
Subversion Repositories ha1588

Compare Revisions

  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 28 to Rev 29
    Reverse comparison

Rev 28 → Rev 29

159,6 → 159,30
reg [31:0] int_data_d1;
reg int_valid_d1;
reg int_sop_d1;
reg int_eop_d1;
reg [ 1:0] int_mod_d1;
always @(posedge rst or posedge gmii_clk) begin
if (rst) begin
int_data_d1 <= 32'h00000000;
int_valid_d1 <= 1'b0;
int_sop_d1 <= 1'b0;
int_eop_d1 <= 1'b0;
int_mod_d1 <= 2'b00;
else begin
if (int_valid) begin
int_data_d1 <= int_data;
int_mod_d1 <= int_mod;
int_valid_d1 <= int_valid;
int_sop_d1 <= int_sop;
int_eop_d1 <= int_eop;
// ptp packet parser here
// works at 1/4 gmii_clk frequency, needs multicycle timing constraint
wire ptp_found;
166,11 → 190,11
ptp_parser parser(
177,7 → 201,7
// ptp time stamp dcfifo
wire q_wr_clk = gmii_clk;
wire q_wr_en = ptp_found;
wire q_wr_en = ptp_found && int_eop_d1;
wire [63:0] q_wr_data = {ptp_infor, 8'd0, gmii_time_stamp}; // 20+8+36 bit
wire [3:0] q_wrusedw;
wire [3:0] q_rdusedw;
13,29 → 13,18
reg [31:0] int_data_d1;
reg int_valid_d1;
reg int_sop_d1;
reg int_eop_d1;
reg [ 1:0] int_mod_d1;
always @(posedge rst or posedge clk) begin
if (rst) begin
int_data_d1 <= 32'h00000000;
int_valid_d1 <= 1'b0;
int_sop_d1 <= 1'b0;
int_eop_d1 <= 1'b0;
int_mod_d1 <= 2'b00;
else begin
if (int_valid) begin
int_data_d1 <= int_data;
int_mod_d1 <= int_mod;
int_valid_d1 <= int_valid;
int_sop_d1 <= int_sop;
int_eop_d1 <= int_eop;
// packet parser: counter
reg [ 9:0] int_cnt, bypass_ipv4_cnt, bypass_ipv6_cnt, bypass_udp_cnt, ptp_cnt;
reg bypass_vlan, ptp_l2, bypass_ipv4, bypass_ipv6, found_udp, bypass_udp, ptp_l4, ptp_event;
reg [ 3:0] ptp_msgid;
48,28 → 37,34
bypass_udp_cnt <= 10'd0;
else begin
if (int_valid_d1 && int_sop_d1)
if (int_valid && int_sop)
int_cnt <= 10'd0;
else if (int_valid_d1)
else if (int_valid)
int_cnt <= int_cnt + 10'd1 - bypass_vlan - (bypass_ipv4 || bypass_ipv6 || bypass_udp);
if (int_valid_d1 && int_sop_d1)
if (int_valid && int_sop)
bypass_ipv4_cnt <= 10'd0;
else if (int_valid_d1 && bypass_ipv4)
else if (int_valid && bypass_ipv4)
bypass_ipv4_cnt <= bypass_ipv4_cnt + 10'd1;
if (int_valid_d1 && int_sop_d1)
if (int_valid && int_sop)
bypass_ipv6_cnt <= 10'd0;
else if (int_valid_d1 && bypass_ipv6)
else if (int_valid && bypass_ipv6)
bypass_ipv6_cnt <= bypass_ipv6_cnt + 10'd1;
if (int_valid_d1 && int_sop_d1)
if (int_valid && int_sop)
bypass_udp_cnt <= 10'd0;
else if (int_valid_d1 && bypass_udp)
else if (int_valid && bypass_udp)
bypass_udp_cnt <= bypass_udp_cnt + 10'd1;
if (int_valid && int_sop)
ptp_cnt <= 10'd0;
else if (int_valid && (ptp_l2 || (bypass_udp_cnt>=10'd2 && ptp_l4)))
ptp_cnt <= ptp_cnt + 10'd1;
// packet parser: comparator
always @(posedge rst or posedge clk) begin
if (rst) begin
bypass_vlan <= 1'b0;
81,7 → 76,7
ptp_l4 <= 1'b0;
ptp_event <= 1'b0;
else if (int_valid_d1 && int_sop_d1) begin
else if (int_valid && int_sop) begin
bypass_vlan <= 1'b0;
bypass_ipv4 <= 1'b0;
bypass_ipv6 <= 1'b0;
93,116 → 88,102
else begin
// bypass vlan
// ether_type == cvlan
if (int_valid_d1 && int_cnt==10'd3 && int_data_d1[31:16]==16'h8100)
if (int_valid && int_cnt==10'd3 && int_data[31:16]==16'h8100) // ether_type == cvlan
bypass_vlan <= 1'b1;
// ether_type == svlan
else if (int_valid_d1 && int_cnt==10'd3 && int_data_d1[31:16]==16'h9100)
else if (int_valid && int_cnt==10'd3 && int_data[31:16]==16'h9100) // ether_type == svlan
bypass_vlan <= 1'b1;
else if (int_valid_d1 && int_cnt==10'd4 && int_data_d1[31:16]==16'h8100 && bypass_vlan)
else if (int_valid && int_cnt==10'd4 && int_data[31:16]==16'h8100 && bypass_vlan) // svlan_type == cvlan
bypass_vlan <= 1'b1;
else if (int_valid_d1 && bypass_vlan)
else if (int_valid && bypass_vlan)
bypass_vlan <= 1'b0;
// bypass ipv4
// ether_type == ip, ip_version == 4
if (int_valid_d1 && (int_cnt==10'd3 || bypass_vlan && int_cnt==10'd4) && bypass_ipv4_cnt==10'd0 &&
int_data_d1[31:16]==16'h0800 && int_data_d1[15:12]==4'h4)
if (int_valid && (int_cnt==10'd3 || bypass_vlan && int_cnt==10'd4) && bypass_ipv4_cnt==10'd0 &&
int_data[31:16]==16'h0800 && int_data[15:12]==4'h4) // ether_type == ipv4, ip_version == 4
bypass_ipv4 <= 1'b1;
else if (int_valid_d1 && bypass_ipv4_cnt==10'd4)
else if (int_valid && bypass_ipv4_cnt==10'd4)
bypass_ipv4 <= 1'b0;
// bypass ipv6
// ether_type == ip, ip_version == 6
if (int_valid_d1 && (int_cnt==10'd3 || bypass_vlan && int_cnt==10'd4) && bypass_ipv6_cnt==10'd0 &&
int_data_d1[31:16]==16'h86dd && int_data_d1[15:12]==4'h6)
if (int_valid && (int_cnt==10'd3 || bypass_vlan && int_cnt==10'd4) && bypass_ipv6_cnt==10'd0 &&
int_data[31:16]==16'h86dd && int_data[15:12]==4'h6) // ether_type == ipv6, ip_version == 6
bypass_ipv6 <= 1'b1;
else if (int_valid_d1 && bypass_ipv6_cnt==10'd9)
else if (int_valid && bypass_ipv6_cnt==10'd9)
bypass_ipv6 <= 1'b0;
// check if it is UDP
// ipv4_protocol == udp
if (int_valid_d1 && bypass_ipv4_cnt==10'd1 && int_data_d1[ 7: 0]== 8'h11)
if (int_valid && bypass_ipv4_cnt==10'd1 && int_data[ 7: 0]== 8'h11) // ipv4_protocol == udp
found_udp <= 1'b1;
// ipv6_protocol == udp
else if (int_valid_d1 && bypass_ipv6_cnt==10'd1 && int_data_d1[31:24]== 8'h11)
else if (int_valid && bypass_ipv6_cnt==10'd1 && int_data[31:24]== 8'h11) // ipv6_protocol == udp
found_udp <= 1'b1;
// bypass udp
// ipv4_udp
if (int_valid_d1 && bypass_ipv4_cnt==10'd4 && bypass_udp_cnt==10'd0 && found_udp)
if (int_valid && bypass_ipv4_cnt==10'd4 && bypass_udp_cnt==10'd0 && found_udp) // ipv4_udp
bypass_udp <= 1'b1;
else if (int_valid_d1 && bypass_udp_cnt==10'd2)
bypass_udp <= 1'b0;
// ipv6_udp
else if (int_valid_d1 && bypass_ipv6_cnt==10'd9 && bypass_udp_cnt==10'd0 && found_udp)
else if (int_valid && bypass_ipv6_cnt==10'd9 && bypass_udp_cnt==10'd0 && found_udp) // ipv6_udp
bypass_udp <= 1'b1;
else if (int_valid_d1 && bypass_udp_cnt==10'd2)
else if (int_valid && bypass_udp_cnt==10'd2)
bypass_udp <= 1'b0;
// check if it is L2 PTP
// ether_type == ptp
if (int_valid_d1 && (int_cnt==10'd3 || bypass_vlan && int_cnt==10'd4) && int_data_d1[31:16]==16'h88F7)
if (int_valid && (int_cnt==10'd3 || bypass_vlan && int_cnt==10'd4) && int_data[31:16]==16'h88F7) // ether_type == ptp
ptp_l2 <= 1'b1;
// check if it is L4 PTP
// udp_dest_port == ptp_event
if (int_valid_d1 && bypass_udp_cnt==10'd0 && bypass_udp &&
(int_data_d1[31:16]==16'h013f || int_data_d1[31:16]==16'h0140))
if (int_valid && bypass_udp_cnt==10'd0 && bypass_udp &&
(int_data[31:16]==16'h013f || int_data[31:16]==16'h0140)) // udp_dest_port == ptp_event || ptp_general
ptp_l4 <= 1'b1;
// check if it is PTP Event message
if (int_valid_d1 && (int_cnt==10'd3 || bypass_vlan && int_cnt==10'd4) && int_data_d1[31:16]==16'h88F7 &&
(int_data_d1[11: 8]== 4'h0 || int_data_d1[11:8]==4'h2))
// ptp_message_id == sync || delay_req
if (int_valid && (int_cnt==10'd3 || bypass_vlan && int_cnt==10'd4) && int_data[31:16]==16'h88F7 &&
(int_data[11: 8]== 4'h0 || int_data[11:8]==4'h2)) // ptp_message_id == sync || delay_req
ptp_event <= 1'b1;
else if (int_valid_d1 && (int_cnt==10'd4 || bypass_vlan && int_cnt==10'd5) && bypass_udp_cnt==10'd1 && ptp_l4 &&
(int_data_d1[11: 8]== 4'h0 || int_data_d1[11:8]==4'h2))
// ptp_message_id == sync || delay_req
else if (int_valid && (int_cnt==10'd4 || bypass_vlan && int_cnt==10'd5) && bypass_udp_cnt==10'd1 && ptp_l4 &&
(int_data[11: 8]== 4'h0 || int_data[11:8]==4'h2)) // ptp_message_id == sync || delay_req
ptp_event <= 1'b1;
// ptp message
reg [31:0] ptp_data;
always @(posedge rst or posedge clk) begin
if (rst) begin
ptp_data <= 32'd0;
ptp_msgid <= 4'd0;
ptp_seqid <= 16'd0;
else if (int_valid_d1 && int_sop_d1) begin
else if (int_valid && int_sop) begin
ptp_data <= 32'd0;
ptp_msgid <= 4'd0;
ptp_seqid <= 16'd0;
else begin
// get PTP identification information as additional information to Timestamp
// ptp message body
if (int_valid && (ptp_l2 || (bypass_udp_cnt>=10'd2 && ptp_l4)))
ptp_data <= {int_data_d1[15:0], int_data[31:16]};
// message id
if (int_valid_d1 && int_cnt==10'd3 && int_data_d1[31:16]==16'h88F7)
ptp_msgid <= int_data_d1[11: 8];
else if (int_valid_d1 && int_cnt==10'd4 && bypass_udp_cnt==10'd1 && ptp_l4)
ptp_msgid <= int_data_d1[11: 8];
if (int_valid && ptp_cnt==10'd1)
ptp_msgid <= ptp_data[27:24];
// sequence id
if (int_valid_d1 && int_cnt==10'd11 && ptp_l2)
ptp_seqid <= int_data_d1[31:16];
else if (int_valid_d1 && int_cnt==10'd10 && ptp_l4)
ptp_seqid <= int_data_d1[31:16];
if (int_valid && ptp_cnt==10'd8)
ptp_seqid <= ptp_data[15:0];
// parser output
always @(posedge rst or posedge clk) begin
if (rst) begin
ptp_found <= 1'b0;
ptp_infor <= 20'd0;
else if (int_valid_d1 && int_sop_d1) begin
else if (int_valid && int_sop) begin
ptp_found <= 1'b0;
ptp_infor <= 20'd0;
else if (int_valid_d1 && int_eop_d1) begin
else if (int_valid && ptp_cnt==10'd9) begin
ptp_found <= ptp_event;
ptp_infor <= {ptp_seqid, ptp_msgid}; // 16+4
ptp_infor <= {ptp_msgid, ptp_seqid}; // 4+16
else begin
ptp_found <= 1'b0;
ptp_infor <= 20'd0;
60,4 → 60,6
set_global_assignment -name TIMEQUEST_MULTICORNER_ANALYSIS ON
set_global_assignment -name SYNCHRONIZER_IDENTIFICATION AUTO
set_global_assignment -name TIMEQUEST_DO_CCPP_REMOVAL ON
set_global_assignment -name SYNTH_TIMING_DRIVEN_SYNTHESIS ON
set_instance_assignment -name PARTITION_HIERARCHY root_partition -to | -section_id Top
151,6 → 151,10
# Set Multicycle Path
set_multicycle_path -from [get_registers {tsu:u_rx_tsu|ptp_parser:parser|*}] -to [get_registers {tsu:u_rx_tsu|ptp_parser:parser|*}] -setup -end 4
set_multicycle_path -from [get_registers {tsu:u_rx_tsu|ptp_parser:parser|*}] -to [get_registers {tsu:u_rx_tsu|ptp_parser:parser|*}] -hold -end 3
set_multicycle_path -from [get_registers {tsu:u_tx_tsu|ptp_parser:parser|*}] -to [get_registers {tsu:u_tx_tsu|ptp_parser:parser|*}] -setup -end 4
set_multicycle_path -from [get_registers {tsu:u_tx_tsu|ptp_parser:parser|*}] -to [get_registers {tsu:u_tx_tsu|ptp_parser:parser|*}] -hold -end 3
36,20 → 36,32
add wave -noupdate -divider {New Divider}
add wave -noupdate -format Logic /ha1588_tb/PTP_HA_DUT/u_rx_tsu/rst
add wave -noupdate -format Logic /ha1588_tb/PTP_HA_DUT/u_rx_tsu/q_rst
add wave -noupdate -format Logic /ha1588_tb/PTP_HA_DUT/u_rx_tsu/ptp_found
add wave -noupdate -format Literal /ha1588_tb/PTP_HA_DUT/u_rx_tsu/ptp_infor
add wave -noupdate -format Logic /ha1588_tb/PTP_HA_DUT/u_rx_tsu/q_wr_clk
add wave -noupdate -format Logic /ha1588_tb/PTP_HA_DUT/u_rx_tsu/q_wr_en
add wave -noupdate -format Literal /ha1588_tb/PTP_HA_DUT/u_rx_tsu/q_wr_data
add wave -noupdate -format Literal /ha1588_tb/PTP_HA_DUT/u_rx_tsu/q_wrusedw
add wave -noupdate -format Logic /ha1588_tb/PTP_HA_DUT/u_rx_tsu/q_rd_clk
add wave -noupdate -format Logic /ha1588_tb/PTP_HA_DUT/u_rx_tsu/q_rd_en
add wave -noupdate -format Literal /ha1588_tb/PTP_HA_DUT/u_rx_tsu/q_rd_data
add wave -noupdate -format Literal /ha1588_tb/PTP_HA_DUT/u_rx_tsu/q_rdusedw
add wave -noupdate -format Literal /ha1588_tb/PTP_HA_DUT/u_rgs/rx_q_data_int
add wave -noupdate -format Literal -radix unsigned /ha1588_tb/NIC_DRV_RX_BFM/num_rx
add wave -noupdate -divider {New Divider}
add wave -noupdate -format Logic /ha1588_tb/PTP_HA_DUT/u_tx_tsu/rst
add wave -noupdate -format Logic /ha1588_tb/PTP_HA_DUT/u_tx_tsu/q_rst
add wave -noupdate -format Logic /ha1588_tb/PTP_HA_DUT/u_tx_tsu/ptp_found
add wave -noupdate -format Literal /ha1588_tb/PTP_HA_DUT/u_tx_tsu/ptp_infor
add wave -noupdate -format Logic /ha1588_tb/PTP_HA_DUT/u_tx_tsu/q_wr_clk
add wave -noupdate -format Logic /ha1588_tb/PTP_HA_DUT/u_tx_tsu/q_wr_en
add wave -noupdate -format Literal /ha1588_tb/PTP_HA_DUT/u_tx_tsu/q_wr_data
add wave -noupdate -format Literal /ha1588_tb/PTP_HA_DUT/u_tx_tsu/q_wrusedw
add wave -noupdate -format Logic /ha1588_tb/PTP_HA_DUT/u_tx_tsu/q_rd_clk
add wave -noupdate -format Logic /ha1588_tb/PTP_HA_DUT/u_tx_tsu/q_rd_en
add wave -noupdate -format Literal /ha1588_tb/PTP_HA_DUT/u_tx_tsu/q_rd_data
add wave -noupdate -format Literal /ha1588_tb/PTP_HA_DUT/u_tx_tsu/q_rdusedw
add wave -noupdate -format Literal /ha1588_tb/PTP_HA_DUT/u_rgs/tx_q_data_int
add wave -noupdate -format Literal -radix unsigned /ha1588_tb/NIC_DRV_TX_BFM/num_tx
add wave -noupdate -divider {New Divider}
TreeUpdate [SetDefaultTree]
WaveRestoreCursors {{Cursor 1} {3718000 ps} 0}
WaveRestoreCursors {{Cursor 1} {18255448 ps} 0}
configure wave -namecolwidth 333
configure wave -valuecolwidth 100
configure wave -justifyvalue left
64,4 → 76,4
configure wave -timeline 0
configure wave -timelineunits ns
WaveRestoreZoom {0 ps} {2026775 ps}
WaveRestoreZoom {18099011 ps} {18680581 ps}
25,11 → 25,11
add wave -noupdate -format Literal -radix unsigned /tsu_queue_tb/DUT_RX/parser/bypass_ipv6_cnt
add wave -noupdate -format Literal -radix unsigned /tsu_queue_tb/DUT_RX/parser/bypass_udp_cnt
add wave -noupdate -divider {New Divider}
add wave -noupdate -format Logic /tsu_queue_tb/DUT_RX/parser/int_valid_d1
add wave -noupdate -format Logic /tsu_queue_tb/DUT_RX/parser/int_sop_d1
add wave -noupdate -format Logic /tsu_queue_tb/DUT_RX/parser/int_eop_d1
add wave -noupdate -format Literal /tsu_queue_tb/DUT_RX/parser/int_mod_d1
add wave -noupdate -format Literal /tsu_queue_tb/DUT_RX/parser/int_data_d1
add wave -noupdate -format Logic /tsu_queue_tb/DUT_RX/int_valid_d1
add wave -noupdate -format Logic /tsu_queue_tb/DUT_RX/int_sop_d1
add wave -noupdate -format Logic /tsu_queue_tb/DUT_RX/int_eop_d1
add wave -noupdate -format Literal /tsu_queue_tb/DUT_RX/int_mod_d1
add wave -noupdate -format Literal /tsu_queue_tb/DUT_RX/int_data_d1
add wave -noupdate -divider {New Divider}
add wave -noupdate -format Logic /tsu_queue_tb/DUT_RX/parser/bypass_vlan
add wave -noupdate -format Logic /tsu_queue_tb/DUT_RX/parser/bypass_ipv4
38,16 → 38,24
add wave -noupdate -format Logic /tsu_queue_tb/DUT_RX/parser/ptp_l2
add wave -noupdate -format Logic /tsu_queue_tb/DUT_RX/parser/ptp_l4
add wave -noupdate -format Logic /tsu_queue_tb/DUT_RX/parser/ptp_event
add wave -noupdate -divider {New Divider}
add wave -noupdate -format Literal /tsu_queue_tb/DUT_RX/parser/int_data_d1
add wave -noupdate -format Literal -radix unsigned /tsu_queue_tb/DUT_RX/parser/ptp_cnt
add wave -noupdate -format Literal /tsu_queue_tb/DUT_RX/parser/ptp_data
add wave -noupdate -format Literal /tsu_queue_tb/DUT_RX/parser/ptp_msgid
add wave -noupdate -format Literal /tsu_queue_tb/DUT_RX/parser/ptp_seqid
add wave -noupdate -divider {New Divider}
add wave -noupdate -format Logic /tsu_queue_tb/DUT_RX/parser/ptp_found
add wave -noupdate -format Literal /tsu_queue_tb/DUT_RX/parser/ptp_infor
add wave -noupdate -format Logic /tsu_queue_tb/DUT_RX/q_wr_clk
add wave -noupdate -format Logic /tsu_queue_tb/DUT_RX/q_wr_en
add wave -noupdate -format Literal /tsu_queue_tb/DUT_RX/q_wr_data
add wave -noupdate -format Literal /tsu_queue_tb/DUT_RX/q_wrusedw
add wave -noupdate -divider {New Divider}
add wave -noupdate -format Literal -radix unsigned /tsu_queue_tb/BFM_RX/num_rx
add wave -noupdate -divider {New Divider}
TreeUpdate [SetDefaultTree]
WaveRestoreCursors {{Cursor 1} {341698 ps} 0}
WaveRestoreCursors {{Cursor 1} {76206000 ps} 0}
configure wave -namecolwidth 188
configure wave -valuecolwidth 165
configure wave -justifyvalue left
62,4 → 70,4
configure wave -timeline 0
configure wave -timelineunits ns
WaveRestoreZoom {0 ps} {247010400 ps}
WaveRestoreZoom {0 ps} {317931600 ps}

powered by: WebSVN 2.1.0

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