
Subversion Repositories openmsp430

Compare Revisions

  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 190 to Rev 193
    Reverse comparison

Rev 190 → Rev 193

36,9 → 36,9
// - Olivier Girard,
// $Rev: 103 $
// $Rev: 134 $
// $LastChangedBy: olivier.girard $
// $LastChangedDate: 2011-03-05 15:44:48 +0100 (Sat, 05 Mar 2011) $
// $LastChangedDate: 2012-03-22 21:31:06 +0100 (Thu, 22 Mar 2012) $
48,101 → 48,101
module omsp_frontend (
dbg_halt_st, // Halt/Run status from CPU
decode_noirq, // Frontend decode instruction
e_state, // Execution state
exec_done, // Execution completed
inst_ad, // Decoded Inst: destination addressing mode
inst_as, // Decoded Inst: source addressing mode
inst_alu, // ALU control signals
inst_bw, // Decoded Inst: byte width
inst_dest, // Decoded Inst: destination (one hot)
inst_dext, // Decoded Inst: destination extended instruction word
inst_irq_rst, // Decoded Inst: Reset interrupt
inst_jmp, // Decoded Inst: Conditional jump
inst_mov, // Decoded Inst: mov instruction
inst_sext, // Decoded Inst: source extended instruction word
inst_so, // Decoded Inst: Single-operand arithmetic
inst_src, // Decoded Inst: source (one hot)
inst_type, // Decoded Instruction type
irq_acc, // Interrupt request accepted (one-hot signal)
mab, // Frontend Memory address bus
mb_en, // Frontend Memory bus enable
mclk_enable, // Main System Clock enable
mclk_wkup, // Main System Clock wake-up (asynchronous)
nmi_acc, // Non-Maskable interrupt request accepted
pc, // Program counter
pc_nxt, // Next PC value (for CALL & IRQ)
dbg_halt_st, // Halt/Run status from CPU
decode_noirq, // Frontend decode instruction
e_state, // Execution state
exec_done, // Execution completed
inst_ad, // Decoded Inst: destination addressing mode
inst_as, // Decoded Inst: source addressing mode
inst_alu, // ALU control signals
inst_bw, // Decoded Inst: byte width
inst_dest, // Decoded Inst: destination (one hot)
inst_dext, // Decoded Inst: destination extended instruction word
inst_irq_rst, // Decoded Inst: Reset interrupt
inst_jmp, // Decoded Inst: Conditional jump
inst_mov, // Decoded Inst: mov instruction
inst_sext, // Decoded Inst: source extended instruction word
inst_so, // Decoded Inst: Single-operand arithmetic
inst_src, // Decoded Inst: source (one hot)
inst_type, // Decoded Instruction type
irq_acc, // Interrupt request accepted (one-hot signal)
mab, // Frontend Memory address bus
mb_en, // Frontend Memory bus enable
mclk_enable, // Main System Clock enable
mclk_wkup, // Main System Clock wake-up (asynchronous)
nmi_acc, // Non-Maskable interrupt request accepted
pc, // Program counter
pc_nxt, // Next PC value (for CALL & IRQ)
cpu_en_s, // Enable CPU code execution (synchronous)
cpuoff, // Turns off the CPU
dbg_halt_cmd, // Halt CPU command
dbg_reg_sel, // Debug selected register for rd/wr access
fe_pmem_wait, // Frontend wait for Instruction fetch
gie, // General interrupt enable
irq, // Maskable interrupts
mclk, // Main system clock
mdb_in, // Frontend Memory data bus input
nmi_pnd, // Non-maskable interrupt pending
nmi_wkup, // NMI Wakeup
pc_sw, // Program counter software value
pc_sw_wr, // Program counter software write
puc_rst, // Main system reset
scan_enable, // Scan enable (active during scan shifting)
wdt_irq, // Watchdog-timer interrupt
wdt_wkup, // Watchdog Wakeup
wkup // System Wake-up (asynchronous)
cpu_en_s, // Enable CPU code execution (synchronous)
cpuoff, // Turns off the CPU
dbg_halt_cmd, // Halt CPU command
dbg_reg_sel, // Debug selected register for rd/wr access
fe_pmem_wait, // Frontend wait for Instruction fetch
gie, // General interrupt enable
irq, // Maskable interrupts
mclk, // Main system clock
mdb_in, // Frontend Memory data bus input
nmi_pnd, // Non-maskable interrupt pending
nmi_wkup, // NMI Wakeup
pc_sw, // Program counter software value
pc_sw_wr, // Program counter software write
puc_rst, // Main system reset
scan_enable, // Scan enable (active during scan shifting)
wdt_irq, // Watchdog-timer interrupt
wdt_wkup, // Watchdog Wakeup
wkup // System Wake-up (asynchronous)
output dbg_halt_st; // Halt/Run status from CPU
output decode_noirq; // Frontend decode instruction
output [3:0] e_state; // Execution state
output exec_done; // Execution completed
output [7:0] inst_ad; // Decoded Inst: destination addressing mode
output [7:0] inst_as; // Decoded Inst: source addressing mode
output [11:0] inst_alu; // ALU control signals
output inst_bw; // Decoded Inst: byte width
output [15:0] inst_dest; // Decoded Inst: destination (one hot)
output [15:0] inst_dext; // Decoded Inst: destination extended instruction word
output inst_irq_rst; // Decoded Inst: Reset interrupt
output [7:0] inst_jmp; // Decoded Inst: Conditional jump
output inst_mov; // Decoded Inst: mov instruction
output [15:0] inst_sext; // Decoded Inst: source extended instruction word
output [7:0] inst_so; // Decoded Inst: Single-operand arithmetic
output [15:0] inst_src; // Decoded Inst: source (one hot)
output [2:0] inst_type; // Decoded Instruction type
output [13:0] irq_acc; // Interrupt request accepted (one-hot signal)
output [15:0] mab; // Frontend Memory address bus
output mb_en; // Frontend Memory bus enable
output mclk_enable; // Main System Clock enable
output mclk_wkup; // Main System Clock wake-up (asynchronous)
output nmi_acc; // Non-Maskable interrupt request accepted
output [15:0] pc; // Program counter
output [15:0] pc_nxt; // Next PC value (for CALL & IRQ)
output dbg_halt_st; // Halt/Run status from CPU
output decode_noirq; // Frontend decode instruction
output [3:0] e_state; // Execution state
output exec_done; // Execution completed
output [7:0] inst_ad; // Decoded Inst: destination addressing mode
output [7:0] inst_as; // Decoded Inst: source addressing mode
output [11:0] inst_alu; // ALU control signals
output inst_bw; // Decoded Inst: byte width
output [15:0] inst_dest; // Decoded Inst: destination (one hot)
output [15:0] inst_dext; // Decoded Inst: destination extended instruction word
output inst_irq_rst; // Decoded Inst: Reset interrupt
output [7:0] inst_jmp; // Decoded Inst: Conditional jump
output inst_mov; // Decoded Inst: mov instruction
output [15:0] inst_sext; // Decoded Inst: source extended instruction word
output [7:0] inst_so; // Decoded Inst: Single-operand arithmetic
output [15:0] inst_src; // Decoded Inst: source (one hot)
output [2:0] inst_type; // Decoded Instruction type
output [`IRQ_NR-3:0] irq_acc; // Interrupt request accepted (one-hot signal)
output [15:0] mab; // Frontend Memory address bus
output mb_en; // Frontend Memory bus enable
output mclk_enable; // Main System Clock enable
output mclk_wkup; // Main System Clock wake-up (asynchronous)
output nmi_acc; // Non-Maskable interrupt request accepted
output [15:0] pc; // Program counter
output [15:0] pc_nxt; // Next PC value (for CALL & IRQ)
input cpu_en_s; // Enable CPU code execution (synchronous)
input cpuoff; // Turns off the CPU
input dbg_halt_cmd; // Halt CPU command
input [3:0] dbg_reg_sel; // Debug selected register for rd/wr access
input fe_pmem_wait; // Frontend wait for Instruction fetch
input gie; // General interrupt enable
input [13:0] irq; // Maskable interrupts
input mclk; // Main system clock
input [15:0] mdb_in; // Frontend Memory data bus input
input nmi_pnd; // Non-maskable interrupt pending
input nmi_wkup; // NMI Wakeup
input [15:0] pc_sw; // Program counter software value
input pc_sw_wr; // Program counter software write
input puc_rst; // Main system reset
input scan_enable; // Scan enable (active during scan shifting)
input wdt_irq; // Watchdog-timer interrupt
input wdt_wkup; // Watchdog Wakeup
input wkup; // System Wake-up (asynchronous)
input cpu_en_s; // Enable CPU code execution (synchronous)
input cpuoff; // Turns off the CPU
input dbg_halt_cmd; // Halt CPU command
input [3:0] dbg_reg_sel; // Debug selected register for rd/wr access
input fe_pmem_wait; // Frontend wait for Instruction fetch
input gie; // General interrupt enable
input [`IRQ_NR-3:0] irq; // Maskable interrupts
input mclk; // Main system clock
input [15:0] mdb_in; // Frontend Memory data bus input
input nmi_pnd; // Non-maskable interrupt pending
input nmi_wkup; // NMI Wakeup
input [15:0] pc_sw; // Program counter software value
input pc_sw_wr; // Program counter software write
input puc_rst; // Main system reset
input scan_enable; // Scan enable (active during scan shifting)
input wdt_irq; // Watchdog-timer interrupt
input wdt_wkup; // Watchdog Wakeup
input wkup; // System Wake-up (asynchronous)
149,6 → 149,15
// 64 bits one-hot decoder
function [63:0] one_hot64;
input [5:0] binary;
one_hot64 = 64'h0000_0000_0000_0000;
one_hot64[binary] = 1'b1;
// 16 bits one-hot decoder
function [15:0] one_hot16;
input [3:0] binary;
157,7 → 166,7
one_hot16[binary] = 1'b1;
// 8 bits one-hot decoder
function [7:0] one_hot8;
input [2:0] binary;
166,6 → 175,17
one_hot8[binary] = 1'b1;
// Get IRQ number
function [5:0] get_irq_num;
input [62:0] irq_all;
integer ii;
get_irq_num = 6'h3f;
for (ii = 62; ii >= 0; ii = ii - 1)
if (&get_irq_num & irq_all[ii]) get_irq_num = ii[5:0];
286,36 → 306,38
wire mclk_irq_num = mclk;
// Select interrupt vector
reg [3:0] irq_num;
// Combine all IRQs
`ifdef IRQ_16
wire [62:0] irq_all = {nmi_pnd, irq, 48'h0000_0000_0000} |
`ifdef IRQ_32
wire [62:0] irq_all = {nmi_pnd, irq, 32'h0000} |
`ifdef IRQ_64
wire [62:0] irq_all = {nmi_pnd, irq} |
{1'b0, 3'h0, wdt_irq, {58{1'b0}}};
// Select highest priority IRQ
reg [5:0] irq_num;
always @(posedge mclk_irq_num or posedge puc_rst)
if (puc_rst) irq_num <= 4'hf;
if (puc_rst) irq_num <= 6'h3f;
else irq_num <= nmi_pnd ? 4'he :
else if (irq_detect) irq_num <= nmi_pnd ? 4'he :
else if (irq_detect)
irq[13] ? 4'hd :
irq[12] ? 4'hc :
irq[11] ? 4'hb :
(irq[10] | wdt_irq) ? 4'ha :
irq[9] ? 4'h9 :
irq[8] ? 4'h8 :
irq[7] ? 4'h7 :
irq[6] ? 4'h6 :
irq[5] ? 4'h5 :
irq[4] ? 4'h4 :
irq[3] ? 4'h3 :
irq[2] ? 4'h2 :
irq[1] ? 4'h1 :
irq[0] ? 4'h0 : 4'hf;
irq_num <= get_irq_num(irq_all);
wire [15:0] irq_addr = {11'h7ff, irq_num, 1'b0};
// Generate selected IRQ vector address
wire [15:0] irq_addr = {9'h1ff, irq_num, 1'b0};
// Interrupt request accepted
wire [15:0] irq_acc_all = one_hot16(irq_num) & {16{(i_state==I_IRQ_FETCH)}};
wire [13:0] irq_acc = irq_acc_all[13:0];
wire nmi_acc = irq_acc_all[14];
wire [63:0] irq_acc_all = one_hot64(irq_num) & {64{(i_state==I_IRQ_FETCH)}};
wire [`IRQ_NR-3:0] irq_acc = irq_acc_all[61:64-`IRQ_NR];
wire nmi_acc = irq_acc_all[62];
97,7 → 97,7
reg [4:0] Z_;
Z_ = {1'b0,X}+{1'b0,Y}+{4'b0,C_};
Z_ = {1'b0,X}+{1'b0,Y}+{4'b0000,C_};
if (Z_<5'd10) bcd_add = Z_;
else bcd_add = Z_+5'd6;
139,6 → 139,17
// Number of available IRQs
// Indicates the number of interrupt vectors supported
// (16, 32 or 64).
`define IRQ_16
//`define IRQ_32
//`define IRQ_64
// Input synchronizers
// In some cases, the asynchronous input ports might
630,6 → 641,19
// Number of available IRQs
`ifdef IRQ_16
`define IRQ_NR 16
`ifdef IRQ_32
`define IRQ_NR 32
`define IRQ_NR_GE_32
`ifdef IRQ_64
`define IRQ_NR 64
`define IRQ_NR_GE_32
851,6 → 875,20
`ifdef IRQ_16
`ifdef IRQ_32
`ifdef IRQ_64
`ifdef IRQ_32
`ifdef IRQ_64
`ifdef MCLK_MUX
36,9 → 36,9
// - Olivier Girard,
// $Rev: 103 $
// $Rev: 175 $
// $LastChangedBy: olivier.girard $
// $LastChangedDate: 2011-03-05 15:44:48 +0100 (Sat, 05 Mar 2011) $
// $LastChangedDate: 2013-01-30 22:21:42 +0100 (Wed, 30 Jan 2013) $
114,7 → 114,7
output dmem_cen; // Data Memory chip enable (low active)
output [15:0] dmem_din; // Data Memory data input
output [1:0] dmem_wen; // Data Memory write enable (low active)
output [13:0] irq_acc; // Interrupt request accepted (one-hot signal)
output [`IRQ_NR-3:0] irq_acc; // Interrupt request accepted (one-hot signal)
output lfxt_enable; // ASIC ONLY: Low frequency oscillator enable
output lfxt_wkup; // ASIC ONLY: Low frequency oscillator wake-up (asynchronous)
output mclk; // Main system clock
142,7 → 142,7
input dbg_uart_rxd; // Debug interface: UART RXD (asynchronous)
input dco_clk; // Fast oscillator (fast clock)
input [15:0] dmem_dout; // Data Memory data output
input [13:0] irq; // Maskable interrupts
input [`IRQ_NR-3:0] irq; // Maskable interrupts (14, 30 or 62)
input lfxt_clk; // Low frequency oscillator (typ 32kHz)
input nmi; // Non-maskable interrupt (asynchronous and non-glitchy)
input [15:0] per_dout; // Peripheral data output
261,7 → 261,7
.puc_rst (puc_rst), // Main system reset
.smclk (smclk), // SMCLK
.smclk_en (smclk_en), // SMCLK enable
.cpu_en (cpu_en), // Enable CPU code execution (asynchronous)
.cpuoff (cpuoff), // Turns off the CPU
317,7 → 317,7
.nmi_acc (nmi_acc), // Non-Maskable interrupt request accepted
.pc (pc), // Program counter
.pc_nxt (pc_nxt), // Next PC value (for CALL & IRQ)
.cpu_en_s (cpu_en_s), // Enable CPU code execution (synchronous)
.cpuoff (cpuoff), // Turns off the CPU
411,7 → 411,7
.pmem_cen (pmem_cen), // Program Memory chip enable (low active)
.pmem_din (pmem_din), // Program Memory data input (optional)
.pmem_wen (pmem_wen), // Program Memory write enable (low active) (optional)
.dbg_halt_st (dbg_halt_st), // Halt/Run status from CPU
.dbg_mem_addr (dbg_mem_addr), // Debug address for rd/wr access
446,7 → 446,7
.wdtie (wdtie), // Watchdog-timer interrupt enable
.wdtifg_sw_clr(wdtifg_sw_clr), // Watchdog-timer interrupt flag software clear
.wdtifg_sw_set(wdtifg_sw_set), // Watchdog-timer interrupt flag software set
.cpu_nr_inst (cpu_nr_inst), // Current oMSP instance number
.cpu_nr_total (cpu_nr_total), // Total number of oMSP instances-1
471,32 → 471,32
omsp_watchdog watchdog_0 (
.per_dout (per_dout_wdog), // Peripheral data output
.wdt_irq (wdt_irq), // Watchdog-timer interrupt
.wdt_reset (wdt_reset), // Watchdog-timer reset
.wdt_wkup (wdt_wkup), // Watchdog Wakeup
.wdtifg (wdtifg), // Watchdog-timer interrupt flag
.wdtnmies (wdtnmies), // Watchdog-timer NMI edge selection
.per_dout (per_dout_wdog), // Peripheral data output
.wdt_irq (wdt_irq), // Watchdog-timer interrupt
.wdt_reset (wdt_reset), // Watchdog-timer reset
.wdt_wkup (wdt_wkup), // Watchdog Wakeup
.wdtifg (wdtifg), // Watchdog-timer interrupt flag
.wdtnmies (wdtnmies), // Watchdog-timer NMI edge selection
.aclk (aclk), // ACLK
.aclk_en (aclk_en), // ACLK enable
.dbg_freeze (dbg_freeze), // Freeze Watchdog counter
.mclk (mclk), // Main system clock
.per_addr (per_addr), // Peripheral address
.per_din (per_din), // Peripheral data input
.per_en (per_en), // Peripheral enable (high active)
.per_we (per_we), // Peripheral write enable (high active)
.por (por), // Power-on reset
.puc_rst (puc_rst), // Main system reset
.scan_enable (scan_enable), // Scan enable (active during scan shifting)
.scan_mode (scan_mode), // Scan mode
.smclk (smclk), // SMCLK
.smclk_en (smclk_en), // SMCLK enable
.wdtie (wdtie), // Watchdog-timer interrupt enable
.wdtifg_irq_clr (irq_acc[10]), // Clear Watchdog-timer interrupt flag
.wdtifg_sw_clr (wdtifg_sw_clr), // Watchdog-timer interrupt flag software clear
.wdtifg_sw_set (wdtifg_sw_set) // Watchdog-timer interrupt flag software set
.aclk (aclk), // ACLK
.aclk_en (aclk_en), // ACLK enable
.dbg_freeze (dbg_freeze), // Freeze Watchdog counter
.mclk (mclk), // Main system clock
.per_addr (per_addr), // Peripheral address
.per_din (per_din), // Peripheral data input
.per_en (per_en), // Peripheral enable (high active)
.per_we (per_we), // Peripheral write enable (high active)
.por (por), // Power-on reset
.puc_rst (puc_rst), // Main system reset
.scan_enable (scan_enable), // Scan enable (active during scan shifting)
.scan_mode (scan_mode), // Scan mode
.smclk (smclk), // SMCLK
.smclk_en (smclk_en), // SMCLK enable
.wdtie (wdtie), // Watchdog-timer interrupt enable
.wdtifg_irq_clr (irq_acc[`IRQ_NR-6]), // Clear Watchdog-timer interrupt flag
.wdtifg_sw_clr (wdtifg_sw_clr), // Watchdog-timer interrupt flag software clear
.wdtifg_sw_set (wdtifg_sw_set) // Watchdog-timer interrupt flag software set
assign per_dout_wdog = 16'h0000;
516,7 → 516,7
.per_dout (per_dout_mpy), // Peripheral data output
.mclk (mclk), // Main system clock
.per_addr (per_addr), // Peripheral address
559,7 → 559,7
.dbg_mem_wr (dbg_mem_wr), // Debug unit memory write
.dbg_reg_wr (dbg_reg_wr), // Debug unit CPU register write
.dbg_uart_txd (dbg_uart_txd), // Debug interface: UART TXD
.cpu_en_s (cpu_en_s), // Enable CPU code execution (synchronous)
.cpu_id (cpu_id), // CPU ID
166,6 → 166,17
`undef NMI
// Number of available IRQs
`ifdef IRQ_16
`undef IRQ_16
`ifdef IRQ_32
`undef IRQ_32
`ifdef IRQ_64
`undef IRQ_64
// Input synchronizers
`ifdef SYNC_NMI
`undef SYNC_NMI
382,6 → 393,14
`undef PER_MSB
// Number of available IRQs
`ifdef IRQ_NR
`undef IRQ_NR
`ifdef IRQ_NR_GE_32
`undef IRQ_NR_GE_32
// Instructions type
`ifdef INST_SO
`undef INST_SO

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