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  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 113 to Rev 114
    Reverse comparison

Rev 113 → Rev 114

0,0 → 1,1177
-- mips_cache.vhdl -- cache module
-- This module contains both MIPS caches (I-Cache and D-Cache) combined with
-- all the glue logic used to decode and interface external memories and
-- devices, both synchronous and asynchronous.
-- Everything that goes into or comes from the CPU passes through this module.
-- The D-Cache is unimplemented in this version, and uses the logic from the
-- stub cache module.
-- Main cache parameters:
-- I-Cache: 256 4-word lines, direct mapped.
-- D-Cache: 256 4-word lines, direct mapped, write-through (UNIMPLEMENTED YET)
-- The cache works mostly like the R3000 caches, except for the following
-- traits:
-- 1.- When bit CP0[12].17='0' (reset value) the cache is 'disabled'. In this
-- state, ALL memory reads miss the cache and force a line refill -- even
-- succesive reads from the same line will refill the entire line. This
-- simplifies the cache logic a lot but slows uncached code a lot. Which means
-- you should initialize the cache and enable it ASAP after reset.
-- 2.- When bits CP0[12].17:16 = "01", the CPU can invalidate a cache line N
-- by writing word N to ANY address. The address will be executed as normal AND
-- the cache controller will invalidate I-Cache line N.
-- Note that the standard behavior for bits 17 and 16 of the SR is not
-- implemented at all -- no cache swapping, etc.
-- 3.- In this version, all areas of memory are cacheable, except those mapped
-- as MT_IO_SYNC or MT_UNMAPPEd in mips_pkg.
-- Since you can enable or disable the cache at will this difference doesn't
-- seem too important.
-- There is a 'cacheable' flag in the t_range_attr record which is currently
-- unused.
-- 4.- The tag is only 14 bits long, which means the memory map is severely
-- restricted in this version. See @note2.
-- This is not the standard MIPS way but is compatible enough and above all it
-- is simple.
-- @note1: I-Cache initialization and tag format
-- In the tag table (code_tag_table), tags are stored together with a 'valid'
-- bit (MSB), which is '0' for VALID tags.
-- When the CPU invalidates a line, it writes a '1' in the proper tag table
-- entry together with the tag value.
-- When tags are matched, the valid bit is matched against
-- @note2: I-Cache tags and cache mirroring
-- To save space in the I-Cache tag table, the tags are shorter than they
-- should -- 14 bits instead of the 20 bits we would need to cover the
-- entire 32-bit address:
-- ___________ <-- These address bits are NOT in the tag
-- / \
-- 31 .. 27| 26 .. 21 |20 .. 12|11 .. 4|3:2|
-- +---------+-----------+-----------------+---------------+---+---+
-- | 5 | | 9 | 8 | 2 | |
-- +---------+-----------+-----------------+---------------+---+---+
-- ^ ^ ^ ^- LINE_INDEX_SIZE
-- 5 bits 9 bits LINE_NUMBER_SIZE
-- Since bits 26 downto 21 are not included in the tag, there will be a
-- 'mirror' effect in the cache. We have split the memory space
-- into 32 separate blocks of 1MB which is obviously not enough but will do
-- for the initial tests.
-- In subsequen versions of the cache, the tag size needs to be enlarged AND
-- some of the top bits might be omitted when they're not needed to implement
-- the default memory map (namely bit 30 which is always '0').
-- @note3: Possible bug in Quartus-II and workaround
-- I had to put a 'dummy' mux between the cache line store and the CPU in order
-- to get rid of a quirk in Quartus-II synthseizer (V9.0 build 235).
-- If we omit this extra dummy layer of logic the synth will fail to infer the
-- tag table as a BRAM and will use logic fabric instead, crippling performance.
-- The mux is otherwise useless and hits performance badly, but so far I haven't
-- found any other way to overcome this bug, not even with the helop of the
-- Altera support forum.
-- This module interfaces the CPU to the following:
-- 1.- Internal 32-bit-wide BRAM for read only
-- 2.- Internal 32-bit I/O bus
-- 3.- External 16-bit or 8-bit wide static memory (SRAM or FLASH)
-- 4.- External 16-bit wide SDRAM (NOT IMPLEMENTED YET)
-- The SRAM memory interface signals are meant to connect directly to FPGA pins
-- and all outputs are registered (tco should be minimal).
-- SRAM data inputs are NOT registered, though. They go through a couple muxes
-- before reaching the first register so watch out for tsetup.
-- This is a work in progress, based on the dummy cache module.
-- External FPGA signals
-- This module has signals meant to connect directly to FPGA pins: the SRAM
-- interface. They are either direct register outputs or at most with an
-- intervening 2-mux, in order to minimize the Tco (clock-to-output).
-- The Tco of these signals has to be accounted for in the real SRAM interface.
-- For example, under Quartus-2 and with a Cyclone-2 grade -7 device, the
-- worst Tco for the SRAM data pins is below 5 ns, enough to use a 10ns SRAM
-- with a 20 ns clock cycle.
-- Anyway, you need to take care of this yourself (synthesis constraints).
-- Interface to CPU
-- 1.- All signals coming from the CPU are registered.
-- 2.- All CPU inputs come directly from a register, or at most have a 2-mux in
-- between.
-- This means this block will not degrade the timing performance of the system,
-- as long as its logic is shallower than the current bottleneck (the ALU).
-- 1.- All parameters hardcoded -- generics are almost ignored.
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.std_logic_arith.all;
use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;
use work.mips_pkg.all;
entity mips_cache is
generic (
BRAM_ADDR_SIZE : integer := 10; -- BRAM address size
SRAM_ADDR_SIZE : integer := 17; -- Static RAM/Flash address size
-- these cache parameters are unused in this implementation, they're
-- here for compatibility to the final cache module.
LINE_SIZE : integer := 4; -- Line size in words
CACHE_SIZE : integer := 256 -- I- and D- cache size in lines
clk : in std_logic;
reset : in std_logic;
-- Interface to CPU core
data_addr : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
data_rd : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
data_rd_vma : in std_logic;
code_rd_addr : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 2);
code_rd : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
code_rd_vma : in std_logic;
byte_we : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
data_wr : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
mem_wait : out std_logic;
cache_enable : in std_logic;
ic_invalidate : in std_logic;
-- interface to FPGA i/o devices
io_rd_data : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
io_rd_addr : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 2);
io_wr_addr : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 2);
io_wr_data : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
io_rd_vma : out std_logic;
io_byte_we : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-- interface to synchronous 32-bit-wide FPGA BRAM (possibly used as ROM)
bram_rd_data : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
bram_wr_data : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
bram_rd_addr : out std_logic_vector(BRAM_ADDR_SIZE+1 downto 2);
bram_wr_addr : out std_logic_vector(BRAM_ADDR_SIZE+1 downto 2);
bram_byte_we : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
bram_data_rd_vma: out std_logic;
-- interface to asynchronous 16-bit-wide or 8-bit-wide static memory
sram_address : out std_logic_vector(SRAM_ADDR_SIZE-1 downto 0);
sram_data_rd : in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
sram_data_wr : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
sram_byte_we_n : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
sram_oe_n : out std_logic
end entity mips_cache;
architecture direct of mips_cache is
-- Address of line within line store
constant LINE_NUMBER_SIZE : integer := log2(CACHE_SIZE);
-- Address of word within line
constant LINE_INDEX_SIZE : integer := log2(LINE_SIZE);
-- Address of word within line store
-- Code tag size, excluding valid bit
-- FIXME should be a generic
constant CODE_TAG_SIZE : integer := 14;
-- Data tag size, excluding valid bit
-- FIXME should be a generic
constant DATA_TAG_SIZE : integer := 14;
-- Wait state counter -- we're supporting static memory from 10 to >100 ns
-- (0 to 7 wait states with realistic clock rates).
subtype t_wait_state_counter is std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
-- State machine ----------------------------------------------------
type t_cache_state is (
idle, -- Cache is hitting, control machine idle
-- Code refill --------------------------------------------------
code_refill_bram_0, -- pc in bram_rd_addr
code_refill_bram_1, -- op in bram_rd
code_refill_bram_2, -- op in code_rd
code_refill_sram_0, -- rd addr in SRAM addr bus (low hword)
code_refill_sram_1, -- rd addr in SRAM addr bus (high hword)
code_refill_sram8_0, -- rd addr in SRAM addr bus (byte 0)
code_refill_sram8_1, -- rd addr in SRAM addr bus (byte 1)
code_refill_sram8_2, -- rd addr in SRAM addr bus (byte 2)
code_refill_sram8_3, -- rd addr in SRAM addr bus (byte 3)
code_crash, -- tried to run from i/o or something like that
-- Data refill & write-through ----------------------------------
data_refill_sram_0, -- rd addr in SRAM addr bus (low hword)
data_refill_sram_1, -- rd addr in SRAM addr bus (high hword)
data_refill_sram8_0, -- rd addr in SRAM addr bus (byte 0)
data_refill_sram8_1, -- rd addr in SRAM addr bus (byte 1)
data_refill_sram8_2, -- rd addr in SRAM addr bus (byte 2)
data_refill_sram8_3, -- rd addr in SRAM addr bus (byte 3)
data_refill_bram_0, -- rd addr in bram_rd_addr
data_refill_bram_1, -- rd data in bram_rd_data
data_read_io_0, -- rd addr on io_rd_addr, io_vma active
data_read_io_1, -- rd data on io_rd_data
data_write_io_0, -- wr addr & data in io_wr_*, io_byte_we active
data_writethrough_sram_0a, -- wr addr & data in SRAM buses (low hword)
data_writethrough_sram_0b, -- WE asserted
data_writethrough_sram_0c, -- WE deasserted
data_writethrough_sram_1a, -- wr addr & data in SRAM buses (high hword)
data_writethrough_sram_1b, -- WE asserted
data_writethrough_sram_1c, -- WE deasserted
data_ignore_write, -- hook for raising error flag FIXME untested
data_ignore_read, -- hook for raising error flag FIXME untested
-- Other states -------------------------------------------------
--code_wait_for_dcache, -- wait for D-cache to stop using the buses
bug -- caught an error in the state machine
-- Cache state machine state register & next state
signal ps, ns : t_cache_state;
-- Wait state down-counter, formally part of the state machine register
signal ws_ctr : t_wait_state_counter;
-- Wait states for memory being accessed
signal ws_value : t_wait_state_counter;
-- Asserted to initialize the wait state counter
signal load_ws_ctr : std_logic;
-- Asserted when the wait state counter has reached zero
signal ws_wait_done : std_logic;
-- Refill word counters
signal code_refill_ctr : integer range 0 to LINE_SIZE-1;
signal data_refill_ctr : integer range 0 to LINE_SIZE-1;
-- CPU interface registers ------------------------------------------
signal data_rd_addr_reg : t_pc;
signal data_wr_addr_reg : t_pc;
signal code_rd_addr_reg : t_pc;
signal data_wr_reg : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
signal byte_we_reg : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-- SRAM interface ---------------------------------------------------
-- Stores first (high) HW read from SRAM
signal sram_rd_data_reg : std_logic_vector(31 downto 8);
-- Data read from SRAM, valid in refill_1
signal sram_rd_data : t_word;
-- I-cache ----------------------------------------------------------
subtype t_line_addr is std_logic_vector(LINE_NUMBER_SIZE-1 downto 0);
subtype t_word_addr is std_logic_vector(LINE_ADDR_SIZE-1 downto 0);
subtype t_code_tag is std_logic_vector(CODE_TAG_SIZE+1-1 downto 0);
type t_code_tag_table is array(CACHE_SIZE-1 downto 0) of t_code_tag;
type t_code_line_table is array((CACHE_SIZE*LINE_SIZE)-1 downto 0) of t_word;
-- Code tag table (stores line tags)
signal code_tag_table : t_code_tag_table := (others => "000000000000000");
-- Code line table (stores lines)
signal code_line_table : t_code_line_table := (others => X"00000000");
-- Tag from code fetch address ('target' address, straight from CPU lines)
signal code_tag : t_code_tag;
-- Registered code_tag, used matching after reading from code_tag_table
signal code_tag_reg : t_code_tag;
-- Tag read from cache (will be matched against code_tag_reg)
signal code_cache_tag : t_code_tag;
-- Code cache line address for read and write ports
signal code_line_addr : t_line_addr;
-- Code cache word address (read from cache)
signal code_word_addr : t_word_addr;
-- Code cache word address (write to cache in refills)
signal code_word_addr_wr : t_word_addr;
-- This stuff is part of the workaround for @note3
attribute noprune: boolean;
attribute noprune of code_word_addr : signal is true;
attribute noprune of code_word_addr_wr : signal is true;
attribute noprune of ps : signal is true;
-- Word written into code cache
signal code_refill_data : t_word;
-- Address the code refill data is fetched from
signal code_refill_addr : t_pc;
-- code word read from cache
signal code_cache_rd : t_word;
-- raised when code_cache_rd is not valid due to a cache miss
signal code_miss : std_logic;
-- code_miss for accesses to CACHED areas with cache enabled
signal code_miss_cached : std_logic;
-- code_miss for accesses to UNCACHED areas OR with cache disabled
signal code_miss_uncached : std_logic;
-- '1' when the I-cache state machine stalls the pipeline (mem_wait)
signal code_wait : std_logic;
-- D-cache -- most of this is unimplemented -------------------------
subtype t_data_tag is std_logic_vector(23 downto 2);
signal data_cache_tag : t_data_tag;
signal data_cache_tag_store : t_data_tag;
signal data_cache_store : t_word;
-- active when there's a write waiting to be done
signal write_pending : std_logic;
-- active when there's a read waiting to be done
signal read_pending : std_logic;
-- data word read from cache
signal data_cache_rd : t_word;
-- '1' when data_cache_rd is not valid due to a cache miss
signal data_miss : std_logic;
-- '1' when the D-cache state machine stalls the pipeline (mem_wait)
signal data_wait : std_logic;
-- Address decoding -------------------------------------------------
-- Address slices used to decode
signal code_rd_addr_mask : t_addr_decode;
signal data_rd_addr_mask : t_addr_decode;
signal data_wr_addr_mask : t_addr_decode;
-- Memory map area being accessed for each of the 3 buses:
signal code_rd_attr : t_range_attr;
signal data_rd_attr : t_range_attr;
signal data_wr_attr : t_range_attr;
-- Cache control state machine
if clk'event and clk='1' then
if reset='1' then
ps <= idle;
ps <= ns;
end if;
end if;
end process cache_state_machine_reg;
-- Unified control state machine for I-Cache and D-cache -----------------------
process(ps, code_rd_vma, code_miss,
data_wr_attr.mem_type, data_rd_attr.mem_type, code_rd_attr.mem_type,
ws_wait_done, code_refill_ctr,
write_pending, read_pending)
case ps is
when idle =>
if code_miss='1' then
case code_rd_attr.mem_type is
when MT_BRAM => ns <= code_refill_bram_0;
when MT_SRAM_16B => ns <= code_refill_sram_0;
when MT_SRAM_8B => ns <= code_refill_sram8_0;
when others => ns <= code_crash;
end case;
elsif write_pending='1' then
case data_wr_attr.mem_type is
when MT_BRAM => ns <= data_ignore_write;
when MT_SRAM_16B => ns <= data_writethrough_sram_0a;
when MT_IO_SYNC => ns <= data_write_io_0;
-- FIXME ignore write to undecoded area (clear pending flag)
when others => ns <= ps;
end case;
elsif read_pending='1' then
case data_rd_attr.mem_type is
when MT_BRAM => ns <= data_refill_bram_0;
when MT_SRAM_16B => ns <= data_refill_sram_0;
when MT_SRAM_8B => ns <= data_refill_sram8_0;
when MT_IO_SYNC => ns <= data_read_io_0;
-- FIXME ignore read from undecoded area (clear pending flag)
when others => ns <= data_ignore_read;
end case;
ns <= ps;
end if;
-- Code refill states -------------------------------------------
when code_refill_bram_0 =>
ns <= code_refill_bram_1;
when code_refill_bram_1 =>
ns <= code_refill_bram_2;
when code_refill_bram_2 =>
if code_refill_ctr/=0 then
-- Still not finished refilling line, go for next word
ns <= code_refill_bram_0;
-- If there's a data operation pending, do it now
if write_pending='1' then
case data_wr_attr.mem_type is
when MT_BRAM => ns <= data_ignore_write;
when MT_SRAM_16B => ns <= data_writethrough_sram_0a;
when MT_IO_SYNC => ns <= data_write_io_0;
-- FIXME ignore write to undecoded area (clear pending flag)
when others => ns <= ps;
end case;
elsif read_pending='1' then
case data_rd_attr.mem_type is
when MT_BRAM => ns <= data_refill_bram_0;
when MT_SRAM_16B => ns <= data_refill_sram_0;
when MT_SRAM_8B => ns <= data_refill_sram8_0;
when MT_IO_SYNC => ns <= data_read_io_0;
-- FIXME ignore read from undecoded area (clear pending flag)
when others => ns <= data_ignore_read;
end case;
ns <= idle;
end if;
end if;
when code_refill_sram_0 =>
if ws_wait_done='1' then
ns <= code_refill_sram_1;
ns <= ps;
end if;
when code_refill_sram_1 =>
if code_refill_ctr/=0 and ws_wait_done='1' then
-- Still not finished refilling line, go for next word
ns <= code_refill_sram_0;
if ws_wait_done='1' then
-- If there's a data operation pending, do it now
if write_pending='1' then
case data_wr_attr.mem_type is
when MT_BRAM => ns <= data_ignore_write;
when MT_SRAM_16B => ns <= data_writethrough_sram_0a;
when MT_IO_SYNC => ns <= data_write_io_0;
-- FIXME ignore write to undecoded area (clear pending flag)
when others => ns <= ps;
end case;
elsif read_pending='1' then
case data_rd_attr.mem_type is
when MT_BRAM => ns <= data_refill_bram_0;
when MT_SRAM_16B => ns <= data_refill_sram_0;
when MT_SRAM_8B => ns <= data_refill_sram8_0;
when MT_IO_SYNC => ns <= data_read_io_0;
-- FIXME ignore read from undecoded area (clear pending flag)
when others => ns <= data_ignore_read;
end case;
ns <= idle;
end if;
ns <= ps;
end if;
end if;
when code_refill_sram8_0 =>
if ws_wait_done='1' then
ns <= code_refill_sram8_1;
ns <= ps;
end if;
when code_refill_sram8_1 =>
if ws_wait_done='1' then
ns <= code_refill_sram8_2;
ns <= ps;
end if;
when code_refill_sram8_2 =>
if ws_wait_done='1' then
ns <= code_refill_sram8_3;
ns <= ps;
end if;
when code_refill_sram8_3 =>
if code_refill_ctr/=0 and ws_wait_done='1' then
-- Still not finished refilling line, go for next word
ns <= code_refill_sram8_0;
if ws_wait_done='1' then
-- If there's a data operation pending, do it now
if write_pending='1' then
case data_wr_attr.mem_type is
when MT_BRAM => ns <= data_ignore_write;
when MT_SRAM_16B => ns <= data_writethrough_sram_0a;
when MT_IO_SYNC => ns <= data_write_io_0;
-- FIXME ignore write to undecoded area (clear pending flag)
when others => ns <= data_ignore_write;
end case;
elsif read_pending='1' then
case data_rd_attr.mem_type is
when MT_BRAM => ns <= data_refill_bram_0;
when MT_SRAM_16B => ns <= data_refill_sram_0;
when MT_SRAM_8B => ns <= data_refill_sram8_0;
when MT_IO_SYNC => ns <= data_read_io_0;
-- FIXME ignore read from undecoded area (clear pending flag)
when others => ns <= data_ignore_read;
end case;
ns <= idle;
end if;
ns <= ps;
end if;
end if;
-- Data refill & write-through states ---------------------------
when data_write_io_0 =>
ns <= idle;
when data_read_io_0 =>
ns <= data_read_io_1;
when data_read_io_1 =>
ns <= idle;
when data_refill_sram8_0 =>
if ws_wait_done='1' then
ns <= data_refill_sram8_1;
ns <= ps;
end if;
when data_refill_sram8_1 =>
if ws_wait_done='1' then
ns <= data_refill_sram8_2;
ns <= ps;
end if;
when data_refill_sram8_2 =>
if ws_wait_done='1' then
ns <= data_refill_sram8_3;
ns <= ps;
end if;
when data_refill_sram8_3 =>
if ws_wait_done='1' then
ns <= idle;
ns <= ps;
end if;
when data_refill_sram_0 =>
if ws_wait_done='1' then
ns <= data_refill_sram_1;
ns <= ps;
end if;
when data_refill_sram_1 =>
if ws_wait_done='1' then
ns <= idle;
ns <= ps;
end if;
when data_refill_bram_0 =>
ns <= data_refill_bram_1;
when data_refill_bram_1 =>
ns <= idle;
when data_writethrough_sram_0a =>
ns <= data_writethrough_sram_0b;
when data_writethrough_sram_0b =>
if ws_wait_done='1' then
ns <= data_writethrough_sram_0c;
ns <= ps;
end if;
when data_writethrough_sram_0c =>
ns <= data_writethrough_sram_1a;
when data_writethrough_sram_1a =>
ns <= data_writethrough_sram_1b;
when data_writethrough_sram_1b =>
if ws_wait_done='1' then
ns <= data_writethrough_sram_1c;
ns <= ps;
end if;
when data_writethrough_sram_1c =>
if read_pending='1' then
case data_rd_attr.mem_type is
when MT_BRAM => ns <= data_refill_bram_0;
when MT_SRAM_16B => ns <= data_refill_sram_0;
when MT_SRAM_8B => ns <= data_refill_sram8_0;
when MT_IO_SYNC => ns <= data_read_io_0;
-- FIXME ignore read from undecoded area (clear pending flag)
when others => ns <= data_ignore_read;
end case;
ns <= idle;
end if;
when data_ignore_write =>
ns <= idle;
when data_ignore_read =>
ns <= idle;
-- Exception states (something went wrong) ----------------------
when code_crash =>
-- Attempted to fetch from i/o area. This is a software bug, probably,
-- and should trigger a trap. We have 1 cycle to do something about it.
-- FIXME do something about wrong fetch: trap, etc.
-- After this cycle, back to normal.
ns <= idle;
when bug =>
-- Something weird happened, we have 1 cycle to do something like raise
-- an error flag, etc. After 1 cycle, back to normal.
-- FIXME raise trap or flag or something
ns <= idle;
when others =>
-- We should never arrive here. If we do we handle it in state bug.
ns <= bug;
end case;
end process control_state_machine_transitions;
-- Wait state logic
-- load wait state counter when we're entering the state we will wait on
load_ws_ctr <= '1' when
(ns=code_refill_sram_0 and ps/=code_refill_sram_0) or
(ns=code_refill_sram_1 and ps/=code_refill_sram_1) or
(ns=code_refill_sram8_0 and ps/=code_refill_sram8_0) or
(ns=code_refill_sram8_1 and ps/=code_refill_sram8_1) or
(ns=code_refill_sram8_2 and ps/=code_refill_sram8_2) or
(ns=code_refill_sram8_3 and ps/=code_refill_sram8_3) or
(ns=data_refill_sram_0 and ps/=data_refill_sram_0) or
(ns=data_refill_sram_1 and ps/=data_refill_sram_1) or
(ns=data_refill_sram8_0 and ps/=data_refill_sram8_0) or
(ns=data_refill_sram8_1 and ps/=data_refill_sram8_1) or
(ns=data_refill_sram8_2 and ps/=data_refill_sram8_2) or
(ns=data_refill_sram8_3 and ps/=data_refill_sram8_3) or
(ns=data_writethrough_sram_0a) or
else '0';
-- select the wait state counter value as that of read address or write address
with ns select ws_value <=
data_rd_attr.wait_states when data_refill_sram_0,
data_rd_attr.wait_states when data_refill_sram_1,
data_rd_attr.wait_states when data_refill_sram8_0,
data_rd_attr.wait_states when data_refill_sram8_1,
data_rd_attr.wait_states when data_refill_sram8_2,
data_rd_attr.wait_states when data_refill_sram8_3,
data_wr_attr.wait_states when data_writethrough_sram_0a,
data_wr_attr.wait_states when data_writethrough_sram_1a,
code_rd_attr.wait_states when code_refill_sram_0,
code_rd_attr.wait_states when code_refill_sram_1,
code_rd_attr.wait_states when code_refill_sram8_0,
code_rd_attr.wait_states when code_refill_sram8_1,
code_rd_attr.wait_states when code_refill_sram8_2,
code_rd_attr.wait_states when code_refill_sram8_3,
data_wr_attr.wait_states when others;
if clk'event and clk='1' then
if reset='1' then
ws_ctr <= (others => '0');
if load_ws_ctr='1' then
ws_ctr <= ws_value;
elsif ws_wait_done='0' then
ws_ctr <= ws_ctr - 1;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process wait_state_counter_reg;
ws_wait_done <= '1' when ws_ctr="000" else '0';
-- Refill word counters
if clk'event and clk='1' then
if reset='1' or (code_miss='1' and ps=idle) then
code_refill_ctr <= LINE_SIZE-1;
if (ps=code_refill_bram_2 or
ps=code_refill_sram_1 or
ps=code_refill_sram8_3) and
ws_wait_done='1' and
code_refill_ctr/=0 then
code_refill_ctr <= code_refill_ctr-1;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process code_refill_word_counter;
-- CPU interface registers and address decoding --------------------------------
-- Everything coming and going to the CPU is registered, so that the CPU has
-- some timing marging. These are those registers.
-- Besides, we have here a couple of read/write pending flags used to properly
-- sequence the cache accesses (first fetch, then any pending r/w).
if clk'event and clk='1' then
if reset='1' then
write_pending <= '0';
read_pending <= '0';
byte_we_reg <= "0000";
-- Raise 'read_pending' at 1st cycle of a data read, clear it when
-- the read (and/or refill) operation has been done.
-- data_rd_addr_reg always has the addr of any pending read
if data_rd_vma='1' then
read_pending <= '1';
data_rd_addr_reg <= data_addr(31 downto 2);
elsif ps=data_refill_sram_1 or
ps=data_refill_sram8_3 or
ps=data_refill_bram_1 or
ps=data_read_io_0 or
ps=data_ignore_read then
read_pending <= '0';
end if;
-- Raise 'write_pending' at the 1st cycle of a write, clear it when
-- the write (writethrough actually) operation has been done.
-- data_wr_addr_reg always has the addr of any pending write
if byte_we/="0000" and ps=idle then
byte_we_reg <= byte_we;
data_wr_reg <= data_wr;
data_wr_addr_reg <= data_addr(31 downto 2);
write_pending <= '1';
elsif ps=data_writethrough_sram_1b or
ps=data_write_io_0 or
ps=data_ignore_write then
write_pending <= '0';
byte_we_reg <= "0000";
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process cpu_data_interface_registers;
if clk'event and clk='1' then
-- Register code fetch addresses only when they are valid; so that
-- code_rd_addr_reg always holds the last fetch address.
if code_rd_vma='1' then
code_rd_addr_reg <= code_rd_addr;
end if;
end if;
end process cpu_code_interface_registers;
-- The code refill address is that of the current code line, with the running
-- refill counter appended: we will read all the words from the line in sequence
-- (in REVERSE sequence, actually, see below).
code_refill_addr <=
code_rd_addr_reg(code_rd_addr_reg'high downto 4) &
-- Address decoding ------------------------------------------------------------
-- Decoding is done on the high bits of the address only, there'll be mirroring.
-- Write to areas not explicitly decoded will be silently ignored. Reads will
-- get undefined data.
code_rd_addr_mask <= code_rd_addr_reg(31 downto t_addr_decode'low);
data_rd_addr_mask <= data_rd_addr_reg(31 downto t_addr_decode'low);
data_wr_addr_mask <= data_wr_addr_reg(31 downto t_addr_decode'low);
code_rd_attr <= decode_addr(code_rd_addr_mask);
data_rd_attr <= decode_addr(data_rd_addr_mask);
data_wr_attr <= decode_addr(data_wr_addr_mask);
-- BRAM interface (BRAM is FPGA Block RAM)
-- BRAM address can come from code or data buses, we support code execution
-- and data r/w from BRAM.
-- (note both inputs to this mux are register outputs)
bram_rd_addr <=
data_rd_addr_reg(bram_rd_addr'high downto 2)
when ps=data_refill_bram_0 else
code_refill_addr(bram_rd_addr'high downto 2) ;
bram_data_rd_vma <= '1' when ps=data_refill_bram_1 else '0';
-- Code cache
-- Most of the code cache is provisional, though it has already been tried on
-- hardware.
-- CPU is wired directly to cache output, no muxes -- or at least is SHOULD.
-- Due to an apparent bug in Quartus-2 (V9.0 build 235), if we omit this extra
-- dummy layer of logic the synth will fail to infer the tag table as a BRAM.
-- (@note3)
code_rd <= code_cache_rd when reset='0' else X"00000000";
-- Register here the requested code tag so we can compare it to the tag in the
-- cache store. Note we register and match the 'line valid' bit together with
-- the rest of the tag.
if clk'event and clk='1' then
-- Together with the tag value, we register the valid bit against which
-- we will match after reading the tag table.
-- The valid bit will be '0' for normal accesses or '1' when the cache
-- is disabled OR we're invalidating lines. This ensures that the cache
-- will miss in those cases.
code_tag_reg <= (ic_invalidate or (not cache_enable)) &
code_tag(code_tag'high-1 downto 0);
end if;
end process code_tag_register;
-- The I-Cache misses when the tag in the cache is not the tag we want or
-- it is not valid.
code_miss_cached <= '1' when (code_tag_reg /= code_cache_tag) else '0';
-- When cache is disabled, ALL code fetches will miss
if clk'event and clk='1' then
if reset='1' then
code_miss_uncached <= '0';
code_miss_uncached <= code_rd_vma; -- always miss
end if;
end if;
end process uncached_code_miss_logic;
-- Select the proper code_miss signal
code_miss <= code_miss_uncached when cache_enable='0' else code_miss_cached;
-- Code line address used for both read and write into the table
code_line_addr <=
-- when the CPU wants to invalidate I-Cache lines, the addr comes from the
-- data bus (see @note1)
data_wr(7 downto 0) when byte_we(3)='1' and ic_invalidate='1'
-- otherwise the addr comes from the code address as usual
else code_rd_addr(11 downto 4);
code_word_addr <= code_rd_addr(11 downto 2);
code_word_addr_wr <= code_line_addr & conv_std_logic_vector(code_refill_ctr,LINE_INDEX_SIZE);
-- NOTE: the tag will be marked as INVALID ('1') when the CPU is invalidating
-- code lines (@note1)
code_tag <=
(ic_invalidate) &
code_rd_addr(31 downto 27) &
code_rd_addr(11+CODE_TAG_SIZE-5 downto 11+1);
if clk'event and clk='1' then
if ps=code_refill_bram_1 or ps=code_refill_sram8_3 or ps=code_refill_sram_1 then
code_tag_table(conv_integer(code_line_addr)) <= code_tag;
end if;
code_cache_tag <= code_tag_table(conv_integer(code_line_addr));
end if;
end process code_tag_memory;
if clk'event and clk='1' then
if ps=code_refill_bram_1 or ps=code_refill_sram8_3 or ps=code_refill_sram_1 then
code_line_table(conv_integer(code_word_addr_wr)) <= code_refill_data;
end if;
code_cache_rd <= code_line_table(conv_integer(code_word_addr));
end if;
end process code_line_memory;
-- Code can only come from BRAM or SRAM (including 16- and 8- bit interfaces)
with ps select code_refill_data <=
bram_rd_data when code_refill_bram_1,
sram_rd_data when others;
-- Data cache (unimplemented -- uses stub cache logic)
-- CPU data input mux: direct cache output OR uncached io input
with ps select data_rd <=
io_rd_data when data_read_io_1,
data_cache_rd when others;
-- All the tag match logic is unfinished and will be simplified away in synth.
-- The 'cache' is really a single register.
data_cache_rd <= data_cache_store;
data_cache_tag <= data_cache_tag_store;
if clk'event and clk='1' then
if reset='1' then
-- in the real hardware the tag store can't be reset and it's up
-- to the SW to initialize the cache.
data_cache_tag_store <= (others => '0');
data_cache_store <= (others => '0');
-- Refill data cache if necessary
if ps=data_refill_sram_1 or ps=data_refill_sram8_3 then
data_cache_tag_store <=
"01" & data_rd_addr_reg(t_data_tag'high-2 downto t_data_tag'low);
data_cache_store <= sram_rd_data;
elsif ps=data_refill_bram_1 then
data_cache_tag_store <=
"01" & data_rd_addr_reg(t_data_tag'high-2 downto t_data_tag'low);
data_cache_store <= bram_rd_data;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process data_cache_memory;
-- SRAM interface
-- Note this signals are meant to be connected directly to FPGA pins (and then
-- to a SRAM, of course). They are the only signals whose tco we care about.
-- FIXME should add a SRAM CE\ signal
-- SRAM address bus (except for LSB) comes from cpu code or data addr registers
sram_address(sram_address'high downto 2) <=
data_rd_addr_reg(sram_address'high downto 2)
when (ps=data_refill_sram_0 or ps=data_refill_sram_1 or
ps=data_refill_sram8_0 or ps=data_refill_sram8_1 or
ps=data_refill_sram8_2 or ps=data_refill_sram8_3) else
code_refill_addr(sram_address'high downto 2)
when (ps=code_refill_sram_0 or ps=code_refill_sram_1 or
ps=code_refill_sram8_0 or ps=code_refill_sram8_1 or
ps=code_refill_sram8_2 or ps=code_refill_sram8_3) else
data_wr_addr_reg(sram_address'high downto 2);
-- SRAM addr bus LSB depends on the D-cache state because we read/write the
-- halfwords sequentially in successive cycles.
sram_address(1) <=
'0' when (ps=data_writethrough_sram_0a or
ps=data_writethrough_sram_0b or
ps=data_writethrough_sram_0c or
ps=data_refill_sram8_0 or
ps=data_refill_sram8_1 or
ps=data_refill_sram_0 or
ps=code_refill_sram8_0 or
ps=code_refill_sram8_1 or
ps=code_refill_sram_0) else
'1' when (ps=data_writethrough_sram_1a or
ps=data_writethrough_sram_1b or
ps=data_writethrough_sram_1c or
ps=data_refill_sram8_2 or
ps=data_refill_sram8_3 or
ps=data_refill_sram_1 or
ps=code_refill_sram8_2 or
ps=code_refill_sram8_3 or
else '0';
-- The lowest addr bit will only be used when accessing byte-wide memory, and
-- even when we're reading word-aligned code (because we need to read the four
-- bytes one by one).
sram_address(0) <=
'0' when (ps=data_refill_sram8_0 or ps=data_refill_sram8_2 or
ps=code_refill_sram8_0 or ps=code_refill_sram8_2) else
-- SRAM databus (when used for output) comes from either hword of the data
-- write register.
with ps select sram_data_wr <=
data_wr_reg(31 downto 16) when data_writethrough_sram_0a,
data_wr_reg(31 downto 16) when data_writethrough_sram_0b,
data_wr_reg(31 downto 16) when data_writethrough_sram_0c,
data_wr_reg(15 downto 0) when data_writethrough_sram_1a,
data_wr_reg(15 downto 0) when data_writethrough_sram_1b,
data_wr_reg(15 downto 0) when data_writethrough_sram_1c,
(others => 'Z') when others;
-- The byte_we is split in two similarly.
with ps select sram_byte_we_n <=
not byte_we_reg(3 downto 2) when data_writethrough_sram_0b,
not byte_we_reg(1 downto 0) when data_writethrough_sram_1b,
"11" when others;
-- SRAM OE\ is only asserted low for read cycles
sram_oe_n <=
'0' when (ps=data_refill_sram_0 or ps=data_refill_sram_1 or
ps=data_refill_sram8_0 or ps=data_refill_sram8_1 or
ps=data_refill_sram8_2 or ps=data_refill_sram8_3 or
ps=code_refill_sram_0 or ps=code_refill_sram_1 or
ps=code_refill_sram8_0 or ps=code_refill_sram8_1 or
ps=code_refill_sram8_2 or ps=code_refill_sram8_3) else
-- When reading from the SRAM, read word comes from read hword register and
-- SRAM bus (read register is loaded in previous cycle).
sram_rd_data <=
sram_rd_data_reg & sram_data_rd(7 downto 0)
when ps=data_refill_sram8_3 or ps=code_refill_sram8_3 else
sram_rd_data_reg(31 downto 16) & sram_data_rd;
if clk'event and clk='1' then
if ps=data_refill_sram_0 or ps=code_refill_sram_0 then
sram_rd_data_reg(31 downto 16) <= sram_data_rd;
elsif ps=data_refill_sram8_0 or ps=code_refill_sram8_0 then
sram_rd_data_reg(31 downto 24) <= sram_data_rd(7 downto 0);
elsif ps=data_refill_sram8_1 or ps=code_refill_sram8_1 then
sram_rd_data_reg(23 downto 16) <= sram_data_rd(7 downto 0);
elsif ps=data_refill_sram8_2 or ps=code_refill_sram8_2 then
sram_rd_data_reg(15 downto 8) <= sram_data_rd(7 downto 0);
end if;
end if;
end process sram_input_halfword_register;
-- I/O interface -- IO is assumed to behave like synchronous memory
io_byte_we <= byte_we_reg when ps=data_write_io_0 else "0000";
io_rd_addr <= data_rd_addr_reg;
io_wr_addr <= data_wr_addr_reg;
io_wr_data <= data_wr_reg;
io_rd_vma <= '1' when ps=data_read_io_0 else '0';
-- CPU stall control
-- FIXME data_miss should be raised only on the cycle a data miss is detected,
-- otherwise it overlaps data_wait
data_miss <= read_pending; -- FIXME stub; will change with real D-Cache
-- Stall the CPU when either state machine needs it
mem_wait <=
(code_wait or data_wait or -- code or data refill in course
code_miss or data_miss -- code or data miss
) and not reset; -- FIXME stub
-- Assert code_wait until the cycle where the CPU has valid code word on its
-- code bus
with ps select code_wait <=
'1' when code_refill_bram_0,
'1' when code_refill_bram_1,
'1' when code_refill_bram_2,
'1' when code_refill_sram_0,
'1' when code_refill_sram_1,
'1' when code_refill_sram8_0,
'1' when code_refill_sram8_1,
'1' when code_refill_sram8_2,
'1' when code_refill_sram8_3,
'0' when others;
-- Assert data_wait until the cycle where the CPU has valid data word on its
-- code bus AND no other operations are ongoing that may use the external buses.
with ps select data_wait <=
'1' when data_writethrough_sram_0a,
'1' when data_writethrough_sram_0b,
'1' when data_writethrough_sram_0c,
'1' when data_writethrough_sram_1a,
'1' when data_writethrough_sram_1b,
'1' when data_writethrough_sram_1c,
'1' when data_refill_sram_0,
'1' when data_refill_sram_1,
'1' when data_refill_sram8_0,
'1' when data_refill_sram8_1,
'1' when data_refill_sram8_2,
'1' when data_refill_sram8_3,
'1' when data_refill_bram_0,
'1' when data_refill_bram_1,
'1' when data_read_io_0,
'0' when others;
end architecture direct;

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