
Subversion Repositories iqcorrection

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Rev 25 → Rev 26

/implemented with real variables/IQGainPhaseCorrection_testbench_read.vhd
0,0 → 1,179
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.math_real.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
use std.textio.all;
use ieee.std_logic_textio.all;
entity IQGainPhaseCorrection_testbench is
end entity;
--The read architecture reads I and Q samples from a text file.
--The values were created by the MATLAB reference model for the design.
architecture IQGainPhaseCorrection_testbench_read of IQGainPhaseCorrection_testbench is
--declare the DUT as a component.
component IQGainPhaseCorrection is
generic(width :natural);
clk :in std_logic;
x1 :in signed(width-1 downto 0);
y1 :in signed(width-1 downto 0);
gain_error :out signed(width-1 downto 0);
gain_lock :out bit;
phase_error :out signed(width-1 downto 0);
phase_lock :out bit;
corrected_x1 :out signed(width-1 downto 0);
corrected_y1 :out signed(width-1 downto 0)
end component;
--provide signals to run the DUT.
signal clk_tb : std_logic := '0';
signal clk_tb_delayed : std_logic := '0';
signal x1_tb : signed(31 downto 0);
signal y1_tb : signed(31 downto 0);
signal gain_error_tb : signed(31 downto 0);
signal gain_lock_tb : bit;
signal phase_error_tb : signed(31 downto 0);
signal phase_lock_tb : bit;
signal corrected_x1_tb : signed(31 downto 0);
signal corrected_y1_tb : signed(31 downto 0);
--connect the testbench signal to the component
generic map(
width => 32
port map(
clk => clk_tb_delayed,
x1 => x1_tb,
y1 => y1_tb,
gain_error => gain_error_tb,
gain_lock => gain_lock_tb,
phase_error => phase_error_tb,
phase_lock => phase_lock_tb,
corrected_x1 => corrected_x1_tb,
corrected_y1 => corrected_y1_tb
--Read I and Q from a text file created by MATLAB.
READ_I_Q_SAMPLES: process (clk_tb) is
--read input data into process using the readline technique
file I_data : text open READ_MODE is "I_data_octave";
file Q_data : text open READ_MODE is "Q_data_octave";
variable incoming : line;
variable local_x1 : real;
variable local_y1 : real;
variable int_x1 : integer;
variable returned_x1 : signed(31 downto 0); --need to parameterize this
variable int_y1 : integer;
variable returned_y1 : signed(31 downto 0); --need to parameterize this
if (clk_tb'event and clk_tb = '1') then
if (not endfile(I_data) and not endfile(Q_data)) then
readline(I_data, incoming); --read in the first line.
read(incoming, local_x1); --get the real value from the first line
report "Reading " & real'image(local_x1) & " from I_data.";
local_x1 := local_x1/(1.11); --model AGC
report "AGC applied. Result: " & real'image(local_x1) & ".";
int_x1 := integer(trunc(local_x1*((2.0**31.0)-1.0))); --scaled
report "Converted real I_data to the integer " & integer'image(int_x1) & ".";
returned_x1 := (to_signed(int_x1, 32));
x1_tb <= returned_x1;
readline(Q_data, incoming); --read in the first line.
read(incoming, local_y1); --get the real value from the first line
report "Reading " & real'image(local_y1) & " from Q_data.";
local_y1 := local_y1/(1.11); --model AGC
report "AGC applied. Result: " & real'image(local_y1) & ".";
int_y1 := integer(trunc(local_y1*((2.0**31.0)-1.0))); --scaled
report "Converted real Q_data to the integer " & integer'image(int_y1) & ".";
returned_y1 := (to_signed(int_y1, 32));
y1_tb <= returned_y1;
end if;
end if;
end process READ_I_Q_SAMPLES;
COMPARE_RESULTS : process (clk_tb) is
--compare process output with data file using the readline technique
file phase_error : text open READ_MODE is "phase_error_estimate_octave";
file gain_error : text open READ_MODE is "gain_error_estimate_octave";
variable incoming : line;
variable filter_delay : natural := 0;
variable real_phase_error : real;
variable int_phase_error : integer;
variable octave_phase_error : signed(31 downto 0);
variable real_gain_error : real;
variable int_gain_error : integer;
variable octave_gain_error : signed(31 downto 0);
if (clk_tb'event and clk_tb = '1') then
if (not endfile(phase_error) and not endfile(phase_error)) then
--read in a result and compare with testbench result
readline(phase_error, incoming); --read in the first line.
read(incoming, real_phase_error); --get the real value from the first line
report "Phase error from model: " & real'image(real_phase_error) & ".";
int_phase_error := integer(trunc(real_phase_error*((2.0**31.0)-1.0))); --scaled
report "Converted real phase_error to the integer " & integer'image(int_phase_error) & ".";
octave_phase_error := (to_signed(int_phase_error, 32));
--does the phase error from the block match octave_phase_error?
readline(gain_error, incoming); --read in the first line.
read(incoming, real_gain_error); --get the real value from the first line
report "Gain error from model: " & real'image(real_gain_error) & ".";
int_gain_error := integer(trunc(real_gain_error*((2.0**31.0)-1.0))); --scaled
report "Converted real gain_error to the integer " & integer'image(int_gain_error) & ".";
octave_gain_error := (to_signed(int_gain_error, 32));
--does the gain error from the block match octave_gain_error?
end if;
end if;
end process COMPARE_RESULTS;
wait for 50 ns;
clk_tb <= not clk_tb;
clk_tb_delayed <= not clk_tb_delayed after 1 ns;
end process;
end IQGainPhaseCorrection_testbench_read;

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