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  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 132 to Rev 133
    Reverse comparison

Rev 132 → Rev 133

0,0 → 1,497
-- sdram_controller.vhdl -- Interface for 16-bit SDRAM (non-DDR).
-- This module has been tested with a PSC A2V64S40 chip (equivalent to ISSI's
-- IS42S16400). Many parameters are still hardcoded (see below) including the
-- number of banks.
-- To Be Done:
-- 1) CL and BL are hardcoded, generics are ignored.
-- 2) Column width is partially hardcoded (see 'column' signal).
-- 3) Auto-refresh logic is missing.
-- 4) No. of banks is hardcoded to 4.
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.std_logic_arith.all;
use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;
package sdram_pkg is
-- Record with all SDRAM control lines; all are outputs, data lines are excluded
type sdram_control_t is
addr : std_logic_vector(11 downto 0);
ba : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
ldqm : std_logic;
udqm : std_logic;
ras_n : std_logic;
cas_n : std_logic;
cke : std_logic;
we_n : std_logic;
cs_n : std_logic;
end record sdram_control_t;
type sdram_command_t is (
end package sdram_pkg;
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.std_logic_arith.all;
use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;
use work.sdram_pkg.all;
entity sdram_controller is
generic (
CLOCK_PERIOD : integer := 20; -- Tclk in ns; for reset delay counters
LATENCY : integer := 2; -- CAS latency in clock cycles
BURST : integer := 8; -- Rd Burst Length in clock cycles
ROW_WIDTH : integer := 12;
COL_WIDTH : integer := 8
port (
clk : in std_logic;
reset : in std_logic;
-- ***** Cache interface
data_rd : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
data_wr : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
data_addr : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 2);
enable : in std_logic;
byte_we : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
rd : in std_logic;
wr : in std_logic;
busy : out std_logic;
done : out std_logic;
rd_data_valid : out std_logic;
burst_addr : out std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); --@note1
-- ***** DRAM interface pins (Tristate buffers not included)
dram_control : out sdram_control_t;
dram_clk : out std_logic;
dram_dq_out : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
dram_dq_in : in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0)
end sdram_controller;
architecture simple of sdram_controller is
type sdram_state_t is (
--**** Chip initialization states
init_reset, -- initial state
init_wait_for_clock, -- waiting for power & clock to stabilize
init_wait_for_chip, -- waiting for SDRAM chip to reset
init_precharge_all, -- Issue PALL
init_wait_trp, -- Wait for command latency
init_autorefresh, -- Issue SELF command
init_wait_trfc_0, -- Wait for command latency
init_wait_trfc_1, -- Wait for command latency
init_wait_trfc_2, -- Wait for command latency
init_wait_trfc_3, -- Wait for command latency
init_load_mode_reg, -- Issue LMR command
init_wait_tmrd_0, -- Wait for command latency
init_wait_tmrd_1, -- Wait for command latency
init_wait_tmrd_2, -- Wait for command latency
--**** States for write operation *******************************
-- Activate target row
write_00_act, -- Issue ACT command
write_01_act_wait, -- Wait for command latency
write_02_act_wait, -- Wait for command latency
-- Actual write cycles
write_03_whi, -- Write high halfword
write_04_wlo, -- Write low halfword, with autoprecharge
write_05_pre_wait, -- Wait for autoprecharge delay (tRP)
write_06_pre_wait, --
write_07_pre_wait, --
idle, -- Waiting for r/w request
--**** states for read operation ********************************
-- Activate target row
read_00_act, -- Issue ACT command
read_01_act_wait, -- Wait for command latency
read_02_act_wait, -- Wait for command latency
-- Read burst
read_03_rd, -- Issue READ command with autoprecharge
read_04_rd_wait, -- Wait for command latency
read_05_rd_wait, -- Wait for command latency
read_06_rd_w0hi, -- On bus: Word 0, HI
read_07_rd_w0lo, -- On bus: Word 0, LO
read_08_rd_w1hi, -- On bus: Word 1, HI
read_09_rd_w1lo, -- On bus: Word 1, LO
read_10_rd_w2hi, -- On bus: Word 2, HI
read_11_rd_w2lo, -- On bus: Word 2, LO
read_12_rd_w3hi, -- On bus: Word 3, HI
read_13_rd_w3lo, -- On bus: Word 3, LO
signal ps, ns : sdram_state_t;
signal ctr_pause : integer range 0 to 16383;
signal end_pause : std_logic;
signal ddr_command : sdram_command_t;
signal command_code : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
signal end_autorefresh_loop : std_logic;
signal ctr_auto_refresh : integer range 0 to 15;
signal byte_we_reg : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); --
signal data_wr_reg : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); --
signal data_rd_reg : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
signal addr_reg : std_logic_vector(31 downto 2);
signal load_hw_hi : std_logic;
signal load_hw_lo : std_logic;
signal row : std_logic_vector(11 downto 0);
signal column : std_logic_vector(9 downto 0);
signal bank : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
signal halfword_addr : std_logic;
if clk'event and clk='1' then
if reset='1' then
ps <= init_reset;
ps <= ns;
end if;
end if;
end process state_machine_reg;
process(ps,end_pause,end_autorefresh_loop, rd, byte_we, enable)
case ps is
when init_reset =>
ns <= init_wait_for_clock;
when init_wait_for_clock =>
if end_pause='1' then
ns <= init_wait_for_chip;
ns <= ps;
end if;
when init_wait_for_chip =>
if end_pause='1' then
ns <= init_precharge_all;
ns <= ps;
end if;
when init_precharge_all =>
ns <= init_wait_trp;
when init_wait_trp =>
ns <= init_autorefresh;
when init_autorefresh =>
ns <= init_wait_trfc_0;
when init_wait_trfc_0 =>
ns <= init_wait_trfc_1;
when init_wait_trfc_1 =>
ns <= init_wait_trfc_2;
when init_wait_trfc_2 =>
ns <= init_wait_trfc_3;
when init_wait_trfc_3 =>
ns <= init_load_mode_reg;
when init_load_mode_reg =>
ns <= init_wait_tmrd_0;
when init_wait_tmrd_0 =>
ns <= init_wait_tmrd_1;
when init_wait_tmrd_1 =>
ns <= init_wait_tmrd_2;
when init_wait_tmrd_2 =>
ns <= idle;
when idle =>
if rd='1' then
ns <= read_00_act;
elsif wr='1' then
ns <= write_00_act;
ns <= ps;
end if;
when write_00_act =>
ns <= write_01_act_wait;
when write_01_act_wait =>
ns <= write_02_act_wait;
when write_02_act_wait =>
ns <= write_03_whi;
when write_03_whi =>
ns <= write_04_wlo;
when write_04_wlo =>
ns <= write_05_pre_wait;
when write_05_pre_wait =>
ns <= write_06_pre_wait;
when write_06_pre_wait =>
ns <= write_07_pre_wait;
when write_07_pre_wait =>
ns <= idle;
when read_00_act =>
ns <= read_01_act_wait;
when read_01_act_wait =>
ns <= read_02_act_wait;
when read_02_act_wait =>
ns <= read_03_rd;
when read_03_rd =>
ns <= read_04_rd_wait;
when read_04_rd_wait => -- FIXME RD burst latency hardcoded
--ns <= read_05_rd_wait;
ns <= read_06_rd_w0hi;
when read_05_rd_wait =>
ns <= read_06_rd_w0hi;
when read_06_rd_w0hi =>
ns <= read_07_rd_w0lo;
when read_07_rd_w0lo =>
ns <= read_08_rd_w1hi;
when read_08_rd_w1hi =>
ns <= read_09_rd_w1lo;
when read_09_rd_w1lo =>
ns <= read_10_rd_w2hi;
when read_10_rd_w2hi =>
ns <= read_11_rd_w2lo;
when read_11_rd_w2lo =>
ns <= read_12_rd_w3hi;
when read_12_rd_w3hi =>
ns <= read_13_rd_w3lo;
when read_13_rd_w3lo =>
ns <= idle;
when void =>
ns <= void;
when others =>
ns <= init_reset;
end case;
end process state_machine_transitions;
with ps select ddr_command <=
cmd_precharge when init_precharge_all,
cmd_auto_refresh when init_autorefresh,
cmd_load_mode_register when init_load_mode_reg,
cmd_active when read_00_act,
cmd_active when write_00_act,
cmd_write when write_03_whi,
cmd_writea when write_04_wlo,
cmd_reada when read_03_rd,
cmd_nop when others;
-- assert 'busy' when the controller is idle
with ps select busy <=
'0' when idle,
'1' when others;
-- assert 'done' for 1 cycle when current operation ends, before clearing 'busy'
with ps select done <=
'1' when init_wait_tmrd_2,
'1' when read_13_rd_w3lo,
'1' when write_07_pre_wait,
'0' when others;
--%%%%% Counters %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
if clk'event and clk='1' then
if ps=init_reset then
ctr_pause <= 20000 / CLOCK_PERIOD; -- 20 us -- clock & vcc stable
elsif ps=init_wait_for_clock then
if ctr_pause/=0 then
ctr_pause <= ctr_pause - 1;
ctr_pause <= 1000 / CLOCK_PERIOD; -- 1 us -- chip reset
end if;
elsif ps=init_wait_for_chip then
if ctr_pause/=0 then
ctr_pause <= ctr_pause - 1;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process pause_counter;
end_pause <= '1' when ctr_pause=0 else '0';
-- FIXME auto-refresh control logic missing
-- if clk'event and clk='1' then
-- if ps=init_reset then
-- ctr_auto_refresh <= 10;
-- else
-- if ps=init_wait_trfc_3 and ctr_auto_refresh /= 0 then
-- ctr_auto_refresh <= ctr_auto_refresh - 1;
-- end if;
-- end if;
-- end if;
--end process init_auto_refresh_counter;
--end_autorefresh_loop <= '1' when ctr_auto_refresh = 0 else '0';
--%%%%% Interface registers %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
if clk'event and clk='1' then
if ps=idle then
if rd='1' or byte_we/="0000" then
data_wr_reg <= data_wr;
addr_reg <= data_addr;
byte_we_reg <= byte_we;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process cpu_interface_registers;
halfword_addr <= '1' when ps=write_04_wlo else '0';
-- FIXME zero-padding is not parametrized
column <= "00" & addr_reg(COL_WIDTH downto 2) & halfword_addr;
row <= addr_reg(COL_WIDTH+ROW_WIDTH downto COL_WIDTH+1);
bank <= addr_reg(COL_WIDTH+ROW_WIDTH+2 downto COL_WIDTH+ROW_WIDTH+1);
--%%%%% Control lines %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
with ddr_command select command_code <=
"1111" when cmd_inhibit,
"0111" when cmd_nop,
"0011" when cmd_active,
"0101" when cmd_read,
"0101" when cmd_reada,
"0100" when cmd_write,
"0100" when cmd_writea,
"0110" when cmd_burst_terminate,
"0010" when cmd_precharge,
"0001" when cmd_self_refresh,
"0001" when cmd_auto_refresh,
"0000" when cmd_load_mode_register,
"1111" when others;
dram_control.cs_n <= command_code(3);
dram_control.ras_n <= command_code(2);
dram_control.cas_n <= command_code(1);
dram_control.we_n <= command_code(0);
with ps select dram_control.cke <=
'0' when init_reset,
'1' when others;
-- FIXME hardcoded BL and CL
with ps select dram_control.addr <=
"001000100011" when init_load_mode_reg, -- CL = 2, BL = 8
"010000000000" when init_precharge_all, -- A10=1 => Precharge ALL banks
row when read_00_act,
row when write_00_act,
"00" & column when write_03_whi,
"01" & column when write_04_wlo,
"00" & column when read_03_rd,
"010000000000" when others; <= bank;
dram_clk <= clk;
-- DQM[0] is '1' when the byte is NOT to be written to
with ps select dram_control.ldqm <=
not byte_we_reg(2) when write_03_whi,
not byte_we_reg(0) when write_04_wlo,
'0' when others;
-- DQM[1] is '1' when the byte is NOT to be written to
with ps select dram_control.udqm <=
not byte_we_reg(3) when write_03_whi,
not byte_we_reg(1) when write_04_wlo,
'0' when others;
with ps select dram_dq_out <=
data_wr_reg(31 downto 16) when write_03_whi,
data_wr_reg(15 downto 0) when others;
data_rd <= data_rd_reg;
with ps select load_hw_hi <=
'1' when read_06_rd_w0hi,
'1' when read_08_rd_w1hi,
'1' when read_10_rd_w2hi,
'1' when read_12_rd_w3hi,
'0' when others;
with ps select load_hw_lo <=
'1' when read_07_rd_w0lo,
'1' when read_09_rd_w1lo,
'1' when read_11_rd_w2lo,
'1' when read_13_rd_w3lo,
'0' when others;
if clk'event and clk='1' then
-- NOTE: no need to reset this FF, will always be valid when read
rd_data_valid <= load_hw_lo;
end if;
end process data_valid_ff;
-- Data RD register is split in two 16-bit halves which are loaded separately
if clk'event and clk='1' then
if load_hw_hi='1' then
data_rd_reg(31 downto 16) <= dram_dq_in;
end if;
if load_hw_lo='1' then
data_rd_reg(15 downto 0) <= dram_dq_in;
end if;
end if;
end process data_read_register;
end simple;

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