
Subversion Repositories open8_urisc

Compare Revisions

  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 104 to Rev 105
    Reverse comparison

Rev 104 → Rev 105

0,0 → 1,3
; Good mnemonic with too few operands should generate an error.
add R1,R2
0,0 → 1,3
; Bogus instruction mnemonic should generate an error.
addcrap R1,R2,R3
0,0 → 1,6
; Offset less than #-32786 should cause an error since the offset is
; a signed quantity. Also tests expression parsing.
label1: add R1,R2,R3
label2: add R4,R5,R6
brlt R7,R8, ((label1-label2)-32765) ; evaluates to -32769
0,0 → 1,130
#as: -nosched
#objdump: -dr
#name: allinsn
.*: +file format .*
Disassembly of section .text:
00000000 <add>:
0: 00 00 00 00 add R0,R0,R0
00000004 <addu>:
4: 02 00 00 00 addu R0,R0,R0
00000008 <addi>:
8: 01 00 00 00 addi R0,R0,#\$0
0000000c <addui>:
c: 03 00 00 00 addui R0,R0,#\$0
00000010 <sub>:
10: 04 00 00 00 sub R0,R0,R0
00000014 <subu>:
14: 06 00 00 00 subu R0,R0,R0
00000018 <subi>:
18: 05 00 00 00 subi R0,R0,#\$0
0000001c <subui>:
1c: 07 00 00 00 subui R0,R0,#\$0
00000020 <and>:
20: 10 00 00 00 and R0,R0,R0
00000024 <andi>:
24: 11 00 00 00 andi R0,R0,#\$0
00000028 <or>:
28: 12 01 00 00 or R0,R0,R1
0000002c <ori>:
2c: 13 00 00 00 ori R0,R0,#\$0
00000030 <xor>:
30: 14 00 00 00 xor R0,R0,R0
00000034 <xori>:
34: 15 00 00 00 xori R0,R0,#\$0
00000038 <nand>:
38: 16 00 00 00 nand R0,R0,R0
0000003c <nandi>:
3c: 17 00 00 00 nandi R0,R0,#\$0
00000040 <nor>:
40: 18 00 00 00 nor R0,R0,R0
00000044 <nori>:
44: 19 00 00 00 nori R0,R0,#\$0
00000048 <xnor>:
48: 1a 00 00 00 xnor R0,R0,R0
0000004c <xnori>:
4c: 1b 00 00 00 xnori R0,R0,#\$0
00000050 <ldui>:
50: 1d 00 00 00 ldui R0,#\$0
00000054 <lsl>:
54: 20 00 00 00 lsl R0,R0,R0
00000058 <lsli>:
58: 21 00 00 00 lsli R0,R0,#\$0
0000005c <lsr>:
5c: 22 00 00 00 lsr R0,R0,R0
00000060 <lsri>:
60: 23 00 00 00 lsri R0,R0,#\$0
00000064 <asr>:
64: 24 00 00 00 asr R0,R0,R0
00000068 <asri>:
68: 25 00 00 00 asri R0,R0,#\$0
0000006c <brlt>:
6c: 31 00 00 00 brlt R0,R0,6c <brlt>
00000070 <brle>:
70: 33 00 00 00 brle R0,R0,70 <brle>
00000074 <breq>:
74: 35 00 00 00 breq R0,R0,74 <breq>
00000078 <jmp>:
78: 37 00 00 00 jmp 78 <jmp>
0000007c <jal>:
7c: 38 00 00 00 jal R0,R0
00000080 <ei>:
80: 60 00 00 00 ei
00000084 <di>:
84: 62 00 00 00 di
00000088 <reti>:
88: 66 00 00 00 reti R0
0000008c <ldw>:
8c: 41 00 00 00 ldw R0,R0,#\$0
00000090 <stw>:
90: 43 00 00 00 stw R0,R0,#\$0
00000094 <si>:
94: 64 00 00 00 si R0
00000098 <brne>:
98: 3b 00 00 00 brne R0,R0,98 <brne>
0000009c <break>:
9c: 68 00 00 00 break
000000a0 <nop>:
a0: 12 00 00 00 nop
0,0 → 1,35
# Relocation test.
# This test is special because it exercises the linker's
proc ld_test { objects ldflags dest test } {
set ld_output [target_link $objects $dest $ldflags]
if [string match "" $ld_output] then { pass $test } else { fail $test }
proc objdump_test { exec flags dest test } {
set objcopy [find_binutils_prog objdump]
verbose -log "$objcopy $flags $exec > $dest"
catch "exec $objcopy $flags $exec > $dest" objdump_output
if [string match "" $objdump_output] then { pass $test } else { fail $test }
proc regexp_test { file1 file2 test } {
if [regexp_diff $file1 $file2] then { fail $test } else { pass $test }
global srcdir subdir
if [istarget mt-*] {
gas_test "relocs1.s" {-o relocs1.o} {} {assembling relocs1}
# gas_test "relocs2.s" {-o relocs2.o} {} {assembling relocs2}
# ld_test {relocs1.o relocs2.o} {} {relocs.x} {linking relocs.x}
# objdump_test {relocs.x} {-ds} {relocs.dump} {disassembling relocs.x}
# regexp_test {relocs.dump} "$srcdir/$subdir/relocs.d" {matching disassembly}
gas_test "relocs2.s" {-o relocs2.o} {} {assembling relocs2}
ld_test {relocs1.o relocs2.o} {} {relocs.x} {linking relocs.x}
objdump_test {relocs.x} {-ds} {relocs.dump} {disassembling relocs.x}
regexp_test {relocs.dump} "$srcdir/$subdir/relocs.d" {matching disassembly}
0,0 → 1,3
; Good operands in the wrong order should generate an error.
addui R1, #32 R2
0,0 → 1,18
#as: -march=ms2
#objdump: -dr
#name: ms2
.*: +file format .*
Disassembly of section .text:
00000000 <code>:
0: 3e 10 00 05 loop R1,1c <label>
4: 3f 00 10 04 loopi #\$10,1c <label>
8: 83 ff ff ff dfbc #\$7,#\$7,#\$ffffffff,#\$ffffffff,#\$1,#\$1,#\$3f
c: 87 ff ff 7f dwfb #\$7,#\$7,#\$ffffffff,#\$ffffffff,#\$1,#\$3f
10: 8b ff ff ff fbwfb #\$7,#\$7,#\$ffffffff,#\$ffffffff,#\$1,#\$1,#\$3f
14: 8f f0 ff ff dfbr #\$7,#\$7,R0,#\$7,#\$7,#\$7,#\$1,#\$3f
18: 12 00 00 00 nop
0000001c <label>:
1c: f0 00 00 00 fbcbincs #\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0
0,0 → 1,3
; Offset greater than #32767 should cause an error.
addi R1,R2,#32768
0,0 → 1,3
; Bad register name should generate an error.
add R16,R10,R9
0,0 → 1,54
.global iflush
.global mul
mul R0, R0, R0
.global muli
muli R0, R0, #0
.global dbnz
dbnz r0, dbnz
.global fbcbincs
fbcbincs #0, #0, #0, #0, #0, #0, #0, #0, #0, #0
.global mfbcbincs
mfbcbincs r0, #0, #0, #0, #0, #0, #0, #0, #0
.global fbcbincrs
fbcbincrs r0, #0, #0, #0, #0, #0, #0, #0, #0, #0
.global mfbcbincrs
mfbcbincrs r0, r0, #0, #0, #0, #0, #0, #0, #0
.global wfbinc
# Documentation error.
# wfbinc #0, r0, #0, #0, #0, #0, #0, #0, #0, #0
wfbinc #0, #0, #0, #0, #0, #0, #0, #0, #0, #0
.global mwfbinc
# Documentation error.
# mwfbinc r0, #0, #0, r0, #0, #0, #0, #0, #0
mwfbinc r0, #0, #0, #0, #0, #0, #0, #0, #0
.global wfbincr
wfbincr r0, #0, #0, #0, #0, #0, #0, #0, #0, #0
.global mwfbincr
mwfbincr r0, r0, #0, #0, #0, #0, #0, #0, #0
0,0 → 1,3
; Offset greater than #$FFFF should cause an error.
andi R1,R2,#$10000
0,0 → 1,21
; Check that register names, both upper and lower case work and that
; the spacing between the operands doesn't matter.
add R0,R1,R2
add r0,r1,r2
add R1,R2,r3
add R1, R3, r3
add R4,R5,R6
add R7,R8,R9
add R10,R11,R12
add R13,R14,R15
addui fp,sp,#1
addui ra,ira,#1
; Check that the range of legal operand values is accepted.
addui R0,R1,#0
addui R0,R1,#$FFFF
0,0 → 1,95
;; This file is a set of tests for the MorphoySys instructions.
; Make sure that each mnemonic gives the proper opcode. Use R0 and #0
; for all operands so that everything but the opcode will be 0 in the
; assembled instructions.
ldctxt R0,R0,#0,#0,#0
ldfb R0,R0,#0
stfb R0, R0, #0
fbcb R0,#0,#0,#0,#0,#0,#0,#0,#0
mfbcb R0,#0,R0,#0,#0,#0,#0,#0
fbcci R0,#0,#0,#0,#0,#0,#0,#0
fbrci R0,#0,#0,#0,#0,#0,#0,#0
fbcri R0,#0,#0,#0,#0,#0,#0,#0
fbrri R0,#0,#0,#0,#0,#0,#0,#0
mfbcci R0,#0,R0,#0,#0,#0,#0
mfbrci R0,#0,R0,#0,#0,#0,#0
mfbcri R0,#0,R0,#0,#0,#0,#0
mfbrri R0,#0,R0,#0,#0,#0,#0
fbcbdr R0,#0,R0,#0,#0,#0,#0,#0,#0,#0
rcfbcb #0,#0,#0,#0,#0,#0,#0,#0,#0,#0
mrcfbcb R0,#0,#0,#0,#0,#0,#0,#0,#0
cbcast #0,#0,#0
dupcbcast #0,#0,#0,#0
wfbi #0,#0,#0,#0,#0
wfb R0,R0,#0,#0,#0
rcrisc R0,#0,R0,#0,#0,#0,#0,#0,#0
fbcbinc R0, #0, #0, #0, #0, #0, #0, #0
rcxmode R0, #0, #0, #0, #0, #0, #0, #0, #0
; Check to make sure that the parse routines that allow predifined
; symbols (uppaer and lower case) to be used for some of the operands.
; dup operand: dup, xx
si R14
fbcbdr R0,#0,R0,#0,#0,#0,#0,#0,#dup,#0 ; dup = 1
fbcbdr R0,#0,R0,#0,#0,#0,#0,#0,#xx,#0 ; xx = 0
fbcbdr R0,#0,R0,#0,#0,#0,#0,#0,#DUP,#0
fbcbdr R0,#0,R0,#0,#0,#0,#0,#0,#XX,#0
; ball operand: all, one
si R14
rcfbcb #0,#0,#all,#0,#0,#0,#0,#0,#0,#0 ; all = 1
rcfbcb #0,#0,#one,#0,#0,#0,#0,#0,#0,#0 ; one = 0
rcfbcb #0,#0,#ALL,#0,#0,#0,#0,#0,#0,#0
rcfbcb #0,#0,#ONE,#0,#0,#0,#0,#0,#0,#0
; type operand: odd, even, oe
si R14
mrcfbcb R0,#0,#oe,#0,#0,#0,#0,#0,#0 ; oe = 2
mrcfbcb R0,#0,#even,#0,#0,#0,#0,#0,#0 ; even = 1
mrcfbcb R0,#0,#odd,#0,#0,#0,#0,#0,#0 ; odd = 0
mrcfbcb R0,#0,#OE,#0,#0,#0,#0,#0,#0
mrcfbcb R0,#0,#EVEN,#0,#0,#0,#0,#0,#0
mrcfbcb R0,#0,#ODD,#0,#0,#0,#0,#0,#0
; xmode operand: pm, xm
si R14
rcxmode R0, #0, #0, #pm, #0, #0, #0, #0, #0 ; pm = 1
rcxmode R0, #0, #0, #xm, #0, #0, #0, #0, #0 ; xm = 0
rcxmode R0, #0, #0, #PM, #0, #0, #0, #0, #0
rcxmode R0, #0, #0, #XM, #0, #0, #0, #0, #0
; rc, rc1, rc2 operands: r,c
si R14
ldctxt R0,R0,#r,#0,#0 ; rc operand. r = 1
ldctxt R0,R0,#c,#0,#0 ; rc operand. c = 0
ldctxt R0,R0,#R,#0,#0
ldctxt R0,R0,#C,#0,#0
fbcb R0,#0,#0,#0,#r,#0,#0,#0,#0 ; rc1 operand. r = 1
fbcb R0,#0,#0,#0,#c,#0,#0,#0,#0 ; rc1 operand. c = 0
cbcast #0,#r,#0 ; rc2 operand. r = 1
cbcast #0,#c,#0 ; rc2 opearnd. c = 0
; cbrb operand: cb, rb
si R14
fbcb R0,#0,#0,#0,#0,#rb,#0,#0,#0 ; rb = 1
fbcb R0,#0,#0,#0,#0,#cb,#0,#0,#0 ; cb = 0
fbcb R0,#0,#0,#0,#0,#RB,#0,#0,#0
fbcb R0,#0,#0,#0,#0,#CB,#0,#0,#0
; rbbc operand: rt, br1, br2, cs
si R14
fbcb R0,#cs,#0,#0,#0,#0,#0,#0,#0 ; cs = 3
fbcb R0,#br2,#0,#0,#0,#0,#0,#0,#0 ; br2 = 2
fbcb R0,#br1,#0,#0,#0,#0,#0,#0,#0 ; br1 = 1
fbcb R0,#rt,#0,#0,#0,#cb,#0,#0,#0 ; rt = 0
fbcb R0,#CS,#0,#0,#0,#0,#0,#0,#0
fbcb R0,#BR2,#0,#0,#0,#0,#0,#0,#0
fbcb R0,#BR1,#0,#0,#0,#0,#0,#0,#0
fbcb R0,#RT,#0,#0,#0,#cb,#0,#0,#0
intlvr R0, #0, R0, #0, #0
0,0 → 1,3
; Good mnemonic with wrong operands should generate an error.
add R1,R2,#0
0,0 → 1,4
; Offset greater than #32767 should cause an error since the offset is
; a signed quantity.
brlt R1,R2,$32768
0,0 → 1,3
; Extra operand should generate and error message.
add R1,R2,R3,R4
0,0 → 1,166
foodata: .word 42
.global add
add R0,R0,R0
.global addu
addu R0,R0,R0
.global addi
addi R0,R0,#0
.global addui
addui R0,R0,#0
.global sub
sub R0,R0,R0
.global subu
subu R0,R0,R0
.global subi
subi R0,R0,#0
.global subui
subui R0,R0,#0
.global and
and R0,R0,R0
.global andi
andi R0,R0,#0
.global or
or R0,R0,R1
.global ori
ori R0,R0,#0
.global xor
xor R0,R0,R0
.global xori
xori R0,R0,#0
.global nand
nand R0,R0,R0
.global nandi
nandi R0,R0,#0
.global nor
nor R0,R0,R0
.global nori
nori R0,R0,#0
.global xnor
xnor R0,R0,R0
.global xnori
xnori R0,R0,#0
.global ldui
ldui R0,#0
.global lsl
lsl R0,R0,R0
.global lsli
lsli R0,R0,#0
.global lsr
lsr R0,R0,R0
.global lsri
lsri R0,R0,#0
.global asr
asr R0,R0,R0
.global asri
asri R0,R0,#0
.global brlt
brlt R0,R0,0
.global brle
brle R0,R0,0
.global breq
breq R0,R0,0
.global jmp
jmp 0
.global jal
jal R0,R0
.global ei
.global di
.global reti
reti R0
.global ldw
ldw R0,R0,#0
.global stw
stw R0,R0,#0
.global si
si R0
.global brne
brne R0,R0,0
.global break
.global nop
0,0 → 1,11
loop R1, label
loopi #16,label
dfbc #7,#7,#-1,#-1,#1,#1,#63
dwfb #7,#7,#-1,#-1,#1,#63
fbwfb #7,#7,#-1,#-1,#1,#1,#63
dfbr #7,#7,R0,#7,#7,#7,#1,#63
fbcbincs #0,#0,#0,#0,#0,#0,#0,#0,#0,#0
0,0 → 1,3
; Immediate lower than #-32769 should cause an error.
addi R1,R2,#-32769
0,0 → 1,33
#as: -march=ms1-16-003
#objdump: -dr
#name: ms1-16-003
.*: +file format .*
Disassembly of section .text:
00000000 <iflush>:
0: 6a 00 00 00 iflush
00000004 <mul>:
4: 08 00 00 00 mul R0,R0,R0
00000008 <muli>:
8: 09 00 00 00 muli R0,R0,#\$0
0000000c <dbnz_>:
c: 3d 00 00 00 dbnz R0,c <dbnz_>
[ ]*c: R_MT_PC16 dbnz
00000010 <fbcbincs>:
10: f0 00 00 00 fbcbincs #\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0
00000014 <mfbcbincs>:
14: f4 00 00 00 mfbcbincs R0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0
00000018 <fbcbincrs>:
18: f8 00 00 00 fbcbincrs R0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0
0000001c <mfbcbincrs>:
1c: fc 00 00 00 mfbcbincrs R0,R0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0
00000020 <wfbinc>:
20: e0 00 00 00 wfbinc #\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0
00000024 <mwfbinc>:
24: e4 00 00 00 mwfbinc R0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0
00000028 <wfbincr>:
28: e8 00 00 00 wfbincr R0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0
0000002c <mwfbincr>:
2c: ec 00 00 00 mwfbincr R0,R0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0
0,0 → 1,28
; load/store tests
.word 0xbabeface
ld r4, r3
ld r3, #8
ld r5, #ld_text
ldh r6, #ldh_text
ldh r4, #4000
ldh r5, #0x8000
ldh r5, #-5
ldh r5, #-0x8000
ldh r0, #0xffff
ldw r9, #30233000
ldw r3, #ldw_data
ldb r3, @[r9+r2]
ldb @[r9+r3], r5 ; store
ldb r3, @[r8+6]
ldb @[r8+7], r3 ; store
ldw r9, @[r14+23]
ldw @[r14+10], r9 ; store
0,0 → 1,79
# Test for error messages when a bad register name, an out of range operand, or
# invalid syntax is used. Adapted from Ben Elliston's load-hazard testcase.
# Run GAS and check that it emits the desired error for the test case.
# Arguments:
# file -- name of the test case to assemble.
# testname -- a string describing the test.
# warnpattern -- a regular expression, suitable for use by the Tcl
# regexp command, to decide if the warning string was emitted by
# the assembler to stderr.
proc mrisc1_error_test { file testname {warnpattern ""} } {
global comp_output
gas_run $file "" ">/dev/null"
verbose "output was $comp_output" 2
if {$warnpattern == ""} {
if {$comp_output == ""} { pass $testname } else { fail $testname }
if {[regexp "Error: $warnpattern" $comp_output]} {
pass $testname
} else {
fail $testname
if [istarget mt-*-*] {
foreach file [lsort [glob -nocomplain -- $srcdir/$subdir/bad*.s]] {
set file [file tail $file]
switch -- $file {
"badreg.s" {
set warnpattern "unrecognized keyword/register name *"
"badorder.s" {
set warnpattern "unrecognized form of instruction*"
"badsyntax.s" {
set warnpattern "unrecognized keyword/register name *"
"badsyntax1.s" {
set warnpattern "unrecognized form of instruction*"
"badoffsethigh.s" {
set warnpattern "Operand out of range. Must be between -32768 and 32767.*"
"badoffsetlow.s" {
set warnpattern "Operand out of range. Must be between -32768 and 32767.*"
"badunsignedimmhigh.s" {
set warnpattern "operand out of range (65536 not between 0 and 65535)*"
"badunsignedimmlow.s" {
set warnpattern "operand out of range (65536 not between 0 and 65535)*"
"badsignedimmhigh.s" {
set warnpattern "operand out of range.*"
"badsignedimmlow.s" {
set warnpattern "operand out of range.*"
"badinsn.s" {
set warnpattern "unrecognized instruction *"
"badinsn1.s" {
set warnpattern "junk at end of line *"
default {
error "no expected result specified for $file"
mrisc1_error_test $file "assembler emits error for $file" $warnpattern
0,0 → 1,3
; Offset less than #0 should cause an error.
andi R1,R2,#-1
0,0 → 1,68
relocs.x: file format .*
Contents of section .text:
2000 00131000 3700dffc 12000000 3700fff8 ....7.......7...
2010 03210000 03212215 03210001 03210000 .!...!"..!...!..
2020 0321ffff 0321eeee 03210005 03210006 .!...!...!...!..
2030 00675000 .gP.
Contents of section .data:
2134 0f000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
2144 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
2154 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
2164 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
2174 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
2184 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
2194 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
21a4 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
21b4 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
21c4 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
21d4 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
21e4 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
21f4 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
2204 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
2214 00020000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
2224 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
2234 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
2244 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
2254 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
2264 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
2274 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
2284 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
2294 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
22a4 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
22b4 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
22c4 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
22d4 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
22e4 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
22f4 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
2304 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
2314 000003 ...
Contents of section .stack:
7ffff0 deaddead ....
Disassembly of section .text:
00002000 <_start>:
2000: 00 13 10 00 add R1,R1,R3
00002004 <local>:
2004: 37 00 df fc jmp 0 <_start-0x2000>
00002008 <none>:
2008: 12 00 00 00 nop
200c: 37 00 ff f8 jmp 2004 <local>
2010: 03 21 00 00 addui R1,R2,#\$0
2014: 03 21 22 15 addui R1,R2,#\$2215
2018: 03 21 00 01 addui R1,R2,#\$1
201c: 03 21 00 00 addui R1,R2,#\$0
2020: 03 21 ff ff addui R1,R2,#\$ffff
2024: 03 21 ee ee addui R1,R2,#\$eeee
00002028 <dummy1>:
2028: 03 21 00 05 addui R1,R2,#\$5
0000202c <dummy2>:
202c: 03 21 00 06 addui R1,R2,#\$6
00002030 <i2>:
2030: 00 67 50 00 add R5,R6,R7
0,0 → 1,31
;; This test is meant to exercise every unusual reloc supported
;; by the mrisc port. (Ok, so there's only one so far. :P)
.global _start
add R1,R1,R3
; Make sure local fixups work.
jmp (dummy2-dummy1)
; Test the PC16 reloc.
or R0,R0,R0 ;nop to conform to scheduling restrictions
jmp local
; Test the %hi16 and %lo16 relocs
addui R1,R2,#%hi16(d2)
addui R1,R2,#%lo16(d2)
addui R1,R2,#%hi16(65536)
addui R1,R2,#%lo16(65536)
addui R1,R2,#%hi16($FFFFEEEE)
addui R1,R2,#%lo16($FFFFEEEE)
dummy1: addui R1, R2, #5
dummy2: addui R1, R2, #6
d1: .byte $f
0,0 → 1,22
;; Put code near the top of the address space
.global i2
add R5, R6, R7
;; Note that the .org that follows is more or less equivalent
;; to a .space, since the amount specified will be treated like
;; padding to be added between the .data section in relocs1.s
;; and this one.
;; Note also that the two test variables (d2 & d3) are intentionally
;; roughly $100 apart, so that the FR9 relocation processing in
;; bfd/elf32-ip2k.c (ip2k_final_link_relocate) is tested a little more.
.org $e0
.global d2
d2: .byte 2
.space $100
.global d3
d3: .byte 3
0,0 → 1,11
# MRISC1 assembler testsuite.
if [istarget mt-*-*] {
run_dump_test "allinsn"
run_dump_test "misc"
run_dump_test "msys"
run_dump_test "ms1-16-003"
run_dump_test "ms2"
0,0 → 1,21
#objdump: -dr
#name: misc
.*: +file format .*
Disassembly of section .text:
00000000 <.text>:
0: 00 12 00 00 add R0,R1,R2
4: 00 12 00 00 add R0,R1,R2
8: 00 23 10 00 add R1,R2,R3
c: 00 33 10 00 add R1,R3,R3
10: 00 56 40 00 add R4,R5,R6
14: 00 89 70 00 add R7,R8,R9
18: 00 bc a0 00 add R10,R11,R12
1c: 00 ef d0 00 add R13,R14,R15
20: 03 dc 00 01 addui R12,R13,#\$1
24: 03 fe 00 01 addui R14,R15,#\$1
28: 03 10 00 00 addui R0,R1,#\$0
2c: 03 10 ff ff addui R0,R1,#\$ffff
0,0 → 1,78
#as: -nosched
#objdump: -dr
#name: msys
.*: +file format .*
Disassembly of section .text:
00000000 <.text>:
0: 80 00 00 00 ldctxt R0,R0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0
4: 84 00 00 00 ldfb R0,R0,#\$0
8: 88 00 00 00 stfb R0,R0,#\$0
c: 8c 00 00 00 fbcb R0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0
10: 90 00 00 00 mfbcb R0,#\$0,R0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0
14: 94 00 00 00 fbcci R0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0
18: 98 00 00 00 fbrci R0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0
1c: 9c 00 00 00 fbcri R0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0
20: a0 00 00 00 fbrri R0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0
24: a4 00 00 00 mfbcci R0,#\$0,R0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0
28: a8 00 00 00 mfbrci R0,#\$0,R0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0
2c: ac 00 00 00 mfbcri R0,#\$0,R0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0
30: b0 00 00 00 mfbrri R0,#\$0,R0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0
34: b4 00 00 00 fbcbdr R0,#\$0,R0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0
38: b8 00 00 00 rcfbcb #\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0
3c: bc 00 00 00 mrcfbcb R0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0
40: c0 00 00 00 cbcast #\$0,#\$0,#\$0
44: c4 00 00 00 dupcbcast #\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0
48: c8 00 00 00 wfbi #\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0
4c: cc 00 00 00 wfb R0,R0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0
50: d0 00 00 00 rcrisc R0,#\$0,R0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0
54: d4 00 00 00 fbcbinc R0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0
58: d8 00 00 00 rcxmode R0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0
5c: 64 00 e0 00 si R14
60: b4 00 00 40 fbcbdr R0,#\$0,R0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$1,#\$0
64: b4 00 00 00 fbcbdr R0,#\$0,R0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0
68: b4 00 00 40 fbcbdr R0,#\$0,R0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$1,#\$0
6c: b4 00 00 00 fbcbdr R0,#\$0,R0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0
70: 64 00 e0 00 si R14
74: b8 08 00 00 rcfbcb #\$0,#\$0,#\$1,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0
78: b8 00 00 00 rcfbcb #\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0
7c: b8 08 00 00 rcfbcb #\$0,#\$0,#\$1,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0
80: b8 00 00 00 rcfbcb #\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0
84: 64 00 e0 00 si R14
88: bc 20 00 00 mrcfbcb R0,#\$0,#\$2,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0
8c: bc 10 00 00 mrcfbcb R0,#\$0,#\$1,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0
90: bc 00 00 00 mrcfbcb R0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0
94: bc 20 00 00 mrcfbcb R0,#\$0,#\$2,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0
98: bc 10 00 00 mrcfbcb R0,#\$0,#\$1,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0
9c: bc 00 00 00 mrcfbcb R0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0
a0: 64 00 e0 00 si R14
a4: d8 80 00 00 rcxmode R0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$1,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0
a8: d8 00 00 00 rcxmode R0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0
ac: d8 80 00 00 rcxmode R0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$1,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0
b0: d8 00 00 00 rcxmode R0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0
b4: 64 00 e0 00 si R14
b8: 80 00 80 00 ldctxt R0,R0,#\$1,#\$0,#\$0
bc: 80 00 00 00 ldctxt R0,R0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0
c0: 80 00 80 00 ldctxt R0,R0,#\$1,#\$0,#\$0
c4: 80 00 00 00 ldctxt R0,R0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0
c8: 8c 00 08 00 fbcb R0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$1,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0
cc: 8c 00 00 00 fbcb R0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0
d0: c0 00 00 40 cbcast #\$0,#\$1,#\$0
d4: c0 00 00 00 cbcast #\$0,#\$0,#\$0
d8: 64 00 e0 00 si R14
dc: 8c 00 04 00 fbcb R0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$1,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0
e0: 8c 00 00 00 fbcb R0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0
e4: 8c 00 04 00 fbcb R0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$1,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0
e8: 8c 00 00 00 fbcb R0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0
ec: 64 00 e0 00 si R14
f0: 8f 00 00 00 fbcb R0,#\$3,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0
f4: 8e 00 00 00 fbcb R0,#\$2,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0
f8: 8d 00 00 00 fbcb R0,#\$1,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0
fc: 8c 00 00 00 fbcb R0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0
100: 8f 00 00 00 fbcb R0,#\$3,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0
104: 8e 00 00 00 fbcb R0,#\$2,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0
108: 8d 00 00 00 fbcb R0,#\$1,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0
10c: 8c 00 00 00 fbcb R0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0,#\$0
110: dc 00 00 00 intlvr R0,#\$0,R0,#\$0,#\$0

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