
Subversion Repositories neorv32

Compare Revisions

  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 61 to Rev 62
    Reverse comparison

Rev 61 → Rev 62

110,7 → 110,7
void blink_led_c(void) {
neorv32_gpio_port_set(0); // clear gpio output put
neorv32_gpio_port_set(0); // clear gpio output
int cnt = 0;
34,305 → 34,6
# The NEORV32 Processor - (c) Stephan Nolting #
# *****************************************************************************
# *****************************************************************************
# User's application sources (*.c, *.cpp, *.s, *.S); add additional files here
APP_SRC ?= $(wildcard ./*.c) $(wildcard ./*.s) $(wildcard ./*.cpp) $(wildcard ./*.S)
# User's application include folders (don't forget the '-I' before each entry)
APP_INC ?= -I .
# User's application include folders - for assembly files only (don't forget the '-I' before each entry)
ASM_INC ?= -I .
# Optimization
# Compiler toolchain
RISCV_TOOLCHAIN ?= riscv32-unknown-elf
# CPU architecture and ABI
MARCH ?= -march=rv32i
MABI ?= -mabi=ilp32
# User flags for additional configuration (will be added to compiler flags)
# Serial port for executable upload via bootloer
COM_PORT ?= /dev/ttyUSB0
# Relative or absolute path to the NEORV32 home folder
NEORV32_HOME ?= ../../..
# *****************************************************************************
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# NEORV32 framework
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Path to NEORV32 linker script and startup file
NEORV32_COM_PATH = $(NEORV32_HOME)/sw/common
# Path to main NEORV32 library include files
NEORV32_INC_PATH = $(NEORV32_HOME)/sw/lib/include
# Path to main NEORV32 library source files
NEORV32_SRC_PATH = $(NEORV32_HOME)/sw/lib/source
# Path to NEORV32 executable generator
NEORV32_EXG_PATH = $(NEORV32_HOME)/sw/image_gen
# Path to NEORV32 core rtl folder
NEORV32_RTL_PATH = $(NEORV32_HOME)/rtl/core
# Marker file to check for NEORV32 home folder
# Core libraries (peripheral and CPU drivers)
CORE_SRC = $(wildcard $(NEORV32_SRC_PATH)/*.c)
# Application start-up code
# Linker script
LD_SCRIPT = $(NEORV32_COM_PATH)/neorv32.ld
# Main output files
APP_EXE = neorv32_exe.bin
APP_ASM = main.asm
APP_IMG = neorv32_application_image.vhd
BOOT_IMG = neorv32_bootloader_image.vhd
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Sources and objects
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Define all sources
# Define all object files
OBJ = $(SRC:%=%.o)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Tools and flags
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Compiler tools
# Host native compiler
CC_X86 = g++ -Wall -O -g
# NEORV32 executable image generator
IMAGE_GEN = $(NEORV32_EXG_PATH)/image_gen
# Compiler & linker flags
CC_OPTS = $(MARCH) $(MABI) $(EFFORT) -Wall -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -nostartfiles -mno-fdiv
CC_OPTS += -Wl,--gc-sections -lm -lc -lgcc -lc
# This accelerates instruction fetch after branches when C extension is enabled (irrelevant when C extension is disabled)
CC_OPTS += -falign-functions=4 -falign-labels=4 -falign-loops=4 -falign-jumps=4
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Application output definitions
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
.PHONY: check info help elf_info clean clean_all bootloader
# 'compile' is still here for compatibility
exe: $(APP_ASM) $(APP_EXE)
compile: $(APP_ASM) $(APP_EXE)
install: $(APP_ASM) $(APP_IMG)
all: $(APP_ASM) $(APP_EXE) $(APP_IMG)
# Check if making bootloader
# Use different base address and legth for instruction memory/"rom" (BOOTMEM instead of IMEM)
# Also define "make_bootloader" for crt0.S
target bootloader: CC_OPTS += -Wl,--defsym=make_bootloader=1 -Dmake_bootloader
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Image generator targets
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# install/compile tools
$(IMAGE_GEN): $(NEORV32_EXG_PATH)/image_gen.cpp
@echo Compiling $(IMAGE_GEN)
@$(CC_X86) $< -o $(IMAGE_GEN)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# General targets: Assemble, compile, link, dump
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Compile app *.s sources (assembly)
%.s.o: %.s
@$(CC) -c $(CC_OPTS) -I $(NEORV32_INC_PATH) $(ASM_INC) $< -o $@
# Compile app *.S sources (assembly + C pre-processor)
%.S.o: %.S
@$(CC) -c $(CC_OPTS) -I $(NEORV32_INC_PATH) $(ASM_INC) $< -o $@
# Compile app *.c sources
%.c.o: %.c
@$(CC) -c $(CC_OPTS) -I $(NEORV32_INC_PATH) $(APP_INC) $< -o $@
# Compile app *.cpp sources
%.cpp.o: %.cpp
@$(CC) -c $(CC_OPTS) -I $(NEORV32_INC_PATH) $(APP_INC) $< -o $@
# Link object files and show memory utilization
main.elf: $(OBJ)
@$(CC) $(CC_OPTS) -T $(LD_SCRIPT) $(OBJ) -o $@ -lm
@echo "Memory utilization:"
@$(SIZE) main.elf
# Assembly listing file (for debugging)
$(APP_ASM): main.elf
@$(OBJDUMP) -d -S -z $< > $@
# Generate final executable from .text + .rodata + .data (in THIS order!)
main.bin: main.elf $(APP_ASM)
@$(OBJCOPY) -I elf32-little $< -j .text -O binary text.bin
@$(OBJCOPY) -I elf32-little $< -j .rodata -O binary rodata.bin
@$(OBJCOPY) -I elf32-little $< -j .data -O binary data.bin
@cat text.bin rodata.bin data.bin > $@
@rm -f text.bin rodata.bin data.bin
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Application targets: Generate binary executable, install (as VHDL file)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Generate NEORV32 executable image for upload via bootloader
$(APP_EXE): main.bin $(IMAGE_GEN)
@set -e
@$(IMAGE_GEN) -app_bin $< $@ $(shell basename $(CURDIR))
@echo "Executable ($(APP_EXE)) size in bytes:"
@wc -c < $(APP_EXE)
# Generate NEORV32 executable VHDL boot image
$(APP_IMG): main.bin $(IMAGE_GEN)
@set -e
@$(IMAGE_GEN) -app_img $< $@ $(shell basename $(CURDIR))
@echo "Installing application image to $(NEORV32_RTL_PATH)/$(APP_IMG)"
@cp $(APP_IMG) $(NEORV32_RTL_PATH)/.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Bootloader targets
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Create and install bootloader VHDL init image
$(BOOT_IMG): main.bin $(IMAGE_GEN)
@set -e
@$(IMAGE_GEN) -bld_img $< $(BOOT_IMG) $(shell basename $(CURDIR))
@echo "Installing bootloader image to $(NEORV32_RTL_PATH)/$(BOOT_IMG)"
# Just an alias that
bootloader: $(BOOT_IMG)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Check toolchain
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
check: $(IMAGE_GEN)
@echo "---------------- Check: NEORV32_HOME folder ----------------"
ifneq ($(shell [ -e $(NEORV32_HOME_MARKER) ] && echo 1 || echo 0 ), 1)
$(error NEORV32_HOME folder not found!)
@echo "NEORV32_HOME: $(NEORV32_HOME)"
@echo "---------------- Check: $(CC) ----------------"
@$(CC) -v
@echo "---------------- Check: $(OBJDUMP) ----------------"
@echo "---------------- Check: $(OBJCOPY) ----------------"
@echo "---------------- Check: $(SIZE) ----------------"
@$(SIZE) -V
@echo "---------------- Check: NEORV32 image_gen ----------------"
@$(IMAGE_GEN) -help
@echo "---------------- Check: Native GCC ----------------"
@$(CC_X86) -v
@echo "Toolchain check OK"
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Upload executable via serial port to bootloader
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
upload: $(APP_EXE)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Show configuration
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@echo "---------------- Info: Project ----------------"
@echo "Project folder: $(shell basename $(CURDIR))"
@echo "Source files: $(APP_SRC)"
@echo "Include folder(s): $(APP_INC)"
@echo "ASM include folder(s): $(ASM_INC)"
@echo "---------------- Info: NEORV32 ----------------"
@echo "NEORV32 home folder (NEORV32_HOME): $(NEORV32_HOME)"
@echo "Core source files:"
@echo "$(CORE_SRC)"
@echo "Core include folder:"
@echo "$(NEORV32_INC_PATH)"
@echo "---------------- Info: Objects ----------------"
@echo "Project object files:"
@echo "$(OBJ)"
@echo "---------------- Info: RISC-V CPU ----------------"
@echo "MARCH: $(MARCH)"
@echo "MABI: $(MABI)"
@echo "---------------- Info: Toolchain ----------------"
@echo "Toolchain: $(RISCV_TOLLCHAIN)"
@echo "CC: $(CC)"
@echo "SIZE: $(SIZE)"
@echo "---------------- Info: Compiler Libraries ----------------"
@echo "LIBGCC:"
@$(CC) -print-libgcc-file-name
@echo "SEARCH-DIRS:"
@$(CC) -print-search-dirs
@echo "---------------- Info: Flags ----------------"
@echo "CC_OPTS: $(CC_OPTS)"
@echo "---------------- Info: Host Native GCC Flags ----------------"
@echo "CC_X86: $(CC_X86)"
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Show final ELF details (just for debugging)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
elf_info: main.elf
@$(OBJDUMP) -x main.elf
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Help
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@echo "<<< NEORV32 Application Makefile >>>"
@echo "Make sure to add the bin folder of RISC-V GCC to your PATH variable."
@echo "Targets:"
@echo " help - show this text"
@echo " check - check toolchain"
@echo " info - show makefile/toolchain configuration"
@echo " exe - compile and generate <neorv32_exe.bin> executable for upload via bootloader"
@echo " install - compile, generate and install VHDL IMEM boot image (for application)"
@echo " all - compile and generate <neorv32_exe.bin> executable for upload via bootloader and generate and install VHDL IMEM boot image (for application)"
@echo " clean - clean up project"
@echo " clean_all - clean up project, core libraries and image generator"
@echo " bootloader - compile, generate and install VHDL BOOTROM boot image (for bootloader only!)"
@echo " upload - upload <neorv32_exe.bin> executable via serial port <COM_PORT> to bootloader"
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Clean up
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@rm -f *.elf *.o *.bin *.out *.asm *.vhd
clean_all: clean
@rm -f $(OBJ) $(IMAGE_GEN)
include ../../common/
34,305 → 34,6
# The NEORV32 Processor - (c) Stephan Nolting #
# *****************************************************************************
# *****************************************************************************
# User's application sources (*.c, *.cpp, *.s, *.S); add additional files here
APP_SRC ?= $(wildcard ./*.c) $(wildcard ./*.s) $(wildcard ./*.cpp) $(wildcard ./*.S)
# User's application include folders (don't forget the '-I' before each entry)
APP_INC ?= -I .
# User's application include folders - for assembly files only (don't forget the '-I' before each entry)
ASM_INC ?= -I .
# Optimization
# Compiler toolchain
RISCV_TOOLCHAIN ?= riscv32-unknown-elf
# CPU architecture and ABI
MARCH ?= -march=rv32i
MABI ?= -mabi=ilp32
# User flags for additional configuration (will be added to compiler flags)
# Serial port for executable upload via bootloer
COM_PORT ?= /dev/ttyUSB0
# Relative or absolute path to the NEORV32 home folder
NEORV32_HOME ?= ../../..
# *****************************************************************************
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# NEORV32 framework
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Path to NEORV32 linker script and startup file
NEORV32_COM_PATH = $(NEORV32_HOME)/sw/common
# Path to main NEORV32 library include files
NEORV32_INC_PATH = $(NEORV32_HOME)/sw/lib/include
# Path to main NEORV32 library source files
NEORV32_SRC_PATH = $(NEORV32_HOME)/sw/lib/source
# Path to NEORV32 executable generator
NEORV32_EXG_PATH = $(NEORV32_HOME)/sw/image_gen
# Path to NEORV32 core rtl folder
NEORV32_RTL_PATH = $(NEORV32_HOME)/rtl/core
# Marker file to check for NEORV32 home folder
# Core libraries (peripheral and CPU drivers)
CORE_SRC = $(wildcard $(NEORV32_SRC_PATH)/*.c)
# Application start-up code
# Linker script
LD_SCRIPT = $(NEORV32_COM_PATH)/neorv32.ld
# Main output files
APP_EXE = neorv32_exe.bin
APP_ASM = main.asm
APP_IMG = neorv32_application_image.vhd
BOOT_IMG = neorv32_bootloader_image.vhd
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Sources and objects
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Define all sources
# Define all object files
OBJ = $(SRC:%=%.o)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Tools and flags
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Compiler tools
# Host native compiler
CC_X86 = g++ -Wall -O -g
# NEORV32 executable image generator
IMAGE_GEN = $(NEORV32_EXG_PATH)/image_gen
# Compiler & linker flags
CC_OPTS = $(MARCH) $(MABI) $(EFFORT) -Wall -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -nostartfiles -mno-fdiv
CC_OPTS += -Wl,--gc-sections -lm -lc -lgcc -lc
# This accelerates instruction fetch after branches when C extension is enabled (irrelevant when C extension is disabled)
CC_OPTS += -falign-functions=4 -falign-labels=4 -falign-loops=4 -falign-jumps=4
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Application output definitions
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
.PHONY: check info help elf_info clean clean_all bootloader
# 'compile' is still here for compatibility
exe: $(APP_ASM) $(APP_EXE)
compile: $(APP_ASM) $(APP_EXE)
install: $(APP_ASM) $(APP_IMG)
all: $(APP_ASM) $(APP_EXE) $(APP_IMG)
# Check if making bootloader
# Use different base address and legth for instruction memory/"rom" (BOOTMEM instead of IMEM)
# Also define "make_bootloader" for crt0.S
target bootloader: CC_OPTS += -Wl,--defsym=make_bootloader=1 -Dmake_bootloader
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Image generator targets
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# install/compile tools
$(IMAGE_GEN): $(NEORV32_EXG_PATH)/image_gen.cpp
@echo Compiling $(IMAGE_GEN)
@$(CC_X86) $< -o $(IMAGE_GEN)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# General targets: Assemble, compile, link, dump
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Compile app *.s sources (assembly)
%.s.o: %.s
@$(CC) -c $(CC_OPTS) -I $(NEORV32_INC_PATH) $(ASM_INC) $< -o $@
# Compile app *.S sources (assembly + C pre-processor)
%.S.o: %.S
@$(CC) -c $(CC_OPTS) -I $(NEORV32_INC_PATH) $(ASM_INC) $< -o $@
# Compile app *.c sources
%.c.o: %.c
@$(CC) -c $(CC_OPTS) -I $(NEORV32_INC_PATH) $(APP_INC) $< -o $@
# Compile app *.cpp sources
%.cpp.o: %.cpp
@$(CC) -c $(CC_OPTS) -I $(NEORV32_INC_PATH) $(APP_INC) $< -o $@
# Link object files and show memory utilization
main.elf: $(OBJ)
@$(CC) $(CC_OPTS) -T $(LD_SCRIPT) $(OBJ) -o $@ -lm
@echo "Memory utilization:"
@$(SIZE) main.elf
# Assembly listing file (for debugging)
$(APP_ASM): main.elf
@$(OBJDUMP) -d -S -z $< > $@
# Generate final executable from .text + .rodata + .data (in THIS order!)
main.bin: main.elf $(APP_ASM)
@$(OBJCOPY) -I elf32-little $< -j .text -O binary text.bin
@$(OBJCOPY) -I elf32-little $< -j .rodata -O binary rodata.bin
@$(OBJCOPY) -I elf32-little $< -j .data -O binary data.bin
@cat text.bin rodata.bin data.bin > $@
@rm -f text.bin rodata.bin data.bin
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Application targets: Generate binary executable, install (as VHDL file)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Generate NEORV32 executable image for upload via bootloader
$(APP_EXE): main.bin $(IMAGE_GEN)
@set -e
@$(IMAGE_GEN) -app_bin $< $@ $(shell basename $(CURDIR))
@echo "Executable ($(APP_EXE)) size in bytes:"
@wc -c < $(APP_EXE)
# Generate NEORV32 executable VHDL boot image
$(APP_IMG): main.bin $(IMAGE_GEN)
@set -e
@$(IMAGE_GEN) -app_img $< $@ $(shell basename $(CURDIR))
@echo "Installing application image to $(NEORV32_RTL_PATH)/$(APP_IMG)"
@cp $(APP_IMG) $(NEORV32_RTL_PATH)/.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Bootloader targets
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Create and install bootloader VHDL init image
$(BOOT_IMG): main.bin $(IMAGE_GEN)
@set -e
@$(IMAGE_GEN) -bld_img $< $(BOOT_IMG) $(shell basename $(CURDIR))
@echo "Installing bootloader image to $(NEORV32_RTL_PATH)/$(BOOT_IMG)"
# Just an alias that
bootloader: $(BOOT_IMG)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Check toolchain
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
check: $(IMAGE_GEN)
@echo "---------------- Check: NEORV32_HOME folder ----------------"
ifneq ($(shell [ -e $(NEORV32_HOME_MARKER) ] && echo 1 || echo 0 ), 1)
$(error NEORV32_HOME folder not found!)
@echo "NEORV32_HOME: $(NEORV32_HOME)"
@echo "---------------- Check: $(CC) ----------------"
@$(CC) -v
@echo "---------------- Check: $(OBJDUMP) ----------------"
@echo "---------------- Check: $(OBJCOPY) ----------------"
@echo "---------------- Check: $(SIZE) ----------------"
@$(SIZE) -V
@echo "---------------- Check: NEORV32 image_gen ----------------"
@$(IMAGE_GEN) -help
@echo "---------------- Check: Native GCC ----------------"
@$(CC_X86) -v
@echo "Toolchain check OK"
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Upload executable via serial port to bootloader
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
upload: $(APP_EXE)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Show configuration
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@echo "---------------- Info: Project ----------------"
@echo "Project folder: $(shell basename $(CURDIR))"
@echo "Source files: $(APP_SRC)"
@echo "Include folder(s): $(APP_INC)"
@echo "ASM include folder(s): $(ASM_INC)"
@echo "---------------- Info: NEORV32 ----------------"
@echo "NEORV32 home folder (NEORV32_HOME): $(NEORV32_HOME)"
@echo "Core source files:"
@echo "$(CORE_SRC)"
@echo "Core include folder:"
@echo "$(NEORV32_INC_PATH)"
@echo "---------------- Info: Objects ----------------"
@echo "Project object files:"
@echo "$(OBJ)"
@echo "---------------- Info: RISC-V CPU ----------------"
@echo "MARCH: $(MARCH)"
@echo "MABI: $(MABI)"
@echo "---------------- Info: Toolchain ----------------"
@echo "Toolchain: $(RISCV_TOLLCHAIN)"
@echo "CC: $(CC)"
@echo "SIZE: $(SIZE)"
@echo "---------------- Info: Compiler Libraries ----------------"
@echo "LIBGCC:"
@$(CC) -print-libgcc-file-name
@echo "SEARCH-DIRS:"
@$(CC) -print-search-dirs
@echo "---------------- Info: Flags ----------------"
@echo "CC_OPTS: $(CC_OPTS)"
@echo "---------------- Info: Host Native GCC Flags ----------------"
@echo "CC_X86: $(CC_X86)"
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Show final ELF details (just for debugging)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
elf_info: main.elf
@$(OBJDUMP) -x main.elf
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Help
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@echo "<<< NEORV32 Application Makefile >>>"
@echo "Make sure to add the bin folder of RISC-V GCC to your PATH variable."
@echo "Targets:"
@echo " help - show this text"
@echo " check - check toolchain"
@echo " info - show makefile/toolchain configuration"
@echo " exe - compile and generate <neorv32_exe.bin> executable for upload via bootloader"
@echo " install - compile, generate and install VHDL IMEM boot image (for application)"
@echo " all - compile and generate <neorv32_exe.bin> executable for upload via bootloader and generate and install VHDL IMEM boot image (for application)"
@echo " clean - clean up project"
@echo " clean_all - clean up project, core libraries and image generator"
@echo " bootloader - compile, generate and install VHDL BOOTROM boot image (for bootloader only!)"
@echo " upload - upload <neorv32_exe.bin> executable via serial port <COM_PORT> to bootloader"
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Clean up
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@rm -f *.elf *.o *.bin *.out *.asm *.vhd
clean_all: clean
@rm -f $(OBJ) $(IMAGE_GEN)
include ../../common/
50,7 → 50,7
# Compiler toolchain
RISCV_TOOLCHAIN ?= riscv32-unknown-elf
RISCV_PREFIX ?= riscv32-unknown-elf-
# CPU architecture and ABI
MARCH ?= -march=rv32i
59,9 → 59,6
# User flags for additional configuration (will be added to compiler flags)
# Serial port for executable upload via bootloer
COM_PORT ?= /dev/ttyUSB0
# Relative or absolute path to the NEORV32 home folder
NEORV32_HOME ?= ../../..
# *****************************************************************************
69,270 → 66,79
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# NEORV32 framework
# FreeRTOS
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Path to NEORV32 linker script and startup file
NEORV32_COM_PATH = $(NEORV32_HOME)/sw/common
# Path to main NEORV32 library include files
NEORV32_INC_PATH = $(NEORV32_HOME)/sw/lib/include
# Path to main NEORV32 library source files
NEORV32_SRC_PATH = $(NEORV32_HOME)/sw/lib/source
# Path to NEORV32 executable generator
NEORV32_EXG_PATH = $(NEORV32_HOME)/sw/image_gen
# Path to NEORV32 core rtl folder
NEORV32_RTL_PATH = $(NEORV32_HOME)/rtl/core
# Marker file to check for NEORV32 home folder
ifneq (,$(findstring RUN_FREERTOS_DEMO,$(USER_FLAGS)))
# FreeRTOS home folder (adapt this!)
FREERTOS_HOME ?= /mnt/n/Projects/FreeRTOSv10.4.1
# Core libraries (peripheral and CPU drivers)
CORE_SRC = $(wildcard $(NEORV32_SRC_PATH)/*.c)
# Application start-up code
# FreeRTOS RISC-V specific
APP_SRC += $(wildcard $(FREERTOS_HOME)/FreeRTOS/Source/portable/GCC/RISC-V/*.c)
APP_SRC += $(FREERTOS_HOME)/FreeRTOS/Source/portable/GCC/RISC-V/portASM.S
# Linker script
LD_SCRIPT = $(NEORV32_COM_PATH)/neorv32.ld
APP_INC += -I $(FREERTOS_HOME)/FreeRTOS/Source/portable/GCC/RISC-V
# Main output files
APP_EXE = neorv32_exe.bin
APP_ASM = main.asm
APP_IMG = neorv32_application_image.vhd
BOOT_IMG = neorv32_bootloader_image.vhd
# FreeRTOS core
APP_SRC += $(wildcard $(FREERTOS_HOME)/FreeRTOS/Source/*.c)
APP_SRC += $(wildcard $(FREERTOS_HOME)/FreeRTOS/Source/portable/MemMang/heap_4.c)
APP_INC += -I $(FREERTOS_HOME)/FreeRTOS/Source/include
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Sources and objects
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Define all sources
# FreeRTOS sources for the full_demo
APP_SRC += $(FREERTOS_HOME)/FreeRTOS/Demo/Common/Minimal/blocktim.c
APP_SRC += $(FREERTOS_HOME)/FreeRTOS/Demo/Common/Minimal/dynamic.c
APP_SRC += $(FREERTOS_HOME)/FreeRTOS/Demo/Common/Minimal/EventGroupsDemo.c
APP_SRC += $(FREERTOS_HOME)/FreeRTOS/Demo/Common/Minimal/GenQTest.c
APP_SRC += $(FREERTOS_HOME)/FreeRTOS/Demo/Common/Minimal/recmutex.c
APP_SRC += $(FREERTOS_HOME)/FreeRTOS/Demo/Common/Minimal/TaskNotify.c
APP_SRC += $(FREERTOS_HOME)/FreeRTOS/Demo/Common/Minimal/TaskNotifyArray.c
APP_SRC += $(FREERTOS_HOME)/FreeRTOS/Demo/Common/Minimal/TimerDemo.c
# Define all object files
OBJ = $(SRC:%=%.o)
APP_INC += -I $(FREERTOS_HOME)/FreeRTOS/Demo/Common/include
# NEORV32 specific
ASM_INC += -DportasmHANDLE_INTERRUPT=SystemIrqHandler
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Tools and flags
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Compiler tools
APP_INC += -I chip_specific_extensions/neorv32
# Host native compiler
CC_X86 = g++ -Wall -O -g
ASM_INC += -I chip_specific_extensions/neorv32
# NEORV32 executable image generator
IMAGE_GEN = $(NEORV32_EXG_PATH)/image_gen
# Demo application
APP_SRC += blinky_demo/main_blinky.c
APP_SRC += full_demo/main_full.c
APP_SRC += full_demo/RegTest.s
# Compiler & linker flags
CC_OPTS = $(MARCH) $(MABI) $(EFFORT) -Wall -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -nostartfiles -mno-fdiv
CC_OPTS += -Wl,--gc-sections -lm -lc -lgcc -lc
# This accelerates instruction fetch after branches when C extension is enabled (irrelevant when C extension is disabled)
CC_OPTS += -falign-functions=4 -falign-labels=4 -falign-loops=4 -falign-jumps=4
# -----------------
# FreeRTOS-Plus-CLI
# -----------------
ifneq (,$(findstring FREERTOS_PLUS_CLI,$(USER_FLAGS)))
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Application output definitions
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
.PHONY: check info help elf_info clean clean_all bootloader
# -----------------
# FreeRTOS-Plus-TCP
# -----------------
ifneq (,$(findstring FREERTOS_PLUS_TCP,$(USER_FLAGS)))
APP_SRC += $(FREERTOS_HOME)/FreeRTOS-Plus/Source/FreeRTOS-Plus-TCP/FreeRTOS_Sockets.c
APP_SRC += $(FREERTOS_HOME)/FreeRTOS-Plus/Source/FreeRTOS-Plus-TCP/FreeRTOS_Stream_Buffer.c
# 'compile' is still here for compatibility
exe: $(APP_ASM) $(APP_EXE)
compile: $(APP_ASM) $(APP_EXE)
install: $(APP_ASM) $(APP_IMG)
all: $(APP_ASM) $(APP_EXE) $(APP_IMG)
# Check if making bootloader
# Use different base address and legth for instruction memory/"rom" (BOOTMEM instead of IMEM)
# Also define "make_bootloader" for crt0.S
target bootloader: CC_OPTS += -Wl,--defsym=make_bootloader=1 -Dmake_bootloader
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Image generator targets
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# install/compile tools
$(IMAGE_GEN): $(NEORV32_EXG_PATH)/image_gen.cpp
@echo Compiling $(IMAGE_GEN)
@$(CC_X86) $< -o $(IMAGE_GEN)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# General targets: Assemble, compile, link, dump
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Compile app *.s sources (assembly)
%.s.o: %.s
@$(CC) -c $(CC_OPTS) -I $(NEORV32_INC_PATH) $(ASM_INC) $< -o $@
# Compile app *.S sources (assembly + C pre-processor)
%.S.o: %.S
@$(CC) -c $(CC_OPTS) -I $(NEORV32_INC_PATH) $(ASM_INC) $< -o $@
# Compile app *.c sources
%.c.o: %.c
@$(CC) -c $(CC_OPTS) -I $(NEORV32_INC_PATH) $(APP_INC) $< -o $@
# Compile app *.cpp sources
%.cpp.o: %.cpp
@$(CC) -c $(CC_OPTS) -I $(NEORV32_INC_PATH) $(APP_INC) $< -o $@
# Link object files and show memory utilization
main.elf: $(OBJ)
@$(CC) $(CC_OPTS) -T $(LD_SCRIPT) $(OBJ) -o $@ -lm
@echo "Memory utilization:"
@$(SIZE) main.elf
# Assembly listing file (for debugging)
$(APP_ASM): main.elf
@$(OBJDUMP) -d -S -z $< > $@
# Generate final executable from .text + .rodata + .data (in THIS order!)
main.bin: main.elf $(APP_ASM)
@$(OBJCOPY) -I elf32-little $< -j .text -O binary text.bin
@$(OBJCOPY) -I elf32-little $< -j .rodata -O binary rodata.bin
@$(OBJCOPY) -I elf32-little $< -j .data -O binary data.bin
@cat text.bin rodata.bin data.bin > $@
@rm -f text.bin rodata.bin data.bin
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Application targets: Generate binary executable, install (as VHDL file)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Generate NEORV32 executable image for upload via bootloader
$(APP_EXE): main.bin $(IMAGE_GEN)
@set -e
@$(IMAGE_GEN) -app_bin $< $@ $(shell basename $(CURDIR))
@echo "Executable ($(APP_EXE)) size in bytes:"
@wc -c < $(APP_EXE)
# Generate NEORV32 executable VHDL boot image
$(APP_IMG): main.bin $(IMAGE_GEN)
@set -e
@$(IMAGE_GEN) -app_img $< $@ $(shell basename $(CURDIR))
@echo "Installing application image to $(NEORV32_RTL_PATH)/$(APP_IMG)"
@cp $(APP_IMG) $(NEORV32_RTL_PATH)/.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Bootloader targets
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Create and install bootloader VHDL init image
$(BOOT_IMG): main.bin $(IMAGE_GEN)
@set -e
@$(IMAGE_GEN) -bld_img $< $(BOOT_IMG) $(shell basename $(CURDIR))
@echo "Installing bootloader image to $(NEORV32_RTL_PATH)/$(BOOT_IMG)"
# Just an alias that
bootloader: $(BOOT_IMG)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Check toolchain
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
check: $(IMAGE_GEN)
@echo "---------------- Check: NEORV32_HOME folder ----------------"
ifneq ($(shell [ -e $(NEORV32_HOME_MARKER) ] && echo 1 || echo 0 ), 1)
$(error NEORV32_HOME folder not found!)
APP_INC += -I $(FREERTOS_HOME)/FreeRTOS-Plus/Source/FreeRTOS-Plus-TCP/include
APP_INC += -I $(FREERTOS_HOME)/FreeRTOS-Plus/Source/FreeRTOS-Plus-TCP/portable/Compiler/GCC
@echo "NEORV32_HOME: $(NEORV32_HOME)"
@echo "---------------- Check: $(CC) ----------------"
@$(CC) -v
@echo "---------------- Check: $(OBJDUMP) ----------------"
@echo "---------------- Check: $(OBJCOPY) ----------------"
@echo "---------------- Check: $(SIZE) ----------------"
@$(SIZE) -V
@echo "---------------- Check: NEORV32 image_gen ----------------"
@$(IMAGE_GEN) -help
@echo "---------------- Check: Native GCC ----------------"
@$(CC_X86) -v
@echo "Toolchain check OK"
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Upload executable via serial port to bootloader
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
upload: $(APP_EXE)
NEORV32_HOME ?= ../../..
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Show configuration
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@echo "---------------- Info: Project ----------------"
@echo "Project folder: $(shell basename $(CURDIR))"
@echo "Source files: $(APP_SRC)"
@echo "Include folder(s): $(APP_INC)"
@echo "ASM include folder(s): $(ASM_INC)"
@echo "---------------- Info: NEORV32 ----------------"
@echo "NEORV32 home folder (NEORV32_HOME): $(NEORV32_HOME)"
@echo "Core source files:"
@echo "$(CORE_SRC)"
@echo "Core include folder:"
@echo "$(NEORV32_INC_PATH)"
@echo "---------------- Info: Objects ----------------"
@echo "Project object files:"
@echo "$(OBJ)"
@echo "---------------- Info: RISC-V CPU ----------------"
@echo "MARCH: $(MARCH)"
@echo "MABI: $(MABI)"
@echo "---------------- Info: Toolchain ----------------"
@echo "Toolchain: $(RISCV_TOLLCHAIN)"
@echo "CC: $(CC)"
@echo "SIZE: $(SIZE)"
@echo "---------------- Info: Compiler Libraries ----------------"
@echo "LIBGCC:"
@$(CC) -print-libgcc-file-name
@echo "SEARCH-DIRS:"
@$(CC) -print-search-dirs
@echo "---------------- Info: Flags ----------------"
@echo "CC_OPTS: $(CC_OPTS)"
@echo "---------------- Info: Host Native GCC Flags ----------------"
@echo "CC_X86: $(CC_X86)"
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Show final ELF details (just for debugging)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
elf_info: main.elf
@$(OBJDUMP) -x main.elf
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Help
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@echo "<<< NEORV32 Application Makefile >>>"
@echo "Make sure to add the bin folder of RISC-V GCC to your PATH variable."
@echo "Targets:"
@echo " help - show this text"
@echo " check - check toolchain"
@echo " info - show makefile/toolchain configuration"
@echo " exe - compile and generate <neorv32_exe.bin> executable for upload via bootloader"
@echo " install - compile, generate and install VHDL IMEM boot image (for application)"
@echo " all - compile and generate <neorv32_exe.bin> executable for upload via bootloader and generate and install VHDL IMEM boot image (for application)"
@echo " clean - clean up project"
@echo " clean_all - clean up project, core libraries and image generator"
@echo " bootloader - compile, generate and install VHDL BOOTROM boot image (for bootloader only!)"
@echo " upload - upload <neorv32_exe.bin> executable via serial port <COM_PORT> to bootloader"
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Clean up
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@rm -f *.elf *.o *.bin *.out *.asm *.vhd
clean_all: clean
@rm -f $(OBJ) $(IMAGE_GEN)
# Include central makefile
include ../../common/
48,19 → 48,22
/** UART BAUD rate */
#define BAUD_RATE 19200
/** Number of RGB LEDs in stripe A (24-bit data) */
/** Number of RGB LEDs in stripe (24-bit data) */
#define NUM_LEDS_24BIT (12)
/** Number of RGBW LEDs in stripe B (32-bit data) */
#define NUM_LEDS_32BIT (8)
/** Max intensity (0..255) */
#define MAX_INTENSITY (16)
// prototypes
uint32_t hsv2rgb(int h, int v);
* Main function
* This demo uses two NeoPixel stripes: Stripe A is a 12-LED RGB ring (arranged as ring - NOT CONNECTED as ring), stripe B is a 8-LED RGBW stripe
* This demo uses a 12-LED RGB ring
* @note This program requires the NEOLED controller to be synthesized (UART0 is optional).
* @note NeoPixel stripe connection: NEORV32.neoled_o -> Stripe A ("NUM_LEDS_24BIT" RGB-LEDs) -> Stripe B ("NUM_LEDS_32BIT" RGBW LEDs)
* @return 0 if execution was successful
71,10 → 74,8
// init UART0 at default baud rate, no parity bits, no hw flow control
// setup UART0 at default baud rate, no parity bits, no hw flow control
neorv32_uart0_printf("<<< NEORV32 NeoPixel (WS2812) hardware interface (NEOLED) demo >>>\n");
neorv32_uart0_printf("(c) 'NeoPixel' is a trademark of Adafruit Industries.\n");
// check if NEOLED unit is implemented at all, abort if not
84,75 → 85,110
// clearify setup
neorv32_uart0_printf("\nThis demo uses the following LED setup:\n");
neorv32_uart0_printf("NEORV32.neoled_o -> %u RGB-LEDs (24-bit) -> %u RGBW-LEDs (32-bit)\n\n", (uint32_t)NUM_LEDS_24BIT, (uint32_t)NUM_LEDS_32BIT);
// illustrate setup
neorv32_uart0_printf("<<< NEORV32 NeoPixel (WS2812) hardware interface (NEOLED) demo >>>\n"
"(TM) 'NeoPixel' is a trademark of Adafruit Industries.\n\n"
"This demo uses the following LED setup:\n"
"NEORV32.neoled_o -> %u RGB-LEDs (24-bit)\n\n", (uint32_t)NUM_LEDS_24BIT);
// use the "neorv32_neoled_setup_ws2812()" setup function here instead the raw "neorv32_neoled_setup_raw()"
// use the "neorv32_neoled_setup_ws2812()" setup function here instead the raw "neorv32_neoled_setup()"
// neorv32_neoled_setup_ws2812() will configure all timing parameters according to the WS2812 specs. for the current processor clock speed
neorv32_neoled_setup_ws2812(0); // use bscon = 0 (busy_flag clears / IRQ fires if at least one buffer entry is free)
neorv32_neoled_enable(); // enable module
neorv32_neoled_set_mode(0); // mode = 0 = 24-bit
// check NEOLED configuration
neorv32_uart0_printf("Checking NEOLED configuration:\n", neorv32_neoled_get_buffer_size());
neorv32_uart0_printf(" Hardware buffer size: %u entries\n", neorv32_neoled_get_buffer_size());
neorv32_uart0_printf(" Control register: 0x%x\n\n", NEOLED_CT);
neorv32_uart0_printf("Checking NEOLED configuration:\n"
" Hardware FIFO size: %u entries\n"
" Control register: 0x%x\n\n", neorv32_neoled_get_buffer_size(), NEOLED_CT);
// clear all LEDs
neorv32_uart0_printf("Clearing all LEDs...\n");
int i;
for (i=0; i<(NUM_LEDS_24BIT+NUM_LEDS_32BIT); i++) { // just send a lot of zeros
neorv32_neoled_send_polling(1, 0); // mode = 1 = 32-bit, -> send 32 zero bits in each iteration
for (i=0; i<NUM_LEDS_24BIT; i++) {
// a simple (but fancy!) animation example
// a simple animation example: rotating rainbow
// this example uses BLOCKING NEOLED functions that check the FIFO flags before writing new data
// non-blocking functions should only be used when checking the FIFO flags (half-full) in advance (for example using the NEOLED interrupt)
neorv32_uart0_printf("Starting animation...\n");
int stripe_pos_rgb = 0, flash_position = 0, flash_direction = -1;
int stripe_pos_rgbw = 0, circle_position = 0;
uint32_t circle_color = 0x00000004;
int angle = 0, led_id = 0;
while (1) {
// RGB LEDs: turning circle, changes color after each completed cycle
for (stripe_pos_rgb=0; stripe_pos_rgb<NUM_LEDS_24BIT; stripe_pos_rgb++) {
if (stripe_pos_rgb == circle_position) {
neorv32_neoled_send_polling(0, circle_color);
else {
neorv32_neoled_send_polling(0, 0); // LED off
for (led_id=0; led_id<NUM_LEDS_24BIT; led_id++) {
// give every LED a different color
neorv32_neoled_write_blocking(hsv2rgb(angle + (360/NUM_LEDS_24BIT) * led_id, MAX_INTENSITY));
if (circle_position == (NUM_LEDS_24BIT-1)) {
circle_position = 0;
circle_color = (circle_color << 8) | ((circle_color >> 16) & 0xff);
else {
angle += 1; // rotation increment per frame
neorv32_neoled_strobe_blocking(); // send strobe ("RESET") command
neorv32_cpu_delay_ms(10); // delay between frames
// RGBW LEDs: knight rider!
if ((flash_position == (NUM_LEDS_32BIT-1)) || (flash_position == 0)) {
flash_direction = -flash_direction;
for (stripe_pos_rgbw=0; stripe_pos_rgbw<NUM_LEDS_32BIT; stripe_pos_rgbw++) {
if (stripe_pos_rgbw == flash_position) {
neorv32_neoled_send_polling(1, 0x00000004); // white dot using the dedicated white LED chip
else {
neorv32_neoled_send_polling(1, 0); // LED off
flash_position += flash_direction;
return 0;
// delay between frames; also used to "send" ws2812.reset command
* Convert HSV color to RGB.
* @note Very simple version: using integer arithmetic and ignoring saturation (saturation is always MAX).
* @param[in] h Hue (color angle), 0..359
* @param[in] v Value (intensity), 0..255
* @return LSB-aligned 24-bit RGB data [G,R,B]
uint32_t hsv2rgb(int h, int v) {
h = h % 360;
int r, g, b;
int i = h / 60;
int difs = h % 60;
int rgb_adj = (v * difs) / 60;
switch (i) {
case 0:
r = v;
g = 0 + rgb_adj;
b = 0;
case 1:
r = v - rgb_adj;
g = v;
b = 0;
case 2:
r = 0;
g = v;
b = 0 + rgb_adj;
case 3:
r = 0;
g = v - rgb_adj;
b = v;
case 4:
r = 0 + rgb_adj;
g = 0;
b = v;
r = v;
g = 0;
b = v - rgb_adj;
return 0;
uint32_t res = 0;
res |= (((uint32_t)g) & 0xff) << 16;
res |= (((uint32_t)r) & 0xff) << 8;
res |= (((uint32_t)b) & 0xff) << 0;
return res;
34,305 → 34,6
# The NEORV32 Processor - (c) Stephan Nolting #
# *****************************************************************************
# *****************************************************************************
# User's application sources (*.c, *.cpp, *.s, *.S); add additional files here
APP_SRC ?= $(wildcard ./*.c) $(wildcard ./*.s) $(wildcard ./*.cpp) $(wildcard ./*.S)
# User's application include folders (don't forget the '-I' before each entry)
APP_INC ?= -I .
# User's application include folders - for assembly files only (don't forget the '-I' before each entry)
ASM_INC ?= -I .
# Optimization
# Compiler toolchain
RISCV_TOOLCHAIN ?= riscv32-unknown-elf
# CPU architecture and ABI
MARCH ?= -march=rv32i
MABI ?= -mabi=ilp32
# User flags for additional configuration (will be added to compiler flags)
# Serial port for executable upload via bootloer
COM_PORT ?= /dev/ttyUSB0
# Relative or absolute path to the NEORV32 home folder
NEORV32_HOME ?= ../../..
# *****************************************************************************
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# NEORV32 framework
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Path to NEORV32 linker script and startup file
NEORV32_COM_PATH = $(NEORV32_HOME)/sw/common
# Path to main NEORV32 library include files
NEORV32_INC_PATH = $(NEORV32_HOME)/sw/lib/include
# Path to main NEORV32 library source files
NEORV32_SRC_PATH = $(NEORV32_HOME)/sw/lib/source
# Path to NEORV32 executable generator
NEORV32_EXG_PATH = $(NEORV32_HOME)/sw/image_gen
# Path to NEORV32 core rtl folder
NEORV32_RTL_PATH = $(NEORV32_HOME)/rtl/core
# Marker file to check for NEORV32 home folder
# Core libraries (peripheral and CPU drivers)
CORE_SRC = $(wildcard $(NEORV32_SRC_PATH)/*.c)
# Application start-up code
# Linker script
LD_SCRIPT = $(NEORV32_COM_PATH)/neorv32.ld
# Main output files
APP_EXE = neorv32_exe.bin
APP_ASM = main.asm
APP_IMG = neorv32_application_image.vhd
BOOT_IMG = neorv32_bootloader_image.vhd
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Sources and objects
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Define all sources
# Define all object files
OBJ = $(SRC:%=%.o)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Tools and flags
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Compiler tools
# Host native compiler
CC_X86 = g++ -Wall -O -g
# NEORV32 executable image generator
IMAGE_GEN = $(NEORV32_EXG_PATH)/image_gen
# Compiler & linker flags
CC_OPTS = $(MARCH) $(MABI) $(EFFORT) -Wall -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -nostartfiles -mno-fdiv
CC_OPTS += -Wl,--gc-sections -lm -lc -lgcc -lc
# This accelerates instruction fetch after branches when C extension is enabled (irrelevant when C extension is disabled)
CC_OPTS += -falign-functions=4 -falign-labels=4 -falign-loops=4 -falign-jumps=4
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Application output definitions
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
.PHONY: check info help elf_info clean clean_all bootloader
# 'compile' is still here for compatibility
exe: $(APP_ASM) $(APP_EXE)
compile: $(APP_ASM) $(APP_EXE)
install: $(APP_ASM) $(APP_IMG)
all: $(APP_ASM) $(APP_EXE) $(APP_IMG)
# Check if making bootloader
# Use different base address and legth for instruction memory/"rom" (BOOTMEM instead of IMEM)
# Also define "make_bootloader" for crt0.S
target bootloader: CC_OPTS += -Wl,--defsym=make_bootloader=1 -Dmake_bootloader
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Image generator targets
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# install/compile tools
$(IMAGE_GEN): $(NEORV32_EXG_PATH)/image_gen.cpp
@echo Compiling $(IMAGE_GEN)
@$(CC_X86) $< -o $(IMAGE_GEN)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# General targets: Assemble, compile, link, dump
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Compile app *.s sources (assembly)
%.s.o: %.s
@$(CC) -c $(CC_OPTS) -I $(NEORV32_INC_PATH) $(ASM_INC) $< -o $@
# Compile app *.S sources (assembly + C pre-processor)
%.S.o: %.S
@$(CC) -c $(CC_OPTS) -I $(NEORV32_INC_PATH) $(ASM_INC) $< -o $@
# Compile app *.c sources
%.c.o: %.c
@$(CC) -c $(CC_OPTS) -I $(NEORV32_INC_PATH) $(APP_INC) $< -o $@
# Compile app *.cpp sources
%.cpp.o: %.cpp
@$(CC) -c $(CC_OPTS) -I $(NEORV32_INC_PATH) $(APP_INC) $< -o $@
# Link object files and show memory utilization
main.elf: $(OBJ)
@$(CC) $(CC_OPTS) -T $(LD_SCRIPT) $(OBJ) -o $@ -lm
@echo "Memory utilization:"
@$(SIZE) main.elf
# Assembly listing file (for debugging)
$(APP_ASM): main.elf
@$(OBJDUMP) -d -S -z $< > $@
# Generate final executable from .text + .rodata + .data (in THIS order!)
main.bin: main.elf $(APP_ASM)
@$(OBJCOPY) -I elf32-little $< -j .text -O binary text.bin
@$(OBJCOPY) -I elf32-little $< -j .rodata -O binary rodata.bin
@$(OBJCOPY) -I elf32-little $< -j .data -O binary data.bin
@cat text.bin rodata.bin data.bin > $@
@rm -f text.bin rodata.bin data.bin
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Application targets: Generate binary executable, install (as VHDL file)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Generate NEORV32 executable image for upload via bootloader
$(APP_EXE): main.bin $(IMAGE_GEN)
@set -e
@$(IMAGE_GEN) -app_bin $< $@ $(shell basename $(CURDIR))
@echo "Executable ($(APP_EXE)) size in bytes:"
@wc -c < $(APP_EXE)
# Generate NEORV32 executable VHDL boot image
$(APP_IMG): main.bin $(IMAGE_GEN)
@set -e
@$(IMAGE_GEN) -app_img $< $@ $(shell basename $(CURDIR))
@echo "Installing application image to $(NEORV32_RTL_PATH)/$(APP_IMG)"
@cp $(APP_IMG) $(NEORV32_RTL_PATH)/.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Bootloader targets
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Create and install bootloader VHDL init image
$(BOOT_IMG): main.bin $(IMAGE_GEN)
@set -e
@$(IMAGE_GEN) -bld_img $< $(BOOT_IMG) $(shell basename $(CURDIR))
@echo "Installing bootloader image to $(NEORV32_RTL_PATH)/$(BOOT_IMG)"
# Just an alias that
bootloader: $(BOOT_IMG)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Check toolchain
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
check: $(IMAGE_GEN)
@echo "---------------- Check: NEORV32_HOME folder ----------------"
ifneq ($(shell [ -e $(NEORV32_HOME_MARKER) ] && echo 1 || echo 0 ), 1)
$(error NEORV32_HOME folder not found!)
@echo "NEORV32_HOME: $(NEORV32_HOME)"
@echo "---------------- Check: $(CC) ----------------"
@$(CC) -v
@echo "---------------- Check: $(OBJDUMP) ----------------"
@echo "---------------- Check: $(OBJCOPY) ----------------"
@echo "---------------- Check: $(SIZE) ----------------"
@$(SIZE) -V
@echo "---------------- Check: NEORV32 image_gen ----------------"
@$(IMAGE_GEN) -help
@echo "---------------- Check: Native GCC ----------------"
@$(CC_X86) -v
@echo "Toolchain check OK"
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Upload executable via serial port to bootloader
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
upload: $(APP_EXE)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Show configuration
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@echo "---------------- Info: Project ----------------"
@echo "Project folder: $(shell basename $(CURDIR))"
@echo "Source files: $(APP_SRC)"
@echo "Include folder(s): $(APP_INC)"
@echo "ASM include folder(s): $(ASM_INC)"
@echo "---------------- Info: NEORV32 ----------------"
@echo "NEORV32 home folder (NEORV32_HOME): $(NEORV32_HOME)"
@echo "Core source files:"
@echo "$(CORE_SRC)"
@echo "Core include folder:"
@echo "$(NEORV32_INC_PATH)"
@echo "---------------- Info: Objects ----------------"
@echo "Project object files:"
@echo "$(OBJ)"
@echo "---------------- Info: RISC-V CPU ----------------"
@echo "MARCH: $(MARCH)"
@echo "MABI: $(MABI)"
@echo "---------------- Info: Toolchain ----------------"
@echo "Toolchain: $(RISCV_TOLLCHAIN)"
@echo "CC: $(CC)"
@echo "SIZE: $(SIZE)"
@echo "---------------- Info: Compiler Libraries ----------------"
@echo "LIBGCC:"
@$(CC) -print-libgcc-file-name
@echo "SEARCH-DIRS:"
@$(CC) -print-search-dirs
@echo "---------------- Info: Flags ----------------"
@echo "CC_OPTS: $(CC_OPTS)"
@echo "---------------- Info: Host Native GCC Flags ----------------"
@echo "CC_X86: $(CC_X86)"
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Show final ELF details (just for debugging)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
elf_info: main.elf
@$(OBJDUMP) -x main.elf
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Help
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@echo "<<< NEORV32 Application Makefile >>>"
@echo "Make sure to add the bin folder of RISC-V GCC to your PATH variable."
@echo "Targets:"
@echo " help - show this text"
@echo " check - check toolchain"
@echo " info - show makefile/toolchain configuration"
@echo " exe - compile and generate <neorv32_exe.bin> executable for upload via bootloader"
@echo " install - compile, generate and install VHDL IMEM boot image (for application)"
@echo " all - compile and generate <neorv32_exe.bin> executable for upload via bootloader and generate and install VHDL IMEM boot image (for application)"
@echo " clean - clean up project"
@echo " clean_all - clean up project, core libraries and image generator"
@echo " bootloader - compile, generate and install VHDL BOOTROM boot image (for bootloader only!)"
@echo " upload - upload <neorv32_exe.bin> executable via serial port <COM_PORT> to bootloader"
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Clean up
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@rm -f *.elf *.o *.bin *.out *.asm *.vhd
clean_all: clean
@rm -f $(OBJ) $(IMAGE_GEN)
include ../../common/
72,18 → 72,20
// this is not required, but keeps us safe
// use UART0 if implemented
if (neorv32_uart0_available()) {
// init UART at default baud rate, no parity bits, ho hw flow control
// init UART at default baud rate, no parity bits, ho hw flow control
// check available hardware extensions and compare with compiler flags
neorv32_rte_check_isa(0); // silent = 0 -> show message if isa mismatch
// check available hardware extensions and compare with compiler flags
neorv32_rte_check_isa(0); // silent = 0 -> show message if isa mismatch
// say hello
neorv32_uart0_print("PWM demo program\n");
// say hello
neorv32_uart_print("PWM demo program\n");
// deativate all PWM channels
// deactivate all PWM channels
neorv32_pwm_set(0, 0);
neorv32_pwm_set(1, 0);
neorv32_pwm_set(2, 0);
34,305 → 34,6
# The NEORV32 Processor - (c) Stephan Nolting #
# *****************************************************************************
# *****************************************************************************
# User's application sources (*.c, *.cpp, *.s, *.S); add additional files here
APP_SRC ?= $(wildcard ./*.c) $(wildcard ./*.s) $(wildcard ./*.cpp) $(wildcard ./*.S)
# User's application include folders (don't forget the '-I' before each entry)
APP_INC ?= -I .
# User's application include folders - for assembly files only (don't forget the '-I' before each entry)
ASM_INC ?= -I .
# Optimization
# Compiler toolchain
RISCV_TOOLCHAIN ?= riscv32-unknown-elf
# CPU architecture and ABI
MARCH ?= -march=rv32i
MABI ?= -mabi=ilp32
# User flags for additional configuration (will be added to compiler flags)
# Serial port for executable upload via bootloer
COM_PORT ?= /dev/ttyUSB0
# Relative or absolute path to the NEORV32 home folder
NEORV32_HOME ?= ../../..
# *****************************************************************************
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# NEORV32 framework
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Path to NEORV32 linker script and startup file
NEORV32_COM_PATH = $(NEORV32_HOME)/sw/common
# Path to main NEORV32 library include files
NEORV32_INC_PATH = $(NEORV32_HOME)/sw/lib/include
# Path to main NEORV32 library source files
NEORV32_SRC_PATH = $(NEORV32_HOME)/sw/lib/source
# Path to NEORV32 executable generator
NEORV32_EXG_PATH = $(NEORV32_HOME)/sw/image_gen
# Path to NEORV32 core rtl folder
NEORV32_RTL_PATH = $(NEORV32_HOME)/rtl/core
# Marker file to check for NEORV32 home folder
# Core libraries (peripheral and CPU drivers)
CORE_SRC = $(wildcard $(NEORV32_SRC_PATH)/*.c)
# Application start-up code
# Linker script
LD_SCRIPT = $(NEORV32_COM_PATH)/neorv32.ld
# Main output files
APP_EXE = neorv32_exe.bin
APP_ASM = main.asm
APP_IMG = neorv32_application_image.vhd
BOOT_IMG = neorv32_bootloader_image.vhd
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Sources and objects
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Define all sources
# Define all object files
OBJ = $(SRC:%=%.o)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Tools and flags
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Compiler tools
# Host native compiler
CC_X86 = g++ -Wall -O -g
# NEORV32 executable image generator
IMAGE_GEN = $(NEORV32_EXG_PATH)/image_gen
# Compiler & linker flags
CC_OPTS = $(MARCH) $(MABI) $(EFFORT) -Wall -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -nostartfiles -mno-fdiv
CC_OPTS += -Wl,--gc-sections -lm -lc -lgcc -lc
# This accelerates instruction fetch after branches when C extension is enabled (irrelevant when C extension is disabled)
CC_OPTS += -falign-functions=4 -falign-labels=4 -falign-loops=4 -falign-jumps=4
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Application output definitions
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
.PHONY: check info help elf_info clean clean_all bootloader
# 'compile' is still here for compatibility
exe: $(APP_ASM) $(APP_EXE)
compile: $(APP_ASM) $(APP_EXE)
install: $(APP_ASM) $(APP_IMG)
all: $(APP_ASM) $(APP_EXE) $(APP_IMG)
# Check if making bootloader
# Use different base address and legth for instruction memory/"rom" (BOOTMEM instead of IMEM)
# Also define "make_bootloader" for crt0.S
target bootloader: CC_OPTS += -Wl,--defsym=make_bootloader=1 -Dmake_bootloader
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Image generator targets
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# install/compile tools
$(IMAGE_GEN): $(NEORV32_EXG_PATH)/image_gen.cpp
@echo Compiling $(IMAGE_GEN)
@$(CC_X86) $< -o $(IMAGE_GEN)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# General targets: Assemble, compile, link, dump
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Compile app *.s sources (assembly)
%.s.o: %.s
@$(CC) -c $(CC_OPTS) -I $(NEORV32_INC_PATH) $(ASM_INC) $< -o $@
# Compile app *.S sources (assembly + C pre-processor)
%.S.o: %.S
@$(CC) -c $(CC_OPTS) -I $(NEORV32_INC_PATH) $(ASM_INC) $< -o $@
# Compile app *.c sources
%.c.o: %.c
@$(CC) -c $(CC_OPTS) -I $(NEORV32_INC_PATH) $(APP_INC) $< -o $@
# Compile app *.cpp sources
%.cpp.o: %.cpp
@$(CC) -c $(CC_OPTS) -I $(NEORV32_INC_PATH) $(APP_INC) $< -o $@
# Link object files and show memory utilization
main.elf: $(OBJ)
@$(CC) $(CC_OPTS) -T $(LD_SCRIPT) $(OBJ) -o $@ -lm
@echo "Memory utilization:"
@$(SIZE) main.elf
# Assembly listing file (for debugging)
$(APP_ASM): main.elf
@$(OBJDUMP) -d -S -z $< > $@
# Generate final executable from .text + .rodata + .data (in THIS order!)
main.bin: main.elf $(APP_ASM)
@$(OBJCOPY) -I elf32-little $< -j .text -O binary text.bin
@$(OBJCOPY) -I elf32-little $< -j .rodata -O binary rodata.bin
@$(OBJCOPY) -I elf32-little $< -j .data -O binary data.bin
@cat text.bin rodata.bin data.bin > $@
@rm -f text.bin rodata.bin data.bin
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Application targets: Generate binary executable, install (as VHDL file)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Generate NEORV32 executable image for upload via bootloader
$(APP_EXE): main.bin $(IMAGE_GEN)
@set -e
@$(IMAGE_GEN) -app_bin $< $@ $(shell basename $(CURDIR))
@echo "Executable ($(APP_EXE)) size in bytes:"
@wc -c < $(APP_EXE)
# Generate NEORV32 executable VHDL boot image
$(APP_IMG): main.bin $(IMAGE_GEN)
@set -e
@$(IMAGE_GEN) -app_img $< $@ $(shell basename $(CURDIR))
@echo "Installing application image to $(NEORV32_RTL_PATH)/$(APP_IMG)"
@cp $(APP_IMG) $(NEORV32_RTL_PATH)/.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Bootloader targets
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Create and install bootloader VHDL init image
$(BOOT_IMG): main.bin $(IMAGE_GEN)
@set -e
@$(IMAGE_GEN) -bld_img $< $(BOOT_IMG) $(shell basename $(CURDIR))
@echo "Installing bootloader image to $(NEORV32_RTL_PATH)/$(BOOT_IMG)"
# Just an alias that
bootloader: $(BOOT_IMG)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Check toolchain
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
check: $(IMAGE_GEN)
@echo "---------------- Check: NEORV32_HOME folder ----------------"
ifneq ($(shell [ -e $(NEORV32_HOME_MARKER) ] && echo 1 || echo 0 ), 1)
$(error NEORV32_HOME folder not found!)
@echo "NEORV32_HOME: $(NEORV32_HOME)"
@echo "---------------- Check: $(CC) ----------------"
@$(CC) -v
@echo "---------------- Check: $(OBJDUMP) ----------------"
@echo "---------------- Check: $(OBJCOPY) ----------------"
@echo "---------------- Check: $(SIZE) ----------------"
@$(SIZE) -V
@echo "---------------- Check: NEORV32 image_gen ----------------"
@$(IMAGE_GEN) -help
@echo "---------------- Check: Native GCC ----------------"
@$(CC_X86) -v
@echo "Toolchain check OK"
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Upload executable via serial port to bootloader
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
upload: $(APP_EXE)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Show configuration
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@echo "---------------- Info: Project ----------------"
@echo "Project folder: $(shell basename $(CURDIR))"
@echo "Source files: $(APP_SRC)"
@echo "Include folder(s): $(APP_INC)"
@echo "ASM include folder(s): $(ASM_INC)"
@echo "---------------- Info: NEORV32 ----------------"
@echo "NEORV32 home folder (NEORV32_HOME): $(NEORV32_HOME)"
@echo "Core source files:"
@echo "$(CORE_SRC)"
@echo "Core include folder:"
@echo "$(NEORV32_INC_PATH)"
@echo "---------------- Info: Objects ----------------"
@echo "Project object files:"
@echo "$(OBJ)"
@echo "---------------- Info: RISC-V CPU ----------------"
@echo "MARCH: $(MARCH)"
@echo "MABI: $(MABI)"
@echo "---------------- Info: Toolchain ----------------"
@echo "Toolchain: $(RISCV_TOLLCHAIN)"
@echo "CC: $(CC)"
@echo "SIZE: $(SIZE)"
@echo "---------------- Info: Compiler Libraries ----------------"
@echo "LIBGCC:"
@$(CC) -print-libgcc-file-name
@echo "SEARCH-DIRS:"
@$(CC) -print-search-dirs
@echo "---------------- Info: Flags ----------------"
@echo "CC_OPTS: $(CC_OPTS)"
@echo "---------------- Info: Host Native GCC Flags ----------------"
@echo "CC_X86: $(CC_X86)"
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Show final ELF details (just for debugging)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
elf_info: main.elf
@$(OBJDUMP) -x main.elf
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Help
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@echo "<<< NEORV32 Application Makefile >>>"
@echo "Make sure to add the bin folder of RISC-V GCC to your PATH variable."
@echo "Targets:"
@echo " help - show this text"
@echo " check - check toolchain"
@echo " info - show makefile/toolchain configuration"
@echo " exe - compile and generate <neorv32_exe.bin> executable for upload via bootloader"
@echo " install - compile, generate and install VHDL IMEM boot image (for application)"
@echo " all - compile and generate <neorv32_exe.bin> executable for upload via bootloader and generate and install VHDL IMEM boot image (for application)"
@echo " clean - clean up project"
@echo " clean_all - clean up project, core libraries and image generator"
@echo " bootloader - compile, generate and install VHDL BOOTROM boot image (for bootloader only!)"
@echo " upload - upload <neorv32_exe.bin> executable via serial port <COM_PORT> to bootloader"
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Clean up
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@rm -f *.elf *.o *.bin *.out *.asm *.vhd
clean_all: clean
@rm -f $(OBJ) $(IMAGE_GEN)
include ../../common/
34,305 → 34,6
# The NEORV32 Processor - (c) Stephan Nolting #
# *****************************************************************************
# *****************************************************************************
# User's application sources (*.c, *.cpp, *.s, *.S); add additional files here
APP_SRC ?= $(wildcard ./*.c) $(wildcard ./*.s) $(wildcard ./*.cpp) $(wildcard ./*.S)
# User's application include folders (don't forget the '-I' before each entry)
APP_INC ?= -I .
# User's application include folders - for assembly files only (don't forget the '-I' before each entry)
ASM_INC ?= -I .
# Optimization
# Compiler toolchain
RISCV_TOOLCHAIN ?= riscv32-unknown-elf
# CPU architecture and ABI
MARCH ?= -march=rv32i
MABI ?= -mabi=ilp32
# User flags for additional configuration (will be added to compiler flags)
# Serial port for executable upload via bootloer
COM_PORT ?= /dev/ttyUSB0
# Relative or absolute path to the NEORV32 home folder
NEORV32_HOME ?= ../../..
# *****************************************************************************
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# NEORV32 framework
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Path to NEORV32 linker script and startup file
NEORV32_COM_PATH = $(NEORV32_HOME)/sw/common
# Path to main NEORV32 library include files
NEORV32_INC_PATH = $(NEORV32_HOME)/sw/lib/include
# Path to main NEORV32 library source files
NEORV32_SRC_PATH = $(NEORV32_HOME)/sw/lib/source
# Path to NEORV32 executable generator
NEORV32_EXG_PATH = $(NEORV32_HOME)/sw/image_gen
# Path to NEORV32 core rtl folder
NEORV32_RTL_PATH = $(NEORV32_HOME)/rtl/core
# Marker file to check for NEORV32 home folder
# Core libraries (peripheral and CPU drivers)
CORE_SRC = $(wildcard $(NEORV32_SRC_PATH)/*.c)
# Application start-up code
# Linker script
LD_SCRIPT = $(NEORV32_COM_PATH)/neorv32.ld
# Main output files
APP_EXE = neorv32_exe.bin
APP_ASM = main.asm
APP_IMG = neorv32_application_image.vhd
BOOT_IMG = neorv32_bootloader_image.vhd
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Sources and objects
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Define all sources
# Define all object files
OBJ = $(SRC:%=%.o)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Tools and flags
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Compiler tools
# Host native compiler
CC_X86 = g++ -Wall -O -g
# NEORV32 executable image generator
IMAGE_GEN = $(NEORV32_EXG_PATH)/image_gen
# Compiler & linker flags
CC_OPTS = $(MARCH) $(MABI) $(EFFORT) -Wall -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -nostartfiles -mno-fdiv
CC_OPTS += -Wl,--gc-sections -lm -lc -lgcc -lc
# This accelerates instruction fetch after branches when C extension is enabled (irrelevant when C extension is disabled)
CC_OPTS += -falign-functions=4 -falign-labels=4 -falign-loops=4 -falign-jumps=4
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Application output definitions
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
.PHONY: check info help elf_info clean clean_all bootloader
# 'compile' is still here for compatibility
exe: $(APP_ASM) $(APP_EXE)
compile: $(APP_ASM) $(APP_EXE)
install: $(APP_ASM) $(APP_IMG)
all: $(APP_ASM) $(APP_EXE) $(APP_IMG)
# Check if making bootloader
# Use different base address and legth for instruction memory/"rom" (BOOTMEM instead of IMEM)
# Also define "make_bootloader" for crt0.S
target bootloader: CC_OPTS += -Wl,--defsym=make_bootloader=1 -Dmake_bootloader
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Image generator targets
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# install/compile tools
$(IMAGE_GEN): $(NEORV32_EXG_PATH)/image_gen.cpp
@echo Compiling $(IMAGE_GEN)
@$(CC_X86) $< -o $(IMAGE_GEN)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# General targets: Assemble, compile, link, dump
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Compile app *.s sources (assembly)
%.s.o: %.s
@$(CC) -c $(CC_OPTS) -I $(NEORV32_INC_PATH) $(ASM_INC) $< -o $@
# Compile app *.S sources (assembly + C pre-processor)
%.S.o: %.S
@$(CC) -c $(CC_OPTS) -I $(NEORV32_INC_PATH) $(ASM_INC) $< -o $@
# Compile app *.c sources
%.c.o: %.c
@$(CC) -c $(CC_OPTS) -I $(NEORV32_INC_PATH) $(APP_INC) $< -o $@
# Compile app *.cpp sources
%.cpp.o: %.cpp
@$(CC) -c $(CC_OPTS) -I $(NEORV32_INC_PATH) $(APP_INC) $< -o $@
# Link object files and show memory utilization
main.elf: $(OBJ)
@$(CC) $(CC_OPTS) -T $(LD_SCRIPT) $(OBJ) -o $@ -lm
@echo "Memory utilization:"
@$(SIZE) main.elf
# Assembly listing file (for debugging)
$(APP_ASM): main.elf
@$(OBJDUMP) -d -S -z $< > $@
# Generate final executable from .text + .rodata + .data (in THIS order!)
main.bin: main.elf $(APP_ASM)
@$(OBJCOPY) -I elf32-little $< -j .text -O binary text.bin
@$(OBJCOPY) -I elf32-little $< -j .rodata -O binary rodata.bin
@$(OBJCOPY) -I elf32-little $< -j .data -O binary data.bin
@cat text.bin rodata.bin data.bin > $@
@rm -f text.bin rodata.bin data.bin
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Application targets: Generate binary executable, install (as VHDL file)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Generate NEORV32 executable image for upload via bootloader
$(APP_EXE): main.bin $(IMAGE_GEN)
@set -e
@$(IMAGE_GEN) -app_bin $< $@ $(shell basename $(CURDIR))
@echo "Executable ($(APP_EXE)) size in bytes:"
@wc -c < $(APP_EXE)
# Generate NEORV32 executable VHDL boot image
$(APP_IMG): main.bin $(IMAGE_GEN)
@set -e
@$(IMAGE_GEN) -app_img $< $@ $(shell basename $(CURDIR))
@echo "Installing application image to $(NEORV32_RTL_PATH)/$(APP_IMG)"
@cp $(APP_IMG) $(NEORV32_RTL_PATH)/.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Bootloader targets
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Create and install bootloader VHDL init image
$(BOOT_IMG): main.bin $(IMAGE_GEN)
@set -e
@$(IMAGE_GEN) -bld_img $< $(BOOT_IMG) $(shell basename $(CURDIR))
@echo "Installing bootloader image to $(NEORV32_RTL_PATH)/$(BOOT_IMG)"
# Just an alias that
bootloader: $(BOOT_IMG)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Check toolchain
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
check: $(IMAGE_GEN)
@echo "---------------- Check: NEORV32_HOME folder ----------------"
ifneq ($(shell [ -e $(NEORV32_HOME_MARKER) ] && echo 1 || echo 0 ), 1)
$(error NEORV32_HOME folder not found!)
@echo "NEORV32_HOME: $(NEORV32_HOME)"
@echo "---------------- Check: $(CC) ----------------"
@$(CC) -v
@echo "---------------- Check: $(OBJDUMP) ----------------"
@echo "---------------- Check: $(OBJCOPY) ----------------"
@echo "---------------- Check: $(SIZE) ----------------"
@$(SIZE) -V
@echo "---------------- Check: NEORV32 image_gen ----------------"
@$(IMAGE_GEN) -help
@echo "---------------- Check: Native GCC ----------------"
@$(CC_X86) -v
@echo "Toolchain check OK"
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Upload executable via serial port to bootloader
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
upload: $(APP_EXE)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Show configuration
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@echo "---------------- Info: Project ----------------"
@echo "Project folder: $(shell basename $(CURDIR))"
@echo "Source files: $(APP_SRC)"
@echo "Include folder(s): $(APP_INC)"
@echo "ASM include folder(s): $(ASM_INC)"
@echo "---------------- Info: NEORV32 ----------------"
@echo "NEORV32 home folder (NEORV32_HOME): $(NEORV32_HOME)"
@echo "Core source files:"
@echo "$(CORE_SRC)"
@echo "Core include folder:"
@echo "$(NEORV32_INC_PATH)"
@echo "---------------- Info: Objects ----------------"
@echo "Project object files:"
@echo "$(OBJ)"
@echo "---------------- Info: RISC-V CPU ----------------"
@echo "MARCH: $(MARCH)"
@echo "MABI: $(MABI)"
@echo "---------------- Info: Toolchain ----------------"
@echo "Toolchain: $(RISCV_TOLLCHAIN)"
@echo "CC: $(CC)"
@echo "SIZE: $(SIZE)"
@echo "---------------- Info: Compiler Libraries ----------------"
@echo "LIBGCC:"
@$(CC) -print-libgcc-file-name
@echo "SEARCH-DIRS:"
@$(CC) -print-search-dirs
@echo "---------------- Info: Flags ----------------"
@echo "CC_OPTS: $(CC_OPTS)"
@echo "---------------- Info: Host Native GCC Flags ----------------"
@echo "CC_X86: $(CC_X86)"
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Show final ELF details (just for debugging)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
elf_info: main.elf
@$(OBJDUMP) -x main.elf
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Help
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@echo "<<< NEORV32 Application Makefile >>>"
@echo "Make sure to add the bin folder of RISC-V GCC to your PATH variable."
@echo "Targets:"
@echo " help - show this text"
@echo " check - check toolchain"
@echo " info - show makefile/toolchain configuration"
@echo " exe - compile and generate <neorv32_exe.bin> executable for upload via bootloader"
@echo " install - compile, generate and install VHDL IMEM boot image (for application)"
@echo " all - compile and generate <neorv32_exe.bin> executable for upload via bootloader and generate and install VHDL IMEM boot image (for application)"
@echo " clean - clean up project"
@echo " clean_all - clean up project, core libraries and image generator"
@echo " bootloader - compile, generate and install VHDL BOOTROM boot image (for bootloader only!)"
@echo " upload - upload <neorv32_exe.bin> executable via serial port <COM_PORT> to bootloader"
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Clean up
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@rm -f *.elf *.o *.bin *.out *.asm *.vhd
clean_all: clean
@rm -f $(OBJ) $(IMAGE_GEN)
include ../../common/
34,305 → 34,6
# The NEORV32 Processor - (c) Stephan Nolting #
# *****************************************************************************
# *****************************************************************************
# User's application sources (*.c, *.cpp, *.s, *.S); add additional files here
APP_SRC ?= $(wildcard ./*.c) $(wildcard ./*.s) $(wildcard ./*.cpp) $(wildcard ./*.S)
# User's application include folders (don't forget the '-I' before each entry)
APP_INC ?= -I .
# User's application include folders - for assembly files only (don't forget the '-I' before each entry)
ASM_INC ?= -I .
# Optimization
# Compiler toolchain
RISCV_TOOLCHAIN ?= riscv32-unknown-elf
# CPU architecture and ABI
MARCH ?= -march=rv32i
MABI ?= -mabi=ilp32
# User flags for additional configuration (will be added to compiler flags)
# Serial port for executable upload via bootloer
COM_PORT ?= /dev/ttyUSB0
# Relative or absolute path to the NEORV32 home folder
NEORV32_HOME ?= ../../..
# *****************************************************************************
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# NEORV32 framework
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Path to NEORV32 linker script and startup file
NEORV32_COM_PATH = $(NEORV32_HOME)/sw/common
# Path to main NEORV32 library include files
NEORV32_INC_PATH = $(NEORV32_HOME)/sw/lib/include
# Path to main NEORV32 library source files
NEORV32_SRC_PATH = $(NEORV32_HOME)/sw/lib/source
# Path to NEORV32 executable generator
NEORV32_EXG_PATH = $(NEORV32_HOME)/sw/image_gen
# Path to NEORV32 core rtl folder
NEORV32_RTL_PATH = $(NEORV32_HOME)/rtl/core
# Marker file to check for NEORV32 home folder
# Core libraries (peripheral and CPU drivers)
CORE_SRC = $(wildcard $(NEORV32_SRC_PATH)/*.c)
# Application start-up code
# Linker script
LD_SCRIPT = $(NEORV32_COM_PATH)/neorv32.ld
# Main output files
APP_EXE = neorv32_exe.bin
APP_ASM = main.asm
APP_IMG = neorv32_application_image.vhd
BOOT_IMG = neorv32_bootloader_image.vhd
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Sources and objects
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Define all sources
# Define all object files
OBJ = $(SRC:%=%.o)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Tools and flags
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Compiler tools
# Host native compiler
CC_X86 = g++ -Wall -O -g
# NEORV32 executable image generator
IMAGE_GEN = $(NEORV32_EXG_PATH)/image_gen
# Compiler & linker flags
CC_OPTS = $(MARCH) $(MABI) $(EFFORT) -Wall -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -nostartfiles -mno-fdiv
CC_OPTS += -Wl,--gc-sections -lm -lc -lgcc -lc
# This accelerates instruction fetch after branches when C extension is enabled (irrelevant when C extension is disabled)
CC_OPTS += -falign-functions=4 -falign-labels=4 -falign-loops=4 -falign-jumps=4
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Application output definitions
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
.PHONY: check info help elf_info clean clean_all bootloader
# 'compile' is still here for compatibility
exe: $(APP_ASM) $(APP_EXE)
compile: $(APP_ASM) $(APP_EXE)
install: $(APP_ASM) $(APP_IMG)
all: $(APP_ASM) $(APP_EXE) $(APP_IMG)
# Check if making bootloader
# Use different base address and legth for instruction memory/"rom" (BOOTMEM instead of IMEM)
# Also define "make_bootloader" for crt0.S
target bootloader: CC_OPTS += -Wl,--defsym=make_bootloader=1 -Dmake_bootloader
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Image generator targets
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# install/compile tools
$(IMAGE_GEN): $(NEORV32_EXG_PATH)/image_gen.cpp
@echo Compiling $(IMAGE_GEN)
@$(CC_X86) $< -o $(IMAGE_GEN)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# General targets: Assemble, compile, link, dump
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Compile app *.s sources (assembly)
%.s.o: %.s
@$(CC) -c $(CC_OPTS) -I $(NEORV32_INC_PATH) $(ASM_INC) $< -o $@
# Compile app *.S sources (assembly + C pre-processor)
%.S.o: %.S
@$(CC) -c $(CC_OPTS) -I $(NEORV32_INC_PATH) $(ASM_INC) $< -o $@
# Compile app *.c sources
%.c.o: %.c
@$(CC) -c $(CC_OPTS) -I $(NEORV32_INC_PATH) $(APP_INC) $< -o $@
# Compile app *.cpp sources
%.cpp.o: %.cpp
@$(CC) -c $(CC_OPTS) -I $(NEORV32_INC_PATH) $(APP_INC) $< -o $@
# Link object files and show memory utilization
main.elf: $(OBJ)
@$(CC) $(CC_OPTS) -T $(LD_SCRIPT) $(OBJ) -o $@ -lm
@echo "Memory utilization:"
@$(SIZE) main.elf
# Assembly listing file (for debugging)
$(APP_ASM): main.elf
@$(OBJDUMP) -d -S -z $< > $@
# Generate final executable from .text + .rodata + .data (in THIS order!)
main.bin: main.elf $(APP_ASM)
@$(OBJCOPY) -I elf32-little $< -j .text -O binary text.bin
@$(OBJCOPY) -I elf32-little $< -j .rodata -O binary rodata.bin
@$(OBJCOPY) -I elf32-little $< -j .data -O binary data.bin
@cat text.bin rodata.bin data.bin > $@
@rm -f text.bin rodata.bin data.bin
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Application targets: Generate binary executable, install (as VHDL file)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Generate NEORV32 executable image for upload via bootloader
$(APP_EXE): main.bin $(IMAGE_GEN)
@set -e
@$(IMAGE_GEN) -app_bin $< $@ $(shell basename $(CURDIR))
@echo "Executable ($(APP_EXE)) size in bytes:"
@wc -c < $(APP_EXE)
# Generate NEORV32 executable VHDL boot image
$(APP_IMG): main.bin $(IMAGE_GEN)
@set -e
@$(IMAGE_GEN) -app_img $< $@ $(shell basename $(CURDIR))
@echo "Installing application image to $(NEORV32_RTL_PATH)/$(APP_IMG)"
@cp $(APP_IMG) $(NEORV32_RTL_PATH)/.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Bootloader targets
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Create and install bootloader VHDL init image
$(BOOT_IMG): main.bin $(IMAGE_GEN)
@set -e
@$(IMAGE_GEN) -bld_img $< $(BOOT_IMG) $(shell basename $(CURDIR))
@echo "Installing bootloader image to $(NEORV32_RTL_PATH)/$(BOOT_IMG)"
# Just an alias that
bootloader: $(BOOT_IMG)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Check toolchain
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
check: $(IMAGE_GEN)
@echo "---------------- Check: NEORV32_HOME folder ----------------"
ifneq ($(shell [ -e $(NEORV32_HOME_MARKER) ] && echo 1 || echo 0 ), 1)
$(error NEORV32_HOME folder not found!)
@echo "NEORV32_HOME: $(NEORV32_HOME)"
@echo "---------------- Check: $(CC) ----------------"
@$(CC) -v
@echo "---------------- Check: $(OBJDUMP) ----------------"
@echo "---------------- Check: $(OBJCOPY) ----------------"
@echo "---------------- Check: $(SIZE) ----------------"
@$(SIZE) -V
@echo "---------------- Check: NEORV32 image_gen ----------------"
@$(IMAGE_GEN) -help
@echo "---------------- Check: Native GCC ----------------"
@$(CC_X86) -v
@echo "Toolchain check OK"
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Upload executable via serial port to bootloader
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
upload: $(APP_EXE)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Show configuration
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@echo "---------------- Info: Project ----------------"
@echo "Project folder: $(shell basename $(CURDIR))"
@echo "Source files: $(APP_SRC)"
@echo "Include folder(s): $(APP_INC)"
@echo "ASM include folder(s): $(ASM_INC)"
@echo "---------------- Info: NEORV32 ----------------"
@echo "NEORV32 home folder (NEORV32_HOME): $(NEORV32_HOME)"
@echo "Core source files:"
@echo "$(CORE_SRC)"
@echo "Core include folder:"
@echo "$(NEORV32_INC_PATH)"
@echo "---------------- Info: Objects ----------------"
@echo "Project object files:"
@echo "$(OBJ)"
@echo "---------------- Info: RISC-V CPU ----------------"
@echo "MARCH: $(MARCH)"
@echo "MABI: $(MABI)"
@echo "---------------- Info: Toolchain ----------------"
@echo "Toolchain: $(RISCV_TOLLCHAIN)"
@echo "CC: $(CC)"
@echo "SIZE: $(SIZE)"
@echo "---------------- Info: Compiler Libraries ----------------"
@echo "LIBGCC:"
@$(CC) -print-libgcc-file-name
@echo "SEARCH-DIRS:"
@$(CC) -print-search-dirs
@echo "---------------- Info: Flags ----------------"
@echo "CC_OPTS: $(CC_OPTS)"
@echo "---------------- Info: Host Native GCC Flags ----------------"
@echo "CC_X86: $(CC_X86)"
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Show final ELF details (just for debugging)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
elf_info: main.elf
@$(OBJDUMP) -x main.elf
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Help
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@echo "<<< NEORV32 Application Makefile >>>"
@echo "Make sure to add the bin folder of RISC-V GCC to your PATH variable."
@echo "Targets:"
@echo " help - show this text"
@echo " check - check toolchain"
@echo " info - show makefile/toolchain configuration"
@echo " exe - compile and generate <neorv32_exe.bin> executable for upload via bootloader"
@echo " install - compile, generate and install VHDL IMEM boot image (for application)"
@echo " all - compile and generate <neorv32_exe.bin> executable for upload via bootloader and generate and install VHDL IMEM boot image (for application)"
@echo " clean - clean up project"
@echo " clean_all - clean up project, core libraries and image generator"
@echo " bootloader - compile, generate and install VHDL BOOTROM boot image (for bootloader only!)"
@echo " upload - upload <neorv32_exe.bin> executable via serial port <COM_PORT> to bootloader"
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Clean up
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@rm -f *.elf *.o *.bin *.out *.asm *.vhd
clean_all: clean
@rm -f $(OBJ) $(IMAGE_GEN)
include ../../common/
34,305 → 34,6
# The NEORV32 Processor - (c) Stephan Nolting #
# *****************************************************************************
# *****************************************************************************
# User's application sources (*.c, *.cpp, *.s, *.S); add additional files here
APP_SRC ?= $(wildcard ./*.c) $(wildcard ./*.s) $(wildcard ./*.cpp) $(wildcard ./*.S)
# User's application include folders (don't forget the '-I' before each entry)
APP_INC ?= -I .
# User's application include folders - for assembly files only (don't forget the '-I' before each entry)
ASM_INC ?= -I .
# Optimization
# Compiler toolchain
RISCV_TOOLCHAIN ?= riscv32-unknown-elf
# CPU architecture and ABI
MARCH ?= -march=rv32i
MABI ?= -mabi=ilp32
# User flags for additional configuration (will be added to compiler flags)
# Serial port for executable upload via bootloer
COM_PORT ?= /dev/ttyUSB0
# Relative or absolute path to the NEORV32 home folder
NEORV32_HOME ?= ../../..
# *****************************************************************************
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# NEORV32 framework
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Path to NEORV32 linker script and startup file
NEORV32_COM_PATH = $(NEORV32_HOME)/sw/common
# Path to main NEORV32 library include files
NEORV32_INC_PATH = $(NEORV32_HOME)/sw/lib/include
# Path to main NEORV32 library source files
NEORV32_SRC_PATH = $(NEORV32_HOME)/sw/lib/source
# Path to NEORV32 executable generator
NEORV32_EXG_PATH = $(NEORV32_HOME)/sw/image_gen
# Path to NEORV32 core rtl folder
NEORV32_RTL_PATH = $(NEORV32_HOME)/rtl/core
# Marker file to check for NEORV32 home folder
# Core libraries (peripheral and CPU drivers)
CORE_SRC = $(wildcard $(NEORV32_SRC_PATH)/*.c)
# Application start-up code
# Linker script
LD_SCRIPT = $(NEORV32_COM_PATH)/neorv32.ld
# Main output files
APP_EXE = neorv32_exe.bin
APP_ASM = main.asm
APP_IMG = neorv32_application_image.vhd
BOOT_IMG = neorv32_bootloader_image.vhd
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Sources and objects
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Define all sources
# Define all object files
OBJ = $(SRC:%=%.o)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Tools and flags
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Compiler tools
# Host native compiler
CC_X86 = g++ -Wall -O -g
# NEORV32 executable image generator
IMAGE_GEN = $(NEORV32_EXG_PATH)/image_gen
# Compiler & linker flags
CC_OPTS = $(MARCH) $(MABI) $(EFFORT) -Wall -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -nostartfiles -mno-fdiv
CC_OPTS += -Wl,--gc-sections -lm -lc -lgcc -lc
# This accelerates instruction fetch after branches when C extension is enabled (irrelevant when C extension is disabled)
CC_OPTS += -falign-functions=4 -falign-labels=4 -falign-loops=4 -falign-jumps=4
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Application output definitions
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
.PHONY: check info help elf_info clean clean_all bootloader
# 'compile' is still here for compatibility
exe: $(APP_ASM) $(APP_EXE)
compile: $(APP_ASM) $(APP_EXE)
install: $(APP_ASM) $(APP_IMG)
all: $(APP_ASM) $(APP_EXE) $(APP_IMG)
# Check if making bootloader
# Use different base address and legth for instruction memory/"rom" (BOOTMEM instead of IMEM)
# Also define "make_bootloader" for crt0.S
target bootloader: CC_OPTS += -Wl,--defsym=make_bootloader=1 -Dmake_bootloader
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Image generator targets
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# install/compile tools
$(IMAGE_GEN): $(NEORV32_EXG_PATH)/image_gen.cpp
@echo Compiling $(IMAGE_GEN)
@$(CC_X86) $< -o $(IMAGE_GEN)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# General targets: Assemble, compile, link, dump
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Compile app *.s sources (assembly)
%.s.o: %.s
@$(CC) -c $(CC_OPTS) -I $(NEORV32_INC_PATH) $(ASM_INC) $< -o $@
# Compile app *.S sources (assembly + C pre-processor)
%.S.o: %.S
@$(CC) -c $(CC_OPTS) -I $(NEORV32_INC_PATH) $(ASM_INC) $< -o $@
# Compile app *.c sources
%.c.o: %.c
@$(CC) -c $(CC_OPTS) -I $(NEORV32_INC_PATH) $(APP_INC) $< -o $@
# Compile app *.cpp sources
%.cpp.o: %.cpp
@$(CC) -c $(CC_OPTS) -I $(NEORV32_INC_PATH) $(APP_INC) $< -o $@
# Link object files and show memory utilization
main.elf: $(OBJ)
@$(CC) $(CC_OPTS) -T $(LD_SCRIPT) $(OBJ) -o $@ -lm
@echo "Memory utilization:"
@$(SIZE) main.elf
# Assembly listing file (for debugging)
$(APP_ASM): main.elf
@$(OBJDUMP) -d -S -z $< > $@
# Generate final executable from .text + .rodata + .data (in THIS order!)
main.bin: main.elf $(APP_ASM)
@$(OBJCOPY) -I elf32-little $< -j .text -O binary text.bin
@$(OBJCOPY) -I elf32-little $< -j .rodata -O binary rodata.bin
@$(OBJCOPY) -I elf32-little $< -j .data -O binary data.bin
@cat text.bin rodata.bin data.bin > $@
@rm -f text.bin rodata.bin data.bin
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Application targets: Generate binary executable, install (as VHDL file)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Generate NEORV32 executable image for upload via bootloader
$(APP_EXE): main.bin $(IMAGE_GEN)
@set -e
@$(IMAGE_GEN) -app_bin $< $@ $(shell basename $(CURDIR))
@echo "Executable ($(APP_EXE)) size in bytes:"
@wc -c < $(APP_EXE)
# Generate NEORV32 executable VHDL boot image
$(APP_IMG): main.bin $(IMAGE_GEN)
@set -e
@$(IMAGE_GEN) -app_img $< $@ $(shell basename $(CURDIR))
@echo "Installing application image to $(NEORV32_RTL_PATH)/$(APP_IMG)"
@cp $(APP_IMG) $(NEORV32_RTL_PATH)/.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Bootloader targets
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Create and install bootloader VHDL init image
$(BOOT_IMG): main.bin $(IMAGE_GEN)
@set -e
@$(IMAGE_GEN) -bld_img $< $(BOOT_IMG) $(shell basename $(CURDIR))
@echo "Installing bootloader image to $(NEORV32_RTL_PATH)/$(BOOT_IMG)"
# Just an alias that
bootloader: $(BOOT_IMG)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Check toolchain
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
check: $(IMAGE_GEN)
@echo "---------------- Check: NEORV32_HOME folder ----------------"
ifneq ($(shell [ -e $(NEORV32_HOME_MARKER) ] && echo 1 || echo 0 ), 1)
$(error NEORV32_HOME folder not found!)
@echo "NEORV32_HOME: $(NEORV32_HOME)"
@echo "---------------- Check: $(CC) ----------------"
@$(CC) -v
@echo "---------------- Check: $(OBJDUMP) ----------------"
@echo "---------------- Check: $(OBJCOPY) ----------------"
@echo "---------------- Check: $(SIZE) ----------------"
@$(SIZE) -V
@echo "---------------- Check: NEORV32 image_gen ----------------"
@$(IMAGE_GEN) -help
@echo "---------------- Check: Native GCC ----------------"
@$(CC_X86) -v
@echo "Toolchain check OK"
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Upload executable via serial port to bootloader
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
upload: $(APP_EXE)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Show configuration
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@echo "---------------- Info: Project ----------------"
@echo "Project folder: $(shell basename $(CURDIR))"
@echo "Source files: $(APP_SRC)"
@echo "Include folder(s): $(APP_INC)"
@echo "ASM include folder(s): $(ASM_INC)"
@echo "---------------- Info: NEORV32 ----------------"
@echo "NEORV32 home folder (NEORV32_HOME): $(NEORV32_HOME)"
@echo "Core source files:"
@echo "$(CORE_SRC)"
@echo "Core include folder:"
@echo "$(NEORV32_INC_PATH)"
@echo "---------------- Info: Objects ----------------"
@echo "Project object files:"
@echo "$(OBJ)"
@echo "---------------- Info: RISC-V CPU ----------------"
@echo "MARCH: $(MARCH)"
@echo "MABI: $(MABI)"
@echo "---------------- Info: Toolchain ----------------"
@echo "Toolchain: $(RISCV_TOLLCHAIN)"
@echo "CC: $(CC)"
@echo "SIZE: $(SIZE)"
@echo "---------------- Info: Compiler Libraries ----------------"
@echo "LIBGCC:"
@$(CC) -print-libgcc-file-name
@echo "SEARCH-DIRS:"
@$(CC) -print-search-dirs
@echo "---------------- Info: Flags ----------------"
@echo "CC_OPTS: $(CC_OPTS)"
@echo "---------------- Info: Host Native GCC Flags ----------------"
@echo "CC_X86: $(CC_X86)"
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Show final ELF details (just for debugging)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
elf_info: main.elf
@$(OBJDUMP) -x main.elf
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Help
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@echo "<<< NEORV32 Application Makefile >>>"
@echo "Make sure to add the bin folder of RISC-V GCC to your PATH variable."
@echo "Targets:"
@echo " help - show this text"
@echo " check - check toolchain"
@echo " info - show makefile/toolchain configuration"
@echo " exe - compile and generate <neorv32_exe.bin> executable for upload via bootloader"
@echo " install - compile, generate and install VHDL IMEM boot image (for application)"
@echo " all - compile and generate <neorv32_exe.bin> executable for upload via bootloader and generate and install VHDL IMEM boot image (for application)"
@echo " clean - clean up project"
@echo " clean_all - clean up project, core libraries and image generator"
@echo " bootloader - compile, generate and install VHDL BOOTROM boot image (for bootloader only!)"
@echo " upload - upload <neorv32_exe.bin> executable via serial port <COM_PORT> to bootloader"
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Clean up
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@rm -f *.elf *.o *.bin *.out *.asm *.vhd
clean_all: clean
@rm -f $(OBJ) $(IMAGE_GEN)
include ../../common/
36,7 → 36,7
* @file demo_xirq/main.c
* @author Stephan Nolting
* @brief External interrupt controller (XIRQ) demo program.
* @brief External interrupt controller (XIRQ) demo program (using hardware-assisted prioritization).
#include <neorv32.h>
139,12 → 139,17
// wait for interrupts
// --- wait for interrupts ---
// All incoming XIRQ interrupt requests are "prioritized" in this example. The XIRQ FIRQ handler
// reads the ID of the interrupt with the highest priority from the XIRQ controller ("source" register) and calls the according
// handler function.
// Non-prioritized handling of interrupts (or custom prioritization) can be implemented by manually reading the
// XIRQ controller's "pending" register. It is up to the software to define which pending IRQ should be served.
// just as an example: to disable certain XIRQ interrupt channels, we can
// uninstall the according handler. this will also clear a pending interrupt for that channel
// un-install the according handler. this will also clear a pending interrupt for that channel
neorv32_xirq_uninstall(0); // disable XIRQ channel 0 and remove associated handler
neorv32_xirq_uninstall(1); // disable XIRQ channel 1 and remove associated handler
neorv32_xirq_uninstall(2); // disable XIRQ channel 2 and remove associated handler
34,305 → 34,6
# The NEORV32 Processor - (c) Stephan Nolting #
# *****************************************************************************
# *****************************************************************************
# User's application sources (*.c, *.cpp, *.s, *.S); add additional files here
APP_SRC ?= $(wildcard ./*.c) $(wildcard ./*.s) $(wildcard ./*.cpp) $(wildcard ./*.S)
# User's application include folders (don't forget the '-I' before each entry)
APP_INC ?= -I .
# User's application include folders - for assembly files only (don't forget the '-I' before each entry)
ASM_INC ?= -I .
# Optimization
# Compiler toolchain
RISCV_TOOLCHAIN ?= riscv32-unknown-elf
# CPU architecture and ABI
MARCH ?= -march=rv32i
MABI ?= -mabi=ilp32
# User flags for additional configuration (will be added to compiler flags)
# Serial port for executable upload via bootloer
COM_PORT ?= /dev/ttyUSB0
# Relative or absolute path to the NEORV32 home folder
NEORV32_HOME ?= ../../..
# *****************************************************************************
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# NEORV32 framework
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Path to NEORV32 linker script and startup file
NEORV32_COM_PATH = $(NEORV32_HOME)/sw/common
# Path to main NEORV32 library include files
NEORV32_INC_PATH = $(NEORV32_HOME)/sw/lib/include
# Path to main NEORV32 library source files
NEORV32_SRC_PATH = $(NEORV32_HOME)/sw/lib/source
# Path to NEORV32 executable generator
NEORV32_EXG_PATH = $(NEORV32_HOME)/sw/image_gen
# Path to NEORV32 core rtl folder
NEORV32_RTL_PATH = $(NEORV32_HOME)/rtl/core
# Marker file to check for NEORV32 home folder
# Core libraries (peripheral and CPU drivers)
CORE_SRC = $(wildcard $(NEORV32_SRC_PATH)/*.c)
# Application start-up code
# Linker script
LD_SCRIPT = $(NEORV32_COM_PATH)/neorv32.ld
# Main output files
APP_EXE = neorv32_exe.bin
APP_ASM = main.asm
APP_IMG = neorv32_application_image.vhd
BOOT_IMG = neorv32_bootloader_image.vhd
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Sources and objects
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Define all sources
# Define all object files
OBJ = $(SRC:%=%.o)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Tools and flags
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Compiler tools
# Host native compiler
CC_X86 = g++ -Wall -O -g
# NEORV32 executable image generator
IMAGE_GEN = $(NEORV32_EXG_PATH)/image_gen
# Compiler & linker flags
CC_OPTS = $(MARCH) $(MABI) $(EFFORT) -Wall -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -nostartfiles -mno-fdiv
CC_OPTS += -Wl,--gc-sections -lm -lc -lgcc -lc
# This accelerates instruction fetch after branches when C extension is enabled (irrelevant when C extension is disabled)
CC_OPTS += -falign-functions=4 -falign-labels=4 -falign-loops=4 -falign-jumps=4
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Application output definitions
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
.PHONY: check info help elf_info clean clean_all bootloader
# 'compile' is still here for compatibility
exe: $(APP_ASM) $(APP_EXE)
compile: $(APP_ASM) $(APP_EXE)
install: $(APP_ASM) $(APP_IMG)
all: $(APP_ASM) $(APP_EXE) $(APP_IMG)
# Check if making bootloader
# Use different base address and legth for instruction memory/"rom" (BOOTMEM instead of IMEM)
# Also define "make_bootloader" for crt0.S
target bootloader: CC_OPTS += -Wl,--defsym=make_bootloader=1 -Dmake_bootloader
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Image generator targets
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# install/compile tools
$(IMAGE_GEN): $(NEORV32_EXG_PATH)/image_gen.cpp
@echo Compiling $(IMAGE_GEN)
@$(CC_X86) $< -o $(IMAGE_GEN)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# General targets: Assemble, compile, link, dump
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Compile app *.s sources (assembly)
%.s.o: %.s
@$(CC) -c $(CC_OPTS) -I $(NEORV32_INC_PATH) $(ASM_INC) $< -o $@
# Compile app *.S sources (assembly + C pre-processor)
%.S.o: %.S
@$(CC) -c $(CC_OPTS) -I $(NEORV32_INC_PATH) $(ASM_INC) $< -o $@
# Compile app *.c sources
%.c.o: %.c
@$(CC) -c $(CC_OPTS) -I $(NEORV32_INC_PATH) $(APP_INC) $< -o $@
# Compile app *.cpp sources
%.cpp.o: %.cpp
@$(CC) -c $(CC_OPTS) -I $(NEORV32_INC_PATH) $(APP_INC) $< -o $@
# Link object files and show memory utilization
main.elf: $(OBJ)
@$(CC) $(CC_OPTS) -T $(LD_SCRIPT) $(OBJ) -o $@ -lm
@echo "Memory utilization:"
@$(SIZE) main.elf
# Assembly listing file (for debugging)
$(APP_ASM): main.elf
@$(OBJDUMP) -d -S -z $< > $@
# Generate final executable from .text + .rodata + .data (in THIS order!)
main.bin: main.elf $(APP_ASM)
@$(OBJCOPY) -I elf32-little $< -j .text -O binary text.bin
@$(OBJCOPY) -I elf32-little $< -j .rodata -O binary rodata.bin
@$(OBJCOPY) -I elf32-little $< -j .data -O binary data.bin
@cat text.bin rodata.bin data.bin > $@
@rm -f text.bin rodata.bin data.bin
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Application targets: Generate binary executable, install (as VHDL file)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Generate NEORV32 executable image for upload via bootloader
$(APP_EXE): main.bin $(IMAGE_GEN)
@set -e
@$(IMAGE_GEN) -app_bin $< $@ $(shell basename $(CURDIR))
@echo "Executable ($(APP_EXE)) size in bytes:"
@wc -c < $(APP_EXE)
# Generate NEORV32 executable VHDL boot image
$(APP_IMG): main.bin $(IMAGE_GEN)
@set -e
@$(IMAGE_GEN) -app_img $< $@ $(shell basename $(CURDIR))
@echo "Installing application image to $(NEORV32_RTL_PATH)/$(APP_IMG)"
@cp $(APP_IMG) $(NEORV32_RTL_PATH)/.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Bootloader targets
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Create and install bootloader VHDL init image
$(BOOT_IMG): main.bin $(IMAGE_GEN)
@set -e
@$(IMAGE_GEN) -bld_img $< $(BOOT_IMG) $(shell basename $(CURDIR))
@echo "Installing bootloader image to $(NEORV32_RTL_PATH)/$(BOOT_IMG)"
# Just an alias that
bootloader: $(BOOT_IMG)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Check toolchain
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
check: $(IMAGE_GEN)
@echo "---------------- Check: NEORV32_HOME folder ----------------"
ifneq ($(shell [ -e $(NEORV32_HOME_MARKER) ] && echo 1 || echo 0 ), 1)
$(error NEORV32_HOME folder not found!)
@echo "NEORV32_HOME: $(NEORV32_HOME)"
@echo "---------------- Check: $(CC) ----------------"
@$(CC) -v
@echo "---------------- Check: $(OBJDUMP) ----------------"
@echo "---------------- Check: $(OBJCOPY) ----------------"
@echo "---------------- Check: $(SIZE) ----------------"
@$(SIZE) -V
@echo "---------------- Check: NEORV32 image_gen ----------------"
@$(IMAGE_GEN) -help
@echo "---------------- Check: Native GCC ----------------"
@$(CC_X86) -v
@echo "Toolchain check OK"
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Upload executable via serial port to bootloader
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
upload: $(APP_EXE)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Show configuration
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@echo "---------------- Info: Project ----------------"
@echo "Project folder: $(shell basename $(CURDIR))"
@echo "Source files: $(APP_SRC)"
@echo "Include folder(s): $(APP_INC)"
@echo "ASM include folder(s): $(ASM_INC)"
@echo "---------------- Info: NEORV32 ----------------"
@echo "NEORV32 home folder (NEORV32_HOME): $(NEORV32_HOME)"
@echo "Core source files:"
@echo "$(CORE_SRC)"
@echo "Core include folder:"
@echo "$(NEORV32_INC_PATH)"
@echo "---------------- Info: Objects ----------------"
@echo "Project object files:"
@echo "$(OBJ)"
@echo "---------------- Info: RISC-V CPU ----------------"
@echo "MARCH: $(MARCH)"
@echo "MABI: $(MABI)"
@echo "---------------- Info: Toolchain ----------------"
@echo "Toolchain: $(RISCV_TOLLCHAIN)"
@echo "CC: $(CC)"
@echo "SIZE: $(SIZE)"
@echo "---------------- Info: Compiler Libraries ----------------"
@echo "LIBGCC:"
@$(CC) -print-libgcc-file-name
@echo "SEARCH-DIRS:"
@$(CC) -print-search-dirs
@echo "---------------- Info: Flags ----------------"
@echo "CC_OPTS: $(CC_OPTS)"
@echo "---------------- Info: Host Native GCC Flags ----------------"
@echo "CC_X86: $(CC_X86)"
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Show final ELF details (just for debugging)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
elf_info: main.elf
@$(OBJDUMP) -x main.elf
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Help
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@echo "<<< NEORV32 Application Makefile >>>"
@echo "Make sure to add the bin folder of RISC-V GCC to your PATH variable."
@echo "Targets:"
@echo " help - show this text"
@echo " check - check toolchain"
@echo " info - show makefile/toolchain configuration"
@echo " exe - compile and generate <neorv32_exe.bin> executable for upload via bootloader"
@echo " install - compile, generate and install VHDL IMEM boot image (for application)"
@echo " all - compile and generate <neorv32_exe.bin> executable for upload via bootloader and generate and install VHDL IMEM boot image (for application)"
@echo " clean - clean up project"
@echo " clean_all - clean up project, core libraries and image generator"
@echo " bootloader - compile, generate and install VHDL BOOTROM boot image (for bootloader only!)"
@echo " upload - upload <neorv32_exe.bin> executable via serial port <COM_PORT> to bootloader"
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Clean up
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@rm -f *.elf *.o *.bin *.out *.asm *.vhd
clean_all: clean
@rm -f $(OBJ) $(IMAGE_GEN)
include ../../common/
148,9 → 148,13
neorv32_uart_printf("Test cases per instruction: %u\n", (uint32_t)NUM_TEST_CASES);
neorv32_uart_printf("NOTE: The NEORV32 FPU does not support subnormal numbers yet. Subnormal numbers are flushed to zero.\n\n");
// enable FPU extension
uint32_t mstatus = neorv32_cpu_csr_read(CSR_MSTATUS);
mstatus |= 1 << CSR_MSTATUS_FS_L; // state = initial
neorv32_cpu_csr_write(CSR_MSTATUS, mstatus);
// clear exception status word
neorv32_cpu_csr_write(CSR_FFLAGS, 0);; // real hardware
neorv32_cpu_csr_write(CSR_FFLAGS, 0); // real hardware
feclearexcept(FE_ALL_EXCEPT); // software runtime (GCC floating-point emulation)
34,305 → 34,6
# The NEORV32 Processor - (c) Stephan Nolting #
# *****************************************************************************
# *****************************************************************************
# User's application sources (*.c, *.cpp, *.s, *.S); add additional files here
APP_SRC ?= $(wildcard ./*.c) $(wildcard ./*.s) $(wildcard ./*.cpp) $(wildcard ./*.S)
# User's application include folders (don't forget the '-I' before each entry)
APP_INC ?= -I .
# User's application include folders - for assembly files only (don't forget the '-I' before each entry)
ASM_INC ?= -I .
# Optimization
# Compiler toolchain
RISCV_TOOLCHAIN ?= riscv32-unknown-elf
# CPU architecture and ABI
MARCH ?= -march=rv32i
MABI ?= -mabi=ilp32
# User flags for additional configuration (will be added to compiler flags)
# Serial port for executable upload via bootloer
COM_PORT ?= /dev/ttyUSB0
# Relative or absolute path to the NEORV32 home folder
NEORV32_HOME ?= ../../..
# *****************************************************************************
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# NEORV32 framework
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Path to NEORV32 linker script and startup file
NEORV32_COM_PATH = $(NEORV32_HOME)/sw/common
# Path to main NEORV32 library include files
NEORV32_INC_PATH = $(NEORV32_HOME)/sw/lib/include
# Path to main NEORV32 library source files
NEORV32_SRC_PATH = $(NEORV32_HOME)/sw/lib/source
# Path to NEORV32 executable generator
NEORV32_EXG_PATH = $(NEORV32_HOME)/sw/image_gen
# Path to NEORV32 core rtl folder
NEORV32_RTL_PATH = $(NEORV32_HOME)/rtl/core
# Marker file to check for NEORV32 home folder
# Core libraries (peripheral and CPU drivers)
CORE_SRC = $(wildcard $(NEORV32_SRC_PATH)/*.c)
# Application start-up code
# Linker script
LD_SCRIPT = $(NEORV32_COM_PATH)/neorv32.ld
# Main output files
APP_EXE = neorv32_exe.bin
APP_ASM = main.asm
APP_IMG = neorv32_application_image.vhd
BOOT_IMG = neorv32_bootloader_image.vhd
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Sources and objects
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Define all sources
# Define all object files
OBJ = $(SRC:%=%.o)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Tools and flags
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Compiler tools
# Host native compiler
CC_X86 = g++ -Wall -O -g
# NEORV32 executable image generator
IMAGE_GEN = $(NEORV32_EXG_PATH)/image_gen
# Compiler & linker flags
CC_OPTS = $(MARCH) $(MABI) $(EFFORT) -Wall -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -nostartfiles -mno-fdiv
CC_OPTS += -Wl,--gc-sections -lm -lc -lgcc -lc
# This accelerates instruction fetch after branches when C extension is enabled (irrelevant when C extension is disabled)
CC_OPTS += -falign-functions=4 -falign-labels=4 -falign-loops=4 -falign-jumps=4
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Application output definitions
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
.PHONY: check info help elf_info clean clean_all bootloader
# 'compile' is still here for compatibility
exe: $(APP_ASM) $(APP_EXE)
compile: $(APP_ASM) $(APP_EXE)
install: $(APP_ASM) $(APP_IMG)
all: $(APP_ASM) $(APP_EXE) $(APP_IMG)
# Check if making bootloader
# Use different base address and legth for instruction memory/"rom" (BOOTMEM instead of IMEM)
# Also define "make_bootloader" for crt0.S
target bootloader: CC_OPTS += -Wl,--defsym=make_bootloader=1 -Dmake_bootloader
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Image generator targets
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# install/compile tools
$(IMAGE_GEN): $(NEORV32_EXG_PATH)/image_gen.cpp
@echo Compiling $(IMAGE_GEN)
@$(CC_X86) $< -o $(IMAGE_GEN)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# General targets: Assemble, compile, link, dump
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Compile app *.s sources (assembly)
%.s.o: %.s
@$(CC) -c $(CC_OPTS) -I $(NEORV32_INC_PATH) $(ASM_INC) $< -o $@
# Compile app *.S sources (assembly + C pre-processor)
%.S.o: %.S
@$(CC) -c $(CC_OPTS) -I $(NEORV32_INC_PATH) $(ASM_INC) $< -o $@
# Compile app *.c sources
%.c.o: %.c
@$(CC) -c $(CC_OPTS) -I $(NEORV32_INC_PATH) $(APP_INC) $< -o $@
# Compile app *.cpp sources
%.cpp.o: %.cpp
@$(CC) -c $(CC_OPTS) -I $(NEORV32_INC_PATH) $(APP_INC) $< -o $@
# Link object files and show memory utilization
main.elf: $(OBJ)
@$(CC) $(CC_OPTS) -T $(LD_SCRIPT) $(OBJ) -o $@ -lm
@echo "Memory utilization:"
@$(SIZE) main.elf
# Assembly listing file (for debugging)
$(APP_ASM): main.elf
@$(OBJDUMP) -d -S -z $< > $@
# Generate final executable from .text + .rodata + .data (in THIS order!)
main.bin: main.elf $(APP_ASM)
@$(OBJCOPY) -I elf32-little $< -j .text -O binary text.bin
@$(OBJCOPY) -I elf32-little $< -j .rodata -O binary rodata.bin
@$(OBJCOPY) -I elf32-little $< -j .data -O binary data.bin
@cat text.bin rodata.bin data.bin > $@
@rm -f text.bin rodata.bin data.bin
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Application targets: Generate binary executable, install (as VHDL file)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Generate NEORV32 executable image for upload via bootloader
$(APP_EXE): main.bin $(IMAGE_GEN)
@set -e
@$(IMAGE_GEN) -app_bin $< $@ $(shell basename $(CURDIR))
@echo "Executable ($(APP_EXE)) size in bytes:"
@wc -c < $(APP_EXE)
# Generate NEORV32 executable VHDL boot image
$(APP_IMG): main.bin $(IMAGE_GEN)
@set -e
@$(IMAGE_GEN) -app_img $< $@ $(shell basename $(CURDIR))
@echo "Installing application image to $(NEORV32_RTL_PATH)/$(APP_IMG)"
@cp $(APP_IMG) $(NEORV32_RTL_PATH)/.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Bootloader targets
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Create and install bootloader VHDL init image
$(BOOT_IMG): main.bin $(IMAGE_GEN)
@set -e
@$(IMAGE_GEN) -bld_img $< $(BOOT_IMG) $(shell basename $(CURDIR))
@echo "Installing bootloader image to $(NEORV32_RTL_PATH)/$(BOOT_IMG)"
# Just an alias that
bootloader: $(BOOT_IMG)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Check toolchain
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
check: $(IMAGE_GEN)
@echo "---------------- Check: NEORV32_HOME folder ----------------"
ifneq ($(shell [ -e $(NEORV32_HOME_MARKER) ] && echo 1 || echo 0 ), 1)
$(error NEORV32_HOME folder not found!)
@echo "NEORV32_HOME: $(NEORV32_HOME)"
@echo "---------------- Check: $(CC) ----------------"
@$(CC) -v
@echo "---------------- Check: $(OBJDUMP) ----------------"
@echo "---------------- Check: $(OBJCOPY) ----------------"
@echo "---------------- Check: $(SIZE) ----------------"
@$(SIZE) -V
@echo "---------------- Check: NEORV32 image_gen ----------------"
@$(IMAGE_GEN) -help
@echo "---------------- Check: Native GCC ----------------"
@$(CC_X86) -v
@echo "Toolchain check OK"
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Upload executable via serial port to bootloader
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
upload: $(APP_EXE)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Show configuration
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@echo "---------------- Info: Project ----------------"
@echo "Project folder: $(shell basename $(CURDIR))"
@echo "Source files: $(APP_SRC)"
@echo "Include folder(s): $(APP_INC)"
@echo "ASM include folder(s): $(ASM_INC)"
@echo "---------------- Info: NEORV32 ----------------"
@echo "NEORV32 home folder (NEORV32_HOME): $(NEORV32_HOME)"
@echo "Core source files:"
@echo "$(CORE_SRC)"
@echo "Core include folder:"
@echo "$(NEORV32_INC_PATH)"
@echo "---------------- Info: Objects ----------------"
@echo "Project object files:"
@echo "$(OBJ)"
@echo "---------------- Info: RISC-V CPU ----------------"
@echo "MARCH: $(MARCH)"
@echo "MABI: $(MABI)"
@echo "---------------- Info: Toolchain ----------------"
@echo "Toolchain: $(RISCV_TOLLCHAIN)"
@echo "CC: $(CC)"
@echo "SIZE: $(SIZE)"
@echo "---------------- Info: Compiler Libraries ----------------"
@echo "LIBGCC:"
@$(CC) -print-libgcc-file-name
@echo "SEARCH-DIRS:"
@$(CC) -print-search-dirs
@echo "---------------- Info: Flags ----------------"
@echo "CC_OPTS: $(CC_OPTS)"
@echo "---------------- Info: Host Native GCC Flags ----------------"
@echo "CC_X86: $(CC_X86)"
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Show final ELF details (just for debugging)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
elf_info: main.elf
@$(OBJDUMP) -x main.elf
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Help
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@echo "<<< NEORV32 Application Makefile >>>"
@echo "Make sure to add the bin folder of RISC-V GCC to your PATH variable."
@echo "Targets:"
@echo " help - show this text"
@echo " check - check toolchain"
@echo " info - show makefile/toolchain configuration"
@echo " exe - compile and generate <neorv32_exe.bin> executable for upload via bootloader"
@echo " install - compile, generate and install VHDL IMEM boot image (for application)"
@echo " all - compile and generate <neorv32_exe.bin> executable for upload via bootloader and generate and install VHDL IMEM boot image (for application)"
@echo " clean - clean up project"
@echo " clean_all - clean up project, core libraries and image generator"
@echo " bootloader - compile, generate and install VHDL BOOTROM boot image (for bootloader only!)"
@echo " upload - upload <neorv32_exe.bin> executable via serial port <COM_PORT> to bootloader"
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Clean up
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@rm -f *.elf *.o *.bin *.out *.asm *.vhd
clean_all: clean
@rm -f $(OBJ) $(IMAGE_GEN)
include ../../common/
34,305 → 34,6
# The NEORV32 Processor - (c) Stephan Nolting #
# *****************************************************************************
# *****************************************************************************
# User's application sources (*.c, *.cpp, *.s, *.S); add additional files here
APP_SRC ?= $(wildcard ./*.c) $(wildcard ./*.s) $(wildcard ./*.cpp) $(wildcard ./*.S)
# User's application include folders (don't forget the '-I' before each entry)
APP_INC ?= -I .
# User's application include folders - for assembly files only (don't forget the '-I' before each entry)
ASM_INC ?= -I .
# Optimization
# Compiler toolchain
RISCV_TOOLCHAIN ?= riscv32-unknown-elf
# CPU architecture and ABI
MARCH ?= -march=rv32i
MABI ?= -mabi=ilp32
# User flags for additional configuration (will be added to compiler flags)
# Serial port for executable upload via bootloer
COM_PORT ?= /dev/ttyUSB0
# Relative or absolute path to the NEORV32 home folder
NEORV32_HOME ?= ../../..
# *****************************************************************************
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# NEORV32 framework
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Path to NEORV32 linker script and startup file
NEORV32_COM_PATH = $(NEORV32_HOME)/sw/common
# Path to main NEORV32 library include files
NEORV32_INC_PATH = $(NEORV32_HOME)/sw/lib/include
# Path to main NEORV32 library source files
NEORV32_SRC_PATH = $(NEORV32_HOME)/sw/lib/source
# Path to NEORV32 executable generator
NEORV32_EXG_PATH = $(NEORV32_HOME)/sw/image_gen
# Path to NEORV32 core rtl folder
NEORV32_RTL_PATH = $(NEORV32_HOME)/rtl/core
# Marker file to check for NEORV32 home folder
# Core libraries (peripheral and CPU drivers)
CORE_SRC = $(wildcard $(NEORV32_SRC_PATH)/*.c)
# Application start-up code
# Linker script
LD_SCRIPT = $(NEORV32_COM_PATH)/neorv32.ld
# Main output files
APP_EXE = neorv32_exe.bin
APP_ASM = main.asm
APP_IMG = neorv32_application_image.vhd
BOOT_IMG = neorv32_bootloader_image.vhd
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Sources and objects
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Define all sources
# Define all object files
OBJ = $(SRC:%=%.o)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Tools and flags
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Compiler tools
# Host native compiler
CC_X86 = g++ -Wall -O -g
# NEORV32 executable image generator
IMAGE_GEN = $(NEORV32_EXG_PATH)/image_gen
# Compiler & linker flags
CC_OPTS = $(MARCH) $(MABI) $(EFFORT) -Wall -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -nostartfiles -mno-fdiv
CC_OPTS += -Wl,--gc-sections -lm -lc -lgcc -lc
# This accelerates instruction fetch after branches when C extension is enabled (irrelevant when C extension is disabled)
CC_OPTS += -falign-functions=4 -falign-labels=4 -falign-loops=4 -falign-jumps=4
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Application output definitions
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
.PHONY: check info help elf_info clean clean_all bootloader
# 'compile' is still here for compatibility
exe: $(APP_ASM) $(APP_EXE)
compile: $(APP_ASM) $(APP_EXE)
install: $(APP_ASM) $(APP_IMG)
all: $(APP_ASM) $(APP_EXE) $(APP_IMG)
# Check if making bootloader
# Use different base address and legth for instruction memory/"rom" (BOOTMEM instead of IMEM)
# Also define "make_bootloader" for crt0.S
target bootloader: CC_OPTS += -Wl,--defsym=make_bootloader=1 -Dmake_bootloader
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Image generator targets
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# install/compile tools
$(IMAGE_GEN): $(NEORV32_EXG_PATH)/image_gen.cpp
@echo Compiling $(IMAGE_GEN)
@$(CC_X86) $< -o $(IMAGE_GEN)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# General targets: Assemble, compile, link, dump
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Compile app *.s sources (assembly)
%.s.o: %.s
@$(CC) -c $(CC_OPTS) -I $(NEORV32_INC_PATH) $(ASM_INC) $< -o $@
# Compile app *.S sources (assembly + C pre-processor)
%.S.o: %.S
@$(CC) -c $(CC_OPTS) -I $(NEORV32_INC_PATH) $(ASM_INC) $< -o $@
# Compile app *.c sources
%.c.o: %.c
@$(CC) -c $(CC_OPTS) -I $(NEORV32_INC_PATH) $(APP_INC) $< -o $@
# Compile app *.cpp sources
%.cpp.o: %.cpp
@$(CC) -c $(CC_OPTS) -I $(NEORV32_INC_PATH) $(APP_INC) $< -o $@
# Link object files and show memory utilization
main.elf: $(OBJ)
@$(CC) $(CC_OPTS) -T $(LD_SCRIPT) $(OBJ) -o $@ -lm
@echo "Memory utilization:"
@$(SIZE) main.elf
# Assembly listing file (for debugging)
$(APP_ASM): main.elf
@$(OBJDUMP) -d -S -z $< > $@
# Generate final executable from .text + .rodata + .data (in THIS order!)
main.bin: main.elf $(APP_ASM)
@$(OBJCOPY) -I elf32-little $< -j .text -O binary text.bin
@$(OBJCOPY) -I elf32-little $< -j .rodata -O binary rodata.bin
@$(OBJCOPY) -I elf32-little $< -j .data -O binary data.bin
@cat text.bin rodata.bin data.bin > $@
@rm -f text.bin rodata.bin data.bin
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Application targets: Generate binary executable, install (as VHDL file)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Generate NEORV32 executable image for upload via bootloader
$(APP_EXE): main.bin $(IMAGE_GEN)
@set -e
@$(IMAGE_GEN) -app_bin $< $@ $(shell basename $(CURDIR))
@echo "Executable ($(APP_EXE)) size in bytes:"
@wc -c < $(APP_EXE)
# Generate NEORV32 executable VHDL boot image
$(APP_IMG): main.bin $(IMAGE_GEN)
@set -e
@$(IMAGE_GEN) -app_img $< $@ $(shell basename $(CURDIR))
@echo "Installing application image to $(NEORV32_RTL_PATH)/$(APP_IMG)"
@cp $(APP_IMG) $(NEORV32_RTL_PATH)/.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Bootloader targets
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Create and install bootloader VHDL init image
$(BOOT_IMG): main.bin $(IMAGE_GEN)
@set -e
@$(IMAGE_GEN) -bld_img $< $(BOOT_IMG) $(shell basename $(CURDIR))
@echo "Installing bootloader image to $(NEORV32_RTL_PATH)/$(BOOT_IMG)"
# Just an alias that
bootloader: $(BOOT_IMG)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Check toolchain
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
check: $(IMAGE_GEN)
@echo "---------------- Check: NEORV32_HOME folder ----------------"
ifneq ($(shell [ -e $(NEORV32_HOME_MARKER) ] && echo 1 || echo 0 ), 1)
$(error NEORV32_HOME folder not found!)
@echo "NEORV32_HOME: $(NEORV32_HOME)"
@echo "---------------- Check: $(CC) ----------------"
@$(CC) -v
@echo "---------------- Check: $(OBJDUMP) ----------------"
@echo "---------------- Check: $(OBJCOPY) ----------------"
@echo "---------------- Check: $(SIZE) ----------------"
@$(SIZE) -V
@echo "---------------- Check: NEORV32 image_gen ----------------"
@$(IMAGE_GEN) -help
@echo "---------------- Check: Native GCC ----------------"
@$(CC_X86) -v
@echo "Toolchain check OK"
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Upload executable via serial port to bootloader
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
upload: $(APP_EXE)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Show configuration
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@echo "---------------- Info: Project ----------------"
@echo "Project folder: $(shell basename $(CURDIR))"
@echo "Source files: $(APP_SRC)"
@echo "Include folder(s): $(APP_INC)"
@echo "ASM include folder(s): $(ASM_INC)"
@echo "---------------- Info: NEORV32 ----------------"
@echo "NEORV32 home folder (NEORV32_HOME): $(NEORV32_HOME)"
@echo "Core source files:"
@echo "$(CORE_SRC)"
@echo "Core include folder:"
@echo "$(NEORV32_INC_PATH)"
@echo "---------------- Info: Objects ----------------"
@echo "Project object files:"
@echo "$(OBJ)"
@echo "---------------- Info: RISC-V CPU ----------------"
@echo "MARCH: $(MARCH)"
@echo "MABI: $(MABI)"
@echo "---------------- Info: Toolchain ----------------"
@echo "Toolchain: $(RISCV_TOLLCHAIN)"
@echo "CC: $(CC)"
@echo "SIZE: $(SIZE)"
@echo "---------------- Info: Compiler Libraries ----------------"
@echo "LIBGCC:"
@$(CC) -print-libgcc-file-name
@echo "SEARCH-DIRS:"
@$(CC) -print-search-dirs
@echo "---------------- Info: Flags ----------------"
@echo "CC_OPTS: $(CC_OPTS)"
@echo "---------------- Info: Host Native GCC Flags ----------------"
@echo "CC_X86: $(CC_X86)"
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Show final ELF details (just for debugging)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
elf_info: main.elf
@$(OBJDUMP) -x main.elf
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Help
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@echo "<<< NEORV32 Application Makefile >>>"
@echo "Make sure to add the bin folder of RISC-V GCC to your PATH variable."
@echo "Targets:"
@echo " help - show this text"
@echo " check - check toolchain"
@echo " info - show makefile/toolchain configuration"
@echo " exe - compile and generate <neorv32_exe.bin> executable for upload via bootloader"
@echo " install - compile, generate and install VHDL IMEM boot image (for application)"
@echo " all - compile and generate <neorv32_exe.bin> executable for upload via bootloader and generate and install VHDL IMEM boot image (for application)"
@echo " clean - clean up project"
@echo " clean_all - clean up project, core libraries and image generator"
@echo " bootloader - compile, generate and install VHDL BOOTROM boot image (for bootloader only!)"
@echo " upload - upload <neorv32_exe.bin> executable via serial port <COM_PORT> to bootloader"
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Clean up
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@rm -f *.elf *.o *.bin *.out *.asm *.vhd
clean_all: clean
@rm -f $(OBJ) $(IMAGE_GEN)
include ../../common/
34,305 → 34,6
# The NEORV32 Processor - (c) Stephan Nolting #
# *****************************************************************************
# *****************************************************************************
# User's application sources (*.c, *.cpp, *.s, *.S); add additional files here
APP_SRC ?= $(wildcard ./*.c) $(wildcard ./*.s) $(wildcard ./*.cpp) $(wildcard ./*.S)
# User's application include folders (don't forget the '-I' before each entry)
APP_INC ?= -I .
# User's application include folders - for assembly files only (don't forget the '-I' before each entry)
ASM_INC ?= -I .
# Optimization
# Compiler toolchain
RISCV_TOOLCHAIN ?= riscv32-unknown-elf
# CPU architecture and ABI
MARCH ?= -march=rv32i
MABI ?= -mabi=ilp32
# User flags for additional configuration (will be added to compiler flags)
# Serial port for executable upload via bootloer
COM_PORT ?= /dev/ttyUSB0
# Relative or absolute path to the NEORV32 home folder
NEORV32_HOME ?= ../../..
# *****************************************************************************
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# NEORV32 framework
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Path to NEORV32 linker script and startup file
NEORV32_COM_PATH = $(NEORV32_HOME)/sw/common
# Path to main NEORV32 library include files
NEORV32_INC_PATH = $(NEORV32_HOME)/sw/lib/include
# Path to main NEORV32 library source files
NEORV32_SRC_PATH = $(NEORV32_HOME)/sw/lib/source
# Path to NEORV32 executable generator
NEORV32_EXG_PATH = $(NEORV32_HOME)/sw/image_gen
# Path to NEORV32 core rtl folder
NEORV32_RTL_PATH = $(NEORV32_HOME)/rtl/core
# Marker file to check for NEORV32 home folder
# Core libraries (peripheral and CPU drivers)
CORE_SRC = $(wildcard $(NEORV32_SRC_PATH)/*.c)
# Application start-up code
# Linker script
LD_SCRIPT = $(NEORV32_COM_PATH)/neorv32.ld
# Main output files
APP_EXE = neorv32_exe.bin
APP_ASM = main.asm
APP_IMG = neorv32_application_image.vhd
BOOT_IMG = neorv32_bootloader_image.vhd
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Sources and objects
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Define all sources
# Define all object files
OBJ = $(SRC:%=%.o)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Tools and flags
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Compiler tools
# Host native compiler
CC_X86 = g++ -Wall -O -g
# NEORV32 executable image generator
IMAGE_GEN = $(NEORV32_EXG_PATH)/image_gen
# Compiler & linker flags
CC_OPTS = $(MARCH) $(MABI) $(EFFORT) -Wall -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -nostartfiles -mno-fdiv
CC_OPTS += -Wl,--gc-sections -lm -lc -lgcc -lc
# This accelerates instruction fetch after branches when C extension is enabled (irrelevant when C extension is disabled)
CC_OPTS += -falign-functions=4 -falign-labels=4 -falign-loops=4 -falign-jumps=4
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Application output definitions
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
.PHONY: check info help elf_info clean clean_all bootloader
# 'compile' is still here for compatibility
exe: $(APP_ASM) $(APP_EXE)
compile: $(APP_ASM) $(APP_EXE)
install: $(APP_ASM) $(APP_IMG)
all: $(APP_ASM) $(APP_EXE) $(APP_IMG)
# Check if making bootloader
# Use different base address and legth for instruction memory/"rom" (BOOTMEM instead of IMEM)
# Also define "make_bootloader" for crt0.S
target bootloader: CC_OPTS += -Wl,--defsym=make_bootloader=1 -Dmake_bootloader
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Image generator targets
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# install/compile tools
$(IMAGE_GEN): $(NEORV32_EXG_PATH)/image_gen.cpp
@echo Compiling $(IMAGE_GEN)
@$(CC_X86) $< -o $(IMAGE_GEN)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# General targets: Assemble, compile, link, dump
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Compile app *.s sources (assembly)
%.s.o: %.s
@$(CC) -c $(CC_OPTS) -I $(NEORV32_INC_PATH) $(ASM_INC) $< -o $@
# Compile app *.S sources (assembly + C pre-processor)
%.S.o: %.S
@$(CC) -c $(CC_OPTS) -I $(NEORV32_INC_PATH) $(ASM_INC) $< -o $@
# Compile app *.c sources
%.c.o: %.c
@$(CC) -c $(CC_OPTS) -I $(NEORV32_INC_PATH) $(APP_INC) $< -o $@
# Compile app *.cpp sources
%.cpp.o: %.cpp
@$(CC) -c $(CC_OPTS) -I $(NEORV32_INC_PATH) $(APP_INC) $< -o $@
# Link object files and show memory utilization
main.elf: $(OBJ)
@$(CC) $(CC_OPTS) -T $(LD_SCRIPT) $(OBJ) -o $@ -lm
@echo "Memory utilization:"
@$(SIZE) main.elf
# Assembly listing file (for debugging)
$(APP_ASM): main.elf
@$(OBJDUMP) -d -S -z $< > $@
# Generate final executable from .text + .rodata + .data (in THIS order!)
main.bin: main.elf $(APP_ASM)
@$(OBJCOPY) -I elf32-little $< -j .text -O binary text.bin
@$(OBJCOPY) -I elf32-little $< -j .rodata -O binary rodata.bin
@$(OBJCOPY) -I elf32-little $< -j .data -O binary data.bin
@cat text.bin rodata.bin data.bin > $@
@rm -f text.bin rodata.bin data.bin
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Application targets: Generate binary executable, install (as VHDL file)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Generate NEORV32 executable image for upload via bootloader
$(APP_EXE): main.bin $(IMAGE_GEN)
@set -e
@$(IMAGE_GEN) -app_bin $< $@ $(shell basename $(CURDIR))
@echo "Executable ($(APP_EXE)) size in bytes:"
@wc -c < $(APP_EXE)
# Generate NEORV32 executable VHDL boot image
$(APP_IMG): main.bin $(IMAGE_GEN)
@set -e
@$(IMAGE_GEN) -app_img $< $@ $(shell basename $(CURDIR))
@echo "Installing application image to $(NEORV32_RTL_PATH)/$(APP_IMG)"
@cp $(APP_IMG) $(NEORV32_RTL_PATH)/.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Bootloader targets
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Create and install bootloader VHDL init image
$(BOOT_IMG): main.bin $(IMAGE_GEN)
@set -e
@$(IMAGE_GEN) -bld_img $< $(BOOT_IMG) $(shell basename $(CURDIR))
@echo "Installing bootloader image to $(NEORV32_RTL_PATH)/$(BOOT_IMG)"
# Just an alias that
bootloader: $(BOOT_IMG)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Check toolchain
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
check: $(IMAGE_GEN)
@echo "---------------- Check: NEORV32_HOME folder ----------------"
ifneq ($(shell [ -e $(NEORV32_HOME_MARKER) ] && echo 1 || echo 0 ), 1)
$(error NEORV32_HOME folder not found!)
@echo "NEORV32_HOME: $(NEORV32_HOME)"
@echo "---------------- Check: $(CC) ----------------"
@$(CC) -v
@echo "---------------- Check: $(OBJDUMP) ----------------"
@echo "---------------- Check: $(OBJCOPY) ----------------"
@echo "---------------- Check: $(SIZE) ----------------"
@$(SIZE) -V
@echo "---------------- Check: NEORV32 image_gen ----------------"
@$(IMAGE_GEN) -help
@echo "---------------- Check: Native GCC ----------------"
@$(CC_X86) -v
@echo "Toolchain check OK"
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Upload executable via serial port to bootloader
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
upload: $(APP_EXE)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Show configuration
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@echo "---------------- Info: Project ----------------"
@echo "Project folder: $(shell basename $(CURDIR))"
@echo "Source files: $(APP_SRC)"
@echo "Include folder(s): $(APP_INC)"
@echo "ASM include folder(s): $(ASM_INC)"
@echo "---------------- Info: NEORV32 ----------------"
@echo "NEORV32 home folder (NEORV32_HOME): $(NEORV32_HOME)"
@echo "Core source files:"
@echo "$(CORE_SRC)"
@echo "Core include folder:"
@echo "$(NEORV32_INC_PATH)"
@echo "---------------- Info: Objects ----------------"
@echo "Project object files:"
@echo "$(OBJ)"
@echo "---------------- Info: RISC-V CPU ----------------"
@echo "MARCH: $(MARCH)"
@echo "MABI: $(MABI)"
@echo "---------------- Info: Toolchain ----------------"
@echo "Toolchain: $(RISCV_TOLLCHAIN)"
@echo "CC: $(CC)"
@echo "SIZE: $(SIZE)"
@echo "---------------- Info: Compiler Libraries ----------------"
@echo "LIBGCC:"
@$(CC) -print-libgcc-file-name
@echo "SEARCH-DIRS:"
@$(CC) -print-search-dirs
@echo "---------------- Info: Flags ----------------"
@echo "CC_OPTS: $(CC_OPTS)"
@echo "---------------- Info: Host Native GCC Flags ----------------"
@echo "CC_X86: $(CC_X86)"
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Show final ELF details (just for debugging)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
elf_info: main.elf
@$(OBJDUMP) -x main.elf
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Help
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@echo "<<< NEORV32 Application Makefile >>>"
@echo "Make sure to add the bin folder of RISC-V GCC to your PATH variable."
@echo "Targets:"
@echo " help - show this text"
@echo " check - check toolchain"
@echo " info - show makefile/toolchain configuration"
@echo " exe - compile and generate <neorv32_exe.bin> executable for upload via bootloader"
@echo " install - compile, generate and install VHDL IMEM boot image (for application)"
@echo " all - compile and generate <neorv32_exe.bin> executable for upload via bootloader and generate and install VHDL IMEM boot image (for application)"
@echo " clean - clean up project"
@echo " clean_all - clean up project, core libraries and image generator"
@echo " bootloader - compile, generate and install VHDL BOOTROM boot image (for bootloader only!)"
@echo " upload - upload <neorv32_exe.bin> executable via serial port <COM_PORT> to bootloader"
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Clean up
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@rm -f *.elf *.o *.bin *.out *.asm *.vhd
clean_all: clean
@rm -f $(OBJ) $(IMAGE_GEN)
include ../../common/
34,305 → 34,6
# The NEORV32 Processor - (c) Stephan Nolting #
# *****************************************************************************
# *****************************************************************************
# User's application sources (*.c, *.cpp, *.s, *.S); add additional files here
APP_SRC ?= $(wildcard ./*.c) $(wildcard ./*.s) $(wildcard ./*.cpp) $(wildcard ./*.S)
# User's application include folders (don't forget the '-I' before each entry)
APP_INC ?= -I .
# User's application include folders - for assembly files only (don't forget the '-I' before each entry)
ASM_INC ?= -I .
# Optimization
# Compiler toolchain
RISCV_TOOLCHAIN ?= riscv32-unknown-elf
# CPU architecture and ABI
MARCH ?= -march=rv32i
MABI ?= -mabi=ilp32
# User flags for additional configuration (will be added to compiler flags)
# Serial port for executable upload via bootloer
COM_PORT ?= /dev/ttyUSB0
# Relative or absolute path to the NEORV32 home folder
NEORV32_HOME ?= ../../..
# *****************************************************************************
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# NEORV32 framework
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Path to NEORV32 linker script and startup file
NEORV32_COM_PATH = $(NEORV32_HOME)/sw/common
# Path to main NEORV32 library include files
NEORV32_INC_PATH = $(NEORV32_HOME)/sw/lib/include
# Path to main NEORV32 library source files
NEORV32_SRC_PATH = $(NEORV32_HOME)/sw/lib/source
# Path to NEORV32 executable generator
NEORV32_EXG_PATH = $(NEORV32_HOME)/sw/image_gen
# Path to NEORV32 core rtl folder
NEORV32_RTL_PATH = $(NEORV32_HOME)/rtl/core
# Marker file to check for NEORV32 home folder
# Core libraries (peripheral and CPU drivers)
CORE_SRC = $(wildcard $(NEORV32_SRC_PATH)/*.c)
# Application start-up code
# Linker script
LD_SCRIPT = $(NEORV32_COM_PATH)/neorv32.ld
# Main output files
APP_EXE = neorv32_exe.bin
APP_ASM = main.asm
APP_IMG = neorv32_application_image.vhd
BOOT_IMG = neorv32_bootloader_image.vhd
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Sources and objects
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Define all sources
# Define all object files
OBJ = $(SRC:%=%.o)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Tools and flags
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Compiler tools
# Host native compiler
CC_X86 = g++ -Wall -O -g
# NEORV32 executable image generator
IMAGE_GEN = $(NEORV32_EXG_PATH)/image_gen
# Compiler & linker flags
CC_OPTS = $(MARCH) $(MABI) $(EFFORT) -Wall -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -nostartfiles -mno-fdiv
CC_OPTS += -Wl,--gc-sections -lm -lc -lgcc -lc
# This accelerates instruction fetch after branches when C extension is enabled (irrelevant when C extension is disabled)
CC_OPTS += -falign-functions=4 -falign-labels=4 -falign-loops=4 -falign-jumps=4
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Application output definitions
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
.PHONY: check info help elf_info clean clean_all bootloader
# 'compile' is still here for compatibility
exe: $(APP_ASM) $(APP_EXE)
compile: $(APP_ASM) $(APP_EXE)
install: $(APP_ASM) $(APP_IMG)
all: $(APP_ASM) $(APP_EXE) $(APP_IMG)
# Check if making bootloader
# Use different base address and legth for instruction memory/"rom" (BOOTMEM instead of IMEM)
# Also define "make_bootloader" for crt0.S
target bootloader: CC_OPTS += -Wl,--defsym=make_bootloader=1 -Dmake_bootloader
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Image generator targets
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# install/compile tools
$(IMAGE_GEN): $(NEORV32_EXG_PATH)/image_gen.cpp
@echo Compiling $(IMAGE_GEN)
@$(CC_X86) $< -o $(IMAGE_GEN)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# General targets: Assemble, compile, link, dump
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Compile app *.s sources (assembly)
%.s.o: %.s
@$(CC) -c $(CC_OPTS) -I $(NEORV32_INC_PATH) $(ASM_INC) $< -o $@
# Compile app *.S sources (assembly + C pre-processor)
%.S.o: %.S
@$(CC) -c $(CC_OPTS) -I $(NEORV32_INC_PATH) $(ASM_INC) $< -o $@
# Compile app *.c sources
%.c.o: %.c
@$(CC) -c $(CC_OPTS) -I $(NEORV32_INC_PATH) $(APP_INC) $< -o $@
# Compile app *.cpp sources
%.cpp.o: %.cpp
@$(CC) -c $(CC_OPTS) -I $(NEORV32_INC_PATH) $(APP_INC) $< -o $@
# Link object files and show memory utilization
main.elf: $(OBJ)
@$(CC) $(CC_OPTS) -T $(LD_SCRIPT) $(OBJ) -o $@ -lm
@echo "Memory utilization:"
@$(SIZE) main.elf
# Assembly listing file (for debugging)
$(APP_ASM): main.elf
@$(OBJDUMP) -d -S -z $< > $@
# Generate final executable from .text + .rodata + .data (in THIS order!)
main.bin: main.elf $(APP_ASM)
@$(OBJCOPY) -I elf32-little $< -j .text -O binary text.bin
@$(OBJCOPY) -I elf32-little $< -j .rodata -O binary rodata.bin
@$(OBJCOPY) -I elf32-little $< -j .data -O binary data.bin
@cat text.bin rodata.bin data.bin > $@
@rm -f text.bin rodata.bin data.bin
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Application targets: Generate binary executable, install (as VHDL file)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Generate NEORV32 executable image for upload via bootloader
$(APP_EXE): main.bin $(IMAGE_GEN)
@set -e
@$(IMAGE_GEN) -app_bin $< $@ $(shell basename $(CURDIR))
@echo "Executable ($(APP_EXE)) size in bytes:"
@wc -c < $(APP_EXE)
# Generate NEORV32 executable VHDL boot image
$(APP_IMG): main.bin $(IMAGE_GEN)
@set -e
@$(IMAGE_GEN) -app_img $< $@ $(shell basename $(CURDIR))
@echo "Installing application image to $(NEORV32_RTL_PATH)/$(APP_IMG)"
@cp $(APP_IMG) $(NEORV32_RTL_PATH)/.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Bootloader targets
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Create and install bootloader VHDL init image
$(BOOT_IMG): main.bin $(IMAGE_GEN)
@set -e
@$(IMAGE_GEN) -bld_img $< $(BOOT_IMG) $(shell basename $(CURDIR))
@echo "Installing bootloader image to $(NEORV32_RTL_PATH)/$(BOOT_IMG)"
# Just an alias that
bootloader: $(BOOT_IMG)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Check toolchain
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
check: $(IMAGE_GEN)
@echo "---------------- Check: NEORV32_HOME folder ----------------"
ifneq ($(shell [ -e $(NEORV32_HOME_MARKER) ] && echo 1 || echo 0 ), 1)
$(error NEORV32_HOME folder not found!)
@echo "NEORV32_HOME: $(NEORV32_HOME)"
@echo "---------------- Check: $(CC) ----------------"
@$(CC) -v
@echo "---------------- Check: $(OBJDUMP) ----------------"
@echo "---------------- Check: $(OBJCOPY) ----------------"
@echo "---------------- Check: $(SIZE) ----------------"
@$(SIZE) -V
@echo "---------------- Check: NEORV32 image_gen ----------------"
@$(IMAGE_GEN) -help
@echo "---------------- Check: Native GCC ----------------"
@$(CC_X86) -v
@echo "Toolchain check OK"
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Upload executable via serial port to bootloader
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
upload: $(APP_EXE)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Show configuration
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@echo "---------------- Info: Project ----------------"
@echo "Project folder: $(shell basename $(CURDIR))"
@echo "Source files: $(APP_SRC)"
@echo "Include folder(s): $(APP_INC)"
@echo "ASM include folder(s): $(ASM_INC)"
@echo "---------------- Info: NEORV32 ----------------"
@echo "NEORV32 home folder (NEORV32_HOME): $(NEORV32_HOME)"
@echo "Core source files:"
@echo "$(CORE_SRC)"
@echo "Core include folder:"
@echo "$(NEORV32_INC_PATH)"
@echo "---------------- Info: Objects ----------------"
@echo "Project object files:"
@echo "$(OBJ)"
@echo "---------------- Info: RISC-V CPU ----------------"
@echo "MARCH: $(MARCH)"
@echo "MABI: $(MABI)"
@echo "---------------- Info: Toolchain ----------------"
@echo "Toolchain: $(RISCV_TOLLCHAIN)"
@echo "CC: $(CC)"
@echo "SIZE: $(SIZE)"
@echo "---------------- Info: Compiler Libraries ----------------"
@echo "LIBGCC:"
@$(CC) -print-libgcc-file-name
@echo "SEARCH-DIRS:"
@$(CC) -print-search-dirs
@echo "---------------- Info: Flags ----------------"
@echo "CC_OPTS: $(CC_OPTS)"
@echo "---------------- Info: Host Native GCC Flags ----------------"
@echo "CC_X86: $(CC_X86)"
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Show final ELF details (just for debugging)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
elf_info: main.elf
@$(OBJDUMP) -x main.elf
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Help
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@echo "<<< NEORV32 Application Makefile >>>"
@echo "Make sure to add the bin folder of RISC-V GCC to your PATH variable."
@echo "Targets:"
@echo " help - show this text"
@echo " check - check toolchain"
@echo " info - show makefile/toolchain configuration"
@echo " exe - compile and generate <neorv32_exe.bin> executable for upload via bootloader"
@echo " install - compile, generate and install VHDL IMEM boot image (for application)"
@echo " all - compile and generate <neorv32_exe.bin> executable for upload via bootloader and generate and install VHDL IMEM boot image (for application)"
@echo " clean - clean up project"
@echo " clean_all - clean up project, core libraries and image generator"
@echo " bootloader - compile, generate and install VHDL BOOTROM boot image (for bootloader only!)"
@echo " upload - upload <neorv32_exe.bin> executable via serial port <COM_PORT> to bootloader"
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Clean up
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@rm -f *.elf *.o *.bin *.out *.asm *.vhd
clean_all: clean
@rm -f $(OBJ) $(IMAGE_GEN)
include ../../common/
337,7 → 337,67
neorv32_cpu_csr_write(CSR_MCOUNTEREN, tmp_a);
// ----------------------------------------------------------
// Execute DRET in M-mode (has to trap!)
// ----------------------------------------------------------
neorv32_cpu_csr_write(CSR_MCAUSE, 0);
PRINT_STANDARD("[%i] DRET in M-mode: ", cnt_test);
// skip if U-mode is not implemented
if (neorv32_cpu_csr_read(CSR_MISA) & (1<<CSR_MISA_U)) {
asm volatile("dret");
if (neorv32_cpu_csr_read(CSR_MCAUSE) == TRAP_CODE_I_ILLEGAL) {
else {
else {
PRINT_STANDARD("skipped (n.a. without U-ext)\n");
// ----------------------------------------------------------
// Execute MRET in U-mode (has to trap!)
// ----------------------------------------------------------
neorv32_cpu_csr_write(CSR_MCAUSE, 0);
PRINT_STANDARD("[%i] MRET in U-mode: ", cnt_test);
// skip if U-mode is not implemented
if (neorv32_cpu_csr_read(CSR_MZEXT) & (1<<CSR_MZEXT_DEBUGMODE)) {
// switch to user mode (hart will be back in MACHINE mode when trap handler returns)
asm volatile("mret");
if (neorv32_cpu_csr_read(CSR_MCAUSE) == TRAP_CODE_I_ILLEGAL) {
else {
else {
PRINT_STANDARD("skipped (n.a. without U-ext)\n");
// ----------------------------------------------------------
// Test performance counter: setup as many events and counter as feasible
// ----------------------------------------------------------
neorv32_cpu_csr_write(CSR_MCAUSE, 0);
1291,9 → 1351,18
// program wake-up timer
neorv32_mtime_set_timecmp(neorv32_mtime_get_time() + 1000);
// put CPU into sleep mode
asm volatile ("wfi");
// clear timeout wait flag
tmp_a = neorv32_cpu_csr_read(CSR_MSTATUS);
tmp_a &= ~(1 << CSR_MSTATUS_TW);
neorv32_cpu_csr_write(CSR_MSTATUS, tmp_a);
// switch to user mode (hart will be back in MACHINE mode when trap handler returns)
// only when mstatus.TW = 0 executing WFI in user mode is allowed
asm volatile ("wfi"); // put CPU into sleep mode
if (neorv32_cpu_csr_read(CSR_MCAUSE) != TRAP_CODE_MTI) {
34,305 → 34,6
# The NEORV32 Processor - (c) Stephan Nolting #
# *****************************************************************************
# *****************************************************************************
# User's application sources (*.c, *.cpp, *.s, *.S); add additional files here
APP_SRC ?= $(wildcard ./*.c) $(wildcard ./*.s) $(wildcard ./*.cpp) $(wildcard ./*.S)
# User's application include folders (don't forget the '-I' before each entry)
APP_INC ?= -I .
# User's application include folders - for assembly files only (don't forget the '-I' before each entry)
ASM_INC ?= -I .
# Optimization
# Compiler toolchain
RISCV_TOOLCHAIN ?= riscv32-unknown-elf
# CPU architecture and ABI
MARCH ?= -march=rv32i
MABI ?= -mabi=ilp32
# User flags for additional configuration (will be added to compiler flags)
# Serial port for executable upload via bootloer
COM_PORT ?= /dev/ttyUSB0
# Relative or absolute path to the NEORV32 home folder
NEORV32_HOME ?= ../../..
# *****************************************************************************
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# NEORV32 framework
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Path to NEORV32 linker script and startup file
NEORV32_COM_PATH = $(NEORV32_HOME)/sw/common
# Path to main NEORV32 library include files
NEORV32_INC_PATH = $(NEORV32_HOME)/sw/lib/include
# Path to main NEORV32 library source files
NEORV32_SRC_PATH = $(NEORV32_HOME)/sw/lib/source
# Path to NEORV32 executable generator
NEORV32_EXG_PATH = $(NEORV32_HOME)/sw/image_gen
# Path to NEORV32 core rtl folder
NEORV32_RTL_PATH = $(NEORV32_HOME)/rtl/core
# Marker file to check for NEORV32 home folder
# Core libraries (peripheral and CPU drivers)
CORE_SRC = $(wildcard $(NEORV32_SRC_PATH)/*.c)
# Application start-up code
# Linker script
LD_SCRIPT = $(NEORV32_COM_PATH)/neorv32.ld
# Main output files
APP_EXE = neorv32_exe.bin
APP_ASM = main.asm
APP_IMG = neorv32_application_image.vhd
BOOT_IMG = neorv32_bootloader_image.vhd
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Sources and objects
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Define all sources
# Define all object files
OBJ = $(SRC:%=%.o)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Tools and flags
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Compiler tools
# Host native compiler
CC_X86 = g++ -Wall -O -g
# NEORV32 executable image generator
IMAGE_GEN = $(NEORV32_EXG_PATH)/image_gen
# Compiler & linker flags
CC_OPTS = $(MARCH) $(MABI) $(EFFORT) -Wall -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -nostartfiles -mno-fdiv
CC_OPTS += -Wl,--gc-sections -lm -lc -lgcc -lc
# This accelerates instruction fetch after branches when C extension is enabled (irrelevant when C extension is disabled)
CC_OPTS += -falign-functions=4 -falign-labels=4 -falign-loops=4 -falign-jumps=4
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Application output definitions
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
.PHONY: check info help elf_info clean clean_all bootloader
# 'compile' is still here for compatibility
exe: $(APP_ASM) $(APP_EXE)
compile: $(APP_ASM) $(APP_EXE)
install: $(APP_ASM) $(APP_IMG)
all: $(APP_ASM) $(APP_EXE) $(APP_IMG)
# Check if making bootloader
# Use different base address and legth for instruction memory/"rom" (BOOTMEM instead of IMEM)
# Also define "make_bootloader" for crt0.S
target bootloader: CC_OPTS += -Wl,--defsym=make_bootloader=1 -Dmake_bootloader
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Image generator targets
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# install/compile tools
$(IMAGE_GEN): $(NEORV32_EXG_PATH)/image_gen.cpp
@echo Compiling $(IMAGE_GEN)
@$(CC_X86) $< -o $(IMAGE_GEN)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# General targets: Assemble, compile, link, dump
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Compile app *.s sources (assembly)
%.s.o: %.s
@$(CC) -c $(CC_OPTS) -I $(NEORV32_INC_PATH) $(ASM_INC) $< -o $@
# Compile app *.S sources (assembly + C pre-processor)
%.S.o: %.S
@$(CC) -c $(CC_OPTS) -I $(NEORV32_INC_PATH) $(ASM_INC) $< -o $@
# Compile app *.c sources
%.c.o: %.c
@$(CC) -c $(CC_OPTS) -I $(NEORV32_INC_PATH) $(APP_INC) $< -o $@
# Compile app *.cpp sources
%.cpp.o: %.cpp
@$(CC) -c $(CC_OPTS) -I $(NEORV32_INC_PATH) $(APP_INC) $< -o $@
# Link object files and show memory utilization
main.elf: $(OBJ)
@$(CC) $(CC_OPTS) -T $(LD_SCRIPT) $(OBJ) -o $@ -lm
@echo "Memory utilization:"
@$(SIZE) main.elf
# Assembly listing file (for debugging)
$(APP_ASM): main.elf
@$(OBJDUMP) -d -S -z $< > $@
# Generate final executable from .text + .rodata + .data (in THIS order!)
main.bin: main.elf $(APP_ASM)
@$(OBJCOPY) -I elf32-little $< -j .text -O binary text.bin
@$(OBJCOPY) -I elf32-little $< -j .rodata -O binary rodata.bin
@$(OBJCOPY) -I elf32-little $< -j .data -O binary data.bin
@cat text.bin rodata.bin data.bin > $@
@rm -f text.bin rodata.bin data.bin
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Application targets: Generate binary executable, install (as VHDL file)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Generate NEORV32 executable image for upload via bootloader
$(APP_EXE): main.bin $(IMAGE_GEN)
@set -e
@$(IMAGE_GEN) -app_bin $< $@ $(shell basename $(CURDIR))
@echo "Executable ($(APP_EXE)) size in bytes:"
@wc -c < $(APP_EXE)
# Generate NEORV32 executable VHDL boot image
$(APP_IMG): main.bin $(IMAGE_GEN)
@set -e
@$(IMAGE_GEN) -app_img $< $@ $(shell basename $(CURDIR))
@echo "Installing application image to $(NEORV32_RTL_PATH)/$(APP_IMG)"
@cp $(APP_IMG) $(NEORV32_RTL_PATH)/.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Bootloader targets
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Create and install bootloader VHDL init image
$(BOOT_IMG): main.bin $(IMAGE_GEN)
@set -e
@$(IMAGE_GEN) -bld_img $< $(BOOT_IMG) $(shell basename $(CURDIR))
@echo "Installing bootloader image to $(NEORV32_RTL_PATH)/$(BOOT_IMG)"
# Just an alias that
bootloader: $(BOOT_IMG)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Check toolchain
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
check: $(IMAGE_GEN)
@echo "---------------- Check: NEORV32_HOME folder ----------------"
ifneq ($(shell [ -e $(NEORV32_HOME_MARKER) ] && echo 1 || echo 0 ), 1)
$(error NEORV32_HOME folder not found!)
@echo "NEORV32_HOME: $(NEORV32_HOME)"
@echo "---------------- Check: $(CC) ----------------"
@$(CC) -v
@echo "---------------- Check: $(OBJDUMP) ----------------"
@echo "---------------- Check: $(OBJCOPY) ----------------"
@echo "---------------- Check: $(SIZE) ----------------"
@$(SIZE) -V
@echo "---------------- Check: NEORV32 image_gen ----------------"
@$(IMAGE_GEN) -help
@echo "---------------- Check: Native GCC ----------------"
@$(CC_X86) -v
@echo "Toolchain check OK"
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Upload executable via serial port to bootloader
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
upload: $(APP_EXE)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Show configuration
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@echo "---------------- Info: Project ----------------"
@echo "Project folder: $(shell basename $(CURDIR))"
@echo "Source files: $(APP_SRC)"
@echo "Include folder(s): $(APP_INC)"
@echo "ASM include folder(s): $(ASM_INC)"
@echo "---------------- Info: NEORV32 ----------------"
@echo "NEORV32 home folder (NEORV32_HOME): $(NEORV32_HOME)"
@echo "Core source files:"
@echo "$(CORE_SRC)"
@echo "Core include folder:"
@echo "$(NEORV32_INC_PATH)"
@echo "---------------- Info: Objects ----------------"
@echo "Project object files:"
@echo "$(OBJ)"
@echo "---------------- Info: RISC-V CPU ----------------"
@echo "MARCH: $(MARCH)"
@echo "MABI: $(MABI)"
@echo "---------------- Info: Toolchain ----------------"
@echo "Toolchain: $(RISCV_TOLLCHAIN)"
@echo "CC: $(CC)"
@echo "SIZE: $(SIZE)"
@echo "---------------- Info: Compiler Libraries ----------------"
@echo "LIBGCC:"
@$(CC) -print-libgcc-file-name
@echo "SEARCH-DIRS:"
@$(CC) -print-search-dirs
@echo "---------------- Info: Flags ----------------"
@echo "CC_OPTS: $(CC_OPTS)"
@echo "---------------- Info: Host Native GCC Flags ----------------"
@echo "CC_X86: $(CC_X86)"
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Show final ELF details (just for debugging)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
elf_info: main.elf
@$(OBJDUMP) -x main.elf
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Help
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@echo "<<< NEORV32 Application Makefile >>>"
@echo "Make sure to add the bin folder of RISC-V GCC to your PATH variable."
@echo "Targets:"
@echo " help - show this text"
@echo " check - check toolchain"
@echo " info - show makefile/toolchain configuration"
@echo " exe - compile and generate <neorv32_exe.bin> executable for upload via bootloader"
@echo " install - compile, generate and install VHDL IMEM boot image (for application)"
@echo " all - compile and generate <neorv32_exe.bin> executable for upload via bootloader and generate and install VHDL IMEM boot image (for application)"
@echo " clean - clean up project"
@echo " clean_all - clean up project, core libraries and image generator"
@echo " bootloader - compile, generate and install VHDL BOOTROM boot image (for bootloader only!)"
@echo " upload - upload <neorv32_exe.bin> executable via serial port <COM_PORT> to bootloader"
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Clean up
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@rm -f *.elf *.o *.bin *.out *.asm *.vhd
clean_all: clean
@rm -f $(OBJ) $(IMAGE_GEN)
include ../../common/

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