Subversion Repositories mkjpeg
Compare Revisions
- This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
- from Rev 66 to Rev 67
- ↔ Reverse comparison
Rev 66 → Rev 67
28,7 → 28,7
-- generic packages/libraries: |
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
library ieee; |
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; |
use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all; |
use ieee.numeric_std.all; |
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
71,17 → 71,39
architecture RTL of BUF_FIFO is |
constant C_NUM_LINES : integer := 8 + C_EXTRA_LINES; |
--constant C_NUM_LINES : integer := 8 + C_EXTRA_LINES; |
-- No Exstra Lines |
constant C_NUM_LINES : integer := 8; |
signal pixel_cnt : unsigned(15 downto 0); |
signal line_cnt : unsigned(15 downto 0); |
signal ramq : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(C_PIXEL_BITS-1 downto 0); |
signal ramd : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(C_PIXEL_BITS-1 downto 0); |
signal ramwaddr : unsigned(log2(C_MAX_LINE_WIDTH*C_NUM_LINES)-1 downto 0); |
signal ramenw : STD_LOGIC; |
signal ramraddr : unsigned(log2(C_MAX_LINE_WIDTH*C_NUM_LINES)-1 downto 0); |
--signal ramq : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(C_PIXEL_BITS-1 downto 0); |
signal q : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(C_PIXEL_BITS-1 downto 0); |
--signal ramd : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(C_PIXEL_BITS-1 downto 0); |
signal ram_data : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(C_PIXEL_BITS-1 downto 0); |
signal wr_ptr : unsigned(log2(C_MAX_LINE_WIDTH*C_NUM_LINES)-1 downto 0); |
signal ram_write : STD_LOGIC; |
signal rd_ptr : unsigned(log2(C_MAX_LINE_WIDTH*C_NUM_LINES)-1 downto 0); |
signal wr_addr : unsigned(log2(C_MAX_LINE_WIDTH)-1 downto 0); |
signal we : STD_LOGIC; |
signal rd_addr : unsigned(log2(C_MAX_LINE_WIDTH)-1 downto 0); |
signal data_out : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(15 downto 0); |
--signal ramd : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(C_PIXEL_BITS-1 downto 0); |
signal data_in : unsigned(15 downto 0); |
signal wr_addr2 : unsigned(log2(C_MAX_LINE_WIDTH)-1 downto 0); |
signal we2 : STD_LOGIC; |
signal rd_addr2 : unsigned(log2(C_MAX_LINE_WIDTH)-1 downto 0); |
signal data_out2 : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(15 downto 0); |
--signal ramd : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(C_PIXEL_BITS-1 downto 0); |
signal data_in2 : unsigned(15 downto 0); |
signal pix_inblk_cnt : unsigned(3 downto 0); |
signal pix_inblk_cnt_d1 : unsigned(3 downto 0); |
signal line_inblk_cnt : unsigned(2 downto 0); |
93,7 → 115,7
signal ramraddr_int : unsigned(16+log2(C_NUM_LINES)-1 downto 0); |
signal raddr_base_line : unsigned(16+log2(C_NUM_LINES)-1 downto 0); |
signal raddr_tmp : unsigned(15 downto 0); |
signal ramwaddr_d1 : unsigned(ramwaddr'range); |
--signal ramwaddr_d1 : unsigned(ramwaddr'range); |
signal line_lock : unsigned(log2(C_NUM_LINES)-1 downto 0); |
107,8 → 129,34
signal image_write_end : std_logic; |
signal result :std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); |
signal threshold :std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); |
signal wr_counter : unsigned(15 downto 0); |
signal rd_counter : unsigned(15 downto 0); |
signal wr_mod : unsigned(15 downto 0); |
signal rd_mod : unsigned(15 downto 0); |
signal wr_counter_total : unsigned(31 downto 0); |
signal rd_counter_total : unsigned(31 downto 0); |
signal counter : unsigned(31 downto 0); |
signal counter2 : unsigned(31 downto 0); |
signal init_table_wr : std_logic; |
signal init_table_rd : std_logic; |
signal do1 : unsigned(15 downto 0); |
signal do2 : unsigned(15 downto 0); |
signal data_temp : unsigned(15 downto 0); |
signal data_temp2 : unsigned(15 downto 0); |
signal temp :std_logic_vector(23 downto 0); |
signal fifo_almost_full_i : std_logic; |
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-- Architecture: begin |
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
116,6 → 164,8
------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-- RAM for SUB_FIFOs |
------------------------------------------------------------------- |
fifo_almost_full <= fifo_almost_full_i; |
U_SUB_RAMZ : entity work.SUB_RAMZ |
generic map |
( |
124,198 → 174,320
) |
port map |
( |
d => ramd, |
waddr => std_logic_vector(ramwaddr_d1), |
raddr => std_logic_vector(ramraddr), |
we => ramenw, |
d => ram_data, |
waddr => std_logic_vector(wr_ptr), |
raddr => std_logic_vector(rd_ptr), |
we => ram_write, |
clk => clk, |
q => ramq |
q => q |
); |
------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-- register RAM data input |
------------------------------------------------------------------- |
p_mux1 : process(CLK, RST) |
begin |
if RST = '1' then |
ramenw <= '0'; |
ramd <= (others => '0'); |
elsif CLK'event and CLK = '1' then |
ramd <= iram_wdata; |
ramenw <= iram_wren; |
end if; |
end process; |
MULTIPLIER : entity work.multiplier |
CLK => CLK, |
RST => RST, |
img_size_x => img_size_x, |
img_size_y => img_size_y, |
result => result, |
threshold => threshold |
); |
generic map |
( |
RAMDATA_W => 16 |
) |
port map |
( |
d => std_logic_vector(data_in), |
waddr => std_logic_vector(wr_addr), |
raddr => std_logic_vector(rd_addr), |
we => we, |
clk => CLK, |
q => data_out |
); |
------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-- resolve RAM write address |
------------------------------------------------------------------- |
p_pixel_cnt : process(CLK, RST) |
generic map |
( |
RAMDATA_W => 16 |
) |
port map |
( |
d => std_logic_vector(data_in2), |
waddr => std_logic_vector(wr_addr2), |
raddr => std_logic_vector(rd_addr2), |
we => we2, |
clk => CLK, |
q => data_out2 |
); |
process (CLK, RST) |
begin |
if RST = '1' then |
pixel_cnt <= (others => '0'); |
memwr_line_cnt <= (others => '0'); |
wr_line_idx <= (others => '0'); |
ramwaddr <= (others => '0'); |
ramwaddr_d1 <= (others => '0'); |
image_write_end <= '0'; |
elsif CLK'event and CLK = '1' then |
ramwaddr_d1 <= ramwaddr; |
if iram_wren = '1' then |
-- end of line |
if pixel_cnt = unsigned(img_size_x)-1 then |
pixel_cnt <= (others => '0'); |
-- absolute write line index |
wr_line_idx <= wr_line_idx + 1; |
if wr_line_idx = unsigned(img_size_y)-1 then |
image_write_end <= '1'; |
end if; |
-- memory line index |
if memwr_line_cnt = C_NUM_LINES-1 then |
memwr_line_cnt <= (others => '0'); |
ramwaddr <= (others => '0'); |
else |
memwr_line_cnt <= memwr_line_cnt + 1; |
ramwaddr <= ramwaddr + 1; |
end if; |
else |
pixel_cnt <= pixel_cnt + 1; |
ramwaddr <= ramwaddr + 1; |
end if; |
end if; |
if (RST = '1') then |
wr_counter <= (others => '0'); |
wr_counter_total <= (others => '0'); |
wr_mod <= (others => '0'); |
wr_ptr <= (others => '0'); |
ram_write <= '0'; |
init_table_wr <= '0'; |
do1 <= (others => '0'); |
data_temp <= (others => '0'); |
wr_addr <= (others => '0'); |
rd_addr <= (others => '0'); |
we <= '0'; |
counter <= (others => '0'); |
elsif (CLK'event and CLK = '1') then |
if (init_table_wr = '0') then |
if (iram_wren = '1') then |
if (wr_mod /= 0 and wr_counter mod 8 = "000") then |
wr_ptr <= resize(do1(5 downto 3) * unsigned(img_size_x), log2(C_MAX_LINE_WIDTH*C_NUM_LINES)) + resize(do1(15 downto 6) * 8, log2(C_MAX_LINE_WIDTH*C_NUM_LINES)); |
data_temp <= resize(do1(5 downto 3) * unsigned(img_size_x), 16) + resize(do1(15 downto 6) * 8, 16); |
--wr_ptr <= do1 / 8 mod 8 * unsigned(img_size_x) + do1 / 8 / 8 * 8; |
--data_temp <= do1 / 8 mod 8 * unsigned(img_size_x) + do1 / 8 / 8 * 8; |
else |
if (wr_counter = 0) then |
wr_ptr <= (others => '0'); |
else |
wr_ptr <= wr_ptr + 1; |
end if; |
end if; |
if (wr_mod /= 0 and wr_counter mod 8 = "011") then |
if (wr_counter = unsigned(img_size_x) * 8 - 5) then |
rd_addr <= (others => '0'); |
else |
rd_addr <= resize((wr_counter + 5) / 8, log2(C_MAX_LINE_WIDTH)); |
end if; |
end if; |
if (wr_mod /= 0 and wr_counter mod 8 = "101") then |
do1 <= unsigned(data_out); |
we <= '1'; |
if (wr_mod = unsigned(img_size_y) / 8 - 1) then |
wr_addr <= resize(counter, log2(C_MAX_LINE_WIDTH)); |
data_in <= resize(counter * 8, 16); |
counter <= counter + 1; |
else |
data_in <= data_temp; |
if (wr_counter = unsigned(img_size_x) * 8 - 3) then |
wr_addr <= (others => '0'); |
else |
wr_addr <= resize((wr_counter + 3) / 8 - 1, log2(C_MAX_LINE_WIDTH)); |
end if; |
end if; |
else |
we <= '0'; |
end if; |
ram_write <= '1'; |
ram_data <= iram_wdata; |
wr_counter_total <= wr_counter_total + 1; |
if (wr_counter_total = unsigned(result) - 1) then |
init_table_wr <= '1'; |
counter <= (others => '0'); |
end if; |
if (wr_counter = unsigned(img_size_x) * 8 - 1) then |
wr_counter <= (others => '0'); |
wr_mod <= wr_mod + 1; |
else |
wr_counter <= wr_counter + 1; |
end if; |
else |
ram_write <= '0'; |
end if; |
if sof = '1' then |
pixel_cnt <= (others => '0'); |
ramwaddr <= (others => '0'); |
memwr_line_cnt <= (others => '0'); |
wr_line_idx <= (others => '0'); |
image_write_end <= '0'; |
wr_counter <= (others => '0'); |
wr_counter_total <= (others => '0'); |
wr_mod <= (others => '0'); |
wr_ptr <= (others => '0'); |
ram_write <= '0'; |
init_table_wr <= '0'; |
do1 <= (others => '0'); |
data_temp <= (others => '0'); |
wr_addr <= (others => '0'); |
rd_addr <= (others => '0'); |
we <= '0'; |
counter <= (others => '0'); |
end if; |
end if; |
end if; |
end if; |
end process; |
------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-- FIFO half full / almost full flag generation |
------------------------------------------------------------------- |
p_mux3 : process(CLK, RST) |
begin |
if RST = '1' then |
fdct_fifo_hf_full <= '0'; |
fifo_almost_full <= '0'; |
elsif CLK'event and CLK = '1' then |
process (CLK, RST) |
begin |
if (RST = '1') then |
fifo_almost_full_i <= '0'; |
fdct_fifo_hf_full <= '0'; |
elsif (CLK'event and CLK = '1') then |
if (fifo_almost_full_i = '0' and wr_counter_total = rd_counter_total + unsigned(img_size_x)*8-2) then |
fifo_almost_full_i <= '1'; |
end if; |
if (fifo_almost_full_i = '1' and wr_counter_total < rd_counter_total + unsigned(threshold) ) then |
fifo_almost_full_i <= '0'; |
end if; |
if (wr_counter = unsigned(img_size_x) * 8 - 1) then |
fdct_fifo_hf_full <= '1'; |
end if; |
if (rd_counter = unsigned(img_size_x) * 8 - 1) then |
fdct_fifo_hf_full <= '0'; |
fifo_almost_full_i <= '0'; |
end if; |
if rd_line_idx + 8 <= wr_line_idx then |
fdct_fifo_hf_full <= '1'; |
else |
fdct_fifo_hf_full <= '0'; |
end if; |
fifo_almost_full <= '0'; |
if wr_line_idx = rd_line_idx + C_NUM_LINES-1 then |
if pixel_cnt >= unsigned(img_size_x)-1-1 then |
fifo_almost_full <= '1'; |
if sof = '1' then |
fifo_almost_full_i <= '0'; |
fdct_fifo_hf_full <= '0'; |
end if; |
elsif wr_line_idx > rd_line_idx + C_NUM_LINES-1 then |
fifo_almost_full <= '1'; |
end if; |
end if; |
end process; |
process (CLK, RST) |
begin |
if (RST = '1') then |
fdct_fifo_q <= (others => '0'); |
temp <= (others => '0'); |
rd_counter <= (others => '0'); |
rd_counter_total <= (others => '0'); |
rd_mod <= x"0001"; |
rd_ptr <= (others => '0'); |
init_table_rd <= '0'; |
do2 <= (others => '0'); |
data_temp2 <= (others => '0'); |
wr_addr2 <= (others => '0'); |
rd_addr2 <= (others => '0'); |
we2 <= '0'; |
counter2 <= (others => '0'); |
elsif (CLK'event and CLK = '1') then |
if (init_table_rd = '0') then |
if (fdct_fifo_rd = '1') then |
if (rd_counter mod 8 = "000") then |
--rd_ptr <= resize(do2(5 downto 3) * unsigned(img_size_x) + do2(15 downto 7) * 8, log2(C_MAX_LINE_WIDTH*C_NUM_LINES)); |
--data_temp2 <= resize(do2(5 downto 3) * unsigned(img_size_x) + do2(15 downto 7) * 8, 16); |
rd_ptr <= resize(do2(5 downto 3) * unsigned(img_size_x), log2(C_MAX_LINE_WIDTH*C_NUM_LINES)) + resize(do2(15 downto 6) * 8, log2(C_MAX_LINE_WIDTH*C_NUM_LINES)); |
data_temp2 <= resize(do2(5 downto 3) * unsigned(img_size_x), 16) + resize(do2(15 downto 6) * 8, 16); |
else |
rd_ptr <= rd_ptr + 1; |
end if; |
if (rd_counter mod 8 = "011") then |
if (rd_counter = unsigned(img_size_x) * 8 - 5) then |
rd_addr2 <= (others => '0'); |
else |
rd_addr2 <= resize(unsigned(rd_counter + 5) / 8, log2(C_MAX_LINE_WIDTH)); |
end if; |
end if; |
if (rd_counter mod 8 = "101") then |
do2 <= unsigned(data_out2); |
we2 <= '1'; |
if (rd_mod = unsigned(img_size_y) / 8) then |
data_in2 <= resize(counter2 * 8, 16); |
wr_addr2 <= resize(counter2, log2(C_MAX_LINE_WIDTH)); |
counter2 <= counter2 + 1; |
else |
data_in2 <= data_temp2; |
if (rd_counter = unsigned(img_size_x) * 8 - 3) then |
wr_addr2 <= (others => '0'); |
else |
wr_addr2 <= resize(unsigned(rd_counter + 3) / 8 - 1, log2(C_MAX_LINE_WIDTH)); |
end if; |
end if; |
else |
we2 <= '0'; |
end if; |
rd_counter_total <= rd_counter_total + 1; |
if (rd_counter_total = unsigned(result) - 1) then |
init_table_rd <= '1'; |
counter2 <= (others => '0'); |
end if; |
if (rd_counter = unsigned(img_size_x) * 8 - 1) then |
rd_counter <= (others => '0'); |
rd_mod <= rd_mod + 1; |
else |
rd_counter <= rd_counter + 1; |
end if; |
end if; |
if sof = '1' then |
fdct_fifo_q <= (others => '0'); |
temp <= (others => '0'); |
rd_counter <= (others => '0'); |
rd_counter_total <= (others => '0'); |
rd_mod <= x"0001"; |
rd_ptr <= (others => '0'); |
init_table_rd <= '0'; |
do2 <= (others => '0'); |
data_temp2 <= (others => '0'); |
wr_addr2 <= (others => '0'); |
rd_addr2 <= (others => '0'); |
we2 <= '0'; |
counter2 <= (others => '0'); |
end if; |
-- fdct_fifo_q <= (temp(15 downto 11) & "000" & |
-- temp(10 downto 5) & "00" & |
-- temp(4 downto 0) & "000") when C_PIXEL_BITS = 16 else |
-- std_logic_vector(resize(unsigned(temp), 24)); |
end if; |
temp <= q; |
if (C_PIXEL_BITS = 16) then |
fdct_fifo_q <= (temp(15 downto 11) & "000" & |
temp(10 downto 5) & "00" & |
temp(4 downto 0) & "000"); |
else |
fdct_fifo_q <= temp; |
end if; |
end if; |
end process; |
end if; |
end process; |
------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-- read side |
------------------------------------------------------------------- |
p_mux5 : process(CLK, RST) |
begin |
if RST = '1' then |
memrd_offs_cnt <= (others => '0'); |
read_block_cnt <= (others => '0'); |
pix_inblk_cnt <= (others => '0'); |
line_inblk_cnt <= (others => '0'); |
rd_line_idx <= (others => '0'); |
pix_inblk_cnt_d1 <= (others => '0'); |
read_block_cnt_d1 <= (others => '0'); |
elsif CLK'event and CLK = '1' then |
pix_inblk_cnt_d1 <= pix_inblk_cnt; |
read_block_cnt_d1 <= read_block_cnt; |
-- BUF FIFO read |
if fdct_fifo_rd = '1' then |
-- last pixel in block |
if pix_inblk_cnt = 8-1 then |
pix_inblk_cnt <= (others => '0'); |
-- last line in 8 |
if line_inblk_cnt = 8-1 then |
line_inblk_cnt <= (others => '0'); |
-- last block in last line |
if read_block_cnt = unsigned(img_size_x(15 downto 3))-1 then |
read_block_cnt <= (others => '0'); |
rd_line_idx <= rd_line_idx + 8; |
if memrd_offs_cnt + 8 > C_NUM_LINES-1 then |
memrd_offs_cnt <= memrd_offs_cnt + 8 - C_NUM_LINES; |
else |
memrd_offs_cnt <= memrd_offs_cnt + 8; |
end if; |
else |
read_block_cnt <= read_block_cnt + 1; |
end if; |
else |
line_inblk_cnt <= line_inblk_cnt + 1; |
end if; |
else |
pix_inblk_cnt <= pix_inblk_cnt + 1; |
end if; |
end if; |
if memrd_offs_cnt + (line_inblk_cnt) > C_NUM_LINES-1 then |
memrd_line <= memrd_offs_cnt(memrd_line'range) + (line_inblk_cnt) - (C_NUM_LINES); |
else |
memrd_line <= memrd_offs_cnt(memrd_line'range) + (line_inblk_cnt); |
end if; |
if sof = '1' then |
memrd_line <= (others => '0'); |
memrd_offs_cnt <= (others => '0'); |
read_block_cnt <= (others => '0'); |
pix_inblk_cnt <= (others => '0'); |
line_inblk_cnt <= (others => '0'); |
rd_line_idx <= (others => '0'); |
end if; |
end if; |
end process; |
-- generate RAM data output based on 16 or 24 bit mode selection |
fdct_fifo_q <= (ramq(15 downto 11) & "000" & |
ramq(10 downto 5) & "00" & |
ramq(4 downto 0) & "000") when C_PIXEL_BITS = 16 else |
std_logic_vector(resize(unsigned(ramq), 24)); |
ramraddr <= ramraddr_int(ramraddr'range); |
------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-- resolve RAM read address |
------------------------------------------------------------------- |
p_mux4 : process(CLK, RST) |
begin |
if RST = '1' then |
ramraddr_int <= (others => '0'); |
elsif CLK'event and CLK = '1' then |
raddr_base_line <= (memrd_line) * unsigned(img_size_x); |
raddr_tmp <= (read_block_cnt_d1 & "000") + pix_inblk_cnt_d1; |
ramraddr_int <= raddr_tmp + raddr_base_line; |
end if; |
end process; |
end architecture RTL; |
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-- Architecture: end |
0,0 → 1,8192
0000 |
0008 |
0010 |
0018 |
0020 |
0028 |
0030 |
0038 |
0040 |
0048 |
0050 |
0058 |
0060 |
0068 |
0070 |
0078 |
0080 |
0088 |
0090 |
0098 |
00a0 |
00a8 |
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00b8 |
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00c8 |
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00e8 |
00f0 |
00f8 |
0100 |
0108 |
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0118 |
0120 |
0128 |
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0158 |
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0168 |
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0178 |
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01a8 |
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01e0 |
01e8 |
01f0 |
01f8 |
0200 |
0208 |
0210 |
0218 |
0220 |
0228 |
0230 |
0238 |
0240 |
0248 |
0250 |
0258 |
0260 |
0268 |
0270 |
0278 |
0280 |
0288 |
0290 |
0298 |
02a0 |
02a8 |
02b0 |
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02c0 |
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02d0 |
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02e0 |
02e8 |
02f0 |
02f8 |
0300 |
0308 |
0310 |
0318 |
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0328 |
0330 |
0338 |
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0348 |
0350 |
0358 |
0360 |
0368 |
0370 |
0378 |
0380 |
0388 |
0390 |
0398 |
03a0 |
03a8 |
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03c0 |
03c8 |
03d0 |
03d8 |
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03e8 |
03f0 |
03f8 |
0400 |
0408 |
0410 |
0418 |
0420 |
0428 |
0430 |
0438 |
0440 |
0448 |
0450 |
0458 |
0460 |
0468 |
0470 |
0478 |
0480 |
0488 |
0490 |
0498 |
04a0 |
04a8 |
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04c8 |
04d0 |
04d8 |
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04e8 |
04f0 |
04f8 |
0500 |
0508 |
0510 |
0518 |
0520 |
0528 |
0530 |
0538 |
0540 |
0548 |
0550 |
0558 |
0560 |
0568 |
0570 |
0578 |
0580 |
0588 |
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0598 |
05a0 |
05a8 |
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05b8 |
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05f0 |
05f8 |
0600 |
0608 |
0610 |
0618 |
0620 |
0628 |
0630 |
0638 |
0640 |
0648 |
0650 |
0658 |
0660 |
0668 |
0670 |
0678 |
0680 |
0688 |
0690 |
0698 |
06a0 |
06a8 |
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06c8 |
06d0 |
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06e8 |
06f0 |
06f8 |
0700 |
0708 |
0710 |
0718 |
0720 |
0728 |
0730 |
0738 |
0740 |
0748 |
0750 |
0758 |
0760 |
0768 |
0770 |
0778 |
0780 |
0788 |
0790 |
0798 |
07a0 |
07a8 |
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07c0 |
07c8 |
07d0 |
07d8 |
07e0 |
07e8 |
07f0 |
07f8 |
0800 |
0808 |
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-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-- -- |
-- V H D L F I L E -- |
-- COPYRIGHT (C) 2006 -- |
-- -- |
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-- -- |
-- Title : SUB_RAMZ -- |
-- Design : EV_JPEG_ENC -- |
-- Author : Michal Krepa -- -- -- |
-- -- |
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-- |
-- File : SUB_RAMZ.VHD |
-- Created : 22/03/2009 |
-- |
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-- |
-- Description : RAM memory simulation model |
-- |
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
library ieee; |
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; |
use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all; |
use IEEE.std_logic_textio.all; |
library std; |
use std.textio.all; |
entity SUB_RAMZ_LUT is |
generic |
( |
); |
port ( |
d : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(RAMDATA_W-1 downto 0); |
waddr : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(RAMADDR_W-1 downto 0); |
raddr : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(RAMADDR_W-1 downto 0); |
we : in STD_LOGIC; |
clk : in STD_LOGIC; |
q : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(RAMDATA_W-1 downto 0) |
); |
architecture RTL of SUB_RAMZ_LUT is |
type mem_type is array ((2**RAMADDR_W)-1 downto 0) of |
--type mem_type is array (( 1296*8)-1 downto 0) of --/*1296*8*/ |
-- STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(RAMDATA_W-1 downto 0); |
impure function InitRamFromFile (RamFileName : in string) return mem_type is |
FILE RamFile : text is in RamFileName; |
variable RamFileLine : line; |
variable RAM : mem_type; |
begin |
for I in 0 to (2**RAMADDR_W)-1 loop |
readline (RamFile, RamFileLine); |
--Write (RamFileLine, I * 8); |
hread(RamFileLine, RAM(I)); |
--write( (I * 8),RamFileLine ); |
--read (RamFileLine, RAM(I), LEFT, 10); |
end loop; |
return RAM; |
end function; |
signal mem : mem_type := InitRamFromFile("../design/BufFifo/counter_8.txt") ; |
signal read_addr : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(RAMADDR_W-1 downto 0); |
--attribute ram_style: string; |
--attribute ram_style of mem : signal is "distributed"; |
begin |
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
q_sg: |
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
q <= mem(TO_INTEGER(UNSIGNED(read_addr))); |
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
read_proc: -- register read address |
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
process (clk) |
begin |
if clk = '1' and clk'event then |
read_addr <= raddr; |
end if; |
end process; |
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
write_proc: --write access |
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
process (clk) begin |
if clk = '1' and clk'event then |
if we = '1' then |
mem(TO_INTEGER(UNSIGNED(waddr))) <= d; |
end if; |
end if; |
end process; |
end RTL; |
0,0 → 1,80
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-- Company: |
-- Engineer: |
-- |
-- Create Date: 12:18:01 03/12/2011 |
-- Design Name: |
-- Module Name: multiplier - Behavioral |
-- Project Name: |
-- Target Devices: |
-- Tool versions: |
-- Description: |
-- |
-- Dependencies: |
-- |
-- Revision: |
-- Revision 0.01 - File Created |
-- Additional Comments: |
-- |
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
library IEEE; |
use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL; |
use ieee.numeric_std.all; |
-- Uncomment the following library declaration if using |
-- arithmetic functions with Signed or Unsigned values |
-- Uncomment the following library declaration if instantiating |
-- any Xilinx primitives in this code. |
--library UNISIM; |
--use UNISIM.VComponents.all; |
entity multiplier is |
port ( |
CLK : in std_logic; |
RST : in std_logic; |
-- |
img_size_x : in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); |
img_size_y : in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); |
-- |
result : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); |
threshold : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) |
); |
end multiplier; |
architecture Behavioral of multiplier is |
signal prev_x : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); |
signal prev_y : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); |
begin |
process(CLK, RST) |
begin |
if (RST = '1') then |
result <= x"00000000"; |
threshold <= x"00000000"; |
prev_x <= x"0000"; |
prev_y <= x"0000"; |
elsif (CLK'event and CLK = '1') then |
if (prev_x /= img_size_x or prev_y /= img_size_y) then |
result <= img_size_x * img_size_y; |
threshold <= img_size_x * x"0007"; |
end if; |
prev_x <= img_size_x; |
prev_y <= img_size_y; |
end if; |
end process; |
end Behavioral; |
1,334 → 1,386
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-- -- |
-- V H D L F I L E -- |
-- COPYRIGHT (C) 2006 -- |
-- -- |
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-- |
-- Title : DCT1D |
-- Design : MDCT Core |
-- Author : Michal Krepa |
-- |
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-- |
-- File : DCT1D.VHD |
-- Created : Sat Mar 5 7:37 2006 |
-- |
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-- |
-- Description : 1D Discrete Cosine Transform (1st stage) |
-- |
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
library IEEE; |
use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all; |
library WORK; |
use WORK.MDCT_PKG.all; |
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
entity DCT1D is |
port( |
clk : in STD_LOGIC; |
rst : in std_logic; |
dcti : in std_logic_vector(IP_W-1 downto 0); |
idv : in STD_LOGIC; |
romedatao : in T_ROM1DATAO; |
romodatao : in T_ROM1DATAO; |
odv : out STD_LOGIC; |
dcto : out std_logic_vector(OP_W-1 downto 0); |
romeaddro : out T_ROM1ADDRO; |
romoaddro : out T_ROM1ADDRO; |
ramwaddro : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(RAMADRR_W-1 downto 0); |
ramdatai : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(RAMDATA_W-1 downto 0); |
ramwe : out STD_LOGIC; |
wmemsel : out STD_LOGIC |
); |
end DCT1D; |
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
architecture RTL of DCT1D is |
type INPUT_DATA is array (N-1 downto 0) of SIGNED(IP_W downto 0); |
signal databuf_reg : INPUT_DATA; |
signal latchbuf_reg : INPUT_DATA; |
signal col_reg : UNSIGNED(RAMADRR_W/2-1 downto 0); |
signal row_reg : UNSIGNED(RAMADRR_W/2-1 downto 0); |
signal rowr_reg : UNSIGNED(RAMADRR_W/2-1 downto 0); |
signal inpcnt_reg : UNSIGNED(RAMADRR_W/2-1 downto 0); |
signal ramwe_s : STD_LOGIC; |
signal wmemsel_reg : STD_LOGIC; |
signal stage2_reg : STD_LOGIC; |
signal stage2_cnt_reg : UNSIGNED(RAMADRR_W-1 downto 0); |
signal col_2_reg : UNSIGNED(RAMADRR_W/2-1 downto 0); |
signal ramwaddro_s : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(RAMADRR_W-1 downto 0); |
signal even_not_odd : std_logic; |
signal even_not_odd_d1 : std_logic; |
signal even_not_odd_d2 : std_logic; |
signal even_not_odd_d3 : std_logic; |
signal ramwe_d1 : STD_LOGIC; |
signal ramwe_d2 : STD_LOGIC; |
signal ramwe_d3 : STD_LOGIC; |
signal ramwe_d4 : STD_LOGIC; |
signal ramwaddro_d1 : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(RAMADRR_W-1 downto 0); |
signal ramwaddro_d2 : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(RAMADRR_W-1 downto 0); |
signal ramwaddro_d3 : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(RAMADRR_W-1 downto 0); |
signal ramwaddro_d4 : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(RAMADRR_W-1 downto 0); |
signal wmemsel_d1 : STD_LOGIC; |
signal wmemsel_d2 : STD_LOGIC; |
signal wmemsel_d3 : STD_LOGIC; |
signal wmemsel_d4 : STD_LOGIC; |
signal romedatao_d1 : T_ROM1DATAO; |
signal romodatao_d1 : T_ROM1DATAO; |
signal romedatao_d2 : T_ROM1DATAO; |
signal romodatao_d2 : T_ROM1DATAO; |
signal romedatao_d3 : T_ROM1DATAO; |
signal romodatao_d3 : T_ROM1DATAO; |
signal dcto_1 : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(DA_W-1 downto 0); |
signal dcto_2 : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(DA_W-1 downto 0); |
signal dcto_3 : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(DA_W-1 downto 0); |
signal dcto_4 : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(DA_W-1 downto 0); |
begin |
ramwaddro <= ramwaddro_d4; |
ramwe <= ramwe_d4; |
ramdatai <= dcto_4(DA_W-1 downto 12); |
wmemsel <= wmemsel_d4; |
process(clk,rst) |
begin |
if rst = '1' then |
inpcnt_reg <= (others => '0'); |
latchbuf_reg <= (others => (others => '0')); |
databuf_reg <= (others => (others => '0')); |
stage2_reg <= '0'; |
stage2_cnt_reg <= (others => '1'); |
ramwe_s <= '0'; |
ramwaddro_s <= (others => '0'); |
col_reg <= (others => '0'); |
row_reg <= (others => '0'); |
wmemsel_reg <= '0'; |
col_2_reg <= (others => '0'); |
elsif clk = '1' and clk'event then |
stage2_reg <= '0'; |
ramwe_s <= '0'; |
-------------------------------- |
-- 1st stage |
-------------------------------- |
if idv = '1' then |
inpcnt_reg <= inpcnt_reg + 1; |
-- right shift input data |
latchbuf_reg(N-2 downto 0) <= latchbuf_reg(N-1 downto 1); |
latchbuf_reg(N-1) <= SIGNED('0' & dcti) - LEVEL_SHIFT; |
if inpcnt_reg = N-1 then |
-- after this sum databuf_reg is in range of -256 to 254 (min to max) |
databuf_reg(0) <= latchbuf_reg(1)+(SIGNED('0' & dcti) - LEVEL_SHIFT); |
databuf_reg(1) <= latchbuf_reg(2)+latchbuf_reg(7); |
databuf_reg(2) <= latchbuf_reg(3)+latchbuf_reg(6); |
databuf_reg(3) <= latchbuf_reg(4)+latchbuf_reg(5); |
databuf_reg(4) <= latchbuf_reg(1)-(SIGNED('0' & dcti) - LEVEL_SHIFT); |
databuf_reg(5) <= latchbuf_reg(2)-latchbuf_reg(7); |
databuf_reg(6) <= latchbuf_reg(3)-latchbuf_reg(6); |
databuf_reg(7) <= latchbuf_reg(4)-latchbuf_reg(5); |
stage2_reg <= '1'; |
end if; |
end if; |
-------------------------------- |
-------------------------------- |
-- 2nd stage |
-------------------------------- |
if stage2_cnt_reg < N then |
stage2_cnt_reg <= stage2_cnt_reg + 1; |
-- write RAM |
ramwe_s <= '1'; |
-- reverse col/row order for transposition purpose |
ramwaddro_s <= STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(col_2_reg & row_reg); |
-- increment column counter |
col_reg <= col_reg + 1; |
col_2_reg <= col_2_reg + 1; |
-- finished processing one input row |
if col_reg = 0 then |
row_reg <= row_reg + 1; |
-- switch to 2nd memory |
if row_reg = N - 1 then |
wmemsel_reg <= not wmemsel_reg; |
col_reg <= (others => '0'); |
end if; |
end if; |
end if; |
if stage2_reg = '1' then |
stage2_cnt_reg <= (others => '0'); |
col_reg <= (0=>'1',others => '0'); |
col_2_reg <= (others => '0'); |
end if; |
---------------------------------- |
end if; |
end process; |
-- output data pipeline |
p_data_out_pipe : process(CLK, RST) |
begin |
if RST = '1' then |
even_not_odd <= '0'; |
even_not_odd_d1 <= '0'; |
even_not_odd_d2 <= '0'; |
even_not_odd_d3 <= '0'; |
ramwe_d1 <= '0'; |
ramwe_d2 <= '0'; |
ramwe_d3 <= '0'; |
ramwe_d4 <= '0'; |
ramwaddro_d1 <= (others => '0'); |
ramwaddro_d2 <= (others => '0'); |
ramwaddro_d3 <= (others => '0'); |
ramwaddro_d4 <= (others => '0'); |
wmemsel_d1 <= '0'; |
wmemsel_d2 <= '0'; |
wmemsel_d3 <= '0'; |
wmemsel_d4 <= '0'; |
dcto_1 <= (others => '0'); |
dcto_2 <= (others => '0'); |
dcto_3 <= (others => '0'); |
dcto_4 <= (others => '0'); |
elsif CLK'event and CLK = '1' then |
even_not_odd <= stage2_cnt_reg(0); |
even_not_odd_d1 <= even_not_odd; |
even_not_odd_d2 <= even_not_odd_d1; |
even_not_odd_d3 <= even_not_odd_d2; |
ramwe_d1 <= ramwe_s; |
ramwe_d2 <= ramwe_d1; |
ramwe_d3 <= ramwe_d2; |
ramwe_d4 <= ramwe_d3; |
ramwaddro_d1 <= ramwaddro_s; |
ramwaddro_d2 <= ramwaddro_d1; |
ramwaddro_d3 <= ramwaddro_d2; |
ramwaddro_d4 <= ramwaddro_d3; |
wmemsel_d1 <= wmemsel_reg; |
wmemsel_d2 <= wmemsel_d1; |
wmemsel_d3 <= wmemsel_d2; |
wmemsel_d4 <= wmemsel_d3; |
if even_not_odd = '0' then |
(RESIZE(SIGNED(romedatao(0)),DA_W) + |
(RESIZE(SIGNED(romedatao(1)),DA_W-1) & '0') + |
(RESIZE(SIGNED(romedatao(2)),DA_W-2) & "00"), |
DA_W)); |
else |
(RESIZE(SIGNED(romodatao(0)),DA_W) + |
(RESIZE(SIGNED(romodatao(1)),DA_W-1) & '0') + |
(RESIZE(SIGNED(romodatao(2)),DA_W-2) & "00"), |
DA_W)); |
end if; |
if even_not_odd_d1 = '0' then |
(signed(dcto_1) + |
(RESIZE(SIGNED(romedatao_d1(3)),DA_W-3) & "000") + |
(RESIZE(SIGNED(romedatao_d1(4)),DA_W-4) & "0000"), |
DA_W)); |
else |
(signed(dcto_1) + |
(RESIZE(SIGNED(romodatao_d1(3)),DA_W-3) & "000") + |
(RESIZE(SIGNED(romodatao_d1(4)),DA_W-4) & "0000"), |
DA_W)); |
end if; |
if even_not_odd_d2 = '0' then |
(signed(dcto_2) + |
(RESIZE(SIGNED(romedatao_d2(5)),DA_W-5) & "00000") + |
(RESIZE(SIGNED(romedatao_d2(6)),DA_W-6) & "000000"), |
DA_W)); |
else |
(signed(dcto_2) + |
(RESIZE(SIGNED(romodatao_d2(5)),DA_W-5) & "00000") + |
(RESIZE(SIGNED(romodatao_d2(6)),DA_W-6) & "000000"), |
DA_W)); |
end if; |
if even_not_odd_d3 = '0' then |
(signed(dcto_3) + |
(RESIZE(SIGNED(romedatao_d3(7)),DA_W-7) & "0000000") - |
(RESIZE(SIGNED(romedatao_d3(8)),DA_W-8) & "00000000"), |
DA_W)); |
else |
(signed(dcto_3) + |
(RESIZE(SIGNED(romodatao_d3(7)),DA_W-7) & "0000000") - |
(RESIZE(SIGNED(romodatao_d3(8)),DA_W-8) & "00000000"), |
DA_W)); |
end if; |
end if; |
end process; |
-- read precomputed MAC results from LUT |
p_romaddr : process(CLK, RST) |
begin |
if RST = '1' then |
romeaddro <= (others => (others => '0')); |
romoaddro <= (others => (others => '0')); |
elsif CLK'event and CLK = '1' then |
for i in 0 to 8 loop |
-- even |
romeaddro(i) <= STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(col_reg(RAMADRR_W/2-1 downto 1)) & |
databuf_reg(0)(i) & |
databuf_reg(1)(i) & |
databuf_reg(2)(i) & |
databuf_reg(3)(i); |
-- odd |
romoaddro(i) <= STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(col_reg(RAMADRR_W/2-1 downto 1)) & |
databuf_reg(4)(i) & |
databuf_reg(5)(i) & |
databuf_reg(6)(i) & |
databuf_reg(7)(i); |
end loop; |
end if; |
end process; |
p_romdatao_d1 : process(CLK, RST) |
begin |
if RST = '1' then |
romedatao_d1 <= (others => (others => '0')); |
romodatao_d1 <= (others => (others => '0')); |
romedatao_d2 <= (others => (others => '0')); |
romodatao_d2 <= (others => (others => '0')); |
romedatao_d3 <= (others => (others => '0')); |
romodatao_d3 <= (others => (others => '0')); |
elsif CLK'event and CLK = '1' then |
romedatao_d1 <= romedatao; |
romodatao_d1 <= romodatao; |
romedatao_d2 <= romedatao_d1; |
romodatao_d2 <= romodatao_d1; |
romedatao_d3 <= romedatao_d2; |
romodatao_d3 <= romodatao_d2; |
end if; |
end process; |
end RTL; |
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-- -- |
-- V H D L F I L E -- |
-- COPYRIGHT (C) 2006 -- |
-- -- |
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-- |
-- Title : DCT1D |
-- Design : MDCT Core |
-- Author : Michal Krepa |
-- |
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-- |
-- File : DCT1D.VHD |
-- Created : Sat Mar 5 7:37 2006 |
-- |
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-- |
-- Description : 1D Discrete Cosine Transform (1st stage) |
-- |
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
library IEEE; |
use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all; |
library WORK; |
use WORK.MDCT_PKG.all; |
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
entity DCT1D is |
port( |
clk : in STD_LOGIC; |
rst : in std_logic; |
dcti : in std_logic_vector(IP_W-1 downto 0); |
idv : in STD_LOGIC; |
romedatao : in T_ROM1DATAO; |
romodatao : in T_ROM1DATAO; |
odv : out STD_LOGIC; |
dcto : out std_logic_vector(OP_W-1 downto 0); |
romeaddro : out T_ROM1ADDRO; |
romoaddro : out T_ROM1ADDRO; |
ramwaddro : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(RAMADRR_W-1 downto 0); |
ramdatai : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(RAMDATA_W-1 downto 0); |
ramwe : out STD_LOGIC; |
wmemsel : out STD_LOGIC |
); |
end DCT1D; |
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
architecture RTL of DCT1D is |
type INPUT_DATA is array (N-1 downto 0) of SIGNED(IP_W downto 0); |
signal databuf_reg : INPUT_DATA; |
signal latchbuf_reg : INPUT_DATA; |
signal col_reg : UNSIGNED(RAMADRR_W/2-1 downto 0); |
signal row_reg : UNSIGNED(RAMADRR_W/2-1 downto 0); |
signal rowr_reg : UNSIGNED(RAMADRR_W/2-1 downto 0); |
signal inpcnt_reg : UNSIGNED(RAMADRR_W/2-1 downto 0); |
signal ramwe_s : STD_LOGIC; |
signal wmemsel_reg : STD_LOGIC; |
signal stage2_reg : STD_LOGIC; |
signal stage2_cnt_reg : UNSIGNED(RAMADRR_W-1 downto 0); |
signal col_2_reg : UNSIGNED(RAMADRR_W/2-1 downto 0); |
signal ramwaddro_s : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(RAMADRR_W-1 downto 0); |
signal even_not_odd : std_logic; |
signal even_not_odd_d1 : std_logic; |
signal even_not_odd_d2 : std_logic; |
signal even_not_odd_d3 : std_logic; |
signal ramwe_d1 : STD_LOGIC; |
signal ramwe_d2 : STD_LOGIC; |
signal ramwe_d3 : STD_LOGIC; |
signal ramwe_d4 : STD_LOGIC; |
signal ramwaddro_d1 : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(RAMADRR_W-1 downto 0); |
signal ramwaddro_d2 : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(RAMADRR_W-1 downto 0); |
signal ramwaddro_d3 : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(RAMADRR_W-1 downto 0); |
signal ramwaddro_d4 : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(RAMADRR_W-1 downto 0); |
signal ramwaddro_d5 : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(RAMADRR_W-1 downto 0); |
signal ramwaddro_d6 : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(RAMADRR_W-1 downto 0); |
signal wmemsel_d1 : STD_LOGIC; |
signal wmemsel_d2 : STD_LOGIC; |
signal wmemsel_d3 : STD_LOGIC; |
signal wmemsel_d4 : STD_LOGIC; |
signal wmemsel_d5 : STD_LOGIC; |
signal wmemsel_d6 : STD_LOGIC; |
signal romedatao_d1 : T_ROM1DATAO; |
signal romodatao_d1 : T_ROM1DATAO; |
signal romedatao_d2 : T_ROM1DATAO; |
signal romodatao_d2 : T_ROM1DATAO; |
signal romedatao_d3 : T_ROM1DATAO; |
signal romodatao_d3 : T_ROM1DATAO; |
signal dcto_1 : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(DA_W-1 downto 0); |
signal dcto_2 : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(DA_W-1 downto 0); |
signal dcto_3 : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(DA_W-1 downto 0); |
signal dcto_4 : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(DA_W-1 downto 0); |
signal fpr_out : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(DA_W-12-1 downto 0); |
component FinitePrecRndNrst is |
generic |
( |
C_IN_SZ : natural := 37; |
C_OUT_SZ : natural := 16; |
C_FRAC_SZ : natural := 15 |
); |
port ( |
CLK : in std_logic; |
RST : in std_logic; |
datain : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(C_IN_SZ-1 downto 0); |
dataval : in std_logic; |
dataout : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(C_OUT_SZ-1 downto 0); |
clip_inc : out std_logic; |
dval_out : out std_logic |
); |
end component; |
begin |
ramwaddro <= ramwaddro_d6; |
--ramwe <= ramwe_d4; |
--ramdatai <= dcto_4(DA_W-1 downto 12); |
wmemsel <= wmemsel_d4; |
odv <= ramwe_d4; |
dcto <= STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(RESIZE(SIGNED(fpr_out),12)); |
ramdatai <= fpr_out; |
U_FinitePrecRndNrst : FinitePrecRndNrst |
generic map( |
C_IN_SZ => DA_W, |
C_OUT_SZ => DA_W-12, |
C_FRAC_SZ => 12 |
) |
port map( |
CLK => clk, |
RST => rst, |
datain => dcto_4, |
dataval => ramwe_d4, |
dataout => fpr_out, |
clip_inc => open, |
dval_out => ramwe |
); |
process(clk,rst) |
begin |
if rst = '1' then |
inpcnt_reg <= (others => '0'); |
latchbuf_reg <= (others => (others => '0')); |
databuf_reg <= (others => (others => '0')); |
stage2_reg <= '0'; |
stage2_cnt_reg <= (others => '1'); |
ramwe_s <= '0'; |
ramwaddro_s <= (others => '0'); |
col_reg <= (others => '0'); |
row_reg <= (others => '0'); |
wmemsel_reg <= '0'; |
col_2_reg <= (others => '0'); |
elsif clk = '1' and clk'event then |
stage2_reg <= '0'; |
ramwe_s <= '0'; |
-------------------------------- |
-- 1st stage |
-------------------------------- |
if idv = '1' then |
inpcnt_reg <= inpcnt_reg + 1; |
-- right shift input data |
latchbuf_reg(N-2 downto 0) <= latchbuf_reg(N-1 downto 1); |
latchbuf_reg(N-1) <= SIGNED('0' & dcti) - LEVEL_SHIFT; |
if inpcnt_reg = N-1 then |
-- after this sum databuf_reg is in range of -256 to 254 (min to max) |
databuf_reg(0) <= latchbuf_reg(1)+(SIGNED('0' & dcti) - LEVEL_SHIFT); |
databuf_reg(1) <= latchbuf_reg(2)+latchbuf_reg(7); |
databuf_reg(2) <= latchbuf_reg(3)+latchbuf_reg(6); |
databuf_reg(3) <= latchbuf_reg(4)+latchbuf_reg(5); |
databuf_reg(4) <= latchbuf_reg(1)-(SIGNED('0' & dcti) - LEVEL_SHIFT); |
databuf_reg(5) <= latchbuf_reg(2)-latchbuf_reg(7); |
databuf_reg(6) <= latchbuf_reg(3)-latchbuf_reg(6); |
databuf_reg(7) <= latchbuf_reg(4)-latchbuf_reg(5); |
stage2_reg <= '1'; |
end if; |
end if; |
-------------------------------- |
-------------------------------- |
-- 2nd stage |
-------------------------------- |
if stage2_cnt_reg < N then |
stage2_cnt_reg <= stage2_cnt_reg + 1; |
-- write RAM |
ramwe_s <= '1'; |
-- reverse col/row order for transposition purpose |
ramwaddro_s <= STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(col_2_reg & row_reg); |
-- increment column counter |
col_reg <= col_reg + 1; |
col_2_reg <= col_2_reg + 1; |
-- finished processing one input row |
if col_reg = 0 then |
row_reg <= row_reg + 1; |
-- switch to 2nd memory |
if row_reg = N - 1 then |
wmemsel_reg <= not wmemsel_reg; |
col_reg <= (others => '0'); |
end if; |
end if; |
end if; |
if stage2_reg = '1' then |
stage2_cnt_reg <= (others => '0'); |
col_reg <= (0=>'1',others => '0'); |
col_2_reg <= (others => '0'); |
end if; |
---------------------------------- |
end if; |
end process; |
-- output data pipeline |
p_data_out_pipe : process(CLK, RST) |
begin |
if RST = '1' then |
even_not_odd <= '0'; |
even_not_odd_d1 <= '0'; |
even_not_odd_d2 <= '0'; |
even_not_odd_d3 <= '0'; |
ramwe_d1 <= '0'; |
ramwe_d2 <= '0'; |
ramwe_d3 <= '0'; |
ramwe_d4 <= '0'; |
ramwaddro_d1 <= (others => '0'); |
ramwaddro_d2 <= (others => '0'); |
ramwaddro_d3 <= (others => '0'); |
ramwaddro_d4 <= (others => '0'); |
wmemsel_d1 <= '0'; |
wmemsel_d2 <= '0'; |
wmemsel_d3 <= '0'; |
wmemsel_d4 <= '0'; |
dcto_1 <= (others => '0'); |
dcto_2 <= (others => '0'); |
dcto_3 <= (others => '0'); |
dcto_4 <= (others => '0'); |
elsif CLK'event and CLK = '1' then |
even_not_odd <= stage2_cnt_reg(0); |
even_not_odd_d1 <= even_not_odd; |
even_not_odd_d2 <= even_not_odd_d1; |
even_not_odd_d3 <= even_not_odd_d2; |
ramwe_d1 <= ramwe_s; |
ramwe_d2 <= ramwe_d1; |
ramwe_d3 <= ramwe_d2; |
ramwe_d4 <= ramwe_d3; |
ramwaddro_d1 <= ramwaddro_s; |
ramwaddro_d2 <= ramwaddro_d1; |
ramwaddro_d3 <= ramwaddro_d2; |
ramwaddro_d4 <= ramwaddro_d3; |
ramwaddro_d5 <= ramwaddro_d4; |
ramwaddro_d6 <= ramwaddro_d5; |
wmemsel_d1 <= wmemsel_reg; |
wmemsel_d2 <= wmemsel_d1; |
wmemsel_d3 <= wmemsel_d2; |
wmemsel_d4 <= wmemsel_d3; |
wmemsel_d5 <= wmemsel_d4; |
wmemsel_d6 <= wmemsel_d5; |
if even_not_odd = '0' then |
(RESIZE(SIGNED(romedatao(0)),DA_W) + |
(RESIZE(SIGNED(romedatao(1)),DA_W-1) & '0') + |
(RESIZE(SIGNED(romedatao(2)),DA_W-2) & "00"), |
DA_W)); |
else |
(RESIZE(SIGNED(romodatao(0)),DA_W) + |
(RESIZE(SIGNED(romodatao(1)),DA_W-1) & '0') + |
(RESIZE(SIGNED(romodatao(2)),DA_W-2) & "00"), |
DA_W)); |
end if; |
if even_not_odd_d1 = '0' then |
(signed(dcto_1) + |
(RESIZE(SIGNED(romedatao_d1(3)),DA_W-3) & "000") + |
(RESIZE(SIGNED(romedatao_d1(4)),DA_W-4) & "0000"), |
DA_W)); |
else |
(signed(dcto_1) + |
(RESIZE(SIGNED(romodatao_d1(3)),DA_W-3) & "000") + |
(RESIZE(SIGNED(romodatao_d1(4)),DA_W-4) & "0000"), |
DA_W)); |
end if; |
if even_not_odd_d2 = '0' then |
(signed(dcto_2) + |
(RESIZE(SIGNED(romedatao_d2(5)),DA_W-5) & "00000") + |
(RESIZE(SIGNED(romedatao_d2(6)),DA_W-6) & "000000"), |
DA_W)); |
else |
(signed(dcto_2) + |
(RESIZE(SIGNED(romodatao_d2(5)),DA_W-5) & "00000") + |
(RESIZE(SIGNED(romodatao_d2(6)),DA_W-6) & "000000"), |
DA_W)); |
end if; |
if even_not_odd_d3 = '0' then |
(signed(dcto_3) + |
(RESIZE(SIGNED(romedatao_d3(7)),DA_W-7) & "0000000") - |
(RESIZE(SIGNED(romedatao_d3(8)),DA_W-8) & "00000000"), |
DA_W)); |
else |
(signed(dcto_3) + |
(RESIZE(SIGNED(romodatao_d3(7)),DA_W-7) & "0000000") - |
(RESIZE(SIGNED(romodatao_d3(8)),DA_W-8) & "00000000"), |
DA_W)); |
end if; |
end if; |
end process; |
-- read precomputed MAC results from LUT |
p_romaddr : process(CLK, RST) |
begin |
if RST = '1' then |
romeaddro <= (others => (others => '0')); |
romoaddro <= (others => (others => '0')); |
elsif CLK'event and CLK = '1' then |
for i in 0 to 8 loop |
-- even |
romeaddro(i) <= STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(col_reg(RAMADRR_W/2-1 downto 1)) & |
databuf_reg(0)(i) & |
databuf_reg(1)(i) & |
databuf_reg(2)(i) & |
databuf_reg(3)(i); |
-- odd |
romoaddro(i) <= STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(col_reg(RAMADRR_W/2-1 downto 1)) & |
databuf_reg(4)(i) & |
databuf_reg(5)(i) & |
databuf_reg(6)(i) & |
databuf_reg(7)(i); |
end loop; |
end if; |
end process; |
p_romdatao_d1 : process(CLK, RST) |
begin |
if RST = '1' then |
romedatao_d1 <= (others => (others => '0')); |
romodatao_d1 <= (others => (others => '0')); |
romedatao_d2 <= (others => (others => '0')); |
romodatao_d2 <= (others => (others => '0')); |
romedatao_d3 <= (others => (others => '0')); |
romodatao_d3 <= (others => (others => '0')); |
elsif CLK'event and CLK = '1' then |
romedatao_d1 <= romedatao; |
romodatao_d1 <= romodatao; |
romedatao_d2 <= romedatao_d1; |
romodatao_d2 <= romodatao_d1; |
romedatao_d3 <= romedatao_d2; |
romodatao_d3 <= romodatao_d2; |
end if; |
end process; |
end RTL; |
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
1,357 → 1,398
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-- -- |
-- V H D L F I L E -- |
-- COPYRIGHT (C) 2006 -- |
-- -- |
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-- |
-- Title : DCT2D |
-- Design : MDCT Core |
-- Author : Michal Krepa |
-- |
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-- |
-- File : DCT2D.VHD |
-- Created : Sat Mar 28 22:32 2006 |
-- |
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-- |
-- Description : 1D Discrete Cosine Transform (second stage) |
-- |
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
library IEEE; |
use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all; |
use ieee.numeric_std.all; |
library WORK; |
use WORK.MDCT_PKG.all; |
entity DCT2D is |
port( |
clk : in STD_LOGIC; |
rst : in std_logic; |
romedatao : in T_ROM2DATAO; |
romodatao : in T_ROM2DATAO; |
ramdatao : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(RAMDATA_W-1 downto 0); |
dataready : in STD_LOGIC; |
odv : out STD_LOGIC; |
dcto : out std_logic_vector(OP_W-1 downto 0); |
romeaddro : out T_ROM2ADDRO; |
romoaddro : out T_ROM2ADDRO; |
ramraddro : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(RAMADRR_W-1 downto 0); |
rmemsel : out STD_LOGIC; |
datareadyack : out STD_LOGIC |
); |
end DCT2D; |
architecture RTL of DCT2D is |
type input_data2 is array (N-1 downto 0) of SIGNED(RAMDATA_W downto 0); |
signal databuf_reg : input_data2; |
signal latchbuf_reg : input_data2; |
signal col_reg : UNSIGNED(RAMADRR_W/2-1 downto 0); |
signal row_reg : UNSIGNED(RAMADRR_W/2-1 downto 0); |
signal colram_reg : UNSIGNED(RAMADRR_W/2-1 downto 0); |
signal rowram_reg : UNSIGNED(RAMADRR_W/2-1 downto 0); |
signal colr_reg : UNSIGNED(RAMADRR_W/2-1 downto 0); |
signal rowr_reg : UNSIGNED(RAMADRR_W/2-1 downto 0); |
signal rmemsel_reg : STD_LOGIC; |
signal stage1_reg : STD_LOGIC; |
signal stage2_reg : STD_LOGIC; |
signal stage2_cnt_reg : UNSIGNED(RAMADRR_W-1 downto 0); |
signal dataready_2_reg : STD_LOGIC; |
signal even_not_odd : std_logic; |
signal even_not_odd_d1 : std_logic; |
signal even_not_odd_d2 : std_logic; |
signal even_not_odd_d3 : std_logic; |
signal even_not_odd_d4 : std_logic; |
signal odv_d0 : std_logic; |
signal odv_d1 : std_logic; |
signal odv_d2 : std_logic; |
signal odv_d3 : std_logic; |
signal odv_d4 : std_logic; |
signal odv_d5 : std_logic; |
signal dcto_1 : std_logic_vector(DA2_W-1 downto 0); |
signal dcto_2 : std_logic_vector(DA2_W-1 downto 0); |
signal dcto_3 : std_logic_vector(DA2_W-1 downto 0); |
signal dcto_4 : std_logic_vector(DA2_W-1 downto 0); |
signal dcto_5 : std_logic_vector(DA2_W-1 downto 0); |
signal romedatao_d1 : T_ROM2DATAO; |
signal romodatao_d1 : T_ROM2DATAO; |
signal romedatao_d2 : T_ROM2DATAO; |
signal romodatao_d2 : T_ROM2DATAO; |
signal romedatao_d3 : T_ROM2DATAO; |
signal romodatao_d3 : T_ROM2DATAO; |
signal romedatao_d4 : T_ROM2DATAO; |
signal romodatao_d4 : T_ROM2DATAO; |
begin |
ramraddro_sg: |
ramraddro <= STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(rowr_reg & colr_reg); |
rmemsel_sg: |
rmemsel <= rmemsel_reg; |
process(clk,rst) |
begin |
if rst = '1' then |
stage2_cnt_reg <= (others => '1'); |
rmemsel_reg <= '0'; |
stage1_reg <= '0'; |
stage2_reg <= '0'; |
colram_reg <= (others => '0'); |
rowram_reg <= (others => '0'); |
col_reg <= (others => '0'); |
row_reg <= (others => '0'); |
latchbuf_reg <= (others => (others => '0')); |
databuf_reg <= (others => (others => '0')); |
odv_d0 <= '0'; |
colr_reg <= (others => '0'); |
rowr_reg <= (others => '0'); |
dataready_2_reg <= '0'; |
elsif clk='1' and clk'event then |
stage2_reg <= '0'; |
odv_d0 <= '0'; |
datareadyack <= '0'; |
dataready_2_reg <= dataready; |
---------------------------------- |
-- read DCT 1D to barrel shifer |
---------------------------------- |
if stage1_reg = '1' then |
-- right shift input data |
latchbuf_reg(N-2 downto 0) <= latchbuf_reg(N-1 downto 1); |
latchbuf_reg(N-1) <= RESIZE(SIGNED(ramdatao),RAMDATA_W+1); |
colram_reg <= colram_reg + 1; |
colr_reg <= colr_reg + 1; |
if colram_reg = N-2 then |
rowr_reg <= rowr_reg + 1; |
end if; |
if colram_reg = N-1 then |
rowram_reg <= rowram_reg + 1; |
if rowram_reg = N-1 then |
stage1_reg <= '0'; |
colr_reg <= (others => '0'); |
-- release memory |
rmemsel_reg <= not rmemsel_reg; |
end if; |
-- after this sum databuf_reg is in range of -256 to 254 (min to max) |
databuf_reg(0) <= latchbuf_reg(1)+RESIZE(SIGNED(ramdatao),RAMDATA_W+1); |
databuf_reg(1) <= latchbuf_reg(2)+latchbuf_reg(7); |
databuf_reg(2) <= latchbuf_reg(3)+latchbuf_reg(6); |
databuf_reg(3) <= latchbuf_reg(4)+latchbuf_reg(5); |
databuf_reg(4) <= latchbuf_reg(1)-RESIZE(SIGNED(ramdatao),RAMDATA_W+1); |
databuf_reg(5) <= latchbuf_reg(2)-latchbuf_reg(7); |
databuf_reg(6) <= latchbuf_reg(3)-latchbuf_reg(6); |
databuf_reg(7) <= latchbuf_reg(4)-latchbuf_reg(5); |
-- 8 point input latched |
stage2_reg <= '1'; |
end if; |
end if; |
-------------------------------- |
-- 2nd stage |
-------------------------------- |
if stage2_cnt_reg < N then |
stage2_cnt_reg <= stage2_cnt_reg + 1; |
-- output data valid |
odv_d0 <= '1'; |
-- increment column counter |
col_reg <= col_reg + 1; |
-- finished processing one input row |
if col_reg = N - 1 then |
row_reg <= row_reg + 1; |
end if; |
end if; |
if stage2_reg = '1' then |
stage2_cnt_reg <= (others => '0'); |
col_reg <= (0=>'1',others => '0'); |
end if; |
-------------------------------- |
---------------------------------- |
-- wait for new data |
---------------------------------- |
-- one of ram buffers has new data, process it |
if dataready = '1' and dataready_2_reg = '0' then |
stage1_reg <= '1'; |
-- to account for 1T RAM delay, increment RAM address counter |
colram_reg <= (others => '0'); |
colr_reg <= (0=>'1',others => '0'); |
datareadyack <= '1'; |
end if; |
---------------------------------- |
end if; |
end process; |
p_data_pipe : process(CLK, RST) |
begin |
if RST = '1' then |
even_not_odd <= '0'; |
even_not_odd_d1 <= '0'; |
even_not_odd_d2 <= '0'; |
even_not_odd_d3 <= '0'; |
even_not_odd_d4 <= '0'; |
odv_d1 <= '0'; |
odv_d2 <= '0'; |
odv_d3 <= '0'; |
odv_d4 <= '0'; |
odv_d5 <= '0'; |
dcto_1 <= (others => '0'); |
dcto_2 <= (others => '0'); |
dcto_3 <= (others => '0'); |
dcto_4 <= (others => '0'); |
dcto_5 <= (others => '0'); |
elsif CLK'event and CLK = '1' then |
even_not_odd <= stage2_cnt_reg(0); |
even_not_odd_d1 <= even_not_odd; |
even_not_odd_d2 <= even_not_odd_d1; |
even_not_odd_d3 <= even_not_odd_d2; |
even_not_odd_d4 <= even_not_odd_d3; |
odv_d1 <= odv_d0; |
odv_d2 <= odv_d1; |
odv_d3 <= odv_d2; |
odv_d4 <= odv_d3; |
odv_d5 <= odv_d4; |
if even_not_odd = '0' then |
(RESIZE(SIGNED(romedatao(0)),DA2_W) + |
(RESIZE(SIGNED(romedatao(1)),DA2_W-1) & '0') + |
(RESIZE(SIGNED(romedatao(2)),DA2_W-2) & "00"), |
DA2_W)); |
else |
(RESIZE(SIGNED(romodatao(0)),DA2_W) + |
(RESIZE(SIGNED(romodatao(1)),DA2_W-1) & '0') + |
(RESIZE(SIGNED(romodatao(2)),DA2_W-2) & "00"), |
DA2_W)); |
end if; |
if even_not_odd_d1 = '0' then |
(signed(dcto_1) + |
(RESIZE(SIGNED(romedatao_d1(3)),DA2_W-3) & "000") + |
(RESIZE(SIGNED(romedatao_d1(4)),DA2_W-4) & "0000"), |
DA2_W)); |
else |
(signed(dcto_1) + |
(RESIZE(SIGNED(romodatao_d1(3)),DA2_W-3) & "000") + |
(RESIZE(SIGNED(romodatao_d1(4)),DA2_W-4) & "0000"), |
DA2_W)); |
end if; |
if even_not_odd_d2 = '0' then |
(signed(dcto_2) + |
(RESIZE(SIGNED(romedatao_d2(5)),DA2_W-5) & "00000") + |
(RESIZE(SIGNED(romedatao_d2(6)),DA2_W-6) & "000000"), |
DA2_W)); |
else |
(signed(dcto_2) + |
(RESIZE(SIGNED(romodatao_d2(5)),DA2_W-5) & "00000") + |
(RESIZE(SIGNED(romodatao_d2(6)),DA2_W-6) & "000000"), |
DA2_W)); |
end if; |
if even_not_odd_d3 = '0' then |
(signed(dcto_3) + |
(RESIZE(SIGNED(romedatao_d3(7)),DA2_W-7) & "0000000") + |
(RESIZE(SIGNED(romedatao_d3(8)),DA2_W-8) & "00000000"), |
DA2_W)); |
else |
(signed(dcto_3) + |
(RESIZE(SIGNED(romodatao_d3(7)),DA2_W-7) & "0000000") + |
(RESIZE(SIGNED(romodatao_d3(8)),DA2_W-8) & "00000000"), |
DA2_W)); |
end if; |
if even_not_odd_d4 = '0' then |
(signed(dcto_4) + |
(RESIZE(SIGNED(romedatao_d4(9)),DA2_W-9) & "000000000") - |
(RESIZE(SIGNED(romedatao_d4(10)),DA2_W-10) & "0000000000"), |
DA2_W)); |
else |
(signed(dcto_4) + |
(RESIZE(SIGNED(romodatao_d4(9)),DA2_W-9) & "000000000") - |
(RESIZE(SIGNED(romodatao_d4(10)),DA2_W-10) & "0000000000"), |
DA2_W)); |
end if; |
end if; |
end process; |
dcto <= dcto_5(DA2_W-1 downto 12); |
odv <= odv_d5; |
p_romaddr : process(CLK, RST) |
begin |
if RST = '1' then |
romeaddro <= (others => (others => '0')); |
romoaddro <= (others => (others => '0')); |
elsif CLK'event and CLK = '1' then |
for i in 0 to 10 loop |
-- read precomputed MAC results from LUT |
romeaddro(i) <= STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(col_reg(RAMADRR_W/2-1 downto 1)) & |
databuf_reg(0)(i) & |
databuf_reg(1)(i) & |
databuf_reg(2)(i) & |
databuf_reg(3)(i); |
-- odd |
romoaddro(i) <= STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(col_reg(RAMADRR_W/2-1 downto 1)) & |
databuf_reg(4)(i) & |
databuf_reg(5)(i) & |
databuf_reg(6)(i) & |
databuf_reg(7)(i); |
end loop; |
end if; |
end process; |
p_romdatao_dly : process(CLK, RST) |
begin |
if RST = '1' then |
romedatao_d1 <= (others => (others => '0')); |
romodatao_d1 <= (others => (others => '0')); |
romedatao_d2 <= (others => (others => '0')); |
romodatao_d2 <= (others => (others => '0')); |
romedatao_d3 <= (others => (others => '0')); |
romodatao_d3 <= (others => (others => '0')); |
romedatao_d4 <= (others => (others => '0')); |
romodatao_d4 <= (others => (others => '0')); |
elsif CLK'event and CLK = '1' then |
romedatao_d1 <= romedatao; |
romodatao_d1 <= romodatao; |
romedatao_d2 <= romedatao_d1; |
romodatao_d2 <= romodatao_d1; |
romedatao_d3 <= romedatao_d2; |
romodatao_d3 <= romodatao_d2; |
romedatao_d4 <= romedatao_d3; |
romodatao_d4 <= romodatao_d3; |
end if; |
end process; |
end RTL; |
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-- -- |
-- V H D L F I L E -- |
-- COPYRIGHT (C) 2006 -- |
-- -- |
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-- |
-- Title : DCT2D |
-- Design : MDCT Core |
-- Author : Michal Krepa |
-- |
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-- |
-- File : DCT2D.VHD |
-- Created : Sat Mar 28 22:32 2006 |
-- |
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-- |
-- Description : 1D Discrete Cosine Transform (second stage) |
-- |
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
library IEEE; |
use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all; |
use ieee.numeric_std.all; |
library WORK; |
use WORK.MDCT_PKG.all; |
entity DCT2D is |
port( |
clk : in STD_LOGIC; |
rst : in std_logic; |
romedatao : in T_ROM2DATAO; |
romodatao : in T_ROM2DATAO; |
ramdatao : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(RAMDATA_W-1 downto 0); |
dataready : in STD_LOGIC; |
odv : out STD_LOGIC; |
dcto : out std_logic_vector(OP_W-1 downto 0); |
romeaddro : out T_ROM2ADDRO; |
romoaddro : out T_ROM2ADDRO; |
ramraddro : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(RAMADRR_W-1 downto 0); |
rmemsel : out STD_LOGIC; |
datareadyack : out STD_LOGIC |
); |
end DCT2D; |
architecture RTL of DCT2D is |
type input_data2 is array (N-1 downto 0) of SIGNED(RAMDATA_W downto 0); |
signal databuf_reg : input_data2; |
signal latchbuf_reg : input_data2; |
signal col_reg : UNSIGNED(RAMADRR_W/2-1 downto 0); |
signal row_reg : UNSIGNED(RAMADRR_W/2-1 downto 0); |
signal colram_reg : UNSIGNED(RAMADRR_W/2-1 downto 0); |
signal rowram_reg : UNSIGNED(RAMADRR_W/2-1 downto 0); |
signal colr_reg : UNSIGNED(RAMADRR_W/2-1 downto 0); |
signal rowr_reg : UNSIGNED(RAMADRR_W/2-1 downto 0); |
signal rmemsel_reg : STD_LOGIC; |
signal stage1_reg : STD_LOGIC; |
signal stage2_reg : STD_LOGIC; |
signal stage2_cnt_reg : UNSIGNED(RAMADRR_W-1 downto 0); |
signal dataready_2_reg : STD_LOGIC; |
signal even_not_odd : std_logic; |
signal even_not_odd_d1 : std_logic; |
signal even_not_odd_d2 : std_logic; |
signal even_not_odd_d3 : std_logic; |
signal even_not_odd_d4 : std_logic; |
signal odv_d0 : std_logic; |
signal odv_d1 : std_logic; |
signal odv_d2 : std_logic; |
signal odv_d3 : std_logic; |
signal odv_d4 : std_logic; |
signal odv_d5 : std_logic; |
signal dcto_1 : std_logic_vector(DA2_W-1 downto 0); |
signal dcto_2 : std_logic_vector(DA2_W-1 downto 0); |
signal dcto_3 : std_logic_vector(DA2_W-1 downto 0); |
signal dcto_4 : std_logic_vector(DA2_W-1 downto 0); |
signal dcto_5 : std_logic_vector(DA2_W-1 downto 0); |
signal romedatao_d1 : T_ROM2DATAO; |
signal romodatao_d1 : T_ROM2DATAO; |
signal romedatao_d2 : T_ROM2DATAO; |
signal romodatao_d2 : T_ROM2DATAO; |
signal romedatao_d3 : T_ROM2DATAO; |
signal romodatao_d3 : T_ROM2DATAO; |
signal romedatao_d4 : T_ROM2DATAO; |
signal romodatao_d4 : T_ROM2DATAO; |
signal odv_s : std_logic; |
signal dcto_s : std_logic_vector(OP_W-1 downto 0); |
component FinitePrecRndNrst is |
generic |
( |
C_IN_SZ : natural := 37; |
C_OUT_SZ : natural := 16; |
C_FRAC_SZ : natural := 15 |
); |
port ( |
CLK : in std_logic; |
RST : in std_logic; |
datain : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(C_IN_SZ-1 downto 0); |
dataval : in std_logic; |
dataout : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(C_OUT_SZ-1 downto 0); |
clip_inc : out std_logic; |
dval_out : out std_logic |
); |
end component; |
begin |
ramraddro_sg: |
ramraddro <= STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(rowr_reg & colr_reg); |
rmemsel_sg: |
rmemsel <= rmemsel_reg; |
process(clk,rst) |
begin |
if rst = '1' then |
stage2_cnt_reg <= (others => '1'); |
rmemsel_reg <= '0'; |
stage1_reg <= '0'; |
stage2_reg <= '0'; |
colram_reg <= (others => '0'); |
rowram_reg <= (others => '0'); |
col_reg <= (others => '0'); |
row_reg <= (others => '0'); |
latchbuf_reg <= (others => (others => '0')); |
databuf_reg <= (others => (others => '0')); |
odv_d0 <= '0'; |
colr_reg <= (others => '0'); |
rowr_reg <= (others => '0'); |
dataready_2_reg <= '0'; |
elsif clk='1' and clk'event then |
stage2_reg <= '0'; |
odv_d0 <= '0'; |
datareadyack <= '0'; |
dataready_2_reg <= dataready; |
---------------------------------- |
-- read DCT 1D to barrel shifer |
---------------------------------- |
if stage1_reg = '1' then |
-- right shift input data |
latchbuf_reg(N-2 downto 0) <= latchbuf_reg(N-1 downto 1); |
latchbuf_reg(N-1) <= RESIZE(SIGNED(ramdatao),RAMDATA_W+1); |
colram_reg <= colram_reg + 1; |
colr_reg <= colr_reg + 1; |
if colram_reg = N-2 then |
rowr_reg <= rowr_reg + 1; |
end if; |
if colram_reg = N-1 then |
rowram_reg <= rowram_reg + 1; |
if rowram_reg = N-1 then |
stage1_reg <= '0'; |
colr_reg <= (others => '0'); |
-- release memory |
rmemsel_reg <= not rmemsel_reg; |
end if; |
-- after this sum databuf_reg is in range of -256 to 254 (min to max) |
databuf_reg(0) <= latchbuf_reg(1)+RESIZE(SIGNED(ramdatao),RAMDATA_W+1); |
databuf_reg(1) <= latchbuf_reg(2)+latchbuf_reg(7); |
databuf_reg(2) <= latchbuf_reg(3)+latchbuf_reg(6); |
databuf_reg(3) <= latchbuf_reg(4)+latchbuf_reg(5); |
databuf_reg(4) <= latchbuf_reg(1)-RESIZE(SIGNED(ramdatao),RAMDATA_W+1); |
databuf_reg(5) <= latchbuf_reg(2)-latchbuf_reg(7); |
databuf_reg(6) <= latchbuf_reg(3)-latchbuf_reg(6); |
databuf_reg(7) <= latchbuf_reg(4)-latchbuf_reg(5); |
-- 8 point input latched |
stage2_reg <= '1'; |
end if; |
end if; |
-------------------------------- |
-- 2nd stage |
-------------------------------- |
if stage2_cnt_reg < N then |
stage2_cnt_reg <= stage2_cnt_reg + 1; |
-- output data valid |
odv_d0 <= '1'; |
-- increment column counter |
col_reg <= col_reg + 1; |
-- finished processing one input row |
if col_reg = N - 1 then |
row_reg <= row_reg + 1; |
end if; |
end if; |
if stage2_reg = '1' then |
stage2_cnt_reg <= (others => '0'); |
col_reg <= (0=>'1',others => '0'); |
end if; |
-------------------------------- |
---------------------------------- |
-- wait for new data |
---------------------------------- |
-- one of ram buffers has new data, process it |
if dataready = '1' and dataready_2_reg = '0' then |
stage1_reg <= '1'; |
-- to account for 1T RAM delay, increment RAM address counter |
colram_reg <= (others => '0'); |
colr_reg <= (0=>'1',others => '0'); |
datareadyack <= '1'; |
end if; |
---------------------------------- |
end if; |
end process; |
p_data_pipe : process(CLK, RST) |
begin |
if RST = '1' then |
even_not_odd <= '0'; |
even_not_odd_d1 <= '0'; |
even_not_odd_d2 <= '0'; |
even_not_odd_d3 <= '0'; |
even_not_odd_d4 <= '0'; |
odv_d1 <= '0'; |
odv_d2 <= '0'; |
odv_d3 <= '0'; |
odv_d4 <= '0'; |
odv_d5 <= '0'; |
dcto_1 <= (others => '0'); |
dcto_2 <= (others => '0'); |
dcto_3 <= (others => '0'); |
dcto_4 <= (others => '0'); |
dcto_5 <= (others => '0'); |
elsif CLK'event and CLK = '1' then |
even_not_odd <= stage2_cnt_reg(0); |
even_not_odd_d1 <= even_not_odd; |
even_not_odd_d2 <= even_not_odd_d1; |
even_not_odd_d3 <= even_not_odd_d2; |
even_not_odd_d4 <= even_not_odd_d3; |
odv_d1 <= odv_d0; |
odv_d2 <= odv_d1; |
odv_d3 <= odv_d2; |
odv_d4 <= odv_d3; |
odv_d5 <= odv_d4; |
if even_not_odd = '0' then |
(RESIZE(SIGNED(romedatao(0)),DA2_W) + |
(RESIZE(SIGNED(romedatao(1)),DA2_W-1) & '0') + |
(RESIZE(SIGNED(romedatao(2)),DA2_W-2) & "00"), |
DA2_W)); |
else |
(RESIZE(SIGNED(romodatao(0)),DA2_W) + |
(RESIZE(SIGNED(romodatao(1)),DA2_W-1) & '0') + |
(RESIZE(SIGNED(romodatao(2)),DA2_W-2) & "00"), |
DA2_W)); |
end if; |
if even_not_odd_d1 = '0' then |
(signed(dcto_1) + |
(RESIZE(SIGNED(romedatao_d1(3)),DA2_W-3) & "000") + |
(RESIZE(SIGNED(romedatao_d1(4)),DA2_W-4) & "0000"), |
DA2_W)); |
else |
(signed(dcto_1) + |
(RESIZE(SIGNED(romodatao_d1(3)),DA2_W-3) & "000") + |
(RESIZE(SIGNED(romodatao_d1(4)),DA2_W-4) & "0000"), |
DA2_W)); |
end if; |
if even_not_odd_d2 = '0' then |
(signed(dcto_2) + |
(RESIZE(SIGNED(romedatao_d2(5)),DA2_W-5) & "00000") + |
(RESIZE(SIGNED(romedatao_d2(6)),DA2_W-6) & "000000"), |
DA2_W)); |
else |
(signed(dcto_2) + |
(RESIZE(SIGNED(romodatao_d2(5)),DA2_W-5) & "00000") + |
(RESIZE(SIGNED(romodatao_d2(6)),DA2_W-6) & "000000"), |
DA2_W)); |
end if; |
if even_not_odd_d3 = '0' then |
(signed(dcto_3) + |
(RESIZE(SIGNED(romedatao_d3(7)),DA2_W-7) & "0000000") + |
(RESIZE(SIGNED(romedatao_d3(8)),DA2_W-8) & "00000000"), |
DA2_W)); |
else |
(signed(dcto_3) + |
(RESIZE(SIGNED(romodatao_d3(7)),DA2_W-7) & "0000000") + |
(RESIZE(SIGNED(romodatao_d3(8)),DA2_W-8) & "00000000"), |
DA2_W)); |
end if; |
if even_not_odd_d4 = '0' then |
(signed(dcto_4) + |
(RESIZE(SIGNED(romedatao_d4(9)),DA2_W-9) & "000000000") - |
(RESIZE(SIGNED(romedatao_d4(10)),DA2_W-10) & "0000000000"), |
DA2_W)); |
else |
(signed(dcto_4) + |
(RESIZE(SIGNED(romodatao_d4(9)),DA2_W-9) & "000000000") - |
(RESIZE(SIGNED(romodatao_d4(10)),DA2_W-10) & "0000000000"), |
DA2_W)); |
end if; |
end if; |
end process; |
dcto <= dcto_s; |
odv <= odv_s; |
U_FinitePrecRndNrst : FinitePrecRndNrst |
generic map( |
C_IN_SZ => DA2_W, |
C_OUT_SZ => DA2_W-12, |
C_FRAC_SZ => 12 |
) |
port map( |
CLK => clk, |
RST => rst, |
datain => dcto_5, |
dataval => odv_d5, |
dataout => dcto_s, |
clip_inc => open, |
dval_out => odv_s |
); |
p_romaddr : process(CLK, RST) |
begin |
if RST = '1' then |
romeaddro <= (others => (others => '0')); |
romoaddro <= (others => (others => '0')); |
elsif CLK'event and CLK = '1' then |
for i in 0 to 10 loop |
-- read precomputed MAC results from LUT |
romeaddro(i) <= STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(col_reg(RAMADRR_W/2-1 downto 1)) & |
databuf_reg(0)(i) & |
databuf_reg(1)(i) & |
databuf_reg(2)(i) & |
databuf_reg(3)(i); |
-- odd |
romoaddro(i) <= STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(col_reg(RAMADRR_W/2-1 downto 1)) & |
databuf_reg(4)(i) & |
databuf_reg(5)(i) & |
databuf_reg(6)(i) & |
databuf_reg(7)(i); |
end loop; |
end if; |
end process; |
p_romdatao_dly : process(CLK, RST) |
begin |
if RST = '1' then |
romedatao_d1 <= (others => (others => '0')); |
romodatao_d1 <= (others => (others => '0')); |
romedatao_d2 <= (others => (others => '0')); |
romodatao_d2 <= (others => (others => '0')); |
romedatao_d3 <= (others => (others => '0')); |
romodatao_d3 <= (others => (others => '0')); |
romedatao_d4 <= (others => (others => '0')); |
romodatao_d4 <= (others => (others => '0')); |
elsif CLK'event and CLK = '1' then |
romedatao_d1 <= romedatao; |
romodatao_d1 <= romodatao; |
romedatao_d2 <= romedatao_d1; |
romodatao_d2 <= romodatao_d1; |
romedatao_d3 <= romedatao_d2; |
romodatao_d3 <= romodatao_d2; |
romedatao_d4 <= romedatao_d3; |
romodatao_d4 <= romodatao_d3; |
end if; |
end process; |
end RTL; |
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
0,0 → 1,111
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Title : Finite Precision Symmetric Reduction module |
// Introduces 2 clock cycles of latency |
`timescale 1 ns / 100 ps |
module FinitePrecRndNrst |
#( |
parameter C_IN_SZ=37, |
C_OUT_SZ=16, |
C_FRAC_SZ=15 |
) |
( input wire CLK, |
input wire RST, |
input wire signed [C_IN_SZ-1:0] datain, |
input wire dataval, |
output wire signed [C_OUT_SZ-1:0] dataout, |
output reg clip_inc, |
output reg dval_out |
); |
wire sign; |
wire signed [C_IN_SZ-1:0] rc_val; |
reg signed [C_IN_SZ-1:0] data_round_f; |
wire signed [C_IN_SZ-C_FRAC_SZ-1:0] data_round; |
reg signed [C_OUT_SZ-1:0] data_rs; |
reg dataval_d1; |
reg sign_d1; |
assign sign = datain[C_IN_SZ-1]; |
assign rc_val = { {(C_IN_SZ-C_FRAC_SZ){1'b0}}, 1'b1, {(C_FRAC_SZ-1){1'b0}} }; |
always @(posedge CLK or posedge RST) |
if(RST) |
begin |
data_round_f <= 'b0; |
dataval_d1 <= 1'b0; |
sign_d1 <= 1'b0; |
dval_out <= 1'b0; |
end |
else |
begin |
data_round_f <= datain + rc_val; |
dataval_d1 <= dataval; |
dval_out <= dataval_d1; |
sign_d1 <= sign; |
end |
assign data_round = data_round_f[C_IN_SZ-1:C_FRAC_SZ]; |
// saturation / clipping |
always @(posedge CLK or posedge RST) |
if(RST) |
begin |
data_rs <= 'b0; |
clip_inc <= 1'b0; |
end |
else |
begin |
clip_inc <= 1'b0; |
// clipping condition |
if( |
( |
(C_IN_SZ-C_FRAC_SZ != C_OUT_SZ) && |
(~(&data_round[C_IN_SZ-C_FRAC_SZ-1 : C_OUT_SZ-1])) == |
(|(data_round[C_IN_SZ-C_FRAC_SZ-1 : C_OUT_SZ-1])) |
) |
|| // special case |
( |
(C_IN_SZ-C_FRAC_SZ == C_OUT_SZ) && |
(data_round[C_IN_SZ-C_FRAC_SZ-1] != sign_d1) && |
data_round != {C_OUT_SZ{1'b0}} |
) |
) |
begin |
// clipping counter |
if(dataval_d1) |
clip_inc <= 1'b1; |
if(sign_d1) |
// do saturation |
data_rs <= -(2**(C_OUT_SZ)/2)+1; |
else |
// do saturation |
data_rs <= (2**(C_OUT_SZ)/2)-1; |
end |
else |
data_rs <= data_round[C_OUT_SZ-1:0]; |
end |
assign dataout = data_rs; |
//always @(posedge CLK or posedge RST) |
// if(RST) |
// begin |
// dataout <= 0; |
// end |
// else |
// begin |
// dataout <= data_rs; |
// end |
endmodule |
32,12 → 32,12
-- warning! this parameter heavily affects memory size required |
-- if expected image width is known change this parameter to match this |
-- otherwise some onchip RAM will be wasted and never used |
constant C_MAX_LINE_WIDTH : integer := 2048; |
constant C_MAX_LINE_WIDTH : integer := 640; |
-- memory/performance tradeoff |
-- 8 extra lines highest performance |
-- 0 extra lines lowest area |
constant C_EXTRA_LINES : integer := 8; -- from 0 to 8 |
--constant C_EXTRA_LINES : integer := 0; -- from 0 to 8 |
-- 24 bit format RGB/YCbCr 888 bits |