
Subversion Repositories open8_urisc

Compare Revisions

  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 117 to Rev 118
    Reverse comparison

Rev 117 → Rev 118

0,0 → 1,100
#objdump: -dr
dump\.o: file format .*
Disassembly of section \.text:
00000000 <\.text>:
0: 63 00 mul #0, r0
2: 63 0f mul #0, r15
4: 63 f0 mul #15, r0
6: 63 ff mul #15, r15
8: 75 10 80 mul #-128, r0
b: 75 1f 80 mul #-128, r15
e: 75 10 7f mul #127, r0
11: 75 1f 7f mul #127, r15
14: 76 10 00 80 mul #0xffff8000, r0
18: 76 1f 00 80 mul #0xffff8000, r15
1c: 77 10 00 80 00 mul #0x8000, r0
21: 77 1f 00 80 00 mul #0x8000, r15
26: 77 10 00 00 80 mul #0xff800000, r0
2b: 77 1f 00 00 80 mul #0xff800000, r15
30: 77 10 ff ff 7f mul #0x7fffff, r0
35: 77 1f ff ff 7f mul #0x7fffff, r15
3a: 74 10 00 00 00 80 mul #0x80000000, r0
40: 74 1f 00 00 00 80 mul #0x80000000, r15
46: 74 10 ff ff ff 7f mul #0x7fffffff, r0
4c: 74 1f ff ff ff 7f mul #0x7fffffff, r15
52: 4f 00 mul r0, r0
54: 4f 0f mul r0, r15
56: 4f f0 mul r15, r0
58: 4f ff mul r15, r15
5a: 4c 00 mul \[r0\]\.ub, r0
5c: 4c 0f mul \[r0\]\.ub, r15
5e: 06 0c 00 mul \[r0\]\.b, r0
61: 06 0c 0f mul \[r0\]\.b, r15
64: 06 cc 00 mul \[r0\]\.uw, r0
67: 06 cc 0f mul \[r0\]\.uw, r15
6a: 06 4c 00 mul \[r0\]\.w, r0
6d: 06 4c 0f mul \[r0\]\.w, r15
70: 06 8c 00 mul \[r0\]\.l, r0
73: 06 8c 0f mul \[r0\]\.l, r15
76: 4c f0 mul \[r15\]\.ub, r0
78: 4c ff mul \[r15\]\.ub, r15
7a: 06 0c f0 mul \[r15\]\.b, r0
7d: 06 0c ff mul \[r15\]\.b, r15
80: 06 cc f0 mul \[r15\]\.uw, r0
83: 06 cc ff mul \[r15\]\.uw, r15
86: 06 4c f0 mul \[r15\]\.w, r0
89: 06 4c ff mul \[r15\]\.w, r15
8c: 06 8c f0 mul \[r15\]\.l, r0
8f: 06 8c ff mul \[r15\]\.l, r15
92: 4d 00 fc mul 252\[r0\]\.ub, r0
95: 4d 0f fc mul 252\[r0\]\.ub, r15
98: 06 0d 00 fc mul 252\[r0\]\.b, r0
9c: 06 0d 0f fc mul 252\[r0\]\.b, r15
a0: 06 cd 00 7e mul 252\[r0\]\.uw, r0
a4: 06 cd 0f 7e mul 252\[r0\]\.uw, r15
a8: 06 4d 00 7e mul 252\[r0\]\.w, r0
ac: 06 4d 0f 7e mul 252\[r0\]\.w, r15
b0: 06 8d 00 3f mul 252\[r0\]\.l, r0
b4: 06 8d 0f 3f mul 252\[r0\]\.l, r15
b8: 4d f0 fc mul 252\[r15\]\.ub, r0
bb: 4d ff fc mul 252\[r15\]\.ub, r15
be: 06 0d f0 fc mul 252\[r15\]\.b, r0
c2: 06 0d ff fc mul 252\[r15\]\.b, r15
c6: 06 cd f0 7e mul 252\[r15\]\.uw, r0
ca: 06 cd ff 7e mul 252\[r15\]\.uw, r15
ce: 06 4d f0 7e mul 252\[r15\]\.w, r0
d2: 06 4d ff 7e mul 252\[r15\]\.w, r15
d6: 06 8d f0 3f mul 252\[r15\]\.l, r0
da: 06 8d ff 3f mul 252\[r15\]\.l, r15
de: 4e 00 fc ff mul 65532\[r0\]\.ub, r0
e2: 4e 0f fc ff mul 65532\[r0\]\.ub, r15
e6: 06 0e 00 fc ff mul 65532\[r0\]\.b, r0
eb: 06 0e 0f fc ff mul 65532\[r0\]\.b, r15
f0: 06 ce 00 fe 7f mul 65532\[r0\]\.uw, r0
f5: 06 ce 0f fe 7f mul 65532\[r0\]\.uw, r15
fa: 06 4e 00 fe 7f mul 65532\[r0\]\.w, r0
ff: 06 4e 0f fe 7f mul 65532\[r0\]\.w, r15
104: 06 8e 00 ff 3f mul 65532\[r0\]\.l, r0
109: 06 8e 0f ff 3f mul 65532\[r0\]\.l, r15
10e: 4e f0 fc ff mul 65532\[r15\]\.ub, r0
112: 4e ff fc ff mul 65532\[r15\]\.ub, r15
116: 06 0e f0 fc ff mul 65532\[r15\]\.b, r0
11b: 06 0e ff fc ff mul 65532\[r15\]\.b, r15
120: 06 ce f0 fe 7f mul 65532\[r15\]\.uw, r0
125: 06 ce ff fe 7f mul 65532\[r15\]\.uw, r15
12a: 06 4e f0 fe 7f mul 65532\[r15\]\.w, r0
12f: 06 4e ff fe 7f mul 65532\[r15\]\.w, r15
134: 06 8e f0 ff 3f mul 65532\[r15\]\.l, r0
139: 06 8e ff ff 3f mul 65532\[r15\]\.l, r15
13e: ff 30 00 mul r0, r0, r0
141: ff 3f 00 mul r0, r0, r15
144: ff 30 0f mul r0, r15, r0
147: ff 3f 0f mul r0, r15, r15
14a: ff 30 f0 mul r15, r0, r0
14d: ff 3f f0 mul r15, r0, r15
150: ff 30 ff mul r15, r15, r0
153: ff 3f ff mul r15, r15, r15
0,0 → 1,11
#objdump: -dr
dump\.o: file format .*
Disassembly of section \.text:
00000000 <\.text>:
0: 7f 8c rmpa\.b
2: 7f 8d rmpa\.w
4: 7f 8e rmpa\.l
0,0 → 1,10
#objdump: -dr
dump\.o: file format .*
Disassembly of section \.text:
00000000 <\.text>:
0: 7e 50 rolc r0
2: 7e 5f rolc r15
0,0 → 1,2
neg {reg}
neg {reg},{reg}
0,0 → 1,12
#objdump: -dr
dump\.o: file format .*
Disassembly of section \.text:
00000000 <\.text>:
0: fd 67 00 revl r0, r0
3: fd 67 0f revl r0, r15
6: fd 67 f0 revl r15, r0
9: fd 67 ff revl r15, r15
0,0 → 1,12
mulhi {reg},{reg}
0,0 → 1,4
#objdump: -dr
dump\.o: file format .*
0,0 → 1,7
or #{uimm4},{reg}
or #{imm},{reg}
or {reg},{reg}
or {memx},{reg}
or {reg},{reg},{reg}
0,0 → 1,2
rotl #{uimm5},{reg}
rotl {reg},{reg}
0,0 → 1,10
#objdump: -dr
dump\.o: file format .*
Disassembly of section \.text:
00000000 <\.text>:
0: 00 brk
1: 03 nop
0,0 → 1,3
min #{imm},{reg}
min {reg},{reg}
min {memx},{reg}
0,0 → 1,29
beq dsp8
beq dsp16
beq dsp24
bne dsp8
bne dsp16
bne dsp24
bgt dsp8
bgt dsp16
bgt dsp24
bltu dsp8
bltu dsp16
bltu dsp24
.space 3
.space 4950
.space 495000
0,0 → 1,28
#objdump: -dr
dump\.o: file format .*
Disassembly of section \.text:
00000000 <\.text>:
0: fd 72 10 00 00 00 80 fcmp #0x80000000, r0
7: fd 72 1f 00 00 00 80 fcmp #0x80000000, r15
e: fd 72 10 ff ff ff ff fcmp #-1, r0
15: fd 72 1f ff ff ff ff fcmp #-1, r15
1c: fc 87 00 fcmp r0, r0
1f: fc 87 0f fcmp r0, r15
22: fc 87 f0 fcmp r15, r0
25: fc 87 ff fcmp r15, r15
28: fc 84 00 fcmp \[r0\]\.l, r0
2b: fc 84 0f fcmp \[r0\]\.l, r15
2e: fc 84 f0 fcmp \[r15\]\.l, r0
31: fc 84 ff fcmp \[r15\]\.l, r15
34: fc 85 00 3f fcmp 252\[r0\]\.l, r0
38: fc 85 0f 3f fcmp 252\[r0\]\.l, r15
3c: fc 85 f0 3f fcmp 252\[r15\]\.l, r0
40: fc 85 ff 3f fcmp 252\[r15\]\.l, r15
44: fc 86 00 ff 3f fcmp 65532\[r0\]\.l, r0
49: fc 86 0f ff 3f fcmp 65532\[r0\]\.l, r15
4e: fc 86 f0 ff 3f fcmp 65532\[r15\]\.l, r0
53: fc 86 ff ff 3f fcmp 65532\[r15\]\.l, r15
0,0 → 1,2
xchg {reg},{reg}
xchg {memx},{reg}
0,0 → 1,9
#objdump: -dr
dump\.o: file format .*
Disassembly of section \.text:
00000000 <\.text>:
0: 7f 8b smovb
0,0 → 1,24
#objdump: -dr
dump\.o: file format .*
Disassembly of section \.text:
00000000 <\.text>:
0: fc 9b 00 round r0, r0
3: fc 9b 0f round r0, r15
6: fc 9b f0 round r15, r0
9: fc 9b ff round r15, r15
c: fc 98 00 round \[r0\]\.l, r0
f: fc 98 0f round \[r0\]\.l, r15
12: fc 98 f0 round \[r15\]\.l, r0
15: fc 98 ff round \[r15\]\.l, r15
18: fc 99 00 3f round 252\[r0\]\.l, r0
1c: fc 99 0f 3f round 252\[r0\]\.l, r15
20: fc 99 f0 3f round 252\[r15\]\.l, r0
24: fc 99 ff 3f round 252\[r15\]\.l, r15
28: fc 9a 00 ff 3f round 65532\[r0\]\.l, r0
2d: fc 9a 0f ff 3f round 65532\[r0\]\.l, r15
32: fc 9a f0 ff 3f round 65532\[r15\]\.l, r0
37: fc 9a ff ff 3f round 65532\[r15\]\.l, r15
0,0 → 1,4
#objdump: -dr
dump\.o: file format .*
0,0 → 1,3
shar #{uimm5},{reg}
shar {reg},{reg}
shar #{uimm5},{reg},{reg}
0,0 → 1,3
fadd #{imm32},{reg}
fadd {reg},{reg}
fadd {mem}.L,{reg}
0,0 → 1,9
#objdump: -dr
dump\.o: file format .*
Disassembly of section \.text:
00000000 <\.text>:
0: 7f 8f smovf
0,0 → 1,25
#objdump: -dr
dump\.o: file format .*
Disassembly of section \.text:
00000000 <\.text>:
0: fd 6a 00 mvfc psw, r0
3: fd 6a 0f mvfc psw, r15
6: fd 6a 30 mvfc fpsw, r0
9: fd 6a 3f mvfc fpsw, r15
c: fd 6a 20 mvfc usp, r0
f: fd 6a 2f mvfc usp, r15
12: fd 6a a0 mvfc isp, r0
15: fd 6a af mvfc isp, r15
18: fd 6a c0 mvfc intb, r0
1b: fd 6a cf mvfc intb, r15
1e: fd 6a 80 mvfc bpsw, r0
21: fd 6a 8f mvfc bpsw, r15
24: fd 6a 90 mvfc bpc, r0
27: fd 6a 9f mvfc bpc, r15
2a: fd 6a b0 mvfc fintv, r0
2d: fd 6a bf mvfc fintv, r15
0,0 → 1,27
mov{bwl} {reg7},{dsp5}[{reg7}]
mov{bwl} {dsp5}[{reg7}],{reg7}
mov.L #{uimm4},{reg}
mov.B #{simm8},{dsp5}[{reg7}]
mov.{W;L} #{uimm8},{dsp5}[{reg7}]
mov.L #{uimm8},{reg}
mov.L #{imm},{reg}
mov{bwl} {reg1},{reg}
mov.B #{uimm8},{mem}
mov.W #{simm8},{mem}
mov.W #{uimm16},{mem}
mov.L #{imm},{mem}
mov{bwl} {mem},{reg}
mov{bwl} [{reg},{reg}],{reg}
mov{bwl} {reg1},{mem}
mov{bwl} {reg},[{reg},{reg}]
mov{bwl} {mem},{mem}
mov{bwl} {reg},[{reg}+]
mov{bwl} [{reg}+],{reg}
mov{bwl} {reg},[-{reg}]
mov{bwl} [-{reg}],{reg}
0,0 → 1,17
# RX assembler testsuite
# -*- tcl -*-
if { ! [istarget rx-*-*] } {
foreach test [lsort [glob $srcdir/$subdir/*.sm]] {
regexp ".*/(.*)\.sm" $test rxjunk rxbase
exec "$srcdir/$subdir/explode" "-I" "$srcdir/$subdir" "$test" "$srcdir/$subdir/$rxbase.s"
run_dump_test "$rxbase"
# Commment out the next line if you want to retain the generated assembler source files.
remote_file host delete "$srcdir/$subdir/$rxbase.s"
run_dump_test "rx-asm-good"
# run_list_test "rx-asm-bad" "" "Generation of error messages with bogus Renesas assembler directives"
0,0 → 1,4
divu #{imm},{reg}
divu {reg},{reg}
divu {memx},{reg}
0,0 → 1,28
#objdump: -dr
dump\.o: file format .*
Disassembly of section \.text:
00000000 <\.text>:
0: fd 72 30 00 00 00 80 fmul #0x80000000, r0
7: fd 72 3f 00 00 00 80 fmul #0x80000000, r15
e: fd 72 30 ff ff ff ff fmul #-1, r0
15: fd 72 3f ff ff ff ff fmul #-1, r15
1c: fc 8f 00 fmul r0, r0
1f: fc 8f 0f fmul r0, r15
22: fc 8f f0 fmul r15, r0
25: fc 8f ff fmul r15, r15
28: fc 8c 00 fmul \[r0\]\.l, r0
2b: fc 8c 0f fmul \[r0\]\.l, r15
2e: fc 8c f0 fmul \[r15\]\.l, r0
31: fc 8c ff fmul \[r15\]\.l, r15
34: fc 8d 00 3f fmul 252\[r0\]\.l, r0
38: fc 8d 0f 3f fmul 252\[r0\]\.l, r15
3c: fc 8d f0 3f fmul 252\[r15\]\.l, r0
40: fc 8d ff 3f fmul 252\[r15\]\.l, r15
44: fc 8e 00 ff 3f fmul 65532\[r0\]\.l, r0
49: fc 8e 0f ff 3f fmul 65532\[r0\]\.l, r15
4e: fc 8e f0 ff 3f fmul 65532\[r15\]\.l, r0
53: fc 8e ff ff 3f fmul 65532\[r15\]\.l, r15
0,0 → 1,28
# mvfcp #{uimm2},{reg},{uimm16}
0,0 → 1,14
#objdump: -dr
dump\.o: file format .*
Disassembly of section \.text:
00000000 <\.text>:
0: 7e 10 neg r0
2: 7e 1f neg r15
4: fc 07 00 neg r0, r0
7: fc 07 0f neg r0, r15
a: fc 07 f0 neg r15, r0
d: fc 07 ff neg r15, r15
0,0 → 1,24
#objdump: -dr
dump\.o: file format .*
Disassembly of section \.text:
00000000 <\.text>:
0: fd 74 e0 80 stz #-128, r0
4: fd 74 ef 80 stz #-128, r15
8: fd 74 e0 7f stz #127, r0
c: fd 74 ef 7f stz #127, r15
10: fd 78 e0 00 80 stz #0xffff8000, r0
15: fd 78 ef 00 80 stz #0xffff8000, r15
1a: fd 7c e0 00 80 00 stz #0x8000, r0
20: fd 7c ef 00 80 00 stz #0x8000, r15
26: fd 7c e0 00 00 80 stz #0xff800000, r0
2c: fd 7c ef 00 00 80 stz #0xff800000, r15
32: fd 7c e0 ff ff 7f stz #0x7fffff, r0
38: fd 7c ef ff ff 7f stz #0x7fffff, r15
3e: fd 70 e0 00 00 00 80 stz #0x80000000, r0
45: fd 70 ef 00 00 00 80 stz #0x80000000, r15
4c: fd 70 e0 ff ff ff 7f stz #0x7fffffff, r0
53: fd 70 ef ff ff ff 7f stz #0x7fffffff, r15
0,0 → 1,10
#objdump: -dr
dump\.o: file format .*
Disassembly of section \.text:
00000000 <\.text>:
0: fd 1f 20 mvfacmi r0
3: fd 1f 2f mvfacmi r15
0,0 → 1,4
emulu #{imm},{reg2}
emulu {reg},{reg2}
emulu {memx},{reg2}
0,0 → 1,8
add #{uimm4},{reg}
add #{imm},{reg}
add {reg},{reg}
add {memx},{reg}
add #{imm},{reg},{reg}
add {reg},{reg},{reg}
0,0 → 1,88
#objdump: -dr
dump\.o: file format .*
Disassembly of section \.text:
00000000 <\.text>:
0: b1 00 movu\.b 4\[r0\], r0
2: b1 07 movu\.b 4\[r0\], r7
4: b1 70 movu\.b 4\[r7\], r0
6: b1 77 movu\.b 4\[r7\], r7
8: b7 00 movu\.b 28\[r0\], r0
a: b7 07 movu\.b 28\[r0\], r7
c: b7 70 movu\.b 28\[r7\], r0
e: b7 77 movu\.b 28\[r7\], r7
10: b8 80 movu\.w 4\[r0\], r0
12: b8 87 movu\.w 4\[r0\], r7
14: b8 f0 movu\.w 4\[r7\], r0
16: b8 f7 movu\.w 4\[r7\], r7
18: bb 80 movu\.w 28\[r0\], r0
1a: bb 87 movu\.w 28\[r0\], r7
1c: bb f0 movu\.w 28\[r7\], r0
1e: bb f7 movu\.w 28\[r7\], r7
20: 5b 00 movu\.b r0, r0
22: 5b 0f movu\.b r0, r15
24: 5b f0 movu\.b r15, r0
26: 5b ff movu\.b r15, r15
28: 5f 00 movu\.w r0, r0
2a: 5f 0f movu\.w r0, r15
2c: 5f f0 movu\.w r15, r0
2e: 5f ff movu\.w r15, r15
30: 58 00 movu\.b \[r0\], r0
32: 58 0f movu\.b \[r0\], r15
34: 58 f0 movu\.b \[r15\], r0
36: 58 ff movu\.b \[r15\], r15
38: 59 00 fc movu\.b 252\[r0\], r0
3b: 59 0f fc movu\.b 252\[r0\], r15
3e: 59 f0 fc movu\.b 252\[r15\], r0
41: 59 ff fc movu\.b 252\[r15\], r15
44: 5a 00 fc ff movu\.b 65532\[r0\], r0
48: 5a 0f fc ff movu\.b 65532\[r0\], r15
4c: 5a f0 fc ff movu\.b 65532\[r15\], r0
50: 5a ff fc ff movu\.b 65532\[r15\], r15
54: 5c 00 movu\.w \[r0\], r0
56: 5c 0f movu\.w \[r0\], r15
58: 5c f0 movu\.w \[r15\], r0
5a: 5c ff movu\.w \[r15\], r15
5c: 5d 00 7e movu\.w 252\[r0\], r0
5f: 5d 0f 7e movu\.w 252\[r0\], r15
62: 5d f0 7e movu\.w 252\[r15\], r0
65: 5d ff 7e movu\.w 252\[r15\], r15
68: 5e 00 fe 7f movu\.w 65532\[r0\], r0
6c: 5e 0f fe 7f movu\.w 65532\[r0\], r15
70: 5e f0 fe 7f movu\.w 65532\[r15\], r0
74: 5e ff fe 7f movu\.w 65532\[r15\], r15
78: fe c0 00 movu\.b \[r0, r0\], r0
7b: fe c0 0f movu\.b \[r0, r0\], r15
7e: fe c0 f0 movu\.b \[r0, r15\], r0
81: fe c0 ff movu\.b \[r0, r15\], r15
84: fe cf 00 movu\.b \[r15, r0\], r0
87: fe cf 0f movu\.b \[r15, r0\], r15
8a: fe cf f0 movu\.b \[r15, r15\], r0
8d: fe cf ff movu\.b \[r15, r15\], r15
90: fe d0 00 movu\.w \[r0, r0\], r0
93: fe d0 0f movu\.w \[r0, r0\], r15
96: fe d0 f0 movu\.w \[r0, r15\], r0
99: fe d0 ff movu\.w \[r0, r15\], r15
9c: fe df 00 movu\.w \[r15, r0\], r0
9f: fe df 0f movu\.w \[r15, r0\], r15
a2: fe df f0 movu\.w \[r15, r15\], r0
a5: fe df ff movu\.w \[r15, r15\], r15
a8: fd 38 00 movu\.b \[r0\+\], r0
ab: fd 38 0f movu\.b \[r0\+\], r15
ae: fd 38 f0 movu\.b \[r15\+\], r0
b1: fd 38 ff movu\.b \[r15\+\], r15
b4: fd 39 00 movu\.w \[r0\+\], r0
b7: fd 39 0f movu\.w \[r0\+\], r15
ba: fd 39 f0 movu\.w \[r15\+\], r0
bd: fd 39 ff movu\.w \[r15\+\], r15
c0: fd 3c 00 movu\.b \[-r0\], r0
c3: fd 3c 0f movu\.b \[-r0\], r15
c6: fd 3c f0 movu\.b \[-r15\], r0
c9: fd 3c ff movu\.b \[-r15\], r15
cc: fd 3d 00 movu\.w \[-r0\], r0
cf: fd 3d 0f movu\.w \[-r0\], r15
d2: fd 3d f0 movu\.w \[-r15\], r0
d5: fd 3d ff movu\.w \[-r15\], r15
0,0 → 1,18
#objdump: -dr
dump\.o: file format .*
Disassembly of section \.text:
00000000 <\.text>:
0: 39 00 80 bsr\.w 0xffff8000
3: 39 ff 7f bsr\.w 0x8002
6: 39 00 00 bsr\.w 0x6
7: R_RX_DIR16S_PCREL foo
9: 05 00 00 80 bsr\.a 0xff800009
d: 05 ff ff 7f bsr\.a 0x80000c
11: 05 00 00 00 bsr\.a 0x11
12: R_RX_DIR24S_PCREL foo
15: 7f 50 bsr\.l r0
17: 7f 5f bsr\.l r15
0,0 → 1,3
sc{cnd}.L {reg}
sc{cnd}{bwl} {mem}
0,0 → 1,3
mvfc {creg},{reg}
0,0 → 1,40
#objdump: -dr
dump\.o: file format .*
Disassembly of section \.text:
00000000 <\.text>:
0: fd 74 20 80 adc #-128, r0
4: fd 74 2f 80 adc #-128, r15
8: fd 74 20 7f adc #127, r0
c: fd 74 2f 7f adc #127, r15
10: fd 78 20 00 80 adc #0xffff8000, r0
15: fd 78 2f 00 80 adc #0xffff8000, r15
1a: fd 7c 20 00 80 00 adc #0x8000, r0
20: fd 7c 2f 00 80 00 adc #0x8000, r15
26: fd 7c 20 00 00 80 adc #0xff800000, r0
2c: fd 7c 2f 00 00 80 adc #0xff800000, r15
32: fd 7c 20 ff ff 7f adc #0x7fffff, r0
38: fd 7c 2f ff ff 7f adc #0x7fffff, r15
3e: fd 70 20 00 00 00 80 adc #0x80000000, r0
45: fd 70 2f 00 00 00 80 adc #0x80000000, r15
4c: fd 70 20 ff ff ff 7f adc #0x7fffffff, r0
53: fd 70 2f ff ff ff 7f adc #0x7fffffff, r15
5a: fc 0b 00 adc r0, r0
5d: fc 0b 0f adc r0, r15
60: fc 0b f0 adc r15, r0
63: fc 0b ff adc r15, r15
66: 06 a0 02 00 adc \[r0\]\.l, r0
6a: 06 a0 02 0f adc \[r0\]\.l, r15
6e: 06 a0 02 f0 adc \[r15\]\.l, r0
72: 06 a0 02 ff adc \[r15\]\.l, r15
76: 06 a1 02 00 3f adc 252\[r0\]\.l, r0
7b: 06 a1 02 0f 3f adc 252\[r0\]\.l, r15
80: 06 a1 02 f0 3f adc 252\[r15\]\.l, r0
85: 06 a1 02 ff 3f adc 252\[r15\]\.l, r15
8a: 06 a2 02 00 ff 3f adc 65532\[r0\]\.l, r0
90: 06 a2 02 0f ff 3f adc 65532\[r0\]\.l, r15
96: 06 a2 02 f0 ff 3f adc 65532\[r15\]\.l, r0
9c: 06 a2 02 ff ff 3f adc 65532\[r15\]\.l, r15
0,0 → 1,72
#objdump: -dr
dump\.o: file format .*
Disassembly of section \.text:
00000000 <\.text>:
0: fc 43 00 xchg r0, r0
3: fc 43 0f xchg r0, r15
6: fc 43 f0 xchg r15, r0
9: fc 43 ff xchg r15, r15
c: fc 40 00 xchg \[r0\]\.ub, r0
f: fc 40 0f xchg \[r0\]\.ub, r15
12: 06 20 10 00 xchg \[r0\]\.b, r0
16: 06 20 10 0f xchg \[r0\]\.b, r15
1a: 06 e0 10 00 xchg \[r0\]\.uw, r0
1e: 06 e0 10 0f xchg \[r0\]\.uw, r15
22: 06 60 10 00 xchg \[r0\]\.w, r0
26: 06 60 10 0f xchg \[r0\]\.w, r15
2a: 06 a0 10 00 xchg \[r0\]\.l, r0
2e: 06 a0 10 0f xchg \[r0\]\.l, r15
32: fc 40 f0 xchg \[r15\]\.ub, r0
35: fc 40 ff xchg \[r15\]\.ub, r15
38: 06 20 10 f0 xchg \[r15\]\.b, r0
3c: 06 20 10 ff xchg \[r15\]\.b, r15
40: 06 e0 10 f0 xchg \[r15\]\.uw, r0
44: 06 e0 10 ff xchg \[r15\]\.uw, r15
48: 06 60 10 f0 xchg \[r15\]\.w, r0
4c: 06 60 10 ff xchg \[r15\]\.w, r15
50: 06 a0 10 f0 xchg \[r15\]\.l, r0
54: 06 a0 10 ff xchg \[r15\]\.l, r15
58: fc 41 00 fc xchg 252\[r0\]\.ub, r0
5c: fc 41 0f fc xchg 252\[r0\]\.ub, r15
60: 06 21 10 00 fc xchg 252\[r0\]\.b, r0
65: 06 21 10 0f fc xchg 252\[r0\]\.b, r15
6a: 06 e1 10 00 7e xchg 252\[r0\]\.uw, r0
6f: 06 e1 10 0f 7e xchg 252\[r0\]\.uw, r15
74: 06 61 10 00 7e xchg 252\[r0\]\.w, r0
79: 06 61 10 0f 7e xchg 252\[r0\]\.w, r15
7e: 06 a1 10 00 3f xchg 252\[r0\]\.l, r0
83: 06 a1 10 0f 3f xchg 252\[r0\]\.l, r15
88: fc 41 f0 fc xchg 252\[r15\]\.ub, r0
8c: fc 41 ff fc xchg 252\[r15\]\.ub, r15
90: 06 21 10 f0 fc xchg 252\[r15\]\.b, r0
95: 06 21 10 ff fc xchg 252\[r15\]\.b, r15
9a: 06 e1 10 f0 7e xchg 252\[r15\]\.uw, r0
9f: 06 e1 10 ff 7e xchg 252\[r15\]\.uw, r15
a4: 06 61 10 f0 7e xchg 252\[r15\]\.w, r0
a9: 06 61 10 ff 7e xchg 252\[r15\]\.w, r15
ae: 06 a1 10 f0 3f xchg 252\[r15\]\.l, r0
b3: 06 a1 10 ff 3f xchg 252\[r15\]\.l, r15
b8: fc 42 00 fc ff xchg 65532\[r0\]\.ub, r0
bd: fc 42 0f fc ff xchg 65532\[r0\]\.ub, r15
c2: 06 22 10 00 fc ff xchg 65532\[r0\]\.b, r0
c8: 06 22 10 0f fc ff xchg 65532\[r0\]\.b, r15
ce: 06 e2 10 00 fe 7f xchg 65532\[r0\]\.uw, r0
d4: 06 e2 10 0f fe 7f xchg 65532\[r0\]\.uw, r15
da: 06 62 10 00 fe 7f xchg 65532\[r0\]\.w, r0
e0: 06 62 10 0f fe 7f xchg 65532\[r0\]\.w, r15
e6: 06 a2 10 00 ff 3f xchg 65532\[r0\]\.l, r0
ec: 06 a2 10 0f ff 3f xchg 65532\[r0\]\.l, r15
f2: fc 42 f0 fc ff xchg 65532\[r15\]\.ub, r0
f7: fc 42 ff fc ff xchg 65532\[r15\]\.ub, r15
fc: 06 22 10 f0 fc ff xchg 65532\[r15\]\.b, r0
102: 06 22 10 ff fc ff xchg 65532\[r15\]\.b, r15
108: 06 e2 10 f0 fe 7f xchg 65532\[r15\]\.uw, r0
10e: 06 e2 10 ff fe 7f xchg 65532\[r15\]\.uw, r15
114: 06 62 10 f0 fe 7f xchg 65532\[r15\]\.w, r0
11a: 06 62 10 ff fe 7f xchg 65532\[r15\]\.w, r15
120: 06 a2 10 f0 ff 3f xchg 65532\[r15\]\.l, r0
126: 06 a2 10 ff ff 3f xchg 65532\[r15\]\.l, r15
0,0 → 1,368
#objdump: -dr
dump\.o: file format .*
Disassembly of section \.text:
00000000 <\.text>:
0: fc db 02 scc\.l r0
3: fc db f2 scc\.l r15
6: fc db 02 scc\.l r0
9: fc db f2 scc\.l r15
c: fc db 00 sceq\.l r0
f: fc db f0 sceq\.l r15
12: fc db 00 sceq\.l r0
15: fc db f0 sceq\.l r15
18: fc db 04 scgtu\.l r0
1b: fc db f4 scgtu\.l r15
1e: fc db 06 scpz\.l r0
21: fc db f6 scpz\.l r15
24: fc db 08 scge\.l r0
27: fc db f8 scge\.l r15
2a: fc db 0a scgt\.l r0
2d: fc db fa scgt\.l r15
30: fc db 0c sco\.l r0
33: fc db fc sco\.l r15
36: fc db 03 scnc\.l r0
39: fc db f3 scnc\.l r15
3c: fc db 03 scnc\.l r0
3f: fc db f3 scnc\.l r15
42: fc db 01 scne\.l r0
45: fc db f1 scne\.l r15
48: fc db 01 scne\.l r0
4b: fc db f1 scne\.l r15
4e: fc db 05 scleu\.l r0
51: fc db f5 scleu\.l r15
54: fc db 07 scn\.l r0
57: fc db f7 scn\.l r15
5a: fc db 09 sclt\.l r0
5d: fc db f9 sclt\.l r15
60: fc db 0b scle\.l r0
63: fc db fb scle\.l r15
66: fc db 0d scno\.l r0
69: fc db fd scno\.l r15
6c: fc d0 02 scc\.b \[r0\]
6f: fc d0 f2 scc\.b \[r15\]
72: fc d1 02 fc scc\.b 252\[r0\]
76: fc d1 f2 fc scc\.b 252\[r15\]
7a: fc d2 02 fc ff scc\.b 65532\[r0\]
7f: fc d2 f2 fc ff scc\.b 65532\[r15\]
84: fc d4 02 scc\.w \[r0\]
87: fc d4 f2 scc\.w \[r15\]
8a: fc d5 02 7e scc\.w 252\[r0\]
8e: fc d5 f2 7e scc\.w 252\[r15\]
92: fc d6 02 fe 7f scc\.w 65532\[r0\]
97: fc d6 f2 fe 7f scc\.w 65532\[r15\]
9c: fc d8 02 scc\.l \[r0\]
9f: fc d8 f2 scc\.l \[r15\]
a2: fc d9 02 3f scc\.l 252\[r0\]
a6: fc d9 f2 3f scc\.l 252\[r15\]
aa: fc da 02 ff 3f scc\.l 65532\[r0\]
af: fc da f2 ff 3f scc\.l 65532\[r15\]
b4: fc d0 02 scc\.b \[r0\]
b7: fc d0 f2 scc\.b \[r15\]
ba: fc d1 02 fc scc\.b 252\[r0\]
be: fc d1 f2 fc scc\.b 252\[r15\]
c2: fc d2 02 fc ff scc\.b 65532\[r0\]
c7: fc d2 f2 fc ff scc\.b 65532\[r15\]
cc: fc d4 02 scc\.w \[r0\]
cf: fc d4 f2 scc\.w \[r15\]
d2: fc d5 02 7e scc\.w 252\[r0\]
d6: fc d5 f2 7e scc\.w 252\[r15\]
da: fc d6 02 fe 7f scc\.w 65532\[r0\]
df: fc d6 f2 fe 7f scc\.w 65532\[r15\]
e4: fc d8 02 scc\.l \[r0\]
e7: fc d8 f2 scc\.l \[r15\]
ea: fc d9 02 3f scc\.l 252\[r0\]
ee: fc d9 f2 3f scc\.l 252\[r15\]
f2: fc da 02 ff 3f scc\.l 65532\[r0\]
f7: fc da f2 ff 3f scc\.l 65532\[r15\]
fc: fc d0 00 sceq\.b \[r0\]
ff: fc d0 f0 sceq\.b \[r15\]
102: fc d1 00 fc sceq\.b 252\[r0\]
106: fc d1 f0 fc sceq\.b 252\[r15\]
10a: fc d2 00 fc ff sceq\.b 65532\[r0\]
10f: fc d2 f0 fc ff sceq\.b 65532\[r15\]
114: fc d4 00 sceq\.w \[r0\]
117: fc d4 f0 sceq\.w \[r15\]
11a: fc d5 00 7e sceq\.w 252\[r0\]
11e: fc d5 f0 7e sceq\.w 252\[r15\]
122: fc d6 00 fe 7f sceq\.w 65532\[r0\]
127: fc d6 f0 fe 7f sceq\.w 65532\[r15\]
12c: fc d8 00 sceq\.l \[r0\]
12f: fc d8 f0 sceq\.l \[r15\]
132: fc d9 00 3f sceq\.l 252\[r0\]
136: fc d9 f0 3f sceq\.l 252\[r15\]
13a: fc da 00 ff 3f sceq\.l 65532\[r0\]
13f: fc da f0 ff 3f sceq\.l 65532\[r15\]
144: fc d0 00 sceq\.b \[r0\]
147: fc d0 f0 sceq\.b \[r15\]
14a: fc d1 00 fc sceq\.b 252\[r0\]
14e: fc d1 f0 fc sceq\.b 252\[r15\]
152: fc d2 00 fc ff sceq\.b 65532\[r0\]
157: fc d2 f0 fc ff sceq\.b 65532\[r15\]
15c: fc d4 00 sceq\.w \[r0\]
15f: fc d4 f0 sceq\.w \[r15\]
162: fc d5 00 7e sceq\.w 252\[r0\]
166: fc d5 f0 7e sceq\.w 252\[r15\]
16a: fc d6 00 fe 7f sceq\.w 65532\[r0\]
16f: fc d6 f0 fe 7f sceq\.w 65532\[r15\]
174: fc d8 00 sceq\.l \[r0\]
177: fc d8 f0 sceq\.l \[r15\]
17a: fc d9 00 3f sceq\.l 252\[r0\]
17e: fc d9 f0 3f sceq\.l 252\[r15\]
182: fc da 00 ff 3f sceq\.l 65532\[r0\]
187: fc da f0 ff 3f sceq\.l 65532\[r15\]
18c: fc d0 04 scgtu\.b \[r0\]
18f: fc d0 f4 scgtu\.b \[r15\]
192: fc d1 04 fc scgtu\.b 252\[r0\]
196: fc d1 f4 fc scgtu\.b 252\[r15\]
19a: fc d2 04 fc ff scgtu\.b 65532\[r0\]
19f: fc d2 f4 fc ff scgtu\.b 65532\[r15\]
1a4: fc d4 04 scgtu\.w \[r0\]
1a7: fc d4 f4 scgtu\.w \[r15\]
1aa: fc d5 04 7e scgtu\.w 252\[r0\]
1ae: fc d5 f4 7e scgtu\.w 252\[r15\]
1b2: fc d6 04 fe 7f scgtu\.w 65532\[r0\]
1b7: fc d6 f4 fe 7f scgtu\.w 65532\[r15\]
1bc: fc d8 04 scgtu\.l \[r0\]
1bf: fc d8 f4 scgtu\.l \[r15\]
1c2: fc d9 04 3f scgtu\.l 252\[r0\]
1c6: fc d9 f4 3f scgtu\.l 252\[r15\]
1ca: fc da 04 ff 3f scgtu\.l 65532\[r0\]
1cf: fc da f4 ff 3f scgtu\.l 65532\[r15\]
1d4: fc d0 06 scpz\.b \[r0\]
1d7: fc d0 f6 scpz\.b \[r15\]
1da: fc d1 06 fc scpz\.b 252\[r0\]
1de: fc d1 f6 fc scpz\.b 252\[r15\]
1e2: fc d2 06 fc ff scpz\.b 65532\[r0\]
1e7: fc d2 f6 fc ff scpz\.b 65532\[r15\]
1ec: fc d4 06 scpz\.w \[r0\]
1ef: fc d4 f6 scpz\.w \[r15\]
1f2: fc d5 06 7e scpz\.w 252\[r0\]
1f6: fc d5 f6 7e scpz\.w 252\[r15\]
1fa: fc d6 06 fe 7f scpz\.w 65532\[r0\]
1ff: fc d6 f6 fe 7f scpz\.w 65532\[r15\]
204: fc d8 06 scpz\.l \[r0\]
207: fc d8 f6 scpz\.l \[r15\]
20a: fc d9 06 3f scpz\.l 252\[r0\]
20e: fc d9 f6 3f scpz\.l 252\[r15\]
212: fc da 06 ff 3f scpz\.l 65532\[r0\]
217: fc da f6 ff 3f scpz\.l 65532\[r15\]
21c: fc d0 08 scge\.b \[r0\]
21f: fc d0 f8 scge\.b \[r15\]
222: fc d1 08 fc scge\.b 252\[r0\]
226: fc d1 f8 fc scge\.b 252\[r15\]
22a: fc d2 08 fc ff scge\.b 65532\[r0\]
22f: fc d2 f8 fc ff scge\.b 65532\[r15\]
234: fc d4 08 scge\.w \[r0\]
237: fc d4 f8 scge\.w \[r15\]
23a: fc d5 08 7e scge\.w 252\[r0\]
23e: fc d5 f8 7e scge\.w 252\[r15\]
242: fc d6 08 fe 7f scge\.w 65532\[r0\]
247: fc d6 f8 fe 7f scge\.w 65532\[r15\]
24c: fc d8 08 scge\.l \[r0\]
24f: fc d8 f8 scge\.l \[r15\]
252: fc d9 08 3f scge\.l 252\[r0\]
256: fc d9 f8 3f scge\.l 252\[r15\]
25a: fc da 08 ff 3f scge\.l 65532\[r0\]
25f: fc da f8 ff 3f scge\.l 65532\[r15\]
264: fc d0 0a scgt\.b \[r0\]
267: fc d0 fa scgt\.b \[r15\]
26a: fc d1 0a fc scgt\.b 252\[r0\]
26e: fc d1 fa fc scgt\.b 252\[r15\]
272: fc d2 0a fc ff scgt\.b 65532\[r0\]
277: fc d2 fa fc ff scgt\.b 65532\[r15\]
27c: fc d4 0a scgt\.w \[r0\]
27f: fc d4 fa scgt\.w \[r15\]
282: fc d5 0a 7e scgt\.w 252\[r0\]
286: fc d5 fa 7e scgt\.w 252\[r15\]
28a: fc d6 0a fe 7f scgt\.w 65532\[r0\]
28f: fc d6 fa fe 7f scgt\.w 65532\[r15\]
294: fc d8 0a scgt\.l \[r0\]
297: fc d8 fa scgt\.l \[r15\]
29a: fc d9 0a 3f scgt\.l 252\[r0\]
29e: fc d9 fa 3f scgt\.l 252\[r15\]
2a2: fc da 0a ff 3f scgt\.l 65532\[r0\]
2a7: fc da fa ff 3f scgt\.l 65532\[r15\]
2ac: fc d0 0c sco\.b \[r0\]
2af: fc d0 fc sco\.b \[r15\]
2b2: fc d1 0c fc sco\.b 252\[r0\]
2b6: fc d1 fc fc sco\.b 252\[r15\]
2ba: fc d2 0c fc ff sco\.b 65532\[r0\]
2bf: fc d2 fc fc ff sco\.b 65532\[r15\]
2c4: fc d4 0c sco\.w \[r0\]
2c7: fc d4 fc sco\.w \[r15\]
2ca: fc d5 0c 7e sco\.w 252\[r0\]
2ce: fc d5 fc 7e sco\.w 252\[r15\]
2d2: fc d6 0c fe 7f sco\.w 65532\[r0\]
2d7: fc d6 fc fe 7f sco\.w 65532\[r15\]
2dc: fc d8 0c sco\.l \[r0\]
2df: fc d8 fc sco\.l \[r15\]
2e2: fc d9 0c 3f sco\.l 252\[r0\]
2e6: fc d9 fc 3f sco\.l 252\[r15\]
2ea: fc da 0c ff 3f sco\.l 65532\[r0\]
2ef: fc da fc ff 3f sco\.l 65532\[r15\]
2f4: fc d0 03 scnc\.b \[r0\]
2f7: fc d0 f3 scnc\.b \[r15\]
2fa: fc d1 03 fc scnc\.b 252\[r0\]
2fe: fc d1 f3 fc scnc\.b 252\[r15\]
302: fc d2 03 fc ff scnc\.b 65532\[r0\]
307: fc d2 f3 fc ff scnc\.b 65532\[r15\]
30c: fc d4 03 scnc\.w \[r0\]
30f: fc d4 f3 scnc\.w \[r15\]
312: fc d5 03 7e scnc\.w 252\[r0\]
316: fc d5 f3 7e scnc\.w 252\[r15\]
31a: fc d6 03 fe 7f scnc\.w 65532\[r0\]
31f: fc d6 f3 fe 7f scnc\.w 65532\[r15\]
324: fc d8 03 scnc\.l \[r0\]
327: fc d8 f3 scnc\.l \[r15\]
32a: fc d9 03 3f scnc\.l 252\[r0\]
32e: fc d9 f3 3f scnc\.l 252\[r15\]
332: fc da 03 ff 3f scnc\.l 65532\[r0\]
337: fc da f3 ff 3f scnc\.l 65532\[r15\]
33c: fc d0 03 scnc\.b \[r0\]
33f: fc d0 f3 scnc\.b \[r15\]
342: fc d1 03 fc scnc\.b 252\[r0\]
346: fc d1 f3 fc scnc\.b 252\[r15\]
34a: fc d2 03 fc ff scnc\.b 65532\[r0\]
34f: fc d2 f3 fc ff scnc\.b 65532\[r15\]
354: fc d4 03 scnc\.w \[r0\]
357: fc d4 f3 scnc\.w \[r15\]
35a: fc d5 03 7e scnc\.w 252\[r0\]
35e: fc d5 f3 7e scnc\.w 252\[r15\]
362: fc d6 03 fe 7f scnc\.w 65532\[r0\]
367: fc d6 f3 fe 7f scnc\.w 65532\[r15\]
36c: fc d8 03 scnc\.l \[r0\]
36f: fc d8 f3 scnc\.l \[r15\]
372: fc d9 03 3f scnc\.l 252\[r0\]
376: fc d9 f3 3f scnc\.l 252\[r15\]
37a: fc da 03 ff 3f scnc\.l 65532\[r0\]
37f: fc da f3 ff 3f scnc\.l 65532\[r15\]
384: fc d0 01 scne\.b \[r0\]
387: fc d0 f1 scne\.b \[r15\]
38a: fc d1 01 fc scne\.b 252\[r0\]
38e: fc d1 f1 fc scne\.b 252\[r15\]
392: fc d2 01 fc ff scne\.b 65532\[r0\]
397: fc d2 f1 fc ff scne\.b 65532\[r15\]
39c: fc d4 01 scne\.w \[r0\]
39f: fc d4 f1 scne\.w \[r15\]
3a2: fc d5 01 7e scne\.w 252\[r0\]
3a6: fc d5 f1 7e scne\.w 252\[r15\]
3aa: fc d6 01 fe 7f scne\.w 65532\[r0\]
3af: fc d6 f1 fe 7f scne\.w 65532\[r15\]
3b4: fc d8 01 scne\.l \[r0\]
3b7: fc d8 f1 scne\.l \[r15\]
3ba: fc d9 01 3f scne\.l 252\[r0\]
3be: fc d9 f1 3f scne\.l 252\[r15\]
3c2: fc da 01 ff 3f scne\.l 65532\[r0\]
3c7: fc da f1 ff 3f scne\.l 65532\[r15\]
3cc: fc d0 01 scne\.b \[r0\]
3cf: fc d0 f1 scne\.b \[r15\]
3d2: fc d1 01 fc scne\.b 252\[r0\]
3d6: fc d1 f1 fc scne\.b 252\[r15\]
3da: fc d2 01 fc ff scne\.b 65532\[r0\]
3df: fc d2 f1 fc ff scne\.b 65532\[r15\]
3e4: fc d4 01 scne\.w \[r0\]
3e7: fc d4 f1 scne\.w \[r15\]
3ea: fc d5 01 7e scne\.w 252\[r0\]
3ee: fc d5 f1 7e scne\.w 252\[r15\]
3f2: fc d6 01 fe 7f scne\.w 65532\[r0\]
3f7: fc d6 f1 fe 7f scne\.w 65532\[r15\]
3fc: fc d8 01 scne\.l \[r0\]
3ff: fc d8 f1 scne\.l \[r15\]
402: fc d9 01 3f scne\.l 252\[r0\]
406: fc d9 f1 3f scne\.l 252\[r15\]
40a: fc da 01 ff 3f scne\.l 65532\[r0\]
40f: fc da f1 ff 3f scne\.l 65532\[r15\]
414: fc d0 05 scleu\.b \[r0\]
417: fc d0 f5 scleu\.b \[r15\]
41a: fc d1 05 fc scleu\.b 252\[r0\]
41e: fc d1 f5 fc scleu\.b 252\[r15\]
422: fc d2 05 fc ff scleu\.b 65532\[r0\]
427: fc d2 f5 fc ff scleu\.b 65532\[r15\]
42c: fc d4 05 scleu\.w \[r0\]
42f: fc d4 f5 scleu\.w \[r15\]
432: fc d5 05 7e scleu\.w 252\[r0\]
436: fc d5 f5 7e scleu\.w 252\[r15\]
43a: fc d6 05 fe 7f scleu\.w 65532\[r0\]
43f: fc d6 f5 fe 7f scleu\.w 65532\[r15\]
444: fc d8 05 scleu\.l \[r0\]
447: fc d8 f5 scleu\.l \[r15\]
44a: fc d9 05 3f scleu\.l 252\[r0\]
44e: fc d9 f5 3f scleu\.l 252\[r15\]
452: fc da 05 ff 3f scleu\.l 65532\[r0\]
457: fc da f5 ff 3f scleu\.l 65532\[r15\]
45c: fc d0 07 scn\.b \[r0\]
45f: fc d0 f7 scn\.b \[r15\]
462: fc d1 07 fc scn\.b 252\[r0\]
466: fc d1 f7 fc scn\.b 252\[r15\]
46a: fc d2 07 fc ff scn\.b 65532\[r0\]
46f: fc d2 f7 fc ff scn\.b 65532\[r15\]
474: fc d4 07 scn\.w \[r0\]
477: fc d4 f7 scn\.w \[r15\]
47a: fc d5 07 7e scn\.w 252\[r0\]
47e: fc d5 f7 7e scn\.w 252\[r15\]
482: fc d6 07 fe 7f scn\.w 65532\[r0\]
487: fc d6 f7 fe 7f scn\.w 65532\[r15\]
48c: fc d8 07 scn\.l \[r0\]
48f: fc d8 f7 scn\.l \[r15\]
492: fc d9 07 3f scn\.l 252\[r0\]
496: fc d9 f7 3f scn\.l 252\[r15\]
49a: fc da 07 ff 3f scn\.l 65532\[r0\]
49f: fc da f7 ff 3f scn\.l 65532\[r15\]
4a4: fc d0 09 sclt\.b \[r0\]
4a7: fc d0 f9 sclt\.b \[r15\]
4aa: fc d1 09 fc sclt\.b 252\[r0\]
4ae: fc d1 f9 fc sclt\.b 252\[r15\]
4b2: fc d2 09 fc ff sclt\.b 65532\[r0\]
4b7: fc d2 f9 fc ff sclt\.b 65532\[r15\]
4bc: fc d4 09 sclt\.w \[r0\]
4bf: fc d4 f9 sclt\.w \[r15\]
4c2: fc d5 09 7e sclt\.w 252\[r0\]
4c6: fc d5 f9 7e sclt\.w 252\[r15\]
4ca: fc d6 09 fe 7f sclt\.w 65532\[r0\]
4cf: fc d6 f9 fe 7f sclt\.w 65532\[r15\]
4d4: fc d8 09 sclt\.l \[r0\]
4d7: fc d8 f9 sclt\.l \[r15\]
4da: fc d9 09 3f sclt\.l 252\[r0\]
4de: fc d9 f9 3f sclt\.l 252\[r15\]
4e2: fc da 09 ff 3f sclt\.l 65532\[r0\]
4e7: fc da f9 ff 3f sclt\.l 65532\[r15\]
4ec: fc d0 0b scle\.b \[r0\]
4ef: fc d0 fb scle\.b \[r15\]
4f2: fc d1 0b fc scle\.b 252\[r0\]
4f6: fc d1 fb fc scle\.b 252\[r15\]
4fa: fc d2 0b fc ff scle\.b 65532\[r0\]
4ff: fc d2 fb fc ff scle\.b 65532\[r15\]
504: fc d4 0b scle\.w \[r0\]
507: fc d4 fb scle\.w \[r15\]
50a: fc d5 0b 7e scle\.w 252\[r0\]
50e: fc d5 fb 7e scle\.w 252\[r15\]
512: fc d6 0b fe 7f scle\.w 65532\[r0\]
517: fc d6 fb fe 7f scle\.w 65532\[r15\]
51c: fc d8 0b scle\.l \[r0\]
51f: fc d8 fb scle\.l \[r15\]
522: fc d9 0b 3f scle\.l 252\[r0\]
526: fc d9 fb 3f scle\.l 252\[r15\]
52a: fc da 0b ff 3f scle\.l 65532\[r0\]
52f: fc da fb ff 3f scle\.l 65532\[r15\]
534: fc d0 0d scno\.b \[r0\]
537: fc d0 fd scno\.b \[r15\]
53a: fc d1 0d fc scno\.b 252\[r0\]
53e: fc d1 fd fc scno\.b 252\[r15\]
542: fc d2 0d fc ff scno\.b 65532\[r0\]
547: fc d2 fd fc ff scno\.b 65532\[r15\]
54c: fc d4 0d scno\.w \[r0\]
54f: fc d4 fd scno\.w \[r15\]
552: fc d5 0d 7e scno\.w 252\[r0\]
556: fc d5 fd 7e scno\.w 252\[r15\]
55a: fc d6 0d fe 7f scno\.w 65532\[r0\]
55f: fc d6 fd fe 7f scno\.w 65532\[r15\]
564: fc d8 0d scno\.l \[r0\]
567: fc d8 fd scno\.l \[r15\]
56a: fc d9 0d 3f scno\.l 252\[r0\]
56e: fc d9 fd 3f scno\.l 252\[r15\]
572: fc da 0d ff 3f scno\.l 65532\[r0\]
577: fc da fd ff 3f scno\.l 65532\[r15\]
0,0 → 1,368
stnz #{imm},{reg}
0,0 → 1,3
fsub #{imm32},{reg}
fsub {reg},{reg}
fsub {mem}.L,{reg}
0,0 → 1,9
#objdump: -dr
dump\.o: file format .*
Disassembly of section \.text:
00000000 <\.text>:
0: 03 nop
0,0 → 1,10
#objdump: -dr
dump\.o: file format .*
Disassembly of section \.text:
00000000 <\.text>:
0: 7e b0 pop r0
2: 7e bf pop r15
0,0 → 1,7
and #{uimm4},{reg}
and #{imm},{reg}
and {reg},{reg}
and {memx},{reg}
and {reg},{reg},{reg}
0,0 → 1,10
#objdump: -dr
dump\.o: file format .*
Disassembly of section \.text:
00000000 <\.text>:
0: 7f 10 jsr r0
2: 7f 1f jsr r15
0,0 → 1,3
fmul #{imm32},{reg}
fmul {reg},{reg}
fmul {mem}.L,{reg}
0,0 → 1,14
#objdump: -dr
dump\.o: file format .*
Disassembly of section \.text:
00000000 <\.text>:
0: 7e 00 not r0
2: 7e 0f not r15
4: fc 3b 00 not r0, r0
7: fc 3b 0f not r0, r15
a: fc 3b f0 not r15, r0
d: fc 3b ff not r15, r15
0,0 → 1,17
#objdump: -dr
dump\.o: file format .*
Disassembly of section \.text:
00000000 <\.text>:
0: 7e e0 popc psw
2: 7e e3 popc fpsw
4: 7e e2 popc usp
6: 7e ea popc isp
8: 7e ec popc intb
a: 7e e8 popc bpsw
c: 7e e9 popc bpc
e: 7e eb popc fintv
0,0 → 1,476
#objdump: -dr
dump\.o: file format .*
Disassembly of section \.text:
00000000 <\.text>:
0: 81 00 mov\.b r0, 4\[r0\]
2: 81 70 mov\.b r0, 4\[r7\]
4: 87 00 mov\.b r0, 28\[r0\]
6: 87 70 mov\.b r0, 28\[r7\]
8: 81 07 mov\.b r7, 4\[r0\]
a: 81 77 mov\.b r7, 4\[r7\]
c: 87 07 mov\.b r7, 28\[r0\]
e: 87 77 mov\.b r7, 28\[r7\]
10: 90 80 mov\.w r0, 4\[r0\]
12: 90 f0 mov\.w r0, 4\[r7\]
14: 93 80 mov\.w r0, 28\[r0\]
16: 93 f0 mov\.w r0, 28\[r7\]
18: 90 87 mov\.w r7, 4\[r0\]
1a: 90 f7 mov\.w r7, 4\[r7\]
1c: 93 87 mov\.w r7, 28\[r0\]
1e: 93 f7 mov\.w r7, 28\[r7\]
20: a0 08 mov\.l r0, 4\[r0\]
22: a0 78 mov\.l r0, 4\[r7\]
24: a1 88 mov\.l r0, 28\[r0\]
26: a1 f8 mov\.l r0, 28\[r7\]
28: a0 0f mov\.l r7, 4\[r0\]
2a: a0 7f mov\.l r7, 4\[r7\]
2c: a1 8f mov\.l r7, 28\[r0\]
2e: a1 ff mov\.l r7, 28\[r7\]
30: 89 00 mov\.b 4\[r0\], r0
32: 89 07 mov\.b 4\[r0\], r7
34: 89 70 mov\.b 4\[r7\], r0
36: 89 77 mov\.b 4\[r7\], r7
38: 8f 00 mov\.b 28\[r0\], r0
3a: 8f 07 mov\.b 28\[r0\], r7
3c: 8f 70 mov\.b 28\[r7\], r0
3e: 8f 77 mov\.b 28\[r7\], r7
40: 98 80 mov\.w 4\[r0\], r0
42: 98 87 mov\.w 4\[r0\], r7
44: 98 f0 mov\.w 4\[r7\], r0
46: 98 f7 mov\.w 4\[r7\], r7
48: 9b 80 mov\.w 28\[r0\], r0
4a: 9b 87 mov\.w 28\[r0\], r7
4c: 9b f0 mov\.w 28\[r7\], r0
4e: 9b f7 mov\.w 28\[r7\], r7
50: a8 08 mov\.l 4\[r0\], r0
52: a8 0f mov\.l 4\[r0\], r7
54: a8 78 mov\.l 4\[r7\], r0
56: a8 7f mov\.l 4\[r7\], r7
58: a9 88 mov\.l 28\[r0\], r0
5a: a9 8f mov\.l 28\[r0\], r7
5c: a9 f8 mov\.l 28\[r7\], r0
5e: a9 ff mov\.l 28\[r7\], r7
60: 66 00 mov\.l #0, r0
62: 66 0f mov\.l #0, r15
64: 66 f0 mov\.l #15, r0
66: 66 ff mov\.l #15, r15
68: f9 04 04 80 mov\.b #-128, 4\[r0\]
6c: f9 74 04 80 mov\.b #-128, 4\[r7\]
70: f9 04 1c 80 mov\.b #-128, 28\[r0\]
74: f9 74 1c 80 mov\.b #-128, 28\[r7\]
78: 3c 04 7f mov\.b #127, 4\[r0\]
7b: 3c 74 7f mov\.b #127, 4\[r7\]
7e: 3c 8c 7f mov\.b #127, 28\[r0\]
81: 3c fc 7f mov\.b #127, 28\[r7\]
84: 3d 02 00 mov\.w #0, 4\[r0\]
87: 3d 72 00 mov\.w #0, 4\[r7\]
8a: 3d 0e 00 mov\.w #0, 28\[r0\]
8d: 3d 7e 00 mov\.w #0, 28\[r7\]
90: 3d 02 ff mov\.w #255, 4\[r0\]
93: 3d 72 ff mov\.w #255, 4\[r7\]
96: 3d 0e ff mov\.w #255, 28\[r0\]
99: 3d 7e ff mov\.w #255, 28\[r7\]
9c: 3e 01 00 mov\.l #0, 4\[r0\]
9f: 3e 71 00 mov\.l #0, 4\[r7\]
a2: 3e 07 00 mov\.l #0, 28\[r0\]
a5: 3e 77 00 mov\.l #0, 28\[r7\]
a8: 3e 01 ff mov\.l #255, 4\[r0\]
ab: 3e 71 ff mov\.l #255, 4\[r7\]
ae: 3e 07 ff mov\.l #255, 28\[r0\]
b1: 3e 77 ff mov\.l #255, 28\[r7\]
b4: 66 00 mov\.l #0, r0
b6: 66 0f mov\.l #0, r15
b8: 75 40 ff mov\.l #255, r0
bb: 75 4f ff mov\.l #255, r15
be: fb 06 80 mov\.l #-128, r0
c1: fb f6 80 mov\.l #-128, r15
c4: 75 40 7f mov\.l #127, r0
c7: 75 4f 7f mov\.l #127, r15
ca: fb 0a 00 80 mov\.l #0xffff8000, r0
ce: fb fa 00 80 mov\.l #0xffff8000, r15
d2: fb 0e 00 80 00 mov\.l #0x8000, r0
d7: fb fe 00 80 00 mov\.l #0x8000, r15
dc: fb 0e 00 00 80 mov\.l #0xff800000, r0
e1: fb fe 00 00 80 mov\.l #0xff800000, r15
e6: fb 0e ff ff 7f mov\.l #0x7fffff, r0
eb: fb fe ff ff 7f mov\.l #0x7fffff, r15
f0: fb 02 00 00 00 80 mov\.l #0x80000000, r0
f6: fb f2 00 00 00 80 mov\.l #0x80000000, r15
fc: fb 02 ff ff ff 7f mov\.l #0x7fffffff, r0
102: fb f2 ff ff ff 7f mov\.l #0x7fffffff, r15
108: cf 10 mov\.b r1, r0
10a: cf 1f mov\.b r1, r15
10c: cf f0 mov\.b r15, r0
10e: cf ff mov\.b r15, r15
110: df 10 mov\.w r1, r0
112: df 1f mov\.w r1, r15
114: df f0 mov\.w r15, r0
116: df ff mov\.w r15, r15
118: ef 10 mov\.l r1, r0
11a: ef 1f mov\.l r1, r15
11c: ef f0 mov\.l r15, r0
11e: ef ff mov\.l r15, r15
120: 3c 00 00 mov\.b #0, \[r0\]
123: f8 f4 00 mov\.b #0, \[r15\]
126: f9 04 fc 00 mov\.b #0, 252\[r0\]
12a: f9 f4 fc 00 mov\.b #0, 252\[r15\]
12e: fa 04 fc ff 00 mov\.b #0, 65532\[r0\]
133: fa f4 fc ff 00 mov\.b #0, 65532\[r15\]
138: 3c 00 ff mov\.b #255, \[r0\]
13b: f8 f4 ff mov\.b #-1, \[r15\]
13e: f9 04 fc ff mov\.b #-1, 252\[r0\]
142: f9 f4 fc ff mov\.b #-1, 252\[r15\]
146: fa 04 fc ff ff mov\.b #-1, 65532\[r0\]
14b: fa f4 fc ff ff mov\.b #-1, 65532\[r15\]
150: f8 05 80 mov\.w #-128, \[r0\]
153: f8 f5 80 mov\.w #-128, \[r15\]
156: f9 05 7e 80 mov\.w #-128, 252\[r0\]
15a: f9 f5 7e 80 mov\.w #-128, 252\[r15\]
15e: fa 05 fe 7f 80 mov\.w #-128, 65532\[r0\]
163: fa f5 fe 7f 80 mov\.w #-128, 65532\[r15\]
168: 3d 00 7f mov\.w #127, \[r0\]
16b: f8 f5 7f mov\.w #127, \[r15\]
16e: f9 05 7e 7f mov\.w #127, 252\[r0\]
172: f9 f5 7e 7f mov\.w #127, 252\[r15\]
176: fa 05 fe 7f 7f mov\.w #127, 65532\[r0\]
17b: fa f5 fe 7f 7f mov\.w #127, 65532\[r15\]
180: 3d 00 00 mov\.w #0, \[r0\]
183: f8 f5 00 mov\.w #0, \[r15\]
186: f9 05 7e 00 mov\.w #0, 252\[r0\]
18a: f9 f5 7e 00 mov\.w #0, 252\[r15\]
18e: fa 05 fe 7f 00 mov\.w #0, 65532\[r0\]
193: fa f5 fe 7f 00 mov\.w #0, 65532\[r15\]
198: f8 0d ff ff 00 mov\.w #0xffff, \[r0\]
19d: f8 fd ff ff 00 mov\.w #0xffff, \[r15\]
1a2: f9 0d 7e ff ff 00 mov\.w #0xffff, 252\[r0\]
1a8: f9 fd 7e ff ff 00 mov\.w #0xffff, 252\[r15\]
1ae: fa 0d fe 7f ff ff 00 mov\.w #0xffff, 65532\[r0\]
1b5: fa fd fe 7f ff ff 00 mov\.w #0xffff, 65532\[r15\]
1bc: f8 06 80 mov\.l #-128, \[r0\]
1bf: f8 f6 80 mov\.l #-128, \[r15\]
1c2: f9 06 3f 80 mov\.l #-128, 252\[r0\]
1c6: f9 f6 3f 80 mov\.l #-128, 252\[r15\]
1ca: fa 06 ff 3f 80 mov\.l #-128, 65532\[r0\]
1cf: fa f6 ff 3f 80 mov\.l #-128, 65532\[r15\]
1d4: 3e 00 7f mov\.l #127, \[r0\]
1d7: f8 f6 7f mov\.l #127, \[r15\]
1da: f9 06 3f 7f mov\.l #127, 252\[r0\]
1de: f9 f6 3f 7f mov\.l #127, 252\[r15\]
1e2: fa 06 ff 3f 7f mov\.l #127, 65532\[r0\]
1e7: fa f6 ff 3f 7f mov\.l #127, 65532\[r15\]
1ec: f8 0a 00 80 mov\.l #0xffff8000, \[r0\]
1f0: f8 fa 00 80 mov\.l #0xffff8000, \[r15\]
1f4: f9 0a 3f 00 80 mov\.l #0xffff8000, 252\[r0\]
1f9: f9 fa 3f 00 80 mov\.l #0xffff8000, 252\[r15\]
1fe: fa 0a ff 3f 00 80 mov\.l #0xffff8000, 65532\[r0\]
204: fa fa ff 3f 00 80 mov\.l #0xffff8000, 65532\[r15\]
20a: f8 0e 00 80 00 mov\.l #0x8000, \[r0\]
20f: f8 fe 00 80 00 mov\.l #0x8000, \[r15\]
214: f9 0e 3f 00 80 00 mov\.l #0x8000, 252\[r0\]
21a: f9 fe 3f 00 80 00 mov\.l #0x8000, 252\[r15\]
220: fa 0e ff 3f 00 80 00 mov\.l #0x8000, 65532\[r0\]
227: fa fe ff 3f 00 80 00 mov\.l #0x8000, 65532\[r15\]
22e: f8 0e 00 00 80 mov\.l #0xff800000, \[r0\]
233: f8 fe 00 00 80 mov\.l #0xff800000, \[r15\]
238: f9 0e 3f 00 00 80 mov\.l #0xff800000, 252\[r0\]
23e: f9 fe 3f 00 00 80 mov\.l #0xff800000, 252\[r15\]
244: fa 0e ff 3f 00 00 80 mov\.l #0xff800000, 65532\[r0\]
24b: fa fe ff 3f 00 00 80 mov\.l #0xff800000, 65532\[r15\]
252: f8 0e ff ff 7f mov\.l #0x7fffff, \[r0\]
257: f8 fe ff ff 7f mov\.l #0x7fffff, \[r15\]
25c: f9 0e 3f ff ff 7f mov\.l #0x7fffff, 252\[r0\]
262: f9 fe 3f ff ff 7f mov\.l #0x7fffff, 252\[r15\]
268: fa 0e ff 3f ff ff 7f mov\.l #0x7fffff, 65532\[r0\]
26f: fa fe ff 3f ff ff 7f mov\.l #0x7fffff, 65532\[r15\]
276: f8 02 00 00 00 80 mov\.l #0x80000000, \[r0\]
27c: f8 f2 00 00 00 80 mov\.l #0x80000000, \[r15\]
282: f9 02 3f 00 00 00 80 mov\.l #0x80000000, 252\[r0\]
289: f9 f2 3f 00 00 00 80 mov\.l #0x80000000, 252\[r15\]
290: fa 02 ff 3f 00 00 00 80 mov\.l #0x80000000, 65532\[r0\]
298: fa f2 ff 3f 00 00 00 80 mov\.l #0x80000000, 65532\[r15\]
2a0: f8 02 ff ff ff 7f mov\.l #0x7fffffff, \[r0\]
2a6: f8 f2 ff ff ff 7f mov\.l #0x7fffffff, \[r15\]
2ac: f9 02 3f ff ff ff 7f mov\.l #0x7fffffff, 252\[r0\]
2b3: f9 f2 3f ff ff ff 7f mov\.l #0x7fffffff, 252\[r15\]
2ba: fa 02 ff 3f ff ff ff 7f mov\.l #0x7fffffff, 65532\[r0\]
2c2: fa f2 ff 3f ff ff ff 7f mov\.l #0x7fffffff, 65532\[r15\]
2ca: cc 00 mov\.b \[r0\], r0
2cc: cc 0f mov\.b \[r0\], r15
2ce: cc f0 mov\.b \[r15\], r0
2d0: cc ff mov\.b \[r15\], r15
2d2: cd 00 fc mov\.b 252\[r0\], r0
2d5: cd 0f fc mov\.b 252\[r0\], r15
2d8: cd f0 fc mov\.b 252\[r15\], r0
2db: cd ff fc mov\.b 252\[r15\], r15
2de: ce 00 fc ff mov\.b 65532\[r0\], r0
2e2: ce 0f fc ff mov\.b 65532\[r0\], r15
2e6: ce f0 fc ff mov\.b 65532\[r15\], r0
2ea: ce ff fc ff mov\.b 65532\[r15\], r15
2ee: dc 00 mov\.w \[r0\], r0
2f0: dc 0f mov\.w \[r0\], r15
2f2: dc f0 mov\.w \[r15\], r0
2f4: dc ff mov\.w \[r15\], r15
2f6: dd 00 7e mov\.w 252\[r0\], r0
2f9: dd 0f 7e mov\.w 252\[r0\], r15
2fc: dd f0 7e mov\.w 252\[r15\], r0
2ff: dd ff 7e mov\.w 252\[r15\], r15
302: de 00 fe 7f mov\.w 65532\[r0\], r0
306: de 0f fe 7f mov\.w 65532\[r0\], r15
30a: de f0 fe 7f mov\.w 65532\[r15\], r0
30e: de ff fe 7f mov\.w 65532\[r15\], r15
312: ec 00 mov\.l \[r0\], r0
314: ec 0f mov\.l \[r0\], r15
316: ec f0 mov\.l \[r15\], r0
318: ec ff mov\.l \[r15\], r15
31a: ed 00 3f mov\.l 252\[r0\], r0
31d: ed 0f 3f mov\.l 252\[r0\], r15
320: ed f0 3f mov\.l 252\[r15\], r0
323: ed ff 3f mov\.l 252\[r15\], r15
326: ee 00 ff 3f mov\.l 65532\[r0\], r0
32a: ee 0f ff 3f mov\.l 65532\[r0\], r15
32e: ee f0 ff 3f mov\.l 65532\[r15\], r0
332: ee ff ff 3f mov\.l 65532\[r15\], r15
336: fe 40 00 mov\.b \[r0, r0\], r0
339: fe 40 0f mov\.b \[r0, r0\], r15
33c: fe 40 f0 mov\.b \[r0, r15\], r0
33f: fe 40 ff mov\.b \[r0, r15\], r15
342: fe 4f 00 mov\.b \[r15, r0\], r0
345: fe 4f 0f mov\.b \[r15, r0\], r15
348: fe 4f f0 mov\.b \[r15, r15\], r0
34b: fe 4f ff mov\.b \[r15, r15\], r15
34e: fe 50 00 mov\.w \[r0, r0\], r0
351: fe 50 0f mov\.w \[r0, r0\], r15
354: fe 50 f0 mov\.w \[r0, r15\], r0
357: fe 50 ff mov\.w \[r0, r15\], r15
35a: fe 5f 00 mov\.w \[r15, r0\], r0
35d: fe 5f 0f mov\.w \[r15, r0\], r15
360: fe 5f f0 mov\.w \[r15, r15\], r0
363: fe 5f ff mov\.w \[r15, r15\], r15
366: fe 60 00 mov\.l \[r0, r0\], r0
369: fe 60 0f mov\.l \[r0, r0\], r15
36c: fe 60 f0 mov\.l \[r0, r15\], r0
36f: fe 60 ff mov\.l \[r0, r15\], r15
372: fe 6f 00 mov\.l \[r15, r0\], r0
375: fe 6f 0f mov\.l \[r15, r0\], r15
378: fe 6f f0 mov\.l \[r15, r15\], r0
37b: fe 6f ff mov\.l \[r15, r15\], r15
37e: c3 01 mov\.b r1, \[r0\]
380: c3 f1 mov\.b r1, \[r15\]
382: c7 01 fc mov\.b r1, 252\[r0\]
385: c7 f1 fc mov\.b r1, 252\[r15\]
388: cb 01 fc ff mov\.b r1, 65532\[r0\]
38c: cb f1 fc ff mov\.b r1, 65532\[r15\]
390: c3 0f mov\.b r15, \[r0\]
392: c3 ff mov\.b r15, \[r15\]
394: c7 0f fc mov\.b r15, 252\[r0\]
397: c7 ff fc mov\.b r15, 252\[r15\]
39a: cb 0f fc ff mov\.b r15, 65532\[r0\]
39e: cb ff fc ff mov\.b r15, 65532\[r15\]
3a2: d3 01 mov\.w r1, \[r0\]
3a4: d3 f1 mov\.w r1, \[r15\]
3a6: d7 01 7e mov\.w r1, 252\[r0\]
3a9: d7 f1 7e mov\.w r1, 252\[r15\]
3ac: db 01 fe 7f mov\.w r1, 65532\[r0\]
3b0: db f1 fe 7f mov\.w r1, 65532\[r15\]
3b4: d3 0f mov\.w r15, \[r0\]
3b6: d3 ff mov\.w r15, \[r15\]
3b8: d7 0f 7e mov\.w r15, 252\[r0\]
3bb: d7 ff 7e mov\.w r15, 252\[r15\]
3be: db 0f fe 7f mov\.w r15, 65532\[r0\]
3c2: db ff fe 7f mov\.w r15, 65532\[r15\]
3c6: e3 01 mov\.l r1, \[r0\]
3c8: e3 f1 mov\.l r1, \[r15\]
3ca: e7 01 3f mov\.l r1, 252\[r0\]
3cd: e7 f1 3f mov\.l r1, 252\[r15\]
3d0: eb 01 ff 3f mov\.l r1, 65532\[r0\]
3d4: eb f1 ff 3f mov\.l r1, 65532\[r15\]
3d8: e3 0f mov\.l r15, \[r0\]
3da: e3 ff mov\.l r15, \[r15\]
3dc: e7 0f 3f mov\.l r15, 252\[r0\]
3df: e7 ff 3f mov\.l r15, 252\[r15\]
3e2: eb 0f ff 3f mov\.l r15, 65532\[r0\]
3e6: eb ff ff 3f mov\.l r15, 65532\[r15\]
3ea: fe 00 00 mov\.b r0, \[r0, r0\]
3ed: fe 00 f0 mov\.b r0, \[r0, r15\]
3f0: fe 0f 00 mov\.b r0, \[r15, r0\]
3f3: fe 0f f0 mov\.b r0, \[r15, r15\]
3f6: fe 00 0f mov\.b r15, \[r0, r0\]
3f9: fe 00 ff mov\.b r15, \[r0, r15\]
3fc: fe 0f 0f mov\.b r15, \[r15, r0\]
3ff: fe 0f ff mov\.b r15, \[r15, r15\]
402: fe 10 00 mov\.w r0, \[r0, r0\]
405: fe 10 f0 mov\.w r0, \[r0, r15\]
408: fe 1f 00 mov\.w r0, \[r15, r0\]
40b: fe 1f f0 mov\.w r0, \[r15, r15\]
40e: fe 10 0f mov\.w r15, \[r0, r0\]
411: fe 10 ff mov\.w r15, \[r0, r15\]
414: fe 1f 0f mov\.w r15, \[r15, r0\]
417: fe 1f ff mov\.w r15, \[r15, r15\]
41a: fe 20 00 mov\.l r0, \[r0, r0\]
41d: fe 20 f0 mov\.l r0, \[r0, r15\]
420: fe 2f 00 mov\.l r0, \[r15, r0\]
423: fe 2f f0 mov\.l r0, \[r15, r15\]
426: fe 20 0f mov\.l r15, \[r0, r0\]
429: fe 20 ff mov\.l r15, \[r0, r15\]
42c: fe 2f 0f mov\.l r15, \[r15, r0\]
42f: fe 2f ff mov\.l r15, \[r15, r15\]
432: c0 00 mov\.b \[r0\], \[r0\]
434: c0 0f mov\.b \[r0\], \[r15\]
436: c4 00 fc mov\.b \[r0\], 252\[r0\]
439: c4 0f fc mov\.b \[r0\], 252\[r15\]
43c: c8 00 fc ff mov\.b \[r0\], 65532\[r0\]
440: c8 0f fc ff mov\.b \[r0\], 65532\[r15\]
444: c0 f0 mov\.b \[r15\], \[r0\]
446: c0 ff mov\.b \[r15\], \[r15\]
448: c4 f0 fc mov\.b \[r15\], 252\[r0\]
44b: c4 ff fc mov\.b \[r15\], 252\[r15\]
44e: c8 f0 fc ff mov\.b \[r15\], 65532\[r0\]
452: c8 ff fc ff mov\.b \[r15\], 65532\[r15\]
456: c1 00 fc mov\.b 252\[r0\], \[r0\]
459: c1 0f fc mov\.b 252\[r0\], \[r15\]
45c: c5 00 fc fc mov\.b 252\[r0\], 252\[r0\]
460: c5 0f fc fc mov\.b 252\[r0\], 252\[r15\]
464: c9 00 fc fc ff mov\.b 252\[r0\], 65532\[r0\]
469: c9 0f fc fc ff mov\.b 252\[r0\], 65532\[r15\]
46e: c1 f0 fc mov\.b 252\[r15\], \[r0\]
471: c1 ff fc mov\.b 252\[r15\], \[r15\]
474: c5 f0 fc fc mov\.b 252\[r15\], 252\[r0\]
478: c5 ff fc fc mov\.b 252\[r15\], 252\[r15\]
47c: c9 f0 fc fc ff mov\.b 252\[r15\], 65532\[r0\]
481: c9 ff fc fc ff mov\.b 252\[r15\], 65532\[r15\]
486: c2 00 fc ff mov\.b 65532\[r0\], \[r0\]
48a: c2 0f fc ff mov\.b 65532\[r0\], \[r15\]
48e: c6 00 fc ff fc mov\.b 65532\[r0\], 252\[r0\]
493: c6 0f fc ff fc mov\.b 65532\[r0\], 252\[r15\]
498: ca 00 fc ff fc ff mov\.b 65532\[r0\], 65532\[r0\]
49e: ca 0f fc ff fc ff mov\.b 65532\[r0\], 65532\[r15\]
4a4: c2 f0 fc ff mov\.b 65532\[r15\], \[r0\]
4a8: c2 ff fc ff mov\.b 65532\[r15\], \[r15\]
4ac: c6 f0 fc ff fc mov\.b 65532\[r15\], 252\[r0\]
4b1: c6 ff fc ff fc mov\.b 65532\[r15\], 252\[r15\]
4b6: ca f0 fc ff fc ff mov\.b 65532\[r15\], 65532\[r0\]
4bc: ca ff fc ff fc ff mov\.b 65532\[r15\], 65532\[r15\]
4c2: d0 00 mov\.w \[r0\], \[r0\]
4c4: d0 0f mov\.w \[r0\], \[r15\]
4c6: d4 00 7e mov\.w \[r0\], 252\[r0\]
4c9: d4 0f 7e mov\.w \[r0\], 252\[r15\]
4cc: d8 00 fe 7f mov\.w \[r0\], 65532\[r0\]
4d0: d8 0f fe 7f mov\.w \[r0\], 65532\[r15\]
4d4: d0 f0 mov\.w \[r15\], \[r0\]
4d6: d0 ff mov\.w \[r15\], \[r15\]
4d8: d4 f0 7e mov\.w \[r15\], 252\[r0\]
4db: d4 ff 7e mov\.w \[r15\], 252\[r15\]
4de: d8 f0 fe 7f mov\.w \[r15\], 65532\[r0\]
4e2: d8 ff fe 7f mov\.w \[r15\], 65532\[r15\]
4e6: d1 00 7e mov\.w 252\[r0\], \[r0\]
4e9: d1 0f 7e mov\.w 252\[r0\], \[r15\]
4ec: d5 00 7e 7e mov\.w 252\[r0\], 252\[r0\]
4f0: d5 0f 7e 7e mov\.w 252\[r0\], 252\[r15\]
4f4: d9 00 7e fe 7f mov\.w 252\[r0\], 65532\[r0\]
4f9: d9 0f 7e fe 7f mov\.w 252\[r0\], 65532\[r15\]
4fe: d1 f0 7e mov\.w 252\[r15\], \[r0\]
501: d1 ff 7e mov\.w 252\[r15\], \[r15\]
504: d5 f0 7e 7e mov\.w 252\[r15\], 252\[r0\]
508: d5 ff 7e 7e mov\.w 252\[r15\], 252\[r15\]
50c: d9 f0 7e fe 7f mov\.w 252\[r15\], 65532\[r0\]
511: d9 ff 7e fe 7f mov\.w 252\[r15\], 65532\[r15\]
516: d2 00 fe 7f mov\.w 65532\[r0\], \[r0\]
51a: d2 0f fe 7f mov\.w 65532\[r0\], \[r15\]
51e: d6 00 fe 7f 7e mov\.w 65532\[r0\], 252\[r0\]
523: d6 0f fe 7f 7e mov\.w 65532\[r0\], 252\[r15\]
528: da 00 fe 7f fe 7f mov\.w 65532\[r0\], 65532\[r0\]
52e: da 0f fe 7f fe 7f mov\.w 65532\[r0\], 65532\[r15\]
534: d2 f0 fe 7f mov\.w 65532\[r15\], \[r0\]
538: d2 ff fe 7f mov\.w 65532\[r15\], \[r15\]
53c: d6 f0 fe 7f 7e mov\.w 65532\[r15\], 252\[r0\]
541: d6 ff fe 7f 7e mov\.w 65532\[r15\], 252\[r15\]
546: da f0 fe 7f fe 7f mov\.w 65532\[r15\], 65532\[r0\]
54c: da ff fe 7f fe 7f mov\.w 65532\[r15\], 65532\[r15\]
552: e0 00 mov\.l \[r0\], \[r0\]
554: e0 0f mov\.l \[r0\], \[r15\]
556: e4 00 3f mov\.l \[r0\], 252\[r0\]
559: e4 0f 3f mov\.l \[r0\], 252\[r15\]
55c: e8 00 ff 3f mov\.l \[r0\], 65532\[r0\]
560: e8 0f ff 3f mov\.l \[r0\], 65532\[r15\]
564: e0 f0 mov\.l \[r15\], \[r0\]
566: e0 ff mov\.l \[r15\], \[r15\]
568: e4 f0 3f mov\.l \[r15\], 252\[r0\]
56b: e4 ff 3f mov\.l \[r15\], 252\[r15\]
56e: e8 f0 ff 3f mov\.l \[r15\], 65532\[r0\]
572: e8 ff ff 3f mov\.l \[r15\], 65532\[r15\]
576: e1 00 3f mov\.l 252\[r0\], \[r0\]
579: e1 0f 3f mov\.l 252\[r0\], \[r15\]
57c: e5 00 3f 3f mov\.l 252\[r0\], 252\[r0\]
580: e5 0f 3f 3f mov\.l 252\[r0\], 252\[r15\]
584: e9 00 3f ff 3f mov\.l 252\[r0\], 65532\[r0\]
589: e9 0f 3f ff 3f mov\.l 252\[r0\], 65532\[r15\]
58e: e1 f0 3f mov\.l 252\[r15\], \[r0\]
591: e1 ff 3f mov\.l 252\[r15\], \[r15\]
594: e5 f0 3f 3f mov\.l 252\[r15\], 252\[r0\]
598: e5 ff 3f 3f mov\.l 252\[r15\], 252\[r15\]
59c: e9 f0 3f ff 3f mov\.l 252\[r15\], 65532\[r0\]
5a1: e9 ff 3f ff 3f mov\.l 252\[r15\], 65532\[r15\]
5a6: e2 00 ff 3f mov\.l 65532\[r0\], \[r0\]
5aa: e2 0f ff 3f mov\.l 65532\[r0\], \[r15\]
5ae: e6 00 ff 3f 3f mov\.l 65532\[r0\], 252\[r0\]
5b3: e6 0f ff 3f 3f mov\.l 65532\[r0\], 252\[r15\]
5b8: ea 00 ff 3f ff 3f mov\.l 65532\[r0\], 65532\[r0\]
5be: ea 0f ff 3f ff 3f mov\.l 65532\[r0\], 65532\[r15\]
5c4: e2 f0 ff 3f mov\.l 65532\[r15\], \[r0\]
5c8: e2 ff ff 3f mov\.l 65532\[r15\], \[r15\]
5cc: e6 f0 ff 3f 3f mov\.l 65532\[r15\], 252\[r0\]
5d1: e6 ff ff 3f 3f mov\.l 65532\[r15\], 252\[r15\]
5d6: ea f0 ff 3f ff 3f mov\.l 65532\[r15\], 65532\[r0\]
5dc: ea ff ff 3f ff 3f mov\.l 65532\[r15\], 65532\[r15\]
5e2: fd 20 00 mov\.b r0, \[r0\+\]
5e5: fd 20 f0 mov\.b r0, \[r15\+\]
5e8: fd 20 0f mov\.b r15, \[r0\+\]
5eb: fd 20 ff mov\.b r15, \[r15\+\]
5ee: fd 21 00 mov\.w r0, \[r0\+\]
5f1: fd 21 f0 mov\.w r0, \[r15\+\]
5f4: fd 21 0f mov\.w r15, \[r0\+\]
5f7: fd 21 ff mov\.w r15, \[r15\+\]
5fa: fd 22 00 mov\.l r0, \[r0\+\]
5fd: fd 22 f0 mov\.l r0, \[r15\+\]
600: fd 22 0f mov\.l r15, \[r0\+\]
603: fd 22 ff mov\.l r15, \[r15\+\]
606: fd 28 00 mov\.b \[r0\+\], r0
609: fd 28 0f mov\.b \[r0\+\], r15
60c: fd 28 f0 mov\.b \[r15\+\], r0
60f: fd 28 ff mov\.b \[r15\+\], r15
612: fd 29 00 mov\.w \[r0\+\], r0
615: fd 29 0f mov\.w \[r0\+\], r15
618: fd 29 f0 mov\.w \[r15\+\], r0
61b: fd 29 ff mov\.w \[r15\+\], r15
61e: fd 2a 00 mov\.l \[r0\+\], r0
621: fd 2a 0f mov\.l \[r0\+\], r15
624: fd 2a f0 mov\.l \[r15\+\], r0
627: fd 2a ff mov\.l \[r15\+\], r15
62a: fd 24 00 mov\.b r0, \[-r0\]
62d: fd 24 f0 mov\.b r0, \[-r15\]
630: fd 24 0f mov\.b r15, \[-r0\]
633: fd 24 ff mov\.b r15, \[-r15\]
636: fd 25 00 mov\.w r0, \[-r0\]
639: fd 25 f0 mov\.w r0, \[-r15\]
63c: fd 25 0f mov\.w r15, \[-r0\]
63f: fd 25 ff mov\.w r15, \[-r15\]
642: fd 26 00 mov\.l r0, \[-r0\]
645: fd 26 f0 mov\.l r0, \[-r15\]
648: fd 26 0f mov\.l r15, \[-r0\]
64b: fd 26 ff mov\.l r15, \[-r15\]
64e: fd 2c 00 mov\.b \[-r0\], r0
651: fd 2c 0f mov\.b \[-r0\], r15
654: fd 2c f0 mov\.b \[-r15\], r0
657: fd 2c ff mov\.b \[-r15\], r15
65a: fd 2d 00 mov\.w \[-r0\], r0
65d: fd 2d 0f mov\.w \[-r0\], r15
660: fd 2d f0 mov\.w \[-r15\], r0
663: fd 2d ff mov\.w \[-r15\], r15
666: fd 2e 00 mov\.l \[-r0\], r0
669: fd 2e 0f mov\.l \[-r0\], r15
66c: fd 2e f0 mov\.l \[-r15\], r0
66f: fd 2e ff mov\.l \[-r15\], r15
0,0 → 1,100
#objdump: -dr
dump\.o: file format .*
Disassembly of section \.text:
00000000 <\.text>:
0: 64 00 and #0, r0
2: 64 0f and #0, r15
4: 64 f0 and #15, r0
6: 64 ff and #15, r15
8: 75 20 80 and #-128, r0
b: 75 2f 80 and #-128, r15
e: 75 20 7f and #127, r0
11: 75 2f 7f and #127, r15
14: 76 20 00 80 and #0xffff8000, r0
18: 76 2f 00 80 and #0xffff8000, r15
1c: 77 20 00 80 00 and #0x8000, r0
21: 77 2f 00 80 00 and #0x8000, r15
26: 77 20 00 00 80 and #0xff800000, r0
2b: 77 2f 00 00 80 and #0xff800000, r15
30: 77 20 ff ff 7f and #0x7fffff, r0
35: 77 2f ff ff 7f and #0x7fffff, r15
3a: 74 20 00 00 00 80 and #0x80000000, r0
40: 74 2f 00 00 00 80 and #0x80000000, r15
46: 74 20 ff ff ff 7f and #0x7fffffff, r0
4c: 74 2f ff ff ff 7f and #0x7fffffff, r15
52: 53 00 and r0, r0
54: 53 0f and r0, r15
56: 53 f0 and r15, r0
58: 53 ff and r15, r15
5a: 50 00 and \[r0\]\.ub, r0
5c: 50 0f and \[r0\]\.ub, r15
5e: 06 10 00 and \[r0\]\.b, r0
61: 06 10 0f and \[r0\]\.b, r15
64: 06 d0 00 and \[r0\]\.uw, r0
67: 06 d0 0f and \[r0\]\.uw, r15
6a: 06 50 00 and \[r0\]\.w, r0
6d: 06 50 0f and \[r0\]\.w, r15
70: 06 90 00 and \[r0\]\.l, r0
73: 06 90 0f and \[r0\]\.l, r15
76: 50 f0 and \[r15\]\.ub, r0
78: 50 ff and \[r15\]\.ub, r15
7a: 06 10 f0 and \[r15\]\.b, r0
7d: 06 10 ff and \[r15\]\.b, r15
80: 06 d0 f0 and \[r15\]\.uw, r0
83: 06 d0 ff and \[r15\]\.uw, r15
86: 06 50 f0 and \[r15\]\.w, r0
89: 06 50 ff and \[r15\]\.w, r15
8c: 06 90 f0 and \[r15\]\.l, r0
8f: 06 90 ff and \[r15\]\.l, r15
92: 51 00 fc and 252\[r0\]\.ub, r0
95: 51 0f fc and 252\[r0\]\.ub, r15
98: 06 11 00 fc and 252\[r0\]\.b, r0
9c: 06 11 0f fc and 252\[r0\]\.b, r15
a0: 06 d1 00 7e and 252\[r0\]\.uw, r0
a4: 06 d1 0f 7e and 252\[r0\]\.uw, r15
a8: 06 51 00 7e and 252\[r0\]\.w, r0
ac: 06 51 0f 7e and 252\[r0\]\.w, r15
b0: 06 91 00 3f and 252\[r0\]\.l, r0
b4: 06 91 0f 3f and 252\[r0\]\.l, r15
b8: 51 f0 fc and 252\[r15\]\.ub, r0
bb: 51 ff fc and 252\[r15\]\.ub, r15
be: 06 11 f0 fc and 252\[r15\]\.b, r0
c2: 06 11 ff fc and 252\[r15\]\.b, r15
c6: 06 d1 f0 7e and 252\[r15\]\.uw, r0
ca: 06 d1 ff 7e and 252\[r15\]\.uw, r15
ce: 06 51 f0 7e and 252\[r15\]\.w, r0
d2: 06 51 ff 7e and 252\[r15\]\.w, r15
d6: 06 91 f0 3f and 252\[r15\]\.l, r0
da: 06 91 ff 3f and 252\[r15\]\.l, r15
de: 52 00 fc ff and 65532\[r0\]\.ub, r0
e2: 52 0f fc ff and 65532\[r0\]\.ub, r15
e6: 06 12 00 fc ff and 65532\[r0\]\.b, r0
eb: 06 12 0f fc ff and 65532\[r0\]\.b, r15
f0: 06 d2 00 fe 7f and 65532\[r0\]\.uw, r0
f5: 06 d2 0f fe 7f and 65532\[r0\]\.uw, r15
fa: 06 52 00 fe 7f and 65532\[r0\]\.w, r0
ff: 06 52 0f fe 7f and 65532\[r0\]\.w, r15
104: 06 92 00 ff 3f and 65532\[r0\]\.l, r0
109: 06 92 0f ff 3f and 65532\[r0\]\.l, r15
10e: 52 f0 fc ff and 65532\[r15\]\.ub, r0
112: 52 ff fc ff and 65532\[r15\]\.ub, r15
116: 06 12 f0 fc ff and 65532\[r15\]\.b, r0
11b: 06 12 ff fc ff and 65532\[r15\]\.b, r15
120: 06 d2 f0 fe 7f and 65532\[r15\]\.uw, r0
125: 06 d2 ff fe 7f and 65532\[r15\]\.uw, r15
12a: 06 52 f0 fe 7f and 65532\[r15\]\.w, r0
12f: 06 52 ff fe 7f and 65532\[r15\]\.w, r15
134: 06 92 f0 ff 3f and 65532\[r15\]\.l, r0
139: 06 92 ff ff 3f and 65532\[r15\]\.l, r15
13e: ff 40 00 and r0, r0, r0
141: ff 4f 00 and r0, r0, r15
144: ff 40 0f and r0, r15, r0
147: ff 4f 0f and r0, r15, r15
14a: ff 40 f0 and r15, r0, r0
14d: ff 4f f0 and r15, r0, r15
150: ff 40 ff and r15, r15, r0
153: ff 4f ff and r15, r15, r15
0,0 → 1,9
#objdump: -dr
dump\.o: file format .*
Disassembly of section \.text:
00000000 <\.text>:
0: 7f 96 wait
0,0 → 1,2
mvtc #{imm},{creg}
mvtc {reg},{creg}
0,0 → 1,10
#objdump: -dr
dump\.o: file format .*
Disassembly of section \.text:
00000000 <\.text>:
0: 7e 40 rorc r0
2: 7e 4f rorc r15
0,0 → 1,4
#objdump: -dr
dump\.o: file format .*
0,0 → 1,40
#objdump: -dr
dump\.o: file format .*
Disassembly of section \.text:
00000000 <\.text>:
0: fc 03 00 sbb r0, r0
3: fc 03 0f sbb r0, r15
6: fc 03 f0 sbb r15, r0
9: fc 03 ff sbb r15, r15
c: 06 a0 00 00 sbb \[r0\]\.l, r0
10: 06 a0 00 0f sbb \[r0\]\.l, r15
14: 06 a0 00 f0 sbb \[r15\]\.l, r0
18: 06 a0 00 ff sbb \[r15\]\.l, r15
1c: 06 a1 00 00 3f sbb 252\[r0\]\.l, r0
21: 06 a1 00 0f 3f sbb 252\[r0\]\.l, r15
26: 06 a1 00 f0 3f sbb 252\[r15\]\.l, r0
2b: 06 a1 00 ff 3f sbb 252\[r15\]\.l, r15
30: 06 a2 00 00 ff 3f sbb 65532\[r0\]\.l, r0
36: 06 a2 00 0f ff 3f sbb 65532\[r0\]\.l, r15
3c: 06 a2 00 f0 ff 3f sbb 65532\[r15\]\.l, r0
42: 06 a2 00 ff ff 3f sbb 65532\[r15\]\.l, r15
48: fd 74 20 7f adc #127, r0
4c: fd 74 2f 7f adc #127, r15
50: fd 74 20 80 adc #-128, r0
54: fd 74 2f 80 adc #-128, r15
58: fd 78 20 ff 7f adc #0x7fff, r0
5d: fd 78 2f ff 7f adc #0x7fff, r15
62: fd 7c 20 ff 7f ff adc #0xffff7fff, r0
68: fd 7c 2f ff 7f ff adc #0xffff7fff, r15
6e: fd 7c 20 ff ff 7f adc #0x7fffff, r0
74: fd 7c 2f ff ff 7f adc #0x7fffff, r15
7a: fd 7c 20 00 00 80 adc #0xff800000, r0
80: fd 7c 2f 00 00 80 adc #0xff800000, r15
86: fd 70 20 ff ff ff 7f adc #0x7fffffff, r0
8d: fd 70 2f ff ff ff 7f adc #0x7fffffff, r15
94: fd 70 20 00 00 00 80 adc #0x80000000, r0
9b: fd 70 2f 00 00 00 80 adc #0x80000000, r15
0,0 → 1,9
#objdump: -dr
dump\.o: file format .*
Disassembly of section \.text:
00000000 <\.text>:
0: 01 dbt
0,0 → 1,58
.ID "id-is-jane"
.INITSCT a_section,data, align
.INSF glbfunc, G, 0
.CALL glbsub, G
.CALL localsub, S
.FB 80H
ldc #80H,FB
.FBSYM george
.LBBA 1000h
ldr #1000h,LBBA
lda 1000h,0,1200h,1
.SB 80H
ldc #80,SB
.SBBIT lance
bclr lance
.SBSYM sym
mov.B #0, sym
.SBSYM16 sym2
mov.B #0.sym2
.RVECTOR 12,timer
.BTGLB bit1
fred .DEFINE "#01H,mem"
bit1 .BTEQU 1,dmem
three .equ .INSTR {"albert","bert",1}
seven .equ .LEN {"albert"}
.byte .SUBSTR {"albert",3,3}
.ASSERT "assertion message"
.FORM 20,80
.PAGE "new page"
.VER "ver"
This text should just be emitted and not assembled
0,0 → 1,2
push{bwl} {reg}
push{bwl} {mem}
0,0 → 1,10
#objdump: -dr
dump\.o: file format .*
Disassembly of section \.text:
00000000 <\.text>:
0: fd 1f 00 mvfachi r0
3: fd 1f 0f mvfachi r15
0,0 → 1,10
machi {reg},{reg}
0,0 → 1,100
#objdump: -dr
dump\.o: file format .*
Disassembly of section \.text:
00000000 <\.text>:
0: 65 00 or #0, r0
2: 65 0f or #0, r15
4: 65 f0 or #15, r0
6: 65 ff or #15, r15
8: 75 30 80 or #-128, r0
b: 75 3f 80 or #-128, r15
e: 75 30 7f or #127, r0
11: 75 3f 7f or #127, r15
14: 76 30 00 80 or #0xffff8000, r0
18: 76 3f 00 80 or #0xffff8000, r15
1c: 77 30 00 80 00 or #0x8000, r0
21: 77 3f 00 80 00 or #0x8000, r15
26: 77 30 00 00 80 or #0xff800000, r0
2b: 77 3f 00 00 80 or #0xff800000, r15
30: 77 30 ff ff 7f or #0x7fffff, r0
35: 77 3f ff ff 7f or #0x7fffff, r15
3a: 74 30 00 00 00 80 or #0x80000000, r0
40: 74 3f 00 00 00 80 or #0x80000000, r15
46: 74 30 ff ff ff 7f or #0x7fffffff, r0
4c: 74 3f ff ff ff 7f or #0x7fffffff, r15
52: 57 00 or r0, r0
54: 57 0f or r0, r15
56: 57 f0 or r15, r0
58: 57 ff or r15, r15
5a: 54 00 or \[r0\]\.ub, r0
5c: 54 0f or \[r0\]\.ub, r15
5e: 06 14 00 or \[r0\]\.b, r0
61: 06 14 0f or \[r0\]\.b, r15
64: 06 d4 00 or \[r0\]\.uw, r0
67: 06 d4 0f or \[r0\]\.uw, r15
6a: 06 54 00 or \[r0\]\.w, r0
6d: 06 54 0f or \[r0\]\.w, r15
70: 06 94 00 or \[r0\]\.l, r0
73: 06 94 0f or \[r0\]\.l, r15
76: 54 f0 or \[r15\]\.ub, r0
78: 54 ff or \[r15\]\.ub, r15
7a: 06 14 f0 or \[r15\]\.b, r0
7d: 06 14 ff or \[r15\]\.b, r15
80: 06 d4 f0 or \[r15\]\.uw, r0
83: 06 d4 ff or \[r15\]\.uw, r15
86: 06 54 f0 or \[r15\]\.w, r0
89: 06 54 ff or \[r15\]\.w, r15
8c: 06 94 f0 or \[r15\]\.l, r0
8f: 06 94 ff or \[r15\]\.l, r15
92: 55 00 fc or 252\[r0\]\.ub, r0
95: 55 0f fc or 252\[r0\]\.ub, r15
98: 06 15 00 fc or 252\[r0\]\.b, r0
9c: 06 15 0f fc or 252\[r0\]\.b, r15
a0: 06 d5 00 7e or 252\[r0\]\.uw, r0
a4: 06 d5 0f 7e or 252\[r0\]\.uw, r15
a8: 06 55 00 7e or 252\[r0\]\.w, r0
ac: 06 55 0f 7e or 252\[r0\]\.w, r15
b0: 06 95 00 3f or 252\[r0\]\.l, r0
b4: 06 95 0f 3f or 252\[r0\]\.l, r15
b8: 55 f0 fc or 252\[r15\]\.ub, r0
bb: 55 ff fc or 252\[r15\]\.ub, r15
be: 06 15 f0 fc or 252\[r15\]\.b, r0
c2: 06 15 ff fc or 252\[r15\]\.b, r15
c6: 06 d5 f0 7e or 252\[r15\]\.uw, r0
ca: 06 d5 ff 7e or 252\[r15\]\.uw, r15
ce: 06 55 f0 7e or 252\[r15\]\.w, r0
d2: 06 55 ff 7e or 252\[r15\]\.w, r15
d6: 06 95 f0 3f or 252\[r15\]\.l, r0
da: 06 95 ff 3f or 252\[r15\]\.l, r15
de: 56 00 fc ff or 65532\[r0\]\.ub, r0
e2: 56 0f fc ff or 65532\[r0\]\.ub, r15
e6: 06 16 00 fc ff or 65532\[r0\]\.b, r0
eb: 06 16 0f fc ff or 65532\[r0\]\.b, r15
f0: 06 d6 00 fe 7f or 65532\[r0\]\.uw, r0
f5: 06 d6 0f fe 7f or 65532\[r0\]\.uw, r15
fa: 06 56 00 fe 7f or 65532\[r0\]\.w, r0
ff: 06 56 0f fe 7f or 65532\[r0\]\.w, r15
104: 06 96 00 ff 3f or 65532\[r0\]\.l, r0
109: 06 96 0f ff 3f or 65532\[r0\]\.l, r15
10e: 56 f0 fc ff or 65532\[r15\]\.ub, r0
112: 56 ff fc ff or 65532\[r15\]\.ub, r15
116: 06 16 f0 fc ff or 65532\[r15\]\.b, r0
11b: 06 16 ff fc ff or 65532\[r15\]\.b, r15
120: 06 d6 f0 fe 7f or 65532\[r15\]\.uw, r0
125: 06 d6 ff fe 7f or 65532\[r15\]\.uw, r15
12a: 06 56 f0 fe 7f or 65532\[r15\]\.w, r0
12f: 06 56 ff fe 7f or 65532\[r15\]\.w, r15
134: 06 96 f0 ff 3f or 65532\[r15\]\.l, r0
139: 06 96 ff ff 3f or 65532\[r15\]\.l, r15
13e: ff 50 00 or r0, r0, r0
141: ff 5f 00 or r0, r0, r15
144: ff 50 0f or r0, r15, r0
147: ff 5f 0f or r0, r15, r15
14a: ff 50 f0 or r15, r0, r0
14d: ff 5f f0 or r15, r0, r15
150: ff 50 ff or r15, r15, r0
153: ff 5f ff or r15, r15, r15
0,0 → 1,16
#objdump: -dr
dump\.o: file format .*
Disassembly of section \.text:
00000000 <\.text>:
0: fd 6e 00 rotl #0, r0
3: fd 6e 0f rotl #0, r15
6: fd 6f f0 rotl #31, r0
9: fd 6f ff rotl #31, r15
c: fd 66 00 rotl r0, r0
f: fd 66 0f rotl r0, r15
12: fd 66 f0 rotl r15, r0
15: fd 66 ff rotl r15, r15
0,0 → 1,2
rotr #{uimm5},{reg}
rotr {reg},{reg}
0,0 → 1,20
; mac1 .MACRO f1,f2
; .IF ..MACPARA == 2
; add f1,f2
; add r0,f1
; mac2 .MACRO
; .LOCAL f1
; f1:
; nop
; bra f1
; mac3 .MACRO p1,src,p2,dest
; MOV@p1@p2 src, dest
0,0 → 1,20
mullo {reg},{reg}
0,0 → 1,3
fdiv #{imm32},{reg}
fdiv {reg},{reg}
fdiv {mem}.L,{reg}
0,0 → 1,6
sub #{uimm4},{reg}
sub {reg},{reg}
sub {memx},{reg}
sub {reg},{reg},{reg}
0,0 → 1,10
#objdump: -dr
dump\.o: file format .*
Disassembly of section \.text:
00000000 <\.text>:
0: fd 1f 10 mvfaclo r0
3: fd 1f 1f mvfaclo r15
0,0 → 1,9
#objdump: -dr
dump\.o: file format .*
Disassembly of section \.text:
00000000 <\.text>:
0: 7f 83 scmpu
0,0 → 1,6
mul #{uimm4},{reg}
mul #{imm},{reg}
mul {reg},{reg}
mul {memx},{reg}
mul {reg},{reg},{reg}
0,0 → 1,10
#objdump: -dr
dump\.o: file format .*
Disassembly of section \.text:
00000000 <\.text>:
0: 75 60 00 int #0
3: 75 60 ff int #255
0,0 → 1,9
#objdump: -dr
dump\.o: file format .*
Disassembly of section \.text:
00000000 <\.text>:
0: 7f 95 rte
0,0 → 1,13
#objdump: -dr
dump\.o: file format .*
Disassembly of section \.text:
00000000 <\.text>:
0: 6e 18 pushm r1-r8
2: 6e 1e pushm r1-r14
4: 6e 78 pushm r7-r8
6: 6e 7e pushm r7-r14
8: 7e a4 push.l r4
0,0 → 1,3
shll #{uimm5},{reg}
shll {reg},{reg}
shll #{uimm5},{reg},{reg}
0,0 → 1,5
b{eq;ne}.s {lab_s}
b{cnd}.b {lab_b}
b{eq;ne}.w {lab_w}
b{eq;ne} {lab_w}
0,0 → 1,24
#objdump: -dr
dump\.o: file format .*
Disassembly of section \.text:
00000000 <\.text>:
0: 6c 00 shll #0, r0
2: 6c 0f shll #0, r15
4: 6d f0 shll #31, r0
6: 6d ff shll #31, r15
8: fd 62 00 shll r0, r0
b: fd 62 0f shll r0, r15
e: fd 62 f0 shll r15, r0
11: fd 62 ff shll r15, r15
14: fd c0 00 shll #0, r0, r0
17: fd c0 0f shll #0, r0, r15
1a: fd c0 f0 shll #0, r15, r0
1d: fd c0 ff shll #0, r15, r15
20: fd df 00 shll #31, r0, r0
23: fd df 0f shll #31, r0, r15
26: fd df f0 shll #31, r15, r0
29: fd df ff shll #31, r15, r15
0,0 → 1,9
.global _start
mov{bwl} %gp({_foo;_bar;_grill})[r15], r1
__gp: .long 0
_foo: .long 5
_bar: .long 6
0,0 → 1,89
#objdump: -dr
dump\.o: file format .*
Disassembly of section \.text:
00000000 <\.text>:
0: fd 77 00 80 mvtc #-128, psw
4: fd 77 03 80 mvtc #-128, fpsw
8: fd 77 02 80 mvtc #-128, usp
c: fd 77 0a 80 mvtc #-128, isp
10: fd 77 0c 80 mvtc #-128, intb
14: fd 77 08 80 mvtc #-128, bpsw
18: fd 77 09 80 mvtc #-128, bpc
1c: fd 77 0b 80 mvtc #-128, fintv
20: fd 77 00 7f mvtc #127, psw
24: fd 77 03 7f mvtc #127, fpsw
28: fd 77 02 7f mvtc #127, usp
2c: fd 77 0a 7f mvtc #127, isp
30: fd 77 0c 7f mvtc #127, intb
34: fd 77 08 7f mvtc #127, bpsw
38: fd 77 09 7f mvtc #127, bpc
3c: fd 77 0b 7f mvtc #127, fintv
..: fd 7b 00 00 80 mvtc #0xffff8000, psw
..: fd 7b 03 00 80 mvtc #0xffff8000, fpsw
..: fd 7b 02 00 80 mvtc #0xffff8000, usp
..: fd 7b 0a 00 80 mvtc #0xffff8000, isp
..: fd 7b 0c 00 80 mvtc #0xffff8000, intb
..: fd 7b 08 00 80 mvtc #0xffff8000, bpsw
..: fd 7b 09 00 80 mvtc #0xffff8000, bpc
..: fd 7b 0b 00 80 mvtc #0xffff8000, fintv
..: fd 7f 00 00 80 00 mvtc #0x8000, psw
..: fd 7f 03 00 80 00 mvtc #0x8000, fpsw
..: fd 7f 02 00 80 00 mvtc #0x8000, usp
..: fd 7f 0a 00 80 00 mvtc #0x8000, isp
..: fd 7f 0c 00 80 00 mvtc #0x8000, intb
..: fd 7f 08 00 80 00 mvtc #0x8000, bpsw
..: fd 7f 09 00 80 00 mvtc #0x8000, bpc
..: fd 7f 0b 00 80 00 mvtc #0x8000, fintv
..: fd 7f 00 00 00 80 mvtc #0xff800000, psw
..: fd 7f 03 00 00 80 mvtc #0xff800000, fpsw
..: fd 7f 02 00 00 80 mvtc #0xff800000, usp
..: fd 7f 0a 00 00 80 mvtc #0xff800000, isp
..: fd 7f 0c 00 00 80 mvtc #0xff800000, intb
..: fd 7f 08 00 00 80 mvtc #0xff800000, bpsw
..: fd 7f 09 00 00 80 mvtc #0xff800000, bpc
..: fd 7f 0b 00 00 80 mvtc #0xff800000, fintv
..: fd 7f 00 ff ff 7f mvtc #0x7fffff, psw
..: fd 7f 03 ff ff 7f mvtc #0x7fffff, fpsw
..: fd 7f 02 ff ff 7f mvtc #0x7fffff, usp
..: fd 7f 0a ff ff 7f mvtc #0x7fffff, isp
..: fd 7f 0c ff ff 7f mvtc #0x7fffff, intb
..: fd 7f 08 ff ff 7f mvtc #0x7fffff, bpsw
...: fd 7f 09 ff ff 7f mvtc #0x7fffff, bpc
...: fd 7f 0b ff ff 7f mvtc #0x7fffff, fintv
...: fd 73 00 00 00 00 80 mvtc #0x80000000, psw
...: fd 73 03 00 00 00 80 mvtc #0x80000000, fpsw
...: fd 73 02 00 00 00 80 mvtc #0x80000000, usp
...: fd 73 0a 00 00 00 80 mvtc #0x80000000, isp
...: fd 73 0c 00 00 00 80 mvtc #0x80000000, intb
...: fd 73 08 00 00 00 80 mvtc #0x80000000, bpsw
...: fd 73 09 00 00 00 80 mvtc #0x80000000, bpc
...: fd 73 0b 00 00 00 80 mvtc #0x80000000, fintv
...: fd 73 00 ff ff ff 7f mvtc #0x7fffffff, psw
...: fd 73 03 ff ff ff 7f mvtc #0x7fffffff, fpsw
...: fd 73 02 ff ff ff 7f mvtc #0x7fffffff, usp
...: fd 73 0a ff ff ff 7f mvtc #0x7fffffff, isp
...: fd 73 0c ff ff ff 7f mvtc #0x7fffffff, intb
...: fd 73 08 ff ff ff 7f mvtc #0x7fffffff, bpsw
...: fd 73 09 ff ff ff 7f mvtc #0x7fffffff, bpc
...: fd 73 0b ff ff ff 7f mvtc #0x7fffffff, fintv
...: fd 68 00 mvtc r0, psw
...: fd 68 03 mvtc r0, fpsw
...: fd 68 02 mvtc r0, usp
...: fd 68 0a mvtc r0, isp
...: fd 68 0c mvtc r0, intb
...: fd 68 08 mvtc r0, bpsw
...: fd 68 09 mvtc r0, bpc
...: fd 68 0b mvtc r0, fintv
...: fd 68 f0 mvtc r15, psw
...: fd 68 f3 mvtc r15, fpsw
...: fd 68 f2 mvtc r15, usp
...: fd 68 fa mvtc r15, isp
...: fd 68 fc mvtc r15, intb
...: fd 68 f8 mvtc r15, bpsw
...: fd 68 f9 mvtc r15, bpc
...: fd 68 fb mvtc r15, fintv
0,0 → 1,9
#objdump: -dr
dump\.o: file format .*
Disassembly of section \.text:
00000000 <\.text>:
0: 7f 93 satr
0,0 → 1,40
#objdump: -dr
dump\.o: file format .*
Disassembly of section \.text:
00000000 <\.text>:
0: f4 00 btst #0, \[r0\]\.b
2: f4 f0 btst #0, \[r15\]\.b
4: f5 00 fc btst #0, 252\[r0\]\.b
7: f5 f0 fc btst #0, 252\[r15\]\.b
a: f6 00 fc ff btst #0, 65532\[r0\]\.b
e: f6 f0 fc ff btst #0, 65532\[r15\]\.b
12: f4 07 btst #7, \[r0\]\.b
14: f4 f7 btst #7, \[r15\]\.b
16: f5 07 fc btst #7, 252\[r0\]\.b
19: f5 f7 fc btst #7, 252\[r15\]\.b
1c: f6 07 fc ff btst #7, 65532\[r0\]\.b
20: f6 f7 fc ff btst #7, 65532\[r15\]\.b
24: fc 68 00 btst r0, \[r0\]\.b
27: fc 68 f0 btst r0, \[r15\]\.b
2a: fc 69 00 fc btst r0, 252\[r0\]\.b
2e: fc 69 f0 fc btst r0, 252\[r15\]\.b
32: fc 6a 00 fc ff btst r0, 65532\[r0\]\.b
37: fc 6a f0 fc ff btst r0, 65532\[r15\]\.b
3c: fc 68 0f btst r15, \[r0\]\.b
3f: fc 68 ff btst r15, \[r15\]\.b
42: fc 69 0f fc btst r15, 252\[r0\]\.b
46: fc 69 ff fc btst r15, 252\[r15\]\.b
4a: fc 6a 0f fc ff btst r15, 65532\[r0\]\.b
4f: fc 6a ff fc ff btst r15, 65532\[r15\]\.b
54: 7c 00 btst #0, r0
56: 7c 0f btst #0, r15
58: 7d f0 btst #31, r0
5a: 7d ff btst #31, r15
5c: fc 6b 00 btst r0, r0
5f: fc 6b f0 btst r0, r15
62: fc 6b 0f btst r15, r0
65: fc 6b ff btst r15, r15
0,0 → 1,18
#objdump: -dr
dump\.o: file format .*
Disassembly of section \.text:
00000000 <\.text>:
0: 67 00 rtsd #0
2: 67 ff rtsd #0x3fc
4: 3f 18 00 rtsd #0, r1-r8
7: 3f 1e 00 rtsd #0, r1-r14
a: 3f 78 00 rtsd #0, r7-r8
d: 3f 7e 00 rtsd #0, r7-r14
10: 3f 18 ff rtsd #0x3fc, r1-r8
13: 3f 1e ff rtsd #0x3fc, r1-r14
16: 3f 78 ff rtsd #0x3fc, r7-r8
19: 3f 7e ff rtsd #0x3fc, r7-r14
0,0 → 1,4
div #{imm},{reg}
div {reg},{reg}
div {memx},{reg}
0,0 → 1,199
# -*- perl -*-
# Copyright (C) 2006 Red Hat Inc.
# This file is part of GAS, the GNU Assembler.
# GAS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
# any later version.
# GAS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with GAS; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
# the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
# Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
%myfiles = ();
$incdir = ".";
while ($ARGV[0] =~ /^-/) {
$opt = shift;
if ($opt eq "-I") {
$incdir = shift;
$infile = shift;
$outfile = shift;
$inbase = $infile;
$inbase =~ s@.*/@@;
$inbase =~ s@[^a-zA-Z0-9].*@@;
$t = 0;
$errors = 0;
if ($outfile) {
open(OUT, ">$outfile");
} else {
open(OUT, ">&STDOUT");
open(I, "$incdir/") || die("$incdir/ $!");
close I;
open(I, $infile) || die("$infile: $!");
close I;
sub read_file {
while (<I>) {
$line ++;
next if /^;/;
if (/^macro\s+(\S+)\s+(.*)/) {
($name, $val) = ($1,$2);
print "set macro \"$name\" to \"$val\"\n" if $t;
$macro{$name} = $val;
} elsif (/\S/) {
exit ($errors);
# There's no way to quote braces so you can output them :-P
sub explode {
my ($s) = @_;
my ($a, $b, $p, $e, @params);
print "explode($s)\n" if $t;
($b, $a, @params) = &split_braces($s);
@params = explode_params (@params);
if (! $a && ! @params) {
if ($t) {
print "\033[33m$s\033[0m\n";
} else {
print OUT "$s\n";
if (@params == 1 && defined $macro{$params[0]}) {
$p = $macro{$params[0]};
&explode ("$b$p$a");
} else {
for $p (@params) {
&explode ("$b$p$a");
sub explode_params {
my (@p) = @_;
my ($p,@r);
@r = ();
while (@p) {
$p = shift @p;
($b,$a,@e) = split_braces ($p);
if (defined $a) {
for $e (reverse @e) {
unshift (@p, "$b$e$a");
} else {
push (@r, $p);
return @r;
sub getmacro {
my ($v) = $macro{$_[0]};
if (! defined $v) {
print STDERR "$line: Error: macro $_[0] not defined\n";
$errors ++;
return $v;
sub expand_macros {
my ($l) = @_;
0 while $l =~ s/{([^{};]+)}/&getmacro($1)/ge;
return $l;
# returns (before, after, list of variances)
sub split_braces {
my ($l) = @_;
my (@l, $i, $a, @parms, $b, $n,$p);
print "split_braces($l) = (" if $t;
$l = &expand_macros ($l);
if ($l !~ /\{.*\}/) {
print "nothing)\n" if $t;
return ($l);
if ($l =~ /^{([^{};]+)}/) {
print "macro:", $macro{$1}, ")\n" if $t;
return (&getmacro($1), "");
$n = 0;
@parms = ('');
$p = 0;
($a, $l) = $l =~ m@^([^\{]*)\{(.*)@;
@l = split(//, $l);
while (defined ($i = shift @l)) {
if ($n == 0) {
print "\033[32m$i" if $t;
if ($i eq '}') {
print "\033[0m$a, ", join('', @l), ", (", join("\033[31m;\033[0m", @parms), ")\n" if $t;
return ($a, join('',@l), @parms);
} elsif ($i eq ';') {
$p ++;
$parms[$p] = '';
} else {
$parms[$p] .= $i;
$n ++ if $i eq '{';
} else {
print "\033[34m$i" if $t;
$n ++ if $i eq '{';
$n -- if $i eq '}';
$parms[$p] .= $i;
print "$a, <null>, (", join(';', @parms), ")\n" if $t;
return ($a, "", @parms);
macro rest c,d
foo {a;b},{{rest};e;}
expands to:
foo a,c
foo a,d
foo a,e
foo a,
foo b,c
foo b,d
foo b,e
foo b,
trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/explode Property changes : Added: svn:executable ## -0,0 +1 ## +* \ No newline at end of property Index: trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/suntil.d =================================================================== --- trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/suntil.d (nonexistent) +++ trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/suntil.d (revision 118) @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +#objdump: -dr + +dump\.o: file format .* + + +Disassembly of section \.text: + +00000000 <\.text>: + 0: 7f 80 suntil\.b + 2: 7f 81 suntil\.w + 4: 7f 82 suntil\.l Index: trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/ =================================================================== --- trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/ (nonexistent) +++ trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/ (revision 118) @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ + fcmp #{imm32},{reg} + fcmp {reg},{reg} + fcmp {mem}.L,{reg} Index: trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/machi.d =================================================================== --- trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/machi.d (nonexistent) +++ trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/machi.d (revision 118) @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +#objdump: -dr + +dump\.o: file format .* + + +Disassembly of section \.text: + +00000000 <\.text>: + 0: fd 04 00 machi r0, r0 + 3: fd 04 0f machi r0, r15 + 6: fd 04 f0 machi r15, r0 + 9: fd 04 ff machi r15, r15 Index: trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/div.d =================================================================== --- trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/div.d (nonexistent) +++ trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/div.d (revision 118) @@ -0,0 +1,88 @@ +#objdump: -dr + +dump\.o: file format .* + + +Disassembly of section \.text: + +00000000 <\.text>: + 0: fd 74 80 80 div #-128, r0 + 4: fd 74 8f 80 div #-128, r15 + 8: fd 74 80 7f div #127, r0 + c: fd 74 8f 7f div #127, r15 + 10: fd 78 80 00 80 div #0xffff8000, r0 + 15: fd 78 8f 00 80 div #0xffff8000, r15 + 1a: fd 7c 80 00 80 00 div #0x8000, r0 + 20: fd 7c 8f 00 80 00 div #0x8000, r15 + 26: fd 7c 80 00 00 80 div #0xff800000, r0 + 2c: fd 7c 8f 00 00 80 div #0xff800000, r15 + 32: fd 7c 80 ff ff 7f div #0x7fffff, r0 + 38: fd 7c 8f ff ff 7f div #0x7fffff, r15 + 3e: fd 70 80 00 00 00 80 div #0x80000000, r0 + 45: fd 70 8f 00 00 00 80 div #0x80000000, r15 + 4c: fd 70 80 ff ff ff 7f div #0x7fffffff, r0 + 53: fd 70 8f ff ff ff 7f div #0x7fffffff, r15 + 5a: fc 23 00 div r0, r0 + 5d: fc 23 0f div r0, r15 + 60: fc 23 f0 div r15, r0 + 63: fc 23 ff div r15, r15 + 66: fc 20 00 div \[r0\]\.ub, r0 + 69: fc 20 0f div \[r0\]\.ub, r15 + 6c: 06 20 08 00 div \[r0\]\.b, r0 + 70: 06 20 08 0f div \[r0\]\.b, r15 + 74: 06 e0 08 00 div \[r0\]\.uw, r0 + 78: 06 e0 08 0f div \[r0\]\.uw, r15 + 7c: 06 60 08 00 div \[r0\]\.w, r0 + 80: 06 60 08 0f div \[r0\]\.w, r15 + 84: 06 a0 08 00 div \[r0\]\.l, r0 + 88: 06 a0 08 0f div \[r0\]\.l, r15 + 8c: fc 20 f0 div \[r15\]\.ub, r0 + 8f: fc 20 ff div \[r15\]\.ub, r15 + 92: 06 20 08 f0 div \[r15\]\.b, r0 + 96: 06 20 08 ff div \[r15\]\.b, r15 + 9a: 06 e0 08 f0 div \[r15\]\.uw, r0 + 9e: 06 e0 08 ff div \[r15\]\.uw, r15 + a2: 06 60 08 f0 div \[r15\]\.w, r0 + a6: 06 60 08 ff div \[r15\]\.w, r15 + aa: 06 a0 08 f0 div \[r15\]\.l, r0 + ae: 06 a0 08 ff div \[r15\]\.l, r15 + b2: fc 21 00 fc div 252\[r0\]\.ub, r0 + b6: fc 21 0f fc div 252\[r0\]\.ub, r15 + ba: 06 21 08 00 fc div 252\[r0\]\.b, r0 + bf: 06 21 08 0f fc div 252\[r0\]\.b, r15 + c4: 06 e1 08 00 7e div 252\[r0\]\.uw, r0 + c9: 06 e1 08 0f 7e div 252\[r0\]\.uw, r15 + ce: 06 61 08 00 7e div 252\[r0\]\.w, r0 + d3: 06 61 08 0f 7e div 252\[r0\]\.w, r15 + d8: 06 a1 08 00 3f div 252\[r0\]\.l, r0 + dd: 06 a1 08 0f 3f div 252\[r0\]\.l, r15 + e2: fc 21 f0 fc div 252\[r15\]\.ub, r0 + e6: fc 21 ff fc div 252\[r15\]\.ub, r15 + ea: 06 21 08 f0 fc div 252\[r15\]\.b, r0 + ef: 06 21 08 ff fc div 252\[r15\]\.b, r15 + f4: 06 e1 08 f0 7e div 252\[r15\]\.uw, r0 + f9: 06 e1 08 ff 7e div 252\[r15\]\.uw, r15 + fe: 06 61 08 f0 7e div 252\[r15\]\.w, r0 + 103: 06 61 08 ff 7e div 252\[r15\]\.w, r15 + 108: 06 a1 08 f0 3f div 252\[r15\]\.l, r0 + 10d: 06 a1 08 ff 3f div 252\[r15\]\.l, r15 + 112: fc 22 00 fc ff div 65532\[r0\]\.ub, r0 + 117: fc 22 0f fc ff div 65532\[r0\]\.ub, r15 + 11c: 06 22 08 00 fc ff div 65532\[r0\]\.b, r0 + 122: 06 22 08 0f fc ff div 65532\[r0\]\.b, r15 + 128: 06 e2 08 00 fe 7f div 65532\[r0\]\.uw, r0 + 12e: 06 e2 08 0f fe 7f div 65532\[r0\]\.uw, r15 + 134: 06 62 08 00 fe 7f div 65532\[r0\]\.w, r0 + 13a: 06 62 08 0f fe 7f div 65532\[r0\]\.w, r15 + 140: 06 a2 08 00 ff 3f div 65532\[r0\]\.l, r0 + 146: 06 a2 08 0f ff 3f div 65532\[r0\]\.l, r15 + 14c: fc 22 f0 fc ff div 65532\[r15\]\.ub, r0 + 151: fc 22 ff fc ff div 65532\[r15\]\.ub, r15 + 156: 06 22 08 f0 fc ff div 65532\[r15\]\.b, r0 + 15c: 06 22 08 ff fc ff div 65532\[r15\]\.b, r15 + 162: 06 e2 08 f0 fe 7f div 65532\[r15\]\.uw, r0 + 168: 06 e2 08 ff fe 7f div 65532\[r15\]\.uw, r15 + 16e: 06 62 08 f0 fe 7f div 65532\[r15\]\.w, r0 + 174: 06 62 08 ff fe 7f div 65532\[r15\]\.w, r15 + 17a: 06 a2 08 f0 ff 3f div 65532\[r15\]\.l, r0 + 180: 06 a2 08 ff ff 3f div 65532\[r15\]\.l, r15 Index: trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/max.d =================================================================== --- trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/max.d (nonexistent) +++ trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/max.d (revision 118) @@ -0,0 +1,88 @@ +#objdump: -dr + +dump\.o: file format .* + + +Disassembly of section \.text: + +00000000 <\.text>: + 0: fd 74 40 80 max #-128, r0 + 4: fd 74 4f 80 max #-128, r15 + 8: fd 74 40 7f max #127, r0 + c: fd 74 4f 7f max #127, r15 + 10: fd 78 40 00 80 max #0xffff8000, r0 + 15: fd 78 4f 00 80 max #0xffff8000, r15 + 1a: fd 7c 40 00 80 00 max #0x8000, r0 + 20: fd 7c 4f 00 80 00 max #0x8000, r15 + 26: fd 7c 40 00 00 80 max #0xff800000, r0 + 2c: fd 7c 4f 00 00 80 max #0xff800000, r15 + 32: fd 7c 40 ff ff 7f max #0x7fffff, r0 + 38: fd 7c 4f ff ff 7f max #0x7fffff, r15 + 3e: fd 70 40 00 00 00 80 max #0x80000000, r0 + 45: fd 70 4f 00 00 00 80 max #0x80000000, r15 + 4c: fd 70 40 ff ff ff 7f max #0x7fffffff, r0 + 53: fd 70 4f ff ff ff 7f max #0x7fffffff, r15 + 5a: fc 13 10 max r1, r0 + 5d: fc 13 1f max r1, r15 + 60: fc 13 f0 max r15, r0 + 63: fc 13 ff max r15, r15 + 66: fc 10 00 max \[r0\]\.ub, r0 + 69: fc 10 0f max \[r0\]\.ub, r15 + 6c: 06 20 04 00 max \[r0\]\.b, r0 + 70: 06 20 04 0f max \[r0\]\.b, r15 + 74: 06 e0 04 00 max \[r0\]\.uw, r0 + 78: 06 e0 04 0f max \[r0\]\.uw, r15 + 7c: 06 60 04 00 max \[r0\]\.w, r0 + 80: 06 60 04 0f max \[r0\]\.w, r15 + 84: 06 a0 04 00 max \[r0\]\.l, r0 + 88: 06 a0 04 0f max \[r0\]\.l, r15 + 8c: fc 10 f0 max \[r15\]\.ub, r0 + 8f: fc 10 ff max \[r15\]\.ub, r15 + 92: 06 20 04 f0 max \[r15\]\.b, r0 + 96: 06 20 04 ff max \[r15\]\.b, r15 + 9a: 06 e0 04 f0 max \[r15\]\.uw, r0 + 9e: 06 e0 04 ff max \[r15\]\.uw, r15 + a2: 06 60 04 f0 max \[r15\]\.w, r0 + a6: 06 60 04 ff max \[r15\]\.w, r15 + aa: 06 a0 04 f0 max \[r15\]\.l, r0 + ae: 06 a0 04 ff max \[r15\]\.l, r15 + b2: fc 11 00 fc max 252\[r0\]\.ub, r0 + b6: fc 11 0f fc max 252\[r0\]\.ub, r15 + ba: 06 21 04 00 fc max 252\[r0\]\.b, r0 + bf: 06 21 04 0f fc max 252\[r0\]\.b, r15 + c4: 06 e1 04 00 7e max 252\[r0\]\.uw, r0 + c9: 06 e1 04 0f 7e max 252\[r0\]\.uw, r15 + ce: 06 61 04 00 7e max 252\[r0\]\.w, r0 + d3: 06 61 04 0f 7e max 252\[r0\]\.w, r15 + d8: 06 a1 04 00 3f max 252\[r0\]\.l, r0 + dd: 06 a1 04 0f 3f max 252\[r0\]\.l, r15 + e2: fc 11 f0 fc max 252\[r15\]\.ub, r0 + e6: fc 11 ff fc max 252\[r15\]\.ub, r15 + ea: 06 21 04 f0 fc max 252\[r15\]\.b, r0 + ef: 06 21 04 ff fc max 252\[r15\]\.b, r15 + f4: 06 e1 04 f0 7e max 252\[r15\]\.uw, r0 + f9: 06 e1 04 ff 7e max 252\[r15\]\.uw, r15 + fe: 06 61 04 f0 7e max 252\[r15\]\.w, r0 + 103: 06 61 04 ff 7e max 252\[r15\]\.w, r15 + 108: 06 a1 04 f0 3f max 252\[r15\]\.l, r0 + 10d: 06 a1 04 ff 3f max 252\[r15\]\.l, r15 + 112: fc 12 00 fc ff max 65532\[r0\]\.ub, r0 + 117: fc 12 0f fc ff max 65532\[r0\]\.ub, r15 + 11c: 06 22 04 00 fc ff max 65532\[r0\]\.b, r0 + 122: 06 22 04 0f fc ff max 65532\[r0\]\.b, r15 + 128: 06 e2 04 00 fe 7f max 65532\[r0\]\.uw, r0 + 12e: 06 e2 04 0f fe 7f max 65532\[r0\]\.uw, r15 + 134: 06 62 04 00 fe 7f max 65532\[r0\]\.w, r0 + 13a: 06 62 04 0f fe 7f max 65532\[r0\]\.w, r15 + 140: 06 a2 04 00 ff 3f max 65532\[r0\]\.l, r0 + 146: 06 a2 04 0f ff 3f max 65532\[r0\]\.l, r15 + 14c: fc 12 f0 fc ff max 65532\[r15\]\.ub, r0 + 151: fc 12 ff fc ff max 65532\[r15\]\.ub, r15 + 156: 06 22 04 f0 fc ff max 65532\[r15\]\.b, r0 + 15c: 06 22 04 ff fc ff max 65532\[r15\]\.b, r15 + 162: 06 e2 04 f0 fe 7f max 65532\[r15\]\.uw, r0 + 168: 06 e2 04 ff fe 7f max 65532\[r15\]\.uw, r15 + 16e: 06 62 04 f0 fe 7f max 65532\[r15\]\.w, r0 + 174: 06 62 04 ff fe 7f max 65532\[r15\]\.w, r15 + 17a: 06 a2 04 f0 ff 3f max 65532\[r15\]\.l, r0 + 180: 06 a2 04 ff ff 3f max 65532\[r15\]\.l, r15 Index: trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/jmp.d =================================================================== --- trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/jmp.d (nonexistent) +++ trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/jmp.d (revision 118) @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +#objdump: -dr + +dump\.o: file format .* + + +Disassembly of section \.text: + +00000000 <\.text>: + 0: 7f 00 jmp r0 + 2: 7f 0f jmp r15 Index: trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/sat.d =================================================================== --- trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/sat.d (nonexistent) +++ trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/sat.d (revision 118) @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +#objdump: -dr + +dump\.o: file format .* + + +Disassembly of section \.text: + +00000000 <\.text>: + 0: 7e 30 sat r0 + 2: 7e 3f sat r15 Index: trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/ =================================================================== --- trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/ (nonexistent) +++ trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/ (revision 118) @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + nop Index: trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/add.d =================================================================== --- trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/add.d (nonexistent) +++ trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/add.d (revision 118) @@ -0,0 +1,132 @@ +#objdump: -dr + +dump\.o: file format .* + + +Disassembly of section \.text: + +00000000 <\.text>: + 0: 62 00 add #0, r0 + 2: 62 0f add #0, r15 + 4: 62 f0 add #15, r0 + 6: 62 ff add #15, r15 + 8: 71 00 80 add #-128, r0, r0 + b: 71 ff 80 add #-128, r15, r15 + e: 71 00 7f add #127, r0, r0 + 11: 71 ff 7f add #127, r15, r15 + 14: 72 00 00 80 add #0xffff8000, r0, r0 + 18: 72 ff 00 80 add #0xffff8000, r15, r15 + 1c: 73 00 00 80 00 add #0x8000, r0, r0 + 21: 73 ff 00 80 00 add #0x8000, r15, r15 + 26: 73 00 00 00 80 add #0xff800000, r0, r0 + 2b: 73 ff 00 00 80 add #0xff800000, r15, r15 + 30: 73 00 ff ff 7f add #0x7fffff, r0, r0 + 35: 73 ff ff ff 7f add #0x7fffff, r15, r15 + 3a: 70 00 00 00 00 80 add #0x80000000, r0, r0 + 40: 70 ff 00 00 00 80 add #0x80000000, r15, r15 + 46: 70 00 ff ff ff 7f add #0x7fffffff, r0, r0 + 4c: 70 ff ff ff ff 7f add #0x7fffffff, r15, r15 + 52: 4b 00 add r0, r0 + 54: 4b 0f add r0, r15 + 56: 4b f0 add r15, r0 + 58: 4b ff add r15, r15 + 5a: 48 00 add \[r0\]\.ub, r0 + 5c: 48 0f add \[r0\]\.ub, r15 + 5e: 06 08 00 add \[r0\]\.b, r0 + 61: 06 08 0f add \[r0\]\.b, r15 + 64: 06 c8 00 add \[r0\]\.uw, r0 + 67: 06 c8 0f add \[r0\]\.uw, r15 + 6a: 06 48 00 add \[r0\]\.w, r0 + 6d: 06 48 0f add \[r0\]\.w, r15 + 70: 06 88 00 add \[r0\]\.l, r0 + 73: 06 88 0f add \[r0\]\.l, r15 + 76: 48 f0 add \[r15\]\.ub, r0 + 78: 48 ff add \[r15\]\.ub, r15 + 7a: 06 08 f0 add \[r15\]\.b, r0 + 7d: 06 08 ff add \[r15\]\.b, r15 + 80: 06 c8 f0 add \[r15\]\.uw, r0 + 83: 06 c8 ff add \[r15\]\.uw, r15 + 86: 06 48 f0 add \[r15\]\.w, r0 + 89: 06 48 ff add \[r15\]\.w, r15 + 8c: 06 88 f0 add \[r15\]\.l, r0 + 8f: 06 88 ff add \[r15\]\.l, r15 + 92: 49 00 fc add 252\[r0\]\.ub, r0 + 95: 49 0f fc add 252\[r0\]\.ub, r15 + 98: 06 09 00 fc add 252\[r0\]\.b, r0 + 9c: 06 09 0f fc add 252\[r0\]\.b, r15 + a0: 06 c9 00 7e add 252\[r0\]\.uw, r0 + a4: 06 c9 0f 7e add 252\[r0\]\.uw, r15 + a8: 06 49 00 7e add 252\[r0\]\.w, r0 + ac: 06 49 0f 7e add 252\[r0\]\.w, r15 + b0: 06 89 00 3f add 252\[r0\]\.l, r0 + b4: 06 89 0f 3f add 252\[r0\]\.l, r15 + b8: 49 f0 fc add 252\[r15\]\.ub, r0 + bb: 49 ff fc add 252\[r15\]\.ub, r15 + be: 06 09 f0 fc add 252\[r15\]\.b, r0 + c2: 06 09 ff fc add 252\[r15\]\.b, r15 + c6: 06 c9 f0 7e add 252\[r15\]\.uw, r0 + ca: 06 c9 ff 7e add 252\[r15\]\.uw, r15 + ce: 06 49 f0 7e add 252\[r15\]\.w, r0 + d2: 06 49 ff 7e add 252\[r15\]\.w, r15 + d6: 06 89 f0 3f add 252\[r15\]\.l, r0 + da: 06 89 ff 3f add 252\[r15\]\.l, r15 + de: 4a 00 fc ff add 65532\[r0\]\.ub, r0 + e2: 4a 0f fc ff add 65532\[r0\]\.ub, r15 + e6: 06 0a 00 fc ff add 65532\[r0\]\.b, r0 + eb: 06 0a 0f fc ff add 65532\[r0\]\.b, r15 + f0: 06 ca 00 fe 7f add 65532\[r0\]\.uw, r0 + f5: 06 ca 0f fe 7f add 65532\[r0\]\.uw, r15 + fa: 06 4a 00 fe 7f add 65532\[r0\]\.w, r0 + ff: 06 4a 0f fe 7f add 65532\[r0\]\.w, r15 + 104: 06 8a 00 ff 3f add 65532\[r0\]\.l, r0 + 109: 06 8a 0f ff 3f add 65532\[r0\]\.l, r15 + 10e: 4a f0 fc ff add 65532\[r15\]\.ub, r0 + 112: 4a ff fc ff add 65532\[r15\]\.ub, r15 + 116: 06 0a f0 fc ff add 65532\[r15\]\.b, r0 + 11b: 06 0a ff fc ff add 65532\[r15\]\.b, r15 + 120: 06 ca f0 fe 7f add 65532\[r15\]\.uw, r0 + 125: 06 ca ff fe 7f add 65532\[r15\]\.uw, r15 + 12a: 06 4a f0 fe 7f add 65532\[r15\]\.w, r0 + 12f: 06 4a ff fe 7f add 65532\[r15\]\.w, r15 + 134: 06 8a f0 ff 3f add 65532\[r15\]\.l, r0 + 139: 06 8a ff ff 3f add 65532\[r15\]\.l, r15 + 13e: 71 00 80 add #-128, r0, r0 + 141: 71 0f 80 add #-128, r0, r15 + 144: 71 f0 80 add #-128, r15, r0 + 147: 71 ff 80 add #-128, r15, r15 + 14a: 71 00 7f add #127, r0, r0 + 14d: 71 0f 7f add #127, r0, r15 + 150: 71 f0 7f add #127, r15, r0 + 153: 71 ff 7f add #127, r15, r15 + 156: 72 00 00 80 add #0xffff8000, r0, r0 + 15a: 72 0f 00 80 add #0xffff8000, r0, r15 + 15e: 72 f0 00 80 add #0xffff8000, r15, r0 + 162: 72 ff 00 80 add #0xffff8000, r15, r15 + 166: 73 00 00 80 00 add #0x8000, r0, r0 + 16b: 73 0f 00 80 00 add #0x8000, r0, r15 + 170: 73 f0 00 80 00 add #0x8000, r15, r0 + 175: 73 ff 00 80 00 add #0x8000, r15, r15 + 17a: 73 00 00 00 80 add #0xff800000, r0, r0 + 17f: 73 0f 00 00 80 add #0xff800000, r0, r15 + 184: 73 f0 00 00 80 add #0xff800000, r15, r0 + 189: 73 ff 00 00 80 add #0xff800000, r15, r15 + 18e: 73 00 ff ff 7f add #0x7fffff, r0, r0 + 193: 73 0f ff ff 7f add #0x7fffff, r0, r15 + 198: 73 f0 ff ff 7f add #0x7fffff, r15, r0 + 19d: 73 ff ff ff 7f add #0x7fffff, r15, r15 + 1a2: 70 00 00 00 00 80 add #0x80000000, r0, r0 + 1a8: 70 0f 00 00 00 80 add #0x80000000, r0, r15 + 1ae: 70 f0 00 00 00 80 add #0x80000000, r15, r0 + 1b4: 70 ff 00 00 00 80 add #0x80000000, r15, r15 + 1ba: 70 00 ff ff ff 7f add #0x7fffffff, r0, r0 + 1c0: 70 0f ff ff ff 7f add #0x7fffffff, r0, r15 + 1c6: 70 f0 ff ff ff 7f add #0x7fffffff, r15, r0 + 1cc: 70 ff ff ff ff 7f add #0x7fffffff, r15, r15 + 1d2: ff 20 00 add r0, r0, r0 + 1d5: ff 2f 00 add r0, r0, r15 + 1d8: ff 20 0f add r0, r15, r0 + 1db: ff 2f 0f add r0, r15, r15 + 1de: ff 20 f0 add r15, r0, r0 + 1e1: ff 2f f0 add r15, r0, r15 + 1e4: ff 20 ff add r15, r15, r0 + 1e7: ff 2f ff add r15, r15, r15 Index: trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/sub.d =================================================================== --- trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/sub.d (nonexistent) +++ trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/sub.d (revision 118) @@ -0,0 +1,84 @@ +#objdump: -dr + +dump\.o: file format .* + + +Disassembly of section \.text: + +00000000 <\.text>: + 0: 60 00 sub #0, r0 + 2: 60 0f sub #0, r15 + 4: 60 f0 sub #15, r0 + 6: 60 ff sub #15, r15 + 8: 43 00 sub r0, r0 + a: 43 0f sub r0, r15 + c: 43 f0 sub r15, r0 + e: 43 ff sub r15, r15 + 10: 40 00 sub \[r0\]\.ub, r0 + 12: 40 0f sub \[r0\]\.ub, r15 + 14: 06 00 00 sub \[r0\]\.b, r0 + 17: 06 00 0f sub \[r0\]\.b, r15 + 1a: 06 c0 00 sub \[r0\]\.uw, r0 + 1d: 06 c0 0f sub \[r0\]\.uw, r15 + 20: 06 40 00 sub \[r0\]\.w, r0 + 23: 06 40 0f sub \[r0\]\.w, r15 + 26: 06 80 00 sub \[r0\]\.l, r0 + 29: 06 80 0f sub \[r0\]\.l, r15 + 2c: 40 f0 sub \[r15\]\.ub, r0 + 2e: 40 ff sub \[r15\]\.ub, r15 + 30: 06 00 f0 sub \[r15\]\.b, r0 + 33: 06 00 ff sub \[r15\]\.b, r15 + 36: 06 c0 f0 sub \[r15\]\.uw, r0 + 39: 06 c0 ff sub \[r15\]\.uw, r15 + 3c: 06 40 f0 sub \[r15\]\.w, r0 + 3f: 06 40 ff sub \[r15\]\.w, r15 + 42: 06 80 f0 sub \[r15\]\.l, r0 + 45: 06 80 ff sub \[r15\]\.l, r15 + 48: 41 00 fc sub 252\[r0\]\.ub, r0 + 4b: 41 0f fc sub 252\[r0\]\.ub, r15 + 4e: 06 01 00 fc sub 252\[r0\]\.b, r0 + 52: 06 01 0f fc sub 252\[r0\]\.b, r15 + 56: 06 c1 00 7e sub 252\[r0\]\.uw, r0 + 5a: 06 c1 0f 7e sub 252\[r0\]\.uw, r15 + 5e: 06 41 00 7e sub 252\[r0\]\.w, r0 + 62: 06 41 0f 7e sub 252\[r0\]\.w, r15 + 66: 06 81 00 3f sub 252\[r0\]\.l, r0 + 6a: 06 81 0f 3f sub 252\[r0\]\.l, r15 + 6e: 41 f0 fc sub 252\[r15\]\.ub, r0 + 71: 41 ff fc sub 252\[r15\]\.ub, r15 + 74: 06 01 f0 fc sub 252\[r15\]\.b, r0 + 78: 06 01 ff fc sub 252\[r15\]\.b, r15 + 7c: 06 c1 f0 7e sub 252\[r15\]\.uw, r0 + 80: 06 c1 ff 7e sub 252\[r15\]\.uw, r15 + 84: 06 41 f0 7e sub 252\[r15\]\.w, r0 + 88: 06 41 ff 7e sub 252\[r15\]\.w, r15 + 8c: 06 81 f0 3f sub 252\[r15\]\.l, r0 + 90: 06 81 ff 3f sub 252\[r15\]\.l, r15 + 94: 42 00 fc ff sub 65532\[r0\]\.ub, r0 + 98: 42 0f fc ff sub 65532\[r0\]\.ub, r15 + 9c: 06 02 00 fc ff sub 65532\[r0\]\.b, r0 + a1: 06 02 0f fc ff sub 65532\[r0\]\.b, r15 + a6: 06 c2 00 fe 7f sub 65532\[r0\]\.uw, r0 + ab: 06 c2 0f fe 7f sub 65532\[r0\]\.uw, r15 + b0: 06 42 00 fe 7f sub 65532\[r0\]\.w, r0 + b5: 06 42 0f fe 7f sub 65532\[r0\]\.w, r15 + ba: 06 82 00 ff 3f sub 65532\[r0\]\.l, r0 + bf: 06 82 0f ff 3f sub 65532\[r0\]\.l, r15 + c4: 42 f0 fc ff sub 65532\[r15\]\.ub, r0 + c8: 42 ff fc ff sub 65532\[r15\]\.ub, r15 + cc: 06 02 f0 fc ff sub 65532\[r15\]\.b, r0 + d1: 06 02 ff fc ff sub 65532\[r15\]\.b, r15 + d6: 06 c2 f0 fe 7f sub 65532\[r15\]\.uw, r0 + db: 06 c2 ff fe 7f sub 65532\[r15\]\.uw, r15 + e0: 06 42 f0 fe 7f sub 65532\[r15\]\.w, r0 + e5: 06 42 ff fe 7f sub 65532\[r15\]\.w, r15 + ea: 06 82 f0 ff 3f sub 65532\[r15\]\.l, r0 + ef: 06 82 ff ff 3f sub 65532\[r15\]\.l, r15 + f4: ff 00 00 sub r0, r0, r0 + f7: ff 0f 00 sub r0, r0, r15 + fa: ff 00 0f sub r0, r15, r0 + fd: ff 0f 0f sub r0, r15, r15 + 100: ff 00 f0 sub r15, r0, r0 + 103: ff 0f f0 sub r15, r0, r15 + 106: ff 00 ff sub r15, r15, r0 + 109: ff 0f ff sub r15, r15, r15 Index: trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/maclo.d =================================================================== --- trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/maclo.d (nonexistent) +++ trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/maclo.d (revision 118) @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +#objdump: -dr + +dump\.o: file format .* + + +Disassembly of section \.text: + +00000000 <\.text>: + 0: fd 05 00 maclo r0, r0 + 3: fd 05 0f maclo r0, r15 + 6: fd 05 f0 maclo r15, r0 + 9: fd 05 ff maclo r15, r15 Index: trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/sstr.d =================================================================== --- trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/sstr.d (nonexistent) +++ trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/sstr.d (revision 118) @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +#objdump: -dr + +dump\.o: file format .* + + +Disassembly of section \.text: + +00000000 <\.text>: + 0: 7f 88 sstr\.b + 2: 7f 89 sstr\.w + 4: 7f 8a sstr\.l Index: trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/ =================================================================== --- trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/ (nonexistent) +++ trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/ (revision 118) @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ + ftoi {reg},{reg} + ftoi {mem}.L,{reg} Index: trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/rx-asm-good.d =================================================================== --- trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/rx-asm-good.d (nonexistent) +++ trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/rx-asm-good.d (revision 118) @@ -0,0 +1,41 @@ +# name: Compatibility with Renesas's own assembler +# objdump: -D --prefix-addresses --show-raw-insn + +.*: +file format elf32-rx-.* + + +Disassembly of section P: +.* +.* +0+0108 66 20[ ]+mov.l[ ]+#2, r0 +0+010a 66 10[ ]+mov.l[ ]+#1, r0 +0+010c 66 00[ ]+mov.l[ ]+#0, r0 +0+010e 05 .. .. ..[ ]+bsr.a[ ]+[0-9a-f]+ +0+0112 05 .. .. ..[ ]+bsr.a[ ]+[0-9a-f]+ +0+0116 62 65[ ]+add[ ]+#6, r5 +0+0118 72 74 0b 2e[ ]+add[ ]+#0x2e0b, r7, r4 +0+011c ff 2e 00[ ]+add[ ]+r0, r0, r14 +.* + +Disassembly of section D_1: +0+0000 01.* +0+0001 00.* +0+0002 00.* +0+0003 64 61.* +0+0005 74 00 00 00 00 00.* +.* +0+004f 01.* +0+0050 64 61.* +0+0052 74 61.* +0+0054 00.* +0+0055 00.* +0+0056 00.* +0+0057 fa 43 b6 f3 9d 3f 00 00.* +0+005f fa 43 01 00 00 00 74 77.* +0+0067 6f 07.* +0+0069 00.* +0+006a 00.* +0+006b 00.* +0+006c 03.* +0+006d 00.* +.* Index: trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/ =================================================================== --- trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/ (nonexistent) +++ trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/ (revision 118) @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ + emul #{imm},{reg2} + emul {reg},{reg2} + emul {memx},{reg2} + Index: trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/ =================================================================== --- trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/ (nonexistent) +++ trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/ (revision 118) @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + wait Index: trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/emul.d =================================================================== --- trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/emul.d (nonexistent) +++ trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/emul.d (revision 118) @@ -0,0 +1,88 @@ +#objdump: -dr + +dump\.o: file format .* + + +Disassembly of section \.text: + +00000000 <\.text>: + 0: fd 74 60 80 emul #-128, r0 + 4: fd 74 6e 80 emul #-128, r14 + 8: fd 74 60 7f emul #127, r0 + c: fd 74 6e 7f emul #127, r14 + 10: fd 78 60 00 80 emul #0xffff8000, r0 + 15: fd 78 6e 00 80 emul #0xffff8000, r14 + 1a: fd 7c 60 00 80 00 emul #0x8000, r0 + 20: fd 7c 6e 00 80 00 emul #0x8000, r14 + 26: fd 7c 60 00 00 80 emul #0xff800000, r0 + 2c: fd 7c 6e 00 00 80 emul #0xff800000, r14 + 32: fd 7c 60 ff ff 7f emul #0x7fffff, r0 + 38: fd 7c 6e ff ff 7f emul #0x7fffff, r14 + 3e: fd 70 60 00 00 00 80 emul #0x80000000, r0 + 45: fd 70 6e 00 00 00 80 emul #0x80000000, r14 + 4c: fd 70 60 ff ff ff 7f emul #0x7fffffff, r0 + 53: fd 70 6e ff ff ff 7f emul #0x7fffffff, r14 + 5a: fc 1b 00 emul r0, r0 + 5d: fc 1b 0e emul r0, r14 + 60: fc 1b f0 emul r15, r0 + 63: fc 1b fe emul r15, r14 + 66: fc 18 00 emul \[r0\]\.ub, r0 + 69: fc 18 0e emul \[r0\]\.ub, r14 + 6c: 06 20 06 00 emul \[r0\]\.b, r0 + 70: 06 20 06 0e emul \[r0\]\.b, r14 + 74: 06 e0 06 00 emul \[r0\]\.uw, r0 + 78: 06 e0 06 0e emul \[r0\]\.uw, r14 + 7c: 06 60 06 00 emul \[r0\]\.w, r0 + 80: 06 60 06 0e emul \[r0\]\.w, r14 + 84: 06 a0 06 00 emul \[r0\]\.l, r0 + 88: 06 a0 06 0e emul \[r0\]\.l, r14 + 8c: fc 18 f0 emul \[r15\]\.ub, r0 + 8f: fc 18 fe emul \[r15\]\.ub, r14 + 92: 06 20 06 f0 emul \[r15\]\.b, r0 + 96: 06 20 06 fe emul \[r15\]\.b, r14 + 9a: 06 e0 06 f0 emul \[r15\]\.uw, r0 + 9e: 06 e0 06 fe emul \[r15\]\.uw, r14 + a2: 06 60 06 f0 emul \[r15\]\.w, r0 + a6: 06 60 06 fe emul \[r15\]\.w, r14 + aa: 06 a0 06 f0 emul \[r15\]\.l, r0 + ae: 06 a0 06 fe emul \[r15\]\.l, r14 + b2: fc 19 00 fc emul 252\[r0\]\.ub, r0 + b6: fc 19 0e fc emul 252\[r0\]\.ub, r14 + ba: 06 21 06 00 fc emul 252\[r0\]\.b, r0 + bf: 06 21 06 0e fc emul 252\[r0\]\.b, r14 + c4: 06 e1 06 00 7e emul 252\[r0\]\.uw, r0 + c9: 06 e1 06 0e 7e emul 252\[r0\]\.uw, r14 + ce: 06 61 06 00 7e emul 252\[r0\]\.w, r0 + d3: 06 61 06 0e 7e emul 252\[r0\]\.w, r14 + d8: 06 a1 06 00 3f emul 252\[r0\]\.l, r0 + dd: 06 a1 06 0e 3f emul 252\[r0\]\.l, r14 + e2: fc 19 f0 fc emul 252\[r15\]\.ub, r0 + e6: fc 19 fe fc emul 252\[r15\]\.ub, r14 + ea: 06 21 06 f0 fc emul 252\[r15\]\.b, r0 + ef: 06 21 06 fe fc emul 252\[r15\]\.b, r14 + f4: 06 e1 06 f0 7e emul 252\[r15\]\.uw, r0 + f9: 06 e1 06 fe 7e emul 252\[r15\]\.uw, r14 + fe: 06 61 06 f0 7e emul 252\[r15\]\.w, r0 + 103: 06 61 06 fe 7e emul 252\[r15\]\.w, r14 + 108: 06 a1 06 f0 3f emul 252\[r15\]\.l, r0 + 10d: 06 a1 06 fe 3f emul 252\[r15\]\.l, r14 + 112: fc 1a 00 fc ff emul 65532\[r0\]\.ub, r0 + 117: fc 1a 0e fc ff emul 65532\[r0\]\.ub, r14 + 11c: 06 22 06 00 fc ff emul 65532\[r0\]\.b, r0 + 122: 06 22 06 0e fc ff emul 65532\[r0\]\.b, r14 + 128: 06 e2 06 00 fe 7f emul 65532\[r0\]\.uw, r0 + 12e: 06 e2 06 0e fe 7f emul 65532\[r0\]\.uw, r14 + 134: 06 62 06 00 fe 7f emul 65532\[r0\]\.w, r0 + 13a: 06 62 06 0e fe 7f emul 65532\[r0\]\.w, r14 + 140: 06 a2 06 00 ff 3f emul 65532\[r0\]\.l, r0 + 146: 06 a2 06 0e ff 3f emul 65532\[r0\]\.l, r14 + 14c: fc 1a f0 fc ff emul 65532\[r15\]\.ub, r0 + 151: fc 1a fe fc ff emul 65532\[r15\]\.ub, r14 + 156: 06 22 06 f0 fc ff emul 65532\[r15\]\.b, r0 + 15c: 06 22 06 fe fc ff emul 65532\[r15\]\.b, r14 + 162: 06 e2 06 f0 fe 7f emul 65532\[r15\]\.uw, r0 + 168: 06 e2 06 fe fe 7f emul 65532\[r15\]\.uw, r14 + 16e: 06 62 06 f0 fe 7f emul 65532\[r15\]\.w, r0 + 174: 06 62 06 fe fe 7f emul 65532\[r15\]\.w, r14 + 17a: 06 a2 06 f0 ff 3f emul 65532\[r15\]\.l, r0 + 180: 06 a2 06 fe ff 3f emul 65532\[r15\]\.l, r14 Index: trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/bra.d =================================================================== --- trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/bra.d (nonexistent) +++ trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/bra.d (revision 118) @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +#objdump: -dr + +dump\.o: file format .* + + +Disassembly of section \.text: + +00000000 <\.text>: + 0: 0b bra\.s 0x3 + 1: 0a bra\.s 0xb + 2: 08 bra\.s 0xa + 2: R_RX_DIR3U_PCREL foo + 3: 2e 80 bra\.b 0xffffff83 + 5: 2e 7f bra\.b 0x84 + 7: 2e 00 bra\.b 0x7 + 8: R_RX_DIR8S_PCREL foo + 9: 38 00 80 bra\.w 0xffff8009 + c: 38 ff 7f bra\.w 0x800b + f: 38 00 00 bra\.w 0xf + 10: R_RX_DIR16S_PCREL foo + 12: 04 00 00 80 bra\.a 0xff800012 + 16: 04 ff ff 7f bra\.a 0x800015 + 1a: 04 00 00 00 bra\.a 0x1a + 1b: R_RX_DIR24S_PCREL foo + 1e: 04 00 00 80 bra\.a 0xff80001e + 22: 04 ff ff 7f bra\.a 0x800021 + 26: 04 00 00 00 bra\.a 0x26 + 27: R_RX_DIR24S_PCREL foo + 2a: 7f 40 bra\.l r0 + 2c: 7f 4f bra\.l r15 Index: trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/ =================================================================== --- trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/ (nonexistent) +++ trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/ (revision 118) @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ + xor #{imm},{reg} + + xor {reg},{reg} + xor {memx},{reg} Index: trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/abs.d =================================================================== --- trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/abs.d (nonexistent) +++ trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/abs.d (revision 118) @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +#objdump: -dr + +dump\.o: file format .* + + +Disassembly of section \.text: + +00000000 <\.text>: + 0: 7e 20 abs r0 + 2: 7e 2f abs r15 + 4: fc 0f 00 abs r0, r0 + 7: fc 0f 0f abs r0, r15 + a: fc 0f f0 abs r15, r0 + d: fc 0f ff abs r15, r15 Index: trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/divu.d =================================================================== --- trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/divu.d (nonexistent) +++ trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/divu.d (revision 118) @@ -0,0 +1,88 @@ +#objdump: -dr + +dump\.o: file format .* + + +Disassembly of section \.text: + +00000000 <\.text>: + 0: fd 74 90 80 divu #-128, r0 + 4: fd 74 9f 80 divu #-128, r15 + 8: fd 74 90 7f divu #127, r0 + c: fd 74 9f 7f divu #127, r15 + 10: fd 78 90 00 80 divu #0xffff8000, r0 + 15: fd 78 9f 00 80 divu #0xffff8000, r15 + 1a: fd 7c 90 00 80 00 divu #0x8000, r0 + 20: fd 7c 9f 00 80 00 divu #0x8000, r15 + 26: fd 7c 90 00 00 80 divu #0xff800000, r0 + 2c: fd 7c 9f 00 00 80 divu #0xff800000, r15 + 32: fd 7c 90 ff ff 7f divu #0x7fffff, r0 + 38: fd 7c 9f ff ff 7f divu #0x7fffff, r15 + 3e: fd 70 90 00 00 00 80 divu #0x80000000, r0 + 45: fd 70 9f 00 00 00 80 divu #0x80000000, r15 + 4c: fd 70 90 ff ff ff 7f divu #0x7fffffff, r0 + 53: fd 70 9f ff ff ff 7f divu #0x7fffffff, r15 + 5a: fc 27 00 divu r0, r0 + 5d: fc 27 0f divu r0, r15 + 60: fc 27 f0 divu r15, r0 + 63: fc 27 ff divu r15, r15 + 66: fc 24 00 divu \[r0\]\.ub, r0 + 69: fc 24 0f divu \[r0\]\.ub, r15 + 6c: 06 20 09 00 divu \[r0\]\.b, r0 + 70: 06 20 09 0f divu \[r0\]\.b, r15 + 74: 06 e0 09 00 divu \[r0\]\.uw, r0 + 78: 06 e0 09 0f divu \[r0\]\.uw, r15 + 7c: 06 60 09 00 divu \[r0\]\.w, r0 + 80: 06 60 09 0f divu \[r0\]\.w, r15 + 84: 06 a0 09 00 divu \[r0\]\.l, r0 + 88: 06 a0 09 0f divu \[r0\]\.l, r15 + 8c: fc 24 f0 divu \[r15\]\.ub, r0 + 8f: fc 24 ff divu \[r15\]\.ub, r15 + 92: 06 20 09 f0 divu \[r15\]\.b, r0 + 96: 06 20 09 ff divu \[r15\]\.b, r15 + 9a: 06 e0 09 f0 divu \[r15\]\.uw, r0 + 9e: 06 e0 09 ff divu \[r15\]\.uw, r15 + a2: 06 60 09 f0 divu \[r15\]\.w, r0 + a6: 06 60 09 ff divu \[r15\]\.w, r15 + aa: 06 a0 09 f0 divu \[r15\]\.l, r0 + ae: 06 a0 09 ff divu \[r15\]\.l, r15 + b2: fc 25 00 fc divu 252\[r0\]\.ub, r0 + b6: fc 25 0f fc divu 252\[r0\]\.ub, r15 + ba: 06 21 09 00 fc divu 252\[r0\]\.b, r0 + bf: 06 21 09 0f fc divu 252\[r0\]\.b, r15 + c4: 06 e1 09 00 7e divu 252\[r0\]\.uw, r0 + c9: 06 e1 09 0f 7e divu 252\[r0\]\.uw, r15 + ce: 06 61 09 00 7e divu 252\[r0\]\.w, r0 + d3: 06 61 09 0f 7e divu 252\[r0\]\.w, r15 + d8: 06 a1 09 00 3f divu 252\[r0\]\.l, r0 + dd: 06 a1 09 0f 3f divu 252\[r0\]\.l, r15 + e2: fc 25 f0 fc divu 252\[r15\]\.ub, r0 + e6: fc 25 ff fc divu 252\[r15\]\.ub, r15 + ea: 06 21 09 f0 fc divu 252\[r15\]\.b, r0 + ef: 06 21 09 ff fc divu 252\[r15\]\.b, r15 + f4: 06 e1 09 f0 7e divu 252\[r15\]\.uw, r0 + f9: 06 e1 09 ff 7e divu 252\[r15\]\.uw, r15 + fe: 06 61 09 f0 7e divu 252\[r15\]\.w, r0 + 103: 06 61 09 ff 7e divu 252\[r15\]\.w, r15 + 108: 06 a1 09 f0 3f divu 252\[r15\]\.l, r0 + 10d: 06 a1 09 ff 3f divu 252\[r15\]\.l, r15 + 112: fc 26 00 fc ff divu 65532\[r0\]\.ub, r0 + 117: fc 26 0f fc ff divu 65532\[r0\]\.ub, r15 + 11c: 06 22 09 00 fc ff divu 65532\[r0\]\.b, r0 + 122: 06 22 09 0f fc ff divu 65532\[r0\]\.b, r15 + 128: 06 e2 09 00 fe 7f divu 65532\[r0\]\.uw, r0 + 12e: 06 e2 09 0f fe 7f divu 65532\[r0\]\.uw, r15 + 134: 06 62 09 00 fe 7f divu 65532\[r0\]\.w, r0 + 13a: 06 62 09 0f fe 7f divu 65532\[r0\]\.w, r15 + 140: 06 a2 09 00 ff 3f divu 65532\[r0\]\.l, r0 + 146: 06 a2 09 0f ff 3f divu 65532\[r0\]\.l, r15 + 14c: fc 26 f0 fc ff divu 65532\[r15\]\.ub, r0 + 151: fc 26 ff fc ff divu 65532\[r15\]\.ub, r15 + 156: 06 22 09 f0 fc ff divu 65532\[r15\]\.b, r0 + 15c: 06 22 09 ff fc ff divu 65532\[r15\]\.b, r15 + 162: 06 e2 09 f0 fe 7f divu 65532\[r15\]\.uw, r0 + 168: 06 e2 09 ff fe 7f divu 65532\[r15\]\.uw, r15 + 16e: 06 62 09 f0 fe 7f divu 65532\[r15\]\.w, r0 + 174: 06 62 09 ff fe 7f divu 65532\[r15\]\.w, r15 + 17a: 06 a2 09 f0 ff 3f divu 65532\[r15\]\.l, r0 + 180: 06 a2 09 ff ff 3f divu 65532\[r15\]\.l, r15 Index: trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/gprel.d =================================================================== --- trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/gprel.d (nonexistent) +++ trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/gprel.d (revision 118) @@ -0,0 +1,53 @@ +#objdump: -dr + +dump\.o: file format .* + + +Disassembly of section .text: + +00000000 <_start>: + 0: ce f1 04 00 mov\.b 4\[r15\], r1 + 2: R_RX_SYM _foo + 2: R_RX_SYM __gp + 2: R_RX_OPsub __gp + 2: R_RX_ABS16U __gp + 4: ce f1 08 00 mov\.b 8\[r15\], r1 + 6: R_RX_SYM _bar + 6: R_RX_SYM __gp + 6: R_RX_OPsub __gp + 6: R_RX_ABS16U __gp + 8: ce f1 00 00 mov\.b \[r15\], r1 + a: R_RX_SYM _grill + a: R_RX_SYM __gp + a: R_RX_OPsub __gp + a: R_RX_ABS16U __gp + c: de f1 02 00 mov\.w 4\[r15\], r1 + e: R_RX_SYM _foo + e: R_RX_SYM __gp + e: R_RX_OPsub __gp + e: R_RX_ABS16UW __gp + 10: de f1 04 00 mov\.w 8\[r15\], r1 + 12: R_RX_SYM _bar + 12: R_RX_SYM __gp + 12: R_RX_OPsub __gp + 12: R_RX_ABS16UW __gp + 14: de f1 00 00 mov\.w \[r15\], r1 + 16: R_RX_SYM _grill + 16: R_RX_SYM __gp + 16: R_RX_OPsub __gp + 16: R_RX_ABS16UW __gp + 18: ee f1 01 00 mov\.l 4\[r15\], r1 + 1a: R_RX_SYM _foo + 1a: R_RX_SYM __gp + 1a: R_RX_OPsub __gp + 1a: R_RX_ABS16UL __gp + 1c: ee f1 02 00 mov\.l 8\[r15\], r1 + 1e: R_RX_SYM _bar + 1e: R_RX_SYM __gp + 1e: R_RX_OPsub __gp + 1e: R_RX_ABS16UL __gp + 20: ee f1 00 00 mov\.l \[r15\], r1 + 22: R_RX_SYM _grill + 22: R_RX_SYM __gp + 22: R_RX_OPsub __gp + 22: R_RX_ABS16UL __gp Index: trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/ =================================================================== --- trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/ (nonexistent) +++ trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/ (revision 118) @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ + brk + nop Index: trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/ =================================================================== --- trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/ (nonexistent) +++ trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/ (revision 118) @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ + cmp #{uimm4},{reg} + cmp #{uimm8},{reg} + cmp #{imm},{reg} + cmp {reg},{reg} + cmp {memx},{reg} + Index: trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/rx-asm-good.s =================================================================== --- trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/rx-asm-good.s (nonexistent) +++ trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/rx-asm-good.s (revision 118) @@ -0,0 +1,86 @@ + + .INCLUDE + + .SECTION P,CODE,ALIGN + + .ORG 100H + + .GLB mem +mem: + .word three, seven + + ; mac1 r2 + ; mac1 r3,r4 + ; + ; mac2 + ; + ; mac3 L,r0,H,[a0] + + .MREPEAT 3 + mov.l #..MACREP,r0 + .ENDR + + .ALIGN + + .STK 2 + bsr glbsub + bsr localsub + .STK -2 + + .IF TYPE==0 + .byte "harry" + .ELIF TYPE>0 + .byte "jim" + .ELSE + .byte "bert" + .ENDIF + +?: + bra ?+ + bra ?- +?: + bra ?- + + + .SECTION D_1,DATA + .GLB dmem +dmem: + size .EQU 2 + + .ADDR 1 + .ADDR "dat" + .ADDR dmem+1 + + .BLKA 1 + .BLKA size + + .BLKB 1 + .BLKB size + + .BLKD 1 + .BLKD size + + .BLKF 1 + .BLKF size + + .BLKL 1 + .BLKL size+1 + + .BLKW 1 + .BLKW size + + .BYTE 1 + .BYTE "data" + .BYTE dmem+1 + + .DOUBLE 5e2 + .FIXED 1.234 + .FLOAT 5e2 + + .LWORD 1 + .LWORD "two" + .LWORD 3+4 + + .WORD 3 + + \ No newline at end of file Index: trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/mulhi.d =================================================================== --- trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/mulhi.d (nonexistent) +++ trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/mulhi.d (revision 118) @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +#objdump: -dr + +dump\.o: file format .* + + +Disassembly of section \.text: + +00000000 <\.text>: + 0: fd 00 00 mulhi r0, r0 + 3: fd 00 0f mulhi r0, r15 + 6: fd 00 f0 mulhi r15, r0 + 9: fd 00 ff mulhi r15, r15 Index: trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/ =================================================================== --- trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/ (nonexistent) +++ trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/ (revision 118) @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + smovb Index: trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/r-bcc.d =================================================================== --- trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/r-bcc.d (nonexistent) +++ trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/r-bcc.d (revision 118) @@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ +#objdump: -dr + +dump\.o: file format .* + + +Disassembly of section \.text: + +00000000 : + 0: 20 32 beq\.b 32 + 2: 3a 86 13 beq\.w 1388 + 5: 1e bne\.s b + 6: 04 1a a1 07 bra\.a 7a120 + +0000000a : + a: 21 28 bne\.b 32 + c: 3b 7c 13 bne\.w 1388 + f: 15 beq\.s 14 + 10: 04 10 a1 07 bra\.a 7a120 + +00000014 : + 14: 2a 1e bgt\.b 32 + 16: 2b 05 ble\.b 1b + 18: 38 70 13 bra\.w 1388 + 1b: 2b 06 ble\.b 21 + 1d: 04 03 a1 07 bra\.a 7a120 + +00000021 : + 21: 23 11 bnc\.b 32 + 23: 22 05 bc\.b 28 + 25: 38 63 13 bra\.w 1388 + 28: 22 06 bc\.b 2e + 2a: 04 f6 a0 07 bra\.a 7a120 + +0000002e : + 2e: 03 nop + 2f: 00 brk + \.\.\. + +00000032 : + \.\.\. + +00001388 : + \.\.\. Index: trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/ =================================================================== --- trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/ (nonexistent) +++ trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/ (revision 118) @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + maclo {reg},{reg} Index: trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/emulu.d =================================================================== --- trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/emulu.d (nonexistent) +++ trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/emulu.d (revision 118) @@ -0,0 +1,88 @@ +#objdump: -dr + +dump\.o: file format .* + + +Disassembly of section \.text: + +00000000 <\.text>: + 0: fd 74 70 80 emulu #-128, r0 + 4: fd 74 7e 80 emulu #-128, r14 + 8: fd 74 70 7f emulu #127, r0 + c: fd 74 7e 7f emulu #127, r14 + 10: fd 78 70 00 80 emulu #0xffff8000, r0 + 15: fd 78 7e 00 80 emulu #0xffff8000, r14 + 1a: fd 7c 70 00 80 00 emulu #0x8000, r0 + 20: fd 7c 7e 00 80 00 emulu #0x8000, r14 + 26: fd 7c 70 00 00 80 emulu #0xff800000, r0 + 2c: fd 7c 7e 00 00 80 emulu #0xff800000, r14 + 32: fd 7c 70 ff ff 7f emulu #0x7fffff, r0 + 38: fd 7c 7e ff ff 7f emulu #0x7fffff, r14 + 3e: fd 70 70 00 00 00 80 emulu #0x80000000, r0 + 45: fd 70 7e 00 00 00 80 emulu #0x80000000, r14 + 4c: fd 70 70 ff ff ff 7f emulu #0x7fffffff, r0 + 53: fd 70 7e ff ff ff 7f emulu #0x7fffffff, r14 + 5a: fc 1f 00 emulu r0, r0 + 5d: fc 1f 0e emulu r0, r14 + 60: fc 1f f0 emulu r15, r0 + 63: fc 1f fe emulu r15, r14 + 66: fc 1c 00 emulu \[r0\]\.ub, r0 + 69: fc 1c 0e emulu \[r0\]\.ub, r14 + 6c: 06 20 07 00 emulu \[r0\]\.b, r0 + 70: 06 20 07 0e emulu \[r0\]\.b, r14 + 74: 06 e0 07 00 emulu \[r0\]\.uw, r0 + 78: 06 e0 07 0e emulu \[r0\]\.uw, r14 + 7c: 06 60 07 00 emulu \[r0\]\.w, r0 + 80: 06 60 07 0e emulu \[r0\]\.w, r14 + 84: 06 a0 07 00 emulu \[r0\]\.l, r0 + 88: 06 a0 07 0e emulu \[r0\]\.l, r14 + 8c: fc 1c f0 emulu \[r15\]\.ub, r0 + 8f: fc 1c fe emulu \[r15\]\.ub, r14 + 92: 06 20 07 f0 emulu \[r15\]\.b, r0 + 96: 06 20 07 fe emulu \[r15\]\.b, r14 + 9a: 06 e0 07 f0 emulu \[r15\]\.uw, r0 + 9e: 06 e0 07 fe emulu \[r15\]\.uw, r14 + a2: 06 60 07 f0 emulu \[r15\]\.w, r0 + a6: 06 60 07 fe emulu \[r15\]\.w, r14 + aa: 06 a0 07 f0 emulu \[r15\]\.l, r0 + ae: 06 a0 07 fe emulu \[r15\]\.l, r14 + b2: fc 1d 00 fc emulu 252\[r0\]\.ub, r0 + b6: fc 1d 0e fc emulu 252\[r0\]\.ub, r14 + ba: 06 21 07 00 fc emulu 252\[r0\]\.b, r0 + bf: 06 21 07 0e fc emulu 252\[r0\]\.b, r14 + c4: 06 e1 07 00 7e emulu 252\[r0\]\.uw, r0 + c9: 06 e1 07 0e 7e emulu 252\[r0\]\.uw, r14 + ce: 06 61 07 00 7e emulu 252\[r0\]\.w, r0 + d3: 06 61 07 0e 7e emulu 252\[r0\]\.w, r14 + d8: 06 a1 07 00 3f emulu 252\[r0\]\.l, r0 + dd: 06 a1 07 0e 3f emulu 252\[r0\]\.l, r14 + e2: fc 1d f0 fc emulu 252\[r15\]\.ub, r0 + e6: fc 1d fe fc emulu 252\[r15\]\.ub, r14 + ea: 06 21 07 f0 fc emulu 252\[r15\]\.b, r0 + ef: 06 21 07 fe fc emulu 252\[r15\]\.b, r14 + f4: 06 e1 07 f0 7e emulu 252\[r15\]\.uw, r0 + f9: 06 e1 07 fe 7e emulu 252\[r15\]\.uw, r14 + fe: 06 61 07 f0 7e emulu 252\[r15\]\.w, r0 + 103: 06 61 07 fe 7e emulu 252\[r15\]\.w, r14 + 108: 06 a1 07 f0 3f emulu 252\[r15\]\.l, r0 + 10d: 06 a1 07 fe 3f emulu 252\[r15\]\.l, r14 + 112: fc 1e 00 fc ff emulu 65532\[r0\]\.ub, r0 + 117: fc 1e 0e fc ff emulu 65532\[r0\]\.ub, r14 + 11c: 06 22 07 00 fc ff emulu 65532\[r0\]\.b, r0 + 122: 06 22 07 0e fc ff emulu 65532\[r0\]\.b, r14 + 128: 06 e2 07 00 fe 7f emulu 65532\[r0\]\.uw, r0 + 12e: 06 e2 07 0e fe 7f emulu 65532\[r0\]\.uw, r14 + 134: 06 62 07 00 fe 7f emulu 65532\[r0\]\.w, r0 + 13a: 06 62 07 0e fe 7f emulu 65532\[r0\]\.w, r14 + 140: 06 a2 07 00 ff 3f emulu 65532\[r0\]\.l, r0 + 146: 06 a2 07 0e ff 3f emulu 65532\[r0\]\.l, r14 + 14c: fc 1e f0 fc ff emulu 65532\[r15\]\.ub, r0 + 151: fc 1e fe fc ff emulu 65532\[r15\]\.ub, r14 + 156: 06 22 07 f0 fc ff emulu 65532\[r15\]\.b, r0 + 15c: 06 22 07 fe fc ff emulu 65532\[r15\]\.b, r14 + 162: 06 e2 07 f0 fe 7f emulu 65532\[r15\]\.uw, r0 + 168: 06 e2 07 fe fe 7f emulu 65532\[r15\]\.uw, r14 + 16e: 06 62 07 f0 fe 7f emulu 65532\[r15\]\.w, r0 + 174: 06 62 07 fe fe 7f emulu 65532\[r15\]\.w, r14 + 17a: 06 a2 07 f0 ff 3f emulu 65532\[r15\]\.l, r0 + 180: 06 a2 07 fe ff 3f emulu 65532\[r15\]\.l, r14 Index: trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/ =================================================================== --- trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/ (nonexistent) +++ trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/ (revision 118) @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + sstr{bwl} Index: trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/ =================================================================== --- trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/ (nonexistent) +++ trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/ (revision 118) @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ + pushm {regPlo}-{regPhi} + pushm r4-r4 Index: trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/mullo.d =================================================================== --- trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/mullo.d (nonexistent) +++ trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/mullo.d (revision 118) @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +#objdump: -dr + +dump\.o: file format .* + + +Disassembly of section \.text: + +00000000 <\.text>: + 0: fd 01 00 mullo r0, r0 + 3: fd 01 0f mullo r0, r15 + 6: fd 01 f0 mullo r15, r0 + 9: fd 01 ff mullo r15, r15 Index: trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/fdiv.d =================================================================== --- trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/fdiv.d (nonexistent) +++ trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/fdiv.d (revision 118) @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +#objdump: -dr + +dump\.o: file format .* + + +Disassembly of section \.text: + +00000000 <\.text>: + 0: fd 72 40 00 00 00 80 fdiv #0x80000000, r0 + 7: fd 72 4f 00 00 00 80 fdiv #0x80000000, r15 + e: fd 72 40 ff ff ff ff fdiv #-1, r0 + 15: fd 72 4f ff ff ff ff fdiv #-1, r15 + 1c: fc 93 00 fdiv r0, r0 + 1f: fc 93 0f fdiv r0, r15 + 22: fc 93 f0 fdiv r15, r0 + 25: fc 93 ff fdiv r15, r15 + 28: fc 90 00 fdiv \[r0\]\.l, r0 + 2b: fc 90 0f fdiv \[r0\]\.l, r15 + 2e: fc 90 f0 fdiv \[r15\]\.l, r0 + 31: fc 90 ff fdiv \[r15\]\.l, r15 + 34: fc 91 00 3f fdiv 252\[r0\]\.l, r0 + 38: fc 91 0f 3f fdiv 252\[r0\]\.l, r15 + 3c: fc 91 f0 3f fdiv 252\[r15\]\.l, r0 + 40: fc 91 ff 3f fdiv 252\[r15\]\.l, r15 + 44: fc 92 00 ff 3f fdiv 65532\[r0\]\.l, r0 + 49: fc 92 0f ff 3f fdiv 65532\[r0\]\.l, r15 + 4e: fc 92 f0 ff 3f fdiv 65532\[r15\]\.l, r0 + 53: fc 92 ff ff 3f fdiv 65532\[r15\]\.l, r15 Index: trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/ =================================================================== --- trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/ (nonexistent) +++ trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/ (revision 118) @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + rmpa{bwl} Index: trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/ =================================================================== --- trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/ (nonexistent) +++ trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/ (revision 118) @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + rolc {reg} Index: trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/racw.d =================================================================== --- trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/racw.d (nonexistent) +++ trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/racw.d (revision 118) @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +#objdump: -dr + +dump\.o: file format .* + + +Disassembly of section \.text: + +00000000 <\.text>: + 0: fd 18 00 racw #1 + 3: fd 18 10 racw #2 Index: trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/bset.d =================================================================== --- trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/bset.d (nonexistent) +++ trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/bset.d (revision 118) @@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ +#objdump: -dr + +dump\.o: file format .* + + +Disassembly of section \.text: + +00000000 <\.text>: + 0: f0 00 bset #0, \[r0\]\.b + 2: f0 f0 bset #0, \[r15\]\.b + 4: f1 00 fc bset #0, 252\[r0\]\.b + 7: f1 f0 fc bset #0, 252\[r15\]\.b + a: f2 00 fc ff bset #0, 65532\[r0\]\.b + e: f2 f0 fc ff bset #0, 65532\[r15\]\.b + 12: f0 07 bset #7, \[r0\]\.b + 14: f0 f7 bset #7, \[r15\]\.b + 16: f1 07 fc bset #7, 252\[r0\]\.b + 19: f1 f7 fc bset #7, 252\[r15\]\.b + 1c: f2 07 fc ff bset #7, 65532\[r0\]\.b + 20: f2 f7 fc ff bset #7, 65532\[r15\]\.b + 24: fc 60 00 bset r0, \[r0\]\.b + 27: fc 60 f0 bset r0, \[r15\]\.b + 2a: fc 61 00 fc bset r0, 252\[r0\]\.b + 2e: fc 61 f0 fc bset r0, 252\[r15\]\.b + 32: fc 62 00 fc ff bset r0, 65532\[r0\]\.b + 37: fc 62 f0 fc ff bset r0, 65532\[r15\]\.b + 3c: fc 60 0f bset r15, \[r0\]\.b + 3f: fc 60 ff bset r15, \[r15\]\.b + 42: fc 61 0f fc bset r15, 252\[r0\]\.b + 46: fc 61 ff fc bset r15, 252\[r15\]\.b + 4a: fc 62 0f fc ff bset r15, 65532\[r0\]\.b + 4f: fc 62 ff fc ff bset r15, 65532\[r15\]\.b + 54: 78 00 bset #0, r0 + 56: 78 0f bset #0, r15 + 58: 79 f0 bset #31, r0 + 5a: 79 ff bset #31, r15 + 5c: fc 63 00 bset r0, r0 + 5f: fc 63 f0 bset r0, r15 + 62: fc 63 0f bset r15, r0 + 65: fc 63 ff bset r15, r15 Index: trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/ =================================================================== --- trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/ (nonexistent) +++ trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/ (revision 118) @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ + itof {reg},{reg} + itof {memx},{reg} Index: trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/fadd.d =================================================================== --- trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/fadd.d (nonexistent) +++ trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/fadd.d (revision 118) @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +#objdump: -dr + +dump\.o: file format .* + + +Disassembly of section \.text: + +00000000 <\.text>: + 0: fd 72 20 00 00 00 80 fadd #0x80000000, r0 + 7: fd 72 2f 00 00 00 80 fadd #0x80000000, r15 + e: fd 72 20 ff ff ff ff fadd #-1, r0 + 15: fd 72 2f ff ff ff ff fadd #-1, r15 + 1c: fc 8b 00 fadd r0, r0 + 1f: fc 8b 0f fadd r0, r15 + 22: fc 8b f0 fadd r15, r0 + 25: fc 8b ff fadd r15, r15 + 28: fc 88 00 fadd \[r0\]\.l, r0 + 2b: fc 88 0f fadd \[r0\]\.l, r15 + 2e: fc 88 f0 fadd \[r15\]\.l, r0 + 31: fc 88 ff fadd \[r15\]\.l, r15 + 34: fc 89 00 3f fadd 252\[r0\]\.l, r0 + 38: fc 89 0f 3f fadd 252\[r0\]\.l, r15 + 3c: fc 89 f0 3f fadd 252\[r15\]\.l, r0 + 40: fc 89 ff 3f fadd 252\[r15\]\.l, r15 + 44: fc 8a 00 ff 3f fadd 65532\[r0\]\.l, r0 + 49: fc 8a 0f ff 3f fadd 65532\[r0\]\.l, r15 + 4e: fc 8a f0 ff 3f fadd 65532\[r15\]\.l, r0 + 53: fc 8a ff ff 3f fadd 65532\[r15\]\.l, r15 Index: trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/fsub.d =================================================================== --- trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/fsub.d (nonexistent) +++ trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/fsub.d (revision 118) @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +#objdump: -dr + +dump\.o: file format .* + + +Disassembly of section \.text: + +00000000 <\.text>: + 0: fd 72 00 00 00 00 80 fsub #0x80000000, r0 + 7: fd 72 0f 00 00 00 80 fsub #0x80000000, r15 + e: fd 72 00 ff ff ff ff fsub #-1, r0 + 15: fd 72 0f ff ff ff ff fsub #-1, r15 + 1c: fc 83 00 fsub r0, r0 + 1f: fc 83 0f fsub r0, r15 + 22: fc 83 f0 fsub r15, r0 + 25: fc 83 ff fsub r15, r15 + 28: fc 80 00 fsub \[r0\]\.l, r0 + 2b: fc 80 0f fsub \[r0\]\.l, r15 + 2e: fc 80 f0 fsub \[r15\]\.l, r0 + 31: fc 80 ff fsub \[r15\]\.l, r15 + 34: fc 81 00 3f fsub 252\[r0\]\.l, r0 + 38: fc 81 0f 3f fsub 252\[r0\]\.l, r15 + 3c: fc 81 f0 3f fsub 252\[r15\]\.l, r0 + 40: fc 81 ff 3f fsub 252\[r15\]\.l, r15 + 44: fc 82 00 ff 3f fsub 65532\[r0\]\.l, r0 + 49: fc 82 0f ff 3f fsub 65532\[r0\]\.l, r15 + 4e: fc 82 f0 ff 3f fsub 65532\[r15\]\.l, r0 + 53: fc 82 ff ff 3f fsub 65532\[r15\]\.l, r15 Index: trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/ftoi.d =================================================================== --- trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/ftoi.d (nonexistent) +++ trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/ftoi.d (revision 118) @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +#objdump: -dr + +dump\.o: file format .* + + +Disassembly of section \.text: + +00000000 <\.text>: + 0: fc 97 00 ftoi r0, r0 + 3: fc 97 0f ftoi r0, r15 + 6: fc 97 f0 ftoi r15, r0 + 9: fc 97 ff ftoi r15, r15 + c: fc 94 00 ftoi \[r0\]\.l, r0 + f: fc 94 0f ftoi \[r0\]\.l, r15 + 12: fc 94 f0 ftoi \[r15\]\.l, r0 + 15: fc 94 ff ftoi \[r15\]\.l, r15 + 18: fc 95 00 3f ftoi 252\[r0\]\.l, r0 + 1c: fc 95 0f 3f ftoi 252\[r0\]\.l, r15 + 20: fc 95 f0 3f ftoi 252\[r15\]\.l, r0 + 24: fc 95 ff 3f ftoi 252\[r15\]\.l, r15 + 28: fc 96 00 ff 3f ftoi 65532\[r0\]\.l, r0 + 2d: fc 96 0f ff 3f ftoi 65532\[r0\]\.l, r15 + 32: fc 96 f0 ff 3f ftoi 65532\[r15\]\.l, r0 + 37: fc 96 ff ff 3f ftoi 65532\[r15\]\.l, r15 Index: trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/ =================================================================== --- trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/ (nonexistent) +++ trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/ (revision 118) @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + rorc {reg} Index: trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/ =================================================================== --- trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/ (nonexistent) +++ trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/ (revision 118) @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + rts Index: trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/ =================================================================== --- trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/ (nonexistent) +++ trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/ (revision 118) @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ + shlr #{uimm5},{reg} + shlr {reg},{reg} + shlr #{uimm5},{reg},{reg} Index: trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/ =================================================================== --- trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/ (nonexistent) +++ trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/ (revision 118) @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + clrpsw {pswf} Index: trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/ =================================================================== --- trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/ (nonexistent) +++ trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/ (revision 118) @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ + btst #{uimm3}, {dsp}[{reg}].B + btst {reg}, {dsp}[{reg}].B + + btst #{uimm5}, {reg} + btst {reg}, {reg} Index: trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/ =================================================================== --- trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/ (nonexistent) +++ trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/ (revision 118) @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ + rtsd #{0;1020} + rtsd #{0;1020},{regPlo}-{regPhi} Index: trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/ =================================================================== --- trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/ (nonexistent) +++ trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/ (revision 118) @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + mvfachi {reg} Index: trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/clrpsw.d =================================================================== --- trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/clrpsw.d (nonexistent) +++ trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/clrpsw.d (revision 118) @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +#objdump: -dr + +dump\.o: file format .* + + +Disassembly of section \.text: + +00000000 <\.text>: + 0: 7f b9 clrpsw u + 2: 7f b8 clrpsw i + 4: 7f b3 clrpsw o + 6: 7f b2 clrpsw s + 8: 7f b1 clrpsw z + a: 7f b0 clrpsw c Index: trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/ =================================================================== --- trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/ (nonexistent) +++ trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/ (revision 118) @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ + bclr #{uimm3}, {dsp}[{reg}].B + bclr {reg}, {dsp}[{reg}].B + + bclr #{uimm5}, {reg} + bclr {reg}, {reg} Index: trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/push.d =================================================================== --- trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/push.d (nonexistent) +++ trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/push.d (revision 118) @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +#objdump: -dr + +dump\.o: file format .* + + +Disassembly of section \.text: + +00000000 <\.text>: + 0: 7e 80 push\.b r0 + 2: 7e 8f push\.b r15 + 4: 7e 90 push\.w r0 + 6: 7e 9f push\.w r15 + 8: 7e a0 push\.l r0 + a: 7e af push\.l r15 + c: f4 08 push\.b \[r0\] + e: f4 f8 push\.b \[r15\] + 10: f5 08 fc push\.b 252\[r0\] + 13: f5 f8 fc push\.b 252\[r15\] + 16: f6 08 fc ff push\.b 65532\[r0\] + 1a: f6 f8 fc ff push\.b 65532\[r15\] + 1e: f4 09 push\.w \[r0\] + 20: f4 f9 push\.w \[r15\] + 22: f5 09 7e push\.w 252\[r0\] + 25: f5 f9 7e push\.w 252\[r15\] + 28: f6 09 fe 7f push\.w 65532\[r0\] + 2c: f6 f9 fe 7f push\.w 65532\[r15\] + 30: f4 0a push\.l \[r0\] + 32: f4 fa push\.l \[r15\] + 34: f5 0a 3f push\.l 252\[r0\] + 37: f5 fa 3f push\.l 252\[r15\] + 3a: f6 0a ff 3f push\.l 65532\[r0\] + 3e: f6 fa ff 3f push\.l 65532\[r15\] Index: trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/ =================================================================== --- trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/ (nonexistent) +++ trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/ (revision 118) @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ + movu{bw} {dsp5}[{reg7}],{reg7} + + movu{bw} {reg},{reg} + + movu{bw} {mem},{reg} + movu{bw} [{reg},{reg}],{reg} + + movu{bw} [{reg}+],{reg} + movu{bw} [-{reg}],{reg} Index: trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/ =================================================================== --- trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/ (nonexistent) +++ trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/ (revision 118) @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ + bsr.w {lab_w} + bsr.a {lab_a} + bsr.l {reg} Index: trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/bclr.d =================================================================== --- trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/bclr.d (nonexistent) +++ trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/bclr.d (revision 118) @@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ +#objdump: -dr + +dump\.o: file format .* + + +Disassembly of section \.text: + +00000000 <\.text>: + 0: f0 08 bclr #0, \[r0\]\.b + 2: f0 f8 bclr #0, \[r15\]\.b + 4: f1 08 fc bclr #0, 252\[r0\]\.b + 7: f1 f8 fc bclr #0, 252\[r15\]\.b + a: f2 08 fc ff bclr #0, 65532\[r0\]\.b + e: f2 f8 fc ff bclr #0, 65532\[r15\]\.b + 12: f0 0f bclr #7, \[r0\]\.b + 14: f0 ff bclr #7, \[r15\]\.b + 16: f1 0f fc bclr #7, 252\[r0\]\.b + 19: f1 ff fc bclr #7, 252\[r15\]\.b + 1c: f2 0f fc ff bclr #7, 65532\[r0\]\.b + 20: f2 ff fc ff bclr #7, 65532\[r15\]\.b + 24: fc 64 00 bclr r0, \[r0\]\.b + 27: fc 64 f0 bclr r0, \[r15\]\.b + 2a: fc 65 00 fc bclr r0, 252\[r0\]\.b + 2e: fc 65 f0 fc bclr r0, 252\[r15\]\.b + 32: fc 66 00 fc ff bclr r0, 65532\[r0\]\.b + 37: fc 66 f0 fc ff bclr r0, 65532\[r15\]\.b + 3c: fc 64 0f bclr r15, \[r0\]\.b + 3f: fc 64 ff bclr r15, \[r15\]\.b + 42: fc 65 0f fc bclr r15, 252\[r0\]\.b + 46: fc 65 ff fc bclr r15, 252\[r15\]\.b + 4a: fc 66 0f fc ff bclr r15, 65532\[r0\]\.b + 4f: fc 66 ff fc ff bclr r15, 65532\[r15\]\.b + 54: 7a 00 bclr #0, r0 + 56: 7a 0f bclr #0, r15 + 58: 7b f0 bclr #31, r0 + 5a: 7b ff bclr #31, r15 + 5c: fc 67 00 bclr r0, r0 + 5f: fc 67 f0 bclr r0, r15 + 62: fc 67 0f bclr r15, r0 + 65: fc 67 ff bclr r15, r15 Index: trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/bmcnd.d =================================================================== --- trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/bmcnd.d (nonexistent) +++ trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/bmcnd.d (revision 118) @@ -0,0 +1,296 @@ +#objdump: -dr + +dump\.o: file format .* + + +Disassembly of section \.text: + +00000000 <\.text>: + 0: fc e0 02 bmc #0, \[r0\]\.b + 3: fc e0 f2 bmc #0, \[r15\]\.b + 6: fc e1 02 fc bmc #0, 252\[r0\]\.b + a: fc e1 f2 fc bmc #0, 252\[r15\]\.b + e: fc e2 02 fc ff bmc #0, 65532\[r0\]\.b + 13: fc e2 f2 fc ff bmc #0, 65532\[r15\]\.b + 18: fc fc 02 bmc #7, \[r0\]\.b + 1b: fc fc f2 bmc #7, \[r15\]\.b + 1e: fc fd 02 fc bmc #7, 252\[r0\]\.b + 22: fc fd f2 fc bmc #7, 252\[r15\]\.b + 26: fc fe 02 fc ff bmc #7, 65532\[r0\]\.b + 2b: fc fe f2 fc ff bmc #7, 65532\[r15\]\.b + 30: fc e0 02 bmc #0, \[r0\]\.b + 33: fc e0 f2 bmc #0, \[r15\]\.b + 36: fc e1 02 fc bmc #0, 252\[r0\]\.b + 3a: fc e1 f2 fc bmc #0, 252\[r15\]\.b + 3e: fc e2 02 fc ff bmc #0, 65532\[r0\]\.b + 43: fc e2 f2 fc ff bmc #0, 65532\[r15\]\.b + 48: fc fc 02 bmc #7, \[r0\]\.b + 4b: fc fc f2 bmc #7, \[r15\]\.b + 4e: fc fd 02 fc bmc #7, 252\[r0\]\.b + 52: fc fd f2 fc bmc #7, 252\[r15\]\.b + 56: fc fe 02 fc ff bmc #7, 65532\[r0\]\.b + 5b: fc fe f2 fc ff bmc #7, 65532\[r15\]\.b + 60: fc e0 00 bmeq #0, \[r0\]\.b + 63: fc e0 f0 bmeq #0, \[r15\]\.b + 66: fc e1 00 fc bmeq #0, 252\[r0\]\.b + 6a: fc e1 f0 fc bmeq #0, 252\[r15\]\.b + 6e: fc e2 00 fc ff bmeq #0, 65532\[r0\]\.b + 73: fc e2 f0 fc ff bmeq #0, 65532\[r15\]\.b + 78: fc fc 00 bmeq #7, \[r0\]\.b + 7b: fc fc f0 bmeq #7, \[r15\]\.b + 7e: fc fd 00 fc bmeq #7, 252\[r0\]\.b + 82: fc fd f0 fc bmeq #7, 252\[r15\]\.b + 86: fc fe 00 fc ff bmeq #7, 65532\[r0\]\.b + 8b: fc fe f0 fc ff bmeq #7, 65532\[r15\]\.b + 90: fc e0 00 bmeq #0, \[r0\]\.b + 93: fc e0 f0 bmeq #0, \[r15\]\.b + 96: fc e1 00 fc bmeq #0, 252\[r0\]\.b + 9a: fc e1 f0 fc bmeq #0, 252\[r15\]\.b + 9e: fc e2 00 fc ff bmeq #0, 65532\[r0\]\.b + a3: fc e2 f0 fc ff bmeq #0, 65532\[r15\]\.b + a8: fc fc 00 bmeq #7, \[r0\]\.b + ab: fc fc f0 bmeq #7, \[r15\]\.b + ae: fc fd 00 fc bmeq #7, 252\[r0\]\.b + b2: fc fd f0 fc bmeq #7, 252\[r15\]\.b + b6: fc fe 00 fc ff bmeq #7, 65532\[r0\]\.b + bb: fc fe f0 fc ff bmeq #7, 65532\[r15\]\.b + c0: fc e0 04 bmgtu #0, \[r0\]\.b + c3: fc e0 f4 bmgtu #0, \[r15\]\.b + c6: fc e1 04 fc bmgtu #0, 252\[r0\]\.b + ca: fc e1 f4 fc bmgtu #0, 252\[r15\]\.b + ce: fc e2 04 fc ff bmgtu #0, 65532\[r0\]\.b + d3: fc e2 f4 fc ff bmgtu #0, 65532\[r15\]\.b + d8: fc fc 04 bmgtu #7, \[r0\]\.b + db: fc fc f4 bmgtu #7, \[r15\]\.b + de: fc fd 04 fc bmgtu #7, 252\[r0\]\.b + e2: fc fd f4 fc bmgtu #7, 252\[r15\]\.b + e6: fc fe 04 fc ff bmgtu #7, 65532\[r0\]\.b + eb: fc fe f4 fc ff bmgtu #7, 65532\[r15\]\.b + f0: fc e0 06 bmpz #0, \[r0\]\.b + f3: fc e0 f6 bmpz #0, \[r15\]\.b + f6: fc e1 06 fc bmpz #0, 252\[r0\]\.b + fa: fc e1 f6 fc bmpz #0, 252\[r15\]\.b + fe: fc e2 06 fc ff bmpz #0, 65532\[r0\]\.b + 103: fc e2 f6 fc ff bmpz #0, 65532\[r15\]\.b + 108: fc fc 06 bmpz #7, \[r0\]\.b + 10b: fc fc f6 bmpz #7, \[r15\]\.b + 10e: fc fd 06 fc bmpz #7, 252\[r0\]\.b + 112: fc fd f6 fc bmpz #7, 252\[r15\]\.b + 116: fc fe 06 fc ff bmpz #7, 65532\[r0\]\.b + 11b: fc fe f6 fc ff bmpz #7, 65532\[r15\]\.b + 120: fc e0 08 bmge #0, \[r0\]\.b + 123: fc e0 f8 bmge #0, \[r15\]\.b + 126: fc e1 08 fc bmge #0, 252\[r0\]\.b + 12a: fc e1 f8 fc bmge #0, 252\[r15\]\.b + 12e: fc e2 08 fc ff bmge #0, 65532\[r0\]\.b + 133: fc e2 f8 fc ff bmge #0, 65532\[r15\]\.b + 138: fc fc 08 bmge #7, \[r0\]\.b + 13b: fc fc f8 bmge #7, \[r15\]\.b + 13e: fc fd 08 fc bmge #7, 252\[r0\]\.b + 142: fc fd f8 fc bmge #7, 252\[r15\]\.b + 146: fc fe 08 fc ff bmge #7, 65532\[r0\]\.b + 14b: fc fe f8 fc ff bmge #7, 65532\[r15\]\.b + 150: fc e0 0a bmgt #0, \[r0\]\.b + 153: fc e0 fa bmgt #0, \[r15\]\.b + 156: fc e1 0a fc bmgt #0, 252\[r0\]\.b + 15a: fc e1 fa fc bmgt #0, 252\[r15\]\.b + 15e: fc e2 0a fc ff bmgt #0, 65532\[r0\]\.b + 163: fc e2 fa fc ff bmgt #0, 65532\[r15\]\.b + 168: fc fc 0a bmgt #7, \[r0\]\.b + 16b: fc fc fa bmgt #7, \[r15\]\.b + 16e: fc fd 0a fc bmgt #7, 252\[r0\]\.b + 172: fc fd fa fc bmgt #7, 252\[r15\]\.b + 176: fc fe 0a fc ff bmgt #7, 65532\[r0\]\.b + 17b: fc fe fa fc ff bmgt #7, 65532\[r15\]\.b + 180: fc e0 0c bmo #0, \[r0\]\.b + 183: fc e0 fc bmo #0, \[r15\]\.b + 186: fc e1 0c fc bmo #0, 252\[r0\]\.b + 18a: fc e1 fc fc bmo #0, 252\[r15\]\.b + 18e: fc e2 0c fc ff bmo #0, 65532\[r0\]\.b + 193: fc e2 fc fc ff bmo #0, 65532\[r15\]\.b + 198: fc fc 0c bmo #7, \[r0\]\.b + 19b: fc fc fc bmo #7, \[r15\]\.b + 19e: fc fd 0c fc bmo #7, 252\[r0\]\.b + 1a2: fc fd fc fc bmo #7, 252\[r15\]\.b + 1a6: fc fe 0c fc ff bmo #7, 65532\[r0\]\.b + 1ab: fc fe fc fc ff bmo #7, 65532\[r15\]\.b + 1b0: fc e0 03 bmnc #0, \[r0\]\.b + 1b3: fc e0 f3 bmnc #0, \[r15\]\.b + 1b6: fc e1 03 fc bmnc #0, 252\[r0\]\.b + 1ba: fc e1 f3 fc bmnc #0, 252\[r15\]\.b + 1be: fc e2 03 fc ff bmnc #0, 65532\[r0\]\.b + 1c3: fc e2 f3 fc ff bmnc #0, 65532\[r15\]\.b + 1c8: fc fc 03 bmnc #7, \[r0\]\.b + 1cb: fc fc f3 bmnc #7, \[r15\]\.b + 1ce: fc fd 03 fc bmnc #7, 252\[r0\]\.b + 1d2: fc fd f3 fc bmnc #7, 252\[r15\]\.b + 1d6: fc fe 03 fc ff bmnc #7, 65532\[r0\]\.b + 1db: fc fe f3 fc ff bmnc #7, 65532\[r15\]\.b + 1e0: fc e0 03 bmnc #0, \[r0\]\.b + 1e3: fc e0 f3 bmnc #0, \[r15\]\.b + 1e6: fc e1 03 fc bmnc #0, 252\[r0\]\.b + 1ea: fc e1 f3 fc bmnc #0, 252\[r15\]\.b + 1ee: fc e2 03 fc ff bmnc #0, 65532\[r0\]\.b + 1f3: fc e2 f3 fc ff bmnc #0, 65532\[r15\]\.b + 1f8: fc fc 03 bmnc #7, \[r0\]\.b + 1fb: fc fc f3 bmnc #7, \[r15\]\.b + 1fe: fc fd 03 fc bmnc #7, 252\[r0\]\.b + 202: fc fd f3 fc bmnc #7, 252\[r15\]\.b + 206: fc fe 03 fc ff bmnc #7, 65532\[r0\]\.b + 20b: fc fe f3 fc ff bmnc #7, 65532\[r15\]\.b + 210: fc e0 01 bmne #0, \[r0\]\.b + 213: fc e0 f1 bmne #0, \[r15\]\.b + 216: fc e1 01 fc bmne #0, 252\[r0\]\.b + 21a: fc e1 f1 fc bmne #0, 252\[r15\]\.b + 21e: fc e2 01 fc ff bmne #0, 65532\[r0\]\.b + 223: fc e2 f1 fc ff bmne #0, 65532\[r15\]\.b + 228: fc fc 01 bmne #7, \[r0\]\.b + 22b: fc fc f1 bmne #7, \[r15\]\.b + 22e: fc fd 01 fc bmne #7, 252\[r0\]\.b + 232: fc fd f1 fc bmne #7, 252\[r15\]\.b + 236: fc fe 01 fc ff bmne #7, 65532\[r0\]\.b + 23b: fc fe f1 fc ff bmne #7, 65532\[r15\]\.b + 240: fc e0 01 bmne #0, \[r0\]\.b + 243: fc e0 f1 bmne #0, \[r15\]\.b + 246: fc e1 01 fc bmne #0, 252\[r0\]\.b + 24a: fc e1 f1 fc bmne #0, 252\[r15\]\.b + 24e: fc e2 01 fc ff bmne #0, 65532\[r0\]\.b + 253: fc e2 f1 fc ff bmne #0, 65532\[r15\]\.b + 258: fc fc 01 bmne #7, \[r0\]\.b + 25b: fc fc f1 bmne #7, \[r15\]\.b + 25e: fc fd 01 fc bmne #7, 252\[r0\]\.b + 262: fc fd f1 fc bmne #7, 252\[r15\]\.b + 266: fc fe 01 fc ff bmne #7, 65532\[r0\]\.b + 26b: fc fe f1 fc ff bmne #7, 65532\[r15\]\.b + 270: fc e0 05 bmleu #0, \[r0\]\.b + 273: fc e0 f5 bmleu #0, \[r15\]\.b + 276: fc e1 05 fc bmleu #0, 252\[r0\]\.b + 27a: fc e1 f5 fc bmleu #0, 252\[r15\]\.b + 27e: fc e2 05 fc ff bmleu #0, 65532\[r0\]\.b + 283: fc e2 f5 fc ff bmleu #0, 65532\[r15\]\.b + 288: fc fc 05 bmleu #7, \[r0\]\.b + 28b: fc fc f5 bmleu #7, \[r15\]\.b + 28e: fc fd 05 fc bmleu #7, 252\[r0\]\.b + 292: fc fd f5 fc bmleu #7, 252\[r15\]\.b + 296: fc fe 05 fc ff bmleu #7, 65532\[r0\]\.b + 29b: fc fe f5 fc ff bmleu #7, 65532\[r15\]\.b + 2a0: fc e0 07 bmn #0, \[r0\]\.b + 2a3: fc e0 f7 bmn #0, \[r15\]\.b + 2a6: fc e1 07 fc bmn #0, 252\[r0\]\.b + 2aa: fc e1 f7 fc bmn #0, 252\[r15\]\.b + 2ae: fc e2 07 fc ff bmn #0, 65532\[r0\]\.b + 2b3: fc e2 f7 fc ff bmn #0, 65532\[r15\]\.b + 2b8: fc fc 07 bmn #7, \[r0\]\.b + 2bb: fc fc f7 bmn #7, \[r15\]\.b + 2be: fc fd 07 fc bmn #7, 252\[r0\]\.b + 2c2: fc fd f7 fc bmn #7, 252\[r15\]\.b + 2c6: fc fe 07 fc ff bmn #7, 65532\[r0\]\.b + 2cb: fc fe f7 fc ff bmn #7, 65532\[r15\]\.b + 2d0: fc e0 09 bmlt #0, \[r0\]\.b + 2d3: fc e0 f9 bmlt #0, \[r15\]\.b + 2d6: fc e1 09 fc bmlt #0, 252\[r0\]\.b + 2da: fc e1 f9 fc bmlt #0, 252\[r15\]\.b + 2de: fc e2 09 fc ff bmlt #0, 65532\[r0\]\.b + 2e3: fc e2 f9 fc ff bmlt #0, 65532\[r15\]\.b + 2e8: fc fc 09 bmlt #7, \[r0\]\.b + 2eb: fc fc f9 bmlt #7, \[r15\]\.b + 2ee: fc fd 09 fc bmlt #7, 252\[r0\]\.b + 2f2: fc fd f9 fc bmlt #7, 252\[r15\]\.b + 2f6: fc fe 09 fc ff bmlt #7, 65532\[r0\]\.b + 2fb: fc fe f9 fc ff bmlt #7, 65532\[r15\]\.b + 300: fc e0 0b bmle #0, \[r0\]\.b + 303: fc e0 fb bmle #0, \[r15\]\.b + 306: fc e1 0b fc bmle #0, 252\[r0\]\.b + 30a: fc e1 fb fc bmle #0, 252\[r15\]\.b + 30e: fc e2 0b fc ff bmle #0, 65532\[r0\]\.b + 313: fc e2 fb fc ff bmle #0, 65532\[r15\]\.b + 318: fc fc 0b bmle #7, \[r0\]\.b + 31b: fc fc fb bmle #7, \[r15\]\.b + 31e: fc fd 0b fc bmle #7, 252\[r0\]\.b + 322: fc fd fb fc bmle #7, 252\[r15\]\.b + 326: fc fe 0b fc ff bmle #7, 65532\[r0\]\.b + 32b: fc fe fb fc ff bmle #7, 65532\[r15\]\.b + 330: fc e0 0d bmno #0, \[r0\]\.b + 333: fc e0 fd bmno #0, \[r15\]\.b + 336: fc e1 0d fc bmno #0, 252\[r0\]\.b + 33a: fc e1 fd fc bmno #0, 252\[r15\]\.b + 33e: fc e2 0d fc ff bmno #0, 65532\[r0\]\.b + 343: fc e2 fd fc ff bmno #0, 65532\[r15\]\.b + 348: fc fc 0d bmno #7, \[r0\]\.b + 34b: fc fc fd bmno #7, \[r15\]\.b + 34e: fc fd 0d fc bmno #7, 252\[r0\]\.b + 352: fc fd fd fc bmno #7, 252\[r15\]\.b + 356: fc fe 0d fc ff bmno #7, 65532\[r0\]\.b + 35b: fc fe fd fc ff bmno #7, 65532\[r15\]\.b + 360: fd e0 20 bmc #0, r0 + 363: fd e0 2f bmc #0, r15 + 366: fd ff 20 bmc #31, r0 + 369: fd ff 2f bmc #31, r15 + 36c: fd e0 20 bmc #0, r0 + 36f: fd e0 2f bmc #0, r15 + 372: fd ff 20 bmc #31, r0 + 375: fd ff 2f bmc #31, r15 + 378: fd e0 00 bmeq #0, r0 + 37b: fd e0 0f bmeq #0, r15 + 37e: fd ff 00 bmeq #31, r0 + 381: fd ff 0f bmeq #31, r15 + 384: fd e0 00 bmeq #0, r0 + 387: fd e0 0f bmeq #0, r15 + 38a: fd ff 00 bmeq #31, r0 + 38d: fd ff 0f bmeq #31, r15 + 390: fd e0 40 bmgtu #0, r0 + 393: fd e0 4f bmgtu #0, r15 + 396: fd ff 40 bmgtu #31, r0 + 399: fd ff 4f bmgtu #31, r15 + 39c: fd e0 60 bmpz #0, r0 + 39f: fd e0 6f bmpz #0, r15 + 3a2: fd ff 60 bmpz #31, r0 + 3a5: fd ff 6f bmpz #31, r15 + 3a8: fd e0 80 bmge #0, r0 + 3ab: fd e0 8f bmge #0, r15 + 3ae: fd ff 80 bmge #31, r0 + 3b1: fd ff 8f bmge #31, r15 + 3b4: fd e0 a0 bmgt #0, r0 + 3b7: fd e0 af bmgt #0, r15 + 3ba: fd ff a0 bmgt #31, r0 + 3bd: fd ff af bmgt #31, r15 + 3c0: fd e0 c0 bmo #0, r0 + 3c3: fd e0 cf bmo #0, r15 + 3c6: fd ff c0 bmo #31, r0 + 3c9: fd ff cf bmo #31, r15 + 3cc: fd e0 30 bmnc #0, r0 + 3cf: fd e0 3f bmnc #0, r15 + 3d2: fd ff 30 bmnc #31, r0 + 3d5: fd ff 3f bmnc #31, r15 + 3d8: fd e0 30 bmnc #0, r0 + 3db: fd e0 3f bmnc #0, r15 + 3de: fd ff 30 bmnc #31, r0 + 3e1: fd ff 3f bmnc #31, r15 + 3e4: fd e0 10 bmne #0, r0 + 3e7: fd e0 1f bmne #0, r15 + 3ea: fd ff 10 bmne #31, r0 + 3ed: fd ff 1f bmne #31, r15 + 3f0: fd e0 10 bmne #0, r0 + 3f3: fd e0 1f bmne #0, r15 + 3f6: fd ff 10 bmne #31, r0 + 3f9: fd ff 1f bmne #31, r15 + 3fc: fd e0 50 bmleu #0, r0 + 3ff: fd e0 5f bmleu #0, r15 + 402: fd ff 50 bmleu #31, r0 + 405: fd ff 5f bmleu #31, r15 + 408: fd e0 70 bmn #0, r0 + 40b: fd e0 7f bmn #0, r15 + 40e: fd ff 70 bmn #31, r0 + 411: fd ff 7f bmn #31, r15 + 414: fd e0 90 bmlt #0, r0 + 417: fd e0 9f bmlt #0, r15 + 41a: fd ff 90 bmlt #31, r0 + 41d: fd ff 9f bmlt #31, r15 + 420: fd e0 b0 bmle #0, r0 + 423: fd e0 bf bmle #0, r15 + 426: fd ff b0 bmle #31, r0 + 429: fd ff bf bmle #31, r15 + 42c: fd e0 d0 bmno #0, r0 + 42f: fd e0 df bmno #0, r15 + 432: fd ff d0 bmno #31, r0 + 435: fd ff df bmno #31, r15 Index: trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/ =================================================================== --- trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/ (nonexistent) +++ trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/ (revision 118) @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ + round {reg},{reg} + round {mem}.L,{reg} Index: trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/setpsw.d =================================================================== --- trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/setpsw.d (nonexistent) +++ trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/setpsw.d (revision 118) @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +#objdump: -dr + +dump\.o: file format .* + + +Disassembly of section \.text: + +00000000 <\.text>: + 0: 7f a9 setpsw u + 2: 7f a8 setpsw i + 4: 7f a3 setpsw o + 6: 7f a2 setpsw s + 8: 7f a1 setpsw z + a: 7f a0 setpsw c Index: trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/ =================================================================== --- trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/ (nonexistent) +++ trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/ (revision 118) @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + pop {reg} Index: trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/ =================================================================== --- trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/ (nonexistent) +++ trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/ (revision 118) @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + jsr {reg} Index: trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/shar.d =================================================================== --- trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/shar.d (nonexistent) +++ trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/shar.d (revision 118) @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +#objdump: -dr + +dump\.o: file format .* + + +Disassembly of section \.text: + +00000000 <\.text>: + 0: 6a 00 shar #0, r0 + 2: 6a 0f shar #0, r15 + 4: 6b f0 shar #31, r0 + 6: 6b ff shar #31, r15 + 8: fd 61 00 shar r0, r0 + b: fd 61 0f shar r0, r15 + e: fd 61 f0 shar r15, r0 + 11: fd 61 ff shar r15, r15 + 14: fd a0 00 shar #0, r0, r0 + 17: fd a0 0f shar #0, r0, r15 + 1a: fd a0 f0 shar #0, r15, r0 + 1d: fd a0 ff shar #0, r15, r15 + 20: fd bf 00 shar #31, r0, r0 + 23: fd bf 0f shar #31, r0, r15 + 26: fd bf f0 shar #31, r15, r0 + 29: fd bf ff shar #31, r15, r15 Index: trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/stnz.d =================================================================== --- trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/stnz.d (nonexistent) +++ trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/stnz.d (revision 118) @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +#objdump: -dr + +dump\.o: file format .* + + +Disassembly of section \.text: + +00000000 <\.text>: + 0: fd 74 f0 80 stnz #-128, r0 + 4: fd 74 ff 80 stnz #-128, r15 + 8: fd 74 f0 7f stnz #127, r0 + c: fd 74 ff 7f stnz #127, r15 + 10: fd 78 f0 00 80 stnz #0xffff8000, r0 + 15: fd 78 ff 00 80 stnz #0xffff8000, r15 + 1a: fd 7c f0 00 80 00 stnz #0x8000, r0 + 20: fd 7c ff 00 80 00 stnz #0x8000, r15 + 26: fd 7c f0 00 00 80 stnz #0xff800000, r0 + 2c: fd 7c ff 00 00 80 stnz #0xff800000, r15 + 32: fd 7c f0 ff ff 7f stnz #0x7fffff, r0 + 38: fd 7c ff ff ff 7f stnz #0x7fffff, r15 + 3e: fd 70 f0 00 00 00 80 stnz #0x80000000, r0 + 45: fd 70 ff 00 00 00 80 stnz #0x80000000, r15 + 4c: fd 70 f0 ff ff ff 7f stnz #0x7fffffff, r0 + 53: fd 70 ff ff ff ff 7f stnz #0x7fffffff, r15 Index: trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/ =================================================================== --- trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/ (nonexistent) +++ trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/ (revision 118) @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ + bra.s {lab_s} + bra.b {lab_b} + bra.w {lab_w} + bra.a {lab_a} + bra {lab_a} + bra.l {reg} Index: trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/itof.d =================================================================== --- trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/itof.d (nonexistent) +++ trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/itof.d (revision 118) @@ -0,0 +1,72 @@ +#objdump: -dr + +dump\.o: file format .* + + +Disassembly of section \.text: + +00000000 <\.text>: + 0: fc 47 00 itof r0, r0 + 3: fc 47 0f itof r0, r15 + 6: fc 47 f0 itof r15, r0 + 9: fc 47 ff itof r15, r15 + c: fc 44 00 itof \[r0\]\.ub, r0 + f: fc 44 0f itof \[r0\]\.ub, r15 + 12: 06 20 11 00 itof \[r0\]\.b, r0 + 16: 06 20 11 0f itof \[r0\]\.b, r15 + 1a: 06 e0 11 00 itof \[r0\]\.uw, r0 + 1e: 06 e0 11 0f itof \[r0\]\.uw, r15 + 22: 06 60 11 00 itof \[r0\]\.w, r0 + 26: 06 60 11 0f itof \[r0\]\.w, r15 + 2a: 06 a0 11 00 itof \[r0\]\.l, r0 + 2e: 06 a0 11 0f itof \[r0\]\.l, r15 + 32: fc 44 f0 itof \[r15\]\.ub, r0 + 35: fc 44 ff itof \[r15\]\.ub, r15 + 38: 06 20 11 f0 itof \[r15\]\.b, r0 + 3c: 06 20 11 ff itof \[r15\]\.b, r15 + 40: 06 e0 11 f0 itof \[r15\]\.uw, r0 + 44: 06 e0 11 ff itof \[r15\]\.uw, r15 + 48: 06 60 11 f0 itof \[r15\]\.w, r0 + 4c: 06 60 11 ff itof \[r15\]\.w, r15 + 50: 06 a0 11 f0 itof \[r15\]\.l, r0 + 54: 06 a0 11 ff itof \[r15\]\.l, r15 + 58: fc 45 00 fc itof 252\[r0\]\.ub, r0 + 5c: fc 45 0f fc itof 252\[r0\]\.ub, r15 + 60: 06 21 11 00 fc itof 252\[r0\]\.b, r0 + 65: 06 21 11 0f fc itof 252\[r0\]\.b, r15 + 6a: 06 e1 11 00 7e itof 252\[r0\]\.uw, r0 + 6f: 06 e1 11 0f 7e itof 252\[r0\]\.uw, r15 + 74: 06 61 11 00 7e itof 252\[r0\]\.w, r0 + 79: 06 61 11 0f 7e itof 252\[r0\]\.w, r15 + 7e: 06 a1 11 00 3f itof 252\[r0\]\.l, r0 + 83: 06 a1 11 0f 3f itof 252\[r0\]\.l, r15 + 88: fc 45 f0 fc itof 252\[r15\]\.ub, r0 + 8c: fc 45 ff fc itof 252\[r15\]\.ub, r15 + 90: 06 21 11 f0 fc itof 252\[r15\]\.b, r0 + 95: 06 21 11 ff fc itof 252\[r15\]\.b, r15 + 9a: 06 e1 11 f0 7e itof 252\[r15\]\.uw, r0 + 9f: 06 e1 11 ff 7e itof 252\[r15\]\.uw, r15 + a4: 06 61 11 f0 7e itof 252\[r15\]\.w, r0 + a9: 06 61 11 ff 7e itof 252\[r15\]\.w, r15 + ae: 06 a1 11 f0 3f itof 252\[r15\]\.l, r0 + b3: 06 a1 11 ff 3f itof 252\[r15\]\.l, r15 + b8: fc 46 00 fc ff itof 65532\[r0\]\.ub, r0 + bd: fc 46 0f fc ff itof 65532\[r0\]\.ub, r15 + c2: 06 22 11 00 fc ff itof 65532\[r0\]\.b, r0 + c8: 06 22 11 0f fc ff itof 65532\[r0\]\.b, r15 + ce: 06 e2 11 00 fe 7f itof 65532\[r0\]\.uw, r0 + d4: 06 e2 11 0f fe 7f itof 65532\[r0\]\.uw, r15 + da: 06 62 11 00 fe 7f itof 65532\[r0\]\.w, r0 + e0: 06 62 11 0f fe 7f itof 65532\[r0\]\.w, r15 + e6: 06 a2 11 00 ff 3f itof 65532\[r0\]\.l, r0 + ec: 06 a2 11 0f ff 3f itof 65532\[r0\]\.l, r15 + f2: fc 46 f0 fc ff itof 65532\[r15\]\.ub, r0 + f7: fc 46 ff fc ff itof 65532\[r15\]\.ub, r15 + fc: 06 22 11 f0 fc ff itof 65532\[r15\]\.b, r0 + 102: 06 22 11 ff fc ff itof 65532\[r15\]\.b, r15 + 108: 06 e2 11 f0 fe 7f itof 65532\[r15\]\.uw, r0 + 10e: 06 e2 11 ff fe 7f itof 65532\[r15\]\.uw, r15 + 114: 06 62 11 f0 fe 7f itof 65532\[r15\]\.w, r0 + 11a: 06 62 11 ff fe 7f itof 65532\[r15\]\.w, r15 + 120: 06 a2 11 f0 ff 3f itof 65532\[r15\]\.l, r0 + 126: 06 a2 11 ff ff 3f itof 65532\[r15\]\.l, r15 Index: trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/ =================================================================== --- trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/ (nonexistent) +++ trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/ (revision 118) @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +# opecp #{uimm2},#{uimm16} Index: trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/ =================================================================== --- trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/ (nonexistent) +++ trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/ (revision 118) @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ + sbb {reg},{reg} + sbb {dsp}[{reg}].L,{reg} + + sbb #{imm},{reg} +# gas-specific macro for adc Index: trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/r-bra.d =================================================================== --- trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/r-bra.d (nonexistent) +++ trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/r-bra.d (revision 118) @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +#objdump: -dr + +dump\.o: file format .* + + +Disassembly of section \.text: + +00000000 : + 0: 03 nop + +00000001 : + 1: 03 nop + 2: 03 nop + 3: 04 .. .. .. bra\.a .* + 4: R_RX_DIR24S_PCREL fred + 7: 04 7b 81 00 bra\.a 8182 + b: 38 8e 00 bra\.w 99 + e: 2e f3 bra\.b 1 + 10: 0e bra\.s 16 + 11: 03 nop + 12: 2e ef bra\.b 1 + 14: 03 nop + 15: 03 nop + +00000016 : + 16: 03 nop + \.\.\. + +00000099 : + 99: 03 nop + \.\.\. + +00008182 : + 8182: 03 nop Index: trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/ =================================================================== --- trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/ (nonexistent) +++ trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/ (revision 118) @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + revl {reg},{reg} Index: trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/rtfi.d =================================================================== --- trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/rtfi.d (nonexistent) +++ trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/rtfi.d (revision 118) @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +#objdump: -dr + +dump\.o: file format .* + + +Disassembly of section \.text: + +00000000 <\.text>: + 0: 7f 94 rtfi Index: trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/ =================================================================== --- trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/ (nonexistent) +++ trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/ (revision 118) @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + smovu Index: trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/ =================================================================== --- trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/ (nonexistent) +++ trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/ (revision 118) @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ + tst #{imm},{reg} + + tst {reg},{reg} + tst {memx},{reg} Index: trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/xor.d =================================================================== --- trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/xor.d (nonexistent) +++ trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/xor.d (revision 118) @@ -0,0 +1,88 @@ +#objdump: -dr + +dump\.o: file format .* + + +Disassembly of section \.text: + +00000000 <\.text>: + 0: fd 74 d0 80 xor #-128, r0 + 4: fd 74 df 80 xor #-128, r15 + 8: fd 74 d0 7f xor #127, r0 + c: fd 74 df 7f xor #127, r15 + 10: fd 78 d0 00 80 xor #0xffff8000, r0 + 15: fd 78 df 00 80 xor #0xffff8000, r15 + 1a: fd 7c d0 00 80 00 xor #0x8000, r0 + 20: fd 7c df 00 80 00 xor #0x8000, r15 + 26: fd 7c d0 00 00 80 xor #0xff800000, r0 + 2c: fd 7c df 00 00 80 xor #0xff800000, r15 + 32: fd 7c d0 ff ff 7f xor #0x7fffff, r0 + 38: fd 7c df ff ff 7f xor #0x7fffff, r15 + 3e: fd 70 d0 00 00 00 80 xor #0x80000000, r0 + 45: fd 70 df 00 00 00 80 xor #0x80000000, r15 + 4c: fd 70 d0 ff ff ff 7f xor #0x7fffffff, r0 + 53: fd 70 df ff ff ff 7f xor #0x7fffffff, r15 + 5a: fc 37 00 xor r0, r0 + 5d: fc 37 0f xor r0, r15 + 60: fc 37 f0 xor r15, r0 + 63: fc 37 ff xor r15, r15 + 66: fc 34 00 xor \[r0\]\.ub, r0 + 69: fc 34 0f xor \[r0\]\.ub, r15 + 6c: 06 20 0d 00 xor \[r0\]\.b, r0 + 70: 06 20 0d 0f xor \[r0\]\.b, r15 + 74: 06 e0 0d 00 xor \[r0\]\.uw, r0 + 78: 06 e0 0d 0f xor \[r0\]\.uw, r15 + 7c: 06 60 0d 00 xor \[r0\]\.w, r0 + 80: 06 60 0d 0f xor \[r0\]\.w, r15 + 84: 06 a0 0d 00 xor \[r0\]\.l, r0 + 88: 06 a0 0d 0f xor \[r0\]\.l, r15 + 8c: fc 34 f0 xor \[r15\]\.ub, r0 + 8f: fc 34 ff xor \[r15\]\.ub, r15 + 92: 06 20 0d f0 xor \[r15\]\.b, r0 + 96: 06 20 0d ff xor \[r15\]\.b, r15 + 9a: 06 e0 0d f0 xor \[r15\]\.uw, r0 + 9e: 06 e0 0d ff xor \[r15\]\.uw, r15 + a2: 06 60 0d f0 xor \[r15\]\.w, r0 + a6: 06 60 0d ff xor \[r15\]\.w, r15 + aa: 06 a0 0d f0 xor \[r15\]\.l, r0 + ae: 06 a0 0d ff xor \[r15\]\.l, r15 + b2: fc 35 00 fc xor 252\[r0\]\.ub, r0 + b6: fc 35 0f fc xor 252\[r0\]\.ub, r15 + ba: 06 21 0d 00 fc xor 252\[r0\]\.b, r0 + bf: 06 21 0d 0f fc xor 252\[r0\]\.b, r15 + c4: 06 e1 0d 00 7e xor 252\[r0\]\.uw, r0 + c9: 06 e1 0d 0f 7e xor 252\[r0\]\.uw, r15 + ce: 06 61 0d 00 7e xor 252\[r0\]\.w, r0 + d3: 06 61 0d 0f 7e xor 252\[r0\]\.w, r15 + d8: 06 a1 0d 00 3f xor 252\[r0\]\.l, r0 + dd: 06 a1 0d 0f 3f xor 252\[r0\]\.l, r15 + e2: fc 35 f0 fc xor 252\[r15\]\.ub, r0 + e6: fc 35 ff fc xor 252\[r15\]\.ub, r15 + ea: 06 21 0d f0 fc xor 252\[r15\]\.b, r0 + ef: 06 21 0d ff fc xor 252\[r15\]\.b, r15 + f4: 06 e1 0d f0 7e xor 252\[r15\]\.uw, r0 + f9: 06 e1 0d ff 7e xor 252\[r15\]\.uw, r15 + fe: 06 61 0d f0 7e xor 252\[r15\]\.w, r0 + 103: 06 61 0d ff 7e xor 252\[r15\]\.w, r15 + 108: 06 a1 0d f0 3f xor 252\[r15\]\.l, r0 + 10d: 06 a1 0d ff 3f xor 252\[r15\]\.l, r15 + 112: fc 36 00 fc ff xor 65532\[r0\]\.ub, r0 + 117: fc 36 0f fc ff xor 65532\[r0\]\.ub, r15 + 11c: 06 22 0d 00 fc ff xor 65532\[r0\]\.b, r0 + 122: 06 22 0d 0f fc ff xor 65532\[r0\]\.b, r15 + 128: 06 e2 0d 00 fe 7f xor 65532\[r0\]\.uw, r0 + 12e: 06 e2 0d 0f fe 7f xor 65532\[r0\]\.uw, r15 + 134: 06 62 0d 00 fe 7f xor 65532\[r0\]\.w, r0 + 13a: 06 62 0d 0f fe 7f xor 65532\[r0\]\.w, r15 + 140: 06 a2 0d 00 ff 3f xor 65532\[r0\]\.l, r0 + 146: 06 a2 0d 0f ff 3f xor 65532\[r0\]\.l, r15 + 14c: fc 36 f0 fc ff xor 65532\[r15\]\.ub, r0 + 151: fc 36 ff fc ff xor 65532\[r15\]\.ub, r15 + 156: 06 22 0d f0 fc ff xor 65532\[r15\]\.b, r0 + 15c: 06 22 0d ff fc ff xor 65532\[r15\]\.b, r15 + 162: 06 e2 0d f0 fe 7f xor 65532\[r15\]\.uw, r0 + 168: 06 e2 0d ff fe 7f xor 65532\[r15\]\.uw, r15 + 16e: 06 62 0d f0 fe 7f xor 65532\[r15\]\.w, r0 + 174: 06 62 0d ff fe 7f xor 65532\[r15\]\.w, r15 + 17a: 06 a2 0d f0 ff 3f xor 65532\[r15\]\.l, r0 + 180: 06 a2 0d ff ff 3f xor 65532\[r15\]\.l, r15 Index: trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/ =================================================================== --- trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/ (nonexistent) +++ trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/ (revision 118) @@ -0,0 +1,50 @@ +macro reg {r0;r15} +macro reg1 {r1;r15} +macro reg2 {r0;r14} +macro reg7 {r0;r7} +macro regPlo {r1;r7} +macro regPhi {r8;r14} +macro creg {psw;fpsw;usp;isp;intb;bpsw;bpc;fintv} +macro pswf {U;I;O;S;Z;C} + +macro simm8 {-128;127} +macro simm16 {-32768;32768} +macro simm24 {-8388608;8388607} +macro simm32 {-2147483648;2147483647} + +macro imm {{simm8};{simm16};{simm24};{simm32}} + +macro uimm2 {0;3} +macro uimm3 {0;7} +macro uimm4 {0;15} +macro uimm5 {0;31} +macro uimm8 {0;255} +macro uimm16 {0;65535} +macro uimm24 {0;16777215} +macro uimm32 {0;4294967295} + +macro imm32 {-2147483648;4294967295} + +macro dsp5 {4;28} +macro dsp8 252 +macro dsp16 65532 +macro dsp8L 1020 +macro dsp16L 262140 + +macro dsp {;{dsp8};{dsp16}} +macro dspL {;{dsp8L};{dsp16L}} + +macro memex {.ub;.b;.uw;.w;.l} +macro memx {dsp}[{reg}]{memex} +macro mem {dsp}[{reg}] +macro bwl {.b;.w;.l} +macro bw {.b;.w} + +macro cnd {geu;c;eq;z;gtu;pz;ge;gt;o;ltu;nc;ne;nz;leu;n;lt;le;no} +macro lab_s {.+3;.+10;foo} +macro lab_b {.-128;.+127;foo} +macro lab_w {.-32768;.+32767;foo} +macro lab_a {.-8388608;.+8388607;foo} +macro lab_l {.-2147483648;.+2147483647;foo} + + .text Index: trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/tst.d =================================================================== --- trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/tst.d (nonexistent) +++ trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/tst.d (revision 118) @@ -0,0 +1,88 @@ +#objdump: -dr + +dump\.o: file format .* + + +Disassembly of section \.text: + +00000000 <\.text>: + 0: fd 74 c0 80 tst #-128, r0 + 4: fd 74 cf 80 tst #-128, r15 + 8: fd 74 c0 7f tst #127, r0 + c: fd 74 cf 7f tst #127, r15 + 10: fd 78 c0 00 80 tst #0xffff8000, r0 + 15: fd 78 cf 00 80 tst #0xffff8000, r15 + 1a: fd 7c c0 00 80 00 tst #0x8000, r0 + 20: fd 7c cf 00 80 00 tst #0x8000, r15 + 26: fd 7c c0 00 00 80 tst #0xff800000, r0 + 2c: fd 7c cf 00 00 80 tst #0xff800000, r15 + 32: fd 7c c0 ff ff 7f tst #0x7fffff, r0 + 38: fd 7c cf ff ff 7f tst #0x7fffff, r15 + 3e: fd 70 c0 00 00 00 80 tst #0x80000000, r0 + 45: fd 70 cf 00 00 00 80 tst #0x80000000, r15 + 4c: fd 70 c0 ff ff ff 7f tst #0x7fffffff, r0 + 53: fd 70 cf ff ff ff 7f tst #0x7fffffff, r15 + 5a: fc 33 00 tst r0, r0 + 5d: fc 33 0f tst r0, r15 + 60: fc 33 f0 tst r15, r0 + 63: fc 33 ff tst r15, r15 + 66: fc 30 00 tst \[r0\]\.ub, r0 + 69: fc 30 0f tst \[r0\]\.ub, r15 + 6c: 06 20 0c 00 tst \[r0\]\.b, r0 + 70: 06 20 0c 0f tst \[r0\]\.b, r15 + 74: 06 e0 0c 00 tst \[r0\]\.uw, r0 + 78: 06 e0 0c 0f tst \[r0\]\.uw, r15 + 7c: 06 60 0c 00 tst \[r0\]\.w, r0 + 80: 06 60 0c 0f tst \[r0\]\.w, r15 + 84: 06 a0 0c 00 tst \[r0\]\.l, r0 + 88: 06 a0 0c 0f tst \[r0\]\.l, r15 + 8c: fc 30 f0 tst \[r15\]\.ub, r0 + 8f: fc 30 ff tst \[r15\]\.ub, r15 + 92: 06 20 0c f0 tst \[r15\]\.b, r0 + 96: 06 20 0c ff tst \[r15\]\.b, r15 + 9a: 06 e0 0c f0 tst \[r15\]\.uw, r0 + 9e: 06 e0 0c ff tst \[r15\]\.uw, r15 + a2: 06 60 0c f0 tst \[r15\]\.w, r0 + a6: 06 60 0c ff tst \[r15\]\.w, r15 + aa: 06 a0 0c f0 tst \[r15\]\.l, r0 + ae: 06 a0 0c ff tst \[r15\]\.l, r15 + b2: fc 31 00 fc tst 252\[r0\]\.ub, r0 + b6: fc 31 0f fc tst 252\[r0\]\.ub, r15 + ba: 06 21 0c 00 fc tst 252\[r0\]\.b, r0 + bf: 06 21 0c 0f fc tst 252\[r0\]\.b, r15 + c4: 06 e1 0c 00 7e tst 252\[r0\]\.uw, r0 + c9: 06 e1 0c 0f 7e tst 252\[r0\]\.uw, r15 + ce: 06 61 0c 00 7e tst 252\[r0\]\.w, r0 + d3: 06 61 0c 0f 7e tst 252\[r0\]\.w, r15 + d8: 06 a1 0c 00 3f tst 252\[r0\]\.l, r0 + dd: 06 a1 0c 0f 3f tst 252\[r0\]\.l, r15 + e2: fc 31 f0 fc tst 252\[r15\]\.ub, r0 + e6: fc 31 ff fc tst 252\[r15\]\.ub, r15 + ea: 06 21 0c f0 fc tst 252\[r15\]\.b, r0 + ef: 06 21 0c ff fc tst 252\[r15\]\.b, r15 + f4: 06 e1 0c f0 7e tst 252\[r15\]\.uw, r0 + f9: 06 e1 0c ff 7e tst 252\[r15\]\.uw, r15 + fe: 06 61 0c f0 7e tst 252\[r15\]\.w, r0 + 103: 06 61 0c ff 7e tst 252\[r15\]\.w, r15 + 108: 06 a1 0c f0 3f tst 252\[r15\]\.l, r0 + 10d: 06 a1 0c ff 3f tst 252\[r15\]\.l, r15 + 112: fc 32 00 fc ff tst 65532\[r0\]\.ub, r0 + 117: fc 32 0f fc ff tst 65532\[r0\]\.ub, r15 + 11c: 06 22 0c 00 fc ff tst 65532\[r0\]\.b, r0 + 122: 06 22 0c 0f fc ff tst 65532\[r0\]\.b, r15 + 128: 06 e2 0c 00 fe 7f tst 65532\[r0\]\.uw, r0 + 12e: 06 e2 0c 0f fe 7f tst 65532\[r0\]\.uw, r15 + 134: 06 62 0c 00 fe 7f tst 65532\[r0\]\.w, r0 + 13a: 06 62 0c 0f fe 7f tst 65532\[r0\]\.w, r15 + 140: 06 a2 0c 00 ff 3f tst 65532\[r0\]\.l, r0 + 146: 06 a2 0c 0f ff 3f tst 65532\[r0\]\.l, r15 + 14c: fc 32 f0 fc ff tst 65532\[r15\]\.ub, r0 + 151: fc 32 ff fc ff tst 65532\[r15\]\.ub, r15 + 156: 06 22 0c f0 fc ff tst 65532\[r15\]\.b, r0 + 15c: 06 22 0c ff fc ff tst 65532\[r15\]\.b, r15 + 162: 06 e2 0c f0 fe 7f tst 65532\[r15\]\.uw, r0 + 168: 06 e2 0c ff fe 7f tst 65532\[r15\]\.uw, r15 + 16e: 06 62 0c f0 fe 7f tst 65532\[r15\]\.w, r0 + 174: 06 62 0c ff fe 7f tst 65532\[r15\]\.w, r15 + 17a: 06 a2 0c f0 ff 3f tst 65532\[r15\]\.l, r0 + 180: 06 a2 0c ff ff 3f tst 65532\[r15\]\.l, r15 Index: trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/popm.d =================================================================== --- trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/popm.d (nonexistent) +++ trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/popm.d (revision 118) @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +#objdump: -dr + +dump\.o: file format .* + + +Disassembly of section \.text: + +00000000 <\.text>: + 0: 6f 18 popm r1-r8 + 2: 6f 1e popm r1-r14 + 4: 6f 78 popm r7-r8 + 6: 6f 7e popm r7-r14 + 8: 7e b4 pop r4 Index: trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/make-d =================================================================== --- trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/make-d (nonexistent) +++ trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/make-d (revision 118) @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +#!/usr/bin/perl +# -*- perl -*- + +# Utility to create *.d files from *.lst files. Not normally needed. + +opendir L, "/tmp/lsts"; +for $f (sort readdir L) { + next unless $f =~ /\.lst/; + $f =~ s@\.lst@@; + push (@files, $f); +} +closedir L; + +for $f (@files) { + + open (I, "/tmp/lsts/$f.lst"); + open (O, ">$f.d"); + + print O "#objdump: -dr\n"; + + while () { + s/$f\.o/dump.o/; + s/\\/\\\\/g; + s/([\[\]\.\*\?\+])/\\$1/g; + s/file format .*/file format \.\*/; + print O; + } + + close I; + close O; +}
trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/make-d Property changes : Added: svn:executable ## -0,0 +1 ## +* \ No newline at end of property Index: trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/ =================================================================== --- trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/ (nonexistent) +++ trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/ (revision 118) @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + pushc {creg} Index: trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/ =================================================================== --- trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/ (nonexistent) +++ trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/ (revision 118) @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ + bm{cnd} #{uimm3}, {dsp}[{reg}].B + bm{cnd} #{uimm5}, {reg} Index: trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/ =================================================================== --- trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/ (nonexistent) +++ trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/ (revision 118) @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ + max #{imm},{reg} + max {reg1},{reg} + max {memx},{reg} Index: trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/pushc.d =================================================================== --- trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/pushc.d (nonexistent) +++ trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/pushc.d (revision 118) @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +#objdump: -dr + +dump\.o: file format .* + + +Disassembly of section \.text: + +00000000 <\.text>: + 0: 7e c0 pushc psw + 2: 7e c3 pushc fpsw + 4: 7e c2 pushc usp + 6: 7e ca pushc isp + 8: 7e cc pushc intb + a: 7e c8 pushc bpsw + c: 7e c9 pushc bpc + e: 7e cb pushc fintv + Index: trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/ =================================================================== --- trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/ (nonexistent) +++ trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/ (revision 118) @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ + adc #{imm},{reg} + adc {reg},{reg} + adc {dsp}[{reg}].L,{reg} + Index: trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/revw.d =================================================================== --- trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/revw.d (nonexistent) +++ trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/revw.d (revision 118) @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +#objdump: -dr + +dump\.o: file format .* + + +Disassembly of section \.text: + +00000000 <\.text>: + 0: fd 65 00 revw r0, r0 + 3: fd 65 0f revw r0, r15 + 6: fd 65 f0 revw r15, r0 + 9: fd 65 ff revw r15, r15 Index: trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/rotr.d =================================================================== --- trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/rotr.d (nonexistent) +++ trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/rotr.d (revision 118) @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +#objdump: -dr + +dump\.o: file format .* + + +Disassembly of section \.text: + +00000000 <\.text>: + 0: fd 6c 00 rotr #0, r0 + 3: fd 6c 0f rotr #0, r15 + 6: fd 6d f0 rotr #31, r0 + 9: fd 6d ff rotr #31, r15 + c: fd 64 00 rotr r0, r0 + f: fd 64 0f rotr r0, r15 + 12: fd 64 f0 rotr r15, r0 + 15: fd 64 ff rotr r15, r15 Index: trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/ =================================================================== --- trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/ (nonexistent) +++ trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/ (revision 118) @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ + racw #1 + racw #2 Index: trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/mvtachi.d =================================================================== --- trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/mvtachi.d (nonexistent) +++ trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/mvtachi.d (revision 118) @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +#objdump: -dr + +dump\.o: file format .* + + +Disassembly of section \.text: + +00000000 <\.text>: + 0: fd 17 00 mvtachi r0 + 3: fd 17 0f mvtachi r15 Index: trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/ =================================================================== --- trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/ (nonexistent) +++ trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/ (revision 118) @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ + bnot #{uimm3}, {dsp}[{reg}].B + bnot {reg}, {dsp}[{reg}].B + + bnot #{uimm5}, {reg} + bnot {reg}, {reg} Index: trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/ =================================================================== --- trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/ (nonexistent) +++ trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/ (revision 118) @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ + nop +bar: + nop + nop + bra fred + bra barney + bra grill + bra bar + bra foo + nop + bra bar + nop + nop +foo: + nop + + .space 130 +grill: + nop + .space 33000 +barney: + nop Index: trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/ =================================================================== --- trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/ (nonexistent) +++ trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/ (revision 118) @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ + abs {reg} + abs {reg},{reg} Index: trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/bnot.d =================================================================== --- trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/bnot.d (nonexistent) +++ trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/bnot.d (revision 118) @@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ +#objdump: -dr + +dump\.o: file format .* + + +Disassembly of section \.text: + +00000000 <\.text>: + 0: fc e0 0f bnot #0, \[r0\]\.b + 3: fc e0 ff bnot #0, \[r15\]\.b + 6: fc e1 0f fc bnot #0, 252\[r0\]\.b + a: fc e1 ff fc bnot #0, 252\[r15\]\.b + e: fc e2 0f fc ff bnot #0, 65532\[r0\]\.b + 13: fc e2 ff fc ff bnot #0, 65532\[r15\]\.b + 18: fc fc 0f bnot #7, \[r0\]\.b + 1b: fc fc ff bnot #7, \[r15\]\.b + 1e: fc fd 0f fc bnot #7, 252\[r0\]\.b + 22: fc fd ff fc bnot #7, 252\[r15\]\.b + 26: fc fe 0f fc ff bnot #7, 65532\[r0\]\.b + 2b: fc fe ff fc ff bnot #7, 65532\[r15\]\.b + 30: fc 6c 00 bnot r0, \[r0\]\.b + 33: fc 6c f0 bnot r0, \[r15\]\.b + 36: fc 6d 00 fc bnot r0, 252\[r0\]\.b + 3a: fc 6d f0 fc bnot r0, 252\[r15\]\.b + 3e: fc 6e 00 fc ff bnot r0, 65532\[r0\]\.b + 43: fc 6e f0 fc ff bnot r0, 65532\[r15\]\.b + 48: fc 6c 0f bnot r15, \[r0\]\.b + 4b: fc 6c ff bnot r15, \[r15\]\.b + 4e: fc 6d 0f fc bnot r15, 252\[r0\]\.b + 52: fc 6d ff fc bnot r15, 252\[r15\]\.b + 56: fc 6e 0f fc ff bnot r15, 65532\[r0\]\.b + 5b: fc 6e ff fc ff bnot r15, 65532\[r15\]\.b + 60: fd e0 f0 bnot #0, r0 + 63: fd e0 ff bnot #0, r15 + 66: fd ff f0 bnot #31, r0 + 69: fd ff ff bnot #31, r15 + 6c: fc 6f 00 bnot r0, r0 + 6f: fc 6f f0 bnot r0, r15 + 72: fc 6f 0f bnot r15, r0 + 75: fc 6f ff bnot r15, r15 Index: trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/mvtaclo.d =================================================================== --- trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/mvtaclo.d (nonexistent) +++ trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/mvtaclo.d (revision 118) @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +#objdump: -dr + +dump\.o: file format .* + + +Disassembly of section \.text: + +00000000 <\.text>: + 0: fd 17 10 mvtaclo r0 + 3: fd 17 1f mvtaclo r15 Index: trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/bcnd.d =================================================================== --- trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/bcnd.d (nonexistent) +++ trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/bcnd.d (revision 118) @@ -0,0 +1,104 @@ +#objdump: -dr + +dump\.o: file format .* + + +Disassembly of section \.text: + +00000000 <\.text>: + 0: 13 beq\.s 0x3 + 1: 12 beq\.s 0xb + 2: 10 beq\.s 0xa + 2: R_RX_DIR3U_PCREL foo + 3: 1b bne\.s 0x6 + 4: 1a bne\.s 0xe + 5: 18 bne\.s 0xd + 5: R_RX_DIR3U_PCREL foo + 6: 22 80 bc\.b 0xffffff86 + 8: 22 7f bc\.b 0x87 + a: 22 00 bc\.b 0xa + b: R_RX_DIR8S_PCREL foo + c: 22 80 bc\.b 0xffffff8c + e: 22 7f bc\.b 0x8d + 10: 22 00 bc\.b 0x10 + 11: R_RX_DIR8S_PCREL foo + 12: 20 80 beq\.b 0xffffff92 + 14: 20 7f beq\.b 0x93 + 16: 20 00 beq\.b 0x16 + 17: R_RX_DIR8S_PCREL foo + 18: 20 80 beq\.b 0xffffff98 + 1a: 20 7f beq\.b 0x99 + 1c: 20 00 beq\.b 0x1c + 1d: R_RX_DIR8S_PCREL foo + 1e: 24 80 bgtu\.b 0xffffff9e + 20: 24 7f bgtu\.b 0x9f + 22: 24 00 bgtu\.b 0x22 + 23: R_RX_DIR8S_PCREL foo + 24: 26 80 bpz\.b 0xffffffa4 + 26: 26 7f bpz\.b 0xa5 + 28: 26 00 bpz\.b 0x28 + 29: R_RX_DIR8S_PCREL foo + 2a: 28 80 bge\.b 0xffffffaa + 2c: 28 7f bge\.b 0xab + 2e: 28 00 bge\.b 0x2e + 2f: R_RX_DIR8S_PCREL foo + 30: 2a 80 bgt\.b 0xffffffb0 + 32: 2a 7f bgt\.b 0xb1 + 34: 2a 00 bgt\.b 0x34 + 35: R_RX_DIR8S_PCREL foo + 36: 2c 80 bo\.b 0xffffffb6 + 38: 2c 7f bo\.b 0xb7 + 3a: 2c 00 bo\.b 0x3a + 3b: R_RX_DIR8S_PCREL foo + 3c: 23 80 bnc\.b 0xffffffbc + 3e: 23 7f bnc\.b 0xbd + 40: 23 00 bnc\.b 0x40 + 41: R_RX_DIR8S_PCREL foo + 42: 23 80 bnc\.b 0xffffffc2 + 44: 23 7f bnc\.b 0xc3 + 46: 23 00 bnc\.b 0x46 + 47: R_RX_DIR8S_PCREL foo + 48: 21 80 bne\.b 0xffffffc8 + 4a: 21 7f bne\.b 0xc9 + 4c: 21 00 bne\.b 0x4c + 4d: R_RX_DIR8S_PCREL foo + 4e: 21 80 bne\.b 0xffffffce + 50: 21 7f bne\.b 0xcf + 52: 21 00 bne\.b 0x52 + 53: R_RX_DIR8S_PCREL foo + 54: 25 80 bleu\.b 0xffffffd4 + 56: 25 7f bleu\.b 0xd5 + 58: 25 00 bleu\.b 0x58 + 59: R_RX_DIR8S_PCREL foo + 5a: 27 80 bn\.b 0xffffffda + 5c: 27 7f bn\.b 0xdb + 5e: 27 00 bn\.b 0x5e + 5f: R_RX_DIR8S_PCREL foo + 60: 29 80 blt\.b 0xffffffe0 + 62: 29 7f blt\.b 0xe1 + 64: 29 00 blt\.b 0x64 + 65: R_RX_DIR8S_PCREL foo + 66: 2b 80 ble\.b 0xffffffe6 + 68: 2b 7f ble\.b 0xe7 + 6a: 2b 00 ble\.b 0x6a + 6b: R_RX_DIR8S_PCREL foo + 6c: 2d 80 bno\.b 0xffffffec + 6e: 2d 7f bno\.b 0xed + 70: 2d 00 bno\.b 0x70 + 71: R_RX_DIR8S_PCREL foo + 72: 3a 00 80 beq\.w 0xffff8072 + 75: 3a ff 7f beq\.w 0x8074 + 78: 3a 00 00 beq\.w 0x78 + 79: R_RX_DIR16S_PCREL foo + 7b: 3b 00 80 bne\.w 0xffff807b + 7e: 3b ff 7f bne\.w 0x807d + 81: 3b 00 00 bne\.w 0x81 + 82: R_RX_DIR16S_PCREL foo + 84: 3a 00 80 beq\.w 0xffff8084 + 87: 3a ff 7f beq\.w 0x8086 + 8a: 3a 00 00 beq\.w 0x8a + 8b: R_RX_DIR16S_PCREL foo + 8d: 3b 00 80 bne\.w 0xffff808d + 90: 3b ff 7f bne\.w 0x808f + 93: 3b 00 00 bne\.w 0x93 + 94: R_RX_DIR16S_PCREL foo Index: trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/ =================================================================== --- trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/ (nonexistent) +++ trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/ (revision 118) @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ + popm {regPlo}-{regPhi} + popm r4-r4 Index: trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/rts.d =================================================================== --- trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/rts.d (nonexistent) +++ trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/rts.d (revision 118) @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +#objdump: -dr + +dump\.o: file format .* + + +Disassembly of section \.text: + +00000000 <\.text>: + 0: 02 rts Index: trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/shlr.d =================================================================== --- trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/shlr.d (nonexistent) +++ trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/shlr.d (revision 118) @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +#objdump: -dr + +dump\.o: file format .* + + +Disassembly of section \.text: + +00000000 <\.text>: + 0: 68 00 shlr #0, r0 + 2: 68 0f shlr #0, r15 + 4: 69 f0 shlr #31, r0 + 6: 69 ff shlr #31, r15 + 8: fd 60 00 shlr r0, r0 + b: fd 60 0f shlr r0, r15 + e: fd 60 f0 shlr r15, r0 + 11: fd 60 ff shlr r15, r15 + 14: fd 80 00 shlr #0, r0, r0 + 17: fd 80 0f shlr #0, r0, r15 + 1a: fd 80 f0 shlr #0, r15, r0 + 1d: fd 80 ff shlr #0, r15, r15 + 20: fd 9f 00 shlr #31, r0, r0 + 23: fd 9f 0f shlr #31, r0, r15 + 26: fd 9f f0 shlr #31, r15, r0 + 29: fd 9f ff shlr #31, r15, r15 Index: trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/smovu.d =================================================================== --- trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/smovu.d (nonexistent) +++ trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/smovu.d (revision 118) @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +#objdump: -dr + +dump\.o: file format .* + + +Disassembly of section \.text: + +00000000 <\.text>: + 0: 7f 87 smovu Index: trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/ =================================================================== --- trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/ (nonexistent) +++ trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/ (revision 118) @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + suntil{bwl} Index: trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/ =================================================================== --- trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/ (nonexistent) +++ trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/ (revision 118) @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + stz #{imm},{reg} Index: trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/cmp.d =================================================================== --- trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/cmp.d (nonexistent) +++ trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/cmp.d (revision 118) @@ -0,0 +1,96 @@ +#objdump: -dr + +dump\.o: file format .* + + +Disassembly of section \.text: + +00000000 <\.text>: + 0: 61 00 cmp #0, r0 + 2: 61 0f cmp #0, r15 + 4: 61 f0 cmp #15, r0 + 6: 61 ff cmp #15, r15 + 8: 61 00 cmp #0, r0 + a: 61 0f cmp #0, r15 + c: 75 50 ff cmp #255, r0 + f: 75 5f ff cmp #255, r15 + 12: 75 00 80 cmp #-128, r0 + 15: 75 0f 80 cmp #-128, r15 + 18: 75 50 7f cmp #127, r0 + 1b: 75 5f 7f cmp #127, r15 + 1e: 76 00 00 80 cmp #0xffff8000, r0 + 22: 76 0f 00 80 cmp #0xffff8000, r15 + 26: 77 00 00 80 00 cmp #0x8000, r0 + 2b: 77 0f 00 80 00 cmp #0x8000, r15 + 30: 77 00 00 00 80 cmp #0xff800000, r0 + 35: 77 0f 00 00 80 cmp #0xff800000, r15 + 3a: 77 00 ff ff 7f cmp #0x7fffff, r0 + 3f: 77 0f ff ff 7f cmp #0x7fffff, r15 + 44: 74 00 00 00 00 80 cmp #0x80000000, r0 + 4a: 74 0f 00 00 00 80 cmp #0x80000000, r15 + 50: 74 00 ff ff ff 7f cmp #0x7fffffff, r0 + 56: 74 0f ff ff ff 7f cmp #0x7fffffff, r15 + 5c: 47 00 cmp r0, r0 + 5e: 47 0f cmp r0, r15 + 60: 47 f0 cmp r15, r0 + 62: 47 ff cmp r15, r15 + 64: 44 00 cmp \[r0\]\.ub, r0 + 66: 44 0f cmp \[r0\]\.ub, r15 + 68: 06 04 00 cmp \[r0\]\.b, r0 + 6b: 06 04 0f cmp \[r0\]\.b, r15 + 6e: 06 c4 00 cmp \[r0\]\.uw, r0 + 71: 06 c4 0f cmp \[r0\]\.uw, r15 + 74: 06 44 00 cmp \[r0\]\.w, r0 + 77: 06 44 0f cmp \[r0\]\.w, r15 + 7a: 06 84 00 cmp \[r0\]\.l, r0 + 7d: 06 84 0f cmp \[r0\]\.l, r15 + 80: 44 f0 cmp \[r15\]\.ub, r0 + 82: 44 ff cmp \[r15\]\.ub, r15 + 84: 06 04 f0 cmp \[r15\]\.b, r0 + 87: 06 04 ff cmp \[r15\]\.b, r15 + 8a: 06 c4 f0 cmp \[r15\]\.uw, r0 + 8d: 06 c4 ff cmp \[r15\]\.uw, r15 + 90: 06 44 f0 cmp \[r15\]\.w, r0 + 93: 06 44 ff cmp \[r15\]\.w, r15 + 96: 06 84 f0 cmp \[r15\]\.l, r0 + 99: 06 84 ff cmp \[r15\]\.l, r15 + 9c: 45 00 fc cmp 252\[r0\]\.ub, r0 + 9f: 45 0f fc cmp 252\[r0\]\.ub, r15 + a2: 06 05 00 fc cmp 252\[r0\]\.b, r0 + a6: 06 05 0f fc cmp 252\[r0\]\.b, r15 + aa: 06 c5 00 7e cmp 252\[r0\]\.uw, r0 + ae: 06 c5 0f 7e cmp 252\[r0\]\.uw, r15 + b2: 06 45 00 7e cmp 252\[r0\]\.w, r0 + b6: 06 45 0f 7e cmp 252\[r0\]\.w, r15 + ba: 06 85 00 3f cmp 252\[r0\]\.l, r0 + be: 06 85 0f 3f cmp 252\[r0\]\.l, r15 + c2: 45 f0 fc cmp 252\[r15\]\.ub, r0 + c5: 45 ff fc cmp 252\[r15\]\.ub, r15 + c8: 06 05 f0 fc cmp 252\[r15\]\.b, r0 + cc: 06 05 ff fc cmp 252\[r15\]\.b, r15 + d0: 06 c5 f0 7e cmp 252\[r15\]\.uw, r0 + d4: 06 c5 ff 7e cmp 252\[r15\]\.uw, r15 + d8: 06 45 f0 7e cmp 252\[r15\]\.w, r0 + dc: 06 45 ff 7e cmp 252\[r15\]\.w, r15 + e0: 06 85 f0 3f cmp 252\[r15\]\.l, r0 + e4: 06 85 ff 3f cmp 252\[r15\]\.l, r15 + e8: 46 00 fc ff cmp 65532\[r0\]\.ub, r0 + ec: 46 0f fc ff cmp 65532\[r0\]\.ub, r15 + f0: 06 06 00 fc ff cmp 65532\[r0\]\.b, r0 + f5: 06 06 0f fc ff cmp 65532\[r0\]\.b, r15 + fa: 06 c6 00 fe 7f cmp 65532\[r0\]\.uw, r0 + ff: 06 c6 0f fe 7f cmp 65532\[r0\]\.uw, r15 + 104: 06 46 00 fe 7f cmp 65532\[r0\]\.w, r0 + 109: 06 46 0f fe 7f cmp 65532\[r0\]\.w, r15 + 10e: 06 86 00 ff 3f cmp 65532\[r0\]\.l, r0 + 113: 06 86 0f ff 3f cmp 65532\[r0\]\.l, r15 + 118: 46 f0 fc ff cmp 65532\[r15\]\.ub, r0 + 11c: 46 ff fc ff cmp 65532\[r15\]\.ub, r15 + 120: 06 06 f0 fc ff cmp 65532\[r15\]\.b, r0 + 125: 06 06 ff fc ff cmp 65532\[r15\]\.b, r15 + 12a: 06 c6 f0 fe 7f cmp 65532\[r15\]\.uw, r0 + 12f: 06 c6 ff fe 7f cmp 65532\[r15\]\.uw, r15 + 134: 06 46 f0 fe 7f cmp 65532\[r15\]\.w, r0 + 139: 06 46 ff fe 7f cmp 65532\[r15\]\.w, r15 + 13e: 06 86 f0 ff 3f cmp 65532\[r15\]\.l, r0 + 143: 06 86 ff ff 3f cmp 65532\[r15\]\.l, r15 Index: trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/ =================================================================== --- trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/ (nonexistent) +++ trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/ (revision 118) @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + revw {reg},{reg} Index: trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/ =================================================================== --- trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/ (nonexistent) +++ trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/ (revision 118) @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + jmp {reg} Index: trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/ =================================================================== --- trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/ (nonexistent) +++ trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/ (revision 118) @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + mvfaclo {reg} Index: trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/min.d =================================================================== --- trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/min.d (nonexistent) +++ trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/min.d (revision 118) @@ -0,0 +1,88 @@ +#objdump: -dr + +dump\.o: file format .* + + +Disassembly of section \.text: + +00000000 <\.text>: + 0: fd 74 50 80 min #-128, r0 + 4: fd 74 5f 80 min #-128, r15 + 8: fd 74 50 7f min #127, r0 + c: fd 74 5f 7f min #127, r15 + 10: fd 78 50 00 80 min #0xffff8000, r0 + 15: fd 78 5f 00 80 min #0xffff8000, r15 + 1a: fd 7c 50 00 80 00 min #0x8000, r0 + 20: fd 7c 5f 00 80 00 min #0x8000, r15 + 26: fd 7c 50 00 00 80 min #0xff800000, r0 + 2c: fd 7c 5f 00 00 80 min #0xff800000, r15 + 32: fd 7c 50 ff ff 7f min #0x7fffff, r0 + 38: fd 7c 5f ff ff 7f min #0x7fffff, r15 + 3e: fd 70 50 00 00 00 80 min #0x80000000, r0 + 45: fd 70 5f 00 00 00 80 min #0x80000000, r15 + 4c: fd 70 50 ff ff ff 7f min #0x7fffffff, r0 + 53: fd 70 5f ff ff ff 7f min #0x7fffffff, r15 + 5a: fc 17 00 min r0, r0 + 5d: fc 17 0f min r0, r15 + 60: fc 17 f0 min r15, r0 + 63: fc 17 ff min r15, r15 + 66: fc 14 00 min \[r0\]\.ub, r0 + 69: fc 14 0f min \[r0\]\.ub, r15 + 6c: 06 20 05 00 min \[r0\]\.b, r0 + 70: 06 20 05 0f min \[r0\]\.b, r15 + 74: 06 e0 05 00 min \[r0\]\.uw, r0 + 78: 06 e0 05 0f min \[r0\]\.uw, r15 + 7c: 06 60 05 00 min \[r0\]\.w, r0 + 80: 06 60 05 0f min \[r0\]\.w, r15 + 84: 06 a0 05 00 min \[r0\]\.l, r0 + 88: 06 a0 05 0f min \[r0\]\.l, r15 + 8c: fc 14 f0 min \[r15\]\.ub, r0 + 8f: fc 14 ff min \[r15\]\.ub, r15 + 92: 06 20 05 f0 min \[r15\]\.b, r0 + 96: 06 20 05 ff min \[r15\]\.b, r15 + 9a: 06 e0 05 f0 min \[r15\]\.uw, r0 + 9e: 06 e0 05 ff min \[r15\]\.uw, r15 + a2: 06 60 05 f0 min \[r15\]\.w, r0 + a6: 06 60 05 ff min \[r15\]\.w, r15 + aa: 06 a0 05 f0 min \[r15\]\.l, r0 + ae: 06 a0 05 ff min \[r15\]\.l, r15 + b2: fc 15 00 fc min 252\[r0\]\.ub, r0 + b6: fc 15 0f fc min 252\[r0\]\.ub, r15 + ba: 06 21 05 00 fc min 252\[r0\]\.b, r0 + bf: 06 21 05 0f fc min 252\[r0\]\.b, r15 + c4: 06 e1 05 00 7e min 252\[r0\]\.uw, r0 + c9: 06 e1 05 0f 7e min 252\[r0\]\.uw, r15 + ce: 06 61 05 00 7e min 252\[r0\]\.w, r0 + d3: 06 61 05 0f 7e min 252\[r0\]\.w, r15 + d8: 06 a1 05 00 3f min 252\[r0\]\.l, r0 + dd: 06 a1 05 0f 3f min 252\[r0\]\.l, r15 + e2: fc 15 f0 fc min 252\[r15\]\.ub, r0 + e6: fc 15 ff fc min 252\[r15\]\.ub, r15 + ea: 06 21 05 f0 fc min 252\[r15\]\.b, r0 + ef: 06 21 05 ff fc min 252\[r15\]\.b, r15 + f4: 06 e1 05 f0 7e min 252\[r15\]\.uw, r0 + f9: 06 e1 05 ff 7e min 252\[r15\]\.uw, r15 + fe: 06 61 05 f0 7e min 252\[r15\]\.w, r0 + 103: 06 61 05 ff 7e min 252\[r15\]\.w, r15 + 108: 06 a1 05 f0 3f min 252\[r15\]\.l, r0 + 10d: 06 a1 05 ff 3f min 252\[r15\]\.l, r15 + 112: fc 16 00 fc ff min 65532\[r0\]\.ub, r0 + 117: fc 16 0f fc ff min 65532\[r0\]\.ub, r15 + 11c: 06 22 05 00 fc ff min 65532\[r0\]\.b, r0 + 122: 06 22 05 0f fc ff min 65532\[r0\]\.b, r15 + 128: 06 e2 05 00 fe 7f min 65532\[r0\]\.uw, r0 + 12e: 06 e2 05 0f fe 7f min 65532\[r0\]\.uw, r15 + 134: 06 62 05 00 fe 7f min 65532\[r0\]\.w, r0 + 13a: 06 62 05 0f fe 7f min 65532\[r0\]\.w, r15 + 140: 06 a2 05 00 ff 3f min 65532\[r0\]\.l, r0 + 146: 06 a2 05 0f ff 3f min 65532\[r0\]\.l, r15 + 14c: fc 16 f0 fc ff min 65532\[r15\]\.ub, r0 + 151: fc 16 ff fc ff min 65532\[r15\]\.ub, r15 + 156: 06 22 05 f0 fc ff min 65532\[r15\]\.b, r0 + 15c: 06 22 05 ff fc ff min 65532\[r15\]\.b, r15 + 162: 06 e2 05 f0 fe 7f min 65532\[r15\]\.uw, r0 + 168: 06 e2 05 ff fe 7f min 65532\[r15\]\.uw, r15 + 16e: 06 62 05 f0 fe 7f min 65532\[r15\]\.w, r0 + 174: 06 62 05 ff fe 7f min 65532\[r15\]\.w, r15 + 17a: 06 a2 05 f0 ff 3f min 65532\[r15\]\.l, r0 + 180: 06 a2 05 ff ff 3f min 65532\[r15\]\.l, r15 Index: trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/ =================================================================== --- trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/ (nonexistent) +++ trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/ (revision 118) @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + scmpu Index: trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/ =================================================================== --- trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/ (nonexistent) +++ trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/ (revision 118) @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +# mvtcp #{uimm2},#{simm16},${uimm16} +# mvtcp #{uimm2},{reg},${uimm16} Index: trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/ =================================================================== --- trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/ (nonexistent) +++ trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/ (revision 118) @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + mvtachi {reg} Index: trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/ =================================================================== --- trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/ (nonexistent) +++ trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/ (revision 118) @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ + bset #{uimm3}, {dsp}[{reg}].B + bset {reg}, {dsp}[{reg}].B + + bset #{uimm5}, {reg} + bset {reg}, {reg} Index: trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/swhile.d =================================================================== --- trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/swhile.d (nonexistent) +++ trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/swhile.d (revision 118) @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +#objdump: -dr + +dump\.o: file format .* + + +Disassembly of section \.text: + +00000000 <\.text>: + 0: 7f 84 swhile\.b + 2: 7f 85 swhile\.w + 4: 7f 86 swhile\.l Index: trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/ =================================================================== --- trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/ (nonexistent) +++ trunk/gnu/binutils/gas/testsuite/gas/rx/ (revision 118) @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ + not {reg} + not {reg},{reg}

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