
Subversion Repositories lpd8806

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  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 3 to Rev 4
    Reverse comparison

Rev 3 → Rev 4

0,0 → 1,1285
-- A package containing various conversion functions useful in testbenches,
-- especially when used with text file IO in reading and displaying
-- hexadecimal values.
-- Author : Bill Grigsby
-- Modifications by : John Clayton
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
use std.textio.all;
package convert_pack is
-- function calls
function string_to_integer (in_string : string) return integer ;
function vector_to_string (in_vector : std_logic_vector) return string ;
function char_to_bit (in_char : character) return std_logic ;
function char_to_hex (in_char : character) return std_logic_vector ;
function slv2string(in_vector : std_logic_vector; nibbles : natural) return string ; -- Name changed by John Clayton
function u2string(in_vector : unsigned; nibbles : natural) return string ; -- Added by John Clayton
function u2asciichar(in_vector : unsigned(7 downto 0)) return character ; -- Added by John Clayton
function asciichar2u(in_char : character) return unsigned; -- Added by John Clayton
function hex_to_ascii(in_vector : std_logic_vector; nibbles : natural) return string ;
function u2ascii(in_vector : unsigned; nibbles : natural) return string ; -- Added by John Clayton
function hex_data_wrd(in_vector : std_logic_vector) return string ;
function hex_data_dblwrd(in_vector : std_logic_vector) return string ;
function hex_data_dblwrdz(in_vector : std_logic_vector) return string ;
function is_hex(c : character) return boolean; -- Added by John Clayton
function is_std_logic(c : character) return boolean; -- Added by John Clayton
function is_space(c : character) return boolean; -- Added by John Clayton
function char2sl(in_char : character) return std_logic; -- Added by John Clayton
function char2slv(in_char : character) return std_logic_vector;
function char2u(in_char : character) return unsigned;
function slv2u(in_a : std_logic_vector) return unsigned; -- Added by John Clayton
function u2slv(in_a : unsigned) return std_logic_vector; -- Added by John Clayton
function slv2s(in_a : std_logic_vector) return signed; -- Added by John Clayton
function s2slv(in_a : signed) return std_logic_vector; -- Added by John Clayton
function str2u(in_string : string; out_size:integer) return unsigned; -- Added by John Clayton
function str2s(in_string : string; out_size:integer) return signed; -- Added by John Clayton
function "**"(in_a : natural; in_b : natural) return natural; -- Added by John Clayton
function pow_2_u(in_a : natural; out_size:integer) return unsigned; -- Added by John Clayton
function asr_function(in_vect : signed; in_a : natural) return signed; -- Added by John Clayton
function slv_resize(in_vect : std_logic_vector; out_size : integer) return std_logic_vector; -- Added by John Clayton
function slv_resize_l(in_vect : std_logic_vector; out_size : integer) return std_logic_vector; -- Added by John Clayton
function slv_resize_se(in_vect : std_logic_vector; out_size : integer) return std_logic_vector; -- Added by John Clayton
function s_resize(in_vect : signed; out_size : integer) return signed; -- Added by John Clayton
function s_resize_l(in_vect : signed; out_size : integer) return signed; -- Added by John Clayton
function s_resize_se(in_vect : signed; out_size : integer) return signed; -- Added by John Clayton
function u_resize(in_vect : unsigned; out_size : integer) return unsigned; -- Added by John Clayton
function u_resize_l(in_vect : unsigned; out_size : integer) return unsigned; -- Added by John Clayton
function u_reverse(in_vect : unsigned) return unsigned; -- Added by John Clayton
function u_recursive_parity ( x : unsigned ) return std_logic;
-- procedures
end convert_pack;
package body convert_pack is
--* Title : TEST_PARITY
--* Filename & Ext : test_parity.vhdl
--* Author : David Bishop X-66788
--* Created : 3/18/97
--* Version : 1.2
--* Revision Date : 97/04/15
--* SCCSid : 1.2 04/15/97 test_parity.vhdl
--* WORK Library : testchip
--* Mod History :
--* Description : This is a parity generator which is written recursively
--* : It is designed to test the ability of Simulation and
--* : Synthesis tools to check this capability.
--* Known Bugs :
--* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
function u_recursive_parity ( x : unsigned ) return std_logic is
variable Upper, Lower : std_logic;
variable Half : integer;
variable BUS_int : unsigned( x'length-1 downto 0 );
variable Result : std_logic;
BUS_int := x;
if ( BUS_int'length = 1 ) then
Result := BUS_int ( BUS_int'left );
elsif ( BUS_int'length = 2 ) then
Result := BUS_int ( BUS_int'right ) xor BUS_int ( BUS_int'left );
Half := ( BUS_int'length + 1 ) / 2 + BUS_int'right;
Upper := u_recursive_parity ( BUS_int ( BUS_int'left downto Half ));
Lower := u_recursive_parity ( BUS_int ( Half - 1 downto BUS_int'right ));
Result := Upper xor Lower;
end if;
return Result;
function vector_to_string (in_vector : std_logic_vector) return string is
variable out_string : string(32 downto 1);
for i in in_vector'range loop
if in_vector(i) = '1' then
out_string(i+1) := '1';
elsif in_vector(i) = '0' then
out_string(i+1) := '0';
assert false
report " illegal bit vector to bit string"
severity note;
end if;
end loop;
return out_string;
end vector_to_string;
function string_to_integer (in_string : string) return integer is
variable int : integer := 0;
for j in in_string'range loop
case in_string(j) is
when '0' => int := int;
when '1' => int := int + (1 * 10**(j-1));
when '2' => int := int + (2 * 10**(j-1));
when '3' => int := int + (3 * 10**(j-1));
when '4' => int := int + (4 * 10**(j-1));
when '5' => int := int + (5 * 10**(j-1));
when '6' => int := int + (6 * 10**(j-1));
when '7' => int := int + (7 * 10**(j-1));
when '8' => int := int + (8 * 10**(j-1));
when '9' => int := int + (9 * 10**(j-1));
when others =>
assert false
report " illegal character to integer"
severity note;
end case;
end loop;
return int;
end string_to_integer;
function char_to_bit (in_char : character) return std_logic is
variable out_bit : std_logic;
if (in_char = '1') then
out_bit := '1';
elsif (in_char = '0') then
out_bit := '0';
assert false
report "illegal character to bit"
severity note;
end if;
return out_bit;
end char_to_bit;
function char_to_hex (in_char : character) return std_logic_vector is
variable out_vec : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
case in_char is
when '0' => out_vec := "0000";
when '1' => out_vec := "0001";
when '2' => out_vec := "0010";
when '3' => out_vec := "0011";
when '4' => out_vec := "0100";
when '5' => out_vec := "0101";
when '6' => out_vec := "0110";
when '7' => out_vec := "0111";
when '8' => out_vec := "1000";
when '9' => out_vec := "1001";
when 'A' | 'a' => out_vec := "1010";
when 'B' | 'b' => out_vec := "1011";
when 'C' | 'c' => out_vec := "1100";
when 'D' | 'd' => out_vec := "1101";
when 'E' | 'e' => out_vec := "1110";
when 'F' | 'f' => out_vec := "1111";
when others =>
assert false
report " illegal character to hex"
severity note;
end case;
return out_vec;
end char_to_hex;
function slv2string(in_vector : std_logic_vector; nibbles : natural) return string is
variable out_string : string(1 to nibbles);
variable temp_in_vector : std_logic_vector(4*nibbles-1 downto 0);
variable vector : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
temp_in_vector := in_vector(in_vector'length-1 downto in_vector'length-temp_in_vector'length);
for i in 1 to nibbles loop
vector := temp_in_vector((4*(nibbles-i)+3) downto 4*(nibbles-i));
case vector is
when "0000" => out_string(i) := '0';
when "0001" => out_string(i) := '1';
when "0010" => out_string(i) := '2';
when "0011" => out_string(i) := '3';
when "0100" => out_string(i) := '4';
when "0101" => out_string(i) := '5';
when "0110" => out_string(i) := '6';
when "0111" => out_string(i) := '7';
when "1000" => out_string(i) := '8';
when "1001" => out_string(i) := '9';
when "1010" => out_string(i) := 'A';
when "1011" => out_string(i) := 'B';
when "1100" => out_string(i) := 'C';
when "1101" => out_string(i) := 'D';
when "1110" => out_string(i) := 'E';
when "1111" => out_string(i) := 'F';
when others =>
out_string(i) := 'J';
assert false
report " illegal std_logic_vector to string"
severity note;
end case;
end loop;
return out_string;
function u2string(in_vector : unsigned; nibbles : natural) return string is
variable out_string : string(1 to nibbles);
variable temp_in_vector : unsigned(4*nibbles-1 downto 0);
variable vector : unsigned(3 downto 0);
temp_in_vector := in_vector(in_vector'length-1 downto in_vector'length-temp_in_vector'length);
for i in 1 to nibbles loop
vector := temp_in_vector((4*(nibbles-i)+3) downto 4*(nibbles-i));
case vector is
when "0000" => out_string(i) := '0';
when "0001" => out_string(i) := '1';
when "0010" => out_string(i) := '2';
when "0011" => out_string(i) := '3';
when "0100" => out_string(i) := '4';
when "0101" => out_string(i) := '5';
when "0110" => out_string(i) := '6';
when "0111" => out_string(i) := '7';
when "1000" => out_string(i) := '8';
when "1001" => out_string(i) := '9';
when "1010" => out_string(i) := 'A';
when "1011" => out_string(i) := 'B';
when "1100" => out_string(i) := 'C';
when "1101" => out_string(i) := 'D';
when "1110" => out_string(i) := 'E';
when "1111" => out_string(i) := 'F';
when others =>
out_string(i) := 'U';
assert false report " illegal unsigned to string" severity note;
end case;
end loop;
return out_string;
function u2asciichar(in_vector : unsigned(7 downto 0)) return character is
variable out_char : character;
case in_vector is
when "00001001" => out_char := HT; -- Horizontal Tab
when "00100000" => out_char := ' ';
when "00100001" => out_char := '!';
when "00100010" => out_char := '"';
when "00100011" => out_char := '#';
when "00100100" => out_char := '$';
when "00100101" => out_char := '%';
when "00100110" => out_char := '&';
when "00100111" => out_char := ''';
when "00101000" => out_char := '(';
when "00101001" => out_char := ')';
when "00101010" => out_char := '*';
when "00101011" => out_char := '+';
when "00101100" => out_char := ',';
when "00101101" => out_char := '-';
when "00101110" => out_char := '.';
when "00101111" => out_char := '/';
when "00110000" => out_char := '0';
when "00110001" => out_char := '1';
when "00110010" => out_char := '2';
when "00110011" => out_char := '3';
when "00110100" => out_char := '4';
when "00110101" => out_char := '5';
when "00110110" => out_char := '6';
when "00110111" => out_char := '7';
when "00111000" => out_char := '8';
when "00111001" => out_char := '9';
when "00111010" => out_char := ':';
when "00111011" => out_char := ';';
when "00111100" => out_char := '<';
when "00111101" => out_char := '=';
when "00111110" => out_char := '>';
when "00111111" => out_char := '?';
when "01000000" => out_char := '@';
when "01000001" => out_char := 'A';
when "01000010" => out_char := 'B';
when "01000011" => out_char := 'C';
when "01000100" => out_char := 'D';
when "01000101" => out_char := 'E';
when "01000110" => out_char := 'F';
when "01000111" => out_char := 'G';
when "01001000" => out_char := 'H';
when "01001001" => out_char := 'I';
when "01001010" => out_char := 'J';
when "01001011" => out_char := 'K';
when "01001100" => out_char := 'L';
when "01001101" => out_char := 'M';
when "01001110" => out_char := 'N';
when "01001111" => out_char := 'O';
when "01010000" => out_char := 'P';
when "01010001" => out_char := 'Q';
when "01010010" => out_char := 'R';
when "01010011" => out_char := 'S';
when "01010100" => out_char := 'T';
when "01010101" => out_char := 'U';
when "01010110" => out_char := 'V';
when "01010111" => out_char := 'W';
when "01011000" => out_char := 'X';
when "01011001" => out_char := 'Y';
when "01011010" => out_char := 'Z';
when "01011011" => out_char := '[';
when "01011100" => out_char := '\';
when "01011101" => out_char := ']';
when "01011110" => out_char := '^';
when "01011111" => out_char := '_';
when "01100000" => out_char := '`';
when "01100001" => out_char := 'a';
when "01100010" => out_char := 'b';
when "01100011" => out_char := 'c';
when "01100100" => out_char := 'd';
when "01100101" => out_char := 'e';
when "01100110" => out_char := 'f';
when "01100111" => out_char := 'g';
when "01101000" => out_char := 'h';
when "01101001" => out_char := 'i';
when "01101010" => out_char := 'j';
when "01101011" => out_char := 'k';
when "01101100" => out_char := 'l';
when "01101101" => out_char := 'm';
when "01101110" => out_char := 'n';
when "01101111" => out_char := 'o';
when "01110000" => out_char := 'p';
when "01110001" => out_char := 'q';
when "01110010" => out_char := 'r';
when "01110011" => out_char := 's';
when "01110100" => out_char := 't';
when "01110101" => out_char := 'u';
when "01110110" => out_char := 'v';
when "01110111" => out_char := 'w';
when "01111000" => out_char := 'x';
when "01111001" => out_char := 'y';
when "01111010" => out_char := 'z';
when "01111011" => out_char := '{';
when "01111100" => out_char := '|';
when "01111101" => out_char := '}';
when "01111110" => out_char := '~';
when others =>
out_char := '*';
--assert false report " illegal unsigned to ascii character" severity note;
end case;
return out_char;
function asciichar2u(in_char : character) return unsigned is
variable out_vect : unsigned(7 downto 0);
case in_char is
when HT => out_vect := "00001001";
when ' ' => out_vect := "00100000";
when '!' => out_vect := "00100001";
when '"' => out_vect := "00100010";
when '#' => out_vect := "00100011";
when '$' => out_vect := "00100100";
when '%' => out_vect := "00100101";
when '&' => out_vect := "00100110";
when ''' => out_vect := "00100111";
when '(' => out_vect := "00101000";
when ')' => out_vect := "00101001";
when '*' => out_vect := "00101010";
when '+' => out_vect := "00101011";
when ',' => out_vect := "00101100";
when '-' => out_vect := "00101101";
when '.' => out_vect := "00101110";
when '/' => out_vect := "00101111";
when '0' => out_vect := "00110000";
when '1' => out_vect := "00110001";
when '2' => out_vect := "00110010";
when '3' => out_vect := "00110011";
when '4' => out_vect := "00110100";
when '5' => out_vect := "00110101";
when '6' => out_vect := "00110110";
when '7' => out_vect := "00110111";
when '8' => out_vect := "00111000";
when '9' => out_vect := "00111001";
when ':' => out_vect := "00111010";
when ';' => out_vect := "00111011";
when '<' => out_vect := "00111100";
when '=' => out_vect := "00111101";
when '>' => out_vect := "00111110";
when '?' => out_vect := "00111111";
when '@' => out_vect := "01000000";
when 'A' => out_vect := "01000001";
when 'B' => out_vect := "01000010";
when 'C' => out_vect := "01000011";
when 'D' => out_vect := "01000100";
when 'E' => out_vect := "01000101";
when 'F' => out_vect := "01000110";
when 'G' => out_vect := "01000111";
when 'H' => out_vect := "01001000";
when 'I' => out_vect := "01001001";
when 'J' => out_vect := "01001010";
when 'K' => out_vect := "01001011";
when 'L' => out_vect := "01001100";
when 'M' => out_vect := "01001101";
when 'N' => out_vect := "01001110";
when 'O' => out_vect := "01001111";
when 'P' => out_vect := "01010000";
when 'Q' => out_vect := "01010001";
when 'R' => out_vect := "01010010";
when 'S' => out_vect := "01010011";
when 'T' => out_vect := "01010100";
when 'U' => out_vect := "01010101";
when 'V' => out_vect := "01010110";
when 'W' => out_vect := "01010111";
when 'X' => out_vect := "01011000";
when 'Y' => out_vect := "01011001";
when 'Z' => out_vect := "01011010";
when '[' => out_vect := "01011011";
when '\' => out_vect := "01011100";
when ']' => out_vect := "01011101";
when '^' => out_vect := "01011110";
when '_' => out_vect := "01011111";
when '`' => out_vect := "01100000";
when 'a' => out_vect := "01100001";
when 'b' => out_vect := "01100010";
when 'c' => out_vect := "01100011";
when 'd' => out_vect := "01100100";
when 'e' => out_vect := "01100101";
when 'f' => out_vect := "01100110";
when 'g' => out_vect := "01100111";
when 'h' => out_vect := "01101000";
when 'i' => out_vect := "01101001";
when 'j' => out_vect := "01101010";
when 'k' => out_vect := "01101011";
when 'l' => out_vect := "01101100";
when 'm' => out_vect := "01101101";
when 'n' => out_vect := "01101110";
when 'o' => out_vect := "01101111";
when 'p' => out_vect := "01110000";
when 'q' => out_vect := "01110001";
when 'r' => out_vect := "01110010";
when 's' => out_vect := "01110011";
when 't' => out_vect := "01110100";
when 'u' => out_vect := "01110101";
when 'v' => out_vect := "01110110";
when 'w' => out_vect := "01110111";
when 'x' => out_vect := "01111000";
when 'y' => out_vect := "01111001";
when 'z' => out_vect := "01111010";
when '{' => out_vect := "01111011";
when '|' => out_vect := "01111100";
when '}' => out_vect := "01111101";
when '~' => out_vect := "01111110";
when others =>
out_vect := "00101010";
--assert false report " illegal char to unsigned" severity note;
end case;
return out_vect;
function char2slv (in_char : character) return std_logic_vector is
variable out_vec : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
case in_char is
when '0' => out_vec := "0000";
when '1' => out_vec := "0001";
when '2' => out_vec := "0010";
when '3' => out_vec := "0011";
when '4' => out_vec := "0100";
when '5' => out_vec := "0101";
when '6' => out_vec := "0110";
when '7' => out_vec := "0111";
when '8' => out_vec := "1000";
when '9' => out_vec := "1001";
when 'A' | 'a' => out_vec := "1010";
when 'B' | 'b' => out_vec := "1011";
when 'C' | 'c' => out_vec := "1100";
when 'D' | 'd' => out_vec := "1101";
when 'E' | 'e' => out_vec := "1110";
when 'F' | 'f' => out_vec := "1111";
when others =>
out_vec := "0000";
end case;
return out_vec;
end char2slv;
function char2u(in_char : character) return unsigned is
variable out_vec : unsigned(3 downto 0);
case in_char is
when '0' => out_vec := "0000";
when '1' => out_vec := "0001";
when '2' => out_vec := "0010";
when '3' => out_vec := "0011";
when '4' => out_vec := "0100";
when '5' => out_vec := "0101";
when '6' => out_vec := "0110";
when '7' => out_vec := "0111";
when '8' => out_vec := "1000";
when '9' => out_vec := "1001";
when 'A' | 'a' => out_vec := "1010";
when 'B' | 'b' => out_vec := "1011";
when 'C' | 'c' => out_vec := "1100";
when 'D' | 'd' => out_vec := "1101";
when 'E' | 'e' => out_vec := "1110";
when 'F' | 'f' => out_vec := "1111";
when others =>
out_vec := "0000";
end case;
return out_vec;
end char2u;
function hex_to_ascii(in_vector : std_logic_vector; nibbles : natural) return string is
variable out_string : string(1 to nibbles);
variable temp_in_vector : std_logic_vector(4*nibbles-1 downto 0);
variable vector : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
temp_in_vector := in_vector(in_vector'length-1 downto in_vector'length-temp_in_vector'length);
for i in 1 to nibbles loop
vector := temp_in_vector((4*(nibbles-i)+3) downto 4*(nibbles-i));
case vector is
when "0000" => out_string(i) := '0';
when "0001" => out_string(i) := '1';
when "0010" => out_string(i) := '2';
when "0011" => out_string(i) := '3';
when "0100" => out_string(i) := '4';
when "0101" => out_string(i) := '5';
when "0110" => out_string(i) := '6';
when "0111" => out_string(i) := '7';
when "1000" => out_string(i) := '8';
when "1001" => out_string(i) := '9';
when "1010" => out_string(i) := 'A';
when "1011" => out_string(i) := 'B';
when "1100" => out_string(i) := 'C';
when "1101" => out_string(i) := 'D';
when "1110" => out_string(i) := 'E';
when "1111" => out_string(i) := 'F';
when others =>
out_string(i) := 'J';
assert false
report " illegal std_logic_vector to string"
severity note;
end case;
end loop;
return out_string;
function u2ascii(in_vector : unsigned; nibbles : natural) return string is
variable out_string : string(1 to nibbles);
variable temp_in_vector : unsigned(4*nibbles-1 downto 0);
variable vector : unsigned(3 downto 0);
temp_in_vector := in_vector(in_vector'length-1 downto in_vector'length-temp_in_vector'length);
for i in 1 to nibbles loop
vector := temp_in_vector((4*(nibbles-i)+3) downto 4*(nibbles-i));
case vector is
when "0000" => out_string(i) := '0';
when "0001" => out_string(i) := '1';
when "0010" => out_string(i) := '2';
when "0011" => out_string(i) := '3';
when "0100" => out_string(i) := '4';
when "0101" => out_string(i) := '5';
when "0110" => out_string(i) := '6';
when "0111" => out_string(i) := '7';
when "1000" => out_string(i) := '8';
when "1001" => out_string(i) := '9';
when "1010" => out_string(i) := 'A';
when "1011" => out_string(i) := 'B';
when "1100" => out_string(i) := 'C';
when "1101" => out_string(i) := 'D';
when "1110" => out_string(i) := 'E';
when "1111" => out_string(i) := 'F';
when others =>
out_string(i) := 'U';
assert false report " illegal unsigned to string" severity note;
end case;
end loop;
return out_string;
function hex_data_wrd(in_vector : std_logic_vector) return string is
variable out_string : string(1 to 8);
variable temp_in_vector : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
variable vector : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
temp_in_vector := in_vector;
for i in 1 to 8 loop
vector := temp_in_vector((35-(4*i)) downto (32-(4*i)));
case vector is
when "0000" => out_string(i) := '0';
when "0001" => out_string(i) := '1';
when "0010" => out_string(i) := '2';
when "0011" => out_string(i) := '3';
when "0100" => out_string(i) := '4';
when "0101" => out_string(i) := '5';
when "0110" => out_string(i) := '6';
when "0111" => out_string(i) := '7';
when "1000" => out_string(i) := '8';
when "1001" => out_string(i) := '9';
when "1010" => out_string(i) := 'A';
when "1011" => out_string(i) := 'B';
when "1100" => out_string(i) := 'C';
when "1101" => out_string(i) := 'D';
when "1110" => out_string(i) := 'E';
when "1111" => out_string(i) := 'F';
when others =>
out_string(i) := 'J';
assert false
report " illegal std_logic_vector to string"
severity note;
end case;
end loop;
return out_string;
function hex_data_dblwrd(in_vector : std_logic_vector) return string is
variable out_string : string(1 to 16);
variable temp_in_vector : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
variable vector : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
temp_in_vector := in_vector;
for i in 1 to 16 loop
vector := temp_in_vector((67-(4*i)) downto (64-(4*i)));
case vector is
when "0000" => out_string(i) := '0';
when "0001" => out_string(i) := '1';
when "0010" => out_string(i) := '2';
when "0011" => out_string(i) := '3';
when "0100" => out_string(i) := '4';
when "0101" => out_string(i) := '5';
when "0110" => out_string(i) := '6';
when "0111" => out_string(i) := '7';
when "1000" => out_string(i) := '8';
when "1001" => out_string(i) := '9';
when "1010" => out_string(i) := 'A';
when "1011" => out_string(i) := 'B';
when "1100" => out_string(i) := 'C';
when "1101" => out_string(i) := 'D';
when "1110" => out_string(i) := 'E';
when "1111" => out_string(i) := 'F';
when others =>
out_string(i) := 'J';
assert false
report " illegal std_logic_vector to string"
severity note;
end case;
end loop;
return out_string;
function hex_data_dblwrdz(in_vector : std_logic_vector) return string is
variable out_string : string(1 to 16);
variable temp_in_vector : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
variable vector : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
temp_in_vector := in_vector;
for i in 1 to 16 loop
vector := temp_in_vector((67-(4*i)) downto (64-(4*i)));
case vector is
when "0000" => out_string(i) := '0';
when "0001" => out_string(i) := '1';
when "0010" => out_string(i) := '2';
when "0011" => out_string(i) := '3';
when "0100" => out_string(i) := '4';
when "0101" => out_string(i) := '5';
when "0110" => out_string(i) := '6';
when "0111" => out_string(i) := '7';
when "1000" => out_string(i) := '8';
when "1001" => out_string(i) := '9';
when "1010" => out_string(i) := 'A';
when "1011" => out_string(i) := 'B';
when "1100" => out_string(i) := 'C';
when "1101" => out_string(i) := 'D';
when "1110" => out_string(i) := 'E';
when "1111" => out_string(i) := 'F';
when "ZZZZ" => out_string(i) := 'Z';
when others =>
out_string(i) := 'J';
assert false
report " illegal std_logic_vector to string"
severity note;
end case;
end loop;
return out_string;
-- returns true if the character is a valid hexadecimal character.
function is_hex(c : character) return boolean is
case c is
when '0' | '1' | '2' | '3' | '4' | '5' | '6' | '7' | '8' | '9' |
'A' | 'B' | 'C' | 'D' | 'E' | 'F' | 'a' | 'b' | 'c' | 'd' |
'e' | 'f' =>
when others =>
end case;
end is_hex;
-- returns true if the character is a valid hexadecimal character.
function is_std_logic(c : character) return boolean is
case c is
when '0' | '1' | 'u' | 'U' | 'x' | 'X' | 'z' | 'Z' =>
when others =>
end case;
end is_std_logic;
-- returns true if the character is whitespace.
function is_space(c : character) return boolean is
case c is
when ' ' | HT =>
when others =>
end case;
end is_space;
function char2sl(in_char : character) return std_logic is
variable out_bit : std_logic;
if (in_char = '1') then
out_bit := '1';
elsif (in_char = '0') then
out_bit := '0';
elsif (in_char = 'x') then
out_bit := 'X';
elsif (in_char = 'X') then
out_bit := 'X';
elsif (in_char = 'u') then
out_bit := 'U';
elsif (in_char = 'U') then
out_bit := 'U';
elsif (in_char = 'z') then
out_bit := 'Z';
elsif (in_char = 'Z') then
out_bit := 'Z';
assert false
report "illegal character to std_logic"
severity note;
end if;
-- Mysteriously, the following code did not work in place of the
-- above chain of if-elsif-else logic... it seemed to always return '1'.
-- I cannot tell why. -- John Clayton
-- case in_char is
-- when '1' =>
-- out_bit:= '1';
-- when '0' =>
-- out_bit:= '1';
-- when 'u' | 'U' =>
-- out_bit:= 'U';
-- when 'x' | 'X' =>
-- out_bit:= 'X';
-- when 'z' | 'Z' =>
-- out_bit:= 'Z';
-- when others =>
-- assert false
-- report "illegal character to std_logic"
-- severity note;
-- end case;
return out_bit;
end char2sl;
-- Converts Standard Logic Vectors to Unsigned
function slv2u(in_a : std_logic_vector) return unsigned is
variable i : natural;
variable o : unsigned(in_a'length-1 downto 0);
o := (others=>'0');
for i in 0 to in_a'length-1 loop
o(i) := in_a(i);
end loop;
-- Converts Unsigned to Standard Logic Vector
function u2slv(in_a : unsigned) return std_logic_vector is
variable i : natural;
variable o : std_logic_vector(in_a'length-1 downto 0);
o := (others=>'0');
for i in 0 to in_a'length-1 loop
o(i) := in_a(i);
end loop;
-- Converts Standard Logic Vectors to Signed
function slv2s(in_a : std_logic_vector) return signed is
variable i : natural;
variable o : signed(in_a'length-1 downto 0);
o := (others=>'0');
for i in 0 to in_a'length-1 loop
o(i) := in_a(i);
end loop;
-- Converts Signed to Standard Logic Vector
function s2slv(in_a : signed) return std_logic_vector is
variable i : natural;
variable o : std_logic_vector(in_a'length-1 downto 0);
o := (others=>'0');
for i in 0 to in_a'length-1 loop
o(i) := in_a(i);
end loop;
-- Resizes Standard Logic Vectors, "right justified" i.e. starts at LSB...
function slv_resize(in_vect : std_logic_vector; out_size : integer) return std_logic_vector is
variable i : integer;
variable o_vect : std_logic_vector(out_size-1 downto 0);
o_vect := (others=>'0');
for i in 0 to in_vect'length-1 loop
if (i<out_size) then
o_vect(i) := in_vect(i);
end if;
end loop;
end slv_resize;
-- Resizes Standard Logic Vectors, "left justified" i.e. starts at MSB...
function slv_resize_l(in_vect : std_logic_vector; out_size : integer) return std_logic_vector is
variable i : integer;
variable j : integer;
variable o_vect : std_logic_vector(out_size-1 downto 0);
o_vect := (others=>'0');
j := out_size-1;
for i in in_vect'length-1 downto 0 loop
if (j>=0) then
o_vect(j) := in_vect(i);
j := j-1;
end if;
end loop;
end slv_resize_l;
-- Resizes Standard Logic Vectors, "right justified with sign extension"
function slv_resize_se(in_vect : std_logic_vector; out_size : integer) return std_logic_vector is
variable i : integer;
variable o_vect : std_logic_vector(out_size-1 downto 0);
o_vect := (others=>in_vect(in_vect'length-1));
for i in 0 to in_vect'length-1 loop
if (i<out_size) then
o_vect(i) := in_vect(i);
end if;
end loop;
end slv_resize_se;
-- Resizes Signed, "right justified" i.e. starts at LSB...
function s_resize(in_vect : signed; out_size : integer) return signed is
variable i : integer;
variable o_vect : signed(out_size-1 downto 0);
o_vect := (others=>'0');
for i in 0 to in_vect'length-1 loop
if (i<out_size) then
o_vect(i) := in_vect(i);
end if;
end loop;
end s_resize;
-- Resizes Signed, "left justified" i.e. starts at MSB...
function s_resize_l(in_vect : signed; out_size : integer) return signed is
variable i : integer;
variable j : integer;
variable o_vect : signed(out_size-1 downto 0);
o_vect := (others=>'0');
j := out_size-1;
for i in in_vect'length-1 downto 0 loop
if (j>=0) then
o_vect(j) := in_vect(i);
j := j-1;
end if;
end loop;
end s_resize_l;
-- Resizes Signed, "right justified with sign extension"
function s_resize_se(in_vect : signed; out_size : integer) return signed is
variable i : integer;
variable o_vect : signed(out_size-1 downto 0);
o_vect := (others=>in_vect(in_vect'length-1));
for i in 0 to in_vect'length-1 loop
if (i<out_size) then
o_vect(i) := in_vect(i);
end if;
end loop;
end s_resize_se;
-- Resizes Unsigned, "right justified" i.e. starts at LSB...
function u_resize(in_vect : unsigned; out_size : integer) return unsigned is
variable i : integer;
variable i_vect : unsigned(in_vect'length-1 downto 0);
variable o_vect : unsigned(out_size-1 downto 0);
i_vect := in_vect;
o_vect := (others=>'0');
for i in 0 to in_vect'length-1 loop
if (i<out_size) then
o_vect(i) := i_vect(i);
end if;
end loop;
end u_resize;
-- Resizes Unsigned, "left justified" i.e. starts at MSB...
function u_resize_l(in_vect : unsigned; out_size : integer) return unsigned is
variable i : integer;
variable j : integer;
variable o_vect : unsigned(out_size-1 downto 0);
o_vect := (others=>'0');
j := out_size-1;
for i in in_vect'length-1 downto 0 loop
if (j>=0) then
o_vect(j) := in_vect(i);
j := j-1;
end if;
end loop;
end u_resize_l;
-- Bit Reverses the input vector
function u_reverse(in_vect : unsigned) return unsigned is
variable i : integer;
variable o_vect : unsigned(in_vect'length-1 downto 0);
for i in in_vect'length-1 downto 0 loop
o_vect(in_vect'length-1-i) := in_vect(i);
end loop;
end u_reverse;
function str2u(in_string : string; out_size:integer) return unsigned is
variable uval : unsigned(out_size-1 downto 0);
variable nibble : unsigned(3 downto 0);
uval := (others=>'0');
for j in in_string'range loop
uval(uval'length-1 downto 4) := uval(uval'length-5 downto 0);
uval(3 downto 0) := char2u(in_string(j));
end loop;
return uval;
end str2u;
function str2s(in_string : string; out_size:integer) return signed is
variable uval : signed(out_size-1 downto 0);
variable nibble : signed(3 downto 0);
uval := (others=>'0');
for j in in_string'range loop
uval(uval'length-1 downto 4) := uval(uval'length-5 downto 0);
uval(3 downto 0) := signed(char2u(in_string(j)));
end loop;
return uval;
end str2s;
-- Power Function for naturals
function "**"(in_a : natural; in_b : natural) return natural is
variable i : natural;
variable o : natural;
-- Coded with a for loop: works in simulation, but Synplify will not synthesize.
-- if (in_b=0) then
-- o := 1;
-- else
-- o := in_a;
-- if (in_b>1) then
-- for i in 2 to in_b loop
-- o := o * in_a;
-- end loop;
-- end if;
-- end if;
-- return(o);
if (in_b=0) then
o := 1;
o := in_a;
i := 1;
while (i<in_b) loop
o := o * in_a;
i := i+1;
end loop;
end if;
-- Function for 2^(natural)
function pow_2_u(in_a : natural; out_size:integer) return unsigned is
variable i : natural;
variable j : natural;
variable o : unsigned(out_size-1 downto 0);
j := in_a;
o := to_unsigned(1,o'length);
for i in 0 to out_size-1 loop
if (j>0) then
o := o(out_size-2 downto 0) & '0';
j := j-1;
end if;
end loop;
-- A sort of "barrel shifter." Produces the ASR by in_a of the input...
function asr_function(in_vect : signed; in_a : natural) return signed is
variable i : natural;
variable j : natural;
variable o_vect : signed(in_vect'length-1 downto 0);
o_vect := in_vect;
j := in_a;
for i in 0 to in_vect'length-1 loop -- Now loop to fill in the actual results
if (j>0) then
o_vect := o_vect(o_vect'length-1) & o_vect(o_vect'length-1 downto 1);
j := j-1;
end if;
end loop;
end asr_function;
end convert_pack;

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