
Subversion Repositories mcs-4

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    from Rev 5 to Rev 6
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Rev 5 → Rev 6

0,0 → 1,266
`timescale 1ns / 1ps
`default_nettype none
// MCS-4 i40021 RAM and Output Port module
// This module emulates the Intel 4002 RAM and Output Port chip. The
// RAM storage is implemented using an "i4002_ram" module, which is
// dependent on the availability of dual-port distributed RAM.
// This file is part of the MCS-4 project hosted at OpenCores:
// Copyright © 2021 by Reece Pollack <>
// These materials are provided under the Creative Commons
// "Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike" (CC BY-NC-SA) Public License.
// They are NOT "public domain", and are protected by copyright.
// This work based on materials provided by Intel Corporation and
// others under the same license. See the file doc/License for
// details of this license.
module i4002 #(
parameter CHIP_NUMBER = 0, // Mask and P0 config
parameter RAM_ARRAY_SIZE = 32 // Size of the RAM array
) (
input wire sysclk, // 20 MHz oscillator input
// MCS-4 system bus interface
input wire clk1, // MCS-4 Phase 1 clock
input wire clk2, // MCS-4 Phase 2 clock
input wire sync, // MCS-4 Phase synchronization
input wire reset, // MCS-4 Synchronous reset
input wire cm, // MCS-4 Command Line (bank select)
inout tri [3:0] data, // MCS-4 bidirectional data bus
output reg [3:0] oport, // i4002 Output port
// Ram array dual-port interface
input wire [4:0] ram0_addr2,
output wire [3:0] ram0_data2_out,
input wire [4:0] ram1_addr2,
output wire [3:0] ram1_data2_out,
input wire [4:0] ram2_addr2,
output wire [3:0] ram2_data2_out,
input wire [4:0] ram3_addr2,
output wire [3:0] ram3_data2_out
// Recover the cycle timing
wire a12, m12, m22, x22, x32;
timing_recovery timing_recovery (
.sysclk (sysclk),
.clk1 (clk1),
.clk2 (clk2),
.sync (sync),
.a12 (a12),
.m12 (m12),
.m22 (m22),
.x22 (x22),
.x32 (x32)
// Capture OPA during the M2 subcycle
reg io;
reg [3:0] opa;
always @(posedge sysclk) begin
if (reset) begin
io = 1'b0;
opa = 4'b0000;
else begin
if (clk2 & m22) begin
io = cm;
opa = data;
// Decode I/O type operations
wire wrm = io & (opa == 4'b0000);
wire wmp = io & (opa == 4'b0001);
wire wrx = io & (opa[3:2] == 2'b01);
wire rdm = io & (opa[3:2] == 2'b10) & (opa[1:0] != 2'b10);
wire rdx = io & (opa[3:2] == 2'b11);
// Capture the SRC address during the X22/X32 subcycles
reg ram_sel = 1'b0;
reg src_ram_sel = 1'b0;
reg [1:0] reg_num = 2'b00;
reg [3:0] char_num = 4'b0000;
always @(posedge sysclk) begin
if (reset) begin
ram_sel = 1'b0;
src_ram_sel = 1'b0;
reg_num = 2'b00;
char_num = 4'b0000;
else begin
if (cm & x22 & clk2) begin
ram_sel = (data[3:2] == CHIP_NUMBER);
src_ram_sel = ram_sel;
reg_num = data[1:0];
if (clk2 & x32 & src_ram_sel) begin
char_num = data;
if (a12) begin
src_ram_sel = 1'b0;
// Decode the register address
wire [4:0] reg_addr = opa[2] ? {3'b100, opa[1:0]} :
{1'b0, char_num};
wire reg_write = ram_sel & clk2 & x22 & (wrm | wrx);
wire reg0_write = reg_write & (reg_num == 2'b00);
wire reg1_write = reg_write & (reg_num == 2'b01);
wire reg2_write = reg_write & (reg_num == 2'b10);
wire reg3_write = reg_write & (reg_num == 2'b11);
// Latch the output port value
always @(posedge sysclk) begin
if (reset) begin
oport = 4'b0000;
else if (ram_sel) begin
if (clk2 & x22 & wmp)
oport = data;
// In a real i4002, the RAM array is refreshed as follows:
// 1) During the M11 subcycle, CLK1 causes all column sense
// lines to be precharged to a "high" state.
// 2) During the M12 subcycle, the refresh row counter selects
// a row to be refreshed. CLK2 causes the selected row to
// be read onto the column sense lines.
// 3) During the M22 subcycle, the selected row is rewritten
// with the data read during the M12 subcycle.
// The refresh row counter is 5 bits wide, and counts from 0x1f
// down to 0x00 before rolling over. The upper bit determines
// whether a "main memory" or "status" row is selected. Since
// there are 16 "main memory" rows but only four status rows,
// the status rows are refreshed four times per refresh cycle.
// The RAM array is written using a similar sequence:
// 1) During the X11 subcycle, CLK1 causes all column sense
// lines to be precharged to a "high" state.
// 2) During the X12 subcycle, a row is selected based on the
// most recent SRC command or the low two bits of OPA for
// status register reads and writes. CLK2 causes the
// selected row to be read onto the column sense lines.
// 3) During the X21 subcycle, if the current operation is a
// read, the data from the selected register is gated onto
// the data bus.
// 4) During the X22 subcycle, if the current operation is a
// write, the selected row is written. The previously
// selected register receives the data from the data bus,
// while the other registers in the row receive the data
// read during the X12 subcycle.
// When the RESET line is asserted, the RAM row read operations
// are inhibited. This causes the refresh operations to write
// zeros into the RAM. Also inhibited are the data bus gate
// signals, preventing data bus values from being written during
// any erroneous write operations.
reg [4:0] rfsh_addr = 5'd0;
reg [4:0] rfsh_next = 5'd0;
always @(posedge sysclk) begin
if (m12)
rfsh_addr <= rfsh_next;
if (m22)
rfsh_next <= rfsh_addr + 1'd1;
// Mux the RAM's write port signals
wire [4:0] ram_addr = reset ? rfsh_addr : reg_addr;
wire [3:0] ram_data_out = reset ? 4'h0 : data;
wire ram0_write = reset ? 1'b1 : reg0_write;
wire ram1_write = reset ? 1'b1 : reg1_write;
wire ram2_write = reset ? 1'b1 : reg2_write;
wire ram3_write = reset ? 1'b1 : reg3_write;
// Select the correct RAM output
wire [3:0] ram0_data_in;
wire [3:0] ram1_data_in;
wire [3:0] ram2_data_in;
wire [3:0] ram3_data_in;
reg [3:0] reg_data_in;
always @(*) begin
case (reg_num)
2'b00 : reg_data_in = ram0_data_in;
2'b01 : reg_data_in = ram1_data_in;
2'b10 : reg_data_in = ram2_data_in;
2'b11 : reg_data_in = ram3_data_in;
wire reg_read = ram_sel & x22 & (rdm | rdx);
assign data = reg_read ? reg_data_in : 4'bzzzz;
// Instantiate RAM0 array
i4002_ram #(
) ram0 (
.sysclk (sysclk),
.addr (ram_addr),
.write (ram0_write),
.data_in (ram_data_out),
.data_out (ram0_data_in),
.addr2 (ram0_addr2),
.data2_out (ram0_data2_out)
// Instantiate RAM1 array
i4002_ram #(
) ram1 (
.sysclk (sysclk),
.addr (ram_addr),
.write (ram1_write),
.data_in (ram_data_out),
.data_out (ram1_data_in),
.addr2 (ram1_addr2),
.data2_out (ram1_data2_out)
// Instantiate RAM2 array
i4002_ram #(
) ram2 (
.sysclk (sysclk),
.addr (ram_addr),
.write (ram2_write),
.data_in (ram_data_out),
.data_out (ram2_data_in),
.addr2 (ram2_addr2),
.data2_out (ram2_data2_out)
// Instantiate RAM3 array
i4002_ram #(
) ram3 (
.sysclk (sysclk),
.addr (ram_addr),
.write (ram3_write),
.data_in (ram_data_out),
.data_out (ram3_data_in),
.addr2 (ram3_addr2),
.data2_out (ram3_data2_out)
0,0 → 1,74
`timescale 1ns / 1ps
`default_nettype none
// MCS-4 i4002 RAM storage
// This module defines the RAM allocated to a single i4002 register,
// containing 16x4-bit "main" memory array and a 4x4-bit "status"
// array. An i4002 RAM chip contains four of these RAM register modules.
// This implementation allocates a single 20x4-bit dual-port
// RAM: ram_array. The "main" memory array is represented by the
// elements [0:15] of ram_array, while the "status" array is
// represented by elements [16:19].
// This module defines a dual-port array to allow the VFD driver access
// to the "Working Register", WR, which is stored in RAM0 register 1.
// The synthesis tools should recognize theinstantiations that do not
// need to be dual-port and trim the unneeded logic and storage.
// This file is part of the MCS-4 project hosted at OpenCores:
// Copyright © 2021 by Reece Pollack <>
// These materials are provided under the Creative Commons
// "Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike" (CC BY-NC-SA) Public License.
// They are NOT "public domain", and are protected by copyright.
// This work based on materials provided by Intel Corporation and
// others under the same license. See the file doc/License for
// details of this license.
module i4002_ram #(
parameter RAM_ARRAY_SIZE = 32 // Size of the RAM array
) (
input wire sysclk,
input wire [4:0] addr, // Address
input wire write, // Write Enable
input wire [3:0] data_in, // Data input to write
output wire [3:0] data_out, // Data output (unregistered)
input wire [4:0] addr2, // 2nd port address
output wire [3:0] data2_out // 2nd port data output (unregisted)
// Infer a 32x4 distributed dual-port RAM
// The "status" characters are stored in [16:19]
(* ram_style="distributed" *)
reg [3:0] ram_array [0:(RAM_ARRAY_SIZE-1)];
always @(posedge sysclk) begin
if (write) begin
ram_array[addr] <= data_in;
assign data_out = ram_array[addr];
assign data2_out = ram_array[addr2];
// Pre-initialize the RAM
genvar i;
for (i = 0; i < RAM_ARRAY_SIZE; i = i + 1) begin : initial_ram
initial ram_array[i] = 4'bxxxx;
0,0 → 1,269
`timescale 1ns / 1ps
`default_nettype none
// MCS-4 i4001 RAM testbench
// This module is a testbench for the i4002 and i4002_ram modules.
// This testbench instantiates an i4002 RAM module, and enough of
// the i4004 system bus logic to be able to test RAM access.
// This file is part of the MCS-4 project hosted at OpenCores:
// Copyright © 2021 by Reece Pollack <>
// These materials are provided under the Creative Commons
// "Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike" (CC BY-NC-SA) Public License.
// They are NOT "public domain", and are protected by copyright.
// This work based on materials provided by Intel Corporation and
// others under the same license. See the file doc/License for
// details of this license.
module i4002_tb;
localparam SYSCLK_TCY = 20; // sysclk period in nanoseconds
// Inputs
reg rst;
reg reset;
reg cm;
reg [4:0] ram0_addr2;
reg [4:0] ram1_addr2;
reg [4:0] ram2_addr2;
reg [4:0] ram3_addr2;
// Outputs
wire [3:0] oport;
wire [3:0] ram0_data2_out;
wire [3:0] ram1_data2_out;
wire [3:0] ram2_data2_out;
wire [3:0] ram3_data2_out;
// Bidirs
wire [3:0] data;
// Simulate the system clock
reg sysclk;
always begin
sysclk = 1'b0;
#(SYSCLK_TCY / 2);
sysclk = 1'b1;
#(SYSCLK_TCY / 2);
// Instantiate a 2-phase clock generator
wire clk1, clk2;
clockgen #(
) clockgen (
.sysclk (sysclk),
.clk1 (clk1),
.clk2 (clk2)
// Generate the 8 execution phase indicators
wire a12, a22, a32, m12, m22, x12, x22, x32, sync;
timing_generator timing_generator (
.clk1 (clk1),
.clk2 (clk2),
.a12 (a12),
.a22 (a22),
.a32 (a32),
.m12 (m12),
.m22 (m22),
.x12 (x12),
.x22 (x22),
.x32 (x32),
.sync (sync)
// Instantiate the Unit Under Test (UUT)
i4002 uut (
.sysclk (sysclk),
.clk1 (clk1),
.clk2 (clk2),
.sync (sync),
.reset (reset),
.cm (cm),
.data (data),
.oport (oport),
.ram0_addr2 (ram0_addr2),
.ram0_data2_out (ram0_data2_out),
.ram1_addr2 (ram1_addr2),
.ram1_data2_out (ram1_data2_out),
.ram2_addr2 (ram2_addr2),
.ram2_data2_out (ram2_data2_out),
.ram3_addr2 (ram3_addr2),
.ram3_data2_out (ram3_data2_out)
reg data_dir = 1'b0;
reg [3:0] data_out = 4'bxxxx;
reg [3:0] data_in = 4'bxxxx;
assign data = data_dir ? data_out : 4'bzzzz;
initial begin
// Initialize Inputs
rst = 1;
reset = 1;
cm = 0;
ram0_addr2 = 5'h00;
ram1_addr2 = 5'h00;
ram2_addr2 = 5'h00;
ram3_addr2 = 5'h00;
// Wait 100 ns for global reset to finish
rst = 0;
@(negedge sync);
reset = 0;
// Simulate enough of a i4004 CPU to access RAM
always @(*) begin
data_dir = 1'b1;
data_out = 4'bxxxx;
cm = 1'b0;
case (1'b1)
a12 : task_a12;
a22 : task_a22;
a32 : task_a32;
m12 : task_m12;
m22 : task_m22;
x12 : task_x12;
x22 : task_x22;
x32 : task_x32;
default : /* default */;
// i4004 simulation registers
reg [11:0] ip = 12'h000;
reg [1:0] chip_num = 2'b00;
reg [1:0] reg_num = 2'b01;
reg [3:0] char_num = 4'ha;
reg [3:0] acc;
reg [7:0] rom[0:'hfff];
wire [7:0] rom_data = rom[ip];
initial begin
$readmemh("i4002_tb.mem", rom, 0);
rom[ 0] = 8'hFD; // DCL
rom[ 1] = 8'h21; // SRC R0
rom[ 2] = 8'hE9; // RDM
rom[ 3] = 8'hE0; // WRM
rom[ 4] = 8'h21; // SRC R0
rom[ 5] = 8'hE9; // RDM
rom[ 6] = 8'hE0; // WRM
rom[ 7] = 8'hFF; // HLT (sim only)
// Capture OPR during the M1 phase
reg [3:0] opr;
always @(*) begin
if (clk2 & m12)
opr = data;
// Capture OPA during the M2 phase
reg [3:0] opa;
always @(*) begin
if (clk2 & m22)
opa = data;
// Instruction decode
wire src = (opr == 4'b0010) & opa[0];
wire io = (opr == 4'b1110);
wire ior = io & opa[3];
wire iow = io & ~opa[3];
wire ag = (opr == 4'b1111);
wire iac = ag & (opa == 4'b0010);
always @(*) begin
if (clk2 & ior) begin
acc = data;
task task_a12();
data_out = ip[3:0];
data_dir = 1'b1;
endtask : task_a12
task task_a22();
data_out = ip[7:4];
endtask : task_a22
task task_a32();
data_out = ip[11:8];
cm = 1'b1;
endtask : task_a32
task task_m12();
data_out = rom_data[7:4];
endtask : task_m12
task task_m22();
data_out = rom_data[3:0];
cm = io;
if (~reset) begin
ip = ip + 'd1;
endtask : task_m22
task task_x12();
data_out = opa;
if ({opr, opa} == 8'hFF)
endtask : task_x12
task task_x22();
if (src) begin
data_out = {chip_num, reg_num};
cm = 1'b1;
if (iow) begin
data_out = acc + 'd1;
if (ior) begin
data_dir = 1'b0;
endtask : task_x22
task task_x32();
if (src) begin
data_out = char_num;
endtask : task_x32

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