
Subversion Repositories openmsp430

Compare Revisions

  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 200 to Rev 202
    Reverse comparison

Rev 200 → Rev 202

68,6 → 68,17
wire [1:0] per_we;
wire per_en;
// Direct Memory Access interface
wire [15:0] dma_dout;
wire dma_ready;
wire dma_resp;
reg [15:1] dma_addr;
reg [15:0] dma_din;
reg dma_en;
reg dma_priority;
reg [1:0] dma_we;
reg dma_wkup;
// Digital I/O
wire irq_port1;
wire irq_port2;
192,6 → 203,7
// Testbench variables
integer tb_idx;
integer tmp_seed;
integer error;
reg stimulus_done;
207,6 → 219,9
`include "dbg_uart_tasks.v"
`include "dbg_i2c_tasks.v"
// Direct Memory Access interface tasks
`include "dma_tasks.v"
// Verilog stimulus
`include "stimulus.v"
265,11 → 280,20
tmp_seed = `SEED;
tmp_seed = $urandom(tmp_seed);
error = 0;
stimulus_done = 1;
irq = {`IRQ_NR-2{1'b0}};
nmi = 1'b0;
wkup = 14'h0000;
dma_addr = 15'h0000;
dma_din = 16'h0000;
dma_en = 1'b0;
dma_priority = 1'b0;
dma_we = 2'b00;
dma_wkup = 1'b0;
dma_tfx_cancel = 1'b0;
cpu_en = 1'b1;
dbg_en = 1'b0;
dbg_uart_rxd_sel = 1'b0;
314,14 → 338,14
ram #(`PMEM_MSB, `PMEM_SIZE) pmem_0 (
.ram_dout (pmem_dout), // Program Memory data output
.ram_dout (pmem_dout), // Program Memory data output
.ram_addr (pmem_addr), // Program Memory address
.ram_cen (pmem_cen), // Program Memory chip enable (low active)
.ram_clk (mclk), // Program Memory clock
.ram_din (pmem_din), // Program Memory data input
.ram_wen (pmem_wen) // Program Memory write enable (low active)
.ram_addr (pmem_addr), // Program Memory address
.ram_cen (pmem_cen), // Program Memory chip enable (low active)
.ram_clk (mclk), // Program Memory clock
.ram_din (pmem_din), // Program Memory data input
.ram_wen (pmem_wen) // Program Memory write enable (low active)
332,14 → 356,14
ram #(`DMEM_MSB, `DMEM_SIZE) dmem_0 (
.ram_dout (dmem_dout), // Data Memory data output
.ram_dout (dmem_dout), // Data Memory data output
.ram_addr (dmem_addr), // Data Memory address
.ram_cen (dmem_cen), // Data Memory chip enable (low active)
.ram_clk (mclk), // Data Memory clock
.ram_din (dmem_din), // Data Memory data input
.ram_wen (dmem_wen) // Data Memory write enable (low active)
.ram_addr (dmem_addr), // Data Memory address
.ram_cen (dmem_cen), // Data Memory chip enable (low active)
.ram_clk (mclk), // Data Memory clock
.ram_din (dmem_din), // Data Memory data input
.ram_wen (dmem_wen) // Data Memory write enable (low active)
350,52 → 374,61
openMSP430 dut (
.aclk (aclk), // ASIC ONLY: ACLK
.aclk_en (aclk_en), // FPGA ONLY: ACLK enable
.dbg_freeze (dbg_freeze), // Freeze peripherals
.dbg_i2c_sda_out (dbg_sda_slave_out), // Debug interface: I2C SDA OUT
.dbg_uart_txd (dbg_uart_txd), // Debug interface: UART TXD
.dco_enable (dco_enable), // ASIC ONLY: Fast oscillator enable
.dco_wkup (dco_wkup), // ASIC ONLY: Fast oscillator wake-up (asynchronous)
.dmem_addr (dmem_addr), // Data Memory address
.dmem_cen (dmem_cen), // Data Memory chip enable (low active)
.dmem_din (dmem_din), // Data Memory data input
.dmem_wen (dmem_wen), // Data Memory write enable (low active)
.irq_acc (irq_acc), // Interrupt request accepted (one-hot signal)
.lfxt_enable (lfxt_enable), // ASIC ONLY: Low frequency oscillator enable
.lfxt_wkup (lfxt_wkup), // ASIC ONLY: Low frequency oscillator wake-up (asynchronous)
.mclk (mclk), // Main system clock
.per_addr (per_addr), // Peripheral address
.per_din (per_din), // Peripheral data input
.per_we (per_we), // Peripheral write enable (high active)
.per_en (per_en), // Peripheral enable (high active)
.pmem_addr (pmem_addr), // Program Memory address
.pmem_cen (pmem_cen), // Program Memory chip enable (low active)
.pmem_din (pmem_din), // Program Memory data input (optional)
.pmem_wen (pmem_wen), // Program Memory write enable (low active) (optional)
.puc_rst (puc_rst), // Main system reset
.smclk (smclk), // ASIC ONLY: SMCLK
.smclk_en (smclk_en), // FPGA ONLY: SMCLK enable
.aclk (aclk), // ASIC ONLY: ACLK
.aclk_en (aclk_en), // FPGA ONLY: ACLK enable
.dbg_freeze (dbg_freeze), // Freeze peripherals
.dbg_i2c_sda_out (dbg_sda_slave_out), // Debug interface: I2C SDA OUT
.dbg_uart_txd (dbg_uart_txd), // Debug interface: UART TXD
.dco_enable (dco_enable), // ASIC ONLY: Fast oscillator enable
.dco_wkup (dco_wkup), // ASIC ONLY: Fast oscillator wake-up (asynchronous)
.dmem_addr (dmem_addr), // Data Memory address
.dmem_cen (dmem_cen), // Data Memory chip enable (low active)
.dmem_din (dmem_din), // Data Memory data input
.dmem_wen (dmem_wen), // Data Memory write byte enable (low active)
.irq_acc (irq_acc), // Interrupt request accepted (one-hot signal)
.lfxt_enable (lfxt_enable), // ASIC ONLY: Low frequency oscillator enable
.lfxt_wkup (lfxt_wkup), // ASIC ONLY: Low frequency oscillator wake-up (asynchronous)
.mclk (mclk), // Main system clock
.dma_dout (dma_dout), // Direct Memory Access data output
.dma_ready (dma_ready), // Direct Memory Access is complete
.dma_resp (dma_resp), // Direct Memory Access response (0:Okay / 1:Error)
.per_addr (per_addr), // Peripheral address
.per_din (per_din), // Peripheral data input
.per_en (per_en), // Peripheral enable (high active)
.per_we (per_we), // Peripheral write byte enable (high active)
.pmem_addr (pmem_addr), // Program Memory address
.pmem_cen (pmem_cen), // Program Memory chip enable (low active)
.pmem_din (pmem_din), // Program Memory data input (optional)
.pmem_wen (pmem_wen), // Program Memory write byte enable (low active) (optional)
.puc_rst (puc_rst), // Main system reset
.smclk (smclk), // ASIC ONLY: SMCLK
.smclk_en (smclk_en), // FPGA ONLY: SMCLK enable
.cpu_en (cpu_en), // Enable CPU code execution (asynchronous)
.dbg_en (dbg_en), // Debug interface enable (asynchronous)
.dbg_i2c_addr (I2C_ADDR), // Debug interface: I2C Address
.dbg_i2c_broadcast (I2C_BROADCAST), // Debug interface: I2C Broadcast Address (for multicore systems)
.dbg_i2c_scl (dbg_scl_slave), // Debug interface: I2C SCL
.dbg_i2c_sda_in (dbg_sda_slave_in), // Debug interface: I2C SDA IN
.dbg_uart_rxd (dbg_uart_rxd), // Debug interface: UART RXD (asynchronous)
.dco_clk (dco_clk), // Fast oscillator (fast clock)
.dmem_dout (dmem_dout), // Data Memory data output
.irq (irq_in), // Maskable interrupts
.lfxt_clk (lfxt_clk), // Low frequency oscillator (typ 32kHz)
.nmi (nmi), // Non-maskable interrupt (asynchronous)
.per_dout (per_dout), // Peripheral data output
.pmem_dout (pmem_dout), // Program Memory data output
.reset_n (reset_n), // Reset Pin (low active, asynchronous)
.scan_enable (scan_enable), // ASIC ONLY: Scan enable (active during scan shifting)
.scan_mode (scan_mode), // ASIC ONLY: Scan mode
.wkup (|wkup_in) // ASIC ONLY: System Wake-up (asynchronous)
.cpu_en (cpu_en), // Enable CPU code execution (asynchronous)
.dbg_en (dbg_en), // Debug interface enable (asynchronous)
.dbg_i2c_addr (I2C_ADDR), // Debug interface: I2C Address
.dbg_i2c_broadcast (I2C_BROADCAST), // Debug interface: I2C Broadcast Address (for multicore systems)
.dbg_i2c_scl (dbg_scl_slave), // Debug interface: I2C SCL
.dbg_i2c_sda_in (dbg_sda_slave_in), // Debug interface: I2C SDA IN
.dbg_uart_rxd (dbg_uart_rxd), // Debug interface: UART RXD (asynchronous)
.dco_clk (dco_clk), // Fast oscillator (fast clock)
.dmem_dout (dmem_dout), // Data Memory data output
.irq (irq_in), // Maskable interrupts
.lfxt_clk (lfxt_clk), // Low frequency oscillator (typ 32kHz)
.dma_addr (dma_addr), // Direct Memory Access address
.dma_din (dma_din), // Direct Memory Access data input
.dma_en (dma_en), // Direct Memory Access enable (high active)
.dma_priority (dma_priority), // Direct Memory Access priority (0:low / 1:high)
.dma_we (dma_we), // Direct Memory Access write byte enable (high active)
.dma_wkup (dma_wkup), // ASIC ONLY: DMA Sub-System Wake-up (asynchronous and non-glitchy)
.nmi (nmi), // Non-maskable interrupt (asynchronous)
.per_dout (per_dout), // Peripheral data output
.pmem_dout (pmem_dout), // Program Memory data output
.reset_n (reset_n), // Reset Pin (low active, asynchronous)
.scan_enable (scan_enable), // ASIC ONLY: Scan enable (active during scan shifting)
.scan_mode (scan_mode), // ASIC ONLY: Scan mode
.wkup (|wkup_in) // ASIC ONLY: System Wake-up (asynchronous)
419,41 → 452,41
.irq_port1 (irq_port1), // Port 1 interrupt
.irq_port2 (irq_port2), // Port 2 interrupt
.p1_dout (p1_dout), // Port 1 data output
.p1_dout_en (p1_dout_en), // Port 1 data output enable
.p1_sel (p1_sel), // Port 1 function select
.p2_dout (p2_dout), // Port 2 data output
.p2_dout_en (p2_dout_en), // Port 2 data output enable
.p2_sel (p2_sel), // Port 2 function select
.p3_dout (p3_dout), // Port 3 data output
.p3_dout_en (p3_dout_en), // Port 3 data output enable
.p3_sel (p3_sel), // Port 3 function select
.p4_dout (p4_dout), // Port 4 data output
.p4_dout_en (p4_dout_en), // Port 4 data output enable
.p4_sel (p4_sel), // Port 4 function select
.p5_dout (p5_dout), // Port 5 data output
.p5_dout_en (p5_dout_en), // Port 5 data output enable
.p5_sel (p5_sel), // Port 5 function select
.p6_dout (p6_dout), // Port 6 data output
.p6_dout_en (p6_dout_en), // Port 6 data output enable
.p6_sel (p6_sel), // Port 6 function select
.per_dout (per_dout_dio), // Peripheral data output
.irq_port1 (irq_port1), // Port 1 interrupt
.irq_port2 (irq_port2), // Port 2 interrupt
.p1_dout (p1_dout), // Port 1 data output
.p1_dout_en (p1_dout_en), // Port 1 data output enable
.p1_sel (p1_sel), // Port 1 function select
.p2_dout (p2_dout), // Port 2 data output
.p2_dout_en (p2_dout_en), // Port 2 data output enable
.p2_sel (p2_sel), // Port 2 function select
.p3_dout (p3_dout), // Port 3 data output
.p3_dout_en (p3_dout_en), // Port 3 data output enable
.p3_sel (p3_sel), // Port 3 function select
.p4_dout (p4_dout), // Port 4 data output
.p4_dout_en (p4_dout_en), // Port 4 data output enable
.p4_sel (p4_sel), // Port 4 function select
.p5_dout (p5_dout), // Port 5 data output
.p5_dout_en (p5_dout_en), // Port 5 data output enable
.p5_sel (p5_sel), // Port 5 function select
.p6_dout (p6_dout), // Port 6 data output
.p6_dout_en (p6_dout_en), // Port 6 data output enable
.p6_sel (p6_sel), // Port 6 function select
.per_dout (per_dout_dio), // Peripheral data output
.mclk (mclk), // Main system clock
.p1_din (p1_din), // Port 1 data input
.p2_din (p2_din), // Port 2 data input
.p3_din (p3_din), // Port 3 data input
.p4_din (p4_din), // Port 4 data input
.p5_din (p5_din), // Port 5 data input
.p6_din (p6_din), // Port 6 data input
.per_addr (per_addr), // Peripheral address
.per_din (per_din), // Peripheral data input
.per_en (per_en), // Peripheral enable (high active)
.per_we (per_we), // Peripheral write enable (high active)
.puc_rst (puc_rst) // Main system reset
.mclk (mclk), // Main system clock
.p1_din (p1_din), // Port 1 data input
.p2_din (p2_din), // Port 2 data input
.p3_din (p3_din), // Port 3 data input
.p4_din (p4_din), // Port 4 data input
.p5_din (p5_din), // Port 5 data input
.p6_din (p6_din), // Port 6 data input
.per_addr (per_addr), // Peripheral address
.per_din (per_din), // Peripheral data input
.per_en (per_en), // Peripheral enable (high active)
.per_we (per_we), // Peripheral write enable (high active)
.puc_rst (puc_rst) // Main system reset
463,38 → 496,37
omsp_timerA timerA_0 (
.irq_ta0 (irq_ta0), // Timer A interrupt: TACCR0
.irq_ta1 (irq_ta1), // Timer A interrupt: TAIV, TACCR1, TACCR2
.per_dout (per_dout_timerA), // Peripheral data output
.ta_out0 (ta_out0), // Timer A output 0
.ta_out0_en (ta_out0_en), // Timer A output 0 enable
.ta_out1 (ta_out1), // Timer A output 1
.ta_out1_en (ta_out1_en), // Timer A output 1 enable
.ta_out2 (ta_out2), // Timer A output 2
.ta_out2_en (ta_out2_en), // Timer A output 2 enable
.irq_ta0 (irq_ta0), // Timer A interrupt: TACCR0
.irq_ta1 (irq_ta1), // Timer A interrupt: TAIV, TACCR1, TACCR2
.per_dout (per_dout_timerA), // Peripheral data output
.ta_out0 (ta_out0), // Timer A output 0
.ta_out0_en (ta_out0_en), // Timer A output 0 enable
.ta_out1 (ta_out1), // Timer A output 1
.ta_out1_en (ta_out1_en), // Timer A output 1 enable
.ta_out2 (ta_out2), // Timer A output 2
.ta_out2_en (ta_out2_en), // Timer A output 2 enable
.aclk_en (aclk_en), // ACLK enable (from CPU)
.dbg_freeze (dbg_freeze), // Freeze Timer A counter
.inclk (inclk), // INCLK external timer clock (SLOW)
.irq_ta0_acc (irq_acc[`IRQ_NR-7]),// Interrupt request TACCR0 accepted
.mclk (mclk), // Main system clock
.per_addr (per_addr), // Peripheral address
.per_din (per_din), // Peripheral data input
.per_en (per_en), // Peripheral enable (high active)
.per_we (per_we), // Peripheral write enable (high active)
.puc_rst (puc_rst), // Main system reset
.smclk_en (smclk_en), // SMCLK enable (from CPU)
.ta_cci0a (ta_cci0a), // Timer A compare 0 input A
.ta_cci0b (ta_cci0b), // Timer A compare 0 input B
.ta_cci1a (ta_cci1a), // Timer A compare 1 input A
.ta_cci1b (ta_cci1b), // Timer A compare 1 input B
.ta_cci2a (ta_cci2a), // Timer A compare 2 input A
.ta_cci2b (ta_cci2b), // Timer A compare 2 input B
.taclk (taclk) // TACLK external timer clock (SLOW)
.aclk_en (aclk_en), // ACLK enable (from CPU)
.dbg_freeze (dbg_freeze), // Freeze Timer A counter
.inclk (inclk), // INCLK external timer clock (SLOW)
.irq_ta0_acc (irq_acc[`IRQ_NR-7]), // Interrupt request TACCR0 accepted
.mclk (mclk), // Main system clock
.per_addr (per_addr), // Peripheral address
.per_din (per_din), // Peripheral data input
.per_en (per_en), // Peripheral enable (high active)
.per_we (per_we), // Peripheral write enable (high active)
.puc_rst (puc_rst), // Main system reset
.smclk_en (smclk_en), // SMCLK enable (from CPU)
.ta_cci0a (ta_cci0a), // Timer A compare 0 input A
.ta_cci0b (ta_cci0b), // Timer A compare 0 input B
.ta_cci1a (ta_cci1a), // Timer A compare 1 input A
.ta_cci1b (ta_cci1b), // Timer A compare 1 input B
.ta_cci2a (ta_cci2a), // Timer A compare 2 input A
.ta_cci2b (ta_cci2b), // Timer A compare 2 input B
.taclk (taclk) // TACLK external timer clock (SLOW)
// Peripheral templates
502,32 → 534,32
template_periph_8b template_periph_8b_0 (
.per_dout (per_dout_temp_8b), // Peripheral data output
.per_dout (per_dout_temp_8b), // Peripheral data output
.mclk (mclk), // Main system clock
.per_addr (per_addr), // Peripheral address
.per_din (per_din), // Peripheral data input
.per_en (per_en), // Peripheral enable (high active)
.per_we (per_we), // Peripheral write enable (high active)
.puc_rst (puc_rst) // Main system reset
.mclk (mclk), // Main system clock
.per_addr (per_addr), // Peripheral address
.per_din (per_din), // Peripheral data input
.per_en (per_en), // Peripheral enable (high active)
.per_we (per_we), // Peripheral write enable (high active)
.puc_rst (puc_rst) // Main system reset
`ifdef CVER
template_periph_16b #(15'h0190) template_periph_16b_0 (
template_periph_16b #(15'h0190) template_periph_16b_0 (
template_periph_16b #(.BASE_ADDR((15'd`PER_SIZE-15'h0070) & 15'h7ff8)) template_periph_16b_0 (
.per_dout (per_dout_temp_16b), // Peripheral data output
.per_dout (per_dout_temp_16b), // Peripheral data output
.mclk (mclk), // Main system clock
.per_addr (per_addr), // Peripheral address
.per_din (per_din), // Peripheral data input
.per_en (per_en), // Peripheral enable (high active)
.per_we (per_we), // Peripheral write enable (high active)
.puc_rst (puc_rst) // Main system reset
.mclk (mclk), // Main system clock
.per_addr (per_addr), // Peripheral address
.per_din (per_din), // Peripheral data input
.per_en (per_en), // Peripheral enable (high active)
.per_we (per_we), // Peripheral write enable (high active)
.puc_rst (puc_rst) // Main system reset
588,33 → 620,33
// I2C Slave (openMSP430)
io_cell scl_slave_inst (
.pad (dbg_scl), // I/O pad
.data_in (dbg_scl_slave), // Input
.data_out_en (1'b0), // Output enable
.data_out (1'b0) // Output
.pad (dbg_scl), // I/O pad
.data_in (dbg_scl_slave), // Input
.data_out_en (1'b0), // Output enable
.data_out (1'b0) // Output
io_cell sda_slave_inst (
.pad (dbg_sda), // I/O pad
.data_in (dbg_sda_slave_in), // Input
.data_out_en (!dbg_sda_slave_out), // Output enable
.data_out (1'b0) // Output
.pad (dbg_sda), // I/O pad
.data_in (dbg_sda_slave_in), // Input
.data_out_en (!dbg_sda_slave_out), // Output enable
.data_out (1'b0) // Output
// I2C Master (Debugger)
io_cell scl_master_inst (
.pad (dbg_scl), // I/O pad
.data_in (), // Input
.data_out_en (!dbg_scl_master), // Output enable
.data_out (1'b0) // Output
.pad (dbg_scl), // I/O pad
.data_in (), // Input
.data_out_en (!dbg_scl_master), // Output enable
.data_out (1'b0) // Output
io_cell sda_master_inst (
.pad (dbg_sda), // I/O pad
.data_in (dbg_sda_master_in), // Input
.data_out_en (!dbg_sda_master_out), // Output enable
.data_out (1'b0) // Output
.pad (dbg_sda), // I/O pad
.data_in (dbg_sda_master_in), // Input
.data_out_en (!dbg_sda_master_out), // Output enable
.data_out (1'b0) // Output
624,17 → 656,17
msp_debug msp_debug_0 (
.e_state (e_state), // Execution state
.i_state (i_state), // Instruction fetch state
.inst_cycle (inst_cycle), // Cycle number within current instruction
.inst_full (inst_full), // Currently executed instruction (full version)
.inst_number (inst_number), // Instruction number since last system reset
.inst_pc (inst_pc), // Instruction Program counter
.inst_short (inst_short), // Currently executed instruction (short version)
.e_state (e_state), // Execution state
.i_state (i_state), // Instruction fetch state
.inst_cycle (inst_cycle), // Cycle number within current instruction
.inst_full (inst_full), // Currently executed instruction (full version)
.inst_number (inst_number), // Instruction number since last system reset
.inst_pc (inst_pc), // Instruction Program counter
.inst_short (inst_short), // Currently executed instruction (short version)
.mclk (mclk), // Main system clock
.puc_rst (puc_rst) // Main system reset
.mclk (mclk), // Main system clock
.puc_rst (puc_rst) // Main system reset
681,6 → 713,8
$display("| SIMULATION FAILED |");
$display("| (simulation Timeout) |");
$display(" ===============================================");
691,9 → 725,14
$display(" ===============================================");
if (error!=0)
if ((dma_rd_error!=0) || (dma_wr_error!=0))
$display("| SIMULATION FAILED |");
$display("| (some DMA transfer failed) |");
else if (error!=0)
$display("| SIMULATION FAILED |");
$display("| (some verilog stimulus checks failed) |");
else if (~stimulus_done)
706,6 → 745,8
$display("| SIMULATION PASSED |");
$display(" ===============================================");
722,5 → 763,32
task tb_extra_report;
$display("DMA REPORT: Total Accesses: %-d Total RD: %-d Total WR: %-d", dma_cnt_rd+dma_cnt_wr, dma_cnt_rd, dma_cnt_wr);
$display(" Total Errors: %-d Error RD: %-d Error WR: %-d", dma_rd_error+dma_wr_error, dma_rd_error, dma_wr_error);
if (!((`PMEM_SIZE>=4092) && (`DMEM_SIZE>=1024)))
$display("Note: DMA if verification disabled (PMEM must be 4kB or bigger, DMEM must be 1kB or bigger)");
$display("SIMULATION SEED: %d", `SEED);
task tb_skip_finish;
input [65*8-1:0] skip_string;
$display(" ===============================================");
$display("| SIMULATION SKIPPED |");
$display("%s", skip_string);
$display(" ===============================================");
0,0 → 1,339
// Copyright (C) 2014 Authors
// This source file may be used and distributed without restriction provided
// that this copyright statement is not removed from the file and that any
// derivative work contains the original copyright notice and the associated
// disclaimer.
// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
// by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public
// License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// along with this source; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
// Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
// *File Name: dma_tasks.v
// *Module Description:
// generic tasks for using the Direct Memory Access interface
// *Author(s):
// - Olivier Girard,
// $Rev$
// $LastChangedBy$
// $LastChangedDate$
// DMA Write access
integer dma_cnt_wr;
integer dma_cnt_rd;
integer dma_wr_error;
integer dma_rd_error;
reg dma_tfx_cancel;
// Generic write task
task dma_write;
input [15:0] addr; // Address
input [15:0] data; // Data
input resp; // Expected transfer response (0: Okay / 1: Error)
input size; // Access size (0: 8-bit / 1: 16-bit)
dma_addr = addr[15:1];
dma_en = 1'b1;
dma_we = size ? 2'b11 :
addr[0] ? 2'b10 : 2'b01;
dma_din = data;
@(posedge mclk or posedge dma_tfx_cancel);
while(~dma_ready & ~dma_tfx_cancel) @(posedge mclk or posedge dma_tfx_cancel);
dma_en = 1'b0;
dma_we = 2'b00;
dma_addr = 15'h0000;
dma_din = 16'h0000;
if (~dma_tfx_cancel) dma_cnt_wr = dma_cnt_wr+1;
// Check transfer response
if (~dma_tfx_cancel & (dma_resp != resp))
$display("ERROR: DMA interface write response check -- address: 0x%h -- response: %h / expected: %h (%t ns)", addr, dma_resp, resp, $time);
dma_wr_error = dma_wr_error+1;
// Write 16b task
task dma_write_16b;
input [15:0] addr; // Address
input [15:0] data; // Data
input resp; // Expected transfer response (0: Okay / 1: Error)
dma_write(addr, data, resp, 1'b1);
// Write 8b task
task dma_write_8b;
input [15:0] addr; // Address
input [7:0] data; // Data
input resp; // Expected transfer response (0: Okay / 1: Error)
if (addr[0]) dma_write(addr, {data, 8'h00}, resp, 1'b0);
else dma_write(addr, {8'h00, data }, resp, 1'b0);
// DMA read access
// Read check process
reg dma_read_check_active;
reg [15:0] dma_read_check_addr;
reg [15:0] dma_read_check_data;
reg [15:0] dma_read_check_mask;
dma_read_check_active = 1'b0;
dma_read_check_addr = 16'h0000;
dma_read_check_data = 16'h0000;
dma_read_check_mask = 16'h0000;
@(negedge (mclk & dma_read_check_active) or posedge dma_tfx_cancel);
if (~dma_tfx_cancel & (dma_read_check_data !== (dma_read_check_mask & dma_dout)) & ~puc_rst)
$display("ERROR: DMA interface read check -- address: 0x%h -- read: 0x%h / expected: 0x%h (%t ns)", dma_read_check_addr, (dma_read_check_mask & dma_dout), dma_read_check_data, $time);
dma_rd_error = dma_rd_error+1;
dma_read_check_active = 1'b0;
// Generic read task
task dma_read;
input [15:0] addr; // Address
input [15:0] data; // Data to check against
input resp; // Expected transfer response (0: Okay / 1: Error)
input check; // Enable/disable read value check
input size; // Access size (0: 8-bit / 1: 16-bit)
// Perform read transfer
dma_addr = addr[15:1];
dma_en = 1'b1;
dma_we = 2'b00;
dma_din = 16'h0000;
@(posedge mclk or posedge dma_tfx_cancel);
while(~dma_ready & ~dma_tfx_cancel) @(posedge mclk or posedge dma_tfx_cancel);
dma_en = 1'b0;
dma_addr = 15'h0000;
// Trigger read check
dma_read_check_active = check;
dma_read_check_addr = addr;
dma_read_check_data = data;
dma_read_check_mask = size ? 16'hFFFF :
(addr[0] ? 16'hFF00 : 16'h00FF);
if (~dma_tfx_cancel) dma_cnt_rd = dma_cnt_rd+1;
// Check transfer response
if (~dma_tfx_cancel & (dma_resp != resp))
$display("ERROR: DMA interface read response check -- address: 0x%h -- response: %h / expected: %h (%t ns)", addr, dma_resp, resp, $time);
dma_rd_error = dma_rd_error+1;
// Read 16b task
task dma_read_16b;
input [15:0] addr; // Address
input [15:0] data; // Data to check against
input resp; // Expected transfer response (0: Okay / 1: Error)
dma_read(addr, data, resp, 1'b1, 1'b1);
// Read 8b task
task dma_read_8b;
input [15:0] addr; // Address
input [7:0] data; // Data to check against
input resp; // Expected transfer response (0: Okay / 1: Error)
if (addr[0]) dma_read(addr, {data, 8'h00}, resp, 1'b1, 1'b0);
else dma_read(addr, {8'h00, data }, resp, 1'b1, 1'b0);
// Read 16b value task (no check)
task dma_read_val_16b;
input [15:0] addr; // Address
input resp; // Expected transfer response (0: Okay / 1: Error)
dma_read(addr, 16'h0000, resp, 1'b0, 1'b1);
// Ramdom DMA access process
integer dma_rand_wait;
integer dma_rand_wait_disable;
reg dma_rand_rdwr;
reg dma_rand_if;
integer dma_rand_data;
reg [6:0] dma_rand_addr;
reg [15:0] dma_rand_addr_full;
integer dma_mem_ref_idx;
reg [15:0] dma_pmem_reference[0:127];
reg [15:0] dma_dmem_reference[0:127];
reg dma_verif_on;
reg dma_verif_verbose;
// Initialize
dma_verif_on = 0;
`ifdef DMA_IF_EN
dma_verif_on = 1;
dma_verif_on = 0;
dma_rand_wait_disable = 0;
dma_verif_verbose = 0;
dma_cnt_wr = 0;
dma_cnt_rd = 0;
dma_wr_error = 0;
dma_rd_error = 0;
dma_rand_wait = $urandom;
for (dma_mem_ref_idx=0; dma_mem_ref_idx < 128; dma_mem_ref_idx=dma_mem_ref_idx+1)
dma_pmem_reference[dma_mem_ref_idx] = $urandom;
dma_dmem_reference[dma_mem_ref_idx] = $urandom;
if (dma_verif_on && (`PMEM_SIZE>=4092) && (`DMEM_SIZE>=1024))
pmem_0.mem[(`PMEM_SIZE-512)/2+dma_mem_ref_idx] = dma_pmem_reference[dma_mem_ref_idx];
dmem_0.mem[(`DMEM_SIZE-256)/2+dma_mem_ref_idx] = dma_dmem_reference[dma_mem_ref_idx];
// Wait for reset release
repeat(1) @(posedge dco_clk);
@(negedge puc_rst);
// Perform random read/write 16b memory accesses
if (dma_verif_on && (`PMEM_SIZE>=4092) && (`DMEM_SIZE>=1024))
// Randomize 1 or 0 wait states between accesses
// (1/3 proba of getting 1 wait state)
dma_rand_wait = dma_rand_wait_disable ? 0 : ($urandom_range(2,0)==0);
repeat(dma_rand_wait) @(posedge mclk);
// Randomize read/write accesses
// (1/3 proba of getting a read access)
dma_rand_rdwr = ($urandom_range(2,0)==0);
// Randomize address to be accessed (between 128 addresses)
dma_rand_addr = $urandom;
// Randomize access through PMEM or DMEM memories
dma_rand_if = $urandom_range(1,0);
// Make sure the core is not in reset
while(puc_rst) @(posedge mclk);
if (dma_rand_rdwr)
if (dma_rand_if) // Read from Program Memory
dma_rand_addr_full = 16'hFE00+dma_rand_addr*2;
if (dma_verif_verbose) $display("READ DMA interface -- address: 0x%h -- expected data: 0x%h", dma_rand_addr_full, dma_pmem_reference[dma_rand_addr]);
dma_read_16b(dma_rand_addr_full, dma_pmem_reference[dma_rand_addr], 1'b0);
else // Read from Data Memory
dma_rand_addr_full = `PER_SIZE+`DMEM_SIZE-256+dma_rand_addr*2;
if (dma_verif_verbose) $display("READ DMA interface -- address: 0x%h -- expected data: 0x%h", dma_rand_addr_full, dma_dmem_reference[dma_rand_addr]);
dma_read_16b(dma_rand_addr_full, dma_dmem_reference[dma_rand_addr], 1'b0);
dma_rand_data = $urandom;
if (dma_rand_if) // Write to Program memory
dma_rand_addr_full = 16'hFE00+dma_rand_addr*2;
if (dma_verif_verbose) $display("WRITE DMA interface -- address: 0x%h -- data: 0x%h", dma_rand_addr_full, dma_rand_data[15:0]);
dma_write_16b(dma_rand_addr_full, dma_rand_data[15:0], 1'b0);
dma_pmem_reference[dma_rand_addr] = dma_rand_data[15:0];
if (pmem_0.mem[(`PMEM_SIZE-512)/2+dma_rand_addr] !== dma_rand_data[15:0])
$display("ERROR: DMA interface write -- address: 0x%h -- wrote: 0x%h / expected: 0x%h (%t ns)", dma_rand_addr_full, dma_rand_data[15:0], pmem_0.mem[(`PMEM_SIZE-512)/2+dma_rand_addr], $time);
dma_wr_error = dma_wr_error+1;
else // Write to Data Memory
dma_rand_addr_full = `PER_SIZE+`DMEM_SIZE-256+dma_rand_addr*2;
if (dma_verif_verbose) $display("WRITE DMA interface -- address: 0x%h -- data: 0x%h", dma_rand_addr_full, dma_rand_data[15:0]);
dma_write_16b(dma_rand_addr_full, dma_rand_data[15:0], 1'b0);
dma_dmem_reference[dma_rand_addr] = dma_rand_data[15:0];
if (dmem_0.mem[(`DMEM_SIZE-256)/2+dma_rand_addr] !== dma_rand_data[15:0])
$display("ERROR: DMA interface write -- address: 0x%h -- wrote: 0x%h / expected: 0x%h (%t ns)", dma_rand_addr_full, dma_rand_data[15:0], dmem_0.mem[(`DMEM_SIZE-256)/2+dma_rand_addr], $time);
dma_wr_error = dma_wr_error+1;

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