
Subversion Repositories neorv32

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  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 19 to Rev 21
    Reverse comparison

Rev 19 → Rev 21

36,17 → 36,19
# *****************************************************************************
# USER CONFIGURATION (use default if not set by user)
# *****************************************************************************
# Compiler effort
# User's application sources (*.c, *.cpp, *.s, *.S); add additional files here
APP_SRC ?= $(wildcard ./*.c) $(wildcard ./*.s) $(wildcard ./*.cpp) $(wildcard ./*.S)
# User's application sources (add additional files here)
APP_SRC ?= $(wildcard *.c)
# User's application include folders (don't forget the '-I' before each entry)
APP_INC ?= -I .
# User's application include folders - for assembly files only (don't forget the '-I' before each entry)
ASM_INC ?= -I .
# Optimization
# Compiler toolchain
RISCV_TOOLCHAIN ?= riscv32-unknown-elf
54,6 → 56,9
MARCH ?= -march=rv32i
MABI ?= -mabi=ilp32
# User flags for additional configuration (will be added to compiler flags)
# Relative or absolute path to the NEORV32 home folder
NEORV32_HOME ?= ../../..
# *****************************************************************************
64,74 → 69,85
# NEORV32 framework
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Path to NEORV32 linker script and startup file
NEORV32_COM_PATH = $(NEORV32_HOME)/sw/common
# Path to main NEORV32 library include files
NEORV32_INC_PATH = $(NEORV32_HOME)/sw/lib/include
# Path to main NEORV32 library source files
NEORV32_SRC_PATH = $(NEORV32_HOME)/sw/lib/source
# Path to NEORV32 executable generator
NEORV32_EXG_PATH = $(NEORV32_HOME)/sw/image_gen
# Path to NEORV32 core rtl folder
# Marker file to verify NEORV32 home folder
NEORV32_RTL_PATH = $(NEORV32_HOME)/rtl/core
# Marker file to check for NEORV32 home folder
# Core libraries (peripheral and CPU drivers)
CORE_SRC = $(wildcard $(NEORV32_SRC_PATH)/*.c)
# Application start-up code
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# NEORV32 core sources
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CORE_SRC = $(wildcard $(NEORV32_SRC_PATH)/*.c)
# Default linker script
LD_SCRIPT = $(NEORV32_COM_PATH)/neorv32.ld
# Main output files
APP_EXE = neorv32_exe.bin
APP_ASM = main.asm
APP_IMG = neorv32_application_image.vhd
BOOT_IMG = neorv32_bootloader_image.vhd
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Make defaults
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Application output definitions
# Sources and objects
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
APP_EXE = neorv32_exe.bin
APP_ASM = main.s
# Define all sources
compile: $(APP_ASM) $(APP_EXE)
install: $(APP_ASM) neorv32_application_image.vhd
all: $(APP_ASM) $(APP_EXE) neorv32_application_image.vhd
# Define all object files
OBJ = $(SRC:%=%.o)
# define all object files
OBJ = $(APP_SRC:.c=.o)
OBJ += $(CORE_SRC:.c=.o)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Tools and flags
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# compiler tools
# Compiler tools
# Host native compiler
CC_X86 = gcc -Wall -O -g
# NEORV32 executable image generator
IMAGE_GEN = $(NEORV32_EXG_PATH)/image_gen
# Compiler & linker flags
CC_OPTS = $(MARCH) $(MABI) $(EFFORT) -Wall -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -nostartfiles
CC_OPTS = $(MARCH) $(MABI) $(EFFORT) -Wall -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -nostartfiles
CC_OPTS += -Wl,--gc-sections -lm -lc -lgcc -lc
# User flags for additional configuration
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Host native compiler
# Application output definitions
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CC_X86 = gcc -Wall -O -g
.PHONY: check info help elf_info clean clean_all bootloader
# 'compile' is still here for compatibility
exe: $(APP_ASM) $(APP_EXE)
compile: $(APP_ASM) $(APP_EXE)
install: $(APP_ASM) $(APP_IMG)
all: $(APP_ASM) $(APP_EXE) $(APP_IMG)
# Check if making bootloader
# This will disable some functions in crt0.S that are not relevant for the bootloader
target bootloader: USER_FLAGS += -D__BOOTLOADER_START_CODE__
target bootloader: LD_SCRIPT = $(NEORV32_COM_PATH)/bootloader_neorv32.ld
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Tool targets
# Image generator targets
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# install/compile tools
$(IMAGE_GEN): $(NEORV32_EXG_PATH)/image_gen.cpp
140,19 → 156,27
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Application targets: Assemble, compile, link, dump
# General targets: Assemble, compile, link, dump
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Assemble startup code
crt0.elf: $(NEORV32_COM_PATH)/crt0.S
@$(CC) $(CC_OPTS) -c $< -o $@
# Compile app *.s sources (assembly)
%.s.o: %.s
@$(CC) -c $(CC_OPTS) -I $(NEORV32_INC_PATH) $(ASM_INC) $< -o $@
# Compile app sources
$(OBJ): %.o : %.c crt0.elf
# Compile app *.S sources (assembly + C pre-processor)
%.S.o: %.S
@$(CC) -c $(CC_OPTS) -I $(NEORV32_INC_PATH) $(ASM_INC) $< -o $@
# Compile app *.c sources
%.c.o: %.c
@$(CC) -c $(CC_OPTS) -I $(NEORV32_INC_PATH) $(APP_INC) $< -o $@
# Compile app *.cpp sources
%.cpp.o: %.cpp
@$(CC) -c $(CC_OPTS) -I $(NEORV32_INC_PATH) $(APP_INC) $< -o $@
# Link object files and show memory utilization
main.elf: $(OBJ)
@$(CC) $(CC_OPTS) -I $(NEORV32_INC_PATH) $(APP_INC) -T $(NEORV32_COM_PATH)/neorv32.ld $(OBJ) -o $@
@$(CC) $(CC_OPTS) -T $(LD_SCRIPT) $(OBJ) -o $@
@echo "Memory utilization:"
@$(SIZE) main.elf
160,12 → 184,8
$(APP_ASM): main.elf
@$(OBJDUMP) -D -S -z $< > $@
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Application targets: Generate binary executable, install (as VHDL file)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Generate final executable: text, rodata, data (in THIS order!)
main.bin: main.elf
# Generate final executable from .text + .rodata + .data (in THIS order!)
main.bin: main.elf $(APP_ASM)
@$(OBJCOPY) -I elf32-little $< -j .text -O binary text.bin
@$(OBJCOPY) -I elf32-little $< -j .rodata -O binary rodata.bin
@$(OBJCOPY) -I elf32-little $< -j .data -O binary data.bin
172,7 → 192,11
@cat text.bin rodata.bin data.bin > $@
@rm -f text.bin rodata.bin data.bin
# Generate NEORV32 executable image for bootloader update
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Application targets: Generate binary executable, install (as VHDL file)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Generate NEORV32 executable image for upload via bootloader
$(APP_EXE): main.bin $(IMAGE_GEN)
@set -e
@$(IMAGE_GEN) -app_bin $< $@ $(shell basename $(CURDIR))
180,38 → 204,27
@wc -c < $(APP_EXE)
# Generate NEORV32 executable VHDL boot image
neorv32_application_image.vhd: main.bin $(IMAGE_GEN)
$(APP_IMG): main.bin $(IMAGE_GEN)
@set -e
@$(IMAGE_GEN) -app_img $< $@ $(shell basename $(CURDIR))
@echo "Installing application image to $(NEORV32_RTL_PATH)/neorv32_application_image.vhd"
@cp neorv32_application_image.vhd $(NEORV32_RTL_PATH)/.
@rm -f neorv32_application_image.vhd
@echo "Installing application image to $(NEORV32_RTL_PATH)/$(APP_IMG)"
@cp $(APP_IMG) $(NEORV32_RTL_PATH)/.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Bootloader targets
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Assemble startup code
bootloader_crt0.elf: $(NEORV32_COM_PATH)/bootloader_crt0.S
@$(CC) $(CC_OPTS) -c $< -o $@
# Compile and install bootloader
bootloader: bootloader_crt0.elf $(OBJ) $(IMAGE_GEN)
# Create and install bootloader VHDL init image
$(BOOT_IMG): main.bin $(IMAGE_GEN)
@set -e
@$(CC) $(CC_OPTS) -I $(NEORV32_INC_PATH) $(APP_INC) -T $(NEORV32_COM_PATH)/bootloader_neorv32.ld $(OBJ) -o bootloader.elf
@echo "Memory utilization:"
@$(SIZE) bootloader.elf
@$(OBJDUMP) -D -S -z bootloader.elf > bootloader.s
@$(OBJCOPY) -I elf32-little bootloader.elf -j .text -O binary text.bin
@$(OBJCOPY) -I elf32-little bootloader.elf -j .rodata -O binary rodata.bin
@$(OBJCOPY) -I elf32-little bootloader.elf -j .data -O binary data.bin
@cat text.bin rodata.bin data.bin > bootloader.bin
@$(IMAGE_GEN) -bld_img bootloader.bin neorv32_bootloader_image.vhd $(shell basename $(CURDIR))
@echo "Installing bootloader image to $(NEORV32_RTL_PATH)/neorv32_bootloader_image.vhd"
@cp neorv32_bootloader_image.vhd $(NEORV32_RTL_PATH)/.
@rm -f neorv32_bootloader_image.vhd text.bin rodata.bin data.bin
@$(IMAGE_GEN) -bld_img $< $(BOOT_IMG) $(shell basename $(CURDIR))
@echo "Installing bootloader image to $(NEORV32_RTL_PATH)/$(BOOT_IMG)"
# Just an alias that
bootloader: $(BOOT_IMG)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Check toolchain
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
242,36 → 255,40
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@echo "---------------- Info: Project ----------------"
@echo "Project folder: $(shell basename $(CURDIR))"
@echo "Source files: $(APP_SRC)"
@echo "Include folder(s): $(APP_INC)"
@echo "Project folder: $(shell basename $(CURDIR))"
@echo "Source files: $(APP_SRC)"
@echo "Include folder(s): $(APP_INC)"
@echo "ASM include folder(s): $(ASM_INC)"
@echo "---------------- Info: NEORV32 ----------------"
@echo "NEORV32 home folder (NEORV32_HOME): $(NEORV32_HOME)"
@echo "LD script: $(LD_SCRIPT)"
@echo "Core source files:"
@echo "$(CORE_SRC)"
@echo "Core include folder:"
@echo "$(NEORV32_INC_PATH)"
@echo "---------------- Info: Objects ----------------"
@echo "Project object files:"
@echo "$(OBJ)"
@echo "---------------- Info: RISC-V CPU ----------------"
@echo "MARCH: $(MARCH)"
@echo "MABI: $(MABI)"
@echo "---------------- Info: RISC-V Toolchain ----------------"
@echo "Toolchain: $(RISCV_TOLLCHAIN)"
@echo "CC: $(CC)"
@echo "SIZE: $(SIZE)"
@echo "---------------- Info: Libraries ----------------"
@echo "MARCH: $(MARCH)"
@echo "MABI: $(MABI)"
@echo "---------------- Info: Toolchain ----------------"
@echo "Toolchain: $(RISCV_TOLLCHAIN)"
@echo "CC: $(CC)"
@echo "SIZE: $(SIZE)"
@echo "---------------- Info: Compiler Libraries ----------------"
@echo "LIBGCC:"
@$(CC) -print-libgcc-file-name
@echo "SEARCH-DIRS:"
@$(CC) -print-search-dirs
@echo "---------------- Info: Flags ----------------"
@echo "CC_OPTS: $(CC_OPTS)"
@echo "CC_OPTS: $(CC_OPTS)"
@echo "---------------- Info: Host Native GCC Flags ----------------"
@echo "CC_X86: $(CC_X86)"
@echo "CC_X86: $(CC_X86)"
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
291,12 → 308,12
@echo " help - show this text"
@echo " check - check toolchain"
@echo " info - show makefile/toolchain configuration"
@echo " compile - compile and generate <neorv32_exe.bin> executable for upload via bootloader"
@echo " install - compile, generate and install VHDL IMEM boot image"
@echo " all - compile and generate <neorv32_exe.bin> executable for upload via bootloader and generate and install VHDL IMEM boot image"
@echo " exe - compile and generate <neorv32_exe.bin> executable for upload via bootloader"
@echo " install - compile, generate and install VHDL IMEM boot image (for application)"
@echo " all - compile and generate <neorv32_exe.bin> executable for upload via bootloader and generate and install VHDL IMEM boot image (for application)"
@echo " clean - clean up project"
@echo " clean_all - clean up project, core libraries and image generator"
@echo " bootloader - compile, generate and install VHDL BOOTROM bott image (for bootloader only!)"
@echo " bootloader - compile, generate and install VHDL BOOTROM boot image (for bootloader only!)"
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
303,8 → 320,7
# Clean up
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@rm -f *.elf *.o *.bin *.out *.s
@rm -f *.elf *.o *.bin *.out *.asm *.vhd
clean_all: clean
@rm -f $(OBJ) $(IMAGE_GEN)

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