
Subversion Repositories opb_onewire

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  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 2 to Rev 4
    Reverse comparison

Rev 2 → Rev 4

0,0 → 1,1345
# Project Navigator Project Restoration Script
# WARNING: Do not modify this file. Any alteration of this file is not
# supported and will likely cause project restoration to fail. The
# format and the contents will be modified without further notice.
# This script can be used to recreate the associated project. To use this script,
# source it in a Xilinx Tcl shell, such as xtclsh or the Project Navigator Tcl
# Shell tab, and call the 'restore' proc. Restore takes the project directory as
# an optional argument. Pass in the project directory if it is different than the
# current working directory, otherwise don't pass in anything.
# Example:
# In this example the project is in the directory "./projects/m_project_dir".
# source ./projects/m_project_dir/my_project.restore
# restore ./projects/m_project_dir
# Example:
# In this example the project is in the current working directory.
# source my_project.restore
# restore
# Note that restoring a project this way has the following limitations:
# - Process status will not be restored.
# - A root-level source will be set as "Top", even if a lower-level source had
# previously been set as "Top".
# - Sources with non-default Design View associations will revert to the default
# association.
# - Snapshots will not be restored.
# The project which failed to load will be backed up as <project>.fail.
# Please open a Technical Support WebCase at
# and submit this file, along
# with the project source files, for evaluation.
# Copyright 2007, Xilinx, Inc.
proc ERR { msg } {
puts "ERROR: $msg"
proc WARN { msg } {
puts "WARNING: $msg"
proc INFO { msg } {
puts "$msg"
# Helper that returns 1 if the string is blank, otherwise 0.
proc IsBlank { str } {
if { [string length $str] == 0 } {
return 1
return 0
# Helper for determining whether a value is 'NULL'.
# Returns 1 if the value is 0; returns 0 if the value is anything else.
proc IsNull { val } {
if { $val == 0 } {
return 1
return 0
proc HandleException { script { msg "" } } {
set catch_result [catch {
uplevel 1 $script
if {$catch_result} {
if {![IsBlank $msg]} {
ERR $msg
INFO "$::errorInfo"
# These two procs help to load shared libraries in a platform
# independent way.
proc _LoadLibrary {name} {
set libExt [info sharedlibextension]
set libFullName "$name$libExt"
HandleException {
load $libFullName
} "A problem occured loading library $libFullName."
proc _LoadFactoryLibrary {Factory} {
HandleException {
Xilinx::Cit::FactoryLoad $Factory
} "A problem occured loading library $Factory."
_LoadLibrary libCit_CoreStub
_LoadLibrary libPrjrep_CommonStub
_LoadFactoryLibrary libPrjrep_Common
_LoadLibrary libDpm_SupportStub
_LoadLibrary libDpm_PnfStub
_LoadLibrary libDpm_DefnDataStub
_LoadLibrary libDpm_DesignDataStub
_LoadLibrary libDpm_HdlStub
_LoadLibrary libPrjrep_RepositoryStub
_LoadLibrary libCitI_CoreStub
_LoadLibrary libHdcI_HdcHDProjectStub
_LoadLibrary libTcltaskI_TaskStub
_LoadLibrary libCommonI_CommonStub
_LoadFactoryLibrary libTcltask_Helpers
_LoadFactoryLibrary libHdcC_HDProject
_LoadLibrary libHdcI_HdcContainerStub
# Helper to exectute code only when the (pointer) variable name is valid.
proc OnOkPtr { var_name script } {
if { [ uplevel info exists $var_name ] } {
upvar $var_name var
if { $var != 0 } { return [ uplevel $script ] }
# Helper to exectute code only when the (pointer) variable name is 0.
proc OnNullPtr { var_name script } {
if { [ uplevel info exists $var_name ] } {
upvar $var_name var
if { $var == 0 } { return [ uplevel $script ] }
# Helper to exectute code only when the value of variable name is 1.
proc OnSuccess { var_name script } {
if { $val != 0 } { return [ uplevel $script ] }
# Helper to exectute code only when the value of variable name is 0.
proc OnFail { val script } {
if { $val != 1 } { return [ uplevel $script ] }
# Helper to get a component interface.
proc GetInterface { iUnk id { name "" } } {
if {$iUnk == 0} { return 0 }
set iIface [ $iUnk GetInterface $id ]
OnNullPtr iIface {
if {![IsBlank $name]} {
ERR " Could not get the \"$name\" interface."
return $iIface
# Helper to create a component and return one of its interfaces.
proc CreateComponent { compId ifaceId { name "" } } {
set iUnk [ ::Xilinx::Cit::FactoryCreate $compId ]
set iIface [ GetInterface $iUnk $ifaceId ]
OnNullPtr iIface {
if {![IsBlank $name]} { ERR "Could not create a \"$name\" component." }
return $iIface
# Helper to release an object
proc Release { args } {
foreach iUnk $args {
set i_refcount [ GetInterface $iUnk $::xilinx::Prjrep::IRefCountID ]
OnNullPtr i_refcount { set i_refcount [ GetInterface $iUnk $::xilinx::CommonI::IRefCountID ] }
OnOkPtr i_refcount { $i_refcount Release }
# Helper to loop over IIterator based pointers.
proc ForEachIterEle { _ele_var_name _iter script } {
if {$_iter == 0} { return 0 }
upvar $_ele_var_name ele
for { $_iter First } { ![ $_iter IsEnd ] } { $_iter Next } {
set ele [ $_iter CurrentItem ]
set returned_val [ uplevel $script ]
# Helper to get the Tcl Project Manager, if possible.
proc GetTclProjectMgr { } {
set TclProjectMgrId "{7d528480-1196-4635-aba9-639446e4aa59}"
set iUnk [ Xilinx::CitP::CreateComponent $TclProjectMgrId ]
if {$iUnk == 0} { return 0 }
set iTclProjectMgr [ $iUnk GetInterface $::xilinx::TcltaskI::ITclProjectMgrID ]
OnNullPtr iTclProjectMgr {
ERR "Could not create a \"TclProjectMgr\" component."
return $iTclProjectMgr
# Helper to get the current Tcl Project, if one is open.
proc GetCurrentTclProject { } {
set iTclProject 0
set iTclProjectMgr [GetTclProjectMgr]
OnOkPtr iTclProjectMgr {
set errmsg ""
$iTclProjectMgr GetCurrentTclProject iTclProject errmsg
return $iTclProject
# Helper to get the current HDProject, if one is open.
proc GetCurrentHDProject { } {
set iHDProject 0
set iTclProjectMgr [GetTclProjectMgr]
set errmsg ""
OnOkPtr iTclProjectMgr { $iTclProjectMgr GetCurrentHDProject iHDProject errmsg }
OnNullPtr iHDProject {
ERR "Could not get the current HDProject."
return $iHDProject
# Helper to create a Project Helper.
proc GetProjectHelper { } {
set ProjectHelperID "{0725c3d2-5e9b-4383-a7b6-a80c932eac21}"
set iProjHelper [CreateComponent $ProjectHelperID $::xilinx::Dpm::IProjectHelperID "Project Helper"]
return $iProjHelper
# Helper to find out if a project is currently open.
# Returns 1 if a project is open, otherwise 0.
proc IsProjectOpen { } {
set iTclProject [GetCurrentTclProject]
set isOpen [expr {$iTclProject != 0}]
Release $iTclProject
return $isOpen
# Helper to return the lock file for the specified project if there is one.
# Returns an empty string if there is no lock file on the specified project.
# This assumes that the project_file is in the current directory.
# It also assumes project_file does not have a path.
proc GetProjectLockFile { project_file } {
INFO "Checking for a lock file for \"$project_file\"."
set lock_file "__ISE_repository_${project_file}_.lock"
if { [ file isfile "$lock_file" ] } {
return $lock_file
# Helper to move aside the project file.
# This assumes that the project_file is in the current directory.
proc MoveProject { project_file backup_file } {
INFO "Moving aside the project \"$project_file\" so that it can be recreated."
INFO "The project will be backed up as \"$backup_file\"."
if { ![ file isfile "$project_file" ] } {
WARN "Could not move \"$project_file\"; it does not exist or is not a file."
return 1
file rename -force "$project_file" "$backup_file"
# We will need to bail if the project still exists.
if { [ file isfile "$project_file" ] } {
ERR "Could not remove \"$project_file\"; unable to recreate the project.."
return 0
return 1
# Helper to open a project and return a project facilitator (pointer).
proc OpenFacilProject { project_name } {
# first make sure the tcl project mgr singleton exists
# get a Project Helper and open the project.
set iProjHelper [GetProjectHelper]
if {$iProjHelper == 0} { return 0 }
set result [$iProjHelper Open $project_name]
OnFail $result {
if {$result == 576460769483292673} {
ERR "Could not open the project \"$project_name\" because it is locked."
} else {
ERR "Could not open the \"$project_name\" project."
Release $iProjHelper
set iProjHelper 0
return $iProjHelper
# Helper to close and release a project.
proc CloseFacilProject { iProjHelper } {
if {$iProjHelper == 0} { return }
$iProjHelper Close
Release $iProjHelper
# Helper to get the Project from the Project Helper.
# Clients must release this.
proc GetProject { iProjHelper } {
if {$iProjHelper == 0} { return 0 }
set dpm_project 0
$iProjHelper GetDpmProject dpm_project
set iProject [ GetInterface $dpm_project $xilinx::Dpm::IProjectID ]
OnNullPtr iProject {
ERR "Could not get the Project from the Project Helper."
return $iProject
# Helper to get the File Manager from the Project Helper.
# Clients must release this.
proc GetFileManager { iProjHelper } {
set iProject [GetProject $iProjHelper]
set iFileMgr [ GetInterface $iProject $xilinx::Dpm::IFileManagerID ]
OnNullPtr iFileMgr {
ERR "Could not get the File Manager from the Project Helper."
# Don't release the project here, clients will release it
# when they release its IFileManager interface.
return $iFileMgr
# Helper to get the Source Library Manager from the Project Helper.
# Clients must release this.
proc GetSourceLibraryManager { iProjHelper } {
set iProject [GetProject $iProjHelper]
set iSourceLibraryMgr [ GetInterface $iProject $xilinx::Dpm::ISourceLibraryManagerID ]
OnNullPtr iSourceLibraryMgr {
ERR "Could not get the Source Library Manager from the Project Helper."
# Don't release the project here, clients will release it
# when they release its IFileManager interface.
return $iSourceLibraryMgr
# Helper to get the ProjSrcHelper from the Project Helper.
# Clients must NOT release this.
proc GetProjSrcHelper { iProjHelper } {
set iSrcHelper [ GetInterface $iProjHelper $::xilinx::Dpm::IProjSrcHelperID IProjSrcHelper ]
OnNullPtr iSrcHelper {
ERR "Could not get the ProjSrcHelper from the Project Helper."
return $iSrcHelper
# Helper to get the ScratchPropertyManager from the Project Helper.
# Clients must NOT release this.
proc GetScratchPropertyManager { iProjHelper } {
set iPropTableFetch [ GetInterface $iProjHelper $xilinx::Dpm::IPropTableFetchID IPropTableFetch ]
set prop_table_comp 0
OnOkPtr iPropTableFetch {
$iPropTableFetch GetPropTable prop_table_comp
set iScratch [ GetInterface $prop_table_comp $xilinx::Dpm::IScratchPropertyManagerID ]
OnNullPtr iScratch {
ERR "Could not get the Scratch Property Manager from the Project Helper."
return $iScratch
# Helper to get the Design from the Project Helper.
# Clients must release this.
proc GetDesign { iProjHelper } {
set iProject [GetProject $iProjHelper]
set iDesign 0
OnOkPtr iProject { $iProject GetDesign iDesign }
OnNullPtr iDesign {
ERR "Could not get the Design from the Project Helper."
Release $iProject
return $iDesign
# Helper to get the Data Store from the Project Helper.
# Clients must NOT release this.
proc GetDataStore { iProjHelper } {
set iDesign [ GetDesign $iProjHelper]
set iDataStore 0
OnOkPtr iDesign { $iDesign GetDataStore iDataStore }
OnNullPtr iDataStore {
ERR "Could not get the Data Store from the Project Helper."
Release $iDesign
return $iDataStore
# Helper to get the View Manager from the Project Helper.
# Clients must NOT release this.
proc GetViewManager { iProjHelper } {
set iDesign [ GetDesign $iProjHelper]
set iViewMgr [ GetInterface $iDesign $xilinx::Dpm::IViewManagerID ]
OnNullPtr iViewMgr {
ERR "Could not get the View Manager from the Project Helper."
# Don't release the design here, clients will release it
# when they release its IViewManager interface.
return $iViewMgr
# Helper to get the Property Manager from the Project Helper.
# Clients must release this.
proc GetPropertyManager { iProjHelper } {
set iDesign [ GetDesign $iProjHelper]
set iPropMgr 0
OnOkPtr iDesign { $iDesign GetPropertyManager iPropMgr }
OnNullPtr iPropMgr {
ERR "Could not get the Property Manager from the Project Helper."
Release $iDesign
return $iPropMgr
# Helper to find a property template, based on prop_name
# Clients must NOT release this.
proc GetPropertyTemplate { iProjHelper prop_name } {
set iPropTempl 0
set iUnk 0
set iDefdataId 0
set iPropTemplStore 0
set iDataStore [GetDataStore $iProjHelper]
OnOkPtr iDataStore { $iDataStore GetComponentByName $prop_name iUnk }
OnOkPtr iUnk { set iDefdataId [ GetInterface $iUnk $xilinx::Dpm::IDefDataIdID IDefDataId ] }
OnOkPtr iDefdataId {
set iPropTemplStore [ GetInterface $iDataStore $xilinx::Dpm::IPropertyTemplateStoreID IPropertyTemplateStore ]
OnOkPtr iPropTemplStore { $iPropTemplStore GetPropertyTemplate $iDefdataId iPropTempl }
OnNullPtr iPropTempl {
WARN "Could not get the property template for \"$prop_name\"."
return $iPropTempl
# Helper to get a component's name.
proc GetName { iUnk } {
set name ""
set iName [ GetInterface $iUnk $xilinx::Prjrep::INameID IName ]
OnOkPtr iName { $iName GetName name }
return $name
# Helper to get the name of a view's type.
proc GetViewTypeName { iView } {
set typeName ""
set iType 0
set iDefdataType 0
OnOkPtr iView { $iView GetType iType }
OnOkPtr iType {
set iDefdataType [ GetInterface $iType $xilinx::Dpm::IDefDataIdID IDefDataId ]
OnOkPtr iDefdataType { $iDefdataType GetID typeName }
return $typeName
# Helper to find a view and return its context.
# Must clients release this?
proc GetViewContext { iProjHelper view_id view_name } {
# Simply return if the view_id or view_name is empty.
if { [IsBlank $view_id] || [IsBlank $view_name] } { return 0 }
set foundview 0
set viewiter 0
set iViewMgr [GetViewManager $iProjHelper]
OnOkPtr iViewMgr { $iViewMgr GetViews viewiter }
ForEachIterEle view $viewiter {
set typeName [GetViewTypeName $view]
set name [GetName $view]
if { [ string equal $name $view_name ] && [ string equal $view_id $typeName ] } {
set foundview $view
set context [ GetInterface $foundview $xilinx::Dpm::IPropertyContextID ]
OnNullPtr context {
WARN "Could not get the context for view \"$view_id\":\"$view_name\"."
return $context
# Helper to get a string property instance from the property manager.
proc GetStringPropertyInstance { iProjHelper simple_id } {
set iPropMgr [GetPropertyManager $iProjHelper]
if {$iPropMgr == 0} { return 0 }
set iPropInst 0
$iPropMgr GetStringProperty $simple_id iPropInst
OnNullPtr iPropInst { WARN "Could not get the string property instance $simple_id." }
Release $iPropMgr
return $iPropInst
# Helper to get a property instance from the property manager.
proc GetPropertyInstance { iProjHelper view_name view_id prop_name } {
set iPropInst 0
set iPropTempl [ GetPropertyTemplate $iProjHelper $prop_name ]
if {$iPropTempl == 0} { return 0 }
set context [ GetViewContext $iProjHelper $view_id $view_name ]
set iPropMgr [GetPropertyManager $iProjHelper]
if {$iPropMgr == 0} { return 0 }
$iPropMgr GetPropertyInstance $iPropTempl $context iPropInst
OnNullPtr iPropInst {
if { ![IsBlank $view_id] && ![IsBlank $view_name] } {
WARN "Could not get the context sensitive property instance $prop_name."
} else {
WARN "Could not get the property instance $prop_name."
Release $iPropMgr
return $iPropInst
# Helper to store properties back into the property manager.
proc RestoreProcessProperties { iProjHelper process_props } {
INFO "Restoring process properties"
foreach { unused view_name view_id simple_id prop_name prop_val } $process_props {
set iPropInst 0
if {![IsBlank $simple_id]} {
set iPropInst [ GetStringPropertyInstance $iProjHelper $simple_id ]
} else {
set iPropInst [ GetPropertyInstance $iProjHelper $view_name $view_id $prop_name ]
OnOkPtr iPropInst {
OnFail [ $iPropInst SetStringValue "$prop_val" ] {
WARN "Could not set the value of the $prop_name property to \"$prop_val\"."
Release $iPropInst
# Helper to recreate partitions from the variable name with
# a list of instance names.
proc RestorePartitions { namelist } {
INFO "Restoring partitions."
set iHDProject [ GetCurrentHDProject ]
OnOkPtr iHDProject {
foreach name $namelist {
set iPartition [ $iHDProject CreatePartition "$name" ]
# Helper to create and populate a library
proc CreateLibrary { iProjHelper libname filelist } {
set iLibMgr [ GetSourceLibraryManager $iProjHelper ]
set iFileMgr [ GetFileManager $iProjHelper ]
if {$iLibMgr == 0} { return 0 }
if {$iFileMgr == 0} { return 0 }
$iLibMgr CreateSourceLibrary "libname" ilib
OnOkPtr ilib {
foreach filename $filelist {
set argfile [ file normalize "$filename" ]
set found 0
set fileiter 0
$iFileMgr GetFiles fileiter
ForEachIterEle ifile $fileiter {
set path ""
set file ""
$ifile getPath path file
set currentfile [ file normalize [ file join "$path" "$file" ] ]
if { $currentfile == $argfile } {
set found 1
$ilib AddFile ifile
OnNullPtr found {
WARN "Could not add the file \"$filename\" to the library \"$libname\"."
# Helper to create source libraries and populate them.
proc RestoreSourceLibraries { iProjHelper libraries } {
INFO "Restoring source libraries."
foreach { libname filelist } $libraries {
CreateLibrary $iProjHelper "$libname" $filelist
# Helper to add user files to the project using the PnF.
proc AddUserFiles { iProjHelper files } {
INFO "Adding User files."
set iconflict 0
set iSrcHelper [ GetProjSrcHelper $iProjHelper ]
if {$iSrcHelper == 0} { return 0 }
foreach filename $files {
INFO "Adding the file \"$filename\" to the project."
set result [$iSrcHelper AddSourceFile "$filename" iconflict]
OnFail $result {
if {$result == 6} {
INFO "The file \"$filename\" is already in the project."
} else {
ERR "A problem occurred adding the file \"$filename\" to the project."
# Helper to add files to the project and set their origination.
# Valid origination values are:
# 0 - User
# 1 - Generated
# 2 - Imported
# Files of origination "User" are added through the facilitator,
# otherwise they are added directly to the File Manager.
proc AddImportedFiles { iProjHelper files origination } {
switch $origination {
0 { INFO "Adding User files." }
1 { INFO "Adding Generated files." }
2 { INFO "Adding Imported files." }
default {
ERR "Invalid parameter: origination was set to \"$origination\", but may only be 0, 1, or 2."
return 0
set iFileMgr [ GetFileManager $iProjHelper ]
if {$iFileMgr == 0} { return 0 }
foreach filename $files {
set file_type 0
set hdl_file 0
set result [$iFileMgr AddFile "$filename" $file_type hdl_file]
OnFail $result {
if {$result == 6} {
INFO "The file \"$filename\" is already in the project."
} elseif { $hdl_file == 0 } {
ERR "A problem occurred adding the file \"$filename\" to the project."
OnOkPtr hdl_file {
set ifile [ GetInterface $hdl_file $xilinx::Dpm::IFileID IFile ]
OnOkPtr ifile {
set result [ $ifile SetOrigination $origination ]
if {$result != 1} {
ERR "A problem occurred setting the origination of \"$filename\" to \"$origination\"."
Release $ifile
return 1
proc RestoreProjectSettings { iProjHelper project_settings } {
INFO "Restoring device settings"
set iScratch [GetScratchPropertyManager $iProjHelper]
set iPropIter 0
set iPropSet [ GetInterface $iScratch $xilinx::Dpm::IPropertyNodeSetID IPropertyNodeSet ]
OnOkPtr iPropSet {
$iPropSet GetIterator iPropIter
set index 0
set lastindex [llength $project_settings]
ForEachIterEle prop_node $iPropIter {
set prop_instance 0
$prop_node GetPropertyInstance prop_instance
if { $index < $lastindex } {
set argname [ lindex $project_settings $index ]
set argvalue [ lindex $project_settings [ expr $index + 1 ] ]
} else {
set argname {}
set argvalue {}
if { $prop_instance != 0 } {
set name {}
$prop_instance GetName name
if { [string equal $name $argname ] } {
$prop_instance SetStringValue $argvalue
incr index
incr index
Release $prop_instance
$iScratch Commit
# initialize
$iProjHelper Init
# Helper to load a source control configuration from a stream
# and then store it back into an ise file.
proc RestoreSourceControlOptions { prjfile istream } {
INFO "Restoring source control options"
set config_comp [::Xilinx::Cit::FactoryCreate $::xilinx::Dpm::SourceControlConfigurationCompID ]
OnOkPtr config_comp { set ipersist [ $config_comp GetInterface $xilinx::Prjrep::IPersistID ] }
OnOkPtr config_comp { set igetopts [ $config_comp GetInterface $xilinx::Dpm::SrcCtrl::IGetOptionsID ] }
set helper_comp [::Xilinx::Cit::FactoryCreate $::xilinx::Dpm::SourceControlHelpCompID ]
OnOkPtr helper_comp { set ihelper [ $config_comp GetInterface $xilinx::Dpm::SrcCtrl::IHelperID ] }
OnOkPtr ipersist { $ipersist Load istream }
OnOkPtr ihelper { OnOkPtr igetopts { $ihelper SaveOptions $prjfile $igetopts } }
Release $helper_comp $config_comp
# Call this proc to restore the ISE project.
proc restore { { project_dir "" } } {
set script_file "s3e_onewire_master.restore"
set project_file "s3e_onewire_master.ise"
set backup_file ""
set old_working_dir [pwd]
# Make sure a project isn't already open.
if {[IsProjectOpen]} {
ERR "The project must be closed before performing this operation."
cd $old_working_dir
# If a project directory was supplied, cd into it.
if {![IsBlank $project_dir]} {
cd $project_dir
# Make sure the project file exists.
if { ![ file isfile "$project_file" ] } {
ERR "Could not find the project file \"$project_file\". You must be in the project directory to perform this operation."
cd $old_working_dir
# Make sure the project isn't locked.
set lock_file [GetProjectLockFile $project_file]
if { ![IsBlank "$lock_file" ] } {
ERR "Could not restore the project \"$project_name\" because it is locked."
INFO "Please remove the lock file \"$lock_file\" and try again."
cd $old_working_dir
# Backup this script because it will be overwritten the next time
# the project is saved, which happens right after it is created!
file copy -force "$script_file" "${script_file}.last"
# Back up the project and remove the project file, since it can't be opened.
OnFail [ MoveProject "$project_file" "$backup_file" ] {
cd $old_working_dir
# Open the project.
HandleException {
set iProjHelper [ OpenFacilProject "$project_file"]
} "A problem occurred while creating the project \"$project_file\"."
if {$iProjHelper == 0} {
cd $old_working_dir
INFO "Recreating project \"$project_file\"."
set project_settings {
"PROP_DevFamily" "Virtex2P"
"PROP_DevDevice" "xc2vp7"
"PROP_DevPackage" "fg456"
"PROP_DevSpeed" "-6"
"PROP_Top_Level_Module_Type" "HDL"
"PROP_Synthesis_Tool" "XST (VHDL/Verilog)"
"PROP_Simulator" "Modelsim-SE Mixed"
"PROP_PreferredLanguage" "Verilog"
"PROP_Enable_Message_Capture" "true"
"PROP_Enable_Message_Filtering" "false"
"PROP_Enable_Incremental_Messaging" "false"
HandleException {
RestoreProjectSettings $iProjHelper $project_settings
} "A problem occured while restoring project settings."
set user_files {
HandleException {
AddUserFiles $iProjHelper $user_files
} "A problem occured while restoring user files."
set imported_files {}
set origination 2
HandleException {
AddImportedFiles $iProjHelper $imported_files $origination
} "A problem occured while restoring imported files."
set process_props {
"A" "" "" "" "PROPEXT_SynthMultStyle_virtex2" "Auto"
"A" "" "" "" "PROPEXT_xilxBitgCfg_DCIUpdateMode_virtex2p" "As Required"
"A" "" "" "" "PROPEXT_xilxBitgCfg_TDO_virtex2p" "Float"
"A" "" "" "" "PROPEXT_xilxBitgStart_Clk_Done_virtex2p" "Default (4)"
"A" "" "" "" "PROPEXT_xilxMapGenInputK_virtex2" "4"
"A" "" "" "" "PROPEXT_xilxSynthAddBufg_virtex2" "16"
"A" "" "" "" "PROPEXT_xilxSynthMaxFanout_virtex2" "500"
"A" "" "" "" "PROP_CPLDFitkeepio" "false"
"A" "" "" "" "PROP_CompxlibAbelLib" "true"
"A" "" "" "" "PROP_CompxlibCPLDDetLib" "true"
"A" "" "" "" "PROP_CompxlibOtherCompxlibOpts" ""
"A" "" "" "" "PROP_CompxlibOutputDir" "$XILINX/<language>/<simulator>"
"A" "" "" "" "PROP_CompxlibOverwriteLib" "Overwrite"
"A" "" "" "" "PROP_CompxlibSimPath" "Search in Path"
"A" "" "" "" "PROP_CompxlibSimPrimatives" "true"
"A" "" "" "" "PROP_CompxlibXlnxCoreLib" "true"
"A" "" "" "" "PROP_CurrentFloorplanFile" ""
"A" "" "" "" "PROP_DesignName" "s3e_onewire_master"
"A" "" "" "" "PROP_Dummy" "dum1"
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"B" "" "" "" "PROP_xcpldFitDesPtermLmt_xbr" "28"
"B" "" "" "" "PROP_xilxBitgCfg_GenOpt_DbgBitStr" "false"
"B" "" "" "" "PROP_xilxBitgCfg_GenOpt_LogicAllocFile" "false"
"B" "" "" "" "PROP_xilxBitgCfg_GenOpt_MaskFile" "false"
"B" "" "" "" "PROP_xilxBitgReadBk_GenBitStr" "false"
"B" "" "" "" "PROP_xilxMapPackfactor" "100"
"B" "" "" "" "PROP_xilxPAReffortLevel" "Standard"
"B" "" "" "" "PROP_xstMoveFirstFfStage" "true"
"B" "" "" "" "PROP_xstMoveLastFfStage" "true"
"B" "" "" "" "PROP_xstROMStyle" "Auto"
"B" "" "" "" "PROP_xstSafeImplement" "No"
"B" "AutoGeneratedView" "VIEW_Map" "" "PROP_ParSmartGuideFileName" ""
"B" "AutoGeneratedView" "VIEW_Translation" "" "PROP_MapSmartGuideFileName" ""
"C" "" "" "" "PROP_AceActiveName" ""
"C" "" "" "" "PROP_CompxlibLang" "All"
"C" "" "" "" "PROP_CompxlibSmartModels" "true"
"C" "" "" "" "PROP_CompxlibUpdateIniForSmartModel" "false"
"C" "" "" "" "PROP_DevDevice" "xc2vp7"
"C" "" "" "" "PROP_DevFamilyPMName" "virtex2p"
"C" "" "" "" "PROP_ISimSimulationRunTime_behav_tb" "1000 ns"
"C" "" "" "" "PROP_ISimSimulationRunTime_behav_tbw" "1000 ns"
"C" "" "" "" "PROP_ISimSimulationRunTime_par_tb" "1000 ns"
"C" "" "" "" "PROP_ISimSimulationRunTime_par_tbw" "1000 ns"
"C" "" "" "" "PROP_ISimVCDFileName_par_tb" "xpower.vcd"
"C" "" "" "" "PROP_ISimVCDFileName_par_tbw" "xpower.vcd"
"C" "" "" "" "PROP_MapExtraEffort" "None"
"C" "" "" "" "PROP_SimModelGenMultiHierFile" "false"
"C" "" "" "" "PROP_XPowerOptBaseTimeUnit" "ps"
"C" "" "" "" "PROP_XPowerOptNumberOfUnits" "1"
"C" "" "" "" "PROP_bitgen_Encrypt_key0" ""
"C" "" "" "" "PROP_bitgen_Encrypt_key1" ""
"C" "" "" "" "PROP_bitgen_Encrypt_key2" ""
"C" "" "" "" "PROP_bitgen_Encrypt_key3" ""
"C" "" "" "" "PROP_bitgen_Encrypt_key4" ""
"C" "" "" "" "PROP_bitgen_Encrypt_key5" ""
"C" "" "" "" "PROP_bitgen_Encrypt_keyFile" ""
"C" "" "" "" "PROP_impactConfigFileName" ""
"C" "" "" "" "PROP_xilxBitgCfg_GenOpt_ReadBack_virtex2" "false"
"C" "" "" "" "PROP_xilxPARextraEffortLevel" "None"
"D" "" "" "" "PROP_CompxlibUni9000Lib" "true"
"D" "" "" "" "PROP_CompxlibUniSimLib" "true"
"D" "" "" "" "PROP_DevPackage" "fg456"
"D" "" "" "" "PROP_Synthesis_Tool" "XST (VHDL/Verilog)"
"D" "" "" "" "PROP_xilxBitgCfg_GenOpt_LogicAllocFile_virtex2" "false"
"D" "" "" "" "PROP_xilxBitgCfg_GenOpt_MaskFile_virtex2" "false"
"D" "" "" "" "PROP_xilxBitgReadBk_GenBitStr_virtex2" "false"
"E" "" "" "" "PROP_DevSpeed" "-6"
"E" "" "" "" "PROP_PreferredLanguage" "Verilog"
"F" "" "" "" "PROP_ChangeDevSpeed" "-6"
"F" "" "" "" "PROP_SimModelTarget" "Verilog"
"F" "" "" "" "PROP_tbwTestbenchTargetLang" "Verilog"
"F" "" "" "" "PROP_xilxPostTrceSpeed" "-6"
"F" "" "" "" "PROP_xilxPreTrceSpeed" "-6"
"G" "" "" "" "PROP_PostSynthSimModelName" "_synthesis.v"
"G" "" "" "" "PROP_SimModelAutoInsertGlblModuleInNetlist" "true"
"G" "" "" "" "PROP_SimModelGenArchOnly" "false"
"G" "" "" "" "PROP_SimModelIncSdfAnnInVerilogFile" "true"
"G" "" "" "" "PROP_SimModelIncSimprimInVerilogFile" "false"
"G" "" "" "" "PROP_SimModelIncUnisimInVerilogFile" "false"
"G" "" "" "" "PROP_SimModelIncUselibDirInVerilogFile" "false"
"G" "" "" "" "PROP_SimModelNoEscapeSignal" "false"
"G" "" "" "" "PROP_SimModelOutputExtIdent" "false"
"G" "" "" "" "PROP_SimModelRenTopLevArchTo" "Structure"
"G" "" "" "" "PROP_SimModelRenTopLevMod" ""
"G" "AutoGeneratedView" "VIEW_Map" "" "PROP_PostMapSimModelName" "_map.v"
"G" "AutoGeneratedView" "VIEW_Par" "" "PROP_PostParSimModelName" "_timesim.v"
"G" "AutoGeneratedView" "VIEW_Post-MapAbstractSimulation" "" "PROP_tbwPostMapTestbenchName" ""
"G" "AutoGeneratedView" "VIEW_Post-ParAbstractSimulation" "" "PROP_tbwPostParTestbenchName" ""
"G" "AutoGeneratedView" "VIEW_Post-TranslateAbstractSimulation" "" "PROP_tbwPostXlateTestbenchName" ""
"G" "AutoGeneratedView" "VIEW_TBWPost-MapPreSimulation" "" "PROP_tbwPostMapTestbenchName" ""
"G" "AutoGeneratedView" "VIEW_TBWPost-ParPreSimulation" "" "PROP_tbwPostParTestbenchName" ""
"G" "AutoGeneratedView" "VIEW_TBWPost-TranslatePreSimulation" "" "PROP_tbwPostXlateTestbenchName" ""
"G" "AutoGeneratedView" "VIEW_Translation" "" "PROP_PostXlateSimModelName" "_translate.v"
"H" "" "" "" "PROP_SimModelBringOutGsrNetAsAPort" "false"
"H" "" "" "" "PROP_SimModelBringOutGtsNetAsAPort" "false"
"H" "" "" "" "PROP_SimModelPathUsedInSdfAnn" "Default"
"H" "AutoGeneratedView" "VIEW_Map" "" "PROP_SimModelRenTopLevEntTo" ""
"H" "AutoGeneratedView" "VIEW_Par" "" "PROP_SimModelRenTopLevEntTo" ""
"H" "AutoGeneratedView" "VIEW_Structural" "" "PROP_SimModelRenTopLevEntTo" ""
"H" "AutoGeneratedView" "VIEW_Translation" "" "PROP_SimModelRenTopLevEntTo" ""
"I" "" "" "" "PROP_SimModelGsrPortName" "GSR_PORT"
"I" "" "" "" "PROP_SimModelGtsPortName" "GTS_PORT"
"I" "" "" "" "PROP_SimModelRocPulseWidth" "100"
"I" "" "" "" "PROP_SimModelTocPulseWidth" "0"}
HandleException {
RestoreProcessProperties $iProjHelper $process_props
} "A problem occured while restoring process properties."
# library names and their members
set libraries {
HandleException {
RestoreSourceLibraries $iProjHelper $libraries
} "A problem occured while restoring source libraries."
# Close the facilitator project.
CloseFacilProject $iProjHelper
# Open the restored project in the user's client application,
# which will either be the Projnav GUI or xtclsh.
project open $project_file
# Let the user know about the backed up project file.
INFO "The project \"$project_file\" was backed up as \"$backup_file\"."
INFO "Please open a Technical Support WebCase at"
INFO "and submit this file, along with the project source files, for evaluation."
/projnav/s3e_onewire_master.ise_ISE_Backup Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
projnav/s3e_onewire_master.ise_ISE_Backup Property changes : Added: svn:mime-type ## -0,0 +1 ## +application/octet-stream \ No newline at end of property Index: projnav/s3e_onewire_master.cli =================================================================== --- projnav/s3e_onewire_master.cli (nonexistent) +++ projnav/s3e_onewire_master.cli (revision 4) @@ -0,0 +1,103 @@ +NewProject(D:/custom_pulse_generator/standalone_pulse_generator/pcores/s3e_onewire_master_v1_00_a/devl/projnav/s3e_onewire_master.ise) +SetProperty(Device Family, virtex2p) +SetProperty(Device, xc2vp7) +SetProperty(Package, fg456) +SetProperty(Speed Grade, -6) +SetProperty(Top-Level Module Type, HDL) +SetProperty(Synthesis Tool, XST (VHDL/Verilog)) +SetProperty(Simulator, Modelsim-SE Mixed) +SetPreference(PathType, Absolute) +AddLibrary(s3e_onewire_master_v1_00_a, D:/custom_pulse_generator/standalone_pulse_generator/pcores, TRUE) +AddSource(D:/custom_pulse_generator/standalone_pulse_generator/pcores/s3e_onewire_master_v1_00_a/hdl/vhdl/s3e_onewire_master.vhd, VHDL Module) +MoveToLibrary(D:/custom_pulse_generator/standalone_pulse_generator/pcores/s3e_onewire_master_v1_00_a/hdl/vhdl/s3e_onewire_master.vhd, s3e_onewire_master_v1_00_a) +AddSource(D:/custom_pulse_generator/standalone_pulse_generator/pcores/s3e_onewire_master_v1_00_a/hdl/verilog/user_logic.v, Verilog Module) +AddLibrary(proc_common_v2_00_a, D:/EDK/hw/XilinxProcessorIPLib/pcores, TRUE) +AddSource(D:/EDK/hw/XilinxProcessorIPLib/pcores/proc_common_v2_00_a/hdl/vhdl/proc_common_pkg.vhd, VHDL Module) +MoveToLibrary(D:/EDK/hw/XilinxProcessorIPLib/pcores/proc_common_v2_00_a/hdl/vhdl/proc_common_pkg.vhd, proc_common_v2_00_a) +AddSource(D:/EDK/hw/XilinxProcessorIPLib/pcores/proc_common_v2_00_a/hdl/vhdl/family.vhd, VHDL Module) +MoveToLibrary(D:/EDK/hw/XilinxProcessorIPLib/pcores/proc_common_v2_00_a/hdl/vhdl/family.vhd, proc_common_v2_00_a) +AddSource(D:/EDK/hw/XilinxProcessorIPLib/pcores/proc_common_v2_00_a/hdl/vhdl/or_muxcy.vhd, VHDL Module) +MoveToLibrary(D:/EDK/hw/XilinxProcessorIPLib/pcores/proc_common_v2_00_a/hdl/vhdl/or_muxcy.vhd, proc_common_v2_00_a) +AddSource(D:/EDK/hw/XilinxProcessorIPLib/pcores/proc_common_v2_00_a/hdl/vhdl/or_gate.vhd, VHDL Module) +MoveToLibrary(D:/EDK/hw/XilinxProcessorIPLib/pcores/proc_common_v2_00_a/hdl/vhdl/or_gate.vhd, proc_common_v2_00_a) +AddSource(D:/EDK/hw/XilinxProcessorIPLib/pcores/proc_common_v2_00_a/hdl/vhdl/counter_bit.vhd, VHDL Module) +MoveToLibrary(D:/EDK/hw/XilinxProcessorIPLib/pcores/proc_common_v2_00_a/hdl/vhdl/counter_bit.vhd, proc_common_v2_00_a) +AddSource(D:/EDK/hw/XilinxProcessorIPLib/pcores/proc_common_v2_00_a/hdl/vhdl/counter.vhd, VHDL Module) +MoveToLibrary(D:/EDK/hw/XilinxProcessorIPLib/pcores/proc_common_v2_00_a/hdl/vhdl/counter.vhd, proc_common_v2_00_a) +AddSource(D:/EDK/hw/XilinxProcessorIPLib/pcores/proc_common_v2_00_a/hdl/vhdl/inferred_lut4.vhd, VHDL Module) +MoveToLibrary(D:/EDK/hw/XilinxProcessorIPLib/pcores/proc_common_v2_00_a/hdl/vhdl/inferred_lut4.vhd, proc_common_v2_00_a) +AddSource(D:/EDK/hw/XilinxProcessorIPLib/pcores/proc_common_v2_00_a/hdl/vhdl/srl_fifo2.vhd, VHDL Module) +MoveToLibrary(D:/EDK/hw/XilinxProcessorIPLib/pcores/proc_common_v2_00_a/hdl/vhdl/srl_fifo2.vhd, proc_common_v2_00_a) +AddSource(D:/EDK/hw/XilinxProcessorIPLib/pcores/proc_common_v2_00_a/hdl/vhdl/pf_counter_bit.vhd, VHDL Module) +MoveToLibrary(D:/EDK/hw/XilinxProcessorIPLib/pcores/proc_common_v2_00_a/hdl/vhdl/pf_counter_bit.vhd, proc_common_v2_00_a) +AddSource(D:/EDK/hw/XilinxProcessorIPLib/pcores/proc_common_v2_00_a/hdl/vhdl/pf_counter.vhd, VHDL Module) +MoveToLibrary(D:/EDK/hw/XilinxProcessorIPLib/pcores/proc_common_v2_00_a/hdl/vhdl/pf_counter.vhd, proc_common_v2_00_a) +AddSource(D:/EDK/hw/XilinxProcessorIPLib/pcores/proc_common_v2_00_a/hdl/vhdl/pf_counter_top.vhd, VHDL Module) +MoveToLibrary(D:/EDK/hw/XilinxProcessorIPLib/pcores/proc_common_v2_00_a/hdl/vhdl/pf_counter_top.vhd, proc_common_v2_00_a) +AddSource(D:/EDK/hw/XilinxProcessorIPLib/pcores/proc_common_v2_00_a/hdl/vhdl/pf_occ_counter.vhd, VHDL Module) +MoveToLibrary(D:/EDK/hw/XilinxProcessorIPLib/pcores/proc_common_v2_00_a/hdl/vhdl/pf_occ_counter.vhd, proc_common_v2_00_a) +AddSource(D:/EDK/hw/XilinxProcessorIPLib/pcores/proc_common_v2_00_a/hdl/vhdl/pf_occ_counter_top.vhd, VHDL Module) +MoveToLibrary(D:/EDK/hw/XilinxProcessorIPLib/pcores/proc_common_v2_00_a/hdl/vhdl/pf_occ_counter_top.vhd, proc_common_v2_00_a) +AddSource(D:/EDK/hw/XilinxProcessorIPLib/pcores/proc_common_v2_00_a/hdl/vhdl/pf_adder_bit.vhd, VHDL Module) +MoveToLibrary(D:/EDK/hw/XilinxProcessorIPLib/pcores/proc_common_v2_00_a/hdl/vhdl/pf_adder_bit.vhd, proc_common_v2_00_a) +AddSource(D:/EDK/hw/XilinxProcessorIPLib/pcores/proc_common_v2_00_a/hdl/vhdl/pf_adder.vhd, VHDL Module) +MoveToLibrary(D:/EDK/hw/XilinxProcessorIPLib/pcores/proc_common_v2_00_a/hdl/vhdl/pf_adder.vhd, proc_common_v2_00_a) +AddSource(D:/EDK/hw/XilinxProcessorIPLib/pcores/proc_common_v2_00_a/hdl/vhdl/pf_dpram_select.vhd, VHDL Module) +MoveToLibrary(D:/EDK/hw/XilinxProcessorIPLib/pcores/proc_common_v2_00_a/hdl/vhdl/pf_dpram_select.vhd, proc_common_v2_00_a) +AddSource(D:/EDK/hw/XilinxProcessorIPLib/pcores/proc_common_v2_00_a/hdl/vhdl/srl16_fifo.vhd, VHDL Module) +MoveToLibrary(D:/EDK/hw/XilinxProcessorIPLib/pcores/proc_common_v2_00_a/hdl/vhdl/srl16_fifo.vhd, proc_common_v2_00_a) +AddSource(D:/EDK/hw/XilinxProcessorIPLib/pcores/proc_common_v2_00_a/hdl/vhdl/pselect.vhd, VHDL Module) +MoveToLibrary(D:/EDK/hw/XilinxProcessorIPLib/pcores/proc_common_v2_00_a/hdl/vhdl/pselect.vhd, proc_common_v2_00_a) +AddSource(D:/EDK/hw/XilinxProcessorIPLib/pcores/proc_common_v2_00_a/hdl/vhdl/valid_be.vhd, VHDL Module) +MoveToLibrary(D:/EDK/hw/XilinxProcessorIPLib/pcores/proc_common_v2_00_a/hdl/vhdl/valid_be.vhd, proc_common_v2_00_a) +AddSource(D:/EDK/hw/XilinxProcessorIPLib/pcores/proc_common_v2_00_a/hdl/vhdl/ld_arith_reg.vhd, VHDL Module) +MoveToLibrary(D:/EDK/hw/XilinxProcessorIPLib/pcores/proc_common_v2_00_a/hdl/vhdl/ld_arith_reg.vhd, proc_common_v2_00_a) +AddSource(D:/EDK/hw/XilinxProcessorIPLib/pcores/proc_common_v2_00_a/hdl/vhdl/mux_onehot.vhd, VHDL Module) +MoveToLibrary(D:/EDK/hw/XilinxProcessorIPLib/pcores/proc_common_v2_00_a/hdl/vhdl/mux_onehot.vhd, proc_common_v2_00_a) +AddSource(D:/EDK/hw/XilinxProcessorIPLib/pcores/proc_common_v2_00_a/hdl/vhdl/down_counter.vhd, VHDL Module) +MoveToLibrary(D:/EDK/hw/XilinxProcessorIPLib/pcores/proc_common_v2_00_a/hdl/vhdl/down_counter.vhd, proc_common_v2_00_a) +AddSource(D:/EDK/hw/XilinxProcessorIPLib/pcores/proc_common_v2_00_a/hdl/vhdl/ipif_pkg.vhd, VHDL Module) +MoveToLibrary(D:/EDK/hw/XilinxProcessorIPLib/pcores/proc_common_v2_00_a/hdl/vhdl/ipif_pkg.vhd, proc_common_v2_00_a) +AddSource(D:/EDK/hw/XilinxProcessorIPLib/pcores/proc_common_v2_00_a/hdl/vhdl/ipif_steer.vhd, VHDL Module) +MoveToLibrary(D:/EDK/hw/XilinxProcessorIPLib/pcores/proc_common_v2_00_a/hdl/vhdl/ipif_steer.vhd, proc_common_v2_00_a) +AddSource(D:/EDK/hw/XilinxProcessorIPLib/pcores/proc_common_v2_00_a/hdl/vhdl/direct_path_cntr_ai.vhd, VHDL Module) +MoveToLibrary(D:/EDK/hw/XilinxProcessorIPLib/pcores/proc_common_v2_00_a/hdl/vhdl/direct_path_cntr_ai.vhd, proc_common_v2_00_a) +AddLibrary(interrupt_control_v1_00_a, D:/EDK/hw/XilinxProcessorIPLib/pcores, TRUE) +AddSource(D:/EDK/hw/XilinxProcessorIPLib/pcores/interrupt_control_v1_00_a/hdl/vhdl/interrupt_control.vhd, VHDL Module) +MoveToLibrary(D:/EDK/hw/XilinxProcessorIPLib/pcores/interrupt_control_v1_00_a/hdl/vhdl/interrupt_control.vhd, interrupt_control_v1_00_a) +AddLibrary(wrpfifo_v1_01_b, D:/EDK/hw/XilinxProcessorIPLib/pcores, TRUE) +AddSource(D:/EDK/hw/XilinxProcessorIPLib/pcores/wrpfifo_v1_01_b/hdl/vhdl/pf_dly1_mux.vhd, VHDL Module) +MoveToLibrary(D:/EDK/hw/XilinxProcessorIPLib/pcores/wrpfifo_v1_01_b/hdl/vhdl/pf_dly1_mux.vhd, wrpfifo_v1_01_b) +AddSource(D:/EDK/hw/XilinxProcessorIPLib/pcores/wrpfifo_v1_01_b/hdl/vhdl/ipif_control_wr.vhd, VHDL Module) +MoveToLibrary(D:/EDK/hw/XilinxProcessorIPLib/pcores/wrpfifo_v1_01_b/hdl/vhdl/ipif_control_wr.vhd, wrpfifo_v1_01_b) +AddSource(D:/EDK/hw/XilinxProcessorIPLib/pcores/wrpfifo_v1_01_b/hdl/vhdl/wrpfifo_dp_cntl.vhd, VHDL Module) +MoveToLibrary(D:/EDK/hw/XilinxProcessorIPLib/pcores/wrpfifo_v1_01_b/hdl/vhdl/wrpfifo_dp_cntl.vhd, wrpfifo_v1_01_b) +AddSource(D:/EDK/hw/XilinxProcessorIPLib/pcores/wrpfifo_v1_01_b/hdl/vhdl/wrpfifo_top.vhd, VHDL Module) +MoveToLibrary(D:/EDK/hw/XilinxProcessorIPLib/pcores/wrpfifo_v1_01_b/hdl/vhdl/wrpfifo_top.vhd, wrpfifo_v1_01_b) +AddLibrary(rdpfifo_v1_01_b, D:/EDK/hw/XilinxProcessorIPLib/pcores, TRUE) +AddSource(D:/EDK/hw/XilinxProcessorIPLib/pcores/rdpfifo_v1_01_b/hdl/vhdl/ipif_control_rd.vhd, VHDL Module) +MoveToLibrary(D:/EDK/hw/XilinxProcessorIPLib/pcores/rdpfifo_v1_01_b/hdl/vhdl/ipif_control_rd.vhd, rdpfifo_v1_01_b) +AddSource(D:/EDK/hw/XilinxProcessorIPLib/pcores/rdpfifo_v1_01_b/hdl/vhdl/rdpfifo_dp_cntl.vhd, VHDL Module) +MoveToLibrary(D:/EDK/hw/XilinxProcessorIPLib/pcores/rdpfifo_v1_01_b/hdl/vhdl/rdpfifo_dp_cntl.vhd, rdpfifo_v1_01_b) +AddSource(D:/EDK/hw/XilinxProcessorIPLib/pcores/rdpfifo_v1_01_b/hdl/vhdl/rdpfifo_top.vhd, VHDL Module) +MoveToLibrary(D:/EDK/hw/XilinxProcessorIPLib/pcores/rdpfifo_v1_01_b/hdl/vhdl/rdpfifo_top.vhd, rdpfifo_v1_01_b) +AddLibrary(opb_ipif_v3_01_c, D:/EDK/hw/XilinxProcessorIPLib/pcores, TRUE) +AddSource(D:/EDK/hw/XilinxProcessorIPLib/pcores/opb_ipif_v3_01_c/hdl/vhdl/reset_mir.vhd, VHDL Module) +MoveToLibrary(D:/EDK/hw/XilinxProcessorIPLib/pcores/opb_ipif_v3_01_c/hdl/vhdl/reset_mir.vhd, opb_ipif_v3_01_c) +AddSource(D:/EDK/hw/XilinxProcessorIPLib/pcores/opb_ipif_v3_01_c/hdl/vhdl/brst_addr_cntr.vhd, VHDL Module) +MoveToLibrary(D:/EDK/hw/XilinxProcessorIPLib/pcores/opb_ipif_v3_01_c/hdl/vhdl/brst_addr_cntr.vhd, opb_ipif_v3_01_c) +AddSource(D:/EDK/hw/XilinxProcessorIPLib/pcores/opb_ipif_v3_01_c/hdl/vhdl/opb_flex_addr_cntr.vhd, VHDL Module) +MoveToLibrary(D:/EDK/hw/XilinxProcessorIPLib/pcores/opb_ipif_v3_01_c/hdl/vhdl/opb_flex_addr_cntr.vhd, opb_ipif_v3_01_c) +AddSource(D:/EDK/hw/XilinxProcessorIPLib/pcores/opb_ipif_v3_01_c/hdl/vhdl/brst_addr_cntr_reg.vhd, VHDL Module) +MoveToLibrary(D:/EDK/hw/XilinxProcessorIPLib/pcores/opb_ipif_v3_01_c/hdl/vhdl/brst_addr_cntr_reg.vhd, opb_ipif_v3_01_c) +AddSource(D:/EDK/hw/XilinxProcessorIPLib/pcores/opb_ipif_v3_01_c/hdl/vhdl/opb_be_gen.vhd, VHDL Module) +MoveToLibrary(D:/EDK/hw/XilinxProcessorIPLib/pcores/opb_ipif_v3_01_c/hdl/vhdl/opb_be_gen.vhd, opb_ipif_v3_01_c) +AddSource(D:/EDK/hw/XilinxProcessorIPLib/pcores/opb_ipif_v3_01_c/hdl/vhdl/srl_fifo3.vhd, VHDL Module) +MoveToLibrary(D:/EDK/hw/XilinxProcessorIPLib/pcores/opb_ipif_v3_01_c/hdl/vhdl/srl_fifo3.vhd, opb_ipif_v3_01_c) +AddSource(D:/EDK/hw/XilinxProcessorIPLib/pcores/opb_ipif_v3_01_c/hdl/vhdl/write_buffer.vhd, VHDL Module) +MoveToLibrary(D:/EDK/hw/XilinxProcessorIPLib/pcores/opb_ipif_v3_01_c/hdl/vhdl/write_buffer.vhd, opb_ipif_v3_01_c) +AddSource(D:/EDK/hw/XilinxProcessorIPLib/pcores/opb_ipif_v3_01_c/hdl/vhdl/opb_bam.vhd, VHDL Module) +MoveToLibrary(D:/EDK/hw/XilinxProcessorIPLib/pcores/opb_ipif_v3_01_c/hdl/vhdl/opb_bam.vhd, opb_ipif_v3_01_c) +AddSource(D:/EDK/hw/XilinxProcessorIPLib/pcores/opb_ipif_v3_01_c/hdl/vhdl/opb_ipif.vhd, VHDL Module) +MoveToLibrary(D:/EDK/hw/XilinxProcessorIPLib/pcores/opb_ipif_v3_01_c/hdl/vhdl/opb_ipif.vhd, opb_ipif_v3_01_c) +CloseProject() Index: projnav/automake.log =================================================================== Index: projnav/s3e_onewire_master.ise =================================================================== Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream Index: projnav/s3e_onewire_master.ise =================================================================== --- projnav/s3e_onewire_master.ise (nonexistent) +++ projnav/s3e_onewire_master.ise (revision 4)
projnav/s3e_onewire_master.ise Property changes : Added: svn:mime-type ## -0,0 +1 ## +application/octet-stream \ No newline at end of property Index: projnav/__projnav.log =================================================================== Index: ipwiz.log =================================================================== --- ipwiz.log (nonexistent) +++ ipwiz.log (revision 4) @@ -0,0 +1,346 @@ + +---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +-- Design Analysis -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +Analyze pcore s3e_onewire_master ... + + +---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +-- File Generation -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +Creating HDL source directory ... +Generating top peripheral VHDL template ... +Generating stub user logic Verilog template ... +HDL templates successfully generated ... +Creating data directory ... +Generating XPS inteface files ... +WARNING:HDLParsers:3497 - Ignoring Verilog File + "D:/custom_pulse_generator/standalone_pulse_generator/pcores/s3e_onewire_mast + er_v1_00_a/data/../hdl/verilog/user_logic.v" +Compiling vhdl file +"D:/EDK/hw/XilinxProcessorIPLib/pcores/proc_common_v2_00_a/hdl/vhdl/inferred_lut +4.vhd" in Library proc_common_v2_00_a. +Entity compiled. +Entity (Architecture ) compiled. +Compiling vhdl file +"D:/EDK/hw/XilinxProcessorIPLib/pcores/proc_common_v2_00_a/hdl/vhdl/pf_counter_b +it.vhd" in Library proc_common_v2_00_a. +Entity compiled. +Entity (Architecture ) compiled. +Compiling vhdl file +"D:/EDK/hw/XilinxProcessorIPLib/pcores/proc_common_v2_00_a/hdl/vhdl/pf_adder_bit +.vhd" in Library proc_common_v2_00_a. +Entity compiled. +Entity (Architecture ) compiled. +Compiling vhdl file +"D:/EDK/hw/XilinxProcessorIPLib/pcores/proc_common_v2_00_a/hdl/vhdl/pf_counter.v +hd" in Library proc_common_v2_00_a. +Entity compiled. +Entity (Architecture ) compiled. +Compiling vhdl file +"D:/EDK/hw/XilinxProcessorIPLib/pcores/proc_common_v2_00_a/hdl/vhdl/pf_occ_count +er.vhd" in Library proc_common_v2_00_a. +Entity compiled. +Entity (Architecture ) compiled. +Compiling vhdl file +"D:/EDK/hw/XilinxProcessorIPLib/pcores/proc_common_v2_00_a/hdl/vhdl/proc_common_ +pkg.vhd" in Library proc_common_v2_00_a. +Package compiled. +Package body compiled. +Compiling vhdl file +"D:/EDK/hw/XilinxProcessorIPLib/pcores/proc_common_v2_00_a/hdl/vhdl/pf_occ_count +er_top.vhd" in Library proc_common_v2_00_a. +Entity compiled. +Entity (Architecture ) compiled. +Compiling vhdl file +"D:/EDK/hw/XilinxProcessorIPLib/pcores/proc_common_v2_00_a/hdl/vhdl/pf_counter_t +op.vhd" in Library proc_common_v2_00_a. +Entity compiled. +Entity (Architecture ) compiled. +Compiling vhdl file +"D:/EDK/hw/XilinxProcessorIPLib/pcores/proc_common_v2_00_a/hdl/vhdl/pf_adder.vhd +" in Library proc_common_v2_00_a. +Entity compiled. +Entity (Architecture ) compiled. +Compiling vhdl file +"D:/EDK/hw/XilinxProcessorIPLib/pcores/proc_common_v2_00_a/hdl/vhdl/counter_bit. +vhd" in Library proc_common_v2_00_a. +Entity compiled. +Entity (Architecture ) compiled. +Compiling vhdl file +"D:/EDK/hw/XilinxProcessorIPLib/pcores/proc_common_v2_00_a/hdl/vhdl/or_muxcy.vhd +" in Library proc_common_v2_00_a. +Entity compiled. +Entity (Architecture ) compiled. +Compiling vhdl file +"D:/EDK/hw/XilinxProcessorIPLib/pcores/proc_common_v2_00_a/hdl/vhdl/family.vhd" +in Library proc_common_v2_00_a. +Package compiled. +Package body compiled. +Compiling vhdl file +"D:/EDK/hw/XilinxProcessorIPLib/pcores/proc_common_v2_00_a/hdl/vhdl/or_gate.vhd" +in Library proc_common_v2_00_a. +Entity compiled. +Entity (Architecture ) compiled. +Compiling vhdl file +"D:/EDK/hw/XilinxProcessorIPLib/pcores/proc_common_v2_00_a/hdl/vhdl/counter.vhd" +in Library proc_common_v2_00_a. +Entity compiled. +Entity (Architecture ) compiled. +Compiling vhdl file +"D:/EDK/hw/XilinxProcessorIPLib/pcores/proc_common_v2_00_a/hdl/vhdl/srl_fifo2.vh +d" in Library proc_common_v2_00_a. +Entity compiled. +Entity (Architecture ) compiled. +Compiling vhdl file +"D:/EDK/hw/XilinxProcessorIPLib/pcores/proc_common_v2_00_a/hdl/vhdl/pf_dpram_sel +ect.vhd" in Library proc_common_v2_00_a. +Entity compiled. +Entity (Architecture ) compiled. +Compiling vhdl file +"D:/EDK/hw/XilinxProcessorIPLib/pcores/proc_common_v2_00_a/hdl/vhdl/srl16_fifo.v +hd" in Library proc_common_v2_00_a. +Entity compiled. +Entity (Architecture ) compiled. +Compiling vhdl file +"D:/EDK/hw/XilinxProcessorIPLib/pcores/proc_common_v2_00_a/hdl/vhdl/pselect.vhd" +in Library proc_common_v2_00_a. +Entity compiled. +Entity (Architecture ) compiled. +Compiling vhdl file +"D:/EDK/hw/XilinxProcessorIPLib/pcores/proc_common_v2_00_a/hdl/vhdl/valid_be.vhd +" in Library proc_common_v2_00_a. +Entity compiled. +Entity (Architecture ) compiled. +Compiling vhdl file +"D:/EDK/hw/XilinxProcessorIPLib/pcores/proc_common_v2_00_a/hdl/vhdl/ld_arith_reg +.vhd" in Library proc_common_v2_00_a. +Entity compiled. +Entity (Architecture ) compiled. +Compiling vhdl file +"D:/EDK/hw/XilinxProcessorIPLib/pcores/proc_common_v2_00_a/hdl/vhdl/mux_onehot.v +hd" in Library proc_common_v2_00_a. +Entity compiled. +Entity (Architecture ) compiled. +Compiling vhdl file +"D:/EDK/hw/XilinxProcessorIPLib/pcores/proc_common_v2_00_a/hdl/vhdl/down_counter +.vhd" in Library proc_common_v2_00_a. +Entity compiled. +Entity (Architecture ) compiled. +Compiling vhdl file +"D:/EDK/hw/XilinxProcessorIPLib/pcores/proc_common_v2_00_a/hdl/vhdl/ipif_pkg.vhd +" in Library proc_common_v2_00_a. +Package compiled. +Package body compiled. +Compiling vhdl file +"D:/EDK/hw/XilinxProcessorIPLib/pcores/proc_common_v2_00_a/hdl/vhdl/ipif_steer.v +hd" in Library proc_common_v2_00_a. +Entity compiled. +Entity (Architecture ) compiled. +Compiling vhdl file +"D:/EDK/hw/XilinxProcessorIPLib/pcores/proc_common_v2_00_a/hdl/vhdl/direct_path_ +cntr_ai.vhd" in Library proc_common_v2_00_a. +Entity compiled. +Entity (Architecture ) compiled. +Compiling vhdl file +"D:/EDK/hw/XilinxProcessorIPLib/pcores/wrpfifo_v1_01_b/hdl/vhdl/pf_dly1_mux.vhd" +in Library wrpfifo_v1_01_b. +Entity compiled. +Entity (Architecture ) compiled. +Compiling vhdl file +"D:/EDK/hw/XilinxProcessorIPLib/pcores/rdpfifo_v1_01_b/hdl/vhdl/ipif_control_rd. +vhd" in Library rdpfifo_v1_01_b. +Entity compiled. +Entity (Architecture ) compiled. +Compiling vhdl file +"D:/EDK/hw/XilinxProcessorIPLib/pcores/rdpfifo_v1_01_b/hdl/vhdl/rdpfifo_dp_cntl. +vhd" in Library rdpfifo_v1_01_b. +Entity compiled. +Entity (Architecture ) compiled. +Compiling vhdl file +"D:/EDK/hw/XilinxProcessorIPLib/pcores/wrpfifo_v1_01_b/hdl/vhdl/ipif_control_wr. +vhd" in Library wrpfifo_v1_01_b. +Entity compiled. +Entity (Architecture ) compiled. +Compiling vhdl file +"D:/EDK/hw/XilinxProcessorIPLib/pcores/wrpfifo_v1_01_b/hdl/vhdl/wrpfifo_dp_cntl. +vhd" in Library wrpfifo_v1_01_b. +Entity compiled. +Entity (Architecture ) compiled. +Compiling vhdl file +"D:/EDK/hw/XilinxProcessorIPLib/pcores/opb_ipif_v3_01_c/hdl/vhdl/opb_flex_addr_c +ntr.vhd" in Library opb_ipif_v3_01_c. +Entity compiled. +Entity (Architecture ) compiled. +Compiling vhdl file +"D:/EDK/hw/XilinxProcessorIPLib/pcores/opb_ipif_v3_01_c/hdl/vhdl/srl_fifo3.vhd" +in Library opb_ipif_v3_01_c. +Entity compiled. +Entity (Architecture ) compiled. +Compiling vhdl file +"D:/EDK/hw/XilinxProcessorIPLib/pcores/opb_ipif_v3_01_c/hdl/vhdl/write_buffer.vh +d" in Library opb_ipif_v3_01_c. +Entity compiled. +Entity (Architecture ) compiled. +Compiling vhdl file +"D:/EDK/hw/XilinxProcessorIPLib/pcores/opb_ipif_v3_01_c/hdl/vhdl/reset_mir.vhd" +in Library opb_ipif_v3_01_c. +Entity compiled. +Entity (Architecture ) compiled. +Compiling vhdl file +"D:/EDK/hw/XilinxProcessorIPLib/pcores/opb_ipif_v3_01_c/hdl/vhdl/brst_addr_cntr. +vhd" in Library opb_ipif_v3_01_c. +Entity compiled. +Entity (Architecture ) compiled. +Compiling vhdl file +"D:/EDK/hw/XilinxProcessorIPLib/pcores/opb_ipif_v3_01_c/hdl/vhdl/brst_addr_cntr_ +reg.vhd" in Library opb_ipif_v3_01_c. +Entity compiled. +Entity (Architecture ) compiled. +Compiling vhdl file +"D:/EDK/hw/XilinxProcessorIPLib/pcores/opb_ipif_v3_01_c/hdl/vhdl/opb_be_gen.vhd" +in Library opb_ipif_v3_01_c. +Entity compiled. +Entity (Architecture ) compiled. +Compiling vhdl file +"D:/EDK/hw/XilinxProcessorIPLib/pcores/interrupt_control_v1_00_a/hdl/vhdl/interr +upt_control.vhd" in Library interrupt_control_v1_00_a. +Entity compiled. +Entity (Architecture ) compiled. +Compiling vhdl file +"D:/EDK/hw/XilinxProcessorIPLib/pcores/wrpfifo_v1_01_b/hdl/vhdl/wrpfifo_top.vhd" +in Library wrpfifo_v1_01_b. +Entity compiled. +Entity (Architecture ) compiled. +Compiling vhdl file +"D:/EDK/hw/XilinxProcessorIPLib/pcores/rdpfifo_v1_01_b/hdl/vhdl/rdpfifo_top.vhd" +in Library rdpfifo_v1_01_b. +Entity compiled. +Entity (Architecture ) compiled. +Compiling vhdl file +"D:/EDK/hw/XilinxProcessorIPLib/pcores/opb_ipif_v3_01_c/hdl/vhdl/opb_bam.vhd" in +Library opb_ipif_v3_01_c. +Entity compiled. +Entity (Architecture ) compiled. +Compiling vhdl file +"D:/EDK/hw/XilinxProcessorIPLib/pcores/opb_ipif_v3_01_c/hdl/vhdl/opb_ipif.vhd" +in Library opb_ipif_v3_01_c. +Entity compiled. +Entity (Architecture ) compiled. +Compiling vhdl file +"D:/custom_pulse_generator/standalone_pulse_generator/pcores/s3e_onewire_master_ +v1_00_a/data/../hdl/vhdl/s3e_onewire_master.vhd" in Library +s3e_onewire_master_v1_00_a. +Entity compiled. +Entity (Architecture ) compiled. + + +Analyzing HDL attributes ... +INFO:MDT - IPTYPE set to value : PERIPHERAL +INFO:MDT - IMP_NETLIST set to value : TRUE +INFO:MDT - HDL set to value : VHDL +WARNING:MDT - Unable to delete temparary XST project file + D:\custom_pulse_generator\standalone_pulse_generator\pcores\s3e_onewire_maste + r_v1_00_a\data\_s3e_onewire_master_xst.prj : 13 +XPS interface files successfully generated ... +Creating development directory ... +Generating command option file ... +Generating readme file ... +Development misc files successfully generated ... +Creating projnav directory ... +Generating ProjNav support files ... +ProjNav support files successfully generated ... +Creating synthesis directory ... +Generating XST synthesis support files ... +XST synthesis support files successfully generated ... +No BFM simulation files will be generated at this time ... +Creating software driver data directory ... +Generating software driver XPS interface (mdd/tcl) files ... +Software driver data definition file (.mdd) successfully generated ... +Software driver data generation file (.tcl) successfully generated ... +Creating software driver src directory ... +Generating software driver template files ... +Software driver compile file (Makefile) successfully generated ... +output user slave register(s) offset to software driver header ... +output IPIF software reset/module identification register(s) offset to software +driver header ... +Software driver header file (.h) successfully generated ... +Software driver source file (.c) successfully generated ... +Software driver SelfTest file (.c) successfully generated ... +Software driver template files successfully generated ... + +---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +-- Final Report -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +Thank you for using Create and Import Peripheral Wizard! Please find your +peripheral hardware templates under +D:\custom_pulse_generator\standalone_pulse_generator/pcores/s3e_onewire_master_v +1_00_a and peripheral software templates under +D:\custom_pulse_generator\standalone_pulse_generator/drivers/s3e_onewire_master_ +v1_00_a respectively. + +Peripheral Summary: + + top name : s3e_onewire_master + version : 1.00.a + type : OPB slave + features : slave attachement + mir/rst register + user s/w registers + +Address Block Summary: + + user logic slv : C_BASEADDR + 0x00000000 + : C_BASEADDR + 0x000000FF + mir/reset reg : C_BASEADDR + 0x00000100 + : C_BASEADDR + 0x000001FF + +File Summary + + - HDL source - +D:\custom_pulse_generator\standalone_pulse_generator/pcores/s3e_onewire_master_v +1_00_a/hdl + top entity : vhdl/s3e_onewire_master.vhd + user logic : verilog/user_logic.v + + - XPS interface - +D:\custom_pulse_generator\standalone_pulse_generator/pcores/s3e_onewire_master_v +1_00_a/data + mpd : s3e_onewire_master_v2_1_0.mpd + pao : s3e_onewire_master_v2_1_0.pao + + - ISE project - +D:\custom_pulse_generator\standalone_pulse_generator/pcores/s3e_onewire_master_v +1_00_a/devl/projnav + ise project : s3e_onewire_master.npl + cli command : s3e_onewire_master.cli + + + - XST synthesis - +D:\custom_pulse_generator\standalone_pulse_generator/pcores/s3e_onewire_master_v +1_00_a/devl/synthesis + xst script : s3e_onewire_master_xst.scr + xst project : s3e_onewire_master_xst.prj + + - Misc file - +D:\custom_pulse_generator\standalone_pulse_generator/pcores/s3e_onewire_master_v +1_00_a/devl + help : README.txt + option : ipwiz.opt + log : ipwiz.log + + - Driver source - +D:\custom_pulse_generator\standalone_pulse_generator/drivers/s3e_onewire_master_ +v1_00_a/src + makefile : Makefile + header : s3e_onewire_master.h + source : s3e_onewire_master.c + selftest : s3e_onewire_master_selftest.c + + - Driver interface - +D:\custom_pulse_generator\standalone_pulse_generator/drivers/s3e_onewire_master_ +v1_00_a/data + mdd : s3e_onewire_master_v2_1_0.mdd + tcl : s3e_onewire_master_v2_1_0.tcl + + Index: ipwiz.opt =================================================================== --- ipwiz.opt (nonexistent) +++ ipwiz.opt (revision 4) @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +-batch +-create s3e_onewire_master +-ver 1.00.a +-dir "D:\custom_pulse_generator\standalone_pulse_generator" +-lang verilog +-bus opb s +-rstmir +-regn 4 32 +-xps +-ise +-driver Index: synthesis/s3e_onewire_master_xst.scr =================================================================== --- synthesis/s3e_onewire_master_xst.scr (nonexistent) +++ synthesis/s3e_onewire_master_xst.scr (revision 4) @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +run +-opt_level 2 +-opt_mode speed +-ifmt mixed +-ifn "D:\custom_pulse_generator\standalone_pulse_generator\pcores\s3e_onewire_master_v1_00_a\devl\synthesis\s3e_onewire_master_xst.prj" +-top s3e_onewire_master +-p virtex2p +-ofn "D:\custom_pulse_generator\standalone_pulse_generator\pcores\s3e_onewire_master_v1_00_a\devl\synthesis\s3e_onewire_master_xst.ngc" +-iobuf NO +-rtlview YES +-hierarchy_separator / +-work_lib s3e_onewire_master_v1_00_a Index: synthesis/s3e_onewire_master_xst.prj =================================================================== --- synthesis/s3e_onewire_master_xst.prj (nonexistent) +++ synthesis/s3e_onewire_master_xst.prj (revision 4) @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ +vhdl proc_common_v2_00_a "D:\EDK/hw/XilinxProcessorIPLib/pcores/proc_common_v2_00_a/hdl/vhdl/proc_common_pkg.vhd" +vhdl proc_common_v2_00_a "D:\EDK/hw/XilinxProcessorIPLib/pcores/proc_common_v2_00_a/hdl/vhdl/family.vhd" +vhdl proc_common_v2_00_a "D:\EDK/hw/XilinxProcessorIPLib/pcores/proc_common_v2_00_a/hdl/vhdl/or_muxcy.vhd" +vhdl proc_common_v2_00_a "D:\EDK/hw/XilinxProcessorIPLib/pcores/proc_common_v2_00_a/hdl/vhdl/or_gate.vhd" +vhdl proc_common_v2_00_a "D:\EDK/hw/XilinxProcessorIPLib/pcores/proc_common_v2_00_a/hdl/vhdl/counter_bit.vhd" +vhdl proc_common_v2_00_a "D:\EDK/hw/XilinxProcessorIPLib/pcores/proc_common_v2_00_a/hdl/vhdl/counter.vhd" +vhdl proc_common_v2_00_a "D:\EDK/hw/XilinxProcessorIPLib/pcores/proc_common_v2_00_a/hdl/vhdl/inferred_lut4.vhd" +vhdl proc_common_v2_00_a "D:\EDK/hw/XilinxProcessorIPLib/pcores/proc_common_v2_00_a/hdl/vhdl/srl_fifo2.vhd" +vhdl proc_common_v2_00_a "D:\EDK/hw/XilinxProcessorIPLib/pcores/proc_common_v2_00_a/hdl/vhdl/pf_counter_bit.vhd" +vhdl proc_common_v2_00_a "D:\EDK/hw/XilinxProcessorIPLib/pcores/proc_common_v2_00_a/hdl/vhdl/pf_counter.vhd" +vhdl proc_common_v2_00_a "D:\EDK/hw/XilinxProcessorIPLib/pcores/proc_common_v2_00_a/hdl/vhdl/pf_counter_top.vhd" +vhdl proc_common_v2_00_a "D:\EDK/hw/XilinxProcessorIPLib/pcores/proc_common_v2_00_a/hdl/vhdl/pf_occ_counter.vhd" +vhdl proc_common_v2_00_a "D:\EDK/hw/XilinxProcessorIPLib/pcores/proc_common_v2_00_a/hdl/vhdl/pf_occ_counter_top.vhd" +vhdl proc_common_v2_00_a "D:\EDK/hw/XilinxProcessorIPLib/pcores/proc_common_v2_00_a/hdl/vhdl/pf_adder_bit.vhd" +vhdl proc_common_v2_00_a "D:\EDK/hw/XilinxProcessorIPLib/pcores/proc_common_v2_00_a/hdl/vhdl/pf_adder.vhd" +vhdl proc_common_v2_00_a "D:\EDK/hw/XilinxProcessorIPLib/pcores/proc_common_v2_00_a/hdl/vhdl/pf_dpram_select.vhd" +vhdl proc_common_v2_00_a "D:\EDK/hw/XilinxProcessorIPLib/pcores/proc_common_v2_00_a/hdl/vhdl/srl16_fifo.vhd" +vhdl proc_common_v2_00_a "D:\EDK/hw/XilinxProcessorIPLib/pcores/proc_common_v2_00_a/hdl/vhdl/pselect.vhd" +vhdl proc_common_v2_00_a "D:\EDK/hw/XilinxProcessorIPLib/pcores/proc_common_v2_00_a/hdl/vhdl/valid_be.vhd" +vhdl proc_common_v2_00_a "D:\EDK/hw/XilinxProcessorIPLib/pcores/proc_common_v2_00_a/hdl/vhdl/ld_arith_reg.vhd" +vhdl proc_common_v2_00_a "D:\EDK/hw/XilinxProcessorIPLib/pcores/proc_common_v2_00_a/hdl/vhdl/mux_onehot.vhd" +vhdl proc_common_v2_00_a "D:\EDK/hw/XilinxProcessorIPLib/pcores/proc_common_v2_00_a/hdl/vhdl/down_counter.vhd" +vhdl proc_common_v2_00_a "D:\EDK/hw/XilinxProcessorIPLib/pcores/proc_common_v2_00_a/hdl/vhdl/ipif_pkg.vhd" +vhdl proc_common_v2_00_a "D:\EDK/hw/XilinxProcessorIPLib/pcores/proc_common_v2_00_a/hdl/vhdl/ipif_steer.vhd" +vhdl proc_common_v2_00_a "D:\EDK/hw/XilinxProcessorIPLib/pcores/proc_common_v2_00_a/hdl/vhdl/direct_path_cntr_ai.vhd" +vhdl interrupt_control_v1_00_a "D:\EDK/hw/XilinxProcessorIPLib/pcores/interrupt_control_v1_00_a/hdl/vhdl/interrupt_control.vhd" +vhdl wrpfifo_v1_01_b "D:\EDK/hw/XilinxProcessorIPLib/pcores/wrpfifo_v1_01_b/hdl/vhdl/pf_dly1_mux.vhd" +vhdl wrpfifo_v1_01_b "D:\EDK/hw/XilinxProcessorIPLib/pcores/wrpfifo_v1_01_b/hdl/vhdl/ipif_control_wr.vhd" +vhdl wrpfifo_v1_01_b "D:\EDK/hw/XilinxProcessorIPLib/pcores/wrpfifo_v1_01_b/hdl/vhdl/wrpfifo_dp_cntl.vhd" +vhdl wrpfifo_v1_01_b "D:\EDK/hw/XilinxProcessorIPLib/pcores/wrpfifo_v1_01_b/hdl/vhdl/wrpfifo_top.vhd" +vhdl rdpfifo_v1_01_b "D:\EDK/hw/XilinxProcessorIPLib/pcores/rdpfifo_v1_01_b/hdl/vhdl/ipif_control_rd.vhd" +vhdl rdpfifo_v1_01_b "D:\EDK/hw/XilinxProcessorIPLib/pcores/rdpfifo_v1_01_b/hdl/vhdl/rdpfifo_dp_cntl.vhd" +vhdl rdpfifo_v1_01_b "D:\EDK/hw/XilinxProcessorIPLib/pcores/rdpfifo_v1_01_b/hdl/vhdl/rdpfifo_top.vhd" +vhdl opb_ipif_v3_01_c "D:\EDK/hw/XilinxProcessorIPLib/pcores/opb_ipif_v3_01_c/hdl/vhdl/reset_mir.vhd" +vhdl opb_ipif_v3_01_c "D:\EDK/hw/XilinxProcessorIPLib/pcores/opb_ipif_v3_01_c/hdl/vhdl/brst_addr_cntr.vhd" +vhdl opb_ipif_v3_01_c "D:\EDK/hw/XilinxProcessorIPLib/pcores/opb_ipif_v3_01_c/hdl/vhdl/opb_flex_addr_cntr.vhd" +vhdl opb_ipif_v3_01_c "D:\EDK/hw/XilinxProcessorIPLib/pcores/opb_ipif_v3_01_c/hdl/vhdl/brst_addr_cntr_reg.vhd" +vhdl opb_ipif_v3_01_c "D:\EDK/hw/XilinxProcessorIPLib/pcores/opb_ipif_v3_01_c/hdl/vhdl/opb_be_gen.vhd" +vhdl opb_ipif_v3_01_c "D:\EDK/hw/XilinxProcessorIPLib/pcores/opb_ipif_v3_01_c/hdl/vhdl/srl_fifo3.vhd" +vhdl opb_ipif_v3_01_c "D:\EDK/hw/XilinxProcessorIPLib/pcores/opb_ipif_v3_01_c/hdl/vhdl/write_buffer.vhd" +vhdl opb_ipif_v3_01_c "D:\EDK/hw/XilinxProcessorIPLib/pcores/opb_ipif_v3_01_c/hdl/vhdl/opb_bam.vhd" +vhdl opb_ipif_v3_01_c "D:\EDK/hw/XilinxProcessorIPLib/pcores/opb_ipif_v3_01_c/hdl/vhdl/opb_ipif.vhd" +verilog s3e_onewire_master_v1_00_a "../../hdl/verilog/user_logic.v" +vhdl s3e_onewire_master_v1_00_a "../../hdl/vhdl/s3e_onewire_master.vhd" Index: README.txt =================================================================== --- README.txt (nonexistent) +++ README.txt (revision 4) @@ -0,0 +1,245 @@ +TABLE OF CONTENTS + 1) Peripheral Summary + 2) Description of Generated Files + 3) Description of Used IPIC Signals + 4) Description of Top Level Generics + + +================================================================================ +* 1) Peripheral Summary * +================================================================================ +Peripheral Summary: + + XPS project / EDK repository : D:\custom_pulse_generator\standalone_pulse_generator + logical library name : s3e_onewire_master_v1_00_a + top name : s3e_onewire_master + version : 1.00.a + type : OPB slave + features : slave attachement + mir/rst register + user s/w registers + +Address Block for User Logic and IPIF Predefined Services + + User logic slave space service : C_BASEADDR + 0x00000000 + : C_BASEADDR + 0x000000FF + IPIF Reset/MIR service : C_BASEADDR + 0x00000100 + : C_BASEADDR + 0x000001FF + + +================================================================================ +* 2) Description of Generated Files * +================================================================================ +- HDL source file(s) + D:\custom_pulse_generator\standalone_pulse_generator/pcores/s3e_onewire_master_v1_00_a/hdl + + vhdl/s3e_onewire_master.vhd + + This is the template file for your peripheral's top design entity. It + configures and instantiates the corresponding IPIF unit in the way you + indicated in the wizard GUI and hooks it up to the stub user logic where + the actual functionalites should get implemented. You are not expected to + modify this template file except certain marked places for adding user + specific generics and ports. + + verilog/user_logic.v + + This is the template file for the stub user logic design entity, either in + VHDL or Verilog, where the actual functionalities should get implemented. + Some sample code snippet may be provided for demonstration purpose. + + +- XPS interface file(s) + D:\custom_pulse_generator\standalone_pulse_generator/pcores/s3e_onewire_master_v1_00_a/data + + s3e_onewire_master_v2_1_0.mpd + + This Microprocessor Peripheral Description file contains information of the + interface of your peripheral, so that other EDK tools can recognize your + peripheral. + + s3e_onewire_master_v2_1_0.pao + + This Peripheral Analysis Order file defines the analysis order of all the HDL + source files that are used to compile your peripheral. + + +- ISE project file(s) + D:\custom_pulse_generator\standalone_pulse_generator/pcores/s3e_onewire_master_v1_00_a/devl/projnav + + s3e_onewire_master.npl + + This is the ProjNavigator project file. It sets up the needed logical + libraries and dependent library files for you to help you develop your + peripheral using ProjNavigator. + + s3e_onewire_master.cli + + This is the TCL command line file used to generate the .npl file. + + +- XST synthesis file(s) + D:\custom_pulse_generator\standalone_pulse_generator/pcores/s3e_onewire_master_v1_00_a/devl/synthesis + + s3e_onewire_master_xst.scr + + This is the XST synthesis script file to compile your peripheral. + Note: you may want to modify the device part option for your target. + + s3e_onewire_master_xst.prj + + This is the XST synthesis project file used by the above script file to + compile your peripheral. + + +- Driver source file(s) + D:\custom_pulse_generator\standalone_pulse_generator/drivers/s3e_onewire_master_v1_00_a/src + + s3e_onewire_master.h + + This is the software driver header template file, which contains address offset of + software addressable registers in your peripheral, as well as some common masks and + simple register access macros or function declaration. + + s3e_onewire_master.c + + This is the software driver source template file, to define all applicable driver + functions. + + s3e_onewire_master_selftest.c + + This is the software driver self test example file, which contain self test example + code to test various hardware features of your peripheral. + + Makefile + + This is the software driver makefile to compile drivers. + + +- Driver interface file(s) + D:\custom_pulse_generator\standalone_pulse_generator/drivers/s3e_onewire_master_v1_00_a/data + + s3e_onewire_master_v2_1_0.mdd + + This is the Microprocessor Driver Definition file. + + s3e_onewire_master_v2_1_0.tcl + + This is the Microprocessor Driver Command file. + + +- Other misc file(s) + D:\custom_pulse_generator\standalone_pulse_generator/pcores/s3e_onewire_master_v1_00_a/devl + + ipwiz.opt + + This is the option setting file for the wizard batch mode, which should + generate the same result as the wizard GUI mode. + + README.txt + + This README file for your peripheral. + + ipwiz.log + + This is the log file by operating on this wizard. + + +================================================================================ +* 3) Description of Used IPIC Signals * +================================================================================ +For more information (usage, timing diagrams, etc.) regarding the IPIC signals +used in the templates, please refer to the following specifications (under +%XILINX_EDK%\doc for windows or $XILINX_EDK/doc for solaris and linux): +proc_ip_ref_guide.pdf - Processor IP Reference Guide (chapter 4 IPIF) +user_core_templates_ref_guide.pdf - User Core Templates Reference Guide + +Bus2IP_Clk + This is the clock input to the user logic. All IPIC signals are synchronous + to this clock. It is identical to the _Clk signal that is an input to + the user core. In an OPB core, Bus2IP_Clk is the same as OPB_Clk, and in a + PLB core, it is the same as PLB_Clk. No additional buffering is provided on + the clock; it is passed through as is. + +Bus2IP_Reset + Signal to reset the User Logic; asserts whenever the _Rst signal does + and, if the Reset block is included, whenever there is a software-programmed + reset. + +Bus2IP_Data + This is the data bus from the IPIF to the user logic; it is used for both + master and slave transactions. It is used to access user logic registers. + +Bus2IP_BE + The Bus2IP_BE is a bus of Byte Enable qualifiers from the IPIF to the user + logic. A bit in the Bus2IP_BE set to '1' indicates that the associated byte + lane contains valid data. For example, if Bus2IP_BE = 0011, this indicates + that byte lanes 2 and 3 contains valid data. + +Bus2IP_RdCE + The Bus2IP_RdCE bus is an input to the user logic. It is Bus2IP_CE qualified + by a read transaction. + +Bus2IP_WrCE + The Bus2IP_WrCE bus is an input to the user logic. It is Bus2IP_CE qualified + by a write transaction. + +IP2Bus_Data + This is the data bus from the user logic to the IPIF; it is used for both + master and slave transactions. It is used to access user logic registers. + +IP2Bus_Ack + The IP2Bus_Ack signal provide the read/write acknowledgement from the user + logic to the IPIF. For writes, it indicates the data has been taken by the + user logic. For reads, it indicates that valid data is available. For + immediate acknowledgement (such as for a register read/write), this signal + can be tied to '1'. Wait states can be inserted in the transaction by + delaying the assertion of the acknowledgement. If the IP2Bus_Ack for OPB + cores will be delayed more than 8 clocks, then the IP2Bus_ToutSup (timeout + suppress) signal must also be asserted to prevent a timeout on the host bus. + +IP2Bus_Retry + IP2Bus_Retry is a response from the user logic to the IPIF that indicates + the currently requested transaction cannot be completed at this time and + that the requesting master should retry the operation. If the IP2Bus_Retry + signal will be delayed more than 8 clocks, then the IP2Bus_ToutSup (timeout + suppress) signal must also be asserted to prevent a timeout on the host bus. + Note: this signal is unused by PLB IPIF. + +IP2Bus_Error + This signal from the user logic to the IPIF indicates an error has occurred + during the current transaction. It is valid when IP2Bus_Ack is asserted. + +IP2Bus_ToutSup + The IP2Bus_ToutSup must be asserted by the user logic whenever its + acknowledgement or retry response will take longer than 8 clock cycles. + +================================================================================ +* 4) Description of Top Level Generics * +================================================================================ +C_BASEADDR/C_HIGHADDR + These two generics are used to define the memory mapped address space for + the peripheral registers, including Reset/MIR register, Interrupt Source + Controller registers, Read/Write FIFO control/data registers, user logic + software accessible registers and etc., but excluding those user logic + address ranges if ever used. When instantiation, the address space size + determined by these two generics must be a power of 2 (e.g. 2^k = + C_HIGHADDR - C_BASEADDR + 1), a factor of C_BASEADDR and larger than the + minimum size as indicated in the template. + +C_OPB_DWIDTH + This is the data bus width for On-chip Peripheral Bus (OPB). It should + always be set to 32 as of today. + +C_OPB_AWIDTH + This is the address bus width for On-chip Peripheral Bus (OPB). It should + always be set to 32 as of today. + +C_USER_ID_CODE + This is the ID that will be put into the MIR register, it's mainly used + for debug purpose to identify the peripheral under test if multiple + instances exist in the system. + +C_FAMILY + This is to set the target FPGA architecture, s.t. virtex2, virtex2p, etc. +

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