
Subversion Repositories neorv32

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  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 61 to Rev 62
    Reverse comparison

Rev 61 → Rev 62

34,305 → 34,7
# The NEORV32 Processor - (c) Stephan Nolting #
# *****************************************************************************
# *****************************************************************************
# User's application sources (*.c, *.cpp, *.s, *.S); add additional files here
APP_SRC ?= $(wildcard ./*.c) $(wildcard ./*.s) $(wildcard ./*.cpp) $(wildcard ./*.S)
# User's application include folders (don't forget the '-I' before each entry)
APP_INC ?= -I .
# User's application include folders - for assembly files only (don't forget the '-I' before each entry)
ASM_INC ?= -I .
# Optimization
# Compiler toolchain
RISCV_TOOLCHAIN ?= riscv32-unknown-elf
# CPU architecture and ABI
MARCH ?= -march=rv32i
MABI ?= -mabi=ilp32
# User flags for additional configuration (will be added to compiler flags)
# Serial port for executable upload via bootloer
COM_PORT ?= /dev/ttyUSB0
# Relative or absolute path to the NEORV32 home folder
NEORV32_HOME ?= ../..
# *****************************************************************************
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# NEORV32 framework
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Path to NEORV32 linker script and startup file
NEORV32_COM_PATH = $(NEORV32_HOME)/sw/common
# Path to main NEORV32 library include files
NEORV32_INC_PATH = $(NEORV32_HOME)/sw/lib/include
# Path to main NEORV32 library source files
NEORV32_SRC_PATH = $(NEORV32_HOME)/sw/lib/source
# Path to NEORV32 executable generator
NEORV32_EXG_PATH = $(NEORV32_HOME)/sw/image_gen
# Path to NEORV32 core rtl folder
NEORV32_RTL_PATH = $(NEORV32_HOME)/rtl/core
# Marker file to check for NEORV32 home folder
# Core libraries (peripheral and CPU drivers)
CORE_SRC = $(wildcard $(NEORV32_SRC_PATH)/*.c)
# Application start-up code
# Linker script
LD_SCRIPT = $(NEORV32_COM_PATH)/neorv32.ld
# Main output files
APP_EXE = neorv32_exe.bin
APP_ASM = main.asm
APP_IMG = neorv32_application_image.vhd
BOOT_IMG = neorv32_bootloader_image.vhd
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Sources and objects
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Define all sources
# Define all object files
OBJ = $(SRC:%=%.o)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Tools and flags
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Compiler tools
# Host native compiler
CC_X86 = g++ -Wall -O -g
# NEORV32 executable image generator
IMAGE_GEN = $(NEORV32_EXG_PATH)/image_gen
# Compiler & linker flags
CC_OPTS = $(MARCH) $(MABI) $(EFFORT) -Wall -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -nostartfiles -mno-fdiv
CC_OPTS += -Wl,--gc-sections -lm -lc -lgcc -lc
# This accelerates instruction fetch after branches when C extension is enabled (irrelevant when C extension is disabled)
CC_OPTS += -falign-functions=4 -falign-labels=4 -falign-loops=4 -falign-jumps=4
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Application output definitions
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
.PHONY: check info help elf_info clean clean_all bootloader
# 'compile' is still here for compatibility
exe: $(APP_ASM) $(APP_EXE)
compile: $(APP_ASM) $(APP_EXE)
install: $(APP_ASM) $(APP_IMG)
all: $(APP_ASM) $(APP_EXE) $(APP_IMG)
# Check if making bootloader
# Use different base address and legth for instruction memory/"rom" (BOOTMEM instead of IMEM)
# Also define "make_bootloader" for crt0.S
target bootloader: CC_OPTS += -Wl,--defsym=make_bootloader=1 -Dmake_bootloader
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Image generator targets
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# install/compile tools
$(IMAGE_GEN): $(NEORV32_EXG_PATH)/image_gen.cpp
@echo Compiling $(IMAGE_GEN)
@$(CC_X86) $< -o $(IMAGE_GEN)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# General targets: Assemble, compile, link, dump
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Compile app *.s sources (assembly)
%.s.o: %.s
@$(CC) -c $(CC_OPTS) -I $(NEORV32_INC_PATH) $(ASM_INC) $< -o $@
# Compile app *.S sources (assembly + C pre-processor)
%.S.o: %.S
@$(CC) -c $(CC_OPTS) -I $(NEORV32_INC_PATH) $(ASM_INC) $< -o $@
# Compile app *.c sources
%.c.o: %.c
@$(CC) -c $(CC_OPTS) -I $(NEORV32_INC_PATH) $(APP_INC) $< -o $@
# Compile app *.cpp sources
%.cpp.o: %.cpp
@$(CC) -c $(CC_OPTS) -I $(NEORV32_INC_PATH) $(APP_INC) $< -o $@
# Link object files and show memory utilization
main.elf: $(OBJ)
@$(CC) $(CC_OPTS) -T $(LD_SCRIPT) $(OBJ) -o $@ -lm
@echo "Memory utilization:"
@$(SIZE) main.elf
# Assembly listing file (for debugging)
$(APP_ASM): main.elf
@$(OBJDUMP) -d -S -z $< > $@
# Generate final executable from .text + .rodata + .data (in THIS order!)
main.bin: main.elf $(APP_ASM)
@$(OBJCOPY) -I elf32-little $< -j .text -O binary text.bin
@$(OBJCOPY) -I elf32-little $< -j .rodata -O binary rodata.bin
@$(OBJCOPY) -I elf32-little $< -j .data -O binary data.bin
@cat text.bin rodata.bin data.bin > $@
@rm -f text.bin rodata.bin data.bin
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Application targets: Generate binary executable, install (as VHDL file)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Generate NEORV32 executable image for upload via bootloader
$(APP_EXE): main.bin $(IMAGE_GEN)
@set -e
@$(IMAGE_GEN) -app_bin $< $@ $(shell basename $(CURDIR))
@echo "Executable ($(APP_EXE)) size in bytes:"
@wc -c < $(APP_EXE)
# Generate NEORV32 executable VHDL boot image
$(APP_IMG): main.bin $(IMAGE_GEN)
@set -e
@$(IMAGE_GEN) -app_img $< $@ $(shell basename $(CURDIR))
@echo "Installing application image to $(NEORV32_RTL_PATH)/$(APP_IMG)"
@cp $(APP_IMG) $(NEORV32_RTL_PATH)/.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Bootloader targets
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Create and install bootloader VHDL init image
$(BOOT_IMG): main.bin $(IMAGE_GEN)
@set -e
@$(IMAGE_GEN) -bld_img $< $(BOOT_IMG) $(shell basename $(CURDIR))
@echo "Installing bootloader image to $(NEORV32_RTL_PATH)/$(BOOT_IMG)"
# Just an alias that
bootloader: $(BOOT_IMG)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Check toolchain
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
check: $(IMAGE_GEN)
@echo "---------------- Check: NEORV32_HOME folder ----------------"
ifneq ($(shell [ -e $(NEORV32_HOME_MARKER) ] && echo 1 || echo 0 ), 1)
$(error NEORV32_HOME folder not found!)
@echo "NEORV32_HOME: $(NEORV32_HOME)"
@echo "---------------- Check: $(CC) ----------------"
@$(CC) -v
@echo "---------------- Check: $(OBJDUMP) ----------------"
@echo "---------------- Check: $(OBJCOPY) ----------------"
@echo "---------------- Check: $(SIZE) ----------------"
@$(SIZE) -V
@echo "---------------- Check: NEORV32 image_gen ----------------"
@$(IMAGE_GEN) -help
@echo "---------------- Check: Native GCC ----------------"
@$(CC_X86) -v
@echo "Toolchain check OK"
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Upload executable via serial port to bootloader
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
upload: $(APP_EXE)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Show configuration
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@echo "---------------- Info: Project ----------------"
@echo "Project folder: $(shell basename $(CURDIR))"
@echo "Source files: $(APP_SRC)"
@echo "Include folder(s): $(APP_INC)"
@echo "ASM include folder(s): $(ASM_INC)"
@echo "---------------- Info: NEORV32 ----------------"
@echo "NEORV32 home folder (NEORV32_HOME): $(NEORV32_HOME)"
@echo "Core source files:"
@echo "$(CORE_SRC)"
@echo "Core include folder:"
@echo "$(NEORV32_INC_PATH)"
@echo "---------------- Info: Objects ----------------"
@echo "Project object files:"
@echo "$(OBJ)"
@echo "---------------- Info: RISC-V CPU ----------------"
@echo "MARCH: $(MARCH)"
@echo "MABI: $(MABI)"
@echo "---------------- Info: Toolchain ----------------"
@echo "Toolchain: $(RISCV_TOLLCHAIN)"
@echo "CC: $(CC)"
@echo "SIZE: $(SIZE)"
@echo "---------------- Info: Compiler Libraries ----------------"
@echo "LIBGCC:"
@$(CC) -print-libgcc-file-name
@echo "SEARCH-DIRS:"
@$(CC) -print-search-dirs
@echo "---------------- Info: Flags ----------------"
@echo "CC_OPTS: $(CC_OPTS)"
@echo "---------------- Info: Host Native GCC Flags ----------------"
@echo "CC_X86: $(CC_X86)"
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Show final ELF details (just for debugging)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
elf_info: main.elf
@$(OBJDUMP) -x main.elf
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Help
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@echo "<<< NEORV32 Application Makefile >>>"
@echo "Make sure to add the bin folder of RISC-V GCC to your PATH variable."
@echo "Targets:"
@echo " help - show this text"
@echo " check - check toolchain"
@echo " info - show makefile/toolchain configuration"
@echo " exe - compile and generate <neorv32_exe.bin> executable for upload via bootloader"
@echo " install - compile, generate and install VHDL IMEM boot image (for application)"
@echo " all - compile and generate <neorv32_exe.bin> executable for upload via bootloader and generate and install VHDL IMEM boot image (for application)"
@echo " clean - clean up project"
@echo " clean_all - clean up project, core libraries and image generator"
@echo " bootloader - compile, generate and install VHDL BOOTROM boot image (for bootloader only!)"
@echo " upload - upload <neorv32_exe.bin> executable via serial port <COM_PORT> to bootloader"
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Clean up
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@rm -f *.elf *.o *.bin *.out *.asm *.vhd
clean_all: clean
@rm -f $(OBJ) $(IMAGE_GEN)
include ../common/
0,0 → 1,299
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# User's application sources (*.c, *.cpp, *.s, *.S); add additional files here
APP_SRC ?= $(wildcard ./*.c) $(wildcard ./*.s) $(wildcard ./*.cpp) $(wildcard ./*.S)
# User's application include folders (don't forget the '-I' before each entry)
APP_INC ?= -I .
# User's application include folders - for assembly files only (don't forget the '-I' before each entry)
ASM_INC ?= -I .
# Optimization
# Compiler toolchain
RISCV_PREFIX ?= riscv32-unknown-elf-
# CPU architecture and ABI
MARCH ?= -march=rv32i
MABI ?= -mabi=ilp32
# User flags for additional configuration (will be added to compiler flags)
# Relative or absolute path to the NEORV32 home folder
NEORV32_HOME ?= ../../..
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# NEORV32 framework
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Path to NEORV32 linker script and startup file
NEORV32_COM_PATH = $(NEORV32_HOME)/sw/common
# Path to main NEORV32 library include files
NEORV32_INC_PATH = $(NEORV32_HOME)/sw/lib/include
# Path to main NEORV32 library source files
NEORV32_SRC_PATH = $(NEORV32_HOME)/sw/lib/source
# Path to NEORV32 executable generator
NEORV32_EXG_PATH = $(NEORV32_HOME)/sw/image_gen
# Path to NEORV32 core rtl folder
NEORV32_RTL_PATH = $(NEORV32_HOME)/rtl/core
# Marker file to check for NEORV32 home folder
# Core libraries (peripheral and CPU drivers)
CORE_SRC = $(wildcard $(NEORV32_SRC_PATH)/*.c)
# Application start-up code
# Linker script
LD_SCRIPT = $(NEORV32_COM_PATH)/neorv32.ld
# Main output files
APP_EXE = neorv32_exe.bin
APP_HEX = neorv32_exe.hex
APP_ASM = main.asm
APP_IMG = neorv32_application_image.vhd
BOOT_IMG = neorv32_bootloader_image.vhd
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Sources and objects
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Define all sources
# Define all object files
OBJ = $(SRC:%=%.o)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Tools and flags
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Compiler tools
# Host native compiler
CC_X86 = g++ -Wall -O -g
# NEORV32 executable image generator
IMAGE_GEN = $(NEORV32_EXG_PATH)/image_gen
# Compiler & linker flags
CC_OPTS = $(MARCH) $(MABI) $(EFFORT) -Wall -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -nostartfiles -mno-fdiv
CC_OPTS += -Wl,--gc-sections -lm -lc -lgcc -lc
# This accelerates instruction fetch after branches when C extension is enabled (irrelevant when C extension is disabled)
CC_OPTS += -falign-functions=4 -falign-labels=4 -falign-loops=4 -falign-jumps=4
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Application output definitions
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
.PHONY: check info help elf_info clean clean_all bootloader
# 'compile' is still here for compatibility
exe: $(APP_ASM) $(APP_EXE)
hex: $(APP_ASM) $(APP_HEX)
compile: $(APP_ASM) $(APP_EXE)
install: $(APP_ASM) $(APP_IMG)
all: $(APP_ASM) $(APP_EXE) $(APP_IMG) $(APP_HEX)
# Check if making bootloader
# Use different base address and legth for instruction memory/"rom" (BOOTMEM instead of IMEM)
# Also define "make_bootloader" for crt0.S
target bootloader: CC_OPTS += -Wl,--defsym=make_bootloader=1 -Dmake_bootloader
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Image generator targets
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# install/compile tools
$(IMAGE_GEN): $(NEORV32_EXG_PATH)/image_gen.cpp
@echo Compiling $(IMAGE_GEN)
@$(CC_X86) $< -o $(IMAGE_GEN)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# General targets: Assemble, compile, link, dump
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Compile app *.s sources (assembly)
%.s.o: %.s
@$(CC) -c $(CC_OPTS) -I $(NEORV32_INC_PATH) $(ASM_INC) $< -o $@
# Compile app *.S sources (assembly + C pre-processor)
%.S.o: %.S
@$(CC) -c $(CC_OPTS) -I $(NEORV32_INC_PATH) $(ASM_INC) $< -o $@
# Compile app *.c sources
%.c.o: %.c
@$(CC) -c $(CC_OPTS) -I $(NEORV32_INC_PATH) $(APP_INC) $< -o $@
# Compile app *.cpp sources
%.cpp.o: %.cpp
@$(CC) -c $(CC_OPTS) -I $(NEORV32_INC_PATH) $(APP_INC) $< -o $@
# Link object files and show memory utilization
main.elf: $(OBJ)
@$(CC) $(CC_OPTS) -T $(LD_SCRIPT) $(OBJ) -o $@ -lm
@echo "Memory utilization:"
@$(SIZE) main.elf
# Assembly listing file (for debugging)
$(APP_ASM): main.elf
@$(OBJDUMP) -d -S -z $< > $@
# Generate final executable from .text + .rodata + .data (in THIS order!)
main.bin: main.elf $(APP_ASM)
@$(OBJCOPY) -I elf32-little $< -j .text -O binary text.bin
@$(OBJCOPY) -I elf32-little $< -j .rodata -O binary rodata.bin
@$(OBJCOPY) -I elf32-little $< -j .data -O binary data.bin
@cat text.bin rodata.bin data.bin > $@
@rm -f text.bin rodata.bin data.bin
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Application targets: Generate binary executable, install (as VHDL file)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Generate NEORV32 executable image for upload via bootloader
$(APP_EXE): main.bin $(IMAGE_GEN)
@set -e
@$(IMAGE_GEN) -app_bin $< $@ $(shell basename $(CURDIR))
@echo "Executable ($(APP_EXE)) size in bytes:"
@wc -c < $(APP_EXE)
# Generate NEORV32 executable VHDL boot image
$(APP_IMG): main.bin $(IMAGE_GEN)
@set -e
@$(IMAGE_GEN) -app_img $< $@ $(shell basename $(CURDIR))
@echo "Installing application image to $(NEORV32_RTL_PATH)/$(APP_IMG)"
@cp $(APP_IMG) $(NEORV32_RTL_PATH)/.
# Generate NEORV32 executable image in plain hex format
$(APP_HEX): main.bin $(IMAGE_GEN)
@set -e
@$(IMAGE_GEN) -app_hex $< $@ $(shell basename $(CURDIR))
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Bootloader targets
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Create and install bootloader VHDL init image
$(BOOT_IMG): main.bin $(IMAGE_GEN)
@set -e
@$(IMAGE_GEN) -bld_img $< $(BOOT_IMG) $(shell basename $(CURDIR))
@echo "Installing bootloader image to $(NEORV32_RTL_PATH)/$(BOOT_IMG)"
# Just an alias that
bootloader: $(BOOT_IMG)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Check toolchain
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
check: $(IMAGE_GEN)
@echo "---------------- Check: NEORV32_HOME folder ----------------"
ifneq ($(shell [ -e $(NEORV32_HOME_MARKER) ] && echo 1 || echo 0 ), 1)
$(error NEORV32_HOME folder not found!)
@echo "NEORV32_HOME: $(NEORV32_HOME)"
@echo "---------------- Check: $(CC) ----------------"
@$(CC) -v
@echo "---------------- Check: $(OBJDUMP) ----------------"
@echo "---------------- Check: $(OBJCOPY) ----------------"
@echo "---------------- Check: $(SIZE) ----------------"
@$(SIZE) -V
@echo "---------------- Check: NEORV32 image_gen ----------------"
@$(IMAGE_GEN) -help
@echo "---------------- Check: Native GCC ----------------"
@$(CC_X86) -v
@echo "Toolchain check OK"
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Show configuration
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@echo "---------------- Info: Project ----------------"
@echo "Project folder: $(shell basename $(CURDIR))"
@echo "Source files: $(APP_SRC)"
@echo "Include folder(s): $(APP_INC)"
@echo "ASM include folder(s): $(ASM_INC)"
@echo "---------------- Info: NEORV32 ----------------"
@echo "NEORV32 home folder (NEORV32_HOME): $(NEORV32_HOME)"
@echo "Core source files:"
@echo "$(CORE_SRC)"
@echo "Core include folder:"
@echo "$(NEORV32_INC_PATH)"
@echo "---------------- Info: Objects ----------------"
@echo "Project object files:"
@echo "$(OBJ)"
@echo "---------------- Info: RISC-V CPU ----------------"
@echo "MARCH: $(MARCH)"
@echo "MABI: $(MABI)"
@echo "---------------- Info: Toolchain ----------------"
@echo "Toolchain: $(RISCV_TOLLCHAIN)"
@echo "CC: $(CC)"
@echo "SIZE: $(SIZE)"
@echo "---------------- Info: Compiler Configuration ----------------"
@$(CC) -v
@echo "---------------- Info: Compiler Libraries ----------------"
@echo "LIBGCC:"
@$(CC) -print-libgcc-file-name
@echo "SEARCH-DIRS:"
@$(CC) -print-search-dirs
@echo "---------------- Info: Flags ----------------"
@echo "CC_OPTS: $(CC_OPTS)"
@echo "---------------- Info: Host Native GCC Flags ----------------"
@echo "CC_X86: $(CC_X86)"
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Show final ELF details (just for debugging)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
elf_info: main.elf
@$(OBJDUMP) -x main.elf
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Help
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@echo "<<< NEORV32 Application Makefile >>>"
@echo "Make sure to add the bin folder of RISC-V GCC to your PATH variable."
@echo "Targets:"
@echo " help - show this text"
@echo " check - check toolchain"
@echo " info - show makefile/toolchain configuration"
@echo " exe - compile and generate <neorv32_exe.bin> executable for upload via bootloader"
@echo " hex - compile and generate <neorv32_exe.hex> executable raw file"
@echo " install - compile, generate and install VHDL IMEM boot image (for application)"
@echo " all - exe + hex + install"
@echo " elf_info - show ELF layout info"
@echo " clean - clean up project"
@echo " clean_all - clean up project, core libraries and image generator"
@echo " bootloader - compile, generate and install VHDL BOOTROM boot image (for bootloader only!)"
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Clean up
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@rm -f *.elf *.o *.bin *.out *.asm *.vhd *.hex
clean_all: clean
@rm -f $(OBJ) $(IMAGE_GEN)
42,9 → 42,15
.cfi_undefined ra
// ************************************************************************************************
// This is the very first instruction that is executed after hardware reset. It ensures that x0 is
// written at least once - the CPU HW will ensure it is always set to zero on any write access.
// ************************************************************************************************
lui zero, 0 // "dummy" instruction that uses no reg-file input operands at all
// ************************************************************************************************
// Setup pointers using linker script symbols
// ************************************************************************************************
82,6 → 88,8
csrw minstreth, zero
#if defined(__riscv_flen)
li x11, 0x00005000 // enable FPU (state = initial)
csrs mstatus, x11
csrw fcsr, zero // reset floating-point CSR
55,7 → 55,7
/* ************************************************************************** */
/* section base addresses and sizes have to be a multiple of 4-bytes */
/* section base addresses and sizes have to be a multiple of 4 bytes */
/* ram section: first value of LENGTH => data memory used by bootloader (fixed!); second value of LENGTH => *physical* size of data memory */
/* adapt the right-most value to match the *total physical data memory size* of your setup */
75,31 → 75,7
/* start section on WORD boundary */
. = ALIGN(4);
.interp : { *(.interp) } : { *( }
.hash : { *(.hash) }
.gnu.hash : { *(.gnu.hash) }
.dynsym : { *(.dynsym) }
.dynstr : { *(.dynstr) }
.gnu.version : { *(.gnu.version) }
.gnu.version_d : { *(.gnu.version_d) }
.gnu.version_r : { *(.gnu.version_r) }
.rela.init : { *(.rela.init) }
.rela.text : { *(.rela.text .rela.text.* .rela.gnu.linkonce.t.*) }
.rela.fini : { *(.rela.fini) }
.rela.rodata : { *(.rela.rodata .rela.rodata.* .rela.gnu.linkonce.r.*) } : { *(**) } : { *(* .rela.gnu.linkonce.d.*) }
.rela.tdata : { *(.rela.tdata .rela.tdata.**) }
.rela.tbss : { *(.rela.tbss .rela.tbss.* .rela.gnu.linkonce.tb.*) }
.rela.ctors : { *(.rela.ctors) }
.rela.dtors : { *(.rela.dtors) } : { *( }
.rela.sdata : { *(.rela.sdata .rela.sdata.* .rela.gnu.linkonce.s.*) }
.rela.sbss : { *(.rela.sbss .rela.sbss.**) }
.rela.sdata2 : { *(.rela.sdata2 .rela.sdata2.* .rela.gnu.linkonce.s2.*) }
.rela.sbss2 : { *(.rela.sbss2 .rela.sbss2.* .rela.gnu.linkonce.sb2.*) }
.rela.bss : { *(.rela.bss .rela.bss.* .rela.gnu.linkonce.b.*) }
/* Actual instructions */
.text :
161,9 → 137,7
} > rom
/* read-only data, appended to text */
.rodata : { *(.rodata .rodata.* .gnu.linkonce.r.*) }
.rodata1 : { *(.rodata1) }
/* read-only data, appended to .text */
.rodata :
PROVIDE_HIDDEN (__init_array_start = .);
176,6 → 150,9
KEEP (*(.fini_array EXCLUDE_FILE (*crtbegin.o *crtbegin?.o *crtend.o *crtend?.o ) .dtors))
PROVIDE_HIDDEN (__fini_array_end = .);
*(.rodata .rodata.* .gnu.linkonce.r.*)
/* finish section on WORD boundary */
. = ALIGN(4);
} > rom
182,20 → 159,18
/* initialized read/write data, accessed in RAM, placed in ROM, copied during boot */
.jcr : { KEEP (*(.jcr)) } : { *(**) *(**) }
.dynamic : { *(.dynamic) }
.data1 : { *(.data1) }
.got : { *(.got.plt) *(.igot.plt) *(.got) *(.igot) }
.data :
__DATA_BEGIN__ = .;
__SDATA_BEGIN__ = .;
*(.sdata2 .sdata2.* .gnu.linkonce.s2.*)
*(.data .data.* .gnu.linkonce.d.*)
*(**) *(**)
/* We want the small data sections together, so single-instruction offsets
can access them all, and initialized data all before uninitialized, so
we can shorten the on-disk segment size. */
217,15 → 192,14
/* zero/non-initialized read/write data placed in RAM */
.sbss2 : { *(.sbss2 .sbss2.* .gnu.linkonce.sb2.*) }
.tbss : { *(.tbss .tbss.* .gnu.linkonce.tb.*) *(.tcommon) }
.bss (NOLOAD):
__bss_start = .;
*(.sbss .sbss.**)
*(.sbss2 .sbss2.* .gnu.linkonce.sb2.*)
*(.tbss .tbss.* .gnu.linkonce.tb.*) *(.tcommon)
*(.bss .bss.* .gnu.linkonce.b.*)
243,12 → 217,40
. = ALIGN(32 / 8);
__BSS_END__ = .;
__global_pointer$ = MIN(__SDATA_BEGIN__ + 0x800,
MAX(__DATA_BEGIN__ + 0x800, __BSS_END__ - 0x800));
__global_pointer$ = MIN(__SDATA_BEGIN__ + 0x800, MAX(__DATA_BEGIN__ + 0x800, __BSS_END__ - 0x800));
_end = .; PROVIDE (end = .);
} > ram
/* Yet unused */
.jcr : { KEEP (*(.jcr)) }
.got : { *(.got.plt) *(.igot.plt) *(.got) *(.igot) } .interp : { *(.interp) } : { *( }
.hash : { *(.hash) }
.gnu.hash : { *(.gnu.hash) }
.dynsym : { *(.dynsym) }
.dynstr : { *(.dynstr) }
.gnu.version : { *(.gnu.version) }
.gnu.version_d : { *(.gnu.version_d) }
.gnu.version_r : { *(.gnu.version_r) }
.rela.init : { *(.rela.init) }
.rela.text : { *(.rela.text .rela.text.* .rela.gnu.linkonce.t.*) }
.rela.fini : { *(.rela.fini) }
.rela.rodata : { *(.rela.rodata .rela.rodata.* .rela.gnu.linkonce.r.*) } : { *(**) } : { *(* .rela.gnu.linkonce.d.*) }
.rela.tdata : { *(.rela.tdata .rela.tdata.**) }
.rela.tbss : { *(.rela.tbss .rela.tbss.* .rela.gnu.linkonce.tb.*) }
.rela.ctors : { *(.rela.ctors) }
.rela.dtors : { *(.rela.dtors) } : { *( }
.rela.sdata : { *(.rela.sdata .rela.sdata.* .rela.gnu.linkonce.s.*) }
.rela.sbss : { *(.rela.sbss .rela.sbss.**) }
.rela.sdata2 : { *(.rela.sdata2 .rela.sdata2.* .rela.gnu.linkonce.s2.*) }
.rela.sbss2 : { *(.rela.sbss2 .rela.sbss2.* .rela.gnu.linkonce.sb2.*) }
.rela.bss : { *(.rela.bss .rela.bss.* .rela.gnu.linkonce.b.*) }
/* Stabs debugging sections. */
.stab 0 : { *(.stab) }
.stabstr 0 : { *(.stabstr) }
294,12 → 296,14
/* Provide symbols for neorv32 crt0 start-up code */
PROVIDE(__crt0_stack_begin = (ORIGIN(ram) + LENGTH(ram)) - 4);
PROVIDE(__crt0_bss_start = __bss_start);
PROVIDE(__crt0_bss_end = __BSS_END__);
PROVIDE(__ctr0_imem_begin = ORIGIN(rom));
PROVIDE(__ctr0_dmem_begin = ORIGIN(ram));
PROVIDE(__crt0_stack_begin = (ORIGIN(ram) + LENGTH(ram)) - 4);
PROVIDE(__crt0_bss_start = __bss_start);
PROVIDE(__crt0_bss_end = __BSS_END__);
PROVIDE(__crt0_copy_data_src_begin = __etext + SIZEOF(.rodata));
PROVIDE(__crt0_copy_data_dst_begin = __DATA_BEGIN__);
PROVIDE(__crt0_copy_data_dst_end = __DATA_BEGIN__ + SIZEOF(.data));
PROVIDE(__ctr0_io_space_begin = ORIGIN(iodev));
PROVIDE(__ctr0_io_space_end = ORIGIN(iodev) + LENGTH(iodev));
PROVIDE(__ctr0_io_space_begin = ORIGIN(iodev));
PROVIDE(__ctr0_io_space_end = ORIGIN(iodev) + LENGTH(iodev));
110,7 → 110,7
void blink_led_c(void) {
neorv32_gpio_port_set(0); // clear gpio output put
neorv32_gpio_port_set(0); // clear gpio output
int cnt = 0;
34,305 → 34,6
# The NEORV32 Processor - (c) Stephan Nolting #
# *****************************************************************************
# *****************************************************************************
# User's application sources (*.c, *.cpp, *.s, *.S); add additional files here
APP_SRC ?= $(wildcard ./*.c) $(wildcard ./*.s) $(wildcard ./*.cpp) $(wildcard ./*.S)
# User's application include folders (don't forget the '-I' before each entry)
APP_INC ?= -I .
# User's application include folders - for assembly files only (don't forget the '-I' before each entry)
ASM_INC ?= -I .
# Optimization
# Compiler toolchain
RISCV_TOOLCHAIN ?= riscv32-unknown-elf
# CPU architecture and ABI
MARCH ?= -march=rv32i
MABI ?= -mabi=ilp32
# User flags for additional configuration (will be added to compiler flags)
# Serial port for executable upload via bootloer
COM_PORT ?= /dev/ttyUSB0
# Relative or absolute path to the NEORV32 home folder
NEORV32_HOME ?= ../../..
# *****************************************************************************
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# NEORV32 framework
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Path to NEORV32 linker script and startup file
NEORV32_COM_PATH = $(NEORV32_HOME)/sw/common
# Path to main NEORV32 library include files
NEORV32_INC_PATH = $(NEORV32_HOME)/sw/lib/include
# Path to main NEORV32 library source files
NEORV32_SRC_PATH = $(NEORV32_HOME)/sw/lib/source
# Path to NEORV32 executable generator
NEORV32_EXG_PATH = $(NEORV32_HOME)/sw/image_gen
# Path to NEORV32 core rtl folder
NEORV32_RTL_PATH = $(NEORV32_HOME)/rtl/core
# Marker file to check for NEORV32 home folder
# Core libraries (peripheral and CPU drivers)
CORE_SRC = $(wildcard $(NEORV32_SRC_PATH)/*.c)
# Application start-up code
# Linker script
LD_SCRIPT = $(NEORV32_COM_PATH)/neorv32.ld
# Main output files
APP_EXE = neorv32_exe.bin
APP_ASM = main.asm
APP_IMG = neorv32_application_image.vhd
BOOT_IMG = neorv32_bootloader_image.vhd
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Sources and objects
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Define all sources
# Define all object files
OBJ = $(SRC:%=%.o)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Tools and flags
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Compiler tools
# Host native compiler
CC_X86 = g++ -Wall -O -g
# NEORV32 executable image generator
IMAGE_GEN = $(NEORV32_EXG_PATH)/image_gen
# Compiler & linker flags
CC_OPTS = $(MARCH) $(MABI) $(EFFORT) -Wall -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -nostartfiles -mno-fdiv
CC_OPTS += -Wl,--gc-sections -lm -lc -lgcc -lc
# This accelerates instruction fetch after branches when C extension is enabled (irrelevant when C extension is disabled)
CC_OPTS += -falign-functions=4 -falign-labels=4 -falign-loops=4 -falign-jumps=4
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Application output definitions
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
.PHONY: check info help elf_info clean clean_all bootloader
# 'compile' is still here for compatibility
exe: $(APP_ASM) $(APP_EXE)
compile: $(APP_ASM) $(APP_EXE)
install: $(APP_ASM) $(APP_IMG)
all: $(APP_ASM) $(APP_EXE) $(APP_IMG)
# Check if making bootloader
# Use different base address and legth for instruction memory/"rom" (BOOTMEM instead of IMEM)
# Also define "make_bootloader" for crt0.S
target bootloader: CC_OPTS += -Wl,--defsym=make_bootloader=1 -Dmake_bootloader
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Image generator targets
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# install/compile tools
$(IMAGE_GEN): $(NEORV32_EXG_PATH)/image_gen.cpp
@echo Compiling $(IMAGE_GEN)
@$(CC_X86) $< -o $(IMAGE_GEN)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# General targets: Assemble, compile, link, dump
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Compile app *.s sources (assembly)
%.s.o: %.s
@$(CC) -c $(CC_OPTS) -I $(NEORV32_INC_PATH) $(ASM_INC) $< -o $@
# Compile app *.S sources (assembly + C pre-processor)
%.S.o: %.S
@$(CC) -c $(CC_OPTS) -I $(NEORV32_INC_PATH) $(ASM_INC) $< -o $@
# Compile app *.c sources
%.c.o: %.c
@$(CC) -c $(CC_OPTS) -I $(NEORV32_INC_PATH) $(APP_INC) $< -o $@
# Compile app *.cpp sources
%.cpp.o: %.cpp
@$(CC) -c $(CC_OPTS) -I $(NEORV32_INC_PATH) $(APP_INC) $< -o $@
# Link object files and show memory utilization
main.elf: $(OBJ)
@$(CC) $(CC_OPTS) -T $(LD_SCRIPT) $(OBJ) -o $@ -lm
@echo "Memory utilization:"
@$(SIZE) main.elf
# Assembly listing file (for debugging)
$(APP_ASM): main.elf
@$(OBJDUMP) -d -S -z $< > $@
# Generate final executable from .text + .rodata + .data (in THIS order!)
main.bin: main.elf $(APP_ASM)
@$(OBJCOPY) -I elf32-little $< -j .text -O binary text.bin
@$(OBJCOPY) -I elf32-little $< -j .rodata -O binary rodata.bin
@$(OBJCOPY) -I elf32-little $< -j .data -O binary data.bin
@cat text.bin rodata.bin data.bin > $@
@rm -f text.bin rodata.bin data.bin
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Application targets: Generate binary executable, install (as VHDL file)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Generate NEORV32 executable image for upload via bootloader
$(APP_EXE): main.bin $(IMAGE_GEN)
@set -e
@$(IMAGE_GEN) -app_bin $< $@ $(shell basename $(CURDIR))
@echo "Executable ($(APP_EXE)) size in bytes:"
@wc -c < $(APP_EXE)
# Generate NEORV32 executable VHDL boot image
$(APP_IMG): main.bin $(IMAGE_GEN)
@set -e
@$(IMAGE_GEN) -app_img $< $@ $(shell basename $(CURDIR))
@echo "Installing application image to $(NEORV32_RTL_PATH)/$(APP_IMG)"
@cp $(APP_IMG) $(NEORV32_RTL_PATH)/.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Bootloader targets
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Create and install bootloader VHDL init image
$(BOOT_IMG): main.bin $(IMAGE_GEN)
@set -e
@$(IMAGE_GEN) -bld_img $< $(BOOT_IMG) $(shell basename $(CURDIR))
@echo "Installing bootloader image to $(NEORV32_RTL_PATH)/$(BOOT_IMG)"
# Just an alias that
bootloader: $(BOOT_IMG)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Check toolchain
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
check: $(IMAGE_GEN)
@echo "---------------- Check: NEORV32_HOME folder ----------------"
ifneq ($(shell [ -e $(NEORV32_HOME_MARKER) ] && echo 1 || echo 0 ), 1)
$(error NEORV32_HOME folder not found!)
@echo "NEORV32_HOME: $(NEORV32_HOME)"
@echo "---------------- Check: $(CC) ----------------"
@$(CC) -v
@echo "---------------- Check: $(OBJDUMP) ----------------"
@echo "---------------- Check: $(OBJCOPY) ----------------"
@echo "---------------- Check: $(SIZE) ----------------"
@$(SIZE) -V
@echo "---------------- Check: NEORV32 image_gen ----------------"
@$(IMAGE_GEN) -help
@echo "---------------- Check: Native GCC ----------------"
@$(CC_X86) -v
@echo "Toolchain check OK"
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Upload executable via serial port to bootloader
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
upload: $(APP_EXE)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Show configuration
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@echo "---------------- Info: Project ----------------"
@echo "Project folder: $(shell basename $(CURDIR))"
@echo "Source files: $(APP_SRC)"
@echo "Include folder(s): $(APP_INC)"
@echo "ASM include folder(s): $(ASM_INC)"
@echo "---------------- Info: NEORV32 ----------------"
@echo "NEORV32 home folder (NEORV32_HOME): $(NEORV32_HOME)"
@echo "Core source files:"
@echo "$(CORE_SRC)"
@echo "Core include folder:"
@echo "$(NEORV32_INC_PATH)"
@echo "---------------- Info: Objects ----------------"
@echo "Project object files:"
@echo "$(OBJ)"
@echo "---------------- Info: RISC-V CPU ----------------"
@echo "MARCH: $(MARCH)"
@echo "MABI: $(MABI)"
@echo "---------------- Info: Toolchain ----------------"
@echo "Toolchain: $(RISCV_TOLLCHAIN)"
@echo "CC: $(CC)"
@echo "SIZE: $(SIZE)"
@echo "---------------- Info: Compiler Libraries ----------------"
@echo "LIBGCC:"
@$(CC) -print-libgcc-file-name
@echo "SEARCH-DIRS:"
@$(CC) -print-search-dirs
@echo "---------------- Info: Flags ----------------"
@echo "CC_OPTS: $(CC_OPTS)"
@echo "---------------- Info: Host Native GCC Flags ----------------"
@echo "CC_X86: $(CC_X86)"
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Show final ELF details (just for debugging)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
elf_info: main.elf
@$(OBJDUMP) -x main.elf
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Help
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@echo "<<< NEORV32 Application Makefile >>>"
@echo "Make sure to add the bin folder of RISC-V GCC to your PATH variable."
@echo "Targets:"
@echo " help - show this text"
@echo " check - check toolchain"
@echo " info - show makefile/toolchain configuration"
@echo " exe - compile and generate <neorv32_exe.bin> executable for upload via bootloader"
@echo " install - compile, generate and install VHDL IMEM boot image (for application)"
@echo " all - compile and generate <neorv32_exe.bin> executable for upload via bootloader and generate and install VHDL IMEM boot image (for application)"
@echo " clean - clean up project"
@echo " clean_all - clean up project, core libraries and image generator"
@echo " bootloader - compile, generate and install VHDL BOOTROM boot image (for bootloader only!)"
@echo " upload - upload <neorv32_exe.bin> executable via serial port <COM_PORT> to bootloader"
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Clean up
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@rm -f *.elf *.o *.bin *.out *.asm *.vhd
clean_all: clean
@rm -f $(OBJ) $(IMAGE_GEN)
include ../../common/
34,305 → 34,6
# The NEORV32 Processor - (c) Stephan Nolting #
# *****************************************************************************
# *****************************************************************************
# User's application sources (*.c, *.cpp, *.s, *.S); add additional files here
APP_SRC ?= $(wildcard ./*.c) $(wildcard ./*.s) $(wildcard ./*.cpp) $(wildcard ./*.S)
# User's application include folders (don't forget the '-I' before each entry)
APP_INC ?= -I .
# User's application include folders - for assembly files only (don't forget the '-I' before each entry)
ASM_INC ?= -I .
# Optimization
# Compiler toolchain
RISCV_TOOLCHAIN ?= riscv32-unknown-elf
# CPU architecture and ABI
MARCH ?= -march=rv32i
MABI ?= -mabi=ilp32
# User flags for additional configuration (will be added to compiler flags)
# Serial port for executable upload via bootloer
COM_PORT ?= /dev/ttyUSB0
# Relative or absolute path to the NEORV32 home folder
NEORV32_HOME ?= ../../..
# *****************************************************************************
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# NEORV32 framework
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Path to NEORV32 linker script and startup file
NEORV32_COM_PATH = $(NEORV32_HOME)/sw/common
# Path to main NEORV32 library include files
NEORV32_INC_PATH = $(NEORV32_HOME)/sw/lib/include
# Path to main NEORV32 library source files
NEORV32_SRC_PATH = $(NEORV32_HOME)/sw/lib/source
# Path to NEORV32 executable generator
NEORV32_EXG_PATH = $(NEORV32_HOME)/sw/image_gen
# Path to NEORV32 core rtl folder
NEORV32_RTL_PATH = $(NEORV32_HOME)/rtl/core
# Marker file to check for NEORV32 home folder
# Core libraries (peripheral and CPU drivers)
CORE_SRC = $(wildcard $(NEORV32_SRC_PATH)/*.c)
# Application start-up code
# Linker script
LD_SCRIPT = $(NEORV32_COM_PATH)/neorv32.ld
# Main output files
APP_EXE = neorv32_exe.bin
APP_ASM = main.asm
APP_IMG = neorv32_application_image.vhd
BOOT_IMG = neorv32_bootloader_image.vhd
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Sources and objects
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Define all sources
# Define all object files
OBJ = $(SRC:%=%.o)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Tools and flags
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Compiler tools
# Host native compiler
CC_X86 = g++ -Wall -O -g
# NEORV32 executable image generator
IMAGE_GEN = $(NEORV32_EXG_PATH)/image_gen
# Compiler & linker flags
CC_OPTS = $(MARCH) $(MABI) $(EFFORT) -Wall -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -nostartfiles -mno-fdiv
CC_OPTS += -Wl,--gc-sections -lm -lc -lgcc -lc
# This accelerates instruction fetch after branches when C extension is enabled (irrelevant when C extension is disabled)
CC_OPTS += -falign-functions=4 -falign-labels=4 -falign-loops=4 -falign-jumps=4
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Application output definitions
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
.PHONY: check info help elf_info clean clean_all bootloader
# 'compile' is still here for compatibility
exe: $(APP_ASM) $(APP_EXE)
compile: $(APP_ASM) $(APP_EXE)
install: $(APP_ASM) $(APP_IMG)
all: $(APP_ASM) $(APP_EXE) $(APP_IMG)
# Check if making bootloader
# Use different base address and legth for instruction memory/"rom" (BOOTMEM instead of IMEM)
# Also define "make_bootloader" for crt0.S
target bootloader: CC_OPTS += -Wl,--defsym=make_bootloader=1 -Dmake_bootloader
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Image generator targets
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# install/compile tools
$(IMAGE_GEN): $(NEORV32_EXG_PATH)/image_gen.cpp
@echo Compiling $(IMAGE_GEN)
@$(CC_X86) $< -o $(IMAGE_GEN)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# General targets: Assemble, compile, link, dump
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Compile app *.s sources (assembly)
%.s.o: %.s
@$(CC) -c $(CC_OPTS) -I $(NEORV32_INC_PATH) $(ASM_INC) $< -o $@
# Compile app *.S sources (assembly + C pre-processor)
%.S.o: %.S
@$(CC) -c $(CC_OPTS) -I $(NEORV32_INC_PATH) $(ASM_INC) $< -o $@
# Compile app *.c sources
%.c.o: %.c
@$(CC) -c $(CC_OPTS) -I $(NEORV32_INC_PATH) $(APP_INC) $< -o $@
# Compile app *.cpp sources
%.cpp.o: %.cpp
@$(CC) -c $(CC_OPTS) -I $(NEORV32_INC_PATH) $(APP_INC) $< -o $@
# Link object files and show memory utilization
main.elf: $(OBJ)
@$(CC) $(CC_OPTS) -T $(LD_SCRIPT) $(OBJ) -o $@ -lm
@echo "Memory utilization:"
@$(SIZE) main.elf
# Assembly listing file (for debugging)
$(APP_ASM): main.elf
@$(OBJDUMP) -d -S -z $< > $@
# Generate final executable from .text + .rodata + .data (in THIS order!)
main.bin: main.elf $(APP_ASM)
@$(OBJCOPY) -I elf32-little $< -j .text -O binary text.bin
@$(OBJCOPY) -I elf32-little $< -j .rodata -O binary rodata.bin
@$(OBJCOPY) -I elf32-little $< -j .data -O binary data.bin
@cat text.bin rodata.bin data.bin > $@
@rm -f text.bin rodata.bin data.bin
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Application targets: Generate binary executable, install (as VHDL file)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Generate NEORV32 executable image for upload via bootloader
$(APP_EXE): main.bin $(IMAGE_GEN)
@set -e
@$(IMAGE_GEN) -app_bin $< $@ $(shell basename $(CURDIR))
@echo "Executable ($(APP_EXE)) size in bytes:"
@wc -c < $(APP_EXE)
# Generate NEORV32 executable VHDL boot image
$(APP_IMG): main.bin $(IMAGE_GEN)
@set -e
@$(IMAGE_GEN) -app_img $< $@ $(shell basename $(CURDIR))
@echo "Installing application image to $(NEORV32_RTL_PATH)/$(APP_IMG)"
@cp $(APP_IMG) $(NEORV32_RTL_PATH)/.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Bootloader targets
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Create and install bootloader VHDL init image
$(BOOT_IMG): main.bin $(IMAGE_GEN)
@set -e
@$(IMAGE_GEN) -bld_img $< $(BOOT_IMG) $(shell basename $(CURDIR))
@echo "Installing bootloader image to $(NEORV32_RTL_PATH)/$(BOOT_IMG)"
# Just an alias that
bootloader: $(BOOT_IMG)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Check toolchain
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
check: $(IMAGE_GEN)
@echo "---------------- Check: NEORV32_HOME folder ----------------"
ifneq ($(shell [ -e $(NEORV32_HOME_MARKER) ] && echo 1 || echo 0 ), 1)
$(error NEORV32_HOME folder not found!)
@echo "NEORV32_HOME: $(NEORV32_HOME)"
@echo "---------------- Check: $(CC) ----------------"
@$(CC) -v
@echo "---------------- Check: $(OBJDUMP) ----------------"
@echo "---------------- Check: $(OBJCOPY) ----------------"
@echo "---------------- Check: $(SIZE) ----------------"
@$(SIZE) -V
@echo "---------------- Check: NEORV32 image_gen ----------------"
@$(IMAGE_GEN) -help
@echo "---------------- Check: Native GCC ----------------"
@$(CC_X86) -v
@echo "Toolchain check OK"
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Upload executable via serial port to bootloader
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
upload: $(APP_EXE)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Show configuration
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@echo "---------------- Info: Project ----------------"
@echo "Project folder: $(shell basename $(CURDIR))"
@echo "Source files: $(APP_SRC)"
@echo "Include folder(s): $(APP_INC)"
@echo "ASM include folder(s): $(ASM_INC)"
@echo "---------------- Info: NEORV32 ----------------"
@echo "NEORV32 home folder (NEORV32_HOME): $(NEORV32_HOME)"
@echo "Core source files:"
@echo "$(CORE_SRC)"
@echo "Core include folder:"
@echo "$(NEORV32_INC_PATH)"
@echo "---------------- Info: Objects ----------------"
@echo "Project object files:"
@echo "$(OBJ)"
@echo "---------------- Info: RISC-V CPU ----------------"
@echo "MARCH: $(MARCH)"
@echo "MABI: $(MABI)"
@echo "---------------- Info: Toolchain ----------------"
@echo "Toolchain: $(RISCV_TOLLCHAIN)"
@echo "CC: $(CC)"
@echo "SIZE: $(SIZE)"
@echo "---------------- Info: Compiler Libraries ----------------"
@echo "LIBGCC:"
@$(CC) -print-libgcc-file-name
@echo "SEARCH-DIRS:"
@$(CC) -print-search-dirs
@echo "---------------- Info: Flags ----------------"
@echo "CC_OPTS: $(CC_OPTS)"
@echo "---------------- Info: Host Native GCC Flags ----------------"
@echo "CC_X86: $(CC_X86)"
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Show final ELF details (just for debugging)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
elf_info: main.elf
@$(OBJDUMP) -x main.elf
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Help
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@echo "<<< NEORV32 Application Makefile >>>"
@echo "Make sure to add the bin folder of RISC-V GCC to your PATH variable."
@echo "Targets:"
@echo " help - show this text"
@echo " check - check toolchain"
@echo " info - show makefile/toolchain configuration"
@echo " exe - compile and generate <neorv32_exe.bin> executable for upload via bootloader"
@echo " install - compile, generate and install VHDL IMEM boot image (for application)"
@echo " all - compile and generate <neorv32_exe.bin> executable for upload via bootloader and generate and install VHDL IMEM boot image (for application)"
@echo " clean - clean up project"
@echo " clean_all - clean up project, core libraries and image generator"
@echo " bootloader - compile, generate and install VHDL BOOTROM boot image (for bootloader only!)"
@echo " upload - upload <neorv32_exe.bin> executable via serial port <COM_PORT> to bootloader"
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Clean up
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@rm -f *.elf *.o *.bin *.out *.asm *.vhd
clean_all: clean
@rm -f $(OBJ) $(IMAGE_GEN)
include ../../common/
50,7 → 50,7
# Compiler toolchain
RISCV_TOOLCHAIN ?= riscv32-unknown-elf
RISCV_PREFIX ?= riscv32-unknown-elf-
# CPU architecture and ABI
MARCH ?= -march=rv32i
59,9 → 59,6
# User flags for additional configuration (will be added to compiler flags)
# Serial port for executable upload via bootloer
COM_PORT ?= /dev/ttyUSB0
# Relative or absolute path to the NEORV32 home folder
NEORV32_HOME ?= ../../..
# *****************************************************************************
69,270 → 66,79
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# NEORV32 framework
# FreeRTOS
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Path to NEORV32 linker script and startup file
NEORV32_COM_PATH = $(NEORV32_HOME)/sw/common
# Path to main NEORV32 library include files
NEORV32_INC_PATH = $(NEORV32_HOME)/sw/lib/include
# Path to main NEORV32 library source files
NEORV32_SRC_PATH = $(NEORV32_HOME)/sw/lib/source
# Path to NEORV32 executable generator
NEORV32_EXG_PATH = $(NEORV32_HOME)/sw/image_gen
# Path to NEORV32 core rtl folder
NEORV32_RTL_PATH = $(NEORV32_HOME)/rtl/core
# Marker file to check for NEORV32 home folder
ifneq (,$(findstring RUN_FREERTOS_DEMO,$(USER_FLAGS)))
# FreeRTOS home folder (adapt this!)
FREERTOS_HOME ?= /mnt/n/Projects/FreeRTOSv10.4.1
# Core libraries (peripheral and CPU drivers)
CORE_SRC = $(wildcard $(NEORV32_SRC_PATH)/*.c)
# Application start-up code
# FreeRTOS RISC-V specific
APP_SRC += $(wildcard $(FREERTOS_HOME)/FreeRTOS/Source/portable/GCC/RISC-V/*.c)
APP_SRC += $(FREERTOS_HOME)/FreeRTOS/Source/portable/GCC/RISC-V/portASM.S
# Linker script
LD_SCRIPT = $(NEORV32_COM_PATH)/neorv32.ld
APP_INC += -I $(FREERTOS_HOME)/FreeRTOS/Source/portable/GCC/RISC-V
# Main output files
APP_EXE = neorv32_exe.bin
APP_ASM = main.asm
APP_IMG = neorv32_application_image.vhd
BOOT_IMG = neorv32_bootloader_image.vhd
# FreeRTOS core
APP_SRC += $(wildcard $(FREERTOS_HOME)/FreeRTOS/Source/*.c)
APP_SRC += $(wildcard $(FREERTOS_HOME)/FreeRTOS/Source/portable/MemMang/heap_4.c)
APP_INC += -I $(FREERTOS_HOME)/FreeRTOS/Source/include
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Sources and objects
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Define all sources
# FreeRTOS sources for the full_demo
APP_SRC += $(FREERTOS_HOME)/FreeRTOS/Demo/Common/Minimal/blocktim.c
APP_SRC += $(FREERTOS_HOME)/FreeRTOS/Demo/Common/Minimal/dynamic.c
APP_SRC += $(FREERTOS_HOME)/FreeRTOS/Demo/Common/Minimal/EventGroupsDemo.c
APP_SRC += $(FREERTOS_HOME)/FreeRTOS/Demo/Common/Minimal/GenQTest.c
APP_SRC += $(FREERTOS_HOME)/FreeRTOS/Demo/Common/Minimal/recmutex.c
APP_SRC += $(FREERTOS_HOME)/FreeRTOS/Demo/Common/Minimal/TaskNotify.c
APP_SRC += $(FREERTOS_HOME)/FreeRTOS/Demo/Common/Minimal/TaskNotifyArray.c
APP_SRC += $(FREERTOS_HOME)/FreeRTOS/Demo/Common/Minimal/TimerDemo.c
# Define all object files
OBJ = $(SRC:%=%.o)
APP_INC += -I $(FREERTOS_HOME)/FreeRTOS/Demo/Common/include
# NEORV32 specific
ASM_INC += -DportasmHANDLE_INTERRUPT=SystemIrqHandler
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Tools and flags
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Compiler tools
APP_INC += -I chip_specific_extensions/neorv32
# Host native compiler
CC_X86 = g++ -Wall -O -g
ASM_INC += -I chip_specific_extensions/neorv32
# NEORV32 executable image generator
IMAGE_GEN = $(NEORV32_EXG_PATH)/image_gen
# Demo application
APP_SRC += blinky_demo/main_blinky.c
APP_SRC += full_demo/main_full.c
APP_SRC += full_demo/RegTest.s
# Compiler & linker flags
CC_OPTS = $(MARCH) $(MABI) $(EFFORT) -Wall -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -nostartfiles -mno-fdiv
CC_OPTS += -Wl,--gc-sections -lm -lc -lgcc -lc
# This accelerates instruction fetch after branches when C extension is enabled (irrelevant when C extension is disabled)
CC_OPTS += -falign-functions=4 -falign-labels=4 -falign-loops=4 -falign-jumps=4
# -----------------
# FreeRTOS-Plus-CLI
# -----------------
ifneq (,$(findstring FREERTOS_PLUS_CLI,$(USER_FLAGS)))
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Application output definitions
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
.PHONY: check info help elf_info clean clean_all bootloader
# -----------------
# FreeRTOS-Plus-TCP
# -----------------
ifneq (,$(findstring FREERTOS_PLUS_TCP,$(USER_FLAGS)))
APP_SRC += $(FREERTOS_HOME)/FreeRTOS-Plus/Source/FreeRTOS-Plus-TCP/FreeRTOS_Sockets.c
APP_SRC += $(FREERTOS_HOME)/FreeRTOS-Plus/Source/FreeRTOS-Plus-TCP/FreeRTOS_Stream_Buffer.c
# 'compile' is still here for compatibility
exe: $(APP_ASM) $(APP_EXE)
compile: $(APP_ASM) $(APP_EXE)
install: $(APP_ASM) $(APP_IMG)
all: $(APP_ASM) $(APP_EXE) $(APP_IMG)
# Check if making bootloader
# Use different base address and legth for instruction memory/"rom" (BOOTMEM instead of IMEM)
# Also define "make_bootloader" for crt0.S
target bootloader: CC_OPTS += -Wl,--defsym=make_bootloader=1 -Dmake_bootloader
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Image generator targets
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# install/compile tools
$(IMAGE_GEN): $(NEORV32_EXG_PATH)/image_gen.cpp
@echo Compiling $(IMAGE_GEN)
@$(CC_X86) $< -o $(IMAGE_GEN)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# General targets: Assemble, compile, link, dump
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Compile app *.s sources (assembly)
%.s.o: %.s
@$(CC) -c $(CC_OPTS) -I $(NEORV32_INC_PATH) $(ASM_INC) $< -o $@
# Compile app *.S sources (assembly + C pre-processor)
%.S.o: %.S
@$(CC) -c $(CC_OPTS) -I $(NEORV32_INC_PATH) $(ASM_INC) $< -o $@
# Compile app *.c sources
%.c.o: %.c
@$(CC) -c $(CC_OPTS) -I $(NEORV32_INC_PATH) $(APP_INC) $< -o $@
# Compile app *.cpp sources
%.cpp.o: %.cpp
@$(CC) -c $(CC_OPTS) -I $(NEORV32_INC_PATH) $(APP_INC) $< -o $@
# Link object files and show memory utilization
main.elf: $(OBJ)
@$(CC) $(CC_OPTS) -T $(LD_SCRIPT) $(OBJ) -o $@ -lm
@echo "Memory utilization:"
@$(SIZE) main.elf
# Assembly listing file (for debugging)
$(APP_ASM): main.elf
@$(OBJDUMP) -d -S -z $< > $@
# Generate final executable from .text + .rodata + .data (in THIS order!)
main.bin: main.elf $(APP_ASM)
@$(OBJCOPY) -I elf32-little $< -j .text -O binary text.bin
@$(OBJCOPY) -I elf32-little $< -j .rodata -O binary rodata.bin
@$(OBJCOPY) -I elf32-little $< -j .data -O binary data.bin
@cat text.bin rodata.bin data.bin > $@
@rm -f text.bin rodata.bin data.bin
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Application targets: Generate binary executable, install (as VHDL file)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Generate NEORV32 executable image for upload via bootloader
$(APP_EXE): main.bin $(IMAGE_GEN)
@set -e
@$(IMAGE_GEN) -app_bin $< $@ $(shell basename $(CURDIR))
@echo "Executable ($(APP_EXE)) size in bytes:"
@wc -c < $(APP_EXE)
# Generate NEORV32 executable VHDL boot image
$(APP_IMG): main.bin $(IMAGE_GEN)
@set -e
@$(IMAGE_GEN) -app_img $< $@ $(shell basename $(CURDIR))
@echo "Installing application image to $(NEORV32_RTL_PATH)/$(APP_IMG)"
@cp $(APP_IMG) $(NEORV32_RTL_PATH)/.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Bootloader targets
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Create and install bootloader VHDL init image
$(BOOT_IMG): main.bin $(IMAGE_GEN)
@set -e
@$(IMAGE_GEN) -bld_img $< $(BOOT_IMG) $(shell basename $(CURDIR))
@echo "Installing bootloader image to $(NEORV32_RTL_PATH)/$(BOOT_IMG)"
# Just an alias that
bootloader: $(BOOT_IMG)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Check toolchain
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
check: $(IMAGE_GEN)
@echo "---------------- Check: NEORV32_HOME folder ----------------"
ifneq ($(shell [ -e $(NEORV32_HOME_MARKER) ] && echo 1 || echo 0 ), 1)
$(error NEORV32_HOME folder not found!)
APP_INC += -I $(FREERTOS_HOME)/FreeRTOS-Plus/Source/FreeRTOS-Plus-TCP/include
APP_INC += -I $(FREERTOS_HOME)/FreeRTOS-Plus/Source/FreeRTOS-Plus-TCP/portable/Compiler/GCC
@echo "NEORV32_HOME: $(NEORV32_HOME)"
@echo "---------------- Check: $(CC) ----------------"
@$(CC) -v
@echo "---------------- Check: $(OBJDUMP) ----------------"
@echo "---------------- Check: $(OBJCOPY) ----------------"
@echo "---------------- Check: $(SIZE) ----------------"
@$(SIZE) -V
@echo "---------------- Check: NEORV32 image_gen ----------------"
@$(IMAGE_GEN) -help
@echo "---------------- Check: Native GCC ----------------"
@$(CC_X86) -v
@echo "Toolchain check OK"
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Upload executable via serial port to bootloader
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
upload: $(APP_EXE)
NEORV32_HOME ?= ../../..
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Show configuration
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@echo "---------------- Info: Project ----------------"
@echo "Project folder: $(shell basename $(CURDIR))"
@echo "Source files: $(APP_SRC)"
@echo "Include folder(s): $(APP_INC)"
@echo "ASM include folder(s): $(ASM_INC)"
@echo "---------------- Info: NEORV32 ----------------"
@echo "NEORV32 home folder (NEORV32_HOME): $(NEORV32_HOME)"
@echo "Core source files:"
@echo "$(CORE_SRC)"
@echo "Core include folder:"
@echo "$(NEORV32_INC_PATH)"
@echo "---------------- Info: Objects ----------------"
@echo "Project object files:"
@echo "$(OBJ)"
@echo "---------------- Info: RISC-V CPU ----------------"
@echo "MARCH: $(MARCH)"
@echo "MABI: $(MABI)"
@echo "---------------- Info: Toolchain ----------------"
@echo "Toolchain: $(RISCV_TOLLCHAIN)"
@echo "CC: $(CC)"
@echo "SIZE: $(SIZE)"
@echo "---------------- Info: Compiler Libraries ----------------"
@echo "LIBGCC:"
@$(CC) -print-libgcc-file-name
@echo "SEARCH-DIRS:"
@$(CC) -print-search-dirs
@echo "---------------- Info: Flags ----------------"
@echo "CC_OPTS: $(CC_OPTS)"
@echo "---------------- Info: Host Native GCC Flags ----------------"
@echo "CC_X86: $(CC_X86)"
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Show final ELF details (just for debugging)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
elf_info: main.elf
@$(OBJDUMP) -x main.elf
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Help
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@echo "<<< NEORV32 Application Makefile >>>"
@echo "Make sure to add the bin folder of RISC-V GCC to your PATH variable."
@echo "Targets:"
@echo " help - show this text"
@echo " check - check toolchain"
@echo " info - show makefile/toolchain configuration"
@echo " exe - compile and generate <neorv32_exe.bin> executable for upload via bootloader"
@echo " install - compile, generate and install VHDL IMEM boot image (for application)"
@echo " all - compile and generate <neorv32_exe.bin> executable for upload via bootloader and generate and install VHDL IMEM boot image (for application)"
@echo " clean - clean up project"
@echo " clean_all - clean up project, core libraries and image generator"
@echo " bootloader - compile, generate and install VHDL BOOTROM boot image (for bootloader only!)"
@echo " upload - upload <neorv32_exe.bin> executable via serial port <COM_PORT> to bootloader"
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Clean up
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@rm -f *.elf *.o *.bin *.out *.asm *.vhd
clean_all: clean
@rm -f $(OBJ) $(IMAGE_GEN)
# Include central makefile
include ../../common/
48,19 → 48,22
/** UART BAUD rate */
#define BAUD_RATE 19200
/** Number of RGB LEDs in stripe A (24-bit data) */
/** Number of RGB LEDs in stripe (24-bit data) */
#define NUM_LEDS_24BIT (12)
/** Number of RGBW LEDs in stripe B (32-bit data) */
#define NUM_LEDS_32BIT (8)
/** Max intensity (0..255) */
#define MAX_INTENSITY (16)
// prototypes
uint32_t hsv2rgb(int h, int v);
* Main function
* This demo uses two NeoPixel stripes: Stripe A is a 12-LED RGB ring (arranged as ring - NOT CONNECTED as ring), stripe B is a 8-LED RGBW stripe
* This demo uses a 12-LED RGB ring
* @note This program requires the NEOLED controller to be synthesized (UART0 is optional).
* @note NeoPixel stripe connection: NEORV32.neoled_o -> Stripe A ("NUM_LEDS_24BIT" RGB-LEDs) -> Stripe B ("NUM_LEDS_32BIT" RGBW LEDs)
* @return 0 if execution was successful
71,10 → 74,8
// init UART0 at default baud rate, no parity bits, no hw flow control
// setup UART0 at default baud rate, no parity bits, no hw flow control
neorv32_uart0_printf("<<< NEORV32 NeoPixel (WS2812) hardware interface (NEOLED) demo >>>\n");
neorv32_uart0_printf("(c) 'NeoPixel' is a trademark of Adafruit Industries.\n");
// check if NEOLED unit is implemented at all, abort if not
84,75 → 85,110
// clearify setup
neorv32_uart0_printf("\nThis demo uses the following LED setup:\n");
neorv32_uart0_printf("NEORV32.neoled_o -> %u RGB-LEDs (24-bit) -> %u RGBW-LEDs (32-bit)\n\n", (uint32_t)NUM_LEDS_24BIT, (uint32_t)NUM_LEDS_32BIT);
// illustrate setup
neorv32_uart0_printf("<<< NEORV32 NeoPixel (WS2812) hardware interface (NEOLED) demo >>>\n"
"(TM) 'NeoPixel' is a trademark of Adafruit Industries.\n\n"
"This demo uses the following LED setup:\n"
"NEORV32.neoled_o -> %u RGB-LEDs (24-bit)\n\n", (uint32_t)NUM_LEDS_24BIT);
// use the "neorv32_neoled_setup_ws2812()" setup function here instead the raw "neorv32_neoled_setup_raw()"
// use the "neorv32_neoled_setup_ws2812()" setup function here instead the raw "neorv32_neoled_setup()"
// neorv32_neoled_setup_ws2812() will configure all timing parameters according to the WS2812 specs. for the current processor clock speed
neorv32_neoled_setup_ws2812(0); // use bscon = 0 (busy_flag clears / IRQ fires if at least one buffer entry is free)
neorv32_neoled_enable(); // enable module
neorv32_neoled_set_mode(0); // mode = 0 = 24-bit
// check NEOLED configuration
neorv32_uart0_printf("Checking NEOLED configuration:\n", neorv32_neoled_get_buffer_size());
neorv32_uart0_printf(" Hardware buffer size: %u entries\n", neorv32_neoled_get_buffer_size());
neorv32_uart0_printf(" Control register: 0x%x\n\n", NEOLED_CT);
neorv32_uart0_printf("Checking NEOLED configuration:\n"
" Hardware FIFO size: %u entries\n"
" Control register: 0x%x\n\n", neorv32_neoled_get_buffer_size(), NEOLED_CT);
// clear all LEDs
neorv32_uart0_printf("Clearing all LEDs...\n");
int i;
for (i=0; i<(NUM_LEDS_24BIT+NUM_LEDS_32BIT); i++) { // just send a lot of zeros
neorv32_neoled_send_polling(1, 0); // mode = 1 = 32-bit, -> send 32 zero bits in each iteration
for (i=0; i<NUM_LEDS_24BIT; i++) {
// a simple (but fancy!) animation example
// a simple animation example: rotating rainbow
// this example uses BLOCKING NEOLED functions that check the FIFO flags before writing new data
// non-blocking functions should only be used when checking the FIFO flags (half-full) in advance (for example using the NEOLED interrupt)
neorv32_uart0_printf("Starting animation...\n");
int stripe_pos_rgb = 0, flash_position = 0, flash_direction = -1;
int stripe_pos_rgbw = 0, circle_position = 0;
uint32_t circle_color = 0x00000004;
int angle = 0, led_id = 0;
while (1) {
// RGB LEDs: turning circle, changes color after each completed cycle
for (stripe_pos_rgb=0; stripe_pos_rgb<NUM_LEDS_24BIT; stripe_pos_rgb++) {
if (stripe_pos_rgb == circle_position) {
neorv32_neoled_send_polling(0, circle_color);
else {
neorv32_neoled_send_polling(0, 0); // LED off
for (led_id=0; led_id<NUM_LEDS_24BIT; led_id++) {
// give every LED a different color
neorv32_neoled_write_blocking(hsv2rgb(angle + (360/NUM_LEDS_24BIT) * led_id, MAX_INTENSITY));
if (circle_position == (NUM_LEDS_24BIT-1)) {
circle_position = 0;
circle_color = (circle_color << 8) | ((circle_color >> 16) & 0xff);
else {
angle += 1; // rotation increment per frame
neorv32_neoled_strobe_blocking(); // send strobe ("RESET") command
neorv32_cpu_delay_ms(10); // delay between frames
// RGBW LEDs: knight rider!
if ((flash_position == (NUM_LEDS_32BIT-1)) || (flash_position == 0)) {
flash_direction = -flash_direction;
for (stripe_pos_rgbw=0; stripe_pos_rgbw<NUM_LEDS_32BIT; stripe_pos_rgbw++) {
if (stripe_pos_rgbw == flash_position) {
neorv32_neoled_send_polling(1, 0x00000004); // white dot using the dedicated white LED chip
else {
neorv32_neoled_send_polling(1, 0); // LED off
flash_position += flash_direction;
return 0;
// delay between frames; also used to "send" ws2812.reset command
* Convert HSV color to RGB.
* @note Very simple version: using integer arithmetic and ignoring saturation (saturation is always MAX).
* @param[in] h Hue (color angle), 0..359
* @param[in] v Value (intensity), 0..255
* @return LSB-aligned 24-bit RGB data [G,R,B]
uint32_t hsv2rgb(int h, int v) {
h = h % 360;
int r, g, b;
int i = h / 60;
int difs = h % 60;
int rgb_adj = (v * difs) / 60;
switch (i) {
case 0:
r = v;
g = 0 + rgb_adj;
b = 0;
case 1:
r = v - rgb_adj;
g = v;
b = 0;
case 2:
r = 0;
g = v;
b = 0 + rgb_adj;
case 3:
r = 0;
g = v - rgb_adj;
b = v;
case 4:
r = 0 + rgb_adj;
g = 0;
b = v;
r = v;
g = 0;
b = v - rgb_adj;
return 0;
uint32_t res = 0;
res |= (((uint32_t)g) & 0xff) << 16;
res |= (((uint32_t)r) & 0xff) << 8;
res |= (((uint32_t)b) & 0xff) << 0;
return res;
34,305 → 34,6
# The NEORV32 Processor - (c) Stephan Nolting #
# *****************************************************************************
# *****************************************************************************
# User's application sources (*.c, *.cpp, *.s, *.S); add additional files here
APP_SRC ?= $(wildcard ./*.c) $(wildcard ./*.s) $(wildcard ./*.cpp) $(wildcard ./*.S)
# User's application include folders (don't forget the '-I' before each entry)
APP_INC ?= -I .
# User's application include folders - for assembly files only (don't forget the '-I' before each entry)
ASM_INC ?= -I .
# Optimization
# Compiler toolchain
RISCV_TOOLCHAIN ?= riscv32-unknown-elf
# CPU architecture and ABI
MARCH ?= -march=rv32i
MABI ?= -mabi=ilp32
# User flags for additional configuration (will be added to compiler flags)
# Serial port for executable upload via bootloer
COM_PORT ?= /dev/ttyUSB0
# Relative or absolute path to the NEORV32 home folder
NEORV32_HOME ?= ../../..
# *****************************************************************************
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# NEORV32 framework
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Path to NEORV32 linker script and startup file
NEORV32_COM_PATH = $(NEORV32_HOME)/sw/common
# Path to main NEORV32 library include files
NEORV32_INC_PATH = $(NEORV32_HOME)/sw/lib/include
# Path to main NEORV32 library source files
NEORV32_SRC_PATH = $(NEORV32_HOME)/sw/lib/source
# Path to NEORV32 executable generator
NEORV32_EXG_PATH = $(NEORV32_HOME)/sw/image_gen
# Path to NEORV32 core rtl folder
NEORV32_RTL_PATH = $(NEORV32_HOME)/rtl/core
# Marker file to check for NEORV32 home folder
# Core libraries (peripheral and CPU drivers)
CORE_SRC = $(wildcard $(NEORV32_SRC_PATH)/*.c)
# Application start-up code
# Linker script
LD_SCRIPT = $(NEORV32_COM_PATH)/neorv32.ld
# Main output files
APP_EXE = neorv32_exe.bin
APP_ASM = main.asm
APP_IMG = neorv32_application_image.vhd
BOOT_IMG = neorv32_bootloader_image.vhd
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Sources and objects
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Define all sources
# Define all object files
OBJ = $(SRC:%=%.o)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Tools and flags
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Compiler tools
# Host native compiler
CC_X86 = g++ -Wall -O -g
# NEORV32 executable image generator
IMAGE_GEN = $(NEORV32_EXG_PATH)/image_gen
# Compiler & linker flags
CC_OPTS = $(MARCH) $(MABI) $(EFFORT) -Wall -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -nostartfiles -mno-fdiv
CC_OPTS += -Wl,--gc-sections -lm -lc -lgcc -lc
# This accelerates instruction fetch after branches when C extension is enabled (irrelevant when C extension is disabled)
CC_OPTS += -falign-functions=4 -falign-labels=4 -falign-loops=4 -falign-jumps=4
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Application output definitions
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
.PHONY: check info help elf_info clean clean_all bootloader
# 'compile' is still here for compatibility
exe: $(APP_ASM) $(APP_EXE)
compile: $(APP_ASM) $(APP_EXE)
install: $(APP_ASM) $(APP_IMG)
all: $(APP_ASM) $(APP_EXE) $(APP_IMG)
# Check if making bootloader
# Use different base address and legth for instruction memory/"rom" (BOOTMEM instead of IMEM)
# Also define "make_bootloader" for crt0.S
target bootloader: CC_OPTS += -Wl,--defsym=make_bootloader=1 -Dmake_bootloader
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Image generator targets
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# install/compile tools
$(IMAGE_GEN): $(NEORV32_EXG_PATH)/image_gen.cpp
@echo Compiling $(IMAGE_GEN)
@$(CC_X86) $< -o $(IMAGE_GEN)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# General targets: Assemble, compile, link, dump
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Compile app *.s sources (assembly)
%.s.o: %.s
@$(CC) -c $(CC_OPTS) -I $(NEORV32_INC_PATH) $(ASM_INC) $< -o $@
# Compile app *.S sources (assembly + C pre-processor)
%.S.o: %.S
@$(CC) -c $(CC_OPTS) -I $(NEORV32_INC_PATH) $(ASM_INC) $< -o $@
# Compile app *.c sources
%.c.o: %.c
@$(CC) -c $(CC_OPTS) -I $(NEORV32_INC_PATH) $(APP_INC) $< -o $@
# Compile app *.cpp sources
%.cpp.o: %.cpp
@$(CC) -c $(CC_OPTS) -I $(NEORV32_INC_PATH) $(APP_INC) $< -o $@
# Link object files and show memory utilization
main.elf: $(OBJ)
@$(CC) $(CC_OPTS) -T $(LD_SCRIPT) $(OBJ) -o $@ -lm
@echo "Memory utilization:"
@$(SIZE) main.elf
# Assembly listing file (for debugging)
$(APP_ASM): main.elf
@$(OBJDUMP) -d -S -z $< > $@
# Generate final executable from .text + .rodata + .data (in THIS order!)
main.bin: main.elf $(APP_ASM)
@$(OBJCOPY) -I elf32-little $< -j .text -O binary text.bin
@$(OBJCOPY) -I elf32-little $< -j .rodata -O binary rodata.bin
@$(OBJCOPY) -I elf32-little $< -j .data -O binary data.bin
@cat text.bin rodata.bin data.bin > $@
@rm -f text.bin rodata.bin data.bin
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Application targets: Generate binary executable, install (as VHDL file)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Generate NEORV32 executable image for upload via bootloader
$(APP_EXE): main.bin $(IMAGE_GEN)
@set -e
@$(IMAGE_GEN) -app_bin $< $@ $(shell basename $(CURDIR))
@echo "Executable ($(APP_EXE)) size in bytes:"
@wc -c < $(APP_EXE)
# Generate NEORV32 executable VHDL boot image
$(APP_IMG): main.bin $(IMAGE_GEN)
@set -e
@$(IMAGE_GEN) -app_img $< $@ $(shell basename $(CURDIR))
@echo "Installing application image to $(NEORV32_RTL_PATH)/$(APP_IMG)"
@cp $(APP_IMG) $(NEORV32_RTL_PATH)/.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Bootloader targets
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Create and install bootloader VHDL init image
$(BOOT_IMG): main.bin $(IMAGE_GEN)
@set -e
@$(IMAGE_GEN) -bld_img $< $(BOOT_IMG) $(shell basename $(CURDIR))
@echo "Installing bootloader image to $(NEORV32_RTL_PATH)/$(BOOT_IMG)"
# Just an alias that
bootloader: $(BOOT_IMG)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Check toolchain
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
check: $(IMAGE_GEN)
@echo "---------------- Check: NEORV32_HOME folder ----------------"
ifneq ($(shell [ -e $(NEORV32_HOME_MARKER) ] && echo 1 || echo 0 ), 1)
$(error NEORV32_HOME folder not found!)
@echo "NEORV32_HOME: $(NEORV32_HOME)"
@echo "---------------- Check: $(CC) ----------------"
@$(CC) -v
@echo "---------------- Check: $(OBJDUMP) ----------------"
@echo "---------------- Check: $(OBJCOPY) ----------------"
@echo "---------------- Check: $(SIZE) ----------------"
@$(SIZE) -V
@echo "---------------- Check: NEORV32 image_gen ----------------"
@$(IMAGE_GEN) -help
@echo "---------------- Check: Native GCC ----------------"
@$(CC_X86) -v
@echo "Toolchain check OK"
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Upload executable via serial port to bootloader
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
upload: $(APP_EXE)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Show configuration
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@echo "---------------- Info: Project ----------------"
@echo "Project folder: $(shell basename $(CURDIR))"
@echo "Source files: $(APP_SRC)"
@echo "Include folder(s): $(APP_INC)"
@echo "ASM include folder(s): $(ASM_INC)"
@echo "---------------- Info: NEORV32 ----------------"
@echo "NEORV32 home folder (NEORV32_HOME): $(NEORV32_HOME)"
@echo "Core source files:"
@echo "$(CORE_SRC)"
@echo "Core include folder:"
@echo "$(NEORV32_INC_PATH)"
@echo "---------------- Info: Objects ----------------"
@echo "Project object files:"
@echo "$(OBJ)"
@echo "---------------- Info: RISC-V CPU ----------------"
@echo "MARCH: $(MARCH)"
@echo "MABI: $(MABI)"
@echo "---------------- Info: Toolchain ----------------"
@echo "Toolchain: $(RISCV_TOLLCHAIN)"
@echo "CC: $(CC)"
@echo "SIZE: $(SIZE)"
@echo "---------------- Info: Compiler Libraries ----------------"
@echo "LIBGCC:"
@$(CC) -print-libgcc-file-name
@echo "SEARCH-DIRS:"
@$(CC) -print-search-dirs
@echo "---------------- Info: Flags ----------------"
@echo "CC_OPTS: $(CC_OPTS)"
@echo "---------------- Info: Host Native GCC Flags ----------------"
@echo "CC_X86: $(CC_X86)"
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Show final ELF details (just for debugging)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
elf_info: main.elf
@$(OBJDUMP) -x main.elf
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Help
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@echo "<<< NEORV32 Application Makefile >>>"
@echo "Make sure to add the bin folder of RISC-V GCC to your PATH variable."
@echo "Targets:"
@echo " help - show this text"
@echo " check - check toolchain"
@echo " info - show makefile/toolchain configuration"
@echo " exe - compile and generate <neorv32_exe.bin> executable for upload via bootloader"
@echo " install - compile, generate and install VHDL IMEM boot image (for application)"
@echo " all - compile and generate <neorv32_exe.bin> executable for upload via bootloader and generate and install VHDL IMEM boot image (for application)"
@echo " clean - clean up project"
@echo " clean_all - clean up project, core libraries and image generator"
@echo " bootloader - compile, generate and install VHDL BOOTROM boot image (for bootloader only!)"
@echo " upload - upload <neorv32_exe.bin> executable via serial port <COM_PORT> to bootloader"
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Clean up
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@rm -f *.elf *.o *.bin *.out *.asm *.vhd
clean_all: clean
@rm -f $(OBJ) $(IMAGE_GEN)
include ../../common/
72,18 → 72,20
// this is not required, but keeps us safe
// use UART0 if implemented
if (neorv32_uart0_available()) {
// init UART at default baud rate, no parity bits, ho hw flow control
// init UART at default baud rate, no parity bits, ho hw flow control
// check available hardware extensions and compare with compiler flags
neorv32_rte_check_isa(0); // silent = 0 -> show message if isa mismatch
// check available hardware extensions and compare with compiler flags
neorv32_rte_check_isa(0); // silent = 0 -> show message if isa mismatch
// say hello
neorv32_uart0_print("PWM demo program\n");
// say hello
neorv32_uart_print("PWM demo program\n");
// deativate all PWM channels
// deactivate all PWM channels
neorv32_pwm_set(0, 0);
neorv32_pwm_set(1, 0);
neorv32_pwm_set(2, 0);
34,305 → 34,6
# The NEORV32 Processor - (c) Stephan Nolting #
# *****************************************************************************
# *****************************************************************************
# User's application sources (*.c, *.cpp, *.s, *.S); add additional files here
APP_SRC ?= $(wildcard ./*.c) $(wildcard ./*.s) $(wildcard ./*.cpp) $(wildcard ./*.S)
# User's application include folders (don't forget the '-I' before each entry)
APP_INC ?= -I .
# User's application include folders - for assembly files only (don't forget the '-I' before each entry)
ASM_INC ?= -I .
# Optimization
# Compiler toolchain
RISCV_TOOLCHAIN ?= riscv32-unknown-elf
# CPU architecture and ABI
MARCH ?= -march=rv32i
MABI ?= -mabi=ilp32
# User flags for additional configuration (will be added to compiler flags)
# Serial port for executable upload via bootloer
COM_PORT ?= /dev/ttyUSB0
# Relative or absolute path to the NEORV32 home folder
NEORV32_HOME ?= ../../..
# *****************************************************************************
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# NEORV32 framework
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Path to NEORV32 linker script and startup file
NEORV32_COM_PATH = $(NEORV32_HOME)/sw/common
# Path to main NEORV32 library include files
NEORV32_INC_PATH = $(NEORV32_HOME)/sw/lib/include
# Path to main NEORV32 library source files
NEORV32_SRC_PATH = $(NEORV32_HOME)/sw/lib/source
# Path to NEORV32 executable generator
NEORV32_EXG_PATH = $(NEORV32_HOME)/sw/image_gen
# Path to NEORV32 core rtl folder
NEORV32_RTL_PATH = $(NEORV32_HOME)/rtl/core
# Marker file to check for NEORV32 home folder
# Core libraries (peripheral and CPU drivers)
CORE_SRC = $(wildcard $(NEORV32_SRC_PATH)/*.c)
# Application start-up code
# Linker script
LD_SCRIPT = $(NEORV32_COM_PATH)/neorv32.ld
# Main output files
APP_EXE = neorv32_exe.bin
APP_ASM = main.asm
APP_IMG = neorv32_application_image.vhd
BOOT_IMG = neorv32_bootloader_image.vhd
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Sources and objects
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Define all sources
# Define all object files
OBJ = $(SRC:%=%.o)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Tools and flags
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Compiler tools
# Host native compiler
CC_X86 = g++ -Wall -O -g
# NEORV32 executable image generator
IMAGE_GEN = $(NEORV32_EXG_PATH)/image_gen
# Compiler & linker flags
CC_OPTS = $(MARCH) $(MABI) $(EFFORT) -Wall -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -nostartfiles -mno-fdiv
CC_OPTS += -Wl,--gc-sections -lm -lc -lgcc -lc
# This accelerates instruction fetch after branches when C extension is enabled (irrelevant when C extension is disabled)
CC_OPTS += -falign-functions=4 -falign-labels=4 -falign-loops=4 -falign-jumps=4
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Application output definitions
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
.PHONY: check info help elf_info clean clean_all bootloader
# 'compile' is still here for compatibility
exe: $(APP_ASM) $(APP_EXE)
compile: $(APP_ASM) $(APP_EXE)
install: $(APP_ASM) $(APP_IMG)
all: $(APP_ASM) $(APP_EXE) $(APP_IMG)
# Check if making bootloader
# Use different base address and legth for instruction memory/"rom" (BOOTMEM instead of IMEM)
# Also define "make_bootloader" for crt0.S
target bootloader: CC_OPTS += -Wl,--defsym=make_bootloader=1 -Dmake_bootloader
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Image generator targets
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# install/compile tools
$(IMAGE_GEN): $(NEORV32_EXG_PATH)/image_gen.cpp
@echo Compiling $(IMAGE_GEN)
@$(CC_X86) $< -o $(IMAGE_GEN)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# General targets: Assemble, compile, link, dump
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Compile app *.s sources (assembly)
%.s.o: %.s
@$(CC) -c $(CC_OPTS) -I $(NEORV32_INC_PATH) $(ASM_INC) $< -o $@
# Compile app *.S sources (assembly + C pre-processor)
%.S.o: %.S
@$(CC) -c $(CC_OPTS) -I $(NEORV32_INC_PATH) $(ASM_INC) $< -o $@
# Compile app *.c sources
%.c.o: %.c
@$(CC) -c $(CC_OPTS) -I $(NEORV32_INC_PATH) $(APP_INC) $< -o $@
# Compile app *.cpp sources
%.cpp.o: %.cpp
@$(CC) -c $(CC_OPTS) -I $(NEORV32_INC_PATH) $(APP_INC) $< -o $@
# Link object files and show memory utilization
main.elf: $(OBJ)
@$(CC) $(CC_OPTS) -T $(LD_SCRIPT) $(OBJ) -o $@ -lm
@echo "Memory utilization:"
@$(SIZE) main.elf
# Assembly listing file (for debugging)
$(APP_ASM): main.elf
@$(OBJDUMP) -d -S -z $< > $@
# Generate final executable from .text + .rodata + .data (in THIS order!)
main.bin: main.elf $(APP_ASM)
@$(OBJCOPY) -I elf32-little $< -j .text -O binary text.bin
@$(OBJCOPY) -I elf32-little $< -j .rodata -O binary rodata.bin
@$(OBJCOPY) -I elf32-little $< -j .data -O binary data.bin
@cat text.bin rodata.bin data.bin > $@
@rm -f text.bin rodata.bin data.bin
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Application targets: Generate binary executable, install (as VHDL file)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Generate NEORV32 executable image for upload via bootloader
$(APP_EXE): main.bin $(IMAGE_GEN)
@set -e
@$(IMAGE_GEN) -app_bin $< $@ $(shell basename $(CURDIR))
@echo "Executable ($(APP_EXE)) size in bytes:"
@wc -c < $(APP_EXE)
# Generate NEORV32 executable VHDL boot image
$(APP_IMG): main.bin $(IMAGE_GEN)
@set -e
@$(IMAGE_GEN) -app_img $< $@ $(shell basename $(CURDIR))
@echo "Installing application image to $(NEORV32_RTL_PATH)/$(APP_IMG)"
@cp $(APP_IMG) $(NEORV32_RTL_PATH)/.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Bootloader targets
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Create and install bootloader VHDL init image
$(BOOT_IMG): main.bin $(IMAGE_GEN)
@set -e
@$(IMAGE_GEN) -bld_img $< $(BOOT_IMG) $(shell basename $(CURDIR))
@echo "Installing bootloader image to $(NEORV32_RTL_PATH)/$(BOOT_IMG)"
# Just an alias that
bootloader: $(BOOT_IMG)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Check toolchain
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
check: $(IMAGE_GEN)
@echo "---------------- Check: NEORV32_HOME folder ----------------"
ifneq ($(shell [ -e $(NEORV32_HOME_MARKER) ] && echo 1 || echo 0 ), 1)
$(error NEORV32_HOME folder not found!)
@echo "NEORV32_HOME: $(NEORV32_HOME)"
@echo "---------------- Check: $(CC) ----------------"
@$(CC) -v
@echo "---------------- Check: $(OBJDUMP) ----------------"
@echo "---------------- Check: $(OBJCOPY) ----------------"
@echo "---------------- Check: $(SIZE) ----------------"
@$(SIZE) -V
@echo "---------------- Check: NEORV32 image_gen ----------------"
@$(IMAGE_GEN) -help
@echo "---------------- Check: Native GCC ----------------"
@$(CC_X86) -v
@echo "Toolchain check OK"
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Upload executable via serial port to bootloader
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
upload: $(APP_EXE)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Show configuration
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@echo "---------------- Info: Project ----------------"
@echo "Project folder: $(shell basename $(CURDIR))"
@echo "Source files: $(APP_SRC)"
@echo "Include folder(s): $(APP_INC)"
@echo "ASM include folder(s): $(ASM_INC)"
@echo "---------------- Info: NEORV32 ----------------"
@echo "NEORV32 home folder (NEORV32_HOME): $(NEORV32_HOME)"
@echo "Core source files:"
@echo "$(CORE_SRC)"
@echo "Core include folder:"
@echo "$(NEORV32_INC_PATH)"
@echo "---------------- Info: Objects ----------------"
@echo "Project object files:"
@echo "$(OBJ)"
@echo "---------------- Info: RISC-V CPU ----------------"
@echo "MARCH: $(MARCH)"
@echo "MABI: $(MABI)"
@echo "---------------- Info: Toolchain ----------------"
@echo "Toolchain: $(RISCV_TOLLCHAIN)"
@echo "CC: $(CC)"
@echo "SIZE: $(SIZE)"
@echo "---------------- Info: Compiler Libraries ----------------"
@echo "LIBGCC:"
@$(CC) -print-libgcc-file-name
@echo "SEARCH-DIRS:"
@$(CC) -print-search-dirs
@echo "---------------- Info: Flags ----------------"
@echo "CC_OPTS: $(CC_OPTS)"
@echo "---------------- Info: Host Native GCC Flags ----------------"
@echo "CC_X86: $(CC_X86)"
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Show final ELF details (just for debugging)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
elf_info: main.elf
@$(OBJDUMP) -x main.elf
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Help
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@echo "<<< NEORV32 Application Makefile >>>"
@echo "Make sure to add the bin folder of RISC-V GCC to your PATH variable."
@echo "Targets:"
@echo " help - show this text"
@echo " check - check toolchain"
@echo " info - show makefile/toolchain configuration"
@echo " exe - compile and generate <neorv32_exe.bin> executable for upload via bootloader"
@echo " install - compile, generate and install VHDL IMEM boot image (for application)"
@echo " all - compile and generate <neorv32_exe.bin> executable for upload via bootloader and generate and install VHDL IMEM boot image (for application)"
@echo " clean - clean up project"
@echo " clean_all - clean up project, core libraries and image generator"
@echo " bootloader - compile, generate and install VHDL BOOTROM boot image (for bootloader only!)"
@echo " upload - upload <neorv32_exe.bin> executable via serial port <COM_PORT> to bootloader"
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Clean up
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@rm -f *.elf *.o *.bin *.out *.asm *.vhd
clean_all: clean
@rm -f $(OBJ) $(IMAGE_GEN)
include ../../common/
34,305 → 34,6
# The NEORV32 Processor - (c) Stephan Nolting #
# *****************************************************************************
# *****************************************************************************
# User's application sources (*.c, *.cpp, *.s, *.S); add additional files here
APP_SRC ?= $(wildcard ./*.c) $(wildcard ./*.s) $(wildcard ./*.cpp) $(wildcard ./*.S)
# User's application include folders (don't forget the '-I' before each entry)
APP_INC ?= -I .
# User's application include folders - for assembly files only (don't forget the '-I' before each entry)
ASM_INC ?= -I .
# Optimization
# Compiler toolchain
RISCV_TOOLCHAIN ?= riscv32-unknown-elf
# CPU architecture and ABI
MARCH ?= -march=rv32i
MABI ?= -mabi=ilp32
# User flags for additional configuration (will be added to compiler flags)
# Serial port for executable upload via bootloer
COM_PORT ?= /dev/ttyUSB0
# Relative or absolute path to the NEORV32 home folder
NEORV32_HOME ?= ../../..
# *****************************************************************************
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# NEORV32 framework
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Path to NEORV32 linker script and startup file
NEORV32_COM_PATH = $(NEORV32_HOME)/sw/common
# Path to main NEORV32 library include files
NEORV32_INC_PATH = $(NEORV32_HOME)/sw/lib/include
# Path to main NEORV32 library source files
NEORV32_SRC_PATH = $(NEORV32_HOME)/sw/lib/source
# Path to NEORV32 executable generator
NEORV32_EXG_PATH = $(NEORV32_HOME)/sw/image_gen
# Path to NEORV32 core rtl folder
NEORV32_RTL_PATH = $(NEORV32_HOME)/rtl/core
# Marker file to check for NEORV32 home folder
# Core libraries (peripheral and CPU drivers)
CORE_SRC = $(wildcard $(NEORV32_SRC_PATH)/*.c)
# Application start-up code
# Linker script
LD_SCRIPT = $(NEORV32_COM_PATH)/neorv32.ld
# Main output files
APP_EXE = neorv32_exe.bin
APP_ASM = main.asm
APP_IMG = neorv32_application_image.vhd
BOOT_IMG = neorv32_bootloader_image.vhd
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Sources and objects
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Define all sources
# Define all object files
OBJ = $(SRC:%=%.o)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Tools and flags
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Compiler tools
# Host native compiler
CC_X86 = g++ -Wall -O -g
# NEORV32 executable image generator
IMAGE_GEN = $(NEORV32_EXG_PATH)/image_gen
# Compiler & linker flags
CC_OPTS = $(MARCH) $(MABI) $(EFFORT) -Wall -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -nostartfiles -mno-fdiv
CC_OPTS += -Wl,--gc-sections -lm -lc -lgcc -lc
# This accelerates instruction fetch after branches when C extension is enabled (irrelevant when C extension is disabled)
CC_OPTS += -falign-functions=4 -falign-labels=4 -falign-loops=4 -falign-jumps=4
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Application output definitions
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
.PHONY: check info help elf_info clean clean_all bootloader
# 'compile' is still here for compatibility
exe: $(APP_ASM) $(APP_EXE)
compile: $(APP_ASM) $(APP_EXE)
install: $(APP_ASM) $(APP_IMG)
all: $(APP_ASM) $(APP_EXE) $(APP_IMG)
# Check if making bootloader
# Use different base address and legth for instruction memory/"rom" (BOOTMEM instead of IMEM)
# Also define "make_bootloader" for crt0.S
target bootloader: CC_OPTS += -Wl,--defsym=make_bootloader=1 -Dmake_bootloader
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Image generator targets
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# install/compile tools
$(IMAGE_GEN): $(NEORV32_EXG_PATH)/image_gen.cpp
@echo Compiling $(IMAGE_GEN)
@$(CC_X86) $< -o $(IMAGE_GEN)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# General targets: Assemble, compile, link, dump
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Compile app *.s sources (assembly)
%.s.o: %.s
@$(CC) -c $(CC_OPTS) -I $(NEORV32_INC_PATH) $(ASM_INC) $< -o $@
# Compile app *.S sources (assembly + C pre-processor)
%.S.o: %.S
@$(CC) -c $(CC_OPTS) -I $(NEORV32_INC_PATH) $(ASM_INC) $< -o $@
# Compile app *.c sources
%.c.o: %.c
@$(CC) -c $(CC_OPTS) -I $(NEORV32_INC_PATH) $(APP_INC) $< -o $@
# Compile app *.cpp sources
%.cpp.o: %.cpp
@$(CC) -c $(CC_OPTS) -I $(NEORV32_INC_PATH) $(APP_INC) $< -o $@
# Link object files and show memory utilization
main.elf: $(OBJ)
@$(CC) $(CC_OPTS) -T $(LD_SCRIPT) $(OBJ) -o $@ -lm
@echo "Memory utilization:"
@$(SIZE) main.elf
# Assembly listing file (for debugging)
$(APP_ASM): main.elf
@$(OBJDUMP) -d -S -z $< > $@
# Generate final executable from .text + .rodata + .data (in THIS order!)
main.bin: main.elf $(APP_ASM)
@$(OBJCOPY) -I elf32-little $< -j .text -O binary text.bin
@$(OBJCOPY) -I elf32-little $< -j .rodata -O binary rodata.bin
@$(OBJCOPY) -I elf32-little $< -j .data -O binary data.bin
@cat text.bin rodata.bin data.bin > $@
@rm -f text.bin rodata.bin data.bin
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Application targets: Generate binary executable, install (as VHDL file)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Generate NEORV32 executable image for upload via bootloader
$(APP_EXE): main.bin $(IMAGE_GEN)
@set -e
@$(IMAGE_GEN) -app_bin $< $@ $(shell basename $(CURDIR))
@echo "Executable ($(APP_EXE)) size in bytes:"
@wc -c < $(APP_EXE)
# Generate NEORV32 executable VHDL boot image
$(APP_IMG): main.bin $(IMAGE_GEN)
@set -e
@$(IMAGE_GEN) -app_img $< $@ $(shell basename $(CURDIR))
@echo "Installing application image to $(NEORV32_RTL_PATH)/$(APP_IMG)"
@cp $(APP_IMG) $(NEORV32_RTL_PATH)/.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Bootloader targets
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Create and install bootloader VHDL init image
$(BOOT_IMG): main.bin $(IMAGE_GEN)
@set -e
@$(IMAGE_GEN) -bld_img $< $(BOOT_IMG) $(shell basename $(CURDIR))
@echo "Installing bootloader image to $(NEORV32_RTL_PATH)/$(BOOT_IMG)"
# Just an alias that
bootloader: $(BOOT_IMG)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Check toolchain
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
check: $(IMAGE_GEN)
@echo "---------------- Check: NEORV32_HOME folder ----------------"
ifneq ($(shell [ -e $(NEORV32_HOME_MARKER) ] && echo 1 || echo 0 ), 1)
$(error NEORV32_HOME folder not found!)
@echo "NEORV32_HOME: $(NEORV32_HOME)"
@echo "---------------- Check: $(CC) ----------------"
@$(CC) -v
@echo "---------------- Check: $(OBJDUMP) ----------------"
@echo "---------------- Check: $(OBJCOPY) ----------------"
@echo "---------------- Check: $(SIZE) ----------------"
@$(SIZE) -V
@echo "---------------- Check: NEORV32 image_gen ----------------"
@$(IMAGE_GEN) -help
@echo "---------------- Check: Native GCC ----------------"
@$(CC_X86) -v
@echo "Toolchain check OK"
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Upload executable via serial port to bootloader
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
upload: $(APP_EXE)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Show configuration
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@echo "---------------- Info: Project ----------------"
@echo "Project folder: $(shell basename $(CURDIR))"
@echo "Source files: $(APP_SRC)"
@echo "Include folder(s): $(APP_INC)"
@echo "ASM include folder(s): $(ASM_INC)"
@echo "---------------- Info: NEORV32 ----------------"
@echo "NEORV32 home folder (NEORV32_HOME): $(NEORV32_HOME)"
@echo "Core source files:"
@echo "$(CORE_SRC)"
@echo "Core include folder:"
@echo "$(NEORV32_INC_PATH)"
@echo "---------------- Info: Objects ----------------"
@echo "Project object files:"
@echo "$(OBJ)"
@echo "---------------- Info: RISC-V CPU ----------------"
@echo "MARCH: $(MARCH)"
@echo "MABI: $(MABI)"
@echo "---------------- Info: Toolchain ----------------"
@echo "Toolchain: $(RISCV_TOLLCHAIN)"
@echo "CC: $(CC)"
@echo "SIZE: $(SIZE)"
@echo "---------------- Info: Compiler Libraries ----------------"
@echo "LIBGCC:"
@$(CC) -print-libgcc-file-name
@echo "SEARCH-DIRS:"
@$(CC) -print-search-dirs
@echo "---------------- Info: Flags ----------------"
@echo "CC_OPTS: $(CC_OPTS)"
@echo "---------------- Info: Host Native GCC Flags ----------------"
@echo "CC_X86: $(CC_X86)"
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Show final ELF details (just for debugging)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
elf_info: main.elf
@$(OBJDUMP) -x main.elf
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Help
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@echo "<<< NEORV32 Application Makefile >>>"
@echo "Make sure to add the bin folder of RISC-V GCC to your PATH variable."
@echo "Targets:"
@echo " help - show this text"
@echo " check - check toolchain"
@echo " info - show makefile/toolchain configuration"
@echo " exe - compile and generate <neorv32_exe.bin> executable for upload via bootloader"
@echo " install - compile, generate and install VHDL IMEM boot image (for application)"
@echo " all - compile and generate <neorv32_exe.bin> executable for upload via bootloader and generate and install VHDL IMEM boot image (for application)"
@echo " clean - clean up project"
@echo " clean_all - clean up project, core libraries and image generator"
@echo " bootloader - compile, generate and install VHDL BOOTROM boot image (for bootloader only!)"
@echo " upload - upload <neorv32_exe.bin> executable via serial port <COM_PORT> to bootloader"
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Clean up
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@rm -f *.elf *.o *.bin *.out *.asm *.vhd
clean_all: clean
@rm -f $(OBJ) $(IMAGE_GEN)
include ../../common/
34,305 → 34,6
# The NEORV32 Processor - (c) Stephan Nolting #
# *****************************************************************************
# *****************************************************************************
# User's application sources (*.c, *.cpp, *.s, *.S); add additional files here
APP_SRC ?= $(wildcard ./*.c) $(wildcard ./*.s) $(wildcard ./*.cpp) $(wildcard ./*.S)
# User's application include folders (don't forget the '-I' before each entry)
APP_INC ?= -I .
# User's application include folders - for assembly files only (don't forget the '-I' before each entry)
ASM_INC ?= -I .
# Optimization
# Compiler toolchain
RISCV_TOOLCHAIN ?= riscv32-unknown-elf
# CPU architecture and ABI
MARCH ?= -march=rv32i
MABI ?= -mabi=ilp32
# User flags for additional configuration (will be added to compiler flags)
# Serial port for executable upload via bootloer
COM_PORT ?= /dev/ttyUSB0
# Relative or absolute path to the NEORV32 home folder
NEORV32_HOME ?= ../../..
# *****************************************************************************
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# NEORV32 framework
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Path to NEORV32 linker script and startup file
NEORV32_COM_PATH = $(NEORV32_HOME)/sw/common
# Path to main NEORV32 library include files
NEORV32_INC_PATH = $(NEORV32_HOME)/sw/lib/include
# Path to main NEORV32 library source files
NEORV32_SRC_PATH = $(NEORV32_HOME)/sw/lib/source
# Path to NEORV32 executable generator
NEORV32_EXG_PATH = $(NEORV32_HOME)/sw/image_gen
# Path to NEORV32 core rtl folder
NEORV32_RTL_PATH = $(NEORV32_HOME)/rtl/core
# Marker file to check for NEORV32 home folder
# Core libraries (peripheral and CPU drivers)
CORE_SRC = $(wildcard $(NEORV32_SRC_PATH)/*.c)
# Application start-up code
# Linker script
LD_SCRIPT = $(NEORV32_COM_PATH)/neorv32.ld
# Main output files
APP_EXE = neorv32_exe.bin
APP_ASM = main.asm
APP_IMG = neorv32_application_image.vhd
BOOT_IMG = neorv32_bootloader_image.vhd
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Sources and objects
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Define all sources
# Define all object files
OBJ = $(SRC:%=%.o)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Tools and flags
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Compiler tools
# Host native compiler
CC_X86 = g++ -Wall -O -g
# NEORV32 executable image generator
IMAGE_GEN = $(NEORV32_EXG_PATH)/image_gen
# Compiler & linker flags
CC_OPTS = $(MARCH) $(MABI) $(EFFORT) -Wall -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -nostartfiles -mno-fdiv
CC_OPTS += -Wl,--gc-sections -lm -lc -lgcc -lc
# This accelerates instruction fetch after branches when C extension is enabled (irrelevant when C extension is disabled)
CC_OPTS += -falign-functions=4 -falign-labels=4 -falign-loops=4 -falign-jumps=4
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Application output definitions
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
.PHONY: check info help elf_info clean clean_all bootloader
# 'compile' is still here for compatibility
exe: $(APP_ASM) $(APP_EXE)
compile: $(APP_ASM) $(APP_EXE)
install: $(APP_ASM) $(APP_IMG)
all: $(APP_ASM) $(APP_EXE) $(APP_IMG)
# Check if making bootloader
# Use different base address and legth for instruction memory/"rom" (BOOTMEM instead of IMEM)
# Also define "make_bootloader" for crt0.S
target bootloader: CC_OPTS += -Wl,--defsym=make_bootloader=1 -Dmake_bootloader
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Image generator targets
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# install/compile tools
$(IMAGE_GEN): $(NEORV32_EXG_PATH)/image_gen.cpp
@echo Compiling $(IMAGE_GEN)
@$(CC_X86) $< -o $(IMAGE_GEN)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# General targets: Assemble, compile, link, dump
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Compile app *.s sources (assembly)
%.s.o: %.s
@$(CC) -c $(CC_OPTS) -I $(NEORV32_INC_PATH) $(ASM_INC) $< -o $@
# Compile app *.S sources (assembly + C pre-processor)
%.S.o: %.S
@$(CC) -c $(CC_OPTS) -I $(NEORV32_INC_PATH) $(ASM_INC) $< -o $@
# Compile app *.c sources
%.c.o: %.c
@$(CC) -c $(CC_OPTS) -I $(NEORV32_INC_PATH) $(APP_INC) $< -o $@
# Compile app *.cpp sources
%.cpp.o: %.cpp
@$(CC) -c $(CC_OPTS) -I $(NEORV32_INC_PATH) $(APP_INC) $< -o $@
# Link object files and show memory utilization
main.elf: $(OBJ)
@$(CC) $(CC_OPTS) -T $(LD_SCRIPT) $(OBJ) -o $@ -lm
@echo "Memory utilization:"
@$(SIZE) main.elf
# Assembly listing file (for debugging)
$(APP_ASM): main.elf
@$(OBJDUMP) -d -S -z $< > $@
# Generate final executable from .text + .rodata + .data (in THIS order!)
main.bin: main.elf $(APP_ASM)
@$(OBJCOPY) -I elf32-little $< -j .text -O binary text.bin
@$(OBJCOPY) -I elf32-little $< -j .rodata -O binary rodata.bin
@$(OBJCOPY) -I elf32-little $< -j .data -O binary data.bin
@cat text.bin rodata.bin data.bin > $@
@rm -f text.bin rodata.bin data.bin
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Application targets: Generate binary executable, install (as VHDL file)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Generate NEORV32 executable image for upload via bootloader
$(APP_EXE): main.bin $(IMAGE_GEN)
@set -e
@$(IMAGE_GEN) -app_bin $< $@ $(shell basename $(CURDIR))
@echo "Executable ($(APP_EXE)) size in bytes:"
@wc -c < $(APP_EXE)
# Generate NEORV32 executable VHDL boot image
$(APP_IMG): main.bin $(IMAGE_GEN)
@set -e
@$(IMAGE_GEN) -app_img $< $@ $(shell basename $(CURDIR))
@echo "Installing application image to $(NEORV32_RTL_PATH)/$(APP_IMG)"
@cp $(APP_IMG) $(NEORV32_RTL_PATH)/.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Bootloader targets
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Create and install bootloader VHDL init image
$(BOOT_IMG): main.bin $(IMAGE_GEN)
@set -e
@$(IMAGE_GEN) -bld_img $< $(BOOT_IMG) $(shell basename $(CURDIR))
@echo "Installing bootloader image to $(NEORV32_RTL_PATH)/$(BOOT_IMG)"
# Just an alias that
bootloader: $(BOOT_IMG)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Check toolchain
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
check: $(IMAGE_GEN)
@echo "---------------- Check: NEORV32_HOME folder ----------------"
ifneq ($(shell [ -e $(NEORV32_HOME_MARKER) ] && echo 1 || echo 0 ), 1)
$(error NEORV32_HOME folder not found!)
@echo "NEORV32_HOME: $(NEORV32_HOME)"
@echo "---------------- Check: $(CC) ----------------"
@$(CC) -v
@echo "---------------- Check: $(OBJDUMP) ----------------"
@echo "---------------- Check: $(OBJCOPY) ----------------"
@echo "---------------- Check: $(SIZE) ----------------"
@$(SIZE) -V
@echo "---------------- Check: NEORV32 image_gen ----------------"
@$(IMAGE_GEN) -help
@echo "---------------- Check: Native GCC ----------------"
@$(CC_X86) -v
@echo "Toolchain check OK"
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Upload executable via serial port to bootloader
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
upload: $(APP_EXE)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Show configuration
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@echo "---------------- Info: Project ----------------"
@echo "Project folder: $(shell basename $(CURDIR))"
@echo "Source files: $(APP_SRC)"
@echo "Include folder(s): $(APP_INC)"
@echo "ASM include folder(s): $(ASM_INC)"
@echo "---------------- Info: NEORV32 ----------------"
@echo "NEORV32 home folder (NEORV32_HOME): $(NEORV32_HOME)"
@echo "Core source files:"
@echo "$(CORE_SRC)"
@echo "Core include folder:"
@echo "$(NEORV32_INC_PATH)"
@echo "---------------- Info: Objects ----------------"
@echo "Project object files:"
@echo "$(OBJ)"
@echo "---------------- Info: RISC-V CPU ----------------"
@echo "MARCH: $(MARCH)"
@echo "MABI: $(MABI)"
@echo "---------------- Info: Toolchain ----------------"
@echo "Toolchain: $(RISCV_TOLLCHAIN)"
@echo "CC: $(CC)"
@echo "SIZE: $(SIZE)"
@echo "---------------- Info: Compiler Libraries ----------------"
@echo "LIBGCC:"
@$(CC) -print-libgcc-file-name
@echo "SEARCH-DIRS:"
@$(CC) -print-search-dirs
@echo "---------------- Info: Flags ----------------"
@echo "CC_OPTS: $(CC_OPTS)"
@echo "---------------- Info: Host Native GCC Flags ----------------"
@echo "CC_X86: $(CC_X86)"
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Show final ELF details (just for debugging)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
elf_info: main.elf
@$(OBJDUMP) -x main.elf
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Help
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@echo "<<< NEORV32 Application Makefile >>>"
@echo "Make sure to add the bin folder of RISC-V GCC to your PATH variable."
@echo "Targets:"
@echo " help - show this text"
@echo " check - check toolchain"
@echo " info - show makefile/toolchain configuration"
@echo " exe - compile and generate <neorv32_exe.bin> executable for upload via bootloader"
@echo " install - compile, generate and install VHDL IMEM boot image (for application)"
@echo " all - compile and generate <neorv32_exe.bin> executable for upload via bootloader and generate and install VHDL IMEM boot image (for application)"
@echo " clean - clean up project"
@echo " clean_all - clean up project, core libraries and image generator"
@echo " bootloader - compile, generate and install VHDL BOOTROM boot image (for bootloader only!)"
@echo " upload - upload <neorv32_exe.bin> executable via serial port <COM_PORT> to bootloader"
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Clean up
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@rm -f *.elf *.o *.bin *.out *.asm *.vhd
clean_all: clean
@rm -f $(OBJ) $(IMAGE_GEN)
include ../../common/
34,305 → 34,6
# The NEORV32 Processor - (c) Stephan Nolting #
# *****************************************************************************
# *****************************************************************************
# User's application sources (*.c, *.cpp, *.s, *.S); add additional files here
APP_SRC ?= $(wildcard ./*.c) $(wildcard ./*.s) $(wildcard ./*.cpp) $(wildcard ./*.S)
# User's application include folders (don't forget the '-I' before each entry)
APP_INC ?= -I .
# User's application include folders - for assembly files only (don't forget the '-I' before each entry)
ASM_INC ?= -I .
# Optimization
# Compiler toolchain
RISCV_TOOLCHAIN ?= riscv32-unknown-elf
# CPU architecture and ABI
MARCH ?= -march=rv32i
MABI ?= -mabi=ilp32
# User flags for additional configuration (will be added to compiler flags)
# Serial port for executable upload via bootloer
COM_PORT ?= /dev/ttyUSB0
# Relative or absolute path to the NEORV32 home folder
NEORV32_HOME ?= ../../..
# *****************************************************************************
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# NEORV32 framework
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Path to NEORV32 linker script and startup file
NEORV32_COM_PATH = $(NEORV32_HOME)/sw/common
# Path to main NEORV32 library include files
NEORV32_INC_PATH = $(NEORV32_HOME)/sw/lib/include
# Path to main NEORV32 library source files
NEORV32_SRC_PATH = $(NEORV32_HOME)/sw/lib/source
# Path to NEORV32 executable generator
NEORV32_EXG_PATH = $(NEORV32_HOME)/sw/image_gen
# Path to NEORV32 core rtl folder
NEORV32_RTL_PATH = $(NEORV32_HOME)/rtl/core
# Marker file to check for NEORV32 home folder
# Core libraries (peripheral and CPU drivers)
CORE_SRC = $(wildcard $(NEORV32_SRC_PATH)/*.c)
# Application start-up code
# Linker script
LD_SCRIPT = $(NEORV32_COM_PATH)/neorv32.ld
# Main output files
APP_EXE = neorv32_exe.bin
APP_ASM = main.asm
APP_IMG = neorv32_application_image.vhd
BOOT_IMG = neorv32_bootloader_image.vhd
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Sources and objects
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Define all sources
# Define all object files
OBJ = $(SRC:%=%.o)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Tools and flags
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Compiler tools
# Host native compiler
CC_X86 = g++ -Wall -O -g
# NEORV32 executable image generator
IMAGE_GEN = $(NEORV32_EXG_PATH)/image_gen
# Compiler & linker flags
CC_OPTS = $(MARCH) $(MABI) $(EFFORT) -Wall -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -nostartfiles -mno-fdiv
CC_OPTS += -Wl,--gc-sections -lm -lc -lgcc -lc
# This accelerates instruction fetch after branches when C extension is enabled (irrelevant when C extension is disabled)
CC_OPTS += -falign-functions=4 -falign-labels=4 -falign-loops=4 -falign-jumps=4
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Application output definitions
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
.PHONY: check info help elf_info clean clean_all bootloader
# 'compile' is still here for compatibility
exe: $(APP_ASM) $(APP_EXE)
compile: $(APP_ASM) $(APP_EXE)
install: $(APP_ASM) $(APP_IMG)
all: $(APP_ASM) $(APP_EXE) $(APP_IMG)
# Check if making bootloader
# Use different base address and legth for instruction memory/"rom" (BOOTMEM instead of IMEM)
# Also define "make_bootloader" for crt0.S
target bootloader: CC_OPTS += -Wl,--defsym=make_bootloader=1 -Dmake_bootloader
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Image generator targets
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# install/compile tools
$(IMAGE_GEN): $(NEORV32_EXG_PATH)/image_gen.cpp
@echo Compiling $(IMAGE_GEN)
@$(CC_X86) $< -o $(IMAGE_GEN)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# General targets: Assemble, compile, link, dump
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Compile app *.s sources (assembly)
%.s.o: %.s
@$(CC) -c $(CC_OPTS) -I $(NEORV32_INC_PATH) $(ASM_INC) $< -o $@
# Compile app *.S sources (assembly + C pre-processor)
%.S.o: %.S
@$(CC) -c $(CC_OPTS) -I $(NEORV32_INC_PATH) $(ASM_INC) $< -o $@
# Compile app *.c sources
%.c.o: %.c
@$(CC) -c $(CC_OPTS) -I $(NEORV32_INC_PATH) $(APP_INC) $< -o $@
# Compile app *.cpp sources
%.cpp.o: %.cpp
@$(CC) -c $(CC_OPTS) -I $(NEORV32_INC_PATH) $(APP_INC) $< -o $@
# Link object files and show memory utilization
main.elf: $(OBJ)
@$(CC) $(CC_OPTS) -T $(LD_SCRIPT) $(OBJ) -o $@ -lm
@echo "Memory utilization:"
@$(SIZE) main.elf
# Assembly listing file (for debugging)
$(APP_ASM): main.elf
@$(OBJDUMP) -d -S -z $< > $@
# Generate final executable from .text + .rodata + .data (in THIS order!)
main.bin: main.elf $(APP_ASM)
@$(OBJCOPY) -I elf32-little $< -j .text -O binary text.bin
@$(OBJCOPY) -I elf32-little $< -j .rodata -O binary rodata.bin
@$(OBJCOPY) -I elf32-little $< -j .data -O binary data.bin
@cat text.bin rodata.bin data.bin > $@
@rm -f text.bin rodata.bin data.bin
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Application targets: Generate binary executable, install (as VHDL file)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Generate NEORV32 executable image for upload via bootloader
$(APP_EXE): main.bin $(IMAGE_GEN)
@set -e
@$(IMAGE_GEN) -app_bin $< $@ $(shell basename $(CURDIR))
@echo "Executable ($(APP_EXE)) size in bytes:"
@wc -c < $(APP_EXE)
# Generate NEORV32 executable VHDL boot image
$(APP_IMG): main.bin $(IMAGE_GEN)
@set -e
@$(IMAGE_GEN) -app_img $< $@ $(shell basename $(CURDIR))
@echo "Installing application image to $(NEORV32_RTL_PATH)/$(APP_IMG)"
@cp $(APP_IMG) $(NEORV32_RTL_PATH)/.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Bootloader targets
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Create and install bootloader VHDL init image
$(BOOT_IMG): main.bin $(IMAGE_GEN)
@set -e
@$(IMAGE_GEN) -bld_img $< $(BOOT_IMG) $(shell basename $(CURDIR))
@echo "Installing bootloader image to $(NEORV32_RTL_PATH)/$(BOOT_IMG)"
# Just an alias that
bootloader: $(BOOT_IMG)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Check toolchain
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
check: $(IMAGE_GEN)
@echo "---------------- Check: NEORV32_HOME folder ----------------"
ifneq ($(shell [ -e $(NEORV32_HOME_MARKER) ] && echo 1 || echo 0 ), 1)
$(error NEORV32_HOME folder not found!)
@echo "NEORV32_HOME: $(NEORV32_HOME)"
@echo "---------------- Check: $(CC) ----------------"
@$(CC) -v
@echo "---------------- Check: $(OBJDUMP) ----------------"
@echo "---------------- Check: $(OBJCOPY) ----------------"
@echo "---------------- Check: $(SIZE) ----------------"
@$(SIZE) -V
@echo "---------------- Check: NEORV32 image_gen ----------------"
@$(IMAGE_GEN) -help
@echo "---------------- Check: Native GCC ----------------"
@$(CC_X86) -v
@echo "Toolchain check OK"
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Upload executable via serial port to bootloader
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
upload: $(APP_EXE)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Show configuration
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@echo "---------------- Info: Project ----------------"
@echo "Project folder: $(shell basename $(CURDIR))"
@echo "Source files: $(APP_SRC)"
@echo "Include folder(s): $(APP_INC)"
@echo "ASM include folder(s): $(ASM_INC)"
@echo "---------------- Info: NEORV32 ----------------"
@echo "NEORV32 home folder (NEORV32_HOME): $(NEORV32_HOME)"
@echo "Core source files:"
@echo "$(CORE_SRC)"
@echo "Core include folder:"
@echo "$(NEORV32_INC_PATH)"
@echo "---------------- Info: Objects ----------------"
@echo "Project object files:"
@echo "$(OBJ)"
@echo "---------------- Info: RISC-V CPU ----------------"
@echo "MARCH: $(MARCH)"
@echo "MABI: $(MABI)"
@echo "---------------- Info: Toolchain ----------------"
@echo "Toolchain: $(RISCV_TOLLCHAIN)"
@echo "CC: $(CC)"
@echo "SIZE: $(SIZE)"
@echo "---------------- Info: Compiler Libraries ----------------"
@echo "LIBGCC:"
@$(CC) -print-libgcc-file-name
@echo "SEARCH-DIRS:"
@$(CC) -print-search-dirs
@echo "---------------- Info: Flags ----------------"
@echo "CC_OPTS: $(CC_OPTS)"
@echo "---------------- Info: Host Native GCC Flags ----------------"
@echo "CC_X86: $(CC_X86)"
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Show final ELF details (just for debugging)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
elf_info: main.elf
@$(OBJDUMP) -x main.elf
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Help
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@echo "<<< NEORV32 Application Makefile >>>"
@echo "Make sure to add the bin folder of RISC-V GCC to your PATH variable."
@echo "Targets:"
@echo " help - show this text"
@echo " check - check toolchain"
@echo " info - show makefile/toolchain configuration"
@echo " exe - compile and generate <neorv32_exe.bin> executable for upload via bootloader"
@echo " install - compile, generate and install VHDL IMEM boot image (for application)"
@echo " all - compile and generate <neorv32_exe.bin> executable for upload via bootloader and generate and install VHDL IMEM boot image (for application)"
@echo " clean - clean up project"
@echo " clean_all - clean up project, core libraries and image generator"
@echo " bootloader - compile, generate and install VHDL BOOTROM boot image (for bootloader only!)"
@echo " upload - upload <neorv32_exe.bin> executable via serial port <COM_PORT> to bootloader"
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Clean up
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@rm -f *.elf *.o *.bin *.out *.asm *.vhd
clean_all: clean
@rm -f $(OBJ) $(IMAGE_GEN)
include ../../common/
36,7 → 36,7
* @file demo_xirq/main.c
* @author Stephan Nolting
* @brief External interrupt controller (XIRQ) demo program.
* @brief External interrupt controller (XIRQ) demo program (using hardware-assisted prioritization).
#include <neorv32.h>
139,12 → 139,17
// wait for interrupts
// --- wait for interrupts ---
// All incoming XIRQ interrupt requests are "prioritized" in this example. The XIRQ FIRQ handler
// reads the ID of the interrupt with the highest priority from the XIRQ controller ("source" register) and calls the according
// handler function.
// Non-prioritized handling of interrupts (or custom prioritization) can be implemented by manually reading the
// XIRQ controller's "pending" register. It is up to the software to define which pending IRQ should be served.
// just as an example: to disable certain XIRQ interrupt channels, we can
// uninstall the according handler. this will also clear a pending interrupt for that channel
// un-install the according handler. this will also clear a pending interrupt for that channel
neorv32_xirq_uninstall(0); // disable XIRQ channel 0 and remove associated handler
neorv32_xirq_uninstall(1); // disable XIRQ channel 1 and remove associated handler
neorv32_xirq_uninstall(2); // disable XIRQ channel 2 and remove associated handler
34,305 → 34,6
# The NEORV32 Processor - (c) Stephan Nolting #
# *****************************************************************************
# *****************************************************************************
# User's application sources (*.c, *.cpp, *.s, *.S); add additional files here
APP_SRC ?= $(wildcard ./*.c) $(wildcard ./*.s) $(wildcard ./*.cpp) $(wildcard ./*.S)
# User's application include folders (don't forget the '-I' before each entry)
APP_INC ?= -I .
# User's application include folders - for assembly files only (don't forget the '-I' before each entry)
ASM_INC ?= -I .
# Optimization
# Compiler toolchain
RISCV_TOOLCHAIN ?= riscv32-unknown-elf
# CPU architecture and ABI
MARCH ?= -march=rv32i
MABI ?= -mabi=ilp32
# User flags for additional configuration (will be added to compiler flags)
# Serial port for executable upload via bootloer
COM_PORT ?= /dev/ttyUSB0
# Relative or absolute path to the NEORV32 home folder
NEORV32_HOME ?= ../../..
# *****************************************************************************
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# NEORV32 framework
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Path to NEORV32 linker script and startup file
NEORV32_COM_PATH = $(NEORV32_HOME)/sw/common
# Path to main NEORV32 library include files
NEORV32_INC_PATH = $(NEORV32_HOME)/sw/lib/include
# Path to main NEORV32 library source files
NEORV32_SRC_PATH = $(NEORV32_HOME)/sw/lib/source
# Path to NEORV32 executable generator
NEORV32_EXG_PATH = $(NEORV32_HOME)/sw/image_gen
# Path to NEORV32 core rtl folder
NEORV32_RTL_PATH = $(NEORV32_HOME)/rtl/core
# Marker file to check for NEORV32 home folder
# Core libraries (peripheral and CPU drivers)
CORE_SRC = $(wildcard $(NEORV32_SRC_PATH)/*.c)
# Application start-up code
# Linker script
LD_SCRIPT = $(NEORV32_COM_PATH)/neorv32.ld
# Main output files
APP_EXE = neorv32_exe.bin
APP_ASM = main.asm
APP_IMG = neorv32_application_image.vhd
BOOT_IMG = neorv32_bootloader_image.vhd
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Sources and objects
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Define all sources
# Define all object files
OBJ = $(SRC:%=%.o)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Tools and flags
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Compiler tools
# Host native compiler
CC_X86 = g++ -Wall -O -g
# NEORV32 executable image generator
IMAGE_GEN = $(NEORV32_EXG_PATH)/image_gen
# Compiler & linker flags
CC_OPTS = $(MARCH) $(MABI) $(EFFORT) -Wall -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -nostartfiles -mno-fdiv
CC_OPTS += -Wl,--gc-sections -lm -lc -lgcc -lc
# This accelerates instruction fetch after branches when C extension is enabled (irrelevant when C extension is disabled)
CC_OPTS += -falign-functions=4 -falign-labels=4 -falign-loops=4 -falign-jumps=4
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Application output definitions
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
.PHONY: check info help elf_info clean clean_all bootloader
# 'compile' is still here for compatibility
exe: $(APP_ASM) $(APP_EXE)
compile: $(APP_ASM) $(APP_EXE)
install: $(APP_ASM) $(APP_IMG)
all: $(APP_ASM) $(APP_EXE) $(APP_IMG)
# Check if making bootloader
# Use different base address and legth for instruction memory/"rom" (BOOTMEM instead of IMEM)
# Also define "make_bootloader" for crt0.S
target bootloader: CC_OPTS += -Wl,--defsym=make_bootloader=1 -Dmake_bootloader
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Image generator targets
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# install/compile tools
$(IMAGE_GEN): $(NEORV32_EXG_PATH)/image_gen.cpp
@echo Compiling $(IMAGE_GEN)
@$(CC_X86) $< -o $(IMAGE_GEN)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# General targets: Assemble, compile, link, dump
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Compile app *.s sources (assembly)
%.s.o: %.s
@$(CC) -c $(CC_OPTS) -I $(NEORV32_INC_PATH) $(ASM_INC) $< -o $@
# Compile app *.S sources (assembly + C pre-processor)
%.S.o: %.S
@$(CC) -c $(CC_OPTS) -I $(NEORV32_INC_PATH) $(ASM_INC) $< -o $@
# Compile app *.c sources
%.c.o: %.c
@$(CC) -c $(CC_OPTS) -I $(NEORV32_INC_PATH) $(APP_INC) $< -o $@
# Compile app *.cpp sources
%.cpp.o: %.cpp
@$(CC) -c $(CC_OPTS) -I $(NEORV32_INC_PATH) $(APP_INC) $< -o $@
# Link object files and show memory utilization
main.elf: $(OBJ)
@$(CC) $(CC_OPTS) -T $(LD_SCRIPT) $(OBJ) -o $@ -lm
@echo "Memory utilization:"
@$(SIZE) main.elf
# Assembly listing file (for debugging)
$(APP_ASM): main.elf
@$(OBJDUMP) -d -S -z $< > $@
# Generate final executable from .text + .rodata + .data (in THIS order!)
main.bin: main.elf $(APP_ASM)
@$(OBJCOPY) -I elf32-little $< -j .text -O binary text.bin
@$(OBJCOPY) -I elf32-little $< -j .rodata -O binary rodata.bin
@$(OBJCOPY) -I elf32-little $< -j .data -O binary data.bin
@cat text.bin rodata.bin data.bin > $@
@rm -f text.bin rodata.bin data.bin
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Application targets: Generate binary executable, install (as VHDL file)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Generate NEORV32 executable image for upload via bootloader
$(APP_EXE): main.bin $(IMAGE_GEN)
@set -e
@$(IMAGE_GEN) -app_bin $< $@ $(shell basename $(CURDIR))
@echo "Executable ($(APP_EXE)) size in bytes:"
@wc -c < $(APP_EXE)
# Generate NEORV32 executable VHDL boot image
$(APP_IMG): main.bin $(IMAGE_GEN)
@set -e
@$(IMAGE_GEN) -app_img $< $@ $(shell basename $(CURDIR))
@echo "Installing application image to $(NEORV32_RTL_PATH)/$(APP_IMG)"
@cp $(APP_IMG) $(NEORV32_RTL_PATH)/.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Bootloader targets
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Create and install bootloader VHDL init image
$(BOOT_IMG): main.bin $(IMAGE_GEN)
@set -e
@$(IMAGE_GEN) -bld_img $< $(BOOT_IMG) $(shell basename $(CURDIR))
@echo "Installing bootloader image to $(NEORV32_RTL_PATH)/$(BOOT_IMG)"
# Just an alias that
bootloader: $(BOOT_IMG)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Check toolchain
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
check: $(IMAGE_GEN)
@echo "---------------- Check: NEORV32_HOME folder ----------------"
ifneq ($(shell [ -e $(NEORV32_HOME_MARKER) ] && echo 1 || echo 0 ), 1)
$(error NEORV32_HOME folder not found!)
@echo "NEORV32_HOME: $(NEORV32_HOME)"
@echo "---------------- Check: $(CC) ----------------"
@$(CC) -v
@echo "---------------- Check: $(OBJDUMP) ----------------"
@echo "---------------- Check: $(OBJCOPY) ----------------"
@echo "---------------- Check: $(SIZE) ----------------"
@$(SIZE) -V
@echo "---------------- Check: NEORV32 image_gen ----------------"
@$(IMAGE_GEN) -help
@echo "---------------- Check: Native GCC ----------------"
@$(CC_X86) -v
@echo "Toolchain check OK"
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Upload executable via serial port to bootloader
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
upload: $(APP_EXE)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Show configuration
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@echo "---------------- Info: Project ----------------"
@echo "Project folder: $(shell basename $(CURDIR))"
@echo "Source files: $(APP_SRC)"
@echo "Include folder(s): $(APP_INC)"
@echo "ASM include folder(s): $(ASM_INC)"
@echo "---------------- Info: NEORV32 ----------------"
@echo "NEORV32 home folder (NEORV32_HOME): $(NEORV32_HOME)"
@echo "Core source files:"
@echo "$(CORE_SRC)"
@echo "Core include folder:"
@echo "$(NEORV32_INC_PATH)"
@echo "---------------- Info: Objects ----------------"
@echo "Project object files:"
@echo "$(OBJ)"
@echo "---------------- Info: RISC-V CPU ----------------"
@echo "MARCH: $(MARCH)"
@echo "MABI: $(MABI)"
@echo "---------------- Info: Toolchain ----------------"
@echo "Toolchain: $(RISCV_TOLLCHAIN)"
@echo "CC: $(CC)"
@echo "SIZE: $(SIZE)"
@echo "---------------- Info: Compiler Libraries ----------------"
@echo "LIBGCC:"
@$(CC) -print-libgcc-file-name
@echo "SEARCH-DIRS:"
@$(CC) -print-search-dirs
@echo "---------------- Info: Flags ----------------"
@echo "CC_OPTS: $(CC_OPTS)"
@echo "---------------- Info: Host Native GCC Flags ----------------"
@echo "CC_X86: $(CC_X86)"
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Show final ELF details (just for debugging)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
elf_info: main.elf
@$(OBJDUMP) -x main.elf
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Help
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@echo "<<< NEORV32 Application Makefile >>>"
@echo "Make sure to add the bin folder of RISC-V GCC to your PATH variable."
@echo "Targets:"
@echo " help - show this text"
@echo " check - check toolchain"
@echo " info - show makefile/toolchain configuration"
@echo " exe - compile and generate <neorv32_exe.bin> executable for upload via bootloader"
@echo " install - compile, generate and install VHDL IMEM boot image (for application)"
@echo " all - compile and generate <neorv32_exe.bin> executable for upload via bootloader and generate and install VHDL IMEM boot image (for application)"
@echo " clean - clean up project"
@echo " clean_all - clean up project, core libraries and image generator"
@echo " bootloader - compile, generate and install VHDL BOOTROM boot image (for bootloader only!)"
@echo " upload - upload <neorv32_exe.bin> executable via serial port <COM_PORT> to bootloader"
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Clean up
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@rm -f *.elf *.o *.bin *.out *.asm *.vhd
clean_all: clean
@rm -f $(OBJ) $(IMAGE_GEN)
include ../../common/
148,9 → 148,13
neorv32_uart_printf("Test cases per instruction: %u\n", (uint32_t)NUM_TEST_CASES);
neorv32_uart_printf("NOTE: The NEORV32 FPU does not support subnormal numbers yet. Subnormal numbers are flushed to zero.\n\n");
// enable FPU extension
uint32_t mstatus = neorv32_cpu_csr_read(CSR_MSTATUS);
mstatus |= 1 << CSR_MSTATUS_FS_L; // state = initial
neorv32_cpu_csr_write(CSR_MSTATUS, mstatus);
// clear exception status word
neorv32_cpu_csr_write(CSR_FFLAGS, 0);; // real hardware
neorv32_cpu_csr_write(CSR_FFLAGS, 0); // real hardware
feclearexcept(FE_ALL_EXCEPT); // software runtime (GCC floating-point emulation)
34,305 → 34,6
# The NEORV32 Processor - (c) Stephan Nolting #
# *****************************************************************************
# *****************************************************************************
# User's application sources (*.c, *.cpp, *.s, *.S); add additional files here
APP_SRC ?= $(wildcard ./*.c) $(wildcard ./*.s) $(wildcard ./*.cpp) $(wildcard ./*.S)
# User's application include folders (don't forget the '-I' before each entry)
APP_INC ?= -I .
# User's application include folders - for assembly files only (don't forget the '-I' before each entry)
ASM_INC ?= -I .
# Optimization
# Compiler toolchain
RISCV_TOOLCHAIN ?= riscv32-unknown-elf
# CPU architecture and ABI
MARCH ?= -march=rv32i
MABI ?= -mabi=ilp32
# User flags for additional configuration (will be added to compiler flags)
# Serial port for executable upload via bootloer
COM_PORT ?= /dev/ttyUSB0
# Relative or absolute path to the NEORV32 home folder
NEORV32_HOME ?= ../../..
# *****************************************************************************
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# NEORV32 framework
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Path to NEORV32 linker script and startup file
NEORV32_COM_PATH = $(NEORV32_HOME)/sw/common
# Path to main NEORV32 library include files
NEORV32_INC_PATH = $(NEORV32_HOME)/sw/lib/include
# Path to main NEORV32 library source files
NEORV32_SRC_PATH = $(NEORV32_HOME)/sw/lib/source
# Path to NEORV32 executable generator
NEORV32_EXG_PATH = $(NEORV32_HOME)/sw/image_gen
# Path to NEORV32 core rtl folder
NEORV32_RTL_PATH = $(NEORV32_HOME)/rtl/core
# Marker file to check for NEORV32 home folder
# Core libraries (peripheral and CPU drivers)
CORE_SRC = $(wildcard $(NEORV32_SRC_PATH)/*.c)
# Application start-up code
# Linker script
LD_SCRIPT = $(NEORV32_COM_PATH)/neorv32.ld
# Main output files
APP_EXE = neorv32_exe.bin
APP_ASM = main.asm
APP_IMG = neorv32_application_image.vhd
BOOT_IMG = neorv32_bootloader_image.vhd
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Sources and objects
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Define all sources
# Define all object files
OBJ = $(SRC:%=%.o)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Tools and flags
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Compiler tools
# Host native compiler
CC_X86 = g++ -Wall -O -g
# NEORV32 executable image generator
IMAGE_GEN = $(NEORV32_EXG_PATH)/image_gen
# Compiler & linker flags
CC_OPTS = $(MARCH) $(MABI) $(EFFORT) -Wall -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -nostartfiles -mno-fdiv
CC_OPTS += -Wl,--gc-sections -lm -lc -lgcc -lc
# This accelerates instruction fetch after branches when C extension is enabled (irrelevant when C extension is disabled)
CC_OPTS += -falign-functions=4 -falign-labels=4 -falign-loops=4 -falign-jumps=4
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Application output definitions
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
.PHONY: check info help elf_info clean clean_all bootloader
# 'compile' is still here for compatibility
exe: $(APP_ASM) $(APP_EXE)
compile: $(APP_ASM) $(APP_EXE)
install: $(APP_ASM) $(APP_IMG)
all: $(APP_ASM) $(APP_EXE) $(APP_IMG)
# Check if making bootloader
# Use different base address and legth for instruction memory/"rom" (BOOTMEM instead of IMEM)
# Also define "make_bootloader" for crt0.S
target bootloader: CC_OPTS += -Wl,--defsym=make_bootloader=1 -Dmake_bootloader
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Image generator targets
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# install/compile tools
$(IMAGE_GEN): $(NEORV32_EXG_PATH)/image_gen.cpp
@echo Compiling $(IMAGE_GEN)
@$(CC_X86) $< -o $(IMAGE_GEN)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# General targets: Assemble, compile, link, dump
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Compile app *.s sources (assembly)
%.s.o: %.s
@$(CC) -c $(CC_OPTS) -I $(NEORV32_INC_PATH) $(ASM_INC) $< -o $@
# Compile app *.S sources (assembly + C pre-processor)
%.S.o: %.S
@$(CC) -c $(CC_OPTS) -I $(NEORV32_INC_PATH) $(ASM_INC) $< -o $@
# Compile app *.c sources
%.c.o: %.c
@$(CC) -c $(CC_OPTS) -I $(NEORV32_INC_PATH) $(APP_INC) $< -o $@
# Compile app *.cpp sources
%.cpp.o: %.cpp
@$(CC) -c $(CC_OPTS) -I $(NEORV32_INC_PATH) $(APP_INC) $< -o $@
# Link object files and show memory utilization
main.elf: $(OBJ)
@$(CC) $(CC_OPTS) -T $(LD_SCRIPT) $(OBJ) -o $@ -lm
@echo "Memory utilization:"
@$(SIZE) main.elf
# Assembly listing file (for debugging)
$(APP_ASM): main.elf
@$(OBJDUMP) -d -S -z $< > $@
# Generate final executable from .text + .rodata + .data (in THIS order!)
main.bin: main.elf $(APP_ASM)
@$(OBJCOPY) -I elf32-little $< -j .text -O binary text.bin
@$(OBJCOPY) -I elf32-little $< -j .rodata -O binary rodata.bin
@$(OBJCOPY) -I elf32-little $< -j .data -O binary data.bin
@cat text.bin rodata.bin data.bin > $@
@rm -f text.bin rodata.bin data.bin
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Application targets: Generate binary executable, install (as VHDL file)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Generate NEORV32 executable image for upload via bootloader
$(APP_EXE): main.bin $(IMAGE_GEN)
@set -e
@$(IMAGE_GEN) -app_bin $< $@ $(shell basename $(CURDIR))
@echo "Executable ($(APP_EXE)) size in bytes:"
@wc -c < $(APP_EXE)
# Generate NEORV32 executable VHDL boot image
$(APP_IMG): main.bin $(IMAGE_GEN)
@set -e
@$(IMAGE_GEN) -app_img $< $@ $(shell basename $(CURDIR))
@echo "Installing application image to $(NEORV32_RTL_PATH)/$(APP_IMG)"
@cp $(APP_IMG) $(NEORV32_RTL_PATH)/.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Bootloader targets
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Create and install bootloader VHDL init image
$(BOOT_IMG): main.bin $(IMAGE_GEN)
@set -e
@$(IMAGE_GEN) -bld_img $< $(BOOT_IMG) $(shell basename $(CURDIR))
@echo "Installing bootloader image to $(NEORV32_RTL_PATH)/$(BOOT_IMG)"
# Just an alias that
bootloader: $(BOOT_IMG)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Check toolchain
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
check: $(IMAGE_GEN)
@echo "---------------- Check: NEORV32_HOME folder ----------------"
ifneq ($(shell [ -e $(NEORV32_HOME_MARKER) ] && echo 1 || echo 0 ), 1)
$(error NEORV32_HOME folder not found!)
@echo "NEORV32_HOME: $(NEORV32_HOME)"
@echo "---------------- Check: $(CC) ----------------"
@$(CC) -v
@echo "---------------- Check: $(OBJDUMP) ----------------"
@echo "---------------- Check: $(OBJCOPY) ----------------"
@echo "---------------- Check: $(SIZE) ----------------"
@$(SIZE) -V
@echo "---------------- Check: NEORV32 image_gen ----------------"
@$(IMAGE_GEN) -help
@echo "---------------- Check: Native GCC ----------------"
@$(CC_X86) -v
@echo "Toolchain check OK"
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Upload executable via serial port to bootloader
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
upload: $(APP_EXE)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Show configuration
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@echo "---------------- Info: Project ----------------"
@echo "Project folder: $(shell basename $(CURDIR))"
@echo "Source files: $(APP_SRC)"
@echo "Include folder(s): $(APP_INC)"
@echo "ASM include folder(s): $(ASM_INC)"
@echo "---------------- Info: NEORV32 ----------------"
@echo "NEORV32 home folder (NEORV32_HOME): $(NEORV32_HOME)"
@echo "Core source files:"
@echo "$(CORE_SRC)"
@echo "Core include folder:"
@echo "$(NEORV32_INC_PATH)"
@echo "---------------- Info: Objects ----------------"
@echo "Project object files:"
@echo "$(OBJ)"
@echo "---------------- Info: RISC-V CPU ----------------"
@echo "MARCH: $(MARCH)"
@echo "MABI: $(MABI)"
@echo "---------------- Info: Toolchain ----------------"
@echo "Toolchain: $(RISCV_TOLLCHAIN)"
@echo "CC: $(CC)"
@echo "SIZE: $(SIZE)"
@echo "---------------- Info: Compiler Libraries ----------------"
@echo "LIBGCC:"
@$(CC) -print-libgcc-file-name
@echo "SEARCH-DIRS:"
@$(CC) -print-search-dirs
@echo "---------------- Info: Flags ----------------"
@echo "CC_OPTS: $(CC_OPTS)"
@echo "---------------- Info: Host Native GCC Flags ----------------"
@echo "CC_X86: $(CC_X86)"
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Show final ELF details (just for debugging)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
elf_info: main.elf
@$(OBJDUMP) -x main.elf
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Help
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@echo "<<< NEORV32 Application Makefile >>>"
@echo "Make sure to add the bin folder of RISC-V GCC to your PATH variable."
@echo "Targets:"
@echo " help - show this text"
@echo " check - check toolchain"
@echo " info - show makefile/toolchain configuration"
@echo " exe - compile and generate <neorv32_exe.bin> executable for upload via bootloader"
@echo " install - compile, generate and install VHDL IMEM boot image (for application)"
@echo " all - compile and generate <neorv32_exe.bin> executable for upload via bootloader and generate and install VHDL IMEM boot image (for application)"
@echo " clean - clean up project"
@echo " clean_all - clean up project, core libraries and image generator"
@echo " bootloader - compile, generate and install VHDL BOOTROM boot image (for bootloader only!)"
@echo " upload - upload <neorv32_exe.bin> executable via serial port <COM_PORT> to bootloader"
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Clean up
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@rm -f *.elf *.o *.bin *.out *.asm *.vhd
clean_all: clean
@rm -f $(OBJ) $(IMAGE_GEN)
include ../../common/
34,305 → 34,6
# The NEORV32 Processor - (c) Stephan Nolting #
# *****************************************************************************
# *****************************************************************************
# User's application sources (*.c, *.cpp, *.s, *.S); add additional files here
APP_SRC ?= $(wildcard ./*.c) $(wildcard ./*.s) $(wildcard ./*.cpp) $(wildcard ./*.S)
# User's application include folders (don't forget the '-I' before each entry)
APP_INC ?= -I .
# User's application include folders - for assembly files only (don't forget the '-I' before each entry)
ASM_INC ?= -I .
# Optimization
# Compiler toolchain
RISCV_TOOLCHAIN ?= riscv32-unknown-elf
# CPU architecture and ABI
MARCH ?= -march=rv32i
MABI ?= -mabi=ilp32
# User flags for additional configuration (will be added to compiler flags)
# Serial port for executable upload via bootloer
COM_PORT ?= /dev/ttyUSB0
# Relative or absolute path to the NEORV32 home folder
NEORV32_HOME ?= ../../..
# *****************************************************************************
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# NEORV32 framework
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Path to NEORV32 linker script and startup file
NEORV32_COM_PATH = $(NEORV32_HOME)/sw/common
# Path to main NEORV32 library include files
NEORV32_INC_PATH = $(NEORV32_HOME)/sw/lib/include
# Path to main NEORV32 library source files
NEORV32_SRC_PATH = $(NEORV32_HOME)/sw/lib/source
# Path to NEORV32 executable generator
NEORV32_EXG_PATH = $(NEORV32_HOME)/sw/image_gen
# Path to NEORV32 core rtl folder
NEORV32_RTL_PATH = $(NEORV32_HOME)/rtl/core
# Marker file to check for NEORV32 home folder
# Core libraries (peripheral and CPU drivers)
CORE_SRC = $(wildcard $(NEORV32_SRC_PATH)/*.c)
# Application start-up code
# Linker script
LD_SCRIPT = $(NEORV32_COM_PATH)/neorv32.ld
# Main output files
APP_EXE = neorv32_exe.bin
APP_ASM = main.asm
APP_IMG = neorv32_application_image.vhd
BOOT_IMG = neorv32_bootloader_image.vhd
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Sources and objects
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Define all sources
# Define all object files
OBJ = $(SRC:%=%.o)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Tools and flags
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Compiler tools
# Host native compiler
CC_X86 = g++ -Wall -O -g
# NEORV32 executable image generator
IMAGE_GEN = $(NEORV32_EXG_PATH)/image_gen
# Compiler & linker flags
CC_OPTS = $(MARCH) $(MABI) $(EFFORT) -Wall -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -nostartfiles -mno-fdiv
CC_OPTS += -Wl,--gc-sections -lm -lc -lgcc -lc
# This accelerates instruction fetch after branches when C extension is enabled (irrelevant when C extension is disabled)
CC_OPTS += -falign-functions=4 -falign-labels=4 -falign-loops=4 -falign-jumps=4
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Application output definitions
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
.PHONY: check info help elf_info clean clean_all bootloader
# 'compile' is still here for compatibility
exe: $(APP_ASM) $(APP_EXE)
compile: $(APP_ASM) $(APP_EXE)
install: $(APP_ASM) $(APP_IMG)
all: $(APP_ASM) $(APP_EXE) $(APP_IMG)
# Check if making bootloader
# Use different base address and legth for instruction memory/"rom" (BOOTMEM instead of IMEM)
# Also define "make_bootloader" for crt0.S
target bootloader: CC_OPTS += -Wl,--defsym=make_bootloader=1 -Dmake_bootloader
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Image generator targets
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# install/compile tools
$(IMAGE_GEN): $(NEORV32_EXG_PATH)/image_gen.cpp
@echo Compiling $(IMAGE_GEN)
@$(CC_X86) $< -o $(IMAGE_GEN)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# General targets: Assemble, compile, link, dump
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Compile app *.s sources (assembly)
%.s.o: %.s
@$(CC) -c $(CC_OPTS) -I $(NEORV32_INC_PATH) $(ASM_INC) $< -o $@
# Compile app *.S sources (assembly + C pre-processor)
%.S.o: %.S
@$(CC) -c $(CC_OPTS) -I $(NEORV32_INC_PATH) $(ASM_INC) $< -o $@
# Compile app *.c sources
%.c.o: %.c
@$(CC) -c $(CC_OPTS) -I $(NEORV32_INC_PATH) $(APP_INC) $< -o $@
# Compile app *.cpp sources
%.cpp.o: %.cpp
@$(CC) -c $(CC_OPTS) -I $(NEORV32_INC_PATH) $(APP_INC) $< -o $@
# Link object files and show memory utilization
main.elf: $(OBJ)
@$(CC) $(CC_OPTS) -T $(LD_SCRIPT) $(OBJ) -o $@ -lm
@echo "Memory utilization:"
@$(SIZE) main.elf
# Assembly listing file (for debugging)
$(APP_ASM): main.elf
@$(OBJDUMP) -d -S -z $< > $@
# Generate final executable from .text + .rodata + .data (in THIS order!)
main.bin: main.elf $(APP_ASM)
@$(OBJCOPY) -I elf32-little $< -j .text -O binary text.bin
@$(OBJCOPY) -I elf32-little $< -j .rodata -O binary rodata.bin
@$(OBJCOPY) -I elf32-little $< -j .data -O binary data.bin
@cat text.bin rodata.bin data.bin > $@
@rm -f text.bin rodata.bin data.bin
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Application targets: Generate binary executable, install (as VHDL file)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Generate NEORV32 executable image for upload via bootloader
$(APP_EXE): main.bin $(IMAGE_GEN)
@set -e
@$(IMAGE_GEN) -app_bin $< $@ $(shell basename $(CURDIR))
@echo "Executable ($(APP_EXE)) size in bytes:"
@wc -c < $(APP_EXE)
# Generate NEORV32 executable VHDL boot image
$(APP_IMG): main.bin $(IMAGE_GEN)
@set -e
@$(IMAGE_GEN) -app_img $< $@ $(shell basename $(CURDIR))
@echo "Installing application image to $(NEORV32_RTL_PATH)/$(APP_IMG)"
@cp $(APP_IMG) $(NEORV32_RTL_PATH)/.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Bootloader targets
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Create and install bootloader VHDL init image
$(BOOT_IMG): main.bin $(IMAGE_GEN)
@set -e
@$(IMAGE_GEN) -bld_img $< $(BOOT_IMG) $(shell basename $(CURDIR))
@echo "Installing bootloader image to $(NEORV32_RTL_PATH)/$(BOOT_IMG)"
# Just an alias that
bootloader: $(BOOT_IMG)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Check toolchain
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
check: $(IMAGE_GEN)
@echo "---------------- Check: NEORV32_HOME folder ----------------"
ifneq ($(shell [ -e $(NEORV32_HOME_MARKER) ] && echo 1 || echo 0 ), 1)
$(error NEORV32_HOME folder not found!)
@echo "NEORV32_HOME: $(NEORV32_HOME)"
@echo "---------------- Check: $(CC) ----------------"
@$(CC) -v
@echo "---------------- Check: $(OBJDUMP) ----------------"
@echo "---------------- Check: $(OBJCOPY) ----------------"
@echo "---------------- Check: $(SIZE) ----------------"
@$(SIZE) -V
@echo "---------------- Check: NEORV32 image_gen ----------------"
@$(IMAGE_GEN) -help
@echo "---------------- Check: Native GCC ----------------"
@$(CC_X86) -v
@echo "Toolchain check OK"
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Upload executable via serial port to bootloader
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
upload: $(APP_EXE)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Show configuration
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@echo "---------------- Info: Project ----------------"
@echo "Project folder: $(shell basename $(CURDIR))"
@echo "Source files: $(APP_SRC)"
@echo "Include folder(s): $(APP_INC)"
@echo "ASM include folder(s): $(ASM_INC)"
@echo "---------------- Info: NEORV32 ----------------"
@echo "NEORV32 home folder (NEORV32_HOME): $(NEORV32_HOME)"
@echo "Core source files:"
@echo "$(CORE_SRC)"
@echo "Core include folder:"
@echo "$(NEORV32_INC_PATH)"
@echo "---------------- Info: Objects ----------------"
@echo "Project object files:"
@echo "$(OBJ)"
@echo "---------------- Info: RISC-V CPU ----------------"
@echo "MARCH: $(MARCH)"
@echo "MABI: $(MABI)"
@echo "---------------- Info: Toolchain ----------------"
@echo "Toolchain: $(RISCV_TOLLCHAIN)"
@echo "CC: $(CC)"
@echo "SIZE: $(SIZE)"
@echo "---------------- Info: Compiler Libraries ----------------"
@echo "LIBGCC:"
@$(CC) -print-libgcc-file-name
@echo "SEARCH-DIRS:"
@$(CC) -print-search-dirs
@echo "---------------- Info: Flags ----------------"
@echo "CC_OPTS: $(CC_OPTS)"
@echo "---------------- Info: Host Native GCC Flags ----------------"
@echo "CC_X86: $(CC_X86)"
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Show final ELF details (just for debugging)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
elf_info: main.elf
@$(OBJDUMP) -x main.elf
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Help
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@echo "<<< NEORV32 Application Makefile >>>"
@echo "Make sure to add the bin folder of RISC-V GCC to your PATH variable."
@echo "Targets:"
@echo " help - show this text"
@echo " check - check toolchain"
@echo " info - show makefile/toolchain configuration"
@echo " exe - compile and generate <neorv32_exe.bin> executable for upload via bootloader"
@echo " install - compile, generate and install VHDL IMEM boot image (for application)"
@echo " all - compile and generate <neorv32_exe.bin> executable for upload via bootloader and generate and install VHDL IMEM boot image (for application)"
@echo " clean - clean up project"
@echo " clean_all - clean up project, core libraries and image generator"
@echo " bootloader - compile, generate and install VHDL BOOTROM boot image (for bootloader only!)"
@echo " upload - upload <neorv32_exe.bin> executable via serial port <COM_PORT> to bootloader"
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Clean up
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@rm -f *.elf *.o *.bin *.out *.asm *.vhd
clean_all: clean
@rm -f $(OBJ) $(IMAGE_GEN)
include ../../common/
34,305 → 34,6
# The NEORV32 Processor - (c) Stephan Nolting #
# *****************************************************************************
# *****************************************************************************
# User's application sources (*.c, *.cpp, *.s, *.S); add additional files here
APP_SRC ?= $(wildcard ./*.c) $(wildcard ./*.s) $(wildcard ./*.cpp) $(wildcard ./*.S)
# User's application include folders (don't forget the '-I' before each entry)
APP_INC ?= -I .
# User's application include folders - for assembly files only (don't forget the '-I' before each entry)
ASM_INC ?= -I .
# Optimization
# Compiler toolchain
RISCV_TOOLCHAIN ?= riscv32-unknown-elf
# CPU architecture and ABI
MARCH ?= -march=rv32i
MABI ?= -mabi=ilp32
# User flags for additional configuration (will be added to compiler flags)
# Serial port for executable upload via bootloer
COM_PORT ?= /dev/ttyUSB0
# Relative or absolute path to the NEORV32 home folder
NEORV32_HOME ?= ../../..
# *****************************************************************************
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# NEORV32 framework
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Path to NEORV32 linker script and startup file
NEORV32_COM_PATH = $(NEORV32_HOME)/sw/common
# Path to main NEORV32 library include files
NEORV32_INC_PATH = $(NEORV32_HOME)/sw/lib/include
# Path to main NEORV32 library source files
NEORV32_SRC_PATH = $(NEORV32_HOME)/sw/lib/source
# Path to NEORV32 executable generator
NEORV32_EXG_PATH = $(NEORV32_HOME)/sw/image_gen
# Path to NEORV32 core rtl folder
NEORV32_RTL_PATH = $(NEORV32_HOME)/rtl/core
# Marker file to check for NEORV32 home folder
# Core libraries (peripheral and CPU drivers)
CORE_SRC = $(wildcard $(NEORV32_SRC_PATH)/*.c)
# Application start-up code
# Linker script
LD_SCRIPT = $(NEORV32_COM_PATH)/neorv32.ld
# Main output files
APP_EXE = neorv32_exe.bin
APP_ASM = main.asm
APP_IMG = neorv32_application_image.vhd
BOOT_IMG = neorv32_bootloader_image.vhd
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Sources and objects
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Define all sources
# Define all object files
OBJ = $(SRC:%=%.o)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Tools and flags
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Compiler tools
# Host native compiler
CC_X86 = g++ -Wall -O -g
# NEORV32 executable image generator
IMAGE_GEN = $(NEORV32_EXG_PATH)/image_gen
# Compiler & linker flags
CC_OPTS = $(MARCH) $(MABI) $(EFFORT) -Wall -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -nostartfiles -mno-fdiv
CC_OPTS += -Wl,--gc-sections -lm -lc -lgcc -lc
# This accelerates instruction fetch after branches when C extension is enabled (irrelevant when C extension is disabled)
CC_OPTS += -falign-functions=4 -falign-labels=4 -falign-loops=4 -falign-jumps=4
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Application output definitions
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
.PHONY: check info help elf_info clean clean_all bootloader
# 'compile' is still here for compatibility
exe: $(APP_ASM) $(APP_EXE)
compile: $(APP_ASM) $(APP_EXE)
install: $(APP_ASM) $(APP_IMG)
all: $(APP_ASM) $(APP_EXE) $(APP_IMG)
# Check if making bootloader
# Use different base address and legth for instruction memory/"rom" (BOOTMEM instead of IMEM)
# Also define "make_bootloader" for crt0.S
target bootloader: CC_OPTS += -Wl,--defsym=make_bootloader=1 -Dmake_bootloader
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Image generator targets
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# install/compile tools
$(IMAGE_GEN): $(NEORV32_EXG_PATH)/image_gen.cpp
@echo Compiling $(IMAGE_GEN)
@$(CC_X86) $< -o $(IMAGE_GEN)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# General targets: Assemble, compile, link, dump
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Compile app *.s sources (assembly)
%.s.o: %.s
@$(CC) -c $(CC_OPTS) -I $(NEORV32_INC_PATH) $(ASM_INC) $< -o $@
# Compile app *.S sources (assembly + C pre-processor)
%.S.o: %.S
@$(CC) -c $(CC_OPTS) -I $(NEORV32_INC_PATH) $(ASM_INC) $< -o $@
# Compile app *.c sources
%.c.o: %.c
@$(CC) -c $(CC_OPTS) -I $(NEORV32_INC_PATH) $(APP_INC) $< -o $@
# Compile app *.cpp sources
%.cpp.o: %.cpp
@$(CC) -c $(CC_OPTS) -I $(NEORV32_INC_PATH) $(APP_INC) $< -o $@
# Link object files and show memory utilization
main.elf: $(OBJ)
@$(CC) $(CC_OPTS) -T $(LD_SCRIPT) $(OBJ) -o $@ -lm
@echo "Memory utilization:"
@$(SIZE) main.elf
# Assembly listing file (for debugging)
$(APP_ASM): main.elf
@$(OBJDUMP) -d -S -z $< > $@
# Generate final executable from .text + .rodata + .data (in THIS order!)
main.bin: main.elf $(APP_ASM)
@$(OBJCOPY) -I elf32-little $< -j .text -O binary text.bin
@$(OBJCOPY) -I elf32-little $< -j .rodata -O binary rodata.bin
@$(OBJCOPY) -I elf32-little $< -j .data -O binary data.bin
@cat text.bin rodata.bin data.bin > $@
@rm -f text.bin rodata.bin data.bin
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Application targets: Generate binary executable, install (as VHDL file)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Generate NEORV32 executable image for upload via bootloader
$(APP_EXE): main.bin $(IMAGE_GEN)
@set -e
@$(IMAGE_GEN) -app_bin $< $@ $(shell basename $(CURDIR))
@echo "Executable ($(APP_EXE)) size in bytes:"
@wc -c < $(APP_EXE)
# Generate NEORV32 executable VHDL boot image
$(APP_IMG): main.bin $(IMAGE_GEN)
@set -e
@$(IMAGE_GEN) -app_img $< $@ $(shell basename $(CURDIR))
@echo "Installing application image to $(NEORV32_RTL_PATH)/$(APP_IMG)"
@cp $(APP_IMG) $(NEORV32_RTL_PATH)/.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Bootloader targets
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Create and install bootloader VHDL init image
$(BOOT_IMG): main.bin $(IMAGE_GEN)
@set -e
@$(IMAGE_GEN) -bld_img $< $(BOOT_IMG) $(shell basename $(CURDIR))
@echo "Installing bootloader image to $(NEORV32_RTL_PATH)/$(BOOT_IMG)"
# Just an alias that
bootloader: $(BOOT_IMG)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Check toolchain
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
check: $(IMAGE_GEN)
@echo "---------------- Check: NEORV32_HOME folder ----------------"
ifneq ($(shell [ -e $(NEORV32_HOME_MARKER) ] && echo 1 || echo 0 ), 1)
$(error NEORV32_HOME folder not found!)
@echo "NEORV32_HOME: $(NEORV32_HOME)"
@echo "---------------- Check: $(CC) ----------------"
@$(CC) -v
@echo "---------------- Check: $(OBJDUMP) ----------------"
@echo "---------------- Check: $(OBJCOPY) ----------------"
@echo "---------------- Check: $(SIZE) ----------------"
@$(SIZE) -V
@echo "---------------- Check: NEORV32 image_gen ----------------"
@$(IMAGE_GEN) -help
@echo "---------------- Check: Native GCC ----------------"
@$(CC_X86) -v
@echo "Toolchain check OK"
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Upload executable via serial port to bootloader
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
upload: $(APP_EXE)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Show configuration
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@echo "---------------- Info: Project ----------------"
@echo "Project folder: $(shell basename $(CURDIR))"
@echo "Source files: $(APP_SRC)"
@echo "Include folder(s): $(APP_INC)"
@echo "ASM include folder(s): $(ASM_INC)"
@echo "---------------- Info: NEORV32 ----------------"
@echo "NEORV32 home folder (NEORV32_HOME): $(NEORV32_HOME)"
@echo "Core source files:"
@echo "$(CORE_SRC)"
@echo "Core include folder:"
@echo "$(NEORV32_INC_PATH)"
@echo "---------------- Info: Objects ----------------"
@echo "Project object files:"
@echo "$(OBJ)"
@echo "---------------- Info: RISC-V CPU ----------------"
@echo "MARCH: $(MARCH)"
@echo "MABI: $(MABI)"
@echo "---------------- Info: Toolchain ----------------"
@echo "Toolchain: $(RISCV_TOLLCHAIN)"
@echo "CC: $(CC)"
@echo "SIZE: $(SIZE)"
@echo "---------------- Info: Compiler Libraries ----------------"
@echo "LIBGCC:"
@$(CC) -print-libgcc-file-name
@echo "SEARCH-DIRS:"
@$(CC) -print-search-dirs
@echo "---------------- Info: Flags ----------------"
@echo "CC_OPTS: $(CC_OPTS)"
@echo "---------------- Info: Host Native GCC Flags ----------------"
@echo "CC_X86: $(CC_X86)"
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Show final ELF details (just for debugging)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
elf_info: main.elf
@$(OBJDUMP) -x main.elf
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Help
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@echo "<<< NEORV32 Application Makefile >>>"
@echo "Make sure to add the bin folder of RISC-V GCC to your PATH variable."
@echo "Targets:"
@echo " help - show this text"
@echo " check - check toolchain"
@echo " info - show makefile/toolchain configuration"
@echo " exe - compile and generate <neorv32_exe.bin> executable for upload via bootloader"
@echo " install - compile, generate and install VHDL IMEM boot image (for application)"
@echo " all - compile and generate <neorv32_exe.bin> executable for upload via bootloader and generate and install VHDL IMEM boot image (for application)"
@echo " clean - clean up project"
@echo " clean_all - clean up project, core libraries and image generator"
@echo " bootloader - compile, generate and install VHDL BOOTROM boot image (for bootloader only!)"
@echo " upload - upload <neorv32_exe.bin> executable via serial port <COM_PORT> to bootloader"
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Clean up
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@rm -f *.elf *.o *.bin *.out *.asm *.vhd
clean_all: clean
@rm -f $(OBJ) $(IMAGE_GEN)
include ../../common/
34,305 → 34,6
# The NEORV32 Processor - (c) Stephan Nolting #
# *****************************************************************************
# *****************************************************************************
# User's application sources (*.c, *.cpp, *.s, *.S); add additional files here
APP_SRC ?= $(wildcard ./*.c) $(wildcard ./*.s) $(wildcard ./*.cpp) $(wildcard ./*.S)
# User's application include folders (don't forget the '-I' before each entry)
APP_INC ?= -I .
# User's application include folders - for assembly files only (don't forget the '-I' before each entry)
ASM_INC ?= -I .
# Optimization
# Compiler toolchain
RISCV_TOOLCHAIN ?= riscv32-unknown-elf
# CPU architecture and ABI
MARCH ?= -march=rv32i
MABI ?= -mabi=ilp32
# User flags for additional configuration (will be added to compiler flags)
# Serial port for executable upload via bootloer
COM_PORT ?= /dev/ttyUSB0
# Relative or absolute path to the NEORV32 home folder
NEORV32_HOME ?= ../../..
# *****************************************************************************
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# NEORV32 framework
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Path to NEORV32 linker script and startup file
NEORV32_COM_PATH = $(NEORV32_HOME)/sw/common
# Path to main NEORV32 library include files
NEORV32_INC_PATH = $(NEORV32_HOME)/sw/lib/include
# Path to main NEORV32 library source files
NEORV32_SRC_PATH = $(NEORV32_HOME)/sw/lib/source
# Path to NEORV32 executable generator
NEORV32_EXG_PATH = $(NEORV32_HOME)/sw/image_gen
# Path to NEORV32 core rtl folder
NEORV32_RTL_PATH = $(NEORV32_HOME)/rtl/core
# Marker file to check for NEORV32 home folder
# Core libraries (peripheral and CPU drivers)
CORE_SRC = $(wildcard $(NEORV32_SRC_PATH)/*.c)
# Application start-up code
# Linker script
LD_SCRIPT = $(NEORV32_COM_PATH)/neorv32.ld
# Main output files
APP_EXE = neorv32_exe.bin
APP_ASM = main.asm
APP_IMG = neorv32_application_image.vhd
BOOT_IMG = neorv32_bootloader_image.vhd
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Sources and objects
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Define all sources
# Define all object files
OBJ = $(SRC:%=%.o)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Tools and flags
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Compiler tools
# Host native compiler
CC_X86 = g++ -Wall -O -g
# NEORV32 executable image generator
IMAGE_GEN = $(NEORV32_EXG_PATH)/image_gen
# Compiler & linker flags
CC_OPTS = $(MARCH) $(MABI) $(EFFORT) -Wall -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -nostartfiles -mno-fdiv
CC_OPTS += -Wl,--gc-sections -lm -lc -lgcc -lc
# This accelerates instruction fetch after branches when C extension is enabled (irrelevant when C extension is disabled)
CC_OPTS += -falign-functions=4 -falign-labels=4 -falign-loops=4 -falign-jumps=4
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Application output definitions
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
.PHONY: check info help elf_info clean clean_all bootloader
# 'compile' is still here for compatibility
exe: $(APP_ASM) $(APP_EXE)
compile: $(APP_ASM) $(APP_EXE)
install: $(APP_ASM) $(APP_IMG)
all: $(APP_ASM) $(APP_EXE) $(APP_IMG)
# Check if making bootloader
# Use different base address and legth for instruction memory/"rom" (BOOTMEM instead of IMEM)
# Also define "make_bootloader" for crt0.S
target bootloader: CC_OPTS += -Wl,--defsym=make_bootloader=1 -Dmake_bootloader
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Image generator targets
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# install/compile tools
$(IMAGE_GEN): $(NEORV32_EXG_PATH)/image_gen.cpp
@echo Compiling $(IMAGE_GEN)
@$(CC_X86) $< -o $(IMAGE_GEN)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# General targets: Assemble, compile, link, dump
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Compile app *.s sources (assembly)
%.s.o: %.s
@$(CC) -c $(CC_OPTS) -I $(NEORV32_INC_PATH) $(ASM_INC) $< -o $@
# Compile app *.S sources (assembly + C pre-processor)
%.S.o: %.S
@$(CC) -c $(CC_OPTS) -I $(NEORV32_INC_PATH) $(ASM_INC) $< -o $@
# Compile app *.c sources
%.c.o: %.c
@$(CC) -c $(CC_OPTS) -I $(NEORV32_INC_PATH) $(APP_INC) $< -o $@
# Compile app *.cpp sources
%.cpp.o: %.cpp
@$(CC) -c $(CC_OPTS) -I $(NEORV32_INC_PATH) $(APP_INC) $< -o $@
# Link object files and show memory utilization
main.elf: $(OBJ)
@$(CC) $(CC_OPTS) -T $(LD_SCRIPT) $(OBJ) -o $@ -lm
@echo "Memory utilization:"
@$(SIZE) main.elf
# Assembly listing file (for debugging)
$(APP_ASM): main.elf
@$(OBJDUMP) -d -S -z $< > $@
# Generate final executable from .text + .rodata + .data (in THIS order!)
main.bin: main.elf $(APP_ASM)
@$(OBJCOPY) -I elf32-little $< -j .text -O binary text.bin
@$(OBJCOPY) -I elf32-little $< -j .rodata -O binary rodata.bin
@$(OBJCOPY) -I elf32-little $< -j .data -O binary data.bin
@cat text.bin rodata.bin data.bin > $@
@rm -f text.bin rodata.bin data.bin
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Application targets: Generate binary executable, install (as VHDL file)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Generate NEORV32 executable image for upload via bootloader
$(APP_EXE): main.bin $(IMAGE_GEN)
@set -e
@$(IMAGE_GEN) -app_bin $< $@ $(shell basename $(CURDIR))
@echo "Executable ($(APP_EXE)) size in bytes:"
@wc -c < $(APP_EXE)
# Generate NEORV32 executable VHDL boot image
$(APP_IMG): main.bin $(IMAGE_GEN)
@set -e
@$(IMAGE_GEN) -app_img $< $@ $(shell basename $(CURDIR))
@echo "Installing application image to $(NEORV32_RTL_PATH)/$(APP_IMG)"
@cp $(APP_IMG) $(NEORV32_RTL_PATH)/.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Bootloader targets
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Create and install bootloader VHDL init image
$(BOOT_IMG): main.bin $(IMAGE_GEN)
@set -e
@$(IMAGE_GEN) -bld_img $< $(BOOT_IMG) $(shell basename $(CURDIR))
@echo "Installing bootloader image to $(NEORV32_RTL_PATH)/$(BOOT_IMG)"
# Just an alias that
bootloader: $(BOOT_IMG)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Check toolchain
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
check: $(IMAGE_GEN)
@echo "---------------- Check: NEORV32_HOME folder ----------------"
ifneq ($(shell [ -e $(NEORV32_HOME_MARKER) ] && echo 1 || echo 0 ), 1)
$(error NEORV32_HOME folder not found!)
@echo "NEORV32_HOME: $(NEORV32_HOME)"
@echo "---------------- Check: $(CC) ----------------"
@$(CC) -v
@echo "---------------- Check: $(OBJDUMP) ----------------"
@echo "---------------- Check: $(OBJCOPY) ----------------"
@echo "---------------- Check: $(SIZE) ----------------"
@$(SIZE) -V
@echo "---------------- Check: NEORV32 image_gen ----------------"
@$(IMAGE_GEN) -help
@echo "---------------- Check: Native GCC ----------------"
@$(CC_X86) -v
@echo "Toolchain check OK"
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Upload executable via serial port to bootloader
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
upload: $(APP_EXE)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Show configuration
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@echo "---------------- Info: Project ----------------"
@echo "Project folder: $(shell basename $(CURDIR))"
@echo "Source files: $(APP_SRC)"
@echo "Include folder(s): $(APP_INC)"
@echo "ASM include folder(s): $(ASM_INC)"
@echo "---------------- Info: NEORV32 ----------------"
@echo "NEORV32 home folder (NEORV32_HOME): $(NEORV32_HOME)"
@echo "Core source files:"
@echo "$(CORE_SRC)"
@echo "Core include folder:"
@echo "$(NEORV32_INC_PATH)"
@echo "---------------- Info: Objects ----------------"
@echo "Project object files:"
@echo "$(OBJ)"
@echo "---------------- Info: RISC-V CPU ----------------"
@echo "MARCH: $(MARCH)"
@echo "MABI: $(MABI)"
@echo "---------------- Info: Toolchain ----------------"
@echo "Toolchain: $(RISCV_TOLLCHAIN)"
@echo "CC: $(CC)"
@echo "SIZE: $(SIZE)"
@echo "---------------- Info: Compiler Libraries ----------------"
@echo "LIBGCC:"
@$(CC) -print-libgcc-file-name
@echo "SEARCH-DIRS:"
@$(CC) -print-search-dirs
@echo "---------------- Info: Flags ----------------"
@echo "CC_OPTS: $(CC_OPTS)"
@echo "---------------- Info: Host Native GCC Flags ----------------"
@echo "CC_X86: $(CC_X86)"
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Show final ELF details (just for debugging)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
elf_info: main.elf
@$(OBJDUMP) -x main.elf
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Help
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@echo "<<< NEORV32 Application Makefile >>>"
@echo "Make sure to add the bin folder of RISC-V GCC to your PATH variable."
@echo "Targets:"
@echo " help - show this text"
@echo " check - check toolchain"
@echo " info - show makefile/toolchain configuration"
@echo " exe - compile and generate <neorv32_exe.bin> executable for upload via bootloader"
@echo " install - compile, generate and install VHDL IMEM boot image (for application)"
@echo " all - compile and generate <neorv32_exe.bin> executable for upload via bootloader and generate and install VHDL IMEM boot image (for application)"
@echo " clean - clean up project"
@echo " clean_all - clean up project, core libraries and image generator"
@echo " bootloader - compile, generate and install VHDL BOOTROM boot image (for bootloader only!)"
@echo " upload - upload <neorv32_exe.bin> executable via serial port <COM_PORT> to bootloader"
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Clean up
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@rm -f *.elf *.o *.bin *.out *.asm *.vhd
clean_all: clean
@rm -f $(OBJ) $(IMAGE_GEN)
include ../../common/
337,7 → 337,67
neorv32_cpu_csr_write(CSR_MCOUNTEREN, tmp_a);
// ----------------------------------------------------------
// Execute DRET in M-mode (has to trap!)
// ----------------------------------------------------------
neorv32_cpu_csr_write(CSR_MCAUSE, 0);
PRINT_STANDARD("[%i] DRET in M-mode: ", cnt_test);
// skip if U-mode is not implemented
if (neorv32_cpu_csr_read(CSR_MISA) & (1<<CSR_MISA_U)) {
asm volatile("dret");
if (neorv32_cpu_csr_read(CSR_MCAUSE) == TRAP_CODE_I_ILLEGAL) {
else {
else {
PRINT_STANDARD("skipped (n.a. without U-ext)\n");
// ----------------------------------------------------------
// Execute MRET in U-mode (has to trap!)
// ----------------------------------------------------------
neorv32_cpu_csr_write(CSR_MCAUSE, 0);
PRINT_STANDARD("[%i] MRET in U-mode: ", cnt_test);
// skip if U-mode is not implemented
if (neorv32_cpu_csr_read(CSR_MZEXT) & (1<<CSR_MZEXT_DEBUGMODE)) {
// switch to user mode (hart will be back in MACHINE mode when trap handler returns)
asm volatile("mret");
if (neorv32_cpu_csr_read(CSR_MCAUSE) == TRAP_CODE_I_ILLEGAL) {
else {
else {
PRINT_STANDARD("skipped (n.a. without U-ext)\n");
// ----------------------------------------------------------
// Test performance counter: setup as many events and counter as feasible
// ----------------------------------------------------------
neorv32_cpu_csr_write(CSR_MCAUSE, 0);
1291,9 → 1351,18
// program wake-up timer
neorv32_mtime_set_timecmp(neorv32_mtime_get_time() + 1000);
// put CPU into sleep mode
asm volatile ("wfi");
// clear timeout wait flag
tmp_a = neorv32_cpu_csr_read(CSR_MSTATUS);
tmp_a &= ~(1 << CSR_MSTATUS_TW);
neorv32_cpu_csr_write(CSR_MSTATUS, tmp_a);
// switch to user mode (hart will be back in MACHINE mode when trap handler returns)
// only when mstatus.TW = 0 executing WFI in user mode is allowed
asm volatile ("wfi"); // put CPU into sleep mode
if (neorv32_cpu_csr_read(CSR_MCAUSE) != TRAP_CODE_MTI) {
34,305 → 34,6
# The NEORV32 Processor - (c) Stephan Nolting #
# *****************************************************************************
# *****************************************************************************
# User's application sources (*.c, *.cpp, *.s, *.S); add additional files here
APP_SRC ?= $(wildcard ./*.c) $(wildcard ./*.s) $(wildcard ./*.cpp) $(wildcard ./*.S)
# User's application include folders (don't forget the '-I' before each entry)
APP_INC ?= -I .
# User's application include folders - for assembly files only (don't forget the '-I' before each entry)
ASM_INC ?= -I .
# Optimization
# Compiler toolchain
RISCV_TOOLCHAIN ?= riscv32-unknown-elf
# CPU architecture and ABI
MARCH ?= -march=rv32i
MABI ?= -mabi=ilp32
# User flags for additional configuration (will be added to compiler flags)
# Serial port for executable upload via bootloer
COM_PORT ?= /dev/ttyUSB0
# Relative or absolute path to the NEORV32 home folder
NEORV32_HOME ?= ../../..
# *****************************************************************************
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# NEORV32 framework
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Path to NEORV32 linker script and startup file
NEORV32_COM_PATH = $(NEORV32_HOME)/sw/common
# Path to main NEORV32 library include files
NEORV32_INC_PATH = $(NEORV32_HOME)/sw/lib/include
# Path to main NEORV32 library source files
NEORV32_SRC_PATH = $(NEORV32_HOME)/sw/lib/source
# Path to NEORV32 executable generator
NEORV32_EXG_PATH = $(NEORV32_HOME)/sw/image_gen
# Path to NEORV32 core rtl folder
NEORV32_RTL_PATH = $(NEORV32_HOME)/rtl/core
# Marker file to check for NEORV32 home folder
# Core libraries (peripheral and CPU drivers)
CORE_SRC = $(wildcard $(NEORV32_SRC_PATH)/*.c)
# Application start-up code
# Linker script
LD_SCRIPT = $(NEORV32_COM_PATH)/neorv32.ld
# Main output files
APP_EXE = neorv32_exe.bin
APP_ASM = main.asm
APP_IMG = neorv32_application_image.vhd
BOOT_IMG = neorv32_bootloader_image.vhd
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Sources and objects
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Define all sources
# Define all object files
OBJ = $(SRC:%=%.o)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Tools and flags
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Compiler tools
# Host native compiler
CC_X86 = g++ -Wall -O -g
# NEORV32 executable image generator
IMAGE_GEN = $(NEORV32_EXG_PATH)/image_gen
# Compiler & linker flags
CC_OPTS = $(MARCH) $(MABI) $(EFFORT) -Wall -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -nostartfiles -mno-fdiv
CC_OPTS += -Wl,--gc-sections -lm -lc -lgcc -lc
# This accelerates instruction fetch after branches when C extension is enabled (irrelevant when C extension is disabled)
CC_OPTS += -falign-functions=4 -falign-labels=4 -falign-loops=4 -falign-jumps=4
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Application output definitions
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
.PHONY: check info help elf_info clean clean_all bootloader
# 'compile' is still here for compatibility
exe: $(APP_ASM) $(APP_EXE)
compile: $(APP_ASM) $(APP_EXE)
install: $(APP_ASM) $(APP_IMG)
all: $(APP_ASM) $(APP_EXE) $(APP_IMG)
# Check if making bootloader
# Use different base address and legth for instruction memory/"rom" (BOOTMEM instead of IMEM)
# Also define "make_bootloader" for crt0.S
target bootloader: CC_OPTS += -Wl,--defsym=make_bootloader=1 -Dmake_bootloader
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Image generator targets
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# install/compile tools
$(IMAGE_GEN): $(NEORV32_EXG_PATH)/image_gen.cpp
@echo Compiling $(IMAGE_GEN)
@$(CC_X86) $< -o $(IMAGE_GEN)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# General targets: Assemble, compile, link, dump
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Compile app *.s sources (assembly)
%.s.o: %.s
@$(CC) -c $(CC_OPTS) -I $(NEORV32_INC_PATH) $(ASM_INC) $< -o $@
# Compile app *.S sources (assembly + C pre-processor)
%.S.o: %.S
@$(CC) -c $(CC_OPTS) -I $(NEORV32_INC_PATH) $(ASM_INC) $< -o $@
# Compile app *.c sources
%.c.o: %.c
@$(CC) -c $(CC_OPTS) -I $(NEORV32_INC_PATH) $(APP_INC) $< -o $@
# Compile app *.cpp sources
%.cpp.o: %.cpp
@$(CC) -c $(CC_OPTS) -I $(NEORV32_INC_PATH) $(APP_INC) $< -o $@
# Link object files and show memory utilization
main.elf: $(OBJ)
@$(CC) $(CC_OPTS) -T $(LD_SCRIPT) $(OBJ) -o $@ -lm
@echo "Memory utilization:"
@$(SIZE) main.elf
# Assembly listing file (for debugging)
$(APP_ASM): main.elf
@$(OBJDUMP) -d -S -z $< > $@
# Generate final executable from .text + .rodata + .data (in THIS order!)
main.bin: main.elf $(APP_ASM)
@$(OBJCOPY) -I elf32-little $< -j .text -O binary text.bin
@$(OBJCOPY) -I elf32-little $< -j .rodata -O binary rodata.bin
@$(OBJCOPY) -I elf32-little $< -j .data -O binary data.bin
@cat text.bin rodata.bin data.bin > $@
@rm -f text.bin rodata.bin data.bin
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Application targets: Generate binary executable, install (as VHDL file)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Generate NEORV32 executable image for upload via bootloader
$(APP_EXE): main.bin $(IMAGE_GEN)
@set -e
@$(IMAGE_GEN) -app_bin $< $@ $(shell basename $(CURDIR))
@echo "Executable ($(APP_EXE)) size in bytes:"
@wc -c < $(APP_EXE)
# Generate NEORV32 executable VHDL boot image
$(APP_IMG): main.bin $(IMAGE_GEN)
@set -e
@$(IMAGE_GEN) -app_img $< $@ $(shell basename $(CURDIR))
@echo "Installing application image to $(NEORV32_RTL_PATH)/$(APP_IMG)"
@cp $(APP_IMG) $(NEORV32_RTL_PATH)/.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Bootloader targets
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Create and install bootloader VHDL init image
$(BOOT_IMG): main.bin $(IMAGE_GEN)
@set -e
@$(IMAGE_GEN) -bld_img $< $(BOOT_IMG) $(shell basename $(CURDIR))
@echo "Installing bootloader image to $(NEORV32_RTL_PATH)/$(BOOT_IMG)"
# Just an alias that
bootloader: $(BOOT_IMG)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Check toolchain
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
check: $(IMAGE_GEN)
@echo "---------------- Check: NEORV32_HOME folder ----------------"
ifneq ($(shell [ -e $(NEORV32_HOME_MARKER) ] && echo 1 || echo 0 ), 1)
$(error NEORV32_HOME folder not found!)
@echo "NEORV32_HOME: $(NEORV32_HOME)"
@echo "---------------- Check: $(CC) ----------------"
@$(CC) -v
@echo "---------------- Check: $(OBJDUMP) ----------------"
@echo "---------------- Check: $(OBJCOPY) ----------------"
@echo "---------------- Check: $(SIZE) ----------------"
@$(SIZE) -V
@echo "---------------- Check: NEORV32 image_gen ----------------"
@$(IMAGE_GEN) -help
@echo "---------------- Check: Native GCC ----------------"
@$(CC_X86) -v
@echo "Toolchain check OK"
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Upload executable via serial port to bootloader
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
upload: $(APP_EXE)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Show configuration
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@echo "---------------- Info: Project ----------------"
@echo "Project folder: $(shell basename $(CURDIR))"
@echo "Source files: $(APP_SRC)"
@echo "Include folder(s): $(APP_INC)"
@echo "ASM include folder(s): $(ASM_INC)"
@echo "---------------- Info: NEORV32 ----------------"
@echo "NEORV32 home folder (NEORV32_HOME): $(NEORV32_HOME)"
@echo "Core source files:"
@echo "$(CORE_SRC)"
@echo "Core include folder:"
@echo "$(NEORV32_INC_PATH)"
@echo "---------------- Info: Objects ----------------"
@echo "Project object files:"
@echo "$(OBJ)"
@echo "---------------- Info: RISC-V CPU ----------------"
@echo "MARCH: $(MARCH)"
@echo "MABI: $(MABI)"
@echo "---------------- Info: Toolchain ----------------"
@echo "Toolchain: $(RISCV_TOLLCHAIN)"
@echo "CC: $(CC)"
@echo "SIZE: $(SIZE)"
@echo "---------------- Info: Compiler Libraries ----------------"
@echo "LIBGCC:"
@$(CC) -print-libgcc-file-name
@echo "SEARCH-DIRS:"
@$(CC) -print-search-dirs
@echo "---------------- Info: Flags ----------------"
@echo "CC_OPTS: $(CC_OPTS)"
@echo "---------------- Info: Host Native GCC Flags ----------------"
@echo "CC_X86: $(CC_X86)"
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Show final ELF details (just for debugging)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
elf_info: main.elf
@$(OBJDUMP) -x main.elf
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Help
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@echo "<<< NEORV32 Application Makefile >>>"
@echo "Make sure to add the bin folder of RISC-V GCC to your PATH variable."
@echo "Targets:"
@echo " help - show this text"
@echo " check - check toolchain"
@echo " info - show makefile/toolchain configuration"
@echo " exe - compile and generate <neorv32_exe.bin> executable for upload via bootloader"
@echo " install - compile, generate and install VHDL IMEM boot image (for application)"
@echo " all - compile and generate <neorv32_exe.bin> executable for upload via bootloader and generate and install VHDL IMEM boot image (for application)"
@echo " clean - clean up project"
@echo " clean_all - clean up project, core libraries and image generator"
@echo " bootloader - compile, generate and install VHDL BOOTROM boot image (for bootloader only!)"
@echo " upload - upload <neorv32_exe.bin> executable via serial port <COM_PORT> to bootloader"
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Clean up
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@rm -f *.elf *.o *.bin *.out *.asm *.vhd
clean_all: clean
@rm -f $(OBJ) $(IMAGE_GEN)
include ../../common/
47,9 → 47,10
"by Stephan Nolting\n"
"Three arguments are required.\n"
"1st: Option\n"
" -app_bin : Generate application executable binary (little-endian; with header!) \n"
" -app_img : Generate application raw executable memory image (vhdl file, no header!)\n"
" -bld_img : Generate bootloader raw executable memory image (vdhl file, no header!)\n"
" -app_bin : Generate application executable binary (binary file, little-endian, with header) \n"
" -app_hex : Generate application raw executable (hex file, no header)\n"
" -app_img : Generate application raw executable memory image (vhdl file, no header)\n"
" -bld_img : Generate bootloader raw executable memory image (vdhl file, no header)\n"
"2nd: Input file (raw binary image)\n"
"3rd: Output file\n"
"4th: Project folder (optional)\n");
70,6 → 71,8
option = 2;
else if (strcmp(argv[1], "-bld_img") == 0)
option = 3;
else if (strcmp(argv[1], "-app_hex") == 0)
option = 4;
else {
printf("Invalid option!");
return 1;
318,6 → 321,29
// ------------------------------------------------------------
// Generate APPLICATION's executable hex file (no header!!!)
// ------------------------------------------------------------
if (option == 4) {
// data
buffer[0] = 0;
buffer[1] = 0;
buffer[2] = 0;
buffer[3] = 0;
i = 0;
while(fread(&buffer, sizeof(unsigned char), 4, input) != 0) {
tmp = (uint32_t)(buffer[0] << 0);
tmp |= (uint32_t)(buffer[1] << 8);
tmp |= (uint32_t)(buffer[2] << 16);
tmp |= (uint32_t)(buffer[3] << 24);
sprintf(tmp_string, "%08x\n", (unsigned int)tmp);
fputs(tmp_string, output);
8,7 → 8,7
echo "Upload image via serial port (UART) to the NEORV32 bootloader."
echo "Reset processor before starting the upload."
echo "Usage: [sudo] sh <tty> <file>"
echo "Usage: [sudo] sh <port> <NEORV32 executable>"
echo "Example: sh /dev/ttyS6 neorv32_exe.bin"
20,7 → 20,7
exec 3<$1 # redirect serial output to fd 3
cat <&3 > uart_upload.response.dat & # redirect serial output to file
PID=$! # save pid to kill cat
printf "#" > $1 # send fast/silent upload to serial port
printf "u" > $1 # send upload command to serial port
sleep 0.5s # wait for bootloader response
kill $PID # kill cat process
0,0 → 1,4
NEORV32_MARCH ?= rv32ic
include $(NEORV32_ROOT)/sw/isa-test/
0,0 → 1,4
include $(NEORV32_ROOT)/sw/isa-test/
0,0 → 1,4
NEORV32_MARCH ?= rv32im
include $(NEORV32_ROOT)/sw/isa-test/
0,0 → 1,28
NEORV32_LINK ?= link.imem_ram.ld
include $(NEORV32_ROOT)/sw/isa-test/
cd $(work_dir_isa); \
echo ">"; \
rm -f $(NEORV32_LOCAL_COPY)/*.out; \
echo "restoring/using original IMEM rtl file"; \
rm -f $(NEORV32_LOCAL_COPY)/rtl/core/neorv32_imem.vhd; \
cp -f $(NEORV32_LOCAL_COPY)/rtl/core/neorv32_imem.ORIGINAL $(NEORV32_LOCAL_COPY)/rtl/core/neorv32_imem.vhd; \
make -C $(NEORV32_LOCAL_COPY)/sw/example/blink_led main.elf; \
cp -f $< $(NEORV32_LOCAL_COPY)/sw/example/blink_led/main.elf; \
make -C $(NEORV32_LOCAL_COPY)/sw/example/blink_led main.bin install; \
touch $(NEORV32_LOCAL_COPY)/; \
GHDL_DEVNULL=true $(shell which time) -v $(NEORV32_LOCAL_COPY)/sim/ \
--stop-time=$(SIM_TIME) \
-gCPU_EXTENSION_RISCV_Zifencei=true \
-gEXT_IMEM_C=false \
-gMEM_INT_IMEM_SIZE='32768'; \
cp $(NEORV32_LOCAL_COPY)/sim/ $(*).signature.output; \
echo "<";
0,0 → 1,3
include $(NEORV32_ROOT)/sw/isa-test/
0,0 → 1,28
# NEORV32 Port for running the RISC-V Architecture Tests
The following tasks are executed by the device makefiles:
* replace the original processor's IMEM rtl file by a simulation-optimized IMEM (ROM!)
* `sed` command is used to modify the default testbench (`neorv32/sim/neorv32_tb.simple.vhd`):
* enable/disable the required `CPU_EXTENSION_RISCV_xxx` VHDL configuration generics in the testbench (`neorv32/sim/neorv32_tb.simple.vhd`)
* set the processor memory configuration
* compile test code and install application image to processor's `rtl/core` folder
* compilation uses the `link.imem_rom.ld` linker script as default; code (the test code) is executed from simulation-optimized IMEM (which is read-only); data including signature is stored to DMEM
* certain areas in the DMEM are initialized using port code in `model_test.h` (`RVTEST` = 0xbabecafe and `SIGNATURE` = 0xdeadbeef); can be disabled using `RISCV_TARGET_FLAGS=-DNEORV32_NO_DATA_INIT`
* the processor is simulated using the default testbench
* the results are dumped via the SIM_MODE feature of UART0
* the according code can be found in the `RVMODEL_HALT` macro in `model_test.h`
* data output (the "signature") is zero-padded to be always a multiple of 16 bytes
:warning: The `Zifencei` test requires the r/w/e capabilities of the original IMEM rtl file.
Hence, the original file is restored for this test. Also, this test uses `link.imem_ram.ld` as linker script since the
IMEM is used as RAM to allow self-modifying code.
:information_source: The `RVMODEL_BOOT` macro in `model_test.h` provides a simple "dummy trap handler" that just advances
to the next instruction. This trap handler is required for some `C` tests as the NEORV32 will raise an illegal instruction
exception for **all** unimplemented instructions. The trap handler can be overriden (by changing `mtval` CSR) if a test
uses the defualt trap handler of the test framework.
0,0 → 1,22
OUTPUT_ARCH( "riscv" )
. = 0x00000000;
.text :
. = ALIGN(0x1000);
. = ALIGN(0x1000);
. = ALIGN(0x1000);
_end = .;
0,0 → 1,26
OUTPUT_ARCH( "riscv" )
. = 0x00000000;
.text :
. = ALIGN(0x1000);
. = ALIGN(0x1000);
_end = .;
. = 0x80000000;
.data :
. = ALIGN(0x1000);
0,0 → 1,210
// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
// Modified by Stephan Nolting for the NEORV32 Processor
.pushsection .tohost,"aw",@progbits; \
.align 8; .global tohost; tohost: .dword 0; \
.align 8; .global fromhost; fromhost: .dword 0; \
.popsection; \
.align 8; .global begin_regstate; begin_regstate: \
.word 128; \
.align 8; .global end_regstate; end_regstate: \
.word 4;
// neorv32: this will dump the results via the UART0_SIM_MODE data file output
// neorv32: due to the modifications on "end_signature" (not 4-aligned) we need to make sure we output a 4-aligned number of data here
// neorv32: -> for zero-padding of the rest of the SIGNATURE section
#define RVMODEL_HALT \
signature_dump: \
la a0, begin_signature; \
la a1, end_signature; \
li a2, 0xFFFFFFA4; \
signature_dump_loop: \
beq a0, a1, signature_dump_padding; \
lw t0, 0(a0); \
sw t0, 0(a2); \
addi a0, a0, 4; \
j signature_dump_loop; \
nop; \
nop; \
signature_dump_padding: \
andi a0, a1, 0x0000000C; \
beq a0, zero, signature_dump_end; \
li t0, 16; \
sub a0, t0, a0; \
signature_dump_padding_loop: \
beq a0, zero, signature_dump_end; \
sw zero, 0(a2); \
addi a0, a0, -4; \
j signature_dump_padding_loop; \
signature_dump_end: \
j signature_dump_end
//TODO: declare the start of your signature region here. Nothing else to be used here.
// The .align 4 ensures that the signature ends at a 16-byte boundary
.align 4; .global begin_signature; begin_signature:
//TODO: declare the end of the signature region here. Add other target specific contents here.
//neorv32: DO NOT use align_4 here! end_signature is used to indicate the actual "number" of signature words
.global end_signature; end_signature: \
// neorv32: enable UART0 (ctrl(28)) and enable UART0_SIM_MODE (ctrl(12))
// neorv32: initialize the complete RVTEST_DATA section in data RAM (DMEM) with 0xBABECAFE
// neorv32: initialize the complete SIGNATURE section (that is a multiple of four 32-bit entries) in data RAM (DMEM) with 0xDEADBEEF
// neorv32: this code also provides a dummy trap handler that just moves on to the next instruction
// neorv32: -> this trap handler can be overriden by the compliance-suite by modifying mtval
// neorv32: -> the dummy trap handler is required to deal with the neorv32 X extension (-> all illegal/undefined instruction trigger an exception)
// ------------------------- WITHOUT DATA INIT -------------------------
#define RVMODEL_BOOT \
core_init: \
la x1, core_dummy_trap_handler; \
csrw mtvec, x1; \
j uart0_sim_mode_init; \
nop; \
nop; \
.balign 4; \
core_dummy_trap_handler: \
csrw mscratch, sp; \
la sp, end_signature; \
addi sp, sp, 32; \
sw x8, 0(sp); \
sw x9, 4(sp); \
csrr x8, mcause; \
blt x8, zero, core_dummy_trap_handler_irq; \
csrr x8, mepc; \
core_dummy_trap_handler_exc_c_check: \
lh x9, 0(x8); \
andi x9, x9, 3; \
addi x8, x8, +2; \
csrw mepc, x8; \
addi x8, zero, 3; \
bne x8, x9, core_dummy_trap_handler_irq; \
core_dummy_trap_handler_exc_uncrompressed: \
csrr x8, mepc; \
addi x8, x8, +2; \
csrw mepc, x8; \
core_dummy_trap_handler_irq: \
lw x9, 0(sp); \
lw x8, 4(sp); \
csrr sp, mscratch; \
mret; \
nop; \
nop; \
uart0_sim_mode_init: \
li a0, 0xFFFFFFA0; \
sw zero, 0(a0); \
li a1, 1 << 28; \
li a2, 1 << 12; \
or a1, a1, a2; \
sw a1, 0(a0);
// ------------------------- WITH DATA INIT -------------------------
#define RVMODEL_BOOT \
core_init: \
la x1, core_dummy_trap_handler; \
csrw mtvec, x1; \
nop; \
nop; \
init_rvtest_data: \
la a0, rvtest_data_begin; \
la a1, rvtest_data_end; \
li a2, 0xBABECAFE; \
init_rvtest_data_loop: \
beq a0, a1, init_rvtest_data_loop_end; \
sw a2, 0(a0); \
addi a0, a0, 4; \
j init_rvtest_data_loop; \
init_rvtest_data_loop_end: \
nop; \
nop; \
init_signature: \
la a0, begin_signature; \
la a1, end_signature; \
li a2, 0xDEADBEEF; \
init_signature_loop: \
beq a0, a1, init_signature_loop_end; \
sw a2, 0(a0); \
addi a0, a0, 4; \
j init_signature_loop; \
init_signature_loop_end: \
j uart0_sim_mode_init; \
nop; \
nop; \
.balign 4; \
core_dummy_trap_handler: \
csrw mscratch, sp; \
la sp, end_signature; \
addi sp, sp, 32; \
sw x8, 0(sp); \
sw x9, 4(sp); \
csrr x8, mcause; \
blt x8, zero, core_dummy_trap_handler_irq; \
csrr x8, mepc; \
core_dummy_trap_handler_exc_c_check: \
lh x9, 0(x8); \
andi x9, x9, 3; \
addi x8, x8, +2; \
csrw mepc, x8; \
addi x8, zero, 3; \
bne x8, x9, core_dummy_trap_handler_irq; \
core_dummy_trap_handler_exc_uncrompressed: \
csrr x8, mepc; \
addi x8, x8, +2; \
csrw mepc, x8; \
core_dummy_trap_handler_irq: \
lw x9, 0(sp); \
lw x8, 4(sp); \
csrr sp, mscratch; \
mret; \
nop; \
nop; \
uart0_sim_mode_init: \
li a0, 0xFFFFFFA0; \
sw zero, 0(a0); \
li a1, 1 << 28; \
li a2, 1 << 12; \
or a1, a1, a2; \
sw a1, 0(a0);
// TODO: specify the routine for setting machine software interrupt
// TODO: specify the routine for clearing machine software interrupt
// TODO: specify the routine for clearing machine timer interrupt
// TODO: specify the routine for clearing machine external interrupt
0,0 → 1,61
ifndef NEORV32_ROOT
$(error NEORV32_ROOT is undefined)
NEORV32_LOCAL_COPY ?= $(NEORV32_ROOT)/sim/work
TARGET_SIM ?= ghdl
ifeq ($(shell command -v $(TARGET_SIM) 2> /dev/null),)
$(error Target simulator executable '$(TARGET_SIM)` not found)
NEORV32_MARCH ?= rv32i
RISCV_PREFIX ?= riscv32-unknown-elf-
RISCV_GCC_OPTS ?= -static -mcmodel=medany -fvisibility=hidden -nostdlib -nostartfiles -march=$(NEORV32_MARCH) -mabi=ilp32
NEORV32_LINK ?= link.imem_rom.ld
-I$(ROOTDIR)/riscv-test-suite/env/ \
$$(<) -o $$@
NEORV32_SOFTWARE_EXAMPLE ?= $(NEORV32_LOCAL_COPY)/sw/example/blink_led
cd $(work_dir_isa); \
echo ">"; \
rm -f $(NEORV32_LOCAL_COPY)/*.out; \
echo "copying/using SIM-only IMEM (ROM!)"; \
rm -f $(NEORV32_LOCAL_COPY)/rtl/core/neorv32_imem.vhd; \
cp -f $(NEORV32_LOCAL_COPY)/sim/neorv32_imem.simple.vhd $(NEORV32_LOCAL_COPY)/rtl/core/neorv32_imem.vhd; \
make -C $(NEORV32_SOFTWARE_EXAMPLE) main.elf; \
cp -f $< $(NEORV32_SOFTWARE_EXAMPLE)/main.elf; \
make -C $(NEORV32_SOFTWARE_EXAMPLE) main.bin install; \
touch $(NEORV32_LOCAL_COPY)/; \
GHDL_DEVNULL=true $(shell which time) -v $(NEORV32_LOCAL_COPY)/sim/ \
--stop-time=$(SIM_TIME) \
-gCPU_EXTENSION_RISCV_Zifencei=false \
-gEXT_IMEM_C=false \
-gMEM_INT_IMEM_SIZE='2097152'; \
cp $(NEORV32_LOCAL_COPY)/sim/ $(*).signature.output; \
echo "<";
68,6 → 68,8
CSR_MTVEC = 0x305, /**< 0x305 - mtvec (r/w): Machine trap-handler base address (for ALL traps) */
CSR_MCOUNTEREN = 0x306, /**< 0x305 - mcounteren (r/w): Machine counter enable register (controls access rights from U-mode) */
CSR_MSTATUSH = 0x310, /**< 0x310 - mstatush (r/h): Machine status register - high word */
CSR_MCOUNTINHIBIT = 0x320, /**< 0x320 - mcountinhibit (r/w): Machine counter-inhibit register */
CSR_MHPMEVENT3 = 0x323, /**< 0x323 - mhpmevent3 (r/w): Machine hardware performance monitor event selector 3 */
262,10 → 264,11
CSR_TIMEH = 0xc81, /**< 0xc81 - timeh (r/-): Timer high word (from MTIME.TIME_HI) */
CSR_INSTRETH = 0xc82, /**< 0xc82 - instreth (r/-): Instructions-retired counter high word (from MINSTRETH) */
CSR_MVENDORID = 0xf11, /**< 0xf11 - mvendorid (r/-): Vendor ID */
CSR_MARCHID = 0xf12, /**< 0xf12 - marchid (r/-): Architecture ID */
CSR_MIMPID = 0xf13, /**< 0xf13 - mimpid (r/-): Implementation ID/version */
CSR_MHARTID = 0xf14, /**< 0xf14 - mhartid (r/-): Hardware thread ID (always 0) */
CSR_MVENDORID = 0xf11, /**< 0xf11 - mvendorid (r/-): Vendor ID */
CSR_MARCHID = 0xf12, /**< 0xf12 - marchid (r/-): Architecture ID */
CSR_MIMPID = 0xf13, /**< 0xf13 - mimpid (r/-): Implementation ID/version */
CSR_MHARTID = 0xf14, /**< 0xf14 - mhartid (r/-): Hardware thread ID (always 0) */
CSR_MCONFIGPTR = 0xf15, /**< 0xf15 - mconfigptr (r/-): Machine configuration pointer register */
CSR_MZEXT = 0xfc0 /**< 0xfc0 - mzext (custom CSR) (r/-): Available Z* CPU extensions */
278,7 → 281,11
CSR_MSTATUS_MIE = 3, /**< CPU mstatus CSR (3): MIE - Machine interrupt enable bit (r/w) */
CSR_MSTATUS_MPIE = 7, /**< CPU mstatus CSR (7): MPIE - Machine previous interrupt enable bit (r/w) */
CSR_MSTATUS_MPP_L = 11, /**< CPU mstatus CSR (11): MPP_L - Machine previous privilege mode bit low (r/w) */
CSR_MSTATUS_MPP_H = 12 /**< CPU mstatus CSR (12): MPP_H - Machine previous privilege mode bit high (r/w) */
CSR_MSTATUS_MPP_H = 12, /**< CPU mstatus CSR (12): MPP_H - Machine previous privilege mode bit high (r/w) */
CSR_MSTATUS_FS_L = 13, /**< CPU mstatus CSR (13): FS_L - FPU state bit low (r/w) */
CSR_MSTATUS_FS_H = 14, /**< CPU mstatus CSR (14): FS_H - FPU state bit high (r/w) */
CSR_MSTATUS_TW = 21, /**< CPU mstatus CSR (21): TW - timeout wait (trigger illegal instruction exception if WFI is executed outside of m-mode when set) (r/w) */
CSR_MSTATUS_SD = 31 /**< CPU mstatus CSR (31): SD - extension's state summary (set = non-clean) (r/-) */
685,63 → 692,88
#define SLINK_SIZE (16*4) // /**< SLINK address space size in bytes */
/** SLINK control register (r/w) */
#define SLINK_CT (*(IO_REG32 (SLINK_BASE + 0))) // r/w: control register
#define SLINK_CT (*(IO_REG32 (SLINK_BASE + 0))) // r/w: control register
/** SLINK status register (r/-) */
#define SLINK_STATUS (*(IO_REG32 (SLINK_BASE + 16))) // r/-: status register
/** stream link 0 (r/w) */
#define SLINK_CH0 (*(IO_REG32 (SLINK_BASE + 32 + 0))) // r/w: link 0
#define SLINK_CH0 (*(IO_REG32 (SLINK_BASE + 32 + 0))) // r/w: link 0
/** stream link 1 (r/w) */
#define SLINK_CH1 (*(IO_REG32 (SLINK_BASE + 32 + 4))) // r/w: link 1
#define SLINK_CH1 (*(IO_REG32 (SLINK_BASE + 32 + 4))) // r/w: link 1
/** stream link 2 (r/w) */
#define SLINK_CH2 (*(IO_REG32 (SLINK_BASE + 32 + 8))) // r/w: link 2
#define SLINK_CH2 (*(IO_REG32 (SLINK_BASE + 32 + 8))) // r/w: link 2
/** stream link 3 (r/w) */
#define SLINK_CH3 (*(IO_REG32 (SLINK_BASE + 32 + 12))) // r/w: link 3
#define SLINK_CH3 (*(IO_REG32 (SLINK_BASE + 32 + 12))) // r/w: link 3
/** stream link 4 (r/w) */
#define SLINK_CH4 (*(IO_REG32 (SLINK_BASE + 32 + 16))) // r/w: link 4
#define SLINK_CH4 (*(IO_REG32 (SLINK_BASE + 32 + 16))) // r/w: link 4
/** stream link 5 (r/w) */
#define SLINK_CH5 (*(IO_REG32 (SLINK_BASE + 32 + 20))) // r/w: link 5
#define SLINK_CH5 (*(IO_REG32 (SLINK_BASE + 32 + 20))) // r/w: link 5
/** stream link 6 (r/w) */
#define SLINK_CH6 (*(IO_REG32 (SLINK_BASE + 32 + 24))) // r/w: link 6
#define SLINK_CH6 (*(IO_REG32 (SLINK_BASE + 32 + 24))) // r/w: link 6
/** stream link 7 (r/w) */
#define SLINK_CH7 (*(IO_REG32 (SLINK_BASE + 32 + 28))) // r/w: link 7
#define SLINK_CH7 (*(IO_REG32 (SLINK_BASE + 32 + 28))) // r/w: link 7
/** SLINK control register bits */
enum NEORV32_SLINK_CT_enum {
SLINK_CT_RX0_AVAIL = 0, /**< SLINK control register(0) (r/-): RX link 0 data available */
SLINK_CT_RX1_AVAIL = 1, /**< SLINK control register(1) (r/-): RX link 1 data available */
SLINK_CT_RX2_AVAIL = 2, /**< SLINK control register(2) (r/-): RX link 2 data available */
SLINK_CT_RX3_AVAIL = 3, /**< SLINK control register(3) (r/-): RX link 3 data available */
SLINK_CT_RX4_AVAIL = 4, /**< SLINK control register(4) (r/-): RX link 4 data available */
SLINK_CT_RX5_AVAIL = 5, /**< SLINK control register(5) (r/-): RX link 5 data available */
SLINK_CT_RX6_AVAIL = 6, /**< SLINK control register(6) (r/-): RX link 6 data available */
SLINK_CT_RX7_AVAIL = 7, /**< SLINK control register(7) (r/-): RX link 7 data available */
SLINK_CT_RX_NUM0 = 0, /**< SLINK control register(0) (r/-): number of implemented RX links bit 0 */
SLINK_CT_RX_NUM1 = 1, /**< SLINK control register(1) (r/-): number of implemented RX links bit 1 */
SLINK_CT_RX_NUM2 = 2, /**< SLINK control register(2) (r/-): number of implemented RX links bit 2 */
SLINK_CT_RX_NUM3 = 3, /**< SLINK control register(3) (r/-): number of implemented RX links bit 3 */
SLINK_CT_TX0_FREE = 8, /**< SLINK control register(8) (r/-): RT link 0 ready to send */
SLINK_CT_TX1_FREE = 9, /**< SLINK control register(9) (r/-): RT link 1 ready to send */
SLINK_CT_TX2_FREE = 10, /**< SLINK control register(10) (r/-): RT link 2 ready to send */
SLINK_CT_TX3_FREE = 11, /**< SLINK control register(11) (r/-): RT link 3 ready to send */
SLINK_CT_TX4_FREE = 12, /**< SLINK control register(12) (r/-): RT link 4 ready to send */
SLINK_CT_TX5_FREE = 13, /**< SLINK control register(13) (r/-): RT link 5 ready to send */
SLINK_CT_TX6_FREE = 14, /**< SLINK control register(14) (r/-): RT link 6 ready to send */
SLINK_CT_TX7_FREE = 15, /**< SLINK control register(15) (r/-): RT link 7 ready to send */
SLINK_CT_TX_NUM0 = 4, /**< SLINK control register(4) (r/-): number of implemented TX links bit 0 */
SLINK_CT_TX_NUM1 = 5, /**< SLINK control register(5) (r/-): number of implemented TX links bit 1 */
SLINK_CT_TX_NUM2 = 6, /**< SLINK control register(6) (r/-): number of implemented TX links bit 2 */
SLINK_CT_TX_NUM3 = 7, /**< SLINK control register(7) (r/-): number of implemented TX links bit 3 */
SLINK_CT_RX_NUM0 = 16, /**< SLINK control register(16) (r/-): number of implemented RX links -1 bit 0 */
SLINK_CT_RX_NUM1 = 17, /**< SLINK control register(17) (r/-): number of implemented RX links -1 bit 1 */
SLINK_CT_RX_NUM2 = 18, /**< SLINK control register(18) (r/-): number of implemented RX links -1 bit 2 */
SLINK_CT_RX_FIFO_S0 = 8, /**< SLINK control register( 8) (r/-): log2(RX FIFO size) bit 0 */
SLINK_CT_RX_FIFO_S1 = 9, /**< SLINK control register( 9) (r/-): log2(RX FIFO size) bit 1 */
SLINK_CT_RX_FIFO_S2 = 10, /**< SLINK control register(10) (r/-): log2(RX FIFO size) bit 2 */
SLINK_CT_RX_FIFO_S3 = 11, /**< SLINK control register(11) (r/-): log2(RX FIFO size) bit 3 */
SLINK_CT_TX_NUM0 = 19, /**< SLINK control register(19) (r/-): number of implemented TX links -1bit 0 */
SLINK_CT_TX_NUM1 = 20, /**< SLINK control register(20) (r/-): number of implemented TX links -1bit 1 */
SLINK_CT_TX_NUM2 = 21, /**< SLINK control register(21) (r/-): number of implemented TX links -1bit 2 */
SLINK_CT_TX_FIFO_S0 = 12, /**< SLINK control register(12) (r/-): log2(TX FIFO size) bit 0 */
SLINK_CT_TX_FIFO_S1 = 13, /**< SLINK control register(13) (r/-): log2(TX FIFO size) bit 1 */
SLINK_CT_TX_FIFO_S2 = 14, /**< SLINK control register(14) (r/-): log2(TX FIFO size) bit 2 */
SLINK_CT_TX_FIFO_S3 = 15, /**< SLINK control register(15) (r/-): log2(TX FIFO size) bit 3 */
SLINK_CT_RX_FIFO_S0 = 22, /**< SLINK control register(22) (r/-): log2(RX FIFO size) bit 0 */
SLINK_CT_RX_FIFO_S1 = 23, /**< SLINK control register(23) (r/-): log2(RX FIFO size) bit 1 */
SLINK_CT_RX_FIFO_S2 = 24, /**< SLINK control register(24) (r/-): log2(RX FIFO size) bit 2 */
SLINK_CT_RX_FIFO_S3 = 25, /**< SLINK control register(25) (r/-): log2(RX FIFO size) bit 3 */
SLINK_CT_EN = 31, /**< SLINK control register(0) (r/w): SLINK controller enable */
SLINK_CT_TX_FIFO_S0 = 26, /**< SLINK control register(26) (r/-): log2(TX FIFO size) bit 0 */
SLINK_CT_TX_FIFO_S1 = 27, /**< SLINK control register(27) (r/-): log2(TX FIFO size) bit 1 */
SLINK_CT_TX_FIFO_S2 = 28, /**< SLINK control register(28) (r/-): log2(TX FIFO size) bit 2 */
SLINK_CT_TX_FIFO_S3 = 29, /**< SLINK control register(29) (r/-): log2(TX FIFO size) bit 3 */
/** SLINK status register bits */
enum NEORV32_SLINK_STATUS_enum {
SLINK_STATUS_RX0_AVAIL = 0, /**< SLINK status register(0) (r/-): RX link 0 data available */
SLINK_STATUS_RX1_AVAIL = 1, /**< SLINK status register(1) (r/-): RX link 1 data available */
SLINK_STATUS_RX2_AVAIL = 2, /**< SLINK status register(2) (r/-): RX link 2 data available */
SLINK_STATUS_RX3_AVAIL = 3, /**< SLINK status register(3) (r/-): RX link 3 data available */
SLINK_STATUS_RX4_AVAIL = 4, /**< SLINK status register(4) (r/-): RX link 4 data available */
SLINK_STATUS_RX5_AVAIL = 5, /**< SLINK status register(5) (r/-): RX link 5 data available */
SLINK_STATUS_RX6_AVAIL = 6, /**< SLINK status register(6) (r/-): RX link 6 data available */
SLINK_STATUS_RX7_AVAIL = 7, /**< SLINK status register(7) (r/-): RX link 7 data available */
SLINK_CT_EN = 31 /**< SLINK control register(31) (r/w): SLINK controller enable */
SLINK_STATUS_TX0_FREE = 8, /**< SLINK status register(8) (r/-): TX link 0 ready to send */
SLINK_STATUS_TX1_FREE = 9, /**< SLINK status register(9) (r/-): TX link 1 ready to send */
SLINK_STATUS_TX2_FREE = 10, /**< SLINK status register(10) (r/-): TX link 2 ready to send */
SLINK_STATUS_TX3_FREE = 11, /**< SLINK status register(11) (r/-): TX link 3 ready to send */
SLINK_STATUS_TX4_FREE = 12, /**< SLINK status register(12) (r/-): TX link 4 ready to send */
SLINK_STATUS_TX5_FREE = 13, /**< SLINK status register(13) (r/-): TX link 5 ready to send */
SLINK_STATUS_TX6_FREE = 14, /**< SLINK status register(14) (r/-): TX link 6 ready to send */
SLINK_STATUS_TX7_FREE = 15, /**< SLINK status register(15) (r/-): TX link 7 ready to send */
SLINK_STATUS_RX0_HALF = 16, /**< SLINK status register(16) (r/-): RX link 0 FIFO fill level is >= half-full */
SLINK_STATUS_RX1_HALF = 17, /**< SLINK status register(17) (r/-): RX link 1 FIFO fill level is >= half-full */
SLINK_STATUS_RX2_HALF = 18, /**< SLINK status register(18) (r/-): RX link 2 FIFO fill level is >= half-full */
SLINK_STATUS_RX3_HALF = 19, /**< SLINK status register(19) (r/-): RX link 3 FIFO fill level is >= half-full */
SLINK_STATUS_RX4_HALF = 20, /**< SLINK status register(20) (r/-): RX link 4 FIFO fill level is >= half-full */
SLINK_STATUS_RX5_HALF = 21, /**< SLINK status register(21) (r/-): RX link 5 FIFO fill level is >= half-full */
SLINK_STATUS_RX6_HALF = 22, /**< SLINK status register(22) (r/-): RX link 6 FIFO fill level is >= half-full */
SLINK_STATUS_RX7_HALF = 23, /**< SLINK status register(23) (r/-): RX link 7 FIFO fill level is >= half-full */
SLINK_STATUS_TX0_HALF = 24, /**< SLINK status register(24) (r/-): TX link 0 FIFO fill level is > half-full */
SLINK_STATUS_TX1_HALF = 25, /**< SLINK status register(25) (r/-): TX link 1 FIFO fill level is > half-full */
SLINK_STATUS_TX2_HALF = 26, /**< SLINK status register(26) (r/-): TX link 2 FIFO fill level is > half-full */
SLINK_STATUS_TX3_HALF = 27, /**< SLINK status register(27) (r/-): TX link 3 FIFO fill level is > half-full */
SLINK_STATUS_TX4_HALF = 28, /**< SLINK status register(28) (r/-): TX link 4 FIFO fill level is > half-full */
SLINK_STATUS_TX5_HALF = 29, /**< SLINK status register(29) (r/-): TX link 5 FIFO fill level is > half-full */
SLINK_STATUS_TX6_HALF = 30, /**< SLINK status register(30) (r/-): TX link 6 FIFO fill level is > half-full */
SLINK_STATUS_TX7_HALF = 31 /**< SLINK status register(31) (r/-): TX link 7 FIFO fill level is > half-full */
1040,7 → 1072,7
enum NEORV32_NEOLED_CT_enum {
NEOLED_CT_EN = 0, /**< NEOLED control register(0) (r/w): NEOLED global enable */
NEOLED_CT_MODE = 1, /**< NEOLED control register(1) (r/w): TX mode (0=24-bit, 1=32-bit) */
NEOLED_CT_BSCON = 2, /**< NEOLED control register(2) (r/w): buffer status configuration -> busy_flag/IRQ config (0=at least one free entry, 1=whole buffer empty) */
NEOLED_CT_STROBE = 2, /**< NEOLED control register(2) (r/w): Strobe (0=send normal data, 1=send RESET command on data write) */
NEOLED_CT_PRSC0 = 3, /**< NEOLED control register(3) (r/w): Clock prescaler select bit 0 (pulse-clock speed select) */
NEOLED_CT_PRSC1 = 4, /**< NEOLED control register(4) (r/w): Clock prescaler select bit 1 (pulse-clock speed select) */
NEOLED_CT_PRSC2 = 5, /**< NEOLED control register(5) (r/w): Clock prescaler select bit 2 (pulse-clock speed select) */
1068,8 → 1100,10
NEOLED_CT_T_ONE_H_3 = 23, /**< NEOLED control register(23) (r/w): pulse-clock ticks per ONE high-time bit 3 */
NEOLED_CT_T_ONE_H_4 = 24, /**< NEOLED control register(24) (r/w): pulse-clock ticks per ONE high-time bit 4 */
NEOLED_CT_TX_STATUS = 30, /**< NEOLED control register(30) (r/-): serial transmit engine still busy when set */
NEOLED_CT_BUSY = 31 /**< NEOLED control register(31) (r/-): busy / buffer status flag (configured via #NEOLED_CT_BSCON) */
NEOLED_CT_TX_EMPTY = 28, /**< NEOLED control register(28) (r/-): TX FIFO is empty */
NEOLED_CT_TX_HALF = 29, /**< NEOLED control register(29) (r/-): TX FIFO is at least half-full */
NEOLED_CT_TX_FULL = 30, /**< NEOLED control register(30) (r/-): TX FIFO is full */
NEOLED_CT_TX_BUSY = 31 /**< NEOLED control register(31) (r/-): busy / buffer status flag (configured via #NEOLED_CT_BSCON) */
1109,7 → 1143,7
SYSINFO_FEATURES_MEM_EXT = 1, /**< SYSINFO_FEATURES (1) (r/-): External bus interface implemented when 1 (via MEM_EXT_EN generic) */
SYSINFO_FEATURES_MEM_INT_IMEM = 2, /**< SYSINFO_FEATURES (2) (r/-): Processor-internal instruction memory implemented when 1 (via MEM_INT_IMEM_EN generic) */
SYSINFO_FEATURES_MEM_INT_DMEM = 3, /**< SYSINFO_FEATURES (3) (r/-): Processor-internal data memory implemented when 1 (via MEM_INT_DMEM_EN generic) */
SYSINFO_FEATURES_MEM_EXT_ENDIAN = 4, /**< SYSINFO_FEATURES (4) (r/-): External bus interface uses BIG-endian byte-order when 1 (via package.xbus_big_endian_c constant) */
SYSINFO_FEATURES_MEM_EXT_ENDIAN = 4, /**< SYSINFO_FEATURES (4) (r/-): External bus interface uses BIG-endian byte-order when 1 (via MEM_EXT_BIG_ENDIAN generic) */
SYSINFO_FEATURES_ICACHE = 5, /**< SYSINFO_FEATURES (5) (r/-): Processor-internal instruction cache implemented when 1 (via ICACHE_EN generic) */
SYSINFO_FEATURES_OCD = 14, /**< SYSINFO_FEATURES (14) (r/-): On-chip debugger implemented when 1 (via ON_CHIP_DEBUGGER_EN generic) */
66,7 → 66,7
* @param[in] return_code Return value of main() function.
* @return Return value is irrelevant (there is no one left to check for it...).
extern int __neorv32_crt0_after_main(int32_t return_code);
extern int __neorv32_crt0_after_main(int32_t return_code) __attribute__ ((weak));
46,12 → 46,27
// prototypes
int neorv32_neoled_available(void);
void neorv32_neoled_setup_raw(uint32_t bs_config, uint32_t prsc, uint32_t t_total, uint32_t t_high_zero, uint32_t t_high_one);
void neorv32_neoled_setup_ws2812(uint32_t bs_config);
void neorv32_neoled_setup(uint32_t prsc, uint32_t t_total, uint32_t t_high_zero, uint32_t t_high_one);
void neorv32_neoled_setup_ws2812(void);
void neorv32_neoled_set_mode(uint32_t mode);
void neorv32_neoled_strobe_blocking(void);
void neorv32_neoled_strobe_nonblocking(void);
void neorv32_neoled_enable(void);
void neorv32_neoled_disable(void);
void neorv32_neoled_send_polling(uint32_t mode, uint32_t data);
void neorv32_neoled_send_direct(uint32_t mode, uint32_t data);
void neorv32_neoled_write_blocking(uint32_t data);
uint32_t neorv32_neoled_get_buffer_size(void);
* Send single RGB(W) data word to NEOLED module (non-blocking).
* @warning This function uses NO busy/flag checks at all!
* @param[in] data LSB-aligned 24-bit RGB or 32-bit RGBW data
inline void __attribute__ ((always_inline)) neorv32_neoled_write_nonblocking(uint32_t data) {
NEOLED_DATA = data; // send new LED data
#endif // neorv32_neoled_h
50,6 → 50,8
int neorv32_slink_get_tx_num(void);
int neorv32_slink_get_rx_depth(void);
int neorv32_slink_get_tx_depth(void);
int neorv32_slink_check_rx_half_full(int link_id);
int neorv32_slink_check_tx_half_full(int link_id);
// non-blocking transmit
int neorv32_slink_tx0_nonblocking(uint32_t tx_data);
int neorv32_slink_tx1_nonblocking(uint32_t tx_data);
65,13 → 65,12
* Enable and configure NEOLED controller. The NEOLED control register bits are listed in #NEORV32_NEOLED_CT_enum.
* This function performs a "raw" configuration (just configuraing the according control register bit).
* @param[in] bs_config Busy flag / IRQ configuration (0 = at least one free entry, 1 = whole buffer empty).
* @param[in] prsc Clock prescaler select (0..7). See #NEORV32_CLOCK_PRSC_enum.
* @param[in] t_total Number of pre-scaled clock ticks for total bit period (0..31).
* @param[in] t_high_zero Number of pre-scaled clock ticks to generate high-time for sending a '0' (0..31).
* @param[in] t_high_one Number of pre-scaled clock ticks to generate high-time for sending a '1' (0..31).
void neorv32_neoled_setup_raw(uint32_t bs_config, uint32_t prsc, uint32_t t_total, uint32_t t_high_zero, uint32_t t_high_one) {
void neorv32_neoled_setup(uint32_t prsc, uint32_t t_total, uint32_t t_high_zero, uint32_t t_high_one) {
NEOLED_CT = 0; // reset
78,9 → 77,6
// module enable
uint32_t ct_enable = 1 << NEOLED_CT_EN;
// busy flag / IRQ config
uint32_t ct_bs_config = (bs_config & 0x1) << NEOLED_CT_BSCON;
// clock pre-scaler
uint32_t ct_prsc = (prsc & 0x7) << NEOLED_CT_PRSC0;
94,7 → 90,7
uint32_t ct_t_one = (t_high_one & 0x1f) << NEOLED_CT_T_ONE_H_0;
// set new configuration
NEOLED_CT = ct_enable | ct_bs_config | ct_prsc | ct_t_total | ct_t_zero | ct_t_one;
NEOLED_CT = ct_enable | ct_prsc | ct_t_total | ct_t_zero | ct_t_one;
104,10 → 100,8
* @note WS2812 timing: T_period = 1.2us, T_high_zero = 0.4us, T_high_one = 0.8us. Change the constants if required.
* @note This function uses the SYSINFO_CLK value (from the SYSINFO HW module) to do the timing computations.
* @param[in] bs_config Busy flag / IRQ configuration (0 = at least one free entry, 1 = whole buffer empty).
void neorv32_neoled_setup_ws2812(uint32_t bs_config) {
void neorv32_neoled_setup_ws2812(void) {
// WS2812 timing
const uint32_t T_TOTAL_C = 1200; // ns
157,62 → 151,87
// set raw configuration
neorv32_neoled_setup_raw(bs_config, clk_prsc_sel, t_total, t_high_zero, t_high_one);
neorv32_neoled_setup(clk_prsc_sel, t_total, t_high_zero, t_high_one);
* Enable NEOLED controller.
* Set NEOLED mode (24-bit RGB / 32-bit RGBW).
* @param[in] mode 0 = 24-bit mode (RGB), 1 = 32-bit mode (RGBW)
void neorv32_neoled_enable(void) {
void neorv32_neoled_set_mode(uint32_t mode) {
NEOLED_CT |= ((uint32_t)(1 << NEOLED_CT_EN));
uint32_t ctrl = NEOLED_CT;
ctrl &= ~(0b1 << NEOLED_CT_MODE); // clear current mode
ctrl |= ((mode & 1) << NEOLED_CT_MODE); // set new mode
NEOLED_CT = ctrl;
* Disable NEOLED controller.
* Send strobe command ("RESET") - blocking.
void neorv32_neoled_disable(void) {
void neorv32_neoled_strobe_blocking(void) {
NEOLED_CT &= ~((uint32_t)(1 << NEOLED_CT_EN));
while(1) { // wait for FIFO full flag to clear
if ((NEOLED_CT & (1 << NEOLED_CT_TX_FULL)) == 0) {
* Send single data word to NEOLED module.
* @warning This function is blocking as it polls the NEOLED busy flag.
* @param[in] mode 0 = 24-bit mode (RGB), 1 = 32-bit mode (RGBW)
* @param[in] data 24-bit RGB or 32-bit RGBW data
* Send strobe command ("RESET") - non-blocking.
void neorv32_neoled_send_polling(uint32_t mode, uint32_t data) {
void neorv32_neoled_strobe_nonblocking(void) {
while(NEOLED_CT & (1 << NEOLED_CT_BUSY)); // wait for busy flag to clear
const uint32_t mask = 1 << NEOLED_CT_STROBE; // strobe bit
uint32_t ctrl = NEOLED_CT;
neorv32_neoled_send_direct(mode, data);
NEOLED_CT = ctrl | mask; // set strobe bit
NEOLED_DATA = 0; // send any data to trigger strobe command
NEOLED_CT = ctrl & (~mask); // clear strobe bit
* Send single data word to NEOLED module.
* Enable NEOLED controller.
void neorv32_neoled_enable(void) {
NEOLED_CT |= ((uint32_t)(1 << NEOLED_CT_EN));
* Disable NEOLED controller.
void neorv32_neoled_disable(void) {
NEOLED_CT &= ~((uint32_t)(1 << NEOLED_CT_EN));
* Send single RGB(W) data word to NEOLED module (blocking).
* @warning This function used NO busy checks at all!
* @note This function can be called several times in a row to fill the TX buffer (when busy_flag is cleared and bscon = 1).
* @warning This function is blocking as it polls the NEOLED FIFO full flag.
* @param[in] mode 0 = 24-bit mode (RGB), 1 = 32-bit mode (RGBW)
* @param[in] data 24-bit RGB or 32-bit RGBW data
* @param[in] data LSB-aligned 24-bit RGB or 32-bit RGBW data
void neorv32_neoled_send_direct(uint32_t mode, uint32_t data) {
void neorv32_neoled_write_blocking(uint32_t data) {
// configure TX mode (data size)
uint32_t ctrl = NEOLED_CT;
ctrl &= ~(0b1 << NEOLED_CT_MODE); // clear current mode
ctrl |= ((mode & 1) << NEOLED_CT_MODE); // set new mode
NEOLED_CT = ctrl;
while(1) { // wait for FIFO full flag to clear
if ((NEOLED_CT & (1 << NEOLED_CT_TX_FULL)) == 0) {
NEOLED_DATA = data; // send new LED data
neorv32_neoled_write_nonblocking(data); // send new LED data
225,7 → 244,7
uint32_t tmp = NEOLED_CT;
tmp = tmp >> NEOLED_CT_BUFS_0;
tmp = tmp & 0b1111; // insulate buffer size flags
tmp = tmp & 0xf; // isolate buffer size bits
return (1 << tmp); // num entries = pow(2, buffer size flags)
87,7 → 87,7
int neorv32_slink_get_rx_num(void) {
if (neorv32_slink_available()) {
return (int)(((SLINK_CT >> SLINK_CT_RX_NUM0) & 0x07) + 1);
return (int)((SLINK_CT >> SLINK_CT_RX_NUM0) & 0xf);
else {
return 0;
103,7 → 103,7
int neorv32_slink_get_tx_num(void) {
if (neorv32_slink_available()) {
return (int)(((SLINK_CT >> SLINK_CT_TX_NUM0) & 0x07) + 1);
return (int)((SLINK_CT >> SLINK_CT_TX_NUM0) & 0xf);
else {
return 0;
146,6 → 146,44
* Check if RX link FIFO fill level is >= half-full
* @param[in] link_id Link id (0..7).
* @return 1 if fill level is >= half-full.
int neorv32_slink_check_rx_half_full(int link_id) {
const uint32_t mask = 1 << SLINK_STATUS_RX0_HALF;
if (SLINK_STATUS & (mask << (link_id & 0x7))) {
return 1;
else {
return 0;
* Check if TX link FIFO fill level is > half-full
* @param[in] link_id Link id (0..7).
* @return 1 if fill level is > half-full.
int neorv32_slink_check_tx_half_full(int link_id) {
const uint32_t mask = 1 << SLINK_STATUS_TX0_HALF;
if (SLINK_STATUS & (mask << (link_id & 0x7))) {
return 1;
else {
return 0;
* Write data to TX stream link 0 (non-blocking)
* @param[in] tx_data Data to send to link.
153,7 → 191,7
int neorv32_slink_tx0_nonblocking(uint32_t tx_data) {
if (SLINK_CT & (1 << SLINK_CT_TX0_FREE)) {
SLINK_CH0 = tx_data;
return 0;
169,7 → 207,7
int neorv32_slink_tx1_nonblocking(uint32_t tx_data) {
if (SLINK_CT & (1 << SLINK_CT_TX1_FREE)) {
SLINK_CH1 = tx_data;
return 0;
185,7 → 223,7
int neorv32_slink_tx2_nonblocking(uint32_t tx_data) {
if (SLINK_CT & (1 << SLINK_CT_TX2_FREE)) {
SLINK_CH2 = tx_data;
return 0;
201,7 → 239,7
int neorv32_slink_tx3_nonblocking(uint32_t tx_data) {
if (SLINK_CT & (1 << SLINK_CT_TX3_FREE)) {
SLINK_CH3 = tx_data;
return 0;
217,7 → 255,7
int neorv32_slink_tx4_nonblocking(uint32_t tx_data) {
if (SLINK_CT & (1 << SLINK_CT_TX4_FREE)) {
SLINK_CH4 = tx_data;
return 0;
233,7 → 271,7
int neorv32_slink_tx5_nonblocking(uint32_t tx_data) {
if (SLINK_CT & (1 << SLINK_CT_TX5_FREE)) {
SLINK_CH5 = tx_data;
return 0;
249,7 → 287,7
int neorv32_slink_tx6_nonblocking(uint32_t tx_data) {
if (SLINK_CT & (1 << SLINK_CT_TX6_FREE)) {
SLINK_CH6 = tx_data;
return 0;
265,7 → 303,7
int neorv32_slink_tx7_nonblocking(uint32_t tx_data) {
if (SLINK_CT & (1 << SLINK_CT_TX7_FREE)) {
SLINK_CH7 = tx_data;
return 0;
281,7 → 319,7
int neorv32_slink_rx0_nonblocking(uint32_t *rx_data) {
if (SLINK_CT & (1 << SLINK_CT_RX0_AVAIL)) {
*rx_data = SLINK_CH0;
return 0;
297,7 → 335,7
int neorv32_slink_rx1_nonblocking(uint32_t *rx_data) {
if (SLINK_CT & (1 << SLINK_CT_RX1_AVAIL)) {
*rx_data = SLINK_CH1;
return 0;
313,7 → 351,7
int neorv32_slink_rx2_nonblocking(uint32_t *rx_data) {
if (SLINK_CT & (1 << SLINK_CT_RX2_AVAIL)) {
*rx_data = SLINK_CH2;
return 0;
329,7 → 367,7
int neorv32_slink_rx3_nonblocking(uint32_t *rx_data) {
if (SLINK_CT & (1 << SLINK_CT_RX3_AVAIL)) {
*rx_data = SLINK_CH3;
return 0;
345,7 → 383,7
int neorv32_slink_rx4_nonblocking(uint32_t *rx_data) {
if (SLINK_CT & (1 << SLINK_CT_RX4_AVAIL)) {
*rx_data = SLINK_CH4;
return 0;
361,7 → 399,7
int neorv32_slink_rx5_nonblocking(uint32_t *rx_data) {
if (SLINK_CT & (1 << SLINK_CT_RX5_AVAIL)) {
*rx_data = SLINK_CH5;
return 0;
377,7 → 415,7
int neorv32_slink_rx6_nonblocking(uint32_t *rx_data) {
if (SLINK_CT & (1 << SLINK_CT_RX6_AVAIL)) {
*rx_data = SLINK_CH6;
return 0;
393,7 → 431,7
int neorv32_slink_rx7_nonblocking(uint32_t *rx_data) {
if (SLINK_CT & (1 << SLINK_CT_RX7_AVAIL)) {
*rx_data = SLINK_CH7;
return 0;
52,7 → 52,7
# Compiler toolchain
RISCV_TOOLCHAIN ?= riscv32-unknown-elf
RISCV_PREFIX ?= riscv32-unknown-elf-
# CPU architecture and ABI
MARCH = -march=rv32i
105,10 → 105,10
# Tools and flags
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Compiler tools
# Host native compiler
CC_X86 = g++ -Wall -O -g
1,5 → 1,5
/* ################################################################################################# */
/* # << NEORV32 - debugger.S - Execution-Based On-Chip Debugger - Park Loop Code >> # */
/* # << NEORV32 - park_loop.S - Execution-Based On-Chip Debugger - Park Loop Code >> # */
/* # ********************************************************************************************* # */
/* # BSD 3-Clause License # */
/* # # */
57,7 → 57,7
// BASE + 0: entry for ebreak in debug-mode, halt request, or return from single-stepped instruction
// BASE + 0: entry for ebreak in debug-mode, halt request or return from single-stepped instruction
jal zero, parking_loop_start
1,27 → 1,50
## NEORV32 Software Framework
# NEORV32 Software Framework
This folder provides the core of the NEORV32 software framework. This is a short description of the main folders.
This folder provides the core of the NEORV32 software framework.
This is a short description of the main folders.
### [`bootloader`](
Source(s) of the default NEORV32 bootloader. A pre-built image is already installed into the rtl design via the
`rtl/core/neorv32_bootloader_image.vhd` file.
## [bootloader](bootloader)
### [`common`](
Source(s) of the default NEORV32 bootloader.
A pre-built image is already installed into the rtl design via the `rtl/core/neorv32_bootloader_image.vhd` file.
NEORV32-specific common files for all bootloader and application programs: linker script for executable generation and
processor start-up code.
### [`example`](
## [common](common)
NEORV32-specific common files for all bootloader and application programs:
linker script for executable generation and processor start-up code.
## [example](example)
Several example programs for testing and for getting started.
### [`image_gen`](
This folder contains a simple program that is used to create NEORV32 executables (for upload via bootloader) and VHDL memory
initializiation files (for memory-persistent applications and for the bootloader). This program is automatically compiled using
the native GCC when invoking one of the application compilation makefiles.
## [image_gen](image_gen)
### [`lib`](
This folder contains a simple program that is used to create NEORV32 executables (for upload via bootloader) and VHDL
memory initializiation files (for memory-persistent applications and for the bootloader).
This program is automatically compiled using the native GCC when invoking one of the application compilation makefiles.
## [isa-test](isa-test)
NEORV32 RISC-V Architecture Test Framework.
See [sim/README](../sim/
## [lib](lib)
Core libraries (sources and header files) and helper functions for using the processor peripherals and the CPU itself.
## [ocd-firmware](ocd-firmware)
Firmware (debugger "park loop") for the on-chip debugger. This folder is just for documenting the source code.
Modifying the sources is not recommended as this could break the on-chip debugger.
## [openocd](openocd)
Configuration file for openOCD to connect to the NEORV32 on-chip debugger via JTAG.

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