
Subversion Repositories neorv32

Compare Revisions

  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 11 to Rev 12
    Reverse comparison

Rev 11 → Rev 12

149,7 → 149,6
uint32_t get_exe_word(int src, uint32_t addr);
void system_error(uint8_t err_code);
void print_hex_word(uint32_t num);
void print_proc_version(void);
// SPI flash access
uint8_t spi_flash_read_byte(uint32_t addr);
172,18 → 171,19
// ------------------------------------------------
// reset system time
// deactivate unused IO devices
// get clock speed (in Hz)
uint32_t clock_speed = neorv32_cpu_csr_read(CSR_MCLOCK);
uint32_t clock_speed = SYSINFO_CLK;
// init SPI for 8-bit, clock-mode 0, MSB-first, no interrupt
if (clock_speed < 40000000) {
218,23 → 218,23
// ------------------------------------------------
neorv32_uart_print("\n\n\n\n<< NEORV32 Bootloader >>\n\n"
"BLDV: "__DATE__"\nHWV: ");
neorv32_uart_print("\nCLK: ");
neorv32_uart_print(" Hz\nMHID: ");
neorv32_uart_print(" Hz\nUSER: ");
neorv32_uart_print("\nMISA: ");
neorv32_uart_print("\nCONF: ");
neorv32_uart_print("\nIMEM: ");
neorv32_uart_print(" bytes @ ");
neorv32_uart_print("\nDMEM: ");
neorv32_uart_print(" bytes @ ");
// ------------------------------------------------
266,7 → 266,10
if (c == 'r') { // restart bootloader
neorv32_cpu_dint(); // disable global interrupts
// jump to beginning of boot ROM
asm volatile ("li t0, %[input_i]; jr t0" : : [input_i] "i" (BOOTLOADER_BASE_ADDRESS));
while(1); // just for the compiler
else if (c == 'h') { // help menu
291,7 → 294,7
return 0; // bootloader will restart when returning
return 0; // bootloader should never return
333,9 → 336,15
// wait for UART to finish transmitting
while ((UART_CT & (1<<UART_CT_TX_BUSY)) != 0);
// reset performance counters (to benchmark actual application)
asm volatile ("csrrw zero, mcycle, zero"); // will also clear 'cycle'
asm volatile ("csrrw zero, mcycleh, zero"); // will also clear 'cycleh'
asm volatile ("csrrw zero, minstret, zero"); // will also clear 'instret'
asm volatile ("csrrw zero, minstreth, zero"); // will also clear 'instreth'
// start app at instruction space base address
while (1) {
register uint32_t app_base = neorv32_cpu_csr_read(CSR_MISPACEBASE);
register uint32_t app_base = SYSINFO_ISPACE_BASE;
asm volatile ("jalr zero, %0" : : "r" (app_base));
349,7 → 358,7
// make sure this was caused by MTIME IRQ
uint32_t cause = neorv32_cpu_csr_read(CSR_MCAUSE);
if (cause != 0x80000007) { // raw exception code for MTI
if (cause != EXCCODE_MTI) { // raw exception code for MTI
neorv32_uart_print("\n\nEXCEPTION: ");
neorv32_uart_print(" @ 0x");
361,7 → 370,7
// toggle status LED
// set time for next IRQ
neorv32_mtime_set_timecmp(neorv32_mtime_get_time() + (neorv32_cpu_csr_read(CSR_MCLOCK)/4));
neorv32_mtime_set_timecmp(neorv32_mtime_get_time() + (SYSINFO_CLK/4));
374,7 → 383,7
void get_exe(int src) {
// is instruction memory (actually, the IMEM) read-only?
if (neorv32_cpu_csr_read(CSR_MFEATURES) & (1 << CPU_MFEATURES_MEM_INT_IMEM_ROM)) {
405,13 → 414,13
uint32_t check = get_exe_word(src, addr + EXE_OFFSET_CHECKSUM); // complement sum checksum
// executable too large?
uint32_t imem_size = neorv32_cpu_csr_read(CSR_MISPACESIZE);
uint32_t imem_size = SYSINFO_ISPACE_SIZE;
if (size > imem_size) {
// transfer program data
uint32_t *pnt = (uint32_t*)neorv32_cpu_csr_read(CSR_MISPACEBASE);
uint32_t *pnt = (uint32_t*)SYSINFO_ISPACE_BASE;
uint32_t checksum = 0;
uint32_t d = 0, i = 0;
addr = addr + EXE_OFFSET_DATA;
497,7 → 506,7
// store data from instruction memory and update checksum
uint32_t checksum = 0;
uint32_t *pnt = (uint32_t*)neorv32_cpu_csr_read(CSR_MISPACEBASE);
uint32_t *pnt = (uint32_t*)SYSINFO_ISPACE_BASE;
addr = addr + EXE_OFFSET_DATA;
uint32_t i = 0;
while (i < (size/4)) { // in words
588,38 → 597,7
* Print processor version. Deciaml format: "Dd.Dd.Dd.Dd".
void print_proc_version(void) {
uint32_t i;
char tmp, cnt;
uint32_t version = neorv32_cpu_csr_read(CSR_MIMPID);
for (i=0; i<4; i++) {
tmp = (char)(version >> (24 - 8*i));
// serial division
cnt = 0;
while (tmp >= 10) {
tmp = tmp - 10;
if (cnt) {
neorv32_uart_putc('0' + cnt);
neorv32_uart_putc('0' + tmp);
if (i < 3) {
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// SPI flash functions
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1,7 → 1,7
/* ################################################################################################# */
/* # << NEORV32 - bootloader_crt0.S - Bootloader Start-Up Code >> # */
/* # ********************************************************************************************* # */
/* # Minimal hardware setup (STACK + EXC handler). The rest is done by the bootloader itself. # */
/* # Minimal hardware setup (STACK + Trap handler). The rest is done by the bootloader itself. # */
/* # ********************************************************************************************* # */
/* # BSD 3-Clause License # */
/* # # */
40,9 → 40,9
.global _start
// custom CSRs
.set CSR_MDSPACEBASE, 0xfc5 // CUSTOM (r/-): Base address of data memory space (via MEM_DSPACE_BASE generic) */
.set CSR_MDSPACESIZE, 0xfc7 // CUSTOM (r/-): Total size of data memory space in byte (via MEM_DSPACE_SIZE generic) */
53,17 → 53,17
// Setup stack pointer
// *********************************************************
csrrw x11, CSR_MDSPACEBASE, zero // data memory space base address
csrrw x12, CSR_MDSPACESIZE, zero // data memory space size
lw x11, SYSINFO_DSPACE_BASE(zero) // data memory space base address
lw x12, SYSINFO_DSPACE_SIZE(zero) // data memory space size
add sp, x11, x12
addi sp, sp, -4 // stack pointer = last entry
addi sp, sp, -4 // stack pointer = last entry
// *********************************************************
// Init exception vector base with dummy handler
// *********************************************************
la x11, __crt0_dummy_exception_handler
csrrw zero, mtvec, x11
la x13, __crt0_dummy_trap_handler
csrw mtvec, x13
// *********************************************************
81,9 → 81,9
addi x8, zero, 0
addi x9, zero, 0
addi x10, zero, 0
addi x11, zero, 0
addi x12, zero, 0
addi x13, zero, 0
//addi x11, zero, 0 # allready initialized
//addi x12, zero, 0 # allready initialized
//addi x13, zero, 0 # allready initialized
addi x14, zero, 0
addi x15, zero, 0
94,23 → 94,32
jal ra, main
j _start # restart if main returns
// if main returns: stall
j __crt0_the_end # restart if main returns
// *********************************************************
// dummy exception handler (for exceptions only, no IRQs)
// bootloader has to be compiled without any CPU extensions!
// dummy trap handler (for exceptions & IRQs)
// bootloader has to be compiled without any CPU extensions
// - especially without C extension!
// *********************************************************
addi sp, sp, -4
sw ra, 0(sp)
sw x8, 0(sp)
csrrw ra, mepc, zero
addi ra, ra, +4 // just move on to next instruction
csrrw zero, mepc, ra
csrr x8, mcause
blt x8, zero, __crt0_dummy_trap_handler_irq // skip mepc modification if interrupt
lw ra, 0(sp)
csrr x8, mepc
addi x8, x8, +4 // move on to next instruction if exception
csrw mepc, x8
lw x8, 0(sp)
addi sp, sp, +4
42,18 → 42,14
.global _start
// custom CSRs
.set CSR_MISPACEBASE, 0xfc4 // CUSTOM (r/-): Base address of instruction memory space (via MEM_ISPACE_BASE generic) */
.set CSR_MDSPACEBASE, 0xfc5 // CUSTOM (r/-): Base address of data memory space (via MEM_DSPACE_BASE generic) */
.set CSR_MISPACESIZE, 0xfc6 // CUSTOM (r/-): Total size of instruction memory space in byte (via MEM_ISPACE_SIZE generic) */
.set CSR_MDSPACESIZE, 0xfc7 // CUSTOM (r/-): Total size of data memory space in byte (via MEM_DSPACE_SIZE generic) */
// IO region
.set IO_BEGIN, 0xFFFFFF80 // start of processor-internal IO region
.set IO_BEGIN, 0xFFFFFF80 // start of processor-internal IO region
.cfi_undefined ra
114,8 → 110,8
// Setup stack pointer
// *********************************************************
csrr x11, CSR_MDSPACEBASE // data memory space base address
csrr x12, CSR_MDSPACESIZE // data memory space size
lw x11, SYSINFO_DSPACE_BASE(zero) // data memory space base address
lw x12, SYSINFO_DSPACE_SIZE(zero) // data memory space size
add sp, x11, x12
addi sp, sp, -4 // stack pointer = last entry
addi fp, sp, 0 // frame pointer = stack pointer
138,7 → 134,7
la x11, __crt0_neorv32_rte
csrw mtvec, x11 // set address of first-level exception handler
csrr x11, CSR_MDSPACEBASE // data memory space base address
lw x11, SYSINFO_DSPACE_BASE(zero) // data memory space base address
la x12, __crt0_neorv32_rte_dummy_hanlder
li x13, 2*16 // number of entries (16xEXC, 16xIRQ)
162,12 → 158,7
addi x11, x11, 4
bne zero, x11, __crt0_reset_io_loop
// set mtime_compare to MAX (to prevent an IRQ)
li x11, -1
sw x11, MTIMECMP_LO(zero)
sw x11, MTIMECMP_HI(zero)
// *********************************************************
// Clear .bss section (byte-wise)
// *********************************************************
227,6 → 218,7
// *********************************************************
// NEORV32 runtime environment: First-level exception/interrupt handler
// *********************************************************
.align 4
// --------------------------------------------
279,7 → 271,7
andi t1, t0, 0x0f // isolate cause ID
slli t1, t1, 2 // make address offset
csrr ra, CSR_MDSPACEBASE // data memory space base address
lw ra, SYSINFO_DSPACE_BASE(zero) // data memory space base address
add t1, t1, ra // get vetor table entry address (EXC vectors)
csrr ra, mepc // get return address
71,7 → 71,9
or zeroing some system parameters - e.g. setting the cpu clocks cycles to 0.
void start_time(void) {
elapsed_cycles = neorv32_mtime_get_time();
elapsed_cycles = 0; // this is time zero
//GETMYTIME(&start_time_val );
/* Function : stop_time
93,7 → 95,7
and the resolution is controlled by <TIMER_RES_DIVIDER>
CORE_TICKS get_time(void) {
CORE_TICKS elapsed = ((CORE_TICKS)neorv32_mtime_get_time()) - elapsed_cycles;
CORE_TICKS elapsed = ((CORE_TICKS)neorv32_cpu_get_cycle()) - elapsed_cycles;
elapsed_cycles = elapsed;
//CORE_TICKS elapsed=(CORE_TICKS)(MYTIMEDIFF(stop_time_val, start_time_val));
return elapsed;
106,7 → 108,7
secs_ret time_in_secs(CORE_TICKS ticks) {
//secs_ret retval=((secs_ret)ticks) / (secs_ret)EE_TICKS_PER_SEC;
secs_ret retval=(secs_ret)(ticks / neorv32_cpu_csr_read(CSR_MCLOCK));
secs_ret retval=(secs_ret)(ticks / SYSINFO_CLK);
return retval;
127,13 → 129,7
// setup neorv32 UART
neorv32_uart_setup(BAUD_RATE, 0, 0);
// check if MTIME unit was synthesized
if (!neorv32_mtime_available()) {
neorv32_uart_printf("NEORV32: Error! No MTIME unit synthesized!");
neorv32_uart_printf("NEORV32: Processor running at %u Hz\n", (uint32_t)neorv32_cpu_csr_read(CSR_MCLOCK));
neorv32_uart_printf("NEORV32: Processor running at %u Hz\n", (uint32_t)SYSINFO_CLK);
neorv32_uart_printf("NEORV32: Executing coremark (%u iterations). This may take some time...\n\n", (uint32_t)ITERATIONS);
if (sizeof(ee_ptr_int) != sizeof(ee_u8 *)) {
155,23 → 151,14
union {
uint64_t uint64;
uint32_t uint32[sizeof(uint64_t)/2];
} exe_cycles;
union {
uint64_t uint64;
uint32_t uint32[sizeof(uint64_t)/2];
} exe_instructions, exe_time;
exe_time.uint64 = (uint64_t)elapsed_cycles;
exe_cycles.uint32[0] = neorv32_cpu_csr_read(CSR_TIME);
exe_cycles.uint32[1] = neorv32_cpu_csr_read(CSR_TIMEH);
exe_instructions.uint32[0] = neorv32_cpu_csr_read(CSR_INSTRET);
exe_instructions.uint32[1] = neorv32_cpu_csr_read(CSR_INSTRETH);
exe_instructions.uint64 = neorv32_cpu_get_instret();
neorv32_uart_printf("\nNEORV32: Executed instructions 0x%x_%x\n", (uint32_t)exe_instructions.uint32[1], (uint32_t)exe_instructions.uint32[0]);
neorv32_uart_printf("NEORV32: Total required clock cycles 0x%x_%x\n", (uint32_t)exe_cycles.uint32[1], (uint32_t)exe_cycles.uint32[0]);
neorv32_uart_printf("NEORV32: CoreMark core clock cycles 0x%x_%x\n", (uint32_t)exe_time.uint32[1], (uint32_t)exe_time.uint32[0]);
neorv32_uart_printf("\nNEORV32: Executed instructions 0x%x_%x\n", (uint32_t)exe_instructions.uint32[1], (uint32_t)exe_instructions.uint32[0]);
neorv32_uart_printf("NEORV32: CoreMark core clock cycles 0x%x_%x\n", (uint32_t)exe_time.uint32[1], (uint32_t)exe_time.uint32[0]);
uint64_t average_cpi = exe_cycles.uint64 / exe_instructions.uint64;
uint64_t average_cpi = exe_time.uint64 / exe_instructions.uint64;
neorv32_uart_printf("NEORV32: Average CPI (integer part only): %u cycles/instruction\n", (uint32_t)average_cpi);
36,7 → 36,7
* @file cpu_test/main.c
* @author Stephan Nolting
* @brief Simple CPU interrupts and exceptions test program.
* @brief Simple CPU (interrupts and exceptions) test program.
#include <neorv32.h>
50,6 → 50,8
#define BAUD_RATE 19200
//** Set 1 for detailed exception debug information */
//** Set 1 to run memory tests */
//** Reachable unaligned address */
#define ADDR_UNALIGNED 0x00000002
//** Unreachable aligned address */
61,39 → 63,13
* @name Exception handler acknowledges
/** Exception handler answers / identifiers */
ANSWER_I_MISALIGN = 0x12345678, /**< Answer for misaligned instruction address excetion */
ANSWER_I_ACCESS = 0xAABB1133, /**< Answer for instruction access fault excetion */
ANSWER_I_ILLEGAL = 0x0199203B, /**< Answer for illegal instruction excetion */
ANSWER_BREAKPOINT = 0x12322330, /**< Answer for breakpoint excetion */
ANSWER_L_MISALIGN = 0xBABCCCCC, /**< Answer for misaligned load address excetion */
ANSWER_L_ACCESS = 0xDEF728AA, /**< Answer for load access fault excetion */
ANSWER_S_MISALIGN = 0xFF0927DD, /**< Answer for misaligned store address excetion */
ANSWER_S_ACCESS = 0x20091777, /**< Answer for store access fault excetion */
ANSWER_ENVCALL = 0x55662244, /**< Answer for environment call excetion */
ANSWER_MSI = 0xCDECDEA9, /**< Answer for machine software interrupt */
ANSWER_MTI = 0x0012FA53, /**< Answer for machine timer interrupt */
ANSWER_CLIC = 0xEEF33088 /**< Answer for machine external interrupt */
/** Gloabl volatile variable to store exception handler answer */
/** Global volatile variable to store exception handler answer */
volatile uint32_t exception_handler_answer;
// Prototypes
void exc_handler_i_misalign(void);
void exc_handler_i_access(void);
void exc_handler_i_illegal(void);
void exc_handler_breakpoint(void);
void exc_handler_l_misalign(void);
void exc_handler_l_access(void);
void exc_handler_s_misalign(void);
void exc_handler_s_access(void);
void exc_handler_envcall(void);
void exc_handler_msi(void);
void exc_handler_mti(void);
void irq_handler_clic_ch0();
void global_trap_handler(void);
164,27 → 140,26
// install exception handler functions
int install_err = 0;
install_err += neorv32_rte_exception_install(EXCID_I_MISALIGNED, exc_handler_i_misalign);
install_err += neorv32_rte_exception_install(EXCID_I_ACCESS, exc_handler_i_access);
install_err += neorv32_rte_exception_install(EXCID_I_ILLEGAL, exc_handler_i_illegal);
install_err += neorv32_rte_exception_install(EXCID_BREAKPOINT, exc_handler_breakpoint);
install_err += neorv32_rte_exception_install(EXCID_L_MISALIGNED, exc_handler_l_misalign);
install_err += neorv32_rte_exception_install(EXCID_L_ACCESS, exc_handler_l_access);
install_err += neorv32_rte_exception_install(EXCID_S_MISALIGNED, exc_handler_s_misalign);
install_err += neorv32_rte_exception_install(EXCID_S_ACCESS, exc_handler_s_access);
install_err += neorv32_rte_exception_install(EXCID_MENV_CALL, exc_handler_envcall);
install_err += neorv32_rte_exception_install(EXCID_MSI, exc_handler_msi);
install_err += neorv32_rte_exception_install(EXCID_MTI, exc_handler_mti);
install_err += neorv32_rte_exception_install(EXCID_I_MISALIGNED, global_trap_handler);
install_err += neorv32_rte_exception_install(EXCID_I_ACCESS, global_trap_handler);
install_err += neorv32_rte_exception_install(EXCID_I_ILLEGAL, global_trap_handler);
install_err += neorv32_rte_exception_install(EXCID_BREAKPOINT, global_trap_handler);
install_err += neorv32_rte_exception_install(EXCID_L_MISALIGNED, global_trap_handler);
install_err += neorv32_rte_exception_install(EXCID_L_ACCESS, global_trap_handler);
install_err += neorv32_rte_exception_install(EXCID_S_MISALIGNED, global_trap_handler);
install_err += neorv32_rte_exception_install(EXCID_S_ACCESS, global_trap_handler);
install_err += neorv32_rte_exception_install(EXCID_MENV_CALL, global_trap_handler);
install_err += neorv32_rte_exception_install(EXCID_MTI, global_trap_handler);
//install_err += neorv32_rte_exception_install(EXCID_MEI, -); done by neorv32_clic_handler_install
if (install_err) {
neorv32_uart_printf("install error!\n");
neorv32_uart_printf("RTE install error!\n");
return 0;
// install interrupt handler for clic WDT channel
install_err += neorv32_clic_handler_install(CLIC_CH_WDT, irq_handler_clic_ch0);
install_err += neorv32_clic_handler_install(CLIC_CH_WDT, global_trap_handler);
if (install_err) {
neorv32_uart_printf("CLIC install error!\n");
203,10 → 178,79
// enable global interrupts
exception_handler_answer = 0;
exception_handler_answer = 0xFFFFFFFF;
// ----------------------------------------------------------
// Instruction memory test
// ----------------------------------------------------------
exception_handler_answer = 0xFFFFFFFF;
neorv32_uart_printf("IMEM_TEST: ");
register uint32_t dmem_probe_addr = neorv32_cpu_csr_read(CSR_MISPACEBASE);
uint32_t dmem_probe_cnt = 0;
while(1) {
asm volatile ("lb zero, 0(%[input_j])" : : [input_j] "r" (dmem_probe_addr));
if (exception_handler_answer == EXCCODE_L_ACCESS) {
neorv32_uart_printf("%u bytes (should be %u bytes) ", dmem_probe_cnt, neorv32_cpu_csr_read(CSR_MISPACESIZE));
neorv32_uart_printf("@ 0x%x ", neorv32_cpu_csr_read(CSR_MISPACEBASE));
if (dmem_probe_cnt == neorv32_cpu_csr_read(CSR_MISPACESIZE)) {
else {
neorv32_uart_printf("skipped (disabled)\n");
// ----------------------------------------------------------
// Data memory test
// ----------------------------------------------------------
exception_handler_answer = 0xFFFFFFFF;
neorv32_uart_printf("DMEM_TEST: ");
register uint32_t imem_probe_addr = neorv32_cpu_csr_read(CSR_MDSPACEBASE);
uint32_t imem_probe_cnt = 0;
while(1) {
asm volatile ("lb zero, 0(%[input_j])" : : [input_j] "r" (imem_probe_addr));
if (exception_handler_answer == EXCCODE_L_ACCESS) {
neorv32_uart_printf("%u bytes (should be %u bytes) ", imem_probe_cnt, neorv32_cpu_csr_read(CSR_MDSPACESIZE));
neorv32_uart_printf("@ 0x%x ", neorv32_cpu_csr_read(CSR_MDSPACEBASE));
if (imem_probe_cnt == neorv32_cpu_csr_read(CSR_MDSPACESIZE)) {
else {
neorv32_uart_printf("skipped (disabled)\n");
// ----------------------------------------------------------
// Test counter CSR access for mcycle[h]
// ----------------------------------------------------------
neorv32_uart_printf("MCYCLE[H]: ");
213,10 → 257,10
neorv32_cpu_csr_write(CSR_MCYCLE, 0x1BCD1234);
neorv32_cpu_csr_write(CSR_MCYCLEH, 0x22334455);
neorv32_cpu_csr_write(CSR_MCYCLEH, 0x00034455);
if (((neorv32_cpu_csr_read(CSR_MCYCLE) & 0xffff0000L) == 0x1BCD0000) &&
(neorv32_cpu_csr_read(CSR_MCYCLEH) == 0x22334455)) {
(neorv32_cpu_csr_read(CSR_MCYCLEH) == 0x00034455)) {
233,10 → 277,10
neorv32_cpu_csr_write(CSR_MINSTRET, 0x11224499);
neorv32_cpu_csr_write(CSR_MINSTRETH, 0x00110011);
neorv32_cpu_csr_write(CSR_MINSTRETH, 0x00090011);
if (((neorv32_cpu_csr_read(CSR_MINSTRET) & 0xffff0000L) == 0x11220000) &&
(neorv32_cpu_csr_read(CSR_MINSTRETH) == 0x00110011)) {
(neorv32_cpu_csr_read(CSR_MINSTRETH) == 0x00090011)) {
272,13 → 316,13
// Test fence instructions - make sure CPU does not crash here and throws no exception
// a more complex test is provided by the RISC-V compliance test
// ----------------------------------------------------------
exception_handler_answer = 0;
exception_handler_answer = 0xFFFFFFFF;
neorv32_uart_printf("FENCE(.I): ");
asm volatile ("fence");
asm volatile ("fence.i");
if (exception_handler_answer != 0) {
if (exception_handler_answer != 0xFFFFFFFF) {
291,7 → 335,7
// ----------------------------------------------------------
// Unaligned instruction address
// ----------------------------------------------------------
exception_handler_answer = 0;
exception_handler_answer = 0xFFFFFFFF;
neorv32_uart_printf("EXC I_ALIGN: ");
// skip if C-mode is not implemented
303,7 → 347,7
((void (*)(void))ADDR_UNALIGNED)();
if (exception_handler_answer == ANSWER_I_MISALIGN) {
if (exception_handler_answer == EXCCODE_I_MISALIGNED) {
321,7 → 365,7
// ----------------------------------------------------------
// Instruction access fault
// ----------------------------------------------------------
exception_handler_answer = 0;
exception_handler_answer = 0xFFFFFFFF;
neorv32_uart_printf("EXC I_ACC: ");
329,7 → 373,7
((void (*)(void))ADDR_UNREACHABLE)();
if (exception_handler_answer == ANSWER_I_ACCESS) {
if (exception_handler_answer == EXCCODE_I_ACCESS) {
343,7 → 387,7
// ----------------------------------------------------------
// Illegal instruction
// ----------------------------------------------------------
exception_handler_answer = 0;
exception_handler_answer = 0xFFFFFFFF;
neorv32_uart_printf("EXC I_ILLEG: ");
357,7 → 401,7
asm volatile ( "jalr ra, %0 " : "=r" (tmp_a) : "r" (tmp_a));
if (exception_handler_answer == ANSWER_I_ILLEGAL) {
if (exception_handler_answer == EXCCODE_I_ILLEGAL) {
371,7 → 415,7
// ----------------------------------------------------------
// Breakpoint instruction
// ----------------------------------------------------------
exception_handler_answer = 0;
exception_handler_answer = 0xFFFFFFFF;
neorv32_uart_printf("EXC BREAK: ");
378,7 → 422,7
asm volatile("EBREAK");
if (exception_handler_answer == ANSWER_BREAKPOINT) {
if (exception_handler_answer == EXCCODE_BREAKPOINT) {
392,7 → 436,7
// ----------------------------------------------------------
// Unaligned load address
// ----------------------------------------------------------
exception_handler_answer = 0;
exception_handler_answer = 0xFFFFFFFF;
neorv32_uart_printf("EXC L_ALIGN: ");
400,7 → 444,7
asm volatile ("lw zero, %[input_i](zero)" : : [input_i] "i" (ADDR_UNALIGNED));
if (exception_handler_answer == ANSWER_L_MISALIGN) {
if (exception_handler_answer == EXCCODE_L_MISALIGNED) {
414,7 → 458,7
// ----------------------------------------------------------
// Load access fault
// ----------------------------------------------------------
exception_handler_answer = 0;
exception_handler_answer = 0xFFFFFFFF;
neorv32_uart_printf("EXC L_ACC: ");
422,7 → 466,7
dummy_dst = MMR_UNREACHABLE;
if (exception_handler_answer == ANSWER_L_ACCESS) {
if (exception_handler_answer == EXCCODE_L_ACCESS) {
436,7 → 480,7
// ----------------------------------------------------------
// Unaligned store address
// ----------------------------------------------------------
exception_handler_answer = 0;
exception_handler_answer = 0xFFFFFFFF;
neorv32_uart_printf("EXC S_ALIGN: ");
444,7 → 488,7
asm volatile ("sw zero, %[input_i](zero)" : : [input_i] "i" (ADDR_UNALIGNED));
if (exception_handler_answer == ANSWER_S_MISALIGN) {
if (exception_handler_answer == EXCCODE_S_MISALIGNED) {
458,7 → 502,7
// ----------------------------------------------------------
// Store access fault
// ----------------------------------------------------------
exception_handler_answer = 0;
exception_handler_answer = 0xFFFFFFFF;
neorv32_uart_printf("EXC S_ACC: ");
466,7 → 510,7
if (exception_handler_answer == ANSWER_S_ACCESS) {
if (exception_handler_answer == EXCCODE_S_ACCESS) {
480,7 → 524,7
// ----------------------------------------------------------
// Environment call
// ----------------------------------------------------------
exception_handler_answer = 0;
exception_handler_answer = 0xFFFFFFFF;
neorv32_uart_printf("EXC ENVCALL: ");
487,7 → 531,7
asm volatile("ECALL");
if (exception_handler_answer == ANSWER_ENVCALL) {
if (exception_handler_answer == EXCCODE_MENV_CALL) {
499,31 → 543,9
// ----------------------------------------------------------
// Machine software interrupt
// ----------------------------------------------------------
exception_handler_answer = 0;
neorv32_uart_printf("IRQ MSI: ");
// trigger machine software interrupt
if (exception_handler_answer == ANSWER_MSI) {
else {
// ----------------------------------------------------------
// Machine timer interrupt (MTIME)
// ----------------------------------------------------------
exception_handler_answer = 0;
exception_handler_answer = 0xFFFFFFFF;
neorv32_uart_printf("IRQ MTI: ");
537,7 → 559,7
asm volatile("nop");
if (exception_handler_answer == ANSWER_MTI) {
if (exception_handler_answer == EXCCODE_MTI) {
554,7 → 576,7
// ----------------------------------------------------------
// Machine external interrupt (via CLIC)
// ----------------------------------------------------------
exception_handler_answer = 0;
exception_handler_answer = 0xFFFFFFFF;
neorv32_uart_printf("IRQ MEI: ");
568,7 → 590,7
asm volatile("nop");
if (exception_handler_answer == ANSWER_CLIC) {
if (exception_handler_answer == EXCCODE_MEI) {
582,7 → 604,7
// ----------------------------------------------------------
// Test WFI ("sleep") instructions
// ----------------------------------------------------------
exception_handler_answer = 0;
exception_handler_answer = 0xFFFFFFFF;
neorv32_uart_printf("WFI: ");
592,7 → 614,7
// put CPU into sleep mode
asm volatile ("wfi");
if (exception_handler_answer != ANSWER_MTI) {
if (exception_handler_answer != EXCCODE_MTI) {
603,9 → 625,6
// error report
neorv32_uart_printf("\n\nTests: %i\nOK: %i\nFAIL: %i\n\n", cnt_test, cnt_ok, cnt_fail);
622,88 → 641,8
* Misaligned instruction address exception handler.
* Trap handler for ALL exceptions/interrupts.
void exc_handler_i_misalign(void) {
exception_handler_answer = ANSWER_I_MISALIGN;
void global_trap_handler(void) {
exception_handler_answer = neorv32_cpu_csr_read(CSR_MCAUSE);
* Instruction access fault exception handler.
void exc_handler_i_access(void) {
exception_handler_answer = ANSWER_I_ACCESS;
* Illegal instruction exception handler.
void exc_handler_i_illegal(void) {
exception_handler_answer = ANSWER_I_ILLEGAL;
* Breakpoint exception handler.
void exc_handler_breakpoint(void) {
exception_handler_answer = ANSWER_BREAKPOINT;
* Misaligned load address exception handler.
void exc_handler_l_misalign(void) {
exception_handler_answer = ANSWER_L_MISALIGN;
* Load instruction access fault exception handler.
void exc_handler_l_access(void) {
exception_handler_answer = ANSWER_L_ACCESS;
* Misaligned store address exception handler.
void exc_handler_s_misalign(void) {
exception_handler_answer = ANSWER_S_MISALIGN;
* Store address access fault exception handler.
void exc_handler_s_access(void) {
exception_handler_answer = ANSWER_S_ACCESS;
* Environment call exception handler.
void exc_handler_envcall(void) {
exception_handler_answer = ANSWER_ENVCALL;
* Machine software interrupt exception handler.
void exc_handler_msi(void) {
exception_handler_answer = ANSWER_MSI;
* Machine timer interrupt exception handler.
void exc_handler_mti(void) {
exception_handler_answer = ANSWER_MTI;
// set CMP of machine system timer MTIME to max to prevent an IRQ
* CLIC interrupt handler for channel 0.
void irq_handler_clic_ch0(void) {
exception_handler_answer = ANSWER_CLIC;
185,7 → 185,7
// print new clock frequency
uint32_t clock = neorv32_cpu_csr_read(CSR_MCLOCK);
uint32_t clock = SYSINFO_CLK;
switch (prsc) {
case 0: clock = clock / 2; break;
case 1: clock = clock / 4; break;
61,38 → 61,33
enum NEORV32_CPU_CSRS_enum {
CSR_MSTATUS = 0x300, /**< 0x300 - mstatus (r/w): Machine status register */
CSR_MISA = 0x301, /**< 0x301 - misa (r/-): CPU ISA and extensions */
CSR_MISA = 0x301, /**< 0x301 - misa (r/-): CPU ISA and extensions (read-only in NEORV32) */
CSR_MIE = 0x304, /**< 0x304 - mie (r/w): Machine interrupt-enable register */
CSR_MTVEC = 0x305, /**< 0x305 - mtvec (r/w): Machine trap-handler base address (for ALL traps) */
CSR_MSCRATCH = 0x340, /**< 0x340 - mscratch (r/w): Machine scratch register */
CSR_MEPC = 0x341, /**< 0x341 - mepc (r/w): Machine exception program counter */
CSR_MCAUSE = 0x342, /**< 0x342 - mcause (r/-): Machine trap cause */
CSR_MTVAL = 0x343, /**< 0x343 - mtval (r/-): Machine bad address or instruction */
CSR_MCAUSE = 0x342, /**< 0x342 - mcause (r/w): Machine trap cause */
CSR_MTVAL = 0x343, /**< 0x343 - mtval (r/w): Machine bad address or instruction */
CSR_MIP = 0x344, /**< 0x344 - mip (r/w): Machine interrupt pending register */
CSR_MCYCLE = 0xb00, /**< 0xb00 - mcycle (r/w): Machine cycle counter low word */
CSR_MINSTRET = 0xb02, /**< 0xb02 - minstret (r/w): Machine instructions-retired counter low word */
CSR_MCYCLEH = 0xb80, /**< 0xb80 - mcycleh (r/w): Machine cycle counter high word */
CSR_MINSTRETH = 0xb82, /**< 0xb82 - minstreth (r/w): Machine instructions-retired counter high word */
CSR_MCYCLEH = 0xb80, /**< 0xb80 - mcycleh (r/w): Machine cycle counter high word - only 20-bit wide!*/
CSR_MINSTRETH = 0xb82, /**< 0xb82 - minstreth (r/w): Machine instructions-retired counter high word - only 20-bit wide! */
CSR_CYCLE = 0xc00, /**< 0xc00 - cycle (r/-): Cycle counter low word */
CSR_TIME = 0xc01, /**< 0xc01 - time (r/-): Timer low word (from MTIME.TIME) */
CSR_INSTRET = 0xc02, /**< 0xc02 - instret (r/-): Instructions-retired counter low word */
CSR_CYCLE = 0xc00, /**< 0xc00 - cycle (r/-): Cycle counter low word (from MCYCLE) */
CSR_TIME = 0xc01, /**< 0xc01 - time (r/-): Timer low word (from MTIME.TIME_LO) */
CSR_INSTRET = 0xc02, /**< 0xc02 - instret (r/-): Instructions-retired counter low word (from MINSTRET) */
CSR_CYCLEH = 0xc80, /**< 0xc80 - cycleh (r/-): Cycle counter high word */
CSR_TIMEH = 0xc81, /**< 0xc81 - timeh (r/-): Timer high word (from MTIME.TIME) */
CSR_INSTRETH = 0xc82, /**< 0xc82 - instreth (r/-): Instructions-retired counter high word */
CSR_CYCLEH = 0xc80, /**< 0xc80 - cycleh (r/-): Cycle counter high word (from MCYCLEH) - only 20-bit wide! */
CSR_TIMEH = 0xc81, /**< 0xc81 - timeh (r/-): Timer high word (from MTIME.TIME_HI) */
CSR_INSTRETH = 0xc82, /**< 0xc82 - instreth (r/-): Instructions-retired counter high word (from MINSTRETH) - only 20-bit wide! */
CSR_MIMPID = 0xf13, /**< 0xf13 - mimpid (r/-): Implementation ID/version */
CSR_MHARTID = 0xf14, /**< 0xf14 - mhartid (r/-): Hardware thread ID (via HART_ID generic) */
CSR_MFEATURES = 0xfc0, /**< 0xfc0 - CUSTOM (r/-): Implemented processor devices/features (via IO_x_USE generics) */
CSR_MCLOCK = 0xfc1, /**< 0xfc1 - CUSTOM (r/-): Processor primary clock spedd in Hz (via CLOCK_FREQUENCY generic)*/
CSR_MISPACEBASE = 0xfc4, /**< 0xfc4 - CUSTOM (r/-): Base address of instruction memory space (via MEM_ISPACE_BASE generic) */
CSR_MDSPACEBASE = 0xfc5, /**< 0xfc5 - CUSTOM (r/-): Base address of data memory space (via MEM_DSPACE_BASE generic) */
CSR_MISPACESIZE = 0xfc6, /**< 0xfc6 - CUSTOM (r/-): Total size of instruction memory space in byte (via MEM_ISPACE_SIZE generic) */
CSR_MDSPACESIZE = 0xfc7 /**< 0xfc7 - CUSTOM (r/-): Total size of data memory space in byte (via MEM_DSPACE_SIZE generic) */
CSR_MVENDORID = 0xf11, /**< 0xf11 - mvendorid (r/-): Vendor ID */
CSR_MARCHID = 0xf12, /**< 0xf12 - marchid (r/-): Architecture ID */
CSR_MIMPID = 0xf13, /**< 0xf13 - mimpid (r/-): Implementation ID/version */
CSR_MHARTID = 0xf14 /**< 0xf14 - mhartid (r/-): Hardware thread ID (always 0) */
109,7 → 104,7
* CPU <b>mie</b> CSR (r/w): Machine interrupt enable (RISC-V spec.)
enum NEORV32_CPU_MIE_enum {
CPU_MIE_MSIE = 3, /**< CPU mie CSR (3): Machine software interrupt enable bit (r/w) */
CPU_MIE_MSIE = 3, /**< CPU mie CSR (3): Machine software interrupt enable (r/w) */
CPU_MIE_MTIE = 7, /**< CPU mie CSR (7): Machine timer interrupt (MTIME) enable bit (r/w) */
CPU_MIE_MEIE = 11 /**< CPU mie CSR (11): Machine external interrupt (via CLIC) enable bit (r/w) */
116,10 → 111,10
* CPU <b>mip</b> CSR (r/w): Machine interrupt pending (RISC-V spec.)
* CPU <b>mip</b> CSR (r/-): Machine interrupt pending (RISC-V spec.)
enum NEORV32_CPU_MIP_enum {
CPU_MIP_MSIP = 3, /**< CPU mip CSR (3): Machine software interrupt pending (r/w), can be triggered when set */
CPU_MIP_MSIP = 3, /**< CPU mip CSR (3): Machine software interrupt pending (r/-) */
CPU_MIP_MTIP = 7, /**< CPU mip CSR (7): Machine timer interrupt (MTIME) pending (r/-) */
CPU_MIP_MEIP = 11 /**< CPU mip CSR (11): Machine external interrupt (via CLIC) pending (r/-) */
141,30 → 136,6
* CPU <b>mfeatures</b> CSR (r/-): Implemented processor devices/features (CUSTOM)
CPU_MFEATURES_BOOTLOADER = 0, /**< CPU mfeatures CSR (0) (r/-): Bootloader implemented when 1 (via BOOTLOADER_USE generic) */
CPU_MFEATURES_MEM_EXT = 1, /**< CPU mfeatures CSR (1) (r/-): External bus interface implemented when 1 (via MEM_EXT_USE generic) */
CPU_MFEATURES_MEM_INT_IMEM = 2, /**< CPU mfeatures CSR (2) (r/-): Processor-internal instruction memory implemented when 1 (via MEM_INT_IMEM_USE generic) */
CPU_MFEATURES_MEM_INT_IMEM_ROM = 3, /**< CPU mfeatures CSR (3) (r/-): Processor-internal instruction memory implemented as ROM when 1 (via MEM_INT_IMEM_ROM generic) */
CPU_MFEATURES_MEM_INT_DMEM = 4, /**< CPU mfeatures CSR (4) (r/-): Processor-internal data memory implemented when 1 (via MEM_INT_DMEM_USE generic) */
CPU_MFEATURES_CSR_COUNTERS = 5, /**< CPU mfeatures CSR (5) (r/-): RISC-V performance counters implemented when 1 (via CSR_COUNTERS_USE generic) */
CPU_MFEATURES_IO_GPIO = 16, /**< CPU mfeatures CSR (16) (r/-): General purpose input/output port unit implemented when 1 (via IO_GPIO_USE generic) */
CPU_MFEATURES_IO_MTIME = 17, /**< CPU mfeatures CSR (17) (r/-): Machine system timer implemented when 1 (via IO_MTIME_USE generic) */
CPU_MFEATURES_IO_UART = 18, /**< CPU mfeatures CSR (18) (r/-): Universal asynchronous receiver/transmitter implemented when 1 (via IO_UART_USE generic) */
CPU_MFEATURES_IO_SPI = 19, /**< CPU mfeatures CSR (19) (r/-): Serial peripheral interface implemented when 1 (via IO_SPI_USE generic) */
CPU_MFEATURES_IO_TWI = 20, /**< CPU mfeatures CSR (20) (r/-): Two-wire interface implemented when 1 (via IO_TWI_USE generic) */
CPU_MFEATURES_IO_PWM = 21, /**< CPU mfeatures CSR (21) (r/-): Pulse-width modulation unit implemented when 1 (via IO_PWM_USE generic) */
CPU_MFEATURES_IO_WDT = 22, /**< CPU mfeatures CSR (22) (r/-): Watchdog timer implemented when 1 (via IO_WDT_USE generic) */
CPU_MFEATURES_IO_CLIC = 23, /**< CPU mfeatures CSR (23) (r/-): Core-local interrupt controller implemented when 1 (via IO_CLIC_USE generic) */
CPU_MFEATURES_IO_TRNG = 24, /**< CPU mfeatures CSR (24) (r/-): True random number generator implemented when 1 (via IO_TRNG_USE generic) */
CPU_MFEATURES_IO_DEVNULL = 25 /**< CPU mfeatures CSR (24) (r/-): Dummy device implemented when 1 (via IO_DEVNULL_USE generic) */
* Exception IDs.
184,6 → 155,25
* Exception codes from mcause CSR.
EXCCODE_I_MISALIGNED = 0x00000000, /**< 0: Instruction address misaligned */
EXCCODE_I_ACCESS = 0x00000001, /**< 1: Instruction (bus) access fault */
EXCCODE_I_ILLEGAL = 0x00000002, /**< 2: Illegal instruction */
EXCCODE_BREAKPOINT = 0x00000003, /**< 3: Breakpoint (EBREAK instruction) */
EXCCODE_L_MISALIGNED = 0x00000004, /**< 4: Load address misaligned */
EXCCODE_L_ACCESS = 0x00000005, /**< 5: Load (bus) access fault */
EXCCODE_S_MISALIGNED = 0x00000006, /**< 6: Store address misaligned */
EXCCODE_S_ACCESS = 0x00000007, /**< 7: Store (bus) access fault */
EXCCODE_MENV_CALL = 0x0000000b, /**< 11: Environment call from machine mode (ECALL instruction) */
EXCCODE_MSI = 0x80000003, /**< 16 + 3: Machine software interrupt */
EXCCODE_MTI = 0x80000007, /**< 16 + 7: Machine timer interrupt (via MTIME) */
EXCCODE_MEI = 0x8000000b /**< 16 + 11: Machine external interrupt (via CLIC) */
* Processor clock prescalers
enum NEORV32_CLOCK_PRSC_enum {
512,10 → 502,56
/** DEVNULL data register (r/w) */
* @name IO Device: System Configuration Info Memory (SYSINFO)
/** SYSINFO(0): Clock speed */
/** SYSINFO(1): Custom user code (via "USER_CODE" generic) */
/** SYSINFO(2): Clock speed */
/** SYSINFO(3): reserved */
#define SYSINFO_reserved1 (*(IO_ROM32 0xFFFFFFECUL))
/** SYSINFO(4): Instruction memory address space base */
/** SYSINFO(5): Data memory address space base */
/** SYSINFO(6): Instruction memory address space size in bytes */
/** SYSINFO(7): Data memory address space size in bytes */
* SYSINFO_FEATURES (r/-): Implemented processor devices/features
SYSINFO_FEATURES_BOOTLOADER = 0, /**< SYSINFO_FEATURES (0) (r/-): Bootloader implemented when 1 (via BOOTLOADER_USE generic) */
SYSINFO_FEATURES_MEM_EXT = 1, /**< SYSINFO_FEATURES (1) (r/-): External bus interface implemented when 1 (via MEM_EXT_USE generic) */
SYSINFO_FEATURES_MEM_INT_IMEM = 2, /**< SYSINFO_FEATURES (2) (r/-): Processor-internal instruction memory implemented when 1 (via MEM_INT_IMEM_USE generic) */
SYSINFO_FEATURES_MEM_INT_IMEM_ROM = 3, /**< SYSINFO_FEATURES (3) (r/-): Processor-internal instruction memory implemented as ROM when 1 (via MEM_INT_IMEM_ROM generic) */
SYSINFO_FEATURES_MEM_INT_DMEM = 4, /**< SYSINFO_FEATURES (4) (r/-): Processor-internal data memory implemented when 1 (via MEM_INT_DMEM_USE generic) */
SYSINFO_FEATURES_IO_GPIO = 16, /**< SYSINFO_FEATURES (16) (r/-): General purpose input/output port unit implemented when 1 (via IO_GPIO_USE generic) */
SYSINFO_FEATURES_IO_MTIME = 17, /**< SYSINFO_FEATURES (17) (r/-): Machine system timer implemented when 1 (via IO_MTIME_USE generic) */
SYSINFO_FEATURES_IO_UART = 18, /**< SYSINFO_FEATURES (18) (r/-): Universal asynchronous receiver/transmitter implemented when 1 (via IO_UART_USE generic) */
SYSINFO_FEATURES_IO_SPI = 19, /**< SYSINFO_FEATURES (19) (r/-): Serial peripheral interface implemented when 1 (via IO_SPI_USE generic) */
SYSINFO_FEATURES_IO_TWI = 20, /**< SYSINFO_FEATURES (20) (r/-): Two-wire interface implemented when 1 (via IO_TWI_USE generic) */
SYSINFO_FEATURES_IO_PWM = 21, /**< SYSINFO_FEATURES (21) (r/-): Pulse-width modulation unit implemented when 1 (via IO_PWM_USE generic) */
SYSINFO_FEATURES_IO_WDT = 22, /**< SYSINFO_FEATURES (22) (r/-): Watchdog timer implemented when 1 (via IO_WDT_USE generic) */
SYSINFO_FEATURES_IO_CLIC = 23, /**< SYSINFO_FEATURES (23) (r/-): Core-local interrupt controller implemented when 1 (via IO_CLIC_USE generic) */
SYSINFO_FEATURES_IO_TRNG = 24, /**< SYSINFO_FEATURES (24) (r/-): True random number generator implemented when 1 (via IO_TRNG_USE generic) */
SYSINFO_FEATURES_IO_DEVNULL = 25 /**< SYSINFO_FEATURES (24) (r/-): Dummy device implemented when 1 (via IO_DEVNULL_USE generic) */
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Include all IO driver headers
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
45,6 → 45,11
// prototypes
int neorv32_cpu_irq_enable(uint8_t irq_sel);
int neorv32_cpu_irq_disable(uint8_t irq_sel);
uint64_t neorv32_cpu_get_cycle(void);
void neorv32_cpu_set_mcycle(uint64_t value);
uint64_t neorv32_cpu_get_instret(void);
void neorv32_cpu_set_minstret(uint64_t value);
uint64_t neorv32_cpu_get_systime(void);
void neorv32_cpu_delay_ms(uint32_t time_ms);
113,23 → 118,6
* Trigger machine software interrupt.
* @note The according IRQ has to be enabled via neorv32_cpu_irq_enable(uint8_t irq_sel) and
* global interrupts must be enabled via neorv32_cpu_eint(void) to trigger an IRQ via software.
* The MSI becomes active after 3 clock cycles.
inline void __attribute__ ((always_inline)) neorv32_cpu_sw_irq(void) {
asm volatile ("csrrsi zero, mip, %0" : : "i" (1 << CPU_MIP_MSIP));
// the MSI becomes active 3 clock cycles afters issueing
asm volatile ("nop"); // these nops are not required, they just make sure the MSI becomes active
asm volatile ("nop"); // before the "real" next operation is executed
* Trigger breakpoint exception (via EBREAK instruction).
inline void __attribute__ ((always_inline)) neorv32_cpu_breakpoint(void) {
48,6 → 48,7
int neorv32_rte_exception_uninstall(uint8_t exc_id);
void neorv32_rte_print_hw_config(void);
void neorv32_rte_print_hw_version(void);
void neorv32_rte_print_credits(void);
#endif // neorv32_rte_h
61,7 → 61,7
int neorv32_clic_available(void) {
if (neorv32_cpu_csr_read(CSR_MFEATURES) & (1 << CPU_MFEATURES_IO_CLIC)) {
return 1;
else {
49,7 → 49,7
* @note Interrupts have to be globally enabled via neorv32_cpu_eint(void), too.
* @param[in] irq_sel CPU interrupt select. See #NEORV32_CPU_MIE_enum.
* return 0 if success, 1 if error (invalid irq_sel).
* @return 0 if success, 1 if error (invalid irq_sel).
int neorv32_cpu_irq_enable(uint8_t irq_sel) {
67,7 → 67,7
* Disable specific CPU interrupt.
* @param[in] irq_sel CPU interrupt select. See #NEORV32_CPU_MIE_enum.
* return 0 if success, 1 if error (invalid irq_sel).
* @return 0 if success, 1 if error (invalid irq_sel).
int neorv32_cpu_irq_disable(uint8_t irq_sel) {
82,6 → 82,139
* Get cycle count from cycle[h].
* @note The cycle[h] CSR is shadowed copy of the mcycle[h] CSR.
* @return Current cycle counter (64 bit).
uint64_t neorv32_cpu_get_cycle(void) {
union {
uint64_t uint64;
uint32_t uint32[sizeof(uint64_t)/2];
} cycles;
uint32_t tmp1, tmp2, tmp3;
while(1) {
tmp1 = neorv32_cpu_csr_read(CSR_CYCLEH);
tmp2 = neorv32_cpu_csr_read(CSR_CYCLE);
tmp3 = neorv32_cpu_csr_read(CSR_CYCLEH);
if (tmp1 == tmp3) {
cycles.uint32[0] = tmp2;
cycles.uint32[1] = tmp3;
return cycles.uint64;
* Set mcycle[h] counter.
* @param[in] value New value for mcycle[h] CSR (64-bit).
void neorv32_cpu_set_mcycle(uint64_t value) {
union {
uint64_t uint64;
uint32_t uint32[sizeof(uint64_t)/2];
} cycles;
cycles.uint64 = value;
neorv32_cpu_csr_write(CSR_MCYCLE, 0);
neorv32_cpu_csr_write(CSR_MCYCLEH, cycles.uint32[1]);
neorv32_cpu_csr_write(CSR_MCYCLE, cycles.uint32[0]);
* Get retired instructions counter from instret[h].
* @note The instret[h] CSR is shadowed copy of the instret[h] CSR.
* @return Current instructions counter (64 bit).
uint64_t neorv32_cpu_get_instret(void) {
union {
uint64_t uint64;
uint32_t uint32[sizeof(uint64_t)/2];
} cycles;
uint32_t tmp1, tmp2, tmp3;
while(1) {
tmp1 = neorv32_cpu_csr_read(CSR_INSTRETH);
tmp2 = neorv32_cpu_csr_read(CSR_INSTRET);
tmp3 = neorv32_cpu_csr_read(CSR_INSTRETH);
if (tmp1 == tmp3) {
cycles.uint32[0] = tmp2;
cycles.uint32[1] = tmp3;
return cycles.uint64;
* Set retired instructions counter minstret[h].
* @param[in] value New value for mcycle[h] CSR (64-bit).
void neorv32_cpu_set_minstret(uint64_t value) {
union {
uint64_t uint64;
uint32_t uint32[sizeof(uint64_t)/2];
} cycles;
cycles.uint64 = value;
neorv32_cpu_csr_write(CSR_MINSTRET, 0);
neorv32_cpu_csr_write(CSR_MINSTRETH, cycles.uint32[1]);
neorv32_cpu_csr_write(CSR_MINSTRET, cycles.uint32[0]);
* Get current system time from time[h] CSR.
* @note This function requires the MTIME system timer to be implemented.
* @return Current system time (64 bit).
uint64_t neorv32_cpu_get_systime(void) {
union {
uint64_t uint64;
uint32_t uint32[sizeof(uint64_t)/2];
} cycles;
uint32_t tmp1, tmp2, tmp3;
while(1) {
tmp1 = neorv32_cpu_csr_read(CSR_TIMEH);
tmp2 = neorv32_cpu_csr_read(CSR_TIME);
tmp3 = neorv32_cpu_csr_read(CSR_TIMEH);
if (tmp1 == tmp3) {
cycles.uint32[0] = tmp2;
cycles.uint32[1] = tmp3;
return cycles.uint64;
* Simple delay function (not very precise) using busy wait.
* @param[in] time_ms Time in ms to wait.
88,7 → 221,7
void neorv32_cpu_delay_ms(uint32_t time_ms) {
uint32_t clock_speed = neorv32_cpu_csr_read(CSR_MCLOCK) >> 10; // fake divide by 1000
uint32_t clock_speed = SYSINFO_CLK >> 10; // fake divide by 1000
clock_speed = clock_speed >> 5; // divide by loop execution time (~30 cycles)
uint32_t cnt = clock_speed * time_ms;
52,7 → 52,7
int neorv32_gpio_available(void) {
if (neorv32_cpu_csr_read(CSR_MFEATURES) & (1 << CPU_MFEATURES_IO_GPIO)) {
return 1;
else {
52,7 → 52,7
int neorv32_mtime_available(void) {
if (neorv32_cpu_csr_read(CSR_MFEATURES) & (1 << CPU_MFEATURES_IO_MTIME)) {
return 1;
else {
70,7 → 70,17
void neorv32_mtime_set_time(uint64_t time) {
MTIME = time;
union {
uint64_t uint64;
uint32_t uint32[sizeof(uint64_t)/2];
} cycles;
cycles.uint64 = time;
MTIME_HI = cycles.uint32[1];
MTIME_LO = cycles.uint32[0];
83,7 → 93,25
uint64_t neorv32_mtime_get_time(void) {
return MTIME;
union {
uint64_t uint64;
uint32_t uint32[sizeof(uint64_t)/2];
} cycles;
uint32_t tmp1, tmp2, tmp3;
while(1) {
tmp1 = MTIME_HI;
tmp2 = MTIME_LO;
tmp3 = MTIME_HI;
if (tmp1 == tmp3) {
cycles.uint32[0] = tmp2;
cycles.uint32[1] = tmp3;
return cycles.uint64;
52,7 → 52,7
int neorv32_pwm_available(void) {
if (neorv32_cpu_csr_read(CSR_MFEATURES) & (1 << CPU_MFEATURES_IO_PWM)) {
return 1;
else {
46,7 → 46,6
static void __neorv32_rte_dummy_exc_handler(void) __attribute__((unused));
static void __neorv32_rte_debug_exc_handler(void) __attribute__((unused));
static void __neorv32_rte_print_true_false(int state) __attribute__((unused));
static void __neorv32_rte_print_hw_version(void) __attribute__((unused));
94,7 → 93,7
if (exc_id == EXCID_MTI) { neorv32_cpu_irq_enable(CPU_MIE_MTIE); } // activate timer interrupt
if (exc_id == EXCID_MEI) { neorv32_cpu_irq_enable(CPU_MIE_MEIE); } // activate external interrupt
uint32_t vt_base = neorv32_cpu_csr_read(CSR_MDSPACEBASE); // base address of vector table
uint32_t vt_base = SYSINFO_DSPACE_BASE; // base address of vector table
vt_base = vt_base + (((uint32_t)exc_id) << 2);
(*(IO_REG32 (vt_base))) = (uint32_t)handler;
127,7 → 126,7
if (exc_id == EXCID_MTI) { neorv32_cpu_irq_disable(CPU_MIE_MTIE); } // deactivate timer interrupt
if (exc_id == EXCID_MEI) { neorv32_cpu_irq_disable(CPU_MIE_MEIE); } // deactivate external interrupt
uint32_t vt_base = neorv32_cpu_csr_read(CSR_MDSPACEBASE); // base address of vector table
uint32_t vt_base = SYSINFO_DSPACE_BASE; // base address of vector table
vt_base = vt_base + (((uint32_t)exc_id) << 2);
(*(IO_REG32 (vt_base))) = (uint32_t)(&__neorv32_rte_dummy_exc_handler); // use dummy handler in case the exception is triggered
161,9 → 160,9
register uint32_t trap_addr = neorv32_cpu_csr_read(CSR_MEPC);
register uint32_t trap_inst;
// get faulting instruction
asm volatile ("lh %[result], 0(%[input_i])" : [result] "=r" (trap_inst) : [input_i] "r" (trap_addr));
if (trap_cause & 0x80000000) {
196,7 → 195,7
// fault address
neorv32_uart_printf("\nFaulting instruction: 0x%x\n", trap_inst);
neorv32_uart_printf("\nFaulting instruction (low): 0x%x\n", trap_inst);
neorv32_uart_printf("MTVAL: 0x%x\n", neorv32_cpu_csr_read(CSR_MTVAL));
if ((trap_inst & 3) != 3) {
224,11 → 223,14
neorv32_uart_printf("\n-- Central Processing Unit --\n");
// Hart ID
neorv32_uart_printf("Hart ID: 0x%x\n", neorv32_cpu_csr_read(CSR_MHARTID));
neorv32_uart_printf("Hart ID: %u\n", neorv32_cpu_csr_read(CSR_MHARTID));
// Custom user code
neorv32_uart_printf("User code: 0x%x\n", SYSINFO_USER_CODE);
// HW version
neorv32_uart_printf("Hardware version: ");
neorv32_uart_printf(" (0x%x)\n", neorv32_cpu_csr_read(CSR_MIMPID));
// CPU architecture
260,69 → 262,65
neorv32_uart_printf("(0x%x)\n", tmp);
// Performance counters
neorv32_uart_printf("CNT & time CSRs: ");
__neorv32_rte_print_true_false(neorv32_cpu_csr_read(CSR_MFEATURES) & (1 << CPU_MFEATURES_CSR_COUNTERS));
// Clock speed
neorv32_uart_printf("Clock speed: %u Hz\n", neorv32_cpu_csr_read(CSR_MCLOCK));
neorv32_uart_printf("Clock speed: %u Hz\n", SYSINFO_CLK);
// Memory configuration
neorv32_uart_printf("\n-- Memory Configuration --\n");
uint32_t size = neorv32_cpu_csr_read(CSR_MISPACESIZE);
uint32_t base = neorv32_cpu_csr_read(CSR_MISPACEBASE);
uint32_t size = SYSINFO_ISPACE_SIZE;
uint32_t base = SYSINFO_ISPACE_BASE;
neorv32_uart_printf("Instruction memory: %u bytes @ 0x%x\n", size, base);
neorv32_uart_printf("Internal IMEM: ");
__neorv32_rte_print_true_false(neorv32_cpu_csr_read(CSR_MFEATURES) & (1 << CPU_MFEATURES_MEM_INT_IMEM));
__neorv32_rte_print_true_false(SYSINFO_FEATURES & (1 << SYSINFO_FEATURES_MEM_INT_IMEM));
neorv32_uart_printf("Internal IMEM as ROM: ");
__neorv32_rte_print_true_false(neorv32_cpu_csr_read(CSR_MFEATURES) & (1 << CPU_MFEATURES_MEM_INT_IMEM_ROM));
__neorv32_rte_print_true_false(SYSINFO_FEATURES & (1 << SYSINFO_FEATURES_MEM_INT_IMEM_ROM));
size = neorv32_cpu_csr_read(CSR_MDSPACESIZE);
base = neorv32_cpu_csr_read(CSR_MDSPACEBASE);
neorv32_uart_printf("Data memory: %u bytes @ 0x%x\n", size, base);
neorv32_uart_printf("Internal DMEM: ");
__neorv32_rte_print_true_false(neorv32_cpu_csr_read(CSR_MFEATURES) & (1 << CPU_MFEATURES_MEM_INT_DMEM));
__neorv32_rte_print_true_false(SYSINFO_FEATURES & (1 << SYSINFO_FEATURES_MEM_INT_DMEM));
neorv32_uart_printf("Bootloader: ");
__neorv32_rte_print_true_false(neorv32_cpu_csr_read(CSR_MFEATURES) & (1 << CPU_MFEATURES_BOOTLOADER));
__neorv32_rte_print_true_false(SYSINFO_FEATURES & (1 << SYSINFO_FEATURES_BOOTLOADER));
neorv32_uart_printf("External interface: ");
__neorv32_rte_print_true_false(neorv32_cpu_csr_read(CSR_MFEATURES) & (1 << CPU_MFEATURES_MEM_EXT));
__neorv32_rte_print_true_false(SYSINFO_FEATURES & (1 << SYSINFO_FEATURES_MEM_EXT));
// peripherals
neorv32_uart_printf("\n-- Peripherals --\n");
tmp = neorv32_cpu_csr_read(CSR_MFEATURES);
neorv32_uart_printf("GPIO: ");
__neorv32_rte_print_true_false(tmp & (1 << CPU_MFEATURES_IO_GPIO));
__neorv32_rte_print_true_false(tmp & (1 << SYSINFO_FEATURES_IO_GPIO));
neorv32_uart_printf("MTIME: ");
__neorv32_rte_print_true_false(tmp & (1 << CPU_MFEATURES_IO_MTIME));
__neorv32_rte_print_true_false(tmp & (1 << SYSINFO_FEATURES_IO_MTIME));
neorv32_uart_printf("UART: ");
__neorv32_rte_print_true_false(tmp & (1 << CPU_MFEATURES_IO_UART));
__neorv32_rte_print_true_false(tmp & (1 << SYSINFO_FEATURES_IO_UART));
neorv32_uart_printf("SPI: ");
__neorv32_rte_print_true_false(tmp & (1 << CPU_MFEATURES_IO_SPI));
__neorv32_rte_print_true_false(tmp & (1 << SYSINFO_FEATURES_IO_SPI));
neorv32_uart_printf("TWI: ");
__neorv32_rte_print_true_false(tmp & (1 << CPU_MFEATURES_IO_TWI));
__neorv32_rte_print_true_false(tmp & (1 << SYSINFO_FEATURES_IO_TWI));
neorv32_uart_printf("PWM: ");
__neorv32_rte_print_true_false(tmp & (1 << CPU_MFEATURES_IO_PWM));
__neorv32_rte_print_true_false(tmp & (1 << SYSINFO_FEATURES_IO_PWM));
neorv32_uart_printf("WDT: ");
__neorv32_rte_print_true_false(tmp & (1 << CPU_MFEATURES_IO_WDT));
__neorv32_rte_print_true_false(tmp & (1 << SYSINFO_FEATURES_IO_WDT));
neorv32_uart_printf("CLIC: ");
__neorv32_rte_print_true_false(tmp & (1 << CPU_MFEATURES_IO_CLIC));
__neorv32_rte_print_true_false(tmp & (1 << SYSINFO_FEATURES_IO_CLIC));
neorv32_uart_printf("TRNG: ");
__neorv32_rte_print_true_false(tmp & (1 << CPU_MFEATURES_IO_TRNG));
__neorv32_rte_print_true_false(tmp & (1 << SYSINFO_FEATURES_IO_TRNG));
neorv32_uart_printf("DEVNULL: ");
__neorv32_rte_print_true_false(tmp & (1 << CPU_MFEATURES_IO_DEVNULL));
__neorv32_rte_print_true_false(tmp & (1 << SYSINFO_FEATURES_IO_DEVNULL));
344,10 → 342,9
* NEORV32 runtime environment: Private function to show the processor version in human-readable format.
* @note This function is used by neorv32_rte_print_hw_config(void) only.
* NEORV32 runtime environment: Function to show the processor version in human-readable format.
static void __neorv32_rte_print_hw_version(void) {
void neorv32_rte_print_hw_version(void) {
uint32_t i;
char tmp, cnt;
52,7 → 52,7
int neorv32_spi_available(void) {
if (neorv32_cpu_csr_read(CSR_MFEATURES) & (1 << CPU_MFEATURES_IO_SPI)) {
return 1;
else {
52,7 → 52,7
int neorv32_trng_available(void) {
if (neorv32_cpu_csr_read(CSR_MFEATURES) & (1 << CPU_MFEATURES_IO_TRNG)) {
return 1;
else {
52,7 → 52,7
int neorv32_twi_available(void) {
if (neorv32_cpu_csr_read(CSR_MFEATURES) & (1 << CPU_MFEATURES_IO_TWI)) {
return 1;
else {
59,7 → 59,7
int neorv32_uart_available(void) {
if (neorv32_cpu_csr_read(CSR_MFEATURES) & (1 << CPU_MFEATURES_IO_UART)) {
return 1;
else {
80,7 → 80,7
UART_CT = 0; // reset
// raw baud rate prescaler
uint32_t clock = neorv32_cpu_csr_read(CSR_MCLOCK);
uint32_t clock = SYSINFO_CLK;
uint16_t i = 0; // BAUD rate divisor
uint8_t p = 0; // prsc = CLK/2
while (clock >= 2*baudrate) {
52,7 → 52,7
int neorv32_wdt_available(void) {
if (neorv32_cpu_csr_read(CSR_MFEATURES) & (1 << CPU_MFEATURES_IO_WDT)) {
return 1;
else {

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