
Subversion Repositories mytwoqcache

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  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 10 to Rev 11
    Reverse comparison

Rev 10 → Rev 11

1,41 → 1,41
-- Company:
-- Engineer:
-- Create Date: 07:41:47 12/14/2010
-- Design Name:
-- Module Name: Cache - Rtl
-- Project Name:
-- Target Devices:
-- Tool versions:
-- Description:
-- Dependencies:
-- Revision:
-- Revision 0.01 - File Created
-- Additional Comments:
library IEEE, work;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
use IEEE.std_logic_arith.all;
---- Uncomment the following library declaration if instantiating
---- any Xilinx primitives in this code.
--library UNISIM;
--use UNISIM.VComponents.all;
entity Cache is
generic( constant blocksizeld: integer := 11;
constant ldways: integer := 1;
constant ldCachedWords: integer := 2);
port( nReset: in std_ulogic; -- System reset active low
Clock: in std_ulogic; -- System Clock
-- Company:
-- Engineer:
-- Create Date: 07:41:47 12/14/2010
-- Design Name:
-- Module Name: Cache - Rtl
-- Project Name:
-- Target Devices:
-- Tool versions:
-- Description:
-- Dependencies:
-- Revision:
-- Revision 0.01 - File Created
-- Additional Comments:
library IEEE, work;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
use IEEE.std_logic_arith.all;
---- Uncomment the following library declaration if instantiating
---- any Xilinx primitives in this code.
--library UNISIM;
--use UNISIM.VComponents.all;
entity Cache is
generic( constant blocksizeld: integer := 11;
constant ldways: integer := 1;
constant ldCachedWords: integer := 2);
port( nReset: in std_ulogic; -- System reset active low
Clock: in std_ulogic; -- System Clock
AddressIn: in std_ulogic_vector(RAMrange'high + 1 downto 0); -- Address of memory fetch
DataIn: in std_ulogic_vector( 31 downto 0); -- Data to write
IOCode: in std_ulogic_vector(2 downto 0); -- operation
DataIn: in std_ulogic_vector( 31 downto 0); -- Data to write
IOCode: in std_ulogic_vector(2 downto 0); -- operation
-- Bit
-- 2 0 read
-- 1 write
42,47 → 42,47
-- 1 0 11 word
-- 10 halfword
-- 01 single byte
-- 00 no operation
DataOut: out std_ulogic_vector( 31 downto 0); -- Data read
-- 00 no operation
DataOut: out std_ulogic_vector( 31 downto 0); -- Data read
done: out std_ulogic;
-- memory interface
AddressOut: out std_ulogic_vector(RAMrange'high downto 0); -- memory address
DataBlockIn: in std_ulogic_vector( 2 ** ldCachedWords * 32 - 1 downto 0); -- data from memory
reads: out std_ulogic; -- read memory
DataBlockOut: out std_ulogic_vector( 2 ** ldCachedWords * 32 - 1 downto 0); -- data to memory
Mask: out std_ulogic_vector( 2 ** ldCachedWords * 4 - 1 downto 0); -- enables for each byte active low
-- memory interface
AddressOut: out std_ulogic_vector(RAMrange'high downto 0); -- memory address
DataBlockIn: in std_ulogic_vector( 2 ** ldCachedWords * 32 - 1 downto 0); -- data from memory
reads: out std_ulogic; -- read memory
DataBlockOut: out std_ulogic_vector( 2 ** ldCachedWords * 32 - 1 downto 0); -- data to memory
Mask: out std_ulogic_vector( 2 ** ldCachedWords * 4 - 1 downto 0); -- enables for each byte active low
writes: out std_ulogic; -- write memory
ack: in std_ulogic -- acknowledge from memory
end Cache;
ack: in std_ulogic -- acknowledge from memory
end Cache;
architecture Rtl of Cache is
constant ways: integer := 2 ** ldways;
constant ldram: integer := blocksizeld + ldways - 1;
constant ldqueuelength: integer := ldram;
type IOType is ( Start, busy);
type tType is ( inittag, startt, startt1, tagtest, tagwait, stateget, stateget1, finish, finished);
type IOType is ( Start, busy);
type tType is ( inittag, startt, startt1, tagtest, tagwait, stateget, stateget1, finish, finished);
type rType is ( raminit, ramstart, ramstart1, ramcheck, ramcheck1, ramcheck2, ramread, ramread1, ramupdate,
ramupdate1, ramupdate2, ramupdate3, ramflush, ramflush1, ramwait, ramwait1, ramclean, ramclean1);
type fType is ( queuestart, queuewait, queuewaitAm1, queuewaitAm2, queuewaitA11, queuewaitA12, queueelim);
subtype myint is natural range 15 downto 0;
type TagRAMType is record
cacheAddr: std_ulogic_vector( ldram - 1 downto 0);
cacheValid: std_ulogic;
Tag: std_ulogic_vector( RAMrange'high downto 2 + ldCachedWords + blocksizeld);
TagValid: std_ulogic;
ramupdate1, ramupdate2, ramupdate3, ramflush, ramflush1, ramwait, ramwait1, ramclean, ramclean1);
type fType is ( queuestart, queuewait, queuewaitAm1, queuewaitAm2, queuewaitA11, queuewaitA12, queueelim);
subtype myint is natural range 15 downto 0;
type TagRAMType is record
cacheAddr: std_ulogic_vector( ldram - 1 downto 0);
cacheValid: std_ulogic;
Tag: std_ulogic_vector( RAMrange'high downto 2 + ldCachedWords + blocksizeld);
TagValid: std_ulogic;
end record;
type WordType is record
Word: std_ulogic_vector(31 downto 0);
Word: std_ulogic_vector(31 downto 0);
Modified: std_ulogic_vector( 3 downto 0);
end record;
type WordArray is array ( 2 ** ldCachedWords - 1 downto 0) of WordType;
type CacheType is record
type WordArray is array ( 2 ** ldCachedWords - 1 downto 0) of WordType;
type CacheType is record
Words: WordArray;
FiFoaddr: std_ulogic_vector( ldqueuelength - 1 downto 0);
Am: std_ulogic; -- redifined and renamed
end record;
Am: std_ulogic; -- redifined and renamed
end record;
type FiFoType is record
Word: std_ulogic_vector( blocksizeld - 1 downto 0);
way: std_ulogic_vector( ldways downto 0);
97,7 → 97,7
type RAMFile is array ( 2 ** ldram - 1 downto 0) of std_ulogic_vector( 35 downto 0);
type RAMFiles is array ( 2 ** ldCachedWords - 1 downto 0) of RAMFile;
type RAMBuffer is array ( 2 ** ldCachedWords - 1 downto 0) of std_ulogic_vector( 35 downto 0);
type AFile is array ( 2 ** ldram - 1 downto 0) of std_ulogic_vector( ldqueuelength downto 0); -- redimensioned
type AFile is array ( 2 ** ldram - 1 downto 0) of std_ulogic_vector( ldqueuelength downto 0); -- redimensioned
type myarrayf is array ( 2 ** ldram - 1 downto 0) of std_ulogic_vector( ldram - 1 downto 0);
type myarrayA is array ( 2 ** ldram - 1 downto 0) of std_ulogic_vector( blocksizeld + ldways + 1 downto 0);
104,7 → 104,7
signal RAMs: RAMFiles;
signal Ax: AFile;
signal tagRAM: TagFiles;
signal tagRAM: TagFiles;
signal tagdummy, tagBuff, TagRAMIn, TagRAMOut: TagRAMarray;
signal RecBuff, CacheIn, CacheOut: CacheType;
signal blockIn, blockOut: WordArray;
114,36 → 114,36
signal putAm, removeAm, getAm, emptyAm, fullAm: std_ulogic;
signal A1Inaddr, A1Outaddr, AmInaddr, AmOutaddr: std_ulogic_vector( ldqueuelength - 1 downto 0);
signal emptyf, getf, putf: std_ulogic;
signal cindex, FreeOut, FreeIn: std_ulogic_vector( ldram - 1 downto 0);
signal ramf: myarrayf;
signal counterf: unsigned( ldram downto 0);
signal cindex, FreeOut, FreeIn: std_ulogic_vector( ldram - 1 downto 0);
signal ramf: myarrayf;
signal counterf: unsigned( ldram downto 0);
signal firstf, lastf: unsigned( ldram - 1 downto 0);
signal newFiFoAddr: std_ulogic_vector( ldqueuelength - 1 downto 0);
signal newAm: std_ulogic; -- redifined and renamed
signal newAm: std_ulogic; -- redifined and renamed
signal initcount: unsigned( blocksizeld - 1 downto 0);
signal initcount1: unsigned( ldram - 1 downto 0);
signal ramA1: myarrayA;
signal counterA1: unsigned( ldqueuelength downto 0);
signal firstA1, lastA1: unsigned( ldqueuelength - 1 downto 0);
signal ramAm: myarrayA;
signal counterAm: unsigned( ldqueuelength downto 0);
signal firstAm, lastAm: unsigned( ldqueuelength - 1 downto 0);
signal ramA1: myarrayA;
signal counterA1: unsigned( ldqueuelength downto 0);
signal firstA1, lastA1: unsigned( ldqueuelength - 1 downto 0);
signal ramAm: myarrayA;
signal counterAm: unsigned( ldqueuelength downto 0);
signal firstAm, lastAm: unsigned( ldqueuelength - 1 downto 0);
signal AddressInh: std_ulogic_vector( AddressIn'high -1 downto 0);
signal IOCodeh: std_ulogic_vector( IOCode'range);
signal toFlush, AddressInt: std_ulogic_vector( 2 + ldCachedWords + blocksizeld - 1 downto 2 + ldCachedWords);
signal found, free, elim, del: myint;
signal IOCodeh: std_ulogic_vector( IOCode'range);
signal toFlush, AddressInt: std_ulogic_vector( 2 + ldCachedWords + blocksizeld - 1 downto 2 + ldCachedWords);
signal found, free, elim, del: myint;
signal stateIO: IOType;
signal statetag: tType;
signal stateram: rType;
signal statequeue: fType;
signal enableram, enablequeue, queuedone, readsh, writesh, doneh, preempted,
interrupt, readb, writeb, writec, writet, accdone, accqueue, accinterrupt: std_ulogic;
interrupt, readb, writeb, writec, writet, accdone, accqueue, accinterrupt: std_ulogic;
blockIO: process( nReset, Clock, readb, writeb) is
variable s: std_ulogic;
197,7 → 197,7
tagrams: process ( nReset, Clock) is
variable a, b, d: myint;
variable DataInTag, DataOutTag: TagBuffer;
variable DataInTag, DataOutTag: TagBuffer;
if rising_edge(Clock) then
if nReset /= '1' then
233,7 → 233,7
if IOCode( 1 downto 0) /= "00" and AddressIn( AddressIn'high) = '0' then
-- request encountered
AddressInh <= AddressIn(AddressInh'range);
IOCodeh <= IOCode;
IOCodeh <= IOCode;
AddressInt <= AddressIn( AddressInt'range);
DataInh <= DataIn;
statetag <= startt1;
241,22 → 241,22
when startt1 =>
statetag <= tagtest;
when tagtest =>
a := 15;
a := 15;
b := 15;
for i in 0 to TagRAMarray'high loop
if tagRAMOut( i).tagValid = '1' then
if AddressInh(tagRAMout( i).tag'range) = tagRAMout( i).tag then
for i in 0 to TagRAMarray'high loop
if tagRAMOut( i).tagValid = '1' then
if AddressInh(tagRAMout( i).tag'range) = tagRAMout( i).tag then
a := i; -- present
end if;
b := i; -- free entry
end if;
end loop;
found <= a;
free <= b;
end if;
b := i; -- free entry
end if;
end loop;
found <= a;
free <= b;
if stateram = ramstart then
enableram <= '1';
statetag <= tagwait;
329,10 → 329,10
variable a, b: RAMBuffer;
variable index, index1: integer;
variable address: std_ulogic_vector( ldram - 1 downto 0);
variable uaddress: unsigned( ldram - 1 downto 0);
variable address: std_ulogic_vector( ldram - 1 downto 0);
variable uaddress: unsigned( ldram - 1 downto 0);
variable datum: std_ulogic_vector( FreeIn'range);
variable w: std_ulogic;
variable w: std_ulogic;
if rising_edge(Clock) then
if nReset /= '1' then
349,9 → 349,9
accqueue <= '0';
initcount1 <= ( others => '0');
FreeIn <= ( others => '0');
firstf <= ( others => '0');
lastf <= ( others => '0');
counterf <= ( others => '0');
firstf <= ( others => '0');
lastf <= ( others => '0');
counterf <= ( others => '0');
hi := accinterrupt or interrupt;
acc := accqueue or queuedone;
379,7 → 379,7
tagBuff <= tagRAMOut;
elim <= 15;
stateram <= ramstart1;
end if;
end if;
when ramstart1 =>
if enableram = '1' then
if found /= 15 then
451,7 → 451,7
end if;
when ramwait1 =>
if del /= 15 and enableram = '1' then
if toflush = AddressInh( toflush'range) then -- inserted, tagline could match flushing tagline !!!!
if toflush = AddressInh( toflush'range) then -- inserted, tagline could match flushing tagline !!!!
tagBuff( del).tagvalid <= '0';
tagBuff( del).cacheValid <= '0';
tagBuff( del).tag <= ( others => '0');
587,28 → 587,28
end if;
end loop;
if putf = '1' then
address := std_ulogic_vector( firstf);
datum := FreeIn;
firstf <= firstf + 1;
counterf <= counterf + 1;
if putf = '1' then
address := std_ulogic_vector( firstf);
datum := FreeIn;
firstf <= firstf + 1;
counterf <= counterf + 1;
w := '1';
uaddress := lastf;
if getf = '1' and counterf /= 0 then
uaddress := lastf;
if getf = '1' and counterf /= 0 then
counterf <= counterf - 1;
uaddress := uaddress + 1;
uaddress := uaddress + 1;
end if;
lastf <= uaddress;
lastf <= uaddress;
address := std_ulogic_vector( uaddress);
w := '0';
end if;
w := '0';
end if;
if w = '1' then
ramf( to_integer( address)) <= datum;
ramf( to_integer( address)) <= datum;
FreeOut <= ramf( to_integer( address));
end if;
FreeOut <= ramf( to_integer( address));
end if;
end if;
end if;
619,14 → 619,14
queues: process( nReset, Clock, enablequeue) is
variable acc, hi: std_ulogic;
variable A1OutBuff, AmOutBuff: std_ulogic_vector( blocksizeld + ldways + 1 downto 0);
variable addressA1: std_ulogic_vector( ldqueuelength - 1 downto 0);
variable diff, uaddressA1: unsigned( ldqueuelength - 1 downto 0);
variable addressA1: std_ulogic_vector( ldqueuelength - 1 downto 0);
variable diff, uaddressA1: unsigned( ldqueuelength - 1 downto 0);
variable datumA1: std_ulogic_vector( A1OutBuff'range);
variable wA1: std_ulogic;
variable addressAm: std_ulogic_vector( ldqueuelength - 1 downto 0);
variable uaddressAm: unsigned( ldqueuelength - 1 downto 0);
variable wA1: std_ulogic;
variable addressAm: std_ulogic_vector( ldqueuelength - 1 downto 0);
variable uaddressAm: unsigned( ldqueuelength - 1 downto 0);
variable datumAm: std_ulogic_vector( AmOutBuff'range);
variable wAm: std_ulogic;
variable wAm: std_ulogic;
if rising_edge(Clock) then
if nReset /= '1' then
636,13 → 636,13
interrupt <= '0';
accdone <= '0';
preempted <= '0';
firstA1 <= ( others => '0');
A1Outaddr <= ( others => '0');
lastA1 <= ( others => '0');
firstA1 <= ( others => '0');
A1Outaddr <= ( others => '0');
lastA1 <= ( others => '0');
counterA1 <= ( others => '0');
firstAm <= ( others => '0');
AmOutaddr <= ( others => '0');
lastAm <= ( others => '0');
firstAm <= ( others => '0');
AmOutaddr <= ( others => '0');
lastAm <= ( others => '0');
counterAm <= ( others => '0');
getA1 <= '0'; -- NEW
getAm <= '0'; -- NEW
649,7 → 649,7
removeA1 <= '0'; -- NEW
removeAm <= '0'; -- NEW
putA1 <= '0'; -- NEW
putAm <= '0'; -- NEW
putAm <= '0'; -- NEW
hi := '0';
acc := accdone or doneh;
725,6 → 725,7
getA1 <= '1';
end if;
preempted <= getA1;
getA1 <= '0'; -- NEW, inserted the only bug!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
A1In.word <= AddressInh( 2 + ldCachedWords + blocksizeld - 1 downto 2 + ldCachedWords);
A1In.way <= std_ulogic_vector(to_unsigned( elim, ldways + 1));
790,80 → 791,80
interrupt <= hi;
accdone <= acc;
if putA1 = '1' or removeA1 = '1' then
if removeA1 = '0' then
addressA1 := std_ulogic_vector( firstA1);
if putA1 = '1' or removeA1 = '1' then
if removeA1 = '0' then
addressA1 := std_ulogic_vector( firstA1);
datumA1 := A1In.valid & A1In.way & A1In.Word;
firstA1 <= firstA1 + 1;
counterA1 <= counterA1 + 1;
A1Outaddr <= std_ulogic_vector( firstA1);
addressA1 := A1Inaddr( addressA1'range);
datumA1 := ( others => '0');
firstA1 <= firstA1 + 1;
counterA1 <= counterA1 + 1;
A1Outaddr <= std_ulogic_vector( firstA1);
addressA1 := A1Inaddr( addressA1'range);
datumA1 := ( others => '0');
end if;
wA1 := '1';
uaddressA1 := lastA1;
if (getA1 = '1' or A1Out.valid = '0') and counterA1 /= 0 then
counterA1 <= counterA1 - 1;
uaddressA1 := uaddressA1 + 1;
wA1 := '1';
uaddressA1 := lastA1;
if (getA1 = '1' or A1Out.valid = '0') and counterA1 /= 0 then
counterA1 <= counterA1 - 1;
uaddressA1 := uaddressA1 + 1;
end if;
lastA1 <= uaddressA1;
addressA1 := std_ulogic_vector( uaddressA1);
wA1 := '0';
wA1 := '0';
end if;
if wA1 = '1' then
ramA1( to_integer( addressA1)) <= datumA1;
ramA1( to_integer( addressA1)) <= datumA1;
A1OutBuff := ramA1( to_integer( addressA1));
A1OutBuff := ramA1( to_integer( addressA1));
A1Out.Word <= A1OutBuff( blocksizeld - 1 downto 0);
A1Out.way <= A1OutBuff( blocksizeld + ldways downto blocksizeld);
A1Out.valid <= A1OutBuff( blocksizeld + ldways + 1);
end if;
end if;
if putAm = '1' or removeAm = '1' then
if removeAm = '0' then
addressAm := std_ulogic_vector( firstAm);
if putAm = '1' or removeAm = '1' then
if removeAm = '0' then
addressAm := std_ulogic_vector( firstAm);
datumAm := AmIn.valid & AmIn.way & AmIn.Word;
firstAm <= firstAm + 1;
counterAm <= counterAm + 1;
AmOutaddr <= std_ulogic_vector( firstAm);
addressAm := AmInaddr( addressAm'range);
datumAm := ( others => '0');
firstAm <= firstAm + 1;
counterAm <= counterAm + 1;
AmOutaddr <= std_ulogic_vector( firstAm);
addressAm := AmInaddr( addressAm'range);
datumAm := ( others => '0');
end if;
wAm := '1';
uaddressAm := lastAm;
if (getAm = '1' or AmOut.valid = '0') and counterAm /= 0 then
counterAm <= counterAm - 1;
uaddressAm := uaddressAm + 1;
wAm := '1';
uaddressAm := lastAm;
if (getAm = '1' or AmOut.valid = '0') and counterAm /= 0 then
counterAm <= counterAm - 1;
uaddressAm := uaddressAm + 1;
end if;
lastAm <= uaddressAm;
addressAm := std_ulogic_vector( uaddressAm);
wAm := '0';
wAm := '0';
end if;
if wAm = '1' then
ramAm( to_integer( addressAm)) <= datumAm;
ramAm( to_integer( addressAm)) <= datumAm;
AmOutBuff := ramAm( to_integer( addressAm));
AmOut.Word <= AmOutBuff( blocksizeld - 1 downto 0);
AmOut.way <= AmOutBuff( blocksizeld + ldways downto blocksizeld);
AmOut.valid <= AmOutBuff( blocksizeld + ldways + 1);
end if;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process queues;
fullA1 <= counterA1( counterA1'high);
emptyA1 <= '1' when counterA1 = 0 else '0';
emptyA1 <= '1' when counterA1 = 0 else '0';
fullAm <= counterAm( counterAm'high);
emptyAm <= '1' when counterAm = 0 else '0';
emptyAm <= '1' when counterAm = 0 else '0';
end Rtl;
end Rtl;

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