint" "3" -process "Generate Post-Place & Route Static Timing"
project set "Report Type" "Verbose Report" -process "Generate Post-Place & Route Static Timing"
project set "Number of Paths in Error/Verbose Report" "3" -process "Generate Post-Place & Route Static Timing"
project set "Stamp Timing Model Filename" "" -process "Generate Post-Place & Route Static Timing"
project set "Report Unconstrained Paths" "" -process "Generate Post-Place & Route Static Timing"
project set "Perform Advanced Analysis" "false" -process "Generate Post-Map Static Timing"
project set "Report Paths by Endpoint" "3" -process "Generate Post-Map Static Timing"
project set "Report Type" "Verbose Report" -process "Generate Post-Map Static Timing"
project set "Number of Paths in Error/Verbose Report" "3" -process "Generate Post-Map Static Timing"
project set "Report Unconstrained Paths" "" -process "Generate Post-Map Static Timing"
project set "Number of Clock Buffers" "16" -process "Synthesize - XST"
project set "Add I/O Buffers" "true" -process "Synthesize - XST"
project set "Global Optimization Goal" "AllClockNets" -process "Synthesize - XST"
project set "Keep Hierarchy" "No" -process "Synthesize - XST"
project set "Max Fanout" "100000" -process "Synthesize - XST"
project set "Register Balancing" "Yes" -process "Synthesize - XST"
project set "Register Duplication" "true" -process "Synthesize - XST"
project set "Library for Verilog Sources" "" -process "Synthesize - XST"
project set "Export Results to XPower Estimator" "" -process "Generate Text Power Report"
project set "Asynchronous To Synchronous" "false" -process "Synthesize - XST"
project set "Automatic BRAM Packing" "false" -process "Synthesize - XST"
project set "BRAM Utilization Ratio" "100" -process "Synthesize - XST"
project set "Bus Delimiter" "<>" -process "Synthesize - XST"
project set "Case" "Maintain" -process "Synthesize - XST"
project set "Cores Search Directories" "" -process "Synthesize - XST"
project set "Cross Clock Analysis" "false" -process "Synthesize - XST"
project set "DSP Utilization Ratio" "100" -process "Synthesize - XST"
project set "Equivalent Register Removal" "true" -process "Synthesize - XST"
project set "FSM Style" "LUT" -process "Synthesize - XST"
project set "Generate RTL Schematic" "Yes" -process "Synthesize - XST"
project set "Generics, Parameters" "" -process "Synthesize - XST"
project set "Hierarchy Separator" "/" -process "Synthesize - XST"
project set "HDL INI File" "" -process "Synthesize - XST"
project set "LUT Combining" "Auto" -process "Synthesize - XST"
project set "Library Search Order" "" -process "Synthesize - XST"
project set "Netlist Hierarchy" "Rebuilt" -process "Synthesize - XST"
project set "Optimize Instantiated Primitives" "true" -process "Synthesize - XST"
project set "Pack I/O Registers into IOBs" "Yes" -process "Synthesize - XST"
project set "Power Reduction" "false" -process "Synthesize - XST"
project set "Read Cores" "true" -process "Synthesize - XST"
project set "Use Clock Enable" "Auto" -process "Synthesize - XST"
project set "Use Synchronous Reset" "Auto" -process "Synthesize - XST"
project set "Use Synchronous Set" "Auto" -process "Synthesize - XST"
project set "Use Synthesis Constraints File" "true" -process "Synthesize - XST"
project set "Verilog Include Directories" "" -process "Synthesize - XST"
project set "Verilog Macros" "" -process "Synthesize - XST"
project set "Work Directory" "/home/xl/ise_projects/CBM/fade_10g_3/prj/fade64/xst" -process "Synthesize - XST"
project set "Write Timing Constraints" "false" -process "Synthesize - XST"
project set "Other XST Command Line Options" "" -process "Synthesize - XST"
project set "Timing Mode" "Performance Evaluation" -process "Map"
project set "Generate Asynchronous Delay Report" "false" -process "Place & Route"
project set "Generate Clock Region Report" "false" -process "Place & Route"
project set "Generate Post-Place & Route Power Report" "false" -process "Place & Route"
project set "Generate Post-Place & Route Simulation Model" "false" -process "Place & Route"
project set "Power Reduction" "false" -process "Place & Route"
project set "Place & Route Effort Level (Overall)" "High" -process "Place & Route"
project set "Auto Implementation Compile Order" "true"
project set "Equivalent Register Removal" "true" -process "Map"
project set "Placer Extra Effort" "Normal" -process "Map"
project set "Power Activity File" "" -process "Map"
project set "Register Duplication" "Off" -process "Map"
project set "Generate Constraints Interaction Report" "false" -process "Generate Post-Map Static Timing"
project set "Synthesis Constraints File" "" -process "Synthesize - XST"
project set "RAM Style" "Auto" -process "Synthesize - XST"
project set "Maximum Number of Lines in Report" "1000" -process "Generate Text Power Report"
project set "MultiBoot: Insert IPROG CMD in the Bitfile" "Enable" -process "Generate Programming File"
project set "Output File Name" "atlys_eth" -process "Generate IBIS Model"
project set "Timing Mode" "Performance Evaluation" -process "Place & Route"
project set "Create Binary Configuration File" "false" -process "Generate Programming File"
project set "Enable Debugging of Serial Mode BitStream" "false" -process "Generate Programming File"
project set "Create Logic Allocation File" "false" -process "Generate Programming File"
project set "Create Mask File" "false" -process "Generate Programming File"
project set "Retry Configuration if CRC Error Occurs" "false" -process "Generate Programming File"
project set "MultiBoot: Starting Address for Next Configuration" "0x00000000" -process "Generate Programming File"
project set "MultiBoot: Starting Address for Golden Configuration" "0x00000000" -process "Generate Programming File"
project set "MultiBoot: Use New Mode for Next Configuration" "true" -process "Generate Programming File"
project set "MultiBoot: User-Defined Register for Failsafe Scheme" "0x0000" -process "Generate Programming File"
project set "Setup External Master Clock Division" "1" -process "Generate Programming File"
project set "Allow SelectMAP Pins to Persist" "false" -process "Generate Programming File"
project set "Mask Pins for Multi-Pin Wake-Up Suspend Mode" "0x00" -process "Generate Programming File"
project set "Enable Multi-Threading" "2" -process "Map"
project set "Generate Constraints Interaction Report" "false" -process "Generate Post-Place & Route Static Timing"
project set "Move First Flip-Flop Stage" "true" -process "Synthesize - XST"
project set "Move Last Flip-Flop Stage" "true" -process "Synthesize - XST"
project set "ROM Style" "Auto" -process "Synthesize - XST"
project set "Safe Implementation" "No" -process "Synthesize - XST"
project set "Power Activity File" "" -process "Place & Route"
project set "Extra Effort (Highest PAR level only)" "Normal" -process "Place & Route"
project set "MultiBoot: Next Configuration Mode" "001" -process "Generate Programming File"
project set "Encrypt Bitstream" "false" -process "Generate Programming File"
project set "Enable Multi-Threading" "4" -process "Place & Route"
project set "AES Initial Vector" "" -process "Generate Programming File"
project set "Encrypt Key Select" "BBRAM" -process "Generate Programming File"
project set "AES Key (Hex String)" "" -process "Generate Programming File"
project set "Input Encryption Key File" "" -process "Generate Programming File"
project set "Functional Model Target Language" "VHDL" -process "View HDL Source"
project set "Change Device Speed To" "-2" -process "Generate Post-Place & Route Static Timing"
project set "Change Device Speed To" "-2" -process "Generate Post-Map Static Timing"
puts "$myScript: project property values set."
} ; # end set_process_props
proc main {} {
if { [llength $::argv] == 0 } {
return true
foreach option $::argv {
switch $option {
"show_help" { show_help }
"run_process" { run_process }
"rebuild_project" { rebuild_project }
"set_project_props" { set_project_props }
"add_source_files" { add_source_files }
"create_libraries" { create_libraries }
"set_process_props" { set_process_props }
default { puts "unrecognized option: $option"; show_help }
if { $tcl_interactive } {
} else {
if {[catch {main} result]} {
puts "$myScript failed: $result."
0,0 → 1,7
cd src/atlys
coregen -r -b dcm1.xco -p coregen.cgp
coregen -r -b ack_fifo.xco -p coregen.cgp
xtclsh fade_atlys.tcl rebuild_project
trunk/experimental_jumbo_frames_version/fpga/ Property changes : Added: svn:executable ## -0,0 +1 ## +* \ No newline at end of property

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