
Subversion Repositories lattice6502

Compare Revisions

  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 5 to Rev 6
    Reverse comparison

Rev 5 → Rev 6

5,14 → 5,17
-- This file is part of the Lattice 6502 project
-- It is used to compile with Linux ghdl and ispLeaver.
-- email author@kool.kor
-- author EQU ichapman
-- kool EQU videotron
-- kor EQU ca
-- To do
-- Detailed test of all instructions.
-- *************************************************************
-- Distributed under the GNU Lesser General Public License. *
-- This can be obtained from *
-- This can be obtained from *
-- *************************************************************
-- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
57,7 → 60,7
-- 1 DONE Update all address modes of cmp, cpx and cpy per #mode
-- 2 DONE Add rol, ror, asl, lsr, per inc and dec
-- 3 DONE Correct flags in all modes of item 2
-- 4 Update the stack instructions, I've it pushing up not down.
-- 4 DONE Update the stack instructions, I've it pushing up not down.
-- 5 Continue testing
-- 6 DONE Get a kernel up to test each and every instruction
-- 7 Test all instructions
65,6 → 68,14
-- and ply are the most useful.
-- Revision history
-- Dec 3, 2010
-- Interrupts BRK, IRQ and NMI checked out seem okay.
-- Fixed stack to push down pull up.
-- addressing (zero,x) corrected.
-- CLV error corrected.
-- rol, ror, asl and lsr shift instructions checked and fixed.
-- Nov 17, 2010
-- Corrected BRK, IRQ, NMI and RTI due to error in status byte.
-- Nov 4, 2010
-- Rationalized all flavours of cmp, cpy and cpx.
-- Changed jsr to combine out_dat1 and out_dat2 into out_dat.
111,7 → 122,7
signal flags_fg : unsigned(1 downto 0);
signal reset_fg, irq_fg, nmi_fg, start_fg, pc_inc_fg, branch_fg: std_logic;
signal reset_fg, irq_fg, nmi_ff1, nmi_ff2, nmi_req, nmi_fg, start_fg, pc_inc_fg, branch_fg: std_logic;
signal pc_dec_fg, dat2pc_fg : std_logic;
-- End of signal declarations
129,7 → 140,8
dat_in1 <= data_rd;
if cycle_ctr = x"0" then
if irq = '0' or nmi = '0' or (reset = '1' and reset_fg = '0') then
-- if (i_fg = '0' and (irq = '0' or nmi_req = '0')) or (reset = '1' and reset_fg = '0') then
if (i_fg = '0' and irq = '0') or nmi_req = '0' or (reset = '1' and reset_fg = '0') then
Instruction_in <= x"00";
Instruction_in <= data_rd;
148,7 → 160,8
reg_pc(15 downto 8) <= data_rd;
reg_pc(7 downto 0) <= dat_in1;
elsif (cycle_ctr = X"0" and not(irq = '0' or nmi = '0' )) or pc_inc_fg = '1' then
-- elsif (cycle_ctr = X"0" and not(irq = '0' or nmi = '0' )) or pc_inc_fg = '1' then
elsif cycle_ctr = X"0" or pc_inc_fg = '1' then
reg_pc <= reg_pc + x"0001";
elsif pc_dec_fg = '1' then
163,8 → 176,9
end if;
end process Prog_ptr;
addressing:process (clock, reset, reg_PC, add_fg)
addressing:process (reset, proc_write, data_rd, dat_in1, dat_in2, reg_x, reg_y, reg_sp, add_hold, reg_PC, add_fg)
if reset = '0' then
address <= reg_pc;
206,7 → 220,7
address <= dat_in1 & dat_in2 + reg_x;
end if;
when x"6" => --Absolute, y
address <= (data_rd & dat_in1) + reg_y;
-- address <= (data_rd & dat_in1) + reg_y;
if proc_write = '0' then
address <= data_rd & dat_in1 + reg_y;
230,7 → 244,7
when x"D" => --(zero,x)
address(7 downto 0) <= dat_in1 + reg_x + "1";
address(15 downto 8) <= x"00";
when x"F" => --Hold address steady for INC etc
when x"F" => --Hold addre nmi_ff1 <= '0';ss steady for INC etc
address <= add_hold;
when others =>
address <= reg_pc;
252,11 → 266,12
if reset = '0' then
data_wr <= (others => '0');
proc_write <= '0';
elsif rising_edge(clock) then
proc_write <= wr_fg;
if wr_fg = '1' then
-- if wr_fg = '1' then
data_wr <= dat_out;
end if;
-- end if;
end if;
end process memory_proc_write;
274,17 → 289,19
reg_a <= (others => '0');
reg_x <= (others => '0');
reg_y <= (others => '0');
reg_s <= (others => '0');
reg_sp <= (others => '0');
reg_sp <= (others => '1');
n_fg <= '0';
v_fg <= '0';
b_fg <= '0';
d_fg <= '0';
i_fg <= '0';
i_fg <= '1';
z_fg <= '0';
reset_fg <= '0';
start_fg <= '0';
v_ff <= '0';
nmi_ff1 <= '1';
nmi_ff2 <= '1';
nmi_req <= '1';
nmi_fg <= '0';
irq_fg <= '0';
dat_out <= (others => '0');
291,6 → 308,12
elsif rising_edge(clock) then
reset_fg <= reset;
-- This is to generate a nmi_req from neg transition on nmi input
nmi_ff1 <= nmi;
nmi_ff2 <= nmi_ff1;
if nmi_fg = '0' and nmi_ff2 = '1' and nmi = '0' then
nmi_req <= '0';
end if;
-- This section is to get started
if reset = '1' and reset_fg = '0' then
297,7 → 320,7
start_fg <= '1';
wr_fg <= '0';
add_fg <= x"8"; --get start up vectors FFFC FFFD
cycle_ctr <= x"5"; --Jump into cycle 5 add_fg <= x'8'
cycle_ctr <= x"7"; --Jump into cycle 7 add_fg <= x'8'
-- end if;
325,12 → 348,10
if irq = '0' and i_fg = '0' then
irq_fg <= '1';
b_fg <= '0';
pc_dec_fg <= '1';
cycle_ctr <= cycle_ctr + x"1";
elsif nmi = '0' and i_fg = '0' then
elsif nmi_req = '0' then
nmi_fg <= '1';
b_fg <= '0';
pc_dec_fg <= '1';
cycle_ctr <= cycle_ctr + x"1";
345,22 → 366,21
cycle_ctr <= cycle_ctr + x"1";
when x"08" => --PHP 1st part status onto stack
pc_dec_fg <= '1';
pc_dec_fg <= '1'; --php needs extra cycle to propagate flags
cycle_ctr <= cycle_ctr + x"1";
when x"68" => --PLA 1st part Pull Accumulator from Stack
reg_sp <= reg_sp - "1";
reg_sp <= reg_sp + "1"; --plus
pc_dec_fg <= '1';
cycle_ctr <= cycle_ctr + x"1";
when x"28" => --PLP 1st part pull old status from stack
reg_sp <= reg_sp - "1";
reg_sp <= reg_sp + "1"; --plus
pc_dec_fg <= '1';
cycle_ctr <= cycle_ctr + x"1";
when x"18" => --CLC clear carry
reg_a(8) <= '0';
-- pc_dec_fg <= '1';
cycle_ctr <= x"0";
when x"38" => --SEC set carry
390,7 → 410,6
cycle_ctr <= x"0";
when x"B8" => --CLV clear overflow flag
v_fg <= '0';
pc_dec_fg <= '1';
cycle_ctr <= x"0";
when x"C8" => --INY increment Y reg
reg_y <= reg_y + x"1";
632,7 → 651,7
add_fg <= x"2";
cycle_ctr <= cycle_ctr + x"1";
when x"36" => --ROL zero,X 1st part
add_fg <= x"1";
add_fg <= x"2";
cycle_ctr <= cycle_ctr + x"1";
when x"45" => --EOR zero 1st part
add_fg <= x"1";
806,31 → 825,26
-- ==============================================================================
when x"4C" => --JMP abs first part
when x"4C" => --JMP abs 1st part
pc_inc_fg <= '1';
cycle_ctr <= cycle_ctr + x"1";
when x"6C" => --JMP indirect first part
when x"6C" => --JMP indirect 1st part
pc_inc_fg <= '1';
cycle_ctr <= cycle_ctr + x"1";
when x"20" => --JSR abs first part
when x"20" => --JSR abs 1st part
cycle_ctr <= cycle_ctr + x"1";
when x"60" => --RTS first part
reg_sp <= reg_sp - "1";
when x"60" => --RTS 1st part
reg_sp <= reg_sp + "1"; --plus
add_fg <= x"7";
cycle_ctr <= cycle_ctr + x"1";
when x"40" => --RTI 1st part pull old status from stack
reg_sp <= reg_sp - "1";
reg_sp <= reg_sp + "1"; --plus
add_fg <= x"7";
cycle_ctr <= cycle_ctr + x"1";
when x"00" => --Break first part cyc 0
if irq_fg = '0' then --Start up, irq and nmi also use
b_fg <= '1'; --this set of logic.
b_fg <= '0';
end if;
pc_dec_fg <= '1';
cycle_ctr <= cycle_ctr + x"1";
when x"00" => --Break 1st part cyc 0
pc_dec_fg <= '1'; --Start up, irq and nmi also use.
cycle_ctr <= cycle_ctr + x"1"; --this set of logic.
when others =>
cycle_ctr <= x"0";
1232,9 → 1246,12
add_fg <= x"5";
cycle_ctr <= cycle_ctr + x"1";
when x"B9" => --LDA, Y abs 2nd part.
add_fg <= x"6";
cycle_ctr <= cycle_ctr + x"1";
when x"2D" => --AND abs 2nd part.
add_fg <= x"4";
cycle_ctr <= cycle_ctr + x"1";
1390,18 → 1407,16
cycle_ctr <= cycle_ctr + x"1";
when x"60" => --RTS second part
reg_sp <= reg_sp - "1";
reg_sp <= reg_sp + "1"; --plus
cycle_ctr <= cycle_ctr + x"1";
when x"40" => --RTI second part pull old status from stack
reg_sp <= reg_sp - "1";
reg_sp <= reg_sp + "1"; --plus
cycle_ctr <= cycle_ctr + x"1";
when x"00" => --Break second part cyc 1
dat2pc_fg <= '0';
wr_fg <= '1'; --put dat_out onto stack
dat_out <= reg_pc(15 downto 8);
add_fg <= x"7";
pc_dec_fg <= '0';
when x"00" => --Break 2nd part cyc 1
if irq_fg = '0' and nmi_fg = '0' then --Start up, irq and nmi also use
pc_dec_fg <= '0'; --this set of logic.
end if;
cycle_ctr <= cycle_ctr + x"1";
when others =>
1419,7 → 1434,7
when x"48" => --PHA 3rd part accumulator onto stack
pc_inc_fg <= '1';
add_fg <= x"0";
reg_sp <= reg_sp + "1";
reg_sp <= reg_sp - "1"; --neg
cycle_ctr <= cycle_ctr + x"1";
when x"08" => --PHP 3rd part Status reg onto stack
wr_fg <= '0';
1702,65 → 1717,64
cycle_ctr <= cycle_ctr + "1";
when x"F6" => --INC zero,X 3rd part
dat_out <= data_rd + x"01";
wr_fg <= '1';
flags_fg <= "01";
cycle_ctr <= cycle_ctr + "1";
when x"66" => --ROR zero 3rd part
dat_out(6 downto 0) <= data_rd(7 downto 1);
dat_out(7) <= reg_a(8);
reg_a(8) <= data_rd(0);
dat_out <= reg_a(8) & data_rd(7 downto 1);
flags_fg <= "01";
wr_fg <= '1';
flags_fg <= "01";
cycle_ctr <= cycle_ctr + "1";
when x"76" => --ROR zero,X 3rd part
dat_out(6 downto 0) <= data_rd(7 downto 1);
dat_out(7) <= reg_a(8);
reg_a(8) <= data_rd(0);
dat_out <= reg_a(8) & data_rd(7 downto 1);
flags_fg <= "01";
wr_fg <= '1';
flags_fg <= "01";
cycle_ctr <= cycle_ctr + "1";
when x"26" => --ROL zero 3rd part
dat_out(7 downto 1) <= data_rd(6 downto 0);
dat_out(0) <= reg_a(8);
dat_out(7 downto 0) <= data_rd(6 downto 0) & reg_a(8);
reg_a(8) <= data_rd(7);
flags_fg <= "01";
wr_fg <= '1';
cycle_ctr <= cycle_ctr + "1";
when x"36" => --ROL zero,X 3rd part
dat_out(7 downto 1) <= data_rd(6 downto 0);
dat_out(0) <= reg_a(8);
dat_out(7 downto 0) <= data_rd(6 downto 0) & reg_a(8);
reg_a(8) <= data_rd(7);
flags_fg <= "01";
wr_fg <= '1';
cycle_ctr <= cycle_ctr + "1";
when x"46" => --LSR zero 3rd part
dat_out <= '0' & reg_a(7 downto 1);
dat_out <= '0' & data_rd(7 downto 1);
reg_a(8) <= data_rd(0);
flags_fg <= "01";
wr_fg <= '1';
flags_fg <= "01";
cycle_ctr <= cycle_ctr + "1";
when x"56" => --LSR zero,X 3rd part
dat_out <= '0' & reg_a(7 downto 1);
dat_out <= '0' & data_rd(7 downto 1);
reg_a(8) <= data_rd(0);
flags_fg <= "01";
wr_fg <= '1';
flags_fg <= "01";
cycle_ctr <= cycle_ctr + "1";
when x"06" => --ASL zero 3rd part
reg_a(8) <= data_rd(7);
dat_out <= data_rd(6 downto 0) & '0';
flags_fg <= "01";
wr_fg <= '1';
flags_fg <= "01";
cycle_ctr <= cycle_ctr + "1";
when x"16" => --ASL zero,X 3rd part
reg_a(8) <= data_rd(7);
dat_out <= data_rd(6 downto 0) & data_rd(0);
wr_fg <= '1';
dat_out <= data_rd(6 downto 0) & '0';
flags_fg <= "01";
wr_fg <= '1'; wr_fg <= '1';
cycle_ctr <= cycle_ctr + "1";
-- =============================================================================================
when x"A1" => --LDA (zero,x) 3rd part proto
add_fg <= x"6";
add_fg <= x"4";
cycle_ctr <= cycle_ctr + "1";
when x"B1" => --LDA (zero),y 3rd part proto
add_fg <= x"6";
1767,7 → 1781,7
cycle_ctr <= cycle_ctr + "1";
when x"21" => --AMD (zero,x) 3rd part proto
add_fg <= x"6";
add_fg <= x"4";
cycle_ctr <= cycle_ctr + "1";
when x"31" => --AND (zero),y 3rd part proto
add_fg <= x"6";
1774,7 → 1788,7
cycle_ctr <= cycle_ctr + "1";
when x"41" => --EOR (zero,x) 3rd part proto
add_fg <= x"6";
add_fg <= x"4";
cycle_ctr <= cycle_ctr + "1";
when x"51" => --EOR (zero),y 3rd part proto
add_fg <= x"6";
1781,7 → 1795,7
cycle_ctr <= cycle_ctr + "1";
when x"01" => --OR (zero,x) 3rd part proto
add_fg <= x"6";
add_fg <= x"4";
cycle_ctr <= cycle_ctr + "1";
when x"11" => --OR (zero),y 3rd part proto
add_fg <= x"6";
1788,7 → 1802,7
cycle_ctr <= cycle_ctr + "1";
when x"61" => --ADC (zero,x) 3rd part proto
add_fg <= x"6";
add_fg <= x"4";
cycle_ctr <= cycle_ctr + "1";
when x"71" => --ADC (zero),y 3rd part proto
add_fg <= x"6";
1795,7 → 1809,7
cycle_ctr <= cycle_ctr + "1";
when x"E1" => --SBC (zero,x) 3rd part proto
add_fg <= x"6";
add_fg <= x"4";
cycle_ctr <= cycle_ctr + "1";
when x"F1" => --SBC (zero),y 3rd part proto
add_fg <= x"6";
1802,7 → 1816,7
cycle_ctr <= cycle_ctr + "1";
when x"C1" => --CMP (zero,x) 3rd part proto
add_fg <= x"6";
add_fg <= x"4";
cycle_ctr <= cycle_ctr + "1";
when x"D1" => --CMP (zero),y 3rd part proto
add_fg <= x"6";
2022,7 → 2036,7
wr_fg <= '1';
dat_out <= reg_pc(7 downto 0);
cycle_ctr <= cycle_ctr + x"1";
when x"60" => --RTS third part
when x"60" => --RTS 3rd part
dat2pc_fg <= '1';
add_fg <= x"0";
cycle_ctr <= cycle_ctr + x"1";
2035,13 → 2049,19
i_fg <= data_rd(2);
z_fg <= data_rd(1);
reg_a(8) <= data_rd(0);
reg_sp <= reg_sp - "1";
dat2pc_fg <= '1';
reg_sp <= reg_sp + "1"; --plus
cycle_ctr <= cycle_ctr + x"1";
when x"00" => --Break third part cyc 2
dat_out <= reg_pc(7 downto 0); --put dat_out onto stack set up dat_out
reg_sp <= reg_sp + "1";
when x"00" => --Break 3rd part cyc 2
if irq_fg = '0' and nmi_fg = '0' then --Start up, irq and nmi also use
b_fg <= '1'; --this set of logic.
b_fg <= '0';
end if;
wr_fg <= '1'; --put dat_out onto stack
dat_out <= reg_pc(15 downto 8);
add_fg <= x"7";
pc_dec_fg <= '0';
cycle_ctr <= cycle_ctr + x"1";
when others =>
2091,7 → 2111,7
when x"08" => --PHP 4th part accumulator onto stack
pc_inc_fg <= '1';
add_fg <= x"0";
reg_sp <= reg_sp + "1";
reg_sp <= reg_sp - "1"; --neg
cycle_ctr <= cycle_ctr + x"1";
when x"48" => --PHA 4th part accumulator onto stack
2106,7 → 2126,7
when x"28" => --PLP 4th part Pull Status from Stack
n_fg <= data_rd(7);
v_fg <= data_rd(6);
-- b_fg <= data_rd(4);
b_fg <= data_rd(4);
d_fg <= data_rd(3);
i_fg <= data_rd(2);
z_fg <= data_rd(1);
2398,53 → 2418,55
cycle_ctr <= cycle_ctr + x"1";
when x"2E" => --ROL abs 4th part.
dat_out(7 downto 1) <= data_rd(6 downto 0);
dat_out(0) <= reg_a(8);
dat_out(7 downto 0) <= data_rd(6 downto 0) & reg_a(8);
reg_a(8) <= data_rd(7);
flags_fg <= "01";
wr_fg <= '1';
cycle_ctr <= cycle_ctr + "1";
when x"3E" => --ROL, x abs 4th part.
dat_out(7 downto 1) <= data_rd(6 downto 0);
dat_out(0) <= reg_a(8);
dat_out(7 downto 0) <= data_rd(6 downto 0) & reg_a(8);
reg_a(8) <= data_rd(7);
flags_fg <= "01";
wr_fg <= '1';
cycle_ctr <= cycle_ctr + "1";
when x"6E" => --ROR abs 4th part.
dat_out(6 downto 0) <= data_rd(7 downto 1);
dat_out(7) <= reg_a(8);
reg_a(8) <= data_rd(0);
dat_out <= reg_a(8) & data_rd(7 downto 1);
flags_fg <= "01";
wr_fg <= '1';
flags_fg <= "01";
cycle_ctr <= cycle_ctr + x"1";
when x"7E" => --ROR, x abs 4th part.
dat_out(6 downto 0) <= data_rd(7 downto 1);
dat_out(7) <= reg_a(8);
reg_a(8) <= data_rd(0);
dat_out <= reg_a(8) & data_rd(7 downto 1);
flags_fg <= "01";
wr_fg <= '1';
flags_fg <= "01";
cycle_ctr <= cycle_ctr + x"1";
when x"4E" => --LSR abs 4th part.
dat_out <= '0' & reg_a(7 downto 1);
dat_out <= '0' & data_rd(7 downto 1);
reg_a(8) <= data_rd(0);
flags_fg <= "01";
wr_fg <= '1';
flags_fg <= "01";
cycle_ctr <= cycle_ctr + "1";
when x"5E" => --LSR, x abs 4th part.
dat_out <= '0' & reg_a(7 downto 1);
dat_out <= '0' & data_rd(7 downto 1);
reg_a(8) <= data_rd(0);
flags_fg <= "01";
wr_fg <= '1';
flags_fg <= "01";
cycle_ctr <= cycle_ctr + "1";
when x"0E" => --ASL abs 4th part.
reg_a(8) <= data_rd(7);
dat_out <= data_rd(6 downto 0) & data_rd(0);
dat_out <= data_rd(6 downto 0) & '0';
flags_fg <= "01";
wr_fg <= '1';
flags_fg <= "01";
cycle_ctr <= cycle_ctr + x"1";
cycle_ctr <= cycle_ctr + "1";
when x"1E" => --ASL, x abs 4th part.
reg_a(8) <= data_rd(7);
dat_out <= data_rd(6 downto 0) & data_rd(0);
dat_out <= data_rd(6 downto 0) & '0';
flags_fg <= "01";
wr_fg <= '1';
flags_fg <= "01";
cycle_ctr <= cycle_ctr + x"1";
cycle_ctr <= cycle_ctr + "1";
-- ............................................................................
-- ==============================================================================
when x"A1" => --LDA (zero,x) 4th part proto
2537,7 → 2559,7
cycle_ctr <= cycle_ctr + x"1";
when x"20" => --JSR indirect 4th part
wr_fg <= '0';
reg_sp <= reg_sp + "1";
reg_sp <= reg_sp - "1"; --neg
cycle_ctr <= cycle_ctr + x"1";
when x"60" => --RTS fourth part
dat2pc_fg <= '0';
2545,14 → 2567,12
cycle_ctr <= cycle_ctr + x"1";
when x"40" => --RTI forth part
-- reg_sp <= reg_sp - "1";
add_fg <= x"7"; --Get 2nd PC byte
dat2pc_fg <= '0';
dat2pc_fg <= '1';
cycle_ctr <= cycle_ctr + x"1";
when x"00" => --Break forth extra part cyc 3
dat_out <= n_fg & v_fg & '1' & b_fg & d_fg & i_fg & z_fg & reg_a(8);
reg_sp <= reg_sp + "1";
when x"00" => --Break 4th part cyc 3
dat_out <= reg_pc(7 downto 0); --put dat_out onto stack set up dat_out
cycle_ctr <= cycle_ctr + x"1";
2931,7 → 2951,7
when x"20" => --JSR 5th part
pc_inc_fg <= '1';
add_fg <= x"0";
reg_sp <= reg_sp + "1";
reg_sp <= reg_sp - "1"; --neg
cycle_ctr <= cycle_ctr + x"1";
when x"60" => --RTS fifth part
dat2pc_fg <= '0';
2940,20 → 2960,14
when x"40" => --RTI fifth part
-- reg_sp <= reg_sp + "1";
add_fg <= x"0";
-- dat2pc_fg <= '0';
dat2pc_fg <= '0';
cycle_ctr <= cycle_ctr + x"1";
when x"00" => --Break fifth part cyc 4
wr_fg <= '0';
reg_sp <= reg_sp + "1";
if nmi_fg = '0' then
add_fg <= x"9"; --Complete stacking start getting vector
add_fg <= x"A";
end if;
when x"00" => --Break 5th extra part cyc 4
dat_out <= n_fg & v_fg & '1' & b_fg & d_fg & i_fg & z_fg & reg_a(8);
reg_sp <= reg_sp - "1"; --neg
cycle_ctr <= cycle_ctr + x"1";
when others =>
cycle_ctr <= cycle_ctr + x"1";
3055,6 → 3069,7
add_fg <= x"0";
cycle_ctr <= cycle_ctr + x"1";
-- ........................................................................................
when x"6C" => --JMP indirect 6th part
pc_inc_fg <= '0';
cycle_ctr <= x"0";
3064,8 → 3079,7
cycle_ctr <= x"0";
when x"40" => --RTI sixth part
cycle_ctr <= cycle_ctr + x"1";
pc_inc_fg <= '1';
pc_inc_fg <= '1';
cycle_ctr <= cycle_ctr + x"1";
when x"20" => --JSR 6th part
3073,10 → 3087,9
cycle_ctr <= x"0";
when x"00" => --Break 6th part cyc 5
add_fg <= x"B";
irq_fg <= '0';
nmi_fg <= '0';
cycle_ctr <= cycle_ctr + "1";
wr_fg <= '0';
reg_sp <= reg_sp - "1"; --neg
cycle_ctr <= cycle_ctr + x"1";
when others =>
3127,9 → 3140,14
cycle_ctr <= x"0";
when x"00" => --Break 7th part cyc 6
dat2pc_fg <= '1';
add_fg <= x"0";
cycle_ctr <= cycle_ctr + "1";
wr_fg <= '0';
reg_sp <= reg_sp - "1"; --neg
if nmi_fg = '0' then
add_fg <= x"9"; --Complete stacking start getting vector
add_fg <= x"A";
end if;
cycle_ctr <= cycle_ctr + x"1";
when others =>
cycle_ctr <= x"0";
3149,15 → 3167,15
cycle_ctr <= x"0";
when x"00" => --Break 8th part cyc 7
if start_fg = '0' then --When starting don't mess with this
i_fg <= '1'; --Break irq and start use this logic.
add_fg <= x"B";
irq_fg <= '0';
nmi_fg <= '0';
nmi_req <= '1';
if irq_fg = '1' then
i_fg <= '1';
end if;
pc_inc_fg <= '1';
start_fg <= '0';
dat2pc_fg <= '0';
cycle_ctr <= cycle_ctr + "1";
when others =>
cycle_ctr <= x"0";
3165,25 → 3183,27
-- Cycle 7
when x"8" =>
case Instruction_in is
when x"00" => --Break 9th part cyc 8
dat2pc_fg <= '1';
add_fg <= x"0";
cycle_ctr <= cycle_ctr + "1";
when x"00" => --Break 10th part cyc 8
pc_inc_fg <= '0';
when others =>
cycle_ctr <= x"0";
when others =>
cycle_ctr <= cycle_ctr + "1";
pc_inc_fg <= '0';
end case; --Cycle 8
-- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-- Cycle 9
when x"9" =>
case Instruction_in is
when x"00" => --Break 10th part cyc 9
pc_inc_fg <= '1';
start_fg <= '0';
dat2pc_fg <= '0';
cycle_ctr <= cycle_ctr + "1";
when others =>
cycle_ctr <= cycle_ctr + "1";
pc_inc_fg <= '0';
cycle_ctr <= x"0";
end case; --Cycle 9
-- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-- Cycle A
3190,8 → 3210,10
when x"A" =>
case Instruction_in is
when x"00" => --Break 11th part cyc 10
pc_inc_fg <= '0';
cycle_ctr <= x"0";
when others =>
cycle_ctr <= cycle_ctr + "1";
pc_inc_fg <= '0';
2,12 → 2,21
-- 6502 Top module.
-- Copyright Ian Chapman October 28 2010
-- This file is part of the Lattice 6502 project
-- email author@kool.kor
-- author EQU ichapman
-- kool EQU videotron
-- kor EQU ca
-- ******************************************************
-- Dec 12 2010
-- RAM increased to 2k 0 to $7ff for bigger test code
-- sta irq and sta nmi trigger interrupts
-- ******************************************************
-- This file is part of the Lattice 6502 project
-- It is used to compile with ispLeaver not Linux ghdl.
-- It is the address mapping and connecting the other modules.
-- It is replaced by Processor.vhd when running ispLeaver.
-- To do
-- This will be work in process or replaced whatever
-- project file is needed to control other modules.
31,6 → 40,12
-- Processor.vhd
-- Revision history
-- Nov 411, 2010
-- To facilitate testing of NMI and IRQ.
-- changed from I/O pins to signals
-- IRQ and NMI address decoded so as to initiated the inerupt from
library IEEE; --Use standard IEEE libs as recommended by Tristan.
use IEEE.numeric_std.all;
49,8 → 64,8
-- u701 : out std_logic;
u601 : out std_logic;
rst_pin : in std_logic;
irq_pin : in std_logic;
nmi_pin : in std_logic;
-- irq_pin : in std_logic; --disabled to test interrupts on fpga
-- nmi_pin : in std_logic;
RX_pin : in std_logic;
-- PG_pin : in std_logic;
TX_pin : out std_logic;
105,7 → 120,7
ClockEn: in std_logic;
Reset: in std_logic;
WE: in std_logic;
Address: in std_logic_vector(9 downto 0);
Address: in std_logic_vector(10 downto 0);
Data: in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
Q: out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0));
end component;
143,9 → 158,12
--signal clk_pin : std_logic;
signal counter : unsigned(3 downto 0);
signal ram_write : std_logic;
signal irq_pin, nmi_pin : std_logic;
-- I/O ports
constant led_port : unsigned (15 downto 0) := x"4007";
--constant led_port : unsigned (15 downto 0) := x"4007";
constant irq : unsigned (15 downto 0) := X"4002";
constant nmi : unsigned (15 downto 0) := x"4003";
constant rs232_dat : unsigned (15 downto 0) := x"4000"; --input and output
constant uart_stat : unsigned (15 downto 0) := x"4001"; --RX and TX state found here
constant uart: unsigned (15 downto 0) := x"4000"; --starts the uart transmitting
206,7 → 224,7
Reset => rst_bar,
Clock => clk_pin,
WE => ram_write,
address(9 downto 0) => std_logic_vector(Address(9 downto 0)),
address(10 downto 0) => std_logic_vector(Address(10 downto 0)),
Data => std_logic_vector(data_wr),
unsigned(Q) => ram_dat, ClockEn => one);
217,6 → 235,10
one <= '1';
rst_bar <= not rst_pin;
one <= '1';
--ram_write <= proc_write and not address(15) and not address(14) and not address(13) and not address(12) and not address(11) and not address(10);
--ram_write <= proc_write and not address(15) and not address(14);
--irq_pin <= '1'; --only used to test interrupts on fpga
--nmi_pin <= '1';
--u601 <= cycle_mark;
272,18 → 294,40
csw_usart <= '0';
end if;
end process;
-- Only uded to test interrupts in the fpga
-- These two processe let the SW fire NMI and IRG
-- with a sta instruction.
irq : process (rst_pin, proc_write, address, data_wr(0), clk_pin)
if rst_pin = '0' then
irq_pin <= '1';
elsif rising_edge(clk_pin) then
if address = irq and proc_write = '1' then
irq_pin <= data_wr(0); --set and hold bit 0
end if;
end if;
end process;
relay : process (rst_pin, proc_write, address, data_wr(7), clk_pin)
nmi : process (rst_pin, proc_write, address, data_wr(0), clk_pin)
if rst_pin = '0' then
Pwr_on_pin <= '0';
elsif rising_edge(clk_pin) and address = led_port and proc_write = '1' then
Pwr_on_pin <= data_wr(7);
nmi_pin <= '1';
elsif rising_edge(clk_pin) then
if address = nmi and proc_write = '1' then
nmi_pin <= data_wr(0); --set and hold bit 0
end if;
end if;
end process;
--relay : process (rst_pin, proc_write, address, data_wr(7), clk_pin)
--if rst_pin = '0' then
-- Pwr_on_pin <= '0';
-- elsif rising_edge(clk_pin) and address = led_port and proc_write = '1' then
-- Pwr_on_pin <= data_wr(7);
--end if;
--end process;
end structure;

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