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    from Rev 27 to Rev 174
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Rev 27 → Rev 174

0,0 → 1,111
# ====================================================================
# romfs.cdl
# ROM Filesystem configuration data
# ====================================================================
## -------------------------------------------
## This file is part of eCos, the Embedded Configurable Operating System.
## Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 Red Hat, Inc.
## eCos is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
## the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
## Software Foundation; either version 2 or (at your option) any later version.
## eCos is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
## WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
## FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
## for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
## with eCos; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
## 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA.
## As a special exception, if other files instantiate templates or use macros
## or inline functions from this file, or you compile this file and link it
## with other works to produce a work based on this file, this file does not
## by itself cause the resulting work to be covered by the GNU General Public
## License. However the source code for this file must still be made available
## in accordance with section (3) of the GNU General Public License.
## This exception does not invalidate any other reasons why a work based on
## this file might be covered by the GNU General Public License.
## Alternative licenses for eCos may be arranged by contacting Red Hat, Inc.
## at
## -------------------------------------------
# ====================================================================
# Author(s): nickg
# Original data: nickg
# Contributors:
# Date: 2000-08-01
# ====================================================================
cdl_package CYGPKG_FS_ROM {
display "ROM filesystem"
doc ref/fileio.html
include_dir cyg/romfs
compile -library=libextras.a romfs.c
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
# Tests
display "Build ROMFS tests"
flavor bool
default_value 0
description "
This option enables the building of the ROMFS tests."
# FIXME: host compiler/flags should be provided by config system
make -priority 100 {
<PREFIX>/bin/mk_romfs: <PACKAGE>/support/mk_romfs.c
@mkdir -p "$(dir $@)"
@$(HOST_CC) -g -O2 -o $@ $< || cc -g -O2 -o $@ $< || gcc -g -O2 -o $@ $<
make -priority 100 {
<PREFIX>/include/cyg/romfs/testromfs.h : $(PREFIX)/bin/mk_romfs <PACKAGE>/support/file2c.tcl
$(PREFIX)/bin/mk_romfs $(REPOSITORY)/$(PACKAGE)/tests/testromfs testromfs.bin
@mkdir -p "$(dir $@)"
# work around cygwin path problems by copying to build dir
@cp $(REPOSITORY)/$(PACKAGE)/support/file2c.tcl .
sh file2c.tcl testromfs.bin testromfs.h
@rm -f $@ file2c.tcl
@cp testromfs.h $@
cdl_option CYGPKG_FS_ROM_TESTS {
display "ROM FS tests"
flavor data
calculated { "tests/fileio1.c" }
description "
This option specifies the set of tests for the ROM FS package."
# End of romfs.cdl
0,0 → 1,111
/v2_0/tests/testromfs/etc/hosts --- v2_0/tests/testromfs/etc/passwd (nonexistent) +++ v2_0/tests/testromfs/etc/passwd (revision 174) @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash +daemon:x:1:1:daemon:/usr/sbin:/bin/sh +bin:x:2:2:bin:/bin:/bin/sh +sys:x:3:3:sys:/dev:/bin/sh +sync:x:4:100:sync:/bin:/bin/sync +games:x:5:100:games:/usr/games:/bin/sh +man:x:6:100:man:/var/cache/man:/bin/sh +lp:x:7:7:lp:/var/spool/lpd:/bin/sh +mail:x:8:8:mail:/var/spool/mail:/bin/sh +news:x:9:9:news:/var/spool/news:/bin/sh +uucp:x:10:10:uucp:/var/spool/uucp:/bin/sh +proxy:x:13:13:proxy:/bin:/bin/sh +majordom:x:30:31:Majordomo:/usr/lib/majordomo:/bin/sh +postgres:x:31:32:postgres:/var/lib/postgres:/bin/sh +www-data:x:33:33:www-data:/var/www:/bin/sh +backup:x:34:34:backup:/var/backups:/bin/sh +msql:x:36:36:Mini SQL Database Manager:/var/lib/msql:/bin/sh +operator:x:37:37:Operator:/var:/bin/sh +list:x:38:38:SmartList:/var/list:/bin/sh +irc:x:39:39:ircd:/var:/bin/sh +gnats:x:41:41:Gnats Bug-Reporting System (admin):/var/lib/gnats/gnats-db:/bin/sh +alias:x:70:65534:qmail alias:/var/qmail/alias:/bin/sh +qmaild:x:71:65534:qmail daemon:/var/qmail:/bin/sh +qmails:x:72:70:qmail send:/var/qmail:/bin/sh +qmailr:x:73:70:qmail remote:/var/qmail:/bin/sh +qmailq:x:74:70:qmail queue:/var/qmail:/bin/sh +qmaill:x:75:65534:qmail log:/var/qmail:/bin/sh +qmailp:x:76:65534:qmail pw:/var/qmail:/bin/sh +ftp:x:60000:65534::/lhome/ftp:/bin/false +nobody:x:65534:65534:nobody:/home:/bin/sh +identd:x:60001:65534::/var/run/identd:/bin/false +telnetd:x:60002:60002::/usr/lib/telnetd:/bin/false
/v2_0/tests/testromfs/etc/inetd --- v2_0/tests/testromfs/mnt/thing (nonexistent) +++ v2_0/tests/testromfs/mnt/thing (revision 174) @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +hi
0,0 → 1,377
// fileio1.c
// Test fileio system
// -------------------------------------------
// This file is part of eCos, the Embedded Configurable Operating System.
// Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 Red Hat, Inc.
// eCos is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
// the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
// Software Foundation; either version 2 or (at your option) any later version.
// eCos is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
// for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
// with eCos; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
// 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA.
// As a special exception, if other files instantiate templates or use macros
// or inline functions from this file, or you compile this file and link it
// with other works to produce a work based on this file, this file does not
// by itself cause the resulting work to be covered by the GNU General Public
// License. However the source code for this file must still be made available
// in accordance with section (3) of the GNU General Public License.
// This exception does not invalidate any other reasons why a work based on
// this file might be covered by the GNU General Public License.
// Alternative licenses for eCos may be arranged by contacting Red Hat, Inc.
// at
// -------------------------------------------
// Author(s): nickg
// Contributors: nickg,, jlarmour
// Date: 2000-05-25
// Purpose: Test fileio system
// Description: This test uses the testfs to check out the initialization
// and basic operation of the fileio system
#include <pkgconf/hal.h>
#include <pkgconf/io_fileio.h>
#include <pkgconf/isoinfra.h>
#include <pkgconf/system.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <cyg/fileio/fileio.h>
#include <cyg/infra/testcase.h>
#include <cyg/infra/diag.h> // HAL polled output
#include <cyg/romfs/testromfs.h> // Test ROMFS data
MTAB_ENTRY( romfs_mte1,
(CYG_ADDRWORD) &filedata[0] );
#define SHOW_RESULT( _fn, _res ) \
diag_printf("<FAIL>: " #_fn "() returned %d %s\n", _res, _res<0?strerror(errno):"");
#define CHKFAIL_TYPE( _fn, _res, _type ) { \
if ( _res != -1 ) \
diag_printf("<FAIL>: " #_fn "() returned %d (expected -1)\n", _res); \
else if ( errno != _type ) \
diag_printf("<FAIL>: " #_fn "() failed with errno %d (%s),\n expected %d (%s)\n", errno, strerror(errno), _type, strerror(_type) ); \
#define IOSIZE 100
#define LONGNAME1 "long_file_name_that_should_take_up_more_than_one_directory_entry_1"
#define LONGNAME2 "long_file_name_that_should_take_up_more_than_one_directory_entry_2"
char *strcat( char *s1, const char *s2 )
char *s = s1;
while( *s1 ) s1++;
while( (*s1++ = *s2++) != 0);
return s;
static void listdir( char *name, int statp )
int err;
DIR *dirp;
diag_printf("<INFO>: reading directory %s\n",name);
dirp = opendir( name );
if( dirp == NULL ) SHOW_RESULT( opendir, -1 );
struct dirent *entry = readdir( dirp );
if( entry == NULL )
diag_printf("<INFO>: entry %14s",entry->d_name);
if( statp )
char fullname[PATH_MAX];
struct stat sbuf;
if( name[0] )
strcpy(fullname, name );
if( !(name[0] == '/' && name[1] == 0 ) )
strcat(fullname, "/" );
else fullname[0] = 0;
strcat(fullname, entry->d_name );
err = stat( fullname, &sbuf );
if( err < 0 )
if( errno == ENOSYS )
diag_printf(" <no status available>");
else SHOW_RESULT( stat, err );
diag_printf(" [mode %08x ino %08x nlink %d size %d]",
err = closedir( dirp );
if( err < 0 ) SHOW_RESULT( stat, err );
static void copyfile( char *name2, char *name1 )
int err;
char buf[IOSIZE];
int fd1, fd2;
ssize_t done, wrote;
diag_printf("<INFO>: copy file %s -> %s\n",name2,name1);
err = access( name1, F_OK );
if( err < 0 && errno != EACCES ) SHOW_RESULT( access, err );
err = access( name2, F_OK );
if( err != 0 ) SHOW_RESULT( access, err );
fd1 = open( name1, O_WRONLY|O_CREAT );
if( fd1 < 0 ) SHOW_RESULT( open, fd1 );
fd2 = open( name2, O_RDONLY );
if( fd2 < 0 ) SHOW_RESULT( open, fd2 );
done = read( fd2, buf, IOSIZE );
if( done < 0 ) SHOW_RESULT( read, done );
if( done == 0 ) break;
wrote = write( fd1, buf, done );
if( wrote != done ) SHOW_RESULT( write, wrote );
if( wrote != done ) break;
err = close( fd1 );
if( err < 0 ) SHOW_RESULT( close, err );
err = close( fd2 );
if( err < 0 ) SHOW_RESULT( close, err );
static void comparefiles( char *name2, char *name1 )
int err;
char buf1[IOSIZE];
char buf2[IOSIZE];
int fd1, fd2;
ssize_t done1, done2;
int i;
diag_printf("<INFO>: compare files %s == %s\n",name2,name1);
err = access( name1, F_OK );
if( err != 0 ) SHOW_RESULT( access, err );
err = access( name1, F_OK );
if( err != 0 ) SHOW_RESULT( access, err );
fd1 = open( name1, O_RDONLY );
if( fd1 < 0 ) SHOW_RESULT( open, fd1 );
fd2 = open( name2, O_RDONLY );
if( fd2 < 0 ) SHOW_RESULT( open, fd2 );
done1 = read( fd1, buf1, IOSIZE );
if( done1 < 0 ) SHOW_RESULT( read, done1 );
done2 = read( fd2, buf2, IOSIZE );
if( done2 < 0 ) SHOW_RESULT( read, done2 );
if( done1 != done2 )
diag_printf("Files different sizes\n");
if( done1 == 0 ) break;
for( i = 0; i < done1; i++ )
if( buf1[i] != buf2[i] )
diag_printf("buf1[%d](%02x) != buf1[%d](%02x)\n",i,buf1[i],i,buf2[i]);
CYG_TEST_FAIL("Data in files not equal\n");
err = close( fd1 );
if( err < 0 ) SHOW_RESULT( close, err );
err = close( fd2 );
if( err < 0 ) SHOW_RESULT( close, err );
// main
int main( int argc, char **argv )
int err;
char address[16];
// --------------------------------------------------------------
diag_printf("<INFO>: ROMFS root follows\n");
listdir( "/", true );
diag_printf("<INFO>: cd /etc\n" );
err = chdir( "/etc" );
if ( err < 0 ) SHOW_RESULT( chdir, err );
diag_printf("<INFO>: ROMFS list of '' follows\n");
listdir( "", true );
diag_printf("<INFO>: ROMFS list of /etc follows\n");
listdir( "/etc", true );
diag_printf("<INFO>: ROMFS list of . follows\n");
listdir( ".", true );
err = mount( "", "/var", "ramfs" );
if( err < 0 ) SHOW_RESULT( mount, err );
copyfile( "/etc/passwd", "/var/passwd_copy" );
comparefiles( "/etc/passwd", "/var/passwd_copy" );
diag_printf("<INFO>: ROMFS list of / follows\n");
diag_printf("<INFO>: Note that /var now gives stat() info for RAMFS\n");
listdir( "/", true );
diag_printf("<INFO>: Mount ROMFS again onto /mnt\n");
sprintf( address, "%p", (void*)&filedata[0] );
err = mount( address, "/mnt", "romfs" );
if( err < 0 ) SHOW_RESULT( mount, err );
comparefiles( "/etc/passwd", "/mnt/etc/passwd" );
err = mkdir( "/foo", 0 );
CHKFAIL_TYPE( mkdir, err, EROFS );
err = rename( "/var", "/tmp" ); // RAMFS is mounted here
CHKFAIL_TYPE( rename, err, EXDEV );
CHKFAIL_TYPE( rename, err, EROFS );
err = rename( "/var/passwd_copy", "/mnt/etc/passwd_copy" );
CHKFAIL_TYPE( rename, err, EXDEV );
err = rename( "/etc", "/tmp" );
CHKFAIL_TYPE( rename, err, EROFS );
diag_printf("<INFO>: cd /etc\n");
err = chdir( "/etc" );
if( err < 0 ) SHOW_RESULT( chdir, err );
err = chdir( "/mnt/etc" );
if( err < 0 ) SHOW_RESULT( chdir, err );
listdir( ".", true );
diag_printf("<INFO>: unlink /tmp\n");
err = unlink( "/tmp" );
CHKFAIL_TYPE( unlink, err, EROFS );
diag_printf("<INFO>: mount random area\n");
sprintf(address, "%p", (void*)(&filedata[0] + 0x100));
err = mount( address, "/tmp", "romfs" );
CHKFAIL_TYPE( mount, err, ENOENT );
err = umount( "/mnt" );
if( err < 0 ) SHOW_RESULT( umount, err );
err = umount( "/var" );
if( err < 0 ) SHOW_RESULT( umount, err );
CHKFAIL_TYPE( umount, err, EINVAL );
err = umount( "/" );
if( err < 0 ) SHOW_RESULT( umount, err );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// EOF fileio1.c
0,0 → 1,12
ROMFS - A rom filesystem plug-in module for eCos
You can use this module if you have flash ROM available to install the
filesystem into. Instructions are given for creating and installing a
rom filesystem into a RedBoot monitor.
See mk_romfs for instructions for making the filesystem.
See romfs.c for comments about the filesystem structure.
0,0 → 1,94
MK_ROMFS - Make a ROMFS image
This program creates a ROMFS image that can be read by eCos.
mk_romfs - Create an eCos ROMFS disk image from the files
contained under a specified directory
Usage: ../support/mk_romfs [options] <fs_root> <fs_file>
fs_root is the directory containing the files to package into the ROMFS image
fs_file is the name of the ROMFS image file to create
Options include:
-v / -q increase / decrease verbosity
-n do everything EXCEPT creating the output file
-b write a big-endian image (default is little endian)
-l collapse hard links to a single node
How to use.
For example, suppose you wish to access the following directories and files:
/etc passwd, group
/tmp (for a RAMFS)
/var (for a RAMFS)
1. Create the required directories and files under a suitable root, eg. under
$ mkdir ~/rom
$ cd ~/rom
$ mkdir etc dev mnt tmp var
$ cp /etc/passwd /etc/group etc/
( remembering to edit these files....;-)
2. Make the romfs image in a suitable place, eg /tftpboot for direct upload to
the RedBoot monitor.
$ mk_romfs -v . /tftpboot/romfs.img
mk_romfs: Verbosity 2 little endian
Phase 1 - Build file list
Phase 2 - Calculate space allocation
Phase 2a - * Directories
Phase 2b - * Regular files
Phase 2c - * Executable files
Phase 3 - Construct ROMFS image file (3 kb)
Phase 3a - * Node table
Phase 3b - * Data blocks
/tftpboot/romfs.img completed
3. Connect to your target RedBoot monitor, and load the romfs image. You will
need to determine a suitable place in RAM to load the image into.
$ telnet 1000
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
RedBoot> load romfs.img -r -v -b 0x1000000
Raw file loaded 0x01000000-0x0100093e
4. Determine where to load the romfs image in the ROM. See what's there...
RedBoot> fis list
Name FLASH addr Mem addr Length Entry point
RedBoot 0x50000000 0x50000000 0x020000 0x00000000
RedBoot[backup] 0x50020000 0x50020000 0x020000 0x00000000
RedBoot config 0x503C0000 0x503C0000 0x020000 0x00000000
FIS directory 0x503E0000 0x503E0000 0x020000 0x00000000
RedBoot> fis free
0x50040000 .. 0x503C0000
We can see that a suitable place would be 0x50040000.
Alternatively, you can let RedBoot determine the address itself...
5. Copy the image from RAM to ROM...
RedBoot> fis create -b 0x1000000 -l 0x940 RomFs
... Erase from 0x50040000-0x50040940: .
... Program from 0x01000000-0x01000940 at 0x50040000: .
... Erase from 0x503e0000-0x50400000: .
... Program from 0x01fd0000-0x01ff0000 at 0x503e0000: .
RedBoot> fis list
Name FLASH addr Mem addr Length Entry point
RedBoot 0x50000000 0x50000000 0x020000 0x00000000
RedBoot[backup] 0x50020000 0x50020000 0x020000 0x00000000
RedBoot config 0x503C0000 0x503C0000 0x020000 0x00000000
FIS directory 0x503E0000 0x503E0000 0x020000 0x00000000
RomFs 0x50040000 0x01000000 0x000940 0x00000000
The ROMFS option 'CYGNUM_FS_ROM_BASE_ADDRESS' needs to be set to this
value in order to access the filesystem.
0,0 → 1,1094
// romfs.c
// ROM file system
// -------------------------------------------
// This file is part of eCos, the Embedded Configurable Operating System.
// Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 Red Hat, Inc.
// eCos is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
// the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
// Software Foundation; either version 2 or (at your option) any later version.
// eCos is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
// for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
// with eCos; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
// 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA.
// As a special exception, if other files instantiate templates or use macros
// or inline functions from this file, or you compile this file and link it
// with other works to produce a work based on this file, this file does not
// by itself cause the resulting work to be covered by the GNU General Public
// License. However the source code for this file must still be made available
// in accordance with section (3) of the GNU General Public License.
// This exception does not invalidate any other reasons why a work based on
// this file might be covered by the GNU General Public License.
// Alternative licenses for eCos may be arranged by contacting Red Hat, Inc.
// at
// -------------------------------------------
// Author(s): nickg
// Contributors: nickg,
// Date: 2000-07-25
// Purpose: ROM file system
// Description: This is a ROM filesystem for eCos. It attempts to
// provide full POSIX-compatible filesystem behaviour
// while at the same time being efficient in terms of
// time and space used.
// General Description
// ===================
// This is an implementation of a ROM filesystem for eCos. Its goal is
// to provide a working example of a filesystem that provides most of
// the required POSIX functionality. And obviously it may also be
// useful in its own right.
// Header
// ------
// There is a single header that describes the overall format of the ROMFS
// disk. The address of this header is used as the base for all offsets used
// in the node and directory structures. It contains the following fields:
// label - A human readable label for various purposes
// fssize - The size in bytes of the entire ROMFS disk
// nodes - A count of the nodes in the disk
// Immediately following thisin memory is the node table, consisting of
// 'nodes' repetitions of the node object.
// Nodes
// -----
// All files and directories are represented by node objects. Each
// romfs_node structure contains the following fields:
// mode - Node type, file or directory.
// nlink - Number of links to this node. Each directory entry that references
// this node is a link.
// size - Size of the data in this node in bytes.
// ctime - Creation time of the file (NOT the ROMFS)
// data - Offset of the first data byte for this node from the header
// Directories
// -----------
// A directory is a node whose data is a list of directory entries.
// These contain the
// following fields:
// node - Index of the node in the romfs_disk table that is referenced by
// this entry. This is present in every directory entry fragment.
// next - Offset of the next name entry.
// name - The filename associated with this link to the node.
// Data Storage
// ------------
// Each file has its data stored in a single contiguous memory block
// referenced by the offset in the node.
#include <pkgconf/system.h>
#include <pkgconf/hal.h>
#include <pkgconf/kernel.h>
#include <pkgconf/io_fileio.h>
#include <pkgconf/fs_rom.h>
#include <cyg/kernel/ktypes.h> // base kernel types
#include <cyg/infra/cyg_trac.h> // tracing macros
#include <cyg/infra/cyg_ass.h> // assertion macros
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <cyg/fileio/fileio.h>
#include <cyg/kernel/kapi.h>
#include <cyg/infra/diag.h>
// Eventually we want to eXecute In Place from the ROM in a protected
// environment, so we'll need executables to be aligned to a boundary
// suitable for MMU protection. A suitable boundary would be the 4k
// boundary in all the CPU architectures I am currently aware of.
// Forward definitions
// Filesystem operations
static int romfs_mount ( cyg_fstab_entry *fste, cyg_mtab_entry *mte );
static int romfs_umount ( cyg_mtab_entry *mte );
static int romfs_open ( cyg_mtab_entry *mte, cyg_dir dir, const char *name,
int mode, cyg_file *fte );
static int romfs_opendir ( cyg_mtab_entry *mte, cyg_dir dir, const char *name,
cyg_file *fte );
static int romfs_chdir ( cyg_mtab_entry *mte, cyg_dir dir, const char *name,
cyg_dir *dir_out );
static int romfs_stat ( cyg_mtab_entry *mte, cyg_dir dir, const char *name,
struct stat *buf);
static int romfs_getinfo ( cyg_mtab_entry *mte, cyg_dir dir, const char *name,
int key, void *buf, int len );
static int romfs_setinfo ( cyg_mtab_entry *mte, cyg_dir dir, const char *name,
int key, void *buf, int len );
// File operations
static int romfs_fo_read (struct CYG_FILE_TAG *fp, struct CYG_UIO_TAG *uio);
static int romfs_fo_lseek (struct CYG_FILE_TAG *fp, off_t *pos, int whence );
static int romfs_fo_ioctl (struct CYG_FILE_TAG *fp, CYG_ADDRWORD com,
static int romfs_fo_fsync (struct CYG_FILE_TAG *fp, int mode );
static int romfs_fo_close (struct CYG_FILE_TAG *fp);
static int romfs_fo_fstat (struct CYG_FILE_TAG *fp, struct stat *buf );
static int romfs_fo_getinfo (struct CYG_FILE_TAG *fp, int key, void *buf, int len );
static int romfs_fo_setinfo (struct CYG_FILE_TAG *fp, int key, void *buf, int len );
// Directory operations
static int romfs_fo_dirread (struct CYG_FILE_TAG *fp, struct CYG_UIO_TAG *uio);
static int romfs_fo_dirlseek (struct CYG_FILE_TAG *fp, off_t *pos, int whence );
// Filesystem table entries
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Fstab entry.
// This defines the entry in the filesystem table.
// For simplicity we use _FILESYSTEM synchronization for all accesses since
// we should never block in any filesystem operations.
FSTAB_ENTRY( romfs_fste, "romfs", 0,
(cyg_fsop_unlink *)cyg_fileio_erofs,
(cyg_fsop_mkdir *)cyg_fileio_erofs,
(cyg_fsop_rmdir *)cyg_fileio_erofs,
(cyg_fsop_rename *)cyg_fileio_erofs,
(cyg_fsop_link *)cyg_fileio_erofs,
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// mtab entry.
// This defines a single ROMFS loaded into ROM at the configured address
// MTAB_ENTRY( rom_mte, // structure name
// "/rom", // mount point
// "romfs", // FIlesystem type
// "", // hardware device
// );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// File operations.
// This set of file operations are used for normal open files.
static cyg_fileops romfs_fileops =
(cyg_fileop_write *)cyg_fileio_erofs,
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Directory file operations.
// This set of operations are used for open directories. Most entries
// point to error-returning stub functions. Only the read, lseek and
// close entries are functional.
static cyg_fileops romfs_dirops =
(cyg_fileop_write *)cyg_fileio_enosys,
(cyg_fileop_ioctl *)cyg_fileio_enosys,
(cyg_fileop_fsync *)cyg_fileio_enosys,
(cyg_fileop_fstat *)cyg_fileio_enosys,
(cyg_fileop_getinfo *)cyg_fileio_enosys,
(cyg_fileop_setinfo *)cyg_fileio_enosys
// Data typedefs
// Some forward typedefs for the main data structures.
struct romfs_disk;
typedef struct romfs_disk romfs_disk;
struct romfs_node;
typedef struct romfs_node romfs_node;
struct romfs_dirent;
typedef struct romfs_dirent romfs_dirent;
// File and directory node
// This data structure represents a file or directory.
struct romfs_node
cyg_uint32 mode; // 0-3 node type
cyg_ucount32 nlink; // 4-7 number of links to this node
cyg_uint16 uid; // 8-9 Owner id
cyg_uint16 gid; // 10-11 Group id
cyg_uint32 size; // 12-15 size of file in bytes
cyg_uint32 ctime; // 16-19 creation status time
cyg_uint32 offset; // 20-23 offset of data from start of ROMFS
cyg_uint32 pad[2]; // 24-31 padding to align to 32byte boundary
// Directory entry.
// Variable sized entry containing the name and node of a directory entry
struct romfs_dirent
cyg_ucount32 node; // Index of node in romfs_disk structure
cyg_uint32 next; // Offset from start of directory of
// a) the next entry, or
// b) the end of the directory data
char name[0]; // The name, NUL terminated
// ROMFS header
// This data structure contains overall information on the ROMFS
struct romfs_disk
cyg_uint32 magic; // 0-3 Marks a valid ROMFS entry
cyg_ucount32 nodecount; // 4-7 Count of nodes in this filesystem
cyg_ucount32 disksize; // 8-11 Count of bytes in this filesystem
cyg_uint32 dev_id; // 12-15 ID of disk (put into stat.st_dev)
char name[16]; // 16-31 Name - pads to 32 bytes
romfs_node node[0];
#define ROMFS_MAGIC 0x526f6d2e // The magic signature word for a romfs
#define ROMFS_CIGAM 0x2e6d6f52 // The byte sex is wrong if you see this
// Directory search data
// Parameters for a directory search. The fields of this structure are
// updated as we follow a pathname through the directory tree.
struct romfs_dirsearch
romfs_disk *disk; // disk structure
romfs_node *dir; // directory to search
const char *path; // path to follow
romfs_node *node; // Node found
const char *name; // last name used
int namelen; // name fragment length
cyg_bool last; // last name in path?
typedef struct romfs_dirsearch romfs_dirsearch;
// This seems to be the only string function referenced. Define as static
// here to avoid having to load the string library
static bool match( const char *a, const char *b, int len )
for ( ; len > 0 && *a && *b && *a == *b ; a++, b++, len-- )
return ( len == 0 );
// SIMPLE buffer management.
// Each node has a data buffer pointer and a size.
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// findbuffer_node()
// return a pointer to the data at the indicated file position.
static int findbuffer_node( romfs_disk *disk, // header pointer
romfs_node *node, // node pointer
off_t pos, // data position to get
cyg_uint8 **buffer, // returned buffer pointer
size_t *size) // returned buffer size
if ( pos >= node->size || node->size == 0 )
// Indicate end of data.
*size = 0;
} else {
// Calculate the buffer position
*buffer = (cyg_uint8*)disk + node->offset + pos;
*size = node->size-pos;
return ENOERR;
// Directory operations
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// find_direntry()
// Find a directory entry for the name and return a pointer to the first
// entry fragment.
static romfs_dirent *find_direntry( romfs_disk *disk, romfs_node *dir, const char *name, int namelen )
off_t pos = 0;
int err;
// Loop over all the entries until a match is found or we run out
// of data.
while( pos < dir->size )
romfs_dirent *d;
cyg_uint8 *buf;
size_t size;
err = findbuffer_node( disk, dir, pos, &buf, &size );
if( err != ENOERR || size == 0)
return NULL;
d = (romfs_dirent *)buf;
// Is this the directory entry we're looking for?
if ( match( d->name, name, namelen ) )
return d;
// Otherwise move on to next entry in chain
pos = d->next;
return NULL;
// Directory search
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// init_dirsearch()
// Initialize a dirsearch object to start a search
static void init_dirsearch( romfs_dirsearch *ds,
romfs_disk *disk,
romfs_node *dir,
const char *name)
ds->disk = disk;
ds->dir = dir;
ds->path = name;
ds->node = dir;
ds->name = name;
ds->namelen = 0;
ds->last = false;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// find_entry()
// Search a single directory for the next name in a path and update the
// dirsearch object appropriately.
static int find_entry( romfs_dirsearch *ds )
romfs_node *dir = ds->dir;
const char *name = ds->path;
const char *n = name;
int namelen = 0;
romfs_dirent *d;
// check that we really have a directory
if( !S_ISDIR(dir->mode) )
return ENOTDIR;
// Isolate the next element of the path name.
while( *n != '\0' && *n != '/' )
n++, namelen++;
// If we terminated on a NUL, set last flag.
if( *n == '\0' )
ds->last = true;
// update name in dirsearch object
ds->name = name;
ds->namelen = namelen;
// Here we have the name and its length set up.
// Search the directory for a matching entry
d = find_direntry( ds->disk, dir, name, namelen );
if( d == NULL )
return ENOENT;
// pass back the node we have found
ds->node = &ds->disk->node[d->node];
return ENOERR;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// romfs_find()
// Main interface to directory search code. This is used in all file
// level operations to locate the object named by the pathname.
static int romfs_find( romfs_dirsearch *d )
int err;
// Short circuit empty paths
if( *(d->path) == '\0' )
return ENOERR;
// iterate down directory tree until we find the object
// we want.
err = find_entry( d );
if( err != ENOERR )
return err;
if( d->last )
return ENOERR;
// Update dirsearch object to search next directory.
d->dir = d->node;
d->path += d->namelen;
if( *(d->path) == '/' ) d->path++; // skip dirname separators
// Pathconf support
// This function provides support for pathconf() and fpathconf().
static int romfs_pathconf( romfs_node *node, struct cyg_pathconf_info *info )
int err = ENOERR;
switch( info->name )
case _PC_LINK_MAX:
info->value = LINK_MAX;
info->value = -1; // not supported
err = EINVAL;
info->value = -1; // not supported
err = EINVAL;
case _PC_NAME_MAX:
info->value = NAME_MAX;
case _PC_PATH_MAX:
info->value = PATH_MAX;
case _PC_PIPE_BUF:
info->value = -1; // not supported
err = EINVAL;
case _PC_ASYNC_IO:
info->value = -1; // not supported
err = EINVAL;
info->value = -1; // not supported
err = EINVAL;
case _PC_NO_TRUNC:
info->value = 0;
case _PC_PRIO_IO:
info->value = 0;
case _PC_SYNC_IO:
info->value = 0;
info->value = -1; // not supported
err = EINVAL;
err = EINVAL;
return err;
// Filesystem operations
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// romfs_mount()
// Process a mount request. This mainly finds root for the
// filesystem.
static int romfs_mount ( cyg_fstab_entry *fste, cyg_mtab_entry *mte )
romfs_disk *disk;
if ( !mte->data ) {
// If the image address was not in the MTE data word,
if ( mte->devname && mte->devname[0] ) {
// And there's something in the 'hardware device' field,
// then read the address from there.
sscanf( mte->devname, "%p", (char**)&mte->data );
if ( !mte->data ) {
// If still no address, try the FSTAB entry data word
mte->data = fste->data;
if ( !mte->data ) {
// If still no address, give up...
return ENOENT;
disk = (romfs_disk *)mte->data;
// Check the ROMFS magic number to ensure that there's really an fs.
if ( disk->magic == ROMFS_CIGAM ) {
// The disk image has the wrong byte sex!!!
return EIO;
} else if ( disk->magic != ROMFS_MAGIC || disk->nodecount == 0 ) {
// No image found
return ENOENT;
mte->root = (cyg_dir)&disk->node[0];
return ENOERR;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// romfs_umount()
// Unmount the filesystem. This will currently always succeed.
static int romfs_umount ( cyg_mtab_entry *mte )
// Clear root pointer
mte->root = CYG_DIR_NULL;
// That's all folks.
return ENOERR;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// romfs_open()
// Open a file for reading
static int romfs_open ( cyg_mtab_entry *mte, cyg_dir dir, const char *name,
int mode, cyg_file *file )
romfs_dirsearch ds;
romfs_node *node = NULL;
int err;
init_dirsearch( &ds, (romfs_disk *)mte->data, (romfs_node *)dir, name );
err = romfs_find( &ds );
if( err == ENOENT )
return ENOENT;
else if( err == ENOERR )
// The node exists. If the O_CREAT and O_EXCL bits are set, we
// must fail the open.
if( (mode & (O_CREAT|O_EXCL)) == (O_CREAT|O_EXCL) )
err = EEXIST;
else node = ds.node;
if( err == ENOERR && (mode & O_TRUNC ) )
// If the O_TRUNC bit is set we must fail the open
err = EPERM;
if( err != ENOERR ) return err;
// Check that we actually have a file here
if( S_ISDIR(node->mode) ) return EISDIR;
// Initialize the file object
file->f_flag |= mode & CYG_FILE_MODE_MASK;
file->f_type = CYG_FILE_TYPE_FILE;
file->f_ops = &romfs_fileops;
file->f_offset = 0;
file->f_data = (CYG_ADDRWORD)node;
file->f_xops = 0;
return ENOERR;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// romfs_opendir()
// Open a directory for reading.
static int romfs_opendir ( cyg_mtab_entry *mte, cyg_dir dir, const char *name,
cyg_file *file )
romfs_dirsearch ds;
int err;
init_dirsearch( &ds, (romfs_disk *)mte->data, (romfs_node *)dir, name );
err = romfs_find( &ds );
if( err != ENOERR ) return err;
// check it is really a directory.
if( !S_ISDIR(ds.node->mode) ) return ENOTDIR;
// Initialize the file object, setting the f_ops field to a
// special set of file ops.
file->f_type = CYG_FILE_TYPE_FILE;
file->f_ops = &romfs_dirops;
file->f_offset = 0;
file->f_data = (CYG_ADDRWORD)ds.node;
file->f_xops = 0;
return ENOERR;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// romfs_chdir()
// Change directory support.
static int romfs_chdir ( cyg_mtab_entry *mte, cyg_dir dir, const char *name,
cyg_dir *dir_out )
if( dir_out != NULL )
// This is a request to get a new directory pointer in
// *dir_out.
romfs_dirsearch ds;
int err;
init_dirsearch( &ds, (romfs_disk *)mte->data, (romfs_node *)dir, name );
err = romfs_find( &ds );
if( err != ENOERR ) return err;
// check it is a directory
if( !S_ISDIR(ds.node->mode) )
return ENOTDIR;
// Pass it out
*dir_out = (cyg_dir)ds.node;
// If no output dir is required, this means that the mte and
// dir arguments are the current cdir setting and we should
// forget this fact. Do nothing in ROMFS.
return ENOERR;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// romfs_stat()
// Get struct stat info for named object.
static int romfs_stat ( cyg_mtab_entry *mte, cyg_dir dir, const char *name,
struct stat *buf)
romfs_dirsearch ds;
int err;
romfs_disk *disk = (romfs_disk *)mte->data;
init_dirsearch( &ds, disk, (romfs_node *)dir, name );
err = romfs_find( &ds );
if( err != ENOERR ) return err;
// Fill in the status
buf->st_mode = ds.node->mode;
buf->st_ino = (ino_t)(ds.node - &disk->node[0]);
buf->st_dev = (dev_t)disk->dev_id;
buf->st_nlink = ds.node->nlink;
buf->st_uid = ds.node->uid;
buf->st_gid = ds.node->gid;
buf->st_size = ds.node->size;
buf->st_atime = ds.node->ctime;
buf->st_mtime = ds.node->ctime;
buf->st_ctime = ds.node->ctime;
return err;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// romfs_getinfo()
// Getinfo. Currently only support pathconf().
static int romfs_getinfo ( cyg_mtab_entry *mte, cyg_dir dir, const char *name,
int key, void *buf, int len )
romfs_dirsearch ds;
int err;
init_dirsearch( &ds, (romfs_disk *)mte->data, (romfs_node *)dir, name );
err = romfs_find( &ds );
if( err != ENOERR ) return err;
switch( key )
err = romfs_pathconf( ds.node, (struct cyg_pathconf_info *)buf );
err = EINVAL;
return err;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// romfs_setinfo()
// Setinfo. Nothing to support here at present.
static int romfs_setinfo ( cyg_mtab_entry *mte, cyg_dir dir, const char *name,
int key, void *buf, int len )
// No setinfo keys supported at present
return EINVAL;
// File operations
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// romfs_fo_read()
// Read data from the file.
static int romfs_fo_read (struct CYG_FILE_TAG *fp, struct CYG_UIO_TAG *uio)
romfs_node *node = (romfs_node *)fp->f_data;
int i;
off_t pos = fp->f_offset;
ssize_t resid = uio->uio_resid;
// Loop over the io vectors until there are none left
for( i = 0; i < uio->uio_iovcnt; i++ )
cyg_iovec *iov = &uio->uio_iov[i];
char *buf = (char *)iov->iov_base;
off_t len = iov->iov_len;
// Loop over each vector filling it with data from the file.
while( len > 0 && pos < node->size )
cyg_uint8 *fbuf;
size_t bsize;
off_t l = len;
int err;
// Get a pointer to the data at offset _pos_.
err = findbuffer_node( (romfs_disk *)fp->f_mte->data, node, pos, &fbuf, &bsize );
if( err != ENOERR )
return err;
// adjust size to end of file if necessary
if( l > node->size-pos )
l = node->size-pos;
// adjust size to the amount of contiguous data we can see
// at present.
if( l > bsize )
l = bsize;
// copy data out
memcpy( buf, fbuf, l );
// Update working vars
len -= l;
buf += l;
pos += l;
resid -= l;
// We successfully read some data
// Update the file offset and transfer residue.
uio->uio_resid = resid;
fp->f_offset = pos;
return ENOERR;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// romfs_fo_lseek()
// Seek to a new file position.
static int romfs_fo_lseek (struct CYG_FILE_TAG *fp, off_t *apos, int whence )
romfs_node *node = (romfs_node *)fp->f_data;
off_t pos = *apos;
switch( whence )
case SEEK_SET:
// Pos is already where we want to be.
case SEEK_CUR:
// Add pos to current offset.
pos += fp->f_offset;
case SEEK_END:
// Add pos to file size.
pos += node->size;
return EINVAL;
// Check that pos is still within current file size, or at the
// very end.
if( pos < 0 || pos > node->size )
return EINVAL;
// All OK, set fp offset and return new position.
*apos = fp->f_offset = pos;
return ENOERR;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// romfs_fo_ioctl()
// Handle ioctls. Currently none are defined.
static int romfs_fo_ioctl (struct CYG_FILE_TAG *fp, CYG_ADDRWORD com,
// No Ioctls currenly defined.
return EINVAL;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// romfs_fo_fsync().
// Force the file out to data storage.
static int romfs_fo_fsync (struct CYG_FILE_TAG *fp, int mode )
// Data is always permanently where it belongs, nothing to do
// here.
return ENOERR;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// romfs_fo_close()
// Close a file. We just clear out the data pointer.
static int romfs_fo_close (struct CYG_FILE_TAG *fp)
fp->f_data = 0; // zero data pointer
return ENOERR;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Get file status.
static int romfs_fo_fstat (struct CYG_FILE_TAG *fp, struct stat *buf )
romfs_node *node = (romfs_node *)fp->f_data;
romfs_disk *disk = (romfs_disk*)(fp->f_mte->data);
// Fill in the status
buf->st_mode = node->mode;
buf->st_ino = (ino_t)(node - &disk->node[0]);
buf->st_dev = disk->dev_id;
buf->st_nlink = node->nlink;
buf->st_uid = node->uid;
buf->st_gid = node->gid;
buf->st_size = node->size;
buf->st_atime = node->ctime;
buf->st_mtime = node->ctime;
buf->st_ctime = node->ctime;
return ENOERR;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// romfs_fo_getinfo()
// Get info. Currently only supports fpathconf().
static int romfs_fo_getinfo (struct CYG_FILE_TAG *fp, int key, void *buf, int len )
romfs_node *node = (romfs_node *)fp->f_data;
int err;
switch( key )
err = romfs_pathconf( node, (struct cyg_pathconf_info *)buf );
err = EINVAL;
return err;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// romfs_fo_setinfo()
// Set info. Nothing supported here.
static int romfs_fo_setinfo (struct CYG_FILE_TAG *fp, int key, void *buf, int len )
// No setinfo key supported at present
return ENOERR;
// Directory operations
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// romfs_fo_dirread()
// Read a single directory entry from a file.
static int romfs_fo_dirread (struct CYG_FILE_TAG *fp, struct CYG_UIO_TAG *uio)
romfs_node *dir = (romfs_node *)fp->f_data;
off_t pos = fp->f_offset;
int err = ENOERR;
struct dirent *ent = (struct dirent *)uio->uio_iov[0].iov_base;
char *nbuf = ent->d_name;
int nlen = sizeof(ent->d_name)-1;
off_t len = uio->uio_iov[0].iov_len;
romfs_dirent *d = NULL;
cyg_uint8 *buf;
size_t size;
int i;
if( len < sizeof(struct dirent) )
return EINVAL;
// Get the next entry
err = findbuffer_node( (romfs_disk *)fp->f_mte->data, dir, pos, &buf, &size );
if( err != ENOERR || size == 0 || pos >= dir->size )
return err;
d = (romfs_dirent *)buf;
for ( i = 0 ; i < nlen && d->name[i] ; i++, nbuf++ )
*nbuf = d->name[i];
// A successful read. Terminate the entry name with a NUL, set the
// residue and set the file offset to restart at the next
// directory entry.
*nbuf = '\0';
uio->uio_resid -= sizeof(struct dirent);
fp->f_offset = d->next;
return ENOERR;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// romfs_fo_dirlseek()
// Seek directory to start.
static int romfs_fo_dirlseek (struct CYG_FILE_TAG *fp, off_t *pos, int whence )
// Only allow SEEK_SET to zero
if( whence != SEEK_SET || *pos != 0)
return EINVAL;
*pos = fp->f_offset = 0;
return ENOERR;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// EOF romfs.c
0,0 → 1,106
2003-02-24 Jonathan Larmour <>
* cdl/romfs.cdl: Fix doc link.
2003-01-30 Andrew Lunn <>
* cdl/romfs.cdl: Implements the CYGINT_IO_FILEIO_FS interface.
2003-01-29 John Dallaway <>
* support/file2c.tcl: Accommodate latest Cygwin Tcl shell
2002-04-15 Bart Veer <>
* support/file2c.tcl:
Do not use an alignment attribute, since it is not honoured on
all targets.
* src/romfs.c:
Remove alignment restrictions, since they are not actually needed
yet and alignment is hard to guarantee on all targets.
2002-01-21 Jonathan Larmour <>
* support/mk_romfs.c: Open image file in binary mode (for cygwin).
Spotted by Warren Jasper.
2001-11-23 Jonathan Larmour <>
* cdl/romfs.cdl (CYGTST_ROMFS_BUILD_TESTS): Try gcc and cc if $HOST_CC
doesn't exist or has a problem.
2001-11-22 Jesper Skov <>
* cdl/romfs.cdl: Use HOST_CC instead of 'cc'.
2001-10-17 Drew Moseley <>
2001-10-17 Jonathan Larmour <>
* support/mk_romfs.c: Open input files in binary mode (for cygwin).
* cdl/romfs.cdl: Work around cygwin path problems by copying files
into build tree.
2001-07-20 Jonathan Larmour <>
* tests/fileio1.c (main): Get this to actually pass! Remove
kernel dependency.
* cdl/fileio.cdl: Get CDL dependencies better. Don't use
fixed base address. Make test building an option. Build mk_romfs
and use it to construct a test romfs.
* support/mk_romfs.c: fix trivial typo
* tests/testromfs: Directory hierarchy added for constructing test
2001-07-13 Richard Panton (
* support/mk_romfs.c: Convert between host FS file modes and eCos
2000-10-25 Richard Panton (
* cdl/romfs.cdl:
* src/romfs.c:
* support/mk_romfs.c:
* tests/fileio1.c:
A sample ROM filesystem implementation
// -------------------------------------------
// This file is part of eCos, the Embedded Configurable Operating System.
// Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 Red Hat, Inc.
// eCos is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
// the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
// Software Foundation; either version 2 or (at your option) any later version.
// eCos is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
// for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
// with eCos; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
// 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA.
// As a special exception, if other files instantiate templates or use macros
// or inline functions from this file, or you compile this file and link it
// with other works to produce a work based on this file, this file does not
// by itself cause the resulting work to be covered by the GNU General Public
// License. However the source code for this file must still be made available
// in accordance with section (3) of the GNU General Public License.
// This exception does not invalidate any other reasons why a work based on
// this file might be covered by the GNU General Public License.
// Alternative licenses for eCos may be arranged by contacting Red Hat, Inc.
// at
// -------------------------------------------
0,0 → 1,124
# restart using a Tcl shell \
exec sh -c 'for tclshell in tclsh tclsh83 cygtclsh80 ; do \
( echo | $tclshell ) 2> /dev/null && exec $tclshell "`( cygpath -w \"$0\" ) 2> /dev/null || echo $0`" "$@" ; \
done ; \
echo "file2c.tcl: cannot find Tcl shell" ; exit 1' "$0" "$@"
# file2c.tcl
# Convert a file into a header that can be #included from C.
## -------------------------------------------
## This file is part of eCos, the Embedded Configurable Operating System.
## Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 Red Hat, Inc.
## eCos is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
## the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
## Software Foundation; either version 2 or (at your option) any later version.
## eCos is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
## WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
## FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
## for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
## with eCos; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
## 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA.
## As a special exception, if other files instantiate templates or use macros
## or inline functions from this file, or you compile this file and link it
## with other works to produce a work based on this file, this file does not
## by itself cause the resulting work to be covered by the GNU General Public
## License. However the source code for this file must still be made available
## in accordance with section (3) of the GNU General Public License.
## This exception does not invalidate any other reasons why a work based on
## this file might be covered by the GNU General Public License.
## Alternative licenses for eCos may be arranged by contacting Red Hat, Inc.
## at
## -------------------------------------------
# Author(s): jlarmour,bartv
# Contact(s):
# Date: 2001-07-20
# Purpose:
# Description:
# Usage: file2c.tcl <file to encode> <output C header file>
if { $argc != 2 } {
puts "Usage: file2c.tcl <file to encode> <output C header file>"
exit 1
set infile [lindex $argv 0]
set outfile [lindex $argv 1]
set status [ catch {
set infilefd [open $infile "r"]
fconfigure $infilefd -translation binary
set data [read $infilefd]
close $infilefd
} message]
if { $status != 0 } {
error "Unable to read file $infile: $message"
set result ""
set status [ catch {
set outfilefd [ open $outfile "w" ]
} message ]
if { $status != 0 } {
error "Unable to create file $outfile: $message"
append result "/* This is a generated file. Do not edit. */\n\n"
append result "static const unsigned char filedata\[\] = {\n"
set datalength [ string length $data ]
set aligned_datalength [expr $datalength - ($datalength % 8)]
for { set i 0 } {$i < $aligned_datalength} {incr i 8} {
binary scan $data "@[set i]H16" var0
append result [format " 0x%2s, 0x%2s, 0x%2s, 0x%2s, 0x%2s, 0x%2s, 0x%2s, 0x%2s,\n" \
[string range $var0 0 1] \
[string range $var0 2 3] \
[string range $var0 4 5] \
[string range $var0 6 7] \
[string range $var0 8 9] \
[string range $var0 10 11] \
[string range $var0 12 13] \
[string range $var0 14 15]]
if { $aligned_datalength != $datalength } {
append result " "
for { set i $aligned_datalength } {$i < $datalength} {incr i} {
binary scan $data "@[set i]H2" var0
append result [format "0x%2s, " $var0]
# Remove either comma+newline or comma+space from the end
set result [string range $result 0 [expr [string length $result] - 3]]
append result "\n};"
puts $outfilefd $result
close $outfilefd
0,0 → 1,39
## -------------------------------------------
## This file is part of eCos, the Embedded Configurable Operating System.
## Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 Red Hat, Inc.
## eCos is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
## the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
## Software Foundation; either version 2 or (at your option) any later version.
## eCos is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
## WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
## FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
## for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
## with eCos; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
## 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA.
## As a special exception, if other files instantiate templates or use macros
## or inline functions from this file, or you compile this file and link it
## with other works to produce a work based on this file, this file does not
## by itself cause the resulting work to be covered by the GNU General Public
## License. However the source code for this file must still be made available
## in accordance with section (3) of the GNU General Public License.
## This exception does not invalidate any other reasons why a work based on
## this file might be covered by the GNU General Public License.
## Alternative licenses for eCos may be arranged by contacting Red Hat, Inc.
## at
## -------------------------------------------
CC = gcc
CFLAGS = -ggdb -Wall
0,0 → 1,734
// mk_romfs.c
// Create ROM file system image
// -------------------------------------------
// This file is part of eCos, the Embedded Configurable Operating System.
// Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 Red Hat, Inc.
// eCos is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
// the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
// Software Foundation; either version 2 or (at your option) any later version.
// eCos is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
// for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
// with eCos; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
// 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA.
// As a special exception, if other files instantiate templates or use macros
// or inline functions from this file, or you compile this file and link it
// with other works to produce a work based on this file, this file does not
// by itself cause the resulting work to be covered by the GNU General Public
// License. However the source code for this file must still be made available
// in accordance with section (3) of the GNU General Public License.
// This exception does not invalidate any other reasons why a work based on
// this file might be covered by the GNU General Public License.
// Alternative licenses for eCos may be arranged by contacting Red Hat, Inc.
// at
// -------------------------------------------
// Author(s):
// Contributors:
// Date: 2000-07-25
// Purpose: ROM file system
// Description: This program creates a ROM file system image, suitable
// for use with the sample ROM file system implemented by
// this package.
// * CAUTION! * This is host code and can only be built
// in a host, e.g. Linux, environment.
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <errno.h>
// define LONG to be a four byte unsigned integer on the host
#define LONG unsigned long
// define SHORT to be a two byte unsigned integer on the host
#define SHORT unsigned short
// All data files should be aligned to this sized boundary (minimum probably 32)
#define DATA_ALIGN 32
// The data stored in a directory should be aligned to this size boundary
// All executable files should be aligned to this sized boundary (minimum probably 32)
#define EXEC_ALIGN 32
// Undefine this if the host filesystem does not support lstat()
#define HAS_LSTAT
// Return (n) aligned to the next (b) byte boundary
#define ALIGN_TO( n, b ) (( (n) + (b)-1 ) & ~((b)-1))
// Set the stat call to use
#ifdef HAS_LSTAT
#define get_status( p, b ) lstat( (p), (b) )
#define get_status( p, b ) stat( (p), (b) )
// This is how we identify a directory from its mode
#define IS_DIRECTORY( m ) (S_ISDIR(m))
// This is how we identify a data file from its mode
#define IS_DATAFILE( m ) (S_ISREG(m) && ((m)&S_IXUSR) == 0 )
// This is how we identify an executable from its mode
#define IS_EXECUTABLE( m ) (S_ISREG(m) && ((m)&S_IXUSR) != 0 )
// This is how we identify a symbolic link from its mode
#define IS_SYMLINK( m ) (S_ISLNK(m))
#define ROMFS_MAGIC 0x526f6d2e
#define EXIT_SUCCESS 0
#define EXIT_ARGS 1
#define EXIT_MALLOC 2
#define EXIT_FILESYS 3
#define EXIT_WRITE 4
#define EXIT_SEEK 5
#define EXIT_COMPILE 6
#define EXIT_BUG 7
// These are the structures we will build into the ROMFS image.
// The sizes of these structures should be fixed for all architectures
typedef struct romfs_dirent {
LONG node; // 4
LONG next; // 8
char name[0]; // 8 + strlen(name) + 1
} romfs_dirent; // Aligns to next 32 byte boundary
typedef struct romfs_node {
LONG mode; // 4
LONG nlink; // 8
SHORT uid; // 10
SHORT gid; // 12
LONG size; // 16
LONG ctime; // 20
LONG data_offset; // 24
char pad[8]; // 32
} romfs_node; // Next node begins here
typedef struct romfs_disk {
LONG magic; // 4
LONG nodecount; // 8
LONG disksize; // 12
LONG dev_id; // 16
char name[16]; // 32
} romfs_disk; // Nodes start here
// This is the holding structure for a node
typedef struct node {
const char *path; // Filename (inc. path) of a link to this node
size_t size; // Size of file/directory/link
mode_t st_mode; // Type and permissions
uid_t uid; // Owner id
gid_t gid; // Group id
time_t ctime; // File creation time
int nodenum; // Nodenumber of this node in the ROMFS image
dev_t device; // Device (for hardlink check)
ino_t inode; // Inode (for hardlink check)
int nlink; // [DIRECTORIES] Number of sub-directories [FILES] hard links
romfs_dirent *entry; // [DIRECTORIES] Points to an array of directory entries
int entry_size; // Size to be allocated to file (includes alignment bytes)
unsigned long offset; // Offset within ROMFS image of data
struct node *sibling; // Points to the next entry in this directory
struct node *child; // [DIRECTORIES] Points to any subdirectories
struct node *next_in_rom; // Next in ROMFS write order
struct node *next_multilink;// Next node that is multilinked
} node;
static int nodes = 0;
static char *prog;
static int verbose = 1;
static int dowrite = 1;
static int bigendian = 0;
static int hardlinks = 0;
static unsigned long coffset = 0;
static node * first = NULL;
static node ** last_p = &first;
static node * first_multilink = NULL;
static node ** last_multilink_p = &first_multilink;
static int fd = -1;
#define VERB_NONE 0
#define VERB_MINIMUM 1
#define VERB_SUB 2
#define VERB_MAX 3
// Use gcc format argument checking on this function, which cannot return
static void fatal_error( int exitcode, const char *fmt, ... ) \
__attribute__ (( noreturn,format (printf, 2, 3) ));
// Use gcc format argument checking on this function
static void verb_printf( int level, const char *fmt, ... ) \
__attribute__ ((format (printf, 2, 3) ));
static void fatal_error( int exitcode, const char *fmt, ... ) {
va_list v;
va_start( v, fmt );
vfprintf( stderr, fmt, v );
static void verb_printf( int level, const char *fmt, ... ){
if ( level <= verbose ) {
va_list v;
va_start( v,fmt );
vprintf(fmt, v);
static void *mymalloc( size_t size ) {
void *p = malloc(size);
if ( !p ) {
fatal_error( EXIT_MALLOC, "Out of memory allocating %d bytes\n", size );
return p;
static void myrealloc( void **o, size_t newsize ) {
if ( *o == NULL )
*o = mymalloc( newsize );
else if ( !(*o = realloc( *o, newsize )) ) {
fatal_error( EXIT_MALLOC, "Out of memory re-allocating %d bytes\n", newsize );
static void outputlong( unsigned char *b, unsigned long w ) {
if ( bigendian ) {
b[0] = (w>>24) & 0xff;
b[1] = (w>>16) & 0xff;
b[2] = (w>> 8) & 0xff;
b[3] = (w ) & 0xff;
} else {
b[3] = (w>>24) & 0xff;
b[2] = (w>>16) & 0xff;
b[1] = (w>> 8) & 0xff;
b[0] = (w ) & 0xff;
static void outputshort( unsigned char *b, unsigned short w ) {
if ( bigendian ) {
b[0] = (w>> 8) & 0xff;
b[1] = (w ) & 0xff;
} else {
b[1] = (w>> 8) & 0xff;
b[0] = (w ) & 0xff;
static unsigned long ConvertMode( unsigned long posix_mode ) {
unsigned long result = 0;
if ( S_ISDIR( posix_mode ) ) result |= 1<<0;
if ( S_ISCHR( posix_mode ) ) result |= 1<<1;
if ( S_ISBLK( posix_mode ) ) result |= 1<<2;
if ( S_ISREG( posix_mode ) ) result |= 1<<3;
if ( S_ISFIFO(posix_mode ) ) result |= 1<<4;
// We cannot create MQ, SEM, or SHM entries here
if ( posix_mode & S_IRUSR ) result |= 1<<8;
if ( posix_mode & S_IWUSR ) result |= 1<<9;
if ( posix_mode & S_IXUSR ) result |= 1<<10;
if ( posix_mode & S_IRGRP ) result |= 1<<11;
if ( posix_mode & S_IWGRP ) result |= 1<<12;
if ( posix_mode & S_IXGRP ) result |= 1<<13;
if ( posix_mode & S_IROTH ) result |= 1<<14;
if ( posix_mode & S_IWOTH ) result |= 1<<15;
if ( posix_mode & S_IXOTH ) result |= 1<<16;
if ( posix_mode & S_ISUID ) result |= 1<<17;
if ( posix_mode & S_ISGID ) result |= 1<<18;
return result;
static const char *AddDirEntry( const char *name, node *parent_node, int node_num ) {
int this_size = ((strlen(name) + 4 + 4 + 1) + 31) & ~31;
int start = parent_node->size;
romfs_dirent *g;
myrealloc( (void**)&parent_node->entry, (parent_node->size += this_size) );
g = (romfs_dirent *)((unsigned char *)parent_node->entry + start);
memset( (void*)g, '\0', this_size );
outputlong( (char*)&g->node, node_num);
outputlong( (char*)&g->next, parent_node->size);
verb_printf( VERB_MAX, "\t%s --> node %d\n", name, node_num );
return (const char *)g->name;
extern int errno;
static node * FindLink( dev_t d, ino_t i ) {
// See if the node has been previously included by checking the device/inode
// combinations of all known multi-linked nodes
node *np = first_multilink;
for ( ; np ; np = np->next_multilink ) {
if ( np->device == d && np->inode == i )
return np;
return NULL;
static node * GetNodeInfo( const char *path, const char *name, int *hlink ) {
char newpath[1024];
node *node, *lnode;
struct stat stbuff;
if ( (get_status(newpath,&stbuff)) < 0 ) {
fatal_error(EXIT_FILESYS, "stat(%s) failed: %s\n", newpath, strerror(errno));
if ( !(stbuff.st_mode & S_IRUSR) ) {
fatal_error(EXIT_FILESYS, "\"%s\" is not readable\n", newpath );
if ( hardlinks && S_ISREG( stbuff.st_mode ) && stbuff.st_nlink > 1 ) {
// See if this node has already been loaded
lnode = FindLink( stbuff.st_dev, stbuff.st_ino );
if ( lnode ) {
*hlink = 1;
return lnode; // Return the found link instead
// Create a new node
node = mymalloc( sizeof(struct node) );
// Incorporate the new link into the 'multi-linked' node list
*last_multilink_p = node;
last_multilink_p = &node->next_multilink;
} else {
// Create a new node
node = mymalloc( sizeof(struct node) );
node->path = strdup( newpath );
// We re-calculate the size for directories
node->size = IS_DIRECTORY( stbuff.st_mode ) ? 0 : stbuff.st_size;
node->st_mode = stbuff.st_mode;
node->uid = stbuff.st_uid;
node->gid = stbuff.st_gid;
node->ctime = stbuff.st_ctime;
node->nodenum = nodes++;
node->device = stbuff.st_dev;
node->inode = stbuff.st_ino;
// We always re-calculate the number of links
node->nlink = IS_DIRECTORY( stbuff.st_mode ) ? 2 : 1;
node->entry = NULL;
node->entry_size = 0;
node->offset = 0;
node->sibling = NULL;
node->child = NULL;
node->next_in_rom = NULL;
node->next_multilink = NULL;
*hlink = 0;
return node;
static void ScanDirectory(node *mynode, int p_node) {
DIR *dh;
struct dirent *e;
node **last_p = &mynode->child;
node *th;
int was_hardlinked;
if ( (dh = opendir( mynode->path )) == NULL ) {
verb_printf(VERB_EXCESSIVE, "Construct directory '%s'(%d):\n",
mynode->path, mynode->nodenum );
// Add . & .. here because they MUST be present in the image
AddDirEntry( ".", mynode, mynode->nodenum );
AddDirEntry( "..", mynode, p_node );
while ( (e = readdir( dh )) ) {
// Ignore . & .. here because they MAY NOT be in the host filesystem
if ( strcmp(e->d_name,".") && strcmp(e->d_name,"..") ) {
th = GetNodeInfo( mynode->path, e->d_name, &was_hardlinked );
AddDirEntry( e->d_name, mynode, th->nodenum );
if ( !was_hardlinked ) {
verb_printf( VERB_EXCESSIVE, "\t\tNew node %d for entry '%s'\n", th->nodenum, e->d_name);
*last_p = th;
last_p = &th->sibling;
} else {
verb_printf( VERB_EXCESSIVE, "\t\tRe-used node %d for entry '%s'\n", th->nodenum, e->d_name);
closedir( dh );
verb_printf(VERB_EXCESSIVE,"Completed '%s'. Checking for child directories...\n", mynode->path);
for ( th = mynode->child ; th ; th = th->sibling ) {
if ( IS_DIRECTORY( th->st_mode ) ) {
ScanDirectory( th, mynode->nodenum );
static void AllocateSpaceToDirectories( node *first ) {
node *np;
for ( np = first ; np ; np = np->sibling ) {
if ( IS_DIRECTORY( np->st_mode ) ) {
// The first node is a directory. Add its data
np->offset = coffset;
np->entry_size = ALIGN_TO( np->size, DIRECTORY_ALIGN );
coffset += np->entry_size;
verb_printf( VERB_MAX, "\t\tnode %5d : 0x%06lX (+0x%05X)\n",
np->nodenum, np->offset, np->entry_size );
// Link this node into the write order chain.
// For node 0 (the root), this will overwrite the first pointer with itself
*last_p = np;
last_p = &np->next_in_rom;
// Now add any child directories
for ( np = first ; np ; np = np->sibling ) {
if ( IS_DIRECTORY( np->st_mode ) && np->child )
AllocateSpaceToDirectories( np->child );
static void AllocateSpaceToDataFiles( node *first ) {
node *np;
// There are two loops below. It CAN be done in just one, but this re-orders
// the file positions in relation to their inode numbers. To keep it simple
// to check, allocation takes place in the first loop, recursion in the second
// Search for child data files
for ( np = first->child ; np ; np = np->sibling ) {
if ( IS_DATAFILE( np->st_mode ) || IS_SYMLINK( np->st_mode ) ) {
np->offset = coffset;
np->entry_size = ALIGN_TO( np->size, DATA_ALIGN );
coffset += np->entry_size;
// Link in to the rom write order list
*last_p = np;
last_p = &np->next_in_rom;
verb_printf( VERB_MAX, "\t\tnode %5d : 0x%06lX (+0x%05X)\n",
np->nodenum, np->offset, np->entry_size );
// Recurse into sub-directories
for ( np = first->child ; np ; np = np->sibling ) {
if ( IS_DIRECTORY( np->st_mode ) ) {
AllocateSpaceToDataFiles( np );
static void AllocateSpaceToExecutables( node *first ) {
node *np;
// The first node is a directory. Don't bother with that...
// Search for child executables
for ( np = first->child ; np ; np = np->sibling ) {
if ( IS_EXECUTABLE( np->st_mode ) ) {
np->offset = coffset;
np->entry_size = ALIGN_TO( np->size, EXEC_ALIGN );
coffset += np->entry_size;
// Link in to the rom write order list
*last_p = np;
last_p = &np->next_in_rom;
verb_printf( VERB_MAX, "\t\tnode %5d : 0x%06lX (+0x%05X)\n",
np->nodenum, np->offset, np->entry_size );
// Recurse into sub-directories
for ( np = first->child ; np ; np = np->sibling ) {
if ( IS_DIRECTORY( np->st_mode ) ) {
AllocateSpaceToExecutables( np );
static void WriteNode( int fd, node *np ) {
romfs_node anode;
char padhere[9];
outputlong( (char*) &anode.mode, ConvertMode( np->st_mode ) );
outputlong( (char*) &anode.nlink, np->nlink );
outputshort((char*) &anode.uid, np->uid );
outputshort((char*) &anode.gid, np->gid );
outputlong( (char*) &anode.size, np->size );
outputlong( (char*) &anode.ctime, np->ctime );
outputlong( (char*) &anode.data_offset, np->offset );
sprintf( padhere, "<%6d>", np->nodenum );
memcpy( anode.pad, padhere, 8 );
if ( dowrite && write( fd, (void*)&anode, sizeof(anode) ) != sizeof(anode) )
fatal_error(EXIT_WRITE, "Error writing node %d (%s): %s\n", np->nodenum, np->path, strerror(errno) );
static int WriteNodeAndSiblings( int fd, int nodenum, node *first ) {
node *np;
for ( np = first ; np ; np = np->sibling ) {
if ( np->nodenum != nodenum++ ) {
fatal_error(EXIT_BUG, "BUG: Out of sequence node number; got %d, expected %d\n", np->nodenum, nodenum-1);
WriteNode( fd, np );
for ( np = first ; np ; np = np->sibling ) {
if ( IS_DIRECTORY( np->st_mode ) && np->child ) {
nodenum = WriteNodeAndSiblings( fd, nodenum, np->child );
return nodenum;
static void WriteNodeTable( int fd ) {
romfs_disk header;
int wnodes;
outputlong( (char*) &header.magic, ROMFS_MAGIC );
outputlong( (char*) &header.nodecount, nodes );
outputlong( (char*) &header.disksize, coffset );
outputlong( (char*) &header.dev_id, 0x01020304 );
strcpy(, "ROMFS v1.0" );
if ( dowrite && write( fd, (void*)&header, sizeof(header) ) != sizeof(header) )
fatal_error(EXIT_WRITE, "Error writing ROMFS header: %s\n", strerror(errno) );
if ( (wnodes = WriteNodeAndSiblings( fd, 0, first )) != nodes ) {
fatal_error(EXIT_BUG, "BUG: Lost/gained some nodes; wrote %d, expected %d\n", wnodes, nodes );
#ifndef O_BINARY
#define O_BINARY 0
static void WriteData( int fd, node *np ) {
char newpath[1024];
int ffd;
unsigned long todo;
if ( IS_SYMLINK( np->st_mode ) ) {
if ( (ffd = readlink( np->path, newpath, sizeof(newpath) )) < 0 )
fatal_error(EXIT_FILESYS, "Error reading symlink \"%s\": %s\n", np->path, strerror(errno) );
if ( !dowrite ) return;
if ( lseek( fd, np->offset, SEEK_SET ) != np->offset )
fatal_error(EXIT_SEEK, "Error seeking to offset 0x%lX: %s\n", np->offset, strerror(errno) );
if ( write( fd, newpath, ffd ) != ffd )
fatal_error(EXIT_WRITE, "Write error: %s\n", strerror(errno) );
if ( (ffd=open(np->path, O_RDONLY | O_BINARY )) < 0 )
fatal_error(EXIT_FILESYS, "Error opening \"%s\": %s\n", np->path, strerror(errno) );
if ( dowrite && lseek( fd, np->offset, SEEK_SET ) != np->offset )
fatal_error(EXIT_SEEK, "Error seeking to offset 0x%lX: %s\n", np->offset, strerror(errno) );
todo = np->size;
while ( todo >= 1024 ) {
if ( read( ffd, newpath, 1024 ) != 1024 )
fatal_error(EXIT_FILESYS, "Error reading file \"%s\" at offset 0x%lX: %s\n", np->path, np->size - todo, strerror(errno) );
if ( dowrite && write( fd, newpath, 1024 ) != 1024 )
fatal_error(EXIT_WRITE, "Write error: %s\n", strerror(errno) );
todo -= 1024;
if ( todo ) {
if ( read( ffd, newpath, todo ) != todo )
fatal_error(EXIT_FILESYS, "Error reading file \"%s\" at offset 0x%lX: %s\n", np->path, np->size - todo, strerror(errno) );
if ( dowrite && write( fd, newpath, todo ) != todo )
fatal_error(EXIT_WRITE, "Write error: %s\n", strerror(errno) );
static void WriteDataBlocks( int fd, node *first ) {
for ( ; first ; first = first->next_in_rom ) {
if ( dowrite && lseek( fd, first->offset, SEEK_SET ) != first->offset )
fatal_error(EXIT_SEEK, "Error seeking to offset 0x%lX: %s\n", first->offset, strerror(errno) );
if ( IS_DIRECTORY( first->st_mode ) ) {
if ( dowrite && write( fd, first->entry, first->size ) != first->size )
fatal_error(EXIT_WRITE, "Write error: %s\n", strerror(errno) );
} else {
WriteData( fd, first );
static void usage(void) {
fprintf(stderr,"\n%s - Create an eCos ROMFS disk image from the files\n",prog);
fprintf(stderr,"%*s contained under a specified directory\n\n", strlen(prog), "");
fprintf(stderr,"Usage: %s [options] <fs_root> <fs_file>\n", prog);
fprintf(stderr," fs_root is the directory containing the files to package into the ROMFS image\n");
fprintf(stderr," fs_file is the name of the ROMFS image file to create\n");
fprintf(stderr," Options include:\n");
fprintf(stderr," -v / -q increase / decrease verbosity\n");
fprintf(stderr," -n do everything EXCEPT creating the output file\n");
fprintf(stderr," -b write a big-endian image (default is little endian)\n");
fprintf(stderr," -l collapse hard links to a single node\n");
int main(int ac, char *av[]) {
int dummy;
prog = av[0];
// Check structure sizes
if (sizeof(romfs_node) != 32) {
fatal_error(EXIT_COMPILE , "Size of romfs_node is %d, NOT 32\n", sizeof(romfs_node) );
} else if (sizeof(romfs_dirent) != 8) {
fatal_error(EXIT_COMPILE , "Size of romfs_dirent is %d, NOT 8\n", sizeof(romfs_dirent) );
} else if (sizeof(romfs_disk) != 32) {
fatal_error(EXIT_COMPILE , "Size of romfs_disk is %d, NOT 32\n", sizeof(romfs_disk) );
// Parse option arguments
while ( ac > 1 && av[1][0] == '-' ) {
char *o = &av[1][1];
for ( ; *o ; o++ ) {
switch ( *o ) {
case 'q' :
case 'v' :
case 'n' :
dowrite = 0;
case 'b' :
bigendian = 1;
case 'l' :
hardlinks = 1;
default :
fprintf(stderr,"%s: Invalid flag -%c\n", prog, *o );
av++; ac--;
// Check remaining arguments
if ( ac != 3 ) usage();
verb_printf( VERB_MINIMUM, "%s: Verbosity %d %s%s endian\n",
prog, verbose,
dowrite ? "" : "no write, ",
bigendian ? "big" : "little" );
// Phase 1. Recursively scan the root directory for files and directories.
verb_printf(VERB_MINIMUM, "Phase 1 - Build file list\n");
first = GetNodeInfo( av[1], ".", &dummy ); // Initialize the root node entry.
ScanDirectory( first, 0 );
// Phase 2. Work out space allocations for filesystem
verb_printf(VERB_MINIMUM, "Phase 2 - Calculate space allocation\n");
coffset = sizeof(romfs_disk) + nodes * sizeof(romfs_node);
verb_printf(VERB_MAX,"\t\tnode table : 0x000000 (+0x%05lX) %d nodes\n", coffset, nodes );
// Phase 2a. Work out space allocations for the directories of the filesystem
verb_printf(VERB_SUB,"Phase 2a - * Directories\n");
coffset = ALIGN_TO( coffset, DIRECTORY_ALIGN );
AllocateSpaceToDirectories( first );
// Phase 2b. Work out space allocations for the data files of the filesystem
verb_printf(VERB_SUB,"Phase 2b - * Regular files\n");
coffset = ALIGN_TO( coffset, DATA_ALIGN );
AllocateSpaceToDataFiles( first );
// Phase 2c. Work out space allocations for the executable files of the filesystem
verb_printf(VERB_SUB,"Phase 2c - * Executable files\n");
coffset = ALIGN_TO( coffset, EXEC_ALIGN );
AllocateSpaceToExecutables( first );
// Round off the image size...
coffset = ALIGN_TO( coffset, EXEC_ALIGN );
// Phase 3. Write out the image file
verb_printf(VERB_MINIMUM, "Phase 3 - Construct ROMFS image file (%ld kb)\n", ALIGN_TO( coffset, 1024 )/1024);
if ( dowrite ) {
if ( (fd = open( av[2], O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC|O_BINARY, 0666 )) < 0 ) {
fatal_error(EXIT_WRITE,"Failed to open output file '%s', errno=%d\n", av[2], errno );
} else {
verb_printf(VERB_NONE," (No image is being written)\n");
verb_printf(VERB_SUB,"Phase 3a - * Node table\n");
WriteNodeTable( fd );
verb_printf(VERB_SUB,"Phase 3b - * Data blocks\n");
WriteDataBlocks( fd, first );
if ( fd >= 0 ) close(fd);
verb_printf(VERB_MINIMUM, "%s completed\n", av[2] );
return 0;

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